The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 30, 1850, Image 2

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    Cesiellipeedorma of all. N If. Coma Ades.
Rolm Oct. 29 MOO.
The . yelloar Ttber Is to day such • flood ag
Cassius might well hesitate to please Into. Thou •
near of stingers aanally look over the bridge
84 Angelo, and ask with • miserable feeling of
the little dirty dream be the
renowned Tibe el" Now it answers to its great
fares—it has overleaped oa bank., flooded the
Ghetto, and spreads around the hese of the Pan
theon. II has Mos brought a considerable acces-
Mou to the misery of declining Rome. The poor
Jews especially, compelled to tive in the narrow
Ilmlta of the Ghetto—the lowest part of the city—
are in great distress. Yet the misery from this
canes occurring cent) two Dr three years, and
sometimes la • frightful extent, cannot move the
heart of this Government to allow these poor emu
of joorib to get upon higher ground On each
occasion the Government comes to their relief in'
• distribution of breo; but the philanthropy of a
Howud,bunung . io the heart ot every Cardlnal
Minister, would be leas ellemeal to asausgeahe
wretchedneu of the trite in Rome than • stogie
law of polnical.juauce, allowing them to look out
for themselves.
The appearance of the oily has greatly florae.
ed since the return of Pope, and the tzadea
people ate ,mounting upon a great Mita of stran•
gem this winter to repair their hoes of the had
three year... The Americane will mower much
stronger than ever In fore, but the affairs of France
and Germany arc std. an unsettled that the visit.
tore tram those ,il./ nines w ll ~ra.i.bil 1,1 law in
cowl:mann with those of farmer years. Astor
the Eoglish, they tra+el, come whet will. The
world was made especially for their amusement,
and they no the other band are quite mammary to
the amusement of the world. Rome would he
dead without . them. The tinvernme.ut hes theme
IMO( part.cularly polito thin seamie to reiipectablc
families removing to Remo with their furniiure.—
The dates even upon old furniture are Intended
to be proh bitory-4 cents a pound' nu glass and
porcelain '7 cent,' There have liana revere' in•
stancei of late in Which roe etittre duties have
been remitted. Oar Imm•r canto . , Mr. Brown,
bad great difficulty in obtaining a mutat redo ,
lion of the duties upon some locsahold effect.; Via ''
liberality 1.1 the sowerities this reason la, inere•
fore, something extrema:nary.
The return of Mr Crawford pu a m lute our
little meek of Americans %Ye pull lea a certain
property, not only to the mau l s fame, lint in his
heart, which is altogether on the scale of his ge.
[Boa Ills really very fortunate for me American a
here that they can find tacitly alum g themselves,
for the restrictions open their accustomed freedom
of speech and liberality of political fialteg prove
exceediogly [Alio in their Intercourse with the
Romeo. There is on security anatton sties and
malicious reporters of conversation and conduct;
nor is there any thing to be trained by almost.-
Mons of liberal sentiments. The reaction is corn
plate and apparently consolilatra. The poor
Teacan• havesuuk qua as low as the Romans;
in spirit much lower, their Representative Astern
bly Is imp:lensed, newly all theu tottrealt are al•
lanced, •ed the moat humslistMg regulations are
established in respect he publications of all Mods,
without the least ear oo the pall ol the people .
Oppresaionoso fax from amusing, has perfectly
calmed the Fkaentines. I learn, however, from
many oaten., that the discontent of the nation is
very great, end that the once popular Grand Duke
has completely alienated the affections of ht. pen.
plc. lieu simply ao Austrian governor.
The rulers of Ma oppressed land have no very
pleasant time of it. Save the occupants of the
prisons of Romagna,there is scarcely a man so le.
tie free as the Pope. He has a summer rest
deuce er Castle Gandolfo, fourteen mile, from
Rome, upon the Mount Albano, one of the fossil.
eat situauons in the world. '• The palace was re
fitted for him in June, and after the best of July
he was always certainly going out there nnext
Monday" to pass the hot season; but the glorious
anemia is beginning totem gloomy, sod there sits
the old Man m the Vatico, the prisoner of fear.
No summer relaxation for him. The courts have
, been suspended tor a month, nod neariy all the
public servants allowed • vacation to enjoy them
delves upon the magnificent slopes of. Mont Al.
bane; but the Pope may not move. One day
only, not to drive the Altoona to despair, be was
permitted to ride out in his Summer palace to
dine. The Pope in exile eras bewailed over the
Catholic world; but he was five then. He nod '
his whole court lived at ease and in popularity at
Naples. Now enough cannot be said by way of
congratulating him on his return; yet a begging
trim might well pity him .
I bear nothing more of the promised meliora
tions of the esensprouse. Socha beginning an woe
made to toe re onstruction of the Ministers, and
Me - organization of the Council of State, left coth•
log to be hoped for, and no one is surprised that
nothing has been conceded. The last decree is
that all the trades and profeasioos of Bade shall
be taxed; bokerefrom $lBO to SI50; bikers from
$BO to 840. Th. Is • heavy tax in general, after
taxes on every thing in particular. ISO taken at
m !swoop ant of • man's bread trough be no joke.
The trader people raise • great outcry at this new,
imposition, but in the ruin of the finances of the
state there is no help for them.
The French army is still paid by France. 80.
man army there is none. How long France will
=limo in the voluntary *Crake of the Pope,
bidden events must determine. It is no longer
• matter of choice with the Pope or his protec
tors. It ta tend, htriever, that the army of occu
pation is to be redaoed .to flee thousand men.—
This may seem too small • force to bold Rome,
but Borne is completely la the tois of the sect-et
and the armed police. It needs only a good
barking dog to gaud a llon in a net.
Tat Montan Crrx.—An overland travelling
correspondent of the St. Louis Intelligencer fur
nishes the following descriptive sketch of the Mor
in= capital of Utah :
The city of the Great Salt Lake is beautifully
laid out within a abort distance of the Western
slope of the mountain forming the Eastern end of
the valley. It contains-eleven or twelve thousand
inhabitants,who ore mostly engaged in agriculture,
though a portion of their time is devoted to me
chanical pursuits when understood. The streets of
the city intersect each other at right angles, and
each block is half a tulle squarc,with an alley front
Eau to West end North to South. Each block is
called a weed, and has a bishop to preside over us
government, whore duties are to act as maginnue,
to eullectors, and preachers, to well as street
commissioners. The city mutat' the tanning lands
are Irrigated by streams of beautiful water, which
how from the adjacent mountains. These streams
.have been with great labor and perseverance led
in every direction. In the city they how on each
elle of the different streets and their waters are let
Upon the inhabitants' gardens at regular periods, so
likewise upon the extensive fields of grain lying to
the South of the city. There is a field thirty miles
long by six and ten wide, a portion of which is cul
tivated Fy any who deur.. This field was moving
with wheat, barley, and oats, nearly ready (or the
sickle when we were at the lake, and a finer field
of wheat never grew In any country; the berry wee
large, full,.•nd plump, and of st superior wham.=
We were convinced that no country in the world,
could produce better crops of wheat than Phis val
ley,. larger amount to the acre. The system of
Irrigation prevents anything like rues or smut sulk •
leg the crop, to blast the expectation of the farmer.
The productiveness of the soil will always secure
him an abundant crop.
Wolin the valley, aria including three oilier
settlements of people in the vicielly, there
tunnel be far mom 30000 inhabitant. Forty
miles hoard, they have a viPage, soil atomiser
110 mile. farther South, •1:1301 , 11 the Um , IS.
stippeire—Where Gee rarest. of all hinds
of timber abound, while little or none for me•
chattiest purposca, excepting pine, grows In the
vicloityof the valley.
The character of ibis people has changed but
little oboe their exodus Irma the States. The
leaders and all appear to be more "free and ea
ay," and the great body on ueraeveringly Indus
trine• and obedient to the higher powers an ev-
et Money is very pivot! amoog them—pried
pally gold—much of which came from the Cali.
bonus mines. The religions coaracter of the
whole body has degenerated into mere mute.
Men', frivolitfdtc.; not even the semblance o'
true piety is kept up. to the vicinity of the city
ie a warm opting, wine, ha been brought Imo
the city, and public both. eredied. Thaw att,
is highly medicinal. Each citizen has a bnildiog
lot appropriated to his use, but is Dot the shoe
lute owner, as he canton &Tow Cl It to a gen
tile without the unseal of thu church; Bethel
can a Mormon mote away or take a Porno!
anthem the content or the Church. Each Mena
her is alto wed to take up sod cultivate as much
Laud en he p'eswe, but he can only sell such In
provementa 1111 ha may make upon .he land.—
One troth ofuho produee of the land, or the an
ourantatvm of each tudividtnl, se well as eon
tenth of his time, be ongs to the church, and in
&Fan:m.oy czamed.
The hoes. are mostly one story high, though
wise °rib , em are new little cuitt;ea. they have
nearly completed a apaciou• court house, two
Stories loch, Lot, feet square. The gaol story fa
built of free stone, and the second of inn burnt
brick ; honer a built of these brio are very warm
111 mintrr, and cool to summer, and appear weld
- adapted to the climate. They are about to Mc
a temple and ober public kuldings. DM/ . Kim•
half., house ta • lame two story atone
some ao net by 25 feet. yeti i• not largo enough
to contain one Ulf of his numerous wives. The
prosperity of this people is truly astentabieg.—
They have fis•ke and fie ds, and most of the good
thin., of ihr earth, In abuedance. We saw about
3,000 of the tont, fattest cattle on an island in the
gall Lake, that we eye, pot eye upon. In the
morning you may see lade driving hundreds of
clews from the bound* of the city to beherded
ordeal law or three mitre, and than driven beet
at night. Tar regale none oldie valley, in regard
In stock, are, that it 'hall I.e lensed, wiLle lb.
garden. end tiehis av oh with • alight protect ou
In the way of •
Ungbam'Yoting is the Alpha and °uteri of the
sect, , hot word law. He in emphatically the
breathing organ of this whole:people, and
yet be I. an ordinary minded man, without the 'hard
home' of Joe Smith or many of three who
eurround bun : his quiet, good natured disposition
—in abort, bin amidalcoem it chancier has, and
will keep him, the leader of the Lauer
fey Sauce.
The. voile,. I. capable of manatee • population of
KORN), it in frt. 3) to 50 miles wide, and from
160 to 15) miles nearly the whole valley is hi
for cultivation if emigration be resorted to. Hem.
med in on all sides by mountain., upon whose tops
lies perpetual anew, one would suppose. that the
climate is meth colder than it really is to both
Summer and Winter.
The writer of the Miles inridenudly mentions
chat the Mormeneeare fanned • treaty 'offensive
and defensive'with the Utah fDdito ; and further
Mot manvof these Indian. have been baptised in
ih• Mormon faith.
I ic
Two fine young elephants, sendisi four fi
high, with a lumber of moneys, owls,' eel m a
porcupine, meow dew, itc., have arrived in 47
doe from Gaylen.
pITTM Elsa
Wranearruess are earnestly re.qautco to save In
lb." favor. before 5 r. a., aud es early in teed., is
practicable. AdVenifeMenie DM inserted fora epeei-
Sad time srlll NeTel.blT be a ,, erged sold ordered o.‘
II:WV 0 Passim It Agent for .itus paper at Ws
ims! monies in New Sort, Philadelphia, nod
Roar a
rt i s
gluttons.' to rowels. subscriptions
rtiscuenis for as
irr PRILLIALPILIA Noara Altlate....—AdVerti se
mania and thlorrlpuons to the North AllieliCßU and
tinned dates Gazette, Philadelphia, received and for.
warded from thm other.
ITYetuoavcu I. Um—Sol...pito.
or Mtn valuable paper, Will be receivreil sod forward
from thin fame.
OLLnroL asel 'Overtim
e tot thin paper received cud iorwarded rue of
barge from it. offal..
Cutomeari Dealt llezeret —A.l•ettleernentv
end eitbseripuone, for the paper, will lie teceived end
orwerded (Foul this other.
irr PI I NEXT 1 . 1461-; RAZ lA)tAL CIA Cr: .MS
thlr remarks on the Mayoralty have excited con
siderable attention, and no little remark. All re•
spectable persons acquiesce in the necessity of re
lona, but all are not ready to yield political anneh
inents to promote the object in view.
A writer in the Tribune charges re with& change
Of sentiment since last year, and quotes our Inn
gunge after the election, to prove his position. If
he will examine his own quotation, he will see that
we were only stating a fact, and not apprviving et
n; and if he will examine our files about one year
ago, he will find that we uttered Sentiments very
similar tr 'hose expressed yesterday. We never
approved the conduct of the Whigs in voting
for Barker Alter the election none over we tried
to inake. the beat of it, hoping that it would turn out
boiler than we feared, but events since have shown
in this, as in most other instances, that men. when
they pursue a doubtful policy nemlly find reason
to repent of it.
A ammo. Jowl...tor :clams area Arm b -
Nor ember slumber of tom, the cater Soo:undo Fe
rtothcal iD Amend, ill, pal beta received. I
commos more Out a wont number of original tr
oohs on V&Ir.0118 subject.; rotor of them ere sob
jeets of great public interest. "Sall:name Jou
1" by which title this work is best know
holds a deservedly high rank in Earope ■s moll
as America, and should be tionntifully encouraged.
”Education Repolurory,"6s Marl•et an eel, Agents
SAIIT4t" . . Mass:tax, rot lEsl.—The January
number of dariain's Magazine, has already made
a, appearance on our titbit, It is tin'y a splendid
number; as mater being wholly original, by the
beg American writers, and so tieh in embellish-
eta, that it may well be calleda pletorlel uu
Correspond.. of the Pittsburgh Ossetic
Walll/VOTON. Nov. 26, 1950.
The arrangements for the transmission of tie
message by expects, in advance of the made, have
been perfected. Ton will receive your portage
10 the mune of Monday, the day of the delivery
12 the House, unless you yiefer to telegraph the
whole by the wires. It has been determined not
to nee the telegraph for the parpnao of a govern•
meet expr.•, but to adhere to the old plan, with
akw modification.. The menage will be minted
at the Republic office on Friday, probably. On
atorday parcels will be distrtbuted, oader proper
precautions, to be snot by special elvers to as
annoy of the principal cities and jewel. North,
South, and West, as It may be thought expedieot
to interact to supply in this meaner. By Wednes
day morning these packages of printed copies
will probably reach Pertland. fo Nuco,9 tannest.
to Georgia, Louts,'le, to Kentucky. Irztrol. and
yaseubly Chicago, so an to to •ssit able to the
press. But of course it would be of co service to
undertake to carry the capers beyond two or
three day's fast treys ding, fir the telegraph will
supersede all other :berms of communication for
■ greater distance, even wok this start of forty
eight heart. It a supposed that the reading will
begin in the House .boat two o'clock, and the tic'
will be immediately telegraphed by the clerk and
a post orrice agent, to every post master who may
bare received copies her dialnbotion, wok liberty
to begin the work.
There u no news of interest to day. no o I have
only placed paper hefure me to inform you of the
reported arrangement in retard to iM message,
in which all newspaper publishers are so much
interested. Jemmy.
Mas lON 0., Nov.ISO
S Cu.— Gee/blare— our re
11.1,,UU1 co the highly levorable c0n3.1../o
things aluog the hne of tbe Ohio and Pennsylvanta
RlLleery gratifying to the tome. o.
Central 01.10. You ere doubtleaa•ware that atm
Porto no the State bat ant enjoyed the a 4 vantage
f any of the Stale imptovemente vehteh to
ton Ohio wale a/atm:lee cart and west of th
Amon). The Cleveland, Coluethe., and Cin:
eau Rail Road passes but • lion J.•taoce fm.
our curers boundary, and the Cincinnati ant S•
dusky Rail Road a few mile, from our wetter
tituitri. Toe completion of tho Beliefontalne on
Indiana Rail Road, which is now in procrite
conatrUCtiOn, and which passes centrally in
omit westerly direction through the whole coo.
tyond thence on to the Indians State hoe, wi
totally change the aapect of affair. In this repo
In • taw weeks, the Cleveland, Columbus, a.
Cumin:tali Red Road 0111 G, completed to
ioventy nine miles from Cleveland. Thu pool
is within twenty and a ball miles of the Capital 01
our county, and it is expected that the grading
unit masonry on this distance at our Rail Road
viii ha ready for the eaperetruoture by the hens
of Aegnnt next. We mp hope, seen after, to
have a conunuous Rail Road connection with
th. Lithe at Cleveland; and, on the completion of
lie Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road to Alliance,
nod of the Cleveland sod Pittsburgh Rail Road to
the same point, (both of which worka will no doult
be completed next year to the point mentioned,)
re shah have a continuous Rail Road to
burgh. But this room, although Infinitely better
than any preunt raelril , er ilitercOUrae, a ra her
circuitous, and will not satisfy our citizens, ea
cent as • temporary expedient. We ate looking
Inward to the direct eanniretiori, through Mane
he'd, Wooster. Ice.. and must have It. The eitt
r ens of Wayne,_Aahland, and Richland Countice.,
if . they consult their own ailerons, will beat,
teemseliree, make up their aubse notion., and go
seam and band with the Ohio and Pcnurrivan:a
mi'ompony m pushing fainted the western end GI
t a:, road. Pr, I n cur cadet to Pittsburgh ond
Pb,ladelphia, and oat peop-o are doing their pan
tr , totally to complete their link of this great bac
f.ane line. are dtogerooe," liometanei,
I t flail Road projects, u Well as in other things
son It will not do for Pittsburgh sad Philadelphia
I t trust ten long to the eticuitona connection
1,41,6 I have referred, when a emaliallaleation in
satire more direct can be had. A vigorous °Sell
on the pan attic Ohlo and Pennsylvania Clomps
Le, If properly backed by the citizens of the coon
Les Interested, Must result successfully, and I an,
bapoy to And that it is to be made.
The you 1552 should not be allowed to pass
.7, hoot a direct Bail Road from Pittsburgh I,i
Term Haute. It can be done, and I trust It will
le door, Yours respectfully, R.
YONoinsiorom Arraoratano:ta—•More than
three pages of a supplement of the National Intent
gruner are occupied with a report of the Clerk of
the Hoare of Representatives, detailing the appro.
primes made during the lint 11.11100 of the thirty
fast Conan.. The aggregates under the MTeral
heads are as follows.
Diplumette,and biltseellaneou6 $9,388,..138
Moitary am/ Fort cation, 9,3.11,642 46
!Awn department, Including Mired
Revolutionary, tad other petnione 4,531,57381
Fe val eervice 10,413,135 37
po•t thrice Department ,5,447,35902
In italtiheent of the trevy with Mea• 0-91
bias. Fluxuas —A Waeongton coneepom
dent speaks of the arrEval of memben and other.,
and of the first reception day of the Prewdent,
*Web tank place on the 19th. O( M. Fdlmore
ha wntea.
Fil more being a citizen of New York, I
will give my immesulona of her, as presiding lady
at the Waite House. Her manner or receiving
visitors is, in my opinion, Just what the Wife of a
republican President should be, coorteoos and
kind, without assuming any minor superiority.—
Ws' Fdlmore teettitleil her mother admirably.
Mrs. Fillmore, slier saluting the Valhi's as they
approached le. r, presented mem to her daughter
by her side, whe, with ■ slight blush, which was
very becoming to her youth/Wane, received their
salutatioas without any thing like CORNOOO or
Pot the Gazette.
offitethof'hittlimTy'orlif:4ris'fasciia''uop‘proe''Suciin'Leirf:di'ltegds• teleaforvet
avail myult of the common privlh gre — lo . any wm,
thing in behalf of one gentleman, already named
among the several candidatert and w teethe I riends
of the other candidates to urge t heir nomina
tion, by setting forth their claims and qualifications,
the public would be better able to mat's a suitable
choice. Acting on this principle, Igo II Payson:fe
ttling in favor of my choice, Mr. John D Davis,
without wishing to disparage the mer It of any of
the other eandidatts.
Mr. Davis is one of our oldest citizens, having
been a resident of this city since the year 1706,
and is yet in the full vigor of mind and body
When a young man, be aided his father to the nue-
o bleariest, but to the war with Great Britain be
volunteered in defence of his country. end went
out with the Pittsburgh Blurs, under the command
of Captain James R. Butler, enduring the hardships
and dangers of the campaign, and remained with
the Blues during the whole time of their &Imam,—
Some time after his return, he received His appoint
ment of one of our city netioneers, to which capa
city he remained until a political convulsion bro't
about his removal. He then embarked in the eon,
mifedon and torwarding bonnets, to which he was
tively engaged twill the disastrous fire of 1845,by
hieh he wron a great loser, and was again ohliged
resume the auction hornless, and hes continued
in that capacity unt,l recently, when he resigned the
bonne•• into the hands or his son, consequently
he is now disengaged, and can devote his whole
energies to verve the puhlic in the rerice of Mayor,
shook' he be elected. After this brief sketch of
Mr. Davis' history, It may he proper here to my
something of his quelifications, which may Prom
unoecelosery to 1b... who hove tang known him;
but es thlre are many voters among us who have
either rreentlymotne to the city, or were too young
o be acquainted with hischeraeter, it may be prop
er, for the Incarnation of such, to slate that Mr. Um•
vis is and has been, a consistent Whig. His reli
glom end moral character is beyond reproach, be
g a regular member of the Cbruman Church,
strictly sober and honorable in all his business trans
actions In manners a gentleman,andinbtmnesem
ig ent and peompt,and should he be elected,be wtl
be found always at his peet,divenirlog justice in pa r
unity. The rich will find no larozat his hands for
violation of the laws; nor will the poor man Mal
protection in defence of his rights. The co-ordinate
branches 01 our Municipal ethics will have a gen
tleman to deal with, and who will respect their au
thority, and do his best to promote harmony, and
economize the finances of t h e city. Mr. Davis has
for a long time been a member or our City Council.
and for more than twenty yam an active fireman,
WI the records of the old Eagle will show.
If we ever .needed a competent head to control
our city affairs, this is the time, as misrule, crime,
prafirgate extravagance, riot, and disorder, prevail
to an alarming extent, and call loudly for correc
tion. If rt it desirable to Mire those evils correct
ed, vote for John. D. Davis, if you believe
Norma Cater-um too nu Nostra lsortaso
2110emtent.—A bill has bean Introduced into the
Legislature of North Carolina, laying a tax upon nil
articles manufactured at the North and brought in
to tint State for sale. The law is to remain to
force until the Fugitive Law is faithfully carried
into effect throughout the United States, sad until
all the territories of the United States are opened
to the people of North Chroliha, to carry thither any
species of,property they may think proper. The
act ts to be tramunuted to the Governors of me oth.
er Southern Sates, with • request that similar laws
be passed ix each Stale.
Ohloiand 211 pl Kati Road.
The wockholders of the projected railway, met
at the Barnett House, yesterday, and elected twenty
Directorn, eleven of theta WO CID,. at Ohio,
eight Cil/ZtOS of Indana, and one a c.twon of
tn 04 , 0
Jar.. Borne. John Barr:
Aran, J 5 Cr B.
E B RrWcx, 1 C
C W John Slemn.
; W Cochran D Z Suydam
Henry llama.
fh•yar.r: en imirana.
Wm Burtch. W R McCord,
A T Enc., 5 Judah,
.1 Dean, U W Lan , .
J .41n Cobb, E Conweli.
Porwror en Therm.
Joseph C. Bowman
We understand the Lhremors elect the President
of the Company to morrow. The &ant in Gimr
ton is a soon' one, and under their Morettiou the
great work m.oot fail of being commenced amt
prosecuted to Mn early completnin.-4Cuireinnau
The Mashedle B•uoer or the Wth meant woo
elrar• the report ni tbr proevedings of the Nab
vine Cenveutton, by a 101 l lot of de mem
bero. Theo :owes area* follows.
l'a,t .14- lien Wm F Cordon—l.
olobatn•--K hapmw, George W
C $: CIA!, Soo., lawe• M C.lbou a, I Hu.
Mond,-0 II Liu Pool, Joon 11 Ven4v, P W
Wont, Jobn IVlrlb-eboo- , 4.
Mmatatuppt-1 M Acker, 1 1 Davenport, A
nutria.. Wlt,PrarzonSlntai, Ma,
Wherton, 1 C Tboutimon, Chalk. WU,
Georgia-1 G McWhorter, Jobs A Joorr,
John U Stell,; W I Pmber, George R. Hooter.
Rolwri tedner, James N Beth mar, /oho C :Jared
Charier 1 .1 NeDoorld, It L Doming. Ur Darr
irle—l I
Tennessee—A V Brown, G J Pillow, A U r
Binh°lgen, A A D.melson, 1B Clerricid•, Thomas
Cleburne, Dr J W Esselmmo, W G lisrditte. T
MeGavoek, Thome. Martin, W H Polk, F Me.
T D Mosley, L P Cheatham —1 4.
South fterolles—Latigdon Grieves. W J Henna,
F \V Pick 0., W U Vouch 1 N Whoner, lames
Bradley, Samuel Otters,. Drayton Nance, D F
1 itemise, Mex. Orryg, G A Treoboim, John .!..1
Wilson, lernes asevinet, Jr,Wm Daßosc, R W
Barnwell, R B
The Balmer alludes, iu very coMic terms, to
the elmiteg acts tit the rODTCLIIIO3. If that pep,'
troly represent. the sentiments t - if the people of
Tenneoce on this subject, as we we sore that It
does, we may readily account for the enmity to
wards them of a oulldrog correspondent of the
Charleston Mercury, who after charging Mr.
Donelson with an obvious attention to produce
disturbance end "excite the mob in the generic.
ugliest the Convention," denounces the whole of
the spectator. land the people by whom they were
sarrotioded as Abolitioniw, thus
"Thu city a full of Yankee merchants, clerks,
end tradesmen, who are Abolitionists at heart
The galleries were full of them, and the next Con
vention held iit the South, It ," hoped, will be where
there are neither DoneLsousnor Abohlsorasts to du
!tube their meeting
You will be satisfied with the proneedings of the
Convention. They keep Misr.....rstm in die Iphd;
they assert and eindienia the right ci recession ;
they rocommend a Southern Congress, and denounce
ell President making Conventions
The langue used by Mr Donelson towards the
close of the Convention has been erroneously re•
purled through the Telegraph. Aa stated in tie
N. 4111110 papers his exprmssiotis werr "I pronoun
ced tae attempt to cut off debateaa unworby of the
Convention ; I claim the right to enter my protest
nouns! the unhallowed purptone. 01 the Convention "
It was the repetition of three words, .re echoed
as they were 'b}• thundering. of the peo ple of Ten.
neesee asaernbled in the galleries,. hich 011.11-
rti the oonfitsion amidst which the Convention
Email y adjourned, wfibout observing any of the for
malities usual on similar °mature,
The prawedimrs of the Convention have soarou•
and the span id the Union men of Nashville that
immedlately grim the Convention adjourned a call
was made, willeh was signed by almost every body,
for a great Union lneoung, which was in have
been held on Saturday lam.
CITY or Bat Crum li.rroaas —We are
indebted to Mr, M. W. blearia, one of the Assist.
ant Marshals enployed to tate the cerism, fur the
following authentic statistics. It will be seen that
the entire poptantion of the city of Baltimore, on
the Ist June last, was 169,125; of which 166,601
wets free persons, end 3,124 were slaves, The
number of dwelling houses actually occupied was
4006. The number- of death• reported fur the
year was 3,639. In taking the censur the city was
divided into eleven districts, the population of
which ts shown in the following table:
Districo. Comprising Free. Slaves,
1 Idi 2 Wards. 23,9111 164
2 3di 4 " 19,003 445
3 sdi 17 " 15,417 119
4 6Si 9 " 13,512 243
5 7di 8 16,480. 131
6 10 " 4,703 419
7 11 00 18 c 20,255 420
8 13 " 5,303 265
9 14 " 7,905 170
19 15 Ar 16 c 15,739 441
11 12,190[2 1 3" 21,403 297
L 3 3611 000 0
• 20 Wards. 166,001 3,/14
Lisa. Annicanj
thiarroa AND Calinitalt—MClZODlllT M
—Letter, hove been received In this city which
•Iww anti the Methodisl Episcopal Church has one
pet-idiot elder's dstrirt in Oregon and another in
tl'aiirorros. The Figs. mono Owens, formerly of
',line. Conference, is now the presiding elder In
Csl.fcarda, with fourteen stations and eireinta, with
Itariecir preacher•, including himself—one atheist
a man of color for the care of a congregation of
colored people Rev. E. Psnouster—not included
the above—i. tc have the charge of a collegiate
school, not Vol organised. The Rev. James Wilbur,
ot Oregon, has been removed to Portland oily.—
N. Y. Con.
From the N V. TrMane.
The Next Pres, eeeee .
A little less than two years will bring or to Imo
thee Presidential elecuon. and although the people
have scarcely begun to think of candidates, the
kind emits who would gladly take the trouble of
thinking off their hands, our hard at work, stung•
log and engineering for their neutral favcrites.—
We do not pretend to know all, nor half, that
doing to bring this or that aspirant favorahiy before
the publte, but there ere some efforts so palpable
that they cannot well be mistaken. And se the
opposition have jest now an apparent ascendancy
in popular regard, it 'abut natural that there should
be more anxiety, MOM MerMavripe, with refer.
onto to their Domination, than In Mot nf the Whigs.
Had the recent elections generally pne our war,
the cam would have been quite different.
Oen. Lewis CAS, evidently imagines himself
still a prominent eandtdate far lb° next Baltimore
nomination, aml therein he is griemounla
en, or we are. Me was never truly n regular
man, and defeated cand.laten are not In vont. it
With " Democrary." On the aubjeet Cl shivery
he has managed to repel the North, without Win
ning the confidence nt the slavery pregnant% of
the South. He has a few Influential supporters,
and only • frig. though a goal many seem to fever
him to pursuant, oftheir oten *elfish code. Thus,
Oen. Cameron and h's clique aro using hie name
in Pennsylvania to nip Mr. Buchanan 's aspire
ttons ; Lot, that ritommplinhed, you will not find
them neriouely supperung aeandidate who ins(
their State by en large runglrity in AS Get,
Scott could bout Oen. CAP, in Pennsylvania no
could loan McLean, no (We Otitis) could aloe at
any Whig statesman. Tim Genentf• recent de teat
in his van Michigan. to the election of two Wing
Free Soil members of ("emigress out of three,
pressly in the ground of their hostility to t' pence
Melettlen," we. eeletlieleir injure bin ermine.,
had they cot already beets! ast,tpraytng for. (Vu
consider bin chance to londsttoeßali titters unto/ too
lino fully equal to that of nuy tither moo who is
tor kow for it.
Mr Buchanan will have no better lurk. He a
light stick at best for nmainmast, popular in his
own State, and with no strength abroad but a little
he haserguired at the. South by offering in cffeet
to run the Missouri Compromise line through lathe
Pacific. But even he sainted unwilling to lima
late fur the positive legnlmartm of slavery Smith at
that line, so that his utter did not really satisfy the
Propaganda, while i t was talc tinted to prejudice
bun seriously at the Nook. ••Old Book" Ein onne
pauble candidate.
Nur h. Col Benton any real look for the nomi
nation. The "Free Soil Democrats," whether of
the John Van Buren or John Wentworth w howl,
"go in to win," and will take care to have n ran
didate with whom they ran win. Now Col Ben.
ton is utterly defeated by the entire Southern "Dent.
orrery." Though he always voted again the. Wil•
and Proviso and is himself a slnvoliulder, yet his
Mettllnetill with regard "the peculiar 11191JIttnoll s '
are of the old fashioned Jefferson]nn stamp and not
at all of the Calhoun order. South Carolnin would
votefor Webster any day to detest Benton Now the
two and their disciples mean to talk Free Soil yet
I sneered by Ise Southern rote, and they nth seA
] aware that Col Benton is amendable His nano
may he used in Wisconsin, Northern lames, Sc ,
In elect Delegates, but when they Canna 11, vote to
Cal - Deal they will cot vote fur hat.
Col. Isaac P. Walker, Senator from lVisconsin,
to the candidate of.the Yuman Democracy'—ita men
with whom Democracy m not a mere catchword
but a practical and fruitful reality Thu earnest
Lead Reformers are enthusiasm in his Incur and
heron Holly fail to lathe some rotes in the Coo
Vention But he won't he maninated—the Slavery
Propaganda and old Fugyoun in general will he a
great deal too strong for that in any Nntioual Con.
venuon. The men who live on the product of
their own labor, and only ask to have that product
ofH iz, se . cu o re md to t Con, tm ,;,.. stre n n ot o, 4,t , t ,n to y '
c„ the a Lm in c lacking
afford even loathed. 'Senator Walker ;trot tarry
at Jericho for a while yet.
We have supposed Judge Levi Woodbury of
New Hampshrewould stand well for the next
nomination. He in a rnn of good abilities, fair
I character. ant] Proviso and Southern in he11...rt.,
and would make a respeetaLle President. We
think he would run better than any one vie nave
named beforehim Yet he does not Arena to be se:
; forward much by recent operations. nor rem to be
; cordially supported in his oath State, star there
exists ageneral prej•dice againa taking candi
date for President off the bench of the Supreme
I court which will weigh warn him H. chance
; ad now wens slender indeed
Nor co we beueve Ca. Wa 0 Fronts r f Ken
tack! contused to be the rennin a.e, trance our m
ien gent New H•nlpshirr t-orreppondent cuna,!,•
him the favor,. wan ihe airy managers in New
England. Col. Butler was tree.ra as candirraie
far Governs. it 1611 (thou•• he mode • greet rut
and beaten again lot VII e President under tiara
io To bet him up now mr President W7a,
he rising Atm more thus 11. i altar- hl the Ina urt
el be De dogged He isa ol et,. intent onn
and good wag] wancieg, hot
t of moderate •br,
rtes, with nothing but SOMr arerage fighting to re •
commend him. He caul go
The 'nick, Lacer' of Enc winning ticket in the
Baltimore lottery seen, now to In' no ..ther laan
(h r, Sam Hama:on, of Tessa. Sam nu '1
are.. v•rirly or foriller, •ad mutt brae sera a
very ob•Uvate bk.kbead Out io elson ,ratoe.l
comealse io the cow. of hi. protracted eod mut
t, nem eaperiroce. He to lathe.'men. an In.
time 6ehter. Oh. hero 0( Sao Jayrott. • e
quay onatar,Sonthern Woo, yet doe, not deem d
neyearary to make',mach r.dictiloo• m bin allow
of devotono to S...ety—w. • vcalou. and
omprcoi and could by aOtiltut
op' be mode pOpui•l Walt 'the blue.' liv rep.
!nation Y. come 1.01. ti trb,rh you'd tartly
lull lea win attelitton in • (wave., end tercet:p.m •
' very eifectlye appeal anight t, made to no. behalf
to the eynkraLtura of all entleicoing bk. , perserou.
non. In obits, we opollierr Pot, 86111 the man
moat likely to be trothietaleerit Hellicaore and 10,10
• fairr net, otrfiro.ins
aul 1.00 and be a
rwo Leto( be e or. te
with the Soot peen tyliontiprotnoww: l.ot o.
,oat make • very lain an rue wrhoot tbyth He ta
. quaky tail acandidate 10.cott lA.. hut tbr
nymoctacy•oil not break the: by.s no that
account and we ironware tout eh to o. well edept
..l te the getout •tl f r so ant
• .I.3tdeic yet proposed. Wit It. per parity( to
eat without amazement lb. Quo Sam 110.00 , o
. Ibc 'reltuler lot t l
Preeoleot, •nd soaonouncy Mel LA° Van Lisiteu
end It Hakim...a will addre.a Ibe uocird lor
its.e lacy in .lot...eery of bra cieeltoo. II 10, ett
firu at anew cauveraett ILLC•Lay. We Mean lo
among 100.1•11ditall.
tru the aerum.l el the es•Allent opteekt of h:r
Payton, potthshed • day or Imo IWO, •
•Irttek molt arnst dues hot 11,. t00 oettt•
what o does. Strange to stomata. he at S.
tovettho,rgstcst hobody. ilc tripe . ..
to tad motives, laoment... no dott•noorable tt n•
tturt •••anst him sasoestle• to the Senate to tor
t:ahtart„ bat deals with rineohano as tropertrattaa.
Ilea, and with hI. geoisemen.
He played the part of a wine lotecesons slates.
oisio tt endeavoting, taken a member of the feu
MO in lbl7—'4o, in procure the adopt.. et mesa
dos to adjust the d ft..... , rs of L.% etmory betere
iney should arieuionlate to •111•11 S, delyinit states
=wim tt
p and legtslaou. To Mr. echo.s stag.
ohmsd credit ha. not perhaps been Fovea for his
sagacious providence in thtiattrepret. We sate
Pi.m agoated sad disturbed lout before the actors'
of the tempest. All wound related safe qui
et, while that tot at man sued pts , heal bat
rometer a the times. IndLcatinflek his otteamuesa
depreastoo.w tole the prompetri ma yet tom
ling aed aereue w omen, the advent of teem.
o sod division in rho future. We abaft not
.peak of the eutficheticy or inadequacy of the pro•
i s:mimes of Mr. (laytori to prevent Cr erupt,
tats •ppre•chtug stoma. It is the lIWONANLCIII.
01 thr attempt which make. il noticeable.
Times frequently occur lo the affair, of men
othietherhsed upon and improved, as has Nero
done by for seeing mlnetn, lead on to soostone and
prosper i ty By .o'-b lonely efforts the mitten: cc
sills. /a kept ottotr, calumny 14 averted. enl •
tot. try saved. When wawa. Ike these - ern tie
s leeted or overloOked, aeries. happens w h ich tot
tt•tesitotinablp Whatever coo postpone. 'foe or.
ihnisry simnel l• clogged end dammed op, and the
oust', is tivesflumed with the turbid waters it
eonfustou sod civil suds.—/Yesv i sek Dully Advsr .
SFariikil OF TES House.—Tha following
rd gentlemen art announced by their friends, a•
candidategfor Speaker of the Mirka Evpreren•
John S. Macy, of Armstrong County.
Jno Ceoicia, of Bedford do
D. Lent, of Waakinagton du •
J. B. Packer, of Northumberland do
J. S. Haldeman, of York do
W J Jackson, of Philadelphia do
Win. Brindle, of Lycomtng do
Jon. E Griffin, of liayeite do
A. S. Feather, of Berk, do
A. W. Olwine, of Philadelphia do
Win. Dunn, of Clinton do
There will be no difficulty to Coding gentlemen
willing to serve in the capacity; but the one to be
elected will be the ona who to the roust shrewd
1105.1 in dealing with the greet question of toe Sen
atorship. The election of Speaker will be only the
preliminary to that election. Lively times are el
pout‘iinllmvisburigh about the commenceineot of
the Pcaalup.-111ar. Tel.
liana Arralcanona—The several Harrisburg
paper, contain the hnloorteg Intended spplwo•
lions for bank charters, mown!, and increau of
Anthracite bank alrlamacina, 15'00,000
Richmond bank, Pliladelp►la canal!, :,00,000
t*arl,ca bank, 100,000
Valley i.ank of ManOngalmla, I:A 000
Mauch Chunk bank, 200,050
sgrlng Garden bank, Philadelphia, 2n0,000
Blair county book, Hollidaysburg, :,00000
Fsriarn.' ■od bklebanica' bank, Allen.
town, 4 ,- , 2DO 000
flank al Payed. wooly, • 10000,
&manning bank (State Wink nenuritWiairo,ooo
houthwark bank, for increase or capital, 100 000
Kensington bank, Philadelphia, lorinerosar
of capital, 0,,0,1,00
Batik a- Commerce, Philadelphia,,for Ina
mama of capital, 260,000
Mechanics' back, Philadelphia, Ca in•
mare or capital, 600,400
Schuylkill book, Proladelp L ido, renewal, 1,000,000
&WWI bank, at Ewan, rcrikwai, 400,000
Dauphin Deposit bank, fl4tialinry, In-
C!0120, •
Alloolowa Sayings, with di.coauf privi.
— Them art% In •il,efgOfFro eppiice4ouq scorn
of tehiCh IO:0601:0 the coati, of Polladelpto.—
Lowioncus Q aaea
Paocreousna Misuser Gov Qtrtnessi.—The Nlis•
stuipplati, of November 15th, confirms the report
that me United States Court at New Orleans is
proceeding to demand the pretence of Governor
Quitman in that oily, to answer certain CUM=
there preferred .against him, regarding the Cuba
exped.inn. The dlisaimipplan thus comments
on the fact
"We believe the whole to be frivolous and un
founded. sod intended by the Fillmore admtniamm
lion to effect ulterior polities) objects. The Gover
nor, however, is ready and willing to undergo any
eaninination when his official term expires, and
will yoiontanly do an now, ir he can lawfully ab
sent 4,1,1 f from the seat of government with
out deo iito,n, to the poetic interests, and in obe•
diem., to the r. <plummets or the consututton.
Wed o not lithe ve lie F.ossesees the rower to do
Th o r„ n question of State sovereignty in
this matter whirl, we desire to me settled. The
leas-scare would certainly have the right to re.
nl the Governor, but were he to place himself
voluntarily beyond as jurisdiction, to the hands of
the authorities ot the United States, it might be
imposuble to obey this summons. President
cnoo "food to attend the trial of Aaron Burr
round. which pertained to the necessi
ty 01 lux preview,e ei the aeon of government,
sod the position of resistance which he look at
that time, ought, yr- think, to be sustained by
every State, in regard to Oct ehidf rnaglettate,
who t inphatieally a poro u s of the State rover s
rig alp."
The abolition weir:nue to George Thompson, at
Worcester, on Saturday, was quite a spicy •t'ur. ,
Edoiturd Quitiey prosideil,.and brimstone speeches
were etude by Wrodell Phillips, Charles L. Re
mood, :hgln. C. Hashish, W. S. Garrison, and
Mr. Trion:lion Thn lust was out, and Suainly
consvieil arts tirade against slavery, asaipsi the
d stostri•rs entre Faueuil Flail meeting, and *pleat
the pr,ss
A lbertrrso l'Asssua IN Ma. CIAT'II kfructi.
—to the Oro t. lag r•oh m reports of Mr, Clsly:s Ism
Speech hrlore the Kentucky Legislature, there
WPII .•ustsge No doisolutino of the llama,
whoth gave rise to notch commentary in the pa.
14114 . 141 JOUtp6l.. rho receipt of the rewired ropy
ol :be speech ..h..w• hat there WAS 10 0:100
tnr leirgrmpi, rep. rt. The mistake was to the
following pastsg.., which we POW gave IP the rot.
reel i.• 1111:
•1 note be nuked as I have been asked, when I
would i ono •ut t. it diteuovinu ut the Union.
•newer noyer—tierer—uever; because I eau .12•
of uo eoutuoieney but would Wake
it for tue titer,. sod tientnuees it: the people to
Neat 'pt!. .g 0•1011.1 c nlidaritey and peparre
it into 1th.,41,1,g nod tx• I Nen-. psi 1,. tiquw me
—What I brl eec to be ottrottrltt,e to .Low Oa:—
V,. 10 re toil be greeter set:utile :or liberty,
propetty, pUtl , ,, end human i.appinesr, In the
mutts in taes, tetdous, sad w•rriati ludepens
deut flint : A ch[tICAII poWer• 10•0 under tut es•
gle of the thiou, sad I will consent to its titsso.
lutin. I would yield to u, ireuragre.s were to
usurp • pour er, winch I non sure u never wit% to
etiolish else cry within the 'twits ut the Sister, for
lathe contitgeney of encb • usarpatloo, we should
be u A Ironer condition as to striver), lied u It
would be, nut of the Union mon in the Union."
7 ac Srnfit[TSUl eon FLOWING. MTH. Nnvr.
—The sentence cultic court martial recently held
on heard the U 9 ship Pennsylvania, upon the
miltio,lol.l. conduct nil four men, yea prcanulgated
on Saturday, basing been sanctioned by the Navy
Department. The Portsmouth Whig sty.:
The t: rvt win tort of a coal beaver, whose
Wages amouneed to II 7 per month. He la to 'se
Marated, and only re re for waaea Oil ndansmo,
per month,) and to tt, kept to nosis•ry corfiac•
inert on boar: the reeeivirg atop far the remain.
der v. hi lot fart ho Wail shipped—about
17 ut..ic on
7.e tdo or xi omit were of ordotary reamer,. , o be kept La aoloary cool, went In the
cells oli he Marine Barrack. at the Navy Yard,
and to be led only on bread and water, for two
The re...a:ea ease ores or• =rise, who is to
• hall and co the scaveoger' work
or Ito• it trrack. sod to be abut op every night from
gusset to auntie, in one or the cells. And to
every rase alter the expoottion of the sentence.
th s aro to he than sand Iron the servlce in de-
PosTant Roan— A voice... or ifiCiddltDPLaltta
—Mr. tOttaptied, Sant hes given notice that the
ropes v.l , he taken oef thr Inclined Planes of Ile
A. P. It. It. n the tat Liekrechher. with a view of
relaying two or three of the Planes with heavy
end putting the mild in the best possible ree
dit.. rue h. xi year a bosom. We are pleased
with this... the part of Mr. Campbell, wid hope
that he mow poet. the work vigorously on.
Rut our Leg••lature ehoold. by all means, at
he eery roconencemeht of it. next session, take
op 'hr sub, it ul an avoidance of these Place',
end mete necesany •pproprtation• 10 begin
:he work., Mr I . •icea ato: his able carve of El,
itihev . .i. hare !wen asaidoonaly engaged .0 to
w a•
Line %ant! I. *M., or lour months peat. and
lone lolly acd rienebtsively established the pro,
exibitity of the undert•L tog; and as to the pro.
peony of it, theme., be no two opinions among
those who investigate the enhjeet.
11 n int true—and we believe it is uniirergall•
ericireded by these who have Weep the mater
inure ennaidemoori—that the Conannetton Or the
Pecolylvah.• Rail Road will greatly inoreime the
to.o,ek. oa the roma hike of oar Public Improve.
the importance of the matter reTred to the more prthstrr, and the folly 1 delay
L•triebilion on the aixbieel the more Me able
May lee hot hope. ther, that birnethom will be
done lowarda the avoidance of the Plane. early
is the vervoni—fieffoidysearg Reitrrer.
"Th.. PaMum."
The Cubed,: Te!egraph a.i tba 16tb has an In•
tomto& atoz'a cescr•pove of the form and tag.
cont.anco 0: tins ornament of the Metropolitan
Orobbiabopt. We item the following tenapaota
.• rite Paillium, which the Pope sends to the
Arebbish.p., is•n oresinent worn upon their
i toUlticfs 0 In a label hanging. down upon the
eart sisal nee,. It in made of white lamb's wool,
sjotteit w,th eon.. or tuck empties, and is nowt
as • When of spiriamt jurisdiction of lidetrepoli•
tnns over the churches cal their whole province.
It w emblematin of humility, charity. and luau.
sore, reminding the Prelate that he is bound to
neck out anti carry home on his shoulders the
strayed sheep, m imitative of the Good Shep.
herd. White lamb. are blessed on the festal of
St. Agnes, in her church on the Nornanton road,
and from that time kept in some nuouery, until
they we ahem, and of this wool the ['albums are
made, which are laid over the lambs of Si. Peter
the Whole night .1 the.vigil before the Mast of
tits apostle. The Pope sends one to Archbishop.
In the Western Patriarchate aller their election
and winiecratioo, but they only wear them in the
church during the Divine Service. Panama, are
slso given tie Apostolic Legates and StitTragin
R shop., The origin of Pelham is attributed by
Boiler to Populous, the immediate successor of
Si. Peter. Rishop Maxims. my, "M the Low of
tiracis, aneient is cur Epboth, that is Pallillnl i
Which our Patriarchs regard as an institute of Lle•
us, the nest Roman Postal &Ler Pater,' dr.a.—
1., nawil, in hot history and iintiquelei of the An.
gl., Patois Martel sty., this the new ?detropollittn,
amid not exercise his office. nor talon the Archie.
micopal throne till he had obtained the Papal
Coutirmetion—which was granted by the delivery
to him of the Pallium, as • badge el Metropolis I
tan dignity, and was only worn dunes the cedes
Mallon of mass and the discharge of his Metro.
poll!. duties.
The Pallium may be worn lit the Fear•of Saint
Stephen, the Cocumeiwoo, Palm Sunday, ate,
Me. The restrictions ar to the days when tt can
he worn, data from the earliest ages, sod are
embodied in Go decrees of Councils In the
lanai century. Any Archaihopu who wore it
an any other than the epecibed days, and occas
sena, Wiwi twine to deposition for pride and &WO.
genes. Finish i
'Au Arad. op cannot use the Pallaun in pro.-
ensnlooll, or oil r ceremonies, outside the church.
Nor ally time, f we except, pttrbobin Oiling of
• Synod, nixie when be coiebratilts',Alatir; not
in another province even With the eitiniell at the
Metropolitan, or the Biahop of the din iieie,• but
only in ha own province churches, WIT in Mass
of in/fiefs; he ...mot lend his Fathom numb
er A.chniiiisp; should ha hove two Aech i placepal
Sees, he mind have • Pailierai for e•ctr, Wield Pe
abdicate, or go (ram an Arettiopisco I to an
Episcopal See, be. Gnaw use the Patti ; and if
he return to hi. Arettiepimnpal See he nit have
a new Pillion]; if be losses his P•llitim he most
petilios the lidly Ice Or another—but. e eon, in
the Went lame, Mennen to exercise hi POnlift•
..•1 Cued one; finally when he die., i bta own
province, he must be honed with tt mind hitt
nei li, a in another movpie, It moat be laced be
n oath his newt, in the coffin.'"
Foreign Gleanings
Cardinal Wiseman arrived in Vienna on the Iv
The D 4071 woos flint the number of French ei.
bilotorrriiilhe Great Exinboloii of 1851 will exceed
Mr 'lanai flowaan PAUL, of Ploladelphla,
ire:mina on eaWorn's in England.
The Empren of Russia in now no a grape diet
ivr the recovery of her health.
Qoren Vnioris has designed a carpet for On fair
Mr Mammaly in playing ► farewell enosameat
at the Haymarket Ttnire, Loudon.
Toe aanual yield of gold in California and &Mil
t.ommated at over forty M111101:111 of dollars.
' A very brilliant meteor, with a luminous tail four
or live yards lung, was ole.orved in the west of
Lnoro•lnre two weeks More.
Upwards of 24,000 herrings wore caught ofTthe
coast A nglesy , a short tune since, by one fishing
buai, and un 'Tuesday a e round buck of 18,000
The Cork journals are Zealously urging thence
...lad relegraparc wtrp 11.1 Dublin to their oily,
in order to recure II! claims for Uantallanlic mall
SC, V Me.
!Improvements la ponttoltry.
DR. U. 0. STEARNS, latent Ronan, Is papered to
manulactute and set BLoss Tara In whole and pans
of WS, Spot ensiles or Atmospheric Suction Plelaw--
Tours “Fl• C Itan tiny, clausal, whim the nsrrs
arposse. tithes and maidsess next door to the May.
ot's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Ursa so-4. id, M'Elddso,F. 6. ilcurs; liU
Hu. litau--Enr, I cheerfully comply withjymor ro
gue.* that I would give you an account:of the anneal
miraculous core of my little daughter's eye by tha use
of your "Petroleum."
She wu attacked with • very tore eye In February
or March last, When I immediately applied to the hest
medical tid in the city, by whom it was pronounced
"a very bad eye" and all gave or. no !rape of doing
her any good. After which I took her Into the coun
try to an old lady, who had been Yell vueee•d.j In
curtng eye.. She told Ma that her ease was barrel...,
as slur would certainly lose Lot only that one, but
bet the other would being a 'armful°.
affection of the blood. And 1 Arcertify that at the
time my father (J. B. Vsshon) came to the concl.ion
that we had better try your Petroleum," COO WAS
BUNG ail 011 f eye It ar now about Iwo
monthstice .he began use end file call now see
with both ryes ea Rood nu ewer .be did, Lod, as far
Iv I ran tell, I believe the L.e, Wttil nbc blessing al
he Almighty, keen eared by " Pepoletim
Your., revoeetfally,
PI Foam. VseooN C.okkaa
Pittsburgh!, Scot 7n, 1,50
For .ale Ly Kr -r " 140 P.
.eyser Lowell, 140 tVood at rat;
R K 57 Wood •tgc.. D Al tarry. U. A I.:l
-imn, Joseph Dough", apd U I' :,12, A lkihrhy.
e 1.,. I.v tba propnetor. F. Al KILR,
nor 7:d&ror Renal b•ain. Seventh •1. 1,11/.ar4
Moe of ltbto and rerana. R R t o , Third at.
Yerrasoa., August S, Ix3o
Trtz Stockholders of the Ohm end Petinsylvant•'
Rail Road Company are hereby nouhed to pal , : Irc
embil, Instalment of live .11are per abate, at the office
of the Company, on or before the ?Mb day of Renal
The ninth nutalmenti on or before the 2021 day 01
September rue tenth Jll.llnettl on or before the
WM day of October next,
ST The 7111 inat.lment was colled (or on the 411t8 o
July la.
augsfdif WOl LARIMER, Jr., Treasurer
niTiz ENS'
or Pl4tatontrgls.
C. 11CPSEV, PusA`r... —.A. W. PIA RKS,PacI.
Office—No. 41 Wan, moot, a., the wort hall., of C.
ri , lll, COMPANY I. now prepared to twn, all
Lands of riots, on houses, manolactones, goods
rnerelsandsne to store, tad to tranntu Vim., de.
Ali amp. viarain:y Tor the abilay and inihgrity of
Plc lhoututlon, adorded to the character el L.. I,
rectors, who are all Cane. of Pot4borgli, well and
favorably fnuwn to the ronAtundy for their prudence,
ted , tksenco, and integrity
Ilomrey, %Vat. iiagalay, %Vm. Lat.
burr, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh U. loce, I,lward
11e4sehan, Jon,, Haworth, P. /larl.naKh. S N.%
199 wool r+Tar47r,
Are now prernred nitn lk !ergo nd fresh cook of
!Mobil, Getman, and Amerman lierdwure, t•• oiler
euportor inducements to buyer. Tliore ',thine to
purenaee will prompt.: Melt interest by Molting
homier. co , mock, et , they orc determined to oil
he most relonabla terms' ituirt6
R. P. TANIVER & CO., •
651 Woo<ll.k.b•tikreen Third k th,
Are now theetvlng their very large and thpertor
Sir, of
Al., BONNE T:4 andFrVERS, all of the latest
st) lea, and expressly ad. ted to the art,tern trade
It bas hero selected an greet care, end ite to +then
and qua try Ir not surpa,ed hr sny athek n, he
found either east or west Our ccalothers and met.
egarns generally ore onvited 10 COI and exurranr
We •re oetertn,,cd to aell hrt the tent rea.nnable
terms. Also, enr P•t.nt rthl7t er ,r.or• ot all
ethos thee,.
tml ecual. t•clvreett
Marc.. acd Ferry Wee,
Ms EDVIOII-I . !.... eartuounte lawn b DAVI, oft).
Thud Ngdara, am a c. did.< for !Liar, heforc th
Antal:lronic and Whig ennvcruon.
01,1B:dimmer , FORT MEIO
C&n Jon"J R 00.1.3 14 naminiccd ns eandWale
(or the Mayotalty at the. next eleettnn, tut.tect to the
deet t um of the tors., and runtloonte Coy Conten•
ton If 1, tortll be rapportett IS• an aNtwe
firemen. • good Ci.on and octnrotoot into. by
not A L.l. PARTIES.
F- Ccog. late High tioortgble of Pl:lsborgh, wl
Le •L.pported as n cgr.didate for ti e office of Mayo
at theflex; elect4on, fo tbe derision of th.
hit god City Con•er.tion,
.00 Sam ikl MANY VOTER."
a Et ma—Von alll p!mare tLat 1.. 11.
LYn...ftx. Faq.. +.Ol ponrd t.y Irte.mti. na
emit/date for ilar of N .up a).l,attnrnexteleenon,
anblert it 110 deemon 01 the tl,l.and Arkusua,nnic
Covrin,n. InoPtd/catrTi SIXTH W
ML Wterhe—Orr—Vrit will please annitutze the
name ht ttattraw It. Magnate, al a canatdel. for the
llla,or•Itv, hect trt the rata:ration oftl lite Whig
Co vefaterh Mr MorTn , elsiv, sr,: h. sfrong,y
tarev.t 1.7 a 1 0..1 of fie, 1 he te r, t nth ',twat, strong
Itonr.l Ino2 te• MAN, 12111ZhNzi
II C. Sas,. wilt In supported att n rand/date for
the office or Mayor, bf el g ood ant true %Villas
thmuabout the etta,sobik.ct to Ihedeetrinn of the ran.
treallatn. 1n027 - 411.c.1 A FIRE:SIAN
at. ! ILO mthar I
o rpolltni Worms , —Arg.hish,ng r u u ra '
"Feelute .t t.. tee a dart due In my lerlJoUr I.rl ge, I
lay before t,em a (act athml, toot vim, t.ot lung
emu Lut tall I ral,eo on Messrs II mold A t'o, or
Willtanutown, N. Y., thr roma W011:14 kledtrine, and
they reeanendml Dr. APLane's Verrtauge, or Worm
Speethe nt I took a locale Innate and gave a does In
ohil.lahout ue y MB old, arid lu my great tut...h
olm:kr,. brute!. away worme I aCell eller gave
another doe to the emote Mn d, Winelt .Ought •witi
.000150 mora, makaog Clair lid worm. In about It
hoer,. I hate /given to other 05 my children very
effectually, and can cheerfully recommend it to all.
Amtmy. Ja:y le, JAPIIET 01 ALLEN "
ellaawis 1 Bhawlsl Shawls 1
A NOTHER large gooloroorni of lyoehe Lore end
Pongee Simons. 'Ye nertah
Shawn Shawn, of the mow eurenor noway, in. received,
now opening by A A NIAsoN & CO,
W in, a d d iaonn ee ,
kV supplied an a short tuna, with a number PI goodam., •aeli se tialnionco in Dry liiroesry, and
Hardware Stores, Warehouse, Ac., end for anum
ber of Farmers, eiloschniest, Hostler., %Vane's, and
Laborer.; and boys and ktrLs of Allmon, to trades and
all kinds or work in our clues, m.., and country
•ro•ud. House limpets, Cooks, Chandiertna.da, Not
and Orr Nur., supplted with places, or tor (mud.,
so. Places wanted
go lf nambar of colored men and
women, noy• see Farms, Homes and Lots
rented or 'nil, and MI kinds of 'keno., attended to
tor moderato charges 'Pmase cad at
no.liedikt• Akeney L Intelfigence Office, Fifth at.
VINE COTTON Nl: IzZio IL,,asZ 'assts.!
J 1,7 and gar sale uy J It.a11).1.
A 4"A
no 3 "NUI; r I .
E r t yoM Al..l3:‘—c:S a b o t i .l. task temajedmait,trettie
B AT o IIaRICK-4 bele just reed for
1 1 .i e n tz
I.l7K—uo.d lb. just received and for ode 1,
na3o 1 KIDD .3c CO
no:* KiDD & CO
DERFUMERT-NO do: of all var tele, lan reed
Pot wale by 1 KIDD e.
FOR SALF.—WaI a Lotnevitte Lune, by the bar,
or retail. 160 cheap Wooden Bawls at hail prl •
6 bas Fatally fitedientel,
un3U ISAAC lINK HIS. Fibti at
9W MIA, .4 1 eskly Pascua, and n a a,,, ~e
I Pittsburgh We kly and Deily Newspaper., and
• •aristy 01 ins Liu its Exchanges, for sans by
ball, ISAAC 111ARKIS, Fulli st
111111mazis Jot. m.,
nal of Art, wad Bele
rplate popular Jo real has become Invaluable to
I the anknufante el •nd setentthe explorer. The
lutelheent znerc4an and nwchnuic, the proteestocal
man and student 'Or II also and in It a owe repesltory
of knowledge not to 14 felted to any other publtentien
Ter v, Ewe VOli•111 in advance, and delivered free of
postage Agency at the
.39 di Market et.
THE ellblic Ober Mhos roseate o lot or Lend, Card•
log machine, SOd Fenton MU, in Minors town.
1114, °operate riaresers, mi the Alice heoy nre h c
issre is on the preintres, a good ...rendre house,
• frame machine, a iew bearing fruit Mee, nod •well
of good water. this Is a good stand tor errancy
wore Any person wishing to perchnee, will please
call on the subscriber, on the preon• resins neer .
noe3o:w3ten THMIAS DUNCAN
• Now and Beautifully Illustrated
Woe , b 7141 M. It Jame..
ABOOK of the 'moth.. By U P. R. lea., Eel.
Illumrated wt miter eplendldsteel engravings
from drawing by the loOtS moment .00. t, I vol. too
Jest reee'd MI sale by, tt
vurY :e Apollo Buildings, Fourth it
New Ltd of floods,
1 USTreceived, and near open
o ing, IL tplettilid tnt of
U new good., cowma, In part f
One elegant coved CI octave Pl.O, with Cole.
ma,a celebrated Lotion Attachment, mate by Nunn.
re Clad,
One elegant plain round corner, with ail mbnienl
Three elegant St octave Pianos. made by Dunhatn,
N impeller lostruments, aid very low priced.
Alto, a I. ot ,u,ierior oelormont, made by the
ongtnal Inventors, Carlirodi In Neednum, New York.
Torsi kiwi unions, lot Leanly ottweictrms.
sod power of tone corm. t be ordllef.
Also, a See lot ;I' Orate Instruments. Violin., he.
IL Kea:Lit:K. solo of toe thodeo Harp,
!lb Third oket
• -
I MIE underfigu tttt punnet of the Imo atm
of Metcalf A lopmlis, will continue the pr.eUce Gr
hie profession, gueluatifs en:lecnour, /cc
Samuel A K. Aletichlluu, Esti , who , . fusiglanee he
Las secured, will, busides the usual busistif tor tAr
taco, attend, folder LUL dueetton, to Lugano, in We
Otplians , Cowl, Common conicianning. at.
•11 nowOrAfit A. W. LOA/1111S.
ALTON 'Tailor and Pool: ao autot.l.
ography: 1 Vol 12020. mua.
royal.: bah/cation, for ate of p aunts Idni leach
r% and tor louts peniona of hods Hata, gradated
Bud published in socordance with • realm/on of the
Secoma and /foam of Representatives of dui flame of
Michigan. By Ina Mayhew, A. di n boo 1112Pelllat241i
deal of kablio Inm
ototlon 1 vat mos
Abbon'a New Book-111story of Madame Boland,
by John 9.0. abbottorrint engravings uhikein with
the (Omer vole:nos of this popular histaritel series.
For NIS by B. NOMINS,:
n 029 Za Apollo Buildings, Fourth at
Do LaJas.& Vaabecteris—L stimpi4
15 CASKGoId Medal, Blanchester and Munition
ue La.nes and Cashmeres, rereteca tel opening
tits day at A A MASON & CO'S
Coulmb . , Not. IStit lB
NA, R. HENRY C. RONVELLet hutting returned hem
I.VI hie •Itit to Europe, to Itn, adopted eottoteri rsttru the
undeed Would teepeetfollr recommend Wm
the pantie - e.a gentleman ofintee r ny, in who m du
sureteettonfidenee may be repined , t o noon.,
end traneertion• in Wtitch he may ettuu n e,
Henry C. Howells respectfully informs Ms friends
and the public, that on Monday, Idecellls , et 2d, ha in
ends to resume, at No to St. Clair strect,.hts Land
Agency busier" to gereral Also. for the transfer of
bond., mortgages, the formation of partnerships, the
•Ileconnlinr, of drafts or bilis of exchange. The great.
est confidemee and moderate charges my be relied on.
WANTED to Item or Purchase, within 20 or 30
rinks of Pittsburgh. from SO to HO sorer of good land,
Intb a pretty good house and frail orcharda thereon.
moat cspemally he suppled with • copious armee
feet fall of puresoll spring water. Hill or mango:in
venter) , is desirable.
FOR 9ALF-0,090 acres of tend in one of the
north midland counties of Tennessee, in which there
arc but 9 slaves. The land is of excellent 09.00; the
county is partly rented by o respectable and industri
ous class of farmers; the climate is mild and alai:Timm,
the Rintern short, the hind well watered, and the
scenery of sutras:Mg beauty. Prteo on'y 29 ernes
p, cr.,. Former paTiaeralm• may by had Any
portion of the above valuable property MEW be Pet
not9 d3O
Now opon a. Murphy ft liurchfkeld'a, north east
corner of Fourth a Market weals, a. lams RIF
.0.1101. of abtre goods of newest stylaa and mum
desirable colors
. . .
Cli eAIRLEON TUR , PaTINR:,reb Ora, and inber desirable glades.
Cirsneoable Poplins at very Low paces for
S Ull. A R II 1110L&d:IES—i 7 Illtda old clop Sugar'
, dd Ms rm.+. erop blolasses
.no2 d r'vd l 4, for snit bi 'JAC/WVI44 Libert & lII&KP&TRICK
. y 11
C yt , : , 1 t 1.4 , t0 „.
L TA Itesc o r w il , n e e r , , about canh l a w v o e r eks ago,
It•tVeY's Suddlery, ptovlng property, trul OttY_Pit
c gee
I AHD 011,40 tuts No I ilmirM.l.n
p ,, i w.
uT , ,... V. 1-10 bd. recuve'd s. for
R VF ,: - og toV,R—IU lmrrele ketcd v f i t , t . r
OILIe..ALE4tt bag. In store, for sal; — by
1,02 L : tr. W. II ARBAUGLI.
I:NUTS-5 r I 14:14111 1 0 9 0
Lg• .
. .
ithhtir— r Uo big for aalo by
DROUM3-150 do: for to*o t,r
uoz; VON tioNrifionir a co
BurrEic—iu S. packod;
la tee far hale by
brig rirrib eider, pat reed (or "le by
ILI RP--t bale. teeeived from :t. Ladle per the
IA :Ream Host Pura, for eale by
Front meet.
J USC n r;e t e , l . v r e , d . for e,
, sal
Sultana Hataidu,
Seedless llamas, Citron.
no:d WM A bIeCLL/R0 &CO
C Ot n l o Ll t 4s ) SHELLS—A fr , , e x l i sl i tpV=4 . • 1,2 , 03
I . 4 , H , E . S , l4 c L:! ,, ilJT . F 4 :r c , ,, t . lb e etm y etieally addled cads,
J pH?: BULL SAUCE, received for sale by
R AISINS -100 Use now crop, Larch, now landing
srat:o Water & FrOutcra.
HERRING'S -140 i.c. Labac scaled, tot sale by
be... 9 lebtle /I DICKEY & CO
C R li n
, ILF ; JA Lie E -I t u s t A lioz nL3 I /t i rtAti a. bz . : o
T u t: ' .:S e"• 3" boo 'h" ?..r.if:l i fl P ja7; COdg
LA. large No 7 Mackerel,.
• 40 brio •o No de.
27 Otis do No l do.
;AP hr bits do do.
10 drum. Cod N ah, am clog, for sale by
n&.9 111101\' N
110PS-40 bales Western N York;
07 bales Eastern, on ha • d and to myrrh
ad ' t ' l l oo n
is a ei r t t i n t- D * l ' lo ' l "
melt a G m
atTe I q o p al?:
Lad .1 cutter tatatocaa Sat a.actoty reference given
Adtbeas B No aGa Post Waco oOSS
NY perron who Is aequslnlA with the present
N Y of John Heffernan, • native of the
ponsii of clondagar. rao,ty Aletre, Irel.d,•rd whO
stoppme at La m e rts, on the 11. th of April, IESO,
for CLllreiCt, Orlit a.ticr • larnog laver•on Ore ea/D
-arr/her by sending such Informal,. to her, at !Ins-
Lamb, Allegheny county. Pennsylvania
no. — Al A EGA HILT 111.:FFERNAN,
Rolla. paot mod , othcr hienlly paper, p.1.!...e copyl
A It MATHEW A BEI .11 delteee• comae of
LVI LeeDlre• upon /ca.!, Hatory d Jervgalon,
at the LA FA FETCR A: 4 ,KM ULF ICOOSI, entrance
on Fourth Orr, cominenelag Oki Tuesday evalung,
December .11, at 7 o'clock.
enitiainn 25 cent, children bra price. Tickets
e had et /Lay 's book •tort, R. C. !StocWort . • book
'ore, $5; ccccc 'a Ilotel, and at the door
Ile roten the citizen. lathe following certificates:-
-NIL M. A. Bete, a Chnsuan Israelnc, aed a new.
of Polatitt, who has been Lectuttng yeah Counted sat
in the eaotern cities. proposes to deliver a coon.
of Lecthree in Lafe}erte Hall, on the sithrect•Orthe
l'ast Melon', Present Conditton, and Future Prospect*
or the Jewish Pooh. From the very tavorablettestn
hick barn tinny renovated 03 learn el/tru
th, n rota otht re e 100 f. ilicnded three lectures,t rt.e nu ltveLoto, tai rordrany tecondaendrug
them to the ...cur of FLltuttorgh as well calculated
to al:load:tem no small weanurc of entertainment and
Thacklorc 11. Lywan, S. E Babcock,
U. 11. 111,101 r, • I Edward Illaketi,
Frac°. on I W. A. Baasavata.o
Prom liev C W. quick, of PL Andrew. Church:—
."I'atiburgh, Noy. IV, ISZD.
"Mr. M. A. Perk formerly deLiveted hie eerier of
Lec.oree ictu.olem and /comb Itistory, to my
pond, Ile woo heard mob deep Interest, and'race
the highe•t SelI•iletIVII. All who attend bit 'comma
may be aura of acquiring offend locomotion." ,
Lecturer on Jewlih Ifirtory, infiltrated by Itanti.
(1(1 "II representing Ancient and Modern
Jcluiolern, sec mi. Wigan; of interest. tied:4slff
ej CASES Economy plackets, o w hand =id for
macufecturcw' prices. Also, 11, IV and 174
ewicic lu.nkcu , wine very superior, which will be
sulJ at ca.t J SHEA,
noctrdlw • M M
I arket at
JUST recetvad - wid uow openuts it sed Liberty st.„
a tarp Ito of Tresti !mar:lves and Jellies, assort.
cd e. (411ORC—
Prascrvoil Pectitha, PrGaerved Pinal Apples,
Presrrved llama, . Brandy Peaches,
Preserved Quinces, I Currant Jelly.
Also, the lollowthg PRES!' FRUITA, pot up to
their town Suite, tad hermetically waled, thereby
presets-a m
rc th eir origal davor 3
Peacues, Apricot&
Cherries, Prance,
Pitons, Ton aloe&
Black , denies.
rum Thl A kIeCLIIRO & Co
cola osiTzuTona
I UST received, an additional sappy of the itnpowed
CP Detector of AdocrlcanCoon on COLD oraacb de.
oorautatiou, loom Is IC Ws. It la the only piacticabra
detector yet invented, and can be used tomb 'attlidcco
111 5 seconds, and peace tiy sealable. rot side b y
nolB COT:Markel& Foanb rts
1/ IASIONDS—G dorms Dimmers ' and Dials Cotten'
Diamonds, and Diamond Sparka, Just red for
.au, by: Dts.23l -W. W. WILSON
D °!L--
En Arls orltziarged Nu L l i ain c te
LINSEED OIL-43 brls pure New Castle, for sale by
LOST- , 1 banal Rock Salt, supposed to pe macn by
falcate from lauding of the thecesnial packets
n^ 23 • 44 Wood st
LI ATI* MOO h--Stat fof saes by
now I SeIittONbIANF.R & CO
ALCOVED MAGNESIA-10 cases (firsale by
QUG J f LEAD— i cask beat white t for sale by
V I A n L ef; °R-118-1° b 'I rSUIIIOI ' Arkin. CO
S UNDRIFS-1 case Purl S.go;
I ease Pearl Barley;
I cue Tapioca, for sale by
0b23 J SCHOONM akER & CO
MARTARIO ACID-6'bo powdatid for Ws by
b a ilf/io 1 Loulsville Soap, rof ule low,
%dory onaspent,
BENTUCKY MUSTARD-4 boxes Slimys' ed..
lamed Keniucty Murtasd, to: mile by
LA It Dillt.-10 En. No 1
ceivad for sale b
e urn ned, loot TO
FLAXSEED OIL — ISOO wayntnted_p_ll:o,
eel. by • to 27 R E SELLERS,
l'T'l U hiXI/tattle 1...0. - ZENGES.—Iit ha. mu tee • try
lff nog7 n EtIELLERS,
1 UttllS With - lb SllAVlNlFTeirialifiZtfilinTra
, P 11, mail lvtia Joe. not appreciate the luxury of On
ssy shave? tinny there be, we do not address oar
dery to him. But to all others we say, if you whin
el render obeying • pl ,purchase a box or July.
H.,. Almond Stwaehlo or Ambrosial 'Mitering
Cream, It at upetly Impossible to find words to de
scribe the feelings of a person who has' beep used to
Shoeing mph otalnary soap,oponmakina myel of this
for the hew time. It ts • °ambulation of odeder,r4-
nuracen, and pleasure.
JULIS't 11nt/L.I:S SHAVING CREAM is veered.
tasty emollient; centering the ttiffert and most wiry
level son and pliable, prodortng on admirable lathe ,
and by sr eltreutely mild elastic allaying all irri
Dot, and preventing that unpleasant and stiff feelutt
of We slim ankh to eo often experienced lifter the •
log. Gentlemen allot Jute& Ilaaelts Shaving Cream
may .face the coldest and at piercing Winds ins.
media,fily alter its ore, animal the skin beet:toting
OhOpNorD ptil,
er s An reito d thorn any whoother. vane use it, we can safely
say . .
lino grant adiantsge, which will be especiallya
prattle...a by those who wear whirlers, la the Al I
sttailt Wall not discolor the beard, Width WOW O a pa
Z ' Mt% " t{:ki:ra .' . d ill% rrtl Y enrkrirg * Ci! ' a l
'are delly.btrol preparation., corapociadad Willi &kill,
to the Wk./ <scission of all articles calms/lad to
stades the operation of gaining =plusses, and will
be aPprect,ted by all who make triad of tistew
Prepiced od, by
. .. .ILLES lIAUEL, Perfesses sod Chemisti
' led Cliesmet a, Phila.
rot sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A. Falun:nook
a CO.; and tt. F. ttellers;Pitiaburab; awl John Sargon*
oral . I „.aliteliell,'Alletbany City. ae927-3p
Adoonts rrrrrr s> llcit
A LL persona Indebted to the satiate of Wm Wilson,
deceased, *ill tall on the intlenlaned, and make
payment, and Dion having olabna against tlio Imam,
"sill present LW: mecum, duly_ anthenticasad, tor
tottlemnt. ' ADAM WILSON, Agar.
nolkdillamnlw CALVIN ADAM.
A. W. POSTr.lar
TroRNEY and Counsellor at law, Offlee No tV
11. Conan saint, oppoana Wtlklu H W, Pittsoatia.
TOBACCO--I 3 Vtriing• Tar—Vrjest me/ for
tale 6T I nea7l JoilN WATT & CO
-- • -
131100318-10) dozen new Imree Com Brooms. an
KIP hand, for em.le by JOHN WATT 4 Co
• MPF.RIAL TEA-15 kid... lom lotion!, :n stn.
noV /01IN WAT T' &co
ES—IGO bu too, for rule by
O. CASKS of the above celebrated ankle oo bane
44.) wed Tor sale at • tattooed Om by
n 027 libotty 'treat
S UNDRIF2-16 6 b b V i s . 4 fre ztv h k plow;
4 WI. fresh Roll
50 bw.hel Nest/aback
1.140011. lbaelmbeat;
4 tarts 01
104aeks Dried Peachrc foe tale by
sa77:dle Cot. IMO t SrtuthSeld
EFP TALLOW-43 btl4 rre'd for Rale b
B y
Murrori TALIA)W , - , a b ria reed far oak by
S4II — .EVATLAS—St9 C11....1and, (or ulo by
~ i;+,
SEW 1100E11,
Third et, opposite the Post Office.
DAYID Nos IP mod 20.
.111actwood'a alagaxine for November.
LAMB'S Living Ase. No au,
Holden' Dollar Magazine tn. December.
David Copperfield, complete, price trt cents.
Boston eltakepeare, No 11d.'
Dictionary of Mechanics, No 01
OM. Hand; a Short Tarn. complete.
Plotorial Brother Jonathan
Vetorial Courier.
Ilarret's Plagarina, all the bark numbers.
Barralta remructon. By Charles Laver. ito27
To Eicol ha Making Mao. Plea, lie.
lIF you wish to excel to the art of "mains Mincer%
Pm.,Cakes, Puddrags, be., yoo mutt use the fol.
Good Pound Currant.,
Valenclu, or Diglrth Poddtog Raisios,
Camden Orange Peel;
Candied. Lemon Peel,
Fresh Citron Peel,
Crimp Juice;
French Brandy.
All the above antelee are for tale at
rte 27 Tea Store, east toe 0( we Diamond.
rfl NE subscriber will commence on Wednesday
morntng, the 07th Instant, to roll off his ender
stook or Din GOODY at vs, y reduced ono., for
The Stock a large, and mil: be Mond to embracs
very desirable podt, Loth to style and quallty—a
large amount having been soles:lrd expressly (or city
POMO. who wish to supply themselves with goods
at Low Prices, will find It to their •dvantsge to call
at No 1111 Narket street. J. SHEA.
Pittsburgh, Nov. litth, 1F.50 —no26:dtve
CUSTOII 1301791 C
AMEETING of the Aasocivtion of the Board of
Trade will be held tins (Tneadayi evening, at
7 &elect, at their Rosen, for toe pornose of racetvieg
the Report of the Commtnee, appointed at a meeting
of the Association. held on Tuesday. taut test.
Te filaNs and loop Manufacturers.
THE subscribers “e lamely supplied whit OW.
and Soap Macro SODA ASH, fa. fiforprett k
Sons celebrated brand, which they will soli at the
lowest market price, lot cask or approved bill.
rta . 243
WA kl
• berty at
103 mile; Cana-250 .an Rad Road.
THE Paeans of thin Lino will common running as
long the weather will permit.
For oamage, apply at the ogee. Monongahela
!loam, or to D. LEECH ft CO,
no2o , Canal U. 5...
BRUASELB CARPETa—Reeeived Oil. day, at W.
McClintock', Carpet %V arehouae, new 1111.1 rick
sy le Dramatis Carpet" nello
WBeCLINTOCK levue• the atthroion of Swath
. Boat Nen to hth stor k or Pheetops. Call a
the Carpet Warekothe, No 80 Fourth eh no2G
SUNDRIES -70 ba Orr Apples,
40 Ina While Beans,
43 sacks Peaches,
Buckwheat Flour, for sale by
LINBH — BD lU/L-115 brls just reed for sale by
oOIS Car FHB A Wood sts
B UTTER -10 keys palate butter, for sale by
00511; 116 Water et
rrieWiSTEIV ititilit.E.LS CARPET: 4 ... Waived
direct from the Impanel', this day, rich and hend•
some ogle Tepee.? - Wessels Carpets, to width we
Invite the auention of puretason.
Curtain Good.
bIeCLINTOCK invite* the attention of par.
. chasers to RH Anode:me assortment of Win
dow Hanging., comprising in part the following
Ridh Satin Delain Damask;
Ribboned Torkey Red Chintz;
Plim do do;
Oil. Punted Window Shades;
Drab and Had Window Linea.
Call at the Carpet Wareboose, No. BS Fourth street
and NI Wood street. intad
. 7 grisiNG'S COUNTF,
I ItTgrisiNws COUNTRY uouscs—Tbe
•II lecture or comm.r tioama, ineladiog Mudge. Mr
Cotta H
ges, Farm ouses, and Villas, with remelts en
Interiors, Furniture, and the best modes of narming
and vanilla:lnd, with three hundred mad twenty il
lastratiOns. By r d. J. Roaming, illitOOT of "Deals.
for Cousge Residences," "Mats to Verson, about
&aiding," in. in 1 vol toga! hen.
nege i 7 Apollo Baildingg, FealW/9
NO 'MACKEREL -lia ?;brlaAag i tt n loil i bW . Ott eo
an2a . 119 Water gt
••• ID Stare or.vale V
Liman diciant CO&
ONEY-3 Erb In •tore, for .ale by
A Faintly Rorie for RAI*.
ViTILL be ookl cheap, a gentle, well mined bona,
Vlf either for a buggy, et for ttding. Engaite e 1
this add dtf
— ' — lluerrid Moth Book&
'MEW Cannma Sacra, 1,3 Lowell Mason.
Carmina Sacra, do
National Psalmlat, do
Paalmodiat, by liming & .Bradbury.
Poadery, by Mann & bled.
Carideo Landis, by Lowell htason.
bay Some Collection, by Johnston and others.
Mendelsohn Collection. by Bastian & Bradbury.
Mason Harp, Patent and Boned Notes
Minoan ilannony, Patent Note,
Choir Chores Book, by A. N. Johnston.
Western and Christian Harp.
Boston Melodeon. cola, 1,0, and 3.
Boston Olrs Book.
New Entstand Oleo Rook.'
Jarealle Ontario. for Schools.
The Young Choir and Torus Chain Companion.
A full 'apply of all the buoy. orork• received, and
for sale wholenle or nisi . at publishers , prier, by
JOHN II MELLOR. ft Wood at
Ffiffir Cann - in - 1
eu boor, "OS the the — FiTiii,
and the Piteride. by th tn Hawn: antbor of lbs
- book of Seams," vßatal Luta in ils.gtatid,ll Ea.
cal. Immo.
Eire Yvan of a fitlilte% Life in the far intelioyof
South Africa, with nodees of the noose tribes, and
aneedotes of the Chase of the Lion, Elephant, Hip.
F.Potantus, Cicada, Rhinoceros, &e. By Ronaloyn
Gordan Cunningham, ER. s refs la too enlist et.
Health, Disease, and Recteey, fantilistly and prac
tically conaidered In • few of their tektite,. to the
Blood. By Geo. Moore, hi D.. Member of the Mogul
College of Physicians, he. tent hem..
The Iltstory of Renee tie Greet- Hy Jacob Ab
bot. 1 not lemo. Just rot, iced tot sale by
usllo Bundings„Yourth st
& OUltetlFlFL.litio• recerred a
ATI ooPPIY of BLACK SILh LitoEllelfoop. lug
11\Ar Mika a BilitTffeirat havojfee - eivoii
/fiend superior snide or WINTER 11057113 • V for
ht . , l l * e f i tri b trig . s . , Lambe' Wool,
VLOUIL-150 br I
for sale by
T. Ir. 11si10r15. Floor, Ins
116 Walcr It
F LOUR -02 brie tee sea ror sale bt
no 2 /
ly :Wiratol , f!lDL=;•llMU•t•-mst.lwirl;
thIUTUY SEED-4 bumf. for uttle by
wAt a JOHNSTON . for .ale by
IJ nr2l WM a Jorinsro.
41.dittriTUB-4 !Ala je-a reed. per 811e14 an
and fo r sale low by JAMES DALZIML
ro N. 70 Water Buser
A.A. /4" CO .•
irresatanu,s , A,
WOULD solicit the ao , noort of Merchants Don
VC all sections of theocean . , to th Aft. Immense
Stock of Nur Fall Goodso-ompriung the largest and
moat complete assosucent to the Western country,
consisting of
275 cases best GM. Prints;
40 do Imported •st Amorioln Gingham.;
33 do Alpacces,.mottles, and Pleritum„
37 do easbrate. dDe Loins:
SS do Satinets aro cam
27 do cloths and
1, lmcru,-
7a do Bleached tinslitts;
go bales Flannels, ott;colors;
57 dr ricking%a, e..timades;
30 do Grown blnslns Low coshes.
Iso,; came and packet./ e } Silky Bhassl s, While
Goods,. Millinery do, Ter'.orl , Thiamine, lithbrinos
Lira, Hosiery and Glove, •ate.
Merchants to snored, hoist the r,real Warns s of
thts emabtlithatent,of.iproctitth the lorry. and
mom deslteble goods, and sy therlces mo
and 'owes
than atty . eastern boom Dr , gnorsetsterv•gents
fee large quantities of Dolor ue Goods, ti.cs Perdu -
Isrly solicit the orders 0' Inerchenti ter baser JO.,
deliverable In this city *1 the some pies they ST9
.01.1 It in eamerp cities. sterebants tots. COM 2 or
returning from the east, an, aivned!.. en examination
of their suck. A A 51A5ent &CO
Nupticrlov licetch e.d 111416
10 PUNCHEONS Sievrari's.celebrated Malt Mho,
key, oilier* , delicate flavor.
1 2 Pantheons Henan% ,V*lcraide, eters *talky
and high proof, ander moo A .our lack.
Also, Brandies of - dlffete• moires and brand. be
half, gainer, and octave*. !mooned and for $Ol. by
sovbideodlm lte a - almot at.
/lsasell's Ameadta• for Chapped n , 4 - 711i
/1 1 HE comity. tale of ainanoino dada* tbs
I pan eight years, owe y aerate die Ida
Pon In wh lc It Wanda e pIArILIIIIOI2 fa 4,:mid
lye cesonanity, o Ile /MIA= ire its bee vir.
Uses, Infallible,
as an Infallible leatedY 21 1, ' be .3•11
able, nest) are Inaletad danng
the ineleutant 0111.101111 Of 11 year.
Sold wholesale and rout Ey 11 E SELLE:HS,
G :7 Wood at
HEISSE-1 43 taa 110 W it
no.* I/11*y tnexfp. a. co
1-71N-212' • by