The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 28, 1850, Image 2

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- SEW .YOU E. 1
. .
Atiming the &tipsy:shed grteste at tee New
England Celebration, ot New font, on Monday
evening, the 23rd Mat , were Hon. DeIIEL WEB.
SUM, and Mr. lictiwithie liritishiAlimater. We
copy the beautiful and appropriate Speech iof Mr.
Webiter, ea worthy of general peruall.
Mi, Grinnell Intioduded the fallewing tote
',Vol Coertuution and the Crime, and their
gresiDEFEND EIL."-.
'this sentiment was mcelved with warm spa
planae, which broke forth and was prOlonced in
trantilunui cheer{, when Ur. Webster rote to re.
spond. He spots, as fol'ows . .
MT. President end Genital:nee of tie New York
New England 1-14,.....eti..:—Ye lima el New Eng.
land! Ye broth:en in: the kindred tie! I have
mama hero to night, tot WALOUt some incouveni .
race, that .I might behold such a congtegstion ,
whore faces hear lineaments of a New England
• origin, and whose heave heat with fall New Eng
land pillars. I willinl b l oodse the sacrifice. Not
a young men,—with in my veins not very
• yoUng, buthank God, yet pretty rutty and freely
he Dame here to meet this great offshcot
or the Piim Society in Mesaarnesetts,the
Pllgnm Sety of New York. And, gentlemen,
lit,nti begin what I hare to say, wh is but la.
by tendering eve
, o my thnaks foe the Invita
tion extended to me end by rci•laccy re all, all
sorts o: happiness Gentlrmen, thus bin been e
siermy, a cold; a boieterent and Inclement day.—
The ioreds have been harsh, and the akin., have
been severe ; and. if we had no houses irleT our
beads,—if we bad no si:stray ageing the anolem•
al of the ettice,-11 we were wan and r eady w,
—lf half al oe wren WEE. end bred, and to
• deecend int, the rave,--tr we wore on the bleak
Oast of nymputit, homeless, homeless% with no .
thing over nor heads bet the heavelta and that
Girl who nal above the beevens,...-rif we had die.
IECII.I,Cd wives upon our arms. and bdnery end
ahivermg children banging upon our altittr,- - Ze
immeshing, and feel !something, or that
scene which, in the Providence of God. was en
acted at Plymouth co rho 22d day of Dreember,
1 xO.
Thanks be to Almighty God, who, from. ths
distresmJ eery condition, ties ranted us to a to ght
cf prosperity and happiness which our ancestors
neither cejoyed nor could have nutimpnted. —
Would to God that when we carry one of _
end reflee.loullaock to that petted. we won td arm
.ourrolvea with the mere meths which supported
them to Oat eve of peril said expose
ur. Would
• to God that we may. pursers
this resolution which
they possessed, etronger than bars of brats or tree,
'that patienCe, .sivezeign o'er tranernMed ills,"
• and, above—all. thet faith, that religious faith,
which, with is eve feet fixed upon heaven, tram.
-, plea ail things crothlybeneram tie trionoptnnt feet
' Gentlemee, the caries of this world chimp.—
West ancestors nave and felt we %hell no, feel.
. The cad for
tor Me severer velars el litm_were
theirs.erhey were called upon for perseverance,
atatinecce red labori-to eXercisc those anieame
cter I
virtues, the exerrate of which, before they c' l
here, male them as they were, austere men• — • I
. Things have changed.
In the progress of society, the fashions of life,
the habits of life, the auditions of human life
hove all cnanged. Their merrier viruses we art
not coded on, in every respect, to emulate or COM.
menil,—or rather to emulate, for we should com
mend them always when we consider the state of
society in which they were demised.
They bed that religious teem:writ, !het treat in
Providence, that de' erminauon to o rxht actnd t
seek, through every degree of toil d and • t a nd
the honor of God and the preservation of bunion
liberty, which we shell do well to cherish. In the
progress or society It cosy he, Ind it is, true, that
the milder virtues beineg taro especeslty to ice
They were great eufferent Vora Ini.e . eraneci nod
their faith mod practice, as a cOlosequence, beenme
rigid. It cony be hoped that, in the greaten spread
of the benign ptinciples of Chriatanity• we have i
improved upon the sentiments that prevneed wad
them. Tony Vitra a:niched le particular :or.. o f
public, worship ono religious lettel•,.. Na doubt
they esteemed their religious teems tad the ob.
!met-aces which they re artised to heal: borrowed
t,-rn t h e autheac Word of Gad. It is true, I
thank, that in the or-camas of isomaly, in ihe gene
ra: advancement of . barman 'sentiment, we hod.,
what they do r tot a ioal to hove found, that a
greater toltistit e • of eel mous opinion, a more Lath
el•e fleeting !.Sward nti who profess! reverence-for
• God, is not intonsistent nrit i h the religious liberty
servals:they preferred.
Will:tare, I thick, WithoOt any departure from
the eitabiabed priers-pie of our fathers, a more
enlarged volikrehroviiro Christian philanthrophy.
• Ireteros in he the Aeat moth destint —the miss on
which God has em rustedto es here on this At.
lantio shore—to show that till secs and denom.
' tOnUous, that FM., reverence kir the authority
•- of God and live ter Me veil, may he safely toler
ated orianet p...jodee even to our rebel, er to
our liberties. 17.'1,111 harts that them presiles
at Ike heed of the Supreme Intl.:elate of the Bei.
bed Stec., a 'Leman Gathol , e; sod ntimon cop•
penes that too juncstore of the con try is tens
-.rale, the salamis . r stion r.f justice lons iieartstrotss
vile or seen:e, because the ChierJerg e of this
United States ban been, and is an, ardent tither
ant of the Boman Dithollti. religion.
And so It is in every depertment of society
With us. la - both Hooves of Congreasi in all de. i
partmenth oL education we go on the idea that a
mans religion is a matter entree burnish law . that
It is 0 question to be nettled between Aim arid hie
God, bean to he is responstble to twee but ha
God for it., And" hem Is the great roliatteetion
which Is sometime. overlooked—whiatt I sal a
fraid is tow WO °tun oeerlooked. hach.'for lieu
. ' teligieus ten:talent, ore nationtable to God. Ka
,ligim Is a communication between rose and lair
muter; but when men come together to *ivies yomd
when they I FM gOorrhillertt fur the proartmo 01
the rghts of el!, it becomes indirr.ersablo ten;
this right of private j.,deceent shall tenor:se mos,-
tare, be re LitquitM cc( , tad tn.& raters:era to Ito
whole. Itellgiou mar exits,:e every man
_may be left re-epee-elide only 10 God.. Bet twolety,
civil role, and twit government tannet e sat
while every Malkin responerlate to no Lady, but to
hie own opinion.'
. •.• And our New England anceators understood
this qtr. well. Gentlemen, Miele is the canstilits
• Ann which who adopted on board the! Majd twee,
in November. 1020. What is It , . Thee- men
honored God—profeseed to obey all bla cernrithed
menns—to live in his obedience. But they nor,
- neverthelese, that, for the ereblishreent of a et vd
polity Ter the greater security end reservation el
their civil rights - and liberties, they agree that the
laws end ordinreaces—mid. thank God, they pett
in the word ••conMentionv,--ahey Bay, atter is.
voting the uncoil of the Deity on their resointtan,
s` those laws, and ordinances, and ottastilatiorts.
established by thew whom we shall appoint to
_ -enact them, we will. in all duo sohCallislort ant I
o bedient..., eupport. ° ' The CollinituttOn is nut 1
long; but .1 !sleeker. a fel:ports sittocttop on their
. ,
civil nbligatiorf. It Wits no doctrine of there,
that civil shed:ace wee a matter el expel:en
. • cy r— ,
amen the name of ahl .
Ameo--We. whose
names are stetter written • the loyal echjecui ri fent
dread Onvereigri Lord, Rion Jaoce, I.• the Gran
of God, ol Great Britain, France,and Inland, and .
, Erna, defender of the Path, &e ~ haVtug undestak..
• en, for the glory of God and advancement of the
Chstian faith, wad honor of our King and conntry,
It onyage to plant the first colony in the heathen
perts of Virginia, do by there presents, solemnly
and mutually, in the presence of God, and of ace
• another, covenant and combine ourselves togeth.
el. into a civil body politic, for our better ordering
and preeervation, and furtherance of the ends
n'enessid, sod by virtue hereof, to enact, tonsil
tate, sod frame snob jest and equal laws, ordi•
name, nets, ennethotions and offices, from time
to time, as shall be thotight most meet and con ,
wit h nient for thegeneral good of fis sion ey :
ich we promire all doe !subm and
. • dienee."
The right of a coons private judgment in root.
ter. between the Creator nod himself, hod sobers.
son end obedierets to the will oftho whole upon
whomever respects civil polity and the adminis•
trstion of sloth etfaire as coutfined the colony I
about to ti, email:abed—there ere the doetrines I
emyoned in thet C institution. The topic might
- be Interned, bet I prim from it.
bandsmen, we aro noirlVO hundred and thirty
veers from rust ereat event. There is the Nay
Flower, (pointing in a mull! figure of a eh y, In
croft:extol:aq the etrod before him) There is .
. . line resemblance, bet a correct one oi the Nay
Flower. Altos of New England there was in au
qat timer, a ship that carried 545J11 tO toe ne.
niaion of the Golden Fleece. There was a fltg
. . .hip at the ballisol Actium which made Augustus
CM iar annii•ter of the world. in modern timers i
there have been flag abtps which have carried
Hawkins, and Howe '
Red Nelson on the other
• continent. and which have carried Hull, Decatur,
and SioNgart no itOs.te triumph' What are they
. all,— Vitra are they ail in their chance of musette
tinge , rams, men, to that little bark—the airy
. , Flower—which reached these earnestl rice, ma
brethren cf New Eugland, that MayfloWer was a
flower of perpetual bloom! (Cheers) It. vcr ,
, . dare wands the sultry blasts of summer, and the
obilieg winds ofaututa. It wel defy all climate. i
aud,all lime, and it will immintie to expand its pe. ,
tale to the weed, and exhale an hoer-living odor
• and to fragrance, the ...latest syllatk, of recorded
time !
- _ ' Brethren, ye of New England whom I have
- . mime - vomit hundreds of miles to tree here to.
night, let ale preset yon to one et the moat dual
tingeished .or those wits rime over an the <trek i
•L i - of the Meltlower. Let me fancy that 1 ems Elder
Wit.ttost Barwerea now entering that door , at
. .
. . the tunher cad of leis ball. A tail and erao 'fig
• -
ere, of plain dress, of no elegance of manner to..
yond a reiffecalul bow, of no merriment that hard
ly reached the eriresilion of a smile,--SuppOre
he Mood there now. Seppore bin image wen
there and he we, looting Open this •ssembly
• "Are ye our children ? la this a c e s. o f ro.
. _ fi o orgoot, of elegance, of riches, I may gay
. .
• this ',Con of luxury, does this flow from our la
'-: :--- bore" .
Qom regio tit terns art nostrum dent !Amt. , '
' , Barns nut for this that my father and ray heath
ren, and myself, adored a life of toil nod of hard
chip. We hoed in faith and hope. God grunted
• • as the spirit to lock-foe ward, nod we did look Cro •
. .
• word ; but thin scene we never anticipated. Our
. bones Ina on the hill in Plymouth churchyard—ob.
, • the d eUre, ltarnarked, verfrrif to plev
st erVO theta front
esecration of ravages. No one tells where
.. .
they he ; add yet, let me ray to you, who are our
- descendants, who enjoy thin glorious counter, mid
-- • all ittOttlairia, who enjoy this boor or pr
on osperi we ty,
and the thousand Mesmer. showered up tl—
, . . envy you not the poraessien
be of this great Moven
.. ,
rlye,Pie rich , be prosperooe, enlightened ; Arend
yenrselves over the continent; accommodate yoor
ochres ILO the manners of the limeo; andif so te,
that throtqth !Ire • whole you carry Pardon hearts
' .':!•:.:,:..,..,:.:•,.;-.if.:-:-:•:-,:,,i• -.•; , 1..;'•: , r ,--., • -...,,-.
. ------ • .
wish you, if yogi still cherish an caducei lore
civil and religious liberty, and meanlto matey ther , n
yourselvesiand . are wilting to e11! , 4.,Y. m. te rl4l
blood to transmit them to your posterity, the-n-61W
you worthy desoendentsot Firewater, and Carver,
nod Allenon, and the rest who tented on the rock
et Plymouth."
Gentlemen, that little vessel, on' the 2d of
cembe, Ib2o, made her safe landing on Ow
of Plymouth. She had beer, totted a on tents
petitions ocean. She approached the New Biag
i land coast ender eircumetences of great discrete
and trouble. Yet amid all the disasters of her
voyege, she accomplished her end, and riafell
landed her crew. Gentlemen, let her be coned•
ered; this night. as an emblem of New _Eagland•
New Etiglend is a shi
well manned . She may be occesionely thrown,
p--waucche,letrong,well uilt,
into the trough or the sea, and may Welting tor a
time. Hut, depend upon it, she will come out
righ She put her herd to
the wind. And
she t.
will obey her helm ! We hae hardly beg°
to realise the vast importance, on human society,
and the htatory of toe nvoild, of the voyage co
this little vessel which brought the love of civil and
religions Itbeety to us, which brouhard t h y
the Wall of Gad, to os. We have
to realise the consequences of that voyage,
Heretofore the emension of -our
hat race
lowing our New England aniiestry,
along the shore. But now the race has exi
tended. It hes crowed the modesine It has ass
,w e d ni nths; Alleghenies omit, bat be capped
the Reeky Mounisin. It is now upon the shores
of the Parifie, and on thin, dayt-or if not on this
day, then this day twelvemonth, descendants of
New England will celebrate them.- .
A Voiss—"To day, they celebrate to day,"
Mr. Wrbeter--God bless them for Cwt . ! Here's
to the health and access of she California Society
of Pilgrims ersembled this demon the shores of the
Pacfie! (Prolonged applause;) And it shall yet
go hard if the three hundred. millions people of
China—lf they are intelligent enough to under
stand any thing about It—shell not one day heat
arid know soma thief; of this sentiment too! Hut,
gentlemeu, Ism trespassing ting long on your dine,
I am telling to mach time ids la dmtX Minn. ,
My voice to neither a new voice, nor ie it the
voice of • young man. It tots been heird before
In this plane, and the most concerning New Elga
land history, and New England principles, has
been before In the course of My life, told hero and
Yourowelloseat, Ur President, called me op
before thin meeting, oposirs of the chew Sudo.
ender which we live-rot the Unica wirch fora XI
years hay been over net end made Os anlOeintell
with those who settled nt the month of the Misets
sippi, end their eescendeets, end now at last, felt,
low eli 7 ene, with those who hove moo from all
(Menum of the earth, and settled in Califoinit. I
ermines I hive bad nti derbts whether the repub•
ficen system under whine sen live could be no
vastly extended withont danger of ai.aolption
the intervening country la vast. Hot the repro
tentative system an echoed our Government is
established seems to be ludeggitcly et pansiv e,
and wherever it does extend It dreisra after it a
love of the Union under Which we exist.
I believe. California and New Mexico have
had new life inspired into the ' people. They con.
eider thamehlres new beiogs, . new creation, a
new existence.
They are not the man they thought termite'ses
to be, now thit they find they are mere , en of this
great Goverritnent.'and bailed as clifeens of ;he
I:utigd Staten of Amer e 1... 1 hope in tte Provi.
dance of God, as this rofiem of states and tepee
aellitative goterriMents Blial extend, that it will
be ergthened. Social egitatione disturb It less.
If t a re has been on the hilenue coeelt tomede•
when witith of the Patentee, (end i w4l pet
Seehe where it is.).il there has been dissan •
isfaction—that dissatiaiactton has nut been k it in
( 1 3 ‘ 11 , 1ft i r , na ; ; ;, d ,,, ti i a n s , et beesot u .
i f c 0, ', ,,
i tn a that
eel tte , baling ot„... e
deem, ths i t 4 n one sy st . e i to .. e .. f ; ; o o v r e h t n o ;
Soot ! Nu! We have oneteriectc opinions,
gate, local idew i tint over all, so'CO:t7a -
Inn a I, drowning all, it that great senCrnent, that,
elan a tut nevertbelaux we are Americans. It
in i AUlerkilla that 'we are known the whole
won, over. Who eats what elate you are from.
in F. !ape, or in Afriea. or in Asia! Is he an
Amerinan—is he of oat Wet he inland to the
flea or the octentry l ales that the protect bin.
Does he honor and support ill Does he reel on.
der the eagle and thr
and etripent If he
he iti—iall else is entiordintee, and near
'the of hot littlin concern.
Now, it is our dot?, whe we live on the earth,
to cherish this wenn:Lew., 00 make it grecs', even
if it shotild spread over the wbote c sit merit. It
la our duty to carry English oricoptee—t mean,
siN•fturning to Sir Henry Bolster. am•tl Much
I scattier.) Anglo Saxon Acm ican•Ealtsh prince
p'es, over the whole continent: -than great penet•
pea of Means Charm, of the Each.); revolution
.01 of the Esslsto language. Our children will
i hear Shakspeare and Milton recited on the • hore.
of the Pacific. Nay, lwaare that, 4merreoo ides.,
which Ire estecually English Were, will iacnotrate
the Mexican—the Speoitill mind, and they will 1
!tank God that the y have been Ms-night to house
something of civil obesity, of the tel il by pay, and i
of sccoriiy for personal right.
A. for the rein, let us take cenrege. Ths thy
Spring from on nyeh nes netted na. Debt !Ise
, broke in upon on. There iv no bore Imminent
I danger of dissolutiou Ie those United S uite is. W e
l ,hell lie, nod n o. di e . We shed I, e unite
l Americans; and those who have n ui.p.•ttl that
they could sneer Oa r could rend one
heart from 111MheI, and that anceasloo and me,
physics Meld tear ue asunder. wit fiod themlves
egregiously colstakeo. Let the mind of the eob-r
American nerlple remain sober. I.ef rr net in
Pm. Wilt Lst it do jug', to •li. The tenor
e Ingle; and , he ‘uree. coarse, is to 1 -eve ch.,-
who ciedttste 1.1.5‘1.1i03 to I. nate:leer, and ie. ,
what they eat, made of tt Ni, ,ein.i,tnen. i.e
tiMe in pant, Arnee,rnur 4 ~ti, nand South n..
he--sfier In , morn an/ co. e enhe ,
There bee been latelystrottere e Bernet tic ..e•
eerily in the public tend 'I believe rent,
nad Sot b-,-there hael•Ku, in die lost year, a
station of public ftiIIIMCLI. of the +pint o t Ceuta.
arid Mere than all, of attachment to the vOrel,lltruni
as radtartnrablT neear.are; and if would pre‘rrve
our nauonnlity, this spirit of devotion should be
largely incrzwed. And who doubt. it? If we rive
op that constitution, what are we? You are a Man
hat= moo—l am a Holton limn. Another is n
Connecticut, and another a Rhode Island mart. I.
e tas ot e great deal btter. star.d hand to band and
ing bends, that we
we should ing
stand rt. we have
for amty years—citizens of Me=MC eounlre.nrent•
bars of the MUM. eyoVernmeltr., Matted all-11111frai
' now and-united forever? That we shall be gentie•
men , There have been difficulties, Cnotentlenn,
rontrovensiev—angry controversirsi But I tell you
that in my itidgment,
'thole opposed eyes,
Which, like the meteors of a troubled beaver,
All of one nature, of one substance bred.
Did lately meet in th' intent,ie shock
tihallnow, io mount well beteeming earths.
March te.l oils way."
Mr. Webster was frequently intertupied with
burros of applause, and 00 remitting his seat Mat
warmly cheered.
Ramada or Cuarcre.—The facts to flee ease
C. 10.12 are, that Chaplin woo brought down
from Rockville last Trimadav, ender writ of bate•
as corpus and token before Judge Brewer at hie
chambers, when George H. Williams of Baltimore
appeared as rue of his council, and gave the re
riolred bill. It Is said that Gerritt Sm . th pad five
rhomand dollars of the bail. Tb a has probahlV
saved Chaplin' from ibe peuitenimre, a s in
thought hr will hardly appear for teal.—Beare.
more Still.
Tax FriaT Foot - in - a 5.1..avt Law.—The Boa.
on Post has the following bit of political bus
tory :
The fugitive slave WI of I'M was drafted by
George Cabot, of Man , M November, and it was
paned by the to on the . 181 h af reentry,
unanimonsly—foorteen from free, and th.rteen
from slave States voting for it. The How." Com.
mittee, Theodore Sedgmiek, and Sheerjet hob
Brume, of Masa., and Alexander White, of Va.,
I reported that bill to the body, by which O was
paned on the sth of February, without dump,.
Eight It . .. Stales were repres,ated by 31 votes,
a'a slave - Staies by 21 votes-free State majority,
7 The bill received 49 yeas, to 7 nays. Massa.
(totems gave yea+ to 1 nay. This record shoe
that the free State, passed the first tortime stave
- - - -
There an old roan whom we All of o. gnew
aCtth a merry DIM pate and a beard whose no 'now
knrieks at the door of both C 01.,. awl ball.
And a right hearty welcome receve. at +hem a
Thin old man for
bath woil tier the emit
With the ram, 1111thpy vigor, Inc mintr rrie:a MOIL
By the aged leveed by the youthful tolor,n,
And care dies ansthed when On ada at the Decd:
Now, who la 4110)011y old fellow, I pray,
Who but ord Chrtattnas,
Merry old Chrirtmoi.
Dear to the heart as the Jun to the day
Our forefuthers hall'd him as we turd ht. now,
With the evergreen leaves round Li. ever rind hip
When a rooked the rah balletic. with good hurtle
hoc ,
Plum pudding, roast beef, coot "Ortolter" r. re,
He smiled Millet rmst. which the bold Team , rho
When the trenchers ware piled and the foaming ho
aft nth
Tben, no thc cheer raised the mirth to a roar,
tIA Christmas laughed out till Lir old side. were 00
Who too the hen Criteria °four fitthets, I prur'
Men g
o f old Christmas,
Meng old Latrine:me,
Den to the bean as the sun to rho dry
Good lack . what mad Meta the old joker bay ,r•
%•• hdo Me girl* were entrappal , nearti the al .eelBM vVi:'.:idild_vre en vy lb 1 I'lldr . ii , d • .
We hove epee finite es bril ll-•
td ' aid ripe lip , f nil
I re
Oar comm d,
.), I. deer .3 11 e ver has been,
Where boner end liberty ever are men.
Oar alma manly benneery toe con wribetaro
And the world lull cor.M. ev ms Coliroolh the Ill"
Then welcome- old Cbrietmaz, to every Ile.. let
Slog meld Chtlome,
Happy old Christen.,
With bvt!tr.lgebe U,lulleartocosi be long hue us
Flom “Pucats of Ilope v and Arhon
A million tongues are thine, and they are heard
Speaking of hope to the nations, in the prune
Of Freedom's day, to hasten on the time
When the wide world of amid titian he stirred
%Vitt' higher mins than now—when man shall ,
Each roan his brother—cach shall tell to end&
His talent love—and pure and holy speech
fie mtreinfor the eoul's high festival !
Thy gentle notes are heard, like coral wave,
Reaching the mountain, plain, and ~ p oet cal
Thy thornier tones are like the eweepiny
Bidding the tribes of men no more be drives,
And earth's remotest island hears the round
That dons on ether wiAgs the world around.
Plll3l,llittED tlYattar do co
Tti 13 _
IT FL c.
. _
1 . 0 .- A 10111212[12$ are earnestp,
etr levers before r. sa., and as early lathe day Is
nett cable. AdyertneMents 1r or Insetted for a spec.
muariably be el.arred until ordered out
rcrV. rat.s. u. Ageta ter ten paper at his
escrul agencies in
N. iiork, Philadelphia, and
!lesson, and is authorized to receive subscriptions
and stlvertisementsior os.
10 — Paiuovsaut ar o or ni
trtelals end tiab/CriptiOns to the North American and
United State, atnette...Phillndelphia, received and for.
warded from this office.
CrrPaiit.einnic sitaConniroctal.Lorr.—Substriptions
for Mi. "eleable paper, will be received end forward
cd from thls elec.
BarrilsoasAmaidean.—Satiscriptions and advertise.
enta for this paper-reecived and forwarded free of
barge from this ofEce..
IT C 0.53171 Darrra.—Adverilvements
nd subscriptionv, for this pager, Will be received and
rwarded from this office.
WISIO CUT WWI: W[lo3 701 IWO*.
JURN J. 11066E4.
111 N. 131.11011 roe ImlATent al /4./.13131. Cll7
11‘2611 B. FLEMING
Our obligati°oa are due to 11.. Moses Ramps.
.r public documents.
Annum Paorcenn Bailsman —in the House,
of the Ohio Legislature, a bill ha been passed to
incorporate the •'Cincinnati, Wilmington. and
Zanesville flail Road Company.' •
This is a charter for a road direct from •Genes•
ville to Cincinnati, by way of Lancaster, Wit.
miugton. dec. It passes through a region of cone•
try, the sod of Which is unsurpassed in productive•
nely, and its inhabitants are among the wealthicaL
In Ohio. This mute has alto, it iesaid,the advan
tage of befog some little aborter than the route
constructlog between Cincinnati and Zanesville.
As this is a highly important movement to the
wealthy counties through which it will pats, there
is a fair probability that it will be constructed
SOonar pr later. Tate will be another grand feed
er to the line from tin Bridgeport, ops
posits the city of Wheeling.
P i ttsburgh having now secured, by her great
western Ittllroa, connection with the Lakes, and
with Northern Ohio, and the:great North West,as
well a• with the South-West beyond Columbus,
tie unction trios. how isShe to establish imme
diate connectimiwith all that part of the State of
Ohio iiieuth of the Ohio and Pennsylyauia Rail
Road, and east of Columbus! This can be ac•
complished by couticuirg a railroad down the
Ohio river, unto Beaver to Bridgeport. Tu.s will
tap the Besver...nd Bandy Canal, the Wellsvi:lo
ad Cleveland Railroad, the Stenbenvil e and
odious Railroad, and the Central Railroad Ire
Zatte•vtile to Bridgeport. ft will in fact give o
?wary additional advantage we can ask, fees di
rest trade wtth every part of olio. At Bri igea
put we coedit sneceasfully compete with the Bal.
limoreßstlroad for the trade and travel coming
over the Central road from the interior of Ohio,
cod ho able to offer the shortest and beat route to
Ph.tadelpn i s and few yoi.
It will not be difficult to accomplish this project.
Toe Clevland and Pitniliangh Ilielroad Company
hove • charter trum the Slates of Pen.yleanta
and Onio, which allows them to extend their tic.
yrovernent up the hank of the Ohio Rorer to Eli,-
ver, and dove toe bank to Steubenville sod
Bridgeporl, and the Direetors are ',anima , to make
these tonneettona at •a early a day as
We undermand the prefer meets with eansidera-
Lie favor at Steubenville—one todaeottal and
wealthy eitisel3 having acted 10 take MOO: to
the amount of ma thouracd Joilars, if the work is
undertakeo.llThe work can he Sorbed,with•
good T. Rail, and stocked, for about 51,200,000,
or shoot cot third of what it will cost to build
tho Heinpneld road, even provided it could ay.
core the ri,,,10 ct r ' 7 through Virginia, which we
believe Pins. nave, 00.
W. throw out hear au •aviitiona foe the eon
vrnplailott of our tit ti-ua, and are believe
h: frund worthy afloat adoption.
ClT'ltlattt rH.ave 1,.; , r. —last ea tunlav, to
4dam Gibson, ri colored man, was no
rested stn c nunttnal et.amo w stealing chicken.,
but really as a Indinve stave, timontutz to Wthlist,,
li.rogltt, Cer LI County, Maryland. He was Int
en to the United State. Marshal's °doe, and a
henna! shoftly after toot: Lilac hetere Edwa r d
trignun, Comnatssionor AfGfr several in.
eliectual cam's to postpone; the 'doe, made I.? Paul Prown Meseta. Pierre and Har•
hest, the ev :deuce of the claim was gone into, and
the telegluy of the negro was proven by one wa
nes,who eaw him on the farm of Witham Start,
In PAL lie was clatrued as Emory Rice, who
ran away in 1 . 341, anti ts now stud to be thirty five
years old. The counsel for the stave vainly attempt
rd I, prove that•he had been malanntiled In Mary'
laud, tu 1540. by the Gteverend Henry Idavo„and
tie of the argument. the Commissioner
deeld.od 11,1 .0, tie Cotinntoi, trilutted by lent
God into t t nd!ted,etid being .6,4.4 Of the lug
olenttly, he ordered hull to to remanoiwit, for t,4'
Urpotie it being plaiird in the 11010,14 . 11J0 of
caner, who lett Pitiladelphta with Mtn the satin
lie was taken by the officers In charge af bun to
Elkton, on Sunday, and Mr. Wm. Knight, at Cecti
county, hie reputed owner sent tor.
Ai soma 10 Mr. Knight saw the prwaner, he said. I
'' tint w not my sieve—l knew this man, ident—he
es tanned y s slave In this cleighborhookl—nowke
wblutned his liberty I do not anow—be is not
none." Mr. Knight °hared the o6xra every op
portunity to restore the colored rant)to his !erntly
and frtende.
thbeon returned to Plotadtlphut Monday even
ing. Want:was hsee duly been twitted for the
arrest at Altrerti and the other men engaged in his
appears that, at Me time Adam ()Maori welt
srrested, Emory Rice, the alleged fugitive slave,
tue property of Mr. Knight, was in conversation
with Gilaion his friend, and was standing within e
iewfeet ol him Alherti nod his gait* miwook the
one w for oilier, and Denim the unfortunate phew
hich the caie_presenis.
Too McDo.cast Cu.—The municipal
ities of.Newlea. have advised that Dsotel
Welutsr be engaged on the part of the clues of
New Orielns and flaiumore, to defend the will of
the late Jahn McDonough, and that he be paid
a retain:air fee of $l,OOO, that Si pa) be paid to
him a. soon as he shall argon the cue betore the
Supremo c. o.!, and that in cue of sou., he
.hail receive VlO,OOO as m additional fee; but in
case of defeat he la otillt to receive the hut two
soma. They &No agree to pay to the counsel en
gaged at New Orleans $lOO,OOO, in eau the vas
tidily of true will in catabllabed.
The Vrosadont off the Georgia COOVOLIe
The lion. Thomas Spalding, the only surviving
igner et the Constitution of the State of Georgia,
chosen President of the late Convenuon by
rrlamstion; and, having been conducted to the
'hate, made n h net . lint appropriate speech.
, .
`lie said that he was gratclul for the oomph
went bestowed , nod would endeavor to perform
the arduous duties, though extreme age and I to
health odic oneshed him that he would need
forbearance on the part of the Convention. As the
tam surviving stgner at the Consutution, he felt
that there was perhaps on appropriateness in ten
dering hun the place—it would at least be a grit e
lot ierannottou of ti long life. Twenty hoe years
ago he had retired ham the turmoil of political
lilt to the late of hot own family circle. Nothing
could have induced him to quit Unit retirement
I the convlction that the Union and the cause of
republican hberty were in danger. He spoke the
honer conviction ol hie heart, when he declared
that, roofer than see thin Union broken up tend
witness the bloodshed .d civil strife which would
follow, be would prefer that
I. and Ass should per.
ish in the common ruin "
The lion. Mr. Toombs also made:a most elegant
speech In detente of the Union, as did the Hon.
A ll.Stphens. We append the conclusion of the
latter gentleman . s speech, which was received
with great epplanse.
SeUol-citizens, that man who pursues • poli-
cy that will lead to disunion is a disonloniat. I j
earn not what he calls ballast!". Lod I core not I
whethsr he be a Northern fanatic. or • Southern
I utp.ctlenttle. And between me and en , It there
is a great gulf, as wide and as deep as that which
separated Dives [rem Luisaraa. Mt object in in
defend and protect vttr tied. in the Union. And
this obeli be my policy until 1 ahall despair of
occoMplishing that object. At thtettme I are
cause for each despair. To the friend's el
Union then, I say, that wo should organize opon
a pflociple as broad as th t
e Conaitution of a
United States, wh,eh was made to defend t
protect the rights and interests ol all par% We
should organise Upon a platform at broad and as
wide u the Republic We should meet those
men at the North who cherish sentiment. in corn
moo with os, and who are withal; re stand upon
that same conatituti3lllo platform. There are ma•
ay each there, I Believe, who are willing, they
ate toady, to plant themsel ye. upon it,
ends with
us to stand or fall, molt or MOD, attrirlv O per.
Letwith on and the Consatution of the country. —
Let them with ua then link our destinies, and
%nil one great national party, under the name
and style, if you please, of the Union Canaille•
lipoid party. If this be done, or if the court° o
Ithe frienda in the Union ILI tieorgia should lead
to such a result, I have nut only a hope bat a
confidence, that (attainment at the North and fac..
imam opposition, at the South will beiput down.
Thta Union arkicb hi., done to much for or, and
is doing ao much for uh and which u capable of
doing no much mere for the future, will not only
survive Its present dangers, btu be transmitted to
yawn, and future generations will rise up snit
bless the names of Iho.o Georgians who ChM, to
the rescue of their country in this day of Its great
est peril (Am...cute.)
DEC. 28, 1850
GIIATIAM'S MAGAZEN. — The Febnmry number
of thin delightful monthly magazine M already to
hand, thus 1 -:clouting more than a month.
Su Fui Cowen t.—Thin lady,
maimed 1.1 ,' _' Kreitman, will give another of be
dpliehito. ,iicert , as this evening. Many 01
_. Iln were not aware of the concert on
Ti,.. • Jay. voting, owing to the factthat the morn
", were not published °tithe( day, and they
VI t.e pleated to have the opportunity of listening
to dt, , eharniiiir V.,01., and to the remarkable
performances on tile vddin by Mr. Krollmun.—
Dame who attend on Saturday evening will enjoy
pleasant evening.
Settlement or the German question.
The tollowitip extinct, from the London corms
pondenco of the New York Commercial Adverti
r, give. the m.o. intelligible and succinct ac
coon, we hove wen ut thcleulement of the German
astrastoiMmit emwsmi susTals atm Tannin.
The last new+ received no the German question
was, thst Austrut had tent an ultimatum, insisting
upon the evactintton of Hem by the Prussians w
24 Mum, failing which, her Minister was to demand
his passport: and that the necessity for immediate
action which was thus imposed, had been averted
by n proposition of Huron Mantenffel to nicer
Prince Scwortzenburgh, the Austrian premier, at
Ulnitee. The :meting toot place and the tidings
were soon spread over Europe that an honorable
arrangement hood been arrived at, and that the pos
sibility of War Was over.
This alleged result was understood to have been
(militated by an application, said to have bean
made by the Elector of Heise, which was of a na
tore to
not ohotr ail pretext for making his antra a
further ground of quarrel. Ho had requested, It was
i stated both the Austrian and Prunian troops to
i quit his territory. and
Irate hint to adjuct his
dispute with his subjects ea he best might. Horror
I at the mu. involved by the presence of his kind
triends, the Arentriunn, and a tear lest his private
property, which In enormous, should ultimately be
compromised, op. suggested
i s his penothal tea
sons for this step. W enterer ts motive, it spread
great delight among the ileasians who regarded it
as an indication of repentance, and were prepared
to welcome his return to his proproper legal author
ity, with the wi-t unbounded demonstrations of
their desire to forget and folgrve. The Schleswig
[ Holstein question and the German constitution s
were, therefore, lucked upon as the only point
which the two Ministers at °trouts had to discuss.
The real state 01 the case, however, has now
[ been made public, nod erosions the Prussian Minis
try and Legislative Charnher has been the moth
e nent , . agreed to between the Ito
an g d already onoctiuned by the Kiag of
Prunata anti the Emperor of Austria, are described
as follows I. That the pacification of Seheles
wig Helene:l shall be enforced by Austrian tad
Prowan ecommic.arles with the itiputitirm that
Hohtein shall remain part of the Germanic Confed
eration, and that rochlowig shall not be incorporn
led with Denmark, tut continue her eon...
with Dollar., Alletrlan troops being employed (in
the joint mines of Austria tad Prattle) to ithell ally
resistsnee mat the Ouchies may offer. 2.. T
the Elector of Iles, than be lyft to come io terms
with his tirople, but be allowed to call to Austrian
troop+ if he should not be able to affect an under-
I standing - , such ....ace on the pato( Austria to
pe renered n Me same way as the aid which was
afforde d d by Pa t na nestast the subjects of the
Grand Duke of ILiden—that is to say, Individually,
and,. in the name of the confederation. 3, That
the tutors confederation shall be arranged forth
with by free roofers...ln at Dressleu, Prussia and
Austrm actte on rt tornng of equality, and the re
ape-live slam. heturuuthorreed to form separate
leagues I. Teat all the German stoma shall Lakeport
in the thee iunterences. 5. That the esspeeuve
armies shah roan., meanwhile,. 1 War (opt
inut , and, lastly, dint the transactotts of the exile
ing so called Federal Diet snit erase.
The urea-c.. .it the Hessians, the Ifielreeiter•
sad the German ticooll at large, as ter an ariaege
meet of thus Lund a loch definoa nothing and coo .
to rn on nag e +opals:too for representative insti•
[ Milo., mein discouramng to the lest degree. Frn
ha. as the Auld,oe nominally concede to the
Kit g a r.,,,, a au ...Otte int *ball sentry his
self esteem, :Ley mit mast probatity rely upon
finding no difficiia tuba respe.; and it is
repented, Aortic e-r. bet t at the very Bon 'e Ines tit
',hint . ) Ito. svecrarnt was made, a pledge was
given 1., A ost ,itto simport him 'with Iscr Owe
treen.. :3 3:a.: sr. y res,tance to Ltil terms should
be a d,..,-.1 lie i.e P t ilistaa people. As regards
Hea.e, li3e A.m. Iroupa, if they we called
are to b e ar be a Proswan as well An
Amtrtsta ,s,comi••ary fat the rionende of the
forme ... km!. aucl otreurantancca may be easily
The reer phi. of tie affair in the Refits Celiac
her, 're ccii stirrt ,e.•l decisive. Clamp Mao
theidet is raid to :are sp..h with a tremblng
trace, •nd a ref:We ranee pale and eneVelliedihot
hestated his date:aim wion to remain to power,
cons, v: g ni. au ~mg a. the Erg would se
wn him II nsp o ..f. appear* to bass hero tact
fectivv. so he mil, r ,• wend an tor high principle.
loot depT,Tmord on I semen the canioaftto f• -, a
male year would ors: Preset the lives of f.O or
I 50.000 men—a .oratinreuce which in some rases
weak! be tiner•riveig of consideration bet which
von uot worth wrote tor the sake of the Hessian
constitution On the other hand, the oplualtioa,
in advnesoinv the rights of the people, were almost
equally wa ,, .. , o gui.'ine star, since no possibilis
te was dropped CI sneenrling those nghtn withmt
solenes la the are- Bing excitement, however.
they had 11.0 I , crt i f the coolest, end a vine we,
Mini . .. , at il '' r td - • - • ci"oga. A Calyee I roily
T: s i :' , o ll : y :'' ,. ' l : ; : tl .l‘, :• . o .l. e t
S ' .. : • :, 0 : 1 : : srecaaa:ls'io:nt"o;t:;:i:p.:l: t u s r r d' is tih ;l .. .
I was at 0: 00 ,olori• dor the King. An adieurn
merit of ii,c Prt . ,truent wail resedved upon, and
ton 114) 13•, „itel lis Moisten lilt Satin enjoy
neitimm , art I; i . the •ilieriad of one
mouth—Oa 'l3 Cl istair,e, 11+51; being the day
appointed Ms re•saricialiing.
Tea is the cutollel - upette •. The effect pros
duced noon the country SI large ip acs to be
Purim lechem, th e presideut of
1 the Nouncll, r. si•ted M onwards policy, sod has
rent In ha 1 esign , iou. wield , has been accepted.
Among be in the Clambers wore acme
I who had all I rcetr l.ves been ant...mot the Ga
-1 verninent. With rectril to the army, it wn said
1 by one a:l....Mini •pcsker in the debate,. (Baron
1 %%ache.; "The Prom. at , . arringa (won the
[ people. You con cage no war that boa not the
sympathies or Mc I enple f fr it; hot neither can
you mod I. tr.. home •gain when and how
1 yon please " The Ili ,: thus Implied Was resell ,
1 ell with cheers andtourratirt.
Front I,' cons M.,. tomb.. nothing of inaper•
tance. All arc, I,ttn of the Government are bey
[ ingusetl in cur c-sl and repress the financial din-
I credit that they nave brought shout. At one pea
i rod, SO great ariet Me 3,liiirert of the Moor verti•
I Me paper currency, that gold wai al eoverity fire
1 per cent men - . oid, and it was alumni inoperable
.in Imo.: ol say kind. The Ministers
then prohibited an tocrattons la specie without
thew othomrence, and turtles, to mate things
cortiferrable, Mired a rise° of regulations by which
no perton is allowed to go upon the exchange,
without government authority, or, when there, to
speak thud so as to e.t.a anxiety, or ID elates'
any c,dnion regardtog the probable rise or fall of
pricer. A measure, likewise prescr thing rules of
conduct to be observed et the theatre', lay been
prepared. With all these precautions the cause,
of order maybe conaliered to be as sate in AM
strit nlt re in Flat ter tad Hanle., the last advc
en from which te state mention that an ordi•
name hail been leaned. forbidding the Introduction
and circulation of Humboldt . . Cosmos, the workt
of Stotitspeare, Schiller,-Yu
one and of the City Hall, Secretary Webster. at
thtrother end, Was hanagniai or' gatisecis noon
the necessity . of seeing the Slave Low faithfully
Coffee—gliere lo none in fhb market to be bad
lower than Ile.. Site. 250 bep Rio et 110111 e,
Java la held at 1/4(al3e. Sales am (dor and sx.
Flodr Is * fraction lower SIPCO the Africa'. news.
State brand. are now held at 54 311: enome
brands Michigan and Indiana, $4,07105. -Pure
Genesee 55.121.
Wimitt is unsettled. Common Genesee, 51,15
a 1.16; Canadian, Inc. Com—Old Notthern and
We.tern mixed, 691069 c. Moat m heavy, at
52,91 for Jersey. Ryo Fleur 53,50
Provisione—Pork 1. a little easier. Satre at
4112.50012,15 for Men, sod esswas.s7i for
prime. Beef Hame 514014,25. Lard is held at
Gotten hal improved te since the last foreign
.nedwsiabi og n l s 3 a4e
p e a tc b c i e o di n nt d y
13:9 131 e.
Whiskey—Stlea Prison at . Tre., and Drudge a
25{e. on time.
Aaher—Pots ate lower. Pearls steady at $5,
Paoli lA, 111., Dec 10.
Oar city was again thrown tom much excite•
me at to tley. The exeentlon of Blown and Wit.
lime for the murder of Mr. Hewett, wee to
place yesterday, but by an order from the
Governor, received on Wednesday, was extended
to the 15th of J toasty nett. This not ha ng gen
erally known nor credited, large moues of people
ot this and adjoining counticeassembied to witne.s
the execution, and being disappointent their
expectations, a pottiorrof , them resolved that the
persona should be executed krthwith, mad urged
on by exciting speeches, 'they got poneessioo of
the scaffold from the jell yard, and erected It in the
street, in front at the jail.
They then effected en entrance by jerking the
doors and locks, and proCeeded with crowbar.,
mantling and other implements, to the cells, where
they met with reeistence teem Brown, who, ale
though shackled, es soon. the cella were open
ad, stepped into the hall, disarmed n few of the
mobbers by taking from them the crowbars end
attending, barred his cell ma the inside, and defied
them. He broke the Scaetling over the mobbare,
and gave them other etr:lring Illuatratiose of his
entire disapproval of such unlawful proceedings.
The prisoners were again secured in the cells,and
before date the crowd &seemed.
Thus reached what at first all supposed meted
he a moat tragical and diagracefol affair. The
mob fell hack, and a few of our citveris drop.
wog in at this o njemeture, prevented further vio
CoririToudeuee of the Pittsburgh ii•lette
NEW Yalu, Dec. 24
After one of the sevevest 140111111 we have had
in a year, clear and calm weather is once more
vouchsafed us. The "old talcs " any the gale
which raged all day yesterday, was by many odds
the won:, no the sea coat, they have any en.
membranes of. We have heard of no very dial
as! rang ur recto, as yet, however, and hunt there
are Donn to come. home.° damage was dorm
io the city by the gale, but; la on mutes were any
yea ;net .
The New Englanders had a plealtant hale of it,
tart evening. al the And House, or the occasion
of their fc,val celebrativo of the landing of the
Pilgrims. Ban Mr. Webster and the British Mm'
later were present, accordion to appointment
The speeches, from Imth these distinguished gee
hero.. were fult of the moat patriotic and enact
bliog senkimrots-
To tiny, the Uoir. Safety Committee gave Mr.
Webaker c formal rtecption, at the City Hall. The
Secretary made a areas Union respoose, In his
happiest vein.
To morrow being Christmas, there is not much
business Cuing in the whblesalo way to day, nor
will there he until the meting in of the new year.
Banters rind brokers, however, are ben settling
up accounts, with n view to balancing the bn°k% '
at the rind of the year. binary, therefore; is is
good demand, hot there is no difficulty prom:tr..
Ina any amount. at very low ratea•
Toe ccutntercial ailviecc which wero received
by the steam ship_ Africa, from Liverpool, 011
Sunday lart, linen egereme,l • most favorable ins
finence gib - On the stock market here. Yesterday
prices of every deacrlption went up al an average
of I per omit., with large sales. Orders Were
brought for some heavy purchases& Government
and Ohio •ertirittea.
Considerable excitement was created in IV.,
city, yeterd•y, by the of a black, named
Henry Lang, who has been, (or same months paiit,
employed as a servant at the Pacific Hotel, h. ,
now claimed by a citizen of Richmond, Va., es
runaway alive, Immediately on his attest,
was brought befall, the V. S. Maritsa% bet ho
counsel succeeded in postponing the crwe
to day, when it was again resumed, In the pre.
care of an excited crowd. Great efforts are mrt•
king to gel the negro olf—but whether they will
be stieresstul or not, remains to be seen. The
proceedings are not yet terminated. It ts • culi•
our fact, Mat whi e the abolttionism were Wain
a tumult, and endeavoring to make • rescue, al
Linseed has advanced. &lea
PrOM the Gtnelsce Etwiplari,
The statistic. are taken from the minutes of the
Gencrial Assembly of the Presbyterian Church for
I937—the minutes of the General Assemblies for
the year Info—the Christian Almanac, published by
the American T m Society,d‘e. In the year 1837
the Presbyterian Church of the United States con
sisted of—
Synod., 23
Licentiates, ' 'AM
Candidates fur orders.
Churches, 2 892
Commuowarni, 220, 7
Contributions or certain specified ben
e. oleet °bier:3, during the year pm
. eding the vport,
Dliferences in relation to certain church marten
whirl. had been growing up for some pears, at thi
Session of the General Assembly, came ton crisis,
and two separate orgrintratiorw were formed, men
retaintrig the same confession of Faith end Form of
Government They have remained distinct ever
The followata in the prevent state of the church
l.lld School New 'School. Total
Synods, 23 20 49
P r:
resbytees, 127 102 2.29
Stunt:gem, 1921;
, 1472 '13991
erniksicl,o34 137 371
Cand'date., 960 ot 420
Churcher, 2:017 19,35 41133
Common:cant , , 207244
i 190, 7 37 '147 1)97
. "Ilse Did Sc out I.resby testes report an noted for
benevolent oh eels, is above naerdsorted, $330,000.
The New tdcheot have not , tneluried thiv text at
their report, b the name mato for err+ churc ' h, in
tin: new av we .no the old, pre , $2 33 (PO, i n
for a Ti. rater P• 237, Las be. r, ~ I rileve•
Sttrods, Al
Prerb,ler , 1210
• , “4
L. ltrovters,
reuttate. 91
CP ud;dales I
(lornutuutcauttr, . 126,424
lintirribegroGi, iirli.o.ll‘.l,l
lestgooteo , or Voluochrtow —The tolowwq
tablo 'extol:We the i.optOolion of l'hihoielptoe,
the ,eretal retoool wends. e. repre,ented to the
return.. woth Ow iOCfC•PC Owing h .Icettont,
evpulalum Incrowe.
4,!:; ,. .A)
. :11 '..-;..7 i
, ...61 .41,377
111, I, 11.4:4!
11.7 u•. f6..(0.!
40.0 V; I 1:191:6
A lesson has been admin.-iered . mlainous rai
nom Ituflalo, which mat be tit some service to
the ap hale finterun hist env at all eventi ft
treat% that it stranger eat twhiyed a cab man tole it
IVian about the velure of the city ni tha
ateambnal landing—the dam.c being tome
ter of a mile. Before reaching the landing, die
cab man stopped, saying he could go no further, and
invited his peseenger to leave the cab and pay his
tare. In reply to the inquiry no to how much he
should pay, he was told Si. This he refused to
give, and therefore the cab man, assisted by anoth
er rutfitin, set 6pon him, knocked him down, and
beat him °milli. Stranger col:pouted to pay the SI,
ia order to save his life. This paid over, the mag•
unnituous assiotani of ca
the b man demanded tire
more of the stranger, for the asaimince he had
te,edered his friend; the additional five was 141,4
ore, So far all went very well. The cab man
and hi. friend had pocketed SA 'each, pall Were
therefore quite well mou thed. The mtenngt r; how
veer, walked to the police odice and entered a
complaint, and in due time esachof the intermitung
couple was sentenced to the State Prison for ten
yeqs, for highway robbery.
' l l i i UT FOIMIC T Cr
Y ...M.—Trio Forrept Calle reel eon-
WM e et NeW York, on Saturday, a tho iin•
preen^. Court. on the motion made by his counsel,
in dWrolve the leintictron issued on his wire's ap.
phi:taboo, reventrog him from interfering with bit
proparty, iir prosecuting a sun for divorce in the
Court of I 41trmme Floes in Philadelphia, until the
(Other order, of nor court. it aerie, of etadavits
were read by Mrs. F.irvest's counsel, in which ell
the charges made by Mr. Forrest against his wife's
fidelity are denied in the euningnit manner powo•
hil. T, lettera.between Mrs Forrest and her
Wren Mrs. Voorhees, which were tritely putilub.
ed by Mt. F .to prove looseness and roilelicacy
between those ladiea, are explained ; the phrase
to Mr. WI letter ti damned bad marriage. in our
frmily, " is slate, to ben quotation from Mr. For
rest, it t,eiog a familiar phrase of his : arid .. re
tried parts, " kit-, are shown to have a still more
harmless allnsion. The court adjourned the care to
next Thursday. when the motion and reading of
I papers will be ontioued. The Judge.w id probably
it take a couple of weeks to give his decision.
my 4..nd has gone—but, in addaiod to her
rare mulneel powers, she has impressed herself
MOM favorably on the hearts of .11, by • noble net
of charity. She ha. presented the um of one
thonund 'dollars,to be dletnhuted among cur Wets
htnevolent ...Tactic., as follow.: 0400 to the Fes
melePrittian Asylum, (Protestant); 5200 io the
Male Orphan ANOUM, (Protestant); and 5400 to
tut St. Joseph's Female Orphan Alum, paha-
I e 1 We heard alba munificent donation during
UM concert, but, by Miss PO'. desire, it wu not
then made known. At the end of one of her en.
eet row, a beautiful bcquet was thrown upon the
stage, mad to be a testimonial of Meting ou the
part of the Female Orphan Asylum.
.for tho reduction of postage is oneei,
discussion, In Comuutee of the *hole, in tile
Hoouuf Representallves. Its pravlsi, us are as
1. Postage on halftoutice letters prepaid three
eta • not prepaid five coat,.
ce2. Ebonite on each newspaper of no greater
gas than nineteen hundred ware inches, trans
mitted ,through the mats from the ctlice of publics.
lion to any place out of tte Stale where It Is pnb
lisbed;one cont; and ior any newspaper deliver.
on white the State where publish.; ene half
rent . and for titer' , newspaper of larger dimen
sions than above specified. an additional rate for
epeh additional nineteen hundred equate inc.!,
or tractionthereof. Pamphlets. Periodicals,. man
sines. eta.. two costs for each copy sent of no.-
greater weight than one ounce, and ono ci at in
addition for each additional ounce, ph let ahoo of
an ounce, 80.
3. Tho dite,tors of the mint. to be authorized
and requiredlo coin pieces of the valae of three
cents, to be composed cf three pane silver and
one part alkiy, which shall be a legal tender for
all debts doe to the Government of the United
Slites, and to individuals, peewna, and carpora
eerie. t
4. Provides that the ristinaster General rhali
provide Wee., cat amps to the deputy peonies.
One million tire hundred thouaand dollar,
apprt prial,d to ,pply .ny defienney tint nay
Ills3t , wale Poet Office Department.
DO.O. fi. STEARN'S, late or Ua
manufacture and sot Duna Tartu
Tt sets, upon 3 tlelloll or . Almosplter
oolavas aan no ma
SAO.= C b d oe co th aoll residence net
Rom 40.—J r . l a i tt 'b ß * s
Masi awl Ferry stews.
Irr Won.. !—A great many learned
treatines have been wriuen, explaining the origin of !
and claw - trying the Worms generated In the human
system. Scarce any topic of medical Deter.° has
etioited tenet acute observation and profound re.
re arch, arid yet physicians are very much divided In
opinion on the subteen. It met be admitted, bow
er, that after all, a mode of expelling these worms
wi • d purifying the body from rile', presence, is of more
value then the wisest disquisitions as to the orgin•
The expelling agent to, at length been found—and to
offering to the pubic I/Mane'. Vermifuge, the pro
prietom are confident that It will only require to be
used to prove itrielf superior to any now in urn
ll:;rFor rale by J. KIDD ec CA, No 60 Wend strut
decd d&wd
Ma. stag—Sir, I cheerfully comply with your re
quest that I would give yea an account:of the almost
toireculous core of my little daugliteth, eye by the sue
of your "Petroleom."
She was &lurched with a very cora eye in February
Or March last, when I immediately applied to rite best
medical aid to the city, by whom it was pronounced
" a very bad eye" and all gaie roe no Lope of doing
her any gam. After which 1 toot her into the coun
try to an old lady, whohud been very •aeeesaful
curing eye•. .She told me that her case was hopeless,
as slit would cerminly lout cot only that one, but
also that the other would follow—it being & scrofulous
affection of the blood. And I do certify that ;at the
nine my fathei (J. U. Vashon) came tt , the
that we had better try your " Petroleum," 1111/1 was
.7111111., Immo: of one eye. It is now about two
months once atm began its use, and she ran now see
with both eyes as good as ever she did ;_and, aa far
as I can tell, I believe she has, with the Limning of
he Almighty, been cured Ly " Petroleum."
Yours, ;eventfully,
M. Ensuecs Vesnon Coaara.
Pittsburghh, Kept 30, 1P54).
For Reda by Keyser & McDowell, 140 Wood street;
R. E. Seller., 57 Wood street; D. M. Curry, D. A. El.
Inn; Joseph Douglass, and H.P.Scherans,Allegheny,
also by the proprietor, 53, M. KIER,
2 norl:ddcw Canal Blinn. Seventh et, Fitubargh
Ocoee of Ohio and Penna. R. EL Co, 'flora al
P11711111161N, August 5,1020.
Tot Stockholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Rail Road Comport? are hereby notified to pay the
eighth instalment of five dollars per share, at the office
of the Company, an or before the Ooth day of Mdust
The ninth instalmenty on or before the Stith day of
September. Tba tenth instalment on or before the
20th day of October next.
ra- The 7th instalment was tilled for on the 40th o
lily lest.
osgthdlf Wit LARIMER. Jr., TIT. art,
Are now' prepared with a large and fresh stock of
German, and American Hardware, to oder
superior indocemems to buyers. Those orisli•ng to
porebase will promote their infereat by loosing
,Prough our stock, as they are determined to sell er on
meat reasonable limns av,
Church Noll..
- • •
.cording to the mows of the
Protect.' Episcopal Church, will be held every Sun
day afterneou. in the Court House. In the room occu
pied by the Supreme Coon. The first service will he
held next Sunday, 29th instant, at 3 &clock, P. M.
Seale free.
at ettlttelt MAR 11VOCIIIII
For Ono Night More.
Col rem the . New York , Pht:adelphm and Balumore
Comore, and GUS. KROLIMAN, Vionniet la bee
Maorty quene'lltetena, mill give one more Grand
Concert of West and lartrumental glum, It -
GINS lower room, on tiATURGA,, Everdir g,
tikt insinnt. kIKS FOGG soul preside et the Poona
This vont pconivey toe Ole! Concert given to
Mt. en! by Itle. moo.. No poopodement on an
cdng,t of the weather.
Cord. 01 adnmoon, Z'At cents—to be Lad at Meorm.
mai hotel , and at the door dew
Concert to commence at o'clock.
• LT Tat WIC rives !TOIL 0/
A. A. MASON & CO.,
alatS o f diatkot
ILL. Monday, • eeeentor
noO nigh the month 1,17 .tuary.
f,..• o r ..te of
lumene estab
ta nr oro.ri open for lietall Trade, and
• , ...unoos to Otte Hundred and
t h n Th.n.lnd tio , in, Will he °tiered at Entail,.
to co von. , th Icas toko .o.l u price,
Ihe n o et al ti,ir 1-Lon.Ahousl Sale to any one o
Ito f
thinnta.o)s alto mu tided thsale of last ear, will
r .the;ent guarantee c tteuo y n. They
v. wti th Looter reendon atety of the Good and Pneev,
brncht of thoie Who Lave never a s ttended their
R7JSCa Muer. .5,, ,
srd Coen rr.V. opt Cathearrea 25 do :17p
16tht p. dr. do Denims ':.•.151 4,1 ark rf
op• collo plaid do. • •• do
Sr ps Str,, , ed and Eked SIM th do 75
sO ps Salta de ChM and Satin do 1
SO NI Black TIM Maced
tell Frtech Nene. ••••I 1. Jo 1 3:1
:il.O II Patamst:. nod Lyoneth Clotho, reduced 01
par cent
(tor• Alpae., all cethrs, reduced 30 per cent.
2510 Long :square Shawl, which will be acid (tom el
to 55 le. than weal tams.
3tkid yds Hound Rthbons at SAM usual price IS to S 5
Fact colored Calleoes at dth, usual price tic.
IWO cal. Er glteh and Amman Calico. at 5 A. lie,
p a ce W and With
thi 00004 Bseacked Moth., reduced 9c. per yard
aiA baler Brawn aluslte, ell grades.
Al.n. Lac es, I-kn.:ode ries, 'Ft tnmthaa, thearety and
other., Iseens,Chesks Clatha,Cammetes ,
thth deans; lovas, rade •mmenth variety of ether
coo., al ; toil be klarked Down to Lower
nee• than any or Minorcan:m. l es
~ Thar thane an early call.. many althea chothert
cooda will awn be thld. The lowest price named at
ea. . k A. MASON &CO
tleth In kit Mullet 00
Worn as 4 Weal! 1-llaa'd Thus* I
No Christmas
ntgroeTeeorustanltr"YlootVind bat dminit
J r
or watktog diidtes. and waiting at
table Item mortmg to night, sirj.erea they Ured
pet the day for thetr ewe pleugure and a hundrome
Craistmas Gift; but now days there Is an aitt—
nothing bet drudgery.
lint the••ra•loon, thank (loth
.• not othlrely h•Ugted yet, as two lathes and gent la
leen in Allegheny city, gale teeth (math dome..
at the rate of Gee dollars each—lour number—Ced
tt etc man nearly a fell au, Wt. hap, they will be
direct tit New fear. MANY SERVANTS
.. - --
Morrie t W 'tt Dots. Journal,
Prztlisited rrery Saturday in /Vito rot/. Criy, 1
At Two Dollard o year capable in all cases in I
- Glee ilium lime lcurnal, i
107 Fonou et. N. York,, if GO. i 1
To an whom it mos concern:
This may certify that J. D. flo - istse is duly author. I
trrd kl) net at agent for fiIoRRIA A SSIILLIRS
11031 E JOURNAL, and that all receipts given by
We in picnic:it for sold paper will be duly aeknow
ledsed by ussit the office
rs f pablloatios, and it la po.
peewit) , agreed and undetood, toot all enbieriptions
ore payable one year in advance.
The new vrilurn• aril; cominesea on Rid bestt of
1,,,,,,,,„,y so. e nction• rooottod by J. it. itoinses,
Third street opposite tile Poo Office.
tlrtti kOlitoro and Proprietor.
L IN d S , Eg.D 011.—W brig ree i l v;titAn,uu
MOLASSES -65 btle new cr
stew. op N 0 No!acmes
iug per swerner Buckeye for w , ie
der 6.11M4 A BUTCHISt/N k CU_
G MC LASSES—+7IOrIi new crop, just received
N , fur sale by H A CUNNINGHAM,
Ltbeny .t
SIIIIL,IIARKrr—`2,O tar on constO for sato by
rIRESH ROLL HUTTF.R.-4 brlijaal tee/ by
braNd, N
to! 513.1 e A CUNNINGHAM
—__ --- —.
Uncalled. for Dalatow..
Ls TATEMENT of Deposits aud Balance. of Deb° , in
0 ali the Bane ol Pliohnrgh, al .the amount of tot
dotiay. end exceeding that rnin, Whleth within tht
three years preceding the dote of WO !warrant, haw
poi tither been increased or diralntshed, 'nth th,
names of the devo the ham when welt depeslts
were mode,. lishwees accrued, and the amounts
thereof. This re
sits nt excludes all deposit. and
balances al &po which Imre hrremfore been pub
lished for three successive years—they having es •
cheated to the Commonwealth:—
Nitro.. Doter. Amounts.
Jesse Dougherty. —• • , ..•,—Nov. 2 1,1817 —• 5155 on
Stephan ri rant Nor. 1, MC .... yty W .
Thomas Seams hag. t...f, laid Coo 00
James Smarhipalmer/- - ' • •fan• 5, DM .... 55 05
Wm. Tomlinson June In, 1847.. ..• 100 00
1 certify that the foregoing appear lo be balances
due the persons nsmtd, nett waving remained In Sank
unchanged for three scum
JOHN SNYDF,R, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26 h day of
Deventher,l,lo. GEO. WATSON,
d5t.5.d31.4.1e4 S Alderman of the City of Pittsburgh
In the Court cfl.torraturi Pleas of Ark. — de:4 isn.
s' %1110 and Pennsylvania Doll "RediAllempany es
ki Lydia Showell. No 6, March term 1251.
To We [Woke defendant—Yen an hereby notified,
that the above phuntlif hay taken and appropriated to
as ore, the foll ,, wing portion of your tell C, In
I the city of Allegheny, being partof lots Nos DI and 17
in The. Sample's plan, bounded by a line on the north
side el the centre stud rail road, and innate,
,hapogh 'aid lotS Illegonally 20 feet wide r. drift ah
dere rlfition of which son bind fb We
O nce.
W.. Y,
SO). foe VI ft
WAKEN try by the eubkertber, on the ingtnnt,
I a Bay !date, about I) bends high, c cat yearsnl3;
yeah a Mr on her forehead, two hind 'Co i whirEfE7
to the pump, and shod ell ud other Marts
peiceptlble The ttWtott is (cgataled to [Woe lorwmo,
',MVO property, , ef shoe es and take her sway.
ded)trel.`d lnnkeeper, Solidi rittEburtll l _
glut: Annual Meet.' of the Stockholder., 30
j. Election of DlreCtotl, fur the than at.! Eenn•3 l,
yenta fled Road Compeer", ted e
l he herd at the &Adel!
of the company, on the oh of !toner), IE3I, btreeer
the hour , of II A. rd. and C IL M.
• doditede ' I.IRuOKELS. Secreterlti
----- ... . . .
Alderman. Dale.
ISRAEL. wiGam, Alderman , bee ypepq I
°Rue at the oar* rut corner of VSna aud IN
succU, WOOFS ill lavlpeo peualciag to ttla
II by rroraptly arteirded to.
N. U.—Urders for trick isylny, let at the Wheal
receiveW punctual and iumediate stun:ion by I.
.laTes 'RC'_. _ det7el 3
(j i r'y ' l A p t c . ot ' e li p U er i t— N trlb m e ht .lo ß t itiu l l is t th b, ir t.HA 's \ os : o lP i pe r : ,
for talc by
otiOrt, ts prepared to
I ill'sgrlolle and parte
rte &tant
Iwhere the nerve Is
II door 10 tha May-
rtattsd. mu
It. D. 11.13019,
ttst Corbel orrount
Decatur, between
rtZeived and for sale bY &CO 11
de27 ROW N
ei OLD PENS--We have rowonloondoriorge 11,
%.3 otock or the beat l'on, loom tt.e readmit
manufacturer% in New York, and made
•, Ca.e• nod Pon Holden.
SilYer every variety. Sorrupins 1".11 1 ol•
Tra: Pearl dn. All tor omit abnle..ale and read at :
.Nev , Vort 'prices. [616.11 W WILSON
SUGAR —1 htidA N. 0. lost r,..4 rot. by
111 LibtrtY
RAISINS -150 lex II lICW, Red on consignmnt, arid
for We low AS
7,4OLASSES — LObd. B MW,,TI ?Mere'
SPICEega, foS—Curi I
a, Pimento, Pepper, Clines and Nat..
mr sal e ty 19AI/di DICKEY &CO j
de27 %Voter & Fromm
LARD-COLLO No I M store sad for mile by.
C'rd.7;''''"'°"°g&Trif°l4gP.Z k CO
N o :I; ACKEREL 0 ?I: for fttla.iyiiyirco
WIT;FIS"-75 ""7rl7l'lbl
1,7 2,DZfticp
HERRINGS -10t) bxs Lobir scaled, for role by
dot; • 19AIAll DICKFY Ct)
R A I d s L P I --
b- "`"1 1 ."Ti;11Wiliii:1 : a, co
Fancy Goads. •
dUST received and now open,a inrgo mermen% Or
Fancy articles suitable 14 , brims. and New
Vent FICTGIII.6, to which the attention of rove Laser.
IS pnrlictilarly invited. Amongst t the liISLIIIIICIII sold
be found
Rosewood Regency Desks
Pearl Inlaid Fancy do
Fancy Rosewood Toilet Boxes.
Inlaid Satin Wood do Jo • .
Black Wal”t and Rosewood Toilet Bores
Fancy Rosewood Per ornery Irani -
Inlaid Satin and Rosewood Sewing Bores
.., 4
rear' Caskets for hoe Jewelry •
AIM, Gentlemen', bloating EX(' titCl
do 'Blooding Coles •••
do Fancy Dressing Coals, Sr. at
den F if EATON.", ni FOuttb bt_
El StELL4IIS,W Wood as. tole viscid tor Potsburatts
Price, 25 tents ocr ttottle. d ettl_
lionr-A—noo Lu just recessed yes sumer Jenny
SLunt, CIA for note by
dett.S !SIIRIVF.H. Sr. no, am Ft.-. 4
LOW-40 t•lTlsrecelved •
DildetTAC"F lu° I:;:Et'grES
SE'drf,'` OIL-5 b " . "'eta trt.'in nAToins
B U rrEa l li cZ: l ' oTr 71 .1 : ' ,, , , fn„ •le hi
der. 51111.1YKK & RA RYES ,
__. .
NO. OLASEES-50 trBipll, to eartve. for swle b
_ •---_--_—_--------------_
o 1 . Lea
bone!. urco-1 ;
AlL•121[1 . Pon P.O itod i. 1: 3 1.1111 LiT tet _ rx & co
Front ic
WEATHERS -9 9orks lanaiom Fml PIA .9
?MIS MAIm fr A
Administrators' Notice.
lEWEN'S e l
Adrtanutate ofithealiOn
city on the estate or Ao-
J thew, Prete., l e of Phisbargh, de—
erased, having this day been granted to the .di,
tint, neiee is hereby rise to all persons indelied
le the ed said t estate levitate immediate n
Dayllier3 to either
of us, and all pereOes having clame egainat
estate are requested to present the game, dole suikor , ,
heated, for Art Iment. ath e warehouse lately isenS
pied by said A. Beek., Ell Third at.
ANNA hi lIEELF.N. Adnuinistratrii
E D. GA 7.ZA Ut. Admeistrttar,
Pittibareh, Dee 03, teat!—dehi dun
— 7 . T.
m 1
ttow ou.-1 Intl Lan l
Lumber lard to Hoot.
A _LA ., II.OF. Lumber yrod, hosted on Cllum!
elithiste‘ nunnorodthil'uProusit'ie?tior'77:but broom
. h °l
long lowa Enquire cf REV NOLDS . .n n illeX ,
• dc3.5 dl m Cor. Penn k Irwin it,'
VETE IL 1 111 Alt if BLi 11 . 6 II o_ , lii,
Ittnie free. Edinburgh, 'Scotland,' .—1
IN"Vo'. - 7:2:r 1 p 1 . 0 :.,',2r="Lo P tr i : L fattlg
and by rate 111 attannon to tabu:cans to eLerastedSo
him, he hopes to gtvc F :Init.:it/11.
In connection with Janina Hardie, Haw Shoetag
and EIAkekIIIIIIiiInIr In general will tne canted dn, at
tbe corner eifTunnel 'tweet ond Penney Ivnint Anemia.
deld:dly • ‘—. ---,_
• - ••
• Silver Coln Wantad. ••
watch the lugheO perm am will tt pa
Fid at et
Feetutogo I,6te of A NVILXIN*Fe CO
det4 • Cot of Third tr, pDrket att
Iloroo• for Sale.
T2AMILY and 'WOW: 11ORSELd—Pernnt onisVing
eat., de... union are 7140,14ted cid at MOWII'S
Stvhin,Thi , d et. tacCij
d ;
Df, do FRUlT—Dried Peaches;cPeaches;,
d 0 . {...t.
dd AFFIee, Urst iecelved, and
for eltle by \E.II .A. bIeCIERO rt, Cp,
B"MTAX-1 cask 101 . 4 r al
, r
brlc receiledirtlifalgall
lOU A!•Cf_k-- 1. r r'; Vroilihs:ATßDiriioirr::foby
pun d,,k cues- 73 Ws Primed Pat
tyreLn ekSerl
• • . rs mall &t')
B urrEtt-12 bets yrs= fres beden refl leedreg 6*
30 kegs prune pac i
dell 1 8011.WORTII 1 ..:
, .
ra,gT-'- --. .riuwoßTH. CO_
Bu ITER—'u be , Ohl. Mee; l
...,./ kes, do; ,fel bY
e ;
tlel:l.lrf.: ',deny sk_
_ . .
ri , u 1. , 2-- I 5 Joz en IU UUMC VII lor rate by
I,!.1.) . _
_ .... T1c.1:1L65. 4 . ROE
T°.9'°-5)"" - ' • ''' . ".`i.,...i..9& ViOE
• ...._.
jO. t LAII.1)-5 I/ Flei 811/_::_liTtIloc,IIIII re.: " ...1 'Lot •I'.e
11 by
del.l All I IR RICK :rtoN,
DERSO—dial Las W Cbrean in store for •itle by
'I7 , CONOMY CR 611 CDER-- , 0 litia in iliac
r „ d e g 3111.1.1:R ItICKETSO:4
MEAL—Idd Legal store, ;or sale by
lJ ded.4 A. W. 11A RBADDIL
0 ODA ASII-40 caiirced tor talc by
d,S. A. W. lIARIIAUGiI .
lotertqi—iu 1..1, suire and in: link by,
WINDOW til..4lF4Un L 4oreed.asaims, city
brantn, reeciv and ra,nle
dra W n.Antatun
_ .. , .
D VTFF:R—to I, ( Itre.i. roll, for , trlc by
.UI dal S tr. W 1iA111M1.161.1
: ntEst —4co byrred tr , ..le 111
de2l , . S tr. W ILARLIA,I.7OEI
CUEES.F.—= bc;IS N e S; ;I. R ., , ‘ 2fe .., E z e :
.... j mr
WICK tr. 61,C.P4iDGESS.
thle dty reed foe Cr
del.4 WICK & 51eCek.Ni-Ess
ri, - R - 0 - 0 - ms ,-- -40 4- F
,upel , te v r ic e i, orlit i r re am mi ll o otz.le s. by
D del 4
TEATIIERSbeeIma Ky for rabe lbe
deb., WICK &
. • .
GINSENG—pkgs r enle
FLAX -14 tan On hand and for sale by '
den WICK htee&NDLEas
flOTASll—rducts pure for sale by --
IltirrEß-8 pkgs hand and Cur sale by
11 de2l WICK A MeCANDLEss
PEARLI , SS casta bra rum, for rale by
SAIgK;;Y.-11cagkvitti6li . VolebA s
2: c m irr .
! 5110 rm. clIF.loc!sole by
TAR-4lbrts Tar;
.tabrl3,lo for sale by
Q HORI—ItaO nu Hos day rre'd for elslo
arsonid i..u! , i tav l rp, , , r ,
co - FAVIA4SALS-3 arm,' for ral
Dby Veal) 'r ICIDD& CO
11.;OLAnSEH-30 bar 9r Low. Bogor Hoar
Q. Hyp Itlolrisses, on consignment, or
prTenuaq • 111G11 6CIIOOI,
• Arte.otre . MU, 44 Grant Itruel.
RECW. U. PADDOCII, M. A., Principal, - -
CV. !Ale DONALD. Al. A., AnOttllG.
1•111 he opened for the reception of
- pfls on Thareday. the Iteeortd day of January
termite.. may be had at the stores et Mn 14. R.
Whitand Meow Kay h. Co., or of the Princine,t, at
the inongoh•la Rome, trim 2 to 4 Pm,- 4t . '
e i nstpu day of the reek. tteltA f
The Rzobsta ;pi:3o.k for. 4.9".
oaten Hetet is att ' at to put io a state of
Otongh and complete mean., anti effete It ter lent
on ieral terms. Engem of
W. o'll. ItolllNSetti, rtitY at Law,
Munn waren
t. e F.9 11AITE1/9 211A,VINO CRI,AIII-1% here ,a
man who dcea D. appretiat 0 thelamtry of ar,
, chin ,. y 5,,,,, ,t,,,, os, we de not address notts
Mr,:o slit. 3tzt to all others me say, it yol. Wis..
dad. shnelog a pleavete,pareinsse •htftu cif Zci c .
piers Almond Pistachio or AmhteiStif Ktsina ,
ntria. Itis utterly iroposolile tit hod 5e5A,3,,,,, d„
be the fielingsof a rerfrd was her; p i . ,d to
! t ying with °Milroy uar..sOflalrl'Alud trial of this
I t he fi rst time. 1, in a notable:then of Wonder, a -
, s spleasure.
:ri`eicil n iAlll,L`ts SHAVING ORE:4l.l'a dread.
rtly esnollienh.rendering the stiffest .4 most wiry
and sort and pliable, producing in admirable lashes,
tit by no extremely IN leedife, allaying. all Ina.-
n, and Ptevoolmg that , AnpleasSol'• and stiff (mime
if the rein width /1 1, often experler.eed elm
hg. Gentlesttn using antes HROcriltsheorints Cream
fl trf , :oldost and raost:plerbMg winds In.
al : it. Uff., sciamill. ate Xi , .
•Oprl'il. And thote woo one, one it, we ran safely
.., „ift p e w, ass any ether. ',
One great advantage, sualtra will be espeeially al,
prectsted by those who wear whiskers, is the fad
that it will net:, discolor the beard, which most soaps
will do, attp,nr • sand y 1 , 1. rusty appearance to the
sdr; c tin wnlaktra Jules limier.
r ising Orearas
are de ghtfra prepatatiOns, compouded strkli still,
to IhO tater delusion of alt inlets; ealeelated to
reader the operation of staring unpleasant, and will
be appreeiited bt all who make mica let th em
I'"PImi .JUIL Y SA.U'EI.Wire rad end Caeruhd,
17A rl, M., Phila.
For sale, aractlessap sad road, by II A. Fat:tem:kg
to Co, and Il..", Yiuebuted del Joan %anew
eral J.:4'2,1.014114. &fluter, City. soP2T—ten
110(01snssia-43 - bet. new ylaulatlon. for we by
• 0.4 de la . ILODEJIT DALZELLi CO
teen will
C l ot a
dal • n liter, lot a kyr day*,
9 A hi. till 9 P. X.
'elieix,o ctb PinhP9l94,
"word renowned .g
Philo It.ll, over the
'lmes:evs lll...Jays Deel
Hove et Exhibilion s frog
isdlohssion,2setr; seiussil
tk—The Statue fa tid
itd Is exhibited foe bit lei
oraieny of Mr. Power.
fit dert3
rti t e ...
1 1 EVERY EVE Nay for a.sdon Pow.
Bayne . , calctitsoid miles of gigantic
Ll:throning magnifthent views of Boothe, ha liarbor,
Dolan, the Atlanue, Liverpool,
pmm the names, pa-thieve:loe the Bridal", and
ending with a tesenlirear viva or the
THAR SS T'llllll3ellsi
Brilliantly Illamloated, and both Weser dm baattufut
An Exhibition every' Wednesday and Saturday iir.-
I.SIGTIOOII, at 3 o'clock. - *-
ir. '
Adeolasion„Pri cant Children, wider IA years of
age, 11l centh.
Doors will open al CI o 'clock; Panorama to rom
nce movin g mane
-- __'---- r
ot LARDY. !gaiety oi Freskit,EnalLsk. and We*
a. can Face! fitsnonOry, suitable (or Christmas aad
Near Year Gina, each ar, Papier Mach 4 Pearl.lcorl
ditail, and Sone Card Cakesad Penh Mown.
Pore Nannies rant prmfiles sr, Fuse-
Lec, OREM, end TotiOlt. etaged in 'son.
•C ,, . Me lal.l Paper Weighti, of Olsoc. Marble, Ala
tr a.t.r, and Browse. Unbend. Glass Wafer Siestas,
and %Velem...with locate tad other DeWitt.) &algae
Cpriataly moulded in the orntrai Gold Petted Caw,
with and tambour Gold Pena I onfolios. Urinal
rattan.. Ri.seerboil !Work , Dolma Portable Writ
ing Delta Drmtarmarman Board., Chet, Mail Setnip
Lidota Habana:Ws Muse Portfolios. French Nate
1 Parer, en:bossed. silver and colored edge,-I.ce and
ether at - Vv., sub escalope. to nob ' POieChilshik
in anis, richly bin. a great 'Willy. , Paint Doses.
The above, sick many other fancy tittle.' to the
orntwery line, tor safe by
,i , i , I MAVEN. Buttoner,
rl Comer . Market and Second sta.
FOIL 1111:110LIDAY 11 .
lhave l'ust received bye
.most desirable pans= and colors, viz: Bias sad
r 'range, Drab and Diu, Drab and Moans, Grey sad
'Aback, &c.
tteastifel French 11.114.CJoths for Ladies , Casks,
French Merinos, Brdeade French Poplins, silks,Tsse
Satins, and Giber handsome goods for ladies' dresses,
all of which will be sold at tan lowest cash prises.
India; Rubber Toys •
t du igrligcyesi"edgbrTifttTt;too IL ( l at i ttt:f and
durable Toy ' s, consisting :i part of the foilowingi
60 dss assorted sass Dolll4 ads, Dogs, Lions, Fatnot,
:Rattler, Sell end rifler 10 s, to, lon ule at We
!Goodyear Danner Depot, ki s 7 at 9 Wood at
' dr2l ' te El PHILLIPS
Bleirgby ciroblleld
BE folly supplied with citable spode for Holiday
APresente, such - as,
Handsome D;cos Silke4
Frenc Cella rs mos, Poplins, tsc
Needle Worked
Scarfs, •
Fine Linen ClushtiO lendtereklefs, 80.
And invite the calls of
lANS of the finert orunmenterVeakea ever seen in
I._/ the Twin Cities, will he set in the window of P.
lt. Hunker. of Fifth street, on Christmas eve. It wilt
Isaiah neatly three hundred pound., will be Matefulli
wee and ornamented, and surmounted by • reProreo .
tailor, of Waltham Cross, In England—all mine In
..agar and glow. It Ind splendid piece of Wort, got
ten up with ranch trouble and 'expense, In order to
maintain the former reputanon of his Odd establiah
m Ills e patrons. esti the nubile genera l ly. at,,
invited to cell and be agreeably wirlwr
hee On not wish to perehwe. They will so atero_ts
t nu
Cakes, Candice, Pruitt, and all the other Laing. for
Cell at No.ll Fifth streei P.ll. HUNKER,
drA. Baker and Confectioner.
AT the Ednea'id"Ht Pxo“Hoti. N 065 Market at,
may be found the Mott •plendal eolleedon of An
nuals and Hill Boutin The Hoek comprises Clary
net, of richly bound Ind illustrated GL'lHooka•
Alto, Epmeopar Prayer Sacks, and Presbytedan
Hymn Hook., for the at the losrestprmes.
110MM/fir Pl3lCa NTBr -
VAT NV. WILSON ;has a .v'i•ry large and
and aa•
V f • sortment of nue Weftbes, Jewelry:, and Va•
Guy Goods. suitable for Chrufrou and Nur Year
Gtttf —ornamenial nod useful, for sale rerylo d ar
corner of Market and'Fonott
Perfumery and Pals or A seiltstile
for llailday - Preamate...
P ,
11ESARATIONSfaititeGm es
wth and
of •
Fut Lastrale•' Bear's, Rose, and Allatear 0114
Somatam,inpots ardltieks:'
lodinn Vegetab!e Oil; Bandaline VIM:UM
Lip Salve: Cold Grosse'
Antadlne for GhapPed h ands; . •
. Ilacel's and Sowell lisle Dye. •
Cologne Waters, it all prices . ,fretall am:Mita one
donee perSottls. ,
Serfemes for the ilandketthiet;
Ptinving Creams and taOsps. •
'fades and Faney!teroaps of every variety, .•
Together artth many Inns? articten too anzattnal to
a,,,,0nn non.. S. N. WICKERSHAM
deer • • , • -tan of Wood & Sixth Oa.
rytHE uo4ersirged, JusutioogriliVarp sto
goods Lls,:f.
lT here k' bC}e 'r re o . " 'flus " finest w00d...A.0r
seen orno the niceil plaything, for ehath'o4. 2 lire.. -
ly selected for'the hoddays, vsLich he Is dotareoloarl
to sell very lore, wholesale
GUM Book, for the lioLlldajas
1-ICoates, M. D..rplendidlp ¢Quad fn EAFLE tdblyult,e; rtii
room •
Thy Iris, edited by PoifeesOr John S. Mot. bound
in Turkey motoceu,with runneroutillaminetions end
Gems of the Scion, eleysnity illasusted. .
The Kcepsake;..a `,ft for the holdnys, boend in
Turkey moroneef.with dominations.
Thy Crystal Vona, for hel, edited by T. S. Antler,
t ongrovingc! ,
Uos of Toraperones Offering, for 1.41, by T. S. As,
The ChristrouTribrite, for 161 i.
Ir U vinghi Groring.
nso Flake.
FForgetNot: " "by bin.E.,,gcskosi
FricedshisealOtering, " "
G ents of Beauty, or Literary Gift, 500 lfzikta,s.4l,l ,
E. Permval4 bound in Turley morocco, 'soh scour..
ous illaminecons and engravings,
The Rose.of Sharon. n religlinni•Asw.dr, fps 1951,
edited by Mrs Gewiliec M. fism7'ck.
Tappet's troserbral FhilerreAv, „law * ,
elegantly Witted ind -
Resn's FemaleiToets or 411111.1itt 'eontalpLar pot.
nous of idri E Oakes limai-Mri. FE{ °lgor/id-Tars L
H digoumey, Mrs E F Viet, vs, E . 0 Esub.iy,
Alfs Amelia U Mn 9 . J hale. him E SClnneTi
Miss ems CLynsh, Miss lie ra ICLorke, (Grace Green-
. •
Shcill,CWldM, 104, ram., Moore, COesidge, Haw
ett, AI aoq Kau; ColorfdKe, f3belly, And Itposr
Popo, //Trio, 'Woodsorostb's Pootield-Worts.
Mon, p.)argo. t olio otion of Nader mo6be, poplostr. 1
albums to co. - orcioco end paotor mock e also, • ,
huge collo ottott , of ap:end id !over Booksoont, other 1
works for ',air by RC grocicroN,
Lars Aims 0,, k Etoottort, corner Molter and 34,:sts
drR, iChicrolole and Post eopy.l
GIFT 1:116088 1,01K4 ISOONS, for 1.11151.
, n ..
Third at, opposite the Tort Office.'
OUR Siyieni, veal Prophet. and Apostles
The Souvenir GOIGT. s Gin Book
The Sao. Animal, . du
The Id. and Illuminated Fiihrenir
The Gan of 13e.ty i
The Spew Of Ilbastratinne
The Lesfleta of Memory
The Flora Keepsake i
Tian Gees of the 18eason. . -
The Winter Bided. .• _ • '
The Nstiornil Tempe:lnes tiddler - . • ,
_Alin Foe ol•Terepeatereo Offering . • !;
Christi. 511110011.11 zed hilmemery Memorial C,
The Keepeeke OF FNottdOnP " ,
The Antaill44.; 01 , TOkOli of Ressantintneo i j--
The IrsinizCiffering '.._
Wind scBooll Gallery, with' de Eagravings Of Die- '..i.
linstiteh_nl Whigs .. •
The. Token O7Frieddehip t -
The Aided. Keepsake - . - •
Tlesfineor ;Flake -
Gem of the' Weetertt World.
The Oij eat Fount
The Chtlenn.Blossoms
.'the Chnetnis Wham -
The Garland, or Token of Friendship,
teens ir,,the Life of oar Saviour_
- rhe Ladies. Gift
The Forget Ale Not
Tee Lin , of the Wier
The GIN IC token of Frieriftv
Mune Ledlee. of
rl:c holed CI. hitidefathe th• F1e11.4•71 ,
11.17; 'PeeweeMar 1 .
The Wione4 of the Bib*
O. lessioet .Ib. Apostles and Pr eephetsv
The Path. birt9a and Abidien Ply nee of OCT Lots;
ET,6l , Anienell in the Lite of 007 Eastionr.
I.:PliSanN Pilgrim's Progress " • ;
Plera'a Interpreter sad Fort. a F 10194"
1410Ln ht Dann34•6o.l4ny ,
Topper's'Proseitnal Phl'esof ph, •
tints W " /eV neck's Poetical Warta!
epopletc Warbaki Poem*: llealitadon,7hosapeows veasons
P 3th ' t Lifa ' Leafless of MertiorY
Faith end /la rthrts. Poems by Onian •
Munn* of ante " Campbell Poem*
linkspc. hblowi', Poe,. •
PcePelq..Saliwo • Wey of Holiness
Mont , ,,,screere Poems • My :envious !
14., :n tad 1...i0ns Pee. Uellesing
- .alien or Friendship • Feelselltiks ,
Alts Poems. Tarpon, complete wo rks;
Drosrinie Inborn Perap?3ookßenunee Don
Por.ilNecpsate Advice to Yeranclose ,
"Genes:le llenoty _ Boy at Moons Salad, Re
Ono eloixeser lftrlNTNS..
dc. , l 71s Arroyo Bellhop. Fonrth .1
Ottlt. TIDXFS ses Mae.
tg , R....,
- vyT 0.. -Perw Desks. . blahoar.ny Work Boa n end nu
and will h!: .1d low by .
oihred for labs to We city— el l
TOY de—A fins sftonnaent of Toy 800 k. ,..
A nroial r, saaablo for Cbriztaaat sad Nc:'•
Near prrei.ntr, tor C TRAGER
- ' •
E45 - ii;i:iunisTmAs
fIK subscriber res,seetfally informs hisytlherta:
dust nine" that Ns vtoelroi ToysiLudFansir Garrc
qugabb: for the holidays, nolo open, to :Isn ,
ale s. o =l;. No til Nickel IL, up. zinc
ofdv.,slog the largest and cell rplextilld usonaae '
ca tins Picserila, ever Caeted le Cit 7-11!
Po , Ved direct by myself, nod fin sate by -
ete2l:d{t ' . C 'YEAGER.
. . . _
- 11.1,3treeeieed,agreatvoulety Of untrfedt's Dios. `
.( ... „ , .
v, Hosiery, Bemis, I,lltien s, Caps, - ; Coats ,. shin.;
.Ciiieri, Hoods, IdutTr, Boots, ge , " • • ',-,.
Atm4 a lance meek of very superior Palmy Elea?:
Cythertan Cream of . BOsp, clpreuly designed
ladles` use, at No CO Fourth street, •
detS , Plf ATCII.
N 9. idOLASSE9,4llbitsitew glop for nob v %
da , B DakWORTII&
de2l:B4t4p ,