By MAON ETT; T ROB, MAPONIEED i T¢LYOK/.&MLD 001 i. TUX 'PITTSIRTFAM DAILY GAZETTE Ib. Telettraph I.fam,Eutind West, were sot to working older on f3alatda7. caring to loin. tin remind by tbe We "lotto', we are therefore without OW WWI valley of teleeraphie newt.— (Rep. Gat. IRY PEILCIIF.3-40 bus for tote by , dai NE C OUNTIM/ 11011 SE DEB IC tor or 4 def • PEPPER -1711 bop for sa,NBAALE, cwd k co, 114 & Wst BE stoestr—v, Fr:. Levetiret sbed: GO Des Lo•trice. !ma BUM S . ggi wi lrtA AEG T ,L I co 'd deS _eo, vxmairct. Eaa•aaaea conspantr. I this l o r r .11',`;°.*17.° or tle company linen the 20th Of edited to the sobictiptions of' the 'der of the Board, -- ALFRED W HARR% g. c .y. he largest and best assortment of Pens Imo on Ina and for sale at Citizens , I: EXamotoree dared a ay , the ear.frpi March laot, he o abekholdera BY deed:W. CIOD rad — T prentinm Go d lawns' vices' Gold end Silver Pencils and Pen Holders in every ',vim. Seal Stacy.. Folding 'knives. Writing care/1 W W WILSON Q. - F. lell)I00-2 wooed ma el ler sale by CI. dad • SIIRIVER 8.111&RNE.3 ANIMA INDIGO—I cue for •de by dal , 511/LIVER k. BARNFA DOW GLASS— , ..I.O bp, ononel de4 BSI RIVER if-DARNFS r u 4l , W-20 Erb received for •.le b) PURIVEI &BARNES F. nou R-441 brli received for sale by &A . SIIIIIVER k BARNES riRAB CIDER-10 ''I.'",,,VaiVETtit.bI7IARNES at 4 APPLLI3-100 bus received for sale by de 4 ItIABIPEB & BARIVES TOM FEACIIES--100 bamme l lZToz ;tam de4 IfO. MOLASSES—IS bala new crop, landing per . Manner linlinint, and for We b. en JAMES A. ILUTCUISON & CO & CURTIS, formerly of Centre county wtll boar of eareethists to ter itnereet by waling on tbe underingned. An person aeqoanted moult bee will confer favor by Informing tor of Ws notice, or Informing us other re eldenee. ENGLISH A. nErnisrr, , • 41 Wood et • 111.ka0 WORTIIINOTON. :INPORMATION of Isaac Wonhinatnh, late of, Weateheatee, Cheger sonny, Pa., onll he thank.. tally melted by Wtbaar WOn Langton, M. 0., Wen skeeter Pe. " deld2w Elath—E-taeIaNIGUT, No ATltket Woe, has eel receiv.d from the New York Auctiona,• be.- lot of BROGUE LONG BRAWLS, of Grebe, Whitt, Sloe, and Peelle% middles. sod ell wool.' rum gond" be will (011111AllE 23 per cent ameba thee they eon be perehaaed to the elty, deldet Jr ABO OW-10 Urls No , 1 winter atrantiLl im iat re ceived for gala by. P et t 7 Wood at' ArIoPPEPLIR-I(lbrisjulti nceiTed 1E1.1,116 by fillß S SELIARI3 4111—B cults Jala nett (of tale by W aF WILSON, dal -_—. . 45 Wood et *.• brls for v F WILSON ...:XIPEACIICS—M bus reed for sale by ds3 W fr.F WILSON baba nrta r• c'd lot solo bT • k. DARNLS tkleCeo—Zu boo tc bt 1 9 a, §:a)osep Virginia Tobacco, "" 7111Mit r OttN b i r .9 SOD, il aT ar"M"d ; 7:41:4' Elf7 b 5 (orr* Bag ob-e4O /Ma tot sale by de3 ' I SLIRIVER & BARNES lla — /FfIR —SO blia re — i r dfeieraT - By AI • : d.3 ' - SHOVER & BARNES BEIM OFF !STOCK OF DRY GOODS. CAILD• 'PHE enbsettber erat corruntmee on Wednesday J. =acing, the rite inmate, to ten of hte entire met of Dll4 GOODS at •czy reduced prices, for Tim honk ta tam, and will be found to embrace vary &Alvah, 'geode, boa In style and qualitia larva having been selected expressly for ell Persona who wish to ripply thematleccaith roods at LOW' Prteett, will find it to them advantage to call at Nona Malice% itmet. J. Mat:tub. Nov. 3 Hl3,llECO.—noMaihm A Family Horse for Val*. Witt En rods'eralVy., t ' r ' t g o ' r";722r. Erw l r d r: f ai Ms Mice. • • . VITTER-2 W. packed soli td 'ma Ltd do; for sole by ISA DICKEY to CO ' Water et Pratt% CO 7. , I 7 App le, • 40 bu WWI'S tsa.s... 43 auks Peaches;. Buckwheat F1t,y41% r DINZ lODIDE 17.701016-I,IMT o t 1 ildricter•V . sc Q ALEABLAN WANTED, by • Ptaladolphla Dry Goole liotooe sole to Ineuenee a good cub and air tooallte trade froalWesters Pell.tyliaida and Olthr, be maims of good character sad qualified to take' It peektlon as afoot nth uelentan. hone other seed applr.. Coatorsolaations rW Present Hon. Wm. IL IdoCiute, Prooddeet Judge.sod Sszonellones sod Wm. lieor, Mae. due Judges. seerr , Ols. • Warden Graham, (colored,) convicted at the , present term of Me Court of gentler Eessiens, of Steatites imp a wore ,in Duquesne borough, Wit sentenced to two sears and air months imprison• mot in the Western Penitentiary. Det, (colored.) wan sentenced tofitlt" nouns' imprisonment in the Western Fennel]• .arty. He wee convicted of bstglary, committed in breaking into a oboist in Birmingham. Senior, alias Jacob Bror,lwas sentenced to fifteen mouths' Imprisonment to the Western Penitentiary. he was convicted of graiot Weeny, committed to treating into the broker's ctice of Mr. H. D. King, and Blueing therefrom a num kter of gni:ilea. • Mr.Foa, the pular, at once took tho Tni Itr-StAth. at William E. Austin were on Saturday committed to the earth, to the presence of a number of those friends who in life loved nina to ales,(. No wit buried on the farm of his father in law, lion. Walter Forward. • A VOT•011 to Elmore.—We paid a visit, on Saturday oveatog, to the Atheneum lecture room. where Bayne's magnificent panorama of a " Top. age to Europa" is Isom on exhibitiou. The pan, ram Is • very ban one, beteg, both M point of Interest and ',Pineal incept oh, by fa. the beat tea has ever beam exeiblted to Ptluburgh. It represents Boston and Its barber, and them the ocean Mimeo's that port and Minx. Passing across the Atlantic, a storm Occur.. wideb ta most vividly carried out in all Its details. The steamer lands at Liverpool. from whence the spectator Is supposed to travel by railroad to Loudon. A gen• oral ymw of that immense town is given, coding with en illurolcatlnn of the Thames Tutted. • • Epee exhibition Is concluded by moat beautiful metes of the banks of Ma fiver Ithmo. We advises all our readers to go and seo this finis panorama, hero it leaver us. - . Rail WIMTLE AltnAlSOPXlClT—.Pllgnaytognsta Road—Wl refer our readers to the advertisement of the Good Intent Telegraph and Espies' Lamp State Company, tn anomer wonain, (tom whteh it oral he seen that It undertakes to carry Fomenters rdreesirh to Philadelphia, in thirty al: hours, with only ninety two miles of staging. The fete to Pailadelphla Is eleven dollars—to BaltlMOre, tee. Fur Peowao apply to W. IL M. Orhead,St.Ceartes Hotel, or W.f. P. kioltnea, Monongahela Reuse. Lost Crimean - R.—Two little girls, who had last their way, ware found wandering about the greets near our office on Friday afternoon,crying bitterly. Mesa». E. D. Grimm and B. T. C. Morgan ktnd ly took them in charge, and restored them in their perents,who reside in Stanwis street. --- CARRYING WELPONS.--Judge McClure remarked lately in the Court of Quarter Sessions, that more of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh carried patois now, then recre/se.t. We fear that there is but too much truth in the remark. Pitaismur. Ft.aez Rosa.—A large number of teams aro now engaged to hauling planks for the Perrysville Plank Road. The gentlemen who em porintend this important improvement, seem deter mined to push it forward towards completion with as much rapidity as possible. Licaot.aar.—The tobacco male house of Mean & ez O. &urban was entered by burglars en Saturday morairg• Obtaining oaths:ice lull" Ito "muff room," they burst through the door leading to the front store, and Ci Ilu the key bole of tto iron safe tsltb gun ;nether, bow toe doors opts, scattering the book nub pliers all around.— nevus cents Was a 1 tee burglars obtained for their Tins Brunets. or Lira Issoxames.—We tic •es. stand 'bat the late lamented Vit.iism E. Austin had effected mu insurance of six thoassnd dobals upon b s :Ile, a lox months ago. lie had only paid on, preta:unn TAIILL9 Tn Tut PENITIPTURT. — McQui ttco, Barker's Captain d the Nista Watch, courteted o perjury during the present Lam of the Court o Quarter Scaatour, was eouaryed to the peahen Wry, last meek. We are sorry to any that h. COPP to contr.:flea for hrs crime. CO.IIIITISO. —0 'Arco 13..oltherty, ratrielr Sage, sod %Valium Borne, encored of t•cing concerned te the late riot on 13. c Pennallvac a and Ohl° 111 , raid, were coLnatated to lel, lA. wed,. We treat that the public peace will not be . siesta di. Muted by soy mom ofthese riots aceog the Lauds ea our nil roads New Pon Orstct neer Office bu been estabushed nen Chattier's Caleek, in this county, and Samuel 13. Marks, Esq., appointed Post blaster. II 000000 logical Tabl• Reported tor the Pluabungh Gaaeue, and far the So:atm:mum Institute, Waahtenton Cup. MOO= Or =I IlltittOMOTlll Fnna Dsrant.ktr 1 to .larrmilt 7. Dale. Sunrise. 9a m. 3p m. 9p m. Daily mean 1 34 11 '52 55 al 2 49 52 55 50 51 CZ 10 Si 10 10 56 47 46 10 12 11 30 39 35 39 12 45 40 44 40 30 Snow.—Thero wan a *hen fan of snow on at sixth inst., which quickly torte! to ten. Raut.—From ,he lint of December to the arr. enth inolusive, one inch and nine tenth. el' as inch of rain have fallen. A much greater quantity has fZien on the mountain., an the riv en ate rialog rapidly. TILL 1118.1f011ALTT. !dz. Earros—P;eale annoyer< Jon, D atm, of Thrm Wardr, as candidate for filoyor, beton And...ware and Who` Cororeauoa. noltasa..rres FOR!' MEIO Can. Jana .1 Roasts to motolnatod as a candidate for the Moyonity,st the next election @tiniest to she io decisn of the lb hi g and AntiMUoni; City Conren• non. If nominated he will be supported as en mouse firemem, a good chino and a com/oLL petent man, R S. he E. W. Coo.. Tale Mgt, Conn able of Pitteo grab, well be supported as a candidate fat tie office of Mayor 111 the next election, aubjeet to the decision of the Whitt and Antitnautaie City Convention, by . MANY VOTERS Ida }lnes—You will please announce that L. R. LrVIMITIV3, Eng.. will be tappet tcd bglis ftlecide es candilate ter the office of Idepoe,at the next election, sabtect to the decicion of the Whlg ited Arlttl9lo.llll Covention. SIXTII WARD. MR. Werre—Sir,Voo vrtil please announce the name el troosaa Cildosaset, as a candidate (Jr the Mayoralty, subject: to the Tau:xenon of the Whig Co, 'cation Me Morgen's citrons will be strongly urged by a ho .t of (deeds, he be ng both eepshle end honest. inolnitel MANY catzrzia D.O. Bowline will be supported al candidate fo the de i c e 0/ Meyer, by all if 004 sod 111111 Whig. throughout the city, subject to the decision of the eon Tendon. inc.l7:dteel A FIRFAIAN improve:sesta let Vettairy., OR. O.G. STF.ARDS, late or llotton, ta p reparot to mannftetate and set ULott Tit,n In whole and perm of set., upon enction or Atmospheric Sutton Plates T.III/[1.11[13 a. to Pion where the nerve exposed. (like and residence nett door to the Map net often, Fourth Went, Pittsburgh Ram to—l. 11. WllVadden. F. 11. Eaton ii PALL IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE. LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 15119 WOOD STREET., Arenow {aerated will{ a latirl and Ireeh {ante Engnob, Garman, and Amerman liatdarate,v , off. Impeller inde..etnenle 1./ buyete Thom{ wt along Ptan , o{t {{tea tele,t by le en lannyb our stock, le they are determined (0 soli be moat reasonable terms. augl3 R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, D 2 Wood et, botortuin Third t Fourth, Are now receiving their to v t t ery largo and superior Fell Sof BOOTS, SBOBS, AND BBOOA Alpo, BONexNETS and FLOWERS, all or the lees ha b d pressly adepta AO e ade. een selected ssith'egreat c th we•ICIIIare, end as t t r o mu and quAlty is not anrpassed by any stook to b. found either east or west. Oar customers and mer ehante generally are invited to call end examine, a we are determined to sell on the most reasonabl terms. Also, Goodyear's Patent Rubber Sh es of nds innyetilif Otos of Ohio and roam!. R. R. Co, Third O. Pirtzaraon, !mast 5,11350. Too Biontitoldera of tho Ohio and Ponnsylvan . . . Roll Road Company am hereby notified to pay the eighth instalment of fire dollars per Awe, at the off of the Company, OA or before the 20th day of An2est. The ninth instfihnenti on or before the 20th day of September. The 'Moth instalment on or before the 20th day of October nut. UT The 741 Inatakoect was called far on lb WU': wN JARDaIt, Jr., Treason IlidltillalLAßLlWOlll.llll EVIDENCE IN OUR -BUDS!!! • Ma. Kra—Sir, I cheerfally Comply with year. ire• quest that I would give yea so accounfpf the almost :Pinwalena ears of my little daughter's eye by the Me of your "Petroleum: , She was attached with • very veto cysts Febinary or March last, when I inumalistely applied to ma best medical aid to the city, by whom it was pronounced " very bad eye" and all gave roe no hope of doing her any good. After ' , Web I took ner Wm the reen try to sit old lady, who had been very eneeessfel'in cuing es. She told me that her ease was bopelna, as Ws °old certainly loses ant only that one, bat also the the niter would folloW—it beings scrofhloos affectio of the blood. And 1 do certify _that .at the time in father (J .11. Vitale. mu. to the conclusion that w bad better try year 4 ' Petroleum," sus was Erna LI PURI:p..I' one eye. It is bow about two mend. since she began Its use, and she eat now see With /both tyre es good its ever rile did ; and, a. far as I Pan tell, I believe she htts, with the blessing of he Almighty, been eared by " petroleum" • Yours, respectfully, M. Fuses. Yaasun doum. Plitsburghl,, gepvgo, For sale by Keyser t MnDovrell, 140 Wood (areal R. E. Balers, at Wood street M. CurrYt D. A. Cl' Hatt, Josaph Douglass, and K. P. Schwartz, Allegheny, also by the proprietor, EL M. 111E11, uortullks• Culat Itaslu, Seventh st, Pittsburgh Manama or MIN Ltvert—Ltiseattes of the Weer are. becoming alarmingly ['roomette the trotted States. lofted there are few formidable diseases which are not connected In one way ar other with a derestgeo Came( that important organ Many ofthe complaint. which are usually classed ander the heed or con sumption, have their origin in the liver. '.Any re- medy which would insert regularity and healthful, notion in the liver, would be a bles.tog to mankind!' has been the exelemettem el raining ;hayseed. That remedy has been found; it is ears and are. When a fair nal hu been adordod teat, it has never been known to fail. Remleit have you any ditherer of the liver,or ease which you believe proceeds frem hepatic do. patio derangement? lose not a moment, but purchase a box of. DT. M'Lane•s Liver Pills, and they will re mora you to hellth. They Sr. the only remedy ever yet dtheavere4 ethane use is certain to drini a cure. Ur For sale by J. KIDD& CO, No 6 . 0 Wood =est de7ol.kw9 NlCOUltAtilt BONN INSTITUTION. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. 0. GI, THIPSEY, W. NARRl4,Rimsr. Otliee—No. 41 Water merit, in the wankonso of C. 11. GRANT. TOGS COMPANY le now Prepared to insure all kinds or risks, on houses, manufactanes, goods merchandise in gore, and in varmint vessel% to. An ample guaranty foe the ability and integrity al the Institution, Is afforded in the character of the Di rectors, who ate all eitlaens el Pittsburgh, well and favorab:y known ta.the community for their pad.", intelligence, and integrity. Dllt=olll.—C.. G. Hussey, Wm. Davie), Wm. Las Mel; Jr., Walter Bryant, Hoch D. Rinni...Eduraid Ileurelton, John Haworth, B. Ilarbaugh, 8 . DU KUM • DU. 0. HUNT. Dentist.Cornsinfrnant and 11•C•t¢f, ellreal natt b •olatn • OEM= LOOK HERE MY FRIEN 0! RE 'OU A FATHER,.laborind for the totopon of A a family, and soFodo from general debits) and low spinal, so that life almost Seems a butden, asa DR .9. D.' HOWE'SRIIAKER SARSAPARILLA. ARE YOU. A MOFUER, Suflertne from diseases to which tires are Ream ally subject, um DrIS.D. liowe9¢hakar Sarsaparilla —it will e•rtairtlY Cam To , Can at our depot, or oo one of oar Mettle, and get a paumble , , grans, where you will find that the Shaker Saraspanlia. as prepared or Dr. Et. D. More, has been the means or permacenny haring more giroeser to which the human family are conuaaally subject, than any occur pseyarattori of pars4.rlla ever yet brought before the Public- This medicine has ambit:bed its hie. reputation by Its numerous and well attested care. Jr is pat op to comet bottles, and is th a n d tru pal that act.on tkas /Aver, KW bbillt Mood at tho same time, whirl tenders lt altogether More Tell able to every oat, immicalaria fanoio. Re sera as pr. S. D. HOWES SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, mail a Ito ollar. -Price 111 per ban ds-4 bottles for 11. For .Ile ' IL S.D. ROWE& CO , Proprhitors, Collate I.l•ll.Cineinrutd,O., To ybora all orders must 14 IsgareaStg. Also, for sal. by J. A. Jones,J. Se hoonmaker &Co. W Inset, K. W. Meatts, J. ed. Toarnsood, J. Mohler, W. Jackson, riusbarek; D. A. Eaton. Alletheoy city, W R. NeCieltand,fdanchrster; P. Crocker, Drowns. villa; James Paoli & Co, Wheeling; J. 11. Patterson and E. 0. Morgan, St. Clatrartils; Wagtail A Kees oettddsorT EYPER-2 0 bugs lot ctio by t 1,3 A LL'''''" b".'" 4 ;71mAl a BARNES dr:l 1L471047.11)11..:31itir1. iod labels No. 2 & 3, 121. del 811RIVER&oAmp: - A - k - ili: iiii=2oiii- see Ly ._ SHRIV i. EN & DARN• S. --, - ___-_- _ _ pEAßLE—ribtla pima (or sale by ENGLI3 , II& BENNETT del It Wood at . 13 . 0TiElt—le - Eb - gsvaela - d7 -- tb Otis prime rote, far sale by del ENULISII i BENNETT -- d iffiai•.---liiiisiid- hiFiZia - iilii7. - ll ee3 ENGLISH i BENNETT N i.TIB--Ge Cbe 13 brl. 111:kor7 Not!, In rum. for Well 3 BNULIEBI t BF NNE= • ttl.i X= 4 iitTiiiitiire -I .v etc./ ENGLIAII s LIF.Ntii7T r th•tt ENGLISH A. BENNFTT JCL i dea ENGLISH& BEZINFTT LAST PACKET OF THE SEASON. XPRIAIS PACKET LIRE FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. T.l.Eyi...4na,:vi,2l,:gro.encltori,ll.lsre on In. Far rasaage,, apply at the ofhee. gonanjahel noun, or to D. LEECH kCO. CO. Canal Boon. Clothe, at Itaateri. JobDial' Prates. PO.:CFS ond Fancy Colored Fennel, 110 and lEnsisell Cabo; Pilot, Clarkin; and Drab Clothe, )an opened by A A. MA 61SON CO, Mulct et ek.Elnk , -11. 0 bz• poetic, reello - r — elli - by dri %.1 del 156 IV HA iIfrACCIII li rZi:R-6bell porno toll, for Palo by & % . 1 . 7 11ABBAC6ll cOFFEE-- 3 :=Z. 4 ID bags Java tea . 3 for Isla by It CUNNINGIUM 829 Lit-Kr - Mar • iOCb 'yang I me; hcal'ut.•lespenal: • 20 ahem Gunpeead , r; , er bx• Young Gym; 20 lb biz de de, for sate by It • C UNNING HAM km sale by W/M II JOHNIITON EI-10 brit Morkerol No t; r 18 90 brls de • No 4; 100 Ws . 4 0 No 2,1 , 112!; 90 brill do 1 0, 3. =mo; 10 bf brio do No t; In to do do do do No% . No 3; tao bz+ Emoted Ilarribp, 11 dromsCodash; 21 Ms Iletled Ilerrlo: for sale by R Ags CIIII7OINrtRAM ' 2 T j o,,, il . 2 Blldills::2rls N75 A 04 c 7 u AANa t il , b it 14001 , 15-1 0 0 dos corn broinns, for pa , . by 1 dell R A CUNNImenniMMNGRAU L ARD 014-'4 %Irisbernwahra aCO 21 Wood .t J INISED OIL-30 tat; za r o te, rtoby GUM 9IIELLAC-3 cases for Ws bv dal I SCHOONSIAI72 !CO lIEREMM SULPII.-1 ea? a ysa dc' swc7zlr b ia co ox Cot Web, del J riCHOONMAYERI. CO liFXßE=3ool7iooraTiTt.y nol9 8 F VON LIONNIIORST &CO ROOStB-130 do■ for sale Sy nrNO P F VON BONNHOUST t. CO • BUTTER —la brie puked; Sleep for sale by rice er }• VON LIONNHOREer Sr CO C ODF./t—le WIN mob cider, Just reed for osle ht ',DRS SURIVERIr, BARNES JUST T , tti•GLl for vale, Zanle Clltta,ll3. Sultana Raisins, Seedless Hallam, Caron. noV WM A MeCLUISO &CO COCOA SHELLS—A frelilsopply for tale by oo:75. , NM A MOLLS° Z CO FTIMEBII LOYSTEItS, in bermaribally sealed ram just trbelre4 and for rale by nab WM A bfeCLURO l CO 1011 N LULL SAUCE, 10.. 1 1 , e 11 for alebz no Rll WM A MoCLURIJ kCO RAISINS -I'o br'new INIATDbeCIN.VVagg noto Wnlyr a fTont Ito. Ladles , D 1,0112111110 ,IOW open el Morphy & Bambflehl4 north 00 cornet or Fourth It Market era.% • largo sorrow:1: of above coeds of newest styles and mos desirable eslors. Also, CIINSIELEON TUfr 13 CMOS, Including I'm eh Gras, and other dutiable shades. Alto, Changeable Poplins at eery low prices fo ooanly. noZO UGAR & MOLASSES-27 beds old clop 1 *I bets new crop Mo seas urnming, Mr sale by DROWN 144 & KIRKPATRI naiT STRAY DOG. AME to the subscriber, &boot two week. eio, C tetteroyhith the owner can have by oollthg" Hartl ehanien.ey's Saddlery, proving property, el . POPIti 22.431 , UM= ALL persons indebted to th e Mate or %la wagon, decanted, "Dicta on the undatsigned,and iitake payment, and thaw hitting claims airsdnst %be attina will present their accounts, duly au th enticated, lOC settlement. ADAM WILSON, nolentatatefe. CALVIN ADAM. S on knil INDIA MAMBA GOODS, just neelvod at the India Robber Depou -91 Capes, vrita aleeves, long Moo; It aura hear) Pea Coup it do Olken' Coats,: 12 pais, Overall., 9 dos Soo' Wester% 2 dos Della' Heads, 9 dot Lion% dos Dval4._ 2 dos pate Itlealrlition Glover; • 2 dos pall , do Millets; Pm , sale by non J MILLIE'S COVII filatlllNG.-400 - 61T6 'agile Tat 9220,A,OULSErra9N 154" St KALB 0 ii.`lM ta arriving it sad dipartlig trim Um Port of Pittibersb. . FOR gr. tam • • • ?be splendid nom steamer Pis FIALSTWOOD. Wm. Conlon Commander. Inn !Wm • or above end Intermediate parts on , W. dantbe In.b Mount, at 4 &cloak. P. M. Far &men or passage oval, on board or to dc9 J kEtterml4 JONin. *gout FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. . The splendid mantes MT.NERNON, Mit Keen= master, will leave for Lae above and all Intermediate ports on this day, the.9th Inst., at 4 P. M. - parte apply ea board,; deg M 112113233 t=is. Tlan finefast rand na steamer GENEVA. Wilkins, master, will leave' for above •nd all Intermediate pons an thl. 1111.": day, tan iv inst. id 10 olalock, A. BIZ For freight or Dowse, aPPIT an board. deo FOR IST. LO B. gmhee matter, will' leave for the giatiThe IltarMitmeillrim above and all Intarmedlide pans, on Ids day, Oth Intl., at 10 A.M.. For heat or Pamao Pl to DM*. cult LOUIPILLS = and:no 0)11=4, Hulett, Muter, w il l leave for above and Intennedlate Tons on, at In o'clock, A. M.! For fte:ght or pinnate apply on board. deb RECHEAR WIHIEJANCI & SUNFIeII I'ACKIST. The illnaMbr 'LI, CASHIER, Whlilltn, 4easter,vill leave for the above end, all Intermediate landing, this day, at 4 P. M.' 1 For inslatt or puei at, r IIkAIULAR PITTSBURGH *Ni WHELL/1 40 • PACKET. • The aPlentungitket Mesmer Cenwe!homier, hi now parlonning her . regular triAreeklymires telvem n thh mry end Wh *ling lealtink PlUP_Frt o'clock, every Monday, Wednesday, and and Er n I ;Wheeling every (Randal, Thum. day and Saturday, he each week. :0 7 . freight ory; k tot t e ri, Eo aptly Cuon to • NO A CROKE& Alris. Er ULAN tivEttpooL AND WELLNVILLE PACKET Tha light d ht Cromer D. P. M ond . master, laaara Taw burgh Monday, Wednesday. and Fri. 10 o'olook, A.M. Leaves Vrollsaille Tuesday, aday, and Saturday, la 7 o'clok, A. N. frelabt or .... -- 7 y ont o, board. nod _____ p. ITTOEURGH a 'WELLSVILLE PACKET. The steamer 1 ~- - D. R. Dgie, itnet, will leave PIM - -., '•.':.. burgh every Ttesdayi Thunday, and Saturday, retu rn ing, Lo rn a Wallsville ye. ', Monday, WednesdaY, and PrldaY. • F. r freigto or yastaga' apply on Dowd. or to v • W WEI 010 ER, ASCU. R OULAR WEDNESDAY' PAOSET °USG= IltaTls • • Oapudo Joan thananuloa. . Thu Ndendld boat was built by the I • • owners of the sunset Isaac Newton, and others for the .Clootnoad and • Rltudoirsh 'Packet trade and will lea • every Wednesday, for Clneinnad, ' ln place, et the ew England, No. Foggltht or REG, MAAR WHEELING & SUNFISH PACKET. Tha Sun m wring *muter WELLSVILLE. 9 • w irgliCopt. B. Young,will run es • rmular packet between Plttsburthi Lug, Stridgeport, and Sunbelt, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday nnervoon, 10, Wellsville, Steubenville , and thidgeport,end every Tbursday afternoon for Stenben. illa, - %Wheeling, Bridgeport. Caprice, and Snead. Returning, leaves Bridgeport and Sunfish ever) Taw. day afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon. For freight or passage, apple on board. or to sen 7 IS WILKINS. Aunt. ISISO . AMMI PHILADELPHIA de PITTSBURGH: TEE CITIZENS' PORTABLE BOAT LINE, CONTINUES to ft rarani freight to Pittsburgh via Rail Road and Canal...en very rawarroabla tams, and with - the umntl detaaleh, from our largo depot, No. 0711 Markel street, Philadelphia, formerly eocuyied by Neter.. Statham t Dorn. anaLdtin !R W ronuirxTin a co WALL' ATIMAISOZREZINT. M t : t T -75n4 F -4;a•figlia CIIANOR OF HOUR Cs %axial Railroad open is ollldaysbseg 103 =Mu Canal to 'Joiasurwa.- . -29:1 oil. Rail Road front Jakvanart to Philadslpkia. TWO DAILY EXPRESS PALiita BOATS, Exclusively lot Pau mom FOR PHILADELPHIA AN BALTIMORE Timethmeß4. 41 hours•vs• ,•Fare.4lo ON an atus AAffoud.Y. Peplcanber ICab, two dolly Packet Deals will karst for Johnstown, from thence 'take splendid new cars 5% lades Cleo to Philadelphia, paahlag over the new Pennsylvania Red Road, being one et the very best In the country. The ink teased apeed by this coats snakes it the most desirable, as well es the moat comfortable one to the eastern clue.. A Packet Bons will lows every monthly y. at 70 , ock clock, and every evening et 8 o'cleek,precisely. ..The Portage Ball Road is yelped IA daY light . For passage co intormation apply to W BUTCH, Monongahela M ae, - •13 or to D Lsrrn & CO, Canal Basin. 110110310/41111L/111.0177/ 11 . Isafilma Nk Owly 77 Niles Irtsiong la Drownssille end Chiladal ptd umberland' to Italtheore and Pa Fan To BazOnaoat--...• 00 rm. Pnmanterana--- , - 1:0 TIME uteralr.g boat lams the ' wharf, above the J. bridge, daily, et, B o'clock preeite..y. Time to Dahlman, Tlhoaza; time to Philadelphia 40 hoar. The averdeg boat leaves daily, (except Benda) s.- enin ~tat el o'cleek. Paesengere by twitting on the areal:4l4,l,lW , cromt the =Quetta. to stages next doT, and Mee avoid night travel. rlyecve your tickets at the 015 es, Monongahela House, or BLOM:lea Hotel. oetle.ll J. HESKIIHEN, Adam • 1850•'Alk i sm 111DIATILLI. 46 =OTHER, _ FORWARDLNG MERCHANTS, ROCIIESTER,Pe., • (Beaver .Polet,l Ettriggo r i ll P A U 1101.I n tia LINE TO ERR VA AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS' !owlet and gent.; berateen and goehestet by gusam boots )itelafgen, Lake Erie, and Bean, • • Er Goods reneiPted and promptly delivered to all places on the Gestalt; end Lelesi. at the lowest rate. Shippers will please direct reeds to "DidwelPs • J. C. lIIDWELL. Water et,Pltabarelt. `ZED:a-4 la common. lauding for mdo by 01 nal WM OA GALEY aCO F INE COTTON TWINE—TN lbs lust received and (et see bl .1 SOW KIDD & ood C O, rt QUA FORTIEI-10 etulmys just sted`d ter sale by niguo.7o J RIDD ix CO PBOIKSALSB-23 ham reeelned and for sal by noID J KIDD &CO Me reed forrilea rILLIE—VXO Ibt Jun rteeived mod for .a DD in l 1.30 ILI &CO TIONDI3 LINIMENT-4 Stella !ti ra p b : . co rtorei PSELFUSISAY-4SO dos ol all vatioilesJust reed for sale by • J KIDD it CO VOR I:VALK—White Louisville Lime, by theme el E or retail. ISO cheap Wooden Bowls at half prier. 3 bzs ramlly.Mridieines, do. noel ISAAC HARM. Einti at ter g A , Wto 1BON !., .7 or .Wiliy F WILSON C. TAR-103 large /a tall I nolums. AVERY hires and ee.Sleet.uaortment of Pielles, Ketchup. Settees, Ac. from the celebrated eatab ments of Underwood In RoMon, and Smith .a. Co., Philadelphiy constantly on hand and for wilc, It low Ames at Ze Liberty at. eomPri aide , OHIO., i gal, eirts, k ptr, Tomato Ketchup. gia kPO Vicottliy; do do Walnut Ketchup .pts, Mired Pieties, do do Madiroom Ketchup, Onion., q,ta and pts, Somme Sauce, qts and pm Walnuts, qm, Caper., Yometoes. qt., Spanish:Olives. open Now openg, a large addition to the above, to which, we reepectfully call Ate attention of hone 'keepers and dealers., WM A MoCLUFG A CO Q 1 cold Cold Weather Good& MURPHY & BURCHFIELD invite attention to their full asoortment orgoodo,pocallarlyodapted tot feu. Wzoonsa,mtelt a• Home made and Osman BLANKETS; White Home made Flannels; Twined do; !tuned and Brown do; Welsh Flannels; - cloth.; Winter Hosiery, Winter. Gloves, Worsted Seats, Coo:tons, rtc . at north our corner of Fourth and Martel 51..01, uolg TODACCOIOO=B4;tog Sr, ts Si Dell Porter Sr, to Ins &alth's Vs. now landing LT no% ISAIAH DICKEY & CO pIIKEIPAY/51:0ELLIEF-951 ara rem • es; Mars thmerlotrlles; -• lan Rup&ertiesi 6 jars PIM; • . 3 lars Gmres; Just seesawed and for wipt . svulaAtio &co wood.krath m. tOEADI , ASII.:ii/ brio for sole tor J B CANFIELD UOI L VL-10 b. oh 6 . roll, or cloth; D 6 bell do do; 20 crocks; .. fa ID kegs solid-corn for mily use, .1 B CANFIELD • - 151:w - LOt. orCoilor. 1 UST received, and now opening, a splendid lot of ep ably goods, conflating ln part of One elegant carved el. octave Nato. wall Cole . nan's celebrated Zoltan Attrannent, mode by Norma & Clark. Ono elegant plain round corner, with atr a ehmem. ek_our in et mumente, cetera Pianos. madlomx bpe vieed. am Dunh, nod very Also, a lot of enemies Melodeons, med., by the otiglnal,lnventers, Cartokidt k.Needbare, Now York. Them Mott mots, for bevel) of elleder,ememe. " lir . e nl i nro'fl u ir2tlng li t H. KLEBER4 Sign of the Golden Ram,' , I.cird street • , • Work, es a. P. R. Jam& ABOOK of the Pandobs. By GI P. B. Stmeibrap: Bbistratal with Witten splendid subleogyrdays from drawings by Um sobs embus= bytkes. 1 yoL Swo Jot Tbee'd for alb by R HOPKINS, aCdP 7116W1e Bsildisp, row* at USES, LOTF.I c`Altlift, PA.11.11.1 TOR SALE: . . ONE emsta4ll3llaora, 4 miles ham liceonaeld, en the mad to Me Odle Weer, al Flaunt Creek and abeat 100 stems Me art.!, no ..,.,.. Ent rate bon= insta ll ing lommos,bamsoMo e 1,,,,, *retard. This ireald Make I splendid Monk fsno, or It ..onlil divide to admintase into three farms., Itta a desirable property, and will he soli! low. ALSO, y,so no sem tmeta of land beantlfally sowed en the Ohio itimm, 36 miles tensor Wheeling, Improved, and mill be win a berpin. Fannin:, of • ' Win H JouNsToN, ~e __ i 112 Second at . . _ ._-- - Ml= TtiE dwelling house No. PS Bond street, between Wood and Market strests,nevr , oeespied b 7 the rebseriber. Rent 1000 per asomm. Possession *vett on Oa 'alp( Nerrembertnext.' JOHN H MELLOR . OOlosf . . No. Bt Wood street 109 MCAT. ; TWO well finished olfiees in Pan Offies Third street. A long, well lighted room, 3d .gCrY; entraneeletai• ket street, between 3d and BA weals. Also, a small beet home, inTlit Township, near Pennsylvania Avenue. Isgsire of D GAZZA.M, ! 88. Second st. TO rer. , AFOUR Story DereMo , slate 'roof. °Mee, !nth roam, a u fixtures, and fl ake oven, 110 Third E. quire CO Water street. •-' ' eeP3 , . • wcoRD. & Wholesale& Retell Blanulaetarirs & Dealer, la HATS, CAPS' &' FURS. Car. Wood &Fifth ass, Plitilblugh• OOaapp Whore they after a fall . and COMPitte Stfiek itel t iktgllre v ill i ll ' ii ii .ggrn ie erbe w irlt =sere and purchaser. generally, aerating them MOM that, thesernt they erlll Kelton goy: ahrairrae . avelegr. O. W. WAYLOIL, COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROM, QTRICY attention will be given to ail bnatness en• fJ tinstsd us ins cant, 'Plttabtugli Inantractured artisans essays on band of promised at abort notion. Notes, Bonds. Mottgassw, negoolated favor. able ma& Advances *ads, if minced. 0r12.2ns • _IIOIIBiI'T FA ME S.. ARILANGDDIENTS baring been Made bayous the andernlgued end E. B.Airayson, Eng., of Washington City, Sete of the Treasury Debar menal the undersigned will Manure Bounty Lands tot the °Mears, and soldiers, their widows and ehlldren,under the Bounty Laud 11111, tanned September Iblith,lBso. JAbIES KERR, Attorney et Fourth et., bteree Smithfield he Pituitary's, Oct e 21, 18,11—oeng it. C tty COM , MURPHY ft BURCHFIELD norm cora:sap rFs sawignrmarr Arlo ouzo mritorsorwro ;or noirt aces zoom, North-Sett oor. of Fourth & aslOot eta, WILLI ILE-01i : ENi On Monday minnow, With a taiga )Stock of Mew Ofiadt, • R. C. lITOOKTOX. BOOKSELLER 'AND STATIONER, , No 4 7 Make% infect, corner ofTdird st., Tr 00,..„. . bind, dot Olio, Writing, Laud, Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet, Us', Binders', and Ttant Boards; Book and News Paper Printing In which be grill sell at the lamest cash priees,or In exchange (or rage or tanners' scraps _ ATTORNEY A'T LAW, No. 09 fifth street. . PITTS 191•11, PA. R • ALKILINOi a manual a( Cm pinata es and practice of road making, codrptising ilta location, commutation nod improvement of roads, Common, Macadam, paved, plank, &a., and rail rata& 1 1 7 W. O Gillespie, A. M., a E. Ara edition, with addltrons. few copies (or We by R C STOCKTON, II gill at Ur, Printer Binder, note • .47 Masan at T o diliith.l/ WStaill ROUSSE . I.I3 P REMIU M PERFUMERY.—The subsenber respectfully invites nubile attentlen 00 his extensive meek of PelfumerY, Soon. Shaving Creams, te., to which the Silver and two Golden Medals hove:wi th in the last aix years, been melded by the Institute. of Roo York, M Rotten, and Phila. dolphin, lowa being the mil Golden Medals ever awarded for perfume ei th er . in Europe or la this country. Rousna's %unto Comm, (Almond, Rose and Ambrosial,) universally acknowledged to be superior to any Sho tog Cream In this country Or Europe. OnoritMrs Yon Svc deandrilily transparent, and possessing bight Soponmeous and emollient properties; Samoriaceo • Compound; Ambrosthl Shav ing Tablet Military Shining /lone. • BeroonsreTouarßokro—Almond,Rosa,l l l lll effeirs, Illonquet, Pistachio, Moak, Patohouty,Drunibui,Float- Ine.Trunsparent,Olive Oil, and elreusisa. Ernarn goo no Marounoteursr,Rose, JoAnne, Bouquet de emoting, Gerantum,lorty Lind, Monis. line, Jockey Club, hl olia, C 0 011. Citronelle 50301, and many other varieties, in sty different perfume. Ton= Worso.—Pl ride Water, Eau tie Toilette, Orange Flower Wm r, and a great variety of Co love;and LeigrullToe; 13.. e. Oil. Antique Oil. 13ndelitt Eon Castile, po wd er Ox ISarrow, 'Dyes, liquid &rialto powder, Philocome;_ltici and Jenny Lind Pomade. Onosrakote Pgrvuthirooo—Dalsamin Rose ?both Pane, Cff Odonline, Tooth Foote and Toot' Calltrnro—' node Cremn; Ammdiao for ett:trgd s kJ , cats °Moses; Cream de n Cream, Pe. , Depilate'? I' , removing knerluons hair, Purl Powder,' — sun, Aromatic Vinegar, Viettrrio DAM 'Preston Bolts, besides a great variety :les, tee nurnmend to be named in 'Ms a !?1"! sprat] I ' tlar RHZUMATISM CURED. Frill; unequalled success which has attended the J. am of MORTIMOREM RHSUMATIC COM POUND nod BLOOD PURIFIER, to eifectuellY our log tba seeress-an d.-mot Inveterate eases of IN-' FLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, is a sellieleat marames and .reconaremdanon to W awa ell who are afflicted with this dreadful disease to tel Its Tann. Dandrede of cues, manV.of them admen of St. Louis and other. frees abroad, have been cored with in the Into few manta in the eny of St. Louie alone, white letters from agents abroad show also that it is perfonoing the Sarno whatever tried. Maar of than were Chronic ease. of long standing, and all hope of recovery had been given op: While others were of more recent date of the acute inflanunatary form, very severe. AU . howearOMM to the wonderfal Times of this medicine, and teosaands who have m hahaleth hca bnbeufit e steem toe S LO im W ig i i n n atlh e d ascovmen andf propdeter, a benefactor of mankind. It is well known from, the experience of Ma past, that no outward application can possibly effect a pee. manent core of this dreaded dimare- Sy the epPli. eaten of stimulaung liniments. pad.: relief; teamed caws ' may be *blamed tee a shot time. Den tbe while this dtwase ls6itng its grasp mote permanently to the system, and sooner or later will again develope itself in a more Outdid Morn and after a few pert , odleal returns. it settles into *chronic form. which, if not soon aerated, mins the Indiaidual foe life. TtOs Is verified by the blowy of the past in all emmtries, and moos foil demonstrated c o m po u n d isry furnished of a u to the proptictdrof this o f given by everal hundreds tf those who have passed under ha Immediate nutlet toed treatment during the last few' monta. MONTIMORES RHEUMATIC COMPOUND and BLOOD PURIFIER is an Intetal remedy—men maces Pa operations where the discus fiat Ones Oates. and, in r untying de blood, pate* through the whole system, neutriltac • the Imparts or caustic sedi ment winch has settled upon the membranes, muscles mad tendons—rernoves ttentimly from the iy.tem,end restores the individnal to perfect health.. , Yet those who are afflicted not deceive themselves, and put off the use of thir medicine too Isar, or until their nmba are iIIidOCIPA 00 eeoteoetod to inch a 40- geen tizei SM:Clipples for life. The experience altitudeil rs af themands during the put, as well folly SA tile present deY, dam: Mate. th e of expecting pecraneut rebel front extennl appla catiens. The prep S etor of dd. voluble Medicine hones from expertence, that nis Onlianisi applialitiOn Can possibly effect a pennaneat cue where - dna duet.* to firmly fixed m the system. He can and does prepare and apply an embrocation in very exam eases, winch will gtve relief in one beet time, but this will not erect a permanent cure. Tite natlite of this disease to snob Mat It requires longer time, and an internal remcdt, to produce the desire/tercets and Mortlmotels Rheumatic Compound and Bleed PLASM . is the only remedy that hex ever been discovered, either inhume'. a or soy Other country, that Will Cirettually Cute this disease. • Thle n ex tn be haa, wholesale or retail, at VX Thiel Street, to the Post OM co. Fineman. Pelee, SS per bottle' 6 bottles for lia,ar fBB per doses. - Pamphlets emit" had gratis et the egad. maid IL H. WISHART, agent. FOR' BALM. A FEW Phu. CUT Mae Bonk; alto Nona 113, MIMIC. and Welders Internee Stoc k.. . Apply to Baird & Iroia,ll4 Second affront. IBIFOILTAEIT TO STAGE, COACH & WAGON MANUFACTIIBERA. IhirEMIS. BINGER, HARTMA i nv e n ted. have 131 bomtht the.right of an Ante. by Mr. Samuel Oa!singer, called dhelneld Patent. It hu been Meted by oar but coachbuilddinaryers, and pronounced to the best hi use. An oach, a let o t be hese axles, running doll or y, will cconsumewi ath toil( pint f Moil In inz months The small quantity of oil used Is one Mete best evidence we have of she treat re duction or fnction, and couequantly great Laving of power; It will mete the coach proprietors to Sava 2S per cent, on their stock: and feed. Ali*, It will give great safety to travellers, the not revolving walt•tha wheel and not having . any connexion with the axle will courtly prevent thei wheel from. coming od. BY Proper eau. the patentees wilt warrant those s to act from twelve to fifteen Peers daily Warehouse, Ito Water and tie Front atmets, Pitts burgh. Pd. nosl2 OUTLing lIAPS r I ELTON'S splendid Outline Map. ate now being r introduced m all the leadirg sehools in New England and New Took. We have obtains , the agency for them In Pittsburgh, dad Invite teachers and lichee. committees 'to mill and examine Oman— No t —Map of the Western Hemisphere, Eli NI lathes Nog— do Eastern do do; • No 3 do Noah Aniertes, 7o aO4 No 4 do United Suites, 70x 63 No 5 do Europe, • I 70 X Ent No 6 do Mix., 1 70 x7O • I 1407 dO EL America Z 6 Africa 70 004 Price of ihe with bey. SA ' orate Sot two Hemiopliere Maps, with key, Ito These. Maps are unsivalled in ace tosep.beautl and elmapneu, and adapted to the wants of the prisesq, grammar mad high wheels of the United States, • : For nie at publishes', Prima, wiDoot addllloo freight charges, lathe • EDUCATIONAL BOOK STODE,: - stels , : Cot. Markot d Founh sts ' • tot sn n by I D CANFIELD 3VBtteCei , e4 150 Libeni Layer ;Raisin. la whole qr ; and veldt ax.; Bauch do do. do do do Beadle,* do; Sultana do; Malaga Grapes; Extra Fige,m largo alai small dross; I boo Faasy,Pralld% to b.x.s. The aboaa an all in aria order, and vr.II be aold stole WM A IdoCLURGI & CO InABBIA-4C6 my .;4701 &CO goal INEUr ACE C • Olifillt OF PITTSI3I/Raii:' I ` ll . Pnian W toula srf ;WAN .FIRE AND DIRRIDII3. ALL leases will be libeimilF adiastadllna A. berm Inatlilition—autimdrd by pircaters setts am wall known In e womanize, anilwao date-wain ad b promptness and lAbenrity So maintain Ms east , mom whisk they hese ass stned, , . as etietinc. dr m ban poteetion to those wbb Moles or be IMITCO2 1. ._ It.HaUee. Jamison Wm . M. Lyon, tlsipektuu.po,, Doom, James 11DAnlay. Alex. Nitate2; Thos. Seen. Ns. ie Water street permehetisa of Spear L Co. an stalmtlinstetish. FIRE lAD mimes travwcs NOTICE. racrriccTieN INSURANCE COMPANY OP HARTFORD, MCI /11n arntrara /VMS 3/.000,0004 cHARZER.ED 1825, Tasdesiugned las been arpoltted agent for rals old and responsible totem:7, to: noosed Mr. Fayeras nrsrant, and la tetdp to Itne ;alleles in the Fire and Merano department, on as favorable term. as any other responsible company basil. esty. GEO T. AILNOLD, 74 Fourth a„ next to. Dank or nubs:rah (PROTECTION FIRE & ,MARINE INSURANCE COM PANy. , dbasudryvinisesu, Certed,Stork, 4-Surplus bout, $l,OOOlOOO. . ' . . rgi WE undersigned wield call the attention of otar: .L ,ehanu And: otheni hosing property exposed to !Nutty Fire or the perils of Piarljation to the , superior atisuntsges offered by the I 1 1 ' 2 - Preet•estlonlist•sirs es Illompassy , ' or usarrenn.coich.,sist-? ' t.—Rafeo of Promiam'as low otthosO of any other REBPONSIDLECftee. . . speedy and satisfactory adios:neat of by the Central Agent of the Corepany . ler the . Western and Southern :slue., . • A—goos ttion of till: differences widen may abed. by referees routnelifchomm., • I.—Awards promptly poldin Steele, Makable Fonds, or Exchange on•riew 'fork, softie:tore. Charleston, New askant, St ' Louie, Louisville, Pittsburgh, or Cincinnati; it the option of the insured. • ID Pamphlets, setting for th the mode sad prin.' 'elplcs of adjusting losses, rates of premiums, desalt . .eatien of haunts, tee., furnished to the customers of the Gillen free of charm • For farther Information, lipid/ to the undersigned, who is fully authorised to insure Dsvelhugs,Plalts, Hotels, Warehenues, Melt., Menufactaeics, Barns. AA. • Household Furniture, and Roods, Warcr,, and Mar' ehandlac, contained or stored therein, sasinet on or damage by FIRE. : .1 , Dry Geods,'G r ocetja, MansiseinVed Coeds, Pro dace, Household Farnham, Lire Eton; and eastr other description at Merchandise or, Personal pri” party, ttl .sßed or to bb shipped pee , coed steamboat, or bends •to and Irons poin e tn the Western Waters, Of between Eastern elites Lakes, or other taint, d route) End any tore In the estenicountry,anoiusi the hater& of INLANDTRANSPORTATION. . LION I.• . Saila:nests of Galdr. Wares, sad alersbodise,aor xoodi tassel or volvols, betarokat Nor•Orlosas and Esstlrn ports—betsrse Nov....Or:cads sed other Galt portrr-botween Ataa - .ldaa autfi . r.egasS Garoposs pans. or to: ar:y oda, mitiaaat pan whsi• wesq lathe litlaaaenststs, mg ,dati. tat. PERILS OP THE*E.N.I?. • GEO. E. AIINOL,D,'.het., 71 ro.tb .I.,in