The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 15, 1850, Image 1
• • ESTAISLISHRI) IN 1786 - . • 0 1 .IBLIfilTED DY W HIT E; & CO. w Outdo. Seetrile itt+t 4•INGW, TIMID orange, Herr root TO TUC rOIT orTtri. O.nt Pe r.---•—.•.---117,00 par atrium Tri-Weer • 5,00 '• Weakly. 'in advance).— •••••• " Do. o Cubs, of n reduced rate.; KAT CS OS' - ADVERTIRINGI nonnED•OI O P I 17. IRV Tll a ms-rmeunan PRESS. km eta One !Nu/ re,(lolines of Nonpareil or len) one / ----50,91 7 One Squo re, each adiitionallnsertion• • • 0,25 IL,. one week:•••--- 1,73 li.. two scuba--•---• ;IA three week,— ..... —•• 400 Ir..month---• tin. t wo maxilla— 7,00 tit. three mown,— V., lout menthe 10 , ,A IL.. ass mnctlis•—• Ivo On. timelve months-- -- • • IVO aued,rg Card ii live, or less,) per armant• 10,00' One egtare,changcable ot pleasure (per an nom, exclusive of the paper— 23,00 ' Tor each addlitonal mum, Inserted overarm month, and for toll. traditional square inserted under the year ly ratet,l'alfP;l o, Adverti•ern,Mto exceeding a square. and not over fifteen Imen, robe charged as a equate and a half Pnblithess not accountable for Went advertisements beyond the amentit charged for Moir pat/hessian. Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the same as other advert/et-manta. • Advertbiernents eat marked on the copy for a aped. glad number of inwrtions, will be consulted all forbid, and payeassgessiored netted • The porno..we of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly to their retgalar business, arid all other adver tiselento not penaintog to their regular brinine ss , ay age d lot, to be paid eaten. AI advertisements for charitable t.titntlons, fire 'lnput..., 'anvil. township and other public meeting., tad reel, hie, to be charged tolfprice-,payable strictly advance. !Carriage trident to he charged Rd cents. Death ontines loomed lxithout charge,rmlu. imam. panteil by funeral invitntinns or obituary notice., and *amain ancompamed to be paid for. Regular advertii•ers, and all other. ssnding comma rilcatimo, or requiring, nOtteer deoigned to tail attess don to raw-, t•oirees,Concerta, or any public enter raiment., +here (Merge, one made for admittance— all notiess of private associations—et/cry alien de igned to cell attention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual interest, can on ly he untried with the onderotending llott the name leen be paid for. If intended to be mottled in the lo cal cottn, the same will be charged at rho rate of not leer thre Intent.. per line. lliaLup or Fist Notice. to he charged triple price, Tavern I.lsstige Petitions, 14 each. Legal AT ti Medical advertmements to be charged at _full prices • Real Katoe fiamilst and Auctioneers' .irenitte- Sonia tot to be c)assed under yearly rote!, but to be frllot:wed .Itr count of tlarty video and one thud per e.t. om the amonot of bill.. - Oa TekOrcert.l II it/LILT rAreta ?.,van, erre ineertioN• • -- • --et se ra. tact, additional inssrtion• •. 77 itneeTrltintilele to wattle Perri. One Stitt..., 00 lineal one isserson Ctn. Do. each •ddlthinal otgertion• •-•23 All Itan•Ont advertisements in be paid in minute,. WIIITHA CO, Oarette. L. FlARrilit, Po, nowr It. RIDDLE!, Journal. JAM E.- P. BARR A. CO., CWoolcta. FOSTER do. flROTIIRR,Dispoleh. I JOS- SNOWItEII, Mercury. -- JANIES W.1.111301.1i, Ainerissm• NAtriv., F.vening Preessonott, ihe. 1,15 IS. s _ CARDS. "..1 1 - 15 A PARII/EitaX, 'MERMAN, '. iIG Ward, Penn street, batsmen O'Hara and alt. All business promptly at- Aed Walnut. Ca. • mayg_ •AL ES:X.R.NDEEL 'kV A.T8012,, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Olaec, on worth street Al. above Wool atrlU DA.VID C. TOTTLS., j tTTOUNEY LAW, and Comerdsalonar for taania, P,. 1pr.13, Mo. I cotana.alc as promptly anmert d. JAERXIS F. ISAMU, A WOlitZt:Y AT LAW—flClec—on Papnh 11 betweta t..:,w.ithriela and Gmai, Pittsburgh. =IS=;=U2I A • TTORNEV and Counsellor at haw, and Commit. stoner Ire the State or Penneyivutia, St. Lows; Mo.,lleac of Pittsburgh.) Beferencee—Pittrburehr lion. W. forward, & Miller, APC.dIcSs & McClure, John E. farce, - 3issella d Scruple, McCord 8 Kole. BIDWELL CO., WOHNII/Alt,Dlll6 Glitsirme, Pa. (Smith's Perry POSI Office.) [laving permanently /seated at this place, a new and anbatardlut Wharf Coat, we are prepared to so. eel's and forward p rarupllv to all points on the river, and Ssndy and Brays or Ohio Canals. 0 & Co. • Olisow, June. 15.—.te14 .. • • • —Joao s. c oos/Lisa. . • AGALSV,IVOUDWARb & CO, Wholesale Gra eon, No Oat Mask. ap4 Plitabargh Alkali Works. — - -•- - • • - - - - BENBIETC, BEIIRC to CO, Mainafacturcra of Soda Ash. Bleaching Po red er, All/liana ago Salphalie Warebonse —, rthrei,beloarFerry. Fradersia Braun. --a-- licorce Reiter. Brum; & REITER, Wholcialc and Retail Brae gams, CO,LIC{ or lilhatly and 51. Clair wee., PRI.- arab Pa. aw ri bIeANULTY CO,Futleardtng and Com. ad•{lon Merpbants, Canal Bann, Piugnugh PL. • mr2 Cll. GRANT, lVhotesiLle Grocer, COY:IE6I4IOn sad o Forwarding Merobant, No. 41 Water it., Pius btifgh. . In [gorse) . — —Andrew Fitinole IL K. Fleming 11611.9 E , FLEETING s co.. icOIII4IISSIIIN ERCIIANTS—For the sale of Do mestio.Wonlen, nod Cation Goode; also, dealers in klnde of ' - eilors' Trimmings, No IC Wood se, 4th door from Fi . fus, Reference-ikiessra. Wow-A. It Co, Bankers. Ant: fflffM UNMOS II7- , Ill o ai nd NlEftellANlS and Dill Milken Sr watt. Pinsbolnh. nasl .. .. . ENCLIP)) 1 PENNI:TT, Pate E.o • % Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commlssitin G atl L' lt h e ' r! hum enlst h g .2 sl::: a e c h i an ar. ht, sod deniers in Produce and Pitt. -e, N 0.37 %%pod Cl., between 24 and astreeta. CZk==U=i= F . ORWARDLNO & COMUISSION MERCHANT No 11,2 eecosf ot. Pittantrch. mr2.l ledtaxsw. roman-re.) 1,41.1,111.1.4V0103." • Us W. POINDICATCTL & CO., Dealer, CONIMISSItnI end Forwarding Mer chants end Flour Desle, Na tr 6 Market streets I•Llladelphia. iStS =!M:IBM=:1;lig - - - TOBACCO CoMNISHION MERCHANTS. Nw (11 North Water Duet! & No. VI North Wlsertes. • A. J. Bucesac. PHILADELPHIA IDDo'h 11e..., 5 plole.Pa. D. C. Ak.C..andom. J. A. W.Xv.I. t .11 LEE, Igueeeesor ilorphy & Loo,) 5 , 77;01 Dent er no.lCommlanoye Merchant, for. the eel., or Ameriooo W.. lona, Lil.erty,ooPoelte 6th et. (0)47 tt0..10 WY. P. /01123. • • • . . 11CFARDV, JON::•3 k Cn., Itaccassor• to Atwood, JAL /one. A. •,..n.) Conannsunn and FarwardinK Met , anon, deal•tt ttattburen tl•natanturut Goods, lt,ltst•oreh,•Pn TAT: — P7F - 1A Bit HALL, (SUcCC,4OII To •eemaac C. 1111.1.,1 ThIPORTP.II Denier in - French and American Pe- I per Ilarientr;e and itordere, IVladom Shades. Fire. ,:exarti Prltltt, Y.C. A leo—Wriling, Seiniing and Wm p elagl'aperi No. 07 Wendt:rem, betnreen Fourth etteet Red Diemen , : alter, wont Pinsba , th, te.hl3 • P1TT801.11.1.011 (MASS WOILIES. 011 N deI:YEW, late of the firm of Mariann de al new & , would reepeetrully inform the old ces Comma and the public generally, that he will still eon dame to entry en the Green Glms1.111111c", to varieties, met to prepared to Gil althrdera for Apothe caries' Furniture, Mtn: rats, Porters, Viols, &e., pgrtainlng In hin bush:eta. ilia warehouse is .190 .41 Market street, between Firm & Peeunl on. }yl4,d3nt JuHN alooloaalo Dragatat, aiTordTaT arta Dye Sunda, Palau, Oils, Varnishes, &e, No 93 Wood Greet, one door South of Diamond Alloy Manure, . apt ww.www...wwwiew LZELL, Wit°lassie Grocct, COMMM.Mra kteranaLt, 1,11 dealer in Prodo , e and Pittanargh Manufacture, Nosti Water at.' ' PttubarFb• apt IfalaA well, 'Ott. VW.. :1, THAIAII ds Co., 'Wholesale Grocers:Coro mlss/en Merchants, and dealers to Produee.Nos.s4 Water. and 107 Trout meets, Pittsburgh. uostl leka B. Maseru,. --• • • --Joseph Dilworth. 11),17.,° J. 4 , Ilensd Powder No. P 7 \ Vaod 05, rittabersh dtiy - TOWNgiND, Druggist sad Apotheesil No. 4S Mashes st, three doors abase Third at Pitt. •liargh,wlll hue< constamly on hand a well seleeted sorneeet of the hest end freshest Medicines, which he 'will sell on the west reasonable tem& rhisieloes ioculdaj orders, will be promptly attended to, and sup plied with ertielea they may rely coon es I . ,yucists Peeler:p..4°ns will be accorareiy 41113 is. i p ton the bast 10•1111111111, at any hear Of h ALo et necht tor largo steel of trash sell good Terri leery. • inl3_ - Richard Floyd. JII.II.J2VD, wbnle.lia Crecera, commi.i2n • hderchemie,and Dealers In Prode . e, Round Church Caddinre, trontinr an Liberty, Wood and Birth street, rineborra. rs. 014 11 — TO7CC . A till HUY, Arent far the tare Erie an a McMinn Line to Ceneer and the Lateld—Offie en thn entnr ef.V.`atnr and Srultifield urn • Jana ITCSMS A 7 I (UV ii " iONT Co.—Soeneasora . Lex', 11,1edilidi, S CA, Caliannianioll Elerchnnto and AlCennt of It, EL Lanus Stearn 9npnr B.ene NO. 43 .rarer and vi leant urecis.Pillabnegh. 'ant I F:11(./..,MAKKI: ft .XI, Wholelalo Promos... .1. No It"oio . ..tretAritt.buttl,. .04 lUlei IL It.:l,l,olit — Whnteraie and Retail dente to Itlssie and Musical Instrametas, School Roams, raper, EkItCN, Steel Pt., Qailis Printers' Cards, an non-017, No. 51 wood sPlushargb. or iot•it in "ltd. in ITITP , AF , ELD, OE. Of Warren, Ulno,) Commis- Won stbd Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale dewier in ‘Vestern Reserve Cheese, Barter, Vol and Pecrl Ark, and Waste. Prodoee generally. Water *fret, between Suntkleld and Wend, Pittsburgh. V LEK RJe ES. Futora:dong and COITIGIF•11111hin r Dealars la Produce and Pinabatah mans Illaalarnd a:licks, canal Ussrn , rear 7th al. • ark - PAINU LULL. riTTAnuan, PA. E.N C 1 4 i . 1 1 1.X . 1 c ar c,,,,, ?%p p l: t ogaz t n a , m•A Panne and b. . pedil.l I • n, C. 6 TOCICTOIS, ETC Johnst. & 1.744a:i0n, nooxam.LEß., STA lIIINTLIt.•and BINDER, corwn of artatand West., Plitsbargh, ilactda _ HE .11TTSII • • • BUSINESS CARDS. - . PittabarighCity Glau Works. W. ctrammoneutt t CO, ANUFACTTAERS OF WINDOW GI. AS B. In. No 26 Market Street, between First and Decant, Pitoborgh, I V -. ll.llieGilli attention paid to odd mut. Dealers tn FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, rre. W. communism, D. =seen. Waif D. Cr NYINGI.II. DhICIMIC4 Wm. Miller, Philad. C. W. Rleketson, Pittsburgh. I!.. m LER & RlCRETSCN._Wholesale.Croners,_Do . d gran ' d r7T,C r o . rn r r 2j :reigrrt;ii ' ird ' iri n ;in P r i " Us.: burgh, P. Iron, Nails, Colton Varus, &e..ite., eon. Mistily on hood. .pi John !WWI. James D. Walter C. Ron Ar ILLS & ROE, Wholesale tiroeer• and Commis .= sion Merchants, No 194 Liberty St, Pittsburgh aM PPlTSBURGd — efrtkEl. — liviiiiir.6 - INli —SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. 10.11, IMES r. ym• . . JONES i %VIGO, VrANUFACTURERS of coring and blister steel, 17. g. plough steel, Steel plough swinge, coaeh,and clip lies prings„haeurne red iron axles, and dealers ill mal ?cable orrenngs,fire engine-lamps, and coach trimmings generally, corner of Ross and Front eta, Pittsburgh. Pa. ¢t•2.5 J. &J. — Tardos, Coranalaalleak Slaralaalato. NO. 31 Old Levee at, N Orleans, keep constanCy on hand a large assortment of Drandreeof the fallow. ins brands, which they elite for role as agents for J. Durand & Co, Ilordcaux, Mallory, J.Lrand, J Du rand & Co, Larochelte, J J Durand, Cognac, Ade Id or. Wynn, A L Bleville, A de slondore, Jean Louis. be., Itch a lso, Anchor Din, Boolean: Red and White Wince In east, and cases, selected with care by John Durand tc:Co; beside. Cha mpagne Wine and Sweet Ilargandy Port. feb7-1 v• 110Lfrl6. &SON, No L 5 Market at, second dorm . from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domenic 11,11• of Exchange, Certificates of Depont, Bank Notes and Specie, ID - Colelertions made on al the principal cities brourktout tbe United States. 1,4 lalthograptaiEatabltahmsat d - I F WM. SINIUCHIRANN,Ihird st, oppocite the lJ rosbObee, Pittabdrgh.—Maps, Landscapes, 11111- heads, Shovtbills, Labels, Architectural and Mae nine Draternge, Rosiness and Visiting Card., tre.,enan. red or &Ran on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, Dre nte or black. in the most approved style, and at the, cost reasonable price. oettrely OBINvON,LITI'LE & CO..' o. 253 Liberty &met in, Pittsburgh Wholemale Grocer& Produce Jed COmmlanon Merchsnta, and dealers in Pittaborgh Nanette ores. alp •7 lob?. •otwao:t. TUOtt Grata I, Loam?, ° ltTill T er hi ne ekrtil Prkolue7ll.lGUTCrierrAßlVnlt'flg tare., an al l Linda of Foreign and Dominic Mena and Ligeora, No. II Liberty street On hand ery large stock of superior old Monongahela waif ey. Ightch will be sold low for real, oat o. an :Ma. 0010. 11EYNOLDS & aux. P l oreranhag and 111., cl Merch s Calera an nGoce ana , P r oduc A ll l m a y r ß h, Mano Jr tore., and Chloride of Lime. The highe.t price, in cash, pal et ell time* Or country rags. Come Penn and Irwin et, ¢p, ROBERT DALZELL & Wholesale tiro. , ra, Cammmaton Merchants, dealers in Produce and Pinatargh Ahnufacturca, Liberty tweet, Pinstauta, Pa. A. OUANINOIIAM.. 'WHOLESALE GROCER, Producn Forwardong, TV and Communion Merchant, and Dealer tr, Pus burgh Mmlufactarec, No= Liberty creed, Paishu , ..7h, Sy: S • HACELETF a WHITE, Wholesale Denier, to Foreign and Domestic Dr 7 Goods, No. 99 Rsod meet Pinsheust. • no 7 g7tc TrWialllA.ll6ll, Wool itiercrants, Dem:, Floor and Prodace gencrally, and and Commission Merchants, lair First street ..nd 110 Second street Plush* T. MLR., JOIVe 111 COLA ELLEHS & NICOLS,Proda.;e and Gen ' " err Fo L' ' ,11 ' ralseion Merehents, No. 17 Liberty itreet. 1. .4 burgh. Sperm. Linseed and Lard Oil& le VON DONNIAORST & CO,Wholesale rm Igilefre " td E VlT., d l Nll. 9 "'"'" acharea and Weviern limidnee, have removed to their newhb2 Mend.) No. corner of Front time Ctinhe " ry td Lane. HOLUM 6 newouTu. TEA AND WINE MERCHANT.I _ . _Fart Rule Disacond, Pi:Laurel. api 3 r. nu, SIMMER t D&RISICS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produrs and Coo:nit:ton 112erchanti, - Avi de tiers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Juliette, Nos. 130 and 1351 neoosid between Wood & Smitid:old,riustorno:. EIOHN WWI IN. JOON WATTIL. CO, • ViTIIIILESALE COMEllinion Blench. is, TV and iNalcio in Produce and Pinaborsh Ain eu• facture*, Wei Liberty Piusburah. Pm inpin._ Frouß-76 - hrla choice Family; 2,0 brie Superfkoe; 45 brl. Fine, arriving, and foe eel. by _tepid ___ DROWN KILIEPATRICh 132113:1313332:1 W - ItLD inform the public, they have taken .be TY warehoete formerly occupied by the late ttr . Solomon Sehoyer,ll4 !second street. Having als -se lid rommodwits warehoure, they would invite Cl..lll...l . lorpersoos bovine utirOdY to consign or .11 4 . They Will also give attention to the porch...tad ale of .Danis,dlomis i An. , . . aur LS. S.' tcrrnan• •R. N. Winennont ••W. B. Watern m. L. S. *ATER/RAN 6 BONS, tI7 1101.1SALF. GROCERS, Comm:lA.l(c. V wariling Merchant.; deiders in all k/nds of Pro due A Iltutburgh hiscuturturrd Article.; Agrntc for ((ale of Richmond and Lynchburg blannfactl•ted Tol(acco. m•l WM. TIMIILIN, JITTOIANTIF AT LAW, ri WILL also attend to ri , llcctiona and alt niter b _at. neat entrusted to nun ir. Butler and Armen .ing ecainica, Pa. lieler 10 J. tr. IL Floyd, Ltt,rty at. W. W. Wallace, do . ' Jainet Marshall do . Pinsbargh. illy Ear & Co., Wood at. I /an: JOAN DIeFA.DERI at CO., FORIPARDING t commissio:v MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Penn street; illmbarch. • mr , JAMES SI: DAVILS i CO., ' I'RODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS. No. SD Market, and Si Cr'inuncren at., Philadelphia. Advances made, by utter of Me above, as consign. masts of Produce _to either House. mrd J. D. Ailatiams•-•—•.-- ----John Han. J. D. WILLIAMS i CO. AITIII3LIESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCEI', gg Fortrarding and Comminnton Altrebauts, alid dealers in Comary Produce and ihrtsburgh 111.afteen carer, corner of Vood end Pith street& Pittsburgh. - mrtu Wm McVay WM. U. WILLIAMS i CO., XS:INK - ER..I AND EXCHANGE BECIELERS, North East comer of Wood and Third memo, Joni Prrmanimil. Y.. mczna u. 10.1.11 E u. BAGA , .n . & CO., Wholesale Grocers, IS VY and 20 Wood street. Flttsbutgb. opl7 mum D. Doci, natru. In'eannzxra. lATCK I & BITANDLESR, (eneceo&ins Porsarding 1 D. yy Wjek,) Molina% Grocers, ,ad Commi..lon Merriman.; dealers In Iron, NEW, t.losa Cotton Varna and raw, nrgh Manufactures genet al ly, tor:tern( Wood and Water • treeta rittslaria. .• OPI7 M. WV.:IIELTREE, Wholesale Groom, W• Racurrnig Dlwillers, and Wine .4 L/q.r Merchant.. Also—lmponern of Bodo Bah .d Bleach. Ins Powder, N. MI Liberty erect, (opposite 9..rth cree4lPittsbargh. apl7 W I ,l rvlDSON,l.Vawher, J ewelry,glPrer Wain .d hllloary Good., corner of Markel .d FonnA street., Potabargh, P.. N. B.—Wriehes and Bloch earefally repaired. apl7 WM ?Wm.. WWI S. a'atria. YOUNG d Co.. Daalet. In Leather. lilacs, TT de.,l4lLlberty street jaas-19 11VGLIVIt1011. • • MOBT. SVollten.o, IXT k It. MeCUTCIEIttiN, Wholesale GmZer9, TY dealers in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glos., sad Pittsharga &Waistless generally, Lthertq . trees._ PituhtuYh. __ • isnl7 _ _ GO-Parriilk - asuir. -T HAVE taken Wal. CARR into partnershrp with me In my bosinear, which will from this dete be carried on ander the name of "John Parker & Co." March Ist, th O. JOHN PARKER. John JOAN PARSE& & inolssare Groom', Deniers in Prodaca Form.% Wines, Liguori, Old Monongahela and Aritified Intrisy. No. 5, Commercial Raw, Liberty meet, am= Pinsbureh. P PALMER ( lIANNA 4 CO., (Sonoon to Haney, Ilona h Ca ) BANKERS, EXCHANGE DECKERS, and dealers In Foreign and Domenic I.lxchange, Ceruneate• of Deponite, liana Notes, and Speele—North west corner of Wood and Thud streets. Current money receive! on deposits.—Sight Check. for sale, and eollections made on nearly .11 the princ.pal points the United Btoes. The highest premium paid far Foreign and Ame don Gold. Advances made on consignments of Fodor°, snip ped East, on liberal terms sort lon, . n. nada ISM. A. 111 , GL VRO dt CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Lif,riv ethotY Wood, flan alwaya on hand a IWO asanstenent of Chnlea GrOCEriell and Fine Tear also, Foreign Fran. cn,l Non, Wholesale and Rawl. Malmo onWn Inasesi tenno. may I s Onus . _ JOSEPH D. ABELL, gANUFACTURFR OF OKEEN GLASSW/.12E, LYS. Virile, -Donley, stied Flasks, Porter, Scotch Ale, Mineral Water. Patent Medicine. end Wine Deities of every description; also, WINDOW °LANA. Keeps coorantly on bend a general assortment of the above articles. ALSO STATE, L. the ether Green Glens Factories are set Protean, es is the Custom in summer, ate FactOri :lOW la Mt. OrlZZaTala, and will continee to operation both summer and winter. Orders respectfully solicited, end will be filled on the shone. runlet. Werehown. No 111 Second street, between Weed and SmithEcid ets. Pittabargh• - 0 0 -pAilVirgiiial 1 P. SAUL P. SHRIVED. and CHAS. BARNES hese this day associated themsclyce together, ander the , Gros of Stinver & BiLilltP, for the transaction of the Wholesale Grocery. l'redoce, 'and Dome:saline bait. and. at No tic & .ierond street, between Wood Staithficid st. Plimhtmi., August 1,14 A.—gust WOOL I WOOL I THE !debut market Flee In Cuh will he lead for the different grades of Wool, by 105 & W 11A ROAUGII BLUE: V/T/1161.-4.18 lb. for oda by my= 11 A FAIINESTOCK R CO PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING'. - NOVEMBER 15, 1850 6!ISCULANEOI - WI KITS lEFALL• FOURTH STREET, VirisnuftGii, PA. TEM , magnificent eztabllshment tieing nova 'com pleted and ready for buziners,the proprietor would reepectfolly solicit a sham of the public pa:inn:tee tie trusts Ly giving his. full nowt , . to the hla,q„„... to make the hone a pleasant and comfortable recoil for We citizens of Pittsburgh and for the i,ountry generally. Goad attendants will be in trailing, and every e a. ertion made to render the eataidialittent worthy the countenance and support of an intelligent commuont The TWO SPACIOUS lIALLS, fitted for Panics, Co ecru. Lectares, z, and pLiblia wits be let by the evening or Week, on Onus as any - other in the city. The ld BAR and rzfI'AURANT, elm] in solo end beauty to any in the World, will be kept furnirhed with Pure Wium, Choice Liquors, Cordials, Pat re, AlArld , AP o t a h m e e coch Va s . o re ,,y l:ea c iAT::: , of e th , e n seale . o . , served op In the icat ityk. The DINING and ICE. CREAM SALOON, being on the fint floor, and end of acres, will be constantly supplied with nil the L. 1171. and Detteacica of the •aeaaorn and also,withneh substantials as the markets afford. Boarding by the day, week, or rear. 'boners or Suppers for individuals or parties, fortnshed on abort noute. Gentlemen with their familiea,isillue the city be supplied with refresbments of 1/ kinds at any hour or the Oar. Good tttab:ing and ao eatenp, Livery Fsw.btleh. sp ent is ch.:meted with the Ilan Antler la t O'CtOCk. INatig I and Ye at the usual hours. for Ladles to the e Crea.. and Dining Saloon, No 67 Smithfield' etreet.. l l 11. VAN NE 'SELAER urnotvc., ml ra. w A• WESTERVELT & SON. WELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS, nUt attteiTe'7unTe?r"tin.".*hli;odi,-.l,Tart'd°, order Clair Mei; also, at No.'PO Market street, second etny, entrance In the Diamond. Venni. Shatmrs made to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. ante W. t J. GLICEIN, Book Blaclort. lirare still engaged in the above business, cornet of Wood and Thad streets, Ihtsbargh. where we are prepared to do •ny work in our line with des patch. We attend to our work pergenally, and anus faction will he given in regard to Its neatness and du• rability. Blunt; nooks ruled to any pattern and bound rub a/ali4e:3.. Book. In numbers or old hooks booed care fully Of repaired. Nam. put on Looks tn, ell letsr.. Those that have work in our line ate dotard to call. prices low tu-gette 0=! WItillThIAN-111imafacturer of all kind. of eta The a JL/La ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, l l'a im.. works bring now in mud suorteste op eration,' am prepased to ereeste NW, with thspetch for all kinds of miehmery in tr. y line, stet, as willow., pinker., spreaders, eardm, grinning maglinem,railenlye, drawing (Tames, speeder., thtssails, looms, wooled cards, double or single, for inerebant or country work, mulesjacke, he tilde and hand lathe. and tools in gen eral. All tends of mlinition made to orde , er plans giv en for goosing fsriories or mills at reasonable charge. Childs Slorkittnek, Reli R. On. his. Ptmoost • Ir...ism A f lo o r BENNETT a BYLOTHER, QUEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, Stalcatlaillue cm. [near Pltiibargbd P•. Ofur.. No. .37 Mg, a, 64m o, .ITanbet and Wood, rottcOorgA. WILL c.a./lily keep ou lend aeond &alum, g o , meta of Wan; fili on, own rounurscade, and aaPO6dlrObabl) Wboletale und country Nor for alp rcupectrally ,brtnul to call and e• amino for themschfca, uwe are :debeyboino.l to 101 l cheaper than has coat halo,. boon offered to lila pub. lie- Crblidereacn by mall, scoot:toadied by the oash or cod balcrenec, will be pbourtly ab,nde4-1.41•11 tHCIA? COACH PACTOHY, 11.U.TWIT. CO. would respeetfully inform AIL. OM, public that Liy Lkv. erected a shop on Laeoelr,tweerecti Federal lid Flandmity street+. They are now making and ore prepared to receive ordrel for Story dimmtpuon of vehicle, Coaehen, Clinrmhs. Ra rouehea, Ruggles, Phsetoor.,h.c.i. vertich from their tong expenetwe in the manutactnte of the above work, and the tneilitiaw they hove, they teel contidein they are enabled to do work on the snort remonahle Mini. with thee, wanting article. in their line. Paying particulur attention to the wile:non of mate rial, and !noise hone but competent workmen, they have no Lesaattan ina rrantinc their whit We therefore ask too attention of the public to the. matter. N. 21. Repairing done in the beet mantic, and on the MOM recionable rrrma. Irt7:3:11 • - . . SCA /YZ Irll RR, 2212751.WC.D Porostmon, rtorinN u reanotoeittre all kills of COPPER, TIN AND BURET IRON WARE Also, Illook uottl. Work. Steam Roars built to onler. Special attention given to steam boat wort. ISTO on bends a Elm msertment of Copper and Brest Kettles, Tin Ware, &e. Ac. Steamboat C !.n.edloees, Portable Forges, various sire.—a very ronvenieni sr. tiele tor steamboats, Caliterma emigrants, or rail !Old e would respectfully invite Meath boat men ani ether, m call tad ree our articles and prices before purchtsing el ..where. rriir Wrought and Cut Iron Railing. ELM subscribers beg leave to Inform the public that LM dace ohnstnerl from the Nast all the late and ,nable designs far Iron Railing, both for houses aim cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and )adze for thaturalves. Railing will be fat - Malted at the alien est. nt.uce, and la the bast miener, at the corner at Craig and Rebecca sate., Allegheny city. lue/T-dtf A. LAMONT Ss IVILLIA3I DIPHY comprising, as usual, sa n tae ne ne w sve. r .rlsor most 1 lasl o oom /Me stylmsof Cloths, Cassimares. fumy Vosttoga, ton and linen summer marls, and every /Male suttabla far gentlemen's vr.r for s p .. and summer. h being unpomible to describe the n b, qualaty, or lioay of the noel, tic propneto hopes all who are In want of good, /bear, fuahlanable, and men mode a...vs, wilt give lusts a call. •511. ere t no mook al.le of the Alleg4 let that can compare. rolth it The ready made department is nor, thd to all Strict. Bad mail contractors, reentry merchants, and ail who {lambast, largely, are panicularly invited in et amine the sieek before pumbasing, at particular at tention is paid to the wholesele bastnma in thit estab liatiment Ev.iry article in the tailoring line made molder to the meet fiedoonable and best manner, at the shormat Deere toren NOTICE:. aTILE par A tnership heretofore exisung ender the firm of AC BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease . C Bradley. The business will be curled on by A Bredlay, who will settle the business of the Late tra. F.MOVA L—A Haunter has removed his Foetidly Warehouse from No tai Reeved mreet s treNo Id Wood street, between First nod Second streets, to the were. benne InteJy occupied by (i A Berry, where be ad! keep constantly on hand &general assollmentof Cast trirta Grates, Stoves, Cooking Naves, Ae. Iyl.l AleKELylr, ILIANUFACTURER OF CAST STEW., and N.Y. 1 1,11 and No. I American Blisuir SlooL. Also—Best Cast Seel Files, clan iiscsi and Blacksmith and silo. Hasps, doing a on hand sod for sale, other at his -Ka- Rte Sinai Work.," &Hun strew, Fifth Ward, or at Uke • ice in the Iron Store of SOLLMANS Is OARS! SON, No 4, tom of Wood street, Pittsburgh.. olucoLAu.. W 4, the undervigned, having stood, with entire mai. I traction, the Cant Strel and File, made by tinnmol Me/Id ry, at hia Eagle Steel Work& Ia t&ts olty,,ste pleat. e to reeornmonding them asegenl In &nolo. to ag,y ur.ed by nit, or forrign tonnalietoro. Ptittlaurgli, March 13,1E39. & .1 II SLIOKNIII:RGER & CO nnutacturers of Iron and Nelle,Pittabare, Pa. h14.1..PP & TOTIEN, Iron Penna." and Plactlniata, Pitlaburgh, Pa. CoL & EA, Met antetaters of Spring., gale., Spring Steel and Rittes, Pitlablaq•h, Pa •F & W M FABER, Engl. ne Baader. IRO 31achtne Card Mann:non, ntra.,z,at .N Pa. Lira. Founder PittabUtlet On. GRAFF. LTA DtAVA 1. 1 0 stinfaclarert er Iron and lir, Pittaorgh Pa. 30S P.PII a Tomu b rigotv_, Loc...u. En g ine andEbip Sundt, n.bor g h, Pa. W W WALLACP Mat lata Mantifootorer, Machine and Engine But , Id er. Pitnitiorgh. Pa. DlNsolvotion at Parsmersh 9111 E Partr,ershlp heretofore elating between the st Meer-tiara, under the firm of Chambers, Agnew & Co., Glass Manufsetetora ores dissolved by mutual carom on the first day of J uly, instant All persons knowi ag themselves indebted to 'aid tem an request ed w t bake payment to either of We panics, althoot delay. and all person. h•vtne unsettled accounts with said dip, are Invited to pre...tit there for settlement eaniedtately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AGNEW, iyEl- dem D. it. CIIAMBERP. crEram tr'ne,t anteing by tale wrice that the t l'on.ble Stoat hey will be taitalreil to pay weight at cat warettetese, according to the receipt, beton the made ate re.noved. C A tiIeANULTI ACO 411 "WA 1.111 Cleansing Fluid. Enaticriona—Put the clothes into cold water and let them goat over night. In the morning wring them out a td pat them Irv° a tattle of boiling water, to which add the promrtion of one pint of died tu eight gallons of water—sur up and boil the whole twenty maul". The clothes may then be wrung ma and well rinsed In clear cold water. 'She part. of cat • cecina that may be mon walled, lark as wdstband• and elitists of shine may be alightly fabled berore Ireneand the clothes will be loand Pedectlr an, wade and clear. Warranted net to indwe the hart fabric and In perk., satisfactino, of the money will be refunded itrhd whoirnalr .d retail oy R E 51-x.1,111a • sepin • it: Woad at Cleveland, Warren and Pageant:crib Telegraph Company. primutuace of it resolniyon of the Board of Dime- A. torsof the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, regnening the Secretary to name not and clam to he pabllcheilm the newspaper. along the line, an exhibit of the financial and other Crain of this company. I antailit the forlowt. Report— The line of Telegraph Comninneen at Cleveland end terminates itt Pittsburgh , priming thrtiegh Chagrin Palls, Franklin. Newton Falls, Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, in the Slam of Ohio. and New Castle .4 Rochester, in the — State of Perdts7WanSi, at w,,,b points there aro offices located for the receipt and transmission of bus.... The whole length of the line Is 140 miles—Capital Stock, own pct =Me, making • total caplnk y Wog! . of r o ntl°11::',11"re, Npeed, the condemn. The above arnonnt of sub. !Clip 1100. by citizens, have been pedal to Cornell & Speed, for Which the Trustees have tact! media JEFFIBISON [LUX. Seeretarv. _ - BOAT ecru.Dgus. 100,000 Mt Consorted Dock Plank; 100.000 lea Coal Low String. Poo by ROBETCC bIoYNIGHT, laddtat Attorney, no Lew, fourth se INSURANCE. Male Pinion! Fire insurance. Company. I-lARRLSi3URG, PA • HE very liberal putnonage eitended to tide cos. pant. boric; issues' politica to Rio anteunlof vcar fh oa• n lialf Million of Poll daring Ate 1 .' 4 th rt. months, in a Motets Insnifcata an, zion of the eon m- don rut coaftdence of thn public in - the Init. o f in..aagrucent on which I/4 bustle's is conducted 'o coy or Country rnerrhat is, and °cruel' , of in , t, or,d i•atated or canntrY PsoPellYth remnant' olfords adrantacci in point of 011esP ,."1, i n, and security. tniktiot to no lasarunce • m any in thin country oh the equithh•it and greatly Unproved ry • tens of Clusificatinn °Mists, excluding nil tPsti" ha •erds, Insuring aptly a limiter nrionnt in any ooe lot t'llY.thus precluding On freaccucy.doecuritnc e or •arge Loco , acd also on both the Stook and Mutual Pls it not only TVIACIUCI the chcapneits and iscconat tu•lntion of both method., but entities the insured to • articipation in ttie prorits It is Coder the control of the following Directors:— Jol•n P. Rutherford, A: J. Gillett, John U. Foote'', Satauel T. Jones, Alouza A. Carrier, Plolo__C B.l- Swi Rottertlllots. J P RUYIIERFOsts,Ftt...' A J GILLETY,Sen'T• .e A Canton, Actuary ]'ranch (Met for Western Pennovizazia,SlSmith - Se. 'wen, PataLurgh. Pe-aaria deriving insurance wbe :lavished with books of the cosoptOY by nail- N st the Often. ee9 A•t•Olat•d Firemen's balinlenkne Cord pasty Of the City of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL 1200,000. J MOOREHEAD, Preen-W. W. DALLAS,SeeT ifr. Company now prepared to insure ligajOlit rr FIRE and AIARINR RISKS or all kinds Ogre, filintongalala Ilutrxe, 1244. 125 Water if. DIVI01.: J Moon. bond, C 7 l'ottrr.n, Wm. A. 11111, R. /I Hartley, R. B. Simp.on, Joeton. Rhode.. Wm. AI. NAtar, Edtonid Ciresit. A. P. Ansnotr, Wm. Col lin,woo4,ll. C. Sawyer, Chas. 144m1, Wm Gomel. o/LIMIT Lit* omit llaalah Imararautuo. Ttir. Mutual Llfa and hearth Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legialature f l'etudrylvanta, harsh, -1848. Charter perpetual. Cat.iMl,llllo,ooo. RAM towns hiss NS PEIT , CONT/AT, and full 00 per teat. lower than the usual rates of Life Insurance, as the following com parison will ahem , : Than, a person of the age al 30 in- Bunn for $lOO for life, mast pay to the Girard t"l,3'l— 13.36, Penn blatant, , PA Elu,±oLt , 5 ..; 1 ,;:','4°47; EM I 'n and' N , 1711a Y d n elp l hb b l i 7ii i r Pieserolia—Samael D. °nick, Charles D. Hail, W. P. Itoone, Robert P Kinn, Charles P. lines, M. W. Baldwin,M.M. Re..., 11. D., Ch.. O. D. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, Rodman Barker, E. 11. Butleri Litwin IL ape. Presigent—Samuel 11. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Rohl. P. King; Seeretarys-Francis Blackburn.. Applications w ilds received, uld every Informatton n by BA3IL PAHNESTOCK, Apt, °eke, Commercial Rooms, Cornet of t. andly Wood and Third On. _ Pittsburcb 1 , 1H.10 AISF,D DIAAtIRS: INSURANCE. riilll3 INSURANCE. CO. at North Americo will make permanent end knitted Insurance On pco perty in this city and vicinity, and on shipments by egoist, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea Ttie properties of this Company are well ingested, and famish in avail obis, fund for the ample tnJemniry of all (memos who desire to be ototeeted by inranume. myth WM. P. JONF.S, Areal 44 Water at. ffLre and Marino Insurance. st tE OFFICE of the Indurance Company of North America, has been removed to No. HI Front it can of Woad. The abaci - Hier, agent for the above old nnd reipotb altar Company, will lame Policies on DuiWilma and their contents, and on Otronenta of Merchandise Storm Rocs and other venal ona w. P JONES. 29odern and Antique Iturnitnra JAMES W. WOODWELL, 33, Tux. Sr., Parr/Sta.. I.V. Ilespectfally informs the public that he hes com pleted his spring mock of FILTNITURF, the largest and met varied assortment ever mitred for sale m aro cloy. comprising several setts of Rostwooh, Mattoaans, and Unarm Wshavr, earsmf, ornamental and plan, sottah!e fol. Isadore., Drawing and lied Rooms, ail of ',Lie:, ooill he sold al the lowest vice. Persons desiringPar:Onus of any description, are rpm trolly invited toe all and n tamale his stem[, whtelt embrace. every dean rip..., Mom the eharert and piellivst to the must elegant and tansy, m Joh the folM ming contr.:es a part Crete *Tete :tors., Tel, a Tem N V ),o. t.L,ueeraion Chure; Lo ot , telhom chai n : : tecepttou XI V Jo hlsmovlno thaflot hlooluoi 11 hat Not; loom Tabh•s; Lotion XIV Couto:Adore; War of York's cave s; toSofas with tlezh sod listr.cloat en. ors, Dorhns. Jo. 40 Jur Mahogany Porto: Clth.lit; lo ^ nogewooil dm 11 LIPL Won,. Jo Jo. 40 CaJe Smolt do, Mahogany llookror do - do • Piano roloois. rhle Tufo Centre Wazh Stands, Mhogcty EleJ,leads. Id do Wardrobes, I , BPI Walnet e Chatty A •er7 I ~.rge a swnmet of Gm... Chian and oth• er corrumre too tedious to mennoa. e•.eam Boats furnished on tita shortest :folic.. 21.11 order,. promptly attended to. —Cabinet Makers can be supplied with ell sons of Idaho,play, Walnut, and Veneers, at eousideralify reduced once.. (clad HERSEY, FLEMING d Co. IiVF. FOR BALE, FROM THE AIN.NUFACTURERS, AND AT F.AST .. ERN MANUFACTURER& PRICkI4: White Flannel+, all Wool.11:11.. 1/11111; Reddo 'Blue Iwmtay Yellow do laarey CodoaaJed; all art Drown do Ao ore'rcd nt Factory prier. Black Satinet:. Steel ruined do Boum League Saurtlng. Blue do letneork.o and Shiva, nor" Drat. doI heavy rood. Black co...mere. I Tudor, Good, rands do R,l Padding, toper do; I.'norp Throd, Vent Padding. Buckram, Super Mart Broad Cloth. TzuloniCaurass, heavy do; Super Brown do Brown Linens, Sihrilet Soper Green do Drab Serge, black do, • I o Sups, Tallied do and wonted; Super Mack Doe St r.• , dart nod Who.. Tape; Super Drab Coashinerro 'Black Twitoi, Drib do. Soper Brown do I Idricn Checks and Drills; Soper Black - doStu Art'n C cord tipS canon; California Blanket. ' , do Linen Thread, a Seartel do • 0rd....n0r article; Sloe do Soli . PApiregtV.ling.; Drab do [haat balm do Bro 6 tl ß ni arg'"' go " hro7„ H l7 ' r . a s el d tot, *' ;gl.l.t .' At the hlnouraetntern'ls archon.. No 127 Wood n Paubargh mr.3l Dissolution rliE co-partnerssrp heretofore castms between the subscribers, In the name of constabfe, Carte b. is So. day thasolved by mutual consent. 'lent. Carte et Barnes andecule the badness of the concern, for which perpose they are authorized to ace um name of the concern. NATIIANIEI. coNSTABLE, EDMUND LW lIKF, - I.iLLIIMS BARNES. The undersummlhave SIM dayassociated the nmelves in the name of ItURXV. h. BARNES. for the purpose of maortfucturtog Pier Prof Sates, V•un Doors, he Ae., at the steed of .1111 late firm of Constable, flock. &Co, where they trill be pleased to receive the patron. age 14 the customers of that hence and their friend*. EDMUND ERIIIKF, THOMAS BARNES In reitrinc from we hzin Con4tabie, Durk , : t with uncut plent.nro recommend Met.... Dorlc & Byrne, In the confidence of my ftle4do and the Fob. 9, 1N.19 . NATHANIEL CONE , TAIILI: 1eb13.410" I=l ETAS Just •retnrued from the Eamerti Clues, end d' receiving 11 large voinety of seasonable Goods, to which he respectfully Invites the attectum of marc h ante and pedlars. No no Wood at. 1.611 xarm.t. emitct—W. P. Stansusts. le conitestiy • receitstne, from the largest manotacterces to Now York and Pbtladelphta, and also Nora French agenclez, the newest sad mutt approved styles of Pa per Ilartgines, toge.ther with Borders, Pim Doan( Prints, and Tester Topa. For eel° at 83 Wood at, he. tween Fourth st end Diamond alley, Nuccessor to :. C. (Mid ap3_ • grALL Stte rAi —3 brie .reamer, IN/ P' " sale by the harrelor ample pound et •44- s.L !kid for mile by the barrel of stogie pound et the Dreg. Seed. and Perfernery Warebouße, comer of Sixth end Weed m 005.9 N WICKER9IIAftI. at 19 STOVE POLISH TFlvraix klanufneturing Company now otter I the public their Premium Chemical Stowe Palish; and with. , "egg..., or fear of contradletion, those who lotra tested it, pronounce it In superior to any other In the market. The Consurocrnetal hove" , apprehensions of soiling carpets, ha.,Of it. coon posuson prey.. • dust from arising wheal Lung uq , plied, which must he done when the Sin" is said The quantity required tr sd little to produce a be". histre. A sasing oTar filly pe reenlist nsured to the consume.. A coating applied to Btrives, ripes, !cc., when la,d away for tine summer, • sure lue• Tentative against nisi Alter burins tried it olive, Of It is accessible) no person will use Tiny hut the Phumix klanefacturing Company% Prenuini Chol/11• cal Stove For sale by 8 N WICKERSIIAhI, 0176 Varner 0181 *MI WOO 4 Mree L. pliTsisuPon nounsisu sTtnum, Corner of Penn and Sc Clair rime, ALEXANDER a POMP, Furimaing tinder, VV nacre, where every article for Ilgiteral and Mourning ran be g - nt on ressonoble iota, J711..1301 Cl= with II to 21ourkeen per music not. •hert.l 3,7, Ir. OS, gin CU 61311Liin, bird J , P.• St. , .thirig. I 1 turtle, tram Ul to N,th, • ptliv., \VLre, 1.1i.1J ~ l'erloptic.l Line I'nm% hr. rhoy n arrant their metal pipe, mid fret nny ifdintennta of Iton, Cr any Dm, Pdlo•lalCa, and re commend It (or the enanemotare of 11106 l art, .01 in ;he !mute (lamellae; line, no it doea not rust, is net effected by the nolhn of orator,and me bo nonsked, painted, and Manned p.mpty,f. model, plane,r m pecificationf 2nd mhcf information may be had of the agent's hUrdaly. , 2. flianno, Nem York; AndatOn• ROLLM k CO , if. 11,1; erna, taerrna, & Ca., Pllthalelphi W. flaltimorm, VI ant, ife, & Sucre.. New Orletue; F. fiIILLIROUX, !Incident Ag.,ent, 2 Hanover eh, New Yost. Were, &TM -Caber 2--flenn.dnin BMW BOORS ,IS of Leigh Hunt ; realm ned of blends and enidenadararik., nn vain Carlylea Latter Day Darapulats—Nn VIII, subject, 1C..11111,10. lllstory of DOlfillt the Great. Ply Jacob Abbott, with englavinpf. /elle Howard, n Romance. By Mrs Martin Dell. Nletonal Feld Bona of the Revolueon.- No A. The above werloo toecof cd tido dav, and for sale by • ft C SToCKTON norl! , Cor, Mark at aslbird...L_ E ARD—tel 1.1. No jimt i er b y DICKEY itco 0017 Wurs and Front itraata BOOKS MUSIC', ssw poems. AT HOLMES' LITE:RISKY DEPOT, Third street, oppogite the Past Office. DAVID COPPERFIELD, No 18 London Art Jonmal for October Lutell's Living Age, No 327; The Utley Fenn; or the Autobiography of an Or ph o. &lard by Charies..L.Peierron. Betecont Government; a new novel, by Mre. Lemon . By ChulaLe The Bon hlarlftv ' mas , beotorork, e v o e 4lete; Life Of Yankee Bill. Genevieve; or refugia Love and Borrow. By A. De Laturae. Ikwoo Shatspoore. No 25. • 0e23 NOM MUSICS 'NAM INUBIC I''' TENN'S - LANA a bandifalEtbioplut Song; aseung a/ by the New Orleans Serena.len; Be watehfal and beware; ~ Oh' Dinah, tate this hand; The Maiden'. Tear, ~ The Itlehalan'a Auk; . .. Would 7 were with thee; By the Sad Sea Wave,.at eking by Jenny Llnd In New 'troth; ... • The Bird and the Maiden, sung by Jebel Lta i Tolle Mit lute, rang by Jenny Lind: Turn not away; a beautlfel duet, by S. C. Footer Sleiehtna Polite; by /Butner, Jenny Lind ineibnion Good Mel:: Jenny.f . al the Gate: .Loving, andDod. worth , e very . ben Pola; also , ' new Welteee add ex tensive jtele C. I inn of Gait a I' Ptreeptin• Of bon me re. • . II BLUES. 101 Third ,t feeh oat , , Grilden Harp. DV NUA3P► PIAhOH • Solo A usury for Dzatilksaa , a II ILLF.DER takes Ideation, In announcing to the LA a public that he hassueceedettln securing the ngeney for thenbant , a celebrated Piano Fortes, for IVestera Pennsylvania. • -- The made by hlr. Daubing', of the • 6no of Stodan &Dunham no too well and favorably known In OA. aeighboata4l to require wry comment at this thee, rake it to say. that :or a long Ilene no Other Oman were known In the Western country thou those of Suntan & Denham and leans & Clerk. Mr.Danbam, the prattled punter of the above Grin, he, event upwards &twenty years in the fee. tory of sail firm U. practical manager and director of the bastnrss. Witt nn a year or two Mr Denham has bought out the enure factory and appartenanees Of the firm, and cOntinuet to manufalture, as before, in his own name; Dunham's Pianos have attained seat popularity, that in some of the western elites, Cinch:. netl, /In ,Ithey have sold two to one of any Other manufacture. They are distinguished by their power and brilliancy of tone, and extraordinary N. large irlVOlte of the above elegant Planes now receiving. 810 N OP TIIE ("OLDEN HARP. colt • mew Sleuths, ECEIVED this day from the elan— LA. i.e Serenade—Selambert La Serenade—Arranged na Deem • Jeannette and Scanner. for Outtai. Voter, of by gone days--toster. Away down In Calro—poster. Ile Watchful and 13eware—Itiloser. Besides many other popular Soap and Pieces. H KLEBEIL septa Sign of the Golden Harp, Third st HEALTH Disease, and Remedy . Cy Dr. Noon. Adelaide Lindsay., a novel. BY the sat r'r of "Latina Arnold," , Nonnen's Bridge," &a., tr.e. Lao and Correspondence of Rohl. Southey—past 5. Gibbon's Rome-4th WI Oth vol.—Completion of the INOIk. Received and for sale by reran R 0 STOCKTON CaM=! EGLISTI GRAMMAR—IIe English lionvfnage to Ifs elements and forins,nritb a history of as origin and developement; decnimod tor ass in oollegoa aod schools. Wra.C. Fowler, lino profeasor of Rbetuffe Amhenn Collage. Astronomy—The, , i e logr v oss u elLAl&o , Locifyl " VlZVel l in of if Ifornaria in the far interior of Soon, Africa. with untied of the native uSfec, and anecdotes of Ihs chase of Ite lion, eleptifird, loppoo i ue, giraffe, tionocecov. de d vrifli Illuminati.. hi R. VI Conansug. Received for sale by _ n e STOCKTON retest 4, ?Racket at ==! • I UST received st 11. KI.F.ISER'S !Suers Slore, the following In the Eye then- her the Dealt I Love but Thee. The 'Watcher. The White ind Red ROM,. Note/ Bell. Ile Spent all things will. AU is over. Where re nom the hopes I ehermbed to Serenade. sepi ROSE FOSTEBItir RlyetenesCoralof the Coral of London, Vol 301 thu Interesting notch has been teren/e4 at Holmes' Literary Depot, Thant ,beet, uppoeile tbe Post edict; also, Men Perry, or Triels of de Heart, by Olivia; George Capitol. surnamed Seanderbeg King of Albina, - by Clement C. Sloan., L. I. D ; end No =of Limit's Living Age. seyslll Jags Received. ALAIIGE and etherethee arnartment al PATENT AIETALLIC RUBBER FABRICS, among the almost endless variety embraced In the athorthlent, they be tumid the f011OWler— • ' • " Horse Covers. Carriage Cloth, Air Hedy Air Pits lims,Alr Cushions, Water Palls, Tobacco Pouches. risking Hoots, CAM' s Capes, Ciosks, Tarpaulins, Moves. Mittens, Poaches, Ms" Chem., Pont., H 0... Door Sprints, Machine 17s9illng. Sim' Weslets, Machine Paekinir s _Canp Blankets, Paper. Holders, Life Preservers. Travelling Bass i Isthmus Bus s Hauling Mats, Dolle Heads, H es t. Limas, Boddie thus, Air Baas, Foot HMIs, Ladies' Wash Gloves, Lathes' Gam Rho es, Gems' Gom Shosi, Legklngs,ste. Every artiste bids, this estselishment is vrarranted to petileall all the characteristics essential to water p d, Great o d or. e.a, perm odor fur t =AT ' t . gb ec re g:p rtTm m , Nos 7 k 9 Wait! street. serno t U PHILLIPS N. OUSE k SIGN PAINTING and Glaring, prompt. I and neatly executed. N. El—We will ti dta Inctly understood, that ora can do Painting and Glaxtee sa champ no any other paintect in the city, and Are deter - 1 - .lrd t , nn it MMDM U~Jh VI a 00 N, 0.0,0 1•,. 1-mil ' , Altar% Wo•i Fad d,,; Joel< Flab my Denny Piasters do; Jenny Lind Barra:a...a, Awns:ilia Vinoot o, Anaatidine; Pont tan Soap. for ortaresina he sl.n; A hssond alinairg Croon, Root do dia ALL brotaill to Flo.llg Jo, Amanda:Le do; Haar; Nut Oil do, Rote do, Alorshinsbovi do; Bogner do; Brown Windsor do; Bear , . Grotto. At For tale, who . ..sate and roma, Ly R E SF:LLERA, rrplo 17 Wood ar. /11(1111 . 1,3117 DRY PAINTS of koh.L. 2. eonichanh Ls i t on L a nd of rho boil O Y also, irsaittas, Llutood Oil, Boiled (111., Paint Bnaobes, Sash T Window (Pate, 01.1301.1. razes, ge. Sold wholconlo and retail on atconazoodniing terms. N. Br-All parson* porerisoing raised or dry Bilbao who with to do rheir own painting, eon receive the. necessary Lirtenons gratis. .1 a 11 PIIILLIPS teortil 7 .10 Wood at OIL 45Low11s (\N hand and teen from the Phllltprellle Faetrry, kl 'or the fall .rade:— yd• 3-4 Flow 011 Cloth; 000 yds 4-4 do; SOO yd. 3 4 do 513 , 3 yds 6.4 do. 1000 yds 6-4 do, 7000 yds sheet do, medium soil heavy, from 4 to 6 yard. wide, all of the nearest style of patterns, tad cut to any given strv. 700 yards 4-4 Similar,. till Cloth.; 4t* yds 5-1 do; SOO yds 0-4 do 154 coma assorted stsers'Taltle, Stand, and Bureau Covers. rano., patter., and splendid finish. to yds 4 , 1 Patent earring!, Oil Cloth; WO yda 5 4 do; 3E41 yds 6-4 do. 3030 yds Oil Cloth Cralh for NIAs", listened p alters.; 510 yds 4-4 Omen Oil Cloth for Window Bands, 300 yards 5-4 do NVindon Shades, a Urge assortment lust received of newest Mica Merchants mad others wishing to purchase, are in •iteil to call and examine oar assortment of goods, vritich milli be sold at the lowest cutters prices. J 1 II PIIILLTPS ecru ItoW cod et 111.1Iet te Lemma ayinp— ao tees Sanopaellla Salo; 40 bis do do; .10 box. Lemon Pytap,mede from pate lemon Miee; Jett meowed .4 foe este by .111.11,110 L FllfllitrTWlN WOOLLEN 00001 T r e lE eiv u lV;l n'i to r rirtle h m e wl . o u n fac ha t nd' r . s, 'd ot?:cni ii' l l °aT e t n ' t, large lot of Flannels, all colon, plain and barred; Also, Bed Blankets. Blanket Coating, Beaver CAtba. I..liner., Satinet% and Tweeds; which be will sell hy the one or piece, at mardfacturers' otters. The •ttentlon of dealers in woollen goods Is invited. II LIE, acglc l LID2iN .1 C. YEAGER, lON .Nlarket S (mar Llb.rty.( 11.12OrTIMS .ND MIMES IN AMEIIIHAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN SABOT GOODS' HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LAC F.S, GLOVES, THREADS. EOSIIIS, BUTTONS, SUS• PEN REDS, A,- SUIn and laud Ve•lttlags t FANCY rkII.I,, , RAV &T+, PONGET, [IAN ;PA , nn.l I INEN 1111 K ,general L. 7 k , 41Z ‘4,11,11 'l' II I, W• A ni Alt 11. ►'l' , Use ..... .1 apes It. • ' t .. ~ nni iiLtinuirrii 4 ,1.1 Le), 1... st. nil, II LoWne, J e Dr. 31“...: J II tV.ii..swd. Kr VP irl'Ailtls. It 4 URP/IV & oURCIIFIELD Warm their custom LYE eri and buyers generall that, in Consequent, of senate., bring engaged In enlarging End improyi log Omit iinira Huth; they have removed their goads lo Ihe titrigin Stoat of the building they oveupy, maul lb, mi . ...vent.. are handled; where they will ha happy IU see their ruatornera ite tithe], rind Inc the trouble of walking up stairs, will try and remunerate IL em by selling them Cheap (foods IGnlntrimee from roorin •trecl. nu,t,l HAIR,CICOVIC6I, d c. y .I_do GLOVES, tingle, la; 1.a.1.e: jr do do dd da tar Gent. " do Jo do 'annbir doJo J. Pm, do . 10 91rarra for Ladiro do do fru Litnla do do do Bola. do Doradaa Buttes Irapogtul and for gale by ctl2 n A 1 - ATINOFTOC6 A Ca — 69IOCKIIIEri-100 bass [Arran It‘o Code.; 011 Ulla N. 1 o..S.dgarl Ito hr cheat, Y. IL, Imperial. a7l P. and Black Tea.; 100 o.lsria Lamp lobac<o; 10 kegs d twin do; 21 bola Tatman' Oil; Kniag REIM= lOU video Solo Leather; Ile doz Com Broome; • . ILO boo Window Glo , m, aso'd moo; 2 . 4 . mom Wrapping Patter; :5 bales Batunm 2 earoons tI.P. Indio; YOO toms Nails, aon tde 10 eats Pot M; With oneral assortment of g A remeries for sale by oath 1100180 Ni LITTLE, & co , . . . . . • 1E .. t V ...' . I • " ' MEDICAL PROCLAIM sTloyz KNOW en romparlio are st.k and atnicied with .hia. eon of the and I doe,,,, t h p.n. in back or bladder stltrjei ots, old iores. venniny ulcers. Re, that they can be oared he takinr the 'Pe troleum! peaktalk alms tits being a noctruso as much ILP yen , bat this does not make it co, for me proclaim to the face Oran incoest eomonunity. that it has virtues which art no, contained to ley nth. remedy. The rano who is racked With path mod sof fenny from disease. can for Edo ernai, get relief from any of the ills ermunionmed above. Reader! it costs very-Rule to make et trial. This Petroleum la no min tote--no eotapond, put up for the porpoise of !rope , ter on the totainunity; but At Is it remedy elaborated II the master band of nature * and bobble. op from Mediu. sorts of., Mother aartlyin as original purity,•and of. 'fern to Iradoeing humanity a ready comedy, a itettvit .. n 4 cheep cure. ' • It his eared PLIES Slier other medicines have fades 'to Tender any relief. It has - eared Rheumatism oflo, standing, arid uf the worst end most painful character It bee cum' Cholera Moans by one or two doeee; It has toed old cases of Diarrhea, in Which every t i remedy Las been 0(00 aVaii Ala !coil rciard7 ii burns and aealde, It is better than any medicol cern. pound or Ointment that we know a it 1911 i core chit hiatus or frosted Net, In a few applications. cmdou ed testimony can be fornished'of the truth contained in the above statement by milling on Samuel Al Kim Canal Ithsitt,7th street; or either of the trent. Keyser & McDowell, eorter of Wood Burros moo Virgo, Alley; R. E. Seller., 57 Wood meet, D. A. El Sot & D. M. Carty, Al lexheny city, ore th..nem , tan3l • BEAur re 1 ,3 ;1 . ; . 1 toll' , r , c h t , :ei c liy u e n o try ni.Tl h,. .!tl i t “ ol a li n t y •ti o u , l;f4s . while at the CP) , Lie time it is rah: .hti tin no Ohio coon lay is it lost at so young an ego Now thin to jilt e to a certain extent, but the leer in often caused by 11•• &het. We soy to all, do not neglect your persons' apPearnnee, bet wag the following, and yhti,O.k.ot lank amid leaks. Thum article, ore scientific tire. partitions, and have ail attained a high Imptilatity. Jot= linvefi's Ems vs Venom aimrity. Nlfirtll Soap, for removing too, nohow, , pimPles , bletehns, and other en:pitons of the akin; the most pollees eong servitor of beauty every known, Purchase; nothing purporting to be Nymph Soso, ostler:, it biz my name attacked. ••• • •. /Inas Harm's Penman cm CH MISS Pownti,for lee parting to 'the most bilious complexion a radiant "chimaera. • In nothing should a person be imne•cart , fal than the use of a powder for the skin, as many of those cold are very injurious lily !Mimic Powder Is compounded Ina ed.:nine mennel., and contains no tesredlent which elm possibly millet an injury. lutes Mtn% Deritsmnir Pownsa, for removiim aupertluous hair. What is morn *rightly than hair upon the (are or arms of a lady.; This article will remove 'tin a short time, without the urn of 11.117 sharp instrument. Pam ilscat•s Vromseta Limn HAM OiC will thistantancoumy impart to red, white, or grey hair, it beentithlly black, brown, nr auburn enter. lt will color the hair in a shorter time, end mole eficrinlllT any other Dye, being at the same time indellible Jean Hum% Slum. Caws.—lt is really a ple a sore to shave with this cream. There is none of the Manning sensation nasally experienced in the use of most Soips. On the counarY,Hkno `, the skin , , ••'th and soft a. an Infant's, and not liable to become chapped, Jut= Datalt.'s RoasTotirst Parr s.—Nextto the hole,. we think the Teeth were Intended...the easiest erne: , went to the human face; but when neglected, nothing, nand istancing, or so quickly Feel. till Bose Tooth Paste will Impart to the teeth a poorly whiteness, at' the same time keeping the gums tem and botchy. • Also on hand, a complete as!ortment or French, !knish. and Amen". Perfumery and Fancy articles. JUI,F.B HAVEL. Periodic and Chemist, PM Chestnut street. Phila. For sale wholesale and retail, hy H. A. Fatinestock co., huo. D. E. Sellers, Pi up end John Sm. gent. and I. Rthetiell, Allegheny City, Pe- iyl7—Co • • H1 - DE - 3 SOAP—M boa assorted, oist mill «ad far sale by oetl4 J KIDD Ca SPAN'S!) WHITIRC r —OO bble to eu1e 7 1,, , °end J KIDD k. LdrE OIL--tknerta and pint, in basi en of one Q nod two dozen each, !mooned, nail for safe by • • orl4 B A FA IINESII)C111‘ 4AI DAB6BPIIIrI . I - Kk—A prime nmele, sCo orIS StIRIVIII 11A11:il-IS Fi.„, , R-Su Wiz line Vaar, 1.10. and Ter aale by aelt/ • faIIRIVER S BARN , A A 1C1.11101.-9 au4 P 2 / 1 ./upaat re 'd far L 1 : c 11 Tt•li NELI,BIts ocIT 11ra.1 er 1,11188 - PLALIi-4:ABx, Ala tr 'J of 17 11 • lARB.A3IIII/Nin—t ro.t i..t rec.] roe ,alea-x N_./ Arra - EZ,BLI. 11 F. I)l3i.,Kwia.:Ar FLOUR—du. tcraved atlttll'ir..4' 1 J./ libotty Mricet, fralA It. New Brighton ;Wk. a NU of toperior Dot I:wheat-Flour. put in Ohlb ,aia, flof family ote. (Don( tV Al A aIeCLPIO CO, ' t% ' l?a i l L eu V bi l ui . ttla lS ol — E . :O7A o r ' Cb ' tre:ll 3.' t : h att l t * a ' tit; on hard and tube at nyta liberty . street:by • y acid Ortl A AIeCLORCi A. CO Wtfu, At Ln 1, - ;ennau, rain, reed oral tot irk by It F:SEl.l.l7.ltel 111 - :EV—Darter Cintinurea Sugar cure 4 11 Bugged, aad Caneasiod, }or tale tat ocl6 V'l A Met% ORO .t Co BAND BOX&C--Round and hall ratted. at o sale and retail, by W. '. .I.IAUSIIA oolG h 4 Wood or frORACCO-15 ken• (ledges No I a valet, faatTej:l per Steamer Geneva, and for rale by JAMES DALZE.I...L. 0.16 ASTOR OIL,—;!0 br I /Ravel for sale by !MORRIS .k HAWORTH, TEA DEALERS, easkilde of tho,DiarrioaL • oti rry opt Tea at per malty good t uki !NE ,!‘..IIIIANDY id tie puma and, ..;nub for V aletl.snal purpore, al 75: nn4 SI per quart. (or sale by moxrus a II k‘s.,.n.llJ cell: In arc 11, nond )1(.. , - 'leabi r • .sna I es.J •n, ot, no. I ea.! 1 . .... qr. I ran • t.'ar. • ran :Jaren cr., I can Buret., nil :hit RD. I 1 , 11 rd terelve4 for pal- I r: rll.l Delo IyorJ sl LA.--IW keg. N.. ILc m. al. ;rg •.irtmet Ohm, sod or sale by . _ BROW" , la I:KPATItleri 13 .10.N: ,. :A1 0tee tTiii .,c, — ,, c t l.:7 3 ..k ---- A Sll 1.37td: - ir7Wl, sold al? Al/ DICKEY it Co TIONEV-4 bl;ll7lireFoit 0,1 (or roleby 11 acr . ISAIAH DICKEY A Co IA: HITA FISH—IS Ms Poi by VW 0,4 WICK & MeCANDI.ysIS . . Tuba, hot.ale by - do 0010 1. 11 WATKRAIAN & giEVA • CORN cor limey auo go-.d Corniouu Corn Croons, fur tale by Drib. r, S% &TE_ 12 /N V r: B L; b,_.'ncYP"_" ' be a by °en L 8 IVATEIDIAN & 8055 10;1 11611.111EDIA:tELV - -:Ali . rxr4neorril W SakIMAII, Nubbin rant, the Dry Worts nod Hosiery batmen, to whom a Iltuiral salary will be pan. 'a r II E ' No in Fourth or. C ° Ug -7"b"‘ "menr° C. , LOAR--3.5 landr. r111412C N 0 for FiCe by 0 OEII3 J 8 1 , 11.W08T11 &Co l ' , l-4.4 bblv N C for sale by oolg . J 8 DILWORTH & Co —,----- rptors-15u malt ebeatt and Mack, eamly boxes do do do do or tale by 00'12 J S INLIVOSTik aCo fop ACCO—l9;belera IT - Willi - A IN la more and for sale by on JS DILWORTH le Co bleAtinito •rtive, P °CVDER'-""' k 3 do Deer Rifle, Jo - maga:see, SO/ do Ky as ao, Y 5 bbl. Bal•ty Tuft do, For gala by OCtig Jtl DILWORTH At Co • LARD -0 begs No I Lard,Jost reettived ond for sale by oasis OF /ASHBAUGH B Awp,_ al Lentos :88/older., nyttou lba Hides, In store end for sale by netts H k W HARBALIGII J, Gn—lsoo lb. Rags toot landing ant for sale I•> A/ omit/ & N HAI/BAUGH SIR/AR-12 bads N tl Solar in stone sod For t ot .11:: ti & OF lIABBAUGH i st A: , lit: , i;Ar ,.. t i i e lnl s i... A r b ‘ t , tt e 0 , s o Inch Cy trader F 'FUN BuNNHORST & CO _ • - S /11 , :;rpaltk.-8 00 bO,O cru.le,_, : rr_tro . lg ., fo7 .24oo i os ur .. ' ' ' ..' C 11.... 0,.. tV , - , 10 eat]. 40 , maa.urnv9I 1_01 . ..80 „ 0...1e L y 5..... .._ . !..1 . 1_. 2_ " N __ ._ S'',V L ,PO",IU - Ily - '"" IP&V;F4I7I`L'AiII" 00. -,.. Water Al - DICE• -ID .• prooe, for care. by 1 trot t JAMES DAL:ZELL 3 lIRR AN N-3 ear It • Fronet t to. xec',3 tor Eat< I, V °ail JAM DAI.ZCLL YrArtjilrßS' Oil. 731.4. ree: , l A i for tralt;.lazzLi. Pailareall.att corn Starch. EX/NED and pupated expreatly for Pdtl,lota , it Cn.rardr, raker, he. rata pure cud .beattatal article to neer /gly healthy, datieirma, and reonouoral, and w hen drnar..l May Le U.S am • autt.doold for, and Id , fir ,1111 C net an Arrow Hoot. Just rrootved and tor tale xt 2.541 Liberty •1, tot act,. ViM A Nirt:LlJßti A t`O AR.I3 Ei.r; Is.vilit4. tor gala 1; .1-1 aril . JAUES DAL:ZELL t e . v. 70 11 " I F 4 t. 1 .b.1 11)8 ..!PL 1 1.. „ At tr.'Z'Zc.",n r ^.. 1110111 rt.l,Cll of OCI9 munpny .t. Britt' lin Cr.irs VXCELERNT - ri.lek - Wlrrt - a . i t 2 1.. , r ? I ' , ~ •L• 1 ..d. 1 1 ; , , 1 , ,..15J_ NORRIs a. )1 t..‘s ~hll .10 .. . 6 .1 1 T1. i .e; i" , * 6 1;°,,PAVEa...,!T,v. ,, w•l6 ',hem .: 47, _ ir _ Co -avk v vc tv to, :.or A gi v o t e a prgul t :l 3 u — n i rrt ,' :ll ' , 3 ::1 ' .1 . 11,.::nr • .I , I! V Of 16 It OA I.ZE q. • • • • H.EA24:—.,; ott hand aud Int ' , Wro t.. oct7ISAIA II Dicxr A r., _ D itit.o FILIIT-3U dazkz new, 16 sacks nrw AFpr Irma rterancr Cr.ledonia. and fir raid or vela BROWN & ace prame Race or r,. Lt. ocll4 JANIE.S. e A ILUT.:IIISON S C. - . TRUNK' BOA RDS COLon.ll axeorted•fc, net.. DROWN KIRKPATRICK ril - A — RTAIUO AC/D-3701b1 , stn White, luslird•il and (nr pale hi anti R ESELLERH • • DOTS' SZtill•ts. 113 Pai r ...& id . . WI also, plaid suit O ;lain Caa aimed - artnere; in t ro t Airy.ya Matto° Carta:aura, Kentualcy donna, Black Tabby ',COMM, AC., at lion], cart comer of Fourth and U Marti warts. acid ; Vast Catered Prints. pi/TUMMY & OURCHFIF:LD Invite attention to the INA onoico lot of American and British Prints, dark and of durable colon, 1n.% mcm . d. Dela SLL: SODA — W' silks Bing likt tor - Wiiii -- B A PA FINFASFOOB Ik CO nets ,cor First Ss Wood sot MISCELLLN'OUS. Western College of Rom eopathis lrledieinr CLEMAND, &slum gf 135041--Chartirod 1849. titan. Tnr-T,Ragrmw„l:7. 11.s7Z4galu,'Jr'Nov.on ber.waLl conunne tour months. ; • . The Chair., of the Fecnlty are errango follows: Storm Roar, M. D.. Profeiror findlrifery, and Difeares of Women and Childmn. i - Lsoging Briggs, M.. 1), Profits.? of Principles and Practice of PurgetTi _ 0 . Charles lYtilism, as 11 . rrotes red Piactleo of fleacceerithy. _ Lewis Dodge, D.:Professor cf./Uteri llJedi ea and bledical 4"4P"'l- P teuior orchemietry. lismiltou L. Smith, A. lif ti Fillefri C. IClthorcl, MD, Profiteer:it eke tow and Phyriology. f lirainard, Professor o Yoe Bell. Iletnot , ""*..', pf The Cbaner of the We2t/r.C."'" ofHem areird rt eledietne wee granted by lbc Leglennure ~h r tie station of t 1e49,5n. It trailers all the nglir and ' pireileree weey pooee seed br Medical Clulleg s be P.O Untied Plaint red. anlik°l°." eolksewt exist. and pendent of any other instluoloo.. er og in mull the power to confer degrens i and PO2rodt'6 a common etal. The decrees are conferred by the recoi) , and Trustees upon the recoraracadetnni,Pf 11. e antomit of free for the fall coons will it I,lA:imitation fee.,Sfet-do be paid be* once. Demon , ttunies'neket. SI Cerulean. feel, SPO Pcreettli wet. here ',moiled two tot. cowrie. of lee. In Cher are admitted LO the fall count ro test /heli , e , h , on the Perment of $2O. - 111reduaute of nit peetablo mcdtral reboot. are permitted to attend,the tonne on the payment of the manionlatien fee only. Cood hoard, Including room light, and fuel,eas. hd ohtained from P 2 to 02 to per week. For farther in formation adder.. CHAS. D. 'WILLIAMS, orgallint Dean of the Jr. PlTTSOultull °Less *Olll—.F A. & D..H. i CHAMBERS, citqctstt,s, aettrer & c 0.,) • Weald respectfully Inform the customers of ;be late firm, 111 , also the petbile geneielly, that they will conuatte the cannufsetere , . lif 114110 W GLASS, inraLs,pOTTLICII to In all their verieties, at the. 0 .14 Bur%di Ncs 13-Wood et, bait - goon First a Watei. . jrani2at. • • IMPOATANT TO THE /IF FLICTED. Dr. Roses Celebrated Remedies. D 3 J!,COD 3 1103 F, the discoverer end eels praetor of theca moat popular ands beneficial Inedrnines, and also the Inventor of .the celebrated in nutt for Inflaung t fte he Lungs, In ectint a core of Tomeb dtmates, we, a student of that emote! physletan, Doctor Physic, sod la !induce of the Univerasty of Peunarlvanta,unl foe thirty ye smell hot been engaged In the mirextlgatton of do e, an din application often:ea,. thereto. Throne, thence of his Intlatieg tube. In coantetio scab his emphylactie Syrup sad other of bin ramedie he has gained it unparste'led - enimence tit curia those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Co gumption, ,Cancers, &ramie, Ittp:pratalu, Asthn rarer anti Ague, fevers of all kinds, Cb,o o Fay alpents, snit all theme obl/unite tbreatelf peitullar I females. Indeed every form ofdistasommolesunde the can of alit romeches, to which humanity Sa hair not by the use of one compound only. for drat is Int compatible th Phyciolegidat Law, Uut byttbe use n( bas remedies, adopted ma and presedeed fps each Manner teem of dictate. Dr. Rom's mine Alterative Dills, when * l ed ale Inranahly acknowledged to be sultrier to other, as a porgeorc or liror pill, inassimet, tbay !cavil Una bowels perfectly free from coadvedeasg as also hit Golden Pulls ov admitted by the faculty tarmac.' peculiar' proper:Ms adapted to feIOILIO 4 /...P.• bet tel satisfied eau a bare trial Ls 'Mont to lonabll.h mbar has imen said In the minds of the moste;eptical, sill ate 1 4 , upon the scent. and pra. toe (glen%) tier tithe lloctoespamphle *mg atotaled ancount of emitter:m.4 at its &Mut alien. Enr sale by inn ftillovront agent+ at well ashy moaS drin,qlcts me the cf.:metre.; - -.Olfooattatker :I Wood ellen, Dlus . turallt J Tow•weml,dtur,gict, Da Mickel et, 1, A nenlttosm, do neat Me P.O. Alleahany city Jur Barkley. Darbnp,e. Dearer co , Pa ; Jae Etholl. U 11.1.111 Valley, MI do, 'C dstums.ldecm r,„ , _ , dd do, ' • " • atormv"LiArii , , A ' lIVAInfIEUL lareußon, juu JR, tenth& in LIIUJOIIa represetautut }snag Lin • the gelds, •a a 11-teeing anomie, pl_ngeurr fro Ilienlehortnat e:lt tis theca rereerfOOWORIO rlher 4 7' 7Oun, IntlbentO7O)taltueßrre painting bought neenes. ttte men trutidat apt! corral% Of en , yet brought out Alit, Jenny Liturs GreutragAZ Asubince, .sunz, l!,r. elderbliatth let set .Satre Super fine gloloruk&Rf nagyoglß T., are the ver7 hest.Lak Tia• thne on. paned duo th ljetted tinte Prawn & I iaworthr 'ea ren:u (0e 4 Visq.o.sre Tn a the tow prieeuf 73e perib,tot croft ,_,sart74 D OF itiEcirgyftWil.ainfrWati end - Fugineering- Nora, of en great work hal! -been ItCeiVr , 4 at Holmes' Lite:aryl Nowt, Third int copula., the Pon °Mee. ir_z to IN Dow GLASS..-31.9 bar S z 107, . • 41414 Z lit pan'', erne far • " ons!O7, in More tun raid tdr, - 'JOAN WAll &CO br/, re:fa (gran! by g" smints, or? •• 47 Woad ft A rot" Olir 7 :-.4. fag y - 1 .cS IV E. SELLERS it F. SELLERS 67 'Wood t. 4 .1 , 6:•4 E , IA CALII-9 bys reetYied Itrr isle by ocg BFX.LERS - ..... • . CTireV.7.lStril:e IL. very clean, for ode r. nee • 11" F SELLERS WiatS els reiaiiriii R In elk i•.; 1 IJr , • ale by It F, YELL, RS fiTii;re Dy J - D CIO:FIELD Lemglaavirisr I variety N great vaety oi v.. ie and pattern,Javt received. .I. at its clot. Ml.7llPri S. lIIIIWIFIELb I IN SF'. ED ./14-19 !iris pure eruntrit oil, fort rce'd .L..i for raic hi RODISON, LITTLE t CO ,: 5'75 LlSiirry 11. Burr Window Lt4iiii rt'ST 1-ricers/ad at W. IEcCLINTOCIDS Carpal ifC. at...W, No liZi roach street; and 75 Woad .1, 4.4 Dad ll'iniloor • paI:CLING Pit PER-Zion rms N z 70 MIA nity.72; equal to the beet in the matYel t for rein by . _ rept% STOCKTHN ty&t.:CiN ilitYB-4ii Oitalta rigid biTiOgibTiaill De i_gtold low to clam the lot by ISAIAILMC(YHY t CO -Water & Front et 1,,,F toew vett trartr,billipagillo Fattom la) garde t.l Wagon Corer Oil Cloth, a good SiLei, for oy J & H PHILLIPS 7 & 2 Wood pt D RooSis—tojdor ainDrooms for sahTby oc4 WICK &Iot:UM/LE:SS UTTER-15 bids .alit butter for role by ALI ocs Jrk. It FLOYD r ARVADLINP—O treiy - Seiry large Talpindlitii r ilf 1 the best quality of India Robber, on hand and for .ate by Na nit AriClrr.: Magazine, 5, far October, Orthis excellent magazine, and No IS of Dictionary of swells:Mc. ' has been received ralioloinst Literary Depot, third ethers, opposi a the Post Office, also a new American Novelcalled The Ofinspirator, a tale of Illannerhwmut. Island, on the Ohio, Slam, and No S Pictorial Field Roof of the America, Revolts. elan. t eel COD F151P , 10 c - ITAi for Cole ,ta ;2, F WILSON eel • xn Wood at SA t.rIN Palmer:, far rale oca W k F WILSON S ONDRIES—ain bag. ruins Green Rio Carce; led packages assorted Tess; [4l assorted Tabacro, Id bags Pepper, • , 5 bogs Alspicm za matter:mammon; Pm No 1 Chocolate: 1 cues LUpatica•• Bali: 10 titicee fresh ;mow Rh*: I casks ben Madder, 5 barrels Atom; sat hornets Illtrieri , Oil; t•O dozen patent Mickel, lin Ilia Corn Broome: an boxes White Pipes; M Wide prime N Q :Purer. do Molasses, tire kris lame No IllarMlin. 41. kill torte No de; • its Ne :.0 ll fix N C Tat, bits Pitch; ae tals No d monad Venn, bales Nut tutting; • lur kx. prim, White 1 , 10: xed keg. assorted NAM; n :ull masortmenl . Fillaburgh manuttenited gruel., Joins; WATT b. CO rp1:1 Liberty at Miarii.ated Pure Wltor• and Ilvandiaa, 11,0 (~r 2121icutal Yarlll.e+,• shvbys uo ly hnnn and for .aka 1.1 the ....11..111111,12Ra0 at 2112 RILES .' 11A WORTLES let A - Wine Elor2 lionmatsu VEclolliu . :(10011a ()NE co. Marc Cloln J 1 i•nAt re3(..v1 . 313c/c • 2 casts Rad Jo: I rare Red t will Flame:, 1, en:on Mate do do, ceorn mlrred du, cans Plain and F3i.ey er.iMetc.9. 1 care 3 ea., elan Alp., 1 cane Jean.; 3 Mips Ulan Black Wang. (10.'1.; cre Gray Blanket., , 11 cart, Drall 111anteit; L . 1 rune Wu, do: Ir.. While Bed 211.211. e: . :',2 pair. Steam UDC BlahlicEr,• rj Recuvini on -44, tznment, and to! eala mar:lat.. wryer r,cnn 11 LEK n/pl, 121 Libetryirseet. h• r bly perfumed Brown, iVir7llge7F k 7 7 ) do lloney,Boop; einnIMOU tillf Snap; • rtuladclphla Vorie;itted Snap; Plpsboren, do do; Caul 8011 p; °nye :loop; for rallierholerultand mail by rept . : WM • McMAIM: • en sow•bo• ps Bii.,,,o.‘mvaNculVarir.,l3lsraiLt niCnzlina%rui,trrk, Thee Soaps are highly celchnited for imparting smoothness Ity lb. skin. i Purchased from tne unrest.; and for sale by sepia it )3 SP.LLKTIS, 07 Wood el 11 IsUIA RUlslthAt PACKlM.l—hviClbs awonted teicknewoni, from biro; 1 inch:thiele. elnm. packing m prepared so that :boo degrets Fabrenbeit Intl cot affect iy and is ',opener its evurp thiNs ess, as rip subsume. IV.. mush elasliehp Rvhkh/Mat 30 high a degree or heat, and map be up:labour all parte where pecking is neccssam v I...manhole plates, piston glint", ilea= thesa 3 ll.- der heads, be. For swe wholesale end 'stall & wain) ' 7 & 9 Wood at VOL. igV 111. NO. 91.; MISCELLAVEOUS. MXTRACTX ErTIIAMI of Acooite, Belladonna, Colaeyetti Otthsta, raelanins, Strattiontra. It_ba Tara:jam. Ltarsaparilla ? Qiitaa.ttit,HOPoi (4. 0 - ha_ pored attdfdreale,by. - • ' m ,. s • °Ca', CO acet... and 'Wilton ' • , BA - FAUN - Cr. Final Wood n. Appavatite tor Gleaning Stray* Pups tarttboam. Or - downs' .' I NVE NTEP by. Frederia Bleisesould made by SCAIPE fr. ATKINSON, Fine at. between Wood t Market sta. .:B.Ai PAIItitiSOCK dr C().. W HOLLdiALIC DRUGGISTS, COMM . OrWood and First no 5111,042414 OFlt, . ri s g,,;,;: * '" th dr ibreet Borax, refined, in ea, 3 E 31313 3 . 3, Cora S.,Powd, ' kgi Cub. Amnion, esti Jsra Pans Green, hi. eons Rotted Stone, al easks PloveSalplair do Cuale gowlistita Cale. Magnearado Cask. do . do belt Aeld is , In lb oot a des Pula.Andmonialis do An. Ammon Colic. do Calomol Eag. do Oil Ataber Reel. do lodide Potash do Crawl° White . do In Qs lodine Eng. In tif Ili bottles., lodide Iron, in OS Tads Cont. Senn., in lb lass . 1314arb.Polnabilb bottles Ewe Pm Eng. in lb jars ' listC Liquorice boo Wood NaPtlinitt lb boit l,4 - Tan:Emile ,do Ptusslo,Aeid,iA oz vials Tat - mid Acid, in bin Croons Mon ti, In F. kW, c.114d told Acetic Acid Sw Pil trrar ge Roer Cal llo're'rs'it do , r n w!.zu b 004 Val Corks, assorted Adhesive Plaster, tin &drams do do load do do Gamma do do Maralions do do Chose Iron,Esta Preelp, Cob Iron Aleppo Galls Traton's Lint Weddewood Mortara and Pestles 011 Lavender, Spike - do Garden Oil Origanum Oil Rosemary Oil Bruer Almonds 011 ( C : l,Ti n Pink and Blue Sumo. Cardamon Seed Ralph. Zino Reiter.' Terns, prepared Gentian Root Rlraberb Root r:2lll 4 r i t ilei L?'"Y 003 omievrosivritAL liouTze TUE PIONEERS OF ?RE NEW RAIL ROAD Tiiranglalw.Fooll. Daps TO PHILAD.LEHIA AND BALTIMORE. • VAT E take ple dsure in itumencing toihe Merchants KK of Ptslorgh and the Western business - mutiny, tha it t err and after Motley,. the lath of c Seorap •tember, we will receive sod forward goods via the .Central Rail Ilesd,-and guarantee thertile be throngh In Fonr Dap. , Our extensive stock of Curs and Boats enables us to offer the above expeditious route to the public, whilst we s tilt ccAtinue, our usual hots via liarrisburg and Columbia. Merchants rfishlng 'cote brought from tho Fast with certainty and dispatch at tow rata, or Proasee shipped there, ere invited to call on. , OIKINNOR. ATKINS & CO., Pittsburgh. ATKINS. O'CONNOIL & Philadelphia, Proprietors of - the Pittsburgh Tranwponation Lino; '..Or the following scents, O'Cotmons & Co., 7a North erect, Baltimore; F.. Broca; Battery Plate, New , York num & Oaato,l4 Doane errant, Boston. seplitdr — Steam • ower.asut Do , i4lcinod in ellee, to suit tenant., with R Elton rower, for i I..b.toine•r, nil of the city bY'Senn-4 , - Pint li7e:LYl"R;iket. usprait is' r.teut 60a. A.b rf lIE sutsesi be rs Pit now reesiviuk. by cwial t isreo p. supplies attunes 111u,prntt k Boa's bhth test, cad best quality Glow Nakets , Soda Asttt , ulttettllteS will sell At the lowest mater pe,e. for each Or APPM,.I W & SI 19Tel1ELTIIEE oat. lubst;ty u. • • - LOWER U 0 'SION P/AllO. A. F. HARBOR In, (pupil of thy Lim Eoropem ' lattastera4 late of New York, rexpeettulty informs t C 11.41,11/ Of }lmbue.. nn,l Allegheny, that he h er SitiTedi'dnd Lurid. making this coy het permanent stettlene.o., tar the parpose of rmporune I.ll , l.lltti= on the Piano. Applications least'. Ikranling louse, Gt. Liberty: .6 or et 11. E.tebette Moat Smm, will meet wttla prompt Intralati. raid OAK IFLOOILING 110AUDS. 15 000 FEET Worked oat .fan. ylb !rdedf dry, end of aatp La erioeyualdLy S ag out at Cost to Mote Business, LARUE stack of DIIN ^ NAKED'..iifor arhin Cam!,. JalL mortgages, Jaagemeala, ground reau, or real ealate, till he reettved In pay menL Jos. I:. 1106 G, 113 Woolbl.• Pittsbur,ll flit. CO•PAILTNERSELIP. andersigneJ has associated Joseph Robb with hitch to carry on , We What:sale and Itemil meaty sod Produce ttesinesa, under Be Una of Black aralliobb, west rid, of the 1 / l around, corner of •Diamond Alley. Prrulkareh otltlidtf 111.ACI: 11 ARBUTHNOT Is eeeivalg a !alga a”orouent kh tam) .4 staple, lowly, arid Cas h mer e consist ing in part of tVocden, Tail/canna Skotorio. Silk, Ballo, Thlbet, Aid and Buckskin Gloves; Wool; en and Worsted Comforts; Alpacas and Bombazines; Woolen and Canton fl.mels; Colored and Bleached Timelinr Cossioets and Conlmercs; Ribbons and Laces; 13anons and Combs; Threads and Bindings; Unhrellas and Then! Bone, 0o ../ All of tahich,eauntry and city men:hems are re spectfully lrivitrA to examine, at lee Wood en malt:. / 4:IO•PAILTRICIISELIP. T HAVE, tbnussomated vnth me Mn. I. Clone, In the Who Groeery and Produce Linsiness; the style of We firm will be A. Colbert...Jo &Clouse. A. CULBERTSON a. etrammonl 0. IL cl.nirsa. 1. CULBERTSON . IV UOLESeLII GRUCERS and Coturnission churns, Dettiers in Produce, and Pittsburgh hlcrut:ctured s guies, ta,i Liberty ft, Pittsburgh, Pa. t rig l y a L ngj k fale is bj .L. usE B t t: i .„.l Vlll:AT !JAW/ t—tteeek3 for sale try— b,xentoCril..L::l,lllSON ft (.I.OUSF. UHLTE -14 * A CULLIEILTSON kCI.OUSE ADDING-75 11 bales ULl:OhWO;7l(l3raltiy _ _ Alpsees Hose. IMU;RyP,oIY/;ll3„jeßsCleirylF,linell2 Ilauf; Ca.hrueres,.Papneams, Spun uiit, h.c. aoof. sti Flaataei.T. 4 uttPuy W BUIt in CHFIELII invito th, particuiar aticanuu of buyers to them supcnor stock of above goods, goring Co much eatisfaction on account of their onshunkatdc qualiner. 0020 Extra Family Flour. AFRESH supply of the Poland Mills extra Family Flour, a eery choice article. just reed for sale by A CULBERTSON A CLOUSE tits Laberta st liallton Canton Plana.le. 1%,r URPIIY & have received a sup- Hi. ply of abitorejoprrior article. °cut' Bard Pelles•• riannola OF very handacime patient. and bright enlorn read at store of AIURP/1Y & BL."II.CIIFIELDi : out& FIPTCY - Prtiliiii—lo cases new aiyie Pall Pilot, of Merrimack, Cocheco, Sprague`u, Allen s, Clyde, and other good manametorien, lust opening, for na me by SIIACKLEIV & WRITE cl 9 101 Wood lit BUTTER -7 lobs, a hoc article for family ass, Ms' (CCEIVCa, slid lot mile by bfIRIVER & BARN 0c23 & I W. Second xt. N. G. "or h :t. by MILLER & RIqIOETSON o Ml dMi Liberty pl BLEACH:MI _l6 POWDER-25 casks illuepransi beet quality, for sale at the lowest market pnee by W_ . q9l :111Teltk:LTRIEE HEESE-100 bee Cream, iitst ree'a forests b y y eitlt Is W HARBAUGII B UTTER -7 bets Roll Butter; '• brls parted IiCS JIM 11111 ding far sale by or2l • 8 S W 11AmitorRi11 BLANKKEB-11cases didefers sidTher - Cir mlo by (0031 ' ll LEE CI ENTI-Ealwrs Rees? `ilk Vs,. and [mowers do Fine Memo to; do Worm Saxony dr.. do Plain um nut Silk Cravat. Erie 81tins, Collars, nod Bosoms; 9 , M, Cotton, and Wonted Susi:mole. Etrkey Rea Muslim Gowns; Pgiford Mane: Robes: Ramis Bell.; Embroils.. 811 k and Linea Pocket Isol mad Dociskle cheer, :leper Kid and 511 k Cloves. Scarfs, Comforts, sod ftlotHrt, it., rreslved end for We by E II EKToN, 11 Foorio Ft mat- 2/ pll. frefiboust teemed by D °an WICK tr. MICA. DUNs ti l :7laltyAKEß.,,, Nbooll et. i L/L.I)C.CsaiLM--r,O bxs,urTerfar, fur slOr by in WICK !,..v:cANDLis , U' i;; —m '''''''' lili n a. fac *Y CANDLESS L>UTt kegs tor isle by JL) S M VON IIONNI TI•T .2 CO aUOSIB-1111U an fin sale by VON BONNIIORST & Co I E---10bx3for silc by li x 17 ! • S P VON DONNHOR3PA 00 li dilar OILS-Jew received for sale at dsd Ldwny AM., idleter Stramed Spe , On Oil, leper de; common cle, No I Winter Strained Lard Oil. _ileaVil// -WM A McCLURG CO _ .1.30 k kegs Dlssunp, just land.; D 0 twn J S DILWORTH k. CO GREEN-j5 - cinor brand i sor sale by J inCIIOONMAKE.S. it Co 00112 No PI Ilicod sweet PLY - OAIIPETS-Nriwing ClUntockls, No. bd. , ounk I, cod 74 Wood si web and new style trupens. 7bri.: Ply Cairputii i direct from the thlPkrtals cod Mantonetutere, arbleh esal be sad at reduced price& FEATHERS -5 bugs KY Feathers Fuld per S D Elnancics, and for saki by 00114 • JSAIE.S.a HUTCHISON k ca *KAKINITITIREEN--.5 kegs far sale by • 0,110 SCHCONMAKER &Co L ei v jral vra hi or ale by a' yell HARDY, , ONES CO LAjk ,:,l-1 keg. No 1, reo'J for We ./1411tDY, /I.N ES Je CO - • - ut duper4iiishiq u iaß , in kC6i nipper wig, And Set .ale by end./ B A FA/INES - MCC ken oby As (1 -3' io] "41 810 .5 1,VN IT JE KIRKyrrA4TTel'Cg tour mu,. • Flubkltsbob, .OMM! u ond foiponesl and for !lobo by .18 B A FAIINESTOCX fb. CO • . . • - C ASlll..}:bl.M.r—trU b. just rell ova 67 Wood at J SCIIDONMAKER tr. Co .11A-10 for nes by JSCHOONALA=Rd. Co