The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 14, 1850, Image 2
THE aft6iiii .G it GAZETTE.' ------PLIBLLsui:u WHITE Ze za• PITTnBORO n THURSDAY 110aNINU, N0V.:14, MO.— CrLorain:oar ars sarnesgy requested to h"' l gar favors Wore sr. and as early laths a practicable., daterbarrscas amursatied for • d. pao T gad =a will Invariably be charged until otdlnd oat cry. n num 'te Agent Cot ilat paper at hie agenclet Co No. Rook 'Philadelphia, at.d wawa, and le nathottred receive eabseriptions and Weenies:menu for es. • Qjpn¢acav¢u Norm Ammacart—Adverthae jaunt aht sat. rptions to, tha North American and trardm i Gccattc, 1 . /n.1'44E144 received and for. Au this __ PdPaaaa.rutat:owat.aa&l Lan —Subscriptions ad fr (rum °Moo for Wm va(aldbia papor, 'anti be reamed and forward ndadderti mania tar this paper received and forwarded *lse I , •isms from this att.!. r -r CUICIEMAIII DAILY o.unrrx—eavertistracntt anirruded raton t tr o r t tapairmf, will be farmland and irrSEt NEXT PAGE: FOA LOCAL MA TTU/S TEDEGFIAPTOC NEW:. s. la wesilinforox. • Cortimon enre of Me Pinabarsh Gazette Wasnmovent, Nov. 10, IEOO. . ... The Late eeeee ous..The Disunion •g. ' Hatton a the South-.11tel• of the • ' flu it . l ,i:fettles" at the ileverai State. thereon.. The State t; aaaaa lien. aid the selavtli• Convention—The Fugitive -lave Lavr-Personal Meee• ' men.c : • Aoceriiing • t present appearance. the Whigs have low Tours .n. Members of . Congress in New - -York, duce in ew Jersey, anc4one in Wisconsin, and they have wined two in Michigan, showing ii. net. loss of size a. We probably hoard little in raying that Illinois is yet eret*d to. her ,political idols, and that she mill wad five Democrats to two . , Whip. He: seven incroben'i', added to those al ready heard ',tint will give one' hundred and sev enteen members already elected. These members are Mu dividerk - Whma 52, Democrats ro, Free &Alma 5 .Massachusetta'and Delaware elect next :week. In the fins.Otate there will be a cliolce,it is probable,in not more than half Ithe Distil - cis, beans .-experience has proved the utter impracticability of 'thertaid majority system, the legislature will doubt , .• ' len mate provision lot electing on e subsequent will by ph:frailties: Tho dispute upon slavery has divided the Whig party in ilia: staunch old Whig ' • - Sate, nod it is likely that ithe final result the . • Whigs . und FreeGOilers will d vide tlie delegation oL between them. cNo Democrat such,. thank God min boon for sucker,, titer* These Will cow:Judi: fall election. he number of members chosen in them will be 1 , which, assuming mrcaleulation o ir at to Mestach us to he correct, sill exhibit • Whig his of 24 members and a gain of 8, and pre sent a net loss Ot 18. These rrisulisiwill probably put It pm el the POW• er of the .11 , 61:o. recover themselves in the re mainin electio ,eoas to get control of the House. Actordingtomy estimate of the result in the States to edema new Spring and Sumter, the House will stand, 99, Democrats, nomundly 125, Free : Soifer' 9, giving the Democraq as appuenimajor .ity of seventeen:l Unlit-requires liWe formught to perceive that th4re may be mode than nine men cong the four five more of Northern Democrats who will take theblts in their mouths and kick out of the piny traces, to case so rough a rider as Howell Cobb 'should undertake to meant them for the inerery. A more deSpisable eat than OM presser herd of "regulars" faits the North, never disgraced their Constituents and the country. Their enemata, cannot possibly be worse or mote mean• sly esicanismr they may chow a little better spirit. Not to do so would be to shoW none at ell. The war at Me Soutb,over t tr question of Union sod Dishiimit,weens to be wegied with greataturna. tion • They have burnt Foote in effigy some where • in iiiestssippi, and soother accon - fft says they have complimented AicWillie, an eMpty heeded spout: neon the other site, in the sontemanner. As I have before mid, in My judgment wo are chiefly inter toted in the progeen of this Eight as spectators. Of course nor sympathies and best wishes ninth. .with the pony roptending for the Union, but ins.- . • much as we see that a large portion of the people are earnestly strtiegling for disunion and a separate government, tt u msnifest that a question has been raised Mitt an be decided only by themselves. NI u• 'lull interest, respect, and affection, a common pride inn notions destiny, end a pervading love of 'our magnificent ceuntry, ere tile -hooks of steel" whirls alone can bind our people together en one great union. It is not by the Sword, nor yet to it ;by constant compromise and isoncesmon that the Union mu be preserved. Let its value, and the re lative rights of he sections be fully discussed It Miedmippi, andUeorgia, and throughout the whole South wterever any men of respectability and 000- , sidernient can be found to mim the question, and let the decision rest upon the result el that discus sion there, This coatmt, so Caen soy contest an be had . upon subject involving Slavery, has been gone through with in South Caroline, and they have , decided against the longer continuance of the con nection with-the Free States. All the members of Cosine. elected have preached tbatdoctrine to the peepte, and all of thorn seem to have been elected only an egrets oi commissioners to arrange the ' terms upon which their State shall leave the con federacy. Theleader among, them announced to his constituents before his reelectionthet the Union was dissolved. South Carolina is now only wilt taglo see what other State or • Smuts willgo-with ; bee, iclusing to calla State Convention or a spe• vial session of the- legislature to 'talk longer over Mirristippi . seethe I neheed,tojoin her in her it, but time a popular verdict bas not berg obtains ed upon the question. The of the State pas perssys a Majority of forty thonsand . will be given foe “resimance," that in for iiiiunitin If he to right the imatroversey will soon mane inthat State, for all the disuninuim hire do is to exert the power or the majority. •—_ In Georgiait is apparent d. the Unionists or '''Subm,Mainaista" to the laws and constitution of the-United States, will have thing. their own way, and the convention aiett was to °Pen a road for the State to leave the 1311i011 upon will only decide that the prosperity and safety of Georgia require her to stay where she is. Thelitahvillo Convention will be held. It will begin its adjourned meeting to morrow. A deeper 'nee attemptwill be anticipate the result of the discussion going on in Georgia, Florichq Ala bama, and hlisaissippi, upon the 'expediency nod necessity of seceirsion, and tin organise all the Siam of the Atlantic and Gulf crests South of North Oarolinn into a Sotehern Slavaholding . Aristocrati • cal 'Confederacy. I only regret that this Conven titer is about to assemble now became it will WM plicale and to sonic extent forestall the popular de. ..liberatiOns going on in the Staten I have named tips .on the Union question. It is mportant that the qtasition should be decided upon its merits, in or der that it may . be forever AO at rest, or that the Cotton States who takethe negative side may quiet ly secede, and leave the Republic In peace. do not think secestion would occasion war,but that war would soon take place between the Free liepubbc of the North, and the Afticantzed Coaled matey of the South, there can be no doubt at all. It is a great mistake to suppose that our people would tolerate any syncrentie or eztensiFe depredation. upon the S;nre prospe 1.4 Of the BL i tt:Went nation. We ahould not be wkling to take f the tree re story or bondmeri they would be linsioui to ditt charge upon our borders. But commercial restric tions upon their pert, and those wanton abuses of local power by which even now, in defiance of the sacred obbgations Of the constitution, our citizens are insulted and their property plundered in some Southern States, under color of legal enactmenta, would soon bring the two countries into collision, and no man who Inn read the world'. history toter Intently can doubt the mull. Foreigh invasion and domestic insurrection would emit desolate the fair. .est tleldscf the South. then notice of bipthrrhoOd PM ?MOO InsoCialloos at NatiorolOy would way the I ode of yz..r. But I dmirc not, to contemplate further the picture. - - TUB r:otao is it'll with an, but With tie South, mid more espacintly wit's Cho slava holders of the Slues. It Is is: tiers to stave tie Union or to deatroy. Testy may, If tits). choose, pull down the pillars cf cur temple, but let them remember, '• that In the act they berg perditon upon their own Leads. No fagitlve slave law can nave the Union, nor benefit them. Its enforcement may produce crime evert among those whom so mann them habitually needs, and en bitterly hale, as Yankees and Abolitionist., •but !men that resell would oat reitore oac eleve that rmld not have been recovered tie der the leas od j tus act Of 1193. Our people will not rebel, ost ay pretext. bat ~ %sits hiss will teat be exectited, and must bets Themes Better Eirg la here,. He Wall Italie foe the South in a few days, and will salt tom Salsocith 'for Nlifornla on the steamer of the 20:it Ines. Ho is much engaged In receiving • and openleg applicatioas for office. I cannot my le considering theta, for all the appointments that 4 i min be made from this side, are already &Mad of. 'Guano, Yen& of New York, is also hese, perhaps to make some =needful! COLleemlig the Shh Ttessufvto be ineetpeetted in. the Nem. tarts reran. Hon. Thaddeus Stevens arrived yes erdity. He despairs, under the reseal mute of th up, of get ting any modification or the urifr his winter, arid he Is eonvitteed that since your Hute election the Denonenun will go unitedly aysi!ist it. Pot the Gazette L I= • • • - Venerable pile! How often during my boy^ boat haws 1 wandered Mu! thy chambers to listen to the eloquence dare displayed. more than one who fiured there, and touched that weadtom thing, the human heart, now sleeps low and eilent. The grus grows woe the gravesphe dew falls and glistens oath& Bowers that we above theft lowly heads! Where is thew widow--and echoanswers. where? They bare gone from tae light end love of ti m e end map, we hope, to the light Una love of Now, Old Court Haase, thy clambers are aban doned by the ministers of Justice. Thy steeple, where so atm swung the bell that startled me at play, and bade me baste to school, looms dark and ugly, shaken and defamed, Imploring with open jaws, the righteous to take it dOsin before it fella Before the threshold of thy door, long worn by feet, same of which had run into the ductal path of crime, the blunt, browned, and water cradled, fish erman displays hi scaly storm. Now are thy chambers choked with produce from the neighbor ing farms. The loud laugh of rough men is there —the laughter of men who path their way_through the world and thee! What a chute, mighty In its nature—peculiar in its efrecta! l see it in the old walla, in the melancholy windows, In the misers hle apologies for clean &epithet seem to say—'We regal tie ourselves, and laugh such things as broonis to scorn.' I seen in the monotonous men and wo men who linger and crowd in thee, and about thee. in their gesticulations, in their garments, in thew boalms, in their looks, which so forcibly express the dreadful responsibility pj a market day. The intellecturi gentlemen who once filled the ring, threw back their hair, rolled their eyes over pack age; Pf manscript and ponderous volumes of fut risprudenes, have departed, having thee to the Vandalic impulse of loopy men and woolen who dispute lass about, law than things eatable. No pie- I coal= youths, in braid cloth, stand upon thy stem now gazing wisely, and now sympatheticalty car I on the plodding pilgruns puling to and fro That pastime would be dangerous • It might have done tor the asps of yore, when men were calm, and the women cool. Wo betide the tibia-mg garment that come in contact with pork, butter, and door bags, whirled in the air with the velocity that star tles timid men! Alas for ;he sleeve of that beau' tiftil cm which you desperate and Mossy woman's basket would catch in its fangs Wo to tho dandy who would have the presumption, the high banded audacity, to display his figure on sucibaule ground! Re weed be knocked over by public opinion in the shortest possible time. Milt issa.r—tbat mar ket Muse Hercules who can tarry a winks moo, would run him down as a locomotive would a cow. The art of getting out of the read; military tactics, dodging pauses, side moves — innatherable, andwarts unnumbered, must be summoned to your aid, or your daring adventure will end in datum and defeat. All this may take place where justice once ant in pomp and power, her tight hand resting upon hon or, her left upon the gold of clamorous men— Where once the fair and have, the generous and obscure, did came with andel and graceful bows, and pay that respect to her they knew was well de served. Where eloquence once charmed the list• oar's ear—where the phlegmatic opened wide their sleepy eyes, as the burning, baler, word rung on their eat,, of crime's victimsoatto cowered ghastly in the felon's box. Where ten once threw spark. ling light over quiet faces, latching the care worn to forget fors moment the burthen of their woes, and let their hearts beat freely on. Days roue by ! who does not love to call you back from the shadowy mitt which time hat thrown around you' Now, the Old Court House is turned into a mart where bargain and sale, two queer old codgers come and look, laugh, or growl,, fume, and fret, waider and loot wise, sharp and knowng as a claw cheered auctioneer. Thus change follows quickly behind the car of change. Meanwhile the non hoofed despot, Time, grinds into dust human bones; thrones, empires, Into tomtit and bloody revolt, kindles his fires that torn homes to ashes, temples to confusion, and hopes into mockery es biting and bitter as the wind from the frozen pole J. K. IL DZl22lllq . C 7 MAsll7Acrous —The Prey-- deuce Journal says that the seventy one milw which have suspended busineass, and were in .ts published Ina, arc all cotton mills, and are by au means all that have suspended. Among them ere vms of the best mals in New England, eras .whteh can mate money as long as money Is to be made in the business. Undoubtedly the cld male mast stop firs; in any general suspension, bat the present depression reticles to all, and unless there .s some substantial improvement, the basica' munu - it be prosecuted. A gentleman who travered the overland route roue Id ii . issottri to Californli, during the part to • met, slates that the sufferings of the emigrants, n crossing_ the great basin east of ' th e great .8 t horrible. wer horrible. He my, —'"The mad w toed deep, the sun broiling hot; note tree w • seen; there was no water, and their prorodc a were all gone. Fortunately, after passing_w er about one hundred miles of this hideous deer , they came across a man who had Mos body itni further, found a good spring, and. retooled two bunts of water. Vile water, be first sold , 51 per galbti, then $1 per quart, then $lO eer pint, and an the emigrant, came along, cub choked almost to death, and completely ehbaut. ed, nu priers reined, and no stint he could mute within the power of the emigrant was refused 5o ha pall. When the water WAS °early all error, e men came alinti who, for three whole days and nights, 'had drank but half a pint of acid.— Ile wu 'Mama dead, and begged for some wa ter. The answer wee, "I have not enough to lug_ myself and animals beck to the spring- 1 — SW, $lOO, 8500, $7OO, was offered In succesi n blr one little cup toll of water,-eced ike Ante. fend a. The wretched emigrant throw do n $7OO, all be bad in the world, and by main Lice grasped the cap and quenched his thitsw" INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION OP tail. pacuLes. E 40113 or as N•7107 , AL. Larrrrara, Prozprtgton,Aroo. 7, ISO The Exacters Commituto appointed by the Gen -tral Authority of the United States on the Loolou lodmunal Exhibition respectfully present the fol lowing summary of informal:On on thestoost Impor tant matters requiring the attention of State Cam. minces, and of those who intend to become ea hibiters. 1. Committees appointed by the Governors of the several State ore recognised as the proper judges for winning articles suitable to be sent to the Ex hibition from the United States 2. Articles intessied , :pexhibinon will tie by the Committee the Stale or Tertitor ir whierthey are the p acts. a The Stale Committees will furnish duplicate certificate of all uncles examined and approved by them, to the Executive Committee at Washing inn, whoi will ;ire the sanction required by t e BtaishCommissioners. . 4. Articles approved in the manner above pr scribed, will be forwarded to London, free charge, from the port of New York, in a cation vessel placed py the Navy Department at the dis port of the Genteel Committee for that parrose; and, at the close of the Exhibition, they will be returned in the same conveyance, to the came place, Wow o th erwise ditposed of. a. The Treasury Department will &fiord as fdr ea practicable, through the Revenue Cutter Service, facilities for forwarding objects from the different Atlantic ports to New York. 6. Should the vessel designated to convey the goods to London not be fn mutates. to receive them on their email at New York, they will be rioted at the Navy Yard, and afterwards-put oar beard, tree of expense to the owners. 7. All goods intended to be forwarded to the Exhibition by the Gormument vessel from New York, should be deliveld at that place dolt' mar. ked, and with suitable it voices, ocretaining the cor• responding marks.. In addition to other merit., there should be inscribed on each package, the words "London F- 4. Mltoiott." 8. No articles will bekeccived at the Navy Yard after the tomh day of January, 18,51, as the vessel will sail soon after that period. ' 0. All expenses in Lindon, for cartage, unpack ing,emaging for exhibition, and rareoring of pack ing cues, most be pail by the owners of the Bomb or their agents. 10. State Committees are desired to Inform the Executive Committee on or before the gear of le cembec what amount of ground and wall space they eau creditably 60 with the products of their remective Stan= Sawa from which no informs. non on thispoint shall as that time be forwarded, -*Mite Premmee require Imr pan of the space allotted to the Minted idretes, and it will be dis tributed to the other Swan, according to emu rev. end retvaltenunati. . It. Detailed statements relative tothe Exhibilidn and to the several chimes of objects appropriate theatto, have been formatted to the several - Suite Codunittees, and will be supplied to thous who may Tire more Particular Information, upon applicat on to the Executive Committee. 12. All casommicatices should be addressed to the Ex/motive Cousettes. IMMdEMM REOULATtONS BY THE COMMIIB2IONE*3 ' IN LONDON.. L The ezbebition is ;o be opened t Hyde Part, London, on the 4t . day of May:lBs . netted, cj 1,48 feet long, 4VlfLor, tan tll'esp`it:Vigjba' with machinery room, 938 feet long, and 48 feet wile, will be nearly tux proof, • . Goods will be received between the fint of January end the first or March, 1851. After the Inter dayUol , 2 l o cen received. i together 3 . : e nder one ona generalq 4 enetl e wil l ezh'b. Article. exhibited will be divided into four see- (L) Raw Materials and produce. Macknery. (3 ) Manufactures. (4.) Sculpture models and plasm art. G. Exhibiters will deliver their frauds at their own charge and rad( at the building Hyde in Park. 6- Articles liable ao peril& during the period of eight month from the first of January to the first of September ,are not suitable to be eztubued— Thts applies more particularly to certain articles derived from tql animal and vegetable kingdoms. 7. Ezhibiti•rs. will be at the mat of their own -- • insurance. Gins canes, when required, man be furnished by the est:Alter. 8. Any exhibrer may, by permission oCibo Royal Gommtastoners, employ s servant to keep in order and explain the &racier which he exhibits, but not to maim purcbaaers. 9. Prices are not to be Used to the articles ex hibited, but may at the option of the milliliter be stated in the invoice sent to the Royal Cargo:lir aioners. 10, No articles of foreign manufacture can be admitted for exhibition, tune's:they come with the express eaoctioa of the .Central 'Alutbonty of the country of which they are the - produce. 11. Goods will be admitted withoot payment of duty, and sealed with the oticial seal of the !ward of mato= till their arrival at the building: but bonds will be required of tho owner or agents for the paymant of dories in caw they should be wild in England after the exhibition is over. No goods can be removed until the exhibition is finally closed. 12. The rules of awarding prizes will conform to the section or department to winch the goads belong. • 13. In the department of raw materials and pro. Mims, prizes will be ttarended pirn a consideration of the valor and irapor once tithe trade and did rrr:sra'ntdcfn"Ur of th rLe‘PP're."=rl specimens mat e s ex novele ty and important:a of the prepared praluct, - and the superior skill and rogennity the prepra lion mid be considered. 14. In machinery, pfzes will be given with ref. ermine to noyelty in the invention, superiority in the execution, Increased elSeienty or in economy, in the me of the article exhibited. its importance in a social view, and the difficulties in perfecting it, will also be taken into account. lii. In manufactures, increased usefulness. such ea permanency of colors, improved firms and pat term, soperiorgunlity, or higher skill in workman ship, new materials used, end combinations of row teriaLs, beaMy of design inform or color, with ref erence to utility. and citßapriess relatively to ex. eellenee of prat amino, will be the bases of de. Cbli 16. In sculpture, models, and the ;gestic art, re wards will have ileferene• to the beauty and ori• guallity of the specimens, so improvements in the processes of production, to the epplieotioa of art to manufactures, and, in the case of models, to the subject they represent. 17. "Mid, to consist partly of Englishmen and partly of Foreigners, will be composed of M.,13 of known ability, to form a jodgment—above the sus picion of either national or individual palliate), IS. No competitor for a can be placed on a jury io the particular department io which he is • competitor. p. To exhibitors from the United Suites there have been droned, of ground space, Sk,ooo goalie feet, subject w a deduction of one half forpessages, and of wall or hanging apnea, 40,004 /genre feet, not subject to deduction. • Corre4oneenee of tbe 71 V. Ibittoce_ J4I.{FOfNIA 11132 d Docks—The Euteryri:o et the City Orrice Pacipic San F,ncc4u,N Tune:J.4,oa. I Mr Dna Ma Ganutr—The reeirater of the ULU ult. earned you the aid intelligenee of the late fire. To day we have re•tasurd oar paper, and the burnt district is netily all built op—a pert of it with far better buildings than before. Boob la the to Sao Francisco . The great impnvement is the stream sad wharves of tel. town are hardly mirrored forth by the dryly press. The whole scheme revolve. a large outlay of MOOCI, and it. scope has hardly entered into the minds of men to roocefro—ex. rapt the city fethers and cootrecton—so busily is every one employed is attending to heave tater. ens. You clamber about to day over base piles of lumber end dirt, and armee yawning abrarte— the calverto—on a ;link, and to marrow bees over the agree en a plank tint, unfit a IDCOMflauca so Not that you can seareely keep your Lea The why rev, ton, like the mtAiscAllorece,hay.. note encl.:ebbed upon able domini,es of die fakes en that you rue go out on Got seamy to Mc pout whe,e the Panama cast her ebetor in August, lea. They raised, too, from t:,.0 sad of-earl I otter ' and already nearly fill me rro•ceat loft be. tweet Rieman and Carr* points. Epitomic-a I. sell gotta forward rapidly. They go to the Scathe) lee West end No: al watt.. to the States at the End. Oregon la rapdly ti leg up in every part bo are the Havral'so while the aunty land• of the Saute art not beget C 4 llforata pill Mill he fall in every part.— Men are eat yotog to effia s trefli. •fasla is idle crowds la the role, to spend the rainy gout:fa— Every tract of arable land will hare de erearau•s, and retried the d'Obtoe7 2 re , .u•snt with ti tag harvest. At the same trete a ott6" -- re' pnpuls• lion toll !Tend the rainy arme, le fart Ilia heat season for work in the .- dirty minis° Among the ienumerable caeca 7,..3f eudlemance at sea, very few of which ever come to a know. ledge of the public through the men, i keened of one the other day, which is one of a p i ece with many erhert. Gap!. Wetmore, of toe gip St. Patrick, owned by Me. Ogden, New York, bad his steward wrested end pot In frriioti here foe de/ear -1 boa and breach of contract. On the trial before Recorder Tllford, it ayp^ared in evidence that the said Captain has redly abused the *llO StegittJ, with to adry fickl e blowr,te4ng him by ate hair. eta etc. iris paCort.sary la lad that the oaninct was annulled, tad Clipt. W. Was very glen to es cape a crlatinal preaccunce. My mal tuckers a' the thonebt'or sontalcb brutality end abuse es i have heard of and wittieseed here gado* the way thither. a a. a OLLIFOLLSIA BEII,IIII By the Genegia we have received complete flies of aem California exchanges. From San Francisco, Sipaton t Sonars, and Maysville paper, we copy tic followleg gems cr genes: The Spirit if California. The news of the engrossment of the California bill le the Senate, produced, on ha receipt In this eity;the liveliest emotions of joy, and the hopes of the people are raised high in the expectation of hearing, by the next steamer. of the admission of -this Slate Into the Union. Should we fetelve this joyful intelligence, them la no doubt that buskin, would forthwith revive, and an Immediate, ims movement would take Mace in the condition of the country. At present, • want of confidence muses every thing to remain In confusion, and the embarrassment• of oar business men are aurbut• able in no email degree to the perplexingsurpenne caused be the delay of Congress to admit the State into the Union. Oar greatest troiable would vans isle on our admission, add It In generally hoped that Coogreas will not adjourn without doing as justice. It would be a terrible disappointment if the next news if:mid prove unfavorable. The coming elections to be held on the seventh of October, excite much greater intelip than was anticipated. The candidates kle the various of fices are almost innumerable. The tickets made op In this city will be found in •nobler column.— Indeed the all absorbing question of the admission of California i• lort_sight of for the alts beteg and evil.? body S •nx:oos an to the result of the elec. Dom • The Improvements in thla city are progressing with much teirtt. and It to hoped that by the cam. meneernont of the rainy season the attee:s will be embstannally planked. Snored el the thorough.. fates are already laid with plank, and towers ha re been constructed, funning from the hills to lb bap, nt as to carry off the water. The dinrict Mont down two weeks alb — co Is already more than half covered with buildings in proem°, Cl erection, and before the departure of another Rtterner it will be heady al , rebtoll.—Bost Franatro Herold. Late N•vra from Klamet, Trlaity, and Chants'vars. From the CaWarm* Coethr, Sapt. 70. Capt Vanderyr:fi, who for many years bas heed enraged In steandionting on the klissinippl river and Its tributaries, and who ha. hoes exieeelvely engaged far creme lame In mining and exploring thin nnuntrYieniled oo us • few days ago and gave tm the following informal., the truth of whiqf we have no reason to doom. ' Capt. Vandernill le of the ophsloo that there more gold in the Blamat country he In any other part of Uppu California. That 20000 men coo realize on an average $lO per day ih the valley of that tier,. He says that the bale do not contain n much clay as thee on the Sacramento, See Amain and tte4tributules, but that gold la found more generally distributed throughout the whole country . that he found it at every point where he prospected, even lithe tops of the mountains The earth glen from 2 to 00 rents worth of gold to the panful. Kismet, Chaste, and Trinity all sontr Into, and form ace main •rixer before die. charging their waters Into the Pectic Ocean to 41 deg. 33 sec. N. The mouth of the river Is about a mho wide and navigable foe large vessels for about four miles. Small steamboat. can at any and all seasons of the year ran ap Shy miles to the halls. The falls are several feet high when the water is low.— Above Cut falls thereis sixty miles of good earl. outrun, unobstructed by any formidable barriers. Provisions can be transported op the river in small but■ to the falls, aulfrom above It sequins only tvo days wave' to the dry digginp. It now re. quires eight days to reach them from Trinidad, and twelve pop from Humboldt, by packers.— The only obstacle to success his heretofore been the did:lathy ot procuring provns. The dio• tan of land carriage and the espouse attending It Is much lessened by landing the goods at the mouth of the Kiamet. and transporting them by orates to the fall., and thence by land to the mines. Capt. Vander/WI has a large partyorglea at work now on the Kismet. He proposes to build smear Cr eZprenly for this river In a skirl time and place her on the trade, having the fullest coat. dame daces= from mien, operations in that part of Caftan. - . . Meas.—tie itkohlof the United States Med iterranean stpaidnati was assernh'ed in the bay or spuzi... the 12th ultimo, consisting of the Sag ship Independence ,frigates Cumberland arid Oon 'siltation, Veinier filmaisslppl,' and - stareship L. ingtom.. A noun martial had then been in session for ". nearly two weep on baird tho Independence, engaged In the trial of a lieutenant and others.— lizsuLamenLE CASE f t E9IDENGE IN OUR MIDST!! P:cheerfelly comply Noah - your roe quevt thit I would give youlan account of the almost 014 &CUOMO fate Of my Little daughte it eye by the me of your "Petrolemit:, She was attacked with a very sere eye In February or Starrh lent, when I immediately applied to Stabs. medical aid in the city, by whom it w. pronounced " a very boa eye' and all gone to " no hope of doing her any good. After which I molt are Into the sMos• try to an old lady, who had been very racer:Will in erring eye.. She told 615 that her corn was hopeless, as she wouid certainly last act fifty that one, htlt also that the other would fullyom--it Lang a lerotillous affeetion of the blood. And Ido comfy tout th e time my father ,1.17. car. Is the cone:sullen Mu we had Letter try your " Petroleum," SES WAS Yerittlillt HUM; of One eye. It it now about two months since she began Its use, end Ms can now ma with both eyes 61 good as ever alto did ; end, as far as I eon tell, I bollove the has, with the blessing of hi Almighty. boon email Ly" PeDalotm" Volta, respectfully, ^ At. Flumes Vase on Doss.. Pittaborghh, Sept nO, For sale by Keyser A McDowell, 140 Wood street i R. E. Pellets, S 7 'Wood street D. id. Corry, D. A. V.. boat. Jo.epb Donsiss , s, not 11 P Sol:mutt; Allegheny, a l s o by the prop it s, ri hi FIGS., notritaitta Canal Blzin. iturent:i vt, Pittsburgh. bl'Latrahr VlClLlar..—ltena Ire fallowing Car ib:tate, and Ulna doubt, if you enn, the tmompbant quairtiet pormszaad by thin great remedy: Caineuer Tnwan v , VIMIat. December elet, 1912. Desouta.7—Dent ialr--I Mac pietwure Inform leg Yon, the bottle of Dr. Mr Leer,. Vereetldeei I parthmed Dom To. hoe ()cc, r.,a entire eatiefartion. loser to a eluld of mina one ida roue., fall of It, and the passed 117 worms. The rent mnreing I gave her ama spoon full mote, when ehe pe•wd 113 more. The nett morning lime her ma s. an queenly, oed posted 13 more—Your,, at e i)ov7PitNe. trreo, pale L T 1. KIDD Sc. It W&. 1 .trekr r ev9-41kyr3 • Nate of sul rem,. 11. .'O,TLI.rd at Af.gffol 3,1550, Tat Stockholder. of the :t..1 Pennyytranit Gall flnsJ Comp.) , arc nstcoy tost4ed to pay the einhet thstalmeet of firo dollars por .here, at the office of the Company,. of before rho than day of Au➢uss The north otarolmouti on or IKk,rc 0,0 loth day of Lepiem.r. The tenth Instalment or, or before the Mlth day of October net, ET The I. matalment sets yelled tor on the 20th o July last. augh.dtf RISIT.P.. Jr., Treasurer U. W TAYIAM r rOASMISSIONER .A.ND BILL BROKER, 13=! STRICT enaction will be elven to all I.llalnen ep. troste.l to ha tt care l'lntLarrh tnaotactoretl Tuck always Pilhan-1 or prorated of etlort nonce. Notes. Rood.. Monga/es, Leiroriated 00 favor able terms. Advanere inatle;if reottree ttteer-3rn 1)..a. or. Ei UST, brIVOOO Mutat cod Ferri acre, FALL IMPOIITATION OF lIIRDOIRE LOGAN, WILSON t. co. 1991 -OrbSYREES, , Yl:4 • lizzelmo irrah r+i el stir.u.44 and ilartwatt, to offer .yerioruuccacuts buyely 110. wishing to ruretvue Hervey[ tb:a intiresk by blOkinli un,ugh CUI hulel, ae they tie ..Itteruut.e4 total on Le moat teasavablo term. V. 111. QEYARATE Prop. - ars aril • e anlLc L. 3 :Mg that. I , v the e ..1; erLea, k.etthege .rtvvi thr the 101'.1.14 . 4.31:, St the riegte..6.ll, , rver thr. eltv,Ferr Newth LB4 r.L.21 V 2 CO: tattle Tattle it egite cp :oArlizttx , It, ale. to sceoniveen "nth o r, a.e a till Letrivet,. lot lams/Wee sea tlvr.veerv. •',II e'th, 70015 Of nEYble 54011.4 ard fo• <r r. - 'lt. Same we, *beat 40.0 eeite 7540. 01 (re e' 1. :.. 0 0. 0 er ; h e of the 040 River—the giavor rake, Gem the beset at taw Worn rot the cdeatelitton,nrrt clwoere :or the revolt.: ; et!. thiein sevear,sedeteacoo: salve.. anti be tbeette4oeular Tatea e f , tak: ea:ave.:eon he >ewer and side cad ati.oen 41. tat:, y•rds rf mason,,. 'rn• TAIRC I to be 1.14,1 6ard and da. •ble an:v.42W ,1. in hthe tense, zee ce:t erout,d roe earstelatng the to• trials and tete:lee • wooden knee to enethee the ens. ' ail Insteivria tad work rag to ashler t to the in , 'ovation and approval of the voperlocenOent_ Ths vanola wait b Da compl-vral at calla next anas , n av practicable Ca:An= ant tvc - Ir. onto 'ova unprovel voretwa, arall TrSN,C4 Minted loonronldn fit Pa T• liter nein:teat:on et accarntira the .4.. Pla: , and epetaf.covons Of the vvor,, canna Iron and soon er her Inforralonn tan., t.v ro•pa,rovi, can lie at me case l it. ROtiliNsir4 Vaperainuarlalcc rittibtagn, Nov. d, Rv o ßrows. a.... to p•—. • T. DR. O. ID FITZ.A e: :tee, itrepstree ...facture •., let Pt,zi. T.cs , tt !t•ett. ttrei P. , t l of set., opt:s coma:. nr A riatets. 14 te t.°. iSpOlvi c . . . raT.'n Fonnt, en . --1 K it. , 4, 4 M I CORD eL co, el. Italetale Rzssul toltnuta.:l3,ts Ical,ll to HATS, CAPS & FURS, Coy Wood & Path aisi,;lttabordlO. WOOO WY trot a (all and asisapiew Seek of liar,, Cap , , Va.-inn., advert qnall1)1 sell dl7;ni by Who'n . sale awl liletall, end sresiin therenllon of theft... tomes. and ,InireillMlS CU:Mai , 11.1,11.th1f 15E0 that itio. will WI on niz =et neva detect tarns wielfint R. P.AT T NNER & co. SHOE WAREHOITSE, 5 Woodttr botversou %'bred it Potting., ♦re nay receiving dietr very iiirge end eopatior fell BOOTS, SHOES, AHD-BROGANS; Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, 01 a( the latest styles, and expressly adableJ its we. Rade It Ma bnen selected ally [reel cake, and m sines and qua ll] is sat surpx,e4 city stack La Ire found Whet valor lllsl. Om et...inners and mer. chants Venially ere tanned in •.yti end Cris Minn, we era darlllll4nl 'ea an 11.0 )11. renson•hle term.. Also, kbandynor's Rabe r iehoes a , all kinds okareedif EIICOURAGIL HOED. INCTIPVTIOINIS UtT IZENS , INSURANCE COMPANY, Ofßee—No.4i W Bie.f rC la, 1,1 r..nune or C. 11. °RANT. COMPAIN V c.,t. rept:fed mt tote ett 1. kind. of nets, on Louse, enmeinetorteo, merchendme to mare. and in tronetiii .6.114 A c. An ample guano:7 fur the ahttity and integrity of the butitattetta, in offouted In the rLun.ter of the Vl rectOts who arOoil eittrehn of romborgh, writ and fayorogly known to We conmof tr for their prudence, ,r,relllicalcc, end iotegrity. thescrogn—C. G. Ilostoy, lb,n Itseihty Wm. ism!, Jr., Waller Ilt7Wf, Ilearf: /Lout L.‘ , r. , John iltutorth. I.l<ter &pad.. Ma. Warta—P:eaar. anaoutce thaJtawe at wilatibe Ilanswxr, of the Foarth Watt, 41 II canJulote tar Mayor, at the easoine eactiaa, to tad numbs. atlau of the Whiy Ca:mention. n•J MANY 0111164 , CroStt tvALID oeltAtf Me. Wawa—Sir—Toe writ I,tle ate poem. , the ORS. of Goa C. hhothrri, catoltente for the RiaToratry,..ahthet to the ratitre soca mthe Whig Carmenßon. hlt. Moteett's Philter-soli toelrOngl• urged try a hest of hither, h e Leine b o th capable soli L 0.41. locebbej ttAAY ChIIZENS W Ccoe.LLte Hightheartable of Itt.obergh,peol by liappoll.l It, n earelleate (or lie 00103 of Pteyor at the hext election, atter ho th e deettocm of the Whit and Andertheople 'sty Cortreotton, by hoo.e&wol thl ANY VOTERS • Mg Erarog—lime veal Weasd semcca.eo ttat Lammems. E.g.. will he euppolled ty fth . ad•d. I candidate for the office nt:ill . ,Jr,atthdr. , itclocdan, msMerl lo the doom. of tl.c W,Re pod A11111.11.1C CoveMion inoVdd&atell :Lill WARD. lIIA.IIIIIV.D Op Tuesday evening, the Irrn , I 7 the nem Thomas P. Gordon, 111 r Wat. .k, III.; 0! the firm of Townsend, Carr & Ct.., and Ansi hi. dnagh let Of John Henn., S•I , it of 3lene hes, r pivm, On Pundap, the tech 1n.,.. 0.! Fr Lee t• :do., Wm. A. FetaxAn, of tit.. env. El 031333 TilE FACTORY erected on Inc con.c, of H<hrc:o and Cariey mace., ctinutnc tO Leent.ll Street, recently pat la tltotougit repair. enre made ,- ate, and uncut eany. Apply to t oil BAIRD & IRVIN NXTAILS--4Gie — g3 =lama, cll , brand, for 141,Ieby_ (nail I3AIRD k IRVIN B tusont.l for . 11 e ,014 NAIRDA IRVYN T AL tA W barrels Tar, for i ;aZZl i iiicßE.) _., & CO nel4 odWater st C HE n tilli-09 bZ /0 and i t s. o4l ii , /r I ZIr i , et CI , vcriiiii. 11811-49 brts and 9 ld tali far sato by Lnold : ow", µ IIICKEY & CO IP tr. ATER. etikrUr MI.EItAL PAINT 40 brit in store end for .ala ~7 0014 isAinic DICKEY ic LO COPAL vearosu-73 pt7c, bdr , LI ttli and kepi carapace Auld caninge, for RIM bi nOl4 . ISAIAH DICKEY & CO_ HONEiI•-.1 LcincaiLl . unicic,pui up la bait. for tattalyll.oo.o cilvcd fur .ale by Wyl A McCI.LIIIO &CO not! 2.;7 L.:berty. al priE APPLE CEIEFSE.-51 , bores Norton broad, very hoodooSaJost snow red foratio by doll . syht A OIeCLUEG k. CO_ br4 O. fgfrit sa l3 l° A b bi r - .r.k . co COCOA, Ac—Al 413CalietC . Coene, 30 bxe 6061 s do Nolorrorle byNal4 %V AGALEY .4. CO MACKEREL 140 No 3. far mile ,toe tri 10.L.Elf & CO nol4 I s to Wood .1 • unionD - wiTirotrr YEAST. THIS compound I. warranted to pp:Niue° the within described effect., na Direction. far making Bread, Tea Cakes, kgsiri wheat Cakes, &r, by .. .Ida • met, la effected In the Floor of about r per cent • To make Bresd—To each pound of lour add two ...poonfols of Coamifirim end tho aerial quantity of ran mix them tborneighly together while dr v. (dais o maitre. prepared Sour thet Tog lelsoreb then add as much cold water as will make the - dough the usual iluekness; knead it well, d let stand fifteen inires befre bakig, one or twohoots d o cohort. to Bieeui o t should n ke mixed mock, and baked at ones, but will do no bun to eland fifteen or twenty minutes There is no darn yer of aiming too mash of Line Compound in the ereeJ. tt will not turn the !lead yellow as 811107111 1 / 1 1 does when used to exec, You can put toe above Compound Into Tea Cakes, Petteintz,JobansCakes, lndiao Cakes, Ginger Cakes, Corn Meal Cakes, Corn Bread, Drown Dread, Hisenit, Hatter Cakes, Iltekerhess Cokes, Apple Dumplings, Pot Pies, and for ad baking purposes. Sold bp E SELLERS. role 47 Woods rpUNDER-7LUO tees blastios and rile, Hazard menu/U.oe, la makatino sod to &mem note JS DILWOtTFIt CO SAFETY FUSE-25 tals aaparior quality an band, roll J 3 DILWORTH & CO Viroof.-5 sacks jast reed To sale by HURD/UWE INGlliLikl nal 41 116 waters TAN—N""' N. C. Tar. for INGIIRAM I=l4 1/OLASSF-1-29 Ws 9. H. loans, (or ..le by 0014 DURDRID(7Eh INGHRA3I S_ OAP—tO9 bzr Ros BURN fo ' role by 1,1 nol4 E & INGIIII,OI nOtTISLI-5 coots but reeciv d for Bale by ‘,/ cool _ _ 4 ItUR9RI NE & INollllAbl_ M 0 h ACEEREL.-10 , 0 br i tto N 3 o , ; 10 doNo ,for sale by 0014 BU RRRI 1&& INGIIRAM _ mateesEs—lD once; 6 Orb Goidcn Syrup, for cute by col{ DINILLIASIS A CO ceroon S. P.1;;Igo, LZ:Stfl ' a P a7 11,11 Clover; WI Or. ?dastard; I Lrl G.oger, Pepper Fermi,. by uol4 3 D WILLI!, MS & CO NOTICE.' TO CONTRAOTOIIII. EALED Propoula wal be reCelved at the store of i W. P Baum, Wo creel, until litatorday, the With lost for the erection of a ftridee acres, hotly . . !follow, in Perbies towneato, where the Potvberalt and Coal 11111 Per:L.o2e Road crosses the amid ran. Bids to via e the cost of cone and wood venni ately, at required by ,the plan drawn 1 y E. AlcGow. Ewa ; to he teen at the Wore of W. P. Dense. , • H D KIND , Provident. H P Cats, Seminary OB.PELLIBI COVET BALE. 11IJOTICE Is hereby given. that to puroaance of an order of the .. rphans' Court of Allegheny county, raj will ex. , se to palatm mie, on Stoarday the 14th Deccmtier, 1[ ;0 or l• &clock, A. Al., on the pre mete., ell the licit, title, interest and cle Mt of Ma ry Monroe, a minor child of John hlanyel, deceased, of, in, and to a lot of ground ointoted In the City of Allegheny, and being No Pin Ike plan of less as old not by 0 b: Warmer, Jacob Painter, and F. Lore o The raid lot is Tr foot In front on Ohio !street, and emends hack ahem ISO feet to Virgin alley. Them I. • tyro Cory 11110 k Beam opon the low Far Met pap thflliilll will be made known at Me sale. JOHN llAHLtrats r.olastlS Ortas ohm of Mary 51•57 m DANCING ISOfiCSOL, AT WILKINS HALL, FOURTH STREET. A DONNAFON teapeottelly Inform bls ltiondt and patrons to Pittsburgh and Allegheny chin, shat ereut will ore on Petunia) next, the 16th at November, at 3 - o'clock, P. Y., 1. - 3 young ladles, at b for boys, and E (or getattemen, and comm. every Thanday and Saturday of the week, and tame hours. Strict refererce. will be reheard from nrallgele applytrx for aimusion Into the •choot, For particulars , apply to A. , Ittiaket at, near Third street. or at the room. nolatd3t Av zsisla AMAN well toyhainte.l with arootlng cart p4ilor. A' ,rst rata workman fine employ =era a id lalr wars, rmuirLnit all% tax flare. lTd3.• AA , YOUNG MAN wants a alleatien, of mulct atands driving and the oare of here. perfectly, and ran do no thing in or about •tleinenn plane, in regent 10 1.111.14, and to alway oe s toady to oblige. If matted he can be :a.] at No tThird street, evrirean Kor_llcmt LabeLri, col3td! B41R10& IRVIN woold invite attotinon to the tae opportarAlc• they can nth e l caOltaltata for la ment:lmi, From try b. one toritcp,d tbooagng dttinta or the beat real ama ze leer Otte., having to INDIA air montb• to nix opt& and to rums mean. nett/ rait - BALK', FEW Shares Clid Mine Brock: alto. North 4tarrirac aml Western Innaranne Stock. akpll to Baird rt. Irma, 114 Second atreet Oar Seeead open. Ilf Ilk PITY le. BURCHFIELD bare non, completed Y 1 tae opening of a eery largo SECOND sapply of Good. (or the W 1..., and can 4 . der every Induce awn, to boyars to male their pm - ammo from mem. Ladlr• and hood Emmen Merinos and Ca nut all 3otrablo maws, kbrimrd French Cuttimerea and del L&llea, all vetx , i; Gold as do in great nanny... near 0111(1, at 23..... Na, tm . Ma :nd so id colon, an low as 111 nig; taroparda Poplins Sr. V.. v. - i•ki of made.; Dee. ILA and Swarm of even amlm lard most ntrablat colon. Smar', Neck Ribbon, Barnet Er:banns, Gina. and liosiera, So., and a tug ar.Pail f linnaekanal.t Geod.. at lowest Finsata. pro es Emental amerolon is also Invited to Omit enamel make of Shirting dina nna an.: I.lth Linens—tan Inner warranted pate An- No•in eon tem. of Foorth and Market ma. nol3 SUOAR-10 bids N for sale by W s F WILSON, bell 114 Woo.] ort ca. received for salt by ll 14 w a F WILSON S awl] ALltF no TRE—I bags tor oilf. vh l wiLsox JVeTC hoe mad o, Genoa, c. reeetved •t CO Mrty otthet, ed the moat emebrated ounnufaetarer,„, ousbertmeot of heat Chocolat, the dtfleleut twd, mennoned below, ea:— Spa-ash, French Double Vanffla, Single do, Per. Cullom., A to Caaet. , Baket . • No I. do Brows, do Cocoa,, llomdeepattne, Spited Eagle, do Zealand. The Goer timelines of the above are made of the best Carer ea. Cocoa. Oct ...nulled pate. Fbr sale, wbolevale and retell, by cell Whf. 4 Udall/10 Jc CO D}RI.O.I..VTION OF PART] .4 - 81 - 1114 - ILP. --- ATM ICE A. heteby given. that the pannerekop /11 brtetomre extolled between Collo, Black and Jeorph Roth,,,- 1114 do) Mosolved by annual content. All demo One the 1 1 / 1 21111C 10 IA pant to Eyre, Wank and en demands scale,; watt firm will be preserted to Mtn tar set dement, CYRUS BLACK, oolflohlt JOSEPH ROBB. restE 7 -lititcrces for ssiiby BURBRIDGE tf.INGLIRAM Muss st /SAY imps—to Lt. Ivo t to bro do Dippe4 lY bx. do p d, for *Ma by nol3 IIUILIRIIIOiL a INGUILAM C ili tt2 LATE.-" I'IL3HIWit 11.1/Gt3 BLACK' frill cantwe tbo holefate and 4,,,0 /Guff! Grocery on/ I . lo4cce Gatiow, to ket old carte, 'treat stale Dfaeit,n% ritubutih. notth42l C ° "E r-4 7 ,1.1,:a 4 ": 7 : = 6 u° 1 4 ° . :t° , e;en 10 bags Yana Rico; sags Old Gov. Java tor sale by n WILLIAMS CO Cot. Wood & Fifth all 1 4 , 11E811 PRUIT—,S drama Smyrna Firs; 2.1 Jars Bordeasx; 810:s M. U. flaw.,,; S' ball iambs Earratibb 3 eases Genoa Cliron, for sale by . J Li svlLllllldB 18 CO brls No I Idaaketel; 1' lii ht brts doi Ia bf brie No a hlacitersi, iu qr bay No Ido: ID kits No . do for We by nol3 D WILLIAhIt3 & CO um fresh lan landing for sale by BAUALLY tr. CO enti la & SO Wood et Q H. MOI.ASSES-120 brltt St. Lost. & St. Imes O. brand. tor tala by sul3 W&I lIAOALEV & CO 'h.! IL RAISINS-300 boxes bunch Idaacalt I, new cop, arriving and for dale by noCt BAGAL/111 & CU EO/1119-47 bcs common. lambing for cola by :1 cola %Val gnus LEY &CO PUILO UALL, This Evening. for Goat'upon only, ltR. HOLLICK will Lecture on the Phu.leleNT of the Parental dpitem. lllmitated by .11 hta oel. and Paintings. Admlasion,2l .13011. n012:d3, None, to Comilla Ttaot.fort. AN axamlnatlon of ithplicmie for the Wootton now esteauf In the Third Ward Public School, city of Plittburch, will Le held at said schwl bowman Saw,. day, loth tut, of 2 o'clock, P. M. _nol2 IDS. W. LEWIS. cinciratnizam PILO. MiIJUST RECEIVED, • new . , stock of Citickenugle,altuld 7 octave Plano.; alto, alto,. richly carved Gunn Pismo, the uto•t beautiful InairamenieVerbrOugbi to ibis city. These Plutos will be supplied as anal, at Horton prices, armor. •sv cautoz roil rraau l•OltrollOtloa an Also received, • floe lot of Rosa wood plain and carved Plano Btoo:s, with silk plash and hair eh:a coati. For sale by JOHN li. MELLOR, Avert for Clack eriatr's Finn foe Western Plan's. !loft! WOOLEN GOODS 75 BALES Pearl. Flennel. all pad.; 10 Ertlea Scarier tanned Flaunel., all made. 2.5 6.1. Tallow do do; Its do Whim _do do , 0 do Green Bockint do do Con pm approved aryl. Blankets, do LO p. 7.4 aup.saek Flannel., oil abides; to pa French, Germa n, _ %Vent of Eughted, and • American Black, Dine, Drown, a Invalble • Green Brood Clot/a; 30 p. Beaver cloth, usorted colon; 13 pa Blue, Drown, Green, and Black /mina;. last received from manufamorers, and recent Impor t to . auon. Merchants are nespectfaUy Invited cal and examine the mane at A A MASON A COll milt 62 & 64 Market at --- TWEEDS —2 calm. Black, Brown, and Gold mixed, just received from the (.eery, for ask by awls H LEE. 13ROWld FLANNELS —1 cute 34 and 6-4. less re -1) ceiwed for attic at ce.efacturera , prices by eou9• __ll I AIAT of genuine Roman Strtnis for Violins and Guitars have Net been rocelve by the subscriber. These minks are room the most celebrated factory in It they are four threads and four lengths, and for boaaty of tone and darabUlty, aro Unrivalled. the subscriber's agent baling purchased the above for boa at the factory, they lee warranted auperior to any thing alba kind ever otfered an this coantry. H. KLEBEH, Golden Harp, No 101 Third at, N. I.l—Nowepedng • splendid new lot of rvmans Clark's and Denham , . celebrated Macs. noll =E-111 Oil pi= 111 store for bea by LULA DICKEY is CO PITTSBURGH ,eO27I,FIZe/leee4lfeer,e, . Comer of Zara and.Alarket utrects. CIIATITERED A. D. 1.55% ohlY Chartered. Institution of the Mind in Penn'a. TACCLIT. Jolla Fleming, Principal parunvor in the Science of Aceounth. • . . O. X_ Chunberlto, Profesior of PGllollrailip, Mar eantilo Compowloli. Alex. M. Wagon, E4q.. Lecturer op Commercial Lavr. The course of ineduction includes Book Keeping, and its apollentien lo every branch of. latsineza, lee• tall. on Commercial Law and commertlli Science, Penmanship, Mercantile, Compatation.lo. Stodenta can enter the College a: any tune, and when entitled, will .receive a Diploma, signed by the Faculty and klatorthilng Com:nines.. non PfLOCLAJSIATION By v.... of . precept under the hands of Wm. D. McClure, President of the Court of Common Pleas, la and for the Filth Judicial District of retinal t 0.. ., and Jostles of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery in and for said District, and Wm. Kerr and Samuel Josea,Etqa.,Associats Judges of Mename county, In and tor the County of AIM. sicay, dates the 6th day of November, In Ibe ycor of our Lard one Meowing eight hundred and (My, and to me directed, for holding a Court of OyevandTer. miner soil General Jail Delivery, at the Oran Rouse in the city of Pittsburgh, on the tottnit Monday of De cember nest, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Public nonce is hereby g iven to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables of the County or Alle gheny, toot they be thee and there, in their proper penults, with Reit rolls. records, Inquisitions,. el =Mallon., and other remembrances, to do Moe° things, width to their respective racer. m their be half, appertain to be done—and also those that will Presecuto Mc ritisoners o f now we, or may he In on :ail of said county of Allegheny, to be then and Meru to prosecute against them as shall be inn. (liven under my baud at Pittsburgh. this tlth day of November, In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and or the Commonwealth the 74th. CAR fEll CLtRTIS, Skold. notßidawailS !NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS t AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third vireo, opposite the Rom Office BOSTON Shakapeare, No 1 , 1. Boors Me rehente Magazine for November. /Hackett:locker Magazine do D.MOCIItiC Review do Harper's New Bloodily Bliskanloe; lhelsonsry of Meehan'. No 2U; . Litwes Living stye, No :IM. Horace Peuplaton, by Charles Lever; Wow. in Attlefteg, her Wo3k and ner Reward, by Maria J. Mclntosh—a sew sod cheap edloon. 33211 COD Finn -431d010t large; 2 draws small, now landing; and for sole by mild ISAIAH DICKEY el CO 112 Water at (lALTI . F..TM-142 bap to art - m.3,10r 0010 by 13 boll ISAIAH piescEv aco B RIMSTOrik-1.4 brO 10 Mil', fot .1110 by 15AIAO UICKEY le CO GREEN APPLE'S—SO brio auponor, for role by • • roll & W ITRVNIC .I.loARl3.l , —ltro boodles .6w.! number. Monoclinic:is Trunk Board,, be quality. for rale bY 10011 A CIILBERTSC:C& CLOUSE MOf iirot received for rate by Doti A CULBEUTSON & CLAJUSE i t m-k-Ks_.,bis on hand ana t arrive A C ik ' CLA/USE_ REED OIL-451 1 1 , 7 8 7 j a r a i r , ra l df i o . r g azle c b o y non Liliory at. S AL. bODA-7 maks E 661.6, Jul tic , 41 : aVit s bY _ mit 67 Wood cl LitPl l LACK—f:sbrls Jan rcedl . lvVeii; JE T B lr tkitif 8-70 6: en. cJW , . blooms. lot @xi,. by Solt 'WICK b. AIeCAAN //LESS CAE - -iSTirPKT - ililliiese.. for elle by .., 6611 WICK a 616CANDLESS BEL&TS—xt66Ic , 6 fors•le iy - . -. 01/ WICK tr. 11cCANDLES if I lIKK ItNTS-13 calls reed , or m e non WICK tr. AIeCiINDLESS ti - lralr/ikrb - ii - WI - BZiaitioTc;liii: for vale by (mill WICK & MeCANDLKL4S BUCKWHEAT rLourc-170 sacks Hulled Back• at heat Flour, received for sale by boll WICK & McCANVLFYS vr eAreiNti PAI . F.K-2A ;lug rm . in, ,nin by [bell - WICK McCANDLE94 1)APPII HANGINGS—Ldabt and dark Suits %Vail Papers, al tbfu per roll. for tale by W P 11.111/SHM.L, roll - 133 Wood rt. IRENE PAPER. for Lining Hanky la. hb - re* '— boll W P MARSHALL r RiTINU ' :v.ILAPPLNG PRINTINO PAPER T' for sale wholessala reml, by .11 W P MARSHALL ANTIQUK WAINSMTING—An exernent iman Hon, an Wan rape:, for wale ny nell lC r MARSHALL T EAL/-1000 rigs Galena Just received per steamer .L 4 itirrem, nut ior oleic by editJAMEA A 111.7TCHLSON I CO _ . EYTILACT 1-OGll'OOll—L4 boxes Sa..lord, for y ale by J SCHOONMAKER a 11/ 0011 . 7t Wood 0 VIiTATEOF.,-1 cork No 1 il? ante by /1 net? J C1100:111eiliFIL &CO eILOV D 3-3 Eno for sale of , . J nail .l beIIOONMAiER &CO C• ZillgiCHL-2 Lsocis far rale by • /roll . J tr.C.Ht uNNAKF.R & CO TIN MIL-1 en, ben Frrook, for sale by moil J SCHOONIMAKER h CO CREASI TARTAR-5 brig pore toy solo by noil , I SCIIOUNMARGR hCO RSICA FLOWERS—I bele for ,tdo 47 f'l mli J SCHOON,"I AKER A. CO EXCAVATING SCRAPER Sall Clay, NUM, Loma &Gravels zu Sfrperuiear: of RoadJ, Chant, of Mills, Farm cid,.Kaa lima and Coral Commetorr. TIIE •Übseriber rerpeelfalty criers to in publa ble PATENT EXCAVATING,,sa RA PER, which ars gran thoroughly tested, and whine he is now in orienting. TM. Implement is ample in ire construe lion, t roop and durniar. yet light, weirairdi alma 73 pont s. It earl to need In all toil. was tae grearest owe, by any else who can UST a plough. One man Cobb pair of borne, cr yoke Co' oxen mid easily do the work of ten tarn. It to highly niefel in meltri.g roads, levelling , bills, Making daehrs, cellars, and enale, and in eadavaling tor rail toads or other pur poses. The :Melt Juipottern zatproremcal In the structure of the FICKV2I.O( la the intredricilou of eßsuignalile of moveable teeth On a Weal!. Intrfafe, with att these teeth being ht number and proportion adapted to the condition of the well In which the Excavator I. used. Tht• implenieut is cheap se well us durable, Leine retal/ the low price or AS. The Patentee Inetica toe public to the obeire and asks all who way doubt theta to pee hi. inven tion a trial. To be teen for the prevent at READY & Brum klaninon House 'Liberty street, Pittsburgh. nal Edger: JOSEPH SWEEI. COD LIVER dozen Huainan, Clark &Co's pure; also 25 gallon. to recevand by KIDD taclo not GO Woo 1 et SYIEUTSTURPEATINk:-15 btl. Ast receivedby nog J KIDD & CO SPANISII WHITINO—ZObIs ree'd for sale by mg J KIDDa CO pARI' Reperio r, (or Yale by ne9 KIDD& CO T AMPBLACK-4.0br1.1n anotted papers. rceelve of sale by [nog) J KIDD &c 0 CENTRAL TEA STORE. OPT received.. large and well selected stook of fag- fresh Tess front the !reporters, compriniou the very hest gut Ming( Greco and Black Tele, which will he .0 on tha most favorable tetras, wholesale nod retail The attention of Wallies is respectfully Invited to the asiorunent. HENRY C. ItELLY . , nelhalw Cor. std. alarketelley. TUT, EDI/OAT/081/IL RIEPOSITORY, ;Corner of Fourth and Market streets, 11IBRACES a couplets •asorunent otßebool Books E Bebool Apparatus, Globes, Maps, Charts, and eater edttedttnnat trenehers,Sebool Directors, and families are invited to call and examine the stock. nog ATIUN & CIPS 00 TLINE MAPl3—Mia spter- L - did pahheativo comprise, Maps , each ab-ut Bever, feet Naar, Every ecaoal should have meet For sale at the publishers tha EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORY, 009 Cor Market& Fourth ate. CUTTER'S ANATOMICALCNARTB,Ia rets, far ale .„ ho EDvegart oNAL REPOSITORY IN/ASON'ErBLACKINOLIO gra. ior este I. I'- • .1 KIDD &CO TO LICT, A LARGE three einry think liousa in Hand intent, oppo.ito bt. Andrew's Climb. Apply to W F FAIIPIESTOCK, noßldlw 247 Liberty Pt. Yong Shawl( 5, Lowg Shawls, I joIUBPHY LIURCIIVIELD are now opening a W/ fall monument of above rods, a nowest styles of the celebrated Hay State and Waterloo wanafac. tare. 11.0, BROCIIE LONO'BIL/WIS, From to to 30 dollargi and a large sapply of goods generally, some of which, at fader ed prices: Buyers will please call at north cast cont. of Fourth and Marta streets. nod 1T R-Bbrie fresh toll; 10 crocks do, for tansy two, received thw day and for sale by nob SITRIVER t BARNES MANN'S Patent improvedhioreatie binders fur In keeping in Wbook Ilse form, ensile, °veinal in voices, tenet., periodical., newspapers, drawings, bank Cheeks. or any other papers where method is desirable. This Invention, It is confidently believed. Is the best ever presented to the public (or the par. pose for which it Is desigred. and wfil furnish to rattly a deuderment long needed by all who may desire . to perfect the system of preserving papers for rendy and easy referenee. For sale by R. C. STOCKTON, no 9 47 Slerket st. tt ilWNn.T=lfo bags for anis iow BcB ENGLISH bDI:NC:Err Rsser-ATFCRS-130 brlZeibleclei—a2ll.ell low to dam roBl, ENGLISH & DEN'ab.TT ..... . • .oI nO •eacts Rue er eat 'Mar, a superierainelnersale no . 1. & W. lIA4D.nt:GII. [SODAASti—W calks Soda A — e - h, received Imd for a *ale by Inc 67 S.& W. IInitHAUGH. kantrah riF..O-4eo side{! Spanivb a Sole Leather, received and for vale by nee •8. &W. HART:UT:GiI, BUTTER—w burelt rackefor ede 14 & W. HA lIDAUGLI. CBl AN CHEReIE-151 bears Cream Chem pm rseelved and for rale by. nod S. i tP. IWIDAIJOH. SODA ASH—LOlcarka 51..Theller and Johnston's brand. for rale by J i S FLOYD eve Round Crumb. brls No 9 Mackerel; 10 brla Wklio I .N an= Cod Flab; , 1000=13101,d H m r i ng,rejl. FLOYDrIrY nob . IDI, nos 10E-16 roc Carelles for .ate y i a it pLovo R, Luuisvi tahlg—r , axle Lot4s•llle LIMO, In atom and or s y nog S. & W. lIARBAUOIL VVINDOW OLASS-1,0110 boxes CI saes, In slot, usd for sate by 0005 ta - tiblis—no don comapn and fuey far IrThi onß lairC y lAZIN-30 Wax fNax Allsgaany'Whaif [nal J & B noyu LOAF M:GAR-7Mt.iit•malll6,4 meld for Wetly noS .1&311F. 9n 111, , ,TC11180"; & CO _ F. 1,, hi. tztlinr ReratelY. p.1f6.111 l,:ot .1 ng Rilek DICE—% bT 7 A t 7 " Y°l&- z - _, °(‘ . L . s.d.oult. for rase by ro -^ A SHOT—JI anctled 1101I,LC : 1 7 :14,1 , , a:apy noel )A 11t1.11 A 14 '7O • W TELL AGIRL to rt. , ventral bcore work..wt.:int a per mantra vlunt-an and Food nay!. n.til be oven. Ntttn , need ar Vror/ referenvv. as to eha racier end att.t•ty Arp , r et thit otove. no] BOAllk of Pitcsbaugh. • THS Preeident n.i.i flt.ofife,f,a tble punk b,„ Ulla day doolamf a thvi.tetu of four per rent on the capital Mock, for e few 91 morAff, paifiel.le to stockholder. Or their 1,001 repr,ailutives, (alewife, J • f ,, N !iiff , VDEft, Cashier. Diarefeber f,b. ,c -.n07 - 11w nonsr. AND BUGGY STIJL/ICU. Fifty D ollars liearakd. , STOLEN from November r.ta'a !fay Man venh ¢ i•klic ea.' ¢ livegV vent] a hoar body, painted green, and about 55 years of age, re..., Incr. evd thielt t• I wall ilia Fifty Dol'ars Ilevrer.' fur ;he tart , . of ,h- ,hief, He that may gel him .11 , UN ac.7.dtve "Lezalgicn St, Illatt Pat re. YON ru?riNti!E t `'f & GillE FS E-100 brs for rsle VJ nor 13 F VON uorcNnplis..r & CII DIIOOM4---1:0Joz for salt, by sor S VON CONNIIORST sCO PATENT TlikßAD—l74o to,r Moot, dirro from Me ummufoor.rir , ood for rale *hoop. no: f AR1!U1IIN0T Aloe:into Magistrate and Civil OfEcer. Tte law relative to criminal proareatiobe, in il.rp,r, an to penury and amnion' proceeding , . therein, r before rannees of the peace and other tutelar/viten, tied to procem. proceeding' , and practice, comparing erre•t. aail. sad commitment at ru,h Caere In-the several States, copeclally Itennitylvanla. By Mordecai a' Kinney, author of the "Fa Jorttetb't Harper , New Monthly Magazine for November.. The above works Alt received for ealolN H. Lir STOCKTON, [Journal, arld ropy.) UERAIAN PINS-211s paets 44e4 (nr 4,1,,e by no: C A FLLIVTIINOT 1:1001iS k KV V.4-1'14:0 gro4, haled, NO, 3, 4 lied.'., l'+'t receired far ~ : ste- I,y • .07 C P ED ri:ANNEI.--33 . pee all wool, received on elan signinent, and will he road cheap. : no 7 C ARBUTHNOT EXECUTORS , nltrrloE. ALL perm, s Mdelsted to Me mums n! Won. IL Gra. F.eq., law of Raps totruship, 'Allegheny county, deceased, are reguemed to cake immediate payment; and all persons having elmnis against les estate will present duly anhtwitimated, for let ;lancet. LN.,,,„ r. ALLEN GIIAME.I2, nov7 dlatisretel Dlsratnnassta. asad Nl•sauractaaresllBmtait. 1111118 Bank halt this day dealaren o 4vldend of four par cent on ik capital sack. ona orthe profit far the last six months; payable alter the tainh Inst. . WM. 1L DENNY, Cashier riushargli, Noe, 5, 1591.—nr6dtar T OBACCO -fa k4g• Godno's Alsaist for sit' by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK noS 144 Ltberty et. (lUD F 1.511-3 drums stair rule nt.G DROWN fr. KIRKPATRICK 1131:CliET2-15 dos lost aTTived and for isle, by nce 1111,,WN 131.117P.R—iv bey prime roll, for rim by noo FlitOWN FTRIK PATRICK TIONEY-1 box of a delarbtfal flavor) frn, vale by 11 nod BROWN* KIRKPATRICK CftE9tli IS--ro bu iua o a and for rule b oou OCOWN do i.'INEPATIbICn BUCKWHEAT PLOT I-40 *arks for riic by n.B BROWN h RIELICBATRICR SVUUDdIi BOARDS-34 bundles fee vale by I.ct; is ROUYN Zs KIRI:PATRICK m A C 2; . ' hl b at 110, for *Fit 101, to CIO! conaigomeru, by dhob JOHN 3IoFADEN CO . 360 Pron. lit O OnA ASH—A fror costa for .121 r Ow nr6 JOHN :rIrFADEN & CO RnsiN-1 , 0 WI. Nal exult while, for fele io cash or rood aegoeial,le perm JOHN Me , S(ll - NI eel XT 0. S , O R-03 61,1 e. f. 7 Er, Jnir!.l -LI • ncC /A IIES DALZ ELL LMID 01L-10 tecticed ior ncG JABIEPThk r.Lt. MIRIALK vsji,t tc,,i fruaobrm ILA all , A' CO ( J O U:SE—NM by • rcG C INFIEi,b F RESH ROLL BUTTER-1u G In ci . c[as, id La. Ar., .3.l,teca do; ' • ./2/1. received fur cralG LS JBCJXFIF~D CLOVER SLE - Ga—G 4rlo is :tare and fai :bb c hy Ur 6 J It conELI) Qe.L.riseatih—u. ',as La odic a. ly Inv [a:r •,r 17 dr; . / C r:FIII.S.) Exchange fl ak or PI ttabarght — ' - Sr MP Bent bat thil tl•y declared a em, end Mar t out nt the reins or Ito 1.5 t months p a yable on demand. st TllO5lO bd HOWE; Cashter. fittsbnsph, Nov. 5,1550 RANsPAr.F.NT SALA iarge ;as•rtrtrneni at ma'-rent st, Ica of Window from the rttannfaetureTii in Now sell iltlialemlle and retail at the lone=r Nice. • 11 PHILLIPS 7 Ir. 0 y7aod Ucep your Foot. Dry JUST received from t Off . Ciain Foe tory, 12 gross cf Mot exceden• snide of Irina HOhber ra,e. for tendering boot: owl Afore null. fend imperviode Warmer not to ocrfort me emitter letiintl the trailr, .14,4 te?, fie ye,te Flllialtteret la ptatteete all ate 11,000 ttettittle, toe the money refunded. For ult., vrhofmn:c add remil t y non 011 I . IIII,LIPS TA. n ni tiERS' 011.-ICI3 briv for role nv , V5l. it 00.114.1 vi) R AIAN:4-100 hia new crop, for halo by WM. tIM: I,IrY ..s tall nO4 I, A.... 0 Wood. - - IlMtn WI. No I PIM, -trnmeJ,Jr•t finale by " r EltS. noa - • • IMEMEI AN active butine. loun, taeira a e.h eapbal o all thonband Joll.le, la lake aa vn very proLuble linaion.a, ioeutea in IVeourn Penn sieanza. Ile mall eontrol•the whole I.asine-. bi aeetion. Address O.W. F.., Una ollire. noGallat Saaled Proposal. ILL he received until lilt of December next. for the deUVery at the Pittsburgh ‘Vberf vn the [JILL River,or tow hundred and eighty thousand feet of Hemlock Plana. to be dime mu hen ILIA, twelvo inches wide, and sixteen feet long! a LSO, • . • , Proposals for stadang and laying down the Plant 06 the Farmers' and brachial:des' Turnpike Road. The panics° of the rend to be gataled and laid Wlth hes between the end at the road now stoned, and ha Interseelion with one titeensborgh and .Pnteburgb Tairoptke Road. near Henry INR:et's tavern. JUSEPII COLTARF, Sego:aunt.. 111i1 RICIIRAUM, Fresh's', nisei:lllw F. k hi. Tatnplke Road CA. 00,000 Copto• Printed of Harper's Now Moo. hip Naga:Me, Now is THE TIME To SUBSCRIBE. lIE November numbers, published and for lit In 11 T Holmes , ' Third strew, appOsite the Pott Office. Tilmisataiog °Nees at the Rh'e Monthly Mayas:be Is to present to the public in handsomer style and n cheaper sate, greater amount of resditlß Wailer than any other pertopeal in the world. . nob OIL PEPPERMINT-2M lb, warrantrd puma. reed far nkla by fouSl K E SELLERS CIICSTNUI-4O Lu j't "tJPrIV r t r ry Ilea ttl:Ct Libety st Super for Veatch and Irish Whiskey. j rt PUNCHEONS Eteconrils eniebreiecl t ilait 111 key, of very delicate (Inver. 12 puncheons alcheuCe Waierside,caßes graffiti. and high proof, under custom house lock. • • A 1.,, Brandies of different vintages and brands in half, quarter, and octave's. latprirte4 end far eat, by A 11 notr.ffdeollya I . Walnut in. Plailadeiphin luiss nnyvvs FHA VI. 11- CEIFsAM.—WOrre it Cl the man who does not appreciate: the ingury of on easy shave? 'finny there bo, wd do got address one. aelves to biol. But to allothars We My, it you, wish to render shaving pleanre,paschase a Pox ofJules Hauer, Almond I . l.lftetiOor hfunbeaslnl Obeying Creams. it is utterly Impossible - to find words to de. scribe the feelings of a person who Lae been and to Shaving Willtordinnry soap, aeon making Sinai of tlOa for the firs: time. It is d conabinhoon vi wonder, ad Mindion, and plensure. JULEP InAULL'S SIIOI9INO CllGAbeis cateced• trey emollient; rendering the rilgest and Xnast wiry beard tall and pliable, producing'. odininhle lather, and by a exttemely mild mound allaying all Ono.. lion, nod envenoms thstpleasant girt aid feedlot of the skin which is so ofte un n expornoneed Mies shay. log. Gentlemen using Jules Ilcuelis inhaving Ore= ma) teens the coldest nod most:plerclng 'winds in Malately titer it, use, Withollt rho illkldi.[COZlVllc chopped.: And there wee once use it. wo San safely say Will never ale any other. • t One great advantage. Which will he e.pecially premoted by those who wear whiskers, i• the Fs:: that it will not discolor too bend, whin h lien .0000 Will do t dung a sandy Or sorry eppearnien to the edge on the sehinkers. Jules Hattie Shoslse enema ore delightful preparatoms, conveninnded wire skin, no the atter exclusion of el , arninles oeniutmed render the operation of sisving unpleasant, and wilt he opprecinted by all who make tual of Otinna Po pand only by • 'JULE:3 11/0.710.., Berliners and Cheonlei, lw etestnet st , For sale, wholesale and rota% by B. A Fahnesioek- Co., and Ft.. E. Fellers, llusburgni and John Sargent and J Mitchell. AAeghonv City eap27--1 WHOLESALE FALI4 GOOK A. A. MASON & CC k" as a. C4.12141 1 / 1 1.plIT ST., Nmausou t 6 . 4 • - WlTi L l'set°o l . l °":eth'en`cTg:r4ferd , :....,.. Stook of New NU Goods, comp Using tit! /c.egesi".= me., complete AS/Oftilleill Lt . tke sasone.,to cm.mteT, consisting of t. 15 each beet Styles Pfilt*L . 4140 do Imported sod Aniarieycx Ginchsms: .;4.2 AlPoceaa, r arantjaitas. and Merinos; no Carbenervl and De Lain.; . 43 do-. Sedates am 'TR do Cloths amMessimer, 70' do BleaCknd Musli; 11° V N E;Itr411',°"' 290 do Drove Nnalins ' lt thates' Also, came' and pat kages of Silk s.Showlo, Good., AnAllnery do, Taoors. Trimming,t; Ribbon.. Lacca, Hosiery bad Gloves, e. Itterekttots are aossred, (sons tits greet tacit litre . ..,. 41b ,_ 11 .,k,dleut.or always Increasing Ow Mien anl ~ ...111.16 goods, I=4 at prietA 16vIr Uteri to Ittlyelltteru hone Beln, manufularets..... Ifor Jorge oriantitiea of fkoneetle Gault, they pert, aOllOll the °roes. of otorrhanto tore ome, •. d e II VM.W. 1.11 thrt esty 11 the ,ntile th,i sold ,t it s eastern clues. Morrheu.t., gota, Petlintillj tram the east, ate in•itell to to 10.canunal,,u onkel? stock. A A sotdlasop4ortm4 ELIEIIiVRIATIBII CUBED TEE untqaahrt 'unrest, Trinket nnt tnn et, or ntURTIMORF. , ,' ttIinDMADI , `'ON. POUND nrd pDRIFI R, In t M.; Ina; 3 eon big Din .ncrett non molt tneverve n n t, t ., FLAMMATORV AND, CIIRON/C ATin InR innfictont el.naare nod iceonmeuditnon Id /. doom •Te One:M . li itd4 nretaltu thtn, Id ilactiregs of eeres, many of th e . LOU., er:[. othrtAfront ihroad,Lave been Po:. in the las: few Morn4S in the VAS Or ss Lox... ar,r, while tali,- limn agents abroad .1 ore olio the, o the Lame wherever Molly of heat were a:Weave c - oleo of fang clouding, cid Lope of recovery itad been given op. 1% Joie other, were of co reoient date, cf the acute Inn aternataly fern:, ore revere. AU however, yield to tee wonderful vi this mcdicitie, and tuoutando who have re elired re benefits, end 'art now In trio enjoyment of health c-oi bat evicem the rimiest discoverer and prep rleto, . a hi:het/clot alma:Ai:ld. It:, we I known from the experience cf the put, that no ootwerd applicatienemi - pointy effect • pet • nneni c are of met druachul disease. Dl eppli t mr of anniefau,:g hnimentif, pullet rehrf, to mom email. me y be elite. nalor a theft time. Dat.ail Olin csitif:C noldim i51.2* I tVetup morels:am:wenn), in tne c). Wm. mna 500.010 r Inter win again develop, el a more dreadful Winn, and shot a few pedi odic •I It amlfee Wei 4 throrkle !mt, erbicb, It v.grom vreved, ruins tfie indisladel for life. Ws ve TIGe t by the !dimly of 'the post in all reentries, foci more (oily demonstrated by the lemory furemhed of f fer lis the preprirCor 'of tOtni.lba, IA stern by sereiantlfehle them who have posted timer his Immediate coke oral treatment donna the last few months. muailmonE'S comroeND ono FILOOD PL'ItIFIER i 5 o loteratt rerne.y— tom. meocra its operatic:la Where tie d.t.eare Erat migl. nate, old, la punlylng the blood. pant, through the shale Spada,neutrahrt the Impure or ...Ile am meta towel has settled upon the utembrarma, ammetes and terattott— rem. ca it entirely two the sy tttem,art rerterea the Individual to pellet, heath. 1.. c. 1E1,4, mll3 arc abllcted bet deceive ticture/v., and pat elf the us: of:thk teedlebe too long, or until their boils arc dtalocuted or contracted to ouch a do grey that they are.clipples (or tifi.t. Tim experience of hundreds of thousand. doling the part, tut well ar. a roultitule at the pro‘itit ddy, demonsuv cs the (alt Or crpectißg pert:normal relief from (withal app.: eatiara. The proprietor of the, valuable utedicide inver. fron t experience, that no Downed appnestion ran possibly oleo; n perichnent Cure Where tale thecae,. iirrnly tied in the eytkut. 17: can and does prepare And apply nu ernbruzlnen In very wr „ ch will go, relief In one hones tune but Oda will not effect a trmatent caeca he .vature of this durcatc le bath tint st rrquire• longr [lnv, alai inter oat remedy, to produce the desired,ce . , and Minna...el. itheurna, Compound and ld:cot Partner it the 0111) remedy that 1., ever been titecovcren,t ithat m Amer, ca or tut ether country,ibut will effietualb cure iht, thetas,. 'VLF; 'n,rditinaran wl,le,rale or I etol, 12 zeroaa l'indatrKb. ["nce,S Jtf t. c:Ilr ti4ll ce fo:12.1:0, e 4e l'oulaticl, er.n be 11.1 It rut, c•fthe agent IltEl , ,TAtclE,....sto. LUE:AIi-4* MAO prime N. 0 so" 1 on noo,igoner , t Tot vele by Nll.l-E.ll 2tl 8:7411.ab01y Et (i/Lt:ns tFU ItlliN, '4 I AUCI7-Cial.en 4 1 . : / / kin. 11 orct reed I.l' MiLLEIth 1i1t6E3141:, N I I. t Mot tad cc, Al. IL lor y 3.1 MILLED. ItICKFZSUN Elora Gocds Re VELD ere row opening an. iviu,aPriLYp o tynic tgoeda—mau et . tee at RE. DUCED PRIStS ° . Lttlieet three geode of 'abatis kind•, Red newest designs. Moab, Day State, and letpotted LONG StIaWLS, et bee , setate and new ii in. IIONNET:11111110tata, htuvlsrecte •ties and eery cheep. Ilmthe add Se:4=cm demi, Se, ate. jI 17.2 4 , 11E.A Ca11E.).:9004.1 rly and far rola by nca . • , hi ES. DaLT.HLL ••LA: lluas 107;•111161011/ o. .k. 3 - , }INGLIS I I & IWNNETT /111ESTNUT2-4 bogs t, nolo by t_J not , ENO( DENNETT B IJT . Ipa—,:7 . keg. mi . sale r, pj tv.„.„ BENNETT in COI. a tik.. uttortment: also C 3 Carro:ae9, Laka of ever; Leetztjalon, Cadallum, s I 'keg t.lort Slirs Colo7s. ,fader, Can 0. 0 • I oce'ved for .ale ay a'''" JFID,,h CO nor • CO Wood r: l i en iII.Lei,PITATE-45 ust reed or ay J KIDD& CO GM pLUE MIT lbs fur talc by not J KIDD et CO ULFOATE OF QUININE—Dm ono formic ,y no 4 : J EIDD & 4,Y1 , I .. cxs me' d n !ifr . sireW• I hint)* CO S IS 10D , WE OF IR . 0:V-5 It's fora; bz co 11 A' PILLE LOTIO i N3O Ibi !or ,we byp 81 - 01 , a for sale Ly .13 °° ‘ls-67 6") 11:1111It ' 11 1 ,8 Ir, INGMIAII ,o 1 , Ystzr et --- 19:0 ta;l;Lei heart's, nTsa rt L. 4 RIP OlL—to isletrnme fin I, for udo not InAES DALZELL suAj t -EJ '.'n NESIALZBLL OA ‘ ,",Lk: 6-4 1, - . itaiEu 51.47c,h d sin a tiaC : i da Ztm Rl - 7047t-6 ; 4 Fl •uru - hyi • NGLkiPt seNys-FT fatUNEY-1:. bzi villa for Intl& by. n. ~,,i • , IiNOLPTI lc' EMMETT' ,_. . 134 T A5ll-7 o!L.k. prydo liir fah, by A., 1&I . • VINOUS/I & DEN NETT C1771r-153 b 1 m rbil 3 l6oTfl eVIlkl 7.llartißubub-73 47 for&ale by l_./ _ not . K.Tgl U nv el n ' t:gts U tilL 4 ,ltYctl, -" atrs - i:e!.l b s ' f " , " cribrd dad ton :a& by WltX , A IIeCLURO :CO ' cull . ' ' 4M Liberty street. EE,TALL(iy-1: 1! - ji:5!id 1 i: WebT ;8,,, ILU_, !Nrx s SPENDID ltt lllneL Mae., 5 years old, wilt. aud Darnees tar vide. I:4riire of .• JOll,ll WAIT d, Cto Untrty st E bro , rDS—.A. larke edidi.dzendof action LA Liana lAgings and Law, ein . ndrallosnlnn Col 11,5, pllreb..C4 by the rubrdnEri ,Enciand, and 1., very trduera nand, uy • AREUTHNift . D Rot >V¢_ fb doz edtre,, received fer sale fry l_) cen . PdeCANDLErin _ . _ --r•r , Cantata Cloth far lioura4kg. pm: above &tack., Mow ea tauc, toed taltriaurnta, J.. dtcatra in place or Camtbazin. :I of all Ile var., qualities, to it bad at tin Marc cl Bruitylly: CURB/WIELD DIG tRON-2410 ROBISON LITTLI:k co rziNeWrs li 1167/T-WW-/q, Hlee'rp;ten/ to/ Yalu by 11/ Wll.l lANS it', Coy. !//th-hlT'oc'4l .----- _ 'onted ;to Clanctiar:_ A -I.l6lll%Drtil SErra Wbeetra : , Gran•Doal. i'V Applylu ceIC SCAIFF, A NTEINPON riilli et , between 3V004 tt sltr / 111.1AlSe.,+-350 las common; e.ra bas Cream Cheer , - r for 'ale by DALZFLI oca6 Water er. ISlA o t ; ;...g . ;0 4. 2.1C 1 11NA itV:3EO: - .1i1t.476 . 1t. C° cc.2l; : '4. EIELLERS P/ Ut3133,31 cue prinx 3Klacy 4133/Ted for .3/Lc - by r . 2 6 3 13: 513.LLEItt, ALOES--k on,giu7l peg , s fine nnlein, 0c2.1 R E SELLER.' ITELROWIDUCK-2 ti ceRG . ' R E SELLERS' I:7 UG ealA R—lo bhls Silgeoo.. toe'd for pale ty , LnCANFIELD -11 daz gentlemens I.aur; - Zonta, at tin yew. en t 'alle in the Rubber line, :Lich will le nub: lower than any whir eilabfiahmi lu the city ~b,“, received and for eale by ' &II 11111 ac 26 • A nal .tra.--141 odor Nia , sifii - tra. INC t r Door Sprinssotat reet/ord 11, raj, by 'H VHILLIPS 4A Eral.L.MTLEiniffnti.Tyric.4 2 o cct ,, .i. xi azoolc ! scitnble for tarrir,,R,,,,,,„ (0, Bole by . . H PHILLIP:3 6 : METAL-4 lons jalttcabl,A and for Dde by oc3o J 1 CANFIELD rlyrr,qEs PINS-211,p tcr by u , 74 ILLIAISB &CC , . _ DI.SR 0110 Ili suireiiticl far ode YFILLIAIIIR 'Xi as Pilo end lestt .ar sale by 1 - 11, I 'ILLIASIS &. CO WHITE HONEY-11.13 . bzs for sde Ls or:r.., I , .C."ILLIA.Nna. ATCHES—oIo !Met ai i Uor, for solo ty oall ; J LI 1 :11 , 1.1411f; .Io.CO bzs sapsstss RI s. Flour; 2 b.", Rob Water 6 las Est:sets:4s , 5 bws Ltscots:'ssrp..r. ba. VellumsDS bss thisc.oll: " bUL A tachd:Ses,:::: Islin, Moms, Cocoa, au! C4e47 1 , h[1.1.1 - oi gate by • J D se CO . • •• _ . - ____ A FloanCioN'Ls.,,, s; ~ . '.. .i ' L1 '.. . 1: 1, 1' r7 : Sr 2 r,t a lr. c'°°ll4"'Y'l.lrViclnli E 1. .: .'l de e''‘' i 3,, t , t , . , 3 ir , “3r , 3, E7gi*t, cid 1 , mc13. , 3,3 , 4; iApplicwunt kr,l2 3 Crcmg1 , 3L,, , ,, C431 ,, 3, " , t,41 Ikttlinc ~, ; Muslin .ndr ~,,siceti „ 1 , ~ F.33,l,rctidt3/A Chetoluzir,s, CULII, rir.,i Cn. 3r , I , V. ' 1 . 4 .",‘,, , , Coilari. .1 ,- 3 , it r,,resrce. b , r Acill I . a FII EATO... .. it' "/!1.-'---TCC;r„. ~. 1 - 1,138 i ail Ire , 1 .1. C...nrc,Ti'r , l r: '" , ,..,',, a 1 r i by ' - locy3 — ) ' in?' VER ,3 - .. 13A i1ti1.34 '.:'-',.. — , ,,-lEr° : (l".l4rir- fiiii; ' l ' fil 1 ' 1 ' 1 . n. ' 7 . : 7,3 , :fr i''/ * n'l- -- , ---•- -.- E• 1 .... o ,rc. for on ct v , , ,ET..7747riit.frt:-. —h. ,cv. , 1.... r ~,, , E, ,, , ,, , ~,,,,, N, s • 3/ rxr.r.l li‘ IRE r• WM, F re.1 4 : - I—Osi al Litell - ite i... 4 _ Akron Fite Proof ram!, eine:esle w) e z e ,.. „. I ce7 awl 9Weeel ere;, , orill 2 . lif if /1,L11..i, (; °lli.i '' —iC " 7.'"-* ' ; : ti ' ni ii4olirisi• xv , oro I I 1: Second et, ' )3114Z:l1 , —ti nor in Ito tenTjr Fiiiiiii - - neW its—eo-tri GLOSI, ... dinai), ior ante ler-- ...-.:..,- ; .019 :• V•III Ii JOlipLyroh 411)1, — Littt:IILIn reiiiingi lei., , ni , nlo 6y 4_, oelro . : t 1,74 71.. Nit, ulf.n4 Dm': VKA.,111.--,pl•lere an.. ; tor *Ale tsy --- 0?..,,_. ; _AyLy.lO/11iftTIIN ' ED6lll,ll,6lll,oag i lf i alfl . rs.a cfv, , ...,7,2 p — ,„ -- ;.,' I .. Firing atone macron we /Dip°. aurae In en, aad a o " ,-,.. 1. them u , b!. uuu.. .l' M orina7e la oler nee and re a' 1 , ORRIS O.: 11. wort l rlt t : ' eel} . . In the circE,7 7, E: .- *x . ""'!"`'`,! TVAT:. 7l't - ,f . .^: , ,, ~ f ke s Ettriitill7r V —.-----' VA•irgiTl I; —,,, t b if s 0 lll. r , ll ~ d and for sulk' by , .IklAl VI Co.inelig' /4 "'n l pr•ro :. ~. ~ 1 2Warrr at - a ,urtflif- - rkall ro conlqtgroleo, e f „ aa,....a, 18.1 , ././1 DIC'KEY a. Co l R1.'.0 ani - A - M.;7 - - 1 -/Tie - ii" - l;ial.. le, labtal. «,u L.' 1 3 13 rola lose, to civil. 4 . 1%041 DICK F:li a. 1 . 1 / ' oc2o • • bi co