DIODDWORTIP.3 PLANING IdAt HINE. &taxa Blatant w. LAIN t..cQnaw aa A10:1 . ores.—ln the Cirellit Mori of the Unt ed States, far the Western District of Peausylvania, before Ron. fiabortC. Grier and Thorne Irwin. That calm gruel:lo Or several bills of Chancery, filed iselnat owners cf Planieg biachlnea - in the s city or Pink:era& The cause wem cot:dactyl . on yat of Complainant by Mews. Stanton and atiaiek. end for-Defendants by Dunlop and ttttSM On'a motion. by Complainant, for interlonatory fajta/I:tints in this end other eases, acid by De. 413,110 its for fames to be vied by a jury, the C3on detivieed the fallowing opinion Opinion , / the Court—Grier, 1.--There is no material differes es iv the several ems which have t„ en 'envied together on the present motions. The Complaioun; Bloomer, claims es aengv& of the patent granthd to Witham Woodworth Is Dee.ls2S. tinder the extensloo of the same to his adnsibistrator by the act of .Coagress or the 261 iol Fitarillfy,lB4B. It is alleged in the Bills, and adulated In the ansurerr, that the machines used by Bacendantsllse of which to nowithught to be eijoined) we Made under licenses defy dell Tv' i:arom the patentee at his assignees, previous to D;ecetaber,lBt9. Bpi it Is cootentled that the patclesers of them machines, nailer the original patent, have no right to Use them dating the en. tetrion of the term of the patent since December, 1849.. . Dalendants have filed there answer deny. lag the rights of the Completion!, and averring that W. Woodworth was not-the original inveo. I for of the machine patented to him in 1525; and alsii that the patent of 192 0 , which was evended by the-Act ol 1545, has been surrendered and canesiled, and that the meowed patent taken out by lie administrator of Woodworth to clot for the same Invention. 1a support of these allegations they have produced the deposition of a witness, Who swears that be invented and put into opera. floe the almelmokine, previous to the patent and inienroo of Woodworth; aud have stews the repose of a suit latetytned In the Mend noun of ' thq United State, for Maryland, before the- Chief Juldice, in which the Jars found ..that the patent lotted to the old Wm. Woodworth's Administra• tot, on the Bib day cfJaly, 1515, is nailer the same Invention as the patent above mentioned, issued to:W. Woothirorth in 1529 " 's wgeneral role, when the whole equity of the Bill and the tole of Complainant is denied unto qttivocaliy lathe answer, an interlocutory triune r,o, win not be granted, or affidavits heard to con tradict the answer, unless in caret of wane, or where some irreparabhs damage might be inflicted before - the final hearing. 3 have said, on a former occasion, and still think, that it is lime that the question as to the originality patent to Woodworth should be considered ati Waled, eller 21 years of possession and roe awful litigation In almost every State of the Union. It Is exceedingly vexatious, both to the plitentee aid the court, lo be compelled to repeat a. proves Which cola so lionth time, labor, and expense Experience has shown that few of any patent' have ever issued in the. United States far any itlyention, whtch WM:IMO of foreign of domestic critic cannot be found to Imprimis; but it has also showd that,however the 43,acovery of such wit. crises may fortify a defendant in swearing to the fact in his =ewer and denying the title of the patentee, they afb usually found to be but broken reeds by those who lean upon them, in a contest before a jury, where their testimony fa folly sifted and weighed. If the present application for an kip:motion were •resisted on this ground atone, ender the special Oirromatancea attending this patent, I abould feel much disposed to grant it, notwithstanding the denial of the and the affidavit supporting IL • R.J. But (heedes n doubtful question of law, which 1 !hail presently notice,' there is another question of fact, Minting dm titli of complainant In these elan, which has seine lately and pecu liarly affects the validity of this patent as extended by the act of 1815. That act extended the patent to Woodworth in 1828, seven years from it ix trn i ber 1819. This patent, thus extended, was afierwards ainendered by the Admiuirtrator of Woodworth, and a new Patent taken out. The defendant. owns, In their answer, that this re. hewed patent (en which the bill is foneded) is not for the same invention which was contained in the priginal of 18', east- contend that complatannt bonnet claim tinder a imrrendered and cancelled patent—nor upon the new one; unless it be for the same invention, which, after a fall and fair trial, it has lately been decided not to be. In answer to this abjection, ft is lasted that the Supreme Conti been decided this question in the case of Wilson Vs. Bomean, 14 'toward, 084. Bat this appears to be a mistime; the Ccurt to that cane decided only that the renewed patent was not void for lin ttartairity, amb'gnity, or multiplicity of claim as question Of law on the face of-the patent. pr it was for the same invention is • qusation of fact, which iteeLl tier be and ern not submitted to them, by the certificate of division of opinion treat the Circuit Cond. 3d. There is a question oflaw, also, with regard to the complainant.' rtght to those hajanclions, the 'decision of sottah I am not prepared to anticipate, -before the final hearing of the cane. Natwlth -standing the authority produced. my. mind is not yet clear from doubt sate the construction Odds :Act of Congreasof 1815, extending the patent of Wooden:zits.: If an inventor, In the enjoyment of his menotely, sells to me his machine, it is mine absolutely in _full property, with a right to use and enjoy it for all future time, at least sorb is the suppositioti - and belief of every person who buys an article from its owner, whether Übe patented •or not. I can well believe that Congress might extend the term of hie; patent, to a meritorious inventor, that ho may continue to have the profits of the monopoly of making and vending the pat. sated articles, withent intending to destroy those he has already sold. The former - may be *just and proper exercise of the powenof Congress; the latter a tyrannical abuse of it, such as should never be imputed to the legislature. unless ex.. pressed in realm and express languogs, mud so far as this minden-Ims been pissed type by the Snyremo Glad such appears to ha their °pin. inn also.. • ' • In the came o( Rotheacter. Wilsou;alrendy cited, Mr. lattice Nell= (who delivered the opinion al the Cond.) . In atimiking of the Bth Section of the Act of 1598, which suthorized the extension of a patent for some years, says . : ''Ety the 'report of is the' Commisstener of patents, it appear 'that LOCI palette issued in tttelear 1841, for tkoi fanden Mat years:the average issue yearly exceeded this :" number, and embteca articles to be frond in use .1 (never, department of labor or set, on the Gain, , { in the workshop and factory. These articles have been purchased from the patentee and gone into eviinmon'yes. Bat if the construction ardent C,-which we contend should prevall,the moment the '.. patent of either article is renewed, the common one is arrested by the exclusive grant to the paten , " tee. Asonersieues, boding to awls tomiquentn, . anti/rang/a wribrince admired eta, era scoot be .' satisfied was never o2nleatpl.ne4 by Congroe. and sbooki not is adopted antes =vetted Ly the matt crytriJs end prince iangruoge of award:ante" That Congress intended. in the present ease, to .' confer on the patentee any greater favor than was ': conferred by the extension underlhe act of 13i8, ' does not directly appear. If the cent; action con tended for by Complainant be correct, he can call upon this Court to send the tolerate and break the machines to*pieces, which have beet purchase ed from the patentee Min cadges. To iejoin the, use of them amounts to much the same thieg There ts certainly "oo express and positive lan gunge in the statute," conferring a right of mach doubtle I intim on the patentee. In Inch awe, I am tot disposed, (en a mere Interlocutory motion and before the patties have had a fall and final hearing,) to exercise the high and &internees power (if exercised fn. discreetly) of issuing en injunction, which will put the defoldauts and their balances entirely at the '. 'merry of Plaintiff, without the phaneo of a fair and full trial. They . do not stand befor the Court in the attitede_of Pirates of complainants invention ; but • rather as resoling what they believe to be on op• premive construction ofan Oct of coress; and one never cheternplated by it. .They arumpy able to pray any damages which may be aesessed, in case of a recovery nertitud:thrin—and the Complainants may have an order on them to keep an acecunt,— bst the injunctions ore refused. As to ordeting the Setae, requested by the de• kabuki, we would remark that the fact dint these machines were purchased from the patentee by the defendants, srerhanoestopte;eitherin law orequi• ty, to thew &hied of the originality of the invention, under the circumstances of the case. They kayo a right to be heard, on the defence set upend sworn to in their answers. .Whether it should be tried by the dart, or an issue sent to a jury, depends on the Wine of the case. The questions of ongonali• ay and identity are questions of fad,' and the testi mony will, as usual, be conflicting and contra diary. , Such clesticrnsare bee tried by a jury, with the witnesses before them In person. lames are Lhele• fora ordered to be tried at the next May Term. The record of the cam of Willson et al es. Brown, in the Circuit Court of-the United States for Maryland, affords an excellent precedent for the form in which the' order should be made, and which the clerk, (with the assiotance of the coun seta is directed to follow. Irwin, J.—Without assenting, at thin time, to the reasons and inferences contained in the points marked fiend 3, in the above opinion, 1 concur in refusing the injunction,. and directum the issues. Scomernms Larmutan:--"Pll lot you the bonne," told a landlord, somewhat advanced in years, and a widower, to a gentlemso, a few days tote, "on one condition." "What may that her' "That you will never allow year wife to ask me for repairs "Very sinsnlar request. sir." "That may be, but I know. I have let the' hoagie (no twenty yeas, and I know." "Bat Inc what reason do you sat this condi. Von t" "I can never get away from thaw women folks without doing all they swirl. Why, air, I let a lit' tie boa, to a widow lady, and one day ehe met me and Slid, "Mr. —, my sink want, painting, and I think it will be economy for 7ou to bare It dene." I thought so too, and I sent ■ painter, what to you think? before I got out or the house, she had as ceased and bedeviled me wilt reasons and eat:twice, that I gave an order to paint du' honer loom top to bottom. Agree lathe condition, and have it put to the leash, and the hoagies yours as long miyan want it." Is not* , so illustration of Sammy _Weller'y exhortation "to beware of widders'p TEM CEOLX4 as Amason, 4000 Deaths—The cholera had abated at Kling/SDP ? Jamaica. having decimated the city, but was nging with increased violence i n the col:int:v. On 096 plantation nine oat of ten wena taken off. Over 4000 death, ow GUMMI KinistOn aMite. , PITTSKRGII .GAZETTE. ryBLISAEU BY CflitT.. de W PLTMbUOIIGII WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 25, MO .160 CTTT 1.111.110/1 701 la.l 30M J. ROGOM E7rADvxnallas are earnest/ re-gleam:lw hand in um favor. before 5 r. 0., and ea early in the der la ructiealde, -Advertlienaesto not metered (or • epee,. '.Oll owe i nos nably be charged until ordered oat • ([.V. B. Fauna U Arent for tau paper at his averal agencies re New Rork, Philadelphia, and Boston, and it authorized to receive aubscriptiona and advartiseotents fay as. ILT Patunctuta NOS= Altnnucan.—AdVerti.e . tants mrsabscriptiona to the North Amelieln and United SIAM. Gazette, Philadelphia, received and for lauded front this Philadelphia , trrPrituasabrura deautzacr.LrUsi.—eabscripUons or this valuable paper, will be recatard and forward a hum this office. • Barmatcatsinnammaar—riatooripim atindadverti •• eats Mr Mir paper received and (dm:warded free • barge from thinoMco. • etactrtaan Dams tiazarrx.—Advertiscreems and subscriptions, for ibis paper, will be received and wan:bad from this Mike. No Parmt..—No paper will be rolled from M. office to morrow. Tits. New ENGLAND FZTVAL —This [mutts • •memoratiun of tho Landing: of tho art.a very delightful affair, the be*: we have see ju Ibis city. Our tenets will fin". 4 full report he proceedings in. our columns to day. Casisraiss.—This time honored religious festi val has again found. on in the enjoyment of life, health, and the numerous blessings of a gracious Providence• Many of oar estimable citizens have passed away during the past year, and their seals will be vacant today around the social board. While this chastens due joys, it should also inerearre our gratitude to that I3eing who has spared us to see an other return of this joyous season. To all the readers of the Gazette, wo wisha hap py Christmas, and many and plearant returns of ii cheerful solemnities. A Fare BANICING Law.—We are touch gratified to find our whole community awaking to the great importance to Pennsylvania of a Free Banking Law. Petitions are circulating, and nre receiving the signatures of thousands of our citizens, of all classes, and of every shade of politics. lithe Leg islature regards the.expression of the voice of the people, given in this tunst legitimate and proper way, there will be no obstruction in the way of this most beneficent and highly necessary measure. Pittsburgh is, at the present moment,suffering al most as much for the want of adequate bunking capital, as from the disastrous effect's of the present tariff The want of capital, and the high price of money, exert a paralyzing influence upon every bransh of business, depreming the value 0( , real es tate, preventinrmechanical, manufacturing, and commercial enterprise, and discournging edort on the pert of those who have the skill and genie embark in useful and laminae oeenpatiorus. The Free Banking Svsiem, founded on et ocks, commends itself to the support of c person, because it is perfectly este to the note hold er. The - capitalist might lose this mosey hg in rested in it, bet the note holder could sutler n lass. This obviates the most popular and valid abjection to Bans, and gives to the community what its necesitles require, a convenient and per fectly. safe currency. ' We understand that sr' thil wise meant. adopted by the approaching Legislature, there will be one Bank hurar3iately started in this city, with a capital of half a mink= of dollars, and others would no doubt be instituted as the mots of our community required. Tho benefits of this - me to in, therefore, would be ionnediato and moe TotheEditors of tho . Plusktreh Ga=tto IF not trespassing too mach, permit me a few words la reply to WX article of Saturday, rein. lire to the Library Anociation. He denies that the directors Were his particular game, although his note of object It hid wee intended as a direct fling at them arid their Old Hunker, (oh, the bug oboe!), propensities. Ho nye, when charged with a dereliction of duty, it husatural to frame encases; with canal troth he might here added that it Is easy and natural for carping dispoaitiont, ignorant or controlling clams, to tied feel: with a certain mono of conduct. and piny the CCIIICRI yet, whir, If placed io the same alto anon, had pursued the name part:, or pro. iimg unequal to their task, had failed ahogoth• er. Veidact or Inexperienced reformers are spa to imagine they are the chosen instruments sent to upset and remodel the world, and enthrneasii• aridly act alianntiba Herculean titak. i tint, (as he ay. pram to relish the nomparison,) life the Frog in the Table, rupture their hides to the vainly imp°. tent anempt, whole the object of thmr tureen cen times to wog on In Ito usual way, neiniodFul of the cataitmphe. He is at fault to his alinement that "in its early days the inotimrun, hie the mushroom, swelled out at intro into full propor tions Lecturer were jalopy:ed, etc; true, mnilst yet in the chirtalis Cate, tome, with= conaid. eriog the fitnam of 'hinge, wire, , ot no loo'ion down with so many extravagarit nod wild one.eri. tatting., that of neemisoy it 11117 Al leer preeril an abortion, had not n enneervsil:.- been I found who, with a ;net apps ring. hu, [hue hm•'. id means, and the wrecks of na• co the in. etitntiona before them, pt talc:111v tel resisted the propored Wesw re,. out, net long ' since wearied watt - the ire prolr rates ef the el h en, they antrired theta to have the:: wry; itle WES were rt•ollieon, and gestietti,en at home and abroad were . :aged to deliver them, which tam Bony to record, they had the mortaication o doing to a beggarly account of empty benches, and, as was anticipated, the institute, toot Mat ! bled with a plethoric pane,) was ached for an ap propriation to def y expense!, Thu, tt wr hoped, would be a meteoric the subject unni, taa the opinion of the irectora the situation of tit initiate would were nt theta in proportog a teal. . . .. . ly good cohere of lee arcs on scientific sod histor. ',kat subjects, such a ...arse a might iidoe..l prove beneficial, and not Owed addressee from oar °bre mods.", mode up of backenind common. plates, flat, stale, add unprefital.le, and which, considering that the t me spent in 'Wenn= to them might be made to 7i Id tench mere solid Informs• eon from the item.* of one of the volumes oil the shelves of the libra , would l' prying too deer for the whistle. He however, like the artist who painted nothing but saes, is -determined tnlesr nothing but lecture. My assertions that he operations of all assorts- dons lite tors was Moirely depend.' oe • hem, was not made In any spirit of self glonficaroo, or intended toconvey ad idea that the Director. con tributed more frees thou otheni; but merely to some a fart which I who have had nny espe. Hence will willies' accord, and I eincercly do. sire be may write himself Imo such a position use to verify the troth of my auertion. He will then find that his Idea of [his rousing into energy !the dry bone% of the members in grooved, la no such easy mat; for to long as they find things crouton. sh i m, and the files regularly filled, they (111,0 huh, 42 inquire what ditli:ultiet have been overcome, Or what vexatious have been borne by those when duty It is to ttend to these matters. Very revertially yam, COnesaysonvh New Math fas t Mu:, feces Bdttntoro.— The Postmaster Ge end, the Blithe= Son says, has ordered a atm, d daily mull, between Bain. more and Wheeler , to go into operation immedi, suly,or as aeon as practicable. Judge Hall in desirous of extendi g this additional service to Cincinnati, and yid o so if arronsetnent• there fore. be triftie.d on testonnble and *pram term& Tae Crystal Palace We translete the following detcription, which we And - in /Memoir, published in Montreal, o the building new in progress of erection at Ten don, to be used fiertho exhibition of the World'a Industry, in IBM: The buildlog ii tube 1548 feet long, 405 wide and will re er 18 aeon of hind. The I men.. of the boildht will contsln 33,000,000 cubic feet Tables , Tables will be placed around the interior for ar tides of e ibition, and will occupy space e noel to 8 miles. There will be a gallery shoot a Julie long. At t a centre of the building them is to be • dome r teed, extending the full width of the building, 10feet high, or glue and Iron, and ~,, incloMog •Is e cluster of tree.. ,In fact there is b ie but v ry Me wood used in the Mininli, Lou,t being mposed en:1(.4 , 111y or tree, aid glen. The number of Okra' will be 3230, wkieliwlll vs . in length from 191 to 20 teet.— The reefing over the gabiries will be supported by 2,214 pillion. In thews pillars are to be placed Ones, to raze triter from cisterns, to the amount of about 31 miles in length. It will require 252 miles ninon bars to None the gins. to be deed. ft will takecia,o,cao feet of glean for the aorf.ce of the edifice. t The probable cots of the building will be .C 79 800 k on condition that the contitructoen retain the male al and building after the exhib‘ , . bon, or .61001100 if they rellogniati Knob claim, arid allow it to remain. Over 2000 men Ire nos cots:eyed in turcencructon. 're, glert tired iii half an Inch In thickriena, and is plated on the 1 greund. ready fa the glazier 'Ohl work is done 'spicily averaging 64 feet in airtime a day. It in lotended to hove all binds of mfre.hroents ionido of the building., except liquors Water will be furnished gratnitueolly. ,A garland of artificial flowers, 1851 fret in circumference, nod contain• leg 1651 different varielien of flowers nod fruits, illuatndlve of the year In wine, the fair in Oda.— The* will be contributed by the manufacturers in the metropolis cod lemon io the proviricisr, and are to be dedicated to Prince Albeit, Docti. ens de ..sontberimod, Count of Carinte, and nth. era Who have contributed to the project. It will be Inclosed in • glan vale, on the sole of which will Myatt : Oeriptlon in commemoration or the OCCillio6. A Pace on Inn Hun.—lo thin new work on tha delenaeleas Mate of England, Sir Francis Had says that France might invade London with tto greatest ease in- the world. Sir Fronde Head ought to too ashamed to put such things into France's hes4.—.Prrak. Tatonirma, AND irsortians. We invite the special attention or fanners, to era, and editor to theft:ool=g articles ou,!tAcpr.i ctrt.rtraat,Gxot,oaX." They are so simple,direct, . pmetical,and elementary. silo afford lx•li interest and instruction to fanners, now so generally seek. ing the science of their ait--Scistarsin AGRICIIte war. II geaetofly inserted to papenuand read in schools, newspapers would become school books, and much of thusinylus toy lower, now exhibited in lawlessness', violence, and rowdyism, would be converted into practical science—the worst boys, in many cases, changed into the best Agrieolwaratal Geology -8o 1. 01 costae kloLeitoolt. No chow of the community have an equal inter est Ingeology with farmers. No science is to to te. reline to formers as geology, in connection with chemistry The two schnices cannot be separnh ed and justice done to either. While the elements of one globe, especially of soils, require chemical tests to detehnine their Character, these very ele• meets ore absolutely essential for expertments to determine the fundamental principles ol chemistry. Oxygen the most powerfril chemical egret in crew boo, unlso the most abundant material in reeks and soils. The ono as an element, the other as an agent, are alike essentiaria each other, and both indispensable, as at the foundation of all agricul• toral science A knowledge of each is as feasible nil is lak I ponaut--entwely within the voMpreheasioriof • child irr years old. Each la a science of facts more had of abstract reasoning—of facts, too, f equally inattocuve and delightful to every young mind. Take an example The child has placed-before hintiltwo:glatsitumblenti the one containing quail.. Vie other lime or nod and chalk. The name of can to or course a:greedily learnt n the name of iron, lead, gold, tree, bonito, or any other object in Nature or Art. Into each toothier Is poured some sulphuric or =rialto acid. In the tumbler of lime the pupil observes an action—in that of quarts no action. Ile I. told this action is called carves. eon. Ile hence learns to recognize lime and quartz, and I e more certainly from the recohrc. bon teal the one efferves.n with acid sad the other does not. Here Is an example of geology aad chemistry alike useful to rho hinter and interriting to the farmer', child, or any child. The tame simplicity and tilted fundamental instruction run through the whole of both of these exceeding practical sciences. I may hereafter point out a few of the leading principles of these two sciences, their nonunion with each other; their essential importance to all classes, and, most of all, farmers; the exceed. Mg fitness for the early instruction of children and the entire feasibility of having them among the .fret teen i laughs in each elate eight thousand American mime* AGRICUL,TIIRAL GEOLOGY—NO. 11. BY Malan rinioniOns. Onus is the Greek word for and; ginomal, in Greek, means real, hence the literal meaning of oxygen in acid mai*n. Combined with sulphur it foram sulphuric acid ; with oiirogen, nitric acid; with carbon, eatbenic acid, dec. Hespintion, combustion and fermentstlon, are the three princi pal operation* producing the wonablnattons of! oxygen and Carlini, ; the result., eatbonic acid. Acids combines readily with metals, earths, and aunties—as iron, lime, and potash. By chemitL these combinations are called salts, designated by the termination ate, Selphnric acid combining with various bases, produces sulphates; nitric, nitrates; corbon.e. carbonates. Sulphate of lime gypsum or plaster of Paris; sulphate of iran cop pen.; of soda, glauber calls; of magneda, epsom salt.. The carbonate of lime ,is common lime stone, marbles, chalk, and many Carcooatet of Iron, copper, and Lead, are ores cf those metals. About • century ago, water wan toned to be composed of oxygen and hydrogen, and common air of oxygen and nitrogen. About half a century eine, °gymn was found by Sir Humphrey Davy to be an clement of rocks, of course crawls, as ii was of the alkalies, combined with oxygen, were fined by the same great chemist, to be morale very peculiar in character. It hence appmnt that oxygen is au clement in tor, earth end water, existing abundantly in solid, liquid and aerial forma. In the whole it canon. hoes nearly half our globe. It is, of course, the most abundant clement in the metered world.— It Is also the most imponnetageto m producing chart. gmi in molter essential•to human existence. It is very appropriately called vital air, and oesther an imal tile nor nay life-can mist without it. It tone lers eserminl to caribustiou than to life. It also acts with great energy upon metals and other solid substances. In this action it produces three very large awl very Important Choiliea of bodies— espies, acids and salts. Iron rum is the oxyde of iron ; the down of lead, oxyde of lead ;burnt lime, the oxide of calcium ; pure plumb, the oxyde of potristrin ; pure soda, the orydo of radium ; Niko or dint, the oxyda of silleicial. The combination of one part =Taco and four of nitrogen constitutes the atmosphere; three puts oxygen and one nitro- gen, form nitric acid, equafortu. Combined with other subsintleei, it forms numerous acids. Salt petre in the nitrate of potash. The large qtranti• at oxygen it receives from the nitric acid it, it for *Material in gunpowder—giving in that pow. moot agent its principal power. A plate tumbler, and snap of paper, with a little water, will enable any teacher or parent to perform en experiment on oxygen equally simple. instriletiVe and interesting. to a deep plate poor name Water. On the water, place • Wrap of thick paper, piece of cork, err:Alter light sub. stance; on that, anotner piece of paper or cotton moistened with Oil. On lightirot the paper or cat ton, place over it a large empty tumbler. The comhtuation continues for • few seconds, and when it in extinguished the water morphs about inc tifth of the space in the tumbler, showing the bevel:My Of oxygen for combustion, and that it out, dent one fifth the at, we breathe.— Wt. at nine, woman, or child wend om like to be tr gusty acquainted with CO element so abuedant sad ger at so active as oxygen. especially whoa sorb au emininntanve is equally slMplei owful soil dAlighilni. Agetencral O•ology—No. 3. at Jonas( itot.nnais.. Rod, are the oxydes of at. Siiex, the meat abundant ingredient in rocko; mountatMb and amis. I. the oryde 01 •theium. This rustle con*utuleo nearly ale half of the solid matter at our globe.— It o. the principal element of quarts, it. all its va rielMii, a hick ore exceedingly numerate., and smite of them very leentitirilli Qtairtl Is the only mineral found every where Sand is MilVermeil iprinz Pebbles ore fragments of imam., rounded by Minima Gunflint is quartz, breaking with a ennehoidal—shell like texture. rupee to red quartz, with a fme eximpnet Manua. Amethyst is pUrpie quartz, frequently fond in six aided °rye. LOD, which is the common shape of quartz crystals in it different varmici. Agate is clouded quartz, in numerous Varieties, some of which are much wed for watch Imola linger riots, Monist pins, and other ornaments. Cornehan amains of a fine tt attire, and of a yellowish red color. Chnloedony, blotabione; exuseye, and many other gems, are ou tlet*, of Most, perhaps all, the gems used in the Menet plaleiiil Aaron, me kWh priest, were guars of lit Myna textures, eolors. and hue, The precious stones presented by the gneen of Sheba to the', liing Of Israel were prnbntiif gnarl.. The ramie, mentioned in the Rook of Revelations, on forming she streets of the New lerwaleen, with all the gems reierred to, were Inn varieora of the atone* toed for paving our ...Wert., and of the earth moved to th-plOrish and hoe id the Conner, and ca,the din can ed for filling our docks. The coloring matter giving most of the beauti• fel hoes to gem., and an endless variety of colors to quartz, Or the oxyde of iron. The oxyde of ai. I loom and the oxyde al iron are hence united In this same most abundant Mineral in the world. Next to quartz, feldspar, or clay formed by the decomposition of feldapar, Is the moil abundant erment of soils. This, too, Is composed of sew. eral oxydea n 1 metals io chemical combination. Feldbnar is alto very extensively united with quartz in the formation of rocks, not by chemical combination, but mechanical mixture. The spar and the quarts coo be &cottoned by the ham mer. Not so with the oxygen and ailicium, Non.' ing alley. Chemical nevi alone can separate chemical combination. Bach combinations in rocks, mile, sod othey.Minend bodim are exceed. ingly numerous, co p plielded, sodillelicales.•llo Meld common stone that meets the eye fo way Port of the world Is composed of two os,vdes. The , oxygen and the metals are each suited by elem. Gal affinity, and Men tho two r stolen are ova' combined by the same agency In form a ocommon ' S - ilinte," evidently worthy of more reopen than A =monk receives. An experiment: Pour upon a little readash in a nimbler some strong vinegar. An ellervencence will follow, producing carbonic arid. A burning r.andlo Immersed will be extinguiebed, showing that earbonle acid is fatal to combustion. II is tipsily So to life. A DourrretvCosieurrivr.—A well known pi nntrt recently played Romeo( his mod astoninhing pieembefore the broad &ngnor. At the 0011C113. lion of the performance, the Selma, who hod been °berrying him with great arimuation, raid to him: have heard Thalberg" ta low bow of the ariutn, a n d modest milt) ; "I have al. heard Lint (a lower bow and devout attention); "but not ono of nil ibat have played before mo pew pirrd on much tv, you do." 1 way, Pete, dace you knout bow day keep ordcre frNia !motile' iu de bollee of wedderr "I doemu'l fhtok I doer, Sam—how'd doy do ”Vithy, day fast cal der no•ea off, and den day a ..!t amen aufflo. Oh ! yah! yah ! what •n an r.aumtratura flint ]op as." The following touching lines appear In on the new London Annuals for 1651. Whe Mother's Last Yong. DY ILARIT CORKWALL. S!otp!—The howl/ winds am blonring: No moon's abroad; no star is glowing: Tho river Is deep, sod the tido is flowing To the land whet! you and I are going! Wean], going afar, Beyond raven Of gall, To tho land where the &hikes angels al. I loq my heart to.your heardets stret (Twas melted away by Ms !oohs btet) Fotttot my God, and my radices Ira. All tea lb. sake or • roan's desire:— But now troll go - Whero the waters flow. And manna a tool whnro none shall know •• The world is Noel; the world's untrue: Our foes aro many; cur friends are few, No work, nobread, however we sue. What lathery left for us to do-- But fly—dy, From the crust sky, And tido to the deepest deeps—and Os! itorreapondent (*the Home Jamsl says that JeanylAnd pays ZOO annually coder the Erg- Ilsh Icoome .Tex. She has Mewed le tee Egg. - fish three per cent.. about $750,000. Her anneal imam. therefinei from due mime *Mel Wilma $22,060., ; H( states that she hu elven away is ottwitt;ationt 58IA00. $400.000; as neatly as it cube estimated. £27.000 of this was given in Eoglaudt .£2OOO in. Edinburgh— Is Edinburgh she gave five concerts at • guinea a ticket. Os the Oct. hoar she cleared d:20.000; and en th e tillh an additional $5,060, which she devoted to (Mari. table purposes. He erimates the entire amount of km European wealth at siposloo. Art HattonTurn nova --It is related of a Woe thy divine, who.e fie d cf labors vu Ousted not many hundred miSs from Salt on thinke preached palms to h * onntregaiton nuah a length of time that um, Ire rldnat eltureh mmEnts forgot all s host the Koppel, led fell into profound .gooracee with regard to steed, neon 01 a unship and church reaulattons. After the clergyman's death, the el dart went to roreu t a celotrated Maine about ob. in:ng a snecessr. r. • • , d " y.,—yonr pn r eiFlea—what are they 1 , Oh tA we flee all Druloorata but two!. mean whet in your phtform—your chuck?' Ch," ese'almed or e, !hit is prioniptlly - oak' Mamma Alumna= or rim Beta JILLACMCIL 7bey raid me many things comic as well as pain. In:; among Otters, no anecdote of Jerachich was re'ated mob gmat zest. Wins he entered &lab, he heard that the (bootees Kamlyl to:toned a Leaurfel palace in which she was ,hen residing, Tee lame of her l cooly and atniabday had long been known to him; and he thought this a Evora ble opportnn it el tee mmending himself is her notice. He 11 , crefoic quartered himself.* her te.idence; and I tr,ve win alt his town , it mate h cool aavecablei to •ht r, hut without ounce.. fie had the coot sro!oend faith in his personal charms, and ILlMved that loch an Adonis as he court prove teceisible. lie did net naderatand, them core, %et) . die young Countess 41,1 on . surren der et d,ta rct n, bu to was utterly coolheaded when, withit.e to have eo iamrv.cw•with her one aterninr; ho received a remote that Ile Countess watt not at bornoll hosa. He went at once to the T ger Ho el, bursting with mort6cotion ! and ,to rovengehlmselr, rent re: his "WI," that be might pay the beautiful KM olyi for Us tatted at d lodg• mt. Ste caw his ILCIO ng, art instead of rating ("fence, tent tem actually no account in which eyetyttang be had Lad at the palace wan charged Runt n monstrous prim. So for the etc h er , e was, perhaps, only air; Witte Cro•t we'd cot &gest the Illahh ey pot moo ha tritest, em, aid all his love for Karoter tanned into laden:vier yen. seance, which he gent del by filling .her Felice with common rold'ere. Thus ended the renown. od Ban's Bert love adventure in Perth, the inestio• suishable mirth of thelarenhy citisers.—Barones Von Eerie fersermi Asirourues is Hangar,. The Lte,cmber numb, o_L the - Keinkerbookor rollEen tho lollowioi A . gentleman owned forte lota atjoiniog Jewish buryme ground, in the upper pout of the City. The ounces or the cemetery wattled to purchase these lota, but al the pet., they ',fend was oo romivalent for their valor, the gentleman refused to accept a Al last the Jew trustees hit coo what they enoidrred a tnatterattoke of • .1. ley, and meeting Mr. few day. aterwards 'Ab, ear, we Orth you will not gel any Irdy now to live en your repeats op doe. We bayed lots on de oilier side and behiot it, and it is Jewa burying ground alternated tt.! !Yelp well; ',plied Mr. V.—; I shall begin to Ma 1.1 tomorrow.' 'Budd erho.Al the taus taken aback by the cool manner in which :his would, 'why, row, with a manning smile.. What can 'au pet op cote, ma • Jew's buryne ground ail ironed I ' • A star. gimlet half! 'raid Mr. IYL u hero made my provenly toe mO3: egg ble In the oily. Good morning!' 'rho reader may Imagine that: Mr. V.—.eeerved his ice mien for the lot., which were epee d ly converted into • tio!goth.,•nd the praneptl ten' te now I m tallied in the mi..st 0! tbem, wilt awh to losable monnmeht p canditS out or has bow an, largevrag_ll to =he a rotor , e:ticn Into Ci3Mtlt.t% MEM &RIC A BLS GABE I I EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST!! Bla.kliv—Ser. I chrarfilly comply with 'TOW Tel punt tha: I a oteA giao Soo an .coant:of the alinast E=l=l ' he VFW. 1111•C&Cd will, a very sore <yr !arcing.) blarch lust, when 1 Imme.ilataly applied lo the aria :dual a,d ia the rite, hr was pronouneed. "• very bad eye' and ell poet too no belie of doing bee any good. After which I tool; her Into the emu, 11110 ao old lady, who bail bean vary escemeful In curing eyes. She told ma that her case was hopeless, Le she would Certain!) . 1010 1101 only that one, bet else that the other .mold (client—lt beinglierefelone affection of the blood. And I do certify Alit :at tha time my (whet V. It. VaiLon) CM. to It,. minted= that we had better try' your " Pet“`ieWhP IRS WAX prßaii shim, of Co , eye. It w mw attain two menthe slate clic began Its ow, and aho-cah now in. with both gym ea good as e•er Rho did; and, an let as 1 can tell, I brheve she has. with the blenteg St be been cured by " Pettolepido Yenta, teefectlally, *I. Femmes Vameill Copp. Pot•tuitetil., Pert no, lode For *ale by Keyser h McDowell, IPSO Wood street; R. F. yeller.. en Woo.i etteet; D. SI. elm, D. A. El holy Joseph Dougiee., and IL P. Seberanz i ARelldteslt alto by We prnpnetdr, a AL VIER, novitd&er Cartel Oasis. Seventh et, Pittahargh (Mee of MID and Penn. FL R. Co, Thlid Pfrrstroaan, Sagest 5,1430. Tux Smyth°ldlers of We Ohio and CCM*liFofa Hail Road Compeny ale hereby nonied to pity lb. With le tannestof hot <lnnen pm sham,. the.L e of the Comp. - Tom of befam the 20th day of Wm The nosh Inmobnemt off or beads the POW day o September Ibe fenflf IttolniirKul 00 Or bchnli U. cosh day of 0t tone r nest. Tbc 7U. /n.qa , morn Wes celled tar on the I:Dth July la. IC?" bow. De without • wipply tot hl . l.eama V &eviol.o -At tin. SCIJRIII partical•sly, when to imableggine met so freyeently fatalemt., !Water. percent sheathd be leatelfel. anion the lifh, a,pc ...ere of the," distsessaog syssp• toms which to at of the pretence of wormy, Sr once apply a powerful end efficacieue remedy. This remedy tre can now keenly, eannttent that }tont) re quires • trial to convtece dl that It tiettly , ntertut the prat,. lust bwe been leelshed upon it. It Is note and Infallible. Yo' ales of er1114:1RIC51 eats hi be pm diced, sbornn• It. rte reedkce, eirtuen, ErFor vele be J. KIDD S. CO, No ee Wood ottlsot del-dter• FALL INIVKTATION Ulf lIIKOW LOGAN, WILSON & CO. valo‘vorinSTßEXT, Menote •prepared mot. • largo and (real, stook of Hue 611f19211, aro! Arrerrean Hardware, to act auperier tnauteteente to I.‘,,ette Tim.< wil to putcha•e rt.!! I.,..rte.te tura Interest by t shil eettne radicle!, OW on they are eleterttlinaktellelt oR be most ren‘nont.to tette.. sorb ACNCOMAIItr.I.I O2 IIr. INSTITVTIOIIII CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, OC Pitl•barigh. 114t9SET, Pere'r.-. —A. W. MA lint Dahl. Oder—No. 41 Water street, to the warehouse of C. 11. GRANT. rlifllte COMPANY to now prepared to Insure all kind. of nets, on house., manalamonee, good. oterehmdlee in note, and in trantito emelt, An. An ample guaranty fee the ability and Integrity of the Institution, It ad - or,led In the ebaretter of the Dl rectum, who are 101 , ,illief. of Plueburgh, well and favorably known to:the cernumnityfor Man prudence, lIllt111(Cflet sod inteuray. Inutrusi—C. G. Jlat.y, Wm. Bagaley, Wm. Las later, Jr., Walter Bryan., Ito D. King,. Edward Rearelton, Joke Haworth, S. Ilarbaugh, S.M. Kite. ap3.41 laapravosas. t. u•atlstrit DLO. O. STEARN:I,4r. ot Demo, Is *pared to istueleetstre and set Mau Turn I.llWMOluid putt Of oparese 110110 r A tolor pherlo Mutiogliates.— TOOTIOLCIU STUD 111 net assn one, where ...ale exposed. °Moo and residua. out door 10 1,4 e ma. or's office, Fourth street, Pnuburph. 1t... TO—J. 11. EPrad•inn.P, H. Eaton. 1210. A annaan s.,se I.•nr. whole narrate at (*Yarning chltdren, I. an ..le:ly hnunnteeper, and Willing In take charge of W, I..w.l.nrgh and Aliggitang Orphan Arrylam, woahl been or a good situation and Idl ..1.1 by ^ , PiT , ./7 to MRI 4 AIRS RDRINIITON, or dal] t Mad 110111NPUN. • I=l On Tue.:Ow evoninr, December 2111, by the Bet. Mr. Bryant, Mr. Them Omani to Ml.. Manila MOW , 011, WI of thin city. • In Allegheny City, en the elth Wm, by the Rey. R. P. Swift, D. U., Ds e:0 Mosostt, in, of Climate:o,oW, to Yd aaaaa errs C. Yinslit:TON, of Allegheny City. den.bert t`T NOVEL ENTRIITAINAIENT. ills ctl.mixtiD LANCABIIILLN BULL RINGER. ♦l➢ ml wosofir. 0111?iSSIL FAMILY. njrii trooftta in lAN country andoettor T owlets nf P. T. iNtßNl.fhl, Proprietor of the New Yon and PloNdelrAto Moscato., will give their perionnonrev of waiatiris 11ALIn on Viedneeday Daeerober .2.501 and Mb. !lour. for Couroti Inul Levee—Afternoon, from to 4 ; E oo mng, from 71 lr. a &Hoek. DOM open to hour prevame The DELI. FtllitiEllS number Ave Klemm, emelt Jr althorn holds Ave hells at one ume, snaking In all twenty Avo bell.. They execute all the motet WTI of she day on Untimely Iland Ltell. prodeentE mom satoundtog t and chaiming peat. or hatmany, reminding the haver of DELI, truly MUSIC D, truly Interesting and enchanting to all who Wen to dna novel melody. . THE cIIINESE FAMILY hove been In this c 0 ... try bat a few moralm, and consists or DIVE LADY of . Royal Blood, will. nay feet, only llj Mae* long; alto a, Chine.. PrOILI.OI of Mende, a tamale Ismael, an Interpreter, and 2 Chinese eh:damp. 'they perkum on various Chinese Mullettl luatrumeets, the, whole making .he molt attractive and uninae exithitlona the country. Adaduloo, Str. centy, children under ten,years, ball price. . • ' - AetAdet Children's Goods. -- • - 1 UST,reeei s ascot •ar ter) o f Ckidren's Moroi Lloslery, Se srin,, Mittens, Caps, Costs, Shirts, Muds, Boors, ae. Alto, a hires stock 01 very, superior Foutey Soap Cytherron Crews of Soap, expressly designed our ladies' use, at Pro 12 Fourth moo, dolt/ U EATON quoin - CORM:NATION:OF TALENT. /or Oso Molt Oatly.. =EEMEUI '3l fro l i t h e Y , lad elfhlTrn i i d u llYgn a r * : Concerts, and• GUS. SHOLLILLN, Violinist for her majesty (Nana Victoria, arid a Gout Concert of Vocal and Instrneenud 'Macke, wmxins HALL, lower -rooW, on THURSDAYevening, 2611 r Instant. H. SLUM will preude at titer limo This will posiUvaly be the only Concert given in thls city bythe aUIIK. No posvonentant en account of the scouter. Cards of admission, 50 [era, to be had at the prin cipal hotels and at the door. C octet to commence at 7 o'clock. den FiWznay Clo!mls 'DST re calved ad now open, a large asiorunent of u yoney articles sultabis f , r hristssuss and New Yea Pauses% to widen the @Lennon of purchasers Is particularly invited. Amongst the au:lslamist wilt be found Rosewood Wanes Desks Pad Inlaid Pansy do Fancy Rosewood Toilet Doges Inlaid Satin Wood do do Block Walnut and Rosewood Toilet Boxes Fancy Rosewood Psrfamss7 Dozes Inlaid Satin and. Rosewood Sewing Doges Pearl Caskets fn X fine Jewelry Also, OenUsenen'sltlornlng Exercises do Traveling Cases do Fancy Dressing Can, ko, at .c. 25 P 11 EATON, II Earth at TRICOPIIEROIIB (or We by R. E. BELLIMPI, 57 Wood oh sole *gent for Pluabarab rice, 25 cents per boWe moara—moo Watt received pee steamer Jenny Lind, and for sale by demi SIIRIVRRk BARNES _ - - TALLOW—abrls reeelved far .le de2s 9111ZIVER lk BARNES ISP . de 4al" TRY PEACHES-3b 0 bus received lôr guts by 19 , de23 81IRIVER 11AIINFA QESIFSIA 0116-5 brio TWO for sale by la deb" !SHRIVE.' & lIARNES • B UTTER -0 brim prime roll; lOjaro for family ure,Tor sale by de2s MINIVER & DARNER O, afflt,aE9l...-50 tle, u,1.1111.40, sale by de2r, RIVER t DARN ES -- LARD & ODEASE— . I:sTrels o gir l'"d now landing from steamer Fan Fin and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO detS Front & Water at' sacks landtna nom Fart Pi:t by Cab ISAIAH DICKFAra. Co LOW OIL—I en (seem y (mom Poo Pin, by ors II AIAH DICKEY Lo L t bon ERS of Administretion on the estate of An. y Dee len, late of the oily of Pittsburgh, de- Ceased, Lolling thu dey Leen granted to the ender signed, notice is hereby given to all persona Indebted to thnsaid estate tomato Immediate Payment to either of ay, and all persons haling claims against mil eststo are requested to Present the came, duly withea ueu}d, for aettiere.t, at the warehouse lately reed• pied hy told a. Reece, 11l Third rt. ANNA M. I.IEELIFIN, Administrant. K D. GAZZA Pa, Administrator. Pi tabor 11, Dec 03, 1E53.1c25 dim CM= A LARGE Loather Yard, showed on Doqaesne 13. way, floor the Point, Yards =OM to hold elahtun handrod thonzend feet of lumber, to rent on a Pung lease. Enquire of REYNOLDS A dettS•dtrn Cor. Penn & Irwin eta FOR THE HOLIDAYS. \ 4 .. GIIRIBTMAII PEAMSEMTIIi A LARGE Variety of French, English, and Amer.. an Fanny dositonery, satiable for Christmas and Iderdiliear Gina, inch as, Papier Mache, Pearl,lvory Inlaid and Bone Cud Cases and Porte Monartts. Porte , Manaiert with profiles of Waworraton, E an"- WA Peace, and T•1101i, etched In Ivory. til swamis! Paper %Veiglits, of (Hass, Marble, Ala i. ter, and Bronze. Bohemian Glass Wafer Stamps, and Weights, with finale" and ether beautiful ganglia curiously moulded in, the centre. Gold Pencil Cases, with and without Gold Pens. Portfolios, rations pattern.. Rosewood Work Bores. Portable Writ. tog Desks Backgammon Hoards. Pliers Men Pomp Boole. lferbanica's Mario Portfoltos. French Note Paper, embossed. silver and colored edge,—l•ee, and other styles, with envelopes to atth—Parcetaln Int. stands, richly gad, a great satiety. Paint Verna The above, with many other fancy oracles ID the ataironeryl.l4 tor We by W 8 HAVEN, &align", dell - Corner Market and Second SD. DOA THE HOLIDAYS ALEXANDER & DAY have Dial received 6y el. pivot eplandid WOOL LONG SHAWLS of the most desirable pattern. and colors, cab ills: and Orange, Drab and Mc, Drab and Drown, Orey and ilcaotaal French Hata Cloths for Ladies' Cloaks, French Merino., Brocade French Poplins,alika, Tare Satin., and otter handsome goods for lames' &eases, all ed which wilt be sold M the lowest cash prices. drittsitw A LEXAN DER & DAV India llabter Top 'FLIRT remote by express Root Nov :oft, for lb I) Madam a pent oatiety of oo L. &nubai an. datable Toys, connisitor In part of GO dot snorted tines Roll Road, Dog, loons. Rattles, Uell nod l'tellhtuy ,to do, tor .alt SA in Roodyear Rabbet Del-trt. Nu • n k Y Wow I at Oc4l J k VS MarEby ► liarobthold REAM,' ~ mic sappbeda m mi ne amtablt toads for Hol,day CI. Prisms limilsotat Ureic Sans; de Francis Memo., Popl Ins, to Needle Walked Collars; . SamMa,trcarbs, Fans Limn Cambric liamikercillth, de. ' And Mahe the calls of buyers. 424 A swat. von ?nig HOLIDAYS. ONS of the finest ornamented cake. ever men in the-Twin Mlles, will be set in the window of P. H. II .of birth sueo4 oo Chastens* eye. It will weigh nearly Move hundred pounds. will be timisfally Iced and ornamented, and suemounted by a magma cation of Waltham f a ros ., in England--all done In cigar and glass.: It la a splendid piece of watt, den ten-up with mark trout:Ulm/ expense la order to maintain the fatter mutilation of his 'el/ establish ment. Ills patrons. an! the public genetally, are invited to call and be agreeably surprised, e.n if Mrs do not wish to parttime. Tbey will elm find Casa, Candies, Fraita and all the other finings for Cheats.. Call at Nall Firth street. P. 11. lIIMMF.II, dein fisher aad Confect.. et. passasTATioi nooK6, AT the Edeestimial Repository, No C. 5 Market ci s may be found the meal widen/lid cal teetion of An ima/. .11 GIN Docks. The atook comprise* every variety of richly boned 'and Illustrated GO Books. Alio, Rdseepai Prayer IN/eta, and Presbyterian limn Book*, Gabler, Lc, for *ale al the lowest prices. neo3 110LILOAT PILICSIONTS. tAr W. WILSON ea. a .0,1 large and nob as -111 • . sorra/sot 01 Fine Watch., Jewelr sod Va riots Goode. notable for Chrlttams and N a Nw Yea Glfle—ornantenlal and metal, for sale vary low, a corner of Market and Fourth strrete. dote] Part tummy sad Walker A satiable ter Ilellday Pirmsentm. 10091:PARATIONS for the Growth and Preservation cf Illalr, Fa Lennie; /Mar's, Rose, and Macestat Oils; Panama, In pot. •ndstickn • Indisn Vegetettle Oil; Madeline Pasteur% Lip Salve; Cold Crew; Au:iodine for Chapped Ramie; Hauela and noosed'sH air Rye; Culogne Waters, at pnees, from fl cent. to one antler per bottle. Peffumes for the Handkerchief, Pear log Creams and Peeps. Tall., mod Fanny Soaps otevery •NarietY. Together with mony fancy truck. too numerous to mention here. S. Nt WICKERSHAM 4021 Corp( Wood k Bath sta. III: understood has just opened a large stock of T Tyrolean Toye.and visions other goodi never seen here beam-11c 6n ret wooden moths of skill, a. well Ike the otontplayihlodie for children, edemas y Beloved for the bolbleye, which ho le determined to self very low, wholeeal• and retail, by JOHN IiEhIAIRRT, 113 Smithfield street OM Books tot Um 110111 days. lEAFLETS ME.IIIRAY,. edited by Reynold Coates, ht. D.. spbW4llClaltind in Turkey rap ra The his, edited bY-PTittillior it R. Hart bound ill Turkey 6rofinCO,WllhAS/11410. illummatiou and antrayloga Gem. of ate Sumo, eleyantly illustrated. The Reepute, • eft for. abkbo:r.lays, bound in Turkey moromea, with islanalnatiotts. The Crystal Foom, fuelnBl, caned by T. R. Janitor, with engravins. done Tempe. OffeArtg, for lest, by T. 8. Am tbur. The Cbristmaa Tribute, for 1631. irning's trifering, tenon , Flake Forgotlo [ l ot. FriernishiVidritfering t • Oems of Scanty, or Lnerary.6lll, for lush; edited by B. Percival, bound in Turkey morocco, with comer. our Illuminations and engravings. The Rose of Sharon, a religions souvenir, for 1851, edited by Mrs Caroline N. Sawyer. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, various editions, ° Wa n g Female bo s itns h. Or ruler! e • ~..“nt al • po trans. of Mrs B Oakes Smith, Mr. P n Osgood. mrs 11 EllgOiltney, Mrs E F let, Moo Emma 0 Embury, Mrs Amalie B Welby, Brag .111 ale, Man EC Kinney, Miss Ann b, Miss Para JClarke, (Orams Green. wood Shelly, Goldsmith, Burns, Moore, COleridge, Mom. en, Minoan, and Keats; Coleridge, Shelly, and K e at s ; Pone, Byron, nod Woodworth's Poetical Workit Also, a lan ge call. client cf papier ameba, paplertle, album. in morocco and papier macho binding also. • large enllrcuoe of splendid Juvenile Book s,vi with other works, for sale by R bTOCIKTON, Late Johns•on er. Stockton, corner Market and ad sts. dell [Chronicle and Post cog, HOLIDAYS. GIYT BOOK/ I GIFT HOOKS for 1051 AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third st, oppoelta the Poet OK.. OUR Saviour, with Prophets and Apostles The Souvenir Gallery, • Gift Gook The leered Anneal, do The Iris end Illuminated Souvenir The Gem of Benny The Rosary of Illustranans The Leaflets of Memory The Flora Keepsake The Gem of the Sumo The Winter Bleveome The National Temperance Offering The loos of Temperance Offering thriellarrSoovenir and lillssionary Memorial The Keepsake of Friendship Tho Amaranth, or Tote, of !remembrance The Irving Offering Whig Portrait Gallery, with en Engravings of Ws. tincenheil Whigs The Token of Frierldelap The American Keepsake The Boole Flake Gem of the Western World The Crystal Fount • The tbriennam The Christmas Tribute The Garland, or Token of Friendship Scenes in the Life of our Saviour The Ladies' Gift • 'The Forget Me Not The Lily of the Valley • The Gilt, a token of Friendship Ladies , Album. dellidet4p THE subaesiber respeetfally Wien.. his 'milkman.; automata that hia ateek of Toy. and Panay Good., zombie for the holiday., Is now open sn hir lute wholesale ware room, No lid hluket at •p wan comprisleg the Isegest auul most apleadtd snowmen eiChrtUatas Prawn= eve? altered in this city—lea ported drool by midi; end for gale bl di21.10 , 0 =WWI 01lions Gil= B..ka 'tor tkeEteilldays nom Wien. etlbe Old and Nee Taieleeents, The Mamma the- Bible; • • Oa Saviour with Apostle and ProphetN The Path Ways and Abi ding ng Places of our Lord; - ISikered•Seellel tome Life arca Saviour. - Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress - Floras interpreter and ennona Flora Evenings at Donaldson Manor Topper's Proverbial Philosophy Banyan's Holy Wee Halleek's Ponies! Worts ranyan's complete Works Goldsmith's Poems toriu on the !la es titud Thompson's Seasons Path MLR° Leaflets °Memory Faith and its Effects Poems by Onlan Mingo of Life Campbell's Poems Shaspeue Milton , . Poems • Peeps at Nature Weyer Holiness . Montgomery's Poems My Saviour Rook of the Pusiou •Peae la Reneging Token of Friendship Eminent Dead Mrs neatens , loons Tappers complete works Drama Room BarapßookSummer Des F,oral Keepsake Advice to Young Men Gems of Beauty Boy' anon= Rbigi,to Don Qattote For sale by R HOPKINS. re Apollo Buildings, Fourth st ADAM' HARDIE, V E TERINARY 1117.110E.0Ns (Late from Edinburgh, Sdattand,.) Ur7OULD respect'allp acquaint tire public that he TV has commencedurnedce lathe above profession, and by entelUl attention to whatever in entrusted to him, be hopes to giro satisfaction. In connection with James HST Horse Shoeing and Blacksmithing In general w ill ( be earned on, at the corner of louse at and Pen spiv ania Agenue. dettiidlP Silver Cola wanted, F " wfoh the highest premium will be paid at th. Exchange Mice of AWI . INS& Co. daR4 emelt' 'nix &Pdalket ota for SM. Ft e lLj WORK lIORE B , 4,TbirTt. "'" al./e7V"'" D IRO FRUlT—Utted Paschen do do pared; do Apple.; jolt received. and Wlll A bIeCLUIIG & CU, U Linen) it BEESwAX-1 east for old by del WM A 111eCLURG k CO THUP—In brla racciyed and for sale by y DILWORTH & CO 0. MOLASSES-00 bde new eroi, for enle by deL4 J y DILWORTH &CO -•--- frOBACCO—Ite — Mt I_lofor sale by 1. d' 1 DILWORTNam, H & CO • ISACIIES-75 be puma just received h y P deli • J OILWORtII tCO brie prime fresh roll: 30 kegs primepacked, jest lending by e•l4 J 8 DILWORTII& CO 11112119' OIL-40 brlsi r , n 410115 DILWORTH k CO B UTTER—Io by McGILLS & ROE del/ 257 . inuas—lndozen m atore acd for sale by deli bIcOILLS & ROE TOBACCO -50 b. Ss for sale by dell MeGILLSIk ROE isi? ;y l LARD-6 i 2214 aziLtasVx . M' ! ., 72 , 1e 221 & 121 Liberty In CIIER9E-ICO bx• W It - Cheese in. Blare format, by 601 MILLER & ILICKETSON ECO d 7 . I I IIIY CRAB ClAN.Ratba, on. mcm..-4o bap lo store, for lisle by dal . at a W. H A [WAUGH. QODA ASII-40 ea.k ter We by d,21 S. & W. HARD...U.O OTABII-10 casks in store and to: sale hi 8t W lIARKAUGH -WINDOW GLAfLa-4CO be, assorted alone, city TT breads, received and for sale by de24 a t. W UARBAUGII BUTTER—Id brie front roll, for Folio by dell d & tP lIARBAUMI • SEESE-400 bz. reed for sale ! , y de2l RAIVLSARBAUGII C SEFSE-114 bo d tee a v e vv .6,.. * fde .v, by den WICK ITANDIE3S. AIIE977IIII'A-5 b.g. au day re • 'd for We by V dead WICK & enaNDLEPS RCOM9-40 domperiot Ceim grooms for gala by de24 WICK & WCANDLIM. de.l4 Pri'e K I 'y for *e, _ VICKW i? ,CANDLES, GINSF.NO-4 pkg. for male ny deg WICK & F LAX -I 4 sacks. Imad and far WICK & POTASII-22 talks pore for sale dell WICK & 11 1121TR-59 nk p on hand and WICK & casks first .rts, , o dcti WICK & '1 LI 1t .A CU: r nsl44 and 44 .1.21 WICK & trßArl IN(. Peiit—...tv rown V .ediam; Witte no.for sale lby deti 1,v1 , 1: cCANDLFS.4 lIIATI—No lads N C Tat; 40 Of brio do for ...Co by .104 ; WICK *. lII<CANPLEBS PROFESSOR A. C. BARRI" 8 TRICOPREROUS, On. nneDICATICD Colllyool>D. ffiVALLIBLE far renewing , luelgerradrig, mad beim /. baying the Unlit, removing Me scurf, dandruff, and all affections of the walp, Ned coring eraptione on the skinoliwasee of the glands, muscles and integuments, and reit...n:l4 . o=n., eats, brunea, sprains, fee, With this preparanon,uiliete ie no spelewonl as Md." The tint martins in America, medial men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of all profentena, and ladles who have used it for years in their dressing trouts and nit rsericLadmit it with one accord, that for imparting vigor, glosa,huoi inter, and curl to We hale, eracicating surf said dendialr, healingwounds, curing contusions, sprains. sung, de.. and telieving diocesan of the skin, the glands,- and the muscles,' it has no equal among the multitude of compounds edzertned in tha public prints. or mod in private practice. In 41e` ".`.% u ',.."ir:ProPf h ge aniele,bove enabled the inventor to supply it at retail At :La cents per bottle, which is from SO toper cent less than the price of nly caber annotation for the , hair now in we. The scientific truths° ou the hair and the skin embracing the vatnable diversions for the eultwe and pruce cation of nature's choicest or nament,ln which each bottle Is enclased, is alone veartn the money. The affinity between the membranes which consti tute the skin and th• hair which draws its sustenance from due trip!, envelope to very elo.e. All diseases of the liar on to the skin of the bead. If the portant' the scalp are Merged, or if the blood and outer fields do eat circulate freely through die small vessel. which toed the nun with moisture,an4 tmpan LG. to We fibres, the sewn is scurf, elandruffshediting Md. Lair, .... noes, dry es,. use ss of the ligaments and entire Mildness, Ws the rnay be. Entatialale the skin to healthful *Minn with the Tti eophereme. and the wtp..l vessels, recovesing their activity, will annihilate the awash. In all affections of the shut, and of the substrata of mimics and In regiments, Me process and the edict are the seam It is upon the skin. the migrant fibre, and the glands that the n o . beton* has Its specific action , and in all 'keno. and Wien of three • ••• vereign remedy. nota,rit nein battles, price 45 cents, et the prizei pal Mace, 1.37 Broadway, New Torli, and by We Prin cipal nerchanto and druggists throughout We United Billies and Canada , , denalffin ap Im th• Court of Common Vlaa• or /Lilo 'kooky Coast', N the maser of the View of the Beaver Road In I Reserve Township. No 174.; December Teti], Aud now to wtt, December 134,1840', Report of Viewers filed, confirmed olio, and Motto red that rodeo thereof be given, by publication' two weeks in the Pittsburgh Duette. By the Costor. deSlidetawllT URIctOXEI AND WRITING DESlin—The larger[ government of Paper Macho, Rine wood, sTiblahogaoy Work Bo:emend Writing Desks, ever °gond tor sale in Ibis city—all dozy own Importotten and will be told logy by pdatod4ll C VEMIER TOV BOOKS, toe•I-A fine asoortnioniof Toy Rotas, Annual., Be reliable for Christmas and New 1 ear pump., for sale by C YRAGER delloi4t To Bloroboato and Eloaufactororo. A GENTLEMAN of energetic !nimas. titbit. wsnld Invent and Into n aettve interest of AGLOW or s3o,fioat In any .aln and profitable bostnaas. Nerottonans held atrial confidential. Addreaa •'A" Garstle Office. , dendas A NV perron with • c•pual of three to Four Thous• a nd Dollars, destroas of putchtstng an Interest in a sate manufactory, over which be will have cen tral, with a .alaly and one half of rho Fehr, can .Itear of such an opening by addreasing "11. 11." Pitt. bareb Pert Office. deer by lira. E. P.Smiih 1101IT3-10 00 Oe thia d.l reed for male b dor/ ' Snarl/ER &YARN® • PlTTSl3tincni Comer of Third and Minket meet.. The only Chartered Inanition of the kind in Chianti. sictrxxa.. _ John Fleming, Principal Inettnetarin the Science of neeeaus. 0. K. Chembetlm, Ptormor of Penteenthip, Net. eumie Compnlnhon, &c. Alex. Id, %Vanton, Est, Lectater on Commercial Law. Then desiting e complete knowledge of Book Keep• mg end it. application to every branch of bustnna, also en elegant and rapid pormeneldp, ate invited to call and examine the arrangement,. Lecture on Commeminl Law every Monday oven- iay ference to any of the =olden; city =manta de43 , DIO IRON-15 ione hat blast Hanging Root, far vale by d.x3 JAS A HUTCHISON aCO e ll gref9l ßSEEl)-2' b/A'RT sale b 7 k CO Wij , KAILEI.-11.0 Uri. No /dam lot sal& by JAB A' HUTIMISONA CO SYRUPS-21141 s Golden Syr:pa; 6 keg do 18 brig Clarified do. tau 'staved and JAMES A liolzinsoNfr. Co Arks St Louis Sugar Refinery Numbering Houses and Pittsburgh Dlrsotury. ALL patrons indebted to the oubacriber for num bering bootee or l'sitibtg Directory will rime call at the Room. of the Could of riltde,COTOCf of Wood and Third stfrelS, bittenen the hours of 9 and S o'clock, and mule their bill.. Sobscribera and them wishing to numbers the Plttabingh Ihrectory will also elm. call. SAML FAIItit'STOCK: l'ittibureb, Dec 21, 18:0.—dr21:ditw Wines. 2F s Qii,:gasks Part Wine, miens brands; .) Jq. casks Sweet Malaga, Gins brands,_ In store and far sale by W M MITCHELPREE. deft. Ltberty asset BANANA emu/tit—al tza wrialuThat receTareeti tale by lIHRIIRIDGER Mt:HIRAM 116 Water at SUNDRI ES —.1 7 11.12 p n ft: N. O. ezpon, tw by. 21 bis Lemons; by ihutiaAm M TESS a CO'B SPECIFIC, for alf diammes of Ma Urinary Organ., Leneborrea, Inflammation 0 .the Bladder, Ktdoeve, &o. Price SI 00 par bottle Bald by - bi SELLERS, No 07 Wood at and by A. B & D. Panda. New 'York. de2l TITHITEIIBII-16 btla for sale by_ _ VI den 8 P VON 80N1M01487 k 00 AMUSEMENTS ~~s'sT-~r~a - - IT lIESFECTFULLY info,. my manias andSsaPilat that toy 6tH perty will take plate on FlideY.tfi. 27M Mauna. at Wilkie.. perm et- • Nb will be admitted without bet ticket. Nb:lehildren except eekolars And subseribtis w/adautted. Any one Tiolating than rule will be c ailed as sebolask. Tickets tor gentlemen visitor. fo the even tog will he limited to teni apply to-A. Alpersonally, as nonsked will be told at the door. The gleaner 111 dancing may commenceat any time, .so as to get twenty lessens before the middle of For more pardeulare, apply to A. NONNAPISN, I deal:d2t Slaika.st --- P0W.11231 , 12 GIRICECIE. ILAITXI. 11118 "word renowned mato." will be exhibited at Piolo Hall, over the Port Office, tor • few day., commencing Monday, December V.d. HOW. of Exhibition, from. 9 A ,1. till 9 P. M. Admission, 95009; season tieket.,SO et., Pamphlet., cents. , • . P. 9.—Tba Slime le the bropetty or N,. P.M and it exbibbettor No benefit. , det7 LECTURE BOOM, ATHENEUM BUILDING Open EVERY EVENING, fora skon snaum 13!pleN celebrated se rie• ofgigantic PANORAMAS, A VOYAGE TO Eisthreeingeostrollicent Views of Boston, its Herbori Halifax, the Attitude, Liverpool, • L O,N D N. Froze the Thames, passing under the Bridges, and ending "slain Magnificent •leer of the Tit AII RS TV B RL. OrilGanuy led, and bath Stinks of dm beantif , Pereana swishing to esti at Blown 4 IR E SELLERS .11.1 V /Gll. Rlllflilln. An Exhibition every Wednesday and !medal. unotnoon, at 3 O'clock. AdtrusAiOn„4s cents. Children, under 12 lean o age, l 5 cents. . Mors will open as 6* o'clock Panorama to roo t- a 7 tunnels moving at 71 o'clock. dela:43lr SPOOL. COTTON-2600 dor reed direct from ibb brbbfactory. Rod for We by C AR do!! BUTHNOT _ . . rrIABLE CLOTHS—Linen. brew. and Wadi , Daulaale and Diaper pattern for. wale by de/1 C ADUUTHNOT erciteKEltt+ for tale by C AKM TIINOT.I UTTER-83 Win roll rut received for ..to by - 4 ,,. deCt 8 W F.- LARD—LO bile leaf lard received for ..le by deftl to lIARBAUGI f 11GAR3-20,000 common, lecchred for solo by 4421 9 Br tV lIARBAUGI rpm,' OW-50 brit; rceelerd for sale by dr2l S A W ItARLIASOS 2 FLAT LOAIS,I2O feet es eh, ter sole by sittIOIOAMAISER It CO de2l 21 Wood street 150 Lnrorted Plasteti to toile, fiaa:sytco RtvAsi corty:2ftiCANULS-3 0.1 TTABIIII.GIA MGM SCIIISIDL, ArMium' Hall, 44 Grant alma. W. if. PADDOCII, M. A., Principal; W. T. MoDONALD, M. A., Asmetate. riiuts Institation will be opened for the 'reception of i pupils au 'Thursday, tho second day 01.1anosty nem- Virsulars,explionhig the object of the root; g don, mode of instruction, coati° of study, disciptine, wins, be.. may be bid at the stores of Mr. U. It. White, and Messrs Kay A Co., or of the Principal, as the Monongahela 'loose, (rem 2 to'l I'. ht.. of each business day of the week.. dell MI The Jrxelsalaire Hotel (or foot. THE termof the present lessee expiring on the Ist J. of Apnl next, the p. rioter slit.. extensive and well known 11“ el is shout toput it 11l state ,ef thoroogb and complete repair, and otter. it for runt on liberal terms. Enquire of W. OIL R.olllNtlftN, Ally at Law' L 9 Fourth street. (Post copy) riIIOBACCOSLI Lae Grne just cc'.l for nln by oel9 HARLY, JONES ft CO SALTPETELE-1Q for by Main F WPc v XTECTAR LEAF TOBACCO-37 bxs far Bala 14 /.1 deo HARDY, JONS &CO SiX dc T u WIBT TOBACC9l l 6 A kas y t . if o l i a r , :l o ' by SII. bIOLAIISES-00 brls St Lout. Sugar Mose . Syrup Nahum, ou cortaignmeoL for sale by tlel9 W & F WILSON =IIEM tPt;DLESS PATENT PL - ANING E[AOIIIA Y. THESIM I.arhiticsoorhilo they possess equal facili ties with any other, remotes all the °Wenner. formerly urged against machine planing for Snip Sir Steamboat building. or fine Gilley, fte., by finishing tha Material with the grain, leaving no indentations on the rennet, as in all machines using pressure rollers in planing, by the chips and knots collected, tpassing between tbe planed strtfitert and feed rollers; hereby destroying work ileaigned - for painting. Co. tracts may be male for their construction or use, at she fo y rmation of n Joint Stock Company or Compa mei prose , 'rata the baidnets,by applyinta i, g rcsDANIEL BARNUM. Snowden'. Wharf, Philadelphia, where the nusehiner are in eenstant operation. • ' dela:diet r sale by eCANDLESS sale by eCANDLE-99 for lisle by IeCANDLESS F. 1.911-10 0 brie No 3 Massachstaetta M.cke ZO brie do MINK do fora by • Idel9l IVdcF WILSON MED PEACHE9—c4O bst't at , Mit hi dcl9 . SN kI , WILSON DRY APPLES-100 bu in more & and lOT sails ' J FU YD Round Church Baildl SODA ASII-34 cask, Jobnytan's brand, landing this day, •nd fon fIOG by & B FLOYD RIO COFFEE—VO Lags prime perk f li o L vg y 7 del9 TEAS—b 4 bfcbesta Y Drawl, hop and Gunpowder Air rale by __ _ _pelt] ' J & R FLOYD MANNERS' OIL—:Al brim Dant Oil. in geed 01(114 I Co sale by (drl9l J & R'FLOYD Al: MASSES -3d brla rear, In store, for sale hy dtla J & R FLOYD INSF.NI:I Ii KSWAX—ia &sea (Misting; T east aesarea: Nast , landing from steamer Tiwatoro, for gam lig ISAIAH DICKEY & CO del9 Water te.rsent &Is 1,117/IT/11:11?-17N bogs random from 'forrorors, del!) IhMl/111 VICKI:I7 & C LARK- Hlorly No I, now loodiny, (ay cola by el 9 ISAIAH 131(..T.16V & CO TALLOW -1 nil No I: 17 tali No :g now landing. for nal. by INAI All DICKEY & CO 111A=1V 1/11,L 10 W15, , , t .: 4 ,7 , .rihk , fat , ,,, , c t a , I)EA WITS—C 2 bags neer landinK, lee mile by dell/ ISAIAH DICKEY & CO PEACIIE3 & APPLES-91 begs Dry Pencheyi, In bort Dry Apps, nolo hirdina by ISalt,O r DICKF.Y s' CO S UNDRIES -16 o b , rl , sji r o 1 L . lint 9 WI. TlTl * o c :r ; ' V bo l t. Fentherr; to arrive on sort • it Cumberland No 2, for so le hy 11019 ISAIAH DICEY & (7(1 LANTATION MOLASSI-Ln—Al barrels env crap last teeelyed and for mete by MILLER & RieIiFTSON, den iitt &;vird Liberty et WHITE lIA V. SUN/Lit—On his ree.d for sa'e T, by cleln . ANGLER A 1111_►E I'y ON SUGAR-12 Adds bow crop gager; 5 Ws lAraf Sugar, receiving (rem steam er North River, end.for sale by • detS VIM 01L,-.0 tql• 11•111 l. Igraine& re steamer Cinema&lb and for sate by den JAMES DALZELI, G WOOMOAKER ik CO powoe.REDfliiilfOrUl it for meby. J SCHOONMAK . ERt CO del7 20 Wood erect. 130SIGNOL Polka, Soiree Polka, Scotch Polka, It Coquette Polka. Jenny Linda Bard Song' do Eeho do do Ilerdman't Stang Carts Diva, as sang by Jenny Laud The DeW la Ott the Daemons; Jenny Gray I have something sweet y , I sun dreaming of then . 0, would 1 wale a boy agent itianche Alfred. Men Dolt Corneracker Cotillions. Allegheny Connionn Louisiana Celle, will variations Lova Not, quickstep. Theta bast wounded the spirit Jeanett end Jesuott Chewer of Pearls Ptah: Silver Lake Polka. Received end for eels. N II --A large stock of New Pianos to arrive this week JOHN 11. MELLOR, deaf , I 01 Wood at WE fortify that Inatalmants, amounting to lofty two thousand five hundred dollars haveibeen paid in entli on the Stock of the Pennsylvania Salt hiamifeetaing Company. and that the debts due and unpaid were mire htmdtod dollars, on math November Mat. GEORGE THOIIPSON. Seel &Teens'. CHARLES LVNNICI, President. • Affirmed to and anfiserlbed hints Pah devof Decent bar, 'SI& N. BUCKSIAMR,AttaL dead:tiara k IIIIIIT-11t tau fresh M. R. rtarstnai bf bur do r Ile 2.5 qr lag do do lu casts fresh Elute Currants; 6 bin do Citron: lust teed for solo by . W Al ODRIILEY, dela:010a Zfl Liberty et, nbere lland HIDES-1116Tdra; 35 dry Calf tint; . I bundle Deer Mains; landing for sale by dell. ROBERT UALZML 6. CO Vlifritic:l6l - rtalTs iTtore, (or sole 6. deli. ROBERT OALZELL.t Co 1111EESE--6.)a bye In prime order, int wale by lj dela ICOUERT DALZELI, &CO - • Wishing Fluid. IT is used for washing clothing of any de senplton. White goats are bleached and perfectly eleatuee Calicoes and other printed colored goods are Juntas , title their &mecum:or, and the colors look qnghter after being mashed In the Fluid. It is used without ship or any other numeration—it is less troable to use it, and requires Ins time to petfonn the meek— It ceneut possibly 11411 re the fabric, and it is. far cheaper men any nine? preparation. It btu no oiler of itself. end of course Imparts none to the cloth ine, which Is made much son.; whiter and elesne auto by any otter poke. of washing. 'lt contain setilme trupetaitte, smottonis,:tamphette, potash, any aleteriptiOti—eittl dose possible lain to the health, and will nest adert:the skin onkel use , unneeemanly strong., 9.; tents pea quart. . gold by • t ••It PELLEIIB, dein? hl Wuo' at XITI - 3 IN blind end for We by delft .10nN BIePADEN 1.'60 . . /VI nil No 2, An lobo by •-•C OURDRIDOR/t INGIII4OI, aN3 lIS Wator • !-S Al itte ru"ld ' 57-71;Oed---1-L uuaDßlno C °E d IF IV II-3'"k 7 tailrllllt t gic e ll7GllßAßl • boxnaSlOntAcilltt re6l ind kr safety (delbj_ J KIDD# . ,CO,GuiVooiI otx 11 - 321 — NE313 lime for aslr; by 40$ J KIDD !CO • RTI ICIAL LEECHES—fut. , tcaeleedln .I.IA tot bale by J coma oo den k GO Weed in A' itErrs SCOTCH S ~!PLANTATION OUGAR—dn prim old crop, n conudnnent, and lby We by .15$ ud b , llL . LEß mop k ng, RICKETSON , ro , landi • tot .18 by ROBERT DaLZELL &00 .nd dell) Llbeit? St moUlkS9ll3-45 bids new plaatadou. for nie TIT 019 ROBERT DALZELL it CO _ • Ta b • • Table salt, in store •nd f o r ale by eatab B folut W 111 GORSILF:I'. 271. Liberty et D. FISH-1000'lbe prime ler f l t , tll foe role b 4 odila duel . BEAVER BUCIEETS-25dox Slay Deaver Buckets, toi band and for rats by doi , ,,ldlorl W Al GORAILEY,VIg I,ilorry 13. MOLA99A - .L .. 1d brbldantOon.ltolaiseg • 10 brlr battle ground, 911 llolarang rereiying pot steamer North Hirer, for sale by • ' delO JAMES DALZELL URPHY k BURCHFIELD have reeeleed-by .1.1.1. esprit. • variety of smelt end desirable geode, reel ise LONG SHAWLS of desinble.ealors, Camb um and Bracket SCARFS, Orange Flawless, (ho de. Nees. Ribba-s, ke. . dela BuMR -1 "'• LZELL Messpratts , Patent sod,. A . s u b ... . 1.4 236 aCI*P.V.II l e frlvr'Llalait . ,rot pnes, tor eutpor appraved bills, bq wa.lit ASITCUELina deil . Liberty se . IN anted' re Charter. - " • A LIGHT Draft Istern s W eA h i e FE ele:S A teAte i re se t. N Jol.„ ApPIT oe2G Ma at., between Wood &Market. Fresh liOrsattasAlattlis ess• 6n LDS %ante CarrantE LIU 3U) lbs Seedless Raisins; 20 bat Id. R. do 20 bfbaa do do t 411 r has do .do 43 I bpi Jo do ammo Smyian N.; 3eases Citron: o lemon Ragas; 6 dos Carrie Powder; 21.iars Dordeadi rrancq 3 bates iviea sad Paper Men Alnuanda; • di...inn sosotted Fickle. • . Fo: sale by J. D N 5 ILLIAMS & CO datO Cot VV4Od Fifth, L.Libra - No Salnaffli - • brie No 1 blgekerel; • 10 id brie Nog t & 0 Al aciterel; lo qr brig No I ' do 10 knits No l' ..do : Shad anditerrioir, for ma be • COIte • O • J WILJ t IANS4 C - f], Man 41AIONLa, a manual of thn ptiaelidel and practice road•atakint,eornpriging the =Woe, ronguneUdn and improyenhent of roads, - comma; Alaradarn, paced, plank, Oce., and rail toads. By W. O.Oilleapte,A. M. Nov etbiton;reith radium., 4 lege copies foi colt by • It C STOCKTON, Ilookaeller. Printer & coin - 47 alatketat Ott s Al d, a3 TONIC MIL U F —I E :o7i - j io vi3 i 13 i b t y c 'T pigift u tvN Titil f lE, 2341 .. fi Eru kf t , by 1' row. for salt DU & CO ROY HLAC —AO lor sale I J KIDD & CO del6 LEF,OII ik C 0 ,3 LIXPROSO TO PIIILADZI:PHIA • • 1171 S been made arrangement. for Tanning the Th' above Leeman during the winter seam., by Sieges to lioltidayetnargh, and from thence by reate rm.vattra Rem Roan to Philadelphia, Throllith in hours. Smelt packages only can be latest. del7alent D LEECII tt.SO.Canal Hada li.ngllst. Chintzes. — • MURF'HT & BURCHFIELD have received a int Mof r ich and handset Kngli.v Chimes, of snits tunable for tingle mink double wrappers—warrated [nil colors. del4 • ' BTRalihr .43100Dfle esM. ORE ENE #__CO., atanaraetuters of Far . eign and Domestte Straw Goods,eall the &lUD urn of buyers, to their goods tOrladies and minket.— They voill offer indoeetneats o great warlety ot style& te n to parebuerl who toy by tba . martatae- Wars' pletoge. Pimple.. exhibited at their stenos No 1$ Pearl .t. (op emirs) Now . Vork. ' de247.dero Loam! haw/a wad Dry Moeda. • WE hare lost received on eouelyounut a very headroom lore/Long Shawls at diffarn at tubes, which will be cloned oat very cheap. The trade is respectfully invited to call cod examine them. Also, a , very large lot of Dry Goods, cormlstlog' In Mtn as .follows, Super Blank French Cloths ; , do Olive, Brown end Green do; do Blue and black French Doeskin Combating; ' do Brawn and drab Tabby Velvets; • do heavy Ribbed Silk Serge; Worsted der no Blue blank Sewing fhlk,(good article; • : *. do Black Bilk Twist on spools do do Blue black Waxed Patent Thread, veer Dunocli`sA Allen'. bladder Priem; . • Tette,. Red, neat stylesdo; 4.4 do do plain for curtains do; • • do do fancy stylar, • Baobab Gingham; Superior French do; Superior Oil color. do, Ae. For sale bv IiEESEV, FLEMING AM.. 'dens ft - wit aacco ne.A - IWele - afi - uribira7; . j. - from the manafacturer, samples Of pond plugs, • pod five plugs to' the pound, which we are militarised to tell by the mamba WALLINGFORD ik CO. deb Pd Wale? street. r Er= WOODS' PEARL STARCH ban it vary rape, riot lunch') in atom sad for'ule by . dein - - W.& M MITCIIELTREE , Liberty sr_ R(MAUI'S TUBA. TO-10 bon" of th in tele brazed brand TeeTiVed this CAI. In atom a4ral far ante by IdetOLNY & IdITCHELTBZE PEPER & DRIAISTONF;— iJ IS sacks erode Balt . Petra{ 12 bbl, roll B/I.l.ltOrie, lb atom for salri.by dela I DICKEY & C 0 orator from INFORMATWN WANTED, of JOHN WILSON, who left. Liniestrale, Coanry Down, Ireland, - in 1532,10 years elm, wee living with ► Mr. Giver. near Mishima, and of SAWL BEATTY, and IiVOIL - WILSON, who left Analilltoarce county, hi 1844, and In ISIS were in or near Pittsburgh. Any one string • information of them, will corner vt favor on their brothers, Robert Beatty or Smelt Wilson, care of R. phenix, 056 Broadway, New Teak. S L Polia N Tio Ply M o E n D a li nit i u r l fo F i! i ird i F. shmuTtEl, , - dolt Wholesale Arent for Pittsburgh. - IT IPS HORSE OINTAI ENT . no POWWEDI3 7 .- OD For Belo by /1. E SELLERS, Wholesale Agent. b , 4,16 g MietticAN ALMANAC and Itepraltory of the: at fat Knowledge for the year 1e l ; containing hall, authentic, and varied infornialion coneerning the af fairs, of the General and Stateflovernmente., This tqllal to It. gredeccuois in (Kneen and neearaey, and %rill Mist sin the high cheruter al the I , Ameriesn Almanac. as a iniativoriby manual are reference, and a lull repoeitarr of nsetril knowledge. Just received sad for sale by • B. C. STOCKTON, • Bookseller. Printer and Lander, dela .47 Market G. NEW BOOKSI NEW BOOT S I 'AT HOLMES' LI,TEIZARY DEPOT, Third street, opposite the Prod °thee. A LTON . LOOK. Tailor nod Poet. By the anther Jl. - of ONhttley," "Jane Byer" ae. Dr. Dom% Reply to BiattOp Ifugbee, on the Decline of Protestantism. Whig Review torDeeember. LotelPs Living Age, N 0342, Nciekerbockertlag”ine for December. • _ . %screed Wife. By T. S. Arthur. Pride and Prudence, or tbd Married Sister. ROLL itliTtisV—Tinu — linnresit, for watt) , alai( true Taylor's Dairy. for sale by dela itt/RIIRt MAR & INGRRAM HUNT'S aiine T fhlipthe December' number of this exultant publication has been received at Holmes' Literary Depot, oppositetho Peal °dice. All merchants should take.lbut work. The. next mamba( will.commince the now volume. ;Pride and Prudence, or the married sister. • new soul. by 'T. S. Arthur. LittelPs Living Alfc,NollZ dell SOIL !MLR, FEW Shares CU Mina 'Stock; also, North American and 'Western Insurance Stock. NtlY to. Doled & Irvin. Ile Second infect . MIZM=I Wide Black Watered Slllcs. MURPIIY & OURCIIFIV.LD Stave received the above article, of suirab , e widths for fashionable sacks and cloaks; also, Black Mantilla and Clotting VPlveta.• • dela traldirirr del4 I(:IIRF.D CIIINTZ--tsa band and F for sale chap, at the Carpet Warehouse, No ES. Fourth u . _ Ode) WdLideCLINTOCK AIN — CIL7CIIIINTZ, neelvtdthir do ?, at the PCarpet Warehouse, t 3 Fourth st• • - dell WM mecLtNTOOK JALICANT MATS, in stare nna tar tale by u deb% AteCLINTOCK J UDDa CO •-600 by or s • J VIIDD & 00 Mow Goods sgals. Bneren 86• kr peere, Nb lloreculterist for DeeeP36Ct. (or December LW In/e exit. ja. tee. uy . JOHN WATIr CO SE%ifiaiiMiffia liek:11. k:NfilotSll ettIEEPAKIN MATS boadaemesttertment ol ftbeeptitin !data .ever broosbt to this market, for /ale '. dela Wit n t . ll , leClASl-7, jk2:44 . 1r Lap It MAIN, to stare for tab, 1:47 - .WM AteCLINTOCA_ ' SMIN 110Cliltit7—The7largest arid beat meet ever brought to this raarket tar sale *Leap Idetal WM bIeCUNTOCK, , r-to brie for sate by• 8116IVEll LIARNESS . 11111S:41.11"S-10 be racemea tor sale by ,0 agar. • *.BAktNES _ _ R OLL IrEB-10 brli prime, reOilibli rip bj. • 8 2e. W lIARBAUII ~. L4istlUl) silL-11) , brie is more, byt! um s a w ilassavair • DruF,D APPLES-80 bags rec'd del4 8 & W lIARBASITOII 1%1E421 lIAIIELIS SHAVINI7 CILEAM4.Where IP the man who dogs not appreciate the (diary of an . .y above? If any there be, we do nob address mu , elves to bun.. Rut to all others we ray, if you wish n render elseing a preserne,purt• hare a box of Jules . Herten., Almond Putachio or Ambrosial Shaving Creams It Is ofterlyammunible,to Sod words to der scribe the feeltnes,rlfi person who has been used to Sharing with ordinwraoap, upon making trial of thin for the first time....itis a combinanon of, wonder, tod ruiratton, andplea.ore. JULES Ha UhL'S fiII&VIENG CREAM is elated- Ingly eteoldent; rendeting the stirred' and Moat wit/ beard soft and pliable, producing an admirable lather,.. and br ns extremely mild nature allaying all tion, end preventing that unpleannt and ant fitellng of the skin which Is so often experienced alter shay.. tar. ;Gentlemen urine Jules Shaving Crum , rosy face the colder!, end diem piercing unlade IL. seedietely alter its use, vrlthoat the, skin betwittot • Chopped, and Chore who once ale It, ma earl safely say wort never weeny other. j • , • One great advantage, which will be especially ',remand by those who wear whiritem, L theALM; that It will not diaeo m lor the beard,whleh most Iv a • • will do, gie a randy or nasty appgaranetato. ~edge of the whiskers. Jules Italians Shaving Created ire delightful preparations, eompoutded with 0.114 to the atter excretion of all articles calensered.r. render the operation of okaying loplusto; and Will be eppreciated h t who maka trial them. JUL DAUM., Pr dower ma etientloti 110 Cherie.. • Felt sale,.robeletile and retail, by 11. A. raluleatOek . & antat.E. /3ellen,Plusbarghj aadJohn and .1, Mitelten, ineghap7 Cay . Annea r 7 7 1,,. LL persona indebted to the relate of Wm Wilton . deceased, will call on the undersigned, and mate ill pa yment, and those having claim against the snow present ols oboolinto, duty notheatlcalod, Co L Vi CALVINILSON, / Dosgagturow Arias, 146°'"
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