The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 25, 1850, Image 1

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    F4STAB.LISIIED- IN -1786.
. Y 4! 1 - 1 I T CO.
0.0. %viten.) H•tOlIT.
rstrm fT.T.TT, On, 1%0011 TO
MST I'4 per annum
. weeny, in 2.00
at • rt./creel rue.:
. ,
01101 0 0 d, t . .101ines ol'HocPeredet lent .._
1 .. cue I leer:inn •-•-• —•a-i- ----A/
~ , One Seri, se, each midi:lonia ingernon• • • oth
Do. i toe et ---- 1,73
~ • Do.; two weria-- • •-•- RAO
Ito. , three weeks.— 1,90
--Do. OD! todoth-- •-•-• 5,00 -
On. i two critata---••- 7,00
Do.. • three month,— ....
- Do. : . Pier ranonst ..... .....•--..• loco '
, DP. I ,' Mr, onths.••- --..---.. Km
• 'Dn. 1 twe ve m ot h . --- • . les*
Standing Card Id li es or kited per annuli, 10,00
One Perare,eliang able moieties. (per gla•
num ezhlusive the paper• 23.00
For each Additional, sqetre,lneerted over one month,
eta for each additional vinare inserted ander the veer
Adver rates, holt price.
tiaernents elceeding a square, and net over
lifteen linea, to be cliarged as a equate and a halt
Publitherg not nceountable for legal advertisements
•eyond the amount charged for thmr puldic•tion.
Anuouncolg candidaten for office, to be charged the
lame ea other adverlisemergs.
AdVertisements not marked no the copy for a epee!.
Iltd comber of insertions, vent he continued till forbid,
end payreenlealit, I accord -
The poviteges of yearly adacri;sers 'Witte confined
rigidly to thmr regeler business, and all tidier &dyer
• tisements not pellet:ll,g to their regular Lineincse, to
agreed lor,lo be paid cotta.
All adverb. ants for charitable tionitations, fire
mpsoidea, w
ard. township tied other politic meetings,
ad nth liko, to he charged halfprice, peyable strictly
• advenee.: . ,
Marriage notiree to; be charged VI cents.
Death notleee itrierted without charge, oaten accent-
Plated by Amen! invitetinui or obituary notice., and
when so seem:rm.:est to be paid Am
Regularedvertri^r., and .11othere sanding cornett..
nicationr, or requiring notices designed to eel atten
tion to Fain, Soireee, Coconut. prettily public enter
tainments, where charges ate rondo (or edmittancr
all notice, of private naeoeistioiri-every nonce de.
. Slgna le cell attention 'amuse. enterprises. ealenla
tea or intended to promote Individual interest, eau on..
ly be inserted with the understanding that the nine
IS to be paid for. If irdcuded to be manned in the lo-
Col column, the same will he charged •t the rale Of
not less than I 0 cents per lane.
Diahop or fret boner s in be charged triple price,
Teem Lieezete Petitions, At earn.
Legal and Medical ailverusemenri to be rhsrged at
tall prices , • .
Real Relate Agent: end Auctioneers , 'taverna
_ Atari not to Ise Ag ent:
l and
yearly rate., bat to he
allowed discOunt of thirty three and one third percent.
--- rano the azoonnt of Lill,
Viereert ON TES•Wreellr . Dertl rare..
One Plante, three tom rtions• • —• • - •St 50
Do. : each ndditionat itriertgris •. 37
~twee ,
(ID la we.. 0...1 . 50.
One Pguere, (ID Raced one insertion .--.10 eta
Do. each additional urierilon• •-•25
All Divalent advertisements. ia be paid lb ;tisanes.
I WHIT!: It CO, Gazette. .
1.. HARPR, Posh
1:11trr lII .RI DDLE Journal.
' 1 ' CO.,
• , J.& 101,5 P. BA Ili A. LO., Cr
y onics.
ELVSTEE Ze 1.11111T1111(11, Disatch.
I JOS.SS4OIVDEN, Merisify.
• JAMES W. RIDDLE. A.ctieut.
HLRAMILAINE, Evening Tr.....
"VerleargulTrP , .• 1 . 1819 . .
• JOUN A. - 4.7•11.1:1B160114
I i a LEFERMAIti, Fifth Wird,
Yens between
lanO'Hara and Walnut. All - hotness ;niptty c
ad to. • 1 nrav9
ALKXANDS6II. 121. we.Tson,
ATTORNEY AT LAW—OLcc, on Fount, meet
ibovo Mod. sntifi-
ATTOIDZEY AT LAW. Commissioner (or
Pennsylvania, St. Lome, elo.
All iononnoleations promptly answered.
_JACLISes S. KA:nrs.,—
A TronNey AT LAW—Otßee cn Fourth rarer;
betwctulltutthruld and rma,
TTORNEF and Coomellor at Law, and Commis.
Ll stoner for the State of For - ,l:fry/mid, St lonic;
41alo of Pltlrharand •
References— Pinsharsh: Hon. W. Forward, Ilamp
lon fr. Miller, AFC.Jless S McCrarc, John L. Farce,
3.lmells t Semple, McCord tine. anrl4-17
Glaspnr,;•Pa. (.Nasities Ferry Fog Ogre)
Rana; permanently !vetted 'at Mts place, a new
and substantial IVlstuf Boat, we nre prepared to re.
calve and forward promptly to all pointean them rer,
and Sandy and Beater or Obto ClOl4l, • GC. Co.
GI , w /One 13.—M13
W.[1., • • ...... P.
aaaa Lee
.DIP C. 1 , 4 No M arlon et. PM:adelphia. ' art"
WO - eke - 7
13•ENNETT, BERRY h CO, Mann fn tip re re of Sochi
Atii, Bleaching Powder? Marione on' Se!panne
Adds. WY rehouse No —, {Voter !tree; lelorr rcrry,
_Fredenck linen. Rehm
BRAUN & ItEITER, Wholesale and Mewl' Mlle
gists, corner ofilberty and St.Clnu. streets, Pius
sugh, Pa. • . . . ap4
MANI:LTV" t,r.l, ornrLltt:g - htLd - a - Trn
• mitelon Mrrrtoro.. L'art LI IL t:t.
Po- •
iv d
ForwardiNg NerLILLILL.:dd - 11 .LL
Idlcns.tde Li. K. Vic:lLL:tr.
gOMISIISSIf/N MERCIIANT , =--For Lit< naLe of
Meltle.WoOLen, /11:4 COll,l, {:nodi; dt!laler.ln
kinds of iollart• r Wood st, 4th
door Croat F. :hi PloAbtarrh.
Reftreoee —M . Wm. A. 11. No. iignt r•.
COMMISFION NitittellANTS m. 0.! Dill'. Draken.
I.J NO lti ',had otlrret, ettre7
WU. S.
2,..1M I
NGLiSi •t•IiENNETT, (lae
Ened l. ,
leerZ 4
Co.) Wholesale Grocrre, Coontnitwonl and Vote
Warding Mc (chants, and deniers in Prodocc sold Nub
alga Mann(t)tnred, r4O. Wood a, hetwee d end
No 11:::1 , ,cood •t. I'lttal•a:Fh. n 2121
tolll{ll W. romDtzatal i at,. I 30/ • lON
H. POINLIZZT 6l[ a. co.,
'1 EN Eit, C031k11, , ,M0N and v 0r ...0”,, M er .
igkanto onc!Flour 'Maier., No MoOlet o root,
TOBAOc , O curarossioN MERCHANTS.
No. tt Norte Water Street A No. IC Norte IVharres
U. C. tac..lmeaam ""`"
IrrATF et ssor Ilurptiy A.Tee,lo7eTel
Mid Cammigain. SicrOlent, for the tele or
American' Venice., Libe my. :men... 6tb et
At. /1...
ILTARDV 30NEe & C , (suceassors Ili Atyrrall,
LL 30nt01.. Co.) Cemnr.Tsioll slt4 Forwarai. :Vet
ch:oats, dr,:crs. rIttAl.111)
- • •
— Cv.
t acertrsou sastces.
TRIPORTER X Dreier ip Ereaeli awl gatorlean ra•
1. per 11Porates and tlare,r, Window . e..../.lca, rue
!Ward Pew , I.lqco—Writiiir„l . / 1 ;; ! and Wrap
ping Paper, No; Woolarrat,Petwecurou.ol atleo
and Diamond alley, wea! aide, Plasburge, Pa.
.JOHN AGNEW, late of the Etnv of Chard:erg. // •
OCW C• 0 ,ICool.l7elpecthilly 3ntorm iLe old eon
Wipers anal me,publle gederelly,lLst Le mil mill en,
hilts 10 Carry bp toe Ceern Clint nil iu
pre sled In fill all orders for Apollic•
earls,' Fe/11107C, fildlernls, l'Acrto, Fiala, ke.. ay.,
MallalntLy In Lla 0 ar , !..tiv, ti
W.rket tar ter, but ween Flett k tire.ool,l. 1y14,13n1
Iraigil,, and tic p 7 1 .•
111 cr in :Lie Sinn; rnlnii, Oil., tiny:oAL,, ke. Nn
le Wood street, one door 1.0,11. 0i ILamoo.l Alley
rlttsts n 1
Melt arid ‘1,11:G . In Pradu c spa rt1.0:•11(11
iltnafava , ..... No VI Water .4 crl
-moan r:
NAIAD mcgrs n Co., Wrotector rte,;,-t..
Minion !derehalm, and dealets In Prodcen, Not fdl
Ye atcr i lll till Frail Istree:V., rn‘'.
fi..It•L.WORTII Wholesale Grneere, end for lisserd Powder Co., No. 27 Wood at,
' ; • deiy
tiZtVbistlsitt, Diu.s.t and AentheearY
No. d 5 Market or., three doors *Love Third al. Pius
hargh,ertil have constantly on bent a. well selected ns
- sow:tent the' beat and freshen tlctlieince. whirl, Its
will sell .en the meet man:ALM tern.. Pkysicinna
sending ordeer,will Le protnetly attended to; and arty.
plied with uncle, they racy rely noon as !ermine.
Ur. Phvainishr Preterit:4lone will to serer - Indy and
ii•Adypt - pore4 ft the :eat materials, at any hear Of
4ay orn , ght.
'• 'nee fee nabs, a largo noes el (rash and good Pella
men. • I at 3
11 , ctoard eloyd.
" 4. N. FLOYD, Wbolestln Grar,r• Venntrderion
itlet.l! ••• • •
Iro C. Itoond
Chetah Um ;betty, Wood and
SlSth —u, *Pi
17nl 17atetile
jql44lA rte Laic ev-0111.3 e
OnlEo I•ni
C..—Suceemare t
\Ca f i: lontnlsfula Nrrellanto
tad Aythot of Ca St. 1." 0 Nidnery
No. 43rw-trr lad 42 (mat :Men , ' fttatnr,
775daRnAT:E4171 — &' ,W , '4 . 4,,ttn tern 7 WiVii
.1 No l l Weed Street. aa4
JVIjfY 117(44tATZR;44.1,'teen . •nd Acted diiire
In Malta and Magical Intni Uvatt4f
Ever,ttlatte.,,Nieet Pens, 440.11, rrie u rs'CarJs,
vienkerntry graefelly,No.nt w o w Pin% b•ren
err Ver. er toren le trade two&
ar'fificf.T47(lare of Warfel.. , o.t) C'onane-
LiWon end Parfrardlne
er 43 Wertern Iteseren Cheere, lieu and
Peet /104n:A WeaternTreelare eenefalt, , Water
I Met, tetereen Yonith6cl.l and Wat , l,
Cto JONES. Far. ..Nate and C0G1 , 111,000
ther.4*, Dealer. In Produce. end l'infdturyl. man'
snares, canal Disin, near 7.h rt. nal
E4l44:tfif,'Clitt.Cdt It CO., Msnara.flurer. 0
very eapnrloy 44 Stleenny,Cdrprt Main, Callan
egad Itettlan t."-Lr
AT lohisteu tr. Stockton, 11O(sliST.LLF:R, RTA
site% andltilrd streets, Pnlsnerne. Ye. trwati
, :
; 4 •-•
Pittsburgh City Glass *Oaks.
Pt t:ni No mb i PGI Sl • Gtet islttetibetUreen Fins and Second,
rf" Partiriflar attention aid to odd me.. A
Dealer. in FLINT GLASS, p VIALS, UOTTLES. 110.
/Mitt unastriostut. S. DOMAN,
o. uttrutsuitssi, tiossurt i
Wm. :Wirt . , Philml. C. W. Risketsan Pmoborgb.
%TILLER lERETSON. Wholesale tirosers, and
al. Importer. of Ur - Indies. Wine. and Regan, No..
IT2 and 17.1, Corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, PRis
burgs, Pa. Iron, Nall., Cotton Yarns, .t.e.
gouty on hood. up/
lobn sPGill. Janie. V. N7iill. Waits, C. Hoe
PITTS.TID - Ral AVO — R its - 114b - SPRINO
ILA, ION" rani P. Wt..
& QVIoo,
IiforUFACTIIHERS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, Keel plough untelt and clip
ie. spring., hammered iron axle., and dealers in inal
'rabic casting', fire engine Imps, and conch trimming - 1
ser.orally, corn., of Rim and Frost As., Pitt
J. & J. Tardoo, Commllssion Merchants.
IsT°l;."dOnlairT r e": '4N e ° nl t o c Yrit k 7in gs g o ' fitrf ' alro o w n .
lag brands, which they offer for sale a. agents for J.
Durand g. Co. Bordeausii etra Maglory, J. &rand, J Du.
rand a. Co, Loroe belle, J J.Darand, Cognac, A de ht
tar., A L Rioting, A de Moadore, Jean Lords. An.,
Ito; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White NVines
In casts and cases, 'sleeted uni,h rare by John Durand
tr:Co; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy
Part feta-I Y .
NSIOLMES d. SON, No US Market st, second door
. from corner of Fourth, dealers in Forting. and
, sstie Rills of Exchange, Cretificates of Deposit
t. .11 c/t.t
broughoot the United times., the e
•.. 3101
. _
WA!. PCDUCIIMA NZI, Third at, opposite the
1J Post-Office, PituburglL—hlaps, Landscapes, MU.
bes.ll.6hotabilia, Labels. Architectural - and Machine
Drawings, Business and Visiting Cards, kn., engraved
or drawn on stone , sad printed In color., Gold. Dronsa
or Black, In the most approved style. and at the mat
raannable pnee• oetl&iy
C 0.." o. 9.331.1beny area
Pittsburgh NVholesale Grocers, Prodnee and
Commission lderchanw, and dealers in Pittsborkh
Manatee urea. apt?
aorr. 1.01.0". 'mos. Lerma asscris mamma.
INIOORG, VI bolesale Grocer, Rect.fying
XL Distiller, dealer id Produce, Pittsbaieh Manuel.
n .
ran, • all kinds of Forel' Dam e
dDo .tic Wines
nd Lirioors, No. It Liberty rTreet. Oit bond a rers
large stork of superior old klonongobel eratilhey,
Which will be sold low for rash. "Fit
ttleo.e. t.
"DieTNOLDA SIIE.E. Forwarding and CAllutn is
-1.1., skin Alerchnom, for the Allegheny Diner Trade,
nealera in Groceries, Produce Vitisborgh, Mani/roc
sures,and Chloride of Lime.
The !khan price, in tag), paid at all tones for
country raga. Conic Peon and Irwin its spin
DULIb:RT DALZELL A. Co., Wholesale Grixers,
COMerliSelOrl, dealers in Produce and
Pittsburgh bluantaclares, Liberty %linen, IntGbureh,
WIIOLE . 1 1. LE ttIiOCLIT, Produce, Forwarding,
S and Commission Merchant,and Dealer in Pins
burgh Muncractures, No =Mercy street. Pittsburgi.,
Pa kr
gups. a
HActu. witrrE, rs - holamia patios , in
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 1. %Wood
Mrect Pittsburgh. epl7
- 0 Lc Virird - AtikeS - 1.7 - ITII, — Wo - ol Merchants, Dealers
0 In Floor and Pooducegenera!ly, and Forwarding
and Commiasion Morahan., 143 First stsest .stl
111 Second street Patsburgb. • .017
P. ISILI.I3S, orrosettoorr. ton. Oltota, MAIITI.OIO
OELLERS INICOLItt, Prodaeo and General Coro
/0 misc.!, Morahan., No. 17 Liberty Cte<l, 1 . ..-
bOlO.. Poem, Littered end Lard Oils. apt
8. Comm non Dealer. in Pittstiorgf Mnu'orturea and Werter4
Produce, hove removed to their new warehouse, (old
Maeda, No. 3 6 , corner of Front street and Clindeory
Lane. • 1.17
East ',de tha.mond,.l . lltsbursh. apt.i
PALL P. MM../ CIL". 1,141..3.
rrsainc, and Catainizners allerdiants,
And dealers in railbarch Manufactured Articles,
Sac 130 and . 139 Second
Demean Wood & Smithfield. Putaburth. anal
JOHN tral - c.l trona Massa.
JOH& WATT £ Co.,
_ _
TIVIIOLINALE: Grace's, Canircission Merchente,
TT sal {Wale. in Produce and Pittsburgh Monte
factures,6.l Liberty at, Plttalittrgli,y.. tepid_
FLOUR -70 beg einica Fed:Ply;
2-0 Ws Srper.lce4
tepid ES brie Fine, meirigg, and for eale_ley
WOULD inform the peldie, they hare Wren the
:Yr wurelloOfe fornleCY occupied by the late Mr
Solomon Scheyer, 114 Pecond sweet. Haring a large
Aral C0M03.111.1.3 warehouse. they would invite the
attention of persons barize geed, to consign or no
They trill al.o asteogon to the parch...wand sato
of Note. Ore P.a. Londe, &e. 0007
L. 2. Wtte.lll3.//• • It N. Waterman• • W. U. Waterman ,
SIFIIOLIISALE OROCEILi, Ceromistion end For.
TT ariling filerel,ent.; dealers in all &lads of Pro
le, et l'ill..burrn ~..,/-11:u<V.1,41 P. ./ Aron..
s.1".:OLI. NEI' AT [.514
2klaar, Ps
~aJILL eso attend to rollect,otts anti Rh ctn., L 2.-
.5. entros,d tolttm to Llvder anJ A rnitttmit
cowtites, ra. litter to
J. & R Floyd. Liberty Et. 1
W. W. Wants, : do
lama Marsholl do f Paul, t&t:
K., k Co, Wood Et lane
Canal Basin, Penn street. PaNhareh. rare _
371.15L1CS 11. DAVIS & CO..
No. SdS Market, and 54 Commerce rh, Muladribtoa.
Advances made, by eithir of the above, on consign.
pants of Produce to either Rouse. era
J. D. Wiiiimos •• • ----- • IlaN
J. D. WILLIAMS C 0. ,&
Forwarding end Commission Merchant., and
dealers m Coubtry Pradode and Pittsburgh Menefee
lures, cornet of Wood and Fifth streets, Panthers!,
W in 11 -- • • • • -- • -• I 0. hf c up
North rout tomer of Wood and Third stmt..
h•O•LLY, /131. • CORILAVII,
yirm. IiAUAI.EY & CO., Wholesale Grocer., I
V T vad 20 Wood so. , .1.17
• . . ,
TATIC • K k M'CANDLI:h3,3, (Lucent.. to ID.
TV Wick,) %VisoJessie Droners, l'orwatding and
C.,11.1•41041 Merchants, dealers in Irnn, Nails, blues,
Cotton Yarns, and Patsnutah Manufactures yenerah
ly, corner of Wood and Water streets, thtlabungh.
Wrolesale "racers,
V, . Itectify.nganJ Wine and Liquor
Memnon.. Al Kr—lei - porter:of A oh and Blezteb.
log ramie, No. WO 1-shetty
wz .
rrl,) rzttsbarah. apl7
Vv. WILSON. W ate hex, Je weir y, il
Seer Wale
VV and Military GooJo, corner of Merkel and
Fourth meets, klitt.bareu Pa. N. a--%Vatele. and
(loon. carefully repaired. ap 17
WM. YOUNG S. Co, Pellets in I.callser, Mans
&c.,1.211,1brny eVeal. WSI,
DeCOitlit.O.N. ISOM
& It. M.CLITCULCIN, Wboless.le Wares+,
'IV • dealers to Produce, lion, Nails, Glnes, •nd
Pritsbarien Slnnufnesura generally, Laserty street.—
T HAVE tukrn WM. CARR into pannerntop vtlh
ruin my bucinene, which will From :lila date ha
edclam on unit, the name of "John Patter & Co."
ll'hoks,de Grocer,. Di Vic/A in Prodetce, Form'.
Liquara, Old Alonongrthe/a
' anal Rectified 11'14-tley.
No. 3, Colasneresol How, Libu stre , ei,
‘r , " Pityt.urich.
WAXY/111ln llallll. 4•31. X
itinecessors to Hussey, Hanna t• Co.)
in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Ileposito, Bank Notes, and ;Specie—North Well
corner of Wood and Third strreta. Current money
reteived on depastte.—Hight Cheeks for .ate, and
collections made on nearly all the principal points
the United Hum.
The highest premium paid for Forego and American
Gold •
Advaneee made on consignment.. or Predure, sbip
ped cm liberal time. arrn
U,S, a. 11'...1.0.1 I es a. llosa
1,1,11. A. lIPCLUCLO & CO.,a.
No 2:r•i Libersty au-re Waal,
Hasa always on hand a large assortment of Choice
fitDCCTiVI and Fine Teas; also, Foreign Fruits and
Nuts, Wholesale and Retail. Dealer. supplied on the
lowa.t terms_ wee'
M _
IVA. Tints, Bottles, and Masks, Porter, Scotch Ale,
Mineral %Voter, Patent Mellimie. and Wine Donles
or every deseripumn al., WINDOW GLASS.
Reeve conrantly on band a general eusonment of
the above eruct.. ALSO STATE, so the other Green
Ole. Factories are au. cram., M,.hho cutout
summer, Tins Fuernar is COW IN MA, OriliaTlON, and
mil continue in operation both summer and winter.
Orders respectfully solicited. and will be filled on the
shorten notice.
Warehouse. No Ii Second street, between Wood
and Smithfield et., Yinsharub.
17 this day associated tbrineclies together, under the
firm of Shriver A, Barret. for the transaction of the
Wholeuile Grocery, Prodine, and Cononiadloo Mud
new. at nn IIM A. 122 Idoemill street, between Wood
and Smithfield at.
hfirlept market price in C., Wit! be paid for
1. the different prods. of Woo? by
tyls W HARD/11101i
Bt:u F 1 vatuot—am. lb• for safe by
aepld If A FA UN 11 k CO •
: : MORNING;; DECEittER:"iS 1850.
f , 11 , 1 1 :0 ... in 14e . :4t ti
foebrall being bow ,
. c o o ß rr i r d
respectfully solicit a shere or the p the
üblic patronaee.
Ile treat, by giving his fell atseatton to the business,
to make the halite a pleasant and comfortable retort
for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country
Good attendants will be In waiting, and every ox.
ernon made to seeder the establishment worthy the
countenance Diu r amine , of so intelligent community.
Tie TWO SPACIOURI BALLS, fitted for Parties,
Concenia Lectures, Balls, and public meetings, will
be let by the deems, L. Week,. ay liberal terms an
any ether latish oar. i
The BAR and RESTAURANT. equal in style and
beauty to any In the world, will be kept tarnished
with Pore Wine., Choice Liquors, Cordials, Pallet",
Alns, and all the cool, light. refreshments of the season.
Poultry, Gunlor Mgt , , Sony, Oysters, and Clams,
earned op In the best style.
the Grit door, and easy of antes% will be ennsmntly
supplied with all the Luxuries anirDellcamcs of the
season; and also, with snob substanuals as the markets
_ . B t o p. ord r, ity
i b r, y ,tll%cloy,
r w r ee . ll , , y a ear. Alm,* o
r r diVid 11 f rntollie on shot
be G e 'u no g pfiTe " wt th rarerm a e w o l t i n ie Ol a ' n; :IL " ;
or the day.
Good Stab-lug and an extenelve Livery Eluteneh
men, ie connected with the Hull.
Dinner et 1 &epee. Dreakteet.d Tea at the usual
Entranee for Ladle, to the lee Cretan end Dining
Ssloon, No 67 Smithfield direct.
•. wairrorvahr, tia.l lA.warreavery,,,,
iirp constantly on hand or make to order the
t struele in their line, at their old emnd, No. t 3 St.
elnasueet; Iso. at No. Ps Marker strem, second story,
entrance in the Diamond. Veratiar. Shutters made to
order, and old neatly repaired. opts
W. IL J. GLENN, Book Binders,
WE are still engaged In the above businesr, tarn r
, V a Wood Ind Third streets, Pittuburgh, where
we are prepared to do any work In our line with Jet.
patch. We attend to our work personally, and sobs.
(action will be Oran In regard to its neatness and
Bk {looks ritled to any prate in and bound anti.
alantially. Boots in numbers °told books booed ear,
fully or repaired.' Names pet on books in gilt letters.
Those that have wart In our line are malted to mall.
Prier. low osynrinf
Pena Mullane Shop
WlGHTMAN—Manaiketarer of all kinds of cot
• ton and woollen nowt inery, Allegheny <my, Po
The above works being now Land suer ... . rip.
eration,l am prepares! to exegete milers with dispatch
for all kinds of inachtnery in my line, sae!! at arilloma,
pukers, spreaderS, c grit 'mg inalldner, railways,
twore Maraca, mpeedero, tlirestils. looms. woolen
Cards, double or single, for fur wham or ermiltry work,
jacks, &r,; slide .3.111.,115the0 sod tools in, gem
eral. All kinds of dialling made to 0rd..% or plans gra.
en (or gearing (anion. or mills at maw:motile charge.
netaa no—Kennedy,Blacks:net. gap
/It ft, alsolowk ar 0.i...rm. errov
DI rallagtuistads•nr Pirtsbargh,l Pa.
Of., N. 37 Wed, et,' betwrcr: Pfactri and
fl'. d, Paul, rgk,
49 WILL coot tantly k cop on hand gtom
and moat at Want; of out own mationte. and
to perioronaley. NV holes•re end country Mar
chants are reapoothrtly Ut•ited as old I annex
ttnin• (or thematl•es. as We •r• demprotood to tell
rattraper than has a 000 ttsfora Lazo offmetl to the pal ,
ID — Urdera tent by malL•ecomp•oled by thermal; or
go.: rathronte, will be promptly atetroled to torn
-- •
Vl' A. WIIITC & CO., would respettfully neon.
ITly the pohlie that they Case ,tfclo.l,..hop on
Laeock, between Federal and banduekr more,. Toe y
ate now tanking and me prepared to receive order. for
every - description of verneles, Conches, Chariot* tic.
rondo Beetle, Onetime, A c., the.. octet Irvin iota
lone ex +oftener in tne mennfartnre of th e above work,
.a the Iscilitioa they have, they terlceufident they are
enabled ro do wort on the most reasonable terms WWI
the, orstabrin . noicles in their line.
paying alletalce to the gelcetton nf nlME
rial., nod barmy hour Lin competent workmen, they
hove no hcsltabott warrantine then wort We
therefore est the Attention of the pahlic to 11., meiter .
N. B. Irepairing/Jene in the beet manner, and on the
meat reasonable mans. Indnaf
- •
Clnm,•CrWt.,}l WOOD •NY MAl,l[l, VMS. , SOU
aINTINVE to manufacture n't L.rols of COl'Vkllt
=urn Work.
Stearn Ilottes built to order .
_ . .
Special anemic. given to /team boat work.
lisve op hands a fine sworn's,' Or Co 'qv
Kettles Tin Ware,de.g.e. :Sir/out:or, Sioves,
Yonable Forges, various cues--o very souvellisat ar
ticle for stramtioats,Caliiornia emignints. or rail road
We would respecifally iron. stems., taw: Man and
others to call sod sce our sinless and prices bulbar
purrhainng elsewhere. irrl7
W.l.:Mb' llnd Can, Iron 11.a.'Magi
7 11 i Esr rib c gs! , !Jaye
fashionable deaivni kr; Imo Lem far Arnow..
Ana sesSetetios. Perrone witl•lsfr to or.sure two:-
penis patterns illenue 0.1111,1 rzartoor. Joss,
for themselves. ftollnig bo sul foul et the
est MUM, and In the beat nner, at the comer of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Abeihay
Lue2U-dtf A. LAMONT
W/1.4.1A81 DILOEiV
13 1;f! .. 4itn•!r:L:l , 4 ,, ,!s . i t nr . r: . ,, • `•.‘
1111,4.,1 te 0 .1111:11, 1. 1 %,1%,1,3,11 Or Il,rn, ~•
oftve vt , tet, I e prorielor v., • v! , t.vt are tt , v , tl • 1
of rood. ettcrtit, favtoonnhle, vad we't no, etrata.,
wt.., rive law 11 Old% OP there it rtt attlri it, It tt Of
the Atlerbente, thatcan rctotttnVe vett, it
'r:vd y vnlede. tleputment tv very nen. Ctap.
lett to ntl levies.
rout eontrieters, meeehunts, and K'
se.ho porches: targely, are pamen,tielx ns ine.ted la ex
amine the stocS before exrcusetne. purtteulsr ni.
tentton Is pad to the wbnieta!e bast,. in lEo e -tu!..
Every artmle iv the twlormg made to onte,
the most re_shto3, cad lest manrsr, rho thortel.
" e F f : kIT Ta ' e r na "‘ a '
of Mr. C Bradley. The boom,. will hr earn( I nn by
Bradley, %filo ahll 'cola the I yr nrs. , of the Is,
REMOVAL —A booms has removed lot Foundry
Warehouse from No Illtieeond 'tree!, to.No la Wood
street, t-tweets Flrt.t sad ge:oncl s to the v.v.,
bou.e lately occupied G A Berry.treet,
v. hero he will
t cry uurAtautly on band e ;entre, assorstoet,t of ea .t•
10g, Grates, S toves, f!ooki , toves..*e 15'1,
and No. Y Arnericanit,er Steel. Also—licat
113.1 steal Filet, ad ail rate, 01.,1 Bloc t numb.
Katy, Aiwa, on bond and for •ale. either nt ••I,a
-gto Steel Worlta,..o . llara rr rem, FMh Wool, or 0100
when in Ma Iron State of lit rI.LtIANA t (IA !LIU.
SON, No 4, fool of %Vood elrert, I.M..ttorgh
We, the enderaletted, with caner eel.
Waco., the Cart Steel and Ftles made by Seettact
ftleNelvy, ut hle V.C.,ele Steel Wee\ a, in thtr nty,telre
pleseure in recommending 4,en, se equal in qualsy to
rut,. ever seed Ly ur, of famed tuuttuier.c.
rittehergh, Als.reh
' •
Alanufac:mr..l I tua u,.1 Nuix, I'atoliunch,l•••
Manufacturers of Sprtegs, Azle., Sprung Steel mei
l'ilutioreh, Pm
IV hi rnagi:,
Fiogive limiiictv • 11.1 Mar hive Curd Iletimecto.
limey L °under. htti.liorgli,
It 1.17.4115 A V A.
h ,
Mania:invite:lt of Iron Pitmliarch, I'm
Locomotive Ellgine nod SALT 13:311tier, , ItitU•tiervh, I'm
%V \Y WA.I.I.Aer,
Manararturer, narlone and Engtne
toutt er. l'ettsborch. 1.0.
Dt•soloilon of Partsiorohlp.
THE Parluer,litp ber , taor,tte n I..vrten the
.utortrobers, under the lons ol Chatuliera,Agunrs
A C. o Mariam...mem tvae dmolveil by raw.'
consent, on the 41,1 day of 1 ul y, All per -on•
known', throne' VS, lode btrzt to A 411.1 Irnn 1..1094,1
ed to mallet pay u.sulto either of th , parties, without
delay, and all prrsons havtog uu•ettl,l PleCo.l. With
and GIN, ore preacnt Ikons for celllemetd
lametltstely ALIAA NDER I:HAMM:US,
They wit:runt their metal pure, slid free crow
admixture or iron,or any robe, nubsbuice, and re
commend it for Pre mann:hi...Fe of Ch. Me.. in
the how e car : elms hoe, A. it doe, not rust, Is not
affected by the action of breter,R:lli may he polished,
painted, Mid japanoed
Samples. model, plans, specification., and other
Waahloag, Ilbe•etaing, aiad — Cli•ualag
At [in.',*ribeo.,Burrels;
THE owners and eonsignees of goods arriving by
the "Citizens' Isortable Boatwill please
take :stake that they will be teaussed so pay freight
at our Warehouse, according to ttlereerspt, helore
the cools are removed. C A MeANULTY h GO
Disocrions—Put tba clothes Into cold water nod let
them soak Curer night. In the Morning wring them
not and lull theta inm a kettle of hotline water, to
which odd the proponiou of Ono plot of Mod to nogiot
gallons of water—stir It up nod hod the whole moldy
minutes. The clothes city then be wrung out and
well roared in clear cold crater. The parts of am
ounts thot may be most soiled, inch as 'reds:hoods
and mounts of sham. may he slightly robbed before
rinsing, and the clothes will be found perfectly Acne,
white and clear.
Warranted net to Injure the faten Y,brie and In pea
perfect salkftetton, or the money will be refunded.
tto , d sybelesale and rcm+l by It E SELLERS
perm 47 Wood it
v•land. liVarrenand lhatstnergh
Telegraph Company.
IN pursuance of a resalu Wan e e Foe ril of Diree•
Ms Of the Clevelandn and Cavil arab
Telegraph Company, Trots:in!: the See truly lo Ina.,
Out arid Cause to be published In the rewrbsber• clone
the tine, an exhibit of We bnaneinl and oilier ells,ra of
this company. I the following Report--
The line of Telegraph Cerement,. et elevclond on ,
terminates et Pittrborgh, passing' throoeh Cheerer,
Fella W
Franklin, Newton Palle Warren, Youngstown,
end Lowell, in e State of Ohio, and New Castle and
Rochester, in the Stare of Penns, !yenta, et which
point, there are offices 'heated for the receipt and
tranrmietion of usiness.
The wboto length of the line It 140 01'..f--4:11p00
Stock, Vas) per exile moking o totol capital SSW at
&huhu, of-I/den aniount 910Witgl is held bv eicrens
*lane the line, and the balance le held ay Cornell Sr.
Speed, the convertors. The above amount Cl rubl
actlptlOnt by citizen., have been paid to (terms,, foe which the Tr . oree• I.••e their receipt
j,14,10 RSON nn Lt.,
100,000 fact tiespooed Deck Plank;
00,000 (eat Coal Batt Siding. na Sale 14
nosturr lideKNlollr,
10031tf jutortary at Law, Faint, at
State Mutual Biro lusuzanee Company,
THE very liberal patronage- eirmided to this corm.
L pony, having Million'licies lathe amountof near
One sr d a Calfof Ilollags, dining the loal
three months. I, ' , meteor inanifettatlon of thrash.
median a•td confidence of the public in the flOdnjcr
management on which its business it conducted
To city or country Merchants, sod owners OfellWerli
nee, and liolitted or country property, it it believed
ilio, company 'Cords advantages in pointof Chaki.
nest. s•fely, nod security, Inferior let no Ottumwa
Company in this country.
Condurited on the equitable and greatly hoorayed
system of Classification of Risks, exelnding all spacial
nroi Lanais, insuring only r amount in anyone
rte hiding the frequeney and otennenee
of large fires, and alto on both the Sunk and Mutual
plan, it not only possesses the cheapness and steam
modsuon of both methods. bat entitles the insured to
a participation in the profits
Ity nudes the control of the following Direetnour—
John P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillett, John 11. Peelers
Samuel T. Jones. Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo C Vodg
wick, Robert Kliolt. J P RUTHERFORD,Prash
A J GILLETT, Seel. • .
A A CARRIE., Actuary
Branch Office for Western Penuselvania, SI Smith.
bell sue., Pittsburgh. Vernon, druirtng Insurance
well be furnished with books attic company by cull
ing G the nitre. oe3
WIN. awl ilac.lth lasursase.
MBE Mutual Life mil Health Inaranee Company
.I. of Philadelphia, Incorporated by therLegislattle
of Pennsylvania, rilarch, loam. Charter.pervetaal.
Capital ; $lOO,lOO. Ryas down ran ma Metal,
VAILNIX Cod:mina, mid fall U 0 peent. lowec . than
umial rates of Life Laurence, nothe following cola
parison will show: Thus.. porton of the agnelnet In
to riog for Alpo for lifermust pay In the Girard 112,1 A
Pennsylvania, limas, Penn alumni, 112.01; Equitable,
11.01; New England, 11,56; Nevi York L1fe,14115;
D. 1,49; Life and Health, Philadelpbl4,lll,ol.
itel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W.
F. Boone, Robert g, Kin Charles P. Rayed, M. W.
Baldwin; M. lal.'llocve. M. D., Chad. 0.11. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Darker, R.IL Batlu, Edwin
R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi
dent—Debt. P. King; Beeretary—Prancia Illarkbume.
applications will be received, and every lufermation
given by BAML: PA lIIVESTOCH, Ago,
fake, Commercial Rooms, corner of
octla-dly Wood and Third sta. Pittsburgh
TRH INSURANCE CO. of Nenh America will
make permanent iind limleed /11,60rarlee on pro
perty inAtisnity and vicinity, and en sbipilieuls by
Canal, Rivers, Lak and by Se Tho properties nr
this Com a.
pany are wel en, l
invested, and furnish an avail
able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected by inranee.
no P, JONES, A
Piro and osrlaa Inroraneo.
I " Wer r Sa l , C lB ; a:Vgl i K=Zlo " ro P .lll Vro N n7n
e.l of Waud.
The stmariber, anent fat the above old and respon•
tibia Company, min hone Palleara on Balk:mar and
their contents, and on .hipmenta of Merehendtee by
Stenm IMAM and other vessels.
• K.: W. P. ONK:4,
[~iif i i~t~l~Dt~~~BG~~l7 algi ~! 114
F 7, TIMM 9i., '
' ' VT. Woi •
a Reepectfully intortak the
tka It
h co of
Ida el
priim s.
tock of
runNiTurtE.V. tarllCal and 1110Styrened nalortment
ever °flexed (or kale to this city, contort tin e several
set. of R.twoot., MattOoatrf, and Mac: \V atirty,
marytal, orntuntalal and plain, suitato d for
Drawing and Bed Boom,, all of which volt he sold at
the lowest priera:
Perrone deciding Furniture of say dr3Cription, are
speetfolly invited to calland examine his mock, which
embraces every description, from the cheoptwt and
platnett to the mast deg.! tot! coolly, o f vela tql the
fellowtni , comprises a part: ,
Tete a fete Sol.; Tof A et Ti!)tvana;
ConYer.attOnChain; I"litabethian Chaim;
Reception do Looms SIV do
Enrol oe't do Pullet Bolo.;
What No, Toilet 'relic,
Loom XI V . Conitnattotej Pat, Cl York's Co.b;
1.0 Sofa, with Platt and
eat era;
sa I).narm do do do; •
fu dot ! P. or Chat,
lu " Rosewood do .10;
" urk Walnut do do,
" Can, Real tnt;
4 " Mahogany Bootleg dtti
2 " 1%0.04., •
So m ton Bootleg
Top Cent' Tablew;
1,0 tlo do NYoth tqlatitta;
20 Mahogany
IS BPI Walnut do;
8 Chary Mo.
A very I.trge lanOttntellt Of Common Malta In/ oth
er Fentadre too tedious 10 83ICMI011.
. .
S”-,w /So.+ farfliblut4 tut the
a.I . - muf cn promptly faxemictl
4.—C.V•wet :1111tcro can be suppli,l with all %MU
nt Mnhe,:etay, VeNrcr, . roam& ',IA,
reffluced rNeer ft tstfi
1\•1 le Flettl.Glll, ail %V 0.., !glue llrlliE
Red on do Wan Deming,
Ynnow do do Enney Colternmim,; MI 101,
8,,,,,, ~, .lo - OrmrdetEareloinpr-ieet
I, vdc SI,:m•E.•
'Meet trIJI e.l Oa .I.ll,ll4lLeagar Slnst , oz.
'Mae ea knrelir, and Stelpm , ..Arl!
0,, 1rca07.,,,d,
Blatt (!....late . • i -: ni l.. lcr7' Goat,
Peery , , Rna Enddine, purr!, oi
Fancy Twoods V!'!E.dd ,,, , , , IlaekrnM,
~, , ,i,t , Emek Broad ('lO,O. Tmlorzl:Auvac..brwreacei
Paper Brown do l!rourn Ll aeon, Ellie, ix
Serer timett do !Drab Serße. black do. a i
Snot, Twor,t ~,, , am! vtorn.ed;
.5.0.. r Inm 1 1,-... ,ko,. 'II, ', t 0.4 , 01d.te, Tn; ,
lirn 5: 0.5,,, ;ft.ilasul
Ilrorra Crov;tl, ae, b•.;
o•on t • •.• d bte tn.:a et tauns be,vare a lb<
atdd•cribat... tl••• Ipmaal ad Coastal., Ila 4 .
• •• ti•••• day da.d.lvad
mutual a•macta Massa/I
11-rka Ila rar lb.'lb.'.d.•cat, ad the rda:r.
m tLe nen,. f•t /or the pu,pra.e
o' wr.”g Fare vault boor., ac
.t the .1,11 of at r nr r:ke
arn, tt,v l.,ptras , t InTrtrivc , M , po:rne
, t•t aunt how.: <nJ ibnr trier Ir.
EDMUND 111.:1M1:,
Tito:4AS 1:AIINI.S. •
i!k1,11{42 ,t 1 rim Jf S. Co
I .111/ .twvt. le Wen..<Ballo
0wn... , it. the t.e.n4dr.le•• trty 11,1 the
1 2 co. It, I NATHANIEL. C0N:31%411M
C. A11.1:11,1'/IttiTF
. U ' l r a7g 4i n .nl euni,y lavur4 the. stlentioa or mere h
uut, nau ,e.tletru. No 1.-1 Wcuu.l Al fehll
_ .
New York and avid al,* final Frelleil
14,11.te, ucweat un.l tonal ouptaweJ ey,.
per Ilaugine •, u.lth FE, ~ .t.l
tund Tester Tult.. PUr inh , at r. 5 Wuu..l el. 1..
tween Fourth it An..l lhatlllll (IlleaC,Or to a.
C. MIL) hpfl
kaAI.I.IC , eO4 per.tcerucr,
I%land fur sale Ly the Lurie! ur pound •I ILo
Drug, Scud. and Perfunlet) . ‘N'are:tout, rorru, ul
Sixth sad Woad strut,. N WWI KKR
THE Manittecturnig Company now °e'er to
politetos thvit SMmitalein
heteal :Mom. 5011.0;
tool . ...hooted agnerinion, , trar eionrailicoou, by
those who have :erred ilip dtliaer It far superior to
ally other in the mark,. Thereentraitier nerd have no
apprehenaloo• of rolliti‘, Carrot., 6.e., Ili It. 1,111.
pon,{ll,, e. dust tram ortsior when beingap
Mimi, who, lama be dare win-lathe SlO•el, , nld
re naly required tr no tolls to prodnee a beau.
tiful la , t savior M ovor htty per cent is insured
to tha toll•lllliefr. A ornstill; Store.. .Nee ,
hr , hod awn, is, the 10 , 111Per,i, et sure pre.
yeainfi ie against row Ant, having tried it once,
111 11 zA k4 • Cen• no pe , ..on U. 1.11 111,1 I.( thr
moon.. At rbetornorion Conniaill'a Premium Chump
sl, :dins, Polrdi l'or ..Alt 1.0
....•urr ,Ixth ntJtl \V w. 4 -itrets
111111RVI Alontagne Coinionny supply tbrir agents
Roofing am/ Fluorin, in .1..-ets:ls7lce Irma
)1 in V.:mint,. i,l,..instre iont. Corrur,at,ol in sheets
:Iz7, .27for Juuli:tt: luvhr buildu It nd depnla
I , hcathi. , 14 to Xi
Snake., Wire, Silas.. Aluldn, relforatell Zinc,
Zino Paint,
. ,
Nainan Tn ,, rrza & I taladeirbia;
w. & 11. McKm,l3.l.quoreq,
/411 k STA.VIPIr., New Orleans;
NIILLIR(111X, Ilesnlr,it
31140.117111,1\ cIY
. .
Autot.io4runi.y of I.elgilwlth 'Tram.
.‘nenct.• nl Kn.! eolto•nlporgrira.l.l vet,
entlite'r. Latter Dny l'ampnletn— N o 1/111,...thject,
11,110,y of Doct, th,Cren.t. By Jacob AlJlott, with
" 101 ft ,.17;-•,,t, • Byhim flame,Pirtonal 1130 k of the Reaohnian.—No 5.
The snore Yrnri.• arrived this day, and for sate, by
•ue2.4 Pot. hierkrt l'hitd et.
- • •
pAIiFT.C.I4I :tom neekto oolit iqlot NoY.
Scven o( !wt., niartvd I. Aijlmformmion
re.T.Trung thew ',III 1141:11rfolly rertevr.l.
I.otalt So Was boo Oa— •rreatal•n defitallts
it St a N Windloat Soup, Bottoms, llota6 a Flat
.1) Vrapeculatt,lit.or.tol. Volta, tot Olton Oa! Soap.
Tlta . ao Scampi ore hiKLir colotanstol for monolog
111.tb. to ab. .4 to
from tI,C /114 III( 611;1,
E Wood at
I NM. , VIM, it ea:weird
nestra...rorn to I Inds Lhit.L. 'Fhe above
lec l Ong .t prepared to tinit ail. degrees ralacnheit
will no ad,et ,*touch • orlor ILI every thing etre,
as are hat clemetty which vistiida
fn t.litS a dreier of heat, end may he haed hhn , it 11l
part. whi. re ',acting nc«titrity inanitn:e
pivion rod., Otani j0i1111101,,,,, cyliti
der hest I.lnc. For rile wholesale nod entail I.y
. •
sack 7 h
TOU n i ca CCO—Ou trzs Wit r ;V a s
i l i obor d _.
a 7
• • T A IL
13001 M MUSIC, &c.
NEW noose
, oppinito the,roer
London Art hornet for October.
• lauell% Living Ate, No 337;
The Volley. TIMM; or Ore Autobiography. of my Or.
'pbao. SAited by Gbarlee Peterson, 1
YiltllCPat rioyertunenti A new nos el, by Mrs. Tool.
, narrate Templeton. • Byy. Charles Lever. •
The Iron Mosit , —Deressi beg t work, complete; •
Life of:Yankee NID.••
Genevieve; or Pleteent Love and Sorrow; By A.
De Lamarine. •
Boerne Sbakepeare, No 71.
TENNI' LANE; *beautiful F.thioplen Songes sung
ef by the Nett Orleans Serenaders;
Be isatebTalend betvere;
' Oh! Diutb; take this bank
The klalden , erfeer; • •
The Bleb Wait Dtidei:
IyouNIT live With th ee;
N g3 4, ....o * . li{Vie;h Wasp, as sane by Jewry Lind In
The Bird aid the Maiden. sang by Jenny Lind;
Take tbieljnoi sung by Jenny
TOM not earay;.• beautiful deet, byFost,t;
Sleiylntatilka; by Sterkosb ; Jenny Lind lasi:anon
Good Lue Sunny at the Gate: Levine, and DOd-
Ve_ . ont is ilwrf . :31 , Po:ka;
_a_lso : :3 7 iwii n Wli I t:e ,_ s_ ft t
tensice sale; no of Guitar Preceptors of best molten.
• ' • 1.1 Ink Third PULES.
pettunars PI ACM.
Belo Itipmer foe - Detnisnssarn Plano..
KLEDDR rakes pleasure l i announclng to tin
potille• that he has succe ed In securing thi
solo stetter. .thottiem's role rated Piano Fort.
for WesteutPeuneylvania.
The Pisan, made by file De
Staten &Durham are too well
le this nelghlterheed to require , •
time, seam It to. ray, that for a
pianos work known. In the We
those of Stollen &Denham and N
Mr Du, the practical pa
DM, Ims • ato ot upwards of tesen
tory arousal Dim, us prattles] man
the biodnee4 , 4lllthin a year or t .
bought oat ihn eruhre factory and is
firm, and eget.. to ea...te
own nam4, Denham's Piano. • I
ranularityiMet In 1.061 C or the we
, 3 / 4 4,4hey have cold Iwo
suanufacturo.. They are distinanb
.d brilhoyeey of tone. and estrum
N. C.-4 tarp invo;co of the eh
now receiving. SIGN OF Tilt
• m, of . the Grua o
d favorably kno •
• 1 comment at thl
long time no odic
tarn country
one & auk.
Iner or the ahem!
year. In the De
ter mtd &teeter or
o ND Dunham !ma
-pampa-note of the
e, no before, in his
aro, attained tneh
• tern title., Mein
enrol' any other
ml by their power
Binary darabtliir.
we etraant Piano.
Now El 0.1.1
DFREINTLI this day from ilic
It La Serenade—Sebrubori.
La Sepenade—Arranged ns Dern.
Jeannette and Jrannob lor Gbitar.
Voles al by gone days—bomb
Away down In Cairo—baiter.'
Its Watchful and Beware—Glover,
tlnaidn many other Popular Songs and Pieces.
frapl3 , of Ihetiolden !lap, Tiara in
Nlllir DOOM
IF. ALTO, Disease, and Remedy. Dy Dr. Floor*.
' Anotslde Lindner, a novel. Ity the author o
"Legnica itinefd," eNorraan's Bridge t ' , dre., de.
Lire and Correspondence of Robb Southey—part &
Gibbon's Remo.-:Wt and CUL rol,—e oto plena° of th
work., Received endlor axle by'
• /4/BW BOOKS.
VNCLISH.GRANIIAR—The floglinit Leanness in
i ldr edements and fOronsWith alhistery of us orlgi
and Ortrilopehient;' drsigned mr Otse of colleges no •
schools , Wm. C. Vander, late professor or Rhetoric
in Amherst College. • -
Astro...ay—The recent progress of Astronomy;
coperodly in ilia }l .iced Stairs fly Elias Loomis.'
Vire:linon or a Banters Lire lb the far interior of
Smith 'Africa. with codect of the naive tribes, and
succdores a thri ch.e of the lion, elephant, hippie.
blows, congo, rhinoceros, no-with dissuasions By
ennamisz. Received for sale by
trotl. 47 Mail-east
11/S7 received al KI.EIIER'S ltlaslo Store, the
follovrter Songs:—
In the Eye there Ilea the Ileac. I Love but Thee.
TheWateber, The White and. Red Roses. Oloncy
Rill. Ile doeth an thittri welt. All it over. Where
re nem tbe hottest ebee“hed. La Serenade. vol 7
TrtrAft'lltSTEßf , er the hlystertes of the Cowl of
rti London, 'col :of Ras Interesting wort. has heeu
received at lintels,' Idterdry Depot, Third street,
°prattle the Volt Office; also, Ellett Parry, or Tile's
of the'lltart ; b 7 ftltsia; .Geoere Cetttriet, oatoantent
Scandertter Kor .of Album, be Clement C Aleete,
1. L LI; tad No allorlindell's Entine Are. rep,'
Just IR•cci•ild,
A LARGE eoa extensive assonment of PATENT
/I. Al 113ALLP3 Runniat FABRICS, among the
almost endless variety embraced In me assortment,
may Ins following:—
limp Coors., Carnage Cloth, Alr Ueda, Air
lowa, Air Cushions, Waist. Palls, Tobacco Poaches,
Fishing Rsciloc Coca, Capes, Cloaks, Tarpaulins,
biloYaS, ABU.% Pooches, Slops, names, Pos..,
Mos', paps tpringa, Machine Banding. Sou' Weems.,
IlacWite Packir.g, Camp Mantas, Paper Boldest,
Lite ,Froremons. 'Travelling Dam Inman. Bags,
Al,blata, Lbsgs, Mans Paddle
Bass, -111 . 01 s, Fool Balls, Ladles' %Vaal: Meat',
bibihsa'Grsa Yboes. Comm' Gum ram, Legging., Se.
liaary article sold ar this establishment it warranted
ie peaaaso Nl the characteristics cs/conal to armor
*ens, Yinl—lnselability any degree et
eat, ealbinly In the rtVe4efl Cold, great durability,
bends., perfect Impervious. cr• nvf inmions nom
acoyor .1. at the Goody,. Rel,rt Eilipnti4ll4,
:VC., Et 1Y out lure..
1 a 11 PI 110 IPS
11 1:11. , :E/t rA . INTING and ki , azint, proaqn•
l.rVe r
n e 't ga ' ; ' ,lln '''a ln '
V. -- el'y as
aft, , hat
tan do I . a.dand and GI artla a. abaft, al any n!L.,
nainter• In Ina anv. 0,11 art. drtemained ;a s,
J k II
V - "ecar. ,;1 hdr eNoeri,
NC .1.; Aloro.ol sto.•o, .:.rt 4c. Ito.e i!o,1114-
tAo,-Jkl •do 110,y trlrat.. 111,,tur i 4 o. An.andh.e
en; Ilscr; Not 00• h e•-fortNnow
11,114 el Wow., C..,
For valr,srvolcr,a:c oy
erirlg `N.o.d .t.
jk,l - ef) ArP I,rtY rirS o; km.: • tekso
al I l l y on r rd of 0,
Linlrod ruint F.rur ht Sx•Vrro,
11i,n.low So ,t 1 vr,olesa,o
and rotation .00011131.....1.4
IL—A.II person% pstelts,u , r; rur..rl,l or dry pent,:l
Wfil tai u. iluur pawurg, curt r•-r., e use
c.,tasety .t.ecuorn, gro.u• J 1 0 1111. LIPS
tvti :A •J IVood et
(nba t f .s .l f Nd l r4V fiota the riiiiitraville Factory
110 yd• 1100( Oil Cloth; 50 , 41 3dr I 4 du, 1.4 , 1,11
5 4 do 500 yil4 4-4 do; 11114 , ydi %.4 die, 11)131 3,14 410,1
do, method, and Leavy, trout 4 to 4 yards with, oil of
covvest idyio of paticros, nod r 1010 an, give, 4,44.
14, yds 44 1-Cruriiilure Ull Clothe, 1011 4,:n 5-1 do;
3.. , 11daz.en asturlctl ance. 'fable. Stand, and 11tifenn
rro. vcitous patlcrtm, and AO-nEIEd funds.
yd: 44 l'aleu: Carnage OEI i , ottE, ;.II )ds 5.1
do; :4. ya• es 4 dd.
• •
JtW y (hl4:l•4ll.Cretnt. for Sink., a • sorted plat tc ra 0;
5(O ych 4-4 Orcen Oh Clohl for Ws:tdoar
yer. .5.1
‘Vtnelow Shndel, 1"v, c..sorttnant just recetved
of nem. etyles. .
tdrrehante mad other. wishing to pure hetet...are In•
'Hod to and exanehte our ILSCOrII/16(11 of xoo•le,
erloch will he soli at the love et eaetetn Poe
ottrat 7 .4 9 Wood et
Sarsaparilla Made a. Lemon Syr tap.
20 kegs Sareaparitta Sodei
90 Lax do do; -
liozo• Lelm.ts Eyrup, mole from pore lemon joke,
Juin walval and for iota by
. 411,1.1 , P1.11:1 , 1 ,11N
wooLt.war al ()111)9.
underotasked I. on hand, and eay re
eciring tvota lueoufacturer., oem:sent,
lasge 101 of Viarotela. all pima and
Ako,llc4 Illookett, Blanket Cadluig, Denver t; caha
Calcomarcs, Sennett, and Tweeds; welch hr wul or II
by the tn.° or piece, at mane facturece prteca The
silleAtiots ohirliers In %Caen food.. la 'nailed.
' 11 LEE,
u 'g t6 IT) lacerty it
108 Market (near Liberty ) )
ANi iMMA N. 1 , 2 , 1 t 1.1611, ANL) GERMAN FANCY
4; 00I) ti g lItI.IRIIY , RII.M.INIr+, LA ens,
GLavE,A, TIREADs, C. 1 2 ,1135, SU.Y.
FENDERS, .I.e. Also,
Satin and Panay Vo*tins,
111. A el: .` D.FA Ne.l' :411.1: CRAY A'l'4, I'ONGER,
I:AVDANNA, Rod N 111/KIN.. goirornl froh
snillll.ll of PAN.i, RRJ err ry V.tirly a tranolings.
Kest aide of the Mainnod.
A T entabliehntent the puolie only el vaye de.
pcml imoml henie eepplied with excellent Teise at
revenueble prime—They have
ter!lent 'lrate et •--.•--..• tin per lo
Fuperier Quirlitie•• •
The Bert T a linpotted --• • I nti
'prix la deradedly the clic:weer lied heel ',tore in
l'ittehurch to toy Teas. altlltlllS
1,5 Crop...tete.
WILLIAMS ill °reel a elnserenl end tt.tet.
Seh.h on the first Monday ul Sept. nest.
lineal over J. D. Wtillasts slum, eviper o f mei
and Plith streets. •
Rev. Wm. D. D lta n,
owanl, i Doalter D. Lowrie,
Rtv. r. Elllou. J. D. McCord, EN.,
Itcv. Dr. MADII. J. D. WI
xi' VII I'll V h infertn their radon, Lvi er. and buyers genet ally that, sss coommorace
of workmen being engaged in culargme nenl improv
ing them Store Roam, they have renieved thrtr gooda
to the Sewn; Bros, tithe building they necuphuntil
thu linprovementa are bombed; where they will ha
toappv to me thew euttnmerg as nonal. and for the
a l l le of welting up stair., will try and remunerate
them ahn them Cheap Gond,
Entrant, from round .trect.eneVl
AWRENeI:'S 11.11 It ini Ladiet,
do do On On It, tient,
$/$$ di , do - , JtAlblc
do do bath.
tt mrapt lot Lodi,.
I.s do lot Isolsl.l.
Itemidall Itrzi she A.
Itod,rted end for talc by
net to LI A 1' !MM.:STOOK A. ro
=CC= !
. . .
1 11 /11C1IFIELD hove jest opened
ircvlr orroply or the ',triune qualtioe.l,4the oboe
it,elvaingtwill., very rte. Aro,
' , much Doe , koor end Ceesarteres, black and fetiel
sort !flock !rotor Vesting, 01 ve, y love oneer for
Boys. Satinets.
141 LIRPHY Pc BURCHFIELD have yraeivad tal
In of handroane Panty Allartl sauna, far Buya'
al o, ?laid and 1 , .K..Mtr,4 In Kr Nit
variety. Merton I:Rusin:tare., /Unlucky /Lam /Rao
Tabby Valve., at., at nosh tam cornea of l
and Mallet Wen, only
.1.1;11 Dada
Bobk Keeping and Clank Rooks reed b•
. .
4 ) 4r ,
. ,
Corner of Wood and
OFFER for tale, of th
frira Europe,
Borax, refined, in CI:Mg
Emery Corn & Posed, kgs
Cart.. Ammon, coke &jars
Pule Green' in cans
BohmPiondion nada
Flan 'Sulphur do
COlll 0 801174 in boo
Cale. KagncOna do.
Corti .: . do : do
Lac pc, ma:hilt bd.
Carb Iron. It toga
CM Arid, n lb bottles
Palo Arnim falls do
Aq. moo Co do
Colo I Eva. . do
Oil r, Beet do
Ire Ponuh do
ere ate White do
'do - in ol vials
lodide E I r n
o g ,
i i n n hmr oles
Cont. IFicoarybo lb jars I
BhCarb. Potaali, lb bottle.
Illae Pill Eng. in It. jars
Ref. Liqrwrine Poe. in boo
Wood Noodle in la bottle*
Tart. Emetic do
Prnsale Acid, to oz. viabt
Tartaric Acid, in bas
Crocus Mortis. in begs
Rad Valerian: bale.
• nu.u.oolsms
Eve l'ittibluxb,
r • own ,importatior, Sim
'Melia Fold '
Orange Flower Water
Bobe Armenia
Pill Dozes, paperemboa , d
do wale",
Vial Carks, aasorted
Adllealve Piaster, Fang
Hamra= Jo ea
Lead do ,to
Oalbanain do do
Flu,lam do Jo
Climb Iron, Peg
Preeip, Cart, Iron
Aleppo Galls
Tipten's 'Lint
Wedgeorood Alarms and
Oil Lavender, Spike
' do Garden •
Oil Origanuas
Oil Rosemary
Oil Bitter Almond.
Oil Cajaput
Oil Croton
Pink and Moe SIOCCI3
Cardamon Seed
SOO,. Zee
Heifers , Testa, prepared
Gentian Root
Rhubarb Root
Polishing Putty
Indian Red . end
ENG.,151.1 •
luny, Tan:leam, Snot.
objet acct., apd Indput
Imparted andjor dale by
* it
e, Belladonna, Colanyral.
arciaa,Rlzamonieum. BOA-
. .
Ms; Qoassig, Hops; Co
Cot. First .k Wood eL
Solllo g dot at Cost to Men nosiness,
A Lilll , Glittateof DRY COODS, fat whin °ands.
eig'iiam,;•lllll"r'se:fTWlrsige*nut!'d or
115 Wood It 4 Pltulbargh.
(1 -o.avvrtiricrr is meowing a large sasorunento
fumy :Ind stsp:e,,,..ety,nnd Dry Goods, consist.
Inc In part or Woolen, Thibet, and Cdtsh mere Bhstals
Bilk, Berlin, Thlbet, Rid and Buckakin Gloves; Wool,
art and Worried Comforter, Alpacas and Ilonaborines;
Woolan and Canton Flannels; Colored and Bleached
Caininets: and Cassimeres ; Ribbons and
Lanni Buttods and Combs; Threads and Bindings;
Umbrellas and Bread Bone, de.
All of vadat', country and city merchants are re.
opectfolly Invited to examine, at 99 Wood at.
IHAVE. Oils doh'. unmated Wllh meMr. I. H.
Clouse, in the Wholesale Groeery end Produce
Haziness; atomic of the faro will he A. Colberuor
&Claus. Sjyal A.' CULISERTSON
IA7IiOLLA LE GROCERS and e0.1151110/1 Met.
chants, Realer in Produce, and Pittsburgh
Manufactured erttelea,lll3l,lherty ut, Pittsburgh, Pa.
15,0 fi n FEET Worked Oak Flom -log Boards,
VV perfectly dry, and of • superior (anto
fisr sale try CLARKS. - • Cdrrosburah:
iltorttri - Power anti !Looms (or U.l.n
00111 , 1 partitioned 01l in tire, to suit tenant., with
eteant Poiver, for rent , ot a boriae-s pan of the
nay, br EUMIT. do A'f EMSON,
ova First at between Wood to Mntket.
•pparadni tot Cie . ..2llnd Stow.. Pipe
Nvlsboat taliten down.
NVENTED by Frederick Writer, and made by
l oco.lint between
WoodAvariei h Mar ng kel el .
W1101..4.4,1: and item
(dolor, Iloelery,,
Drees add Bonner
lawn Goods and 11.
ii, , ,Llreare's Fern
t %cp.,' r.WoorArri
. P. ,6a Lloard,
Fioticr Material,
siLpsisicr in
ii Trimmings,
nithing Arunies;
rs, Patrernr, and Canvas,
'sue Caner, and
No na Fourth strcrt.
W 3l. IdeCLAINTOCK is a
eery large front
Cloths, comprising lit sort t!
Newand IStelt titre Vels
do 'do Top,
Oet I do Eng!
New style punlNlTapostryll
KIM, sup.' 3 iar ended
huperfine do I tio
do Ingrain do
Meaty rap.
Erne do do
Coalmen do do
4-4,34, and 38
Venni. Carpets
4-4, 3-4, and 34 Tapestry
Venttion carpets
4-4, 34, 3.e, and 3.4 plate
Veeltiva carpet.
4.1,3.4, .o,and 3.4 cotton
Vendso Carpet.
54 LOU. 11n4.-gto
4-4 aronien
tO-4 do do
Woolen :Stole draggett '
Ail al iTyreb nnTO Ixea . pigtetillbe4 Profit the impart
and tuardwetorers, coon/trade de newest and
ticheat PI kt - 11, widen we viler to cottager.. low Ti
an Le PodantOd ottani , of the ea.strs. eitirs , call at
do Coq., Wore:dose, .t . 3 Font rtls st and t 9 Wood at.
oat,. ' •• • W. ItteCLINTOCR
I ClOthin, Co.
now comnantly receiving
man Of Cerpets 'nye Oil
ihn following ' , minting:—
loot Pile throe.;
entry LlmeFels do
in& S. Awe. won Crimelin
9.4, 7-4, 8-4, Li 4, 44, and
3-4 lb 1 Cloth
Sheet ILI Cloth,eut to Gt
nay site ball or room,
serious style. and quail
Chenile Rees
Coign) do
fnientile Door Matt
Toned do do
Thrian do do
ineeywkin do do
bonny landdo do
Franermsrat - Windose
13417 WimT Li nen e
Drab do
Venition It in43..Ye.
t ra.txines.. AL../ & C 0.,)
11AV (1 LASS, V 1/) L.S.IIOTTLES 60
Lie LA', •41C11. - IL it .1,
Vi .011 Yt, tsetwe•rk L`lretS Wat*r .
- . . • • .
',`•", • •P•oodot rtor•lnent of Good,
turopt••••o; , pun oh, tAloolving vo••et..•
ue t•old ,I{(1 t l / 4 130,.,
WO) en,l Ctimmr: •no,
Frolet etort :Orel ,l,
an 4 It I,itn 1. , 0t0n I 4.05.1,
CrOnoan and hoe
floe do
°raved and IR. Ha'An
t'fouten and i'dtple .
1.1•0•sed 'Purley Ited tlotoe,
I•gofed 'do do,
ria•n, , • •do ' • thy,
Irad WAndelvo
Drat do. do; hr,
The above Goods betne rutratiaed dtrect loom the
Impuitcts end Mannfaciore., 0.01 be Fold • cheap
they ran be th any of the cement coif,. We in•
vim wteho. Otto e11..01 60.14 101.11111 al be Car
pet Wareitou.,,ps Fount, Nile,
f?!_ w 111‘.1-I•INTOCK.
Warranted Pare Winne, and Brandies,
IIITAULE Medicinal' l'arpoaeg, alwayn on
nj Land and lot ola 1.17 the hi ult. cuss, or gallon sr
11011.11.18 WORTH'S
erieS IVirie Store.
IlconnasileWootion (goods.
INE ease Wart 1110th
, I nano Flaunt:a;
2 cartes lied do;
1 toe Rod Imllnd Flannelni
St CU. Whim do do,
3 Cat,.. untied do;
2 cays Plain and Paned Cuesinteene,
I ease Satibrlt;
3 oasts Clan Alpine;
I new inane;
3 rime, Blue !Lauber f7osions)
2 eaer• Iles)'
cants Detill Wankel.,
• I ease Ilbid do.
roes White Red illanllete;
imirs Strain Soul Illsokete;
liereverd on rating meat, and for tale It mainline.
tuteen pelves hr II LEI.
nenl2_ , 32 Libel lt• Street.
MOB noloponntl is ...Irned io produce The null.,
4escribed ems, as lollnare:—
. , . . .
Pirectintis for. making mend Ten CaL ea, Buck
wheat Cakes,-&e.. by with rl R ono log it etteriell to
the , ricrac of about Viper .
Tp make Ltrcid—To each pound of Poor add two
lettapopolule of Compound and the Ligon' nuoinity of
rani mix them thoroughly meet., wineory, rthi•
maker , a prepared flour yourun aoide and
ago at leisure), then odd n touch cold waiters will
make the dough Oro noun! nocknery a need at well,
and let 'storrel Gauen none ea lobate T hat ,mg, 4.6 or
two Loom will d4l 1144 hurt. I1i&otl should Dandled
much thinner, and baked al once, but will do no heat
to nand firl,=n or ime ,,, Y n tulce. Thean Is no dmn
ger or Felting I. t,l thrn Compound in die
!tread. n win Imt tuen the bread yellow a, •aler moo
dries winoa used to Cur...
You can put We above Cornpoun.l 10:0 Toa Cakes,
Puddinr, John:lC:de., I rultau eukcs, Cuker,
Corn hlcal Calker, Mead, Brown Dread, Ihrouil,
Puller Cakes, ltdo kw brat Ooirr, A pplr Ituuplings,
I'm tad fur nil bating pu.por.s.
Sold by II I: SELLERS,
11;44 Wood at
rilllE FACTORY erected on we corner of Re!Teo,
turd Correy *Reedy, {lllllllrlg through to Lacort
titter, recently pat In Illornngh repair. Viler trader.
ate, and tonne nary. Apply to
HOPS -40 bales Western N Vert;
0? Wiles Ea.tern, on hard and In wive
rg i o n Areetret;
Lam do No I
:le It brk Flu to.
10 drum. Cm.l arrount, for •nle
00 BROWN .1‘
Stearin host Trimming..
McCLIINTOC/: attention nf •Icant
. boat men In 1., extensive.trnenl of ittmL
nautqs. comprOqua In part Ole (al 0101017 vancure:
111th and eirFUlrt lilac unit Gull Salm Detelo...;
du do Crimson an,
Scot!et and etrel do
du rink and Blue do.
do 1:414.a. and Ittown ao,
Crinienn 14.1.1 White l'uton Daniro.k.
flits ad
4 4 ,4t1rt du; ,
Cniuoun. Green, Ilia, n't.l 1/...1..•C •
Vuterrtl Mum. ;
IVo.dard and Iducu TWA,. I`,.ve.,ne,
Striped Toilet au do
Turkey !led & Mute do •
rkny Reds Blues Jo do,
;Anna 6.1 %l'aqiard
7 4 and 0.4 '1 alde I 4 14,entlled
otdl, Player, d,
e,nelt Endomaea T.le rover*:
44en:r:s Vro411; t Ploul T.lrt do,
6 4 Itlnochaa Surettng. I Mat, or, a.r.
All el nold.l, arr 11010 cr.ulutlar.urrts nu}
tniumrts, of the newt, bud flag, rotors and Idd•
tern, 611 ol VII1111 . :1 vv,ll told cheap as any of
the en•trrn cote, We 111 , 4140 steam bout Idell to Ore
us a call at out Catprt Wasrbooar, Fourth at.
tocati W. ra s curvrocx
I l yntram.), otarkirkraitiarnirmititijl
tot vale wholcalla and satall,by
elospisrs 54,11t8eallag . 11dia rasing Eu
No WI Madison wrest,
THE euhutiber in soliciting the Patronage of an
who mar tee this adverttsement s feels none of
that hmiuttion. With which a new attest is brought
before the public. The experience of years has es.
tablished their superietity beyond all question, and
he confidently refers to the testimony of More best
nose men, who have used these envelorce, and to his
relldly increasing sales, as petistf Of their excellence.
The following ars a few of the sevens for that: pops
let On the place Oceunted bribe Seal apeman may
have his name, business, and tddrets. conspleoculy
and beautifully .emlaused, colored of plain. dans afi
fording perfect security against freed. 2d. The En.
Octanes opened without being dui/aged.
3d. Neither Wax nor wafers Me untaxed to a t them.
itch. Upon the miscarriage of a letter the seal imam
its Immediate return to the sender Instead of being
belied months In the Dead Letter 'Office. .stb• The
Envelopes are famished at almostthe ante price as
plant ones. Oth.,Ench lettermailedisa moose - tense
advertisement, Mire to' =Mat th e ettenthm• of all
through whose hands In may pass. The. following is
a list of prices for Dies engraved *abuse. and which
will last for Ices{ and of Envelonesof the anal size,
either white or bett of good Penes, and
ma anal
with name, address, kc.
Prices of Dies. Prices of Envelopes made
10 letters or lass • • • •CO • the above
z) 500 1000--... • • 54 CO
3o to o 7 go
10 to CO—.-- ..... oOe ONO 10 00
GO to so 10 00 IMO .. • • ••—.. t 3 DO
Ou Wheono to 1 i•• •IS Not 15 it Is not censers oo
ant to forward amount of of
order per Mail or ropers, • selerenee ta a respectable
New YorkHoese will be sufficient. All ardent will
inert with prompt attention If addressed.
• =Madison st,,New Yule.
Older, will he attended to promptly if left at the
worts of it Ethel! k Mott. 10 Wan erred or of
Mew.. 11 Jeronimo k Co .134 Witham street.
N. 11 —Business Cards mr.boesed in colors from
same Ines at MO par thousand. _ d3m
FURNISII roar Hans and Parlors with Aline,
which are useful sod ornamental:— .
Maps of the World, United States, Penney/yule,
Allegheny CooMls, Pa lean. a, Mountslu and Elvers,
Motu Jae. Chemistry. Also. Astronomical Maps,
tedestro•of Time, Fatally and. School bilmiurra,Clin•
line Maps, Globes. Monte,a c , at the
. . . . .. .. . . .
IVILMARTII ~}. NOBLE will their Extra
Float, delivered. on and idler the Ist November,
at 30 vd per 100 lbs, soperfine, at. ik: per 100 lbs. A
liberal disco= to retailers.
net IltlthiailTla NOllfin
1011111:11taCRIII PIATYO9. • '
' Jug'. ItElI:FIVE!), a nevi - troch o;
Chickerines o.Caand7 acme. Piano.
also. a richly ea rved.Gaaan Fiatsq the
mostbeautifal Instrument eve/brought
to this city. Theta Manta allYbe : supplied as usual,
at Datum prices. verruca". VI, CJ 4100 roe vaaus•
roaravott as amt. Ai" received, a One lot of Pole
artieri plain and , carved Piano &tads; with silk plash
and hats cloth scats. For sale by •
Avant for Chinkeringh Pianos roe Ihrutern Penrea.
Pocket Okkronomi4era
V. WILSGN, Corner of Market and Fourth
y y , street., hes received by expreektille morning,
rslendid Chronometer Watches, twenty Jewels
mid eighteen karats. These watches Were made ex
presrly to my order, and of superior' workmanship.
Afro, oit band, the lateen and best assortment of
Gold and Silver Watches evreeffered for sale in this
city. Gold Patent Lever Watehes, from 830 to Slag
three doyen on hand. !fermi*/ to 140, of beat quality'
gold, and anirranted time. 01=
ltd I•kie S. SINUER, HARTMAN •& CO. hive
13.1. Within the Oght of en Axle, inveated by Mr.,
:tenth. tieisieger, exiled dbedield raters, It has beta
1..1 by our beat 'mach Molders, sod manse:iced to:
be lie best ht use. An ordinary coach, with a rot Of.
these axles, running dilly, will enflame a half pint
clod i six months The small quantity of 'oil used
is ore of the best evidences we have of the great te-
Auction of friction; and convertasntly great eating of
power; It will onto the coach proprietors to one. Its
per cent. on their stock and feed. „Alsehit will give
greet safety to watchers, the nut revolving with the
heel and not havant any connexion with the sole
Rll entirely prevent the wheel from coating oil.
Ity proper care, the patentees will worreat those
moles to that from twelve to Eileen goers daily:running.
Warchostee,lo Water and lAD Front meets, Inn.
burgh. Pa.
_ Mtn
unequalled success which hue attended the
use of /106715101tE79 ftIitUDIATIC CO.ll
- and 111.1JOD PURIFIER, in dientially cur.
Inc the serefen end most inveterate eases of IN
is a sufficient guarinnee end recommendation to in
duce nil who are egieted with this sltcsilful dlarsale
tri Its niters
Hundreds of cares, many of them ciusens of St.
Louis and others from abroad, have been eared witht
in the last few months in the city of St. Leonia alone,
while tenets from agents abroad On. also that. It is
performing Cue same wherever tried. Many Of lb.*
were Chronic easel of long Carding, and ell hope of
reeovery had been giVen up. While others were of
more recent date, of the atom inflammaterY form,
very severe. All. however, yield to the wonderful
virtue:sof Wietisedleine, end thouiande who havers.
aimed its benefitaould are now to the enjoyMentef.
health can batesteem the 'Final discover and
prr part., a benefactor of mankind.
ft as well known from the experiente of the past,
diat eo outward appltradonean possibly effect• pets
manent cove of QM dreadful diseases fly din appli
cation of stimoleumg 1111.nnent, partial relief, 10 some
eases, may be obtained for a +Lott time. Hat al/ the
while this dtresse is fining lie gyp more permanently
in the system, tied sooner or later well agalndeicloye
itself In • more dnia.lful lotto, and alter a few peri
odical returns. it settles Into is chronic form, which, if
t,on ATM. - IL 'ult., tn. iiidiVidttal tar life. Thin
' V. t!.. 'ln,:,yot the Mil in all enuntrief,
7. r- •I • r :raltd the h'en'ry fortilsbed
et ~ tbe compoood. green by
ai le, I 11 , —e ,rl.• tiara passed under his
inanvdt.dr resume :retinue. during the few
in •
ItLOOD PURIFIER It r. intrmaf rermeton:t
otem,. tto operettal. where Ihe diteaeo Ent ortai
so,ut portruitte the t.loott, puree. through the
whole .)item, neon al , rr. the Impure art canon,. tredt
,,, aabien n t Otetuteratree,tuntelen
And ti - ndona retnover trait:in:ly (rem the ar rte , n,'sed
restores the trthvideul to perfect health.
Li , Lou-t who are gloried trot deceive danorteirrea,
and plat ell glare n.e Of dal, Ine•rietne too lung, or mita
their I.taba Are dratcrated or cooraetert to rued. • de
gree that they nre!ent.plea for lA. The ea peneoee
of fronds-ado of 1110.3vdsdotit:g the putt, a. rant Is a
mulittude It the present day, denronatratevt the folly
ot exp.-chug refuses...lß tithe front eh:Front unlit
'Jiro proprietor of Una artlcable meth Iris knurl,
Tram. experience, Mat ire orttlrerd application Cult
poem:A - Ste:feet a permanent cure where thia disease is
hnely band In the ayatorn. He can and does prepare
and apply an embrocanon to very acute ease., wet.,
wilt glee relief in tee tom's nese, but H. will nut
effect a parciauent otter. The nature of this disease
my suet, that It Innenee lonLer time, and an internal
remedy, to produce the desired etrecr, arid Itfotttrunre`a
libeceraric Compound and Moat Partner ti the only
fettled] That bee Veer been eracoscred, clear inAnserb
On Or toy caner country, that will effectually CUM this
. .
This medianne can he had, arboterale or retail, at
73 Third rover, next to the Poo (Mee, Pinrborgh.
Prier, St per lank; 6 bortles for 1143, or Itt3 per
dozen. Pamphlets can be had snots lithe agent
notnd R. 11. WISIIART. agent.
TRR P10N101113.01 1 THE NEW RIM ROO.
Through Ds FOUR Days
VE take pies Mire In announcing lathe Merchants
V at Ptiothurgb and the Western business novo
...QS, that on and after Mw day. the lath of tier.
rines., we will receive and forward goods via the
Centrist Ball Road, and guarantee them to be through
in Von Dula. Our inteasive sink of Can and Boni
enbics us to offer the above expedition roan to the
public., whilst we mill retinue oar usual liar, via
Ilarrisbutx and Columbia:
tilmelatml witrang good. broughl from the FAA
with Certainly anti rlntproen at low rotas, or produce
shipped arm are invitol in roll on
(rc()Nrvon. ATKINS Ze CO.. Pittsburgh.
ATKINS, OVONNOII & CO , Philadelphia
Proprietors of the Ittsliorith 'Transportation lane;
Ur the following &genie,
tt'Coantuit Q Co., NI North Creel, Thillituuro;
It. If t.oex.6 Llattery Place, New Vora,
. & theato, Id Doane street, Motion.
taapeattat Patent Bad• Ash., mere are now reeetyi n• renal, large
yuppltat aflame& Marta. & Son', blab teat, and
lain quality Mays &token,. Sod•Adt, wide& they will
r-ell at do lowet I tomato pri for canal at . approved
bd. W .& ce,
MITCH rjalltx
oettl Liberty rt.
--- -
VI N. F. 11A11.01.11(Lfp, (pupil of the tirat European
1,1 trismem) lute of N. w reopen:fully i nform
the dawns of I•ntsturgh end A Ilesheny, that he has
errtvetl, and intends runkies this city its pertained
rescicocc, for the purpose of Impartine instruction on
the nano. A pplicatious knot Mr. %Mt tc'e
Loe, 00 Liberty 0, et 11. Kleber's hluste Store,
will s meet wtth proirpt or
GENTOEOiON's Ilesvf Tilt Vest. end nrewerti
to Pine Moslem Jo;
do Warm Saxony do;'
do Plain and FIRM Silk Cravats,
Fine Shine, Came. and Ltosoma;
Silk, Corson; end Wonted Suspender.;
Turkey Red lineming
Print ed Plarmel Rule.;
Roma Vglta; Umbrellas;
Silk and kitten Pocket lints;
Wool and Icluckskln (Royce;
Super Kid and Silk Gloves;
Semis, Corfflorts, and Muffler.;
Jost received and Inc rale by II EATON.
ny Fourth et
91.kliag am.
IF you Ns tclli to ewe' in the Oil of making Mines
Vier, Coker, Pudding., Sr., you Moll ore the fol.
Mood Son. Coming.
Tatum., or English Pudding Mullin;
Candied Orange Por I;
m:lied Lemon Peel,
Creek. Citron Peel, •
crape /we:
nen. Brandy.
All Inc eLoVe eruele. ate for sale al
e'." T. Sane, nard aide of the Diamond.
TAt.: . 1! . ..R. - 3 . . hi.— au ail I.l74baud --
lA. W. R. Cheese )
a 5 for sale hp
itrs WICK ISL.PitS
11111 IE Raise fiber invites the attention of merchant.
omit others to his large and
andertetl sunk at
[lottery, Gloves, trader Shirt., Drawers. The
above articles in &l , Wool, Merino, and Cotten, of
all sutra and pricea;tonstantly on handd fir sale
Incell I ll an EATON
• Deara a,
rilfir. heat of Wlnee a n d Bra M ndi d es. salvable far
dime' or other purpose a, can alwaisbr-Er"...
wholeaale or retail at: MOIIRI4 A llAev OR'{/113
_nett° Teak Wine Store, in the Diaitiond
i . l.llll, 3 ltAtlitt—CittO Ili; for sole
-v01.,. 1 iNTIM NO, .12,4
It E
TT biblV nil men w'n , ire , ki' , k and nilictert wijf &is.
11.. Lase or the I r a+,4l 'lin.% eteritlicie .
pains in beet or lint,., old:lYlres./;Wletning
Mee% collot Me)...urel be ~ tleknie•the Per
trolcutal Yea May Labeiiti,4 e:from ea.
much Du yob please, eui.tins does nut Matt ifacd,-for
we proclaim lathe i. c bf an eon?r commtmity, that
it ham Vtruts whit!: no. contain:4ln any . edict
remedy. The man "(die racked- widdllnire and' suf.
terms:from discaae, rail Yor.fiftY eel., bet relict:Foot
rn:y ortbtllis ennumereted'elmvc.-.. Vender! ri coat,
very 111110 to make a trial. Tlik-Prtitiler, u 110 e1(0..
tore—iio eompond, put op for the ncrnrl 4 erimpwine
en th 4 eemmnuity; Ma tete , a_ eennnty .laborsted by
the 10.00100 blunt or natu,e;land ha; I.' On, U+c-
pogi Di our Mother card, lit Ile 000 . 05, d cede, and of.
fers-toeuttellse 1001:1.,r,,nd2r,
CO ebony <Um. •• •',
It bait cured l'Ora after , taller medicine, •banelii4led
to render any relief: Ii liaacnrcd IThesinatismorlona
•Ltollipg, tild or 4ro worn mid chm. 44144,
What' Cored Cholera ltlarbuit by one eriwn dotes; 1!
has ented old cases of, 5 , ;'..<11 , every other
rented* has been of nri baud. lie.' It , rlol re int:',` in
burns and scalds,,lt is bear r then, 0..5 medico! , t 3m.
pattetd,etr ointment that wa Ittmw ef. • I t
MAIDS Or frosted feet, in a few applicenctkundoct,
ed testhnony-can be fernishril tnlOtcontained
In the above Metes:cent by pall.: r‘t M. Klee,
Canal Basin, Mb aimed or eithe nftte'neents.•
Keyser 4t McDowell, stance of Wood:lnn:eland
Virgin 'Allayi . R. It &neje, Woodetreer 1/:„A.
M. trunT,Ailehkeny Mty, ar,_thre eger.Le
jopFAIJI, I. 0nt....11Y 404e.ltuStbsi Leyiwy.
Ay more eoremOn Or tine counts)
While at the Seine time it in Salt; ..11 " I, , inher . Loon
lay hill lost at so souse' an set Now Gas is true
us a certain extent. Lm the lots et mien eel ,d 17 he •
gloat. NVO say to all, dot net cese/ent eche patrons.
look.. she Sollosetiid. are
:eh need not
lick actedTiwve article. are. htlillllfiC pro
paratioila and have all attained ft Nall popularity.
Jolssi liaten.'s Eau ihvine 0t Vitsp l s doe Nratru
SOAP, al. removing tan - nuithurn, 'blotches,
and other erupt:coca of the shin; the mist sterlect eon-
ItereatOr of bratity every heovitt. Furetc cethrok
porperdne tole Nymph Soap, Selena It MY tam:
Amos flacat's Pe Ole it Ont CV tre. r l'owhan,fer tin'
parting ,to th is mast' btlioas comples ton, a ratite.
whiteness ln nothing should rms.( be here Care'
ful thartibe 0.0 o(1 ye wear fur the skin, as many of
those sold ore very Wert., Cliidet%Fersder is
manner, in a seltntilid motar, and c amine no
ingredient erldeli man possibly sank t an irittrY.
Jouallimard.'s Darnatnur P 010..., for thrunnuu
aupertlecui. heir. hhbpt foil More unsi s htly than bait
upon, the fare or arm. of a Indy, I C,. are lc w.Ol
reamer )tin a short lisse,,ifillmut nso of any chirp inatMenent.
Jrnas, Virearattra Lictutn tiara Ova , will
inamataltromy impart to rod, we't•-, or may hum, n
beautifully black, brown or nnlu.r., come. lt
color the hair in it altoriviiime, aid trine I.,Ectually•
than any other Dye, brute ht tire ' , slat tut c
J.= 11.4". SIMYINO CASA.-11 Is really a Mow
sate maltase pith thin minor. ....p.m of die
smanini sensation usually nip, tent. In Ole use o f
mortSorms. (Intim contiort itleanw Le adL2 meet:,
add tort se an Infant's, Arid trot i ssue become
Jo um Recant RosaTthiret Parr: —Nest in Imre,
we think the'reeth were iittradettria me Liteatii4ppr.....
meat to the human face; but wbenl.lll,lllg .
tr ro diefteurthlker sh Timely men. sty ttnlse Tooth
Pante Will 109051 to the teeth aptatlyetitriews, at
the same time keeping. th e pow , Rno sod healthy. •
Alla on hand, • complete_ as wawa, et French.
British, Mid Amencau FerfhiettrY
JULIO ternstr , s Chemi s t,
I.o.oCheaMutattect. shits.
For sale whelesaleand read br Fabiteeteek
& Co., nod 11. E. isellerr.,
gent and J. Etachall:A Ilogficay
ft. AytiT.F.Tll.
Pr. Hose's Celebrated liclardies:
DR. YAM'S R. ROSIE, the direescri.c and tole rn
Kitt. of these moot popelar noti henahcla 1
Inedtelara, nod also the lumanor of the low. Led
llattalitelit Ter lodating the Late), s, en-cups n. rut,
01' Motile iseases, wth a made. Lcl that ...up,
phyalciati, Doctor Physic, and I. n the
Valve/rally of Penney tenth, ten ion LIAILV years einor
has been created in the inveatiesut discrite, and
the applteltiollef haledies thereto ,
Through the bee of hit tullatipe c
in onucetimi
with his Froplis tattle Sy rep arid other oft, is r ,oletbat,
be has seined. an ,stimarawlled muse:nee in eating
those dreadful .and fatal stialediea, 'l . ..creator Coto
auteption,,Canceis, Scrofula, Rheum.. so, Astsme,
Fever and Agee, Fevers of all hiteli„ChtelliSl:lTo.
sloths., and all those ohrtinste sitlesses ppesiliu
females Indeed esory rums of disms yr..itthas °Wee
the use Of Lis ketnedies, to ethic!. butaapity ii halo--
not bye the 000 of one cOrattoald only. In; thnt I, to.
compatible ti Playsiolopcal Ls*, but hy the tiro
of Me remedies, :Wanted to owl pteac‘lued tar each
Peenlier term of ditmase.
Dr. TOnie Alterative when ips 11 are
inVulably aekdowledeed to he rtinri.or to, 1,11 Other,
as a partive or lire:; Mit, thts Irene
the how a perfectly free (1,11, Cl • , 1 tiro
his Goblee I itli to admitted by the .at usty to poste is
Pproperties adapted to Lm tie, ost
tieing satisfied that State trial is kte..e eat 'le orial.l ,l .
What hag been tail In lit& °snide of re put
Milleted ere Mailed to call
procure (irat.i ono of the 1/poor • s 51
&detailed areptiot of such r 4;p...cation
Far'allet by Me fallowing as by moil
dr ageism prodAk.ut thecents
.1 ...sehootintaker & Geyer Wood strum, V. ULVetFle;
J Market •t. dn.
Lee A. decalitre,' On near , the 1. (LAD,L oy city,
Jon Barkley. Arrlindlati, Meter t. in Va.
Jim Elliott, Eamon Valley, till
TAdarnis Beaver, IblitP.
Barofala or 1414`4 int. 14111171, 0141inala
aas tiraptiond, flinpica or Po,:alcaiin the t nos,'
Blotch's', Biles; ennui!, er.iro Worm
Of 'fetter, Scald Iliend i I , ...ihrKenient anix Pain of
the Bones and Aunts,
idrotPtintai Sciatica or 1,11,11,11/0 -Land d,rraaes
ai1,1111117110 - 6n1 . 013d1c oun d Moriuq, Ad ,
Ute' T2Mg_Th.,2.P.?."15..2rJr:21.1,-,,,:...
In this iltanatlatlOtt we hare all the revorentse pro.
perdu oil the 'toot, combined and fOr.Veltifeted In
their utmost etrength and eErney. llspertraents
were made indite manor/it, meant till. soerileMe unbl
it was foetid It could not bo improved. Acenrdirgivi
we find IC resorted to almost . universally ir case of
Scrofula e, Sat Rheum, Nemeral Pro,
nation °ldle Vital POWerx, and all those tOrelthltng
diseases of the liklaso trying to the pule:roc rind ill
Ittrions to the health. It is a tonic, nperient and Ma
Infectant. r It acts shaultandrinsly corer the stomseh,
the eircalition,, and the bowels, and rhos three pre
canons, aritieti see °Minority the reran pl three diger.
ens kinds.ot medicine, are earned vu nt the same
time through the ingtrumehtility of this ono renicOrni
agent. There are many ways .of to bevies- pain for
the time befog, bet there is truly... woe or tertrettnt;
disease. No polliellve, to ttnedire• r-sl topics' op.
plieanon will remote it II trite Ihe t111:10.e.1 at .1.
source, In i the 'Midi; of the I a Vetteh ft.);,r
polsortto the loCalitles where it i Omer hovel in r,•dam
motion, sores, ulcers, temort, glanensr
smelting.,- an, as the ewe may Ir.
These dales must he Teetred, acted upon pertire.l
by same palmetto' again. Sock on aft•.:. t A3.2innd.a .
SatettptVilla, which gently vtrelnivo while it ars o
freta and expels (min e tiedester and
that is Writs' rig, and at the scone ire resumes !her.
vigor and lone Its treat rueels and
neutralista the meats prmentle tit •tisernot risen.anti
when that is gone, theNytep;:.otA Imre e army . rep•
Th 6 Tepidity with watch ti •aliont
health and stmentli ender thot tripi re de / 0:IL; ti,c.:l IF
prising. F:ach uewease in which iv. appro., Eareithee
to the result • nireveortihmite el to ex anal
we have only to point the Itrl,lllll/64,1 If witl . Rl.lll,
of multitude. "Om base caperreectel , in eltoct, if.
colryroceinermhility, rand ni its rent v.+(itr..
Limn. Miler tif the army hos libtiy, th, the
"k""np l l'''''" 7 "ir 7l,l,;;;;etle.
hlesarsA. 11. di O. liendßenit-amr, yr
to add mrirtimanny to rover ef yoiii veverimi.b. 'ter •
theme, hiving Duey lead t hat allei
iy..air i is to try its. lecte, mid that lid; 141 ie..,
fitted ae I lame tie..a.
I arrived hero from the Mated tritiet t.y I:.e Deer
eland wade, Amin the Arm of ietater hml. A few
days alter I weir nimeked with h rely itiear ire
eruption of the . .skiariebich my envier:oV
rare. I happened •ithisd your narlt
piece, and temendicring rho yrnatierity of the
methodic at haale. I. purelismed tbrec bottlra which
had the attired ictfeet of farrollir4 iny thlbrany
Width:eh reamias,loute,.he
litre Is another, natter home:— liilithErt, R. '
b.A. •
• . • w Vote, lan ihtF.M.
Mesa.. e i andse—Gytideinen— Ne l limo great plea.,
in acknowledging loyon the - grunt Lenr.i; I care re ,
calved front Menne of your tiaereparith i A larder:
of pulmonary iliwase,l made a :take to Iditapc,
bid while there. toinlitur.l I•t
week. atlei'wy velum, I wall a Violet
hemorrhage of the lungs, nail :nein Ow rebid!, Rita
great prottladon of ittength that
protracted ddEculty rumaredma, I bat commit , re •
Ironed by thwthe ol year Stn.:Tß , /ilea, OW ,
ed. • Molititapottatt and trhit in:revery
in the beelike act.. I feet Rat ho .n,.:.., I.
Veryenjoyed to good beelth na at pre naa.
eratefelly yohrs, tr rrh h`APJIte..
Read the following from
• • • New Omni, :err M. lets.
keens. Sande-Gentlemen-1 it it 010 eitt,ey 51
leading you a !Clint . witleh may sntrnztata., En
those who are beetling as 1 Lay, .1 erevire
great benefit foal your Sacs:lnn:l.l, fin tzl.r. - Act,
eared ate ismela4y r I lir
cheerfully earthy to t ll O trntn , e°n ,
and hope God will iewnrJ you Iv r .11 ate ent.nt
have dote. A Oonie enugl, 1451 ,t 1 tue tiny
sad night, awl repealed alms). 111 Irvcr Inttnentl In
tri believe 'bar 1 . el illhl lie it
da while sulfuring a re
• (need pomaded eari m It, tune. :1n . t.1. - .0.3151,10
Stale, but lo t 'bib, 1 lea iii
1 finally numbest,' a tonle, and tr r e 111- And U:e
help or opt, I aro, letinned tutrt,; 110 4111:5111 lied
enjoyed roc all seam I causal Cur
of this admirable& lit r 111011< lib, '1
MAIL great rearaett I, eat, g eatle ter , o p•tltit•dient
aaaaa ,l)
Prepared and Soil, *holm:de vim ,civil. hr& N...•
ja...,ANDSLlJrnititivta soFeineici4., toe, . •
earner of Wilti•nt New fVotjr. rt,1. 0
ries generally itireLgeout Pie Unimil
a Fo r P o es lI L p.
E t r V bloLtcmrJ..
& CO., and EDWARD FE.N itt.,l , Pitirmar
Ba, ay Dr. H. YARD: TOtaaawltar