.poST/gla & TELUGU: e. PHYD MR PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE OHIO LGGISLAMUIL•:. Cl!Ur:ill's Dee. Ht. The Home hes inelree.ly deeded spite D. right of the the Leot:eture to inetract Senator and Repreteniativat Congtest, I , y 10Iit6CitGi postponing the tevolulione of tostrurCon Jo rekr 'core to pottage. - II is understood that no IJ. 3. :. astor will be elected this season. INDIANA CoNVENTiuN. 1.1,e. 19. The Ccnro:,Lieu reeousidered the teetiee been gag the tight of married wer0 , . ,0 bold proper ly. The quttion it, then-for, egeittcpcn. C.cmtati,ll.3e. 19. • - • The hid Weather, sad foereased oireitop et hop, depteaai the market, eaprsees are n abate firmer. Bales of 2000 bead gd. E 1204 12 p ICO. 'Sakai 100 bbla LIM at 71; sod or 3ov tbia Meta Potk at $10,75 pee bhl. NEW YORK MARKET -30011 IMPORT. DreamLer ID. Th. COOillat Tata to illy hal reltrielca 01.11.100 t ope faros.. ..• . Flour—The market tO firm, melt no 10 , n:items ten• aeney. Sato. It tie: ice common grtnea Gran—AVleot cotomarioo better ' , neer, lth sates Of_peuoe Ohio killite per 1,0. Corn Is mutter. Port toottruts to poprove, aod oleos hre ode taxed to 412.3.3 pet cal. • matketii aeuve. Ptistoali salt, tol!Ing ale 47.1 pc. er.-t. 'Whittcy a. Ncsv Ycor Dye- 19. Cdtroc—.Prices tie IC Letter than cc nursday, .s with sales cl 000 byes. Flour—The mold Is firm, acd prices arc bet . ter. Salta 0,000 bLir, tectudtog 0410, of 5.1 9Yir filies Lb!, aye Mont—Price.% have declined, with sale, 200 bbl, at 53 37 par Lb!. Grain—L l ineat Gv iI r , with sale. of 003 but h Ohio at 10:4 cud 5,000 Gecv.ca at 191 e. lire la lower, with allaa of 1500 talahela at 16417 c. Bales 12,000 bete of yore at Giaidli (di new, data 09 for old. Wbalt..y—The mattes is en,ier, w:t!.. sales VW bbla at .etc per gall. Grocertet —Tel steam of Calf,: ale Small.— Paces ate cetey, wah a i , ea 1,400 baeka Rm. at totmeflates New amp Nzw thbAtes — reolaawa is 111041C.1, WA, 110!Ca at 33 rer gall. Sugar as ae!ling at Gt fat old. Totriceo is In moderate reined, aaled of 100 bhde Kentuaky. lot cavort, •I ik(iil3l; and, oath ryland Cr. Naval stores are unal.o.ad. Wee is indretter demand, out. sales o: 800 ter. Pork I. dull at £l3 per obi Wr meta. Lard l• quiet, Wal• eatzt CA /00 bib odd at 71 par BALTI:101.1E MARKEr. RALT.OIIt, Dec. 19. bbt Floor-5 oes 5C01.61C1u Milli at 54 rdaDB4 . ll.l per Grain—Sales of mt.:eh:l t at , Cl,:tioc., and of whit: do at tedeltsc r.ake of wlatc and yellow cora atdir.33s- per ho the:, Oct. ere thatiitig a :131/ Cdr. disc at:a:over Ids•bri. PrOlill ,, Pll.-.S.ItS :deep Port at $l3, and orogen , : as Sil•Grper 161. Sales of ilacan tatictriltra a da. ends, atra, and assns. ii:110, pc: Lb Coecat--Saics %repl'all Cher. at 7012 c perlh • Gutter—Sales Pt 1110'3, Coffer—Salcs o. C+ 6io . 16i311t. Tobaccd Is very seal, add firm t.INCLNNA Cl 2.IAAUCE C December 19. • The liter ha. talk ear. feet since lett rr port. Tic Weather 13 wet Haar—Tee-re tee. flir demand, watt cites 9,10-.141. at 1131 , 1011.13 per all %quake, 1, dell at V. 13 Groceries—ttetar ts rod demand at Molaarea bla ere :mad, with Wei at per Caree is rteady. • ./VZITL EILIABOAT EMU-WIG:I.—The telt:6l,o brttga ate 11.11.1 b ,ot n tor, t shank rtg . • 11/.11111• boat eaplea'on whieh tort p!cee at tfaur Cuenca 00 the 13. h inat. The ateuu.er Augio While en a pleneure tamp on that day, haring bar handled and len: vcraora aboard, blew op. and from twenty awe to a hundred perteno :were billed nnuainy, and wounded. Mr. Petry, of the !Ow Orleans Bulletin, Mr. IC.:dd, of the Daily Oteuent, and Mr. Ft.ge, of toe D, were wounded. Mr. bistllo Jarw... Stiltua a r. end Mg. Strew, of the New York Novelty Work•, were "mortally wounded. Cart. Asnibal and Cant Thomnoo, n: the nhip Lezihatoo, were badly wounded. Junin, tebee, a Scale Senator, braupposed an have been hiP.,l. Many other. were killed and wounded, whom namee have cot bean ascertained. —Reputhe. Da 1111,,anah - the plopnetor of thin Invaluable remedy purchased it r.f Ilic.rawaa no ecedicibis which deserved dm name, for the clue of Ines and Litholk, complai 41.. Bglltvithat.... , - ing tha drealyee sabnnoe these Ms - aces in the Volt. •edltaiet. In the Sahib and Writ parpoilarly, where the patient Is trequently unable to ornain SetTlCeit of a roporlar pbr.iolvo, none remedy was regaired,m ones sire tad e ant ‘t - fio7d CPeratiJl,C,lllll4 In lie wlaorprove-preindicial is the rens:am:on. Thor med,citta le toprilled by D:. Id`Lant's Liver Yid., as has been inbred in entry ifo.hince to rnli,eh It has had a trial. /LIVIA), beilleG:lal, not a colitarY to stance has ever neorrred in which as , ffette have been injurious. The invontiou of an :achicated and dlstlngrished phyalcia Th it lies nothing in common with the queek no!t•larns Orono rcl upon ter pahli,"be low pretend, to tie ordinalar l'apmfmo- hat slew proved t valid a loch!, that Li. hi I:.-.•'• C is the bearer.. e ever protocol rot Mo liver 4-ompLaisa. Et' Porch 'ere wit plena beware °reg.. riods, and inveritb c art for Dr. hl'Lanels celebrated L vet jabs, and tat: .none else, ski-I-here a re en:re rultz r Le pel-tine to be , car pine, new 14 fme the notiLv. error's., by I. k - IDI) 2 CO, Neat Wood ahem sled.6-dihe • o: i1hr0'nc.11 . ...0,3. .. c, . Pronto:too, A cfrom 3, tear TMI Stool h t,:dero or the Ohio Iced Ye nost - Iroran RIR Road C. top.) aro licrelp touged to per :Lc oletthlorlahJera of Arc dollars per oiLee of the COUlp ny, nu or before the duT of toilluet The - ninth r.%telreent] on no !,f,:, the oath oar Of &Winton'. the torah instolracni or. 0: Letae 211kh day of ‘pol-er nro. Er . The .11311:171,1t woo oohed le: or, it: 2:41 o Joly beet whr I,1121):Elt, Jr , Trrialuror . • - PALL 11PDIITATIO1 OF 11.111DIVIIEE. LOGAN, WILSON 4. CO. -'• • 139 WIJOPSTREin-, Are [CA. toeparett Wil4 a taros and (tett .utork nt leugllett mar, sad Morrie!, lisrdorcre,ta oder tuptilDl , tordento , ouyere. 'rupee unsotor le porubuso t,ot ttrostets thus. totersot !OD :.an Itrough our .:net, are Ow..ooed to tell on he roost tot orantor to rots mould Itni• rov•twour or am Onxustry. O. G. .'711"..1.1(N5, I pre.psrea . Ontorsfactrur sehl eel lit.Or TErtl4 it whom Arid parts ,••.0f Setworpot. Sac lien or Atrzct - pherio tittertra I Ja.cs - ,TOOIMICIL[ • /PYI3 to Z1v...:‘,2/.. where rt.e net se is ors - posed. Wis.:, Ind:dolt—see hest dedith the 11 tip oriortee, I harta otthrt, i`tt.shas YfiaaTc.—l. /311. U. MIST, Denuns.C/1 1, CI:11 f. , /,slit add irsester, bCtsrtell • Illakeo I t•'.. F,r3 , streets. CIEEE:2I . . A ITM, TION :a a Wbclesat- Grape ryor MY ad. Ovodr .-rtablirluraertt.iT a Taa , a' man riaaq- Eted far -r Ladner. Earafaerary reference pert Addres. No 213 Post A NY per?an withing to engiaci in t 2 r_ Lori . 114tH 0..17 sear Or tverr aerlnme Prop Hit by 1tr110...0 H HHINeiTt/Ni _ll2ec,ond ti. riTTSIZRGH C...l=er Third atd Mari, %tier._ ' The only t6anerei IrrstlteVou of tho Joni ,n rraWa rzinelpst Ir:rumor to the nc. •,,of Ateout.”. O. R. , n.mttedin, Protettor of Penc.ahrhtp, 0 Crpn.tion, & ixctort: on t'amm..i. Tbn eat,. of Inatract:en inchr!cr Fleck Si n• - 4 , 4g. are .c , ortan to tarry trarr h of !A... one C' itimerCial terw nn.l erclal fk :cat' e, Pcoraienst - 'n, Mercantil. !Av. C Student , . ran enter tho C 03170 at any nor. and when entit . ,..dorl.ll Yceelet a lllplema, xigned Paralty ith I Exacrlning Committee. Maw Books just vocaltrod. DELI.. of John Randolph of Roanoke. By 11.0 fitA. Oar Ind, 'nth a portrait, v olv limo moo 03204. tea Atyttern of Learn/or 1.1•6011te., op to tin , ' [lndy of PreneA Second Trenea Rer..l-r, aerated with BittorteaL GreavaphinaL' Plintophi. cal and PS , ologival notice+. By 1. Rooter. Prole. Slew o of , err nab Lane pare and Llteraatre in the Mar Tort 0010 deaconry. I vol. 12soo ' tr.. Th. sec a 4 volbale of the Memoir[ of lee Lila and Wridtcs . t ihomay Claimer., It. B, In L. it BY bi..o/1114 :Ile. Rev. 'Wm. Hanna, L L D. • Balm nod rieorrapiiy of be Middle Acta, for efallerca at. 4 aehroia, clarity float the French. Ely 0 00 ,,, ‘l ..rle.rgton Greene, author of Lfe of Cen. GreMr.. If .norieal Szadica. A e- Tbe Pathway. and Abidieg l'lstrea of our Lon:, II• • lastrated in tie Journal of a Tour throuth , hv i end ' of - Praralte, iill numerrna Enrrariays Br 3AI iltainvitir LI B. D. I vol. royal Ono. Pot eat, • - day>, . 73 Anolln I:• I.:nec Yonne at . - &co g Shawls and Dry G ocd Iv WE have Jan retched no ecaalArenent a very band anoto„lot of Long 844tely at 4 tdnant Vrtre,, aril. Po- eltrred trat.vrty hoaA• The 'rode I. rooPettfaUTloyPea to colt and extreme them. Alto, & very lar., lot et Dry Gown, ccectldno In 101 l to tollovra,rrLlZ— lNtper 11..er Preach Clo 114; , - .do (11,, lIIIMI and (:loco do; do Bno and black Prenc.r.Dnerkin Carroarrer; do . 11 , nrf ri and drab Tabby Velvet.; - - 'do br vr, RIALed Silk Parrei Womed do. at IBle bloet Senate!: Silt, (.04 . ril , : , ) do II act Silk Twist on rpoola do do , /Pee Matk_Wayed P.Slea!TErcud, vary tap. one' I ft Al'en'a Atwitter Prima.. - - Tarter ite4 neat styles do; %. 44 do 4.. .r.hiti foreartalas dn. . ' • 44 do to fancy styles, - -,---, - ' - Eattliali t o vaunt: PapeniorPt ',CA doe -- • Semler OA colors dal 4e. I'p, silo Iv ' =BEEP, A - LI:MING /a CO, 4.17 ' . re, w.a .t OMMERCIAL lECORD. JTITTIBVELOU BOARD OP TRADR Imea•mrs =lava& COIDITFFEE FOR DECEMBER. 0.0. 10111 v.nlA. raS .. WICIOATH. PITTABUIIGII lIARICAT Omen. Froraaveun Garrrot, Friday rnornier. D. Rt), led o. The weather yesterday hras dark and rutty, and businesa generally Was very yo;et. Boyers rename their oporarlont mainly to the immediate *ant. of the trade, and we hoer or no (urge sale,. or Flour continue ehtresnely light, and sales ye entity ware coafined to a Yew small "ow only, !nom rare: and waged, at $3,73 p Ohl Sates (.tom Mire by the dray land or $3,5703.30 P bbl . the market elositp firm, at that figure . FLosa-111$ notim limited .applies in wore , With sales in mill lots, at 11141,4303,31 P I.bl • Cote Mash—We note sales from Lost hands at 53e, and from store and the mills, of 390303 BCC:MR/AZ Pl.ol.ll—Supplies are comparatively light. wits sales from store at 577351 ♦ aact of t.O tbs Bales from thst hands at Cao7se. 131'0.6.0 Amu 1110L/03.9-11uTar continues pretty Gnu, with a hit rigalits business at 61061, acemdlr to quality. ?dolutes chaulfett a decHolra lender., WOLtale. of N o,ueor trap, at 33c 0 616. COFFEE—RIo It ttatioaary, at 010111 to eat' nod COMllry. PRIED FRUIT—We uote sale. to the eve. of COS hoe, et TOC/Ile from nut hands, and elk from store Pear bee are rather Inactive; with .ales 200 bushel, at 61,t591,31 P bus. GREEN APPLES—SaIes of 50 bbl. from more, at 87011 P Lill. ASIIEI—Tbn market lo dull, ani sales have been limited at the folloastog ;mess :—PeArt Ash, 0104 e, galtrants,Sl; Pot Ash, 41041, and Hods Ash at nlO3/ O tb FISH-I'am matter has been quiet, bat prices ale yener..s . amt. Salmon a selling at $I Stk laleek,rel No. I, ,t • 0 a, [mac, a, bbl; Hertm6, SSA yLed , ell,su, and Cod fish at IPS P ea, FEATHERS—We notion fair soppitcs in market, but sales have been confined to email lota, at 33831 c AP B. SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes or rosin soap at 0 OW; of Star Candlee at 220-21 r; mould tallow, 10e and common dipped o en • lb. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes m bbil at —055 ♦ wan, enad—bbls extra charge. Ro2lN—Saico at 13,75 P bbl for No. L TAM—Saks at NA: 8 bbl. PRICES AND SALES OF STOCKS, XtPoRTED ET TM' PITTSBURGH BOARD OP BROKERS. Prrrodrsod, Dec. 15, NW. No vat Ask`d. Ord SIC si I0,:5 5116,6/ 104501 10541 101,00 1011 OF 151,5.5 10140 101,19 IPLUOI 92,00 00.00 - 67,1 . 0 03,60 United Stales °I U'r Pertrylrani. tr. Do a Allegheny co ...... Do coup.pe,pbl. in Phi , Pitttbu Do rgh c corityp. Mr, scrip Do cocuottlyptil.in NV N......all<rbenT lop do coon. Go. ... . Pan PUCCI. Bank of Pittsburgh----. loferch. &Mane. Bank Fzehsure Slant— ..... PtirtnerV Deposite Hint Dank of Brotuntyille• • Allegheny Paving Hank WOO 33,00 15,1,111 1 BRIDGE riners. MenonFahele lindge• • St C , air ULElridge• •• • Hand St. Ortc.,e• • • • iskathrrn Liberuez• •-• Wil laratport Snare • 2,,P0 2,00 23,1 X, TI (olei . G., 00 96,00 4340 EA4OO 13,.••Cit auto" Western nnurnnee Co.. QUID.' 1n....t0e C 0... &melted Flrtmans' Co tweosant et ca AU.IIO S l'ken Plorto'k,Cinetneaa Lake Eno lore PoisburkhGas Work, . • Mononganela Slack water • • Youghiogheny:Stant", diet • Peat's Central Railroad •.. . ' Ohio Yr Peon'a Rannoul ..... Cleveland ..t.P•drbr'h Railroad, Fayette Mama. ...... Tank Creek Falk Road I. Ent Cann dor.ds iold).. ..... c0,0b . 5456 I rA,to WAKiI 42: Su uo' 14.121 4.9,121 :OM 45101 Sa,C.Ol COPP. BM.- Vitub , gh /I.l3orion (CM/laird N. American Noah Wert • • • North Welter./ nrel vl,OO VI DO .4,4 xl4O 77,50 Eureka ...... ........ Pitisbamh er. Io it oyai .. .. Adventure Ohio Trap Rock • —.. . I RiOre'lqininc Co.• ..... Went Weston, Dong s RacKtion, cop. stock Algoagolok Cop. coo k• •• • .. 0w1 7,50 URI I 6,001 5,15 I t, 00, RALF-9 OP The following gales tran.plr. R she Rank rilunnqn, at C sh. Onto m Pcm'.. R. R., ICSICOULLAGX 1101111 L xarr-urviriosts _ . crTIZENts' INSURANCE COMPANY, Or PlCtsburikh. U. CL HUSSEY remaht• • —A. W. hlAßl;l9,Bser. `Otricc—No. 91 t{ stet strut, in the warchonse of C. fl. DRAINT. 1119 COMPANV Is now prepared In nams all that of risks, on boas., manufactories, goods nicrchandim is store, and in truistra vessels, An. A t n_t_araple peanut , for the ability mad sundry of insutution, lauded Its the chuacter of the clan who are ail cilizons of Pittsburgh, welt sad favorably known nit the communiry (or their printout, intelhgence, and Integrity. Diameroas—C. C. Hussey, Wm. Barkley, Wm Lae laser, Jr., Walter Bryant, -Hugh D. flirt, Bilward *haulm, John Haworth, S. Hulimigh, A. N. Cie,. enlh-tt 11 we 40 tea fur Bale by 11.18 WAI 1 , AI; ALF.Y Sr CO --- Shawls Shaw/s I 900 RESCUE, hay State, Scotch, Watertrat. •ral Watatvlett Long ana-Sttelate Shawls, got rc bY 1 Al ANON a CO 11131SIt—t4 Lr4lu crr'l•, kuiltur care r,y der: WM H JOHNSTIeN LlJ ,,,, T 7 t—tql tals for sale b WM II JU1V137,17.11 Fl ri y! —Md. M saler b 11 BM H JOHNS ON SHEEI' PELT:-110 for sale by dee! WM 11 JOHNSTON L EADILO Galena, per steamer Nam. clel7 RILEY, MATTHEWS k CO IDEA CHES-173 bars per Mayflower. ter sale be 1 del7 IIIIST, MATTHEWS A - SIO YlO METAL - stator . for ra t ing mlil ramse o, dell/ RILEY. mernie.ws k. CO GI •FFEE-211 bags His foe sale by del] RliEs, MATTHEWS k CO EKED 011,--11 brlsseinter stralneel, far mtle by del? SUET, MATTHEWS A. CO F /811-1. 4a.12 largo No Salsa ere': IG bris No 1 fraiusiore Herring; 11 dram Cadfifh; for sale by del7 IIIIEV. MATTHEWS ni CO I)U:losPa—tau lan. I rot laarte,ea, 111113ing 'TOM LI calmer Cinderella. for gala by dal] lAM Fty DA LZELI.. Water PI SPATNTATELTLE Lt A • tliblt—J4.p awe. tor •tte ay dart IA Ml.lB a DAZEI,L C Pt ?T L Dlc'";r't. D rbel9l Lead JraiCle, del? l SCIIDONAtAKER CO DADISWOR - tET- - -3 del, l SCHOONATAIL tt CO HE R FARINA Ishelv,,,r4all.", riphs Fiji,-1 ca.e be.. rreren, or sale low by 1 OW J schonpiNIAKPR ob CO A 111:11 1, 1; .;: 11 FLOW ", Owl< or sce I !!:..110oNNIA KA R er. . W4l DE MAR —I cos, for 44.141 by 13" 6417 , CIIOONMAKER 44. CO povingarn - runKEy VATIMR, for iott.• I SCIIOONNIAKER k CO .1417 94 WooJ rartet _ _ LIVIAILPOOL FitoPir.tvrie - FOIL BALM. 75 Eltr.leLrprn,GOlifeTd let ale in , a th n ' d t on tette ' tertne—Plalfor corner lols, and !Wafer to I°lr—emelt beiag Caren front by Eui (set d cco . Lin g p oo l (alp, crated on the Onto Ricer, to miles below this cagy midway between ginshoteh end Whecling, d from Oturgolv and 141 tic heaver, and the nrice - tra lance from 14 , 11rotlle and ICOIIO. •llo^ al 0 healthy set.] lienatif2l port of Ohio, hit. 1200 ulhahl• rants, and <iota ONE nirvana EIGHT ESTAIIISII MENTS rho marmfacture of Ilockincham and Queensorare, scut rel hotel, dry goods, and [rope atoms, and meeh.tc• 01 various kinds, four elturcbes, wed nob!. schools. Ai the recent sole of lots sin were pocehmed by menu/nem, ts who design crect• log dor.n; the [,:mina e.t.a, potteries and other sononactuting establlt C(nenswors of a rote White, addition to Rockingeam nut yellow ware, having tend manufactured in this town, it is reasonable to suppose inn tt will rapidly improve Persons desirous of viewing the property can do so any day : hy a few boot. sad Irom Pittohors to steam era /caving our wharves ovcry dey for Lannon, Wellsville and Wheeling Terms of payment—Clue fond) In head and be bel. sane in Mite equal annual payments, vial interest, 1 N D-1 will PLpose of a number of lon far ear eeler work, Cilia 1.7.0 g. placerine mid patoonc, to La done at Live 'port, during the censoring soil com ' nee, also for Lumber und Brick. Apply to Sandford I'. Ifni, EM, Li peel, or in the sublentocr at tho °(lice °rhino.. Mitchell A Yu titer. Attotneys at IA T., 1.0 rOUrth.tteet, JAMES BLAKELY deLdAtvinnio 1111:-SNUTV.-1u bar reenaved mr sale by 0111 still! VCRA DARNER ROI4. I :LITFER-10 brim pr4l7. iNsP.Eb OIL-10 brie to onto, and for sale by 1.4 doll___ S & tv RA4 , 12441611 DIIIF:U A PPLES—Ou baps r 4. A 00'ILUI lIA CUR UNDRIES-41 tirls No I l.nrd I 141 Nu I Tallow 17 Les Noy do 10141. Tallow in,. I Perot 8C[1 , V4.1 04 bars Ground N 0.., al barr Dry Croon,. s, IV bags Dry Apples, :'t bars Garaseng; 1 - Al Lora Feather., to wave on meam• Mali Road Letting In Ohlo !er Tamarora, for sale by ISAIA II DICKEI A. CO DELLF.FONTAINE AND INDIANA RAIL ROAD deli Water A Front de - A.LED PROPOSALS will be received at J nr.g. Ct UNDID IL , -Cl Lilo Ores wr SONTILLF, Dane county, Oftio, I known It• h e I. to bags Groond Num, saillsal until January 21st. lest, (or doing thn grata, ^Lags tainm.us, doming, sod madam, u 2:i miles, rro,o Lors• ill babes Conon: In arrive on steamer rade Creek, to the junction with the • - tradaurdapolas sit , Caledonia, for sale try IsALS II DICR EU ACU Dellefootome Roll Rued." at the Indiana Striae Lan, _dot Water Front al Profiles are now ready, at the Enrincer's Offset, ,n' SIDNEY, Shelby county, Ohm, vrbere Information ran be. ol.rdioeil from Ism, Pemberton. Ilea tint Foriner, Proposals may Woo i.e left al Sidney, till tar MOM of Jarnary nested FrnForala wiliest, Le welted •I MARION, Moo ontil Febraady SO, nest. for doing the grobbang, en. dog, and grading. on about 40 miles, between Marino and Ilellefontalue. Toe wort and profalos on tots division, will be ready ten day. before the IctOng. radertantion MI be obtained horn Al.', Wortall, RedeemEnranrer, at Bellefonte:te a and at the Chief Enolorerna onion in Marlon, . . Tie arove are the only porton* on the mute not yet under contract. This toad is known as the "third link" in the peat central backbone Chain," foam Phil attelphla to St Loa., and likewise la the western rereloonion of the main linen, from Doat.m and Neer York. through Cleveland B/ order of the Bound I , Streeter% . lint/ ITS, Ch.( Engineer. I:Nitnvois 07.1 c it, 0 • ton, it., Ike. IC, thUt M:=2 Ht;Nrs'germs r. December number of thi. ceeellent publican b . his been reeeteed at Holmes' Literary Depot, opposite the Post ONee. Ail mereh•ntit •Ipici.l take Pia work The nett number mehee De new volume. Pride and Prtldf net, or the marriedsister. • newnovel. by T. ts. Arthur. Lttrell'a Living Are. No 313. del° - _ HOit4CgErNiiiifiy.ri ... 7S7 — je. ? et dele PORT OF PITTBBURGH. Ittratt —There were 9 feet a •laette• :in channel, at 4.11 WI erataag, =I at a stand. ARRIVED. —T. EaWoo, Perl.D., Elmbetb. - - • • lilietigan, Brits, Ile”er. Deaver, tiordnu, lleanrer• Bal., Bennett, 13myrirletRe. - • . Parkinson, Brownsville. .1. McKee, ileneriekson. PeKersport Thos. Shriven, Bailey, West Now ion Arena, iGnney, Wellsville. - . . Diarnet. Coneren, Wheeling_ "i t Irene Newton, linichison. St Louie. Mesnenger N 0.2, Fisher, C.111.11.,i. DA Fashion, Peebles, EP Elisabe RTED th.. Michigan, Brie, Barger. Beaver, Gordon L ßeaver. Baum,Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Drownwilila. J. McKee, liendriekson, MeKetspon, 'rho.. Shrives, Bailey, West Newton Brilliant., (Imes, Cincinnati. North Rives, Cateline ' Neve Orleans. Washington, Martin, Louisville. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling' Reveille, Dales. Wellsville. BOATS LEAVLNO THIS DAY NASHVILLE—MayfIower, 10., at LOUISVILLE—EDWIN W A • WHEEEINO—DismaI, 10 A. WELLSVILLE—Are., 10.. y. NASHVILLE--Luelle, W a. K. Tie. dm Oat* in Pt.l.4surgh to buy REAL GOOD TEAS IS ST )10811119 & Ii&WORTIPM TM& BTOU east cf. ter rna DIA160:111 60C, 75C, and $l,OO par pound, MI nuttily genuine Tent. The Black Teen et 7.ne. and the Green Teas at 111,04 ate the very best Tess Imported Into um U. States. 4,17 Mulatto. mac. PIECIIS BleckWreath French &let 100, iy ,occea colored do do 1., Patiunatta Cloth, all rotor.; lid to Coborg do do do AlP.c..; oar opened by A A MASON & CO, dolt' of & 01 &Intact at SUNDRIES -4A/ bd. L.:Weed Ott, vti We Tallow, 15 brls Pearls, brit Drier Apples; 4 bolt Cloverssed, 5 AS, Ssleratur, lOU bay do to brio Roll Boner. 6li keg. packed do ;Ajar. Bauer; 10 las roll dn; ;AM las Cheese; dela k bale Sheep Pelt, for sale by H CANFIELD (11F1 . BOOKS in Kmxt vg!leiy, . ibc lT atel9 k..DUCACIONAL R LYOSITORI Q UGAII-14 raid. puree N 0 Sbigtr, receiving per creamer ILLyrece, for gain by • WM AB ALEX A. CO _drib It A tO Wood it 1\ A ()LASSES-4H tali N. 0 M0n..., receiving per etermer Iliterias, for role by drib Wnl SAGALEY A CO CHEESE -2u bus W. R. Cheese, just rn'd by tleyo WM DAGALEV b. CO DRIFD PEACIIES-130 %act. landing la. yule by dtIS WA! lIAI.A LEY & Co - ALUM—se brla ter sale by &IS BAUALEY a CO ADDER-5 htula No I Dutrh. lor lOC by LAI del9 DA CIALF.b' A CO Winos and Brandies QUITABLE for Cooking pp pose., ior sale by th• qaart or gallon at MOltltlts A BAWORTII'm dat9 East sole of the Ehatottei CCOOKING(Ivy Curran, Citron E,l eandifd Ongoee and Le,e, Per I, Num:tug., Cin nart,no, Cloves, &e., ler vale at 011 y low prices, ..0 del9 NIOR RIO WORT!: F A:IUL 1 FI.OUR-1114/ 00111 • I/Ct. 14,25 12,25 1 4,V.. 54:0 mull, on band f, I brls sale by 1 0 11 N SIeFADF—'II & t'l. and SODA ASll—ou casks overt., tor oak by del:, JOHN NIeFADEN & **TO. 3 MACKEREL-70 brls Vase Inspection, ott VI lona and kr sale by JO/IN AIeFADEN P. M t n /...A 1 1.1T: , 7 , 6 ,.. b , 5 c 10e5t tre'd per Westin.. 11.bei• del, • C.! AGF-..-Y5 11111 let pale by delS RE SELL Ektd, 51 Wood .t . fIOVFI3II-5 casts lam. sae , or ale by k,/ den. DI/REIMS:Ca 11`.1,111tA51 T _ o7.ENGF2F-.. , •ezes •srutte.l. reed 1111/1 ti/t axle by let PI KIDD& CD, lin N% st D)1 RfIFd.LAC tOrangel—P ease, ios ...le Pe delle J KIDD & co SMITHS TUNIC SYRUP-1 Kr.rt for ...le by deIG J KIDD St CO COTTILIN TW IN E, ttl.o (or ..ti e Ey deli, 1 KIDD k CO ll 1411 al OU a MIMI DIEM" LlL.Wk—al, for snie.Ly dellt 1 KIDD Co etnp , r i gtVe. , Tiffi:Liar-i ca, K 11 .1 1; oy ei ioILaCCO DEALERS—We received ill. Jay, 1 from Rs mtnufae(etrer. ....Wee of PoorlP.t4A and five Mora to the pouud, wax+ an. are attieorized to tail by ellostroplea. 'WALLINOPPRD & CO. &lb ,1110 pd Water meet. -VrbliS. PEARL - . SPAR 011-it. btala eery tope. tier *mole) in more tad bee eale by deid P 7 A SI SIITCHELTUER labelsy et ILteNALD're TOBA , CO—te bores S'e of Ibla eel betted Llama reeeteed Pas 1111.10 etore awe for salt by (delb, W A M MITCHELTREE ALT PETER A BRIMSTONE— IC Maack.. ends Salt Petra • 11 WA roll Ilnmstnne, rn on for sale by Bela 1 MC a FX & CO, water A. front .t C.A j ON, MIIO left tsnastraln. County Down, lrelsed, 1A24,10 years afro, wras hying with a No Deter near Pittsbargh, and of SAAI'L W. BeAT rv, and IMOD WILSON, wino left Anabdt, same county, is lAA. and in hi) were in or near YetAbureh Any one vying tafordisuali nt then,. VOW confer faaor on that, brother., Robert Re•tty or Awl, I Wakoa, no, 0 , R. Phenix, re,d Deo.dw, y, New I,A I dA1d.,131 ( - 2 I.OaN'A NII'DICINEA—Vor n and I cost—A I. kb cagily un hand and tor s•!,. h. de:tiß ER,. Wbole•ale Arent for I'Lturtot,lt. if 1•13,1: 11 FV TAI ENT POWs . ) 0 For sate by Ft IVt.olearle Ageol e-16 AMERICAN ALMANAC. aecl Ilepntitore 01 thm fal knowlmtge for the year tail; enntumtne roll, salrentic. .cl varied inform.° Ciovernmenconcerning fairs of the General and State tv This To unte Is °oval to it. predecemors la lollnem mtd eevoravY, nod will sustain the high character of the "Americen Almanac" ar a trustworthy manual for reference, and a toll repo...re of aerial know - lei.. do. received and for tile by - R. C STOCKTON, luk.iler. Printer •nd Binder, Market et XPREGO TO PHIL ADSCLPHIA. WE e.t.a made ar , aneen.ol.l • for Tuninne the above Erpteas darn, the .In.er eetieun. by Shea to,Hollidayahatgb, an , . linni hence I,y P.. mv.r.• Knit READ to Philadelphia. 'fbroitab in thing-ate holm. Small pelmet:a only ran he taken. der:dtaa D LEECD k Canal nagin English Oblate/ft', MIIIIPAY & BURCHFIELD base teceiard dei f rich and handsome tiiigiftm t'hlntsct , of styles 'Liftable rot tingle and double Letappers—warranied fin coin, deli STRAW OOUD 11011 GREENF. a CO.. Monoroctarers of For . awn end Domestic Strove thiodw call the alter, Iwo or harem to their Roods lu ladies and role.ea They wall °Ter trwtheenreni. neat ninety ot rtVer,tre., wain:titers who fay by the insantae• emirs' package. Sample. exhibited at their •Inse. No al Pearl Pi., hap aisle,) New Fork dela:Yawl Wide Black 'Watered 9114 a. URPHY rr. BURCHFIELD bravo waisted the In above article, of imitable wida• (or faahionahte sacks tarot eloakat also, Black Marimba and Cloaking Volseta. — DIM 1 teed 6y r deli JOHN veArr &LID MIRED FRENCH OIL CHINTZ—On baud MAI Inc sale cheap. at the Carpet Warehouse, No rd Faunae. [Jell] WM MeCLINTOCK ifiritiN OILMINTZ, reeeti; t dthttlay; at the Carpet Watchcase, ft Fourth st deli WM MaCLINTOCK ILICTiNT - Artit3.ts on;re sod lur sato by deli WM MCC' INTO{ ti rf 'WC!, 4 Wit:lA - TOW MA TS far onle ny del4 Ws, nIeCLINTC( F.IL AIAT,Inc Ottancicoincst accorm,“ of Sl.eqcksri Maui ever brcugrit W. Incrket, for sale. I. dee4 NM kleCLINTtr,'l: 3 - 1 . :14i111' LIND MAID, in more and for tale by del.' WM MeCLINTOCIi Lt (MO BOOKING The largem .d — bect strati -11 Mena clftr, brn ugbr LO Wit market for ca le rhrsp by rer , ' , ALL, 7 Jl._ del4 GLOVES AND HOSIERY. 250 Vi.' , ."—".,".1.7,',?..tt . ,w,%';i7:.11,".12 Thread do. ILO del Gentled:twoKiJ L.leyea,all color,, with a splenund ansorimeet or Vashleerc, Llctliu and Buck. skin do, of the 14.1 quality, to,ether wilt. the largest arid Octal a Hem.. stock of Iluniery ryer brought to thin market, Just tectlved, and Lc tu r d at reduced pore., by A A MASON & ('O, _ del ' & G Ilankct et • M 1941.4•4140 Bleaching Powder. 24 rcetVe'!, on hand and lon sale el a dell W & AI lIIITCHUTPEE . _ . ladle Rubber tiood•. JUST euu.di doe gi t z, ROA. do. dos 6 feet I der 7 feet doss feet do, - e doi new. lane Sleeve Glove., • / des Itheirkin Money flees, at the Win Rubber Depot,7 k v Wood el J k U YIIILLI Ye , EPALLICUUM CLOTH (or emllege covers end Net beCelirca MI for •nth by defy • 1 Si. H PHILLIPA TAIT' INollll—Ald woman rot SBt. rzrravunt num luzrait Low. Nrws —Tha length of the Report of rho Secreurry of the treasurei,.preventa vs from air. tog out usual variety of local now. this morning. Saturi,—.A typographical error, which occurred is the proodadinga of the Whig and Antimasonic nonvenlaw, published yesterday, mode hit.blc• Casettes nay exactly' the TeVeiS3 °forbid he really said. That gentleman was in favor of the minority report offered by an committee an contested teen. Tun Ptsianasutt 1ni103.1.1111f —The Fair and Supper which mete held last night in Arthur.' Buildings, Grant street, were attended by ban• dreda of our citizens, and etooda were, unable to gain admiumn. A very handsome mum mull have been netted for the benefit of the Pitiaburgh Infirmary, and surely money could net be expended in a more pmlae worthy manner. BaYat's PANOhJads..—This tine work of art is still on exhibition in the Atheneum Lecture Room, and attract. otowded Lousesevery evening. We are truly glad that Imenterprteing prbprletors meet with surcese, none it Is undoubtedly the most in teresting panorama ever exteldted in Pittsburgh. Every one wishes to sec the localities which it portra)s, Ghee rat their lives, and If We canna Ve nally see bets by going to the Atbeeeum, we can at as: beheld their "eoOnterfeir present ment,." Costatirreh.— Samuel Eakin was yesterday committed to prison, by Alderman Parkinson, chug-od, on oath of Jobe A. Dololl, with obtain leg goods node, la!sa pretences. =E=l Present, Wm. B. McClure, President Judge, Wm. Kerr and Samuel Janes, Associate Judges. The cape of the Commonwealth va. Andrew Wilson—lnd,ciarent, Fornication and Bastardy, on oath of Baehr. I Johnston, woe taken up. 'The jury, havicg heard the evidence, retired, and af• ter a short absence, returned • verdict of "guilty." The deiced.' wet sentenced 114 pay fifty dollar, to the I,roseentris, and the Nunn of seventy five cent. a we ; k for two years towaide the rapport of the chit+, and to stood committed till in 3 13.1CrIt0 la wee i.oed with. A dsrew Christy, who pleaded guilty during the June term to passing a forged order for nye dol. Hrs. was brought into Coon. He ha remained in prison ever More and the Judge, taking this into consideration, only sentenced hem m ao im prisonment of leo days. Commonwealth vs. William Sweet, alto, Sweet 1111—indictment, Assault and flattery, on oath of Ptidlip Mull. The prosecutor swore that the defendant, to. gether web Ave other., lumped upon bun, and best and abased him, our of them drawing a te. valves upon tier. The defendant kinked him upon the head above the eye, severely triuring hum. The Puy retired, and bran& in a verdict of "guilty TLu pr.o,he:, who La, hurh 10 aohgccou.rii fur hovural month., vuu3 euLaccued to au IaIIorIJUIV mew of ten asps hlaoorma.—The dieticga.•b 1 J hoe ellmt,ti. I'. B. James, oto no fur this bah:. mho Magazine hereafter, as appear' by the fol !owing loam: _ , Graham, Erp• My Dear Sm—lfavieg tees various Wash. al micas advertised le w. h • manors as to lead the Father to behave shut they have been written by use esprestly for periodi cals In this Meetly, I selhallse you to aisle, a you like, tits , your Initissate is the only periodical Ames tea for when I have undertaken to Witte any thing. Al "trier perlodhArl works of come co estates tat Koylieb putties:kers, under agreetterits itened lous ags p but the talcs wnrea by., tor vow mass s or. will n.it appear In Ergland tor a cotissderablo hale atter you have published them even if they ever at, petaled se that counter St all. - • I ”not cluacmy letter without complimenting you, both upon the mane, and tho appaltaata ul your magazine. I have telt the highest interest in many ul Meanie:ea contained iv the only numbers I hare lanen and in „mama alptiawji inner and dluerailote I' brie *eon tan mae.S tie tit ali ua equal. lad cd ,1a 1 nia te: ,ual eel itvne tow 'Oil can produce it al Such a pt.ce, Llea:tut nu memos may be noun .utseri,crr. Witc. ma to Le, dc.r Si,, your., lsithf 0. Y. iAME3 'fez STURM°. OF TUE UNIO,I.—As time edam. ces and the can passion.. of men In Varloile pep: Uuns become tranquilized, the returning settee al netionalrty resumes its sway, and patriotism corn more tetra it. proper form of attachment to iho Union. Mr. Betters', el tieargia, whom we had occasion to quote vozne time ego to an advocate of measure., which, if carried out, would heti. violated the spirit rf POI the triter of thu Con elitUlion, and wort haver led to dieuitton or to civil war, ha. mole reerutly defined his position, and taken ground mare in accordance with his high nation•l D•putatino awyne closeted character non l on,-t ur any wrote. watch; in his judgments, the t 4 ,itith had recc.ad," we quote from a notice in m.. Savannah he buid,o.n. tit his epeech recent• iy delivered in Mai city- - be proposal no art of resisumee to Inn liorerntnenl, no blow Realist the Union. Ile detened bit inevitatrk de cord• arid dlnsennlo/1. v. hien would Canoe Upon any effort to lona netV Cenfocie‘ue.rs. nod denion•tretril the certain and birribie eats which would attend a disnolonon tit Union, proposed to field the battles of the South in the Union mad upon the Conentotton, and dented to env man or set of men, the right to drag hurl out of the Union without his consent." We have no doubt whatever to to the proper) policy o' the Satoh to retard to an effih eat de-' fence of her lortilollaas sod etahts beltrltxxturs art:1000M. it. Wlthirt the 170000, sod 0000 the p'st:Orrn ref the Coos:elution Roe to Mang , out of .he tin on and deprived of the paa•sories of the Contbrution ale would be weak, and exposed to Inereileas :roomers whom attaolts would Ire i. am:ant—whose warfare would be ex.erm Bator. Let there he no mistake op,,e this p,ol. It stay be allowed to 8001 h Carolina I rexcreise the prey Orate of making [lsrael rlderoloos ; she may claim it ea Ono of her reserved lights. Got other Southern States, no• teen ta halloo:nit one, aid trbid , ly think 5 more advisable to hold un to ■ mix lanec rather than ponce a shadow—crpc toady wean the chose wtorh pronailranothl..s. Cl •clan, must be attended'hy perils that ay be fetal The State ft Texas has nerooiol the I Toclary Actor the beat mignon of Cut:prowl. Sbe I the If moo ; she Is commix dto it. It cost her same tootle to become part and parcel of the li.xpabl'e, but she straggled hard for she privilege, are Pe net &pored 10 pert with et. Genopla has o:odted eSairerillDO of Union torn. W 0 are as.Ured that Minalasippt will do the cams—leaving Gee. Qd't man to the eLjOtGler.l of Iva private npit , 4oo* eoDeertiihr reCetaloo, nod to his assoctstions with _Lope a, and his reaponalbilitees to the mhona's of his cooalry. The iadtcatiorn altogether at the South. haling and eiceptiog the small notion at SeulF. Carolina, am decided tor the Union. The Unionist, of the South can take cnie of their own ultraists and keep ihMlfrout drank harm. Bei It own membered that when mutual sod reciprocal • to. ties are enjoined, the due stikilmigo crobllgat ehby , one party is Praillete-itlipton a earreapeediog performance oa the ether se:, Let the North ran to it.that their port of the rampant is fsittaul'y tat...creed. la that quarter, tee must the cidetrerponsibilita now tette 't MO! AR, •I • ASSellude Poe. de Pottahart tit tati iii. —The forty bit 11130001 report to the Antenna Brord. of Commimonera for Forego hitvaloaa hay just hi - m . 1581.d by the sociely, in s nerdly pnated veteran of over 200 prim. We e etract from it rho fpllowing items, which will doubilera be In teresting to . a largo portion nt our readert, so they give 0 luminary of the preceedisig of the Shard during the pant pest: SIIRIVER A BARNEM R,r,,roprr ant! Espett,trre- 0.1. —Tire revuyie lur IL., $ ear euditry the :11111 .1 July test were, (rum OH Noumea, $2.11,862 29; while the expenditure. for the rumit p.rmd welt, flt:rl,3liV :6, the expeorit lures burly ',recur Itorn the receipts Lty f 2,. 467 H;. These 52 457 fr) /111.1.1 to the debt of lasi year which wen 591 803 9s. make Um resent tuticht ed.,s of the Hosed $31,u31 The receipts or ton year ending August lot, ltl9, irrerpeetive of lbe rum ronirtlaved toward payment of the debt, were 5i . 47,555 11—show• tog an advanee to the rreeipie of the yccr rum eloped, beyond those of the prev,cnot year, of $1,207 Prom the American Bile Society, the ertrnmita tee hays romeived during tho yea, $1.1,9:41; and from the American Trues Society during the MUG period S1;t00. i'obroariona.—Duriug Ito year ending July 31 , the following puldieni:ona writ Issued: Of the httaaintaty Herald, 211,560 mplea, mating a monthly average of 17,62. (tellies. Of the Dayapring, from Augnst to Deeember. ISt9, oat, hundred end eighty eight atty.:id hoe hundred coot.; mating a monthly average of thirty raven thousand tween hundred. %Vita the Ueeemher numb, the Dayspring craned. Of the You hSt Dayeprote, sahlah made int up. pasrauee in January, three hundred and twenty nine 1110Usar141 copies have hems published, being a monthly average of tarty seven Ibotmand. Of the lournai of Mumma% there have been tuned Into hundred and seventy eight thouashd comes. Several Utirubell of this paper appeared during the autumn, and were neat out •• apeelmen camber.. The regular monthly loat, start Janus try Inn averaged about thirty blur thotmand• . . .IVI casionan..—Th o Board ham twenty four gni.. 11100.1 miler its care embracing One hundred and Ito at. s and twenty eight out stations. In these mission. are ono hundred and fifty seven prdewed roc : ItiTER Derronder 19th, 15,10 itsvcas Hc:;Ps, liorrox,Slase nth mintiorwriep,And two licenced,preachers.. Nine of the ordained miericesariee hive alsirbeen ! eritri cared in the healing nit, and there are seven phy aureola who are not preachers. Of teachers, prin. tees, there are twenty five; and of females ewiatrust missionaries two hundred sod four. The Whole number of the laborers, male and (mimic. scut from this country and now living, is three hundred and ninety five. The humber w only thir ty more than it Wes ten yea. two. The nutrater sent out from the beginning, is nine hundred and sixty. Six native pastors, and twenty two other notice preachers, and ninety four native helpers, make the Whole amber of native assistants, not including schoolmasters and comparatively mredu noted helpers, one hundied and twenty two. The whole number of laborers now connected with the trustees, foreign and native, who depend for their mans of living and usefulness on the treasury of the Board, is Gee hundred and seventeen. Chun:ice —The number of churches formed in the minions is eighty five. These contain twenty five thonaani. eight hundred and seventy five members In regular standing. The admis. dons to the chinch., by a profession of faith, du ring the year, were ono thousand nine hundred and sixty Paseo; which 6 seven hundred and eighty two more than are reported to have bean received into the congregational churches of the ! State of Maambuiett., in the ratite space of time. in this Oonnection it should be elated, that the contributions received by the Board from for. ' elga lands, the amount of which is steadily in creasing from year to year, was 1.3,219 0f; and e considerable portion of this came from these na tive mission churches. Schools era Pupils —The seminaries for train ing native preachers and teachers, nre 7 in number and contain 329 pupils; there are 755 pupils, male and female, in other boarding schools. The num ber of children in free schools, is 21,730, a num ber of whom are at the Sandwich Islands, and sup ported by the Ilownban government. I Prmhusi.—Twelve printing .estatilislimeav are operation in as many of the missions, with 7 type and stereotype foundries, 'and type for printing in nearly 30 languages. During the past year, 77,644,- 2,03 pagen are reported to hove been printed. Tuts swells the amount of printing from the beginning, 10 all the missions, to 810,7193,481 pages. Appended to the report is some interesting intel ligence in relation to the loreign missionary stations; the chancier, customs, and manners of the people, a description of the various countries, doc It tnav be well to state, to eouclusion, that during the tins year of qui.tutciely.,_, eithienve the teeetpliamount. ed tobtit Stott) 55. Crowe or CUYAHOGA CoitrsKy.—Daputy Mar. Wale, Mann and thiawold, lamp furnished nu with the following figures, ahourrog the population of Cuyahoga county. Toe inc. - nom, once 1940 has been very large being 22.759, er nearly hundred per cent. From 6,076 in 1810, the o Fo rm City" chows 17933 to 1850; and Brooklyn, Including Ohio Orly, boa 6,375, issued of 2,966, ten yearn ago. The popular:on of Ohio City Ir 4,243, aping 1,577, In 1810. hliddlebergh Wows the largest inereane 01 any townebtp, havrog grown from 399 to 1,490. The decrease of 5I in Orange is only in appear. Roca*, the township of Chagrin }ally having been taken from Solon cod Orange came inn lost con. sus. Euclid rim shows a rir,rease. rf 30i, which is owing to the ereatiou of Eon C,eyetond fro m the territory id Dieltd, Cie yds.!, and Newburgh. The population of lieeeke.llo is eight lens than in ISIS, but that township halt. the greatest propor• lion of adult population, one ba• lost many of her eivriens be the California° foyer." _ . None ord." mr.r iownehipi have 5.) great a number of Conte. compared with the tehalainnisout Breckviho Much credit ie duo to the Deputy Mirsheit for the cetrectoriet with which they have periarmed their Juliet , and the aeculacy with which they have matte their retort.. Their die tricot were perhaps the baguet In the State,- and their return, have been pronour oed the inert tier feet yet forwarded to the United Staten Mar. ate. We mid q tah!e thowlog act prompt rclurne nJ those 01 ISIO 1550 . I ald Beaurd.. .......... 1211 tirertartne 1116 11;1 Evollys FIT.; Cleveland, lit Ware —Wan -1:032 er)74 Chagtra FaLW 19r.9.1 awe, ....... ............ ' . 1102 9 , 4 Eta Cleveland '+7. Euclid 7101 11b2 indegendener . 107 1119y/it:ld Nil S', Midrhaburgh ..149.., '199 Newburgh. 1 , 11 131 e 01,1,....d. 1214 4t9 Orsuge 10112 1114 Parma... .. ..... .... .....1319 •JW. !Lockport 1411 1234 Roiebon 12b.1 1E4 . .1 SUJOL. 1031 711 Stroogav We 1199 111'4 Warrenn Mc . 1109 1035 Too! 46,096 25,331 .—Ktrota'n itrial WELL Tnanno.--A dleatnio• ht oa •n .e nt dinner, epoit it e bare of the right of tr., ffra 57, when the fel owlon colloquy tooo "I do not shot," old o•e of toe pArty,..ttitt all men shoold irlailleratllatley be perminol so vote. There mow be tame realms or, and ,f you Ica, •arey Lunen, you m•y as well teltod tie pli•iligP au!! further, sod p 411.111 W.. 93411 m me polls •• Walnut.'" quickly respondad a euithed lady on Ib opposee the table, `and way abauhl m•mpn url vote' Da Irou menu muy we we Infer be In lb-talker sea!" •t 01 fro means, madam. Ti e lade, , I admit, have ltorr mirth cam: po.fiera as vivid, red as well cultivated as therm who have :assumed the titre of Weiser crafting their 1 Irks to tee them a their proper sphere." `Thetr proper sphere! And pray, arr. per• mit me to ma what do yen nem:, taco paper spr.ers," • • Way. medlar°. tpe st•Lcre ol worn+. Is. -a is a ..lestszl.aphve" It ii.EIAILKA uLb. CASK, I I LVIDE:NOE IN Ol'it N111)8I -, . Mt Alas -Sqr, 1 cbeeaelly eempiy waL your ru Vleat 11.11 Would give pact •n ar•etniet:nl me Wain, inalteleo4.nure a WI duog nice. el • t , ti of yous...l.ctroleaux.” She was &nachos! with • very rore eye in February or Plumb Non, when I ahinediately 101 , 104 ionic heat M.dtnnt tatd to the city, by whom a was pronounced u very had eye" and all gave me no, hope of doing her any good. After whirl. I took hey into the nous, try to an old lady, who Lad been very' ruezeeslol In canng nye+. She told oa ILIALIaCt af A. was hop:loot. as she would certainly lore not only that one, Al.ll alt. that the other would follow it belayrernfolouv •tfevoon of the blood. And &FP ne wit fy .000 .•t the time my father 11. 11. Vitebont Colon tn the cone Cumin that we had better try your Pt 0... kw - W• 4 ZILLIO at ant eye- It :A now chumtoo menthe son, Ma began imape, and .4 can Low see with both ere.. pond he ever e/0100l ; and, a, far as I van tell, I helle•e has, out, tie tnemng of Almig !lir, been toyed by - Pen Wet." NUara respeettany, AI. rhatichs WA... COI", Sept 70, Itill. Fur able by Kcyicr a Mr Dowell, HO %hoed moot; R. E. SYDera, Worol march; D. Al. Curry. DA. F.I [loth ]ore ph Dangle**, an.l 11. P Schwartz, Allegt,c.i, Aisa by the yropriclor, S. M. I:/E11, no - z7 , ll`tra tbroal Ilasin.Szvahth et, Pillabar,h LOOK HERE MY FRIEND! A RR 011 A FATHER. Iliosons Inc Mc suppers of It ond ourieripe from control whiny end low sprits, so that lire almostburden, tee UR V. D SHAKER SA scraps • VARILLA. ARK YOU A AD) CHER, Sufiering front dmeases to 'storm tamales amurns, ally atiMmit, tire Or D. Untie`, Shaker Sarsupurilla --it wall csittatnly cum you Call at our depot, or on one of oar agents, Sc) pr. • ImroPtSet, grans, whow Too will find thy!, the Shaker b....11.011a; ha prepared Ey Dr. V. D. Howe. but liven toe mean. of pelmorpenny euram more to which the Suntan , AM:ly are eontmoully oulijest, wan toy other preparation of tiorsopablla roar yet brunet. helot. tiro ptmhe This sued,sine has eataLlithed It. high reputation L y ,ts aurae rout and well stormed cures. It to put up lit 4 ,ll , lllEuttlea, uud mayorc Soot, paollo tbut art. on ttic Krilagys, d Blond st the .time hum, which modem at aliogmlier mom leis •Elo elm) , Our. partiettlarly to females. B•l ' e d•odaogratofw Dr . S. D. BOWL'S RUA Klift SARSAPARILLA, gad bate La otter. Pone AI her bottle-11 bottle, for SS. ' For to Ey DR. S. D. HOW): A., CO, Prop:wpm, I Collo.° Hall, Ciumonall, 0, To whom all orders unto he od.lrusged. Also, for sale by J. A. Joneo,J. Sehobnmaker Co. W. Black, R. W. Means, J. 2,1 TownsenJ, J. Mohler, W. Jackson, IlitutfitrghElliott. AilLghtny on , ), W. IL bleCleliand, Manche-mar; P. Crocker, Brown.- 'Ale; James Nall A. Co, Wile-chug; J. II Patterson and E. G. Alorgan, Bt. Chasovillo; Wilton A Knox, Cod). oesixEltsT • THE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT (Leta Rameton & Swetten's) AnJ Bl.mt BM and &a Monet', 11,4.,451.5. W v. lIA VE IN J$ prtplito.l to C1.f0111.0 entrylßO! Of legal, Cam. memo!, Canal and Steam Rost Job hinting and Book litntßogi and forni.n every Ralile lo the Munk Book, Paper, end Stationery lit , ' ei abin'et , no . tier. and on tile moor re”anvbie Intim Blank Rook and Stationery Warehoure editor of Alarket and Second street,. Printing 0111ce and Boot Bindery, No SO Tim.' It ARNOLD`rr, iiibbert 5, Begun th Tioitbroortnte. aai arnson, Bloc/. rud, Searles, Cern... inks Gontat , , Eaticr . e, Brookinan r liangdor,,, dart son't, and hionroe's Lltnet and Red Lean Pencil; Elitrar de of every ditecnpurtn; Cotion•c, Prottte, Levy', ROW*, Leman's, and oilier nix nu (*.tn." hi, B.& E Etuttles truceeivor to ,; IIeY4Y A Cof etlebrated (Void Pet, Witt gold and /liver ellSe§ IVherununs English o:awing Pnper—aniutusrign, double eleha, eolubint, ope royl. roa um/ elephap nt nt; Urinal m rap, dermyr a and mediu y m. l Perlorated hoard, (miry box Orin sliver, grabossed gold, silver andf a nny Clored paper, gold and enlaced &Inas and cornet., a n t lithiwtugl t s for fancy boxes; Pie ere,! pmelintem ur ail cues, minable for deeds, charter. and diplomas, Ereneli to paper, always en hand, the mast dr hirable int sizes ami patter., plant, gilt. entliowed and silvered, uimatile for balls, parties, weddings and mural.* French note envelope,. plain and embossed: letter enLeone velop., brawn; white and blue; Ind and plain tiler and what,. Wattle; wafer Mips, retinue patter.; len sal ad; traseiCocoa atud Tarker boxwood said bores, copying purges, lake, brushes, French add English eupgitig books, Chi oil paper; linen piper tit all .11 eel red and wlute patent bletung pstmr pen knives, kr. The above, with all other ankles in the Uinta:wry bath bony sad staple, together with a liege ma• suriment of blank beak. and memoranda., books of " common ffl.. of riling. la every stele of bolding, and paper of all sites and ntualtons,ior ialeat redeem] rates on the most reasonable terms al • W. 8. monk Book and Btailinilirt 12010 Oornar ut Market and Second sty. Packets aralwitig at anddepartlatt from the Port of Pittsburgh. MI( CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS. • r. , .... • ,\ T . ° • U' lTA ' s. ' e NEWTON, • 0. T Hate/omit, enamor, stull lea. •• . n . .. for • .6 and Intarreedtate pi3ruko Sat. day, •Il sr inst., at 10 A. SL .. Far Dmlht ar P.. gc, apply on board or to .DIM 3 NEWTON JON ES, AO FOR CINCINNATI er. LOEI9VILLI.I cairn,,,,... The splendtd and fast nmtalsig steam MILTON, John 13. Davis, master, will leave fo e above and all intermediate par on this day the 20th inst For freight or passage apply on board, or to drtlo_ (i 0 MILTENBEROE, Agt. roti IL ST. LOUIS. I. , Theirast running steamer _1 ROBERT RODGERS, .......,•,g: t ..i.3 Bomber, rea.ter, will leave for the •••• ••••••• • 't, above mat all intermediate ports, on thi lF l' oll 7 rel ' eb. ' S t ll ti° ge, l' apP r ly on board. deenti IM== The splendid new ...art . al l I. W.'Kiaantr,LUELLAn maor, will leave for the a ore and all iiiitennediate ports on thin nay, tO.b inn at la A. M. • For freight or parr* e, apply on board. deft lE3=l !Wpm 711. splendid steamer MAY FLOWER, J 11. lasleit, master, will leave for elbow. and Intermediate landings on WedneAdoS.lth F.,, fre:tbr nr piDanie, avp!y on board dr2tl REGULAR PITTRRURGII AND %WiIk:LUNG & ‘l l . sr., The splendid new packet steamer PIVIINAL, li • ' Vowell, 010101.,, m now performing es' her rigular trl-weekly trips herwmen Oils eny grid - Wheel de; leaving Pittsburgh al In o'clock, emery Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and returning, leaves Wheeling every /undo . , Thum day and :someday, in. each week. or freight or passage, apply 011 boa rd, or lo i O'd ARVATRONG A. CROZE/1. ARM IIEGULAIt LIYF:R{ . OOI, 2 .Nu wELLiviu..E PACKET. Tlie light drntight rt..eiher ARENA, 7k 7 l4E+X D. P Kinuey, master, tau.. Fitts - Lorgh,hlooddy, Wednesday. auJ Frl day,atlodelcel•,A M Lear,. Wollsvitla 'Friends), Thursday, and Saturday, ut 7 o'clock, A M. For freight or har••ce, are!). bour,i. nog_ PiritlLlVlDill h. WELLSVILLE PACKET. The 'reamer t BE V PALLE. `," D. IL Dale, master, w,II t.gae Pat.. pge.XLA+ Lu t eh every Tu raday, Thursday, sed Saturday, warning. leave Welk, ale every Monday, Wednesday, uud Friday For freight or :mange h_oard, or to ecgg IV U With-F.1.1,R, Agent _ . lIIGULAII WEDNESDAY PACKES Clown ha. BinnuneE.s.l Us& Itplendtd boar war Lurk tha owl.. of the war.. snot Newton, and othc,i, for the Cincinnati and l'itt4dryn Panlct trade, and will leave every lVadnerdtty, lur CULCIIIII4I4, in pl.: . at the New England, Nn For frrigla or putidage apply on board, or to trir23 It/ It 311 L YENUP.RGER, Agt REUULA SUNFIt•Ii PACE.Irt - Ti o last ranntng strainer 55 dune, will ran Ma a ref Wen acket belvreen InatiNatab, St heed ing, Flndeeport, and ilopLah.leaving Pinang/an a, every Slonday •Iternon ror tlteubenville, and eroort, and tv.ry Thur..t. Aernonn (or Sterna. ine, Ni l teeling, Iteta lited4r ot:J y y day uftdruonn. and ...dot,. corn, rrn!...y Miter far. Por treqakt .r Passayze, all. , on lin e r ' , or in It WILRI ISSO PHILADELPHIA 6r PITTSBURGH' THE CITIZENS' PORTABLE DIRT LINE, d riumriNuEs to it r ward Iraqis L, I r mAbarah nod L.i Ittol 114.1 and Canal..n l•enY rearanahle tern., and with the ti , uat decnaieln,ir•no oar largo depot, t.o.2:lllilarket ever t, (or niet ly one apred LY /11.,•rx IL/Iv:Law in k. II W PUINIHATk:It a CO VAL/. ,n= ttla ('RANGE OF HOUR Central Ital!road open to 1101 , 1.Inp•burg ID: mths C.71,1l lo mild, 14.11 pupa J.,Au.storm , Phalcdelphta TateDAIL EXPit ESS PACKET BOA 7:3, Ex.ll, , orely foi l'os•ongers, F'Ult PHILADELPHIA AND 8.{LTM10121... Toue inkot.ett. 45 hour.--- N mol Mk` hi...milky, :f00te....,r lac, doily •re tor inttoolowo, lento theare tote sioterG..l Oew cur, .Itroct to i.o.otg over 0 - , ,o"jivp, Rol I,err, or oitto vory I.e.t :5 u.e,01.11,. Tho toe:raked pp0..1 t.e Itte• root, o Atoll it the lona: deskrobit, RP We'd mon, otclotte.,lr nom IS t 4., Ca.terqokliem .c• • • - . ,Jttsier Boni will' re 4,3 morrunt at 7 a loet Ftn.l every .ren,, et E. /. = cl,l, pre. i , fl fp• - Ttle Yortawe IFC•1111.t f , a.o.ed der uot I ;.a...aart u p r o yto •CUI) 11, LEFA-11 It - u - U ~~ ~ nut] 78 BlSlea Eltogllng. Vt. Worrnstritto and Cumltottroz.l In Dalntorad and l'hilnCtittn tr. —slo CO t - 4 r‘ +III. tourntutt ktil :et. thc &L au tic j td,tte, Cl I?. ticior prect cly. Tim. to Ft:Cam:4c, Loar.. Croy to I lotedelpLoo, 40 hour. Ttte c•outnt boat lennon... tint7—t-nript Sunday ay czt.orts.) .4 5 ~.Clock. tcaning on lie svenin, bolt, trill ore. 144111.tioet rm... Geol ottd 11111, maid noito Icart..l ttcoort your totals so the Otto, til hi.ottgaLein rittotto, or Si Cttati.. Hotel 0051-14 BIDWELL Eg Hli OTIII , II, FI , II , X'A !WI". I, NI 4:1 471 , illeavr; D'Airen. ior DI DWELL'S PrrI'SDURG II AND CLI-SELAND !ANL; V.1:11:. AND It EADVH.J.E. Lisa: Tr) 1:1;11:, W All 11l N AND NEV..._CkSTI.E. PACKET..4i tx.wolz land t!vop,z t 0,1,•51,. Nl.el•qurk, LAIC Erie, en.114,7er. to- Gaorts rLn tip ..il ar. tite tan it vi-111 .v,, plc.., direct cond.. C~^d+L , '•l L! a=eii'a gt. ENNSYLVANIARAILROAD 11;1.ti'fritt. ZIL.4 ' III 30 x . 01!1.4 1.11,1.70E1 =ME Gana !went Telerroph 41.1o:sprees 14,1t0 taile Co.upd.y. fen. thence NIS. Peit Ilvania R. INs. In HULA DELPHIA, NEW VORN. evil PALTIMMIN . . INnt, Mr .tension ni Pcoll I.•nr. of Caluebt.• tit le•ve of 11r.Vida) - al.ur, ta tho,ce tir o. Pr0n,1.411//4 Rad Road. I twit to Pia,ladrl,ll. Oar ..gh, I.trc - -- • 51i Al Flier to • . .... 10 tar Coacher elcr, 11.111 ( o'clock, rive ,, <!y, lira every wet,: to VII .srun,lll, I. TRnbw leave mutiny Away. in mh•iir.est Thls II ilto man oirat, romrorutlAt, etc,t rat c,l/ilLto route io rlrr coslc”, crLra I'iwrnzert I DalLizt.t.re Isle tl r vr tv {,l, Ito‘d ut Ifartic .. t.urg, direct, on It , : arrival of 'he eltrs place. lor i.a..agrt or Ir.forrnvian. i.pply Wlf. Aliillli.lll'A 1.1. Ft rbar , rlll,ll.l, or 103 1101.01t. , .711..a.1,01.0a r/it , botab, Der 4, 1,30 0,0 vont Hall.. ,r. , 1 Puthra with Al•xpr, tehlel are crnerarmal • Mar, of the Weal, m1,r.1 , 104. i+ean,teya.., Allegheny 17r.un'1, Nla.mtati + and Timer, Human I to-, Chcn.istry Al,l Alapi, Stream nt Time. 1 - urod y Auld Sebnol Monitor.. Out line (dab, 1111;CATIoN llazkot Christman v r...sv roar Try, j uvr . 2 as, 4.. Llopis. 1 •1:1411 • te :1 Jo: ,41.1111 i ,••• • a:: u.n•trel, 1 , ,,,unfk11 ziat Tay. (n , rh,i iron .44. „111101 by o.ivar kithi 1.,t , crvo!r., chry cannot It InioTed r brok.rn in any I) I°l.o Ll r. a de< Tex:kJ, s. I I:6nrnt sx at :hr Fir.hLer Depot,: A. V 11'uou strre, I .5. II 0111,1 ' " ' nl orpttes Selftit.MAß Al•ertbing ia.ch valop<r. Marrs!. TIIE iti ratTonag: of •II who may 1e.113 rcat u: 'hal he.lla I n soh tsUrnugla I..eforethe publit. (.74,rin11.1',, 12 1, 0,1.1 uma Illy who h ver .A.,llnr.c rapidly na pran , of The lot:owane Ibr r .nout Way. bit , `n the plat, 0...1..e.1 l.r .tan ie.,l .. peril, have •11.• I an 4 rolhrr lir phi.. /wiling perfect ,erouto ai n,nit .rno•l. .1 The En oclope• cannot be 0p0t.4.1 without I,the de•tinY. :1.1. Ne.ther• wan nar wafer.. tit...trod to ice. than Vpon thr ata latter oin real toino• 1.• .chain re... to the or., it-a of month+ it , 1,..,r htt. nn I.4pirlopo a•. forloiloil ht olnlort Ilan pit, a.. pt ti.t. hoc 1....44.1rd off,tive whir viictnent, bute •Ilt•, t, tif thrmath ot hoer nii 'I i., o /I , IPI L price. hit Into iv,. on braio. othl will lam tar cars, and Epwriopr. of Ilte noaal -tar, roller whale or hull, rixoS and ...Jr ....above vioh nano, add., r. he rt.,. of Mao lattrra or 1c... •• • el tio• .40 to ar " UU In . • ..• In thil ler. • ..... •• .• th no In /.01/• • • •• CO Mittll II OM canon... 11/ ivrionral uncont t.f V ., per mull or capicio, .1. crener reaptrtable Now Volk WY,' W/II be inhalant ..1 °went will tehtlon tddreA•cd. ""‘"h 4441.1.1.01 411:111.114", Ericson of Envelope. mode eeein.e 84 MI 063 alstbenit tt New York. thJeta will tot-stleA to prounols II kit at the mons a Me.. Paten A Molt 10010/1 0 /1 10 01l Wen, or 01 M . , Willism N. 11 —Oneness Curds ntbosnd clor• from same Ins, al MO per Elmwood neva..dana ittanjAN WAN'ttlb, - by • Pitilaaeliiiitt Dr 0 000 es (lone—one able to Inalsonce a end en d six months. trade fromWrotern Pennsylvania and Ohio; he Marl be or toad character and quabacd to rate s POll[lolllo el loot Onto salesman hone other need apply. CumrsulliClliollll Will be conedeted can. fidantial. Addrail, pan 'paid, Ilvz 761 Philadelphia l'sCOMee. aotaakodim HOMES, LOTS FMK & 808 RENT. .1k TWO story frame Rms. sad book biil.too, with tsVo los, waste on ot..l&o& • joining L. Shwa). For mrmr. *poly to RUBIS; t:ol. LITTLI: & del:! .131 Libert, WARMS SPOIL BALIC O • • .NE conltinine2tkl eerea r a m il e. hap WeedsPiehl on the graded road to the ()tiro Biter, at Coruna Creek ti Entitle about 100 *area cleared, sews first rel.: bottom, d dwaliin• henget he ensourd a large orchard. This would mate a splendid swot ter, it would divide In itilvantepo into three Wilma kis • doeirahle property, and wilt ha sold tow. ALSO, Two :O acre tract. of land beoatoolly an the Ohio Myer. VI mitre below Whellincimptooed, and be t.oLII o Gongola. Idnotore or • - ' WM II JODIVSTOIS II! See.•nd st ET= T il Lo d 7 g httTl N Ot o T . te E tt,tr i oe t e e e e p i tej ' re the mbserther. Rent WOO per tomato P . oven on the lot of November next. JOHN H MELLOR orris! _ - No. el Rood street offices in roil Oficia A long, well lighted room, ad st u Orv; entfusee Mar ket tunnel, between '4l sod 4th &mt.. Also, • moll brick hon., to +lit Township, netts Pennsylvania Avenue, IngeWe or coca (“;AZZAM, N Second at. C:11312 AFOUR Story abiderOof, office. bath room, gas (Imam., and bake oven, 140 Thad L. !adore m al Water mem. *4,103 M'CORD G, CO Q Wholesale & Retail 'Ran ti lac tu rare & Dealers in . . HATS, CAPS & FURS, CCU. Wood d. Wirth atm., Pitt Nburgb, Where they offer a full and coninlete Stuck of Hata, Cars, Furl, ttc. of every quality style, by Whole sale and lie:all:and invite the attention of their E. ar. totoent.d porch generally, g them that they will sell on the rote . MUNI COMMISSIONER AND TILL BROKER, TRICT attention will be ilven hi. all bonnets en trended to hie corm ihttehuri manufactured article. always on band or procured al than node, Notre, Bonds illortla•es, ad. or adulated on favor able tenant Adirancrs mode, .1" scanned. oetnitio =M= • . AIIRANGFhIEDITS baring been made between the undersigned end FL 1.. Grayeow V. 1., of l% ihnigual City, time of the Treasury Dcpmmcut.l the undersigned will precut. Bounty Lands for the and soldiers.tbetr KfinVa at/ children, under ths Botdity Lana Bill. posted Septet:lb, Win/An-Ws .1 AIM FS F. KERR, attorney et Law, Fourth st between Swiiltfield se. &Chewy chop Pittsburgh, Ont 41,1950 —ocia MURPHY & BURCHFIELD c.:metrrtv TOE onD onnza 111rCOOTMENTS OF TIMOR nolitl COCO, North-Ecst cor. of Fpuri Ix I Market •t., WILL HE-OPEN, 011 Aturiday morning, 23d September, With a lame Stock of New 000d3 n. C. STOCKTON, COOESELLER AND 9TATIONDR, No 47 Market lower, coiner of Third sr., fr ig , c ,, znc . niV o t.n .n bni i (or hole, I . e yching, H Le n t n ie c i, Fader.', fare% and Tank Bonnie; =held Neori P=rier Print ink.; oh!. ke will soli tube lowest cavil tic., or in exchcaree for. rap, or cannon' scraps - 3:IC. LS RA Dif ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. fig Fifth at.r•et ser.l tin.a.Lzeu, PA, ISAAC I.li NrC , IBIATIont at laaac :Wbrthtarica, We a. Cbcviet county, PC, Ci.ll Lc Wank 11, ceiv ll by Wilmer tae Woriblogion. M. D. We. de3:olw Wout.batiy wad WMIT El•rohials. PREMIChI pk.:91 ,1 / 1 11Eit'i. a,bserlher respeciliallyinVD. public laic.. ID r Vt/.IIIC stack - of Perfumery, Soaps m , Slaralog seien Saver aud a Golden iirt tit yearv, been awarded Ihr I.l..tiltlln Nnw V ten, and ?m -delph, Me r Leme tidy G il. uide, Medals ever awarded lot perfar.mry e,mci Id Europa or to Ws COW:an.. • Pa.:Au:a SiixriVo CaLaic tAllmhd, 11+1. as..l Awbrozial, uckr.t , wicsige.l to Le imp,r.ut in .0 cueutty Gt Fa rope t soa Savatao—fkautlfully trnostntrora, nr..l povveivlng blgaty napoonceous vtoollient F ropeto ex; eVairouveco Compouta; tabrostal St. av nt Toolet; Yilinoty 31,ovIna Sono tl VlNAlnist 'Lettre a . utPS—Alinttr,(l, Ilencum, Bouquet, t'altsch;o. Melt, l'etehouvi ; vttnaibus, F1041 , - l'rnnoparent, ()Bye (ti), Witalvor, stn.l Bevavers von THZ EiAlthiClTrrl-140se, Jnsunn, tiou. • utt lie Barone e, Bryan/um, Jinn." Lind, Mousse- It PIC, I , ,ckey Cato, hlavnoun, Clemente., Cluonelle Itoant, nod many other v. neuvv, rn pH urty tilffervut r Twine Warr—.Florida IVater, Eau de Toilette, bracer Flower Water, and a greet variety of o<l.. 1,11(.11 and Lavender Water. Pane/ear:on, roe Ins fi4l.—CfatilllC fiCat 4 11011, Aftthille ilnadelaw, Eau Luttrate, Oteine, Com- Tatund Or Marrow, Hair Dyes, liquid and in powder, Yhtloconte, Ritnnine, and Jenny Lind gamed.. 01031,1d1C l'arealta t negs—llialsamie hate Toxin Charcoal Dentrlfice, Udonnna, Tooth Fattte, and Tooth Founder. Cara: ma.- Ver ruble Cootel , c ere., effeendlee for ofdpeed hands. Cold Cream of Pore., Cream de Peri., Lip Satre, kentberry Cream, &c. Dorelatory Powderr, for reroovzog ouperlionfia belt, Pearl Powder, Virorigre It Rouge, Aroma. Vinegar, Vaeforpt flair Cocr.poftuon, Pretten Salts, laeftdeo a r tea f rail:ay of otter eructed, 100 numerous in to nen:edin LW. advertisement. • The rebeuriber borer '.l roauttatn tea rerutattoo rutuch talc ebtabllultutertt Pas acqatred, 1.1 d rt oposurg rotting but Lem rate a.lOll, tad Will be happy to ,retrh there echo tray Wm to patronise Was, either rybotesolu or retall on re rear weans an arty ca. tabilahutcni tu tho United all.tc{ XAVIER DAZIN I Yts,yet tor to end testacy !Mauer or the Labotator7 EIWESE ROUSSEL, 114 Chernut Street. r la for /tale try all the rum,. reu ~ troutry trerrultv klUkV= AT/Sti O.) as:D. rplIE uoccooopo I,IQ C 1. 1 ,4 .hie 4 /11/1 attended the u•r ot RHEUMATIC COSI. P.ALIND .d 431..1.tit PURIFIER, in cdociaalll car. 0.! •overo•t krol mo.t tovoiorate cloos oi FLAMM., itat AND CHRONIC 1111P.UMAT/Shl, 1. .et otter.are tool EcrommonJottan to m ot., who •ia wt.'thif aleudlui dna.. tr• !lunar,. ut col.cf, 'torn citizen, of St. Lout + end outer. iron ooroad, hove Leen cured with , to Ma tail few month, in the city nt St Louie aleine, v...., letter. from sgetas abroad @low also that n is pertuttaing the some et . ..rover t6l Molly of tbele voted l'brettic cite. of lone vtaodine, .d ad hope of rreco" Y Lod Leon given While other. were of mare recent dole, Clthe acute indammetary fort. very revere All however, yield to toe wooderful r,;:u,.• thil medic., and tootteant'a who have fo ulard Lein.., and ore now in the etuoymont of htelth evta hot emu, to die orloinal discovery( and rolot.d. • heoefactor nl manlind. It wel.noon horn the expepenre of the p•st, Brst Lutwaid application can edema pm th, nem , ure or the dreadful diseime. By the even. ,stn a of stimulating Ittimentr. partial relief, in 111.1 MC ,rwer, tuuy Le shin nil tot a short bore. But till the while tnis d,-ease u fiolna its grasp snore permanently in the st stem, and sooner or later will again dosclone ..If in it more dreenrot term, and after a few pen• wheal returns. it settles iliao x chronic form, which, If not Coon wiewed, Mt. tilt IhtliVidlll“ lot Ide This i t vent., I by tire tricot y of the past in all countries, and more bully demonstrated lily the htstory furnished of Into to the proprietor of this &rupound, as given by vernl hundreds of those who hove parsed under his tcwiestate nonce and treatment daring the lace few t MOP C'S ft II cumATia COMI OUND aed NLOOII PURIVIEIt ti on Intiriaal rente.s —corn • mences its operattom vivre We diocese tint otlii• tvtes, and, in purifying the Hood, Poo. thrangh the o hole system, muirolvm Me tramore or Collette seers went whleh bus voted upon Me enetarmea, ed odd tettantis —remosesit entirely from the syeteru, and s ite unhatdual in perfc Malth. Le. them who are odoeted ni t dOceise thommlyes, ntri pot cif time use of ilits meittelne. too lens, or until loin Props are disleenvil or convicted to sorb ti de. c crec Mat dicy ate.cfinples for fife. 'rho exptifiente t huddled, of thOu•antl• during the Pea r , as mall a. opultirWlr at the preYent day, demonstrates the folly id xpecttn, permanent relief (rum oternal oppli• p.nprtetor or ikna medicine knows exprter,re, :ot no outward . application eau pot)lrly err, a permanent cure where this thieve Is fantly hind in the ranw. and der. prepare ml apply an al oronation in vary acute eufer. which rehel in , he boar', time, but this win not ,aan, a parinnnrilt oh, The nature or thia r, b that it regal", longer note, and In internal it ormluee the deinred Offer.. and Moon:lore's I:het:ran, Compound and LiloodParltirr in the only re ell d r .11.11 11.• ever been diteovered.r liner in A wet en or ma) otber, ountry that will elifeetually dare inf. .. RC van to, had. wholesale 01 retail, at 9.1 I hard solver, neat to the Cott Olden, Yin.thuryb Peter Si v., Cottle, 0 not 0. 0n• 1125, or lib per ,:ore,. Yampa(-'. eon I,e had gratl• of ale egret rand It 11. W 1,11 A R'r. neon BAY STATE SHAWLS. IvlrsycelebtaL.l and juatly aconowledged t—tmr good.. In the latest calming. and most en e tyies, end be tarnished by the subscribers i n an; a uan toy, at Inc very lowest porter. Patellas. ss t il piece, notice that the genuine Bay State Nl•rtee I•eer lielolll COrirgroOdillg with the above atm they will also be disunguLshed from all ether Woolen Shawl. by then' superior finish, fineness of texture, end brilliancy of colora. Orders solicited Irtira all section. orthe country. and the same will be promptly attended to. Purehuseta wall also find to our Ohaarl Or a large assertinent or all the o ur most approved 614 tea, and nowest designa Of Amend., Breavh, and Scotch WoOlen Shawl's, cm bracing 16 great variety of plain end medians style/ tor friends ALSO, Superior Pans Mucha lip tad Una., Shawls in latest styles and ben atrinufaelt4lc—Blab louse Slack and Colored SJk Shawls—Lapin, Blank and Mode Colored Thsbet Vbs ., and woolen Fringes —Pails Printed Lasamere ant eiketrt Cols Plan, and Embroidered Crape .bawls—X awl. inihted Palm Psasslu—Nrat figured Pans he :shawls—Lupine Black and Mode Colored Thibet Long Shawls—Plain hound Seal Skin Shawls—nun Made Colored French Tercerri Shawls. triaged and bound—Bight . qoartor French 'Mode Colored Thibel Club, mearcring full ton yards wide far Shawls, blndlog to match—White and (Piloted Barcelona and Circe.. Shawls, Ka. Ninialesalo and Retail. ROBERT POLLOCK Se IX), 19 South Second u., zeplalkwinti. ‘nYl 7 ---- - /K 6 dclo BUlitßarDagb INOHILII4- WRBIBRI.INSURANCE CORPARY • .c/ F ei P pl i T T I T t S li g eo U xe R u G .. 14 : I 1 1 Jr., t ~o .Vv , ~, FRE-AI J'gro*• hinds FINF. of dabs. S A.TA A lA, leases Will be liberally idiom:ad and porno liy Nod- A WAN lAStItIitiOII—ALSZIASAd birATAMIAVAA aro well known la the tannhundrY, sadlet° donertodh• ad by proropmeao and 111..eralloy to tosintela W ells, bleb ate- toeb they here ssmsaed, •aa ttlren , nt the..bear P"1 :4 "'" Unb rAft b rr i P " ,,= t I :C7I. On& N. Illota b s..lr., Holmes, C. Ibroien, Geo. t i t k l:7l ... W . lt si bfdg , n ),. .4lrlll 1.11414e0a, e te c o , Loo Wawa, No. tot Water atroet, twataboat. of Ppany a_ n on .tmirclP,lPAburrh FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE ISOTICE. rixotasovlort INstiltANon COMPANY OF HARTFORD. 11 .01tAL 11(.11 rOOO, ;111.00 o,ooe. CHAR 7'E It 1) 1825, rphr: Andenugued Au been all,Cloted wog for ale old nod respoonblo eotapany to succeed Mr Fayette Drown, and Is ready to 1., 0e pAhde, ,r, the FAA MIAZO department, on on rotatable team. as any olbor responsible G ecr company 'Cron rtb next in honk of Poltl,ora b. PhIiTECTION FIRE& MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY F=ZZ=MII=E $1,000,000. fig HE. usdersigeed would cell the. attention °rose:. A. chariot as othera bazing•progeny expoied i s low by Mee or the peril* of Navigation to the superwi deamages offered by the . • Prort•otiogt loot - Goliagrairag • or lialTlOZlLCOtilc,Vtii -I.—Rates•'of Premium as low.. thole.of any otter RESPONSIBLE Othre 2.—A. Speedy and satisfactory adjustment of lows by the General Areul of the Complus , for the AVettern and Southern States ' • 3.—ArblurgtiOn (of cll dig - mores *bleb may tinsel by referees martially chosen. - i•• • • 4.—hwards promptly prattle Specie, Bankable Furies, or Exchange on New York - , Bah:more. Charleston. New Orleans, Pt Lotus, Pitlstzugh, or Cincinnati, at the option or the insured. ' ET' Pamphlets, wtong forth pr e ende and prat Meier of adios:leg lowest, rate• of ums, cfrutsll.• cation of ,hazardr, fee., furnithed to We Oliflottt.ilta/ the °Mee Nes or charge. —_ For further laformatiosi, a pply WAD bbib.;Fr..... , who fully authorized th Insure Stores, Hotels ' Warehouses i filllis, hlunifactorics, haat. ho Ilau.ehold Fprature, ord Good., Wang, soli bier chandrze. COOralOtd or .tOted mnretn, igAllikl'loo or damaye by FIRE. Dry Goods, Grocn, Alun.faciaroj Goz dr, duce, Household Purhdure, Lire P..to.t. and carry other description of Alcrehandito' or Persainsl Pro. pony, sapped -o bt Le shipped per rood steamboat. or boats to and from pinata on the West,* Wok, , or [anneal EasternGinn llr. Later, or mbar Intabd route) and any towns in the Western eC.try.aralf.. the hotrods at INLAND TRANSPORTATION: Egomania of Gorda. Ware,, andbiedebodira,prf mood scant or semis, between New One*. and Eastern ports--between New °Mean. and after Goff ports—between all Araorican pOrm and English or European pen. or to any cubes mana, pon was, corner In the Atlatilm status, analitatttle PERILS LW THE SEAR. GEO. E ARNOLD, At'.74 Fourth at., next to M45'11.1401 }lnab a / I h. mato:dual,' THE DBLI,WAILE DIUTIIAL SAFETY, LNSL'. RdNOhl Nortkiftoodo of Nn Esc huts e, Third a treat, Philadelphia Plitt Insrasswea—Buildings, Merchandise and order property, in Town and Country, imiared againatfoss at damage by fire, at ihalawnt rata of premium. Mamas litstraancs—They alsoinsare Vessels. Car. goes and Freight*, fore,gn Of COftehideC,llllJeftren Or special policies . , as the aaaaaad stay desire. !Mama Tnanreonation.—They Own: sum roarca - &raise Isanaponad by %Vegans, Ball Road C2ll, Boats and Steam Boats, un wen and en ilia con libend tend. . • . DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmond A. Bonder; John 0 Davis. Robert Darton.lnhn RPenrose Same el Edwards, Geo 6 Leiner, Edgard Darlington, least It Davis, 1311 Poland), John Newlin; Dr R SI Huston, Jas C 11.4, Theopkllas Paolding, H 'Jones Woos, Henry Sloan, Hugh Crag, OeorteCtterrill, Spencer Mellvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wm.ltey. Di 13 'Thomas, John Se lle rs, Wm 1,470,4. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—It T Hash Crag, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN. PreelAett THOS. a HAND, Vico Prost-lib.. JO , -on W. Cow/ Se-Py. 1,17" Ones of the Comport , . No. 42 Weise or, Pituherat., fotpl.tri P A MADEIRA, At, 41171 Ci /681111.A11 .1. li`lnsasy, Jr.. 4s - au for Cis Para: liJn frac...re., Co. tr , PAS'. (IFFJCE of too Women: iSSCI7IIIICC , I !di Wateratrers, Pitesbersh. srephlets, with all rueessarr lotormetion, aar giant fonts.will be famished. Hasbandi can Insure their lives fur the benefit of their wives and children; creditors .theltres of their debtors. The whole f , rohur of the Compel:o , are Millet amoog the holder. of Life Policia a. The Lorick/Ids of the past ram ycarshave bccA rio ty per ceet each Teat ley{ • FALL FASHION. A I". fi l t ti':rsautr r oduCild'orto f Sa l LVern.rst'ilf:e4' '" MyCORD k. CO Co.. Fifth & Wood sto -- - —J. nextmoon 814 W ELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW; • 01110 STATE COMMISSIONER foi Okla 0, looms, Aeknovrledgments of Deeds, est Case—Fourth meet, above Stalth6eitt tore-db.voT SIGHT DRAFTS NEW YORE, RiTYL T 111011 E, 111 LA DEL POI A, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ST. LOUIS, flan tar "oI.D COUNTRY," A. IVILEINS Co& Cor. Third & Menial so ----- ILER/OVAL; DR SPEER h.. removed to Liberty street, belga. Pin %MAI, No 11r.l. Unica and dwelling in nos same Gadding. noir3lnigia HATS, CAPS, AND hIUFF-S JMOIEB WILSO(, ittli WT.( se being,. of .I.),lmand alky,Strcznd Juicy , 'Fb.H3 bit ustolocra and the public, ents •,' 1,.1 F la w and fre c ett *weft of tilt+ Cam, .4 Mogi', lunch great Tenet., blanateetared nnit Selected with lunch care In rah:tenet. to price. elate, and quiality, in Near Vett city, end will be osfered it the lowest rates of present low pries... Witntetale End Retitle tittiahurah,o,l. 1 t. _ - BIONONGAINSILA NAVIGATION CO Notice to Stockholder.. IN pursuant, of the muttons of the Charter of Incorporation, the Acme! Meeting of the Stem holders of the Monongahela Nevretstion teal be held on Moldny, the 6th day of Januar,. Its Lt. (being the first Monday of tho month) et the oNce of the sold company, In Tilghtnen Doll, cotter of Graf“ teem and Diamond alley. Pittsburgh, el 6 o'clock the afternoon, for the paten, of eleenng officer, ft, the entwine year. SVM. DAKEWELL, Sec . ). dee7td&rmeS - IVICTLLIeIrt JOHNSON, ENGRAVER O2' WOOD, ,Pllll.O Mani glory), Pittsbargb;Ve. ATlEWS!dines, Slaeltinery, o . f V paper. Fronttsptcons, Ladtdaespee, ]rug In Cis'. for Dtvlsions, YUCIC:101, and Assoc; aeons Cotton Stamps, in, in the firer style cfua at the lowest prices. • nottltd&tottS a. W. FOAITZU.: ATTORNEY snd Commllar of Ls... Men IVO I Finns street, oppokne Wilkins Hall, PinanurgL, snl6lllss,.wl J. T. UackosTWooderturd itCo, E [Li idera rind Refilor/ 4,1 Lightmrig Koa3, Scientific Prtnetyle. flit HERS lett at Ibis office or he Post (Abet, and k.) for nerseual inters-lesws can be aeon on Fourth a:, residence of,Dr Hunt, linemen blinker Ind Ferry Reference;—Profeseor Silltsnan, Editor of Journal; Professor 0 Id filitcheil, of the Observatory: Professor Robert Peter, of Transylvania Grin ye , sity, !Cy: Protestor Chester Devrey,ll. D., M. It New fork Professor .1. L. Ca.lBl, ClearlarA Uni versity. Ohio. In rltundegh---.A. W. Loomis, John Ilerper, 0/ikon AlcCandlerst Mr. Child blea. Colonel Montan, Hey. Mr Sparks, J jor Ilaribrg; U. S: rm Ain° Irwin Bons, L. Harper. D. N..Wiike, W. A Marshall, /oho Plimpton, Mater DeVig n ino 11. Shorn hereof noliSidatortill news cony,. 991ITLET COLVMS, fIUAL Illerkusnts, lied Dealers In Dr 7 Good% Oro ferlf it Non, •nd Nails corner of Walnut mem lied 'slunk:on Turnpllie Ito., Tempo rancesilie. orl9,l&ort v. 9 lasated toCharter. Draft Stern Whorled Stearn East Applp to SCAISE & ATV.INSON esfri Fifth 0., between Wood & Market AO¢Oialst rrrrrr Notice. t 5 LI. petten* indebted to the Matt o f W111117.1.rt, t deceased, will call on the nedetelgued, and make payment, and those haring claim* minion the estate will present , their accounts, dolt aulhecolcamd, Po settlement. : ADAM IVIIAON. .dmr. nolduldoseetthir CALVIN ADAM. 5 -- FLUVit. 11.10DIMETC/7 u"ILMARTH it NOBLE will lien their Extra • elehaered, on and army the In Novemb. , at IN rn pal 100 Ina, saperfute, at riper 100 lbr, hboral dianomt to retailers. not • WILEIART/1 & NOBLE ClOarMiaiikar• EtXTRA annoy Oakland and Howard Twills sou 1•24 able ior Inennt boat decking or awning, tnceived on °mellow:Lent, and for sale low, by HEMET, FLEMING tr.. CO, oak IO9 Wood at Sellers. imperial Cough gyrap„ FDR. the mere of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Mau. mita, Tice Ung fiensation m the Threat, Whoopio, Cough, ati.,• prom.ted orbs the moan effectual m elee) now ln :loners , Imperial Cough ByTup—Profeesor Porter ha, witht sollditatlon, given a cenifmate attic es cyanic., or Mls pop ular cough medicine- It will he latereallog to all ho am aMieted with coughs, and are caning about fora sae and ap.sedy cum.—Plus. burgh Daily . rust. • Exchange Hotel, Oct. IV,IOZO - Messrs Editors—Hamer been for tome :Moe put soy monk agitated with a severs .eoln zed adman constant tough, and haring tried 1 , 100113 remedie s , syrup, Le., and ell to no erupt, I was 'lnduced by my esteemed friend, W. W. Wallace4.ol.lhla city', to make • trial of EL E. FkilerlVCOugh Syrup. I did so, and to my great surptlee,l receleedalutestlmmediate to It arm with the greatest dificalty that I lec tured bo on.fo ety respected aliases, but on taking a elmentel o..7n:elan Mama entering my . lecture rm.% ooeld Melt with perfect ease enrols tLe evenlitg. 'would particularly moommendit to eterey• men, lawyen.. and other pablio meatus. lane . 4 botila only, and am' sow perfectly noun. I feel it to Ic r =talaphlhuttlimput,to rusks it., pot. to ack SACRIST of tee satins, fer I tionaldelrlttO be the beet now before tko public JAMES H. PORTEII, ?ter at Matt:maw, ? d• reece . d Ith4 gold by 11 LLEI , (9, W .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers