112!EZE ESTABLISHED IN 1786. • • 4 1LI3IIED DV •Vs H ITE.k CO. v. R. IRRIT , I Is- a.m.. SARSTTZ THIRD llTRitr, Tint DOOR TO 111. ran OryrCy. • I.• .---17,00 per ante 1-41-tYee.• -.—• 5,00 o -.•. ;Cr Coal 4i wt....duet:l rats.: UV) CA OF A DVEUTUITMOI Af,IZEED UNON UV Tl Z PITTSUURGII FRES3 r' 10 , .0,110 lir.eo of Nenparell or 1e..) one I .rertat , l,•—•—•—• • -•-• One :Soo: . e. each add:donor intettlon• • • 0,03 line meek , •-• . 1.75 w i v Du. ti rev 4,•* Itotno one oltrith—•-- , --••••• 6,00 Ito months— —•••-• 0, three month..._. —••-• 9,00 r/, font months ..... 10,00 Do lot month•-• 13.00 0.. metre months••-• 44, 2 ,. ( di e , C o rd (a lire. or per annum- 10.00 One Starc . ,::,en2, able at Warne (pet am Pam rreirot,ve of the popor•--• ....... ddmp For earl, additional ..do are, banned over oh. Vannth. ono (ot earl, Ott titn.n,l oquare to ,, eeted under the year ly rate., hoir prier. Jdreet.chterds crceedtog ♦',mare, and Orderer afteru floe., to be ehnrgnd nal square and a halt Pablialirra not aernentable for lent advertisements Gerona the amount charted for their pubtreation. Antanmeing earalidote—firr ooitr, (0 he charged the tame as other ed.< rti-rroria, Adv•thweattnts not thArkrA nn the ropy fur A peel ittlf !Matter Cl inscrti.n., w ll Lt. runtsnued ttll and pay:arta elm ad brew., That pnylltAr .1 of yearly th.:v. - thleth wdl Le confine) rthidlyto 'belt }collar banner., asul All Labor ' adv., tlaemenN nut rertaininK to their rtvul•r hustness t as timid ItA;IA Itc paid ..stra. All •dtetth..ent. :an chianinble 11111.11.1 r, fire copathoa ward, tuwiAtip otherpfiblic rucetinAo, att such ht.% t. et.hreed prlce, payable strictly tdtehnt.e. Mammy notice. to be charged .513 cents. Li Death matrelimeord without ch. We, unless accom. Puolea lioool.l ...don. of obituary notice., and when. ACewal , •nied to be paid for. ' laragulas solvcrto•er.. and .11 ottcrusendiag comma- M0u1t..., or re:tuning notice. &maned to rail mien. non to Fan, :tone., 4:maven', or any pall Ire enter taint:lento, wt. , to eriueec. are wade for admittance all nonce, planate as•oriationa—every notice de wiped Co P.ll wt:eni.On to private etiterpt.3 ea calcula ted or intended to ;immure tediVidual Hatereet, can 00. ly be I.e.:cif with the undemanding that the came le to be pact bib It intended to be in.e nett In the lo cal column, itie .Imm - will be r hafted at the rate of tt not tat tuna It. cents per Lae. Bishop or El.t Mace. to LE caarrte.l triple ;girl. Tavern Licence Petitions. IN each. art Legal and Micheal adrertmemenza to Ia chmacil at fall price. Real Fatute Ageole and Auctioneers' advt.'s.- meats not to he etawed under yearly Falco, but to an allowed dlecnuutof thltty three and onethitil percent. h 4 / 1 1 the amount 011,111 s. WILTELT Dllll NOM. One Nwere, dree Inzertions• Do. cad. adelnonal tnrertlon. • :17 ALViiiluninn to Winn nano. One 5,...,0,110 n od one lneetuan.-01/ etc na llionsl.inerilin• • — ln •• I . “ All tram. nt eavernesmeete 10 0 , / pail In n.lraere. tVIIITIS A CO, °rani., 1. 11AIIPF.11, Pao. V Roll . l` /111)DLE, Juutnal. IAhIES I'. BAHR &CO, enronle.• tine 11111 - I . IIR A. I:ROMER, llospaleh 103 SNOWDEN_ I%lereuey. J W. DIDDLE, Aoe neut. 111.11Ah1 11AINK,Overung Tobunc Prrnartoa, DC,. I, CARDS. -- JWAPI A. 'PARKIN:4OII4 .1 ♦ 1-DERALAN, 11:tb tVerd, re. etre,. b,,,, w ,, la &flora 11114 IV Alto. All Luelace,,Foulptly at , male ALL:IAN/OUR M. IT ATb/r, ATTORNEY AT LAW —Oat., on I , rat suree above Wood .E . , oltio .__-- ._ • DA VIC C. I.I.ITTLIC. ATTORNEY AT LAW,. and Curatedeeionar le r CllRsylnula, At. Lome, Ale. AllcosomunienUone prareptly answered oetlOTy -__- .IAIIIIIOI3 AITORNEY AT LA w_...ow nn F oonn , betwese Scr.sllated aad Gract, spin -17 • Junk 11. 1141/11E.111, ATTORNEY and Coungellor at Lay, and Commis doter for the State of PenntiyiTanta, St Louis; Ito, (late of Pitiaburgb..) Refereneea—PitHburgb, lion. Forward, Hamp ton & Mtller , Mleandlega I. IteClaie, Jahn E. Parke, diesels & Semple, McCord & King. a0r,14-17 • • BIDWELL 00 VORINAILDIffO Gliugvas, P. (Smith's Perry Pow o f .) Having percanently located at qua place, o war and subotautial Wharf Boat, we are prepared to se ". telex mud forward promptly to all penal,' p a rho river, and Beady sad Beaver or Ohio C. Co. & Glasgow, June 15 —Jcld eAeILET. Loan N. Colayv w. e. IVOODIA•10-•-•—•—tAL/lit.eaLri. BAGALEY, WOODWARD & CO, Whole id Ciro tors, No dB Al at, Philadelphia. ars4 Antasblardala , • DENNETT, BERRY t CO,Lianufactortra of giati' psi, Bloacklag Poss./ors, Mariano and &dramas Leads. Warehouse No—. Water street, below Ferry. sloadAly Frodenek Brawl. George Reit,. ORAUN h WEITEN, Whof•aala d Raall DTP, glib., tomer of Liberty and t. Clair sanely Pitt i• h, Pa. e (1 A. hisSINULTV a CO, rommirding V s mission histrLanm, Canal Immo, P 1,4,137,11 J. R. GRANT, W Groot r, g„„rx Forwarding Alcrchant, No el Waters, Pitt, Carib. =RI Ira ftersay•--•lindrcor alerning H. I Fleming PLEINING t CO., cOMMISSION MERCHANTS—For the ..le of la, inewle.Woolen. and Canon Goals. x 1.3, doCer• in kinds of Tailors' Tonal:rung s, No Ig'i Wood at, Cal door from Fifth, Prit.tai rah . Reference —M corn. Wm. A. 11,11 di Co, Renters. jenlll ••11111.1• '3".“ BA lUD 6 IRVIN, 011IMISSION MERCHANTS anal Ball Bragg, • , C No 111 Second ansei, Pittsburgh. aug: WIC B., "Alta J. ••.11117. ENGLIsII ar. LIBNNETT, Bute Gualigh, Gallagher Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Corantilf I. and Put warding Blerehants, and dealer. in Produce and PO.. Garet Nanulatturria, N 0.77 World at, Lamm, nd sad W stream. he,! FWM. JOUISTON. ORWARDINO & COMMISSION ME Keil ANT No 112 Second .t, eiroburgh. me& noun w. rooturmul (4... ors v. 11.141.03 EL. W. POINDEXTP.II.Or, CO.. 9ENERAL COMMISSION •nd bier chant. told FAvur Doti., No 1.1 Matitel creel ladelploa. CEEINE . . TOBACCO CuIIIIIIBBIOA DIBBCHANTS. Ne. (I North %Vottr Street o Nu. 16 North Wharves A. J. Boom. PHIL A pmplif Eow'o MALL. D. C. hlcCootturot ' J. A. WOOO tt I •ort laLk.V..,(sacce , calr tu - .l.cW,iWoul pear. Lls• et and If, runneetua Merchant, lur the sale of kenerican Woolen, I.ther tr, oPP"M , C , th..• (ebt7 •. •.a. voja r. 30.11 HARDY, JIJ?)Di a W., (snorrasork w Atrrocd lone. It Cy )Cavroltanon •rol Forwardmr Mary groom, dealer. In Pittrharrh alanufiewred Val•baryh, Pa 01047 P. ecIAttSIIALC,-- 311Ccirsvoa in wan. C. MILL,) LbIPOR4ER a 'Maier in Wrench and American Pa. par lianginas and Licadera, Windom Shades, Fire ard Prints, de A lan—Wrinag, Prinunc and Wrap /Ina Paper, No el Rood betWeellFolanh Meet and Dramand allay, west nfJc, Vittiburah, P•. ittol3 PITTSBURG!! °LABS WOJELICII. JOLIN AGNEW, law of the hrtn Chanshae,lia• new Y S , gapeelfolly inform the old roe webers nod the petite Fencrally, trt, be will tull eon. name to catty On Ire Wren Glees buelinew, In 01 lit enriatleaoued It pier tired to fill all Macro far Apoth,• Caries' Fatniiass, asocial., Porto., Violib ae , /le , pertaining to Isle bonne, His waeboose I. No a Market .erect, L.-To:own Fir.] A Second site lye 4:taco JolAlbilMf t la Dye Sisid., Paints, °lli. Varnifba, ae, No la Wood meet, one door !tonal of MarnanJ Alley glitantrgie .pt efdB Metalling, ani at to and l'ttislarett Mattafaetaree Nu Water Ft, Pittstrurett apt 15.14.1 =SIR, AUSIISS VISISI, IS, /MIMI DICkgV C.a., Madera. GSDSSIS, Cuu- I Ideret.6s“,•nd d•alera Pt Produce, Nos 56 Maur, and 107 rt..et create, Pntsburen SOSs lot d. Dilworm..—=— • •—Joseph liB. 141.W01,1 111 a Co , Wholeaale Grocers, and L b A4a r rafet Ila mid Powder Co t No. 271,V d or c a i l4t , Tuatl M. TowrizEßWinvsiLieWS—Aoat.'"Y u No. 43 blattet a, three doors above Third st. Pius Marsh, will have constantly onhand a well aelectr,l am Gartman of the ben and freshest bledteines, which ha UI sell on the mon reasonable term.. Physicians again, orders., m at ho promptly attended to, and 'ap plied with article , . Me r may rely anon as genuine acr PhyviciansPreacrlpueris will he accurately and r naintly muted tr. , a'shal ben maumlo , 11l any hue of ho day or nista. Also We Inds, a Iste• stets of Irma and rood Pees Wert. ' 103 /Den Lloyd. ' Richard Floyd. T &R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cencrisleeion J hienhents, and Dealers In ilmhi.t Round Church on Liberty, Wood and Slut meet., riti•lionol. : lll.l • • I NO. A. CAVG KV, Agent for Om Lako — Eria I Miesigus Line to Calves and Ora Lakes..—Orte a an tbst earner or Water %rotfield us rant anA. -HUTeliiKa,"--iiC7-1.- Lose, liatehison k. Qin:mission Merglat, and Arent/ of the tit. Loot. Steam Hagar gag,,,, .era n Mt lIA wear and ye front streets, Pine, toe, and I eCilOONIIMO . :1 1 zr. CO, Whoteaut Draggles WAnd Pit4bOrtis. - aw Wiiire;tits acs Rewi~Eeate lIMIMIC and io.oal Ineraents, Paws, Eltac M i!Pens m Printers'Cards, an imam:ism gencrong, - Na. St Wood st., Plitsborgb. ITT In mite , soar, T - 17eAry algae, pate of Warrant, Ottio,)Contati. t • ' t tlt 'l n d r.e.n " =r4a ,711,":11 lab, and %Veer...fa Product generally. Water a Taal, between dr:Canfield and Wood, rtttabargb. KlERthan. , J Deal e I l or ll Produc e:l,, and Cu:madame:in Met sad Pittsburgh smarm afaatared artre'e. Oarial Dann out,. 7th Jr. api - , PUNK ditd•L • PITTASUGII• PA. E . ENNEEIIIy!IIILDS k. CO.. Ca lrlaimfoot mm mm o ',cry vopt.r..4 44 Sooeung, 1444 Chain, t) Moo toe and 1.11.141/.4 I!!EM2M=I kATE Jo Amain. A Stfekine, BOOKSELLER, STA TIONEK, PitiNTEß.,•asid BINDER, tornar of usi ono IfirS strum, Punta rd, Pa. iiTikatf THE BUSINESS CARDS.- Pittsburgh , City Glass Works. W. CtINNIWOUAII & CO.. MANUFACTTRERS OP WINDOW G I. SS. No lA, Market Greet, between Irma and /Second, Pltutargh. Pa. OWr*Pnrtsoular attention paid to aid oirra. Laralort in FLINT GLASS, VIALS, 130TTLES, be. w. ra.maanau, O. DCDCABI D. CL10.01.11, D 111116., Wm. hliller,Plutail. C. W. Ricketson, Pittsburgh. vILLLER. RICK - UPSON% Wholesale Grocers, and an. Importers of Brandies. Wines and Sesars, ,Nos 172 and 174, corner of Lamm , and Irwin Weals, Pitts burgh, Pa. Ironband., Nils, Cotton Yarns, de. ke n con stantly on Jahn ISINGUI. James D. Walter C. Ray cG/L1.9 4. ROE, IV/mimic Grocers and Commis- Ohl viols Merchants, 194 Liberty SL Piitaborgh 0 1 , 1 rrrrFarrifefr - grat, WORKS AND AXLE ricTonir. 10111 T..t.1 C. 4111 JONES dc ;moo, R i f ANUFACTURERS of spring and blister Mt plough steel, steel plough mop, eCatil and clip inanngs, hammered roan axles, and dealers In mal 'cable caning", bre engine lamp., and coach trimmings rerally, comer of Ross and Front as., Piusborch felon .1. d. J. Was-dos s Cescianalseloss n........... N 4l . 3 rt i ll O c!ln l AT ' aL r o t it N ineTt ' g Pr' keep s ' l row ''' . ing brands, which they oft, for rude as ten t sfor J. Denali a. Co, Bordeaux, sit; Maggoty, J.Erand,.l Du rand R Co, Larothelhs, J J Darand, Cosnu L A delld sd lezun, A I. Illesille,-A de Jlondoce:Jc.i. !wick, Re, Le; also, Anchor Gin, Ilardesuu Red nod White Wines in casks nod case, sole led with core be John Durand d.:Co, hcsiJes Chantnng e Wens and Swat Bargundy Port. feb7-IY• . N - HULSIES d SON, Plo 45 Market st, second door . from corner or Poland, dealers in Foreign and Donn:Hie Bills of Excheligc, CentEeeted or Deposit, L i Ha k Note. and Spools. f - Coleledurt. made on , all the punelpal cities hr sellout the United Milder. _ • apt Lathridraphlo liCesobtlehmossr. s'Th __WM. RCIIIICIIM.WiN, Thera et, opposite the L./ Post-Ditee, Pitixburgh.—hisp., Landscapes, DUl ea e.Showin.ll., Latsels, Arehheetural and !Machine ra mug., Ihrsindsn end Visiting Card., dr. engraved d on On stone, and pnah-dln ninon., *Sold, Broom r bet, In the most eyed - used .ty 1., s.n./ at the wow ~ Indhle nrice• octldly T) p • •-• . - - - LLI ION• ON, LITTLE do ♦Yr., 't 0. •15D Liberty macs Lk a Ditudaligh. Di - hotplate tiradard, Produro and iosion MerdL a inr, •nd dealers lo Pittsburgh It far Ure, op l 7 so 1....011141,1. 11101. LITTLIL_SA bit.. IL 1101111.... ED WERT MOORE, Wholciale Groper, Iteclifying k, Distiller, dealer id Product°, l'ittaburth Dlonufac• urn , ail ' 01 lunda of Foreign and Dortinatio Wines uil Liquors, No. It labony elfeet. On hand a eery arg Dock of super ior old Monoligibet 1 warakey, rhi h w4ll Le *old low fot , llol. my/ :VNOLDS S 911EF.. Forwarding and Alolllll.i. 'Zidefehnll., for the etllearseny River TtSd its Gra:mattes, Produce Ilituddirrh, Sian. t4.c. re ,ond Chloride of Lime it rash, paid at all time/ Tut and Ir•razi auaIZZTEL. nptC MThiaitTralcSitoecrt, • ~ :d Merchants, dealer, in Prod uce an ,, a. Rs nigh Alanay:ores, Lll•erty attract, . .ttpn R. 4e - twitettataitA OLESALE GROCER, horluee, For...krJure, strl Cons :Almon Merehem. ett4 UeoL,r ‘'. P.. , set SlrGssartures, No :Mt Litres - 1y street, l'atsbutgO, lk X .11 IA( KLI' TT & WHYTE, Whon,do 'kayo. in For lan and Dam.. Dry cads, Po . rfO Rood mateet.l.: , 4nah. •••'' w In Ft tif .d Proilime gencially, Porwrerdclag and Ceti iission !gentian:, 14cl atilt street end 116 Seem. street Rnistitir. 4,017 P7111[1.1...• P 111.11.411. PI/GOL, Q ELLER: it NICOL% Produce end Ilene:at Com b.. mu% Merchants, NO. 17 Liberty Clletl.l . lll. burgh. Spet it, Linseed and Lard Ulll. ept7 - - • S F VON EIONNIfo th ltS r Oro. . rata. Foovatng and Comaninsiou Merchants. Lealart in Pirreharalt.Manulacenrea end 'Wm... Vroduce, hare tosonvad La thew new Warehouse, (Ohl stand,) Nu 34,acancr ul Ftent awe. and -Chaucer, Lane ap.l7 EIOREUB & U.A%VORTII, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTa, East etde Diamond, eiusbuqh. aple CBti 11.1.4L11 e •erravnj -- lIIIIVEI7. 6 BARNES; WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Cotesnissuel Meraiants, And defilere In Pittsburgh Illorminclured Ankles, No.. 130 and 134 S•nand ..... Severe. Wood & Smithfield, Pitieburets. eogt ArATT I JOHN WA TT es CO., WIIiILEBALE Grocers, Comiatislon Merchants, and tioatet sin l'rodnee nn,. l'iltiour