:WHITE_ 8. CO •slit[ Doer P. We m•-• • 2,00 Do. o qet. , at a mdeeed rate,: RAT CS OF ADVERTISING; AGREES) UPON SP T 1 C PITTSBURGH PRESS - ' - talluStial..e,(l ol ittesof Nonpareil or less) C Orm Stsi. ce, each additional insenlon• • • 0,175 Do. one week -- • -•—• 1,74 Da two week.--. Do. three weeks.-- 4DO Do. one month.— --•- 5,00 Da Iwo months-- —••-• ,ne p t . three months- --- •• 9,00 Do. fear anontha 10,® Ito. months-._. 16,00 Do. twetve month.-- . • 11,09 Standing Card (6 lines or legal per annum. loan One Square, chatareable atpleassire (per an n..) exclusive of the paper---...... For eachadditional suture, Inaerted over one month and for each additional square inverted ander the yea, ly rues, half price. Allvertitementa exceeding a egnare, and net owe, Mame lanes, ta be charged as a qu•re an • half P a Ushers not neeountable for e legal advertisements • !=eelrAttiltll7(7:ll'ortooeg'ci,.. the aAma **other advertutemerds. - 11.1.9quillaam..atiol attuned on c ont inue d c for a 'peel lad number of amnions, will be tall torhol, and payment exacted ancord ! • - The pnailage. of yearly advertisers wall be confined rigidly to (hair regular buena., and all other advt.,. lallateata not pertidning to then regular business, M. *peen Me, to lie paid All advertisements for charitable institutiona, fire e a ch ward township anal other public mectinga, ad each like, hobo charged halfprice, payable strictly advance. Marriage notices tolie charged GO cents. Death nailer. insetted without charge, unless accom. pooled by funcral Invitation. or obituary notices, and when. accompanied to he paid for. Ragalar advertisers, and all others .ending eomm lA. aloations, or acquiring noticfs designed to call sown- tioa to Fairs, Soirees, Concerts, orstwaY Public en , ..- Intline.o4l,l•ltrfe charges are made for admittince— all notices of private associtnions—every nonce de. V gned w cal/ anention to private enterprases macula• tad or Intended to promote( individual interest, can . be 1111.1.1 with the undemanding that rho some tab be paid for. If Intended to be inserted in he W ee oolorun, the some will be charged at the rate of -102 lOU than 10 recta per line. &Mop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern I-actuate Nations, MI each_ faLegales and Medical adverusements to be charged • ll pne Real Estate Agent. , and At:Lain:leen' advertise Meals not to be clawed under yeurly me*, but to in allowed discount of thing three and one third percent Dom the manna of bills. WILTILIF On TII-linntiLV It mans rArann. One Square, three insertious• •—•—. el 50 Do. each additional insertion-.. kinfrlnininSNES In Wang ?ATM 00 . Square, ILO lined,' Ana lneertion•-50 eta Do. each additional anscruan•—•Z All transient sdvertieement. to be raid in advanei WHITE k CO. Gazette Id HARPER Pot. anger Journal. JAMES P. DARR A CO., Chrnnic!. FOSTER & BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. BIDDLL, A mencan. 111 RAM KAINE, Evening Tribune, PrrEuvue, Duo. 1, 1619. CARDS. JOHN A. PARKINSON, A LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Fern street, butwe. • O'Hare. and Wntaut. Al l busmen, promptly a ad to. mon . . ALE XANDER Me WATSON, ATTORNET AT LAW—Otrice, an Fourth ,ire above Wood. retie DAVID C. TUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Commisatnner f Pennsylvania, St. Levis, Mo. Anoonnmunications promptly answered. otte/O-ly JACIIIGB KURIL , ~ A TroUMW AT LAW—Odice . Fonnh Nlf CC /3. between SuntitSeld and Grant, Ptttzburgt, • tl2-ly JOHN Hs iughtigial i A TTORNEY and Coun s ellor at Law, and COMMi LI. Moiler for the Stute. of Pennsylvania, SL Lou: MO, (tato or Pittsburgh.) References—Pittsburgh: Ike. Mi. Forward, Ham,. ton & Miller , hFCandless k McClure, John E. Parkc & Bungle, 3100.1 O. K:eg. • • BIDWELL CO. ) FORWALIDING BIEI3OIIAIf T Glasgow, Pa (.7sLith's PorryPoet Wei) Raving permanently located at this place, a tea axed substantial Whim( Boat, we ace prepared to aetna sad forward promptly to all pedals on the river and dandy and Beaver or Ohio Canals. B it. Co. 61ar off, 7noa 7S—field WM. V. I.OOITWASII-•••-•.-••---satrx DIA.O4I•EY. WOODWARD CO, Wholessie coos, No SOU Market ot,lnuladelplo. • Plttalnargh Alkali BENNECT, DERRY & CO, Manpfl!,ll3rers of Soda Idmtomo.,:goo,dekau,rt, novffl-1y Frederick/41as. George Reiter. BRARN k. =TER, Wholoves- and Retail Drus P Comer of Liberty and Si. Clair streets, Pin, h., Pa. ap4 C A. tdcANULTV & 1.10, Forwarthng . Minion Merchant., Canal B•11/11, Iltubnrgb Vaturz r i H. GRANT, Whal es ale Grocer, Commmuton Kea Vee Forwarding' Merchant, No. 41 Wooer rt. • Pill, Intrgh. apt lea maney---Arldrerr Finn:imp, R. K. Pluming 111reRSEIr e FLEMING i CO., 90111XISSION MERCHANTS—For the rule of Do mestie.WooltCotton Condo Wood r. a n tinds of Tullors , Tricarningl, No 1 1l st, Lh floor from Plftb, Pittsburgh. Rafereneo—Almsrs. V 1 m. A. Rill A Co, Bankers. I. •LIR.D.IWm. • lAVIN BAID.D s IRVIN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Ball Broker Ne 114 Seeond nree4 Yntlaboagh. 14447 WK. D. miaanse, Luc. J. mans,. & DENNETE (lota English, Gallagher rj Co . Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Eor titanium Merchants, and dealers in Produce and rut, Yuri, Manufactures, No. 37 WoodG., between 2J and Id inteneln. °nil ORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT No 112 Second tat, Pittsburgh. otr3l 101/12i yr. amino:rum] twavraa c. Layman., I 2 , 8.. W. POINDEXT/CD. & CO., q u ENEHAL CtliklbllSSlON and Forwarilnic Der. ka= and j Floor Dealers, No Vs Market . y 2.5 ~,,, adelphia. HEALD. SSOOSSOIL A. CO Wince() CULEISSION AIERCRAATS. Na. 41 North Water Street & No. 10 North Wharire A. J. Beano. d PHILADELPHIA Mot. Hour• d Philadia. A C. MeCminox. J. A. Wan.. an, LEE,(successor to blurpby &. -- re d,) Win Dea) • at and fiernittnission Merehent, for the tale o attiattedin Woolen., Liberty, OPDOCIE Sib n (chic t..roWs7 1101 - ANDY, JONES & Oa, (succossora to Atwood ga. Joao & ) ennatotwion and Forwarding MC.T alma% dolor. in Pittsbargh Manufactured Hoods Pittaburob, Pa inch 77 W. P. nAIisnALL, (occcosoz same. rirtt,) 18SITES Dolor in t rench and Auserieo pPa ..Hanging. nod Borders; Window Made, Fire Prints, 0...! Also riling, Printing orl Wrap ping Paper, No. el Wood ntreei, between Fourth atm e t an Diamond .ler, weal eidc, Pittsburgh, Pa. k 1313 prrrsocraan itaLess woaKs• JOHN AGNEW, latter the fretof Chamber, /ie. Steve &Co , would respectfully Inform the old no. timers and the pulilic generally, that he will still Con Ilene to carry on toe (green Wars business. In all it, Watiatiws and prepared to fill all order. for Apod.e. eerie.. Pareltre, Illtucrals, Porters, Viols, Ac., wudning to Lit hash... lit, warehouse is No al jrMarket street, liewswen First Aesop! s sta. jy24:dilie OHN D. MO RN ANl, — Wholesruegiat, and deal er let Dye Staffs, Paints, Oil,, Varnishes, tte, No . 13 Wood attect, one door South of Diamond Alley Pittronegh. np4 DAT. - Z EL - T.7W holcaa is roue r, Comm is sinit Y Merchant, and dealer in Pradit, and Plusburel i Madefeettares. No 24 Water st, apt Muni Vlnlnv, ZONIIRT c:cant, )11. 1811 All DIC3OII' Co., Wbolesale GT/f..171. misirionblew:larils, sad dsaTera In I'Toduna, No.. un Wear, and 107 Front warts, Pinal.nrab nor, Joke Dtlworth.---•--• • --Joseph Diisi - sorth. 118. DILWORTH It CO., Wholesale Grocers, and • Agents for Ilssard Powder Co., No. if 7 Wood., ittaboryo. dcn-y IL — Tti - Pi'NtilEND:DrnaglsfindApothrear7 V No. 4s Market Fa, three doors above Third at. Pito Mirth, will have constantly on hand a well selected as garment of th , best and freshest Medicines, which h. will sell On the Ine.l reuonable terms. Physicians soodirti orders, will be promptly attended to, and sop phod with artleles they may rely w enl tPen gelnana. i la day or nit LL rom tba ban materials, at any bear of Lbw for isle, • lart• stank Of fresh and good Peat men._ ln G 1 John Moyd. Richardß. moyD, wboic"!e GTOGerl, Con Mi.Xl3ll i• Uttrohnots, and Dealers in Protla• e, Round nrch Daildotes, Dundee on Liberty, Woos! utol !lath BMWS, evo. ay ranT). dd. V, Agent for the Lake Eite aflestgan 1J ne to 'Beaver and the Dam—Cabe e th• enrner er Water and gntithfirld eta ant A . lactusON, & Lewis & Co., Corneaseion Merchant and Agents of the St Lona. Steam Seger Refiner,. OIL {.water anJ Di front elect Plneterea. teal 3 801100;.11 4 aliER Stet Nilhoiesce bragerna Anrnal.7o7, L :iZes ' a7a h. and Retail dell s. la Made and Mortice Inatraments, &boot ftet::.%, raper, Slates, tetoel Pros, Quills, Printers' Cards, an raatloaary gear rally, No. al Wood at., Plash arg e. tfTlooreq or r•lron In tmla •,1% li. wilFlLO:l,o2re of Warren, Onto 4 Comatr don and Forwarding Merchant. and wholesale duler in Western Burnie Cheese, Bauer, Pot and Pearl Ash, and %Veirtern Produce generally. Water net, between Smith fi eld and Wood, Piuebargh ide E:11 JONES nt Forwarding and Conesston Ider Chart., Dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh taunt od article,, rhtnal Daain, near 7th at. apt PENN MILL, PITTSWOOII, PA. ENEFIDV, CIIILDS t, CO., Manufacturers o vary auperfor 41 Sanclinn, Carpet Chain, Cotton and Mount. _____Drul.ll ITOCIKTON, F ATE John. . I Su*lrian, BOOKSELLER, STA TIONER, PRINTER,. and HINDER, comer of kat sad Thifd sitiNtl.PittllbUtfh, P. ITlO:dtf 1,:. ~...., :-.1•., , BUSINESS Pittsburgh City (31 CUNNITIONA: ANUFACTFRERS OF t%., LTJI No 20 Market .trees, between Pittsburgh, Pa ibParintutsr attrunon paid to odd sires. Al• De l e - s In FLINT CLAtiS, VIALS, BOTTLES, he. W. (T. 11,011.1, 1,1111.1,, JTV3I.i 0. CTRIIINGRA.K. Wnt. Jltlicr , Yhtlad. C. W. Ittekeurott,rsbuigtt. 11, , (ILLF.R dc RICKETSON. Wholesale oeers and tV.I. Impo rt ers of Brandies, Wines and Boyars, ' Nos 172 .d IN, corner of !Abort) and Irwin st us, Pip ' barge, Pa. P. ,t, Noils,_Couon Von., & . Ac., r stonily on band. al John MGill . ' James D. AMIS. Wol O. M cCILLS A. ROE, Wholesale Grocersau Comn on Merchants, No 194 Liberty St, P ttsbui av 4 PUTS RURGIiar.iSITRAILL—EVAtitkI m,ND PRI /021113, loan • VII JONES & vrANIIFACTI/RIMS of spring add bll r au plough steel, steel plough wrings, coach nd el in sponge, hammered iron ..ales, and dealer in in 'Sable castings, fire engine lamps, end eoah tr mato tenerolly,corner of Ross and Front em., Pi bur Pt. 6 , 62. J. S. J..Tardos, Com mls•lon man 11Mil XTO. 31 Old Levee st, N Orleans, keep const ntly Al hand along° assortment or !Dandies of the folio log broods, winch they offer for sale agen r for Durand & Co, Itonleaux,•roi Meelory, J. Emu J rand et (7<., Lerochelle,J JOu rano, Cognac, A n noon A 1. Needle, A de Alondorn, Jean Lo s, & Ae, also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red nod %Vint° Win in casks and cases, selected with care by John rt oral da:Co; brides Champagne Wine and Sweet Bar c, Po. feb7 ly•. NIIOLAIES A SON, No AA Market et, seen dote . from corner of Fourth, dealers to For said Domestic Bills of Exchange, Ceruficates of Depostt, Dank Note, and Specie. tr..Colcletions made on all the prine 'pal clogs hrougtww. the Wasted States- Llthograptilo stabilatkixkimat F %VAL SCRUCHNIANN, Third at, opposite the O rßi ' b ureh.—Afaps, Landscapes, Rill and L Aze m h t g r u d rzt 6 ri n nd e lk n i g e r c a h v t Machine or drawn on stone, and printed in colors, Geld, Bronze or Black, In the Most approved stele, and at the most reasonable prices . . , ______• ___ • R °, T ,N xip - uc';' ,4 gL' , Vb;restleeli . ro'roe;..., 1 1=e 6" :1 Cornmianon Merchant., end dea , er. in Picaborgh Manufne WI,. erl: son. .004.71. Tuna LIM.. SANI4 T. NriprNAmf 13 011b:RT hIOORE, NI. holeanle Groner, Rceblyteg IL, Dtsuller, del:Jeri,: Prater. Plitsbureh Manunar tare. en all kind. of Foreign and Domestic Wm,. and Lut nor., N. II Liberty etre , On hand a eery large stock of sancrior old Manongshel, watcher , which will be sold low tor nit,l,. myl _ _ . . L. a..W.101.4r. R 4 E alOrAle n rAti B afoE%Fozr; , ,rodc';;; ; 4 ,".',...y 2,l gzr, - 4_k,„ in ltrocene s , rod , euce not,boreli, hlnnufac , tares, and Chloride of Lune The highest roes, in calk, paid at all' time. for country rags Cornet Penn and Ire.nn at. , atilt_ .PL C' e f ;o n ni .rk nu r s spion fieret.tttilleVrithtlr'j' Pitt e t 7m e n7i eborgh lll.ofactarea, Liberty atreet, Pittaharet., Pa. R. A. CUIININGTIADI. VirIIOLESALI: GROCER, Produce, Forw.rdinc, VT and Commission Alcrehant, anti fortify Plat', burgh Alneufactures, No teeiLitterty roger, Pt tla bu ooh, Pa /Y 1 c. THOS. 11. Qlf ACKLEIT re. WRITE. Wholerale Dos :sr, tn 0 Foreign and Demesne Dry IS Demes ne No. 91 Wood turret. Pr:al:rah. aplo ‘Wool Morel:tants, IS , aler, 13 In Float and Produee generally, and Forw.trtitru and Commtusion Merchants, IL, First atter! turd Ile Sceood street Pttlaloreds ' gt — sitd.asur, rrrroactoe. TOno NiCOL, ELLEIIS N/CILS, Produce and Grneral Com 0 inssnion Nterchents, No. 17 Li , ertr atreet, burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Ott.: asto S FVON DONNHORST &CO . le Urn n Ftg:l b r u li n. l , g O Nouunetu m rer r s ch . ft i t , t , e l: Prodnee, hay e removed to rt.,' new warehouse, :old atand,) No. :le, corner ol Front erect and Chancery Lane. - MORRIS 6 HAWORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS v_kr: sr de Diamond, Pittaha sh. wplq lannocul (11.0 5.1 61 , 1•11 SIM/ & BARNES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Frauds and Ceennisnon Alerekantd, Ana deal., in l'indurgh Madunctared Ann.!". No.. 130 and 13* Second .cree l, c.Tueen Wood ASrunidield. Pinnunh .el f!UUN JOIIN WATTS CO, factors...2,G Liberty st., l'itt•burol. Pa. sr,. F.,01,R71 li;;l4;boormicra.eF:;of,.,- G 3 brls Moe, wising, and for asiw by serl2 DROWN .t. KIRkI'ATRICti in.ver urour..uthfr,.. the public, they have when ma werehnow formerly wenpied by the late Mr Solomon Scheyer, 114 Oecond street. flawing •io and eornmodious warenouse, they would mane !Le witotton.of penons boring goods to eotasien or wore- They will al give wrotsen to the parettase and taio of Note,. D,• (lc Rends, de. nog? S. W trittan• •IL !V. a , rman• •W. {Vale mitt L. S. WATERMAN A. SONS, - x - TII(II.P.S.M.Y. E nA itoc, Cnitttarion 114,1 For !' trtrtlitt hler[l:alltr. &ultra in all Liud, ot Pru e e fr. 1 . 1:1•1.ar!h Sllttfuelurtd drlir .er tow rt etts. Ottertrde: al lt. -.1t:lon.: and I.yucl /•arr. Alst.pla• turgid %V I. TIMISLIN, •TTOILNEY AT LAW, Butler, PA W 1 L . L: c i . s n o u nt w e attend n to h t i, o . ll . c o c L4 . l u nLa , n d. and I rf, rm e pa !tett to jk. at W. W Waitaice, iota. 51erahalldo I l'susuare alt_ hay & Co., Wood at. JOIEN McFADESI da CO.. FORWARDING at COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Canal Divnn, Penn .creel, Pitisbarah tnra JARIXD Ms DAVIS A. CO., PRODUCE AND FIA.PUR FACTORS, No. 2:27 hanker, and 5i Commerce Ptalldelf bra . Ado anera made, by ealter of the above, a= eons; n • menu of Produce to either Ilauen,. men i. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.. WHOLESALE tr. RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, TV Forwardingand Conataisnlon Merellano , , and •.1 Country Pe e and Pitt•ltrgb Manufne• ner of Wood and Falb wee., I'inaburlh. 'Wm. 11. m e WPI. IL WILLIAMS & CO. BANKERS A_NL) EXCHANGE BILOARS, North Cast cornrr of Wood and Third strerio, fool Yrrraarnau, oral. DSO ALLST /OKI S. COSI& Y. VS, W. 11. VI r (r.IDVVASIL, III• 1211 BAG ixr.m...UMi &LEV & CO, Wholesale Lhocors. it) TV 000 zn Wood ere,. Finnburgh •pl 7 II D. wlng, D• SID IS'CS TI MA.S. - WICK k M'CANDLKSS, Dueeemors to /. & J D. .1/F Wtek,) Whales tie I.roc.rs, Forwarding and Corneurrion Merehant.s dealer, In Iron, Worst. Cotton 1 art.. and rittMurgh Manufactures general !y. eornar of Wood and Water evert', P.ushorgh. •pl: & NIITCHELTHEF., Wholesale firocers, . keettfylng Distlllers, and Wine and Llquor Torch.... Also—lmporter. of Fonda AM. ao.d 1-11r•eh• t ' LIC Powder, No. V* Liherty went, loppoonte 5..01 e.reet.) Ptltgbargh. 007 : Wit/SON, Mlgithee, Jo reelry,:tn mer arn L . and (food,, comer of Mnrket W and Fourth amen., Pl/13b11(0, P.A. N. B.—Wairhnr and Clocks carefully rrpaired. 0). 17 1.3". 3011,1 WM. YOUNG & Co., Dealers in lonallirr.o6 1,, he., 143 Liberty 'tree: v ono In. ..reams. ace, st`co - rtrttn‘ IAT A. R. MeCUTCHEON, Wholesale Urn— rt dealers in Produce, Iron, Nnt!a Glass at . Pottstolt ron Manufacture generally, Liberty PitttbutO. HAVE taken WM. CARR Into partnerslop tr. I me to my bnrines•, which will from thno ant, be narticd on under the name or "John rnrkn. t CO.' March Ist, 1,50. .101I\ PARKER - John _• am C. JOHN PAINHKR CO, lnoLvaLt Grwert, Dealers in render', Fore Wines, Livaors, 01,i Monongahela and &Taft.' Whtakro. No. 5, Comme, m I 'tow, 1.11.crt7 atro., mrlf rquburgh, P Waynrioaan ratnt.. Hanna names,. WOa n• le PAL121:11, II A NINA & CO., lnucecesora to Hussey, Han.. BANKERS, EXCHANGE IiROKERS, and dealer. in Foreign and boonesue Exchange, Certificales of Deposita, s and Thirdsnd Specie—North west corner of Wood siren.. Current money rUccired on depoalte.—Sight Checks Mr sale, and enllections made on nearly all the principal points the United Bums. The highest premium paid for Foreign and AlPerldall Gold. 'Advances made on consignmanis of Produce. stny pad Fist, on liberal term, •ral 1/16. a. n'oLca.lloan a. no.. W. A. feII'CLURG & CO G °RODER'S AND TEA DEALEKS, No 256 Liberty stmt. oluve WOW!, Have slway a on hill! large assortment ['Who., Groceries and Fine Ter, aloe, Fasciae Frkilli the Nhta Whole.ale and Rani/. Dealers suppliad on the !ma'am term.. 111 EAGLE GLASS Wollik.S, JOSEPH D. ArtELL, yyyf ANUFACTERFR OF GREEN GLASSWAR OA Vials, Bottles, and Flasks, Feuer, Scorch Ale, Mineral Water. Patent Medicine, end %Yule Bottles of