.e.fl emte tosfaithitul and in thalamic( Men lITISIIII t;11- 6AZETTE-,__ftmointi.Adutpotiad ;.and.their - maims to -seanneopr one of = " ty'sortilitirtes cm unpile charges of omeening° mullion, of Ste wardism, of abolition and kindred committee, in - ealcales lemon tee trtea they will laj,to heart. And now let as ell Ideate/ keep ma personal preference in'their proper place ; frankly declare theta at all proper tomes, bat not emplortheut for thecetnation of a eery foolish quarrel. The W party of the state has declared its verdict, and ought robbed amid, of its etrength, it has lifted Mr. Hunt into the Clubernathrtal chair. We do not entortam a doubt that be 'nil' be a worthy successor of its present occupant, and no Whig, Of .whatever school, could dente more. Let m then oast about for a Whig Mentor, that, by th e time, the Legislature assembles, our 4preseatetlvel may be well informed upon the general sentiment as to the Mem man. Two ar three things may be gig. gelled in connection with the subset. We think Mir dry is emitted to make andthe selection. He should be a nationaL Whig, there ace very few Whigs. that are mherwiee. Be should be a conservative Whig, but not obatinately opposed to any melioration of party sentiment, asexpressed by the popular will ;and he should have steed Arm by the Whigeandidates in the late contest, as Meng been endorsed by the conventions of both semiotic of t h e p at sy. These, we think, Should be regarded as prerequisites to a choice. And we think it beat for alit.. mule dose into calm reflection upon the whole matter, taking into account the complexion of the popular sentiment of the mate, as indicated by the general tone of the candidate, elected, upon I s l s o ntret= m b s e odlisregar the td • Bidet) , —for the utr.. fore any attempt is made to publicly advocate the claims or Lines of any gentleman for the high Leo of United SatesSettator. PUBLISHED in' WHITE do cO_ auww.sugun TUESDAY MOICNING. NOV: If,. IMO. • ETAnentuntes an eartresey retinue," to Lau to their favors before o siod catty in the dam is W AdrfflibeClSOLll sot maenad. for a' ms. Lai time 'i ll (ermine!" be chaired until enacted Osa avariceA fa Agent kir ildrpapee e i hi. amid iii Hew Bort, Philadelphia, p,,p iresee, aad aathatized melee aatienplioaa apt! adriadamaia far Y. • to- Priddluircid Name tavesiceir„Ladverices Beau aad exthiceptions re the North itsecricee end Untied Own Queue, Philadelphia, received and den ~,,reed fres We afore. imerne.....mreaaCenateamiLere.-2ubseription. p,fede ealaable paper, will pe maned end leeward ed flue this °See. U ' A npdo JUizE an d advertisa lamp mum for Mt mar niftier-4 , mA forwarded freC tl'. from Mir Mika Crctiommiumns. dvinfreemirtri musecipilane. trile r i ded orate. ilus piper, till De received and nva .• IT SEE NEMT PAGE FOR iocke. statri , :ll9 TELEWIA.PUIC NEW,. Correapoudents mum have patience. We bare not been able to bed rime, since our reinta to car post, to read al which have aecamolated on oar table, and some aria wridre-io each a cramped kind that we enrol read item. 0( CAS they will not appear. • - Oer Lady correzpotelmit, °Hwy J. W—s ls " sunned Met the ed for will take ber suggest. Uona berrairefial wants eraiio - n. He has Meg been &aims of asloptiny, la some ITlCtitltet, the 60111 . 10 she recommends, yet such is the CORIUMI press of questions which he considers of great moment, great Upon him tie necessity of keeping readers posed poWed op with all . neseuary in rormatlce concerning them, that be bar been unable to carry midi desires. ble wilt, however, arrive not to breed his fait correspondents' elute. ==M The Board ot Directors of the Ohio and Pena. .eylvanla Railroad Company were is semi» for loam dayr, Ia this city, last meek. Ail of the •Inemben ware present, and a large amount of liminess was trateacted in the moat harmonious stunner. .The grbs, and bridging of toe line through /Skillet» coy mu put under contract, iid ihW s l oad bed is to be ready for laying down two tracks by the first of June nor. A contiders ,ple number of amnions, on different parts of the In" are alfeady completed, and others axe ad. saucing rapidly turompletiou.- Where the work is at attflefently rcdruced, the concraino» bare been directed to Increastc . ,their force- to a few instance, contracts' not wooed with sufficient 'vigor, have been declared. I:Jr/cited by the Cater Eogineer. In view of the tow rates al which the Atinik was let, n n remarkable that it hut pcogiris. ed so rapidly. It is the Jetriminstion of». heti- Rent 'ad I:Cremate, and us the Engineer deport ment, to spare no elf. t to effect the completion of - thatE•stern division of the road next year, 40 es to pit Rttaborrth in railroad cm:meow, n with Cleveland, Colornhos, and Cincinnati. More roan tem thotirsod tons of railroad iron have already been shipped from Wales for the toad. qbvezal bunored morn taborets may bud Coo employs rot during the winter on the line. A Wen a otouit of lumber bait been contracted Mr, lad'additonai Cods An move tie• Will still be re• waived Cot cacti Lave been made for seven locornotit e. enitates, • whose lot pasactiger• Care ate ideal tale t toted It the winter should be modentr v fasoridde tor wort, .1 Is intended to e 1.y,0y Me toet.k attootin en the ground is Wiled ,u the .prita , end to open Ito toted to Beaver in July oez . If the ratans of Wayne, Ashland. end RicElend mintier, ie Ohio. oil nit• about one hundred ingiff iliiitVightmatind dollars more Fork thin win. Western Divteino will be pot .tilastr-Mtriet in. time to curogi .te the radix/ triff briggininezineasoo. With a view to pro- mniethiti Onjeet, the ChM( Engt eer, Solomon W. Roberts, EN., Is about to visit those comities, to mate arrangements for a general effort to accent. plish the work. to which we have no doubt he will be sneeemitl. Customs RIMS* is Pittsburgh. Our readers will dud in its appropnate a call for a mecum!, to be held errs renaing, to take IlprOptille =UM to ■ecore an appropria hos for the erection of a Cotton House in Pitt. bagli. The subject to one of ray great Interest to thin oily, and we host there will be a large at. Lenience. It will be recollected toot the 'object vie agitat ed at the Nat semen of Congress, and the meet ,arencnte exentona were made by Mr. Hampton to procure an appropriation. His drone would have been successful had he here properly NUM- Ild With static:ea and fans in regard to the limper Mace of the fiveign trade with thus city, and by the urgent memorials of our citizen!. Bat en nearly all the duties on importations to this city were paid in the Eastern ports, there did not 'rem to be any good reasons to justify the outlay for a Custom }louse, judging from the amount tf duties collected here; and therefore the efforts of Mr. Hampton failed. Tba.reasou why duties on IL imports for title city have , the rm been monthly paid to tkr East , is, that as the law stood, goods wets required to he mobile at New Orleans to tame the donee paid here; of &nee the opening op of our mails, one inerch um preferred to bring in their goofs by the wa of Philadelphia co Baltimore, and were thus palled to pay the duties there. - Demote the 101\ cession, however, • law was pawed authorizing ties to I - e paid in Piusbugh on goods mite d to our Eastern pens, and the &MAIM of oat received here -will, its future, show the m Coda of our for. olio COMMUTE., and the wee ay there exists for • Custom House building. We learn from Mr. Hampto that he entertains the opinion that there will be o great difficulty in obtaining, during the app Ling ninon, an appropriation moiler ill •1110121 l to that already granted to 9t: Laois and CHICII7 U.proiided our , citizens back him op in his elf y vigorous 'ac lion at time. What he wautleaptnially, is • statement of the amount of all ditties which have been paid by our enamor:An imports for • few yens back. A Collllliale4 raised by the meeting to uiett, could prepare telle...nary en listing In time Mr the meeting kif Congress. A memorial eine alni he Wispsieiiimil aigaed by that lima queeion Ibat Plug mach vutak• in • prquic I.i4llJit,gl tr kg h. le plat :as or tsi. Vosl it lb 000iLiall tioo of pOblre of .m• orasat fur flue. - Clact. for M. ouri, dre,aad. tht,Ottlptll4,.. oar Virns en aiatera , aoJ that it in) I (M O. couventent no4aiderlrstr bitsinees.. pin.ql 6 111Ctliatill...11 - 111tallto tom lion. pmpiitettlit the Pertatii . Olze, tor ittitieOtattitH we have sm flood thit mt • ea mal4 tics. Joan -Lome.. Previa tat tt this gatteman, flan Wooster, Oh, ton,toenterirpeathedischarge orbit !guns Treasurer, tos friends and hi= a mitoplemactaiy supper, et biter-Solution wag paned: • • - Stroked, That we have heath ith pleasure of tbs eppointment of our dining wing friend andrellow cies., the Han. J Sloane, to the dice "of Tamura of the VA States, end (!101l onimpeactable Sdetity and =mil ability whde • Camber of the Gera I mbly,'lteena, er Public Mcdes , rof Congress; hoe sampary.of Stale, we have lull asstuance that the deltoid the new °Slue will' be performed to the ciroggiot the agar, and to the witufscuon end in- Onha Clarernmerd and the country. in hta esettivlrum home, be will nary with him th e j eciadolue =d respect of be neighbor., the, Ottabarlra _ thedepszture of , for I,Vething• Idative as United neighbors gasp ich the follow• The !ee►Yael =leetion Woutiorros lima is elected Ciononor of New York, beyond ail cavil or doubt, by about go tn .. *hi. We receive this molt with great pleasure, the more eo thaltere feared his deicer, from the Mreanoos effort natio in New York city with their tailings' ticket. reoording our gretificatiru‘ at this remit, we commend the rollitoringlemible ro. marks oo the subject, from the New York Cormaer Mid Adverthier "Well, we have Waggled through the difficulty, sad have elected Mr. Hunt for Governor in spite dell Whigs who withheld their votes or were be gulled into wcring_for Hr. Seymour. It is interly faille to deny to Wilma antlOathly of sentiment He me declared supporter of the Administriticm, sad irtll anyone deny nationality to Piciident ? No one can lay his finger upon any pub lished sautiment cif .14r. Hunt Asa - ummetes the efithassi, faintest thought of disregtuding the obli ge-doer of the coantitntion, re denying toe ',Wolin,. supremacy and authority of the laws pawed by Coutreasi and we have always been emceed to sedustutd how any sincere Whig, with boom' and towable inotiver, and titer arias due care to is. form himself correctly upon the subject, could de serf him at such a cr.r.o, go over to his opponent, and then attempt to 'tjueify" bit conduct7 - Tne Magi is incompreheneble on every common rule Cruuusient ectian. ;Hr. tient, however, is airier- DOISUCTIVI EPrieti or tae TAILIFi OP '46. The extract of ■ letter we pnbltob below, from a gentleman of character in Clarion county, shows Ina moat striking manner the ruinous effect. of the Tariff of 'fip upon the great indrunrial interests of Pennsylvania. . Mesas. WurM. dr. Co. ernalraws: I find that the time I bare paid is about up, and necessity requires me to curtail my °swarm, as I , have lost all I bare made in twee. ty years' Indnatty,by being in a Furnace two years, under the British Tariff of. J. K. Polk. There fore I will have to ask you to stop my paper—not (rem any thing I have against it-Dot from to pay for if. Vol. Benton & the Pstittllve Slave Law Col. Benton, in his late speech tP his complus ents, at St. Louis, glees the following reasons for being absent when the vote was taken on the Fo • skive Slave Law: "Bat to retom to myself nod the pence meas. area at Washington. Absent at • votes-one vote —one, in a sailor of ten month., sad in a ear. vice of thirty years—the ragtime slave bill. Ihe Seca the cry of complaint is now dwindied down to that! and great is the Mavens of some of the Whig editors and ell the null.fiers, at that one time absent. They have no distress at the ab• area of any body dire, either al that time or any other time, or all the time. Twenty one out of slay were absent at the some time. No Nut to And at that--no &diem en accewent of tt—no re . mark tomakt--uo tears to abed—no bare motive to imagine for fault to had with these St Ahoy are absent at ha f the votes of the leveler; and nbObjectliiitethat. Sconellvo the ittiee set regalia slaver themselves—funnies to sad out - the whole time—fugaciona men, who might joatly be included in the enactments of a fugitive bat— tled no note taboo of that. But, Benton! the close ly watched and daily followed Benton' let him be mining one Moe, open one though he voted epee It five limes before--and instantly loud dia. tress brcaksfartt! A cry of lamentation rises Iron title Whigs, Nullifiers and Rotten. They exhale its drier, the a nephew that ha jest heard of the death ulna uncle who has left him an estate; and no cause can be imegtved for it, except the base desire 10 avoid n Ynte , and to conceal his aeon. mems. Well, the lime has been, when Bennie was supposed to have donna., enough to shot, his aentlments on every subject, co matter what; 'ponces the fifty four forty conuoversy, and some other occasions. Flight, to conceal his sense. meow, is now the only sesagittableentliVe for one absence, at one Oct.; on can bill; and that a bdi on which he had spoken and published his semi. meats, and voted upon it bye times! 0, ye Whigs and Holten.' Now, I do not complain of this in the rotten,. It in Voclilon to lie Gann me; std ii ,their ont..fin tone net to know how vs fo it. lint I tdo tb ck .ard of the Whigs. hot piglet' theme I mean which to not of the lope err. ed •parcles—ichr, though they may have a rood Col wih to Marking up Benton, ought to he a nutted to Cott its .-foolish, Mingling and tau work-man kb, manner. They ought to know lei. , to do It end not be cruse' in such • leap CI b.':—"convect ha sentiment,. Well, I happen• el tonnes/ my temtments open the subject, sod ptibileh them; ,nod these non they: "We have a bill now—an i - tdependent one—for the recovery of this, slaves. It is one of the oldest on the calends, and warmly pressed at the comnsencerceut of the scamp. It mart he about ripe for deciaion by this time. lam ready novels upon it, and to vote any thing, under the conatito ' um, which will be efficient and bansfactory. ft is thedoly poles, in my opiaton, at whit-h any of the non 'Alava holding States, as Slates, kale giv• en jail{ Canna of complaint to the slave holding Satew I leave out individuals and moieties, and speak of States, in theta corporate capacity; and my this affair of the runaway slaves I. the only case, to which any of the eon slave bolding States, In my opinion, have given just cause of complaint to their slave holding meters. For one lam ready to vote at ones for the purse of a In glut. slave recovery bill; but It moat be as a imp. irate and independent measure." This la what I said the Srit'day of April-- , before the omnibus ;committee was raised, and when the fugitive bill mightynat es well have been pawed as Ave months afterwards. I was then rr oily to vote for any bill under the Constilet• non, which would le cliecte•l and satisfactory. The whole Senate wee ready 'o vote then: bat it was evidently kept back to go into the omnibus, and swell the comber of the "peace measures." I .poke and published my sentiments upon It and that is called "concealing centimetre." I Voted Orlin it rive times, and twice upon vital amends:maim:he jury trial and habeas corpus, and open every part of it."on motions to strike all out and lased a substitute, and every Pule with Joe fnende of the bill. And this is called tentiments," nod great enquiries ab out It, while an enquiry after the sentiments of that, who never voted, though delaying the bill, to convert it into one of the "peace measures." Bat I did not vote upon the engrossment. Thal is tree. I neither voted for it, nor evilest it, and will fell you the reason why. I deemed the bill tojudicioor; but was willing for its friends to try e. I voted with them to make it suitable to them There was no conalitUtional objection; and I was willies for them to pan it, tt they pleased,iwiihout soy drawback dom my opinion of it; and sorb would have been the case, If it bad not twenties the slily and false attacks on cue, tor missing one vote. by Oman who are so indifferent to the eon. duct and motive. of those who missed nearly all. And pow I should be glad to know, how these sapient editor. Mel, woo have been so dittrefted. about me, gads° Indifferent about others. I think They mossseel-somwthieg like the apostatise did that Hodebraa writes of—the sea ler:tan who aim• ed the gun: "That mined the math, both dock sad Plover. And kicked the holder aprateling over." DREADFUL CitstIALTY AM/ EITIAOILDINAM Pansr.nct or Minn.—One of the molt extreordim t rp inntnures of injury, ecrortipanieit by flrmnr rd renolution that we haw ever h-a•d of, wen, rrsl about IWO W. - Cla ego, in the vicinity of Me. etiniti,borgh,ritiouttotirt,en miles Iron) Springli,ld. "Mr. Thomas Baker, a brother of the Hon. E. Ii B iker, was driving a spirited horse In the prairie when he stopped to adjest something, the bore ti.oh fright and started off Mr. Baker tell forward of the wheels, and by some mearsone leg wri ned between the springs sad axle, his holy on the ground In this position, The frightened boric, 31 tall speed, carried bun about four miles, when be slopped. Mr. Baker had trill prcsenee at mind sad strength enough to dUsrigage his Ilmb, although many of his bones were broken and his body mini gird in a manner that-balder description. With great effort he managed to crawl to the home and with his brute mu him lone. Suffering intense ag. ooy, and fearing that In hispain he might be indu. cad to take hisown life, he threw away tba butte. In the most intros, distress trona his injuries and &ref, he continued on the grotnal for two days rind nights. By some casualty his umbrella had been thrown near where he lay; this lie got hold.ufand o,casionstly raised, hoping by it to annet attention to him. During this Time, with his pened be wrote in a hymn hook he had in hi., pocket; a brief tie count at what had happened. Oa the morning al tie third day he wan discovered by a drover, and relief created. He sneered six days longer, when bo died. Throughout his sufferings were most in tr cm, but his presence of mind never 101e0Oie him. He wan about 32 years °loge, his wife died a few months no. He was a worthy and highly esteemed eitieen —[Si Louis Repub. Pilaff—An enter once occurrence, reett!tini. tram Ito vice of teroing, recurred on the Come Amazonia, rear Wand 37, while on her postage Imo New Urt.•na in thin city. From the row facia that we bare been enabled to Fasces °melees of, it apposes that two pleaciarett—Walo'"l d a D•. Crano....o7Ple f.ogsgrd at the cord table, a slight darer..nr o oh place.-" High words ensued, and Crane threw a portion of the cools lob the face of Mr. Wino. The captain hero in• tottered, and put a mop to limber violence. Some nose after, Memel, gentlemen meeting on the boll• egdeelr, the &Meetly NS/21 spin isoCafeff, bat 47 which patty we wee, unable to learn. Tile mate. beating the oniurei, and feardig tome 11211023 stilt intent enact, 2,21 if. search of the Captain, but before either of3f.er would return to the belll - gerent!.ictelle.bhd, fired taut abets at hisynforto• mita antnyondt; Sod Ivaco the captain got e, him be was gaiety leaning against the stem @making • eller. and protested that be was uninjured, and that Crane's pistol cantalned nothing but powder. He grew weak, however, and was neatly Indue,,o SO retire to his wale room, pasitively refit/do g n o intentt to an examination of his gmenn. He kept Hamm moat of the way oh, occerionallg making tos appearance at tattle. Grime lea the boat at Cake, and Mr. Winn &cal on hoard the Amazonia night before lam, and wr• tarried yesterday. Firm an Inquest held iman the 'tidy. it wan ascertained tha four trails had entsm I his body in the region of the abdomen. We were not able to get,more of the particular* at ILO unfortunate lariat, nor have we learned the lenct of the verdict tendered by the jury ebatacd web tho iorctligatioll of the matter.—&. Louis Hop, Nov. 11. inzoTi WAIL *lmam, aim:up:6l ems al s.. thSibintli ( uoy Wanasaro* Nen. 13111, lask. *Mars la California-0 —Las tflataa sat& Pig 12 tliels—Datsatal ch. Desasersts is. Om elleetioiu, Ito offsets upo* Cie pshrti talOoniplesa —1 , 2u0 Sasso. • - Kr. Eing.CollecterciliieFraiciaco, left bereft" N. York, this mow* wirer*, Co the 29th, be Will embarkle the Chatinmeneamer. Though the Imes steamers from San Frattrisee,batre freight a totem bl v good supply ofgold,tbeistecriansefosfin Clabfontia public and private, are, co the whole, acouraging so few they refer to the general and permanent pros parity of the State. Independensof the hombleinffm , log reomfing , from the arrival of thousands of des. Mute end starving overianfi emigrants, thmeappoui lobe a vast worm of privation from - want of ern. ployment. The mime are will wonderfully produc tive, but the difference Isetween Me results when the proceeds are to be divified between five, ten,or teen thousand diggers, is lune and 1819,and when they have become the chief ultimate reliance Di two hundred thousand people, ben become painfully op. parent. A. gentleman of high respectability and' intelli. Renee, who has two !Ms in the ailimeatate. tome that there is much exasperation of feeling against Mr. King, as he is considered to have Wrenn more glowing account of the mineral resource. of tl. country than any authentic information 7oula are rue A strong current of unpopularity is also set• qz..„,. ting ageast die political pretentionvo Col. Fre mont,cm account of his claims to immc tracts° , manierel land, to which, in truth, I a ,he has no just title. It is mid that he will re much Iciestrangth in the present Legialat itum talthe last, and that his reelection is scrim :el endanger ed. Though Colonel Fremont seam to be a modest and unexceptionable man, I have been led to doubt whether he is well calculated for a brilliant career in poltical life. However, as things Mand, there Is no mason to suppme that anybodycould be elec ted in Califon) ia less objectionable to the whip than Col. F: • It would be difficult to find a mom itriklag nation of the utter obliteration of old party lines, and destruccon of old pony oripudiatiao, than to the fact stated by the Albany Atlas, that eleven of the sixteen members of Conran, elected by the combined forces of the Barnburner and Hanker di vision, as Democrats, are Fres Sidle:sof the stamp o' Preston King In Pennsylvania a beautiful quarrel seems to have arisen between the clam of Buchanan and Lim. cruse, which seems to exercise the vim * bowels of the brethren. Bah their leaders are so very bad that I could not conscientiously advise a choice of either. It is a delightful end interesting struggle, and the only concern we have with it is, to do nuM ing to bring it too clam before the soloed destroc non of the parties. It is certainly no itnratisfactory icon of the fall asmosign, (hat we are enabled to go into winter qmrters, holding potoession of :boatman holds of the enemy, in at least lour of the great Western :times, Ohio, bliangan, Wisconsin, and ht imouri Mriseachusetts has come out of the lam contest as wall as could have been expected, and pretty much as was predlemo in my sketch of operations in that quarter. Governor Briggs has (ailed of an electron, and it is claimed that the Free Soilersakd Democrats united, will be able to elect his curves. sur. The tame may be said ol the Whigs and Free Sutler', if they rho:we to unite. Democracy will make nothing of this victory. The United Buttes Senate svill very likely be nominally Democratic for several years to come, but will be no more to than it was last sesame, When these called Democ racy paled its ineffectual 'fires before the geutus of Webster and Clay, rank old Federal, artwocratio bank bought, h tariff; &WM Whiga 'What par ticular cohesive power has there lately been or will there tre,betavan such Democrats aor Benton, Hale, and Ch ate, and Jerry Clemens, Jeff Davis, and Soule, the frog eating, Yankee fatting, apecintea co the latest paten: from Louis/ma ' I refer to these cueumateinces, to show the com plete rupture of old ties, and the lack of unity which now mina among our opponents, in both branches of Congress; end mast contimie until their suer discomfiture. Junius. WASHIAGITcIi, Nov. 1 L A respite for the Union-The Nashville Convention sad the South Carolina T caste—British violation of the CloY ton Treaty. , The Union appears to be somewhat safer and easier to daylthan for some time paw, noterith• standing the ascertainment from the official return. of the election of • Whig Governor in New York, and the confirmation of the terrible news from the northwest. Were it not for the warlike patches from the Nashville Convention, and the barbecues in South Catolins, we doubt rest quite comfortably in our beds at night. We l hear that the adjourned meeting of the Coutreolion punctu ally commenced its deliberations on the 11th but at our latest advice, It had not practically eu• teted upon the busiceas which had called a Ls- Reuter, to wit, the diasoluthm of the confederecy. Ifut our Union was not formed in a day, and the moth of its dismemberment will not to aceotn• plisbed to ► week. The toasts at the South Caro ion political fcedvare more than outstay spicy and ettivalmon. All the ardour: of !bele valiant souls Beds expression in the outpouring of these trencher men. At • lECODI diceer to Coleock, that patriot was complimented as the 'nullifier of i 32, and the seceder of 1450." This rounds well for a member of the Federal Cingren. If they ere opeq, unconditional disuoionlis as the Butts nod Color...F.'s avow theeneeltu,awhy do they in. trade themeelves into the National Legiabourel What blathers has one of three create:x.osta at home spend I/mirth:la in belching out treason and tired to that Union which they moat sweat to supped before taking their seats,ln that usembly? If they have • right on teettalca grounds to an. pesr within the tau,std to nesters their eight da m= per diem and their intieege, a decent regard he =optic!, and the opinion of =has, if they have no respect (or their own claim, to coneisten cy, shoo Id keep themaway. tam clearly of °pin. ten that if not a Senator nor Repreteutathe from South Carolina should appear al . Washington, the lest or th e country would have canto to congrat. lifiste itself over the abatement tin very annoying Leasure. perchance their modesty should in lure thew to dray us the tight of their remote. i. this winter, pc.. gaily ante ennui/sanest Lialt be toad, ender which their Far diem, mile age. nod other •Iluwaucee could be sent to them. 111.4 %Loki nye the feelings of all fatties At vie CY leavt dinner, I uhf free that:one fellow no. roiled his valor, nod deliver ‘ d himself of the lel- I ri.nls scanacot: • .rho s.3uth nktohola rifle -which can bring down a noble buck •t elanoty Ise paces, or • MI. 1.1 on the WIDE, a goal for a Yankee at eighty -o.lt, col three quarter," l'hts nattpuittsry tudivldual had less pulley than .t.tuak, fur will there cut to JeCQ r th.l as *OOP - Env Yinkees flud out the Isses , lto which their less no: to be put, they will cm If the supply, .•41 au: • vic chts•try Luck urnn their reserve of .I,tcJ pop gotta, In 11.21 Lcreeryr, ltaimh we may laugh as there ex lota.. of impotent yet( conceit, we carmoi but deylore rba spun at deep at ated En. 2eocy acd iacurabla hatred agratat the roast!. to ,uu of the, reunify In which' they crigattad. Tee, ,e co , emeetruily to the crazed world 60 d servag at l't coat , apt t Lime of South We npain to look tonlesnbit haze:43llly for the r.orn of Mr. Wehater to Wallington:They Eog. t ir, liah have ones) repudiated CI ron% treaty, .0 G se 'aisle. to thetrattntessiono in Central Amer. ma. Tao persist to holntan the p of San Jain, t , name 01 wo.cn th ey !love Raged to Greys to go, which to the only pan 'OT Nicaragua on be A. loom . ; - end - they no not pretend may longer to i hserrap tb e rItCO of the musgua peotectecele, but govern it altogether sea British ort. They hove a ;opted post opprciatvo and in oiling repletion, a • regards AMICTICSII•MeIIit C impelling them to pa/ charges not prove:10011A On ousohipping Rua to submit to ectutn degtt• . clmplisetes of ortuch oar Government {bra d promptly - eke c gnizsnee. o - .10.11:.%. rnon•saw To' COM rpondenet tbe Ptb • New TOILE. The o9lpiel =tom from tteett Albany teed or tar moue) 'tout mee that Wastouston dutit,,!arld MOW, to the man Whom thf peg have chosen to govern the ,afle eery or st. The Locos alk ze thew ertedida , a, they figur . ed an •le to much In bl j rave ree'ly b. gut to Teat tint was The result is, however, du,no,ateel, nod tur fr.eolh, to are rkady to own up ILu the beet leg. ov. 14, IMO. 10 CElVltlefll It tbe wow'.' to l ot Horatio Soy. of Hilt State tho first of Jare l athe to glaii op figated foe • that we Whip iot coming out ore agrotably “Doroocracf, is tiot 00 their Oar towns folk rentsin use at last dvised”-- made mad. • Jenny Lind, at Hall. end Tama Nandi, at the Open House, ve turned the heads of old and young. The ogles ate la lunacies gith Poodi, notwithstrutdinp the very learned eulogies they have previously bestoged upon the 'Nightingale" well nigh exhausted all the pinny adjectives in the Temecula: Jenny's gay among ,tts will not lag longer thin the next 'week, sad then the Market fir strait jackets will be enger again, as the snack jobbers apy, in Wall, street. Next to the Aware these two great rimiest pro.: diens are meeting la this very excitatde comm a. nity ef owe, the brilliant banalion of tilleated Im bue,. we have holding filth every night en C. most every imaginable eubjecir c0n164., , ,,get tho moat attentive hearths. and the molt moody from the more Intellectually diet:lend. We Cave Lec tures on Astronomy by Professor Mitchell, of Cam cinotti; on Poets and Pixtry, by Itev.ltdr. Lord; on litatory, by P.R. lame,; on Geiieral Lite. velure, by Park Bed)smlet, and diaeou'rven on a peat variety of other aubjeets, by other tells db.. linguithed 11 ht. In the literal. ecietufic. sod theological world. The steamship Empire CAL winch aailed for Chasse, yesterday aternoon, had on bond l'7 passengers, meat of whom aro Wind for Calder. eta. Amoog them is JAME. W. Simonton, E • gentleman who has for tome years past Leon eILILCCied with the press at Washington, bort_who a now going to set up a preen for himreJfat San Franchmo. The newspaper boviaces there; how• ever. Ike most other Imaineda, is overdone DOW— If all I hear be Incr . —and he who gee. to Calor. nia, therefore, expecting that pen, ink, and paper, are going to make him a fortune right off, Is likely to Nome back wofully disappointed. news Th e Jut from Europe, by the Atlantic, an nouncing the fact that Austrian and Bavarian troops wino on the march for the Deetorsie of Hesseelicel, has created deeper sensatiou 'motor Intelligent and observirg men here, I had, than moat pertain could have supposed. Not that that invasion iv, on an own merits, any great enter. prize, but rather because of the momeatous con. aqui nets which it is likely io lead to. Private letter, from shrewd, matter of fact buainess men, I abroad, to their agents here, indeed speak alibis event as one that may load to a general European war among Kegs and Princes, Grand Dukes and Emperors, at any rate, rice if it dorm not revive the elumliera g voila of the F o .olollun among the people themselves. The Erglith and Frearh fonds had been shaken a little jolt before the granter left, aid what 4 still more algnificant, large orders have he r o received by the tome mail, authorizing some pretty heavy purchases of American mocha for Catinental investment. le my last Fetter to the Gazette, casual /elm tom wn made 'a a tornewLat entraotdicary lecluet delivered by Archbishop Hugh,., at St. Patrick'. Cathedral, (Roman Cwholie,) upon "the decline and 1.11 of Protestantism." If • "creation I was treated among tome of our people by that domonatratiou of the klestop'e, a deeper one has been caused by a disc/aurae watt which it was last evening followed op, by the Rev. Dr. Ryder, of Gesrgetawn College. lila antlect was, ..The Jesuit. bismii,ally cenaidered." The D.. made our the . tacitly of Jeans to be ono of the best mas the world has ever teen, nod so Interlard ed his (emu las with condemnation of Protevante and Pro:meta:am in general, that Lis discourse is Loked upon by teat denomin.tion of Christians as a fire from a masked bettery, which should be answered by some of their divines at once,—some 017 whom, by the way, took upon these vigorous eno:eMents of the Cattlel ci, taken in connection with what the Pal a is Loins in England, as boa ding no goad. C.l..ncy is in somewhat more active demand to day than Ir has been that week or ten dips Mist Still, tales remain moth the same with those quo. led in my 1.1. Great activity is Seen in the Stock Marker. Some Vera heavy sales of Read. log have peen malty at no implores:went in price. Penntylsanta Roads well alceddy nt 93g. Forrip Fzehenge, for (Ltd steamer Canada, closed at 110101101. Floor confuter. to active demand for shipment. Within the three days past, at wt 50000 WI have changed hoods at $1,69 or Onto and Mi. enigma dem:in:mot; Nary Michigan 01,75; Fore Genes° $5,061; gcod Ohm 114,75; extra do, $3,. 3:1. Southern 15,121. Rye Flour 83,371. Buckwheat 11 . .3,25 per bbl. The aggregate ex. port of Floor from thht port to Europe, since the beginning al the month, is not far from 70,- 000 bbla. White Canadian Wheat sells readily at 10701082., In bond; while Mletigan 112 c., prime Genesee Whirr, 1192. Barley scarce End wanted. The last male, were al 92a for good two rowed. Corn is in good demand at 700710 for mixed Western; inferior Southern Yellow 701. Cotton in slow of ink, nod Floes remain with out change. Pot Ashes are inquired for at Sod: 121; Pearls arm at :5,7505,811—me5t1y at the lauer rate; wile of 300 bbl.. Whiskey is selling at 290 for Prisoo. and 2912 for Drudge. Ohio Pork is higher. Salvo 1600 Ws at 011,1210 811,15/ for Mess, and 110,371010,13 for Prime. Country Beef :9,7609,50; City Mew, $1,7504.. 50. Beef Hame,511,7:012. Dressed !lige Dam naiad 5051 e. 2.000 Wile and tcaOtio Lul have .041 at 1081 e for good to prime, which Is in improvement. Coal—Foreign is pleoty, and doll of Sale. No change in prices. Tallow ha. ad. vanced. Sales 250,000 bib prime at 74a9 ea* b, for home use. fncutaroz, We learn bum the Lowell Courier that within the put pear there bare been discharged from the rations mannisetoring establiatimeets in that city two thouund three hundred and seventy eight hands. Lroms have been stopped to the number of two thottund two hundred and seventy two, and monthly payments to operatives have de. creased $11,604 sg. Is addition to this the Ma- chine Shop Company have diseharged.ainee 180, two hundred end eighty six men, whew monthly pay was St per day, and would aamunt to $6,. 861—giving a total telling or ILI the monthly pay. ameba of the several companies of 50,269 us. Awful tlarder—Oa• Nan litthd wad Vivo PrIglu:1111y Wounded. About 4 o'clock this morning, ono of the roost flendtsb murders That has occurred is tins city lot years, way perpetrated ai No 91 p, tt teems that a Man tinned Henry t:arnal era. boor Newark and sought lodgings •1 the porter house co rhurles likintresr, at the arils, nom. her. Cart.) Vain atgasoosnrie of fimsamu, and it in suppiccd Mot he keen, that it. had rem orl hundred dollars in specie in the boom, the ossem:on of which Is supposed to time been the oirect which lcd him there. Carnal and Chases Itcareen, son of C. M. went to bed In the suet room about 9 o'clock.— &swarm 3 and 4 o'clock Ilea morning, Louis. blether of Charles, was roused'hy the crier of hie lwaher. Louis ran into the room, bus was In• at surly stabbed by Carnal, who labeled a terrible and m ha abdomen, through which the hswele pro Wed. Cecil gave Louis another terrible wound, els or seven inches in length, just below the COO., blue, and then ran Into the entry way Here the elder Rourscau, who bad been round by the Onto-, met and screed the murderer, crying out .bee, be n" But Cereal, with the lemeny at .lceperabon, grubbed the hair tf the 041 man and drew the Grew across h.s thew, severer nt one etruhe the windpipe, the Jugular Otto! , en d the earoud arrebes , In fact Iwest cutting Ron aeau'• head bil l Leans ensued Gimes, netwly. Carnal then r united ttarugb a back window and jumped otter a lance Into a very deep Irma, where he completely lcuprlarmed himself, and whence be 'was taken bribe pobce., The youukt man, Charles Berlstrao, who slept In the rood, with-Carnal, ',rived a Blab in the threat Irbil penetrated the gullet; but we believe that it to tot &enema. It is scarcely probable that Llute can recover The prisoner wan committed immeMatrty atter the verdict of the Coronet's jury, which Was that Chas ROOlOO4lO came 10 11111 dean by meson Or wound intimisd by s Itrife, in the hand. of Hem Carnal We believe thee all the parties are Be. Y. Tr./none ef N0v.15. THIIITY Szipo) Peeling the There being no more net Office., we close oar Bee for Members of CongTrs. o2D COIIGILES9. loots for 111130. -coons (or 1-SO, for Federal , roonto Weer for the year I NJou• ArDonald, Dem l 9 John Appleton. Dem ra Rota GO,daIOWOVPii 11 Cho, Andrews„ D. gun G Ephraim E Smarr, W 5 lorrael Wa,Lharri, jr, PT! I) Pune train Inure 9 Orrin FerrierW 14 other 7 Ealt34 ' no ebolee 03e 3 Gee B Aleauham, W 4,ThoS Bartlett; 1 , 1 pc3l IWmApp , Ven,lY . I Aluman L film. 2, W 2 Wm Ilamd, W I Juo 0 Floyd, D gala Mad ah Home. W • 3 • ID Han, D gain 4 1 II Hobart Hawes, W 5 Oeo Brim, W 6 Jasia, W 7 Al/lm P Eltevens, DO oilbelt Dean, D Kam a Wra Murray, D gain 111 801 0001a6tr, W 1 1 1 Bastlmrlrvl, tr. 13 re 1 . 1 D LFoymour. 13 John 1, Flhooirra.,, t 9 111 John II 800, tV IS Preston King, P 8 Dem lalava ,1) mein 37 Too Jen% D II W Snow, Dem 2 111enry 11401.1, W TlLeandre Ileum it, 14 Danl T Jones. D gain to Taos Y Howe J 1,1) gain :V 11 9 Wialbridee, W 17 Wen A 8.04011 41 A W SMireinarbnme, W leonaia, Ilc.ranJ W 'll WA...MI, Robin, U -ton Inimf a el Msnin. 1186 Haven, 1V 15 Joseph liluseet,l D gem ie Jot. Wells W 17 Ales LI Beet, D pie IJ Auf fl sll, W .14 Loscazo W saw 1 N D Stratum; D gain S Chu Skelton, D rata 3 /sage Vaildrlak, D { Al ßell H Brawls, Vir I I Prise, D gain 1 T B Flarenee, D pin /mph /I Cinder W 3 Henry D Moore, W 4 /oho RobbinijrD 6 /On McNair, d 6 nos Hoch D 7 Dr J A Morrison, D 6.1,1 - 71raddens Steven., W O .TGliutcy :0344, Dem 10 Miles /I tfisamick. D 1 3 1 Dem 10 1 0613 A Woo, D 19.7 as Gamble, D fain it Tv% 1 tek't `;'.i . 16 .Iss X APLonsian, D 17 An Porter, D gall] 17 0 L Dawson, D moo 191 H Ken., W coin John Allison, W 21 nos 61 Howe, W ti 1 W Rolm, Whig 22C B Curds, Dem 61 Alfred Gilmore, Dem .1.41•11,111.. 01110 1 Darid T Disney, D 112 John Welsh, W 2 L D Campbell. W Jos 21 Gaylord, D 2 Hiram Dell; W la Alex Harper, W 4Beni Stanton, NV II Wm F Homer, D 3 /Ord P Edrerton, D John Johnston. lo D it Fred k Glenn, 17 Joseph Cable, D 7 E Ellsbary. Derr 18 David K Cuter, D 8 Jalri L Taylor, W 19 Eben Newton, W 9 Edson BDldl, D om Josh a Giddings, F W 10 Chas fisreeuee, D N 8 Townsen d ,D r un It Geo [Mosby, D 10.1.111. I E Penniman, W gain 3 Jail I Conger, W pin ICES marl, D gain wtscess , 1 Ch. Darkee, 0 3 James B Dozy, D Bud C Elam/my D halal 1 WELI II Eti.!WILD 6 Wm A Fttebardson. D Wiltis Anse D nos Campbell, D gale 3 (Wanda B Flak D limbard lams, W g 4 Waller Alelone), D I Lulealn Claxk. D Egr . Raman Henn, D 1 John F Darby, W gam 1 Virtilard P hall Dan :Gilchrist Ponor, do 51 8 Phelps, Gordon De 3 John D Miller, do Edjward C WLig •0521.1 e 20.115 a . . I D Wallace, di, 0111001st 5 Amsted Ilan, dmakim Jas L Orr, do 0 Akm do 31L Woodward do 7 Wm F Colcock do 4 inokllDumrac, do BECAPITULATION BY FIGURES 1650 1643 'his Dam Whig Lem 3 2 U 6 O 0 1 1 :1 1 :1 1 1 0 1 • 5 5 O 7 0 7 O 15 15 4 6 I 3 10 11 17 17 32 1 4 4 u 0 1 ✓ 1 1 2 3 u 4u 1 '0 1 6 U 1 1 U Missouri ...... South Carona& •--. Penns) , lorois..-- New York .--- Yew Jersey •—• Wisconsin Mangan— Massachusetts Illinois •—• polasrare• TO 7 7 7 E - 1 :7 -2 IZ=IMI!I A bill Houle compriwot.l.3 members. Of thew. 1.7. or mote than holt; have already Leen elected TM. scows a low of 31 members, and one half of Mere fa thin Stale. We can hardly expect that the next COngtrap will be etherwlse Wan largely Denaccfatle. The Senatnrs who hold over from the 4th of ?Garth next. are 41, vil,-10 Whigs and 23 Democrats. Those whose terms expire at that date, including 31r Ewing of Ohm, who holds hi. place by appointment of the Governor, are. Whig. 0. Democrats 13 Tat Post 0/1/Ica Dtratemourr.— no admin. lot:anon or the Poet Office Department, by Mr . Hill, will, heybod all dinar, be the most OH and useful one the country ham ever had. He la determined oimake the Post Office what stuns intended to be, the medium of MEM, rapid, and cheap communication between all section of the country. We noticed recently his intention to establish sus expect, evening mail from this city to the West,,ao that the people of that great region might be placed on an equal footing, in regard to the receipt and panel:Minton of the mail., with other teeth= all'', count, y which have long en• toyed the lac:Wien are now about to be ex• tended to the West. From all great confess of news, the mate should be sent off after tie host man of the day le Over. Walatingloll i. the great ceene of political new, in thus est:soul, anti the as I that :eaves that city in the evening, take, off the news of the day. Heretofore, On mad has only been sent to the East sod North, so that the letters written in Wwshlnainn Cher Congress had adjousuen, Were in New York the next moro n:in, alnico by tie time those for the West had lon the city. The new arrangement will cure this defect. so the: the letters from Weettington for the West will be more than halt way: n their mo e to the Ohio, by the time they now leave this city. 13ut the mail will do mote. it will lake the everting parser. from Bottom, the morning men from New Yor • and the pepera (tool Philadel phia Hata rat to the Weal, without any detention, 'and twit take alto there made for the Smith which are sent o, to the Wcie through this city. This bra if statement of whet will be ammo pl and by his mail, will show that it is the molt voportant and toe m .01 perfect arrangement than has been made by the department for year. The whole credit of it is due trithe . Poetmasber Getter. al, wt. 'bot only understands whiff ought to he dot• by the Department, In keeping up the intent course by Mali, b e.w son an parts of tte country, but oil see that it is done.—Baba non Patriot. Mee al Mao and rennet. 0.8. Co, Third at Prtmemmea, ASTI. 3,1950 t Tsar Stockholders of the Ohlo and Permaylvania Ball Road Company are hsraby testified to pay the eighth Instalment of Eye dollar. per abase, at the office of the Company, on or,before the :het day of @Oust The ninth lostalmentkon or before the 40th day of September. Tba lath' instalment on or Lofore the YOth day of October out 0.• The lth ittru adot.- d aro. called Art hn the mm • laat. ••••, .hogS:d I/ Wet LARIhIER, Jr, Trcuaret. Rum Om A Emir. Calk: 11 EVIDENCE IN 01/fl. MIDSru Mt. I cheetfolly comply with poor re. guest that I would give youan of the utmost miraculom cure of my little daugh ter'. Olt by the ma of your .I.ctroloutu." She was attacked with a very sure eye in February or March lasi, when I Immediately applied to the ben medical aid to thd cay, by whom tt eras pronounced "a very bad econand all gave me no hope of doing her any good. Alter which I took her into the coun try to au old lady, who bad been very successful in caring eyes. Slid told mellow her caw was hopelen, u shim would certainly love sot only that one, bat 'al. that We utter would follow--,t being • scrotal°. creetion of the I • I. And IJo rectify that at the unit !other it It VaAlsoo) cam: to the conclusion that we bud better try your Petroleum," me wee santbr KLIOD 01 one eye. It is now about two menthe unee the began its use, and the can now ace with both eyes as goal as aver .he did and, as fat as l can tell, I believe she has, with the blessing of be Altaic hty, been cured by u petroleum u Yours, reepecifully, ht. FRANC. VLSHOT COLD.. Filisburglib, Sept. 3U, 1,50. For role by Keyaer S McDowell, 140 IVuod SU eat R. FL Sellers, 57 Wood tUeel; U. M. Curry. D. A. El b. Josoph Doo6lo. , Rod 11. P Sclwarlz, Alleeleny Coo by tbo propnedor, S. Al. KIEV, nori:dkor C.nrl 11...•, Soot,. 01, Pitubortb. in, Ile hl . l.artee Ltvaw You—The aelonlaing demand for Ode great medicine seem, to be on the icereasc. Where Ima been introduced, it has at tainctl a popularity unplecedentrd In the mynah of teed cal procure Plty mem. ma using It in many emea, ar least when they ten obtain it rename, Low ever, need nut Le under the espouse of eating medical advice. as dm) . can puircha•e 0 boos of the Liver em., with remelt dtreettont will Lc turetrhed, which will work a speedy cute the following Inner 1,00 en anent chow. its populatity in the •enatt from rebt , h the letter m dated-- Burnt v, Eledrni d Co., Pa. Match 11J, 1.47. , I KitAl & Co. Wood •I , Pinabargh - Gentlemen—Wo hod to ean .ell • groat many more of Dr. M'Lane'• Pill. than your agent left mt. Toe. Nils ate rapidly llama in favor, and we have atmott sold all that we had if gnu eon send lit ten or twelve co.,r more Loxes, they will Inat perhaps mitt your agent ran bring aa a new supply. T A / KELLY. 0. - Fos sale t7 l. KIDD & CO, No Go Wood 0.1. t. EaliS.dk•rel Lt:rt itnentUnt4rn.Vutriti s.r.s BCCilar, betweco Var • t ma FcrrY FALL IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE. LOGAN, WILSON .11, CO. 140 WOOD STREET. Arc now prepared tetth a large and fresh stock of Engnth, (term., and American Hardware, to after pupertnt todureatcom m hoyenr. Those wlsblng to urchase Will promote their interest by loosing brutish nor stock, IBA they air detettatned to sell on be most rnasonithin term• otgls R. P. TANAIER & co., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 152 Wood et, b etween Third k Fosertb, Are now receiving their 0017 lone and superior Fhill Block of ROOTS, SHOES, AND' BROGANS; Also, lIONNETS and FLOWERS, all of the latest style., and expressly odapted to the westede. • It has been selected with gttat care, mrd Riosaxes and hurt Ay lc not sorrowed by any stork to he found either cast or crest. Our customers and amo ebae% ocnrcally Roe Invited in call and etnadoc as nro • ClerMitteli in sell on Me most renaorcible Also, Goodyear , . Patent Rabbet Shoes of all Rinds sogradtf . ICNCOI7RAGIG ROAI4 IdBTITUTIONII ITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. C. G. 11139SEY, rm.,. . —A. W. MARFIIt,SicI. office—No. 41 Water street, he the warthatut of 0. 11. GRANT. rirtillS COMPANY Is now prepared to loam.. 01 t Ind. of risk., on hones, nionufaelonea, good. aserchnuliso to wore, and to tronaltu onsets, &o An ample guaranty for the ability and integnly of the institution, is afforded In llie character of the Di rectors, who are all citizen. of Pittsburgh, well old favorably known to the comvuunny fur then prudence, intelligence, sod integrity. Ihtlanons—C. O. Hussey, W. liag aley, Wats hoer, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hug m h Ming, Edward Mongolian, John Haworth, S. liar Laugh, 11. M. Ki e s. ap.lo-ti Improvements t D.a ttttt jr. r OR. G. O. STEARNS, late o Roston,. prepared to in.tataeture and set Bnoca T rut ut Whole and parts Of sets, upon rtadlion or AttnOS fictin Suction Plates.. - ritIActINCIAIAL IN Viva Kin - Its, venni,: um starve .3 oposed. °thee and restdene matt .1.01 . to 11.4 May a °thee, Fourth street, Fitts tirrth Ram tu—J. 11. /11 , Fadden • •EL Eaton, lala CEPARA I7. 7E II6 L AWialli abp . . l o s" tme Prr lseithedl A ttutil the „..k , insko_ Arytha andsmiline4at abeam Ho 43 Waddinirs, St. Carr stmt. WOW lellooring work, at the United blues marine Hospital. attar tbts city :.—For farnistung end • &liveliest about 94,000 cable yard* of tank for Ailing IP Ord site, in accordance whh a grade which irtelstti e . For fumbdung and delivering about 2 cable yards of rubble striae and (or coseting the same web 0 /. 0 =4.000 collie sante ol gravel to prodeet the bank of tbe Ohio Rixer—the gravel to be taken from the beach at low water. For the excavation and masonry for the extension of the main sewer, a distance of about 430 feet There. willbe about GOO cubic yards of Heat ezeavation far selier and side drains, and" about 400 cubic yards of mono rnaatim. Toe sewer to be built of bard and datable awns, laid in lime mortar, and well grouted. • For farmakiing the ...extols and erecting a wooden fence to entices the site. all motor ale and work Oast be subject to the in. srechon and approval of the aaperintendenh• The whole work to be completed ae curly next mom as practleable. Collit.4l and bonds, with two approved sureties, will be required to he entered into within ten day. after notification of acceptance of the bid.. Plans and specifications of the work can be seen, and such otherinformation as may be regal red, can he obtained at the office. J. U. ROBINSON. Paperintendb, de. Pittsburgh, Nov. 1, 1,00 —neh.ltd Ma %Vivre—Pleas., announce the name of WELtsaN Romoorr, of the Fourth Ward, as a candidate for Mayor, at the ensuing election, tomcat to she nomin ating of the iVhig Convention. sod oblige MANY WHIGS OF THF. SECOND WARD. oellSolif Al ft .16. Ja Jon . et D. Davis i ortho Third Ward, as a raididate far Mayor, betas the antimasonla and Whig Convention. nuldalawtaS FUR? MEIO3 Can. Joan J Itasaan is nominated as *candidate for the Mayoralty, at the next election, mailer, to the decision of the Whig and &annunciate City Conceit. non. If nominated be will be “pporiml as al/ active firemen., a good citizen and acompetent matt, by men of ALL PARTIES. aatenttraincS • E. W. Coot. late High Constable of Pit tabu rg h, wit be supported as • candidata for the °dies of Mayor at the next election, subject to the decision of the H Me and Antlontoonic City Convention, by ncthdErsaut MANY VOTERS . • MA En rloa—You will please announce that L. R. Lretherroa, Esq.. will be soppoated by Ms friends as a eaudid ate for the °See of Mayer at thane= eJeatioa, ...bleat to the decision of the Mat and Arnimastati Covention. [nol2ditenaTi IXTH WARD. PUBLIC BIEZTING ,g CIEETING of the Association of the Pittsburgh 11. Hoard at - Trade will bolted at their room, on Tuesday evening. i 9th instant, at 7 o'clock, P. M tor the purpose of taking action on the a Cus• tom p se, and business of the Association.subjectof A fall attendance i• expected, as business of importance will be transacted. nold SAMUEL. PAHNESTOCK, Clerk. SITUATION WANTZLI EITHER all a Clerk or Saiesman in a mercantile lsoose, by a gennemen wno hos had some es• perfect. In a general ,busitteo. Salary not so much an object as • simmion. Hardware or grocery boss. nesg would be preferred Address Bog No 47,A11e• gbeny city P. 0. Setisfactory references will be peep. noltp+lse• LONDON EXHIBITION A" persons Indeading to forward articles to the Loodun industrial Exhibition, are sequestml to apply forthwah to any of the members of the com mon:, as is imponato that a repast of th e space m atured should betoade to the Central Committee, by me fast Idecembeg For mintier information, apply •-• THUS LI AKEWELL, WM WILK Ifirt, WM LYON, Will ROBIN SON, Jr, nolgtdsl I. It LIVINGSTON. Orphans , Court Melo of R.al E ttttt Br virtue and in pursuance of an order of the Or- I wi llphalo. Court of Allegecoy only, to me directed, expose to sale by public cendoe, on IL, eon aturd Pm eof December nperxet mshebowS of ten a y 'clock 4 A. d y of said day, the fol. Irrerlngd.cribed prof . ..M.lam the property ofJoreph Risk, dece.f., to ult.—All Ms, Cretan lot of gr.nd situate so the bor.. of !M.p.h.,' li, Wl4 dcscrinsit os follows, to mot: begmning at a fount oitillfhille ft, In the plan of leharsisbargh. thence Ly land of Voien tine Trent, and 0 lialph, north el deg. Wm 120 feet o thinee eolith Cl deg. west J 5 fen to a post. tlicucc by I.d of Ilegh Fleming, tooth 2.4.de5. east IVO fem. to Middle street eforesaid, nod thence by the some north 03 deg. east U. fott, to plate of beginning Terms of sale, one Mord caul tea the residue of the' purchase money to he paid In coat parts m nor and two Tern Cush payment to be. made, a d eecarny by jaegment bond or by bond end mortgage, to be peen on the deLigery of the deed. Parchaterste pay expense• of kerbs, Or. WILLIAM BENSON Gnardlao of mino etuldren of nollimatT Joseph Kirk. r dee d - %/1 OLAYSER-30 bark Nem Orleans Molasses, LU. prime article, Just received fur sale by JOHN WATT & CO N.w /Pilate. JUST rceetved o ni 2:3 Lterty sweet, Lay, KRAS:III3. whole,halr, gr. and eighth 62,3 Bunch de Jo • d 6 do to beedteas a lulu da; Malaga Grape•; Parra 1 3 153, in large and auto I drusnr; 1 cage Fowl Prunes, In boxer. The above aro all to fine order, and or:II !resold low noPP MeCLURGI dr CO I:lLourt-360 brie T. P Pollock'a Floor, Jaat ree'd for sale by DURDRIDURK 131113HRAM. non 116 Water at Cold VVeatherliOOds URPIIY & BUILCIIDIELD p ee ite uttenhan to LIA thetr amorunent of good, pntlasly adopted for 1.70i.D Vliststritas such air Homo made and Eastern BLANKETS; What, flame made FLannele; do Twilled do; Basted and Brown do; Webb Fianna* hinny& Pehaeo 'Clothe; • Winter Hosiery, Winter Glove& Warned Dead., Comform, &h. at none east corner of Fourth and Marled streefs, Fourth ON Wednesday, dm 20th moan', •t 11 0'n1,.,,t, at hrwrarehouw, O'Donnell's lVt.art, 2630 bags prima v....a kilo Catalogues wdl be prepared, and sample. will be ably tot exam...non the day belt r I Inc sole. notooiid IinitRISON t - Ati—Nz hi chests Young Ily.mn, thank, and 1 Bnpenal Teas, on hand and In armee, Inc We by nab A CULlib:ltTrAth 'LOUSE 150 CATTY Loam T. 11. sad Imp. Teen. on hand and to arra•a, for sale by twin A CULBERTSON a CLOUSE CID , U 4 VINEGAI , I t -7 e tt L ll• t on nod et TounoAccy-4° rjtjt.%: SOAP -114 nalb "BUTTER -IU Ltgd rrorh racke4, Id WI. Jo du d brls Jo packed lec'g for .ale by WM dnuALEr & CO nold Id d YOWoodst LIEATIIEK3-13 sacks lose geese, Ohio, for sale fry 0015 Wta BAUALEY & CO D RIED FRUIT-2 be dried Pb.;eace 11 ID, his dried Appies, for .ale sold Wffi ISAGALEY & CO • -- • _____ NEW AIOLAsS AS-53 Ark 1413{ reed for sale by saIt , IIAHDY, JONS'ii fr CO _ _ NECTXIL LEAF TOBACCO-30 Ass Just reed far sale by 10018.1 lIAIIIIY, JONA`..q A: CO LEAD—•9I pigs Galen., landing from Meant.' J Q. Adams, and be male by naln /AS A lIUTCHISON A CO kegs assorted uvular, for sale b• • S 0010 JAZ A 111/CCIIIAUN A CO II SYRelp MoLASSES—OO brie R, Louis, reed O s per steamer J Adams and (or rale by note JAS A 1111PCIlleON & err 1 . e . rt , n , a :, 1 „ Iv o r ; s e:t i t:ic y .% JAS A IIUTIIIISON A CO nolb A ms ot Lnuts Storer Refinery. Iv HITE Fleli, PICKEREL A TROUT—rd barrel, V V and Lai barrels, on hand and for sale by nuIS WICK A. AIeCANDLEe'S n EARLS—IS c.ae received for saki by null WICK & arrMANIM.E.S3_ ERRIMCM.--tOo Lea dry. cor ”1/0 by IA note sVI IK A fileCAtifiLF:firi pOTATOE2—:dj.arrel. for sale by roll • WICK JR fileCANDLEalfil Cta• Cmam laeA feceived far We by us:4l9 WICK fc IOcCANDLPSS_ dos Corn Brocias far sole Ily .19 WICK k McCANDLES9 TAR—Ito brio N. 0. Tar - for kilt by _n_olB McCANDLESS D !CON—Hamo. dolts und Shoulders, in store and I_ll fn. rale by et /ONES nol • Canal Usoin. Vir M7E1.1(171,-10 bids No I, Ire eble lir noih KIEV e JONES DUFFIELIY3 SUOAR CURED lIANIS—A small leo for sole by inollit E'ER h JONES I)RV VENISON DAMS, for sale by boIS RIF.E & JONES VINIATA ,on roper., pipe oil. for lj Ude by Inal9l KIER O JONES 11”1 :n 1V . A r !t d. fiLit , ! ,o ß b ß y leK Clt i l i c. R eo A n. j tai , ll F T s on. 12. 4 . 4 r ARD OIL-113 brly No far sale by nolO KIER & rrlNrs E2E=3= Tsabscrilter eters for mic, the farm on ' , Mid, I. h.: now resides, containing 140 stems of good land, I. • desirable location. one mile frank Libra, frost Odice,Alleghitity county, Well flavored, and •gill be mld wholly or in quantities to amt parchaserr —price, SSD per ante, one ball in hand and the brja a , o in there equal meant payments with torrent. Address post raid as above noMmv3tT EDWARD RIGGS J. T. D , Woodward &Do., Drii/dow and Erators of Lightning fitt4s, on Seatennfie Prtnetples. nRDERS left •t this °Deo or the Pewe Office; and NJ for personal Interview. tin be seta • a Fourth it, residoneo of Dr. Cant, between Markin rend Irony. References—Prefessor Stillman ; Dittos ofPillltnanf• Journal; Professor 0 /4 Mitchell. of 0 n Cincinnati Obseroators; Professor Robert Pet re, of • fransrPronla unleenaty,Ky; Prntcsror Chewer Dowry f , P.D.. M D. New York; ProfesWir J. L (Wesel, C learland Uni versity, Ohio. In Yinsburgh—A. W. Loomu , John p •rrier,Wilron MeCiuldlers, Mr. Childs. Cn i .anal Nora, Hey. Mr. Sparks, J. U. William. Maio r ffudmp , 11. B. A viad, /nhn Irwin a Bony, L Wiper, D . N. Whits, W. A. Marshnll, Jo!. hszopsou.l/sior Davis,lno Shoen berirer. noiC A. W. IiCIFITACH. ATTORNEY and ConinePor at La OA. No lsO Foorta aueet,oPPosite Waal. 110, Poutoorgh, Pa. AbilwiwlyP ENGRAVER UN WOOD, PHILO HALL, (Third morn Pawl". irb, Y. VIEWS of Buildings, Me. Head. New. Frontispieces, Lander apes, Urn Lapels in colons. Sr.!. (or 1)1.1. ens, So. reile, and Alsoei• anon, Calton ~., t anips he, in tee I. lam alyle an art, and we lowrett pricer d.r.wt.9 WANTED, . ZZtharcs Pin/dour/6 'Stoat, by BAIRD & IRVIN THE OIJ) PRINTING TAJ3LUMINLINT. toth) svamuus. N Itats n And Masa Bo Johnsto ok Tnd & 6.t0 • er MoPmed to .t.aEll A etre Senetal.Canal mot Piet., • Bp* eluding; and Mira. eve Book, Paper, and tatioeryß n [lee, and on she moot reason.' }Bank Beek and Stationery e Market and Sommd streets. • Printing Mee and Rook Bind A RNoll.apson's, mi „I& Harrison , . 131. k. Red t gear I &Carmine Ink*. sionista' Faber., Breolturair'&-Landones ]wt 1. and ' Monroe'. Moat and Red Lead Pencil.; I. kat... of <ltaly den riPabni C.jr., Pratt'., Kelly'., Leman's, and oteer manto (amuses of Steel Pena: G. & (aneeessor to A. 1.3. Bayley & Co) c, &brat. Gold Pena, with Poll and Hirer cages. tyle of Legal, Com. tot. Mattes and mete to the Blank at the ehonest ette. Lterms ' are house, comer of 'M E=l Whastmates English ['roaring Paper—aniquarian, double elephant. atlas. colombler, super royal.xoyal and elephant; Bristol Beard., cap, deny and medium. Perforated board, !Rory boi paper; plain gold and allyer,embossed gold, silver mil fancy colored Opel., gold and colored amps and corners, and leimigragis for fancy boxes; moored parchment of WlAlisee, imitable for deed., charters and diploma; Preisch note paper, always on band, the most dotOtblo .12Os al. , patbma, plalorget, crammed and silvered, mutable for balls, parties, weddings and mourning. French noto envolopes, plain and embossed; letter envelopes, brown. white and blot; laid and plain ads hosier envelopes, bat blue and white. Wafer.; wafer cups, amino. pattern/I; writinggadi brass, Ms, coned and Tacker boxwood sand boxes; copying maws, inka, brushes, French and English copying books, and oil piper; throe paper or all eon v., red and when panels blotung paper; pen knives. do, The above, with all other ankle. to the Stationery line, both laocy end Maple, together with a large as• aunusedt of blmtk book. and memorandum books of all common Nuns of ruling, in every etyle of binding, and payer 0(011 saes and tor saleat reduced rate. on the most reasonable !en= at W. 9. RiVil999 Blank Book and Stationer, Warchonse nol6 Corner of Market and Second ma. =CM lIE s oetholders of the Penanleabla Salt Mena .l. &coning Company ate nodfsed that an instal ment of [valve hundred .d fitly dollars per share Is equlred to.be paid on the 31h Instant, at the °flee of Charley Lena*, Emu, Philadelphia 117 eider of the Board of Directors. IiEOROE THOMPSON. Treasurer & See'r Tarentum, Nov. I4di.lhso.—d4sr• Lake Imparter Trout lllabaafaL 30 BRLS Lake 4upelf or Troia SalmOrh bit{ reed from Mg Mat:ugh and Pon .Royal Copper Mining Co. These fish far exemsd, In fine flavor and fames, any caught an the 10110 r fakes. and are pm up eopreusly tot family use. IL U. XF.LLY, nolg.diso _ Car. Flab el t. Market alley `AL SODA-30 casks English, for side by U bole B A FAUNESTOCK &CO SAI.qPETRE-435 kegs refined, toe sale by ue , l6 it A PAHNESTOCK &CO - _ r IQUORICEZALL-17 easel Sicily. smell sack, nolti R A FA lINIOSTOCK Pc CO EPSOISAL:tA-10bbiTiusi [cm by J KIDD .1k CIO •- noo3 NO GO Word F 1 ATJAL et/1t69-1,(103 grow, assolletT, and(oruk by laol6) .1 KI DD & CO lASIILESOAP-50 boxes for solo 6V lJ nolO J xibn & co 11101' COLORS-60 do, assorted for gab- bY uol6 :JUDD & CO B F: j i g :DA ARROW ROOT-1 vim% A MERICAN ARROW ROOT-330 Sitogueleic4 /lON 16 ZE-7511.12 imorltul (tll colon ) for sal, by / RO J KIDD FLORENCE LEAF —4 . 0 bundler for ink by noI6 KIDD & CO MACKEREL -12 bbk No. l& 3 for TO. by nsl6 A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE .1) ICKLED , ! , ti COD 73 e, li c illAmcg tra4lVjl, rpoblACcu-3uu bia eholca braada . tuanaractared for tale by nolti A CULBERTSON &CLOUSE CURRANTS—Io cuts for vale by nob, A CULBIERTSM h CIAMIE S _ COTCII HERIIINII-100 b. for role by nol6 VCISI4I3ERTSON & CLOU.iE AVERY large and select assortment of Pickles, Ketchup. Sauces, rke. from Co celebrated estalk Irshments of Underwood in Boston, and Smith k Co., PhiladelOttla,.insiantly on band and for aale, at low rolls at 2.56 Liberty at. compiling .. tlerklns, g gal, quo, & prat Tomato Kolehop, cps & pis ldl Pleoy, do do Walnut Katehop. pt., Mixed Pickles, do do Mushroom Eels bop, Omar., orts nod pis, Pepper Snore, qls and pts Walnuts,Capers, Tomatoes, gm, panlstrlOilves. Now ommiat, n large addition to the abase, to which, we respectiolly call the Martini, of house. keepers and dealers Whl k YeCLLIIIO & CO - - - - - • note. irIFIRSNUTS-.14 toigo tor solo low by I ot oENGLISH k BENNETT lISSET - i_PPLEIi—M 1,,; ## which we will .1,1 jll., low, in elote (rod; lai'liLl.4lltt BENNETT N APPLJES lo] Dri.d rlr, tTy JOHN WAIT k. CO n° -- 1 5% FISH bids Lsage No 3 alockered 05 do oo No 1 Lake Fah . . , Jo do No 1 Cod Fish noir For rale Dv JOHN WAIT & CO SUGAR -20 lards prime for .or D• nol6 JO/1N WATT /1. CO COBROOMS -200 don Inrgc corn broom for solo b cola JOHN WATT & O ROAD MAKING: • mannal of the principles and Prociloo of road making, comprising the location, construction and improvement of roads, common, Macadam, paved. plank, ae, and sail roads. By W. C.Gillcspit,A. AL, C K Ne*ctlitionorrlth addition. A low cop?. for sale by C - STOCKTON, Iloalt,se.iler. Printer & Binds, 0016 47 Market st DUFF'S IlitOß NEEPIEIO—n supply of Und'a Book geopmg end Blan.l Books reedbY fold C ETOCKTON Ameriesn..POst and Chrovieloeopf) DCICIVIIEAT lark* nurkutheat Flour, w suprnor ut,ell, for sale by . . non & W. lIRDAUGII. LI ODA ASH.IO ea aka trkda Ita received and for O ale by lor cl it. & W. HARIJAUGII. LEATt•SH-400 Olden Spada l Sole Leather, recto ved for ate by not) • S. A W. lIA NUMMI!, BlNTa—yllbtrca Cached Saner,,for ale Ti nt" , S. A W ItLIAUDEL IDEAS! ellEktnD.-150 bola Cairn 117,7.7, Jut ‘,./ received and ter ale by nob S. A W ILARBAUGIL ODA ASO 7 —.soCatks St. Donor. and in6nsion4 S hand. for rale by J d D 11.0 VD 01. f Hoard Chimp ViNii—±4 661 No 3 liliteintel; r lu bd. %bite Flab; • drum. Cod Malt; Id b. Sealed Uniting, (or .0. by 408 .1 & R FLOYD CZOfins. for taste by IV non J a R FLOYD BUTTER Inbarrels and kegs orWei by Dnos I .4. R FLOYD y oUisviLLE E-100 barrels Lords, in cote and for Sate by nO9 S.& W 1411 BA UGH. VVlN u l , t i O ro W r ' , ( . : l L o t y 9-1,000 boxes all 11.111, In store Davy S. & W. IiARBAUGII. B -• ••• • • Rotils-200 dos common nna fanny, for *ale oy noO JkR FLOYD PIG IRON-30 tons Artooalo fornne`o for solo from ilfn fne!SJ J Ac FL FLOYD 1) "1 45 PPLE-4°°" loot WA l 47.l " fl * O bY B UTTER -12 bna crinh r do oll, in clolli; lo nth 7 r TALLow—dblis for nate by ' nolo J B CANFIELD plak B CANEIELD Q UCAR-6 bh .1 for We by 1.7 bola B CANT IF.LD LroN Ey —lO bow for sole by uk .11 7 B CANFIELD BUTTER -21) bomb. extra roll reed for ante by norle S k W tiMIBAUGH. eIIiEESE-100 bx. cream cheese reel for mkt by • oorlo 9 & CV HAUB/WM! vALLow-14 barrelcuallow ree't. and for sole by .1: novio S & W lIARBAUGII CIGARS—n°.44'O common cigars in atom far sale by noll6 8A WHABBAUGIi Gtninn -- TAGS m state end fOr nldby .814 8 a W HARDAUGH lIIEESE—SS b.la landing tram Bidwell , . line nevie JAMES DALZELL "DUCKETS—r.O dot Beaver beaus and Tdoz keel BD era receiving and coy sale by n 0,113 JAMES DALZELL bb. ...fanners' stns. oil AMES DALZELI Chocolate, 7 UST received at SU I 1k celebrated mantsfactur Fresh Chocolate. or the below, vat— :rpm:deb, Bakers' No I. French, do Moms, Doable Vanilla, do Cocoa, Melo do, Norfolk, Perfection, Homoeopathic, A La Catlett, EagleSpleed, 241ana ired. The finer stilettoes of the Sp above and made of the heel Coraccos Comm. and wet-anted pare. For .are, wholesale and retail, by • • . !sold Cocoa, fa Liberty street, Of the most rent large tfOlOnrflent of dtnerent kinds mentioned SUGAR -3S bhdc prime N. O. Sugon 10 Ws No V Loaf do Iry bry D. R. do do IS brlc ctocbcd do tot cola by nol6 R HEY. MATTHEWS tc f 101 , PEK—: . ? 4 bays prune Rio, for sale by V noI C. HUEY, MAT rftEws &co g TLA— 112 hf elic'ho If:IT., G. P. and fnorfoimile by bath RORY, hlitlTOßPid lc c. Tatil OBACCO - li/ tirs L'.,L'.,, Ir• bbdl, lb latopls I 1 thy RITE dhiP•MATLIT 6 EWB 1W8& CU twin for halt by n.% .._._... F Inll-1.31 6.11. No 3 In neeeleg brir No I Herring,. 01 ranks Codfieb; en ben da7 Herring, far mile by. nolB HUEY, ATTHEWS kCO ELIGUOVAL. DDa. SPEER him removed 11:1 Mtn] street, below Pat Street, No Ira °Zee and dwelling in tho same building , atialtddris TO LET, A LARGE three marl prier Roue IR Rind until uppollte Bt. Antlr EitlEtd2w • . 247 Libett7 Blankets Blaakets 3 VIURPIII7 talit/RCIIPLELD have loat received • LW (malt supply or home *ado and eastern Blanket; Three to Fifteen Dollars perpair, the latter • prank= illicit., and very ropenor. Also, Crib •nd Cr•dlo Blankets of different tint... nols Mli:= TIRE FACTORY ereetedon the corner of Rebecca and Correy alma's, running orough to Lumen street, recently put In thorough repair. Rode moiler. at; aid tortes easy. Apply to ned4 BAIRD k IRRIN SI GI4T DRAFTS ex NEW TOBY, BALTIMORE, PHIL AD EL POIA, CINCINNATI, LOUIRVILLE, ST. LOWS., vertoo .OLD COUNTRN A. WILKINS& CO. Cot. ibird it. Market las For tale by nee T".ltr - """'""Jd;VAIM'INF, VANIAR Int& ,openor, for sal* by A} A }ANNE:STOCK A CO Cor.E.ru Wood ht. P5.?.1 . 1 SALTs — rWl . l"Ft'A't,' gToc r .c„ Q PTS TURPFINTINE-44 brit for Co IT nols 1J A PAUL RSTOLK Ar. CO ILOVF.S.-IVOCilbs foi.aale by Dols 11 A FAHM , SIOCK &CO .AILEt.SOO kegs aysoveklaaml?! . rlyf , fly brAAA r fbr 1nN01.4) .‘ al/f/ IRVI DAR IRON--.AN may Ptiollta r yeA for rate by not/ I AIRDA IRVIN f rAll;4silbarrebiTir;foi sale by ISAlAl i takr e, V: CA) (1 . 11E.E-11W sib by ISAIAII DICKEY &co IAT lIITE FISH--49 bfla and 9hi brls for see by nel(• • • . ISAIAH MICKEY fr. Ohl FlRga WATEK riattur , ntlN:ilteL I`. NT 40 art, in store and for sale by solll : ' ISAIAH DICKEY & L COPAL VAIINISII—:73 kri ttl brie ard kegi furniture and earriuge, for side nail . ISAIA.II DICKEY &CO 'JON bcautiral ankle, 1 bc ay in bow for fanuty arn,jart received for NA 10 by WM A bIeCLURG it CO nol4 01 Liberty et PINE APPLE CHEESE-40 bore. Xenon bread, very handsome, just received ("role by deIO ' . Whl A BIeCLOSIG Co& TAB -100 title N. C. far, for sole Ls, OoI4DA:7ALEY & CO COCOA, &e—:O bzs Bakers Coo , at 00 bis do Drams; , 606. 'do 'No 1 Chosol___,ate &rule by tnol4l • WAI ItsGALEY trCO M- ACKEJLEL-150 btl. radla WN , y k. co nolll 19 20 Wood P ONDER -74W . [tits bfitatlair U . / 4 . 4 rifle, Huard manntlfacture,...magaln;YANAdirit k CO tol4 • SAFETY FUSE-45 brla superior quality au baud, uOl4 J S DILWORTH as CO W °°l-S "` bi °IILIVRTICZtVI INGIIRIIIII nol4 116 alter at TAR -406th N. C. tar. for *Oa iq nol4 BURBRIDGE te ItinflßAM - - - 'VT OLABSY3-20 brls P. IL Mon • Ica, for Bale 1/ al nal/ - - - - SOAP—fO.3 bxs Rosin Posp, for We by not{ BURIIRIDGI' & INGIIRASI OOD . F 1 1:11--6 . c 13Z171111 l l ' ll T.:I.7;7ObIyIRAM MACKEREL -100 brill No 3; it) hf Orli No 3; 10 do No 1, fr, %ale by _not{ BEI FIBRIDRE INGHRAR Ni3LASSES-10 brie extra Sagas House; ' 10 brln New Orleamr, bris . Golden Syrup, for tale by col 4 ID tVILLIAMS tr. CO SUNDEUES--S moon' S. F. Indigo; 3 big. Popper; I bolo Came; 1 1 brl Cloves; I. Lel Gr. lloslard; I bet Cusps; I brl Pepper, ler We bY twit J D WILLIAMS A CO :01:ITLIAE JIA4II DELTONI3 splendid Outline Mays are nom being mtrodueed in all the leading schools In New England andr New York. We have obmine • the agency for them in Yittaborgh, and invite teachers and Acton' comenitteet to enh and eremitic them hen I—Map clime Weateinllenivliherti, era FS illtik<l dot— do • Einem do de; ~. . .. Nosh do North Arcenca, 70 a 64 No 4 do United States, 700 Bil No 3 do . Europe, . 711.1 P. 2 No 6 do Asia, Mt 079 No 7— do S. America & Africa 70 sr ell Price of the series, with , key. € 2. i or the first two liesniephere Maps, with key, MO. These Maps ark unrivalled in accuracy. beauty and cheapness, and adapted to the wants of the primary, grammar and high etheols of the tinted Stales. For rale at', putilieherbt enc., sew oat addlUOn, I freight charges, aline ' EDUCATIONAL ROOK STORE, • mils • Cog, Market k Foatth ma. WOULIZN GOODS. 75 T. l are. B fZVAt,.=:',l•Fliaril'ile .i 'ids,"l:ll vales; YS bales Yellow do *raj - - 25 do White do do 3 do Green Bockirg do do 51/n pry approved eigle Blanket., do 50 pa 7.4 nip. Back Flannels, all shades' hi pa French, Germ., West of England, and American Enact, Woe, Buy., lumeiblo Green Broad Cloths; 30 pt. Beaver Cloth, asserted colors; 15 pa Blue, Brown Green, and Black Jans,_. last received from manufseterens, and resent import anon. Meregionta are respectfully invited to mill and CllaMirk) the same •t A A MASON fr. COD nail dlk fig Market at biClßD — E7l l 7lNT — woird mvETe attendoicivie opportunlike they can afforA end:aline for to dollar From fifty to ace 'hundred thousand dollars, of the beat zeal ;estate scoaritte., having to ton front sic month* to Ma years, and in s urns to coil. not 3 ' . • ' POLL SALE, ,A. Stook; also, North • Apply to Baird! Irvin. rl6Becondc:trBoenCk. Oar Sitcom d Supply—all °pea. MoarUYa BURCH CIELD num now eamplethd. the opening of a very large BIRCOND minty of Gepds for the; Winter, and etth offer every Indere • mono to helms to make their purchnses from them. Ladles will find Freneh fdeffinos and Coburg.. el all desirable colors; Printed Freneh Cashmeres and de lathes, Wilmot; Cold Medal ' do In great variety, of new Myles, at ent d s; Neal etzle• an sohd colon, an 10 . 7, 12k et.; Chungeanie rennin do trent veruty otstaden Dtess Bilk nod Salina of newest ..17 lea and melt desirable colors. steads, Neck Ribbons, Bonnet RlLlosar,liloves and Hosiery, &0., and a WI supply scr Housekeeping Goods, at loarest possible prices. kicoectal attention Is also Invitdd to their eliotee mote or :Misting Moe hos and frisk LLnens—the latter warranted pure flax. North east conies of Fourth and rits stet Ste. 11013. khd• N. U. ed ler male by W k F WILSON, 2G Wood et TO 1101100 L TMACHMIteIy A MALE leather, competent to a unennand a tarp, lidlool, will find a desirable inflation, and re. eeiVO a liberal ; 'f alai.), by ranking immediate appli cation in person. to tbn , Board Or Education, In the own or Wellnnlle, Colombian. county, Ohio. By order of the Beard. • noPainintardia9 W. S. MACKINTOitiI, Sca'y Mere • anUlo and ,ILlannteetu r•et 'Dann. HIS Dank les tltia day 1 foot per Gent en Its cyto tal .took. n tittbe met ts for the left nx month.; pa able tear the tenth Intl. M. 11. 1 , 1 , ..NNV, Csselter Pitteherett:Nov. 5, le..93.—itt CJtw GEEMMEM j EJO Corner of Third .and Market entrant. e CIIikRTERED A. P. The only Charmed Institution et rite kind to Penn e • /AMU,. John Fleming, Peinenntl Inettorwr the Science of A ecounts.- 0. K. Chamberlin, Professor of I.l.mensbip, bfer. cantile Compamilon, he. Alai. AI. Whim., Erq., Lecturer en Commercial Law. - • The coupe of inst.action include.. Rook Beeping, an , its Utdicstion to every branch of business, lec tures en Commercial Law sod Commercial Science, Bent..MbiP t hlcr tannin Computation. any Students eon enter the Wiese ot any time, and whemeedtled, will receive a Diploma, signed by the Factilty_and Examining Cotaminee. non • 'lmperial! Beatokt wad Irish Whiskows 10 MN . C rl E .ry ON d lat ei Lter rated Malt Whit- Boeoe. 12 pancheono Wheals Watereide, extra quality and high VW. ender cutout loose lock. -- Also, Brandies of different l, o and brands in Ralf, quarter, arid ceases. Impart • and for sale by A II aecALLA, acv L E E nu Walnut Philadelphia 'T the HA UP 15 ItaiNTIVOCREAM—WhirIi 0 the man who does noi appreciate the bunt y of an euy Orme? Irany there be, we do not •ddrees our selves to him.. Bat to all others we say, if yen valet to render Shaving pleasare,purcease a box of .hileu flauells Almeria Pistachio or Antliroxiel Shama Creams. It is utterly impossible to find words to Shavingde scrie the feelings of parson who has becaew te v_ with ordinary soap, upsamaking trial of tide for the Brst brae. It is a combination or sunder, ad oxintinn and pleasure. JULEH HAUSLati SHAVING CREAM is exceed ingly emoUlenn-reastertng the stiffest and roost wiry beard soft and pliable, producing an admirable Tina, and by tea extremely nature all Irrita tion, and preventleg that unTilusant and miff reel., of the skin which Is so often experieneed eller Um, tea GentlemOnasing Jules IlstucPs Shaving Crum may face the coldest and mon plerdng winds im• mediately after itsqse, without the skin becoming shopped. And their web once an wa eon safely say will never twe any oilier. One great advantage. which will be especielly itp- Preeiateo by those who wear arbiikerr la the fast that It will not Ptseulor It e beard, mulch wont mem will do. giving a sandy or rusty appearance to the edge of the whiskers. Jules Hamel', Shaving Crum. are delightful pieparatimm. tompeunded with m the atter exCluition of all articles eweulated render the operation of shaving onplcarant, end will be emoted tad by , al: who make trial of them. Nitrated may by JULES HA.UEL, Perform and Chendel. Chertnet at , Fat rain, wholesale and retail, by,tt. D-ila. A Fahrestack Sh Ce , and FL E Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sur , n , met Mitehell, Allerhenv Cite •ean7-r• WHOLESALE F Al, 1,6001 E A. A. MASON & CQ, • • 02 t OCEIAIIIKET simmuirlart, rs, WOTTLD . Solicit too attention of hferchents ROM all sections of the country, to bole Innactme Stock of New Fall Dyed., ecrepristre th e linden and most, complete assortme nt in the 0-astern connum consisting of • WS ems, Gest styles Pritit, • • 40' do-Imported •nd Amerienn Giniehmsm-- • f'd do An4ressi Paromnitss and Iverinos; V do Dachnteres and De Loins; _ • 45 do Satinets and Jeans; 17.1 do Cloths and Cassimensi 70 do Blenched Mann.: 01 bales Panne% all colon; 57 do Vietmer,lol orsdesi sim do Brawn Mullins, ben mates. mu , nod macksses of Das, Shawls. Wino Goods; 11111innt o. Tailors' Trimminsjubb.. , Ilocienrand Glories. fro. Idenatiants areassared,D o ro dm crest &MUD. or this establishment, of enc.7•lo 44 4rtriii thelatest end most desirable Diods,acd as Prices. , low and loves than any esttern . tonsa Dein;msnufacturers, agents for lane naantitiP , ofDO...lin Good., the/ m i ni,. 1. merchant. 17 salmis the ordeis of mehants for Onlerses. delivar•ble In tins city •t the same pen, 6,7 anr sold eastern' eines. Meech.. ellhor going retu!sing from she easy are Invited roan esnn• d OO AA to m e s mom a cc:o
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