The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 23, 1850, Image 1
runustwo lir WHITE.& CO D. N. Wifrr. (w. NAB.Wt. , . Truiti; •ntirr, ',ter DOOR TO Miii p. per maim.. Tri4Vrer 5,U0 Weekly, in ad .--• :WO txr. u cia!,, at a seduced rue,: RAT CS OF ADVERTISING; AGREED uPoN *TVS C rlTTiounan micas ' One tidiest, Dollars of Nonpareil or lint one 1 mutton.— —•-•-•••*0.50, One Solon], each additions/ insertion.. • 0-* one 'wee k•• • • ...... 1,75 'Do. -] two • • . Do. ' three week ..... 4,00 Do- ems g, Do. , two 7.00 thrce,montha.—• Do. „Ass, months .—.•—•---- • tale t n. inn monthe...• • Do. ' tweet months—. ---... • 18,00 Steams Tarsi i 0 lines ot•letio per annum. 10,00 One Squire, oh angeaLle 'Deleeuw° (pee num; naquilive of the paper-- For each addliTonal square, Intoned over on. Ina for cadi additional mincer hummed ander the ), ••• ly rater, half pave. Adveniscatente exceeding a square, and not ot ,• • • Aileen lines, to be elm dand rge n. a square ahalf. Pubonbers not accountable for legal •dreniserun beyond the amount eharged for their publication. Announcing candidates for oflice to be charged tie same as other advertisements. Advertisements not marked on the c (of a coed ited numbeelf insertions, will he cont inue d tilt forbid, • and payment exacted accord.' , The pnvileges of yurly advertisers will be confined rigidly to their regular b urine., and•all other solvers • Dement. toot pertaining to their redder hotness, as " agreed for, tobe paid extra. • All adverdsemente for charitable Institution., fire • • rupahics, ward, township and other public meetings, ad each like, to he charged halfprice,nayable strictly advance. Marriage notices to be charged 50 cent.. • Death noticeamsened without charge, unless oceans punkt by (animal inaltatiOns or obltallx . notices, and • wherrso accompanied to be: aid for. • Regular advertOors, and ll others lending room n nleaDons, or renalring notices designed p ub lic atten tion to Fairs, Bourne., Concerts, or nay enter.. tainenents, where charges ore made far adialtutaes-- all notice, of private aseoei•tlons--ere rg notice de signed to call attention to private enterprises cairn la. tad or mended to promote individual interest, can on. ' ly be•Lnuned with i n t en d ed standing that the same lota be paid for. If to be Inserted la the • oat column, the same will be charged at the rata of not lug than 10 cents per dee. Bishop or Fist Notice* tole charged triple price, Tavern license Pendent., ft each. ; Upland Pdtdical adveralsemeauf mitipners • .e Deaf Estate' Agents , and Auctioneer.' advertise. Arena not to be classed ander yearly rates, but• to be alloweddtcrount of thirty three and one thlrilper amt. from the meant of bills, mania cot 01.1313, to 000.7 One Nair; three insertions. • •—• • -41 50 M. each additional in rertlon• •• onllOßOXlnTl34.ll4lrttoritt ear.. One B7aan, CIO line... ea. ~ ,ner Lion —so et.. Do. each eddittonti trumnion. •L' All transient advertimmante in be paid in ad”nce. & CO,Garette.-. L. 1 1 AKPLO4Poct.. 11.01PTIL Journal. !MOMS P. DARR &DO., Carat:dela FOSTEIL & 11110T/IF.R, Dispatch. J O d.SNOWDF.N, Mercury. JAhlEd W. DIDDLE, American. 11111 AM Evening Tribana. Fri:maven, Dec. 1,1510. CARDS, • JOll3l A. PA/L13.11150/1, A LDERLIAN, Fifth Wan]. Perm meet, Lemma .14L O'llua and Walait. All baaincsa promptly al bicmlail W. mayP AILtiaLSINDIGR EL WATSON. A TTORNEY £f LAW—Ofilec, coo Fouth street Za. above Wood. mrlD DAVID O. T ItrTLZ, A TTORNEY AT LAW, and Commtnionar for AU co rom mmusylni va caulordri, u i pr .llil4 MO. omptly tottered. 00123-1, • JAMES P. A TiORNEY AT LAW—OthceILERIt, Fountt a ./1 between finutbEeld and Gmnt, Vntaantah. s • t 111.17. JOHN U. KLANKIX. A 2TORNEV and Counsellor at Low, and Co . , ,to his. X]. Cones for the Stole of Pennsylvanto, el. Lou* Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.) Sefeletteee—Pntsburgh: Hon. \V. Fortultrd, lona Stiller , M'Candlees a bleClute, John F. rattle, Blusalls a Semple, McCort) h Kiuu. 00014.1 - POIIWAI BI LD INEGDWLL Co., GLugoio, Pa. (Zrlnith's Ferry J'av Having perniancorlv located G a t e hi place, sew and arbadantlal Wharf ire prepared to re ceive sod forward prim:doll to all reistsaa the river, and beady •ne Dearer or Ohio Cauale n 0.. Wasrourayeele.—Salst .1•14 • 101110ALRY, WOODWARD &CO, Wholesale tiro- Lmre No al Market at, PLilndetphia Leh{ Pittsburgh Alkali Worsts. , ',I3IINNETT, BERRI.' &CO, el mut rano errs of Sodo 1,) ad, Blenching Paraders, Murmur, and Ralpharie &aids. Warehouse —, Raley aueet, below Ferry. Frederick Brea. 4, toree Reuel.. L. BRAUS car nal. R, Who!Pride nnd [tenni Prop girt. of Wherry =I EL Clcor streets, Pitts. or 4. Co ilts1 1 ,!of; t i e r l' O r h L. & Carin r it r ot: ' Ptb e ur ' is P. mr.l • • 0.7 ---- Ml>X l .d s,l O r i ' ' . l b r ' e t h s ¢:4 ( 1! ,* : "... #11 "". . '" : "" ;•rt ' . d • Ir. iIIITEY• --Andrew riming , View tag nt.itlnty, starattinia da CO., maws , lON MERCIIANT,‘—For thc sate of Di>. Voolon, and Cotten Good.; n i dealers in _ 9kind. of rail... Trimmium IS7 good ci, 41b door from F. 11.. Pittsburgh. lieferene, —Mem. Wm. A. Hill & Co, Booker.. May_ J • VAL DANE° At KELVIN. notarisetoN- NIERCHANTE and Bill Brokers, ILI No 111 ',coed street. Pittsburgb. shit? it. .....n.tiV,_ .1020 2. v.:tier, E NOLISII k. IJENNETT, Rata Englials, 6 Minch. =Co.) Wboleaale Groettra, CO:11.11I.1.1 and Fop. (Merchants, and dealer , . in Prod..., and. Via. butt MannNeturee, No. 37 lAtood at., between dd and Id stmts. Dell 'WM. moil art diti. WORWAIWiNo A. CO3I MI SION . MERCHANT JV No 111: Second 0, rilatnir h. ' noel Boson W. rotinirlol i[Walaira C. wrlrchstoN R. W. POINDEXTICIL AL CO, Q'MEM IL COMMISSION imnd ForwaT , lnc Mor el.. and Ewa: Dealer., o ara Alatiel e reel, indelrhi. itaa II WALD, BUCK • Oil b. CO tosacco commissiol MERCIIMITN. No. 41North Water Btteet IN . IA North Marv. A.. 1.11.... 1 1 I'll ILlDF.[4'all A ') w'n 112.5.0. 5 r.,,,,,, -- D. C McComotum. j ' --- 7'-r J. A. NVAixim• % - ..... _ 31 1 — LtKloceOsor to Morph A... Az ~ T o od trtazdrtg,i,ror.‘7l:l47 k. ham, for ills isle o .its 6th n. febl7 •••• 14140 T. r. JONES. HAIIDV, JONES & CO, ( ideeassors to Atwood Jones & Co.) ColatoWslon and Fortraddins Star 'shunts, doslera,ls Pittaborsh Ilaiwthotated Goods Pinsk...rah. Pa.hate R 7 ark soca., so a to asstort. c. Huta ThiPOWIEIL & Dealer In Frenjh and AlOG(01141 P :&lr e d r ‘ Vs I4 II.T.I ii73 d t ow n B ß=Vr ' ; - phis Paper, N. 87 Woad street k. hetween Fourth creel Sad Diamond alley, west side, iltsbarsh, is.. &JO PreTBOGROIL GLAND WORKS. JOHN AGNEW, late of the leetofCbnmpere,Aa nemA Co, would reapeetfoll Inform th e old C. Waters and the public generalb.ohat be will .1111 non• Gone to earry ors the Greeelilath heathers, Id all Ito Varieties' and in prepared IP GRASS nrdrrs fur Apothe gm-See reiltlitZTO ' htmenali, Porters, Viols+, tr.e.. ke Bartaialmt to bia Mathes.. :Hay Warehouse it, No e 7 Market street, between Pint & Second ,to. ye 4:dim TUB Whoteslik — bnaiiiist . 70 eal t, er to Dya Staffs, Palau, (tilt, Vs matins, de, No. B 2 Wood meet, one door Sock of Diamond Alter Eittattar&a. ap4 TAME.' DA - ZELL; e ti ror; , 7 eon. sew n U More.ent, awl dealer In l'orslo• end Psstsbarch rlimorfao.orn. No et Watei l'osstsareh. apt . stmts. Limit lATA,l DICIERY Co, Wintle”la Grocer. Com ' m ission Itiorenonto, and ditolert in Nader.. hose .and 107 Front ttrectoolltiburolt. nosy • .....1 - h - li•twort Zieph 8. I,:LWORTII & CO. ,Whol ..— esale Graecil and m en ,. Tot Hazard Powder Co., No. it 7 tPOOJ st., Pillsbaqh des-y al 11.,Wt at. three JACTS .t ore Third si..Pitts burgh, ar..l have e Unsteady on hand a well aelerted as sonmenta ihe 6..1 and freshest Medicines. whieh ha will veil moat ressanalde MIL Physicians sanding orders, will he prottirrily 'wended to, and any plied wl.ll snicks thernai tell anon as %...b.• 11 . .57p , .'l ana ,11toTthe neti res ° lll w at i e j r l i i aTs7al ' a r. nyll a r n ol be day ..e night. ; - Also Pv anl, steno stoat of fresh and gaol Paths i J • has /NMVlnyd. +7— MantrafinYd. • J. t.„ 1 211,',",:n`.1' In tharrit frontint•iiii'`Lilierty, Wood on.l JSiilh nlieetn, ritishorah. I'. an' 3 N We Late Erie d 'ldichiaan Linn to ltenyet and din Lnken..-liefie aq 014e4..Tir of WAtter .nn eirdittiGeld .t. I S. 411 Lt r. 11•Ithison h cn, p.amitminn Merchant. *al 4. is of Ma R. hon. Mitsui :ettadr Ilea. ry Vic 114.44‘ .ml front •11•11.19tisi.•rer lab) • ITRJICKISIRTCKTiIi k 1 AP:1/ nrie;gllll. el. No 'A Woad moot. Poitmlvaivh. ~, 1 4 . la t rat : 2 4 •l l. :t - A - l Aj n!er ' l h rt n • i g g :n a t iiii ., 8 ' t e tLo t. 1 1 d'a t i L . •er, Magee, Steel Pro., ltiills, Prtntera , Oita, •n •441 urn• g eeeee Ily, No. ei %V e .t.,rill.burEh. irria,., • -----• -_ ., lron ift trtl,lP - V____ ENNEEDY, CIIII:DS & Co., anuisetorete o very etpenor 44 Sheeting, 'Carrel Chao', Cotton Heron*. • _ ii ''.--- . -- ...' -,..• • 11. 0. lITO_ TOSI, . . . VTR 'lnk moo At Stockier+, itOOSSELLES. St ... IIONS.II, eIIINTES, and DIHUES., corner of Whet wag Irldna mom, Plash rgh; Pa. iglO:dtf . . . ' ':... • -' '''' ': " ;' ' -';-' '" - Ae7: .;',; k: - L •:.1 ! ;:.7 . -, '4=eAr== ' ;., c.. 0 .2. a 6.• ' 17Sb BUSINESS CARDS. runt %trek City Olaa, Works. CONNIIICICIANS lb CO, ANUFACITRERS OP WINDOW Of.AS M No PO Market street, between Pint and Second, Pittsburgh, r a 16r• Pan te !Jar attention VI A L S, MOTT L ES A 1.., Dollars In FLINT WADS,. Ire. w. euerrotattast, n. GOMaM. O. nonansonsw, D. mown. IV. , Miller, Phila-.1- Ilicketson, Pittsburgh. M ILLER & RICKEESON. %Thalassic Grocery, and bnpOrters of Ilroindies. Whims and Regius, NOII. Mend 174, corner of Ltherty and Irwin streets, Pll/11. burgn, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, de. &e, con. *tautly on hand. . ap4 - John ' , Mill. J•naeo D. bl'lllll. Walter C. Roe M eg:ILIA .1 ROE, Wholenale Grocers and COMMIS. sin, Merchants, No 191 Liberty St, Pittsburgh apg D AXLE FACTORY. um! roan, AN rola V. IMO S. JORIES 49.14000 MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steal, lil plough steel, steel ploagh wings, coach and clip iesynng% i t r. aminered iron axles, and dealers In 911 a/ 'cable ass ,Sre angle, lamps, and coach torrinungs IrrallY, corner ofßoss and Front eta.,tts Peburgh fcb29 J. &J. Tardoo. Commission .111•ro boss tn. I,TO. 31 Old Levee my PE Orleans, keep constantly on houla large assorunantof Brandies oaf the follow ing brands, which they offer for sale as ents for J. Durand & Bordeaux, vizi Nankin., J.Lniud, J Du rand d Co, Laroebelle,J J Durrto, CerffUlLe, A do M Wren, A L Ellaville, A de biondore, Jean Louis, de., v.• a, Arrbor 6in, Bordeaux Red and Whin. Wines besides Ulaarnyogoc U. and Sawa, Burgundy Pert. feb7-Iy. !lI)LINES • k PON, N 055 Motet .1, second door ...v. from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Rills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Dank Notes and Sped*. frreoleletlons made on all the rrinsipal rings hroughout the United Staters on." lathograplile itetabilelaelawat OP IVM. fiCiIUCIURANN, Third at, opposite the ) Post-Office, Pitishumh.—Mops, Lauder:apes, Hilt. heads, Show bills, Labets,Architectoral and Machine O down,/ Busbess and Visiting Cards, e.,engraved on stone, and printed in c010n,1.00,170 or Slut, in the moat approved style,.and at the most reasonable prices octlitly ; DI,3IUN. obf tree! Ato Pthaourit' ea. Wholesale Grocers, ' Produce and Corumission filerchanta; and deolco 1,, Pittsburgh Marighie arcs. apt]• Now. .orasonr_neeLt2rel.e. n 401.. 0 103010010 'DOORS? MOORE, Wholesale Conner,Rectlying AA, Distiller, dealerin Produce, Priori/ary Moraine. tures, an all kinds of . Foreign and Domestic Whirs largoiqr, No.ll Liberty street On hand every stack of superior old ;Monongahela waiskcy, winch will he mid low for rash: aryl a- a,. tar.. SIIEF. Forwarding arid oninmis- Alli Mon Merehanti, for we Allegheny Macy Tonic sealers in Orocerice, Produce i'lltsiourgh, Manufar tures..d Chloride of Lime. The higbert price, in easlt, paid as all same, io coantry rag.. come , koijeted irenl 110. opur DOLIERT ILILZELL Ys. Wholcin—iTh7ocer AV. Commission Merchanis,.dealers in Prodnee ar, Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty Pitobuo Pa EL A. CIU3fII/1011AM, urtiot.r.smt4r. rodace, orw,ri.ling, bath itsizilNfp.relEra.,:yrlDe,,zlgl.l,:msuohb, C. suscsidtry Wrlrr. {Choi salve tn Foreign and Derneetie Dry Goods, fro. on Wool streeLlquidiurgh. ct apl7 & Denicra 0 in Roan and Produce genendly, and Forwarchtig and COlClalliOft kitrehillitA, 145 First street and WI Second tamer l'lntsth. ant] Y. liiriess, rorraeuton. Q ELLFIIs & NICOL.% Produce arid Genera/ Colt: 0 Mission 51crehanta, No. t 7 Liberty arrest. Pitts burgh. Soma, Ltnseedsmel Lard Oils. itol7 Q F VON & COTWhotesslc Gro -1.3. eon. Forwarding Ir m oommission Merehants, Deal." it, Pittsburgh nrtures and %Vette. Produce, have removed to their new warehouse, (old stand,) No. 70, corner of Front atrect and Chancery Lane. 810117118 s UAWOILTU, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS East eu!le Dittmnhd, 1'11.11w:10. .ply semi P. anat..) Cllll. SIMI VEIL dt. DAILIES. 11. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Cornatiertan Arecciatres, And dealt 114 In Pitalturch Alunufactured Articles, sox. 130 aad 133 Bitcond ..... Ilteterran Woad &Smithfield, Pitteburg ungi maw wan.) 11005 wt.... JOLIZI WATT & CO., WaTElL.lttlf•ioGr . ! ;: ',. . e t7l;7l ' 2u l'a rzhAr a n n t ' : factneesolcd Lawny at, Pittyburgh, Pa. •erl2 FLOUII-70 bele - choice Family; MIN truperfi net .05 bola Fiumearrivicy,etrui for sato DAIILD i lILVIN - WOULD infoeve the culdie, they have mien the yr...hoete furneeely ...pied by the late Aft Solomon Scheyer, 114 !recent] street - ll.ying a laege and commode°. warehouse, they would Invite the .demjeto of p.n.s t•vinc good. In eon.. or Mere. .TheylL , 7i . llalro give ateenoon to o,e purchese nod rale ALL. D oan.,a, et Ilondc. ..7 rnran•-R N Wrarnuaa. •W. R. Wattralan• L. S. 117 ATRIUM& 31 dr SONS, /104 E .S. 11.1: GROCERS, Cogrunis.tan and For arthog atrrtbano; dealer... all kinds at Pro. & PRarbargh Alskotenclarcd ArtleloN alt 4 Agora. • of Itlehmond and Lyzichtnirg Manofactore4 W5l. fl3I ULM, ATTORNEY "A. LAW. Braley., P.. WILL also muted to colleetletut and all ether btlai• Gem entrusted to him is Caller and Aratatrong ovotks, P. Refer to J. IL Floyd, Llbe.ty Gt.) W. W. Wallace. do James Illarahalldo / Pittab•ral.. Jly Kav & Co., Wood it. I an? JOUR SUVALIMN da FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Ruin, Penn wen, Pittabareh. nun JAR MO M• DAVIS Ar. CO.. • PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No.M7 blotter, and 54 Commerce at, Philadelphia. Advancee made, by either of the above, comae:a. -•• of Produce to either Mom. med D-W~lliun: - daeall. -J. ...13..--•-•-•-•••—• Ss D. wrz. TrrifoLEsALE RETAILLamis FAMIL c Y RROPERS, •TT Forwarding and Commission hlorebanta, and dealers in Coniary Prridnee and PittabilArh Manufac tures, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Wm. U. -L IL Mc Vay. WIC 11. NVILLIAMS BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BRO K E RS, North East corner of Wood and Taint streets, Jant P 117.17.11, W. 11505L55, 1051.1 5. C015.51t, W. WOO Wlll/, 5•1511 1.4041.51. Witt. BAI/AI,GY & CO, Wholesals Grocers, le and 1b Wood street, rietstetrah. .pl 7 JOH& D. WIL-1, DAVID ICCA.I./.1. WICK & M'CANDLESS, (successors to L t J. D. Wick,) Wholesale Grocer., Forstrar4lng and Commission Merchants; dealers In Iron, Nees, Glum, Colton Vans, and Ps(l.4ingh Manufactures general ly, comae of Wood and Water &tient+, rtuaborgh. %MYL bIITGIIELTREE, wholesale lir% P ent, . Rectifying Diatillen, and Wine and Liquor fiTereb.ts. Aloe—lmporters et Poda Asb and Bleacto Powder, No. 100 .t.lberty street, (opposite Stab etreet,lPtgabargb. .4117 W W. WILSON, Waselies, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Goods, corner or Market and Fourth streets, Pittsb•rgb, P. N. B.—Watches and elect. carefully repaired. • 11 , 11 TOG.. 10M1Z. IeCIINZ. Wm. YOUNG & Co, Dealers in Leiehe„Dbles, he.. 147 Liberty civet Wt. SVCIVISIMITI. lon. W &R. hieCUTCHMON, Wholesale Grocto, • dealer. in Prodoce, Iron, Naila, Olath, land Pithabarie klanafactura generally, Labeny comet.— .. P . il!!_dLaa Ant? elm:0 - 6. , P - A3K - ViMi r HAVE taken WAI. CARR partnerablo with I. nmy business, which wall from this date bs cr iedcarr on ander the name of "John Parker St Co." hlarch JOHN PARKER. John Porker ..• •117 t Mont Carr. JOHN PAILLENEL t CO., Rafe.le Groom, Dealers in Prodove, Forfogn Nina., Liquor; Old Monongahela and Ranified Whitley. N 0.5, Commercial Row, Lawny ,trees, o= Moan, ./06.4 NMI.. WM.CST/a PALIIINCR, lIANAA C 0. ,& to Humey, Hanna & Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROERS, and dealer, In FOreMn and Dontestie Exchange, Centimetre of Deposits Bank Notes, and Specic—North west corner of :Wood nod Third streets. Current money received an deposite.—tight Checks for sale, and collectionetmade on nearly all the pnneipal points the United Mt6loll. ff=i== • . Advance* made on coneignmenu of Yrodace, chap poi I:aa4 on liberel term. a cen will. L wcYpac.} tom. a. moo - . WM. A. 15..011.VU0 t CO., GROCJEUS AND TEA DEALERS No 2.'03 larrty siren, serve Wood, nave alwayi on hand a large nx.rtment of Choir tinseetire and Finn T. an •I•o, Forcign I.:rott. nrn Nuts, Wholeittle and Item!. Denlets .applied on th coati :areal tertne • lAAGLIS GLASS 'WORKS JOSEPH D. A 1361.1., MAIyLIPACTURFR OF GREEN GLASSWARE, WWI., Bottles,. and Flasks, Porter, neotch Ale, Mineral Winer, Potent Medleine and Wine Mules ;descry description; also, WIND OW GLASS. 'keeps conetantly on hand &general assenment of the above armies. ALSO STATE, as ;heather Green Factories are ims.arotren, as I. the Gime= in er,'Frsts Faeroes is now to rent. oreestion, and mittse in eperstion both summer and winter. 'speetrally solicited, and will be filled on the mike. Warchoone, No 112 Second Oren; between Wood and SmlWGeld mot, Pat.horite. ITMd IT • ``'t AML P. SHRIVEL( and CHAS. HARNEY/ have 13 kilo day •noeiated themselves together, wider the Grm of Sbriver a•. Ramey. for the trenuetion of the Wbolniate Grocery. Prodoode, •ed Commilosion halt• nem. at No 1% & 13t Nreond atm., between Wand and Smithfield ot =MICEM=!!II Hebert market peen in Cloth will be paid far the diffcrem grade. of Wool, ly 4 %V 11l ETA/ Ft kept] II A FAIINTZTOCK A 00 M ISCELLANEOI ' s W ILKINS HALL, WOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGII, PA. T HIS magnificent erahliyhment being nag, l . com pleted and ready for basher., the proprietor would respectfully golielt a %hare ot the pabile pantabo Ile trusts by givin, his full attenuon to the Lateen., to mate the Louse a pleasant and comfoesort far the nitre. of Pittsburgh and for Tomery generally. Good attendants will be to waiting, and every no. mime untde to •sodv. the estaltalatient worthy the r ,, g ,,,, gr ,„ g i , , •one.. of an tutelligcnt community. C.,,Tr er ,,, l 7 l l , 4 ., St i r r l C . , l 74 .. a . T .. l .. l A 4 l, p l .l, ,i ttied .. f , e irin l; zru.reiva be let by the cache., c. Week, on as Liberal terms a, any, ether I a the city. Tim DAR and RESTAURANT. equal in tale and hgeety in any in the world, will be kept famished snail-Noe Wines, Choice Liquor., Cordials, Porters, Ale., end ell lee o,ht refreshments of the mason. Poultry, Game. bish,fitoup, Oysters, and Cho., served np In the bat style. . The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the drat door, and eaoy of antets, will he conitantly aapplied aloe the Lennie* and Me eDelicacis of the *carom and with such subs tanteli• as market. afford. S'aflarding by the day, week, oryear. Dinners or ppsra for individuals or parties, funuahed on short Pollet. stonyte6.7l47:::74l7lllthlYfhteeiltilirtilli!':l":ll.iltii'nLthe alin; of the day. w ent i Good nnectes co Stabengd with t and an m he e M ead IL ve Livery lbablislo Dinner at t o'clock. illVik fast add Tenet the usual hoar, PAtomee for Ladles to the Ice Cream and Innin mn, No IC Sonia Geld street. g ind.ndtf K. 11. VAN RENSSELAER WVIIITIVELT, cal • la.isverraavur, rn A• WESTERVELT & SON, V o Efi n Nor .111.Ad1:1; Get article in thole Le nitheir oln•r7nd, bin. ' l3 l 4 CI air meet; nix°, at No:Cdhlruket street, se nom! Atn entrance In the Dinutond. Yellin's° Shutters merle to order, end old blinds neatly repaired. 51,10 W. J. GLW.4211, Book nlkall•rsi TiTE r e Bull engol~ d In liatemeatsb7len't'tt"rrgli': cot „ we are prepared to du any work in oar line with ae patch. We attend to Oar work penally, and and faction will be given in regard to itsllClaLle. and du rability. a Wank nook. rated to any rittnerrektud bound cob. stantially. nooks in numbers or obi hmakx boutid care fully or repaired. Nantes). on books . in gilt letters. These that have work In our line are invited to call. Riley. low rorZierf Pena Elikchln• Shop. Tar- WIC IITMA.N.-Mariltactuter of all kind. of sot' 1.1. ton and woollen machinery Allegheny City, In station bove works being now in full and succe.rfal opt. s, I am prepared to tonsil! coolers with dispatch for ail kinds of machinery In s. y hoc, rash as willow., pickers, spreaders. cards, grinding mat Lines, railways, drawing frames, .speeders, ituassilt, litmus, woolen cards, double or e ngle, far merchant or country work, mulesjacks, &est slide nod hand lathe. and tools In gent , oral. All kinds of flailing mallow order, sr plan. giv-. an for gearing factories or mill. at reasonable charge. k Rscra co—Kennedy, Child. Co., [Dictator k, 11511 Pc., gins, .3140 tara• BENNETT 4 BROTHER, UEENsIVAISE AIANUFACTURERR, ' • O Iroalitshase,fultor Pllttabaribd I! as Oolcs, No. .37 Mar,. a,: Ortmren Iltarica and Wood, Ptit46,rgh. ~,1 1, ,L , L . ; oi l i. t ar .o li. fi rn a , a p on hanyl a prod...rt. smPermrarmidj. Wborirsinalsmn7c'ottVk'sflrd, chants arc respectfully united to call and eal amino for ay e.,themscis as see,are determined to tell aper Mall toss er bcfora beet °Tared to alto FYI , ie. frrarders molt by mail, accompanied by Ws mart) u gam/ refarerme, anti ba promptly stranded to. lure NEW COACH FACTOACT, A. WHITE A CO., would reepeettally Inform 1.11. the public that they have erected at ellen on Lteeek, between Federal tell Pandevlry street, They are now making and are preperril In receive order. for every deveriptlon of vehicleit, Coacher. Chanot'l, roach., Buggies, Phew., he., he., which from it.eir experience in the manufacture f Menlo - ye work, Intl the farilltiee they hare,they ic4 confident they ere enabled to do work on the host reasonable term. with thine wanton, ortielci, in their line. Paying particular attemion to the eclectic. of mat• than, nod Layton none but competent workmen, the e r have no heennnon in svaonnfing their wink. We 'therefore aek the of the public to no noon, N. R. Repairing done In the hest manner, and on the mom reasonable team. war.. a. stairs. 1 / 1 1,11C1 /MAWR S O N PIA 6ATI& INSIOnI s ha MT., e l w WOOO anti hlstary t ires, taw CNTINI,I: to mannfuettire all ki,411 of iI'OPPER, TIN Mali SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Illadk• smith Work :team Ban., built to order. Fpnetal attention given to steam taw work. Have on hands %hoe !worn:ciente( Copper and Wars Kettle., 'nu Ware, n.e. &r. Steamboat cr•okmg tore., Portable Forges, variant stses—la very enure niedt ar. hele for steamboats, Cahn:wain emigrants, or rail mad copanies. We would terrVelftllll Iratesteno:l4nm awn and Others to nail and see oar artietts and aride befs , d cartititaiiiirer • DA: VlVelatallehl and Carat !root italllsir. rpm: subserlbent . beg leave to inform the puhlie tido they have obtained from ihe Kart all the laze riot fashionable dew* P e rson a on Itsdnig, both for hoe., aim cemeteries. seething to procure head water patterns will please rail and eammtne, and todge for themselves. Railing will be furnished et the short en notice, and In the best manner, at the corner or Craig aid Rebecca streets, Allegtoir; city. A I.AnniNT tr Ii Nit DIGLEY I ) EGiS leave to inform hia friend. and customers Ma I) he i s receiving hts new rpriac .tote of lionds entaprising, as osnal, all the newest mod most Instil°, obit styles of Cloths, Vanimeres, Linea 1.01• ton and linen summer stuffs, and coney article...table (or avntlemeti, wear for spring and seminar. It being tromisiable to deseritie the beauty, quality or quantity of the stock, tho proprietor bores all who .re in want of ond, g o heap, faah ..... able, wad well made cloth., will give him vi call, as there is no stork this mule of the Alleghenies that can compare with it. The ready made department is very even, ye, ail,p led to all tailes. rk,il road sootrartors, reentry PI,ChIII.. arri prateheee turgely, aro particularly turned To ea, amino the stock belore purreasiste, 0 partleulo ay IGI/110/1 pllld to the wholesale Intaineas to this estals. ligament. th;:ole laahtooabto and hen canner, at he abnrmat EZE4I3:I • T ° Ashnership heretwore existing under the Lam lof C BRADLEY, is dtssolved lay the &dear< of Mr. C Bradley. The business will be carried on by A Bradley, who will settle the haziness of Wr late fain. REMOVAL—A GLIM. hes removed his y Wertheim. Onm Me 112 Second street. toNo %Vood Street, between Find sad !Accent! streets, to O. ware Posse lately °etym.!. by It A Ikrry, where he will keep constan i tly on hand leicent assortment of ingl, lloyes, Conkg Minors. tr. tilt BARIU/gL dlelLi LVY e A . N n ! I ) K ., . E . R r Or 11 7 i AST STEEL, and No Cut Steel Files, of Knauer; and. Oise/amid, end Slur. Rasps, ahray• on hand and for rale, culler at bra ..La Ile Steel Werke," fellara etreet, rata Ward, Of at the ufr,eo In the Iron Store of 1101.1.!11ANS A Ca 11111• SON, No 1, foot of Wood /drect, Piastre:O. ear-N.(llm CIRCULAR. We, the anderslgned, having used, mill entire z• {stamen, the Cast Steel and Files made by Sumac Meliehry, at hi. Eagle Steel Work., in ibis city, tat pleasure in recommending them ex equal to quality t uy ever axed by us, of foreign mmiafaeture. Pittsburgh, March 111, 1554. . I; .111 k Manufacturers of Iron and Nail.. Pittsburgh, t'a "' F .k Turn:N. ton recorders and Mechem., rotsbursb. ha. IlanuMleturen n( COLEMAN, lIAILMAN h Co, A ilea, "pang Steel and HIV., I'a F F, Engins !folders and Machine k Card Mmtufae ACEß t-- run, l'Ombergb. A FUL'ION, Brass Founder, Pleura:rub, Pa. URAFF,LINIMAV A. ell, Manursettlrem of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, LAHlol7lofile 1:11K111[ Wide* Itellder, Pittsburgh. Pc W %V , Marble Manufacturer, Alaehtne and %VALLACE F.neine Budd rarMl or, Fittsbarah. Pa. Dltteelatloo .f Partmorablp. 1 1 1 11 , 11 v 1; o :t i r l t . o r e , r1 , i p d li r e , e h e:log , c ,e r 1 gt , ng bLize A e g n , tlo.,l;l.lfilatutfitentrera, dlssedred hy mutua al dollen day of July, Instant. All pen... knoonne thettoodarec todefited caid finn aro rooest ed to mike payment eithcr of the par.., Without t delay, and all person. having onactiled aecounta will, cold 4rns, are invited to onceot then for camedtately. ALEXANDRIIII/1A51111.814, /1111 N AGNEW, D.ll. CIIAIIIIII,IIB. AOTIGIC, THE roirnere and enroognees of goods Rrrivietg the “Cittlens• Portable Dual Linn,. wilt ica,: like 11011ilit they 1,11 be required in psy , right at oar arairhou,e, arrordom in rrr e r brmie the Conde are removed. C A Ale ANI/ I.Tl' AIA /II LECITSM ATIT Otem - notta—Put the clothes into cold water snd lei Weal moat or, nigh. In the morning wring them out and put them into a Seib., or idling water, to width add the ,ropottion of one poll of laid to eight gallium of waist—nit it op and boll We whole twenty .11.1lINI. The clothe. may then be wrong out and well nnse4 an clear cold wpm, The pans ot am. tuition Wm may be most soiled, such a. wile...mile nod ..011.11 of abatis. may be 'bandy tubbed before rinhin., and the clothe, will be found perfectly elraii, white mid dear Warranted not to Slime We (lent? (oboe an/ to es•e point, ltallsfiletion, or the motley will be want:ell. Kehl win/ and 001411 by fl E SELLERS vertu a 7 Wood et I)l••alaradt and Pittsburgh Telegraph company. IN purnance of a resolution of the Board of Inert tom of the Cleveland, %Veneta and Patbiburgh Telegraph Company, reuticitung the Screemer tamale out and an to be publuthed tbe ne...p.pera alone the line, an caked. of the financial and other a11../r. this company. I submit the billowing Report,— 'the boo of Telegraph rename.. at Cleveland end terminate. at Pittsburgh % pawing thw•gli ChagrinPronkltn, Newton balls, Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and New Cemtle and Umlaut', In the State of Penneylrania, at winch point. there ere offices located for the receipt and transmlimion of batmen The whole length of the line is let miles—Capital Elegy, am per Irak, Making a total capital mock' of 1f.22.340, of which amount 11110,Wel It held by C/117{. .t.eth, line, end Ito balance it held fry Cornell it Speedy the contractors. The above amnt 01 . nth- Li by Mimes, have been paid re ceipt iell it Speed, for Which the TTP•Ire• have their r. jeltdlf JE— FFEFISON BALM, Seerelarl. .----- • TO BOAT 110111.01/1111. 100.000 feet Peranned Deck Plank; 100,000 feel Coal Don Siding. For *ale by ROBERT Attorney et Law, Poach cf. G.ll, MONDAY M rNsuit A NC E Slate Initial Fire Inanninee Company, HARRISBURG, PA. • fri f ir a.;: ry b.l ip . e , jetl i„. p m arr vs orze k. ert o r e b ri , d .m ed o tn . tis r e i rn e. ; One aril a Nib Milk. of Dollars, during Ike hod three months, is treatment In.ifestation of the tau nt.. mod confidenee of the public. in the system of management no which Its hornless is conducted To city or country r oute hunts, and owners of dwell inns, and Politic:l or ry property, It it r istiit•Sal this company affords adveintoces In point °rebel/Pt near, safety, nod wcarity, inferior to no Insuradoc Company in this roobtry. . C.nducted on the cpitiaL le and greatly improveo eyelet m of ClassiGest dr no( Risks, c scluding all spectial hazards, Insuring only a limited amount in any 0110 locality, 1 bus precluding the frequency and occurrence of large fires, and also on both the Stock and Molnar Plan, 11 not only the clte•pness nod afioo." motion. of both methods, but entitle. the Insured to a partictpatton in the profits It is der the control of he folwin Dirertorst— John I.un Rutherford, A . J. t Gillett lo , John g It. Packer, 0.0101.1 1, Dm., Alonan A. Cartier, Philo C Pollgi wick, Rohm* Elora. 1 P RUTHERFORD, Pytiel A I GILLETT,SecIy. \ A A Cam., Actuary Branch Office for %Cement Peuntrelventn, la Sahib field strees, Pittsburgh. Persons dewing tromrapte .11 he famished with books of the company by call -111001 the °Mee._ A.A2 Mutual la l a nd Hea l rpm: I.lle and Health learnt* C ompan y I. of Pluladelphia, liworponsted by theLegls/a 111 of Pennsylvanta, Mart h, lea% Charter perpetnal. Capital L 111100,00). Rants IstWilli 00000211 PliliWlL. I,IIIA CellitAlST, and full fit/ per cent tower lillin !hi astral rates of tare, as the to:lowing, roan photon will show: Thus, a person of the age of Will. sunny for 110 u for life, must pay In the Girard SJAh Pennsylvania, Ite,fill, Penn Mutual, W.L.I.G; Equitable, Fla% New England, RIX, New York Life, RYA Al. ! Mon, 152,411; [Mr sad Health, Ploladolphia,Sl,9o. Di rt. accruas.—Sarnuel 11. Orrick Charles D. Belli •Y. F. noon, Robert I'.Ems Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, M. AI Reeve, hi. D., Ch. D. B. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Rarker,l2l.ll.Butler, Ildwin R. Cope. President—Samuel U. Orrick; Vice Peril dant—kb:R. P. King', Secretary—Fres:mu Blackbarne. !teetotal.. will be received, dod every Inform.. given by SAML. FAIINESTOCK, Agt, Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of 00127-dly Wood and Third ma, Polshurgh 1 initial AND NIARINNIIINSUILANC.D. 'llllll INSURANCE CO of North America will 1 permanent end .limilted Insurance on pro perty In this city and vicinity, and on shrinnauts by Canal, Risers, Lakes, and by taco. Thn properties of this Company sae well invesmd, and furnish an oval! able fund for the ample Indemnity of all persons oh desire to be protected b y inaurance myl ...._ Whl. F. JONES, AC t, 41 Water st 9 Pars MudTarlma Insurance. rpm,: oFFICE of the Inourance Company of Nolth Amottca, has be. removed tn No. 141 Frontal Castor Wood, The animenber, agenCfor the above old tespon. .ible Company, aid lease Poheir, nn Iluddiumr and their contents, and an ahipmont s of tdcrehnuth. by Steam Boat, and other vessels. ar3 onern Ana Antique rtruituro. JARIES W. WOODWELL, ICI,TUS. Sr., it asswit Tj,_, 5 . 44 4 2 7{3 / 4 1 ,14, Re•pec j t . fory ;Non% it the public that tic has coin- • pleted it epring varied ITRIV/TURF:. the large, and meta varied aasonment ever offered for sak in this city. cempri44mg sevens] colts of linsuvooo, iffsrmusar, and IlLut .4.04 earned, ornamental and plain, soitshle for eerier., //tavratc and Ited !looms, all of which will be sold al the 1411,444, prier. Tenon. desiring Furniture of any 4 1e.eription, are apectfully matted to cage, hta 11nel, whielt embrace" every de.ertpLuit, from the cheapest to the rocett elegant and costly, of vehich the followingonipri.e.ll pert Tete a Tete note., Tete a Tete Dwane, Celnverenuon C`,asr., Ilteabettou Chairs. ReeepUon do Lunt. XIV do t 4 merlon do Toilet Fltdoe, NI hat horn; Toilet Tablcs, ',Lit XII. Corona' lore, Doke of lurk 4f:ouch, rat Snfss with I and Ilat rrloW covets, Lit Javan., +• 4,: do 4 , Cos latiwany 1'.•101 Chs4rs " d Id " 111 41, 40 " Cane deat 41. 4 aldliogaey 1.01 Line 10, J do Pia S pots, L l Marble rip Can n er Fable, la A. du Wash canna,h/ahng au yR. dittra4l44, Id d Wudroties, Brt W - 41.1 dn, t harry do A Very l•IVID IRO.OrIOILet of COMIOOII Chairs and ufft r utodure inn. ilea* rueotton W - .. 41. Boal• fornistaal en 11,. thorium notice A. 4.14 d en promptly satiated to Y. 10.--eat on, Makers ran 'applied with all sor4 of ti ilioesus WO Veneer; at ronsider•bly re lilted once, fetal HERSEY, PLEAHNG - 7tito. hAv. VMS. S&L E, Till:lIA ltalit*,-11410 416,13.1•5T,', ~,--1,10/ - IV IAIViIIVAIYTIIItENS. Wilde Flonoclo, Moo I/011, Fled do d... Bloc Ileanto, Yellow do do *Ley Catlnnode , -; all err Drown do ,In al Feesol pore. Meet Sat netlo " flume League ablrilne. .Steel m l do Blue I'Scrlk• ond Stripes, very DtaL ,to Leavy eooda. Mark Ca-sonera. Tudor,' Good. Pane y do Red 'Padding, wper do; Tvreeda Ve•t I•odd,ne, Soper floc L Brood 11012, 41 . :/o vas , . hen ye loot,/ Mono, do Ilroom Ltneno, o l loupe r I. !Urn, Serge, tdoe• do, a Super To.oe on t and wormed: oaper inaCC 110 e !Wm, Mark •od Woke Tope, soper Drat. Vailooerra. Hint It Tortot, Deal do, Sop, r Ilrow o Linen Cheek a ond Soper Moe do Swan's cord olo'l Voiton; Fl:voketa do Linen Tlueed, • aslot et/N6°r article, War • rigamd Vewnes; i•ral, do Matt Oen. do Groan Itaegtog. Brown llotland Sete Sao, Woven Ind,, lltotro,•, Cravt., Re,Ac. Al We. vnufsetu rota' 1k otehoo.c, Wood • i'llzanoryo VVVVV of ration T IJI-Zr. I:Vl7l7iurat'a'gs'o'f'ttrlTV:: 717;11;1. lam, ts dos day assrotved by swamies...K. Mews Burks At Hamel. stile the business or the saucers, Is, which purpose they err autherrsed Is 12 , e. the name of the r.lllrefil. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, FAINIUMID ItUIRKE, TIIUMAS tIAKNE'S. • The undersigned have this day esseetateJ the enselve in the name of BURKE k !MILNE,. for the parrot , of tattooist twang Fire Proof Safes, Vault Door, A A e . et the aunt of ate late firm of Con..tattie, Durk where they wilt Le pleated to receive the patron age of the et/stet:l.4.f that bottle and their forth's. F.DMUND Ii L'RkE TIIOMAC /MR Ni , In retirtng . flOl3 We Arm 3( C.onnable, Burke A. Ca wsth pleagore rtrOMIllf!Ild 51 . Rorke A 11..r0e0 U, the eonhdenee of in /nerd. •ed the public. Feb. 9, IWv. NATHANIEL CONSTAELFI 1-ilf Ur A ItUtt . iii - 31.7 LIAR just returned from the Pastern eme.. II .I.ltteh he respectfully lovnes the ...tenon of were. h ants and pedlars No e 1 Wood •t. fetal WALL pApmt-w. c0n...1y VII, 1,0111 the isrgeit Mithlgart.,ll,l in New York 1 1 / 1 ,1 1211..delphin, and •1•0 from French neeneles, the newest and most approved of las. per Ilanyinev, they (herder., Firs Bused Printe, Anil Tester Top.. For aela at 93 Woos: st. be tween Fourth At and Diamond alley, (succesour to S. C. Hill.) it,fr.TALLAre Viist -4 1..1. lost re - 0,1 per ster, 11'1 and for sale by the ban:: or mete pound ea cc m the thuLL , Seed, and PerfutherY Sixth cull Wood street. S N SITICKERnIIA,other 01111GriIleAL tITUVC PtlfaiTlTl Plornix Mann/lariat - mg Conionny now offer to 1 the public their Premium Chemeenl Sieve Yollith; •ntl without 4.1,i:err...a, nr fear of contradieilnu,by Move who have levied it, prannonee ii far .up e nor to any miler in the market The ennaurner peed have no apprehenamn• of aoiling e.arpet., Ar , i ly which enia. peolUnn Rtevent• a dual Item arteing When being ;if pond, whh v e il he done when the Stove :a enld The quantity required I. en NW. to produce - Wel laver. A A 11•111, ni 00•31 firly par rent i• tenured in the ransomer.. A comina applied in Siorea, revwhen laid away for 1., a •Ilre pre• latile ttrein•l re•L Aller hue", Irked It once, 11(11 is arcoachlo on Per . .. wi ll in.. Oaf P. the Phernit hlnoriatturing eornnanra Prerniuni Chemi cal Stove Polieh. Fnt tale he tt N \ 1 1 1 :I~1:ItN11A 11, myG Cornet of Flub and Wood meets. 11101SMICLAIAN ZINC. rill Ili Viritle Ilonuiepe I :ompany,noply their agent,' &th Hoof.. and Plooring m aherin:ia7feet.froro it ~, . per equate loot, llor rue:ll.d in .hart, t ry nr Ina goatee pui•he Nolan, and I/G1.14. Ship Slicuthine„ Ida It; nigh,-., from nt (11111 Cr. Nor , piken, S h ire, Sugar Molds , Perforated &or, Zinc Pan., kr. They &I/ottani their ineral per and free from any •drnixture of iron, or any other substance, iand re. enrotnl it for the loonnforture of must articles in the (mum furnishing line, ea It does not mai, IN not &fleeted by the arllllll of water, and to. he pohatied, printed, and rapantied r4,,,,nplec model., plans, aperiGrations, nod other Informodon may lie had of their Agents:— P.l4'4ra. a Priori, New York; &Tamen. & , Ro o m, NwroAß Turrrrax & Co., i'loladc/phla; & 11. Moldy, Ltaimunret SLl:tx, OAT & Hnnin, New OtIonnot; F. 1 . .111.1.111(W X, Reaidoot Ageol, llopower ri ., New look. ego, Serteitth,t 0.--0rp.53131n N 10/ Bollni9= E A Eziohinral.hy of 1,101 Hunt with 1/,110(0. 01 le nod roatenlporitrte, 1.1 010 110,1) lc,. I.ittirr thy Pam phlets—no VIII. subJert, Jeststweit. 0.1 Hirt:rent. By Jaen!, Ahl.nty era enrtnyingr. Julia IluwnrA, n Ilnmtu , rr By- Mr. IHar , no ne14111.4{ of thr Ilu•nlulitn t —ND The .bore work. rece,yett 111,4 tiny, ntnllhr by C H aug2+ Cnr. Market &Third nl. A HEN In Inistnte, Irmo tile mum boat Pilot No 2, Seven Key. or Cut,or, tnarlril J. Any tinfonnntion Fe.perling them wnl la. than kfully feric•cd. WM II .101INKOIN L o w it solo'n brantil•-• nrimot•gi ILA•ozaln D HOWN Windsor Snap, Be ozoln, Honey, Illu.ll 1) Vern., In r. Or , emal, NAM, •111.1 0111 C 011 The.; Sonrn. •ro relcbrnled for numarline snioolltner, to Hu. .fin. rartheted from the Importer ' and for sale by setild H SELLSIIIB, 57 Wood st "II PIMA PACKING—thee ithaort-ed 1 Sick nessrs, from 1.J2 to I inch thick. The above peek mgts prepared PO Met IMO degrees Fahrenheit - will not affect it, and is superior to every thing tite r as I/0 substance kas ea much may about nd so high a degree of heat, and may be used all parts where packing it necessary, yin manhole plates, piston rah, steam Minot, ' , team chests, cylin der heathlike. For sale wholesale and retail by J A. II PHILLIPS asr2o & It Woos/ et / 1 01.1ACCO-30 toga Sherwood'. lump, now lambus era ISAIAH DICKEY it CO BOOKS. IifUSIC, &c. NEW BOOKRe AT DOLIVES' LITERAUY DEPOT, Third street, opposite the Post Office. TIAVID COPPERFIELD, No 1B Al London Art Journal for October lattell`v Living Age, No 2Z% The. Valley Fern; or the Autobiography of an Or phan. Edited by Charlet; J. Peterson. Petticeat Government; a new novel, l.y film. Trol lop*. 'Hamer Templeton. Ur Chad. Lever. The Iron Mast —Homey' beet work, complete; Life of Yankee Dill. Genevieve.; or Pleasant Lore and Borrow. By A. De Lamariinc. ItovionPhatcpeure, No t. , S. NEW —iigr . -.. =IE - laic t araW music 1 TIINNY LANE.; a beautiful Ethiopian Sang; at Le by the Now Orleans Serenaders; Bo watchful and beware; Oh! Dinah, take this hand; The Malden , . Tear; The Blink klan's Bride; Would I were with thee; Newßy Ms Sad Pea Ware, as sung by Jenny Lind in York; • Tho Bird and the Maiden, tang by Jena/ Lined Take this lute, song by Jenny Lind; Toni lint away; a bean ifal deer, by S. C. Easier; Sleighin Polka; by St ckosh, Jenny Lind invitation Good look; 0 an y at he Gate; Lovina, and Do& tvorth's very beet Poilre;, also, new Woltz. and sit. lenitive selection of Guitar Precentors of hest mutes*. H KLEBER, 101' Third street. i eels _ __ Golden Harp. DIIIMARVB PlAhOtt. - • • ' Bola Agassay for Drinbartes HIRLEBER Hikes pleasure hi announcing to the . public that he has rureeeded in vecnring the role agency for Donliam's celebrated Piano Fort., for Western Peousylvalli• • Tha Pianos mul y Mr Reonham, of the fill. of Staten & Dunham, s e e too well and favorably known this neighborhood to require any comment at tide time, midi, It to ray. that for a long time another pianos.were known In the Arcetern country than there ofkitedart & Minh.] and Nouns & Clark. Mr. Alaimo, the practical partner of ehe above firm, hag epees upwards of twenty years in the fac tory of sold firm. na precneat manager and director of the business. Within aim or two Mr Dunham has bought oat the entire fattery wed appartonattera of the firm, and continues to menufamare, as before, in hi. own name. fleabane's' Pianos have attained such PopniarliY, that in mete of the western cities, Cincin nati, an ,lthey have sold two to one of oer marafacture. ?hey are dignneuished by theirp o wer and . brillinney of tune, and extraordinary derabliiiy. N. O.—A large invoice of the shove elegant Pianos now revelries. SIGN 01' THE GOLDEN HARP. Data 2n, the rant:— D EC.FIVED d ll•vhorn the ant:— Al Le Serennde—SchtutAert. Le Sereneflo—Arrnnged an Dern. Jr...mite and Jeannoh Yon Guitar. Vole* of by gone dnyn—konter. Awnv down in Cairo—Poster. • Ito Watchful and Itewnrr. —Glover. Pennies tunny other popular Cone, and Piro fl KI-GflEll, replll Sign of thr Golden llnrp, Tin OWaM • Nen Hooke. ITEALTII, Disease, and Utottedy. Hy Dr. Moore 11. Adelaide Lindsay, • towel. fly the author n I,stice Arnold," "Norman', Bridge," Ac, ite. Odle and Correapondenee of Rol._ :Son:hey—pan 5. Gibbon's Derae—fdit a n d vol.—compleilou of th mock. Received and for male by RC STOCK lON . NEW DOORS. VNGLISIi GRAMMAR—The English Losinge In eletnmn end forme, snub et history Of I tootigin and development; designed tor use in colleges end In A scltools. Wns ColleCge. Fowler, late profeesor of Rhetoric mherst Astronomy-11 1 recent progress of Astronomy; C.perially In the United Staten. fly Loomis. Mon Years of is Hunter's Lttc in the fsr interior of South Afrieu. with entire , . of the move tribes, nod oneedenos of Ow chose of Oho lion, elephant. hiPPots. tunas, giraffe. rhinoceros, An- with Illustrations. fly R. O. Cumming. Received for polo by reptll C S lIICKTON 47 Market or Row noels. USTrecelvr.l 11. YCLEIII;EIDS Marry Store, tee EP followinr, IP the Ee them ef the Hart. 1 Love lyo Then- Thy I.Vatebeyr. The li Whita , 4lt e ol End norm Pinney Dell. Ile Condi al: Wags meil. All if over. WI, re re cox thn hopes! eherinlool 1.4 Yrl. ado . gyp 7 I If tsr. POSTER: or the Plycerlen of :Le tloArt of IN London, v. 3of then lotereatlee work h. Leen reoalvrtl at Dolmen , Literary Depot. Tht ry or ntrcei, °level° We Intl Ildire; nlao,r3lea Par, or Trlelf of eke Donn, by Dcorge Canto., .r mod King et Ptlbtria., by Clement C Moore, D. and Pia aal of 13001P0 Livine Age. Jitst Wicelved, A LAM:I:a:Id erten vice osvortment of PATI-:NT almYt .111 AiErnI.LIC 1t1.11741E11 embraced) among the endleva mutely embraced lit the as sortnient, may be Mond the following:— Horse Coven, Canmge Cloth, Air Air Cii. 171A'Ir''"?'l'*rr,'''Tohacen hoel,llll3fotr,Cnil,rap,alonka, Glover, Alritena, ronehes, Maps, Claance, fora.,, Ifo?e, Poor *rings, Machine 114 . 1donir.einv. Wexler*, Ate , ne Pa eilo.g, Cain, Illantetv, Caper Holden., heverver., Travelling I.throrm flags I 4ifirev.! nom. Ifeagv,' tvr. Saddle }fags, Air 11411 g, Fool it 11.. Lathe,' ‘Vmh. Gloves, I.adies. tiara Flee, Genta.litim Lregiiiv,,A.e. Evgry °oleic vohl at this ornhbWitoria n. a -, ,,anted to• tat f ir r rim—mhslul t,nst b) in o , e , ,,,:.1 to water timini good, , innier tlf yr, f be sr tlonit lit to Mr Revere', co, rent mirabtlity, tivii!nrai. reflect imoervion. nes I and Hendon, from odor, for *ale at the riqocht) car Itahher Ca:porton', No,, 7A v Wood stre. arp?) PAINT/SU: ETOWAI &;;11:N 1 . .11 \ I'm" and eilarino,protop 11, IT 34,1m:title •st u I, It arlsta It kr.ct'y uked , n,on,, rent rein do ',non, and 1 •41./.1 n• et.e•p ns uny settle .M. I na e•ily. 7 1 t ;1 11 =rt ' s;:ot t.. 1'. ' s A itro; Moreno Flowers do; .1- I ....I (lair 1•,, Aloseollne; l'os:Lin Soap. for w Ihe skin e • Alm Cer•or, ins tnr, Am ,In rluaitng stonnneos do; Ilawl Nut 011 .os, eo, Mae shotolnew do Ilr.quet do; lerown Wo.e.lsor dn; Itear's eirem.e. For *ale, wholesale and w ma, by It 0n1.1.1115, so,nter Wensd at. Xi IX LI/ AN 11 DRY OA I NTH or all leirds, vobstelekt ly on baud Ihr quality, also, Vornisbrz Linseed CYO, Eluded I h t'ssot Itrysh.... Sad% Too:. lVdsdoor various +ars, A,. Sold wholesale and retail Oil aecoensoodaloir tretem N. All parsons. parclmeinc nailed ...Iry jssints who west to doe Ilse. own paint/no, can reortVe neecsaary "tensions gt... J. II PHILLIP:4 sent", 9 Wood st OIL (AN band and tree foci the Faeinvv, I_/ +or the fall irrle--- 500 vii. Oti ',On id, 4 4 On, 500 l do S 4 :UM Os 44 do, I too 4d. n 'di heel ' dn, invdiUM and hers v. iron, 4 In n yard. all of newest stile of poor ins, root ow loftily given silo. Too yn,lll, Fatuinito tii ((Ilk., (110 yd, 5 -4 doi 0 00 (.10 , In I, dozen ii , aarled sire. ' , laud, and Sorra. Cover, rail... 1 , 41 tern,, mid voleudi,l 10011 4-I l'a'tent Caron, 1111 ' .d.: I de, yd. f , 4 do. (0005 d. Oil Cluth Crn•t, for OW, •••:ried patterns, U. 5.1.1-4 torten Mil Cloth for %liiiidow Maid, :Wu ramie 5-4 do Mindow Shade., • tarcr loot received of nem.. Cy Hereto.. and other 10.11100 in purchase. •re tn. •ited In call and einninne Otsl of 0004*, will t0,.1 ;owe.. ex-ierti pn J a. H 1 . 1111.14 rein° .5 u Wood •I Sata•parilla Hod. M 1 Comma Sy w 20 Yee, $.44/iratliln :0 Est du 9 do m , hoe e• Lemon eyrstp, ade from pate tondo juice; Just !waived and fnr .ale hr NIA {410,1.-I,liN _ O L WOLEN 1110. Cilia: undersigned h. on h OO 0 and, eyol . ommog Imm Ito loacucourer, on conAlgume thin Air • 111.1§ lot Of all y colr., p/am oc,/ Also, 1.4 Molar., Co.tong, Coe s, Alli orlairli hr. ,il,, by ilk* rso. or pwc, 01 tnacelartorrri woo, CI deoleto In wootico tuo.l. 1111,110.1. LEE, I.lbrroy C. YEAGER, IClallarkat Street, Mestr lalbortya) t1111, G 11.111. ARP 0E111..1M AMERICAN, ENLISH, ANHCERMAN F I ABICY 171.101181 HOSIERN, IHMIONS. I. C Ex, WA/VE.4, THREADS, COMBS, DLITII.NS. SUS PENDERS, A, /08,, n P %A n end anty V•alltrafoa BLACK ,'.NI/VA BILK Ell n Al's, VONGEE, BANDANNA, and LINEN HOBBS, 3 orneral na• a et VANS, uml rcary violro el Olmnityvt. rl IL' II 11 IG 'l' 14 A BIAILIKICTI Enti 01 the /no“. T • •ato l ol.lnnrnt the pendnr mny va•a Pend 0100. nolh va , 0 11, 0, Te , l• rem...tide ••• the hn, 1 , -. 0 011.nt Teas al ------...- •••00 9I nonntror gaanne.m• • ..... --• •• • ;,/ pr, The Hest T leinaArn.l -- ••• • I iai •• This 41,0110411 y rhennn•t .01 1.010 .hor, 1 . /n.1.01,11 to i.up Tr.. Nil lit, liA l‘ vet ”w" I.rnntlntni• IJI 011 . 1 : 10 "th4erIfi open II ON.oiCrol 011 lIng• 11.1. Arlon on the brat Altod, 0 Iter. next. • 1(1161r Oyel J. 11. IS*lllnon.,' orner 11 . 0.0/ and l'itth Ilev. %m. D. llowen 411/.1,i1k 1, 11,0/.1% v, /I I.ovrte Rev. Dr Ellie., 1 D. 1/0 , 0,4, Rev. Dr. 10e1011. 1 O. Will.:01 / s, 22—If tjp RTA ILLS. 11. f UItPU t . & Itiloo /II thaw ill en unil buyer. generally that,. rims...prove of workmen lie.g eiteitenetaloretu e nail improv ing Iltrir ritore Ilttenn i thry ltitve raitniived their etioila to the ti 0,11, Ihl °nnny, until the 1 111Pf0,4111.1/1, ore lini•lted; rahrrii Oa a will lie happy Pier aril . rutin ~ rrrr nne , . and Int the tenably Of .rolling up atatri, trill try :mil ri matter:lli hr. ai 11,1 n ivond• /I,lli roar. ,rret anrrs 11A111. tai , uVlAbi, w e 00 do Jo 1,.'00 s do rin clo s:o Ito 0o SUN.. los slo Lathe% rin 010 ofs Llo for lin. . 10 Fled kntl for cmle II A I,AIINFqrowl: Vranark Dronao 11,1 CHEM' h. BURCHFIELD have Nat opened o IYlrent, oupply of the aortae% qualttira of the ahoy mete, including Lisa twiner, vefy: line. Also Frenel, Doeidtina end liatataere, Linea and Nue, , quolland Meek boll!, t ut vet? low pore, for MUPITY 1111..! rtt ' lltrtit:l7ll . vd a lot yif bandaoma Fancy Mused ' 4atinaty for Dore wean atm, Plaid awl Plain Payettrieroa in great variety. Nemo Cattimercei Kentucky Jean., Black Tabby Volveta, de., at north east rorner of Nunn and Mari,. weeny iIIit. II CICK - T.Pligi.) —A indy twig of Dudia 1.1 Book Keeping and Blank B.A. w rood nol6 by 11 C STOCKTON • n. A. FAHNE W IIO I.IcsALS Comer or Wood and OlFaleCtra of Wei Ram, refined, in s ease. Eater, Corn & raved, kg. Comb. Ammon, eels Tana Green, in rm. a" Rouen Static, in cask. Mom Sulpbui do Castile Soap, In bat thdo Magnus do - Carb do do 'o ar o b j . ) l. ° ;, P ,T, ` ,Ve l g n . bd. Citric Arid, in lb 'older Poly A ntleminialm do OR Amman Conn, do Calomel Eng, do Oil Anther Recr, do lai/tde Pottab do Cremate %lane do do In oz vial. lodine Log .In bf lb bottle. lodide Iron, in ozvtala Calf.Soma/yin lb ram LlWarb. bottles Mae rill Eng. in li. iame 1201.1'4m/les ham. in bee Wood klartballl lb bottle. Tart. Ezedo do rtamio Arid, in oz vials Tartarld Acid, in biz ewe. 112 rils. in kes RaAVatetiau halo. - n6at 18u /P , XTUACTD. ' EXTRACTS of Aconite, Belladonna, Colacyn th C 43 1... Omuta, Optimism., nwamonicum, Ehg. tany, Tar. Mum Parson.lls, Qdassia, Hope; Vol. old. acct. and hi . dlan hemp, Imported sniljor .10,by D A FAIINanSOC.If& CO or? Selling out at cost to Moto Uushiess, A LA Hui.: stock of LILLY GOODS, for whicti bonds. Roil ages, indgements, ground rents, 'or real tate, van be moored In payment. JOS, LC HOGG, ' 115 Wood a,., Vlusburgh ARBUTHNOT /a reeelging a largo ' , momenta (Irony and maple, wiriety,and Dry Gamin, ermaist r of Woolen. Thibetruld Cashmere Shawla dk, Iterlin, Tfithet, Kid and IroCkskin Glns; %Vont; an an Wonted Comforti; AlpaCes pi and Bombazines.; Woolen and Canton 1 lanneln Colored and Bleached Muslims; Omni/milt and Casalmeres; RiLlions and Lanes; Buttons and Combs. Threads and [findings; Vint/rail. and Doss hone, Ac. All of 'phial', country nod city merchants are re. spectrally invited to examine, at Cd Wood at. sepfid Ilt''ChO-dPAtITNXnIdIImiI7P. e T n • jeee,lnthet;eol:::etrocer Zdiluei Business; the style of the firm will be A. Culbertson ACloaae. 143) A.-CULBERTSON e.eubstirrsou) ; ft. n. etnusg. A. CULBSILTI OC FI OERN its tittS End Clorunnsuion M. 6ants, healers In Produce, end Pittsburgh ty3 cd metes, IOS Liberty at, Pittsburgh, Pm. OAR FLOORING BOARDS, I - (WWI FEET tVorked Oak Fl.riolic Mara, v0.,..n.1 perfectly dry, and of • toper/or qualm fdr .de by 8, CLARKE. augldzdtf • tibaroaurrh Oroim Powor and /tooxni for lirlat. R (L0 ,,, :11:1 4 . ‘:= . 1: Tr c :l r r o e ll ,, l ‘ n sixes, to suit tenants, with city, by SCAIPt: afr.brirl:lBrtN" tin noel First tt listween Weoil Market. • Apparatus for Cleatslog Stove Pips without taking down. INVENTED by FretynFTorpokyri2gr ort Fir. Rt. br tween Wood fr. Market sto RATN, NOLESALEand C!h elan alles In Glossa, Itosiery,nnd Varna, Dress •dd Bonnet Trimming., Lane Useals and Enbroidenes; Gentlemen's Varnishing Armies; Zvi/bye, IVnentera, Patterns, seat Canvas, Perfd Ltnald, Tirane Pap and Plower Material., Nu 111 Fe er, unb attaa. Carpel. 01101°0114 40. 1,47151. IIIeCLI,4IIICK 1. now consuntly receivint a very large amortment of Carpet. arid Oa ',p d ulpit...lp in pan the following Rich Velvrt Pile Carpets; do do Tupextry Ds nasals do do English A. American ,Mel% New .tile print'd Tenant). y: 9, 7-4, Cl, 54 4-I,lml Carpet, :14 Oil Cloth Rave sop.. a ply carpets Sheet Oil Cloth, cut to It SuperMie do do •ay sire ha s or room, do Ingrain 410 venous styles and goal.. !deem sop. do do tier Fine do do Chenlle Rugs Common do do gulled do 4.4,3-1, and 3.9 Damask Chenille Door Mom ?amuse Cmpets Pelted do do 7-I, and 'Paresis) Thyme do do Yeomen 0.3070. Sheepskin do dn 4-1. 39, ft n, and 2.4 plain Jenny I,oddo Jo Veal;mo cope„ Praimparenr Vl,lndow -nag. Ir - coition eiirper• Half Window Lib. P. 4 cotton Drury.' I Oral, do 'do VI woolen dab Vertitlan 124 do do Wcolen Stair linnigen Ali ofof which hove been ' , archived hem the import. ere d manufacturer., comprising We new at 000 style., which we over to cUstomers as low as ran be purehared in any et the eastern clue, call at the Carpet kVarehousc, el Fog oth et and 71. V.OOO to. or:Cr AIreLINTOCR FITTSBURGH CLASS WORKS. IMMIE=I A• & D. H, CHAMBERS, a/ G 1 . 11 143., & lornno the ripoorners of the late tam, :to eh,o hublie renerally. of they will oLuniie :Le tnenutertore Of Sc .14-n4 e) d • WINDOW GLASS, VIALS, MOTTLES In •11 p,eir vargrues, et the Old Sland, No 13 Wood et, bet poen Vlsot d Water. )yr7,llm CVRTAIN (100DM. F:CFIVED gbrt ray. at W. gleClintock'a Carp. Warehorte, No. 1,. Fourth street, and no Wm, rest, 1R very splendid assortment of Canaan Goods roam - tying in part th e following "natter:— Blue and (laid Z . ‘21111 Pertins; Moe and Crimson do; Scarlet and Steel do; Searrtt and I , VLIrt ltinon Daturtk; Crturtsn and Wharf do, Mae eo do, Orange and nine Satin Darnalk; Crunson and Purple do; Fartrtnued Turkey Red eldnlG Flared do do; &In do do; Duff Window Linen; en; , e. TAP eta..., gond. hen, ptircheerd duvet trout the impotteta end Alan...we, 1.,.11 be sold asch trite eap the) . con lon en any of the. eneta rn me, We is, ell ertetong het eurtutn I:nottn to r.all et the Car pet Warehoule, e 3 Fourth elm, -- • Warranted Para Win. and 'limedly LIITABLI: for Medicinal Baryons, always A 1 hand and fur ohs hy the bGtlia, quart, or talon MORRIS d. HAWORTH'S lea Wtsse DOM*lll[lo Woollen Goods. NF. ease Want Cloth Shawls; I ease Triton Flannel% CNN. Rad dn. ,se Rod ladled Battnalr, -a White do dn; barred Plain and Vane, Vet:imam% .e Saunett; _awn Clan Alphas; onto Jeans; 3 rases thee Black Wankel Coating' eases Gray Blankets; ease. Dran Blanket.; I easeßlue sin 10..1 White Ited Illsnlsen; 'lop Straus Boas Blanket , . fleeetved arid sisr sale at n•nulue tont% prase. II 1.1:1: opla 'fa Liberty street. BILICAD WITHOUT VICAVI% ri , IIIS compound i werrionted to produce die withi described caret, an 1011011/1: Direction. Int runtime Bread, Tea Cakes, Buck wheat • Cater, Or-, by which a asslng Is edected ihn Floor or about Muer cent. To make llread—To each pound of Roar add fit leltilf10011(1111 of tlonspound and the tonal quantity of 'all, mil theta thoroughly together while dry, M. malt, • repared flour that you ran set :ruble and w' at leieureh the. add as blurb cold water nn well mae the 11.0 Oa orroll ttockno‘n; knead itwrit, d let I.taml rotten nnont:rs before li•konu, one or two hours will do no hurt. Mooch! he nosed noaeli thinner, nod 1.6.41 at mire, but will do no hurl to stand hfloen or twenty num:tea. 'There it 310 dan g er rof c too mac rot thi 0.1111 111 e Bread, it will oning not turn alio h s bread yellow,ollll.l an salcrat th us duce when Yard 1.1 l'udd VOO can put the above Compound into To-a Oakes, Corn Mn) Indian Cakes,hgr euteri, a Cake, Corn Bread, Brown Bread, Biscuit, I atter Cates, Buckwheat Cakes, App/o Dumplings, I'm hem, and for all looking purpones. sold by It E SELLERS, I• 114 67 Wood at WWII BALE, 1111 E FACTORY created on the come;of Rebeera and Cntre ytinningthrtuali to Laroek ect, recely put in thorough repair, Price mode,. nola te, ned ter nt ma euay. Apply to %V0.70r0 N 'ark; 07 04Ien EAoorn, on ha•il and to nrrive BROWN d KIRKPATRICK 4 , 1: 4 11-312 loin largo No Martent 40 Orla do No do No l d o. ill hi lorls do 10 drums nod I' .11. orroeinr, for .010 1, nolo !MOWN & EIRKPATIfIefi Steam 110 •t Trimminge. WMcCI.IN'YOM: inem:. at m aommonn or .ron a Imm mon to bin relenclvc ...ormient of tom nonas, m: he. On port 11:0 fl'owlog rarimlea:— Lich noa loc ;moo Delnom.: do Como: do, do Scailan nod d„ , ran Potk nod Ulan Ito, It do Croncno and Mown :to; Vrinneon and: ‘l'lnnto Union Doom, I; Ulna do ' do: :Muriel do do; I 'orn.ort, Green, Moe, and Non elo: Ihonnot Watered Alorcen : W atered and i• 111011 . 1' able eavrrinn; Striped Toilet do do; Turkey flrd h. Whoa do do, Turkey Red ADino do do; 7-4 and 5-4 Womerd TrOdo Cover.; 71 and 64 Table Linen; 5 4 ll:cached Sliming; Ocoloh Diapor; 5-4 do do; notch Napkin.; Onboased Table Covera• • ontoch Crush: Nand Toilet do do; 1.14 Ulcanhod Sheeting; Meta, An. tr.c.• All of which are direct from the Inannfinntarent anal importers, of the newest and tlchcal colon and pat. tthe earns, st ll a rn ein of whic e. W h wie tool's !nell be sold us cheap al oily eg em boat mita ales oe a nail at oar Carpet Warehouse, No. 6 . l Fourth at. ana l 79 Wood at. f 003017 MeCLINTOCK VtrarrlOakiill.A.C-ibliiktrNlisFer.ll yy tor sale wholesale and retail, by i nen • W P hlAlairALL MISCELLANEOUS. 0 . & CO., DE11 1 0011183.8 Fier sm,Pitliburgh, it ovrn pmponatin r, difCt J . 11: tie Acid 0 axe , 110Vrer Nate, flak Armenia Pill Hoge., paper enatios`J • do willow Vial rode, assorted heritre I'lloner, Eng i Lorene do do ad do •do Gall:ant= do Ilaterluto do do Citrate Iron,Fog P!..lPiCarti him Aleppo Galls Tipton's Lint Wedgewood Mortars and Pestles Oil 1. 4 114.0der, Spike do Garden Oil °Seam. Oil Ro.mary Oil Utter Almonds Oil Cajapat 0 Oil iat e ktid n illue Snorers Cardamon Seed Solph.tZlne Heifers , Teats, prepared Glendon Root Rhubarb Root Poltahing Patty 'lndian Red oe3 Wuele, and ank., ofd ritA WM. nols by CLovj 013 ' BUTTIiII-12' pHA n ltsj bh:11 Ll ONM- - 110 Ll baria\k 1 by '''' 81 711ATIOTOG11. 1/E1f111 , ..a.r0 cheeiiib`,lcor sale by boylli erB & W II AITUAL I GII it-El:4i, ,-, ...a, !or_ .. -- Trrur • nov io NA: W 11AUDAVGII, CICA - Rs.m.i. ____ . 1111Wf a Gl)N .na NV DA C I ir'.o:f6"—'' I:FILL novl6 g and ro nale r nale by V --`AMBS DALZF.I.I. 1 noria JASIE•.4 DALZELL Q1 • TB - TURVINY Inooli B A FA BB ESTOt.I: R BO Ub mixed' Rut received from the factory, fur sale , by nogg II LF.E. n. 411 11 1/TS— bags for vele inn by ENULL9II AL3LAINKIT tisstrt which Iv e will 1 1 1 .1.1.1 lOW , to clew" LIENN NEW Al i fiLLY—Lii be Uriedd pp yr ;unit JOHN WATT A. CO settee! rs d: ddo do No o au No I I CodPlOe ri.b oiG : CO 9 al uos fine not ewe JOIIN 1% AIT & CO BRZ/tIS - ;Up doe Ito; coin brooms for vale by .. .JOHN WATT A CI) 11 vain by to froiMl II .c.F.K GI lINTLFAIENN 11(14VY N Vesta do Fine O sta and ti Merino do; do Warm Sunny do; wels, do ain and rd Fine Shim, Wilier, Pl and lawnile . ; Silk Cre Silk, ('Orion, and ilioreted Sorpendere; Turkey Red Weaving Gowns; l i nnied Flannel Robe.; Room Dein; Voibrellas; Nit and Linen Porter flats; Wont and flaeligin Gloyea; Solve Kid and SRI; Glover, Comforts, and Nadler.; Jew received and for vela by. F II EATON, Cd Fourth at mo idled im natio, Slime. Pami r *e r}, idle excel in Ina mt Making More Pim, Ca ke r, l'uddtngs, Av., you braid am Ore fob !long mole • Good . tal Currant, Valennia, or Ungli -I , ' Pudding Hamm; Candied Itranin pe g l, Caudle,' Lemon Peel; Fresh Citron Net; Grape Joint. Prem.!' ltndv. All the above & ra metes are for aala al gloli HIS A lIAWORTIIS Tea Store, east aide or Ma lhamond. it" ,:- . 16- 1 - 11 , 71 - I — a z il uivcaTii a co VIEKSE--tf4tms W. a I b e; . ll r: bas Cram al/ . for rale by WCANDLFS.S Ti a l n E d 7 , l z r. nte , r h i,.pit,e. the attention of merchants Hosiery, Cloaca, ILlndoc7orlr;tts". nantdalltha'aerlrs"7lll ofc am cles in Wool, lllcrinn, and Cotton, of htpriret, eormandy on hand and for nit _lno9:11 F II FIATON Uttar In Mlad. hest of Wines und Rnndlea , apltable fur roa dtctnal or roller purposes, can always be procured nr retail at MORRIS & lIA. ORTIPS Tor 8 Wrn a Store, In the I/Intoond uott Iris fur aria by G LtAnloviA =MEM Ladino. Dreesßilks. N OW open at liforphy d ßurchfield* northern corner nr raarth &Market directs, a huge ha -•-•ent of above Soods of newest styles ISMS Most TURD SATINS, Including Freer Weir..., and miler de.itabla vbader. Clinnecalne Poplin. al very law prices 1. 8 P I OL SY— , —a, NM. 014 pi p JO brim new crop Areilil.t urrortne, for role by DROWN RKIIIIEPATRICK ow, 144 Liberty ml Curtain 000 d.. .v b invrii the •nepiion of t r. 11xnninnv. nennpri:inng"rnexr7h7niolowiTii Intik Satin Detain DaMukk lid, botreed Turkey fled Cluntr Plant do dm oil Pointed Window Shades; that , and Dud Window Linen. colt at the Carpet Waxehoore, No. Fourth Moo! and W Wood week • no .10 7.7 bre 1r.7 Lot of It 1 UST received, and oow, operint a ipiendr.l lot of IflOttre.ereran ceaa n t er i dl i :e p tt o t r :e 9r riano, with Cote ma n's celeurated Xnlton Attachment, male by Nouns A Clark.. . this leg•nt plain round earner, with au achmera. e elegant 44 octave Pianos. made by Denham, superior lume s, no, n:tent end very low priced. Inc . .Dc Melodeons, suede by the inventors, Carbardi & Needham, Nay* York. nal , umente, for homily of extertor, tmfmmm oar of toot, cannel be rivalled. a.. Int of Brass thoracic:Us, 11. KLEDER. Sign of the Coldan Harp, .20 cut Third attar. MISCELLANEOUS. GIIMAT OXIIITUEL ROUTE! TEE PIONEERN OF TDB NEW RAIL ROAD TIII(011itb In POLIn 011711 TO PHILADELP HIA , AND BALTIMORE. lin:take pleasure ht annoeneing tolhehlerebants yi , of Pittsburgh and the Western bminess cam. •• natty, that on and after Mold.) „the 10th of Bero. ember, we will receive and forwardiroods via the ' rural Rail Road, and guaran tee them to be (Weigh o Four Days. Out </Tem.., neck of Cars and Mats nablea oil to offer the above expeditoes mate to the abbe, whilst we stilt centime oar. venal •linea via larrisburg and Calsoubl& • tMerchants wither goods brought from . the East ith certainty and despatch at law rata., or ',rodeo, ipped them. are invited to call on I • O'CON NN NOR. CO ATKINS & CO.. Pittsbur ATKINR, O'OR A CO., Philtufelp gh. hia, Proprietors of the Pittsburgh Transportation Liam Or the following agent., O'Crewroas &Co., 70 North street...Baltharner R. th.oca.6 Battery Placa, New York; • arson& Osumi, Id Doane arm s Bow& _ eDIEWt • • Een a Lueea a p r caret A t t s e, n P o a vo t r i e n c a ei v l iend. & b A sk 'H eapolies ofJmesMeon& & SO g d high il s, T s h od t quality Glue hlsten , : coda tth,; , filch Itm/ will r 1 et the lowest market prier, for nub or /ipproved I. .621 - IV ahi MITCHM.TIREE - - - Lertyist. , IL P.ll/01 BOIIDT,Ipapil of the fifa, masters,) late of Ness York, respeettolly inform. Earcpeea citizens of 'ualm rah and Allegheny, he Ii• • toed, and intends making this cyst .h at p ily:rjZfiTri etiftM i l e. hl7:=4; use, GO ',titan) al, os at 11. !Unbent Edam knot., II Meet with mantra at:annel. 41,111, pgd i lb. tilte op. ?h OU B CIIPIEt.t. Lave Low completed • t !Alien to mate their pureLaree from them. solicliTypflind hlli ."- and reach ennos Coburg& el di do inible nano. 'rimed Penne h Casbmeroi and de ba,,,..4,4,4! :old Medal: - • de , in 91 grear •aroty, of nevi • les, at eta's; . : eat Ity/es and sohJ ardor., as low as It 4 etri hangeable Poplin. In great ea-intyof loader; d Idrable ass Silk and of Gilea and mo s t i eo/ors• • Ws, Neck Ribbons, Itennet Itiblionr, Olovea and' 11 aiery, &a y and 'a' lull agely of Ilonsakeeping G• • ds, at lowest par/table pen en IJ.,,eci e l atteni g , O Invited lo.tbeir choice nuke of Shining Mas• lit a and Irialt Llnens—the latter warranted pore flax. or, cart corner of Fourth and Market its. nol3 ACIIEUI44,-100 brls No 3, 10 hf brie No 3; • 10 do No 1, far sale by cl 4 . IIIIIIIIIRWON te 1NG1111461 MLASES -10 bile axon Sagai lionany 10 Ms New Orleans; 6 brls tridden Syrup, for sale Gy no 4 ' i 11 RILLIArill3 .t. CO Ni 1 J•4=-500--iii•—s riTiliTriWiTirriiiii, eitT liiiidao - r ale by lnolll 1141811! IRVIN igA I. IllON— :Ma to w assoned smear, for side b I_ll 014 BAIRD& IRVIN r .. .lir•Tl ba — iTiefitti - iXi• Tiln - br ISAIAH DICKEY & CO C n0 11 1 : i libl - Z-400 bit in Itor l e s.tu nind iflolc3Dr:a.loVH.:"Bb*yr:it' CO KITE FISII-40 belt and S hf brls facade by 'note ISAIAH DICKEIr tr. CO /RH St % ATER 9900, AIINEILaI. PAINT -4e bag in more and for sale by 'l.l ISAIAH DICKEY 8.4:0 101• A ci/A lINJ itt pkgs, brlr 6/Las kegi furniture and carriage, for sale by . . q4_4lAillyc.KEy_Lq_o_ ONNV—A beautiful Atrifile, family ..,Put received for gala by IV* A McCLURI3 & CO L,s6 LAberlY .t • p N :, 4 7 , L e l L .R.. , 4.:lLEgb.— cei r . t or xe . s . P t iellol 4 bum& d 4 ' WM A McCIAL &CO ri 1 R-4uo brie N. C. far, for Bala by .1„ soli . WM 1 3 / 1 0A - LEY &CO C 'OA a e—ro bre Baker's Cocoa, . . 30 LL do Erma; &ibis do N011:1,044We, for sale ' , l4j 41161 RAGMAN Ir. CO Siiirs- `l.- S.Gir iile by RHEY, MATTHEWS& CO by trim r,,T, AiI hi eh d lb law— raweb, Rimy, k CO CC: MO No 3 &facto • 33 lola No I lloong; 21 6,3 e b e o t r kI C o , -„.gr.qr sale 1.7 ot,:_7.7HEINStc CO nzank.e.: Blankets Y .}.I3UFZIIFIF.LD havaAast received a pply forborne Made and Canna Illaakele, <en Dollars perpalr, the haler a premium very c su t e per. Alas Csib and Cradle ((ereixe ri s. twld brl, iis •ay rev'. •r sale , billtlVEak BARNES Cor. First & Noel tos Im - for O A FAIINFZIOCK A CO 7 7: - • " ks Nish roll, La cloth; :Is do do rocks do do. for'sahl by J U CANFIELD reiiiierllViil j eT ß by VAMLlBl4l J D CANFIELD 0..a1e ..I_l3 CAN El F.LD .1 ri CANFIELD I common cigars in atom fur sale by 84k W IiALWAUGII 'S iv mom .d Mystic by Sd W lIARDA UGH bs landing from Dfdmell'a line J XIDD k CO 11EIIICAL. Ktr o lu thrb l z: , T , J l l:: a .".„TlN h with4'., In , i t 'P e rt . c r r a,. above 1 n d. e h .4 t. t r m h t a . o t P • m r t. h ia e l e m n y ° , L e n b : r . L it ' o t jA . b t r i : i i i , 4 seed 'Z' ,, l' L L e: , n ; r m . t ". , , o h t ,I 1 ~,, ' l g . . thet bier,nr' 1 1 . 'relearn! loa may talk abo rt Ito being it nostrum tis • 114 ch sui you please, bat this does not mate it eo for fx premium in the fare of an Ilatl.l MIDIIIIInity,'I4I It lin virtues which ore no, chtweinc t l in any other remedy. The men who le ratted with pain and sof. feting from dircisc, can for fitly cents. get relief from nay of the illy conamernted a bove.' Deader! it coma very litlie to mate a trial. This Petroleum ix to mix ,,,,...._,,,,•g0t0p0nd, pet np for Me perorate of impocielt on the community; bet it is a remedy elaborated by the matter hand of tato., mid bubbles np from the bo• eeM ofebrnmother earth In Its original 'purity, and of. fent to uttering humanity a re ady in racy, a certain and cheap cogniles Mtge' cu redanines have failed to rendtr any relief. It luta Phertininsm of long •,,,,,,lim..d of th e worst and mom palatalcharacte r. 4thas cored Cholera Morbes b y one or two duce; It bas eared old easels ofDiarrhea, in which every other Vetted) has been of no avail. As a locel remedy in barns and scalds, it Is better than any medical rem ound or *helmets that we know of. it wily Cure chil blains or hosted feet, la a few appliterionsi undhohl wl testimony can be tarnished of the truth contained canal Beata, 7th street; or either of Me agents.• Keyser A McDowed, Corner of Wood.surei and Vitgin Ai r leyll. E. Sellers, ST, Wood greet,. D. A. El. lot A. 1.3 1). 1 1D. ' Corry, Allegheny city, are the agents. .1.7 .-------L— EAUTY-..1t la universally coneeded that beauty II more common in thin century than itf any other, Whits at the same time it Multi the tin 'ln other coon try MU lost at so young an apt Now. th is is true to a certain extent, hat thd lona t i often CROY eti by ne glect. Alre say to all, On lint neglect roar pervirml apsocansnee, but - read the follnwing, and Yes need not lack good looks. Thema nri/cleo ard . t , trnlifid pre .pautnons, and have all ultinnesl 3 hie, pt, salty. 'lats listist. l s flu Noma netinsses Nrgru Soar for removing inn, sunburn. puha .loteltes, atittollter cruptlons of he akin; the .nel.t feet eon. aerymor 01 ' , runty corny kantro.. to rchuta nothing Mportinaehed n g Mhe NMph&tap n atar. ebumynamo a • 4111.11 3 Il• Up.% 11.gadlai. blielltaat% I . 9,Wittlit, for tin payting to the mast . bilious townies tou a. radiant whiten, ,1n .I , n no f tlong ahead a 1;17 aa; .. 4;1 al . n . re . e , n o ei Moat sold ' l4. ' ve " r.) . l ill ' u s' i ‘ oTt ' s . 111 tr'l;to'.l4' Powtie Y r ts entepounded lnc setentific mule-c, amt yontaina an 1 nuiredient rorhieh call pessibly millet ti. mutt). .4e...ilactl.'s Dad 0.41701,11 F'OtVl , llla. for removing aouettlaaha lam. ti l hat is tonic air, IttlV than hair upod the. face or Snits or a belt .is Untele null remove Kin a shott tin., without i hi . tar orany Nfiat, Mittman-us • , lebss l/sutt's Vmerrnic I.iqiin, 11.1 a Pr, will instantaneessy impart In red; nth bY, or gray heir, a ,bestuifally. black, brews, or' nulsten color. It mill Ihrcoior the heir in a choner time, tact mere effectually ,I,Llinji.l,.tte.rd:yt.ic, beta g i lt the r.dirde litte Indellsble. sure to shitre Withltard'y're'32ln.'.'l7l-,14'. ir tliolrit74'iettint; 'smarming train Mostly calleacto.,l In rho tine at moitSoaps. trail, Coattury,itleay... the skin cmooth an4'anft - no an torten's, and Ina ilahle to become' clunipea. , ot. Cam's RosaTooru Peres.—rsest to the heir, we think the Teeth wets intended a a ,he greute..ttalart• I me t l ol l a the hem. ( Ice; but.'when dedtreleJ, anihing Is ro disfiguring, or no quiet I y 0 0 00, sly race Tooth PUG] will Impart no the teeth a Psarly whiteness, at the lime time keeping - the KM. fit. so t healthy. AlsO on hand, a complete 1111•Vil,1 of French, British, and American Perfumery and Lila. artistes. • - .11 JULES llACEL..Pertustrr hemis Foyi • , ' IMI Chestnut Ptre.3. . . sale wholesale and retail, Iq 11. A, Fahnestork & C . 0,, and R . 1K,,,a,,,,, Pittstairithi ned John Sat. gent. antl J. hlitebell. Altettihnny 9ty. Pa. iril—lep ITIPOR.TAIIT. TO TINIC VLICTIED. ,'•Dr. . Eon's Celebrated itemedlti. 1)/4.14C012 S. RUSE, the dim ovcre baud sole pro prietor of these meet popular and beneficial' edielnea, and tie the inventor or the eelebnited inurement forinflatzu the Lames, in carmine a care of cationic illecases, 11;11 a student of that. eminent physician, Doctor Physic, and Is a graduate of the University et Pennsylvania, and (Or thirty yeam since has been engaged in th e investigation of disease, sual the application of remedies thereto. Through the use arida Matting lobe. In connection with his Prophylactic Syrop and other orhis renulter, ho hat gained an unparuletlcti eminence in curing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Toberielst Con gumption, ,Cancers. Scrofula,. Rheumatism, Mama, Fever and Ague; Fevers of all hails, Chronic Evf sipelas,: and. diverobstinate dh.cairs peculiar to females. Ind forte of thiepir vanishes under the use. of his remedies, to which humanity is hair— net by the use of one compound only. Mr that ie in. compatible lei Physiological Lim, but b y the au of hoe remedies, adapted to and ch protalund for ea pecallat form of disuse. Dr. Resale Tonle alterative Puna, when nerd nee invariably acknowledged to be superb, to all other, the as a pargmire or liver pill, inmaturd 4,3 they leave bowels perfectly free from etmive,mn; •s aim his Golfien Pills is adnatted by tlic catty to passers perallar properties adapted to (cloak douses, bat being satutfied that &bare trial cot to emsblish wh_tit has been said in th e mind. of the mead 'Statical, The afflicted are invited to call:cp. the m proe luaus) one of the Doctor's pamphlma, givtig edetaiedaccoumofcachmmady d its applte adept. Ear sale by the fallowing agents,. well es by 1110.4 druggists throughout the country. - Lee declaim vio l' , near thee' O-Vegeta) pity;' Jos Barkley, Dailiagton, Bettye ren , - T 0 Mliett,Euneu Valley, do ' do; Adidas, Seaver, do sultrily A Asir &and Honest!tally .1/Mseerated I Work, by a. P.-IC. Jame.. A 110 QA of the Passions. By G. Y. IL ;ernes, Esq. JoA Ithishatmi with siitcest 1111.10 M steel cm:ravines from drainage by the most eminent artist,. I yoL too Jost teeeb/ for sale by, ,It 110I4IINbri ..-_,. naO9 7 7S Apollo, bmbbneneFourth St . DOTAgII-I.seauelo store and foe ealo by I • del; BY2YNEIT taetjr, at Bane, ea Jobbing Pelee& I IF, NECES . tllock and Fancy Colored Froniql I 10 nod Engllab Cloths; film, Ciodlong and beeb Clothe; iast opened by A. A. rdAACI A Co, Market Al xsporme,reedinrcasle by it irrr atl L, br 1, RLIAUG// 42 prune MI. lIARBAUGII COPFtry—ll.,ob lu i bTy ' s s ' ree lt t4 'Ll for to) oby FUN _4r . ./ . l:4lzyly ot filiEr.. - 1 - -in ei*.--t---rrwy—o—tuTgfliiiiiii, 1.0 chest. lothersal, 14 cheats Gunpowder; 29 lir hoe Young Hymn, dc, 21/ aIL boa do do, recd for ea' bY R A CURIARNIIII . ANI Tr EIfiILITYER-111 togs tor rigle by . Wal it JOHNSTON FISII—Io IdaeLerel I p i i r o o 1 , ,. IVO bald Jo No J, Igrge, 00 brig do No 1, ethyl., lOW brig do No I, 100 do do No J, 10 do do No .1, It/Obis Smolt,/ Herrings, li drama edam, 25 belt Pickled lierringe• for gale by 602 It A CliNii iA r_ Lflair STY:AH-20 dr2 tole Mai 0,6, - A 8, rareale by ' II A t'UNSINf.IIAhI W HITE fIFIANS-1,1 theta mall, for sale by IVICKA hinCANDLCSS D YE PIA/CR-10 bbta Rye Dour, in •tortTanit fo JaVaate by ROBISON. LITTLE A CO not. 25I.Itherty st B urrEa llitAl c o Roll . -7. ree'd, and for rale by .." _________...ll°MtaNt "Triatftieo aaarANUFALrUithill rtslieutiv —irriWks ...Tied IT+ brand., now landing for sale liv Cnoel itiAISII DiCKEY A CO ANARYSEF:D-6 barrels for MC by n0.T.1 J MUD ni CO; JUST sectored tor male at G 7 Wool ', lodide Pautab. I Si ene ki.ther. Syny• fothne, t $1 1 :11.14, Cffinobline, bolosion Tr., Anion rat. cialotno, I Calomel, CyanNo harithary, It i'rEctplietc, Veratits, - Bra t b Cataeh, no2l n k: SI .I.I.ERS R ICE -12 len fresh beat for sale by by 5021 It ISAIAH DICRET CO _ CO Front 4 Water st • rlirlFSpo ,Viiir, ie•er - Lateoes, lot sale by .1' cool ISAJAN NIChEy te C. OliAlt - -30bbas prioao Jost reed (or gale by M lIIUMN & FIR hpATSICR, no . 140 Liberty at IcuLLAITEREIEIN— . 2SOO iho yow sr/penny, an. AN ekes, for Rain by (nea'ill J KIND &co S A [..1.E --- Tr — M Zik, e ILMI fisanitin by no2l J RI RU ea CO Oi l .l l / I :AL=iu bags to sloth, for rale by ' s noiSi 5._.4. W. ItaIIOAUGH. lifirtini atorc.for aria, by 27 _ S. J. NY, lielittlACCll ....i.... di:VERX large and select a...min/tot Of Pirtle.. YthKetchup. Saucer, fee, from the rethbrated faints. iragrp hi ' tAl =ll on l 'A‘A"' "" SAIIA A CO., rates at 236tof:rtysla cOu ' i ' pgs " niai d "' fo"uir,'" low f i l l e c t , tl , 7 l l ; a gaig no,l. o pls; I TOIIIOI/1 Ire leleup, ills k pt. Mixed Pickles, do do I ilrelill7r"ioino'r 'ket'll'oPpA', Onions, gns tott pis, 1 l'ept vr sow r qta and ribs ~,,,W 4M itsr SP, C.atirts, ' - 17 1 0 r:L 51 21_ , . :+pa1mt.....,,, „,,,„,„,r,„. 1 , , , %11 , ,,,,,,... irt ,, , ... to ohm above, to keepers and dealers. 7 Mail A Vell ' Atii f te h Zu - son P r a ****** a 51.14 aaaaa .. PST recaladat and now opening at t''..6 Liberty at 441(yiga,!:!,OrTirtah'Vicaccrea.rind /nine..., a•roo: i-- , Ihkirer:cd Perictord, 1 Pri 4 croed fine And, Preatortil Plain., Dora.i, Poacher, Preserved garnets COIVIIII Jolly. Afro, the falltioring IgßErkii FllgiTtr. poi 'rip In Weir own hire, and herrActtralir toiled, 14creby preaerking their original flavor, Paschall, Apricot.. .h a Cherries; - rcr4 Plan e , To:rawer. Black Berner. n 02 9 IVid A nrceLURO &CO DOLL Barre bris poute,Luut muumuu by on CARLUCCI! IFTERRINC9-00 b.. Luber uetee.f, tut Aule by EL now ISAIAH DICK/IVA CO r:Mitee°—rsb4: G, Almons. , or gale by 77)' UITER-12.tegn prime boar, (, n o, hy JA (+Mum,. foal) lin Water' - raa — Lrefaio - TiTI / CASIEZ Uold Medal. Ala no En, tool Bohannon 0 LA.l2le• aa4Caa6lanirg. end op , mn on dlf at ' AA Al 4:a ,11 A tins non 9 -rola dass4 Mai Ms. Isamu DICKEY y Iron Works, are prepared to 411 ord", su mean In lowest Tares, and ofisehly es RIN:4I as any in the oily. Warehouse, 112 N) et. sg and IN Front wen do* I, •••••