AMPLIO.T.ILD t T ICLICIGUAPLIEM MIL THB PITT:3BOIWD DAILY GAZETTE FIRE ATAURORA gran Large dmidler °mammal, Dec. 11. y,eontaming 10000 bmaela aornovas burned lam nlght, ,a Amara. , One man was killed and another badly injured. CHOLERA ON THE RIVER_ erscueum Dec. II A Dumber of emigrant. been died or Cholera, On the steamboat. renclng !torn New Orleans to at. Lotus and that oily, during the past meek. NEW YORK MARKET 21.32. a tr ntr. Now You, Doc. 11. Floor—The market 12 steady nt last l uotenon, with Balm of n,OOO bbi. ape Flour—Sales 100 lib's. at $3lO per bbl. Grain—Wheat i 3 better with Pales 5,000 bus. prime Genneree at 120 ; and of 1,500 be South ern redat 07 1-2 per be Rye is unchanged, with Wes of 3.,000 be. rat 75 1-2 c. Sales of 9000 bushels eat at 63•67 1.2 ror new, and aia7oe for old. Protristosu , —Fork is unchanged. Sales 200 bbls. ormer rates. Beef—Beef hams are active wit maks of 1400 bbla at $l4 per bll.ns the run. Lard is loweriwithsales of 300 bbls at 7 1-21 7 3-4 per Whitey is held at 2111 4, per gallon. Cotton—Prices lend downward, with sales :4:10 hales including fair upland at 14e, and middling at 13 324 e per lib. Spirits Turpentine—Sales 400 4443 at :17 1.2 e per Groceries unchanged. Sale" 1.',0 her, Klee at former Games. • Ntw Yon D , c. IC. Callon-7U Mtrket - itruitattliett, with Wee of coS bale. Flour fa steady with • ees of 14,000 bids, to eluding Ohio, 84 0104 94 per tad. Rye Ibur is held at $3 50,,witti stales of 200 01.1, Oulu—Wheat is in requ%st, god the firmness of bolder. reefriris sales. The lie lot of prime Genesee tonight 120 Rye is bt tier with rates of Bsoo bueb at 771077 e per bosh, C. , . hr..° tuswani tendency, with Iliac. of 14,000 at Tester. do r anter. Frovf,sions—Porh a Ecady, with sales of 400 Ml*. Sales 500 bile beef hams at $l4 as they run, or $l4 85 tf welshed out Lard is dull, with des of 300 bbls at 71071 , . Whiskey brit-r, with sates of 200 Ws at 'HQ 254e—clafhT; boot ant. Ofeeeriel—Tie mike! it witbount change . Spirits Turpentine—aisles 50 Ws qt 38c per gelL Hite- Sa'ea 300 lieren ar 82 g 1 44 per 100. Tobaecol4 Lleady, mailman We.. BALTIIIO., Dec. I I. The Osukei is unchanged, every thing remaining the lame ea yesterday. The Jenny Land =camera runs hif h er and high. er. The city is crowded with strangers to hear her to night. Tieloms are selling for ten to twelve dol. lan. She gives her last concert on Saturday night. CINCINNATI MARKET. December II Hoge—The marl•l is less buoyant toaday, ow. lug to the extreme scarcity of money; in copse• queue. of ah en there have hero more a tiers and fewer buyer. than yesterday. Prier. are unchanged, and the sales mere 4000 at Slat 15 per CWL FlonrA—The market is netive, and pricre.are Arm. LIITZELPOOL PEOPERTY FOR SAYE. 75Eit64.1,GOIP,TI.Lewe to w n LoocEa.t able litime-1111.23 for corner /ota,und CLIO for in low—e act beim GO loot front by 130 feet deep. lavorpool is rated on the Obto River, 43 mules below this city, wrldway between and Wheeling, 4 tulles Ova Glasgow and I.ltde Beaver, and the same dis tance Ilam Wellsville and Calcutta. It le situate in a healthy and beantifet part of Ohio. bar 1200 inhaht • Was_ sod oath MiTINICIAN, EIGHT I.:STAMM' KENT'S for the manufacture of Rockmahasu and Cdatimemure, Prot rat hetet,. dry goods. and rrwery Mores,aml mecharyie• of various Mods, four churches. and public schools. At the recent sale of lots oil were purehwed by manufacture.. who destan erectMg during the coming season, poueries tad-other manufeenning establistintef ts Qtmentrurare of a woe white, to addition to Rtmtingeant and yellow ware, having been inanofactured in this town, it to reasonable to suppose that It will rapidly Improve Persona desirous of viewing the property can do so any day by • few hours sail from f i ttwbureh. aeon •rs leaving our wharves carry day for LI•CIT031, Wellsville and Wheeling Tag= of p yament—Ono foorth In hand and the bal. 11111C0 In three equal annual paymenm, with mitre.. N. 13.—1 will dispose. of a timber of lea for cif puktervrotk, beet laying, plwArine and palming, to be do., at Liverpool, during the next. pring and sent emir, aba for Lumber and Mick. Apply to Sandford Ginn, Ep Livenyciol, or to the subscnber ti the Mice of Mean. Mitchell tr. raltuer.AttO racy. in Law, No mis Fourth street. JAMES BLAKELY dcauliteniantfl. eiTreAsufiGH (C i a Corner of Third and Market streets. CHARTERED A. D. tssa. The eetly Chartered listtination of the kind in Penns. Jobs ,Principal Instructor in the Science MAeoanata. 0. K. Chamberhn, Professor of Penmanship, Mee. tantite Computation, gre. - AMR. Al. Watson, Esq, Lecturer en Commercial Law. 'Ms course of insunetion inclodes Book Keep bog, and Its atrollearron to every branch of business, leo tards on commercial UAW and commercial Science, Panammatip,Mer eanttle Computation. Ac. Students can enter the College st any tune. and whom amftkd. will receive at Diploma. signed by the Parmlty end Examining Comailtme. 002 SIGHT DRAFTS e. NEW TORE, BALTIMORE, ' PIIILADF.LPIII A. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ST. LOUIS, AND SICII 'OLD COUNTRY," A. WILKINS , C,r. Third A bliaket sts Far ule by Ems MR OIL-9 bri. for sale by RIIET, MATTHEWS & CO SUGAR & - IIIOLASSES-10 bbd. new crop Sugar; torls planlationMolarrer landing from .reamer Washlegion. for tale by de7 /AS A HUTCHISON & CO cdal '-'II4 I T ',3`A'`otgoN L EAD & BHOT—tr . Vr b tr.i . Vena Le d V . ; It lco aanorted Shoe in core JAS A HUTCHISON it CO ==l HARDWARE PAPER, ummed elms, for ••18, Oy SCIIOONMAKER A CO WRAPPING PAPER—V. , rms goad medium; 5110 XV do crown; maa Tea; for sale by dap SCHOON2,IAXER A CA, MILL PROPERTY. A NT penon *With. to engage In lbe fibbing bun• .L - 3. IMO My belt of a verfArrb i T n fig . NAny •p•Settlan la 112 Second .: doe lUhLILLL P nawmti air lesoinelodkair: French GM , rim , French wide, far cloaks and mantilla& reed by MURPHY & BURCHFIELD, dire N. R. ear. Fourth & Market .b. Jimmy Mad n 0.1.111 dot Lab.. : w entirely new end hand/wore etyle—t few pier et eer,. d r.y BURCIIFIELIA _ _ _ MIZI=2II THEM opened, another supply of nevreel dcsigra, by 61 deg • MURPHY a BURCHFIELD GLAnn—aer boxes aseoned sizes, city rr brand,jult received and for sale by deg P & N HARILIACHII MICILL uUri I.3t—io tort! , ensile, 'emu ree day by . XL 4E6 'S & W lIARBAUGII CREAM CHEF:SE-100 las loon recd for rale by deg t. 4 & W II AR6811614 FLOWL-60 bi.irialBB -7,- issily dye NA W HA RBAUGII p - sPPEIr- - I, 0 rig. for vale by WM BAGALEY & CO, 4..5 I 8 & 80 Wood xt JUJUBE PABBTE-10 bag for rale F, 488 B A FAIINF.STOOR A CO Tifillri • FACllCS — rn o biTior Bare by JLI -dab WM. II JOONSTON 4ECXYUN riNG UM/NE PEAK for vale by 4 - 1.11 WM. IL JOHNS roN POWDER -4140 legs , do lgo e t , i i t t lirrd d rn o snaCe 4f do do Ky do do 1506( kirk do do do do on° do do Deer do do 41d or kis do Ky d. do 21 brim Safety Pose, nowstored to md e and for tile at (o .1 s ven rates, by DILWORTH & CO _ by U"-4 sacks Rock Salt, sop wird to be take, mistake from the landing of steamboat blew!, J SCHOONMAKER A CO, 646 24 Wood st. LADLES—Dipped and Mould, for .1145 by 6&dN VIIARDAUG H S T by. No 1, In tune and for .alc by, la doeß & N 11ARBA UGII riNikED 014-15brl. Gri..vold'e bra rd, for pal. by des .1 0 CANFIELD !WALLOW—a, prime for sale ty j. 7 H CANFIFLD DEANS -4 Ws fm We by _ _ _7 B CANFIELD = • -- ROLL I:WTI - ER-101,71s fresh, to cloths. TO.bis do do; keg. do do; 50 DID do do; for 11%1, by de.S CHESISE-1 01 . bus prime; - _ lOU h. Cream, for .le b. dad J B CANFIELD CLOYS 81.:ED— , 5 bets for sale by ft J CANFIELD . - ..__. 00011ssfr Wine. and Brandies, FOR BALE, by Din qoart, at Morris 8. Ilaweorth . r, X east side of the Diamond: Lisboa Wine.-- • •—•25 et, per quart Raisin Wine • --• • --•--• M e ta On Pare Gripe Jame ••• •• -•-- • •f:f cio on Brandy, teem do rents , o --at el. Or d o s Irina. and Scotch Whisk.!. WARRANTED PllREquart, bloo m '—rnee 115 BS per gallon, or tOk cents per for solo be bloo m ' & DAWORTII, dos In the Diamond GENFXIAL—BoBA ilb. for ogle by_ 65 FAIINESTOCE & CO GANARY SEED—IO bets for sale by WI del II A FAIINESTOCE &CO 11V X -3-6° trAn4:I I II , II.STOCK k CO cLIMIAC-26 bogs Sicily, co, pale by i. 746 5 13 A FAHNESTOCFC a CO Prll.-IC4hlo No I ornvinopea•eo, obb BROWN lIRKPASA4CH 11, Lit iiECOItD. n UUMID Off THAD. AND 5 1.C - 11.1 . 1'S COMMITTEE FOR DECEMBER. O. GOD. / LAIL,: ..14111,11. PITTSBU/11310 RIALSKICT, Orrice, Prersattaan Gazarra L 'Thursday morning, Dec. PA, 1630. The weather yesterday war clear and pleasant, and a fair general business was doing in the market, Clue tattnus generally, were without any material change from previous day's report tFLOIJR-The receipts yesterday ware more fall, and same country prevailed on the wharf, With sales Of 5110 bhls, a, 113,4203,65, mostly at the latter figure. The sales from store were not heavy, being confined to the regalar home dernmd QUOIllliOOl. are 1 , 3,750 3,51 V bbl, the market closing firm . GRAIN-We have no change to notice in the mar ket. Prices are generally, Dam fiat hands, for Wheat, 750.50 e, Ryc, CmOlittc, Barley, 7.505uct Guru, 45045, and Oats 1 .!. 360111, O ba s FEED STUFF-'the tempts ware game full, and sales were brisk on the wharf, Sales Una bu bran at 11012 e, ~In 2 do 'lKKG:ids •1 30032 c. and 47a do shorts, at . 2.30113 e ♦ be. DRIED FRUIT-Apples comma, very firm, with sale.ll4o bus , on the wharf, st 73c V ha. Peewee are In moderate demand; to El 2tl on the wharf, and aIAtS 01,31 in store. GIiF.EN A PPLF-4 -.Sales of td/ bids on the wharf, of esti, kinds at , 7041 P fib POD' TOER have Improved, with sale. of the better qualdies, at the river, at 111, V 1,61. GROCERIGS-We have further 'ironed salmi of N 0 Sugar at 01,610 el for old mid in,. crop. Molasses remain pretty tirm,al 3.10:re for Nit, and 400110 for prime Surarttoase :asi' males of Cohen Gawp?, at 12101t1i. WHISKEY - :tales 31 bbls, at 23e for rectified . Baba idrAv-The stsnr Luella arrived yei Imlay from Louisville, ',ringing as pat of her cargo, Dll5 pa bulk "ark This Is the [tint arrival of the season, ard it will doubtless soon be followed up by plenty more of the same sort. AA NEW article, recently invented RS n substitute or Sperm and other Oils. It is compounded of vegetable extreme, the most of which are essential oils, and will not explode. It has the appearance of clarified Sperm Clil, but burns with la much more bnlhant name. hes or unpleasant smell, will not In. delibly soil cloth, is much cheaper than oil. and a free or smell, at on expense of from to I Cent ficr from any dapger of explosion. It burns brilliantly, givlng • cleir, steady light, without smoke, grea s e, hour. It can be of. In any common 01l lamp, with Only the addition will not exceed 1:t eon. per lamp. The .have, together with the Lampe, Tubes, An., and direction. for using, may be had o WM A. bIeCLERG Sr. Cl) deg .5 , 11 Linen). at Propari for Christmas "lLf °RBI. h DAWORTII, in IiIC Diamond, oder lot In rale, by retail— Frenen Curramls•—.-- 10 els per lb Fine Malaga do Best i. ,. 'nlenCinllll.l7. " l. •• • --- —4se. do These Musts arc free from Stella or dirt, ready for use. We have also. Citron Peel, Candied Orange Peel Candied lA-mon Peel, Nutmeg, Clove, Coutanson Mace, Ganrer, &e. des lOCIWOIID-15 tons dapped (or s•lr by des s; A PAIINESTOCK & CO FLOUR -5U brit ealra faanly, for rale by des UNE 11. JOHNSTON T s , LAX—O mess by 1. de, ENGLISH & HF.NNFITT - MS. MARIA CURTIS, formerly of Centre county Pis, win hear of something to her intermit by railing on the undemigned. Ar y person argil ainted with her win confer favor by iforming her of this none., or informing, nother resi n ttenee tic/LI:4U A BENNETT, den E.: el Wood fl BROOMS -lye der corn broom. for by dr:l -- R A CUNNINGHAM L ARD 011,—.20 brie nest j. zejar 6 ( . 1 , 12 , 1 ,, e t / a CO del (I Word c LINSEED OIL —3O bri• warranted pure rot ',ale by del 1 SCHOONMAKER A. CO GUSIIELE.AC—.I cares for oak by M del J SCHOONM A ERR k CO JUJUBE PASTE-5 be. lot dole by del J SCHOONMAKF.R & CO VI.OB. SULPII —I cast French for .ale by 12 del J SCHOUNM AKER &CO m o rpm F:—.....5 da for • .e by J S o r_;HOONbIAKER & CO pEPPEII-2b bogs for rale by der SHRIVER & BARNES ALSBICE—Io bags reed for sale by del SHRIVEN & BARNES ItCACKTHEL-30 brit and , hf brls Nor 2 it. :I, .0,1 del SHRIVEN & BARNES LIIN - N:FTSTI-20 — trii• received for sa , .. by del , SHRIVEN & BARNES pEAtti.:. - - - - . js brit, prune for We by ENGLISH & BENNETT del 41 Wood rt "IL ITEM—,s i I Xa ' p r rtl ' etr i ;ll, in vote, for tale by de3 ENGLISH & BENNETT' lIIEE'rrE-41ar to store and for raie - low - by kj eel ENGLISH & RF.NNETT iNT LPP,-. Ina CbGNLlnits: IS bris lisekory Nona, to now, fo r sale by den GOLD re,Ns—The largest and be;t — Ms;ortmens el premium Gold Pens now on hand and for sale it the lowest prices Gold and Silver Pencil, and Pen Holders In every variety. Sent Stamps. Folding Knives. Wrinng Desks, Ay tderlfW W WILSON . N 'o.—lt tee d tor snits by '. SI, P. 616 4 SHRIVED in DARNP.S • IN/1". " , " INRIGO-1 race tar •elr by . WiNdr,l'" " 1- rpALLAAV —ll brigs recelved for .ale by del SHRIVE BARNES So F ;,, F 4 1.01; R-5a brio rte b s;Mtr ß nl t a ß b A y ß,,:s CRAB CIDER-10torts prlme. far dr% SHRINER a BARNES DRY ANNA:II-1M has re-el ved for sale by del SHRIVER & HAHNE, nRy PEACRFS-100 Los received for rale I,y del SIIRIVERh BARNES N. OLASSE. , -1.5 Arlo. new crop, llnding per • IN rteanaer Brthien, 3..nd for gale dcf J AMFS A. RITTCIIISON h Cr, iA RDOIL—.2O bri. No i v,,, r atned, ja.l re. reiveJ !Mk' by R F. SELLERS. del ‘Good • COPPERAS — IO brig ,unt reretwed lor sotle del R E SELLERS PEARL AllIZ:9 - ctokejutu rre Jar erd; - 6 - 3 , -- W A E WILSON, de3 2.4 Wena iL AlllLAtl SkS— bris ior sale by del W & F WILSON VIELIHO FEACIIES--lao bus reed for sale by 1,7 de3 • • W& F WILSON FFKi.;-150 bags prone r • ed (or asle by I del SIIRIVER k BARNNW rpC,LdnijC7—:rino bsa b( bis 10, s, and lump . 1 Vograta Tbbaceo,•ssoned brands for sale by del SIIRIVER & BARNES rilEsi—liar Id' chests and eaar bos Vourkg /Own', 1 Gunpowder and Mack Teas teed for sale by de3 SIIRIVER& BARNES TANNER,' 011.-0 brie tor •ale by dei SBRIVER lc BARNES VT • C. TAR-50 brim met' (or gale by /I d. 3 SIIRIVER A. BARNES B UTTF:II-2 LON pocked solid; small Lis do, or stir 1.7 ISA IA II DICKEY' 31 CO del W•ter & Front S "Npat' U O t'%7lllepft'Ll.;., Bask wheat Floor. fur sale by Wril II 1011N.ToN I ° -. l d ) e; " 'CH) A 11i1T1 Mi-70bolo very dry •nd fine. boo by deg J SC11 , 10 , 1MAI:4:11 h. CO "ORM/NIS—IOC dozen new hot, Corn lirniAn....n 5..) hand. for •• , e by JOAN WATT' & Cr. INI YERIA J. TEA-1b b l cheat• Inw price , O, xh:ro no JOAN WA I C D%t PPLES-"" " cew , for .ale by ti CO FRUIT—Ioo las li•ssom; 2j.hrbn do 411 or bzit An 10 Irets tin 10 casks Currants. reed for rale by do 2 H A CI NNING/lAM /VIII Eo} - rt.o bla iced on ronsiet. for sale by H A ctIIVNINGIIAM Difrksii--7 coll . !m pore, (or sale by %VICE& hicCANIII.F.A.a ir2HEAI HULL BOTIT.II-11brIsprIme for mole r.y WICK k MCCANDLESS SYRUP -15 brim on band and for male by no2S J S DILWORTH h CO Q MOLASSES-50 bile genuine, St. /mem Re -0 finery, Just ree'd on coomignynent and for tale by MILLER k RIEKE - NJ /N, del 2 , 1 & 222 !Ahem N. od:r"R .- "h";417:1117 1 1:1VATM;"' PATENT POLISIIED C A NDLESi—• beautiful article, partaking of wai and Sparta but find• earner and fact credit to coler, Part recrivrd and fur ItaXMMU=I S PILED OV I Er a T4RA-In4o47,4xclinze , e3la D RIED PEACIIE3-13 bubat received for gild by 111.1RIMIME k de2 Ile Wet, et N O. SUGAR—%O 1.60* new crop for sale by dr2 1111111:1RIDI:E; MOLAS! , ES-60 brim N. ato tarnve, for or Eel INIAIIR - _ LOAM SUGAR-16 MY put me i to , del BURI3RID6r ati I Nt,ll HAM INj lvln O. MOLASSES brie nrw rrop. reeeg N for the by JAS A HUTCHISON dr. CO _de.l EM4:N11 , 1../F SHRIMPS—A Inman Sauce tor Fllll, kir auk by 6,1 WM A MeCI.VIII; A. CO INDIA CIIRRIE POWDER lust reed , OT br VI'M A MeCLURIi ACU E xC L I . I I I.NGE on Philadelpb , l i aloWlin A id eAuGii 1 11 , AR-3;4ri• N C. Tar, on Mon , 1 nutS ~ ti DILWORTH A CO _.. _ ._ S . H ar '4OLAS . EN-2 - , brk Crelerat RefineU. _ R A r:IINNIMAIAM___ . _ L ,4 1:43 b rand•• G I',;. - • -- -1 7, - ,;.,7,Z.V.. A m_ ___ T ug r ~, t iv.4l for saw, uy Zarne Currant, Sultana Rama, Serdless Humus, Caron. na.ZU WM A AIrCUIRG L CO_ 0 , 0( 0 . 1.Lt hiIIELLS A f7,:ltur 011 A PVj ef f . 1LI L r i l i , : . ; ~ ,,y . , ‘ - . , .. , sil LOUS Mars, la hrournrkily •,,,1,.1 •no o toll rectsved and lor sal, by n 01.1,. WM A 1 1 1rCLCIIG & CO fOHN DULL SAUCE, 'am—t:. It ;1.0,, Wm Ibigaley, 55 m Lar liZler, Jr., Waller Ilry/sirt, Hugh D. htng, Etlw•rtl Ittainlunt, John 11,twortli, 4. Ilatbsußh,, , . At. Kier. Clll:ciam. Insurance Company• A N Election for woe Ihrerters, will he held at the othee of the ,oinimuy on Monday. the leth of ti.statit, t.