EZEM THE rinsßu afl vrAZETTE. PUBLIEILIED BY WHITE & 00 PllPlreselt en WIDDEMSDAT MORNING. NOV: 20, 350 Tin blssinadsOttetraztaxi.—Sbe doings of that OunatMe of Southern Duzudonhes, Me no. telegraphed to us verylateSteady. bet mesh is known to authorise the assertion that a more 'namable boa) sever assembled In this Union. •1/ the Sooth attempts to au upon the dalliance and principles it has adoptid, nothing can prevent a twos bloody civil war—fur it is not to be sup. peed that the treat mau of the. people 4 this Efate* will Wilma to see the elan dismembered eras Capone of a oomparativelyamaU number 01 illenehled fanatics. Toe Federal Government at iruhlssum la PM 4761000 at the pCOPIe of the - Pane lOWA/ earegate capacity as • natillffitene M it the people owe albance directly, and nor Gnash their Mite Oterematente. Oar Oriturral 'Government is not a eontederation of independ. eat Sutra, but the Union of a great people cadet one natural Government, fur all pipes= pUrely sedistal, end the CILIZCDS of the whole Unto* are as tench bound to pay all duo allegiance to the Genre' Government, as to the Govenmeht of each particular State in which they live. We are chinas of two distinct roverelgotier, each limited la their powers, acd smiling together In perfect' harmony. The people are the kinadmion of the Government of each. A State has no power I. release a citizen from his fealty to the Federal Government, or to emote powers which belong to that government; and what one State cannot do, a union *Nero or three, or more, cahoot ao. outpllsh. Any attempt to set et naught the pow. Oaf the General Governmeat, tv the people of f IT \ ray State, Sating coder State anatomy, ill sub. ieet each separate Individual, whetter a 0 VenlOr. WIWI *Lem, a Lesisistor, or ['wrote co l ler, t, ladieunent and pnrusitment for treason ens eat the Gorernateat or the United Sire,. It will make no difference It the offender acts under the author ity of Stem law. for all State laws Which come Ate contact with Federal authority legally tiers deed, era naonnalltutional, and therefore void. ' If Pennsylvania commands • citizesi to disobey • consittadocal law of the Federal Government, he Is bound to disregard the comment. His oath of citizenship Is just as seared in one ease as the other. It Is the ditty of the Gen cost Government, then, tolowprera all rebellion against its just authority, whether n comas from an authorised body of etti• nos, or with all the sanction, of atitte authority If Smith Carolina , as a State, rebels against the Fed eari authority, the inhibit ants of that Common sevalth,iis eitLtens of the Federal Union Antra be pun. tshed for and be compelled to submit.— No penal will dispute that a rebellion against state authority can legally be put down by a state gov ernment, and provision has been made for bring. ing in the whole force of the Union to neat& If ne canary. The same power is possessed by the gen eral government over its refractory citizens, wheth er found in Maine, or Georgia The people who formed the General Govern ment will look to its authorized cleaner, hapreserve It m all a. integrity. They will expect that any thing like rebellion, or armed resistance, ahall be promptly suppressed, and wecrely pimished. Our happiness nod character a+ a nation require this, ris well es our future peace and prosperity. 'Happily we have, in the person at our Chief Magistrate, MnLniD FiLotcate, u gentleman who has both the =cal and phy.ical courage to preserve in tact the precican char!, committed to his trust. He will sot scruple lo one all the umeenthours power con- Wituttotell y placed in hi. hands, for the minor:talon daisy out breat; and we lunttre Laza that he may Im plicitly depend upon toe hearty co-operation Of the shame o• esonsylvacus, to aid him in any emer. pnoy. We most fervently pray that there may be DO occasion to teat the strength of the Government, - cod the petriothtna of the people, but If the sad on. osidandoes 'arrive, we haws no fears but that both President and people will be (maul equal to the wimalon. ilitmacntranms-7 he Legislature, so faroanda: Semas-11 W tugs, 24 coalition, sno choice. The Boom Atlas says that them is time doubt about abaction ol two of the coalition candidates In the Bristol Maui= kiniese—The Advertiser given mierashl49liodi,s99,SMP, 67 L0006.0(741. 68 froddcallzioa,saslTh no edialactidenbar ag a smelt* 1119 Whip, 175 Opposition. Thu At - as elects 189 Whip. 179 Opposition, end lowa 79 no cholas It* Otthentatorial vote, is as follows: • Brigyt. Dowell. But. &Phillips Bdblk, coca, 6417 2136 1247 Pooch pare., 8146 5120 3741 iddiadm, dom., Inis 7154 4452 Warm/cr. cam: 5521 5232 7463 Hampshire, caps., -3403 1127 1314 14anspamocoui , 3509 3401 877 _ Franklin, coos., 2596 1355 1182 Bakelnre, Coca., 3510 3162 577 Norfolk„ cod , 4476 7271 1340 • Metal, coin.. 3793 . 7170 1895 Plymouth, 20 T., 7089 1537 Z 49 Nutt:cam, coin.. 326 68 127 '.Barnstable, coon., 13122 707 429 Dukes, 2 town', 179 119 38 57,112 24„378 21,212 This includes the winds Saud creep Hinson and Itochester, in Plymouth county, andChilatark, in Dukes comity. 06 160 Congressional wee, Scodder, Whig, is de, fisted by 300 vows in the lOch dig zia. Wabash dad Nato 0,.., To 'kW the agent of the balutess of the Wabash . sad Erie ested entrusted to the betels of the Tres teas, Mum. Birder, Hoed, and Dowling, sre sub' join a staireeent °Cite& reeetpts end erpeaditures for the year coding Ott. 1, 1850: tidirZIPTS. From tat andlenter rents, 512424 27 Lands, LOpmport aloe, • 53,704 22 Lands, Vincennes District, 91.'226'47 Interest, Eschinee, 12,444 24 Bondholders' Bobscription, ZO,OlO 00 Total relesipts, --11221,261 EXPLNDITUALS Osumi smarties, Ordinary repairs of caws, Exirsorrqmary repa Soprhatandence, Lend Otneis, .1110. 0 .0 ovens, Canages 111041 Irate power Espesses dentin", lutenist on boodholdue Coalman, Told Expe.nditar. • The ishitiltban Moss • gaseou, of one fourth cf • million of dollars, independent of the Y.ondhobl. and' SnLacriplon, and which is faithfully applied no thapowecusion of tha work. The teeideut Trun ks* aro 'devcting themselves fend:6llllly and eff, trendy to the wont:, and expect Its completion..o the tall of I eil - q Tiem I.,,avarrrrsildto Immetaratds BAIL. ROAD 'Us grading of . dttenbast thvialoss—Lalsanon to In diampelis, twenty SiOndes—tias been put wafer emuset, and the whole . line if to be completed by the flat of lily to xt Tons toad, says the Indiaua • Stare decimal, helms the Mead and only _MO to Chicags tw all the lines so:tram:Mg at Indian' galls from the essi and sj'iltin, mast oak with the Imililli n lilwimltinistaa f Wed Togorrro wan fit ileum Etna ROAD. —Tkis enterprise having berm reward in the chaps of a lottery scheme to the people, failed to seems their support, and the eiry of Toronto, to width the road would be mat bestalloial, refused to bade ns bonds fachall-awillion of dollars, to aid it. The Common Comuttl ot Toronto have lately resolved_ that In the event of a shbscriptim of 451;/,1:00, and tan per riot paid down, by the citi. grad the place, be remaining =RC* will be made up by the hem of the city's debentures.— Kr:Copra', who has been dm Mae( egkient meta. grlw 011110 am: has been induced to mute, and the stockholders are to elect the mangers. A project kit Warr agitated in Toronto to establish a line of etsamers firma that place to htochemer. The lion. J.' C. Flamm sad lady, with thrit aisentiing friends, passed through Cruises, on tis Waring, on the SIM tilt., in good health, on thatt may soCaliforuka. Cline Justice Williams, of Connecticut, Las ossuibuted a thousand dolisn. to be used sts lota, winless interest, to aid in bitildmg roosting heasesef theCongregationd Churches In Ihmaim Itararr.—The Portland Advertiser of Tuesday, says that Wilhist God Ellen Crafts, the 'saps* gases from Goonsis, arrived in that cry from Baum, on Fridaiutarsdag last, and oiled for St. Jo* N. N., in the Erhish roamer Occattoders , Saturday night. CONXIXTIr7t Lae vtoed for two amendments to her cOntittition, the tint provieffirfor the eleelion of probate judges and the second providing for the election of justion of the peace, both by the people Majority foe ent ametqlemen4lo,7lB; for second do., 1007. ealy about 13,1= votes were polled epos the comical. Limn Itaissome—The Little Rock (Ark.] G• .sue notices the arrival there or NOS Joshua Betsy's surveying party Croat St. Louis. Capt. Barney belongs to the United Skates Typographl. cal Engineers, and he has been engaged for • year put, under the orders of Government, in an ex perimental sorrel iota Rallroad routs from St.' Louis, via Fulton on bid river, to El Paso on the Rio Grande, and thanes to the PmAllo Ocean.— The Gazette teams Stm conversations with Cap tain Barney and one tights assistants, that the Una marked by than deviates bat little from a direct emirs. "It Danes neer Greenville, Mo., thence about IS relies east of Poolhanias. la- Randolph county, Ark; mosses White river at Jackson Port, Jackwin county, L.ttle Red River. near Prospect RIMS; and runs autout three miles east of Sauey, White county; intersects the read from Lisle Ruck ' to Memphis, at Mr. P. McCr•w's, 12 mike ern of Little Rook; and strikes theA rkanaas river about 3 or ♦ tulles below Litile„Rook. "For some 00 miles before striking the Athens it.. the line, we understand, is perfectly straight. At While River, a cortaldarable deviation from • direct line Is made, to .void some abrupt Mils that mob, life, the river; but beyond that river, • per fectly straight line, for soma 80 mRO mttee , elate obtained, without any obstacle to in, constswition of• Railroad. The principal .obetructlons are found north of the hliasouti line. "The party is now engaged, on the south side of the Artranue, to explorirg the Fourche but. ton and valley, to fled a level route In the dire., tion the road Is to run, and, when we lain beard froartheat, we understood the prospect woe very date rfog for the finding of • good level route without certoh dtavation from ■ direct line." ' A Narver to ■ disunion Journal down &urn, ob jecta to the new Fugitive Slave Law, became, un der the old law there was a faint hope of teeortring slaves, whereas, tinder the new one, the negroea are scared into Canada, where they can never be re covered, Cuatures Tatat...—The Court at Rockville hay. ing refune,d to admit Chaplin to bad, affidavits were filed by Mai, affirming that he could not °bum a fair trial 113 this Court, and claiming a change of emue fits application was granted, and the cue rh'ed to the spring term of the Reward District Court. The Court fixed the amount of hail at 519,. WO, which in not yet obtained. The grand jury presented seven indictmenta—three'charging Chap lin with mend and battery, with attempt to kill . Iwo for larceny of Toombn and Steven'. nlaves.and two'for assinung the slaver to escape. Aroma Cohoamt Row.—At the colorod chuttr, Burlington, New Jenwy, on Sunday ber of negroes, respecting a black man to be rioting as a spy of slaveholders, made an attack up on him. Ha was badly *tabbed, and, escaping from the church, took refuge iu a carpenter's shop, into which he gothy breaking a window He here de. fended himself with an axe. The fruitier ii now undergoing jualrial mveattgahun Tat Glint CONFLAGIIIATI. AT Fttottmatos• Nksv Bnunswics—Tuuthousand Pe,so. r.l llowslus, 6 , r —A dispatch from the wtiee of the New Brunswick.., tit litho, November 1:1, A. M , give. the followlog further ',noun of lei. Life 'A lire broke out at Frederseklon, New Bruit, wick, On Monday afternoon. destroyinis nearly lour entire blocks, situated in ihe centre of the city. A greet majority of the buildings cornered of tile principal stares, and contained large quantal... of The editor of tho Frederiekthis Reporter has just riueu us as iollow, "It ts Impassible to auroras the loss, though le. -ern two sad three handled hones have Wen de wrosed, and an Immense amount of property. Two thirds of the mom were, in that portion of the city, de.trove... With regard in the insurance, h u unpossible to be correct. Tha (realest part of the less rills on the Hartford, C 1 , offices, which are deeply m- Vast amounts of property were =lnsured. The pohnies autocrat of the heaven loreos had hotpot eseired. Tee Wesleyan church was destroyed. Full two thousand persons are by this dreadful cidasaity ten dered homeless." itmcs Albert. of England, Victoria's husband, has no 1.13112101 e. U. isdoseendad from an nneieni line writings, who never were attenuated to anew esornaspe, when it was done by the rations of Ea. Ths Hoc- Web Cashing has been ebasted mama= of the Nisasachusetta Home of Itertasso intim from Newbury, and the Hon. Myroe law• 1,13C0 has been defeatrd in Betel:m.lmm. Tam Rica Mu or Soerron.—According to the pamphlet published of parsons, copartners, and cor porations who were taxed 011 158,000 and upward' to ISlO.tbere were eight who were taxed for over half • million of property;aeran for between $4OO, 000 and 6500,000; fourteen for between 5200,000 lad $300.000, and one hundred and twenty Eve for between $lOO,OOO and 5100,000. The following are the manes of three taxed (or over half a million; Abbot Lawrence. 51,034.400; Robert 0. Shaw 5028,400; David Sears $754,600; Jonathan Phil l‘Pat EGOO,OOO ;Josiah Qumey, Jr ; 5619,000 ; John 9610,000 ;1104 Wiggletworth, 5556,000 ; Jam Bryant, 9549, 700. Vinutsurr.—The following is the 06c41 retam of the vote cast for Congreu in the lit District sf Vermont at the manna trial : (A plurality sinus anew the Ant trlal Wale. WHIG. /UM Ott OLD Law Cam. Miner. Lyman. fLobertn. Clark &&. gailan , ....l,BES 1,135 1,063 173 Bennington-1003 1,354 791 Windham-1,432 1,614 6.49 .218 4,222 4 .102 2',02 411 Miner elected by 220 plurality. (One town ni I retorned would make It 331.1 Mr. Miner la one of the most intelligent, rdbiert awl damning Wh'ne in the Slate and will Lib represent the Distract--an we think Mr. I..yonic also would have done. We rejoice Itino.dhe Din. Inlet was not thrown away by the oni.iriennte feud between their respective in cv ii, o tract will ficareforth be forgotten. —nee— Nal+ Trenton Start U.rarriiiiii Friday, gives the following complete table of f.e votes eau NI Governer at die reeeid election si that Sate, as complied with the vote, ler Pte.. dent two yearn ago 4 . 19,803 W . 39,84.0 02 94,614 81 0,915 Li 1,773 47 5,181 So SAM UV 12,985 11 40,799 151 270,199 'A aumi. FOR,. Eavior :a•f.. I. 337 655 4 7, 1, 331 , .sfi. 109 144= I Ffil , 'laralarliO, 1612 133 v I Ce:i 12 lilooreatef 1216 11157 Ver3 e. 15 Coma.. 16.'61 1532 190 LSIV,OI! 07 G 176 873 C '77:7 611'13 i 069 740 New G. v Mouww'tL, 160.9 3113:i 17 34;11 BurlictioL, 3237 1114 Muter, 9237 2279 2630 21 '0 19936 92911 2813 55/4 liustu.l‘s, 2090 3277 ,"2100 .3, 2 Wans?. - 8203 17U 2i. i 0 Sussex 1021 9335 1211 4559 9115 5035 9251 110141eses, 2194 1971 2499 1946 Sower's!, 1595 1598 209 4 1e 15 Mon* 2318 47110 2899 24 v 5 6500 0259 7 . 35.7 6911 E 444.1, 4306 4225 5997 3! t 6 Had4on, 1244 1174 1433 ".10 Bergen, 74 . 6 1262 1003 1 1 62 PasmL, 1389 1633 1747 1:,14 8159 4310 10100 'i33 TGlii, 11,054 39.726 40 001 36,n7.3 Fort'. ER* 5.572 Ssylor's umsj. 3,114 Par.i.—..vv., or V9.14008018..41t0 followilr a• tie mot. toe popala.don of the 0099/1101, '0 far as nesx4 froat,sboaring an tacrease of over sixty rr cent in tamand a half Lean: 11147. 15.0. 2214 8,12' 3,791 8.133 8,782 10,779 387 498 22,791 31,071 14 728 20,879 2.178 4,390 2,284 8,838 9.345 11,tvo Brown, Columba ' Benoria, La Pointe, Kock, Sauk, fAfaytue, Should the othe counties show the u t oi t ,, rate of Socrates, we have now . about 250,000 Inhabtututa to this State. Noss ki,,,,,,,, a x5a-,The Constitutional Corren• don of New Hampshire, now In iseesloo, has el. Clair 1111•111moialy voted to strike out of the coo. stittralan the clause imposing a religious test and vita unanimomly voted to ante matte clause re. (airing a property qualifies:two for office. Hereaf. ter a majority of votes will be the only iliiinperith. We requitals. This is as it should be. The TIPMIOO has also voted-114 to 7B—that the lest lature *Mil meet "once in two years," tad of "every year," bra th is may be reeonalekereL y r , br -Tr hiMISCITOII. . ,1..0 0: ..1k: Pitubergh Dem. Wessman; Nov. 0, M. Persosal Menneats—Ceseal at. Paws. sae—Odllalota Nernryaper at IlistatUag. w t .—lean Thenssbn ;pea the Kauai. tty of Itais DLeautes Cry. Me, Grham. Seantaly of the Navy, arrived this evening from North Catalina, where he hut been to funny' for all removal of his family to Was n. WAIL I believe he brought them with him. A naidertblerniaber of urine Wale" men, ex to of Navy contracts, veto Imps. Sully awaiting the return of the honorable Beers bk Illy. . Graham la eald to be en excellent man of beeline and although rigid and atria In .11 his micas pabllo daty, highly popular with all who have eulon to meet him in matters grow.. Ing onto( his °DUI statism. Mr. Webster and Mr. Crittenden are the only mambas% of the Cabinet not yet at their posts.— They will be found In position before the meeting at Cing . tsr. „ 1. , Hon. hn A. Dix, late . Senator from ew York, was engliged to day In the transaction o business before the Cammissieuer of Claims agal at Merl 00. The ex• Senator brings to the ad soy of • client's ease the same winning suavity manner, and eattiothitess of speech, which ma e him so popular in the Senate. lodge angles', of Illinois, arrived t night.— He aon his way to North Carolina, here his wifo and heir real secure from the fury olthe free sellers end abolitionlets, who have catiipired to nuke the hudge's residence to his own tate so uncomfdrtnie. The Judge nye Ching is • nee place, • d his constituents era a fine set reliant, but resti i y they 'pour profoundly and 'Gately ungnite al for his elettiOSUl In their behalf in the tuner di the fugitive Cure law. C. ,Jil 0/.0, ES+, Deputy COill of San Francisco, is hem fa some further inat Woos In reference to the revenue system on thatout He ma tale hit departure in the next rkte er for tLe land of gold. SID Francisco will ristup a re venue of three or four mi:lions within the Omni year, IT the coara of Oregon and California are atdorbi a conaiderably more than theft full share of du*sinn....but then they t•eve large+lstms, fur arrearsges in the distribution of government la- A long fist or charges and complaints have berm made against Mr. CoSwipe, our able and intlefat.galile Consul at Panama, oldish I have no doubt in the-world are Instigated by pertas •I water ; or by the Self tutmesta of those ha prefer Liam. A toucher or the Consul Is ibslug all that is uerestary, probably, to protect his iAtats • •to, agamid the ilotiouroleil allegations. M. C Las had luau, difficat sod retpanaibie dirtier to ihrhlimse at Panama, sad he has ensure einseit equal to them on evil, mitlarilail. It Would be a poor rowed lot Ohtani services to recall hi hi at this time, .0 deference to clamp. Which noir will prove to be unfounded. These is a projeci thou here young up a new Voila] newspaper, as the twous, it m aid, air • Goa , party egau.cabsu, to be edre , I by tee fesin itt:a one Meta of waiesters Intni the W . t.g and litermosati , parties. The Jeanie al dill is 1111111.. q arrogant road idly, Who can thiali or speak with patleace of tbe iasolent clantla , Which presumes to characierae such lantrni s vs the loiell.gebeet lied Republic a, eapolwel. of daimon ratitimants. or a. feeble and uscadape tent supporters of Won, or which denounces all whit tmll out hasten to cabal tbemwlseti oat that list or every ephemeral faction which Baring,. up Ws earl, a uipee. of demagogues u tth • Urtiou on their lips, as enemies to the C..• Ina Mallon to the:, country. This bailee.. of raw. ins a yell e , °Minter in the Union,“ and Mne. &lately selling op • polit,oal toickeerlng shop on the strength of it, as so much capital has gone far enough, sod ought to La put promptly demo. by the goad WMu mod patriotism of the country It Is playing wan the l!alce as a stake against ' official spoils. Pont roe tee men at the North toes tab...11-awns "danger to the lloion," and Org• g DeOpls to farnli new party nes tad ilatilOcraties to avert that danger, sod I will shOw you some Itc•se tabs ts as usseaortaful •pitheaut far of. hoe, of W t ti tram hi. general worthlessness and no wriousensundreltam, canoe , In gale times, when •eitp,[l.ll, men role, use to even an asptrulon fo• office. The best way to weaken th• bonds o the Linton, mad prepare tie, It um, is to keep op i.thls cry of dtsunlon, disunion Is operate, by way of premium, a Iran of bounty. payable is uotoriety, to every paltry agitator who may (alto this mode of gettlng himself Into nodes. When would your [thous and Cokivitts, your Garthrone and Smiths, be, if their ardttloa amt fustian were not regularly advertised In the pipers, and their eumeskept before the oonetry to eonsehaeocel SEISM. itie pubbabed proceedings of a, Temperance na:imitir held in Sharrtrarg, Nov a statement appear. to the purport, that by report the granting of the license of L. Ainslie arts done by lodge Eats in n grog shop, when intoxicated. Relier 44 that the citizen. composing that meet ing had co latentiott that injustice should be done, however much they may have felt Injured by the granting of the licenrw, the undeugued, oill cars of the meeting, deem It due to Judge Kerr, as well ita the cSizene, to state that Emu later and more reliable information they are convinced that the above mentioned statement bleu/rely Muir reet—that the liceou was granted In the Own. It is to be regretted that .0 much lejostise has been done by the huty action at the meeting and i. hoped that all papers which have glees cones. ey to the original alatement, will publish Lai; ror tutu. JOHN WHITE, H. WLELSEMEH H. H. PEASE. 84upl4uq, NOV. 1910, 1630. At a meeting of the othaeos of Sugar Grove, Warren county, Pa., held at the Wesleyan dumb, to East Sugar Grove, on Thursday, Nov. J, Ica the purpose of coaalderiag the Fugitive Slave law , the following resolutions were report- ed by James (rote a committee sp. pointed at a previous meeting for that purpose, sad unaotionualy adopted • Y.eroiruf, That it is the right •Ad July of every Free State 413 wills! that every person within Its limos obeli be presumed • treetnau until he shall Le • rueeil to be - • slave,and tired on reirety charge involving his lite, liberty, sod pronarty.actordlop to the forma al low for the nutlet Freemen. Retained, That rue ;army or law which have heel the guards of personal liberty stole Leyland emerged tram barbarusto -Abe right of trtal try jury, and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and which are expressly . re-asserted In every free 06suititetion, eauoot discarded In refeJecce to any class of prracns without dancer to all. Rtrefrad, That the Fug;troa Slave Law express ly discards all these guards of hriman liberty. In the only trial which a citizen realdeat • Free State, arrested mulct it. may have—presumes • man a slave until be Is proved a freemanr—ltritcla courts of summary trial, under irraptatedble iodises, (rem Whoa* decisions Motet is un append— Cdorts which deride from en parte evidenecomd, .Iritra,Xscogniai one pail! only in their he•xtrige —tlat of the claimant. Thus this law 'averse., on the mere charge of a person claiming to be • Slave holder, all the principles and prarrloes of common law. Stsol.d, Tbat ler there and otter reasons we regard the ensorrneot as unconalltuttanal and as to completely destructive of the principle* of every roe constitution as to be wholly destitute of letel force. Resulted, That one 0201.1 sense revolts at the law ft. unjust, barbsmus, and opresaive,— as min a id, ew Pi ng espo In Its. t he d penal• tles,—as acts of humanity to innocent and stuferlog high misdemoanors,—and as mating ass at every point with ths higher °Widener* of the Derine Law. WeTannot hunt the fugitive back to bandage wors e inns death, though the toss of ow liberty or properly rosy he the cost of leferaing to join in his curdle, when called on. Endued. That so enactment whichthes makes the least tEes of humanity to persons guilderss of crime, high offences, punishable by fines, impria ooment, and civil damages, has 00 morel tore, or law, and sroted dishonors people deeply by to willing observance. Real red, That tboso members of Congress from the free States , -- who aided In, the passage of Ibis enactment, betrayed their oftesinuenre, and he. trgyed humanity; and that therapresentstive from 'this District, lanes Thompson.Whe was evident ly selected to lead this elate, deserve*, from his peal:Latham eifat* in presaing the motions he was charged with, to stand first in the of In. rimy. 8ud...4, That the noble gxpessiou of Ment. bets at Congress recognising p lam higher than the Constitution, by which we are bound above all others, commands our highest admintlion; sad, though we do not admit that the Constitution can. dicta with that higher law, we believe that de. d'arailon would be, If armed by the peop l e, pow' trial to Prevent thaw jpersontons o the CM0111• onion which would make ear laws but macklatry to save the Interests ordespoto. Amami, That the clergy. of all denominations, Insomuch as they are the MUM= span She walls—the Ambattadora of film who 011110 Ned op the broken hearted—do .proclaim Rum to the captive, and the opening of the prises to them that are bound,—and inasmuch as they are our noddle ratiginus teaaMts, set apart and or tolls work at maiden us oar dads to God tat man—arif Imperatively called upon In th.% oriOn to tin op thel Voice like a neimpet, In raptobacion If there who hams mischief by a law, and in declaring the attpramael of God's law over all ►emaa eateirmente. Ce=Thatbhp la new past for any ding phoige MOD Lute slavery after their manful escape, to claim any respect or observance at our hands. For nearly sixty years we patiently submitted to the infamous act of '93, our submission has only emboldened the oppressor. We Pow ask the immediate re , peat of the act of ILSO, and that of 113, of which, the first is an amendment. fiswifesig That we see In all this conclusive ev idence that Liberty and slavery are utterly 'irrecon cilable in thin government, and that laws which favor one are nesessarily destructive of the other; and that we bare now so choose between sub mission to the most humillatiag and untighteons demands of slavery and Its entire destruction. Ruolard, That wa will do oar anima to create a pubm sentiment which shall render tae law ut terly Inoperative, the acceptance of Us oaken; the deepest disgrace, and the execution of its proces ses impossible. Oa motion of Frederick billet, Esq., It was (ar• titer Randall, That the Secretary be Interacted to forward tropics of these resclottoos to the County decreela, and to the Pittsburgh OsZell., lot paths cation. THERON PLUMB, Pres'i J. Broader, Sexy Ewing of the Exploring Exprdition from Oregon. A telegraphin despatch from St. Louis of the lath illll2l/1; informs es that ()sputa Stansbury, topers. phial engineer, and panty, who had been sent by the Government toexplore the regions of the Utah Mormtaitta, in Oregon, to the valleys of Great Salt Lake and Utah Lakes, arrived in that city on the evening previous: °The party having lea Port Leavenworth in May, 1849, having been out on this eapeditloo for upwards of twelve months, and have returned In good health The Mormons are spoken cf la high terms by Captain S., for having agorded the party considemb a aid m their explorations, and for they Industry in adding a cultivated territory to the Ur.• ion, m ■ p lobate ordinary civilization would not have abed for ran, and article we need a thriving agricultural population, between the Miami° au Pacific. Theezpl ring party left the city of Salt Lake on the 25uh of ague. At the musician of the town the drat Mormon train was met•, afterwards trams were enommtered, all getting along tine. y. It is as bursted that at least twelve hundred wagons will have reached the city of Salt Lake this eeason from the States. The crops are all good In the valley. • , Captain 8. and his party were charged upon by a war Feely of Snake Indians, who .I.d no Linn the assailaats discovered that preparations were being made to receive them. and that they had mistaken the party for limbs, with wheat they were •, , tenr. Sioux and Cheney Indians were met in large numbers. They were very frieadly. several I tribes of Indians were id war web each other ..„ . . . . Captain it met Owens 'Stiller at Fort Hall, His train had been tabbed by the Crow Indians in South Pats Limngston's and Kinkead's vein met et Fort Bridles . the 15th of September, %velure the Kral 0 S. mail arrived= the iitb; the second was met on I. 17th of October. CaOsln Tuttle's win wu met ou the 'Z7th of Oc tober, r miles hawed Fort Kearney, cud Rich ards' trout at the head of the Little Blue, the next day POPISLAT.I or NSA Ravers — New Haven a ♦towing rapidly an population. The present am, bar of intuit/tams as ohm/ohs the census jam Alen, 21,029. This is a gain upon the former censor, 18.10, ofIS MI The populat:on of Stanford a t 1,951 Mown exr, Bizarr Hans—ls on y.,s,r award. --Every few day. we Itetivo toeotuate of the brestmg of blots, ralasisS sway or the 01,14 s web the capital, sod leavicg the " dear people." for whom special hellcat" tho instouroht fro shattered, to get the DOWs redeemed the beet way they can. The Savannah kiepuLllceo saga - • Uue half tithe Eta:Arvin Lenlniana are either closed or trotthleas. Of three built. in 1111nola t one ur closed. hilaaisaipst brio bur one good bath. Tne banks la Florida are all bad and alone in Arkansas are co bones lit twenty aloe backs to t3eorgu,thistsen are ptoeoonenl ronbber, three more anti bah. too bid to be sold. and one doubt. Jul. 38 PCO/.11 on of twenty nine have toppled down sriihin a fer year. in one Stare. it Banta Were individuals-10 provide for Melt own credo, or have noce, (owe coorccooy :randy upon thetpubito vrould by leas numerous, if they old not Ott:rely pease. For a bonne, Or some (Aber or:be, ate' LaYgialatoro lerpts HS cloak to a gang of eerindlent to make them appear like henna men, to order (hat they may Make their VIM. cot orate pocket* those Waco WretIMIHAINCeII compel to take that bills. In fa rt s the Leatalaitne have to itabt, o ti nay feu p no re. to cocotte tho bills cc a tt.i 1 1 be . g themselves liable aa at• serves" q . id.... 1..: .m..ar.• ...9.1m,... —red prinelpel un patina. auendlog Um poiaJeel toololaroon elite etal.lloate eg Iteptaseeiturres el Mastaebuseta. is in takeetientllaaatuiahOteetal a trottnd Santo bonwer. Tell eSetehe el not made by iotta bal• tot cf• the two bran be eat bl nommouirf o pt. , 7ets nil, but each Howe by and for iteilf. . V, Womb:a, the Whigs e mild lava coauol of the Hoax, note ocher ins o Wet( will receive th e Rte ni tild body. sod the SWUM non censor. deg, no chase would be made. and Ike post of Saunter would be vacant. The chance for pre, i i roan.% we election of any but • uue Wh.g co. U t .d Sautes Senator ale the WWI!, e( toe tlllete yet th aloft tivereeletivee ID Ihe most active cnottions.—Syr ngllct,i Repabliane. Po, A. Garen.. niffseolSai —WO Staled a week ago that there were three nate.. tanning la Delaware—the Whig, Democratic, and Temperance tickets—cud t that or thou who sup tied the latter, at lean three Punk r of dens title Whig party. Out ittincipatrona 01 • dare kilo Ibis temperance tick et were fareehtdowed la our article on the sub lets. These political :operatics men have done all the Mischief in thel power. 'The Whig can didate for Governor, F. F. Causer, la, by this mann., detested by seventeen majority out of about 13,000' to Lent county the whole Whig ticket te elected by abhut ISO majority. In New castle the Democratic,: ticket ha. succeeded by about 135 majority. lit Souex tome of both par• ties are said to be elected, but the Deoleicrallc Oche el hu prevailed by a eery meager majority. The majority in the Legulature will be very email, hat sootiest, we *app.°, to defeat the etc.:Mon o i Our. Wider, the present enrollee( representative 1 of the Slate it the Seattle at the United States.— The Democratic. RePreseatailve to Cbttgress, George Read Ruld., a alert elected by a email majority over the lion. George B. Rodney. Theta Is no doubt that were the vote of the State fairly given on the lutes between the Whig and Dem ocratic panics, the Whigs have a decided majori ty is the State. We oteceve that Mr. Clayton was not a caudtilme (air any Mice at this eleotion. —Net. feta. President Fillmore t Lit• Member or tb• Amerlean Meads, Gehool Union. Sane time strice(says the Itochester Asidfradin,) the Sabbath School ch lima of the. Brisk Church, in this city, contributed fifty dawn to constitute MILL= FlLL3lol.o . l.lllllielltd the United States, • life member of the American SundnY s olio•Ji UlllOll. Oa being apprised of the appointment, the President addressed the following letter to the corresponding serrelary • " Wegammron, 0ct.14, LEW, keszstoon W. Penns, Esq., Corrupendiv .9..ctsfy of the il.Wrrican Sunday e).-1 have received, through the Post Office , a certificate aigned by you, oe Corresymiding Secre eery, by which It aypearsthat I am anpolated a life. member of Tom association, by the payment of fl it, dollen by the Sunday School children of the Brick Chmch, ktochwriter, New York. Thus Le an unexpected, and I fear an undeserved, compliment, so dent:only and modestly 'conveyed, that It 00121 d Dot fall to mach the heart. I therefore b a ll ii. through you, to make my grateful acknosr• 1 • ems to the clilldrem for this valued token of r bed sameenbtancs; audio maw them Oak shell ever prawn /e sea craw° from lay yoont: friends • . lam trot m ot, 61LL.140klE. Fournve Sun Exernmemer nn CEicano.—The reader Is already aware that the Cny Council of Chicago had adopted an ordinance anlilfylog the rennet act of Competent relation to fugitive algae". Be Immense meeting or the people of that city wit held, in consequence of this act of the Coun cil, which was addressed by lodge Douglas, et he U. S. Senate. la a moat able and eloquent speech, vindicating the captive law, and condemning the efforts to evade U. The effect was tremendow; the meeting anammoasty dissented from the oct of the Council, owl that toregrabseysiertly memo did the cot. Stich Is the dome of Oath, boldly, openty, di man tally maintained. Jodi; e Douglas oe ierves the highest credit for his patriotic odotla to tilptatu the law and the constitution of hit seamy —Sincrearld Setwenn's Daixter.—We are !miryy to learn that Gov:Xemetd Ir to be repretented in the next Congrets by ■ Democrat.".—Teur. Comistra. or coolie you ate "happy' whenever a Loco Poe° huts • Whlsi but why don't you let your w eeders know that Kr. How, the eDemoerat question, la • most inveterate Barominer, who supported Van Bunn and Adams with all OM might, and will stand shoulder to shoulder with Preston King In me next House. If you would only tat your readen brow lasi sort of a eDerna cent" the "National Whigs" of Auburn eleoted sod chuckle 'lc". Perhaps they would be 'quip py" too'—N. 71 Tr iast as. Jodfo What. one of the lodges of the Sae preme 00tui of Georgia. wu invited to attend a man meetitg of the "friends of the Uolon," to be held at Kingston, and reopen& to the invite. Con inn letter, from which the following is ex. meted .1 find it dilleult, gentlemen, to realize tho tam than. there are la Georgia, at this moment, men of Intlnentlal character aad political position, and prewee of extensive circulation, "whose se• rlons purpose tato dissolve the Union." o.ollrilt{ganding..true. Two yews—indeed one year wirold hate mooted such an lm- Imitation us vile *leader spun our great, rave fcg grate. However aselszeholy the Indi a yet no tensible pasoncan now` Mon recognise ft That leading roan, in • shier Bute, have for years de. liberately coniumplsted the dismemberment of the confederacy; Y. have long believed.. Throe persons con now elsim, and Justly too, Ina pro ject so ingbrions, the earnest co-operation °lgen. demen of high standing In Ginnie and some four or five of her presses. Georgia has'been invoked Co follow Claudine in her crusade against reason, =cum sense, and the Union; bit a few of her samCare listening to her invocatien, and enlisting under her beeper—a banner endow the stem and stripes. That will I never do until Southern wrongs become far more aggravated than they now are." Tay BUM CPUIPPIPIP OP 1848.—CandIss, 4e. from ,Was.—Our readers wHI recollect that about ame and a half ego Lard Ashley and O'Gorman Mahon startled the British Home of Commons by an annonneement that a method had been diseo's• ered by which Irish peat could be made to yield a variety of products of the most valuable kind, which would reallre In the market a profit of up- werd of 100 per tent. Much excitement was cre ated by it at the time. A few explanations, how ever, showed that Lord Ashley had fallen into pre cipitancy, and that although the products he men tioned could undoubtedly be obtained, (lor he had a lighted candle, produced from pelt, then on the table of the Houm,) yet' there was no satis factory evidence as to the mil cost of the proems and its consequent profit. A London letter, to the N. Y. Commercial, now say. , ''Since that Uwe, however, the party by whom the patent was taken op (Mr. Owen, a private gen. tlemen of property and, unquestionable integrity,) has aimed the experimnts to be carried on upon • definite scale, cad malts have at :length been-ar rived at, H is wild of the tam satisfactory kind, by which not only the candles and other produets can be exhibited, but their mu, as it would appear,can be definitely estimated. The following statement of the annual expenditure and produce of the trial works for one year hit just been placed in my hands : Expendau • ..1,112$ Twr I. 455 tons of Sulphuric atid, at £7, Wear and tear of apparaum, aro , Wages, labor, Sr„ Gag of .eraltng u, itairlnt ana oiLer meldea tal charge•, Prodt, Praducc 365 tOO% of Sulptutte of Ammonia, at .61:1 1:4,381.) 255 tom loo oos 4 Acetate of Itme, at Ell, 3, 5 70 19,000 pis of Naptha, at fw, 4,750 109,000 pouods of l'arattne, at Is 5,475 73,000 gals of Volattle oil, at Is, 3,650 30,000 gals of fixed Oil, al Is 1,600 .£23,tlZ. Thew results have not yet been made public In any way, in London, hut tf they should be fully borne out they will create • great sensation, since nearly one seventh of the whole surface of Ireland consists of bog. The commercial value Mittel va• emus article, has been waled considerably below the exinlng market quotations, and the charcoal, which would also be obtained in the process, has been entirely omitted from the estimate, to well as the subsequent value of the land that would be re claimed by the removal of the peat The state ment chow., nevertheless, a profit of more than lOU per rent. The purslane is a fatty, Inodorous man tar, and it is from this that the candles are made. I have one of them burning before me an this mo ment, and ihs appearance and flame are the same as was The light, however, seems rather less white than that from spermaceti, The tars can• . die manufactures In London have fixed the price they are willing to give for the paraffin° at Is per lb Oa.. W (11.10 and Remo. R. a Co, Third ai• pin eatlllida...toraat 5,1 , 5'50 . Taa ntookholJera of th e Ohio and Penosylvanne Reit Road Company are tle.by notified to pay the elanth thetunnent of Lye dollar. pet thane, ot the uthee of the Cennputy, on or krona the toth day of Atanst The Innth tostatorentl on or txf3ro the Moth day of Septoxab lt.o tenth thandonenr on or bolded the 201.15 day Cl Oetnoer neat. %37 vms c Alta fur an tha 20th it.E.BIARILABLY. CASE I I 1:V WEN CE IN Olig MIDST I ' Fams—Sir, I cheerfully comply wltlCloor to quoit that I would pre you en account of the almost =receipt. emu of my little daoghter's eye by the ow of vont 'Pearslctics" She was marked with a 'WV we. eye In February or March tam, when I monellaftle arTilml w ellotlPtlt medical m I to toe city, by orlon; It was pronounced " very fod eye" and all issue sus so hope of twang hoe any pad. &Ant 1 took her iow the coon try to an old lady, who had been very sueeessfol M curios eye.. see told me that her ram" was Lopeless, ar Ma would senainly lose ma wale that coo, bat also Mat Me other would foilow-st hems • serofulims eduction of Me Wool. Am! I do nettury that at the Um, my fuller Vasboni cams to the conelasioa halt we bed beam try your ' PerrolcuM," aux Was amp., luau or one rya. It in now about two atrostuo sbun sbn Amy= Lou use. and the cm now fee With both eyes ae good as eve" she ad ; and, ea Au la I can P• 11, I believe oho her, with the Itlcertoir of h. Aleut; My, been eared br Petrolenan.r Yowl, myrodolly, Fnsrn V.POII Com.. Filtaborrhh, hoyt. 90, psa. tiK , T•er s wenov ell, ua woad suet; R. r. Sellers, Wood suyet ;D. N. Curry, n. A, El- Lou, Jamb Mughot, god IL P. Sao:rafts, Allegb.7 y.b.o by the yropnetor, 77. N. KIER, nar7;dicor (.rut Day!, seventh Pittabargb Mr Da. bliiiarirri• Wen rasa—the astonishing demand for trite treat medicine seems in be on the inciease. \Wenn it has been introduced, it has at rained a popnlanty unprecedented In tie annals of medical practice. Plinuctuis are using ll in many ea.*, at least when they can obtain it. Tatlonia, .hoverer, need not to nailer the expense of asking medical edrlee, al they eta purchase a boa alba User Pills, with welch din:attar" will ha furnished , which will wort aepcedy ewe. The fallowing letter from an agent show. Its popolanty ut the motion from which the letter te dated:— Burial Cabir s, Bedirnid Co March VA, 1,47 I KW Winid at., Pittsburgh— Gentlemen • -Pie find we nen ...Al a g tau tunnY mars of Di M Lana's Pills 1111111 your agent inn us. nese !'ills arc Mull) . thing to favor, and aro has • Cutest sold .11 that we Lad. If you can send us It Of twelve CO.. 111010 bone., they Intl lust perhap tad your sdunt can hung us s rum supply. T & J KELLY .tfj - Fax tale Cll. ILI LIDS VO, No CA W.N.I una nol6.4klret DII. D. Hill 7. • Dentiat.Comerofrourth Inua Amour, Dews. . _ natiAllte PALL IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE, LOGAN, WILSON & CO. WOULISTREE7r, pie t. w' ptermied with t largo and fresh mint of Eionish. German, and American Hardware. to oder tuimitor induccurente to biome. Those wiltilnir t..i.ast wilt promiou thoir 1.4 idotirm iu,igh our stock, um mcy arc dsminitacd to sell oh lie met: cramitshic terms R. P. TANNER & CO., 'SHOE WAREHOUSE EA W ood at, balsa etun Third t Faux th dr: cow reatrung their vary lama and aticollor F Stool of , BOOTS, SHORE, AND BROSANS BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of a. late. 'styles, nod eaprenly adapurd to the western trade. It has been selected alai great eine, and as to esze and qua Ity Is not surpassed by any stock In b ;found then east or well. bler canniness and mat tehm-de generally are tented to call and egendne, a ?we are determined to tell OD the most reasoned Irma Also, Goodyear'. Patna Bobber Shoes of a , kinds acurttdif fiCHCOURACIS HONIG lAIITITIMIONI CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, of Pittsburgh C. G MUSSES', Pace.• • . Wllll Rse., 6 otii,•—tio. 41 Winer MGM, In the Of Oft hOtISO Of C. !If. GRANT. . . CO r .f li k i i B nds oi l a N s, Y on " lio n us ." es, " m e gsla d e:rt i el n. , u s " oo o d i a l 'merchandise in more, and in transits vessels, to. ample gummy for the ability and Iniquity at ',the lattluelon, la &lorded in the character of the Di rectors, who ate all siken. of Pittsbargh, 'well and favorably known Mille conuttaallY for Mar Prud.rler, Intelligcnce, and integrity. • Diascrons—c. G. Hassey, NVm.ltagaisy, Wm. Lor knee, Jr., Wallet Bryan:, Hugh D. Kiwi, Ejected • Henseiton, John Haworth, B. Harbaagh, S. M. Kier. a1,30:.tt improves:immix v Paatistry. DR. 0.0. STEARNS, late of 8000112, 13 preparcdto wanulletnro and set Du= Txrrn In whole and par of ut.. upon doetlon or Atmospberla Suction Plates. roolrecill MED as rive curvuoi, wherotha nerve sapmed. Often and rendenco next door to the May or'• °Mee, Foarth went, Pittobnrxh. R.. 73 ro—J. O. hrradden.P. 11. Eaten. Into V. B. DiAlllllll6 1101IP1TA3. QP:PARATE: Proposals will IC received until the .1,1 20th bst.. by the nadersigned, at his office, no 43 L.v . hanrr illmlldiege, St. Clair street. for the following wore, .t the Vniled buttes storks Unpaid, near this clir—For furnish.ng and delivering about 42,000 cable yards of cant, for filling up and levelling the elm, ln ocean:lance with a grade swineherdl be given. Per larnltting and delivering street 2,000 cable yenie of nabble sumo and for covering the woe with about 3 AI 30 cubic yawls of gravel toproteet the bank of the Ohio River —the gravel In be taken from the beach at low water. For the excavation sod memory for the extension of the maid sewer,a distance of abootll3oSeat. There will be shoot 600 cable porno of light clean:lon (or sower and aids drains, and about 400 robin Tonle of stone memory. Toe sewer to be built of bud sad dagill=gri Ilene ,i te e rl i ar a d Is: r l s g;:ta O. (sacs to *getout the site. . . All material. and work most be sages to the isV pettloa tad *pigpen' of the sepeeireandant. The• ule wee k to be completed as tasty next 11151111111 M •reetlegble. Contracts and bonds, 'grub two appmend 'mom will be inquired to be entered Into within ten dare alter notification of acceptance of the bids. Plans and specifications tithe work can be peen, and nab other informuloo Barney berceelred, cut be obtained at die odic*. J. EL ROBINSON, Papenntene% rasher^ Nay S,l.Pa—noentd • was IIIIT0116 1 . 1 nr ,: j Wscre—Plausinaaoalathsaaiiat Wcal ax Emma, at-the Facet Ward. a' MinaldaM ibr Maya; as Iba amas s elastic.% albDO th° atom of the Wale Conieutlan,lollobllta MANY WEISS °FERE SECOND WARD. cattail ida.EnTos—PlenseannallineJogn D. Diair.of Third Wald, • ossdidats (or Mirror. be° ll " 4 Lad Whig Cour ration. uoleidtincd FORT =OS Carr. moan 1 Rasura it nandacad is' candidata far the Mayoralty, at the nett alunon, 'ablaut to the d.tiadtt or the *lda and Irl andmaronlo C Carwco• don. If nandagted he will be supported az an &Alva men of • good citizen and a etaple.tnall,Ts.ey • - W Cool. late High Constable of Pit tsburig, aU he supported as a candidate for the Ace of OW at the next election, subject to the declaim of the %Nide and Antiznasosie City Cortvention , by ticaulavrtil MANY VOTERS Ma. Erma—You Inn please announce that I. R. L-Wlaunun, EN.. Will be supported by his friend& as candidate for the °nice of Mayor at the next election. aublect to the decision of the Whigand Mnemonic t;oeentlon. C."atllun. [not2dayirter ISIXTII WARD. RESIDENCE WEIR BALE THE tutweriber oiler, for sale, the plate on ankh be wild , . lit We taricond Ward, City of Alle gheny, containing tat acres, the improvements consiet of e cottage Mansion, huge grapery and dwelling, poser' lodge, barn, limbic, unit carriage house, to gether with • thrifty apple and peach otchard. The grounds are ham:mambo laid off with beautiful shade and fruit trees, shrubs, flowers, dm Title ledaputeble, one postee.ton omen lounedtate- W. Enquire at the remises on Ohio lane.= at the othee of W ROBINSON. acendlevaitT ire Fuerth It, Pool:m.1h I 733=3 A Ita.i.?ikTlB on Plbinn! straction In A. N., hll&pett! " Alton Locke—Tutor and Poet; .n Autob i ography. Inn Amory of Madame Rolastd By lottu Abbot. neld Book 01 the Bovolution. liontou 1 lAeeine. No D. Received for sato by IL C 540,41 t ['ON rllolel, Bookvellot v iltudet. hoed Coelure h. hluitet u! (Journal, Foal, and Chronicle, ropy BUTTI ll—r 1.41. nilne freak, received, and lor male Ly LL DALZKLL &CU, tto'N 1J1..11f .1 Tr _K EG BUTTER-7311.gs sur sale 14 DALZEI.L.k. CO S ALERLTUS-23 was Xi and ,or Ly It II ALZELL k CO CLOVER & Tlhlo rRYHEEDS-10 WI. of each, on band and tor sate by • SODA Afflf cast. yrrf•tnir yin Parmsylvanly Cuual, fur snit. by fIOBERTrON & REP ART aroYo.4lltn BACKUP 111 VSIC TIIE new Carmine Sacra; or Boston eondetln. et Chansh Must, comprising the Mon , poppiu psalm and hymn tone. lo general atm together with a great •anosy of new tunes. chat it, motets• and nil • Merits; the whole being one tit tee mast corn slew eol• leen Ins of matte tor eLoirs, donates anon., singing setwole and beset es. avant By Lowell Minton. A aupplr the elo,o cc iii eil and for sale Ly JOHN 11 ArELLAIR, Sit Weal at he Sleight of Folly. T " pal 5111/ and II ee pee petted tot Blatt Tea, when .he ve M o nol ..apotind auto the U. States Is now teleFei by tlawurtb, the Diamond. at :dean. per lb node XCELLENT FAMILY TEAS. Sec pee lb, fee sue E ey ine2lll MORRIS It IIAWoRTR CAIvi)IEU th IrlarS RAI'Ii M IC"Ateßolft'tVii,TUßlbN DiTr v .. l:: , .lll4 7, J e ct . :l . r a cc o e d i , v , r w, Ll :ro k ta , Ctn e nnau, and nn to MORRIS & lIAWURFII TBE belt of nines and Brandies, sortable Ine• diet:sal or other purposes, cla always be procured wholesale or rots:: at hfORRIS &HA as ORTIPS r.c Itt Tea & Wina Swne, In the Diamond rillie ntilva for sale the farm on which 1. he rebid., tituate iula.. lb township, on the Youghiogheny River, three •nd • half mi.es above McKeesport, conialning 141 a with etc al pri lsge of one acre of row, said cres, farm, of which DO sorer are cleared. A large new brick house, log barn cam crib, and waraa abed, two apple orchards and cider mill. Terns ea. Tin, indiaramble If said soon. p.c.oa will ne given an the to of April itiooraltivi JOHN:ION ELROD IX rec. A. aIcCLURO tr. CO would insure:Lilly m- VD form their oultomett and the panic, that they will hereafier be constantly supplied with FR IN 11 lit/ST/M+. dady retired tram Baltimore. ooto 015 LIEN CHEESE--A :al of very soperit r Gayly. kj C.f.., lam c ern ILILI for tale Ly ocr.o td A ILIeCLU LIG & CO SMOKED 116RRIOTO—LATEs nen monied, 4n En• order Ina.red I re srno by WM A MeCLURO & CO CM I&)Liberty_ll_ ALLSGIIIIiNir COUNTY S. as Court of Comm. PI .of Derwilw T. • 100. No 53. A T et Common Nese, Leiden Pittsbeneh, tor 11 , eounty emoreseJtt, on the icitt de, of No• •Mber, up .an Le peutiono Johnlrsrto, settieg seat Lem Joh. Danis, lorencely os two malty, exc. . •. • ...cad to the Boot of the United Stoic, n cettalo 1.. &mom of hlorty rm., In doe to: in of law, recorded to hie/mace Boot e. p 424, for securing payment of inn.. promissory notes ttittem mentioovO, to That murfeenon has never been entered upon the Record of the saran, although it tho hest cirreutlonies beim!. said mongag.e has Deco fatly NM, and has so conamtd lot more than two years, and that said petunia*: Is menaced' the .mottgeged premises The Court grant the prayer ofi, the pantumer, end iMPOlut the fourth Monday of December heat, for tea patties intaresttd to arpear and answer acid paddoo, and direct the MINIM to give notice of t h e came and Cake time appointed, to the legal tepresentalmee and per sons bummed, by ten Ire of Roane porsmalty on ouch am Mall be found in said county, and by pubb cation t f said notice inane tiewsp &per In Raid county none a were, for Pout meet. sot cursively, pnor to tie next term of mid Court U 7 the Coot . GCO e. HATS, Pro:ley. Legal repremnisitsca and CI penene intererted are hereby notified to appear to mil Govt, on the 410 Mondry of December nevi, and ...um the Pod.. a. Comsat& • C CU lair., Saone. unintdltswWlei as • Clerk or Salesm•n in •ritsteontac Ko Inoue, by • gentlemenrano has nod ace U . portent, in • general ,bonnet. Salary not so mach an object tea situation. hardware or grocery bash nesg would bet preferred. Address Cox No 47, AIN gnome city P. O. SaneNetafY folorenoex 4.11 b given. nab: tlw•', LONDON NaIIIBITION .44LL person• Ind/melee to ioneard trade, to the Louden Indestilal Exhibition, are regareted to ,1, forthwith to eny of me entelbes of Ma COM tante, as It to toccata that a report o f sputce re gained should be mate to the Centre' Commute, by the Met of December For slather mformaelon, apply to TllOB IIaKEWELt., WILUINO, Ll'ON, IlioillPLUrthidt. LIVINCi3TON. IgiILASSE ,4 -30 Larvae New Chicano tirolawer prone entetr, jam received for sale nOI9 JOllll WATT & C et ==:l UST received of 450 Loosny stool, Layer Raisins, to whote.half, qb a eighth bo Bunch Jo Jo Jo Jp Jo Seedless do; Sultana do, Malaga Grape., Extra . la large an.l small doom., ease Fancy Prunes, in boxes. The above are all la fine order, and will be Sold lo nolg WM A IIIeCLURG Ar. CO FLOUK-1130 brloT P PollooVe Flout, bust reel! for sale Ly BURURIDOC &INCIURAM, 0010 IteiValorlot f,ff k BURCHFIELD maim attenhan to Metr fall aseartmant at goods, peealiarly ada v ed for Cu. %a..., Mom made ode Elem. BI aNKETt.I %Vat. Iluter made Flaenell. do Twine, .la, Boned and Brown • J., Welsh Flannels . Linsey,: Darrel Failure Clarke, Winter Moslem Arial:tar a, Wormed Scar% Cantons, au. a: north coal corner of Fourth and Market needo. . 0010 SALE OF COFFEE N Waaae , day, the talk aoatani, at 11 4;tek et, at k.llhe were Lowe, O'Deraiell 7 e Wharf, 14011.110 re, 4830 bags prime grown Rio Goff... Catalogue. wal.ue prepared, and eamples will Le tidy for etemensaon Inc day aelare toe sale. nolaaad %Val U HARI:II9ON rlttind--d25 lg. amyl§ Vont g 'Black, and 1m penal Test, on hand and to unite, lot sal. by nolo A CULBERT: 4 _OIi A CLOUSE 150 c. , erry tonne Y.ll. and hap. Tent, on hand end to anion, lon nate by nol9 A CULBERTSON e. CLOUSE CIDER VINEOAR-75 brls on hand and for We to . hol9 A. CULBERTSON & WARE 1 ugly " - fZ g2gr aVErrlrallE CI O.IP-141 Rues No I coop for rule by 1,7 rtoi 9 RIIEY, MATNIEWS &CO POWDER -MO Kelp Rook Powder, for sale by bolt WWI% MATTHEWS & Co B UTTES—:dkegs froth packed, Id 6113 do do :• brit do packed . , 3.04. for sale by WM BALMEY & CO nole 19 6 20 Wood m FEATHERS -1S ruler live recre, Ohio, for sale by noi9 IVoi BAUALEY & CO DRIED FRUIT-2W bu dried Peaches; 103 brk dda Appits, for lode hp ,:013 WM lila:ALM' k.CI./ 'MEW brlsjut reed for ;tote by j both HARDY. JONES aCO NECIAR LEAIRTOBACCO—OD bxs Jost ree'd for We tor fool9l • SMOOT. JONFA &CO y pigs Galena., landing traps simmer 1.4 J. Q. Adams, ond fn sale by noia JA.B A lICTCIIISON & CO S " ra•c r at'ultriq CO B. SYRUP MOLASSES-40 brio Si Louis, mid 0, per steamer J. Q; Adams, axed for aolo by tote JAS A ItUTCRISON t CO RE FINED 9 UOAR 9 -700 lirts smsil Istat, crushed, powdered, end elariArd, in store and for sale by JAM A 'HUTCHISON 6 Co nol9 A u not Loots Boole Refinery. IR7 BITE FISH. PICKEREL t TROCT-53 barrels V ma MP WM., Os hmd and for sale by note IVIC6t MeCANDLESK PEARLS -13 mkt received for sale ter , doll WICK & SIdCANTILESS HERRINGS-4001bz. dry, foF wiox It:BI i CceNDLEIS not! 1010TATC/ES-40 barralv for ..lo bY /. nolB W ICK & &WCANDLESS nIIZE6E-1) b. Cream JIM received (or gale by V We meg G mecANDLEss litß°°" --. ' "' c '''''i ,l vriT&Vl l NlLEss Jr.. nail Tilt -100 Ws N. C. Tg.%4lr c ri . sg oituniss . 10 Beb, I Wu, &d. lionldets4.l suns and note It & riss Pant Basin NACICENEIO brla No 1, forsalo by note- KIER DVITSIELSYS SUGAR CUBED HAIII3—A small let tor Wee)— Inot8) PHA & JONES DPS - VSNISONIII - . noIB liti3ll¢ lONEI V pole DTA BI.UON elf ww KlgU k 702f~0t "DOLIVAR FIRE BRICE & CLAY. tonnamlT on h•nd and for side by RIER lk JONES f ARD 01L-19 brie No I. far Wel bele VI fa lONts J. T. pedant. Woodward : Builds's and Erectors al Lilfhtnive: Rats, en Seunt.f.c Prene7ks. /ADDERS loft at due office or ;he PearloHo.. I,J for persons! late rricers can Le seen on Fortillt residence of Dr. Haat, between Market and Feny. References—Professor9illtman, Editor of Millman% Journal; Professor 0 Si Mitchell, of the Ciaciaran Ob.erV•lo7y; Professor Robert Pcter,of Tr.:asylum. Unive,sity, Kr. Protessor Chester Dower,lL si D. Neer York ; Professor J. L. Cassel, Clearland ' verslty, Ohio; In pitteburin—j,, W. Loomis, John Harper, Within McCandless, Mr. Childs. Colonel. Mersin, Rea. Mr. Sparks, J. D. Williams. Melo: Harding, IL H. Arsenal, I John Irwin & Son., L. Harper . D. N. White, A. Marsball, John Sampson. Mawr DarLs,Jno H Shorn. 4"P'' nolnditetitfd A. \p. L'OBTBB. ATTORNEY arid Counsellor at Law, Mee No Itt9 Faun I Slftel, oppolte Wtlkitta Plusoargh, A. nolG.iltw&wtvw 0. -41,n`Prirvi ENGRAVER UN WOOD, IHILO HILL, Mira awry), Pltuburgh, I's. VIEWS of Buildlnss, Machinnfr. Ilddda or tie.. pnpers. Pronnxpmees, Landscapes, Wag In coin,. Scald for lliviano., Borden., and Associ ation. Cotton Stamps, kc"ln We ant 61710 Of an, and at the lowers • dee* PolO:ddeetlS 133310 by T EN . ,, r 4 Watt of Pittsburgh StoslsUAHlt, THE OLD PRINTING ESTAHISIENT, (Lein Johnston & Stockton's) .4,1 Mani Bad and &snowy Worthows. W. a HAVICIN Book Staling; and famish every at sne to the Black nevi, Paper, and etationery line, the .nor est no. nen and on the most reasonable terms Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, cornet of Market and Second , In teem 4 Prlutmg tidier and I , oolr. trindery, No 50 Third at. A liNol.D`d, Ribbon's, Hog. & it pawn's, and trartivon'. Slack, Red Scarlet, it Sundae lake. tiontsis, Faber% Brookman & Langdores,,Jacto too',, and Monroe'. Mae% sod Red Lead renal.. I. bused. of every de.nprion; Gdicat.s, Cohen% Pratt's, Levy'., Kelly'., Leman's ' an and sober m.. at tomo. el Steel Pro.; 0. & NE. Smith's (atieoesinie ra A. o.ll.ilay n. CO) calebrated Gold Pens, with gohl and Oloyt Whardasn's Enallait Musing Paper-10111quart., double elephant, atlas, columbler, super royal, royal end elephant; Sclatol Boardr, cop, demy and median. Ser.ora.d board, fruity box paper, plain gold and allver,earbos.ed gold,lllver and fancy colored pap., gold and colored erupt and COILICTS. and irthogrsans tor fancy boxes; prepared parchment of al size*, amiable fat their., charters and diplomas . French note paper, shay a on hand, the most desirable styles, glees and palter., plain, gat , embossed and silvered, sot able bails, partite. exeddisat and moarning. wench note envelopes. plain end embossed; letter envelope., bourn; white and blew lea and glebe ,td. Lest , . envelopes, bold bloc cod White. Wafers; wafer caps, sari , us patterns; writing sand; bran, tin, cocoa imd Torks• boxwood sand boxes; copying press., ink., brushes, French and English copying Looks, and oil paper; tissue paper or all ewers; red and white paunt [dotting paper: pelt knives. a a. The above, .tei.t all other ankles In the Steßerea lite, bath Macy bed ample, Mettler with a large at ., rtment of Wank book. and memorandum books of 11 common forme of mho', la cum) , style of binding, told paper of all tines ard qu &am, for sale at reduced rate, on the molt reasonable terms, at W. O. JUNKY'S Blank Book and Stationery Warehousi, tole Corner of Market and Second its. NOTION.. pig , : • cello:Aden or the Pennsylvania Salt Muni. frotratne Company ate notified that an instal ment of tie CI. hal3and Wild kit, dollars per share is reqni red to be paid on the itith i1111(2.1, at the odic. dl Coyle. Learnt, Esq, Philadelphia. ill order cane Board of Lfireetora. GEORGE THOhIPSON, Treasurer h Seel* Taranto/el, Nov. Luke Superior Trout Saloon• 30 BULB Lake Yupoilor That SaIRIOLI, just mold from the Pittsburgh and Port Royal Cooper Mining Co. Them fah far exceed, In firm flavor and fatness, any ennaht In MG lower lakes, and aro put up expressly for family nee. 11. C. WILLY, noididter Cor. Fifth et &Markel Imlay QM+ iiIDA--JU C 1.11.• LI4 wortg solo ny 1.7 note B.A FAHNESTOCK a. co Qeb,rbaklt;--tsskned.lor oak by 10 no‘ln B A FAHNESTOCK tCO k . ... ..._. •. _ . ._, 7 cams ebony. sny—a:l37,tiC' 6 1(4UOIlltai 61.61.1.--17 curl meny. saliTiT — n aoICI ll A FAIiNkATUCKA CO E PSO5lB.l.l.l3—SIbbl. just received anTh — FEFO ICIDD & Ctl noi b l fro woe.4lEi ILL COlllB-3,ibil no•Tassoned, jinn Mtiled awl for ~Jo by • laollL J KIDD& CO C ." ..T,I LIw"'' —'b‘—"` by &CO T U n I i t i ULORS-40 doi,a!sonall tOrrIV I ; co ig E n iffir o ,„ ARNO,' ROOT—I - ealr j rar c r o A .k. o r. ARICOW ROUT-2:0 ILllor gala L) DriortlE-711bd assorted WI colors) for sale { , T Lb nol6 J KIM & cO VLORERTE LEAF—SU buodlea Car sale by C mole .1 SLOB &CO M - CKtREL - -o b - blZbir — rt I . laToraitisiby aole A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE P i °IP CoD - F l i r gareltrZ r fig E rflUtia CO—COU Dis cbolza br for We by noi6 A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE STS--la r•H• for rein bY A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE CICOTCII HERRING-100 b.. for sale by . roll A CULBERTSON & CLOU.,E AVETIV large mad select assortment ci Pt-kles, Ketchup. danuo, Etc. Tram the celebrated mtab listiments of Underwood in Boston, aid Smith a Co Philadelphia, censtantly on hand nod fp: este., at low tame at ISO 1.-ber.ty et, comptistne Outlaw k gal, arts, et. pts. Mimeo Kew). up. gm ll.pts Pleolitis, do do Walnut Ketehup.ma, bilged {bates, do do dimhtoom Ketchup, 01110., aitla an/ pa, Pepper Sauce, go. and pu . Welauts, sp,e, Cape", Tomatoes, mt. tabwilab Autos. Now openi.d. a large addltion to the !shove, to which, we ropeedulls vett the atuntitm of home. keepers and deal.... W5l A itcCI.V BO .k. CO rude . _ _ Cur,L"'" "" "Vtal:Tib&yuebiNerr ualitt - TrTas - alio lovr, to Om 1.81 ENGLISH BENNETT ii-cw A ITFLIT::6 - trar/11.c7TIXTOITMFbi .16 Vi 7,11-66 hale Latta No 3 alackarel Z. do 6o No I Lake flak 23 do do Not Cod Fhb nolt; For Wit by -JOH N WAIT &CO 81:1.i R-111 blutiiiime tor me by nolo JOHN WATT L CO • DHOOMR-400 doo lama oarTbiTros WATTrtrb y LIII note JOHN CO 110A - b IdAlittvti; a mlnd2.l at the prittatplea and practice of road mating, cnmpnang the location, amarruttlon and improvement of roads, common, Macadam, pasta, plank, an., and calf roads. By W. 0 Gillespie, A. u. , C E New edition, with addiuonn A low copes for mac by Et 0 BTOCIUON, Hook antler, Printer ft Binder, note ' 47 Marker at DUFF'S BOOK 'KKEPING—A apply of Dora Book Kotaltor and Blank Book ,medal , nold B C STOCKTON rAmetlcao. Port atul Chronicle copy) B Urralt-1 bra lash roll, In , olotk; • Bath do , do - 0c crock. do do, tor oak 1., nolo i B CANFIELD TAtg.gtv—t. 1=r sala by. J 13 CANFIELD pEARLE.--t. urri - rczcrvelfor rate of anIA 0 - CGA cola J 13 CANFIELD. IDIMI El!lffnl . or We by B 9 IV HARBAUOti: Oza cream cheese seed-for saleby novl6 S a W lIABBAUGH param—. barrels Wiow /CO. wad for sale ET osl6 S & W FIABBLAYEIIi ""'"`VZ'‘;',lrLiait`o l ll"i Gu.N.:II BAGS tVfibillElAl3o C n iliN e r--43 has landing at I . I NL L UCIEETS—SO dos Beaver bassets and 3 des tee en reeeinni and tor sale bir amEsDmzEu nevid , I , ANNKIAS , 014—Co bDu Tanen , arum oil navld • JAMES DALZELL ObOCOZiato. COCOa• 1 LET received at Ma Many ettemot the most celebrated romwfactaren, a Awe assortmeat of Fresh Chocolates of the allotted kinds mentioned below, vim— E Fgfet, ' . BalLersl Doable Vanilla, I do Coto*, Prf2domt', NonOlk, Hoccsopuble, A La Carlene, zw i ep tage The tact! anties of the Owe me mode of the hest Cll COCO. sod watenledipare. For sale, wholesale and retail, by note WM A MeCLUIIO i CJ S U°4l'— t t h rI . : SVO7LcIf th 9 1. r IS bx.s M do do • 15 bolt crushed DUEY. AId d I I T I OIF.. "I, V I I3 VD° nai; b". nolfi P frITY R' , AZillitV9 it CO T giV a ltraf ctests Y. ....4n-i-Zojztooby T-0-13ACCO-167 b.:eVl.7*i and lb balm ?t leis Gedveu 6 twist, for sato by note MATTITIMS & pl6ll-13 ,4 bri 1 s • NNoo J fl mackerel; errin 11 casks Codfish; lr bxs dry Herrint, fcr solo hy ;WO RHEL ILIWITHEWS c 0 Dunkin, I shiakets & SURCLIFIELD have Jun receistd a fmee apply of home made aedesriera Eilacikesa Terse to fifteen Dollara peepsir, the hrier• broadaxe snide, and very superior: 'also, Crib lad Cradle Blanket, ofdiffetero rites. cold won ILL 'VIE FACTOHY meted on Rea comer of Rebecca I. acid Corbel streets, =that . *bumph to laeoet arm, recently pat la tbateashetpelr. Pelee meter me, sad term cagy . Apply to .. Lela flIALLObtla tlae day reed for salini A LT E ; JI. =IP SIIRMR AB - , 1 •It !NHITING-160 In a supartar,fAt at N. , b 7 -, . .DA PAHNESTOCK ACO AM ' ear. First to Wood ~.., rls raid-8M...U. -- di b for .ale by nnl6 B A PAUNF.ATOGIC & CO Srte — itikkWaTint,—ao - 0 . 3 nolE Bs F r Algall2K C 0 SIG HT t) RA F T 9 NEW TOY[. HAL TYNE° RR PHILAOELPH I A, CINOLNNATI, LOUNIIVILLE, ST. LOIN!, kik 121 GOLD COUNTRY. (LENS h. CO, Car. Tt.trd k Market Ego i'lLOVlta—l WI • .1 bola A YARN F-31005 & N ilua.4oo kais - assoriad ea, brand E. ols by Ibotil IMIIID/r. IRVIN - BAR IRON-300 robs *aim for ulo bola . LAIRD*. IRVIN PAR—ILO-bar riTari far ula by , K 25 ISAIAH WORRY A 'Cu bola 7, %Vat. la Ufa:SE— st 40a bid in ore siaibi r — Gls Di nol4 ISAIAH DICKEY k. lA, ail: FISH—/brio and i bd. Cassia by • note • ISAIAH DICKF.Y et Co VIBE &WAVER PEWS)/ eniftlerTAL PANT 40 brit in store and for into by note D I I , C t E i tFy "a a.tv . note ISAIAH DICEEY &Cu HONEY—/ beautiful itticte. poi up itCt./es foe family 14n, plat received for sai• by WAI A ItioCI.URO (A) nota i-itiarty at PINK AMPLE elfek:SE—ialThiTstraPiWitoitrid, L very handsome, toot Me Mead for ale by dot KIM A MrtILURO & CO TALR-100 brio N. C. rm.. for salc t. y • 0014 WM Itn.IALEY a CO CriCOAT.ire• - •;PAbas Baker's Coc,r; 30 bau doUm, V, 50 bze 4c. No le.colam, for sato by r,,,AaIf_ILVIII H PMALF.Y a CO IV' A C ILEICKL.-1 ,10 bola No - 3;7.ii;UT6i ---- : WM atoi.ll,EY fr. CO nol4 .i lBu .20 Wood et rioliTlitrzflico — ii - a - blutiar .`td r..1.i.111.7.1d A manufacture, In maaallne and i • at: m 314 J B DI r..v . , writ k. CO 14 DILWORTH & CO Sl4r , t i s 4 I.llo , E r —ti b_r_lastpenar4ll/414T... W l)"—k r ijal llll4l‘ 6 lol4ltiOHßXlO 0014 • 111 Water It I-60 brit N.C. Tar, for sale 1,, ~014 DURBISIDGE & RA (Halm erla n. tiTtdafi..es, for sale by 171 nol4 lIIIEIBRIDGE k /NOUR&M O&PiO0 4as . RiiilfiFosstfir sol 4 • 131/1113ELLVf.k INGIHRAM VIdU-5 calks Jest reeelea f.r sale by Wolf DURBEIDGF. & INGIFIRAM ells No 3; 10F do NI I, for sale by SURBIIIFYI3F. & INGURAM .ASSES -1 10 6 41:Sfe:gl i ra ' WA „4; tale Golden Byro Pt Co , ulo bY nOl4 J D WILLIAMS IeCO 0 UN 01311K5-1 carom S. etiar , EG; abler. Pepper; 1 bale Camas; 1 brl Clever; 1 brl Or. Alast=rd; 1 brl Omaar; 1 brl erpper, 1...;r. by JD WILLIAMS & CO OUTLINE AMPS. PELTON'S aplendol outline Maps aro new being Introduced to all the leading school* In New England and -New York. We 111,,0 obtain° . tha agency for them In Pittsburgh, and invite teachers and school comnduces to call and examine *am— No I.—Map oftht Westet n liendsphera, /Nara Mats Nog— do :Eastern do No do :North America, 70 zE4 Nod— do 'United States, 0511 No tk:.- do 'Europe, 70g62 Noe; do Ada, 70x711 N 07 . - do Li America de Africa, 70 I*4 Peke of the series, with key. 225 i or the first Red Hemisphere Maps, with key, Stn. These Maps treIItITIVII/Gd m aCC coney. beam f tad cheapness, and adapted to the aunts of the primary, grammar and high school. of the U, iced Stales. 'For publisher's armee, wittout addition el freight chargesi MUM EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE, alas Car. Market & Fourth sm. watiLmalcoons. 75 BALES Scarlet Flameli. all grades . ; 10 bales Scarlet twilled Flannel; all pada.; 25 bales Yellow do do; 25 do White , Oa de 6 do Green Booking do do 600 pra approved styles Blank.; do 50 pe 7l map. sack Flame is, all e hada.; 09 pa French, Gerzna,n Wen of Englaad, and Moeda. Black, Mae, Brown, & Invisible Green Broad Claim; 30 pa Beaver Clath,:anOitted calms; 15 pa Ulan, Brown, Green, and Black lean; Jut received from Inanuatatare ra, and recent Import slice. Merchants ate reapectrally Invited to call cud *amain* the same at A A MASON & CO'! ml 2 • • 1 6 , & 04 blinker at nner.i . i/Celia iittninlotitiiitkiFriii US opportunities th os ti n itiford capitalists far in vestment. From - filly to one Loitered thousand dollaa of the beat real eststo motion., baying to gm from air Mouths to six year. and in tomato suit. WOK NAL*, AFEW Shares CU Mina Stock; also, North American and W“tere!mural,. Stoek. Apply to Ihr.lrd & heir, 114 Second street. Oar 00000 4 441tply—all open, ItAfinteHY& BURCIIFILF-1..0 [1.6 now notoploteJ AL the opening of a very largo SECOND supply of Goode for the Mlle', and ran otter every Induct, moat to buyers to make their posettasea from theta. lakes will hod • •• . •... French Marinas and Coburga et all desirable nolorii Printed French Cashnu re+ and de Laines, all von l; ()old Medal do in groin variety, cr revs my's., at ZS sins; Neat styles and solti colors, as :ow as ifl an, Changeable Poplins in great solely of ileac., Dress Silk and Satins of newest ntyles and most desirable calks. ' . . Seasfa; Nook Ribbons, Boone flthbour,Oloves and IFloster7, treq sad a tall supply or Housekeeping Goods, at lowest possible prkes. Emeetal attention Is also lathed to their chow., Helm of flidnlng klus• Wm End bitSl/2111.6.—tb. /MTV North oasteornes of Fourth eltd Market eta non O. recelled ~ ratey awl, 1 .1 28 Wood In _ . _ . *MUD linTlloo% . TICAST. TB(9campoandi.warranted to produce thowitkin described effects, as follower -Directions (or making Dread, Tea Cates Bank• .when Catea, &c., by welch a aaving is granted to 'Moffett. of about I.3pse cent., . ' To mak. Bread—To each pound of Enna add two raft7=til!eomf Compou n d rtu_lt 1 and el ' : .Thfleg quan tity , thY th?; make. a prepared noltr Y that you ' ran set astati t ana use at lelmnr), then add as teeth cold Wittr as will make the dough the anal thmkreAsL knead I, win, a,.d let stand afteen mina... before baking, one or two hours will do no hurt. Biscuit should ha culled mach thinner, add baked at once, but will do no hart to stand fifteen or twenty minutes There is no claw gut of getting Wo mach of this Compound In the Brea& at will not turn the bread irdow as secretes •does when need b exec., • ton can Pat Ult.anor it Compound into Tea Cakes Po ditto es, Jo ban kCak es, Indian Cekes, Ginger Cakes Corn Meal Cake., Cora Bread, Brown Bread, Biscuit Haber Cakes, Beekerbeat Cake.. Apple Duraplitd. Pot Pies, and for all baking pupates. Bold by , It B BELI.ERS. 17 Weed at tiVel/LATE,--+ no 1 IDI s.. oy . 111,13 DURBRIIKIF, IMAIRAM """L" beIjoON , WAKI-11 .4 CO -oc=wa , *eceirz6d 6 'efaz•e , Cotner of Third end Nut. meet.. CHADDS:BED A. D Tae only Charmed Inc ltmloo of the kind in Etan..i 1 • John Fletnidg, Ptlnalpil In..nattor In ;he Seleocx Account. • • i.:Alixoberlgi, PrAiesee: of Penzatzsehlp, Mcr• settle Cooh pp le. Alex. AI: Witten,. Eeq., Leeturel on Coo/mere:al The COinrie of inmmetion naiad. Book Warrant, and its application maser) , blanch of Umbrae, tee total on Commerelnl In and redettnercial Solencc, Penatanthip, Met eanule Computation. ike. Etudenta ens enter the College at any lime, and wilen entitled will receive a Diploma, alined by the Panel and. gcsminin Committee. nun Impealoi Scotch wad Isiah Whiskey. In PUNCHEONS gtewart's celebrated Malt Wm.. AU key, of very delicate armor. paneheons hienat's WaterOlde, extra Quality end high proof, ender custom noun lock. Also, Ittendles of ditrattitt 'intern and brands la holt, quarter, and omen." Impose. and for sale 67 A II MeCALLA, roptrettecallet itp—SO W.lnut Philndelphla j — ULFS — Tio& - TkUrr filiK r intiVflgirritd:- . WhireT t the man whO does not spotters te the loam of as easy shave, If any there be, we do not address cor selets to him. Eat to all others wo say, if you wish to render drying a pleasure, purresre S. hexer Jules Hanel'. Almond Putieldo or A intaottiel Stateleg Creates. 'lt le utterly impossible to end words to de scribe the feelings oft person who 'has been %media Shaving with ordinary soap, upon . making tile of tht• for Ike kilt time. it is a combination of wonder, ad ',ellen, and piastre. HAIIRIIS SHAVING CREAM Is exceed ingly emollient; rerideriug the mitlest and most wiry beard softand pliable, Producing •n admgmble lather, and by tie extremely mild nature allaying all Irrita tion, sod preventing that .plate.t and stir feeling tribe akin which Is ao often exrerieneed atter thriv ing. Gentlemen using Jules Bandits Sharing Cream may (see' the' coldest and most piercing wind. im mediately titer Its use, without the eitin becoming chapped. And shore who once lOC at, we can tritely say will never net sty other. One peat advantage, which will be especially an. preelated by those who wear madders, le the fa•t that It will dircalor tie beard, which will do, gim not e II 11.0 Or rum appearamost soaps nce to the edge of the wasters. Jule. Haupt'. Shaving Creams tee delightful preparation., compounded with Atli. td the u tter excite/on of all arta les calculated to render the operatioo of allaying or. lessen; and will b/UPPPIPtIte/P lir ail who snake tri I of them. Prepared only by . .JULES MAORI.. Per/. r •23 alerglll. • .. 100 4.3IGIUMt Far sale, 'wholesale end retail, by . A Falmetteck CO, and R. F.FelleMPittsbursh; ed John °Sett:eel and J Mitchell , Allegheny City WHOLESALE FALL GOODS A. A. MA S ON 84. CO, '• ' 65 it G4II:IA.REET ST., : • - niTlinfat, fa., WOULD solicit the •ncution or Merchant< from all sections of the country, to their immense Rack of New Fall Good., comprisi74l , ro lateen and most mo complete assortment in the ern country, consisting of 273 loses erylef Pointe; 40 do Imponml sod Alberie. Gingham*: ns do ilipaccas, reramanav, and Merin.; ' ,W. do Cashmeres and De Lathe: 41 - do Satinets and Jeans: 99 do Cloth. and CeSellneree, 70. do bleached Muslim; 60 bales Flannel., all role,: • • 37 'do tickler, a'l grailen. :ad rto 11111.11 !destine, tear mkt.. ' Also, eases and racket., or Silk., Shawls. White Goode, 111.111nery do, Tailors , Tr:tombs., Ribbons, Letts, Motor) and Gloves. be. - - Iferebants Re enured, from th great faculties at thiss establishment, of alma). mot nog the laced cod moat desirable geode, and at price as low and tower Than anycestero bob,. , llcingroa urectarenhegento for large geantltlut nf Domenic Gods, they particu larly solicit the. orders of merobarne the demesne., deliverable in this city at the tame price they Lis told at in eallefil [NM Merchants either goirli at manilas from the east, are monad to •11 examination of their stock. es, t. 31091)71 ik 00 scat it Ith-Speiksekriiil E.SE
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