iinioluatorr AlOnille . "'AlD • FORME DH 1100118, • . 101 w•fti streets INVITE the inserien of beyen to their budge su nk or Freak Goods new °yew& sad wideb *art pimTvi helm tart seeeseraedadeg team e be be co &ideally rireel"bry Man goods Ear- Wml2 itrbe sewn, as/ must an enualeauen or oar 11100 k by western inertbenta, and Ware visities oar WE. DIODY, - lb. BE.GS useettftliy w Worm his imams Meats and cutonatrs, Out he ls iut rectltaghts nue tau pock 01 1:;Llff kW, CASSUSIEBEtt, and VEST. INCH, et the trust styles, odspul for Om [putsch. lag fall art-tinter stations. All *bolo la sem of ebtap, fasbionable, and good clothing. will lad dm largsst, • moot fashionable, and but slut la the Western tottery. at this establiahmeng Opuua. et thePaieseehri • to Pittslarerh. THE ',Pennsylvania !tail hoed ,Cernpany. having epleted, the whole line of sail road roblollidaye• THE Mee eanneeting the Penn Real limed te Jokazioarn t tad from thence by boat; to Ph:share., are 50 . prepared to receive and leeward merelout• d d=ceinee, kn., to and from Mahan& ead.Phibr , Um tents will !rail, the depot Of be - - telly for Johnstown, there cone bug With = train of care for Pliladalphla, Mae „tanning bade. haute all height In nileaelphlawithle five day. SELL Jr LIGG . Err *gems for Ps. IL O. Co r ttrutal Bunt:Pittsburgh. CRAIG' tc , l.lH. Agents, Adaltf . Philadelphia- • NSW LOT OF ISPL.SIIIII}IIV PISPIifONs Maxie and Misses: Instramisti, Mira of the Golden Harp, No lel ihird meet • "filoNL.P.Etlli fest:medal], informs Mr friends and the public, diat-he has last returned time the um, with • • most eled.t latul eilaniPra WO* meal Orrlarto• or ea t atllta and prices, detected by blerseir, With great or O. at the crlebratod faeteriaa el Moms F. Y.- and Photham, N. Y., Ibtm ol Madan& Dantase,N. Haslet ...hated tb• above from an immense amok Just Lambed by the above Ibuy are wensa mil of eeparior quality and tone, lid seat in all o eam gold at New York fee- Inl wlb PTi" %ae r liTi l"L ea ..th r g " ttere " t g o I re 7fgeZ or return Mama. If tuned derv:due. e= a lot of splendid Guitars, from the (Weil of t Mad, Y fey i r e . separb aruale, and warranted eqval; if net superior, to. =Yawls hl the world. ' Mao, • fine selection of new, Cuionets. Vlollas, ! Pubsys, Press lastremente red Me newest exal, _Meat popular adult inehalluir Jimmy ealeprated. • bhp. eepha Wllas Flammls. . Xif MCP Illt InitCsIFIZLA wenn soot comet LTA or .esEren nod Muse mows an now supplied erdh , e noi ateocthent of th e mows _ •qualldes or above dearth's goods. and }melon been purchased (rem the Importers alb be warranted phase*. 04 Jas. Jitulaast 'SS Baas , Paean Sada .aals: 83 , 44 a n A5613 , 0f abovethe , celebrate d tari u r o l.px Aext mona,per -Anna flrekt.Entope,o "Berlin,. and ore, ear, all Ploladelphl [and Bentham arned rid sapenor loth Emmet end guilty es ony Mc merest; for safe at rho lowest Ones for cart sad Op preyed bias; by W it hi ILITCHELTILES owe' • Liberty street Lasso Supply of wan & 11,f USPLIZ* BURCHFIELD Invite It attention of balers to therr largestock Of Pod, .fidoPts o for tee teason,uoitalsting in part Of•—• • •• , Ink and CoPtl French, hierinocs, Cohan'', and Cashneres, Changeable Peplos, tires, Wks an/ Taro Satins, Sit and Fancy Alpacas. • Super Looktthaorle, Low Pries do, Sacktos Flea , .01., Weisz, Loglish at. 4 American Flannel., white and related. Their stock - of fIUUSESSEPINO OUOLCs., each ita SW:clings, Pillow Cue illaelbtl, Tattle Simper.. Towelling, he., is largo, and at lour Omen for qnality. Sayers .01 find it to their advatt tope. to examine their et..ek before pair hasing north east corner of (shoed Marta" sta. 0 —e2 eit 7 Sollosa , eLI emirs eltarleeton, Sept. .70:1830. Mr. R. Sellers- Y ear Pills have becous so popu lar in 'all Ws region of coantry, as very 00101 /0 sapereede ell allure as a Liver or Mul•Biliott, put. Yours., de. JAM/hi A LEW,./.4 (Vaunt of Letter.) Purchaser, will recollect that R. E. Sollars' Liver ill, are - theoriginal and only True and Genalas • r Pill, KAI may be bad at No 07 Wood IL, and of 0 lets generally in the two cities and vicinity. Or . dav its and Sarsaparilla. DUT 01 no lamest weed bottle,, contains more of the j.ee floadurredaratiparlUa than any other peeper/Lona eaten, 11/11t„ u chemically eauthined with the latroet of Ye'..ow Dock, the Entrees of Wild Cherry, alid the Calm. edteee, tir a las mattng remo. 211T:e . lo t" e ge!p ' Is r l e • mar y tris B4"4.- oo /y fret from all mineral toimaaartilch cannot be add of any ot, et of the Sareaparille . oompoonda. The in• sand altheld beware of poison Aterestry, Iron, tgal nine, Nash, .Wpher, Anne*, eita meal oilier mineral- and is:ethnic pc:loons .111 T into and lona the active baste of mat of the end Panacea. of the day. Guysout Compound Emmet of Yellow . Dock amlSersaparthe dote not mama a particle of these, ant:Waimea as any one oan eaaily w hy by applying th e necessary team - The poisons may ire...snaky ramose disease , bat they est video the blood, and so &mottled) tramp. float the whole system with their bane edicts that the firm told, or me fast attack of disease, preetrates the e st er strength, and taldeeis tam or bee to the most exersilating torture, and renders soother MUM sloths% impossible and hopeless. Let all pothormas derwvilla tions albruli and d_S ase letproveo Ertr prep of act of Yellow Pock anar Caysottl sapardle, which i. thomaghly etricacioes, porfeede . h...ltas .14144 tc I y vegetable. Alt hinds of distant yieble to its genial in damee. CUrt.. Seronits, Cancerous Tumor., Coteau. Emotion., Cryno,lu, Bile., Nantes, or Pimples on the Pace, ctrunie bore Eyes, Tester, Scald Bead, Inmate. num, EaLargement or Paine in the Donee or Joints, old And vtabbom Diners, Fever Sorts, nip Disease, srellir.g. of the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Snap ed, nhage, Dropsy, Dyapepsta, Jundice, Co. events, Salt Rheum, Adecuans of the Kidneys end disease, analog from an it:mambas nu of Merce rs, tore Tarim; Weakness of the Chest, rulmotery Agitations, sod all other diseases tend• too aces Conenroptien, Lien. Complaint, Female P ,egulant.es and Complaints, flick and Nervous !vets.:.., her/Orel tichiuty. Low Spirits, Lave DI Appetit:, boas eUn, in the hide and Expoaure or improdenzi: In Lit., Cinon- CranntutPioal Da:eiders, and As a Sprung and nut Pongee Cl the Wool, and General Tonle to, ILI • System, It Is unrivalled. • A ca.; of Jszt•ao yeas AvailJne The folio .tte ,eau canon of a letter dated March lehd, from I. B. Perkans, D.,• highly respeetso Lie pity:On. .1 Ms imlta, Ohio. ' - Jose Psat —Deal Sin 1 haw ander. my eats a fclue 5m.... who, tor teen "years, - has teen oaf. erimy Dina Wee rated Lim bs, and whose CYO has ,peen pronounced hopeless by three of our boat phy- Glean. .1 took her into my (wetly, and hays used tinysonle enow Dock and Sarsaparilla (reedi t uol am centment tam the Yellow Doak and Saireagianlre will cffxt d pendanet ears' She Is bouts ick: metal teens than she hammer bean Wets. and .walks • mile or two witheat tangos or pa= ACTent ego she uaed et - attics. I will 1111,0T4 the Cane to do lima Very respectfully. N. 11. PERJCINS. drimarma. It has bran remarked, by eminent Mat, Chit In the vaned comMgeo of diseases to which Mae Is Wade, there ts ecAreely one ernek homonyms., and arguer, unman as .4.llflify whether we look nide obscurity ores engin; Ida insidious program, Ike swat= sod Tamely el orgaes Mu it anacks, or Its sernuksble in curability nod extensive fantitir &rutin. bas bit/Sed the fain of the emit eminent physician. In this country and to Kamp. ihntherois nn u:u~te e tot this d:seue in Dr. Doyen's Extract Or Yet,sr I v.v.k and Atitilaparillap which is proving flo 4.-1 , • Ptee" soulhe io the most severe eases'. eazatsta. - A..."Airsunituary cue of Scrofula eared by the sole use cf Donor tsurott`e Compound byray.. It win “C 3 by, this certificate that this munu been ether tbo treatment of acveral celebrated physicians, for the past unlit years, without dertving any beach', and hat !wen effectually cared by the use of a few bottle of Dr. tleyeouls Co mystund Syrup. New You, Je es 7,1848. Da. fie n. ors—Dear Sire—Owing co yea a debt which =may Outlet pay, me abdaeed lomat. a public se knerwiedgment elite neneta f have derived from year lavtaubPrlyrnp-.1 was sorely afflicted with a serfs , hie Borefolous diacese,. here k, oar faintly, which commenced on ay neck, add, eattnnung tc epresd,..l rtlig bed my ears, running my head, and extending all over my fate, neck, an lower tremitim. 1 POILO:128 duroattog object to leek upon; At mace my distrdss was so great Mattoran unable to .agp tie Ito dfilfai gad the disease ennead/ex into my CUT schnualy 'Sleeted my heritmg Aly rue was ens rershimoda cord, ham which a" Mecham of mama and water kept matsully 002.124 Pe0p1e avoid. ed nlq eeppoung lead the mean pox, or some' other Infections duet., end 1 wan consequently obliged to relmqut” my bermes. Nonsithsiandleg I bad the beat , mcdeut advice, and tried &detest plane Of Mat h thenlhr inseue connected to grovOrore, =MI leave ap In deepen, Ponnestely Ist was ape en ibe •luIkIIIDNU, while travelling for my health, who Informed 1.•15 that hla sonless alum WSW iIIZA 041111 eon 0.• I Wel, and MU _by MIS your Alyrep km was met. dy cured. .1 immediateM procUred trittar. tic le, commenced uulgl %And now, after hatrotg used Leas tom rig bottles, I an well and *Me to Amend lo My basin it, I mod you thte ennui:tent art an act ot Puttee, only lioreng Qan imaytoeue theallicsed to make me. of Menges medlenrt,andthereby mare thug teach said tir.p and capeau pigg I ruseteiyoar ehedtant SertM E 7IIDN 4. .AN • Ogre of 1101 ilegnfloata Cale elßrysipoku. The mars p ad od by ~n r.ClaynOttl Extritethl Tallow Shot p bstomputti ere lasting: :no pa , tares gemnsi henna cowmen to Improve alter al. OLIO rov ed. CRlGliare'uot ebroateled unW time Lae felts vsna Not there can be no relapse or retun of the Illeibee. !Coeval, tllettimer Co.)Feb. P. Emery & CO., Gent.. It lowish greatpleasure Lim 1 In o.loe Moat Um very happy ode= of yeas Yellow and ter...omill., :peel otY tone tote in. beg Levu etdnttlof coact Mat dreadfol,homhaotee die. easy, Lty , :yelasosath wlitelt ha wasaiteeked /a nod jboVeSV.i.6,44/4 aUshded by some of our beta pytie Jane, arso uic.e tbe4salll peraeveringly for Ave mond.t, waboat any banelletal he; destg.u.i for oa4 Wording Mos s and gam intended ./. Me Ran. • :min. Prisfasisson : I • MWORK is rofl l erg " t ' ... '- a a rtse no , s k i will contain .. Tuoculen lemma, sad upward, of stn Teo, &LAD ItheethaTtow. It will pmstat working-draw. .loge our desorption. of the most important moohines in the Volted Maths. Indepeodern of the resells of American ingomity, it will contain cota_plete pram,. eel treati ea 0:1 MOOll.lOO, Mathineu, Engine.work, tad Engineerino with nil th at is neeral in more than one lammed deafen worth of thlio.aoluthes, map, shies; snit other books. The great object of this gablle main is, o place be, fore practical mon arid students such an anionnt of theoretical god solentifte knowledre, in p condensed form, as shall =Able them to work to the best adv.- it; i tad nodal, scold a The:4V, 74'4:1 i tl5. ' m a i le tt n , Mae brought begetter& almost beyond precedent In sack works.. Indeed, them to hardly. any subject within no range whinh Loot mina with such clear oeu and preetaloa, that even a man oftheLmort min dat7 ealmeirY Cannot fall of understanding It, and thee learning Creak it Much Whig'. ii Ls impouto for abate kap,. .1 The publashenT,lo shot . ..determined, regardless to of cost, make th work as complete as possible. and' it is hoped 114Ptis dla numbers every e &sirens to obirdo the work will aii Meath . , and th ip.othourags theLenterprite. - The work will b Lined In sisnal-montidy northers, commencing In 4a eery,. IPSO, and Wi ll progress with mat regularity. , • • The whole work will beynablistied In 40 Eleuthera, et :11 agate per antelher,ond completed Within the cur rent yeat,l%.4. 'A tiboral disco.% will be toad. to Kelm Any One,remlttlng the pub lishers 110 to advattee, 4 5 4 fifella the .{pumawck thrgagh the post cake fine of .{puma' - ' ophill as otithe Proses wrc , our mu:ketone Plunefactorera, Mechanics, En. ciateri,ead Unto% it will beaming of wenlth." Providesee,ol-11Journa . "Young men, atm yourselves with as knowledge:— We can whit confidence recommend our readers to posies. thasaselveSof its cminbers as fast as they ep -1,..0,-,imar4ari Artie.. 1 "We inihonmunglY commend the wort to those en gaged to or interested in roooh soleal or seientifie pur saki, ass mizar•• bywont: or their esordnaliou and studyin—'Proy, (h. T.) Is la. It is traly • great wet sad the ;Khasi.," de plete the thanks of Inseam° a, machinist... and maaa hewers, and indeed of the üblie generally."—N. V. Indspandeat This Dictionary will be !gale °sere! to practical mechanics, and ',loathe to all who wird. to acquaint theinssdr,s with the presto sof invention to the me. 1 ehmhie anon—ties Loofah Poly Memory. "Young mechanics alight to keep }meted op la the oretthel se well has pr teal knowledge, and this work will show them-jest bow they otand."—hosbere (Hamel ddeentect. "Wit take it w be jam the work that Mom end hunt dregs of our intelligent mechanics barb desired to post ~11. Re ample are its dearrtptions, kmd an full md minutes Ls .p.it4.441.p05, that it vaunt te a. Mat an, mechanic naMht Catantel,ll,ay mut b4¢131 icOse ram., en the escength ofiteengravingt and inistractiona"—N. V. Cominusschd Advernan. "Atl thiarested la mechamlee elloo;dail them mivuoi its advantagea."—Fieh.ylkill, (ren ay .,)Joar rut. .. , "A work ore:wine* piaeiital entity and great im• penance and value to Metep idly Moreau og intern., of Me country. We regard the work as eminently the oto promote the o am of science and the mechanical ana, and te dam we valuable Inform. non on these andects..—Fa or andAltebanle. "Practical men In all Me aried wait. of mechani cal and mannfactaring laden i engineering. kr..., will find in Mir work a trees/ire lath It will le to their Profit to porama."— Troy '7' Wing. , "We havesarcfally punnet the numbere, and have on hreilmion In Guying th at it la the beat work for me. chance, unicanam y and eel men, ever pabliab ed, for It ectitabm Minnie Inbignmaffon on every,branch ,_,,,. of the nteehaniaal an/ bed s MUM, expended In a atyle , a . n p d-liniMn . tel , llgib to any readf of itkili• nary are ' %re we are doing the the ), ther.lca of Nor• wick and other pins of ecticat a service by bringing the rock to theimantentlon... -Norwich, (Car.) Conran. "It **kraut awmk . a every mechanic should pawn.. FnemluvaJostnal. W. 000 . 1 4. iteil 411= moat usefal .4 impattatii putlitallaall ante age. No mechanic can afford to Lo without ti."—Gievram, IN. Ldflarconeretel Courier. rail( al/ the marinas public anima having for their ob. lent the elucfflanon and advancement of the nucL isont • ,id an, and Sciences, none that we LIT* see, o fall or promise ea Ma "—Balalo Corit:Adv. "It ti the Len and cheapest work egret tottered i,, ,e selentifff and prectien engineer and auction. Ihe plate. wt.:lll4l4Hr Cisco ud '.—Wasiington G1.,,e. "That peatDintiormry It one of the mon alui worts aver publiGhed for 'feu.. nr4 the taw ptic sc , al lILICII II 1.1 Soli-Cash c. I; anactaaLlo 5,. GIL' , .ttonth idarviinian ...W. meant It a. eat of Use 1700.1 COMpretteallt V• a n d aslciaLle, as sell as cheapest welt 4: Tee published. - -Ltalthetera Aslrscrstur. “Oaild to be taken Cy gram um desiring to trey pare with the progress of art and fiance In