The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 15, 1850, Image 2

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iZTarrearnras are carnally requested to as= Irt
t Sur raven before sr. s., and early la the day
przeUtable. Adverusemems not maenad for • afte.l.
gild UM Will levanably , b 0 charged
Nam Is Agent for this paper at bls
qe seiss to Be., Rork, Philadelphia, aud
and is satlanzed to receive rabseriptlons
sa dadveruserromia for as.
ErPiaronural• :Nous Ain3wie—Advertlse.
and arthrenptioda to rho North American sod
Oalwal Moto. Grrodr, Philadelphia, recamar and for
warded Crow rids °Mao,
firParLarisix" tuColtxcat.Lter.—Elabeertptiene
for ibls valuable paperivrill be received and forward
ad from this office.
BAJS l7 ‘ ol ilddliCad-Bilbtrlps dmialiTerti
Meal. for dile paper received and fOrwlllidEd tribe
charge from this <Ace,
EU" Crocus= DULT
aad Intbscriptions, for thit paper, 111 bo rooolsod and
.nrards4 from this calm
We received tee feboartog commenlastionirout
Joe. C 0. Kennedy Etq., Secretary of Executive
Committee. at tee toeuutial Exhibition, to be held
to L3udei to hill oat:—
Cmtsts Dirmx, Dirt. Irrazzat,t
Wmhtogtoo, Nov. 11, 1850.. $
Dena f.ra—You mii afid eneosed a list of the
COMMilice for the Susie cf PennsylirthiS, on the
Ladustriai Exhibition. to be held In London in 1851.
Tee Ccmmateo has just been appointed by Ciov.
Johnston, and I send you the list cif names as ear.
ly as possrbie, hopitg you will publish it for the
benefit of those of one eitirens who may with to
be represented in this grood Exhibition.
Cestworrn on Tll2 limormath Exam:mon Fax
• kel SUSI OF-Pacurrz.vialu.
FREDERIC FRALEY, Common, Philadelphia.
J. P. WEI - HERM!, • r' .
A. W. THOMPSON. ' ..
BENJ. BAKEWEDL, pitraburgh.
A. W. LOOMIS; ' "
JOHN REYNOLDS, Meadville, Crawford Co.
DAVID LEECH. •' Lerchburg. Armstrong Co.
HUGH GALLAGICER,OasisIo, Cumberland Co.
JOHN ft. EWING, ' Washington, Wash. Co.
F. J. LEMOYNE, a a
A. BOLVIAR, • Wenteheater, - Criester Co.
GEORGE OH AMBERS, Ca amblg,Franklin Co.
GEO. N. ECKERI, Pottsville, Schuylkill Co
r 130.11 NEW TONE
Correspandencanf the Pill:Amish Ciatsne.
.Nrw Yoga, Nov. 9. 18.50
Another of thotefittle incidents so common in
the city of New York—the cowkddingof J. Gordon
Been ett—fltoseWly, nest White at., war the scene
°Confront 10 o'clOck this forenoon, in the presence of
a number of camel . pctlestriens, several cab di:
° e ' en . •cr -le or two of the Police. The gentle
men we stimis.istere4 the essagation was John
Gun sm. Eoq., a well known member of the bar
at This unOthe condtdsie of the Democratic
puts Ms t.le ease LI as., et Attorney, in tho late
cleric . For several days past, the columns of
the li,e!d have teemed with toe grossest abase
of Mr. C;smem - , as regards Om position before the
eV. 11:f prsooat character w.O not
left tree trout G i miten't invective, pastiest - or re
weir, re catirfaction, mite-. Graham met his
iiistgettst,aaaborcsaferred to, told him his Dame,
and thee, before B=.-nett had time to explain,
konekcid htm deem, attack him two or three
timer, end then Enithed the job with a cowhide,
with whir-in he had come provided. Bennett did
not tittik_ book'.: alb Grahani then coolly get
trite en eincitinr, leaviet the editor of the Herald
to the care of his friend, Whether be meats to
tech for regm meths l hare not let ascertained.
tintre coo o nu excuse for Mr. Graham. taking
this mede 31 mor.pcosatios for the at.
tad. up•m ik:ut ,n toe Herald; the Courts rf law
Oto open to lOn reeking, and no body knows bet•
ter how to trek and auto it, than be. Bab on the
other hand, those can be neither cornamsarretion
nut comp:els, , or a =an, crb3 two weatoply and
warn. of h,a paper,
day afcr ts,y, cud every body—co
ter 9:11,5
Deo net come down to his
.403$ 0( . 1 propriety
Tre ;,. • , ,mh here, at tbui writing
faun , ;ed r. ue leteat rc:aroe trern the interior,
that Was MCI .1 elected GJoernor oltbe
Yak; but by no exceedingly braid:
: a g Lute alone there was such
ay:-1a la • : z,e,r the pahtteal COMM; bat the
W,lna na,c . Well—far better, tn•
In, /11+31 of ut expected, no the fa—
of the p..cottur adverse influence at work, b
tweed the freade of Senator Seward and the Ad
m•nuttrabon. We nave a majority in the /Meal
by, wh:ch gllfe ue c Whig United Stye
Senator, :enlace o'Damel S. D chioroo; eughtte •
toeinb:ra cf Corgxelia, Governor, and, I hope
:he rent of the State tfcket. That will do.
Since nay lest, the Ohio and Cherokee have or.
rived tram Ccet,n,,, with pi...teasers and marl.
from California. Ni doubt the news they bring
ban reached Pittatiurgh, by the ltightaier line, long
ere :cis. Ye.terday, the Africa arrived fruca Liv
erpool, after a postage of nearly thirteen days,.
nod to morrow Vre a re espeetleg the Atlantic,
Irma the name pot:, with inlet days later newt.
This afternoon the United Stiles Mad atzeiner,
Southerner, tailed fir Charleston, in company
with tee British hisil rlcanacr, hictlin, for Ber
muda', and the British Welt ladin Steam, you
thus tee, is tent taking possession of the moil prof.
liable part of the minceae commerce of this port.
Ship owner, ICIIDV/iqg this, to keep up with the
times, are converting Sarno of their Brat clam
,packet ■hips into second rate propellets.
Trade, to geheill, is very Inactive, just now.—
Our imports here dwindled into a mere nothing,
Our e zpotts, however, arc increasing a little—
Cotton, lbor, end wheat are going forward pretty
freely to tho Liverpool end Ir:th markets, and the
latest advice, justify thu expectations 'tat these
stup=o:ll3 aru,to c6OlitiUo lot Weeks yet to
Tlu: latg,rucerphs of California gold within the
weeb have given ICCICXSta 01160 to our money
11111teL Purer of taci.riLity prin. character, Will/
11. i months to 1110,14 done a6S per cell. For
sixty Jay 041 , , the rate is 4a05 per Coot.
* rho Bab Trdesury bore, at present, holds -
fact millions of sreMe in. its amyl. This hoard.
lug u? 01 I,t touch ukYtn ' , circulating uteritum,'
rretle I.erlolli ectitArrassmeut in the bust
hers world were motley nut au plenty as it fortun
ately :s.
L1..1 warrants at. dui; 512043125.
The artlie of flaw within the three days putt.
arnwnt to 37,000 bhis, about one half of which
was t*,:ezrorr. Common to istreughl State it t;2
Bs C 3; Etrit;ghr !dieh•gan SI 0931 75.
Gram—Wheats very firm, with sales of 2,000
bush,!, of Gellert° at SI 15. Rye is firmer, and
1,018,,,, SOO aakiog 3330 se. Corn is doll at lur.
Pr"vision—Pork is sal. batter, with sales rt
150 Lhls masa at $t 1 IRV Lard la Arm 11.1 I.
vs../ tlerttaaa, ain. earn of 250 barrel. at ltar
y w.tb rs'es of 100 Lb:s at 17
612 S • t, prime. Ostnvita.
Tee Mau, eV Canal. CpMatttelOelitsta at their
meatleg iu this - city on the tit, intr.. coact.. Jed a
flee In tie Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
cqtopshy, of the railroad acre.. the Schusl
the bee of railroad from the feel of the iv,
el.ned plane to the city, and the ear house and lot
sea COUcCleee t . fsu, near Broad great, for $213,.
700. The 44 Of ISI9, sutic;i •uthotizes the sale
requlrca that the proceeds toll be applied to
stnichten and repair the Celina:a Railroad be.
tweed Whlehall cod Columbia. To carry into
etre,: the law,the Burl euthorized an immediate
surrey of the valet Inc
ender the direction of
Edward F..oay. rho able Engineer, with instrues
I cons to report at the earliut practicable datelis to
el important elterations and improvements, with
;es:mates (or expenditures. It is believed that
t sine of the heavy grad. can be l avoided, and
t . t eey of the croaked ware made straight. We
tratethat Cape:ell reference will be had to the
0 „ o ut oar o zrrcot larva known as Cape lion,
ee Cl wens hoer Lae dtVilitte 11120 be.
en , c Carom tied Ltncsaier eeeeties, as well's
• t , t he beau pada lone mei relat to tho Gap,
Lahr ,. the re , .1 , ,t3J evert bed of quick and, at
l ii times t•caCtlelo3S.aCtl 00 , dem an R peptises.
'towel Lit teamed pmNies. Pitel./Yerd dew.
_ .
Arland atlas et the Colored Popada-
Clan to Canada.
To eltriatiamiaf different denominations in Pittsbargh
and its vicinity .
The number of colored persons in Canada was eau.
Maned, three TOWS ago, at twenty thousatot; and large
additions have, of late, been Made to this amount,
Principally by theoperrtion al the:Fugitive Law, late.
ly canoed by the Gervershrleat of the United Sum.—
Venous canoes have ennuilmted to:keep these persons
in a state of great ignorance and religious depreastes.
They had no Lied home; they felt themeelym to be
strangers, for whom no man eared; and the preitidme. '
that operated against them,even in the Drinsh Proton,
ea', were Wrens. Dy different ieligioes benne , thief
', the larthodies and Baptists, some edam , have been
made in their behalf, bat these have been dertiltory,
end an no spaterestie plan. Three peers ago, the at
tention or the Frei-Preabyterlan eharch of Cantle was
called to the .object, and with the insistence of the
Free church of Seeitland,a onesionary to the colored po
.palation, has for that period been maintained in the
Province. It appeared desirable that some fixed loc.
-tins should be found where a goodly number of the
colored (unities might be settled, where they mighi
reel that they had a home, and where they would bt
teeth' the ,th c ipka of christiataty, and the arts of
life. ito umelatlon of benevolent pentans having
been farmed for the purchase of a fit locality, seven.
teen thousand dollars have been subscribed, and nine
thousand acres of fine land, um a healthy situation, and
near a market, had been obtained, and a charter from
the Leglelatere granted. On tide land opw ards of thir
ty families, of approved character, have already been
sealed, and others are dropping In monthly. The trial
or one year has placed beyond. question the enure
practicability of the plan. Over these ramifies end
embracing also Oaten, chiefly white., previously .et*
tied, a replier pastoral oversight has been exercised,
the public woraldp of the sanctuary has been kept up,
and a teacher for the children hoe been in full unpin',
the attendance at school at peesent being ditty three
Prriudices originally strong,on the part of the 'Alta re
sidents, have been does away, and now, birth at cLetreli
and In school, individnals of both to lira freely inter
mingle. liereperssee principles are rig idly acted on,
inn n healthy mond iIMIGIICO a reread aver the settle-
The, creation; of balldings far chinch, school, and
dwellings for pitmen and mutter., with the payment
of salaries, have occasioned a considerable expend'•
we. The Synod °Mutate have eheelfolly borne
and are prepared to bear mach more; bat they have
felt that the friend. of humanity and 01 the gar., m
the United Elates, might be seasonably appealed to, to
grant them some tokens of sympathy, we have been de'
mated to lay the ease before than, sad m cuton, uaya
from the pulpit and the platform, and ern bare code.
cared to do so.
Deer Brethren, we ask not cos farthing for behoof
of the metier blench of the plan, we plead merely for
the morel and religions pen of it. Will you give the
word of God, and the capacity to read it, to the color.
o d man and his children! A mom fennel* OPPor , ..ig
of doing so is Dow within year reach. Our unuttitioa
promises to be the brat of a mire of similar establish.
menu, Sued to raid the colored man to his due place
in society. Yea, we believe that the ellltietlellt at
Relelgh, calm. West, may, by the hiciaint of 6 . 1,
be the fountain from which healing enters map go
forth to the children of Africa. Teachers and mis
sionaries may be sent forth from it to that chosen land
to preach to their Penighted co nntrymenithe ermarch .
able riches of Claim.
Deputation. behalf of dm onlomil ;maple of Cau
ada West.
Ambush, Nos. 14, 1550.
P. 8.—.W0 him only add that subscription in money
and donation in books for the Library, swill be thank"
rally received by us, to any artionit, and they-nay be
sent to Mean. Marshall & Maim, merchants,
Pidabargh, or to Mr. John Dean, in renal, Allegicany.
A pamphlet recently published et Washington,
signed, Randolph of Roanoke, enters into a rather
extended ea lculation Cl the number of fugitive
slaves lithe North, who escaped between 1810 and
1840, with the following resew
New York,
New Jersey,
Total in the above wren States, 0,221
Estimated number in nme Same.
who escaped between 1840 and
1850, 15,400
Making a total of 61,624 irt 4.3 pearl, or at the
rate of 1,640 annually. Valuing cleh slave at 5650,
be annual loss has been 6693,000—and the total
loss 5Z7,730,4100.
The main element in determining these results,
says the Courier and Enquirer, is the difference be
tames the actual increase of the free black popula
tion atlas North from one CCEISLIS to another. 404
what the increase would have been had _beet,
confined to natural causes. The author, flowerer.
lakes a variety of things into omoodemtion end
makes many allowances, pad to show his lit:emit
ty, not only makes no account of the fugitive slaves
in New England and Canada, which Inner be es
timate. at 400 annually, bed strikes off 210 per cent
from his estimates, and 'calls the annual tow $553.-
500, and the aggregate Ices 822,104,640.
The writer also estabbahw, at least to his own
satisfaction, that the natural increase of the South
ern slaves exceeds that of any other condition of
men on this continent—that the slave population at
the South doubles once in 30 yearn—tat the free
ncgroes of the South double once in 35 years—that
the free migrates of the North and West double
once in 40 years from the natural Increase alone.
—that the free negroes of the ,South are the mom
stable end least migratory of any elm of poplin,
tion in the Eaited States, leaving out of gee:stink
their migration to other S lave States,—aat «maid •
erably more of-the free negroes migrate from it"
Free Stales to the Stave States, than (menthe Shiro
States to the Free Stater—and that forty nine fifti
eths of all native negroes of the Slave States who
are found in the Free Stales were fugitive staves
when they left the Slave Stares.
TEC DLLS AL/VS.—Robert Sheen, a resident of
Middletown, in this county, was on board th e
Anthony Wages at the time she Stew up on Lak
Erse, lust ApriL After that dreadful catastrophe,
a body wee fund floating on the Lake, wh.,,t
answered his description, and no doubts we,
entertained bat that be had loot his life by the es •
eUion, and that the body which bad been food d
was his. The body wu taken and burled in Cr,
of the church yard. of Sanduky cny. A Inc:.
circle of (need., to whom he woo endeared
rang life, and who eoeety lamented hie untuert r
and dreadful death, nosed a subacription amore
themselves, and vetted over his supported gust
a suitable monument to hip cornatecoorattcr.•
Judge of their surprise when about two wear,
since, the canal Robert She:n made hi. appcor.
once In their midst, a living, moving being,
good health, but covered with nut Sedge .1
the welcome which he received when they sr',
really convinced that ft was Indeed him. Oat a •
wally having risen from the dead could not her 3
met a mere heartfelt, joyous reception. Order,
were promptly despatched to Sandusky city. , o
have the monument removed from hie suppose I
It appear that when the Anthony Wayoehh , r
up. he-was severely welded, but clinging to
piece of the wreck, he geared upon the Let,
until he was taken up by a venal and carried t
Detroit. He Lay under medical treatment at Da
trait for a long while, but having at length recd v•
ered, he repaired to Sandusky city. In exam,.
Dog toe grave yards, with • view of ascertain,' y
who on board the Anthony Wayne had periabeo,
he read the ioscriptlon on the moanmont v h., it
els friends had erected to hi. memory. His au,
prise. on reading it wan a great an theirs was to
MO him return. He Immediately returned to b.a
glands for the pinpOros of assuring them that t
wen still among the living. "Truth is armee,
than fiction."—Roastells, 0., Dear
Tex Bacurrox Sincratort—The &ruble of 1,1.1.
.ideation, exploded to . old form, now takes a
new one and styles nein' the right of Secession
Chia la but another attempt to reconcile recut.,
lion with the constitutional' action of the Oovt,r.t.
mem, and to bring the sanction of the law to i a ..•
try rebellion. It might as well be auempied to
prove that death is altogether tonadatient will, i.e
and that poison may be need as wholesome I. o 1.
It seems to he forgotten by those who r., , ..y .
their ideas of State sovereignty so far a to ro.t 1.
taro the right of aecesaino, If any State shall elite e
to withdraw tram the Union—it mune in he. ii.,.
gotten by them that the some people who form, il
the State Goreromeont formed the National c., ..
env:neat also; that the National sad State C .....
!temente are over the 'ante people, and that I 0 h
iyatems derive thew supremacy from the one a. d
the came source. But are. there two aeon n.e
sovereignties over one and Same people? NI,
.bat could not be. But are two lay. 0:t
Adapted to different sphere o ne including the ot .
re and not condieting. The national Giovereic , ii v.
. embodied in the Comlitution and the law, ..1
me United States, is of Each pantheon! east,a
cy that nothing at variance therewith in the Cm..
Ititution or the Laws of any State coo have vb.
tl there should be collision lietWeen the two ry •
tem. of National and &ale Governments and ,
qtte.tilttO of alit glance should arire, a citizen
eg the doctrine that he In bound to toe stat- di •
and only through her to the Government of tee
iye,on,colght undertake to act upon that &stir ic
but in so doirg be would risk the penalties of tee,.
w e. In other areal he would be engaged lo an..
c t uion, or • revolution, or whatever that
ate resort may be cared by which nations arttyrts •
veined ; government. shauered to pieces and fn.
serval blood panted Garth In civil war, The I.e.
of the National Government, with their enforces
power, do not reach the entseo through the tar •
dium of a State Government; they operate a. d,
remly: upon him as the State laws do; and hiS .
legamee to the National Government, which is
the paramount authority of the land, Is not count, -
ted with any other allegiance, nor modified b r
any contingency that can impale its binding fore,'
or shelter him from theinnalties of its violation.
If those who advocate secession are pupated
logo to the extent of disunion, which most involve
civil war, let them sty so and then there need be
no mieundeistanding abets terms. t h would
be a cruel dish:talon to seduce any into well fatal
iinttemes under the peranuion that secession can
iake place peaceably, and that it Implies nothing
more than the makes of a State right.—Bak.
pa r . Wear, sr volJurning for the lint
few days E err Feria, the place of bra birth, in
Franklin, New Hampshire. A delegation of hia
old friend* and neighbors, many of whom were
ca rnp,p,ol2s of his younger days, among whom
were the Hon. Moses Norris, United States Sen
ator, Judge Upham, General Low, Hon. C. H.
Pearlee, and General Frank Pierce, called to pay
their relpecur to him, and during the visit sat
down in a regular old fashioned dinner. The oc.
onion was one of great enjoyment, and many
toasts and apeeches wore delivered. The Hon
orable Rickard Ayer proposed the following sen
Oar Basr—To the genius, patriotism, and cour
age whirls en effectually and opportunely inter.
posed for the preservation or the Union, we ten.
der our lasting gratitude. ' . l.iberry and Union now
and forever one and inseparable.'
Mr. Webster, in reply, said—That the present
was not e fitting occasion to touch upon polities,
which he ehoule let alone- He was glad to see
around his table many old friends and conipan
, lone of his younger days, which brought to mind
many pleasing reminiscences, and afforded him
indescribable plesure. The allusion to his course
in the Senate, however, and the approbation it
had met with by his friends present, who bad
made a manifestat.on of their feeling., was such
e sooree of deep gratteation to him, that ha
could not help reverting to It. This wu sof,
cleat to repay him for the trials and sufferings he
bad gone thtough, and it mattered but 'Vile at this
day, whether opinion should sustain him in hie
cotine,oo long as he lett be had dote his duty to
his country, and alone for his country's good.—
He had lived the best portion of his poet
we/ rented to him. He asked for no more. He
had no other wish to muff, for he felt there was
no neuritic° too great m to make in sustain.
leg the welfare of his fountry. For six long
months, from the 7th of Mouth to the 7th of Sep.
(ember, he had not slept over two hones any one
night. Senators sat in their feat day and night.
It was the crisis, and it wad a furled and teni.
ble one. No ray of hope,.no g'earn of support
came from •ay one. All looked dark and gloomy;
all were grave and sullen, and no smile of relief
cheered the hour of despair. He had taken this
resolution end determined to sacrifice himself for
the country'. cause. He abed forth alone and
unsupported from New England, to strike a blow,
at all hazards ' for the prraervation of the Upton.
His friend from New Hampshire, Senator Ner.
rig, was the bent to imp forward with him, into
the breach, and he world hem observe, ildst tor
ward these who acted with the Senator from
Michigan, Mr. Coes, the Senator rum Indians,
Mr. Bright, the Senator from 111, Mr. lioness.,
the Senator from Missiarippi, Mr. Foote. and
others, to could never again enkriain that letting
f soiitiCal oprelion which he bad formerly fah.
The ancient feud was al an dPn, and V 1. 0 1 ., he
should greet thole gentlemen with feelings of the
most rictere eatcem and warmest friendship. It
way the some feeling which men have who have
Inapt aide by aide together through some b'oody
ratnbal Afire the battle is over they become for
ever Etlliearrd to each other, if only for the
common dangers and nartisisips thee have passed
In austuniug the position he had taken, be felt
he was hot maintaining the laws and the consti
tution, guarding the rights of the South, and sd•
vocrting the hirtneol of the North, alone and On
ly forth° cake of the preservation, of the Colon.
He target every thing but his country. ?or his
coootry only and her salvation was uppermost to
his heart
Mr Webster in conch:sloe offered the following
“Our Conntry"—May Its Union continue per.
pebral and everlasting, for when it shall become
divided it mlii no longer be my country."
Mn, Webster •pons witii denj !tad heartie
emotion, and eat down amid • bars: of •pptan
which incied him thrtughout hie speech.
A freastaree Ttanturs xis ii21 , 111.1' Ct./LT.—We
have been looking over (says this Lou twills Jun
nap the letters written by prominent Democrats,
mends of the late Compromise, to reply to the in
vitations to the great Union barbecue at Lexington,
in honor of Mr. Clay and Mow who participated
with him in Congress in effecting the Compre-
V 61:ti
Most of these !alien bestow warm tributes of
praise upon Mr. Clay. We have publulted the lever
of General Cats and General Foote, and their glow
ing eulogies upon the country's gent tatesman and
patriot are no doubt remembered by our reader,—
hetaitor &sages spoke of '.Kentucky's distin
guished Senator, and particularly his able sad
patriotic courts on all the great questions which
have excited the country end comas/ the to
(ration of Congress at ita Isle protracted le.
CO." The Hon. D. T. Drsney, the Democrat('
Representative from Me Cincinnati district, wrote
as follows
C1NC1,12.11, OCIVElkij, 1 330.
Gesetarus : 1 have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt 01 your 'molten to attend a barbecue
to be given at Lexington to honor of Mr. Clay sod
those who panicipated with him In the recent to
lumen: or the gr.' quesnons which havens porten
thusly menaced the Republic, sod I beg to say that
it would tndeed afford me great gratification to be
with you on that othasion, but my long absence
from home and consequent neglect of my private
antra will prevent me so much enjoyment
I have ever opposed Mr. Clay as a politician, hut
1 cannot deny his menu after witnessing bin noble
efforts and the patriotic devotion which be exhib
ited to the recent seasion of Congress in behalf of
our glom,. Union. I still retain my convictions
in regard to the errors of his policy in those fanners
which mark the dlffereo - e between the great par
t]es of the country, but 1 cannot deny to Mr. any
the merits of a entrain:lnn end a patriot. He de
serves well of his country:never did eloquence or
patriotism vtodieate their high and holy purposes
with LOOM power window than they did in Lo
person in the session of Coupe.e which has just
awed, and this expression, extorted by mentor ow
deeds farm a life long opponent, o aS cordial as
I stall never agree with Mr. Clay in many of his
political views; but I ma do jostloe to his services
end to his power. In none of the dart hours in
the history of our country did the political borison
look more black or threatening than it was in
that period over which we have Jiro passed
Pride, passion, deep rooted prejudice and intsnmt,
combined to threaten the Very Mumma of the Re
public ; but fortunately the occasion found men
equal to it—men whose sagacity reached into the
future, and men wawa patriotism preferred the
welfare of the country to the welhare of any party
prominently among thorn stood the ditun•
guished stalest°. of Kentucky. lie deserves,
gentlemen, the honor which you propose to confer
upon hint, and if circumstances permuted It, no one
would jon in the barbecue with more cordiality
than myself. Copying his own example in the
Senate chamber, I should feel proud in rendering
to patriotism that which to the leader of a party I
ever have denied.
I remota, gentlemen, yob: obedient nerrant,
Tama too Pontius lamas, —l3y the erntiol at
this port of the mail steamer St. Montclair, we
have advice* from Tamph to the 30th ult. It op.
peen that Wash toceehee, one of the last Indian
delegation from Arkansas. brought here, with the
hope of imatattog m the removal of the Indiana,
and who woe naming when hie colleagues return
ed home, has come in to Tamps. It has always
born *apposed that ho had turned traitor; but now
eller four mouths &boohoo, be has appeared, bring
ing with him the whole family of (loth Jones,
comptalug his two wires and all has childreo.—
The old man is now left without a single one of
his family. These Indian., eleven in number,
will be sent off to Aram,u in a few days. They
were cajoled away, by stealth, by Halah•tomchee,
who fs the brother of Sam's two wire., and hence.
hr the Indian law, they are obliged to follow him
tither than their husband.—Bisormneh Repub.
M. Glazes, we are informed by the Paris cor
respondent of the National Intellgencer, has pub.
beheld a historical treatise entitled "Monk . The .
fall of the Republic and re-establishment of the
Monarchy to England in IWO " Several curious
public documents appear to this work for the And
time—among theta a latter from Richard Cromwell
to Moak and seventy despatches addressedno the
Cardinal Matarine by M. de Bourdeaut, French
ambassador at London. M. Guignt's work bore a
special interest from its supposed bearing upon ac•
teal French politics. "In fact," sari the correspon
dent, "during the tact three months the newspa
pers have been die-owing Gen. Chnearmer as the
Monk of France; the protect being auributed to this
distinguished military men of heading a move.
meat to result in the nuppression ul the Republic
and the restoration of the imamate monarch."
The part which Gen Monk played in England,
in the restoration of the Stuarts, had, perhaps, as
close a parallel as a will ever find in France, when
Lafayette guns the throne of the kingdom to Lamas
Philippe. It appears that the ablest of the French
conservatism ere now in favor of a prolongation
at the term of Louis Napoleon as the bent mode ut
present to give stability to the Goveronaent
Ma. Kna—Plr, Picheerfally comply witn , yout ro
gue. that I would give youlan &recant of the almost
miraculous core of my little daughter's eye by tar me
of your "Petroleum."
She was clutched with a very sore eye In Pebruary
or March last, when I immediately applied lode best
medical aid to the city, by whom It was pronounced
" a very had eye' and all gave rat no hope of doing
her any good. After which I took ore into We roan
try to so old lady, Who had been eery successful to
earths eyes. Pact told Ole that her case was hopeless,
as she would certainly lose got may that one, but
also that the other woald follow—it belay • scrofulous
affection of the blood. And I do certify ,mat at the
u m , my father (1. 11. Vastion) came , 10 the Oartehltlah
that we had better try your " Petrothunt, ^ sus was
arrnaght Immo; of one eye.' It a now about two
months same she beg. Its use, and she can now aeis
with both eyes as good as ever she did ; and, as far
as I c. tell, I believe she ha., with the blessing of
he Almighty, been Cured by " petrol,,,m
Yours, respectfully,
M. Fad Acta V 411303 Cal.bni.
Pittsburgh. SePl. 30, IP SO .
r or gale by KeTICr ft McDowell, 110`Wood street;
E. Sellers, ST Wood inie<l; D. M. Corry. D. A. Elr
liotd Joseph Doc4llm, lie/ li. P Schwan., Alleaticary,
also by Ws proprietor, n. M. KIER,
rariquiAist Cabal Elastu.Sisecath st. PlUabrillpL
T 1 &11... r.. Vciatfroll.—R.-.1 tb, following Mn
itioaie, and their doubt. If yr.otrr triumphant
gualitits promoted by Mrs greauLgaltd) •
C. 11.11114 Tow. war. CVi.NOO
Dertrat/er 2,1,411447.
Mr. tlxxxxat —Dula Sir—l tale plessurC in iurirm
log the Innen of Dr. Mc Limn', Vcitturnoc, winch
I purchased (root you, has given inn entire •ntiorartion.
I gave to a child of mita one tea spoon iiil; of it, and
she passed 117 worms. The next morning I gave per
a tea spoon fall minx, when she panned 113 more. The
next morning I gave her the same quantity, and she
,passed 13 more.--Yours, tr.e.
For nib by J. ;ODDS. CO, No Go Wodd wee
(Mae 01 Ohio and Penna. R. R. Co, Third et.
Tea Stockholder. of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Rail Road Company arc hereby notified to pay the
eighth imatilment of Erne dollars per share, at D. office
of the Company, no or before ;he itch day of August
The ninth intaalmentl an or before the Midi day of
September. Th. tenth Instalo,nt on or bolero we
40th day of October ne=t.
tl3 The 7th instalment wee e ailed for on the WO o
Joly last.
weird tf
STRICT attentlon will be given to all buriners en
trusted to his eare. Pittsburgh maidtractured
articles Morays on hone or proeured at short notice
Notes, Borids-MOrten ills, to Ward on favor
able terms. Agleam.. made, V requited. 0c24.2in
111 Co:cur of Pourib
and Pe. - ett bersreen
Merry sod Ferry street,. nett-41,1e
1519 WOOD tiTREET,
Are now. prepared with a large and fresh stock of
English, Germ., and ..tene !Inn.lnure. In offer
nape rfor indurersenw to buy rieen
er, More i htr, to
purchase will promote the.: entsreit by 'Dotal;
human our stock, ne they ore determined 101.11 ou
he most reasonable. terms septa
SEPARATE Proposals mill to reedimd until the
20th Inst. by the oadersignrd, et offire. No 43
Lkettalige Badding., St Glatt sue, inr the following
work, at the Vatted Staten Mar., I lovitai. near this
city:—Pot furnishing and delivering about OHM
cable yards of earth for fillitot up and levelling the
aiie,lo accordance with tip cite which
For famishing nod Jellvents about 4 tg.o cable
yards of nibble stone and for rot tong the lame oroti
shoat ;OM cubic yarns at gravel to protect ire bank
of the Ohio Meer-the fiolalrcl to he taken from the
beach at low Water
. .
For the excavation and moot. y for the extension
°lithe maze sewer, ndi•tance of about 1.:0 lett. There
w,ll be about U✓m cubic yards of light excavation for
sewer and rade daunt, and about 41X1 cut., yards of
only. Fde rower to be hods iitif hard and
dowthle stone, laid in lime mortar. end well grouted.
For formatting the ma eriais sod et:cling a wooden
lance to enclose ILO site
All lantern's sadwora ninot be ~ Iget to the in
areetion and approval of •
the stuoceintemient The
whole work to be complete] el ea:ly next =ale a.
Contrneu and bOodo, troth two affected
will be required to be toured Into within ten days
after neat: talon of sect puttee at the bolo. Plans
and epecifteation• of the wort con to seen, and each
other Information eamay be regained, can be obit:nett
al the tare. J. IL ROIIIM , oN Itioettnueollo be
Plftsborkh, Nov. ki
irnpf.•010260111111 Oen t/ stay.
Di. O.U. trniefuss, late touoi oar liazea in
mannfosture end ;Let Dux. T... and parts
Seitit, VOL Sue or :aim—
TotrilloatlCClOn tit MINI.: Cr.g Sher...le I.
exposed. Office anti rea2denec tot May.
eft °lace, Fourth street, Pltu Dui
liDs'atld.n.F IL lLatott. IMO
4 M , CORD &CO tab
tc Retail Manufacturers& Dealer. LI
Co.. Wood &Wirth atm., PI tt•barg h i
Where they offer a lull and eorop.ctr Fteca of flat
tees, Mare, &c. of e•er. quality nue. in I le, ay Wank
•off Retail, and invite LI, sucat.un t,t dad ea,
thruets suit -joiden.iscri Rearrnat ns•cnitc dud tar
lacy will iiefl on the altar coy, aitc. mann.
5111N4Rodat.bstvresuTta7rit d.Fataxtb
/1“ u.n• reztt, , , thed r. ,rertor F
0001'8, SHOES. Situ C3(.!GA55
ii(LNISETti ai , rd FLOW: al: of tire
a, and caprcaLly trralern trador
It Lao her a selected WIIS Crra' rar , •" ,, ea to atr
oral qua sty la 001 earna...,! l
(..and eater east or Weal_ Our c0r10:0r,. ale
chants rmera.l7 are anlttrd . es, and cxamir.e.
Ige aro el...armed to r, the :roil 1C.4.t..41/
tern , Al.. Goodyear , . parr:,
CO V 1/..A.4k. 11A).211:: iN ran' o`lolsi
Of I.l2t•bnr,h
Q v“..1
\n 1
tic.oust o
11./ , • ~•at...1 Et inture
1. /null a rl.", .441
merch.toe.a .a.I tn
r tnn v.t iAA.g r.t
the Inc.o.mtaA,, saAn., A 7... ter t.I the
rte.tors, Wta, ea,r r• f•
rankbly kr.ccr“ • 7., thci*
- .
...u!r. if., M. el..r
liftt.7.C;LOP, Joh.,
tVarr‘,P..- vto•r.c.. thc can...
IC,xuatr. of ,tae TourtL Want, ma a caadi,a:i
Ma) or. at the dr,amg“ot,,h6t,c: Tie acalpt.l
thr Wl,l ,- ...•tAltlAn a O.
NAM' St Ult...S l+F Fill: ,F.C‘.,ND Vit,r)
nt . C
canatdate toe We
Mn•oraltv, atfOcci to .;:c. ratalc•ay., of %spa;
wtll Le stro73
ntr. 44 LT • 1.4 , of fucml4. tos Lewe Lothcapalble nd
tonc, ton - ..t MANN eII 12E_ S
Ir. ie. Czox; late If ithr'orroal•ir of trforlH
kt ruppormrl er candi.o, for too otEre of :dal,) -
at tze nrzE elrrtkor, roh,rrt .n tr.o tcorolo
tor azd Antirataorir Coy ..00r , von, r
14,9.4211 , W MANY VU VERL,
Nn EL/701-1 - 0a vrif, p:rat.that I. it.
1.191.11., Esq.. R.ll Le I , ...uparztut at tat , tricude n.
• cantulale for the u.tre Ni at - of , the next okecoon,
aoLmet to the ,:teiston uf tue tt Loa tad /unto:Vow
Coveation. Lnotttlk.arter. 4 IXTII WA t.
I itsmoviLl..
no_ rtr,L.
1/ PiLI gartet, 111.1
a•nse ballding
ALARGE Int,/ story ill 11,1.107 . W,
oppose Ct.cach A-NT
1\ 1 t A F.:STOCR,
17 L1t , c , 77 .t.
URPII .2:I3I"RCAIFILLI) It , vr ju, receJvcrl
BEL fresh .apply of home =Yale arm e.,, IPonlat
Three to I'd.. Pollan per ycir. we
and yrry .uper.or. AI., Cr: ...IA cr,
Blankets of dffdrert: 111.C3.
Francla ilsousisslothss
MURVIIV h ISURCIIMLD taic Just openest
trash supply of the various quallit CA VI tut atas
arstele, suclusling Lisa twiltne, vs.:) , Cum Al
French lawalltns autl Cat...metes, u. , tek and taste
and lilluek tiissw Vlsung, at sets I I , ttaas
qualsty. etnl,s
A rEw Start, TeicKrnnt otil 0 , Lint
A VERY large and tele,Or
JAL Ketchup, helmet, Se. :mt. thu
Whine.. of Kuderarual at Itcet Scold
Philadelphia, cottatantly on hand ap.l ea, at I
tate. at 2G Liberty at, compticuti
ticrlE:. in ttf gal, Arts, and pta, 1,1,11
P m
ickne. du, °on, Acts an.l plc, 11u•
:vetoes' qt.; Tutuato Ketchup, qta Lod po., IVolntO
Ketehop pto; htu.hrnota Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, tea
and ptr; Cupara, Spanith
Nos opentiOl, o luau atidttect in the above, to
which, we tc:pectfutly cull th.: aut.:titof hous•-•
keepers and dealcts. V. ,11 A Matt I, t; lit. S. CU
, Uutilue ap
Illg14;1‘1 tv 1
tc! cououltircu r tUe.
No t —.Mop of the W”tr,“ rr.
2 doE+Etcro tin;
do Noah Amt.,
thletro t3tut
do Eu top,
No M— tlu
No 7— do 3 Amer.,•
Pr .ce of the style, a..a. La;
11,1a,tplicta irt.yiu
Tact< Arap. arc watay
cheaptte., mat adapt,' tar At 01 tte armor,
Irnatalar.tara oat
*.. ttad
Fn: sale at putplith•r•
(.c4ll aliarge.a.ol,l
Car. Market .4. I , oart, its.
IALLow-14 brig U.. day ret.:d for
Prgi warm:G-715.) brie nupari , , for
• Eirn tr tVood ne
T;IPOONI SAL rs-wwi. tor Ly
jJ noir, I: A IA lINE.TOCK -V. CO
VT, lirla pi.!T
0 [toll
CILOVES—Ixa inn lair
noir> U A L'All.ii.6To.l:
. • .
A 1.. L yer.n. indeLml to die. of %Nur Wilco:
ri vow, co, on t..n uull mak
p•ya,rnt. 0.1 uga.n.l c.c.
Fezeht their at,vu!..... u...,:nticlicd, fu
actltment A 11.0:
Isol4.o3trmfrw CALVIN :li!..11. "r "
1N the matte, of the e,ttne i tr Wane, deed
The esbecritter hasnee, orpEuns' tour
of Allegheny county, .pp ,
at..r.t A t1 , 114n, to audi
the erinainistruttort aeeott Its end in doe rlbute the ea
lance to the bandit of the ndonele:r.turd
. •
Tne Andttor will prcered disc tt.n dance
Lis •ppantunent, at Li. nffite. to Fourth ttreet. nit
burp, on the idat day t t Novern,r. 41 2 o'clock e.
noltitat3t9 It Ent) WA:it:NI:ION
MILEFACTORS ere ciedoa the <urn. of Race.
1 and Corrty atree“, rennl..e tip!. ugh to Laenet
street. recently pat to thq,,,151. repair i•r,re mod,
ate, sad 1 , 1110 en,. t.
t , tgc asrorl,d namo,n, t.J,• ..•,nd, for
sale by [nolll VA RI, Vl'.
DAR. IRON-91:10 tolls b.5..14.1 i.l
XII .14 /3.4111.13.4111VLN
•: . l',:s.t3N ET.' r• T Et, ER RAP ii,
, a . / . 1Z11; a TELEGRAPLEED
Nassautz, Notr.l4.
The COnVellttOn met to day, pursuant to ad.
The Secretary read • letter f's , m an absent
member of the Tennessee delegation, 'Mr.
Rowles. If wee Written in a Strong secession
The Stat•s being called, Messrs. Jones sod
Hunter, of Otorgia; Davenport, of Mu; Pillow
and Donne!son, of Toonessee; Clever, of S. C..
ere present.
Mr. rheTer offered the following retell:Mon
Resolved—Thad recession, by the joint Wien
of the slave holding States, is the only efficient
remedy for the aggravated wrongs vahich they
now endure; from the enormous events which
threaten them in the future, and from the lammed,
and cow unrestricted power of the Federal One.
Mr. Chever then read a long apeech, review.
ing the whole subject ably gad thoroughly, once.
pying three hoer.. It was done, the Rubicon was
passed,—the Union was already dissolved.—
What is the Unions It was a bond cf paternity
—it had become one of hoetilities. We could
1 expect to live with a people who, On every
million, and in Ile halls of the Legislature, de
acne slavery as a crime, and its partidipacto as
'mina's. Was. not the face of every Southern
wiffuted with the blush of simnel
.111 that the South coati hope for nothing from
spy change they (the Ncrth) could givens. It
would only bring an increase of power and our
danger, disgrace, and chime. We should drop
party, and unitedly oontead to the interest of our
bleeding country. If Virginia would kid no
blood would be epllt, and he had no doubt that
In a little time every soothero State would fol.
'ow, except, perhapr, Delaware, whose interest
would deter hell and even in the poulbility of an
etymon from the North to coerce us, where le
their army and money—all their Militia would
fiud it difficult to take Charleston or Savannah;
and it they. did, what would they do with it.—
Perhaps they calculate upon the mimeo . be of
slaves, but they would be disappointed. They
would serve their Maslen at home, while in
arms. We want but union, and the enemy are
oars—and the Colon, thank God, dissolved—
Undoubtedly the South would suffer the must
casualties of war,but they were dangers which •
free people, who were not disposed to wear the
yoke, would meet manfully.
The right of secession was unequivocal. He '
appealed to Virginia to take lead inn united et
ere. on; and he would warn the people of the
South to bowcre of alien counsellors, who were
act our !need. They did not sympa G re with no.
in conclusion, he squad pray to dto inspire
southern men with the epint of Free en. Then
they would set semen who knew their rights, and
dare maintain them.. Only unite, and we can
• wtter our enemies like smumual I vet, Cali.
bruit will become a .lave Sawa.and will form
' the most splendid empire on which he inn ever
shoce. Seta:le—the amid curdl a the blood,
and may Ood unite us.
At the conclusion or the apoceh, p: Convert
ton adjourned until IQ o'clock to mo~ w,
Mr. Rowley, of Tennessee, in a letter to the
President of the Conversion. acid that he would
not m
coider the question which e ed the Bret
convention settles—only postpone Ha had no
confidence in the fidelity of men w o have tilos
hued every compromise they h ye hitherto
made with the South. He want*. all the pros
vision. of the Constitution, sod not ilng niore;—
and he was convinced we most al.p the rude of
brcoms, wooden clocks, and no i•egv, to the
Soothifor • year, when the high la • advocates
would discover ROW beauties In t.e sublunary
The reroluuoes of Mr. lowa, o Georgia, de,
elated that the equality of rights awed by the
Canaan:ion was violated by erect ng California
into a State; Utah and New Meg' , • into Tern.
total Government-a, and diantum ring Tent.;
and that non totcreatillo was call d for,
The resolutions of Mr. Hunter of Georgia,
declared the Government to the •ands of the
Mirth, and the South in aver dep•ndenee upon
the alomlon majorities in Congrea . The prow
perry at the South depends on Slavery. We
should repel every assault npon t at institution
Cl all haaards He allneed to he Califorola
bill. arc., u robberies of Soothe rytits. The
VenireSla•e Haw is too cellecrei 11, and he re•
ooeitnanded coutauuonal r*ebduoe to the acts
r f Congress. When that, each State should
dee de tar iaelf the neodn:or rea &twee.
Mr. Davenport of Mitsa declared the 'tight of
reoviaion, and reviewed the wrung. perpetrated
by thai North upon - the South. He called upon
lase South er coneerdrated eetion to have the Union
by in•Causivntion rename:module noo•iutercourx;
and tbat the South go Into . NEtoZal Convention
for Prialdeni. with use Nam.
Gen. Pilo,w of Trorlearre, erebrid.ed in hare
mark.. ten slew, of a owaurtry of the delegates,
mad recommended teat although the b.lll of Con.
tress felt short of justice to the South, that the
Courson. declare v. svildneneas to shade th
taws of tbe mod, thereby attire proof of UN •tr
avec...dueot to the I JOIOO. Tbat thtt .trutlf demand
Ism the .gust,on hr slavers at the North ova
sod :hat 110 :caveat of the Fugitive Sieve b 1
wood Nailer ell 10.ther assoclntlon imponio c.
He recommended non-intercourse If the North
did not Inottrot.y perform her pert onoordire to
the la, ea of Crorgreu, Tint ii Amber inter-
ierence 1e:16 ; 027er( be percsied in. :be Lf psis
t•.re of toe revere' States sbocitil elect eeegactst.
the Geberbl Cerivectiub.
Mr Donebtsoti. of Tennessee, reeo welded an ac•
Inestreree . tbe Inam by th e South. . Teat the Con.
pton would 00 orate:pot. a• ou of tenon of
a n t s of Ike nwintiel• of Me Tedern Compaet, Mat
vin tamly eitrtmo In...res. Th 0 tbe motto of
me noodle. M.lO. t•. m Perreott, I the Croon ard
-Me eon moan, and ..0 Mi. Canoe: ion wilt loot to
oriel ...wt. roc. e rev-lotto oar; re etty , , only "Men
•ult on tonpmmbon of the 1 , ..1er0i C0n5...0 m
.nforeed no vv. mole me Ferleenl onerament the
two... etntoternbte i :canny and opprettaon.
Now ?Gas, N Iv. 14
Official returns have been received from forty
three conn , tes, winch give Hunt, Whig. for Gov
ernor, 12 649. and Seymour, Gem., 11.691 Twelve
counties are yet to be beard from officially. These
nominee ere reported to have given Hunt 6622, and
Seymour 3907.
Fifty four commies have been hest* from otllci
ally, whteh reduce Hunt's majority td 328, accord
tug to the Tribune The Herali makes it 408
Clinton, Frank Ito, and New York: counties are ye ,
to hoar from oTtetally.
WuAttatt - Arr, Nov. 14.
BOW, Democrat, IS elected Governor by IS MA
jority. Riddle, Democrat, 13 elected to Comireas
by 120 maj.
Ncw Punt, Nov. 14
The Calabria had not been board from at Halifax
at twelve o'clock today. She w a glow boat, and
the weather has be'ao bad.
Concur; Nov. 14.
The Clocinceu & Pitts'b Clubs closed their match
to day. The Ciocionvosns Were beaten OP.
Iturrrozp, Come., Nor. 14
Abut SO feet of the bridge across Connecticut
river Cell through at mum to dig, carrying with it
• Imus number of cattle, which Vero crossing
et tho
Scarab., Aoe. 14.
The brie S. M. Gale, with a cargo of tallow and
pork, bound for Montreal, was inn into by the school,
or Telegraph, in Ina straits of Alaottnaw, and sunk in
two huatirrd and fifty feet water: The outgo was
yalotd at *MAIO.
November 14.
Foour—Reeeipta are coming forward more free
ly. No sales for export are report/. Moderate
sales to trade et St 2505 for cornett n and good
i ,
Grotn—Supplies of wheat are a %rodeo!, with
a moderate demand at 51 0401 0 e for red, and
1 1101, 12 fur wtote Corn Is to 11 ited demand
tone axles of old yellow at E9e, and of new at Me
per bush.
Provistons and GtOCef lel ate 5, adt ar.A pr,
arc onahaDged.
Nov. 11
Heaves—There were 1550 heed offered with
Wee Al 806 25 per cent net; SO Lena !eft over
Col.& Calves—Atom 330 cowa and calve.
were offered, with aalea of free. et 820032: of
springers et Sl2fiiO3, and of dry cow. at $7014
Stieep—Tee olirriaaa were 700 head, with as:es
at Si 2:01 par hold, ma in quality.
Ilcg•—Alwut 700 were offered, With ulna at
55a5 5 50 per owl.
The Now York and Baltimore catVe markets
arc without change.
Nur You, Nov. 14
S lour—The market is active, and common and
sefaight State a selling at 5159 a 84 62i Michigan
and Indiana 54621-2 a 54 65 per bbl.
Grain—Wheat is firm, with large supplies. Wes•
tern mixed is selling at 105 e per ha. Corn is in
tonsil supply, and prices are variable.
Provisions—Pork is inactive, and unsettled, and
holders demand so advance. The supplies of Beet
ore large, with fair Wes. Wrmsm Mess at 517
per bbl. Lard is selling in bbls and kegs at 7 3.4 c.
Linseed Oil—ls Arm at 52 et 83c.
Tobacco a firm and active.
114.1:11410RE MARKEr.
Etawritioas, Nov. 14.
Floor—B.lm of °OO. barrel. Howard Siren sod
coy brands or 94 MY per Md.
Brain—No etninge to notice in the grain market.
PrOVl.lolls—The market le very Bras Bales of 160
bb. me.. pork at 111, and prime at gaper bbl. Bales
did keg. lard at 73 4a Bacon abotildem are scams
at 6 side. o 1.2, and ham. at FOP per lb.
Mtal bozos Weaton al 7 0100120
per lb.
Peatber•—Bales SISH lb. at 344.
Cone—Sale' 3000 bags at 110116 3; Lagasynt
at 1018..
Sgt. and Holmes. are declining.
CINCIIM•2I, Nov. 14.
Slow 14 In pod donned, tub oaks otlsoo bbbk
at 13403 to per ;bbl.' Several thounud bbla. rs
nave been ao!d for the English market, but partic- , 76 },..„,,,,..„. , c ,,, F ,,_,,,,
titan have ant been reported. t. tr.... , ear! et twilled i 7 ,aunl,, all pad,A;
Whiskey—.9ll,s at 2216221, - 95 bale. Veilner
, 25 do Win. dm do .
40 do;
Hoga—We have no sales to report; three boon • sdo Green .loetint d:, . do
flare Packing on droyers account. The weather 500 pr. approved aryls I, 1 , ..:5.. ,
W Unfavorable for packing. Sales 2 , 000 green So ps 7.4 .up. Nan: nal , . •it made .,
lame at g 5 60 per cwt. ; 09 pa Fi..nect, 4.rnmn V, ..t of Englned, and
Cheese uinves c o ttr freely at 61e per lb.
mane.mane.Ellett, 13. a .. 1 1- 4. , . ie I.. ' i4i '''
l i
Green Bewkd ..lo.h.
Lard—Sales I 0 kegs at 6 ,
1I per lb. :
N I an pa Benner Clnib, uaornd nylon:
15p, Bloc. Ilro.rh. Green. end Mark Jeang;
host received from mernlfamoree.. anti r.tent nnport.
ate.. Ilereb•ros are itapectfolly invited to rn II and
env:tune the tune a. . A A NIA.ON 5, Cod
noll G. & C 4 . klarket or
"" ' - " -
THIS compound is warranted to produce the within
described effects, as follows:
Directions for making Bread, Tea Cakes, Baer
wheat Cabo, he., by which a raving is effected In
the floor of about Inver cent.
To make Breed—To each pound of flour add two
learpoonfols of Compound and the oval quantity of
e.' mLe them thoroughly together while dry, lad.
mak a prepare d floor that you can set aside and
matetrarch then add s• touch cold water ox will
the do•gh the anal thickness; knead it well
at d let stand fifteen mthuteslefore baking, one or
two boars will do no hurt. Biscuit. should be mixed
much thinner, and baked at once, but will do no hurt
to stand fifteen or twenty minutes. There ix no dan
ger of getting too much of .this Comporuld itt the
Bread It will not tam the bread yellow as saleratus
does when used to excess.
You can put the above Compound Into Tea Cakes,
Padeinsa, JohmirCult et, Indian Cates, Binger Cakes,
Corn Meal Cakes, Corn Bread, Brown Bread,l3Wcsalt,
Batter Cates, Eleckwheat Cokes, Apple Dumpling.,
Pot Elea, and for all baking purposes.
Said by C B E SELLF3IB,
not/ f e 7 Woad at
TAB—lto barrels Tar, for veer by
cern IBA . 51 DICKEY iv CO
net 4 119 Water at
I r..E.SE-400 bar la more .d. for rale by
a,/ not! ISAIAH DICKEY ft Cf
- -
IA7 IJITE Flsll—to brie and hf brio for sale by
• • no IBM H nICKEY &co
tel . Ke
40b,is Pelot3l , lILN
ore wad for tole by
( 10PAL V AFLaIIBH-73 pig. beta, hl brls and kegs
ki &rattan" and carnage, for ale La
all ISM nil Did
H ONEY -A beautiful acme, put up In banes for
family um Just recurred (or Dale by
nol4 ' 256 Liberty at
DINE APPLE CIIEFEE-10 bone. Nanan brand,
very handsome, just raced ed for sale hy
date Wlll IneCLUIIO er. CO
ryi.kic—no brla N. C. rcu, for e° by
COCOA, Ice-20 bb Babel
30 bib do
bob. do c
by mnol4l • V,
io 1 Chocolate, for .ale
• 114 GA LE' it CO
MACKEREL -150 Grla No d, fox ode by
nol4 18440W00d
PO fiDEII-7COO keg. biautini and a e, Ilauard
manufacture, in magasine and IC arrive,
A.FETY FUSE-23 brie aupariur quality on bland,
1.71 .101 J DILWORTH it CO
WOOL -5 eadk, blot reed 6r .nie by
nol4 RIO Muer et
aria N, C. T.r, far isle T b
1 , 136.1 for male by
SOAP—SOO bls Roain PO•9, for rot. by
colt fitißßßlDtal & INCUR/01
C e ast. just see — soma (or sale by
1 .-L,
MACKEREL -100 Ms No 3,
10 hi' brie Nog;
10' do No I, for oole Ly
.M3LASIES-lAb4s . e w raN i ni n,, Housti
6 brie Golden Syrup, rot we I,y
s rcu DRIES—I ceroon 5. IF. Indigo,
3 bag. Pepper;
. I bale Canis;
I brl Clo . Yea;
1 brl Gr. Marrd;
1 brl Osn/yer;
I brl Pepper or WI by
S.ALED Proposals mill be 4ciecived at the store of
10 W. P. Baum, Word street, until Saturday, the
Stabinst., for the erection of a [hike across troop's
Hollow, in Feeble. toweLhip, where the Pittebnigh
and Coal 11.1 Turnpike Roan crosses the iltid can.
Hide to star the cost of stone and wood separnte/y,
required by the plan drawn ty R. E. IleCowan,
Eati ; to be welt at the store
11 of IT. P. Baum.
G KING, Provident
II P Cate. See.etary . notCdttt
DANCING 501100 Le
A RIJN:V*I'ON reapeethey infonns
. hlol . lr.ends
n. hts " seto " l ' w " ill n o r pero " ga ' i n u o r d da Al y k neM. n.n tm ' Til;
of November. at 3 o'clock, r. u., for young ladle., at
for bop., and E for gentlemen, and continue every
Thursday and Satan:loyal the +reek, and same hours
Strict reference. 'ell reqatred from arrangers
appling seoAt irker
Thad irt ‘ rel.:l, it; " at'itti P dn . m. trotqW "
A ''1'4 14 .,"r 1 -. 1 .%.,`°:',V.'''.. 7.'1?1 17:a * I ' sr g adre i rt ' pl:i
meat anti (dr wages, by enquiring at this ogee.
i r
YOVNG 51A.N wanes a "fellation. arhe told,
CI. mentid• dr ing and the care of tedraca perfeetiy,
and oat, de y ming in or &Lout • gentlemen's place
to regard to t aeon, and in always ready to oldie
, f wanted. ha can tie found at !No 12.2 Third "tree
beeteeere Fe and Wien! ' notaidat•
DAIRD& IRVIN would invite attention to the fine
ll upper/gullies they can attim capitalists for in
s tmeutr. fifty to one hucdrcd than and
duller. of the be;; real mufti securities, having to
win from six mane& to all year., and in annum snit
A FEW Shuts CIIt Mina Stook; alto, North
emeriean and Wester. In.raLce Mock.
Apply to Baltd & Item, I i 4 Second street_
Oar Second Bop Ply—all open.
ISluthu-'O';,.‘l 5 .EMe,!?;;Fi.L l , - 4°.cw.esnT r .Pplf;Vr
liooda Me veleta, and can 'Der emery incere
MOW to y )crs to make their, pareMoca 11 - nr. them.
Imhes`will find
Preneti Merino. and Cobotirs of all de.; re i•le color,
Printed French tar Moms ander Lames, alt wool;
Gold Medal do In great variety, anew
qt., at 2$ coo.;
eat style. end 110 . 1 d colors, so , low as ILL et.;
Casugraole ranlin. in great valety of rondos;
Drees Slit and 'StWn. of newest styles and most
drsirablo colors. ,
reads, Neck ribbons. Boinet Ribboor,Gloves and
Hosiery, roe., and • itill sub i dy of leousekeepirhy
ficiod• at lowest pont. le proles Eerecial sdiention
Is also invited to their etio.ce !make of b.4irilari Plus.
an. and Irish Llo•r•—the la or • arranted pare flex.
Noilb cut 00,000 of Poen and Market au nol3
Si VGAR-10 aids N. 0. r 'sad for aisle by
W ai P WIL4ON,
not ; 111 Wood et
IIIEKSF.-10 Dal received for sale by
nol3 W & F WILSON
Q ALT PE E-1 00 bags ler sale by
1. noI3 Ws r wiLsoN
Obocosato, Cocos, at
UST' received at odd Liberty Street, of the aosi
t/ celebrated mmi•facturers, a large assortment or
Fresh Chocolates of the dlllereat kinds mentioned
••. • ,
Spanish, French Deublo Varella, Slagle do, Per.
raceme, A la Canell,, Baterc No 1. do Boom.,
do Cocoa, Nottela, Honarzopathle, Hpieed Eagle, do
The finer qualities or the above are made of the
best Carotenes Cocoa, end ...ranted pure.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by
LGTIO , - • - I t -
IiaI'OTICE Is hereby glace, that the partnership
J.I heretofore calming between•Cmus Black and
Joseph Robb, is grade, dissolved by comma consent
All debts doe toe firm see to be paid to Cyrus Black,
and all demands against sold firm will be pens abed
to him for ael d ement, CYRUS BLACK,
u 01,3471 JOSEPH ROBB.
fIYRUS BLACK will continue the Pe bolessie and
Retail Grocery and Produce Burliness, In his old
...Id; west side Diamond, giusbutgla,not3i :K
EI CE.'4""'" -€‘4 1,17111 . 1 1 3 ' 111 . DGE A INGIIRAAI
non I le Wamr at
CANDLES -10 bee No 1 Mold
10 bze do Dipped,:
10 bz. do Pressed, for sale by
(111000LATL—Z bya ND fay sale by
Cl 4 * E • b iti:::: t Rio;
10 bags r.agatYra:
10 boas Porto Rico;
Gaga Old Gov. Java, for sale by
Gm Wood & Fifth oo
:Irriroyma Fur;
Un Bordeaux. Porno,
'A la bu N. R. Room;
2 brie Tame Cerullo;
3 coca Genes Citron, ter We by
10 bI rla do;
a Arlo No 2Macker.l,
Io qr brie No 1. do:
It/ lita No Ic'o, for .ale
RICE -s '''. — gr"bi'"'''V,S4:4lill' A CO
IS & J Wood el
OtiSt. Loot, h St iTailde
bran. tor 1110 oy
.13 WM IMUALEY a, Co
It&ISINB—.3I/0 boxes
. clap,arrconto mid loy oak Oy
"CEO (Rd— 4fbxs common. landinot for snir by
noln .. Vat Bn.fili.LEY E. CO
Thts Ersistsg. for Gaorithamen only,
Edlt. HOLLICK Lecture en the Physiology or
the Parental 871 tom. ignstrated II ell All
ela and PUIMIDIP.
itantiSlioll. IS eauti•
Relit* to Saimal• Teactiere - . -
N exarnicatlon of applicazia lot the litoalion now
exct in the Titled Watt Public School, city of
' , Wahl:ltch, will be held at said school bocce on Sam.
day, lath hut, at .2 o'clock, P. ht.
Role: 70S W LEWIS.
CH1011.61111161 , 3 PIANOS.
JUST RECEIVED, a new stock er
totCh lak.
_lng l %. al ai a e nd 7U ocRDa ve Pian o;
wow, " T , ayCnvdOPATO.the
atostbeautiful instruineucever brought
to dila oily. These Pianos will tie eupplied as venal,
at 11011tae prices, wane. Aar mum. roe e•atta
rouranon as ans. Also received, a fine lot of Rose.
wood plain pall , carved Plano Stools, with silt plush
and hale dolt seats. Poe sale by
Agent for Chliaketingle Pianos for Western Peon's.
mill - ' _
ALOT of tenet. Roman Stange for .d
Oulu. hevehltt been received by the eubteribet.
These ettings are from the moat celebrated fait.) In
Ito y; they an four threads .J lour lengths, end for
beauty of tone lied durebility, are enthralled. The
tabeesibetre agent ha. seg butchned the above for
btm et the factory, Mel in" wammed mpettot uany
thing of Ile kind ever offered In this cannily.
Golden Harp . Tbitd
N B.—Nove °maul: splendid new lot of Num.
Clot'. and Ditn i e celebrated PtWs. .
! : ; .i 1
i ivy 2 clote* MACS. Mown,
reCtivcd fiom the Ikrlo,. 1 . 17 2612 by
,1012 I.FS-
'DROWN FLANNELS-1 rare 34 uld i 4 poet re
cclued for vale a! mono otter., •
nOlit , LI LEE
rink:ESE-81 Lx. prirlo gone. for 'nit 07
T _l I, F 4 I)(CEEY & Co
Comer of Third and 3lathet onne.,
The only Chartered Ineraiitre of the End in Penn's.
John Fleming, Principal 'miracle, i n the s cience
of Accomet.
D. K Charnbetlin, Professorial Penmanship, Pier.
corral° Coirran•tion Ac.
Aleg hf Wanton, rel., Lecturer nn Commeritial
The Conroe of interaction includes Rook Keeping,
out it, ',pelican , to every breech . of besitiett.. tee,
tures on Commereial Lew and • iirenioretal Febtee
i e,
Penmanthip, Mercantile competstio . e. he.
Students eon enter the Colloae at any time, and
when emitted. will receive a Diploma, tigrad by the
Focally and Kgstrimitig Committee.. note
BY virtue of a precept under the nands of Wm. B.
McClure, President of the CourtofComMon
In and for the Firth Judicial Ihstrict of reef:sylvan*
and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and,
General Jul Delivery in anti for paid District, and
Wm. Kerr and Samuel sinter, Etuloritouoo• Judge.'
of the some comity, in and for th e (many of Alto.
gheny, dates the vitt day of Novensithr, In the yeor of
our Lord one thousand cisht hundred and and ' Ter
minerme directed, for holding Pt Court of Oyer Ter
miner and General J•ii Delivery, at the Court Ocoee
in the city of
atticPsbargh, on the fourth Moodny of De
mistier nxt o'clock, ,IL. 31. ,
Public nonce to hereby given to hli Justices of the
Peace, Coroner, and Constapes of the County of Site
gheny, mat they be then and therm, in their proper
peraons, with their rolls records,: inquisitions, co
mmutations, and other ternembrances, to do 'thole
tabors, othich to their respective Ofices. in their be
half, appertain to be done—and also Shure that aid
prosecute the risoner! that nowt:ire, Pr may be la
tie jail of sol d county of AlleghertY, mbe Dien 'Lod
there to proseeme seam, them an shall be Art.
(liven order my baud at Pitt•barkli. this dal day of
November, iu the year of our Lind, ore thousand
eight hundred and City, and of the kfmumosturealth the
CARTER CURTI'3. 'Sherif!. '
Third street,opposae the FORt OtEr. c
BOSTON Sits Orme, No •••
Hones Merchants' Mag scene .tar Noveneber..
nniekeebocker atagazene • Jo
Democraue Review do
Harpers Now Monthly Nlawanbei
Dictionary of Mechanic, No we; :-
Lattel's 'Aviv; Ago, No lel,
flambe Petopleton, b Churl, Litre,:
. \Vora'. Anwneu, y
orl Watt; and err Reward.
by Marra J Intoch—a new and cheap edttio,
not I
C 1:
OD 11
FIS-4 ,rw
small, new landut§~ ,tnti for
sale by & CO
nob lig Water st
SALTPETII.I.:—IOtI lotgo to tame, for Pala try
non I2AjAit DICKE . V2t CO
B lit i ll ai S i TONE-12 Wl+ to i k7 t l Is il foi m .t K o z b l y
GREEN APPLES—SO Lila roperior, for talc by
)BUNK BOARVS—Itio bundles urrorted numbers
Ittassuebuartta Trunk Board', brat quality. for
nie by [boll] A CULBERTSCN &CLOUSE.
MGLASSES-4n barrele S 11: Mola see, Sr Louik
refinery. Art racelved Int •ain by
30 toot BrAn on hand ant to orrorq
R Al
o ' o l l . l - A CULBERTE.ON h CLOCSE
6 IL- ZLt:t , o r Le s it g l . r i n . l r tzr E te i le c tor
_233 La. , " ! L
S AL.ODA-7 cask a Eng!itle,
L-ti bl 9
BROOMS—to EI:2 clue emu. Ufa ent-
CITRESF: 36 K for by
QACERATUK-21 cask:, rre'.l for
o noll - 711eCAN
/ UkHAD.I . S-1:, cask. r. :yy by
0111 0 00LATI.—Z tan I N,u Chocolate., Jo.
b y i nc ji: AVI:2K .1!r. 1" .1 NDLESS
B I 7 CI.IVREAT ,crgs fly
beat Elony, received by
VV al rm for .me
[r.oll) Nlct' DIX,S
—Lien Fat, Wein
P AP P ar' :, ' } ‘ ,l • l °A; " 'or %'!}) 1 . 1 FSun LL,
Si ei.
'{`BUNK PAPER, for Erung trucks rind Cozne
"WWL ..n " r ;T TP g INTf""PE
len1:al a 4 7.a. I„
ANTIQU EiVAI tr,t, 11 , 6 i cirri rni iivsta
lion, on Wail env y, tar rate
0011 r MAaOH ALL
L EAD—lord rani, Gale. funs recerred per ncorpe;
uultor hy
I, , XTRACT I.ol.lltitiOD hnra Sa“dtortVg for
aela by : J t , CIIOPINMAKCH a. CrY,
,11 .11 Wood at
UTAT EOS-1 oiok No 1. fat gait ,:y •
noll J r.CHOONM.,KFR CCY 3 Li:. for 0c by
I.JAP 10R— Lutela fra • by
roll J Mir 1 NMAKER CO
COIL —I °ma beyt F , or viln
noll 1 tiellool476l,lKEll .5: CO
- FWEANI TANTA IS-3bui. pure for tale by
null 1 sceitoNhinix.r. Sr CO
FLOWEIto—I t•wm for •nn. nl
noll J S NI • tiER k
GLI V ER rrrn 11Orlszon, C:erk & Co's
pure: alto saltone .lo•l
ext 9 Gq Won si
SPIRITS 'CU Rr ENTINY.--15 joot treelvedF --.
r.c9 J KIM) et. cu
S WHITING-2,1,N C'd j ic K e i Fp ‘ ;lY no9 , , o
fori c .itn
j Co
T ANIPIIGACX— , IO brla I.,clined icapp.s, ceelvo
male by kr.9l I MIME
JUFT received a large ana tn
'erected rek of
fresh Teas from the timmeters,comprisine the very
best qinCities of Green and lilac 2 Term, which will he
sold osi the mom mem, tile terms, wholesale and retail
The attention of families Is rimpertfaily invited to the
.1101.1111.111. HENRY C. hiil.l.l"
' , Kiln 2w
Corner of Fourth and Itthrtet streets, ,
VitIBRACFS a complete totansitocat of School Hooke
Ittrtheot Apparatus, GlOtler, Map. Cit•rte,•wld
other eduednonat 'Tenches, School Director.,
and fs lathes are onotted to ea eIkIDIAIC the ttOek.
AMI'JON it en's in) TUNE: hi N A 1 ,,--
did publicationcornprioe. 7 51 p-1, —ne4b
. ' ul d P' Y 4'
seven feet quire. 11very school abold'lisve 4
For tale I C the publi chen prides. at the
_ tor hlarket Cc Fourth an.
ritirtEß's ANATOMICAL '6iArrn.cini.tutf r
IkirABON , S LIL4CKING-17:1Trom""a7m
In .9 . J KIDD k.-C.O
M I.l,l‘l'"f
loU I n as°lltrient or above gape•, '- pc 'o r. w eNienl ' l4.o?;
of the celebrated On Stole .altl Witterloo manta ' s,
tare. Also, BROC/IF. LOM,
From lb to 20 dollars, and n baize supply of goods
gem ally, tome or orhlch, at seduced pliers, Buyers
will please call at' north cast Omer or Fsturth anti
Market alfeele. -fion" •
• .
11 IT git=bifilin
IU crocks do, foy , faray o yeteirrd
aim day and for sile by
AK/LC:WS 1 7 07uiTitTri14;1 . ISKsic - 31/1011stiditer
jn keeping In 0 t colt like form, male, orielnal
voters, letters, ptriodh••)., nayospapeta, iiraannga,
Look cheeky. iO/ any Other papers as hots method is
denratde. This ill,: talon, it Mvonhoessity helteved.
Is the hest ever precentor In the public for the put.
p 0•0 for .Lich II to desired, and wilt foriii,h to
many udenderamin lard ticostod by all oda 'may
deem to perfect the aystein of, prese.rvtrit parer. no
ready and eery reference For talc Lf
F. Sir stIKTON,
47 Marcel st.
CTI FRriNUT.,-1,0 - 117se tar ,010 tow by
‘) 1101 ENtp./gll 3 BENNLITT
s liti - 6C:rißkEts-- - - - iso brit. which wr w4II
.1.1611.1, to dell" rtC9l UNGLISII .4. BEN hl -.IT
t.) I VIIKA, (—nu tneks Hue wb
Ll Flour, A toporiox wt r:c. for onto 1, - ;
noS v. d. ". IldfillAl7l7ll.
Q ASII—:U earls t 4 d 110 T, re,el4cd wl3ll
I. *Me by lorsl t•:. a%V lIARHA MIL
go. lVar I.ti Li;eri.Eft—Jto
1.1 SOle Leallkerore,civrd end 11
nnk 'Oe
-21, lorrrbi te, for HO ,
H .1111417HH.
ectre.7ol7iiiF.K-W—l: ,, 1.0 A;
tl tece,ed nod for ra'r by
Ak‘l.l rail:* fit. nnl!ox nr.d
IJ I , •nd. for line by 1 h I.LoyD
P.ourd Cbuyrh
• ___
Ai A. MASON 84 CO )
02 d 64 12417, v....1:T ST..
lellettrai/ re.,
iAruuLu tic ao ~ .ies, of :2mhems teen
VII ell sections of thereerlet, 1.6 their lame:,, of es tall (lover ; roin;olnine the largest and
Mast complete 1.40,4 enirn a weglwesternggdntsy,
416 eases tr •rt ail les Print;,
40 do • ~toports a sad AtucTielllClngtami,
'4S Alpe, %%A 11.1. 0 . ;
77 N. Carlort , its and Me tale si.
4 5 'co 6cons.a and Jeans;
fd... do Cloths and C.assimeirmgj
79 d0 Bleached Huber,fAlbniel Flannels, all colon;
67 .do Makings, all gssdew
ors AP 1241201 A ins
3.41 oo Brown Most4ns, ben% Makes.
Z rillen and Tackages of Shawls, I'llate
A FULL seven. coctree ROstscood Piano, entirely ods, dr, Tiallerm. • :Tinimlngs, Ribbons,
I aces, Hosiery and Glove, e.
new. U offerec at IL great bargain ; Cli Merchants ere assured, from lb* great facilities of
One sceopd band 6 muted Piano. y egyskishment,of *lsm .yenradanntr the latesrand
One do dO 64 do. : . ea • y,s, Welt nnaes,•Af . es 'slow and levet
One do do d i do I than any ■o9le Reicr
JOHN II AIELLO'A omes , floods, they assoc.
For sale by
tt at Ft !arty roach the mi tes lee rehiill, far 0043eLliel,
N new stack of Cb;ckenng's Planer, ' deL semtb!o in tilt city tb„. 1 , 0 , 00 aoy
toad .fi casmsn 51.htchrros oily erring o •
ape gong
retoroing seem the easg , are orr.tto,er ones !Imitation
Dli n kr AFT/AM-1W !JIVErN7f6.7.I" rCti) of ihTts,r'k:a &
1611-40 1414 Do Alettcryli
10 611, IYhity Ft.h;,
r. drutao C. 14 FI01;
Iw oz , !Icylnt lictilny, tat
nua ft FLOYD
14 rat ,
1_)11171111 stt berrels ccd cry, tor ;A
it le 11
jll mll '• .1 FLOVT)
Lvt.tr6vl....t; LB/6—M wants
In co:e abd for aCe by
1109 5.4 CI, nARBA Von.
Y` 1,52111
t il i tA b ß y S-I,o(otAitel u 141121. La ...lore
oIIOOMS-2(Uttos common Ina finef for iile tp
UP n os ltc FLOYS)
IDTGIR Ori,lo tons Ansonle
U th• Allesben, 'wharf Inn=.
OAF BtlGn R—LlOO 1.1
,1. nomlil ,0.1 co , .o , r by
JANW- - 4 OCI'CiO ,3O N tCO
„„ Arc. Lou, t
Pio 54-rA I—IS ton, No hot blo,t Ow,yrtr, Hock
lor tale by .1/kbll-:3 A 1-.1.7-TCHIFON .4 CO
IDICF.—.Z6 lea e.tra ma, very !or Al, tor
71, ra? JA , 14. - S , A !Irretil,'N A Co
110 T— 37 Ire• nrrortrd num,crs, fo , .14 , e try
A GI RI, to eo . tenor. bur , . work., whom • r.•
tr.nk7nl kitootton err) rood
Non , . r o!rF.y wit... rood tr,
rooter okn or 10 . AktuY , ffie , • :••7
Bank of Pittsburgh
rilF. President and D!rretors of 101 Bonk have
thii day derdaerd a dividend of fru. per cent on
the cannel stock. tor 0 - e lust ina room t‘, payable to
start - holders or-their legalrepretet
Y tDEß,Co rtatenses hie,
. thsetth.
JoiltS SN
Nevemt-er ada dtsr
Fitly Dollars Deward.
STDI.EN from .11aitmorri, November sih, a Ray
Mare .-1 , 11 it Ica, tat:, and a Burp gotta a boat
lady. Paitited green, and :fining dial 167 th el is
ahont XI) ears of axe, roil fare, avid thick set 1 vatli
glee Mg Doi ars ftraysnl for the arrest of iho 16.4,
ro thart may get him IftUN ateCLINTOCIL
Lexington at., Puitimote
111. a Pat'
RINDQTONE.4— five uteteti
G 1 feet din
40 assorted Nees. for trio by
GHseaFiou b.lOl . tale by
col F VON BONNHO npr a. co
DROONIS—Uo dn.& 10: toll! by
PA TF.NT TIIRYALI-1740 It. test Maa, dace'
from the manufactory and far rale cheap.
!lean Magistrate and C.vil Carte The
1. law relative to criminal proartnaticim, sn respect
to pntonry and summary procredirgs Memo, before
iasucea of dm peace and ether magiwrtlea, end to
p'recess. proceedings and practice, cocci:starts
bad. and commitment . awe eases in the several
States, eapeelally Penrsylvants. Lty Mordecai
kinney, author of the "Pa. Sastice,” ye.
Harper's New Monthly
The above works lust received for rale by
IN—,TO pack. l'u,skialfjolls.7,-*
HOOKS EVES-1200 green plated, Nor 1,2, 3,4,
and 5, ides received for elite by
no 7 C A 111311THNOT
.1-1 ED FLANNFA,I) pet all wool, recte'reel on con
eleumere, Red se;11 be sold cheap. •
A 1.1. peesor 0 indebted to the mete of W., R. Leo
.C 1 ham, Eail., late, of Rom% tnevelltip, Allegbetty
(tacitly. deeesied, ate reque.ted to mato monied.m
payment; and all per.. having etiolate against ,b.
etdate wlll meant them, duly antheidtexted, tor eet•
Clement. D N. WHITE'., j,
Diarohasstat and .111antafele art' Clank.
THIS Bank has this day declare . ] a ilividead of
roar per cent op it, capital mock 1,11 Of the pmEts
for the last rte months; payable alter the tenth mat
Whf. IL DP.NNti, Cashier
Piitsbarsh, Nos. 5, leso.—nrestles
r iIACCI-25 kno:s Godze's 6 tocon for safe 1.0 ,
, 1.1110 3 1 1 .1 , 1 KIRKPATIt/CF
nob 144 Lab , rty
001) FISII-3 drum: , In stare for ..;c by
JIICKETS-3L dor pirt arrived 11-.1 for 'ale
UTTER-12 brie prime roll, for =:.le AT
ONEY-1 box of a dellKh‘fal linvar; for male by
ORESTNUTS—Ie ba in store niulfor sale by
UCKWHEAT FLOUR-03 rockc for oak by
TRUNK LLOARD2--D) bundles for sale by
1 1ACKEII13.e-73 tale No 3;
On hi brio do ' for ntle low to claw
JOHN tdeFA DEN I, co
7.0 Penn et
co.ignmcnt, by
nee ]OLIN N!rrtDEN CO
ROSIN -11.0 &il. No I extra white, for .010 low for
cosh or good negociable paor.
NT o..9l7GAR—C3bhdr. fitir,lcmokrg far rely by
---- -
I ARD 011.-10 brld just rsectsrcu tor sslu by
1)111 IC II: 1..LR11-1(30 reed for .We Lv
1 oc6 • 11.81tD% . JON E.+ &CO
C ""S"' 4lt ' A:lTA rn al. fAr 51'e hr
BITITF:11-11 , 11 .. .T . IA in eintlini;
Jon reeriyet: for rn'r by
( - MOVER hnliEl)-5 ails In [:ore and for yrtle hy
C,ALt ItATIIt , —DO b In Dote nod RD [if; fir
ne6 3 D C • NFIELD
Exchange Bank of PEtaburgh
TMS Bulk ileo tido d.y declared o. Orr end of
for per rent, nut of the prelim of the last oir
months, poyab.!et np &mond. •
TCW.Ie :It COWE, Coolder.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 5 1E:40 - —m-6,12
11ANSPAIIENT Fri? , DES--A irrce asr ortra,r;
e , P,rent st , lrx of Window , lades, reed
manuNC , Urt-f. in Nev Yntk,a - tlch tae WI scII
wholcule and r<ll6l at tke lowe.t price, -
nee; Woad tt
Kamp you. VOtt Dry.
IT'S? received from the Ptßcgsville Oil cloth Fa e•
J tory, 12 grain rf that excellent article tot ict
Robber Pas,e, foi rendering boot; and ,hoes soft,
and impervieus 10 crater r ctl. a perVcet .
entree erainct the )rather tar} titan pa.te pre is
SUITSSII.CI/ to posaess all the al—vapar,lldes or the
money refunded. For sale, cabole +lle Wad retail 1,
T4NNEC. Drlc for al',
not w> 11.10ALEY tr. CO
RAISINS -100 bze new map, fr . Ateje by
1.4 Weed n
A LRD OIL-22 Orin No intrinto: • uninod, hod ree'd
far solo 14 I.: R . Lt.ERS:
nos a w 001...
A N Senee business aims; Asa. • a cash capital of
1t shire thousand dollars, ta re Intersst la a
very profitable business, bacatrd • Western Vens
spivia. Ile *ill centrist the est , :a business In hia
secAddrcss G. W. Y.:, this nenielen
Ruled Propoe,la
NUILL be received until theist f tletomn, heel,
for the delivery et the Piaui./ t gh.Vilhart en the
Airgheny ilcrec,of coo handted n•.. 1 eighty theusand
fc..l of Hemlock -ice tothes thick.
MOVE inches wide, 6.lZiSteru fl •
Proper&lit for gradina. end Int I% .• 401,1, the pl ao a
ary the Farreentt and fdeehtmles , l , ,rnelto Road. 1h >
portion of the road or be aTeded at>t latdaelth Plank.
het hetsoon the end of the rand I, , se atened > and Its
intoeseetion `rvitS the Gr entborr . and Pitrihnega
Turnpike gond, none henry ttnlk. , a tavern,
JOSEPg f; LTA I,l', treduestrator
TV di EICII •A.Urd, p,,,ie ent .
P. & .1. Tort citre Road CP.
50,000 Co rtes PrWheal Of tlityperots New
Lloarbly higEht:
NOVellibet i itilah,llor sr le at
Itoitcyl , , Third Witte
err theiPott
Theleadlna ohject of the Mi.t . thfOttogazine
. pteyynt to the plittihr and
thentiy. ram, peat .( . T radin g Manor
than any other cenodie in the w....kt nps
PEPPERMINT-2 .i.rhhtYd, Ithrh•th“
ree'rl (or ante by (5l s 0 IL E BELLERS
CIIITNUTS—:U La 1 I ref j •Atitt it il for ITT i
ate Lr a,
era i •••tra Liberty at
. hicapstler Sestet4d lei Lit Whiskey.
10 ry y Nf r lZ T oN d B , ; , ...gzs a rtle r e . k . ,r ) stel Ml' Whig •
•.I2 yurtelieons filalan's Watert de; extra. quality
old high proof, under enema Ittort•lock.
Ma., Brandies or diPercut win vets and brands in
half, quarter, and octaves. Inanelf ea and rotate ,
el 11,7,IntIALLA,
”,,,,,5 : ,k 0 ,31,r 1 ' 9,-6 nollciilel:X:lx.lhihollelphia
1 ULM LIAUF.I.t .911A.VVSO 4 1 111.71.M. 1 -, \Vb.., ~,,
tin thu MO who dote ohlaPpre'rir to the t a rot, of au
racy ,
r, l ' . if any thinm ho, we 'do not.address ow
teems to him. Rat to al others de soy, if you wig
to reader sharing &Tie are, rareasse a box o r J,,.1,,,,
lintel's Almond Plaine to or fr.o3hrOltiar Eraterird
Creams. It la utterly im aseible In Ind words to de
e on, the ateliers of alters,. who Aar berm nerd to
Sharma: with ordinary map, uporonakiner trial of till. •
for the tint time. It is a aotatihattott of wonder, ad
JUI,Ett /IA e.L'll SHAM° slßEstlfia exceed ,
their emotlient; rendering lite CV:fret/Imi thOot Wiry
&lora colt and phabio, producing, '
~ salartimble lather,
and by its extremely whet notOrt OThiyins all Irrita
tion, and preerniielh Oda ImPlea,rose and Miff r<wilr.v,
of the akin which is en oo pl. ywrieneed alter show
mg. Geodemen acing Soles Ilare•'n abatring Cream.
tear than the•eoltle a r end uain'alareinfr Winds im.
met/lately alter Ito use, thiehtexe Se thin' lm becoming
chapped. And thute woo alma UM it,.are can rarely
say evil Myer ma any eater.
t Inc rrral aderrmate, which Ir. , ' be . esidetaillf op
r,reVIIVI , -I.y the.' arta 'wear it hiatars, is the 10 1
, it milb.:ot 6:art:lot fir IMMO, WISCh trO:t roaro
o 0.1 •
do. r4:,or a nattily or mein lirortr. or to thy
rdre of :no whited's. Juliet. Ilattel ~ tp p talanairg Creams
, h .hr
Orl t A r fa e , c :o u parra h ro, t: otrr .r,'tound ed a. w caitlh
tetil.,,,l eo lO oor r n i l on
no avitlyc ,e p es r c not, a a gw To
lir apprrri , :rti I y all who MEV,. oat! Of them_
Yrryarea nnly ty
JULLif 1111.11£2., Perth:ear and Cee rah,
r • 120 Chett.nat a , Pktla.
For sale, whOlesale and it ...r C. A Fat neve c't
&Co., Carl IL. C. Sellers, P' , ltsbon t ; end Inan e 2,- r r.
anti .1 AliteLell, AlietrbeWr Cur t'ef , t , -'M
Cot. et :v. Third .1i