suaciraaraT dr. WAIITZ, vcous•Lc pumas In _IIOBIESTIC SSD.. FOILEIGN DUI GOODS, No. 101 Wood I NVITE the sttc . te w n o(Pupcn to their large a' prepared to tell on %cry r earing torte. e shall be tots tend, rr rearing flesh goods dur ing the reason, tied to...seri-ran ramination of our stock by western r-erebiurs, n:d others visiting one SP/r__ • mien Etl. D WIUY, No. laC LibortrAitroot, . . 1V413 resp ectfully to Infanta hi. 11111.19.11 blends .1) and . , tint he la rest Teeming his new ail stock of CLAY/111" CAnt , lntblit:tr, and V EsT• t IPSIStS,ek non newest ler,, adapted for the approach. int fall .24 winter seasons. All those to want of . cheap, fashiostal,le, nod good lolling. will lull the Olagtel, most (LIMO inllLlc, and beat Cott IL the c.t.r.rO country, at this 1:01.1.411/LIOCOL ficll9 Opening of thiptiksktylvonllt nail 11 oad to Pittsburgh, W.tlir: Penntylvania Hall Road domino.) having completed the whole 1.1.0 C 01 mil toad to Holliday.. rati, thus connecting the Portage Dad !Load to Johnstown, ano front thence by tans to Pittsburgh, dTC now proposed t. r odve and forward mend... isc, pruce, &e., te end ecei (tom ?nutmeglt and Phila. &Aphid. The boats will le tee the depot of the company daffy for Johnstown, ,here, connecting with the deny trait, of ears for Philadelphia, thus insuring me de livery of all freight lu I%llm:tip'. WILLIE, hen days lIELL A lAA:LW Agents for Pa- IL It. Co, Canal llosirr, - Pinshargh. CRAW I tILLL.ArI, Agents, Philadelphos. BMW LOT OP SPLIANDID PIANOS . • Aluze and Mated nga of the Golden Harp, No 1011hIrd .veer. opti - If. SII.EItEII respeetnalY his ineuds ,he public, that be ha, roe returnedfrom Me cast, with • wait turned And extensive assort ment o(Plarxe of 110.001 mks • passe. alerted by isinsalr, with grca I rare at r4I the celensmted (actinic. ta Minns Ss Clark, N. Y., and Dunham, N. of ( ro ot ttlart St. Dunham, N. 1.'.1 ilaving selected the algae r an immenan euiet jam blushed by the above matters, they as wanted of reps dor quality and tone, and will in all case be sold at New Volt foe tory prices. Pavel.**** , will receive a written goat anti. with each nano, entitilng them to an exchange or return &same. if Mond Jess.. . . . Al., a logo( splendid Guitars, from the factory or Schmidt k hiaal, S. S They ate • mipctli article, sad animated Gan), if 005 imperial . , to any made in the world. of Oates, Clarioncts. Violins, Strings, Urn. Inntmcnents, ond the new.; and meat popular mime, onclada4 Jenny 1.4,1's eelebotted scrid =132 I.lltPlll' h 111/ RC/WIELD, at nonb cast carnet of Fourth and Market streets. at now supplied with a fall assortment of the •111. qualities of Above. desitable roods. and having 6l Ixen purchamd from the importers can be warranted granule. oc3 Jam. Dlorpratt C Boos , Pateutflada LS'34 ic.A.'‘ac ,.., f the alone daaa re,llcel; oast montb,per "Anna Ilichp"ttatope.”-llcilin,^ and tar attire thta and crier ships, eta and ilsuinintice, warrant. nd superior in both etteneth and _quality bt. any in Me market, tor We at the to mein inr essli mid :tp. proved bills, by _ W k it Wrenn:LT.lll:E sayll Liberty strict Largo Supply of Fall £WI o Goods. & BURCIIFIELD invite We attention M of buyers to thou. largo stock of goods Adapted /01. the season, consisting in pail of— . ,10k aa4 Coil French Metitioes, • LibIIrSIII.I4ICIAIIVICFC3 3 Changeable Fopkir, elnecointillc and Turn Smote, ink owl Fanny Alpacas. • Foyer Long nhaneln, Low Price ihn,Litsingnig Flan. sole, Welch:Foglitn, and Anteric. wnwe and colored. 'fried . brook ol 1101/C4lLFFlrtili 4.10001, Inch on Kicerings, Pitlow Caoe A111•111:1., Table Viniwrs.Ttiorelling, to large and Cl love rerwrolityr — ltuyere will Lnd It artier adv.. tag: In exasuthe their I I , uk 1.% lcpow htitaig—at ine north cant coiner of 415 and Alarlownrs. oer 7 * Sillora , ll.ll7i•r 111 t. sup•resda a•7l pth• tlktlextun, Va., dept. 21), Mr. V. 11.F..eIleket—Your Ytlla have I.ecotne tai in ell the tegion of ettuutey, as veep kauett • norreeele all ettleete a, n no Antl.llkltout Pill. JAMES A LEWIS (E.strect I.ektr:l • Pim - el:au. tett; t,..ltt a k .tit It. It. Sellers' Ulf D. ate the ottekitmt 'tad may 'J'ratt ant t•enatt e r Van, mutt IMO, 1. , Ita.k atWood It., mat r genta. 7§ . 1110 Or . Cluj, of lcllo,. bacii PUT om thv ~ -t of the pure 11,,,,ntt., nutatnttilln Mart Key min, preparation ezt,na r,hteti its rhetin,..lnt car LrucJ Win/ the I , ltr.tet tn V,titow Itoet.the rAti arta 11,1 Cherry, and the 11:110r1t. o 1 t tr, 1001 orntLlng 11.0 11100. tty mete thorou.,,, rtti-tena than a outer Sat.apa rtlla loefere the innan. , t,e•amt.. I ny nn.. it ts pc IT Irce 6/1 . .1 61.1;1 .. • • • 4.1 any nlln, nf Inc conipnesini, ru:nl sho.q.ain ro; lo4n! Alv..,ury, I ran, 4.t0 nine, P0...11, 1001,, halphui, wont th,.. nate,, NJ..‘ .17,41(10 *ow Ins ol Ilie 1. of ;W..: La) • ; uoyOulld I.:41101 Ut Arca• nal cora., parl.cln nl thrsr CY° ~,, ascert tin ty 4rsn. Thn pn,a, J,u•enny moo, aileaxe, they rn ',nate In , 1,1 nupt, nate 11.44 whole •!.. PI/ nI4 41.11 r rdzels ,Ib.l the OM, 1111 . Irtnt k .n•ea,e, pi 11e pane., noa .III,CCI).111. or her to chi nunkt VIV [41.11:1, 4tnlcr. nuntlicr cure • n 14.1 . .o . prics I.ct all ponou 011.1 I.a).au improvinl Linnet nt and ,3,4ff.p.r.1,. "'hien at :horonehly tow., perteeny :a ton] purely All lundn ol alaieunn yinnl. Itsgenial innurn.e% . • . &tofula, C ali,ro.. ammo., Cort.neous F.:lllp.m, t th 0 .4.- ' m " i7T,T `47„":„:: ti.ta, N , llar,er.le.oL ' , to , tur U 01,,. or .101114 e. Ohl 1411,1LL1111 r,, I.evcr lip Mwelltrg or the blend, Syrup , t,ven.s, ndertmasi.lo,c Mantis 1..1 daraic+ aro mi.. (coma • xi, AlLLinct's Sore T cAdif4te Atlcctw, eisd ~ • . InK lowante tho.c.alq , . itiogularitiem and ~ Gruc.r. • lictouty, Appetite, ucirats, Pat.. au toe ewa ttliatadonr, L.:pat. ur :top tutrnor. We, Liiiion Colutilutrirdai :Ira ae and Eta Prather of tit liluaJ, ut.i General Tama fur Ut 6yBlecu, Il ir Aiil ivnEed. A case r Ulcer d .adtbs of ..vern oar) sta.-rdut, sit% a Auenraret al a Inner data) Alan. mon If Petal., :l 11, a ftiailly raiiporla bin pl.yalin au of ant tot, *tido. Joan Paux—hear: Sir: I 14,0 ander ray ease • Immo - women who, tut tatccu years, but been, aut -- tering (rose Ulcerated Laub., oraura rare an been pioutmneed hoptleur by three of our Lett pltr• ht..). !took her auto my !study, and Lave used liumunt's 1, ender Dots and .arrupatalia freely, and con4dent tent We 1 ellori llouk sad ontramidolla wall etude perm armt core. eh: as ba.tor a general health t e en oh: bag over been before, and wcis wile or two without (engem Or pain. A 'ear eke ate and crutches 1 wall ;spun tut ease In due time. Very respectfully, E. 11. I'ERIiIN3. SCROFULA. • It bat been remarked, by unwired ruen,,thad in the vatted entalugac bf disease. to wind. mao. is liable, theta tcareety one or ouch import/rude, and of sae, IMElcat m tierroleill, whnaer WC tordt to toe °brown, of us 011010, Its tea:diode horded, the ebuther and varie:y clurgt. Mot it enact., or In, remarkable in curability and came-110 fatality. . _ . r. , crofuts Laps 'ruined the caul of the most erarnent priyucint.tin this rouetry and in Europe. Hut there Is an rroridot e Jur Mr. err:teem Dr. Go) ort's Eurreer or liellosS. Dccc tod Uutrapartlia," verritrt is proving Ir. sterell perfect epserliceru Use laubt severe C.O o sellehrla. An extraorthnery ea. of eeroftsla evred by the solo toga of llo:bAr a.uyoubt Coatpoubd byrap. li 1.111 he peen by tl.o eend,rAbe L..nt sou loam La. lest Baler the treartheld or several ec:eteated physsesaas, fee th e pribt eterrl year', Without dertriar. ally acacia, bod bee teen raectrAlly Care 4 by thettaa of a few ttle of Ue. Outserf a C. , nrpound Syrup. I=bNIMI Dn. Go yon—Dear lhr.—Owrog to you a debt winch money cennut pay. I um rntbaccrl to Waltes.pulthe AC k.lowledoncyt met sac iv,,Lt I mt.:termed born your love.loeh e W. sorely anlrcut with tor!, tiei;e:filtl..ol:lg d.nert.e, bereoncryin cur fauely, which commenced tou my rm... aut. continuo, to rpretJ, anon rcuthed lay e roneing iota toy Lcrut artd erdcruling urcr my Inc ar, e, 'leek. ant tower es• Ir:ratite,. I a antnevungoldert to ' , rob upon, At bmcs toy drv , h'ev n so I; to eat that loaf notate to creep or he down, and ILa dmeure etterolunr inn, to, eon eeriounly siletted IA) lteartiv. sty Isre was one eentinanos sore, (tam winch • or.charge of matt. and Water kept cant:runny ornate out. People a void en me, cuptrottop, li,.d tiro •httul pax, or tome other nod I ran consequently ottleed .0 renNuisa my Immo.. rtotwithstuthlore 1 had the Lett meta,' adotee. ~.d tru.l,hdetcal wank /Mot meat, nlteili,cate etuaristed to grow wore, until I gut. ef deat', Forth...rely I lentil with is panscnaer ou /bet:V.lll6OM, while truvellteg fur toy health, who troortnet um that bit eon woe atone tone m I.had • mould,. to I won, Ants teat hy tonne your 'rtyrep Le was •pcmiriy cured Itonne...err In roc rand the yr here, condoencmluttn.: Wlllllo\l/, utter hero% wet less than [lt botrlce, dut well end al-le to attend rat my lay met, I to pa you 11.11 nalle.l[lll as ect or lather, only Lebow, thetnonty InJUre. the al:hetet to cute u llLo nebtottrimme,amd thereto) , e Mom moth 1101,1 i, (14 . 11 AZ. mullion roar obedient servant, JOHN ur.11.1.1N1/. Cure f,, n;•“2,lrlive The c. veuernir.l "Ds. buy 0401. Kilmel Veltow ure u,ta enf.apanlla ere the pa• ttenia genteel heenhell.,ll,,, 10 Inytove eller oe. ea. la rumored Ihtrt u ere eel chem.:li d 011111 Wet Les fully Instil 11,1 ihree east he no of fettlrli of lee disceee. ttletititorr Col Feb, Ixnl. to teat pleasing WI., you ul.out the very happy edeeth t(y nt Yellow 1., nod Semi aut. aly eon, who has long sok filla 1101,1 aclt dread loatlatonie i dlt- Cryupele., with VILIII. he wxxxitact Ist and Waa o f severit4 trim.. attended lir Lome of our Lost pyrie.aito., wan tried tnua, hilt p. - teeverttagly lot hoc months, without ui,y hroefietal dot, Whatever. 11e. tvvemno redured to p p.-iseet skeleton. Ile hail el. eery (rem his hip to his Lure, table). were tondinsaliv iltue.U/ioy onenmee mane, eletileal end ...oral surd War I.aWnt. Phyule.s.pica th., his* pot le fault( he nothing done • . Jute terrible gaietvcoalos. Weer, lily nese ti nor, and tonaght his dirsonatinu aret •I ale Om of tny Who had ennvil a riol.l 01 WILL yhur thealenble usiui.e.l the to, male Intl al it, and none (tool the 1,1011-, emit! h. Su ansitethior then auy 1101, 01 m'relict, I pr.:eared Ii!) U.". (dock d • woo, it asid 10 stay ickmil,WLl,l Lc LOIIc,CIiCC4 lIKHGV/11, he bad uved huitv, 4,1 hallo:4er. on;t1. , I.oy, 1.41 AL fie and ia /1.11 twelve iiy .... laid he wee pestheily tetanal, tea,' 4i4eaec eicepl tee start retainetl, in puller% lacaliti up In the preheat Lime. 1114 ,er cry, coder the Welting of Gail, or calmly ‘,..r.t..; lot cry, tOUT trump , Awl and tintespeitia.i. at. I ...pure yeti Mat I lad otparir under rapt rit.lira him, to it tot, oral is la W/11. arCattoy tart I Warm roo lir what li.ur oattapatilia heed,. tor my sari. ' iterpectially, JIM MINSELL. • 117 . 1ione genainil antes, put up in large - Lattice, eoataallug a iluutt,. and me name of hue PY1.1 1 2 blown to the glue, be w ore wrote,. signaluze nt F. Dan nett, en the ootrn, wrapper. Poor 21 per bottle—or 61,ottea for • . _ 11 is sold I'ARK, North Last bonier of Founn cud streets, ennure on Widest •t, 1.111.111[1111i, Otto, la wbose sib aides., tonal be •ddren. Cm., k 140.. Eric; P. Johns,n O. Co., WM, CtonAingvol..., Abu! Turrrll r 51p.trone; /time; Max, hulk a Roy, Wells bum; L. ttfr 5.1...4t1g; L. , aat, Jr, eats. burAh, earn: , v u.. -1,...41/41 i.e LOmmulAL. 11/OottgArly,:. - . . • CHEAP 'Tf.: A A:4 11 It NU .11STAK.M. O. RA 'arilL' (tl. u. I,l.lstanowl,aro jay ist etten rf-o, •ta pas lb —WILY IT I I oegli 8 A isr K H US E. ..1. C4II.OIIIEILS . Io CO., . • No 15 Wood stitsst, Pittsburgh. RRENT MONEY RECEIXED ON. DEPOSIT Collections mule on all the principal cities o, the Untletl States eecloila - M3=l EXCHANGE BROKERS, S. E. Corner of I ird Ana Maria str. AL.f. TIAMACTIOAR At MOIT 1.1..1111. VATS. 0k; O. X. ALLZIOLL) 6 CO., BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, COIN, CANA NOTES, Lo, 'o., Mo. 7a OOURTII (Next d- or to theßufl.. of l'ltt-Xttrgh.) augt.-f.11.4n.xy LIOLEIBB Q. GOA% III•ok•r•, grchSa g• Brok•r• NOTE%DitArTSACCci4A NCES,GOLD, SILVER AND DAMS NM Fri. COLLECTIONS — Draft., Notes and Acceptance. favorableabe in any part oldie Liman, collected on Ole non terns. ILX CHANGE on New York, Philadelphia an d llmore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, :lama Louis and New Orleans, constantly for Kale. LANG' NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks in tits United Skates discounted at rho lowest rates. All ktuds f ,,!; o s t o r l r and Amene. Gold and Silver Colli bought angthr lkT HOLMES k SONS have removed their Dank. ing and Waco to Yo G 7 glartet et., OUT doom WPM/ ol d c.d. tr 7 rut/acacia E7x — eill.som.. BILLS on ntriandareland, and Seotland boaght uty ainottat nt the Cum= Rotes of Exchange Ale", Drafts payable in aOy part of the Old Contrite from -Lt to MOM, at the rata of j 5 to the S Sterling, without dednetlon or iltacotint, by JOSHUA RODIN SON, Encore. tad Oatmeal Agent, odic. sth ona doer West of Wood. oclttat Alt= gAnieu.] IL . A - 111C1 1m , BANAT-11N - Ablp EXCH E ANG ClRiElitil,dulei in Foreign and Dor,csile Dills of Facitansc, Cer Urinates of bepoeite,' Vint Nple. and Coin, corner o NI and Wood streets, ditedlt olip o ardia Si. Charles Ho el. N. 0. a:IC.lml 110 r . 11.1 , 1 S TI sciacitaan 4 BENNETT, 117 HOLESALE GROCERS •04 COMmlariun Sire VT canal, No 91 Wbod siren, opposite St Cherie Rael, are now receiving and oiler for Bale , or los rams, as follows:- 15 0 pig. F. IL, Imp,G.P, !MO ee Tf rib 1 1113 es f lband !alb I Map & SS roll Tob'co. tRi Lege kito, Legueyra, Mons Java Color. 30 Mini N 0 Seger. 30 brie N 0 Roland. ao brir powdered, eroded and mei Sugar& tv lids Alum. CU trio Tanners' lhL gels Lump (iii. iirle No 3 Macierel. 4 , 3 1; s lllllo.lUxl2tilrum ISO i s IW din Potilael:ets. 25 1.., Ctocoltile. 2:1 bon While Prpea IW nata Wrap. Paper. I.`U Lou Pepper A.Alerace. 000 Iliecoweitßapeennulf 111 tea lime M Cg. 50 M Mauna end Vitr ara a Afinn° packages. 11ave,ia, yr a AI 15 itsWrineiges. st/ ete M Raisins; • • ==U=l MMIIM2 and thouud Nuts tA) br. Le,uou rtyrun. •Al-4.ozu Pepper Sucre, 2t.i cases Pickles, lu enses erne.] INtoeulai• lirouud Splees of eli kind rk 1., Sardines. crn2x, 15 brx hock Caney. 1 1 , 43 .Vmand 5 easie Ihnelnn's Cut .d Ur. Tobacco. ID gm..., illacktnr. Together milli a general atiy tept in tiletr line, a. feiviurca. OALLPILTS, OIL OLOT/ItLao. 1. ' bIoCLINTUCk: is now openmg at hie Carpel Vie . ‘s, atcbo ur. e, No 73 Fourth eirrit n. 4.70 %Vood Arcot, a VOry I,.•;i4vioaces,orionent of Carpeting, corn prising' an pan cal toe eariofies:— limo Lain dog*. yle'Veltet Carpet; lOr and <krau tc t atyle l'apvitry Ct usdela &SeOttllaCla of goods uen well nu Pittsburgh mane actin , . Swot., English luta Americo:l BrUstelV du; Extra •up. 0 ply Carpes; !tor, ex Bo Coctuie, Ouyertote coy au; I Owo Tuttdd Uudri ll.Fram dui CLonille Mn.,s; Bit ra Woe t. idle 4u Jo; I Totlad !actg. Coat. all *l.l, wc.4:.y; ^ ( f lair J cotta chean C oo au enttow do do; Jiite Mao, a very largo aytorouent of Triraddu. i is for Steam Boats, Celt tyge Ilnuyci, Oti Mau. A vary larsc asaorunent un well ta; clay; a, raapar ,q awls Irani In aLeg ICel, cl cat) I,ad•ouic nyles, cu, to lit any card aioc, [oo4l. Will In ao:d as r Bp to ihfy van be rural:m.le.! u any of theeaatrr: r invite r vas y body to vvt..h aar.wa. isrpa 14. %Cu i!xr., iu Lags .11.1 Cade, Laguav Laps law 14. . t. Iti 2L, 10h tnatic UM", 1,11, • 41 , ieII inha puse J. Ist thotot. No .10, . .54 ba• Ho. rt.l Vfta eern, 4. qt., I.l•ve • 2 dol : tr.lux Gr rtitLt tic %\atc h ri I rdt.c . . 2 pine ur't• Vo,v,!rt• enies .I,rliac It.. • r, ihisriscru..4 a • C Ol, Ct... Vsctrg.,; 50 do: .. ror etalc by J Up.or n Wll.l I t 00 Jona etv LI t • Err .13 .11. 'pll n.oid st,ly r.„ u:.::. c,t cai.ta.try =tlE22l=M! TLe daLcult) has ealdnt 1. :Le offct.4 a /404 4• 1.1 a 10 veal.. tom for It. only uNectwourgva ngklust At • tt. anpamu small gas nlity on cncti -p4,01 ,• "plalneal Kara tvoulyv ar”.l,cti )rtftl• of StIX, While ur4...ry :•6 VII, V, tnc..• .arn pure, LW: /to unzettainl quzullit), Varying irnlo I to id ) • • The ;Foul Sill: is ret•dy foreo. , at Olt 11111 E a ou,• chase, and It tr.riy o ism I, to ouvloar step:tent of it. sr,enortt, 411.41,11 f ELIal v....ease:lt tom. r•lirrb it .. or it.ruc.l It Las gruat °rot o•Lcla, oo smay vrtill the redraw of wnOsug. tt.e. 1rr.1.1,0n rusturlos, and the rous o: ttn.• ..• pleparrog Ju:d by m. 11. prth Mad wt. rL,aalctoti.o, 4 ,1 , It faro t) Ola Arri or , jr3o.deoul2m tlole Are • TO W t-Yrk.ll. xl..i.:11,011 /,. FALL STOCK OF DEN GOODS A. A. MASON Q. CO. !MALMO; IN PAESI lc STAPLE USI GOODS ra.. 65 111ALLF15..5 51 . “.1.2.5,1, 12 , ctnneett rhitil 1.1 outth ettett,,l . t../4,1., I NVI FE 21.1 e attar/410e VI anctrliaat. 1..... it../ ti.c .12y 1 lo their cll,ll , lVc •LOCIL or i . a.I a...,1 l:. at,. t..:r02. r.ctr.tcd 141.111KIK', Kul< ...a nUrr.lall. 1.1..1.1 trr , .. :alp: a 5.1.0., emirs, t.,..1 irosz,Ltr. Ice..a. lar 014.11ufactUrcia, 1, “arly F....tree. ,•14{letir in S.• ta Yt. lbw ntor I thin tali w,ll I, .t41...1 to crc Mtn. lart a..• 1 .. catiecill.,no Anni tta..) I.gtezcvc. tqu Ac aut. l to tle .ore n unailict, be..,,, irglic/.11.1..c, It) 1.,,1pt.: 01 gutlds atm°, dKii) IKJKUK. We ..e Ks I2KI I 41. pt.! •Ilthe enele.ii wallet, i.. 1../ • inK t..... 6 sum, it nil lima:ilk/1 4.“.1 10.1 1 1 C,, Luc..., r. 1.. ..11, .1../1..5., tess,a, Lo 4 . ...14.1c1e Imam cante“& t...ann.. na 0. WIPP 'OM Ord. Or . CilleiLitarilliPO V1A5(.1.6.: J WIN It MELLOR, Nt. el 11,,...1.,rect, r.t4c seem (UT Clo , [crthen 1 . ..,,,010tten 11,r 11tstarn :'eons ...maul., ban tecet•c..l, a... 1 now testa,' lor ...le, .r follow°, a•.02113,ent nt 1, u 1143,11 burn the. lunnuilactoty, 1,1.1 nt ,I: ..., n,,,,l•cia an 4.. tx..l it 51r I:cur V tier , ...g • pro . c.., v./. ed,vett 1...u.n XI% . : ot Inver. 4 etcrunt Izoncwoo.l, : alo, 2 .1.. ,to Li J.., Jo do I. do, 1 on 3 1..0.11Y.. ~..• I do Wa,ut, t, UK, I full c 42 ve.l tc/usgraanl. A CARD—T[Ie 1.4 2, p-Zat Cm Oi 6111.0t111e.11,1 It. tin clitanna go 1 • 1tt,,,afr,1.. tort tic lat. sundc a. 1,411 g clltellle 5). J... II atei,..r, :., J.. telts.., t alr uo ion 1 . . a..,, I ....Ita n. in I . l.ln.•urgn 1,.... IVcatcrn Erno.)ll.•ieti. *to. ...L . r Lane ....ay 1.0 at/urca 21.4,111011 ..,.. - ..e.- tn... 1.. .H.O. luny Mlle:, al to • Clat In P.121N1. 11...11111, Alm., 22,1 - 1 - , , In adJmon to the mt..... . tot I u. ................. (ii I:l.lcLtring, snew lapel, .....,1e.c.1 I. ....lac 1.0 i. , ..e• 41) Ad.. ,L,3l{ WI •-II et. 12.. re a, 2...1 .0. , .•.r 1. ~ loft:, end 11•Itctt, 1'u... - ..,... A 5... ..,15,,a, ni nra.., j • 7 Mr orfalser t jam trt bat! at/ v., .1 It its /, bIN:1 acl7 7,1 Apo:lts ItallJna•t To i . ..p10 groan LI. 4,pµtatry. Lucia., tut. saute 7t,,, 010.7711 La et l'aoo t rattat. MO If oath Flaaarott Mack 'llea. that ntc 4.0,1 u. 7,44517 Illoautry, Coll br anrty 700 :a: pc, it. t:Mums a. flanrvillCa Tau •lae. at the !ham • d jr yt , s Where el. te I U.S 57 11' tett - 71 iilliiNfltst.l PAVER—Iac pon. at taarbet. 5'711 be .L ltat.l at J. agawy of I-button tb 1.1,4a1 .1. .aital *V Ma hall,, NI,V tut/ t . 3. 0. Ail //CII .. 1 h rilts.nte n 7.laldrett; it tale oft ruelly nail wt. title of uove prsie tale by') It t. to be the ...eta n lecot ptraturtton, b.l a . . at Ilal . ta tatrfary rat", ...I. the Meet Anyhl of ft. Jana, I, /onu,l LAttell • LlVllte Ao.e am t t•111„1"...'-f: • y „I II 1•,:.11,1,11 PII coltrning /:444.n. Ni G p it , y 1....1 , 1 1 : „‘. 6. d.. 1 , 1 ,, L0 d t i “ ,, 1 , 4 , , , 1 . .... , 1. , 1 ., / ,r b. , , ,, , .:: , r , :: ::::! u a , v u s . Llruct 1,0 201•21.1 tat, ••• C4r.lLit GOutl, •• 1....414 and , 3,411 e..., " lirT4rfiAl.,rlt, .4.dt.;4‘;‘,,,,;,,1, ~,,, Jllta4 da 1.,4•3 ro:.1 1.11.4.,.( ..4. , . , . 3 3 h 1 .41, - ,,. k nilA4, 1i11.,, (...,,,., V i a 4, 1 4 1 . 4 .111,...4,!, slronerll lti/;;... 7 „ki..; -.; 17 - 1: :, 1 .. 1: : :: L ,,.. ..r , 1 ;, ; 11 , LI , Pio. J A:. A ILA 4 . 11, , 0N L Co 17 Arne ~., Ltl.• , ICAIIII , 1. ,. . 1L.1. 0, " 'ILI/ E— , • 11l or. 1.10,1 VIM for .Ide lq . _ __ . :i II %,, ICC 1:1/:,11A M 1.1 0 , 17 CT, - V . '' "'" r"' ;:s q :l L J:ll . l ' l . 4%:V.l"7 (A+ IIIAN:110t.-.. Olt. -t4 1 , r1+1..• prll4l, pat 44:1,y - r.±2..A'll' N U T G A 1.1,3—U:111444 sec d ei,1.T.i.,;:i....;,,, uell )ATTif :AMP VOW llCil—lxii ii; , ,l ri,,Td; L .ci • I, 1... eqq.i..t: it., ``AI.. :441A-4 .41:3 trce44l (4,1 c I-p 1.7 I'll •IL E , i1 . 1.1.E1t: , j • 1.:.1 All/1111U 1. 1 /2.EhliE;i , -- 14 Lin for vil< I,y t_T "r I, it 1: NEI.I.I.:11,1 l'Ele ,, 4lAllienss.3 rag 1.1111,1t/M NV I mait P p iN lilg 6 in l'A eenaiii,doobla reeinsio, .44,, and 40414 .....4 a eery superior nick, en i s c o r d o ri U K (or sale by it rU salt! 47 Markus.. MISCELLANEOUS. - - • ' J. H. MIALLO/3, - • ' /..1 ft. SI Wood street, hos jest received a new as -111 .somment of PIANO MUSIC, among which ars the•followintl— ..llolfy;do doe Love me, by S. C. Poster. Oh, may, the Red Rose Live Alway, do. - telly moo a Lady, do. Uncle Nod, do. Gorine to Ron all Night, dr. Dolly Day, do. Soldier's Wedding, by Glover. The Robin, do. e, 011, Too eh the Cord yet once again. Sw Oliver Moon.eet Memoirs of Thee_ s Lenient rif the Irish Emily:mit A New Medley Song. Titus hest Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee. ibe Conscript's Departure, by Glover. Dv Kind to the Loved One. at Dome. lTie Dome whore e'er the Doan The Yankee Maid. Bee Viten, by Lover. Ito you ever think of me. Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. Elba, Cellarius, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy %Valise.. • Iletchelor, Maiden ; Della Weitz, Concert, Ladies' Souvenir, Golly. KJvira, Lily, Alice, Evergreen, Sara ogu., Adieu. and Liver Polkas maylN TEAS I TEASI TEAS lit UrrE enter not Into the Hit of puders,we sa nothing TT about Hundred. of Chests, Importer y ., Large Capital, !Sought for Cash, Ike. In fact, we will not humbug in soy 11114Otlef of form, we simply invite the public to compare our Teas with what they pruchest elsewhere; this is the beet toothed we know to Racer lain woo-eat. the best and cheapest Teas In Pitts*. burgh. We are now selling (food and strong Tea at (Saud 50cents per lb. A prime arliele,• --••-• 75 do do The best Tea imported Into the CU States, El Low priced, damage: or Inferior Tees we—do not Peep. ' MORRIS A HAWORTH Proprietor. of the Tea Market, J r:1 East side of Diamond. Great attierteaa Mechamteal Wart; D. Appleton & Co , New Yea, have to coons of pub In path., poet Meaty fire coots each, CY Madams. Mecham.. Engina IrcaSL,amt Err gamerrm , - elerAgradd for Pram.l Warty's, lite747ittd those intended for the Env. menag Pretfessum, 11:9103 IT GLIM MHZ. WORK is of large Ova. stae,lMO will contain 1 TWO TOOOSOOD rsosa, and upwards of six anon saaa It will pteseni working-draw ings and descripuons orate most Important soachMes In the Unjled Stalest Independent of Itto moths of American ingenalty, will Contain complete mod e yeah •ce On MOCIMOCE,MOOMOCT7, Englne-work, and Engineering; with all that Is useful in more than one thousand dollen worth of folio volumes, maga zines, and other books The great object of thin publication Is, to place be fore practical men and atudent• sock an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, In a condensed form, as their enable them to work tothe beat advan tage, and to avoid those miatakca which they might otherwise commit. The amount of useful information thou brought togetner la olignst bcycyr precedent in such works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject within to range which is not treated with cacti elect ors% and precision, that even a man of the moat ordi nary rapacity canner fail of understanding it, and tbus learning from It much which 4 It Important for hint to know. The patilichers art, In chore, determined, reirentlem of cost, to make the work ea complete es possible.. end it hoped every one desire.. to obtain the work will prorate it,ae issued it nambers, nod than encourage the enterprise. The work will be Issued In semi-monthly numbers, commencing in January, IRSO, and Will progress with great regularity. Tap whole Tore will be published In 40 nambs - es, at :Systole pentruhaer,und completed within itta cur rent year, 1050. A libend clbsecraut .111 be garde to .gears. expanse Opinions of the Press. "To our numerous nlanufueterers, Mechanics., En gineers, and Artisans, a will be a mine of wealth."— Novldeare, (11. I.) Journal. "Young men, arm yoerselvesirith its knowledge.— We no tenth confidence reconimend oar readers to possess thonmelves of it. numbers sa fast as they al, pcso"--4 merman Artisan. "We easheutuunily commend the work to those en gaged to or Interested In intensionl or scientific pur su(ts, a eminently worthy of their nistuthanon and stmly."—TootilN• V%) Budge' is truly a great were, and In publisher. de serve the thanks of innatoro. manuniges, and man fattarers, and Indeed of the pain generally."—N. Y. Independent. • Dictionaryy, will he highly useful to practlmil irc , to sit who wish to nits:not theaatlon Wit!, the poems at incupan me eh arlit." potted op In Oa ortltesi as well as pram cal knowledge, and work will show them must how they mount" - Kin n: o (31 as..! Advertiser. " We ;eke it to Lewitt the won that scores and hun dreds of our intelligent:henna:tin have donned to par son. :to ample are its description, and an full and mime It. ITC 1 ,(1011:1011, that it seek. to to that any seta g toot Mite t: der.: riheo an the r.iv "yth ni It. in•trucUora N donidieretal Anerh,r. ' ) crirwirien aresuld •,),(1 them 6e)ve. ni »dvinineer - , c1)1,11»)1. Welt)) ,) J.).1 ".'. work of rx,:n.lve pr7titeal entity •nd gm•, ,•y tre, it Inc ern, am In..c *rum, an.] tar e. !rano, -1 1,.. ••nnua atlar le .n tnlnwenn ~,, • [On. •:, nruna. ... ..Inarnia..l nun. on all the •arincl einan aJ aneetaa. emi nnamattUTl , llll.ll, ittatit.ttri• ogntettil,r, re,il twit 1,/• wittit l'irl•tirt• tirtitith n It< itto, to pr••••••. •0-I.ny I.t.itly “We hrtoe tan-laity poriere.l the rttor•cm nue! hue. I.realt,r; to rx, toe that at tr the hint nort for Inc tb,/ , ' .1 mle.nken, and remenrdic to ey, puhlir h; crl. CCorn.l:ol.,trsua• ini."TuttOr; or; every hrnor'h or the tnechatcent err, unit cc.coccc, e.prr.-rd itele nr, In,cnage inicll4,l;le to noy tenticr aural .° ear,rett) '—irloncector, (Mnis,) News. tr.c nee Yore we are dot.; the tura-bat...les of Nor sr.eb out other pang offonotrellent n servien by t•taryrorr tit, wort to their at:cotton.” -Norwteli, ' I 3. Il• • .iach • wont tia every mechanic should . • ' • .I'reminhi Journal 1 , ....... 'r e nt our oche i toot a.c (at aad Importani 1 '.. . ' ot Mean , N!. , acebaric can aWont in he ; ..•. ~.. •, ' Newartr. (N 1 .it,ontrocreisl Court, I -i. • ..he . wino. pohlie .tho.- Las..., tor ;bear oh. , , . • .., .....1•111.1.1 oil 5d,,e1110..1 of tar meehlni. 1 '. .; ''"'.. .. 2 . "" 11. 1.7. :h ..I AAt •:- •n i: ...,.1 p r•ett,at ni...,er ..h.l rmech ante thc i.•..... th-autital.y care iliett..' —Wni..liimeigniG/ahe • 1,1 , tr.-, Ihroonsry i• one or 'the most social poldislicd.... , ~r., nod Inc li.vrpne, ..i who, it it raid make. It iirCept......, ..1 all."—Saintn .irol.ninii. .- \l.:a rce•rd it am onr or tbe most comprehensive and . rileahlc. as well a• cheapest works ever puldisheil '• —thillimaie "(term to he vii,,n hy every one desiring to keep pace with thr ',ogre.. of art and emence to every one of :Lc !shot. of civilized lih,oltondout Courier "it i. dr .ten.., at,..1 the pnnett , e. of lire's Ihe.ima r e. unly that it ,a alone de•oted to the meetani cal and et:K.:met/he tir...4ori., and above all. i .• salvable ... ng U., America wha. Um. has done for I:l.atid. VIZ: deer:Hong American Machtnery sod wore. of Si l . — SC/ell/41C American. -11,. puldiArd to nerabers,.and in a price so mode raw, looking at what he st in te r Intact member. that PO I lIC Wile ha. the least interest in inch matters, tort he deterred froinyroenting it, and every one who does ao, will find Net he ha. in a condensed form an 1 , 11:1•1(1,C1 , 011 which would be oldained. If al al!, nal,. by thr purchase of very many irolusnea."—N. Y. Conner en.l I']u art. .. Ms coprehen.ivene. with whirl, the eulquete a F•L Llentril, m the R. 113132140 manner in wroth they are illustrated. conspire to mato this one at the moat des:. tahls winia.”—lremoeratic Review. "Thin work •hould 1,1.1 the hamts of every mechanic, attain, and manufacturer, entre...illy those who have the Ir.t:t a•intations. elect tin their resper,tre hurl . . We have carefully crammed it. with a view el recomending a to lowentorg. To Una/ we vrnull .n y in m ii•extionv. lIIIIgOIf, at We Bible: "It is goat"— Ihire Inveinotet Journal. Nair.o the f' raters V Neserpapets throve-nu the 15. M 5141:4, aud Cancan. If the foregotng ail rertmentent Is inserted Ave time. dyeing the yet,-, and the paper continua It sent to us. a eopy or the Work will ho sent g“ 111 payment. ..volk akarat RV.% LLISTILIVS 9111TM/4N T• Cont.Ontrag: lea Melt:try, :We oiler Min Tat. Till: 1011o:eine tenumontal was given by the eel,. berated Dr. Woeltet !leach, the author of the greet medietil work metaled "The American Erasure o. !trait:me and Faun' y Physician" been nude ergo:tinted wish the inatedienia Winch rrimpow NeAlllnlerY All-Healing Ointment and havina New rated st• J leered it in t.evetal ester rl a.? pri vain prartire, I have .n henna:ion In aaying or et:lt:vine I h•I n Vegetable Remedy, containing rt,rcl cub:lance whatever; that as onitredienia e la, they a and ini ed as directed by the Prot.:tett,' use not poly re, harmieFe, but of great value, b,.,ne trait: ...p.n.!, Remedy of Great power: nod I I eelliiiina.llll entopnottit which het done morn ennd, and whseit :_lapted to We ruse of e t 'abet,' of railer, Though I I.:, r.rver either rerninine stole ndr4 nr rut:peed in the sale of revert well, eine, reeerd for the bone's, contelrolino, he mum: eharacirr of the Proprietor el th is Mennen:, 11/141 th• value of hie diaenvery, oblige tar to itay thus toti-lt :eget:hog It. DEAVII, D. D." hew Vote, Aprd 1,16 111.1::NIS.-11 I. one of the beg{ 1111111,11 In the world fttr+t.ttn, I . ll.l , ,.—Tlinoaands are yearly cute) by lb.. flint- It never Lill. In g tats✓ relief. Forlorn - es, Weer, ;tut all kinds at ear., 11 buo " 11174 " .:borsi and Nor.e• ociv 1111 yak,. its ram. or ITNnticn or Rote llrea. , l,lhey would Dawn' hi/PI it. ju.l.lestrv, La da..11011111, Knves rg very levy hours. r..and the bos me directions for ustng Ilintmeto for Sera - tits, !Aver Complaint, Krystpelas, Triter, ehtihhon, 14eult1 Iliad, Sore I:yes, (junto , re Thrt. It. Itrottchttn, Nervous Atterttona, Palos, of the tipinr, Wad Ache, Asthma, ihmforr., I -zr A oSr, Burn., Vont, nil thotensett of the Skin, Sore lhatplt.., Ar., Swelling of We Limbs, Hares, Itlte-uotuttaus, 1.11,1:olt1 Fect, Croup, fiverllnt or Wo tan Ilt cart, Tooth Ad, Ague an the Face, At. Flom the. Remain»; Eagle. Their wan neve, peril:hie, a Mee - no brought be. h . ., the amain, that lip. to wi ahem u time woo each n repohluini w. 3lea their-Ca /111-11hattna or Wort.' entire Alinoat every pereon hint ha. made that of it i.nen" warmly In 11. pr,i.e. tine lina been eared by 1 a the M painful thromatam, amok.. of the piles, haul oil 1., n be. .1.11, a fourth of we Hole to the lonlui, de. If it dm, not rive some. relief, in every ra , c, II ran tin no °miry, broil applied outer:o4ly, A+another neatener of hir wonderful healing pow. r po•Arawfl by tin. ..41v, we ...loom thr rcroftente. gram a ri...i.entahlarittren of hlnlilene reek lawonhip, lit llort eon y: Mahican rre h, Berke ars., Ma rah . • , . M.:MP. Hitter ft I , x—l dem re tnionmo you that I was mail cured t: • x savant pole in the hack, by nit ban hi Mc Iliattils nll-11caling Snlyt which Ipm ahnse4 from you. 1 r.l.Te.Ted Sion Amu 22 yam, and at night was Uti.:l,ll to elarp. During that won I tried cantos 'manta., waked ware prescribed ten me I.y phymints and oil. t petuia, with= receiving any relief, and ut last made trial ol this Salve., with a re null favorable heyoml exparianon. lam now entire• Is leer 11.1 the pan, and enjoy nt night a peaceful and t•acst alto I Nl', also masa the Balls sumo for loom the hint edit, enmpinints, with similar happy /mains_ }nor Mend, 110LIDIRTACII. ,J A NF'shleALLlii'lltft, Sole Proprietor or ihe above medicine. Principal Mllice, No No, IL Third encet,Pliiladel pl.., I.r.ticE VD CENTS PER VOX. A. 0 ,1171 in Pirreausoit.— Pabncittock is Co., coiner of Wood and Foal •m ; Wm. Joetoon, No. 'Mu Lilierty arrest; L. Wilco, Jr., rorner,of Market nice and use Iliornond, oleo corner of Fourth and Poon r alel4 streets; J. 11. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn rimer., Fifth {Yazd; and cold ol lba LloOkstore In Smithfield meet, fid door from Sorood. In Allegheny Clip by l'.Relr nuns and 7: Douglas. .1. Smut, flenggla Binninghom: D. Negley, r•On Lihcrtr; 11. Rowland, SlcKerrporq J. Alexander &Son, Monongahela Crty; N. U. Booraran & Co., and L T. Rasura, Brownsville' Jolin Barkley, beaver, Po: John IValker, Jr., EJimibeth; neuralgia A. &nun, -tru"----lgodly EheNlrerrla.:4 lIELI-211 brio E loh fo r :- b aa n h7l — i 11 Oaf - Boaaiueasza & . Eofis. J • Ut.F.S /lALIEWS ISIEDIOATED NYMPH SOAP. 11—The ski., n of ninny peelers is disfigured with dt alight entrain us pimples, the he., and when this is merely a disease or the skin, as it istin niartY nine eases oat of every handfed, It very shady Moved. Jules limners Nymph ftop to_,krpr.../Y . adapted to Oise. Of the rain. Ir.'s seta directly upon the minute pores which corer its' surface, cleansing them from imporities.hnd by Its malearrJe properties heating and eradicating all eroptions..d rendering the do leer and rougbest akin soft, fair, and blot ming. l'e.onr tyke have bona in the habit of using %di. P bl e c e s eSi p b; st s r"n'g Ins_bsTrsdlerigeasust .trok, O rn tOftt.l n . (r o om chop. ping. abuying all irritation, and removing all eutane our ethntan. it csanialte perfume, and IB entirely devoid of all WI oe Properties, readerleg it the only uniei, inch can be aged with, safety and conitort It the t ry. All itio.o r.r nooks are dlsfigared with gnaglea, Winch, a ~,,, ruhear, be , should make tnal JO , . W.,. P. ,h) It Soap, 114 the proprietor neduvely tovoln, them, that da ear. will render the mt. dirro!.re iLat o roughest elfin smooth, and the most direavoi .fill healthy, pore, and blam ing ink. Havel'. Nymph Soap is the only article which will effectually produce the nttove effeeta in so abort lime, alltl the n. IV 0.,s winch Is at the same time all pot:vernal nod cot trel) iill11111,1•11. Prepared only by— JULLS lIA UPI., Perfumer and pho.i.t, 12. Ch,tnut street, Phila. For iule Ind retail by It A•Fahnestock Co., and It. Pinaborgh; and John Sar gent. and J. :11.tettell, illrelterty, city, Pa. 15N bILVORD HAND PIAI9OII. A GOOD Illalotgarty Plano Forte, 0 oetatres, second hand —• • ••• ...... 00 A handsome upright Piano, With Romarood Furniture., 0 neuter,. and in good order • .• • 000 00 ptaiv Sj netar?plano 05 On A good G octave rionon - 75 00 A good 5f octave Piano, with handsome form. ture - 95 00 For .ale toy JOHN U MELLOR m. 9 2h H Wood. Metalle re Igloo Lights ev UPERFFlllihiti the Woad. Flom.. anti being le r, combuhuble, 1.10 .y oco.toLses the (til mid PM' Wenn., heret...rorc .0 InUCII OtkiteLed to all other bib 0. table cp.nral of the common !Reveal will lam N.. Boers, or any further length of nnie, Recorder to the additional Imantity oto,l. Itemised and for hula by JUAN L MOKIJAN Druggist OYSTICItS. J UST itt the P:Whiter* Family Oro ee c am. T aml ,11 Wouset 6 Fresh Ulst er. , It tin cons; 6 do Pickled do, toot sdo do do, In pint Jo. The above Fresh OyLler. are parboiled, end put op in a highly COnCrntrwed coup, enclosed In hem...t it seated cam. nod will keep much longer than those put op in the ordinary way. For .ale, whoterale and retail, by. WM A MeCLUIIO a. Co, royal 654, Aclinart7 - .1. Urest A nn•VIC o,l\ Wielanulaiii Wort. 11 A pt-i.orwl A eo., New York, bare In coarse publ.mtimn, fnl., price twenty fora /GUIS each ' , Ilitil l it/NAIII if Machines, hlechsnies. En gine Work, and FJ.eineing; designed for Prectioal Working Men, and Mo . t r ioteadett for the Engineering Profession. lidncd by Oliver Upton. TM. work 13 of Imp, ..tro Plot, end will contain two thunsand pones, and upward. of six thousand 111Unirl• non.. Jr will pret orking drawings and demrip tions of the most important sn machine. an the United Slates. 'independent of the reinilt. of Amer.. le g coolly, It will co:limn...emote, practical treatises on Mechanics, Marlin:cry. Eaglet, (York, and Engineer ing-, with all that is awful in more then one thouemd dollar, worth of folio volumes, tantnn . llll.l and other books. blts ountbere rev aired, encl fur sale by the 'mei:mai apid 7:3 Apollo Buildings, hotarth at. MAW STOCK OP PIANOS. - • •••; , :- --14 : 7 -. 7 4. 1 .1•'> . pLI 4 • CHICKERING , S PIANOS. /oho tf. Mellor, 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgb Ageoi In Wt •,crn renorylranf a, for tbo We • eI:t.FURATIiD ILlerataid w.J liqsaar• Vaartiog. r:.6s to ,n(on • ;roc ni• and the anal.leal pahhe. t, at I, n.,re Jo, and Will receive ami ci;lo, ..1“•1It mobth,larKest and na... ei I .auo Full. ever oliered tot mfr t. co.m: zste numl.ct Wilt fro found a wit avpri Super,' y .r.I Crnn.l Plano Fort, thc ie., ,q , ".rtanen:a to mtrhanism an SISZCZEI tel,ll, woo.] .(.r„gclor 1,1•Ou I:r.. rAelt had I.oui .11:r- •It, • itt 1 0 0, •Iltiltf• .yes pro Ir p,•n • for i%e ,ttr. tl t, rate,. 't •I.• • •Ott .10,1 Itsr t•treu p.ll. rI 1.1% the tily, 11,r, • • t•Y:it.OLi.: Oil CLOCK Wl— hc•Vel. &led f*l. Jrr r~l . rrt „ a:;:ez Pmpnuo La• itoturrtl I.nlk pat up lu L.nt{c• Arol d0rrit0,....1.1 Lb. UK. .' ~clrrngta a WV II di If. iti, n a ~..n.,, us feet. pa re dopern.el 4(11,C. .14 n ri11[•1 change, 1.8 nt Cox-. .com Nrit ,,,,, rue1.211..t0r,', Malt evutaln. a.m...., of t, Icor,: r eltn=t2l lama a are Fl.k.e. march, it known. nut be ea rier vr an. glade-tsar, and at staring tar 1/lorene c? I,,rd re,' to malty a off. Lon: r•r pe.rlor platted or plater', ap 1.4.1 eri•o evrnee tor to rare ret doe 11 . 0 .1a.0g real* (or and rerrtal 1:41. • • 1-' I ,••.1 ~.erlOun,d, et Wog, 11. Wie, 0 , 1 tb, ra roe rel llama who •ader •rpl w,..1, to lomt we do not claim for it a entre:4,, ..err Meteor, ere lan nad.,er . ebroater Irme•w• le •ortma:!,l. A na, noiy he eounmeated —n.ll dem., of thenlu: L,f.eem Sark RI CHRONIC IIKON , IIITio, t'l/l,:l1..N1110N on no early nagel A.ttaito, aml all of the nlr posnagra, 14 Vial 1,0511 . 1. A IN I', All'1". , 1 1. .Ihortmca. itbararee of the Bladder and Il.doer,. Pa,o, in the Dace or SiJe. Nevem, 0t ,, 1r.n. l'Ot• I, llheurowe nuns, I r, Karns, l; ,, :•14a, Ac Incaten of Johility 1 1.11.,„ onJ Noiraric4 easel. 01 N ' , or tenon' It will act 04 a general TONIt` mol A LTIAIAPI Vt.: in much taw., naparoor, tone mol e a?* do whole frame. room, lug °Moron:v., °peen ~e doggish fonotione,wilts.h dweate coil o ht. en crinalitoloOrt, and gyring tnere m nn and renewed eert,y to all the orgtm• 01 Life! omprmon ere) several totes 01 YlLE.9,that re,d-ieJ every o•Lher treatment, get well ender the um of the I'M/WM:LI II for a Short 110,0. ThA proof noon who dear., None gcoome mgnmare of the proprietor Wol,ll,y.the A II 1.11.11. 1 . ..:11•1 Ilasln. it.; taevend, ft- I.e I. AI :1.1,1:1tti,:,1 Wanl et, 0...! CVSI , I: NI'IM/WE1.1.. corm., Wo-..1 0, Voon cloy, who ere hi. .11.0,01111.....: Aloe!. 111 IIIIPILATT • hl l'A 1101 3 / 1 . ASIA Palos Redwood. slIts.'1411:1:“S AinspraWs Les 3t..1 fret, Glass and Soap Mater, Nada Ash. vrurirt. , ,.l ~.,eric.t .3 &ley oat. brand oru, vranl:qot crency or a? r rr...nath.. or .1) lot • lets qua. • SIITCH }. ELTILE. ."`‘ %mg. CARPET WAREHOHSE, rio 78. Pourth Streva.. W ':;",;Ti;rall."t1:1;71t., Tritimnlgs, ttttt , r,ll Part ,he following, v.: Ettra ru:, Cinfretw, I:nrli.t. netl .11T a "%ay.-rt., ply aNu,,erfine goperfine i1t1,60: I ewcl, o Fatrito. Fine Common, nll I 1111=1 !lager IluprThae do do Rot.; Tufird Hugs; i•t•lto.non Eli', alton Ootomoit Jo . 7 10,,11e Door Matz; I a 1,4 , bee, Sion 44, I and I T.,” 44, I mall 44,1,1 4n.1.1.4 and !Car Carpet, ,4PrLs.ted 'OllOO t'sarpela. fl-1, 1.4 am, I ,1,1 Ono, prlnte4l4enorover• 1.1 I 111 table rened Plano Table Tile trd woolen 1.111,01.4(a 1111 nJ l.,nrn end vet:4lmA Ir. merit Star !Anent 1 . 1111 et Red Canaan% Tordertng; 11" c l,•11 Intl Cloth 'table %!averrj Mown Linen 'tetra/clothe Ndesi Or...chair Rode; rquir Waggon; ctices lit ridine.L• lute •nd tlrun Male; aeatit and Skeletal, Hate; 1.1 ankl-Iliteen Cloth far II nekeLirck ' Diaper; Suter Om Clint,r from Me magi approved FAlg hal. Atu,serm ~,,, nea t tracer loom Id In it feet in width, rvemh not eat LO lit rooms, bells, and ve•iibule , • e +fin,. The un.le,..terti !imparted direct (rem Eng• r.d, lot del v Vde and l'n,n,try There vr,el, Orr of the !west nod toast elegant gtgig, a.l ,gnetn•, Ihr aiJs eatecaus cnlngg, t,g ....Id It nt.r.- late 00 they eta be purchased 11. r 111 h., Tth , • (I 4,5.4, 4-4. and I V.l.', If inch 1.1,11 Olottt for MllAtl, 1 . 04/•11 TIVILIAIII,III Ulue and Or,. Ch.., Ali: Ilia x.ll loinetgr, WHltte.l 110111011. •It, `• PT VI. Irrtu•i• V..0cc..,1, 1.1 Ihnitkng 1•• T 7 , 1 and t: I Ml.:c Scotch Ihs,,, Ilroara-Lit.rn N.q.lsno., I:ernalli 0,1 l'ioth l'able Covers; 11.•• • 11, INP 1.1 nt tichod•rwl IA: 1 1 1 1 11ellIAL. 'IIIIIIS. I 55 IINI, • 1•1• I:f, wl.lnh Car 55 ilatht . : . rn 5.01-155.5.5 ti 51111ogttnc55l cver ho-tk t. ..Ihr. r.l p 551711 ts Strambnat .111.5 Awl C.l, II Siolllll,,lnfur• in hi. IniFn . 55 d .5 555 ,11 seleetral...,,ll/nreor IMMIN1:1•1, and other artlelex Y 151 .1..11.- Iv 10r,.", Tale 1..1111 /I,tlll for the only Stair Rod Pa.laratc,ary Phistalriplos, nal.lo prepared to sell lower Inn rsr rrli.ari tbaatohere au this clay. nd, \VM. lIPCLINTOCK. Ore*. etnottitt AA MA t'ON A Co, CO Morkn rtreet, between • Th•ta tool 1 - 'OO .111, urllll.l, reeetviaa larg e as ap/no, of Uwe cratb k . n eA . brc uem till, lc; %toga, Do Lotus, Le; wah • large a.val trzwat 1,./.1.1 !hen (tootle, of D.: 4.. omn wattlelatt r lo colors. 4P4 rape r Ilan RI tic received, by Gni Wall Vapor, of the l'':;::ol“:4l:lllf, I ' o gold, chann43, nak t pl rot nml rolora. W. I'. 31.CLIttlIALL, Vale If. C 111114 mrlll b Worn' street lIA VT5.111;414' . t1..t0 - c — on itarit sale rironery, Cornintscsaa, and Porwartlinebasi nesit, ray mvp rona,ll.. N and IV. IL Walateatus. Tho ustncr in galore will be conducted adder the otyle of P. Waterman &Cann, at we old 010.14, No 31 Wa ter and G 2 Front street. 1.. H. WATCIIII,II N. Pinahvega. Matt/atm. CCM- iL F or lll4-i J. ir riltO n taiedat, CO TRANSPORTATION LINES 1850 , . 1850 ERIE alma & MEADVILLE LINE. BOADS of this Lute orilt ]sane regolszty, and do fiver freithts without trotiskipiaant. I C tilDWELL,Pdtsborgh, JAMFS COLLINS, do, Agetits IJIDWELL i BROTLIER, Rochester,} msr'l A f i g L 1850 Eltlmi BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From rittsbares to Columba and (Newland, through the rtels and mule. mauls. of Golan. biano, Carroll, &tad', Tuseeteawas, Cahalan, Mecainglon, Lialarg, and Fretealin. The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Cmutl open. up to our city through this great natural central routes direct communication to the above as well as the adjoining coontica of Wayne, Holmes, Knot, and Delaware. Froarthia section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh has been, to a great extent eat ad, in consequence of the high f transportation, which are now re duced in, 'AI lied CO per cent. iit . Ito of this line will leave daily, arid run through with° t transhipment The Canal company . have besto ed upon Ibis line an interest In the unprece dente advantagels of their charter, and thus secured to the 'dine portions of Ohio in ordering their goods by DI WELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE an equal terest In this advantage. Agents: J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL it CO., Glasgow. COManairid. C Colman, Spear's Mills, Ohio; H & A Co Williamsport, Or George liembla, Whorl, 0; Carlils & Hoffman, do; Hanna, Graham O. Co, New Lisboo,o; After & Nicholas, Hanover, O.; Illbbeti & Booty, Mi. oarra, O.; Speaker & Palos, do.; Joseph Pool & Co, do. Hull & Buss, Oneida Mills, O.; II V never, do.; C Ilaratbal &Co, Malvern, O.; R K Gray, Waynes• Mg a., O.L i t i Reynolds, re do; u l4st r z &e . 111 1 ? . 11n . o , l i d a .0 ; APParland & Co, P P Lana, do; Posh bough & Eittinbottah. &Solway, Willard & Abriver, do.; J llotatian, ;Quail/on, 0., Counaino & Co, do; John Robinson, Caual Fatten, O.; Fertlg & Torrey, Canal Dover 0.• A !Cadbury, Roscoe, O.; L K War ner, & hale, Columb os, 1.0 Mat. thewo,Clatteland, Or Rhoden & fire., do. map W o Traiuportatios Company. Egina 1850, nala D. LERCH di COMB LIND, BETWEEN PIITSBURGII, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK, By Pennuytoonia Caßal and Rail Road. TIIE Roam and Con of shim Line have been put In ealripete elder, and 'rah the addition of sever. neadent the Line enables as to carry a large quontity of praluce anigoods. The entire stock of the Line Is owned and come. ed by the Proprietors. HARRIS a LEECH, No 13 South Third at, And al the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock at, Phi adephla, PAI JOSEPH TAYLOR I SON, No 144 North Howard al, liatimore Mdd OFFICE, NO 7 Wont a:, New 'York; D LEECH A CO. Cana Rosin , Penn at, surl3 Plitabaszto Mg= 185°. UNION LINE, WI THE PEZIN'A. AHD 01110 CABIALL CLARK, PARKS A CO, Rochester, Po, Propr,a. JOHN A CAUGIIIIV, Agent, Mee eon Multh fi eJd and Water am, Pittihorgh. CHAIIIIIIRLIN, CRAWFORD It CO, Aim., Cleveland, Ohio. TI E IFIS well known Line are prepared to ownspo rt freight and Passengers from rirrsuußcit 00J ' C VELAN D. to any point on the Canel fool Lakes. The Meanies elite Igoe are amorpassed in number, gaaDty ...I.'ePftettl of Dom., experience of captelm, and egteieney of Agouti. One Roof leaves Pooloogh Ind Cleveland daily, nlng etuntei , tion will • Line of Foam floats be twakn IIVIIIDURGII and DEAVER; and a Linn of First CIA" Roam &am, Propellers and Vitals, on the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parks es Cu Eduatreatar, Pa; E N Parks & Co, Youngstown, Ohto; h(u Tall oar Warr.. A N Ch.k r NaSr-al Aral, ors, 111 floc 4 Kern, Cfronell & Co, Franklnt, 0; H A Miller, Coyahoga. Patna 0; Wheeler, Lea 4 Co, Akron, 0, ChanuLtrlln, Crawfod 4 Co, Clarraland, G. & San dusky, 0, Peckham& Scott, 'Foredo, 0; ,^ 11 Wrllrarna Co. Untruth %eh', 4 Co, Althoraukie, W to; Murray 4 Moon, !tactile, Wia George A Ottrhs, Phis aro, J Thwarts If.. Chteaso 111 OHN A ' CAUGHVY, 2 corn. Wahl sanu hortitlitheld ota litit=l-1 L•kll4 hatilb ANli LINE, tIN 3 III: 1.1111. , lON CANAL. CLARKE. VA Dlk9 & I:, , kr /j Prr.p.tclon. a; t. it known *m,l 1,111.11111 she 1.01.1. e M. 0., •1 1 11 1 / I , Alltp. coma° Int the Itteient It/ei vo. ronmir nr t 1 - n right aml kg• fallk rrepnn...l i'Arry to kit ..n and I.A 11-1,1 11l II AND AllelllGAN. At the lowest tote% line of the 114 w. ut 11.0 (Jos will he ron.inntl, at the i.nJ,q I.ein or Alak....4kitcla brink., to r,r csk u freieki. JIJIIN A e4L11..111:1, Use.; Oilmen/ Walk. an.i Rosiittairld na, Vitt•Lkikk. C0N: 4 11.0.1h1..rt• W ra, New ekttic, Pa. Alltekeltrte t C.o. Pulaski. IV lb %lulu, Sk•zon; Jhit II Shntpstmer; Wink. Arlo, W. 11 • 0 7, Ilattaumn, Vim Power, Connealowillai John Ile•nt A I , n, Erie, Jokk J Ilalli.tee A Co, Buffalo, N V. tr.., Pittsburgh Poit•tal• *Aga 4.41./n, aft= MO. itca tUa 1 &A Val. 1,110% 0. FIOII rirrsituacii, Sl.TllltrltE, NEW YORK, IIIrITON, le Thous* Boaatuoilt,lST / Pittsburgh stands, iveeivina and tor...trans llercatudiat and Produce at Inar rate., and wag ibe prorontnets. ea tainty, and saray, peculiar to that avel.ari and i s ol tranvatlat.l:. erbzre inturgoediste transhipment is availed, oral den consequent delays and probability or damage. Myrrh andiro and Pro.lace abippedcastor west-and of L a ding forwarded free of charge for comma llo...,•.nYOlg. Or corage. listing no Interest di rectly or Indirectly in eteamboels, that of the owner. is mainly consul:ad when 'rapping theft goads. All commoutratione to the following agent.prompt ly attended lc: THOMAS HOREIRIDUH, No' 7S Mutes weds, ISnAnletphin. TAAFTE A OVONNOII.. Corner Penn end Wayne Erect., Pule Worth acenete /oho AleCullogh Co, Cto Nunn at, Balt; P. GI Burt k Co. tr. Bonn at Barton, %V. & .1. T. TattteottCA Setall, et, New Vint; James %Vheolwrtild, Cinein• 11,4 !MMUS'S TRINSIUR?ATIUU LINE, BetVire•ft Pittabargh an Miler= it am The Canal being now open, we are ready to receive and forward promptly, prod Yea and sueredandtto rot and welt. .Lee c t ... a %Item at lowest rate., charged by repo. Produce and merrhudita will be received and for warded east •nd west, without any charge foe for wattling or d ing freight, ertuuseion or storage Lillis of lading forwuded, and all direction, faith fatly attended tn. Adder. nr apply Is, Whl. HINGHAM, Canal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne ets, SING A. DOCK, No 153, klarkei et. between 4th ASS, Phil's. JAS. WILSON, Ars, No North llowerti et. Ltalttmote. ns. I.IN4;SAM =rift No IS, %Veal erect, N•to Yntk Motto• to our Patrons RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. moef. Doe,.) hi ste Iv p p e m r i n e e: ‘ , ,. l 0 1' , h n i Lo s t , d , e . l t 1 1 0 44 to the booties—arrangements have been made which entire. the saute intetests precisely, which have heretofore cutsted The bonnet. is centred under the note name and bra vie:— Janus Al lion,, A. Co , Philadelphia; ions Nl•Puttics A. Co., Pittsburgh. The continuance of the patronage of our mazy (rent sts respectfully imbrued. If any persons have demands against the concern, they etc requested to p. rect t them forthwith. for payment. Pittshargh, Aprtt 10, RAIN PITA DEN, apl7 _Nn nrqr!_m_e_atnelt, a - FN - 4. 4•11 , •.111‘ RamittLata•• oems•. AIIANIIDEN*. CO. continue to bring persons from any pan of PAtlind, !Mend. Scotland or %Pales upon the most liberal terms, with Wm Imo' punctuality and attention to the warn/ and Com. (oat of eninugrents ,IVe do not •Ilow our passengers to be rohbed by the ewlctiling acarnps that Infest the Sea port, es we take charge of them the moment they re. port thent.clves, and see to there well being, and de. spateh them without any detennun by the heel chips.— We say thin fearlessly, as we defy one of our pursue. g err in show that they were detained hue, by nein Liverpool, whilst thousands of other.. ere detained months, until they could be sent to um. Li/ Iran, at eh; p rate, which too frequently proved their matins. We intend to perform oar contracts ennorably, cost What it Joey, and not act as was the case last seqson, with ether otteers,—who either perfofrocd not all, Or 1/1,1111.111ed their cOTIVCI.IIOIII. - Drafts drawn at Ilittelarrin for any Sara from II to Ai m pyytabla at any of ina_srnyi amid Hants in Ira laud, irngland, Scotland and Wale. JOSHUA, ROBINEGIN, Pennon. and Genital Aetna, Gal Fino etreabone dem WM., Weed UiNtB-17 hi pi pet Dreney—Otard, Dopey, he l pincii lIqIIvW Gin; 5 eel's N ETtena; dni 1,11 . bainsleyt for sale by to. V1111,101.1.TP 11. A. Fatinaintock * Co., lirill.LEnAl.E DRUGGISTS, corner 01 and V Wand ...Ma, tiler 101 . rale,on lAVOtahIC IrT11111: Whoint; LOU Am Cain. Ammonia; GO do Mimi niA Jo Aionfectidn; • 300 do Dye Woody; 686 do Crodo Toro.; e 5 do Lampblack; 600 do Liquorice Root; 20 do Yen. Rea; 000 do Inch Morn 8 do Camphor; 150 do Rod Precipitate; tu do Span. 0112.01) 150 do Calomel Amer.; 20 In 1 ollow Ochre; 25 do do F•ne.; • JO do brimmona; MW do Rather Leave.; -• n do Cloyor 20 do Ithobarb Rom; 3 do Cham.Flowers; .IUI do Ramp. do; 14 ea , . Ref. Rona; 000 dp Gentian ' do; 35 do Coaule Soap; MP dp Hal Rocheele; 15 do Prneelan Blue; 200 do &Milt: Mirture; 10 du Colo. 'dorm.* WO do Poled Rhubarb; 13 do ChromerLireeni 650 do do blip. Rho; 6 do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arable 5 du Am. Vermilion; 100 do do lon. Root, reams band paper; 100 do do J Map; 25 bogs Sicily Sumac; SOIL dodo do ArCayenne; 25 bale. Rani. Corks; 500 do Buildk. Zinc{ 750 t Staab. Morphia; 300 do Ran Tin; 1400 lbs Cape Aloes; 200 do Tamarind. 1200 do Bl•Chrom 001uh;l34 do klatch thlver. IMI do Pink Root; VA do (Waage Peel; 1510 do Trate) Umber; 76 do Cochineal; 1200 do Cream Tamar. 16/ do Mace;otu 5110 do Tartario Acid; MI do • 160 do Urn Illreir 05 do GranrllloLollon. feb2aWnkiebaT CRUCWI2.IS-01 1 0 Dixon% boG 101000 Lead ea: ebb*, Warted Mama for sale by eddl EICHOONALUCIR & CO MEDICAL. Sir James Elturrara Vialdillawasal. PREPARED under the Inamedia.e care of the Ini seiner, and established for upwards of thirty yews Ir. i., , This' elegant p , tion is recommended Je, all elves f bile, aelditles.iindigertion, goat, and gravel, ~,l ed° 0 cafe, easy; and effect.] form In which -merle la may, and Indeed th e only one In which it ought be exhibited. possessing all the properties of the Magnesia now In general inc, without being liable Pte it, to form dangerous coneretiorm in the bowels, it effectually cares heartburn without injuring the coats of the stomach, as rale, poles., sad thew fie , ' bonates are known to do; it prevents the food of in rants turning our; In all cases it acts az a pleasing aperent. ph Is D avy testified that thin solotien forms sOluble combinations with uric arid salts in mis t s of goat and gravel, therbyicounteracting their injurious tendency, when other alkalies and neon Magnesia itself, had (MIA. Pram Sir Philip Compton, Dart, Surgeon General to the Army in Ireland:— "Dear Ste—Them can be an don!, Dm Magnet. may be administered more safely in the form of a eon. Centraled solution than in rubmaner, for this, and Many other masons, I am of opinion that the Fluid Magnesia is a very valuable addition to our Materis Media.. PHILIP CRAMPTON!' Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper,Dr Bright, and Memo. G nth rie and Herbert Mayo, o f London, strong. ly recommend hlurrtiq's Fluid Magnesia, as being in finitely more note and convenient M. the solid, and tree from rho danger attending the constant use el soda or poises. For sale by the Importer', and proprietor's agents, B A FAIINMTOCE a. CG Cor. of Wood& '" GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVER CIIE/BICAL COMBINATION - - From ea Vegetable :Kingdom, to repel Di4/4330.1 Dr. Gursouir iCztroot or YoLloir Dock laud SorroporMa. Mart consumption, scrofula, erysipelax, rbeumansta, gout, liver complainta, spinal effectlons, ultra, op. dropsy, annum, piles, 11011 , Ity, 6flceliffft• of the bladder and kidney., meretrial dimems, coo . rapt Lamont, nu& of blood to the bead, fever and ligue,lcrtotle complaints, general debility, dyspep. for of eppetite, headache, colds, costi v eness, gravel, night entente, cholle, organic. affections, palpheet, itati ack on , a ofc. the bean, biles, pains In the side, e b It is Infallible in all: diseases arising from en I. pore Ammo or the 'Mood. or irregular action of the sy. teen. In the Vegetable Kingdom, an Ali.wise Delos ha. deposited plants and herbs' congenial toner CenE111:1- tions, and adapted to be cure of disease; and to the vegmeble kingdom does the reason 0 1 men, as wells the Instinct of ani air, torn for antidotes to pato. The Syrup is a scientific compound of the most sal unble plat. In nature, entirely free from deletenour and enervating mineral substances, and as It expel; disease from the system, Imparts vigor am etrengthdl ecorresponding,degree. CERTIFICATES. Ao extraordinary ease of Saturate, Erysipelas and cera cured: by the sole um of Dr. Guyeott's Com pound Symp, Yellow Dock and Sanaparills. "Drool Da Conon—Ski I Lenderme, Nov. 17, Iktg my sincere thank. for the great benefit I have derived Roan the use of your valuable syrup. I hone been troubled very bad +it • acrofplous bore, a hick mode its appearance on to chin. 1 did not pay much Inman°o to it at firm. MD posing it to be nothing' but an empuon that appear cm person'', fart a.: It Gently began to increase, until spread to thr .aek port of the bead. I applied to • physickin, who eueoded me all men purpose. I had tried every thing that could be tried. I saw your Syr up of Yellow Dock end Senaparilley and concluded to um it, fur I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the most velenble articles in the world air the blood. I bouglayoer Syrup, and from the eir of one bottle, I could see greet chees xonunk" to melt until I was a welltan. now feel like • new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free front all impurities. There la out • guestion hot the year newly discosesed conspoand is far superior any semen-ad. eysop ever saki. Thta.tilteett le )anr disposal to publnli if you like,mad y one you marefer to me. I ranll be hap py to KM. th em ell the Co lo nnellon I about my cam, he. I remain your obedient SCIVItIII., Cannon C. Jonman„ 113 Market street //an hest (caals medicine known. The Extract of ''elicit Dock anal Snowman. in a ponnive o speedy, and permanent cane fur all complaints Incident In FEDALK4. 11. raid, attentive nape rtice render at pecolianly appiteahle to the nasnaler and dchnua constitution of Usefencalr. It la unrivalled in Ds talents capon anal daseancs es incipient connumpnon, harrenn•cl, ItY• conbora, or whites. 'trepan, nannotruation, ani•Oldi hence of trine, and anion:el prontrietion of Die nystenD It nun cilnately comment:as that oal.trenning nereanie nern end Innoltude COmthion to the Icnaale frame. Cool ampaitn en cnetry and buoyancy an animating as Mel CITA . kralciul. Via Lave era:none hill. which boincnk U. nat"iati/ cram cud t a u needici. to znatnied pooarls nLc Lava not into hananed pith Olt Datot.arstra Unit, a, Fahhia ol tbt Womb, of Av. ... ....L.,,,eitred by Dr. Guysoll's Extract 01 a 11,. . /Wel and Sarsapanlla, alter every otbal known remedy had bum tried withoet IVaminuron, Ohio, Feb., 1519. This eeftlhes that 'my mire, aged en years, hat leen, ender., under the above complwoll for live 'yeara—ney 10.1 of that time 10ndned her bee. I ne l.:. f oull yes. ennsianely employed the best mai o al 1.41[1.1 toil could be paws - mil° tbs. vection of tem country, without any bench: whatever. I bay, alert tatims•eJ eve ty matrilineal recommended for the suer os etch Macau:a, of 'Ouch proved wolthlem. In tie ',wig of 1011, 1 was InduCed by Inv (muds to' try In cupon's ballovr Dock and Deemparoln, v. 4.00 wed, for four months, Aim( sac had ufed tar ot.oul four w cella. it was .114,4. all !b. eh. an 4 frleto 1111. iane .is, mwrov, lan of I. Rad (test tad Dienath, bide the liseaMi removed, and sloe it now ennwina most cocci:am health. Mehl. altiN OMIT. 11'e beeng neighbom of Wen. and Jill. Monfarl know that the above Matement, C. In the weans, 0 Ilea Monfort, and ae to the cure bring edcried ty oessoe's Ilnw Dock and Sereaparilin, to lee rtnctly OW. JANE 1:1/11Y, SAltfk r 01VER, 4 4 'Gloats Clare of Conalonap4loo. l : 4 flolooroo, /looney 2,1E11. Mr. Ite name—l/car Sir The peat benefit which have derived from seas Eel.. of mellow bock and Sai•apwillo,indecca me, ai as act off melee, la mike 100 tot!o•Onc..laleCH:ll,: an-ting for IwJ yearn ittnti getwral cl,hshty ternototted t l i ronsuconton, I tra, a, rcu I w y frit.nds and pt.)." ttatt a•d 01 so , t, 1 Vr:La nuanced lo Ir, 141 F.Attitet, and bovtew sorer , but , wO •.. cotolo, 100.1 dirt, lion., I ant comely well I wat.:ll th. estttot corttettir t crow litt.oJ roar one:told. tel t , tttt Jt...1 to the ttttlstletl who d“lso pwaretfol. I leat.tot st , ntl sole totaody (.latleftglir your (roma, M. WAITH None ur. In hate hinate soling roni.ohith aqua., en 4 tatiye of smap Wove! n 1 we Kir", wok the vt,, , ,;e:1 ..gnature S F Lten nnh fhh',l.l4 vhapeer. Si pet t.ohlt, El/ h. 14.01 e, II.; 13 It *AI br .1. 11. Pratt, fume,. of Fourth and Wal. nut acycou,Cluctnan,o, Ohio, 4enrtnl Agcut fnt IL Solna end 1% est. to Whom all noluta lanai to bt.lresa Carter at Pro, Eve, W Judean .!‘ Cu., Water ford, & tleuton., Ctumng.illci Abel lunch Nl,otroat; Meant Al.l, Towanda: Bolan Roy, Went born; 1.. Roderick, Callenrlntrr; Wdroa, Jr Vats. Curler alai ten Erect and Ike Ds.toood. I. FLIERS' FAMILY are the medicines el the day." Crenate Station, Ohio, May 25, 1,116. R E think It right. for the betirfit of other., to mete roma facts tot &mote to your cacclletti Pro may Medicine.. I have aced your Venetia.* largely in my own family, one *On (mummify exoeltinit large Cu min , " tent' Itai to ea women Irani two children. I have •lin uyed your Liver Pill. and Catlett blyrap in my lately, and they uu ei in every Inatome, poodaced the caret dotted. As I mu engaged in - Lierchmtlising, I am able to state, that 1 bilge yet to bear al Ilia hot failure where your medicines tam been used In any seotiao of the country. lit couelusion. Limy Mate that they are the medicines tribe day, awl ate destined to ham • very extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully, W lIPINNL Prepared and sold by.R. FL SELLERS, Ne 72We L. al worm, and sold by WWI, la generally in the two clues and yietnlty. ja7 S - EA* II LI 'ED bWIN blt--- - Tu mgy. a sto Medicines of the day." (mast's firevert Ohio, May r..,1940. R. &Sellers: I dunk it tuba for the benefit Mothers to state porno fattens 'elation to year excellent lama ly birdieing*. I lime anal y. nr Wrentham, hammy In my own tam- Sy, one rim , fre,aently enwsenng for expellingl .ge quantities Orly I re 0001 aroma from two Mahlon bare tier Ned pot Linty NIS and Cough Syrup in toy faintly, and teef Mon in every trainer producedthe etlectdssired. A g I ma engegrd in rame hmilising, I am able to state that lame yet to hoar the hot bonne where your inctlicae. lime been aged to my weitoo of the tteueng Iticonelumon, I may mate that they are /As niedtrines of the day, and two filutlinc.t Ic him • eery talattlive ropelanty ' Yours. res..ettintily, it.. 11. limintm.. Prepared nod mid to R. F 1 F HS,No 57 Wood mom, and sold by Droggt. • generally In the two ci ties arid steinity. myttl dlgletAT CURE oF LIVER COMPLAINT, by nn VF original, only true, and genuine Later Pill. Seam Oems, Ohio county, Va. March Web. PAC. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dem Ste—l think it a duty I own to you and to the pebbe Vlieta ly, m mate (hat 1 ham been of with the 'Liver Complaint for a long time, nod Ito badly that an abeem tanned end broke, which loft cue In • very low etate. Having heard of your celebrated Liam Pills being rot sale by A ft Shoop in Weal Liberty, and recommended to me by my pliyacien, Dr. E. Snub, I concluded to gore thein • fair triaL I parchmed ono lion, and Coned them to t whet they ere recommended, Tilt: BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED, and cOre Hiking font boxes I find the Memo hes entirely left tie, and I am now perfectly well. llmpeCifelly yours I D I COLEMAN. West Liberty, March HUSE , . !toady that I am pent/110y mirminted with Ole ..0101111 and can bear testimony to the truth of the Mom . - crulicate. A II sumar The rename Liver PIN are prepared and mid by IkRC LLERS, No 57 Wood Mt.% and by druggists Inn,* o clam. TO TIII7 PI/ lILIC.—The original, only tray and gen. ulna Liver Pill. are prepared by R E Seiko., end hays hie 111111111 stamped in blurb wax upon the lid of each boa, and his .ignalare on the outside wrapper—all ethers are countetfelts, m base ininadons. epic_ . It SELLERS, Proprietor lA7 ATOiIE Mll.-AIIIKAYEII CHAN Jammed, an invoke 01 full jewelled roma wer Watcher, 14 carets hp < which I can nett as low as Witty and thirty Gee dollare, and warrainrd to keep gnoddlnte. aptendid awortment of JEWIF.I.IIY, rim. prism Ilia 'l' O ' l an i t Vi "rm. W.nil,neratranVece, TAlLtilltl. IRAIDS, AT 1;01.T. H. l FTv S e " tieire t ; l erYa N ,Ltio e n74 Woolen and Conon Goods, now odor their large stock of Teflon' Trimmings, Vesting;,French nod German Cloths, Doeskin. , Cssnitheres, bear first coot. I.IERSEV, F INING C 0 lei 129,W00d st JUST reed, an elegant plain Rosewood 0 net. Pian o (rota the celebrated manufactory of Nanns &. Clark, N. V., of superior rune, and very moderate pile.' For sale by If. RLEDEIt t delft a t.l.W ..V1 ondwana• hir removing Tenn, hivorvy, Canker, and CI minute ees Jertructive to the Teeth. It le delicious to o e, en the taste, eleauslng the mouth, healing and strengthen tot othr's `41,71g.,e il b d". It He.t.LrlAft, 57 Wood et Llesindles, Gan, lie. 511 hl pipes Cognise Brandy, various sintsges; If too qt do do; 4 pipes Holland Gin; puncheons Jamaica Spirits; 0 puncheons OW I'M Whiskey; 211 qr eight hinderis Wine, 20 do Oporto do; il(lItlek. CIRIGI; 10 hi pipes opanish Red'Wina; GO Ls. Botdenz Claret:: 10 bre Munn Wine; Ills Franck With' Wine Vinery. Are'd am& by - MILLER r. saciarrsoNa apse . an a isaubenrot P . W. GATES' PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS. • I'ATELZED MEAT 13,-847. THESE DIES having been adopted aria highly approved la all the prinethal shops in New York and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufacturers, machinists, ship ?maim, Sc., with the =oat mai Gdence, as the most perfect. article in me or cutung screws. • Their superiority over any 'other Dias heretofore usedi. consists in' their cutting a mark= &sew, whether II or SQUAIL thread, by omapaea6ogworthe Ism lobe "4 which require no arnd,~tng or previous iiiiipnrcition, On the dies cut the thread out of the Solid iron, without raining it in the east; in their greater durability, rapidity, nod perfection of work; and in their simplicity and hale liahndy to get mu of order. =:=2l Par..itnalrau,, /Lag. 17,1848. This le to certify that we have perchasedltom P. W. Gates the right of es , ort his patent Dies for cut ting bolt. In oar opinion, hie Dtea &wrench cope tins to any others tea an acquainted with for the Napo.. of caning boim. J P NORMS & CO. Pms.snar.rma, Any. Pt, IE4B. Having bad P W Gaze. , Patent Clem in rise In oar establishment far the last nine months, for claulny• bolts, la. can in every respect recommend them in the highest terms, as we bane laid all others away, they being so far superior-,onsidering them 75 per cent. cheaper than any other. now in Ilse. HANEY, NEAPS & CO, Peon Work., Pa. This li to certify that we has. purchased me nth[ to ore, and adopted In cur bosuns W Mace Pa- tent Screw Cutter, which we highly approve or. We can do muck more work, and we behave our. pats in durability and precision, as mock as economy of labor, any dies known to us MORRIS, TAM= i MORRIS. PartanaLTlMl,llth month,29th day, MS. Haw You, Aug. 10,18110. Baying adopted P. W. Gateal.PatentLies" foraut ting bolts, we take pleasure in saying, that it more than answer. our expeetnUons, and bays no bean.. tioa in giving It as oar ankle°, that It far elects any other plan in present on for cooing bolls. T P RECUR & CO. We have P. N. Gates'"Patent Dies , ' for cutting nervy's, and the economy of using them is so very considerable, that we trek upon them a. indispensa. ble to every establishment haying any 10111111ily of sierVISS to cat. iIeCOII.IIIIIC6, OGDEN k CO, Cfficseo, May 10, 1640. Oat:mimes Onncv, IV7suoterott, 6th Sept.. 49. I have purchased of W. H.Scoville. for the United States, the right to use in all the enemas and arms. MISCELLANEOUS. - Sir Jamie Murray's ribald Maisseria. PRRPARED under the •immediate care of the to cantor, and established for upwards of thirty years by the profession, for removing Bile, Acidities, and Indigestion, restoring Appetite, presertiny a moderate state of the bowels, and dissolving uric acid in Gravel and Gout; also as an easy remedy for sea alelenessZeiewl for the febrile eliCtlOlllacident to child hood et I. invaluable. On the vales of Magnesia as s remedial agent it in unnecessan to enlarge; bat the Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray le now the most valued by itie, profession, e• it entirely avoids the possibility of those dangerous concretions usually resulting nom Me use of the article in powder. For sale by the importer% and propnetoes agent, II A FAHNESTOCK & CO erplll Cot. Wood & Front sm. ToLIACCU-40 b. Hassell & Robinson's s's lump; 20 b. Jones & lll:dunes b's do; te) bas Cabins.' We lamp; ; MI6. B. Myers' I lb lamp; , 70 qr bre do .lb lamp; for sale by sepll MILLER & RIEKE-PORN R 0 STOCKTON has received for sale, ant 41. h the Dof Oibbon'e Meter, of the Dealing and Fan of aman Empire. L.fe and Lettere of Thomas Campbell, la 1 ei Is Edited by We.. Beattie, hi It, Elementary Ss oche* of Noral Philosophy. By the late Bev. Sidney Smith, hl. A. • • Lecture on the American rclectic System of Sur gery. Il Benjamin 111:1, hl. Nov D. lathe& o n Vernon; a el The elhouPer Knot, a talee, of tie seventeenth cen ors ti , oartet Lcuer, a roomier, Etr Nathanie Hawthorne. . aug9 f Iff:& txrrEns OP TllO9 CAMPBELL Wiled by William Beanie, M. 0., one or bis exemoote. 2 vol. 12mo cloth. Railway Economy: a treatme an the new art of transport, its management, prospects, and relation, commerclet, finatteral, and social, with an expotillon of the practical resells of the railwaysto operation in the lltuted Ktogdo, on the Continent, and in America. Dy Diouyeius Lard m ner, D. C.L ,O.r. I vaLl9ao cloth The Past, Present, sad Future of the Ropubile, trans lated from the Freacti of A. Da Lamont:re, author of "The Glerondi.m," "Memoirs of my Youth," "Re- PheeL" Ac. 1 vol l'nno cloth. Hiatt inward Reforms In Lectoreo, Addresses. and other Writing., by Horace Grecky. I vol Limo elo. The History of the Confesmonal. Dy John Henry Hopkins D. D., Lfishop of the Diocese of Vermont. I vol !Zito cloth. The Conquen of Canada. By the anther of ' ItOche. lags," (}thou Warburton, Ran.,) vol. Men rlotmosi • sketch of a physical de.eription of Abe Universe. De Alex Von Docaboldt, translated from the Berman by E. C. trot. a vole limo cloth 611,1,0 n's Decilne•ntl Pall of the Roman Empire, note. by IL Xiamen. Harpers cheap ethtlon. Moo, cloth. complete an o volt at 40c per von 4 vol. creci•vd for talc by It IIOPAINS toe, Attolki Fo13:111 at • ..Now Dictate. Imoues thee amines, %Then other friends mound thee. Conomipt's dure and return. Annie Leone. Aro we aluthst there, law backed ear.. Ile Borth all Itunet well. Nobly area a lat. Shyer moon. (wave of Wo.longton. Thou tofu remolded. the. epirlt CouN !toter Coy. Be kiwi to loved on. at home. Chrof u my own Jeonnett lilt, Lemuel. Spring flower Waltz*. Ofin Brat .born Waltz. ?alum:ion Pali.. Betty Volt a. Ravel Jenny LIMIA QuickcLep. ?thud. from Nowt.. • . . The above lire ,u.t received, and (or eiti• by J II alb LLOR, suet. 81 Wood sr wLW a. J. MELLOR., Si Wood Diva, Rear reAtiomi lA* Toting Nilo Music: II IT, say can yoa see Cook the truth. holy light; dedi kf rated to Rev. C Cook. Oh, dunk not leo I love thee Blanche siren, love they. When other blends arnand thee. The cot beneath We hills. Wen don Wit min. Await istarle—Scptch ballad. Thu Robin —word. by Din C.., Dante by Stepberr Glover. Th. bad the et. dit that loved thee. The Grave of Waelonrion. The Indi Mother's Lament. Old Issatoo—ltusiid. Ile doeta all things well—. Woodbury, ',Vtdos lilochree—ttuisell. The cottage aline mother—llutehomons. Low backed ear—Lover Gan Welder—complete. The blagie Bell. The Bridal or Wedding. Polka. Jenny Lind's American Polk. Liary Polka. Poiree Atnedcan Polka. Tip Top American Polia. La Salle Itahltoorean Polk. Jetiny Lind Polk. The Original Scottish Polka— Jul.'. Salutation Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine Poll.. Sunman Polka. Rootage] Polka. The PTO- Ott tioadtillm—bleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quadolles. ‘Vreath and Daisy Waltzes--Mrs b.:yawn. The Swine Drover lloy—variations by Camay. Monument. Sounds from Home. Wrecker's Daughter. lotickstep. Louisville March and Quickstep. R ood lip, Quick step.ill btrawbacry !Maass tar Sale at Civets woad Gard... DUIST' Prigs, Hovel ' s Seedlings, and Vistartai JAI nese •tr the lamest and best asenred amongst all the diZerent varieties now frown. Orders addressed to the prop, letof, West blancher ter, soot weave prompt attention. .1 MOULIN. lama; 111.1f.UKILWS /AAIUN& HAS heroine an established and almost indlspenw able requisite In every well provided tunny, Irmo us remark - Oily wholesome and nutritious quali ties se • food for the healthy as well as a diet for in. sal ds, and also tor the sustenance of growing enildren mtants. Venous modes of cooking and preparing it are given on the wrapper 'though welt known In the east, It has never been tntroduceil to any extent In Plusbrugh. The sebschb me bare, therefore, made arrangements to be eon. hunt! sopphed wok h. and now oder it to retail /eaters or families on more favorable term, than is has ever been wild at in Ptusburgh. WM A hIeCLURO & CO aug23 NO Liberty at AI r iViIM , EII.IC r AN now prepared to Aweigh Apple Tres, hum the 1. Well known Nursery of Jacoh N. more., The reel will be delivered at the wherf at Pittsburgh for 1112 per hundred. Perseus wishing good thriflrtree. Rho Id leave theft opiate soon at the Drag, Peed` and Pethitnery %Cue house, corner of Wood .J 81.111161. apIIN•WICKERYIIIAAPZ Bl ow Ooride I - 11 - iive Goods! TT KLEMM has hist received • fine lot of Grass ,Instratuents of the best manufacture, Salaried ft himself with great catu, for mi. lailritet,.tlea Valve Trombones, Sae Horny lleeles,Cornets, Tuba., Se.; also, • fine selection of, Cilium Doses, playing two and three tuner, Ili:linos, Accordemm, Se. So. Also, Oa paler German and Italian thongs, and genus roe Neapolitan E String, /Oar lentil: aptandtd arite'e. SIGN OF THE GO DEN UMW, aught 101 Thitd stroct. itiTk^:4 - celebrated ‘ STIOSING SALVIS sTlEßNtqut.narsa PLASTER, price hllch A sovereign Tosoody for chrishe rheihnutie affectio ns, wnlines. and tilataliett. or Matt tiatt, at the body, scald., burns, .lira., 01 looms kindieuls, swellings, sprouts, bruiset, cores. end felons w hen beet coming. Also, the most convenient and safe atteking salve fur strengthening Flutes. and drafts on the feet. Far gale by S N WIP.KERSHAII sing2C or. Night, llo lp ll Sixth S Wood en Foster's law gthinils■-ltalodlia.-- 1,4 To.R. fl i t! r ot% F lail Nell) sou a Lads, &e. ALSO, So Kind lathe Loved Ones at liotom Row thy boat lightly; Trao Love, by T. /44;4i Our way across tbo sea, dwelt; A new medley tong, by U. Cu,r,e;ii Jamie Gray, maul" ey , X . illieeei Joys thetas; magna; brAieu, Wedding PI trek; o.„ti, o,,Lie hardy arlue;'flebuylkill aka; Conscript's Departure, by W. C. Glover, Sounds tram Home; Wallet', Sleyermarkisehe Co; Last Ram of Summer easy variations by Hem United States Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polka; Corn Cracker quadrille; Loulemlle quadrille; Deataies of Italy; Duette, Trios, he. A large assortment of New /dude oo hand. to Utak additions are made weekly. ! Ear sale by Cabe.: J. 4 .1.0.u., Wawa et. Chlo 4 P. 8_4•4141&TH ilijuhue-a lIIST(4.Y OF ENGLAND la now pat. 114 00 41 b 1 Harper & Dres, In vol. cloth and or. at 40 Cents Per vol. Three yin, received, and lor sale by It HOPKINS, 207 7n Apnllo. Handing, Foonh at. Jol"in=do bras rune Rio and Java; Cantades—.lo hoe moald, dipped, and sperm; Chatsa-150 bat Cream and English Pain; Coans--11t1 dos Hemp and Manilla; Cassts.—al Marts; Oeotio barrel; Qaars-414 („totnrann and half Spanish; Olsand holtheis htankerel,.nlSalmon; flessa-50 b Ts assorted .lac.; Hans—FSo Prime Venlson;, Inn Sags, Cared; Inman-100 S P and Alitnillaj Ina-111 dos Ilarrmans 111.04 and llopylag; hlotsassa N Orleans; " 'ld half beta Sugar Hoes.; 4lnerain—Z) den assorted eanlitara; hiaceasnm-40 lba Italian; • VITILAZILLI-401be do Nuts-200 kegs assorted; Flex:at-3 doslars sase,tted; • Pascual-30 brolteht Para—ad mama basorreek. • Paviou—NO Iha Cardenas; So ar-4.0' bra Raga and Cast Shod; Seems—ll Phu N Orleans and Clattead' Tam--60 packages Crean and Clack; nacco—So but% 6, CI lb loran: Wald Zink ; t For sale by X D & CO larla Corner or Fifth and Wood sta. 1650 1 REED HOUSE, 11850 HIM& & HAIIIIIdf Proprietors.) PUHSC &mu g Er& Po. OFSERiII:STdOE OFFlhli—Eu, ou, WNW.. end :houtten. &um lure tide ham. daily. Car -1 nu to e g ad from Shim and Putot Boat*, tirsiti K. W. Elam lota (litho Minim Haul.Hdo. W.1341ku, MP &team howl, O. &plight's IBEIZE ties andet:tha rapetvielon of thy. Dram-a — ant, P. W. Gates . "Patentl.tat" rot ettting afo a on anta , ,ttel having barn tried in two or the Love arsenals, sad (nand to be,,very effieieat and eler!lrm TALCOTT, Cot INditanea. rxran or Vanns CIL pens, Is',oo,e,te74,:;ere.. Inl9 $ Tebiil. ring Caner' Parented L.'r•ovemeat for eat. aerates on meta; to ', s e coael e one .y h a y, by authority. of the Itonontble 'Peerelary of the Navy, pure based' of the Attorneys of the Patentee, Wm. IL Seirrplo, and Porrisel blower, I. rq, lie luta to maks and or, sold iniororme esti for the L. b. Na I JOSEPH SAIIIIII, albielot Baran. • in ass airo by lloaoto Works, Botha.; Basso 2}. 41,shle1, Roehester, Roalett k Co, Gloa tester, N. Y • 1I & Snyder, Schuylkill C.otnry; _ Birbeek, New York; Hoes h. De lantster "Phrnle,” N. Y. H.R.:Utah= & C o, New York; Deroneed tr. Co,lllontunent Work.. Bala van Buren, Rochester, Blau &Ayres New Yort AlLaar Works, do; Perim& kturohy, do; Wert Point looadry; er. Norri. Bra, Philadelphia; A Wtor nifr Pth l3 2 '"4l N ' ar nb o ' n, r ts' I to ' n nod New York. Lowell Alan/Line Shop, Lew. Auteeikeeit Co. hiarichestcr, N ' Lymaa k Soother, South Boston, 'end namotoas others. ' • ratcsa.l No 11111116 . m0, 10 ecte,dia ups fi ito 2 111.pri. 1715 No ,do 8 do Ito 11 price IS4O Nog dp 6 do to 1, price 8150 All orders addressed to Oates te Moog., a 11. liat mon. New York, E.D.illatsball A. Co, Plata dilohlz, and Scoville k. SON, ebity[o, for Dies and Topa:n.1111 or vrithoot- machines for taint thorn, will meet with prompt attention. Cntesort, Mop 3,1830, MISCELLANEOUS. P.% IttOVALs ALMESI, lIANNA• es CO. hare removed tuts and Leehaps trestas. Office Os mirth west COntel Wsmai Third %MCI BIOTICIii, TITS riitnerahlp heretofore existing between Me subserlborn, under tee firm or liorbridee, WO,Oll & Co., was ilk day, disriolyed by itiotonl .11,0 /11.. The businMs of the firm will be coiled by J. W. nor. bridge, or Wm, .Wilson, Jr ' either of win m is outline lied to um the name tho trio In linunbeion J. \V WU. W I t.rl 'N. Jr., • LYON, :41101'11a Cit. Pit , MoMh, July 1, 1856.—1y4 J. U •PARTZIN/1/11,011?. 'AS.lV.,Lierbridgeh Duni. F. Inehrain have this day emaciated themaelves ender the firutof lair ridge & Inehram, to transact • Wholesale Gioesty d General COMM] ulon Guianese in the house law!, canted by Iturbrulgei Ca, 110 Water et. rinabureb, July I, IBZW.—IyI 00.PAIITS kILLHIII IP. Iseleerihers have tide day formed a co-owner. ship ender the Um Of IV it 1 , Wilson, for the per else of tresseesing the IVhelesale ftrocery and 1'4., pootslon llasistees, et No VI Wood street. WILSoN, FRANK. WILSVN V!ttabtxrgh; I, If,so—jy4'. nOIt.UIB & 111A1,00/ 1.T1.1, n Fe/IRVING DISTILLERS, ilia Tea and Wino H., Merchants, East ado of tho !hominid, Plush rg h; ate now offering at the very lowest prices for earl, Roo Idled Whiskey, Gin MO Doidemllo Brandy; alms, French Brandy, Holland Gin, Jontaieu Spirits, Lon don Gin, Irish %Vhlskey, Rum, &di - l'ort, ' Shen7,llla. delta, Champagne, Claret, filuaratell, Malaga, Team refire and Lisbon Winos. Wholesols to Retail. mr3 DitINTINO PAPEU—Always on hand or made order,lho rations rises of Printing raper, !tag Wrapping Vaper; Crown, ?Soli u or, and Doable Crawl, elate Straw Wrapping raper; Crown, Medium. and Datable Crown Poet Ogles raper; ratteboard,&e. Ao. W f' hIAIISIIAIA,,I3S Wood at, Agent for Clinton Mill a. UTOMAN IN 4111:1110A—Iler work sod her re war blari• J clntos aathor “Chnrom & oantere d, hiußy M me," "To Immo and h, to be." 1 f vol latao. Lauer Day -Pamphlets, - No it -Tbe present tins . 11Y Thomas Carly.). • • eiiALYCILI. , MeaIOi“ of Ltle and Writings ern os, Modelers,. D D., L. L. D. Prelectione on nor , gr .„ ralers nvideneet of Chrietlanity, md! Lecturoon Divinity, with two Introductory Lo• gores and lout Addresses debvared in the New ;o es Edinbargh, by Thomas Chalmers, 1). D, / I vol Ceartn- , •Life oldobn Calvin, compiled Dr m aaWeu- Lieeonrcei, and particularly from his cower popft,.... Lty Thomas II Dyer, 1.110 petunia 1 vol Mom. I)l,mM:by R HOPKI: • APOI , O t:Tounb n. GROSS toper Polka; f 0 do do • ,ry e n . ; 2U Itraaing 12 " d .nrer Ingli`o.l Horn 11` J.1114; •." •• Pearl Com. ` 200 " 'No/A •` • 1000 d.••ed Fino Ivory; 20 " Ellen Side Comb,: • • 10 " .ulcer barge . Hunk. 21X.Frinas ers`d Sado Ca` duly (04 • AL:titt 118 Martell re 611104110.0.0 TII a. E Oaderedipted, enCeee , 3 . 0 , 0 4 0 Anisi,,.4 Niclisi use, beg leant to left ran the eitii.s of Pinihsigh and pahlto_gcnorally, thee they brae rebtall the EA GLE FOWdDlter,Ood or a row in full commie% stud Lau part.: of their pan erns ready for the market:— Amongst which are Cr irking Stovea. Cool end Wood Stoves, with a rplend' d air-us/lit Coal Slava, which Is now super... Ling in other Mime the eOMOIOII round Stove. Also, a cher ,p coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for email Amnion, with a fall ateettalent of cab men and niantel Grates We would panicularly In- Tile the attention of prone A building.,to call al oar wurebonsei befiire pure heel g, nod cauntne a eplcrulid Mack' Of ettominvfled Gra s, Golsbed In fine style— entirely new in this market Warehonse, No. let Id ny at, opposite Wood it. __....9L: -4 " N CLIOLSON a YAVNE. PITTS LIIIIIGEI 131.POILTATiONEL n STA,LIER, Importer and Whaler:4n Dealer Lo. ar , .',FANCIi AND vmu ET I: (.00D11 Sign of 4 , Gili Carob, led Merkel et, Pitt.burgh, Fa. Wu so blerchente Pedlers, .4 other. melting Plumber li•to perehasellobila; are setae/Brolly iovitedi to mill • itesaune the anteroom assortment of Fug- Imit, Am tic., French .d Gentian Fancy Goods. ALI Pouliot Goods at OW establishment ore import i ed direr. 'by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting gel) .f rom brat hands. 4 hove the Wry,cse imm inent of . else, In he variety line, In he oily air Pittsbu -tall of which . ...Kim sold !Ow for each on city ac es Lances: The Stock consists, In part, of Lace d e, lloMery, Gloves, Ribbons. Silk C Mos, Shea soil Patent Tb reads,Suring Silk,, Spooland Coti , e i ,Trteee, Gteependers, Banana, Pim, Na.. • cola . 4 S ilver . Watch., Gold Jewelry, all kinds ea Brushes, Ninths and Boon. Yemen on Cape, Revehrens, Pistols, Clock., Silk fa. Cotton P ne e, Speetaclee, Steel Pen., Maio Boxer, 1 Carpet II Mt and Basket.. ' Bindle m Findings and Trimmings. . Toy. a at Fancy Good.; toaeglier with a large amis. ty of Fe and Staple'llaY Goo os. C. vi-: u rat is oleo agent for the celebrated Lata caoter C ribs. noel: • 'drama lamidjab Limastodli• FOGRRM beliciiiettftignrui'LP.u*rtiorla: above d cam., Is Om HUNBARIAN BALLA OV LIFE, d UeteSed by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, at London, I.d, and introduced into the United Somas I n ander th mu:maims imperintendence of the inversion Th. extruirdirtary success of this Medium, In Um eon of Fulmouary diseases, was - rams Um Americus Agent inardiciting fortreatmentthe wont pounds, elm aes thecae, be rattail baths commenni—emes Mat wets relief in fun from any &sterna:on [comities of it. day, and , hive been grata up by the MOM distingewacil physietau ear confirmed and leenruble. The Ilemorst. an /late= has;cared, nod will cure,the most deeperata of swell. Ills no asset commie, not tt atUndard 104- 140 h umeleldt, of known and established ethesey. F.reoy road' la the Coiled Funs snook! be supplied wit). iluchert`s Ilmegarlan Bahama of Life, not only to eolottemact4he consempuve tendencies' of tae et/teats ZA b. :a:U:l;i I tt7: l Voo ' 7, d p ic aTn , ! i n ' tte r s= s ar, o l chest, arritsuon and• scream of ho lungs, brachia., . diftiedlrx at blasting, hectic, feller, night sweats, emaci— ation lend general dcl,ilityouthma, innuenza,,whooptne 7 soon Mend estop. • - - .%0.1 in bate bottlers, at it per band., with fall dime, donator the.restotatitia of herilth. Paniphlers, is.taining a mats ilf.Enatish and .11,mar.:... ran ceitllletted, and other evidence. showing Ma so. equal! Mario of dile item English Iteuntitivy ewe U. obtatne otlhe Agents; granOtoe.ty. . • Fors a loi IS A FAIINESToOIt A, Ve,„ rower e a st and % and and Wood sad nth etc. - ottsitarie. (TErlril L IKlWlFl.A476l44CreildVitijp..7,j,,iia4 a .:. 1.3 NOT um 14051,1 - r .......- ~,,,liwch n 0,317. Mr, st. Be hest.—ln justice te'inaandLytros ow.. parable eel Giymp,l beg leaVeterelate, tilt a. b...- " N t ela ffrztiz , th,rzar.2,b00.. , -,, , ..i._,..- el'imsed, in aonary lam, a battle of yo r ar c ly - rep,,,,iii,-. cured . Inc co ge cough wo .monthst 'goodbye/. About Ono month the whistled, and vas so severe Thal she co Id hardly move, trots Oreakneas in the breast; I see for one bottle of year Sough . Syrup, and a part of one rile eased the cedyb"le- 'I giore the other to a muracymee, who was sow soy ./To clod, who had,. i s sere It, own Worth. rinse enotictt cough candy to. ern as th , pepw e m pittshurgh s o if the randy bad , been as gopd as'Aoresented. • • Vout.a„.ket ',lee &fatly, , 41.411RT1 IL Emmy k'rev4.4.1.6./ sold by R. F.. SELLERS,O7 Wood, ~eut, and,vold by //ragtime generally is the twee. amei t___ '' • - - *a., ALLWCAthrdrlt VEXITIAIII *LIND oAD CABINET 11V4ItRACOM. would iespeeo .eti2n7 lb:L"U'' t h at h gh .. • 0 o. l l l , tatond col the. ~ Y ~11 eoLople ca s ' ototro• . lion Moat; oh,. v. der i',lthh:t:g="td:Zi'es7 aile4SMeek _ • Lt 14i bo r="C O 1 10 f scow. rtit .Mbtll he line!, tools, wood ofthecabione, tabludimealef Hammy WO. 1 not. prrpored to funnsio Ohl e.(019.11, S.W./1w the pabhe at large, w every cooe, ilarlow :AgeruaNo h Wood urn!, rit)st.llL - ' likialretchr l 6 Teas. D V IDOLY the she-spar eel hen place lo of the lf,lh,tleYiltny ;11 Tel /Whet, nut sloe .I , :;ea nett Tea at • • --40 50 vit . & SoPerldr .. . The aery OO Low priced, Oirmi s do r or Teas we to kepi at this establishatext, th ere? , , Orolitor You err Poor reit or acrid a child, yea act in r Le ootsina.goed article, an 4 if the Ogler Cre Tel is ad; they readily. exchange is Is,. [I the roomy. hie • 1110011.19 1.110 , ORTII, Proprietors. / IIIILLILleT112: SOAP—Oro Lee for sale by eepti! tdaLtiß & sucKersoN _ saveriusd Cali, inersll7 -- tI) EFlNtir aid urePma r-Q , ...1i ro , Food, Ya.l. L . o Wogs, Wes, Chstants. dc. . . , Itec:po for/Soiled Castarth—uno quart of ~ - nuk, our egg., ma ( . teohplnhnihief MN twh ihh/ehihhanfoit : f tohned rowel—ent the awn In a mall immu y 0 , - .. atilt, ull It it path!! U 7 daholeed whit wuppw,,,,,,, ... „gm io ., b.,am o the *link-IPu titna. ' 4 omit OW the heloneo 9,( Ups ururgoddy, Pori uurrly WI 4biXt. U. 0 hm—Et Oars ,• • mid , , al mot • ,"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers