The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 28, 1850, Image 2

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    AF'i#.ittOfrtY: - r - .'; -
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.r.i.aga , Pug Susie Thir ir Pint
C.estrau. .
Tnati the Wynadoyrailain.
Irlitiewere. Predigest. eig abie est*
_ tea Semite.of Amerlea ,
and ~egwiir to whom Moe preset; shag
mos, fivelveff
Wbareto,-.11 treaty was made and coneleded
ta the city of Weans= on the fifet day of
cea thensaad eight Madre ' 41 and , fifty, by , and . rte
Arduan &Lenten, Constrassioom leer'
early mrtiated by the Presided. of the Mittel
State* of the we part, and the undenignedsgeed
Chief and Deputies of the Wyandot tribe of In
dians, duly whetted end empowered to not foe .
. their tribe, of tbs other put.which Sett if in the
Words following, to Int : '
Artielea of a Conceit:lap =tended s the ally or
Washington, this greasy of onethemeted
eight knadredandfifty,byandte Arden&
fAgenghery,Commtasiones 'appointed
by the President of the Stoles, and the
nedessigned„ Cud Chief and Deputies of the
Wyandot Tnbe of Indians, duty authodzed and
empowered tout for their tribs.
Whereas,• The people composite' the Weandot
tribe or ultra of Indians, istee manitested'an
melees desire to Winch& their utterer setweef
oberecter and become citizens Olds United States
—believing their condition will, thereby, not oaf
be ameliorated, but their welfare sad prosperity
greedy promoted. They have 'mud at this i
coaviction in view of the fact the a neat territory.
win, at no distant period, be organised by the
Governmeat order United States, which will cm.
blue within - 1m Unfits their pretreat Lando gad
peeetisidons, and Moe they Wiesen be surround
ed by Otters of the United Sums. Aber • fall i
consaltaten with their people. and upon mature
redectiou, the andereigned reprerentatives of the
Wyandot nation, material:the belief that tbe
• erects always to be apprehended from stela este
a(rline., will be svc Wed by tees becoming et sena
otthe United Stater, and burin the lends end oth
er property accruing under treaty 'stipulations,
now held in conwen by their people, lately, and
equally divided annex the Individual owners, end
secured to them le sutra* ,
And whereas, by, thesfirs article of the treaty
concluded between the United States and the Wy.
aids nation or tribe of Indians, on the 17th day of
March, one dammed eight hundred and tarty two,
the mid notion ceded and relinqeisbed to the Uni
ted Stales, all the bands and poesasion. Owned or
claimed by them, within the limns of the Stem of
Ohio and Michigan—ha conederaten of which
cession, the Untied States, by the wooed article of
the treaty afocessid, stipulate and agleam "ram
to the Wyandot nation a tram of land west of the
Misses:pm river, to contain one hundred and forty
eight thousand acres, and to be located upon any
lands owned by the United Stales, now set apart
or may in future set apart, foe Wen me, and no;
already Imbrued to any other
of the or ettion." And
in turner considerati aforesaida cession by
the Wyandot nation, the Untied swab) , the third
and succeeding articles of ,mend treaty, agree "to
pay the Wyandot nation a perpetual annuity of
seventeen thocomed five Mered dollars, 01 17 , 400 1
in specie," beetle' making other provision for the
benefit of mid native, imfolloore—Blaclearth and
assiseus,B7so—lien modem' rot shoe, ,sro—en4
• to, alewife p urp oses 8500--all of which to be
furnished nod paid annually. It being expressly
stipulated in the third article of the treaty before
mentioned, that the annuity of seventeen, thousand
five hundred dollarrashouldmelatie "ell former an.
And, When's. The Wyandot tribe of Indiana
were net put in poneuicia of the one hundred and
kitty eight thousand amen of land, u emulated in
the second article of the treaty aforesaid; and
_ they aver that In consequence of the United States
having failed to comply with that stipulation, by
not desigrinting and conveying to Mem a country
ft far terming plumes and suited to t•-eir wawa,
they were compelled to purchase et home, °rabid'
they were then destitute, ofeuteher trite ef Indians
Aonordingly on the fourteenth dey of December.
one theeend eight hundred, mid forty three, they
entered into a contract with the Dalaware uteri
of Indians, by which they purchased of the last
mentioned nation, a tract of land comet:Mg thirty
out sectioas, (or twenty three thousand and forty
eaten,/ nod bad re led ter them, an s donation,
thrte reo.(ons tor - nineteen hundred and itwenty
gems.) to seiltren, at re: kith is the firs and se
coed Wages rif' arid",..ntrati Or treaty. whereto
these two tracts or sections of land are ci....ntribea
• as trilowr • "Three pectin. of land, centide;:l
lax hundred and forty urea each, lying and being
situated at the point of the junction of the Miss
emu/ sad Kitbag nvers"—ecti the "thirty six
smarms of land, each contalostg its hundred and
Luny acres emoted between the aforesaid Mts.
cone and Kansas Veen, and *dialect on the west
the aforesaid three donated sectione, nuking in alt
thirty nine sections of land, bounded Is 81lows,
via. Commencing at the point at the junction of
the aforesaid Missaeri and Kansas fivers, Man*
weal along the Baum river ufileleetly the to no
elude the aforesaid thirty nine embus: thence
cunning north to the Missouri river; thence durn
the cold river with is meanders to the plaee of
beginning i to be surveyed in as new a equine
form as tne river. and _terrace?) ceded mill admit
0r. ,,
And, Whereas. The said contractor treaty was
rattled and mailslued by the IJaited States, by a
jellt reSolg4l2l at. Congreas,. approved Julep.%
1819, and which cordate:is only the Meowing :pee
visor et That the Wpm+ifnf Indian mom Shaft
tale no fetter right or eartres ea reed to read land,
than is Sim awed se the DeLenen mutes of In
Tho Representatives of the Wyandot
therefine, present .claim against the United States
(or the price of one hundred and forty eight thou
lend norm of Land, granted by the second article
tithe. atornaid treaty of. March 17. L942—fixing
that puce at one dolor and meow too route per
acre—end whet claim, they conceive la anength.
clod, it not rendered vent, by the morph on of
their purchase from the Delaware Indians on the
part oldie United States. as shown by the rendu.
non confirmatory thereof, above cited. And they
now ask that the sum of one hundred and eighty
five Mowed dollar. tne allowed, and paid to the
Wyandot people in commutation of told elem.
And whereas, the' Commissioner on behalf of
the United States, having mutely and attentive.
I y examined the application presented to him on
Whet of the Wyandot nation ,both In regard to
their desire tobecume citizens et the United States,
and to their claim for payment. m money, for the
land granted to them by the ireat of 184 Z and
having, also, exenuted the public dcnmega and
other proofs, having reference to the subject, he is
induced hn believe,rirst —that the Wyandot people
have an far advanced in mediation u to be cape.
Ede, generally, of mmeging their own elms, and
are melded and ceculeted to become medal cid.
wens, a large portion whereof being already engagd
in agricultural perste; sad steamily, that they I
have an eguribki chum es the United States for
• the value or the lands granted to them by-the treaty
c 41842, @formed, but of which ends they were
not possessed, compliance with the stipulations
of said treaty. In 'melee at this conclusion, bow.
ever, it is expressly and...stood that it is . not to be
considered es an admendolt by the United BMW, of
tuber tbe policy or expediency of examining lands
granted to Indian tribes under bum si c riaboria,
for money, or in fixing the value of so lauds.
se to serve as a precedent hereafter. But, under
the peculiar circumstances of this toac,,and ripe.
Malty is view of the Wunder. tribe or Indiana
weans; to extinguish their molest existence and
become raceme( the United Sates, thereby,
ng all chews now held in their , rational or
rapacity, against the fleeted States, the
Commissioner aforesaid has agreed with the Wy
aadot moor and Deputie, parties hereto, to con.
chide the following articles to wit:
Annan I. Pp+ and is ceadderation of the
illpniarione art forth in the following article., the
Wyandot tribe fo re nedon qui t lndium, hereby cede,
refinquLsit, acidver dim to the United
Setts all the riabl,tille, and inteine in the lands
they now poem and occepy, or have aver fi".•
seised lied held la comM on, either as original
occupants -of the son, or acquired by vinucof
treaty stimdatkins. _
Amman U. The wyindot nation aforesaid,
. la huller consideration of tee stipulations emusin.
ed in .the ;oilmen articles, hereby sdpnlate and
agree that Mere exhume, as a Debi of tribe,
obeli terminate and become exti n ct in the rat.
Meath* of this Mete by the Presidentbud Sen.
..are of the United . Steel, and by the Chiefs and
National Council el their nation. And es like
manner do they relinquish all claims held by the
Wysadot people, it titer national or collective
e 4 PleifY mike the United Suites, either on as
eunt of atmes de ins out of bum stipulations,
or of any other character or description whatever;
`and, that after the ratification of this tresti In the
manner beige mentioned, they will have too
° l eVe to be rectleired by the Government of the
United States in their tribal or normal **col',
. except no dr as n may be necessary to early
into erect the several stipulates' of this treaty
Altirlit In outaideration of the foregoing pane
and eandblons, and for the purpose of gratifying
the listable desire esprened by the Wyandot
P-UPr to become elates of the Untied Stales, it
hereby stipulated and agreed, that the United
States will pay them (the Wyandot people/ Inc the
one bundred and furl eight thouund acres of
land, promired to them by the treaty of March 17,
1812, at the rate of one dollar and weary five
ants pee,, acre, amounting to the sumer one how
drcd and eighty five thousand dollen, is the man
eve following, to wit One hundred thresand dol
shall be invested in United States stock, to
bear interest from the retention of this treaty, at
t he r ite of Ave per cent per annum, redeentatle
at the pleasure of the Government of the United
States—cc9lficates of which stock shall he issued
to the Individuals now composing the Wyanda
ration, in the Mancer and form hereinafter pre.
scribed. And fur the purpose of enabling the
Wyandot Indiana [preparatory to their becoming
citizens pi' the United Mates] to MI end satin.
Sigh all theft jest debts and liabilities oonttacterl
In their national or collective capacity, either on
account of the purchase of their lands from the
Delawafe nation or otherwise, the balance eighty
eve thousand dollars shall, upon the reification
of this treaty by the Senate, be advanced by the
United States, In specie, to the Chief and Depu
ties, signers hereto, or open the draft or drafts
drawn by them, or any two, of them. And as the
acid Chief and Deputies are hereby made tio
enuinable fin the tainifal application of the fund,
each and every drafter order they mild upon
ty will explicitly state the nature and character of
the clam, and show that)he debt of debts were
fairly contacted by the properly constituted an
Mantel of the Wyandot nation, and ma Account
of tee business of said nation and after dicharg.
ten all the national debts and liabilities of tneir
tribe, they will distribute the balance, if any,
KI:13311; their people,per capita.
AaTleti IV. The United Betel farther agree
to a commutation of the Unity and other claims
of the Wyandot laden, arising out of termer
awl stipulations, and Which see to be caudal*
et übcing ar embtaead In tbt , :tratT of Mart 4
Tie 181:2. Thicse stennitees and other claims, pro.
tacit" an annual payment to the Wvanilot at.
lion or eighteen thousand nine hundred and nine
iWilailhOs,arebereby'erenintilleA for the sum of
omo-hawked and' , seyeaty, nine: it d .,,,,,,d ~ix tu
bundled lists." . (A 2 19 ,80 01; And the sem
'of three hundred sad seventy . tins (tunneled
eight hpailred ' &alms,; added to ihe
SUM or one hundred thonrand dog.,, clip.
limed, Co ibe landed, by the third uncle or
this ueslyi.enit Abe aggregate =wont of Saul
hundred and seventy title tbotmod eight hen.
dried dollars. shill cottathiste a general lend, to be
equally . divided Strong the Wsandor pople. and
OrttfiegleiPte4o.Fk to be, null thcrekr, as men.
t i m ed it the preradleg article:be that earl, and
every. Alfyitodor Oliver' shill have an equal
i Aire of the "i:eliaisLeo pc/petty thtie to be dirt.
ter.' V. 'The Wyandot tribeen nation having,
the gut twine. of; this treaty, . extioguithed
their Didion or oxylenl title to all lands elnimed
&OLIO • n
d by them, theDnitedStates kw the Con.
melons herettilefom set forth, do hereby retro.
eede, convey, and guarantee in let siesyrk to im
wriendot people, all Ike lands conveyed or Liter
ded to - bn convoyed to them bye. Delawam ass
non, lathe treaty Cr contract entered into oath*
uth o f December, 1E42, Mid -. ratified by the Press
m e m ma Dolmen. of the Bided States, Icily 25,
ISM Wally 'boom la the preamble to this Unity;
said train netraetaWf lend cantaletag thirty "nine ;
motions, at .likenty tour thousand nine hundred 1
end sixty acres. .. And the United Staley agree to
cacao an accord* canny of the boOndsly of then
kids, to be made as wee after the ratification of
this treaty' powrible; In accordance with the
stipulations coettined said contract between
the Delaware sad Wyandot Unica. .
Article VI.. In order that a fair and 'equitable
partition andapportionment ofthe Wyandot lands,
mentioned Ist the foregotog article ' may he made,'
so that they may hereafter be held individually and
severally, its hereby mutually agreed between the
contract.* portin, .that a commission& on the
part of the United States e acil three comunissiocons
on the jeer( cite , Wyandot people, dell be sp.
petaled for that porrine—the latter to be appointed
by the Chiefs anti National Council of the -Wyatt-
dot natal.. The duty of the board of the Commis-
'loners thus constituted, shall be to takes croons
of all the:individuals belonging to the Wyondot no.
tion, and !nulled to serenest benefits seeming
under this tresty—to make an • acetone register
of their Muses, agecoccopations, and general con-
'Linen. And after these facts are ascertained to I
the ganglion= of raid boned 'of Commiaeioners,
then they anti proceed to makes just partition
and appottionmeet et the lands aforesaid, among
the ludividuls of the Wyendot nation who, at the I
ratification of this treaty, reside upon the lands as
citizens of said onion end who are ascertained to
be entitled to a share therein, amortize; to the
laws, maps, or agreements •of mid nation.
Article VU.. It is expressly agreed and under.
end between the panes, to this treaty, that toe
eommistroirerlaforerard, in making the partition
and division provided for in the preceding articles
shall not Interfere with the handouts and improve.
menu of individual Wyandota; and in all case., of
this hied, such buildings and other improvements
shall be embraced within the porn& of land al.
lotted to the pen& who is properly in possession,
Warmer of the , same;Wn, by doing to, palpi
•ble, injustice 'wilt be doe to other Wyandca citl•
zens; and cases, the quality and tommon of
the land coin betaken into consideration in mak.
mg allotments of quantity to individnalePrawan,
dome& That no th ing herein null be socomened
gamauthorize the value of the building% or im.
provetnerds (being Imilsidual property) in estuila
- ling the value of the lands.
Article VIII, The 0212tOisltionerS agreed upon
in the foregoing articin, shall be appointed within
sin months alter the ratification of this treaty;
retire of which appointment oa behalf of the Co t'
led States shall be previously given to the Wyse.
dot chiefs sad 'numb . And after the said coma
oilsaionen shall have pedormed the drain herein
before assigned to them; they abet Whoop a full
repert of the proceedings, setting forth the name of
each parson to whom they may have apportioned
or alhoted any part of amid lands, with the name
god &edition °finch person ; . showing who. apartproper
proofs, preo, are neadered ncompetent to take
charge of their property, eater as orphan., mime,
insane persons, or for Other CROWS ; and also ea.
habit the quantity of land assigned to each person,
with the metes and bounds of once allotments.
And sold cominisioners skill Mite an enure&
map of the whole Raney and proceeding, to at.
eounrany their report, anomie* the partaton and
&vision atornaid. This report and map, when
completed, shall be intuited to a convention of
the Wyandot peOple, to he assembled tot the pins_
pose, after doe notice given by the chiefs and
olitsnal council; and 'after having all muter,
embraced in wild report and map luny explained
to team their decision:for or against the same
shall beAnken, Is accordance tub the pages Di
the tribe in arch ewer. If a fan majority of throe
qualified to judge for themselves should decline
t hemselves dissatisfied, it will be the duty of the
commissioners to remove the clone of disnotisfac-
Coo Sit mate properly done, in wart that there
shall bo nornstignmada of complaint.: Andante
ever y majority of the porrans interested, whose
vote shall toi taken as aforesaid, detonate In favor
Orin partition or division made by the ommin.
shorten, sad sad report and peceeedints c are sp.
proved by the chief and national councils of the
nation, they shall be considered as adopted by the
Wyandot people-one copy whereof, wan the
accompanying map, stall be given to the chins
cad national council, to be hereafter deputed by
them to then:lke of th e Secusary of the State or
' Territory wherein their lands may be sunned;
and nether copy to be transmitted to the Secre •
tory of the Interior at,Wathington; and whenever
reportthreportand proceedings are approved by the
Penitent In the United States, a p
or atent shill be
glinted to each individual far his her portion of
sad land, in the same =theca that parents are
tooted to other citizens of the Untied States ; and
upon the assn taper', sod la lthe manner, shall
contfieates of amok, an nilpotent for in the thito
sod' fourth articles, he tamed to the individuals
thrts'ahown to be entitled therato, with the Met.
estlon and rearrieti., only, notathei In the rot.
lowing article
.Arecki 1X For . the purpose' of protesting the
Wyandotte nada nit rens by this treaty in the
land. and other proyeit which they are hereafter
to hold In severzny, y
ar beteby mentally agreed
bolareell the communion& on beh.ifof the Milted
that& and the Chief and Deputes on the Wyatt.
dal nation, that they shall
five , the nee,
u nil
'after the expiration of yew:. tram the
rattle-eke of this treaty to alienate, by sale or
a h e w fo ,
e And ny e i s r a liaen od
o c r a n sto k ck n uhdereoinf
fand_or stock, ere any portion thereof. belare the
expindloo of fire Tenn as aforesaid, shall be efre•
sidered cell and void—Persithee, Anwar Thai u
any individual or individuals •of the Wsanddi
people produce satisketory proof that •sech solo
or teenier can be mode, noeficialty to themselves
then lt, may he done ender the approval and sane
Coe or the Prenidentof the United Sod&
-Article X. All persons stjudged robe IlleoMpe
teat to take care of their property for the reason
and in the mariner est forth in thin Sib *meth of
this treaty, shell become the wards of the United
Suite., 'and all property seqoirad by them under
the pi:arisen, of this treaty, shall Le held in nos
accordingly, aurae trusters and guardiana can be
legally appended by a court of law pOsirearroT rest.
potent jurisdiction over the lame; and, in the
mean time, trustees and guardian elan be dnlg •
noted by ihe Board oteommissienersleretabe
fore mentioned, who lean is this reaped lake its
"consideratlen and sot upon inn recommendation.
of the Web and council of the Wyandot nation.
and the selections thus rude Usti be approved
by euchchiefsand council. Each and evert true;
tee and guardian thus to be denigrated and art
painted over the p eons and property of the or
phans or others notnnalified to manage their owe
affairs, übcfors^ mentioned., *OW be revered to
glee hoods with et:ancient Secant, to the Presi.
dent of the United States, moaddithod for the
Mithfal performance of the treat confided in them,
aid said needs be approved by the Proident boo
106 any USOneyll °rattier property accruing under
this treaty alien be pitied In their hands for the
edit:anon and maintenance of these wards of the
Coma States, or far any other porpo.e whatsciev.
et on their account. •
ART. Xt. All 'Amer treaties between the Ural.
ted States and the Wyandot nation of Indiana are
abrogated and declared nail and void by lb a Tree
ty—except soda provisions a. may have been
made for the benefit of private individuals of said
laden, by grants of reservation of nods, or Doh.
ervrine, welch are considered as vested rights,
and not to be affected by any thing contained in
this Irene
ART. IX U.l-2. All the reasonable cameos so
tending the menet= of this treaty, incloditur •
reasonable 'allowance for the expenea of the del.
&rattan, "'gun hereto, in coming to Waahnigion,
whilst hem on the Mutineer' connected herewith,
and in teeming to their nation, shall be defrayed
by the United Suites.
Arr. VIII; This treaty shall like effect and he
Gladioli; and obligatory open the contracting par
ticens soon as it shall be ratified by the Presided
by anil ilk the advice and consult of the San at e
or the United Sums, and by the chiefs and Ne.
.tionalConmed of the Wyendot nation.
la testimony whereof the said commissioner,
en the part of the United Suttee, and the said
bud chief and de mina&
legates tithe put of the
Wyandot tries or nation of Indium having here.
onto set their hinds, Ulna the City of Whaling.
inn, D. C., this Lint day of April, on the year. of
,or Lord, eighteen boated and fifty.
tinitof Sham 013111AUSialtA.
In preeence
W Jomnott,
Gan F Weep,
lama Mw,
A M Idrtosa.s.,
Joan O Cue,
Ricusen Flaw,
§ Eiraallanian.
aWINCI. J Parrs.
And ethereas the said near/ having been mists
tea to the , Senate of the United &alp for its eon.
tutionaleetion thereon, the said Senate dui, on the
twenty fourth day of September, one thousand
eight hundred and fifty, resolve as follows, vir•
"Resolved, Avoca limas of the Senator. ammo'
coit corrtegj ,That the Swam advise and cowed
to the ratification of the articles of a convent:.
°occluded in the city of 'Washington, the first day
of Apni, eighteen hundred and fifty, by and he
tween Ardava.n S. Loughery, Com,ousioaernpo
dally appointed by the Prendent of the Unned
Staten, and the undersigned, Head Chwf and Dept,
lie, of the Wyandot tribe of Indians, duly aukhori
red and empowered to act, for their tribe, with lb,
"Strike out the preamble and all other laud
dale Treaty, ,except the twelfth,i and iagen as f.
- - .
, yastent, By ute..l of March nil, ma, be- Iry e" the United Shit a , and di, Wpandot Wien
of 1 0 ,1,..., am chiefly reaidingirithln the limits of
the State of Ohio the !Said nation alndians agreed
to aeli and to safer, arid did thereby sell and trans
fer to - the United Statei their venermaices of land,
one hundred and, tone thotnand act= of which
was in the Stale of Ohio, and six thousand acres
was in the Stale of Michigan, and to remove to the
wort of the bliasippi
- And wierras, Among other stipulations 0 Was
agreed that the United Slates thoidd convey to said
Indiana s tract of conntry . tot their permanent set
tlement in the Indian ramp west of the bibles
rippi river to contain one htmdred and forty eight
this:tandems of
And whereat, The said Indians never did re
ceivel the Said one died and forty eight thousand
acres of Ind from United Stales, bat were fora
wed to purchase from the ,Delaware nation of
Indlana,which p eras aPe. to and ratified
hy the United Stalest • Now, in order to sealo the
claim of the WYnndos tribe of Indians to mid land
the Uniteddtates having appointed A. 8. Loughery
a croaunimioner on their tart, who, with the node , .
signed delegates from ihe Wymidot nail., have a
greed tothe follawlnetreaty:
"The United States, in conaidermion that the
Wyendot nation of Indians shall and do hereby to
lease, relinmishandgive tip all Mahn to the said
one hundred and forty etgbt thousand acres of land
agreed to be *reigned and given to them by the
treaty of March 17,1812, hereby simulate and agree
le pay to the said Wyandot tribe of Wants the
sumo( one hundred and eighty Ave thousand dol.
lars,belogat and after the rate of one dollar and
twenty five cents per acre in the manner and form
following tto wit One hundred thousand dollar
lobe invested in United Btates Stocks, bearing five
per cent interest per annum, which interest 'hall
be paid to them at the ante and in the manner in
which their present scrims are paid—and far the
ht .
pupae of enabling t Wyandot Indiana to pay
and to etninguishtheirj debtamswell what is now
• due to the Delawares( the purchase of their lands
no to other*, the balsa of said sum, being the sum
of eighty five thamain dative shell tie paid to the
%Uganda nation Or od their d fts shesifically de.
scribing, for what th e rafts* given."
"Change article twelve to • r •cle two."
Now, therefore, be it known, that 1, MILLARD
FlLLstotte, President of the United States of
America, do, in puramnee of the advice and con
sent of the Sem., as erpreesed in their resolution
of the twenty fourth day of September. one 'Moo;
sand eight hundred end Any, accept,rattfy and con
firm the said many, asmodifted with the .-emend
menu set forth in the.resolmion.
• In teralmony whereof 1 have mused the.seal of
the United States to be hereunto adized, having
aigned the same with my hand
- Done at the city 'of Wasliingtou the twenty.
eighth day of September, A. D. one thousand
it.. a j eight hundred and fifty, and ..of the In.
dtpendence of the United States the sev
enty fifth. ' - ,
By the President :
- Dmucc Wcalraze, Sseraory of Stogie.
Pl9Ta9u a a
_ 117',An0araus are earndstly tapered to anon in
4. 4.., tavon before s e. rt., and as early in thadav is
otaeneable,_ dalvertiseinenui not Insetted for a
Sod unto insartably be Charged until oulered out
MrV. O. Pagmalt le Agent (or Mu paper in his
earn agendas in New Bork, Philadelphia, md
anon, and la aatheitent to receive subscription,'
115 . = PUlLabultrvrbt Notre Airdareaut—Advertlew
canto and aubveripsions to the North American and
Veiled States Gamut, Philadelphia, received and or
warded from Ilda claw. !
InePtenanatema Caloarteuu.lday.--dttbactiptiona
for ttdavaluable paper, will be received and forward
ad from this eke. , I. •
' Batrtauw-
onnliala AX111.1.11.-s.nbscripthmand adveru •
ea paper readied and forwarded free
ahem from We 1
p" Cutatedrau Daum Gazarra.—Advardireatent•
ard/serlpriour, far add paper. Xlll be reeetved and
orortrkled from gur grim,
Tf2-E4)R4.VIIIC NEtV s
Saran= Pgrcri Aut.—This newt'• invented
axle, manufactured 14 Meta.. Singer, Hammen,
and Co., or this city, is ow of the mow awful in
ventions Of Widdern Sims, mad like all genuine im
provements, Will semi come into general use; for
who Will buy acuriage or wagon hereafter. maim.
factered on the old principle, with an axle into
which the dmt am penetrate, and which. has daily
to be greased or tarred, at n great amount or trouble
and with but Bide abatement of the fricf,an, when
he can hare an axle with satreely .y at
which can be oiled without taking °tribe wheel,
%loch take, so little oil, and which Is wholly free
'ram dm- Half a pint of oil, in six months, is said
a be sufficient fors carriage with these .Irs, and
the reduction of friction' is no great, as to render
them desirable on this scrotum alone. We hope
the proprietors will mod a set of these mice to
London Pair, as eve have no doubt they would
take the premium, ninths best improvement in axles
_now In me.
Corwpondance th. Piusbmil Giants.
Nov. 21
Harm among sacs holders—Georg
Thamparm—The Prasident's Letts
Dr. Catlin'. Cheap Postage -Vista •
try and trapraelable rrrrr
Wo are ill Peg up again. The concluding ses
the thirty first session is already upon vs
gratifying to observe thet eirent of this annual tern
ion o r citizens froth the North and :.'oath at th
Federal Capital, Mier the fierce and acre:m.3ololn
discussions which have been earned au through the
public pri niece the WM adjonnunenn I have met,
to day. I preset., twenty Serueore and Member.,
ha have cane to mate timely ;del:wet; • •
their winter's residences; but not one of them f
tbo good Keystone. Tho seshioo wid be as
ly as it will be Oen.
t find that in my remarba upon my venerable friend,
Mr. Pleasanton, fifth Auditor, the other tiny. I
trifling with a somewhat serums matter. Wile to
formation 1 have before received, be correct, th
Lau of the Democratic brotherhood of Auditory, to
geater aiith every• other bead of • Bureau of the old
will depart on thn drat of December next
The officers of this chow, still holding under Dear
ocratic appointment, are-1. L. Edwards, Commis.
SWIM of Pensions, S. FL Bobbie, First ...swum
Post Master General, A. 0. Dayton, Fourth Audi
tor, M. i'lensauton, Fifth Auditor, and Judge Paws.,
Second Comptroller of the Treasury. Mr. Ed
wards is from Virginia, and has been 111 office thirty
five yam He will be succeeded by lames E.
Heslb, Esq., loan SVhig Auditor of the State of Vu
swim, whom the Dewiness. lately turned out upon
principle. It is rumored that the Sixth Auditor, Mr
Fatally, late a popular and worthy member of
Congress, from your State, will be transferred, al
his own request, to nine other post of equal rank
I do not think Mr. Bobbie would be removed
agalont his will, but he retina sin account of denim.
tag health.
From movements subsequent to the Fumed IL
meeting, it is apparent that George Thompson; M.
English member of parliament intended to intrud.
himself into cur contention retails° to slavery.
This confirmat ion of previous reports of his intro
ions, is =Sclera to alienate from him whatever of
Ympathy.or good feeling any one citizen of our
country tnay have felt for him. Such o fellow ought
not to be mobbed nor lynched, but they will re.
calve no countenance horn tensible and mope..
table men, while engaged in minions of this rho:
Some of the Southern papers are °sprawling
ens° dissatisfaction with the President's lett°
Dr. Collins, of UeorgLs, the owner of one of the
slaves attempted to be crested m Hoslon, but it ts
well received by the mammy of them Presiden t
Fillmore is conducting himself with rare obthty
and discretion in this delirmte emergenoy He
points out that the executive hes nut the sigh
terfeee before ell civil a ppltartees fur the eut . 011.4.
11,1M11 of ifilV, have been exlmusted, and tunnel what
all well Informed &Mena 01 the north feel to b• true,
that even no unpopular a law as that lor the smarmy
of (waive slaves mot he enforced, LI - all the lean
means provided or its exertaioo he talled into
quontloo. In the vitro .11 the alleged fugitive at B
on, these mean. were nut Used. But If tit.
duel ul my 1/11.1 or wen in the em
oily prevented the employment of them pro
the remedy against them ia effectual. Pro cute
them in a civil action. and It the tort be proved, the
measure of damage, recovered will be greater than
the value of the slaves sought to be reclaimed
These views have been urged in.the Union pa.
pent at the South, and have not been lost upon their
=dery Thie letter of the Preaudent ha, evidently.
produced a good effect
1 the Post Master Ltenerai is said to be tavorable
to the uniform two cent rate of postage. Ido not .
know what is the authority, for the statement, bul
- t do not believe he will make any such mummer,
dation: in our country, however it may he in cab.
eta, the Pat Odlee ought to support itself,-and this
it cannot do at the low rule named linder,the
present system, when
. much of the expense of the
conveyance 01 the mail is thrown upon the Navy
Department, the Post Office sustains itself, and a
considerable surplus 'accrues each year. But be.
lateen two cenut and an average of seven and a
halt or eight cents on , each letter, there in a most
enormous difference. The proposedSroduction
would produce a deficit of two millions of dollars a
year at least, foe which the people would be lazed.
The plan of a uniform Iwo cent prepaid rate has
succeeded in Lfreat Britain, a kingdom in which
thirty millions of people are crowded WO SU area
of territory hardly as large its Pennsylvania and
Virginia, but of what force is that fact as en argu
ment for the adoption of the mew plan, in a corm'
uy covering three millions of square mike, Ina
whose longest route is seven ibmatand miles from
ono extreme point m the other? Get our reforre•
ere in ibis tanner be influenced by common set*.
and it is probable a reasonable reduction of postage
will be effected this winter. The classification SI
distances and the discrimination in changes NC
the Mager and the shorter one, are founded upcin a
correct principle. I cannot understand why the
Government should carry a letter from the Arm
took to Puget's &tend, for the same price for which
it cam-afford to carry one from Philadelphia to
Pittsburgh. It is pomble that the Department could
render the full service required of it, without be
am:conga charge on the Treasury,for three cents So
the single, lei& for any distance less than three bun
died miles, and for five cents for all distances grim,
ter then that. Congreis may be argued into trying
dud experiment, but no project more radical will
stand any chance of success.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
New Year., Nov. 23, 1850.
We have been literally mu down r .with meant •
en frem foreign ports, during the last two days,
all of them bringing grist to the newspaper mill,
and furnishing a much needed ample to the bets•
gry gossip mongers about town. fu' the foreign
- news, there is-something to plena every body;
or at least to sot every body a tallvog. Cot
ton being '9l, lower in the Liverpool market,
the dealer or speculator bete arranaer hm cards ,
on 'change accordingly, or. the while felicitatiog
himse'l that the Deal accounts from the "South,
will berry up those early frosts, and their con
sequeut . akort crepe," whieb are sure to seise
nuotatiormahroad. Then again, tho politician.
sod the c4annopiltan, have note plenty to each,
to the new Mtn .00raill,appe3r to be ,taking 11
Praii.a, in Hever:agar:el, and ,h the Duchies, while
that portion ol tutmanityihat,is always looting
for the "good timftwoutirig," i ll on they we to the
growing querrel.tetweetir Elia Napoleon and
General Chaog4n.ili, Die I: Ipient symptom , ' of
nootherTreitch eft': mlutionk, Inch M to rise up
i i,
and .weep every . mitestedi' et Continental ,Ed
lOpe once Otinte:frno his th ne. There is north
er piton' CI AU enlighten° utaie, who net ear.'
tog a capper whether Denpap beef., the Duchies
or the Dmiliies heats Deng:dark ; or Whether lire.
ISOIOII4 ever gets back oi Ciseel spin; Pm tak
en up with the Wed adv , icen from California.—
While others ere lathing about the price ul cotton
and eorn,they are ambling over the "panfuls,. the
"It.g Meats," and the 'nearest diggings" that hive
L-en discovered, (on paper) in the endeavor (i
he been "emigrant.") to fg en-sumo choice place hi. future field of opirationa. Ace so wags
the world hereabouts Evocy body absorbed with
whin that have no abiding place near home:—
The hearts and head., the fears gad hopes, of half
Our people are seemingly to Europa or California.
They have an intangible residence In New York,
ill, true, but the soul and stabstsoce of all their
aspirations, all their ambition, have dud to the rul
ing and getting of the sun, the tar Ent, on the
banks atilt, Rhine, and the Ryder, the Den, and
the Danube; to the Cu West on the glittering aimde
orate Rio Sacramento. Locality is no part of the
phrenological peel:dimities of the people who
dwell upon the Leland Manhattan.
!t is a great pity that Washington Hoot, our
Governor elect, as sound nod tree a Whig no ever
breat hod, could not have on opportunity to ex.
house congratulations Ninth Isla friends, whoa to
strived in this city, the other evening, without Isis ,
ins pained with an entirely uncaded tor i:sh,b:
lion 01 that bitternms of feeling, which operated at
adversely to the party in the recent elcotine
&log aqthe noose of a kir. Ituggles,:an Thursds
evening, Mr. klayrueocWof the Courier, toot se
csaith to say something that wait tenured tn•i
"Senrardism" by men of Mr. Hiram Ketcham
way of thinking, cod this provoked a retort, which
very near threatceed such a tonent of personale.
ties, as most have broken up the meeting like
tdacbetti's latrine; in "most admired confu•
con" Oood order sod good nature, however,
were soon restored, by some happy remarks from
Mr. Cornell, our candidete fur the Lieutenant
Generalship, who emulate ows neither "isms" act
"seisms" in the Whig party, I mention this little
coverestseee merely to show what an unarstoowi
.pint is still permitted to pervade the Wog pony
here; for it is s mistake to supposeinst the:ilijudc
eal and tooppertnee blekerinssi which ettino m e
bead at Syracese sod Utica. et tan earlier part of
October last, all oozed not, and died sway, in the
election which followed, to NovernSer. 'There
are, unfortunately, men in the Whig camp, who
wore alwayo been looked up to with confidence
arid respect, until now, when they are giving eel.
deuce that personal ambition is basica piece.
deem over both party and patcctiato. Who them
teen ate, nis not fount, bete to point out. Thy
tre sires dy too welt known, bY.. ,,, rf body wt ,
has a knowledge of New York politics. Tic
Wes party moat either get rid of tb, so ''mono.
gore else, It ts clear, the day of its own daisc.lit
boa la net tar to the 'Wore.
A. terrible explosion occurred this morning, on
board the Steam propeller RasoLSTIE• tow boa',
rceonlly arrived from Philadelphia, babe employ. ,
ed as a too boat to the barber. Wh.le the Cap
tainind Engineer were eating their breaklsai, tee
bi.'er exploded, killing the former at once, hod
NO &willfully scalding flee others, that two hese
unto died. It is said that the boiler was a me: ,
shelf, aiid had not been inspected Gar a great many
years pall, but other. attribute the catastrophe ill
the earcie..eas of the Engineer, "who,' are
°Ube wiioever, befall, the Corouer'a Jury
"was a the bebt of letting hie boilers get red hot "
If th:e 100 to, the poor fellow has paid a dear pee.
a'ty. Sot it la my teepee...on that the hivesi.en•
nos the boiler is to nava on Monday will set. w
that he 1 0•1 001 altogether to I.laate. The oathe
oldie Engineer is William Shepherd. The
two It.l'ed. were named Thomas Watts an. Connor.
Well Jenny Lind has alt gam lint, an the Improvements to Pentietry,
blestingt of the poor who petal, touttifu ye" DL R.(/' STEARNS, tan of Suntan, is prepared
her charity, sod the edworanon of the 'lob who ina . rr ,. tsct p u o. : l u t , : n i
, S ,r xur m a p tii nc lu s. lA t. p . .ll
had ao opportunity to know what an eXtraOr tea- Tocati•Lite coo. he ilea elleteras, whore the nerve'.
nary socallet she is, go web tier in her I tine :,..7,,Tt,,,,V.,V,::,d,.::,ty.T,:r1,1.dc.". iha Nor
wandering. Barium ha. made all !Male. ty el Mans si - i— ait M'Esildeo.E II Eaton
money here In Now York, oat of these Con et.
and I think you of Pittsburgh will yet have a a;
tl ,,
portunity to give him a °Mom to mate a ii,:
more, before the Nightingale leaves' the U ire
By the way. yen will ace they had Jenny be.
fore the bar of the Marine CaWI, yesterday, al e
vritnera In a cue growing oat of disputed salary
with some of the members ot the chores, at Trip
ler 11,11. The Swede gave her evidence In a
uptight forward, embarrassed manner, that chat.
longed the agent adult:Mop of the great crreod 01
unmannerly gapers, who &retarded the Court al
moat to autfocation while the was there.
Can yen imagine any thiog wore auperlativelv
on the part of full grown men'
Government Stock. tumbled down a fr chop,
In Wall street, owing to • report, which Mates
general credence, that the Secretary of the Tres
sury intended to apply for a new loan to carry on
the government. Penna. five per ern'a are held
at 93. Federal 6'n, ol 69, a 1 I 17; Ohio Tr, at 1011
with sales.
The receipts into tLe Sub Treasury, to .1.5
amounted to 650.918,87. Payment., 1177,130.36
Balance, ELI 11,703,50
Mhos are dull. Sale. about ISO Itbia el 8 ,181
for Pearls, and $5,124 for Pots. Cotton—The Na
aguee adtrices ditappointed holders, and the op.
MOODY, in minaequence, are only 400 balen al Ic
decline on previous prices. Coffee—Oaten of 2 00
Imo Rio at 101011 e; 100 dn. liwan at 11l 040tc,
closing firm. Floor, tee.—The demand for I, l iosi.
era and Mite is good. Tito transactions r aril
50,000 bbl., at 4,5604,75 for common and air.ighl
State; 11,69405,814 for mixed to brands of Michi-
gan, Indigos, and Wisconsin; $4,8101. 87 1 for
good Ohio, and 1205,061 for pure Gancww.—
Canadian $4,62104,661. Southern—Sales of 700
'hi. at 2. 0 6105,124. Rye Flour is mom, end
held firmly at 53,12. Corn Meal is dull at $3,161
for Jamey, and 53,3103,37 for Brandywioc.—
Orate— The darnand for Wheat is good, and bold
er are firm. White prime State and Western is
scarce. The lodes include 20,000'bu Canadian,
' part at 1031, mid the rewarder on pri ate term.
2100 Inferior Genesee at 118 c, and 9 0 Ohio a
104 c for ordinary, and 106, lor prim . Rye II
moiler, and the inlet reach 14,000 Se a 601091 c
Corn is fa active demand, and the . ales reach 28,
000 bar at 610660 (or 11"; 700701 c 1 0 old mix.
a and yellow. Oats are in good da nd, with
free sales at '4Boloc. Barley Is ac ree, and
without movement. Premiums—Pork its. dull
and lower. The inlet are only 400 lib at ill,.
502311,561 for Men, and 118A009,5 8 1 r Prime;
closing with no buyer* at thew price . Beef is
dull; and the naks are 150 bbla at problems pia
etc Beef Hama are saleable at 1 0a13,50.-
Demand Hop are in fait demand at tan. Lard
• . 7 1'er the l'itid..e. Gi ,,,, '''tf'.
Mr. it'll — We ere pleased to find that the
subject the Mayoralty Is thought of by caten
ates wi that degree c( can and impel..
Laa " from 3r. " . la"fr• " a Chia... mace viceveriry at this time, to 'heck Mime
utafiad inistratlon . and shale of official power.
Correspoodence of me ht. Lonis Republican
Illayamoass. Mexico, Oct. 20, 1850. . And at_ e mntified are we, to see such a Urinal.
Masers. Editors—l enclose you a memorandum moue deette among the Whigs, to elevate to the
6f some items of news, from which you can take distinguished clfice of fdayor,that staunch, good old
ouch as you wed, man, B. C. Sawyer. This gentleman is tulip de"
Len Sant• Fe, New Mexico, oe the ;to of Se n .
letnter,lB:.o and Chihuahua en the Slat. ." serving of the hearty ea on of rho Whig party.
0.. tee 261 k. we came to Cerro Gordo, • small bevies workeewith them in prosperity and ads i
town m ter State of Durango. The Canumettes smelly, fore great number of years, sari ever see - 1
cam's lucre foul dove ago, nail killed ton Mexicans, mined la character unimpeachable fur integrity
about six houdrod yards from town, ia the corn
held, Ws-saw the blood on the corn stalk. and lad h seal In ens for the interes t °lei '
s' l
roots They Carried offs went] six prisonen, sod City, was always governed by correct priori.
roe ar about eight hundred bead of animals, pi a o f ossioo, add hie whole life. whether view
nave, mea., c 0,, ,, end oxen- The Pe ° o ° °I . ed pub rely rivately a has been exemplary , and
this f usee ware greatly alarmed. We had been . T or P
in town only a few minutes, when the Priest. Al well d Senates him as a proper person to whom
calde, unitive ladles came to us and requested as we m y confide the management of oar menici.
and requested us to remain with them that night, Pala ,a.
to protect them against the Indiana. We grained Ma
bad _ _ . .
their request, and encamped two bandred yards """ that Mr.:Sawyer . be
nom town. This place has • population offifteen the no i..e of the party loot winter, we shou l d
hundred. Oar party consisted of only eight men. not h e hero beaten no ahametulty, and made to
That ought `" e • "h-"a4 mom Para than Mal, hay ' mourn over a City', disgrace. Policy end dia.
icg to pmect ourselves from the Mexican and
erects , we hope, may be permitted to exercise
Indiana, and the Mexicans from the Indiana. I
held a conversation with the price, in which I a due influence on the minds of the Whig party
told him that It would be a good Idea if the Maxi. this ti e. so d 00, with oope,i,c. our
a g uide ,
cans tealt d the Americana to their country; that they
that they mild aeon drive off the Indiana. hat i,„ ay be induced to nominate as thersandi
anawerea yes, sod said, the next people th date a d choice, ha schema': is boo =Air ground
would ha Is to leave would be the Mexicans. fl. C. &Acre. Lemon.
Sept. 271h—slo the mountains near a place called !
°Patos," where there le good water, we found the
bodies of lour Mexicans, who appeared to have
been killed a day or two previous. No Indians .f.
killed oo these 0CC8610113 that we know of. Toe fit
Melte:Ms say that the_ Indians were a thousand
ft dull, with fair tales at 71071 e. Bailer is is
good demand, with sales at 11p1710 forelests
ern dairy. Cheese Is dull at 6101 e.
prong, therefore, they were about one or two hun
dred, and may be. less. We came in twenty seven
days from Santa Fe, N. M., to SaUM°, and in twen
ty nine to Monterey.
Vital Fernandea eon killed by a few soldiers a.
short time since; Jesus Cardenas, Governor of Tam
swipes, ordered it. ' Valdes was strongly oppteed
to the present Government. He "was killed in a
small house within four mites of Victoria, the lent
of the State Government.
The crop ban entirely failed in the States of Chi- I
bunkm, Durango, 7.lcatemts, Coahullla, Noeva
Leon and Tamaliens. Corn is selling at tremen
dous prizes, and the poor people are on the point
of starvation. It has not mined those in States since
046 All smell and several large creeks are dry,
and several large and small towns have been abaa.
doned on account of it Several hundred thousand
animals have died. One large hacienda in the
State of Tnmalipas lost 25,000 head of mules, horses
and oleo. The prairies are covered with the bones
of animals. It is very dldlCuit to travel through
Mexico—nothing to be obtained for animals. The
- State of Tamalipassave the Pratidential votelor
Some sixty Seminole Indians recently went to
the Governor of the State of Gohoaila (at ftltillo)
and from timi obtained one hundred leagues of land
on the Rid Grande. The Indium went for their
and are on the Mexican side. The ace
thorities at Mexico did not apnoea of the Gover•
nor's donation, and directed him not to let the Indh
ans cross the river ; but they are on the land given
them by the Governor, and it will take the Mesh
cans a long time to drive them off. These Indians
have already commenced committing depredations
on the Mexicans
Tux Comm to loutcs.—The deaths from
the ternble scoorage, at Kingston, are raid to
amount to over two hundred and fitty a week.—
In otner parts of the island the mortality is pros
pottlonately great. Oneness of all descriptions
was suspended In consequence. The 'Kingston
Standard, of the ith not. eats:
Nothing can equal the distress which r slats on
every side. •f the antie•y visible on every coun
tenance. The deaths within the last twenty
lour Loan cannot be abort of one hundred; and
a medical. gentlemai has assured os that he had
pet ten thirteen dead.sud dying In one house.
Some ides may be formed of the actual fatality
in Kit sewn, bribe fact, that by an odlcial return,
the burials of persona' who have died from chol
era, in the Episcopal burial poen nt
alone, a4IlLe•
11 to ISO, between the 10th el October and the
tent N,teember One Third mote may be add.
ed to de. comber for burials In other grounds
nst elenevted with the establishment, which
veLott !cats up the total cf mortality to upwards
L.( POI,
irr D. McLaos's Vamatroom—klore Testimony
r Jonathan nought:tan, of West Utlioll, Park Co.
la, tvlnet or lollooro, to Ktdd & Co.
..1 baee told vi the Vetnalinge you sent me, and
Isiah a new .pply trroardiately. I could dare sold •
groat deal mow, 111 had hall it on hand. The people
bete. err!' fling al/ ether tnedietnes for WOTILIS, gay
that none et Noel to Dr. SPt.ane's Vera/Page.*
Er rot •ale by). KIDD& CD, No 60 Wood Watt
n 023 dk..3
bus—Sir. I cheerfully comply with'yaur re
qamt that I would gme you ao memento( the utmost
attrocaloos erre ro toy little Maginerit•y• by the use
armr/ °ltetrolerno,"
the arm immeked arta a very sore eye in February
or March Met, when t Immediately applied to the best
...heal rid in the oily, by whom it was pronounced
"a very bad eye" and all gave me no hope of doing
her toy groat After which I took her tote the coun
try to an old laity, who had been very mccessful in
caring el.-. Pile told as that her ease way hopeless,
as Me wool! certamly lose •ra no IT that mac, but
also that the other emanate:low—it bang • .conhtlono
afferame of the blood. And I do c r y that el the
no t my to bee (.1 11. Worthen) mum o tee annalation
that we bad tott, try year " Pet Ism,' sus was
mrdams aLlah. of one eye It o now about two
month. t 1 nce ttie began to use, and she can bow me
wilt both eyes 3111. coed ea ever she did , and, at tar
as I 'ma tell. I Wimp she hos, with the blousing 0
he Alm•g IA). been cured by " Petroleum"
Yours, respectfully,
M Fauuces Yasuo, Conn
Pats , taght., Sept Su, lefAl.
For mule by Keys. & !de Doceeil„ IN Wood atzett ,
r. IC Pet , e re, St W 1.4 meet: D IJ. Carry, D. A. El.
ann. insepb tictttlasa, tatd II P SChlCLltt,Alltittny,
e 1.., by the ' , repeater, R AL KIEV,
novl'd&vm Panel Raman. Seventh la, Patitaatt
Waco o , &noosed Yenta It. ft-ca, nied
Tu. 6 . ..chi:cider. al the - ULie u,J rraraylvard
Roil Road Company •re hereby notified to pay the
erghlh instalment of tee dollar. per share... the atria
of the Company, on or heror• the 2Dth day of dabs
roc ninth ntatolmentj no or before the arra day
ceptember. The tenth tratalment on or before tL day of October neat.
0 . • The 711, tmnaltnent was exiled COT on the `.tOth
0 ' lacy Int
aug int II
i 52 Wood et, Do ttrittat Third & Fourth,
Are flow reeefenur then very l
l arge and superior Pal
Sinet o
Alm, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of the latest
I tyle... nod esptemly adapted to the western trade.
It has beet, selected with great care, and as to tima
and ea& ny is not surpassed by any sleek In be
found either east la welt. Our ...timers and MC ,
chants geerally are invitede
kagnitt as
use are de n termiued eell on the moat reasonable
mons. Also, tioodycat's Patent Rubber Shoes of all
kind. • augtfadtf
tXCOLIII4.OII4 Uppic. iziwrrroTioste
Of Plit•bargla.
C.O.IiUSSEY, Pam', •—A. W. MARKS, San.
Oibee—No 41 Water sweat, In Ihe warthouse of C.
11. 411AN'P.
riMilel COMPANY it now p4ared to Insure all
1. kinds of risto, on bonus, manufactones, goods
mew liubdier it store, end in trans. nasals, de
Au ample guarani. , ior the ability and Integrity of
he hiSitliallon, as afforded in lb., character or the Di
tenant', Alm arc all citizens of Pittsburgh, web and
favorably known to:theromenianlty for their iiradenee,
intelligence, and integral),
DISLUTORs—C. 0. Hussey, Wm. Dagaley, Wm. Lar
inner, Jr., Willer Ordant, Hugh D. Nina, Edward
ilemelton, John Hawor th , Ilarbaugb, S. M. Kier
Are nosy' prepared with a large and fresh stock of
Coghen, Ciermon, and American Hardware, to Oder
opener Induments to boyars. Those wishing to
purchnso ce
promote their interest b 1 looting
hrough - our stock, a they are dAtcrouned to sell on
110 most rcasonablo terms. attain
T .,.. 4 1 fte11k Dentit. Co m rnet orrannb
and Da.; Waren
' - - oatl-dlyin
Al a, EDISOI-1 . 101.< Kann.. Jona D. Dsvn, of the
Third Ward, as a eaudidate for Mayor, before the
A,mmasonle and Whig C.0.d.,.
nolord&orteS FORT MEWS
CAer Jona J Refloat It nominated as a candidate
for the Motyntalty, at the melt election, aublent to the
derision of Me Wbig and AntMm* City Cones.
lion. If nominated he will be almnofted nit an eoiloe
firemen, a good citizen and 4 c ALL PARTlEompetent man, ti 7
men of S.
E. W. Coe., late HlghConstable of Plltsbergb, wit
be sopported as a candidate for the °Mee ofidaYor
ILt the next election, subject to the deciaion of the
Whig and Antltnesonlo Ctty Conventionbr
nottidkvrid MANY' larrzas
hit Enrrou—tiou Will please announce that L.
Lrnnessoa, Fag., Will be anpported by his friend, us
acandidate for the office or M. or al the next election,
soblect to the detision of the Whig sod Alnimasonlo
coaention. itteltidassacTi BIRTH WARD.
Mn. Wm.—Sir—Von will glom announce the
name 01 tiweroz C. Mom., cc n Candidate for the
Mayoralty, an Neat to the ratlioation of the Whig
Co,entlon. Ur. Morgan% claims will be strongly
orged by a host of friends, he beloglieth canaille and
haunt. tamale . ] MANY =ZEND
TUATION in a Wholesale Grocery ar Dry
• •AsestabOshoseal,iY • Young , oau
el - 11W business. Satisfactory reference awes
13,a No QC'S Past Office. oceli
' person who 10 acquttoitee with the presentA
residence of John Heffernan, a native of the
Farah f Clondagarg; County Clare, treacle, n• it who
took supping at LapCnct, on rho 11th of Aprll, tube,
for iLhebee, will conic; n laming raver nit the nub
se Aber by bending such information to her, at Pitt,
burgh, Allegheny county. Pennarivanla
Act. fdAithitiftEr HEFFERNAN,
i Horton Pilot and other friendly repel, please "TA_
MIL MATHEW A. will &carer a course of
Lectures orbit Jewish limtory unit Jerusalem,
it thu LAFAYETTE AlinEttl ELY SIMMS, entrance
on Four b mica, commencing on Tuesday conning,
December 31, ail unlock
Admission Si nom, cisildien "Late;s
can be nod of bay, book stoic, It. C.:m.oooton'. book
sto, W carer'. Hotel, tomat tune door.
He reiers the citizens to the 'Mowing certiliente. , —
"Mr. M. A. Berg, a Cbmillan !ermine, and a Dellee
of Poland, who had beer Lecturing with eminent nue
mos in the eastern cutlet, prom,. to deliver a cont.
of Leetbres 111 Lafayette Hall, on the 'Mucci of the
rift History, Present Hoodlum, and Future Proopects
of the Jewish Nation. From the very !avowable testi
monial. which ham been presented at tram clergy :
men and ethics wbo have attended those !reform,
. . .
e leaveheeittemes so cordially lecommemitog
heat to die ells:else of Pidabarah as well calcalated
to afford them no small mclatire of entertitindient and
Theodore ILLyman, S. E. Ba/mock,
la H. fltddle, &ward '
Fennel, Herron, W. A. 1.1111111.1/SIII
Fnom Bev. C W. Quick, of St. Andrews Church. -Pdtsborgh, Nos. 25, IESO.
..Mr. . M. A. Berk formerly de li vered his stiles of
Lomutbs on Jerusalem odd /eon. History, in my
pariah He was heard with deep interest, dial gave
lb. highest satisfaction. All who attend his tcowrn
may be sore of acquiring useful
Lectures on /cal. History, illustrated by besall•
sal Oil Paintings, representing Ancient and Alodorn
Jerusalem, one cobat objects of interest_ notitial2.•
- -
1.11E1 •
subscriber has been Induced, at the 901(4.40ne:di
of Derr Vogel and bas Incoto, ond to aid itt coin
Inhaling to the enJoyment of our mental aid concert
going public, to furnish for the use of the Colleen this
cymong, one Motto most costly and superbly hatched
hEmi.cacAND Pt ANUS
This Plano was selected and procured expresely
for the one Or hludernolselle JCL r LIND, In tone the
should visit oer city. and LA the came detertption of
instrument as used by her at Leo concerts to Boston,
New Verb, and Philadelphia
The above magatoccut Pia. Forte, brought co at
great exper and rick, wall be sold as usual, wohout
adva on hir. Chi:kering', Porton prices
The subscriber would take this occasion to return lan
most smokes thanks to the many dtsunguished most
eal to tom any woo have it , liberally patron
ised snit encouraged him in the eadr; to Purply our
eitmenawlth the assi Psalm Foams us UR wont.
Agent for Chtcacring , P.. 4 for 'Western Peoria,
nandolit cl Wood intact
3CASF-S Economy BienLeis, on hand and tor sale
sr mimulacterers' prices. Also, 11, Id and in 4
ger, tillankets some any superior. which Will tie
oil atosi 4 :311P1A,
nceM: ler
/ 4
lid Market m
, e
P ves imailJ
jun to ctivaa and now opcynnx at ZUB I.tbeety at
g/ a to ga eat of Frest. Pleaervea atA Jelliei, aasort•
ed as (41lowa,—
Presgrs - ed Peaches,, Freuerged Mae AppLea,
Preserved Pam, i Brandy Bananas,
Pres reed Quinces, ‘ earraut Jerry.
Aim, the (nlicro , ng FUESII FRUIT, put up In
tastr p. Java, a.d Lern/nßcully res , ed, tba,cby
preserlang tam original flavor,
._ Apnea.,
Pt wara
P a To.. co,
JT UST received, an additioaal capply of the Improved
Demon Amene.Coun Coto of each de
nomination, from Irm Mi. ft le tbe ly p.m.:tootle
&teem yet mromed,•nd e. be aced WOO any pence
to a woods, and perfectly rebottle For .ale by
W W. WILSott.
noN Cer Plaiket o tomb its
DIAMONDS-4405. Gmaltes' and Cila3f weer.
thastaads, and lharaond Spark., eat?etc d io
fa. by 1at271 tv WlLeee
LARD OIL-10 WO minter it caned No 1. tor rale
by 1n0 . 21.1 11.0131,10 N, Li mix & co
LiNbEED OIL- 6 60. par o New C by
oogr It L.l rm.; & co
OtT-1 barb. Host t;olt,ttbroputel tot,. tat:nu by
mime from Ittuittut el d.c t'Yttbnuatt pactcts
J Bellt/ONMAIZER k 00,
B ATH 98141 -4a for ssEy by
iALCINED MAGNYSIA —lO canes fcr •ale cy
UG AR LEAD— I cart beFt veAttr, for Tole by
VIAL CORKS-10 bele. sie3ried for sale
Pevrt De
case Tapioca. Cur ...ale LY
TAR„ltmc "ID -5 t.;';srolvf,i'Aivt:',ll',Vo
ego boo No I
4o Lomisoillo 5 o•?, rot .ole Pow
S to CIOwo: by
KENTUCILY MUKIARD-0 oozes Burrow's ecle
braked Kentucky Mustard, to.. tale by
rok9 M, , ,,k,LINGPORD co
ißgWlll4lfit COULIT RALIK.
IN poi . ..nee of an order 01 theOlphans' Conti of
I. Allegheny county, will exposed to public ss le.
on the premise.. on tbsturday, tne :Irk day of De".
ber, A. D. 1E;0, at It o'cloelc, A. Al., of said day, the
one undivided half part of nit that certain tract or
Once of land sauate to North FOTO". no:slut:Up, Al.
legbouy county, bounded . by lands of RobthicOmeken,
Jacob Whetmore, tames Clark, and the ban of Mc.
Kee, contulg forts and llperches. More Of 10011
Terms mado known on day of tale
GuardinA of John Robb
. .
LA RD /OlL—to torlsallo I, winter 'strained, just ie.
seised for ram by Si F. SELI.F.IIS,
uufl 47 Wood st
FLAXSEED OIL-15t0 gsirl, tvarrnblel porn, for
tale by 1'n0271 It E se.LLEas
CI UAL ARABIC LC:U.I26EI+-4o hs. put rer'd by
l_T b 22 7 It E2ELLERS
LAMPBLACK—:I bsiiii7i lor ..le by
n 027 R E SELLF.R9
r XTRAft LOG'IV &lUD 21 bls pot reed by
Lj" tab . !! R E SELLERS
1: 5 127 " V"
08 t 64:MARKET ST.,
WOULD solicit the ...ion of Merchant. from
sections of the country, to thew immense
Stook of New Fall Goods, comprising the 'arrest and
most complete assortment in the western teantry,
consisting of
275 eases hero styles Prints;
40 Jo Imported and Aelnric nn litootams,
t's germ7r . is i. e ' eneq. ' n ' in s s o ; '"
45 do SaunMs and deans;
do Cloths and Casstmores;
70 do BleachedAloslinG
GO balm Flannels, nil colors;
57 do Pickings, all grades;
A/ do Brown Muslin+, beat makes.
Also, oases and pack saes of Silks, Shawl.. White
Goods, Millinery do_ Tailor.' Trimmtops, Rlbbans,
Lf,ccs, Hoge , / and
Merchants RTC assured, from the great facilities of
this establishment, of procuring the latest and
most desirable goods, and at prices as low and lower
than any eastern house Ding manufactorers' agents
for lame quantities of Domestic Good., they Pant..
lady solicit the orders of merchants for domestics,
deliverable in this city nt the same prier they am
said at in eastern cities. Merchants either gong or
returning fmm the cam, arc Invited loan ezntronation
of their cock. A A MASON n CO
r/ the man who does not appreciate the luxury of an
nay shaver If .y there be, we do not address our
elves to kin, But to all others we soy, It you wish
render shaving • plermure, pure ham • box ovule.
Ilanel's Almond Pistaeldo or Ambrosial Shaving
Creams. It In utterly impossible to And words to de- '
seethe the feelings of a person who h. been used to
Shaving with ordinary map, upon making trial of aal
for the fast time. It la a combination of wander, ad.
imitation, and pleasure.
ingly etnellientt rendering the atiffest and most wiry
beard soft and pliable, producing
ature an admirnblo lather,
and by its extremely mild n allaying all orlta
lion, and preventing that unpleasant' and sod feeli ng
of the skin which la often expenenced alter @bay
leg. Gentlemen using lairs ilauella Shaving crearo
may face the coldest and most piercing winds m -
nrediately after its use, without the skin becoming
chopped. And there who once use It, we nab
gay will never use any other. , 6.17
Gee gxai advantage e@ he ' Vat will
wwlics;etarla the fact
preetatod by those
th at it willo m it! a . s . o n lo d r y t h O e r b en
} d,.
.ar p h p i , e . ti n. m tits
: r d il g d o ' ? to . --wElskers. Hattal'a Slaving Creairla
are delightfel prepamtions,comprided_Willa ski! L ,
to ths otter excitation of all arll caicautoo
potation of abaai anplostotnt, and will
ba "n a d y ' p e re th a e to o ted - bl all who make trial of theta@
P "" "d iPMEI T H AGM. p,icum, end manisli
I le Cheat.% ex, Phila.
Poe sale, wholesale mad retail, by B. A. Fianna:tat
Co., atA 11. E. East% Pittobarkb, and Zahn WI
atoi .1011•14 /Maw City. acyd7
rpottecco—is Item. ragiela Twist Sri - *geed to
I ilce.7l .101iN WATT.t.OO
U ROOMS-10u down new largo Corn Rroonaa.aa
ED hand. for sale by JOHN WATT
TBIPERI AL. rEA—Ls nf ehros low priced, in stor•
nom !, JOHN WATS' s CO •
6.1 y by
Dlarspritia l leaelalloor Powder.
. cy f ß a
r ,. : 1 :1
t 11,eab , s ; r d a celebrased article on barell
aces} price. by
n 07.7 Liberty street
Q k kiliDlie lE!k, —IS tale exult Rye Flour;
• el
bale freak Rye;4 Hs irreh Roll Bauer;
Se bneleVNeshanock roust.%
eleekl lbs Etackewbut;
4 gacke Onions;
10,ssekt Dried Peaches; for isle by
• ita273llto • .Cor. I.bird 1 Smithfield ate.
D. C. &wren pill be supported is • candidate for
the athee of Me]." by all good and trim Whip
throughout the city .
object to the decision of the !mi..
BEFF TALLOW 9Trle ree'd for male by
m ur o irrrAta
ATus-Ts - 1
brls roc'd for sale by •
asks Cleveland, for gale by
g s first sons, for sale by
o .p
lel ,
. .
si, o poslte the Post Mee.
TNAVID ‘,..^ - ppeifiel , Nos 19 and 9.
.1,9 BlackarocuPs agasine for November.
LittelPe LivincArt, No 31L
Holden'. Dollar Maiadne for December.
David Copporfirld, complete, print 50 cent.
Boston Shatepeitte, No 23. AlDictionary of hicehanics, No 2
Green , lland; a Elton Yam, complete.
Pietorial4trother Jonathan
Pictorial Corner.
Hat pet's 31000001 e, 02 the back numbers.
klarmee replier-10m lip Charles Lover. or
Making Bliato Ples,la
eicel in the nt t of reakitiOdinee
Indulge, he., you watt use the fol.
To Excel In
TF mai with to el
Pot, Cam, Said
luvrina smiler:—
GOod Sound tram.;
ralonem, oEnghill Puddiak
Camara Om re Pool'.
Caudien ,Lem n Peel,
Fresh Mod col;
Grape ]aide:
Preach Brim y.
All lilt shore dmi lea ma for sale at
an V ToliStare, e”t sine of tao Dlamoad.
AT LAELYETTE 1141.1.. L.
, •
(Entree. on Roane o a
On TIIITHaDA.Y Euning, Norember 28th.
TIMID VOGEL . ••-' ... '-
JUL Grand fl , '''
oral be
11 RI
711111: cubsetiber ill commence on Wednesday
arsine, the 27th instant, to sell off his entire
oe = k of LA V GOODS at •very minced vices, for
Cash. !.
The Sleek is /wee, and will be Mond to einbtace
very deslrsble.goods, both to style and quality--a
large antount having been seleetod expressly for city
Person' 'Ono wish to supply theroi elves with goods
t Low Pilots. will fled it to their advantage call
tNo Ila Starker meet. ' J. 1311Eti.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 20th, IMO —n0.20:42m.
Onsvon nouslik.
AMEETING' of the Associittleti ;Mr the Board of
Trade wil be held this (Tnestity) evening., at
7 orelocO„ at th Ir Room, for th e prittlOoe of recommt
'the Report of e Committee, opmitand at meeting
of the newel. no. held on Taesn7T.lllth
ncao TRObIAS BA h'WELL., Presn.
To (dial and Beep Illtananfantattan.
lIS Subseri nore lottery impelled tod,h:Olom
I mut hoop bl ere' SODA Amid ' Jos. Idropratt t
celebrate Sons eclebro
which they will jell et the
lowest market b tee, or rash or approved bills..
no% Liberty St
TuTgin !grading. for rale by
J E .11 , 4 .• ISAI4II DICKEY a. CO
Io . l=iarr Canal—Z..9 =aka Rad:Road:
1 •
HE IltelieD lain . Line will continu e running
long n the Weather will permit.
For neitteigtl apply at Out office. tannotigthe
Doane, at to . D. LEECH it. CO,
new Canal Buie.
81tt1.59F.L5 CARPETlthecived lido day, at W.
rileCiintoCk'a Carpet . Watchhtite, yea' and rich
1.,e Lltussell Carpets. rale
McCIANTOCK tovttes the attentioo Stet.
V V . Boat'Alco to his cock of Sheetings. Call
mr CAryft Wittettoope, No ES Fount. Dote
11 - illiDal — E-4,1 7 0 bts Dry Appl es,
S , 40 bi - White Beans,
.„ •i,
43 Pliet• Peaches; •
Buckwheat Flour. rot sale .b
noW L _ ___WM /I JOIIN4TON
f i tzvlErfp reed (or bble by
B UTTER -13 kegs prime bsuer. for sale by
nofG i ' 116 Water I
direct frean the imittertera. dd. day, ilea and hand
soon risk Tapemy itlrnmseli Carpals, to valtich
inv:te the mention o r porehauu -
nnt:G IV. 14TeCLINTOCli
Czretaln Goods.
_ . . . . ... .
lA`,ll,V..'irrl,`,;ll. - d'..".?°..t,"`"?.°,.1 . 4%
linnals, compelling to part the following
Detain Damask; •
Ladloan nuke). Red Oulu; ..
Flan . do do
Oil gam Windew Shades;.
Drat and 134 T Wind.... Linen.
Col Si the iliarehonu, N 0.85 Fourth strut
and "in IToodAnsec I__ _ need
r%Oela‘lnio'S COUNTRY' ROUSES—Tim archl.
• 1 teelart (IL satiall7 I.ollsell, latildinglexigns for
Conages, Far liouca. and 1.'11.4 with remain en
tumor'', FoUituro, nod the best misdate( manning
and vandal, 'drat three knndrad- and twenty il.
luatraitons. yA. l. Downing, authorjof 'Designs
for Catthgc esidcheca;".Hints to l'grsons about
Raildinir•die in I not royal de,
.. _
7., Apollo Hui:dingo. Fourth at
irisaridlue for Chapped Elands
1111 . , ektentiye sale of the 'Orlando. during the
1. peal eight years, erengly waists the hitch alma
uon In which . t . lis invaluable preparation a bald by
arcs,nity end Se efficac aggeration, be regarious are its healing vb.
that , enthont exded
as an Infallible remedy for the asperlty and soreness
of the whin, with wash to many axe:indicted denng
the breed:mai season of the year.
&Aid wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS,
37 Wood at
Nal AIACKEREL-40Ja brl•
TO.IIiIACKEREL--Sttql brls nosy landing by
Oa Water .t
TUT recraved tor stir, at
/tiglide Potask, •
yrtlp lodttio,
Arseutste Quoins,
Cyanide ?Jolson',
ACOti non
3tIOULDERS-3 oasts for sale byE-111 to. (resit brat for ale by by.
/13 oo'Z , ASAI4II DICHM,L CO 1.1.16 1 C lAIAH .DICXEY tCO
no2l , . Front is Water st
f Plkl—lp dna. tiow In more, for sale by
110FONCV-3 ON. in wort, for bate by
A ?Family Horse for Sale.
INTILS- be sold Cheep, • gentle, well veined horse,
elther, for • bilge, or for riding. Enentro
Oar older. , no2ldtf
Macleod Metals Banks.
Sane., by Lowell Mason.
National Poions.
Psalmodist, by Racing no Bradbury.
Pan toy, by Mason cc well.
Conti. Laud., by Lowell Mason.
tiny Suite Collection, by Johnston and others.
Mondelsohn CollectiOn. Hastings Bradbary.
Mason Harp, Patent and Mould Notes.
Othomorl Harmony, Patent Notes
Choir Chorus Boot. by A. N. Johnston.
Western and Carignan Harp.
Boston Melodeon. vol. I, 2, and 3.
Boston Olt.
New trAgned ee Boot.
Juvenile Craw os for School.
The Young Choir and Town Chain Companion.
A hill supply of all the above wont received, and
for sale.wholeerJe or tetait,:at publishers' prices. by
redly, ;JOHN It MELLOR, el Wood st
Tn 'N ,lt umq e
Y iie " B I ° 3; r4rOmr the Field,
-Book of Seasons," "Rural Life in England," tr.
I rel. Irmo.
Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the far interior of
Scott Africa.mith notice. of the none tribes ' and
anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Etephant,Hip•
popotamus, Giraffe. Rhinocerm, Am. Ely Rearaleyn
Gordon cooningoom, Eril. .100.10 mo, marl 0.
bbseaso, and Remedy, familiarly and pron.
coniodered ID few, of their relations to the
BYGeo. Moore, M. D. Member of the Royal
College of Phyncians, kc. I vat iemo.
The iltstory of Xerxes the Great. By Jacob Ab
bott. I vol I9mo. Just received for role by
nett 79 sl
I.Y Apollothilldings ,Fool
t P a 7 BUßC) t Fiiw' C ' f rd'l. g
rtprBLACAtl I&t;ap n
U * IlukCHFlElhave reeePred a new
superior anicle or WINTER HOSIERY for
Ladies. A I 60, Alpacas., lambs' Wool, Cashmere,
Fleecy: k. Thine. Sm.
n 033
IG , LOUIL-001,16 T. r PnllncNe Float, jrro A rtie
'dr +ale by 11U11111111DOKA INGHR ,
%%suer st
r rerrived IW.Nllolll...jVanizr,
L)l' A HE--d Lu fn.lo Or 1 007
r, \V O 1 it IOIIYtI7'ON-
TIAIoT UV belief. for We by
tharais for 1111. Oy
.1161707.4:.113 dozen for lisle by
ccd. per liLiebir. lice
NA 79 Water easel
y 1.3 Ab
nd fbitaz sa wi'lll. , -4 Lb b Ju
e le law
obl. new crop KTl7litili" — f
DI - coca - per 5 U. Ludlam:ld for solo low Op! .
sly LIMPIIII.I—be boxes MoodloN -
0 •le bbl. Seteratus;
V tasks do Medley from Ptember
Wsehlngtonoted fot sale by JAMES DALZELf.
end/ • • I
i)LaziS.F....-30 butt!. New Ortaara Malan., a
brims satiate, Jut ricely.d fat gala by
yy lIU TeR-11 brie Ms , tor • e
t by
IW - RUILPENTIN - 61 - 17
0 • I 1,4
K 3 IDD &C0,0:1 wo o d. .14
xi 'V li ti m Ll3 (. ll
'4ooa-ry -11 • erist,, , i
1n+231 ' ve • J KIDD DO
- _
.0 'Ln~_me~rmrrn
G ipAtt Vol • • • -
AZ-93 pneas zsu Mar iaup . to? •
A . Ti fi cz
akel3 WI wart
Roa34lcB. BINGER, HARTMAN a' CO. hairs
ill:bosh! the vista of as Aila loofas-4 by ?dr.
Sesnael.tisistaget,oded eheitteld Patent, it has been
tested by ow hest comb builders, end prontoned to
be the bets Into. •An ordinary criseb, veldt a set of
theft axles, rennin daily, will. een•lthee • half pint
of 01l In 'lx soothe The won quanthy.of eit- sad
is one of the bell evidenced we hoe of rho treat re
, device or friction, end cones,:owatt) , gnat saving of
power; It will mate the coach psoprictory to save 23
pet cent on their meek and teed. also, it wW give
great safety to travellers, the nut revolving with the
wheel and not-having any Connexion with ae silo
will entirely prevent the wheel from mining oft
By Peeper' eve. the patentece wilt warnnt those
axle. to lot from twelve to Uwe rl 7.11 duly numbs.
Warehouse, 109 Water and 140 Frost meets, Pitt,-
'burgh, Pa. nett
ROBINSONG Greek and Engdih Lexicon of the
New Teetameet. By Edward P °Moon, IP D..
L. L. D., Professor of WM i al thermals in lb. Union
Theological Seminary, Now York. This la • new
edition, revised and In • great pert mermen, In ono
♦ lame
English Grammar; theEnedsh Language in in
elements and forms, with a MIMI. of its Mlle and
development. derigned for use m colleges and
actimos. By Wm. U. Yowler, lam Pmfessor of Rho.
varlet In diadem College ion, eve.
Just Medved and for sale byl R HOPKINS,
0555 78 Apollo Butldintrs, Festal St
rBACCO-31/ du Sherwood's as;
20 bx. Myers' T.;
25 On Bell Porter 54;
• • 10 boa Blanks Ts now landing by
yikacalrEa a !ELIA itt—tei jar. PissaFr,.
• ajars Raapbarlas;
Olen Plaunx
3 jars °mod%
Jost received an t far sale by •
n 025 ' Cor. God 4k. Filth all.
LAJY-10 brla law. roomed for •
noos • J B CANFIEJ.D
Di:ARL A5ll-1. - 9 brill for I.l{ c by '
c 023 B CANFIErD
jtrrrest—lD bia tia.h.B, ill cloth;
0 brig do do;
43 crock.; • . , '
11:1 krgs solid calm for fully
S T .6 a
lALFAATIII3-I g/ 1 . , pimertlele;, 7 ...a .
ICKORY NUTS-4 kids for aide
MOLASSIi*-1.6 bll, naw
I : 17;211,01 m
,44 Libury
+ft: .
PEARLS -10 bris ree'd for iatis b
y -77
an2s 5• DROWN & ItiaI[PATRICIE
SEEN *Y1149-100 brit in mire. for sole b))
waif . BROW h k kIairPATABR
lir Brij F WAS bra awl 10 la brikfor nair
T CWACC°-- ttlt °, 6 7 Z: Onaty.lor Web)
CHEESE -163 las W. R. Circa;
ea Imo Cream do; for oak bt :
rAISU-7 buts pars, for We by ,
sub IVICK &/11cCAND1.885
141 ff • M - R-0 1 1,1 1 . • Prim for o
05011iirdiqf • • end or side •Ht
NEW OIL-4o bill on nand- _ -
n 023. J 8 DILWORTH & CO
. • brio N..... . • -
CII.uTaLS PING—Yu bz. 1.'4 for sale by
• 136 Libertyst
11,itak I:IUOKWII3—A covered boia - 1, very eao•
1:1 realest for housekeepers, three sites, for sale by
Woo xbIeCLURO & CO
Iy :4.IturAKNAVRIff IVI74!IMTRTi •IrOi
HEMF—eI bales ulnas ILL Hemp, ieeelvad par
roamer Federal Arab, and for sale br
IIX.O7IVIOLASSES-30 aria new cep. tendon pu
J.e elegem Navigator, for aby
BE sabieriber invitesahe attendee of inereksons
and cabers to his lame and well &sacred nook of
OM. Gloves, Under thins, end Diwavers. The
above articles In Silk, Wool, Merino, and Conon, et
all .sea end prices; eorstantly on' hand and for sale
low, by Ina= F n • EATON
X /I R. B. LANDMAN respectfully informs the polite
INA of his totr.allon to give lessons on dm Piano HO
kind re ceplion on hit Brsr residence in Pittabargh
emboldens hire to hope fora liberal share of Innen,
age. Larne., and gentlemen who wish to wallas will
was* leave their addressee at the Miele Samna
J. IL &teller or El. Sieber.. • noltbiller
F il" h i e S s to Teat fat a ultI N jo E to hauls .
Addzess, B. LaNDIUN,
nondlw - At Elobees Mode Mon; Third an
. Woolen Goode.
.40 DO2 new ono. rise Comforts; -
Drtes Ladles' Zephyr 'Beata;
'6Udcz Boys' assorted Cantons,.
CO dos Guts , do relerenee;
lu dos do Opera Cam'
MO dos Woolen Colfo
23 dos Childrene Wool Minnow
eoz do do ,
lU doz tkryssheavy do do, • -
6 dos Wool alaffs and Vletennesa ,
• At wholesale and retail. kl EATON,
sn23 0/ Falun, st
UN./ arldeb aro Clouded SeatleL OranoAuld Mu,
Plum Scarlet, Crionoru'Efluo and Slack
and Whim, Mao and Sleek sued, dtwarted
Also. an essortmeat of En gllO., sal
Zook): Wormada (no= • V-11-134
AA ÜBPIIY dk. ByleCllFlgLDlferees keep apepply
IYI zr . geemee-keekruakable WELSH
UttritY t 131JUCHF/M.1.1 have reeelvaa • sap
,t P
t "
re and Cradle Blankedßlanked Liectßlank-
els ofMI pri , '
Tat-9 bxls (tea see'd tot r' by
O. MX. llLds to =tee per TV. rotor,
re:23 7 8 DILWORTH...CO
Air RITE liklaNs-14 sank. manikin talc IT 2B
UR-10 bOls Rf. • •r,• ma . v.. 'mt •
456 Liberty *I
WITIER-11 Kegs;
ID bbl. fresh Roll recd. and tot Wet by
LI ONEY-7 his tee eived for gale byy
WOOLEN SOLIES- d doz receivrd foi sale Et _
• z coal HuOISON, LITTLE& OD
DUCRIVREAT FLOUR-50 rack, for sale b
CNA —6 .ack• netived for .alei 14"
nosisori,LiTmi a co
AG?—to sub, received for elk
--- - -
LACC• LEAD-11300 lb. beet Gnoa% An yrall by
no3l. 8 E BELL k• 57 W 45,4 51
AlCollol.—tO baitels jut Salved far 1.
t , IT
it 0 .21 . rR.E SELLERS
SPTS TUSIPENTINRs—Iu bits for sale by . -
uoßt - , -R is SELLERS
g •
tam binsb
lUrglib:47ao bags ag,fniWiibi
I, 11021 Is/den-DICKEY &CO
.111. bred{ now lauding for solo by
Ur HITE pisa—no bris n4O ht btLt frt talrby
v : 'seine' DICKEY AC CO
- --
IrNaO l lV , GLASS-300 owned bland.
CIIEEFIE-60 by. of pod quality, for sale by
nal I bAtAld DICKEY & CO
iIIeSSIAIOO man for sale Dy
R io n c A mx—m
"I \TM RAISINS—ZOO bzs tor sale e by
n 02,1 a. WILSON
I -10 1 o;: t ;
K::—:::1.7. e : vr 140 - m ;: . .1 : : 3 1Flo7. 0
lir! MI
1 RUSLYI-110 brio or reinnee,TO Close, by '.
. Wre 1, WILSON
Roir myriu=iFiri prime CerlsTieeere — td, one
for gale by ' It DAI.ZILLL &CO,
no2o .. Llbetry it
to ti o urrElt- 7:.!", , i , bJ
I If al dial.; for saarbii .
IiALZELL a C 4. 1,
ILO - Veit ar. Tlfuutilt3arigZlLf bils of -
na on hand .d for We by
nos() ' R DALZELL a co
SOClaAattirt?::yilttllVON°& RITVAINI
CIANOIEDOtango sod Lemon P by
ITRY: RAPIi JUICE,. pale or dark, lor kale by
(Volt - Ctne/drtati, an
jyt tot mac' yYtoleyale,and mad. ky
WOO. as Ofilld. .•
THE t;— or . Atnei and Biala!ler. suitable (es asi -
itteleal Of whet f WOO/ t O roll lOW hp. be proem< l'.
Isbell-sale ?a. tetsil at MORRIS I MLA ORTHM.I ,
.n9O .. , rt. alx Ise State. is las risence:-
41 M. A. Mt HO_ &CO arutdir: le apt oda ly
Y to cucomos and ihe ab, Llnst tbe
Win heye m
aner be <0.1113,111. 1111DPI.r...arMS
.li'aTFR~ Mil yretived ham Baninnore. ran'
At /C. La% 10E Or eery lope tic r:Gati
rneete.jeim n ctivcd and Inc Isle by
MishF.L. HERRIN6-I.4tge pew eaa ca, a 111
order, lust received fat sale by •
af).o.• tea Libarta
AND not
Cos. THAI Markel
Von nlia by
sipartot teaks Irian:yvidskry,
n PUNCHEONS SurwaiVe r eilebrarad Malt PM .
peens 17 delicate Savor,
19 Maban's W at erside, extra nu
and high proof, Dan emus house leek.
Mao, Brandin at dirrerent vintage* and brands
half, 011164 and naarrea. Imponad and for Ws
covideadus Wtat 11 1
P Min ajpa
f 2 Wool meet, •
I. Aeolic Ether,
• Polotion Tut,
Red rteupttaur,
Bleu P