111bC1 LLANLOUB NUACIMIIITT 4/f, ntiLi3c. ADIERTICJ OD, fOREIGA PET COOS, aks.iosiliveiKti!ufsg, "INVITE the attention of hopes& totheir largintock I ' .1; let Ptah Goode sow opening, and which they are • prepared to yell on very naelantedating tenni,. We shill be conessaly receiving fresh goods dor. Lis ..,..... a ., and must as exemination of our . memilyiiirstem merallas, and others VivOing one Lign_______ rilanx, . _ 44__ • WA. ... . . le. 236 Llberty,Streat, - -- .Byggg:Zl,Y,Z l L 4 l°,7,;oh: 4r.f.7*k . it'd. Vali meek of CLUI/16, 6438111113 M,, 5. ,,,, - I h t,',..g. Irma, fa the merest styles, adapted tor Me evolvab le( fan ache *lnlet season.. all those in want of ..gheap, fashionable, and good clothing. will hod the largess, 01000 lana. ble, and best mock in the IVestem country, 0 1 LII est elllsluneaL sepin Coieszni ieth ..7P• an siiiiiiiiiiiiiirdi Rola goPlatsbumb... Wll6 Pennsylvania Rail Road Company having completed the whole line of mil toad to Ilelhdays ant, thus toancenes tie Portagn. Roll Bol d to JohnstoWn, and from thence by bc - 'to to Pittsbargh, me now prepared to receive and leeward mach.. dlss, prommc, , &c., to and from: Pittrinugh and Phila. 'lto imats will leave,' the depot of the en py daily for Johnstown, Mree coniectingv . m ith the anly Min of care for Philadelphia, Wes =smug the de. livery anti freight In indleeelphia within five days. • BELL eq.J66E.-rr— :.' &gear Re Pm It. R. Co, Canal Darin, litisbeirgh. MUM & BELLA% &gems, if.pip,dd • ; ~•' Philadelphia. ZW LOT OF 6PLENDIQQ PIANOSi •' Music and Ilfruiiast s ' Sign arils Golden Um, No 101 Third meet. H. KLEDER respectfcaly inform. MNlds Glenda and the public, that he has Mu retarned Crean the east, with a Most elegant and extensive assort.' moot of Pianos of vanes, styles and prices, selected by tdessaf,wlth meat eard at the celebrated factenes of Norms er Chat, N. Y., and Dunham, N. Y.; Ifixen of Modica & Denham,N. V.) . Haring la:theta the shove from an immense stock rust finished by a...W* O makers, they are warranted of supe rior quality tied Mao, and will in all met be ead at New. York foe. ton prices. Purchasers will receive & written seer .mnly with each Piano, entitling them to an exchange or rem awn:m.lf found delceUVO. _ f . ec tmse of splendid i,r ig: T ar:, ,e fro . m . ctio a uetory o o; and warranted email, if cot superior, to any made in Mill World. . A 1..,. fine selection of Plain, Clazionets, Violin., Dries Instrumento, and the newest and ollon, most 13 = mule, including• Jenny Land's celebrated song. • - - eep2l 11611r11,P111 & BUBCIMIELD, at nonh east comer OA of Fourth and Market streets, are now supplied with a Rill assortment . Of the canoes qualities ci above desirable goods, end having been purchased tram the lecteltera can Im:warranted genuine- oc3 Jas. .111 asp? tit & Sons , Patent Soda Ash. Se A-CASSZ or the shove celebrated . hrend, part ar - R in store,tand the remanwer to arrive this end Dail month, per , Bich," "Europe,. ollerlin," and ales, skim eta Philadelphia and Balumore, std nrperior b both strength and quality to any in the inexact, foe sale at the lowest price for each and op. proved bins, by & M hUTCHELTBEE eagle Liberty street Large Supply s 1 FOIL i Winger aped& liArt/RPIfY s IIIIftCIIFIELD hake the attention JAL of buyers to their largo stock if goods Adapted for the season, eousiatlng in pan of— illk and Cad French klerirsoes Cobarga and Cashmeres, • Changeable Paellas, Wass Ella. and Tore Hanna, Ylt sad Fanny Alpacas. Ever. Long I:Shawls, Low hien do, Sacking Flan ' sealai Welsh, English, and American flannels, white and. endured. Their stock •of 110U1SEKEEPING GOODB, such as Meetings, killowi Cale - blushes, Table Diapers. Towelling, to., I. large, and en low prices res.:pulite. Myers - win bad it to their advan tage melamine their stock betne put chasing—at the north east center of 40 and Minter sta. oct /Aver Pills Bupereede Ul others • . • 14511. Charleston, 1 - M:E.Sellerst—tieu rib. have Va, Leonine so pope lar In all this region or coantry,as very =MO 1. sopereede W others as a Liver or Antl•Bilions Pill. Yours, tn. JAMES A ILEWIII (Xxtraet of Lettr.i.) . Palchaters recollect that SLR. Sellers' Live (ill are the original and only True and Getion • r PM, and may be had at No 57 Weal st,, and o ' pars generally in the two cities and vicinity. . ./iCzi.taet of Ye/low Doak mad XarialurUla. POT lap in the largest sized battles, contains mere - Of the pins 'fonder. Samapsrills than any other preparation extant which Is chemically combated with the Extract of Yellow Donk, We Extract of Wild Cherry,,artd the Ualaam u(b tr thee making the reme dy Mora thoroughly eilfieient LIMO r Banana alla before the pablie, -At Medallic ease out porter:- 0 free from all wilfienel potion., which eshnot es dud of any other Of the Sareapaellta COiresololas. The in valid should tetract of poisons! Mercury, Iron, qui aloe, Pouch, redone, Nulphar, Arsenic, stud mails other mineral sad waxes* poison. enter tow sod GSM thettettsc bards of most of the Bersapsnos dud Pence.. of the any. Calton% Compound Extract pf Yodow Loch anti Sarzaparithe does mot coolant • plutitle of these .lebtloucrs, ar any one can caul) Arcertalst - by spptyneg the neeessary csts. Thapensens way o,,eitsiontelly Omelets o:pease, tat they so vitiate the-blood, and so - completely wired roue the whole .sham with then balleforedects the first cold, or the first muck of disease, pros:rows the patient's strength, and sabjectstima of her to dm Moat eiZetilatieg tintuet,liteo renders another care lelmott dentossiele and hopeless. Let all poisonous Sweeper - 11m preparauans aloes, sad ex Guyette,: ItoptoVed Social of Yellow Duch and essestpst which is Worenghlyi efficamous, permed, Litres:gm ani_parely segetaliks. All of disease palls to itegnmai-tndeehee. derofela, Cancerous Tumor., Catencons Craptions, Pl7,llpelse, Hiles, Pastalet, or Pimple. kni the Pace, Chrome tote Eyes, Tettstrtaal Heal, facta lism, kaargernem or Pa/es in Leo i:onell or /oar, old And stubborn tflcers, Fewer totes, Itqfpamme, Bnellmg of the Lana., yfluin fro, Sypbilme Sytup lomat Lumbago, Drupey, 'Llyspepsta, Jaandtee, Coo. laveram, telt Rheum, Areal:nil el the itteneye end almeae• arming from an if:Acta:ma n.e of atm.,. allniamea tote Tare at, Slteakne•i of toe Card, - Pulmonary Arebliori,'und Si ettit.r tamed., fug Merutus Constantin:Ai, laver Cumplmat, ltregMaritme and vinapitunts, S,ak and ,cr ridadaebe, Gemara lacinitry, Low dptno, Leda ut Angrette, Night. fiwems, Fain in we tide and Enottldete. Expoarire or I.43,nidenze In Life, Caron. to Conatutional Limon:Ars, and ea • Spring and Pall PanSer of tho /ROW, mid kieneral Tome fa the System. ale unrivalled. Accuoof Llicerst.....ll.47ar of az:4,-, year; staatiar..g. Tim ludo.. log is an extract of a Maar rialce Maria 47,10ka1, from L. 11. Perkins, M. 1)., a Lighly remccda. • bin plry•Lmais of ftlarlcita, ado. lout Pale—Dean Sin I have ender - my mire • • young woman who, rod slxtbau years, has been eat ' kering from .Lficerated Limbs, and emit.. can has beta pronounced hoptel.s by direr en oar be. pay. tderiani. 1 leek tee Into my family, and have need Alayactilt kerfow Dock ad Sarsaparilla freely, and ism coadent the: the Ye How Loeb and 13armpatilla J a erect; perarlened ettm-,6n• la bedded In general health than eke has ever been before, and walka ' tulle Or two nentLolyl tenant or pain. A year ago she aised ensiehea I will report the case In doe time. Vary wreets IL PkatiaNS. ~ Ben II Ins been remarked, ny eminent men, dal in Ma sailed catalogue &nieces. to wtilea-men re there re a s one of neon importance, and of mten atereat as Seronda, whether we loot to the WACO.) of ittforimn, maldions proerees, rue number nn) anxiety elm.. Mat snack., or its remarkable in. earability and extensive fatality. SeMtuLa has baled the aid of the moat eminent phymeians In this country and In Europe. But there is an encidel e for this disease m l)r. aryou's Extract of VoLlowDock and Saraaparilla," which proving it pelf a, perfect speeldo the most severe caws a savtda. An extraordinary case of Scrofnla cured by the Sole use of Dotter Luyott's Compound Syrup. it will be wee by Sus certificate that none man in been sander:he treatment otamiend celebrated pity - sienna, lot the past eight yenta, without deriving soy benefit, and has beep edectually Cured by the use of a few tioithsof Dr. Gaysou'a Compound Syrup. • Nate Yam, June 7,18 LS the. Gcurrn— Dear S ir,—Owing to yen • debt watch snowy cannot p. 7,1 am induced la male a public ac knowledgment of the benefit I have derived from your Invalgable Syrup. I ' , ascent) , afflicted with a terri ble florotuMus disease, hertiliutly in our fawly,_ which commenced on my neck, .4, emilmaing Spread, won reached my ears, running into my head, and extending al/ over my face, neck, and lower ex.: trweineu I became a disgusting obiect to look upon, Jaime, my distress was so great that I was unable to sleep or lie doWnj tail the disease emending into nay -cuss instantly affected my hearing. My face was one cond... sten, from which a discharge of matte, and under kept continually owing oat. people avoid edme, enplaning I bad the small pro, or some edict infecuons disease, and I was con...idly obliged to rklinqvilsh my Mamma. Islotonthistanding I had the bat medical advice, and tned ddierent plans of treat tatui, oho illaesse continued Ingrow wolumall I guy. .up In dee.. on..eiy I fell whit pailifengt I on the IllifaiLLO Mt, While teaveUl lig tar ay bef i t, who Inkinged we that his can was al one lime Was Dad condition an 1 was, and that by using year gymp be Vol speedily Ogled. I Immediate'', pinnate] the..., commeaeed mall it, and now, utter having Wed leis than sax beaks, I am welt and able to wend to gay betimes. 1 send you this Ewen/rut as-en act of Stance only Luling that u may tr.wree . the Wanted - to make tise es the right medicine, and thereby save them meek suffering wd expetutu lumens your obedient servant, 30.11 N Q. SPALDING. Cuss of an aggravated - Can of Erysipelar. The name pestormed by "Dr. Guysoun altiraet of Yellow Dock coo hareapatilla are tasung. Tao pa utnt's general health eentailtes to Improve after /un ease is removed. Cures are not ehrouisted until unto Las rally %cued that Mere call be no telapse or return of rho disease. • Nervosa, tiletkiiner Co.) Feb. In/tr. S.F.DnetraTth. Co.. Gents, it as mai grcatpleasue shell write yea aneat the very happy GdeCLl of you Yellow Does and Panspanlla masa my um who has loot been 'taffeta& udder that di cadf leasotue dia• Etyamelartonth which be RIIIO.II.IMJ to lots, istadwattfor several MOW/. metaled by some of our toast pymlane, wao tried their skid fo Ire m mou t h., without any benehetal affectspersevertegi ne 'r r . He become reduced to a puttee' skeleton He had el . can trout. hat to to knee, which were coohnuall; dy),cl:&,pin & inagrodusely otlcrenve mader. Helical and Unmet akin was batted. Phystelau said t/ at llia ease Wu hopeleu—there could nottnog do ne sourest th ose arable gangrening alters. Itlyee t ph. bore and myself thought has Otsamehon near at haito. Hue of hsynelghbore, who had etuved a child of watt. ale with your invaluable metitcmc, unshed me to, mate tries oll4 and more front the restless dean* to do something , while life laced, then from Sup of getting teller, rpTiscorosl three Pont. of you , 'V eLoer verb and busspustla.” and courses ed using at and to my &steak/meat, he commenced impromg "he bed and the Mad bottle, and oefue he hoe card • half Omen honks he could walk oat, lie ued in all twelve twatee, and by Oeto,rr lost he wed perfectly emoted, every veal ge of the disease except the ware La natroved, and he resuratur In perfect health up to the Wendt tore. OW recovery, under the blaming of Hod, m entirely owing to the use of your Yellow Loch cad Sarsaparale, mad I assure yist that 1 act myself order greet oblagaziede ta yea, and it is with great joy taw [lnform you Of Whet you Banapuilla has done for toy IterPnetftalY, JAS. RUSSELL. arNottcgerpons talus pas op In lame bottles, comalung a quart, Mad the tame of the klyrap blown - the &avowal we sonslett signature of D. F. Den • Wats en the aut./. wte,PPI , knee 111. per hottle—so 0 butes for 0.. ---, It ta sold by J. D. PARR. North East corner el Fourth and Walnut streets, entruseo on %dm at, unneuntsta, Ohio, to whom all orders most be addres ' Pura & Erw, Erie; W. P. Johnson t IVat.r. Owl; taw & OPMaarrOle; Abet 71. Unotroeet Loam 11111,Towoadoi Ilaben flay, Well. barn; L. 11 "Or a : k, i«Wilecti,Jl, raw twin, earner Oi .IKlittOt Janet Augritit Inaarand. ._• jylectiLerlylN S'EVAND ao EISTAIig• • Mgt OSIIIS &-figIVORTkI . , la the Mutton; iee fell. - jgg, tag crattleat Tea, at GU per Ib,— . 4FLIT t 1 iteyol BANKING HOUSE. I. CAROTHERS & CO., No 15 Wood strast, Pittsburgh. CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Collections made on all the principal cities of the United States. wttallf I=SX=ll=l EXCHANGE BROKERS, 2. B. earner rf .Third and Marta sts. au. 71110.111M0311 Ai WAIT 1... a .Ar. " /COS O MO. Z. &HROLD & CO., BANKERS, DEALERS IN EICUARN, COIN, BANK NOUN, to., we., N e. 7 4 FOULLTII bTXLEXT (Next door to tiro BMA of Pluttborith., stot,..Tho•Vp ii.tioLase a sons, W.xo h•ag• rokere, AND D.1..5 111 NOTPS,DRAFTS,ACCPPTANCM , GOLD , SILVER AND BANK NUIErt. COLLECTIOND—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payable m Imp partof tbe Union, collected oath* most isvorable term. EXCIIANDE on New Yost, Philadelphia and a timore; also, Cincinnati, ostimille,Pantt Lome and Nen/ Orleans, conalantly for va/ e. DANK. NTED—Notes on all aolvent banks in the United States discounted intim lowest rates. All kinds Foreign and Amens. Gold and Barer Coin bought std aDid. JR.EDIOVAL. g otbr . & SONS have .reisoved Omit Blot o tooge nd Office to No 67 /11u . k ui rt v r.t. 0 or door. eetow • • ITIALIGIOA BILLS on Eng Dad, Ireland, and Scotland bought any aniocnt at the Current Rates of Exchange( Also, Drafts payable inany pan of the Old Countries, frotts-ta to LUDO, at the rate at i 3 to the .E. Sterling, without deduction or Damson, try JOSHUA ROBIN. SON, European and General Agent, cacti 4tb- ono door west of wood. octlett ALISA 11.1.3.) llowaen Lean lERASIER 6 HAWN, IDLIANET.RS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers .1/ in Foreign and Domestic Hills of Exchange, Cot.- mattes of Deposita Bank Note. and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood Erma., directly opponte St. Chalice Ho el. BENNETT, S sod Corturulgloo Met , atreef, opposite St Chitties anti calor for sate, at low W. A irialllSLi AITIIOLESALE 0110 CE TT chants, No 41 Wood Sr., stow receiving rate., as follows:- 100 pkgs Y. is., Imp, G. P 5611 ltrSP4ntsh Cigna. and as Blatt Teas. 1001,1 Ruvuma and Para COO pkgs 5. es lb and Id lb in 1000 plcksges. lump &5. roll 'rob . .. 2S id Havana, Or l'Oe 200 bags Rao, Luguayro, l 031 Regalia,. and Java Coffee. l3 31 Principe. 50 MO* N 0 Sagan 54 hes II Ratains; 50 brl. N U Molasses. Minutes Filberts, English Mibrispowdered,entaled Walnuts, Brithil Not., and loaf Sugars. and Uround Nuts. 10 this Alum. "At boo Leman Syron. Co bole Tab eers' Oil./ 00 boo Pepper Sauce, 31.9 gals Lamp Oil. 00 cases Pickles, SU bole No 3 glathereL lu cas° apic'd Cnocolate 423 boa Seib& 1011261a5.. tirontid Spices of all kind, 150 Itha Rosin Soap. CO Lie Sammie,. ltM do, Pot Rockets. at tics Starch. 00 00. 1.Thoeol•le. IS boa Rock Candy. 23 Its White Pthes lu bre Shelled Almonda; MI thus Wrap. Paper. 5 eases Loqual tee by. Pepper & Alamee. Rmehart's Cot and Dried COO lb Scotch&rtv.peesnng l . robacco. la tea 4.ce01 jamas Stocking. Together with a genera assOn.megt df gads mu- Clly kept to their nue, 14 well as pitletiargb esare.. sePi cLOTnir• WMectarcrocri is now openiug It me Carpet . Warehouse, No 73 Fourth Inn. and 76 Wood street, • very he Memo assortment of Carpeting, cum png lit part or the follosetng vartenev— lben and meg ant myle Velvet khle Carpet; Rich and elegant 0010 Tatham y 1150.th1, Mt; Eaperior English and American Brussel, d,., Retry sup. 0 ply Caryclsihug., extra Cheinle; I Bupertme do do; Sup. 'rutted Rugs; do Ingrain do; Chenille Mats; F.Xtra fine & line do du; 1 Totted ilma;;,, Com all wool, do Jo, Nor Rods, -do cultht chola do do; Coco Mats; rOliolikdn; Jute do; &Ism a very labre °mamma of Trohmings for 84 R00t .., Csingger !Mums, &e. Oil CUL, - • Avery large aveorwientot well se owned Oil ranging in width limn 17 inches to 11 lett, of very handsome 'tyke, eat lo hi any thud room, Lail, oi veribule. Tile viva of good. will be sold es op as they can porcha•ea eny of ake voter,. nice. 1% brae every body to cell who wish a bar. am.eriiv AlceL.lhirtillii SLINPUI - WU Cream st,,L IV Cac,o.., bona old Java Cikr.c.., L[ol.li.E. do bars Caney F.o 4.4.• do tlftlx.ta lb caddy Li. eklln Ooluar, lib du prmar titecn; 1 , LI cht . st. la.‘ bunch F elle ake., n 1010. do, I,a. und 1 . d161".•.1:•, .5,/ Las ll,aon Luid V 40,cgat:d 0,1, Joz JOI lit • a. V. 11,u, y 1.02 Hoe., 11,00, :11100000, Lc [ cratl, .it, I..SOCS. pox.: hid,: C.,. r........ipvrfine 'tare Flour, lobribtramc,l p.a.cF , rd nevus; Iv Lrl. Nuas,l It/ lab. pare CIJCI (44 Cud Core Jl, 1:11 “1,7 vOl It 004 S Pal, os. - • JOII it wi-cws spLK, 0,01, 1,04 for • lINT 1110. . 1...0, Olellti V/ CCIA Ukcs, C 2.10.4. al. 10.0 lll,il 4 s a...fa. The alithcohy has at last t•cen overcome, the p..,1 *offered a good asucte, pal up mare ehlent form for aomethc TLC only otricet,on olged .eanit tLrt nri.e It I. lb. apparent .3..11(011nm} on earn t2plunecl. .1,..301 Is warruard. to couls.n Jan!! of eilki volttle the ordi“ory eteuy at u e -Az, D' Cc, hat Dot an iva.rialn quantity, varylr.g liJut I or IS yard•. 'the Spool bilk is re...dy fur are at the war of mu hate,.od onlya4 116• I. to ot wit., the.., o• segottall; 1!• tithertonty to gang. theta • max uhi CIATC;VCIA: tom an which it ts attattpett Oar groat tat. autagat, ye( Hie tmlein t st. a cart wny With the techata o f tr:.;i , sl anating, and th e loss of time la Itottot7gor It tot 0,, bold log Wel. H. ItUlltigalANN a. gt Cl North Toad at, gailattelpata, HOHSTAIANN, 1111U'% .c a .1 a Majors: Lute. Now 7 art, tY3o:deotita • ' , via. arena. lu LOIIJII. eItHGIIANan. FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON & Co. DEILEEIIII FIESPB STAPLE DEL SUUDS, NO. 05 DIALLILIGT Between Taint Fourthatrteu, Blltaharn IN VI fr. the all/J.on et uterettant. instliug the elly, SO thelr ellen...ore or Fall end Violet rtoods, SeleCted With great ea. 000 attention tee., IlypertattOns, Colooo/1 tale,, and Iran lbe letid• log manulacturets, by rhea readmit Water In New `lurk. 'rhea ock Wes tall will be wand 10 be tooth larger tad mete retied tbanyarty they hare over Leune brought to ttoa market, begat; tepimanued by screw. of gooJa Itintoo daily tlito.anthe) .0 pear In the eli userteot, eti V that .1 all tone. lull a n d perfect, lLereb, enaJan, Went eetitully to compete wile caste to hues.. NNW ,roil 111 ; ff i ll CIIICILEHINO'S PIANOS.: JUIIN /1. AILLIJOII, No el Wood street, rule agent for Chtekerrug'.. rOOOO Curler for Wentern Penn. sylrenta, has received, eud neer ready 100 sale, the lullourroal assortment tcleeled by tomtit from 11,0 ....r.40. 4 wail be sappll,l a. tonal of Mr. Bakke/mg, foment ea.— cayeed Lou,. Xi V. 7 Oclave6. 6 etegnut nose wood, 7 do, ii do do 01 au, tt do do 1 00 alahogany, d do; 1 du natant, Jo, Iran carrel, lemtataud. & CARD-719 nubnotwer Lao the Oct.. Of 91001.11tIttang to the ertreet. ol that 10 I,u, Wade arettagement• with Mr. Jot., II Mel:J.l, 101 11,0 01.000 P of his omo Lord,, in Pt...,0tg1, bill Neaterlt Yeast, yl•aata, 11141 thou tert.01.,.., to our Chase may be gloated teal their Inteleete v.., De 10.10• tally attended to. J 1:1111 SEO !NO LlJeton, March 01, In uddltion to the abort stook of Ptuuos trout Mr. Ca/altering, a new raptly ~ olltrea lt,in tits li . turlea of Adam 01olazt 8.,01 Hoyt., 0, J Ciureellt r, haw lurk, and liallett,Cunt-teu & Ltosuno, .1 putcvarying tram Ina to We. bond,. doliot 007 ca .5 AltrElL`... fitctV , ho 1.1.5 for lictober,jall feet& pcd and for saw ul 11 111 , 1 0117 7,1 Apollo ba11t10,•,..1t0 Pas plo from ala. um Coss.utry. Me same 01,11 oi Small Lcai. ,'song, ' and Cough Flavored ili•et Tea. 10:.1 sr. used toe Ohl Coast?, can be Bought at :di, so Lad per 11. at Mums 0. ;Weenies Tra Btu:, the Diefoottit,"and no sylierd else to l'utsburci. '• 0E1,24 ulaYirott YArtlii•—lbe best in lliAl•et eau ut £ had agency of Clinton Mids. tr. Wooil 11. sepal t• Ittsll,l 1.1. .D4l t.ll' Oa T. B. •- I he tit, , nau Children; a tale of Cruelly and upon r sad., IS the utle of a now tirade We by .r. tt. Atm.,. It I. L•td t o brat ikiodOetion, tor ar.,c. di fluidics Ll , eriry Depol,Tlalkt Bled, opyoNte the ram Othee, also, the Moak tough{ toot. Joan. by 31upir hiehard.. ton, and Littell's a.teleg Ate Nu Ml' S., CflE.E.SE—dtti Los juts te ' rhitor talc by, A./ fen, J B .111.1 OLD 02oursatn1 nooda. MURPHY t I.II.IIICIIPIKI.D Iteve, leCtiVed a suy ply of geode edepsed for teswystsc," weer, such est Meet Bombes/since, t• Casson Clothe, Coburgo and l'atmultes ; Film 1. blennoe Cimhtneter, eluuse Op Join. Sod Aluostalle MAlps.. erebto., M !, ourning Collar, Woe!, Vuilo, ocfbl ar, Oli . 1J I S=.ar., bunt received end 11 r o t u r . if up up et. JAR& Co afe by oet7 A Agent St Loot. :Ileum roger Refinery 4.1./C—b Ltds.cfa isluslutid Int talc by ow 1 , 1 Ibis F.RSII _ 111EESE-40 tc—siessisne qualm for Hie br ocs7 DICKEY A Co 'ITLISNr.I4W4/14.-7:21s Eric 1.4 ',seed . ; foissulo by • oc4 & WILL-01.4 Ur' Ot I it el eb1.1.4:1124 Wat. , l DATENIWAT 004 41 Id SELLY.IIe elika reeciiidrortale4s t y tt.Ei. ARARIGUati:PiliE....2— s t i iO l bxs for talc LT out R E BELLI:Ittt Vir — RlVEß::loO — ressrs rug and Wel, TT snapping sitaliona, double suedium, crown, and doable crown, a van superior article, on lan d and for te solo by it 47 Nary ALIA it IdISCELLANEITS . • j. H. sizz.Loa. .• Nsl Wood erect bas Jut received a nevirli. aorunent of PIANO MUSIC, among Which ate the following— Molly, do yoo Love me by 8. O. roster. the Red Rue Live Alway,do. wee a Lady, do. Wien, Ned. do. Ovine to Ran all Night, do. do. 8o Night, by Glover. . The Robin, do. aob,Touch therCorilyet ones again. • Sweet Memoirs of Thee :Silver Moon. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. A New Medley Song. • , Thou but Wounded the Spirit Mu Loved Thu. • The ConaeripPs Departure, by Glover. Ile Kind to the Loved One. at Home. his d ome where e'er the Heart is. The Yankee Maid. bow Beek'd Car, by Lover. Do yea ever think or Me. Slumber Geode Lady. Jenn.nie Grey. Cellertus, Welting, Wreath, and Delay Walmes. Batchelor, Maiden, Della Welts, Concert, Ladies' Soisverdr, Cally, Erma, Lily, Aline, Evergreen, Sam olle, AC... and Liary Polka. may 42 TEAS 1 TEAS I I TEAS! VI UTE enter not into the Ilst of puffers, we say nothieg VT about ilundreds of Chests, importers, Large Capital, Bought for Cub, &a. In fart, we will not humbug in any manner or form, we simply invite the public to compare our Teas with what they purchase elsewhere; that is the best method we know to mu. thin woo sells the best and etteepest Teas In Pint. burgh. We are now selling Good and strong Tea at 10 and Seems per lb. A prtmo ——•• • • 73 do do The beet Tea imported into the U. States, 61 Low priced, damaged or Inferior Teas we do not keep. hlOllhlS k.tieworni Proprietors of the Tea Market, le7 Eau side of Diamond. urea. American. EliWihSialoiiWairls. D. Appleton it Co , New York, have In coons of pub neinion, in puts, pries twenty Ave cam. cub, _ A DICTIONARY ittatAinea, /11cdscrasus, Enema Wori,and onartng; designed for Practscal Warhig Men, and those intended for Oa Boer mertng Pnloam norm TO oLirgi STII2II. THIS WORK is orient boo. um, and will conmin TWO stromhno roan, and upwards of su.swer latio runtnatimus. It will pretest working-draw ings and deseripuons of the most limper/Am machines in the United States. Independent of the results of American ingenuity, It will °outran ooloplete praell• eat tresti,es on Ideehneles,hlaehinermEnsino•work, end EntineeHng; with all that is sterol In more am one tholisand oollers worth of folio volumes, map. 'sines, and other books. The greet object of Ode pablicenon is, to place be fore practical men and students such an amount of theoretical and eclentlfie knowledge, In a condensed form, as shall enable them to work to the best advet- Inge, sad to ayold thaw mistakes which they might otherwise commit. The amount of useful niformanon that brought together Is almost beyond precedent In such works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject within as range which I. not treated with such clear ness nod precision, Met e'en a man of the most Ordi nary eapazity capitol fad/ ofunderstanding and thus learning from it laugh stiat It 14 importa rt, nt for him to know. pu h ahem are, in short, detendned, reeardlem .of coot, to make the work as complete Mpouible; and it if hoped esery one duke. to obtain the work will procure it,ae huneed in number.. and thus encourage the enterprise. The work wall be finned in semlamonthly =abate, commencing 1/1 Jemmy, IEISO, and will prognws with peat teguistity. The whole work wall be published In 4D numbers, at ta Tents peunutuber, mad completed within the en,. rent year, IMO. A liberal disco= will be made to agents. Any one.renaltting the poblisbere $lO to &Jenne shall receive the work throogh the pan aurae free o e.Tper.ee. Opinions of Um Pres& "To our fUltderrail Illuttufacturers, Mechanics, En gineers, mod Arlit,nr, efiji ha a mire Of Weel th ."— Providence, (BA%) Johymmr- ° ' • "Yong midniftem foanwlres velars k.wic,ige.— We e.n with confidence recommend oar reader. to pa 66eita thiIIDICITc. of US numb.. as fast as they ap pear "—Atmore/1 Arts.. "We unbertalthisly commend the work to those en saged en or laurelled to mechanical or etieetlfie por urs,as eminently worthy of their exatansulon and study "-Troy, (N. V.4ltudget. "it li rely a great work, and the publisher de serve the thank. of 'lnventors, machinists, and ma. Wearers, and indeed of the puhtle generally."—N. Y. Independent. "Title Dictionary will he highly used to practical otech.im i .d 'saleable to all who wish to acquaint themselves with thejorograss of Macrame et the um chino aris."— claw Na retiferd Daily lvisnry. 'Voting 'reicetrofi to es ought keep meg sip in the re cal as well Its procecol knowledge, sod this wort will allow them loot Low they stand.'—lioibury (rilsar4 Advertiser. "We take it to be jest the wort list scores and han dfed, of our Intelligent mech.les ha-.e desired to po semample no Its desenpuotis, and so foil .4 minute Its So specifications, that a seesu to u that any mechanic. tomtit contract any nimbi). it doecribm, on the turnout of its engravings anal Insatietiorul. ^ —N. V. Cummerciel ALlveryset. "XII inler.t.l it mechoolea ahould eyed them- Selves of at uesmitnEes "—echaylttta , lYeurt-,) Jour nal. ...A work o(extenakee rtaeunal •tifity land great port•nce and vid., w thr r•pidsy toe ram og ratty, interest.n of t vou W• rear.l the wort as eminetly elliftl be illrd to promote he g cause of science • mod the 1111-011,11/01111 art, and to dnmenunat• valuable informs non on ;bean eubjcvls "—Fsrtner and Meehan.. . . ..P:ostical men to all the vowed walla of mach/sot hl and mu:olden( one, trinat:o en:lettering, de, will find to this wore. treason: who'll it will he to their plant to put tess."—Ttoy Daily Whig. °We hove carefully par.ed tbenumtwrs, and bare 'la bee :tattoo In say ota that id is the best work for me home., tradesmen, and scientific m ever publia h . ed. tor it cuntams minute Information On en, every branch at the teedbwitcal arts and se :cocci, elan-sited in a style and an aeon intelliaible to soly reader of °nit n sty c• - true ''—tileticester, (fifes.() Na Ere situ we are doting the mechanics of Nor wich .4 other 'parlsof Orrineensal a sooner by nroisinv the work to Clair' anntitnitt."—Norwich, (Gaon 1 Co•ner. -It Must watt • work as every mechanic ahmlld powass."—Freeman's Journal. We consider it one of the most osehil and important ppublicationv el ata age. No tocelltele ...afford to he without ti."—Newart, (N. J.j Comte e rota( Coarser. 9. (di the rortesa publications having for their ob ject the eta. tultotocc.eto f•ftne Inecdaar cal arts and cab; tbm r. l:Lde is s o foil of tus///i/Pr ••%..:4 It 1 / 1 C and einver.t wog s adewed W tte sr:anat. Lod ptdebenl trlcluP..l and mechanic re( niat•• teusaisfelly creeated. '—‘Visbinnoso Globe t el Inebonary is one of the most enrol wicks evet published tar years, nod ;he low price at struten /S 31111-kik• it .ceptable to Catalina.. • I":• regard it as one of Me mon comprobensrve and ralesnlos aa well ar cheap.' wort• error ponnshur " —lrallonore Adeeruter. ..Carnt to be caeca by every one desiring to keep paeolWl the proereas or art and science in every OGe the labor, of elvtlreeA Itfe,"—Rondout Ginner. is assicord Om the pnaciple of Ure's Drc.ions ry, ocl y that it is more devoted to the mechanical and snyinterms professions, and vb. , e all, r is ealitable areonspiishing for America who: Ure baa done for Engiand i ate. daseribing American machinery and muiss ors., t "—Scientific American. putiliahed In northers, Lan at a price sa mode rate, looking at what contained In each member, that nu oue has the least mortal au sack mitten, need be ' , mice:id fii 3 OS - ;wecriessio and every ooe who dote so, will Gad that he ht. elodarc•A Conn an amount of Inctraction which would Le Obtalead, if at Vll, only hp Ile parches. of tarp 6111121 volonaes."—N. . Canner and Enriatter. -Tte comprrthesssiveness with which the satieets Aiet tres , .-4, saturable pahner in welch they are tllsstrawd, convene to meta this one of the most deaf rah!. wort.."—Lkomeratie Renew. "Phu wort ahovdd bete the hands of ever) mechanic, amran, and manoleetarer, espeetally those who have We least atpoadon. to excel to their respective beat s We have carefully examtnedit, with a view of re.toam t trul t og it to inventon. To there we would say in the WOO, lacy:4:e of Ws Rlbtm 9t te good Italumo re I n 'mors' /owns, • Maw to thel Preihnnors QJ Nelmpspers ikiougiunct. the Una.' State and Canada. If the rerrgOing alifentaczne.llll is Inserted five amen danog the Vc•r, and nha paper eearning II mlito 011, ...01.y of the Vr.frit Will be ten, griatol in paysslern- ILVALLISTACIVB 01INTITE1T. COntaintallg 010 Mnrare 1 1141 . again Mineral. THE following irstanonlal was sisals by the sele. Waled Dr Woocter Reach, the aatharefthe great mad..? work entitled The AVICrItAII Velour. 0. Medicine and Family Having been made acquainted with tho team:beau which coeval'. MeAllister's All-Healing Ointment and having prescribed a- ci tested ti in several cases. my private praetire. I bane .o hesstalron in saying or cerufying that it tee Vegetable Remedy, contaimim no mineral substance whatever, that Its ingredients combined as they are, and used as directed by the Pi ['pomp', are not only harmless, bat of great value, being • truly *cambric Remedy of great power: and I cheerfully recommend it as uomponaci which has doliclatich good, which is adapted to the rare of a great sanity of cue. Though I base neva, eltaer rerommended ar engaged In the sale of secret medi cines, d for the truly bone., conscientious, his. 'Dam- character of the Proprietor of this Oinunent, and the valise of Irma discovery, oblige me to say that mirth regarding it. W. BEACH, D. D." New 1 ork, April TM, IBIS. 11111teit4.—It is one of the best thlnge in the world fur Beni+. PILE.; —Tr./pseuds •reyearly cored by this Chnt ment. It never fans to Ormuz reltef. For TOlllert, Ulcer., and all bind. of dorms, It has no egos! If blotborel and Norte. knew Its valoe cases of ttwollen or Sore Breast, they would always SOO, It. In such cases, if urcd accordots to [Woollens, gives rebel mastery few hours. Around the hoz are dr rcebons for aging McAllister's Ointment roe ncrortrls, Liver Complernt, Strysrpelas, Trztcr, cletbialn, Scald need, Pore Eyes, Qantas., Nue Thrrlar, llronchites, Nerve.. At/keener., Pains, Disease of the Spine, llzaJ Ache, Autumn, Lettuce., Ear Ache, burnt, Corns, ell Diseases of the 551 a, Bozo r.,pa, p i mples, Ac., Serenely of the Limbs, Bores, trltaarnettste, Pilo., Cold Fret, Croup, Bevelled or Bro ken Brent, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, So. From the [Module EaKle. fo There woo 'woe, perhaps, • Medicine brought t toe public, that has so so shoo • time won !tech a repututusa as hien flames All-licaling or World Salve. Almon every . person that has made trial of It speaks warmly its praise. Osie two been cured by It of the moot painuil rlmuntatissn, •outher of the piles, a third of a troublenome pat its the mile, a fourth of swelling in the lonbs, he. If it does not Give lanne• Mote relief,. every cox, It can do no Injury, being applied outwardly. Aa ono.er evidence of the wonderful beading pow• of pots:cased by this salve, we subjoin the following certificate, from a respectable Orison of Maidenereck township, in this cosmos Maideocreck, Berk. co., March MI, 1547. Messrs. Boner Er. em—l desire to inform yen that I was entirely cored of • severe pain intim hack, by the rote of dietilltiner's All4tealing Salve, which 1 pur• chased from you. I snared with it for about no years, and at nutlit was unable to deep. Dining that time I tried various remedies, which Were prescribed for me by physiciansond otherpenume,rrithontrecelying any relief, and at log made trial of this Satre, with a re• colt favorable beyond erpeetanon. lam now court ly free from the pun, end enjoy ot night • peaceful and meet sleep. I have also used the Sawa aloes for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy results. Your friend, JAMES AteALLISTER Jona llo;.ourasen. , Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal Ofice, No 23 North Third foreet,Philadal phis. PRICE Mil CENTS PEP BOX. . . Aaron m Prisammoit;L. B. A. Pahnestock & Co,, corner of Wood end First stat Wm. Jookson, No. 210 Liborty street; L. Wilcox, Jr., comer of attract Street and the Diamond, also comma( Dearth end tinannfield dirrefa,• J. 11. Calmat, comer of Walnut and Pena streets, Fifth Ward; sad sold al Ma Bookstore In Bauthaeld street, 341 door from &mood. 1 4Ayeta . =AII..P.8e=ar h illtVilr e irs East Liberty; /I. Rowland, t id l CKeesfstrt; .i.41 . 10za11e 7 1 & alto, /Monongahela City; N. D. Boort:mut & Co., and jo. T. fro ni Ell i tt ; b j e *h tta a Doa nuk brigt 'llea t ut Ermlth ,Pl4 Qat ht star. rabldeatli 1 TEL , 446/11.. 114.1a,d1a r i nalW riti ta or e Igo AMA: CINEOUS JULES H AUEL'S MED MATED NYMPO SOAP. —The ak in of many "persons is disbauredswth alight araptic ne, as pimpl,s, morpheve,fr.e , and erten this is merely' a disease of the slim,. It is Ia etnety - nine Mee. SAW of every hundred, it 'eery coup re shoved. Jule a /keel's Nymph Soso to expressly adapted to dl teas. of the akin, aw t ems timed,' apart the to rte , pores !winch cover its surface, ekanslng them from import:lca, and-by its balsamic properties healtng and eradicating all eruptions, and rendering the dl urea and roughest skin son,fair, and bleating. Persons who twee been in the habit of tilting ordi nary soap, , w ile he imtoni . ched ,as the hem:gaol efleet; produced by the iiyinph seep, In Imparting a delicate! Lbom,C the neat, face, cabanas :ram chap ping, allaying all irrltetion, and removing all cutane ous eruptions. It possesses anexqaislte perfume, and is entirely devoid 0(01 alkaline properties, rendering it the only article which eon be used Will safety and comfort In the ma,Wcy.• All those whoa I Lice, or necks are disfigured with pimple., blotetes, toe. raorphesv, de, rhauld mate trial of Jules Rs acY, :asp, as theproprieuvr peeltively Oscan :s then, tt,at its u, will sender the most discolored skin wh.te, the rouglicAtskin smooth, and the Most 4A.lenscd skin he aliby, pate, and bloom /Jules flauel's Nymph Soap is the only emelt. which wilt effeetually produce the above effects in so short • time, and the only one which is at the some dine ell powerful and entirely harmless. Prepared only by, JULES HATJEL,-Perietner and Chammt, Oheatnet street, For sale wholesale Nei ret ail b 7 11. A. Fahnestock Co., and R. 11. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sar gent and 1. Mitchell, Allegheny ens, Pa. twig SECOND MAD PIANOS. AGOOD Mahogany Psano Forte, G OCIII second hand— ...... —.nod 00 A hArldsol3. uptight Ptatto, watt Rosewood Furniture, 0 octaves, and in good ceder •• - 100 at A plain st octave Piano ..... —•—•• 95 00 A good 6 octave P1an0.........._.._._; 500 A good 51 octave Piano, with handsome Dina tore - For wale by JOHN II 611ILLOR may 26 ffiatatle night Light. QUYERCEDING the lastiden Float., end being In combustible, thereby economises the oil, and pre vents ignition, heretofore to touch objected to in ell other floats. One table spoonful of the tosumon Drop ell will last Nine Iloors,or any further length of time, aces:Udine to the additional quantity of oil. Received and for sale by JOHN D &JORDAN may 2 7 1.1.210,2 OYISTS.II.B. JUST RECEIVED, et the Piniborn Faintly Gra eery and Tea Woodmen: 5 eases Pooch OyetenLin tin cane; 6 do Pickled do, ' In qt je's; sdo .do do, in pint Co. The above Freak Owe. arts p•rbotled, and pat tip to a highly concentrated eosin, enclose/1m henswileal ly .041.4 calm and will keep uto& ingee than those pat op to the ordinary way. For sale, viboleeale and retail, by Wisl A binCLIIRO & Po, dy2o ides; Liberty et Oren. Am•oleaet hifirelaarelcal Work.. ra APPLETON & PO, New York, have In nurse JJ of nab:Wenn, is parts, swan twenty five cents ends ' , a DICTION A 111 Nluebinee, &les:haulm Er.- gine Work, and Engineering; designed for Practical Working Men, and moor intended loathe Engineering Prufauton. &inn by taint Rinse. This work is of lergn non else, and will contain two thecend pores, and unevenly of six Ointment! Wear& Sans. It will present winking drawings and descrip tions of the moss important machines in the United Kim.. Independent of the requite of American in• gentry, it will contain complete practical treatises on Mechanics, Machinery, Finginc Work, and Engineer ing; with all that le newt in more then one thnuend dollars worth of folio vulunsessenagarinns and•othar book.. Biz smut,. received, anti roe salt by the agent , K HOPKINS, apt& lig Apollo Brulthnes, Poona at NEW STOCK OP PIANOS. _...ergs]t :2 rAt • r -- CHICKERING'S PIANOS John 11.- Mellor, 81 11'aod 81ret1, Plitibargh Sole Arno rn Weccro poonsyloomot. for thoWe o ELIIIATKD Gramd BEUS b Info= hls ofituds 91,1 the musieel public, that he 'b. hw n rost , s, anal VW receive an.l expose for sale, du ri ng , the present innoth.. the largest and moat desirable stock of P.m,. Port. ever offered for .ale in the eicel—amottx the nuesLer will be Items! it full supply of Superbly carved Itosewceet Grand Piano Fortes, with all the recent improvements in ine:hsaisia ant style of exterior. Splendidly carved lloaetaauil seven octave Saprare Slaw Fatten, finished n ibe It-tttal.eiltsa au4 Louts XIV With e ta,aa 0,1 of all Itta 7: . 134> style, of ein no For Y 11,11114 tu rte.. tram 11.275 It,ao and 11101 a, prepared ared by Mr, Cut:Li-tut( Ine the parent I ear, 11b.50 Parchaeen am aaturatl !Its, lie }nett of blr Obya. e may Patna. bane Ita•tu. und mull coattpue 10 00, 11.0 'woe KA at d n m alauulnctuty Illuv.au t .arttlutut ches, tar rranaportaort; and wttl Irlivenetl and eel' ay in peg.ct araet, lu any parr of tic oily, W , loolllrtarge. nub PETIIOI.IgIOO. Olt ItOCIf. 014. .Ttere , ale nuns 4.555,4 an hea‘cn and earth Than etc thrall i,51 pC•JarrrY•" .4 Vrolnil'lLT - I . lpept ir ‘ r aVon n ; fo r 137 711;t en. be. Induced tom to have It pat up in hoilles s l ap Is. bet. and dnennons for tha heat LI of tar ano, - The PS:TROIA:UhI a, !procure r !! !mt.! .5 are, 5 n noway, at a depth at tow 1....1,5J te • pare an, datweated at acre, ' , 0h0., an, r uneui chanse, but Ana Ls (taws tiesal, Gins: 1 , ...1arr Tint ,t contain. prope ',trains a Lulu,' or .... e. , no [onset a matter 61 tweet - taints. altt,te ore many thin . trt the are ana at natal, whach.tl known, rniebt be of east awfalta•ss ot.Ssrtne, and to storing the bloom of hearth ao.t vt,!!! many a nat. Peter. Leans before the prErprwior . though! oI yawns It tp In bottles, it had • reputanon tor the care of 0", ease. The"'natant and dotty 555ere..nne CZ. and ire - wet - at tem./tat., r..ro• hu• r•r-'ornd i• won. tie vs, b., too .•: "tio wish to Le I,aldit w„. not .111.4 tor it aroverul ." di•do•d. •ite tingly say, mat,-.0! f*litorio. • it anttealle.l (WO d ideal. of the um, nes twos. .t. Cill/Wki I tbiJde.liNtr ritiN tin ear, stxp. Mama, and all or t :or p r, I.l}'h: CONWLAINT, DY• 4 l•l'.l'l A Ditti.er.s. I).waxx the 'Pad& r and .1. the Ilads sir Nervous Disc a, N.-orb/nib, bib-moat, Psi,. Got!. F,sisrold, Tots, it,irewor..,. Ilburiso•, 001 i , urr•. ay.. A. 1. r oi re aeldn., Irmo exposure,. ibnr, abd r••os o Macaw, this medicine "so, trine w.ii ei a general TONIC end A I.TFYIA.I II F. in sect, rot imparting tote and corm,' to the (rain, Muir, ebutruetiona, opening. the iMuet ldbetss.....whic Canso &wean and a brokenstite,in, 5.•1i gricz increased and recto:sr.! .11t, Off Lae 71e proprtotor ••I.,Tit PILES. that totieted errry Ott., 0! iroutoient. wr, c_ndr.s . the ow of the PETROLETNI kt a Coen dine proof can be 61uan to Sty ?<moot, raw de.tre, It Notae genline without toe stubuture or she ri , 4,1[101 Sold by the proprietor, 8 IV KIER, Canal there, ore, i.ereetl. •t_ by It lb- SELLI.Tidb, Wood 4r., end Sr earner Wood st and V1001r: tie y, own 5,. aoaLJlr reso.rir eve:obi:x.l Anoot usPuATT.s ATse am SODA Mill Prlce 'Lad tycllti. rpm'. Ml:ll6rltllll,loMarrrat, I,tzt q.ahty and 1.0,1. trlt 1:111•. no.! So.p Male. mod. Ant, tyarvaul, 1.11,/ • ZVI I trtra the la...it ut al., fur rutteney app.ovad Notaa, at font Mo.: 1,4 lot toy IV A 7ti rEinv, tara.t CARPET WAREHOHSE, No . 13, Fourth St re•t. Wfirel.lNTE.Ni ~now ...cant!, reretvota ht. . Mpriog of CARYLET OIL 111.01 . atn, Trilargingor, Sc, coc.prtvng . trt p.r. ae foll. trlng, I a A Extra nov, li Olal Vtivrt Vart,t, F Enall-itt and Ante,. Calm Sarcili.e .4 &wall. Balperft. Ingrain t,arpet., Eztrt Gna MT=I llopcotole Jo do Hog.; I'o trod IN"; ==lMll , cotton " 1-4,1 •nd I T.p Van Car. 1-4,1 and 'Farad Carp. ~ t 4 t wiallec.:4t,loaPrnip:7ll°.•:, Ca.tranon 4.xtra WO:att Counrom do 1”01 Mato, Sheep Skin 1.-4, 7-4, 4-4„ 6.4 4.4 and 1 Ud 4,41 F, 6-4,4-4, 4-I.a ml I 111 • 81 . 1 11:1 18 in. {avant 0,1 Cloth, Or stair, areo i Iti:etra lotto:ea piano covert table itintio,ed ridoe 1 " abia Printed IVllLlifli Ealli/401.1L4 :ALIA Lin. and evinitead " . fllotioik Star In ben; Parley IL d Catnlam Chit it. Uordcringi Knelt. Oil Cloth Talda Covera Crowe L i nen crumb cloths Woolen lime slob Cods Cllflitsicaelit Carpet Ilandingai Jute end Coro Mats; Afloat. and Paeletelt Melt; 1,4 and 4-1 lifrcil Oil Cloth for Illtnild, Iluterback itidper, LI. Sinn OIL Clowfrom the moat apposed foo lish and A l LLTlC lll l mtoulecturers from 12 to 24 feet in width, which Will lit cut to In rooms, balls, arid 'mollales of any olco or shear. - Tha anderstaned haring iiiiponrd direct from Ent land, hue VeWt l'ilc and Tnpetilry CAR Mrs These Carpet., arliiiih err of the latest and tuomt elecant styles atal pattern., at./ of the mostoool.l4 cololll, Will be cold it prices n. low ao they cir r i a purchased for in any of the camera citice, Cullll 71111111.1.111. Blue and Drab Chun.; Uniii.an Nash; Coact 011 (India; Damasks Int Lining.; Wanted Morcitis. •1 .0, But liollend itilWrthsJes; Transparent French trensp. Venettan Blinds; _ n and D t titt . to 4 r &ails Cra T L F. .la"' Scotch Diapers; Brown Lanett Napkin.; Garman Cal Cloth Table Covers; A/0, Having the laryert ari L netthent of the rielleA and mO.l fukbillitabin Ulf tISSELS IMPERIAL TIMM , . PLY and INIIRAIN CARPET:I aluch or ruepaaws In quality and eheopneer of pep, any..ortment ever before brought to tbs. coy. Ile tile,' tiritre Stralliboal M. and Coarh hlaetfortureri to /Ili huge and well selected aworonent and other articles neecarery m It, bugler.. The anderwgned oleo agent for the only Stair lied Manufactory hi Philadelphia, and ti prepared to yell lower than can be purchased CkeTatri. in 11,1+ coy. earth hPfILINTOPK. _ _ . • - Draw• Good.. AA. MASON A CO., 60 Marks t tires', between ~ Third and Fourth, are now reestrss_t a forge MU/MIMIC! illttep De Lllllll, rem. CR111.., no a n. WO new article' Palletntsi Crape De Loins, As; with a large assortment of Lawns and other firers floods, of the totem styles sodium, fashionable Colors ri &per anings. §PILING BELECilUri.—Will be rdeeived, by rani, . cull shipments ? • tow nod chinee imyortment of 1111 Paper, of the meet Fiend, hod liseiern styles, in gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colon. W. I'. A I ARSIIA.L.L, ilate N. C . hill,) tntl3 nn Wood street • _ T tieViC this day asacientieTliwitt, me, in um Whole -1 Salo Grocery, Demons/lon, and Forwarding b ori- Seµ my two Sons, IL N. and W. D. Waterman. The SINS.. in Ware will be condaeled under the style of M.S. Waterman & Sons, at ine old kand, NO. 31 Ma ter Ind a Front Mum. w AMERMAN. Pfttsbresb. Moral. let lima. & co 1850, NOE= 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE Brvor It °r it withooltalc`ATZZ.B. and ul7, - J BIDWELL, Potabor g JAMES COLLINS, do, BIDWELL A-BROTHER, RochecAri A " ° ' mly-S la B 1 50 aelm B!DWELL' • SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. Prom PinstanFlt Carhanhus mu/ Cleveland, throngh-the ne.l6 and pwpa(aw eauntaa of edam dianc e, Carnal, Stork, Tuataratnaa, Cautadan, lifitskingsan, Linking, ctr.d Franklin. . The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal opens op to oar city through this neat unseal central route a Street C oll lonlpleatlOLl to the above as well 11/ the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. From this vection °IOU°, the trade with Pittsburgh has been, to a great extent cutoff, lu consequence of the VA rate. of wansponation, which are POW re duce 10, On and Ott percent. Beata of this tine will leave daily, and run through without transhipment. The Canal company bane bestowed upon this line an interelt in the unprece dented advantages of their charter, and thus secured to the middle unmans of Ohio In ordering their goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND DEAVER LINE, on equal Interest In this advantage. Agents: .1. 0. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BID WELL A. CO., Glasgow. Mill s Ft C Holmes, Spear's co Mills, Ohio,• " & A Cu)) , Willianasport,o4 rrib George Kele, Elkton, O; Carlile & Huffman, do; Ilanna,Grnbans & Co. New Lisbon, 0; Arter & Nicholas, Hanover, 0.; Hibbets & awry, Mi nerva, 0.; Speaker & Porter. do.; Joseph Pool & Co, do 4 Hall & Bath. Oneida Mills, O.; lIV Bever, do.; C numbs! ft Co, klalvem, O.; H K Gray, Wayne.. borg O.; K Reynolds, do ; Isaac Teller, Magnolia 04 E ftarkdalklk Co. Mgnolin,o4 NVoilllarkness, do; J MiParland& Co., Sandyville, 0; P P Leifer, do; Path bangle & Steinbaugh,Rolivar, 0.,• Willard kg Slather, do; J lloirman, Massillon, (1.; Cummins & Co, do; Jam Robinson, tonal Pollan, 0.; Prong & Torrey, Cann' Dover, O.; A Malmo., Borene, O.; I. I: War ner, Newark, 0; Fitch 4 Hale, Coliinib us, 0; L Ma, thews, Cleveland. 0.; It htales & Green, do. ways Vir — a Traamportallon EiEiM lBso .MEilat D. LEECH & CO's LINE, BETWEEN PITISBURG/L PIELADFI,PIIIA, 13ALT1510RE & NEW FORK, • By Pen.nsVoania Carnal and /all Rasd. THE bloats and Cars of this Line have been put in nom pen, order, lied with tho addition of sever. new ones to the Line, enables us to carry a hags quantity of prod ee and goods. 'Nth entire stock of the Line is awned end coniro ed by the Preview.. --atoll TO— HA RlllB & LEECH, No 13 Booth Third at, And •1 the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock at, rid adephia, 1 . ..; TAYLOB BON, No 114 North HowaJOSEPH rd at, Boum & re, itld OFFICE, No 7 Wein or, N Tor ; O LEECH A CU, Cana Basin , un 01, corl3 Pittbaryb, 212E§M 1850, UNION LINE, OR TOR PENN'A AND 01110 OANAIIB. CLARK, PARKS A CO, Rcehe•ter, PA, Propre: JOHN A CAUDHEr, Arc:A, Mice cor Smithfield and Water eta, ...toM.fillx CHAMBERLIN, CRAWWOCD do CO, Arta, Cle to. T I EJT U NAVI n ea L' a n t rriatt " MVl3l= P fill CLEVELAND. to any pord on We Canal and Lutes. The Medina* of the Lino are unsurpassed In numliet, quality and capacity of Boma, experience of carol., andeMeioneof Agents. Dor Boat l a ce , PlLlSbutirb and Cleveland daily, nu m! in connection with a Line of 8111 int Boat. be• Damen EIIiSBURGII and BEAVER; and a Tone of First Claw Steam Boa., I . ..pellets and Venal*, td. Ma Like. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Coke A. co. Rrrehester, a y _ N Parks A Co, Ventb:4l.o44,lu M 0 Taylor Wtgzen.:l - 4 A & N 'esotrtan 0; iDaytan Co, Ravenna, Cv, {lva, Grinnell A Co, Franklt, 11 A Miller, Cuyahoga Falls, Wheeler Lee A. Co, Akron, 0; Chamberlin, Craarlord A thb. Cleveland, th Iluboard A. Co, Sandusky, 0, feekhasu a Scott, Toledo, oh G acifttons A. Co, Deno,h Mich; Witham. A. Co, hllhrsakie, 0 Morley A Dutton, Ilaento, Wm; George A Gibbs, Chicago, IR, Tama. II•le Chicago, 111. JOHA .galGsseiti, Agott, mr?.? cuunth Water and SmithEeld igit=l 1850. IN LAISE ERIE AND MICHIGAN ON THE ERIE lATEssiuN CANAL CLARKE. RAIIIO3 A. Co, Roche..., Proolletors. ' l: ll :ltu Pl : l7 ti r l; ' n ' tflaVg. ' ute ol itart ‘ 67yVre k' n '' .7.l,; . :,7 crab. for the pie sot fe•sc,,: lea have maarmeiteol reegt•Ln Fretaht and Ihibwenert, vehmh they oa fully pteparott to carry to all pont. Ols 105t'.,,( LASES ERIE AND MICHIGAN. At tie lowest 'atm ttue of the Boats Of the Ltric 101 l 4e conataohly at the looting, bolus. Monongahela [ GLOM, nI wove freight JOHN A,. CA UGHRV,Agant, 02tee, nor Woo alit SainhtielJ thustarga. CON , IGNEEn• It W Cunningham. Ne 4 I'., Illarl,:ltme a tio, Puloki, W Malan, Shovn; JAS Hull, Sharpshurel Wiek. Aehre AA's, Greenville, Wm Henry, Ilanstown, Wot Rea - vt, Conneautolla, Job,, licarr. it Co, late, John ./ llollmter Co, Buffalo, ti mr.al — l . ttliborgh Port.i•la as na Liao, 1850.Zikaa Ml= . ITSBer.fill, NE:‘V 1t05113*,&,, ruoataa Lhlaartawx, t o'll,atvis rhilade,nhtn I j C4..r.•11.• it:z now tne prapnetnr. at Ow 11. lohz ,tal.n.hed open, are Si atual at ;Let, t,d ktatuir, verri%to., and Iforwardto; Merchandi‘e and l'rouser as law ur..l ulth thr apt ta4s., arr. of/. and tartly. per ollar thrtt RI Rya, inin.r.nrsaunn, whe re llllCHllledlalt tram hument s• Scalded. the delay. and probabillt, of d 2.1,. ProJece atupped ea•tor west,ani 11,(1 of Led., lorerarJralree ehargerilor ecmmaie a.ooadven.ttg, ne etorxer Ileteing intereq Ar mdirertly in rt. unbolts. that of the cermet, ta rotrly ron•MI when ehipp:ne their Ronda. All eamolooleatieret, the filllOeeloeurpt le a.eaded to: rau THu.N Aq 110 . R13111DGY. No TAnrFF. tt 21 r:.rYNrrR, C 411,1, Penn •ni W9yne crerm C4llesh k North 0, Li Burl Do.e. st, ttooon, W 'C T.l. rn nC. liSouat 0, Neer 5 on, 1•Ine. Wl...e!vrrlght, n.rnar- , 5 - . BINGHAM'S itANSPOKrATION ► 1850.11111144 a Ltittareett Pittsburgh atoulat C 44444 • The ennal being now oven, we are toady to teerive rind far. aid protaNty, pre.lisee sod rneratanniser eau •rl weln da,telNeapn• e'en!, c , kctr , Imes. Produre and mereLtio•dtr• will I.r cercieed •nd warded <no. •114 wolonn •ny nhiiee for tor. wardn, or 4.lva/ern, eounow•ton or otorage. 111 01 foreardnJ, and all dliC(.111 glut's atwedel to Agire•• or •pply ts. W%l lIINGIIAII. • Onnel II•onn, our I..,erty .1 on rnt.erf 111N1:11AAI t DOCIs, Market gt. betweL 11(04th l , 'hniN. J No 101 North Igoe •el el liennonre .I.IS reran No le. We, , reet. Nine Vnrit Notts• to our Patron.. RELIANCIL PoIITAIILE 110 AT LINIE. rot, a,cen,o of Me Active p , rther, v, I'lulndelphu. 111 2 19 Into J.mca M DJ•t.,lpro , ll/..e• In interruploo o to We t•n•lncvs rr.tngenlcul, I. I.cenataJe w Inc tk volven ten ammo trttetc. proeiscly, v;loeh Lave heicrofurn exi.tk,l 11.4 , 1 , u...a 13 COlil,MICd undcr '6O same harm and lirn), Jam t• M IrsvlA 41`e, Philedelphm, 301/Y. S .l . Flive4 a. Ca, l'ilt•Furgh fbn yr...nuance of the patTotta g e of oar mt•y ,retsal• rr.p,co•llo 1000004. If on, pone,, hove Jerraer,J• rvacern, they arc rctioc;at,i to p-01011 Meta f.nthwith, lar p•yotel.l P‘tothirrgh, 4011 10, 'IA JOHN 1111 . 4 DEN, hi•l7 If tkervegthu•Lttter_ =EI Pass•rNar {MY Itemiitan•• oet•.. & 111. eustunue to bring persona thorn any part of Erthland, Ireland Heat/And or NYC Wstra, upon the moat hheral rem., wool, theft athal punctual/1y and anent,. to the /manta and com fort of este/meths. We do not allow our psoneoger. to be robbed by the ./low/Wog scamps that infest the sea. port. a. we tale cluage of theol tho moment they re• port.thent.elve., 11 1 / 1 1i see to theth well helm, and de de- WpatchWrrn wohuut any detest/tun oho brat •Inps e thy liti, feartethly, as we defy nne of our parson. train show thnt they were dethuted to Ithunt by us In I.l•erpmd, whdat thounand• of others • ath ddlastio poOnob., until they Could be /lent in tome •al .Cad, al a oh p rate, which tno Ithquently proved. boor eothno Wr Intend to perform our cut/trams annurably, eost what II may, and not art as was cane lan ugnon, toll, ether Gather,— who either redo:rued not all, or when it thitta their ronverdenee. • • Drafty drawn at l'staburgl. for an 7 tom (row lo Lupo, •pay Ode •t any tlso prorsseial thinks In hi land, England, Scotland •nd Wales. JOSHUA ROBICiSON, ' Earopean old Gano.al agent, faat Fifth 'treas..* door below \ C.,na JQUORS-17 tl pipet. Marta y—OtarJ, llnpuy, 2 pipe. llnlland Gtn, "its N Glint; 10111,1 s Whiihrri bl .•.• U. A. li`alts•atoelz & Co, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, coiner 01 Firm and aYood street. offer for sale, on favorable terms; Ital Ohio 50U lb. rub. Ammonia IM in Alone Lod do Asaalietidit; 300 'do Dye pods; 500 do Credo' artar; 05 do Lampblack; =4OO do Liquoriec 20 do Ven. Bed; 300 do 1104 Moss; ' 8 Jo Cauipboi; 150 do Red Prompltatn 10 do Span. Brown; 100 do Calomel Amer.; 110 du ellow Ochre; 1$ do do Eng.; , 10 do Ilninaions; do Bucher Leaven ci do Cloven 050 do Ithubaib Root.; 3 do Clinm. Plowera, 400 do Partap. do; 11 C.CA RH. Borax; ViG do Gentian do; 25 do Gdatile Snap; 0)01 do Sal Rocheele; (0 do p ro " oto Igoe; WO do Itleittlim Mixtury 10 do C o b.. mog o own; 500 do Pored RhUbarb la do Chrome Greco; 050 Jo do Slip. El ; 5 _do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Ariake Jo Ant Vermilion; 100 do do laq. Rom 60 Teems Bond Paper - , (00 do do laZap; 45 bogs Rielly dame; tto do do ArCayerine; 05 twice Battle Cori.; 200 do thillph. Rine; )500 Ralph. Morphia; NO do Bar Tin; 141011.. Cape Aloe.; 200 do Tamorindr; 1400 do Ili•Chrom Potash; 150 do Quick Silver, UM do Pink Root; ZO do Orange Peel; 1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do GOehtneril; Lai do Cream Tartar, 20 do flyd Voted; 500 do Tartaric Aeldl 60 do More; 100 do Uva Urn' do Granalllo Lotion. febßl•datrimT rani :ass se 1.4 . ru assailed slits for sale by ocoooNitesca a co MEDICAL Sir Janie. listriarsEgnid Magnesia. PREPARED under the Immedice care of the fe 'data's, and established for upwards of thirty Team This elegant preparation de recommended to nil lases of bile, acidities, indige scion, goat, and gravel. es the tonal safe,_easy, and effectual form in which CMagneina may, and indeed the only ono in which It ouglitao be exhibited, poasesaing cal the properties of the Megnesin now in general ace, without belng liable lite it„ to form dangerous coneretions in the bowels, it effectually cures heartburn without Injuring the dents of the stomach, us wile, potato, di d their car- Paint. are moan to do; it prevents did food of in. fanni an soar, Abell Cores it acts as a pleasing aperient. and is peculinrlY ntlapted to females. Sir Humphrey Davy t estae that Die tolation Penns Soluble combinations with uric acid lolls In cacti. of gout and gravel, Derby contacts:tang their inierioul tendency, when other alkali," and even Magnesia d itself, ha fallid. From Sir Philip Crompton, Part., Surgeon General to the Army in Itelandt— 'Dear Sir—There can be AO doubt He! Mnaneria m_.headminletercd'acare safely In the fo rm of anon eel Piled solution thin in substance; (or this, and moby other reason., I am of opinion that the Fluid Magnesia Is a very valuable addition to our Mewl. Meditb. PHILIP CRAMPTON!' Sir Same. Clothe, Air A. Cooper Dr !bight, and IdegeraGnairie and Herbert Mayo, lir London strong y recommend Aberdare Plaid Magnesia, as tieing In finitely more sate and cor.vettient than the' solid, and free front the danger attending the constant use of soda or emus. For sale by the importer'. and proprietor's agents, Ii A FAIINESTOCK A CO Omni Wood& Frani sta. GREAT IMPORTANT eIIEMICAL DISCOVER! CHEMICAL COSIHINATION From • the Ircgdahk :Maga On, to repel Disearr-s Dr. Clursett's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. Corn consumption, scrofula, erpipelua, rheumatiam, gout . ,river complaints, flaunt affections, ulcers, V panto, drnroy, asthma, later," seamy, affecoona 01 the bladder and kidneys, mercurial diseases, cor rupt humor, rush of blood on the l rid, foyer and ogre, female complaint", general debility, dyer ep. eta, /one of appetite, headache, cold., cresivones-, gravel, night n'eats, cholla, organic affection., palpitation of the bean, biles, puma in the aide, ca.!, back, On. Il is infallthle in all: diteaxes ati•tng (tam an Im pans mate of the blood, or megulor oeunn of the rya tern. In the Ventithie Kingdom, en Alt win Being ha , depositedp plants and herbs confettiul to our rem., lions, and adapted to he cure of din..., and to the rtable tin/dour does oho reasoner moo, es melt e the trainer of gni als, turn Or antidotes to pain. The Synto to 31 seieldthe compound of the most sal sable plants In nature, entire!) free from delelerion and enervating mineral substances, and as it expel, disease rum the system, imparts vigor and atrengthik aeorresponding,degree. CERTIFICATESI. An extraordinary case of Scrofula, Erysipelas and U eery, cured: by the sole u•s of Dr. Guy sort'. Com' pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Ss Disparilte llrlLialt, Da. Gessorr—Dlri I tender oal y s i ncere damnkitS fer the greet benefit I have donned from the um el your valuable Syrup. I ban Leer, troubled very bad wit scrofuloun tore, which mode Its appearanee . m Chin. did nof pay alkali ellennall to la lint, sup posing it to be no th ing but an eruouou that appear on perso.i'y r Ritually berstion Merman, until spread to ths iselt part of the bend. I spoiled le phySiCiell, who ellendrd lac ell to esi purpose. I had tried every thing that could he Died. I saw your Syr up of Yellow Inad Sarsaparilla s anti • oneluded to °sett an for I anew that Yellow Dock was one ul the moat valuable nrucles In the world tkir the blood. I bought your Syrup. and from use use of on bottle, to Mild SO2 a octal change le fey system. I continue d Ilee a Iliad I wan well man. I Row feel Inc pow ..ernaai my blood in perfeettr rleansed and fres (roar all impu niter. There to rant a oueliaele Let the your nearly discovered compound Is far superior t any cana ce parilla syrup ever sold. This rtlf.cele IS at your ...posal to publish if you like, and arty 0110100 may rot. to me I shall be hape py to giy• them all lbelilloralatioa I eau about my eau, a.O. I Maisie your obedient servant, tutattc G. Juattat.ttl, 113 111cr1et do e. t. The bell female medicine known. The tatract of Yellow flocs and Sarsaparilla . n positive, speedy, end permanent pure for all rumple.. thetdmit to ata WA, ellefallee proper,' render it peculierly t on to the slender and delicate co:mantel:on of (cattle. It unrivalled in at. adonis upon ouch dr•ert.en ne Incipient conoutnpihoih barrenness, /el, Confront, or whirr., ii regular rue kk ~ outdo, Islam. nettec ol Cara, end Sept prontrahon of the syetent: Irate cd.r.cly eaanieruc. that datretring ( win eras and Lataitudo mar ....nod to the (cwt. frame, and na1... , energy ad Ibuoyeney lAA furl:ll.g Cc they are grateful. ene• evidence on le 101. /I klldlleas .in sthingly to recommend %hr . . L.e.zsedie la married poopb ratio hare riot been Latrutad wan of .pring. Pi01..11108 U[lll, or icf:K of Um Womt, of at. year.' a...J.11g, rem.: by 1), Citric:of Y.leer Dock and teace:tparllle, after [eery other known' woad c bed beet, toed without rel:ef. ,Yarn ''n, tibia, Feb., 1540 Theo that my soil-, eked V: yeas, Las been salter., under the Wove complator for Sr. T , -,s—neorly CI or War time confined to bee bed base for lour yen re eonetuntly employedit,o Meli cal talent mat could be oft:teed vertical of Ilte rounify, ' , lthaca ~:y 4.att,cr. I bane 11.110 porch:l,d every ir.,tr...eacrit recommended for th• cure breach di ..k., all of whlch proved worWlree. In tha wrote of 1,1,, I !MA ,lured by ot7 irtende 117 Guyentt, Fe!lour D” en ck dby , which wee wed for four rnonWs. After ehr oad uecd o oho.ut law w , cks. II woe evolver to all op.: *Ol way impiovlng, and from tlo. :we the tltp,p,cdrer. •rwd wined !kW and rtici,lL, tbe d.e<we ewe cdthely fel:weed, mod erporrop. :nem elect:cm hoeltk. i 1 pL 't U!vrl.iii We beteg nelghl:p.:a of Wid an7l Julia lloproct knoW Ili. I, 6ionve tuo.4 To :be 511, and a. to tee re wee 1-y I:c7eott . e Yellow Dock and Oareanarille to be ettiet;l JANE EhDY, SAILIII e1)W.£7.9. ()rest Caro of Cqz,,....pct010. 1144. , A,13..5uary n. Intr. Mr Ilcnnetf— , argrelir Ttor great benefit water, I tar• r,r.: your Ertruct of Yellow lacol , &of Saf...aorola. macre. me, az an ext of jus:tre, to nuke tf.c Mitorrw.g .tar-meat: • . .ltter watling for two yew, from rentrai what trrimnated cor:ltimpt o .at pre, up rq. ury fr.codt .11,1 pttp.cians t.ey00..1 a:.l of at.. , 1.t•1ne.. to a la.‘t sewn, I wa. it.duer..l to try yeo, •nd having lute,t tut - two Nati.., ac• ditr•mona, I. am entirely o' - ‘.ll. rely tr• re , ..olrat , ml yo4r Ir theoti!.t.teti wl.O Oca:,.. a powctivil, flit A r. 11 1,t..1 lofty ,our W A ITC iroutne unto.. pal up in large...4.re t 0•,.. r.i.tt tong. and the ansno of ,he VI ice eat., wan the m rigt.sture of ti F. Len. Let: on out•.dc wrarper en Pri, hi pt., six Lot: let for It ty aold LI i D , cornet of Fourth nod Wnl not errnnr , lth , n • l:rnrrniAcrni far aa , c..tt in whom all orders daft be ondtcon. Curter a Ilro Ere, 0' P Judson d co, Wurr foril; Olin h. Clrlllolll, ,Sliff u,re T Aloormse Hiram Mrs, ou . ando, Itol,, r, Roy, 0. Is horui L.. Rotlcrt,-k, C , Clc.,thurs;' L. it d rox Jr. Ibis hurrhenraer of qurtei street •ntl arilld,turlr ELLER' , FANIiLY MEDICINF.O.- Flat ate rht 0 mean:lima of th., dtk) I.rsr.u.sn Oration, Ohio, R F !sellers—l Clint a rIV,I.IOr. the bent.ht, , , other., 0 - `‘,.lte *or,. tn. 'a relation to your f, Fa ..41.51,•44 I hay+. u•rd your V, no Wire largely to toy own Ibvt.li PLC firqueroily ern•Illog 'rage qPitli//1, t , 51 lon to ,ist w.,ren•l irota Iwo ebtldrrn I haNe. 1.1•. n ur.rd ya4r I.lc, 1.111. and Clough Syrnp in nry tatn,ly. and th, eNery Inatance. prodated the edret. A• nixt g...ed rin. I •txte, 1081 111.,. ; ,et 41.1.t.xf,-; cl,•ndl• ears x fa,:urenl.le where an.4tem, hat., been xa , c,l In no] 0 1 counto. In enirrlc.on, I hate that they are lnr m,d“.”.e, 0re161,1 1 e drytioel.l to 1131 C •• very exten•cyn 1.00.1•11, 10.1, /1-IpeClittlil, H l'repnreJ .01.1 ho It. F. SKLI.ERS, WiNl illret, •n.I Iv, 1,1 generals) to the eine. mid vteenny sew, I tug, ate res 111e.heine. of the On; " S4/11,1.4. Ohto, May 00, 1.-IC. , It E.:idlers. 'I think tl rarta for the benefit or omen. Iu state .ore far, in 10,10011 W VC or excellent Faul ty 111c.1.10.n5. I y. .r Vcrmllear I , vrgety IP my own loare• Y. one vtne fre.srntly tett.. , vereetir fat erpellinii ye Ibay.l ?WI worm. from two child's. have al.n o f d-Liver Pill. and Poach Syrup e he n my nit lamer%ely, andedJ - they Lava every attialt,c pro.luced d As ?sea .nKsre.l in..,nandeeeng, able to State that I Pave let t.e hear t.: flee first feure whore your em.dee,etes Lave been tx.ed en my ree,etun at the country. In canilte•tent, I way Mute that they ore rho methreeec of the day. and to devalued Re ha, a tory ...tense, popularity. l'uLr., rea,or t . It. PINIIILL. Prepared and .01.1 hy IL 1 . I 1 . .112 , , No An Wood lites te end by Druyge. e y in the two ci ti end vicinity. T11)51 INEA't LI% ER COM PLA IN r, Ly I. ‘„T Otis - Intl, only tsar, .vJ gcneine Levet Pill. Suour Lusa, Ohio canna,. Va March 'lath, 1 , 4 . a alr R Mar Ser—l think at a duty I owe to you end to Sinpublic roam ly, to same Mao I hate Loon uttactr-O with 1.100 Litter Complaint for e lone topc, and so badly Mot sit abdeas Ilarracal rout tarot., which in Yeti low state. littV:ll.; beard ol paai -- m - lebraird lour Pills bciag far oak by A It Sharp, to West Liberty, mad mcomacciada I wine by my ph yeiciati, L , r. K. Smith, I concluded to yr n.. to s tried. I purchased one box, said (0111,1 thr tO ft what dal are otememlyd, SKS I' LI VER PILL EVER US E D ; ltd alter taking foui bract I foil the diacase tom entirely left ine, anal I am now partbctly. Wall. Respectfully your. I , II CoLEMAN W eat Liberty, Itlarch I an,cerify thet I am personally ars:minim] wtltt Nil oleen S ,crlificate A II AIIARI . Th, hawn • r tin ow Liver Pills are prepared and told by RF. i MAILS, No Sy Wood ~reel, anal by druggreta In LOG tsott cotes. To rite I'UBLIC.—The oriptrutt, only true and gen. me layer rills •re ptepared by It 14 S , llers, and Lore nutus stamped tn black nnn up. tba Int of ench and Ms stenature an the eutstdc wrapper—all 'titers ate counterfetts, or base Inunations. apt: , II 14 SELLER:4, Proputtor ATCHEIAII.-CIII..APLA I'UA 1.4 Eli V V Just.ree l / 4 1,•11111vol:e r.r Inil ,twelled rer NValthes, IS can." Or cote,veaich I ran veil all low An 1111117 •tuul‘turty fire dcaUxis,•ud u , artntell In lio— Seep good um, AA oplrndid I..Orltlltht of JI:Wr.L.LtV, com. p ma j c: , t v i , li I r e , um TAILOH.Si GOODS, AT CO•nr. - 10 - ERAEY, FLEMING a . Cu, having arranged to 11give their enure rittentidn to the aalc or dolnetruc Wboren and Cotton Goode, non oiler their large stock of Tailors' Trirnentine, Veining. French 'and German Cloths, Doeskins, ea . ..worn., a!e. RI firm nos. lIERAEY, FLEEING a. CU 1211 ~Wood at JJme'd, an elegant plant Ithaerrood G ort. Pion CST from the. celebrated manufactory or N. 112 Clark, N. T.,nrf mperior tune, and eery moderate prim Far We by 11. Kl.El.lll.dein , on W. Wombwell. WILLIA AN' I VORY PEARL TOOTII POWDER. for removing Tamar, Scum, ail substances destramiae to the Teeth. It O delicious to the taste,elcasslng the mouth, healing and ore/orlon. mg the guadh and Foraying the breath. For mile, wLolcsale and retail, by de.° R FI SEI.I,KRS, 07 Wood at Winos, Gam, Ate. - 50 hr o llli r e n s . Coplacl3 o randy, vanne e e „ volaree, pires Holland Gin; 2 foleeheora Jamiden Spiro.; 2 flolleheens Old I; ish Who key; 20yr rank, Marlene Wine, 20 de Oporto do; 1.4) Ude IlleorGeadx Clarel4 10 Ipel Sperdeh EEO AVlne; GO b 2, Garde. Claret,: 10 Lie Mescal Wine; 6 Ede French White Wine V10.200,1' Rec'd male 07 MILLER & RICRETEONA 44710 221 VEJ Libusty P. Wr. GATES , , PATENT DIES FOIL, CUTTING SCRiWS. PATILIETID 11LY d, 1547 THESE DIES batman been itdopted and highly approved in ell the prineiml shop. in New York and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufacturers, nitichinists, ship struthi,,.W., with the utmost cortj Gdertee, as the Most perfect artielc in use or netting acmes. Their superiority over no other Dies heretofore ttsed, consisis in their cutting a rags - eV? Scenw, whether V or wens threzd, by osrapassing over the iron to be out, which require no .rrreAgarig or in t precious preyurntion, as the dies cut the thkead out of the solid iron, without mising it in the /east; heir greater durabilkte, rapidity, and perfection of work; and in their siinplieity and little liability to get out of order. • C•rtllleatas. Ptuiuolterou, Aug. 17,1845. This is to certify that we have purchased from P. W. (sates th• right of aUng Us palest ars for rut ting halts. In our opinion,lia rhea ars tooth Alpo riot to any others we ars •equaotted with tor Ile parposo of rutting bolts. J P MORRIS ParLeDirterne, A. 21, I. Having P W Gates' Palter Die. in use its oar establisliment for the lent nine months, for • cutting t.olt/4. :we can it every respect recommend them in the highest terror, as we barn lald all others away, thcy being so far superior—considering them 73. par cont. cheaper than any others new in air. j• ' RANEY, NEAF/E Ie CO,t Peon Works, Pa. Th t. I. to certify that In have purchased tae nes to die, and adopted in cur bounty t P W Gates , Pa. tent Screw Cutter, which we highly approve of. We can do much more work, and we believe It will km , pan in durability end precision, as ir.itc4 as economy or labor, any dies known to us MORRIS, PARKER R}ISORRIS. Petanatrata, oth usinth,leth day, IBId. i New Vont, Aug. 19,1949. Having adopted P. W. Gniet , •tltaienilnes" for cut. Link bolt:, we tat pleural,* in raying, that it more than naterera nor xpcctatiors, end have no beetle :ion in erring it as our opinion, that It rite excels rink other pion in preedet sue for eutneg hon.. BIG=I We have I' W. Ostgs"•Yittent Die." far eullinc 1,1,11111, tad one gamma,. of using thew It to Very considerable, that we loot upon, :Lem no indospenen• Lie In every ezint,liolgient Laving any quantity of .crews (a ant. eill= Oarattlea Orr cu, WiIFINOTON: 6thlv 43. I have purettared at W. IL ilearille. for 11,u tirlited Stale., Ito right to are is all We arrenala and atm, MISCELLANEOUS, atr Janime 11 1 Immure WMId Itlatigaielillte PItECAIIIELunder the immediate en re OS the M• venter, and establiihed tor upward. Of thirty Sean Ly the profession. for removing Elite, Acidities, .d Indigestion, - eetoring Appetite, preservin a moderate title oft e bowels, and WA:solving arm acid in I.ravel 011,1 Coe ; also, es an easy malady for lel lictoesecleml for Me febrile etre.on iocideutw child. hood l is invaluable. On the value of Magnesia as a remedial agent it Ili unimeesoirrto enlarge; bui the Fluid Prep... sir James Murray is now the roost valued by Mg profreuen , sa at county rapids the possibility of these dengerousconcretione ormuily resulting Coin 11.0 mie'ef the ankle in powder. I For solely the liiiporter's end Proprietor'. nicer Lf A FAICIESTOCK Cr) _moll Cor. Wood A Front rio. T r Lt A t2,— ... 51 ,0 1 li o u n r i e.:llrei l li ii lb o irg s e us lump; , 2111,r% Caluncur. e`e lamp; ;:d bob S. Mime' 1 lb lump: qr ex. do t lorry; for vale ti •epll MILLER& ILICSIMir e STOCIaON has receired for sal*, vol. th AA,. of Gibbon'. literary of the Decline and Fait of S the olemn Empire. LA" and Lettere of Thomas Campbell, in 2 y,ls. &rued by W 11. SM, AI 11, Element:try Se etches of Moral Fhsloeophy. By the late Rev. Sidney Sillit.ll, Al. A. Lecture.. the Am. tear Eclectic System of Ser. gory. Ily tlenrumin ,N. If 'Turbot an Vernon; a t Novel. The Shoulder Knot, a4elt of tie seventeenth cen- 'I be Scarlet Leitm„ a romance. By Nathaniel I lawihornc. such L!FE h. 1.11 , TTE11.2 F'O OSCAPIPBELLo Edited L 1,1; William Mama, AL D., one of hi. uccutoca. 2 volt 1 . 1100 cloth. Hallway Iltonothy: a treatne on erthe new art. Of transport, innuageinent, prosp., and relations, and •oetal, with an eipOwnen Of the prnit.cal roam. of the railway. In operation in the United Ktuadoution the Continent, and in America. thonysit. Larddet, 11.0 L ,&e. 1 •oL 1.1,15 cloth The Post, Prreent„ and Future of the Republic triths- Intrd from the French of A. Do Luna:Hue ' [minor of lintuudisui.n "Metnot. of thy You th," ulia phael,” Or. I rut litnie clod,. ..•• • • • . Mete toward ReSorrell In beet..., Addreeses yid other V.' dung., by Horace Greeley. 1 vul leeno de. I'be Ilsetory of we Cora...tonal. Hy Jain llenly I tepee., lb 11, Beshop of the Diocere Of VCIMOOI. I Wii ithltO ..40111. 'Ate Ci.t.y um of Comb, the author of Iloche in.,- (Elliott Warburton, Fro, 2 vols Moo. cornutr; wlrcteh of a Names! desertption of the linlverre. Ity Mei Von Humboldt, tranalaUd fru. the Forman l ( , on,. n vole 12m0 cloth 441 , bonss. Declineand Fall of the Itorunn Empire, 09th roger by 11. !Ullman. It. rper7r cheap edition. Nor,. r hub. co:opiate e vol. at per vol; 4 volt 'etc avcd tole up tr , Anollo Itruldihvv, Fourth ht. ave j j NIOURN thee t Piu saduese. Whep other crienia I monad thee Conaertpita departa,a and letUeet. name Laulle,_Aiv. m11.40/400 Inert: Law backed rue. Ile ttoeth 'all titta;aell. Netty was a lativ per moon. tiratge at Wathiaglon. Thou 1,1161 wountleti tee rzyro Ilaultd Setter Bar lie klatheo loved at •1 hot.. Cheer up ray a n B•enneth Oh, Ltut,el Spri,re Plower%Vallee. 1 - 2hn Irtetrettete htalutettatt Lterzty litcret Parks . Jenry Li,al Polka. Linda Quieketel. )larch irate Norma . M=ll=== J Ft /di- Lt-Oft,: t=l Woo.l • 51taW J. ii. PIELLOR, 81 Wood cows, faak renerred the fullteromg Nero JX • thrit: 11, yay can lint yea ey the truziVa holy light; dedi rated to Rev. C Cook. Ctli, think t less 1 lode thee. Dianne Alpe-I,IIOTC Lica. Wbe no u other Idenal around thee. The ea beneath the hill,. Wen then hat no. Annie Lalifle—Scrrteh ballad. The Robtn —.setisla by Ellya rota, tawny- ly Ptephen Glo•ek. Thou ha-it . - inonded the iipint that !hoed awe- zie Grave of TV ashlng bin The li - t-dt blothedp Ladiackt. (lid Seaton-8a.... De do.-in ail Minya wclB— Widen: 11a, hten - The cottage nine mailer— Iluteliiinsono. Loa backed ear—Lover Etrus Walitrk—complete. 'the Ideate ItelL The Modal or Wedding Polka. Jenny Ltad'e American Polka. Lila) Polka. Farrel Amerteen Pt - aka. Tip Top And-neon Polka. l.a Belle Baltimore. Poll. Jenny Lid Polka. The Orlinua Sluttish Pentad— Julien Salutation Polka. Vim Polka. Joxephine Polka. at Polka. dteilingol Polka- The.Pyo- yhet Quadtdlee•—kleyerbeer. Jemy Lind Qoadrillm rue IVtentla and Itchy Walt/ea—Sl:a EntraL The it,.,,. Drover lloy—eartatio, by Czerny. Monankeld. Sound. from Bowe. WteekeyB; Daushtpr, 4alek step. Lonshatile March and tlitick•tep. I\otd Up, Quic step at rase !nerd' Planta foe Salo at (Artie* 004 O•rtian• 1313e11 - 3 Prom W nove)'s See:Holm and Vletortat Thew ore tho intetot and sten llaeored at:lnnen all the dttltrent vonettee now grown. Order.. ao.treser.l to the prep km:, West :11nnebct tor, *lO rem. Noma! ratcotton 1 aueli II ECKlritill 411.11ai HAS become an esubliabed and al moot toltspena aide ret parue to ever, 'l,ll pl.:1 1 ,11kt/ family, fro it. able whglr.orne end catmis for tteA •s a food tor the healthy as w ell as a diet for inc oat,ds, thld alto for the aushliance of growing children and Intents. Wombs tooth! er choking and preparing it are glory or the w:ypper. Though wril known to the east, it hal never been tooducc4 to coy extcht Pittsburg.. The sal:wenn ars bane, ;therdore, made arrangements to be gon , 'thong wt.h it. aid oder 11 to rddail .I<sie•s .1! Is.lirs all more favotable terma thin it ban en., hrs.', thlld at au Pittsburgh WM A Me.CLURG lc CD aupll 71.1 Liberty API% is .14ttalf.n. r AM now ptcherdd hi , 141,301 A pple Trees, (rare the 11,11 bos. Nut.ery ol Jaroh prown. Thd :rens will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh (Or Stl per hundred 'Persona wishing good tinny trees mould inane their orders -.on at the Drag, Seed, and Per turnery W abowie, coiner of Wotul and Sixth sta. noll S N WICIZEKSIIAM= _ H•s• i]oittlo t Oi •I.v. tiooda I hoe lust reeetved a fine lot or ternea Inetturdentt 01 the Lest munufactute, releeted by totntf vent once, lot this market, even as Valve lb..bone-, Sne, Horne. ItoF,us, CO met. Tub.; e.ta, u Sap ..etertlon 'ot filtune Bozo., 'lapel AO cud thtea tonne, rintinae, Acelardeone,ho. lto, 9t hero. Getman and Italian lttitl a, and germ , Nenpolium EStrtne., four len. t the, splendid attio, SIGN 01 Tun GOLDEN HARP, IN'TYAVIIMI,4IE2R4= ANp 4 ,._ A &overman remedY for chrome rheimaatie offeettous ; wesknest and lamer:mg of moat parts ad the lady ; sea Ms. burin, sores, of most kinds, ma. &gallium A 150.., Louise., cafus, and feluns when first coming. Also. Mc most cony-mom. and We seeking salve lot tom:Athena.; platters and drafts on the feet. For sale by • S N WICKERSHAM augat Co,. Siath tr. Wood eta _ Folitar`• PI•x• 'Ethiopian Dll•lodita.-- f WINE to Ron all Night; Doily Day; 1.21 Dolcy Jones; Go down to tio Cotton Field; Nally was a Lad), lac. ALSO: Ile kind to the Loved One. at Ham.; ' Row thy boat lightly; True Lore, by T. Ilea; Our way or ros• tlio sea, due.; A new medley sung, by IL ll,eit; Jenny (tray, niume by Muller; JOyv that wore marine;;g Mardi Wa; God bless Mc hardy r; Schuylkill lla; 4 Cower:pits Departure, by W. C. Glover; Sounds from ilonir; Waltzes, Stet - amortise& Cal Rose of Slimmer, may variations by Ile. Coiled States P01k,,; Ladies , Souvenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille - Loutsvtlie quadrille; &maim: of Italy; Dimas, Teioa, A.e. A large assortment of Now Manic on hand. to labia additions lee Wade Weekly. For sole by fob J. 11. MELLOR. 61 Wood st. tnntatip 0 Landlord Itlstoryt 'LIMES 1110 rc*.r OF ENGLAND 10 nnermuto _ILL belling by Harpur re Broh, in 0 vole. Moth and paper, of la e'enu pet vol. 'lbree mill ...trod, and tor sale by R HOPKINS, apl7 70 Apollo Itutldtnes. Fourth at . / IObVPI. ":=Ni tol,.Prouto am and Jar., _reortcus---lo taatuouJd, dipped, and lrenn; . elliltit --IWO. Cretut end English Dairy; Cott.—:'n dor Hemp and Alaaills; . . CASOI.B.—N MOM; . Cbovort•—t banes; . CIOA.Lii—SO :11 Common and belf SpanlahL . Frutt—us bthand nal( brie el av k e reliand naltaan; G1....102--41, bx. nrmrted parr.; II•us-17(10 Prime Yeoman; " ItMO eager Cored; loomo—lau lb. 0 F stud Jlauillt; 1.-16 dor 1141116011 S Illark allii COpYillE &lOU,. —23 bole N Orleanu; kr 'll bat( brls Sugar Honer; Munatm—l'll do: Banned eanbittra; IllAveoton-501bs Italian; ... Vonstuum.l-00 lba do Nana-OMI begs assorted; lhotr.t.--0 do: ran att.-tab . , Fuel/as-3U bushels helves; ' Feral —OO reams taloned; Flt.Lt.-Ib./lot/emu; •. soor—Jlo bz.oo l Rosin and Can Steel; nuort a-10 bhda N Odeon. and Ciudad; ' Trams packages Green and Black; TOBACCO -20 bte IP, a, fell lb semi; WA BOAIO3-51) do: parent Sint; For sale by ' J D WILLIAMS to CO mrlo Corner of Fifth and Wood at., tesol RE ED HOUSE, ileao 11E13'11 & &AMBER. Pr oprletor:o Nate . ..Squater Erie, Fa. GENERAL STAGE OFEICE—Gmem, Waster., and :Sotithavn Pdaytes, leave this house daily. Car. Imes to and from Stefan and Packet Dolts, Well. 14. W. Idarrn,late of the American Hotel, ate, Pa. G. W. Deem, ilia of the Leaman Hotel, Ohio. aptd:dthe ries under the supervision of Ulu Departure.; P. W. trateu'"Psleril life." for cutting yew...son areta , , they having been tried in two or the lento enc.'s, and found to be very erfielent and eneelleet. TALCOTT, troliOnriuntoro. 'Duman or Taxes aiso Mixes, i.Vo, 10 B. Conridf ring Gates' 1mp.,,.t for eat. arrows r w cae ciesl have, by authority of the Honorableh're/ctury °faith Navy, porehaned of the futoiheys of the Patentee, Wea. Scoville, d ifmnuel Mower, t a 4, thy rialst to soaks lad Use said improVeraent for the U. 13. Navy. JatiEPII SMITH, Chief oilDoreaa. In tow abo by Dural° Warty Buffsio; Rea. & &Oriel, Rochester; Hamlett & Co, Gloucester, N. V, Haywood k Solder, Schuylkill Caontii Illrbeek, New ork; flora Deitunater,“Pisehie," - N, V; ILK. Donlians k Co, New York; Ilenutesd k. Co, Montanans 'Winks. BO; Van Caren, Rochester; Motto yres:,New York, &Haar Works', do; Pew & Murphy, do; West Point roandry, Norris k Lire, Pluladolp h in; k Jenks, Ltreedeithorah, Pa; IVaiworth Nason, Boston and New York, Lowell Machine Shop, Lowe kmeorkewr Co, Mancheater. N It; Lyman k Soother, South Huston. end numer.• others. . . o 'lndochina, ID sersiddes & taps Cr i to 2 in. pd. l!300 o 0 do 6 seta; do Ito II price 60'...6 'o3 do 6 ' do to 1 , c Al orders addressed to Gates & 3 nlt V.": noFb.cs.2 g :- o t. .. 8. l flatiron, Ness Tort, E. I) NI !shall tc Pta,. elohoi, mid 11. IL tteoville & Sons, thnerito, tor Dios nd Taps, with or 'without tosolonea (or oaths diem, ill meet With prompt etter.tion Oinctoo, Map 3, teat/. MISCELLANEOUS ic.atuvA.L. — pALMEROPiNINA lit CO. hare removed thou Exchoodo Offices to nort4 Wort otilnet of Wood wid Third worm %OT/CE, THE Penner/lop, heretofore aroma? between the robecritters. under the lino of Iluthridne, ic Co., was all. day Ott-pined by mutualcoureitt. The bwoneeti of the bon will he *fouled Ly J. W. Lb, bridge, or Wru, Wilton, Jr either on reboot tumor tud to thee the Barllo of the lent in Ito intim:on J. W. IJURBKIDtrE, WM. %%11.S1:sr. Jr.. LYON, SNORES& Co. Pittoburgh. July'l,llso.-17,4 A.S. W. GarbridgelO Boa F. Inches= blilo llos day associated theamelveri under dos htm Bur ridge Jr. taglirato, to transact a Wholesale Grocery ad General Comtrustiou Business, to tie house lately euuted by flu roridge, Wilson .4. Co, 110 Water •h Pstrahurgb, July 1, IGLU.—GI roust tie Lrm of ro°,The" p on" lota of transacting the Wholetale Grocery mud Co u nt ' . polesion Basioest, at No t% Wood street. WM. WIL9uN, Jr. Pittsburg b. I, 1.9...17.1 FRANK. WILSON 110R/Litl ' ' ' RECTIFFING DISTrLLERS, and Tea and Wine Merchants, PAM side oldie Diamond, Pittsburg t,, are now offering id the very renew prices loth cash, Rectified Whiskey Din and Ihiniesue Brandy; Mao, French Brandy, dolland Gin, Jimmie& Spirits, Lon don tire, Dish Whiskey, Rain, are. rori,Sliarry, a• Limns, Chaintigne, Claret, Malaga, Tem, reidc and Lisbon Wines Wholeanie& Retail. men paiNTING Pro•rit—Alwaye on hood or made to order, the •ariatre olden of Pruning Paper, Rag W.PPIeR rapt Nebo:en bledi In, and Do bto Crown %Idea Straw Wrappallg Paper; Crown, Aledtan, and Double Crown Post Odle e Paper Pa... Len g, he A 1' IiSDA 65 Wood t, Agent for Clinton Mill, OhIAN IN AblEltlCA—lldr work and hi, re• rif ward. By Mani .1 Mclntosh, nothor of "Charms Counterehorms," germ and to bed , 1 vol tenth Latter Day Pamphlet., No I:—The present unto. By Thant. Carlysle. Enaunres.—bleravirs of Idle and Writings of Thas. Chalmers, D D., L. L. D. Prelectlons ou Dunces Analogy, Pnley's Evidences of Chnsuaniry, and Ifill`a Lecture on Dismay, with two Introductory Lectures and four Addresses delivered in the New College, Edinburgh, by Thum. Chalmers,., D. D 1.. L. D. 1 col Prone, Ca carr—Llte ofJohn Calvin, coinpiied from aortae. tor sources, and particularly from. his correspondences. my Thomas II flyer, wish porrrair. I Voll2mo. For sole by ' ft HOPKINS, 79 Apollo Buildings, Fauna sr. Corieb•l Comber 10 do do very 20 %ROBS topr r Bodin: •sd Bedding " super Beisli.h ' llrirn Bet3lll " FOCLI, Ceict,r: iStre b .Ncond " luau eo2 imi'd Fine Ivory; au . 4 Snell Site Comes; 10 '• super large Beton , : true irrev. nod Side Comte; reed tinl for see by fet,3 _ C YEACIER, Ins 111erket at =!MMM=M ono Inortouon di. or. u. rdsu 1711 E undersigned, successo m they hove Arthant 1. so bb rt, e b ge g nerally, that e Dave to inform the ettiz enbuilts of plus the bur EA n and pu u GLE FOUND/Ili and are now to full re °permute, soh hoot part or thou patterns ready for tint marker- Amongst whirl, are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, with a eple.silid air-tight Coal Stove, which to Sate supe Alsoreeding iu other cities the common roamer Stove. , a cheap coal Coothic Stoic, well adap ted for :moll - families, with assornnent of cots, 'mon and mantel Grates ' We would pardenfarly in cite the attention of persons building to call at our warehouse before purclinsing, and examine a splendid article ot ontutunenen Grater, Enttnon In Pam rails-- 010 i rely time In this market. Warehouse, N 0.14 Liberty st, opposite Wesel es! augthtdtt NICHOLSON de PAYNE . PILTTBD UROM, IMPORTATIONS. (1 YEAGER, Impanel- and Wholesale Dealer In FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! Sigo of die Gilt Comb, WS Market at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others Tmulog ,pittshurgh to purchase Goods, ate tesPectfully incited to call and exam. the extensive a.ortment of Eng hitt, American, French and German Pancy - GOoda. All Foreign Goods at this establishment ace import ed direct by mpralk.and purellaiera may rely on gm tang goods from first hazels. have Clio largeyt SISSOr, meet of articles, in the nanety hoe in the cats ot Pittsburgh—all of which will he said low catsow for cash or city acceptances. Thafitock consists, In part, of Lace Gocas, Hosiery, Gloves, Illbtrous. Hilt Cray.; Shoe.d Patent Tbready,Sewing Stik, Spool Conon, Tapes, Maipen.lers, Darman, Pins, Nea dies and Catiery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, alt dada Crashes, Combs and 111430,4. Percussion Caps, acrolvein, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Colton Purses, Spectacles, Steal Pens, Muses Wee., Carpet Bags and Bastetk. Bladings,Fsntistiga and Trimming*. T o y, aed F.key erisidk,tacesl.es settb a large •ards • ty.or Faa<y end Staple DRY Oet. C. re.im lit is else agent (or rho celebrated Lan. eenter Cotutta. neon • - - ler•ag Weeffilleta named,. - 'IN, oEEocrhe,Coldt, Astbrun and Qoususupoocl Tha GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the curt of the Moose disease, Is the Pi.INGASOAN EALIOLSI OF LIFE, difeovertd by tea colobrated.lJr. Litchi., of Louder:, Englund, and itdrodeted Otto thei Milted :Sums under the inalleannn liceintlert4e.nee Of the inventor. The Anraoritinery seccto of this medoctue, iu lac core of Pultuutmay ilioeutos, rrants the Ammiton Agent to soloOting for treumnd the Worst posoubos ca ses that can he found in the commun. - If—case& that stet relief In vein from any of the common remedies of the day, sua have heen given cp hy the Meet distmeumlied phystmans as confirmed and in torkhle. letio , ltony c ri an naldrini her cured i ttail ail rut, tiA sheet desperate of Clot,. It le no comet noun., lint a manderd Env fish medicine, of knorrivend established editor - T.. Every familytntho United Stales shoo Id besupplied with Ilhoieu'a blelsom of Life, notAnly to conatmart Una consumptive tendencies of th ohms., bu: to ho used asia preventive medicine in al l cities or AM* coughs, spitting of blood, pun in Ws Bole and chest, at - Imhoff and soreness of the longs, eruct:lto, ditfic Ally of brigadier, beetle fever, flight elevate: Ca/ner. loon and seueral tout It and may. • • • • Sold Ix large bottles, si it per bottle, with' toll ilfroho i , lions for the re:location of health. „ . Pamphlets, containing a mots of Ungar tractu can certificate+, and other evidence, alitov f ang me 0r... equalled meriu of this peat English ReaCadv, may L.• obtatned of the Agents. pattliteesty. Por sale by 1.1 A FAHNkIiTOCU 4 Co. cents,* st and Weal and Wood and ibis au. /tallissa ELLERS' IitiVERIAL CAC 8 1.7a1T--. O Nolan. List IV rtrrosondo, hlaroa 9:4E47. • Mr. 11. E. Sal:era-1n rustle e to you and you, parable Cough Scrap, I beg leaven, state, Cur Ina bet, ofit of Coe community, that my wife has been Several editeted with a most drstressing coh. I pur chased, la January laso, a bottle uf your Syrup, attic cured a conga of two Menthe stendleg. About one conch since, the conk *inan , d, so severe thin the could hardly move, from veutecre in the brecut; 1 scot for one bade Of your Cough Syrup, end a part ei one bottle cured the cough. [gave the other to a Yodrucymun who wag Se-Vetch. Sainted, who had, to u „ e ta, own words, "eaten enough couch cattily to ‘, O il .the people tn. ratolough,tt if the candy hal Leen „ as good es represented. Coors, respectfully, ALTIZO n. nlllll— and sell try R. E. SELLERS', 67 Wood c stee as et, and sold by Dreg-guns generally In the two dui delft ALLEausrarr . vunirrinur maxi). ANU pAUINET WAJTIIOOII. (1d11.7. tfonnirtYe rNwu keepsha-, that Le on hand al the stand QA T.* g Ito o e =;.? neat of Vemiinallltuds; Vr tUhialt Sbiat:era sin made to ot ' due In lbe ben alyle, tins the id a Intent dnver. tinning pa to ant tools snot woodolthe tablithnientatttotn<anif t h e ir lon to ' well mete rttstantoq., I e A p e E n L y e , at N n ta;g l e %to vv o i d tit 4m ev .a eLy r i , t , :m , li c i t he . cruulanciel.vl4: Economy In Tea. • rtECIDEDLY the chesput and:bete plate In ?Rte. J.J beruh to buy Tea is at the'rea Market, out awe, of tht Diamond. They scIT Excellent Tee at ---- , ••-771 0 SD per lb • Reporter QuaLitics;--•••• it " Tlx very ICO " Law priced, elasaagedi - ot Interior Ten. see al this establLlbment, therefore, whether you go y 0... self or send a child, yeti. era Sure to obtain a goo.' article, and If the flavor of At. Tea is notjappt,,,., y. theteedily exehansa at scuts,: the motley. I ilt MORRIS It HAWORTH, Proprietor.:: sepil MILL : R k mcgr.rsoN !LILL' ccrrin; Sfit.P—c9o ba• ior train • Pulr 'Costa • T EFINED sod Prepared espressly for . 1 , 011 4,,,,v, Hd,ogs, Cakes? Custards, Recipe for Dolled Co stard.—One quart of swes.,,j,;k., four eggs, half a teaspoonful of soft, o of =fined illta— +o the St4retl s.nn qd.." of am 0111 k, till Is is perfeedy dissolved and now:lb—add the erp , !tell boatels, •!:. the irsurele—mfrAi nst 4 . sad earth Tato ike balkue of the Intik, *kilo Wilt bet L akce.pe—Ekeelient. For Ws kT R E ILEUM ; i 7 lye*, st.. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers