ESTA,BLISHED IN 178.6. PUBLISHED HT WkITE . ..& n. a. warn, J .. “ 1 " SW,DITIGM, rut= rrux4wcrr. wog To flour psr u annaro. PD•Weet 'Weekly, In id mtnee)--r-• •—• sr , . Da. *Cabs, et • naluoed rata; DAVI C or ADVICRTUIIIII • AGREED UPON • PITTIDVB.OII PUKES. • , One Mar DOlines Nermarell Or tent one t One Sear rs, each add Maul Meagan. • • OM . Do. one toceh•••••---.....•••••• 1,75 . Do. two • Do. • three weeks.-- Ito. one month•—•-• 5,00 Do. tw07,00 • ' three mantas.— 9,0 u Do. Der months sop • Do. at toonths...- 111,130 Do. twelve months••—lsm Mandate Card la lines or less,) per anon,. 10,tm' • Dee Square, changeable alpleasure (per an. nem) eget mice of the paper 15,00 For each sukhilosal square, banned overone month, ems for emit additional agnate-inserted under therear -17 rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding a amaze, and:net over flfteenj ince, to he charged as • encore and • half. Publishers not aecountablefor legal adveniscaterus beyond the mown charged for their publication.. Announcing eandidates for *Mee, tat be ehargeg the same as other advernsereema . Advertisements not Marked on she copy far • sped. pad number cif inteniene, 'mine cool/need till forbid, and payment es acted aesOrth • —The pirrilesca of yearly adverusers will he confuted rigidly to their regular business, and all ether adver tisements not pertaining to their- regular buaillsw, es agreed Mr, to be pald extra. . All advertisements for charitable ausglations fire tummies, ward, township and er publio mealy ad such like, to be charged half pfice,pagable at& advance. Marriage notleiw to be charged SO cents. Death none., inserted evittioutchargeomletatte. pulled by funeral invitations of obituary mate.... when so accompanied a be pall for. Reraltif ItdVOIIO , Off, WO ell others sending comma nteations,or requiring noticeedesigned to call atten tion to nurs, Soiree., Concerts, or any nubile enter tainments, wherej. charges are made for admiturnee— all notices of private associatione—every notlee'do• signed to call atteation to private enterpneee MO or mlcuJcd to promote Indiridull intertet. can on- ly be Inserted with the understanding that the mane is to be paid for. If intended to be inserted in the lo cal Column, the rime will be Charged at the rata of brat less than 10 eents per line., Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged triple ptics, Tavern Lieense Petition. OR cash. Legal and Medical advertisements to Ite charged at hll pnc es Reel dlstate Agents' and Auctioneers , advertise- Melds slot classed under yearly new, hat to b• allowed discount of thirty am and on. • from the amount of bill& WuaLT 01 111-IPLULT I.4I . DAILT earns. One Square, three Inmtiona• SO Do. each additional inserilon... 17 .rinenacncnrs IJIIVWTT urn. One P.;Ccrehluics,) One , ¢ication: eta Do. each additional 'merlin. —.Z All tomons a4vectisuaccul io bs paid In &dynes. WHITE & OD, emus. L. lIARPER; Foal. ROD , '" AL RIDDLE, DcornaL /AMPS P. DARR & CO., Chronic* FOSTER & BROTUER, Doputch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Ilarcary. JAUFS W. RIDDLIs, aseoricon. HIRAM BRINE. Evening 'niblicks. Ponscsalt, Dec. I. 1141. C A R_p_§. ruu4zresox, Eittb.Ward, Penn street, between Vilma and WWa4 All bminesa promptly at ! osnylr I.I.kIXANDMit a. WATSON. .A TTORNRV AT LAW—lkos O, mb ro above Woo! . mrll DAVID C. TDVICLIC A 7TOILNEY LAW, and Camialaalonar for Al. Pennsylvania, Ni. Louis, Mo. All eolumattiegtlont promptly glowered. • on=-1, JAS'. KELM. A 7T° L.. w il e N en B L " ,L - 11 " ,,71. 15` .13.1rbIritt '``"" • JOHN U. RAAKIMI, - ATTOItNbti mod Counsellor at Law, and Comma. eloper for the State of Peratsylr au* SL Laidig NO. } late of Pittsburgh.) References—Pittsburgh: Iron. W. Forward, Ilautp. me it Milior, hlTandtess & fileelare, John E. Parke, 'Simians k. Sample, McCord & King. ' '• BIDWELL CO., POILWAIIDINCI Glazgors, Pa. (Smith's Ferry Part Ofaa) Having ponaanently located at ads place, a near and sabatandal Wharf Boat, we are prepared to re. -CCITS &di forward pmaiptlr to all poluta Da the river, and !Sandy and Beaver or Ohio Canal.. B Co. Olanow, Jane 15.—jeld •- ..«101111 a, 1,0411.11./.11. AOMMV, WOODWARD CO, Wbolisalo Oro. ter., No YN Alartetnl, Philade lphia. apt Pluobargh iVorlsa -:---"-' BENINETT, BERRY tr. Co,lJenuenstartrs of soda Ad, Riesetans Powders, Mosiodo sou Solphorke keddo. -WaretroassoNo--,Wasoesseoes 7 boloor Ferry, - Peederiek Bran, (ware WM, DRAM it.: REITER, Who Vira l ,: mid ltr.tnillareg; Ell gins, torper of Liberty amd IS. Gmtt urea; fin. ttt;ha& • • 44 A. bIeANIILTY s CO, Forward/32g andCour Wald. Mercttanis, Canal - Bann, Pinabargby GFt GRANT, Wholesale GIVOVr, Coansaltalon and • Forwarding hlereharl, No. 417w0r at., Pitt. bmgh. Ira Hersey.— Andrew Fleming R. K. Fleming. . HEANEY, FLEMING AV FO., 0311111SSION MERCHANTS—For thE aalc of Do. C meatio,Woolen, and Cotton Goods.; alio, dealers In W kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, No 117 Wood rt. 4th door horn Firth, Pitts - burgh. . Before nee—Me:ma Wm. A. 11111 & Co, Nankara 4. 2.2 U. savan..l • wlt. A. into. BILIRO 6 IRVIN, OMMIFSION SIERCHANTS and MI Draken, No 114 Secend'atreet, Ptnabarats. •na7 MIL a. .lil.ll, , SAXI,I 2. 2112tHrtl. EtGLISII It BENNETT, Gate English, -Gallagher Co.) Wholesale (inners, Conrodssion and For a Merehmu, and dealers in Produce and Pitt. saran tdanalsethrea, No. 37 Wood at, between 2d and 1 , 1 streets. . oetl JoEINSTON A .RIVANDING d GONIONSSION MERCHANT No NO Second at. rlOshor h. 109ZISII W. kvINDILI111) 9 / 4 1.SiE C.lattnorinii 11. W. POINDV,XTRIIt CO, ; PcuENERAL COMMISSION and Forwaseiter Alen. flouts and Float Dealers, No VS Market street, adelphi - C , BOALD, B Galion &co TOBACCO CotIMISBION mBBCIhITB, No. U North Water Street t NO. II North Wharrar. A. J. Drc”os. t •, , PHILADELPHIA Eose. D.C. AlcC•ormox. 3. A. M'Artrrarr. r-- velfpco.iFiiiiirrui-id.Tps ffe;te. 41.4171.31' oPposta /kltst. febrlM ,411.01. - 1 : WK. r. ions. HARDY. JONES & 004 - tstoranora to Atwood, Jonas fr. Co.) Commission wad Forward= •aharna des , ers Jo ritubarrb !danatactared Final:arab. ra saaltS, ._._ .___ ._ _ — 1 -41... P. ataruilia.ta., ' (nEVIMISZIII TO seism. C. lut.s.,) laronTi at 4 Dexter in %each and A191211e. Pa per Hangings and Llorder , Window Shade., nee Ward Pritas, tr. Also— W ei *ng, Printing and Wrap. )in x Paper, No. 27 Wood street, bet Ween FOUII.II Weal and Diatuot,l alley, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. kb ill _ PI'PTSOULLOII. GIIsAIIII JOIIN Ali NEW, late of the Arm olChamben,ilg. new Es n would resoceilally inform the old ear 10198111 Rod the public generally. that Ito will millirem. tin. to carry on the Green Glue businew, In all its Varieties, and Is prepared to filial! order* for Apotlit eagles , Farniture, bilnerals, , Porters, Viols, Ws.. &a., pWtaining to his - business. Ills warehouse No SI Market meet. bettered First k Second sta. yllaidarn TORN ilitlll.o A N;Wholistelited deal , IP er In Dye Stalls, Paint+, Oils. Vern sheN to, No. Wood Street, one door Booth of Diamond Alley . Pittsburgh. I apa DAT:Z 6:41 I liWeriroli racer, Comm wteo U Merchant, • and dealer In Prude , . and Pittsburgh branafacture.. No U 4 Writer a Paulin, h.k apt - . auras , . • , ZOOM DICULT, .f/t, ISAIAH DIGUIIY a Co., Wholesale Grocers. Gem ate Merchanand dealer. In Produee,Nosnd and Wu Fron t morels, Pittsbanth. .noefr ekti - 1 - 1 7 ;. T ht. DILWORTH S. CO., Wholesale Grocers, and U • Agent, rot Ils mad powder C. 0., N 0•27 Wood .t., Plnsbarsh. • de.311 i N 0.43 Market or., three doors above Third . M. Pitts Limb, wUI Lome eouttently on hand a well neleeted 11.01UWAt of Itto best and fre•heet Ma fa which he mm eel on the most reasonable term.. I,lrhYsiei. lee nodes orders, will be prawn!) artandolter 844 “P' had with article* they may rely aeon Is genuine. Physician. Frsterinuons will be accurately end P"Pera Dom the best materialhatUny krt ay or Mehl. _ ' •Iso far sale, f • ludo stock of fresh and geed Pale mop. 1113 Jo"Ek' j d- , iticurd Floyd. J• IR. L0y.,,, Wholes•le ,Gracers, Commission U • Merchants, tuft Dnlets Im Prods.. Bond chure"."iogk ftomirm I,lbertri. Wood mid Edith stre•as, riti•btrrt. ra. mpf NO. A. CAUGHEY, agent for tee Logi Brinson • MiehlOsn Linn to Seaver and the Lakes..-(Bo e 65Lea earn.. of waur mod Smithfield stS lane J'lloTClllloa, — Cbo.—Bnecerssors t 0 Lewis Hutchison .& Co, Commission; Merchants Led Agent. of the St Lonia Steam Seger Reiner) 90(5 water ',IV/ front crests, Wasbart \ h. ;ant SCIIO(.I , MAKER & CO 3 — Wtsoisso, • Nn et Wood street, Plusbartel ) Mal.olt, Wholesale:and Assad deals AA in and Musical Instramenta, School Boot la raper, StatrAy Steel rest, quills, Primers' lards, an stationery gencrally,No. WOW al.: 1 Instill nth. booths n• taken 1011045 .0511 TCAtiFIF:Cb, time of Wasson, ObIOjeOGUOIN. • Mon and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Batter, rot and Yea..l Ash, and Western Praince generally. 'Nate, feet between Smithfield and Wood, PlUsbateh. apt:. KER It JONI•IS Folvrarahg .21 Commission Mer lants, Dealers to Prndnee sad Pittsblink sane alsetarcd antetu , , lanai U.ain, near 7th at. opt PENG' MILL, PITTS/MG/1p PA. rrENNFAIDY, Cllll,OB it. CO, Itazafaetvrrera ix, 4m9ertor 14 Baceilng o Carpet Chain, Cotton Tmna and llatuna. ' )a3047 V. O. STOCHTO .7' ATE Johnston to Stockton; BOOS ; TIONER, PRINTER, and BIN + and Wit ,:rep''?i,}ii,6o BUSINESS CARDS. 481TOioso Work.. W. OMIgNINGIILIN CO.. - Vir AND FACTTRFALS OF WINDOW CLASP, 1 , th 1.0.L No Mi Market weer, between Vim and Second, _ 41 , -1" Poe P o . l * , [feral paid to odd ne. Aloo, De.Cer, In FLIWOLAZ, VIALS, StO;TLEF, w. ermmtoltAx, D. CODX111•14).14 D.41111:M. Wt. Milers naiad.% C. W. Blatt.% Piusburgh. resod Semen, No.. I7g sad arg, comer et' Liberty and Irwin bittglii Pe. 'rens Nulls. Cruises Yams, U. 10.. utitatil on heed. ap.l John ISPGIIL Imes D. ZIPCIII. - 'Waiter C. Brie McOILL9 ROE,.WholesaleGrocers and Commis sloe Merl:thugs; No 104 Liberty St, Pittsburgh bPS • PITT/MUOB—Pintli—Wriacti—Algli—S7Pll.lbai AND AXLE FACTORY. ma* Icatek "" JO /11. 141110ar imAzimicrruaßats of.~syy log and buster tea 4 plough steel, Wel plg wines, at d clip i tffV ' ,fire i°ra=les ' u d lgr iteeegs st lampsneoach truing. cni,,e.m.t. l o. d Flt rte., Pitb;6 w o 1 J. Tardn, Commleslo24 ilLeretmakt.s ,N C ha 3 ld O la l ;:t a tsl'ruls ° l ' :(7l;ll ' d2s e ol " if:} ` olf. ,° : leg brands. which they on ' er for sale as agchts for J. Durand & Co, Bordeaux, viz: ltaulory, J. Eraud. J Du rand & Cw, triune hello, JI Dame, Cognac, A delti.m. toren, A L. Blerille, A de llondere. - Jelm Lottls.ere., Anchor GIN Bordeaux Red and White Wine. In casks and eases, selected with care by John Da rand 4b:Co; Decades Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy !Art feht.ty• NLIOLdIES k SON, Noes Market st, second door • from corner of roanh, dealer, in Foreign and nestie Ws of Exehange, Certificates or Deposit, Bank Notes, and Specie., fErColeletions mud, 011 in • the pries ipal eines hroatthont tie United States. opt ---- ViiktesgratilitirMatsialtahmsat F WM. BC/lINAIMANN, Third sy oppoute th• O Post.OLGee,fittsinugd—hlaps, Landscapen, Bill. heads, Shoal:dna, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and Visiting Card s,e., TTTTT d or drawn an atone, and printed la colors, Gold:Drowse or Blank in the most approved style, and at the most peasonabte rave. ettls.9 TbOBLVvON,LITTLE & o. =Lanny cam PPISOUgh :Wholesale Grocers Produce and ConneLsaton Merchants, and dealers In Pittsburgh Menne= rtes. apt? non. JOBLISON. Ten: tarns ILLX4 Irnscnolv._ IlEttT MOORE, iVit !whittle weer, Rectifying It. 'Dentin, dent r in:Prod ace, Pinshorrh Mann fee torn, an kinds of .Foreign and Domestic Wines and Ne. 'll Liberty street. On band carry Mtge stock of superior old Monongahela wainkey, which wall be sold Inst.. ash. L. - O. ltinoLDs. L. L.. ELME. R EYNOLDS t BUS& Forwarding and Commis. don Merchants, produ ce Allcutterty River Trade, Loners in Groceries, Pittsburgh, Menefee ittresoird Cbloride of Limn The hlgthert price, In each. yard at all times for &nun rags. -Cartte , Peon cod Irwin ES. LAS DALZELti & Co., t irWesale Inners, Comminlon Merchants, dealers to Produce and Pictsbargh Ilannfamarea, Liberty street, Pittsburgh,. Pa. nplB U. A. COMPILIGIIAM, WIIOLEPIALE GROCER, Produce Forwarding, and Cotarniattion Merchant, and licaler in Pins be Marotgaitarea t littk3SO Liberty street, Pirtaburgh, Pa iyl 11:1%C[11.2TTL .71112 . 4. IL 49E11. Atm, whoh;a7. - 7).7.girb sj Foreign and Domestic- Dry Goods, No. 911 Wood street.Pittshargh. ! apl7 WIWI/IWO - GIL Wool tuarati.u. Detain S an Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 14 Pita street and De Second street. Pioche _ anl7 Y. snares, rrnsreasiiir; — ELLEIIB Le NICOLA Produce and General COM la mission Merchants. No. 17 Liberty street, Pins berth. Sperm, Llnee.ed and Lard Oils. apl7 Q I' VON BoNNIIOK.SCCO, Wholeule Gro• ladßaden In ViehsTrt Prodoee t have remove to their cww Warehaeae, leld Land,) No. 36,eorner of From ...met and Chancery Lane. y,l] BIOLLUIS & nelvoarn. TEA ANT) WINE MEItCHANTs, nisi Wid[ Didlllolld, Vill3butzh. o pt s uuvn_ UM- 1.. saammi SITRIVICH. & HATIA&S, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Prodan and Comm:num Merciurnic, And dealers in Pittsburgh Mururaetated Artieles, Nos. 130 sad ,130 Esmond street, Between Roods Smithfield, Pnburgh. aagl Dona W 11.403. Mi!MM WROLIZSALE Crosiers, Constairszau Merchants and usalers in Produce end Pittsburgh 31•3n lienittes,2sG Ll,tilt . lll,',. Pittsburgh ,21.___IrEpi_ FLoint--70 bo. eholcaPacialy; gig Otis Superfine; 63 Otis Hue, arrivirig , mad for see b* wm p IlfroWN a KIRKPATRICK - - want' 'is - in.vira . . . W OUL D j u n . cort m thgpa 1 0, ,h e c , ur tr hve eaten the PleierosSehoyer, ill Yteand s h eet_ ! the laic Sir lariat • 7.-. he earasederas warehodw., they artarld Invite the attention apemen having good, in consign or rare.' They will aim glee attention to the parehase and rate of Nom.Draltallands,Atc. sear L. B.sttranto • -R. N . Watenoac • W. IL Waltman • L. $. WATERMAN SONS, 117/10LE3ALF: GROCERS, Commission and For erstrang aferchanui &aims to all kmds of Pro duce & Pinsburge blarrufattured Articles; one Attests for sate of Richmond arid Lynchburg etvwfacturmi Tobacco. reel ATTORNEY AT LAW, B4thm, Pa WILL alao attend to:collections and all e th er vest. ‘T seas admitted to bin in Butler and Arritatreog loanties, Pa. Refer to J. It R. Floyd, Liberty .t. 1 . W. W. Wallace,. do James Marshall do Pittsbary, dip gay A Co., Wood as I /1137 JOHN EIIerADICIS 6 CO.. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cana) DasM,Perta street, Pritsbarch. mrd JANES IV DAVIS & PRODUCE AND, FLOUR FACTORS, No..e.W Market, and St Commerce st., Sham:101014. Advances made, by either of the above, on consign meets of Produce to either House. eat WIU!EMMEiNI W . HOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Forwarding and C.ontaisslon Merchants, and dealers in Country Produce and Pitisbargb elannfac tares, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Plusburgh. m r..TJ Wm. H. WHllamo----••-• -I H. McVay. WM. 11. WILLIAMS & CO.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Rut tomer or Wood •ed Third late., Joel , Przroseson. - ww: uoaszr, . lOW B. coacza•s, w. U. lIMODWANIN ' BILL7111•11.11.1II. "WM IitAGALEY &;CO., Wfielesale Grocers; IS % st ree t . Ty sad Wood stt,Fittobaryth. tpl7 Jolla D. WlCt OLVID T ICE s tdcarrritAms, (raccessetra to L.& J. D. Wick,)_Wholexast Grocery, Forwarding. and VO.DX I . , DD Inerehantr;dealers In Iron, Neale, Watts, Cotton Yarn.. and Paull ugh Manufactures general ly, corner of Wood and Water • treat, Pittaburah. anti & — ht. — MtrtilaTtliecTtiFithlesala • Beau Ina Distillers, and Wne and Liquor Merchants. Also—lmporters of hod• Ash and Bleach. tog Powder, No.loo Liberty meet, (opposite Sixth turee9 Pittabargh. apt? VIV Watches, Jewelry, ni I rei Ware and Milnocy Good., corner of Market and Fourtrt Creme, Mahwah, Pa. N. It.--Watehes and Clocks earefelly repaired ant] WIL YOUNG it Cu., Dealers Is Les!her, Metes, krt"l4l2 Liberty street. lankly Cl= . . . M IST eCUTCHZO, Wtrulesale Groers, , dealer. In Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Puteberga Manufacture generally, 14betry nrcer.— Pinsbaugh. Jaen • • T HAVE taken WIL CA RA inta partnership with me In my business, Which will (tern •.thls dye bst carried en under the nape at "John Parker A CO.^ March Ist, 1.850. • JOHN EtERER. =Z==e=== Jon& pewsza & co. Malaga, Grnw, Deafen in Prodad. Foreign Trines, Liquinl, Old Itfonoxgalkela :nut Rectijud Whisley, No. 11, Commercial Bow, klbtny street, Pimburgb. P WATIIIIILM rALNIM. ' Joins [UMW; • WM. [. (Bucceasors to Money, Hanna & Co.) BANKEREI, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate. of Deposita, Batik Notes, and Speme—North west earner of Waxl and Third meets: Current money received on deporate.—Sight Cheek. for sale, and eolleetiona made on nearly all tha principal points the United States. The highest premiempaid for Poulin and Anirrienn Gold. Advances made on ebraignmants of Proda z etip pad RAM. on liberal tants. : wit. L. il'ecaso.) )0110.1. 1100 - WM. A. WC/Vann & co., oftocIERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 258 libern• error ewe. od, Have always on band Image asontnnent of Choie2 Grneerles and Fine Tess; al.°, Foreign Fmk+ and Nina Wholesale and Retail. Denlets supplied on the, lowest tents. alst, I - _ . F. AIL ols 1C GLAse Watell S. JOSEPH O. ABELL; A/ANUFACTURFR; OF OREM GLASSWARE, kVA Vials, Dattles, , and Flasks, Fetter, Scotch Ate, Mineral Water, PI/GUt Aledietne. and Wine Bottles of every description; also, WINDOW 01,03 i. Keep. consunily on band a general assortment of the above article. ALSozrATF,mtheether Green Glass PfttOtitS Morro, so ill the cutest In scourer, TIIISFACTOAT a cow to TULL orstuorton, and wlli eOlllllll. to °partake both stunner and Winter. Orders respectfully solicited, and will be Flied on the sbortesl notice. Warehouse, No 112 Second street,,between Wood tad Smithfield as. Pittsburgh. ISV:d I Y SAal4 n. and cilas. DARNER have this day associated themselves together, under the ann of Shrives c ry. , for the transuded of the Itinolassto Gru Produce, and Coandissied demon No LE & 132 Second street, between Wood and ernandeld at. Lithalursh, Ausaut I,l6sn—asel WOOLI WOOL THEAlava nowt. price In Cul will be paid for th. Odorant grad. of Wool by 1715 R & W IiARBAUGH -ELLER, STA ER, COMM of r • /Mat IfliVaroc K a co PITTSI3 I' 61'i,Y MORNING. NOVEMBER, 18, 1850. rit7 - ffifr7ill WILKINS HALL. FOURTH STItEGT, PITTSBURGH, PL IllsTal'cTent`'lhtm` " i nnowTpe.enredyto;n.,TMr etOr wul oollti: et share of the public patrunace lie m a t, by giving his full artentyth to the buratiese, to make the house et pleasant and eorafortable retort for the eitivens of Pittsburgh and for the country generality. Good attendants will be ia walling, and every et- Minn 'main torender thn rstshlidtmtnt worthy thy. And 00111Tonotan tntellent comma rut:,. The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fi tted for Parer, Coneerta, texture.. Bulb., and public, 'peep, will be tel by the evening or week, ou at liberal terms as any other in the cite. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in• rayle twenty to any in the world, will be kept fermsbed with Pure %Toms, ChoMe liguora, Cordials, Porter., Ales, and all the cool light, refreshments of the season. Poultry, Gams, Fish, Soup, Oyster., and Clams, served op in th e beat style. The DINING and ICE CItRABI SALOON, being on the first floor, and easy of meccas, will be constantly snpplied with all the I...erica and Delicacies Of the waren; and eq./Rh such wthatantials as the market/I atrord. 3411,'Pogn notice. Gentlemen with their famine., sikitine the City emt. be supplied with refreshments of all kunts at any hots of the Mtv. flood Sub Ant and en extexteive Livety Fetal, went hi connected with the 11.11. • • Banner at 1 o'clock. We:item and Tea et thr tretal hoar. l&lannen for Ladle% lo tie Ice Cream and Dining Saloon, No 67 SuaillGehl ,Arcot. VAN RT:Nssmer.n I=l A. WESTERVELT &SON, lAJ ELI. KNOWN VENMAN BLIND MAKERS. r keep eonstntly o hand or make to otder he bets in the a ir line, n at their old stand, No./3 t tn. a sir rrreet; also at N0.:.4 Market mrect.semind Story, entrance in the Diamond. Venittan Shatter. mole to order, and old blind, neatly repirtroil. spin W. i J. 01.1.11}11N, llokek Bladoroo Warc still clogoked in the above basitwas, corner TV of Word and Third Plreat, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work is our line with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and satis faction will be grsen In rcgastl to 111 neatness and do nobility. Slant' Books ruled to any pattern and hound suantia , :r. Books in number. or old books bound care fully or repalred.• Name. pat on books in gilt latter, Those that Imo work In our line are invited to tall. Price, low • raytactl WIGHTMAN-51.14cturer ofall kinds of cot .JIU. g ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, P. The above works lifting now in fal and tv cram., I am prep.ed to cream enters with ditipateh for all kinds of machinery In ay line, nab art wil lows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding mat Lines, railways, drawing frames, stweders, Cassias, looms, wtiolen cards, doable or single, for merchantor country work, inul.,jackn.d.c; slide arid handlathes .4 tooloin ran eral. All kinds ofshalling made to order, or pi lnt ev en for gearing Cationes or mills at I...amenable charge. Rasa ro—Kennedy, Childs &Co., Illackshwk, 101 l A Line. k A Orly. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Slotaloginwa,[antart Platalarigh;l Pa. Of‘co. No. Water st,,! batmen .A.Toner and Wood, Pstdobter eh- WlLLeormently keep on hand a good Knorr' Meet of W not of our own manufacture ,and imperiorquality. ‘Vhohasale and unman ens. ehanta are respertfully invited to call aud•r. emits for theensalvez, se 'we are determ!ned to sell eht op. than ****** before been offend to the pelt . 11e.' 11#11K1rdera aant by mail,aecompanied by the loon Or grad reference, will ho promptly attended to. inn COACH PACTOII,Ye aLLtta itx A. WRITE ex CO., onabl respeetfully inform VI. the pnbli,, thSt tkry have meted sLop au LeciVk, between Federal and SmldrokyNceta. They aregoo making pal are prepared to ree...ebroorders for every descripoon of vehicles, Coachee, Chariat'a, Ha -1 ranehre, Bumeier. Photon., At, which from their lone experienee to the manufmto re of the above work, attil the tacilitio w orke have,they Mel confident they are Xtabled to do ork on the room terms with themovationg articles in their low. Perim; rtrucular au: to the wieetroo t hey n me. 'gle e and havint, no, Itat come:tent workmen, t have nn l—itmon warrmitiog their work. We therefore ask the atiennon of them üblic to this matter. N.ll. Repair-Ire dene &La Lem manner, and on Me mom reaannalde ierrna tatted rana. /011 r. Arm's. NOARYE 6 ATKINSON, tla art" rrwass NVOL. Amn MARL". Pm - wt. ( - )...INTINGIIIa paan.faccotr. '4ll Lind. n( COITEII. G TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE Atm, 131swl• amb Work. Steam Beath boilt ICI order. Special artetwan given to steam boat *ors. Have on hands a 4ne assortment of Coyoer and Ora,. Kettles, Tin %tfore, de. de. Steamboat Portable Forger, ',neer ifies—n very rrndronlent ar• ode for steamboats, Calirernia ernigrents, on rail read companies. , e would reryeetfally lnytte steam treat roan and other; to call and we oar ankles and prices Few. parr...haslet el servbere. yr 37 Wrought and Cost Isom Hailing. Tnti sahrenbers beg leave to Inform the public that they have °Waltzed from the Rae all the late and fashionable designs for trod Bailing, both for hoar, Asa eemeteria, Canons wishing to proeme hand tome rummy will Flown call and elatalse, and ledge for th emselves. Railing will be famished at thrt abort. est o.otirt, .a In tiro best Manner, at the goner o , Craig ant:Rebecca streets, Allegheny rig. tregZ-dif A. LAMOhiT Se KNOX. WILLIAM DIOUT 13 EOB leave to infarct his (fiends anJ easterners the he is lost receiving - kis new sprang Flock or Getoda comprising, aa casual, ell the Hewett act moat fahato, •hie styles of Clothe, Cartimcars, Mary Vs-ting a, cot ton and linen rummer sods, and every wench,. notattle In gentlemen's wear for letting and hammer. It beans nemmehtic to describ e the beauty, quality, or quantity of the stock, the prophet. hopes all who arc an waist at goad, cheap, chahlontabk, and well _mule clothes, will give him a call, as there I. no stock than attic el the Alleghenies that can compare with It. Tka ready made deptrtmant is very exteasive,•clap• teal to all tames. Kalil mad contractors, country merchants, and all who purchase largely, an nnetleelerlY inntmd lo es sence the stock before pateenslny, sr particular at tent.•on is paid to the wholesale business in thin mat.- llstment. Every article in the tailoring flee made to order le the Mil fashionable nod bast manner, at the shortest NOTICM. THE partnervidys heretofore asistlog ands the Arm of A d C BRADLEY,ta dissolved by the &tease of Me. C Bradley. The blooms, will be carried on by A Bradley, who will fettle the baldness of the l•te fires REMOVAL—A Bums, hoe removed hls Foundry Warehouse Induk No 1W Second sower, to 19 Wend street, between First sad Second strrats, to Ow ware house Intel] occupied by G A Berry, where he .win keep constantly on hand &general assortment niCass Aga, Grates, Stave., GookiagAuwes, dee. Gl3 BAIMUZL IIIetEELVV, IjrANUFACTUBER, OrtsBAST STEEL, and No I Ili. and No. American Blister Steel. Liao—Bst Can Steel Files, of elleiees; and Blacksmith end Fi bac Rape, lam• 115 on hood and for sa I o, either or lila "Ne ale Stool %Yorke,. O'Hara street, Errth Ward, or., the Ogr.e 121 tho Iran Store of BOLLNIANS k GARRI SON, No 4, foot of Wood street, Ihrubergh. sorN dUet CIRCULAIL , . . . . . We, the anilerM,kned, having nerd, with entire sat isfaction, the. Cast Steel and Files made by Seined Mcßelay, .ns his Win Steel Works, in this eity,taka pleasure in reeotrunending them as equal In quality to any ever umsj by •it, of foreign manufacture. Pittaburgh,chlatth IS, !MU. P. ' tt & J II 15tIOENDERGER & CO, blanufacns: rera of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa, KNAPP & TOTIE/Y, ' Iron Fdpiden and Machinists, Pittsburgh, Pa. r COLEMAN, lIAMMAN & CO, ManUfacturep of Springs, Axles, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pittsbta, Pa. F &NY M FABER, Engine Ihrilra and Machine Card ftlansifacin tars, Pitialimh. Pa.. A FULTON, Bran Founder, Pituditagh , Pa. 1 GRAFF, LINDSAY & CO, hianufaetsden of Iron and Naas, Pittsburgh Pa. JOSEPH TOAILINiithi, Loienniotiveglne and Slap Builder W *ALGAL PittsburFlt tn. W Na aide Man, ;lecturer, Machina and Engine Bu d nag 1 ' en, Pittabunrh, Pa. Digq,olattost af Parssoriship. THE Par(` bercioGne canting between the &sheath - km, under the firm of Chembers,Agnes. & Co., Gill.ll4'4sunae tom rs, was dissolved by mutual consent, onfirst day of July, Instant. All penny. knowing th Ives indebted to said firm are request „tr. e.d to make ant to either of the parties without delay, and persons bartng nneattled secoctrus with mild tarn, are invited to vernal then for gettlement tomedintely. ALEXANDER CHAbIDERS, JOHN AGNEW iyianlemin D. U. CIIAMBRREL - =EDI T i t a h E o ° `%77..on7 d Pl "'.', V , T.: ` ZriP i ntig„„ ° !. own notice that they woll be reqairca to pay freight et oar warehouse r according to the rgempt, h eight the geed, ate removed. C A /I) lone it.."lbetlrlirVAootlTKl&NrleNriet _2l 113TOCS - A. FARNI liff 11 0 1. X.IIA:L DRUGGISTS, ' lie., Pitoburgh, r own jmportntion. dire:4 Comer of Wood , and 'a PETIT for sale, of th from Europe, Borax, reEncd,in casts Emery Com & Powd, kgs Casb. Ammon, cans &Jan Paris Green, in cans , Roden Stone, to cask* Floor Sulphur do Cubic Bd.!, An ban • ado. do brli gum sron. in kegs . Citric Acid, into boiNs P0h"..1 mitoonlalls Aq..AmmonConc. dot 4 • 01V=ellci. At ' ' Potash, Uses/ma:Whim do do' iti os`Sials lodine kb3g.inkfb botilas Janda Iron, in oA vials Conf. Sanaa, In lb Jars fli•Casb.-Pmeskab bottles r i n'EPgtin)b.o4ra. I bold but. Ronda 'do . Prussic ssic Add, i l6 n "os vials Tan Acul, Crocus Morns, Enka. Acetic Aoki - Orange Plower w t.r 1101. Armenia Pill Qoze., Popo, inbol'il [ Ra Adbz i e . l e . Phirl o r, rionina4 do Co tilaterlarn do tlo Curater cp , I Pt% 1 1111 AisTP. (rafts 7arin? ,,, Li n i t • a' liortsu and gsles ' Oil Leaandn , Spike Oft 6ritannar6l'-'1" ujik4jelllllll7 '• • er/ilmondo Oil e rondn ,,,. t [ Pink and Ilion SANG,. Oaidamon treed ' Solph.Zinst , • Heifers' Tanta proposed Gentian' Root AntiarbEnot [ Potric3 GUICAL3 , O3I:IIIPTUAL iLOILITM - 37 7 " -- tDS PIDREIMIF 1113'03W glIVIldiD. • . " Oiye TO' - PHILADEL#7IIA: • AND ImimisitOitk thellleretants .0f Pittsburg. are( the AVekern . bitannse- tom ihat en end. eder Meade), the. 16th of Sep. lumber, we sallr ',ceche ihd 'Corwin!, goods via the hentush/lail.lboathauld imam tee them to be through i Pour DO7L„ One CAlensise met ore 4 try and Boats ' miebles eter the ann expeditious route to the while Stilt mulasel ear usual tines via llsrrisbarg and Colorable.- pderagnis'sabbleg broUght from the b'strt with eartaiaty and dispatelia.lor. tater, or produce q4PPl.thz,..teisAWltukTilar • ' a y. Muhl:mt. -. PireirietoraZ4 riahoriterm ' re Orthe &Howlett errite. OCotwtva • & To North atfinaoret• Bunt,/ Ebaztery blue. New:York, ' V111a,14 Dottie strron,BostO. 71 siesrn: .e. Aiirr • s iTh 7 isiCastir - ar.t.iiit; — . .opus partitioned a$ .1u pipes, to Nth wawa; with Steam Power ' for rent to a hesitte.e an of the cg y. hy , ATKINSON; oiyf . . Fiescet, be J tw lM een' Wood h. Make,. ,llnn.y.ttelleiguat. Bed* Jullb.c , . 1 '..LIF- , trabeeribera ilta aowatteiviag, by canal, large anPplies Of lames Alusprett & Eon's high lassoed beeelpstady. Wain Ithaiteeutan'Asb, which they will Aalk v. 44,:tweet ausitesprice. int ease, or approved a. - ' . IN tr. AITCHELTEV, 0n44 Al 'Liberty et. - - IBISTIitCTIODF iir , Tina ptAXIO. 1411.4:11AR80it.D1 4 , ( pupil 0r.t1.1 [neater%) lite of fitly ork, teepee:tatty , Worm in citizens et Pittsburgh m u g Alleghen that he haa atrial:4.3d lateens making . th.ia ray d, permanent residence, for the purpose cl unearth., instruct/as on the Mane. - ApplienUouslift et Arra.Whi!e'sl3oaraing Douro;; go Linerr7..o, nr aOll. Kleter'elAtusin Store, ortllEFteet attlb pro•rdlpttennon. ...____=:,-. - cola OAK FL, ,o'unaara nomtpts. ,; - rinci PEET worked 0:.. Mooring hoards:, .for tale t.Y, perfectly nnd br. a engerter uniting • t ••• . totottpatiorgh. S•Illag out it Coa,to Glole Ilastnen, • A LAMM atneg inty GOODS, tor which ponds. 11mortgages. lnegentants, ground rents, or real Wale, v"..1 be renetsed in payment. .„ lon. D . /MGM 11.7, Wood se, Pittsburgh. ARUUTIThOT is sor liming a luso assortment o V. aot m f d , starle, van , iy,•nl Dry Ucsads, omelet • e, Merlin kskin ea end Worsted Canton:4 Alpacas end Innautaines; Woolen and GRUM flannels; Colored and Illonshed Muslin% Caninom and fiIISSIMe..; Ribbons nod Laces; llamas and Comba; Threads and thudionst Umbrellas and /hen Bone, de. All of which, bounty! and oily merchants are re spealfally lorded to eMtroine, et .9 Wood et sep2S HAVGO:PAIITVIKRSIII.P. E, this day, Associated with me M. 1.11. Clow, In the.Wbolesale Grocery aml Produce liminess; the style of thetSrm will be A. Culbert.* &Gloom. 1431- A. CULBERTSON a. COLIMIT(0111 (I. u. moose. A. C OLBERTItON CLOUSE, WIIIMANALE GROCP.II.9 a a nd an d scion Mer hant., Dealer. In. Produce, and PI Usbar,b Manufactured aUtieles,l93LLberty Piduburgb, Pa. il3 Daum Boat. Tel MeDLINTOCK in*llea the attention of steam . tort men to bis awortmeni of trim mug, emoneing to part the following varieties:— On:a and an:goat [floe alht 60111 Satin Leann; . . PTlm.oa do ' 'Hamlet mid Steel do; do , Pink atal Ulan do: do !. Crimson and Drawn dn; Crimson and White Liumo Damask; Illus. I do ' • de; Scarlet 7 do do; enseson. Green, Dlne r and Scarlet Damask; Watered Morton.: IVostard and Linen:fable Covering; Striped Toilet I do, d 0; Turkey Hod kWhite dif do t Tolley Red & Blue! do do; 7.4 sad 6-4 Waidard Taldo e 7-4 and 6-4 Table'Ljnen; 15 4 Illetteleil Sheeting; Scotch Draper; I 5-4 do - Scotch Napkins; Embessed'Table Covers; Sco,.ch Club; IPlaid Toile; do do; 6 4 BleaChail Steetint; '1 Mats. &e• &c. All of which are direct lions the manufaetureee and Tonere, of the newest juul richest colors and pat- MI., oaf of whir); will be told as cheap as any of the eastern eine,. We invite steam boat to give us a call at oar Carpet Warehulise, No. a 5 Foe it. and 7* Wood st. - I [or3o) W. IIIeCLINTOCK H. 'wrote; wilt/LE9/ILE and Retell Denier in Gloves, Hosiery...nit Vault, Mess sad Bonnet Trursminse, • Lars Goode itIGI Embroidenesi Gentlemen's Furnishing Anteing Zephyr W Beiln in t, t r g l l n iteru P aPtatep n er . , e nd Conran Flower IButerisis.l'it tit Fourth street. ~larpitta. 011 Cloth., to. W A!. 1 1 10CLINTOLli it now con st antly recetvins • very large amonnient or thirteen and Oil Cloths, comppring to part the following 'STAEdell:— Nom and Etch Slyie Velvet Pile Carpets; do do Tipeatry,Drusrels do do do Foglirla m American Drawl.; Now myle prlnt'dTapettry 0.4, 14, 6-4, 6.4, 4.4, and IbtrPam 34 Oilclo th Fztra reaper 3 rily canyon Sheet 01l Cloth, not to fit Superfine do' do shy size hall or room, do Ingrain do various style. and qn•lt fdedto nip. do do ties Fine do do Menne Rugs Common do do Totted do 44, Venit 3.4, lan Co and 34 Dataluk Chenille Door Mots t. baud do do 44,34, and S S e Tapestry Thrum do do Vennlan carpet. Sheepskin do do 44, 34, 3-a• arid 24 plane Jenny Lind do do Venial. carpets Transparent Window 44,34,6-8, and 24 cotton Shade* Venitlan carpets Duff Window Linen 84 cotton ramggeil Drab do do 6-1 WOOlOll co VenitlanEllnds, 12-4 do do Woolen Stan DroggMt All of which !crecheon purchased from the import ers and manufacturers, enwprodnir the newest and ache*. sryler, which we offer to customers as low w eari be purchased itt .2 or the eastern cow• call at the Carpet Warehouse, es Fourth at and Wood W. OCI.I W MeCLINTOCK ♦lpaooa nose DURC/IFIELD have received a uuri ply of Fall Hcadery, including Drab and Black eau eras, Alpaccall;Fgan nand C===l cURPHY & BURCHFIELD nivite th e paritco!ar 11l Kar:icon or buyers to their superior link of stove goods, g.ving eo catch arti,factiou oneccount of Om onslirmatble yr: &era Fatntly Inoue. A FRE L tir .4,1 y of the Pohlad Mlle cram PalAily 11 flour, a very eltotro orttel&tit,l reed for rale by A CULI3LICISON ACLUUSE _sa:• tyamllaoa Canton Ylaaaals A CRYtfl &131.IRCHF/k,LD have received asa p_ .L9l9:l' or stole supetior article. -Bsrec.Pollsoo Flannels very hendrarde paltents and bric lit colors reed at atom of MURPHY g BURCHFIELD i.&9IWP9INtaI , -10 cases hear .iyie Fail Printer of ,111eariatacht, Cocheeo,.S.yraget'et Duriveclrrt Aliens. Clyde, and GIAOT good thaeulactonee. rust opening, for veto by hiLaCKLHIT ocl9. tot Wood .t BETTFilte r &hen article tor ferailiase, rue reetived, and fox Meaty . • SIIRIVER & BARNES,oo.23 1311. 0111itt. 0. RUGAR-B.3C,joeß iit'd on con a 4111/Imint;arld for see by MILLER & RICKETRON ontl ; : & Libenr et. 10It tii row MK-23 easio M a.m.. , 0,, b.4uk lll l,market ale al the lowan price by 1 WS Al 3.I.ITCRELTREL CIIRtIE-400 bin Cram, Mat reed for mac by - eon. ' B & W TTER-7 brie Roll Boner, 7 brie packed do, justlendink forma, by SIX% 8.i,:,,,,i ri . E.nrys.RalßWS Deasy silk Vesta and istavedrs; . 111, Firlo . • ' Warns barony do; I do • Plain and Fey Silk eremite; Foto Shim, Collars, and Dosomsf Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Saspendeia; Tastily Red Dressing Gangs; Pinned 'Flannel Robes . . Ruda Bob,;stilt iI U Pocket Mt's; Wool and Buckskin Glover, Super Kid and Silk Closes: Sear* COM/011X, and Atuffiersi Jails randisul..d saevald W73 , G--75 Oa Oa Ytaek rleeiveo for Ne b 9 4 LWOW-8 SON & CLOUSE F H EATON 62 rounto