THE PITI'SBU Ulf 'GAZETTE. PUBLISHED EY WHITE Cs CO P R OH FRIDAY NO • ING. NOV. 22, 1830. ID'Anexersone ETC cerneerty regoeeted to P 11.2.110 tkett - (aeon-before 5 t: st., and to curly in Wedgy Nt Pretrieeble— Aderirtliourents not Minted for e lied tune Will waver ,ably be eboreed mad ordered or, ITXV. It Pauma Is Agent tor Ibis paper at hi • everal sipdcies in Near Rork, Philadelphia, al.d nosinn, and I. alithnilsed to receive same-6p01.. and foi.isa. PSII 41)113Yl• Nowa menu and aabreri q ptions to the North s ad United Slums itilarency Philadelphia, received and for warted treat this othva. _ r.-einbee o ripu . on , s fa We (rm t i nzb mi lezrlr, e received end frw a DaLltarnall Aloadcara—tdako rlpuen. end advertise "'" thla woo tocelved and forwarded free e Shama from Ws oak. matrCoacumen 14 M., 1.1•2117.--AdMileelpen. obocripliont, for dos met, will Le received and onrantad from Mb omoe. arfiEEtiEXT 1.4.(if: FOR LOCAL PIATILAS TFJZOILAIIICNEW:= • . A communiratio'n from the "Paha, lbw.° cow• tanoting nn the ariumenta of 911ethca,^ • writer n the Commercial' Journal, shall appear to mon. Th. NezzJihrer. . _ The Mayoralty it now engaging the auenado of oar citlxvir, aid justly to, lot the character of our city luta suffered abroad to an alarming ex Cant. during the past ycar ; &Indy, from the elect lion of a pampa in the equivocal condition, and with the not less equivocal character of the peel. eat ineutn i xnt ; and secondly, from the dilgraCOs fat events which have occurred doting his ad ministration. Our city hos been diagrated, -- deep. ly Ind most emphatically Magthred—in the eyes of all zeal, intelligent, and tenable men through. oat the amutry ; end in this diagram. every PAU, burgher partakes, ' Or no distinction is . made by Persons it • dlatatice. All ate included to the loathing which is eaprothed fur the act of 'cicala g sunk a Mayor, and for the eatracirdinary and most dimepatable eventsiwhich have followed. We have lately matted cities both east and west and everywhere .4-want, in the public cnvey. sumer* and boles, on the pronienadta, and in mi. thin circles, almost the question alwaye asked us, on meeting an old acquaintance, or on our In. trodurEen to a new one, was in reference to the lifiyor of Pittsburgh, and the utmost abhorrence was expressed at the whole proceedings, and of Wltallildollent, that any city with pretensions to cheracti - tr, etgormeol, and intelligeece, could elcci theh a peracatage as Joe Harker to be their Chief Magistrate. We found that our city and its cit, thin had suiffeted in character to au extent trin i ty painful to 'Oonteniplate by any ooh who regarded it is his ittinse, and around which was gathered allies local', attachment and 11.1:11, pleasures. Dutch di4 , raccful events are not only a loss of caste and character, lAA they affect our prosperity movethally nal in a pecuniary point of slew. Intelligent persona all, whom we Coo. versed, wiM had formerly metro:plated making their home Leto, a.: have excirely changed there intentions pinto ;NO c.l. Otani of lest year, "ollowing . it aid our factory and pad& er tints, and our Street preantone. exctlements. Some went to far .110 caper.. lie opinion that It was dengerroo In hold t.otirt Potthurgh, and that its thee, urn were Willy unsafe. However exaggerated the lean vet an. h peewee nay seem to us at home, yet wo +boo remewoer that they ere the result of nor coo ,Otif and ...awl, and thawe are Irefferow one Wentz... ,Crects cf oar owe want of alleottot., ..r net to regard to our highest municip.-I interests. tai e leave these truths for the SCH.m frfleCtiOU of every pcnive who has soy stake in the weltare of Pittsburgh, promising to return to the aubjtal again. The harsh reception peen Hon. George TLenip son. Member of the British Parliament, ita Bteten, Ca 1110.0 to be attributed to the ruler of the Atitt:rk•ati people to any intetferenee with our family Turnoffs. from abroad, than to cppesit:on to the peculiar views of that gentleman, in regard to Havety. or Cal other of the great reforms of the age Which have engaged his littcattair, Wittle we mar dispute even ftercely among ourselves. ttgardidg matters of domestic import, we all ral ly, reject foreign interference. it an American member of Congreks should 'VISA England, and make rf Wm, speeches in favor of the repeal of the Onion, or on some other exlsung topic, In a time of great excitement, he would most probably told bylasa Ball, that he could menage his own Matters without boom triterlereneo. Etch coun try has enough to do to corre:i is own evils, and no good core comes of middling to spatters whter , du not directly velment us. Had M:. Tncrug. son visited this country under other auspice., atd had keitt aloof from such fanaloca as Witl3. L. Damien abd Wendcil Phillips, be would have bee treated watt rciTert and courtesy every where and would have had abundant oppanuaitiea o telling us of nur laulie without giving offence. Onto—Ceara[ Rail Road.—That portion Of the Central rail rood from two miles coat of Newark to the city of Columbus has just been pat coder The foregoing, in connection with tie work el ready in progrers, comprises the entire line fr... Zanesville to Columbus. It is intended to push ih work with energy till completed. 0111.—Tbo fal! i, .he pop. latioo of ilea douriAtiog rolukuazalttog cup, ski mein% to the census or 1850 I ellVanl, Putnam. Wax Z ..... S.Mth Zane.villo and olymptu, The Western insaruettow Ma. Wurrs—la the article from the Cincinneti I Gazette, published in the C•zetta of this morni.,4 there is a passage redacting censure on Col.Thern- j as Butler, sa gallant and worthy au officer ale% .Lr served in the American army. It is as follow. theocrat Neville applied to the Judges, Shot. id; and militia officers, for protection, and in reply was assured that tee law could not be:executed so as to afford protection, as the coutrinaUan of be people in opposition In the law was too general, and it was apprehended that most of the pe,,e Autirsrus would be thane sustaining the riotera small dd.:chewer of retrourers from Ike gorri.oa I rows eel se &rho. of the /firers, but were met by the insurgents, and compelled to surrender." The statement in the first Sentence of the abuse extract a subetantially torrent—the injuglire to Col. Butler is contained in the last sentence, a:id asps c,ally In that portion which i have Italie., J. It does him, In feet, double Orme:tire. In the 1...1 Otte, it intimates that the amen. in Fort 1 0 .1..1e were unwilling to permit their mt.:lieu to gate lie assiatance of Co'. Neville, and exhibits then .n the odious light of receiving their pay from •ne plectr:Dent, and yet not only refuting thereat.] •, to aid in enforcing Ilia low, her also relator I , permit aoldiers who were witting to do at It further intimates that thew officers were in timid in spirit and too want of energy to colt are the obedience of their Now. it so happens, that all th.e hs utterly un• true, and a gross libel, though no doubt ~ txonol, upon Colonel Butler. So far from In.. log la the slighted degree to reform aid to dot, General Neville'. house, he had promptly seta, II) aen Cum hi4feeblegsv.socaud these men •, e is the house when the last attach was made. in the defence, and several of them wet , woo id ad, as the writer of this article saw, lb, neat • AY Susumu. Oresanos.—On Thursday en opera en their return to Pittsburgh. slim of rune importsnee War palette , d at the le- W.,thi nglo „ Cdy, by by ... , F . Be !Or (rote there being y whit...nee on tweed by Urn. Miller, Johnston. Slone, nod Garre..., ladtlee Pat's be was always prompt, ef Oat city, and Dee. lV vix l n espmonand Coaleire, enerectic rendering every aid in L., pew, f the United Snots Army. The patient wee r d aged thirty wee. pion. M ITr e year. ajor lease Craig. ern in taw of Gen. Neva c, Aga be Van taken with white swelling, or a wroth. a Inter to General Knox, Seuelair of War, i. ^ Into degeneration of lbw knee joint, as we believe the following largesge— . lAd pareirularly Ay• his affection in-technically termed. For rourebs Past, ha has been bedridden, and it was the P0 A..1 Boa.' crAlszA.Ad , tI air cruse. opinion of his medical edemas, that he mold net Why happy I Bectn* Major (a fterwards arrive another 'month it the eentinithY el 'lie el) Buller was a patriotic, gallant, t fficient, rdid disease rioted not berme:Med. His knee was n,. ..._„ large as hie had and the I.mb was badly afferod, w." " d solder, on whom the government end i n all us parts, up to the hip. He evinced nob its Wends could coofidently rely. ormageous determioation, and athulv awaited else The Contriving entrees from a letter from Mr for w hi c h, we must haw rcraokia patient Craig to Gen. Kan, written the day der the hasi .d a e ldom eou:th a servi wy e l.v ed. Th a ... FT,P a r g of T pce y,„.„ ..rerra a1t ,„.71 1 bunting of Gen. Neville's house, explaina who the assembled, when chloeie ether was edmintatered.— . at yolordeas" mentioned In thd Cincinnati paper, Dr.fday then disartlettlated the hip Joint, and rerno- wore: red the entire limb, in a little over thlayeeceedel — „___ , lay twenty minutes ligatures were applied tothe steno*. (the fdarshat.) Col. Neville, melte arteries, without the loss el more than a half , 110 o f sad myself, and two piat of blood. When the patient awoke, Iha Wag g gggg3 g gto g in to the honor W lig ' , ONO} od where was Uw nest eT hi. patsy He 'velvet bf ammun ition, were mule prisoner., dinar,. 0.1 tbithis knee and foot pained him.,[ He was then and coadned, till the action Wan over, and nen tollt that the limb had been removed.He twilled carried severe.' miles to their rendezvous. T infineredality, and could not, for sometime, he• fretted Maj. Una* with the Venni* brill; ody, Bert the assurances of those around elms The ear and all or as mitt Math." meal by hen about them quarters of an hour I 1 ei prOM,,e foregoing remarks, you 'will peter tot; they loudly dressed the part, less soccindsty hemorrhage sheeld once. -He paced the evening i that C o l . Bigler was a° laggard or re^:cant to l.'" rid night well, and on Friday was cheerful end in reentry's Ureic; but, on the ...**".Ti* , :or. high spirit., adtee freely tee lord Prawn wilo Mo. . rwtrietle and reelotto soldier, and that thio "eosin and even emoking agar Otte rakishly Thal r far` all indications nes wonderfully favorable, bet leers* were not meth:teen from the garrison do. iheisurerone den v . t etrour7untruine hue, of tyi ng the coudatada of Col. Haller, brit the Unnq ~sal ``° ‘;P' ~. . wound nee Suttee Marshal, and Its: rziatirc3 end triccds ci witailly unaffected by_the d.eara that Teas ewers'. 11Ig 41.Walreffilah-AWlffilialk*PidN Gen. Zialraln. C. rA C n .1 otessa Farma tit.sveas —At a late yearly 'meaning of the Fnenda 01 Indiana, NU to teresting report won made by a committee of that tody, detailing their eiforta m rescue a free rotor wed Glan from slavery. It teems that a colored roan it Indianapolis was kidnapped from his fait,- et's lento in 1542, and ['Directs of him were oh• mined until the summer 0f1649. The Friends, in lading then heard accidentally that there was a colored man held as • slave In Texan, who elstid• door ha • freeman, and that his parents were hy ing in Indianapolis, Indiana. They proluzed um requisne docummtia, despatched an agent to Texas, and after considerable difriculties, the noun 'muscle/teed lip the Court, and taken back to ha M •••• Itev...raceaus H. 9rovavox.-I.ty the follotvin%, tram the Cmcznnati Gazette, it appears they are again to 11.3 , 115 thin eminent divine permanently ,n Ualtimore. "The Bev. Tboa 11.. SOcktrin bas accepted !Le Lean' from tie Ealltmore congregation, over whit he =mined the pastoral relation more than men. ty years ago. Mr. S. came to Cincinnati shout three years ago, in chirp, of the Sixth Street Church, and about one year since came out on the Bible platform, throwing off all deaotninational re. strohns, and had succeeded in establishing a per• manent interest on this basis when on urgent in sitotion from old friend• in the East. united lo .g end health, and reluctance on the part oi nit congregation to furnish immediately the means re. 'plane for erecting a rentable building, decided hint to accept this invitation, by which we ore deprived 4' one of out must useful and eloquent divine." The church urwhich Mr. Stockton goes is to St. John's, in Libcny street. Baltimore which, though Methodist Protestant, is Pomewhnt on an indepen dent basis in some respects. Fortisfl.mta . D. N. Warr", Etg. _'HA Ithartat r iatentanngtoentrisoperting Mu chants to know, that the law on the *abject of ha. iodations into Fittabutgh hoc recently bet changed, Boas to enable them to t tiler theta met- I . rhandisein cup , „of rho Deafens putts. nod pay the Male; betel. As the lair was .finmerly, tbey were obligedtitimport by the way of New Oriente to order 'that e subject may be fully outlets. d, I send pat ail Act al 2nd Match, 1511 , together with the 19thlSoaiou. of Cc: /VI of Stith Sept• Ibso, with Wei request thet you will puttbah the same. By the last tamatmed Art, a will ho obs toned thu the provisionnn of the Act of ISM are estetalea to etch porta of entry on the seaboard of the Lhated,Statca, as may be drsigaateil by the Sectetaty of the Steam:ay. Yeryr respectfully goers. atc. , M. HAMPTON. Cur. 322. An act allowing the duties on for eian merchandise, imported into PiUsburgh, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Nuhvtfle, and Natchez, to be !secured and paid at those pliers. I. B s ge. That when any goo da,wares or inerchandlite, are to be imported from any tor. eign country, into rinsburgh, In the State of Penn- Wheeling, in the State of Virginia, Cin• cuntati; in the, State of Ohio, Louisville, the nte State of Seeky, St; Lmihr, in the State of his. a ,ari,Nantiville, in the State of Tennense, or into Natcheuln the — State of Mississippi; the importer thereof shall depoat in the.eustody of the survey. or of the place a schedule of the goods so intend ed to be impanel, with an estimate of their costs at the place of exportation, whereupon the said surveyor shall make an estimate of the amount of dudes accruing on the use, and the importer or consignee shall give bond, with sufficient sore. tier, to be approved by the surveyor, in double the amount of the duties so estimated, conditioned ' for the payment of the duties on such mamba. disc, ascutaitted as hereinafter directed - and the surveyor obeli forthwith notify the collettor at New Orleans of the Stela, by forwarding to him I copy of said bond and schedule 2. Ana Sew further nsadd, That the imposter or his !gent is hereby eiViDriZed 10 enter any merchandise,imposted an. aforesaid, by the way et New thimwei at that port, in the manner now prescribed by law; sad the coll.tor shall grant a permit for the landing thereof, and manse the do. tees to be ascertained as in other mom, the said goods remaining in the custody of the collector entileeshipped for the plait of desenanoo; and the collector shall weruie to the surveyor at such place the amount of such duties, which the said surveyor shall enter on the margin of the bond, an aforesaid given to secure the same, which goods shall be delivered by the collector to the agent of the importer or consignee, duly authorised to re. calve the same, for saleroom to the place of im portation. mud the mister or commander of every steamboat, or other yeast!, in which such mer• chandise %hint be transported, shall, previously to her departure froze New Orleans, deliver to the collector duplicate maelfews of inch metobsto dine, speciqueg the marks and notnlvra of every ease, bag, has, chest, or package, contenting the same, With the name and place of resilience of every importer or consignee Mauch merchandise, end the ciaantlty shipped to each, to be by him subscribed, and to the with of which he shall , swear or affirm and mat tee said goods have been meelVed board his vessel; Waring the name of the agent, who shipped the some; and the said collector shah certify the facto es aforesaid, on the oselkats, one of which he shall return to the aster. muh a permit thereto annexed, author' .ug Aim to proceed to the place of his destine. l'And iv it _further coward, That, if any elearn• boat or other vessel, hoeing merchandise boar:, imported an aforesaid, shall depart from New Orlrbris without having complied with the provrAwea cf this art, the coaster - thereat shall f.,rfeft five hundred dollar; and the master of soy such boat or vessel, arriving at either of the ports above named, on - hoard of which merchandise, as aforesaid, shall have been shipped at New Or. 'trans, 'hall within eighteen boors next after the 1... ye!, and previously to unloading soy part of aid merchandise, deliver to the surveyor of sr el ...on the miwilett of the name, certified, ta afore .aid, I,y , the collector of New Orleans, and gull mate oath cr •ffirringoo before the said surveyor .hat there was not, whel. he departed from New o.lesus, any more or other goods on board such -oat or vessel, imported as aforesaid, than is there• 1, loco Owed; whereupot, the surveyor .6.11,:ewe .he raid eaeks, Wxs, Ooze., chests, or par kagcs, cr he Inspected, and compared with the m•otest, and the same being Identlfie4l, he shall grant . , rout for uc loading the anode, or such part there• as the master shall request, and, lab., el part ..iy of rush merehandlre is intended to b landed de surveyor •.all welt,: an ondurstmcut en 111 , , act of the manifeet, de•ignat.og such part, rpm. edying toe metes or be landed, and shall relate .be tuwal4st to the roaster, enduring thereon eermierrion to 'curb bast or 'ewer In pretend toil. place of destination; and if the master in roc, steam boat or vessel shall neglect or refuse to fit, er the manifests within the time herein directed , he shall fovea one hundred dollars. 4. And he tt artier emada. Teat, tie caller for of the port of New Orleans shall permit co entry to be made of goods, wares, or merchandise. where the dory on the 11113 e shell exceed thi• amoltnt of the bond depfelted with the surveyor as aforesaid, nor shall ihr said surveyor receive the bond of any person not entitled to • credit at the custom halve, nor for a sum less than fifty .rollers and that, when the said bond atoll hese oecn completed, and the stood amount of duly ascertained and certified on the margin, as aeni• said, if shall be the duty of the surveyor of th red where the bend is teten, to deposit the sae foe collemion It snob bank as may be directed by the'secretary of the treasury. The following is the Section of the Art of 25. h 5ept.,18.20, extending the privileges of the above Act to yortmor entry on the seaboard. Set. 19. And be it farther enacted, That privileges, granted by the net of second March eighteen tiondred and thtrtvont, entitled "An slowing the dates on foreign merchandise Imported Pieshurgh, Wheeling, Ciucioau, Louisville, Stint L 31113, Nashville, and Natchez, to be secured and paid •: those place.," be, and are hereby esteneled to any foreign merchandise intended for ether of the ports mentioned in ea d act, which may be Imported trill such ports of entry on the seaboard of the United States, es may Le designated by the Secretary of the Tres sty, and be thence tranapoeed,to either of the extresald ports by such inland route. a the Se. cretary of the Treasury may designate, under .ueh rule. and regulations, not incoacatent with law, as he may prescribe, and subject to the for• Indere. and penalties preserib,d in and by sad set of March second, eighteen hundred sad thirt y • one. :I,OIOD 1.971 1,639 2 /91 1,04 113 For the PsstsburgB aa.ats. 111011 ilriksitatlClTON c o mmando:Leo of the Pittsbargh • Waist asarom, N0v.19,-.1850., COl.Oll end congress -Poets teepee. .stag the Program of Pepalatione-tts. emotion of George Thompson of Bolton ...Mob Lon WWI the IPoisittre More Lew. There is no necessity whatever for any specula tion about the applicability of the existing law for the apportionment of eeptreneetiVee among the States. It is plain that the law of 1842, framed Op on the remits returnee( 1840, will apply to all the elections for the present Congress, as well es to those which will occur next Spring and Summer is to those which have already taken place. It is not by any means certain that the full returns of the ' census now taking will be completed and declared 'to &Belot form before next August, when the last State elections for Cottgreset will be held. Some have ..i.ven oat that it will be the duty of the Sec retarial the Interior to communicate the results of the Cleclies to Congress at Its next ensuing session, and to apply the new Vane or numerical rule of up. portionment to all subsequent elections for Coo. yew. This La tWithlr true to point of fact, nor would it be just io °ea States which have held their elections uniker the existing ratio The law I for taking the maim of 1850 require. the Secretary l i of the Interior to :Strange and classify the retools ; "ln (bobcat and most convenient manner for me, I lay the same before Congress at the nett session I thereof," Thu clearly refers to the next session I tollowing the making up of the retinae,. A subs, l o quent clause requires him to transmit to Vie next. Bowe of Itepmsentatives and to the Executive of every Stale a certificate of the ratio of representis lion established In pMusince of the then last.ents meration. These serthScater will not he ready 1113. it after the risliourrent of Congress, in March next, and of contra Ili not be transmitted either I to Conyers or the Stows until December, ISM. I The returns are coming in most irattisfactonly, and there is every reason to believe that theiotal population of the .Union will chattily approach, d it do not exceed Iwintifour millions of people. The dilly classified returns Will probably form theft:lw intelliglle, autlicntic, and %minable culler' ion of statistics which ' has ever been prepared for any government exteradintover such vast and diverts lied territories aeons. Ily the nsaiduity and vigi• lance of the Superintendent, Mr. Kennedy, every l contingency to throw didieulties in the way of the execution of the work, hos been provided agienst, and every care has been taken to furnish ex - plane tins. of the returns, where the anottudous character of the information collected seems to require it. Some facts already elicited, though not yet otli cially 1: nown , are curious. The population of N. Very City proper ii, mid to he still 100,000 souls la advance M that of nay other city of the lint., while Philadelphia is more than twice as populous as any third city. New York proper is mod to have i 17,000 inhabitants. Its Suburbs overde wa ters that divide it from [ding island uhd the MAID laud have about' 1:41,000 more Baltimore has ail. veered it, population more rapidity than any other city of the first or second claw, having risen from 100,000 in 1840 to 150,003 in ISNJ, Wisconsin hoc increased in population more rapidly than .f oili• erStare. Although it has been a member dune Unit. lees than three ye:indite number of as white inhabitants already exceeds Met of South Carolina, and at the present ratio of represehtation It would be eutAled to tiVi'meathers of Congress, while op. on the three iilths slave baPs. Carolina would per: haps be entitled to cue more than she now has. One hundred and sixthottiand will henceforth be the a mount al population represented by each member of Congress. blest of the old Stave States Will be reduced in the number of their representatives,nor does it seem probable that any of them will in. CriXesn in this eraementof indueom and power The . contrary hatbeen clalined for Texas and Arkansas but without reason, though it is mashie that Ar kansas may babe re large a fraction over 106,030 as to entitle her to an additional member. Ma.en• ehlesellS, New York, /4asaylvana , and 041.. will probably hold their own, not wohstandiug their present !err, delegation. The North West will elabn all that the States of the South and La.' will low. Rat itt the 14vt deco the Old or south Ea..ern Slave Slat e will seam a large nddition. on al populati from the building u ofaiarod ri stuag villages, which have a greet elle t in the preening their comparative &rime m tit scale of torpor lance. I 'Themore extreme opponert the Feg Slave Law ettould take a I,wo groin then r which marked the reception et ate English liberal ~_ ~, Cur Democrat) member of Feriae cut, Hon Us orge , Thumps. Fifteen years ago, id Thompsun thee dimity known no an eloquent d etiong minister, came over to the Untied Stiletto. d mat improper ly and injudiciously took annoy pan in the agi tation then going on In this comely on the subject of slavery. His interterencc emispenood public reap went, gave rise to Dopes duturlaancics, did no manner of good, and he left the enmity He has OM. distinguished hims,Slt in reforming fluent tai the abuses athe Britian 'lcivernmont, has on al. mon every occaston abow‘ himself a told and et fictent chassiviion of poppett righta, and pinued tom -1 self in the front rank of benefactor. to the English I nation. In thee characteonhe derisive our respect ' ' But I see acimething lathe per. about a speech be made beforeficeving home reterrlng to our polio contentiona,which was • potted to todicate 3pi pose of taking part in the The result has be that the attempt° give ti . a public and loin 1...„.... receptlolllt Fanuil itair, '. taegon, has been I. hated by a mob,' consisit g probably allogetlic peroons takiag the pro.. ry side in the pre controversy. It would em they reframed I violence only Immune v °lent e wne eat nee., to prevent bins or his In 11l if OM •pr6kily( Now nil that illostra:- legaldy niwvy w th mndinually endeavored aryonanro of keeping Ide of We sled I have pec.rot to the oppoornv both the wrentsfennenn .g to resin! It by violent ball time, be condemn. ofthe logatte eltve In am/ We impoliey of et, menus. Mob law mu el. II the eighteenmo( an snlqailnua and et f t:Jagreta may be waled by riotous demon rations, of course those who take opposite view of that, similar uneaten* may with cuss' propriet break up meetings call ad to denounce the law, rosy insult all who take part in them, and in shy must be stidulged In et, cry hind and degree old ruder, necessary to sup press the liberty of spec h and of peaceably sus sembling when attempte• to be exercised by tbelt i.advenaries. I believe ..e offensive feature* of the fugitive slave law or he repealed, but until they are, I perceive no ahernailve fore good en izen hot to arty - liege in them. In regard to this Mr. Thantysm, I Omit lie present an unfaluustely chaste lone for hie visit to this ennotry. It Ia very apparent that the sphere 'of his usehllneas don not meiotic these share. !Of course in saying ibis much, I do not commis myself to an approval of the Infentous end teen• diary appeals of such points at the Wa4hing Union, who have sought to Wir op the prop!, cf the Northern cities to riot and murder by way ri! a welcome to Mr. Thompson. PROM NEW %OUR Hardly have the noire and confurion con quern upon the recent election died swayed t restless spirit of calculation mad Intreme, lute has always been a historical characternete " modern dectiocrecy“ in three parte, webs break greeted in Pew elan itecte ro far IJff 10 t Inure yet, as Ice err at l'icettlettual cartspeten. I thOrily, that than sr. Meloin!, r onui one 01111 e lip loWn 1.01.11, volOpoaell 01a do mttro• grollenten, u;.o, rrarra:ly giv.• ihr hr '• lan dOtif 111.111 , 1% y. et win. h, &ger • g deal or &Lb tsati n rod debtor, t was retok., d that Sun Wore., the seri, of tnn int it 110 ," And other Parrot searem arrommagra m Me - Ido and T,x tn, ra, by all odds, the bent hay to hoi out for ilte surreyrtates of I ohs. This little we dash taken io confliction with tho dtoly cuffing op of. Salo" in the New York Sun, and other max. et of that ilk, are eo many " straws "whirl, allow whteh'way the wind i lama, In this dlremion. Barnum's agent returned yeaterday from Ha. vana,,he• ng in his pocket a lease of the. Theatre f o ra fortnight—en that Jenny Lind will posltieely leave us at about the cod of next week. At the concert lam evening, at Triple, Hall, there were no fewer than than three hundred persona, who had come all the way from New Bereft, and otherplacca along the flee of the rail road, to baton in her marbling.. Oa Wednesday, the fair Swede paid a visa to the Asylum for the Blind, throwing the poor auffetera there into an extacy of delight they confessed they had never experienced before ; and yesterday, on her brhalf, Big.. Benedict and &flee ileac:tied to Capt. Wert, of the ream ship 1 Atlantic, a ehstly servtee of plate, u a mark of errrot for him, aa a man. •r. .1 for his kind atlen. tiro. d tiling the DesllAir! r m Liar rF.CeI We tun daily el peCtiof the arrival, from Nor. Wlri of aft U. L. alone .11. p l'reaor, ,hr tilt d Qccd go Tip= tk.: 111.7 fc • lh eke maybe titled atlas hour as passible, for her trip to Letidoo, with such- articles for the Greet, {Fetid', Farr, there, es oar comnbotors here may desire to aeod—at the expense of Sam. From_ tebat .11 . cao lean, p New , the comntioa from Ne York will be pretty crook, .13 they will me when ibe ii,iip ehip arrives at Victoria dock, "chock iir VOrtiree hoick sacks. How aboot Pitt,. barKti Th.! now steam ship Baltic, the (north of the Collins line'ibiewton here and Liverpool, tele x•pt on her first file at none, to day, with about eighty Peeweitems:altd • Very profitable Irelght—cansid ering u a her Mel trip ('hippera never like to send their goodaftWoratd in a new vessel, if they can help ) A riding the notables on beard, I see the name of Arad:datum Hughes, of this (Roman Ca. Mohr) diocese, Of whom, and of whose CODICa• plated journey in Rome I had something to say in my law letter to the Cunene. Capt. • Comstock says ho Is onnfaent the Bs(tie will make the trip scrod in cleivest-days. One of the mat remaskahle documentt, in its way, which I have seen lately, is the racial re• port of the Chief of the Police Department, which was last everting spannittnel to the Common Coon el. It is, irides d,'n dark chapter In the mysteries and commies of treat city like this, and maims coo shudder et the',,repid tate we are rivalling the ethic hardened capitals of Europe. During th e three months crolgii September let, there were no fewer then ten thousand and ten postpone an rested for crimes spinal the laws of the State, showing au Inctesaa over the number of arrests during the previonektartcr, of one thousand see oh et odred end catty six. Thts large Increase of arrests were maiolOor Such offence!' as itasanit and Battery ; Downierly Conduct, lociientlou. and Vagrancy, whilo Wet. boo becnPull**. ate Increase in the acfairber of arrest. for the bighu grades GI crime. The 'aggregate arrears for vault and battery were 161 S; for assault with intent to bitt, :M; murder, 2; tape, 10; burglary, 62; fi,r• gory, 7; grand 'omen*, 163 ; intoxication, 3331; robbery, ICI. ThdllOther misdeme.nor. amtlrace about every bad thin g In the thick catalogue of crime. A greet orow.l aaseni Lied in sad about the Court oftiessiona tins morning, it betas aisdentood, that the ease of Bennet to. Graham would come up for • heath a. They era all disappointed, haw ovr r, a motion prdlllng that the cue be laid over till nesi v:eetc. The editor of the Herald, 1 tin& rtmod had outdo arrangements to leave for Her •I,• Oil the Mends, followieg the Saturday be rhcr,ved the dangles— 01 count° argued. as. !mull compel. him to poet pone Way mat. I ,There has tot been much going ott lo the hunt• near world tint.", my lag, calling for rpecial re. romp. Tao sbuodsoce of capital In the street, and Mc very low rates deinanded for loset,chnu late vpeenlation et the stock cultorolot sod the upward movermr clan most all deserfptioea, otiemi a few days .zare. continues, A large amount o Federal •ad Stato stocks go cut by the l albr, I. PI ECO o * TUN HON. JOHN ■ =CCM Watery of tb• T•ylor Aaminiattation. Toe Fatiftdelpht• Nob Ai,ctinn coifialas the .cIP,!: Di Inc Hun. Jet. M. (lama. made at pubic dtancr t ieen to Lien at Wltmlogtoo, Del. on Saturday lest. inside:sally to the recent elm , lion in Iklawarc, and the defeat of the Whigs to, the first time in 25 years, which he attribates en• tirely to the nomination of a lentpetance ticket, he proceeds with ■ hotory of the administration of General Taylor, some pinions of which are very Interesting, hat the crowded state of 007 columns foth,d• more than n few e Erects from his rt. matte. Witb raged to ito Taylor Cabinet, and the they ha l on President Taylor, he ea.:— There ha never calmed en iulniniatration to in which them was greater ham. in. e.y and col., it or senor, In the gentlemen comprisol it, the Preicdent entertained un ism riled fidence, and they retained that cone cce to the list mom:mad bin bilk -44pmigle) Falsehood and calumny, ,license] Agatha tkretn, as it woo, from ea many quarters, failed to moho nor isipmesion on his mind; and he adhered to then, ire a ienteity which wail increased by his pee. het knowledge of the "Justice with which they were awaited. romeiding in sentiment with him on sit import ant snivels, his wish was their law; and when he heard no open the pitiful aspersion that his Calono ruled him, knowing,. ho did, how flush -1 folly they turned out his owe will, • while they were often made to bear the whsle responsibility of los decarboto, and actions, he scorned the at , tempts to alienate him from those whom he had .dented es hi. •d wiser, it would be difficult for any man to Lnow, ,tending outaide of that Cabt. the talent of the lejnatien done to its reapee eutben. by the dosser, which wan an cum single ennivived an it was industriously props. 'rated, that the appointments and even the snaps or Eacenti se Government Warn dictated by the Cali net, and nut by the President himself— ( Lae ciitecl I have repeatedly known a Cabinet minister abused lot months by the whole imposts tion prelim of the coontiy, on amount of an ap. ,:mess went w let Ise had never suggested or re rerronenited, but which had been ordered by the President alone. The unsoccessfal applicant lot oel^e en4oun el a balm for bts wouodell feeling* in the wilzh he chose kindly to chetlah, that b, was the mom of some Secretary, though he W. a favor:lc of the President. (Laughter The unpopular appointment here alluded to ws . probably that of James Watson Webb, as Mink ter to Vrerio.s. With regarA to the Compromise measure., he expres,.., the pronto° that the •Omnibus pa," c•••••I• delay at ail toondt, in the woke:mei to this &Meth!, and the tong and violent debates on it has uttered up the present excitement In the country. To Senator Pearce, of Maryland. he gives all the credit of baying brought the dr6col• ty to a 010.0 by the jar:Auction of his Tem houcdry 1..14 General Snort la highly extolled In the speech, and Mr. Clay frequently disparaged by indirect reterenee. • Alter ehitaing to the various undecided prorate claim. which tied Leon passed over by the pre. cedlng adminietratsm, and the abuse heaped on him tor dividing against the Metre.. Porte To. Itnzoo claim, he thus speaks ot the famed Gal [Aria Claim.- • thee( these old PA.., which had been refers red to a presides Secretary of the Tteamity, came before my friend Mr. Meredith. He referred ft to the proper law officer of the Government, the Attorney General, who, after. hall review of the whole sub,r et, derided the question to favor of the claimant. The jollier of his decision wou l d Or?• of hone boon impeached bat for the unfortheapt fact, as it turned out and the money had boom paid, that the Secretary of War, Mr. Cressida of Or•orgra; was interested in it—a cireurnatanoe which wee entirely nab:town to any other mem• our of the Cabinet at the time of the decision. I did not know that there cola inch • claim in Coil tenet until many weeks and the wormy had bean pool. I suppose the motive which induced the Secre tary of War to conceal hie interest In the claim was true of delicacy; but I heath a perfect cowrie• lion, without emertaming a donut of the justice of the demand, that had the feet of his personal in terest been known or mentioned at any cabinet meeting before the payment of the money, no set. cement of that claim would have been matte while Mr. Crawford remained a metnber of the adminin tOpplattseti His conduct in offering, Its he did, to Congreae, to abide the judgment of the Supreme Court of the Homed Sautes upon the legal• ty of the claim—to waive every advantage of do. toner: eacept that arising out of the tow' Itself, .d 10 retorts the motley to the event of a decision. gainst hot by the Court,ahould have el:erupted Him Iron that nbiow which boa been no profusely and unjustly laVinhed upon him. In another pornoie atm epeech he mates that he tendered he, resignation of the Department of State in June list, to President Taylor, through the Minds of the Hon. Reverdy Johnston, on account trt the duties being so burdensome and laborious, but ho termed to accept it, stating that hu retire em would "emborrara nod distress him." Un der atm, eircumshintara he withdrew her festoon• iron, mid adds: influtmce with Inc Was such thral should have veutured aguln to toms thei — iTiFtert ido on bon; _and when he had declared his sentiments and wish., I tett that 1 would as lamp haver ran W Wu) . f,.n the malls of Buena Vials as to have de. I ted boo. [Apple.° I And now, remembering within how. shun a 111110 Idler this interview his leanly finale and noble heart were laid cold in the embraces of death, I rejoice that I yielded to his wishes at any sacrifice of ease, or health, or to, tune. preat'Applatute 'I he following are the concluding salience., of this interesting speech. My fellow citizens, it will remain to me a sub. jeer of proud consolation that I enjoyed the perfect confidence and intimate friendship of Ibis great and good nine during the whole peeled of his admlnno troupe: and that I labored with all the &Taloa of which 1 Vets capable to nerve him faithfully as a member of his Cabinet. Ir.nowlng his quedinekas I did—and I think no man had a better opportunity of knowing them than I had—l believe Iran speak of him es he was I know that "All the ends he aimed at were his country's" [Applause.] His moral, like his - Physical connote, was Maim noble. No one ever apprmiched the consideration of, grattpublie question with more deliberation and caution, and when about to decide it, he stook each man's. censure, but reserved his judgment." Whea he had determined, no one was more firm, or could he mere, resolute in salaries In his purpore. He was Oar of the few men we meet with in this world, who can one, dercad to tare. loran, or cilenencridlie action. ,Appleusa.l Thongbluipeactised in the duties of civil admin istration before be entered the eistenthrie maatinn. bin stoma and vigorous intellect, aided bye . - pre. found knowledge of human nature, for the acquisi tion of which no one ever enjoyed better opportes. cities, amply supplied the went of : experience as a civilise; and the kindness and benevolence of his nature never failed to win the hearts of all who mate within the circle Gitlin inumate acquaintance. Surrounded by enemies who daily sought to stab uo reputation he had mulled by along life ofilub ha airtime, his conscious rectitnde enabled him to "smile at the drawn dagger end defy itspoint." (Ap plaisse.l This wen his shelter amide all the storms of political opposit i on ; and the confidence of sin cerity from all dangers, resulting from this conso lation, never deserted bun in bin dying moments. When Informed by his physician that his last hour was impeaching, his simple remark indicated the feeling that bud prevailed his host= and incanted him through life: "I am aotefraid to die," mid the expiring prtriot—q have endeavored to do my duty." (Great applause. I Mr. Clayton was hero so overcome by his emotion that he was compelled to pm..) Tu. was the feeling which bore him unappalled through the peril. Of haute. This upheld him through that long and-dreary night of blood sod fire, when he won the first brevet la the war of 1112, by his auccesaful detour. of Fort Harrison agalost more than fitly times hat bomber. In Flo rida, the scalping knife and tomahawk of the saw. age bad no terrors for the soldier who felt that he bad always endeavored to do his duty. Amidst the thunders of Palo Alto and Ruses de la Pal ma, when he broke the Mexican power, and gave that confidence to his countrymen which insured their victory to all theirimbergemot contests to the blood stained street. of Monterey, and in that tempest of allot which wu poured upon him and his Milo army on the proudest field of his fame, at Buena Vista—at the very moment when his gar ments were torn by the bullets of the enemy—the •tens amuse roili still tone serene, self pouessed, and triumphant, through the terrors of tint ens• dirt. Preat applaune.) He wu anatcheo from hi. country beton, eo opportuaity had been allow ed to develop his whale system of civil policy, and on the very eve of the execution of purposes de vised by him for the public good, the knowledge of which matt now forever sleep with him ut his grave. Bat he had done enough for fame, and while a selitieleel of gratitude monocles to throb in au American. heart, Ina memory will be cherish ed as that of ope of the tine who were not born to die. (Loud and long continued cheering. Cirrilaclats RAIL Roam !amt.—Pleas.. E. Pratt de Brothen have exhibited in the lower room ut the fair at Washington 11411, • specimen of the continuous tail road Iron manalletated 'at the Mount Savage Iron Company's Werke. near Cumberland, Ida. The rail does not differ In form essentially from the usual T. rail, bet it is divided Into two sections longitudinally. and • cautio:ma mil Is than obtained by breaking the joints. This, it ruddy perceived, is an important Improvement, entirely obviating the li ability to•glve way at the joints, whir.h to eal.e• rieocod In the one of other patterns of rail. The Utica and Schneetady rail road compeer, In New Yost, atter thoroughly toeing the rall by twelve months' vid, have contracted for the ripply of 1,000 tons of it, the larger portion of which hos already toms sent forward. With this roll ■ greater speed may be obtained over the road, With equal and leas wear and tear to the toad and can and it will on doubt soma recommend itself to Geo mai um.—Ball. Amer. The following is an extract from the life of John Randolph, of Roanoke, by H. A. Garland, which lat.s just been published:— Neat aternlng—the day on which he died—Dr. Parish received no early and no urgent mesmac to via him. Several persons were in the room, but soon left it, except his servant, Dona, who was much effected at the sight of hiadying master. The Doc tor remarked to him, "I have seen your master very• very low before nod he revived, and perhaps he will nein.° "John knows better than that,air."— He tiro looked at the Doctor with great intensity, and said in an earnest and distinct manner, "I con firm every disposition in my will, especially that respecting my alavest, whom I have manumitted, and for whom I have made provision." "I am rejoiced to hear such a declaration from . . you, Cr," replied the Doetor, and won after propo• aed to leave aka fora short time, to attend to anoth !I patient_ "You must not go," leas the reply, "you cannot, you shall not lure me." John, take care that The Doctor does not lease the room " John noon lock• ed the door, rind reported, "Master, I have locked Mu door, and got tho key is my pocket; the DOctor Can't go now." He seemed excited and said, "If yoa do go, you .eed not return The Doctor appealed to him as a the propriety of such an ostler, ionamuch as he • niy desirous of diselmtgine Pis duty to tooth •r patent His manner testaally clanged, and he td, retract that expletaitxt! Some time atter- wards, turning an camel:siva look, he said again, 'I retract that exturet,tea. 'The Doctor now raid that he understood the'sub tea of his coomanaleation, and prmumed the will would explain heel( folly. He replied in his peculiar way—' eio, you don't understand it—l know you don't. Our law. are eltreniely particular on the subject of slaves—a will may manumit them, bat provision for their subsequent support, reliance that a declaration be onion in the pinnate ot a white witness; end it is requisite that the witness., after hearing the deo's• ration, should continue with the parry, and never low sight a' them said he Is KWIC or dead. You are a good witness for )oM. You see the marine. ty nod importance of vow remaining with me— your patients mist make allowance f r your sitoa lion. John told um this moming-'—'mtmer, you are dying.' The Doctor spoke with entire cond. ' and replied I that it was ra th er a matter of surto . that ho had ' Imuxl so long. He now made his p partitions to die; he directed lobo to bring him his ther's breast button—be then directed him to Mar s it in the bo wm of his slum It tent an old (alibi. tied large siz ed gold sand. John placed it in the bundo hole of the shirt bosom—bin to Gs it coraphit:ly required a hole in the opposite side. 'Get a knife,' said he, 'and rut one.' it. napkin was called for, and pia. ced by John over his breast. For a short time he lay perfectly gaiet, with his ayes closed. He denty mimed :up - and exclaimed—'remorse! re morse ! ' It was thrice repeated—the last time at the top of his voice, with great agitatioo. He cried out, let me soulthe word; get a dictionary—let me see the wo:d." , There Is time in the room, 'Write it down then—let me am the word.' The Doctor picked up one of his cards, 'thin. dolph of Roanoke'—'shall I write It on this read?' 'Yes, nothing more proper.' The word remorse was then written 10 pencil He took the card 10 11 horned manner, and fastened his eyes on it with great intensity. 'Write it on the back,' he ex. entimed--it was so done, and banded him again.-- He was namely ogitated—'llesnerse! you have no idea what it is; you min form no idea of it, whale, er, it has contributed to bring me to my present sit uation—but I have looked to the Lord Jesus Christ, and hope t hare obtained pardon. Now let John take your pencil and draw a line under the word,' which was accordingly done. 'What am I to do with die cord ? ' inquired the Doctor. 'Put it into year pocket--take care of it—when I am dead, lank at it' The Dnetor now introduced the subject of call . g in some additienal witnewea to his dealarstions, d suggested sending down weirs for Edmtuni Ne replied, 'I hoer already communicated that to him.' The Doctor then amid, Wtth your mum= truce, stir, I will Pend for two young pbytdciane, who shall remain and nester lose sight of you until you am dead, to whom you can make your decla rations—my son, Dr. Isaac Perish, and my yOuni friend sod late pupil,Dr. Francis West, a brother of Coot. Weal: Ile quietly ouswered—'Captain Weal, of the *Yes, sir, the same 'Bend for him—he is the man—l'll have him.' .... -Before the door was unlocked, be pointed tow' ants a bureau, and requested the Doctor to take from it a remuneration for his services. 'To this the Dom:litres-aptly replied, that he would feel as though he-were acting Indelicately to comply. 116 then waived the subject by raying—'in England i erdwayereustomary.' . The witnesses were then sent for, and won itiril ved, The dying man was propped up in the bed,l with pliers, nearly erect. Being extremely sen, stove to cold, he had a blanket over his head and ! shouldenr, and he directed John to pile hi. hat on,' over the blanket, which aided in k pie; it clone! to his head. With a countenance fil of sorrow, John stood clone by the aide or his drug mnster.—!! The four witnesses—Edmund B r, .Franeis Weal, hone Parish, and Joseph Peri , were pla ced In n semicircle, in full view. rallied all the espirtng energies ot mod and y, to this lent ellen. 'His whole soul,' says fir. Parish, 'seemed concentrated in the act. His eyes dashed feeling and intelligence. Pointing towards us, with his long index finger, he addressed us.' "(confirm all the directions in my will, respect ing my slaves, and direct them to be eolo-red, par ' ocularly in regard to &provision for their support." And then reeling his arm as high as he could, he brought it down with his open band, on the shout der of hls favorite John, and added these word.— "especially for this man." He then naked each of the tett:A-arm whether they understood him. Dr. Joseph Parish explained to them what Mr. Ban• dolpb had mod in regard to the law ot Virginia, on the trabject of manumielion—and then appealed to the dying man to know whether he had stated it correctly. "Yes," be said, and gracefully waving bin head as a token of suhanisaion, he seeded—'(the young gentlemen will remain with me." I The ncsne was soon changed. Having diapered oI that anbject most deeply impressed on his heart, his tech. penetrating eye loot its expreanion, hie povrertul mind gave way, andlia fading imatyrna iron began to wander timid scenes and wiin (reads thathe behind. In two hotter the spirit took us flight, and all that wan mortal-of John, Ban dolph was, hushed te death. At a quarter before twelve o'clock, on the 24th of June, 1833, aged six. ' jitlf Hotel, k g ' o u . I t cd N h o i rq u 'i'erd a tt e tr b :e ci t , '' f"itiTat.. phia. fatter TROIS his JOHN Ross— EXTUOIDLetaIir Futierr or Comma Psozorts—We have learnod frJrn a private source, that on Friday last, two of the canter pigeon. taken by Sir John Ross, when he left the port of Ayr, and some of which were to be dienetchod home lei :be event of his either find ing Sir John Frantru, or being froten In, arrived at Ayr, heeling their way to the dovecote v/ich they cccoptyd previoue to being taken awe . The pigeons arrived within • short time of each other; but neither of them, we regret to be Inform ed, conveyed soy thing In the shape of • letter r note of any kind. One of. them, indeed, which may have had some deco:het I attached, was Grand to be considerably mmilat rd, its legs having apparently been shot away. The time th e y were liberated by Sir John Row, tierce:name, tHeertala; NO, taking Into coMildetatton She well krown powers of drgbt possessed by the conies pigeon, i: cannot have been very long since they lett our gallant countryman. The arrive of settle:we emit:um the Arctic regions wilt be looked-ft:, ward to with additional anxiety, from the pinbee luley which. hal now ;riser. that some tidings or :1 bare been beard ofSir John Franklin. Indepen dent, banned, of the interest which otherwise at• tacks. tbtbe ems caddy, Slight of the PIIPM.' It will be regarded by agendum as a mat remark. able incident. We do =smelled of any pared -1,91 en ie. The disiance , the creatures traversed mina be far short of 2,000 miles: and as they travel by sight, and not by scent, the fact is the more extraordiaary. Sir John Rococo behave, took five pigeons with him, labia, it may be re membered, were stated, In the last awned* re ceived of him, to be at the time all alive, eo that there ar, still three more to be accounted tor.— Noels &dun Jr.,!. AN ACC to extend the 'privilege of franking let tern and pangs to ziatan Sr, b. Bo tt onacta by ao &nom and How" of litimmatatira of •du Muted Sdass of America is Congrssa ossaviblut, Tbat all letter add package. to and frolo Sarah Polk, relict of the We James K. Polk, *hill be received end coo. veyed by poor, free of peerage for sad during her life. HOWELL COBB, Span , ride Ham of Reprwrnwtms• MILLARD FILLrdORE. Prseideu qf Ms Senate. Approved Jenoary ID, 1850. Z. TAYLOR. AN ACT glviog the meot of Congress to the leasing of a portfoo of the roughs of the Black Warrior river for the purposes taerelo men tioned. Sea. 1. Be it snarls:lay du Sane 11/14 House ,Repressmtstims of she United Stater rf Aeuri• co, so Congress Assembled, That toe cotiwut of Congress be, sod it Is hereby givea to the corpo ratioo of the city of Towel:am to le at to the Tuscaloosa ?look Road Company, so much at the margin of the Black Warrior river at toe term Ina tioo of slid road as may be necessary for a house and landing on laid river, any thiug coo• tattled In the act of Congress of the ttaenty.eixtb May, eighteen hundred and twentpfour, "grant. tog to the corporation .of Tusealoose certain lota and privilege* over the reservation. and commons In said lowa," to the manly. noteridottanding. Approved May 23,18:4. AN AC? making •pproptimions for the pigment of navy pensions for the yen, ending the thirds eth of loos, ono thousand eight hundred and Sus 1. Es it enacted by the Senate and blouse 48rprepraretteer if the United &Wes of America to Congress averaged, That the following sums be, and.ibe same are hereby appropriated, eel of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro priated, for the pay of navy pensions' for the year ending the thirtieth of bane, one thousand eight huedred and fillponm To pay invalid penslonaldr:v thousand dollar.. To pay the pension. of invalids who were wounded en board of private armed vessels dot , WS the Ism war with °seat Britain, three thou. sand dollars. Approved August 17, 1850. lIMMARILADLE CABS: I I EVIDENCE IN DUE MIDST!! Ma. Silt-84, I chearfally comply arinCYnur re quest that I waning - me you an aaaount s of the almost miraoalnaa cora Maly little daughter's ea* by the nsa of your "Petroleum.." She was suseked with a very sore eye In February or March lam, when I immediately applied In the best medical aid to the city, by wham it was prenouneed very bad eye^ and all gave me no baps or doing bee any good. After which I toot bee into the con.• try to an old lady, who bad been retry ittecersful to curing eyes. She told me that her ease au hopeless, the would certainly lose rot only that one, but also that the Other would follow it being. scrofulous affection of the blood. And I do ectufy that at the time my father (J. 11. Vas:omit foal, to the conclusion into wo had better try your '• Petsolcum," sex was 0111[17 UV.: of one rye. It .s tinw about Iwo month. since she began its use, and the can now see with both eyes as good as ever the did , and, u far aa I can toll, I believe she has, with the blessing of be Almighty, been cared by '' Petroleum , Touts, yespectfelly, tit. Faa-uers Vashort Coneys. Pittsburghh, Sept. DO, IPSO. For sale by Keyser th. McDowell, 110 Wood street; R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; D. M. Catty, D. A El liott, Joseph Douglass, and 11. P. Schwa , tr, Allegheny, also by the p.Priettlff, S. hi. KIER, nov7odleor Canal flame. Seventh it, Pittsbureb. ip"" D. Trle/Si's Llama tutonishing dernarid for this great medicine seem to be 0,. the imteasc Wt.- i re bas-been intrmiticed,tt has at mined a popularity unptecedenied in the annals of ined•c•i privily Pap:mans ate tiring . LL to M., eaten, at leamlschen they ton ctitaln It Patients, however, need oat Le under thi cap:mace( ...Irian medical adviee, as they can purchase a box of the. Liver PUN, with watch dueeilans and tie futniehed, which will work a speedy core. The tollovriug Muer from as agent *bows It. popularity in the section from which the letter is ogled:— Item Cabira, Bedrord Cc., Pa. klatch (li, ',IL J. Kidd s Co.. Wood id-, iltubargh— fiontleroon—Wo and we can cell a mat many more of Dr. bli.otneis Dills than year agent felt as These Dills are rapidly rising In favor, and we have almost sold all that we had. If yen can wend or ten or twelve cozen more boxes, they will last perhaps until your agent can briny is a new supply. T+ J KELLY. EpTot gate by .L.KLDE. & CO, No co Wtral street cote-d&:9 Ofhce or Onto and gem. ft, it. Co, Thud at I . rermaeni itagett 3,11 A Too Stockholders of the Ohio add Rennsylvands Rah Road Company .e hereby notified to pay Me eighth Instalment of Gee dollars per ' share, at the ether of the C..anpany, or or before the ebtb day of hottest The ninth tustalmentl on or before the Min. day at September. The tenth Inatalment on or beloto the 90th day of October next. [Er The 7th instalment was called (or on the :Nth o 1517 last. aafhdtf 81/LBRIED. OP the nOth 1131ylt, by BAT. George S. Holmes, Enl34llD EL Lawns:lca, EN., of Polladelphla, to Miss Aiteainha 111. A. Slain, of Monongahela City, Washing ton county, Pa. co^Llt• Al half pasty o'clork thi. mormhig, hAexALA Hun T.. Ilm funeral will take place this day, alt O'CifICIL, P. N , from the residence of her bother In law, Chat. hl'Kee, Ninth Ward, to the Allegheny Cemetery. The friends ef the family are respectfully ',oersted to attend. nov2/ A Family florae foLiale. A TILL bet sold cheap, a gentle, aI I trained boa., TV either fore boggy, or for riding. Enquire et this olllee. - nada dif Trg W. WILSON, corner of Market and Fount . streets, has received bp expecte, ibis morning, eplendld Chronometer Watch., twenty ;cants and eighteen Karam. These watches ware made ox. grimly m my order, and at superior workmanehip. Also, on kind, the largest and boil amortmeni of Gold and Silver Welcher ever off•red (or sole ill this city. Gold relent Lever Walehea. (tom En to COO, Lama doren on hand, from CM to ISO, of best (madly gold. and warranted htne. 11. C. ISTOCKTOBI. _ (Law Joluatop d.Stoektonj haulier, Stationer, Printer and Binder, I_l4 AS OII band a very eitellare stock Or Blank Ja Banks, Paper - 17dt - tiationery, not sasparsed by any other In the city, in qaantitT, quality, or variety, Whic*e will dispose of au their:toll reasonable terms. Prating and Madinat every desoriptton executed irith mance. and deceatelt No 47 Merkel at, POW Itcatriticaa Pug, cud Chronicle, copy.] FLOUR—Cr brls received tor vale by Wm /I JOHNS yoN eteonJ!id DRY PIKAULIES—hh bu iu srore, for .ale by noVi WM II /01INATON SKED— I barrel. for aate by n 042 WM H JOHNSTON el BEEN APPLES-910 bowls for ..s i oe Hm y ur H ffTON doza ---" 6"'le by wm II J011N14T,.74 r El; HUTIEK-13 kegs for sale by ne22 GYM 11 JOIINSTON SALEHATUS-4bbla Ant recd. nor Michigan line and for agile low by JAMES DALZELL own No. 79 %Valor Imre. MOI.ANSIZS-11 I,his new crop S. H. Molanwt reed pet S. 13. Luella one lot tale low by n02`.1 JANIEA DAL ELL. S UNDILI"- 1: tbfo ' llata " to l T cask , do landing fano, Slimmer WaAllinson, and for ailla by JANIES DALIELL not! n IT. FLOUtt—lo bete Rye dour, le wore pod for RUI11: 4 0N, LIIITLEA CO ,ml. 2.llLLeerty bUTTER—In Keg.; to bbla f resh Rnll melt. an t tuts n by RODInON, LITII,Iva CO HONEY -7 bin lc cnved for milt n 032 IIOOIBON, 2.W00 . o tfl °CIO— O u t, 0f3447 BUCKWHELT FLOUR-50 tee n 022. Routsuri 1 - 00 — ..—r71;:as jeceived S O N I or 22 ROBISON, R AU .4 —tO sacks recelvesi e fiss 1 41, 61 . 16 L E !, B LACK LEAD-1000 lbs benGerman, (VanliV R h sui.Gras, a Wood ALCOHOL -10 banal. Just nsoeived for title .021 U x ISUULERS 10brla lowVe s tal tEßs dUST received for sale at el' Wood atreet, 1 iodide Potash, i Arctic Ether: Syrup iodine, Oil Cabana, i Chlaoldthe .' 1 Solation Tat, i AM 0 'MA 'gm in e , calomel, , Pjanida Ideleary, Red Preetpttate, . Vorattia, thca. ' 1b,,.. Ps''' at ,, aah ,,Eas, writ — " ''--- R ICE—" '""'S' bat aali_ l'ront et Water et . SPTE O I . sTURPENTINE-1' IOFFEE---:44/ bac. now I.l,Jity I. tale 1:OdA11 U1.31:11&CO ,NUFLCTUELED TOBACCO—:(0 btiv issaTuld M crar.d. , ale tv su. :3, 1 / 4 12.a DiCKLit CO . A Paper for ovary. ParmatlY. TIE .PHILIDELPDIA SATURDII. SINLESS, FOR TIIE twin CIRCLE. AA De UT. the In of I comber, the isubsenber will - cOlftenei the pobi estioh Of • Literati and unity Jenne, wilt the above Ude, and intends that it hall be THF.. MOST ABLY CO:SDUCTRD, THE MOST USEFUL, and consequently', THE MOST POPULAR Paper in the United States. An experi ence of many years in the Donn.. pe rcentP of Godeyis Lady% Hook, united to estate cuniary meam, fifes elm advantages posuard law for ankh an cementme. 'Pee shiest writers will be et- C la i n reaT th em Alfred B. Street, W Gilmore Simms, ' E P. Whipple, Mrs. L. hi. Child, • Thomas Dann Englialt, Mi.. C. ht Sedgessiek, R. IL Stoddrud. . Mrs. A. Al P. Anon, i Mrs. E. J. Eames, ' Caroline Gene, .Mrs E Oakes Smith, Mrs. E. F. Slier, Nathaniel Hawthorne, • IL TTeekerta.. Park Bdebtmle. • To the eerie. of BRILL .&N r LITERARY EF FUSIONS, which tin. attar of talent warrants the publisher in promising, will be added .everal New Feature. in Newspaper Livrature. Malang tame, Popular &Merlon the Natural Sciences; by the i.e. J. Wythes, M D These , Essays will be adapted to the compreliosion of all claases, and Illustrated with &wavier.. The publisher anticipates for Ms readers ranch plea sure and profit In t e perusal of this maenad:Ling and Jinn:mire course. This wilt be followed by en eq. ally interetting aerie. of ankle. on the Wonderful Inventlou of the Nineteenth Century, Illemintted by the Engraveti. Art That nothing may be wanting to make the paper worthy of wide 'armed pepalanly, gentlemen of eh. perieecetand undoubted spaniel' are engaged tolletlet to int Edit. Tint Departteettl. Their ready pent and well !stored minds, will dibge.tir labor for the good au, reader. Important event. dieting the welfare close race will be .carefally recorded. Discoveries in the Sciences and Arts, noucea of nevi and saleable book., therm). intelligence, education, animate., biographical sketches of prominent Individuals, =ewe, travels, reviews, Sc, cambium!, will mate the Eepreite of limstimable value in the Parlor and at the Fireside. Mathieu Indelicate or of doubtfal mot. stilt', shall tali It. caimans, hat alt that eke 'attain and elatette the mind, be liberally furnished. Ames. Meet. 10 Loot he excluded, but In that es in all other perticulam, inn chef!' be carefully winnowed Remits; Wneat. TM. is merely a brief oadine of the plan, bat it Is sal totem to show the public what busy be • expected. The Express will be published weekly, on hue paper, with bold and clear new type, at the low price, for such a paper, of Two Dollars per annum, payable to advance. Any person sending as three sabsertps thins, I.'ll be crauled to the payer one year gratis. All ps'ennt• must bernade the publishes; they may be sant by mall at hls risk—the person sending, to retain a memorandum of the description of money seat, date of mainne, A specimen will be mailed to any person wisidnx to enalnine the paper. All /curs most be peal MU, end eat< rune addressed to It. WHEN RN, Publiehar, 17 Dock sc,N E CO, of Second a., Philadclibu. PREMIUMS. let. The postmaster. or Other penile, who sends as the largest number of aubteribers, In propOrtion to the populetion, prior to Jane let, ISII, shall have the Lipers continued lota address. toe eecond year gratis it the setteribers to be served at one post alms dd. The Olaf:rister, or other person, who sends as tTe next largest list of mbsertbers, m proportion to the imputation, prior to June let, shall be en• alea to a copy of Virtue's Splendidly Illummted Iren.• don quarto edition of the Devotional Femity Bible, with to fen. marginal resereners, de.; by Rev./Oen. ander Fletcher. D. 1). This Is the most superb ediumi of the Bible .ever published. It is embellished with about one hisedred and twenty highly finished and beaudfal Steel Erigravings, after the choicest pictures of old and modem mestere The views of places are after drawings token by W. W. Bartlett, during a recent siesta the Holy Lend. Toe cost of engraving the plates for this work not be Ism than g 30,000. The typography:diaper, OO, are Ildperlett keeping with me ithmtraUons. Is. The postmaster, or other person who sink as the next or third largest it it of eutmerilierwleartlitione as above) shad bo enutleu to a copy or Phitlipß Basupson it editions beautilul Illustrated Royal Octavo Boston of Shakespeare's Drasuaue Work*, handsomely printed on fine paper, and embellishe d so wt &bent Forty Steel Roams - tees These works will be booed in the best style of the best shiladelphia moat binder. For a mole mtnute description of Seem, sea sivenicement in the Exprew. Stould the versons endued to the tsar two MOM urns prefect., receive the panels, three shall be sent to them the second year,instead of tee splendid works described those. • Bend your °tilers at erre, so es to eaterdencei with the first number of the paper. IrrErlitery copying tior prorpockns,or giving a reit abatract with the address of the pablisher, .had . be entitled to an clehange. nottdit HITE FISH-110 brim and 20 hi be. Ist aale:by nos! ISAIAH DILIKEW 3c HO WINDOW GLANS--300 b. assorted brands nal ISAIAH DICKEY O. CO CHEESE -00 b. of good Imlay, for sale by noll ISAIAH, DICKEY & CO CASSIA -100 mat. for sate by bc2t MAIM! DICKE'S & CO R IO oan prime for sale by Drat W e. P wit,snr: W w .41""" 5-m '''''"" l 4V F WILSON NO3 ~ A CKEREL—I3O btltsat tale by tio2L W A F WILSON "kr C TAR—CC large brio, tot .le io no% . W 4EI SVIRCI N ? 1 11?131:4-104 brts for gala I vi craT FvVilitaboyN ==M •019.1rdeartant bruin. of Education e. be ob- I mined et Pinsbaren Conamrretel College. drabs can enter for Instr./OD either day or evenly/, or lath, with the Toledo. of remaining all they I.llte a KOGd 111.0.1iie hand aceEdet 0. E. CIIMIBERLIN,Inetrueto4 IMEEDEEMI G, /;, Comer of Tbird and Market stream. CHARTERED A. A 18. KI. • The only Chanared Inmlintion of the kind m Pann'ai nem., John Flamm,. Principal InstraeMr in the Science orriceo onto. 0. K Tamberhn, Pmfeimor of Penmanship, Mar. candle Compinatinn *O. Alex. M Watson, Esq. Lecturer on Commercial Lase. The course of instruction includes Book Keeping, and its apolicauen to every branch of business, lee tures on Commercial Law sod Posumerelal Science, Panship, !der minute. Computation. dr. Studentscon, enter the ColMge at any tune, and when entitled,'. receive a Diploma, signed by the Faculty and Cnroulittee._ nest Wanted Snell. Al.ittelllge well educated Lady. as partner to aid n acting: • very nice Female School In the subarea of one city. Waisted, pia, it It One two cities nAtowns around. for maerld good Booepers end Salesmen. in wholesale or tersll tea s e t wart , bousemem and for • number of Men and boys of ill ages_ Slone, tonsured and lent. he. Please call at Isnot(' BARRIS' Attend, 6.lntollikence Office. FOll SALE—The Moly Gazette. lied all oar daily and severed weekly newspaper,. A variety ol exchange newspapers from Many of our princlpal towns and codas, and mvervl kind. of Almanacs for fads. A temperanrn eban andseral maps A mineral water and copying and leec ve hing sign. A small supply of books amPviationemlor sera cheap, by mutliddist lAA nC BARRIS. Fifth swam A %RON. FIRE PROOF PAINT—IO lona ,last re. A COPltli for sale, wholeula and retail, 07 PHILLIPS no2l 7 it 9 Wood st NEW INDIA , RUDHER GOODS, Just resolved at the India gabber Depot:— II sleeves, long else; 11 extra heavy Pea Coats; Pr do Officers' Coats, Ii piirs OvenSi, des Sou , Weeters; 2 dos Dolls' Heads; 3 doi Lions; 3 dos Dogs; it day patr Men's Short Gloves; dot pale do Mitten% (create by no2l 3H PHILLIPS .1.131/11111STRATOBJit 10110111; - - I:UW m E hereby given, that the undersigned la the legally constitutsd admintstratflx tithe estate of Wm. Batch, late of the elty of Putzbargb, deceased. and all persons hosing claim against said 01210.0 are hereby requested to present them, dilly alphentleated, for settlement, sod all those being indebted thereto are desired to mate trumed,ate payment to the tab somber 111 aRIA. eltiTCH,Adza'x. Finn %Vera, Nov. A—nal:Mt. *IOW Boot's. A TREATISE on Popular Edoestion. By Jet sea el. Maker, A. N.. late Superintendent of ?abbe lo sienetionin the State of &noniron. Alton Locke—Tadot and Poet; an Ainoldoaraplty. The Bistory of Madame Roland. By John Abbot. Pictorial Field Book of the Revoludon. By Benson J. trinslng. No D. Received for solo by. B C STOCETON Primer, Bookseller & 'Tinder, "ru (Journal, Foal, and C ar i tre. it coln iei•''• 1 t0 t0 LL ,. 8 . 7.71 , TER-2beta prima freeb, teceical and ne21.1 Libroty st Superior Scotch and Islala Whiskey s 10 nl y N o C r HAN d ite ,.. tetagle r elehraled Hatt Whir . 12 puncheons Whim). Watemide;- extra quality' and 'nub proof, under custom house lock, • • Also, Bmndlee of different vintsees and , brands in half, quarter, and octaves. Imported and far sale by A Il bIeCALItAz novAdeodba 2p—lB nts Walesa mt. Phgedefohis IULES 11AUFUS SHAVING CC EftMlq tern is the man who does not appreciate thelosday elan , easy above? If any there be, we do not •ddrese our selves to him. Bat to all otters we nay, if you seist, to render shaving a pleasorc,prachiwe a box uses Haul's Almond Pistachio or Ambrosial Shaving Creams. It lautterly impossible to find words to de 'sorito the recline. or person who Imo bran toed to ,Shaving with ordinary soep, upon mating trial of thin for the neat time. It la &combination of wonder. ad. miiatien, and plenum. • r • • ' JULES HAUEL'd SHAVING ClLECHlcexectd lastly emollient; rendering the stiffest and' nalsat wiry belted soft end Piiableiltmdeclngoo admirable lather, db r e e xx i ngly th m 4 i t id nature allayine all frets. SAO/11CD • . of tile skl asp Yi which i!in of'47lgp"efitexacnedd.talltrelf•nalijameg triHE new Buena; or „ awn s as sei , is i tag. Gentlemen using Jules lialiclVShaVing Cream Church Music, comprising the most Popular mar feco the coldent and. letwtritleveing, Windslfett. _ tab. and h.... runes iasaasm, Chopp grey alter its use, withsrot the akin befouling teat aaria 4 at new inure. rho m, comot and ao • , chopped. And thole whoopee to It, We cam tartly teems; the whole being hoe ,, t Me most coin slew go/ will never us. any .other. • :•• 'cations of manic for choir congregations, triaging .ne ed*unbita, which be elsit'eli, Nt sebool..nd societies. extant Ily Brn • Ptee'nwe..l thou +ono wear whkers,• le s he app A supply of the above received and for sale by • that dimelo. o tin whiels . rrolt .oarol tonN HEL Lopi i • 00.11111•• • sanny• or rusty a ppearareo to the Si Wood , ;edge OrIPM wrdl•kers. Jules Hon el`, Platvilly Charm Are deliehtfel. preparations, con,peanded arlitt !kin, to the• inter exclusion of an [kaiaks a n al calculted to render the operation of alumina onpleasen, n wig opprectsted by all whodnate trial of theta. : Prepared only by /ULM HAUEL, Perrot:dee and Chemist, Fa • ' 119 rlestrim , sale, wholesale and tote I,by ILA Palinesuddi A " , ..4ond B. P. SBUCTS, Plttsbureln sad John Sargent and J : Alltshell? Cdr. wp27—fP ti KG lIOTTEII-75 Le°'" iriVlZF.Ll. dr. Co 1.10:t1 SALERLTUB 23 Inno b.. and brl•, toy ninny non DALZELL & CO CLOVER & TIMOTHY 13EED8—In brio of earn, on tend and tor lair by -note R DALZELLACO OUIJA, ASII—GD eagle nrriYing 0 Cla ,, a. for lute by RODERTBON G REYPART n02C1.110% 7 he Insight of Folly. rgel ebe Dery be . imported Into the Rtatta, la mw tribes by Moen. 2Hateonh, 10 the Diamond, 74 rent. pet lb. bolt 11XCELLENT FAMILY TEAS.aerer lb, for Ole E , by incaoi MoRRIS & HAWORTH lANDIED °tango and Lemon P el, for talc by" ‘,/ MORRIS/A HAWORTH D LIRE GRAPE JUICE, pte_o_l.l.o)l,.(o . Leal_l_l4; 3..1, . EW 111/011R—Jast recaived from on N ror wbologale and retail ky sew tdoRRIS & tIAIWORTII Bess In ItUnd,' . T HE baud oof Wlnea and Broadlas, amiable for me . 4 r othr porponaeln .11102'lyB be , wired neol.ale or rounl at gORIIIII aBA NO It'S .„,,,_ ` Tea & Wine Stone, In lbo Diateon4 ___ ._ PAILII ItUR lIALIII THE outwear, 'Aden for tee Ibis liana 44 Wild' he redden, Ornate In Elizabeth towashtp,on the Nottaidegtony Itteektbree - end a half =Leo above aleKee.port, containing 147 acres wi th the print. loge of one am of ecal.adleirung raid !ano i nt which IX; term are cleared. A large new brick bola., log barn rota crib, and wagon Aid, two apple orchard. and elder cull. Terms easy. Title Indisputable: If sold soon. pi:iteration will be given on me In of April. • ' . JOHNSON ELROD n .' Nierll.UßO & Ci. st icretraTioa W tsvxv. • WITHER as 'st Clerk or Esteems n Ins eteresmila -L` boars. smatter:ma who It as had some ex perience HI a 'spend barites. t3stAry not so =orb otdettraserristatiert. Uardwar or tr* , °rY b. " . on; mimed Ire preferred Address 'Box No 47, Atte- Oteel , cityP. O.• 13attifseters re:ere:tees will-b. none !tee LIVXDOIN RXHIBITIOI i sPpy. forthwith tolff Of tht. nr tht o, etilttelkil sib !rayons= that IL trycal of the spate re gaited ebael4 13,1411 to the eeer,ol Catomivea. by Me foal of De tot !Onto, O•calmiolon..PP , V 'MOS BAI.P.WELL, WU WILL INS, WI!,1 WiCW. WM ItO. , l , Sr`ll, L ItUVIP GiTON. M owsssa bV;l°r•J a;iT ltsa • prime Ankle, )nn :14 (o ' tale 1019 J(1, AT CO 1:712=1:1 TllBTractived at S5O Lioerty itto I, Layer Raisins, in th0,e.6.1r, yr, and Cahill b.., Butch- do do do do do • &ladle.. 'do; Noliana do; blalagaGrapes; 'Extra Fig., in largo and =all drama, 1 ease boner Nunes, in The above are all in ane order, v..' will be sold low noW ' WM a. h;e0.1.U116 t CO FLOUR-LiSObria flour, ins; reel to , BURBRIDOI , S. IN IMMIX% 6819 %Id W ate AL :Cel4 Weatbee r.jr tIIS k BURCHFIELD I , stto attendon to In their ram assortment ot stood el 'tali a dsPlrd for Cow WINTUtiI, such as Mune made and &mom BLA.NEETS: White Home made Fiance. • do Twilled do; Barred and Brown do; Welsh Famine* Linsey': Hatred Peluso Cloths; Winter Hosiers., Winter Gloves, Worsted Beam, Comforts, an, at north cast cowl.' of Fourth anti hlertet streets. . Isola Trais—sz chef. Yoati. Ili min, Mack, end Imperial Tea., on kind main urcite, p oi sale by said A CULIRRTrioN CUJUSE, p„dl trit taus T. H. nal ls Teas; on baud .1.1.11 J CA to Strive, tor sale be • SOIS A CULDERTFori a CujUtir. numa VINEGAR-73 bas on baud and for 410 by relg A CULBERT:WIN k CLOUSE trOBACCO-40 kegs 6 mist .11 11 , d rot sale by j . jejelbl _ ek RpLIIF.6II 4 ON & CLOUSE: ?7i4t 16zes Net4fVB2; t avr Aiws a c osirau—NDO Kegs Rock Pow de r4;tsile, 6 1 ; . hole KHEY, NI AT kl LEWIS k. VO .13' 788--To kegs fresh parked, 1.2 . br1s do do btls do parked; seo'fr for We by WSI GA I :ALEN' & co 18 r. 10 Woad st np~y Net BAfiAL~iYE CO D RI E D FRUI ha daled 103 be *Stied Aypie, for sale by Son WIU BACA LEV' &CU .1i fr oo p e tOLASS e.S—.S3 1i111.0.1 re.c 2 .1 fo r gals by HARDY, JONFY3 A. CO L ` J. iiiWfik'An, landineitein aloarner Li/. Q. Adubs,'Nbd, Or zaly by • b.rii • . JAH A bIOTCATON ACO VIWYAR LEAF TOBACCO-9U lii Jut rer , d for .11 solo by (tole] MARDI% JONES& CO SIIDT--93 tegCsosorttd limbo., for isle br iwlB _JAB A HUTCHISON k CO S %SLIME' 10 . 1.14 / 4/SF2--d . O J T. reo'd et& "", • Q . J A 14!TjIlle e lli . 11 eb EPINED SUGARS-7W brla mad lost, crushed, IC. powdered, and clarified, In staer and lar sale by JAS A IlUrelll3oN nols Ara St l.cuir s.ccity_lefincry. V 7 HITE FISH, PICKERELS TROUT-83 barrels N . B an ltd al•barreta, an bane awl for CA rale tqr no WICK A. 51eNDI.E.,8_ PEARLS -15 cents received for scan by nole WICK & meCANDI.FeS HERnit,IITCS — M b" d al f` ' l ' ( DLE39 POTATOES -20 bazrela t ti n sale 0018 Ic K k ' Mt CANDL.M3 ,C • HEE.E-1306. Creamiest reneived for sale by ' nal9 WICK & MeCANDLMS DHIIOIIIB-94 dor Corn Brooms for sale by Il oIS WICK & MeCANDLESS MAR-100 Ws N.C. Tar, for sal , ' by • nag WICK & MeCANDI,F°F, BACON=Hama,P/aii and Sboold *** ,rn ,coon and for sale by 1:1Elt C., JONES norSCanal Basin. • ACKESEL-10 brie No I, for .ale by .LEL bolt KIER At JONES DUFFIELIPS - BUOTIVCUBifD small lot too We by [nolgi KIER& JONES DRY bale ' KIER B. JO , ES 1 - ENTAVA.BLOUNIS-41. tons sat mar pipe Om on sda r [nom KIER IK TONES I — FIKE BRICK Jr. Chef.