The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 24, 1850, Image 4

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    - ~.J~:,.. tip.
4OMSSTIC• Aral fUlal6l9 ua GOODS,
80. 1011cl:oil 4
I liVra, the atlen nos oi Loic no to %eirlarf i ls r loe u k .
J. or Fre.4 Goods new cre , T ., nei no n d t , i
g n u tt uu.
prepared to tell en ?eery Ite
v te . .l
.., t ra
~..„ du.
we shalt be t•tri I
Ing Ins season. and rte.., a s h .....L.Ur s i k'
imur.g ..l ::
Ma by western wetchsrns, a
fIdO Mars sty : Street,
t _ectfo to lowan his numerous friends
BEGS tionebf
and cu omers/that be tt Net receiving his new
101 l itoelcot CALStatEU... , , and VEST
mfig,., Abe newest my Ica, adapted tor the apploach•
log fa ,
l etd- winter Seaaccs. A/1 those waat
cheap ItshirditLit, non good clothing, win t h e
goat resendiablr, beet Sloes in the
Weatein cottony, at Ude csiabUsatoent. septa
op. mum et alse,Pelinayswammit.,,..4
to eltlablaehts.
rpm peedasylvanie 1 / a ll Road Company having
completed the wholenne or rail toad to Holliday...
argh, trios tont ecting tht. Portage Hut Rum to
IohIW.OWN from thence by boats to Pittsburg!,
are now prepared to receive and forward emeritus
else, pfunitee, 6t, us tad trent Pnwhergh and Phila.
beats will leave the depot of the company
flatly forilohottoern; there connecting with the duly
train' of can 10, Pallulelptua, thou votUrlog the de
livery stall Weight In Pldiaoeidna wain Ore
BELL LiQrslsTr
Agodta for Pa, ft. , 11. Co, Canal Baue r Pittsburgh.
CRAM BELL/B, Ageent,
seple4tl • k Philadelphia_
- -
Mane rod Muzia butrussexu,
Sig of the GoJOcil Harp, No 1011 bird Moot.
11. KLEDI.II respectfully Informs
,his Glenda and the public, that he toss
just retutbed from the emt, with a
most elegant and 421C0i1TO 6111011 .
melt OC nabob of varmus styles and prices, selected
by hinatelfornh veal cafe_ at the et lebramd factories
of Nunes a Clark, N. 1., and Lanham, N. 1 - -.1fi0. 0 ~
r•Uhill[ll,.. ilanhatu,N. V.) Waving seitcled the above
from au immense stock Just fotthed by the those
OfIllEIR,111!) , are 'warranted of
gustily and
tone, slid will su all Clie s be son al New Volk lam
wry prices. Purchasers +nil remora • Wfitt63l guar
anti with each Prato, entitling them to an etchabge
or Main Osman if found telicuse.
Also, ..fel?! splendid (Wham, from the factory
__. ~ .-. . , .
Sdrftrte - hil:orftrV They; . te a' • opeth
anti we:ranted equal, if not sureness, to any made in
the 'mild.
a_ fine
selection of Flaws, Clarion zta
Pl ' e t tl?P, Llnterll inettrancl., us& Lhe lievrCat and tol
poputai moue, meted:nit Jetta) , Lmora eelnbented
.011 p.
Welch Flannels
1\ if InellY a. DU fieIIEIF.LI), at north cast cornet
M. of Fourth and Mantel straw, we now supplied
with • fall tWOttletel of the venous guanaco of
stove desliable goods. and having been purchased
trout the importers eau lit warranted genuine. oth
Jaa. husprutt & Sous. Patent Soda Ash.
C the a twin celebtated brand, p an
8'34 i111 6 .1.0e! C
note, nod lee teetillilleet In teller Win and
twat month, per.`anna Itteb,at.tYnropc,at'Bellun a luta
at ter lhlpa, via and Baltimore, warrant•
ad import. - in both strength snd quality to any in the
marled, rate the lowest price for cash and ap
proved bills, by W de Al !ill fCtIELTREE
.... antic liberty street
Largo Supply of rail R Winer Goods.
IVTURPIIY 111.11CIIFIELD kohl the attention
Mi. of buyers to their large stock of genii _adapted
for the ft awn, conalsting in part of—
111 k and Cont Frenea hiciinoes,
liotorge awl C.a.:terce t , .
Cltangealilo Popl
.. ,loess Uiltt am, Tore Stuine,
• Nit and fancy Alpaca..
Puper Lots *howl., Low t Oackmg Flan.
oe:e,leu, Englirb, aed Aniersen whue
aud 'colored. 'their mock lot lloPOEttEttPlode
eil/Olief, etch to i-heenoge, Pillow Cord 1 . 1111‘i1.,
Table Dinpers,TotaChng, cc.. is large, and Li low
price* for quality. Pot ere will bud It to their Wynn•
tar% to examine
n their st wk before pat chasnig—at the
north caul coier of 4th rid Martel s‘s. Oct
' -
.8411.25' lavaai Pita tinperegae Alt others
Charleston, t e a., Sept. 20, lenti.
Mi. R.E. our rill. have /income.° pow.
la r In all Illia•togoht otwutiley, a. Ter, Vitteli to
anpercene all etitata n Live, or Anti.Dthou. Pill.
Nov.*, An. .SI.IIEN A Ll.ll. IS
iEntra et of Letter.)
...chutes mil rct.cUeet that P. F- Sellers' Liver
Ills tire iho 0,1 only True and Genuine
rt ill, and A.. he 1.4 at No 07 IVoo.l at., and of
Flats generaity in tie two eines and vicinity.
mind Nnrsapacilla.
1 )Irr of l u te Ipnitrea7l:4l:;.'scoseradaioltt'lelt*ann'al7 omtf";
001111 aration extact abten tv ebernicrlly combined
the katract a , i 0001014,..,th0 L...,... NI. oil
Cherry, and the 11.5010 of I tr, thus inseurs We reme
dy more theroncov eonnent then ay other Wimpa
rills before the puhi.e, At me sae tame It Is pence,
If lice from ell nom.: poise., which cannot he 'ad
ol any Other 01 the Sul - mot/ins compone.. Ter in
valid should bell tit: of pourdis! Nereury, Irv, tint
nine, Potacti, locor, Sulphur, Arsenic, sod many
other numeral ann me We pottona enter Into 1,10
lora the 011000 Lam of 121051. the Surrapartna and
.Panaass of We cuy. (Wyatt's Compoond Extra.
of Pe/low Do ca and Sarum/tulle do. ma e., sin. •
."----. particle of these P0,441:004. any oaciean rail'
ascertain by app.• 1 lay WC uct,11•111 - , teiLS.
Tilopol... arc. ~c 101 . 0.1 , 3, resomc taste., um
they 00 01001 C the mood, al so coonneay latpirg-
Ilatt the 00110. 0,10014 with their 041101111 losers /UZI
the Ara cold, or the /4[41 attack or threanej:dostreues
the pat.'s otter. It.. and satacm tan' or li ef to the
east excrainutm torture, 1110 0,144[011 fl . /be( cure
warn imposabte end hopeless. let.l poisonous
Sariapaula. pupa:au. alone, at tiaysou's
„,..„.:„I!,4l;4:gglirri.!llidlo cuß .Z . 40.r.11.L'-;! . ../ . ..kAL- '
Berprols, Cancerous Tomors, Caen.. ,Enaphons,
Erysipelas, Biles, Plaines, or taiples oti the Pane,
Chronic Sore hyes, Tenet, Scald Ilead„ Haman
am, Esilargemtut or Pares in we Don. or Joints,
old ail ateutran Ulcers, Pew. Sore., Hip U1301.5t,
g•fOillr.,7 0100 Glands, alma., Syr/tuba Symp
tome, Leintonco, lien;'.:, t .... r aaniee, coo
licences, Oat: llama, ntl - suoh•of .I,e Pod,: s ad
Niseares anng from .in hdaleto. use/ er :dm cu.
ry, Mauer, sore Ti.., Weaset .. of i re C,5,
rulmonery Arfeenoes. nail all
utycn.e. loud
. inch:maws Consumphui,l4lt , t:o.uplam I. ema.c
irregulatinea and ~....hpulav Sme aid ~r‘lnk•
Headache, General i", ry.11 . .1e, LAO :
Appetite, Night Stekas, Pa.. in toe slde ow..
_Sualders, Exposure er twpwance in ale, 1:b
ic Waltman./ Disowers,and ss a Spring, ad
Finger of the 131 mat, nod treaeral Tate Ler um
'System. It is unmeshed.
A cazeof L 77 cerated Lim3s of xylem pararranding .
Trid toLlo nag is •11 extract of a letter doled A 1...
27, /ben, from k. IL Perkins, el. D., a highly respect&
bid physic/au of Mama, Utah . .
Jona Par—Dear: Stu 1 ...1000 under my care •
yeeng woman who, tut 1.1510014 years, 11. beet: sul
fate! front Ulcerated Limbs, and whose case has,
been ptonoaneed Lopclesa t,) , three of art best phy
lum.. I took her au my family, ad have used
Wigan's Yellow Duct and Sarsaparttla freely. and
aln coofideot that the Yellow Dock ad Sarsapartlla
will elect a perwael cum She is heat in general
___ heal:than she has ever been before, and walks •
mile es two watount (ague or path. A v..ero du ,
tiled ...the. I will report um cam in doe time.
Very respetneullS,. ,...„„..
At has been . remarked, by men, that In the
varied catalog - an of (licence to winch Ma• la liable,
there Is ware. y net of ouch uriporowee, And of tech
...Mat as Scrotal., whether we look to the obwurtty
orris origin, Its ihuthous proorea, the number and
Variety Of Organa that it attack., or Its remarkable Ito
care:ditty and ex tenure leutlity.
hernial. has Owned the atui of the mod eminent
phyucian. n this country and art Setrope. biro thereto
aY arindot t roe tin. .se•ye. lie. tyuyoit'a horact of
Yellow Duck and berenjanlia, il solicit a proving it
self. perfect spemfta to the Mont severe eases c.
An extraordinary rune or Scrofula cured by the
mgt. nee of Matta uurotta oloropeund eyrup. II
it be seen by this rertlicaw rata ma manis. been
artier the treatraesit Of invert!
for the pest eight yews, wiuntat dersclog any bencht,
and has been effectaany cured by the use al a Jew
battle of Be. litty•ah's tdonlyoursd Syrup..
New loune, 7,191 n.
Da—Dera Sac—Ow:on to you. debt which
natal . cannot pay, I ran daliced to Make a public an.
knowledyatent ol toe bcroclat I lines nyrtyeni troth your
invaluabe , tlyety. I ma. pore, C.MMO 011. • tem-
Lnn, Scrofula. disci:es, tiareu4ary in tine fatony,
which comixtenrel on any tacit. and, centatatng to
spread, coon reached toe cant, tanning into my head,
add extendlng all tree My lace, neck, sad lower ea.
treouum. I iren-me tfulge.:nog obteet to look upon,
Al timer lie distrdus rich yr great tow I Was anatle lo
sleep or lie dune, and the dacane extending Imo iny
airs serionely Marled my hearing. My face wu Doe
coat...MIT, from wan aoticharge AI inane(
and wart; kept conunually ontatgoet. Yeeple ovoid.
ed ale, aapprmlng 1 Lan Ine lentil pox,. some 001 Cr
infections Metope, and I was consequeutly abroad to
d i my brminc.• Notyrittittanthnir I bad WA
best medical advice, nal mod ditaretu plaits of um
meat, the thscue continued to g row wore,autsi I gm•
aft m despair, Forteautety I haat wish n patnersaer
on tbe saurutosi, white travelling for ray no-alit, won
Informed me that ha son Wag at one nit, na. Bade
epe e a. I Was. tell toot by tati.l pose mop he
woo speedily cocoa / rrranedinmr• , ontMnd .0 en
conlMMlned vying M. mid lr
oiler easing used
Ida Otte sea hoult”, I sot well and Mile to attend to
nip 3. lid 4i d h of this innreatent to .10101
/natten,O bnpr..c that It may ibbane the ciliated a
Make IMY Blare nrittmcdielou, and tbareby +aft them
Mach ratting and ecoense.
- I relnanti your B ah i a servant,
/0117. Q. Sre.LIIINO.
Cure of On aczyransferi Cara of Erysiprloo.
_:The peat/teed by - Pr. Guyaotta clatract of
Yellow think and cautopsrili a are audio. late pa
tient'. general ...Ito ecnnntgel to improve after ma
caw a renuired. 1:,11,, cat chrometed until hits
Ler fully tested too, Lucre con ,o ale relapse or fn.rn
of the Maass_
7 NaIWAT, IllerktmarCo Fru trio.
S. F. Itorsirr .. I•etroi, tt it willa greatplessure
Ira. I 'erne you aroun the very happy electe of your
eilow Lock um cursapaulla ripe u my go who Las
long been •effstlllll(lliider that ilte.rfut,loulilsonfic
date, wires /id was attacked in • e-re.,
And was rot Severer meritas attendul by some of out
that pyrite...A, yrs., tt tee., dull prsevcrmary to:
Live mamba, rat.. .00 14teerletal e ffects-whatever.
beto¢c reduced teen petteet seeleten_ ere LOW el.
from her It,, to Ohs Boar, 'stuck were comleutally
4.lellarglo,l insaustinEly o,lenuse nuttier. kiedicai
surgical slur was bentto. l'ltyweinnu laid mat
his cars woo oepreeso— soon .041 Le making duce
to arrest Lbws ter:rule gaturrertem; alter. My nett
Lon&all Le) self thought his the.ce sawn near as 1/11.1.n.
LP= of my ite,get.ene, wee 0.1 cured ell. of were! ,
lg. wan your tomb:able metrie•ce, routed me to,
trsu of ;1. and 10010 from tie dealer
alo something while lire 101-00, Ursa Uora say key.
Sr tuns refichlpive ared Watts your . lmiow
Slott oad teurstpantia. • • mod e•on IL“ untig
lira to niy 1113.110.11L111,
De Lad used tbe u.ttd Dow, aut •o lore be Lau used s
half doren Lorties he coals walk out. Ile used to all
laretre'bomes, ALL by [rotor', loot no Was perfectly
1 es.oreo, every verOge or the (11%<3te except me sears
Is rune, e4l, and tie tLutums in peter health up to Leo
preseut. note. ills ILCOVcry, roller toe blessing Of
liost, is entirely OWIAA to Inc ore of year Yerrow Doc*
and &snaps/ilia, &nu 1 atone yaw that I feel myself
inlet gra.% obllgicivas to you, and It is with gmeti o 7
Intl I turotra you of cabal your Vatsvpuntla U. done
for my eon. th.""PaY.'IIV3SELL. ildets pat up in large bottles,
Cowan - Jog sAuart, ors Due Lanka of we Syrup blown
Ix Ms gut-., with Me Written murmurs, or bl. ISen.
Den, on riaooalau.:r. tripper. Price et per bottle—or
I Dories for Oh.•
It is sold Dy .1. D. PAIIK, Nenh F.aat corner ut
roorib and likbut i i i ors Workout at,
libactunall,OLMar, to t e em io r
ders most Le adders.
Bro., Frier IV. l'. Jr.ltnroo & Co., WIMP
teed; oft. Cita:tans, Cr0,11.1..g110, Abe l 'I
bits,Tuaranda; ai
lop, Vlr'ella.
bore; L. “Odttici. 001..5[011'r 1.. Sr Or .
barjrn, COMO,' Of Natter sto•ur 01..1
lbw le,nbnd.
Slirbitvrts zor
. _ .
tat GAS' Tiers fIISTAK I.
-AAOIIIIIS. 11A kvarli 111, al toc iriumend, are tell-
Log es ,e'ttl.ll , o,
iD els pas ib —2II.ILIT II rep*l
M=SZ 4 =
A.N K. N G . H.O U .S. E.
ere 18 w.. 1 Plitaburgh.
Colicelions made on all the principil eines et the
United States •uandllt_
S. B. Corner 4 TAird and "Varies ars.
LIZ tr...y.CTIONS ST MOST Lib., WT..
me., me.,
No. 14 VOURT
(Nest door to the Bank of Pittsbargh.f
r _urVed2nl.slf
Z. U.OLME9 a DOA 5,
Illarak•r•e la•sug• U
payable in Log part of the Gnus, collened on the mom
favorable terms.
EXCIIANI)E on New Vort, Nil holelgitta and Dal-
New Catt, Louisville, bur, Loom am
Often., constantly (Orals.
DANK NOTES.—Notes on aU solvent banks in Ms
Looted States discounted at the lowest rates. Alibied.
f Foreign .dAellerteltri Gold and Silver Coln bough
nd sold.
NHOLbIES di SONS have removed their Balat
log and Exchange °Mee to No 67 Martet st.
Ordoom Delos , old .rand. augll7
00 and, Ireland, and Scotland bought
B I LL . ; taon.v i r at the Current Rate, of Exchange'
Also, Drat , payable to any part of the Old Counties
from-11 to £tQ, at the rate of $0 to the .f. Rarimg
without deduction or ducount, by JO3IIUA ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, ogles bth on
door west of wood. octlisti
ataala tuns. ttnwa. El
in Foreign and Demuth, Bills of Excnaln . ,,,Ce
=ate, of Deposits, Rant Notes and Coin, corner
al and Wood Meet., directly opp.its St. Charles if
IL coav2.Jdly
Vt. B. Z 3011211.1 (W. 1. 1:1:01.1 .
WBOLE/SALE GROCERS end COmmitelan Sloes
chrosta, No 41 Wood Trees, opposite et Charms
Item!, Ire now receiving auff offer lot talc, at low
skies, as follows:
150 pigs I. 14,, Imp,G.P, 5O Al h(Spdmists Ogura.
and Black Teas. 50 N IltiVanii. and Cara,
3UO pigs Sees lb nod !if lb in 1000 packages.
lump Pc as roll Tob c 0.23 NI linearly, 41 bat.
100 b•gs Ma, Lagnagra, I 01 Reg aIUO.
and Java Coffee. • 1 0 5
4 I . rdicipes.
50 thus N 0 Sagas. 50 pit. Al
50 Pots N 0 Idolaaaen 00 laic. Tdbccs,Englsali
GS brie powdered, ernihNl AV amass, °raid Nom,
lima leaf Sugar.. and Crounts Nuss
PO brie Alain. 50 Loss I-maws :Sys..
0.0 bets Tanner,' Oil. du Dis Pepper 00110 C.
300 gals Lamp Oil. V.I. rate, Pieties,
30 bole 403 Maces rel. to casts epi c*.lenne r.I Ile
:...5 Uss bsOnt 10519 6 lass (Senn,' epicr• of yd; Amils
Ir. bas Roaloboap. Ziu .•
100 dos Pot Barkets. A! bon Swett.
0$ Po. ChOCOllle. 15 bss Roca Candy.
'.55 tits Whoa Pipes 10 Las 51Ic: It,/ slianni/s;
It/U Int• Wrap. Paper. 5 case. LlT:mice
alt bar Pepper ra wlspice. Rnichart's Cut and Decd
6001brAcotend.Rapcednoff Tobacco.
ttl tee Rsce 10 gross thackuur.
Together with • gcnems ....M.Cl6i CI snotti .0-
ally Kept In tam tine, as well ns PtasbUrgit inesum
(estrum. asp;
.—._. - ___
street, • very todatrame assortment of Ca tpc dog, nada
prlsln„g la pan or lollovneg variants
Inch 1.0 elegant :y Val.. Pile Carpet,
Klan and en and style Tapens y Brussels do;
Sap , nor Faan, 0550 Amcncou lirusscl3 do,
Extra sop. 3 ply Conan; flor, extra tme:u.,
liopertne do do, I pup.
tuned Mc).
do Ingrain do, I CLcadlc Alan,
Ezra fine/cane dodo; I Toned olms_
Coin, nil wool, do do, tl'oor Had.;
do tod'n endo do do, I Coca Mats;
do cottoa dodge lase do;
Also, • very large assesinient Tairx.Lap Lr
Seam Costa, Camases, House', ac.
Otir IffolAa.
Avery Mfr.:assortment al nail •eastned (id Clan.,
ranging in venilW ZOOS MC.% 10 al vary
atylev, ear Lt toy a,acd non, asd, 0,
'Poe stock of good• still be 144,1 13.0 C- op as y
can be parchased n any of the eaaen. ..00 c
luo . l c t i e . enery body to call who
iFa.Fo—lOu Las Crean and IV tt is
1.7 Its page oh! Jaya codes
" "S.
110 bags nu, .0
1U el chest. ebeina
canny biscscrs . 3
40 ournr
Ur them
I.los. 1.011011
mom`4 .3b SUir
too,, .
o I a 1
JP bps .
0 45 00.
P . US. /141.1 u p
3 001 rod florue;: "
dot Pepper Salta;CO3
tr. Walnu, 1 ^k
210.0 kVuteri
1 cue 1110au :dace
:•"...03 du . ptu
r '"""
105,1 pure Cleerd ".
1 1 / 1 dal:oral
for .¢le by
Erptestly fo , srrn
a.VoitS tt.< 04. m) ,11.1 , , 1 L. •
tuuCh, 111 I: away 1.0. c
t. , -c;. maser . wat,ll“l3lncl
GI ..U L ..,cu. , vrn.o.t:
taut, motc r.
'IN “.., •• p....
ca. daculty naci
rta yowl at tatl, used-++•c.); • • , ••• •t • tl•
rchtent tot oh for cane sec
ac he only otdechou urged ay awat ad , .Lc
apparent eac h •m an each
,none ,
bp9OI Z. warranted tat eouttah :to
yyrat Saki whale the ordmary Iteatt, •te
past, lg. but an .teertain quwttay, aartuut: lf•
ttiw rd.
ol Salt as teddy for Lae at th. 14.= 0 , har•
clam, awd oily needs • natal, to. kbe
atepucal of at .0, crountt sa quality. thuut•eddent on
tut ar .at had atter:tem form an watch aof tdrattLed
d Las grcat Is•outges over Ine tact', at ewe,
•way wan the tedsatu of WrinalUg. •ct co of
taugang, and the loss of Woe an prep...tag a tor 444
Sad Ll WAI. 11. liuh , l'AlA Net a. ht
ha NOrla Thad st,
Ifttlth - TalttNw, WHO n a Cal
h !datum It•na New 1 wk.
Kole A44/1114
A. A. MASON A. co.
Ho. 65 1111.110.1 LILT H 1'LIJC1;1,
Bey:deco Third O. Youlib a trent, i'lllthurgh,
I NY I rt the attention of [Dela.... Yinti., Inc,.ty,
A their citeroove ntoek of Pad alai fl toto l•ot a
detected With peat earn •attea(.on fr,nal frrt.l
tiupOriatiOns, large Ductall
ing rilaialloCtllren, tOttr zcdtdeiti pati.ct
lota Itia :4und mur
largc r and wore ratted tilt, any they have t vet ri
lau.glll two - market , bring terlCliltilCd by
L 0
ot tool. ticoo.l uy tbiougo toe I.•ca+nti t
p... 111 Me enalc,n tonne., mdem,
• I Mae. 101 Pelle. thefebi mil •al•-
ccsaimly to ruirwein ant% e..tcto hoon,••
• •
66 (TOLL 07
WINII. A.13.L011, No .1 Wood MC., ...0
for t'omlicring'• hone. ‘0: Vesittll l'epn•
hylvitax., nat. rcnct•co, at,4 now ready for I.w
following aworontut wive., by booge, (w .we
Manufactory, and suppitcd •-. is:aol Al,
e..l3cker , cs s pr one, v.—
carved ,L.din:s XIV, ; octLovA.
eleg Int Moe: wool, i
1 do do Gi ,
do ad do.
1 do Mahogany,ll
1 0.) Walnut,
1 fall cagy. www rani.
EAl.l.o—Th . o sigloactzttr has the: p.eaeurc Of
anhouncmg w the CrillCll. rIJOIrrIIrOt, kJ'. hhs
mono ortau,trucot• oh ohn H IJI iht
ricluasvc sole of los risho Forms.. Ylosholyh aud
Westrfn ream, Istooa. a 551 l;huve wozour, t, rut,
chase may ho ff./ma lost .134 111. le: it, wo: a ta.M.
folly zotehtltd 10. 1.1 •
Unroy tfiarch 23, IDLY. '
In addition In the abo=fe
Chicicring, a Lien sup..iy I. a
of Adam :q.t.., b.en. , 0 . I
haw twit, and liallcul, C... <
prices varying mum two tu 10
- - -
LI A Iternttne ple.“. .114,1 N • L.% AI., , ,1...% • , .10
.LL 3 for Ocioher.,:c reect• et, h.r , ehr al
lt , 1 , n..rse
Per: 7a Ap.llo 1ie,,,22 , e., 1n...
To People fromi iita• pJia costa t • f • .
1 - ' 4 .CM, WC M. Cll. el Deena Leah* ~,e, eniune,
tad /Norge Flare/red Lllencif leas il, \ an cl.enl tn
cold Contnry, can be bough at W. had 752 per lb.
en 310rns A Ileworth's lea Wir,.C11../..: 01 ltie
thamoua, "Led no where else 111 . 11,..4 1,, i 1 sr .p .
6SIII m. fonTrk.x.--Lild li
41 11.,1(1 • 11.11 r.
.ea bad the agency of dirtitla 1,1,s ~ tn. p e e sn.
ten,. IS I' Me .s
Hell A,I,
NE„ ~.7,° — ' ''. l ' art l ed l l:rti ' cl ' : : e r e t a ' 4 " h ---,1 a . n.n ' .. , '" .. '"'" al a new ',nee lam hl T. .. A Ulu r ' t ' 1 ' 49 ' .. 4' •.: " :0 '
on the salhoesnail pro:MN° , for ale et H.,
/her.) Le( et, Tomb (deft, o poses. the Proal n,lllee,
al., We Mune eLaiet, of et. J :111, 1,) A.,ur iticl,...
ieh., and Leuell's lavtag fire ? 0 4,1 _ eel
Clkk h.:ft' CIIEF.I4E-2th tas AM rcc:l9r ,41.. by
J I.: n: • Is 1
URPIIY hv r" , o , rd
JAL ply 01 goal? In, hourfarg -0t
/10,00 0t0120.c1
urns 0/1 I'arol3/ , 00,
' , rent 0 Alt .03 In,.lC.o..rancree,
L',loulk. Ji LUthes and MourrAng
Alpaccao, 15IontAlbc 10llore 111aba Cterals, 1'.0.,1100at excl :eh, nea9
e 1
J.lsn IL 11:111±11N
cet; *pc. :t: 1.40.• . tope, Itennety
GLUE--Gdbis 0u bankl s.tul .70n.
sale by
7IIEESE—Io L 1 lc. prime sot bale by
~c 1? It, pli DIFKLY & co
ra7iNNERI' lilt.—ds by, low priced, for wale OF
031 sV h F'ISII.9UN
N UCGAIL —±.l, It. bon
'lt R ,lELI.FIi
oN ' Wou.l
.• • •
- Tl..yr -,..,.-i--,-, , ,T, , , , bFi1----i-- --...
pA„,., -- - - —I V t.,`lL'llf . .ilt
c .aL. ~.,,,_. i earks received fir, sale Ly
'CV oc4 111 d1.111:04
I 1 UM irIIALIC LEZERULA-1114s for ~, c Ly
Sj art , , It E 111:LLEne ,
wIIAEII.NII PAPER-400 reeve. rag Ylid Iltevor
wrapping media., &labia aredlonr, Clown, and
doable crown, a very superior article,
on Land and
for vale by RC STOCKTON
serrill 47 Matter It.
81 Wood Vl:27deSTC,7ant723 d :d7c e r::;
c to followlor,,
M D lfy, do pod L0v0me,13.7 S. C. Foster.
On may the Red Into Live Aiwa), do.
neily was a Lady, do. •
toie Ned, do.
to Bud ell Night, do.
• lly Day, do.
&d. , Wedding, by Glover.
• The Robin, do.
• 1:011i TouCh the Cord_yet once Urea,
SILT. Mercolre Theo.
silver Moon.
A sLMCGt of the Irish Emigranc
New Medley Song.
Thou bat Wounded the Spirit that Loved 'rhea.
The Coliscript's Departure, by Clouse.
Ile Ktnd to the Loved Ones at House.
Home where e'er the Heat ie.
The Yankee Maid.
Low Daeltil Car, by Lover.
Do you ever think of me.
Slumber Guide Lady.
Jeannie Grey.
Elfin, Cellarius, Wedding, Wreath, and Daley
ltalchelor, illaiden, Bella Waltz, Concert, ladles'
Souvenir, pally, Elvira, Lily, Alice, Rvergreen, Sam
oga, Adleu.end UZI, Polkas
• main
{ATE enter not Into the list of poSersoreeeynothMg
pp about Ilaudreds of Chests, importers, Large
Capital, Bought for Cash, Ac. In fact, we will not
humbug in any manner or form, we simply invite the
!albite to compare om Teas with what they purchase
elsewhere; title Is the beat method we know to ascer
tain woo sells the best and cheapest Tens in Pint..
burgh. We are now selling
lined antiatrongTekat Climd 50cents per lb.
A prime arldelea—..---•••• I'S do do
The hest Tea H
imported into the IL States, Si
Low priced, dammaged i er inf A
erior Tens we do not
Proprietora of the Tea Market,
jen Fain side of Diamond.
kirece ikirsorlcaM Dl•obasatoag - Week.
D. Appleton ik Co s , w
twentyve intim:tree of pub
lication, pearice five cents each,
( Machines. Illeelsal '
um Sagami Weekend Km
gusterusg; dteept.d forPraelsoot Weriang
Alen, mod those intended for tae Engl.
Iseertng Perremton.
Imre. al Maria STOOL
rill Ills WORK is elan. Svo. use, and will contain
yme romrsame ea.., and upwards se of MX MUM.
ECM tyAreraartons it will present working-draw.
inws and deseripllens of the Meat important nusuchinet
in the United Slates Independent of the re... Beef
American Inge alts, it will contain on fete med.
eat treats eson MeellanteS, Maettinery, N•sine-work,
end Engineering; withal' that Is Imre! in more than
one thousand dollen worth of folio volames,Autg.
sines, and other books,
The great object of Min publicauon is, to place be
fore practical men sea incidents such an amount of
theoretical and mientifie knowledge, Ina condensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the best adv.-
Inge, and to geoid those militate. which they might
odo-rwise climate The nmenuit of useful lnformauon
thsis brolght together is almost beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there is hnedly any eubject
within its renguerhich Is net treated with such clear
ness and reception, that even a man of CM most onli.
nary eapadity cannot fail of undemanding it, en d
learning from it numb which it is important for
Min to know.
The publishers are, in short, determined, regardlese
of reek to matathe work as complete. peneible; end
n hoped every one desirous to oblate Me work will
ncure 11,i01 Muted in nembers, and thus cam:nage
the enterpfieo.
Tim work will be Mimed in eemi•monthly numbers,
rontruencing in J.lliary, 1850, and will progress with
great regularity.
The whole work will be publiahed in 40 numbers,at ad cents per number,and completed within the cur
rent year, 1.?e 0 . A liberal discount will be made to
Any One remitting the publishes MO in
ei o fadvance
shall receive the work post office free
Opinions otthe Press.
"To ear nemetous rlanufecterem, klech.lcs, En.
airmen, end ov - oar,. it will be • mine of wealtii."-
Providence. IRA.) Journal.
"Young men, men youreelves with its knowledge -
We can with confidence meommend our readers to
poises. thsmscltes of Its comber. as fast as they ars.
peer.' -American Artisan.
"We unhesitatingly commend the we. to thoee en
gaged in or tutees-cretin mechanical or scientific rue
sup, as erninently worthy of diet exationmion sad
study "-Troy, IN. F..) Budget.
"It is truly a greet Woes, and the publishers de
re We Mante of inventors, machinist., and mane
f.m.rere and indeed ere. rahnc generally."-N. Y.
-Tem lectionary will he highly useful to practical
rdech.lea and valuable m all who mat to acquaint
themselves with the prop.. of ineennon in Me rue
clamp' amts."-New Bollard Daily Mercury.
"Young ineenarnee Might ID Imp posted up In the
orencal as rum cal knowledge, and this
ercrit will shoes Meat :tat how they nand
014..1 Aaretneer.
"We take it to he in.l mime work that scums and hun
red. of our mteillecrit umehanue ham deemed to pea
r.. it ample are as Preemptions, ono so full and
tainote Im err/Of:we:ions, Inal 0 seems to that any
mechanic might conVael lair notchme It deKribea, on
;be s. renylla oficacnanleingl and Inmocnons "-N. W.
rommemml Ademuser.
is in .names should avail Inem•
selges sleantages "-techaythill, Wenn a Joe,
work or rt . , praoti:•l entity end O,TC ot
r.ce Vllll,Oll, rspaciti ineruutog tutc,.•to
of inn C.,Dtty SVC reem.l Me wort c•
ca;:ultitteo ctn.., of •ete,.cc . ar,.l tb<
buttjeli arts, pad to ..1.•=4/lata •altitt4tr into, WA.
tom on tbelt• subject.. "—Farmer and 31er ktmar.
- eructice n.est to el we varlet; P•wilt• ot
•I nnJ trlnnufactaring tod amyl enpneerlng switl
find in tills wort •ttratvre whichit Intl Le to LIM"
itro4 to po•seso."-- * Floy Duty Whig.
oWe have earetellY panted We numbers, .nd Dav<
Co Lzsdat..ovi In spying that It ts We Deft rooel for tar.
chauart, tradesmen, end scientific men, ever pubhsh
cd, for n contains lain= lantUrelsiaoakver7 trellnch
of the mcchanietl girt, und. vlessss.sipsevos!ss s
tyjzvilsav_ksjieljzfpAls. jystr.44l4lo
wish and other pews Connectlent • service by the work to their •Urnuort."—Norwirh,
(Co,:nt Conner.
-It tr tu•t such work as every mechanic should
". , --Fmena.'• Journal.
1 t,. -Jo r t ear or -von u•eful and Import:tot
. • tie s 7C tusense tr eta artonl to be
wart, IN 1 ,Commtrcial
~! v punt, won , . hs•lng• tor these
~ ,,Inn and s.l , ...nertnrot oi meet...
I r l/ ease seen, t•
I t ..d.•• tl• -Rut! tlo ,•on..Ad•
! t n , t4 reor• 0art...1 to Oa
•, r , t rarrta,
I 6.1 I •t It/clam•y IA Ollt tAI tuo.‘ uartu.•b,l for porn, and the 1..••• on,. tat
srt.. • lot.: make+ it e-,, , qtabic w Ka -S011:11
J lk ...111.1.1A.11,5 S CO
Cur. flith 1.11
-V: a revar..l it as one of the WK. martchro Ire an
oluable, a. tvell aa cheapest wort• ever pabhehed.
I.33lurnore Advert,.
. . .
vat th be tak an by every one desiring to keep
bar, tett!l the progress art stud science In every one
,fthe tabors of r,v.hzett lite."—ltendoot Canner.
4.-tiened eau, the enneiptc of U. Die Yana
y, only the: .1 w ono, devoted to the amebae, eel and
r 6 • pinleas,ona, and abet. valaahla
bins Go . Alan...Cß when tire hae done for
Vfl ce.eribmg American machinery and
inc,sr.f tWientific Mennen,
-111. put,i,rhei: in nmbers, ace at • price so mode.
rate looking at what is contained In each number, that
ro sate who hits ths least interest in inch matters,
neel ne neutered from procuring It, tad .very one who
doestin s 10:11foal that he La , in It condensed tom an
meant edinstrccuon which would Le obtatrusd, if at
00. only Ly the purchase of very many volumes v.-N.
V. Fourier and Enquirer
t . The comprehensiveness with winch the wiLiects
are treated, the odutirablo manner in which they see
illustrated, eonspire to make thss one firths wait dear:
table wars., ^-11emovratte Review
"rLiewont slinottl be L the hands of every mechanic,
amiss., and manatacturer. repertally those wan have
the least arpiintion• tocarat to then respective Low.
nee,'.- liVe have central's examined., with s view of
ending it to MSc-run e s To than we Would
ons in the strong language of the !Cane: "It is genet"-
Itattimore Inventors' Jun rn•'.
If the foregotng adygrug.euageut . tusertgd Ltve
durlug the )enr,gn4 !Og piper
• • qr.,. CI the arnra veal in C.V....
C.7r.tutaf.74( a Atcreurtr, one odter Itltneral.
fnliovong . testimonial WO% given by the cele
brated Or. {in.., Reach. the author of the great
ent wort entitled "The American Praallee O.
M$ dirine and Family It ytteian.'
tilong.heen made•enaitinted with the ingredients
Wiarb compose McAllister, All-Waling thnonent having Me bed !I'd tested nin several eases Is
ray rove.. praeuce, I hove .o hesitation in saying or
certifyinr that it is a Vegetable Remedy, containing
mintrri attbstanee whatever; distils ingredients
snlad•tied di me, are, and need as directed by the
Propetinr, urn not only harmless, bat of great value,
h c ir.g a truly sewn:Ulu Remedy at great power, and I
cheerfully i•romtnend it a. a compound which ha.
dm, ranrh rend, and which I. adapted to the cure of
a gnat variety of eases. Though I have neat( eltoct
recommended or engaged do the We of secret need,
ninclangard for the only hoar, consmentions, ha.
rtaad.l.are of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the valueeter
of Lea discovery, oblige me to say than
much reyrerntng ii. W BRA Off, D. It."
New York, April trld,lBlo.
tiLiftNS.—lt la one of the ben (Juno In the world
1, Barn..
• .
1 . 11.1 Thousand , arc yeasty ence4 Ly this Olra.
merit It 'ley, frond n relief.
For Turaera, Ulcers, all kinds or Sores, a Las
No 'i thoi IN and Nurses grieve its valise in eases
Swollen or Sore Urcnst, they would always •nply
In •uct. res. If used accorJing to directions, it gives
relief to very few Miura
rnu.l the nog are directions for esing McAllister'
01IIILOCIll Scrofula. Lore, Complaint, Cryslpelas
Ten,. rreind Head, Sore g:yes. Quincy
Throat. Bronehn-s. Nctvoas Affections, Pains
Insesie nf rhe grm. Ilia i t Ache., Asthma, Deafness
Ae1,,.. r fh‘elii,e or t b e tg on ..
Ehruptha, AC , Swelling al Me Urea 4ores
Elicurhste.M. Cold Fart, Croup, Swelled ' or Bro
ken Ihe Tooth Ache, Aauc in the Face, Ire
Form the /trading Eagle.
There w.,• r,t,pl, • Makin.: Woopbt
fr,, the put•lt , , toto In. In so :host Carte woo eh •
Tcpntadoo AlcAll.stret World
Aim,l•vrr7 Person teat ha, male trial of it
. .
warmly In to gtatte. One ha. been eared by
it of the most patent/I I ficurna.m, another of thellCS,
a third ot alt.nol.wotte PM In inn ode, a foattb of
rt . e lli t t e in the limb.. Se. If .1 dont nor Fore Unie •
dicta leder. In every ease, it can do uo unary, bgtog
agpbcd oetorardly.
Ae another evidence of the wonderfal healing poll
en. pottaceced hy•
thi. Wan, we tableln the following
gernfiecte, frets • rewpeetable elute,' of Llnhbancteek
tn.:v.lll;lp, In BO howdy:
aldancrce t, Berta en.. March :M.
It. A. I , abioeetwek
H f LE p
c ? ' Sn l liar nod
O recta, ral;ofVoc m tams:
Its übla .iting; 200 Ibe Carb. Ammonia;
fib do Alum GOO do Aesslccilda;
Nu do Dye le nals, 6(12 do Crude Taber;
25 do Lampblack, 500 do Liquorice Root;
Ven. Red; Iwo do hob Moss;
8 do Camphor; 150 du Red Frecipitsm;
10 do Prin. Brown; 1.54 do Calomel Amer ;
20 do chow Ochre; 23 do do Eng ;.
10 do Brimstone, 200 do Bother Leaves;
o do Cloves; 200 do Rhobarb 1 d
do Chem. Flowers; 400 do Setup. do;
4 cm. Ref. Boras; 200 do Gentian dui.
211 do Castile Soap; WO do Sal Rocheele;
15 do Prussian Blue; 000 do Beidlits Mixture;
t o do Cale. Magnesia; Mal do Pored Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do Slip. Urn;
od o do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arable
do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lm. Roos .
00 reams Band Paper, 100 do do Jalup;
begs B Bonme; 2eo do do Aresperme;
ge bales Bottle Corks; 200 do Ralph. Zinc;
7506 Ralph. Morphia; 300 do 11.. Tin;
lbs Cape Aloes; 200 do Tamarinds;
do licflbromFetarb;lso do quick Silver
I do
i (trope Pert
t l a. A lS V G n on d lry ' 7 12a1r4:71:
do T r ,, foi .v. : i lk ' .. : i r r.i. U t l 7 ld :' 050 2 7 ?I ' d :
vets, my two Sons, R. N. and W. IL Waterman. The 1203 do Cream Tartar, 20. do flyd Potsabi
to Mecq
Sonsoit the old nand, N 0.31 Wm 10 t
1 2 . tr and 63 Front street. WATERMAN.
swishy/rib Ikl•rob Ist. .51. • C be.‘ 111.0 ry .
LUNAR -5 0 MIPS/ we% by l , w/tibial maned gus t ier sue by
ii,Etvmpatitijoizto 6 % I R EF ooT " SCH°°Mliirial&C° J BCNOONMAKER &CO
Messrs. Rittar A Co:-1 desire to Inform you that I
was entirely cured of s revere pain in the hock, by the
use of Monition... Ail-healing Salve,. which I pur
chased from you. I sneered with it for about Rn y e ,, r ,
and at filShl W. unable to sleep. Unclog that unto I
tranl vittiono remedies, which were prescribed for ma
by phytlclano malady, persona, without receiving any
relief, and nt last mode trial of flits Bohm, with are.
oil fattotOttie beyond OZrttOt•t1011. I VAVILOIV !MM.
ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful
and snit et sleep. ;I have also used the Solve minas for
tooth utter. and Caber cytoplasms, with similar happy
results. Blend, Julie Ilohnuroacu.
Sale Proprietor of ins above medicine.
Prinespoi trines, Nom North 'third titre., Philadel-
Ascero on Prrtnocaou.—Li A. Fahnestock k
Cot Tor of Wood and First ate, Wm. Jockson, No.
2a, I...betty otreelL. Wilcos; - Jr., earner of Market
street .and the Riamond, also corner of Fourth sued
Smithfield otreetnj .1211. Canoe:, purner of Walnut and
Penn...wrote, Fifth Ward; arid twill at A. Bookstore In
Smithfield +wen, nd door from Second,
It A Ilerheny City by U. P. fichwArtx and J. DOlllOlllll
By J. O. Smith, Druggtot, Birmingham; D. Negley,
East Liberty; 11. Rawland, McKeesport; .1. Alexander
A sson, Idoitookobela City; N. U. norm. a. CO, and
d. T. Recent, Brewnovillc; John Barkley, Beaver, Pa;
doh Walker, Jr, Elizabeth; Renbright & Erwin
U —The lulu of ninny persons Is disfigured Jelin
slight eruptions, as mmplealmorphew, he., and when
this IS Merely •Aisease of the akin, as It Is to ninety
vino asses out of every ha dyed, it is very easily re
moved. Jul. NVmph Seen is enpressly
adapted to diseases ofthn Ole, . WA gets directly
upon the minute pares Which c its surface,
clamming them frets impurities. and b over y
its Delimit
properties heeling and eradicating all emptioasouni
' rendering the dsreest and n \ughest skin soft,fair. and
Persons who have been In the habit of using or&
nery soap, will be astonished at . the beautifarndeet,
produced by the Nymph Soap, In Imparting a delicate
bloom, preventing the reek,lfsee, or handsfrom chap ,
ping, allaying all Inimtioniand removing all cutane
ous etnpuens. It porserse net es:subtle perfume, and
is entirely devoid of ell allt line properties, rendering
It the only article Whitt! e n be used with safety and
comfon in the 'misery.
Ail those whose faces oil nee.. are diapered with
pimples, blotch's, inn. adrphew, he, should make
Will of Jules Soap, ns the pro deter.
positionly o,3llteA Wert. tot Ito uservill tender the
most discolored •t et tarc, the roughest Seth smooth,
sod the matt ,nuesed ski, healthy, yore, and bloom.
Jules limes Nvinob Soap /31.11 t only article which
will effectually produce the .bore [greet., in BO Mon
a limo, and the o: IF one which la tithe tame time all
powerf al end entirely Mariam*. PrepaMit only by
JULES HAVE, Peen:nee and Chemist,
• nu Cl,• rd street, Phila.
For onto. erliolcoale and retail by B. d..Fahneatock
& Co., and It. E. Holler , Pittsburgh; and John day
gent and J. Mitchell, Alk . Len). oily, Pa.
A GOOD 111nlngany 11 no Forte,6 octavos,
,Ci second hand-- . ' ......-- —COO 00
A handrome upright Penn, with Rosewood
Furniture, 6 octave., n d in good order •• • • IMO 00
Aplain 51 OCLIAVO HUI. -• • •-•......-....... 45 00
Agood 6 octave nano- •i• ..... ----..—..... 75 00
A good 51 octave I•aino, 'with handsome Wm-
75 00
For *ale by \ JOIIN II MELLOR
on • 75 61 Wood at
alet.lle Hight Mabee
QIIPERCHIIINO the Wooden bloats. told being lAD
ven c ts o m .gd b a u t s i t o i nb,l ei e t n he tu e f h or ye t c o o m
the oted
i pre
other duets One lAD speorUul ci the common
hoop oil trill lan Nice glows, or any further length
of time, seemed°, to the .idtlitional 01.11ItLy 0(.1.
Received and for rule by JOHN D MORUAN
mere) Druggist
P.torglt FandlT GiC,
eery end Tee W•rchoucet
6 easel. Fresh fly Glen, in cane;
5 do Pickled .16, in qtja:m;
5 do do Co. in pint do.
The above Fresh Oyaikt. nee part/filled,and put la.
an • Inghlyconectitrowd toup,encloeellu hermetic%
ly nested cent, nnJ will bony much longer than than
pun no In the ordinary wily.
For kale, wholceele end retail, by
mYSU 36 Libany st
Gramm Muerte...a Bil•ettantgal Week.
AveLmoN co., Now York, bare In coarse
of pubiteinUen, I. sans, print twenty Sae cent.
end, a DICTSCINARI I Maehtees, bleep lea. En
t VoTn ' g ri bi e r n a . ' en i M " Ze r i=l ' it n ele lo jori r n ' ee ' rfn . g t
Profess Edited by (thy, Baron
This work le of hage tiro sire, and will contain two
thousand payee, and upwards of .tO thousand Ittuitra
bona- It will present working drawing. and descrip
tion. of the ccoel tinnetinnt InannineS in rho United
State.. inilopendeld of the results of American In
genuity. it cfmlain rennplcte practical tcatlit• on
Mechanics, Mich tocry /MEMO Work, and Engineer-
Inc with all wievis twedd in More then enedbourand
donors worth of folio volume, nage:Wei and other
books. lilt eunibera received, and for tale by the
ems ,
7$ Apollo Ent:duly+, Founh
liar STOCK OV P1A.3013.
14,,,,-Te:KT.„.:,.... Tx
- 7 - 1.. ~....t..;.z . taz,kXtc...
, ......„. ~.....roercax.iets:S
)- s',-----ZZA n
i -, ~- 4.-t6., --i-' j.
...-. .' ! I:;r 3 'Y' 1'0;1 4 t
F.)) .:1:4471 1 .i i i.,,.. :3 ,
41 s • ~...=-L.,, : , t*, . .
John U. Bellor, SI Wood Street, Plltibugh,
Bolt Agent in NVert.rn Penarylvania, for tho gals of
tiraad and Bryuara Plane lb - Vries,
s tu isforis bit iriebirs cud No Musical public,
1.) that he 4,11 and will receive and
expo,. for moat., des largo.
and moss dcatrat la tux L a Piano forter cilorril
tor We to Plc weri Ibr bosubsr auLa want
fish itopply
Superbly ,srve.l Cac t(rand Mutt Forrna,
with all the lecal ; tad
z4o.nd.i'•v,Lone We , . Octave Selma
Porn. , Kerr., biurbeit , .l, it... I:blare:Lao anti I.nula
YIN; rtslc•
Mai a taqe o at. Ile •ug toai arples of Pris
on Forte, vary mg in (taro WV: tt. SSA and
so a r
( p ht+ ( sit:4 , l;4 fur Na ptcaent
soar (leSst ;
Porchaiiiis urr ',We ~(11 pit., of Mr. CLirl•
annas Loy< t.t.ei co,tlone CO ...robe
8411/0 as srbular ,o without chutes
tor tranap,..ttot.; and Le d. levied and Sot op in
petlrer 0..1... a., pa.: ant ma .111, without :bale.
PET 11.01.1.:1 1 Fl, OIL IWVIL OIL.
Thfre me rimrai thine. iii bronco aed earth
That ole Memo? n: iii philoirophy ^
rill; hull ((S ni ~ in remaitetile remedy ned
IMe conment nnhem , ... fog it, 110 Me prop . ,
him iiiihierd Mitt ta boo, a irat op iti bodies ledb, 1
tieb nod threenome , forMp . hooefid al My yabhe.l : - .
ilienartf4!e!'t,f‘ll,;,,„.="',ll7:, M a d
mit ae flows (rota Nemec, timid leibratoret! 'Meld
contains prop , rue• r-ee hi -, n number of dinensee n lie
no loneer a [own, el us.ctirtatilli There aro mho,.
thine. ho the tee•ns of owner, vetUch,lf thowil,Mhyht
be of •aut tirtifiiiti•i, in alliiriatiliti horferimit, and re
storing the liir•itti vi health .1-1 viyor to mho} , e set
left, Lour liel'ire th: pair WWI {/101110.{ of 1.414
It tit IC lohle• .i h- 1 • Te .,, 111:,.fa1 (be CU, of det-
C. , The ef,ste... .h., ,:. vete end. isr rt,
and aerersi i . 01.irs•i and , e. it • it hat retriarmei!,l. li
i ndicaiii,„l , t , Latvia popciiaraj end wide
.I. i . t i0:,001.0• the , 0 e ..: di i ieiy,
~ 0.4 rei 0 ••• • otii: parade of retoll .
1 ,istc• ii. v•- • . ..4. .e.r. , • ~•,..t, tue.iteiiie Oro 'OW
ari•h t,,, mrt Olin for It •
ve .. 5;1.0: 611001 111 eVCIrI fi.1,11.16, utibi.4lM.
eafy •.iy.5.11 , 41..15 at", et of i'hrunie Doe.. it es
swivelled Amon; the, may be enumerated —all
disca , ‘ or it, M1.c . 0u.. 11 each CHRONIC
lIKONCIIIII .4 , ..11NSUAI VTlSl ,ll.erfi, N
lin Its earl) slap./
Asthma, and 4,1 disra,,s .r we sir passage*, LI% 1!.II
00011•LAIN1, Dv:mt.:P-4 Macaws of
the Bladder and Kgd,e,, I'mun. in the Back or Aide,
Neu.. Mace., Neuf Ithestosho Pains,
Goat. Ery.ipc:o4 Ten,. Itthewo,,h, Berns, ' , colds,
Itrinses, so, •. . In eases of dehility re.
eutonn how expr , ner, or and protracted cases of
Mt..., this medicine r,ll brine rebel. It will art at
• general TONIC ena .11,Ti:HATI% F. In each cases,
imbertthe tole erd coc , ao to the whole rt..% (Moe
obrirocuons. erne, ilogelthrovelinos,whlch
eau. disease sod ittution, and living
increased and re:mwc.t .se rer to all the organs or
Lite! the jiroor,ator uf oral cur. of
pthrs, v< inter trentioeht, get well
under the we of Ito I EitLE.L 01 fro. • then lime.
The proof can be r,•., 41, p 1,4011 who deur. it.
N one genuine sool ,. oui tt, •.4r...siore of the iroplicsor
Bold by the
tl. it 1:1131.17 ,,, a , 1:5ain, near .nth et.
01. 07 Wood 54
sod- Ii1:1, 1 1.11
•orer tha t la and Vogul alley; who are his
nost. n ttr u :ted Age..
Prlc• nadytemd.
T li g r. u., S ,, Ll , Uri acJ
Nod. A.h. t Ailh
a, ort.y al.y other btao.l t
31 by ti.e qu•ntrry , or uo,, W. rag ctureney or
arytoy:l Notza , tr . ...milt,. al for il4squaG
ty.y. AS N. Al MI rtAItIMIFY,
re ',betty .tre 1
No 7 5 rota.. I. 'Street.
T . . now enp‘tanny tretiving
Trammin., tt. p. 11.0 allowlng, cr.
litgtr3 ,
ho, .1 l'ilc
Euelt.ll nl.l "
Extra ~111 3 ply
Superfine Itcnir, gr. t.Lvn lupe, putentettentile
Extra fine I S.x.:
I R fine d0_.!;
amen rune
14.1 end 1 Ter C. C'n,m°o
4.4, and I 7,,,N (5r p WiLen
44, 1, anti (4 t'oronom do
Litt and Ror 'Co roots, Citnnolo Dew Matti
(.4 I•nrocdCoono Ca toctol tufted
drop `in
I+4, 74, 4-1, 44 7.J I
nol. 4.4, 40 4 erc one ., engravers
table ''
IO loch 1 . .0°4 pc Ihrocovred Plow
for stelre.
Coarn TILININLIGS 'f0rd0 4 , 4 1, 4 o
Mcc 'Cohorecrl Stood .1.
Onoreno nowt, 1..0r n end ' , mare 7
Coar'ie prob D sc..k Star Linen;
Dernornr ;cr 00754: lorier Hod Chinlees;
W•rcricJ oir no rre. 14.0derirec;
1,0,1. 00 Cloth Table
Duff frolic, WJhrace Coven;
Trarraporcor - Ilranor L4con crotab cloths
French trnor4 " Woolen
Venroan ura Eau? Roils;
Uoniritc hr boat ; rr
Druex, en;
7-4 cool C.l 1.0. en, 't roe, alnalinge;
Russia Crert., I °tr. end Coca Al atr
Scorch Iheperai , ,rer.t 404 tlkeletoplilatr,
Brown end 4-i Greco 011Clorn
German to.o '1'.1.14 1.111mrs;
C 0..?., I 1:32 tLack Diaper.;
%lir! 611. Clan.l from too 01011 approved Fog.
hw and /111mi:cosi mominicmrom Irons 12 to 24 fell
in width, win , ll be roi m At rooms, hells, and
vestibules of any 11, or
he 11/1/I , ls,noil haven- ,Mpu rtcd direes from Fa(-
laud, hi. Velvet Pay an 4 Taionstry CARPETS, These
Carpel., onoa, am of tor la cni and most elogritit
milt, cavil pnimim, toil of the Marl gorgeous colortl,
sadi be soil rim.... low no they con be porchatell
for in tiny °lino nnittin ^limn
Uniting the in • sertieent of the richest and .
matt Inablnt,nl , l, lift t'ERIAL THREE'
I'I.V and INt 11l IIN C... It I•STti which tar sarpetwes
in enmity-^ v
••, of pricc,nny awortnient ever
hUore ernisel,i city. lie alio 81.11111,01.
Men and Coneli M:inefaellirers io hi. large and well
selected al ' , di ir.te c.i TRIM 51 and ether article.
neccsiery 1111,, Luz
The unitertierica it alto acrid On the only Stair Rod
itanafueinry .n g1,,•,,,1, and la prepared to yell
lower liar ea • I e curctidteil e lsewhere in this city.
Dres• Good.
A A. MASON S. tilt., GO Market wrest, between
Tr e ed and rourth, arc now tercialag a large a.-
earunsat of flatcar il e Luta.; Perrian Maw, an ch.
ire ~ew music; Volletete Crape Da Latha n /eh; with
a large tevortment ni Lower and other Dress Goods,
Of the Wert stylem and mu.t tachionablecOlOril.
Paper Ilan/rings.
SPRING SELEC he received, by firs.
anal ehipMente, la 310 V trod choice 11111101111.0 to
Wall Paper, of the linen French end Eanetn stylee
in gold, chamois, oak, plain end high color..
W. P. bIARSIIALL, (late S. C. 11111,)
nitl3 br. Wood street
1850 alatiall 1850
BeeTs or this itne wilt I.'o regularly, and de
liver freights without triinstitymeut
C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh,
/AMES COLLINS', do, 'Agents
jiVia 1850
Pr= Paubuyeh to Coleman. and Cleveland,
through the rsch and populous counties ct f Colton
biota, Carroll, Si,ad- Tasearaucs, Coshodan,
Iltnalingtnn, Linking, and Franilin.
The complcuou of the Nmuly and Beaver Canal
open. tip to our city through this great natural control
rooto direei communication to the well as
the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Koos, and
From this section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
has been, to a great extent cut off, in COIIITqIiCtICe Of
the high rotes of transportation, which are now re.
ducted 10, 20 and GO per cent.
. Boats of this line will leave daily, and run through
without transhipment. The Canal company have
bestowed upon this line ao Interest in the unprece
dented advantage. of their chancy, and thus secured
to the middle portions of Ohio in entering their goods
equal Interest In this 3.
advunage. Agent.:
0. BIDWELL Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL A CO., tilasgow.
_ .
R 0 Malmo, Spear's Mills, Ohio; k A Gay,
Wilhamsporl,o.4 George Kemble, Elkton, 0 ;
& Rodman, do; Hanna, Graham ACCo. New Lisbon, U,
&her & Nleholes, Hanover, 0.; Gibbets & Booty, Mi
nerva, 0.; Speaker & Foster. do.; Jneenb Pool A. Co,
do.; Hall & Bass, Oneida Mills, 0.; II V Bever, do.;
O B Mr: UM & Co, Malvern R K Gray, Watoes.
br i g a gi d E o f : L;yd o solg i t, t o ; u 1 kl k apiol d
td'F.ll.d 84 co 4.4611:: P O.; mL.
o; J
bough & Steinbaugh. Bolivar, 0.; A.
do ;J Herman, Maasillon, 0 • Cummine A. Co, do ;
John Robinson, Curial Palion,'o4 Fertig & Torrey,
Canal Dover, O.; A Medbory, Roscoe, 04 L K Wars
du, Neviark.o.; Fitch & Hale. Columbus, 0; L 0 Mu
m, Cleysiami, 0.; Ithales & Green, do. may/
Mt a Trassportatlon Company.
REAM 1850,ftla
By Pennagdeanso Canal and Ball Rand.
THIE Boats and Cars of this Ltno have been put in
coo petc order, and with the additton of Fevers
new ones to the Line, enables as to carry' • Imre,
quantity of produce and goods.
The entire stock of the Line Is owned and emirs
ed the Proprietor..
HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 Routh Thirds',
And a: the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock at,
Phi adephie, Pa.;
No lii North Howard sr, Untonore Md.;
OFFICE, No 7 West o, New York;
D LEECH k CO, Cana Ileon , Penn st,
cell Patiburgh.
aMMi 1850 jffii.
CLAIM, PARKSA CO, Booboo., Fa., Propr'a.
Of!See cot Smith Geld and Water ate, Pitoborya.
Cleveland, 041 n.
IRIS well known Llce axe per pa-cd to transport
,frelgiu and' Ptoitters from PITTSBURGH and
C YELAND. to any point on the Canal and Lakes.
Tko facilities alb toe n ate anaurpassod in natant'
quality and capacy fßanta, experience ot captain
and ofCtieney of Agents.
One Boat lenes Pittsburgh and CBeveland duly. oil
tang In connection with a Line of Steam Coots
moon PTITSBURGII and BEAVER, and a Linn
First Clan Steno Cents, Piopalltia and Vonaalt,
Ilia Lakes.
Clark. Parks A Co Rochester, Pa;
E N Parks A Co, fonnwitowii, Ohio;
1,1 If Taylor, Warren. (K
A A N Uaok, Newton Fells, 0;
Drayton & Co, Ravennii,
Kent, Grinnell A Co, Frankbo,
II A Miller, Cayshoha
Wheeler, Lee A Co, Akron, U,
Chambeillo, Clasolord & Co, Cis, elsod,
Gabbard A Co, Sandashy, 0;
Peckham & Scott, *Poleilo, 0,
Williams A Co, Detroit, Mich;
tVillisens A Co,
hlurfey & Dutton, Ramon, 11'19,
Geo4e A Cobb., clue ago, 11 ,
Thomas lisle, Chi care, ID
Jollol A CAUGOI,I Ayent,
eirSO COMVI Wlll. IVO `,l bla
labl&M 1S5().
L•ii.V. YBIY ASH rriClitr.A d
ON IHE ERIE I ifr %Stu CA% hl.
CLARKE, PAllkh & ; t'1 , .,4/$ • • •
11u; Propttehot. , tin , . • a n $ •••e
woolJ inform the pro $•• am how. •••
tot the prevent serc...h; • , ..1 base echhern , r;
receiving Freight and Paa.eirrers, winch the, are
fang prepared Id carry to all Nuns , on ths Canal mud
At the totem rates. One or 'lb. Boats of the. Erne
*ill be constently at the.tantithqs, Lotto. , ....40nOthja.h-..
ittidge, to retetire freight.
, Ogle*, not I . :Ware/0d Staithleli eta, Chtst %tali
a rr
Alit . etrelttee & Co. Pulaski,
W 0 Malan. Shasta;
.1 & S Hall, Shur burg;
Wtet. Aehre ic Co, Greenvitie,
Wm Henry, Hartshorn;
War Power, Catnneaattdle,
John Heats & Co, Km;
John J Hollister & Co, !Judaic, N arritt
-- tilttebaratt Portable Beat Liao,
aqrreuvßuit, 1 . 1111.%0F.L1 . 111A,
, -
Thom& Boanunah Tairra & trl'osnoa
Ptuladclphisa Pirtah•rgt,..
rilli E Canal being now open, the proprtetofs of nor
ong ettahliabed Una are as anal at thetf
stands. recetring and forwarding Merebanallse and
Produce at low rale& and until the prntoptnert, cur
Witty, and safety, peculiar to their *latent and mode
of transportation, where troertnediate It . ..tomcat l•
avolded, with the Vllrttqllent delay• and probablEity
cr L danange.
Merehandtve and Plodoce stopped cut or west, and
ILI!. of Lading forwarded tree of charge for coeval.-
stern, advancing, or along& Ham( interest
eette or indrreetly in steamboat., that of she owners
ts solely consulted when slopping their goads.
All conontottrithens to toe fallowing agent. ramp,
ty attended
No :79 Markel street, Proladelpnta
Corner Penn and Wayne street., Koski:orb
Job. WOOlogb & Co, 6@ Neill. at, Balt; P. tort
* Co - 0211)0sec et, Reston, W. & T Tapseent &et
t{e,Som& et, New link; Jar., Waceflautist, Catte.
•tweestrittsbu l r B g s h O ats astern Cities.
The Cana! Wlng 110.• "pc. arc are ready 10 rem..
d lorward prvmptly, produce and merchandsze ea.*
and Teel,
'AlFrelpita at wavy at Ipyreyl TOW, m uted by reppon.
ble bob.. )
I . ...lobo awl moretotrdlte will I.c rbecirrd and for,
/ar..lrd eit.t and we* mill.. any .bane for fur•
ardtog PI advanetng Yretgl.. t04121111..ln:1 or &wrap:.
Lt...% of ladina forward d, apd all dtreetiona froth.
f Ily amended to.
Addretc Or apply co,
nal Deno, ear. Ltnerty
Na I'M 'darnel sr, nomern Inh & Sth, Phll'a
JAS. Wlll.alON, A4t,
In 2, NoMll , 74;: i it o d!alunlore
malt , No TO. Wenn stecl. New York
rime deceit..e of the *cove partner, in Philadelphia,
I. title late lame. II !Sarno
to the hostness—arrangemmin have been made which
Insole., the earn e toctrtts peer tanly, which knee
heretofore existed TIM town.. I. commued a.der
the tome home and firm,
J arcs 1.1 parts A Co., Philadelphia;
Joon :11•Faota & Co., Pittsburg&
The cont.:lance of the patronage at our ens& y
Olinda is respretfolly eollctted. If any persons have
demands wont thechncern, they am reheated to
tntscot them fortherlMJ for payment.
Pittsburgh, &pen In, ,r.a latlN mTA DI3N,
spit' if ,— 8 " Int , Pa. T!' '5 L
_ _ ..
friall , fi'T.r i Cora -
I' . Ner am, Remittal.* Oilliaa
mitt, IANHDF:N a CO. connote to Ming persons
from any pot of bisteland, Ireland. Scotland or
Wale& upon t le most liberal terms, with than
noel poisChselly and htlention 41 the %Tanta and eom•
(ono! combatants We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the .wicdling tramps that infest the sea
port., Ili me late ahargie of them the marmot theyro•
port %boom loos and Into to the'r well tieing, Oa dm
apetrit them wawa a y &Aeolian by the Dot ships.—
Wit .ay ,his Selflessly, as SOO del) , one of one passem
gars to show that they ere detained 43 boon by us in
1 ,
Liverpool, whilst thou mtd• of others • ars detained
.1, ,, ,,,,, mill they coo d be vent in sours sad wall, of a
db ; p tale, which too f roundly proved their colon.
'e intend to polka our contracts onnomLly, cog
',hut it may, and not act 1111 ma, the One list otos.,
'sub other officers,--o(ho either performed not all,.
at benit suited their convenience.
I 1 11 .0 r a
i. lll4r: s i..: ::: P 1 i d t o s .f b .th u d r , g ‘ h vi, foe ti ., tmri u m .. fr k o i, m i
. .4L t . o .
tiropean•nd Consist Agent,
Fn Most on door below Wrnd
1a_0 f. d .. , ,,_
' r WOIIS-17 bt p es Orandy—Otard, Dapoy, &a
LI I 9 pip, Ilnllaod Wei
\ 5 cats 13 Rum;
tat LW, 'Kelm; for milt by
.., i .11 %11T1711M,To rt.
T.lged Rare,
81+ James Illstrasayss Fluid niseinealas
PREPARED under the lenmedia e tare of the In.
yentas, abd estabUshed for upwards of thirty years
• This elegant preparation is recommended in all
caws of brie, acidates. inilMeation, gout, and graved.
as the most safe, easy. and effectualform In which
Magnesia may, and indeed the emir one in which It
on e to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of
the Magnesia now in general taeowithout novena.
like it, to farm dangerous concretions In the
a edectually heartburn without injuring the
.11, of the, etamach, as rods, Maas, and their car
bonate, are known to do; it prevents the food of in
fants turning Mill in all eases It ants 5s a pleasing
aperient. and to peculiarly adopted to female..
Sir Ilamphrey Davy testibed that this gelation Mr=
soluble combinations with uric odd saheb.) eases Of
goat and grovel, Meshy counteracting their Nations
tendency, when outer alkalies end even Magnesia
itself, had fail-d.
Prom Slettilip Crampton, Bart,Surgeon General
to the Army in Ireland:—
"Dear Sir—There eon be an doubt that Magnesia
- -
may be administered more wifely iu the form of aeon•
oentrated solution than In Imbalance; for this, and
many other reasons, I am of opinion that the Fluid
Magnesia is a very valuabte addition to onr Moteria
Straka, P1111.,1P CHAMPION..
Sir James Chian, Sir A. Cooper, De Bright, and
filessrs.Guthrie and ilerbeel M{7o, ofLondon, strong.
ty recommend Murray's Fluid Magnesia, Ili being in
finitely morn sate and convenient than the solid, and
tree from the danger attending the constant use of
soda or pours,
For solo by the importer's and yDroprietor,s agents,
Car. or Woad& Front co..
Frog' eke Vegetable:Kingdom, to repel Disarms
Dr. Ulaysoit , o Extract of Yellow Doak
apd Wareaparllla.
Cur conaumption, acrofula, erysipelas, rhoumati.n,
sot, liver complaints, salmi' atfeetions, ulcers, If
pit ts, dropsy, asthme,..,bilen, seamy, alectio. of
th bladder and hidnega, ulemnt'ini ai . C..• C. '
. ro t humors, rush of blood to the head, fever and
age, Jennie complaints, general debility, ‘ slyspep.
rv i c a l ' ,.lil f g:t pp s e ur g e te :ts, h'a t L eiV,' ,:sane
th e agu n onT,
pa Nation of the heart, biles, pain. In the side,
eh at, bath, se. I
It Ls Infra . liblo In all' Ibsen., alining from an too
-1 Pe seismic: of the ,blood. or irregular action of the eye.
I w..
In the itegetable Kmadom, an Albwiso Rang ho.
sewited plants and herbs congeni•l to one consutn•
.tions, nod adapted to he care of disease; and to the
vegetablatlnidons does the steno s of man, IS well
the Mule." of ant els, ram far antidotes to pain.
The Syria is a setentifie.eoropoond of the most val
sable plenty In natore, eraimly free from deletertos
, -
and enervating mineral substance., and as it cape
lisesre tram the cymern, Imparts vigor and strength
Au ettratirdinary Cat; of Sekofula, Erysipelas and U
<ere, cured: Ly the sole use of Dr. Gityllottla Cam
pond Syrup, Yellow Dock and flanaparilic
Lthooxiert, Nov. 17, (118
arillOlT-81r: I tender my sincere thank. for
the great benefit I have derived from the use of your
valuable syrup. I have born troubled very bed wit
• scrofulous sore, which 'nude its appearance on m
chin. 1 did vol pay much attention to aat first, sup
retsina It to be nothing 'Lo: en crayon/1 that appear
o persott's far r. It finally began to increase, until
spread to al , .act part of the head. 1 applied to a
physician, who attendee me all to no purpose. I bad
trted every thtn
Dock etth meld bc tried. 1 and concluded y
up of Yellow nd Sarsaparilla, and
to sae It, for I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the
most treatable articles In the world fer the blood. i
bought year Syrup, and from the nth of one bottle, I
could theta treat .unite meal system. 1 connoted
to are It until I was a well man. I now feel like .1
new person; my blood in perfectly clew:teed and free
from rill Impuriuca. There is not a question but that
year newly discovered compound far superior
any sarsaparilla syrup ever avid.
Thu certificate is at your disposal to publish 11 you
like, and 4.11) , p 0911.7 refer to me I hap.
py to rise them all the information I eta about my
cased.. I remain your obedient servant,
Oactatth Cf. Jameson,
113 Alert et meat.
The ben transit medicine known. The Extract at
Velma, Dock and Rai sapaallla la a poeitive, speedy,
and permanent core for all compliunu incident to
lu Id, alterative ntoperlics render It peculiarly
appliestole to the .lender and delicate constitutional
the female. it is unrivalled In its ads.o upon• tech
discuss, se incipient ednumpuon, barrenness, len
corthoett, or whiten, incgolar menstruation, Moonu
nenca at ohne, and gancrivl prostration of the eyelet:2'
It .me, ediatcly toentatacte that distreesing nervous
Le, sad lassitude so common to the female frame,
.d mewls an energy and buoyancy se eurrinsing t.
rosy arllgramma. W• have evident. on Me winch
induces es tard naly to recommend thi. medmina to
mattiul itturi• mho Lav• not been Liss.] with ag
e.l.4eir • Ureer, or Falling of the Womb, of Era yeadd Mambos, e urea by Dr. Guyo c F.Dram of
olloar Dock and Sareeparille, alter every other
known remedy bad been tried without
Wasninotox, Ono, Feb., 194 e.
Tbia -aerobe. Ulm .my serf, age I to years, bas
• ~ -.offering under ice above emeplaMt for fora
I.: time confirmi to her bed.
• map. the teditmed
“.1 2,21., 1 IP imo odction °Me
- ebb,. ver. boreal.
•. m • .. a. - :.....ruonood for tb•
so. • •, .o. if I. l •roved amoltlen.
dre• ,• d by my friends
. D. s 0., a obit diarimpuille,
•• aro. a. - d (J. 41.111.. Atter 11/1. dad bud
~bout •dr .oeko. re. o cid.. lo all that ebit
a, ii.prom..c, •tr.l from 01, Liam atm procod rap
.pd gamed Cook cod sir oicol., mall the disease
Or • calmly remorod, and re now enjoy ink moat
exent be”lth.. WM. MONFORT.
Vie being neighbors of Won. and Julia blonfort:
know lbws me obeys maionival, as to the •icknos o
Airs. Menton, and .4 to Ike cure Leduc cheered by
Gayeetfalelludo and Smespadllle. to be Mkt!,
• MAR 10J-V_Xv morn. -
. Uaaat Coss of Conmwrayittlosai
Ilawmoon, January 2.184 e.
Ilennett—hear tie: The tenet benefit wlrlott I
have derived from your Extract of Yellow /soca and
Sarsaparilla, induces rue, as onset Ofjastine, to make
the following statement:
After waiting (or two yenta from general debility
w Lira finally terminated to erintuatimort, I was given
an by my friend, and 'dues :nuns air beyond the vii of
medicine. At a last artirt,i i was induced to try
your extraob and having lased bat two bottler, ise ,
cut - 41dg to your directions, am entirely well. I
weoll ibcreforei carne stir retort - intend your ruiequ al.
ted t7ouiriound to the afflicted who ileolte • powerfol,
pl. 1.441 and irate remedy. Grawfuily your friend, '
Citnit gel:state arafts. pot up 03 large square bottles,
eorttalulug • ynarr, and the name of the syrvp
In tee r,:ars, wah the sant., eICIAtUrogl of S lien. ant 011111 C outride arrripper Prfee pct bold., or
sla 1,0111,5 101110
It fold Ly J. ES Park, rner of Puffrth and Wal.
ttreett, Caffsmnatt, Uhl co to,la<l/C./ Av..: It; the
South sod West, to whom all argot. srizs.: tot address
caner tt 1:ro ,Kr.e, W. V'. Judson & Co, Mohr.
lord, Olin h Clemons, Cro‘hing‘illr, Abel Torrell
hlimtrom; tt hits, Tot - ...1da; Rolirri Roy, Wells.
Lora; L. Roderick, L
cor.icr of hilarlict street •ni.l Dianicia
ve I iT
FlaliEßS' ale the
10 medicines or the day."
tlronam etatinn, Ohio, May 1.5, le4g.
Kll Kellen---I think itright i tot the bcorkilo( whets,
mCAW poem facts in relation 10 your excellent Fa
ily Medicines.
base used your rermi(age Imply In my own
family; one Mal frequettly expelling large quantities
Oaf Itie to Mai ammo) worn two ehtldren. I ha•e
also used your Liver Pills and eciagh Syrup In soy
family, noel they use, in every Inman., plqacni
the eden. desired.
As I am. engaged it merchandising, 1 am able to
mat, that Phase. {el to bcar of the cast Sulam where
your medicines be•el Lee,, anvil in any seettha of the
cottony. In eanelasiolf. I MIT stale Wit they ate the
trietheitoss of the day, and am demerit to have • very
extensive populanly. Yours, respectfully
W riNlsir.r.t..
Prepared end sold he ILK SF:LLERA, No 70 Wood
sad sold by Druggists generally In the two
cities and •tranity. pa
filedielres in the day."
flaxnewia STATION, Ohio, May P 1,1549.
R. II Sellers: I Mink it right for the benefit of othera
to item some far, Is relation to year eneellent Faxid.
ly hledoeinxe.
I h•ve nand 7.. r VCmiiinge litegety luny own ire
lly, one via/ fre...dently anovering for expelling: .ge
quannwe Oka, I I, toll worms from two childre•
have also toed Tour Liver Pill, end I.lnush Syrup in
my (aunty, and they have m every instance produced
the eftert desired
As y am +lmaged In mrrohaudisitio, I ant able to
state that flare yet to hear of the first failure where
your wine..., have been used in my section of the
country In ciatelaston, ma tate y SOM they are Its
medicines nt the day, oltdere destined in have a very
extenoire pop:thorny Volt», rat .tettyPy,
ts . Pitraxts
l'repared and mid by R. I EltS,No 57 Wood
street, and sold by Draw. • c•porally In Om two et•
ties pint entirety. moth
j:n n`'i'i;LknuFZlVLk CONITUAENT, -- cyTts
13 original, olity !me, and genuine Llve r
Sonar eesac. Ohio eisenty, Va.
klatch ?nth, ISI9.
Mr. It F.. Sellers: Dear think it a duty I ewe
to you and to the publicgenera ly, to elate tom I have
been alEleted with the Liver Complaint for • long
time, and an badly that an abeess formed and brute,
whim left me inn very low mate. Slaving beard of
yore ecleldated Liver Pills being for sale by A
tinarp, in West Utterly, and recommended to me I,
my phylliCian Dr. E. Smith, I conch:tied to gone than
• fair Intl. I purchased one boa, and found them to
ie jest what they arc reeemenended, TIIE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and alter taking four bores
I bud the disease has entirely left me, ,
mot I am LIOIT
perfectly troll. Respectfully yours
West Lihierty, March Md, lett.
I certify that I an personally acquainted until Ott
t slant , and can bear tesumouy to the truth of the
.onus rtuticato. It SHARP
. ,
Tito canine Weer vine nre prepared and sold Lt
E 1.1.1d1113, No 57 Wood sdrcet, nnd Lr drusgitin
in we wo eioes.
TO .r II E original, only Ono and gen.
Ono Liver Pala are prepared by R E Selina and Nora
his 111311 r +tamped in black Wax upon - the ha or out
wr, and hie couture on the cutaide wrapper—all
clime are counterfeits, or bloc imitations.
apill R E SELLERS, Proprietor
171gAtaiiteili I 1-4:3lEArlill Illars ...V Eli !
V V Just rcehl, an invoice of fall jewelled paten tie-
Ter Watches, IS Carel! fine, Wddeh I can sell as
ow as thirty and thirty aye dollar!, tad warranted to
cep good WOO.
Al5O—A splendid mcuitmcnt of hnVELRY, nom
tiling the various and latest styles, and best patterns
W. W. wird-TN, Watchmaker nnd !owlet,
rjERE.Etr, I'Lr.nargo k CO, baron arranged to
ll give then. collie attention to the pole at dormant
%Vonlen and Cotton Goods, now U o(ter their large
sleek of Tntlor. Vertings, .French sot
Gerlll6ll.Clothe, Doestint, F:IIIIIIII0ef03,•ke. at find out.
. int I Vyodsl
TUST reed, au elegant plant; Rosewoi; n
1.9 (rum the celebrated nairkofeetory of Neon. &
Clark, N. V., of rept,. tune, untlyery knodcrate price
Vac sale by KLEllElt,
del9 at 7, W. Woalsiells.
WLLlnhltr IVURY . 713 — CiTIrFOWDER
for removing Tartar, Scurry, Canker and al
substance.destructive to the Teeth. It Is delicious a•
the taste, cl Cl{ 111 Ins the month, heahng and atrengthen.
tag the gums, and purifying the breath.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by
dont II P. lIKI.L.F.RA, 07 Wood st
- 13raildi&s, Wines, 4444 44
50 ht pipes Cognlac Brandy, various vintages;
rug', cask. do do,
4 pip. Rolland Gin;
2 puncheon donate& Spirits;
2 puncheon Old 1,15 h Wbiskey;
20 tit casks !deacon Wine,
20 do Oporto do;
00 1,0115 riorna..2 Clare!:
10 Id" r•ipc. Spanish Red Wmc
22 boo Itordcan Closet,:
10 be, !ducat MOO
5 Lela French Whits Wine Ving2ll
S L"' d • C,50467 /nun FUCKSTRON,I
44,10 SRI & ISO 410441714.
Q . W. GATES , -
eaTE4rrycp NA* 44;147.
THESE DIES having bee adopted and highly approved in ill the princil shop. tri Nati - York
and Philadelphia,
are mks ittreted to manufacturers, rodehinnO, chip south., arc., With the utmost coal
bdence, ru the most perfect ankle in tun or eunrog screw. • '
Their superiority one, any other Pies heretofore tried, consists in their milting- a PrITICT
Scare, whether V or SQUAIIa thread, by easspasaing over the non tu be cut, Which Timie tunas edgier
or preview preparation, to the din cm the thread ouzo( the Solid iron t oridut maimsro it ill the .at;
in their greater durability, rabidity, and perfection of work,:and in Metz simplicity
to get out of order.
Paltanyciou, Aug. t 7,1819.
Vile is to certify that we have parchused from P.
W. Gates the tight of %ice his puteut Dieu for cut
ting holt, In OW opinion, his Inge an much supe
rior to Any ethers we are ucounted With tor 16a
purpose aerating bolts
Pnitsosbents. Aug. 2.1, MS.
Haying had Y W Gates , PsMin Dies us use in on•
establishment fur tki last nine months, for cutting
tolls !nos can in every respect recommend them in
the highest terms, as we have lald all others away,
they being so far suserinr--considering them 75 per
cent. cheaper than any ethers now In use.
Penn Works, Pa.
This li to certify that we have curtained tae mat
to use, and adopted In oar button. s.P W Gate. , Pa
tent Screw Cutter, wide:tare highl aove of. We
tan do touch more work, and we b e ate It will cor
pus In durability and preeision, as much a. economy
of labor, any dies known to an
I . IIIIADZI-PIMI, 9th montli,Mth day, Wed.
Now I'doc, Avg. 10,1949.
flklaving adopted P. W. Gate o.tpatent Dies. for cut
ting bulls, we take P 1.1111711 ln claylng, that It more
mart answer. our expectation., and have no hamita
lion in giving it a. our (minim:Olin It tareanan soy
other plan in present an for caning on,
T F eccoß & co.
We L... P. W. Gotesi"Patent Mos , for cutting
screws, urol the economy of aping them I. S. 'fen'
cotaidernble, toot we took upon them tol indititenso.
Lae to every estubitotacent hitylog on? quantal , of
centre to cat.
Cmuao, May 10, 1641.
011IIIIANC. OTC; Wastnearo ISth Beet., , Itt.
I have purchaved of W. - Scovill v,
e. for the United
Elate., the eight to use In all the arsenals and vane.
Sir Jame. Blurrars Fluid lllagskent•.
pitEPARED tinder the Imoscdiate earn or the In-
Temor, and establahed for nnwardo of thirty
years by the profession. for removing thin, AciditZen,
and Indigestion. estoring Appetite, preserving *
moderate Malt of M olving un
s bowels, and disaearth)
In Gravel and Goat; also, as an cony remedy for sea
alcenesa,land for the febrile affection incident Metal&
hood it In Invaluable. On the value of Magnesia as a
'menet artent it is unnecessary to enlarge; but the
Fluid Preparadon of Sir James Murray in now the
most valued, by the protesiiion. on it Clavroly avoids
the possibility of those dangerous coact scions usually
resulung from tie use of the article in powder.
For gala. by the ilaportei's arid proprietors agent,
scant Cor. Wood & Front sta.
frollAtlCO tgs . yrell t er il lt L a d b o irT . ;:: Ws lug:
1111. Cabrne.t• InApl
fl. Myers , 1 lb lump;
qr bxt do flb lamp . for tub, ty
septt MILLYA
1.11 C STOCKTON has received for sale, rot 4th
.17,. of Gibbon's Ilicory Of the Drell. and Fall ol
the Boman Empire.
L.fe and Letter. of Thomas Campbell, In 2n. Is
Edited by Wm Ursine, M D,
Elementary Br etches of Moral Philuthphy. By the
Into Rey. Sidney, hi. A.
Lectures on the Angelic.. Pelecer L'tysten. of Bur
!pry. By liteniarnin lUII M. D.
Talbot an Vernon a Novel.
The Shoal ler Knot, a coin of t e seventeenth sea
Wry 11
The Scarlet Letter, a romance. By Nathaniel
Hawthorne. .1149
.... --- tivcrubotui I
.Lx by William Beanie, DI. D., one of his executor. 1 9 ,
9 cols 12mo cloth.
Rullaray Economy: a treatise on the now art of I
transport, Its mumgernmo, prospects, end relations,
commercini, unenctal, and reprint, with an expostn.
of the practical reran.. of the railway. in operation in
Ott/ruled Emgdoto,ou the Continent, and in America.
By Itionystu• LeeJoce, D. 0.1, , de. I •01.12in0 cloth
The Part, Present, and Emote of the Republic, toms-
ODA from the French of A. Lallaartine anther of
"'the Gerandists," ordemous to toy loath,' ••11a
phael,” de. I vollio cloth. •••
Hints Inward Reforms. in Liecturee, Addresses and
other Writings, by Horace Greeley. I 'Ol IlMo 0.1.7.
The lunacy 01 the• Confeesional. By John Cleary
Hopkins, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of VermiOnt.
I vol 12mo cloth. -
The Conquest of Canada. Dr the motto , nf "Iloilo
i•Fdin (Elliott Warburton, Esti a ii vole lino.
Cosmos; a sketch of a physical description of the
Universe. By Alex ton Humboldt, translated from
the German by F. E. OM. 2 vol. ITmo cloth
Gibbon's Decline •nd Fall of the Reman Empire,
with notes by 11, IL !Oilmen. lisrper's cheap edition.
Pluto, cloth. complete in e vole at 40c per eel; 4 vol.
received for ale by It IMERINS
ate 7 ,, Apollo Bulliling.Fonnh id_
Saw Munk, - •
IMOURN thee in viaducts. When other-friends
around thee. Conscript's departure 'and return.
Annie Laurie. Are we .almost there. Low backed
ear. Ile doeth all 00114,00 C. Snip Mt. l:11,4V
Silver moon. Grave or Washtagton. Thou Last
wounded,the spirit LtouPd Sorer Boy. Be kind to
loved ones at home. Cheer up me swn r laannett
Oh, Lemuel. tipttr.• Flower Waitas. Illha 'Nana
Sratssisero Wall,. Saluiallun tolls. 13etty . Yolin-
Ravet tolit 4, Any Lied FOX.. ll_Hruckstep.
I 'the above are tart recei;na, and for 'rail by
J If Ml. LIAR,
alnu.. lid Wood la
J. H. 11.1.ELLOK, 81 Mad streel,has rrteiveduti
tl 11, cup ran you we oy the truth's holy light; decll-
1,.1 eated to lbev. C Cook. Oh, think not Iron I love
thee. lll.ehe Alpe.' love then. When other
.0411,1 thee. The out beneath the bills. Wen thou
hot mine. Allll6 LSO? —Se°. L balled. The Robin''
—orord• by Rita. Coot, music by Stephen (Caere.
Thou hest wounded the spirit thut loved Metz The
Drove of Westungton. The Swish Mother'. Lament.
Did Sektnn—ltassrl. Ile Joeih all nhings
Woodbury, Widow Pluthree—RusaslL 'for cottage
(Amy naolier—liotehimione. Low tracked rai—Covet
Flb,. Waltzes--eomplete. The Plante Bell. The
Bridal or Wedding Polk. Jenny Lind's A notions
Lll.l Polka. Suttee American folks. Tin
Top Amerman Polka. La (Mlle Delmore. Fait.
Jenny Land Polka. The Origin. Scottish
Julien. • Satinets. Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine
Pmts. Summit Polka. Hossingel Polk. The Pro
phet innaJtillee—Pleyerheer. Jenny land Quedrillen.
The Wreath and Daley Waltzes—kin Ernest. The
Series Drover licry—yertatior a by Czerny. Monument.
Fianna, from Home. Wrecker's Daughter. qatekntep.
Lottistitlte March and Qctickstep. W sod Up, Q.iCk.
wood Glandassa
DUISTS Prize, flovey's Seedlings, and Victories
I) These are the largest and test flavored fins.
amongst all the different 'Sakti!, now grown.
orders addressed to the prop , inter, Vent !Manches
ter, IVIII receive prohipi auention. J
HAS become no unahllshed and almost Indhmens.
able requisite to every well provided runny,
from It. remarkably arboleaome and eutrltloca quail
ode as a food for the healthy ag null sa dlet for lo
yal ds, and al.o for the sosmnan cc of growing children
and infant.. Various mode. of cooking and preparing
a are 'oven on the wrapper.
Though well known in the east, it has never been
introduced to any CSIOLI Pittsburgh. The cobsenb
sra have, therefore, made arrangement. to be con.
sontly supplied with it, and now oiler it totail
Iralem or (amides on more favorable terms th an it
alas ever been sold at in Pittsburgh.
1.1/111 A hIeCLORG A CO
150 Idoerty st
I AM now prepared to rendre Apple Trees, from the
II known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The
rec. will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for
kW per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty Inch
should leave their orders ,ears At the Drug, Seed, end
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of WwodcmilSiath
NOW Goods I new Goods!
KLI.:I3ER has jart received a fine lot of Draw
1.1.• Instruments of the best maiiafaerarc, selected
lament with rest earn, for tots minrket.sorn as
Valve Trombones,Sas Dorn., Bugles, Cornea, Tubes,
ite.t anal, a fine sclecuon of Moue Dares, playing
two end Once toner, Merinos, Accordeons, tee. de.
Also si prior Dorm. and Dalton Pirinse„ and gene.
ino Nespolit. E String, four lonner,a splendid
Third :trees
A sovereign remedy for chi oenc rherininsic affections,
sseaknew and lameness of most pane of the body,
scalds, borne, sores, or most kinds, ems, swellings,
prains, bruises, corns ; and felon. When Ism eitming.
Also, the most conventent and rate sticking salve for
strengthening plasters sad. drafts on the rect.
Fnr sale by. S N WICICKIISHAht
arig24 Cot. Slstli A Wood sts
Foster!' Rim Ethiopian alalcollett.
WIN F. in itan all Night; Dolly Day;
Dolcy lanes; Go down to de Conon Field
Nally was &Lad), /Lc.
his Kind laths Lotted On. at lion.;
Raw thy bolt lightly; 'Ynic Love, ty T. Head;
Our way across the sea, dues; ' .
A new medley gong, by G. Covert,
lemy Gray, music by Mutter; . .
Joys that were croweint, tt , cdding March;
God bless the hardy ermine; Schuylkill %Salm;
Conseript's Departure,by NV. C. 'Glover, .1
Sounds from Gown; *specs, Steyermarkische Co;
Last Retool Summer, easy variation by Heil:
United Slats Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polk.;
Corn Cra ktr Quadrille; Louisville Quediillc;
Dearales f Italy; Duct., Trios, Sc.
A Wye intros:meet of New Mule on hand. to which
additions are made weekly. For solo by
- fobtA J. H. MELLOR, frt.NVood at
Gho•Vi l ltr
( ta IlistorT.
ENGLAND to now pr
_llVvry a l torpntr A Dvo , o. in /I wt., ...I
dialing by liarpdr 1 Bro , a, in 0 vole. elolllaud
paper. at Clients per vol. 'Three vol. received , and
or sal* by K 110PKINt„ , ,
apl7 2 Apollo Iluildinas. Fourth id
PirftriZs7-,:bbeEn pruan elto and Jar.:
a.Jearrown,--10 big reonjd, dipped, and .perm;
Cnrasz , —.l3nbee Cre4m end Ex-I,sh Dairy;
Col,pe— doe Hemp Yna Maslilli
Cum.-4W Mattr
" -- -- " ---
Chas, -50 Al an] half Spanish;
Fter—Uar bey and hilt bes Macke itl.and §ahunn;
Grata-60 bra aszonad ennx;
liars-1W) Prima Venieon,
IWO Sugar Cared;
labino—lbff lbs S F raid SI mile;
Ilia dal iIiIIJ7IIS thank and Copt Ina,
blobacsas—ba 1,01 N Orleans;
•lb belt bes Soule Babas
Marano--°o dor amend can... ,.,
.. .
blacranorn—fill lbs Italian;
Valumattur-60 lb. Jo
keg! 'meted;
Pm - sass-5 dos Jars tursortad;
r•PestDielll2llllll. l lflC•ii
eau-asl-1W Ita Bordeaux; •
Saar-50 bus Rosin and Cut Steel;
ebosa-10 bbd. N 011eainb and Clariisd;
TR.5 , 40 packages theta and Black; • •
To.cco-20 bxs 12, 0, t.l lb loUtp;
Waaa'Boaubs—frU" do: Meant Zink•
For sea by J D wmulkets a co.
Comer of Fifth and Wood ate.
Itlsol REED HOUSE, (1850
iszerri.& lIARDEA Proprietaira,l
Prinhe Square Erie,
and ;Southern Stages, /cave this hem 41417. Car
i ages W and than Stearn and Packet BOIAII, Gratis.
N. W..ogriu, late of the American . ' /loud, nie, Pa.
.O.W. Hann, lair clew Kinsman ifoted; Onto.
• I' •-••
vies indei the Supervision of ass IMoattuison, P. W.
Gates , “Patent Liss" for tuning se/rumen sew!, tiny
having been tried in two of the taiga amnia; and
found to tie very efficient and exec Lent. I
d. TALCUTT. Col Chtlmaskeli.
Venue op Valet an Does., tt
Wisonnoros, bent. p. I,IIM.
C 0.1.. ring . Gates , Pateoted Improvement foe
,6 tiny were on social to be a •alaable one,' base by
eutherlty of the Honorable Seereim of the Huy,
purchased of the Attorneys of the Patentee, Wm. 11.
Scovtlle,:and Painael Mower. sq , the 'Sahib mats
end isle csidlinproventent for the U. EL
• .JOSEPH SMITH, Cniaf or Haree4.
Inuso also by r .
Entirelo Works, IleSalo; 1 *
Volt . .k A g e jlo V Ten s h :ef,7l. i:
ilayw ' ood & mayder,Sehuyiltill Conner; .
Silbert, hew fork; . .
Hoeg & Dolancater.unterdt,* N. 1r; .
. ILK. Denham &Co, New York;
&nomad & CO, Monument Wots a. Salt;
Rochester; • I
&WM Atres New York.
&Haar Worts do;
Pun & Manly, do; • ,
N W o o rls p & th4 llro, F° P " rtle ; lpbia; •I. [I
A Je e tt% Breedes hi horgh, Pa; -• , ,
Walworth it Nason,lloston and Now York
Lowell Machine Stop, Lowe
Ameontear Co, Manchester, N II;
• LyMon &.Bornhor, South Boston.
and ounierotto others. . ,-
• tam:o • :
NO I)slaehtne,lo tett dles & tap.Cii to 8 in.pri. 4:19I
Noll do 0 ' do S tot' , price 11110
Vol do a do Ito I.prieo $l5O
All order. addressed to Gates & WiChight Chicago,
C. D. 114 tom New yolk, &S.M. - Awn & et? Phila.
delphit, and /1.• If . Seaville & Vona Colcagry or Met
and Tar 4, wiih or without machine s for ate= them,
will meet with pfomptattention
Colcsoo. May 3,1850. t to :dam
. .
DALMER. HANNA & CO. Win removed .their
L Exchange (Mice to north wool corner of Wood
and TOW comm.tral
kartbenblp heretofore exisdee berretta the
eubscribers, ander hll3 horn of ',abridge, %VOA.,
& Co., wan 11,14 day dissolved hr mane! comae
The busitteui of the firm will be reined by J Bar.
bridge, Or Mae, NVllson, Jr, e Mee 4.1 dbom is euthor
ised to bee the name of the born In It r Itidetion.
LYON, 811011. UL 60.
Pitt•Vo rg , July I, Insll.—jr.t.:•:
JA.W.Shinhridge & Born. F. logbram hava ibis
day aruoclated themselves under tho Eno of Hon
b taiga tr. Inchram, to transact a AN: I,oler ale Grocery
anJ General Communion Ilionness, ionic ham lately
&caved by Butbndge, Wilson & lIG Water at.
Fitieljurch, July.l, ICM—ill
T"E'tiubeeribers base thte day to need neo.pittner.
ship.actler,the fixosof W for tho our. ,
ode ottr,deaoting the AVha lend°. t•reeery and Com.
poiseam I.loinees, at No 20 Wood street.
10.1,18.10-174 FRANK. WILSON
alon.ais 6 lunvonsm,
UI t CTWVING DISTILLERS, and Tea and 'Wins
arerckumts,r.asiside of the Diamond, Piusbargh,
KM noire ode ring •i the ye 17 awed prices for cash.
Rectified Whiekey, Gin and Domrsno Brandy; alto,
Ft?ncb Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Lon - -
don GM, Iriatt Whiakey, Rum, ha: Pon, Binary, Ma
deira, Champagne, Claret, blear aid!, Idalage, Tents•
reitie and Urban Wines. Wholcsalo& RetaiL my 3
ILINTING PAPER—Alorap on hand or made to
order, the •artoua aim. of Pasant Paper, Rag
Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and Doable Croon
sties :prow AVrapping Paper; etown, Medium. and
laiabloCrown Post Office Ostler, Pastoboard, &c. &o.
P Ed Wood at,
tand7 Aguat for Cauton Mills. •
IXTOMAN IN A .IEBICA —ller work and her re.
V T Ward, By Maris J Mclntosh, author of "Cltaruni
& Conner... Mums," , 'To seem and to be." vol Irma
Latter Day Pamphlets, Na 1: —Tim present dray.
By Thomas Carlyeic,
tCoolaton.—blernera of Ltfe end Writings of Thos.
Chanter., I) L. D. Ytcluelmos on Dotler'o
Aosbigy, ralcy.s Evidences of ChrinUsnity,and
Lector/a on Divinity, with two lutrodoctory Lectures
and four Addresses dehomed in Me New Collep,
Edinburgh, by Thom. Chalmers, D. D., L. L. D.
1 sal l^-nu.
Cavan—Life of Jebn Calvin, compiled from amben..
tte wbrcel, sod particularly from has Martyrs:Aerial:a.
My Thomas Ii Dyne, w,W portroiL 1 lot I=no.
For sale by K IMPERIS.
.147 73 Apollo Bulldiogo, Fourth
• Coonhal Combat
% 8 ° , ? 3 rxll,':llY,V""° von
:; nom Rolllgv.-
4 L , 0 qtai Coubs;
•illOo dor. asi'd Fuse !worn'
' 1u !. Shell Silo Combs; •
- 10 super,lirge Bab lo;
gross ass , . Side Combs; ree'd 003 far otgla by
. -• • •__ c vr • 11J1,1.3 Ala tat at
zeur.z wovirDsar._
0. M.O. taros.
flMll aodcralgned,Mtectstors to Amhara & Nichol.
won, beg leave to Worm the collat. of Putsburgla
and public generally, that they hare rebuilt the EA.
GLI,FOUNDRY and are now in fall operation, and '
havo pe r t of their patterns ready fur rho mstrkett—
Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stares, with a splendid ale-tight Coal Stove, which is
now impercedirtg in oilier cities the common round
Stove. Also, a cheap cunt Cooking Stove, well adult.
Ltd for smell familiet, with a full neortment of mam
mon and mantel Grates We! would pericularly
rite the attention of person. building to call at our
wartime. before pirminsing, and examine a splendi d
article of trammelled Grates, finished In fine style,
entirely new In this nanket.
Warehouse, No. lyi Libertyet, opposite Wood alt
aug..sidti NBRIOLSON & PAYNE
r 'AMGEN: Importer and Wholenle Gimlet in
Sig it of the Gilt Comb, 109 Aleeket sr., Pittsburgh, Pa. •
Western ts ' -Merchan Pedlats, an d other. •isiting
Pitmburglito purchase Goode, are respectfally Witted
to nil and examine the extensive allisintlatal of Eng
lin, American, French and German Fancy Goods.
All. Foreign Goods at this establishment axe import
ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get-
Ong goods from Bret bands. 1 hare the largest usort
meat of articles, in the variety line, in the city of
Pituburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash or
city acceptances. The Stock consists, In part, of ,
Late Goods, Hosiery, Glove., Rftibons.
• Silk CrUvals, Shoo and PamatThreads,Sewhig
Spool Corson , Tapes, Sztependers, Buttons, Pins, Nee
dies and Gallery..
Gold add Solver Watches, Cold Jewelry, all kolas of
Mathes, Combs and Ram..
Pr/coition Cape, Revolve., Pistols, Clocks, Silk & I
Conan Pantie Speetacles, Steel Peas, Marie Boxes, '
Carpet Bassiand
lindonal, Findings and Ttimminga
Toys add Pitney Goal.; toget her. with a Lusa varie
ty of , j'aney and staple DRI
alto agent fir ch. celebrated Lan
caster COll 64. 110V12,
LlCift Coughs, Colas, Asthma and Couramptiont 71st
r GREAT ANDO:SLY REMEDY ibr the mono( tke
abov;i•, is the BUNQA.I.IIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, dileovercil Ly LLe •elebrated Dr. Inch., of
London, England, and introduced into the United Suites
mina. thelmmeiliaie ruperimmadenee of the inventor.
Thn extraordinary success of this medicine, is As
Cure-of l'ulutonary discloses, warrants the Ameriun
Age* in soliciting for treatment the wont possible ca
ses am( can be Nand in the community—cases Unties*
relief lit Vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, , end 'have boon gorr_n ephy the most distinguished
PhTaimans as confirmed and mutable. Tee
an Bviaam has cured, and will eon, the coon desperate
of eases.. it is no quack nostrum, bat • standard Exg.
Rah Medicine, of known and established c Maxey,
Every fatuity in UM United Ste lei sheltie he .pplisa
with , Bachem's Ilangerian Ilals.l of Life, not only to
'cortitcraCt the conitutiptive tendencies of the climate,
bat bs'bo used an aprexntive medicine iu all cams 01,
talc* connba, stoning of blood, pain in the aide anti
Cut% Irritation and soreness . of the loop, ernetje.. ,
difficulty of berating, beetle fever, night sweats, cassab ,
stint and general debility, asthma, Inflausa, whooping,
amigh and croup.
Sold in large banns, at dR par Wide, with tat hose.
inns for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing mass of.Englinb. slot Alma*
cut ••certiftestes, and other evidence, skewing the line
equalled morns of this great English Remedy, may ha
obtained of the Agents, grimitously.
The sale by B A FAIINESTOCE de Ca., cornea e
at mild Wood and Wont and en Ins toed/ors
to ELL KHz , IN114:R1 Ait COUG ti SYRUP—Tessin. ,
17 :Bantu Last 101 .
Prrraegand, Starch 27,1E47.
tile. R. E. Sailers—ls Justice to Sono. your Inoue.
parable Cough Syrup, I Leg leavatti Mate, for Usbec,
fit of the community, that my nth: has bete several
mes sittieted with a sum &ionising cola, ti
abased, In Bestiary lan, a bottle of year By regr, wale h,
eared a conga of icyo months' standing. About, one
month since, the cough returned, and Was at starers
Mae *be could hardly move, froia screenale in that .
breast; I sent for one bottle of Soar Cough Syrup, any
• part of one bottle cared le roqh (gave the vibe;
to rotoumeyman who was evcciclY
to net his own words, `.ca El enough cough candy to,
care an Me penple to Pittsburgh,. if the candy Itadh
Leco a good
Ljt•p e :::4 '" A:lrd ' lbu u ll UY 4 B. E. stAELL'IL7ERSLL,K2I W 00.2
street, and sold by Druggists eenorally to the tire
osierdale ,
J. A . BB:WN wtetl mo m
&wi3woo,,.u;,thuekeepe on band at r a auuloeth
1 1...7 . t y nd0 ot .10.0 , Ilmmorul, Ana
nt complete uteri.
VenhiArallinds. also 1 ,r2
hen ..51.entla 'ate rtuUie
der in the Lest style,w war"
eriunt nag intim) 'ter: zt"l
lin Illutdx den he re.toved with
eat the of 111=111, &Ens . ;
flanlng porehaeed the twee)
toolsoted wood of the ealneeter , - ,
teblislunentof Runny& blVel.. -
land, I am : prepared to Waist ,
their old chsterners, es well as
the Onblie large, with every Mingle theirline.
Arrenen, No eWood street, Pinstorgh.
Aorta% J. A. BISOWti.
. Economy an Wales. -
rhECIDEDLY the eheapeet ant best pleaele KM
if butalt to burTeu le ut the 'lns Ilarket, east 114 t
of the lhantatin. They 101 l
. .r-Edelia:llTe aat sopa - - ;
; Verlor ..... 075 "
;The -very EU
Lir> , priced; domuged, or inter,r.r Teas am act kept - •
it tilt eetablithment, theieritre, ,nether yoga. Yoor,
ear or mend &child, on are .1110 to obtain a roma:-
artMle,; and it the thevor .thr 're. le eenlaPP , ov 4 4
then readily eXtliange it or frlo (11 the money.
IY/1 : P.lOlllllB er. ILAN\
il I I.64ICUTHE SO YDO L A AP— • tar tale tg
rso i m .
C re , MILO.* AMR
Pulvotised Cat ti Stare • , • ;
I) EFINED and emend explesety for !oat, Plat
t% dings, Cakes, Cutouts, - '-
ftS,rtoe for Boiled OM of now Wit;
ra.rattr, half■tests's6llNa two lablespoonfeSt
of teftssd starch—sits theillltto Ina small gaaatity of
the milk, tat it is perfestly distelvcd end woosetts—edst
the Offs, watt beaus, o the Wirth—peas the ..l sp,.
and starch into the Dashei Cl the milk, wide
silt toastataly tttl It torl tt> oltra—Ecettatit.
Fat eby R Z
Nea Aar