I=IMIE W . 1-I I T &C O'. n.wthrn ft. Ratan,. 4 y , •IMOOI, etriT Toga TO VP° Pe 7r+-Weeny. 5,00 o • Nov el , o)•---• • VLu o at • reduced r RAI CS OP ADVERTISING AGREED Lll-0:11 1111' TI C PITTEIDUIIaiI PRIZEks One war re, (thlineii of Nonparellor Into , one 1 One re, es ea additional insertion -1/n. Out ortek • • ----•••••• --- 1,75 Iwo week/ •--- • ------- Dn. three avert...— I,tai Da. one month • ----• n on •Ito. two 7,00 three month. --••-. Dofour earnibi •—•.-• • 10110 M.. de months. • Do. 1.e., m0n0,..... 1500 PllO.l4Pg Card 10 buns prices,) per enuent• IttArd I Oftelarre,chezigeaLle toplesure (per an num caclubire at the ..... • .. For each additional 'quern, learned overate month and for each an Minna! square inserted under the year lyAdvrer ralu, tlisemep ee. eteneding a square, and not over tfteen lines, to be charged as a square and a Calf rablislicni net •ecountaide for legal Athertisementi beyond the amount charged for their palitication. Araenneing candidates for attire, to lie charged the Mere other advert/semen,. thtemeathnot mocked on the ropy for a epecl• Md number of insertiona, will be continued till forbid, sad paymentexacted aecordi . The privileges of yearly advertawts will he confined rigidly to Lbw regular Lusinces, and all other adver tisements not pertaining to their TEEL!ar business, as agreed for, lo be paid extra. AM advertisements for charitable institutions, foe athanica, ward, township •ndotberpnblic meetingi, Ad each like, to lie charged Lalfpriee, payable strictly advance. Alarriage notices to be charged to cent.. Death entieestuserted without charge, unless accent• partied by funeral invitation. or obituary notice., and• when en accompanied to be paid for. Regular advenners; and all others sending oma/ rtheatione, or retmiriag notice, designed to cell sale lion an Fain, Soirees, Concerts, or any public en. Ithluments, where charges are evade for admittance all notices of ptivate eseeeintions—every notice di --lereVit%'"M gqig r riZ p t e a=::=7 " 472l c l u t l i; ly be Inserted with the understanding that the that late be paid for. If intended to be tnierted in the le Cal column, the !MOO will Le ch urged at the rime net lees th an SO per her. Bishop Of Fitt Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern License r Penne., git 'earn. lall en Legal c. and Aladical advertisements to be ett•rged a Real Elate Agents' and Auctinneerei olvertisa iced, ens to be claimed under y cony. noel, 401 10 41 allowed dirammt of thirty three and one third per ce from the av aunt of bills. went? es TZLI4OZOiLT tl GAILY corns. One Square , three ineertions• II So Do. each additional inerrtion• •. ADVOOTTOZIOrT.73I., werICIT Cocoa. One &Mem: lilt tiara.) one • . Do. each additional inaeronn ••••25 All (111111itill ROVrIIiSOO4.II, in he paid in advance WHITE t CO, Gssettc. L. lIARPEAI'o.t. RI ON' al. RIDDLE, Journal. JAME'? t'. DARR k CO,, Chrordeia FOSTLE S BROTHEL Dithateh. JOR. RiVOlSDENAlercury, • JA51.1...8 Si. DILIDI.I., American. KAINC, Everting Tribune . Prinz - ant. Dec. 1,1912. CARDS. 4011 P A. pAII/[IIIbUII, A ~ LDPIDIAN, Fifth Wool, Penn etrect, hotter, 21, O'Hara aro! Welont. ALP boor:ern prumpny a. 1.4e4 ' mays _ ALEXANDk.D. VP A'..P.Stlar t A TTORNEY AT LAW—Mk e, on Fourth meet 4:1„ alwre Wood. tra DAVID O. TOTTLIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW; end Cornmeal... for Penneytentua, St. Louis, Mo. AU commonications promptly annvetrert. JARIES 10. A TTORNEY AT LAWtcr. on Fourth Creel, bctereet Ewanb.4thl atnil Grunt, l'ingthurnh. sptl2-/Y ATTORNEV and Cfruncellor at Law, and corcle -oloner for thn NAM of Pcnnaylronro, Louis; M, (lam of Pittabarair.) ileforencra—ltittibursbr lion. W. Forward, !tamp ion &Miller, hP_Candlesa & McClure, John E. Perko, Btiamlla &Semple, McCord & Kirar. 000144 y • BIDWELL . CO•1 ITORAitatiI.DING MC It fallAN 11a9,, .1; ittlgose, Pa. (snail/is Perry Post Ot)Ace.) Having permanently 'armed at this plane, a liewr . and subatamlal talaarf Boat, we are prepared to se , neve and forward promptly to all pail. on the river, an./ Sandy and Dearer or Onto Co net.. Irk C.a. :• Glasgow, dome /0 —trio —tartar 1. croaattela • 1 , -IL woonwaro.:•-•-••••• '=.....4141,K .a...... IQIAGALEY, SVOODAVAIiIItVert, Wanteastle Idea. „p_s_The No tall lalarkelladelpht a. ar t t , • 01.111 - 7 — ltaatla Ai Icallitiritiii.-- DENNETT,B / MR:i Lc CO, /Jana:it:tore. of Soda . lednaarfah.m.fh -- ...2,e ., ,,i1',6.fg,,°1::121ti1'c'rry"'. n0r37.1r .., Frederick Braun. • .1311-AUN it lIFIITr ft W:1.0,—, c.. 1 I, nt•le•rt.e. i ~. . rgi rs p ta, n eorner tPI/..r.,:, a., 'IL :1.1: ~..3 I, 1..., C A. dIeANCI.TV a Llo, 4..1aa1d,a,/ a.,.,1 % ,on- Pa. • tlymlOn Anon/:al, C..natsoma,f.a, l'alltairch, 1 • O. Pdfurilaa-rCLrgl4/Ir°4iffait",'/Vr.;l'lVErlCratd , banh. .it-1 It. ficlacy•- •• • AndiCl ••• Frllllll t •• • li. 1 / 4 I 1 4 :::1/1fli ne , :sec, V1.E717 NG A. CO., COMEIRISI,,,N MERCHANTS—For th e ..,1 , of Do magic.. .Allen, and Cotton Goo iti il.a, dealer/in all Finds of 1 .done Trimming., 770 117 Wood ~ 7th door from 1 , / ,i, Pa.bardh. . Retard/ma. Meer.. Wm. A.. Hill a Co, Ilararre. PPM I. canto.] ----7,.7f4..Ti1= - • • 8111110 OS ERVIN. Commiss:o4 MEBCDANT7.I vni.l 11111 Broker* No 114 rn eond toreet. Ur lAsTgli. rho*: WIC L Inc : ,LILCS.6 niIIINICIT t IMNNETT, (late V_ltbah, Gallarher Eidt. C7 4 ) c!..`e , lT.salen'd'r47,%%?.°='.',7aanndd,',,st: 3 . , Imre , —awld - oetores. No. 37 Wood IL, between td and Ild streeta. sTO • VORWAI:DINI7 COVoils-doN hIERCIIANT Pio b.cond et, ettl.larrh mrdl aollm w. rorturataai o urtonerTn U. IV. POINDILITIC.R w. co., nENERA L crutsip , ..iknv ..1 , L 11" o:4ll3(rdi Male., No '775 Martel • reet, Philadelpln4 7123 TIZALO, OUCH. 11011. a CO TOBACCO CUIIIIIIIMON ivElicitANTx. No. 41 Norte %Coe/Street lc .No. In North Whe n ,* A. J. Brreson. PleleCa. D.O.3l..egnonale 1. A. %I'. an [4. TETTEi., to - 7,1 Deal. or a... 1 CoOminnion Alerelnitra, iof the gnle of • Alleerieflil Libc/O. °Poems et!. rt. refit a.a. sax, r. HA Id DV . JONES et Ca., imire•icines ID A twr.l, Jones CIIIIIMI./011 and Pnramedin, Mn. *butts, des'erii in Pittatmegli l.facialactrired lined., Plembereb, l'e encll7•• VV. p. raxitxuritil.t,, tercet... Tri e.l rinA,) • rIDPORTI7I . I, 1/calce french and American Pi. Per flanging" and Border:, Winder, S.:Jades, Vita Wray/ ere. Aino iii;, l•recicr *ad wrap. and Paper , fro. 57 %Vona tercel, iicirA•eit Fanelli areal and Disarmed alley, mart ride, r4b, febl3 PITTOLIIIII2.GII GLASS WOILKS• font; AONEW, late of the Grin or Charaliers,aii, OP new & .'n would reepectfully inf i rm the old eus. Olden and the palate generellyonnt be will Anne to elite, on the green fillies I ueinnea, In all 111 •Inetiet i and in prepared to all older.. for Apothe• eerier Fatty,. Minerals, Potter', I, ink ac.. ate., C1.411:14 to r 1!:., n' r27r „ Ync; rU~7I 7i dia-kt-GA;, drni er In Dye Stan, ratios, Oilt. %I/1,11421;e5. he, No. 03 Wood, so -cl, one doer Soria, fbantond Alloy Meager,. • ripe Li: hilt; Vointuirriod ktereltaad, and dealer tn Panda uad lbstithargh aft...Ts NO dt Water st, Pinstiureh. - main, ratan DICKKV & Co, WI oleaale Orriento Coma Minion arrrehatta, and dealers, In Prod:let, Nos.Ad atm% aid 107 Front streets• l'inthr ran loud obeMETtilwinit• ••---• • • Joieplt S. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesele larreere, and M , • Aleeharfor ffaiard Voredor, No. id 7 Vinod at., riturbetral, derty gyj.aVyriiirlet 113 F A pottotiarY No IN Mailer et, three doer, abneeTh led et. Pine badyti,Mill hare y on .t Wl selected sr sorment 0( tlin be andeenatantl freabrathand ttedietelue.,wblch ha mdll sell On 'at men renroomble trims. PNY.osol siuslog rittf,rn, will be prionntly enendnd to, and lap. pdud whh arrieles they may rely anon ea genunie. ...Ptirintiana Preset - I:Alone will be ae-unttoly and ... pr,pare4 from the teat riatdiii.la/at sny brier of Laay Or Went. AU* tat Sala, • lame reek of fain 1114 rood Parts Marl. •F ec bLOYD, Wholesale Green., Commiaron 110 • Menne." and Dralen I, 1%, ft.u..rt Chauth dings, frontier on larr: Wood add en,,itiabetr.s, I • v opt fill7l:7Anto W Riethean Llne to Dearer and the totes —Odic e Weirr sod Small aril ais ,I,nl ' 4 l — .l7ka'S — A: infreilk - SiN. Lewis ifillaleaton sk, C essattosaton Wren:too or and Agent. of the St Louie nit.tit 4iiets /ternary. Oa, OS ris r amid iii moist Sni.tarth 106;11.1,Sallt & CO, Whole Ida Lrynetrie Ilifrolc and Mule.) In'st'r'irm'enta' d - Iteta l .Meal. er, nit., ricer! Pena, ttnllar, ' Cards, an wukommY ro ite cr. ...eh. sir r, ken In ton ta in 111.11, flato g 717..IWFIELD, (late or .tiZrren, Otan,) Commis. fir g goo and Forwardn Met dat, and wiaaltnit Water to Wesiern HCP, i rl. g 1 , Cheese n , Ratter, Pet e and ffited , A.0 . ,:0al Western Prolate generally. Watcr tt net, bernr een 9tnith4eld and Wood, Pittsburgh. PTR 2 -- '''CrUN ES Forst ardlng •ad e , nniaission Mar chant, beaters La Prodare and Piiistura, inane rrilsaue d artieWs, Canal /train, near st. • ap4 ' • PESVI ft tr. I ., • PiTTSHIIOI - 1• PA • lirEtiiiraln CHILDS k. CO., Algoofeeturers o Zen' , l-11 '-'.ins,Carpnt Chain, Cotton and llautos. EL O. nTOCKTON, JATp. I . , :hestost h. tow kten, ootcsn.Leg, sTA LTIUNJ, PRINTERO.43 vdnrous, earner of • ttp sad L . bl tows, Pimbtrily Pa. ilsordu . . ~ ..., - .r E . . . . ~ • .. _._ . __.______._________ . E, I N 1786„ BUSINESS CARDS. - Pittditorggis City Glass Works. • W. CU NN IN GHAMI & Co.. Ai Y !"11' , 41 . , ks : e . be t w een , en,Prshoroo.. Parnentar• attention paid to odd sites. Alto, DeV:rir to FLIN I' GLASS, VIAI.A, BOITLE.S, as. W. ecnorstansw, S. suntan, Jralf o. C. 11111011./.. WILIIIIIIIM, Writ. ll filler,Plulad. C. W. Rieketron. Pittsburgh. ‘ rtILLER k. RICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and 172 rh/ ho 174, poners corner of Broodie er r. Wines nod Began. Nor. and of Libty sod Irwin Streets, Pitts burgh, P.. Iron, traits, Callon Yarns, tr. ,te , eon. aloofly on hand. ____ ___ -.14 - 'JohnMm MROE, Wholesaletirocers.4 Commis aion hlereliants, No 191 Liberty St, Pittsburgh ap4 riTTSBUIttill terrEEt, WriRKl9 AND snilliu AND AZLE FACTORY. Luis corm, bona JOAT.II 4311130, 1 1 11 - ANUFACTURERS of spring and blister s. tisteal, IVA plough steel, steel ploogh wow; coach and clip Id springs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mai table castings, fire engiao lamp; and coach trimmings , ncrallY,comer of Ross and Front Nu-, Pittsburg Rderi rardea, Cogs oalsaloin Alarahanto. D. Al Old Levee at, N Orleans. keep constantly on .LN band a large assortment or Bran...of the follow.. in. b rands, which they offer for tal eas st,gent. for J. Darned & Co, Bonlenur,viv Mackay, I .tzsud. J rand Co, Larvehelle, J J Durant:, G34.11.C, AdeAl m. tecan, A L Neville, A de Mondore, lean Loots, As.. Ac; also, Anchor Gut, flonleatm fled and 'White Wine. is: Palk • and eases, selected wlth care by John Durand A ~ Jldra Champagne Wine and Sweet Donned, • AT 110LNIES A SUN, No : 3 Marketer. second doo VI . from comer of Fourth, deatere in Foreign Domes. Dille of Erettarse, Cenllicatee of lie Dank Not. and Spec/c. ED"Coleletions made on all the prin. ipal emus breech.. the United States. Latboartaphlo Sartsibilchmosst 'r4 rIF-Wll. SCRUCIIIIIANN, Third .t, °poor. the L., Post,DfSce, Pinsborgapt, Landscapes, Bill. heads, Shombills, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Dalin., and Virlu Cards, de., engraved or drawn on stone, and printed to colon, Gold, Oman or Black, to the most 'sprayed style, and at the moat reasonable prices octlaily IL D WN: taborph ON,LITLE P l t. %ChToice. Grocers , , Groce, Produibertcy l and te and Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh Manufac are, 7 Rom. 1.0111301.. !Ants FOOL h. 110111Ns a on pl . ThOl/EIIT SIOORE, holenale Iteetifyin, Al, Distiller, dealer id Produce, Pittsbuieh Manuthe. tares, ant all kinds of Foreign and Domenic Wines and Llimora, No. /1 Liberty meet. On hand a very yrge Gott of moperior old Monongahela waiekey, Etch will he sold low for L. a lIETTIOLO3. • L EINOIR.OSI & Forwarding and coi rhir. nwis, . elan Merchant; for the Allegueny River Trade: Leak,' in Groceries, Produeu Piti.borgh, hlailulac• 'area, and Chloride of Lone. The blithe., price, in Cash, paid of all ti , ntry rags. Corn, Penn and Irwin Gm mea for R UI3 .ustiAn Alt:tath'n&ts,Cfeis-IC‘rt'lls'l'L/lineem'ac:.:l Pittsburgh tilsuuissusros, Liberty stree, Pittsburnb • WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Parevardtng and Comorlseion aletchant, and Deatcr In Pm,. burgh hlrwafactares, No 211U/cm creel, Pnonnrele, Pa s.e. sztact.Trr. *Tuori iyl Wa QII.S.CFLErr & WRITE, Wholesale Dester n s & Foro.g. and Grazes:is Goods, No. 90 W.) riuobui,,h. apl 7. CI W liALULtUsall, WoOr blerel,anss, Dee le oin our and Pf04112:6 generally, nud Pnnsurdin , and Commitslon blerehonts, 142 Fi r s t Street and Iln Second wren; Pusshungh. anl7 SF. .1111.1-D.ZITIS.C.OII. JOHN NAV., bun nava, ELLEUS tc. - NICIII.II, Nosing, and Cir nrral Corn. mission &lurch:trm, No. 17 Liberty street, Pitts. burgh. Simnel, Linseed and La rd Oths. apt 7 Q — TPITON 13c-3. ei - GxVlZieTile Oro: t.). nese, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,Dealers lu I'lMb:ire, blaneacturea and Western Pt - gainer, have retanved bo P,eir new warehouse, (old suld,) No. 30, earner of Front snort and Chance:), Lane. apl:. . _ • HORIA/8 & HAWORTH. TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS East ride Dturtontl, Pitutturglt. aplB SA LL r 1111rIVCI 01, 2 11RIVE11 4 11 ARMESI3. BUM.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Cortatiorton And dealers in Yittebargh Manufactured Articles, Nos. 130 sad 132 Iherrad street, Betorecot 'Wald& Smithfield, Pitthbargh. anal thus ware.] JOllll WATT 1 101 .101100SL it CO, WiIoLEAALF. Grocers, Commiscson Merchants, and •a•aleis in giodure and Pittsburgh Mante factures, /ra Liber t y et., Pfusloargb. le.. scplg F LOUR: -711 Gels ehOice th=o brie Superfine; 31 bids Fine, arriving, and for nate I, _ III24 i ni a r .r. N..I4IMATRK K _ , U[Talln.l) inform the goldie, they hand taken the warehouse ((inertly oreapiro by the late Mr . SOlOlOOl2 Scheyer, 114 V-revond mere hav i n g a larg e sod commodious ware:muss, th ey would o VllO th attention of persons having goods to concign or store. They will also glee 1•110.111100 10 the Piatehlre and aide of Note. Drilla. Hand. _A r. po.• •• ft ..1..re,.a• •A 1.. ft. IX T •SON,. 4: ft. , l t' .nrrrei ro rr i t r rvrrirJr.r, dcrart rri rt , l r , I . ra. d..lc.c Pr. Prr.t , rirtgtr At..ttrui r •etrirril Astr r . lr, rter ,A,t r rttt :or sa.l, if,fi:moud .44 11ktmase.w.c..1 To!..freo 11111, 'WM Tot ATTOILIMI( AT LAW, I:or.thr, Pa minu. ale° wend to oellecoons ind Il cl er bon. TT oeu eat: puce, Po. entruste Refer tod loa to Butler and Armettongta J. S R. Floyd, LlbenT C-1 W. W. Wanes, do Jams. Marshall do I Pitub•rgt. Kay k Co., Wood et lln> JOHN IetordALIIIIN & CO„ FORWARDING It COMMISSION hIERCHANTS, Canal Ruin, Penn meet, Pitubureh turn JJAHlita M. DAV 49& PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 527 Market, and 54 Commerce, Philadelphia. Adv Steel, made, by dither Of the above, OM ccussign• menu of Produce to either House lard J. D. J. Vi WILLIA AIL FAM'S & DOLESikitF. A RETMILY GROCERS., y Forwatdelg and Ccomitelou Merchiuna, and dealers in Country Prnduee and Pittaborph hlanufac• tares, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Iturru Wm. . hici/ay. Wale W ILLIAMS CO. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROARS, North Fact corner of ITood and Third streets, pint Prrresvum. PA. • Y. I.LIAT, /OHM B. 03313111V1., wouDi4,lll3. &atilt 11...1.4.1T. jrkl. DoG.l)..Elf it CO; Wholesale Grocers, 18 g F old 'A Wood wet], Pittsburgh. apl7 .161.1,1 D. %VIM 111.CANDLP.S. W& IDVANDLF:I39, (eneeeasora to J. D. TV Wirt,l VVlistlesale Grreera, Forwarding and Commission Merchant.; doglegs In Iron, Nails, titian, Colton Yama. and Pito!. ingt Manufacture., general. 1,, comer of Wood and %Yaw, insects, Pi Cabaret. W /hal. MITCIIELTREE, Wholesale Grocer., liccury:nr; Distinct., and Wine and Liquor Merchants. ALo—fmporters of Veda Ash and lench. ilia Powder, No. 100 Liberty, Greet, (anima* Sixth *Gem.) Pittrhargh. .pl 7. IA I W. WILMA, Watehe., Jewelry,t4li•Cf War. VT . and Military Coeds, earner of Market and Fauna street.. Pitubargh, Va. N. 11 W ar be. and Clock. carefully repaired. ap 17 Gorr TOL7II. /011111 Wu.... VXISI. YOUNG ft Co., Nabs. in Leather, Hide. V V Jrn., 143 Lihe at rty tweet. • -Wt. leelriell[0:1. Soar. atom - aeon. &R. MeCUTCHRGN, IV holealle Grocer . denier. in Produce, Iron, Node, Claw, a Pit.hurgn 51nnufactura generally, Libert y strett. Eg2Luugt. Janl7 • r HAVE taken WM. CARR into partnenthip with me in my buiineas, which will beim this date La carried on under ile name or ..latin Parker & Cc." March kt, LAZO. JOHN PARKEEL Joan William Can. JOHN PAILHEU. & CO. ,nem& Graters, Dealers in Permiar. Ferrara Liquors, Old MonongaAola and Rectified Whistrq. No. 5, Commercial . Row, Liberty street, eur2o Pittsburgh. P ivarstalan PALM.. :much naMra.. WE a.E• S PALIII4II, lIANNA & CO., to Illaracy, Minna Co.) BANOMRS, EXCHANGE UROXERS, and dealer. In Foreign and Domestic Etettanye, Certificate. of Ikposite, Hank Notes, and Speve—North Weal corner of Woodrand tig h ttreets Curent money received on deppene.— Checks to e sale, and Collections made an nearly all the principal points the United States. The highest premium paid for Fora ign and Amide. Geld. Advances znade on contignments of Produce AMA Bait. on lihntol erne. • • Ana. a. n'eurto.j talc. 1. aaaa W. A. III , CLUIIO as GROCERS. AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Liberty street, above ;rood, nava always on hand a large assortment of Chaim Groceries and line Teas; also, Foreign Fruits and riots, Wholesale and itctali. Walesa sorpheo oo the Iroverm torn,. mayl AGLr, GLASS WORDS, JOSEPH . D. ABELL,. NIATTIF.„,";R.F.t/Tna,(7, Y on Mineral Pinter, Potent Medicine, imd ' Wno Bottles or every description; dap, WINDOW MASS. Keeps conrantly en hand a general SALOTIOICIII of the aboao article,. ALSO STATE:fat' Ihe eCer Glass FACLOCiCY Are ALL emerge, •s to the CREAM SR yammer, THIS FACTORY CA NOW IN Mt orreanon, and e s an operation both ARMINCT and wthicr. Orders respectfully solicited. and will be filled AR the ...honest notice. Woreboose,No 112 Second street, betorte&Wood .19 . IcolltEteld au, Pittsoprob. Js , 2trlly A L l' d itto u egilvtgh:nd CHAR. ether, under hA Gm of Slower & Borne, for the transaction of the the Wholosain Grocery,' NE:4mo, red ComErtiorkut boot. n od at No 130 L ereand creel bctorsco Wood _ nod . E.roolLad J'Atftotort.. &our 1,1r..4.—.0rl INOOL t WOOL t rilltE Elden reamer KIN, in Oath wit/ be paid for Wo diffract grader. of Wool, by tol - & W lIARBAUGM IFITVIT - RIOL,-201X1 lea fer salt bJJ CO of B A FAHmt HISCEILMEOI , WILICIBIR HALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH PA. -- T illy magnificent es'ablisliment being now cam. 'Acted and lead) foe business, the proprietor would respectfully solicit a share or the public patronage. lie ousts by giving his fall attentein to the busiess, to make the house a pleasant and comfortable resew for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the cannery generally. Good attendants will be In waiting, and every,. yr..o made so •redor• the witanlishment worthy the countenance .R 0 Pr...loran intelligent community. The TWO SPACIOUSI HALL% fitted for Parties, , Concerts, Lecture., Della, and public =teenage, will be le , b y t h e cycs,. c. 'leek, on as liberal terms ns any other fa the city. The DAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and beauty toany in the world, will be kept furnished with Pare Wines, Choice 1./rtors, Cordial*, Porton, Ales, and all the cool, light reireahments of the reason. Poultrl, blame, Fish, S oap, Oysters, and Clams, served up In the beet style. the T fihe DININIJ and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on rst door, and easy of seems, will be consionL supplied with all the Ukases and Delicaeies of Me Y season; and aim., with such eutettanUals as tile market. I afford. RanargillibLitrhilutasy'or'ep.atl4e7, Tseear.;_hel,l".'.7:,,7 nonce. be G 4 e . n o t p lz e m d es .r tth m tp m ele i, l , /m i ke.oi. avliimia.il:, anyett, can, of the day. Good Staking and an extensive I.:•eei T....l6h meat is connected with the ROI. Dinner at 1 o'clock. Breakfast and Tea at the usual ho urs. Entrance for Ladles to the lee Crean/And Dining Sslmin, No g 7 Smithfield Street ' d',.il Y R.il. VAN RENSSELAER la. WISTEIVKLT, ra A• WESTERVELT 8. SON. WELI, KNOWN VENITIAN DLIND MAICEIIB, keep constantly on hand or make to beet article in their line, at their old vad order the No. Si. Clairatrem; also . , at No. - PG illarkei streei, F e eond Fiery, entrance in the Diamond. Venitian Shun..., made to order, and old blind. neatly repaired. aplo WW.* J. oLzraug, Bolakikletters. E J e V , 2I".IM,IILe ‘. ° % ° ,7l,Tt°,;7„' m:t7e: p'autcohr.e Wf•1';`,ednt,11::.`7„7,1k,"1..°,117;,e.',7P..,'1nt: faction will be given in regard., I. neatnew and du lability. Blind: Book, ruled to any pattern and bound s• atantial:y. Book, in number, or old hook, boned rare ub . Lull: or repaired. Name, put on books in gilt letter,. an le that here work in our line are invited to call. ate.. low Pawn illeichin• Shop. TT IV IC llVlLAN—Jlangfaetarer of all kinds of cot The ton and irmllon machinery, Allegheny nay, IN olive works being now In fall and mccesetal (p -enman. lam prelim-led to gamyte mi.* with die stub for all kinds ni machinery In sty line, each m rimers, arreader., cards, grinding mac Liner, rautrays, drawing frown., eneedr., Unseal., more, woolen cords, doable or ainglc, for mrrehant or country emit, .. I .ljACkr, &C.; t lido nnd hand lather nnd tool. in gm an gra f l. All kind, Maharani; made to °Mee, sr planed!, or gearaaa ing cattorim nr mills at rmonitnic chrge, n .0 Co it Blacketrick, a Doll A Co. P.nnoek (la . Ism A bray BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEttlaSt4.l.ltP I'a•fattIIACTLIEEI3B, ell ranlatghtos,fusar Plttabtargtho Ps. Or'v, No. 57 IVerer s,• I,ttr,r, 1111reLte and Brood, Pracf,ves,-e. • a W l hl. eonatantly t try a u ha., a sool•asort• .. „ 1 .7 teen, or War.; of oar .tare tortnafacture,aod aopetioratottlity. at and counts Mar. Che t are rcapectfully.tovlteu to call and ex mos for that:mole., •. awe aro attrarititc.l ot II aaper thstahaa sear Gators beett otlerad lo J le ran,la t put- • 11.7 . 1.erdera Kant Ey mall,aceoropentee by the east, o, g rAferenoe, 101 l be PratnellY nu•llde , In. mr' VACTORY, ALLIG.MI. A. wiurEzt CO., would re rrenaully inform M. tee p ee ns that they have erected a i Lap on Lecoek, betwn Federal and S.anaky at.... They arc I,,aw waking and a. prepared to receive ta A. re lt every deneription vehrelce, Camelia..., Cheap, 4 tin. muc, Blmes., itentona,lca , e.e., whah Pxl , rienre in the I,llus idscluir of the a 1.., dudthe they hoe c, they b-el c,,an.lent y naLlea to do work on the molt reran:lo,le win,* » heebe wanting wart, in then. Ilne It ' Paying paranoia, 1111dIELIn to ma eeleaton of an.... Haas, and Laving JR,. tot ccm.p...111 I, Jrilairil. they have na keen.. In warrant°, kbrir work Vie thereto. ant the cateutin of the pat. , to Matter. N. B. liepair.ne done in the r.c4l riatoler, .11J 4.. n :6, meat reanonalae iArnae. • /1113 AI .1 A 0. .. PE I KSN, Pea tree., Bestate %VOGL, s•eD hi se. m Prer..toscii, /NsatiTficlil-: to mans/acts re or; tent s 01 lV ter KS, TIN AND sill:Err [RUN WARY also, stout Work. Stearn Smits built to ordor. Spectal auentionpven to sews,, boat work. Have on hands a lam assortment of Copper ti! Dr.,, Kettles,Tm Ware,.4 e.a.e. Stramonat Crootro,,..4wvea. Portabie Forget, various sizes—a very et:macadam ar ticle for steamboats, Calilorma etch:Tani., or eat] rev! comeautes. the weal.] respect/ally learns meant boat men art others to call and see our articles and prices before ourchuina el aewtteTal7 . 4- Wrought Ristk Out Iron ilatllltax. 1 " Ire n."`ate that faabloombia &sighs for Iron Railmg, boils tar houses so arid cemeteries. Persons wielsoig to exa mine, hand me patterns will please call nod examine, and ledge for themAelves Bailin; will be iv rt....bid at the short rat neneo, v .1 Iva be, nlnrnrt, a , the , 1.V1i1.1A21 t•:e.Ll] hl .ease se:elfe le•Olee• reeedvma, Lis new el e el• ge •I , as xil,the snwti rad, st It, of Cleat, Ilieeeeiteeel. ',lle) V eat".., oh We and town •tunreer rtaffs, and r very orne, for gentlemen'. wear for spring and It Leans antpormaLle to deecnhe the hem.), au•ltty, or quanuty of the Clock, the prop...tow hone. 5.1 who are wt want cheap, fashlonable, and teed male clothe.. wlll gave him a tall, as there ta no stock lief , sine the Alleghentea that cut compare with It. The ready made department 11 'Orr C . tlsauaq aJap• teJ to all tastes. 11,11 toad contractor., connect torrehama, and all est* gawk.° largely. are pattivolarly trwwed . rx aratme the stock before pureNawng. as parheolsr ts pant to the whale•ald hal •Jae•S to the e..taL. laohnacoh Every *mete in the wilortng line made to order an the moat fashionable and heat tattooer, at the shortest net, en urrlq nOTIOR rr HE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A te C BRADLEY, is diasniven by the iteeense ol Mr. C Bradley. The bale will be earned on b A Dradie7, Who Wlll imtile the inew 01110 late firm. REMOVAL—A Bnantri him removed his roundry Wareho.e from Noll Seeend suet ttwNo IV Wetni street, between First and &mord street., to the 'MG..- howte lately occupied by ti A Berry, where Ito Win Very constantly on band *general awonmentof Carr, men, lirates, Minns, Cocking inner.. fie. /Yll MANUEL ZIeIiLVIC, • 51"2" , .dKf1721M.0.Futi',"„ - :rLir.),7.," Cast Steel Files, of all aihm: and Blacksmith and lino Maps Morals on hand and for We matter at Ma 'Eta gle dteel Works," O'llara street. Ftfh Word, or or th. office in the Iron Store Of IJOLIAAN & BARRI SON, No 4, foot of Wood mom, /nshore, mr?....r111% ULALL We, the undersigne ,t d, d, having nerd, swab enure sa teaction, the Can Steal and re m ul e by Strata McKelvy, at his Eagle Steed Works, In Ibis city, tak pleasure in recommending rhino re equal in quality I any ever tared by in, of foreign mtmufacture. Pittsburgh, March G & 111 SHOEMIERGEII k. CO, bi•nufacturcrs of Iron and Nail, Pittsburvh, Pa. KNAPP TOTTEN, Iron Foundent and Machinists, Pittsburgh. Pa. COLEkIAN, & CO, iil•nufactu feu of Spnogs, Axles, Spring Steel and_ 'lf 1114 rte, Pittsburgh, Pa. & MFA UCH, Engine Sonde. and Martine Card Alatinfactu. rem F A lt Pram Founder, Pittsburgh, Ps , GRAFF, LINIMA .ECO, Manufacturers of Iron and Welk, Pittohergh, OSEPH TOMEI NNON, Locomotive Engine and S J hin huilder Pittsburgh, Pa. %V IV SIIALLACE, Marble Matsu fan tater, Mackin., and Engtnalluild anal •r, Pitt.berth, Pa. Dila°lntim% of Partnere/Hp. riine Partnership heretofore yawing between the en tribera, under the firm of Chamber., Agnew le Co., Clues Menornentrem, wax dimolved by mutual consent, on the first day of July, instant. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said firm are reonest ed to make payment to either of the p.n., without de lay, and all persons having unsettled aeccomm with d firm, ore mailed to present them for settlement immediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AGNEW, EL 11. OIIAMBPAIS. !NOTICE; ifiriownere athiat eoneigather of ioode crime', b y Tthe 'Citizen,' Portable litona'Line," wan me, tote notice than they wall be required to pay treight at our srarehoose, according to the mpt, he tors the goods aye removed. (0 A hirrANIILT Ves s'at - Washing, klhmataling, mad Clonet.tag Plata. Drascnohs—llin the clothe. Into cold water and let them seat over night. In the morning wring there out and put them to a Aetna of hotline Water, to which add the proponlon of one pint of thud to isght gallons of water—ollrit 011 and boll the Whole lw , •olf inhale*. The clothca. may theli be wrung out and well rinsed In clear cold voter. The parts of got • meats that may bet most salted, such as wristband. and collars of shirts. may be slightly rubbed before nnslng,and the clothes will be found perfectly mesa, whim and clear. • Warranted not to injure who finest fabric anito twee perfect eatistsenon, or the money will be refunded. Add wholesale and retail by R SELLERS 1 cep 10 o 7 Wood et Waveband. Warren and Yittatictrigin Toles-mph Company. IN parmance of a resolutm ft of the !toned of Direc.. tort Or the Cleveland, Warren end Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, rekoesting th e Secretaryto maze out end cause to be pabllghed in the newspapers along the line, an exhibit of the finaithial and other affairs of thi. company, I submit the following Repack.— The line of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates •t Pituborgb pawing throath Chagrin Franklin, Newton Fails, Warren.) oangatown, and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and New (tattle a.l Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, or which points there WO OrGe.loe•ted for the receipt and tronloOOlion of busineyt. The whole length 01 the line is 140 sweh, skyey per mile, making ■ mull capitol nocc of 5gk..150, ofivhlch amount 130,013 Is held by calrens along the line, and the balance is held ny Cornell Pt Speed, the cOntracton. The above amount of sub. scrlptiong by CillteliS, have been pall to Cornell Spool foe Wbielithe Tnniees have their receipt. joedtr /EFFERSON BALA', Bee,llarY TO GOAT 11U/LDRIIII. 100,000 Oa AciuoneO Dock Plank; 100,000 feel Coal Boat Siding. For oda by HOBERT MoKNIOHT, AltOrtay at inw, Fourth It Gli, 'TUESDAY M INSURANCE State lllnitial Fire lawnHee Company, HARRISBURG, PA. Como iplaßn' y erhy av ii it ' gto=i ' p u ori g c * iesTthe de ist runlet . near'; One a a Half Million of Dollars, during Ma last three months. to ai Meient inanifestetion of the eau./ motion nod conridence of the public in the system of management on which it. turtle.. is conducted To city or country merchants, and owner, of dwell. inks. and itObiled or country properly, it lo Su si e ra fes orom t my Grinds advanges in point orchesp- C ne p. to y, this coun try t 7, secrity, in ta ferior to nn Insuranee om . Conducted on the equitable and greatly improved system orClassMention of Ritko.excludingtill speedo hazards, inounegly a limited amount in any one locality,thum preclud on ing the frequency anioccurrence of large Gres, ard also on both the Stack and Mutual Pia., it not only poraesses the yheapncso and me cOrto mridation of both methods, but entitles the teemed to a participation lit the profits It it nodes threontral of the following Directors:— John P. Rutherford, A. J. Gillen John It Packer, Ratner! T. inner, Atonal A. Carrier Philo C Sedgi win, Robert Riot: llf mrrif FM FORD, Fleet A J GILLETT, See 7. A A Catillit., AellmrY Branch Office for Western Yennovivanin..slSmith- Lehi atrees, Nor:burgh. Peytn. desiring inwaranee will be furnished with books of the company by con ing to the other. no 3 JLSa sand alh laarxes. Mutual Life rs d H t ealth I s nsura a nce Company ' of Philadelphia, lororporated by the Legislature or Pennsylvania, 1049. Charter perpetual. Capital 1g1u0.0.. Ra n gown man mry P.M:Ole Y.. Company, and fall Sal per cent. lower than the usual rates of Lae Insurance, e n the following tot:a -m/son will show: Th., a pareon of Me age 0(30 Ind baring for CPO for life, man pay in the Bit'ord 3 . 1 . 16 t Pf 'nn . aTl , valtio, R 2,38, Penn Alumni, RIX; Eiptitatile, rt,'S!'44 EZI-andif N ew ,2.ripkßfeiNff' Dtaccrous.—Sartinel D. Orrick, Charlea'D. Ball, W. F.lloonc, Robert P King Charles P. /lay., 111,, W. Baldwin, /IL AL Reece, hl, D o Chas. 0.11. Campbell, Lew. Cooper, I. Rahn. Bdrker, F. ll. Baller, Rdwin R. Cope. President—Roland D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Robb P. gm I{j Secretory _Franca Elackburne. appl.enione received and every information liven by SASIL. FAUNS:STUCK, Agt, YRllee,Commereial Ronnie, Corner of nenlotly Wood and Tlind ms, Pittsburgh AXD DlAltlfir. INS VAANCia. 4flpd. itiN,,o4rith.Antranecrelcoa.pw.Bl petty uubir oily and vitiafty, and no 6114111.1 U by Csital, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. T. properties or tins Company are well Invested, end furnish an avail •ble fund for the ample inderunoy of all pervons who desire to be protected by insurance tr . 21,2 L P_'..„.,__loN2E_S,L_ ._ ty e at. 44 Water at. Fire and diarin• Inanrance. THE OFTICT. of the Inaurance Company of Noah elinerira, ha• been removed to No: 111 frontal eon of Wood. ei The C subscriber, agent for the abort old and wagon. their conien o nflfaffY, Will ' , meal:dines on. ItiailJings and ts,.d shlionenla of Nerclaohlina Stem Banta and Be Mel anionichl tindery nna Anilll4l-0 Nn 8. JAMES W. WOODWELL, Timm Nr ., Prmotaaaso, J. W. W. e leg St nv , Peetfellyltnforms the partite that lir has rnm plrtrd ht. berms, street of FLIRNTTURE, the large-at and most Vested assortment ever offered for nal, an this tot,. romptinne several eel. a ROSaWoOD, and Ilhava for, nrannaontal and plant, saltabte for Pororo, Dra lamb and Bed Rooms. CI of vrhieh and ho sold al the lowest arts, Verstma essatng Furituic.l.l any d ateflpUon. are Tpretfully Ir. virtu In ear and examine Ina cues, "Inch mt.,. ever y drsertpttoth nom the rhcapcsi and plainest to the most Fart nody of lattiet. the coroprsses part Fetea Tete noirasi Tete • Tete Istvatts, Conversation r•ltairr; Ellsebethtan ('t.,, s; fleecy. on. tau,. XllO du Extenst do llntlst Etuque; IVbat Not, Toilet 40:1; Lon. XIV Caramadorei loose or llosiN coast; sd m ,1e.119. raid. Plush ....: 11.1f.d. s 1. 40 do: filyLOg Any Par, Chu', Id J. 0.. Id til l e Walt.. ~ do ,- ere Fleet 4 1 . 4.5t-ego:lx Rocking J o. 2 du Plane Otto. to Al•shle Top Centra Tattles- , 2ti do do Wash Stantlt. :Ar Mahogany Deffltca-t, 1 0 j Wardrottes. BA Walnut Cherry' do A Ter y large ye-on:nen; of Cosnretn Chair. mind oth• or L.., 160 toiltn• Itk.rution Stern Loot. fornlshe.l on Ina Inane.: MAIM All waiet•prnmptly an: tided to. r • - Calonst Maier. ead be supplied with all nor,. or Mating., Watn at. and Veneers. •1 earmderehly ed Met, febls • - - lIERNEV, PLEIVING it CO. HAVE FOR SALL'. F It. 0M T 111: MANI:FM:1111c Eitr,AN I) AT KANT-- LEN MANT,PAC-11,1s17VS IIIIMIS: ' 11 1:1"c "t''''".l'"'ltli7;;l=s; -..- Yellow do e 0 F. ty Couraml<4; all Stil RIB do d..., Ode, ell b.: I% , tory rnecs. Meek Satinet, Home Lea naming. Steel uvleJ Jo II:pe J. C:hccka and .9.ttip., very v• lhab Jd henry good, Fn , ,,., '1 Rteet eitot-r• la dor.'Roach. 4;e i 1 . ,J.1.nr. cer, JO: 6• 41 i' 4.lin, ft.,. Ale., , . ,r lin,. r.tt.,• Ko.d \Vl.re Ter,. ~j. r 11•. •'..,tatur rrn rt,tl. "rat, It; . II rnr., ltect• and lIrslla; St., I Nut d , u , trfr 0 cord It; a: Tbrrad, rr.r,r:ct eurerlor ruclr; r , alt Far - erre! Vertzner.er d. ;Vlach Sat. do IB ttelnarrh GrDraam II:' earn liolrend to g Silt irvi Lditorin, CT the 544.01.rrtarrrs' ri. , :lrou•e, No Woal e rlmlr 131soo1 tatiota 'll^ ro-parthet ..th I,ctia•con the sutthrtherr. oaa, 1.1/, ts th” day t.y moth, content. Me,sr+ lithrte • Barnes wt.trent e the bosom. o , ,the roneern, Cot athleh purp. , tc the) tare aumortze.l to use the name of the concern. NAM, :16:1, CO, rAixt, rniirmny. T110.51.1S DA The undersigned nave tiny day avone,ated the caselae In the name of BURKE BARNES, for the porpos. of ...Oa:luring Piro Proof bates, Vann Doors, ere he, at the eland of ,be late faro of Connate le, Durk. *ee Pe, Where they will be pleased to naive the patron •of We centotners of lbat haute i,lll theeetoends. EDMUND flt) TtiOhlAS 1, tro line from the firm of Conte:ole, Mitt r k. Ca., I with ateerte pleatera retototnred Mel?, Hurl. k. Barnet to the confidence of air etentla and IL, retell, 1 el.. 0, itAa. N L. CON:Irk !ILK lebltte/ If C. AILI 3 wr4fauTo -11 A, jusi r..turns4 from the Pisetato and ecetifin7 a large variety of rx-asonante Good,, to Which hs trivnr th r attnuitint of there ants .4 acillsr, No q (chi' _ W ALL v P i A n . t 411 Nay Volt and Philadd, from elphia, and ati.n,ftony gencies, this nennist and most appro•rdony les of I'.. F r liongines, toroth, soiih Horner. ..1 Vire Board Prints, and l'cater Taps for sale at oii Waal at, ho ts.. Fourth at and Diamond alley, laacec.sur so a. 4 /7111.1 WiIITALLIC PAINT-5 bri• JIM re,' nip you,* seamer, and tot sale liy the harrel or single pound at the Deng, l'red. and Perfumery Warchtioss r of d . &gib anWOod metts. N liet 4/111011 CA/. 8T.,. P p h ri n te ' theme.'"Yr(urem‘uriog tktn n to7e Vo'lra rn and witno ' o ' t akaggeentinn, or bur of eontrutiminti,u; Um. who have tested Itm, pronounce It far rupetior to any other in the market. .The ennsenterneed hove no apprehenriona of aniline eatlietl, Re. kta ita ...- you°. prevents a dam from a when being ap plied, which meat he done when the Stove is vomit Tne enannty required i• in little te r ce a beau °fel Inure A miring of over/Ay p rent ir Humored to the 001101minnit. A Coining applied to %Ont., Pi when load away for the outrauct, is • sur pes, eees net no against rant. Amer havin tried Itome, Of II is accesuble) no perran um any rout the Phsentx Mannforteving Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For sate by S N WIORERSIIAM, my. Corner of Punt and Wood streets. MOSS /41.• MAN ZINC. 1. Vieille Montagne storepany gpo ply their enema with RooGng Floorthic to oFiets ax: fret, from 11 to ounces per square Amt. Corrugated in Orme ar 7, IC az, (or rooting pulse budding: and depots, Ship Sheathing, II x flOn 60 , , (rein ..!1 to Si molten. Nail,, /piles, Wile, Sax+, 111°14., Profotaieil Zion Ac. ('hey warrant Oscar Metal purr, and free from any •dini mere of 4011. or any other suhatance, and cc coulsonlid 11 (or tine nunan.ile 01 Wadi retool 0,0 the house furnishing line, as It doer not rail, is not affected Ity the action of water, a,.t may be polished, painted rid japanned. Sturipies, model., plans aperifteattorte, and other Information may be had oethew enenlC— ACC.th it Britona, New York; Arltltson, Dui mar A. Ca , Bast., Nation TRIAIOTO A Co., 14010,1.100 5; W. 6- 11. McKim Ba.ltimorej: fu .out. /1.1 Soertenti, New Orleans; I' 7ltLLllnov et Agent, a erav , New York. , Imertomifier —Aron:dam NEGIV Tarr AutobtotonphY cr Leigh Hut; with moll. s ol Strada endenntemporarleo, In 2 vole. Carlyle's Latter Dny Paropolets—No VIII, subject, Jeruldsta theta:lt of Darius the Great. fly /arab Abbott, Mal engravings. Julia liurennl, n Notannen. fly Nes Ithisin Pietnnal Field Done oldie ;revolution —No d . The above works received this day, and for only by C STOCKTON nek24 Cal, Market &Tbiol mt. 1 A ht. 111 nAyiske, Num the imam teen. Pilot No 2, ' liege of Putter. marled J. Any , information respecting them aril , be thankfully reelece& ell. ttrltt It JOHNSTON Loss A Mann Poops—NA •• rants it el•nulta Ve ' r% N e a W rT(/ ' riern Sooty, l E tn7it ' n ' il u rit i v io e n al , ti t o k a ' p k r These Soaps •re highly c elebrated fur Imparting strointlinery tu the skin Pi:rebated from the importer, and for tale by eeplk SNLI.Strt, ay a t INDIA ILUNISittI Utica ber.tes, from 1,10.11 0 I inch k. The above peeking t repared en Mel 300dralres Fahrenheit will hot street unit .1 superior to every ng el., as nn iiiistnitee lose ro much elasticity whist, stand. on Melt olceree of heat, and any be need about all parte wheatspecking to neceseary, all: manknla in plates. [non rode, meara 'pinta, Nem chest., 'Wis. der !tend,. ie. For eale Vll6l/[51115 A 1.5 retail by J k I/ PHILLIPS & !I Wood at CrIODACCO-311 his Shererood's latop, now landing OO ISAIAH DICKEY & CO BOOKS. MUSIC, &o. snow BOOED. ROLM ES' LITERARY DEPOT, Mft , ureel,oPPOWlte the Port tlthee. lAA London APERFImEL D fo r N m o berLuta , . Living Age, No 337; The Valley Farm; or the AmoblogropLy of an Or. Phan. Edued by Charlesl. Pmerson. Petticoat Government; a new novel, by N., Trot- Harreee Templeton. By Charles Lever. The Iron Pleak—Dereme best work, e Life of Yankee Dal. • De \Genevieve; or Pleasant Loie and Sorrow. Hy A. Lamerilne. _Boston flbeAtpeare. No 23. • 'mewzivaiiii'ar sw ninny TENNI' LANE.; a beam:LAO Ethiopian Song; 21.111 g by the New Se /3e watchful and beware;renaders; Ohl Dinah, take this hand; The Malden'aTear; The Rick Alan's Bride; Would I were with thee; By IL. Pad Sea Wave, as sung I.y Jenny !Jai in New York:. • The Bird and the Malden, sung by Jenny Lind; Take oils lute, an.' by f enny Llnd; Tarn not away; healt hful duet. by C. C. Poster; Slelylune Polka; by Starkest', Jenny Lind lmina Good Leek; fenny it the Gate; end Md. words , . very ben Polka; Gm, new Walems and ex. tensile Saler {IOU olGaittr PliCiPtolll of hest mamma. eels Il !MERE:R.IOI Third street. :csolden Harp. DONIIARDS 11641 A OS. 11010! Agency for IllnulhataVn PllllO2. ll RL EBER.takes•pleasure in announcing to the . public that be Lax roceeedertin •ecuring the sole arrency for Dunhasn'a celdbrated Piano Fong, for Waffle,. Pennsylvania. The Piano. made by Mr Dunham, of the Gem op rttudatt & Isaham, are too well and favorably known in this neighborhood to require any comment Li Wls lime, snSee it to say, that for a king time en other piano, were known in the Western country Man there of Stodatt k !Lanham end Minns& Clark. 1111, Ehinharn, Ike practical partner of.the above Ono, hes spent upwards of twenty years in the fac• lay of Gild firm, as practical manager end Greeter of the hailneas. Within a year or two Mr Dunham has .boug hi out the entire (minify and appurtenances of the • Inn, and continues to mannfa stare, a , before, in his own:Lame. • Dunham'. Pianos hare ttaed coat Polutiarlly, that in some of the western l ike,, Cincin ati, de „they have sold two to 'one of any other manufacture. They are dlatinguisbed by their power and brilhancy of tone. and extraordinary nose IL—A large involee of the above elegant Pianos oelo. receiving. SIGN OF THE (GOLDEN POLDEN 11AR day 1•"-lilae 11Fi2.7.",E.te :A Serenade—Arranged to, Duct. Jeannette and Jeannrm tor Guitar. Vole, of by gone Jaye—toeter. Away down in Cairo—bower. Ito Whlchrol rind Dearare—Clover. Betide, many other popular Sono. end Pmeee II SLESER, J6iun of the Golden Harp Third W P. :10NrS New Docit;. RAl.V l ,lllosose, and Remedy. Lly Dr. Moore Addable Lindsay, a novel. "Lettice Arnaldit".Nonnon's Bridge ßy," Re.,tho d n d uttier c Lite add Camtopondenee a( Rote. sioniney—pan 6. Gibeinsit Rome—Gth and atb yol..—nompleiton of as. work. ißatehred and tot onto by gyp _, 91: R 0 SVICRTON_ 0 • slew noous. Et i ta tt en 4 .l giti r Ali o —z .. En t fe r t y lv illgonfie, L n end developement; drelses'ed tor toe in colleges and rchool "rya. C. Fowler, late professor of Rhetoric In nichoretCollege. Artroneciy—The recent propel.of. Astronomy; empecielly hi Ole United Sonya. Elias Loronts. live Years of a Rueter`, Lite in the far Interior of South Africa wild notices of the gonna twits, said anecdote, of the chase of its lion, elephant, hiprapos luaus, gird',, rhinoceros, de.ointh Slow ations. By R. O. Commute. Received for rale by It C S TOCKTON _repel 17 Market it /NovMiniT LIST received at•II. KLEBEFES sie Store, the vg following &nal,— In We Eye-there White Ileurt I Leve bui Thee. The AVateher. The and Red noses, se y Steil. Ile doeth all things teen All in over. Where - ro ran die ho,es I chests heit La Sete o tido. MI p 7 1)115F, FOSTER; or the Mysteries of the Coon of IR. London, col 3of Gm mien :sting wink has beep teceiveir Ilelrneal Literary Depot, Thud- street, opposite tie Eon flEieei also, Ellen P We 1i0n,. , by Olivia; George Coatat a rry, or rmme ald Seanderoeg Ring of Albino, lor Firmer; C. a Moore, L. D; and No alt Littell's Livina Ago. smut. A LARGE and extenalve assortment of i',ATE.NT METALLIC RUDDER FA Mice, erelong the almost entliees variety embraced in the assortment, may b * loand the followthr Boe Covert, Carnage Cloth, Al, Bede, Ale YE loarsoAtrCtahions, Water Pans, Tobacco Poaches, Lltutt, Coats, Cep., , Cioats, Tarpardins, Gloves Mine., Poodles, Raps, Ethnic., Purees, ' Ifore,lloar Spring - it /decilitre Banding. Boo' Weeters, Mnahlne Ttrekliwt, Camp Menke., Paper Molders, Life Ent/rivers, Travelling Raga lather. Bag., ITAthimie Am. - wises - sokltln -Grey: , Licrov, Radtflo Rage •itirtuails, Coln naue L g a L , ~G.A.sfssatkiwaa,Gentio may:46- ixigings, Crecy eigukte sold at this tuts blistmeot is orator:led In pomp( all the chtnneteeltues mental to water proof goods, yliristinvolability under any Orme of heal, fier.thispy in the severest cold, great Oarnbility, Halltete.,peefeet imperviousscsa, nfl frecdoin from °d r. (or sale el the Goodyear Rubber Emporium, N. 7 k 9 'Wood street _sdp72._ Ja. II PIIII.CIPI 4 P44.31.P1:40 trot:sr: 4 iIMS 1 . .31VF• Si i auj ii/azio,- pnntpt . J J.,' V ~ .d 1. it. y • re..u., s. It . ... a m.. 11 o .tt . t• . i r ne t00d0...1 Hat a, .... C. Pa: tete, Ai I ~:-,,, ? .. ctrap ~ J.ty cobs, ws , olPrs to the 1,7, a , , , l.arc .2, ,riu.o,e., In 40 it 1,.. J it II PHILLIPS It' u:dl::::<.,',--\L":,''',.`;',...,".";:"Z-I";i7lfxr, Son } lower - ado; Jenny Cowl H WI . Glow, Attiountlc Vinegar; Asaandino POucliin Soar, foe whitening ILe Silo; All.nd Sh ' aTin, Erewn, Ho, do do; Am brow Ido do, &Jokey !ion,. Flolitina do, .Imandine do; flarel 343 Vol dn . , lino. doi AlaridlinaLlove do, ffequ o do; Henan Wiad..nr do; , BraPa Crewe: Le For sale, wholesale OW trial!, by a C SELLERS, top 9 . d. 7 Wood at. M, I I L‘ t "P J -r t: A t - in i t? D or I l b . e e f ‘ ..! ip 6 l: l :l .. f n -k! l7 - 4 " \' ''' r:::!..T. Lineetd 1 sta, gailed 401 h, Pat Brattier, Swit Eubs W,u,Stu how., vanOn sa., .1, Sold Vaho:.ol4 and 111 11 oil actolnaiOdatina !arms, pl. .—All our.. pareblising nliira et dry paint. who vii to do those own {tanning, ranive W,nein-wary .Irectlonst gnu, J 4 H P H ILLIPS .n -wary _ 7 4 9 Woisi at 014.. CLISS. lAN hand and tern.. hom erPhilltorrille Factery, 4,4 e the fall Hades— :de de 3-4 Flmtie Oil Cloth: . ..1 , 0311. 44 deg bilo yds 5 4 de SOO ydsl4.4 do, WOO yd. rs I do, 31990 yds lace, do, medium and Lett•e, trom 4 to It yawl , wade, all of . the bewest etyle of patter/Ir, and em to any given ore. 700 yard. 4-I rtifolhird 1 II Clothe; CO yd. 94 do b 300 yd. 0.4 do i I, de,n assorted sires 'Whig, Slam?, and Ramat! Coon„. wan., panorns, and splendid fini.h. 00(0 ytia 4.4 Patent Ca race Oil Cloth; LW yda 04 do. rsei wt. ti 4 d. :10 4 .1 pole Os! Cloth C ble Stair., arrested patieens; 01V J. 4 1 Ewen Olt ClCid:S.4e Window Muds, TOO yards 5-I So, Winona, Shades, a large assortment liii4 re I ceived of nerve., 'We, dlcrehrotts and others noshing to oderhaSe, are In• surd to call and examine out 1040r:spent Eluded', I which will ha soli al the loot tit easter., priec.. reo.:o J I. II PHILLIPS' 7 5 0 W 1.3 NamparOla bocia a. Limon Nyt up. 20 k ege Sarsaparilla Soda, do his do do; ' 4 ' l ' 94 ' 4 1, ... k I .P.I.Je from pore lemon juice; Jost raeal•CW awl far sale by Isla LITI,I.CaI 4 lartfrt - ronai WOOLLEN GOODS. , r enJettnyncd Oat on hand, and to 1019 day re. 1 e ring Horn the Matianctinc 1., or, 000.100Ment, a latg n!or, m Ina tot Flannel., all eein and tarred, tbkrsint4'reol,'lja"tkin'e"lisßahal/:w' e"eTtin:rblelV't'n'we„Trell by the ram or Neer at roanafsetarers. priors The attention of dealer, to woollen gotol• I. I nytted. II LEE, deal.. M Emmy It C. YEAGER, 108 00000 , (near Liberty') Dernerria•rte 11 AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN PANCII GOODS' 110.91F.RV, RIBBONS. 'GA C E:8, GLOVIItr, THREADS, CLIMBS, RUTTONg, SUS PRNI/Eltt dte. Al9o, Satin and b'sulcy Volitlngs. 111 .ArK.`ND_PANCV MLR CRA V ATA, PONDER, RAN DANN .k itn.l lIDKR9. • general Re serttnenx fit , very vane:, Al tranwinga __art2l ' 11 1Z 2. itIA It PC Y T Gast Sae or the Ihay...fl. AT th •stabllshMent the punter may alley.. de (I [wail span betug supplied tvllli CiVelleut Tcus ,easnnahle prises—Slay bevel Excel:cutlass at —• —• • • •PO S.O per ID The Best T a Imposed ••—• • • • I ou This Is decidedly too cheapest and heat store in Pittsburgh to buy Teas. MORRIS & IIASI , 111:111 rreS Proprietors LTs.. WILLIAMS deal open a el... Weal wier EL. lieh School, on the first Siandny of Sept. newt Room over J. D tune, eurber 6( Wood and Fifth etreete. t Ray Win. P. Hawed,Eril2l.ol. Rev. Dr. 1. hon. %Vatter If. Lowrie, P. J. D. hlceord s Esq., Rev. Dr. 1110.101. J. D. Wlllsoms. Erg tllt' NITA lie. 11,11.31V11V bURCHFIR.I.I) inform their rur° LV! era and boyera generally hot, in conaear mo tence of workmen being enpepied n enlatelng end Imp ova sop shay Rtoro Room, racy have removed litetr ?tootle so n os Ramon hyper of the budding they occupy allot the improvement, are fink/SCR, where ihty will be happy to ere their t 0510111.4 ors aloe s and far the unable of outthink op nem, will try and rossposero se Mom by teiling. act:. Cheep Goat.. urr Entrance from Fourth 'street. eritt94 114111 OLOVILO,ito. L A do RENCCS. oiR 01 . 4) Vrh.sinyle, for Ladles. do do for bents. stn dm do sin double. do " do do Rath. dnStrops Lade. do do t do do for Gents. do do 4th. heralded /Rehm 'sported and for tale by 'ill 11 A_FAIlle/STOf!R in Co_ - • ----- _....=_,:••_—.2 - Irgswegt Brous.,loth.. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD have Just opened a 'apply rather various qualities of the •bov aniele, 1101.1113 g black twilled, very tine. Aim Froach Doeskins and Caawnseres, blank and litre . an d Black Bann Vesting, at yell Inw prices for „war • . ' Loy P Etstinets. . R i rIIRPFIV & BUjtellr lELD hcoa.received a la! 17etr'ofalbsrlg:111. aF2°A:r6l.l=l:`:,'"ja; vujaw, ?derma Cassitoirea, Kentucky Jeanaank Tabby . Velvets, !a., at cdnlt east corner of Fount, and tdaziet ammo VVVITM7POK o Doa ßon lJ k rec4ng and Blank Books re cd b y ed by f _ mold, R C STOCKTON DECE 24, 1850 • B. A. FAIINE W 110 IA 11.411 L Carlini of Wood and npfsa for sole or Rai a_g from Europa, Bona, refined, in cases Emery' Com k Pored, kg• Garb. Ammon;csks &jars Paris Green, in ems Rouen 81one, in emits Flour dolphin dd Castile Soap, In bri Cald. Magnesia do CAM. do do Lae Dye, pored in lola Cub. Iron. in kegs .' Citric Acid; in-lb.bottles Pulo.Antimonialii;do 6t A mmdlT, C4 . Oil Ambertash Rect. do lodide Po do CrO•111:0 Willie do do in wr vials lodine Eng. In hi' lb bottles lodide Iron, in ox vials Coot Sanaa, in lb jars Ill.Carb. Potash, I b bottles Rine Pill Eng. in lb Jars V R go l .4.lll.7f:i L it ' l ho, Tatt.. 'Jo bottles Prussia And in oz vials Crocus Es Ma, in kegs RadValeri an Eog.io halm EN0.16111 ZIMACTS. EXTRACTS j / y e r o , n , iir2:llAdon na, Cola nth „at.: Snrsep i.6 : mmn 7 t rgyT:azielr, arilla Quasain i Vo.; Cset..nd. an hemp, imPorteti - 13 A FA lINESSOCII it CO .e 7 C.or. First it. Wood at. ----- Belling out at Coat to Close Dosintam, A LARUE stock of PRY GW. 00., for which booth JP. mortgages r , judgements, ground rents, or les ostate k iwill be corned in garment. JOY. ra Wood si., Pittsburgh. GAROUTDNOT Is reeeiviug . fancy and maple, trarlety,and Dry Good. nonsial. in Minn of WoolenThltol.and email:tern Shawls Bilk. Rerun , Thibei, hid and Gluck elm] renew; Wool; en and Warded Comforts; Allan . .. and BOMbnlineel Woolen and Canton / lannels; Colored and Bleached Caesiunts and Cuseinames ; Ribbons and Laren; Buttons and Combs; Threads nud Bindings; Umbrellas and Drew Bone de an of which, country a nd city merchant‘ not on specrfully invited to eraniine, et En Wood sc. .er.ls lAZ l n thi the d Nholeraje ' r ' afTry 'h an'd duce Bonner.; the nyle of the firm Will to A. Culbertson tc Clone . Innj A. CULBERTSOIIf a. cumin -room] (n a. cnorsi WA. CULBERTSON an CLOVSS., HOL.}..ALE WlliCEllti and Commission Mer chants Dealers in Produce, and Pittsburgh Tilanufaciurr'd articles, Ind LibertY st, Nita.*L'hi Pa. OAK FLOORING BOAREHIs Iflnia p Tri . Worked Oak Flooring Boarda, a m. , :rdyt,kay dry, ar j d or asemoßrxtality aogla,dif Sharranarah. atom 11.4 ipd ~ It.. R 0 ...7 Pl , Oonned nII in e 1... 7 b' ''' ---. AK ab, Power, Or ow a, - .'b e n:ln ' er p e n n o n. ' eeia' lily, by 0021 SCA ' IFE h. ATKINSON," the Find . between Wood A Math, Apparatus for Citanteg Steve Pipe without taking down. INVENTED by Ftljlarkllrsrg: nor rim et. between Wool k Market it A. RATO WIIOI.F.SALE nna ti med Dealer N, in D (A rn u e r s a ad H Danner a T d imm rn gs , Lare Goods find ihnbroidenes; slvaleruen's Pasinshing Articles; r, 1V00.14, Pane.", and Canvas, Pella hoard, 'Las. Paper, and Plower dlaler Carer Carpet,. 01 pan I,liThl. hIeCLIA tt TOCK Iv now constan2ykdralrau a Cloth a very urge arsartment al Carponslood Oil o, rd, mid R rompraviching a in part the fallowing varieties.— wls Velvet Pon C.rpeo; do do Tapestry Brooch, do do do Loglish a Amencon Brussels; fiewstylo orlon/ Tapwry 9.4, 7-4, 6-4, 54, 4-4, and Carpets 3-4 Cloth Emu mom Slily carpets Sheet Opl Mil Cloth, rot to gt aunerfino do do •my rare holt or room, do 'ligroin do 'Farina. rtyles and goal,- Med.= rap, dr, do tirx Fine do dr elpeo.,:e Hoe; Common do do Totted do 4-4. 3-f t and ad Damask Camilla Draw alma Ventuon Corpots Tutted do do 44, 3-4, and ah ?.Petry Thrum do do 1 Veninian carpets . ktherp4kin do do 4-4. 3 . 4, 3-8, .li e d 0-4 plain Jenny Lord do do Yeoman carpets rratoppa a out IViadow ea 4,4.3-4,a 9, and 2-1 rramn . Slontr Traffic. a carpets - . . Wait,. Blinds, Or. woolen do eo do Woolen Stair DroyrOtt t All of smirch Lams Imen purchased from the import. era and mano(acturen,comp:ming the r. en and lieheat styits, millets we ollt, to mummers as Mar as can be purebased any et the cavern murk call at the Carpet 'Warehouse, E 5 Foam st end :9-Wood sr. orld W. hieCIANTOCK PITTMILGII tallBS A • . 4. D. H. CHAMCEP-S, ~•n ti,11.1./14 aP 001.1 ItOpe , tful e ly inform ;Le co...ma 0( the late o Item, 14. 41.0 th plIblIC gonerally, that they will ot.. the asouLeture of WINDOW CIL ASS, VIALS,IIOTTLICEI dio In all their vorleties, at the Old Stand, No 13 Wood mt., entsaean Plrot 3. Water. Jyl3:l3= ~_C USTA l; ECEIVED GOODS. Ran don, at P. hleCtlirnt etc's Caro Waltham,. No. me. , mho Th tt'uo. ent, n ',rev ettleadtd Dentmoop Gurt,toltooda comp...az la part the follow!, vanicti, Lane at , d (told Como Detains; Slue and Crus•on do, Mallea tzd Sleet do, t and St bite Union Parts k; Curt.. and Whlte do; Sloe do dd, Orange and 'Mae Satin lhotnatk, entmazon nod Purple do. Extbostes Turkey Red Chins; Phoned do dim l'tato do do, Sol Window Linen; Dame/ do do; ac ,A r. Irehe above aped. ['dug puttitancti direct tromp the porter, and klanautrtur/rn, will be gold an cheap tut they tan ha ,fine, of the C*11 , 11171 clues. theeinode all wstung Carlota bloods to tan at Cot. pet Wareham!, LS Pourth went. -- • MeCLINITOCIL W aaaaa tad Pure Wined! and Brandi., (01..ITABLE for Medicinal Purposes, always on 1.) band and fur sale by the brt.M. sun, or Ration HI MORRIS tt HAWORTH'S arpl lea h. Wm., Store Der mart g vrt: case Mart Cloth Shawls' cue Yellow Flannels; • 2 cues Rad dm oars ned Flannel.. MICA Whim. do do; 3 eaves surest do rates Plain mid Feu) Cessieneres; I rase Velment 3 cuss Clan Alpo.; I Care Jeans, 3 cares Mu Mark Ms nkts Conung3 teams Gray Blankets, euu•Drab Blankets; rase Blue do; 2 eases White Red Minim.; pun Stenos Uoat Wankel.. Received on consignment, and for pale at manatee truer.. prise. by sept 2 DREAD WITHOUT TEAS: h 7'; I' l 2l=7:Veit: " :I:ll ' o t tr e t to prod" Direction. tot milting Brad, Tea Cater, Ilea wheat Cates, tea, byehich a saving , is effected In the Floor of about 13pcent. To make Bread—To each kneed or deaf add two leaepoolifulf of Compoano and the usual dismally or salt, mix them therooghly together while dry, an te d milkes ;prepsred dear that you can art aside and tem at leurch then addus as ranch cold winter as will make the dough the ual thickness. knead it well, at d let stand fifteen glee:ell before ' baking, one or two hours will do nn hum.' Biscuit should he mixed much thinner, and baked at ones., bat will de no hurl to stand falter, or twenty Mimes. There is no dan ger of getting too much or title Compound in the Bread, it will not min the bread yellow apAS/eralee doe. when used to exec.. You can put toe •borc Fompnund into Tee Class, p a drinks, Johan Cat es, Indian Cakes, (liege! Cokes, Coin Mrs) Cake., CArrk flr d, Drown Dread, Biscuit, Dauer Cults, Backwhes Clam, Apple Dumpling. Dot Sold Pie ,and for all ba g pupates. not 4 It E gt:LI VONFIALE: Tu d ke r, r ,. ..Lerxted on tie corner of keberea street, recently pat in do,`o"ngtrep7t—r. Into L'"'' ate, and terms easy. Apply te " '"4" 0014 1.1. 6 o bola I Vettern N "1 " 8' vrat,,72,lr.ziTlept:;wlg, FIJI-31 4 1 0 b b l i a . I age til: alsc,irMl; 37 bile do No 1 d e :) . 30 01 WI, do da 10 diem, Cod Veh no.:0 .Itl Vrh, arrlo 7 t . nz. lIROWNIz R/RRPATRICK Steam Beat TairaMingo. VIT MCCLINTOCK Invites the attention or gems Ty boat men to le anls aesertmeni Or trim. minces, comprising In p the GB owing Tamers,— . ,arch sod elegaat Bled and Gold Satin Itelaine.: ito do Crimson . do, do Seat let and Steel do. do Plne and Bloc do; do ' Crimson and Brown do; Crimson and Whim Croon Damask; Bluer do do; Cranes do Crimson, Green, ! IVatered Morern•; Wonted and Linen Toble Covering; Striped Toilet do do; Turkey Red & White do do, Turkey Red tr. blue do do; .4 and 6-4 Westard Table Coven; • 7 and 0-4 Table Linen; se Bleached Shealny; Scotch Diaper; 5.4 do do; Scotch - Napkins; Lentintsed Table Covers; Scotch Cratin;Plaid Toilet ea do; 6.4 W linched Sheeting; Mow, no. et; All of welch aro direct loom orrineiscp,,,.. n d Importers, of tie newest and richest colors and pat terns, all of which Will he sold as .cheep silty pt ensteni dile, We (wells dem boat Olen 10 glad us call Si oar Carpet Warehouse, No. b. 5 Fonrth st. and.,Wood .t, trial) W. SIeCLINTOCK w SCA - PIiThIiTIFACITING llttrEit W for MN wholesale manta, by non 1 W P. BaBBHALL SClttlei MISCELLANEOUS. 3TOCS do 00.; 4 DIIIIO6ISTEI. First MAI Pititsbargb, th ...n litaPortatiOr, direet I Aeetle Acid' . Pole o ..tre Firmer Watar _Armenia Pill": ses,:ar.emboald Vial Corks, assorted 1 Adhesive Plaster FOR lloltorans d ' vo Lead do do Galbanuto do do Elateriam du Citrate Iron, Pug do PreelPi (lath Iron Alpo Galls Tip e ton p 's Lint Wedgestmed Mortara and Peztles 011 Lavander, Spike do Garden Oil Origanuin Oil Rosemary Oil Hitter Almonds Oil Cajaput Oil Croton Fink and IllunSaucera Cardamon Bead Ralph. Zino ' • Heifers` Teats, prepared Gentian Root 1 Rhubarb Root Polishing Putty Indian Red INIPORTAXT TO STAUB COACH & WAGON, MANUFACTURES*. itLyESSRS. SLNGER, lIARTAIAN & 00. have bottalit the risht of an Axle invented b r Same! Gel Inge,, culled Sheffi , eld w y M ent, it ban been testrd by use hen coach builders, and pronounced to Le the best in use An ordinary Conch, with re: of Mtge axles, running- daily, lola conOme a holt o pint of sn six mouths The small quanti is one of the Len&so evidence. tee have of the ty of il used . duotion of lo& and centequeelly OM tagrireat ng roof power; it WE/ make the coach pisabrietoro w save= M coot on their sleet and reed. Also,. t mill sive great safety to the nat . 'mitring With tshe Wheel and not •Isaving sett C o lletilett with the axle Will entirely prevent., the Wheel from Coming oft. By Proper care. the pa , enteee wilt irarralit more &slop sost (rota twelce fifteen Years dolly canning. burgh. Pa Warehoese, I (51 Water and 110 Front streets, Tina. n 02.5 ULM unATlen c.. E.. Trl.onfeqjtlktmwpswhfich fras f nuen . ded the POUND and BLOOD PlllLlFllit,lnetttlitt'dlylocul: Rig the severest and most inveterate races Oi IN FLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC ftIIEUMAT/Sid, is a sufficient guaranteeand recommendation to in duce al/ who are &Mined with this dreadful Maeda to to its virtue. Hundreds of cases, many of them einaens of p.. Louie and otben from abroad, have been cored with. to the last few months to lbe city of Br. Loots alone, whale letters hem agents abroad dour also that it Is perfumng the same wherever trIBLMD AI ied. Many of these ..-? r. j . -C-V114.Le.11.81,121.1131,LL11n more rettnt dare, of the dubs Intlartonntery farm, very sevem. ALL however, deid. to Vie woaderM virtues of this medicine, awl tltoulande who have re duce in benefits,' and are now in the enjoyment of health can bat esteem the original discoverer and proprietor, a benefactor nr mankind. It is well Irnown from rho experience of depart, that no outward appllcanon can podiatry sleets pet. marten one of Una dreadful disease. By the appli orYon of stiir.ulautu hninunts, porde relief, in same thee. at v., be •'-,n net ler a •bort nett. Rut art the v rile tr.., tneini .ding its den.p innrepernaticr Cy ,n the o, to, ir tc. er nr rmr r sts n develox .14/ .1 h ,de , dft , form, NA after a sew peen mnehl !dan t . It ote- t o t. seh on,c form. 'duck, If co..onet drrested. torn- to noir dad tor rile. litre is verified ny hisin.y or the past so all coontnes, ad more fully deninortrated by the hicitary furnished oftutu to the proprietor of 171" compound, se riven by uveral handreds of titer., w Lot have past li ed ender n - immediate notice and trelintor donne tire last Cr. month. 1110•TIMORF7S 11.11F.U1IhTle COMI OIiND and BLOOD PURIFIER le on Inreinal, come own menceo its opera.. who. c dna., brit ottei• n•tes. and , In putfyine the loud pion• dr.:4h the whole Rymer. neutralitu the ...Putt er rsn'trr cent men. "'web has settled upon the znembrabo, muscles ono tendons- remover tt 01.11•1) tfOle Itie•} item , dtil remote. the rodurdual perieet Iterinh. her thou who are indicted ht.tdCLEIVi tbe.nrclves then , and pot cd th e use of this mean-ere too lot:, or unit' I.rabs are dislocand or commend to .melt a de. ore ,hat they ele,:elltpled for life.. Tlto experttuce of hundreds of thStll4l). dating the past,. Wei/ in a multande at the prevent day. demonstrates the folly of expecting perm•nent relict from external eppli. fr The proprietor of this valuable In i ldrelne know. ont exporienee, that no outward:application e irmllle hoedXVI • permanent care Where this prepare is in the ay... Ile can and doe, prepare and apply an embrecanon In my acute eases, witch mII give relict In one hour's time, but an will nor edect • permanent care. The nature of this disease II such that d requires longer lima; and •n Internal maestri , . rueslacell donned elect, and Ilottrmore's fthevoraire Comp° and Blood Purifier is the ouly remedy that he m ' ever een discovered, tither inAmen. co or any other country, did effeetually earn this dtsease. TOR medtetne can he bed, 'wholesale or retail, at 73 third ono, next to the Post Office, Pittsburgh. Price, SS per bottle; 8 bonne fur hIZ, or 140 pe dorm. Pamphlets can be hod gratin Of the agent nogrd R IL WISDART.Awer. • MCAT musiTnAL RonTira TAB PIONRBIIB OF TAB NEW RAIL ROAD. Through ha FOUR Rays TO PBILA DELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE, tirt: who pka mars la artno.eing turbo hfortb.ts TV of Pituburgh and the %%fastens' business Cl,llll. inanity, that on and 'after Men*, the Ithlt of S.er... mber, we will receive and forward goods via the Central Rail Road, and guars,, tee thorn to be through in Pour Mill Our &retinae stook of Cara and Roam epn enables as to offer the above expaditioaa routs to the v d r , a, j u ti m li hi c:ntinuu cur 'usual lines via Merchants wishing goats brought from the East with certainty and dispatch nt law rat., or produce shipped there, are Invited to call on OUONNOR. ATKINS A CO.. Pittsburgh. ATKINS, O'CONNOR & CO, Philadelphia, OrProprietolk:ors of the Pittsburgh Truespqmo oe Line; the fmin g agents, O'Coserrolts &.Co., TO North streeti Baltimore:. Battery Place, New lint; . Eta.. & Guru, 14 Doane tonal, Boston sepllvdt rM nsprasta* Patokat. 804 Ash. ri'llEsobscrtbers are now reteiviag i by canal, larg L 1 e 1 supplies of James Muroran te Pou's high test, and st onality Glass Meters , Pala lithisrhicli they will roll at the lowest market price, (or cash or approved toile W te N MITCIIELT= ottul IiII S TROOTION ON TU PIANO. Ailll. F. lIARBORDT, (popil of the first EttroPeao 111 masters,) late of New liotk,respeetfultylnlonns the at Pittsburgh and Allegheny that het has attired, and intends making this elti his permanent residence, for the purpose of Unearthnr hutrurtion on the Piano. Applicattotts Ica Ott 131111. White's Ito.raing haute, to labeny at, or at it. Mr berls Mosta Store, ill meet WTI h pro - opt attention. ' Otto ileatry alit Vests andOve”; do Fine klenno do; do bknrin Sainny do. do Plain and Fight Silk C . 4 . ;L , . a.r Fine Shirts, Collars, and Bosom;; Silk, Cotton, and Worried Sasprudenr; - Turkey Red ilrelsing towns; Prin.ed Maxine! obot* Rassts Dells; Um ß bra Silk and Linen Pocket Mkt's; Wool and Ittiekokin Gloves; Paper Kid •nd Gloves; :4:n,, Conunris, and Mufflers; /oat received and for said by F 11 EATON, GI Founh se BAIRD Jr.. IRVIN 11, /elect . Braking Monte Pets, dine. jF r rcu ire to excel tn the no of marking Miner Plc., Cairns; Prtdarnige, no., you mart nee the fol. nAfrleu:— Oncd Sound Outrun.; Velem.lan, or Engtub Padding Rannnq Cenditd orange l'ent, randitd Lemon reel; • Freah Citron rceli /:rape Juice; Stenth Brandy. • MI the shone Mlliele% ore for sole at • MORHIS tr. HAWORTH'S Tea Stare,east side of the Diamond ' IL Ch by flois OTICk:k AIeCANDLP.9.9 • CAVID. flinE subscriber' invites the attention of merchants HosaeyoMoveo U n d er cint w. nd, ... D tn w ed n cTk hoor above article. in Silk, Wool, Merino, and COMO, 01 ll st e. and prices, ...tautly on hard and ror toile nor, bv. EATON • • Bea, tn. Ellad, 1 - rrlIE beat of Wldes Ind Draltdres, sortable, far tae. amino.' or other porposes,oso alwo procure d VobOiesals or rotoitot AleltlllH ay ab ORTIVS onIX, Tes & Wine Dime; In ithe Diamond AHAMOrtfuo 11,* fot ' b 7, „ int , a , non MLSCE.LLAAiEOUS. Murphy'. Settleslbas Advs....lug Mu. • velopou, - No WO Abed Men street, Nene York. TILE nheerlber in soliciting the patronage 61•11 j.. who a see this nvencnt, feels that hesit ationorrlth which • new evicts is b rought before the pubfie.• The exPeriStMe of year. h. es. tebllabed their .uperlalty beyond ell question, and he confidently refers to the testtmeny Cl' those ban• nen men, who have used there coveter., arid to 1.1. Tha l Increasing sales, unroof of their excellence. Tbe following era • fewer the reerons for their pope. luny. In On the place occupied by the seed • person may have his name, bniness, and addrcas,..gonopicaonely and beautifully embossed, colored ovulate, lie. of: fording perfect recruit) against fraud. 24. The En. retain. amord he opened without . belng destroyed. 3d. Neither wax or wafers ate required tonal theta. 4th. Upon the miscarriage of a letter the seal insures 1. immediate return to the under ;mead of being' buried months in the Dead Letter Office. dab. The Envelopes are furnished et almost the Marne pieta. plain ones. MA Each letter Mailed Ott most effective advertisernent, sale to , m a y nct the lineation of all .. through whose hands it a pass. The following is • list of prices for Dies engraved en bostrui and whish w ithe r ill lam tor years; and of Envelopes of the tonal sire, white or bud, of ith in, address, an. Good paper, and made tabove ! ne Prices of Din. Prien of Envelopes made 1 20 lettere or len • ..• $4 00 al above 20 to 1,. 167 500 ogio--- --SI Or 30 to 43. -----. •nu m0.....,,...,....._... 7 60 40 to CO--- ..... .• Bnu 3500.• ........ • 10 50 CO to ea ........... 10 110 4/X0 /3 g o bli to 100............ 12 00 ne0n ...............—... la go When it I. not COrren ens to forward . amount of Order per mail or expreas, a reterence to &respectable New Yak Iron. will Lis sufficient. All orders will meet with Nonni 00000 on If siddreMed. WILLIAAI blukPli E. n it , New York. Orders will be attende2s3 Ida d to pre dian cimily if left at Um aloe. Of MEMO :Obeli Sr- Mon. i 4.1 WO,ll Erect, or of Messrs, It. Jertniamn h. Co .134 William rireet. N. B , —Buldnest Cards motioned in calor. react same Die., at $lO par thousand. 00n.„,j3,,,, ... ..._ • MAPS. • F URNISH your Hall, AU Ai Parlors with gt,,,,,, , which are uaeful United unentali— naps of the World, Stoics, Pennsylvania, Allegheny. County, Pelestii.c, blountains and Rivers,' Daman Life. Chemistry. Also. Astronomical ?Jam Stream of Time, Famt/g and School Monitors,Out-. line Maps, Globes, Chong, ac , at the der/ EDUCA'fIONAL REPOSITORY f.. 2 Illarkirst • FLOUR ItEDUCNSD. W 11it1.A.,,R71 delivered,t r 1 (o),,LlLril alterlt :i t . r li .1?,; their rgi,r,u nt el :Tr per ICO lb., super v il e ne, at Et? p l er JO& lbs. A'. liberal discount to retailers.. nol WIMARTII re Nfiftl.F. ----- . . on icarriFaiiii% PIANOS. JUS7' RECKFVED, a mew Cook • Chiekeriao a,tij and al heti. liffipp al. °, a rwhlrcarord Gala Puato.vbe most beantinal In./al:Gan eve i bzoo tbi to this city. These Piano. will be applied 4 at 110/[Oll prices, wortare 4.51 cameos won Tru as 0.11, ss, 1 . 0.1,1701 i Ott Sat. Alen received, a fine lot of Hose• ood plan, and nerved ?tan Sao's, with wilt plash nd hair cloth eats. For wale by Jollbi li. ATELLOTI, ' 1 Agent far tlictcring'w Pianos fat Wtttain PeJan'a; 1102 ' , - ___ Pocket Chroesom ''''''' Weuene has Pi re , c e e fi v rn e r i c of .151reerk.eta,a;d Folrtb Ppleldirek6brenomrier Vra:elfea,4l.arent73enarnefr; and ant eighteen IRarets. Thew Watehes 'mere made ex pressly to any, order, and ol superior workusamittly. Alto, on hind, the Target. and best essoriment Of Gold and Silver Watelice ever offered (or tale In thin city. Gala Valeta Lever Watches, from Stitt to Site; three damn on hand, from $3O to 1142, of b 'old, and warranted Sem eef quellty n 022 Is on nand • • J S IMAVORTH tr. CO ...I 0: XVIII NO. 123 mtoicAt, _ - -------,----__-_- PaOCLAAS eLTDON, rrow ell eater! / . re s..k nail *Meted With d.a • ale:;,.ugh,ngt- r ra; i n d iro ' lo 4h l nrult s Aleeoll ae, that they ..3 be geed brea the the Ba g tridental Toe may t..lk short it, te'et a 1i0,11,3n as murk*, yen:plme, nut this dee, Let Mar et co, for we proolarminthe Ate of an eon. o reAMIUMT7f, that Ile mines width , re en, Copia/rm.] in soy Other tartielly. The man Who I, nthked enth pato and saf te(41.111 threes:, an for Ally odd.. Pet eeLaff,..." en) , Ofilie Ills ennumerated above. Iteldet: it costs very little to mate a;trial. This reinnehla is rte Ma 1.e./lien monapp , rd, pint np for the p,e4,,,J 0 of ono." oit t o h n e Ett ' a ot:Phi M vid ' * Y e' nk: " : r ' e t ,7t te r t`llll::!s.7pAirta'ailif;'f,boy sons aloof mother eanh i s tts orthipsl panty, arid of sera to suffering hanuini y MI ready telhe , p, n torts and cheap cure It elegem] rile, after other me.ll, =ea DOA fai'e t to render any reiief jlt ha/scared Ices dmatthm of lota hrending, and of the ISOM and Mon 1 d intlehererler asas cured Cholera Motto hy one or :we Use., 3 eared old eases of Idgarrbeit, in wi 3 , b every art er =MO a u been'of ao ava d `Ann In at remedy rn barns land scalds, It ethane, than ni inedmet rem peund or 01121111eilt tbal We know Ll' I' /rt.! raw r/i•I blared or (rotted feet, in a fewappllcs, c , I, umloti I ed testimony oen be furnished of It truth contained in the al•Ove statement by Calling i i'• er net V Kier, Canal Basin, tth street; or either of thol tronif Keyser & AreDowell, eorner el V. act none: art Koeh n Va Alley, It. .a Sellers, L 7 Wood sinot. ft A JO iattl D. AL Curry, A llegheny city, rim Um egrets DEAL - PI --It la oi ;der.e - By - coet•ted Mar beauty Is IS 10 . 0 1 M,coommen in th!ni ountry 11, in I 31,0 oilier trl,./,1., consist then u t e ,, tiz%. , , n ,s ., ir c an 4. ;3 , .0 I it: u l , l „ . r i ..11 3 r , i ell , t, /a; to u ceitainrrm, nt, Lot tun trio Li o 4: 1 eat., LI 14 ne Klee. L IVo ' , Of to 011, do nor neglect lour r ee d ap p but read the following, or 1 yen need not lark , 40041 tool. fr etc oracles_ rire /Merinhe pee pamtions, end hat e ail attained n Inch prmientlf. / e t 11.1thi 5 I.su Ili Mt Vinit i'syl, P.lOl/71 SoRO, (Or reme)/ne tea, sunbUrn, (maple bietebes, soil other crown), a of the shown . he no .1 p ep ertonteon atsm valor prima/it, every known l • arelare nothing to 130 Ay mph .loap, intly , s tt eat cry name attacked. JUL. hat'M . 's l'i tnAII OR lbal•mt '33 Pgrur...ll,rD r II GLI. rParting to Mr moat bu li mia complegmo a radiant a?th ' r e t the t/I!'sno'f"a”g.vtioe'r'itcr'rjrb"ed's'n.:r/YaTincit'llyro'f i those geld .re very ilitarlous fly na nd ere l'oriMer IS e eMPuelltled in 6 Zeletllle manne eoetaMS ile Ingredient Wl.•h e. podsddy rearm all injury. Jotro. panto'. Demo/sofa. POR Itetl. for rculovio% superanows time. lir iO a more lust I ill at,,, L.., upon the fur, or arms f .1. lady. ,' hie iirlit , g , w-di taillremove Slid a short urec,without the rim of nor .Imre eumens Insi;tt,,,,V‘L"''' 1.4 ..... LA Liao in Olrlt Uri hilt besmiluiNgt.llll;:lr'etwr Tenil"l.lt.2.r,i] '!ylIt'",1;1 color the him n n stroller time, a•nt nn ' ro ;lb mall; than any Other Dye, being ut ILI: earn, tint s ludeilible .. JuLla /Ilintil NUR,. Caerst -It i royally a plea Sure to nh k yn with the ether, Thera ' ei c smarting tens , / inn ...dig capstrem..i ' ,,, i'an p,,', t co seot Most Soupei the contrary, it Ira.* II r t SI, rutoon, chapped. and Imit as tol Infset 1, and not Lab ;c in heron, !DLLs /teens'. ft ntsTocran Pass. -Neat ti the hair, we think the T elli were intended', the a reale. orna meet to the human face, but when nevi , , led, ..,hh,g • . la le dafighttng, or se quickly tent ly l'ooa Tooth Posts will impart to the. IMO a peen,. viluterte.s at the same throe keeping die gums h. as I healthy. ' Alm, on ,hand, a complete 113tt nottelt. of French, British, and American Perfumery ash I vele a.ticler . JOM3IIAUI r., Perncner ord I below; I UM Che.toul str e et. l'i rt. \ For vale wholesale and retall.by it A Fihnestosk &•C., and It D. Ceders, Pittsburgh, trnd John par. gent. and I. 'Bee/mil. Allegeeny C. t Ps iv..m-ttp AIBPOTI'I4II - NTD TO 'PSI C AF JPSI C. 'Allotlie Dr, Eost's Celebrated Rrilledirs. D R, JACQ4 S ROPE, ilindiscor., ter ao c f hofh yeo. pnetor of these most papules and beneficial medicines, and also the Inventor of the ...Oslo-nee itilitrarilent for blastula the lungs, nn ell. one u Cute of u4ronie sairiscs, era% a sludeLl 03 h i nt eminent physician, Demur Phyers,l and 1. a amide/co of the Unlyentity of Penneylvama, and :or Mitts yore, slate hos been ogased in the levestigonou 63 it arose, and the applieclott of remedies thereto . Through the c.e of his roasting 1-.1,c in connection with ha Prop4slantio Syrup and other 0. hi/ remodden. , Le hes walnut im urparalelled rir , r .1,,. n. eoein g those dreadful and fatal maladme, 1 atm:m.llr Con strumnon„Cancers, Scrofula ReC331011..i. Aslehle, fever arid Agee, !ever. of n ull Lines Lhronle Ery sipelas, not fill tltmc obstinate di tsedd necalier t.l females ledeed every for., Ot dress , tomohce order the nee of Matelot/he., to whteh r to-fa by m heir not by the ath of one eoiMpoin , i I,i. t i r lb., in compatible lei It Plostelnatcal I l • a , t 3.1 by the use or RI, reLlettleß, Roam! td BM tr ''.llL, eti-3i psmditar ton a of disease . Dr. Rotes Tattle Alteratiie Pills, whenused arc Invariably acknowledged to he superthr / • all cthor, as a purgaDset or hoer pillonarm.•or• , ibey le , .o Ibe Lowers perfectly free &cm t • -von , e,ea, • , i'.s , Mit:olden l'llda Is admitted by the foot o. 3 ~, ~• peculiar propArbes adapted to &molls Josasee, 1.11 beins Benefield that a tarelfhla issue ht 33 c[ilhlith • what Lae been said in the mind. nit m r .o t slent.o d The alarmed Are invitee to call upo r o decent procures att.) one-sof the !Sector s t amel Po, En.^ aad ta 11.1 a detailed accdant of each remedy end Ms a pp needier, Par tale by the fnllosrms egene a well ro v by most dregflins throughout th e country .1 Seeman/taker & Co, et %toed I.lt c-1 f9.3burg I h, 1 Id Townsend, iintscut 4 + Marl • • ~. T Adamehrber ' :seti d" .' • aneltdl PMMItI 44tIAILT, BOTTLER: trek rmurridu ins twee, slur net Tna Cone en Setefita or Kingbitvil, Rheumatism, Obrtiente Cot, none Endemic, Ibmpfes or Pustules oe lbe Paw Btches, Biles, Chichi Sere Eye or lo Tent, ' Scald Bead , , Enlarge:rte. s : . l red Pain of the Cont and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Itypblluo Bylnplow, Sciatica or Luothsco,•—find diseases arising from ad injudicious vac al Mercury, tiles or Draper; El:poser., or Imprudence in Lint . AlsO—ChroninConshiceenal Diwniere, de. In tent prtearatide we have all the restorative pro perties of the soot, combined and eutrentrated •in their lateen strength and edient y. Expsritnenta went madam the hianufae lure et thigewicale until it was found It ecNlO'net be improved. . Areertliorly, we knit it resorted lc alrne.t univerwny it nose et Sewed. Ltver. Dbleases. Salt Rheum, General Pros , tratled of the VltalTowers, mt.! ell 11.6. e tormenting disease& of the skid so trying to the ryvicnee , and In. • believe to the health. list a tonic, aperient and dl.• infectant. It nettrnittnatatleaully upon , tine ninninoll, the circulation; and the bevels, md urine three pro. • ceases, which are dn.:leerily the recast of dime differ.. ent kinds of medicine, are carried en at the same I time through the oirlromentaliir of nut one r eticent agent. There are near ware nt re tie van! polo to the time being, blather° family our veer et removing disease. No palsied e, to enthlyne. topimil plicauen will reme're it It most be attacked at it. source, In the guilts of the In. which con - ary the poison to the localides where it rf eveiop,ll In indam• mnloq wens, elects, tumors, •sibtereles, riandu.nt • avrellings, de. , ea the case' . mat br. These gelds ructlbe reached, artra Pari&,, I by some powertiitwent Serb nn sgt s I is nand.' Sarsape.ille, which gently stimulate, while it than,- ' feet..and eXpelD from the I,lotrinve and bowels an that la irritsang, and at the same tine resorts their vapor and Mee Ith , great merit i, nieeto and nentralless the xedre principle ot aril when that la gone, the nyelptOnlt or re "only d4tnp• ppear 7 b o.2 ‘Pidll imth whirl, the osneet reenters I . Resent sad strength ender this tred ., maacore la tor nesting. Each new ninon, lel:nth tt:s vi•l4l. d tarnish..e in the rash a new aertineam of lie 'once; and We have only to point is then eeinno,ste,o4tltnOnV of Innlttledes whe haw erpertereen nit cffecis, Matinee Incredulity:itself ol lie kinre alu Limn.. hillier of the anny has tinily tent on the following letter from Falltinnue. • • ; , hterrrlerr,'.len. In, LW. If.& ti gande.-eiensteve,,-1. beg leave to add my testimony la favor of y nr ukerhOtOle Olt • diem°, hoping to may lead some ;abet Ural/dem. betego to sty Ito ' , leads, and that they ' nay bent dited an f base been 1 arnved hero from gm 'trolled gums by the over. landroots, about the inn ofiecioner Mat A few days after I was enacted with n. very .diyagreeablo eruption of the rein, which rev ph yannan coeld nor eon. happened •0 find your f k arerznilla ea a Stele in this place, and Remembering the popularity of thy d medicine at home, I purchased Mice balder, which had the &aired effect of removing my dnitoolty Only. IV3h tigh T t l Y l ' . l l Y riEn 7 .lll & t y Here Si another, nearer home,a. 7 NM, fil ,Jan Vord rt.ihdl easmr• Benda-43ePtlemen—1 her greet pleas. is acknowledging to you the frrt,t ben,.. it n or.La calved from tire are °floor harklepe re'. A Ontric,, of pulmonary cilsennel made a Voinve to "Feline, I en, whale there coup weeks ha - girl/kir:to. A few weeks after aty retinal, / wee ir/7-,1 onto Vial= hemorrhage of the brags sod :tom she delaists and area% intimation of it!resth Ont. bdlou ed. with tha protracted difficulty hi reßptrairon, I ore re :likely e , named by the ace of year rter..eporkr:e, tr`kirh I e n : , alder a meat lumen, ht. - and Italy la the healing an. I fail that I Lear: ;,,.;,or Ikkeri.eri years enjoyed re good health no et piercer . vet; gratefully yoUrr, S. 11 eA VAILItt: Read the following from - - histrileaysnr, Nov. V, lats. wadi Ureter.. alude—Gettrtelnesk , / tare I:, liberty or ng you a letter which may or km:Wolk:len to er there who to tejeturg I hove door. I ocoeive4 great bencfst from tont ytamaparai, 4nriny Gaon. c ured'of a malady atter:intim/sic art 'yr or, l iie,reby• heerfully certify to the good itarot medicine • sad I terkke God will reggetti you to r toed you , have doom A eroale clmgh held ked me day' and night, mid repeated snacks sa Myer induced too to behave Mat I should din with ocok•retepreer fe w dayywhile salfertac ino;cht atlegh torraille fewer. , a traced persuaded am tr, tar kkkrperehl o Melee, hit to telt the tru th , I tad donailgace rat it; I finally purchated a toiler., and I.y 1116 end the help of God, l 'MI6 restored bita /1,16) than r hod estioyed foe sarYeisin;• I v.... inn hie re the author of thus admirable medicine. With great reepact,l 404, gnltieltitn. svlte obedient' moan great fER3.II:s andlLlMr44 4. :4l;;lti"4lt h *t e * iast,Ti ' ..7l% ' llt t i3 i e t: copper elf illiasen New Yrk.... *ant elan lay gists generallyihrouglois the' Va t1..,j; • ads. Prise Si per basis; six bottle, for h.h. • ;• - A For sale Di. L., WILIC - 71%; Jr.,51. Alnirb"roDu; • co, and SDWARii Pt kadtsro.. A:. MIN by Dr, a:ahniii.OliditiMlßltt laa 7 tilsodkarS •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers