Foreign Prvismi for t 44 Nero York Donnas ?wt. . Toe Peninsular mad Oriental Siesta Nevientioo Company are row contracting to build two pa Idle box. atenmets, each fe...00 tons bertben sod 800 horse power, to convey the India mail between Southampton and Alexandria These vessels will be ae swift es the mall packets the ton be Liverpool and Americo, and the pusege between Southampton and Alexandria will be re duced from 16 to 10 or II dap, includmx stop. pages .t Malts sad Gibraltar. A comonnteation with abutter will Le ea - et cal in Your and a ball days, and with Mal. in eight days.,Lettere tram India, which 4247 roach Southampton about the 251 and 20.0 in the month, will then arrive time in be answered by the India mail that kayos London by way of Mar eilles, on.tbe Rath of the zedetth. A document has been prialcd, by ord4r of the Meuse of COMOOWl3ll,ehow , ng that the espenditure of-medical catebtielamentr, under tho poet law, in the year ending the 251 b of Much last, war 1177,- 099 lls Of d. The total number of hosptai bents In the year, was 409,023 The cost of obtaioiog a patent for England, is Lila; for lrelscd; £139; for the whole British Env pits and its dependencies, £375; being three times more then the cost of ■ alltular privikge in UT Miler country In the world. The will of the Ei•King Louis Phiilipe, has jastbeen proved in the prerogative Court of Can. terhory. Louis Philippe bequeaths all bit proper. ty and aetaritste in Eagisnd, Sicily Mid America, to Her Majesty, the Es :Queer,. The castle and emote at Ea, and the totems at Treport, are left to the Due de Nemours. The will ie written in Erg. lish.aud signed "Louis Phappe." After the death N the Qaeee, the property Is to be divided ansorg the rand children. One pair of rats with their progenv,wll l in three Vaal, proles° as many as 616,508 ram, which will consume day by day, u much food so 64,690 men, leaving eight rats to game. The total receipts of all the boroughs in England and Wales, duncg the year ending Aug. 31w, 18-19, was, .61,.041,,m viz, -6Z4,826 borough rates,, and '5907,317 (torn other ',purees. The expendture re within ihe sane period, was .61,170,014 the bal. sore -In the treasurer" hand., was E 7 9 ,50 9, sad the balance due to the treasure" £71,2542. . The (Admit Bishop of the Engltsh Church, is the ' Bishop of Durham, noveinhis eightieth year. The youngest Bishop is the Bishop of Downes, aged lofty two. According to the return of the beet root sugar trade in France, there were, in October last, two hundred and sixty three roanisfactories at work, whiclitad made about eight millions two hundred and sixty - eight thousand kilogrammes of . sugar, winch was rather morethan at the astme period last yexe The quantny delivered for consumptton was twoinilllons seven hundred thousand killogram mos, or nearly seven hundred thousand killogranv sues less than hot year. The importations from Russia to England of grain, net larger than from any other country. Tke proprietors of the pan, where Gen. Haynau retreated, when he was mobbed, known as "Hay antes Refuge,"bave become bankrupt. Thereason of this was, that crowds of visitors coming to view this premises, the usual customers for Inch and dinner, fell off, and the keeper of the hotel was ru• fined in consequence. Improvements are to be made to a considerable extent in the city of London. Furnaces and fire places, used in manufactures ' are to be compelled to cansurne th eir own em ote--nnisannen are to be removed, and put of the area around St. Paul's to be laid into the public thoroughfare. A. new steamer, called the Denson Fly, has been blanched in lake Windermere. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton has been having pri vate iheatricals—m whit l largo audiences of his Itiends were invited-at Ilnebworth. The fret night he invited all his farmers and tenantry Molest two nights many of the nobility end gen 14T. The charge fur entering music at Stationer's 11111, Lcmdon, is liettilliega. • Lablacte was tormerly a botfauctor in Italy be was extremely popular, bat was induced by Lavelle to devote himself to n more extended 4.1.1Ver. It is in eLtnenip:st.on, in Edinburgh, to employ paupers iu the culttenuou of wastelands. The; Registrar General hat drawn up a schedule for the ensuing veer, to which every English home holder will he included, in which name, rant, pro lesion, etc., and every particur will he demand ed. Peron terming , o give formation are fiord fCS. .sodden inereasc of dentition London, has been oh*ervid. and a greeter mortality than at Any time since April last. Disease. of the organs of renpiration, and consumption, are the marl prevalent Mita Catheter Myra!, engaged to slog in Be of prima donna. As the now employed tu 11.1 e Park, on the great building tut the saunas; la. were leaving their work, ere acetic., shoo two thousand of — them sing to chietts,"Dule:Bri wale," and "God gore tht Q•seau." . The French tloverument.ha ay - maw-A chat -thewhite paint used in, publls buildiess, shall henceforth be made awhile or nine, and not of white lead, sa while lead is helleved to be per. nlcions to health. , Madame Aims Tbitlon bu been giving an en tettalnment, imusteal, of monied in Which she nestained a number of comic"clatactera la theat' :teal dress. , - _. Sir Stratford Canning, the Edgiish Ambassador st Constantinople, lately took st stains excutalaa in the Archipelago. Reneltitig the Dardanelles after inneet,On bas temen,3o . S. Canning, atai• ous to reset Caostsratropte. ryhed. to force th e passage. Signets were mad to him, but he paid do attention to Wein, and hoiated the Envliah dog • The Teaks deed. and two balls entered the ado of the steamer, when Sir S. palltic q do..tided on waiting tilt the next morning, "etpreasiee has sat. isfaction at the Feldstein of the Turkish tire." Wombwell, the exhibitor o' intimate, is dead. Old end i.tiem, he could not bear to be gement.' nom bin menagerie, and he bevelled about with 'it in a bed carriage. His me sgerie was exhinit. lag when he died, and an nnottneement at his death Was made,by his orgy the the 'spectate.; after which the band played Dead March in Saul, and the exhibition closed. e( c . Dr. Posey, and same of h . usociates, have •il• deemed • letter to the Oen I Convention of the Episcopal Church in the V lied States-of Amer{- ia, letienting that the cep . ' kw of the (oilcan ' - romance «( the American rgy , with the views entertained by them. would eof the highest ...- vice "in a contept with he esy, cir indifference." • There are in England, 142 trainers, 100 race nature, eed 160 jockeys! There aro 2,000 thorough bred homes in tr !Seg. The waken, with all their deductions, mount annually to 2.269.000. A ntstemeht, made by ttes. 'ow York Literary World, to the elfeertisat "Shakespese is riot pou ter Its America," is quoted by no - English journal. 'Doe remark made by the'Arnerieen critics, that if Serkapear's works were'produced for the drat time In Amends, they wooed of be recetved, is said by We English critic to be ibly true aloe of the native coutary of She • ar. Dubois, a fame. Free b architect, is dead. Mereatinew has "moue t out • new opera, IA • Schism :entreat, (The Senseeee Slave.) It is only a tolerable opera, wi h pretty bits here and tare, and a miserable Mire M. Louis Alares e -and Ale 1 neat painters, are dead. An incident which Fee t,.. Lanham, ia thus recorded: "We join In the hopeoind look forward to the Woe of the struggle with cheldence, became we know that the vast Sesjlritp, of the people et Eng lied are se Grotty apple...o I,to the incursions of Game as la er et their martyred 'Wreathes. The Przteetant teehrg of the «Ataxy will soon be tool ed, and we hod a strikincproof in our town, Tuesday night, that it is bf no means dormant i at remelt. Mrs. leaner Ke ble was reading the ' One histories! prey of Kir.g 1 tin, — icnd wren ate Came to Ibis reply of tho noon ch to the ILothish eardinel— • Moe Mu not, cardinal, dev:so a name So Ci t a:, unworthy, and ridiculous, To charge me to an answer, as the Pope. Tell him this tale, and tram the month otEott laud, Add this muen more: 'Dm Ira /tafian run ' Soil ty:Ls or lull ley dominions.' The Creel vrai inl4ll4llleoUll. Thereat sentiment was received wall unbound • ad sppla,se. From the Iteoublm Itgracsumn Furman !—A. Yoning geminate from Virginia—ob, the depmerate sort!—who,was waiving up the avenue limn the rail road depot, on Monday, wan accosted by a Very modest looking man, who 'waled nu innocent ;coking box in hu WA. ffiaMEMEI ..How do y.m do, ea" roof the wool Use mother Pretidedm ' • - "I am nght said O. modest wan; "dui V on aver bear of this: " 11CrIECS Why it's the newly Invented invulnerable Cabinet: • Ira on' my way to the Patent Otßze ouw." "Goo] mercy," es-eau-nod Old Lkaninnim. . "Fact," said the modest mamas he bold It hrfore "Look at asd stopped to *Watt to the yens' . gentlemen rind another gentleman, whose , m it appeared to attract, "You are 1 Mace this paper within it. Now," end be looked Om the omnibus that was pantos', while Number Three of the company stole iho papelf, said Mtn pa per being in here"— "There is no paper in there," Nuinber Three. "NA-dictate thouvir," rand the Modest man "I'll bet fitly dollars on it." vrif y had fifty, I'd rate your bet," said Number Thre e eli r I'll . bet any body Arty'," said the modest man _ Number Three Dodged the Onus gentleman, Who eztletimed, "I'd bet you any that there rant" • !Tone,", oast the modest man, and out came the two fillies, which Ntunber Three, sea diomterasted per " soo, received. • Alt lair now,",naid Um modest man. "You ob. Oerve thaveager,l put a. prom of •psper in this bob. I bet filly no there; you bet fitly it s not. 'lust no," said both tbe other gentlemen. "Bat," sold the modest man, "Mere is no collo l'iTtrothuZnorO,g your 1111:'.iggeennleearen:" ' , Then; here peg," said the modest maa, and be opened the bat, and them was the paper trod he moil the two fittima • "Why," exclaimed Somber Three, feeling in hi. pocket, and looking mock ronazed. " • 41PWIWIn raid thence:lest man. "Ohr Utihint,"sea NomberThree. ''Eseose tee for one moment;" said the mode' min, "While 1 cep" in hero to see my sister," and he went into Gadxby'alower door. "Oh, oh, Meter.' alcolted the Virginian. "One. moment," mid the modest gentleman, Number Three walluag off the while in another . tirretruon. The young gentleman waited half an hoer to em end reialtitstrato with the ',hlm; party, whose interview with his sister:nu very protracted. Ile then went into the hotel by the mom door, and in gaited of Mr. Judkins if a man could enter below end pool out that way, in which question Mr. J. gave a polite affirmative "But has any one done j so within half an hour?" he sated "I think some one has," said Mr..l. "Then swindled!" he enctaimed *arrow. 101 l . Upon hearing We- . whole story, Mr. J. vectored=lox: e lime PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. -----JSIIEII BY WHITE 6: CO PITTuLICILOII MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 23, 1550. Wine CITY 11 , X1X.1 1 a 3 101 Mato. JOHN J. ROGGEN. arnevesencus are canteen, requested to brunito (tell fevers before O P. u., and to earl) tetbe due us Pee:stable. Adventsemente not meened foe • speet• ned time ernl Inviolable be charred until ordered out ID•V. 8. N.Mcmg li Agent for thts paper at hi. over.' agendas m Now Rork, Philadelphia, a:d Boston, and is anthorited to receive sabsertptiona and adeerdsements for us. Part.loll.lllA N. 11% alemis sabseriptions to the North American and United Smell Gazette, Philadelphia, received and for warded from this office. arTimanaLetuaCeacwasmat.Lar.—Sabscription• or Ws weldable paper, will IA received and forward d from this °face. Dotatorcatz Axecicort,—.subsertpto ea and advertise ments for this poper received and l'ororuded free of almrge from this of:Leo. IU CISFIIINASI DAIL, a11Z1T1.—A4.111..61e art d subser.ptions, for this paper, will be received and •rwarded from this office. TO COILIESPDXD.IIL—WC would publish "A Farewell to the Old Year," if our compositors could decypher the copy. As it is, we fear the ar• flee would be greatly marred in attempting to place in type our correspondent's rather beautiful hier!sglyph ics. "New Your. COLONIZATION JOTIIIIAL "—This is the title of s new paper, published in New York, and edited by Itev..l. B. Pinney, formerly of this Attention is requested to the advertisement of 'A,' who it seems has a handsome sum to invest m M2=l POOLIYLVANIA RAIL ILOAD—Tat Moe:tract Etrenott.—We are pleased to see that n proper feeling has been awakenened in Philadelphia, in reference LO the importance of a speedy comple tion of the mouataia BOOLIOM of the Pennsylvania Rail Road. It will require, In ;addition to the present subscriptions, three million of dollars to complete the work, and • proposition a circuit. ling among the merchants, to solicit from the City Councils, an additional subscription of 81,500,00 to the stock et the road, provided an equal • •MOLILIL of 51,500,000 flab:elect' from other souls ces. We are glad to find that the rm. ci that o:ty oordlally approve of the project, and eve trust It will meet with a hearty coricorreate uo the part of the councils. The money could easily be raised by the sale of the boa& of the Company, and we can ewe no valid objecion u that plan.— The Directors, however, wish to thosalt the road withent ineuring any debt,a very commendable de sire, provided It can I.e •ecomplishe 1 without de• laying the road, greatly to the tr,ary at the eon, pany and city. There should, in co ereat, b any farther delay in patting the road under eou tract, If Philadelphia desires to profit by the ad vantage she cow pores°. The Nat: Aran owl has the folbhwing cogent arguments to Cave of the additional iMbseription-or the part of city Of the seven althea. of mock already created in this grand work, Pn iladelphla has lota:Led two millons and • half; and the add.zionsi SUP de. mended would raise her anbactip , ion to four cod. lionr: Let no one be surprised ai the gleam," of thla sum,—Which is a fraction tzar thou the a,d which the city of Baltimore has rendered to rival route, the Elal,mora and One itylrOod. We should blush to have soy one thick that Philadelphia—the great, the neabhy. .he ever growing Philtdriphis — u lens ollo7 muses in the einem And glory ache hem'. tomb, i)r °blunts that grand old IT .he made Aerordant with the dark blue sans, 'nit murmur wild where freedom laid Het hoe smiled Mariam: Lend of tte forest and the glen! Thou nerdy mine of hard men , Tend of the mountain end the Ink- Or livers galled from sea to tea, In that broad grandeur dt to make Tie Jumbo's or await,: 0, fal.em clime! U, dearest land. Who Will thy banded children sneer , (lad of one halm' here We nand' From Plymc nib's rock to Gemsla'a woad Haan pressed 'o heart, had linked In hand— And swear •the [Won lives throve" Then dint, float on thou bawler bright With glory from the olden iigh Tait Biathlon standaid of the brave 'ln attach dinars WII dick the wave Where honor once hat La reefs rolled To quiet in thy spangled f ld. Still, shining banner of the foe, The thsckled maim tont to ther, And mbon at home thy /Magog, keg Along the armory's troptited walls, The ancient tromphem tong Mr breath- - The dloted ssbtes Gamely start To vegoance from each claortng sheath Al if they wash t some mutor'a been. Ulm:nod banner of the brave. -0 gal dard of • thootand ahip,. guardian of the patriot's grave. Come, let no press thee to our upe— Them is a trembling of the roam— New Slighted feela the patriot docks-- . There is a trembling of the lakes— The Weir, the mighty West weaker; There Is a noise amid the pinee— The white magnolia" whiter bloom, a Lipari the South new glory shiner, And see the heave of PaseAnares torah Behold. the troubled ❑r I. dark With martial ghosts—the hills ate bright 'Nob bands of lining mee t and hark' Their veleta come in mingled he The right dill lire while faction dyes; The traitors Jraw a fleeting. breath, Gut patriots drink from God's owe eyes The light °ninth that conquers detail Then retreat dee Then dearest lane. . . Who ahall thy banded childien see& God of our tethers! here we stand From Plymouth's rock to Georgia's strand; Head pleased to heart, hand linked in bard And swear "Tug Mixon exile rumen!' New York, 1550. ELICOU RAGE LIOMIL INITITUTIOR CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittabargh• C. O. HU as EY, Pale& • • —A. W. AILID,BsoI. Otte—No. it Wale'. strew, in dorwankonse of a R. GRANT. THIS COMPANY la now panned Co Inoue all kits!. of Wets, an horses, mandantones, goods merehandlle Is atone, and to wagon vowels, to. As ample wounnry for the sbUity and lamer) of the Indium/on, Is afforded In the &blastoff of Cie D rennan, who are all eltizena of Pineboryln wolf end favorably known to:the easantwuty for *bar pradenes, Intelligence, and Integrity. Dastnano—C. O. Hammy, Wm. 'Mystify, Was Lal Imes,Jr., Walter Bryant, Hash Dentt Edward Beaialton, John award., 8. dart B. M. }Gam Raval Pasco of tha Inattad Slats& !COXYOI3II2S4 Ships& tbs nee Eases . .... Frigates Sloops of war. Brigs Sebcoserr.. Steamers .. Store lama EC= Ships of the line Pristine........ Sloops of war... Schooners Steamers ..... ....... litMll2%) •NL ICiPIPPINCI Sloops of war &amen.— . Store gips.. ON lilt ITOCaa AND CotaTIOCTINO Ship' of the hoe Frigates ........ .......... .......... • • Steamer ccr Farads. shoald never be without a ',apply of hPLartal be season particularly, when worms are so uoublesome and so frequently fatal amoog ehrdnos, parents should be watchful, and on the first appearance of those distressing symp tom which warn we of the Presence of worms, at ones apply a powerful and eificaelous remedy. This; remedy we eau npw supply, confidant that It only re. : (mires • Intl to earldom, all that it richly meets all' the praMes that have been lavished upon it. It Is safe and infellible. Vorames of certifinates might be pro dared, showing lts great medical virtue.. For sale by/. 61DD t CO,No CO Wood atrest dal-dkw9 turdetaxastnag CABS It EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST!! Ma. Klia—Sir, , 1 obeerfally comply with year re quest that I would give you an amount:of the almost infractions care of mrlittle daughter's eye by the ase of your "Youroleiat." She was auaeged with a very sore eye in February or March lan, urbnn I Immediately applied tattle bout Medical aid In too city, by whom it was pronounced 'ivory badleyell and all gave me no hope of doing her any good. After which I toot her Into the coon• try to an old lady, who had been Wry oucceasful In coring eyes. She told me that her ease was hopeless, as she would outainly lose not only that one, but also that the other would follow—lt beings scrotal:los affection of the blood. And 1 do certify that :at the time my father (J. EL Vuhord came to the conclusion that we had better try your Petiole=," sea woo OrrIIELT liitln,of one eye. It la mw about two manilla since she began its use, and she ran now see with both eyes as good so ever she did ; and, as far as 1 eonitoll, I billeve she has, with the blesslog of he Almighty, been cured by Petroleum." Yours, respectfully, N. Faancis Vasaos Cabot. $3640339 73 Plttaburibb, Sept.oo,lFso - sale by Keyser G McDowell, 140 Wood street ; R. E. Sellers, 5? Wood street; D. M. Cam, D. A. El liott, Joseph Dooalus, sad D. P. Schwartz, Allegheny, also by the proprietor, S. AL KIER, 110•7:dkvr Canal Been. Sevenths, Pittebargh Othee of Okla sad rams. R. IL Co, Third Prrrantrsee, Asigust 5,1850. Tag Smotholdere of We Ohio and Pennsylvania Rsil Road Company are hereby notified to pay the eighth tostabsonot of five dollars par Were, radio crime of the Company, on or before the Yoth day of daunt. The cloth lnstaltrienti 011 or before the 20th day of September. The tenth instalment en or before, We 555 day of October nett GT lastalmara was enliod for on the MO JoI7 Ina I=2 asoproveasesata a 11/01lIiitri• DIL 0. G. STEARNS, laze of Roma, Is prepared to tesnelectere end set Blocs Tarry In whole and parts !sets, upon Suction or Auncispheric Suction Plates.— Tarmacsr eras , to sive towns, where the tens Is exposed. Mee and residence call door to the Map at% ofEco, Fourth RICCI, Pittshargh. itsrwro—.l. IL SiTed&so.P.. R. Eaton. tell FILL INFOIITARION OF HIRDWIE.E. LOG/ItN, WILSON & CO. IS9 WOOD STREET, Am nom prapired with a large and bean mock of kAglmb, Gettnam and Amcnean Hardware, to atm . mperbot maccemants to %etyma. Those antacid to pitman*, and prommo lbw Mutant b Moral! Moaab oat stock. as May ata dmernobad to on Mr moat vaurmabla karma. aaaLS MI. u. 11011174 Den., °Mane •-. Marks. end Fern streaci, • catl.4lTir A awn at •aaar Lan, slots capable of do , etul^d eluldren,la w, ;mice} hottetteeper, and vellEng tu uke chaise of Sur Pataburgh and Allegheny (Mph. Airyluse, trOultl hear of • goal emu's. had high Whey by stitlyang . M 8.9 SAMPLE MILS ESSINGTON, or 4.17 " MRS SWENSON. A slake , voa Tag nocaDATA. NY: of the Stoat ornamented raker ever teen In O the Twin Cates. ..01 he ant In the window of P. It. Bunter. of ttl b wart, on Corlett:my eve. It v.lll weigh nearly three bungred pounds, wilt. tame:ally teed and ornamented. turn. anted by • reptaten. tenon of Mahatma, in England—all done in mg.! and alms It a aplendin piece of work, gm. UM op vital much trouble and expenm In order to 11:121111.11‘ the luster wpmation of hie ' oil estabtab mem. ilia patron. ani the Petal. generally, me Invited m cod and be agreeably entwined, even It they de not wish to pucka.. They will alto hod Cakes, Cambea, Fruits, and all the other firings for Christmas. Call at tin. II Fifth atreet. P. 11. 111.1nli:V.11, doff Baker and Confectioner. 111.075,254 9 $5.644.33515 PREJLESTATION 11001:11 A may Edeeatiesal Repository, No 63 ati tA,be lima the m oil colieetion of Ari l:male sail Gill Books. The Mock etnaprisse every variety of !elebly hernial sail illeitrated Ca/looks. Aloe, Episcopal ?sayer Beaks. arid Presbetsitaa Hymen Books, Bibles, /le , tor Bale at the lowest p nees. deS3 ILIOLICULT WW. WILSON Las • very largo acd rick ay. meat Gitte—oratmental and useful, for exle very low, at corner of Market and Fourth dream deal Perfumery .ad Piusey Article. mutable ' ter Holiday Primula. PREPARATIOriS for the Onnesh and Preaelvallon of H•li.— Fan Lattralo; Beat% Rom, and MILCA.I er Ulla; Poostern, in pole end Kea.; Indium Vegetable OS; Bandanna I azateam; Lip Balm; Cold Cream; Mandate for Chapped Banda; • Randle and Romel's hair Dye; catognelVf mem, at Klieg - dem Dom 4 cent. to one dollar per, bottle. ?crimes for the Illandkeretnan Plmylon Cream. end Soap.. Ted.; and Fanny Soap. at every Tagelhif with many fancy article. tooturncoatto a:mutton him S. WICKERSIIahI dWI Car of Wood & Slane at. . 1=133 THE underslrged has lest opened a large stock of Tyrolean Toys, and 'alloys other goods never earn herelerfore. The linen wooden work. of skill, as well sta the nicest playthings for childinn, expres.• ly selected (or the holiday.. which he le determined to sell 'Cry low, wholeattle and list d, I,y e JOIIN lIENDUERT, deader. IM Smithfield meet • _ _ Choice GM Hooke for the /lends - ye. rlitHE Vt omen of Bic Old and New Testaments, 11 Tha Wooten of the Bible; Our Saslow . with Apostles and Prophets; The Path Waya•on Abiding Place• of our 1,31.1; Snored Scenes In the /He of oar Saviour. Banyan'. Pilgrim's Progress • Floras Fnterreter and ennui. Floss Evenings at Donaldson Manor Tani ties Pioveztual Philosophy Banyan Hol y War liallecki. Pocucal Works manyan'S complete Works Goldsmith*. Poems tortes an the Beatitudes Tbompson's Peanna Polito( Life Lealent of blemml Faith and Its Effects Poems by Oman Mirage of Lao Campbell's Pocm. Shaltspeare ?dawn'. Pan. Peeps at patine Way of Holiness Montgomery's Poems My Saviour Book Of Me Passions Pelee in Believing Titian of Filendshlp FmtnentDcad Mn Ileums' Poem. Topper's complete winks Drasmoglitoont Berapßookleammer Dims F oral Kacpsake Advitel to Young Men Gems of Beauty . Do of Mown Ighlgi, to Don Quilt:de For sale by HOPEINS, de4170 Apollo Building.. Founh at T. Merchants ant Manufacturers. GENTLEMAN kid I,et = O A ' ialtert:toticacbushes. babtu iloeloteron of 910,11011 or 11x1)000 in any rate and proltable bunion.. blegouano. hold &ninny confidential. Address "4." Oaatna Office. de4TdBP A" person with a capital of three to Four Thous and. Dollars, 0111113 as of purchasing an inte In a safe manufactney, over whien he c oatay lVA. with a salary and one half of the profits. can two of inch as opening by addrcanng • • N II .° Pills burgh Post 00es. deol HORBO-1100 bu thia day reed for sac by del2 UHRIVIOL liBRIaM ,ecw.:,>.>ze,gaeizo,6'4,oc.,ros Former of Third end Market 'teem. Tho ottly Char:trod levirotiori of the kind in Pfttfeb. FACT/4 . T. doted Fleming, Principa) Instructor in the Science - of docolmts. 0. K.! Chamberlin, Profueor of Pezmansblp, Met, canine Computation, ho. AWL; lt. lVauon, Esq., Lecturer on Commercial LoW. limos desiring &complete knowledge of Book Keep • ins and na application to every branch of business, Clan an'okraat and rapid penmanship, are invited to call and examine the arrangements. Lecture on Commercial Law every Monday avem fiefavence to any of the tealdent city inerobanti prIRON-15 thus bot blut Hanging Hook, tot aide by dein JAS A HUTCHISON &CO LOVE RBERD—FS bd. for We tl 423 JAB A HUTCJIIBON h MK.; MACKFIII7.-100 No 2 alamitor Ws by MU kr) JAS A NUTnHISON t CO 'VatPl6-41 brio Golden Syripr: ID 6 Inas do IS WI. Clarified do. int reeateed and • r nI6 JAMES A IfUTCHIEION is CO, , Arts 9t LW* Sugar Islam ' PITTInVaGU mon 11:3100L JArtisi,m'EfoU, Griatedtmet: SUM W. R. PADDOCK, hf...A,lPrieeipa4 N.T. MaCONALD,XLA., Auoriata ills lamitati.torill be Opened for the mei • , 1 pupils Thoradsty the seend day of J.l Sett. Client/Us, explailang the obleet of the thm. mode to lammed., CO.llO of study, dtse terms. de.. may be had at the mores .01 M. Whit , " Wad Messrs Rey to Co., or of the nine!. the id.t.allobtle Homo, from 2 to 4 P:M.o business de of the meek.' det .3 .1 14 4 .. . ..... ....4 SOH cmusiami: I.RE..bmeriber rerptettodly Worsts his on el:stamen that his Cook of Toys mil Fari• suitablefotthe holidays, is now (Ten to • wholesale ware rooms, No 111 Market st, comprising Me largest and most splendid ass • of Christmas Plulentli Seer Offered In this eil ported direst by myself, and for sal. by deThdtt • C YEA, ORB BOXES AND WRITING DERR: W largest usorunent of Paper Meth*, Rose and Idabovfor Wort Dozes and Writing Desk, offered for Bale m this city—all of my owl:11131pol and wilt re sold low by [de2l:d4ll C TF.Af /FOY BOOKS, to—A fine aseorunent of Toy L Annuals, he, gettable for Chrinunan., Year presently fat sale by! dati:tet Illamberlaff rionces and Pattchnirel n l ". ALL peewee indebted to the subseriber for nun• henna host es or Pittsburgh Directory will please can at he Rooms of the Doted of Trade, corner cf Wood and Third sweets, between the hours of 9 sod 9 o'clock, and settle their bills. Sobaeriben and those Trichina to perchers the Pittsburgh Directory will also please call. SAML FAIINESTOCK Pitttbaugh. Dee It, 25 R s Pon Wlne t 4arions brands . • 4.. cant. casts Sweet Mlisins, Gin, brands, _• in store end for sale by W & MITCHELRLEE, &It Llberty4treet titZtZ;."u"-itta7,7,llllxArdbf" SUNDRIEIIO .S 1.0 t he &o vy 078. the BFaa ' dler. Cage; Bald rider, a and by A. O. tc. Q POOL COTTO: 10 en gm:hoary. al don. --- MABLE CLOTHS—Linen, brown and . ibleaehell llamoratd Diaper patte rn s for aaleb C ARBO • OT A:1 RR Ot RACKERS for rale C deli B U dt2, R.-20 bes ro I' • • V,. • g IRD -60 btla luf hard TetePeed for tale b A dr% 13 t W ISAMU_ UT `"°'°°' filfgAb OH TALLOW—CO brie received for vela by den • 8A W HARBAVOLI 2. FLAT 130ATII, 120 feet eeebt tor sale by srutOovldAKEli k, CO den 21 Wool weer ' 150 L Eir """4 ri"" "41. 1 On for sZlco ALA COPAVIA CAPSI7I. 4 3-2'irlass far wile (dal] a KIDD & CO ARTIFICIAL LEECHES—I case just received and lor sale by KIDD k CO sdat 6D Wood in NDIA INK-10 tbljm ute by j KIDD ✓k co el AR RETPS SCOTCH SN IlFF—f4.oo lb. far aala by T &SU J KIDD tz CO PILE annual meeting of de Cleveland and Pt. 1 burgh ,ktall Read Company will be held at the Olken of the Company, no It enna, en the Oral time or Sanest) 'nest, at ten o'clock, Si which time and place Omelet D7COlOrl ire la be elected to terve the ensuing year. FULIAMBE Perretary Office Barka.C te P. Hoe. 3 0,1)10 l Rnad Co $ The /it ss Hotel for U.1.0k THE term of the present, lessee expltley on the Ist Apni next, the proptietor of this extensive and well known Hotel Is obi,. to put It In a state of temough and complete repair, nod offers It for feat an liberal terms. Engulfed W. Oil. nfil3lNElMN,'Att'y at Law, 19 Fourth sued. trust Cagy ) • T OF W U-s0 Ev., I it ' ll= , f .lO IVAN C 0 SiaLTPETRE-103 b bp p Dup A n 2 's pe ' a d do fora. tV F WILSON by ldoldi NECTAR LEAF TOBACCO-3Ycn for WI by . deiJ HARDY. JONES h. CO QC( TWIST TOBACCOVAr y NJAff s s i te, by debi faILAnSES-30 Orin St Lon.. Engin . Miro 0. Syrup Molanscs, on nonsigruneur, for nab, by , ' delY Vt k P WILSON PATIO PLA.IIIII4GI DIAOHINSC. J Vy ' :;ther 4i , le rr th in e o y ers " lfl .3 lltr :ti l ice . tfa i n " a farmer], urged Elysian. Inlthine planing for Ship . at Steamboat building or fine Ceiling, be.. MS_ ~.loff ha 11.1CTial Witt MO 151,111, /011.4 so llaallL4l.olll{ on the terrace, as in ail amebic.' Being pressure roller. in planing, by the chips a ce a coaccted, pawing between the planed surface and feed router; thereby destroying work designed for punting. COO. tram. may be mane for their cotsweerion or see, or the RIMISILIA af • isles Stock Company or Company', in any peel of the United Stews, to nuecessfully prose, ruce the basinces, bT .Pri) int to , DEL lIASNErbf. Snowdefce Wharf, Philulaphia where We machine, an in constant opLattp : dela:CLlO : F I9/1-100 bd. No Mamma aseiu Medford; ;,0 Ere do lialiax do tore by peal W I'LL-'ON 18.1EI) rEACIIES—sup ter sale by deli; W WILSON D RY APPLE_.-100 bulu atomdi .. .ntrpe r l by at 419 Round Cbuieh Rathl ln AS11:-34 Omete Johnslon's Loan& tam:lint dibt day, and tor totto by -1J & R FLOYD D 111 COFFEE -230 btty• Immo ...b7 11 ;lets/ JbR FLOYD , EA4-6.114 ants V. Ilreart, Imp and Gunpowder for tale LT jd,191 .1 RFC OVD TUNIVERS' OLL-2.9 bris B.k Oil, lo good order for sale by [del,9l J. 4 R FLOI'D VI °Latins-22 brio new, in *torn, for was by 21,. dttg .1 & R FLOYD GINiENG & DEESWAX,23 bogs Gioung; steamer - 4 t nook &moms; Now landing (mat Tnsearorn, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO del9 Water & Front ins F . EATDEES-12) tins landing from Tallearara, deII)AULD DICKEY & AND:4lln', No 1, now beading, for sale by Ls dela ISAIAH DICKEY /a CO TALLOW -1 brl I; • 17 brtr No% now landing, for Wit by del/: 'set 411 DICHSY & CO ALLOW am landing, far sa:a by drlD ISAIA II DICKEY & CO fiA it1117.-41bags was lanCing,for sale by 1 4619 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO MID&CDES & APPLID3-31 begs Dry Peaches; IyAIA I 7;TeCtn. CO LIIMME!I SUNDRIFS—I6 brim. No 1 Lard; ort Croo I Nis Tall ow; 67 bats Fathom; Co salve on sus:. et Cumberland No & for see by doin : ISAIAH DICEEY & CO PLANTATION MOLASSES-2U Nasals new orop,', Just meetved ang for We by MILLER k RICICETSON, 241Ltbert4 deb Wi t lr y TE 111 , 17:46 A F a liabAs arosfal! PLANTATION hbdrptimo old crop on coati/mount, and In by del/ I.IIILLEII & RICKETSON NO. 6 BOAR-10 hbds new crop, holding, and . for No by , ROBERT DALZELL rk. CO dal) Lrberty kt MOLA9SE9-13 00,10. plamatlon. , or am by 019 ROBERT DALZELL 41 CO each, Grorml Table salt, in care and for isle delS:duel wll CIORALLEY, y II:ILiyerty cc BEAVER non IEtTS-23 doz Blue Beaver Beekeub en hmd and (Miele by delEtttltlat VY; hl 09RhILEY, VI Liberty st. MOLASSES -46 brio plantation biolitaang to orl. battle ground, S II diolaracij retching per sumac; North liner, for aalo by del' SUGAR -1 . 2 bhda new crop Sugar; 5 bid Loaf Sugar, receiving from gami er North River, and for sale by JAMES DALZELL, raprO . ll,-8 bris waxer strained. receiving iron steamer Cincinnati, and for sale by • dela JAMES DALZELL GGIIF.IIA.R—S case lot sale by 4.17 J beIIOONIIIAKER te CO! PONDERED - Wiry orate y : J SCHOON&I AKER. t CO dell • 11l Wood meet. liIELTON'S splendid Outline Map. ara noW bung I. Introduced la all the loading school. in New Eructated and Neio •York. We have obtained tho agency for them in Pittsburgh, and iniltd teachers and school romminces to call and C3:11.60.911 therm= No I—Mop old. Westein Hemisphere, 030 ES Inches No 1— do Eastern do t do; No 3 do North America, 70 z 44 No 4 do • United States, 70 r. 83 Nod-- do Europe, • 70 .s No G— do Asia, " 70 i 79 Not— 'do B.!Ameriett k. Africa, 7c z 54 Price of the series, with key. SZi ortho he.t r9ro Hemisphere Maps; with key, $lO. - • These Mops are unriswlled in accuracy. 'beam and cheapness, and adopted to the Watt/ of the prodtam grammar and high school. of the United States. For sale at publisher's inters, without additichael freight eliarges,rittie , EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE, - 9 Cor. Market I Fourth received-4k doe owe , perpetual gloss India Bobber boot/, for sale at 7 t 9 Wood at, top dell PHILLIPS PITTSBURGH Q F moult-411 Otis toceived tor solby • . /Jo F. WA e WILSON • ' Jeer/ PG Wood su . yr. LEAF 141/1)-0 brls ond 17 IL lint 'd for sato 14 11011.101.11)0F.k. I °MLA '' , • Jet . ] .. . 11d Water t sHAßEs.Wentern Inaurance Company A)JO thin% Peonylrma and Ohio Roll Raid 5 do ipfOrth euteriaar. ?dining_ Company; J.ll ~.; A WILKINS& CO- Tsrt4 Creek Planka "' AA dot stack w.nj t i b y . A WILMNS &CO - - L lliispratts , Patent sobs Ash. Ogg CASKS, smartly Glaii Makers', NU cal hiuul ctigvfi~uoc rt: p li a tl t l i at the karts* mullet pnca; tor , . ati myreikaasEo, belltro TlSuvroid traoerned atstese w il l reltlblied Pluto MP, over the Peet Office, lot a MW et...mucking MemleT s Mine nl blerlibldert, (toot 9 t,II I) P. M. Adrolesiott, 'Mc% season tie t.ete,Sl cis, Pentpldete. 6 eetts. P. er. , :rhe , 6lstae 1. the property of Na Powe4 and Is exhibited for his benefit. • - data EWAN non, BROM BUILDING, . ; Liberty Sire.. Open SIBRY EVENING., for a shad swoon, Baypo i oak bunted aeries otgliguale GOOde, Asa. owns, f•*ment =TIMID A VOYAGE • TO EUROPE, Mirada* mograllient views of Berton, Ita ibutor, Halifax, the Atisatic, Liverpool, • , LON DON. From ilee Thames, parsing tinder the Bridges, and entlina , with • meg &Scent view of the 'T AVI us 2 , varlitnL. Ihilliantlybilaminated, and both books.of the beantlArt RUINS. • An Fxbibltion• every Wettocanag sod Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. AOmmnori,..3s cent.. uhildren, nailer It you. Of ne. lb Doors wiltl open at at o'clock; Panorama to com mute* moilur at 71 o'clock. delenthir ...COW Book* for the lllolUdays. r EAPLETS OP MEMORY. edited by Bayard& .LJ Coates, D., splendidly bound ln Turkey mo nee". The edited by Prefect= lobe S. Harr. to sat to Tarkeyeriatoceo, with namerolot Illuminances end exterarloge. Gehne ofkbe Beason;rleyantly The Ke'rwake;'s mfr for the holiday', Wand IS Turkey mereemsorilh Ithminations The Crystal Poem, for hid, edited by T. S./mbar. witlkentraviap.'; Bons of Temperance Oferuag, for 1851, by T. B. Or thuM• The Chrisunas Tribute, for 1.821. lrymes Offering, Snow Mite, Friendeb iorget bl esi e Not ffering, " "by Mn. E.S. ElmAk FO ". Seen of Wanly, or Litetery Gin, lair IMO; edited by E. Patient bound in Turkey morocco, with eldeer• ass tilundmteone sad ongtasui an. The Rose of Sharon, • religions mare:dr, for 1821, edited by Mr. Caroline N. Sawyer. • . Tapper's Proverbial PLilompby, various edition' . AlSkentlYrn und and Illustrated. Reed's Fel:nab Poets of America, e030.1.11M Par' trans of Airs E Ogle. Smith, Mrs F 8 Osgood. Mrs 1. fl itigourney, Mrs E F Hint. Mrs Emma 0 EmberY. 01re/one] le D Welby, Mrs 8 .1 Hale. E 0 Mauer • woodiss we CLyeeb, Alla J Clarke, Shane Omen ) Sitellyi Goldsmith, Dam, Moore, Coleridge, How• ett,4dilman, and Beats; Coleridge, Sbelly, and Seats; Pods, Byron, sod Wooleworth's Poetical Works Also, a large Genre Sou of pester mach". ',picnic, 1. albinos in morocco and pusermae , e bin :log: also, a large collection of eplendld June, ileßooke, with other worts, for sale by ' 111 0 STOCKTO, laic J ohnson it Stockton, cornet Mullet sad 24 sta. dskt [Chronicle and Post eoLY . ' ,HOLIDAYS. ... 61 . .1FT .1300K111 GIPT 1300139 for 1811 i AT . HOMES' LITERARTDEPOT. 1 'i Third st, opposite the Son aloe. . OUR censor, mini Propkuti and Apulia, i • The Souvenir Gaiety, a Ger, Duel • The Sacred Anneal, • .d 3 . , Ike Ina and illuminated Souvenir \ The Chime( Demur - • The Rosary of Illustrations ' p,i, Leaflets of Memory 7 ' , •- e Flora Keepsake ' • *Gem of the Season . • The Winter Blossoms • e Nat:anal Temperance OSertak • ' • The fkins o I Temperance Olisrtrig Christian Souvenir and Mbiateriary Memorial • , The Keepsake of Friendshm 1 The Amaranth, or Token of Remembrance Tile living Odcring • • ' Wing' Fortran Gallery, with 42 Rearrange of Die. sinanudied Whigs ' .• The Token of Frisdashlp -,, • . The American Keepsake The SLIOW Slate . :1 Gem hf the Western World The Crystal Fount The Chrlkmas Blom= The chnitniss Tribute • 1 ,The Quitted, or Token of Friendship .Seeder in the Life of - oar Saviour A. Ladies' Gift • , The Forret Me Not • , 'Tee My Of the Pelle, ' ,;'' .The RIR a token of Friendship ~.. Sonar i-adiss. Album. talent Sp • t . ~ NOTIOIC .R ARNITM'S 0 Ca`LIZIE al A PEI. ~is~rs~F~i~— , AMUSEMENTS. PANORA bIAS, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. NEW MIIIIIIIO ROSIGNOL Polka, &arca Polka, Scotch Polka, Coquette Polka. . Jenny Lind's Med Song do Echo do do Ifetdatan's Song • s . Casio Diva, as slog by Jenny Lind Tue,Dew loon the thoasotn; Janny Gray I have la:making sweet to say I ans.:tramming online O,woaidt wale a boy again Manche Atfred Den Dolt • Comeracket AUegkety Carltisa3 Louisiana Della, with variations Lao, Not f uniekstep., • , Thou host wounded the aptlit 1:441CII•cel Jaunts • /Shower of Pears Waltz • • Slider Labe Polka. Iteeelved and for sale. N N —.A /urge stoat ol Diew.Ptanos co arrive this week JOHN H. ldial.oll, dettO : gl Wood st I'ATE comfy . that Instalments, amowtuort to Sony V two thousand five hundred dollen have bout v i tt a tLfig: e due 1:11 .0.0 Were one koredrLl doll4on.74l4avetbat an DAME THODIPEON. Seel t Tamer. • CHARLES Lr NNIO Preeldent. Affirmed tortod Esdnextbed Mk del of Deewa• Fver,l94tl. N HIJCIMASTERitutd. detB:d..two T4UlT— ' ) . l ' ittu?.. '" dt; IL ai r .; F 23 qt bis do do • . I 10 ast. Ireh2anto Clinuon , • 5Du du Citron:Oat reed for solo by M GORMLEY'. dell3:dcial 471 LRAM ay_o? .. _o4bllood_ ~ ,• IDES-140 d 1 1116 m . . iL a/ dry Calf Sklar, , . I bundle Dee, St/00;10.MM (.4414 by . . dell ROBERT DALZELL* CO ()LL BUTTER-40 brls 'n y, for see by delY • ROBLitt r DALZELL fr. CO CURFSE-5410 b as la prime °tiler, for mac by f. delg HOBERT DILLZELL & CO - DEF eI NED SYRU P- ROBERT rDaApe LniZEL W a al ClOy ALBION-6 bele No I, for plc by _. • - delP RODEICS VALZELL & CO Weal:digPa 14• IT Is used for washing cdothin g of any descsipuon. White goods err bleached end perfectly Mew.. Cakcoos and ether printed colored goods an Imre, ed In their appearance. and the colors look brighter slier being wuheti In the Field. Irk lowa without soap or any other preparatton—it is km trouble to use holed moires loss time to perform the work— It cannot possibly' Injure the tabrit, and It In far chomped they any other pteparallon. has no odor of Itself; sod of course, Impute noes to the citalt • tog, which lo made melt sorter, whiter sod Cleaner Man by any titter moms of waelong. It contains neither serpentine, ammonia, :cotoptiera,..potash, or aelf.s o any description—can do no le WWI to the health, end will ant aTnetithe ak inmalign used nonce 111111 moat 23 cents per gush. Sold by ll E egasms, • droll 67 Wood M : Tennperames A Adjonned Meeting of the AllegbertY 03 • 0 11 TAMPS ranee Convenuon Ina be held on UNICA meant, in Re, W. Illaen Cinnb,Stutanky Allegheny Cry, at 10 o'elnk;A. AI Several Import ant inners vrill pnnentsd by.cosimittan raised at the last meetingi. Theleraperate tun the inempyeeran an united to attend. By order erne Con dela I J J menials% se C=l • ICSUIIPHY tsi WiIdWIELD Imre received •by Brj m. a sister, of scares imd esirab-goods * watt u arp LONG 98AWL121 of , desirable colors le , C.A. roars and Thoth° BOARE'S,l;nsaga Pebaneas, Ore de NRDs. &a., • ' • data Christmas GUM. altddis to mare most accUpaubbr 1.7 resent. to abeirlatay Mends, will find at HUH- PHIt DV IiCHFIELD°3, north emit carnet oiroulth sad hfutet tat, a Moles asuattmena at Mem BWts, itbarvh, Sours, Flue Lanett Csmbria Hadterablefe, Neat Magma, Needle We* Collar., M. Mtn - • MO I:cottoned &lie hool Book HOpOltitary. ••• 111/£68 , 8 Normal. Reader., frlVatfries L ao; Aim,. yy aretica,Grarcorma,GeosropMes, Mara it,lkation• cry, Maps, Globea, arid every ; work anti is p%ibUo and pinata acharls. . ; !AIN, A gettrili 11..0111901C Mr3%N: r amble for &boots, dwelling* and Ofhtf. Also & 8:o s. '.. publications, at el Market $I ear. of Found dale B um ß-3 b.'s fresh rod, ter sale by dale JAMFA 'mix Tks flit Flan in nsinfgh _to 6n4 REAL GOOD TEAS` n er 111011111111 & vuoivorrritnir Tue. meows. sum nos ow via =mum ~ f 50e, Tice Aura 41.00 per &Musa, ..- All strictly sinkable Teas. ..' The Blast Teu at 753 sad Ma Gruen Teas at MA are, the very best Teas Imported Seto Us U. States .; det7 die. • OPISCES BlacbtFreocli Merino; sa pieces colored do do IIK/ do Parnmauccaoth, ell colon; ISU do Coburg de • .clo -30 a. A11.e.; ja. i openedby AIAbfAbIONICCO, 41.17 • CI t diliblelkesst BULL PROPZEtiIf: , A NSpetson vrtilility to anyayo In the %Ming bow sus may Lau or a vary desirable property by application to }I JOHNSTON, din • 11518ccoad at • IULM lIAIIELII SBA 1 /1101 ClLE.7ol=Warant ci I -do man wbo does not a sonsclalo the hear, of an dy.sbnee 'I If any there he,.are do not addren onp• crara to turn. Da to dl otters we say, If you wig . trender abasing a gleasnic,pardeser a box ofJalits latePo Almond Prataehlo cc Arabrasiar. Shoring Cre2MS. le Iti.teny isapornble to Ind words to de. coati the feelings or. perran who lass been and to VLbw r ing' 'cob - Orliwntl aeon, neon malting orator rals for the Cott tune.. It la c combination of arondar, add 'dinned and pleastad JULES ilkUlnllB gIieVING CREAM La estmod tingly emoilienq rendering the direst and -111011iwity board wit and gllablo, prod acing an admirable lather, and by its extremely mild nature allaying all iniok.. den, and preventing that Onplessant Ltd stir lleeltag of the akin which is so often ezporlenced diet sitige. mg. y Gentlemen amine Ilaael's Shavingpiamileg Creannk .ma taco the and wi. law mediataly alter coldest nse, .withoatmora tho one weaning tone chopped. And lran ores nralt, We ran Wall , say will Weyer On any Otte(. - Oa* great adrantago r sibteh Will be relpetdial gradated by those eau , wear Whiskers, b a th. fast that it will not discolor I. beard, width moo{ soaps 7.4 l e d, 2CZElL ' LL and) ;,;., ' We. 8 4rire ze, 4,,T. oglightfol preparallora, it the attar extrados a all anima oalettlaltd to render the operation of akating unplotoost. Sad wait be appreciated by all Who rake Lid or nom Preposed jt oW no k . et.,111111 Pb.lW.". FOT whokrale and mondani. AL Value/wok & Co., and R.. Bellotolittsbargb; Jolla bnnt anCi 411estoti,eur