eiTTSKIIGH GAZETTE. - -- rITTbitUR Chn FRIDAY MORNING, DECL• 27 , IMO pica CUT 5.11.71011 tOI SLAT OIL .1011ii.J. ROGGEN. ------ asirstuvaurisau.ate. eavnevuy tense.= to nand to ‘ ,.,...av 0 r. before 6,;l6,, sad ati_early to the d•T • ..„ #Areiks.4lcut , nod tneeTtell tar a el-eal• l o d u me "'Ai .{ivit:. -la OlataPil until onicied out tErv. IL PataillientAteat lor tins paper , at hi. svecal aterteies in Neva' Roth, Philvdelphia iced UnSion, and is stiliosited to receive aubscriptions and advardtwateats fa• az: Mr 1.1111.1.1,1110. NOILIII Araatwn.—Ad•ertiw ments and aubseriptiar. to the North American and t i Uninvi Sta a Gavel., Philadelphia, received and for. warded f oi this rir.e. • Q this tivenrituAlossusseisli --ilubscriptions (or this • Rabin paper, will be received and forward ad from . lace. Darr. AIEMICILIa--Aat.cnoto• .and admin. , Menu . for Oils paper received and rermarded frac shade from this office. • ta . CINCIPMaTI PAII.I lisSllTE—A4•Eltitved and ements arut for thtv paper,. ne recei orwaracd from thU ofEce. Jena MCDONOME—TILI TcvMlLLlOnact New Osceola—We have repeatedly been struck with the fact, that by far the smallest number of the princely relates which have b2e.. amassed in our country, hare been the product of purely commercial or mercantile enterprise. The great. eat fortunes which we can call to maid, lave been the result of the rapid and coon sometimes woos dcrful advance of real estate, in nue around our largo and growing cities. By ler the lancet poi, tient or John Jacob Aster', fatale was the melees. ed vett:me( real seines in New York. The taut was the lict with regard to that or Stephen 01 mud, in t large tierce. And in our own city, look at the vastness of the 011ara property. Bin most emphatically was it et in the wonderful ac cumulation of property in the hands of the gentle man above named, John Menonongh, of Orleans, who recently dud to that ell', leter:eg an estate variously ettimated at trom train fifteen mil lions: It is related of him that he never bought a . high priced lot in the heart of the city lie watched with eagle eye the tendency aid dime !ion of popuWien and improvements in the cob. urban disirictr, which ho bought up in Large or small parcels, sad palleutty wailtil the approach • of improvement and population to realize, or further invest in cheaper and more remote prop erty. le this wry he continued doubling over and inereating his in lots and oat lois as the rasa might be, until his estate became almost countless. The value sod the tree of proputy is sad around these cities, has tong appeared 10 . 11 a to he much below the prospects whiAt are rapidly open ing apse our destinies, by the completion of the great public moan now being constructed to the East end West, from oar cities, and whirl rannot faille restore the line of trade and travel, so ...l onely the the last few years abstracted by the im. provements to the North and South. • Thus once again restored, ,a nets imp wit ber'even both to popnbuion and imprurement, checked to some extenkby lbo adverse It flaeoces tb Which we have alluded shore, and, It We are not greatly mistaken to the signs of the time., we shall find, within the text three or font years.. result which will surprise the most amiguine of one calculators. it le a welt brown fact. , that in • all the leading towns of the West, Cincinnati, Louisville, rad St. Louis, properly is three fold higher than in Plurbtrirgh and its vicinity; whilst wu certainly are inferior in none, but maperfor fn many of the eneraisrelements serenity for the redaction of wealth ILI our midst. It then our sutmmations in regard to the influ ence of the improvements now going ott., glinted be verified to a tithe of the extent we loot foe', we shall aeon witness an advance in rho price of real estate m the cities and suburban districts, quite as great es that now prev•iling to either our western Or eastern cities. --•- - The Governor of Virmale• prop:ammo to hold a National Convention at Ilthirri,o, m settle.the disputes between no North and Satoh, is receiv ed with general condemnation and acrialoo, u the most dangerous and mirebievons scheme broached. Mr. Greed, the Washingtim eyries pendent of the Pmhtie Ledger,retaarksof in “There never was a more damnable scheme against the taloa and the Conationlowelneoeled yet, and It is the duty of every man connte•ed with the press, to at once sound the alarm,and ex p.. its whsle hideout deformity le the humble capacity of • correspondent, I shall yet do my du ty, inv.:lets of Col2Seql.llCre. Ter Lillivinux AND PCHTLAND Casat..,—Anciong tbe most important bills to western interests, in that introduced Into the Senate, by Mr. Benton, providing for the remission of togs es too Oohed States Stock in the Cinsl at the Fab of the Ohio at Innisvit/e, and fbr puichaning the sbaTen of in dividual stockholders, .1.1 _ter mating to free. Ito presenting the bill, Mr. 'Benton mode tome very strong alignments showing the propriety of themeasuro be recommended,' and its vast int portance . to netionitl and especially went ern ioter est& No one, net greatly predediced, cut read hie remarks without being convinced of their force and itutire. He shows that the tolls now exacted are a heavy tax upon Western enmmeie . , —amounting on hosts in the trailo between the cities above the Falls with those below, to the whole price of the boat every two yaws. We trust that Mr. Baotou will be strongly ere. elided, bath ieCongtess end out of It, in his efforts to remove this odious burthen on Western corn rnerec. The navigation of the Ohio shoolo b. free, and dust as much mason can be shown who the General Government rivitild owe this proves:mot, and hold it for the puldie good, as can be shown for the building of Bresk-Wavy. and Light Horse. Caroms en Sousu.s.ur ito ci naua of IS 5 a the county of-Somerset ceatsms '21,713 tuba: , Omit!. le USW, the number of ihhabitaittr , uut LUSO. taaree,e. nII9. The }Swoosh comet. alumulutioo at titio. Ps.ann Heap eitoM Grathicaush io MINTON. —Thin prrtected improvement is to es trod from the head of Sleek Water Navigation on the Youghiogheny, at West Newtoo, 61110•1 the Allegheny ilfaastatne to Cumberlaud, Maryland. We learn from the Somerrt Herald that the plant, are being !Weed every where along the hoe, and that the proapeeta of the road being en fraly completed by the grail of July Veit are Very Mattering indeed. The Herald Bays: "Hannibal crossed the. Alps, boa Tow Seaman . the Allegliemes oh a Plinth lined. The avVetty of • Naha Road over the Alleghenies will draw • iloththada of travet!er• through this way, and this, with the traneportatien that most and will be done ou this route, will put tot io • position which this tztt,prthe atone could do." Fowles Gant Fx.aire.—This noble work our distinguished countryman, now on exhibit: Phdo Hall, is, we are glad to perceive, aura ing,umeh auention. It is in truth • glorious produ , Von, and well worthy of a visit from all who rip.. precious this divine and beautiful art. Hiram Pater is untversally conceded to be the greatest of living scalptoro, and the productions of his chisel have been acknowledged, by the best and severest critics or Europe, as worthy to stood stile by aids with the proudest creations of ancient or modern times.' This statue is decidedly the rArf tatters of Mr. POWeti and wherever it has been exhibited, built in Europe and Amenea, it has attracted crowds of admiring beholders. The subject is a beautiful sod touchingly offeeting one, and eminently calrulated to awaken every' noble emotion of the human heart, white at the won time it er apletely emirate it of every debasing_ and unworthy thought. The most refined •nd delicate taste need tot fear to gaze upon that fare, angelically expressive of auffering and ont ' raged inuocence. As we look upon it, even feeling of our notate is turned into sympathy sad sorrow, at the thought4nal one ad lovely and so pure, should be e.impelied, by tbo unhallowed I customs of her country, to vatted quietly and tin. complainingly to a degraded and inevitable desti. ' uy. As Ass work , oi •rt, it defies eritiertm. "The_ i mould of form" is perfection's self We hope that all who have taste and leisuro will nail them selves of this—the probable only opportunity they dill ever have of viewing this great proiloction of oar connuyaouu and which, if lot no other reason, deserves a visit as • tribute of our admi• - ration for the genius of one who has done so mach to adorn Use character of his country, and to sda—from smog her most humbly born child. rmi—snother immortal name to Fame's proud temple. Dagearast Tata t..—A mom important trial, in the it it Involve.H now geirg en at the Court dictum- Eessinn., I which-tee umount resporivibigtY whit h the., 4ar who maim. waned, or take the hrn o r rawanlowiii'e e• gaged i lacing skiing lie public higkot4i,,, will be ascertained. We eve $ • • „ at city head. The TaTlll—lam.-Clars Itamerks. ; Oa, Wuhington earrUPOOdenVseferi - tOli ti. Ciay'a remarks on the Tariff question, made in the Senate last Monday. Oar reader• will wish to r e ad Idiremsrliii without abterriation, and we ihaus copied them bona the National Intelligences, es below. We earnestly hope that the patriotic and sage suggestions of this famoseieg statesman may be considered, by Congress, in the spirit in which they ere given. If they are, the country will speedily be relieved from the pressure under which it is now suffering. '1::v Slurs; Dec. 29. Mr. Cray. 1 have alto a petit:oa upon the arib• ject of the tariff, limo a number of citizens ot Blair county, in the State of Perineylamis, who repos• tent themselves - to be manufacturers and laborers and others engaged In the cation. vocativaz of life. They mush very moth of the operations of the existing-ma; and are extremely desirous that Seine MOilifiellnUn cliental be.insitle, . as to steam • fair and proper introduction of goods from abroad without abase, arid at the same time ' afford reasonable ptotection to the interu4s tithe CAnntifi. I move that the reading of it be despots sed-wdls, .4 that it be retorted to the Committee ' on Manufactutta. it was so referred. Mr. Clay. I have also a memorial, signed by n very respectable citizen, who is persoteally known to roe, Jobe Timberlake, of Moutieillo, Albemarle comity, in .the State of Vaginin. ills monorail relates also lathe *object of the tariff. lie repro. 'rents that he has engaged near Monticello (the for mer residence of the late Mr. Jefery...lo in art ex• teusive manufacture of cotton, having invested some sixty or seventy thousand dollars in that bu siness; that he has bestowed upon it every atteution, practised every economy, and resorted to all Inca. tares which presented theowelven to him to ren der his businem at least reasonably profitable - lie Mates that under the tariff of 16.12 he mere lard n lair and remunemuve profit upon his capital, not extravagant, but sufficient to enemonge - the birsi• nese ; that under the operation of the tariff of 1546 he to liable and in danger of utterly losing the i whole amount of hit capital, and has been obliged I to &ludas abort one Ina of that hands, and the I other moiety with whiehhe Is al work are labor ing iiiidlr the greatest difficulty. , The memorial is eatreinciy well written. The petitioner is a renal. ole and practical man, and one of high chracter and Mending, as I happen to know personal ly. :tie. President, I wend tithe oceasion to slay that I do hope that now, when there in an apparent (Aimless alit the surface of public adios-soh oh I hope is real, and that owl!' rimain without dl s• lethal' the deliberations Of . ..Cirogress daring the present sess:oo-for one, I should he extremely rlOglited II the subject of the tariff of 1916 could • be taken op In a liberal, hind, and cations , •pirit; noto prwoitU'ectloany ="atC•frot""to!Spirritod's"o'lboirhrot:nton.- try greet established for various c sows, sometimes tee ainister pyrites, but to look deliberately • t the operations of the tit Ti a. Of ISIG, •nd w ahem tbs. turbbig us essential mails : oat, should like a consideration to be gty. to the ,incst.oe ct the Prevention of mods and greatalooe, Of the en. ittenco (If which there can be in tooth , y ,'0nt....- Whether some suitable legislation caner. litho P tor mat ouroedie ought to lie ttelittorately conaidered. We hisould see *beater we csnnol, without fojery,-without 'Prepiiiice ta the general _littered, of the country, pee rime better preti,e• Con to theinasonfacinting ialcear then is now at. lorded. The tact is ye longer &elitist that the Ores are extinguished and,erti. ngurshing dolly in to or. IIICAS of the country. TL; rem is no longer doubtful that the spindles and loom: ere dada Mopping on the corsairs. Whether i• is r t..,:, , ,, renewal this downward merle, and io throw a little spelt at hope and encouragement iota this great iveluswial intermit, without lag ;:sting the country generally, anti without any extravagant . ° of legislation, are questkice, , i think, very well worthy of serions conaideration; and I hope, in the calm which we are alloy:led at present to en- Joy is (elation to other great" iopica. which have as long and so derwerotedy agitated the country, theist some early ppriml, tiering the present no Riot, thii - erninject lain he igkee Gp mid dealt with , in a spirit of kiedr.trs, knit *lnot.i, and unbar, elite. t ' Sir, after having said to drPeti. I move Oise the : memorial be referred to the Committee on Mont nfacturcs, and I ask that it be primed, and that . that...cation be refei red to the proper committee M decide. • The memorial was rietred to the Commutes on Merman:tree, and the question of printing wet referred to this Committee /a Printing. The Paleke laight-9es . .. . . For borne months past. the alleged d•nrovrry of Mr. Paine, of Worcester, Mass.; has been rot down as in arrant imperatire—a.humhug. This aria done of Pm atrength of a belf-conatituted scient'fis.: committert, rho. visited Worcester to Mr. Phibea atienum . and . 4rth,r co foseet;gation, made a report reporliatina r the whoic aksir. ;..itte (LCCOUDIS 11110.6i:faro:sr, revived conk - a:tee in the invention, rmf Mr. Paine Las anve , e.ded In convincing the editorial fraternity of W4recincr, of the reality of his rout Siwovary, 11, . method of making no from rector. The . .., • of the Tribune, Spy and Palladium, toter cano and en been indicted into the accrete of the pruner, and mum out firmbeliarters In the niagnitede and irc Moen.. of the iaocnuon. The Sdo nap “ Ween the parts of the mad., In chub the .aentioe is contained, the hrimes .pd eieciri , den •ere examined, a sufGesent clot- W.. :ced to cedunt tag the effect produced. .The construction of iteec is did-rent from sp threw of the kind berme ki ex n, out bead .a well established pratrlgler.7 The editor of the Roston Chronstype, a genii , .ian _very competent to speak on the leeVey ha, 'so visited Worcester, far the purpose el exam going this famous Hydre.Eieetric Light, and we make the Collooriug rabbi from his acconal of his vom. 'When Mr. Poise's discovery was fiat an. 'Jounced, While we coneded ha importance, real, we expreved great o distrust of it (rpm the comae: of at announcement... From the succeed • Dr publications of those who, professed to know something of it, and from them of Mr. Paine him. self, our distrust was Increased, sod in fad willed down into pretty determined she stint:a, which was confirmed brae report of a certain ...a.m. tide committee." lc deed, we entertakied a much more decided opinion against it, than wo ever foiled OC-C.lOO to expres. Het we have tern for outsell, and find that we I nye done Mr. Paine very great—ihoush not inmutionel--injustice. Aod we can hardly find words to express our nor pose et the seinuifie report which we' pertly, the cause of our doisrg no. • • 17rie operation, an we eaw it. was es clear and clinching tOdernonsiraiioo as we ever witnessed, in the range of chemical mance. There was rapid and abundant evolution of gas from the water in Meier, with which nothing, whatever, ereornut leated. 1,••e two Oat stripe et copper and the small tube which terminated in the let or her. tier, neutron any possible connection with soy ihiog between the jar of water and the burner, save the spirits of tarp (,line contained in each. no smaller glass jar. The electric apparatus hr• log put in motion. as tomb as the air Over the water bad been expelled, sod the exit wan Opted, the pretence over the. Water drove the gee tepidly through the spirits ot turpentine, end the Jet be hood it being beim}, burned freely and with a high illeurinnieg power—mrd ashamed to be sent in day light. A jet attanhed to the Ind. b e tween th, jar ol waterand of spirit@ of terpeaine Wan ripened and lighted, and we mw the ut mataira. hie dame of hydrogen, seArcely viwtile by day tight. This pure hydrogen wee the gas evolsed from the water, and could not possibly have come from the tupentme, for the current was all the while flowing through the spirits of turpentine— and beside, how conic the spiels of itirpentioc possibly give an illuminating dame en one side and an. Invisible flame on the other 1 o a a Mr. Pane showed to every part or his apparatus, Melt ding his peculiar harem and dedrode, not shown to the scientific men be rme mentioned. We ere oot at liberty to explain to our readers the peculiarity of their ami crne tioo, nutria it to say, that they eloridated the sole ject very much to our mind, and eliiihrd the din errer, with a leentifie intetest even AllipellOT to Uneconomical and practical (lees. Thu natanr, sod the only prisrible meant, by .orltioh Mr. Pint exerts an agency upon the Water through the copper ribboori, is a tort of t Iretrns megnetic condenser, ao imaument dlifnen hem those manufactured by the elertro lamina, in strument makers in this City,i nly'in the interior construction of its revolving helices.. It console of two ants of combinmiona of large permacert horse shoe magnets. parallel and °peeing in the unto direction. bellieen the police of which a pair of helices are made to revolve horizontally, There is no galvanic be voltaic ac inn in the case, nod no entente whitever on the he lees but of the slight mechanical force which is uecessary to give them • moderately rapid revolution, they meeting, no reisteurst but that of the common pivot and the a ffec tb Of their poles upon metallic does to the 11111.1,e11h1,10 dairharge. lint Me (POW. a this simple arrangement to end ve Mr, trinity is treme ed.,. The electrical forte cern. pared with the eneebanic•l cause, i• like that of the rush of water which carries the Wheel of a ' great Celt. 11,0 r, compared With the cam of a child who may hoist Me gar. * 0 5 Un the whole, therefore, we ton confident that Mr. Paine hes discovered the menus of produeirg an ter:- pensive light of the purest and most eileierli bee lg. And ante than that, we believe be hm opened a new and vast Held in science. When we loin, such testimony (tom competent and impartial Meo, we are led to hope that there may indeed kg At come out of the rfarimen and Myrtle', Wide has no long involved the ejleged discovery. e confess we feel a very Treat M. latest In the m tter, tie M do most Moor eltizem, , litho price of common gas Is a powerful stimulus to (tads* to melt fur mine cheaper mode of tot rt. lig Mediate - day. I .I.,, e xte /team Boat Blaaiter. 'Thy NeW. lean papers come to Unfilled with details of the, distraction of the steamer Angle NOMMB, on the 13th inst. The boat wit • now,, low pressure tow boat, built In New Orleans, and Ike Mewls had turned out in large numbats t4the trial trip of a boat entirely constructed In heir own city. Doting dinner, in the after n o, the boiler exploded with • tremendous fords, 1,,,,, b leg portions of the deck and atacktnery fair. ty out of sag, and definite • item:lotion all around ft. - Maul were blown into the river and meta , picked up by the steamer Idaniope, which also irescued those who remain of on the wreck. Oi those immediately lulled, Capt. Junius Beebe ...ems to have been most lamented. We give the names of all reported. Capt. Junto. Beebe, Charles Perry, reporter of the N. 0. Bulletin; Alfred Stilhnee, d the N. Y. Neat:lts Works; Stephen N. kitn, firot.engine wh er S. C. Stoma, or N. Y., and several others, ose names are not known. Richard NeNon, pl'ot, badly ; Philip Brady, mate. *lightly; C. C. Wiliam.. slightly; Cept. John P. Sancti, kg fractured; Nathan Jarvia; isevercly; Stephen Jarvis, hi, brother, severely; J. W. An drews, severely, but not dangerously resided ; J. J. Day, of Slark, Day, Stauffer & Co .shgbtly ; Mr. Signy, of the Delta. slightly; Mr. )(wad, of the Creel cent, ling htly ; Mr. Ryan, of the Orkanian. slightly ; Henry Lathrop, slightly; James McDade, dehk hand, slightly ; Hall, slightly ; apprentice of Mr. Leads, slightly; Capt. Minable, kg badly broken, since reported emaciated ; J. L. Warner, firm of J. L. Warner & Co., badly injured ; -- Stillman, brother of Alfred Stillman, slightly ; Wm. Elton, badly ; lota% Taylor, slightly; Whart morn . slightly Thayer, Sr., do. ,• Captain Thome. co, of the ship in.ou badly , cook End three colored firemen, L d ad d y J ; ohn Wilacin, deck hand, at the charity hospital, badly. will moo er ; J. O. Pearson, slightly; Mr. Garland, Second Motocipality Treasurer, slightly. No cause Is assigned for this terrible calamity. The espionion vas the most ieirific on record.— On examinants t ithe hull, after the accident, the Picarme tam that of the immolate boiler, weigh. leg many toot, not I particle remains—not a wisp targets a band, not • nail or spike or rivet, or any thing which was attached to the boiler, it to be found. The stupendous rows of metal was tarn out bodily, and whirled to the sir like a toy. No pieces have been discovered i the whole pot• de oils body lies together in toe bottom ol the hits tiesippi. One who WO its fl ght describes it as hardly larger to hit eye than a blithe' when it shot up, but when it fell the concussion and rouse. noent whirlpool would, to his thought, have en. al:lobed more than one ateamboat, had it reached Item. 00 ii . ~L v i h . il v a: u 7 h . Z 4 .13: e b_er has been le Fltoll WA6IIIIIOTOA Corirrpowlenee of the rlitsburyh Gazette. D: r. 21, 1520. quiet gill] reigning--booth C•rollna settling down Governor's mew•ge— blieotion of Eltnator --Appropriation for the Pittsburgh Cv•toto President's loves—Mr. and Dies. PIG more and family. Nettling doing here either above or below Me sum fate I have never known Me paiitteal eleasests se psrfectly placid as There comes ic us once in • while is warm reply, t from the t+outh, that se• trastm up oar NOrtileTtl phlegm •nd to keep on i.e qui wive the mereurtal tempera ments or out itouth ern brethren. The sew dignitary, Oovernor Means, of Sor.h Carolina, has delivered•• Bu t e bemti and rs,tibrasac Insegural address, which ree 10C Ci 113131.1. at absurdity—orb.. for example, teem. mote comical than the folloverak pile et ineonirminns imag F ery u4ltc upinton in the Free Purrs m shown to th• undtanien public. sentiment of the Nutth—• public 'en time.% whore tenthly wee ea f r lb. dash Len peon have t een [nosing lustier and higher, aing their foaming cf.:ars against our very e•fratoh but beret, lora breaking •tits feet. These enqrsny waves. warm ed by no setae' sunbeamof IttleantlV• are last IT coeueg frozen into • solidroamt. and soon must Crone hits beta,. n”abry •welenels, tern trel iv , hint bill t , erech and bury us beneath thril emelt ^ frnvernor Plains is wnoble of the ritltcalc whlcl 1 ton 11•1"0211 grand.roguento •nd braggart pneterisso Cl the pu bl ic character of that :` tote I,ro I rough erizat her citizen, and yet presses the winged trio still deeper tri'D the wound by such ',manage • thts—* know that by many abnmd, who cannel appre ei a. Its ebatocrie, or at, en lour al tone. e. Leed sneered at ay it. on &rennin oi we ha the 'as prif.e we feel in our balder d State. Yet he who loot u, . that State one his aur•sog mother who, with nit taliii e is cling so her dastinic through ser•l u•svell ar, -la mkt ashamed . tu thank in hal his let hes been cast amongst her et afro hes/ sip,on: sons. and that li•r plains tor ta .14 at i. boar blo.noi whlih aro clustered th e deer, r. 4 or his hean's &Whiny te liartivrell Rhett has been titled Senator in pew. o air Uartiosell; who tempo:l,lly supplied the mean .y ocelialoned by the drain of lie kilmore sucees.r . t 0 John C I believe the term i which tic has ti o en elecf..l eon:Lines to mush the present and the next cat-ree• ...proioutiel. When • cucumber el the llon• 0 , I ;hearth Toni or. aile m ost ost comsent and ingebious men mai the c.c.: , lbnsiiLl ofat who man, erect.... denouncing he aod tiuriaring it to be hot ob. jee l and wish to sheet dieulititlo•l,ls ,l44 trru tio , pi. mg the station of representative or his Mate in the roar,ls of that eery Umetr . We cannot avoid the , colielcuOn alai he entered upon that agitation for tin , erpr• s , ;intense of seiln.ne the seat he has attained . i I am uosible to I,lcekTe bow he can hnid It ratthor 4,1,0n0r tre , ore entering upon it, he swears be sanphrt the contintatims, which ineleder the in'aih.r..sqe,- of the Union. He cannot take th is oath sei,out `Li nt tile its (Orr: declarations and owns,. plea If he does 'take it With ito inenu“ rneesstinn of admenor to n, he i• f.n.worn, Pot we , must Ina ihn h .clion of Mr. Rheanumb!, light. It is a ot•derk that an all her other arta, South Carolina ho. been pinyini the ilet pir It it Inconswlent with any Intention rf lorietng the Unnith It gives the he to all threats of such • purpose. I lea n with great ple•sure. that by daternilned ek e..., Mr. Hampton has ureeede4l in practiring the consent of the Committee Way. lard hleans,of which he laein., to insert in the general appropriation Ldl ukk irem of fifty qmonssod smilers for a Comma 'louse and o Ike , 6.krernment offices, in Pinaburgh heed be bud of ibis necensity for this type since. It la writ known 1.1 the °overeat hen long be, paylng, In Ihitibilligh to two th san ts dollars a year tor IVO of -00bIle otter fine (sr striate prove Om necessitrior the cope' dile. will all I:a laid before Cong.., arid I have no doubt that it vein go through. The levee: Ppe Prciident's, night, 1••8 eiowded and aireeablo gyserriblare Mere ie • -bereft in the deportmcnt and 'eons eeeee ion of Mr Fillmore which I. remarked by all who come to Inierconnhe All know the influence which engaging anJ winning Manners al Rya tier. on potbite etrair• To tote pun fMt Fillmore Is no doubt in some degree owing the admitted papule., oPresidentf tils Ramiro. :lOW, Ti ledy ( t h e e dughter of ibe also received the le gue.ts a evening with a grower.' oda Linty that left • pleasant impression on their cu of ln the ds, MuFillmnre is probably nut far frOrrl tha lige k Presideht, while their slaughter has not yet, I should suppose, seen her er rse!, slaughter kliliard Fill ;more. It , priv•ic Fl., of the • resident, belongs to that close. who, wi-k ludgment and capactiry In hear • 0 h0n0r.... mist nul,be dales, never of shore' / a bandon 'hr quieter parsons sir private life. lie hint, h o wever, fielded to the 1,101rilal:lotill 0( his father, to ...dr hie labminUil dotes 11111101 LtiOng Ilia el, fidennal blallolt as -o,e , ted to hit The IV bile Moose watt never occupied lir • fisanly more desere• &rig like respect an d a11:1en.... The east 1,.(11 roonk. as usu•l. 'brown open, runt was thronged until a te boar pay `L wior comp.ceous among the. who called to pay thei respects • to the head or the Unverninent. lie m e ths obi.cl of eeaselcar arten tom thrO4l.l the evening, and entared into eon yerantion with hit ifiends, and returned their compli witti item cordiality and urbanity whieh heel distinguithed Mei thcough life. /owns. WAsomotoo, De'. 22d, *O5O. The, Patent t. .—A MU to Logan: Piseey. To the same clam of legialatlen as that ter the reducuou of postage belongs the bill now pending in the Senate., for the amendment, or at least the modification, of our patent lawn. It re l ets to the business interests of the country, and is connect. ed whh the practical and milltorian pan al oar public policy, a branch of proceeding which fills tithes space in Congressional record. for acme years past. I have not yet been able to examine tile bill and ernendmeota reported by the Patent Committee, and discussed with musatkable ability , sy (Inc. Seward and Col. Jett'. Dam. on One able,l and by Mr. Tumey, Chairman of the GOintnillt on the other, last.week, but I have read the debt, with attention, and it appears to me one of th meal extraordieery and obJectionable meaturCii ,iter introduced into Conned.. Under the patent laws of every cottony them exist three great par. tie.: the Weenier. and patentees, the pleura upon then rights, and the pubic Such is the perverslr ty and iielftsbned of human nature, that the lant party, the pnblie, almost tudvenially look_opon th fiat, the inventors, as their oppressor. and noun I enemies, and the depredators upon the ruhts f there l evee:era, as their beat Uremia and tam Now the truth it, the originators of patent ng t inventions, the de enverers and Improvers adorn . ° and art, end In the application of known principle. and elements to useful purporw., are the presien beriefitelOta el roankind,and Mutilate props of that mynas:ion which terms the so well pndc and glory of Out time& No other clams deerves the fosteng care and enerous anent:, ag m ment et the nov ri crumeat and g tnet people, and tone need it so much. Men of inventive genie. ore proverbially and almost universally negligent sod improvident. Accordingly, in our own Oen. atittiliOn, than este Flaubert. specially referred to and provided for. And yet the protection which the law* tote nal to afford them, a •ails them little. The depredators upon the fruits of their ingenuity have ith them generally the sympathies of the community. Patent property in considered • sort of common in which Unnettiptilotill speculators may tango at will—Very low men who In Unr countty have pro. domed really great and important immurement", or original invention. by which labor la 'clamed, and the wealth of the -reentry developed, and the comfort of the people increased; have realised any reward whatever for the benefit' emfetted by them upon their countrymen. It M well Intern that Whitney was robbed and swindled of the pro,' tits of his rotten gin, and t.) tie eternal disgrace of the South, almost torn to pieces, bemuse he at. tempted to mort bat rights at law, In States which were reaping millions every yea? from his mil and getuns. He Bed In poverty. Evert Woodworth, inventor at the planing machine, papule/1y herpes• e 4? to be the most profitable patent ever obtained, died almost pentillen, and It is doubtful Whether his he, who • hate .pont SI ra,ooo in litigating their rights, have more than get their money back. Litigation, and the uncertainty of Judicial investis nation under the patent later, are the grievances under which most patentees are crushed. The Ftentent their inventions ate found to be valuable, the pirates settle upon it like einzmornts upon the I 321—A Study from Nature, 1... Island,T. Doughty I He started for came; not with • yen/ light I eart, I stricken deer, end by :he time they are driven off, John. O. Cramp, Marietta. O. _.. I' , g....., butly wi h • very Tot pair of ' Or Usual!! bane, the twenty years or minors. . .324—Lsodectape, W. M. Oddio. E. McFall, in, sprcacibl“.—Phtlaele/phicroinryw ntrs. right have er.pired, or the patentee dies. their Metwield, O. children may reek in vam for that juatice which „11.,.a 3 % — „, , Tpri:ns" Digger, A. ChAPPL.I. ' Fa' G. was denied their parent 396—The Monarch of the Herd, T. H. Hincley. The bill I have spoken of provides, among oth- J Ladongh, Detroit. er things, that when a patentee brings suit against • 130 __ Loko si rocco , H . y. m e m. miss A. Law, theviotator of hine potent rights, the defendant' Vincennes, Lid. may sue out a intro furor., upon which shall be 146—Solitude in the Mountains. D. W. C. 1.30 u• tried the quentin of the validity of the patent; t o o. D r. m. sh e ppard,lll. and upon the torrent nrenann of an action na thin 193._.f1, Homing C,stle, Moonlight, C. P.Cmnch form. all proOree-lare in the patentee's suit must . 1 . F . D o l e G in ., 0. be suspended u...:1 tile decision of the' reirefattna• 163—Den Venue from Kirkenbrook, Higkdan do, ds The effeet of ibis would be to sweep away all of Scotland, W. K. Miller. S Lindsey, Tole patent properly et a breath; and that, no doubt, is 0. the Intention of the moverit in this most remmka• 183—En Diehabile, J. Ames. Jas. M. Gaylord, ble attempt to abolish the present natern. There Donaldaville, 0. are tunny other points in this hill which dowry° 110—The Fisherman,S. Eastman. Mra. Sedton. consideration, but I can dwell upon it no tenger. stall, Chicago. It IN very apparcui tlint Torun has not the caps. 197—The Departure of Roger, O. W. F . itee . 1 1 .. city to coot. wish ti.e ei rotunda of the pmject, and Norristown Hoee Compeny, N orris t own , e y th a t ti i e ' , hem,. si It have in yield to the substitute prevented by Col Devi, or to amendments to be eeubuntiod by otter?, toot will completely evisce. rate it. I think the effect of drawing public at. trotter to this Important subject, will be snob • re.erganizetion of the patent r Mee, so greatly to raise the el:inviter of the authority under which patents are issued in the United Stales, and con. acquently to brow t venter safe guards against such as are granted. The commissioner of the patent office ooh tit to been eminently learned sad practical men, and if it ,s impossible to get such •u One Ca a auto , knowledge of law to make hint a empetenti arbiter in application and oilier comes I ,volvlng Iho principles of law Drat must crone l .raor loin, an It is almost eettslis that there can not then he tont have at least Iwo ass arke3alea, we literal saries. and Mgt, judicial 1. 1 powers. T: sa.r ties snails examiners, as well as lilt • stand it of their qualifications, most also be raised. think that plan will, in the end , be adopted. Rio gh it is dotibutd whether any final action will Idol tins wintel, Junin. .1 Ws...morns, Dee. 23, IEI3O. Qtr. Clay a the . T•rilf —Mr. Beaton and the Le a evil.- and:Portland Canal— Whealtrag Bridge Casa. ~ Agate we rest limn our taboret. Both Hr lnca; have arty. re , over Tuesdey end Wedeeaday,! until the 26 , to Or •., that lane members may pro perly celsbr to the festivities el Chnattnat. They Hobo: pa.e 41, to day, Mr. String't lull, remaining a ayetem of tura ano regn'attono on taking teat:- molly in es se Ili 1 . ..111 -. •.04i election, better adapt. ea i„ eap ire .11 , -1.ii , 0. than the mode now I praetwel up in. It is. uto In: nerontu, Rod plats I od tip a Mon 0....10rhy. In the Se ate Mr. Cisv presented a mainly of 3.1111003 at onenvirielY, 1 0.11 Iliekutood, Virgint•,l end e l•ewhyre,linr ea.,a u elbdthelttlan 01 the eV 1 . . . g ue,4,/ IOW. no w.. 1 afford adequate prole, I ttoo to n .1.4. - . ,,. Mmisnv. In aebruittiog these pa l m's, fit i. 17'..v SPA shot the. conntry, now, for ! ineately, o.l•ys a. pefivol of repose and romps ra. I line elentstwki Iron. 1.01 , a-al rlelleMoOL He' hoped thr desirable and nnusind rondo:on of themgo wophl he .0.pr0v...11.: wine th e Important l guano , . ol the tot ti. lie etid nOt Wish the IrPpO• I t/ - k shioo ,d . . reov-mah , e 1,01 rates of Miner, bnt.l he thong , ti.•• rc ess,on was n ` good one lo do •Ornelhlng ler the , orlering .nt:utry of the coon. try. The •pern were teetered to the committee OS mono mores. The retnarlau of Mr. Clay I were el. erterten•O by great moderation, and were 1 received Ph such get. 1,1 approval Os 10 warrant the hest .over thal some practlcsi and • fatten( plan. for he r 1,4 , n el home maonfaeturea, will be au Omit.% VISI .11 meet with the support' of • deet.l -il new. tip of th. bowel% of Centres , . Mr. B• ton in . ...neon:a h. promised bat tor the , purchase ant the Icanutville end Portland canal.— ! Ho flask of t he fl are...amebic burdens imposed upon we ere commerce by tiptop tolls egfieted foe the P.' 't• of lost. through this wrok. The auto won lied to be neer, sare,lor the purchase of the ,nal, RR cuff 11:1' , 0,000, whir', ought be saved hp a •:. teem reareuchmente of the inoes drone et re twee( the coast at rvey, saheb he con. tenaml ought to In, performed by the ewers of the navy. Thefilkopinyment !i une? persun• op. on li, WO o enel.s , mo that the rat roe. on that departmeet tee , In.•ompelent ID :itenorge Mutes that we, rerpOre , of those in the Britsh Dewy. Mr. Dame. el Mts.., defended the Meg aurvey and the envy, and opposed the purchase Cl the ...nal. Ito ova he m. 0.. In favor of graotiog It oh Mettle lerre. to .cute. ay'. and ;leaving 4 0 be I managed by Slate ofikers. The hid arse doly en-1 feeßd. Ii relerreee to this movement, of Mr.! Seaton. it in to to. en nestle hoped that it will noes I ceed it le title 010110 s Ihlt tell, it one of those work. wh thoulti h.• in grivalc hands Of Under lll hlo ca.1t,.1 of sof e•ther ono State. The porrbsse orlabt In be ri,a, ,, ot 4.ree, if it rat be tittered al • asal. , rate, eel It Cat !Meth. T etruti, of Orate" ,pI,• • s • •. : .t I, me to, Withont firuher 'delay, on the N•w Al 4, y a.4!e ; where, in fact the w al: nevh• to hove t .en t *routed in the first shire. The S'orvori.t.i vn.l Ohio are treat ea t:arta; high real o, nvti otA,.;ht to le kept free and Open,. Pile, al the um•onal expente• Jrltei. eV men 14 , ieve that It Ind.,na hersell would make the r. qou - r <I improvement, the government would by comp , : cd, to all defeoce, to take it of' her hands m 0 r.a..ed premium uson the cast. Coder a less meet , orremaity tke UniteiStatoa, lan: t,eree..n. ',ft , . e ! , ..rut omit of laniletar the •astro..i vn r.ro.. _roues. the fall•of Gt. Ma r, a bone.. iu :al,. a..p.a.. a cud humn. No cue who boo 1.,..n Li , tt.ne,l ler hears in the Malaita canal. vie et p• re I (~.t!neee.scly of char:COE vessela Si 1, ,, t‘5 , t11 , , ran have failed to Ito Iw. ..pro•sod w.th the etas:wet', policy tithe gnvern• 1 men% in not howled mode the canal of andlerant I capacity for the Mrger boat°, as well at With the 1 teansnee whet', the ormient inadequate ennritiona 1 for the novel and deeent cf vetisch inflaill upon ' 1 Lwes a w t. cue , eon eel.Pririn wash ono of the coons I el In the %Vied.oe hedge cat.", I was 'aerated 1 I i at the close weihd be heard it this amnion, and I ' 1 at a decree wo•tld t.r oleaMed bet ire Illjnltrn 1 e. 1,. • It is h•hr.ved 'het the Ilr.etin "Is band ” ' I •ponp or eon.- tovn 1 treitovo the were..? 0 he Interior nel retain• hlt:pleccita counsel lo the Mae for the cnni • I Lilo the coon. ofpany. a sperek to day, open • bill for l settling privet lona claims in Callfornai. Dr. Drain stated. the two/anoint fart, that the probable amount of Mem. at n reasonable valuation !tribe lands involved, Wee OM] hundred millions of del lo*. Imam. I , HOPI ISNiW YORK Correspon tense of tees Pittsburgh lit: NEW Yuan, Dee. 21 The fortnights' Inter news from Californiateemv. id yesterday by the Cherokee, at this port, has ringed mane a trendy circle here, into grief and connate. There hail burn ill aloog no tittle ha irless OS to the roger, of the cholera there, eis nee last antes, hut nobody expected the mortality hart, in one ...toe. almost blacken., the "Alta lifornik., - . .l-e -”,arer Times," the "Pet ite 1.,, w.," the "tititi.bOtierilo Times," and other to wood. in the New `:nit New Yorkereseein to h „ ,„fr„rd l i , i by enow i li. nut li e West amt NOW E Sind have m ade by tar ihe gratest sacrifice to k t lk , ~,,... siv,trh...,yeeran,,l,lii;:v,olielosie,:e.e.r.s:rd, awnidthdisemvectrafiln.ol ii n Fratirowo, foil nil •tlrry to add that their espies , a. to the decline of die acres° all widely duff • nt from those espie-oid in The newspaper, Bad ws, all this, rind not iii lic rounterhalanced with , no it i ons o f gold Olio rind bullion on hoard. Hon. Seeretary Webster, and the Mt, h Munr or, Mr 'hewer, bane ieligmplied from Washing - t n, to this city. to day. that tinny will be present at i le aniversary dinner of the New England Sock-. i, to l ie driven 01 the Astor I toter:, on Monday es ntag. Boodes thswc diziinguished gentlemen, here will he present sundry oilier tears of leaser magnitude, all rmaributing to make, What is likely to be, the most brdliont re,nnion of New England. 'et. oVer witnessed hi New York A curious Ina. suit in lost now midergoing , a trial before th e Court of common Pleas herr, ai;..l one that attract. a very genet attention. Mr. mel Howard, the landlord of the Irving Hotel, In Broad way, contracted with one Edward Loughman_ for the delivery et milt at his hotel, for the petted of 8 month.. Said milk we. to be from cows fed on hay, pan e . ad rotas, and grain—in other word. perfect ly e Howard, nfier trying the article for a week, found its quality so bad that his boarders could not use it, and hence the contract was brok en. Longhman now rues to recover the value of the connect, the Name as if it hod' been complied obit--laytng his dransges nt MO 1 ). Defendant brings for ward &alas aid chemists, who have anal., rod dal min:, to prover that tt .111,1 hula better than rank poison. The complainant k e eps about WOO cows, to %tolls, somewhere' in the upper part of the city, Peeling them exclusively on hot distillery sliirs, which ling the ellen to increase iho quantity of Volk, but to detiorate its quality. These COVIN were proved to be almost constantly rPscased—so much so that their teeth would often !di out. Kamm. - le the open air they never hail. and were never fed upon lin, or go tt a, or g ram of any kind. From Mew stales, it is also shown nearly one third of the milk consumed in the city is supplied. I. it any wonder that so many chil dren die among ns every argot „seeing that these siatenicnth ore 1011 rue ' ' Thi• jud g e has given no derision in the case 001, hie no detail it will be a• gains' the complainant H o ubtleiss ere this the telegraph has conveyed to Ptusburgh the main fenturcsof the drawings of the Art Union, tart oVentlig—hut let me odd a few par tienlarn which the !inhaling line may not hove stop 'tin to trnomnit. The reet mt. of the Institution, fur gear, atitoluiri'il to tbri,ltla SO, offsetting die 1 ureement. to on eipsil amount. Thy following are the ofieers riveted tor the evening year:-.4Wm. J. Hoppto,Charies , 1' Daly. A. hi. t:orzena, J. P. Kidner, M U itole-rt., N .Inrvis, Jr., and P.A. Cie, Herr , a lot of the. panes which interest persons in your part of the country 0, Sarin Discovered, Packer. C. fd.Oldl, Circleville, Ohm. ti—Firer Love, J. 'l' Pet. it Dickey, Ohio. i 26--Plownre nod the 110 et, T. P. Rosner. Dr.' Jos. Angel, Brookville, Oh u. 31—HicepincChild, A. It uherford. Mrs. Earner, Janesville, Mich. , 511—Sylenn Lake, Green Wood, It. Oignoux. C. 4,.. 'Holland, Cincinnati. ') IS--Rend of Cayuga Lake, N 1. haulage Ch i. A. Commis, St. Clair, hitch. 120--The Armorer, , J. W. 0 arag7 --- J1 H. WoOdi Moots 3.5—0 n the Delnwarent Cochocton, S. R.GMbrd. Dr Wet Weddle, Chilleothe, Uhto. 131-1.4.1,,,,r, wm . , hi. odd. Wm. H. IDoin inick, Cincinnati. 1 ' 6T—Apturimal Scenery, It. Ctiguotrx. Perci vat, Ohio. , 16—Cinderella, A. Itotherford. E. Van Tinter,' plyhoga Palls, Ohio. ' i n—Launbcapo, D. W. C. Boutelle. B. ,atter• line. Cie. 99--The Young Student, Walter Libby. \J. S. Mooney, N. Y. 119--TheQuiet Nook, J. It. Wate i rson. i Mc- Bride, 0. ITl—Lendseapc, W. Al. Otlie. J. IL Hirsch, Geitysbutah, Pu. 316—Itival Suitors, J. W. Glass. Geo. Stine. meta, Norristown, Pa. 317—Landscape, Moonlight, It. Zahner. J. W. Brown, Danville, by Tama. 200—Bacharer h on the Rhine, C. Gildemeister. H. A. Shipley, Cm., Ohio. 214—Landscape, IL G. Lenorl. Wm. N. Comp ton, Detroit 215—A Child's Passage to Paradise, J. T. Peale. A.A. Rush, London, 0. 217—View on Esopus Creek, New York, A. B. Dumod.o the Mrs. J. Brough, Madison, Ind. 22.1-0 Wing, W. Rariney. .I. Broadhead, -Philadelphia. 233—View near Clarendon, Vt., F. E. Church. R. 0. Stone, Plattsburgh, N. Y. 2sll-0. M. Carpenter, Memphis, Tenn. Tb- Indian's Hunting Ground, H. J. Brent. 21—Wm. H. Bell, Harrisburgh, Pa. Swis Water Fall, F. T. Palmer. Wl—lndian Hunter choosing an Arrow. [Bronx. Statuette.[ H. K. Brown. 1). P. Ray, Nashville Tenn. 310—Sketch, 0. H. Bruckner. M. Culbertson, Maysville, Ky. 44d—The Atlantic Steamer coming Millen...nth. Miss Van Tronk, Lancaster, 0. E. A decided step has at length been taken, look ing to the Municipal union of the three clues, New York, Brooklyn, and Williantsburgh. The Joint Committee delegated byeach Corporation, have a• greed to mbar% the question to the people, at the neat general election. If a majority declare in fa vor of the measure, a provisional committee stand ready to conclude the ' , marriage ceremony." Western State Stocks have been quite active in our market the ley, days past. It is raid in Wall Street that o large amount were pent out by the Artie to4FLyZior foreign Investment. The current prices of Ohio d's '66, are 106a10614; tor thosedue m isso, 1092109 1.2 - in 1870, 1121113. Large wiles of Illinois Infernal improvement Stock have been made at Mani. Indiana State :I'll are held at Sla- Mt, Penn. Horde 93 71 dafP.S. The money marker, has tweii rather favorably in. Ipenced by the lunge ammo,t of gold dart received by the Cherokee, yreiterday. First clam, Mon notes end aereplanem bill per cent. per ovum, do. long 70' 12. Aialoitreen s €per lac :per c . . Other names, less known 10a l 2 per rent.; lama on l demand hal per runt. t Cotton has hero selling for the peat two days at a alight ad Tanen on the pm.e quoted to my last. lgm to grand ordinary Florida 411012 k; middling fair to fare I3c; do. Oulf porta 1401141. Floor and Meal continue in good reques . . The sto;lr luting pow to u,tly stored, and l good epees ulative demand existing, peers have advanced' 61 0.124 t par bbl. slea 90,000 Ws at $4 674 fur um . ... Slate, 114 Slk fur mixed Wisconsin, and *LOOS 011 or Sitaight Michigan sod loi4ano, Ohio $6.3105 f ,7 5 , extra Genesee, 00,62. Jetscy Corn Meal 112,90033, cash: Wheat is hiaber. 8111101 prime mixed White Ohio at 1080100", prime Genesee 1/2/e; whim Canada 113. Ity. 1810710. Oats 46406170.- 0,, t 0 ~ 6,406:t • by hew tonna! Northern yellow. Pr...lona—Qom PTE. Pork a selling at 119;75 an hl: Meal is Is gh•r. 2600 old 0010 stud at $12670013., Country men B-ef 'Sahli) City 29.20. Otis Urd '7l, Drer.eil hogs 210510 r lion is beta Si a alight invostement. Saks 600 • lona 11 truherrle p•g et 119X0110./0- E 281106 t Bars 9:1750, 4 mot.. • Ashen 011 at $2,0005,2005:15 for hod, aorta. I Whiskey is firm Prawn at 261026); Im , eg. Srcerar.. The Anglo awe. Britain Vuoi frequently been denominated the mo ther of nattong Whatever may er Ile I this uppellatim, nothing is More evident h d and true n arm the fact Ilan her island has been the laboratory of n rum mural:tibia race, in which nearly all the race. that peopled Europe, from the Roman to the Nor . man conquest, were combined. All that to vigor. • our in the Celt, the Saxon, the Scandinavian, and Norman, awe all ntworberl in what we call the An• glo Saxon race, and when the enlTlhriraliner was evraplete on the Inland 01 Great Itratm, n new world was dire:feet.) as it it were her rrpegisy. ihl apaneron of that mighty race As an integration of .roc .it it. phisien is estimated that it ptpulation dottier. g.elf in 35 yearn, while that of Germany doubt, it-ell ill 70.-of klolland in 100: Simon KC Indy le 135; at France in 114 ; I Ileum:al in 238; and that of Turkey in 14t When one of two vessels creamed the ocean, nod planted tenoned them a long thee:mat of North AIMICriC4 a few germs of that nice, its whole population in the Old World did net exceed .if minium England, Wale...ad Scot land numbering fewer inhabitants than New York, ISnattsylvoiris and Ohio do now. Hardly two coo. tune. and a half' hare elapsed store that epoch, nod now there arc et.teett twenty are 11“11.4,1* of that race in North Americo and its adjacent ishuids, or a number exceeding the whole population of Oreat Britstrt. In 1020, the Anglo Salon race numb red ahout 6.000000, and wa. coati:Led to England,Seotiand, and Wales, sad the combination of which it is I the result, wan not more than half perfected, for neither Wale. tuo Scotland wa more than half Saxeinised at the time. Now It numbers GO 000 ; ' 000 human leingt, planted upon all the islands and continents of the earth, and increasing every where by intend ratio of progrestion. It is bat abaorbing the aluygish races of barbarous DAMS of men that occupied the continents of Amer cr, Af rica, Asia, and the islands tf the eta, Sic it girdling them from year to year with its vigorous plantations. If no great physical revolution in Wynne, to uhect its propagation, it will number' 1600,000,000 of human beings in teen than 150 years from the present time—all speakiag the' time tannage, centred to the none literatitre and relinn, and exhibiting ad tin inherent and I and inalienable characteristic. Thus the population of the earth is fast becoming I Anglo Sarenesed by blood. But the English lan- I guage is more expansive and aggressive than' the blood of that race. When a community he gins to speak and read the English langnage, tl ls half Simonized, even if net a dropof Anglo Saxon blood runs In us vein. Ireland was never colo. I abed (rem England, like North America or Auto tali. but nearly the whole of Its seven or eight I Millions already speak the English language, I which it the preparatory state of being entirely abamb. d in the Anglo Saxon race, at one of the I most vxmons and useful element.. Every where the English language is gaining titian the !arm, gel of the earth, nail preparing those who speak lifer the aboaruilon. The young ge e et .iiou of the East ladies is learning tt, and It it probable that within thy years, 25 000,000 of human beings of the Mielr rare will speak the langesge of that continent. So nn in the United States. Ahout 10,000 immigrant. trout Gcreminy, and other cottnirtea of continental Europe ' are smelt gin this creepy VIM year. Pt itiapt rimy C• 111101 speak a word el English when they firm land on our shores,brit in Om course of a few years. they minter our language to acme extent- Thcit hhil. dren alt upon the .01t hearties in 001' vosiptoe schools with thole of our native Americans,and become, an they grow up and Janne theursives among the rest el toe population, colniticlelY An• glo Se:mined. Thus the race', by its wondet pAPAIVC power ef language and blood, is fast occupying and subduing to Is gent., all the contemn. and islands ol the earth. The grandson ot many a young man who made:these:line. will prttilbly lire to see the day when that race will number 900,000,000 of human helves. Pert.)s they may comprise a hundred nations of distinct govent• men. Perlinm they may become a grand content. non of Republics, pervaded by the same laws, literature, and religion. Their unity, harmony, and brotherhood must be determined by the eel.. tines between Great Britain and the United Stater. Their onion will be the onion of the two worlds. If they discharge their duty to each ruh• er, and mrinkind, they must become the 11111tei heart of the mighty 000 they reprerent, feeding ite myriad veins with blood of moral nod polibeal lira. Upon the state of their fellowahip depends the rvelfare of humanity , and the peace and pro gress el the world. FAMILY FINANCIERING Me. lioDjaMill Wilkins, being engaged in a pro tracted inlitileatiou, bad exhausted sit hid funds, rs,d up .11 his midst, and spouted almost every. thit g spoutable about his house, not eXcepting the tea-kettle and baby's cradle, and came home yes terdsy adlernoon with the faint hoe cif guiding 'mottling on which my uncle "w ouldu advance enough to replenish the bottle. His wile happen ed to be ausent—it was a good opportunity tom, ry not bin design. He searched every apartment, every cupboard, every cheat nod alma, but no. thing which a pawn.broktr would mil negotiable presented Mick; except the Sunday bonnet and only silk dres, of the lemon' Mar, Wilkins, Them he agerly seised, and in • few minute. they were duly ticketed and put away by an be widish money lender In South street. Mr.. kins repaired to a tavern with the proceeds, aid made himself perfectly happy for two boars, treat. log every body, and sustaining bus cheetah r is • g odour. gentron., and whole sowed fellow. Be. lore night Ins money was gone, and Mr. sg, liking reeled home, threw off his clothes and *added Into bed, wit h a conscience perfectly at Card. to the meanwhile Mrs. Wilkuis had mined her best bonnet and silk dams, and soapecting What had happened, she made a acmch moor the clothes which had been thrown off by Benjamoill br boaband;and Ciund the Isawn-brolcer's certif. lea a rn. 111 to, while Beojamin, snared sonorously, she made tip the clothes in • bundle, coat, vest, pantaloons, every biar—Benialliinla only anti; MO them to the same pawahroker,',and pedged them for one dollar. In the moaning Mr. Wi kilos a woke, no cloths s to put no ; ten ble curairg and swear:nib but all to no puspows. Toe old fellow bad to keep close at home all day, in terrible if. Aictira for want of Aqua . ; oc h:aly to eynoyoth,ge with his distress. At night be pot on his boo a, wrapped biome Xi a blanket, made bin way to the Mere which ho rayon with his cusiom. and Wed to borrowsome talMent. All bis johy conipamous collected in the be:rootto, enjoyed Benamin's di. lemma ; one had tag to lend boo j gather. ed around him, holding him aboat amid the most uproar ous langtdea. At Mat he broke away from them, and made his escape from the Lomat ; but his woolly muquerad loon attained him alum. ation in limbo. This morning be Lb:Mood his dim charge, and one of the watchmen compauhmate ly loaned him spar of ragged nankeen pantaloons. ILICNIAIMILABLE. CASE I I EVIDENCE IN OUR. MIDST!! Ma. Eta—Sir, I cheerfally tempi, with your re; onest that I would give you an aticount:uf the almost miraculous cure of my little daughter's eye by the use of your "PetroleMer." She was attacked with a very core eye In February or March last, when I immediately applied to the best medical aid in the city, by whom It was proheaneed " a very bad eye" and all gave me no hope of doing ' her any good. After which I took her into the coun try to an old lady, who had been very meeethful in curing eyes. She told roe that her ease with hopelese, an sho would certainly lose rot only that one, bat Liao that the other would follow—it being a scrofulous affection of the blood. And 1 do certify _that :at the time my father Id. B. Vashont came to the conelneloo that we had better try your " Pettoteum," tat Was tsrtnar till., of one eye. It is now about two menthe since the began its use, and she east now ace with both eyes as good as ever she did; and, as far as I can tell, I believe the has, with the taming of he Almighty, been eared by " Petroleum" Yours, respectfully, M. Fasocs. Vsenos Caton. Pluaborghh, Sept. 30, IMO. For sale by Keyser 3. McDowell, 140 Wood street; R. E. Selig, 51 Wood street D. M. Carry, D. A. El liott, Joseph 416aglass, and 11. F. Schwartz., Allegheny, B. RI. MIL, -sj r lo : r nd " ts ' sr "i c e' s7ul Basin. Seventh st, Pittsburgh rhea 111 Ohio and renn. IL IL Co, TWA et P1r17111111.11, Angust 5,1830• Tae !Mock holden of the Obi,. and rennsylviml Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay th eighth instalment of five dollars per share, at the ogle of toe Compatty,on or before the 20th day of Airline The ninth instalment' on or before the Roth day • September. 'The tenth incialment on or Roth day of October next. The 7th Instalment was called foe on the Rath July lash augStalf it FANTLIZi •DOU!D Deter - DC without a supply of ftPLanaslocman—At this sennon particularly, when worms are so troublesome and on friquently fatal among children, parents should be watchful, and on the first appearanee of those distressing symp toms which want us of the presence of worms, at once apply a powerful and efficacious remedy. This 'remedy we can now supply, confident that It only re quires n trial to convince all that it richly merits all the p taws that have linen lavished upon It. It is mare and infallible. Volumes of certifizates miR ht be pro tinted, allowing its great inellicabvirtura. LiJ^For sate by J. KIDD tr. CO, No CU Wood 111 .1,21-41/k,e4 ----- sr.NcouttApe 110t1114 INST/TOTION• CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. C. G. 1111 , 51414 Y, raus`r.• • -- —A. W. MAIIK4iSae 4 . Odigc—No. 41 Vale, mice, in the wamhotwe of C. IC ()RANT. 11111 IN COMPANY te now prepared to Insarn all kind. of tisk, on houses, I,II.IIACUNICO, good. inciehnodiac in. atom, and In trenetto <emelt., kn. An guaranty for the entity and integrity ot the 11i...J0T, adorded in the character of the Ilt rector, who are all entrees of Yttutiorgh, well and lavorably known to: the community tor tbewpreduice, intelligence, and integrity. lhatic - ioa•-• - •:. 11 Wan. Hs 17, WM. hot line, I, Walter !Wynn, Hugh I/. King., s . h ot tlenzelinn, John Haworth, S. Ilarbaugh,S. M. Kier. WM-It amprovernmato u o.atistry. Dft.O. fi. IFFEARPIS, late or Boston, to prepared to cremifacture and set (ewes Taxer In whole and pan of vets. opus enrill or Atmospheric :tureen llama Vele Irlrececuu to eve ammo, where the nerve t esteem'. OM, and credence next door to the Slay ors o ffi ce, Fourth street, l'inewrgh. Ilaymavo--J. It. I.l.lra.l.lext . 11. talon. lull uts.. u. nuns., • Dentist. CAMIC <I( 1111 d Decatur. Laetrile NO ir Church Mortal. mein. Sane - tot. •eeordlng to the a.ms of the Prolestaux Keit...opal Church, will be held eyety hen. day afternoon. in the Court House. in the teem occu pied by the :hip, iue (hint, The Caret sereiee will be held next Sandal, Sib instneth it 3 o'clock, P. M. Cll. free. tI r All/. hiect or of the t , toektiolders, sod I rct t• • far the Iluto and Pelin•yl. Ra,l t . nt• wt.' 1 ,, het] at the Moe . ut ll•tk oay, VEZI, between J J. tlttottKES, S , et'etn , Y. • Alit., man's °Ass. • tittAEr. ts'lGGlN•3,Alderman. has openc:d his ce a, he unit!, cut corner of Penn and Hand r , tc, 'where all tonnacts pertaining to Ks Mee, all I.e prosal.ily attended tn. N. It —Or and soal ders for Lnek layanc,le nuennort ft at the otee revmac o ra railaediale -Mc.-Mc. tcr.no deli:dr( Iht 4 Cl:l , 011.-3 brls rare New Castle Oil, 111 weeived and :nr ia L., den I[ol3l. I' - FRIA r— -- lb. *2 o. lll „ ein ox t . beach far :Pew Pee -. MORRIS& RAW ORTII, dent In the Dumped (JO.Ltopo, Cr. .° '1.1"1`. Wan: mannineluters to New Yon, and wade exprosslT to order. Aiso, elsgsnt Sold Penvil Cues and Pen Ratans. Silver Cues in every uriety. Porcupine Penh liold. ers: Pearl do. All for us wholesale and retail at New York prices. Wein W W WILPON SCO AR— di hhds N B O u tzi N tl7 l ll4ll. r li b y ie snug: 144 Lsbuty itt sslXT . V b bigs nyy, mold . OD consignment, and dellY BROWN I KIRKPATRICK Muld'gs" — m" l 73NWgP.'ll-irkl;iliticK ClOyes and Nob P'm n P V I IfbICKFY & CO mem for sole by I A o • dc27 _Witter & Front on ARD-30 brls No I to store •nd for aide by de27 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO eIOFFER*tO bags us crate end for albs by dell 16AI/tit DICKEY & CO NO I bIACKEREL—E O qr bele, for family use dew ISAIAH DICKEY ag CO IIITb: FISH-75 bit. •nd hf brim for rale by ISM All DI MEM' & CO LTERRINGI,-100 b. Lo mded, for .I.lc by HIRE ISAIAH DICK & co RA1, 1 3,1 1 N78 - W° ft"h itY,Oji o llgrlV.7 & CO ALLICGIIIIMY SS g WEALTH of Pen:mai:rams to the Sheriff of suni , greeting, here., at en Or phans' Court held at Putaburgh, In and far said county, on ten 21st day of Derentimr, Ipto, The ye tidon of David Young, Adminisisator of aIl and tilt plat the goods, At , which were of Catharine kleCunn. late of the cit.. of Pittsburgh. in said county, deceased, at the tune of her death, who died intestate: Mewing that the said intestate left no lawful mane nor personal estate for the payment of her debts: that she died aired in her demesne of fee or mid lit a cc, i a t o m essunge or lot nf velum' situate to thn Sixth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, baying a front an Wallington street of thirty three feet, and extending hack of equal width on a line parallel with Wylie in fifty lig tech upcm which is electdd two dwelling h oes es,yubject to the payment of an annual ground rental' eighteen dollars. Being the same loin( srotind mid and conveyed to said Catharine McMinn, by lma. Ilammel, by deed dated the thdt of October, A. 'ghe interest of sd intestete beig the undivided one half part of sad uremia.; that there are dents against the estate as follows, to wit: Judg ments to the Distrial Court of satd . county in favor of John Ilaslett, dir Um her dollars, with interest some July 12th, 1t.51, and roam amounting to proliebir Omni doll., and the expenses f managing 'aid trust will probably reach forty or fifty duller, And pray. tog the (70tal to grant him an order to make gala of the said meausge or Int of ground with the want, mince. Mr the pamet of e aforeeald debts. Now, therefore y , we n comin th and you, and each of you, m a h e ir. and legal representraMes of said Catharine kletlint, and all others interested, to be and appear hefore oar Orphans' Court, at Piitiburgh, on the 12. h of January, Phil, to show cads, If any Tod Imye,why dm prayer alibi. politiOder ihOtiln got he granted. Witness Mellon. Wm. lb AleClure,Piesident Judge of our said Court. at Pittsburgh, this Pith day o• Pe• render, AP. 1530. Attest: lIANIISL kleflUllDT. Clerk Anil the Court order thamodee of the issuing rfthts ell•Ilati be given, by publiention in the Pittsburgh Weekly I,raelle for three week, Cy the Court. yy DANIKt. gtrCti II DY, Clert Fancy Good•. 1/HT received and now puerto large arrorturent o d Fcy satielcs amiable bristmas and Ne Friar Pre a sents, to which Ike attention of purchaser is particularly invited. A monact the 'rescue:Lent nil he found Rosewood Regency Desks In101F•ocy_ do Fancy Rosewood dot,T ises Inlaid Patin Wood do e. black Walnut and Roses...it Toilet Haiti Fancy Rosewood Pert - ornery Roses Inlaid Hahn and Rosewood Sewing Hosea Feral Caskets for hue Jewelry Alto, Gentlemen's Idoecing Exercise. do Traiellng Vases do Fancy Dressing CAPS, 4e, at 025 ti! Founh it 13ARUN'S TRICONIEROUS for sale by R. F. tiLL,I,ERS, 17 Wood 10, sole agent for rinsbursb Pttee,2s eon , e per bottle tlegs Slloltro.-100. re ce imed par atearner Icnny Latd, and l'or .ale by detS SIIRIVF.R BARNES T AI g W-LO bite reeelva i r Eß tle T b y DARNF.S NO.dleys 411P—:,0 brts art .. l l l , s ß lx l i t or .. .Al , e , A E . D RS VAC II F.S— bus s lgq i irecao zieubjEs QII4ECA Olk-y bzie recd for .ale bY degs SHRIVER & BUTTER -6 brio ppm. rog: ig jars for laugh for We by • Sligl me, VER a BARNES N -- XT O. 11101.1381. , "5-4 0 ' tal., to artive, lor .1.23 SIIRIVER St. BA LARD k GREASE 5 barrelsl Lard; v. Grease, rAts , laodinit from steamer Fort Pitt and for sqle byy CCEY le CO jr, Water st IDEATIIER.9 wk. lanai's flora Fon Pia i, (c 95 ISAIAH DICKEV & CO *Malaita *Nestle*. T EWERS of Administration on the estate of An- Igtheny Heelers, tate of the city of Pittabargh, de etaied, having thlrAlarbeeu granted to the ander. signed, octane is berths given to ail pen°es indebted to the said estate to make Immediate payment wakes of us, and 'all persons hasing.giniuts spinet said estate are senile sic/to piesent ;Nemec, duly eaten tigatig, for se leeSe s .lll the warehouse lately occu pied by mid I . teri l . e ;i. € ll 7 Eat. Adminietratrix. E. D. liezzail, Administrator. Piusburgh, Doe 23,1830.—deD.dlia A utiniwriess pitussarrs. LARGE variety of French, English, and Anted. 11. can Fenn, Stationery . ..suitable for Christmas and New Year Gifts , such as, eapier !Mach., Pearl, Ivory nitud, and Bane Card Cases and Porte !donates. Parte Montle, with profiles of Wasmsirros, rearm. UR, BYIIOII, and TATUM etched in ivory. ornamental payer Weights, of Glass, Marble, Ala baster, and Bronze. 15011.112.1•11Gbass Wafer Stamps, antiW ithetchts,with Sowarilind other beautiful designs curiously marbled in the centre. Gold Pencil Cases, with-=aud_. without Gold Pens. I ortfolios, various vatterns. 'Rosewood Work Roses. Portable Write tog Desks 'Wheat:amen Boards. Chet, men Scrap Books....liethartum's Magic Portfolios. French Role Palter, embossed, sitter and colored edge,—lace, and other styles, with envelopes to suit. Porcelain Ink. wants, ricklygilt, a neat variety. Paint Boxes. The abate, with many other fancy llliel<ll in the stationery line, (or Bola by W S RAVEN. Stanoner, Corner 'Mattel and Second etc FOIL TILE HOLIDAYS. A& DAY have Dui received by ca pram ,opleadid WOOL LONO SHAWLS of the most desirable rwan., and colors, viz Blue and Orange, Drab and Blue, 'Drab and Brown, Orel and Black, &e: Deactifal French Habit Cloths rm . Ladies' Cloaks', French Merinos, Brocade French Poplins, Pill., Tam Satins, and other handsome goods for ladies , dresses, all of which will he sold at the lowest cash prices. degiullw ALEXANDER India 'lubber Toys ' TURT reenved by express front New York, for Cho J Ilo!Ways, a great variety of (bore beanufai and durable. Toys, consisting is pan of the following:— GO dal assorted sizes Doll Heads, Dogs, Irons, Fishnet Rattled, Dell and Parlor Deis, &e ac, for sale at We. tioodyear Rubber Depot, Nosy & 9 Wood at D a • )SH PHILLIPS • Murphy i Sarah Sold ARE filly supplied with suitable goals for Holiday I're:cots, such •s, Handsome Dress Silks; do French Manner, Poplins, he Needle Worked Collars; • Shawls, Scarfs . Fine Linen Canabrie Handkerchiefs, he. And mono the calls of buyers. de4l A SIGH'S' FOIL Tllie 110LIDATS. ONE of the finest ornamented cakes ever seen In the Twin Cities. will he set in the window of P. L. luster. of Fifth street, on Christmas eve. It will , weigh nearly tbreebendred pounds, Will be tuteildly'! iced and ornamented, and surmounted by a reptesen-i nation of Waltham Cross, In England—all done in' sagar and ems. 11 is a splendid piece of, work, VW; ten Up with much tthithl• and cancel., in. order to, mammin the former reputation or his old establish-, anent. 111. patrons. ant the public generally,' are: invited to call and tie agreeably sorpilted, even if thee do Out wish to parasite. They will a lso. sbir. Cetea,Candica, Frans, and all the otherlfialties for, Christmas '. odi et No. 11 Fl:th street. P. Id.HUNKNA, den Daher lad Confeerleser.- PRV.iMBITATION 13.00K8, • - • 11 T the Educational Repositorz, NoGli Market tti IS. bog he found th e snout aplen d cidiection of Ant ramie. and Gift Book,. The stock earnprlats turf VIIII , IV ef midst bous.d and illustrated Gift'llookst. Alto, Ewe °pat Prayer Pock., and Prerbyterian Hy [lOl 800 kr, Bibles, kn., tor ale at the loweat p trete: iteitt HOLIDAY PRY SENTS. VAT W. WILSON ha. a wry large and airhnia 1' . nartment of Finn Watthes, Jewelry - , sod Va. Orly Good, ridable for Ghrlatmas and New Fear rido—ornementel and awful, far sale serg-ligiwott corner al Mertes and Fourth rtreete. drfl N:E2S=2:M PRhiP ARATIONStor the Orrlelth and ?reit moat= M . O .:0,1z,-- ' Pau Luttrale; Bear', Reim, and Maras at.Cilsi rOotiLllllll, in 1/ot6 and rheas; Indian Vegetable Oil; Ltaudsline Fizateurs; 1 7 ldp Salve; Cold Cream. m Atuade for Chapped Cream; nuclei'. and Hormel'. Hair Aye; i Cologne Waters, at all prime, Com 6 cents Wad. Collar per foul,. Perfumes faiths Handirerchici; .. phasing Creates and Scapa. . . Toile; and Fancy Winos or every satiety. Together with many Niter articles trio numerous I mention here. ri;.-N. NVICK.CRSILII , I , ' ' dridi : . Cor of Woad dt s.irth its. _ TYROLEAN TOYS. tl.llE•under.tieged hot 'jolt opened a large Mock or AL Tyrolean Toys: end , various olhec geode - hever rein here before. The finest wooden 'torte ofiskill. es well as the nicest play ttunga for children, express- IV relecied tor the holidays. which he is deterenecd to sell very low, wholesale end. reltel, by .101101 93 - ticatthgeld street - Olft Book* for the 1101114*79. r.Aebt - rA - oP imuktnity. • taitrd keYnold Coates, M. D., tplendidly bound la Tutkey eau , Etc°. The I ris; editelf by Prof:aloe John Mart. :Mond. ' to Turitey moroesoovitli unederOsistiltlennitiOtt• and Gel:see the Svmon, elegantly illuittata.•-. • • The Eippeate, a gift for the !to Slays, bottnil in To:keit...Ct.', isb.Muminationa Tho Crystal Fount, for 11-51, edited by T. S.Aribur, with gnarl:Mort.: Sous of Temperanee Offorlng, fur 1851,by 'T, a:Au that, The Christ:ma Tante, for 1651. Irving's Offerirg, ' 6 66 Foote Flake, ' 6 " Fopiet Me Not. " by 1115,,h1.13.4mith Friendship'spliving, " Meats giant:4i. or Laerary Gal, tor I.s 6 ..X;e:dttpd by . E. :Terme'. bound in Turkey motor erl, unmet. illmanntinas md erg - tech:go. .. 6 . ; -,..Thet•ltose of :therm. a religious routieCirf tar 183!.. • Mra CarolloaiLTumser.-- '• Topper's Trove:bial Ilmoyhy, Irtlii[ll3 . el4clovs, elegantly lir and and illustrated. Read'. Female Poeta of America, comateing per traits of Mr. E Oakes :MM., Mr. F S Osgood. Mrs L 11 Sigeumey, M. F. F Filet, him Emma C EMbllll, Mr. ASOtli Welhy, Mn Si 11 ale, lire E °Kinney. • Miss atiuCLyneh, Mlas :Tan J Clarke, (Grap'e Nrem. EiMMB:E:I rimed ) Slth y, Goldsmith, Bums, bloom, Coleridge, Hast n, 11111 man, and Keats; COictidge,Phelly, and Beats Popo, Byron, nod Woodstrotth's Poetical Works. Ala, a large collecuon of papier macho, paglerite; albs., In morocco and papmr marto binding: sago, a large collection of sp!eodtd.inventle Books, sr ab other work, for sale by H q STOCKTON. La te Johnron it Stockton, corner - Marko - Saud ad ms den [Chronicle and Post copy' H 0 VD AV S. owl , ROOKS 1 01ST ROOKS for 1851 AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third et, opposite the Post Odic. OUR Societe, nth Prophets and A ponies We Souvenir Gsllcry, %Gin Rook The Sacred Annutl, do The Iris and Illtuntated Souvenir The Gem of Beauty The ROCIty of Illustratiots Theireatlets of Memory The Flora Keepsake The Gem of the Season The Winter Blonoms The Notional Temperance Offering The Sons of Temperance. Orients Churn. Souvenir nod Missoonary klemorint The Keepsake of Frieudetilp The /manual, or Token of Remembrance. The Irving Offering Whig Ponrait Gallery, mita sa. Ea geavinga of Dis Unstudied Whlgo The Token of Filt dab:a The Amencia Keepsake • The Snow Eitike . • . The Crystal Fount The Christmas Blossoms 'rho Christmas Tribute • The Gayland, Of Token of Friendship Scenes gn the Life of mar SRlVilllar The Ladies' Gift The Forget Me Not Tae Lily of the Valley The Gift, a token of Friendship Yount Lathes' Album. Cholas Githt Books ter the Ilettilars. rpm: Vi omen of the Old and New Testamints, 1 The Women of the Bible; Our Saviour with Apostle,. and P•oPlifidar • The Path Ways and Abiding Precool Cif oar Lord; Sao, red Scene. in the late of our Saviour. - Itahyarski Pilgrim's Pro Floras t at I erreter and Forums Flora Eveuing• at Donaldson Manor • Topper's Provertnal Phitosophy Banyan , * Holy War Ilalleek's Poetical Works unsan'a complete Woks Goldsmith`a Poem. e;ollen OR the Beatitudes Tbeeleeoll . l , SOLSORS Path of Life I renflets of Memory Faith end it. ViDets Poems by (b.nbiti., Mirage al I ale Canipbell'a Poen,. Shakopee. , Milton's Poem• Perlp• at bottom Way of 11oltriess Montgomery's Poem. My SatiOnr Book mule Pastures Peace in Believing Toter. of Friendship Eminent Dead • Mn 'lemons' Poems Tupper's complete watts Drullothr Room Se raptlookaarkmer VONI • Tend Keepthke Advice to Young. Men Gems of Beauty ik•i , of Mount Ilhigl,tte Don tittivote For rale PK by 110 INS, det37l3 Apollo Building., Fourth at ViroßK BOXES ANCEA'V BITING DESES— The T largest aseratment of Paper Macho, Rosewood, and Mahogany Work Bolds and Writing ',take, ever ottered tar $OlOlll thin city—all of IllYetAn importetion and will be .odd Inw try D %EAGER TOY HOOKS, de—A line aseortrier.t of Toy Books, Annuals, tee, Imitable for Christmas and New 5 ear presents, for tale Ly C YEAGER dealtdit • rE . lLE ., alto t s , e z tr n r , m ,.. e leg s y %Tr: suitable for dm holidays. la 'sow open m his lari. wholesale gars rooms, No 114 Market M., op Milan einnekamolte largest and most splendid assommeo ilettristmas Presents ever sorrel in dos eltp 4m ported siren Fry myself, and for sale by C ;YEAGER 1 UST,reeeived, a pent 011iely of Ckdidien , s Glover llosiery, Sens% S iuenv, co,W c oot*, Shin. fishers, Hoods, Mole. At- • Alto, is Ikrye mays ofvery ruperior Foaoy Soto.; CythoriAn 0,1121 of Soap, eXotersly designed to nd lies' use, at No 63 Fourth street, F • deft% II EATON TrA far 011.-1 brl larglvrAT:aiLirratail lA ALAtifiE Lumber Ward, Canted 'On Duqunne Way, near the Point, ratheient Loom to hold eighteen hronhod thousand feet of lathing, to rent On a long lease. Enquire of REVNGILDS E. 911 E X, dent dim • (kt. Penn k Irwin sta yIpTSILINARY 813.1101t0A1 (We. from tiiiintanh; Sccalnuid,) ‘ll7 OULD respecnally acquaint the ,public thighs • hes commenced prepuce IA the ate Freemen, and by caleul attention to whatever entrusted to him, be hopes to give sattsfaellan. • In connection oath James IliYale, Mese Shogleg nd Ulactemithiug in gentrul will be rained on, at a the corner of 'runnel atrzet and teuqrstuanickv,aq,. by I dr2bity Fog w mutton kich the highest ton *ill be paid at the Soehooso Mee of A WILIINS k CO. • dP2O . Car. of t hlrd Mathes ots ti for Erie, Ettll e lL r lt e rn . .l WORK 110114EX—Pernits g B i fsble th ,Tb d ird stpU°"Uc74.l"44dß'rEtil'lrS'" D RIED FRVlT—Uried Peaches; ; do no pared; do. Apples; jun received. and WM, AG atelawn 01.0 ItO k CO, t 6 y rt for rale by, &RI BEESWAX -1 cook for 'ale by den WM A bid :LUNG t CO / SYRUP—Io brls =cowl aka tor s•le ky Ndoir .1 DILWORTH kco O. !ROLA:Ink—M.IT rsograilisralog delta AtIADILILLIE PAUTIEO RESPECTFULLTIntersa my patrons and alai s, I that m 7 Atat pally will take plate OA Frain the 27,h instant, at Wilkim Vann rt. No lady wlll be admitted without her Caton No' children escort scholar. and subserams will be - admanst. Any one violating this rale will be charged as scholars. Tickets tor matlemen for the men. ing still be heated to ten; allay to A. H. polymath, as no tickets will be sold at La door. Tha Quarter dancing May commence at any anc,. as 10 gat twenty lessons before tha middle of April For more parneulars, apply to ; A. SONNAFt:N. dead:oM Market at P0W3111 , 11 GRIC.I3I; PLATE. THIS "word renowned etatet" will be exhibited at Nolo Mil, over Übe Post OSee, few days,- commeneine Mondays Deeentber 4 3d. • Hours ofy..xhibltion, from 9 A b1.u119 P.M. Admimadb r 9s cis; .etvoutekets,6o etc, Pamphlets, 3 cents. P. B.—Tbe Statue Is the eroper'y of ler. Power, and is eZhitated for hie benefit del3 LBCTURB BOON, ATIILIBUIL BELLBIRD, Liberty. Street, :Open EVERY EVEIERS, fora short mason . Bayne', celebrated valet orgigantia PANORAMAS, A VOYAGE TO EUROPE, Emtaseink magolficeni views of Boston, i 1 ilszbosi Wax, the Attend°, Liverpool, LONDON Pram the Thames, pening , under the Ilndipte, and ending With • munificent view eau, • Brilliantly Mordontad, atd lioth btok of the beautifil An Exhibition every Weincoday and. BiLiardaY afternoon ' nialo,;ccntt Chtlran, ander 1* yars of age, 15 costa. ..111 open at Og o'clock; Panorama to cos slenco. movino at 71 o'clock. - deltittaa --- rtioseeco—no bx.res Pt In. I 8. blr - 118,24 4 .3 8 DILWOBTII k. CO p EACIIES -73 to prima Jan re.ei.ed , OU R &CO B UTTER --12 prime freth roll; - 34- Yap prime pinek ed. Jail landioglOf debt . AN eI I.4I.:FLS' 011.-40 Lrlt in di • J . $ 'ebib Batter: • 1 d for .• • 20 11011. eel. by' mon L 1.4 & ROE' ' • • !:57 LligOT • • nzen in Mare ad for !lola tp 0e2.1 • ' MEGILL9aBOE bae~f.s.a for silo • MeGILLR ROR• "'Val brla itna 5 trir just toe'd for sa by • 51IL41ERA ItICKETSONI; Oat! - . • IIIEAS.+E-160 bzf W A Cheew 'tore formate • , deft) • • •. MILLER & RICKETBON *— TCONouv CRill CIDLB—Cu WS fa more. Xi dein ntiuxn a uicisrscis OILMEAL--•:QW lIARBAVGA. dea b . 171 .st, • ;i s, Fr k for . zele by ODA ASII-40 casks reed for salt ay S. 2: AV- lIARDAUGA . OTAstk—lu casks itt store and fr.; side by dal l: WINDOW GLASS-405bn vaunted sizes, city btandi, ricreitelf, and forl g i g s;7... da4 • 5 % 1-15_5!..5_5151L g r sn son, for se by li d $ lIARBAUGH jinff.b.of," md 01IFSIW.-4te - bsy rre.l for tate I.y fe2,4, _ 1 ;1i& W HARDIVUGII tTiatetiir. R. (Ilene, . %..)! lEL:96--....5i 1e.0. - do CrouriCht.fta, for Pale br " WICK A. APCANDLESS. STNU day x.'d for sale bi - de.F4 • . ~ W 101". & MeOANIII.I93B COUMS— 40 dozoigioilor Corn 13rootas for 010 by WICK & /MAN DLIM EAT"m - P"'!EVILI,VtIY , OANDISII9 For . • ILAX-14 sark. ca haEdlaad lot sale by dip WICK& ItIeCANDISES , --_—_--_--__ POTAS—,:2 walk. rate feir..le - II dal • • WICE & wairtinssa. UTTER—C:I3 ptgv on bond and tor wok • dal WICK Ac bIeCAN EARLX-44 cuts first sort., for eel% WICK' k Mello SAI;r4"" - "`"""vrZAVIAVYG _ • WRAPPING PAPER— z lolggor.,' , rum esp. rat' is isl 4 Wlta: t PdeCANDLIGSS 1.611-440 N C Tar; 40 b bris Sri for sale by r. wicK 1. MCCANDLESS HORTS-11:00 bn this day recd far 1...7 dela fifirAuw. 3oB --- - Corner of Third nod Market moos. . The only Chartered Initturtion of the land in Then•gb. Jahn Flom Log, Pit:laird Itatraiiir in Ile Seine& O. K. otumbeOtn, PrOrISIOT Patimuanup, oldie Comrstosou.ko. . • Alex. M. Waubet, Ea Lecnarer on Comasereill ' • I JOY. . . 7hose desiring Onomplwe knowledge of Book Kong. Ina and its appilennon to away brinier of birdmen, Elfo . cleaner aid rapid penmannip, are invited to call and exam:dna the orrangements. Lecture on Contmeretal Law every Monday even l. . iefennee tos:fp of the nesideni City merak*?S C dei3 pi . Gat b oN-Isleis rftsbz;mumaiktr -0-7.433E;a' I ‘11323 ll:Aar - 1.- 1 r too eII S NO A 3 parrar...otonirsot7k.yec, SYRUPS -21 Ws . Golden do di' ram 6 lees ' 18 brie Clarified do. inn steamed and [ JAMES A IIUTOIIIBON &CO • Arlo St Louis Sager Refinery _ Ussaulearli Hausa mad Pittsburgh • --, Alreotery. • • • • ALL potion. indebted to the itubscrther for nuat• bonny homes or Pittsburgh Directory brill please • : call et the gotten of the Board of Trade, corner of • Wood and Third street, between the boors of 9 mud', o'clock, red lunge their bille...Subsoribert and- i those isithing to ',cactus, the Pittsburgh Directory., • win also plolL Pain, FAUOIESTOCK. Pittsburgh D r s9.l,l9ift—tali FOS OFIRIBTIMAIP Children , . Ociods. .Ipumber 'Yard to 'uric ~Dayl Ae3ti'DlE,- IZED:O3I AI van nn VEX. le by. • '• %CR & AIeCANDLIM J• bra IVnds . C rand HELTkiEgi rrty (Mel • . eliiiiiiteelWa - 61 F.& INGIIRADI .. • Velar It • 1 k INGLIRAAS ' • arrive, fOT . S_CO by IitriSPLVIPIC; for all diseases of the Urinvy braans, I.,eachorrea, lottatataatlott of the Bladder, lildoeys,,k.e. Price St 50 pet bottle.. tiold by E SELLERS, No 57 Wood, and 112,.. B. tD. Batas, Near York. 41 14 • VTIIITE Fl brie for wale. by Jolt ) S F.VON BONN BOAS? &CO, SlZtnt.ura=o:l=innree'd- dirtier ergolthp dezt 0 AbStIIDTMDT . RULE CIIOTIIEI—LInea, brown and bleached T Damask and Diaper patternsfo r Webs ' deg; ARDIFTIINOT 011 CICERS for sale by C ARDU rnNor b''"ol"*" traerldlrelitallh lARD-50 th leaf 1.1 recelTed lot .alo by 4±:21 I W 11ARBLIMAL . CiUdAN-I°'''°"*"-°^, 7,t',VfarZlati, TALI OVV- 1 40 belt reef ieei)Tof desk I •• S& W kUkaUlitiOnl 2 FLAT I.IL)ATA, 1:20 feet eaok tor Pile by • J £o , llot BNMASEUA CO 91 Wood street • 5 0L11-.lit .4rted Plasters In rells. for sate J Aunaikeo I co PAVIA C A PSULS-3tes• DO 14sr d,•21 '*. CO R ~ L RAu Cr iS36 SraiLu ' iiTa r ir — lia;Uell . O. S yrup Molasses, on cons sent, for sale by" (10.9 W h F WILSON PIVESDITAII3I3 • HIGH 111131100Lf, Anima ) irtai, 44 Grant sired.. - REV. W i jit.PADDOCII, M. A., Prizelpal;- W. T. AI [ I:)OI4ALD, M . A, rtincialte. • Tll2, insannon will bo opened for ,',,,,,,,,, 5 ii.idr Duos an Tboradoy. the .toor„ o 'd oo „, jo noor r Bt.. On - 1 0 .w, 1.0. W.. the ....den of niss tooth.- - tioll, mode a insertional, t 001,,, of ofo o y . &d o or., toms. .t.0..in0r7 be bad' a the snoop of MI lira. Whitt. and; go! ItSitt.. or of the Prlaciall. 00 the Mona, dials Itorr,o, f ro ., .2 to o P. t 0 ..., ' , L oh Gila°. d !0f190,,c/b. - :dreftdgt . The{ Mxabiage natal for Itent. 01101 E loran(' th e prosent low, espiriot on rho In A - of Ar ))1 )00) . the proprietornt taa cotton , .. ) well \ morn kola to Is &boot urn it in fig al.). of 1 ithorooak and e 4 let,, report, and ogres , ig. )) " ) On libo ra let goo. 44,qiiit. of . i , W. &It nninrisorr. Jolla Law ,- o .tivd ) ". '', • : t 9 Poring sown. SUAVINO CLIXAV—WhiIm le J the men who does not•ppeelato the hilidleddt. shaVe Irony theta be, we do oat address ac tive+ to him. Eat to all *Mem w: aal . .zioj jak . Creams.' It Is iMen. ,l° le rib• the inclines of a pence telmatue with OTODIIIIFaap, trot si for Ike Ilh • Gorahnah. 4•46. miration.'and plewure. JUL i 4 BEAMING CREAM L aieM - InglY emellienn rendering de diffeat_at elioaLitg beard tett and pliable,prodaelogsal i fr. t hle and by tie eademetf nanatant . !It lion, and preventing that unpleasant AU. amlias. of the 06 ohan can:need Atill .iscw ; tug: Gentlemen aging Yolss.ll.tir plwrne :i t g e it, " :acrvirittemi. the silo i tmmaing 'godpiprik And amen w o o , n t e• vas an, 0 . " /Pr i teit= :l7 l; W at . r ." LeVer that by diem w r vt , ran that it will , not dlegallniyarr min 4, sLieh m oat ~ssya led''titlir' Jtd es Ita urrA Sha M. inr i Allmuns. deteadel preparations. compounded lima 2Vit., ' o p era of .• . r e nd Oh operation a IhlMlnf be impreci.ted bt all who mate ulal of thug. V"Fn"11711.118111AllEL. Perfumer end COendati MC/walnut h., 14W For le, wholesale and by E. A FAIRAAMAIt• & R. &Sellers, Pittsburgh; awl Jobs 14misin. And .1: AlJ4 l l. ll $ dEgghodl Cal. scolli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers