,1114‘;' - • - •.'",:",. ) ,`:.,:'..F.,51'413,L15U81):. - iN.•-•.1.7., rtYnctstirn yr •-• ' I T • t . U. waral 1 / 2 - : (f.xlt.."-' Yaritot itritiser. saner 'Oaial to las Tort orrits.• . . Dail y pa , SPo , Weekly, ln advence).-.-'4•tte -2 , 0 D Do: Citbi; at s rederAdtinot: 0. 4 All CI .017 ADVIARTIII II4I I AGREED UP0N... .. WV C riTTouvrione*.mis. '• • (mesa." le,(lol.Gma 9tHouparell or les) , - . • am,l nertion--•••-•-•"'"*" 41453 . Ons Spar re, each l'1•! ' Da. one weep... ---1, •-••• D. -two oreet•-•-•••-•-•-•••-••••••• tlde Do. . 'one Soon --r•-••••-•-••••••• 9,00 1)0. two months eta De. ',' shire months— —.-. a.... 9,00 10,00 • • -• eLz atontike•••.- ••••-•,••-•••••. 11,00 . .} ...)-eSa Melee Months.,.. . • .-sat,ng Cm! (011inctedIrlanAliPer anonm-.1.0 0 0 AUttiSavare,elnuflccable ethicist:stirs:up. • ezelesite of the paper---s 25,00 For each nddittonal square, inserted over one month, IbAitAillillidditional spore iusertEettades tl4e Year - .-,-; rateCh alf pier. . 1.;.n. , • Advertiscroonts ercerdioy. a square, and not der Cremation, to be charge& of is squint and a halt rabhisherainot aceountable far !col adtertitemerds beyond the sesteant sharged.Cetheir pablicaboo. o .la sandidaus for °MCC, to be nbarted Res. AnewAshbather adverttlements. - AdvitrOsementanettattlt, dO9 the ropy fora spent . led Ostebet At Insertions; *ill he continued till fathld, sad payorriternetel aceriritt ' • The pirrtrileyes et yearly advertiserserillbeehn6ned • ..'l , Ityldly to lbw repuLr business, and tdissitsr , 4111409111114 not pertainiess - tai their strata business, as -Lissreed tar, to MAMA eaten. All adrentattnenta tar Ohmitabla Insideartiotts,Res. d mantes, ward, township and ntherpublie- meetings, Ad sneh like, to be they dlniliptiNpnyable sulcUyi • . notices to be clamed .50 eentS. •-- .liststh notices leserted without chorge.endosssecom. yarded by Concoct Write:lone nooblutary oodces, and , when Co aceOlipanied tote paid the...• • Regular adrentners, and sitothern sending cOmme. Wendell. or Sabr ingrequit nodeesdesigeed to call alien ' Don ts Film 421, Conte fit, or tai puldin eta.- Weaken% where charges are made, for admittance -11111 =leo, of *irate assorboinne-evou notice de. algutd to call attention-to private enteises c &kola. , ON or Intended to promote individeai inierest, nun on ly be .latate.dl with the understanding' that the 11111.00 4010134 far. If 'intended ea be Inserted in the M eal estaron, the same will be chug stl at the Tete of .1 Oaten than 10 cents per - Tavernline.. • Bishopirr Notices to be charged triple:thrice, /Serene Petitions; Snatch. • ' Legal and bledical adsmtisements to be Charged at f Meal Estate Agents , and' Auctioneers' &franks. Asian sea to be dean.% under yearly mus s hot to be • —Allowed discount of itirtrthree and onetkirdpereent. *Dem Ms amputate( bills., : ;.: nch . wines an snowoutor Yarns.: -.:`s9 bract rns f 4 '• Chia !Square, Ares itsertlona..--..01. BO Do.inre each additional , hi o ".`. -sinstnunrs in 129480... re, (10 linr9,) one ...anion -740 otl4 . t herb oddltional - ansenida-L•M Jul 'ardent advertisements in be paid Iriadvnnee. 'WI CO. Cane tie. '" mama.; Poo. - , ROIPT• IC RIDDLE, Soelleal? - I• ' -1.9341 M 04).; Chronicle. FosTATE A DRWRIIER,Dispetch. • - JO.3.ONOWDEN, Cm-eery, t• JAME-8 W. RIDDI.h, Americart. •- .lIIRAM KAINI; tiveuingTribue. • Munson. De9.1./A-Dk CII~R~S. raniczarsut, ; . • L LVERILAN,'FittIi 'Penn ntrent,-berntrn I • .04larai indPirithrni, Alt inainess - premptll.u• a.AL XA , nsu 'WATSON. l itrOMEr LAW—Oftec,,,lt FoUr%snet D &lUD C. TUTTLE, TTORNEY LA%V, and Connnissionar Lai JOL , Pcnanyttards, , .11feannnanitanand promptly. answered. - - • ____ __, • JASInC3.F* lE,,,ElgtcStrailliit,6•4 ATiWiIIEY 'AT 141.51T,(M _ . .. _ , • betareett Stpl(arto/4494 U Pt c411 " b'r . g' p -... . - ' .--a Qr-11. '- antun • i • .&• -. J O H N 11. 11 . _ , ItNEy sad Comm-11a at Law.•teatk i e . r.. .1 - 1. sto far the State a( Penarfilatata,tS , ata, alb, (taut of Pavan:llE64' ; 11, • ... i v . i.... s .11cicccac biliter a eld'e"dk" - -14Mbc'34 a,. -c at Clare JatealK Parke p , e& & - tat-..1V & saleate, McCord & tt• ' iluncit :BIDWELL.. :CO., - PORWARDING BIZ 40 - KANT 5, Gimpy, Pa, (Ussith'i Perry Posi 04.44) • - Ttaaia parrraamnly Igeatcd at Ala 140; am' and anaMtaadal 'Mart Boat, are aro prorated Ito in aad Canaan! protaptly ia petal on i_thol vet, mad Glasgo Jana , and:: and &aver arOhio ta Co. ova. aimat.iiia: —a —.4—a—soam commas at. H. aka IDAOALLY, SVOCIDWAAD k CO, WholOal o cora.Plo l TLarke tat, Palladelpkia, ap4 - PttisbUrgh 411.111m11 - I.lirett.P4 r - jr;igednaP ir ofi l lurtatic alto f , arlitaio Addy. &rehouse No—, Water auto; WU/wren", Orederiet licorte Rater. u•N,tr . ,O l lT - A4h . . 11Vend, k-'l= Cla SIeANULTY 6 CO, Formudnig aka Coom• 1 1.1:tniation Merelama, Canal Bum, rittatuar§h, CR. GRANT, WI.I.Cn t, eommitaloo Farrarding Dlerebact,Dio. 41 'Manx r •Ttl Irlliana7^---Andres•• Fiennne•-•••••• It. It flaming. - QGBISY, vLS.PILINGI 41t. CO.. 90/1311k , SION M EGCE ANT'—For the sa!e of Do soostle,Wooten, and Cotton Goods; abo, glealera In Mods of Tailors' Trielm!ngs,tio id Wood at, 4th • 11007 from FiM Yinsbareh. • • Iterate ce—Mestrn. Wm. A. IThI Co,ltatnets. I. 15.n0.1 • • ' wits. 1.1.,• • . . . mutt° & MV11.4. ConierzsioN mEnciTANITs tad BM Briken, No 114 Second ItieCt, Putthargb. ant! Wit. a. 131112611, , tancr4 t. sauncir. ENGLIBII tr. lIMTNETt, (late Erseish,iGe hor Co.) Wholesale Groom, Coranuasion .d or. Irardta Btactrants, and dealers in Product and'Pitss atria anufacturef,lio. 37 Wood rt., Lancers Shand wootoi - 7 . Octt JUNgTOISTT, ••voRW4I3DING & COMMISSION MERCHANT No 1.1.2 &toad at, Pattlvrgl,.. . same irironnartric --- i‘vatTra n. mt. ponernernen a. CO., , iinENERILL.CIII43IIVSIO:II and Forwarelak*er: ciliate sad Float. Damien, No TM rklarket area, Padr.lo.ia. • , trtS lIIICICISOR & CO. TOBACCO CuMMISCION MCBCBANT. Na4l North Water etrect No. 16 -N [nth ' 'Whirves • A. J. Thressos. :oleo S C. MCCAW/es/ J. A.. Warns. .6le .11 - oM(llllGetabt to filarrhyr bee,) Woor,lle — W.. • ' ar 1.4 CatiamliSlON Merchant, for the este of Atmerhelts Woolens, Liberty, oppgelto 6th st. a.a. arm. r. Japes. HARDIr, JONES k Co., (raceassors to Atwood, Janes &CO.) Cr and Foram.tir , Sner , alma% daslara;La Pittabargh • .IttaauTac l tared Ptreatualt,l%. ' . W. kcliTcer.iffli - ' ,l tracrwlapi To sAacrrt.. r. ra4.4 1,702. a. Dealer In French and American Pa per tlangiags and Borders, Window , Elbsde a }s ic Ward Prints, tr. Alro—Wraine, rriptlaz and Wrap. pox Papar,,No,a7 Woad et,,,m, sod Diamond alley, 'rest lida, Pittsburg:4,Pa, Jabta- PITTSBURG/1 GLASS WOUICIP , JOUN AGNEW. late or the Vret orChnerbere,Ag new*Co , would reveettally 11,003331 the old e s a- Wawa and the Itablie sencrallY, thet he . ..70111.11i eon. 1 line to a on the Green 6 4131. b 03033.3 3, In all 03 'Mediu, an la prepared to fill all orders lot Apothe caries. Farah ro t 41 , teer , a . lu, Pones. .V 0313, fr 43.. ii.f3., =:l2t,444,'„'Flis;itisn . Von"lNFa'.' " V t ' 12 2 1 WITN - DMORtm.N, Whol,...lein.giiir, l aiA coal , . no at In Ilya Stuffs, Patna, thlt. Vernishes, St. No. 03 Waod atett,o nd . 00 - r Ponta o f D • esaral .Alloy y /- oo trlWdo3lA4zr 1Wd031A 4 z il vio,. ro f..7,;wiatithi u.twat.. o du,h, r Loe and Pittsburgh illeashentrea. No :11.Water et, l'ittst , srah: • spi 1:4 1 / 1 11 malt. • io3lll.lo . lnatr, DM= 6 era, Wholesale Ott.Cele. 04112• osissieellterstaais, and 'haler, In , ProdueS, Noa SU Wen ani 107 Front streeUi..rituberslt. ens • • • B. 111.I•WCO.,CO Wholesale litoeers, end rlitsbe U • Agents t itanscd t.ourdoeiCa.,Wo, 27 Wood et., r ht. _ Use etet., ilt Z'r rc l e't u if t eolefTht i r i t7 l ll: IWO, will knee 000stantly on hand e Well selected es Slonsentorthe beet and Cr Iledtgeles.viltich he .111 0* OW mitt tee:monde leGne. Phyeicions Udsseostli be ptotoptty attended to, slid sup. kited with artleles they vie, sets , soon h• Itondi“.• neles , rceeesireions tee:testily be ard eryt i elt ow tlgt best cstentls, , et asp neol else roe saL ,. a lags of hash (cad i'iqe Job - • inintierd • sr. nom Wboleitle cironerin. Centintinaion • Untalinnin, and Deniers in Ptah:- In, Rnund inth , freatinn•onLibeii Wixid "d Mink streets, tiltihnririi. Pa. np4. 3sl . .A.CAttGlltt.Y.Asvrit tar the 110 e arid' tiiigui Line to ]kart? mita Or Lakes.-o(fiee , ma tomer gf Wits? OM Om:Med att • 0.4 • Vightehison. & .Coninatimiltiri-iMetghatit 811 d of-ilte Bt.: Look Swan Intriu Vi sadtl front ittrunts.riUstiargh... a„„f E i, .irr&egits,Vit,PrirhqQ:utf;;Z:4l. , an ITP irn heated rie Oar" In tnet. W( (late of Wnrcen,llln*,) Mit - r — dl;Ti.r.t,`Nl,o4,7l';'Z'n'A - Aali, and Waste= Prodona Incnortny. NViner - -,Oinat.botureen Smitnield and Wood, Yalu ' 'LEV & JON ES, Forwanling and Caton:o4ton Ater alacts, Dollars In Produce tad Pinaborattmana Doslifirearate . api PENN 7QILt r IPITTEDUOItt ;PA.' -.- ENNEEDY, CHILDS & CO., 31anneactuinis o aMe!' - , 111..0.15, gATßseatsto.a stfttr. l l l l: 3 ll4‘,lELLE , r TIONZL, ?lUNTYX co.,v larlad Wrd stews, rutotsv er , • St IT • .' „:1-1111E, • BITS_ tr. - Pitt burgh Clty; Glass Worias.. • W. C177115111081AM1 t. CO.. ikg'ANUBACTIREItS Or. WINDOW GL AS B. /1174 c, tO Mark" lintel , between Vint and Second, Pittsburgh, Pa. illOrrartieulat 'attention. pail to add sun. Also, ;Dealers int FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, &e. erMsnienass, Inseam, D. [C,0117(411/1Y, 1...'11M1517.1 Wet. Miller. Philad. C-gr.,ltleke.on, Psnahurgh. ‘7f~II.LEIt & RICKETSON, Wkalesan, Grocers, and Importers or Brandies. {Votes and Sepses, Nos. 174 and 170, corner of Lawny and Irwin streets, Pate, burgh. Pa. Icon, Nails, Cocoa Yarns, ae. An., eon. stonily on hand. 014 John WC 01. James D. h'o,ll. Walter C. Ron &GILLS &110E,Wholeosle O ren end COMMi. art lion Aterrhants,-No 101 LlheW Bt, Plusburgh PiT'TSßOitlill STEEL Woaxs. . AND. AXLE PAOTORT. alaas ions; Buis r. Snug. JONES du 40100, 111ANITPACTURERS of spring and hlistir plough stint, steel plough-Wings/needs and elle ;zi a sy=v2Eirzre c. d ign i a..tr ii nid e rr i t=al gs Metally.ooTaVitiffiti l and Profit . J. &Ss Tsrd.s. thrusualsstota EISTOII4O.O. rPO. Si Old Levee. st; N Orleans; keep eosstarnly on ' hand allure atrartinent of ilrasttlei of the follow. g l ibtands,whlcla they offer for side_ ss agents for J. 'Durand& Co, Bordnaux, viz,pdeglory, J,Erand,J Du. rand &' CO, Laiochelle, Panne, Cogns..A de Ainn, trznn, AL Bleville, A de 7Iondoro; lean ! &el AnrhiriCiin, Bordeaux ReCund - White Whits in casks and cases, talented with eine by John Dunne d /rCo; !wades Cha mpagne Wine and Sweet Bargendy -- - notmes &BON, NelTSMarhela, seeondiloor from colter Of FOllllll, dealer,' in Foreign and GOrtlealle Bills or Exchange, 'Certificates of Deposit, bank Notre and Specie: - ' irrentelations =do on all tho prinsipal elate hntaglront tho United States. - nP4 O P PO .'W t r te M a r C e il l Y ilTrg A h r t: i k T ap h‘ „ r t:Ne t er i t %eta., Shotobills, Labels, diettitoctoral and Machine Drawings, Gastnen luta Visiting Cards, ite.,enrrared or drawn on stone, and printed in colon, Gold, Bronze or Stark, in the moat appt eyed style, and o at the moat t ea ennable owe. octlaily ItlLlTZL;_ u sa l t:ti cO e`"*., 2s 'l:4'`dri2cr,A tromeriesion nlerehals: and ile.alera kitteborgh !genuine urea. - eP I7 lOLl?. MIMIC roes. nrrn.g. aanet.. i. sontrceon._ frimilboirp, WholeiVeGroccr, Rectifying Diriller, dealer. libelece, Fittsbareh Menfee titres, an all hinge of Foreign and - I.l.emeatic Wines and lilquorr i bleAll +-nicety street. -On liend very larganinock of sepeßof - bid. Monongahela ,waistey, winch WI be sold low for cash. ' myl - SUEF. Forwardin g end. Commie. AV akin blerchannyfer toe Allegheny River Trade. etaleas inliroberies,-Vrodneo eittsbergit, hinonfac taret,antiChloride ofr Urn The bight. limo, ile-eaah r peal at all Unica for neuraff rag!. Corner Pentland Irwin au. onlb iL D s (:loners, 'onisuission Merebentsrdaalcre io Prodere end r ittabarsti blartureetare., Liberty street, rittabereb, %win - - CIJANIAGIIIAPi r W iI A C I L CY ALE . Z. C1 1 4 2. 5;1 :7 - 11‘ bazilLatattracturet,:io"...Vl-rbertfilreet,Pittsbut.h, Pa- lra C. •aracurry, Taus. I. Warm Ct lIACKLETtIk. wurrE, WhOhnale Ds tterz In O Foreign and Dozers:lc Dry Coads;4oo. 00 Wood ttreeialusbruirb. . 50-7 'Wool oritekaid — Deaoai .pin Flour and Dralnco geactally, and Forwarding mod Currauisalon MeroNa.oo, 145 rum }treat 4001 110 Seeorul street. P‘ltsburq *Ol7 _ - 'PIUS 11.1.1011.1}1D. ELLERS h NICOLS, Produce and General Con, 1,71 alission , blerellemls, No. 17 Liberty Erect, Pit.. butih. .Sperm, Una& dind LAW Gda. apl7 Q: V, VON, ISONNIIONST Jc. CO, Wholelmj.34. DeaFrwart:lug end Cese t ui r ,,,., I ..stt Pittsburgh %antrum's:a rtcd:Wend ° Produce, have rettureed to their new warehouse, cold .W.t l t) No. ttictarter - rrcut . ate-^ VII c - ancerc • 01117 lIIOWILIS m nwwofTfl TEA',`A NI) WINE ME R Clali TS, Eni.6_l9.PALuT3,_Pri...".lll._ tua. ritaim2. - } - - C.1..11.... .1111.11.1VE.8. £ BAILNIES, WHOLESALE GROOT-RS, d .Prodza - at Co=isston 11.1;.45.1.ctr1.t'r - AM . dealer! in Filleting], Manstactured Articles, ',,. Nei. 430 and 1351ilecOnd ntreer., Between WlT4l62riithse'.4.l74lll2!ipstk., IJOILI smacks. JOHN WATT IA CO WHOLESALD Grocers, ComtnltatoD and tleittere la Prairie. and Pittlthurgh Mann factorea,lttlpherty rt., rittaborgb, Yr, - srply -FLOUR-S , -70 t brio SoperEne; rtO b, Fine, **wing, omil for ale by _cert.! naowN . KIAKEITRict: • HA1D.D . ,21 - ITEViN . WOULD inform the pantie,' ley have taten the yy warehoree farmerly occupied by the Jam Mr. Solomon Sehoy er, 114 :remind tweet ileviog a large niAre - orianettirocs,wareltormo they would invite Des attention ofpereefrobytergieeterteeolietproystort; They will alto give enrinton to the purchase and sans of Notes, DWI. Donde, de. mug) L. S. Waterman—R. N. Watt nolo: • •W. B. Waterman. • L.. S. WATkEtSIAN £ SONS, WHOLI:3ALE GROCER 3, Commission and Fors warding Merchants; dealers lo all hada of Pros date Es Pittsburgh Moonfactared Articles; WA Anemia for sale of Richmond and • L'srnchborg Mannfactored. Tobacco. mrl %V I. TOMLIN,' ATTOLUTET AT LAW, Ruth, Pa also issund to collections and all other btu& Wr i ts entrusted to bias in Butler and Arztatiorg [condos, Pa. .Refer to . .I. d IL Floyd, Liberty it . W. V/. Wallace, do lames Marshall do 'Mahout, dly • Nov At CcL. Wood n. I JIM? JOHN 211.0FAPES 6 CO., FORWARDING 'lc COSIMLiSION DIERCHANiS., Canal 132.11,Penn street. Pinsbursh. mro JAZICS IX. DAVIE , & CO” • PRODUCE AND FLOUR. FACTORS, .Ifo.Tlf7. Market, and dt Commerce et, Philadelphia. Advances made, by either of the above, os consign manta of Predate to either Howse. mrd • —— Heft. J. 1571V0 Liam .1. D. WILLIAMS £ CO., _ _ "Uf rIfOL.I-./tLE Fa. - rAn. FAMILY GROLERS, IT Forwarding and Commission bferehanot,' and Beaters in Coto try Produce and Pittsburgh Mont:lag. tarty earner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. .mcgd *la IL EL McVay. 1:1781. It; WILLIATIS C 0.,& • BANKERS AND EJCCBANGE BROKERS, ' Nosh Eaot corner of Wood and MO street!, Joni_ f Pwronnon. Po. 30IDI e. [Letr..ll,S, W. 11. 11141aDWAID, cax.rn nacsAi.r4. N. BACIALEV & CO., Wholedtale Grodcda, 18 ' IV and 20 Wood mutt Pingburgh. apt, lullsD. WIDD, DAVID IeCANDLVD. VI - WICK fe WCANDLESS, (successors to it J. P. t 7 D,) Wlso:esale Grocers Fe...reeding ,•nd Commission Merehants; dealer. in 'lron, Ntols, (slam, ( . 42100 Yarn., and l'ot•hutgh Mannfaeturrs general -Iy, corner of Weed and Water a treets, ttsbara h. anl7 W e_e . y loy Whoteeale "ioters, M ere l!aft ‘ t ' sf Fm " p ‘ o n inkerr'as and VII B l and each- lop Powder, Ner.loo Lem street, (opposite Bildt ineetd Pittshargh. 2 apl7 , y,`Silssto War. 'aVtTlliClaNri,Vf2e'dhr,:eojn'e—'rrof ' Market ttni roman etraels rittebutgh,'Pa. N. as—Watches and ,Clecert eterefo ' lly retatred, apl7 NirX 10tNn. .1.111 D. in'eiND. Wlll. YOUNG tc Co., Deniers in Leather, tildes, • VII &r.,1113 Liberty nine[. . IV aH. IdeCUTCII£,ON Wholesale Grocers, WY dealers an krodnee, .fron, Nails, Glass, and Ettablrgn Manolaelurs geaerally. Ltbertr. snags.— .Plusbnsgh. Janl7 CA . T RAVE taken IV:11. CARR Into parthershM , ditA m raY bauness, which argil from this date Ls carried 011 under the name of "Jahn Patter &Co." • March lat,ldLO. JOHN PARKER. • John Parker..--.--. —William C. JOHN PAILKICIt. & CO.. Whaley& . Groccrs, Dteders i2l Prorlam. .Furctrn Tr“us, Liquors , OU Maxon g.theLs ' ' and Ceded Whiskti. . N 0.5, Commercial Roe, Liberty ntree, mr:X. PlutbarKh. P PALMED., mums. a. , CO., (succo—rs to it„„o,„ Manua k Co.) nand °g - rtE:ll Deposice, Bank Notes, and ilpeote—North west 'received of Wood and Third streets. Current money received on deposite.--klight Cheeks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points the hailed Suites. pild rof Foraigu and Ame demi Gold. Advances made on consignment; of Prodoes, ship pad Eut.'on Mari' terms. apln I== 'TM. A. 111 , CLVAG fi CO., 43RDCERS AND TEA DEALERS, "No 256 Lae-qr . : m-1i aloes trod, firs always on band a large assoninent of Cboies Groceries and Fine Teas; sign, Foreign Frain. and N n ts, Wholesale and Retail. Dealers sapplied on the in.e.tht>mm. inset EAGLE GLANS WORKS. • , JoSEPII D. ABELL. .RiANUFACTURFR OF GREEN GLASSWARE, I,VI Vrals — Dattles, and Flasks, Porter, Scotch Ale, ,Bartel'Water, l'elent,Aledielne and Wine Bottles of every description; also, WIND O W Keeps ons anity An band a goncrel:assortelent of the above trick STATE, 43 the other Green Olen Fern:ice are ALL srocrlrn, as in the custom in 111111.3er. Tem Paeroai t, nOW MA.S. orritarion, and eenunde in operation both sunnier and winter. OTdesti tetPeatolly solicited, and will be filled , On the shortest notice. Warehouse. No 112 Second street, between Wood ar4 Smithfield atsPittshereb2' , . • . 1,114d1i • diVPAIVIdif,II4IIIPs • P. SHRIVES nod CHAS. DARNS. hays 1.3 this day aspocialed themselves together, ander the Sim of Sbriver &,Lteraes for. the transaction of the Wholesale Grocery, Pro/ore, and Commission lossi• sm.. . 1 No Ixs & Second atom, between Wood and Smithfield at. 1 - Pittaborah. Attend I, ISt,A—cet WOOL WOOL I - - _THE bloben outtkei mice m Cash vrtll - be void for .1. We ebtrerent gn0.0.. 4 sof Wool by •IY IS • 4i w. trAnueriGH L IT • 0 *nibs for aby - • - B A.PAIINESTOCA /s—oo ( -I,* WTL7C.INB HALL, romuyst e •L"P, PITTSBURGH, PA. D4 ,l ll a gg i ttz n y t fi e . . t h n li i s n hm .. c z b p e w ln, th.7 ,. 7. c . o uti tscccctthtty solicit a abate ot the public pathanacc. 116 truths by giving his full attention tri the business, to mats the hone a Pleasant aisel comfortable resort for the eineens of Pittsbutgh and for dm country generally. Coal anendantswlll be in Itratillig, and every a,. ernes made to *cedar the establishment worthy the countenance ars f VeDnit of am hu e d intelliget COMmunity, The TWO SPACIOUS' BALLS. e for Parties, Concerts, Lectures, Balls, and paella meeting., will be 101 by the email a. week, on as liberal teems a. an et is the city. The BAR and RESTAUItANT. celaie ante and beauty to any In the woeld, will be teal, ned with Pare Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordials, Porters, Alpe, and all the cool, light, retrestimenta of the teams. Poultry; Game, Fish, Soup, Oysters, and Clams, eerved_up In the best MI. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON,baing On tire floor, and 'easy of access, will be constantly impelled with all the LOXllitee and Delicacies of the season; .4 also, with such aub staatials as the market. afford. Do=ling by the day, meet, or year. Mailers or Soprani for individuals or potties, forotaliedOn gent notice. Gentlemen with their families, visiting the city cant be tangled with refreshments of all kinds at any hoar of the 017. Good Stabeng and an extensive Livery Eatabli.sht. meet is tonnetted with the hall. _ . . . Dinner at i o'clock. Dreakfutaad Tea at the usual hour.. .• Ettraucts fbr Ladlts to the tea Crotatii and Dining Siiooll, No 67 SralthLol6 street. 1622u1tf E. H. VAN RENSSELAER S. Inn/arras, aa.l : R.,V111VEM13.14 A. WESTERVELT di. SONi WELL KNOWN VENMAN FUND MAKER% keep constantly on band or make loonier the bent ernea to their line, at their old attmd, No. IS Bt. Clair atreen alitatNe.l4l Marketstreet, second atom. Wangle in the Diamond. Wenitpm Simpers made order, and old blinds neatly repaired. 0010, W. t J. °LUNN, Hook Blades. 'WE are null engaged in the above business, corner g V of 'Wood ailiThird streets v Pithlurgli, when we are prepared to do any Trott oar line with des. ppaten. 'We attend to our work personally , and sati fs action will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. kllenii Books stied to any pattern and - bound sub stantially. llookstn numbers or old book 'mond care fully or repaired. Name., put on hooka m, gilt letters. Those that be,. work In our line ore invited to call. Prices law. mvin:tf H.VVlGllVlAN—ltlanzfaitarer of all kinds of nor ALa ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny thy, Pa . Ike a bove warts being now II:EMI Ell sorters:el vo• oration, I am prep: wed to ozoiate errant with dispatch for all kinds of machinery in my Ime, melt.aa willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding maaldran, drawmg 'frames, epeoders, torahs, .woolen cards, double or single, formerchant or country work, mule-,}rats , rte4alitlenntl hand lathes and tools in gell• elal. All kinds of shallna?, made to order, or plant giv ea fur goaing !anodes or mill. at reasonable charger. /torso ro—Kentictly,:llnliiis &Co., Slack.toek.ll•ll Re en. Kin.. Wronelr At r:nly . BENNETT' BROTHER, QUECNSWARE.IIANUFACTFREKS, Dlrastf6RamAt♦ear Pititsboxgbd Ps. Um, No. iVatirr"rt,_ te. 4 1.-on ilEtrZer and Troad:Put.ditrgh, WlLLconsttatly keep on Land t good anon• mein of NVorsi of our own nunefaeu_re, and superior qualtty. 1V hoks.tle aid tonntrp ?dor , emote are rmipeetfolly moiled to roll tmilr.r.- amine (or themelone, os we aro deltrofined to . sell obaaper than Ills near b•fora been ofr.ro.l to; pab- ID Orders meat by tuailiatcompanirtt by themash or good reference, wdl bit promptly •toanded to: Intl ja for g Lacock, ltetvrecu Federal and arida ski. streets. racy tie newt making and are prepared to receive orders for every dealeum of velucle, Coaches, Chariot's, Da- Coachea, thermno, rte., Sc., h from etc long , experience in anufacture of the anovnyrork, end the faCtilllnl they have.they feel confides,: they are enabled to do work on the most returnable terms veldt these wanting article. In their lane-' Paying partienise attention lathe selection of mate rial, and baying Mine but competten workmen, they have no hcaltanon stn werrantane their work. We therefore KA the attention of the trublte to that leaflet. N. D. Repairing 110nain the besi manner, and on the runt reasonable lakelttf .[1.011. 1.211. L KAM,. gie/ilFre E1 r.,11 4 . 4 "" ti.hkry 1.0 1" W LIZCIII A re " aII Lir dr ' or COITER, &NO bIIKET IRON WAR A 1.., t!...kok smtrh Work. Strata Book trcrlr t. order, •tram beat v.v.:. !c7t:acntoi Copper cad Bran Kettles, Tin Ware,.&r.. , .... Steamboat Coot 24 Stove s, Portable tortes castors etzes—e, very eortoenlem at tele for xmambriatstealirema ereittrumu, or fW red coomptnirt. e "maid trapeetfolly tants stem Dort sea and *then to call ud sae omt ankles sad pdee. :alma purchtuing el gewhere. • . • Wroaaht mkt Cast Iran Itatlag. alllTEhabotribers bog leave to inftnya the Fatale that they hem obtained from oho Can all We law and t i atdonable designs for Iron Rallis,. both for holmea soh etataterinho otreghona >to& IDE. patterns 191...1p1a11n MI Lad r-tnitteotne for &onody.. 13hang ha-tided at the shon e& notice and in the beat manner, at the corner of Craig arteltab - seeaatreettaollegheny chg. tdttidlf LAMONT & Moto.X. BEGS knee to inform bla frieade and engineers the he leftist receiving nacre, apring Meek of Goads comprising, as usual, all the newest and roost fashion. able style. of Cloths. Crammeres, fancy Vestige., cot ton and linen stontur e.eCh, and every., twin venalasi for gentlemen . : wear fee ,prom end anon: er. It swam tiopouible to desenbe the brainy, quality, or quantity of the stork, the proprietor hopes all who are in want of good, cheap, las/minable, and siren msda clothes, wit! glee him a call, as there is re 'lock the stile of the Alleghenies that can compere with re The reedy made department to veryerthatme, tag , ted to all tastes. Rolf road eontraetera, country taerebasztt, and all who purchase largely, ore Nrueuln:ly it:eased to ca• attune the stock beans perenareng, as yateettlar at. tertion i 1 rald to the wholesale business In tide octet•' lishatent. Every salmis in the tailoring line wade to order tr. the most fastucaable and boat mason, at the 'hottest anti ea tors THE partnerrlop heretofore ulsttris order the firm a/ A /a C BRADLEY,Is 4:scarred by the decease of Mr. C Bradley. The barmen will be carried as by A Bredley, who will settle the baainests of the late firer BEIJOVAL—A IMAM= has removed his Foundry Wureholise from No 1t:1 Second sUcet,to•No 19 Wood Week, between Fast and Second street., to thr wwre hotue lately occupied by G A Berry, where he will keep eonsuottly on hand a general assortment ot but inCgt Crates, Staves, Cookout Staves, tr.a. }y It NI lay KA . 571 EL0: 1 ;7 , A ,t ..:T , f4l 1 4 1 0 o . 1„ , Cart Steel rile% of all giter, and Piaok-orith and hoe R/111114 ahem on band and for rale, caber at tor t•Ea. glo litre Wort.," O'Hara ert, rtelb Ward, or the office In the Iron Store of W PULLMANS GA PRI SON, No 4,f00t of Wood elm!, flasher, tt. moN-dim We, the undenigned, having nerd. ./1111 011:17e sat isfaction, the Cart Steel sad Fries made by Emmuel Mel:cloy, at bin Eagle Steel Worts, in this city, tate pleasure in recommending them as equal in quality to any ever roc& by us, of foreign nimiufacturc. Pit.bargh, March 13, IPSO. G k I II SBOENBERGER & CO, ManufacturersP of Iron .n 4 Nalts, Pittsburgh, t RNAPP &TOTTEN, Iron Frnmders and Machinists, Pinsburghi•Pa. COLEMAN, lIAILOLitN CO. Manufacturer • Of Spring, Axles, Eli/tier Stew/ sod -Rivets, Patab.oFtt, Pa r FAtit.R, • Engine Builders and Machine Cord Mansholt. rersairtslmrsh. Pa. A FULTON, Brats roUndev, Pittsburgh, Pa. GILAFP,LINDSAY & CO. • Manufacturers of Iron and Nail., Pittsburgh, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Strip Bander. Pittsburgh, Pa. W W WALLACE, • Marble Manufacturer, Manila* and Enginelturld ter29 ac, Pittsburgh. Ps- IIeCtITC66 Dissolution of Portu•rslilr. T r ai F :rib l e r fs, " u h n iP de b At r f:TrZ o e n ' Vegil bf :ers ". :AW , .: a. Co., Glus Idaufactoters,wasdissolyed by muscat consent, on the first day of July, instant. Ali persons knowing. themselves indebted ;ono! inners iVjueo ed to make payment to either of the parties, willow delay, and nit persons honing unoutted recounts with said firm. au invited to mount them for settlement ALEXANDER CIIAMLIER.9, JOHN AGNEW, jylldGra D. D. CIIANUERS. ==l TOwners and consiancet or goods arriving by J. tee "Cittricu , Portable Beat Line," will please take notice that they will be n:sired to psy freight at eat sworcheare, according to the receipt, betore the goods are removed. C A hieANULTY it CO irl UII Dmicrions—Pat the clothes Into cold water and let them soak over night. In the morning, , wring them oat and .put them Into a ketue of boiling water, le which sad the proportion of one pint of field to eight gallons of wader—title It op and boil the whole wt. nip minutes, The clothes may then be wrung out and well rinsed in clear cold water. 'Pho parts of gat• mints that may be Innct lied, Knelt as wristbands and collars of skim, clightly rubbed before rinsing, and the clothes wi.l be found perfectly clean, white and. . IL, = Warranted not to injure the linen fabric and to give perfect viiiistaetton, or the money will he refunded. End wholesale and retell by It E BribLEIN sepin 67 %Wei et IairSITM tad Pittsburgh Telegraph Compertf• 7 N puranrtnea of a resolution of the Board of Diree• 1 tors of the Cleveland, Warren and Ftuaburgh Telegreph Company, requesting the Secretary toenails nut and cense to he published in the newspapers along Oa line, an exhibit of the financial and other strain of this company. I submit the following Report:— The hem of Telegraph commences at Clevelend and terminates at Fittabeirgh, Caning through Chagrin Falls, Franklin, Newton Fells, Warren, loungatown, and Lowell, in the State of Oleo, and New Goode and Reeberter, In the Ewe of Pennirlyania, at which points there aro office, !Mated (or. tho receipt and transmiasion of business. The whole length of the a tonallin II malice—Capital Stock, pat per mile, ranking a capitol stock at 5.21,3:41, of wince amount St¢,:C a held by citizens Sloof the line, aed the baleen s is-held py Cornell pend . , the eplinectOr. The above mann of sub. ecripuons by citizens, hues been paid to Sinvell & Speed, for which the Trashes have their f.cipt. • p os,thr JEFFERSON BALM. Fovretnev. TO BOAT BUILDEMS. 100,000 toot Socaoned Peek Plaok; 100000 fast Coal Boat Billing. For x4./01.7 ROBEILT AMMO, at /AU/ t rawl, It * • 0 ki tA I r IifSCELLLNEOTIs Pews Machine Shop BMW COACH PACT:OWN. WILLIILIN DIODY =II 11 . 7.MMTNEa 13Z13023 EEMEI INSVRANCC State Malan! Yin Insunince ',Vompany, HARRISBURG, PA. • rpltic very liberal patronage extended Sib this Coat. j p•nr, having limed petiole, to the IlihOUnt Of l a Ono rt! d Half Million of Dollamoluring the last three months, Is •seticient manifestation of the eru• motion and confidence of the public in the mums of mahogerstent on willed itscondOeted To city o country merchants, and oleos. of dwells in., and n otated or country property, It is behaved thiscompany .(fords advantages Ili point of cheap nets, soft:), .d security, inferior to no Inaurattee Company in this country. ' Condoned on the equitable and greatly Improved system of Classific•tion of Risks, eXcludin g ell VOCISI hazard., Insuring only a limited amount in any eno localiry,thosprecluding Moire/money andOccartesure. of largo tires, and al..d on both the Stook. and Motda plan, it not only possesses the cheapneu and sm.. , modattori of both methods, but cantina Me stoma to a participation in tho profits. It is ander the control of the following Rinsch :01c* John P. Rutherford, A. J. Gillett, John O. Paekeg, Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo a &nip wick,Robertglots. J P RTJTHERFORD,Prea't . A J GILLSTT,SecIy.. A A CAUII2, Antony • - Branch : Orme for WeateiriPenosslitiela,a4Stint& Seld street, Pittsburgh. PereonsAeslring Laintanee mill be furnished with-books Of she company by tall. log at the.olheo. - . Lib taladMealtis lawaraasstr flllis Mutuni Life and Health tam:nu:Mit Coutplap 1 of Philulelphin, laeorporated.bylhelegioluaro of Pennsylvania, March, 1949. Charter perpetaal. Capiutl, 81011,000. Ram Lewes Marl art Paalettle: tutu Contort, and full 10 per coot. lower thmkthe usual tales of Life Insurance, as the following kents- - pails= will show: Thus, ri person of the moo( 08 11. suing for $lOO for life, must pay in the CI irardSBßl4—, Pennsylviala,lllloo, Penn Mutual.ROM lite rvi dtable. 5404 New England, .IM3O, New York Life, Al. Moshe:l,4R Llfit and Health, Philadelphia,lllol Dourrois.—Smonel D. Orrick, Charles D.11101,..W.• F. Boone,' Robert P. Kin& Charles P.BayetSW; M IL Baldwin, AL bl. Reeve, . Chas. 0. 8.. tooll, Levels CoOper,L Rodman Burger , k Eli.Thuldrt will R. Cope. 'President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice:WM& Bast—Robs. P. Ring; Seerttary—Fermisßlaekbanse. appllealions will be received.aad every informed/ea even by SAM.. FAIINESTOCRi Alt,' 4 Deco, Commercial Boehm:, corner pf . ocitt.dly Wood and Thad ou,PittslOt — FIRM AND ItIARINM INSUUMFCM: 111111 INSURANCE CO. of North America •strUl and Bmimd losoraecn one Artyrc Pc " y n an a r by Canal; Riv en, Lake ; '' Y udbyklea.' enn .' . Theproperties of Ibis coo:sonny ura well invested, audmob ass ablate:al ror thd ample 'lndemnity of all persons who desire to he protected by insurance. t at •19 , lIVAL P. ONES, A not, 44 Wily at..,, Vies marl linorinia. Inostrarsoew . „.. FANS OfFICE•of rho Internee Cowpony of North I Americo, has been removed to No: 14t Mal et east of Wood. The onbieriber, agent for the above old end remon. elble Comonny, lid !sloe Policies on Bulldog" tad the...content., and on shipments of .Merehnodleo by swam Boots and othervoesele. • apn W. P:':ONV:N: • °tient Ina Antique le!an flit* JABE/L8 W. WOODWA.W.., " .03 ; Tctscaßs.,Pressanialg • J. 'INVW.;""''' - FU M IINITIIIIF., - 10: 7 1 7 argal leebTieted 7 1 1 1. 1 :1 1 1 oa nnIg ruarle 4"earthM AsSocUnen. ever otTered for aole -tn - thiselty.:cerninisisig several setts of Rormiroor, Mattooaov ; and duct WaLltrti carved, ornamental and plata, mailable le Putlote. 1./rauing and Bed Boom., all of which will bo nob] at thelooreldrrieco. Venoms deloring Furniture of any de.eriptiori, , epee italttnrisitnd.lo call and coarnine Mattock, oildeb embrace. every dean rnioo, from tho cheareot lad plabion to the - moot eeaant and cOitly, of whim g . 5.0 e folloortng_tote . prista a pact: Teter. Tete Sam; . Tao a Telt 'Diana.; _ dot Chairs; Cnolrq. Reception do 1.5010 XI V ee llrtenolon . do - Buda Inthgne; 'What NOM Tobler Loots XLV Conituadorml)oie of Yori ' 0.014 CU Sofa. vrith , PMAS and !talc:cloth caret.; 30 Diva., do do; ad dor. Matocany rat.nr . Chair.; 10 " Rosewood .to do; IS li;'k AValnat do do, " Cate Seat an; • Mahogany Roek.ng 4K, • do Plano Poo's; • 50 'Marble Top Centre Table , ; - ' • 1.0 do do NVa.l, Stand.; -do M Wa ahogany Ited.teadc, It do rdcobes; Itl h%Volvos dn. o; 0 Canty d A,sery large ao.ortmer.tof Common dudes Ladoga. at Futsultte too ',haul 10 memo., • . . . Q' Steam Boats tarnished nn the &bonnet ttetlea Alt order. promptly' attended to, F. e, --C abi n e t Modrant can beropplied swab al/ aorta of Mahogany, Walstat, and Veneers, at eantideribly ;educed miter. H ERSEY, PLElill NG 41TM lIANJG WOIIALILLI2,-, . FROM THE. MANUFACTVRFR-S, AND A't Edit MN bLINIIFACTDREP.IS PRICTS: ` White Illortelv, aft Wool. Bine Drill"; ' t Red do do Mee Eletninat Fellow lad, do , Farey Cotbatalera 14 aril Brown do -du °Zara" at "'Wart 'trate' Monk Satinet". Steel taint! do Montoleartorthdanit:-.: Dace -....-4...-.. do A.—. ...,. 'Walk atnodfitti • - • Grab hesogootle. Black Carsiotcra l ry 'entorst Goode. Pieter do Red Padding, iroperdo; Fancy Tweala Vent Padding. liveltrsat, Super Black Broad Cloth. ridloriCabratatteettattor Super Drown do Frown Linens, Shies'. Soper Green do Web Serge, black do, • I f Super Tanned do and worsted; Super Black Doe Skins. Stack and White Tn.; Sayer Drab tlatbeneror. Rook 'Foist, Drub dot Pop., UMW* do Innen Cheeks and Ihstfrr Starer Mack do putt:Teo eerd Sp'! Cotton; Cattle Fula 'Motet.l do I.it. Tinted, a Sterlet da superior 0 en ,, elet Iliae no Sak neural Yeattnita Drab do Sleek Sean do Grant Regatta. Drown Rolland Sea Silks; Bittern llrtltt; I Itattone, CIATI., he., Sc. At the Slenursentrerat areramte, No 127 Wood a Pataborgb mrili . _ rpm: coletttactshlp heretofore extrUng batmen We ts,crlhr, in the :moo of Constahle, Burke & CO, If Out dry dittelred hy mount roment. Macre. &coke& Beret wolf settle the bitumen of the Concern, tot which remote Leclerc, anthonscd to ate the name of the concern. NATRANTIKL CONSTAJ3LEt EDMUND DORM. THOMAS DARNES4. he underrigenlhaue tbisday ...wanted thoorwelvea te the name of SURRE & 11A11011:8, for Me purpose of am F1(11 Vroot Barmy Vault Darin, &e. fee, at the eland of ahe late ham of Conetable, Barka daeo, where they will be pleased to receive the patron age of the elastomera of that house and Moir friends. 1.114 , 11 J ND BURKE, TlfribLtS DAR. Lrl. In relines from the him of Clansmanlat, Florae & Co., I with sincere picasart. recommend Messrs. Burke & Barnes to the confidence of my 14 iendiatind the public. Feb. 9, 1a49. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE: feblibil V== HAS Jan retaroed-from the Pastern Litres, and In rtect•ine a large !ranee,. of seasonable Coeds, to which be respectfully invites the attention of lucre h ants and pedlars. No Ot Wood st. (chi! WALI. PAPER—W. P. Manna te. ettirilintly Nees}eceiving, from the Inracvl manufactories In erb and Philadelphia. and also (rem Freneb agencies, the norrovi and most approved styles of pa. per Nanette..., tegethrr with Borden; YFire Hoard Prints, told 'Mater Tops. Fnr erie an es Wend at , be. tween Fourth et and Diamond alley, Pereeeaser to 8. C. Hill.) ap3 • roamer. M. and for i s e alt . tr l th r eil:arr b' e l l or tingle pound at the Dreg. Reed ;_ and ketrantere Arage.haase, comer of SLIM and Wood streets. N ICKTRSItASI. nets CHIGNIIC&L STOVE POLISH rrlMPti ts urron i lfuemring,floorperly s eew c iF o ( t o . and witEo n otTer t eTg r era r tlo m e7 e m r ka ' r ' ore a ontrit to •lie e llo ' n:t h ); those who have scaled it, pronounce it far superior to any ether In the market. The CORMUMeI (11,1 have IV) apprehensions of roiling cameo. AP., to it. com position prevents a dust from Rashly when being op. plied, which must to , done when the Stove is cold The quantity required is so little to produce a hens tifol teem. A.saving of over Illy per tent is Insured to the mower:en. A costing applied to &overawes, /Le, when laid arvapior the summer, is a sure pro- VCIIMISVe agsmst rust. After having tried it once, 11l it lc secessiblel no ',colon willuso tiny hut the Chernik Mitootacturtag Company's Prennum Chemi cal Fiore Finish. For sale by ti N WICKERSHAM. lara Corner o f Sixth and I Vona tweet.. aIIOnIieLDIAN ZINC. TILE VlNlle hicrolagne Company t apply their agents with Hoofing and Pluming in mheet• fret.lrora II to it.iuunces per trivare foot. Corrugated In shear 317, 117 cm, for 'oolitic puidie buildings rind deport. Ship Shoichius. 14 1 d i inches, from 24 to 11.1 ou nem Nallt,Spites, Wire, Segue Molds, Perforated Zino, dine Pent, &e. They wairant their metal pare, and free from .y ads:dime of Iron, or any other substance, and Tr. commend it for the manufacture of b,ounrticlei ip the house famishing l.eo, as II does rep earl, Is not affected by the action of water, and may be polished, painted, i.0...d. !Samples, modcla, plans, apeciLcationl, and other information may be had of thrir agents:— ' - ?dream. 6 ttreono, New Veal ATI mon, Eaton, Jo Co., Boston; N AVIAN l'Acrrist & CO, PtillaJlelphigq. W. & 11. 53eKuti, llMUnsorei; Bi.sn On 4. Bran Fl 4 Wl.' Orleans; F. MILLIHOLIX, Resident*Akent, 2 Hanover it., New York. Liege, Septeral,mr NSW DOOILS pelt Autobiography of Leigh with tenthl y ISGCMCIS ef 'needs and contemporaries, In: , vols. Carlyle's Latter Day Pamphictc—No VIII, rabiect, Jesuitism History of Darius Met:teat. By Jacob Abbott, want eagravings. Mut Howard, a lintaance. By Mrs Mania Bell. Pictorial Field Boni ail. Sparalution --No 5. The shore works received flu, do ,nod for tale b 7 fi C STOCKTON :ana23 Cos. Market &Third et. TAKEN m mistake, Iron tho steam t o ut Seven Kegs of Buller, marled J. Any insformatted respecting them will be thankfolly redeem!. era Witt II JOHNSTON loiiv,ll. Bolos 50. p.— WiLtra n I/ adOnni BROWN Windsor Sosp, Bensoln . , Honey, Mask Vernacular, Oriental. Palm, and Olive Oil boat' s Thcra Soaps are highly celebrated for tmpszuttg smootbnera to the akin. Parchorad Boat the importer ' and for este by tiepin B SELLKIIS. 67 Wood et PAOKlNli—llbou ch les easoned tbleknemies, from 1.32 to lln thlek. The above peeking 33 prepared so that MO degrees Pahrenheli wall not affect b, and he superior to every thing else, noon suratance has mi mach elasticity which stands to Lied a degree of beat, and may be and *boot all parts lettere parting la necessary, olrt—manhole plates, paten rods, steam Joints, steam &team, cylin dra heads, d.c. Fellatio 'choleraic and retail by J& II PHILLIPS raga. "k.9Wentist riV" -3 ) b""engil'Alkow b CO BOOKS. litUgle, XENV .. „ AT lroLmss , LITERARY Dii.1 , 02, `4. 19 i 10 street, apposite the Post Oftice. lAA. D COPPS/IF/MO, No 10 1.../ 4.condon ArtJountal far October ... tat Ws Laving Ate, No 537; The Valley Perm; or the Asneblography of an Or. pbsol i Edited by Charles J. Peterson. Pet cues M2l GCMC.II . a new novel, by Atm. Tro t . lops. ' , . laatrions Templeton. By Charles Lever. Pbe Iron Alesk-=Thnas' ben work, complete; • . I.JII/ of YaALea /1111 .tienoslevre or Pleasant Love and Borrow. By A. Do Lamanltio. Boston elbskpaarts, No 21.• 0n43 . . BLEW 111113111 t BMW MUSIC! JENNX LANE; abeaanfal Ethiopia: /37 111... . nand by the New Orleans fkrenaderv; ' . '. Ilehb vrateldel and beware; ' -I i C Dinah r take dila band; Tee Malden , ' Tear; The Bleb Monk Bride; . ; . 1 , 140141 were with thee:. i NBy, dl Bad &a Wave, as ;rang by Jenny Lind In ew Pork; i The Bird andihe Malden, SISIIf by Jena, Lied; Take killer; sung by Jenny Und ''• ,_' . : Tarn not nyrayt • bewail - el deer, by L id C Porten Blelabint Polka; by litarkoeh, /armyn invitatlen Coed Leek; Jenny at the Gate; • LeNtris, and Med worth', very beat Polka; also, new. Walled and ar• tenalve eclat ;ion of Oeitar Preeeqrs of beat mutan. •_,LI KLEBE 101 Third street., ante . .. . Gel en Nara. ; • .. DU IIAM!! PIANOII9 . -.Bolt Agency for illunbautla Pita.,. 11' KLEM M take. talcum in - onneunelen le the pantie:- that be hoe eueeeeded In wearing the 6030 Agate, fa. Conboulls eelebnited Piano Focal, tor Weston renitsylvania. TIM Vane* made by Mr Dunham, of the Arm of Siodaria-flaninati, are toe well and favorably known la littanedghborhood to require any comment inflate nine, suffice it to nay, that for a long time an other *mow wire kaolin in . the Western country - than thow of Modell &Denham and Nettle& Cie*. bin. Dinthatu, prneteal partner of the above firm, belt eivenr:heoloude. of twenty yearn . in tile fee , tory of wad grm, na practical manager and director of ~11 6 Initiates.' tletver two Alf Dunham has bentebt outtbicattnefettory and appastenanees ef 166 Arm, and continues to Manufaerare, a.before, in his Own name. Nana hove attaine d garb 0 9 1nt 10 T 6 7, t inaome of the western tine; Cincin nati, Ae , 'they have sold two to one of any other manufacture. Tboy ere distinguished by their power And bdibaney of Moe and exuaordinaly N. D. —A large invoice of the above elegem Pianos isbwveceiving. SIGNORI' TIIE C.OLDNN CARY. ode Biacw Anglo. RFCIZEDrs dailra:te ensn-. 7 :' ' La fiereaL e r:Arranded as Bunn. Jeanwgttet and Yeannoi- tor Guitar. " Valet of by dans dayw-lastet. , • Away down in oiler. Be Micas! and Baantra--Glayer.- • . Besidesananyotharpayalar Sours nad kidded. Ii KLEBEIC - "sepal Ellyn alba Golden Barb, Toird W Now Books. HEALTD, Disee, and Heatedly. Ey Dr; Bloom, ee Adelaide Ueda'', a novel. DJ tao /other 01 Leaiee Arnold? 4 Nomuut . l 'Midge, be +Le. Lire sad Correapoodeneo of itobl.Joalltef• - Plut , a ' Gibbon's Rome -4:11 and Db vol.—templed:a of the Wo,k. ilackived And at, sale by - • ' sevAl • ' • R 0 STOCKTON NEWT BOOKS. - , MINGLISH GRABIIdAR—The English Lenjraana In eL..rttents and forma,loith a htatorT Of Ita origin and deftlovtennerot; deeigned tor tun in colleges end aehools. ‘N et. C. Fowlet, late professor of Rhetoric In netheret College. , Aeneaoloy—The reeent proems* of ,fintrottona7; e l lo e n d te B tTf.lie rny ,illl a n t= 1 o floathigana„ with notices of the native ulbe., end antidotes of the thud or the Hot, elerkant,hzepoore Inanaarnieene, &teener" ne..arith Iltantrationl. By. G. Clow:inc. e elved fo t sale be , • It t! srocrrox 47 Metket at laLX:l=l JUSTteeelvrO ID 11. %MIXER'S 'Altaic Atore, the . fellowleg Suits=— la 11161.4 a them lies the Ileum I Love but Thar. The Watcher.. 'roe White and 8 , 1 itatt , :. N'totY Dell: 'ID doeth al , thing* well: All it Orel. Where' re now the bapesl ehensbe,t recude. kep OSC CD-STER; or the Alysteries or tPeCiuitt of London, vol 3 of interestinework bat been cited ist.. - Dulme•• totrtry Depot, Third opposite the Post Dilice; 411.0, Eire PAM, be Ttles of [helicon; by 'Olivia,' Centre Caritiot, surnamed Searldrtter 'bay of Alton. by Clement C. Mime, D: sad No 3T.: el Limit's Living Age.. sepil ==n ALARGE and extensive ...ritual - if PATENT METALLIC RUBBER 4 - ASIRICH, ' , tweed the Latest endless variety etablnee,l In the areormeet, 'nay be 'found the" follnertup— Itoren Covers, Carnegie Cloth. Air Dad:, Air Inlay Air Cufthions, Waxer Palle. Tobareo Poacher, Meting Itano Coats, Capra, Cloak., Tarpaulin'', Ulm., Mittel:ls, Ponchos, Map. Deane*, Penes, Ease, Door Pp tinge, Machine Ilihding,Unu , Wester., Machine eaekint, Cate'' , Blankets. P.p., /40 1