. & warns, ofo.<4.u.t s - 'ow.. MlgitlC ! AND fokkififi D9l . MDR, *..101 Wood street, Irggersteatelt."4.4"7 atictToruks , ozi 0. lel w. , o c crictla i ltii lama int thrtisoll c ,ind tegio z at aa eaasalsailloo:ft' stoat by wawa DNIZCLIMS, Lad oat oaat erf NO. 130 Liberty levelly, BEGs re ,,,,,,,m5Ly la Abbot hi. codimroas (Mao* ..d c...,m, tbat be ts JIM letroillit Ida war ta NGB ~, u stock ot vLuktia, ealtS/AIERk;,,, ..,1 vk ay . r. I th,s;macat la) Loa adsplcd Omaha approach. Lai tall sum mbar mamma. mil llama la want bf &a ygma, most ay sap, Isabloowle,owablel atm , oad clo.talrl. In est autat Intl !ad m a la rataarm la Wa so comb Wat tWO oat__ b,____alalumellt seplz a jr,---cailta - PiatTanyivamleWil to elktalaysia. . FRE Pcansylvaa a 3all Load Cecapacy. bacice COrapleted lb. shore bac o: MU toga 40 blolitcap P rib, that east celiac tie Portage oat How I, Jaime awn, lad celiac lamas by beats co rw.bugh, fug r. peparth tO laculre sad loriorard lastahut 013 a plows., ac, to awl Ito., tniabargh Wel Yalta dalpktaa I;ainbojao=l,Zg..o„thg, depot of,dt,sh ff,laysa) tt o; Cars N r klUadel•h,a,‘%44!gthaartra dat a Leary of ali fickla lt. aba , ...5.4, a ludo fore. ItELL a. 1.131.;1..rt Agoras Car Ps. B. B. am, saaal Haw., riusborga Clkalm a “1.44..kii, Aguas, meatball 1 1 ,1, beiph.a. ... -- -- -- - NZ IN LOT Or a pLir NO/D PIANO!, &am and Zhargal &gramma, 2/$ll 04 a......,,,. No,. Au tut than mem it. bt.klAlt respeetraily Infor.• fflifillltt I' lera• ar‘r - lat pa; Ile, that ba bas lac foto/LC, Jr,nl and toe ova,. U. 114, 0 U Lat .1 attentive ... al . l' Ullcs of rtbout 6 sill. a and pne ea aroma , scicoma by himself, wok great eta. . 0t the bete - Wu:el factories CI Na... CI ,:0. N. '. ,P DC Llactlem, N V..,1,ta et DamanMaa rat b .0,111. 1 j "c. ti ' , aclae,d too adhere /rag,* Wei !:111_11 ha shed by the o.re 11,%:"PlZaf7, Zr0',.`.."1„:,',,1P.'1,7:.,°t1f1i.e. taryPrie. , Fra, c arer, eV! fcCelau ,a writtaltjkoar isat, map saw, W,ctoa them to as excaabge et mint a tame II 101aeoil 00t.0.v0. _. AIKS a lot on apleuEld Galcua, [Me the rum': op fkbandt a may ~. Y limy we a saperb arucla' awl ma; ranted <Awl, 3 tat allk:ZiOr, to au) iambs in Um world Also,* it, relectloo of Wows, Claboacts Violins, Swags, Snug 31 . 11 :111Mtlita. alto the Lel,. End mot s popul n ar Mule, uuladus /ruby 1.11i.V.3 celebrated Nu "pal etch Vtaionte _• . MVRIIII'4 LIVRC.FIELLI, it north cut corner or , . crib and Market strati.. are tow supplant nafth foil /10 Il .t entitnn atiltlrs 01 above dna:mine good. r nt< t.trire been qplarCrltrad 1,0 tb a taporo- ra can be rorsttaated tenon., oc3 Jas. Stloorpratc 4 Vans* Patent Bed. ash. 834 ic.",Z, Z o .. ' .? L: i 1,. n ... " "t 5 , o`,ll`.l4„ic?li.d:P.f.,` o...9_Ean. per ..liontlttntt,"../v4forte,'''Dttlitt.".o at Cr .01,70. vi. Prkrlaq• 4411 C 110 d i-r 111421004 .q.erlor an tote t trt inan ntd vlay to ant in lb. dart et, for .al: at towelt 0110 e fn. rt. Ann v4t- "Med 1`: "ti MITOIILL3 ILE]. ttluptf Litter v overt Luba enPPly et Xall6 wi.n.rcood. to nnere.reg tor the seared, conedding to pnrt .r- Ink end Corn Yreunu UoLuenr, any CyMme,e, Cbuts•able Pop{ tie, Wein:tilt. Wt. Tare Pretu., Llk it n 4 Either Alylcll4l. :law Long ehnorle, tow Price 40., Sucking nels, Wendt. dogiab, ntrl Aurtneen Flannels se:Lite end 'coloiod. There crock HoUrrElaftirinar 0001). 5. 1k-ent.gr, Pine. (' ace Diapers l'orre./ing, Or.. in lingo, nod ut 2e. prices for goolity. Hale" ant ted 11 to their has.- Mgt LO ern.. ine their rt eh heeyng—rat the north cut comer cr 90 , cud Mallet Inc net 7 LIT sr PlLlglioper nod* all etlidr• Sept SO. ISSO ti, Sttlierr—Vour Puts hare hemp:Lord p In In all ttir ree.oh 01 ccoutec, oh eery lam ope. mapereedo coheir a• o toter Cr .6 ctl.lllllous NIL Yours, do. JASIEd A LEWIS (Ertrecl of Letter., Pirrcharcr• rceolnOt Oat IL Pi. Sellers. Weer 1.11, •re Oho • .I:glettl nel 4,1 e Tale heel trltuuLne PIS, end luny be Sae cr :no n 7 Wood ~,,.e at e/eth (nee.. .1 La l'ea mu on:cc and sic-lady. _rna • Or. tirnMit marl Mentos:tooling. OUTf the hp !arse, latties, ..,Leif„ more pore Itomour,.• then any o.ht Omparanel cuitt wt.:-: eSeram•iiy mottbin, With the astraet of I e 1 . ,. nom, the 'seemly! ea o:terry..., the Lim.. '•I Ullltt onklug tit%) ',WU 11,0 1 1 0 . 1 . .01,MAL:1,. _a. t •I ltatt Soy other Sarama r.lls Info' pees .:.creme. tame It is pert. ar , ly fete fro u <INIIII, conoot be mud mfy oda, of me 3 .mapv..tlia conc.. 'etc in matt:Minh d otecre oi p.m.! fdatottl7. nine, roliah, lam:. Leo:it:or, Aisattie, Cu otter sta. rai cut tacootte awe is si lofra the tenre br.en ateat of tit, flarsapamln rcareas of the my. et tr.mads tomeDoittd ri olYeslow Dora Sad Stmt.:ant:A.4ms t.Ctl 0114.41,11 partlel l o cr EL . Attart.l4, as vny one ver. croc:, hr epp mo eeemeste tens. pmsons may ocean:virally re.... 4: *4l, they so Vomte the Mood, nod go coragle,y , ciprti• nue the mlune system mt.: their ocelot etre,. it .1 Cho evid. Oa ter hit I stmt of ttI.I,II.SC, pronnte• the pauencs strehrth. and sob:aim boa or eer to Mt Mat tier... 11.14 tenure, 11.012 reader. cot:mr cute] shams la.posslbso and knock... Let Mt p‘nsonoes ElOnsparn , a_prepanuema Morro, and me (lemon." improved Unmet ea Yellow Derek and Serraparaha, which is .coronsnly enleatlocar, perfectly haneJeas, ardl portly vegetetec. all kinds lid disease yte-LL to itrisealsl tedice.h. Scrofula, Cancertets Tamen, Catenates Lreptione, ysidelas, Pm...les s or Pimples au me Pate, Caron. here Lye., Sauer, Seale Head, 'therm. Ham, Caerer...eat or Lana m Lamas or Jaime, old•luel stubborn Clem, Fever Sores, ihseene, Sere:act el Um Games, thotaties, Syplat.ue. drop. lowa, Lornbaeo, Dropsy, • /patine, aaanmee, Co. tmeness, Sat Rheum, Alfeetiona of ma KcatotHe ant • &seam, arming (iced an ocurdentaa use of hiercu• th corn rams; Wet...error the Cien himeonery afft: ecohs, vale 0.4 Ghat O.MM:a tend -tine loon Ms Catteemptem, Liver tiomplana Female Irregelandes and Complanta, Mek and Nerves, lleatlecee fienerea lienutro, Low spin., Lose en Appetne. Meet Sams Pain, in he tilde Mau 43.09114aez Pape orimprudenee to Life, CU,,,,, it Cessna n I /Agorae ra., 1424 as J. Sprnm and end kurder .:1 tea Moo:, cod Ocaccat Tome tar tat System, It It ....a A Mil f Li k:rate.4.&.45.117j=1.6,-. paean aandster The tollu ~;g 1. 1,4 - JUL. of a truerdined:Wu-7h ltd.h, 'man ecretur, M. u., . highly reaped. W J oin y stet au of tin' aSa s, Oio. Pain—La a ar; nlh Lace cheer my care mans aroma. who, toe 1.21.0/1 years, Itan teen so, Snug from Uleare.ed Lambs sad whose tate ha. been prom:need, mpes. or three of oar Lett u s alcams. I dr , / 1. ,', s in ray wady, and have us, llaynoter. It diva rhos &al barsepardla treay, ea. Si, .0.44'. 4.0 lat:oor Doak Sod Sarsapareit Ind Skeet perm: act core. She is bract us genera health Man She au ever been before, end watts • tails or two ON 4130114 104110 or pato. A you age at. weed crotchet lan. repati M. Cala to CUL V.e.i7 [especially, L. H. P.ERAIreS. • Iia:ROML.L. /1 has bete recu.ard, by 'mamma men, Malin th Tatted catalogue of Micas. to semen man la lamb there Is scarcely GI, o(Lah importance, nen' of elm klereal na scroutia, whether we look to the ottmnit ofrls origin, its manlietts pronresa, the ...bet et Varlet) . al organs that it cheers, eclat tataarkable i evsabully cud ellLlll.lre ratahtlf. Scrofala nee eatace the taut of tee moat emit, phyucians in Miscount:l and to /Minim. Hat Were ILA onduot C for this 4.seinie m Hr hixtrac Yel , ow Doak tad , areapargla," which La olatame Y e . et the MOM 0005. Cale' 111816/6 ca, of . 2. , ranis eared by It, aral L vole Emu acts bof /Jolt of Compound syrup. h e y Ulm comf.ceic vita tom mall Lai &leder the treathialit ors Lir the pm: eiglal ream, -mama dc-,Easi sad hal boon effcctuar yP arca by Me nta g ot • • iv, host, of Lk. UaysolVe C•lrs:royati eFtit4.. :row s oar, Jam 7, Mis Griaort—Date Sie,--OmM3 to you ftt ccinct Maps] Cam= ply. / etdaccil En Mate a public tafium•dga6cat or lea:tt I Glee , :erlecal 1. Dna y xc actuante.. "syrup. 1 tans cocci/ 'Mu tral war: a tom Baroluious ilLotats, hatommry our Mealy which COLlCthGeekt On my ate-a spread, Won machod my tars, rkiao•rag Linn thy head. sae arlaaa.g all Civet my Ire-, LecC, Lad lower ea Malaga 1 bac -me a EliErmaraf co.cet to !oak upaa, Al =ea say disaNan nas rent liar I Wag linable 10 sleep Of lie &taut and diresio uric tiding mio tat mml 8=1(444 elected my itiesfirg. sty face wax mit ommlunous cam, from snitch a olo,tarce of ruttier lade altz tuft cosunnully comas oia People scold. ad Me, 1n9 63 1 , th lthth NA, or oomi. Edam ththottona Embalmers,. Lyra, consequeraly a Linked In fatimgaigisay banners. "rr.datenthatnlthing 1 bad thedteml caner, mad tries Yticroui plans of tiro, AIMEE, Um dicaav, Cop:luau:l to eine: wore, aim/ I yam ella aagour, Fun0 , .0.1, / 1,.1th lent, yas,e,el W th e alci,lbelit, write If+ ragi,c. ta r ley Molt, Ott Wormed a.o mat hl.ne, anti aa urea Liao ac ease EmMilatEol rat Etas, and Mat Li, laid, !rare Syrupw U us spcec, iy CIZICQ iumtaica/1 procures the Kr. d 6.7 eWelannecct erthav It, wanes, alto isamry ur lab Miami bottles, /am well au d ? rote in et cud ea to barium 1.34 reit WA a/KW:nut, Ka in col a, Para., Only ficpnix scat 1t my Eum-co alatmusimi ny Mailialr.C, er:4 I.2erebY rare thee Lash aflame, als , expeare, - :Z.; I Te.Call.ea y 4tr •" - • , rt , l tor eaht. Cuff cf/GM Q. sPALDiria. gaa acrairatai The Gun pcsa Una b 7 r :ItraCl Cl IFICIa. Dona ata artaryi•it `I cr.../aatior. Tito pa. sway. gentna ' ,awry. rte tut. 41.“ IS ftsuov.. gnu; ,ne tale tcnrifilfal feast< or E-ta.E. af Coma, I , v)E t. 1 Ltrtottitt Sto, iteLti:ll Li IVA can 'r. W 5404,100 abOat tot 1/Cr,app''cAf',."- " yglyre sod tiottatattato r. 52 ' 4l by " - 10.141 beta ',Stitt:guitar; tat 0,0.0/144 g; 4.4., Ent:iv/I.'lodt Sc tirasit..-1 . led 0.112 r Lodi, a 2,4 4 4,1 post Oyste so; 10 SO LIlVil their skin perazgorn:Py‘l'' ER anth,, HO arlditait tiniy 00 naval oft., arliater....T seozzo react,: to a pore" tt ott ton Ile SiaJtal. Lean e.t.d. ar to MS 1.000, watch mere canna:AU) 442.11(1444 dt gasnagly eistitstra riatater: 501ente. .1115101410112411 zse ttrAhta. /141etzo weiLapricas—thoto could oz-s, Joni he Stitst thole iambic gangtenen443 alters. "il n01411'.. bop hod zytott - oanstal Cyr) ittlIVA VV., VI V.. 1 Qacel Eft) nelgtibois,ao s o and cZned at,.o 11.11.1110 you: diditsidablo IV., 'abed ta. Cols um 01 !l. atto Core Stout o lzs - stone d 9 aameu.ut .91,1 is lilt Va. a•y boyc ot gsliatts ro/tto,/ area Vince tifsilcs et your .. . 4, 4 , 5 , Dzas sod 1 0 . 1 15.4.111.... and en :sea , ea:00 a LW 'lO lay estatLLIKIIVe, etionlennit.d OS aud umuarcilvnlPC, AMU • all ad w. uses ball tut. Licallea 00 coalia Salk .lut. Lietal t 4 .0 ei. Mel* Ist.tics aaii by Ono. tic.. be was ritotq htlieria crag tretatgo st ti.e p to sec cato ta namr l, “, 5154 be 4/1.2 us "IR, teaka ato also =44211'11.1106 -- 111a recootery. Satter 11.0 blearing e inquarely .0101 to 114 c use vl yoar Vtuott Lan: szd hattostmatis. Lod I sumac yais dint I feel laya<l &Nat /grand •1414414.00.1.4 )4ia, and lt is 2.in gival jos LAI / iadaria tot of ortzt)os B.t zstettosta.. ass don. RI) iNr.t. li.opte•oato: a. , • JA SCIMULL. ttost stemma zJo Is pot 11 1.5 c. 044411.111/6C a Qua n, VIVA QV 41 LX 0)1411. blow la ISA OM, 11.0.4 the irtiden 244.4101 e 05 as P. lato nat. Oil the •aisttia wrapper. hate 31 Ps: boulc—o, O Palm. brill J. D. PARE. 1 . :•ttl-0 Eat; comer Anna sz4 Ustata //Uses., etstrz Co as Wsistat n Chtla.l.6l/Slatzsta wham all otact* Oset lx shlree effd. QUI= & RN, Z.Zie; IV. P. lotinanti %Vat-, leek; lap & I:Jemot, 110. mertile; inrcL, igLemutule; 111,sa, Robert Pon, AVella MRNlXler.cx...Aulen.arii'l.. 11 , Rooi, Jr, blergb, Mao/ c: Unrlici avec, and me Diamond • • • . _ CU RAP T/Zil p3D , ao 11113TA1R. Cdi LS • 11A M c gl5l. is I ;:s.rnond, We sell ARI. eSteßrut 00 eta lisA ST It ---EXIHANGE -1111010111 S. Nkl N G H'o J. ainortiEss a so la Wood meaner, Plittbargb. CDRIIENT• MONEY RECEIVED ON - DEPORT' . Collections made on all the Ninelpal o: the • - Vaned Stat. a TAIT & CO., EXCHANGENVILHASS BROKERS 8. R. Corner y Third out Market as. ILMALILLamta 11[00 UMW. UM JUG GIGO IL AZIXOLL, & CO, BANKERS- lELIESS IIIEICIII auk, COIL fill IWT se, Ito„' Ao. 7 4 ,P aornsicT Melt dior to the Book of PoLebergh.) eetelltol2 _ _ . 31 .1Watikre. Buse, nank•re,i Exchange D Ann =ALTAI IN N O T E R, DRARrEcitrewrANcEs,OuLD, MYER COLLECT/UNB. -ANDLh Not BAA ana S HUI e. and Accepta. payable In any part the U... col l ected on the c o . o (avrobo terms. EXCHANGE. New or:, Obiladeiotoo. and BA- Lunorti Cmcinnoa, Lanai:Do, S int Louts en, New Orleatra constAraly SOT nolo HANK Ntfr=.—.Notc, on al/ Ototo Lio Utoted Gisconatc att. lowa, run. Al; k,ed f Foreign and Aacno. Gonz tad 011ocr Coln Cuuot‘ nil GO/U. RICAIit•VAL V 'llO/.11E9 le SONS :Ave itscO•ed tholt. Dank. /li • log •ad E•eLat.ge ltOot to No C; diarlet st oof 000. Vet At . old stall . t,Yr you/oat:is ir...xctienuia. Duaa on Entluta, inaltud, and Sootlacd baud_, yip any +=cam at the Crarera /lawn of ilreaur.,34 to payable in any Pon of at° C.0...A from -c 7 to atlutat, at Um rota ot to the IfilhOta dedatt:on or dISCO.t. by JOSHUA LOW: , SON, Europe...la Gultant.t itcww, e m u. . ;At, Pl4O door west of wood. 11 . 1111 1talKit& utuan RAIIII, • AN AND EXCLIANCII: Bi OICERS, deice 11 Edreicn and /llamalle of di I.Leclanee, tummen of lkepune, W.. Notts a=d “rtier id Wood from, directly appetite tic. Marl. Ha __ntaTIMIP tv • 11..tataral [Sc.!. natrna ILNGLISII V. tIiaIIDIETT, r. AN W i e l lt?e L t. ' t ' a S ta t t/l U TI; 7' ,. co.tt C It s c4 ".' 4 4 cP , t ' o u' l ' 4 f tl' o o ' c ' L ' 'ltatt it•ttel, arc Mow revetytne at..! O Z , for ..., o :It raid, a+ IoIIORN— iW Pkgll S. il„ Imp 0. P, at IV ttiSpartilh Cgar end 11 1.44'i0 .4. 50N N4ittatt and I" a :00 r fga 01t b`4 r011....d Witt Mat packmirtra lamp d. IA Toil co. , tri N 120.. 0 , q,. 0 0, V.O bats Rio, Ltigtt)+4. I GAI Ile gal... at.d. Java C 01144. 1. , 51 ettlactpc4 50 Ithon N 0 Sups, 1 5. , lots Al /itcattt, ~.. ono N 0 Alolatta44. Go bale,. fattortc, E nal 40 brtapolrcere,crotti't: , ii alncot, 11:41,1 N. and teat ttagar4 , .0 cro o n Na,. CO brts /that. I 211 o L4a - ton Sgt... It. arta Tartnora' Oil. iYu boo Pepper haute. 300 .414 Lamp Ott , trl c444+ Itickto+, :41 bolt ye 3 Atact 4 tot. IU rase.. 9ptc o C, , ,, 11•-:, Z.1.T., Ps Itlt. 10.4Inti.t. (orottl.d tote., of tot it IN. l+ra Ito.. ItLont , IKm oas hoot., A It, Cot Pot llorket.. ,ti has Ststirt: 13 i..V.s Cr I, ha• 11000 C. 0.:, Iti batt %Vito.. rtpr • I/0 la. Ithelte“ nottto 1 01 117.111 CV tap. I opct. :• 44.44 Lainottco t.l In Pcrp4r l't.ot+p, Ittnchatt'a Cut atot D Co 'MSCotottahapecroult I 'fobacco. lo ICS Rio, IO rot, M. ktrtp. Tore tiler with a queral { l / 1 •Oltratll, cf sno.ll mit; Wit7,-; itim;im7 g It facfl.te. t CAI/PICTS, OIL. CLOTIIS. 4.e. I v , V. Nlef , !. , lNT.je.,C t• itss• °pecan nt Id.. C'..tp... 11, bonne, No 7i tort n4vet al•kl IL 11 doc ntont, a Vet) ham:l.one avarunent DIVA; pettna,roa. pi log In pan of ea loliowlng ramie...— Rao and clegant v!y!,3 Velvet Pile Carpet; Raft and c;egasn styk. Tape.). Lamar n.,. Sops rior Lavish and Ataerienn liannela dr. r...t. ~..s. :I ply Cn - potai I Rog« ..Xt. e.;;. 21 :-. noperfine do do; I nap. Taand an t ra, do Ingrain do, Clan/0 Matz: Foltraft.a. line d 0 do; Tinted MM.: Can. all Wool, do do; Star !tads; . do Cott , o chnin do do. C.a. %a.; ilo co.to• dodo; Juts do: Ana. • very illpft aisortment of Triauou.,o t., S, cm /lola Caranyo..,l , ol/IG, A. the CZCA44,. A I, P y Lit 5,.• A - ...t 1.4. C. VI 'meal ar.w.0 . .1.:14.511 6J,_. , l' -, 0r...., In unltn non: d - : ..., - .1, no ni Fa:, it or,; unrlscar gale., C 6: it tt 0., taool re . ilt,nlc. rt. 5“,..1. L: 6...,...1• v,li .....7 an ...a wry ~ no po/rlaava ..a nay of an tame, .a.. n c .11 I.u P P., IL, taiVer4o wan a 1.,:c0 .19 n _ . ___W fdoCLIN TOON i - 11l I.aslcl.l Jaya Culfeo it• L.:aa Lev/arm dd. IrLaas ioney 0110 /0 uf Zheata,Chulon Te. il• c b.f. roan 0!11.1, Le 2) ccoats pr.< Gre , a, he uas Ladadt dc,, Lola, ern 4.11/ Athict.l., • ora p currotal L- tram d aa 4 ropant;•faacyCb his laa, Cueol; Rua pio , Lis ilitoada Valat :Loa; a • ba. Roy, cad L'arir,at:o dot 01.ve and Fraraeatz . dos Pew, sauce. of G-rl:n h. Walcat , dor 1:o:e ater s came cal ;an Alae-uard; a eases cIQ 2 cases aura India car.le Paador; gases sageritna Rice Floor. 10 Cats etasued a. rtuverucd 003ota 10 arts maw; Lagar; 10 brls pare ClaCt VIIICgar, 511 do. Cram Brum,: J 1) WILLI-tala 4. CO Car. Wood en Foot •cs YLii.'.l3 — bPoo L. AUL K. — Expassly for &wag. I . 0 avoid the many tocourcturucca wn, mending dm use of the customary :A otove asuela ha. t.. 1 marls, and tat a Mcg onto mantel/. It hoaalwayi a c matter of astoul,atricao Ilan wallet lac c.imat 0::.0.44 of tatLan, wascoavrcueoLlr epouler tar Eau, ra• uYe—.llll, to much 01010. •II.004:e., nalo .0., 2100 and sk,s M alas u lrum wade!, co Laura trout,. a /oos armee. 11:0 theaculty Lot et low town erste... sht potla so ...r.ree a crwd Lar.dtaacii 'Jul up lu a et.- Clileat (woo foreoraccic etc. o..,Cocritirget: 01044 thls ort,cle It M. t'creat gunouty me cares ?001. Thw go eoatt ciplained Each *pool 1. aiarraoleeto ccatami 01 yi4.01; of Silk . ; waffle the ordiuray akeill, •I IL. rs.a.. han hut an. SWUM. quaatily, altrylag frog • yard.. I. Spool Sat is re-dy for 000 at the lim ro e of pat caaoe, and I. Oaly vocal a trial, to courtztaq a, 0,06 ,• 14.108.1 of a.. 0. anon. in quwity. Inee, - .azzna a. L. :Ica: and tan...maul tam which It 11l famished . • great adroi.Lage2 over the Skala, as .00. WWI the twit 00l of winging, Lbe reratlon g, and Lae tom otadne 1.. preo•Laa,7; 1; an Coo. Wm. u. 1 1 1 .11(oTal0:11‘ a Sallua, a North Third 41, rau , Lelphla . lit/ILSTMAZIrI, 11210 S CV Nl,,.usen Lams. Now Toth Role Agent. TV Wa.dire.s. 111.1LktellATITS. ror .ale by E=Zl FALL STOCK 'IF OH GOODS A. A. MASON & CO. UL LEAS 1N FOCI D. kTiIPLE DDT GOOD 30. 05 MA MELVA , ruzm . r, tiellecen Third ec Fourth streats, PusehorgL, IN\ ITB the attention of racreh,.ll e:etthu t the city. .0 weir eiter.eare nook Of Fc-i and h inter truou. ti.,red with Crest car. Gad etteutton from rece tetoortations, !urge hia....on males, 0,0 fr,su the lead ., taunmacturers, by Met? restatm part., . :4eu V•*ra. 1 here stock Oats fall orl.l he .oeud tot, tune] larger and more varied than any apir !au, ever before bln eta to tine market. Imiug ,cp,•coLs4cd I.y ot •lottoAt dully through Weeesson they rip ar or 1 the Ca 4 lalltitaS, rcruleme as .04 I I Lams fall an 4 r,rrect, tuerchy ena.ling tue“. ue 00.•• .z.te cnroper e vettr ea etcra tant,• • ..... .01,1 0/11OLLEILISCP.; aititi 11. N:ELLOP, No Wood are: l: •te. 10 tar Cl:le:mug, haw, ko-vot to Weslora Pour ' , too, [Lau no ready :or air,an ft. aa4nraroa.ao D‘.lrc,. ‘ l toovelf iron it, ...nefacaorf, ned no: be supraloa usual at Al! Ci .terac • pr 7.3: :aryeal Lotus XlV,:umava• n elega, litrewoott, 7 do. d,nu 9l CI, 14 do il'alri.i. . fah 4IVCCI 11=3 h /Lscri!., tht. to a., tihzehh rtmhurzh.lllsl he ha nrratorcrachttivotth John II Mellor, In, th• ve !al , : of al.: s'...ne Fortes, Irk h.l,l.tirl: esLera hlren , h, and those wiilop 2.1,11 . c..1 teat the:: tater,its,,,,,:e.,h. y eashdedjo. J J. ,,, ..111•P1.h 23, S:4B. Ir. aid.ucn L. ite a.0777.7s rLar...a C'L. ~ t ert. a new sup, t.:lctea frantic fact, of rttelart. BeCO3 /LAY.. PL4 " ..c.l. PLew lark, 34.1 lir.tha, CAL.:, 4. Allca,llnstou, imtvg trar,Las itual c LL, a tundra...liars. jnsleyn• NE., A/4,, 111. Y Ple.on< its a., :go .15 Inr Obt.bct,ja, r•stet.ed acol for sal, a: EWE 7115.9 75 Apollo Ha Ca at VW-1,7410. iron Oho 0/ct Caw...tsp. Ls amt tae same kiat of cm - Ell:car, noc.:strang IC/ Rosso Flavor,. Mao& Pax, "Iv 1•7 I 1.157.1 Cast.o..r;, can ho .., , ca.ht at a:.-acC p , r Too aWca:t sige of lbb Ibos4:01, • arA /Esc I . pPo ..1:11 512 1•751 sa, snov•al. 11fL11 trk tad as :Es 445.42 Cy of a:oaten:WM ood sl. et Y:. Aliw Pvi.v.s.s.,, ur Z. , o :t.—, Llo 0 704. , inkrcoi a:, o: 07.1:y or,: UpSitiv.2l:, .lbo f a strls bblo by tzar. lan ra 0 >ir .27 sontao's prpoactlnc, tor vs.& t nolo& to•vt sty Des ot,lio, itrat T., oppo,c Yost t/.1,/ su, tio,Stook iyus.4l. o:.bb loon, by &row flt:bard cud lattd.rJ I%u r Apr A& .1111 ocl ELILL:3I , ,,bO tav Just d:ot i.;2 ty C NYIE.I.O ?Jonmairi;7: m.17:,11,F:,1i5; I.S , E4C I , I d T; ; L ,, I.Lb r as o , t . s ., c••:;c! Wave. Yat tba:tce,. canto. Conlo, &sup. ro.d iclo Motion, said e0,.,,5e-Yrn, i Mob, cc Lamas nod IlloorblPs satno b../sts, C. 70750, 700 " . 'D :UIO 2.11 e by A tf t/1CH..0.N & C Agora Et L 04.• 4 " I.VE-61.1)b1,04 00,4 n‘f , " , "*7 end for salc Sr ‘,/o t 7 ‘ " VjC4-ER F " ,. A" .1.7 • • . •' ... 9vb , ,L, wr & 7kTCT(itai.S—roo.l;;;A7eFi:;,;ll4.l to - r 2 0.1erby 't 074 P. I. Ye. L.I.FILE 'oed al I ATENT fg:'dr --- or vat 1. oda IL E _ SI , Al. SODA-9 casks reccisci for salo by SELLrriq ricAl . 77 e 45 l:LuZENtit:°-1 , )15.rs !sr Soto i.• •X . ccl I: SELLE.iy me t Vl' ,- rappits: sc. 1...n5, Coot:to dian. e.bc & - 0. b... oubio crony scry - vct or, • ••s : op C vapaC Iticltc: vs. , ,MlFTWaiMthfk . NO. Ni Wool 'l,, as Just t. .C 6 ree • new al. spruces:a. of gunio MUSIC, e 1y bleb are 'Melly, do hoe Lavine, by*. 0. FctlM6. , • may the Red Roes Live /Limey, da". renlly, Need eraa a Lady, Garble loDay Ran all filita, oc. Doll. do. • Soldier , . Wadding, by Glover. . . The Robin, 12 da. • oa, Tench Me Coed one gala Runlet Memoirs of Thee altos? Moon. Lament orthe irlsh Emigrant A Neer Medley sa,.. Then halt Wantland the Spirit that Loved The. The Conscript's Departure, try Glover. Be Kind to the Loved Ones ail:lowa. 'Tla Home where e'er the Haan b. The Yvlkee Mad. Law Ita 4 'A ger, by Lover. Ba yon ever thin of ma. • Slumber Gellll3 Lady. Jeannie Grey. Ella.. Caohttins, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy WalMea Berchelor Malden, Bella Welta, Coneen, Ladles , Souvenir, CaOly, Alice, EVOSSIGGD, Adler, and Waxy Potts. mnyii • TEAS I Tiraiii vy -E ewer cot Into the Itst of pagers, we soy no th ing about Hundreds of Chests, Importers, Large C• Booght (or Cash, O. In feel, we will net humbug In any moaner or form, we simply Invite the polio no campus. oar Teas %sat what they purchese elsewhere; tnut is the best method ere know to aseer. nun woo sells the best end cheapest Team in Phu. tuegh. We are now selling • Good sad smog Tea at litand LOcents per lb. ; prime artiele,••••-•••. 75 da de The best Tea Imported tom the C. &ales, . Oro priced, damaged or Infester Tree we do not Loop fdollkll3 t neworni Proprietors cribs Tea fkuket, East side of Deemed& toe net Alus•rttlao 211•01Lillati _irliVailt. — Ul..,:topt . eton k. CO , New York, hie Its amaze of pub tiratlon. In per to, prtell twang on' ellinta erica. F A DICTIONA Y Of :11.aekitrts, Atalanta, Ewa iNtrk,aatEts thnee.rtrig7 deserted for r 1 Worktiur p . Man, ond th an hawk! Cho /inv. .1 . steer. Prtfosnm. e entrall cc*UM Mtn, Tt"S WORE is °flute BrO.atte. anowill fordeln IRO Intopstrre rasa; and upwards of rx Me. artNio titrataallOns. It will present workingulme • ings'and descriptions of the malt Important maiden to tie United gtlie• Independent of Ile results of Am rte . . Ingeollty, 12 Will cOotalo complete greed- 1 eel triad es un Mechanics. hitchinetm Engine-work, 1 and, loenneetints; yeah all of it cotrol to more than ore it,onanntl collar. worth c( folio roterces. mega. nnei, and other books. Tke great able.. Li. poblleatton Is, to plan ba foro,peeetical s cient i fic ad etude:at each as of of theo,c,ril and knowledge, in a wader. for4i 41# shalt enable them to work to the best &dean. cite and to avoid tboSa mittakes which they might athefeetee commit. The Mopnt o 4 astral Information t.L.l.roc..iht together Is Macon iittgoad., precedent in tacit: works. Indeed, th ere Li hardiy any ethical •614,1 no range which la ro..ttleated with sack ale.. neeei,tr.l preris,oll, that even Et man of i . most calf orry I reptetty vacua{ foil Of under/Wilding it, and true te•rluna (rum ti hitch which it i i, importiutt far in:o 1,,,,w The put . ..tett are, In show, tieteridla•d, retexelote at ~ot, to ...eke the work Su complete. noactote; nod every one deu roc. to eb.1.11 the wort will me ,ii, r,. r terp ta i• r • ,t a• isitocil In nowhere and time encourage. l'i, well. v 1,111.0 Isituta to eeret.cmbly numbers, :ramtr.roring La Jaiwary, 1:10,tiol Wilt Nygren War grrnt regularity. 1,, whole wort wort In patellettadjg. Ift ctiot , eri, 1 .iiii ce..10 per another, and completettWahin the cat- ' gents. rent (nor. 1i.50 A I:beral dieronnt wilt Le made to Any one renuitote We publirthera FFldu :a advance, theft receive the leo. k Ilsrollgti We poel office free of tits!, Ie •fl Opinions of ittrePre4o. o our ',amerce.. Alannfactarera . ecGante, I:n rower, and A iftrac, a w ll' be at Proviireer. 1.1 /carom. .1 our,awn. arm_y_aanwlert wlttine inerriadge.— qfVe e 7.11 with conftde.,ee r , COMGNId our reader% to t rfew therusolvea .ra norrthert 14 fits: 11.4 W es ,cayr. ea 3 , co /waren. Ve —Asuct anhe,natnaly commend the were to :how ea yeg.l n , or ratan:wed to ineehankal or eremite pur rain, at eminently worthy of thus. ..wean. and Wccr' hY, kzu: y Crest wort, a nd We pabfratice. Je. were mons. of ioa,aaca. trocalonlchr, t0.a,0 farnatr. , the Fooll.: henerafly." —AI Y. Inaepec.ler, • L.l thcf • rywill Lc ;nat.ly u.cful is pruocal .aconion d v•laaniu to all wt.; wish to acquaint win! I.;‘,%rus‘ olnnyaranam Lc tbo tIIc •••!.4 4 n •• w itcClonl bony Wnscary. - • . ,<;.n. b; nu,int wLoop pitied up in ;no .l ac p:lt.t cal anowl<dyc. una cola a: 4.-10 [Lc, st,rul '• -itua Lary !..144elnw, , felt 41•4 «we. a... 1 Lun ittgetit L 1,4 4,61:e4 {,:•.• et": So ...Ho :tit ianlt (WI .4 1.• tti.t of that ca ott:ra.. ws.. - I:nie it defer:Les. pa the s .:: 00th o:-.1aonsiav:t.,‘ ai...liugtractiant., V. , :ote: Adv‘rt.cr. `At laterrst.l pechaw, c1.01:14 L/ein tc:o n.. 0., u 1 ite IYela.,l JeCt.- practical alto nal treat Iw.of Pert the c.c ance mid en nc. ale "ire ray:Mc increau ag timr,as ctry. c regal., th a e wor k as emlnentl rLcu , aird to prosatelhe e.t. of ratan. and she y at et tnic al mac and tO dialmattateveloabie barman* rlon mtbjecia, , — Farmer and Mech.:de. men iG all me veiled weir, of meehani ap me .deetarang try) enoreertne. wd, lad t tti cork a ['aerate *Leh it will be to OMIT reit r. •)eata. , —Ttor 1.1.!p tut., eaten:thy parasad the atur.brrit, and leave , o Le ia.r.a) in saying that ti le the beat work for me tridessima, Ltd caletatbe moo t aver pebaah ak, tor Males linnitte Intern:Liam On teem branch 3; the macbantcal •rte and %mance.. cepressed L2l • tile and la:tease-a intelligible a o. > Lap ri readep Si ord.l - welt.!d ' olt 4 e ( the teeth e :les of Nor. lob and ether pans of , Conoectiam a service by •risteang Ccr work to their attenilane"—Norarith, Coat ) ourier. -It Whist coca a worm as every Mechanic should ~ sn eess"—Freemm's Journal. ernaider hone of the moat usefol and importl.int sublimations of the min No mectimiie can afford to it wilhoutit.h —Newars, (N. J.,p Commercial one r. all the callous poblicauons having for their oh. set the olaidention and advancement of ratchani. int ars and aciences, none that we have seen, I: c gi of preauso as Com... Adv. o "it IC -I end ehcaurit wore cecredered to Mc ptuctirai engineer and mecum, mw •litt• 3ar bcahufdlly cieemed ''—'iVa•kangn n filo c iiTtlas creel Litozionary is c... of ti .e most retry , ...r it is s p d s h m its at, f it y c eu eershm e t nd thoe oil —e.t .aer vie rcuard It as one of the most comprebeas, end eldat , le. az well as cheapast , intas evor 43 - altitr.Pre Adveniser. “thanhE :o tattoo by every one deatring to keep trr, with the prourese of en and ecomies In cert .- yen. Eanol-s oi Mottled life,”—Randont Cosner "it it dralaned etre the pnaciple of Orea t one 0, only Mat II Is more devoted to the meehat.ent and eelo profesPone, and above a't. .e atenrcpli•ontg for America who Ore ide• done for thatend, -me describing AiDellean maeleinerr and drat ”—Scienufic Americans pn:tits , md is aim bell, and at • price so mode. tte, looking at whet i•comelned breach number tent ore who }us the least torareo• in each mature, tc - Idoterted Mom pcuring it; and every encamp so, rya Snd Met he ro hes loa condensed form an mount cline:ruction whinh would be °buoyed tf at 1, only by the purchase of very many volute. h—N. Conner and Enquirer "The comprehensiveness with which at intlects - e moped, Me admirable manner tri svbleb they ere stormed, conspire to cake this . onz of the most dash his scone n —Democzatio Rev iew, fitirwors ithcald bete the tam:ant every entabottc, ,tan, and manefetetyrer, esperlaily them who have e least asplfatione to rival in their resntive bott oms lye have carefutly ex ammed it, w ith a view of cononernhog it to inventors. to them We scroll tr In the strong language of th e ItimetAt Is toot"— himere luvrntorc'.loom.! urine to as Prop - warsd Nnospver.s cArougheut Outai Stales oral Canada. f the foregoing advenizement u inserted tee time. tam the year, and the paper comong It seat to os, env of the work wall be sent zeal. in payment, s:d,kwllT FQ'ALL!STU EL'S OILILTIMIACII T r Cuntnix,re no [Mercury, ewe other , f 1 fol woo , g Peach.as given by the eel.- limed Dr. Wooster the author erne peat •thet.l merit chatted "The American Procure o. -theme and Family Physielm" 'loving been made acquainted with the Mg rethents :telt compose. AlsAlhoters Dantreer: I havuth preset - third ^d tested it in several ea.,. i, ,th-t vote pramter, I have .o hesitation In saying or ifpug that it is It Vegetable Remedy, coptitintre Dithered substance whothver, that its Ingredients +Wined ai they are,' iuld oceth se d, toted by the iprieli.r, ore not only tummies', but of great ',slue, reelstruly sm.-nub,: Remedy of great power: omit aily moot - amend it on u compound which h.. th mould coal, and which to adrptcd to the rur, variety of cases. Though I have never cillthr onuTrilded of engaged In the oak of secret met, s, rcirard for the truiv•bonem, ronsethrmotts, ha- ! e character of the Prop:helot of this Ointment, the Caine of her discovery, oblige an to say thus h regarding It. • W t, D'• one of Ire Lest Lungs rte vr.r . .11 Dein, 'lLLY...—TLuumna, are yotary cured Ly 011 6/•:l. lIC,Cr In 4. LI Orin.; ;cal. or Tzraryr Ulcers ,r 1 att kinds of darns. It Naa c..ra I tit:tort' bn Nal riL value In ethitho of .1, c nrc. Dr..., they wxold ttlyraya aupl7 It. tr t 0.711 tor .t.o.•:r uzld according to:l:re:Atom. it gyres ot. e 1 no .. try tow boors. t.roxtol the box art dlrtt:iottaror oLroxAlc Ala onset O traext to; Fxrafola. Litt, coo:plaint, Erynapeloo, I . Cot:I:11m. woW 11,td. Fore F:yet, guincy, it., iitcro•bats, Nervnu• tlatctunct., Fam n , tp.:15 , -• el 14. At). . Asthma, DeatnnF• I'. • Aebc, Bacot, Conne, Int,cl of the Skln, t l ort 1 1 tEnpJent, it; 9velltrtx on th: Losht, ,nottt. it tonnatlton. ellet t CoiJ Petr i Ctnatt, bittelltd .• Ilro• tt . Pros, tost Act.c t Axxo in art ittre Front the Readinc Earle war ne.•. pnrbaLs, a frlndlciric tn. ILat L. La so ahem a tic, won renh a 'et ottanit Maalinter's All-II:all. or Went •:•i ye. .tilmont ovary Innen that b. made Writ of it oar warmly in Its prat.. line La. been cured by . tbo most points! them... another of the paCP, a rind of a tr.bicsome pain in tie side, a fourth of a ra•subta in :As limbo, ree. If It does not rive lame. 1 in every Car:.!: eau to no imory, Ca rlo •pi•lnci outwardly. another evident, of the wenderMt bearing pow. 5 , ,,,n by this calve, sen subjoin the fonorrimr from a rcapecablo tins. of blaidenereca tbs: county: :1 , 1 al .ler.oreek. Berkseo., March MX 1317. :.teens. Ritter tr. Co:—ldadre to Inform you that I • cntirelv carol of a rayon pith, tbo back.by the ,•• of NeAllistera AlLlientirig Salve, which l port 0.,. from yea. I rufercalanthit for about to Team, .1 at nntlitl7l. unable to sloop. Daring that num I n i can., romenies, which were prescribed for me 2rhysicicins and other permits without receiving .y <:. f, and nt lost mule trial of this Sarre, with a re favorablo boyoud expeottition. lam now entire. ,• (I,C from the pain, and enjoy at night a r!oaseittl 1•'; ewent 3:COp. I bur, 3110 and the Save ranee for tel. end Otbeireenjohilnle, with amnia, floppy r•lf. Your friend, .10. tfoLnertihezi JAMES Sok Propriem or too d medl emo. Variety al Mee , •LliNontr Thirirove PRICE RS CENTS PER BOX. A uMms m Prmarson.-11. A. Fohnestock 1. Co, "or-or of Wood tad Rut AMI Wm. Jackson, No. V. Liberty street IL, comer of Market n And trio Diamond, nlaa corner of Fourth and + 'Acid atrae+s: J. IL Canaol,ooraer of Walnut and Pith Ward; and told at tha Bonk-imam us strrel.3d door from Second . IA iletMeny City by If. P.Pchirarts and J. Docglasa Dragglit, Bardagham; D. Ncgley, • 11. Rowland, wacesport; J.A , ertnder bola CAT, N. B. Bowan. a. Co- an..! J. ilrowcaallle; Jo!-.0 Barak)+, r + ,27 .• EnAbligEl A. Ern.. RI:10mq I) t br.i . kcAluth, . V 001 8 CIiOONMAYEEit al 00 I RISC! I LANEOUS, Tuixa ammus ALEDRIATEDNSW ,pcfs,tp, 11—The Win of .inatte Pamir% Is PE amp *light empties , as ChrWloNworPhaers 1 ., and when Whet Merely a disease boa akte, as ala IA flimsy nino cases eat of...elst roll,V i i esm• owl, eo. :at ,f,°'='`.7 4.11 t, • :I r.ct:1:". 1 ; :=1 thnomterftl'w=ll:lre.ogejp it ' u nsilt,f y properthes healing and oradiesui rig um osoptionaoand randerlog the dement end ro aghert lain wiry Wiz, and biornting. • Persons Who have been,....1 las habit of ruing tril pW2:24thlerlymph Irer;d, 1,V,g,..17,.,-yjetic.L.,l bio. O. on:Taming the nee se or hoodirr eom h, plop, allaying all Imitation, ims „f os .11 r0t.„,1". ous Cruotious. it. ewfwesPe eargaislte nettanue, and is the devoid of all alkalinpopenics, rendering ii th e only ...dole whisk can b. lased 'nth Wet, and comfort io the Daft?,. All those whose Lagoa or oaths are dlafigared 011th pimples, blouthes, uut, truillihsw, AG , should make trial of Jules Mute. Nymph &sip, 0 ,, d o , ~,,,,,0 , ,,,,. positively nieces them, that its use will render the Mew discolored t kin . 10. ., the roughen skin smooth, ~ the remit weaned ins. skin healthYi Pure, and b 1..... Jal.s Hanes Nymph Soap is the only article whichwilt effectually produce The above effeets in se Won a Um; and the only one which u at the same Uwe all powerful and enlirsly harmless Prepared only by JUL fit) HAUF.I, Perfumer and Chemist, PSlChennet street, Pula . For axle wbolentle and mluil igy B A. pahnewock A co., end R. 13„ &Kara Pittsburgh; ami /Win Bar gent nnit J Mitchell, Allegheny to , - .- lee • OECODID LAND TOOD. GOOD. Mahogany bozo Pant, 0 couresh second hatot•—• . 0100 00 Si—handing might Plano, crlth Rosewood Pc - niture, 0 octaves, au'd IA good ONO! • • • •.100 A ;stain Si oeldve pp Pian0.......... ....... IS A good 0 octavo/10 ....... • ..... 00 00 A I g lloreal Si m m ere Pi watt !tandem. Carat. .......... op For , sale by /014:0 II 6IELLOII sl Wood mt etall° Wight Li ( ht, CIUPERCIONNO the Wooden Mth, nn I bethe t.. 0 ee.e.aele, th ere), economises th e oilruad pee. Tenth Elution:hetet !to much ohJecte to In all &M e, float, One tWe tpeoathl of the ,emm ee lamp 011 WM ilrt Ni Nowt., on eat further Ingth circt::.;ZlfclTO:osS:lf P ll43 *S l 7ol); ' ,ll N ...12....31p7 ; wejNeekse. iraTi. Tun EECEIVF. o D,' at the P ms ittsbu U ry rgh Fandly Cro. ee lud Tea Weechause 6 cases Fresh Cystere,ln tin cat., I no Pulled do, tn Olin • sdo do do, In pint do en ne Pre.b 0 7sters ue part:wiled and pat up Da a highly eonceetrated soup enclosed is ' hermetical. ly sealed arum and will keep touch longer Inn that, put Si' In the ordinary leap For sale, who'nenle and retail, by WM A 111cCLURGI Co, en 30 d5O Liberty st al Work. - D. :! P LETONT & N ! Ot Vert c ha ve in coarse . r:[tit'n*r .‘,l.l"eertn't:iees"n4. Etr.h, a r ~ v or sad FArinesrinir; dew red tor rntetical •to ne Mort and those Intended Inn the Engineering Predesstun Fd led by Oliver 13, This orir is or large nen Flee, •nd will contain two dn.:mead porn, and upwards or tboamand illestra non.. It atilt per sent wnrcing thawing. and detterip ttnns of the most impettant montane. In the Untied States Independent Of Or re•ul,4 or irt gcnal.t h runts, complete prnetleel trennirel ten Men/mien., Alttebln-ry It nginn Work, andrngtneer tag u'l the, to useful in nom tton nor thoneand dollar, worth of !alto volumes, n nearine. and other book, 61.1 :Annette:a reverend, end tor me by the nero', 11 0PKIN3, Ypt 1. 78 Apollo Itnildutv Fourth at STOCII OP PIAMOB, re.r.s.V7 6,,,,G,;:t? 7) ~.....:-z, "21..? .. F. .....r - ""7 . f.)r(Vjilk. 7:4(..-77.,,Kil ''', -"""."1.,=.14-.,r; 5 ..i'.l ''.7.1k77 ' ' ' ' ' l T ; p ..„ n ~1_„..,...], .; %, .., f• •-. : .., q 2 #4.•,.,;%:44-••••; . 1••• • ......„.. 4-„:„ F .'..i: r .,. ' g--..... , I:: . ' CHICKERING , B PIANOS. John IL Mellor, 81. Wood Pltllburgh, 4,oft,WesUrn l'enasyl rattle., tor the sek of elll to CKFAING'S CELUBSATED (*rand and Square Plano Partas, D CuS to Imam las 'hoods cod the soolocat . pet if tont ha has now Itreolees, sod win renew! and 4.10 r staa, dralr.g an t nt mood., the largest arhl short en:reels twat Saute fen. ever attend far sale lo Ito wral—s.oLs- Cat otroLor rail k fosond r ; . e l ge " rtil i c ' efrved Rouvro,S Grave ?mast Fortal, senth`tal the tcceot togaohexecas to 2, Ohefflsfs Stta style Cr anterior. hpleodstfly caned Elosewond nye. octave Sguare Naas. Fonea, Errehed ILL cat Stuabethala cad Louis Xllt. min Waft n largest o-t. of at hu 7 •Fr011• stales or Pla. no rune, var., las pr r - ont 8 / 7 5 to Villn ar.d 8100, preparrr r Alf. 1.., - Ser.,l (or the present tleZu Purcharera tissered , hat the rnrea of Al'. eldest erzr.e P/a/10. have ere, eta.l .111 r at. rarde as at the manotactrts7 1.10 - goo, entboot chant trw.aporta ',ton; and In% he deft we real and set opt perfect crUrt, to ar, of Par city, rd.thact ahuge rr.r9 PC'? ROL n °rm . '* n o n e arc moic ace Ell hion to:flat. acd carry r.t of in Plo , o THE vIRTIrLs t h i e the eons:ant application !or it, to tbe proprietor.. ha. induced hiro la have it vetay In bottle. with is Is and direction. for tee benefit el the pabite. The PETTIi/I.Etl NI i procured (not a well it tbs. coal), at • depth of fear hiiioloot feat, to • puce one dulterate o:rticle, wilboa• oily chemical ctoo,ac ! he it as n. (root Natural. Labretacrll "nut. ••.o.orts street LabretovY% propertica reaching Anio:rr or ..I,neme. .o longer no:outer of uncertainty llinre Fire me,. things in the arcane of notate, orkocn, know:lva:de,: or •ast comfainsan to alleviating aUffellrig,•nd n• ring the bloom of health and vigor to annoy • ear. •nthr. Long before the prnprirthr thoaghi putting ,t op lu bottles, it had a reparation for the. care or tlia. aidese•a. The coataarn arid daily Ile.erculng earls (r 11, everal remarkable car. it bas peiformrd, is • sere indicating of Its (Ware popularay and ton. thread application In the tare or &stave. do Loi. wish in make a thug paiside of cortiL• cat-s. are conneloes tee ,, zelne ca.t WO, or.. its way into the Maar or them W.O meter and , to orele ti a. IVOlst Oo ant el.. lan no •.,leeesr: :reellen. , n le corer dowel, we unhcsit•- .e, n?, un: auto,: of earn. lusoath• ca. levi. Atom. tam, may be eithmerated— ell ~,..wa of wurees %ethos, aa aUN ll' f'OPISUNIPTION ilt, its e.). etagml A.s.anta, and ail thee:e.t.a at the tar passages, LIVER ef iv; PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diartmem _.14.n..cs of p Ifisbler aud Kolpevs. Puna to Wahk Sale. ;•IPrvons Dl•ea4t s, Ihearingth, Palsy. tthictimatln Eryr, Telier, Rinworm:, (turns. Scahla I 'raises, tri t o it, tap Ma. In cues a( &stray P llt from paers, or long and P,e1.r...1.1.4,1411 astonse, this inedthier orang relief. It unit ant an r general 'CONIC and ALTiaIIATI% ,a seen rases. imparting 1011, and energy to the whole frame, tenth, onv obstructioom opening the sluggish on, which eante Macaws and • broken wonstituaon, end giving tecreased reithwed energy to a:I the Organs el Lire! One propnethr knows of °event! come of PILtS, that thetated every other trenamciv, get Tr the ase or the PEI RULEU.NI for it oh, time A. Tne proot ran give. to ei . iy person who &Tires ne gecthine without the aignature or the prehrtens t y the proprthlor, h1.K15111, latinal Denim near Peseta at.. Aas ti ti SELLEFts,S7 tVcald at and — KENS...li gr. AVDOWELI , Word at. as.: Virgin alley' who are k. 'ernrty nrypeonterl An 75 CSPELATT'S PATEMT ['ODA ASIII Price Itedutod. srol aro Arepruor's Gen quality are high teat (Ares cud Soto taken' `Lan A.L. wan mood ouporlor to any other brand At by ch. quantily of robs Orarms for coroonty of orproved Notes, el (oar montbs, pro Cr at Tar a Inn quoo or . fo r IV & ht 711TCHFILTREF leo I.lborey 'tor CARPET WAREHOHSE, Igo 75, our t e W. 'l:Cri,;,',Nisn b FOfraj:lsh Stre t. Tnmminr h,, itrt::7"I T 1 L " . ' 11,(ZI ' ;;;, Po T a'Pt,l7,l :ri '., Z " Jo " , ' ,Z ng ' "',. F.no,. and American Liru,..,j. F.xtra Superfine hurried j pig dopertne Elil= 'lSttra eaper plitecaCbartille rtaprrfote do do Mega; ratud Fine a ”.. ; Coeurooe Kura Milo", • • he Common do Toned GhentHe Door Vote. Sheep awn !Adelaid 4.4. I end I 'Fap V Car. I uPa rrurlUM Carp. 4., i aucl plasn Car. ur,l Rae Curptus, J-4 Pruned COIIOII Carpets.' •44,, • !•-0, 4, 0-4, .0-4. 4 i and 7).• Cloth•. 04, a,•J f Ai alunc, 19 meh pa•ea: t.):1 Clot,Fol 1,1 . calm Loraprtmod piano covert 11 mks Emnomed Plato Taus Ported woolen (1r an yter late If arkey Red CblntseL ;Oli:txo Ifordersso Ertffligh mid Cloth Table ; Woolen oscab clgths lilmt at m &Mr Itods, tittt ral/gout flarpct Jute utm Coco Mat., ,t.ticaot sad tt4t-lo tun Mats; !11-4 mod 4- 4fircon Oil Clad! ItftVoltotittriae,ck 111•P1'1. ad, oboe, ut ;um from tbe moat approrca Beet and Aulcoc th. em thorn 12 to 24 fest in smi th , wbtch wit! be Ont to 21 rooms, balls, .. 11 vmlthales of any Pr: or ehape. Thu undvmmtcd tamsbr Imported direct from Eng. I urd. 7ctvm Pilo apestry CAN PUT?. Thew whlch orb of the latest and molt c ream rod of the most Po gOO rotosut tte •vttl at prlces to, lea as they con I. 221.112.3 d for to any of IS: castor - 11 cthes Tannumus. the ou.l Desblts. CranNon Ph.h: coin 011 Qinls, I>3rsuks r Lirdr4l . , N . atcrzc , Morctnz. I • .v. Ilualleb,••d ,or ViSt..cdul Trab!pare-1 - Fmnett try 1p • Ventuur. L.!••ds. • ! ., lko.:17 for Flaf 4, 6 i •a, Ic• L 1...,,,; I Ki.. ',Lc , r 7:,,,• ~,,... Or.; :rt . .,,,1,,,, G., i ,n,gn . I ~ :•,....12 Tt.tae. : 1 .. - big ~,... ..T.,....sOrtment of the IleheWl ...I ale %. , Wilinon , in UR I,S,4ELS, IMPERIAL TIIRLE PL led PSG RA/M CA RPF.TP srldeh far FOrr."" ie rieeldy end elleconein prorate all assostruset est., Wore Grcuaht toll. city. Ile Wahl/Rd:es Steen:Vohs, teen and Cesch Manufacturers to hls large and well ',War'', ^,nr...r.rntlbtl4lll,ltitlimut other krUclel newswry le their busisera. I n c underrigned is also apse? tot the only Slodr Rod 1R0r11 , c.. , Y Irl hoadriNhla, ud pre.pyred 1.0 /en lower theiv eon bo purchared hereelse - w To ntll Coy mar. !yet. MIR .1 NTOCK Drees Goods. A A. mAso.,N A. CO. CO Id.arket quart. berme= 'Mira and Fourth, are now ractivitA• a tmrre onr:rn,t Ilarrge MI Ulla% rend., efg.t,t, an ea. St, newardair; rallatoati Crapo Da ercr 'nth a lama kr...lila:trot Of Lalrn, nAd otttcr Dm. hoods, of ire styles a.do:Lort CaOlonnble tolora. PRI Paper thawskes. IN bt received, try tiro tt' El car.; e.hipmcnta,♦ nead and choice asetirment of nape, of ale 11/1411 Pocock and Eastern Mir', in geld. et:um-tie, oak, piaLo .4140 colors. out , t'. S C. 111:1,1 9.5 Wood street 114.3<1q WI.:0:e.• crate G".<”7, Commission, and Forr""db.R ovel my Iwoß. N. and W.A. Waterman. The se. in I mare will I. , ,eopduc led under the ay/ e .. 0 . f Wr.etv at tee ol ksy . L . l. 1.1„.1,14 mlts nee Set l ooll2l4,Lk3 & GO TR ifiSPORTATION LINEI3. 1850 ifti= 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BRATSaf WI. Line leave regale:l7,ml ae. ever &Wets Wthani treaellpeacet. J D BIDWELL, Retseente, JAMES COLLINS, do, Adea BIDWELL BROTHER, Raceway]. ts euirc ii iEgt h , 1850 is iiima BIDWILLL,II SANDY A SEAV 612415 , Fn.% Po/tabu:v.o so ND ER Cauxtheu end anregi at ndt mg( pordolo onentistof Caton. biota, Cwrall Stant, Tiorannoss I..occome, Licliv, and Frosaiiit, The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal opens op to our city through this great neutral central route a direct COMinueleattart to the above as wall as the adjoining counles of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. From thts section client the trade with Plusthergh has been, to a great of,ln eoneeqUenee of the high rate." of transportation, which are now re dunce to, SO and SO per teat. Bona of this nne will leave daily, and tan through without transhipment The Canal company have I bestowed upon thls hoe an interest to the unprece dented anvantatths of their charter, and thee secured to the middle portions of Ohio la ordering tbelsgoods by BID WELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE, an eqOal inlereet In this wren/litre. A m . : J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL A CO., Glasgow. Wash R C Holmes, ' Bpcer's Mills, Olum H & A Guy, Wilhemaport,o- George Leathle, Elkton, Or Carllle & Huffman, do; Hann., Graham k Co, New Llaboo,1:1; After & Pireboist, Hanover, o .;lblrers & Boor), Mi nerva. Hull Speaker & Poster. dw;oseph Pool & Co, do ; Hull & Buss, Oneida Mills, 0; If V Bever, do; C Hawks] do Co, tdislrem, K Or.y {Vanes burg, Od E Reynold., do; Isaac Teller, Nagaoka 0.; EJ Barlidell& Co. Magoolir,Oi Vlrm'llarkness, do; MTerland &Co , P P Latter, Shelter. baugh & Preinhaueh. nolrenr, 0 ; Wiliam & do ; J J Hoffman, in essillon. 0.; Cooduins & Ca. do; John Robinson, Cann; Fulton, O.; Eerily & Torrey. Canal Dover, 0; A 'Medially, Roscoe, 0.: L K net, Newark, 0 ; Pitch & Hale. Columba., 0; L 0 alat- I them, evebnd. O.: Rhodes & Green, dn. maySi —Welter. Tralesportatiori Conatmley. alwft 1850,Mitia U. LEECII 6 COBS LINIC. lILTAVVEN PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA, BALTMIORE & NEW YORK, Ey Pena sideania Can.l2 ar-d 8411 Ifwa.i. E Bums and Car, or this Late hare beim ut I compete order, and wall the additlut, of to p ren new coot to Rio Line, enables us turarry a Lag, quantity of produce and gm le, The entire stork at the lane Is owned and ed by the Propncuers. APTI, xe HARRIS & LEFAIII, No la South Thud at, And nn the Tobacco Warehturke s Dock at, adephla, Pa., JOSEPH TATI.011& SON, No 144 North Howard gt. Battmore, &Id.; OFFICE. No 7 Weal st. New Yul; ii LEECH & CO. Cana Ltd.. • Penn eh . . Pittsburgh. 1 850, A P l l gai n s'... UNION LINE, • ON T 111& PENIVA AND 01110 OANALS. CLARK, PARES A CO, Itchester, In. Propt's J A CAUG 021 no nor ttuntlifielO dHN and{Later au, HEY. Pitt Agent, sburgh. CI IA ltl BE RLI , 011 A oTTOBD A. CO, Aegis, Cleveland, Ohio. lIIS we'l known Lino ;re Cleveland, to transport foe.. and Passenger', Irani PI fTeIIISVG IL and TEN-ELAN/h. ;•olni on the Canal and Lakes. Too arilairs of th e Line an tanntrpaseed in number, quality and capacity ni Bat:, experience of captions, and ecienc f Age One ffi Boat l e a v e es piNbonta. rgli and Cleveland dailyt. ulng in nonunion with n Wile of Stoun .ru be tween FIT T 5111.111611 and LEAVER; and a Luc hi First Ciaaa Strata 8r..61.3, PI - 4414 i .4.1 %L. 1.11.1,41. CONSIG,NELS: Clark, Parka & Cu, R..rbeator, E Pvla & o, ord., 7.) iur, It o 1 a Cialfi ri 1) J. I ktrayLua & Kent, Cia.,,,,11 I tou.ka,,, It A Miler, F,/, a Witetsaar,i.c. ,, Cautr.tbet r...tut I & t Ilcbl.arJ& Co, ftax..l..ak Peaknua h boa:, Toltdo, Li tVoitasal h. C., Ltctron, /that., Vraliatat h Cr , Nlll:raukle, tCL Morley & Mt.:, Etat /1., cV , tioosst A Gsbbt, Ctle ago, LI, note aa Cllionazt, !O Iha , A G Age e V 21-r ; aa/ , out tltel: a. 18-5(1- LAKE EILIE AND taiciticam LINE, UN nit: ERIE EXTENMON CANAL. • CLARKE, YKR EY! A CO Fort:totter, rtopraelota. IRE Pr ridetora of R. otd ' known Lt re IVou/J Jut form tte pattlte that Lb..). lan now op. CratiOn lot toe present aent.on; tad her , eorninenced toodoltta Irerght a. I Passenzerit, r. , tlch they cat folly propat-d to carry anpointy or Cutal and LAKES ERIE AND dllt.:1111.:AN At the love, rotor,. tote of Lao COostl Lute will t.,c cot/Rawly Cl thr 'antlirg,t,elow Mon.- akele Oridge, to Iterate foal f:.:. JOIN A. CAUGHEY.Ae.. • Ott., tor Wstet ats,l Sitithdt•ldsts, .ham t. R Cumungbass Ness Cut:a, Ps, nrocho,to, a, co. eolo,h, w SOaron; & Hut', Stiszps , ,arg; nritre & Ca. Gtess,viEs. 11, - = Delay, Siertstosszt: Wsr. Powtr , Costersstrtila, John Hearn. Pc Co, En John .1 Hollister & Co, s;N Y. sta3O 18 50. _ _ Tui FOIc4II3 I,SPOR AND PRONITATION I'l ITSBUROII, P' !ILA DELPIf lA, BALTIMORE.. yORK, BlitiTUN, Av. faoau 8013611. Tarn O,CoNNon, PhllndelphEn Pittsburgh. I Criaal avis open, the propnetors of this j !nag estabilibad Line are ns usual ni their old ..aids, rani-wire end forarardiug Merchandise and Producer•ldt. nad with the pacropmess, ear tallity, rind safer, pod 01/nr :0 their .y•itut and mode • f traniziortutioa, where intermediate trail dhlPmnnt • dam .withw the cowecucat delays and probs.:dal) , • Meretnotli.e tout Pro:facet ahlponti east or we et, and :CI o. Lading forararJed free or obarto for commis mon. ads - nt•ttott, itoragr Having no toterett toctl• or tothrot tit 61 castat,ms, that or the owners /n role!). eouttMted wtten eltlpptha thelr good.. All commtuccaLont to the followtor acenta prompt ly encode' to TIIONIA9 RORBRILI(lE, Market wear, t'ElledelPuia TA AFFE h O'CONNOR, t:„toet Pr:, and Wayne qtroeta, Persboret •ttir, John Mt..',C:ogl, Ealt, I . C Our, Co ,6+Un•tto Sl'. a T Tooboott CC. eti Seat et, New art, lame. r,ecisvrtgltt, rortft - TiffhliqiuTaTnim Ll 9. - aas=l 1850. Between PltiOntritk as astern &tic. ne. Can rums now dpen, ere arc ready to,reeerve and forward promptly, pool:woe and merctiandue east and we, Erctitbts always •t !owe.: rays, ocapon• able finer. Produce and tnerehardire will Lie received and for ardent ealt and wen, With any eharge for for rd,ng nr advancing Height, cottimisotoit or norage BON of lading torwurded, and all direction. faith :le attended to Ald revs or apply to. %VM. BINI tie, 0, rat I.li , erty and lV•yne .11, Pitt•burgh lIINGHAIV DCIC, No tEI, Market ft, between 4th dth, Nitre No Ind. Nor th J AB.Ho {WILSN, Agt, ward O 9t.. Santo:ore. JAS. BINGHAM, Nre•t ereet, Near Yore Notice to our Pogroms. It LILIAN cr. Irr oltT A LIL 130A1` 1.1131 C. ton lari resr—a emu/anoi • nts hare her, made which salver the inirrahr . precitaii which hero reuifore Thy bouncer. is r ut :rood uoltt same name and hem, vier— lassos AI Davis,. Co., Philadelphia Jour APPAL. b Co, Pittalargla .armnosnre of the patronage of our thou, do i• do reap so licited. it any par.:: tore - against the ncert:. they am requeatat to p tarot then forthwith, for payment. P.11.661/4 . 0, April `SU IrITA DEN, Paaseasgaran Honsittiarano MUG. abII AN RDEACO. coottnne g parent t from any part of Elrgland, ital.& Scotland or Wales, upon the meat liberiit tonna mob their usual peneinally W o e lenliati DJ VnUlta and com fort of emmigranit do not allow oar puma en to be robbed by the searopu that infest the res pect, as we take charge of tort the martian thee re. port themselves. and ace to thrir well bung, to de. iipetch them otter:ono by the firit ship: We my this laurieni.ti, al eety opt 01 !era co alltrat hint :Tata ilittaDied . Liverpool, t!.on.an,lr c: :: . : err • ooct) months, until meg oncht be ant in urine at ch p rare, which to, frequently prey,: iteir cofins. We intend to perform our zontracto orahly, cost s q. 0 may, and rot Dal as was the eat : hst sermon, op] ether allirers,—who either pirforthed co: all, Or ni.en suited their row:eaten:re. Drafts drown u i s itreborgh for aoy sum fronoll to Lt.., ir, in lerd. TSfl.nL.9coyani and Wass, ./051W/. ROBIALSON, EkropuL aid Senna! Agent, trot Fifth tow-nee doer Werra Wont IWORS-17 .1/ hF ptxa Ernady—Otar'' N , Unnd uth. D 2 PuY. .• • N E Raw y, for lode by "r,v7M-Lyoy, 6. A. PabooateSelt & Ivl Loldj-7n,.141,1„.1inK.4.;tir c o o n7:v r o „Fat t . : m an ,/ n 1,14 Ot taunt., LT) Ihr Caro. Ammonia: 0 do Arum; .700 do Anmfccode; jou do Dye Woods, CAD do Crude lemur; JO Idomphieek; COI do Liquorice toot; 00 do Veil. Bre: do Inch Moor; I'; en cumpl:nr. 159 do Red Precipitate. ) no !trot. Brown; leo do ro de' Amer.; N .J 0 mmre eml,m; ee de' ii.K4 10 do ;Jim:aerie; :5,0 do Bucher Leaves; iloyce; MA do bitioberb Rom; 3 do Cimm. Power.; ;107 Sersap. do; 11 costa Ref,.Bncaz; 000 do tiontran • do;. 23 do Casalc Soap; WO do 11:1.1 Pockcel2l 70 do Preminn Blum; OW do Peldlitz 811antre; 13 10 do Chrome Gr do Cale 01okt:e co; lm; 0W no Pooch' Rhubarb; Gee do do Sllp. e do do yellow; lel/ do do G.Arabic Am fi do A. Vermilion; HA do do 11111. Rm. 60 reacts nand Poncr; 100 do do Jalap; • VI boat Sicily S 3 mar: 2:0 do do AT.Cayennoj 23 bates Bonk Cork.; 1100 do Salph. Zinc; 73 er Dolph. Iffo,?hm. :MO do Bor rm; 1.300 Iba Cop.Ators:MlP do Temerlods; -; IWO do / 31 :Chrom Posen?; 150 camck Eut,.-. mu do Pink Root; All do °tango Peck 1500 do Tarter limner, 75 do Coelonow ; met do Cream Tartar; 10 do tird Potosi: do Tartaric Acid; 60 do niacin PM do I:va Urn; Al Jo Granville Lotlon feldX-LkordrnT 0113.133333.73,—.54 , J .: 11 3 I. "sorted scoocclidaszs. a co 13327711 -- • Hitt Janie' Rllire/are V/ • • NMEnellat DREPAVED ander the Immerll44 ewe of the la Thla trentalomi ettabliMied /sr siP rds of thirty Teen. e/ b 2aet Preparation Is re memended ih wit eases of e, acidities, Indlgestlea red gnte4 as the mon safe, easy, tEld Creabbil Man - o m tt%; rid' 44 - 4 . the va q 'trep •14 ::Of thateceena genera' lea,witho e starrliab!e blts Is, u form demon:me concretions In the trowels, It efrectooLy cores heartburn without lobtliat Dow of the .untiuh, .04.4 POM. , 0.4 food of are kae en to de; It PIIIVEPIS the food of Ilk rent. tartan; soar, la all mum, n Lem as a pleaelnt aperient• and is pecallatly adapted to Centel.. • f.i , Hainphtey Dary mulled On this Solallan forint soloble eombLnations with Inc geld salts to eases of Pot and sneer, throb, counterseting their Irtirmi.o, troll, aid f r i iie! . . , Other dikalles, and even Idarnens From Sir Philfp Clamping. Burgeon to yle Irelendt-- ”Dear Bir—Thete can be ao dour, that Magmata may be ades/rtistorgut more safely In the rant of a con ceammed solution thao in substance,... (or this, and tmany other reasons ,! me of opinion M the I° iltz i nz a Is a eery saleable addition to oar Mattel' PHILIP CRAMPTON." Sir James Clarke, Ste Carpet Dr Bright, ond Ip Mews Online and Harbert Mayo. o'f London, server reCatholcod Nampa Fluid Machette, u beine in. bbitely MOM sate and convenient than the sold, and free from the danger unending the constant MO of 18%41 or pots... For LIIIC by the Importer's and liTOPrie lONS figelll4. 11 A FA HNESTuCK to CO M Cot. of Wood Flrbrca. ara & GREAT IN PORTIIiT CHE ICAL DISCOVERY CilEittICAL COMBINATION Area Lie :Eretsdon, to repel Dusan.. Dr. Onysottre Extract of 17' ellow Dock and Bareaparllla. Cents consult:nth:al, acrefala, ervripelas, theranativra, Pel t s , liver complaint; soinat affections, elect*, drnpsy, me, piles, scone'', offecOons el the bladder and kihieya, rocreerisi ditritte., cor rupt katMOVb TIISS or blood ibe head, firaer and ague, tecnale complaint, reacts! dchilitt, dreptp ma, loss of epoch., hoodocee, colds, coulee...a', rm.!, night sweats, chohr, organic alfeittaint i palpitation of the bear, 1,11., 1.10. , q.c.xt, hack, de. 'I. iriCallibio In all theealea arialue hen. /gee pe stale Orlin .blood. or irregular amen of tee ye. tc, In rte Vegetalde Kingdom, a. Ail-Aran limns ha. deposited plant, and herbs enagenial to oar contact non& and adapted to ha cure at disarm"; and to the vegruahle tlOtdom M.CI the 'resscdt pi M., an well • na,lnat of ant als, torn for anthietas in pain. The Syrup aor lentific cowl/annul at the main Val .. ,1 * I'.. ic in ncturc. entire, nee from deleterious, and enervating mineral substances. and as It earth/, dieenae trot, the sptical, napana prof' anti strengla storreapandlnz,degrec. .' CIEATIFICATES. An eXtranrainary race of Scrofula, rays:pa:as and U nary, cured: by Ike erste nno us Dr. Gayeetra Cow poand Sirup, Yellow Dook and tnerraparilla Damara Nov. 17, 1a45 Da. Goiratir —Sin I tender fromine:erg Mak. fo the gamer benefit I have derived mM c e Yet of yea nantable ...P. I have been troubled very barl nit e sena/Worm arm, Which made De uppearanan on M chin. 1 dist not pay much atICOIIOI3 le It at tint. rap posposing a e' to be natianta tau an trapmsa tam appgar in g far a. !thirdly Infest to increase,nnti/ opresd in the ark pan of Itte band. 1 apptid in a phyotantn. olio attended fur nsm purpott. I Lad tried every thi/1 that avow he tried. 01071,00 Syr up all enove flunk and gimapanisa, uatt rang:toted to rosa It. In; I anew ant rer'nee NHL arc. ono of ibe meet •a:riable amen:, Sr Me Warta far me Mood. / bonght r Nymp, aisd (rout LL to of ono 1.0111M,1 am:More a grant change la MY aTato... aar1,1.41" to omen man/ / wee n man. now feel like new person; mr Woo te perfectly aaeattoed and free from CI imporrtice. There is act a quinine bat Ma your newly aspen:tam:ea compound Iciercaperlor alI 110 V Sal sapardtu .yrap ersar sold. 1 ...belie nt your demote: to publaa or yo. 111.0.1tal siy vie you 'Ch . ! to rne 1 shall In hap. . n PY 4.1 the information I eau shout eau .4 • I soe a: ,001 obmtient aeraant, 47 tram .1 tiasiog, . 1131viarket street The Gen nun,. thelic.:;t e avec The I:2letct of eatn /teak .Sathetherrna ponnee, spe e dy. and kteroneeth t to. ell esnor:athth modest lu nuli, elthranvo rnepe,L.l. rend.: t: nea.therl7 apprennla bluhlne arm aithnaht vonthioLv., 04 the Innate. Lit Wit ulca nEueta ninth mom/. th.ennas thelet annocthrenothron. tolerance., ,or oe or 000 4.11 LL, 11 .141:14•6. r, , iku.l'at I rol.o. teanno, owonon, I.• thrah:• ar..l en.reon.- nr nth hthh a L, Te .7.‘ara,lna L ey on:1:nd p0...0,nth4 hren,n i'llotarata Vesin, F.ii,ag ci tae VCer.:O. r. tar ye,Are 1.114. k. m.r.s.l I,P Dr. (: , , , rzr . :* Yviturr 14, - t 11,1 :,:rsafrtallo, m kno tutw,l7 1.1 icon irmdsr:throut y ca.., eztrheyorr. F'e!,, 1312 TEW reruftel Via: my wire myrrl y,:am, has brth .1.0.15, 55,5 cwnri.Wt for Elva vcam-ricirty .54 555:5:Er.c515n het. fir r>ti., ye,r, yrmwara drr.er:.Yrrt :Orden: . :re :IlicDs ' 5 5. Lot., nn , e.f mien re 5 .5 54. an.* tr,r.oct whatever have erc r arehased every• recormsteoctir fr. rare of ettrir 554 nalth prur.:4l worth wt ies, L [print 1 ww induced by i 4 rrim.ll tyy D.. . e .010 ',AA r..nd Sams,car:lla; war , r.l4, for I"..ur mom Le. ! . ( ter Witt 1, 55150521 s A,eci.3. it Ws, tVldrnt al. Ilalthr Licproy: g, 4,55 p, 0.15•155: licp,mtl rap and Kocm , l A ot. o!tc IT MP enure) reirmre 52 . 5 c 5 r.. 5 5, crfr.' mot. cicellent ben,,;M. IV; bony eeig!Mo, • a.d /elk Mont., know that we ntwrs .tatemem, ar rictnew AI t, no.l • tom belt.; eJtcte ,, t.) tiaytott's Yeisio beet arA Sam:pea/It, to be stri :11) tra• JANE 1.109 Y, - A RAH PI:W.-EAU, Great Cir. of Comancisptlon. Mr. Benaert—D Ittlar7 2. !Sal. ear Sir: The groat burreE, winch Lave denved from yore tarract of Yellow Dock an, Sarsaparilla, induce* me, as as act ofJeulde, to make the ferlowlog alloasant: rafter wasting for two year, froro general debility which finally ruminated lu consuropriort. I WU giver. op by my frienas aud phystcloror bcyor4 :Le ord Ot medicine. AI a lan rerun, I wog t wo to try your E:ittact, and boyar; Itycl bra two boalcs, ao. rordolg to your a m en..rely well. would tlutefore. earacalv tertumr,dol , 01 r neserto el. led Corupodnd to tbc Efl,tcd wise and mule ran- r. Ureter d au rd aoale •u, up lo wt. Nan, 'rename uracsa put up in containingquart, uivi We nun, c.f la the glee, wait We arra, nett on :nu uutside srarper. tie ti , W , t. 3 It cte.G lc, J.ll Pna , oaur nt r. , •r. glut Wert:. Chereweetc. OW, f.e..ett . .3outai ana Weat, to whom nil , n - : ed. Caner & Drn Eno, r," Wet., lord, Oho & Utmong, Croswee.ille. Alunttnee; litrem Towundriot';ot or Itr Vde...e. Conn L 'o lnner.e k Canen•hure; L W, rft•n r'n.reel street end "to Pd..- .413314w1y0T hn,l. ELLERS' FAMILY MliDlCLNES—••Theyoze the modklnct or the day." arab= Slation, Ohio, Mar 23, ISta. R. E Seliert—l thin: Wright, tor the beoefit of othe re, io valetome farce In reianon to ioor ezeelient Fa. roily Merlin.... I have 2.2, r ear Se mama" lerrelv 22; my own n,,ly 111111 itevut2222y tree Isn tutnbues •ay vv. wosme I hdve ute.: I.2vde imole se22 ac ;:: • rude, c 2. i , .les ret ate 222 evety m atter, produced c. Ae I are enynged In merehombsme,l ant ab:e to ate, that I latter yet It, hs-er of the brat relicre where auntyd/eines have ben used an uny section alba In enacleslon, e runy stale tavt they a re me easeines of the day, and are desalted to have la • tehstya topularity. Vow., respectfulty W H IN'SE Prepared and sold by EL B g:LLERS, P No 7.5 Wood reet, and arid by Druggists generally In the two 4..?.L ., 14 .1..4- • le: 40 - vs/xia; ic - a - u.,1 1.7 Medicines of the day." • tlaattest's STAYIMt, °kW, May Ills. • 11_ E. Sellers: i thick it right for the betel, of others .tata ly Mdi w ine fees in relation to Year eMoellent Fatal. ee.. • 11 I have aged y, sr Vertalfage lxgeey to my own en , 1, one vies fre_ s derilly oneerenne for cepellint, ge • ...nub.. way Ito 1.4101 Worms from two children 1 bare also • lied your Liver Pills red Uough Snap sn • my family, and they have in every inetanee produced the effect Jeri red. Antem ,moged it, aM Janie to steat t o m are, yvt to boar ef re :elle, your mega[ uer hay,- been Used 1,/ my of the MINT , 0 011 ,. 1.01:1, I may eta, th, (Ley are hie MeMemes al the day, and use ban e very rod rt. ea. 11. rimuil.L. P t cccc and said R t,ItS,No 57 IL pod street, and Bold by Drug, . • g In ilia two eis nes said vicinity. 01171 Rem , CURE u7 tIIitIiTAVMPL - A - 1317T — ir na AT original. only true, ge.MIA7e a - rc " b ° $l, It. h. :she,. Mar I Ilia it a May I Owe M you and ta tha publie Tynetc ly. to Mato that 1 have been soured with the Liver Co plains for a long time. and so badly that en Oboists formed and broke, which Left pre in a Very Into sum. /laving beard of your ceiebrated Liver Pills batng for Sale by tt Sharp, in West Liberty, and mcartiMeMled to me by my phyeician Dr. E. Smith, I concluded mgt ve that (air trial f purchased ono box, and found them to pest what they are recommended, THE EMT 1.1- VEIL PILL EVER USED; and after Uskingfour boons I find the disease her entirely left ma, a n d lum now 7 7 rp7cily weir . Reepoeffully your 1) II COLEMAN Wert Liberty. 11 - teci, 05, i 11 4 ,. . ; 00 - 117 mu bettor...lly aco6olloted 01G,1 1 000 Can tr.! MV-rmlly th, 0 - uth or the titificitte. A Ra nd H enlace L . Nrat are prepared sold by E LLERS, No 57 Wood street end by drougiste to the "Mettles. TO rill; et.TRLIC.--Tbo cuiglcal,_Ohdf.tmo g eu. Moe Liver I'4lo nro prepar 0 l Fit:Seder., and have h. name stamped In black wax upon the Lill of each o x, and Ws ingnatard on the outside - wrapper-ell her! arc comae Meta, or but imitailonis AMU R E SELLERS., PmPrietor WATCHES 1 1-UttnArcit Istr.A torcit Just recM, nn invoice of jewelled paten lie. yer Watches, Id comas tint c ocoa, PhiCh .<ll at lowan Lima, thirty GYO 191. try, }IV: warry.rard to keep good nine. Also--A splendid astortmebi of JrcrEf,Ry, ram Pnring the various end loiest cry - les, nod by, WittcbMitte, Ull C' UV • , nEII,,E), FLPAllsti 1.1 CS, hams, arra • nged to sbra their env re attention to the role of dome, no IVoMen UM' Cotton (.10.17, OM, their e lun tock-of enors , Trimming., Vcotingi, Prrnch nod ergo. CI T oths, Doeskin., hassimetts,er.c.at Pesttoe.t. it CO re len,Wl Clark, N. Y., of auperior mu., and wen mot, puke For rale by l i BI.EUEH, dclu at 3. W. Woodmen. Wfor t lema lvuxv rnn rorniEßi sabstancer dr=tTearo'cl'a delletoudt the Odde r cletursittg the month, healing' and Mrengthen• ing the gams, and panfyitty the breath. For sale, ertolessJe and retell by dc2o SELLY:R.9. c 7 Wood st Stradldidir .WITI•dr oia, aO. 50 %0,, ,p ; . t7rilliettandy,lrano yov inta T er: 4 pipe, Holland Gin; 2 panel:mon Jamaica Bpith.; yanetwane Old 1.111, Witham 20 at casks hlaaarta Wino, 90 do Oporto da, 20 WWI. Baritaa.,l Claret: to , t r iVraPt.VJtf<V to Lela oat VYmc.• 6 Lela Freect Whito Wins Vire-cam Rco'd c!ca'a by anizsbri ILIMETEION saga an .1 at 3 Warty a PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCRRWS. PATENT= NAT 11j191kT. • - • TIME Dia vetting he,. ~,,k9 1 .1 and wetly, approved in all the principal ski ps m flew Yoh 11 1. 14 P hitad..elPhisi sow offered to manufacturers, machines% ship smuits, dee, vital the utmost co n ! scees, as the mow portant article in ow err cutting Kayos. —am. Their i t....t uPe ' lari t,""r ny other Dies ' heretofore used, conairts In their ami a maim k w -. 4." • "%grate threw, hy acre paslngurer th e iron tithe cm, 'which re.m,e no ruedrlif ~..P7 ll Tuitiduin as the dies cm the thread out of th e 'solid iron, Stith= istsitg it In the cash to getout of ni Plaicii and Perfection of work; mod In their simplictig and Bole Nobility a 7 orttlloatas, irttanctomu, Am.l7, tO Certify that ars have pareaL2e4 Atom r. W t•avaa the Meta of as ag Mt paten &ea for Cali dog bolts • or I,!s LIMO Era math tope -lot to any othen aro on aoquaoated aratll tot tail' purpose of tattlna Lona. ritILLYIIIII7I4.. Atty. ne e I Having had P ISCates' Peter t Pies la in Ent extatnitbment for the lag nine menthe. Car eattlaz .wat can la eve 7 teeethmel , l lltetel the blithest terms, az We Dave bud all Mere Illeay, they being so Or asperiee—eonaldoelne the. 711 pg cent. cheaper than Eel, tuber, now fa tote. RANBy. Nlle/PIE k CO Pena Warta. ft. ' "Thu le certify Mat wa have puce need the to WO, and to adopted In Cla blilllnt,t P W Gates' Pa tent Screw Cutler, wtich re highly approre of. We can do much more wort, and we helleve it win ear. rue to durability end precision, WI much la economy f labor, any diec known to 1111 TASSER & itiOREIS! Pm 1,11.71114., Oth month,49th day, Ufa. No You, MI. 10,1 W. laving aeopted P. W. Gates , "Faber Dies , ' for car ting boric, no take picture In sa lot, that. it more wan anus err our expectations, end have no bathe eon viag aas oar nothirat, that it fu excels any other p gi :an to present ase for tomer, 1il:C011 tr. CO. • We nar• Y. W fiateet.Patent Dire , foe cutting ocean, and the economy or ,224 n , r them la _no Yecy make' cable, chat ere look upon sigmas ...pen.- le to every estardlehment haYinuaOY quantal of mewl to cm MoVORNICK, OGDEN & CO C .". 0, N. 717. 1917. • OILDCWICS 01/701,, INOTC*, din ,48. I bade Fareththed of W e n Se.dle: for the ` united Emma me right use in all the arseials and IMO- OCELLANEutJS Eec James Murray , . ifitald /11 anneal/gm flit EPA ItEll under the Immediate eaves' theft, yenta:, and estohlt.hed lot onwards of thirty scan by the proleettion, for retrieving Elie, Acidities, and lealgesnon. meltwater dpentile, preserving moderate state orate bowels, and diesolviog ode acid is firavmt and fin.al , as an -easy remedy ler sea siebnessjansi for the rebi so d:" affection ineld.tMehild. Load it is lavalimble. I. the vale, of Magnesia aa a remedial sheet it is unherepory to enlarge; but the Plaid Prepared. of Ste James Money ey es now the icomt valued by the proteetlee.,ss it entirely atroida ,an possibility of thew dangerous concretions Usually rullwar from 1 . . use of the e,ticle in powder. For sole l.y the intpurr sf•em . , Cot. Wood lb Flan, MO. it)ll.ba;Cia—CD Ors Russel; k Robinson's S's lump; brs lows t findson's b's do; has Cabs ne or. Ws lump; :0 las 8. Myorent , lump: 78 qr bro do i.lb lamp. (or sale I - y MILLLE k 111(IKETSON R. C STOCKTON has or Mr sae, " — arta of Clbbonls Calory or the Ilselioc and Fel; 01 tee Roman Empire. L.re end Letters of Tliomu Campbell. in V v. Is Eti led by Wen Se ntme, bl Elementary Ss et Moral Philosophy. Dy We late Rev. Sidney Satan, AL L. Leelltref on the 4marscatt Felesitio System of SUP. sari. tly Illentamin 11111,fil. D. altot an Vernon; a fiollerl. The Sboultie; Knot a tale of Ile eeventeesth eesn The Soarlet Letter, a AM.". By Nathaniel taiga -- atr.l9 - 1111 - ffits I /FE & LETTERS OF THOS CAMPBELL. Ediled by William Beall., hr....D.• 0.3 of L.i4 c,. 0 0013 P-Ineri Meth. Ralissay Ecooomp: a tre1.430 on Ma new an of I:l.sf"Pil, li, marAge-losid, prospacia, and relations, imam' lei, Lod ecre/ot, 0.10, G5.90r11.1012 po - itevial fracito Mille ...Sway., In coo:a:Ionia tim nn :be Ccialmeld, nod in Amei 11l Dionycim LirM i er, I/ CI., ,ac. I vet. lemo clod; Tbo Euture of the Ropotlieitrae.s. limed Dom the Frouch of A. Da Lemardne, nutior cf "This Derc,l,llsie," of my "Ra. abaci,. 60. 1 col Ifimci cloth. Urals toward Reim., In Lectures, Address,and Cher Wrltiogs, by lionize vol Wale clo. The, Illstory or the Confcmienol, By Jahn Berry llcokiles, D. D.. limhop of the 1.100010 of Venet.ent. cnl limo Moth. The CONCCS, of Conedia By the amber of Hoc tic.• logo," (Elliott Warborton, Eal a cola tome. . Casrbois • et etch of n phymea I descripdon of the trniverae. By Alex Vco llamooidt , traneinite from Meilen:man by Oui. I TO,/ ittrue'cleth 0 1 1t.bon's Oceilee and roll of the Borten Empire, said, notea by 11. If. Wm.. llorper's cheap cdition tense, cloth complete I e 0 oaf, a, iler per co!; 4 Cola reeetved far sale Oy it DOPKINEI 2e A ne,m Doildings Focnb New Kuala I MOURN Mee aadnecv When ell er Mead. L around thee. I ono:riot , . ds,Oriure ud retain Annie Lamle. Are we ictuott inn, Low backed car. lie death ail ihinsa . (oily axe a Nov er moo, Grave or L•spio., Tl.ou host wwoldee . re“.l iicaii.l Boy. Be hoed to 0,C1,1 60 , P1. Chet: tie C. 7 n 10.00,0 [nuSu Loom S. ,- 3.. ring flower Waf.es. Elfin Wolfe Bra ebere Wu, lialuiliton Polk Betty P O I a filvel Po ix. .1 .ny .1-1.. d Fete.. Qmeiratep. Marti, Nemo. 'Elie above a,. loci received, and for no!, by ors a .1 if NT' LLOR, SI Wood si . . rr W ltt bisaaC J. R. MRLLOR, qt mod itnsa,.has reorived lka foliarataw Nree Mu t e: nil..ly can you tee the trodtha holy Baba deal. N../ cued to Rev. C Cook. Ob, ttenk am f lee. I love thee. Blanche Alpen a I love thee. Wheu other New. arinmd thee. The cot beneath the bills . Wert Mel but Mina. non!. L•utie—Scrneh ballad. The liebin —words by Elma Cora, mace he Stephen Closer. Thoa hest ...handed Me that loved Mice. The I Orave of Washington. The trek filotimEs Lament. 0.4 Samoa—Hassel. He Comb all :hinge welt—, W W oodbury. idour Maebrec—llemalL The collage Ef ray mother-c4latehhnon a Luis booked ear—Lover lfin Waltma--comple.e. The :Haste Bell. The Bridal re Weddine Polio. Jenny I.and'x American; Polka. I.lany Polka. Soiree American Patka. Tip I, KArrterre. fdtt. Le Bella ilallimoream Jeney Lind Polka. The Origins h pole— Juleen. Stictotten Poi: a ',at Polk. . Po'ku. Suing. Polka. fres,ercl P.rka Pee Pro ph•t Cinadtilles—aleyerbeer L ter QueirJllcs. fbe W 'calk ted IPriay St ki,ek— 1; eel The 'else Drover ilor—rs..atek •1, CZ!, py Monument. Spaces from Home. %Treater's Dauch.er. quiet step. Laul n. arthe Moroni! cod Celekstsp Woad Up, Quick me bir•wber y Planet. flar 1.41 ac as.r."'sla wood Carder. Prise, Itovey DLIST'S Priz's Seediinge, ti•i V3.o7lsit flt•se •re ll•voteti tr.a. ampept ail the difere, nr,..!rown. Inder<Sseli , 0 the prop letr.l, 13 est !lee's. toy, will receive pto - rizitt ittientiau. J _tmcl4 1 1.1KukkJilltril LLIN A rs fl' become an established and almost inikspens- II able resprisite lnavery well provided . 1 - 73ry its remarkably wholesome •ad atritlous gnarl uea as a fool far the healthY as ea • dist foe.- re! 1116 and also for the sustensnce of growing enildixn ' hod Infants. Venous modes of cooking p reputing , are given or. tbn wrapper. Though well knon - o in the easy, it has Inver been introduced to ney egterrt in Pittsburgh. The mbrrent. t:N hare, therefore, made arrangement' to be eon. canny umpired with It, end now afar It to recall feelers or Inmiltra MOTO favorable term* than it Des ever bean sold at an Pittsburgh. Will A hreCLURO & CO :mod Libeny at - AP P Trit r alnlein T AM pow prepared to famish Apple Trees from it. well %now,: Nursery of Jacob N. Doman. The reel will be delivered at the whmf at POraborgh far, Sig per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty tress I -Mould leave their orders soon at the Drag, Seed, and p,A;macy wmehousm corner of Wood and &nth ste.. , pit S INIRPICKERnHAMZ' VV —Dissw-riO4lklfilleTdi IZLEDER hos last received e fine lot of Drags !Monuments of the best manufneture,welecMd ~ foresail with greatear:, far tai:market. suea a. Valve Trombones, Oats Licales,CometsiTakm, . CO.n Ene seeetinn or Marie Doses, playing two and three tune.s; Ftutless, Aces:Weans. c. Ac. Aix', a, penor Ill•rarrat and Iwian owing% an.j.ll geno. in rue Neopolo SIGN sn Sirin OP g, TI I E four len ,Loe. gths, ist II a spA.RP. lendid sm ug - tin Third_ VE AN street HITE'S celebrainirSjlCßlNCl-SID I e STILE,NGTHENING PLASTER, price him-, A roverci,n remedy for chronic rbeumaric Electrons; vs.:cheers and lameness, of most ports of the body, wards, burns, sores, of most kind•. rats, sweillogi, Trains, Gra n s, corns, and felons when firm monk/. Alsd, the sons[ canventent talc simaing wipe for ttrengthening plasters and droll, on the feet. For sato by N WICKERSHAM sognt Cur. 51011, & Wood Fwate2lniianrBtl3oplan Ittelodte2. 13 . lININE to R. all 7:12 . h1; DqUy D2Y; Datcy Joxs - Go down to do Cotton Field; NO"' was a , tn. AL Ile lit - id to th e Laved nes t at Home; How thy boat llghtly; Traci Love, by T. Hood; Oar way acmes the eta, Omen; A near medleT ' bLa Conn; Jenny Gray, ntaci,oby Joys that were etntrlllnt ‘ Wedillne , Mara; Got bleu, the Lardy roartec,. SehitylkUt Waltz; Conscript'. Departure. by W. C. Glover; Seineds from bonze; %Van:. Steyezmazkische Co; Last Ram of crammer, easy ;atones.. by Item Called Stases Polka; Ladles' Souvenir Polka: Gann Coackcr Quadtill Leitsville Quadra/et Beauties of Italy; Deena, Trim, /sc. A large assortment of New Matto on hand.to which addition* ars made weekly. For saki by PASO • J. ff. MELLOR. SS Wood at. - • • .IMeeP Roandosrd • eatery. S EU:4I . OE.F OF ENOLAND I t now pet. ng by aurae Le Drees, In 6 cols'. club and p. 4.11., at 90 CentS per vol. Three rein received, and for sale by R HOPKINS, apt. 79 Apollo Boild.nes. Fourth kit:scours-4c boa mould, dipped, eod bs: Cream and E,pb.h Wry: Uothe-E0 dos Hemp end Arneilin, ennun-n0 Matta; Crorrs-h barrel; Cramer-he AI Common end lelllsprvsn; Feu - dr. 1.:16%nd bait brb Mukerelsnd Reiman, Gr.ast -44 boa Roomed Mem lfann-1203 Pnnie Venirna, Sugar Cored; inn3 , --lIN lb. S F nod Alaninn; In--16 do: tier:irons tric.k m Copying. AloLaym-iz bee N OrleanN Ow( Otis Sousr Hume. hichrrhsro-N1 den Ii*ORIC4 craurterr hinechnom-Snlla Itahorn mihnselLl4-60 Is. do Nos-:A. kegs awned; Pumas-4 do: Jul a...mod; Puce ca-. 30 bnebele bake. Peeve-SO rearm mooned; Prsurv-Its the Bordunui ; Sou.-. 27 bk. Rain and Car:'Sieel; Scosz-10 beds N OrlainsitadCartied.. Tea-6phaekneS Often amLgact; T,..sacco-C6 bee 11, 5, .5..1 Ib lamp . Dosans--.50 dcoozjri‘lotr'vitiLica,TelLad co For We by • 1800 J REED HOUSE, Mao MEM& & BAREI&U IProprietorai /Naha Sparc akr.4, Pa. OE'NERAL STAGE OFFICE—Emma. %min. and :Satiate= Stag; !cavil Gitehenue &Sr 00, WAIL) awl Erma Steam asul Psalm Boau,Orads. M. W. Ram late of dm enustaaz 1-1 0. 1 . 1 tr* ea. O. W. liazatz, law este Jam= liar. 4,410. P. W. CATES' • Maunder the Uperirialoa al int. Dtp.u. en t, P . W. Dateel.Paient A loan for clan, g r I," on pc. baring bean mod in taro* , ro aneriale, and tbud to be no efficient and t h r ee: eni A. TALCUTT, wl Orditaroe • , BITBZAV or YAW. •-D Dom% Wailer., weer, V.-pi. Ceiteldrhing Gatelt , Patented len..oement for eat. ung *ere an on meta: to ha a 1,11100 0 a ono, I h a v e, by antberlir of the Honorable Seare,r7 of the Nary, Earethued of die Attorat ya of the Patentee, Wm H. sooitne, and Panneel Mee% er, , the right b make and *se sold improvement for the G. S. Navy. - JOSEPH ShilTH, Cola et Hama. J e cloccls c on. In ese•len by RaCalo Work, Doge., Reeve & £ 911 , /, Reveneatell Realm tr. CO: aloncener, h. V, l i tr n o:O ls & ev lnVer l itch4th, , :onney, alztklarMagnr,orbant . .i,n Y; pea/ Mead & Cel;h7:4lgr'r".ciVo'-ok:,*. Van Caren, Roettecer.,_ Mon & &vet hew Vote; Album Works Nord./ Km, PfOla ' o' I bta, MTAN:7 4I. SI',°. A Jenks Itreedesboreh, Pe; Wakeee , ”n Lmell Istelkiste :110p, Lowe Ameoslieng Co, 31anehmer, N i Lyman & Soo her, Sala 8000 and mammas other atticst.l N ' o No 8 IlMach do inc,lo LOA diet & tape r 1 212 in. ptL IMO do prtoo eta Non do el. do ml. price Ali macro add,roasel to G!oca & 'll Knight, Chicago, G:l3. yaitson,Ne, ortt, & Co, Phi,- deip!Va, and . N. 90021112 HO2ll, • eactag a, for Dien and Titz•, , ,72 . pV giq j'ha ' tnt c n r " lot "L" theta, On•caoc. May 3, inn * : ,* MISCRI , I,ANEOUa KOVAL. DILUTER', HANNA & CO. remo,,d thpi r xcloings Offico in north net of Wood and Third otroota. no±, NOTIOE . Min; Posthetsblp beretofore oxi•Lne between the onbribera, ander therolred by m bor firm or .rtutualge xrid, Wiloon & ee dig consent, Melt: telners of Lbe firm will Le ireli!vd Ly f. w. per. bridge, or Wm, lVifsen, Jr. whom!. author sea. th me the name of the him in r ;nide:ion. J. W. I<IIIIIRIDGE, 'war. W I Lr , '*;.r. Plitsbare , • o LY tr, loget.74ON, s C TAK . w. Dar bridge It Ilan). P. Ire bran" have Ode 1,1 day areedated themselves under the firm of Bor. bridee loghtera,to ilaaract a N I , olesale Grocery add General Commiasioo Bcnncu,l4 Wettest*, lately decanted by Garbridgc, Nih0n 1 . ..,11.0 Water m. .Qttlabargh, Jeiy I, 16.21..—Jy/ OD.PAfLTDI gust.. IP. enbemihere tiara gee day formed • to-parlour. j. ship under the firm of Wiz tv,iede, for theamr. mere of transacting the Wholeeale ( , :neory and Corn , pal Woe Balinese, at Nord Wood strort. Whi. wil,,Sa" Jr. PRANK. M./40N tiab3.rsh.l,l23i_i - • - -- 1 IHODLUIS dt. /lAWORTU r RrCTIFTING' DIBTILLYRS , ane tea end Wine Hatettanth, Hut alde of the Chrznond,Plusberyls, are now offering R;1110 tar. loner criCel for cane, Headed Whlakny, Ota and Dothes:th Brandy; ern, French Brandy, Holland Ole. Jamaica flpitits, tor, den Gin, Irthh Whr/re y. Rum, a c . Pon, Sherry, Ma deira, Champagne. claret, Mo th. well, Helena, Tarn nide and [Arbon Wines. Wholesale t Roma my.l YYfIINTINO PAPElC—Alaraya hand or made to ardor, tits vailout mires of Printing Paper, Etna 1 , 1, - rapplug Paper;Cruarn gallium, and DouL ia Crowo ainHADISIM wruppluir Peplif; Crown, Medium. and Doubles:4lmm Post Oak° Paper, Pasteboard, &e. P MARSLIALL., 83 Wm' at, Meat tar Clinton MEN. AIT,OISAN INi AM and work d her re. I VT rward. By Marta j Mclotoch, author or. Channa A Cournoraharma,a wlb loom and to be." I. vol limo Latter Dry Pamphlet., No In—Tho pre.ens Sao. By Thomas Carlyalc. Cuararmam—Alantoirs of Lire and ivrltlaga orThoe. Chalmers, D It., L. L. D. Prelection• on Bailer , . Analegyi Paley's Evidences orChrisuarthy . and WON Lecture =Divinity, with two Iniroductory Lennon* end roar Addresacs delivered in the New College, F.lmburgh, by Thomaa Chain:tom, D. D, L. L. D. I vet Coma—Life of/ob. Calvin, compiled from aorta. tic soarers, and particularly from hi. correspondence.. isy Thomas it Dyer, with portrait. I vol For ...lei by R HOPKINS, .047 n A .olio Buildiags, Fourth at. Combat a:gimbal unoss viper Polka; JO do do vary Aar , aa V lid " and Reddit • 12 . 300 " " duper Snylla Horn Roddlop " " Yonne{ COndisi " 1 0110 don mabl Fine Ivory; ZLI Shoil Slde Combs; to " super large Buffalo; 400 MIS nindil Side Combs; roobi dad for gala by febs C YEAGER, 100 Market at lfirti.ol.l6l•o . • •. W. . r !ficgarra. undemigned, attee.sora to Arthur, & he/. J. son, beg !meow Inform:he mnsons of Pntaltargr. and poblingenerelfy, that they have robtallt the EA UL}, FOUNDRY and arc now in full operation, and bore part of theirpatMma ready for the market:— Amongst which art Cubing Stores, Coal awl Wood Stoves, with a splendid ale.ught Coal Stem., which now supereoding to other rules the common round dine. Also, • &heap coal Cooking Store, well adap ted for small hmilles, 1.111 a roll uttortment 0.-earn tr.•••:. and mantel Orates We wonid particularly Ir.- etc Om attention of ;tenons building to tall at oat, article o watchotts e before puraltubtg, sad examine aaplendid entirely new In this f enunnielfed GMarkel rates, Anlshod In One Kyle—, Warehouse, No. itt Liberty as, opfmalto Wood at,l angld.Ntt NICIIOLSUN & PAYNE PITTSBURGH USPOILTATIONS. C. YIDAGER. Importer and Wholeutle Dealer In , FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: of the Gilt Caalb, led Market at., Phubargh, Pa Weater. n Merchants, Pedlars, and others visiting Pitetbargh to purchase Goods, are reerectfullyintrlted to call and examine the eStenSIVC en . ortnnent of Ling • bah, American, French and Lemma Fumy Goods. - All foreign Goods at this catat.shetent are - Import. I ed dire. by myself, and ,parchasera etny rely on get. nag goods from firat bands. .1 hare Vic iargest anfOrt• inc. of articles, In the' variety m the city et Pnalmigh—all of which will be Bold Ivor for each or city tueeptanaca. The Sleek connion, In pan, of Lace Goods,Dosiery, Gloves, Mtn,. SilleCravats, Shoe arid Patent Three la, Sewing Sus, Spool Cotton, Tape., Snapenicts, P. , etta Fins, Nes dice. Catlery. • Gold and Silver Watches, Gold los, Iry, ail Leda of Brushes, Combi and Rason. Permission Cap& Revolters, Clocks, :Mb A. Cotton Purse*, Spectir.ica, Steel .eta. Masi* Doge.: Carpet Dap and Baskets.. 13indlugs, Findlngs and Trimming. Toy. and FaneY Geed& together xvo, a tante as rte• ty of Panty and Staple DRY GOOD, C. YEAGER is also agent tor tt.r c•'-nt caaterComba. - -- Groat Maglish M..% dr. El Groat ha, Colds Asthma and Ott, temptios he X' strove R d E ie A ea T s I s s` , M is B the . HN RIB A E R D IANto tioALeefi o the OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrate,' Dr, Landon, Estgl.d Cad 'nue/need into Dnised :Itasca ander the Immediate superiuteride net I Me. inveninr. The extraordinary success of this medicine , in th e auto of Pulmonary dinette.. a-irr.t.tits the Ann:nese Agent In soliciting for treatment inc we", powcihle es sea Mu can be found In tha community- case. tn.t st,is relief In vain from any of the COrrn.cl, ' , medics et tas day, and have been given op by if eta:, Manner., physlesa. as confirmed and the II ungun an Balsam has cared, and will core, ww( deontrt.t. of cases. It in no quack oo ten: fish medicate, of looms and estaithot,td .fitemsy Every &only In tha United Slates s: no:d be sumase with Buchan's linage - rise Balsam at Life, not onty to cecina:scuba Consuovtive ttodenc:... of ba: to be used as a preventive incificr.a a all ones. eolds, crifighs, spitting of bitted, mot, t the side and COM, IMMO. 1121 d DOioO,lff Of the longs, laochi,C4 I dytetat7 of beetling, hectic form CITA , vela, crone, anon and general debility, eatber,i, v , Les, velooomer soogh and croup. BO In large bottles, al gl par boo:, set th fe/ dims , tipster the restoration of health. Pamphlets, coolaining a masa or I:, oab sod Amen eon OZllifactlOS, mid other emblems enrooltio too on. equalled mitts' of this great Engin. nemody, may te Obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. For sago by. Bit FAN:VBSTUCI Co., corner a st and Wood and Wood and dth sea.. Juointses O Ncertirso Luz IV • prreterrion, March 27, I P 47. Mr. IL E. Fellint—in jasttco to yr u and your Inc., parable Cough Scrap, I beg leave ie s,,ite, for the leen chi of the community, that my wit ha. beta reseral doses al/lictad with &aloft ilivresra , / cough. I par. chased, in January last, a bottle of ) our Syrup, which eared a maga at taro month*. sida..liog. Abnag aa a , ,00„a3akaza, the armatt Mama; cal was 60 river* Ural she could hardly move, from weakness Inthe ' breast; I sent for - one bottle of your cough Syrup, a,,,, a port of One bottle cured the z I gavel the oi:.ei to • Journey:ma who let. Ile,. 'landed, Lad, to use his own wordy, ' , nice ewer b coagb ti ned y to care all the people is Plusbargt,' if the Candy hat beett OS good us reartraated. . • - Yoe., re7PeotfielY, ..ntsram B. Zama. Prepared and told by EL k: S r ~ 1.. liftS, 57 Wood eticei, and sold by Druggisis go, ern p;y in the two china drl.l _alai Mlllelorr-PI4SPLILIgD. .. . ~..„ •, J. A- nROWN would , ~oe. 1 , 41 4 Wend the ittadi,,'L: ._____,___ Irk. ~... kr,, , i at els stand ;lb: 1 : . .___ . ._L 41= d ,',"' B;. , Ll:Lomond, all,. r ner.eoel i r t e y 2.ll 4 l "Prie'' assort. un hlinds; also Va. ..:.,..,........ .....,._„..._,:e der ti the best.le,'Zdatsfrrntoet'i equal torn) In Z.:lined Stale, Na the td I ' 4'7 ft ' e ' re ' ; ' . l l;;;;e :- ; tZ,l3l 3' l4K a jl .' v r ilL: c h a r DlAle c ret g r d i!tl i Ment Of qtinnyy . 2, '171.1 . • Lillis old Cut. rn ' t f r: d , i:: : : ,( 4;11 ' 5% the pUblie el tenet stridlt every'llon- to disiz Lino. Arn.Y, No DWood unet, .1 - :uht..”o. cnch..to --"------- - -. A. BROWN. Mono oozy In Teas. DE.CIDEDLY the ehlepeat and Lott pined la Pins . the lltatty T ta 7 l: at the Teo .11arket, test ewe Excellent Tea at —l.BO so p.• 11, • Palteilar •0 76 • The very 161 II LOW PrittA daitetred, or loierke Teas are not tept at dna tenabnanntat, th ese/ore, Vbelhel yam go yea", ecU an ad a thud, you are tore to Wag. nand article, and If the flavor the Tea le rek ~ epe,,,d, they readily ere/mane A a r return the meaty. 1512 61011015 dVA WORTH Pro. decor. CNILLI~ flB SOAr—xoo Ox. :or •.O by reoll MILLER a. RlckErsoN Palvo:rota Com gravel', . R Qkn a .pared rzotorly far paw, p" • dare let Ballad C. • Onn of elm sutti f o c;o , rjac, hill( =rad( a . = /kt . poc!nnue itaJnalk, WI it Laren:ly dteradvid arid siriamajj. h. easa 101 l tamely 0 asint.ponr and march Into *a Wow of ih• milk, wham 14 „ Olt As aonnang••ll A °I- v °61 ' 4100 1 6 13, Weir I FO VEI 01-Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers