& 1171111716 JOIEHIC , , AO, - NUMB DBT GOOD: No. 101 Wood irlaolds • • INVITE Uad attention of boyets to thole vpx , k of Fresh Goode nem opetnor, and watch they,ara Prepared to tell Co very deaostatogothariersta. IVe shall tad constant/7 race/Any ffava ooda dov thf the .e.Oll, and mama as exandaltson of on Nock D 7 vy.smy..ryaante, and ohm vlatdag Olt - wiCrimanr, Libertyjitreet, - his ewer°. Maw BMS =Weir" , f d° l7 ° .% cel vi;';;; and eastpooe_iyjAofa m i mi ,A si . Tom tan cock of C7,76tes, adapted for theappmAi INGS et the 4"", sewn. All MOW IA Waal Of I N lab and and good clothin Sad tho Mseon. mot ft./" laa' - ionable, and best stock ja Moslem evantrY, al thts cetabbahateal eePl9 .w.„.z uw — sioratnue VI uettalaxirataaul O TTHE at bitrigla. I.,,ersylvaaia Ron Head 6tr Ordway having' completed* , whole Wo ol roast to Holliday. Portage Rail Roa to and bun receive Manes by boats to Pittsbadmit, premed to and Sonnedaterchan. &t are, prieWee, do., to end front Putabosalt and Phila. Th yk e Wits will leave the depot of the cmpuory daily for 'ohmic OM, thera connecting with the duly train of cars for Philadelphia, thee mating ths beery of a/1 freight in naladelplkta. within Ive days. ELL & Agents for Pa. R. R. B Co, Canal Bum, Pittsburgh. Clara & RELL&BAgenta, seulthdtf Philadelphia . LOT 6P—IIPLIiiiIIID PIANO,' Nana dad Instrumexts, Sign of the Golden hoop, No 10t Third street. i " If. RIEDER respectfully informs his [deeds and the public, that he has last retuned from the cut, Ina • moat elegant and extensive wort. of Pintos of venom styles and pnces, selected meatf, with great eau. atthe celebrated (acted. Of Nee. h . Clark, N. Y., and Denham, N. Y., [elan of Soudan & Dnnhkm,N. Harindselected the "0" from en immense stock - lost finished by the above makers, they are warranted of superior quality and tone, and will in an eases he sold at New 'York fee. 1.7 Price. Perches.. will receive a written goer anti with each Piano, entitlingtheat to an enchant or return or ewe if found detective. 5c1=4,V,0141.17!4.1d Itra6 " ?, * t ' . ' aru u'n el c e.; and warranted equal, If not superior, to any made in Na world. StrA i tm, a fine selemion of Mutes, Clarioneta Violins, Strings, Dra, Inatraraents, and the newest and most popuusr mn,le , ineledung Jenny Llllthi celebrated r Wee s bet4.l Welch Visalials. 1 U RPM" 4 ItUrtelf FIELD, at north east comer 11l of roarth and Market streets, axe now *applied with a fall assortment of the various qualities of above dethablo goods, and having been purchased from the importen can be. arranted genuine. oc3 _ • 74 .• ZikkaPe.4.4 LIAO Patent Soda Ash. 834 ic.",s,2,°.l.`dh - trudrib::lt',l;PXl °out month, per `Arattt MeV "Europa? "Berlin,” and ether Whips, via Philadelphia and Baltimore, warrant. nd superior In both strength and quality to any is the market, for sale at tho loVrest Ones for cash and sq. proved bill., by W Ahld MITCIIRLTREE ssal! Liberty street 1ti.76, B aPP l Y . af Pa ll & 'Malay Goode. \4I.IRPIII-4 ItURC/IFIELD invite the attention yEI. of haven to their large stocker goods „adapted for the tattoo, consisting in pan of Bit and Colid Prendt hletinoe. Coburg. and hangeable Cashman; Popl ore.. Silks and Turn Satins, Elk and Fancy Alpacas. 'else Long Shawl., Low Pelee do., Sacking Flan. nets, W,Englith, and American Flwinel., white anJ eoloted. stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, ...cat as Sheeting', Pillow co., Moans, Table Dothan; Towelling, Or.. ts large, andat low ranee s tor quality. Doyen. will find it to their advan tage to ...Aloe their met before pat churn—at the north can tomer of ath and Market Its. net 7, Salle is' Ltv•r - 1 ,- 1.11. Superee dean others Charteaton, Va., Sept:Xl, IS3O. Mr. It. - Sellerte—Your Pills become & PoPit lar to all ttt. region of country,. very work to sapereede all o th ers le Liver or Aral-BIM& Pill. Yours, &o. JAMES A LEWIS lE.:tract of Letter.) Po rcharre. w il l nee/feet that ILE-Seim' Liver of are the 'angles] anti Tine and Genuine r till, rind may he had at No S 7 Wood at., and of 311 Isla 'ramify in th e two cities and viennty. 1 e 4.2 uysettit _Av....et of yellow Dock ana aai .: yarui~. Lyn uy o the largest sired battle., contains more / of thr pure Honduras Sarsaparilla than any other preparand a mum which Is chensicelly combined with the. street of Yellow Dock, tha Extract of Wild Citerlr, • ad the Boduin of ir the. making the tame: dy aume tau:lra:46ly efficient Utm any other Sang.. Ana befir the publae, At the mune umc it Is perfect.: ly tree fratan all mineral polsone,whieh cannot Mamba ot saner of the Sammanila compounds. The valid eboold beware or poisons! !denary, Iron, qui nine, Potash, lodine, belphar, Arsenic, and many other mineral and memlite poiaons Sa ver into and loran the octavo basis of most of the Sanisparbla and PROICOOA of the day. !damson's ConapomdLlttnnt of Yellow Dock sad Sarsaparilla does not contain a particle of thew mahatma/a,. any one can easily ascertain by applying the necessary tests. The poison, may oceamonally remove &seamy bet they on satiate the blood, and so completely unlink ante the whale system path their baneful edeas that the first add, or the first attack of discase,prostralea the patient's strength, and eubjeas ham or her to the most esenttlating torture, and renders another ens. almost impossible and hopeless. Let all pc:notions Serest/aril. preparation. Gone, and use Glayantli improve.: Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsapatilta, which to thoroughly /r. 1.11. oe. It II $1 , 1,11 iit,a Lis for , oel It II IIIIIAIW.I.D ' IBAI . E•i - o-Dru roan.. rvg old! y .rappllM Merle...doble medium, moan ro, , CI esper,nr nor. or vle, by It e mg* 47 Mulct at. ~iu W,iposeeet, jo leer-Fred -a new es. garment of PIANO =8 ID, 'among which tts We ll y, do yOOl4OO by p. Foster. ph ,may the Red Rene Live Al Will, 40. Zletet Ned,. Dolly DRY. do. souiler.weacurn h 7 Dlevea. The Robin, do. Eloh, Tench the Cord yet one* nee; Sweet Memoirs of Thee. silver Moon. Lament of the _ A New Medley r iong. Thom haat Wounded the Spirit that Lotrrad Th, The Conscript's Departure, by Glover. Be Kind to the Loved Onea at Homo. 'Ti. Home where e'er the Heart is. The Yankee Meld. Lowl . lag , d Do 7c Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. 'Elfin, Callan., Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Waltzes Itenehelor, Maiden, Della Welty Concert, Ladles' Soudeole, GallY, Elaira, Lily, Alice,Evergreen, Sara el-.ldiett, and Lissy Polk.. marlel TEAS I TEAS I I TEAS IPI turE enter out into the lint of pluTemore say nothing about Hundreds of , Chests In, I t porters, Large Capital, Dought for Cash An. fact, we will not humbug In any manner or form, we simply Write the Public to compare our Teas with what they purchase elsewhere; that Is the best method we kn., to =cer tain wan sells the beat and cheapest Teas is Pints burgh. We are now gelling Good and strong Tea at 40. d SOcents per 11.. A prime article; —.--•• 73 do do The beat Tea'mported two rio te r' Te as e tea, SI Low priced, damaged or Inferior we do Col keep monius et %%worm Proprietors of the Tea Market, Earl side of Damned. Groot Amorlowa Itlolitolet Work D. A ep/eton A: Co , Neer York. have In course of p 11,11/011. in pace, price twenty five cents tech, DIC normal' - • - • • Qf 111•14.1,4, Engtna IPork,dad miremeng; designed for Prow.: Worllng „Urn, and thaw intended for Me Ene,t. neertreg Prqfoorsore,. r Mann el “Ive lITIMIL fIiEE3 IVORK is of Imgc Bvo. ern. end will contain 1 kro 3,101.1.11110 triton, and upward. of six rase, Leen le.i.cseitellorts. • It will 12101001 working•draw• ;s 8,1 ElacCelplmos of the molt 101p:wheat MaChillea Slate. Independent of the result, of Aou ;igen topcoat:kr, it will eontalEn complete peneti ee.lre.,l es on hlcelMstice, Machinery, Engine-work, nt..i i ~ . .ming; with all that Is useful In more than e —and aof:nie wont. of folio volume., maga ,• h other books. I g git .bird of this publicanon ta, to place he r,. eit, I cal men and mudenut such est amount of seal scientific knowledge, in a condensed n•I enable Mem to wort to the best &dyne• avoid timm Int naket which they might on,, mu.ll. The rat of useful tutor:mon, him. Ormieht together ta canon beyond precedent on ‘,..... Ideed, there is hardly en y solvjert stole itr lenge which Is not treated with ouch clear -h g picciainn, that even a mm, of the most Dods..l) . i• j.elly cannot fail of tuidemtarteing It, and thu , ammog from it mach which it to important for nmint know 'the eubloshers are, In short, determined, rreartilees reost, to make the work as complete as possible; and ir hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will Plboure it as issise4 in mmtbers and thus encourage Lhd enterpnee• ?be work will be Issued In •ead-motithly number., conimenclug to Jmuary, 1880, and will program with mat regolarity. The whole work will be published in 40number., at cents pet nemeber,md completed within the cur rent peer, 1880. A liberal diacomit will be made to agents. sht?leeTe.e"Ve'tl.:s,llh g ,'" . b AlL ' ,:srolli,..et n e e e!;* rapeege. Opinion. of the Preset. "To our namerous filartufneturera, Mechanic", En gineers, and Ammons, It will be a mine of wesith."— Providence, (FL I.) ;carnal. "Young turn, arm yourseives with its knowledge.— We can with confidence recommend our readers to possess themselves of Its numbers as fast as they ap pear."—American Artisan. "We unhesinuatgly commend the work to those en gaged in or interested in mechanthat or scientific par nu", as eminently worthy of their examination and st udy."—Tr, (N. udet. "lt is truly oy a great ) work, and the publishers de serve the thanks of Inventors, machinist, and mans Maurer, and indeed of the peddle gentrally. , —N. Y. Ind"pondenh "Tha Dictionary will be @gill; useful to practical mechanics, and vain hie LO all who with - to acquaint with the progress of ins 3.0,1 ths arth."—New Illedfowl Daily Memory. "Yoram mechanics oeght to keep ice misted up in the. anneal so well es front cal knowledge, and this work will c h eer Them jam how. hey stand."—Rosbury Wang Advertiser. "ITe, take it to be jam the work that scores and haw. dreds clear irdelligent mechaalce have desired to pow sea, So ample ere as description., slid so fall and minute its an spclficanors, th at it seems to as th at any mechic ni ght contract any machine 0 de.erib.,_, on the crength ofiut erg - ravings and instmetions."—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. attorested in mechanicsghould avail them selves of its edvamages."—Schaylkill, IPerm.,) /ver nal. "A work of extensive practical minty and great itto. partanee and elite to the rapidly increasing luterems of the country. We resee d the work n s cudnently o f to promote the ater of science a ced the mechanical arts, and to disseminate valuable inform.. con on these sobjecta"—Parmor and Aleehanla. "Practical moo in all the rine." walks of mechani cal and manatee:axing industry' engineering.ke find in Poe warg• treasure which it will be toilte:r profit to imssess."—Ttoy Pally Wtug. "We have,cerefully perused the numbers, and bare no Aoudad." In armed it la Ike mom work for mo o/lamas, tradesmen, sclentlAlS mon, to ml, far it cradalastalante intone...Nen Oa every breath h. of We mecharucal sins and smetmes, expressed in • style and language Intelligible to any reader of ordi nary capselty. ,- -Qhtiecester,(Nase,) News. "We are sore we are doing the mechanics of Nor wich nod other parte of Conetemlcat • nervier by Lrinctog the work to their aueollan."—Nommoh, (Coon.) Cowie, "It is tuPt such a work a. every suenhanto should poase•a"—Frecrnan's Journal. Wo consider it One of the most useful and Important puldirstionp of the age. No merthallie emdadord to be srtthout 11.."—Newart, J.,)ConutereialCoorier. .1P! all the various publications kering tot their ob. met the elacidatiou and adrancement of th e sneaked e•l nit. and selenres, none that we hate seen, is so full promim Botlitio Cront.:Adv. "it is the hen and chesoeitt work ever altered to the retcr.fiGo add practical etirm err and turchame The Fill, • hr • resutifolly executed."—Washientoticnobe, "This gem, Dienonury is one. or th" most lawful a.irk, eve, pulitrihrd for fete. mid thtoe low pste• at wimth it :e soh! mates it `et. a:I ", rsiuth -lie regard it alone of the room comorchca•tve and •alottble, es well air cheapest wort • ever poonshed —ltalumore Advertmer. ,eclat to be taken by every one dcamme to Seep sac, With the prhgres• or amend Primer /hearty one of rte Lahore of civilized life,"—Randout Conner In designed after the pnactple of Ure's the t she c r, al y that et i• mare deemed to the nice ham cci and • i tet,teemng prolemor.% aid above all, I .• valush!e •- aceomplmlttag for Amen. UR Rie. done for describina Amerman machinery and C Jut "—Scienufm American. s published in nambem, •ad at a puce so mode rate. look me et wb at is contained in each member, that co one who has the Jean Inttrest in such matmra, need ttc deterred from pp:manna it; and every one who dem sds wttl mad that he has in a condensed lams an amen , imdreetion winch would be obtained, if at may 11 um perhave of very many volumes. - —N. • t.rie and Evacuee. 'The comprehenstvenns with which the mbßicts sr, ted, the admirable manner In rabies they are 11 , n,trated, coptre to mate this one of Me most den- t Min , v,..."— ntr CArmocralir Review w or: should Leto thr hands of every mechanic, It re. a , manufacturer, especially those who have did ler ~. .:•p.iatiour to carrot in thrie twee tire Luri• I.a .r earsifolly ozaullord it, with a vicar al et.luanr r. •rlirg to invcr,torr, To them we would •y 1.111,0 r:rot.e laileoter of IL. &Inc: . - lt sr [;owl."— No , uure levemors' 000121. —, te, Proprref tans Nem-ix:peed throug , ..” • t *, :tt.,l I• aderruecontel Ir lurened tier ...met yea r r. sc.,l parr, rontalle 15 gent Ir. us, • d 0 , ,, worS . •,' to:, psymerd. ,rd gT • ALLIATICR , R 01INTPI1dNT. f iutsuarng no Mercury, nor other Minrsol. iff: renewing lestimontai w.. given by the cele brated Dr. Wooster Death. the author of the great work chatted "The American ?mance 0 ii ~d,etae and Teuallyl'lymcian.” lacing been made acquainted with the Instediente which compose MeAllister's All-licaltng Ointment ad having prescribed a- d tested It In several cases y private practice, 1 have .ra hesitation in saying or ertifytng that it is a Vegetable Remedy, containing in mineral •Ithrliellee whatever, thinks lag - tedium. mt./mil ae they are, and tired le directed by the ttnpncrer, are not only harmless, but of great value, eine truly scientsfic Remedy of great pow., and hestfully recommerid as • compound which has one loorti good, and which adapted to the cure of great variety of Calle, Though / have Denny either commended or engaged- in the sale of secret medi tate, regard for the trulV honest, conscientious, be ans. chnrarter at the Proprietor oftbis Ointment, the value or hie discovery, oblme me to say dine ark regarding a. iEACII, It.. u New S ork April it ono. of the Lest things In the world for Bonet f'll. r —rdounands are yearly cured by th owl 01, It never falls In giving relief. (or Tamers, Ulcers, and ell kinds of Sore., it has agent. . " .1f dlnthorod and Nurses knew its value in cases of eteotk, orßreast, they would •Iways apply ra.ea. i ts used according to directions, gives toilet a very few hours. Around the ho: ere directions for Using McAllister's Ointment for Scrofula, (Aver Complaint, Erysipelas, Tc.cr, Seald lead, SOre Eyes, Quincy, Sore Thresh Brooch:tee, ( Neraoaa AffecunnA Pain., thseaw of the Spine, (lead Ache, Antl/112, Drafileer, Ear Ache. Ilcrt.r. Corns, an Dkeases of the Skin Sore trps, hinnies, Swelling of the (dacha Sores, Rheamatitin Cold Feet, Croup, :or or It, atm Urea., ' lord, Ache, Ague In the Face, Au. room the Reading Eagle. There •••• neve , , perhopt, a Medicine hrought be fore the nut-lir. that box in ...bort a time won tech a repouthon toe MoMiliater's MI-Healing or World Salve. Almost every person that ban made trial of it sperm. warmly m its prsive One bey been cored by ait of Me moat painful Meurnan•rm another of the pilet, third of a troublesome pact to tlie nide, li swelling in the limbs, dr. If it does notGi v eMame. di nt s relief, in every care, it r do no injury, tieing appiie.: outwardly. Ae soother evidence nf the woodedul healing pow . r ~t. 44 ,1 by tine salve, we esibmin the folio ma tobrace , from a respectable citizen of fdaidencrees town t ip, on Om county: Muidencreek, Berko co., March .10, kle•ws. Rater ft Co:-11 desire to inform you that I war entirely cored of • revere paints the back, by the ere co hicAlliateris All.llcalong &lam which I pur e/mm.l from you. auflered with it toe tha t year., Imi ni thin was unable to sleep. Daring that tome tried V 660410 remedies, - which were prescribed forma by phyricieuvand when:dm., wuhoutteceiviug arty mho!, Rod at lam made Wel of hi. Salem with a re. soil lavozable beyond expectation. lam now entire. ly fret from the pain, and enjoy at Melt • peaceful and racist sleep. I have also used the Salve since for trath ache and miler compitunte, with miller happy result. ' Your friend, Jams inotaiimaima. JAMES MeAbLISTER., Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal Office, No Oil North Third rtrect,Philadel- chic PRICE AS OMITS PER BOX. &mer IH Fm-alaraott.—D. A. Fahnewnek & Co, comer M Wood and First stai Wm. Jacknon, No. 0 Liberty street: L. Wilcox, Jr., corner of Market '(reef and th e Diamond, also comer of Fourth and mithfield atreets, Came rner of Walnut end Peoastrcele, Fi ft h Ward; and t o ld at the Bookstore In 00,:1111 rid aireet,fta door frem Second. I it Allegheny City by 11. Y. Schwartz and J. Douala. J. C. Smith, Druggist, Llirmlngham; 11. Negley, 1 ' • '.; I•lbc Y. 11. Rowland, Me //crayon; J. Ales ander Mononea helm City; N. B. Doorman & Co , se./ 1. ; Beret", Ilrownsallle; John Barkley, Beaver, It; •••,n Wsl ker. Jr., F.li.betb; Bonbright & 00enrster. fehtleedly ; hhti 111. V faID—YO brls Jg~lp• EC !It 171,FICintOICA!Ell DllllPPyggrup: many sot 10 o b o4. I ' : n ' s s en ' lle h" ethos cases jo ont of everz . h i el v nired, it le very easily in i t. adapted to h =e . : l6 ef thir r slpn, .. I 4' actnimed; Open the [MUM Pam which cover Its ou/face, elearding them from imgmritles. tad try its balsamic propertma heeling and cradicaUng all eruktions.and rendering the dented and toughest skth eo fair, arid bleeding. Persons who have been frt the halm of using ordi nary soap. will be astedidted at the B ing elect produced by the Nymph elcde, to imputing • &Leal° bloom, preventlal the neck, face, or handarom chap dna, allaying allitmodunt, and remoting all mane one erepUorts. It porserses In eXquisite iterflutae,.it I Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, reoEeri ne comforte ly the Which can be used with straying la the nunery. All those whose faces or neeks are Islid with pimples, blotches, tarb. Lemphenr, ha d, rhoepl make tr.s.l of Jules Hanel% Nymph Soap, as the proprietor pmatbro. a..., them, that It tad will reader the most discolored shin will e, the roughest OM smooth, nod the most Massed skin licalitty, porn, 7 bloom bitt /Ides !lettere lirtddt Son? m th-oLly a= le which will effectually produce the 0' no rests i so shall a time, and the cody one Which bat the same time all powerful and entirely hermit” Plrrarcil only by JULES HAVEL I Er r or),•r , 1 Chesmob IN Chrethe. our .rl Philli For sale wholesale and remit t It A Fahnestock A Co., and 11. H. Sellers it' At Ir.rt end John Sao. gent and J Mitchell, Atha' e• v , tt, Pa lefi k SECOND HASID PIANOS Allt. A nd GOOD ktallepil Plum Fora, , octaves, seco hand•— • --•— •—8 100 00 A handsome epright Plano, with Re.carood Furniture, a octaves, cell In i mid os,i,, ..... IN ow A . plata 5j oeuvre Pt.° ...,_ 43 au A good 6 wave Plano ......... --- 75 00 A good 54 Detect Lan, ...in nandro‘..t.. Woe tore For gala by may 28 It[static Zight. uprlcer.DlNG the Wood,. nat. and being 1,1- ,0 combnanhie, tbertby coon:wawa and pri• eWe Cl4l.o.',t'are''ati:lT...„Toun9..,','l7icriedr.lo in 1 , lamp ad will big Nine Hawn. at WIT (; then length or lime, accost:lug to ilie u7dih.o it,: and. Hen,,,,, and (on sale I, Joan, U 31i)R0Apj Mar!) Unirmild J O UST RECEIVEDYSTritErde ce , :it lie Pal., h Enmity Gro ry and Tea Wareitsn., 5 cases Fresh tr. tot eons; do Pickled no, re sdo do eo, rlet do. The above Fresh Oyster. ore 113 0.11e4. andpni op in • highly concur rated .rap, rld 10-ed an hermetical ly aled mils, end rout t c-i, me. b lonqer than those pal 110 in the ordinnry wit For sale, whole.ale and rind L ; W5l A Iderf,Elltl k Co, myso Liberty st Grasa Am•rlsow Meehan real Work. lAA PPLEThId . i A' Jr. n in course „LespllbbtatlOll,lP put, twrz,iy cents II each, DICEIt 5k :hosier. En gine Work, and Dlf 11,[et/lIC I.I(IPRZICd far Pinetleal %Porting Aleo.ollll those 1:11411dta 10/ toe Euguteming Prnfers.m. Emted by 0.. ver Su inc. Thu watt is of lame irno rice, and will contain two Cleaned payee, and upward. of six thousand illostra nom. It will present work in drawiii!. ac he ipdons of the west Important ...whines in t United Slates. Independent . or the re" , ll, of American In. g!Lndy,.it will,p.rott,fx.!ll,ll:l=. M. Liein th lcz l Arachres Fem .1. mare Um On, thounad Ma w r& worth of t f i o s lir n v r oluiner, Namable. and other brooks. Eli camber, reeelred, and for tale by the arreal. It 110PKINA, mp_ 75 Apollo BM:dings, Fourth.. BMW lITOOII OF PIANOS „. .;... 4 ,f t I 1 - 1, CHICKERINGIS PIANOS. John 11. Mellor, 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Sale Agent in Written Penney' , nein, for the isle of CMCKERIPMES CELEBRATED Claud wad Square Pismo Partite, BEUS to Inform his rriendt and the tactical public M , at he hes now baronet, tad w il l receive and expote for snic, demi& the present month, the largest and most deadratle sleek of Piano Fortea everolgered for sale in the weal—along the number wall be Mond a full supply of Superbly carved Roarnmod tinted Piano Fortes, With all the receet amprovemonm an erechartimo and style of IMICTICIT. Spkadidly carved Rosewood seven matte Square NM) Forms, finished is tlac. Clambethan end Lout. XIV. styles With a large meet of all the var.ous styles of Pia no Forms, varying In pore* tram tts to WOO and MOO, prepared by Mr Chicken:lg Mr the present Tee; (ISM .) Purchsers ace assured that the pr trd:s of Mr. Chick. erint• Pianos have been, and will commue to be, the same as at the maunfactory In Boston. wationtcharge for trimsponation; and will be delivered and set up in perfect order, so any parlor the en), withoat charge. :ma PLITROLIt OU ILOOLI OIL. There ere more threes in brewer and mei rim Than are ilreompi-Jletsphilincidly." vurruta4. ,h 3, rcinzuk.t.le remedy, oad 1. we call/U.lll application for it, to the prop . rietor him induced him to have It put up in bold. with la bels end direction, no the bench: or the public. • The PECTILEILKIThI i, procurrd form a well Lu county, at a depth of me, hued red feet, M pure coe dit:minted article, without Tvr el...client change, but row ao flows from Nwpree Great Ignl.nttoryll Theta earneuse propcnien rune n t•Orr of diseeace,.le no longer a Matter el ", r There ate maim things in the arcane ofknownight be of yea oaelalneer In al , .1 '.• ll ,r t .ring, and m cc coring the bloom of health vtnar many a oafs fete?. lone beim. Uwe:Jo of patties tup to bottles, n 11.4 a tr, • tr: It. core or di. we. The common wiz . we rails for it, neneral remart porforened, le w indication or I, .p... tanty and wide sod an-- Tread am:die - anon in Ittl` We do i,ot arc Tr of certift raws.am we arc ennsebms t ma soon wort ps way into the (aver ot ~ 'Who suffer and 1•3•1, healed Who.rt no. oc, claim for it a Juiversal app:/c•non ererr em,, we uttbesita• ittely say, that ex , Ihuasca it is • AMC., 10 , :e ms • arm-iterated—all d mnesea of the mucous to CHRONIC BRONCHITIS CONSESICEItts. :n early staged lathrna, and aB dtwases a the al- pao l o.-.., LIVER COMPLAINT, OYSPECyI 0,, of he Bladder sae Enna. Bask or Side, Nervous wasca. tic, AO, Wu - emetic Puny G oa , I„rysrpetrs, Tapes liznevecs., Burns, Scalds, Brower. OW Sores, Sr.. to. I nnnsca of debility re. suiting from exposure, cr ap.l else. 01 disease, toff. ' 111'. It will act as a general Tome and 11:1ZA rivi; lh arra, ea r ., impart mg tone ant cnc,fl frame, remov ing ohntroctions, cr, : ; - B • .tice ~,, tr„,,aaosta e l, cause disc.. and a or: ton cs,:st.„nt, and spri inererwed and renc,rt:ne .ororgan Life . The propos... r .elan .cal cures of TILES, that ressated rrs ire-tent:a, gel well under the use of tor f „ r a rharr uaaa. The proof 031,0. gm,. • L.r.k o alt.'. It. goldNn genuine wnlasut hythr prop, tz,-. 0,10 r' proprietor. S 11. Catsar Seventh at Am, 1 : 1 .1.1111,1.53 Wood C.; and- Bl'< et hriIOWELL, eor,r a; a elk), who are his novit.Br p,lnled Arent. 211.1111PLIATT . :: l'AT3:::".• SODA Afiln Prlc• Iladtac•d. MILE . beat Arcl 1.0 t.. 6: ar.l boap.ll.lalere .o.perlor t , 3 ”y otLer brand 't :II by th. -.4 or tor rarreney o rrl r at lour rt . s , ron.. 3$ hor a Ir. 9 atr 1111.1, 11'.1.711EV, -el, Ire-1. CARPET WAREHOHSE no 76. roue; li Sr,-eel,, ' - W. ' .4 " r l :4, NT .n. Trirnej,e, he., era ssi , ..r,, , renewing, In 4i V+ ellrwr Horn: per hit Carper., q English and Ainericen nr••-le Eine Superfine kap. J ply 3 ' Sapern2lll ..110, Superfine Ingrain Carpets, rzto a eur,r ratentChon. Extra fineee, Pone " Itepert,,oe do do finals Common, •Il wont, " - Tufted Mtn; 1 ootoon " I r oote 4-4, I and I 'rap Vero ear. Cotillno, 4-1, f and II l'eiotrol Carp. Extra W,lion 4-4, 4, I•nd 24 plain Car. Common do 1,,. t ~,o d Rota Carpots, C!teninc Moor Mats; to-4 Printed Cooton Carpet.. Tufted s ', m Or, Slite ~t i• 4, 1 1 1. bit +I, 4-4 sn.l i A ' ‘''' Oil Cloth:: 15 •Leotap .4. L-4, 1-1, And a Af•tentt; Eiiita 111, riipno naval. I, inch palent Oil Mills " table ("slant/A. Priv•reos,l /lean C os.. Tlessinuras. Tul , le ~„„,,,,,,,,„ Blue ant Des: rlntbs, ~,10 „ ,,,, Stand Crimson Plustli I Linen land srestald Da " I.7oari tad tlimha; Dsmant NI L i mp; rantili• fir iiainKlii rurVey llril Ctenteet; Watered Morena. Chtette l4,nleriefl mee t - ICeteet Oil Cloth Table Doff Iltillend tor Wiittitaleitt, Co e rers; .. Trahsparent e Brown Linen erernb eleit• rrencl, ramp. " I lVot,l, n Venetian Blind, .11....,tair Rode; !Neuter far Fiber rttsur Ftreeget2 1 7.1 ne.4 .1 4 Trrie ' Levi; , 'a. i. i Ilin.lin,,s; Itussin Crud.. J.,. sn.le.,•en Alatrir :remelt li.t.rtf,i ~ :, ,I• 1 044 ..t . teleton Mats; irfra,i Isri., Istst.oll, r I :ont :•114,:eit 011.einth Ilerman ls,i i.,,,,t, ra:.is for lilln.P., Ct.sers, • il,ltel -set Metier; , st.a.ny Sneer OM C... trout Om inort epprovul ' Eng lish and American matittratitatert "OM IV to 24 (rot in wane, whirl win lie cri to ht teams, balls, and - irtibuire nr . . at ' , titde's of any War or altane. tiodarnigned attrol onooned dttert from PAU land. Ids Voliot Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. Tama Car, all, Wldoll aro of tar !west nod most.elesaol .111de and pattern., and of dm /1110111 tgoo.col.l, nat lie aold at prlfeA low all they can purchaadd Idr Lc any of the cm,rrn Having ibe forge oriinent of the tlehest end omit intitloutitito int VHS/I,i. IMPERIAL TIIIIEE tm,.l INGRAIN rAlt I'ETS tar rurpenn qualny and oiniapL.Vl4 Of p., any millennia. eVa btoOitai m l ll* e•tr fj alatilnatte•Stearaboal Nen nail road, 31 anniatiatern in hia Wge and well anionn,oniNiiiinentOf TE II II2I/1M•il, en 4 other aTelea nrrestaty In their hti•lr•-•a, The ondertlftned It alto aria f •f the only Stahl Roil kiannti.eit•lT in Pft“tiihtirAn i• prepared to tell lower than can he parrliailA cn , in this nit 4. airl6 11; APCI.INTOCI • A A D r• 10 IGOC•dit. &lASON & I, Vii .:l •Ireet, between • Third and Fourth, arr •. , snug a large as. sorttnist of Uarega Os Lala.- o sorbs, tut cn• Ufo new 'mon; I.llns, to; with o large assortment of Idstros and other buss Goods, W... Mil, cad trif, la rotors. ap& Papor lionrhvg.. Q PRIMO SELECTION 1. , ‘• 'cr, by st 1.3 canal stdpotomo r • IlLw aWll rm choice assort Med memt Ea of Wall rarer, of the lancet french and Fasten] styles, in gold. chamois, oak, plain and hugh colors. W. M ALL, train e 3 Wood street tr..t Ibis day M .; ; . .etededirral l Ids, in the VVirel; J. male (hover), Ca.ollith•ion, owl Par - warding bail my two Pone, 11. Ti. anld W 11. Waterman. The tireless in Mime se, eorviootwl on.ler the nyle of S. Waterman k Sees, ea the 410011. fio, 31 W. m and GC Pront I.e tY &TERM/IPC I I) Y.k/grhar .• .;ka 60 at err rifHterrlsihl CO - Isso . MIMI 'lB5O ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. IOATS of this Lem *ID leave regularly, and di. Lem (retells without tranulpatent. J C BIDWELL, POtaborge, • JAMES COLLINS, do, BIDWELL e BROEHM,e Boatmen, c A g m. to AEL 1850 ig ilw= BIDIWEILLM SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Fittsdurgh to Ceinsubru and Elessitood, through the nod and populous coss of Cohn,. dirmo, Carroll Eurrk - 11w.scaraant, /141,44.4 v., , awl Frouldin. The .completion of the Sandy arid Beaver Canal opal:sop to our city through this great natural central route a direct ummunte anon to the abate as well as Delathe adj ware.oining counties Of Wayne, Holmes , Enos, and Prom Bus suttee of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh hu tmen, to a great extent cut or, in eonseqaence of the high rams of transportation, which are now re. dated 10, 201 gad taper rent • Boats op a line will leave daily, and run through withoutpment. The C11:110 company bare bestowed pan this Imo an interest In the unprece- dented advantages of their chine?, and thus secured to the middle portions of Ohio In ordering thislmods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER equal interest In this advutage. Agents: an J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. e 0114.1131 R C Helloes, Spear's Mill., Ohio; H & A Gay, Wilhasuport,o4 George gemble, Elkton, O.; Cathie & Huffman, do; Hanna, Graham & Co. New Lisbon, 0; liner k Nicholas, Hanover, O.; Hibbets & Booty, MI. urea, 04 Speaker & Foster. Joseph Pool & Co, d 0,.. Hull & Buss, Oneida Mills O.; II V Beyer, do.; C B Ilarzthal &Co, Malvern, 0.; Gray, Wayne. Vj g har o id E rt • ilf.x. o . i gg d n o e ' ll i sT: rtf I i t e l4 M irTs.,, a 9" ; 11. Farland & Co., B .ordilo. 0; P P m Lane ' r, ' dm ' Fa * eh j . bush ft Swint:mush. Mohr., O.; Willard & Shriver, do.; JJ Hoffman. Massillon, O.; Cumin. a. Co, do Jobe Robinson, Canal Felton, O.; Ferns & Torrey, Canal Dover; O.; A Aledbury, Rale., 04. 1. War ner, Newark, O.; Pima a. Hale, Coltunbue,C, L 0 Alai. theers.Cleveland. O.: Rhodes & Green, LI noun rramportaiuma c4paay. 1850... Mafia D. LIGItCII da COMB LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NL'IV YORK, Bt Psmaylnania Caul and Roil Rood. TM Buts and Cars of Uda Line have been pot compete order, and with the addition of se, new onee to the Line, enables no to carry . l er ug, quantity of produce and goods The entire stock of the Liu is owned and ed by the Proprietor.. •. • .... 73 07 JOAN ti DIELLOIL IVood st TO—. HARRIS & LE —. ECH, N o * 13 South Third my And artha Tobacco Warehouse, Doak at, Phi adephia, Pa; JOSEPH TAYLOR & SON, No 144 North Howard cnald4 OFFICE, No 7 W ent at, New Vett: mrl3 D LEECH & CO, Cann Basin, Penn at, Fatah ,h. fillide2 1850. s at . UNION LINE i ON Tun PAMPA PSPA AAD ouzo CANALS. CLARK, PARKS & CO, Rochester, Pa., Propels. JOHN A CAUGHEIT, Aimll Otte nor Smithfield and Water ma, Pittsburgh. ILUMBERLIN, CRAWPGRepi,„&=sto. pins well known Line are prepared to transport j Ge r ight and an from PITTSBURGH and The A CbE cuities 01. = p ceo oint on the Cen . a 2 l n In a nd Lakes. ensue s i nd:epatity of e itoete, D experie tnarpa nee or capteins, and One LiZeTtrr a mfAstargh.d Cleveland daily, tan ning in connection with a Lino of Steom Boats be moat PITTSBURGH and BEAVER; and a Line of 'Pit Class Steam Beam, Propellers and Vessels, on 'the Lakes. CONSGNEES: Clark, Parks & Co, Hook tar, Pa; E N Parks k Co, Young - atom, Ohio; A hl N Tsar i. N N V e arre vrio n.. 0; I Brayton fr. Co, Ravenna, 0; Kent, Grinnell k Co, Franklin , 0; II A hillier, Cuyahoga Falls, 0; IVhoeler, leek Co, Akron. 0; • Chamberlin, Crawford & Co, Clove land, Hubbard & Co, fisadusk7, 0; Nola.= m. & Beau, Toledo, 0; G & Co, Detroit, Niehl & Co, hillaraukie,Wls; Marley & Dutton, Raeine, WM; G r zo o l . e A fi lilbbLChi c °again; * JOIINT ' CAUGHEY, Agen .30 emer.Waler and Bauthfield aikafl= 1850. LAILND !RIZ AND ISIOINIGAN LIMZ, ON TE ERIE F.XTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, P ARKS! CO, Roehester, Proprietors. THE Proprietors of tha old end well known Line would inform the public th at they are now In op eration for the present season: and bade commenced recei•ing Freight and Passengers, which they ars (ely prepared to carry to all aping. on the Canal and LAKES ERIE AND MICHIGAN, At the lowest raten. One of the Beall of the Line wUI Le constantly at the leading, below Monongahela Bridge, to receive freight. A. CA HEY, 091e*, ere Wean end SolOHNith U hold GPluateergl a Agan i. • CONSIGNEES: N Cunningham, New Castle, Fei Mitthehree & Co, Pulaidiu W C Malan, Sharon; J! S Hun, Marpaburr Wick. Aches, !'Co, Greene/la; Wm Henry, Hartman: Wm Power, Conseautaille; John Hearn & Co, Erie; John I Hollister & Co, Buffalo, NV. we 1.4••, itraczi 1850. fttai. 102 SIM 71 1 1 , 111 0 0.....11_ Or ruuanz PFTYNDUILGA, Plitl-A DEL BALTIMORE,' NEV YORK , BOSTON, de. Teatime Bouamica, l I Tooter a. O'Coanols, Philadelphia. f Pittsburh. roEngtj"es‘mlellgerr.itiTts'iotha's proprietor,talathettohliil stands, reeeirirg and forwarding hlerchandith and Produce at Inw mates, and with the promptness, cer tainty, and safety, peeellar to their system and mode of trannpunation, where intermediate transhipment Is ofdamage. with the consequent delay, and probability of . damage. hlerehmtlise and Predate shipped caner arest,mid Bill of Lading forwased free oreharge for commis. elan. advancing, or storage. Haying no interest di rectly or indirectly in steamboats, that of the owners is solely consulted when shipping their goods. All communications to the following agents prompt ly attended to: THOMAS DORBRIDGE, No VS Merkel illtrAtt, PhiladeCoNttoalphia TAAFFE Cl•, Corner Penn and Wayne Meet., Ptltsburgb AsILVIIn Jobe McCulloch fr. Co, ed North et, Daly p.D.Durt & CO. t. 5 Doane st Omen, W.t J. T. Tarte.," Cd 413 South st,,New York; Janice ‘Theelwrtght, Cincia natl. wire. 1850. Datmreets /Mau largh askAKR. The Canal bend!now open, we are reedy to receive and forward promptly, mates and mereltatith= not and west. !heights always at lowest rale, chanci by respon sible Due. produce ant merchandi. will be received and for. warded east and wear, woke= any charge for for. warding or ndvanclog freight, commiegion oriatorage Bills of lading forwarded, and all directions faith_ fatly attended to Address or apply ta. WM. RI:IOU/AM Li Canal Flamin i cor , Liberty and Wayne ats, Pittsburgh. BINGHAM & DOCK, No MG, t, between dtk & JAB. WILSON Ant, No UN, North Howard , Baltimore. JAB. BINGHAM, &flu No to. West creel, Naar York. • Eotle• to our Pogroms. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. Tile daemon of the active partner, to Philadelphia, Me lan James hi Dana,/ produeeseo Interruption to the lounnesa—arningements have been made which Involves the none lineman precisely, whirl, lons heretofore envied . The Pawns Is cowmend under tbo same name and Arm, viz ..- .Ilan hi Devil & Co, Philadelphia; Jon, & Co. I • ittaburin The coon..lance of the patronage of oar nay friends is respectfully witched. If any penons have demand. against the concern, they till requested to pent,: them forthwith, for payment . Pittsburg_ _h, Apnt 10050 JOHN M'PA DEN, apl7-tf inwvivingtntner & ColP iiisasser twee ILeralrea• AI 11ARDEN & CO tonne e to bring persons from any part of Fautland, Indeed. Scotland or upon we most !Want terms, with their wheal punning , and attention to the wants and coin. fort %Kemal:rants We do not allow onr passengen to be tod by the awiediun !scamps that infer the sea ports a we tote charge of them the moment they to. port melees. and see to Welt well being, and de• spent them without any detention by the Grit shim %Pe y this fearlessly, as we defy one or ear Nunn pen to show that they were detained in f. ntn by as in Dreg:not, whilst thousands of when • ne detained mentha, until they could be sent in soma Ind malt, at • '111:1 fteilitg'phetrofoomP"'go'jrne"l:nit.rraoevneeetheneeirraoblyffi,"l what 'it rimy, and not act W. the [62Clll.ll.eaeon, with Other elleers,—who either performed not .14 or Whell,ll suited their convenience Marts drawn at Pittsburgh for any anti from/Ito itll7.2.efteto=4.l%n",bl*l?'lrel""° " " '". JOSHUA ROBINSON, fete European aLd null Agent, Pi streal.ane Wier Imlay, Woad • 141 1.401P4-17 hf inn Brandy—Onto!, Input , . no 9 One. lielland .kp N ERom, bas. Whisk•y, for sale by neve W• ea urrolePLrenr 11. A. 19Abasaloak di Co., IROLF:SALE DBLIOUISTII, corner of Piro .4 Wood memo, oder for ..Icon favorable term.: tYo . t.t.l. Whiting; 600 lb. Cub. Ammonia; Gt. do Alum; 600 Jo A...Oda; 300 do Dye Wood.; 64. K. do Ennio Tartar; 25 do Lampblack; 600 do Li:loot/co Boot; ero di. Von. lied; 500 do Irish Moo; Jo Camphor; 150 do Red Precipitaar, 10 do Ispan. Brown; 160 do EalOrnel Amer.; no do 1 e 1.... Orate; 25 do do Ling.; 10 do Brimstone; 200 do Bache+ Leaves; do Clore.; 200 do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Chara.Ploorors; ats3 do Sao.. do; 14 ease. Ra Borax; 21:0 do Gentian do; do Cull% Hoop; 220 do Sal Rocheeoc; 15 do Brant. Blue; 900 do Seidlitz hartors; 10 do Ca1e.61......; 500 do Posed Raubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do Blip. TAN do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arabi , sdo Ha d rmlio 100 do do U. Rar 202.0 P.N.: 103 do do Jalap; "" O bags Blade Sorauc 0.60 do dO Af.CaVes. 95 W. Bottle Cork.; ROO do SOO . Rine; 75 os Bolph. Fifolakia. 300 do mu Tin; 1200 lba Cape A 1..; POO do TumarindN 1200 do 111.Cbrom P0t.1.; 150 Co Calek Bain 1900 do Pink Root 250 do 0 11111g0 PI if.' 1600 do Turkey Umber; C°Ch. ..l I: 1200 do Crean Tartar; 20 do or ,a,4 500 do Tartaric And; du blare; 101. do U,. Urln; 25 do Gran.' rebZ.d&witmT lityclu llama's b.' F taw, sa{w, t, "leaned A for .ale try FaQ6I7 SCIMC * II I , JEER a co CEATIFICATES. An extraordposply vase of Scrofula. Cs.raipelas and U ears, eared; by the rode use cf Dr. DayNotrit Con pound tiyrup, Yellow Dock and entattparllln. IiSOMILin, Nov. IY, Inlet Da. Gersorr. —Sin 1 tender say sincere thmtka fur the greet benefit 1 have derived front nbe use of youa valeable syrup. I have been trembled very bad wit • scrofulous sore, which made its appearance on in chin. I did not pey cinch anenttou to it at firstottP Patina tt to he nothte but an eruption that appear on persobbs far. s. Itloolly began to increase, until spread to thr dark pan of the head. I applied to • physician, who attended or all to no purpose. I had tried every thing that meld be tried. I raw your Syr -1 stp of Yellow Deck nnd SkiltratillS, and concluded to use it, for 1 knew that Yellow Dock was one o . 55051 Tab:labia articles In the world for Use blood) bought your Synipp and from the use of one boul could see a great change it, my system. I eentid to {Welt until I Was a Well man. I now feel like a new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free from all num:mines. There is not a qceation bat Ina your newly discovered Coalpoond Is tar superior t any pencil:quill& Sloop ever sold. Thu certificate is at your disposal up publtsh if yo* like, end any one you may refer to cue. I shall be hey py to Ore them all the information 1 eve about in, cue,Ste. I remain pant obedient serrant, Giolum 0. Joureson, 1135/arta street • Thee hew female medicine known. The Enamel of Yellow Dock and Barsattarilla if n pamtive, ereedTt and permanent cure foi all complaints ineident to FRN.IALES. Its mild, alterative propel - Cm :ender it peceharly applicable to the slender and deitente conationton of the female. Jr.f unrivalled In its edema upon curb. dlacases cv Incipient tonvampuon, harmerime, cornIOCL, cc whites, irregclat trinwitt eau on, Mamma nonce of arise, and general preatrstion of the ay mem: It ham ediately conntentem that it:lamming nem.* nese and lassitude m conmann to the female freme, and hopazie an energy and buoystiey carp:ming as they axe tratera wd hays evidence Etc induces se Wrens!, ta moo:moved this inedleine iv laarfml people who haw. not hem: Vau n d tahth n ig spring.. Patobersal Dame, or Falling of the Womb, of Oct. Tate ettee , fellev cured by Dr. licylout's Erin. of Yellow Dock mid Sarsaparilla, alter every other known remedy had been tried without relit I. I V•eriler•itell., Ohm, Del.., IMP 1 This vertifles that my wife, aged tfl care, hex been sufering under the above complaint for Iva yeamb-neurly .ill of that time conlimal to bee bed. I balm for fottreatv conatantly employed thr: best mud real talent Mat could be genets - cif in this cocoon of the country, fornhout any benefit Wherever.; have al. purelineed every.tnatrunient recomine ed for 111.1 cure tfi such disease, all or which prorwl worthlese. In the sprier of If.D ants it , duced by my friend. try Dr. lirllr.:l`4 VellumDockten Sarsaparilla , ,hleh saes urea for four months,. After toe had need it tor about lout week, It wee evident to all that she wee and from this tune the utioroaed rap idly, and gutted gruff and strenath. a 'Ali the Mee.. wee entirely removed, and ahe no, r enloying meta excellent health. \l t.l aItoNFD UT Ike hefting riefaltivot of Win. and Julia Monfort know Men . me above etamme ae th e videos...a Mrs. Monfort, nal ar to be . cure Oeft,g, effected Goyeellhi Tallow Dockland 9 ar.cap„rills, belie arretl, Jny tree F. It DDY, DOVlTlllist. Orsal. CareOf 00A11.2111pti011. lura.n o r, JMr. Bennett—Deer Sir: The great henttit orlymn I have dersved l'rem tour Enr•crt of leatow to e.an S.a,,, p 4 ailn•tedura• 4 .4; ant ell:mine, to neY• the fo.loresug Oaten:tent; Alter ern rang for Me yeses front imnoraa tinna.y which finaNy termuMled in mu...1p,, I up 19 tny amour nod phyrieten• . t roor u.k! or mmnntm. As • Uri ra.or.., I ,ratnea To your Erma, and harm.; lupere. et , corcrae to c itre,(lo/11/. I lint cla:/eiy wed. oankofther..fore ena. o, ll,ecommerm a 0,..• OJ. led 0,11,•,:stl m anMled o-sire e. morale fae 4 r... en,, • 4 :e .em d}- Irrlaef.air your feend, 4I None ',moor mwes, patep m tarrn 4.)4are tomes, conuartng 4.14 P-11, An the nan.e. of an afro; taa•rn n tn,t plat %nth Me wry,. ..•44 , .4,e n. F Ser.. nett t o it ou M.- forti trn ate rar. •1 T. 41 war, or t.o.a vrn It ot r r e dr, nut lll.l:s. n 'or 5090.1 oLd t:ot, IV woo. A.L”ldrr• 1:41 ;IC .teltrel dd. Caner 4 Bto.F:ne. W. P C,•., Wnp, font; trirrr.ons. 'ran, Nlo.troar; Ili ntm AI.. Tc.m . ne..,.1. IZoy. 'll ri: Caro 1... Ralrro.k. Wort., .1... hum!, twat, of !.(arket slree.t 3 , 1 d the ihutun, _arlldtcyrl)'3T FAAIILY IREDICINP-S—"They are the tj mediums of the day. - R E. Se!lers—l Grabthink ens m Sienna, Oh, May 25, (dia. gt, Air the better.. of others, to slate nonne fact, iu mlauon to your excellent Fa culy hledieices. boo. °seri Mar Vermickge lam., in my own lamily. one Mal frequently exCe 2 liog iiUgo gitatiutim lan Ino to Pm vromul from two children. c have also usi.d yom Liver Tills end Cough Syrup in my family, end the y aye, tir every In.tairce, (minced the edam. dull ed, Jr% non eMzegayl • mmehanduing, I act able to ste. thet I A.m. yet to bear of the nest tailor. where your medic., have been need in any aerdren of the iougary or ran...din, I may Wilethey are Me medlemes or the day, and rue destined to hone a very .pensive popularoy. Yours, teepee/hilly ir Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS., No 75 Wood trees, elm raid by Druggists generally in the two 'dim and vininity. re. 7 U Medicines of the day." rinatiranur avion,Ohio,lilay P 5,15.13. R. E. Seller. , I dunk bright for the benefit of others. to stare MVOS (hey in relation to year excellent ramie I; Medicine. it I have aged yen ar Veradloge ImgMy is my own is.‘" one vim for. a .rently aurevertng for expelling( .ge ql3.titras prey Ito TX) wont. from two Moldova I have alco need poor loner Pills and Cough Syrup in my family, and they have In every inguince produced the elect deSirtd, 1,• are angagerl In Merchaptharng, an, able to state that I have yet to hoar ef the fiat failure where your tnedleutre hove been used in my wolloa of the country. In conclusion, I mar, state then they are Me medicines of the day, and We .10.mwd have is very ettenalve pirealartry Von, a , m, •11. Pinner... Prepared and cold by R. ' RE,No 57 Wood street, and gold by Druggat• mierelly in the two ei nes sad vicinity. my3l gfIREATfIURE Up LIVE R Cl/MPLAINT, by lie original, only true, and I entice Liver Pill. Sao. (tars a.. Ohio enmity, Ve, j itreh 1040. Mr. It. E. Sellers: hear hl think Itlath, a. dew I OWO toeoe and lo the r nor., Iy, y, to slats thol I have ben afflicted with the I. Mimi Complairr, fey Umr, a !en and eo lindly th at r.n formed and brok e, which left ow lu it nay ow state. Haying heard of Sour celebrated Liver Pills being (or mile by Alt harp, in ' ,l ee Liberty , and tomby my phyeletan, Dr. E.S mar, I coneludcd to give them a Mir trial. I punches ed ma, beg, and found them to * input what they ere recommended, TIIE UttOT 1.1. VILA Plc.', EVLR UF SEA and eller hakingfour boxes I find the dimes. has courtly toll me, and) ner noW perfectly Wall. Re aijecifully youm, COL N. Wedt Liberty, liThich 7 1 5 t51A ,11111. ceuifY Mal 1 em personally acquainted with Air Valero id, and rash least. Lemuitouy to the truth Of th e alinve eertiacate. A It SJIAIIP Thu genuine .jeer!' Ins are 'prepared 'end coil by R I,A LLCHiri, No 47 Wood erect, and by drugshla Inure wo TO TIIE PLIIILIC.— The original only tree and gen uine Liver Pills ere In pared by It I.:Sellers, end have bin nem, stamped In bi k wax upon tho Inl of each lox, and lii, rignalwre on the eatable wrapper—all others two emmier&drs, or hoer imations, apt) it le 11 SELI,IiRS, Proprietor 1°.,11.7AT 1 1 12C21 I.—CEEApEIt MIAN ti.VER JOai lonl, offull jewelled paten tie. ! IV motion. care. lop mum, which I ran sell m i°° ' an thin; thitiy five 03liarn, and warranted to heep good tied , Al. — 5 annorticent ef 3.nwt:1.1 - tv, prieing the and latest %ty ot te , , and beet pollen . 0.0 1 1• ~ 1 1.SON,IVittebir.riker ned ley - mer, 'Ci.(aLous , uoons, xv.r 1:0, 11.21MLNII V° ‘ rr e . th VCo 7iftn i'' , tow oiler their Ik of Tailors , 'Prmitninge, Vaotloge,Trt neli nut G• inaamehnha, DoeeKtna,FristraleaVt ..at prat ~eat. /.1. M 1334.. &CO jag 119...Wri0d ET lltYlnarron: _THeTote'd, an elegant plain Heshvan.) o IP glom the celebrated Menefee:tory of Henna & Chalk, N. V., of suprlor tune, and very moderate price For sale by IL FISHER, dale at J. IV. Woods..ell. lAT 11 4,lAltl* , IVORY REARCIWtYII-VOIVHIRR, I or removing Tamer, Benny, Canker, and all tuber Ices destructive to the Teeth. It is delleiona to the last e.cletterlng the mouth, healing and strengthen. ing the gum., and pangying the breath.. For r Idle, wlolesale and retail, by deg I) RRELLHRII, Wood at 7 11i - ruaaltea, *lnes. itat—•—dr.or -50 n 2 f . p . :4l . Vik nlpotandy, rarno%Toltageg; 4 pipes Holland Ginn 2 poneheo,, Inmates Pr. , : panohyone 014 Wan Macy; qe casks (Vedette IVlne, 20 porno 11 , hints Borer. a.o Clam: 10 hi' pro Hos.nirh tel Wine; no ho . h ordes;, Churl.: 10 by" Mum:. Wine; 01r1s French Whitellrine Reo'd 'Cull by MILLER & RICIOETSON 010 . 211 4 7R7LlMerryN atersatiwitszniVi li!/ PIMM.f.O!", - pREPARED. under the inunadiate earner the In , yen:tie, and establialted for upwrds, of thirty years. This elegant preparation is recommended mall eases of bile, aciditka, indigent,— '.n, goat, and. gravel, 110110 mots safe, eary,gaisregrecnial fon! whichOdl=L77oF'ldu:=Teo2llomn the Magnesia twin genital use, without being liable like It, to Gnat dutgerons concretions in Ole l?uuswiut It effectually coma heartburn urithout Wanes ,Me uf The broach, as ,aoda, potass, tad their cars .sunates are known to do; it prevenw the food of in fants to murrin all rues it acts as a pleasing aperieet. and is pecaliarly adapted to female.. • Si' ilemehrey Davy testified that this solution forms soluble combinatlona and) uric acid sale in MIMI f Pat aad gravel, Merrily counteracting their injurious tumiuttor, when other alkalies, and even Magnesia itself, had failed. From Sir Philip Ciampion, Dart., Surgeon General 10.1h ig m ar i2 l I b re e l re ic:aTs by ao doubt that Magnum may be administered more safely in the form of a con centrum! eohnion' than in sobstenve; for this, and many other masons, sea t)( opinion that the Fluid t ip c t . tiO. is a very valttabip H td r ipZl Fl tcsr Sta r tga Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and Weser. Guthrie and Ilerben blayo, of Loridonottrong- V recommend fit array , . Fluid Magneela, as being safe mad convenient than the sobd, and tree nom the danger attending the constant use of grOpl or . Or prim. Bale by the importer's eldpw2pr , ten or ' s !sent; A F . j . kl ": . :YUL..2.` S Ct) Cox, f Wood & FrOdt !MEAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVER! • CHF:SHOAL COSIDINATION Fro= the regrtadie :Kingdom, to !eye! .Diseam Dr. OursotWa Extract or Yellow Dock s.d Sarsaparilla. Coast cc..option, scrofula, erysipelas, rheumatism, gout, liver complain., spinal affections, ulcers, cp. drop et,, asthma, piles, scanty, affections of the bladder and kidneya, mercurial disc.., cor rupt humors, rash or bicvd io the heed, fever and agar.temsic complainta, general debility, ilYeruP 1M0... of appetite, headache, eclin. costiveness, gravel, night swan., chant., cra... affectiont, palpitation of th e heart, biles, pa in. In the side, then, back, gm. it la infallible in all' disearea arising (rum WI in. pars lasts or the blood. or Irregular action of the rye. In the Vegetable hittrdono an AIL w,na Itnug ha deposited pluta and herbs congcnlel Loner chh•hle tient, and adapted to he care of dl, core; and to th. e CCCCC tile kingdom does the reason of elm.' 'veil • the Janine: of ani to, wen fee antidotes to pain. The Syrup a scientike eon:pet:H.lofeel :table plant, nature.entirell free fecen delemein. and enervating mineral sabstanc., and as it copal deleaka from the :Totem, iinparte vigor and evangth acorrespondlng,degree. P. W. CATES' PATENT.. MRS _FOR_,CTITTINO SCREWS. ' . . THESE DIES ..havlng been adopted and highly approved in all the principal ahope ui Na' York and Philadelphia, ere now offered to nianufacturersoutauttita.ts, ohiP omit-Sae, with au' utim° 4 c°4l hdenee, as the most perfeciarliela in use or mmHg aces , . . . • - . . . Their isuperiority over 'any other Dies heretofore, teed, ' Uandits in' their Gutting a errant.: Seacts t aliether Vor socsix thread by eves pasidegoveribu solid i ron i t-teh reVir. no ...d e i n' or previous preprierilkn, as the dies cut the thread out of the . liid:ana 1ei,,,,,,, y .t t i n the leerg ..in th greater durabditui rapidity, e n d peffe e ti er , of work; and in peirsimplicity and little liability CO ge order. Curtldeates. Pentenstents, J 114.17,1848. Thts L .to eerily that we bee. part:hued farm P. W. Gate. Ilia rlgheof salsa his patent Dies for est, If bolts. In cur °lnning, bin Lass an motet sum" dor le any ethers we are acquainted with tor 'Um purpose of Otttlint boat. 3 P NORMS 7e CO FMILAIM2,III4., Aug. 24 led& flawmg, bad e W Cele* , patent Dim in um one establishment. for tie last 'nano month., for caring holl.,;we can 1n enery respect recommend them In. the highest terms,. we bone laid all others aunty-, they being , so hr them 74 pet cent. cheaper than any inhere now in use. P.ANEV, rieara. & co, , _ Penn Work,, Pa. Tine is to certify that we have pyre:mai me mat to ase, and ism:Tied in COX bUSIOCO•t P W Game Pa. tent'Serew Cotter, voided we highly approve of. We .eanalo much more work, and we believe it will s ar peggio durability and precision, es meals as economy of lab,* any dies known to us . MORRIS, TAPKER k, MORRIS. • P 81.3116.1111., Othmontkdetb Naar Volta, Autt. 19, IfH9. Caving adopter!. P.W. Oates' “Pa te nt Dies" for cut- . tint bolts, we take pleasuro in saying, that It more tn.. ...wars our expectations, and have no hesita tion in trioing it as our opinion, that It Car excels sury other p.an In present ate for oUrtiox bolts. T F BECO.a. A CO. We haws P. W Gates"Tateat Dies" for cutting sereers, and the etourrmy of using thorn hi so very considerable, that we look upon them as snelspeusi. We to every establishment • having any quantity of screws to out. NeCORMICK, OGDEN tr. CO, Crneatto, May lit, 18.17. 48. Clannaaca Orrice, ' , Vacs:laccoe, Sept.; I have purchased a NV. for the United F.latea the ti g ht to use In all the arsenals and alma- MINCELLANEOIIB, 811. James Illurrar• Fluid lll•guesta. PREPARED under the immediate care o; loam. ventor, and established tor upwards of thirty years by pro f ession. for removing Dila, Acidities ; and 'edit:ammo. restoring appetite, preserving moderaie stale of the bowels, and dissolving info acid in and (lout; also as an easy remedy for sea al eh nen,!and for th e febrile affection incident to child hood if is invaluable. On the value of Mammon as a remedial agent it is unnecenary to colarg bat the Fluid Preperauon of Sir James Moray Ls now the 113041 valued by the profession, •s it courtly avoids the possibility of those dungeons corteretione moody resulting frOut the nee of the article to powder. For sale by the importilr; raltrom=sKazeit3; aeon Car. Wood & Front Ma TORACCO-50 bes Russell & Roblusou , a lamp: 'Z. by Jones & Hudson's A's do; 00 bee Cabloess' G's Imp; • 30 beg S. Myers , ' lb lamp; 70 qr lisp do lb lump• for sale by sepJl MILLUR & InaKETSON R.- - - • C STOCKTON ha. received for sale, vol etti of Gibbon'. thstory of the Decline and Fah of the Homan Empire. Lire and Letters of Thomas Carripbell, In 2 vita. Edited by Wen Beattie, of 0, ' Uenientuy Sketches o Moral Ythiloeophy. By the tate Rev. Sidney Smith, M. A. Lectures on the Lawrie. Eclectic system of See xery. By Banana:l 11111, to. D. Talbot an Vernon ; a Novel. The Shoulder Knot, a tale of the seventeenth con. " Vile Searle, Letter, a romance. Ply Nathaniel Hawthorne. ' amen F • IF 410-0- EkLETTERS OF TIIOS CAMPBELL. Edited JL.s by William Beattie, EL D., one of tee executors. nil, Limo cloth. Beltway Econnmy: k treatise on the new art of transport, Its mannement, prospects, and relations, commerclal, financial, and social, with an exposulou urns, precede! restate of the railway. in operation in the United Kingdom, on the Coutinent,and in America. thy Dionyetee Lardner, D. C. I,,Ac. I vol. Moo cloth The Pont, Present, and Puttee of the Itepublie,trans. heed from the French of A. De Laniartine,'author of "The Genindist..a “Stemotrs of my Yollth,” O RO. An. and lame cloth. „ Hints toward Referee. in Lertures, Addresses, and otlie,Writings, by iiOTRCO Greeley. 1 volltne eta. The History of the Confes.nonal. Be John theory Hopkins, D. D.. Ilishop of the Dumese.pf.Verutont, I vol lihno cloth. . . . . The Conquest of Canada. lithe anther oi . ffeche. 14 4.. , " (Elliott Warburton., Esq.,) it vole Ithne: cotrae4; a etremh - of a'pbyateaP descriptiOrt of the • Univeree. lip Alex Van Untubeltit, translated (rota the German by K. C. 081. I vela Mao cloth Gibbon's Decline and Fail of the Roman Empire, mat notes by Kiloton. Gasper's cheap V o l . 12mo, cloth compete In 6 vols at 400 per volt 4 vole received for sale by R. Ili/PIONS usglt Apollo &Pilings, Fourth et htOURNRow Music nd 42 thee. 'a . e . a , d n it p c .. !:...t , N . h r e . n m e on na ft r ln i t• Annie. Laurie. Are we almost there. Low backed car. Ile thoctit all dunes Nelly was • lade. Silver moon: Grave at Washington. Thou host wound...it. the spirit IlouPd Soler Boy. De bed to loved ones at home. Cheer up my own /11.1101 oH,, Lemuel. Spring nowt Elfin ilretnehoro lyNtz , Salutarion Polka. Ratty Pell a s Ravel Polka. .1 :nny.Lbdl Polka. Linda Quiekitcp. Much from Norma_ 'Gm above are just received, and for Bale by 11 LLOR, ouch El Wood at . I • 1111111/C J. g. ALEiJ.OK 81 Woad etrecv, he= received the foollencmg Nets 11Iveic: (Yclixteg l e ole . ;. ' C ' glo o l th (117111: ' n ' t ho rg s b a " l thee Itinnehe Alpen, I love ibea. 111/00 other Mead. around thee. The cot beneath ate hill, Wert PAR but mine. Lacric—*cotelt baadd. the nks by Eima nt.ic by harphen Glover. TUrt haat the weir, had loved the. The Grave of Washington. TLo Irish pother s Latneht. Did F. , e.vort—ltu‘•el. lie doeth ail .hings ‘Vood,ory, IVtdow ritachrec— liar The cottnxe Of PIT / 1 10 , her—Ilutchicsons. Low backed cat—Loots. Elfin Walar , --complcie. The !angle LtelL 'The Dacha or Wedding Pala. JCnny Ltild'e American Polka. Limy Polka. Peirce American Polka. Ttp Top American Polkn. La ktelle 11.111100r.1.1 Poll. irony Lind Pollak The Ort;itra Pc'itti,ll Potka— ffaltention Polka. 0141 Pei: Jo.ephitie Polka. Samrdit Polka . hoe.,-gcl Td.lia. The Pro het ti , iaadrillew—ideVerheer Jen n y Lind Qacilrillea. Toe larenth and Dikiav WOll/Ct— . klr, I:rocaL The Sntas Drove, Boy—vartauc. by Cron], Monet:tent. Scenes from Diane. WreckoCu Daideliter. iinickater, 11 uttlle !dlarch and (hoick wep. Wood Up, Quick• ale•• AAAAA borry Plant, for Solo at tirson stood Gardens Dunrrs oovw. Seedling., nod Vtooria LP These aro the lariatt and cs: flavored Int among. al! the dill - el-cm variewee now grotirli. Orton and A d m tht prep letor, West Manche ter, will rear,.. prompt 1111GL310,1. J notla UlfilllßEß'S V &Rift 11 a AS become an comb:tolled and almost ondlepens- LI able rvoquasite in every well provided rams, front its remarkably wholesome and tatirnmes quota . LlG FA • focal to th e healthy as well as dim for Ins "slots, and also for the sustenance of greasing children and infants- Varimia modes ol cooking and preparing i are given on the wrapper. The ugh well known in the net, it has never been orrodnced to toy extent in Plinth argh• The statsenb srs h a ve, enerefime k made arraegemenw to be eon mum: y seeplied with it, and nowoffer It to retail :MOJA or iamilies on mote favorable terms then it las ever been sold at in Pittsburgh. WM A foIeCLIIRG it CO or sZa 250 Liberty st - — 7" - r - u - ggs. r A.ll now prepared to fantail Apple Trees, from the .1. well known Nursety of Jacob N. Brown. The --tees will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for 515 per hundred: Perstens wishing good thrifty trees should leave their orders soon at the Ding, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth sta. ape Si N wicKritsruar - mos. io.oodo I — blase? GI iiiss - la 1 TX tiLF,DER ha. last received a fore lot of antis 1.1.. Instruments of the beat manufacture, selected by bursell with great care, for this market; then as Valve Trombones, Sax Horns, Doilcs,eorneno,7lthas, &c.; also, If fine' retortion or Musto Doges, playing two nail - three tunes; Ffitainets, Aceordeons,Ae. to. Also, sloperior Garman and !Wow Strings, and genu ine Neapolitan F Ruing, four lengths, a splendid antee. . :SIGN 05 Tile GOLDEN 111,fir, ougY2 ..._..,__ _l9l Third woo.. ~ . ___ IVlgi?,l-iNg'grg TichiN9R,',lrk"T. A M L A .o,—i g n remedy for throttle rheumatic alfeettons, weskoesg and Common of most parts al theebony, body, scalds, bums, sores, of most kinds, cata. swellings, Also, t h e terns, and felons when first comin. lso, the 111.S1 col:me/Alm and safis snaking salsa It,, Strengthening pillows and dralla on the feet. For gale by 5 N WICKERSDAhI augs.l o eoz. Sixth AWood et/ - k . 4 - liiiiir atiaiipiailmoodiss:. f - i .I VINE to, Ran all Night; Dolly Day; 'I l Daley Jones; Go dawn to do Conon Fseoldi N ly was a Lads, As. ' ALSO: - 7 • Bel Rind to th e La:molting* at - Mate; 0.0 . Inns thy boat lightly; True Lave, by T.11ood; ; thei ,r sin way across lea, duett; A ow medley song, by !Leaven; Jet ay Gray, anode by Al 11 . Jo s that were croWning, W e ddlng bluetit God bless the hardy Marine; Schaylkiß Walton. Corte rip's Papartme, by W.F., Glover; ' • ;bonds from Inane; Waltzes, Sleyermatkiwthe Co; ' Lail Rote of Sommer easy canon:ot by Derr L •e., t ....,, tii MR .o ta l le . : Polka; i ki , id i f . e . a . :l4o .. ig en Is Polk a; 1 Deanne, of Italy; Duena,Tthsc,h t .:., 4"' ' A hire° assortment of New Ainge on band. to which • additions are nude weekly. For collo by I fa W .1 s . , J. rumgrAlort;ol Wood n.' I/ • sap.' kinastraissrii Illatory. HLSTOBY OF ENGLAND la now pun- All„ Hahn by limped. 8 BAN, cloth and paporJ at neaten.. YoL Three dole received, and for salt by N 110PXINS, apla Ahnllo llutidintA Finish at prime am mut Jars; ‘,oltvot.xs-44 luctmald, dippad.wid airerrni Cnama-1.511 biz Cream and kblalish Dairy; Cocoa—nla dos Hemp and Manil la; Caere-50 Mans; ' Ccbsta—Jbarren litimas-40 hi Common and bait Spanish; • Fuln—lni Want) half LS. hinclriel,und Salmon; I; lAnr-504n assorted ireu; 11.0.1-1!2011 Fame Veniunn; WOO Suva Cured; Isnints-100 lba S F and Manilla; lot —IS doe liarriaona Slack and copyinc himuimar-S3 bar N Orleartr; l• 15 ball' brir Sugar Pour.; hlrrrawn—Xo do: massed canine.; litaccartom-50 halm% Vooossclux-60. lb. do Name—COD kayo garotted; ihrxxxs-4 dox Jars mrsorted; Peens-.7otraattels knives; -40 reams escorted; • rannis-100 lbs Bordeaux; Soar-50 bag Rosin and CID, Steel; nimax-10 bbd. N Orleans and Chu - dad; Taki—do pan kinres Oman and Blank; Tobacco-I.T bon ttl. 5, & 1 lb loot Warn H 0111,11•40 do. patent Ztok,.•• For sale by J D•WILLIAMiI k Co' mrla Corner or Firth and Wood.ala 1850 1 j REED HOUSE, [lB5O • KEIVII- ek. •Illiklll3El4.- ProPelatelvat -1 Pedita Brame, - Elie, Pa: . GENEIL&L STAGE OPFlCFl.‘ifastern, Wemete, end :tlosallem Staves, leave Mrs house daily. Car. I ages to and from Steam and Pee ket Boats, Grans. M. W. Kamm, late of the American' Hotel, Y.. G. W. Daiwa, tate of Me norm HotelpOrdo. apZelltta =!!!!! PASUCITSO NAY ' Or itl7. . .. vlea under the ll' 444 . '1610Q or, thu Department, P. W. Cateo"Preent Wes^ for eatring serest-. enyteeno, fbey Laying, been Wed in two of the large amend., •nd found :0 be very ettelent'and exeenem 1 - A. TALCOTT, Col:Ordinance DMZ./ 'Ol flits AND • •• ' '•• Wasinuestom,Sept. l so, Cptuddering ,Galsat Patented Imp vement fore rm tqaerews on metal to be a valuab l e toe, I have by ats ortty of the Ilonerable Secretary of me ri rvy , parchased of the Attorneys of the Patentee, Wm it ovine, and Fennel Mower, he the right to miss Sod boo catAimprovement the L &Navy. • • JOSEPII SMITH, Clilef or Bums. , lu a** air. bY Ram, Work*, ilullaics lie*** t Anhke, Raehuelun P.nakuCo, Gloucester, ri. Y; Ilaylcood fr. Snyder, Schuylkill Ce.ty, MO./Mk, Nen York; , {rots, ' rA Cry i Li vr ecriX k V. Y; r i reciricird ec Co. Atanancet Work, Balt; . Var. Caren, rioeliii7. Matt le.tyla. New ark. Altai Wortp i des ' .• Pek*o.k..lsla y,. do. , West P.oiat °unary; N.tri 4 .% Dr°, Philadelphia; A lenlnk, Brevte.barith,p. ; Wah U uit, r• loon, llama and New York Machina Short, Low*. A.a.cakeag CO, 1 , S., 11; SOCtil Boston. t ead adsccrous other, • No ilriluehme,lo tots vies &taps ft Ito 2 pti. 1.7 M No 2 du . do ito 11 pwce 112.11) Not 'O . do. i . to 1, puce 8140 AU ardets addressed to Pules 11 . 1 1•Koight, Cbicag.. G. klAiattsOlY, New York, FlD•Plursholl it Co, l'Aiht delphis,,ml N.ll. Scoville it Dons, Culesxo, for Dies and yips, with or without •tumbistes for slier them, will meet with prompt attention Iltsy 3. 18.50. • •.... MISCELLANEOUS. .11.1c1/20V/11: ALitiElt, HANNA kCO. hove telooved their P Exchange (Mice to north west corner of Word and Third otreetv. iteo ROTICIL, 2rHE l'iirluership bertnafeie eiwain; 1 , 114 . .1104 .bsaribers, under toe firm of Hurbrldge,NVllson Co. n day dissolved by mutual consent. The of No firm will he soiled by J. W. Iler. bridge, or Win, Wilson, Jr.,oilher of whom is author. lied to use Hie name of the tam lu liquidation J. W. HiIfiBRIDGE, WM. WlL.nofil. Ir. I LYON, SHORE & 60. i Pittsburgh, I,lSso.—Hil - VO.PARTN/iIII TAG. W, Burbridgc Benj. F. Inght.m have this GI day Itiseciated themselves under the firm °Mar. bridge & Inghratn, to transact a %Wholesale Grocery and General CO/1101.60[1 Elanuters, in the house lately *emitted by Derlondge,lVilsou & 1:0,110 Water at. Pittsburgh, Jaly I, 1h.50.13.1 170.PARTAERBUiP Tanhaenimra have this day formed a co-partner 1. ship wider the firm of W F for the par 6.0 of transacting the Wholesale Grocery and Gorn poission Itashmss, at No % Wood StreeL Whl.- WILSON, Jr. Pittsburglt.l,lB,so—lyi PRANK. WILSON gOETV.III i unwonwn, 1 - 11 , 6TIP1ING DISTILLERS. and Tea and Win. klerebants,East side of the Diamond, Pinsk, rgb, are , no* entering at the ye ry lowan prima for cub, Rae uSed Whiikey, Gin and Domesita Brandy; also, French Brandy,Hollanil We. Jamaica Spirits, Lon. dam Gin, Irish Whiskey. Rant, &o. Part, Sharry,Ma. deirn,Chanmagae, Clam, Al use min, Alalar,a, Team reida and Lisbon 1V11:141. Wholesale & Ramat. my 3 P. RINTING PAPER—AIIa-are on hand or made to order,:tha varies., rises of Printing Paper, Rag PPina Paper; Crain, Medium, and Doable Crown Stnivf Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium.. and • bla CrOlem Pint Oiliest Paper, Pasteboard, fee. dm. , W P MARSHALL, ID Wood CI, . Ayr , ' . ' Agent for Clinton Mills VV ° , or lt l ide i a ro t7._ t __, r e w e _o k r _ ' ne r Contrernharine," "To seem and in be." I vol lento. • Lauer Day Pamphlets, No I:—Tho present date. DT Thomas Carlyste. °imminent —Memoirs °flat° sod Writings of Thee. Cbetmere, D D., L. L. D. Picket:G. 00 Butler'. Analogy, PeleptsEvidenene of Chris:Lenity, and Leeriire on Divinity,eirills two Introductory Lectures end Met Addresses delivered In the New College, hllinbargh,' by Thomas Chalmers, Is. D, 1.. L. D. I vol Comm— s Life ofJohn Calvin, comiled from authen ti c seuree,and polllClSorly from his p rorrespoodeueco Lly Thomas II Dyer, with portrait. I Oct Drum. For rule by ' It HOPKINS, 747 • 79 Apollo Buildings, Fourth oL CombalUombel GG 4 , 5 ,0 RTS ttp ., el I T:Ika; 10 do do eery An ' " caper En d iollom Ilcddlng; . " Pocket Combs; 500 0 Roo -1000 do; ass'd Fine Atom 33 ' 0 ; Shell Side Comb om s; ' 10 " super luxe ' *Xi pot,. 000'd Stde Combat mold and for sale by (21..5 C YEAGER, 103 Market at -aa alanattatt a. la. a. CO TO. I. arulontigned, successors to Arthstre k Ntchol -1 son, lig l eave to inform the Slovene of Pittsburgh end Publlo 000 fttilIN that they hove reboil: the Eli- GLE FOIJ DRY and are now in fall operation, and here Iran of heir patterns ready (or the Marken— Amongst...hie ten Cooking Stove" Coal and Wood Stoves, with it plendid air -halt Coil Stove, Which is now attperce ng In other cid. the common round nor, Also, cheap coal Cooking :nave, veal! rolap-. led for email f ilierovlth et full ersortiacct of coat on Lad roan. Grata,•• We would piusicuterly in vite attention of persons building to call at our „I vvarthaata before purchasing, end examine a splendid article siren...ell. Orates, finished In bee title} antl.l7 new in this market. aVarehotrae,l No. 151 Liberty it, opposite Wood at AttrsTaltf • NIG/JOLSON & PAYNE. PIiTSIII7/1.011 IMPORTATIONS C. W :— YEA 'ER; Importer and Wholesale Dealer in ANCY AND VAEllbs - TY GOODS: Sire of Ma lit Comb, 108 Blaster et., Pittsburgh, PA Western Merchants, Pedlars, ord others visiting Pittsburgh to purghase Goods, ere rs spectrally invited to call and...int. the amour .° assortment of Eng. lista Amend., Feeney and German Fancy glooda. All Foreign Goods et thr. establishment are Import ed diract brmyself, and purchasers may rely on net t!. goods loam fion hands. I have lac largest tenors- Mehl of tr...., in the variety line, in the city of pittsliargh- co tl of which will be sold low for exa her city actor, ces. The stock consume, in pan, of 1 ..6 Good illaGerY, Glove., Ribbons. Silk Cravatk, Shoo 2.111 Patent Ter- ale. tiewitig Sill, Spool Gotton,4pea, Sn'spandcrs, V.ztlons, Pt., ice• dies end Coil. Gold and Silver Watches, Gobi Jr weir y, all !lady at ElrcLehas, cOtabaaad.. l . s”!.. . , , . . 7 0V,Te, i 1 " I'::::: ‘ Zas 'k i; ' l,...a ' a . e 'l s, :W. Id TrinUllislY. 10; Ingeth, . ,La Int, es:;a. DRY GIMP... ;limb Van. guy. tat./ and thnwung-hoh: Tha Rh3ll:o`, , or the cure of Out ll L1A1.9.A.31 OP Le Meld., Dr. Linehan, of trodeeett the United Steten erintendene, of the Inventor. era of Ili, medico's, in It, CO/cS, Po.inntA Amer:can utuentthe 'nor ,, pednble rad the rommunit v.--easev that cent thecommon retnente• of the Sen pp by the onol.l iliMlrl,,a•Pord I and tucural , e.. The Ilu cul will cure, 'Jr rllosl despr'e:V; t nostrum. but a plon.lari! rr a . nod VtlaMi•lted etfirsley. Riled Statue uhould he ruppdtto eau Da131.14 of Life, not oti,y to dee teatcnetes of the ontnata, nuhltente 101 ease, of n(hlun.l two in the ~,7e and elle. of the lunge, broeltitte, le fever, multt sweata, aithzus, thatten,a, whooping .f 1 ?..1, 4 .a...0r10 fall di.. hums of Elithatt and Atha, et reside...-, ettotttng the on. ,;reat En tousl, glieh Re 10.1), may be ratel INEeroo: k. Co., egrner • -.WWI ma. Q - 7kirEß — V.llsll s- gitlAEel.4., GI I Asttir—tii , NardYna I.Tur • Pirromnu, hlarcb 27,1547. Mg. II: P.. Sellers—injustice to ro you and your tncorn• p made COttgh SYMP.! beg Icarian, state, for tho ben• ' Mit of the Community, that my wife has been several times afflicted with a most distresong cough. I pe, cheated, to January last, a bottle of your Syrup, which tiered a neigh orrwo months' •tandor. About one month lance, the Coach returned, ,Ind was so stevere that slur; could heftily move, from'nuances in the Drumm; I sent for one bottle of yoor Cough Syrup, nod a part of one bottle conal the erragit 101100 the other to a lourneynien who was Severely •Illicted, who had, to use his own words, "eaten 00/141/I,bcoogh candy to c 6,.,. Ott the people . to lattsburgii,•• If the untidy had been as good es repteseuied. Vour,respecifellY,. Aragon U. Knuth. Prepared and 14.1t1 1 , 7 R. t r t L 1 . 4 .tat5,....7 Wood sweet, and sold by Druggists geortrally In the two eiStias. _ AiLiirs ..... G/lIIIIIIP 2 - :E .A N an Ih:::: h 0::::•:. AND C.A.IJINIZ W 4.,,,FR00M - - .. • BROWN woul:I respect. thlly Info • Y.ll the publte, lilinllle warn side 01 the Dthitiond All,: meatcity', a complete assor ment or v s ~,,,,,, Mimi, els, V, /linen Shims,. arc made to ob• - der in the hem stele, warranted 1 111111.1411• S ly In the United 140.111 , 1. tha n/ilatis eat, re removed with out the obi of 11. crew driver. (laving purchased th e stork, (Colo, nod wood of the evident el tithlustonent of ft erneny h. AT'Clet. pled, I 41111 rtrpared lc I.llllllh .their Old cUrlntllcT., ag wed ss he pu blic atlarge,writh [lorry 1.11n.T :11 the wed r lute. sochtld Agenel, No Is Al•ood Direct, Pith:burgh. J. A. CROWN. . . Economy in Teas. IMECIDEDLY the. cheapest and des, place at, : a ct n coat 1-1 , harsh tenbuy Tea. in ct the Tea Mark 01 the Diamond. They sell Excellent Tea it:-.1. .7 EO O 7 50 a r,n , , , io Superior Q4. 1 L .... ik,----:.--- :: d Go Lo Th eip. v red, -- aam " lard7olnl; ' 1 - !;r Teas • are aa not y it a e a p r t at this malgishment, theteloie, 'te t he r , d ,,a a gooa tell. or need a clillO, you pre . si re too . t.i p , pro33d, article, and If the , parer in tie Tea i , they readily eselisnen a or return the money : - lye= MORRIS a tiam,o!cTift Pi:?f!n,y 3 .. _____ Mgcyfl YIIAr L eVa..lCorst cola wear; 1.1 EFINED and ott•pored expremily for Food, Yea .l.% dines, Cakes, Conols, (sc. Recipe for Boiled•Costard,One quart or nen. rallk, r e o fi r e %id , I 4elt "v 4TAre n' s 11:rfe'n'T4 raatc":ll44"o ra="al. the taire,td. iris perfectly -dissolved tan" ens, Inn book% 0 too ' , tared—vac, op ~, arid starch Irito the bebop, of the atilt, yoltilo holito, stir constantly till it bet ye of f For eel, by R E BELLRRS RWP: • • 57 Weed et =MEI