BY MAIINM'IC TELEintAill itISPIIRTICD t TELlEGaipnifl /Oa Vag PITTEDLIRIM DAILY GAZETTE NEW -YORK ELECTION. Nzw Yon,Novembor 13 Metal lotion bave been re , ei'Md 6 " 2 21 ecommee, white. with the reporiei rooms from the other couritlee, took° Hintl majority over Seymour, 195. ILLINOIS F.L.F.CfION. . . Sr. Lori•, Nov. 13. The offiewl awe In Adams county. stands— Bt . . .owls Istr, ( % hip) I:4o,llichirdson (Doz.) 1385 John 0.11(b., (Whig) is el,eted iy it, Senate, Mad ogleton (Whig) and nonan end Hoop, (De )to the flome, for Adams Co. Brown (W.) el d She•df and Treasurer. Richardson la eke lathe Dirtier, by ■ majority of 800 to 800 i led i ft,, a4 : l 7 d r, p 7, 3 l ' , : i . u 'i i , : t . ' : 7- - ,, b , y oT. 7 13: F m i C . i oa : , , : l3.l ,: P Al , D'b . , e ( o l D l i ' . :lnT. o : 3 is 3 t e h i l u retle it d . b . t bu t.—F. well, Meru.) Is elected withal:app. e Mtn. ~,,,,. t o is., Sprinadeld OwL la the only Whig re tried to ra.- re:: Congress )tom Illinois. ----- Sv. Loma, Nov 13.. apt. Srans'.ory of the Topographical Engl. Mr from the , expedition to the Gtest Salt Co to. T .., tc..l Fort Leaven woith In Mn,. 184 , to sort - r and explore, by order of ihe Government.. . DELAWARE ELECTION. WILAUIVOTON, Nov, The lDemeerat, in this :Math have carried Moat every tb.xg. They 'NH elect than. Govern. of and Conatcartrev. sod will probably have • majority in the SUP, Legislature, which will ena 'Ole them to elect e Mb. Senator. A heavy vole .arita polled, hot the return. AN not yet all la. DELA WARE. ELECTION. WILMINGTON, (Drc.,) Nov. 13. Roo, Dem , i• elected Governor by 36 majority. Dem., is elected to Congress by 200 ma. jortty, which .1 I gam. The DemoCtaia have 30 majority In the Lento ',acre. They mull elect a U. S. Senator in plaee of Walel,Whig. THANKSUIVING IN NEW JERSE'. :TELENTo3, Nov. 13. 000e1130C appointed the twelfth day of December Lett, ae a day of d,sokagiving fn des ' CRICKET MATCH. Cxccacurt, N0v.13. Too Ctieket . blatth took pace to eay—each party to ciace. The blioarieg to me Pipaborkb 8 Ciao= ...... 33 , AUEL2IIIA MARKET. Nove.ars 13. Floir—iTau tnute^oenlinuer qui...4 with come inquiry Cif ciport. Sales of brands at 14 87, whine is yi decline.: 8 /lea for toy etc a fiXl5 50 par big to itotrunun and calla hranda. Oraitt—The Mattel za apply toppled with wheat, and the deritsnd beize, moderate, prices have declined 2c, with Weis of good and porn Peonnylvinia rod at 105, mud et twtortt at 112 e per bash. No rye is offerieg. Cern is elosdy a G 93 far old; and 51055 cicw - Whiskey in htois is bold et .27! r: gettlon. Cos alderable, sale. 1n harrets Lave Leon coda • 2£l cents. Floor—talon. 01 Howard street at 54,6914,75 and of City Mills at 111.611 per bbl. Gram—rieceiputare light. Bed wheat is selling at 102a1050, and white at 109%111c per bushel White corn is selling at 60c, and yellow at G2a630 per bu. Groceries—The market is quiet, ant' only a mall business doing. . Provisions—Nothing new to notice Whiskey is wiling at 2712a23 mat, per NEW YORE MARKF:f NOON RtPORT. Sr. Tam Noe. 13 . Fleet—Them 14 a good donned in tan matte', but priers are in favor at buyers. Sales at St 62 04 OS, fcr common and straight Stets, . and SI 62 9:i for mixed and straight Western. Ornict—Nothing of Importance doing in When', the market being heavy. Corn is in rancernte in• • gutty, with no marked change in prices. Provisions—Perk is in fair deemed with an cp• ward tendency. Mess iiisehinE at 011 121011 peebbl: is. r.nchansed. Groceries--We 501100 no important incest-Kona far the past few days. Coffee ma 6rm at 110111 for Rio. Solara are doll, with a downward ten dency. Molasses is heavy, with sales of Caba at 211. Tobac*---Tho market's Greta ' with a fait bust. nese In Kentucky leaf at 100124 and In Mary land at 64081 e. a—The market le Erta and the demeed goo NEW YORE MARKET ZP.1.113 IttrOZT. Now Your, Nov. 13 Flour-7b3 market IA active, with tale.-12,000 bbts at $4,62a4,85 per bbl, for ordinary triad straight State. Grain—Holders of wheat are firm, and boyera do not meet them. Cora is ia atudy demand, but tbo'anpply is limited. Promaiona—Qootations are toady; and without ' d 7l.s ' kery m held at 23e. CATTLE et ARKE t. . New You, Nor. 13 • Beeves—Shoot 2,000 bead were offered ye.- talky, sad the martet was iuselive. Salsa of good retailing qualities at from Si 50 to'Ss 75 per cwt. , Cows and calves sold at from 52.5 In 032 50. Sheep sod lamhs were in lei• dematd at from S 1 75 to 12 751,1 each, abte?, and 51 22 7 25 for Issubs. CINCINNATI 1 1 / 4 , 1411.K.Er. • CINC:reuTI, Nov. 13. Flout.-11 without change. - WhisieT is wifling ni 221(a2.2(0. 6'do ncga No. 1-at 613 per :b. Sugar ie in g:od demand at GlQ6in per lb. The liver ,s taliocnr7 r and the weather pin ant. To Steam float. Builders. 'LIMA h e avy Oaklarrd and Howard Twill, mil - E able ior scam beat docking or awning, remind' on conaltrunret, tad for tale low, by REIT:ZEIT. F1.41511NG & CO, cetS I 2) Wood _. • _ 0534 I Is4,lstrOL_Nslt4l4:ll AMALE macho-, competent to icocrintend • I arr schoolorill find • dateable •/luatton, and re ceive a liberal *clad, b 5 althing ....dint. 40 1,- cation 'ln person. to the Board of Education, in the *lan Of Weil,e tle, Cold, boats csootT,Obio. By cater of the Board. nolle.dinrawte•S W. S. MACKINTOSH, Seel --- • • - - FLOULL REDUCF.O WILTIARTII & NOBLE still eell their Extra V. Floor, deltverod, on mod offer she Ist Now:moor, at IVO per tO) Ib.. soperfote, at P 2 per 103 lox. A liberal discount to retailers. nol WILHARTE & NOBLE IN BOOICS RR: • rHIRE years in California. By Nov. Walter Col on,_ll.late Alalde of Monterey, author r k - and for he., wi l t, illustrations. Memoirs of the Lae and Writinee-of Thomas Cho men, D IL. LA.. V. By hie son to law, Rev. Wo Hanna, I. 1.. D. vol 4. , Pictorial Field Book of the Revelation. By Benson J. Liming. Nos. The LIISLOTY of Pendennir. By W. IL Thaelteray. No Gonevieve; or the flirter, ofarierraht Tr.,. Hied from the French of Alphonse De Lantanine By A. R. &obi:. Additional Memoir' , °CAN , Tenth. Be A. Da roartine, aihor of 'Tastitresent, and Fame' of Tha the Repablie,” .Idrozof ra of toy Yenth, ,, .RaPhael,” &noir of the Carondiata,” he. Reeerred for,aleC STOCKTON oat, Cor. 'flora N. Market eta IJoirnaf. P4C.Chroolrle..nd AtarTICOM eatrr - - MI 1 TX AS 3 • THE ande”icned basin( arrangements' for the pur :eta. of Teas to the east, by which they are eon- Wendy In receipt or Fre sh Teas. selected from carves , as they arrive, couLdently otter them to the PC tic, atme following low rate.— Cashman Green and Black Teas '5O 77i per lb. Fire. do do Jo 0 f.O do Soper do Extra ,Co 4:0 do 075 do do do lOu do Their alio - mum comprises— Oolong, four grades, Young Hyson, 4 grade., Chet. do, Old do, eeschner„ Gunpowder, a . All goods rold at this house aro warranted, and eon be returned if they do not also entire sans taetiOn. The ouradily Inoreasingnatronue experienced DT there three or.eatng, speak. loader than any news y V P llterti diecontit made to retillere WH O A bIeCLURG Se CO oe3l fig Liberty strew. c=;LM:=ili 3v.bIeCLINTOCC ltortica eke totenti *lO 4OO •,..... to his eTtoniVe maw " °I, ngr.contpriaing In pan tjee, fig . o ., i ,, ...I ~ um- Blebnod elegact Blue , and Gold Satroll'lslinr— do Cnowin d . Soulet and Steel no , do do : Plat and Mee do; do . Common and Brawn do ' Crlssion awl Whin Onion Damask; Pi ne .0A do; Scarlet do; mmson, Greta, Dloe, arl Scarlet Inman; Wagered Noreen 1 Witialsitd end Linen Table I.looering; Vplie.a,l4',ll , ~,-m. do. 2:,' Ttrkey Red A. Moe do do; 74 and L. 4 Wactard Table Coven; 1 7-4 and 44 Teloe Linen; 0 4 Bleached Shorting: Ocotelt Diaper; • 6.4 do du; Scotch Napkins; Embossed Table Covers; :teach Crash; 1 Piaid Toilet do du,• 04 Bleach , : Shs ens g; I Mao.; &A. de. Al of widen ore die troorthe cattrafacturen and iblPorbsn, of the newest and richest =llan and pat • taros, all of whist, will be sold as chimp as any of dm eastern eines. We iliVite ett.l.o boat 112.Uk51.0 us a call al iW, Carpet Marehoaar, Ilo.fes Felirtb st. and 7ftWorst ct. focTN W. hIeCLINTOCK _ CIIIGAP PIANOS. . . A Tillii. reset, octavo Row,orood -Piano, entirely AA new, it °feted eta great bargain; ALSO, - One seeond hand d oeCaVe Pian.p,!. .... --VS 000 du do CI •do do SU Ona -do d.. Li d 0 40 . 45 . ..' Pat salt b y /ISB N, /1 b112.,L0R WOodrit. N.B.—A new stock at L'inekertag'a Pianos nose - Oradag. bah . Otai , ,RCIAl. RECORD. 1111110 Olio 1.1 ittrikß/2 .01 711.AD1 an Mauls% ONUITTEE FOR NOVEMBER. r. row to rAnalS W . IL %Enna c ztra. PITTISUIIROR At AILKET Orrice, Prnaseana Gant. j Thiiiradar morning, Nov. H, The weather yesterday eras very pleasant, and fair general butanes, wa• doing in the market. Qaa• tenons ,sitere generally without any marked change from precious day'. trepan. The slyer eras ruing quite rapidly during the day, and at dab lat evening, there were over green Ott water in channel, and still tinny. 13esiness along the Wharf showed cons: d able activity, and duds a urge number of steamers were dircharging sad receiving freight, all contributing then shore of activity and livelier. to the mene. FLOUR—TM receipt, yesterday wore atom 1000 two, no over Itti of lateen were destined tot title combet, the balanee being deatlned or camera ehlp• meet. We ore, in consequence, unable to report any tote, of moment. There Wm no clang., either prier or dernmd. GRAIN-YIN enroll corrosion., we mar nt , nn.ut ore 000tations from first hand., .‘ 70, 7 5 66°. Wh.l ; 5,0500 (or Rye, 0.51163 t for Barley, and Vr. for 0.1. Corn In cam Ina) De quo," ai Sflo 'IP but, • shel:ed offerieg. ' IJACON—Te demand continuer foir, al tall prices say, tar lasi. hams, :8"3c; Cams, ale, and it:molders 4,043, p 5 utyrrEß—Tire ii a good demand for prime roll, I laarber keg boner isiamoderam req.... at 9093. gut quaiiii (023W•bi APPLES tLe 'akar( or 2OU bids 1:5`4:70 V bbl. 111100k5i--tialer doa median quality, at $ I ,r,O •z, from store. Clip:ma-Saler :V has at Cle for prime quality, and I has good equimon, in lots. at 60tile f tatO3ICRIF-a—Every thing under this head Is sta matey, at oar last quotations. • nnuso Taunt.. Boaz—We 'milted yuterdny, the Steam Trailing Boat of Mr. J• Madan; it is cutaanly new thing in this line of bovines.. He has ceery'a• eirty of merchandire foe the seep...mediation of the southern p amen, for whose trite it la dunned. Mt. ?darlaU eetfmmes blastraek, where completed, at 920,006. We chat rent, In tooting tinvogh this little •• Noah's Ark," that hC has contributed a large space, to toe Inouye of Pittsburgh vaanefactared enlace, count log of Wrinkle, harrows, forks, shovels, spanciti ampere, on levy, saddlery, iron and nails, looting glee., etc., me. He has the upper 'cabins lined- op Into a peekeL (seep Store. it has a chanter 011 rah ride, with 'parlous shelving for his meet of entiery, hard ware, below ware, dry goeds, die.—and ht e t rt.peClS, it i I u pc, feed r 'Yankee,' lot any thing•sre hare ever um, Mr. Mullet has been in the habit, for the put ten or e years, of paying his regular autumnal 'haste nth, with Belt afore* of Inerchandire, for the ne. ()dation of the mailmen planters, and on one oe c I on, he..Rebell a item engine tca large !tube-M. but or meet has gone In sorb complete style as on dm percent !mouton. He ices In a regular Unit' • amer—The Wavy—and his her. of trade ere thus made doubly sure, as he can run up Waal as well as down, and thus suit his convenience to the meal probable tonnaa along the neer. Our friends dawn south, may be on the look out for some thing new, and most admirably adapted to their The Wave will leave for the tenth this afternoon. cox care or illakunole.—The number of vesiela (exclusive of any bay 01.11) within the port of Bald store, up to 111 oloae or but week, wax, *hips, 11% barques, II; bog 4, lii and fehomiem kJ, leriallkinlok In I , the aggregate r 067, of whir were for California, e; Liverpool,:; can Frenellow, ; Bremen, 3; Team, 2 . . the Wett Indies, a; and 1 ea. It for Pernambuco, Tat odium.. Lae tiayra. Kingston, Jam, Porn Rico, Na.• tau, Halifax, linwerJam, ano s kbe Spanish Maio- IMEEMMEI land fora veering fabric, coMfoted entirely of far. It I. adapted to all purposes, either for gentlemen or In dica. Toe erode Iv lighter, •ofteriamer and Iry rater than any other material ever a Fore as a covermg to 1 the Lamas Cody. It the pare et Ideal of cloth. The softest:mania lank to the teal , and the taut Lamb'. *col en aaaa a compared with tb a beautiful fabric. It le made Into cloth composed ve oily of fur, and of - part la and part - far. 1 fiif•ECTABLE mr.N. of (sod address and boa eel, tans, may obtain preAtabliar..l perms:atm empa) seem, by app•7lo(. beteiren tha hawser 8 and 10, A NI J. C. MARSII, eerse-rdlse 70i Wylie st rittsbaarh. Pittsburgh and Turnpike. A N Election for Preithrent,"Pre-surer. ono Di n. rector. rer .the cloning year, will he hold at (h Tha Howie,. the 9th of Deeesobor next. teturco• the hours o(1 and 4 orft:osk, P. M r Dy order of ' it. D. XI G, Prehrient. nothdid arms sx,ars.l' f , Ad.aa SIIIITLIST £ 4OLVIN, (10AI, Mrrehnats, and Dealer, ia Dry Goods, G !ma, and Nails, sssner of Meant e and Wostiorays Tarrtpito Da d,Talaperaareville SANDS' .SARSAPARILL gs quenT MISTTLISS. Fos manna as noon, um ma Mtn enle detentla or SlaCe Evil" Itheamstlan, Obstinate Cam. cease Emplane, Punch:, or Pustule, on the Face, Notches, Mks, Chronic 15.05 ECUs Lag Worm Tent?, Scald Wad, Enlargocut and Pain of the Damn and Joints, Stubborn-1/lean, Sychiltie symptom, Settles xc Lumbuoy—and disease.• artnr.g (ram an iniuddelous orate Mercury, Aci nos or Dpsy, Exposure pmdence in Wet Also—Chronic Constitutional Meanders. ke. In this preparation we hare all the reatersalve pro pertiel of the tub combined and comentraift to their mown strength and Urinary Experiments were made is the amulet tore of this medicine meth it was (mend it mold not be improymt Accordingly. eye find it resorted to almost =venally ix ease of S.:locale. Liver inamsims, Sall Itheam,General Pros hoo of the Vital Powers, and nil those tormenting diseases of the akin no trying to the potence, and in ' jerkins to the health. It la a tonic, aperient and die lecom,. , it acts simultancoulY apart the awn:mobs the circulation, and the bowels, and thus three pro seamy, wbich ere ordrnarily the remittal three differ , ant kind. ot medicine, are earned on at the mote time theorish the inetrnatentelity adds one remedial agent. There etc many ways of relieving p... for the time being, bat there is only one way of renteuur dimue. No palliative, co Inedyne, no topical an plicaun will remove it It mon be fleeted at souse, In the fields of the bor.. which Inner. Coe *ran to localities where it is developed in inn ate romion, sates, gleans, tumor., nsceseiff, glands lT .wettings. /cc., as tbe ease may be. Miele golds most be reached, acted upon, l purified b some powe Scent. Such •i t sSe e y stemsrilla, whi rful ch gently atimulstes ge while it dist e fe.Wa and expels (rem t 1 e stomach srull bowels sit she. Is tufa ng . , and at the same time rennet. their viger and tone Its font mein is that it mean and neut. war ss the "tiro enceinte of dieesso Inelf, and when lhat le-goat, the wympttilles neumarily &tsp. Pear 'rite rapidity w which the relent secovera health end strength under this triPPielnfimeed (sur prising Tdieh new ease to which applied hirap,ho• in therew it a new cemticath of Its excellence; nod we have net, to pain to the aectimatemd testimony of ronithaeles wbo have experienced It, edce:e, to Convince inerctildillitsea 01 its real valor. L.Jeut. Miller of the army ties kindly mot si• the following letter from California:— Mullen, Jan. 19, IMO. Mown A. DAD. Sanda—Gentemen-1 bcg leave to add my testimony to layon of your invaluable me. b attle hope it rosy lead mme other tuffo.tenste battle to try ni t - Tents, -lents, and that they may be bene. fitted as I have bh,tl I acorns hero from the United Slams by the over. land roam, from the lest of October tut A few days afte r f wee attacked with a very dbmgrecable eruption of the skin, vehieltiny phymeim could COI fire. I happened •o And your Sarespiailla in • none Mita place, and Ictlicsoberlng lie popilienty o ft h• medicine at home , I porchesed three bottles, which bad the desired elect of removing my &theft, C o. ilroly. %Vial high regatta, year, de I. 11. IdILI.EIt, U. S. A Ilere le another, newer home:— Now You, Jan h, If ha. Musts. rands—Dentlemen—l have great pleasure in acknewle ;ging te you the great henerit I bare re. I eepreel fron,eln .0 of year Snreepunlle.. A. anbleel jodhldnitory diocese I mode voyage to Comp, but while there continued to be aillteted. werke niter my rettro, I was seiled with a violent of it, from the debilit i t and great plantation of of that followe,wl the protracted siltheulty of reopiration, arn utirely re. &mil by We see of your Mamparalls, setoff I con. alder a roost important and misty voluble dimovery to the healing art. 1 feel that I have not for MUM. yelt: , enjoyed so gOodbealth tg.Pitilrymonr, Read frie n fo i lViaiTgltto Narcotising, rt• ; ldev. It, lrel. alums. Sitods—Gentlescar-1 Mike the liberty of .coding los a letter which may be of Importance to tom who are suffering as I hue done. I received tweet benefit (rem your Sarsaparilla, having been ewsed of a malady slier tuffering six yearn 'I hereby certify to the goad effect °flout medicine; an.l I hope. God will reward yew for all the good yawl have done. A month cough had tonne. ed me day and sight, and repented attacks of fever tuditeed Kee to bet Woe toot I should die with coneemption. One day, ;fine ~Ceder n violent attack of b unt in g fever , • (nerd periatuted toe to try your ineormunible tote Leiee, but 10 ICH ONFIrIIIII, 1 had no confidence id I dealt y puretisied bottle, and by it• use and the kelp of Clod, I was restored whetter health than 1 had enioyed for six years. I cannot Let bless the author of thl• a, hateable medloma. , With 6 teat reef et,l am, gentlemen, your obedient Servant, FERMIN (IROLIPAI isse pare d and sold, wholesale and retail. by A. U. A. D. SANDS ,end Cherumu,.lin Fulton etrtet, catheraf I tallies. thew York. Sold al.o by Drug. , gist, genera ilythrournum the United Masten act Caw ado. Price Si per bottle; six betthe fora:, Pit saIeWILC.GX,Jr, N A. FAIINFaTOCS and LIJWAUJI PENDkJLICLI, Pittsburgh Al. app by M o . B . rru,Briaiumur PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Bina —Than in. 7 tulip Ittebea, to eiaoaal, at deaf, tau rnenlag .4 ridue. ARRIVED. Punkin, Penal., Elizabeiti. Michigan. Brine, BMW , ,Beare, Borden, Beaver. Bald. Bettneit. Browneville. Atiande, Pulineoa Bf 0.111•111.2. lionichiciaany. lierropea, West Newton. Clipper N 0.2, Thavol,Cinelnicati. Cannier, McMillan, Waceiti, lae Nelsen. Moore, Wheelteg. Cincinnati, klinaingham, Cincinnati. DEPARTED. rUbiOtt. Peebles,Reese, Elisabeth. Briei, Beavw, Gorden, Beaver. Baltic, Bence's, Brownsville. tlantic, Parkinacn. Brownsiville. WYoughiogheny, Ilartupeo. Weal Newton lirvllla. Veal, Dnilgopert. Reveille, Dales. Wellsville Julia Dean, Galhigher. Zan . caville. Mahe. Dealer, Cincinneti. Arena, Kinney, Wellsville. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. CINCINNATI—BriIIiant, 10, •. at. WHEEEING—Cuttier, 10 a. rt. NASHVlLLE—Cinderella, 10 • et. NASHVILLE—Fon Piu, lb WELLSVILLE—ReveiIIe, 10 4. r. LOUISVILLE—RinggoId, 4 r K Fos CLlClaNiii.—Tha rannifteret packet stint Mil mat, Captain R. J. Craze, will leave as above, this •• oratng, at 10 o'clock A spiondtdopportunde uthan • [feted for the lorots of taco and 'sooty. =):==l BEAVER—Pam Basraa-3:7 bins cLeese, J 8 Can field; 51.10 do, E liestelloni =3 do do. 0 bbla, 0 twain :rt., Canfield, 0,1 1,61. paint, J & 11 Phillip.; $ bble,ll kits butter, 1 Li powder 1 bbis apple. ; 3 A Caughey; 10 do do, Leech A Co; in Gs lead pipe, lie* Wayernan; 0 bbla butter, 33 las ahem, liarbaugh, 05 do do, Canon & McKnight; bs cheese, .1 C Bidwell; 29 do do, 9 kg. butter. aleCutetteon. Pus C. B. IVri2erses-41 b. cheeae, Brown, Phillips 11, Co; SR do do, Csofwid; x nil. woo, I, Dalsell; 154 214 kegs powder, Id was ~on ore, didnicin bbl bunsr, Dar Laugh. CINCINNAI I-Dss Diu-Lusk—De lAN wilgoy W& M Blittlichree; 5 lam., 2 chews, D Bsahnell; 60 bbl. floor, !they, Matthews & Co; 141 aka drd frog W llolroes & Co, 1 pkg money, Brasier & Heim; I Dz. D Leech &Co. LOIILSVILLE—Pot FINASCISO-5 boo books, Graff k. Co; l bas widen, Lipposcou tr. Co; I bbd rob, Foulth in Co; 35 bp. leathers, Body, Jones & Co; 250 green aides, Mon boat, 3 Las CiOrts, llul tc Xpeer; a Los, D Leech; 13 las'es hoop, Drown & Dirkpatliek; 15 bbls W Utogaa ; Iw bus soap, Miller ft Rsenet. son; 110 do do, En do candles, 3 du a l oak bactubelle; a k Nicola; 17 pion ;undo, Dagaley t 773 bbla door, as do applea, Dad o 'Arnett, 50 bbl• lime Wallsee k Lyon; 74; snots onto, Wan ti Jobcounn; 1 boxes butter, O'Connor la Atkins. DGEPOWT—Pat Wau_sol.l.a-134 bats fin/. I boa toe, UeCortaor & &dame 4 bbl. soap, 2 do, 4 rep boUoo. Bali & Ltageo; IS.: Lbla apples, 15R thesnals, Nieholrom, bats tour, Bell & 10111& 0 11 L i do apple,. Cap, Voona, 0231bblt dour, Clark &Thor; LA do do,; ea de app ea, /I Blehaidann;alska arbeat. WOroarto & Noble; b .46 liooaoewnee. Clad. &Tan.: labels door. CUM 19111•& alcallkolm 1/ spindle,Fevelet & Co. PLATES Off DISCOUNT /1.&117.7 OF DiSC4)LINI-COLLIVEL7f Dtr o M. ,2101LEILIII & BONS. Ithipaga lkokeis.fin..oll Market alrea_m•• 4.. • Penaliylwania• Indiana. 3ankofritthonin -Yu tuts h . * &Brunt., exchange Ban! amt . & & Alan. Bank -Pa Vlsoleil•• lkaniC •• hiladelph•• .of a. I it•ard Barki.• •.• --oa r... framer. Bird Va. -.- ••• tank of GerraanPoyht aline Valley,- .4 Chatter Coaut7•••pairk. of Virginia•-•- " Delaware CO. • • •Par Al.& M. Bk.. 3Vbrei•n2 tdontgonoory Ca , 31orifmionn - 5 Northasberiaxi• •rati7i. Bent V.-- .33hicabia Bilden Co.• Wellebarg•-•• Boylehown Bank--- - pail do rarkorstaig,...- • rumen' lik. Beading -pal Tann • Famen'Bk Bucks co. pm At. of Tennessee- • • 3 Farmer. 100 L.lrart•rartFax V. Meech'. Bk - - Lancutet Co. 11% •• • •ini: Planter.' Bk.-- .• • 3 Ltneatter - •••- PaCC••••• 7• l'.._• ---- '• Smes Bank-•-+0 t . Sute Ilk 01M414011,1-- Warhinv•on Bk. , • • •-• North C•xvidina• 3eltycburg .1 Bk. of Cae Fear •• Merck'. 11 l .Nomoun ht inamehanna CO. Bk. - ePace Bank -.ammo n• -••-• - dough Carolina. Anilichnern • • •• • 1 •'-eicOen 1•1•• •• .• . Zathalt „ •• of Cimile , *,• J Commerent lit • --- Fanxers • a d Iroverr of Bwrserono-- V O&M, Wayncylnrg• • 110132.1•••• • 2 'aeon:mi./ Alerchania Bk- - •I gneg m' g Manors tidreoa•sl.l. :Alamo •• •• • noath Carona 2 114•ryla&d. 023•221:21 ••• • . - Baluntore par c a Bk. • -• • ...... 1 1 .12X`e 2 II .1. Westliltanch g Camber: and Id or !elle &chef Netts -• • - CA• 73 7 Il& Milk. Pm. th.• " Bk•of c comity', Tanner.' & " • riederek . • Olato. Co •• • hale ann I:mech.'s 1 * 3 liv• •• • • " genntricaran. • •• • • • '• % . 37•477 01 Be-- -- • • iiranne•ll7_ _•.• . •• taupe. Ble•-•-• ••• I 1 ti Clain+ Ills ---•-- •• 41(...t41 - . oi\Va.cminste: •• . •• • Veer Lie' - •• . . Michigan. Con Baia ea • • •• hi' of rt. Clair •.. .• lit of (Oyes t e an c e e s -• • -•• 11ro•g3axhnr ala 3c"ko r 1 •• • 7 5 viii- • . Vlsoon la•II• ••2. Wrenn-_ Na arstae.4 . 33woher - 33lar.& FCn al te ada*. inecta. r , . Aliaolveelgankt• •• •• . . 'Bank of Inglandriatew Norwalk •••• • • • t/ • hi 7i• Ltd. 71 7 y o l g oe---_. I Gold & Spat 1* Value .•• Alkionleunn -.-_ 3og a g m oo . - _ 1:70eato•-• •• • 13• RC Western defacer " 4. -.4 10 ,03• 1 • -•-• • 100 0 frankih Cl mink " 13 •2 17 . 00 •• •• • 1000 - •• 0020130ncepunikk.10 20 Gat • • • Lin .13 50 kind.- • • - • ••• 33•41ign• 4 Pe) 1.2.3e50er • ----IC Cater. 2 * -• ... en -• • . 13 ,Frederrkgrata-.11 7 qraterille • • • .60 Ten Thaltf •• • • • 7PO Fame'. L't arts-20 :fen . • 300 o r m a a• ... iv :no inVora. • • • t3O Id•iataail 7. 12.x•h•sags. Ek 1121• tar. ky •••• • • I .12e77 , York .- • •- • 1 P 777 BA-of Loppertile -• • • PhiiaGelphia • • • • • - 1 P 7. 140 . Wnniu•k • " •-- -• • • in= 111•04Y - nk-Crte nimbi -a, lawn. C.v.- UASK UP PITTEIZIOROD AA N F.:Peden for Matted Mummers of MN Ilene for ate es aping year, will toe 1.13 ra the Lleattni /loom, ett ?aplety, dar INIt day of November nese JOHN SNVIV.R. Ce.Ster ?turbo to Et, Om /3,13.30.—0e15an 1 MteleaMly• flassk. ref Pilisbarth. AN Ciretiallfor th ine. Mt.^. of M. Bret, to verve d not Mee:men year, ••111 teM et Me' Napkins the e re, on Monday, PM 19.1 h November neu. between, the hours ra A. M.KAI 3 - P. 94. THOMAS M. MOWS:, Costa% October 19,1130 --oe.lleitd norolkasHaf sad Mazistrooasultro• Bank of Pittabaorgh. AN the election vetoing foryear thirteenwill & be held rectors of at Clank, toil , at the Elentivo Iloono, on Monday, the lith day of Novo her next. W H DENNY, Cobbler. . Pittsburgh, Oct 1Eth,1954. - --- CALIFORNIA ADVMILTLIMBIENT. P F tet f tzt l egr AY el e''= l=t " ar b." ,made m ool.kromertts, end agoary Itool= promptly mtentted to. roam% MEE DARLIIIIO/11 BRIIIVULL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ea IRO STATE COMMISSIONER At mhos Do la &Mon.. Atbao•Sedgmexaa al Dania A.a. Offiee—Feenb moat, above WOObail baridarv•T _ _ P. U. NATO,. VirIIOLESALE and Baud Dealer La ind , da,l l .lar7. and Yarns, Dn.. add &mut Teaming., Lace Mods and Eanbrollerw; 0./admen's Farnialdnir Ardelas; f?rpir=.7l:l.4 yaderns,,md Flower Materials, No P al l ourth ward. A UNOLOS Writing Fluid; • lltiabutd'a Magma's, Keeler's American Compound: PleiSimn's Elixir of Opiate; McAllister's Ointment, Peep Da' Palo Miler: • Mandrels's PM*, Repaint; Areria Cherry Pectoral; Ton ' c Splay; Wisteria Bateau. of PGII4 Cherry, Sneers' Ll:veronica; and Tar; Mill's and Tow:small's ;damper • liodlitm'a Specific; ("Roan: Cbotagogoe; Trask', Magnetla Ointment; ftwatertia Pantie •a: Alien's N. end U. 1.i511004.1 A Heal lot of the abnva anrcle• ;all taceiveilleir Oahe by J KIDD t CO oral 00 Weed rt STA KM is ;mistake, front the ank boat Pilot Not, even lire I; tiaccr, marle W d .1. A ny imformation '<speedup theta will be thanidally tetioved e ta/ Will 11 JOHNSTON SITGAII }101..i1,-.SES—vd blies N. U. Boyar; 10 bt.ds relined o Id Ma S. U. Idohomes' Jan received per memo: }liberals No 2 Stymie by Bunnciocmc 00:0 Wider G. DEAII44?-51 caska roamed for yala by 1 nas %VICK IifeCANDLUSS bna lasi reaillyed for man by nw WICK k MeCANDI.I:SS OIL -f 7 brin Lamp Oil, ealr&blearhe& fer wle by no., WICK & McCANDLESS 61.10C0bATE—' " bty N Wlll k il=llll 4 A CO nol • MA DICT:ft-10 leg NO Da nei ,lAttrati..!,,(7lz4l C 6 6. 0121811-10 4:rand nikitiatra7,7„.4 CO only br , - 1-1.08.11-----""ofoNYM BAGALIAB CO DIIIEO APPLY'S-1W bo art reeeProd for rale by nes JOHN 'WATT & CO ROLL BUTTER-5 Ws fresh jest re 04 lor sale by no JOHN WAT r k CO - " CIIILTAID GOODS. Ink:CS:IVES this day, at W. McClintock's Carpo ra Wunhoose, No. as Font* street, god 70 Wao , 3 straw,, a very splendid ssoonment of Cumin °coda, comprising le port the following varieties:— Wee end Oold Satin Domains; .„. Bloc nod Crimson do; Scarlet and Steel do; Seitrict and White Union Dareaskt Crimson ,and Whita do; . Bins ' do do; Orange and Inca Satin Damask; Crimson and Purple d lliriboeleil TurlieP Rod shlotsi Figured M I Plain do . Bad Window Linen; do; do; to, he, TlFe rn a t o . ooo d g o oods being inuchased direct Irons the Imponots and Aleaufactaisre, will be d as_iiiiiei , T as May-tan ba en any of pio_c . m s ide. . We_i ado &swishing tine Mint UDOOS to eau at the scar. per WweLense, 83 Follik igtrnot oo to WM. MeCLINTOCK LOCAL HATTERS. ■QORMd . TOR 91 ITITSBOTOu DM= OAZITIR _ _ Oyer and Terminer Nov. 13. Present Hon. W. B.M'Clare, President J udge, and Wm. lietr, Amociate Judge. Contain &Owl of the case of . the Commonwsalth vs. Gros, e °eine—indictment murder. Nancy Oteaby, sworn on the part of the tic. (ekes-1 tans ensued at Mr. Alesander'a Bank Eschang, at the time el thin diffieulty. I caw Jaubett, tee deccued, lead ion P'sml 409 rc and hears him say that ho would atmet Gains down like a dog. Jaubert had the pistol in hia socket at Me time of the difficulty. lie said that ha would always carry it with him m order to be prepared. I told George Coma that Saul. rt car• tied IS WS led pistol to shout him, esti that it woold be better for him to beep away This wan on Saturday morning. Quits left the home ironic. dlwely in,er 11110, and I saw nott,isg mote of him till Mond, morntag. He matte it, thins's. On Monday morning I went to the bar to get a water bnostet, a , .d I called to Coins, who was paraleg Idown street. Called him three Units before be heard me, and by that time ho had got plat the door. Told him that Mary Thomas wanted her handkerc-del He polled it out of hie4tecket and saidgto wank, have forgotten it, If I hail not re• minded I. In of It, as he was going away. Old Mrs. Ale sander came to the door before he went, sod aakc. him was be not going to Coale lu be fore he b II Pittsburgh, but George raid no. that Me. Ales ;oder had paid him sit, and told him Once: to 'time into his house again. Shortly of. terwarda i wool away. Cross Examined—Phis wan before brooklet:l, between seven and eight o'clook. I didn't ore .Toubert that morniug.• Jwberr had loaded hia pistol on Saturday, and said ho would cane it and shoot Gotta where Lc met him. Ile raid on Stinday Mat ho was sorry that he hadn't ohm that damned yellow on Sate rday.— I did not we George again mild, Monday morn leg. Neeer heard Coins making any thfod. — Goina mune them in get some money at the bar. bar's thou, Hassid ho was going away as soon as he got his money from the barber, down the river an n stem boat. When I came In, he was Malts Lawn towards the barber shop. It is not mono thas a step from the Went door to it. The deeosition of Joseph H. (loin was here read.--Coins mope of the barbers who octopi. they referred to. He was no relative of the prisoner, and more that be owed money to Jones, as did another man in the game shop.— The primacy had inked ainoe for payment, endue arincigem eel bad been made between them that he ehoobi be paid on Monday, in order that he might go down the river on the Keystone Slate. He came round ae I heard, for It, when ( was at breakfast, and this occurrence took place before I came bare. I heard dauber! on Saturd•y threat. en to hill Gains, bat Dever heard the Inner mat h g or any threats. William Noble ewurn—l live next door below the bathe, shop referred ID, on Third strew. On the 20th of lost May, between the hours at 'I and 8, beturd a great nines. In the streeL About a halt a minute trier this, 1 taw &loins running past my ahoy window—Janbert pnrantug him. Saw this through the window. When they came opposite the door, the Frenchman jumped on Gotha' back and pummelled him as bard as he contd. He stench kin, with hie right hand in the face. (loins tried to gel away. but could'nt. I thought that Gaits mutt be a great coward to let Janbert beat Pint initial nialiner. The Frenchmen was hold. log. Gone, who was trying to escape, GIOL — Thus struggle teethe.] over half a minute, Go ing was bending down—lenbert season bit about. der. At this latent of timo, Gains seemed to have thrown the white Min a hate ironed upon his abouldem, and then I heard the pistol fired and saw the dash. The moment the pistol was tired, they separated. The colored man got away and ran over toward, toe Bank of Bambaral. When near the pavement Goths turned round to loot Lick. Tine colored man gave a peculiar look as though ho_ wondered what he had done. I did Dot know at this time, then any ono was shot. Afire rho pistol was fired, Janbert Orford to go bark to the Bank Exchange, nod walked three or four steps He held his hand on his side and warped. lie turned and billowed filer Gains, who ran last. er than I over saw a wall ron—the white man af. ter him. I was abnial VS feet from the parties I saw no pistol in Onion' beads. When I (rat saw them I thought they Were Joking. The eolored man appeared like • rowan], very much fright. cued, and Janbert was very envy. Noticed Go• Ins when he brat went there. Never beard may thing apical Ma character for peace The neigh bors atoned have made Via kindness a matter of reeve/vend. lambert had caught (loins round the tech 'with his left arm, and was beating him with his right hand. Up to the tine the pled was fired, Gans tins not to a eolottlen to use o a 4. Emmen McCure, sworn—l war on top of Mr. Noble'. new boort., oa Third sr no the :Alto of .May tot•l. otsterved a Man Ntsc,,cit no Inn larpr ci the Bank Exclinage. rhalttrit it.. tier, sod taltlnn Aentlet Moe teutbre .0 the peer nett telhar, ant stared ID co Weal Weed. The 'person shah bds the ether I .wnr. The Frenchmen stetted nice Goitre, and catches Lae, rtetch het two or three Impel. I beard the report of a rowel eller thtv, and denten noised ha arm. on bit breast, an if he were amended Crow Examined--laubert was atriking Gams with his Melt tend. 1 did rad see Gores have • pistol, but saw a pistol in the Frenchman's hand. George Brown, sworn—On the Nth of May gait, I wee employed at the Rank Excharee, Goias came to the bober !thee near by „and ash ed the lOClelleynnan to pay him the money. The journeyman told him Mot lon:once war not to, but to Wall, and be would e 'me fo a. few Minute*. George salt i , .•t be 1.:•to to a great hum, as ha waded to g 0 awry test ormaing.— Liaid be wan going to Inda:.•, an.i that he would leave en the Keystone Slate, ea he Lied engsged to go ma her. Sate the Frenetman at thin time come ant of the bar, and try to go oat of the back door, but he cou!d not, and tarn be went up stairs and when he rarne demo he had a pcoi snaking out of ma pocieL Ile then walked up to Goias, sod aid, '•t bear thst you have to talking Karat me,' Vernee said, "t bare tot," and Jauterf said, "you ars a ,Istuned bar.. at Mc lame time shsklus he It I to Crania' Dr,, nod saying " , I bone e null. iv glee you hell, rght larir." Ile Men dared Goths to Mete. him. but Going tehlted Ms , hr unshed to hase'oothing to do with No.. The Frenchman dared him to en into the ta..k yard, mid fight it nut. Gatos rind mot Le had iris the house, and would pm in in it any Moro. Acy body could see the petal aucklot 00101 for Pock. et. Coin. (arced to go us ay, and said that he would sue Immert. Jatibert then odd damn you, 111 give. you any bey, and ran at him, end Map:4 .0 hts bark, wain: him In the face.— Gains bad gone about fifteen or twenty steps, when /Robert jumped on him. George toren. glad bard to get looser, and when be drew his plot he fired It ander hl• arm. I did not haom before that George had the pistol he fired during the snuggle. George neje? threatened Jaubert, no tar as I know. Crean examined-1 was in-the tar when Nancy Crosby called to Goias. Jobe Aiken, sworn-1 harrowed a piald tram .George Gales in the spring. On Saturday. I raw him. His face was scratched, And he said he had • difficulty with the cook, and bad left the Bank Exchange. - That he IWO going away that ISIOYIP L tog on the Messenger, and wanted the pistol. I had not got It, but told him that I would either pay him be It or get it. He said ho would send • man named Brown far it He was a very toot. reorlye, noise man, and seemed to be well liked. Joseph Johnson, swore—Tots man was the pro prietor *(the barb er shop. He testified to owing Gahm money, and to having made an appointment tor him to call on Monday tor it. Ile had heard Jabbed tbreatealog Game, and *Wearing that he would bairesarlafacilon.l Gains, en he, (Jeubedd had heard, was a atioMlog man, but he worth] have him to know Millie : was one or the Phila. delphla Eaten, He was then 'baking some bob lets In his hand. Was in the shop when Galin tailed on Saturday morning. Dr. J. M. Beach sworn—Eridonee corrobors. re, Cape. ()anion morn—Prisoner has been in my employment for the past lour month.. Ile le the best servant I ever bad, lad I put hunt at the bead of the dining table. Bears a good eh itflArlet for peace. Ephraim Jones Esq., sworn—Wontra test:tied into dofendaore good character. 1, ilwman Swearer Erg ,aveorh—Mr. S. tegi. fled ai to Golds' good character. lames IL Sawyer EN., sworn—combonied ,the evidence of the two hut witneases, Wdliato Beeson, Earl., t wo evidence to the num rdecL J. Heron Foster, sworn—Examined the body of hewn after his death. Ho was a stoat built par. hls chest was broad. Can not tell his weight et height. ' 3. B. reshot), the Rev. Jahn Perk, Peter than Ir ' son, and George Gardner teatthod to Galas' good character, Dr. Murdoch, family physician of Mr. Menlo. der, of the Bank Exchange, testified that he was trrquently called to the Bank Exchange, where he was seabed on by the defendaot. Hie d epos aition wet mild, tied bit character good. 'Alderman Buokmaater bore wlteers In (loins' good character. A'orncy General I, ?ugh here offered to prove threat. against Unbolt , made by Gotta. Opposed by Mean. Black and urke, on the grem,4 itat it was not rebutting teatlitaMy. Alice considerable argument, the evidence wos declared inadmisair bin by the Court. AI , TERNUON SESSION. lames Itnamar, awarti—l was in the employ. mast of Mr. Alexander,; at the Dann Exchange, on the twentieth of May Nanc Crosby was ant In the Bar room that morning. 1 opened Ibe Bar. I heard no One celllug Galax David D. Bruce Eaqt, opened the sees on the pan of the Commonwealth. Mr. B. 'made one of the moat eloquent and effective speech. ee we have hSard doling the present ter 1100. He was followed , by Meson. Black and Batka on the pan of the \defence.. We have nev er heard these gentlemen make better speeches than on that OcClllOO. and this to wing • great den I. AtMimi Geuaral Dartagh concluded on the part et the Commonwealth, in his unlit eloquent, ef. (celiac, and masterly style. The Judge's charge riemed to lean In favor of the deteedant, and the pry routed to their chem. ber,toretorp a oczdtet at Mae o'clock, F. lA, Pm. vidad they should have agreed as that hew. &nee writing the above, we team than the They were out but • ikon time, when they returned a verdict of °Not Guilty.. The prmonerr was din charged b 7 proclamation. Tun !Aston ns TUC Fa:La.—The Mayor deliv- ' cred a speech in the Market House, on Tumidly night, in rkt,ch he advanced some new positions. He mid he was not going run on the question of Protestantem or Catholicism during the coming campaign. Many of the Catholics were now has friends, and would vote ion him, so that he would be elected by double the majority he received last free. The memo which he would now make was that between the poor man and the aiiatocmts, and he was in favor of the poor men. MIPSLOCE Cotrean-nou.—Wc attended the - Allgrheny County 14emperance'1Convection, held in the Rey. Dr. West'. church, yesterday, but are unable to inert the report this morning , . It wilt upper to morrow LOOK HERE MV FRIEND! ARR ;,01.1 A FATHER, laboring for Mo s9t'Ponof a Wally, and satiating from general &Will and low swim, So that life almost Wlms a burden, aso DR. S. D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA. ARE YOU A 510rHER. Suf'anent from disease , to which females are gener ally cubical, use Dr. S.D. Howe's Shaker Sarsaparilla — Calla certainly.. yea. t our Oepol, or On one of one ROMA. spa get n pamphlet, crati.where you mil hod that - the Shake be en ar prepared by Dr. S. D. Howe, has been Me moans of permkently curing more &cue. to which the human Manly sencontinually than any other preperation of Slosoperlio ear , Tat brought before the public. This mede has established' its high reputation b) . Ur numerous and well aerated cures. It is put up In quart bottles, end ta the only larair. pat ttla that acts on the Liver, Kidney. and B pod et the came time, which renders It altogether mo able to cscry Cart to females. Ds Mr and onsoutfor Dr S. D. HOWE'2. Si AKER: SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. Pelee St per bolt betties for 111. Tor solo OR. S. D. HOWE& CO, Propristons, College Hall, Cincinnati. 0, To whom all orders most be addressed. Also, for sale by J. A. Jones, JI Sebooneaker A CO.; W. Black, It. W. Means, J. M. Townsend, J. Wider, W. Jackson, Pittsbo net IL A. Elliott, Alleiheby eAY W hicelelicAdd.l.lnch•Aencrook.,, Hpsyns sills. James Paoli C. , . WGeellat; J. It. 'Patterson sod 'T. G. Moron, St o:alriteibbc, 711 , 13eart 14 Knox, Cadiz. PITTSBURGH HENS HARI HURRY. MBETWFEN lbw tad Mar ram eon Plitaoz q <Man b a e Tu n pik h e R F a a , ( s xe a nsion M o a the Fourth street ; ) end *bout one mile from Fat Liberty. The .hseeibere roepeetfully pee notice to their . - "able Mgt Mei mailmers eirrlthe pan gene - rail y, dist now e...—. flan Nutteee, Gr cotaprtae between 150,0110 and WO,OOO phai ,all of which are so • henhh condition. Pelac.Bllll,lX, Nectarine, P /rt•o P n e t;, , 11 ' telt Tines, Av. SHADE TREF-4, Vim Mandan, Catalpa Mau. lain Ash. Baer Maple, English linden, A4terican (Auden Lombardy Polder. Halm ol Weeping Willow, White Barked Bias, Tulip Tree, Hone Minium, Patilownit Imperialle, Weeping Safi, English Ash, English Sycamore. Kamilla Trlpetels, EVERGRET.N TREES AND SHRUBS, per, Cedar, Ana Arboredea,Chlrese Arborritea, lion free , Upright Veer, Cad.. Yew, AftatiCala Hotly, European Irony, Whim Pine, Norwayßpriteri Bittern Fir, Slam . Mr. Hemlock Space, Scotch Broom, On. GREEN HOUSE PLANTS, eta —A superb collet.. Eon ef Fuchsias numbering X. Yerterles. 'llia dower is worthy of Mtention of those who with to Ornament their windows. ROSl:3—Many at them ihe first rate. nainbering ones 711 warietien in claims, elE—llengal or Chinese e i le ne rh . lo=, ,, R . o ea OM , oh . Te a ' Roaea, hybrid peel pedal, or Itemontant Roma. A gnat number el dam me perfectly hardy and bloom fatly through. oat the summer season. Also, tieranisolis, Olandert, Orange, Cam.. Ste. N order, must be seeompanied with the cash or sand:chary relareoces. Plena earenply peeked and teat according to di. rat.. to any ,part of the United States. Person. wishing to ornament their ple twain would do well to glee ita • till at we think oar stork of Evergreens cannot be mapassed west of the moan. taint, row rare, tog some seret of ground, and num. baring from SO to 100 dictated. • great number of welch arc of • tee Ma for trenrcitmloO. oreherd mid Ehrehemry Planting ...tented by eon. tract on reasonable. terms Fe rststi all letters to our address dimmed to WU. Misr P. 0., near Rn•bur6b, •hers they milt Loa Ism medusa anent:en. MWM= • nil Marto, and luunethate attention Tee Fug, in [<natal are invited to call and as e ear •late; attention to 'inners mt. on tnj day except liat,beth. A. JAS MURDOCH ntin.eneT a Is MC to t,a rcao:a ree of the arthrcrlirer, en or • a' col lath mat., at the ecoath of TOTlit Creek, Wialt.ra town,. ctp, a eutddie riled Hen Com, •riA sa, • eattoar the Lei.), arta • 5211th sat is the ted car roproacd to 1.0 °root W.: yew. oht The • I GI the 'arca requetaro tone :Lath r 4 an! • oteia , tr, A: moot. ale , r4l be eirposett of as v., atrena 01.3) M °HINT . Wt.atto tearn-11p. °catcher J,ls.34.— uta n t7ll. ' toJ wars. Es, en rued tral....g flona'Pivatnagh . . Ililltherooah, a. abour 13 11.ra Cron, the former place. 'rho truer conksta of 100 A.CIIII, alqno 70 aorta al alliet. no cte•red--11.1 Lalahtt 12 01061 st• sellear urnher laud Tes iroprotemant• Ore a two story Darelma floats oral li e s Len, a Log Ibtrn,Ten •al Iloar-as ttu 1 orbs, Oat tlrlletagt. Mitre Is atas,o2l AppUr and retch Orchard on thoo fat.. The place la 0.11 watered, too ander good Icon. 'Mae desiroar of pa tr hastry • raluable tract aria., poscsesior rare aSsarnnsrs. ase knsit. to sal , syon the 6 206006 e r on Irsol-‘,1 , 1 lOUO 111 Ars r.v ifiLl'....llCAl. EA i ATE. reoar:t 0;,4 b.. , of Orart as K.os,d.cryaasd, • - • tae uncee , en , l Anl patile AI., an luxe:day. I%os - center ate. et ace elort. P NI,, bat .am=ble 'minter ;and sannted . • . • 11 ono . ..rt.:es. Tom, Alice/wily Gamy, rectainlry oar barfirett ao fart,' eeret. altrelaioll Mod. or TIP. Croorpe fgrhean. and miter. Ibis tram of land it of pc..4 quarrty, woe= elev. auteeof Plus lurch. ab.famtehe to coal mat betteatcne,a-d well oreterrt); a goo. apple a:related of grafted. foi.t; a comfortable Leak.; log Loam eel barn. with plenty of malt.latte and mbar oat balldinge, and hos Meter. abundant! of thrice umber; and in atm% ii will leant, of tr.e rtimai:on of Mote mirbmx to Invest car naf m peseta:air, real ertato. The 'atoms property mot be mad taerthot or In late to salt plitchasers. If not .010.1,0 property arlll to fur reatereeil. otatle [coma on day at sato. .1(.111N KING. catty:arca r ISAAC KING ALLECKINNT COUNTS', 1161 11 T so nun. no' Coon veld al Pinyburgh. in and for no cold coanty, on Ile dln deg of Oetolter, A. D., 1350. The prin. of Wiliam blenson,gustdiaa of Wary France, John. Abigail. and Josepo, =iron children of Joseph iillicidcbcaccd..... the rnrurf praying the Omni for an ender to rrli rennin lot or ground attested to Shalrtberr, .n•aid union. ea) In the sled petition pannalarly docent - at *tot o t errepo a, the Coon or let the limo to re Wed. and none, al raid application 100 tha sal, of told real mon he given to all permit letereeted. by public.. Lion three times to do Pt :north Weekly Ginn.. sod that tinier. enure to the contr.*, be .boson co or before the WO Satereny of November. A. a, Mt% the otnyer of caul petitien will be nrenterroted the raid rest r.tEa ortieree to be sold es therein prayed. lly the Coon. DANIF.X.McCURDT, Clark oetrtettlfr Mow Pettalsailoas. MILTON'S Paradise Low, with Cotes by Bey. J.lll Bo,d. The Embers of the Moen. F 11. Raver, 4L. U. loth. and the Hinder., By P.O. Ward, hasstanary at !Madras. • Annals of the ritteens of Spam. By Mr. George. Gabes, or Tomb and Manhood. By the author of "Talbot and Vernon'. Lemens 'tomato History of Medical Delathone. By William Hooker, M. D., amber of "Physician and' Pallent." Li e Here and There.--By N, P. Willis. Psuiestie Ilistory of the American Berolotiett, by Mrs Ellett gl ' ATin k tt " 4 " ll . ll C' e ' (l * . n la . g i t t ot et i%. stoner'. Letters and Papers We the late Lady Powermourt. The Bible end Clod Goverment. Lecture. by I. DI Matthew., G. Two years in tipper India. By I. B. 1.01111110. A liege Ils,OrllllelAl Of S. S. thllOA 800111. On hand cud for sale by AII MOLIBI.I Ir. CO reirewee TO Weed 4 ZE 9 S • git,' 3 Air . F 4111i1 le -A r CHERRY PECTORiIL. ro . CIOUGZS, COLD • ZOARIENII6II, an OUITIO, 011.017 P, A Ma, WHOOPING-4P AND 00101IIMPTI In idtArittg to the community t Air Indy l icinlinted randy fur dinner of the throe. not lanr, tt IP lin • of wilt 10 tripe .90 the lion or heallb of the elpien Lot trnnkly to I.y before them the opinions of dl. ngaithed men, and some Cl the evidences of it. sun. en, from which limy eon Judge (or tbentsetree We tneenly pledge rianctros to maze no wild secretion • r false statements of Is. cdmecy, nor will we hold ant any hope to nibenng humanity which fact. will net 7anant. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an to nutty from the public into all we publi.b, feeling as. cored they will hod thrill perfectly rellehly, end the matinee worthy their best confidence and patronage, PROP. CLEM/ELAND, of Uowdoin College, Na writer—J.l have witneeeed the effects of your Cherry Pommel In my own tamely and that of my (fiends, end it give. me salisfacdou to state In Ice layer that no medicine I have ever known has proved so eminently successful Ir curing disease. of the them., and lunge." REY. DFL 0800100 writer-" That ho eon/notes CHERRY PECTORAL the beet medicine for Pol. monary Affections net given to the public,. era elate. that 4i. daughter eller being obliged to keep the room four months with a Nicety added cough, accompanted by raising of blood, night sweats, and the auendam symptom. of Conaumptton. commenced the use of the Cherry Pectoral, and had completely recovered.. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. Poarle., Jan. 18,11647. Dr. Ayer: I have been loot agitated with Asthma, which grew yearly none walnut mamma, brought on a comth which confined me in my chamber. and ran to use the alarming symptoces of eousemp• n. I had tried the best advice nod the best medl. Moe to no patpose, tunill used your Cherry Pectoral. which has cured me, and you may well believe no. Gratefully your.. J. LE PHELPS ((there is any value in Ma judgmeht of the wt.." who speak from espenence, here Is a medicine wonkyof the public confidence. Prcpurd by 3 C. AVM Chattel, Lowell, Mass. Sold In Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail by M. Townsend, 63 Market street. 30140 gIMMY DW. algiLlmeowlir TEAM' BOATS Paek•t• arriving at and departing from the Port of Pettaborgb• FOR CINCINNATI & LOUISVILLE: Tee splendlarana D, is... . Capt. Cope, wilt leave for the above tad ail tniermediate ports 011 this dap. the 1.1111 init.. at 4 Y. DI. • • For freight or porsaee nape; on board. rota FOR CINCINNATI AND NASHVILLE. The splendid steamer eiMtiaFcßT FITT, Miller. master, will leave for above awl all intermediate ports on this dap. the 17th, inst. at ID oleloek, A. Al. ' For freight or passage, apply on Rimed. roll ll= 'rhe rotigHniie eat Irght Minoan 'dealt- Captain Han!en, will leave for the above and all inter 'median" pore on this day, 14th .net , It 10 °think A. For fteightor passage, aplk 'TON JONFI4. on bOard, or to nol4 J. NE _ FOR ZANVIVILLG. airt2 The splendid new .teaater JULIA PRM A . Capt. Gallagher, will .leave 1101 day, for above, as 10 o'clock A. M. For freight or pa.age,ahplybn board. n 0.13 FOR LOUISVILLE. , 4,1 The Inc 14te i r v f d ATO starrh steamer IVDloonaster soill.lav tor the • hove and Intermediate •landings, on Oa" day, the 11th last, at 10 o'clock, A. hi. For freight or-parsaga epply on board. noll REGULAR LIVERPO ACK OL AND WELLSVILLE PET. c at The liiht draught steamer • ARF.NA, D. P. Emney, master, leaves PlM burgh Monday, IVcdnesday, and Fri. day, at 10 rPeleek, A. Leave. Wel tsyille'Paerderi, Tbsc.dcy, and Satarday, al 7 coelock, A. M. For fret la at • ton•ge. ap • ly on hoard. nos - --- FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS al ai , Tha splendid new steamer LUELLA, • -J. NV. Komi:, muter, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports on this r ay, oth last, at 10 A. N. Forfreight or • assuge, apply on board. no 9 • • FOR LOUISVILLE. MILTON ' • I leo, for meamoc John D. Darts,. inastas, rm iraki Tt.splandid and fast iluni.! thi - aboWo intttme&a tn P oo this! nog the hut. For freight . or D e sprit: on board, or 10 ot • n ung_ B FOR CINCINNATI ANITPFT.LOrIS. ' Affit The splendid steamer MT. VERNON, Rental master, will leave for me above and all intermediate none on' this day, the GM inn., at 4 I'. Al. For freight or passage apply on board, or to nod JOHN FLACK. Agent AVP.LLSVILLE PACKIN' • The steamer I " REVEILLE. -„ D. R. Dale. master, will leave Fitts. burgh every Tugsdar,Th.nd.T, and Saturday, returning. !rave Wellsville every Monday. Wednesday, and Friday. Fbr (night ""." %; P lPS , niratr, " Le t. • era -- • - - REOULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET onacutnittTit Captain Jona 811t3M011431 Thie splendid Lost w.-Lail[ by the owners of the steamer Isaac r. Newton, and othe, for the Cincinnati and nrgh Packet trade, and will leave every W•daesday, for Cill6ollE4 In place or the New England, No. For freight or passage apply onTENBER board, in to win It hIILGER, Art REGULAR — WNEELINfi inBUNFIWII PACK . . _ .. .-. . . nail Tee fain Tanning steamer WF.LLSVILLE, -Caps. B. l'oengostill ran as a regular packet between Pitmbargh. IGeel bag, Bridgeport, and B.SC., leaving PAtsberab every Monday afternoon, for Welliville ii;enbenvi II e. and uriarCm.d.v7Tb..d.ra&raoon far 51noben vil!¢. cella', Bidgeport, Granny sad Sunfish. etetarnbas, leaves flridgeporiaad Snag, every T. day allareoon, and Billfish every Friday anon... For freight or passage, apply on beard, or us sear D WILIONA. Alma. 1850 aii!iMa PHILADELPHIA' ce PITTSBURGH.: TEE CITIZRNS' PORTABLE BOAT LINE, ONTINUFS to fermate freight. to Pittrburgh via C Roll Road and Canal, oo very reasonable tenito, sad arlth the tonal defame+, frem our large der. , " No.l7ll)Jarket nnet. Philadmphia formerly ...pied by Mem", Biolbont & Poet ametriallui A W POINIVFXTER h CO ARD.ANGICIIIENT =u-•• C7FA7 , IGE OF 110U¢ CeAleal Etat trOod open to 110111 dayaborg 103 Crnel to John:Mom-2511 mr /Ira goai from ..To.4multoetar to TWO DAILY EXPRESS PACKET BOATS. Euclusienty for rane.g.r.. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Time through, 43 bourn- Fare—lto lAN as eft" Mond..., September 16th, two daily 11.1.1 will knot Cor Johnstown, bon. thence tate splendid new 7 4 0 Mlles thre. to Phila3elthia, pustsg over the new Penn sylvente Road, being ens of the .cry best in the eountr.. The inereand ;reed b• r,ute makes h the cost dr, no Welt t.s Inc mom _umfortabl, one to We ...stern rmies A rannet Boat veal leave eery Morning ar: o' clock, and eve:7 everung at 8 o'clock, preeitely. • 1107 - Tne Porteve Rail Road priced in day LOA Far yusaie informal:an anoly to %V HUTCH. fonnotraltela Haase, acpt.l or to DUTCH h t VV. Canal DIOAONOAIi GLn ISOCT at kfaz - CRoly IS . 1111‘• tltsairag. Vu Omsrusclie aro/ Curnt , er:.d to ehlisdepAia. Fa TO nALTONICAL••••••-• • • • .--•—•• SIQ E boat the I % "1;--- T H taidg, o'clock P,i<. T:H%ltlnoh•:22 84,, time to . bras to 11te esohang ta,,t leaves daily, (e.trept Sardal ea anint.s,l at fi o'clock. Paraemmra Ly caving na the awciang tott„ tat!' cam the utocrtalra to stages text day, and the % avtdd ei ht travel. Sceare 7,21 tickeb at the Oleo. blattozgaheia Ilar.u, et ,3t.Cht.riel livid cella-IT J. hITISVIMEnti. loran, Ards 1850. Altaal *HOWELL & BROTHER, FOR MERCHANTS., ROCHESTER, PA., Iltesver Print.) • rp•Agsrats far DIDWELVS prrranc RGII AND CU:VP:LAND LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE TOsERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS, tisselor end shipping between Pittsburgh and Hughes., Dr gluon boats Mtehigen, Lake Lie, •:! Nearer. •- ID -- Goads received an.l promptly delivered to ell place • on the Canals end Lake., at the lowest "ate. lihippers will please direct goods to "Illdiselre/inc.' d. C. 111DVVELL, Water at, P.M-the:h. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH U&PITLL $BOO,llOO. 1. F.lllli, Jr., 13,101. rtes', will Imam ogolost el kinds of mks, IMF. AND MABINE• ALL Imes wati; AimisAisaliksiaa and promptly A home Institatten—matuared by Dl:lreton who are wall anowis in the ecortmonny, and whit are determi ed by promptness and liberelay to maintain the e hex • aeur which they bare unsound, as otteriny he best protection to those who desire to bo Insured. • Iketcroms—lL Miller, Jr" G.O. !fleet, J. W. Butler, N. Halms. Jr., Wro. B. Holm., c. Ihmsen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. Lima, Jas. Lapyineott, Thos. K. Limb. James 24 , Anley, Alex. Nimlek, Thos. Sem. Olemo Wen , am', (Warehouse of Sosng St CA. eV atairs.)Pinsbarsh. mlbdlv LIIPI6 IQsuusson . . J. Ppliary. Jr,. dignat fir Ms Pi.. lye ..instwanea (.70. of Phila. UVFW'S of the %Tomato Inearance Company No. 91 Water etreeh Pittsbergh. Pamphlet', with all simmer' I.l...salian, awl giant forms will I. tarnished. Einthands can Mime their lives for the hemp of their wives and children; manors the Ries of their debtors. The whole profits of the Company are divided antoug the holden of Life Policia.. The dividends of the past two peon have tmen etch is npr cjvl t,elichseaL lè#Ll pia: DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY LNSU -1 RANCE COMPANY.-00ce North Room of rho Esehange. Third strum, Phlladelphi. Flak inWIAI. O - - DathltnlO , Merchandise and other progeny, in Town and Canonry, insured against loss or damage by fire, as the lowest rate of premium. Main. Imeasnen—They amiantus Vessels, Car goes and Freights, assign or coastwise, outcrop. or special policies, as the assured may dents. i IntAin TloNno Ann.—They also inilte north nod!. transported 7 Wagons, Rail Road Cars,Canal Roam end Steam I sm, on rivers and tram, on the most liberal tends. DIRECTORS-- sepli It. Beal, Fantod A. Soud,r, John C Davis, Robert Dimon, Jahn II Penrose, Samu el Edwards, Geo G Leiner, Edward Darius ylon Isaac K Davis, Wm Foltaall, John Newlin, Ur It 51 linstan, Jan 0 Hood, Theoptillus Paulding, il Jones Broom, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig', Georg. Fertill, PPell ,l Idellvain, Charles Kelly, 10 Johnson, Wm Ilay, Dr 5 CT. John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSDURCIII—D T Horgan, Hugh Craig, /atm T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President.. Taus. C. HAND, Vt. President.. Josini W. Cowan, See l Y. ID — Office of tho C,amp. y, No. 44 Water sue,. P• b . F etr3-01 P. A MADEIRA. Ass --- - Ckiiipailist OlTl3loirta7 too. ~, 0 ~.„ t/IFI , L MeCLIdiTOCK Is now cOnstrUv Tec . . 1 i n . Yl' a very large marm - sat of c ,T... .d . t , Moth.. comptising Input the following volettes.— New and Rich Style Velvet Pile Carpets; do Jo Tapestry Brawls do du do' English a nnatinin lirossels, Now style printslTapents7 8.4347t1gth' 41 ' '" lla mats In Sheet 011 Cloth, eta ,a nt Extra super 3 0 1 1 0 1 1.-- .py sloe hall or mm, 89 3',„ " in 5 ;; ' ,7,, 51: a...commies nod coals Mt ,m 'OP. ,j ' e, it, des Ron Fine Toned do Common Jo do 4.4,7.4, and 3,9 Damask Ch_ onlllo Door Mats Volition Crape/. ~„ T hou do ,30, , 4.4, 3.4, and ,C•d Tal. 1 Venm. carpets Sheepskin do d 0 4.4, 34, ~... ‘ ,,,,7 7.4 plain Jenny Linda° do Vera.. carpets Transparent Window 4-4 3.4 1 , 1 and it. 4 notion Shades • ' ' .Vooltiats estr94. Ruff Wtodow Linea 8.4 outrun Dralegdu Drab do do 0.4 sr.!. do VoahliA Blinds,ll.4. 17.4 do do Woolen Stair DntgE o ll All of which have been , ers and manufacturers, et richest aryl., when wo 0 0 3 Lebe prf d,,, Carper W obe a s.. ntottael any ,lig , oegl pgrabese4 from the impart• emptying the fleeter. one cuitoinctina low as 31' the camera chits, call at Fourth st acid 3 Wood It. idteLINTUCK 1, 'WAGON VOA. MALE. Ad:made Wagon, nalvable for -four or ABIL six bolus, fOr laic t it OMBOT , I I,3 L*E ► CO, ()IN! S, lAM• - FAIIMRs. &f,.. ,______ _______ _______ - vote twos. L • : : • _ Ai,.. tillUiti, ANDLOTooTO*USeCd Wee t. adjpinicK Ihr. 'I E_Caurcbin rbo Sirlb Wari of tbia city, Le , tic, by no feet, boarci brick, trilli eight icanissand dceilar. Tcruis usy. and lUDs icalispettsbki: For particulars, apply to JOSEPH VOODwF.I.I.„ . ioairtr or , WILLIAM ItqCrtlFF. on:ain;nx Mac re a 41 miles ham Woonlheid, t a4 . 1141 , -.1 road to The Ohio Borer, at nablug a ant Ikaliantra gleareil,:loaeret bent a 1 tineelling barna, and a large rch •..i. Thin would make a aplegiliii meg Um. er a annalid to eilentatage, Luta tame. It le o denirinhi , farigeng, and all .be WEI town . . ALRO, Two 50 ooze tranto or MAO beautifully .abated o • the Ohio Myer, 36 I belim 'Wheeling, improved arid mill-Lb sold a LurEuiu. Entuire or V‘'St n JOHNSTON 119 Setord al ECM dwelling keure No. ER Seeondarreset, 1 Wood and Market meat now rreapied by th• ronae rine R2lll 11200 per anicaro. Posairsion etc 6• on the lot Nloactobeilnexi. JORN 11 MELLOR ! " No. Et Wood otrect FOR REST. . ' I IT' WO well finished °diced in Poet Mid Funding J. Third menet. .: 1 A long, wen lighted rookri,nd morn entrance Mat . e , l st: eel ! between : hl and dth meet,. Alen, a mull brick howl, in Phi Township, ne., cniiillyantii avenue. , Inquire or \ F. D GAZZOI, men , i N 0164, Second et TO LET. A FOUR fluty Owe,Hint Mate roof. °Mee. bath room, ran.E.runei, and aka oven,l42Third Inquire WILIZI• 61reCI: • TO LET, AND pn - amm ion Given ItainidiatOly,theTbrec:StorY Mkt: horel!ing lion., To G 9 Tabeity strai t and opPo.3M Third rt. ALSO TM Fe coni land Tbivd Stoxica of Wmehonsi, Pio 3 Marko: creel. Enquire of K C STOCKTON, Boohollers, . 47 Market fit. - lIOIIPI TY_LIIINDS A RBA NGEMENTS having been made b Mahan A underaigned and 'E. H. tivaymn, Em., of NVashinetan City, (late of ;lie Treemitryfleimnaient.) the andersigned will proms Minty Lauda for the offices, eadaoldiere, their iiridowa and elalldrest,tuader the Enmity Lund 13113, passed September Mith.16.93. J AMES F REES &mean at Law,' Fourth between Smithfield st..acCrry alley. yittabv Mar 1e.50.-romN , . MURPHY & BURCHFIELD UVICSB comma •rits inmsantarma 1D =an OP Tana max iwcur,; 51,0 rtll.East car: of rourthdk Market al.; WIL4 RE-OPEN, On liErtday g, 23d Sept, btr, With a Large Rldek of iirtw,coods It. C.STOCKTON/ BOOKSELLER AND STA i TIONER, No Market atneti corner of Third HAS con‘temtly on hand, ,for We, Lefler, 11 Printing, Tea, and WrarrPlat P Pen Dnanett Fallen', !linden", and Trnrit Boards; Book tad Now. Paper Vrlmins hinder.', which ha will mil !tribe lacteal nava prices,or to ezeltange.for rumor tanners' scraps repl2 K. art..Elt hs• removertiTliberty suret, below 1, w Pat greet, No Ida (Mee and dwelling In the edme' ; • angUlT.dtn • J. It. 110.ADT, : . s ATTORN.E.r AT 4,41 V, No. SO Slf[h ar.p27:Ettf nrruniezt, • C=! 11 , 111 r. ondervigned:have, tilts deo', aesoele.i.ed them 1. selves order the firm 'of Phill4e, Bog 6 Co. , for the purpose of I.nafacturing every veriety Fl'yet sill. Ware. WILUAIII PUILLIPS. JOHN SAMUEL ArCLEAtIi, Jr. PHILLIPS, ANGST & 00., Alananetorers of eery •arlety of • - Cut, Crested, and Plain Flint Clain Ware rkRDEICII filled without :delay, at the 'lowest mare kJ ket price, at their factory, on Try greet, near Peened, or at 09 Wetter greet, Patabargh. ' unit:Mine, , a To Southern nd - Westorn aleirahants. EVirotl E rkel re P a ß pretal l ignL E e ß s puNie -The — tio n n to his extensive rook of Perfumery, Brodos,:Shaving Cent.,, tar., to which wren Silver and two Golden Medals bate, within the lam six years, tarn awarded by the Institut. or Near York, Boston, and Philo. dolphin, the latter being die only Golden Medal. oval awarded for penbeniery Other In Europe or O. tbfo comity. DortionJa Umuvidadie •Seuvono ensile, lAlmind, 1 Ileac, mid Ambrosif id universally acknowledged to be ”neeier to any Shaving Cream In that coltntl7 Or Europe. . . Cfideornania don Sitavum—lteaatifielly - transparent, and ,pootseeng Sopmeactoue and mnallimet pt oprromi SeponoeSous Compound; Ambr o sial Shan n u ta blet; lelililary stuelddo, , . Merl:Krt.:is To as t fioars—Almonei, nose, Milken:lm, Bannont,Putachlo, Xlierk,.Patebouly, Ontailds. Float Ice, Touroperent, Olive Oil, IVilidsor, and Circantism terranms run lira Ilatmleracium—Anse, Joao., i ce, de Cunahne, Geranimm Jenny Lind, Moudse hoe, Jockey Club,. hdrignolia, Clemente, Citrotrella norm and many tact ',aria., in all pity Eitictuo ' scrim°, Tnt. Wovetan-...Flocid• Water, Eno de Toilette, idrauca Chewer Water, and a Great variety of Co lor:tees and Larendur Warms d'aurastruoss lan atm: liala--(lantatite Bonet oil, Anti q ue uit ' ilundolenr, Lou Lustrale, Olathe. Cola pouted On M urmur, putt Dyes, liquid and en powder, and Phieocome, klimmoo,and Jenny Lind Pomades. Ontnnonte Parrammoni—Balsamic. Elixir ' Rose Tooth Pante, Charcoal jecatnEce, Odontene, Tooth Paste,and Tooth Powder, Ceiottims—Vtgedable Co-mantic Cream, Jimandian for chappoil hand., Cold Cream of Corsa, Cienni de Perm-, Lip Salve, Ratplierry Cream, Can. , Deplenrr Powders, for removing anpartlemar hake Pearl Powder, Veneered de Resqe, Ammeter Vinegar, Victoria Dear Oomporatinn, Preston .lenlit, trades a grant sanely of otter idedizs e um acratmees to lie named in this ad wertrsdern. , The subseribte hi.ces to mmomio Or repOtutiorr, which 0211 evil-ham...lei toe Anatini , ,ii I.y disporint of nothing hut first ram uncle i, and nfl ic happy to furnish three A the May Wear to palm-41mm him. either: wiedemic or reidlYto asirectonstm arms no any tan latileth.cot id Ito United:smM. 1 r .x.Aviun lIIITITZ Steccuar ea and former Direcior of the Lobel gory ' of , ; EUGENE 'ROUSSEL. - - . 114 Chtenet street. Mr. 11b.-tai Perfrce.7 le for ink by all the princl pel thuscsats ccurarr apl7-dlyi TO RAIL AOAQ CONTBAIDDOELS. PoPOSALS will be rezeired to dteedmes of the licitheetc era ChM Dell Peed Company, et Dal amore, Cumberland, FM irmount,rand Wheeling, mail Salittd,j, the of Nordithet COOL inelarlse, for Cruelimeoi end Me,Oitry of ebeni or mile, ale, dire. eittrietiheweetwordly by theiiraters of rich Reek aid Orono Creek, oml over it,, dieldie „- ridge. between Meld liCcdt the IGOth iteeiiorpof the pert of a. Hoe already len.tco the =Rh section of the ammo duc—being the only Ontion of the room roc nadamc to be put ander lone-ea. • The wort to be :et arid be gencraliy heavy—in eluding n Mend of 7:173, anethet of MO, cad n third of ;do feel in length, . rumba r of, deep oat:Lugs and etahenamenw, and a cormiderable quantity oC hdlge', mummy. r Sp an ecificidamarerill, be treadle! th e abolc edema cn d after theist day Of blcreember, and Eueinecre will be Upon the hag to ewe informatlen , No bid annipponed by , . good tuanicuills will be ecineldwed, and bidden ate desired ro Data if eco9: have otherwore on band, and what it Nadi be finished. Tim molt energetic printout:ad of the 'WM/ will be erpectedi By order of the Preddeat and Director*. ' MCI/. R. LATROBE, . Chief Encinear. 1R.41. ul Olrla _,_ _._ A L. FAL I:FASHION: A , rvais b. ~. uu...s. of Um iii niminsebrad, and 1 will be Launduced cm Ssuirds ,T 31st inst. by EsteCOEtt) Is CC . .4g21, Cor:FiticlC Wald W. FIRE AND 11AB NE INSURANCE NOTICE ii'IIOjTECT/0:4 INSURANCE C4PANY OS! HARTFORD canna *4.lm=ricimm, 000,000. CHiter#RED L 825, , Ifs IE undersigned hsh,been tp pointed agent for ads j aid .and responstgle compel:lj succeed Mr. F.l ette Brown, end is' reeds to'brue policies In the sod Marine department, on es favorable term* a. nrty other resoonethle compeer In this city. • GEO.& ARNOLD, 74 Fourth 'st.. next to Rank of Pittsburgh- PIWTECTioN FIRE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Annual Prim:haat Capirtal,Suglo qulpitts lir 0 0 .0 00; , p Ur. sisdern,ete "Woad all the attentlarloloael -1 chant, and mats booing Property exposed to loss by Fn or the path Cl Novitratton to the sugetiot a/eat/noes orated by the . Prot.e tlna %atiturastte• Corteitlete7 f natrroathrditemo•iv -I.—Ralea Of Etemican as low those of any other FE/SPONSWI.E 9.—A speedy mm mliostiant of lathes by the rlonot . al Arent or the Company for the Western and southern hiatei. 3.—Attatthann (of al/ thdretenecs leach may artail by referees mutualiy chasm, 4.,—Awarat promptly ant In Specle/Dathable Funds, Fachahge to leans Yak, fialafaOre, Cailiestoh, New (Moan, Pt Loris, 1-cokolle, rittatOf6 , • .?, the opti o n id lac Insured: 117 . Pamphlets, +ruing aorta the male and prin riplf s of ttd,uftion !cme, ratea of to the claaß/ 4- tattoo of halasON, 14*, forroshed to the ealooleth of the alter free of charge. I _s For further /aortal/on, apply tg the eleleielltaett, n who is tally althontod to iure Slwellita, guises, Hotels, tWarrhaseNklills, Almaloctrales,BOtaa, gee. il oo ,hoht racomre, and Goods, ases, apd Mal rhnndloe.enalalnod or, stored therein, &gam/ loss c dotenre Lp FIBS/ agto, • .pry Gond, Gra - tires, glenufnetored Goods,Pro. Ober lioatobald Intrittarei Live Steak, god oven. drojeriphort oP:glerehandire or Persoord Pro parry, 'niped or babe deleted per teed steamboat, or boats to • and trot polobt on the Western Waren, ' or Lognren Eaarnm titres pin Lakes, or otherioband . 00 10 and any townie lathe Western country, gtprfiner the Words or INLAND TRANSPORTATION. eto, Shiro:meta of Gard., Wares, and ISlerehodite, per flood vessel or veteels, between•Netat Orlesas.and Eastern port —tbeto ten NOW Orletuts and adthr Galt puts—between all American; ports and Enelialt Or European poll. Of to aop ostler maritime port what• waver lathe Atlantic atators, against tne fERILS TUE GEO. Ei RNOLD, Airy :4 Fourth st:, next to the Book of intotharet• scatted:J.l • SIGHT DRAFTS NEW YORE,' BALTIMORE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, • ST. LOUIS, 0.3D112. “01,D COUNTRY,” • x, WILKINS R CO , Go. Third & Matt &s. essonmetrat Enitirn VT sod French Iran rOP n,:froet 8; eel= 14 per plc., with bonlors to =tab. feeuue bY WYMIRsIVALL, • WISTAR'VBILBiII OF WILD CHERRY. T_ 7,:fejt,/tiett..Bareinftway'LaivreCor, Aling.ntiounmonfek.lbe.,L4i:L., or Weakness of th e Derma or Lon" and o th er affeationa of th e Pulmonary a lir iSTAH'S BALSAM OF NY LD CHERRY.' is • thi . Ya' fine Herbal Median:lN nom rod Mae by of Wild Gamy But and the genuine le Mom, the latter imputed expressly for this par , the run medical vino. of wblen are also eembm by •now Haines! tanaess, - Tear the exuaet of m rond.airg Me whole compound. die mom ea n and elleseion. Tamed). ever dlseororea for ' c NSUMPTION OF TILE. LUNGS.. . Jr/InzerestiniCommpundcol. Dr. Win %%Banks . ''' pirh. d e ll md c u l._ : " ' 1na .,717 7 .,... ,, ,, ,, :, , „ :;, : ,: L ,, h ig : h .ire5. , : r . :,, e , :i..: 1 , :. ,.:, ;1 1 ,1„. ,,::; : ,i7. 7 , r,b ; ar i . f .. .. , ..... „.. : ere .: . : t Wittac • Halm= of W ild ette ix unparalleled. oareds Inc T . he . L . 7arn_ud . TV rm th a ;TB ' r al a i szn ezP° o/ Vj •cild n eb ht e r rsi i bat s ln ~,,,i.i'lt . r.* la . o,:t %ono. easel wero completely do „__ „, _ "w h ich ! n ever mid n Medicine," soya the 0 411, g o l bad that enarc contideueo that I Ir Coma I —Tnenarer \dialers Balsam of Will Cherry If introduced, it en °nee attains that hlth .- onttatlen *bleb it so richly owed.. What tett Ire sale, when on every btn eon be witnemod Its nonlegal' turret The worn eases of Asthma, reeept nod danger°us etniKhs, lane elm these that are 'of Mpg standing,) Brobeadia or Consumption. (in 111 early elegem) art always eared' by this remarkable medicine. HEREDITARY CONEIIhIPTIO:a Cured by Wieser , . Habana of Wild Cbeny.—The I following moo of Jeremiah hewn, of coanrop on thee of his brothers and rtster o aving died of Con! somption,lls truly wonderful. ht not this to Mat , the afflicted use of . this It lilt giving rame(s, when Is is effecting CMS. hie the followror Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Co 0. September 97, MO. I D Psex—Dea Slr —I take the jibe of &deism. you of the be n ehb that I have derived from the one of M. Wirier , . Balsam Of Wild Cherry. I was pros- Hated that terrible scourge, Consamptioa, In Hay lan. The alleek was he r s y horrifying no me, Heave of our family, tae brotr and mien,) had . l led of Consempthen: I was afflicted whit neatly all of tho vrorst Mantes of the disease, I IMA dittrorang cough, and expectorated a great deal of blood, benne rsaar,, genre pains In the side Mad cheet, cold chills, giw.mating with lashes of heat arid copious night - - I was under the care of a Wiled physician, from the tame I was taken sick until about an weeks state; beioa then es about helydso Mends uti my ends considering my ease LOpOIG. or at least beyond the reach of oar phyalcian% ski 1, advised the VAC of Wistarn Baba= Cl Wild chem. Without MY knowledra, my father procured it, and commenced administering it to me, and from the first day that I coinnienced taking it, my health Improved, and in two weak. from the dins I commenced using it. I was able robe oat and oversee lIIT businas and labor, which I ldil continuo lode. I have taken - tone betties of tha medicine, and now 'consider inysiolf perfectly well.' I make this stal e. Meat to induce others that are afilicted as I have been, to make-use of Whimes Valmont of Wild Cherry, wide b remedy has, under the blessing of Providence, teetered my health. JEIIEMIAH lEGBIGG. • ,farther evidence of the remarkable curative properties of Ibis inestimable preparation: Resselvllle, Brown re„ 0, Angel, 1810. Mears Slnford Parks—Gentlemen—About fit week. age I received tke ' , gruel of Winn... Banal of Wild Cherry, but with some reluctance on my part, for the reason that I had been the agent of so many pill* and other nostrums, which were cracked up to be dome thing wonder:el, but which turned our An the end to be of no account Whaterver,e2oentlo the menu • (scorer. But I candidly admit that than time I have been deceived; for the intraordlnary cairn effected by Wistar• Balsam have convinced me 'Mat °good can come oat of Nazareth" , Your agent left me one flaxen bottle., which am all gene—harms been the means of entitle several obstinate cues of Consume. lion—end no mistake; for tabu I see and know I on bound to believe Ode rase in partkular—A boong gentleman in Winchester, Admits county, O, lieu miles from this plate) was cured of Consumpoon when the doctors had given him up. or at least could do nothing fat- him, and it was the intention of hi Mends to convey hint to Jour •eity and piece him ender the cute Of some env/lent phyfte tan then; hot • friend told bine. of Wistaria Baines and ke could obtain n of me; be sent for a nd before the mooed table was gone he wtoe sound and welt, and his every clay blittness. As there ate *cruel leltiliftett for the medicine. it would he well to forward an additional supply without deter. Very respectfully yours, t • , LAMBERT NEWLANO The above, from I. Newland,lke., IL highly reveal able country merchant, commends Itseif forcibly to thei candid attention of all those who have doubt.' the groat merit of Wistarkt Wild Cherry Basun. We tee just In receipt of the fallowing volunOthl Minns Of the Ourative power of Wistaibt Balsam of Wild Cherry, from K. 11.11. M. D., of Mount Clement, Michigan, who, is a physician of high standing, nail an creative dlnggittf Mt. Clement, Michigan, Oct 20,18.0. '79 the Mllicted, this may certify that Mrs. B. Rub. ens, of slog tillage, tnree or four weeks after conS ye mans, was a:Meted with a violent cough and great termed Mimeos. to the era. with proltrynionito - Both o f r treilt &eery—vac &l ised ee .; and with valrabts medicine alone mots restored to health, and Is now a living proof of the value of Wisthea Ralston of Wild Cherry. NALL. Physician and Druggist. Read on and be convinced stis farther of the re mittable virtues of Wistar'. Balsam of Wild Cherry: Messrs. Sanford St Park—Genthr Asa snattrrof Jae- Lice to you. I would offer the following Statement of rolls effected by }our medicine, known•aa Balsam of Wild Chem. In the spring of 1E47, toy wile was severely .tucked trith Perinneumonia, of Diennsy, which resulted in a deep seated pain in the tide, accomp.ted with a severe cough; she was ao ended by some or the best physicians an Chicago, hut to no purpose, for weeks she suffered, without relief, coOglang incessantly night and day. I came to the conclusion that all the remedies known to the physi cians could not help. her, and indoced to try your Wild Cherry. 1 procured ore imulemnd commenoed using it aecording to directions, before hang all goree the cough mopped, the pain in her side left bee, and ' with the Rid oftwother bottle she tens received to per tut health. In consideration of these circumstances, I would theornmend It to the public as a valuable medicine. Whys, respectfully. It N GARRATr Otand Rapids!, Michigan, October 8. 1810. 11X Prue 51 per bottle—atz hoWea for ES. .80131,y ' J D PARR, (Successor of Sanford and Park,) Routh/Land Walnut sue., CinneLanati 3 Ohlo, general Agent fOr the South and West, to whom all orders mast be Otddrersed_ .• . . L. Wdr. Jr , lams: , A. Janes, J. Kidd &Co, B. A. Fannesierk Co, l'itrA• ass, 1.. T. Rowell, Wash irror, V. 11 Laanurriso., Franklin. L. B. Bowie, I/morning:l: 11 'Weity. Gr. ensnarer; ' S. Room.; So rnersip; Srolttr Gilmer, licarordi Bend & Son,liant ingdon lionidaysbarg; Illldebrand & Co. Iddrana, J. I. Wright, Ainsurangi Evans & Co. Brookviils; A. Wilson r. Son. Waynesbiargli; McFar land .t Co , N. Callender, Meadville; Barton & Chs; Esie..Girausoi & Forker, Mercer; James Kelly & Co. Boller. S. fieriirb, Beaver; J. D. Sammorton, Warren F. L.& C S. Jon., Coudersport; P. Crocker, junior, Brownsville. oes`std&w(in)S HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS wiLsois, 95 ward st, owner of Dimond alk7,Serond gory , OFFF.IIB Ms customers and the public, en entirely AEA , und fresh stock of flats. Caps, and Muffs, in nrnat Tar:et'S - Manalscrared and felected with mach CBI< reference to price, style, anri anality, in New Vora tir, sad will he eared at the lowest rates or pre-mni low prices, Tchslesale end Retail. Vittsberth:Oca 11.1150. oellittans&wlmS TUB SAY 'B:TATE SHAWLS - . MASSE celebrated and justly acknowledged as 1 , -perior goods, m the latest coloring's and Meet Mr proved atyles, will be hunlihed by the subscribers in any quantity, at the very lowest once*. Punkas- Ore and please notice that ;the se s ta val ue Bay Stara fabrics bear tickets cormapondlog th the above ent.,and they will also be dinlngalith d from all other Woolen Shawls by sunor ,e. of texture. and brilliancytheir pe of colors. Order f s solicited form vacuous of the canonry, and these= will be promptly, attended to. Purchasers will else find in our bliawl department a large asso*nent of all rho other most approved makes, surd wrest deafen. of American, French, and Scotch Woolen Shawls, ens. .bracing • great variety of plain and credit= styles for Mends. ALSO, Superior Parts Beech% long and nteare Shawls In latest mica and ben manufacture—Ble b lustre Black and Colored Silk Shawls—Lupins Bck and Mods Colored Thlbet mei silk and woolen Fringes —Paris hinted Casomere ant Terkerri Shawls— Plain and hlnbroldered Crape lthawls—riiew style Printed. Palm Nkawle—Neat figured Pans Brocha Shaw— n. Black and Mode Colored Thlkon L oaf s ha wls—Plain hotrod Seal Seri Shawls—Pl.= Mods Colored French Terkerri nasals, fringed and I„,,,, , ,g—gisbt clew, French Mode 'Colored Thibet Cloth, mi.asaring fail two yards wide for Shawls, ,binding to match—White anti Cell Barcelona awl OenaU 3tureir, he. TRl3eleral and Retail. ROBRRT PO LOCK &CO, 1 ' 18 booth Second: et, Prilldelphia seplOaLVleßreinS }I ER it ING9-243 bza dry received for sale 4_l_ not, WICK te IeCoNDLES3 lia.C:iart.r6Slf 7,- doz aipAl i iii . wi or TT L c s o y .I„.J— -o br 021 N-100 brie No 1, In rioi;e i a Inn tole olcnos AcatftEl..-1 brio No 2; , . .. 0 brio NO J; . . • • !I hails NO "P, 4d i No I; • v do No 5, In stair o" 1 -' 1 1 1 t' a.',sl A IIUTC.IIIIbON T ACO . : i 2 rg nipi6, 6 brio No 1, in more and for eal. by la n ob ' • JAMEY; A HUT( . IIISON ACO S"DITM-49 be; eh mons, 21s 2 ,110=l e le r n 2 keg. do; 4 pep Tow Linen, on eolniiranzeot (0057 I D wILLIABI9 co T OBACCO -0) tam Qs Honey Dew. :alms pound do; bxs Nectar: . • G brs 6f IDs, for solo by ..S I P WILLIAII.B 14 , ACICEREL-1 03 brts No reed:' is t ,ND 7 E3s r c aale 4 at_ WIo ljliOCK 4 / 6 RAT FLOUR- 7 4 .selntjas, h , MU{ ra4.3li WICK t MaCANDLEAF3 %MIMS COLIIIGE.I rIORNEft of Third ALirlier tie , t ./ established by the p r w c i n i is 1840. Oo relent° to any of 04: resident city mere ants, It will be 1.• tne eCoar. of 1041'140i/0A i 1 h 1 t. Aigi Seca BOAT Boot Ra w, es, Coratoaciah Goma vivo's, Colon:mai La and Pithowiante, are carried to a degree of perfection. aria= *panto, by any other teacher la this pan of the country. Cir. calor, of tends, &e., aro mailed to Ray pan of ma rooorrv. sep2SiwlyT • ADIIIAIIITRATOWIII arwries. multEttzts, Leta, of Adminlstnititra to iha mate v . of dfaxander Seeman, latear the camel, of All, !theme, deceased, have bate granted to the .0 Mier/C. ert all penoes Indebted to mete cave are lammed te mate lanardiam percent, and these tiering Omen against the saute mill omelet them to _ , ROBERT Aloartow, leitnieln r. tato tobq int, —all m 603 • - UCSWELEAT FLOUR-16 sacks fog urea by B ace. WICK It DieI&NDLES3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers