The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1850, Image 2

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Resit — sdim ileivetturY rantildelilati"W
Beal tanks to dad room, to day, for the atde
atta haneatit*report of Him IVAL , S 9I • II I Saes
rotary Of the Interior, an twasue,-We ha iesn fled
- mama* oi tho follow)." full and anaßeatabillreCX
of it which we find to the Wuldnoul Beptlblic.
The report romances. with a attlatalln Of the
. _varied end important duties devolved on the De.
paranent, anodes to the vagueness of the act - of
Congress Which created it. and teComateuda far.
then legislation to deka with proclaim' la duties
andpower; and sloe to termdy the aceednity
In. the low in reference to its desotnallati.
It recommeeds the Creation of the aloe of So.
bemired the Depattmeat to decide marathons 'of
tam upon appeals; his action tra be subject, how
. rev, in all raw; to the resale's of the Secretary.
A sanammy of the estimate' for each branch of
the public *wriest within, the jruiadadon of the
Department is gam' in tabular tom, and, camper.
ed with the estimate for the went load year for
atonic retake*. by Welch It appears that the esti
mate for themext decal year exceeds that for the
, present 31,1,29,870 83. Tea cairns of this excel.
the Secretary folly exohuas, estimate; the eati
mates item by item. The endeavor her been to
cover the whole amount oftbe probable came&
• .
taro for the decal year, so that there tally be no ne.
eettaite Its future for estimating for deficiencies,
Etietialinpost some-unfor eat crentlngeney.
„ A general retina is thief given of th e opera.
lions of the several bureaus. This portion of the
report consists principally °rationale* which cans
nut well be , condensed. We select, however, \
some of the most important items:
The whole number of panne now on the pen
ohm mile of the United Stale* is 19,759. Bat of
these many are probably dead. Tee whole Zeal.
ber who base drawn pensions during the drat and
snood marten of the calendar year is 13.079.
The nitat'ver of deaths reported within the last
year is 848.
The benedciari a underlie laws destined to pro.
vide for the soldiers o the' aerobium and their
widow* are rapidly paining away, But the num
ber a - pensioners under other acts has been cosmic,.
erably augmented to consequence of the war with
Mexico. The whole =min espeuded for pem one
, during be put year to eatiammd at 510100,000.
The who* number of land-warrants issued for
mermen In the revolmionary war is 12,599; to the
war of 1812, 28,9781 umber of claims fanned
warrant. and scrip in Ii uthereof, for serV
-- the fdessout war,594,708 The numbee a - is
already presented under the Scanty Land of Sep
. anther lest, op to the sth of ,November, Was 9,418,
and the number ii intone tug rapidly. ,It le esti
mated that the whole number of claimant, will be
about 280 000. It will thus be wen that this is by
' themes' important Bottom Land Law that ha,
...Wee been puled. 411 nect*larpprrangmenta Wave
been ensile SO insure its prompt end Mficient eat.
etitlen - I:ertti. and outructiona have been prep.
, red, and asoinuaregtveu, that every proper facility
wiltheafforded fir the nablishment ofjuidderands
alder the law. Plates have been ordered to he
engraved for printing the warrants, and every pre.
caution hos been adopted to guard against fraud
T end forgery, These platen will soon be comae.
•• led and there need then be no delay in con:mese
Mug the issue of the warrants. The warrants,
Laving been decided to be not ;assignable, cannot
be amide available toholdera until they have been
located and p.uented.i . As tbu proms will require
conaiderable tirne,i proper, in order to insure the
enjoyment of the bo by three for whom it was
attended, that no mon say delay should be en.
counteted. To amid this I the geeretrry rec
ommends that provision be dine for the employ
ment of two or more etScient clerks, and son tear
mwary assign= as may be rermined,
Irom time to
time, to investigate the claims of ap p licant,.
The Repel* of the Commistrionet of the Gene
ral /mud Ofilee extibila some very Interesting
funs. The anneyeeiftha radio lamb have been
pushed forward with commendable anvity. The
aggregate amount of land. sold, located by war.
ratite, and otherwise dimmed of to the ler, 2d,
and part of the 3d'quartera of 1850, is 2,815,380
42 acres. The public tends have been a rich
*Mates of revenue to the Gallaturnent. 'yarning
atom on and • quarter millions of dollen per
mouths for the last fifty year; over and above all
cogs end expense*. Among the moat prat:pintail
aubjects claiming the attention of commas, lathe
necessity of extending our tend system over nit
pota . ccOrel on the Pacific. Theappolutmeot or •
comm mien la recommended .to adjudicate Kin
d Cling laud claims la California.
With regard to the mineral lande Searaary
se.....r.meada that thevbe divided into small tact;
and told In ice simple to the highest bidder al
hubby alletion. The extent of Me ism shot d
paid on the apparent runnel., or them
they houid be what enough to all, r.I p. ram , a
moderate eireernignecea an app slimily of liecoto
0-n bidden
our relation with the Indians w.ll demand the
i•troupt *Motion -of Contour. The *allegation
of Term and the treaty with Mexico have added
,boar' one hundred and twenty fi.u• mooned per,
tons to oar larch,, popelwi a •mo y "(them tier. e
to their ili.poaitior, Mot prat., .ry to their hallita
. Agents have been - polated for the led , . tribes
ot California and ce °leave; and two am cial agents
have tan commissioned to ea.-.partite wash the
maiden agent in Tex:sin conciliating the Ind so.
of that Sate. Three conownioners have been
appointed under the came act-to accompany the
Mexican Boundary Comminon, for the sumose
of obtaining Information to regard to the tribes on
nor nothwartern frontier, and, if possible, to es.
rebuild' friendly Teatime with them It is to be
regretto I that no authority was conferred by law
—fur the eamblishmett of resldeat anent , in New
_ Ataxic°. The Indians of that country are the
most enrage scathe our boundaries. 11 is carom
tel for the fulfilment of our treaty stipulations, as
well as ter the protection or our own mans, that
steam@ should be sent among them, who can en.
acme a returaimn influcare over them The
heranity for this measure has Men paically
hatrated by the outrages committed upon our el ,
teens travelling to and from nerds Fr, as all in-
Cit Which the attack upon Mr. Whir and
his patty is mentioned.
'The illapottatice of ,great notional lOghwaY
the Paettie @ toalidetett an the report; nod the
"waists suggests the propriety of auteormiog a.
otialediale eilinlinatiOn of the country wad suet
ax may be necessary to dear rtlitZe Ito
orarticabili y and probable root pf the leak
The eambtithonent of an Agrieultum I Bureau is
rermonneaded by the report. The enrol.. of •
(atin,o the B trindS of the National Meira,dis,
be managed?older he direction of the karate
bas bee, siogested a. on auxiliary . is illustration
the USAt modes of culture. The Secretary add.
that, if this idea be favorably received, Mottos
retools might With groat propriety become ■ mod.
el 11, 1. lo illtiettele the progresa of hat to Which the father of his Country was ea numb
de voted.
Measures have beau token for to-oral tie
prompt elevation of the act far taking the seventh
crocus. '(hi, reloree, coining in dallyeglS eat.
rade 0 Iha M . census will (.:completed with .a th.
time ha red by law. The mooned of valoatili
statistical information will exceed any thing of thr
mid known in our past history.
The joint commission (or the surveyof the Met
man boundary have doubtless assembled at b:1 Pa
so, for the purpose of running and marking the hoe
thence westward to the river Oils. The work will
be pre,ed forward with the utmcel despatch
The Secretary agrees with his predecessor In ra
gardto the perrhable name of the metered of 110010
of the public budding.. lie recommends an appro.
priation for painting the Treamry building. In re
irard to the Patent Office, he recommendl that the
entire exterior farina of the front he removed, nil
its place supplied by a veneering of white marble
of the same mestity as that used in the construction
(the wing. Practise' workmen bare eipressed
the opinion that It ow be done at small coat when
compared with Its beneficial results and w.thoin
endangering the security and stability of the walls
The onmediato completion of both wings of the
Patent Office is urged, for the accommo dat ion of
the Department of the Interior and the officer
thereto attached. - s
The introduction of a copious supply of pure
oven into the city of Washington is feeoMmend
rd as manual to the health and comfort at the in
habitants and the security of the public, buildings
astainat fire
Lastly, the Secretary' recommends the In:pryer.
meat ofthe public grounds, byplanting them with
trees and shrubbery, and providing fountain; de....c
as only ' , etiolate 101pOrtnner to the supply of st
WAR. •
WAIL Diessrsitner,
Waskotttos, tor. 30, 1850. f
5. 4 .15; 16. g ir•rn In anbatzt rhn 611estng repo
of thy. nperailims or Itua Depstirgswi doting 11
list vela,'
Thl aggregate weer g:h of the army, Rant prey tot
chtihisbed by law, and mippos log eiery company
in [writ he is ;wrist. thonssiod aloe
hundred and twenty*seven. 2,927,): officers and
meg, fecinding ill the stalLcorpa It Tandy boo
peoM,litisdever, i - Ea II company 1. complete; for
prnii±: - oic'thr one hind, the «Wu:uncut' ate never
cseli‘d Hel:lattlt prescribed by law, Altualha, did•
enargict, dletenion• most always cause Pb,
number oftugnselually enrolLsd and In !my, to rill
tar elitist alt. This is particularly ine ease In
rsgardln troom scuioned •I the troatihr porn; as the men are all enlisted in the Older States,
considetaUhr tilde must always intervene between
the happening of • • smr•nry, and its being flied.
It m estanated, by competent judges, that, owing
In these causes, combined with sickness and othr r
rnollatties of the service, :he number of man or.
litany It Iletnien—litid fit lin. dory, visually falls
shoe/ td up; Iflial.orsuolzaboo On an %strait: of
from thirty to forty per cent.
'lVdieport of the Adjutant Genera, thereto no.
will s h ow h o w tha force in..
fly that document it trill be seen that out ot the
twelvolhousand sine hundred nod treaty
112,9271 otter. and torn encupocng the Rents,
seven tnouinnd seven hundred and ninety •42,
f 7,794 or mole than one half, are stationed tu,
or are under orders fur Tomas, New Mexico, Cat.
Deems, :sad Oregon.
Wl...stills recollected what large secession, have,
mulna the lasi few years paat,been made In our
lorrio.ty, that an extensive seaboard VIII require
but 'alines, and an enlarged inland Irootior
need. ptoloo.ltra figwort Ike Indiana, it will appear
manaest that the present military establishment
nt au country is entirely inadeqttate to its wants.
Allow . ;1r.,. rail your attention to the remarks on
thy ..o.jrct onloineJ In the report of the General
111 Chief.
To, uo..t important duty which at present de
valve • TayonAbe Depselmeed, I. the protection of
Teets. awl Now Mexico etietheit the laden tribe.
is th,ir vto op,. Thie object has engaged tb,.
eunitka, of the Department, and WI the
mese. at fie illapesal have been employed to of
ect it.. . II
(I„ ; rerrultiog 'meek, has been scare!, pros.
wth view to Len/Ong the temputies
OM homer to their Complement of
wt.!t fir men, a died by the am of the 17th of
Jaoc Ramiro matures hive also been ta
ken to catty tato creel the rinrisions tithe same
. I . I2 2! 2 IPMNMMM_
.613411 anianisigeelhenhooffnikfir-04 •- -
*OW khattr i ntil t i eblitireteW%"`ntts " '',..."1 1 X%
-4•Yrdaly te-4,lhreit htlitylkee.stnrelllC
Wlffi 46l it
Waal:, Weithndered 10 letuidg'! - Pee*
needed on fts'aray some diedthee'beyonff Wit
Letheeanc elk i theS.S.:Maaathisldadletted4fdb•
intiplies kw the - expedition was sunk on her way
&nal Bt. lattia to that poen • la consequence of
this accident, and the advanced: stale of the sea.
elnlslllirae ordpred-lakotantatuff *hotels lls_witer.
ter quintets at, It:Smoot' ,Ilarrierks; from which
point it WillXOstale Ite - Xitircratili'*if as Peel"
cal:kith the ipilite '-' ' '" 't. '' ' I , I
From the reports of that:4Eocm is command in
Texas and New Mexico, as well'as Gem other .
reliable courts. of information, the department is I
filly satisfied, however, that the Woo now w.,
Coned on that frontier, with ell the reinforee• 1
menu it will be able to seud. attire la the spring,
sidle entirely innuiSitent for ne protection. • 1
Is order to snake the troops, is available as 1
possible the the protection of the saftlexacnis, duty'
have boon separated into small atatelwela,
stationed at venous points along the frontier. , -
Bat, as the frontier la may hundred miles in ex.
tent, these posts areetecemuily at a Considerable'
diatoms span, and the utmost leigilanas gad at.
tisk, on the pas of the officers in command man..
not prevent small bands of Indult:skew pusiag
between them and committing 'depredaVotts on •
interior mania:wets
The only description of troops that can el[me.
ally put a atop to these Gorey. to cavalry. Unlike
those of their mein nom put of the t eminent,
he Indians that occupy the vast and open plain.',
tom the wouthent extremity of Texas to Oregon,'
a all their taped:Coos, Whether foe war or for the I
hue, are Invariably mounted, and are well oh 11.
dla the management of the home. to theft:in.
unions ink( the White settlements they are
*opted, not 11 0 much by a kaling of hostility 1
a by • love of plunder, and consequently seldom I
no In large numbers Prepared to enrol:Mier an ,
erred force, hut, separating foto smelt parties 1
Itch a favoraWd.onlortnnity make sudden end :
!Fed Inroads into the sealementii drive off whole I
erds of rattle, and occasionally, commit *ma at !
hocking barbarity. '
Emboldened by the imputing with which these
i euraions have been heretofore too often attended, ,
oil encouraged by the success With which they 1
ire been rewarded, these bold marauders have of
I le ventured much further into the aeulementsand i
yea within a short distance of our military posts.
II the reads leading into the country are infested'
bythem, and reward be safely travelled without a '
military escort. They stood in little awe of troops
on foal; but a light ani active cavalry could parr. I
sue and chamse them, or reaspniai thai; plunder,
whereby their depredations would he rendered
• more,dangerous and less profitable Several of
these Whits h ave made some progress in eivtlaa
: Ron, wing fixed habitations and considerable ,
Property. Sr Purstithe there to their homes, and
rataliatin severely upon th em, they would woo be
taught t nis their interest to respect the proper-
ty of the Mies. The officers In command In thew
departme . concur in the opinion that to enable
them to this a larger force, particularly to mouto
ted masa itniespeambly isoessary.
• I
Awl ato peaty mews of supplaig tine deft.
cieocy the co mmanding caper in Tex.. called oat
several le mparnes of .oluoux,.. but the short
period fin Inch this description of '
force ion be I
legally ea d upon la server,, readers it more eX•
pelial•a ' pku t eas ellthieut, tbaa It would otherwise
be. Daub are entertained whether the experts
ment of lon once - infantry will prove auccenful.
Little, Illsaylking, is gained by rii, se arrange" I
meet on the sane of economy, and soldiers en • 1
Haled With so taloned., to their aptitude for ravel-
ry duty trill seldom be able to adept themselves I
to a lerttice fur
.which their previous babim may ,
not at eliding* them. Ifis Ronan very mach 1
to be dadred that Quietens will at an early period
cousider the preptiely Of ittereuine the army, and
partleilarty n(1'111101 one or more regimented]
akoastad Xmas - • -
This additional Twee will 'at first be attended I
with a proportional additio n of expenditure ; but
it a believed that In the end economy will be pr .
mated tir it. The supplies necessary for the troops
maim in that country are now nearly all taken
from other Statea--These supplies have to be car
ried a great, distance by lend, and owing to the
badness of the roads, the scarcity of provisions ao d
provender, and the exorbitant prlrser &mended for
labor, the coat of transportation ta enormous. The
following is the actin:ll cost of transporting pork aid
dour (the two most important items of supply) o
several of the military posts in Tens, and New
Mexico, via :
To the nearer interior pad in Texas, per barrel
for pork, SS. for floor es 31
ToSsom Fe and Las Vegas. New Meilen, foe
pork SX' per barrel, for floor $2130.
To Taos, Socorro, Abenne. and Savoys be, for
pork Sit 60 per barrel, for door $27 tilt.
T. Paso del Norte, Texas, and to San Eithario
and Deana Ass, locpork Sig per barrel, for Boor
431 60.
The aborts sm. are Paid for transponing bread
and meat ton weeny a large portion of which a
sieve/41b1,, of producing abandant crops of eraill,
nod nrorty all of which is well adapted to grazing; ,
and these sums will continue to be .oa ni or loog .
the ineu stow of the ;Woos continue to prevail
the settlemeot and cultivation of the caantiry. It te
confidently believed, on the other hand, that if ade
quate protection were afforded to the rocmiry, in a
iew year. as population and nominees would both
crease, a smaller number of troops would suffice
for its defence, and supplies might be Ithoisivnl at
a much less can than they I now arc.
It bas been stuggeated hypes,. cos well acemaitited
wish the antntry that the uthabitants (including the
Pueblo Indiana) =gig, .f pro perly nested and ar
gil:lllnd laic, a Hod of m' tia, loader the direction
of officers of the army , re der emential aid in pro
tecting u nismost the maiden inroad. of the more
savage tribes. The experimint is well worth mak.
ing, and if authority wele . s p lined in die Department
to distribute arms and minas among them, it
might be eo exercised th at ill cousequenoe could
et all events remit from it. •
rhea... Ware vet, are o a }Own por•ry e xpedle nt a
It id obviova the some other men - o bentdes the
terror of onr .ems mug ultimately he employed to
restre n the Indians. Hemmed in, as they •re.
to all sides by the United States, y Meal ra, wid
the Rocky Mountain', at our settlement advance
the scarcity °Faeroe will tolunel them 'Obit beck
on our weaker neighbors, whom by the treaty of
Go adalope Hidalgo, we are bound to• protect
agates their incoraintis Both pot cry and Samoa.
iv would therefore stem to dictate that some am
teas should be adopted whereby the whole of that
unfortunate nee might be (educed, eel portion of
them ware by the Spaniard!, to abandon time
waudering life, to live in village., and retort to
agricultural pursuits.
The regiment of animated riflemen, which, when
t he lost report was rage by this Dm gement, was
n its march to Oregon, reached its destinstioo in
safety, having io aceordance with the set of 10th
May, 1616, establiahmi alias of military station,
along: the route so Oregon. la consequence alba
scarcity of forage and provisions at Doe of there !
poet., (Fort Hal() it was subsegneotly eteadoteed, !
and the troops stationed there were tranaferrad to',
another post owe the Dallas and to Fort Vinton
veer, on the Columbia river.
Slue the conference' held with their diets. is :
September, 1919, by Major General Twines, the .
small remnant r f the Seminole lobe remainitry in I
Florida have aturathrd from ell sots or two', y ,
against the whites. In one of the frontier cam,
tie. the Holden disappearance of a youth receouly
caused some alarm among the In tic
den however, were given to the agent restenne
among them to institute a rigid leg airy into IN
matter, sad the result of the . invest*a ito ta, I
been the conviction on his part that the foil., I
had no agency ia it. Every inform.. sr, on the
contrary, that has 'cached the Daparttut n• leads
to the belief that this feeble band are w leagth
mantled of the otter fatility of prolonging ari a '
ti at with the whites. Under thew circumssanees
• portkia of 1/ e troops mationed in Florida have
been. recently vrithdrawa. A few enamels e.,
however, have bees left to guard sunhat the poe
sibility of another outbreak. •
The Indian. remaiulor in Florida, although Mei,
number does not - fleeted one hun dred men, sir a
source of tenor and Sanayalica to the whites In
their aeighlortoo.l, and no doubt lead vary Much
to retied the settlement of that part of the S ate.
So long as they remain is the country millstone
will continually occur and will only end with ar
asthma.: of the race. No effort*, therefore, base
been or will be spared to induce them to Vero.,
and join the great body of their nation 111 the
West; and it is cocfidentkr believed that this deal.
Cable result will sooner be attained by peaceabie
means than by the employment of fume.
Information has been cionmonirated to Ibis De
partment that, through the lostramentality and
perguasion of the Goveraor of hiLtinesom, and
Our argots stationed among them; the Chtppe we
tribe of ladtans hod been prevailed upon to mato
a treaty .of p...° with the Sioux, with whom
they were at tome, bud who had been the witha
-1 fors; that shortly after the treaty was concluded.
' It was broken by the Sioux, wbo bad made .01
unprovoked mitten - on the Chippewa,. As the
treaty had beet made at the earnest aoliedwitit,
and almost command of the Governor arid tie
alert, and the most solemn aututances had been
giveu by both to the Carpel:eras that it it were v e
bated the United Slams would interfere to pro o •i
them and redress their wrong., the Deparlincf.l
Ws been invoked to mike good these pledge, - -
It is highly Important that these people should re.
qieci the •utherity and confide in the prop
,se. eel
ica afoul. of this government. ,It is &erred .d.
',sable, therefore, that a small force he sio,
against the Stout. No doubt ist entertained I/I.
the mere appearance of this force among them
will suffice to intimidate them.end Pleven' What
tolitt otterwiro lea protracted sad 1111411111nry
The Board of Military and Naval 001cers ap
noted to exemine the Pacific coast ol tbe Ile
J Stamm, and to desigoate attch palate thereoil.
e suitable for forrigeadone and naval depotahay.
Deluded their Whore. Only preliminary repels
a. yet been made, but the Department W In
rood Mat cattalo positiCins bare been deals.
.1 as well adapted to military and naval uro
• Measures hero been taken lo reserve p the p n
lee Itemb ut 1110,8 detailed surveys will
• Immensity before the works can be commen
d. The delay which this operattou will MUu•
the leas to be regretted, U the high pieta o
.th labor and materials lo all - that region woul.l
.ader it Inexpedient to commence the counter •
• n of wir insporiant works oo that coast at pr.
VII 0108 of au ea passed in March, 1340, ma.
Meg an appropriation for militaty and geographi
eat surveys West of the Mitualaalppi, a pony nu •
der the - direction of Captain Stambury, ma* di.
petched in Mal year, with orders to explore sad
survey the region in the vicinity or the Great
Salt Late. It Is understood that the party hale
completed their labor*, and are now on
vin home. . Ac soon ea their report is made
a Ai I be laid before you.
Under s similar eppropriation made at the I.•
aeesion of Congreaa '
a party has teen 04.012,
under the command cf Caputo Soare”ca, w,r,
ihrections to explore the elver Zeal, rtnaa
headwaters Co trajoectlon with the Colorado, and
~ ... r.. h _ 5
rahtigriiiiiim.i.,"4"-r t " ::: . 2 7.4. l4" : l ll34 g4 a ;i n "f t"imai cl43arc;
Cosigns* *Mei lo t he Delta 'Allts ifisinti
*ear, with the deepeangld therthmta 1
minkmouth and MeVentiou of ovaillown Telhesucatins-pol'llisirorke&finparnamera
lion of the Misiblidimibeeo,
t o Maier Long and faspadtp two-nc
comp( oaten ad the coops Timingegitucal
ifingmeem -In addition ltabideb i .812.0beinealIT.
let, jr., a distinguished civil exdatuter, has been
employed to examine tide- unetemmyy subject, and
report the resultorAth oblemadomto_this Depart
ment. Theft lint Mattel *Mama Independently
of emitother and yet wilt 'cooperate whehever It
, IK. b . foundadvantammur at aa • so; ~,__'''
Prior to_the paw,* a_pie law, establ, a
Territorial troveramoyminffew Illesatem, the inhab
tants of that countryfied held a ammonite:l r ea.:Pi
ed a State Conentunims and proceeded to put it di
operation. On the other mad, the cellar In com
mand of the military departs:eat refused hi reeog •
nice the govenutetuttlun edablished. To put an
end to a conflict ol minorities which might bal pro.
duative of Unpleasant room s lhe
above mentioned lawwas Ailed instructious wre
dispatched to the officer in command to abstain
from all fwther Interference in the cavil and pond .
cal andel; Witte country. -
The Military Academy continues, by its, excel
lent discipline and admindste =moot Marathon.
to afford ample ligumanties that it will realize the
expectatims of the mammy Eastmain the high re
putation It has hitherto enjoyed,
I beg leave to renew th e fenatimendialion Wine
i mialecemorct Me formation of • retired
lid map of the ermy. There are many offi
cers who, in conseqaunceof their advancedage, of
/hauls or of disease contracted in die wince, are
entirely ambled, belt who tieverthelemneceice full
pay. Ltunand be more in accordance with jinn • .
and no doubt with the feelings of the officen theta
',stamina! they should receive leis parsed be le
gaily exempted from dun. Ify dm mean. Pante
to the of fi cers would be reconciled ark h economy
and the efficiency allot service.
In connexion with this subject I beg leave to call
your attention to die markt containe in the re
port oche General hi Chief. relative I nthe estab
lishment Men "glom tar disabled and detuilate
mitten,. . .
The Qtartermastet's DePedineitt einPloYs in 44
service Moot fin deflated teanaterawho are hoed
men,and have recently elected enormous wages.
Betides, not being abject to the restraints of mill.
tary discipline, they've sometime very: turbulent
and ungovernable. , To obviate both there difficul.
Om it as, recommended that authority be given to
enlist ouch number &them as may be required by
the exigencies of the service, and that a higher Imo
army pay be allowed diem the to the privates in the
to th ToPymital annual estimates It vti been furnished
e Secretary Odle Tenuity, to be by hem *Oh'
milted to t l reas. , Tbey embrace detailed top., ti
from the Mails of the bureaus of this Daraintionl,
of toe BO= that will be required by them regircl
t, ivelo during the year commencing on the first or
July, 1851, and mimed in - the aggreinie the eall-
MMus far lfe fillip! Vedfi The paler °Winn
chiefly to . Le .o +owing ratters :. dal, 0 Iwo
priation was requited by the Subsistence Depart
ment during the current year,there beings balance
on hand resulting from over estimate. during the
war, vides o' subsistence More., &a, atifilmem for
erervice of the year. Second 13y an act pas
sed at the not tension of Cowen the tank and file
Mall the compantes eminent the Western fron
tier was greatly increased. Third. By another art'
weed towards the close of thy totem mitt% tart,
pay of all than/kers atid mon main' to Oat inning
and Oregon was nearly doubled. Fourth. An f ie
creaseased expenditure - tone pertinent. GG Quartermaster's De.
Prier to 1815mit !wither lasts were all s ta b
fished either ou the Oar ef 'denim. on ban Su'
porn ,r or on the head waters of the Mbialsaippi
tad kg triktltarfes. They wens all y thereetre,le-
Cesaible by water. and Many of them situated In
the midst of a fertile anitetittluted country. Now
On the economy, they sito either on the Re ilei
coast, on the route to Oregoo, or far te the interi
or of Texas and New Mexico, retarget from NMI.
gable streams and from tae States where waste
menu aye made *Rd ail Ilia supplies are drama
The diatom. of laud iintllllo to nay of them
posts, to, aa has already hem mentioned, very
great, and numerous trains of lingoes ere con.
gently employed in convey,ax anppl et to them
.. well 00 in 11 CCOMplOyirS the troops to Melt
marsh. The exodaiant cat of fermahteg lop.
plies to the troops in Tee . and New ?deuce b..
- already been anted; no the Patna, Owing to the
high price of labor, waptt traesportation is pro. 1
portionably expensive. The coarentoce of all
this is an =memo inerhan in the erpetddore of
the Qtrneirmareee Taper Mail. la the year
ending June 9n,1811, the . xpenditares or that
Department annhented to only t. 81 0, 5511 T.i
In the yi or ending Inne„3o 1550,
they were . ..... .•• t........
In the year end rag Jane;3o, lard,
In the year enalffig Jed, 30, 1552,
fealtamleo) 4 9 50000 no
in the year 1811 the reef 01 11 . . nap trtalino fir
the army wail Ire, then f 1120.1)1111, It the yes.
en4i g Nth June last, it bin 1-.1 to 111.900,00 d
allowing no mere.. of .boot fie.. en hundred )et
ft is hoped thetas settlements isotonic and mil.
ovation extend. in Tenn and New Mexico, and
as mining becomes less twofitable and labor more
diverrfied in Calibrate, them two:dons expend,.
tette* will diminish. lit the men time ,veep et.
fort will b . made by this Department to !UMW
them. It Is poadde that at points so remote from
It. 01:11ervimo or its ehief, defect. of Waded.
intim m the qmetermaster's department may
exist; to remedy which, Come change In da one
nisatron may become obeettuy.
No economy aim, however, be effected by re.
diming the estimates, which are barod 'Tat post.
live data, and cannot safely be enitailed. 'The
only coarquence which hin heretofore reaoltod
from such reductions of estimates erithout dint,-
t•heng the ht./N.(3,f taptnte, has been the awns
¢lolalion of ..... Iv g , An arrange which hee
exiled in the quadri in”tr r department wore the
year IWO. amounting to .he cam orsi, 21i•o,80 LI
a said to have intimated 10 that way. The prac
tice of .1114 . 0r.pir .110bVr0eMep11 to carved amnia
priauon. is dangemWitithe extreme; bat it cm
mate., cans„ illy prepared by the proper officer.,
are reduced, without diminishing the objenta ot
expenditure, this irregularity may sometimes be
unavolda M.
I hereto annex each paladins of the coerespoto
donee of this Di -nutmeat as relate to the mbieen
ineatlooad In do. report, together with the report.
of the general-a chief, and of the several heads
01 impala of this Department; to all which lea.
for you 631 more staple inbiusation In regard to
I its operation.. ~`
Beepeenany submillod,
sa "a aq, tf
To the PIIII3IIICIT [4 ion lhiltlb ST/17101 Iv .
1 1
• rho amount slated for the year ending June
30, 1851, is that of she impropnations only, which
were hued upon • implanted inmate of the army
of fifteen hundred (MON men indeed of three
thousand, 15,000,10. provided by low. his be.
Moved, therefore, that the expenditures will en
rteed_the appropriabonh though they will ma
equal thin of the year ending Jane 00, 1552, in
consequence of the deity which neceusolir In
tervened .der the passage of the act of Jona
15.71, beta., the augmentation authorised by ~
could be effected. '
asr.natte.Attus uses
Mr. Klatt—Sir, I cheetfally comply wutiyour me
rmen that I would give you an acconet:of the almost
nutacaloes cure of my Iltlye daughter's ay• by the sme
of your "Petroleum."
She was snatched with • very sere aye to February
or March last, when I itureeditualy applied te the Item
ntelwal aid an the city;by whom It was pronoanecd
a wary Load eye" and W gavel nu no hope of doing
bee any good. •fur veldsh I took her Into the einn•
try to an old lady, whei6d been very_mecemfal m
caring oyes. She told gale 111•1 kel Calla WSJ Lopelese,
as oho would certainly loee ant only that one, bid
I also that the otbir woald being • ocrolhlona
ageeuon of the 11ood. And I do certify : JAM ,at
time my father It. IL Vashort) came to the coneasion
that Oro hod better try ,5704( PglNgelll4l,” fill 1111:4B
...DULY NAND of ono eye. It is now about two
t wi ou th both eyes
can tell, since she !waste ats are, and she tart now see
ever ; and, a•
or I e•ll, I to Ittre Sbe
he ~ with the blessing of
fie along toy. been cnied by " Petroleum"
'roofs, respectfully,
M. P.M.. Vaanola CoLlrea.
Pututturghh, Stye 30, IPSO
Por cal. by Keyaer A McDowell, 140 Wood aoos;
R lt . Sellars, 5771V00d weal D. M. Carry, D. A. El.
I eundosspn Dam4lau, 11411. P. Sol wane, A Ileabeny,
sho, by Om prop ., mar, 8.11. KIER,
Anal Basin. Sawantb Plitobarah
IPIElat 01 hlto mind retina. EL IL Co, Third st
l'imaysau,Aiiirtut 6 .18 a
Tux Stackbed , ,.l oi the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Itse Road Coop ny are hereby notified to pay the
eighth inelehetel9 , t Ave dollars per share, at the aline
of th• Company, o or before the SOth day of Antlers
The ninth irestelle entj on or the gm d a y of
September. The endi Instalment on or before the
:Yoh day of Oetobeir neat
I The 70 Initament why called for on the 'Rh
July 1.1
6..1.11f %VA! t.A MIER, Jc, Trownwee
tElpf011,1111111Mt• 1.1hD•.4111il/e
DR. 6 6. idTlitaltNS, lots oi Itoston, is preparsti I.
Whole and pert
ei sets, upon ductton or AUSlOmplierie Haction Platss.-
root.. if • era IQ is •IVII Minor.., where the nests
.Ipoved. Mos hod 661d/tune nest door 111 Ma At ar
t, office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Wins to—J. 11.111PFedden.F. li. Kato, is •
Are now pointed with; largo mad fruit stock of
Englteb, enoon r aodAmstietuk Hardware, to offer
.opetlar i doemesoie Je bitiete. Theroe erietov e
nominee wW promote thwr interosi by looking
Loh oe ma..., they an eteterousod WI on
he mom le °odds tem..
R. -. TANNER & Co.,
sa will se, Thp ed & Fourth,
Air an. , regialving MeV very largo and eipetine Pail
Block of
Ai.4.,Bromm s and PLOWEAS, all of the Was
duti edetnTirMirlN" to l e t iri, :I m es lOV:t . es
.44 go• Ity le 'not eirreint i ri by any met in be
bveod oath., .I%.ltir Wear Oar earthman and Mr-
Ee .004 are indra• d call and Oinfrana,al
We Gin draronlued to 'jell on the Ingot rll4OlllOlO
A 1.., trundle:Vs Pactal itubber Shoea of all
i= g ewl
11 11
4?AhritaYiketa eta astuesiri redeemed to Impala
t •ett raters .bcfore ',lc, and as twig in tiontitY
rtticatittr—Adsertiseteentit act maenad GIF
led /11 lob thArged 'mil ordered oat
In•V.11. ,Paraura Is Agent tor t paper
, at kis
scent nicnties In New Ronk, Philadelphia and
Boron, and • anthorired breeds nabattiptions
ant adrertistereals for • .
Irr Pan,sinniqua Non* Ausnueatt —Adrettisi.
meats and sobsetiptions ithe Nona Antviesn and
United &wet Osten; Philadelphia mitred and for.
warded In?at th is fa • s • •
for this vs/sable paper, ea II be weaved and forward
W from this ales.
A Hons.of Iterago.
We rejoice, receediorly, at the koling which
tea awakened In one cetruauney, inferior
of eorleavetion . to secure the amnion end endoiti:
meet of a Homo nr B.Mbge. Among the motile
inuftutioni which Yitteborgb Is now meeting and
tiondirig, none le ol more importance than thin,
as it ie not only for the amelioration of the physie
ea/ condition of the unfortunate of oar nom bat
hes moral bearingii of the mum minbentons char.
acter.• It tettuly painful fora ritrebrugher to mite ,
templtto thou:omit of lion enhihited'hy ' a Pup
class of the, youth ofthie cliy, sad the terrible and
Hareem of hardened reCideSloolllll aid crime.
All our regiud fur one own children, for the peace,
and eafaty of oar community, for tie unifying in.
tenet of iinlinnlel spirits, teal every conaidens•
tion sacred to the beans of true Cruistienk call
open 11e . to area, ipaodily, a HOUII3 r f Refuge:
A muse pf pecuniary interest—if so &redid a
miner ought to bo timed In oompatison with the
Mien te moral arpecte ol the 'obit ci—should also
itlintulaM toe efforts, aid call forth the donatierui
of our eitizein. from yonth conitoue to ton riot,
as they have dune for some limo peat, the chatach
lev i er our city, and the money value of Pa real
estate, most' greatly ivelioe of craw lo foresee.
A House of , RePlipii will probably Hoe al orino
We he roe: in dile:way; by giving noisiness to oar
greets, eecurity to our ciritosi' end a relief from
laptlatil now income! by rm Mlfdellofllllolll.iOd
crimes of out vieiouc yott:h. .
Ito [acid soil; ilisa - proosed, and Codlismic
sineensly Web it, let has county chant • ill4tlitt
Wolf Hons., sepsiste—and independant.o4l6
jail, and wo 'ball moon Siva as quiet and orderly
• oily u any la the Union,
Joe Butte eaam C onviorttlitabargh, ID
the whence of tee peat year, is regard to its Chief
lAcontive Gaper, mast truly prevent a untie
epeotaole to observing permits abroad. loomed Of
etherang a good and respectable citizen as the
Chief of the C.erporatioa, one aliens mast fain
go to the public jell, and ieleet span wha Mai ez
plating hie mimes in onoref its wells, and plikat
Nat a. Ruler over the people ! Next they lee
this pudoomt convlca raised to be Chief eatoni
the ettizens, perlormieg sack entice in his natio(
Ace as filled the whole roomy with ■mazemeni,
and led to the oft-repeated question—ls the man
Issue? Now we 'have the anomalous end dla
graceful spectacle of lbei Mayor pf this great eLY
wane/Cud Si miedemeauor is *Mee in oar Crieni•
aalVoun, for one of the 'noel synuibleal at d ab
surd acts ever committed in a country et clwilizal,
tam and law. The sod WM be,te suppose, that
the Mayor will close his of alp term to the tame
jell In whioh he coatroom-0J SOlagfinate of
the whole distepotable monetize.
We tee that the Jolty r, commended the offend.
ex to mercy On what ground, wa wonder!—
When dfd ever Joe Bather show meter ?
Ms not hi. eflicial conduct teen a continued
wed of h*lt•hstided and outrageous aasantts
upoi the tit and the sanctities of
flas not his tangent, bees of the moat rin•
Matra end libations character in regard to every
person who presumed to call in question thepro
priely and legality qf Liia•vouthieo If mercy l•
to Ito aura fed ,ry arrant erica of thM hind,
then, Indeed, will melted:cos inuroph in lila
Planes. They arr. the very cats. to make
examples of, that all that come after them may
take entrains by their punishment, A crime
easiest few, and against the rights end. peace of
citizen., by • Chief ElochtiVe Ot I SW-4 . 1 whio
'Worn to obey me law, and prei•ecthe' citizens,
Ia aggravated to a ten Intl degree dew all com
mitted ty a private perepa. lytten a matt uses
Abt , itotherity the people have confided to him. to
Oppress acid lejore , and to 'ratify plumes Of end
teeny reyeete, or whoa he knowingly violates the
plainest gouges of law and of common decency,
he ought to be the last man to whom mercy should
be extended. Mercy M toe the re ?cued, the ig.
norant, the lowly who has been fed duly by the
force of mirso dloogclieumstancea,--cuot for those
who disgtace the high places w which they hate
been asated by the suffrages of a confi ling, and,
14 the instance, ora greatly otirgMdod people.
4,29529 s 03
3,915.9'4 60
The cinvana of Revehea, Ohio. hive alrevi2l/
(inlayed a tikin co the Cleveland and Pamburan
Rail Read.
.11.011t7111FAV TOUR
'orresgandeure of the Pittsburgh (South,
New You, Dec. 3.
The President's Message, and the reports of the
Secretaries, are the most prominent subject. of coo
venation and comment today. Thetas' memion
ed document elicits unseen.' cemnsendation, al
most, not only because of Ito terseness of style, but
the sound national doctrioesit inculcup,on canal.
• points, where, perhaps, a little executive enlight
encrieni was looked for. We have not yet seen
the Treasurer's report, but there is an Increasing
anxiety in Wall street to gel .• glimpse at it—inas.
much as it is now pretty sauslactority ascertained
that Congress will be called upon for a Irma of eight
or ten millions, to meet the estimates of the next
fiscal year. The speculators, et the Stock Ex
change, are arranging their "cards" accordingly.
A little incident which occurred at the Anniver.
sary Dinner, of the Son. of St. Andrew, at the Ir
vin House, on Saturday evening last, has given
rise to a great deal of town talk ever since, and
ammo say it may even lend to a demand for "coffee
and pistols" for the two personages who were the
actors in the scene. After the eatables and drinks.
• Wes had been pretty thoroughly discussed, and af.
ter *or Henry Bulwar had got through with an eta
'quest speech he made on the occasion. Colonel
Schouter,the well known editor of the Boston Atlas,
rose to address the company, but after two or three
aentences were delivered, lie was insultingly inter.
ranted by the President of the society, Mr. Richard
Irvin, who demanded that the company should pro
aced with the regular toasts.. Thereupon, confused
and abashed, the Colonel, in company of a few
Inends, left the room, amid a stoma( hisses, inten
ded foe a rebuke of Mr. Irvin, who, though besets.
sequendy stammered ow on apology to the compa
ny, and to tho Colonel, who later in the eyeing re
entered the room, tun placed himself before do
community in a light no high minded cattleman
would care to occupy. There is some probability,
regret to add, that the matter will not be permit
ted by Colonel &bonier to rest here.
Tha Methodist Clergymen of this city, Brooldyn,
and Willianisburgli, you will remember, 1 . 1 .4' Put
torch a series of r eso lutions,lpondemoing, In tom,
the Fugitive Slave law, eyed going so far nolo
leave the nnprrnsion, Mitt it their opinion, no
goal Chnstion could comisins ly assist in carrying
it into execution. These resolutions created quite
n breeze at the time, both in toe church and ow of
it. Ii so happened dint there pa a large minority,
who did not egrets in that view of. the cane, and
this minority threatened to cone out with an oppo.
anion platform, unless the majdrity would diitlnetly
say to the public that the Methodist church, in Its
collective capacity, woo not Pledged abide by
the resolutions in question. Another to ling was
accordingly called bon evening, and to day; we
have it publicly announced that the r utions
were never intended to be bolding—thee, eflecii
abandoning the ground they hid original y occu.
1 pied. Thus, we see, there are 'gnat in the
church, as well lin in the Htnitin the nlpit as
well as on the platform.
Moses Y. Bench, a man whom almost ev body
boo heard of at ono time or another—Urn, editor
of the New York Sun, and then as Prmi eat of
innumerable red dog hatikingi estahltahmenta, is
now lying ender a Severe attack of paralysis, from
which It is not expected he will recover. Though
Beach undeniably might have acted more coastal
enuy than he did, on certain °erasion, which Ce•
eared in his nnllnCial is an etninninbie ,
that he is first and foremost among the "beet abused
men" of the day. He has led an eventful life, and
•im greenfly supposed in have more pellOall Ctn.
mien than any other man - in New Work. Never.
thelem, there are many noble qualities about M. Y.
Beacb,but these, it is very probable, this generation
will never discover after he is dead, when they
come to divide among them the half a million of
dollars, or thereab,ute, which 130 iesaid
Notwithstanding the fact that-the almanac tam,
. '9691t "*1.."1",i4b, .1"1/14, .7.,....1 iii 1 , evArti (KRA* IL.KCIAD
arri4l"o4 ig' , Winilii ea 41 •mtoris drs.i ,:,,,. A -- - ' .
4 14, 00 fttaalal of *tY• ' •WllkiVefietc . , fr'h . " Viielt ainnico...
alma. * 4 11 AlsailingaT,
Doestriswi'etis iv • PleeisiegFrosiect if e idi.* '-
---!-- AI L '.`'.ZA=l-14'.11ia11124
the one mew ether. The ollacedUary ands of ' -•••• •
isr4i; r aliii3elirizidekli preTtilicial to m e i : ....-.--36 metros To PHilatUßLiEllin.
al buital ' orthe iv. "king rot &hob. agwo,i, • . 2 4 3 ssau gap Bood-92 ..a. Stagiisg.
Mita lifinatainds fardid te d by t h e t eethe : Gard bock T. lig rapt.* szpreasi /slue
Stage amen
The'afFelaie "Mber.g.k aglifOrthe'Week a i d. QIX Dadyjdnea ar Now - Coulee nir 110Li.i.
leg on Sth o d o y km , i s efeted,th have bee , thee. ...1 Der lung. and rose the r nee
• a t ir New P r a
hundred and aireedi rascixontenly la se ice* , Vat ' , azd VABN,I4I II " • in •
rainy for 6i, mi.,n of the year, w m fore r.
D e ra e lh: r nitpott e lort of Canal Nrigirtilot . six
of nineteen over the deaths for the week meet, * and irrat tang by r ili ZrP fo fasylr ' stai Y a BZI
Cremppg,m, of c 0.., chi me, relatively, th e toad, (= mu.) to Paisdelphla. law through, 36
most Victimshaving forty three on the list Coo. Pre 13 Fi _dsalidos.------1.--V et,"
vulsions, thirty twt.slysentery gireee—ta teeet „ c : .7. b 04, -..--------- -;
( km of thi' tuns. weal on—liatim orda l i mited pre e girsinviaTlß:r z°,11:01,!_""'
sm., Iwo mathed and fifteen; tbe
coma*, elder Tat t 7,l •l ll l° ''"'"' """'• °l ' m ' in
ly natives of Great Britain, Wand aeg Cietib t e e t e t meet° :L''' d lf t lg . *.r a l le , , , l'ut "W ith ''' .
Europe. Passengers tar Baltimore labs the New Rail Road
et Itanignrg direct an the antral of tee alln at than
Theta was a Farewell Meethig al the Broadway place. For PA! ' ■u r.° r igg.m lq! '2' n'r w
Thimmule.b.s... g , kat injjad. and teeth . sv. R. su oßtis•ssr ° ,ot ' ....arie. Rots.,
ere, deieleea for. the itale.l4.di,
...p... b . oi ; g ogi lt: & . R 4 ol.l € llm i lLocou t ral t eia Roue.
Nagoya, in an interior of Africa. Rev. Mr:
ThpaipllCP, who has recently retuned from thil
neon of spiritual and temporal darkness, made a
very interesting address; or rather an appeal far
more help, in order' invigorate the exchequer lif
the milaum. The uge IVas delivered by Rai.
George Whipple. mblicatarim end teachers
under appoinunent to sail for their deituation
The receipts of th Eric Rea Road, during the
month of November, ` ally to be, up
on passengers and d,`B 7 .324 & frau freight,
$ 759 , 23 27— Titsl. 50 .147 . The empts do-
l e
nug the correaidndin moo " re
in 1819, amounted to
5 8 8,052 24, thin silo tog a excess m livorof the
present year, of so, 68. The invei over this
great thoroughfare is e , a n d must continue
logive the road a p ye prosperity which
few *Mu rail roads tt th comity are able to
bout There is some robabi ty tow. I anderstaad ,
that the redo will be 'rough down to luny City
from the preseni ISM lam, iermoot, thus dived.
sing With the steam boat eon ection between here
and there; I
Money wan In good demand, today, though "1"
do not vary from my last violations. There ts a
brisk demand for Western Stocks and Bonds, pre.
veiling al present. E pity in making, by mem
of the leading brokers in Wail street, In relatioato
the !smuts of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road
Company, to be bid for on. Saturday Ilell Land
warrants are held atilllhal2s. Sterling Exchange,
for tramunission bysteamer Manua, which
Ames Ibis port, for Li erpool, to morrow, is held
all lIM 1.2a1004.4 with a very arrive demand.
Tcntotrro Anti Loa HURON RAILIWAII.--Tbe
proposed Railroad from Toronto to Lake Baron ri
now in a fair way of being . i.elt bred by the rode.
fatiga4e clergy of Mr . paproel, who has devoted
his w rope to thi enterprise. The Directors of
the Company hare annoimeed that they're prepa
red to go on with the road, when ths corporation
of Toronto shall decide to loan $400,000.
This they will probably conclude to do, or grant
tfiem $100,030. The pant ot Trade of Toronto
hav egreeomenti s edgratlo n to adopt the latter
. as CIACINIWII, iputrim:4l MID Darius RAM.
war Company have rigreedTto mita their lino with
that of the Dayton and Wiiatem Compeer west of
Dayton, cad depot g maids have been' engaged at
central pow in Da II for the common use, ofboth
large companies. A umber of hands are at Work
on the line Iran Ci innati to :Dayton, and the
work M being pushed' orward quite actively. ;the
masonry mad grading are well advanced ; parts of
the madam balasted and heady for the euPerstruc.
tore; the heavy 'f rail is all purchased, the cross
ties are on the ground ; and everyllfing Is ready to
finish the line early neat season to Dayton. The;
Western road secures la mean. of transit across
Indianan, by way, of Indianapolis, to Terre Dante;'
West and North Wel by way of Gomm - file to
Winchester. It will c linnet also at Dayton with
the Mad 1 • opened
._ .
al f.l try in told
of the IJept
:ity. Some
southern gm. • ...dy and gaunt
a warrant fotthe arms: of a ft/olive, a well known
colored own.
The Marshal took Um urarrata, and under pain of
the penalties In the law I p:46i:domed all chlitillie
in his march: Acting under the supposition that
the fugitive was a law and order man, and %would
come down instanter when he heard of the papera,
the Marshal stopped every colored man he Ebel and
inquired, "have you men George L-4" "No,"
was the reply, "why?" "Oh nothing, only :if you
meet him tell hies I want to see him. I have got
a warrant for his arrest as a fugitive." Either his
brother dickies failed to inform George, or he found
it inconvenient to come, for notwithmending .the
Marshal sent him word by ro many pelmet., .he
laded to appear.
IL lllo ooRAfilfa. 110/11/L INST/T13210111
Of Pitt•bur h.
C. O. f(II9BEY, Paler, W. MAIIKS,enev.
Officc—No. 41 Water street, in the warehouse of C.
THIS COMPANY is no. prepared to inure all
kinds or tithe, on houses, manntaetonca, goods
merchandthe in more, and It transito treamits, the.
Al. ample. plilllll.llt7 for the ability and integrity of
the Inatitatlon, It afforded in the character of the Di
neaten, Who are all citizen. of nutburgh, 'weft and
favorably known WOe eonnotthAY for tha' Prndenre t
Intelligence, and intettntY-
Uthacroa. , -.c. O. Itamary, WE. Darnley, Lao
liner, Jr ~ wohor Bryon. HWI O. Ring , Ykivard
Ilealetten, J(gllt Haworth: 8. Marbaugh, A M. glee.
„tawDU. D. II • IP,
Dantivt.Ccirner o • • anti
t(•rlr•t and r.rr, gad Nasty, between
At Mu ebm ter, on Murals) morning, by Ibo R -
A. W. !linen, Ronny I. 9 1 / 3 1,;011, Eon, to 141
Man J., navel ter of John tinlaralni, rAto
BlOrrj IC.
Mr Ain Um, the connived Jew, will deliver
I...nans on to morrow ennilg, to the Fuer Veen.
Church, comer of Gnat end Ihitd %treason yth
errant cond.tion, end knave nrospee re or the /owe o
BP Toy friends of Willians E. Austin, deceased,
111 find carriages ready at Body Pane:mot", stable,
.4 'too matrons from ti o'eloe until 10 His burial
11.1 rake place on the farm of r. Forward, at twelve
Itellgloa• d lice
Tax Si iv. 'tamp Kemal. it, 4 Newry, lno Home
Altman ariiMlte barb General • trembly, mill preach
in the Firm Reformed Prost/mama Chweh, (Rey. Me
Doopleaal tomorrow evening, at 7 &dock.
A eolleebort will be balm op to aid or the o:obtub
School reenacted with the eheeeb. dee,
casarrir assitozi;
ASERMON will be preached in Bt. Paull. and let.
pusish.. Ohorehos, on to morrow, for the bmwfit
of this inattlation. A great amount of entering
been allerriatod by
dinths innltattOn. over
!mitre teievad ring the lamtwelvemonth.
Donation. will be received in old of Ode chertly at
ma Hospital, by any of the ellugYrnon. or by either of
the followlng itentlemeA Blum P. Muloaney,James
Blakely, or Luke Tanen.
fEr• Diseases or to. Li vex—Miscues of tle, Leser
are becoming alarmingly frequent in the United States.
Feglndeed Were ate few lanai lable divea r soe which are
couneeted to nab way or other with a helmeted
late of that important organ Many Oran complete!.
bleb are usually clawed miler the bead of eon
eruption, have their origin In the 'jiver. -',Any or. whieh would insure regularity and health/hi
piton to the liver, would be a blessing to mankind:'.
has been the eselamallon of tutoring thottaands.
That remedy ha. bile (nand; it to sofa end ewe.
When a fair trial hai been adotded to it, It has never
limn known to fail.
Raeder, have you any disease of the liver, or die
which you believe proceeds from hepatic de.
rangivnent Love not a hut pureham
Dr:lll4,anlYa Liver , w i nd hilt d they 'will re
... you' to health. They are the only remedy ever
yet dlacwireted, whom one I. certain to Girlie, • care .
113"Fot We by!. KIDD& CO,Nollo Wood .0,
Ladisi! Hooti.lllboaa a Hallam
THE ab.hoar ha jou received lam areori•
.:1140kli!Aldie 01 . 111,T 1111 . 42 !Horace° lio-ta Jenny
board Phgeft:4:V.l'PE:',l:ll2::':Cliti:
n ittfg'll 4 l:l:ro
AI.AROr n "1
flua"" I
been as.onamil of OM One be eefel ' ' ,
sold Dural° Baou ra n .b. 1, ---
venni! or Ethel', Buffalo. and Horn Dress - 1 .4 4 a Cti l os " t.V
received and for sale by F fIatATON, '
__________. B 3 Fourth st
8 A c a, . XITONB—noO dos Coat's Bpooln.
.ins, m. rec ' sl:e7tV '"*lhirPaPOrp H
EA T ON, n
C hen
and'/or sale,• lame ornament of
O . and
orp4 Unto. 00 , 10=41 of Gaut, Hatton.
It.iCtent,G474 nvergnacnbliilaterttoghot:t 4 !lank
I karma' copy
P ACKING —.3000 poandi India Rubber Mean Paek•
leg H en received • ' rm. Pecking le prepared en
that 3OU detrain, Pehrenheli will not sleet If, add is
gm th at to attr7 thing Idea, gis no eebsisnes hoe go
math clavicle? wkleo mends ea blab • degree of hem
end may Ire used ahem all parts where packing le rte.
seamy, vlsf manhole plates, gigue rodeolleeni Johns,
man chews, crinder heads, gears bead", /he.
Ncit*co to Stet A1kt.14,r2.
IN Putinanetv'ed the prositiona of the atelier' of
Incorporation, the- Mercies of, the Moot
alders of. the Atemegabont Navigation . Company
- aria be held an !doaday, teaflthdaY or J.warl• / 851 ng the first Mandel of the month/ et
.rk 1
Ike naid company, thTlighmao Hall , corner of Grant
street and 'Dimond alley, Piu•borgh, at It o'clock in
aflarnooni (or Ina parpore of electing. oaken' for
the cniaing year. • WM. ithXEWELL t !key.
dC417411 , 1409
• - •
[Aaahlagton Iteponer,Wayneabarg Demerit and
Uniontown Deane's:, COPY till seed
paper sad bill to Secrete
„ • .
t rALLOW-150brbeyeed iblk day, end for sale by
Oe7 ' • Or W HARnAL'all
Cill a - tilelor.enn. N. u. law. ,
landing tram steamer Memnon, by
Wate, it_
I S, tiC. , 458E13-21 bd. tuT i fo!iile'by
• ,-
Wl*iei itz ` T..d Lard On.
de bill.
Cabal Math..
-.1111 No este for Pam oat re ea by J RIOU'd CO i
GO.___ Wood Alt
i srizei , f 7 2o
ALt d lg bah fur We by
B' deI SPONGE—I tale lac rCc'J for side by
• - . J KIDD kCO
Ccut new crop, J.
received by fde7l f KIDD k CO
bOTITS STONE-3 cuts superior just ree...11•7
deT - .1 )(lUD &
, alanhlain DeoSnag.
UaT received,lsWa tool Vule an.rad lot to Robber Machine handbag, (remit} to le inches wide' The
'oxpetience 416011 ft beet years hat gained tor than
the confidence of the rummers; this, together with
the feet that treat burn...male have been made in
the qamuy, werracts the manufactsiters in eremite
tete be Superior to leather (or all , open bette.mote
especially for heavy or main bete, for the following
I. ill perfect eqoality of width and thleknetw,
which It a iii estates.
tr. No degree of heat, under red Fahrenheit !Aimee
It, and it rental. flexible Is any degree of cold.
3. It O of great strength and durability: don not
s lip. On the poky., consequently a gain cf power is
obtained and when adjusted to machinery sloes not
teeter altemthm, as lathe rue with leather
4. In large belting the cost In much below leather.
• largo enortment always on bend, and ferniebed
arisen lengths, at short notice, and warranted to gi to
sattefaction or the money refunded •
der ' J& PHILLIPS, 7 19 W. 04 21
NUTS—tabrle Ceetante;
12 brig Hickory Nan for sale by
. de* EMIT, i THEWS &CO -
117 PELCIIES—rer sacks for sale by -
viiPfrOt OIL-9 brl v far tale by •
kl de7
B del dos Corn Brooms for We by
• xm N,Y; me l ltlll3VB ix. CO
I V •
V ANTED TO BORROW, 130 nor, 11400 for one,
two, or three yars, for which lawfal I.
and &headstone plessuurn, and to annum the payment
a bond and misname will be 'Oren on a coed brick
lipase and lot not feet on Bath street eau On feet on
ebony alley, or Mus - property Intl be sold at *fair
price, and one half of the purchase money May by
back on ititerOlt. Plum tall at ISAAC MARBIS'
de74llP. Aaenoy & IntallMe cc e efEme, F 1( at
ANTED, places for several aced book keeper.,
Tr: salwaren, atwol mamma, warehouse men.
eat elimen and laoring area, and slumber of bo) a of
all ages Also, good Cooks, house keepewebeatber.
maids, wet nod dry auras, woman and girl. of a.l
data 1004 applied. Money borrowed and tem.
rare,, borne. and lOTA sold el rented. PletilE tall at
ISA AC IlaRRId. Ogles,
firth meet
VCR SALE—Whim oisville time, he the barrel
r or retail; 150 veil , cheap Wooden Bowls; 5 bat
01 Mil:Urines; an the Morning DWy , and • rarity of
weekly Pinar ore., and camera, western, northern
an southern newspapera A Winery of Alriwitea
for lOM,I OM, abd • law hooks; 0001 Mira. , fire editions
of his Pittsburgh Dime torie•from lea: la lett, TA doe
lead Aurelia ; • LeMperilitiCa chart, • &w maps and
patient, for cob cheap by ' ISAAC liAtiAlS,
declui3t* t Falb. it
SUOMI &bIOLASSESIIUibds rla , ;. crap Sc i gar
lending k. hemmer WeibtigtobeP,Pontret°"
E-- . 134e3 Carolina Thee for sale 1CE—.154[3 ,
IF.AD&EIROT-11 , OVA Gu akna Lee
'and ferzalkby .4.ll;glllfingllfrollittlth
HA:NVAILE PAPE.R.BnocrgraifilMri
. good me dium;
r.... 1011; oTs w .re by
ANY person oridlizaz b engsgo 10 tike Millingtbuel-
pa... 1 ha., of a very desilable pp peels Or
appbetwou to •—• MI :1 JOHNoTON, .
." 11.9 terond rt
, reis Silks end Satins
0 1' ...." 1 1 0 7 , uutlinclading; French Grey TOSI
e .. mus, rode, for bloats and manullas, bred by
dad N. B ecy. Fourth tr-rdarket ea
LLud Blows de Lli/111111.
A N en,Bely new and bend.= style—a (eve Nen
11. int* reel/red by MURPHY & BURCHFIELD
Lang *hawis
TUST [Toiled, anoiber.a I
I ) a. . mukli4,27rgirir.'4Y
p INDOWOLASS- 3o boxes assorted eixes, ally
brand, jadyeeeived and far *Oa by
RO I L 4 bUT :P ER—Iit brls prime, reed 16. day by
FAA I3 dr W lIARDAI/00
2.1&w HAI.
brla eau& family, for sale by
dea' S_MLV 11.111131,V011
CArdtiRiLEY.-.-Dlppedand Maid:,far *are by
S TARCH—t 4 bzo No 1, to etorset------.
A N Nt-------- -- 3 & % '..
i 100
oon•l`oment, by It7CItNN111"0161;
—3 O Um for rate low ---
No Libarty sr
TO6R—ssoo togs inui. blasting. Hazard ma mire
8.50 do do. Deer Milo, do
400 de do Ky do do
Igniter, do do do do
trtal do do Door Jo do
11; ' now stored in
Jae: no, and for oak Sr lolooti rates, by
don . J DILWORTH to CO
A NEW attiele. recently Invented as a substitute
torSpenn Sod other Oils. It is compounded or
vegetable extractiohe mostof which are casential
oils, and ernl not explode. It has the appearance of
clanged Spud but burns with • touch mre
brilliant gam., hae no unplusam smell, well not o
doublydoll blTaog cloth, is math deeper Wu otl. and I. free
Or nun, at an expanse of from to rent per
nom try danger of es.losien. It burns brilltantly,
von' a eleu, .Icady light, without smoke, areal!,
hoar. It un be aryl t: any common_ oil lamp, will
only the addition of a new lobe, the expense of which !
will not tiered IN tents per lamp.
The •bdu, tegether - wn4 the Lamps, Tabora.,
and directions for unng, may be bad of.
lYbl A : 1110CLURO k Co
dolt gn6 laberty
LOST-41aneka Rock Roil, nippnea to be iakea by .
OckMae !rout die landingg. Of atrambeig
&Co 21 Weal at.
Cultism, lizanraatotr,EGlDP4Prr
AN Election tor billE DuCCIOII., W il l be. held 21 the
offtre of the company on Monday, the loth of
December °latent,- between the hours of 12 bl. and
a Y.MII ALFRED W. 111 A RES, Soe'S.
X 07102.
frE folloviina ,M•rked goods Lava been lying in
Our erazahoaae a long lime; the owner. will
p call. pay Omen and late them away:—
Samuel &Idler, Jr. & Cn,; •
Gideon Swayne, I do;
C. A. SicANCI.TY l CO,
-• Ilsll9 I
1 INBEED 01L—1.5 bole Griswold.. brand, for male
I t by deS
tram.° wy —.Jo tots pima ler sale by
j dell J li CANFIELD
- ...... _
B EMB-4 tools for ralo by
ROLL DOTTED—g4d a (r
d d eti, clothe;
0$ kegs do do,
3ortu do do; for said by
(111fEESEi—iOra bx. prim,
• 100 bx. cream', fa thic by •
CLS II 2IISEED-ti Nib for We by
'booking Wines sad Ussadier ,
Fps SALE fiy the quart, al Morris & ljass'orth's,
east szde of timDismondt
Llatao . eta per quart
Raisin Wino eta do
Idaseatel.—...... ---•••••21et t t do
Pare Grape Juice ....... eta do
els do dat,
Prapiaria tor Ohy
MORRIS! ll&Worru, the nhumma, mu , for
sale, by mall—
Ftenah Currants.— —lO eta yet lb
Plao Malaga Ralmita•—••—•—•••lVl eta do
Vest Valencia Raisins — , l+m. do
Thew Ralaina:ate free from mews or dirt, ready
lot nat.
— ^ie have also. -
— We have also. Citron eel, Candied Orange Peel,
Candied Lethal Pea. • Notmegt, Cloves, Cinnamon,
Mane, Oi nee r, an. del
Irish Ana Seagate Whiskey.
WARRANTED PONE—Yriee SY VS per gallon, or
eeme per guar, for sale by
des In the Dlamo Oll
del sar& it—roVVlPalcigictra:T
Cot. Flat &Wcod via
61*. gENEGAL.:34I4I.I34;II4Iiii
AX-3, 0 16a for
ask, b
- .
SUILA S C-25 E.p Eleil t pp r it i e lAmHeiii coy
finti *
ind Aa ' a ki
:i dts - svM; BAOA N L6Yt qpj
PgARL ASH-10 cask Dick* "
tORGEhiCE—id Packed • '
10 brlic do
- Ulf Roil do. •
acct. Feadieriiiior fry •
des • 51 A F&IIN for
.oelf m
TVtABE , Pw9TE--lo p =e roieele i
U: ae.
__ - — tRNE~Iy j
• strabnikkmai!
ilroirst_o; ski/know as Palen:jut in aO4
if • Goo Mons or gampthisfen Mote, by a 'ionic
man &wn 'van' excellence 111 bemuse, of linttly
txnaverata bablis, writes a sand 'band, and le a fair
iletelmlarst II Sitialatory reference given.
Aaron 0 t ll,ofdeen( Ude sane,. &tut*
Piushtugh'Casyr NOL.29tlii%O.
Tri/LTllNG.e . sOetrissented mith “Tta Indio* Dna
Separator" at our mills, the result on eleatilat •
cpearmity of bra% and shorn - has been the ezattettoq:
of at least two warned half horde flour out of the .
one kandred bamlt of flow, ar fa lieu pro.
• Fecto the petfeethtwof owe:much ry, and shiner
one miner, we were In St/ suppose that ao with ovaxt .
tit, of flour esald be led In the oratts tin such Is the
taco We hems no hesitation La oronannelas this
machlce toperiareo soy we base yet seen. 7
• '
• •
N David Mead. owns; the right to therVifitern .
Die of Rennoyenuala kir dm *bon marldn . lirod
. Wallace • Prttabodyth has been ere and
40 b end routine. The right of the &Mem et
' of MN Slab hod been mkt to two gentlemen of this
, m
„ AIL C. Learned, patentee '
and Ger! A Reynolds
will 'here Oho /mac cc It .Non Liberty streeti'ltdar
W W. Wallbees, for a few dol. eddy, of whotoblln
right to New Tort mod Immo two other Statsa out be
pardned. ; Gentlemen who Row to matt meaty,
will ilea,. call end see If. de hat •
rilaY PE&CIJr.9-10 tar tor ace by .•
das • • - ; :14 2 31.11. JoHNSTON
ONEpUNYING 110p5E: . 12p1 . 1 .4 for sale by
30, „CA
pyRYPER-1..0 bag+ kr aie by
Al 11b 0 ALES' I d 0 ;.
ftWoodst •Z.
• A ¢.4--.M bria Loyeting'icreldadV•
brill Lortairgry. and Bbyiurs
• palverised.
Foiiiale by 30 brig Oats & L'ine's po.1•51:
_ deo. • Wl5l BAGAI.KY &CO
• .Clilsons, Imainaatri Ceikipaiiy. • •
TIME Direetore Ibis Inititution this ditydel•
1 elated a dividend of Theo Dollars per skate,-
from rho earning of Mir company sitee the 40th Mani lon. to be credited to lbw sobic Options ad*
nook/olden. Ily order aftbe Board. deekdlw
ALFRen tY amass. swr:
G`',mi 0 . 8 141° 44,.=;,rattrstat:
the lowest plugs. • nafl
• Gold end Silver Pencils and Pen Holden in every
Seal Swope. Folding ICnlveravniz. Wrioting.
aUWCA --. 2 , aat.
ikAA,O by
-dctlto b.r. maimed aizeg.: :
'TyLIAM---... 1. b . ~. y ~• • ,
. _ ~ ... .. ._
— '•ii.o6/1.,-50 has teceived km ula by —•,- . •
• • : SHRIVE& & DARNIII4I'.. •
xi . C IDEIF
ed e p for
Si' 'VEIL by
DY.APPLES,IOO but reeciyea forget by
del - SHRIVE( & RARNE3
HEY-100 bee received tor Cale by
.O. MOC:ASSE9 -15 brig
77.Tkund foilare b,A Mt
JAM'S A. ntrremsoN
„RS: MARI& CURTIS, formerly or Centre eonerT
1. I Pt, veil hear of emetkiar, to ter letereet by
liftoff the aruietalgned. Any penal, acquainted
r or _by Infonriteg her ,of
hie 'h y
c h ile e7 l eir i in;orreing nter * 47tr her rendeoet. ”.
de3 ', ' 4( trend on . ,
-•-- - - -
11114/10 11FORTLIEIGTON. - • '
'INFORMATION of hue Worthierte o f
.1 Weetchester,Vbei.ier minty, P., wilt ' he than k.
Cully received by Wilmer Wonaington, M. 13.,.Weei.
cheater; Ye. • de.l4.2vr: •
[Chillicothe (Ohio) Weekly Gazette wil4leatecopy
three limes and cbarge thla office J- • • . •
.. L'itie,ECT .
N 4armisa Ourzottar a ..mitosAtat
Ma. MATHEW A. EBllif windenver a coarse Of
Lecture. nun Jewish Inner> indlerotaieni,
on FOttral 817 ctly . 00IPMVItiryi the evening, Doer cud,
at 7 &elect. , ,• i •
Admisaion =,, emus; children half prie l .e., Ticket's
can be had at Kars book marg.& O.Slockton'a boot
more, Weaver's Hotel, and - at the doer.
Il_er hm — s the el diens in the folloWleg esnideamin—
uMr.enf.A..iterk, a Christian brulne, and a native
of Poland, who has been Lemming with eminent us e
eess In the eastern cities, propeam iii detour a
of LATILMt Ili Lafa)elte Han, on She anbiett of the
Pas Htory, PrefentConditlon,anuture Prespeeni,
of t h e n wish Nation: „Peon the ere .favomble icatif
moniais torbith have teen presented ns frum emir,
men and 017101 , 1 who base attended those lertermi
we bate- no hesitation In cordially skeenneending
them Mine citizens of Pittaborgh •as well calculated
to •fford them n i.. ; small musette of entertainment and
Instruction. ,
Theodore EL man,. IS. E. Babcock, . .
D. H. Riddle, 1 , Edward Blzhest . '
Francis Herren,' • 'W. A. Peutvw.t.l . i
Flom Bea. C. W. Quit k, of Pt. Andriiiii Churelc- , 1
v . Pittsburgh, Nov. DI, DO. '
“Alr. M. A. Berk formerly deliecred. his aeries of
Lectures on Jerusalem and Jewish fliatory, iti my
pariah He was beard valid deep interest, aid gave
thehighest satisfaction. All who attend his lemma
may be ame of acquiring o seMI Infers. non '. •
Lecture. on Jewish Dietary, illustruted by beim*,
fel Oil Painting., representing Ancient and Alesdani , .
Jerusalem, and otter *Little of interest. den
J -
AMES A. Matill3HTAge al Markel street, bail,
dud treeivad from rho New York A a ttion s, a beau.;
Wet let of BROCHE LONO SHAWLS, at Green,
White. Bide, cud Scatlet middles, .04..1 ea
1 wl. ` •
The hoods be and a simile o 25 per cent:cheaper,
t__han they emu be purchased ia the city. daTdat
L on,- , B e eth, Noi ; ‘ l R i ‘ ----- ' ,-
"'"i cubed for es by ;72 S _ , an.,
ded ,
Wood st ,
fIopERAS-10 Orli An received (Or sale Yoy
V de3 , •
-a E ST" LEER'
--._L________—_._._. •_____
—e ent pat a o
• ell Wool u
MEL§ p b'y
• W &
iTei - for ageTbf
111_, je.l • SII RIVER & RILAN.ES
Tobacco, snorted brand t bn
SNgIVBRk BilitnrES-
FuTisa—ruu W ecu and ewT. DL Hytum
1 Gunpowder and Blank Teas reel for sake by
BHHIViEbiI B&BNES"6'("--"bri"gilE.l BARNES,
A. L 7len —t" ""."'..4ll ll Wirfr. BARNES
WISEBEL-5041."ettsi vrier
BUlTrWood at
. brie mini jNollltitelloreit4ll4
vr2—tio bos ebestunts;
15 lab, Hickory Note, in store, for sale by
Fly — Y. ~...~a~..~z — y
~~Q E —lac .. ~aR tc f or.ale Lj'
I—'. pan in Store Iwo iqr ogle
axpausi pecicer Lisa
TlLT:tfrgelftle„e,:ittgiVll.j‘V* tpca
,iruoL,DoarTge, apply at thrtoLtle.lll4llnmallela
Canal Sas*
Cloths. ALLlCasteris Jobblail.Prleisk
A IA PIECES illack and Fancy Colima. Prod,
A lc , And &WWI Cloths; . Pdot, Cloaking six, Drab
eloth., inn odenC 4 l by AA. MASON CO,:
• 01k 61 ft
at .
Co' race of Third and Market stream
The eel* Channel Incitation of the CM to reau'i
John Fleming, Principal learracior in the'Seienere
of Accounts. .
O. X. enamberlin, Prefasaor. of Penmanship, We,
coon lo Computation, An. • ' •
Al, Si. Watson, Erg., teetarer on ea mute rt4l
mo wer.
The tonne of nation includes Book Neerdet
nod tts ongleturn to very branch of busdneuy Ise,
lures on Commercial Law and thwamercial Seamen,
renwtoothiPt Mar mule Computation. le. •
Students can enter the College It ItOP Ittua.and,
when entitled, will reOeire a Inplema,signed by the
Faculty sad Exaudolo r CommlUe. . ad .
- ..
Iron and Britla
IMMO DICRIfY CO, 'agent. for 91eylit;kit
in„, work., up proposed to tll orders, ft MAD.
tuctocers , lowest ales and olist alley u food ao an 7
In too city. Firatchour 119 WatiT at and JO7 Plant
C littg rae salIT - 7 - - •
W T. itir— a brio Mum roltale lirl------ '
—_____-_ • 9dt lir tialits.,.__atan
OFFISE 320 ban life;
20 bait. Utrirryn ;
ID big ' j t a vv. Ta
: 1 4G
329 Mtn/ 0,
•:Detests leoponals
:10 anal! Glinpoorder
20 On bx, Young ItyAni
gni lb lizu !do do, rre ton solo br
W; . ll_4_3W)Mg
ClllllB DOM, AMOUR 111111114%
_ saurt l ir Ural*,
Oyes co FRIDAY St-nisei DeeriitkiW
AND onArilmirl fin a ikon wrisikaitke abOT•
Hai %int be thamlighly reerials4 sad
angld afaPeea , Ima nuea ivr Ow twain st!:1
calebnited mks *IVOR&
Illobratimiatigultimmimews Gnomon ite
Halifax, the Allude, Llverpoid,
Frites th Ttuunes,',llming Win Sftddlia, assit
<Sidles wish a anynalicent 'slew of the
Williandilllnisdaiited, end bail* banks et thebeaatilal
ay yryfait, -
Theta, Panorama !sir exhibited. Dallied by
Walter N. Payee, Ireal *still:to! 'kettls' takes by
himself, and witch occupied three yeah - la proper-
This bemire) weakest llft wee eibitlled ittlimint.
Philadelphia. Balomere, Wubinsten and NSW Yak
wllll eartralleled immeasei Mid
wards e 3300 1Mzimne.. • ; • - '
The *tate: be de 'lambed by Wallet Bays,
Professor Ines will pmide the ltnisd USN'
Wade Porter made trpreggsY lot Mr•SM., 67 the
celebrated maker Ilmeche oilben, et swoon. •
An Eshibition every %fathead., and , fliutirday
=aataa dmiss6i, 25 came. Childs/a, Oder it Penn 1,
aw ell 'Min lat Gn will *Pen I ircloek; Panoraida to ailn as 7
k linoi—lu Ono. asteru Ns I;
ItS brk No 2
•. , .
..:'/GO boa emoted - . 7
'• 21144 Pickled I.lqtrliosi.foi.aii
r 4.2
L c . 1, 1,, F 2 9U . 0 /111 , 72.5b14,17 .lli
.Ijlloo/49-103 Apt cora biooMA fery pf—
. 114 0 'de! • • A :CUNNINGHAM
ARD 014 , 30 Dila bait 'tamer. fai - •
Gry-"I"I. 4 LLAC-.2 cast • A 4111.511? ••• '
deg -• • •
.p4sTE r s br. .
co . •
„, ',
-- . 1. *soil
X SORPHINE-45 oz for Web y.
/Lt de4 .• .• .:.;/ sotictointaiicit
("muse-4(04. for
‘1•-, Mer VON UONNIIONNO &CO oop. for #akt
.1E11100,48-1511)410s for sa.e LY,. -
8 F. VIM. HONilllOßErre CU
totr!Tß--10 brie patkid; - .
up —,-- 19 Rays tar sale by ;
F 1102 D El F. VON 50NN1101997/9-1111
10E11-0 brbi erab ahlor,Joir reed for oshi by
soh9 .9101VER*11A1INE9
MasaaniurA GOltuctic,
Prot wan.
J'TIMM received
_:Zanta Cirraata" • Sultana 'Latina',
Seetlatus Carom.
ante _ McCLIIRO a co
OCOA EIBELLS,A flash nypli for we by
~p 29 WM A bIetILVIIO ;CO
REIM LOWITERB, In beratetealll acaled ann.
last ftneli•ed and go sato -
• Wilt eCLURG lk CO
WA[ADfc,w .bT Co
RAISINS --too big now c i r s ozahh e dgdri . V :
• • 'Waist k From sig.
„ . _
LaAlga , Dress Mks:
WOW, aPix MaTP&Y & Barehesla% earth oat „1.1 !Corner of Forma Pluket Grotto, a
aartiaeut of aboyeAroodo of. 'at weal:maks iimaraor
de.irahle Colon . • •• cuAstetEurr TOR a97N6,
In eladidg Frer Et Ora., and other • oil rabla abider:‘
Also, Caaataabla PapLait at Iv low pries for,
Saoeß I .IIOLISSES-47 bb 1. twoi,n,
34 brio now erop Afigamii
a11:46 kr solo BROWN k. KIS lITATBIck -
'STRAY DOO. - • •
rtAn to thcoobscribetSitbool tio ants 4tt:lt.'
i i i -a. l ;,..Nitife r t_ljt , o_o r ogej owl ok:t
I tr
- Ad.,w,
. ,1.011.. xoti Voi
A LL pencils IndebleiLto the mnsteop Wm Witon,
LA &teased, will tall on the andeisemed i anil make
payment, and those having . claims smuts , the matte
will present Melt meounts, dal, aulbentleatedilit
settlement:. . ADAM MIL. SON. 1 44..7 ,
mits43tawfner - CALVIN ADAM,' .
A maw a a a jirnii y
Work, Dy 4 Pat games.
A . 81)08 of the Passion.' Br d P. U. ilium, Eat.
Lok. /itastrated with armee spleiktid steel env" atIP
T Jaat ?X f.17.!1.7: tr." TIM It_ "
nod .• • Jed Ito Huddle Varna at
! j tier T00ei0747..,1 rli• - o . pet i rg " :1,1,-,., 'f..
new pods, aomletine Muerte. • • , • ..' '
, M
et t e l irTergot a l i st *jtiel'ele Piano
One elegant plain rosacomer, MIAMI sehtiteite--/;:.
N es
am 6f octavo Pianos. made by Ihnklult,'
he n. a /wrier inatmateem, and very low plead. r
.Als * a :lot of superior 210104,0004 1 : 12,1 0 b 7 WI"
original Inventors , Carba.di k Needham, New York,t
and Ile Ploool2ems, for leanly of 01120i01., sweets:,
umararef tone, cannel be drilla& .: ~.. , . ~
AB., a doe lot of Brass Increments, Violins, att. .;
'Lc79 ID H. ELEBER. Ban of the Uokive Hera''' . .
De Liiiieta-Ciiib,enereeeZZeitiet Seib's -
1 F„ cASES Hold :Medal, hlauchower . and Umnillon
/ V De Leine! and Cesbmerea.recerves and opening ,
tam they at • ••.4 A MASON& OWL
coin ,•.• , o2k. 61 Market a 1;•,. • '
sturglir • , ... .g—Ade pedalos 161
. :
_we l mimes • •
, . •• No 263 liledeson arm, Nero York, I
T i go m sa ti :j abg I :ti li att g ittnt i" le a e7:r on o a t O il f i 1
• th at hesitation, with whir h a new ~lisl e is brought ••
• before the public. The, esperienre of year has es , ,
*tithed their auperlotity beyet..l , a 1 ~ , 1. 0£0.4 £ £
Mr eatt fi deetly reran to the mauve." of those ban—
-020162p, who have used then entre loves, and to hie
'MIT tneteasing sales, es proof al their eteclieneaf '
The follow/nears a far sat the remora, for th alr pope • - , i: '
' In .(10 ilia place oaeopied by thirecal a peracte seep
have his mese, besiness. and addrew,conspletteualy -,
and beautifully embened; colored or plain. thus a.f. •
• fording perfect vacuity against inked. 2•11. The En- - ,•
velem-, tanner be opened without being destroyed. , I
34. Neither traz nor vraisra we t squired towel them. t '
en. tip. tho g• of a letter the seal Insure.. r
its immediate mune to the sender being]
1,021 ed months In the In l Letter Office. - , Mb. Tbe '
•Envelopo are famished , I almo•t Me same prise as 1
01400 eon, dth. Each toter mailed JO a molt edketbre .
advertisement, sem to unreel the attention of all • r
threeith .bbee beads ii leey P 22. Tbe follearintis
a lin 0fp0... for Bios , orthvad unbars , end whit h
, will Int for )earn and si Envelope/rot the usual sire,
either white or half, of good paper, and made le above
With name, address, lee. •
: • Priers of Die. • Prices of Envelopes made' • l
20 letters or Isee •/.•• SI to • • eta above . ••• • , ,
3'Mt to 30, .. , --/..•—1-. sli
D ec0.....:...:.1......... se ou
a 0 to 43.•,...«..--,—. 6tb e 011..... ••.- ••••••,• 7'q{..
oro 60.;.,.......--• hit ..IMli ............... .10la •
6o to tat. . 4000 ..... •• .- .. la Co •
. , .... _
•60 to 100.—.4 /....•.• le le Leett ....... --• ••• /5 llet •• r
, • When It I. not eoeveuteot to forward anlonial Of t.
. °Werner mailer uremia a re , er/ ncc to a reaptelnide ---- :
New York Mu* will be ruSelent. All erects will
meet with prompt amour% if add: eared. - . ' ,'•
• . • - : sfa Madison tit New York.
. •
• Olden will: be attended . to promptly at the
troths of hi linen 8. Slott. ml Wall mee t , or of. •
Wawa H. derolitean k'a Olt William *Vert. •' r:
N. E hattaince. Card. abbot:ad in calor. from rl
same thes,•al Stapes th ousand • • .11T:dam . . •,'
I ; Zemke illniselor Trout 'Salmon.
3V ft
r king Co: These fah raced, in inifirto.
.io , n e. leare i r L ltt . e z a k tn i. d y ni:,
- glutei atter
tit,c;stitT affirla--Vti ,
'if the man who does not appreciate the Maury of an
asrahaver If any them be, we Jo not addr e s s, our
elate to Itho. • Bat to all other. we silly, If yea wok.
o render shaving I pies/ are, purchase • box offults ,
11romPs " 4 hound Pistachioor itmlnoslal• Shaving --
Greions. It is utterly lan...Mk to hod Weida trr de.
scribe the feelings of • pernOlt who has been used to ;
fTtitt '4'. A% 7 ::::b r iV , ; , 7::`,7:471:4:11. 4
• ~ JULD3 114 EL'S SHAVING Chr.4lll Clete&
lusty emelliest; rendering lbe, stiffest sod moat wiry '2
'beard soil and pliably plodueing an admirabl e ho e ,. , ;
and by tie extremely mild wine allaying all Inlet,.
don, and reventing - that unplearont and miff feeling
ethos akin whirl Is so often est trimmed after shay- t ..:
mg. Gentlemen using fele. IlsomPs Moving Cream '
:= l ;.litft,'"4.°,":iit:: fit"lin, = l ll4 '.
chopped.' And there Who - once use we can wifely .'
gAry will never UN ally other. ir,
• :
c.toe greet advanuote, whleli'lstll be espetiallyep, ' :'
preeisted llf thole Who wear whiskery a the fart' 4
rthat It wilt tom &motor tl e Lewd, which moo mime, ' •14
di" do7lll7l:ri.leri;',.°' ',7:7Prar,neet°'"' :3
arr delight/LI li " ' Itell =ilftllflr," '
to the otter J:ehrkt :`; . ":1raTZ.,..k.J.,.., ~,, !,'
i n the operation of rhyming onplesmant, sod Will ''• ,4
Prepared only appreciated tit all lobo make trial of them, •.• •
i JUL fIAtIVI., Perfumer and Chemist, t
• • . . IMI Cl
amant at , Phila. - - '-.• i "
For saand le, wholeude and retail, hy B. 4. Fahnestoek -; y
k Co.. peg h; and Jo ho Stonell .
andd d. klitelteh rAlleh - - 001412 i '
__.._._;;;_______._.. •
ea.& samansar wt.,
,ttrouLD eo'ialt the aitenther of Machte hew
_OF ell *netball Go
d. e cowers, to their looms &
Brost ertiew Fall Coed., , ecpi the Iciest arid "
"lost COlii complete augmen 111 the wealth thrown
173 outs beet Estee Prints;
, • It do !throned •ad amerthins Gloshalson
as do *thee's., Parensaitha. and Unlace; •••
37 do Catheter. • and At Leith; •
45 do .Salliteth dearth
99 do, I:3l7ths wid Canimerifig
90 - do „Bled Mutin
60 bales Flann ache els, WI eon:mg
fiches% WI gnaw;
d. Bro* Merlins, boa wakes. I t
Also, cam arid otelnides of NIB, BlittslaMitie
Goods, hfullierry do, Tailors , Tirlathease,...
Lazes, Basler? add Glen, /a. • :
Blenheim are mane, hem tli:L,t et
this establishment , of always pi It o bum not
wow Wearable seeds , and preen se doom and own
rufleathent horn . Beleir mariefeetortheleteath.,
few lathe evaluates of 1 enne•tie Geed., they partleisc
larly eollelt the Were of werebba is kr domestic.,
deliverable in tide clir •I eve ea.. price they are
sold it In easier. clues. Aferrbabis either Lard or
'tinniest from the cut, are inveed to ao exandoasWe
of th eir smock. A • IllASOlath 00