.poST/gla & TELUGU: e. PHYD MR PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE OHIO LGGISLAMUIL•:. Cl!Ur:ill's Dee. Ht. The Home hes inelree.ly deeded spite D. right of the the Leot:eture to inetract Senator and Repreteniativat Congtest, I , y 10Iit6CitGi postponing the tevolulione of tostrurCon Jo rekr 'core to pottage. - II is understood that no IJ. 3. :. astor will be elected this season. INDIANA CoNVENTiuN. 1.1,e. 19. The Ccnro:,Lieu reeousidered the teetiee been gag the tight of married wer0 , . ,0 bold proper ly. The quttion it, then-for, egeittcpcn. C.cmtati,ll.3e. 19. • - • The hid Weather, sad foereased oireitop et hop, depteaai the market, eaprsees are n abate firmer. Bales of 2000 bead gd. E 1204 12 p ICO. 'Sakai 100 bbla LIM at 71; sod or 3ov tbia Meta Potk at $10,75 pee bhl. NEW YORK MARKET -30011 IMPORT. DreamLer ID. Th. COOillat Tata to illy hal reltrielca 01.11.100 t ope faros.. ..• . Flour—The market tO firm, melt no 10 , n:items ten• aeney. Sato. It tie: ice common grtnea Gran—AVleot cotomarioo better ' , neer, lth sates Of_peuoe Ohio killite per 1,0. Corn Is mutter. Port toottruts to poprove, aod oleos hre ode taxed to 412.3.3 pet cal. • matketii aeuve. Ptistoali salt, tol!Ing ale 47.1 pc. er.-t. 'Whittcy a. Ncsv Ycor Dye- 19. Cdtroc—.Prices tie IC Letter than cc nursday, .s with sales cl 000 byes. Flour—The mold Is firm, acd prices arc bet . ter. Salta 0,000 bLir, tectudtog 0410, of 5.1 9Yir filies Lb!, aye Mont—Price.% have declined, with sale, 200 bbl, at 53 37 par Lb!. Grain—L l ineat Gv iI r , with sale. of 003 but h Ohio at 10:4 cud 5,000 Gecv.ca at 191 e. lire la lower, with allaa of 1500 talahela at 16417 c. Bales 12,000 bete of yore at Giaidli (di new, data 09 for old. Wbalt..y—The mattes is en,ier, w:t!.. sales VW bbla at .etc per gall. Grocertet —Tel steam of Calf,: ale Small.— Paces ate cetey, wah a i , ea 1,400 baeka Rm. at totmeflates New amp Nzw thbAtes — reolaawa is 111041C.1, WA, 110!Ca at 33 rer gall. Sugar as ae!ling at Gt fat old. Totriceo is In moderate reined, aaled of 100 bhde Kentuaky. lot cavort, •I ik(iil3l; and, oath ryland Cr. Naval stores are unal.o.ad. Wee is indretter demand, out. sales o: 800 ter. Pork I. dull at £l3 per obi Wr meta. Lard l• quiet, Wal• eatzt CA /00 bib odd at 71 par BALTI:101.1E MARKEr. RALT.OIIt, Dec. 19. bbt Floor-5 oes 5C01.61C1u Milli at 54 rdaDB4 . ll.l per Grain—Sales of mt.:eh:l t at , Cl,:tioc., and of whit: do at tedeltsc r.ake of wlatc and yellow cora atdir.33s- per ho the:, Oct. ere thatiitig a :131/ Cdr. disc at:a:over Ids•bri. PrOlill ,, Pll.-.S.ItS :deep Port at $l3, and orogen , : as Sil•Grper 161. Sales of ilacan tatictriltra a da. ends, atra, and assns. ii:110, pc: Lb Coecat--Saics %repl'all Cher. at 7012 c perlh • Gutter—Sales Pt 1110'3, Coffer—Salcs o. C+ 6io . 16i311t. Tobaccd Is very seal, add firm t.INCLNNA Cl 2.IAAUCE C December 19. • The liter ha. talk ear. feet since lett rr port. Tic Weather 13 wet Haar—Tee-re tee. flir demand, watt cites 9,10-.141. at 1131 , 1011.13 per all %quake, 1, dell at V. 13 Groceries—ttetar ts rod demand at Molaarea bla ere :mad, with Wei at per Caree is rteady. • ./VZITL EILIABOAT EMU-WIG:I.—The telt:6l,o brttga ate 11.11.1 b ,ot n tor, t shank rtg . • 11/.11111• boat eaplea'on whieh tort p!cee at tfaur Cuenca 00 the 13. h inat. The ateuu.er Augio While en a pleneure tamp on that day, haring bar handled and len: vcraora aboard, blew op. and from twenty awe to a hundred perteno :were billed nnuainy, and wounded. Mr. Petry, of the !Ow Orleans Bulletin, Mr. IC.:dd, of the Daily Oteuent, and Mr. Ft.ge, of toe D, were wounded. Mr. bistllo Jarw... Stiltua a r. end Mg. Strew, of the New York Novelty Work•, were "mortally wounded. Cart. Asnibal and Cant Thomnoo, n: the nhip Lezihatoo, were badly wounded. Junin, tebee, a Scale Senator, braupposed an have been hiP.,l. Many other. were killed and wounded, whom namee have cot bean ascertained. —Reputhe. Da 1111,,anah - the plopnetor of thin Invaluable remedy purchased it r.f Ilic.rawaa no ecedicibis which deserved dm name, for the clue of Ines and Litholk, complai 41.. Bglltvithat.... , - ing tha drealyee sabnnoe these Ms - aces in the Volt. •edltaiet. In the Sahib and Writ parpoilarly, where the patient Is trequently unable to ornain SetTlCeit of a roporlar pbr.iolvo, none remedy was regaired,m ones sire tad e ant ‘t - fio7d CPeratiJl,C,lllll4 In lie wlaorprove-preindicial is the rens:am:on. Thor med,citta le toprilled by D:. Id`Lant's Liver Yid., as has been inbred in entry ifo.hince to rnli,eh It has had a trial. /LIVIA), beilleG:lal, not a colitarY to stance has ever neorrred in which as , ffette have been injurious. The invontiou of an :achicated and dlstlngrished phyalcia Th it lies nothing in common with the queek no!t•larns Orono rcl upon ter pahli,"be low pretend, to tie ordinalar l'apmfmo- hat slew proved t valid a loch!, that Li. hi I:.-.•'• C is the bearer.. e ever protocol rot Mo liver 4-ompLaisa. Et' Porch 'ere wit plena beware °reg.. riods, and inveritb c art for Dr. hl'Lanels celebrated L vet jabs, and tat: .none else, ski-I-here a re en:re rultz r Le pel-tine to be , car pine, new 14 fme the notiLv. error's., by I. k - IDI) 2 CO, Neat Wood ahem sled.6-dihe • o: i1hr0'nc.11 . ...0,3. .. c, . Pronto:too, A cfrom 3, tear TMI Stool h t,:dero or the Ohio Iced Ye nost - Iroran RIR Road C. top.) aro licrelp touged to per :Lc oletthlorlahJera of Arc dollars per oiLee of the COUlp ny, nu or before the duT of toilluet The - ninth r.%telreent] on no !,f,:, the oath oar Of &Winton'. the torah instolracni or. 0: Letae 211kh day of ‘pol-er nro. Er . The .11311:171,1t woo oohed le: or, it: 2:41 o Joly beet whr I,1121):Elt, Jr , Trrialuror . • - PALL 11PDIITATIO1 OF 11.111DIVIIEE. LOGAN, WILSON 4. CO. -'• • 139 WIJOPSTREin-, Are [CA. toeparett Wil4 a taros and (tett .utork nt leugllett mar, sad Morrie!, lisrdorcre,ta oder tuptilDl , tordento , ouyere. 'rupee unsotor le porubuso t,ot ttrostets thus. totersot !OD :.an Itrough our .:net, are Ow..ooed to tell on he roost tot orantor to rots mould Itni• rov•twour or am Onxustry. O. G. .'711"..1.1(N5, I pre.psrea . Ontorsfactrur sehl eel lit.Or TErtl4 it whom Arid parts ,••.0f Setworpot. Sac lien or Atrzct - pherio tittertra I Ja.cs - ,TOOIMICIL[ • /PYI3 to Z1v...:‘,2/.. where rt.e net se is ors - posed. Wis.:, Ind:dolt—see hest dedith the 11 tip oriortee, I harta otthrt, i`tt.shas YfiaaTc.—l. /311. U. MIST, Denuns.C/1 1, CI:11 f. , /,slit add irsester, bCtsrtell • Illakeo I t•'.. F,r3 , streets. CIEEE:2I . . A ITM, TION :a a Wbclesat- Grape ryor MY ad. Ovodr .-rtablirluraertt.iT a Taa , a' man riaaq- Eted far -r Ladner. Earafaerary reference pert Addres. No 213 Post A NY per?an withing to engiaci in t 2 r_ Lori . 114tH 0..17 sear Or tverr aerlnme Prop Hit by 1tr110...0 H HHINeiTt/Ni _ll2ec,ond ti. riTTSIZRGH C...l=er Third atd Mari, %tier._ ' The only t6anerei IrrstlteVou of tho Joni ,n rraWa rzinelpst Ir:rumor to the nc. •,,of Ateout.”. O. R. , n.mttedin, Protettor of Penc.ahrhtp, 0 Crpn.tion, & ixctort: on t'amm..i. Tbn eat,. of Inatract:en inchr!cr Fleck Si n• - 4 , 4g. are .c , ortan to tarry trarr h of !A... one C' itimerCial terw nn.l erclal fk :cat' e, Pcoraienst - 'n, Mercantil. !Av. C Student , . ran enter tho C 03170 at any nor. and when entit . ,..dorl.ll Yceelet a lllplema, xigned Paralty ith I Exacrlning Committee. Maw Books just vocaltrod. DELI.. of John Randolph of Roanoke. By 11.0 fitA. Oar Ind, 'nth a portrait, v olv limo moo 03204. tea Atyttern of Learn/or 1.1•6011te., op to tin , ' [lndy of PreneA Second Trenea Rer..l-r, aerated with BittorteaL GreavaphinaL' Plintophi. cal and PS , ologival notice+. By 1. Rooter. Prole. Slew o of , err nab Lane pare and Llteraatre in the Mar Tort 0010 deaconry. I vol. 12soo ' tr.. Th. sec a 4 volbale of the Memoir[ of lee Lila and Wridtcs . t ihomay Claimer., It. B, In L. it BY bi..o/1114 :Ile. Rev. 'Wm. Hanna, L L D. • Balm nod rieorrapiiy of be Middle Acta, for efallerca at. 4 aehroia, clarity float the French. Ely 0 00 ,,, ‘l ..rle.rgton Greene, author of Lfe of Cen. GreMr.. If .norieal Szadica. A e- Tbe Pathway. and Abidieg l'lstrea of our Lon:, II• • lastrated in tie Journal of a Tour throuth , hv i end ' of - Praralte, iill numerrna Enrrariays Br 3AI iltainvitir LI B. D. I vol. royal Ono. Pot eat, • - day>, . 73 Anolln I:• I.:nec Yonne at . - &co g Shawls and Dry G ocd Iv WE have Jan retched no ecaalArenent a very band anoto„lot of Long 844tely at 4 tdnant Vrtre,, aril. Po- eltrred trat.vrty hoaA• The 'rode I. rooPettfaUTloyPea to colt and extreme them. Alto, & very lar., lot et Dry Gown, ccectldno In 101 l to tollovra,rrLlZ— lNtper 11..er Preach Clo 114; , - .do (11,, lIIIMI and (:loco do; do Bno and black Prenc.r.Dnerkin Carroarrer; do . 11 , nrf ri and drab Tabby Velvet.; - - 'do br vr, RIALed Silk Parrei Womed do. at IBle bloet Senate!: Silt, (.04 . ril , : , ) do II act Silk Twist on rpoola do do , /Pee Matk_Wayed P.Slea!TErcud, vary tap. one' I ft Al'en'a Atwitter Prima.. - - Tarter ite4 neat styles do; %. 44 do 4.. .r.hiti foreartalas dn. . ' • 44 do to fancy styles, - -,---, - ' - Eattliali t o vaunt: PapeniorPt ',CA doe -- • Semler OA colors dal 4e. I'p, silo Iv ' =BEEP, A - LI:MING /a CO, 4.17 ' . re, w.a .t OMMERCIAL lECORD. JTITTIBVELOU BOARD OP TRADR Imea•mrs =lava& COIDITFFEE FOR DECEMBER. 0.0. 10111 v.nlA. raS .. WICIOATH. PITTABUIIGII lIARICAT Omen. Froraaveun Garrrot, Friday rnornier. D. Rt), led o. The weather yesterday hras dark and rutty, and businesa generally Was very yo;et. Boyers rename their oporarlont mainly to the immediate *ant. of the trade, and we hoer or no (urge sale,. or Flour continue ehtresnely light, and sales ye entity ware coafined to a Yew small "ow only, !nom rare: and waged, at $3,73 p Ohl Sates (.tom Mire by the dray land or $3,5703.30 P bbl . the market elositp firm, at that figure . FLosa-111$ notim limited .applies in wore , With sales in mill lots, at 11141,4303,31 P I.bl • Cote Mash—We note sales from Lost hands at 53e, and from store and the mills, of 390303 BCC:MR/AZ Pl.ol.ll—Supplies are comparatively light. wits sales from store at 577351 ♦ aact of t.O tbs Bales from thst hands at Cao7se. 131'0.6.0 Amu 1110L/03.9-11uTar continues pretty Gnu, with a hit rigalits business at 61061, acemdlr to quality. ?dolutes chaulfett a decHolra lender., WOLtale. of N o,ueor trap, at 33c 0 616. COFFEE—RIo It ttatioaary, at 010111 to eat' nod COMllry. PRIED FRUIT—We uote sale. to the eve. of COS hoe, et TOC/Ile from nut hands, and elk from store Pear bee are rather Inactive; with .ales 200 bushel, at 61,t591,31 P bus. GREEN APPLES—SaIes of 50 bbl. from more, at 87011 P Lill. ASIIEI—Tbn market lo dull, ani sales have been limited at the folloastog ;mess :—PeArt Ash, 0104 e, galtrants,Sl; Pot Ash, 41041, and Hods Ash at nlO3/ O tb FISH-I'am matter has been quiet, bat prices ale yener..s . amt. Salmon a selling at $I Stk laleek,rel No. I, ,t • 0 a, [mac, a, bbl; Hertm6, SSA yLed , ell,su, and Cod fish at IPS P ea, FEATHERS—We notion fair soppitcs in market, but sales have been confined to email lota, at 33831 c AP B. SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes or rosin soap at 0 OW; of Star Candlee at 220-21 r; mould tallow, 10e and common dipped o en • lb. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes m bbil at —055 ♦ wan, enad—bbls extra charge. Ro2lN—Saico at 13,75 P bbl for No. L TAM—Saks at NA: 8 bbl. PRICES AND SALES OF STOCKS, XtPoRTED ET TM' PITTSBURGH BOARD OP BROKERS. Prrrodrsod, Dec. 15, NW. No vat Ask`d. Ord SIC si I0,:5 5116,6/ 104501 10541 101,00 1011 OF 151,5.5 10140 101,19 IPLUOI 92,00 00.00 - 67,1 . 0 03,60 United Stales °I U'r Pertrylrani. tr. Do a Allegheny co ...... Do coup.pe,pbl. in Phi , Pitttbu Do rgh c corityp. Mr, scrip Do cocuottlyptil.in NV N......all