Bt .MA‘ ff!=MISM rap& TILLIE° et&elljr.D TTS)WRUII DAILY GAZETTE aff.Pu .011 Th K TORDNTO, Dec- 21 Inspector Genknl Hints lett here this morning for Washington, hn bnoness connected with the teeiproetly quesliki.l ie stated hy • Government uppowtion end not de' nied by the G o vernment ent organ. Mat the , Mama, hlintster is propmeg • tariff of deferential duties In favor of lee at. Laltreaae. wilt , a view of heel. totting on Congress, if , it continues to refuse reel . _ TEAMER SOUTH AMERICA BURNT! Nl'. ORLEANS, Dee. IS The UMW! Bomb Amerma, Bound I rom this port to Cinclansti, was burnt, about 90 miles abolte• here. It as supposed that twentP•lz jives were lost, Ineteding some United States soldiers, The boat and cargo are a total lean. bauIiA.POLLS, Dec. 20. The Slam Convention have gone wiltm . lle lion K . eu mg the nen* of married women, by voted 73 to Si. I "...9mnd:hrt, Dee. 20. The Fishoming Decwerni, earn t hm disuaion,Pmessica,Jmilltticalion, and all kindred measures, find small favor with the masses of Fah• mina., who are directly opposed to them; one, and all. If the Bute of Qtraissippi WILL secede, says the Democrat, it will have to hid farewell to Pistol mons, for it will not' go with her !--I Well done, fly we, 0 Fishomingq CINCINNATI MALLKE • December 21. c cgt—Ordinary Hors aro a abide easier, be I command full prices. Sake 2,000 head a , scauo per 100 ProvisMoe—Sala at 510,62 for bbL ,The week's receipts of Pork are 000 bb'n, and or Lard 1600 bbla. 'bar—The imporis during the we. k are 21; 000 bbia--exports 13,000. The Hog Market throughout the whin. t" .t le bu oyant. Al St. Lotus about 30000 have been peek. t Easters Esehtuage here is the same as seiner. day. ==3:r= steed, prices. Sales compote 2,000 liblsaiS3 • 013,70 ft bbl ... 4 e Mulkey is Mos at 231024 e sr gait ' O ft coOUOUO dull at 0. sr lb hgsr is bettor, with safes good fair it craft. Sale. Molasses u 29a300. Salestair Rio Ceara at 11l Pt , NEW YORK MARKET u l t Tama gariari. December 21. I Cotton is ouch aged, with sales of 602 bales M . 1 _,_ 121(ii126c for the various grades. Hour—The rket v very fina, with soles of 8,000 bbla 61 5,061 for rams heap Otro.— . Rye Firms la bate wire axles 302 bbla at 83,10 per bbl. . - • Onto—Wheat 11. firmly. with tales :spoo .ea red. Ohtani 1 per bo Rye ix sante, and - a - n ' bald at 770730 per nehet. o la unchanged, with saes of 10,000 ashels at 6463651 a for new, iand 137869.: for 010 hormoug—Pork f still annealed. Bales 400: bbl. bleu at $12,78, b; . t generally held higher.—' - • fleet was sold to the e tent of 200 hole at £69 250 0119 for Maas and Ptue. Lyra la quiet, wan - 101411 of 100 bbla old at plo7i per -6 r NWObikeTia steady, dtat sates 300 bbla at 27c , pubs lion. r t4r 6 earlus are (Oka. a:inept:6g Coffer; 2,000 _ R.lo sold tar 1010 t lil= per h. P. , Ha toad IL. Mem In Ohlo 0 IIL EFONTAINE AND INDIANA RAIL ROAD. Q &LED PROPOSALS ill be received at JACK -0 SONVILLF, Duke en toy, Obio,lknown as tier. sal el until January 4i5t,151, for a i ling ihe gEibb. I :tei Cfe e ek r tl i th a ejan it :ll ' o d r{; 4 . 1. be from' :in e dl'auspo 11. o a t n a d Bellefentame Rail Rand: , at the Indiana State Line. . Fill i es are now reedy, at I e Englocer's (Mire, is SI EY, Shelby county, 0 'o, valeta information asbe obtained from Isom I Pemberton. Realtleni litukincer. Propconls um aaol, led at Sidney, till the 40th of January trolled Proposals wi'l also be re Ce lord at MARION, Oh: 4 1 raid February sth, next, fording b th e grubbing, ties log, and grading ou about ati roles, Dame. id On and BelleMataine The wait rod profges on thie trillion, will be ready ten day. ihefons the letting. I nfetuntion- cut bo obtstwo frond Alex', Worrell , Reableat & , since" at Bellefontalne, and al the Chief V'cart othee in Marton. , it above are the only portions on lee rose not _ yes Seder contract. Ills rano Is kerns - has the "thud 'link?! to Ike great central backbone chain," from P hit elPhia to St Louie, and likewise as the western insation of be t mein lines, from Past.ot and New Yo tf, through Cleveland. • Mr order of tha Bowl of Darman \ W. MILNO /I ROBERTS, Chief Engineer. , Miasma Ornos, Marian, U., De. 10, 1810. • dielCkdaw&wat i&I ILPOOL PROPZILTY POLL SALE. 0: BUILDING LOTS far sale In Me town of East I. Liverpool, Ohio, at low prices and on favorahle ten HUSS for curter lots, and Otto form data--each be 100 feet front by 130 feet deep. Liverpool Is 10. ca on the Ohio River, 43 moles below this thy, add y between-Pittsburgh mid Whecilng, 4 miles Glasgow and Little Deaver, and the sumo di.- tan e flonLSVeilvville and Calcutta It is Mutate in a thy end beautiful part of tilde. has IMO inhohl. tan and OKT oak rummers, EIGIIT ESTAIUSiI. Pm Abe manufacture of Rockingham and Disomessraso, germ fat hotels. dry goeds;and grocery siorksond mochanks or verions bode, four churches, sad, sotzbllc va:rola. At the /Coe= tale of 001114 a wortignrchand by mantlfserureis who design eruct log daring the coming mason, poneries end other numahteratingiablishme , Ti. Qaccuserare of a Fusona ilm, in ad dition to Rocklognam and yellow having bean manufactured in this town, it Is hlet to suppose that ii swill rapidly improve ?arsons desirous of viewing the property can do to imr day by a few boors tail trot° Pittsburgh, steam. .rs leaving car wharres every day for Liverpool, ellntUe and Minding. Tenni of paymem—Dee foarth in bend and the had. , it ee in three equal annual payments, with interest ' . B—l will eispo. of a number of lots for car. i • ier work, brick Isyle,t pies crier and painvng to i done alLlverpool, during lb, nest spring rind s o w \ 1 r also for Lumber aid tiri, Ir. Apply to Sandford 0 • IL Ewa, Liverpool, or to the .obsenher at th, !of Mu,,.. NUteheTf /a Pa met. Attorneys at Law 123 Fairth meat. JAAIF IRA Iraq y . eilbanjanlil I ! E OLLI PILINTINH. ESTABLISHMENT. Mats Jot:Aston Is Stockton's) d Biwa Had Ina Sudulsury Wardurux .w. I. HAVE II • to ex* every style of Legal, Com. Canal an Steam Boat Job Printing and o• • ; and famish ewer,' uncle In the Blank • r, and ntatonery line, at the aluirsest rm on the meet reasonable terms Book and Statiotery Warehouse, earner of and Second masts- - eine ;mu ?took Bindery, No GO Third Ago:, LB's, klibbcrt s, Bogart k Tbompson's, and , • • ' Black, Red Starlet, le Carmine Into. Boatels Faber', Brockman es. Langdon'a iota son% and onroe's Black and Red Geou Penedo leas=• 'of owe. draenpdon; Giliott.s, Cohan's, Pun's, ra, Rally's, Leman% and other mann. factares of reel Peas; O. & E. NI Soudt's (doccesror a. A. O. • yley &Col czlebrsted Gold Pen, with gold and er coons • . English Brawrag Paper—antimmnan, doable alephant, atlas, col ambler, super royal, royal nod tiobant, Bristol Boards, cap, decoy and medium. Parlors:ad baud, fancy box paper, plain gold and 01..4r,enabossed gold, silver and fancy anlonal pap., obfand colored strips and formes, sad I•thogr. ens tot line? boxes; prepared parchment of all sires, soltabla for deeds, Charters and dlploreas,• French Lobs paper, alonrys on band, the most dratrable styles, Bliss and !Anat., plias pit, sabOtzed aid slotted, ~,,rabta for balls, parties, weddings and mourning. French mote envelopes, plain sad embossed; letter envelopes, brown; wino, and bloc; laid sod Plata .1. isITO envelope., bat, blot aid white. Wafers; waist cops, amino. patens: ertltlnvand, SLIM, tin, cocoa and Turkey boxwood 'and xee. toning presses, Inks, brash., Freneh oad English tcpyLtig coots , and oil paper, tissue paper or all noires; rod and whno patent Oolong paper; pan 'Wens. &a The above, with all other arUcles to the Stationery both fumy and stsPle. totether with large as• • ttmant bleat boo atoll memorandum books • all C 0616109 fauns of reline, In every stele of binding, L A poet of LEI aim ard ter inkal reduced V:tIIS as tbo mO4 reasonable term, at W. A. 11AVLIPS Blank Hoot and Atationery Warebonve, Comerrota of Market sad &cone sus • • Les, Shawls and Dry Goods. E bare jut received on conalgoosent a very haodsome lot 011.000 Shawls at d.iterent mien, b i r il lEk will be closed - oot very cheap: Th. trade Is ~,,pootoolly Jostled to e all and etamme them. Al.o, • verrMmto lot of Dry Goode, emslhttne m put to follows, Mr— , Soon Black French Clotbs; • do Oliva, SWIM and Omen do: • do Bias and blot* French Doeskin Comintern; do Brown and drab Tabby Velvels; do bsimp.Bibbed Ddb Bernet, Wormed do; en &u Mask Poison :Nils, (good article) • do Bleak &Ilk Twin on .pools do - do Btu blaelo Waxed Palen' Vaud. very top. Tlosiooll's bladder Prints; • 'rattly Red, mat Min do; 44 do do pion foreortains do; •4 do do Awl elks; . ENtuak Glodtami; • • @pal' /Mush dm &paler Oil colondo, id, Per onto by €.17- • HERSEY, 129 FWood it LEMING & CO, - - ' Hay Books just reaskroil. frus or.tohn Randolph or Roanoke. By neigh at S. Gartimd, with a prima's,' vols. tento Cu.. Massigastl's lillant of Learning Laeguage e s;np r • 1=84%1r. of 31,10FirAtic.4! .aal and PtUologleatiladma. 8y... Rattner, NO/00. re a( the Preach Latitude and Lateramte tho lbw Tart Fres Academy. 1.2 . limo. tha at voltam or the Simples of the Llfe and . W,oup at Thema Chalmers, ,1). D, U. BY , sea la lam, Rey. Wm. Llanelli ta La ti. , Bunny an d Geography at the ?Riddle Ages, for aelleges aid aelmota, Mtnp fiton the r,tbry. Ily oname Wasitington Greene, author of 21. of Gen. Ow." Flipsiest thadler,*c. Emma". and Melding Platea or oar Lard, U. haintAlliii Ito Journal et alma tiranth the Land of !gumbo, vitt .nnosetrom Bastavlsge . J. M. ,lidstawriditt. D. P. I Vol: loyal Oro. For slur by • 110PRIN& :del? ' 7R Atoll* Be Ilatoge, Tentth r. _.' lailla Rubber Goofte• j „,, , T »e4—ltlos 43 feet Robber - Whip.; • 3 dot 3 feet do, It dos 0 het • do; • 1 des I feat • do; • ..-,-- 1 dot 8 feet . do-, • do: id • • 24 , a r e : a llow Sleeve Glares. 04/1111.4 /idler :pot, 7& 9 W:Tat ik.b "4 4 7&11 PIIILLIP2 161Ini; . la brio Natal . • td brit Driol t brio Clerrorseed; 6 brio Salutroo: ICO bu do. brls Roll Bogor, 66 trotpocked da 73jort Baur, 10 Ou roll do; ORO bmo Chou.; 1 bale Skop Polio; for tale bo II CANFIELD jjk/FITC6 nowm.nia-3 bTWr ala r try dal7 E!CLIOUNIJ RR CO i;OIVIMERCIAL RECORD. PITTIIIIUMUU BOARD OY 111413 M immurri =mum& COMMIT/ER FOR DECEMBER. a.. alsaill lOW HANN, Lao Kll.lllllB. THE 00E43 9TEADIELI3 Cot/in'3 lime—From - Liverpool to ;tiny York. Belie ....... Capt. Comstock Batsman, Dec 11. Pacific Capt. Nyc aconday, Dec. iN Atlantic Capt. Welt Patorday, Ja D. lk From NetoYork . to Liverpool. rattle...... eapLII e tl.tardal, Der..lL Cunard Line—For Lirerpool. Aria From N. York • • • • Woo orada 7, Dr0.:12 Arne me• • •• . From Bosom • • •... Wed nerds,. Dec.' Al Annus . ... • From N YorA .... Wednerday. /so. 1 Canada . From Hoston• • ••• •Wednrrda7,Jan. IS From Lempol. Africa For N York Eararda2, Dee 7. Canada For Dorton Saturday, Dec 21f. Oran Steam Nan. Bremen from N. HERMANN . • • • Capt. lirakirec ..... Friday, Pee. 2U. From Bremen to Now York. ‘WASIIINCaI./IlLeopt Lloyd Sooday.llco IS PITTSBURGH IS ARK ET ernes, PTIMINCROTI OArraZ t Monday Morning, Dec. 'Me 19 : 0 . The wegth•r, on Saturday, was clear and pleamtrt for out door business, hut as amal on the closine day of the week. but bale of in ttttt t transydret to the mar bet FLOUR—Nearly all the reeeepts of Saturday were on consignment, consequently sales were moderato— We note Smiled sales from tire, and from wagon at t41,6.9013;i0, and from store at 10,61053. K p tehl. Rye Fkoas—We num further sales, in small lout, at 111.W0133: ♦bbl. Cu. Nun—Sale. are principally by retell, from store and the mills, at ISCOO: f bu. Recce:tenure From—Supplies to more are light, and held at high rates, say, 111,10.R51,1r1 p awk of r,O pounds. CE • • , ra.c, v..d pli4o email welt' .to held at 111,120t1 e 191 P be. DRIED PRElT—Apples are, tf .7 thing, lets firm, and We may now quote irom first hands at 700•13 o, and from store at 77.43600. ♦ be. Peaches are without change, with regular sales at 51,25061.31 from store. We have no salesofoonseqlence ta repot s, either from Rut bands or store. ORGOERIES—Some additions are making to the supply cf ragar and molasres, and suppllea are mars gh.cqual to the present demand. A lair regular bar Incas is &down sugar at Giedac, and In moisases at 314131 a fk gall, for New UrleatisCottee is atationary ClllOl4O ft 01 Other articles under this head are nuchangsd. LARD—Sales DJ tails, at 7871 c, Lime. TALLOW—The usual rams tram store RIG :0 f peeled. SDAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of roan aoap at 4 OW; of Star Candle... 01001 c; mould tallow, 10c and common dipped At De ♦ lb. Broth CROP or LOolltano.—.lohEl Hall ; Esq , a relic VA merchant of New Orleans, who has been making a toss of the sugar region., gives a gloomy account of the state of Hie map. He rays • v Up to. Saturday morning last, all teas going on well, and most planters appeared satisfied with their Nec. hat en :Anna, EMI hlonday mornlog• we had o var y severe frost, kililna•every es. atabdirg, from Beranek:l Bay to as.far tap the enentry as nod been beard tram, many of the planters lint baying pat _up a funk el teed. wh eh wtu leas, them tonne.. a mop nisst year, and she improsclon is that ono half of the cone now standing will spoil before it can be made up, which undoubtedly will be the Cate If toe weather should tau wawa and meaty The ripens from the pai attics are teems an. a worse every day; very few had saved half their acid, and many none la ail, and cane already spoiling neat the frost two weeks ace. !Should toe winter os • severe onn I dealt If dime w.II be a cane rolled newt year in the parishes of St Landry, Ilapides, or hvoyelles, sad bat very fow shot t Ropsta Palates Coerce, the Febeianu, or Baton uge, for want of seeds and Loss of talons. Encas should be good Ills semen, and must be better the nest The Thibodeatan Minerva, or thee:Mule, any. From all pane of this and the apalellyr parithee we hear bit er complaints as to me effect. of the loot (roman atendir g mine. Never, within the memory or oar oldest plantem, has them been, at ill, season of the year, a frost halt so de.troeuva no that with which lath porcon of the State was visited on the moreingo of runday and Manny last. It to trio candid epinico of persons more egpeoleneed In meter• of thio wind etas weire, that the serer crops or Lialotana will be cut short at !moat eighty [Screened hogsheads of saw. la ceathquence of the last thetholthatil It have cern cs severs in other ports,. of the roger growing din trial All plththrolthe now firstly employed in windrowing their !standing mine—but the deed is already done—the frost has now hzd its-effeet, and the planter, a great er of leas degree, mast ce the the therefor. Toe worm weather which ensued and the rain of Wednesday mornirg, we are Ineltned to Lanese, has settled the matter rue the worst, beyond the least withable 0411 . 3 t, though we Lope we MAY ere is oar concluthons Tax Ilea Tans—Tne neteher of ho`, arrived, dug ing the week was u follows Arrived from Ohln and Inelren•.-- • --SO-FS: Arrived by radioed. neer, knit canals-...-- • ••MIS3 ream Kentucky. Wryer ---• ••• ..... - PAU Slaughtered in COrliTgton,{aara re/cell) le.:00 Blungtiteend In rlaiev•lte• • • • • • ••••• •• - 7,501 Tval this week ••• • - • • -- • • , • , .13G fievoltsly reptaccd• • • - —•— -• 1:419 crane kW.— • 101,17ta Note—Thu statement does not Include lett arriving by cottony wagons The followlec, (preaahote the a;; regale :erupts or Kantelokk and other hop ranee the commencement of the ecason, the keener meladung all that hate be•t: that Cikington to Mit date, and Ma rune.. that trotted the neer aloe. • From Kentucky -- .Gl,tritt From Onto and Indtateu.— 05,711 By river, railroad, nod canale...---•-31 701 elute taunt, 4136 scree iteeit , td by elver, Tate by railroad, and JUG by Wattowatier canal C.o. nisre• _Current. %V AS TED, ASITUATION Inn Wbolesilc Grocery or Dry Goods a poen! este well eots , , bed for either I.lnanseas. Sarafactory reference Prep Address Boa No 3 Sett (I‘fiee. noN DICE-40 tofor gale by Bela WIII DAGALEY a CO 12LOILIR—kti Itly for yMn by V SOW WM R JOHNSTON 1,)800112--Ila Jp.a. fat tale by /JP del7 M II /011NbTON SHEEP Pi..LTSLI tabu lade by del') W.ll LI JOHNSTON LEAD-30UU pica sac Galeca, yet gauzier Navp 4 tMot, for sale by 7 RHEV, MATTHEWS k CO TO EA CII ES-173 balee n rAil . ! e i r l d A e , eeel i .Aej ; e s ele del? Cu 10 . 110 Mer - D.;:=l7d — uTris 11Weidruairesili PaTe.deee, ,. del? kl • ITas r Lep h GLZ FEE-317 aav"." Rio tf & CO r ieRO.O" AW.7I " /VgltVE4 d.OO del7 F isH-101 ea. lame No 3 Mackerel; 10 brill No 1 Baltimore Herring; IS drams Codfish; for sale he dot? RUES. MATTHEWS A CO TSLOOMS-103 tons beat Tennessee, landing am steamer Cinderella; far esie yr dell JAMES DALZELL. Water st S Planti SOLE LEA I. kit.l7 , trtm . slor z a i lle i ny CRLCIBCF23=3 eases assorted, front 8 to 50,1na on best Mink Lead Orarteles, warranted, dell J SEHOONMAKER CO • • • j— jl "AAlAFrclnzaz=3 kqrs far sat! by LVI del? J SCHOONAAKER ICO t•aeby H E IM R'S G S b eiIOONM I AKER& CO TIN FOIL-1 casa beet Freccb, far sale los by del? J SCHOONMAICCIL k. CO lIDER-23 brls fn store and for ”le by I del7 • W3I II JOHNSTON ANEW F t Ri IIII7 t rc F 7;ITLI:..aNri.V,:I;„..II. ren, and also much need for making Puddinsts, Blase Mange, tr.c.. A variety of modes of preparing It Is given on the wrappers, j on received for sale by den WOO A hfeCLORG & CO PRINTING PAPER—White yellow, pink, and blue printing paper, for Land Hit.; for gala by W P MAUSII•LL, del) .P 5 Wool st WRAPPING PAPER—Brown Medi= & Double Crown Straw Wrapping Paper. , or cafe by WPMARSIIALL, dt9 • PS Wood st APER lIANGINGS—AIhiI assortment always on P Land and for sate w P LIAR HALL O,ODA'APII—tO casks Emu's mperior for wale by deg . A k W-IfeRBAU4III MOLA2BEB-40 brls reed .e. _bY CO N. 1 8 DILWORTH a. va,worni a. co pOTACHI-80 cut. • .0e b• i del Burrra-4 Ms prise WI, for dale hy dc 9 J 8 DILWORTH & co G OLDEN BYRUP—IG brls recd for tabs by A DILWORTH Ps en DIUED MACLIVS-230 Lo landingr for vale by acv' I is DILWORTH tr. CO ITOBACCORIt trotzr4d,s.4Ell9774l.g•rLondip; 10 ban Z. T1y.121 . illiptilar do 47 nig Seddon & Anthony's Pa Vs; bes Darnel's unrivalled 54; 15 las Patroan's 8'.;10 bra Satherlin's celebrated lb la catty has 15 lb each,blerrtls" brood CO ,do do Warwick & Otera all 013 conecarnent, direct from the laariat.• torero, for sale by L S WATERMAN k SONS de3 31 Water dr 02 Prom ats wOIIN BTARCfL for Lartit fresh supply or the Owego Corn B:ateh, winch took the preset= at the lain New York State 1 , 114 lost received and for moo by deli • WM A MoCLIIRO A. CO MOLA Saa 2 -25 6 - rle plantation tor rain by del I PIMP/ERA lIMINFR DR LITACEIES 7 CI79 hu r nt i oa&ko r ta ßriEs Itl — )Tl3lilTrA—G besglit i sa v rea4l (or 421 . ER & LCARNE.4 MADDER=4 ro _Y_ "At & lII=EZI SNUFF -6 cads GITTCIIII Scotch. for sole by dclo UURSRIDGRC INGIIKAM • BUTTER -25 k orrpthna, I ast tool for *Ala by 6310 tmertmog a ING.I RAM RICE -9:. tel Jun received for rale by dell/ BURBRIDCIC 1:401111Alt cam DETECTORS JJUST received,. additional Imply of the improved Dele tor of Agee rieen Cello erfeliCale Of eleti de. 00OOLnebien, from le to Vut• Jt is the only ptarticahla deo,owr yet lel/crow!, and eon be end with any piece ind moonily, eel pee, ire reliable. For isle by W. W. WILSON, nnid Car ?Jacket s Vona th ale EMMiI :.1 tar .ala R EI:TELLERS mum ° ELNVitCSK - 47 •• bare UUDLSOZI,LIITLIC CO PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Wm—There were 8 feet 6 inches : in chime, a dusk, Int evening, and at a nand. ARRIVED. Fashion, Peebles, Embed, Michigan, Linea, Denver. Deaver, Gordan, Beaver. • Manic, Benrnit, Al.aWit, Parkinson.niwrocrille. .1. McKee, Hendrickson. Coileupori. llos. Shrivel., Ridley, Wen Neat.. Kokomo/5 Suite, Sinus, Cincinnati. Conwell,Wheehrig. Arena, Kinney, Weßacal. Prior No. I, Dovol, Harkiniport. Mimi% No. 7, llarhelor, Cinomati Columbian. Greenlee, Si Louis. Weitzellie, Yoaug, noufish. DEPARTED Fashion, Peebles, Tlikabetti. Michigan, ..Beeper. Beaver. Gordon, Beaver. Bennen, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. J. McKee, Hendrickson, McKeesport, Thos. Rasters, Batley, West Newton. Messenger No. 2, Fisher, Cincinnati Buckeye blots. Doan, Cincinnini. Jas. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Reveille, Dales. Wellsville. (WATS LEAVING 1111 A ba NASIIVILLE—Mayaower, ID A. sy ST. LOWS—lran Newton. IC. A hit WHE:EEINU—Diorttni, I 0 w, u. WR1.1.9 1 / 1 1.1.1.: Are oa. 10 A. u IMPORTS BY 111 VIM %VHEELlDiti—Pris Ds mist, W Dingaum 50401. lard, 8 & W Slarbausb; 2 nap pugs, Haar & Forsyth; eS ars warat, Wt l marth & Noble; CJ Lids angle., J S Dilworth; 150 do flan, Broder& Eat • parrtek. 1 daz swab beads, Wl,k & McCandless, 10 cantata, tihrlser & Ramer, 4 Oils ' kp lad,s 's 21.xseed, 1 do inatbell,J Master; 03S:Inad, J Jun J., 1 Lbl bottles, & Co; I 1.01 22 les, 8 & W liarbangs; 2Ws door, Ido potatoes, g; .5 bole., 041 poultry; I/meow ;0 roils .onsker, 4 a Haitian on bbl. floor. J blandish; g do, 1 Lx.., owner aboard; 22 do floor, Slttithi 7 bbla rep; L do baZer,ll3 do apples, Dellell WELLSVILLE—Paz Raw-Ls-10 tiblz pork 7 do, L ctkM nuts, 4 kg. butter, D A (Jaen 7 bbls Coss, Jans • bong & Crozet; 2 bone. & Darnels. E liesseltbn; 4 bbd. knobs. Edwards & Co; 0 bbls uo, Livingston & Roggen' 10 be. nets, owner aboard; 11 as ;hied (Suit, owner .board;: Dbl. flour, owner .board. ZANESVILLE—Pee /rmor Lnitr i -20 bales sheep pens, J Mere& n & Co; 7 eked apples, I hol bailer, E Phalle:o 45 bhls:flour, Vankuk & 'retitleld :475 sacks ship stuff, owner ahotrd,s sts middlings,l6o ship nod" 2 oxen, owners aboard; 6 its middlings, Sellers & Nichols:l be nods, 5 hhd. lob D Leech & ro, I Ohl linsiles, J & R Floyd; 0 bdis saddle trees, Jos Fortune; AO at.wrbeat, 0 .0010 cider, 00 all middlings, 03 do shorts, J Derboon 00 sks cord, 2111 do .Aorta, J F Perry. GIFT 130511 S in great vitrigtv, nt tht , dote EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORY SUOAR—I4 lihde prime N. O. Sugar, receiving p steamer ffibernia, for mle • - - - wm D&GALEY & CO B&W Wood .1 01.1159F.13-34 ATI, N. O. M01t..., receiving p LV steamer. Hibernia, for sale by doe WM BAGALEV to CO CBEERE-2:u bn W. R Cboar, Just teed by decd ' WM DA.GALES & CO DRIED PEACHES-1W wk. landing for sale by de 19 trafiaLEY & ALUM -30 tea for tee by delg NM llta hiss & co - _ SI A DDER-5 bhda Not Dutch, -ule by del9 WM 11A &LEV &CO Wanes and Brandies SUITABLE for Carolling purposes, for rate b th quart or gallon at eittrißlo b. HAWORTH'S dale • East .Ida of tie laamond. C ° Cl, K retOnt:n . nd p arti C l3:747,. I , ' C u i l t m " c n gs, F g namon, Clorrs, &.e , (or .ale onto low met, by 111012R1,4 & lIAWOHTII F AMILY FIAWR—Vo brl.AmaY 2, bait cfnt, 15 brig -no th, nq hand and [dE.] JOHN PIeFAIWN &C., SnAr" - ' °- ""fLil°,l'l.i',.;.°P.ti A CO ,- .Icoh.str:u?ili for l.7.:t . F. ai L— t, 7 3 5 trio Mas. nip 6c19 JOHN McPA Dr% r. per et,rtratr ihte FIAIEIRIDOF k Es4idßithl, deli IV, W car et SAGE -25 Ds tar at., hT dad R E SELLERS, :7 Wand et. CIODFI3II-3 caak • la ye •I te for sale by k/ deft 13/1111IlltniE te INGHSAAI lOZENGES—In .01,3 aSturt,l, J.. Trail and 1. a saJe by (dein) J EIDI) k co. 641 Wood it G1...kl Ptir.LLAc (Orangri— 4 for aria by delo 1 KIDD ea PO Q :MTH'S - 461'4d - Sl' tilIP —ITJ.3;7Idr sale by 1,0 deg. J KIDD /c CO PATENIT C JTII,N TWIN - 0 , J:0 (Or aa la by drib J KIDEI & CO rciroPITEU MI rale by JI./ dale ' J KIDD &CO CinEVeauERMILLION-1 e ~ U fgl 7 ~ t` , 2' ,..., dll7 TOBACCO DEA L FAY •-lie eF dived .6.a day, from the manutartnror, am:opt,. on pound wn;a, and lye plugs te the poool, trWeb we.are aatborix,d to tell by the sample/ W LONUE , RI) & CO, dell Nu Vs Water .veer VV. OTSD3 V P tat L. YaRCII--tit/ tune riot. article) sn stet° asultet Lola by debt W a 51 5llllllll-11-TREF., R — - -- OALIV . A T01:111. , ill, berry L . l of il re , DI fielded brand received this iail. to s end f vale by (dell( Rik AI MI YVHEI.THEV. QlitiLT PETER ib biIiNTATO,4I— sacks erode Salt Petra; It! bbla roll Branton, in store ha as r dels I DIC • EY lb CO, water o 170111 et ININAIMATION M. ANTED. oI JOHN WILSON, wLo left losnaattam. Coonty Dos, tr e t.nd, In ISI2. to years ago, was bow l arab n Hr. Greer n•at Pittalletoh, and of SAII.I'L V.. HEAT IT, auj 1111.,11 WILSON, who left Anabilt, some county. is 1014. and 111 LILY were to or sear I`lllo,nto Any one gtvati tutor...a of them, will conter a favor no Writ brothers, Robert Dearly or Stunts Wilson, ca, nt R. Phenl 596 Broadway, New Yolk, dettt.olt LOAN'S hIEDICINEh— For otian — an3 be."l -A 0 fall supply on hand and tor a‘le by R E SY.L.I.ERP, dcl - 11Thotesale Aeent far Vanotmsrgb. - S -W' fiTrUP4 R ß S E l l : .tt i gg, T Nl t i7flr i :2tr ' A ' A ,E < RB- 1 e.^.10 AnIERICAN ALMANAC anU gene:y of the lun fel Knowledge foirthe year Inni ; eantausthe fen, authentic. and - vaned Informanon concerning the if. faun of the General and Slate Governments. Thus To nine Is equalto 111 predoccuone feline. and anwenecy, and will sustain the nigheharacur of th e aAmerican Almunne" at tointionattnv manual ear reference, and a lull repository of uwita knowledge. Just received and for isle by C STO , ::RTON El.lseder. Pgintecao4 l , Llner, 40 Market •I I=l IitXPOSSO TO PEULADP./.lkella.. WE F. an made aranymeno tor ronnong the above }:t Preis analog the oho., brown, by Staara to liollulaysbargh, and from iLecze by PLIM -1101001(:& Rain Roan to Pluladalotoa. Tbrough to bones. Small pootaaes only ran ba taken. dere:eon D LEECH & CO-Canal [bolo English MMus.. MURPHY BURCHFIELD base received aan of rich and handscrns Itptgasit Catatass, of spine Inhabits far„single and doable serappets—wassasited fast eatom del. STIt&V GOODS rt W. GRF.ENE & CO., bleat:brew,. Fo . wan and Domestic Straw Goods. call the late lit n of baker., tot rit good. lot !edit, and mires They Will ofer Indocements in • lien! variety • 0.0 to porch . who boy by the maim arm' package. Sample. exhibited at their store, N. 30 Pearl ht..,(¢o stairs) New York deleamd Willalaek Watered Silks. ILATRPLIY a SURCHEIEL,D have treeived the above aniele. of mailable width. for rasholnable snots and eloakls also, Blasi 111 J Making V•lvey. . VAbIILY FLUOR —ICD boo , jurt richt by r flal4 • JOHN WATT ti. CO FIOURED OIL otITIsiTZLT;tTaTn - d tot Wet cheap, at the Carpet Warrl,cote. No - p S Fourth .t. 'Jett, Whl hIcCLINTOCK 151151.1N7.9Talltt7Z,_t!ce/v.d - thia - dai, at tie IL dei r.rpet . Wli OM, t 5 Fourth it WM IdeCLINTOCK k ALI CA wr fortilaTir del4 Wei McC , INTOCK Namiiiimwmffl USELI ENGLISH /SHEEPSKIN AIATS —Th 1:3 handsomest snorts:tent at Sheepskin Mats eye ',rough/ to this market, (or pale be del4 Wk! MeCLLNTOCK TEEN V LIND3IAIBon store :na for !ink tiy D 4a 4 WM bieCLINTOCK t.. 1 taunt over brought to this market. for rale cheap bs Ide4 , WIII "" — DARNER — Tti 18-110 bu received tor ea e by V doll INIRIVER k BARNES 'DOLL iicrlYEß—W brio prime, reed Ihu day b 1 - 11, dell & W 11AllD&UNI . aTfir ilia by dtll RAW 11AlipAlNi II DRIED APPLES—NIL/Ito ree'd tor sate 1,7 deli R & W NAIMOLI/NI SUN.Ditir-41 No 1 - cotri; I brl No I Tallow; 17 brls Nog do; 10 brio Tallow 00 1 Voree blerowax: . nOus Ground Nolo 31 bags pry Norge.; IV bog. Gry Apples; 21 bags Glnoeng; IV bay FeaThen; In arrive on 81.14 CI Zi2catara, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & dela Wanes A. Front .0 QUNDRIES-21. 6117 Oreo.Ol ICI . 15 bop, Ground Nut • 7 bop 111nornh, al boles Comm: In trace on flow:7c! Caledonia, toe We by ISAIAH DICKEYS CO Ocl4 • Wm er h. Pront to. OLOTES AND UOSIERT. 250 fll% .L4= c°„,trt:,.`,T,T 811,1 Thread do. dos Gentlemen's Rid Gloves, all bolo., with a. splentnd assortment of Cashmere, Merlin and back skin do, of the hem quilts, together with the tamest and moat extensive stork of Hosiery ersr broatt,ht ur this Market,Jost reeelsed, end Intl be sort at retlobsd Pried, by • ' A A 3TASON CO, dela GO & el tilittket at Hump ttttt Hittitefang Powder. 24CASK& best quality, pa hand and for sale at a radiated price, by dell W & hi hIII'CIIELTREE MEtiLliTtf titflßgifil for eaTifige covers - bed hospital sheeting, jutt received and for 1..1 by deld J h II Pllll.l,lett ifeitTirs EXTRA !tarry Oakland mad Onward Twill. met, able for steam boat decking or awning, terelrad On catnips:mat, sad far lair inn, by HERSEY, FLEMING • CO, 0c25 Shawls I Shawls • 900 BROCIIb, Hay &ate, Snow, Wate.lno and Watetvlsa Long and gbaar• 131Lawrin, 4so ts• "Ina by Non A A MASON in CO LOCAL *MATTKOR ■l7olTlfl TOE Till 171761n31LP11 D.T 411Tri Human to Aumacrt.—The Whig uld Antlmasordc onsetings,lold to Allegheny OtT,on SaiolaoY , for the purpooe of nominating delegates to vats in general convention In a candidata to Iho Mayoralty. and to select candidates far thr d'lcrent Ward offices, reoteted as follow.: Poet it The timeline wa4otgardsed by rallies That. Smith to the Chair, and apininting Mr. John O. AlcAllite.n seen Hey. The tilleens who were present then, on motion, yroceed td to Mark. Henry Williston enetoon Email ante elected, by ecclamation, delegates the convention, and (curett ed to auppott Hugh !noting, Eq ,its the Whig and A11ti21161133110 candidate Ifor the Mayoralty, and Jacob Geyer es candidate for Director of the Poor. S. Conseil—COL. WM. ROBINSON, MOSES BORLAND. . C Council--GEO. DRAYER, HUGH (Mint, JOHN T. LOGAN, H. P. SCHWAR7 Z. S. D.reenra—WlLLlAM D HOWARD, THOMAS SMITH. WOODHOU3E Judge of Pitmans—JOHN KELLY. Inspector—MOßßlSON A. KNOX. Conitable —ALEX ANDER GLENN. Seaand Wart!. The views" meeting was organised by calling Mr. Robert H. Dyrls to the Climb., and appointive David A. Pilot secretary. Hellen 11. 110 vis and Wen. Barter were elected delegates by archunation, In favor of H. S. Flandre for Mayo-. Sel•et Cowart'—SAMUEL ItIELVILL C. Coe - miI—JACOB snclutop, J. B. SMITH, WILLIAM 'MOSLEY, • WILLIAM JOHNSTON, ' B Succors—THOMAS OIcCONNELL.. IN DREW BARCLAY. Assessor—JOHN RAMSEY. Judge °I F. ecdons—JAMES MUNDT:N. The delegates were 'attracted to now lot Jacob Geyer fw Director Of the Poor. Third Ward. The meeting wu °remise . by calling Wm. D. Mow ry to the Chsir, sad appointing William Brown Sec retary. William Walker and lohn H. Elea were elected delegate. by acclamation, favorable to 11. 9. Flung' g for Miyer. OlSlrlect Council—WILLIAM GRAHAM. C CorteII—WILLIAM BOYD, WILLIAM WALKER, ROBERT RA\ , OEOEGE BALPIL Judge al Rectiane—JAME.3 RAY. Inepector—ROßEßT CAMPBELL. B. D.rectors—li. R. BELL. JAMES L. OUIJA% A...tor—A E. A LFX INDER . Conatablo—J. W. DEHOU I'. Delegam Inattncicd is aupport Jacob Gayer Clt Do ector of No Poor. GM= Tto mecung wu ora,antzed by calling Richard Bard to tb a Chair, a-d appointing Joacpb Cna aematary. Jacob Painter and It. C Gray were cleated by ae• elamation, and inatrae:rd to tn. port II 5 Planing far Mayor, and Jac tb Geyer for Director of the Poor. Select Cooncli—JAS. MAlttt (No opp r. Ceur.c.I—JOFEPII CRAIG, JAME 3 PARK, Ja DR. THOMAS aleligNNON, D.C. STOCKTON. S. Da - cam—Dß. AME. 9 11. SMITII, 3 Tenn. RIGH-ARD LIARD. 3 peon ABRAHAM HAYS, I volt. Asooosor—E. DERBY.. /Age of recoon—G. E. WARNER. Inopeetot—Jo Goortable —A. MONTGOMERY VIMIDGLOIC PR. VII' Mirtt,,,,—The [Limo. Pratte Pr,mary Meeting. were Geld in the vatic - Pa sca-ds nu Solorday, Er the elecime of delegates to ahead the Democratic Conception, to nominate a candidate for the Mayoralty, riisulled at follomt Nri":4llam Bennett, /At Ken, Philip Mc.Laugh. Newbzuir, Alex. McCannamt.—Foy 111 - CaNl./11.1). 11. S. Ellagraec, It. Hi-Patterson, D. Campbell, J. Wiune,G. Whaoo.—Por Guthrie. TIM wain. M. C. Milligan, ft 13 Roberta, 1 Fltspatrica, McCollister. 1. McGture.—For Guthrie. oar den. 4 or on one of oar attn., and gut • pemphiet, steno, where you will End that the nhatet Snpatilla, av prepaned hy Dr. S. D. Rom. hat been the maim of permanently eons; mare dine., to which We human family ,re continually salben than any other preparailort of :letup. , Da ever vet tronsht before the . tine The medicine h estahlieSed Ira Ingh mention by Its numerous and well attested cams. It is pat up in Oman Li n en .lveitel arid amt only Sano petal& that se. on the . uld Blood al rho SW. Erne, entre renders it elonether more rale. able warn. vs., pa ienntea Os tura gaol an d Dr. F. D. HOWER EillA/ZER SARSAPARILLA, and take no other Wm a Rea, J. Res, C. Dzraingc.r, S. Cidlay, I Pane per town far 115 . 1. For sale Ey itor,4.—For Glaze FOCITII WARD .I. Wm , I, E. 1.1 , ,tontn,T, 1. 3. Kerr, T. A. Hit, ton, I. WlLllol2.—rat Cinibv;r. In 111 WiNto A. C. 1301, J. Hague, A, J. Grlbls, Porte, —Far Glass- mil C. Jiro!, 1. Hap, J. B. Wells, S. 13AtteU, J. A Irwin.— For (Icihrie EIGIIIII U. Fianoetroka. 1. & 9 t2, 1. Ewalt, J. Fun., Watt—Far ilqtto la MKT. 6,11.15 ft. T. E.lwards, Br, T. S. Itositioy, Weal,. J. M. Well..—For (311 n. for Guthrie •. ?l.ollty for GathrlC SZCLIND WARP, rtrgseciatt.—Agrecealy to oafl, the Wbsys end Acumen°. of the Second Wind met et ten Bent Mallet lintel, on Satordey, for the purpose of pelting in ninnination 'be following einem. Tae meeting wet called to order by ()forge Sieger, FAN. The fallowing gentle:nen were connected Beret Coo ncil—lsaac Jones. Cannon Counetl—Abraham . Garrmn, Arc%LL tW McFarland. George ISllson rehod rsrv ,, un—Jasalrt %V. Bauer, Mian.r Ti Judge of Vccuoe—lobo RO2C r q Inspeetor—f ieorge Forinue. Atecseor—Jebn McKee. Congiable—Moeett Hague. Fu to Wain) PSLIOLLIT Mir? :I CL COll4 cil—Ditvtai D. Bmca. Common Conoell—Jamao levary, Jr., Hem Rola, Robert A. Connicghtm, LAD Phial.. School Directors—A. G. hlcCm:talcs., J. 11 Kel:y. /edge of E.tection.—Robert J. Mackey. Arrestor—Emanuel Enter. Alderman—John T. Whake. Constable—George U. Boyd., f irnsuazu.-rAt ■ meeting of the Whig and Itennowocio party of the &remit Ward, he'd . SMerday, December Ms, John Void being sailed to the Chair, the fail low r•g peeler.. wale ...led to be auppervid at lb. miming Jemmy election for ward office. Select Commit—Robert Anhwei Common 0,1.11-111oben IGag, Wr./ C. Fried. Jodie of ClecLoo—Legri. Ceot. frtcpector--C.G. Rodg2TC. School Dacctors —Joon Ford, Sr, Henri Lytle. Conssiblo—lme., Reed. ASIMILf —John Gordon.- On mutton, it eras resolved, That Ile Whig par ty of Ibn &venal Ward yield n unanimous esp. port to Jobe J. Roggen, the prompt Wing condi , . date for Mayer of Ibo nay of Pdtabureb ; also to th. abdrn JOHN FORD, Noel. Ron= OkLLAGIIti, PLIII3IT aIIeTLNO 13 111 C. &OHM WARD.— The meeting anal organised by calling John Al. lea to the Ohm, end appointing Joseph Nixon sad John S. sargent Secretaries. The fol!owlpg gentlemen were &elated July nominated. Select Coonell--Oro. C. Reis, I Mo years; /ea. Hamilton, ono year. Common Council—Capt. Wm. Soon, Simpson Horner. Judge of Election—Thor. Den, En. loepector—Henry Semple. School Direocore—John 41.1/.1, E. D:theridge, three loom W. H. Evemon, ono pear, Aseennr-3amvcl 51cCeekey. °enfeeble—Robert °rman. Coußr or QOALLT.SrigIONL-413. new term of the Court of Q tarter &salons comment.. 014 morning, when another Grand Jury will begin us 11.1i0011, end u frorh pante! or petit jurors will ha empannellod. :leveret elites of interest will he Wed during this term, among which we way nom nee that of Mackey, lammed of murdering Mat ch* Beltahooyeri James Kelly, accused of mur dering a young lad—an inmate of tho tame COI la the county prison, and °there. We believe that one term has never before ran Into the other in tuts manner, to Allegheny county, the last criminal calender containing more cores than any we have aver mown. CJlldr Or QUART= srlllons.—The COW! , Alla occopted ell day oa Bsturday,arith the arguments of the mooed tor and against entendiog Hancock atruat to Ltbarty atrret, at the mouth of Wood. T•Mi ru ESCl.lll3o[l, — .l6o.lll o kniOni acca aed of highway robbery. •Iledged to have been committed in Cambria county, and sweated nob , , man taken on to EbOWlbElliti tut rock to stand !us trial. MUT= 07 21:12 BOMID GIP MAIWILLI 07 THZ ALLMIBILIT Comer ttatocuLtruar. Arattonattott.— The Board of Managers met on Saturday last, to the tavenn of Mr. S. Hare. Liberty suet,. The meriting mar tatort;:ed by eaLng John MoChtahey, Fdq., to, the rhaiq and appointlog Hiram Hula snoretray. Oa motion of Mr. Joseph Miller, of soosudeo, it was rebolved to appiet bre delegates to attend ihe "State Farmer.' Canverit Ion," to to held at El arthMtigh, ou the third Tuts day of hoary, The motion was carded, sod the Wowing gentlemen appointed oo said ooniWittee John bleClnakey,o(Robinson tournithip; Hiram Ilul of Snowden ; T. J. Bighani, of Lnwer St. Clair; Dr. Jame. Carothers. 1)1 Wilkinitargh; James File, of Snowden; sod J3hrt B. Rowland, of Up per St. Glair. • Mr. John Boyd, of lodisos towitabip, was ppolsted a member of the Board, to fill a via On moiion, the meeting adjourned to reamers. ble on Saturday, In the New Court Houma, at teb o'clock,a. 0. All committees connected with tho Ausociation are then expected to report, and the 'Auditing Committer,' ja mcri cepecially rtques• led to be punctual. rofJoupb Curoll,who BODY Foutm—The 3P of the Fee hton No 215 Idled by the tapir) covered on Saturday, on Ffiday kat, ara sod conveyed to the v dance or the deceased, mho leave, a wife as his lona. Ta, man ao ger., are else ascertain • probably boon bloom o live children to mourn One young lad, paaeen. to be miming, and have board and arowned.-- Several peraons are engaged le grappling for their bodice, and they will probably be recovered, claim they are drawn into the loch, whey de gales are oiled, and an dialed down the river. Camp Bosain TO Dcarn.—A Lillie daughter or I. M. Beach, ■ pilot on the river, who resides on Sciiiihdeld strew, was so severely barred by its clothes taking are, on Friday, that it died on Sat. urday. Meteorologic •1 Table Reported for tho Putahurgh Gazette, and for the Smithaomart Institute, Washington Cdy. HEIGHT Or Tilt THILILMONITIIII Freya to the 21er Datembor. Date. Sunrise. 9 a m. 3 p in 9 p m. Deily meta. Dec. 15 35 n 95 40 40 16 35 40 45 35 39 17 32 32 26 30 50 19 32 31 3.1 34 34 19 40 42 46 42 42 20 30 34 33 33 30 21 32 33 43 44 41 Raw—On the aixteeoth of tLe month, one Inch ed con tenth of tato feP—an the nineteenth, a entho—neating In all, damn the past week., coot nab and seven tenth*. Colnplimeniary Eicacdntiona passed by the eh acne and parents at rte Ex arninarinn of the robs ic School 10 the Stith Ward, on Friday oven ziir last. Whereat, we, the eit:sene of the Sub Ward, city of Pittsburgh, having hid :he ptetwure or witaeseing the esaatinatfons In the vision, des' part/swots of onr Publio S !hoot, and belog highly goat bed with the good End:, that preVellp, and the remarkable progress our children are meting to the various branches teught in ihis school, " Re afoul, That we tender to bid fLtseol Doer. tore and lonisuctars of ibis eschoor, our lancere limbs and heartfelt gratitude for their faithfur and untiring erode to dm< barging the respocaibl duties devolving open thorn, in VICIOUS se lattOn. to this Bennet. And further. • Retah.i. Toll we as pare; Il will he ■lthml is disurisrstain ILO t1.1 , i , we odie to ou children to orgies upon them enemata/ in the , !tendency. and faithtulness la their ILLICI:31011 he rel•, sad revels:funs of the School. Dec. 19.14 1950. LoOK HERE M Y FRIENDI 4 RE t'OU A FATHER, labortna ior the sootson of a. a tawny, and antiering Item grotda I debilaty and lowaptnta, .o that ma sotnen a burden , aa , DR. S. O. ROWE., SHAKER SA ttnAPARILIA. • ARE YOU A montEß, sulltna4 from dacha. th which ...les are scare ay S.D. liowe'h Slater Sarupoill —O whit cow-away care yo.• ul. R. D. 110 WE .110, Yropnetzrz, I College Ilan, etueinagif. 0, T. whom .1! Ofd,f i men be gdiregsed Also, for SE, 1.7 1 A Junrs, J .s....aruzukt, it Co W. al o ok, R W J. M To.Aszed, J M •Licr. W. Jackson, IM.butßi i 11. A Ellant. W.ll IlleCial , and, MArtelx.:2l. I . Cm:ter, arownt.. vale, Jame. Pacll 1 Co . WlEre.ll4; J. 11. Pcters• • tad E. 0. Iranian, St. Clalr.villo, 111.13ean Cadiz. RATES OF DISCOUNT ut Latt:uldNl—CJFWArttl.l3l A. 111,1.7166 6 GOSS, Exchange Droacts. .No. •k Markel a tacit. 1,. It. Peaansyla sakia. la ki•sa. Dana cfrainuargh ataaa glirauchas-• Exchange Bank Pas 1 tateXcrig • .. Mereq..t. !dun. V 10111 la, Ilka.oirkilx.icaphaa-- -Pm Exchange Uk. of Y a.- I Diaarl Dank la , lig .01 ka.-.--• Dana efliermantawn 'Pal Bk. oi,kc valley,— u , onni7 . • 'gal of u '• Delaware Co • • •Pat 11. U ka. Da., Wheeling a atontigccier, Zo.• •piii do Morgantown--• • Pialllautalam'auld• -gar Y. 117... Bank • a .'citiml.lillud a 7Co. • Poll .10 Weaisbarg•—• • Bcylcwnwn Bank • •rxi at. Diriershaug V Bk. i.e..ling•gnal Tao antar.••llk.licu.a ,•• kr;110 eflenneisee-•• • • 3 Fuxin:a 13'1i.calcarr larlk at. Mork . , Da Lancaalla Co. U. • • paericuicl , •• • 3 Lancaster -•- IL Mattel 80, rlissouri. Mown/man Lik • . • Par !Alla g Dg.- _ ..a. Nora).. CarOilll4. Ch.rb Gatlyabarghlta.-- 1 CaPe Fear II •Sicach'e Bk., New UM • a Eamothatuax Co. Dank- •—•— •• I . gg ., _ r adon corollas. Yfrddlettrwn -- a iCaraden ..... • ••• • I Cattal• • ••• • • • `, lit. Of Clazie .013 • Vsta 135. • •-• • Cif ' Ist. -.. Fastness' and Danvers. of *Asst.:a:mot, ••• ‘v A „,„t,•„ si . llatnimsx• •• • • • • Aldschants 1 , 1.,. A Mecta's es • k Lou.. par RS. of Mouth earonna Natsallls .-- • • Maryland. VY pan.,• • . • ,llaltussors Ilk y.t. Malts:l'6lW R nen], •Ite P•sriberiandLik.of Rebrf Notes ...... 1 11 0 anY IIAMUk. p m ...d o . a Was. Bk. of Alatyland• • tkrip--rittrb. I: Couni9 7 1:0 . 0 " 1 ' 4 . Mee-tante'. • Ansa hens, • Frednriek •is Oislo. Vnedarlek cs Mats BY Anal I.ltanchss 1 darefainsSoßk.••••••• a Modal l'inasans ..... • " \floss's/ Rk sabessulla• •• • •^ rampant, Mk ....... - Bt Ctalt.•llia . 41( asking-tonna se Mamma - -•--- • '.117.0f sunninnkr -• . New Lisbon'. I filloblaan. Cineinstat. ltsaka so ills of UI. Colannbul d i . to Ilk. of River .• II 'McMinn 1n5.C0...._ I Zalessills •-••-- .-. o Vas.& Mach% Ilk 14 W 111110111111 R Tarrltatt Woonet . 70 Mar.lcrisala•Co.Mllwss Massillon - • 1 . Canada., e .„ Of .• 70 AM solventllanks...• • . !Bank of England Notes 'Norwalk •• • .... •- • • 7 r, • - • ---- -al 70 • Eats. --- Irides Specie Valss• Iftem4.—••.ll UM a .1 Western ftasarsa• " rslo o .9ld • •••••• 70 00 Fru:M.lOA a. Columb" Ss ne •••• • 40011 Doubloons,Boandth. II I lake Eris • • •• • •• • 171 assets. 0. Pattiot-.-. .is do Sodom.- r.o • 4 el !Guinea. ..... •• —• seV Ilarmilum• —• •• • • ••• .13 Fred e 60; Grencllle ....... •• • • . t 0 Ten Thaler.. • • 7L+O Fail:Wall% Caran— —6O run Guilder. •• • • 3 CHI Urbane •• ..... Loal.d'ors• • • •• • • 1 W.. Kentucky. rE= e hang.. Dir of Kt Mucky Nevl Vert • Prrt Ilt•of Loolsclile Itlaladolptila •• • rim Norton Rt. Kenta`ty • inullimote •—•••• • Pro Neu/ lark—Cur Haute..., Interior 131.. Sol err , Pup.lea Souffh Syrup, FMS the ewe of Coaghs, Colds, 1/o.r.erkiSvi, MU. cnn, Tickling Sensatton mate Thresh Whooping Cough, dad pronounced to be the sums effeetaal TO trimly 0010 in Inc. Pellet' Itupenal : Cough Elyrop—Proferan, Putter has, wit hout solidantlon, Mew • creams of J e og. eellanell of this popular a oath medicine. It NVIII ha Interesting' to all who we tallieted with coughs. and aro casting shoot fora site and ...zety cure.—Plat. burgh Daily Poet. F:xchnage lintel, Oct. 19,1930 Messrs EditinlF—lloving heel; for leer, 'Mile run yew much elblated with a severe coil and almost constant eungy, and having tried vaeau• syrup, , and all to it. effech I !ma indured my esteemed itleitd. W. W. Walleye, of ads City, 111 make n alai of It E. Sell/rig' Coma, 9Mb , I , Laso, and to my gam aurpase. I received •Isnast 'fumed:aid rebel It was with the greatest dhTeulty Mat I tared before my respected claws, but on taking a spoonful of the Wrap Ju•l before nip lecture room I could spook with per eaw during am evening. I would ....cobalt recommend It to clergy. m en. lawyers and other public speakets. I have used are houres only. and not now COrfeelly cured. I Mel It to be my duty as • philanthrapiet,ro make Ws pub to Ileknowledgment of the elLawy of tne ankh), fin 1 aortae er It ho Ile Ma best now before the public. JAMRS 11. POIITI3II, PrnPr of Muthernatlea. ! Prepared and sold by It 11 PF.I./.11119, • deell , ty Wood st N noted io Chart. r. AI4OIIT than Stant Wheeled til[9ll2 Boat. Apply to EICAIFE a. ATKINSON nrdl Fifth er, between wand a Market. =:==!;1 - • A LL persons Indebted to the ctn. of Wm Was., C] deceased, will call on the undetsagned, and make payment, and those having claims against the estste will present their accounts, duly authenticated, to settlement. ADAM AVIIXON, Ad m y nolkalawlew CALVIN AltAbi,) - Y win ulauvoit.ii. -- AATILMARTH it NOBLE trill ;sell their Fault V V Floor, deltvered, an and a/lei thelst Novemhee, at 39 VI per 100 lba, sopettne at 39 per 100 lbs. A /Anal Motown to rotailint. noi ViILMABTII t NOBLE STEM BOATS. Paeketa arriving .t and departing trolls the Port of Plitaborgh FOR LOUISVILLE. ~ . „ The splendid rrew steamer —7,...., LUELI.,A, Taylor, router, will lease for the above uil all totem.< Mare pone on this OSy, Vad hut, at 4 P.M. For freight or passage, apply oo hoard. dell FUJI CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE & ST. LOUIS. The iats Pa rslTC igt;TON, D. F. llmehisec, master, will leave for above sod Imermeduste porn on this day, Md bur, m Io A. V. For freight or pasaage, boatel. d 423 FOR ST. LOUIS. I The f;sri;nnini . steamer ,* ROBERT RODGERS, Butcher, masted, will leave for the above and all intermediate porta, ins ilna day, MG that., at 30 It BI Tor weight or passage, apply on board. dee2l FOIL NASHVILLE: ut... The splendid steamer NAY - WER, cadal. H. Hulett, mu FL ter, will leave for stove and intermediate ludtngs on Wednesday, dltt no. Far fre:ght or pnasdp,o, apply on board FOR CINCINNATI tr. EDIDSVILLE. iiiaithz ,,.„ The splendid and fast TO ra many steamer M, John B. Davis, m aste r, will leave for e above and all Intermediate porn on ihis dry the girt hut freight o"""e;p17 or to t?IL;WOViCE, AC. REGULAR vrrTsnunnit AND iViELLING The splendid new packet Gutsier DIURNAL, . 4 Conwea, muter, it now performing ra 4 / 3 1ber regular tri•weekly rips between this city and Whecliag • karma PhtsLorgis at In o'clock, every Monday,Wedneaday, and Friday, and returning, leave. Wheeling reery Laesday, Thurs day and Saiorday. In each week. or freight or passage, apply on board, nr to rola ARMSTRONG & CROZER, Alto. REGULAR LIVERPOOL AND WELLSVILLE c . l The light dra ASETIA ught steamer , D. P. Kinney, master, team Pats . -', • bunk !gouda', Wednesday and Fri day, atilt o'elee k , A. N. Leaves Wellsville Tuesday, TI relay, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A M. For freight or • arse go, • ly on bona cos PITTSBURGH t WELLSVILLE PACKET. The steamer REVEILLE, r R g ii Du ev i e e rjr Tu n e a le rl e v i , a a n n a i Saturday, returning, leave Welbrrille every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Far freight or passage, apply on boarder to =l2 W B WHEELER. Arent. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain Jour( Btitxtramaita. Tele sp:endid boat was balk by the owners of the steamer Isaac Newton, and ashen foe the Cincinnati .0 Pittsburgh ' Packet trade, and will Rare entry Wednesday, far Cineltusan, in place of the New England, No. d. For freight or passage apply on board, Into meal 13 II frIILTENFIERGFR, esti REUULAR LING pug s 'roe nut running steamer WICLLSVILLE, Capt. B. Yourigotrill run ai a ren ter packet between Pittsburgh, eat. jog, Bridgeport, and Sunfisl.,lencng Pittsburgh every Monday, for Wellsville, eltettbeweille. and Bridger., and cam Thursday afternoon for &cube°. vine, Wheeling, Ilfiagepon, cuotina, and Sunfish. Returning, I.nrers Bridge non and Sunfish every Tuea• day attn. ono, end Sunfish every Priday afternoon. For bright or passage, apply no board, or to .007 D WILKINS. Meat. - I§l6l. 1850 PHILADELPHIA & PITTSBURGH: TIIE CITIZENS' PORTABLE BOAT LINE, nONTINM to Ocea•ud height to Pittsbargh via Hail Rand •int Canal, on very reasonable terms, and stilt the cruel ds.nateln, Ham our large depot, No. 270 ;Vat If et nt rect, Philadelphia, formerly occupied UT Mersin. Ilintrhatu & throb. ancridlin It W POINTFICTER & CO . _ SALT. ARRA NGICIIIfiAI T. Sak Cent 1. at IIIIITO.II open to Flollldaysburg 103 index L'eliad eo Johnetaten—M) rules Rail Road lien JoAnetenen to Philadelphia. TWO DAILY EXTRLBS PALAB / BOATS, • Exclusively for Passengers, Full PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Time through, 15 hours-- Fire—co s an oiler Monday, Pepternber ICI6, two deity I,J Packet Beam will leave for Jo homown, /rein thence take aplendid new ears 2SO miles dui:di to Philadelphia., pasting over the new Pennsylvvila Doll Road, being one al the very best la the country. The Inemesed gored by this route motes it the most desirable, ae well as the moat comforteble one LP the eastern tinny A Packet oat will leave every morning at 7 elect, and every Corning •18 o'clock, precisely. PO'llte Portage Rail Ros 4 Is pasted In day light. For yduseye or Information gen!? tu PI 0011111, Alanompahela Beale' geoid Oio D LKECD t 51. t, Canal Boma • -----..L. MOTIONGA.MSCLA, ROUTE., Ma fia • I a Meta'a Staiglaugs Vla Brows:Lee - Xs and Conlashltnd to Baltimore ang Phllagelpoin. Fan YO Malarxote---• • •--1110 00 on. Prntantbreus-- 12 00 TIM moraine boat leaves the whiter, above the nrtdge, Cahn 41 8 o'clock precirey. Time Bah mote, boors, woo to l'htladelphlu,4o hours. Toe escnise boat leases doily, (except Sensibly nes awn te.l et $ o'clock. Passengers by leaning on bre evening boot, sell trots the mountains to rages neat day, end bus avota night travel. Se (ore your octets at the °Mee, Monongahela Haase, or bt. Charles Hotel. rctli•ly J.MatIMMEN, Agent Nada 1850- areal BIDWELL 44. IMOTETICT4 FORWARDING lIERCILANTS, ROCIIESTER,Pa., (Waver P 0444 irrAltanut for BIDWELL'S PITTSBURG!! AND CLEVF.LAND LINT ; 'ERIE AND MEADVILLE. LINE TO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKET% towing and Gapping. between nurburah sad Rochester by cram Puce alieldgan. Lake L 7,44, and Better. 147 thablz rceelpted 113 promptly delive .in t o place* on the Canals end Laken at Me [arr Shippers still gleam direct good's to v Ralsvel I's Line. , J. C. 131DWELts Weser at, Pittsburgh. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WIDITICIL ARRANGIERICIRT. "'- 30 hOURS TO PHILADELPHIA. 343 mu.; Rail Road-42 =ilea Storing. Good Imes% Telegraph & Czpreas lane ' Stag. Company. QIX Daily Lire, of New Coaches. for HOLM DAYSHURti. and Dom throes by the New Deno &WM. Rod yards Doti BALTIMOIIE. Hoed to PHILADELPHIA, NEW h Darty tho yonteto ton of Canol Navicstion, Daily Lil g ies of coach .. will leave tot llollbloyaboroi attl tom by the New Pennsylvania Raul Rood, 1273toilesi to Philadelphia. Time Ittualgh, Itt bony. Fare to --• 911 CO Fare to kiiiitimort,--- - 10 CR Coacheswill train every morning, at 8 o'clock, precisely, avd every night at their/acne hour. XTRAti to leave at anytime, always In readiness:, This is th e snort direct, eenuonable, and expeditions' route to th• eastern eines. Pastrovers (or Ilaltimore take the New Roll Road. at Harrisburg, direct, on rho Lethal or the ears at that. place. For na.ssue or inforthodon, apply to ' NY It, 11100,1111EnD, 8v Chitties Hotel, or tog. P. HOLM ES,lllonongstiela Unser. Pittsburgh, Dec. 4, 1800--del KURNISti 'Our flails and Parlors with Man .hich are stem: sod ornamental:— lops of the rl'orld, United Stales, Penasylynnis, , Allegheny County, Palestlre, hlountalns and Riven, Iltunan Life. Chendstly. Ales. Asirenotruesl Nape, al Time, Pannly and School blenitort,On line Maps, Dialog. et.tte, At, at the EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORY el 9 . 6,3 Market at Gorham.. Tim Year Tor. jt.ln reo'd—G do: India RubLer ne ttles, do doz In Lions; I do: moll slxe Doll Ileads; ado: :moll Si . . • do; , These are an entirely sew and beatnik' deeeri r . eon orroys for children, and c tweet be equalled by aay ether land (or service, as they clamed be injured or broken in city way by rough usage. Alto, 0 doz India Hubber Teeihtne Help, (or tale at the Inrlai Bobber Depot, 7 A I Wood tweet. drlo. Jt 11 PHILLIPS tharphrs Self Ikaltnir Ad•eittilhg • 'slopes. s s s No 2G3 111eduern terett,Nor fork. THE sugautber In tolteitlng We patronage of all 1. who mhr oec dveltioliaellt, feels none of IWt heihation, with which new ardele Is breaplit before Otes pabLe. The experience of year. hu e. tabLished UM . superiollty Leyond all question, and he confidently , refers to the letdown) . of there hug . nest men, who have used them envolovet, .11 to his rapidly Inmost, g sales, es proof Of their excellence. The following are e few or the reasons for their Pope' luny. let On the place oecapied by We seals person may have his name, dimes.. and sl ed e conepteurtuly and beautifully embossed, color or plain, af• fording perfect rectally egaznot fru& 2.1. The EA- Velar.% cannot hi. opened WithOgt being deallOyed. 34. Neither ma nor WI led de malted to wait Welts 4th. Upon the of tenor the ieal Inures it. Immediate ...I to the oriole. froitar.l 01 t.h.g buried .mamba 1.1 IL , Sled! Letter °thee. sth. The Einulniies faulstned or Limon the unte pnee as plain ones. tall Loch lets. Mailed leg WOO eiteet.e adverittement, um to dirnet the dtenonn Cl all I through dahlia band. c man T.... The following,. litt of once, tor Wes engraved on brats, sad whlcit will w h it e loam and id Envelope. of the untold., I either he or buff, of good paper, and Made as above with name. oddest. Ye Prices of Dies. Piled et Envelopes made 20 knell 0110. • • • • at go u above 2050 sa l Innu•—• .• • ---. $440 30 to 4d.... —•— Mit ..... • • ••• I h ...... 10 OU to . l.lO 4tOIC 10 Bute t0)IS • • It 12) When It Is not cenvernent to forward amountof rper mill or be nuplift ® cleat. All &timetable ew " Vork flute will t ar•era will mutual prompt attention if addrested.. ww.lAnt MURPItlr i 163 Nadlten tri Nov Tort. Oniert will be attended to prompttr kft Canto Mom of faun 911411 & x 0 W t street, ' Or of Mew*: H. Jiro & Co ,134 Wl l .lltm street. N. It —Business Cards embaseek`in color, from. The., at 810 par thousand artMearrt SALESMAN WANTED, by a Philadelpbbt Dry Goods Hon I{ol Cash Otto; ho Dr of toad eliaraTior sod Y tlntieert d o tote *position a fint ride Palawan. ' Now other avid apply. Commutioationa trill be contain:doom 'Addtaat, post yeti, Boa Tel Philadelphia root Oda tuildoloodlai HOUSES, . LOTS ~' IR v N! . 'Szti • run aglaT, • : A TWO arm frame House &ad back bn,i1.11.,T, with ji„ two lota, Inalue an Delitord u. , Krt. Waia,ad• .jouting L. Slum. Pot lama, aindy , to aomsolci s trrxis h co, del?, ; - Trberty ==3:l PRI •eres,4 miles Gum Wood.field, ONR eontainins on the grede road tot eh Ohio River, at Fishnig• Creek and Sardis, about OM armee Cleared, 30 acres first rate honour, 3 dwelling Nom.. he ma, ands tage "chard. This would make a splendid week farm, Of It would divide ,e advantage Into three fan.. kis a desirable ptepeny; and Will be meld It.. ALSO, Two SO acre warts of land beautifully sitsated the Ohlo River, 3d toilful below Wheeling, improved, and will be sold a I argstn. Enquire of WM H JOHNSTON, 0e..% 112 Seer—d at E dwelling houee No. Eh Seco n d sorrel., betwe en TWood and !docket MM... now occupied by the subettiber. Rent &Wi per •nninn. Pone...lnn given on the let of Novemhegnext. JOHN H NELLOR nettlitf No. SI Wood street IEE:111321 TWO well Climbed offices in Pout °Oki Buildings. Third street. A long, well lighted room, ad atom, entrance Mar. ket street, between ad and ata strratv. Also, a email brick house, in Pitt Tuornahip, near Pennsylvania Avenue. Inquire of F. D GAZZAIH, ear No MI, Second at. EEIME2 AFOUR Mona D we lling, Wats 'roof. office. bub room, gas drums, nod bake oven 10 Inquire at Go Water street. 'neipat. 4 micoßD & co ; Wholesale & Retell Manufacturers& Deaden to HATS ; CAPS & FURS, Co.. Wood &VIM etc, Pltlibeireb, Whim they offer • fall and complete §tcet of Hats, Caps Fula, &c. arose (MOUT and atYle.bY Whole. odeand Retai l, invite the attention of their co nsoles& and purchasers generally, assuring them that they svlll sell on the Mon ADVA2I 7 / 1 111[01311Tetri. aariPaf G. Iv. oz,AyLoa, COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROKER, STRICT attention will be Given to all bummer en muted to his care. Pittsburgh manufactured ankles always on band or procured at clan notice. Notes, Bonds. Manillas, ere negoolated on favor aMe terms. Advances made,lf required. oegr.r.lro BOUNTY LANDS* ARitANGEMENTS haalng been made betweed the undersigned and 6.13. Grayson, Esq., of .Washlngtou City, (late of the Treasury Deparunenta tbe andermened twill procure. Bow, Lazuli tor under the andaoldle, Meir widows and children, under Me Bounty Land 11111, passed September dhth. 101E8 I , Knin, Attorney at Law, Fourth at., between . Sznithfield et; &Cherry alley. PlustotOct 21, 1t120.—0e22 MURPHY & BURCHFIELD 'uvula cownran TUI Eaxionsirr Aral on= 111PICOVENEVITI or THEM noir 1t0041,1_ Forth.Eaat cor. or Fourth h Narkat its, WILL. RE-OPEN, Oa /Maar otorOUtg, 23d Seortober, With a Large Stock of, flew Goods. O. BTOOICTON. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No 17 Market Meet, corner of Third at., 'ETAS con s tantly on band, for sale, Writing, Letter, XL Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet, Faller.% Binder.', and Trunk Boards; Book and New. Paper Pruning Inks: which Le will sell tithe [Oren elphplO prier s, Or in exchange for rag• or tanners' scraps - pe .1. C. OLLADY, ATTORNR Y AT LA Tf, Mo. 89 'fifth •ifeit. •erpn:dri mama., Pa. ISAACr WORTIIINGTON. )NFORbILTIONI of hue Wonninigtou, late of Weetchegter, Pherter county, Pa., will be think /oily genet red by Wilmer Worthington, Of, 1), Went. cheating, Pa. de3:d2ur tlouttkersk and 'Western Dl•retkants. t)OlJ Flail rc r s llMlLl y ttaß . his extensive .tort of Perfumery'ublic , Stops, Shaving Creams, Sec., to which seven Silver and two Golden bledala hove, within the Inot sin years, been awn,ded by the Institutes of Now York, Boston, and Phil.. delphla, the latter being the only Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either In Europe or in We country. Rocesath UXILIVAI-1.19 Bravnut Cettat. (Almond, Rose,mcd Accbtosial,) universally acknowledged to be superior to any Shaving Cmai In nos country or Europe. Otwnuna son Sitavrno—Beauurbily tranoparent, and pomessing highly Saooo aceoda and emollient proper . ..a; Elapenneeaus Compoand; Ambrosial SIM , . too Tablet; Military RbarLeg Reap. elormarnre Tumor Soars—Almond, Rose, Mille/lean, r o ur:VgptrerV, ° 6t i Oe k dir,V=eatf Fb?'"' Ett er RAM POl ma Riamcsscract—Roae, Jaanini, Remot de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Liad d Zleusso. Roe, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clematitaironelle Waal, mid many oilier varlet:ma, in all nary different peritonea To ga Wma—Florida Water, Eau de Toilette, Orange Firmer Water. and • groat variety or Co. InArnes and Lavender Waters ‘PINZLIA.I7OI.OI ron:arta Ilats--Genulne Oil, Annelle 0 ,l 1 It d o Eau Loot:rile Oleine, pow der, P ound Ox Marrow, it Oyes, liquid altd to der, and Plailocome, Ridable, and Jenny Lind Yamada. Ormersture Parosaanons—Flalsamin Elixir Rate Toth Paste Charcoal Dentrifice, °dentine, ' Tooth hone. and T ooth Parader. Camenca—VeCla Ocaneeths Cream, amandiaa for chapped has Co ld Cream of Roam Cmam do Perae;Lip Salve, limy Cream, au. rP.`FZZl,Untr,'e,Te.M,r'isuk , l"..l,ler , Victoria !lair Cale , o redeu Salts, besides a (ITV.II 'MINT of other •rueles, ti, eaes e seue to be [muslin this adtertiaereem. . . The subscriber hopes :to molten, the reputation whisk dm utablishment 1 , 40 acqvired, by disposing noihing but boot rate alleles, sod 101 l be happy to to mish those oho may mien to patronize him, other wholesale or retail, en as reasonable team as any es tablishment the United fitatea. XAVIER BAZIN, Saceenor to end rennet. Ditec:or of the Lebosetorp of EUGENE ROUttSEL., 114 Chestutt =eat :Mr. Llazla'a Perfumery ltfor sale by an the pried! pal Drureilla lathe counter au17:41,1 B.ItEURIATISSIL PIIILMFIs .t!" E .7=alavviavtareCUit POn.:D o and BLOOD PURIFIER, in effectual, , vor- Ing ilia severest and most inveterate ewes of' IN FLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Is a sufficient Guarantee and tecommendation to in duce all who era &Mimed with this dreadful disease to try its virtues. Hundreds of octet, many of them citizen. of St. Loath and others from abroad, have been cored with in the last few months to the city of Bt Louis alone, while letters from agents abroad show also that It is pc-7(0;1.11/3g the some wherever tried. !deny of them ewers Chronic users pf long standing, and all hope of recovery had been given up. While others were of Mere. recent dale, of .the smite intiammamry form. very wren. All- however, yield to the srenderfal virtue. of this mmteine, and thousand. who have Shoed iJ benefits, and ate now in the enJoyment of health ran bat esteem the • orinal diseoverer and prtpactor, a benefactor of mank ind. It to well known from the expenence of the past, that no outward application can possibly edema:pen. nomad ewe of tens dreadful dims.. By the •ppli• entioh of stiinalaung liniments, pude:relief, to some tease, may be obtamed lot a short time, lint all the white this dui.. is Laing Its grasp mom permanently in the system, and sooner a r later will again develope itself, In a mote dreadful term, and after a few peri odical returns. it genies Into a chronic form, which, If cot Mon crested, minis tn. individaat Inc life. This is verified by the Mum of the past ih all counttica, and more folly demorlmrated by the history fumialted of Wit to the proprietor of till. compound, as given by several hundreds of those who have passed udder his Immediate notice and treatment during the tart few 121011th111.- • SIONTIMORER RHEUMATIC COMPOUND end BLOOD PURIFIER la an internal remecy—com. , mendas Me operations where the disease first otlgl. notes. end. in gullying the blood, passe+ through the whole system, neutraltsas the Impure or comic seal. meet welch has settled upon the membranes, muscles and tendons—rerculesit entirely from the syment, and • restores the Individail to perfect health. Let thou who are afflicted not deceive Owe:delves, and put Of th e ose of this medicine too leaf, or untll that:limb. too dislocated or contrasted to oath • de-, give, that they aref.erirplea for life. The uperwoce of hundred. or during the put, as well as a. multitude at the present day, demonstrates the roily; of elpectiog climatical relief from cliental arch-. cations. Trio proprietor of thin valuable medicine Imerwi from experience, that no outward application can meth's , street a permanent cure where this disease In firmly Axed In the system. Ile elm and does peeper* and appiren embrocation to vary acute mime. winch will give relief In one bones time, bet this will not effect a permanent eine. The nature of this disease is such that It requires longer time, and an internal remedy, to produce the desired Kee., andiffottlinore`X flbettlnetle Cm:yawed and Mood Partner is the only remedy that bloom beendtwovered.aithermamerli en Or any other errantry, mat teill,,effeetuelly tore this disease. This metheme can he had,. wholesale or retail, at 73 Third street, heir to the Port Other, Pittsburgh. Prise; 6 per Witte; 6 bolt em fo of MS P.! dratin. Pam l phlets can be had owls r tlio agent. . It. 11. WISIIART. spent. -- -- 01110/TERvill WS PIANOJI. JUST RECEIVED, a now stock d , ?etMetering 's tbegand 7 octave nonage also, a tidily carved Game PIANO, Lti mostbestnifelinstmmenteverbreagbt to this city. These Pianos Wlll be supplied as tweet In 'Drawn prices, Winton, AVII ..01 to. SIIIARY t 011.210,1011 tot , Also received, • fine lot of Rot* wood pasta and carved Piano Stool*, with silt plesb and halt cloth scats. For sale by t JOHN 11. MELLOR, . A q'e 111 for Clustering's Pianos (or Westarn Petaketa. not 2 . _ .. :o. wiLttbill, corner of 4 tt . "11 FCC* 171741 " d e nir0n r 0 e . ",', : `,d k ' . , :tr. " .: 1 4 1 : , , ' 374 o cgd 4 esenteCti Korai. There wetehes were mane pnssly in any °Men, and of superior arotktienotilp. Alen, on hend.t . Le urged lali best essosttßent of (told and :dyer IV al clic. crem e., e for isle In this city. Hold Patent Levet Mantl ream IMO to SRO; tetra 414.4(110n hand. Irvin It - 10 to Ho t of beet queiii'y gold, and warranted time, bee2' lIIIPOItTANT TO STAGE COLCII Ii WiGUN MANUFICTIMER!. vEe rsas. PlNtitli, HARTMAN CO. ha al bought the rlalat ;of as Axle, Invented by Mr. hantani Ostsleger, sailed Mtedield Patent, It hga been waled by oar tel coach budder., and ptoneuncedito be the beci In use. 'An ordinal:, coach, with a set of Mesa axles, banning 'daily, yid comma a half pint °f oil inns months 'The small quantity of oil used Is one of the best evidenee. we have of the greet re duction of frietion,'lnd cansequwitly great eating ,of power, It trill. make the ooaeb ptoprietors to save 13 per cont. on their stock and feed. Also,lt will give great safety to travellers, the nut revolvica with the .wheel andl not baying any connexion with the .410 stllt unlitalY prevent the wheel from coating oft. Dr proper CM,.Ito pnentees alb warrant those[ axles 1,0 last frOlnl•thrlf to fifteen year. doily mantas. , 'Watchcase, US Water and 140 Front streets, Pate. , burgh. Pa. Itsußenir a 'BURCH MILD Aare on hnd, , FlOper American premium Illantetsk • name made-. do do Home made Flannels, wine and barred; • Tinlied • p al Ilhab sinkable Welsh Flanict.; litider Stilly and LI - rawer,: ti:olas, lloalary.,Womad Seas. , & • is art at Osareataa Cheats. 15111tPHY h BURCHFIELD taw neslnd • sato Phi also, laptested do. stele OF PITTSBURGH. • CAPITAL 1100,000. J. f pnle. Jr, :trey. I ' Mar2l Jr, tr A I.l. lowswlll be liberally adjaat.d..4 pram 12 ' A .rmeLtuniratien—manages by Shreetonrreho . t: own In the cow:l:mem, and 'rho am extent, 'at , remPtnele.ana IlberaLly to mrantain tha eh IGLC• th ey trVer- unwed, a, earl,' the D th7L Mlll,7r7;C:.ll.l.Triv. anti ,Ir.r.1];1(:-•1111Z4' C. Ilmren~geo.{ Thx,,i.,3asne4lsloAutry. J./ex. The e . sc ot! . Orrxra, No. 2 Watt, "%met. (or.treheure et fspr It rt,lan mink) rstlo-13r..-h. PINE AND alAalfili INSURANCE NOTICI PROTECTION 'INSURANCE ( X)AiptiNy -OF RARTFO• - 1 • car:cats - tort atm *man -7 reran, 1 7 • mi,oilo,boo. • • fiIEARTRRED .1825, 11 1 6.6and . ernx,nul bat been annotated agent for thi I. old and tetrionalbio contr..., to ELCCV d Mr. F•Y etc Timor% and It .reaiiti to lime rolleiel in the flee sad Manna glen, tttner.t, en as prectattle tams as an) othet,treroneitiie I nmbany in tbit ally. ( 4 EO.I'.ARNOLD. rootth et., telt to boot of. Pitteburgh. PROTECTION FIRE MARINE DiSURANCE COMPANY I_ . , Annual Premium, L'elpatalAtoek ,4•Suryie.r ktou 1 , (.) 0, 0 - 0 0 . • . • rtHE undersigned would mall the atiendOn of root chants and others basing property expc,) to .loos by Fire or the perils to Nnyigatton to the superior . .adstottages offered by the r ,rroteatlon Inanvaanc• Company • ; om nstoroeduitorix:— il.--Boes of Pstrainftl' rnt lo, sag those of any coheir 'RESPONIIBLE ()Mee. A—A speedy and astirloctory adjusttoent of in-ses by ' General Anent ot the Company for the. Waimea ". and Southern States.. - .3.;--Artionstion (ofPHY differences vaiileh easy arias; by referees snit melt y ohnseit. 51..-Awarlis prompt!) poll in Specie. Bank able Pones, or Exchange'on New York, Baltimore. Cbrolesion, I - -Nov Orimenr, St Lou,,, Looissule, Pittitorph,o: Cineit nail, at the option of the I..sated. of P mb r u h a i t e l ' e n s! ra t lO n S h el o sl n f ,' ; , tatirn of banana. 0., tort:id:re to tin nnzion..nnt of the ofbee free of charg, For Portlier loformation. apply to the onZers4AteAt :woofs folly aullion:r3 inF.ure Issuotituss.l?turc,i ,110tels,lYarcliooses, Nranufscoories, Barn,, ifoufehold Furnitn re. andcard Ater. 'ohltudists. remained or stored. 111.,11:, Bavonst loos or Slapelso by ME. Ply Goods, Groceues, dlnnfarrnrra Goods, I'm duce, Hon.. bold Food:ore. Live Cto•IL nod torlf other &et:Orton ) , CreLandiSC nr eoTRIOIII Pl,l - OT 10 l*: sa:pred Per COo.: Flestr.Oat, nr:Len ts to aLd from r•ctitts co the Western Waters, 'or Letwecti hdutent cities Le at, or other ordt.O male) and or) , warns in the %Os morn coontry, nualnu Dhi hazards or INLAND ,UAN:rI.OI::VATICoN. o, 9hiPmenta of Good , . WortE end raerelael,e, per Reed eestel or ace-cle, t,terern Now (late Elistem pone-11cm, 3. 7le.v.ll:ice./ie endenier Gull pcite—betwten ell Aseer,cert Port, eel Ecelleh or European parte, OT ;41 Wi!Or 111:.litiCe port who!. We're ill the litlenu, 11,1 - 4 of A THE SES. • 74 Founh ct., :.e it to the 14cet ri( ieeltedrianl TH E RA zz .u. 117, A„.LNs,. 9,1'; EaChanitte, Third street. Philadelphia.: Fits y, blare:iamb* and other phoperly, in Town and Cuettlty, Insured 11016111 ton 6011113111ga by bra, 61 Ow le cru ets at premium. Maxis: EttitiatinClC—ne),OralinSUlC Vats:i/4 Car. Optics and Freights, Orsimi 6. ct,astvci6v, undernivn spacial pollelea, as the areureil rosy deem. ; Inhaler, TRA6.l4 , olll,ll,l.—Tbey also Lamm merthe Gransponed by 'Wagons, /tail Road Co e , Canal Inoats and Steam Coats no tint lakes, on the port liberal terms, ' DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Eilmlicti A. Eondcr, John 0 Davis. Rohmt Carniii,Jhba R i'entrise, CI Edwards, Geol. Echo,. limas SI Davis, Win Colwell, !W.; he olio, ra. 11:1110:!.0, Ju C Hand, Thimphilic rankles, H Sense Entre, Betsy Sloan, thigh e , Ylr , rienicis !.:sorer Cbarlet KeP.Nr, I C Day, Dr 23 Thorn.. John Soilei h ib Emir, Sr DIRECTORS _AT T 'Hops Craig, JchtiTl,T..... • WILLI!. 7tIAP.TIN, Pratt:tem , . !Orton W. Conso. Office of the Cartes 1-, t r . Pittsburgh. fact -it! 1. A Ar t • LI I t Sn it It /1 (.1 J. • !assay, Jr., Aient far the Penn Lila Co. of niis. tIPPICE of Me% esti.," Insurance Coudisny N. :fft Water strec Pittsburgh amphlets, with II nrcerihry Inlormetlon, and Blank forms anllbe rrdshml Hatbands cats in ore thstr lives for Otto Ixnent of their wives and ebi roe; creditors ilia tines of their debtors. ! The :whole ptiroftt of if, 'Camillo). are dialled Among the holders o Lire Policies. dividends oft pits: tire ram hese been eith Ay.yer cent. clod ye r. kihr FAL Trms beanufal. will be lattodac FASHION. Lt le of Ilea is now leeelved, and tlaturdny,:ll at Inv— by ItleC0121) & CO C. Fli d.i F154:1,8g,T4 - 11.Nmr IIMISSIONEtt. Yes Meta _the redge3e..4:4 o: Dads, 440: above Smlth9el.l. , SIGHT '• • J. 12111.1.1./t. ATIO 112.q,11,11,09„°:; uire DRAFiTB " SW YitliN, LT imiatr.,, .A . L.t I.Pll lA, WIN N ATI, CUSWILLE, sr. !mute. • :.,,,....,, ViIIiNTRY,. , A. WILIsTS9 & CO , _., Cor.Tblrd & Minket sts KOVAL; --- moved le liberty street, below el t1.a..-a sod dwelling in the ___ • ougaliddat • FOk: 'J.' MIS, 'consultor at Lsiv,flfilen Na Lei Nun* tV4Tios Ilan, Potstinrabi coffin tecktely n • J. T. Dee er7liVni - i•i — liii.idiC47; . , . BU.AIe. 12. , 1 E rams 4,1 Li4ihtfring Rod:, 04 • SC ntilic Plinriples. 1 - 1 1115ERS leh et di , . oda, .t. r ille Past (Mire: and 'kJ' fur personal le ervicors ens be teen on Penni: et, residence of Di. tit nt, between Market s ad Ferry. Refeninere—Pre TWOVS.:illlilli. Editor o(9iiiiman's Jekinati; Professor 0 hi kilteliell, of the Cincinnati I.lllstrostoryi Profit nr Rohe ii Potuc,orTrar.ey.lracis Unirendw,hyi Pre seer Chace; Dewey, D,D. M. It. Now York; Prot ;or J. I, C5....e1, Cleaf end CM trercity, Ohio. • . In rtnsbergh—A. W. leentele, Jelin Harper. Wince McCandless, Mr. Childs. Cuiettri Morino, Rev. Mr. fiparke, J. D. Williams. Melee Ilardirk,ll.9 Arcrecti, /eke Irene & SOAK, I. lisrpar.l). N. Willie, W. A. Marshall, Jobe 6ampluin. Maier lnivis,Jno 11. :lam,: Inracr. totileiltertrA DSPEER Eins r: Pitt alma, No sait building.___ A. ' AAITuRIVEV mud Fourth .welt, o • nOAL Merchants, and Danh ra an Dry Gouda, Oro- VI colic. Iron, and Nalra, 'canner of AValtsut .115.5 and Washlngion Turnpike Rbad,Temperanceviile. ..Ikdkvsly•S HATS, C -PS, AN CI rauFFs. ;- 4 11, JA I ELIitS WILSON, Et t, 95 Wood it, wwfir of Diamond alloy, Scro,:d (AFTERS hla Customers snO Orr rnetlo. en kortrerY cesewld !Well stock of Cape, and irturfn, In Irma variety; Mamoteuurd t-.,,, ettron etre In reference to prise. oothe. iii quality:ln New Ifetatt city, and will be oiler:Jai the lososso,tra resent low peers. Whole.ealo and Wetall, ,Pittsburele, t. 11. I.4te .411:47mtertmo MIOIIIOIIO lIS.LA 11.1PM/uric/Mr co HO tea to Otoc blaoltlera. IN purslane of the ptnvOrion• of toe Chart ' , of Incorporallo 2 the Annual Mooring of the Sten, holders of the eloonne•hela 73.•ientlon . Company Will be held on fonds), tie the drrY of /*nom, 1541, (being the first e.t.a or Cor errotrh) at the ofheo of the sold cow pan, in l'itahe4:, !lilt, corner of Groot eireet end Mem 4 aZter, Peo.t.orgh, It ti o'clock la the afternoon, for the puq.n.r of electing&deers for the ensiling peer. IVIII..I.O,I:FAVELL,?ee'y. • deenletwieS • .11)/17•4 bum, 6NOR7IVE.B. 0 % l WOOD, PHILO HALL, . V ufY).l•ltoeniinen. .norsb, Va. • Heads of New • lEWS of Ball try, N paper... Float ...rano, lAnddropeo. Drag Lobes to colors. Seols for rien,ons e 50m...., and towel. &dons Cotton Slam 6, Le,lntLc llnt 11710 of art. RC d attbo loiren Nice. • not6olkortrif ilit4lCO Veer aroma. .16,3'111 , 00r ma, and they will also Le dleunr...hej (KO. Oi l Woolen Shawls by their warrior lintra,6nen,s of teems, and brilllarsoy of loiers7 urderp from all motions of the wool ry. sr.l the enteoevil to promptly attended • to. Yotear, also find ra oar Shawl depanment a l•raii aasuriment of ell Oa other roost approved makes, and noWCA of b ‘ r a ar t na c T F o r a e ar for Maeda. A 1.P4,t, • 't est Part. Croak Wog o olaaro rAmarl4 in latest myles and b met moonier to ro• •ll Metro Block and Colored Silk trample-Lepton black atol Colored Minot Show!r, with 0tta,,,0l woolen FI.Kc • -Pule Primed Cardsoere 'an t t, sit :thew.- Plala'abd Embroidered Crape ' , rioted Parm Shawls-Neat 60010 5 part..lto,o.. B ong Mark and , rolored Long SalllClo-Pitin 00PrA 14h aw:a-P Node Colored Preach Tertretri r o d bound-Elgin Sumner Prone. 001orroi Tan , rl Clotit, Mumma Poll 'two yards aeor. lat Shaw:, binding to almela...Wnito and crtorrn'4 BamVinawri pantie. Salrria, rta. 1.10 • • • Roworr etri,r,qCT. A , ei., - t'arateph;n. ooptlindlewininitt 'ff&lN-40 brio for tale b. J.ll , dalo INOLULLM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers