The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 16, 1850, Image 1
ESTABLTSICED IN 1786. • Pususiii - .0 ns WHITE:. CO. D. D v 1 1 ,171 ta..mtrr. 1".",. .TI.Non., THIRD .rO.lll, Nl= POOR TO I=l pa r _._—_— V ~ 00 par annum Tri•Vlicer •--.•—• 6,00 '• Viectly, advance).—'"r' '2,00 •• - a Clubs, at a reduced rata.: nal ell OP ADVERTISING! AGREED Llt - ON ■T Tl C PITTII IU U GiI PUICSI4 One 2201. e, (1011nes 0(120000220 or teas) ore Cthe Slat re, each oda iticnu insertiOn •• • 0,115 Ito , one rreek.••-•—•--1,75 11 , two wee) 5,00 11., three we:eta-- ..... —•• 4,n0 one 19LotA•—•—•• SAO t•rn months —. 2,00 re _lone months ..... 10,12) months• 12,00 ttrelve manths.•-• -• • 18,00 • Standles Card Is line. or less,) per artnern• 10, One Pt ammchangeable at pleasure (Der so naml rielosive of the paper -•• •• • • • e.SOO For e: rh additinnal square, Inserted °err one month, anc Rs e nc 6 additional aquars_limened under the year ly rates. half price. Adrenieements exceeding a equate, and not over fifteen bars, to be charged as a square and a half. Pal:libbers not . ..mountable for legal advertisements. oeyond the amount charged for Annoonring Cemlidams for °Mee, • in be charged the tame as utter adi.erUrcrlertts.' AdVert:SCIIICTII.II not matted on the copy fora spec% ded number cf Insertions, wtil he continued till forbid, and paymentexave I accord • The pnviloges of yearly advert:tem will be confined rigidly to Wear Keg:pot buslne,s, and till other adver tisements not pertamit g to their regular business, 11 aimed tor, to 1, pold erten. All alverdszenents (or charitable Institutions, Are mpathes ward, township mad 0:11Cr public meeti ad such like, to be ebarged half price, payable son nup advance, ll'actisge notice,. to be charged 50 cont. Death uobeen shoened withoue charyte, unless encase panted t p furors! myna:out or oblzunty notices, mid When so moon, patiod to be paid Mr. RegaLimideortiwrN.ureters sending comma _Meaner-, or requione notices deoenne to call atten tion to Yttrn. Soirees, Cocerrii. er any public cater tainmeMoc 'Atte charges ara made for admittance— all notice , of pilvale imsocitions—every notice de signed it ea I! ntenuon to p . m, in enterprises coicula tell cc mottled to promme Individual interest, can on ly be imictlod with the cm:demanding that the same tate be tejJ foe. If Mooned to he omermd In the le cal column, the mane will be tbutged at tLc rata of not lessen 10 eerm per Cisbup or Met Snores to be charged MP! , price, • Tavern L,cenec Vernier.. SC each. . . Legal .0d Medical adtentairocuta to be charged at tollpince Rest liswe 'Wets' and Anctloncere advertise- Mtn" not to be classed under )early raw, but to be allowed dies:Am of thirty three and one third percent 'sod. the ansonat of bills. k SLY Ca ThI•WILTLT DAIL, "...VI.. ne -k Oite re, tLltt I sK•IllullS• • •- • • • -el 51i - each neditionO lioerdon• •.JT enenrxennotenre 171 ONuarej pu ‘ihee.) one c"" each adthhahnl Insenion••—e4 " &II u.-I•Lent'adverasecceme to Iw paid lu advance. :WIIITIIL CO. Gaulle L HAILPEII. Po, .Rotrr M. ItIDDLE, Journal. JAMES r CARR n CO.. C+tonicto. FOSTP.RI iißufar.R,l)..spw.cL. JOS. SNOIVI/F.N, Nlereury. JA1111.4 W RIDDLE, America, 11111.101 K A ltir, livoulog rn-rets'aeo, Dee. 1, IRD. C A It I) S Jon:. A. PAXIC.I.II.OII, ALDE.P.I.IA.N, FiTh Wnrd, street, between O'llo.rt and Wolout. tovonc2s pro:upup a 4 waded to ooLyli _ ALttIAMDLaI. I.NVATISO1 1 ATTOLNEV AT I—kW—Dace, on Fourth areet aboso Wood. DAVID C. TOTTLUf AA TTORNEV AT LAW, and Committinner for Penc , ylvsnia, St. Corm, All communication:: promr:l7 Illeered. catiMtv ATTORN EY AT LAM--Other on rear. ottcet, balteell Smithfield and Gram, Parthurgb. • - =:Z=== A WORSEN' and ConliseFor at La.., and Commis /a. timer tar the State of Pennsylvania, St. Louts; tn, (Ina or Pitwheetki kekrences—Pittabureh: lion. W. Forward, Hamp ton k M'Candleva iJeCiure, John E. Par Se. 31meLls k :wimple, McCord k. BIDWELL CO., VORWARDING 1.1 tt e7Ts, GleirgOtr, It. 1..1=if1...1 y !laving permanently located et tbot place. • new and substantial WLarf Coat, we It•e prepared to re eelre and forward pronnoly to MI posou on tLe ricer, and Sandy and Beaver or tin° Conals. B fr. Co. Glasgow. Jane 15 wx..auArt ;ow , et.s.RA V. W. WOOD WA RD. : •• • aatr. B • ,• - • AOALEY, wounwn RD fr. CO. Wholesale iiro. ears, No 2kl Mork , .. Pittsburgh Alkali Works. BENNET4 BEKLI tt CO, Mtroutusrert of Soda Bleanhlng Powders. Matilde oz.:Satoh.," Acid.. Warehouse No—. WLIf t street, below Ferry . n0T20.11 - Frederick Braun. I:cora,: Hailer. DRAVN k 11.1:1TER, Who',ale and Retail Drag LP gilts, cora. of I.IE rm. and *t.. Clair urea., Parr ar h, Pa .Pt CA. MeANIJI.TV nCO, e,rwo.rd , rlK cmm mission Mer7l,n, Cu:Al Uzom, r,usmorgA TraiTA IVl:Nesa , c er, o.3.intgaton and C Forwarding Mt rchat.t, No 41 NV cicr et., Pim p. Ira lletoey• --- A nlrr emme• -• • K. I: .111C.11.9E V, PLNI, IN° 4. co., n051T11.9.511/1 MILIICIIAN'N—For the sale 47( IN,- 4,,,,,t1,‘V00ten, and Con , ,ndcalrr. to kinds of Tadnt•' Trlnv...,-.7.•. No I 4V0c.:1 st, Im door from F.fat. liefereacc— FILI! A. Co, Banzcrs I Ott I. SAM ) 16,3 RA. ino a IRVIN, CRSIMit , SI ,, N NIERC II AN . P.. , nod bill nrok,,, No 11/ `round Wee:, 1 . 111.1,1p,h. nue Not. a LT.... Eill9ll vo, 0.-.llacher /151 ) e ' r ‘ cZ:. ' ; ' Lr i a ' rld 'r e C nI " ;• - ; °° 1 n 7=r a n nndd For h .anufarte, No. 37 ood betvrecn and Id %Meta. 0,0 --7- - to - mt - tr - Rmw - T - .To 51, FNRoWlaedßcNoGat C os : q rgb l - - AIERCH m A r2 NT Stool , Yin bogy OM= ..r.rnar.o.stj tva•vica c. TtlaalO,l 11. N. POINDEITICIt. A. CO. . COM Mfr.'SION and Forwaro c , M ar . .VlcAvnu Poor Dea.e,b, No ON Markel ',c01., Phil./1.100 1/24 it ;La, B CH NOR LOO TOBACL'J CuLIIShION lIERCHANTS. 41 %cr. Btreen S. Yo. 1R :Cott Wharre• A. J. E1c, , ../koLt. t I.IIII..A.DEL.PIitA EDiora ti NlC.4,l>tom • . . friEtT::,Tr7.7.77:. 1 - 71 7 1 : f7Cy I 1-ree-) i+tf -.3 at . 1 1. . 0- • er 11.•• ! rat 111•• Merehnnt, for the of ittpfliella , t ?oft,. I.iherm JUD0...5 Dal It febl7 11••11, ant P. SONT.O. R ./p . r . , , / ( 1 . ::.1 , 1-....71 , „ .T. ,,, t 1) :,;., ,, C . 11 , 0 , C 7• 0 0 I • .4; 4i ttor i ood. ,A,,,,,,,, 4....,,, ,a •••... 4 ,0,Th tlarostacturott Fo! ' " I "I ' S . , Sittstntesh.. - Vio. hit, ...----... f W. P. a AILS uALL, Is , • CCISO• TO LS Xt. tta...l s. Lpl ... PORTI-'ll,& Dealer In Greueb and Auterstan I. et liana .:Ss and tior•lsra, Window Lade lira 4 pri Le mos—writ:rt., Yrintlnl and IV,TEr• • leg raper, :;:o N 7 tVOOF•lroot.netween Fourth street • d Ihautont alley, west side, Itlosburett, l'a. PaT•rlinviLan GLASS W 01413. 5. 01114 Ist•3ll3lW, late or the firm of Chan:Len, Ag vow & t , wieuld reipectfully trilorm Ito old es. looters and t!.e public generally, that will o l d &nue to ear, oil the Green Glass business, In all it tariedles. a..: s• prepared to 31; .11 orders tar Ape eater Fun,. Alincrul. Parlors, \holm, ohse. .11a:sling to b.s bowie.. His warehouse is No II t. abet sow 1.10 tween Piot & Rdsond aut. 14111:J3m °HAD a in Dye Ptdli, Paints, yd.. Varnishes, roe, No. Wood street, one ittain GOGH of Diamond Alley Plttrinargh. ap4 I - ERRS D.st2 Kr.L,AV 7 e sale Zir9e , :r, Cortartrosion IJ 3lerehar t, Ind deale lids? Prods - e and PittsLursh Itansfatere., No 34 ‘V et. Pitislmrgh. •p 1 .44 erg •notessr BAIAII Dil3l.lnt & Co., Wltat..llo GraICOTIL C 06.• littlalon Td-dehants, sod dealers In Produce, N05..53 Water. and 107 From street, Pittsburgh. narB loaf& PitherM•..—....—..—dosteph s'l — r .- T - trtit DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Grocers, and J• Agents 1 tr (i.e.,,! Powder Co., No. V Wood st., I.lll3barts. dc.ty PE - to7W - Nar:ND7tria - Airothee.rY Ml N. 43 lid•Ael st., three doors atmivo Third at. Plus trarg6, h•reter.stantly on hand • well selected anstment attn., best and frtshect hlsdmlce,• whreh ha will all on the most reasonable terma. PhYsleitta ndts orde l s, will he promptly attended to, and gaps µwit with nivel. they may ref na. 11 . 0 IV . ?login.% Prescriptions will he aceratedy and pcipar. d frnin tha test materials, at any hear of h Alao day or nisht. lor We, a huge stock of Hasa and goad Pad. may. 1013 loon Eloy.! - Richer!loyd. j& R. FLOYD, WURatale G.. era, COIXIIIII6 [IO, 4; &Inset, .:, and Dealers In Produ , Round ann.,,, trontinK ca Lit: try, Woodand Sirth nueris, : In .0 :I rn4. l'a. .074 41. CA 111::t", Agent for the latto Erie an a Rich:gar Lent to Deco er ere! the Lolres•--Ofta e an the earn. : of Water ena etnahlteld & ne—tereri•it C4l , C.o'nni.reion Merchant. (.1" !ft. Lr0.3:9 SI.GIS S.Vit littnery No It reeler .1L. , ',`.) front creets.lll . astureL •nt 3ticIIIHI • Nl:air:3 & ft:a:evoke • N. 111 Wend nue., l'etal: oath IOHN Witoterele and Iteuil deals In Mane col IL.leeteel inntrorornts, Echool :ken • eper, Sluice. t'nel rect. (4.11110. Pritrers' Card., on tralrmary•et.:rrallf, •• No "I ;Veal ••1•. rate>nreh. • on •• 'Crif.ANFI n, te or Waste n, Ohio,' Comm.- h, aien I.d ilorssisnliee lverehans t .ti wholesale dealer in Westerl Ch.", Miter, Pct end Petal Wet, •id Western Produce generally. :Vets, area; betWeea dLiSseld end sVhOil, Pittsburgh. Ms • .IKT:Ttist/Ntlhl end Ce Deuler• la Fred ace mad I . :ttabirrall xar , plaet la are4ni arltr. 1/ anal •aas near h rt. PEN =ILL, InT . ISI3UCIII, ENNEI - my. , Miter), rup-rt, 44 Carrta Chain, Como, Ilnint w.nb : liatur ' g.lO-1), AT'S ',art tem 1.'01(81 , 3.1.ER, ErrA Wr TIUNFIL, rill:V[4A. add BiNDKIL, dor. cr of kyl And Ilard straeu t rlllbdrib, F. iyakdif BUSINESS CARDS, Pittsburgh city Glam. Works. W. CIINNINCIIIAQI et. CO.. IfirANUFACTTRERS OF WINDOW GLAS LIL No 211 Market poem, between First end Seeond t Putsburgh, Fa. ffr Particular attention paid to odd sir., Alan, Patters in FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, Ite. w. rn„mattass, O. DUNCAN jysiLif D. crnatuntibt. Wm. Miller, Paged. C. W, Rickel/ion, Pit.blll.ol. ILLER RICKETi3OId. Woole sole Crocera, and Vi Importance Brandied, Wine• and seg., doe. CM and (74, corner or Liberty and rain strew, Pim. bursa, Pa. Iron, Nulls, Conon lemma, &r. &a., eon. gustily on band, api John 10 , 011. James D. Walter C. Roo MeDILLS a ROE, Wholes*: e 13 roam.. Nut Commis. sion Marabouts, No IN Liberty K 4 Pittsbu rgh ova RITTSDIJR-DiriffertWOßlCSD EtiSMl22=ll list lons, 101 l P. 1 4 1 1 • - & 4111001 vrAhIIPACTIIRERS of spring and blister Meal, lii plough steel, Mel ploegh wings, coath and elip lie sonars, hammered Iron males, nnd dealers in mal teable canting& fire engine tamp, and roach trirnminv %atm Front Ily, earner of Ross and P n.., frhtS J. &Ss t - strolos, Communion Pl•rotinsain. N 0.31 OW Levee N Orleans, keep ennntaidly on hand Khmer . mo d of Brandies of the follow ing brands, which they offer for sale as agent. for J. Darned & Co. Bordeaux. vit. Mastery, J. Erna& J Do. and la Co, lArochelle, J J Durand, Cognac, A de IR el le:1m, A L Bleville, A de Menders, Jean Laois. slso, Anchor Gin, BenleAng Red and White Wince In seeks and eases, selected with care by John Durand it:Co; besides Champagne Wino and Barem Burgundy Port. fennit vs HOLMES it SON, No St Market st, second Coo r N. from corner of Foorth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Elena:me, Certificates of 'Deposit, Bank Notes and Sped,. arColelettans made on 5 1 1 the P 113111331 cues brioche. the United Stems.' sod Lit6O — Flt /AP Wlll. SCIICCIIMANN, Third an, opposite the PostiOffice, Pntsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill heads, Showhills, Labels, Architectural and ihlacliine DrIMI.D!!", Business coil Vi.iting Cards, Am. eneru and or druie 11 on stone, end printed in colors, Gold, Browse or Innen, in the moot approved etyle, and at the m.o. reasonsble pure. octlith 1,) 001N•ON Lrrr LE co. •Er 1W Liberty street LL, Phusbuuth Wholesale, Poultice und Commission Marsh..., and dotter, In Pittsburgh Dlonsfue ores apt 7 lnf. ...MO". MIS LIT.. MANt... a, aammwty. turas, an all kinds of Foreln und Damning Wlnts and Liquors,No. I/ Liberty street On hand a arrry huge truck of superior old alunongauela walsley, which aril he sold lola (or ash. nevi 1... O. itaiNo.tok 1- L. SIM. DEVNOL.I7.3 fr. SLICK Forwarding and Corszezze. 'lon Merchants, E.r the Allevrzetly Myer Trede tale" Grocertea, Produce ezhetzurglz,hlanufae• toree n ard Chloride of Lnao The. Ittghe't price. in aeh. peal at all tonee for enhhAalerrs. Came Penn and Ire., Ate ar . r_ DOBERT CALZELL f --- 7.75.7117i101rzea1a t.zzzerre, AL Comoziaaion hterchanta, dealer. Izt Prodeen end Pitiabusgh Tlanufna:aret. Llizerzy •lecet , Putetzuree, Pa. R. A. (711.11i12431.1A1:6., IarIiOLESALi: (./ROCEII, Pro Once, TT and Comm...lon Merchant, and Lester in hue burgh Manataeturce, No =h Liberty %tract, Patanuten, II C. MACS MCC. 0111.ILETT G Whoer...t De.ler. 111 Foreign and Demeade Dry Goods,, Pro Wood men. Pl , strorch. upl7 kleriLeiok DCMCCI Flout nod Prckleze Kaneral: y, end Sem - an:mg and C . ...omissn ,Slerchanta, It:. Fire. street eecl 118 Second auvet.lkusltrah. • • 1. so.u.zos, ormaclay.. was NICOLA, sAmma. ELLEIIB & NICOLS, ProJac, anJ Goncrot oniasion Memhams, No 17 Liberty street. burgh Sp,roo,Ltuered and Ltid o,!s. op:7 - - - SaF VON BONNULOOST t. CO, Whoiela le C.ra erre. Forwerdlng and Corrontratoo Mereathu t Dealers to Pdtsburgn and Western Produce, have removed to their near tesretteuse, stand.) No. NI, earn o: Front street andtry Lane sot IIORIII9 at IIAWOILTII, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, F.Ast sldr Diamon.l. Y/lubvrqh. aaaL I. azmrrs..! fiIIItIVER S BARNES WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Cornewswern Mernhdrer, And dealer. In husbarah Manufactured Arnei Nac 130 and 132 Steond Between WoelA SmithGeld,llUSlAlith /01. C./ Ur 1101. F.S.O.F. ..rneer..., C 0.,. •43.1/ Mery TV und ire YroJuce .0 l'ttsourge 0* .1. fueturea, Lit env It , Vittst•ursa.l . a. erp,.. FLOC R-70 brls choice ramp). brln Superfine; 65 hr). Flne. amyl ng. 6.6 for malr by !mow, KIRKPATRICI. VATOVI.I) inform t e pubite, tt.c ...are taken VT vcarebov.e Jur:Lc - fly orea,.l by the : 5.210n - Aot s;caoyer, 114 ,coond .terry Harm; a la: or a. A 1 coramodioaa archu:a.,. thy: would loch. or [ ,, n0% r.1..,(14 t0f011.,11 or re. O. Or puma...and •.e• ME= BllZE=Mliti L. S. AV ATEft IA9 & SONS, W HOLLSALII ..r. dace tr. 1•1, , ,rgu r Crkr t.n.l Tobacco ATTOILNI:Y AT LAW, /i. 1.,. Pa WILL Alva at,rd ul. and a . l , oaa• CC" aqtrlarte, to Enal Iratler and A.:raatt• aoaaPaa. rialcr to 3. & R. F:orl, I °ltem = ) W. W. m...lee, do /woes :4 arvizall do GI y ;C. k. Co, Wood Ft I kx. JOHN PIIcFAOEII & CO, FORWARDING & (7,,51 aION MERCHANTS Canal Basn, Perm ~ r er., 0.6 4,11 , 17.3 fl• DAVIS 4:00,T, PRODUCE AVi, ei.oe It FACTORS, 2tfl Market, an., :4 Conr,terce st, Pfuledcpl:• AdUnta,cs omen, aither of tAc above. ou cancel, taunts of Produce to ctner Roue< mrr. UMMIIiffiRME . . . 1101.E.dALE & ItLTnll. FAbilt.V Ii ROCFRS, Forwarding and Comm...lon Merchants, a :I dealers . Coutry Fnsdnec And Pittsburgh rtianutat.• tares, earner of Wood and Flab strects, Pittsburgh WIS. H. WILLIAMS £ CO, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS Nunn Exit corner of Wood nd Third street, lent . Priessotaci, Ex. 11.1,0• LIT, WWI C.611.11r5, .• W. H. 111.2RW•213, tar m Baba &Co , olannte (ooceo, lb and 20 Wood .meat, Falabatlth. •pil ions u. Isrtcs, DAVID tecADDIADD. & IiPCANDLF , SS, Imareessors to L J. Li TY tVirt,) Wholesale lirarere, Forwarding and Comm. , lon Mer , hrintin dealer. In Iron, Nails, 0 1 . 1 ., Cotton Yarns, and Pitt , u with Manufacture. general ly, corner or Wood and Water a treell, Pittsburgh. " 17 Whinerals Oruro., `A qtr. Rertifying Chewier, nod Whig and Liquor Merchant. Also—lmparters of Pada AO and Diem& Ina Powder, No. DO Liberty street, (app.. Id.stli • !yet.) PIM/Inapt. apl7 iAT AV:WILSON, Watches, 17;irelry, beer Wage • •and 3111ttarY thic , d, comer of NIArScl stud Fount, streets, Vittsbviett, vs,. N. IL —Wool,. and Clocks carefully repaired. not Tonna. J 03.11. B. aityns. 1 - g nu. YOUNG & Co., Des.lets I:sten:bet, tildes YV fee.,143 Liberty street jesily MX 1..4011. tor, WCG in u: LW , . W i d t.Z. ,„ s ? , / I,.CL p r rCH . l::ri t , ,,,,, l , V h r tlea.. , , e co :[.. , ,art rdisblagn ASanufrman gencrell;, latterly crt.— Pittobwrh. $.07 --- 00.PAILT N 1748111 P. IHAVE taken WM. CARK Into partnerrimp with nee in my banners, which will from tom dutz he eurrierl en under the nr ono of "John Parker rk Co " Alma tot, MM. JOIIN PARKER John C.I. JOHN PAILHIgit & 00, Wholesale Game,. Dealers to Proziaa, Fong ;Virus, Liqaors, Old Alonastgahsla anal Resaified Whuhey. No. 3, Comm,rclni Row, laberty erect, ca3o ellt.lia rRh, P 1..111{1. ;051117• WIK. NAV PALMER., lIATiTIA 4/1. CO (Snetesvors to Ilu.ser, Ilanna tr, Co.; BANKERS, EXCliAhaih: 1:110Kh:119, and dealer. in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Comfit,. e i f GerAtinite. it and—North went corner of Mad and Third airrets. Correll. rniniiry received on deponte.—.Sight Cherlin tor .ale. and 'collection. made on nearly all the principal rAirrs the Untied State.. The highest rnrelgn an.: A,ari Gold. Advances wade on con sir :men.. hr Pi vdace ; .h.p ped East. on litotral yO, Vrilt74. sect.Vho I k Lona Wrl. A. I.I , CLURG s CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, pro 256 ida,ty nee a, Haw, always on hand inrse 61,Gr11-,nl of GL o ,o I.roceries and Fate Teo, a.•o. Yemen Fruit, mud Nall, Wholesale and ftetall, Ocalrls suppllert on tF. tern• ma lt noLa OLARtI WOILH O. JOSEPH D. AL r:LL. ANUFACTWIFR OF .3 fel IIN GLASSWARE INA Vials, Bottle., and kiosks. Pent., Seruch Air. hlintrat Water. Palest and Wine Dovdes of every des...Option: &ay. OW GLASS. Kee con. gritty on hand a ',esti assortment of the abo ps ve art!oles. ALS!. STAII'IL as the other Green Gloss Faetorirs are 411. l mut, us Is the eastern In sesame', Tuts FACTerI to 0010 IN TOLL OTTIISTInn, end will continue in operation Lath summer and winter Orders respectful!) toll:Ord. as,d Mill in filled on the Clone. node,. W 'rehouse. No 113 Second 1:0001, bagmen Wood and Sletthfleld eta. Pinsourels. lyYrdly VLit P. P. SIIP.IVER and 011 AS DARNES 71 tddvdaY apwel.sed themseiventneretb. , ' e 0.111 1. 1 sn lira fr. Donee, for the tranaledon of the Wnolesate Omer,. Produce, and Commisden bum. nom. at No 13U k Recohd Street, nel. - nce W;od and Smithfield at Pamburati. Al en t, ORO —au WOOL 7 WOOL 1 blzheet market price In Chah will be paid rm E. the &gamin :r u de. of Wool by Ilk. W iinanAunti sasememessessresasam I 3 0 • lbs for s e by_ I •ep23 1.3 A rAuriwroCK A CO 'I; PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 16. 1850 41SCELLA.NE01 • WILK 1/58 yoURTIS STREXT, PITTSBURGII, PA. wins magnificent es-abliahment hem em, now row- I teem: and ready for beetles., the proprietor would tyspeelfely oghats et We public. patronage tie tan.' , by g,eing hit. full atm:atm m thr Mmes., t „ tent , t h e h o us e ',pleasant end comfor the' resert for the caixens of hole/wet and for e country generally. Good ensndents mill be in waning, and merry ex ertion glade to render the establishment worthy Ills mantes nes nod pitonof an mislngent comuttintty The TWO PPACIMVS lIALT-9. fitted for Pam., Concert, Lectures, Bel, and public meetings, will ha let by the evening cc. Week, on as liberal terms so any other in the The BAR and RfiSTAPRMYT. equal in style and beauty to any in the world, will be kept furnished with Pure Wineu, Ihoice Liquors, Cordisls, Potters, Ales, and all the coal. light, releentmenissithe !wagon. Poultry, Game, non, Soup, Oyster t; and Clams. served up lo the best style. The DINING and ICE. CREAM SALOON, being on the first floor, and easy of access, will be ennsiiintly supplied with all the I.theuries and Delicaeics of the mason: and also, with such substantials as the markets effor,l. Boarr , ik by the day. week, or yeti.. Dinner. or Surpert for intim:due:6 or pernei, (manned on abort nntire. 6i• atierven with their laugh.. vuittinii user eau, he variplied With retrerhuienta of all kind it arty hour et the oaa Good Stabile, end an exteneive Livery Eetablinh• Tennis concerted with the tttU r a rer nt 1 o'clock Greek fuel nod Ten at the usual hon Entrance for Ladies :a Inc Ice Cream and Dining Saloon, No 47 Smithfield girgov K II V N RENSSELAER a. sotirramvar, (a. WEST”VILLT, ra A• WESTERVELT & SON, `x ' FELL NNOWN VENETIAN BLIND AI AKE11..9. kerp constantly on hond or make to order the hest aruzle. in their ni their old wand, No. 13 Clair stroet; al., at No. cd hlarket insect, ...coed story, entrance In the Diamond. Vet.. .Shutters made to order, •nd old blinds neatly reonired. apse I.V. Ca J. OLEAN. Book Blesdara. WE are still etignced in the above busioesa, cornet cf Wood cod Mod streets, Pittsburgh, wheel we are prepared to do aoy wont is our line with des patch. We attend to one work perwnally, and satis faction Nv,i he given In regard to its neatness and dn. rability. 131.1 hooks riled to any pattern sod hound sul - $12,131111 , 4 Books in umbers ore:dig:was bound care. fully es repaired. Names put on bunk. in gilt/enc... Those That have week In nut lin , arc Invited to call. Prlees few wirantl 113 WlWlTMAN—Mantfactnier of all kli,d• of cot 11a turt aNd orool'en mac: ocry. A lt,gl,cur Ott!, P. The above Works hr., Lour t,, tall .1 •ave ... ,• ratto,pminsse t c. •Il n kind s of ma,ln d t,eto x y a t r., . recite vOen • h , Lucke ra, spreaders, cards gr,nclz - ,1 1.1t1• • •. rams •. Ring framts, apectle, thrarals looms, se.l4 , ca, c..xds,dottl.:e aim le. mcre&w.t coantr, work mulcaoacits.&c and 1..,..1:adte• an& toel• t/. ten eial. All kinds of shafting made to ord,,, sr plans giv en for granny factories or Inglis at r , ,sonatilc charge , Itairea To—Kennedy, CLild. & 1' . Lliartstnrl. licit BENNETT . 4 BROTHER, QUEr.N.,NANF MANUFACTUREIth, 111r=lairham,Lnear Pittsburgbd Orin, Na. J 7 M 0.,. rt,' detnarn Maria and ircod. Patabwrgk. ;ifSt ILL coronae:l) keep on hand a good amen . ~elll 0, W ar.; of oar own cmnaMedure, and superior qued , Veolegal and coanry Mar chant. are ic ‘ tee:felly irm e ied to call t and. • lamina (or ;tae tiL mit are Comm:dead to aell shaper that ;meow...a:Ore data ollered to the Oat- Ile. I,7•llrder• sent cy wadi, accompanied hr the eas:i or sad reference, will he prom;:/, Lc- mr6 1111MV: coAcri MACTORT, • NT pi A wlirrr t'ut., won.-1 rcr,eetfuLly tnf'ora tie Nth:, tac: they hair r.rd chro on Lara.t, hotweert aed Sc.roloalty curet, ":.:ey are now ctett:ng etc preps:fed to rcer:ye or ler: for oven descripqao of c.cciefe Coachey. roneLer,ltnarec.. I•ts.a:to:::, A. from ut-yr 10(1r raper letlSem lac car.nalsettirr of the ILJO, AV,.. •4.1 the fartlmor they hove:they ronodeut they ore en.ahlod to do wort on the them tau.. *to: 11. ere TC.21 , 4.,1111.1.1r• Paying rArt.tealo: att,toon to tne seteetfort of mate rial.. a:A has toe none but competent worteorn, they have ho ia w +trent:, thear wori therefore hit tho of tl.r poo.fc to th“ matter. N. R. Rep....rule done tr. the t/flll wanner, and on the moot rea_tona!,e ter.. P.•r. rrwmcm WOOO 51Aka.: I'm:lnnen, st-INTINUE w rualturtrturc al• of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET ICON WARE. Also, 131aok srtito Work. Spemal xtten ;a4,Lra t`ollt ort. on ban , -•sorttneat of ro r and B. Keltle.,Tta • har Ac. Svan,o•• Cootit.g "Royce, Pona,:t For, ea. r•r,oa •.;.ra-- very I csaven.tent M urk lot tataiatioata, Ckaiona.. cazaar•Ltt, or tail toad catap < 1•0,1 d r4 , 62<ctful:v inr.te ...ea,. boat man and other. to ,a.. 1 taod a sc, e •rc , a• and paces bara: purre a•le ei y,rt,ro Wrought wisil Cast Iron Halting. rill , . II üb.,rit•er. lux,. to Inform the prt., I. they here ctatuae4 nom the rul tb , ,ste and fotadonable tletufn.s frn Iron Itoning. both for bong, and eel:tn.:ere., l'enor, *righiet to procure Emt some re:tr.:rm. nAll please roil str.4 czscunt,al,.l loss.roc ow itntrnt. ..oil...n.nustke.l at tee .rion estnee, lin tea be.: n.Anner, et th e corner Cro n and lie,e,..slteent,Allerbeny city. .00 0-Ott A. LAMONT ir DE , ratn. nadrrs, t • • ..;••: ••. • • r..,•• atoea.latre ••t or Ci.a, • r.a•ul Bat. krk.11 , .. • .ie e- • a. fancy Vututop, cot ton er:J e •ar. mar •,!•. a2cler try arliam tar ro: •orna and summer. 1‘ Delna 0.11 , 0,14.1 C the a. autv,arart. or quaturny a( the %wok, the prar.ater nor an who or. In war, mail matte r . .othee. lain alas tk“.. a •• baOrk itll , llll.k the A:iegh:nles that c•a. ewe; •re iffig!M===l • Rat' road coatr•etors. merthanta, and al, who porchaae laraely. are pa..rcr. Orly rovited tor 2.11:11/. the BYoc k hcfore pur , :ilar,.{, ar particular mr• tectrea ta prud to the who:c•ale baaracas la dlr. nta, fishmeal flex 7 smote In the tnolotins tote made to over the coil fuotatonnble sod viii manner, at the channel IMMO THE partzt•rahq , lwrc:oloto n, elude, th, of A & BR A 1.,1.t.V./...1.••u. ,e. 11.7 ate der,aw 0 , Nlr. C Brue,ley ,e carried oa A Bradley, who wall relic lie I , t.4nes. of If, late. firm. REMO , / IlloarLsl LILO t.0..v01l bas Voandr7 %Vat, boas. from No 111 .t4cond .trect. to - No 19 Wood atreetbemrcn Firit and ~., : cond atrcets, tour care. honan Ia.!) necopted by derry, where be wili ter p uonatantly on band a genc,al aesorultentof Can. Inas, Waft", htuvez. Cooking Stove.. fr.e SAM VIC,L alollf.ldL ICIANUFAGTVREH 04".,cAST STEEL, and No.l In. end No t [merle. Blistar Steel. Also.--licAl CA.: Steel Ftle.a, or all slum, and Ellsokroallp and Shoo Raspy, slam,. on hand and fur saie, nailer al ala.. E agle elLrol Yorks,. O'Hara .trees, Fllttt Ward, or at the office in we Iron Store of LIIJLI.AIANS A li.A /IRV. SON, No I, fool r.f Wood etre., l'or.borgl,. sr.r.rr.dlns =EOM We, the under...gee& having aw,h, with entire set tafaebun, tie Ca.t :'eel and Fib, mede by Samuel MeXelvy, at his Eagtr Steel Work, to ihta city, take pia avute in 'l...niacin:ling them eq.l in cuahty to any ever used by 00,01 foreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, 0,1,w . . . .1 Situr.NuEmiEß cu, hhatulactotera of 1(013.d Nail.,,PlualAggb, Pa KNAPP A TOTTEN, I run Foundrre and Moolonuot, Putsburon. Pa. COLEMAN, lIAILMAN & Manufacturerr. of &prle, ',lire, Spring Steel and Mee., Pim hurull, Po. F & W M FABER, Engine Sadder, and Martino Card r.ra, Patatrumb. Pa* A MILTON, inc... Founder, Porrhureb. Po. GRAFT,LINDSAY & CO, al•nufseruf err of Iron end Noll, Putsbureb, .ICr.SEPII TOMLINSON, Locomoir re Engine and St..p Builder, Pltobursh, Pa. W WALLACE, Marble Manefoolurer, Aflame and P.nrinelluild• coruu .r. Pa:oho - run, Po. TPartnershtp heretofore exteong between the 1 ruhae.rittera, under the faro of Chambers, Agnew A. Cu.. Glass Manufacturer, urns doosoived by mutual Snnzeot, on the first day of J al), oilman, All peewit,. owing themselves Med to said firm era reflect ed to make payment to either of the pantos, without delay. and all persona barmy, unsettled sement-e with cad Om, are invi:sa to ?resent them for amtlement tenmedsately ALEXANDER CIIANDERY, .10114 AGNHW, D. H CHAMDE.H.B. ammo pill: owner. •,,d consigner , rends arrtring by the of:lure:la Portable Bost Line," will please tare ootlee that they will be required to pay freight at our werchouw, arcorthog m iliareceipt, before the roods are removed. I' A hIeANLILTY h. CO J, I Waahln, litoaV i t u n i t and '.ff ig offin•lini D:.tcrlono—Yui the clothes Into cold water and let thorn aunt oat, bight In the morning wring than out nml put them inw • kettle of boiling water, to which add lb. propartioo of one pant of fluid t, right gallons of writer—stir it up and Loll the whole twenty minuieg. 'I he domes may then I.e wrung ont iell rinsed in Hoar cold wine,. Tito pans or eat mem. ihlt may t, nowt soiled, so wthirwrid. 0 . 1,, Or shirts. 1:117 Le soghily tqt.bed before ain, nod the el,Mc• tool pct.,' Clean, telotr nod clear. Wermenett u. t M Irpre tt,n f.hnennd :a rev pctlcet enn4facrnn. or tbe 0,0003. e.ft d wt.:elude EKLLVItz , 'Xnal rt MaN2M BE= 1,1 N pertinence of n /1 - 11n1 1 1,7 1 of to Board of Direr tors the .veinbd, nrrer. and .1,1/ le•ropt, C•drpa , :„ rennettme th• dee ietary to mn..• not and r .bra to h• Nadler:nil the nenrepope, nlner 0,0 line. an anti' , ; qf the neared:ll and other elfelr• nl ,^e r , . I p.a..rnit the felloerin; Heron.— Th e hoc of rtic mph commencers nt rievelard and termlnate• nt Vittrhero, peaeing throeel Chedtrlr. Fr- nk .in. Newton rally, Warren, Yeanamown, and coma, in the limb, of Ohm. tel New Castle end floeherter, In the Stole of Yentlelle•ntn. at Which points there are Whets located for the receipt and u at. r•t,on of businees u o whole lernr , h of the line IN led 011.01—Cep,,,,i V per nule, snaking IN Intal capital at el litslued amount *10,203 to held by this,. alone the Ithe, arts the bal.nee le held vy Cornell & Spool the conlreeters. The above amount of sob .ertptiona by eltrkens, hove heen pent to Cornell & Speed, for witch the Tresiera have their receipt. Jeltdd /EFFERSON BALM, Stermtar, TO BOAT 'MILDER& 100,000 feet Resioned Deck Nowt; 100,000 feel OW Ilea B,amg For Bale by ROBERT MO/NIGHT, ic2/4/Itf Attormsl Youth INSURANCE. Slate Initial . Fire Immune Company, HARRISBURG, PA. THE ecrY ' , hero! Ponmearc extended to tht• eons- Pony , henna issue4CMl te the amout of near Ot e a• d a I 101 l Billhdon[lo Collars, doting n M. lot tl. re months, it thetent manifestation of the CM!. ushuon woo enafidence of pot tic in the systent of ameescrocut oti which it. bur, em m conducted • Phl clty or country merchants. end owners ot In• • an , oo'cird nr cram raorerty, it is believed M.. compel, affords adorn secs in point of cheOP , et, sate, sad security. no Inaucarec Cl ,t, 80. mth,. Conduct.. i o, toe rpultn, r gyraCy improved • cielaatification of Itlyk...axeMdfng an speeds I • lontoYe on'r a hunted 'amount in .1 One lor luny, M. precluding the frequency and oectirtence, of large firea, aril al. 01: both the Smck and Mutual pies. it not oniv pass..., the dompo the d ccent ...lCl. , or hut attn.!.Brand to • ertiripotior in thn profits talk' r Ibc ons Snot of the foliewint lid. r P Rutherford, A. J. Collett. John If . fester , Samuel T. Jane.. Alonzo A. Cartier. Philo C FOP yci k, Robert Elms 1 P RUTIICRFORD. Pres% A I on.Limr,Sec'y. A A Comma. Actuary litanch Oilice for Western Pennsylvania, 61 Smith Cr I tter, Polatrargh Pert/opal draining in...MAIM , wi be turhothed ante books of the companY by ULU' at toe eel - - Life wad Meath lutuagasteos T 111.: Blatant 'Are and Health Insumnee Company 0: Pfilladclphta, irtrorponued by the Legislature of reansylinstaa, March, 1-18. Chaney perpaqiu. Colnal t SWAM* Rican town rm. ANT 1.1,7041L v•Na Custranr, sod hall Ti per cent lower then the Wm al rat. of Limo lusurmer. the following nom. par.son will abet, Thu., a person of the age of MI PR PO, ing for SIM for Ilk, met pay in the Girard 92,3 Ce• e• )Ivanta, Penn Moan, BRA Frontline, 111.,.4; Now England, 31-36; New York Life, Al bin r. 82,40; Life and Health, Phtladelphia,lll,al. _ Insectuas —.Rommel 11 °mot, Ch.les D. 11all, W. F. ninon, Robert P limns. Charles P. Hayes, ht. W. Ballwin. M Reeve. II 11.. Chas. O. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Baker. E. 11 Butler, Marin R. Cope. Prestdont—Samnal B. Urn.; Vice Pleat. Jac P Sec rota ry—Franca Blackbarna Applicant,. will be received, and every lutormation givsm by RAML. FAICSESTOCK, AO, OM., Commercial Rooms. cursor of ocCe.dir Wood and Third sty, Plllfbll4h AND MARINE IN SUILANCHL r(a tilt INSURANCE CO ut Artleflth Teltl flake permute. and art pro perty In this city nod vtchnty, and en ahlpracco t.y Canal, litum, Lagos aa.l tea. The propei lie..,‘ ;Ma Company •re well invested. and farm. au avail ably fund/at the ample indemnity of all perm. who douse re be protected by insurance tart,. WM P JONES. Arent, 4.1 Kttr. at Fir. amid ITlarlbs • Ina ea , or t.‘,l • rab•cetbcr, ~ebt io/ Pit 141 wic old and tr.poll Corry•ny, wl.l PLA.. Pullems on Bullthng. and LG11,11,. ali.l 1, • Merch•ndote by r•p,ub Boats .4“e elucr P .111NRES. todcra and Antiqut 111'111111f C JAMES W. VI. 0013WILLL, F 3, Tnvu tSr.. rirtssra4E. • Respectfully intense Ma that he ha. cora. pieted tits spring at et o FURNITURE. the oagest and moat aii,ed •.. cement ewer ofered tor sale in this city, conspitsintr seven: seas of Rosetvocri. Sl•itoossit. and titan Wal.frr, carved, ornaments. and plain t sultabio idr Parlor, Draworte end Rocia• i lltqo art:A.l, i 14a sold at the lowest peter, Per - eons destrini• Curl:lmre or any description. are epectially invitee to rali aud examine Ina coot. which coal:tract, every neserintion. from the and plainest to the tor, e.essic..l.l ero,la. of art ...if the folio urine compris, a pa Tete sTete cora .. P., a Teie sea, Onnveraattos i•st.. a. Receptlon Lop., XIV ii:atenslon Rule. Etutio,, What Nets: Loot. XIV Ce1.11,1,.re, DO km of Volt Cost' ou Sofas w .ts core. 10 3it Mahe'"", ir I's : l am _ ye it:•1 5:1`1, . .• Ms I.oa •.) R. , ' l . .•• 71,:e• Matngl, d' •,.... t.tiat-y A very tarp. it,.rtm.,:o. t',[1,...:1 Chitin. oth er Furnoult tnyJ yl4 .e anorte. bUtle• • S --Caemet Meer :ert tuerdded soe, of Mahnezer, Vd• eet a red. ed Dl•tre.o. • HEILSEV, FLEMING L\r„ CO. uece kOIC. T,I1: 19, MIME Wool en. , a, are 4. , ' ..d, ,•! act, y prlcac etc., },".• Mae Lnd .an Dr” • , t.,arr foods t IL az 1 Ca....t0w.. ~ • ... 1 wlrv. , 1...t41. • rant , y do Re I 1 - .1.1d:1,1 raper4o. Fetury 1 , ..-ed• , e.: P...1.1q., 80,X11.111, Saver lliwt Orem3 C.oth. Tatlnr, l'w • ..peas. be•Ty 1.0 Sa.por 110..- .... Bro.. Lnens. SO, .... Soper t...,.‘ . . !Lhab .s:tstc :. te I . • r•I ^r O r r ),en r re r 61.4 • du Lane n fl .t.d. 1 4 ,811111 ne • nturr:: Vcrams•. Ihtb • Graln e I .5 4 ,1 ,1 to, Drown Lan attnr., , 1 lte 41' str4“•<, :•••• I• 7 Wood • Pittsturpt 1,1 1,0,30 it;r; dare rit,rorverl tr.orral ••ra Nlcrorr. Illarkc revr.l br, for w" • rrusrr . 7 th:crrnr ~m rir. trl cr..", Ir. 1..11 , 11 — ‘11 'Or r kNIL-I urttat,t, att.l3• yr• taaetter it. clic GAinc , Itt • tt. , IttettKate ta•ttutat t.ta rtata ,•tc•, attl. Itta.ttra. tic , at thr ttta.,l at Jac tatc ate. t'tt,..tat ltatla ar Item Ca—. tatt!: Pt, t tica—,l to rtt , t•c tun rat aXacit 11. e t LIA taut, l• 0.44 :totter &tat tartt friends 1,117,11.:NO lIKK. BARNES re,itlhe ire. the tau. .t CoheteLpl-, Hurl... Co., I gr:u etucele plesoture rhcorethen.l ..... . Burke d. Bernet to the touhecuee of en, It., ha- •Tei thr lel, 1., IVY. : 4 ATlteNtica. C..NhcrAIILF. kt. 1.11.4 If C. AuauTtaxtra Uri AS mo return', l(oll: Le Kaorr. Coley, and I^ rceetyloK • I•rec vyne ynl teyy...1.11 , 14 Geed, to oho, he r^,ceuuliy In•ora the a ttet Jon of mere b On, and pcOmre No Y..% V. ,o 1 at (clot! WALL YAI•EH—tr Y SI...asLyLL ~ tunnu,77l r,eetytiog. from the la:(1.4 to...ufacturLes Neo 1 t.tto and a n hem rm..a aoenrk, the tn-wro cot 9.7llayproy t k, y t y of P a . y , 71 tygether evol. Yire yobard PM.. aryl Tester lor yr.le at t) Wood 11, in twee , . Fourth o .04 DIOITInIId alley, (sk...realer to S C. 111141 ICETALLM , 3:Pa , -4 htlyjYßlreo J per LI per steamer, at pre ,rte.& and rerfemers Warehouse, conies of &Mit anal Wow., streets. j N WICK KRS/lA2O. •rIS 0111LBSIVAL !STOVE POLIEII 111 I E blandfaciartog Conignna now nrer to the public their Premium Chemical Stove Polish; and sunhat: , megeration, or fear of contradiction. by those who hays tested It, pronounce it far wawa to any other in the market. The c need have no apprehension, of soiling elrprtli.on•umer he , is Its corn. pnehron prevents • duet from among when being ap. rad, which must he done when the Stone in cold The quantity required as ao iota .0 produce a beao• Infal larare. A saving of over fitly per cent is insured to the ron,mara. A coating applied to "hives, Pipet. b.e , when laid away for the aumthe., is a ours pre. ventative anal not rurt A ft er hiving vted ti , lif It I...accessible) no person wl.l uer any hat e the Pone era hihnefecturing Comp..) ; rrronuot Coen , nal Stove Polak. PVT sale by S N %%ION:HS111M, Corn(, and Wool streets. 11101361:1..DIAN ZINC. TUF. Viettt. Mout ..P'S th , tr.tgort. wtilt Rooltitg atott ‘ tog H. ghee.. lalfrol. from It to outtre. per Cortoent.d to aborts UT, 07 0., for t n. . t.11.,1!3,4 and depot. nip Sltonth.l.. 4 t , , tont •nto attt 111.11., t-t, %tr., :aorot rrtforstrd Ztot . . They rant Lt,r mr:el purr, 4.1 free from 1 admixture at au,4anre, and re• commend ot me,muctare of moxi &ruck. in the noun tut:. 31un t : i a. it dor. bot tust s jp tint ialee , c4 Ity the &rube 41 1,11:7, and rely Le painted. and 02,..c.1 taartiple, snodtls, arertf,atzona. and oil.. Infortuatlon may Le had of thea egAnk - M'eaLL h Sruomn, New 1 1101.11,11.1 & C4l, !kw ou, NLITIANTIVITEIIeh. Co , Pluladelpina: IM=B=t2M MILLI ROL K. 11,1 , 1,, AMIt Ilmnnvcr st., • - . run 11 Afool“neranhy of 1,10111,m , wl.l tem.- 110•11^,In, 0.-na.•nd enotofo,ronc4, in 2 vrols. ',HO, I,W, Day Pn, -No VIII, litco , y of IMI•15 , Ily Jar , h. Niartsn 11-'1 r orth, • . wotk. rr^erird ler stir ir II C Cr", 51,11,.t .I.l.lnlrt ,t BSI tr.Tv-1 Writ:one A ' II /I tbslots,,,,, 1: ales Arr., ear, Co•rotoirol foo , lttor.'s f Maftllnt,'• I' try DIV.,' l'am Ltrandrelh l t Ellls, r,soutoo: it?eyls Cherry reelors I , Istattl.ln ion a 57 rut, Wlstar's SICIOSO ts , Wlld flltersYl Moyers''Jarmo. and Tar, Bull`, and '1 . ..m05...1's Sarvt.t‘t Lad.artes tloeciftc, Ospood's f:tioloyirgee; Trask's Magneto, t:.n.smot. Swarm's Panoe-tr Allen's N. and LI 1 InIISIITO A fresh lot of lt.c avore Ittlle:C11 lost reortlyed los We by J 1111.0 to CO octi 6O Wood st T AKEN to Intstat e, from the steam boat Poet Nat, Key of °otter...shed J AO7 tmformauoa rearming than seal , balltalalfully replayed ocao wm u JoaritsToN _ROOKS - MUSIC, ,to NISW BOORS. AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third Weer, opposite the Poor 011lyr. DAVID COPPERFIELD, No lb Loudon Art Journal for October Ldnallla Living Age' No lea; The Va Farm; or the Anusblnyjnpby of en Or pboy Edtird by Chariey J. Peterson. Pettiellfft liOTC1110t1.1l; n new novel, by Al re. Trot lope. Wayrsce TPIIIDIC,O6. By Charley Lever. The Iron Mask—Dames` by•, work, complete: Loy of Yankee MK tionovievenor Pleasant Love and Borrow. By A Do Lamar me. • Doamn ilb*kYPe.r.. No 26. oeTS lIILW NUM° I PILW DIVSIO TENNY LANE; a bean:Hal Ethiopian Smug; as ming, k.P by the New °Deans Serenader; De watchful and beware; Oh! Dinah, take Dila hand; The MaideniaT/SII The Rich Man's Lade; Would,' were with dice; New By Yo rk; ths Sad Sea Wave, as sung by Jenny Lind In The Pint and the Maiden snug by Jenny Lind; Take ti lade. sung by Jenny Lind: Tarn not away; a beautiful dart. by S. Forcer; Sleighwe Polka; by Surktah, Jenny Lind invitation Good Lock; tent at the Gate; Invino, and Dm, worth's very best Polka, Mira, new W.lttes and et. tenet ye sett ction of Galt s r litreerpton , of hem mar on. II SIEBER, 101 Third street. Golden fined,._ -- DUNHAM'S PIADOS. Sots Agency for Dusabausn'a Pianos. HKLEDER take. pleasure In announring to the e public that be lion rucceoded In seconng the sole agency for Dunham's celebrated Piano Porter. Int %Yemeni Pronsylvanir. The Plume made by hlr Danham, of the firm of Sudan & Ituutinm, are ton well and:favorably known In nu. neighborhood to requite any comment •t this time, suffice it to ply. dirt fors long time an other piano. were known in the Westaru comdry than those of Swann & Dunham and Prunus& Clark Mr Duo!. m. 'or protocol partner of the above firm, hat ,prat upward• el twenty years In the fac tory of mud firs, as practical manager and director of On business Within a year or two Mr Dnaham hut bought oat the entire fir ion and appurtenances of the firm, and continue. to tioraufoittu re, as before, in his oven name. Dunham'. rillEoll have attuned sock. popularity, that In some of the western clues, Otorin. ac . they bare sold two I, one of env caber nutnulacture They ate distinguished by their power and tdilltaucy of tune, mid estraordthao dutahlllty. N. large Invoice or the above ale gg t Plane now receiving. SIGN OP THE OOLDE-N HARP. 0010 RECEIVF.D Hs. day from the cast: - I.A Serminde—Schtube rt . IA Serenade— A rranard Does Jeannatte and Jenne,, Far (:char Voter of tor gone days— how , Away down it Cairo—poster lie Warehral and Bearare—Gloarr Heade, many other popular Songs And Piece.. KLEBF.R, repl3 Sign of the Golden Harp, Third et HEALTH, Illse•se, and Remedy. By Dr. Moore. Adelaide Lindsay, • novel. By the sailor ol "Letuee Arnold," "Norman'. Bridge," h 0., dz. Life and Correspondence of Roth. stoothey— part 1 Gibbon's Remer—Sin and Glb vol.—completion of tho work. Received wall for sale by seigni RD STOCK'fORI VOIGLISU GRAMMAR -"The Englist, Language in .Eg be element. and Parma, with a hoary of kr origin and deentopeinent; drained tor owl in college* and schools. Wm. C. Fowlar, late proleasor Mato.° In Amber. College Aso-moony—The recent propene or Aetronomy; nerectally In rho United States. By Elms Loom!, - - Plan yea. of . Homers Lite in the far interior of Small Africa. with L the !satire tribes, and anredolos of Ile chase of ance. ins lion. elephant, hippopo tam., (Invite, rh4noverus,.n e. with illastranon:. Ky it G. Cummins Knot 1 for aale by It C SrOCKTON 47 Market it QM= JL , Fr rtreived H. NI-EDI:WI* Nu,. S:urr, :tan fe.ovrlng Snna.— Is tic Eye Mere ~e• the Heart I Lov• Eu, Thee. The WeteLer. The Wilt. and Red Roses. Nene/ Uri , . Ile doe th w.!l Iv over. •Vlrtorre re now E. hopes I fhen•b•.l I .I•aereniale. .p 7 081.: FOSTER; or Me .lystertes of P,e Colin of R Lon4on, vol 3 of the. I ClereirlAng ' , Marl L. been reerive4 g,i Aoltue. , lAterary Depot, Thud *Tree, oppowe l'ovtpdlee; .10, Ellen Parry, or Trial/ of Me Heart, DO (naves, lieorge Ca‘mot., •ornioned Soandell , eg limy of Allnne, b• Clement C Morro. L. I. U . and =2 of lattelPe Lormg Ave up.+l --- Jast Recelv•d, A LARGF. and estensler as.runent ./ PATH:4T A AIKTAI.LIC RUBBER FABRICS, among the almost endlesa rartr'y embraerd In the 65.0111na1n, m ay be loand lbe Bon, Covers, Carnage Cloth, At: Ik,L., Alt Pil. Waarr Pan., Tnbaern Ponents, Fla/no, Boats, Coate, Cape., Cloak.. Talpanlnts, 3101ena, Pouches, liars, Punts, 11n.•,11nor spring,, Marian< Bandtus. Po,l' NVestc,., Ha anus recline, Camp Illapke,.. P.prr 1101 d.,,, 1.1 re Plewnrets, Travailing Bar, I.thnm. Patninff Mats, Oohs' Beads, rk.g•. Lion., Saddle Bete, Aa Italia, Foot 13.11., ladle: Wasp them, Ltd'..' Gun/ Sbnes. 1...0 1314 m SL Leutn.s, Every urn,le sold ads altabillitlMGlll It warratted to ema•res it ti.e ellataelensnet easenusl to wale, nvan: god, atz.---Inaolub nny der any degree of ge ritnn•y e anec,eet fold, great datahtlttr. , I.gtone. rerteet toperannue.e., and freedom from ndo, for rate at tte (ino.t,eat• gunner Pmpornust , Not , Wood streat. sap Si 7;11 PIIILI. IPd ==l UCSE k SIGN PA! NTINU Giza/TIE, PromptH it and nemli naedu.n4 .7, Ft arto , , 411. Vst ere c• r Paintme r• sk!ty other J It e " o: / tcwcr. co, J. ns 1..0d Aluonat.c Amandine, Pour bt:, F.oftp bur olb.ertny t be •a , , Almond z.bauly.a. Crram, Jr +o an, Am. tyor, do du, lion, Snap. Floatine t;o. ArstaoeLn. du. 11‘,1 Nut 011 !a, Rote do, Ma.shrn•bowa. Ituqurt en, Wrbdenr dn. Bears Urea,. ob. I or art, bula:b and re W'. by a F. bb.1.1.411173, sef 10 WobJ st 11 LYED AND Dr.v PAINTS Of all hula,bonebsbi b. on Land of the 1..., ~.•14 irntsbcs. Plant BessLCII, Pon ~ udr.w var... subs, told whei,ll , C and tem.. .IttOILMIMISURS 11 rer - srm. perctwit; muted who 40 'ao" """ r.:7I'„ILLIPS ee ormtn. rep , 7 u OIL. CLOTILO. MEEMEIIIII=I y.l• Fluor 0.: 01...11. 4 44., 200 4.14 .1 4 Mau 4.14 11 4 40, 110.1 71. VOW da )44 444.0 144.4•4.04.44 4 to *I, 411 of 0.0.00 04 le p40.30.4,..1utta c any gl 4.4 Y. 701 4.44 4-4 Finta wry .4 4141 yd • 511 u, we 4.14 s-/ Jo dorati asaortad sited Table. ',ital.& and loons, various pattern, and splendid talik d : . Cattiaae Oil Cloth, Solildr 5 ams, y a. (1,1 Cloth Croat, for Stall., ealorte4paucc.r Clodi (or \f Bllnds. 300 Window .olulos, • latga 1.1 receored of sicaraar styles Marabou. 6.0 orlor• artahing to purclmoo, are ta intedr an,l tantalite our a...Masco of good., wrack orall , orld at the lowa.r earoorn R II 7 k • Wood at Mareiponellla 904i. - & - I.•mcia tlyrup tk. kegs Sarsapart.O• Soda; ou tu• do do, • • , rto Loyrs Lemon Fyrap, male from pure lemon jolce, re,elooJ and for sale by .011,1.1,4 • It trieVT•4l%, WOOLLEN OD II E undersigned bas . L ad , aud S. Is this d•y re /. cei•ing Boot the manufacturers, or. coonginnent, a Lug< lot of Flannels, all colors, plate .d barred; Atso, Bed Blankets, Blanket Coating, Beaver C.oths. glasiltneres, Satlnetts and Tweeds; which he will sell by die case or piece, st ertancfaelarers' price., The attention of dealers to woollen goods i. Invited. II LEK, 113 Lber4 C. YEAGER, 1Q Market Street. (near Liberty.) varolaw. Aan InALias AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY 0001311 11061 ERV, RIBBONS. LAC Es, OLOVEN,'FIIREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS- Pt:NI/Ells, Lae. A., Satin and Panay Veldlags. EIZACK e ND rANCY 'ILk CRAVAT, PONGEE, BAN IJA , LINEN lIDriFS. • g,s/ercd cu. •ormieltt or v•iloy of tr..ugs. TCA MARKET.— swe I!,e Masao J , r.. 4 b.. 61 • 30 per lb . 1., 1-11. avta If: • \VN. U. 11./watj. lVit.ter 11 I , vrrle it ll -11 N1r1...1 .1. I/, 1. y. Urr VP IMAMS. k bURGIIFIELD inform thfur rugtdur 111 ern and buyers generally that, in conxeonenee nl workmen bring engaged innl•rgtng end horn, toe their Store Room, they have removed their good. theo,e Slug, of the bolding they neeupy, until Improvements are flt•hed: Where thug wt:l ...opy to sea their castomer, SC 0, 1 ,21. (or the trouble of aro:ling up smolt, mill try end , emtctereM Mem by selling them Cheap Goods r Ent,.. from Fourth street elrt iIAIR OLOVMSf dlo• ItAWri lIAIR fil.,coVE:r,o.ngle, for 1.‘4,,, 1, do do fnrlfnnta. en t,f dr. Ifni:. arf Nkrars f , r Ladfen. do do for Gents. do do an Dronldal/ 13mhe Uatb. r. , rarnrtod nod for robe by tf A FA aINPFTOCA k Cn "'".?tkl: been to 4 chums Y. IL, Impend. C. P., lA end Platt Teas; 100 boo Fe Lump Tobacco; 10 kegs 6 tenet do; 23 brls Penner& Oil; 23 brie N. C. lag 10 brie No 1 Rosin. -• PM sides Sob, Leather; 100 dot Corn Bneoms, Itutbee Window Glass, ess'd use.; 2na rra• Wreppteg Patter, 16 bales Pewee; comm. 6. F. Indigo; 000 liege Nails, assorted; 10 outs Pot Ash; wnt, eeerel esaanseent of groper** for sale by ocINROINISCIN, LITTLE, & co • 111411 c • Yt. • 1 • MEDICAL KN II OW all Men who are .k and Maimed with dit care of lite bladder redl Idneys, asib rheuraatir pains in back °climb., atiffjo inn, old sores, running ulcers, Ac. that they can be sated tot malt. the re. troleum! You may talk Oboe ills being a noncom as mad, a, you picsee, but this deer tot make it so, for we proclaim In the rata of an accent ,community, that it has moans which •re not contained to any feller remedy. The men who to racked walk pain and suf. Monk frorn dither, ten for fifty .ento get relict ftom auy of the Rk ennumarated above. Reinter it costa very little to make atrial. We Petroleum ‘• no ona• tare—no compond, put op for the propose of importer on the community; but it is a remedy elaboreted b' the master handCif =tare, and bubbler up from the b., um of our mother earth In lta original purity, and of fen to salving humanity a ready remedy, a oertan and eheap Cure. It has cared riles after other cradiemea have railer, to render any relief. It has enrad ItheurtlaUsan of tore l"... 11 /ia , and of the worst and most pall/Jul eharartet It has cured Cholera Machu, by one or two duse;; has eared old canes of Diarrhea, In which every ot hc, remedy has Leen of no avail. As a kcal remedy le burns and scald', It le better than any medical cam. pound or ointment /bat are brow of. It Will cure chi: blaine or frosted feet. to a few applicatiOrMl co/doubt ed tea ha t e o f be fa rairked of th e truth coma/ant In the tdsore statement h'y caning On Samuel br Kier, Canal Basin, 7th street; or either of the agents Key. r tr. McDowell, earner of Woed and Virgin Alley; Wool rem. I/. A. El llot D. M. Carry. Alleghant any, 13, the areal/ lant3l - RolTY—lt nnivetsally conceded thin beauty Is e Gammon 10 thin re e ntry arty other while at the tame time It le as. •ita in no other :than try certain exte n t. lost at to young an nt act tints tiils Is true to u t. bet the to.. often <nosed ht tic- Orel. 'rye soy to all, do not nealect apnearanee bat man the follownig, and you need mil laze scrod looks. These ankles are ccientific pre parolees. and have all attained a titan , pin clan, Jon, flaussia Fan Diner on Vance set Nyanni Soap tee reielooirbt ttle, gentian, pimples, blotches and o,tar ...pitons ul the shin; tb.emem pr 'tact en, terantor of bratty every known . Pore nate non, g putparder to be Nymph Soap, ofilesu hue my name atached. •• • . Jct. I tam's Pewter or Owner Pourota, Int int. pertlin to the most bilious complexion a reehnit whi. hnit. In nothing abould a person be more "w -eal t an the nee of a powder for the skin, a• many if then 11 en sold are very hthirlous My Chinese Forcer ts compounded Ina ectentt6c manlier, end C.D.s nu Ineredleht which can possible Indica an inlun- Antes :lam'. ticPits7olEY Panama, for remoYiko aupCrknous hair. What is mare unaightly then hair area Inn lace or ame Of a lad). 11114 *Melt, Will reintiVe II in a alien time, without the use of any sharp Incise:lens 'dun 11.terVo S . :aline. laticm Hata Dri MN tushintmenosty Impart to red, white, or gray noir, a hventlfully !Fact, brawn, nr auburn color It w.:l rotor the hair Ina shorter time, and morn ear .t n..elly than any other Dye, being at the acme nine nide:4oo4. Jill-lte lll•asi..s Snaring Caust.—lt is Teak, a plea Stiro.o shave with this,eream. There is nnhe of the ymeetisig itensetion vitally experienced in the Sir at moititioaps On the co n t rary, hleaves cheer:l , .0 coth and Wort as an intent's, and not liable' to become char :F t Hainth's Rosa TOOln Pena—Next :tithe hair, we Ink the Teeth weir intended as the greatest Gran. men the human facei pat when neglected, *titian; is Coo lellgaring,tir so quietly seen . My Rose Tooth Pa. will Impart ID the teeth • pearly whiwne w , at the slime dine keeping the rams fain end homily. Also on hand, a complete asonttment of French, Dritiih, and American Perfumery and Fenny artistes. JULES BABEL. Pennine r and Chemist, 120 Chestnut street, Phi!. Poi sale wholesale and retail, by B. A. Fahnesunek k Ca, gad Ft.& rollers, Pittsburgh; and John Oar. genL;and J. Mattel], Allegheny City, Pa. /Y2 l- 4 1 - • ' HYDE'S SOAP-50 bus assorted, taw recd and for Isele by netts J KIDD tc Co SeUlaitiNfiraZ=-CaiiToiiiiii4 --- -- Peak 1 KIDD & Co ( I LIVE Olt.—Bassis and inn, In baskets of one kJ and two dozen each, imported, tel for ease by —? . ',6' .1 __ B A FA 'IN ES POCK a CO pi . A . F 4 u ISIPPEK—A prime article, for sale h) is DRIVER ti 13/INris pidoliß.Lso6Tiiiale Ffour, hi wore end fit se, hy act. AIIRIVEK ie BA RIS kI. ALCirilur. :' m. :•1 har' 7.1 and h' l 2 trn.h.tust reed .or sale by It 6 niI.L.ERA . nit: 37 %Vocal es Ro3l,7lolFili-414 lbs English, lost re.e:,.l fn• isle by ocl7 It F. BELLKF., ARIL .IkAltirild,-1 cask :u.t reed far Bale f.y oer: R SELLERS f : r i' uro "j . ' c '— ',Si r e ' :l l ; r aft ' t t u e n d At ‘l .l- N .117: ' 1 . ot.uperior Ruet worst nour. pot up in Cl IL saek* Inc f.mily age (c.. 16) Rai A msci,;:e4i Zr. CO tiUM ITN A 9.-.l(l's acd other chow. broods of Hutur Cured flam. romtant.y on bard and for ..10 et 1,6 1./ 1 ...r1y WM A McCL.I I RI, & CO jut ift teed and for es le Ay ortll R VELI:F.RF , 1 - 1 1y-.D So en: Cared, Kayoed,lJ and Cattounc:, for cby st A ! I, ICLI'RI: & CO D AND EGNEY—Rnund• rou •ta:no:e. *ale and remit, by W P NIARSIIALL tetil_ c. 5 Wood rt T OBACCO -15 !cot "edge'. No let: uc tvn read per steam, Gent•n, txd for by JANIF-3 DALZELL, ot 16 71.. V. ester .t. . .. C ASTOR UIL-20 !. , r.• lilow'r :oit"}.l'.eb'lZl.LEßS _cold 57 Wood or. ZORILIS ts. Ha WOLL I 11. • •.2a of ue Dwmoui, TEA r • D ry EA our Ltß . B . , L e u s. „ ‘ ocl6 /I • I NE S. BRANDY 61 y v rdke.,ni •..P . !e! ,ale ptlrr, tcqri.rd I , }l, , l• Ft.s ocIU .t :jtElreis No . Le at, .11 , 4 and oca, .Jr lin, hI:niZPATHICK r.ait - 1 —l , • wi fl' c Oi • ova , . • " or.o s i't;ll%lA / y 50 - 77 t,ers lirvanat, or %% ATER. m .Ifs yl l l LOVER 1 1 }:b11:1 1 —:1/ ....,I, c N../ 1 .1 , - Q, vb../ c mid •ald b y pew 1. 1.1 tcn r RAI AN W AN Ilucery wltvw iiket•l ealory witi IC F It EAI6IN, dr. Emma ( ug bars vt. tor rale by , / ea,tll 5 DlLWOlifil a. Co La/AR.-45 Wars Prime N o for ame Drell] J N I , ILWODTIT a. Cd T R oc:tri "" 4'r sale i.y J ± inLwuicrii & Co I . .7trupT - aik.l j e•ray boxer do Mr do do sale by •...:11a J S DILW otiTil AC o T 0 .1.1 L t : . CU y I 0 t Tarts ria 3 1 .. 2;e 6 t 1. 1 . 4 . / ( 3g7 vaLfor I)OWDEL-4,54k1 liags Wu.. to move, j i . SW ad Deer Mile, rig msg. L-, 501) do Ky 00 Wr bras !Safety torke a, For aalo Gy orttri J L '. leg.No I Lard,J.l received and 1,, by malt Id a. W HAIM/WI:11 BActoSi-=S;oooqb. u.eau sboulders, 4, ha do Slott, lu store mud tor sale by octIVS W 11 ARBAUCill I,AGS-1500 lbs - Raga 1.1 landoq and for sale by XI Dell'!_ 13 a. 4N 11AR/101.4.111 . - QUIVAR--11 bhd. N 0 Sugar In core and for ,ale b yoollll S W 11ARLIAL G 1 MALI, 105 web CY ,ll .dvl, Sit ' foot s k :ro P. ll. l" ;•o ' ;% ' e n nets, apply 13 001 S I , 'JUN 11 ,, NNI1ORST a. CO A LTPEI RE—rOO b•gs erode, arming for sale IJ Grit W IL.buN ILAY-1u caste r.crozso,arrerinK for lode by %—r MT dr. F Wlor:ON t c o L . !: zu L ,. * r 11.. ule o 7 Nur lb. i p= S ,af2.3,1117, 71.1 Water 11 R Li IC o E c -10 les pane. to, ..le JAMES DAL ZELL casit; Frebat reO•dfcr sale b) call JAMES DALZELL ro csi c N i E , S' R OIL 73-bris ree'd for role by JA:SES DaICELL • _ GCLG=3 EL F.FINED and prepared ei pressiy lot urtail:lg, Cae., no Ili+ pure and be•oiltai *it ICI. is beating, delmiooa, and economical, and w hen, may be aged as a autieutote t,,r, and to tLc dime tuna. nee as Arlo. Rini. • • JuALrecetved and for sale 01 226 Liberty a., h r told I.VbI A 'lleCLLltit & rrt LARD 01L-10 Witnatiatng for aale uy tell ./AlklEs ItAL2I:LL_ D ICE—lCieVfreth heat, art ttng. , for a . .ve by IN soils BROWN & I,III.I,ATHicK . 11091E11X, Alpes, !Ronne, Carlinfore, rr m a I , e , i ve a d n . d „ Llama %%o ac af !foolery. An eu>ort °NVhfURPHY I:II"ReIfrIELD,I "LAX CEF: LLNT - Pt 'RV WINE at . 3, par r u icor .12, gale by loofa! 11101110:1 leAlo t/ItTif —ln keye !rook parks, receiving 11 land lot vale by R IGALZI'GL a olf. vein Liberty et ‘,:ALERATIA , —.I& — ha so - aery 2 pound and lingloilud, S. VI, tor ' , V ooe II DA Z:ELL RelffeE—S l•Cls on 4.nivi 111).1 10 , WCI. , Ur C.. !Sala DICRY:%*.% Diuk,D iturr—v rneks rcw F,arb, 15 *acts Apt arr.v.rg anno cowl= Cltheonta, and fnr as:e by .10 BROWN it fiIIIKPATILI—K • • . _ RIOE 1 tee prime. Ride for 5... e ny -- oetl4 JAVYIFS A liUTClll6Oti it Co TIONKtbARN,,--CO be,i:dlee nnicrtell, for vtte eT 1 °elm I..IKCIIVE4 & KIRKPATftr•K rr A fA MC AWD-r67 0 lb. very N't li,a , judiWe'd re°. sale by DWI R E SELLERS - Voya , Einctnets. URPIIV DURO-IF/ELI) tom relxived a lot 'VI of haadsona Faze - , Mixed Satinca, for Boys' also, Plaid Slid Plain CILSSIICCTSS 10 nest variety, 00220 Cudraare., Kentucky se,ana, Black Tabby vyi,et, ac., at north Cost corner of Fourth and Morsel 111100 IS 0016 fortft MY & BUILCIIFIELD invits attention to the Loa otwine dot of Ansettean end Eriiialt Prints, derk and of double eoltito,lnot memo!. QM+ EODA.I4 - ek IJ B A ..ewuroxrrocg k CO OCIII .em Fait 4 Weed la. MISCELLANEOUS Watery College of Homeopaths Medicine CLEVELAND, OHIO . Sesnon 1650.51—CA4mnd Did 9. THE FIRST WINTER SESSION"! this Incitation L will commence on the Flrot•bloodny of Itiovon, her. and cononno tour months. : , . • • The Mtto. of the Faculty ore streneed so follows: htonto Rewn, Cl, D.. Professor. or Midwifery, .1 Di-eares Irowen end Children. Lnoning Ildgee. M. D., Ptufeacor ev Principles and Practice of Sorg-cry. rtarles D D. Professor of Institutes and Proctrce of HnoeoPalklY. Lcnsin DoJge, I), Professer of Mitteris Atedica and Stedical Jurisprudence: Ilcm.lton L. Smith. Professor of Chemistry. I c Wltherel. M. D., Professor of 'Anatomy ado! Physiology. J. , 10 Brainard. Professor of Physical Science. - . • • • • fbatke W. eel!, Demonstrator of Anatomy • 1 te flbstt ter hf the We/dent Collette of fleetre.pathle or•• granted by the Lerielatnie of Ohio. auto l It testlen of 1E4940.: ennfere all the Ti,elll6 ant. ,riv act, venally omitted Ortletheal CollegeN in th e United boar.. and, anhke many College., It ethte tpdrpendent of any other te.ttratton, having in risen the pare, to any dean., alld poenitMeg eatnitoll . • • dessows e conferred by the Focally and Truatool upon th e recommendation of the Farn.lty. The amount of few for the fall ocurfewSll be 635 Matricalabon Its. 93-10 he hold but once. Demon- Firm/ley ticket, 33 Gradhishbon fee, 690. rersooth wan hvva a 1 1 9 .193 two tot curate of lecture , in cibtcellegey, are admitted to bill course in Illy Institution on the haymest of $lO. Gradastos of re. specie:do medical .obehla are. portables to attend the enter TI the hawthorn of the matriculation fee only. Goad boost!, coshdine tenet bight, met fuel. cm be /y 3. 1 ,0 from 82 le MI SO per week Foe further In. formation address. CRAB. It WILLIAMS, co4dim Dees of tho Faculty. CLAM WORK A. & D. H. CHAMB-ERS, entente., *tome k.c0.,) Woo' teepee:trolly Inform the customers of Om lath firm. :4 ta,o the robhe generathy, a., wi: compote the totothitectore of WINDOW GLASEI,VIALS,WITTLEn We In all title vermin., et the Oth Stand, No 13 Wood et, between Fleet .1& Water. JytrAit, IL'II)tIJ. Dr. Base's Celebrated Remedies. s \II 441.W4 n KOOK, the discoverer and wile pro jJ prietor of thee: moat pop e ular nd beneficial rceibblecc au.l aria the Invenun of •the celebrated •ithment for !Micros the Lungs, In eflcellthe cure , tf broom diseases, woo a othdent of that eminent oh)nielati, Doctor rhyme, and II a graduate of the l'thvernny of rennsylviona, lorthirty years ripe ha. lit en es:gaged In the Ii resit: own of diocese, toil the opplicanott Of rethedte• hereto. Fin II the tie this tube. in conneetion with his Prophylactic Synth and other of his remedies, he ha. gained an anomie/led eminence in curing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption.,Cencers. Sammie, Itheursatiam, Astbms, Fever alit Ague, revers of all binds, Chronic Ery• mitiest, and ell them obwiturie dioceses peculiar./ kllla/Ce. Indeutt every form of disease vanishes under these of his remedies, to which humanity so heir— not by the one of one compound only. for that is in. ofusehis Phyoialonotal Le, but by the his remedies, adapted to and presthloed for each sweatier form of diocese. Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterange Pills, whenused axe invariably acknowledged to bk. superior to all ober, as a purgative or liver pill, immonacti as they leave the bowels perfectly Irea from conlyeneesi as also his Goiden Pith la admitted by the faculty to possess peculiar properties adapted .to female diseases, but tieing satiated that a hare trial is sulikeient to erkolihsh wind bay linen said to the minds of the most skeptical, The athimed ore iboitea to call upon the agent. asd procure (gran.) one of the Doctor', paraphl.m. goring 16 detailed account Of each remedy and its applies non.. bon side by the following agents, Kg Weil a. by most droggimo throorbout tbe bonDY. J debooomeker A Co. 21 tn'ood meet, Pltraborgh; Jbf ToorumenJ, druggist, 43 Mutat at. do: hee A. de0k114.21, do near the P.O. Allegheny city) J ins Barkley, Darlington. Deriver co • Po. Fill n, Esinoo ,L, de;T Adatn, Bea,er, La. Jie.s.lfle L 12.1). 10 11(41, FL , I . , Vcithed in orh o Fn.a:g Bonhd• lIFAUTIPCI. 0,1 Print, la new Wier:lion. pii• P,:f.rj tamed in fondan t ) repreunUng ,4111149 Land to ... .. 1 e.71. rc ,, crith. Afield.. in • !Wooing attitude. taking lehlone from the It:gbh:4l.l,lmq been received by thelrnbaeritter. I SALling COX(' to C la •o Cue Inesa. The colermg Se equal to the Anew tratinturelluratine, AcLATltck: mock of DR 11 Y 1,01,, , , for t h and the lite:tee , the moat trithful and coneWeLutl.f..3,M. mortgagee. juettrntech,, ground rm.,, or rent yehtnactit out. 31111114, wilt - be pal =cm. A; ,Jenny Lod'. If reeling to America, the • Wil 1 te - joy. S. 150(10. Son,. and the cc.chrtt,l Echo Yeray, ocluf 1 . 1.5 'Pont vu. l'ir•butylt 11. XLEBEL r: AII.I3I:THISOT 14 1,1, 1, • a 0(4. 11 111 1, ninny and manic. vdrirtY, acid , bode cuemt• In part of %%rule '55,105,1w.] /1417.Gri• : hilt, - Berlin, 'I hibei Sid el 1 Burke:. in t no.. Wand Wart ttd Curate me. Ameces +macs. oolen and Curran hi' t7otorce. end bauchrd , 4.s in, is 3,1 aiianet. , end Laces, Batten* and C 1 heats rad I . .nd:r gat Umber it.. and IN,. Itone, to An of ninth, COW:TT /11, t. , :c nrr spenthuly summit to t hatome, ht y4nod at. ... t it:3 CO. - PART DiNditSll/ P. LHAW. Uai day, a;iocintcd wan me Mr I. If litomm t in the Wholesale Grocery end Produce 111.11 i the maybe of the Into will be A Cc , trrtcon &Cloa.e. . Y CULIILIiThON Extra Surer line t>oloaa g h INlAigiosafg Tea , if ESE are the gen •rsi Liatek Tena that are .- 1 rifted Into theta Monts ar. itnworat. Tea I:eaters, in the Ne red,lite telling said septet he lore print of T. per 1, for ea, I, • Itilt!rlONA R Y Or 't • EGILA rsi.ls7tiiial. wok, and Engineering - '•• o to of this . ggyattaanta has been received a Ilnln,. i Literary Depot, Third at-, opposue the Poet eta., I,VitiIXINV CiLAt , y—. 500 bz. lu, IV) hes to s hat SO Na 10x14; part extra 447.0.1 y, to ;tore and for sale b 7 . . 10I1N WATT 6 , 0 CLOVEY—ibrii - reed for .f.robY E E EELLEEE re. 3 woad - at AKRTAir i'. -- TZti - txx received sale by .0+ -. Ft F. ShI.LERS Nliklitil tiv 1 A CAL'il-ii by received for We by .„, R E dELLERS CARAWAY sEED-130 H. ~ elinn,fer .... by P. I'. 2t.t..VHS I . 1 • 1 • r'.17.3 - 7.1!.. hv s rtFf.l r •• • 2 I. r•ANTWI.' Long Show: 11. IN mai •Rritty of pr , r• and patt ,, ,,an ree , • , ved at tnc 01 Y es. 131AUFIFILI.JJ 0.3 pratc alptotty nel.l' ert r•c`re elflt , PM, I.IJTLEit. C" ete3 tr./ Ime sly GI Buff IV luelocv — ll can J t .rl,t•eJ cG r.,cat, ari 76 W..d I-I Ituel .54,3 Ijl4l INtl t , A Prat eota 6. the if) ite vet t.c, fog talc try H C STIXCAToN nd Leli u 56 wIII t.e is.lAll LXICKY.V h CO •-ritt l 4 stet H Front na . I 1 Si' 4,1.1 ry FaLto. tln yard& ear 11. Cloth, • road sr:let...Mr vale DT • CI P1111.1.1P9 art :AO Wood.; M A-1 :Ci 8 Ii tITT w:. E.R-1.5 .01,1,4u:ter tor ty cw, D TARYAULINS—d very Ilea, y large Tarpaultn., J. the beet quality of India Rubber, an ham! .1.1 for rale, bylaell 11 PIIILLIPS _ _ fr.f .- F:ik r :X . Niagatina, No 5, Mrbounce, of th,s Aug excellent magazine, and No Ix of Dicuontry al atechanica, I,a• been received at patine , Lt•erary Depot, &hint stre,, oppeat a the loot (Litre, Mao • new American Novel railed The Voo•piroier, a tale al 11l annera•asctt's I•land,:be Ohio Niece, and N. o factorial I laid Hook of the American Revolt:- son ons ( jail) 11811—lb east* for Milo by F WILSON eel kV Wood at Q A LXION--5 tam Salmon, for sale by - L X% F WILSON S UN OKI Exi—,oai bag., peter, ti reen Itio Vole, Litt package& a•gorted Taps, 75 bas sa.orted Tobacco; 10 bag. Pepper, bap Alepice; 5o matte Caen:Mop; 50 bail No I Chocolate: It cases Lititorice Bail; 10 tierce. fresh prune Bice, 0 cuts best bladder, 5 baron Alum; to barrels loaner. , o,i; SD dozen patent Buckets; 6itXl boa Corti Brooms; 30 boxes White Pipes; los hhila prime N 0 Kos s, 60 brig do Mousse.; 100 ;iris large No Macke:et, 00 oils large No 2 do; 5 do No 1 do, 00 belt N C Tar; CU brim Pitch; 50 kris No .1 Hawn, 6060 lb. assoricd Verne, 60 hales No 1 Panioa• 100 kegs prone White Lead, 200 legs assorted Nail.; assortnivat of I%,bea - gh mwmfactuied azueleN sor dale by JOHN IV Arr & CO • ".rid Liberty IV - Arraated Pure Wine. sad tirandl,•, i.2UITABLI: for Medici.' Purposes, heed safe by ttic br ate, ‘,41%11, or eftlieti al MORRIS& if AVA ,RTFIV erns a es S. D. Jor dood•. ONE e., Hiatt Cloth Shawl, I ewe , : l'e!low 9 ea.. Hal t,o I en.a Red twliled 2 eme, White do do: 3 earea barred dn. ease. !'lain and Fancy Ceultrtere., cue :donne.. ea.!. Clan A1p.... I ea. Jeans; Sian Rleet blunter calm, Gray Mantel.% 9 eases Drab Plante% 1 n.e doi V e.ea D, bite Red Bl.ko3; :50 Nun, the w,/ Rost Blankeud, Reectvcd on constanment, and let sale as roznorne. t,-er, rule. by . '29 Liberty "Deal S D-Sr — L. 67 's hlbi7 pertained kroorn 13oney Cinnamon Dot soap ; rhiledelpbta Vstriegcted tosp; Yattsbus, do do; Caattle Hoop; , Ulivb Sapp; (or sale wbo . t.ole. sod fete!! by MaT • NieCi•UKG • C." Lou O. bou'o !scope— oetront•d Eontato 1-Ib°W l4 OWR, Berme. Hnn.yy, ntno Veromeelet t °vv.., Felt, end (thee ti! omit, Thee. Soap a ore nighty celebrate° On ameotlmeto to the aim Parchtsed (to© to Invottor, and for tale by sept 3 R E tEI..LERS. tt W et 'LW tikt b. ,:betted tlaleknesses, !zonal.= a k Inch thtek. Ths slava peeking Is prepared so tn. hen degree., Pearenhest will not affect f t and is superior to every tblrts else, sotto artbstateet G a.oett alesdelty tablet, maser so Ugh • degree of heat, and my be used about all parts where parking .1 neeeentry, virt—nteertele e lates, piston rods, Coate Janata, steam Chns.ll, 0111.• de, haal.l4/sa. For sale wholesale and raw! by aneo 7 & Se 2 Vi PHILnod atLIPS i e :4 l I=-1 ArtP VOL. XVIII, NO. 92. MISCELLATiEOUS aniat.62ILX7 . IIA.OTS X'rn Aci n, A, AAlte. Bellseacnn, A -MP P. (Olt+. /V^Stral.ll, SlFlMlOrliell. 13.1 , . QnsAsta, Elope; i P.ll 1:3 , t •Hr j..; A rAIINERSOCE A. CO •°!.`" CAT. Flat fr. Wood at. ....... A vparettel• ror Cieli12011,1; Stets, Pipe vrltt out taking down. Rmi made by CAIPR.b. ATKINSON. ocAl 7 Mat rttmi , ,, A Weed tc,Alarket sts. B. A. FAIN 14 , 1110 L B.A /Le : Comer of Woad arid OFFER for. sale,liti frellt Borax, refined, in ite. • Finery Corn ai Posed,- ape Cub. Moe on, era. $ non Puts Green, it. earn . • Rotten done, w e •slr Floar Solokor ee Canada Goa,. ie hat Cale. Magnesia do • Caiti_ do do • TOM k CO.. DRUGGISTS, Ftm wt.., Peat. urgh. Itown ;Itcporwinor, direct Acetic /oil. 0,33 F. no., Wats: Bolt Armenia li Rouen, paper creamed doott• um:ow Vial t'orks, nssoried Adhearre Plaster Eng ItoLigracs do I'D Leal d o d o Gaitmooth do do Fkaleriuni dn QUAID Iron, Eng do Erecip, Cub. lam Aleppo Oellt Tiptim's Wedgeorood !grimy, sad Pen!, Oil lagearder, Spike do liairdeo Oil thaonum Oil Rosemary Oil Rater Mmontis Oil Cataput Oil Croton Pint god Blue Banal. Caraarrio Seed Stara :dive Heifer. , Teets, prepaged 1:-n,un Root Rim:orb Roil! rolithing rurty Red era Lao Cub. Iron. Dye. powd in ke in hill s Citric Acid, In IL g bottles Pury Andironlobe do Ammon Coon. do Calomel D . A. do Oil Amber Rem do lodide Pottle do Creosote. While do do in ex vials iodine Ergo. in bf lb wile,. lodide Rom in no vieni Roof, Sena a,ln lb Jars Rt-Rafti. botner Mao Pill PPS. in ' Ref.liiquoriee Pert in bin Wood Naptha in IA bodice Tart Emetic do Prussic Acid, m ri+ls Tartaric Acid, th hIP Omens ear lu., GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE! TEE PIONEERS OF IHE NEW RAIL ROAD. Through IM 601.111. Days TO PHILADELPHIA A NU. BALTIMORE. I.lnanAt alzmiu cuing to i l e Merchants 77 of Yinshorge clad %Veutern butoncse corn. triunity, that on and site: Mo. ,ay . the 1 ot t4op mcrll.rr. we will Truett, forward goods Cr. tea Central }WI Road, and outrun tee them to ea through In roux Da), Ilkar ca , t arm,., trek of Cars and Roam earth. us to oder the shore ratite...woos route to the Harr pnblle.isburg whilsad st we i'olumlLtn renutte - nut negri: tines tie Mere h. . osithiug got, .0 I.roaght frm o tha tent with certainty and h bt low rat. err produce shipped tr err, are InalteS to tali.. O Mti NOR- ATKIN! , t CO., Pittsburgh. ATRIII , ,iIESMONNOR & Philndelpols, Proprietors al the Pittsburgh Transparmilon Line. On tea follogentff .gem., oTossoss t Co., MI North street, Balurnort, E Ewa: 6 licalcry Piano. New loft, FlLlarr .4 Gss.:a, I t Noon , tlr-el,l3oston eePthult loam Pt7l4l — er Dooll.l , paib.yd 11. Steam rcAyt3,:ot 014.. by 0023 - ttritierftc — it — ottiii - for Rent 1 in tote., to euit t , nienn, with to . LI. , 11E•11 ptn of the A CA ATION_sON, F.r t ttt..l.etsween Weed & hitteket. umprattg , Pntant Soda &oh. Fvbionbc. 1 . sceptics aims, r :110Ptall een's lach tent, and hest enelity Glass :Usk, is coda Ash, which they tell nt the lowest mn: 'tct twit,. Ice cell et spEtoesel It lts. V. M I. Ll ceifq Liberty It. IH 92 ` H Ce7.lols; W. 17 7 rib: PIASO. HARBOR),', (hop,' of the first Europe. l)j...ters,' Ista of New) ork, taiiipectraliy tritonin the eltlzenis el Pittsburgh and !sike:its, that hria art.., add Lnieada trekihq this ells hi. ,ttn4:lcnt fetid..., far the ps.rpoao or 'ropers.. if/wird,. an the PioenYeppneaaau left at Mrs. Widis's Boarding house, eeLthert" , fa, or at ii. Kle hers ziore, reerd 0100 , 0 m ention rdito_ OAK vx,ooxtura k.CGLEVIRSOSII U . 4. CIIIL.GRATt36P7 t C1..411; Dlavulattrred Yntcica.l4f Le,eny L`. _i73 ! • \,,T.(0.1.-;, :wile • ills steam rsl re Inn, unilF• no , :r•11,....r nsr. s • is E •r3 , leel lue en, I ~,arslß .10, and 11.• - nn tlo, , ensi.-1,. Co en; I{n aor (irren, end Scallei Dlrm3l: aten•-d .iorec.ts . ndd L:den,Telde Czyr-11.r, Strip s-4 1 Ucr Jo dd s . rt do vrtry Srd a Bide 4... 74 sad 1.1-4 NYwde‘d 7 4 .164 'rob. •• ••• 0 oJce Diaper, 41 An An. Nzpkjn.t; etto.B, I I'l , mi Tellet d.4lS . ,nettll ::n & - c.. • All of "Ind, 0.1 . 100.1,, , ,d, :Lc drpidtc,, ',west 037,- at 7 c!. os-s s`S , aS , S-• ,,, son:7llV arc lur ed.: rawrany.•. t(4.,, P 1111.161: l l'rf Pturr.e. o r.f.p.vrt tl Vontth • :: 1 -et. IA7 Corpets. 4.41/ Cloth/ 4 1. Ai. NieCto.% uow oo,Oarolv rlreor.r I , T ry oltatme ar.;e :sat C•rptts Co.! comp•icr, ol! lb ~9.:0v.0nF enricto, r' Neer and Kw, o Velvrt Carpet.,4ro Tap..try lirtilkccl4 no do do 1110.11 a rocTlcan aru,e.• Naiaratri. priTo',ll , qa,ry 1,4. 7ot. M. 54, i. 4, sl d rpe. Extre ..i'ver 3 pit' e.rprlo t. , cut u. L Supertioa 'do do o.; siva boll or tont, do ; IngreJd do v•rome s)lae and qua Medan ilop. do do 1.4 l'aor :do de C 3,1114 Ryas Common o do rolled Co 4 4.3 4, 'nod 3.9 Armtek rl,Ole Door Mob Vontlaan Corpora TJ.ted do do 14. e4,.and 1-8 Tai..e.47:Throm do de Vt-Illtran , se.eop.kin do do 4.4.9 4. 3.1 e, and 24 Our, Jenny Land do do Vonalan moors l'reinaparem Vkadoer 4-4,3-4,6-9, and 2-4 aollan ehades Venntant carpets 16itft Windivor Linen emetic 8.1 Drown Drab do do 0 4 woolen du reedtE. /Rinds, de 12-4 do do Woolen btalc Dvirtren 411 of *tech have been, ere based from the import - vs vid nort-nafactorerr, I—•mprreirtai the r wed, on d k richest spoe., which we id', to ca.wrnerl no low n. pd, o h n .,d in easter,. dittes. eV I v the Uarpat Wanibouic. V Feuer!, 6 t a n d L Wood at. oVB W. ItIc9LINID.:L.' =Z3= URP/11" have reeelved a M fey of Fall Hosiery, laelueuee Ural, end Hiaek Caahraerea, :pit, he oehl Walsh Finns. VILPHY le BURCHFIELD Invite the hanieulttr 1 attenuon of boyen to met, superdor .I.t. a of abort good*, giving to moth muster-ton on acst uut of Bit tr otahm c table qualtße ccttt Witra'ramlly A t RE4I-1 .apply or the Poland Mill, extra remly Ll Fu tir o a very chOiec article, just trod for tale 07 4 CI:L.HI,II,T4IiPi CLOLSS: 105 1.1 _ . Masalltolt tasatortlassatall. kfURI . IIII' BUNCH VtalA) have reeetvell IVL ny or above searrior . Or very handsome, pattdina and orlatd colonreed at store of a itLII.C.III.IELI, oat tjAgeiV - PRigi.i.:-iOasee poi; 7tY P:into A~leoof bleintuuct. Cfcb<co, tiptugue. 1 / 1 21RCii, Cildt, bud Cir.h. smut ° O ° O.itt lot . 1, I '7 eIiACKLE o kill 0 fnel9 10: Wood tiffaC- - 1 mt.... 4 inn • Mole fat fumuy use, ictotifed, and ier by . Tte act:e • la. e. N . 9. SL6Aa— just ree'd we ayttaeat, eat eee by MILLER h ItI•ArTS0:: recd Bk.tACIO nits cce t oort gnalitr, for tole's. tee lows./ ~..sue ay cet'l .aV N M 91ITs - 111.-L C1(1,1E. COI IdisSE.L.ibkil'zi Crerrrs,/us: Is c'd l.c ra/T. .111 brls Mall lleitcr -- D 7 bat pacard a• I r. et tat Cala" fdr eele ly ncal U. SIA.KIJALIiII R AN Accs, tor _ G . KA /•• es7 -- ; .. l7jiss t l • sra;:je rt. do, ,so 5.• 0, • do P:au tad frs-'d &Ik Crls,:t. "ne Solo., Cot/ass, and ,„k, Couop, and Vsorsscd SUip CIMeCI.; VIECY Kau ilrczeing Gowan, prsa , cd Edusool Robes; Etasda EA.: Umbrellas ..!slle end Linen Pviket Wool and iroaltskin filnecr, , Pop, Kid and 01.10 Gir•Vt/4 Contsorla, and 111111111161 . , Jul retweed Iliad for sale ry P H PATON, Carousth et AJJDaNG-73 milks w et,m•• tor see • y •VA CUL•I3EUTrf.JN CLOUBE •- . , .