The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 14, 1850, Image 1
A BLIS lIED IN 1786. WHITE'.& CO. WITTT Ern .13,1mr, latsl, run, NEXT Toot To I=l O.' p • ,oa per sun eel. ret-:ree. r --. • ..... 5,00 --"" W".IY; aevenee).—e— —.• 2,00 k , nit - nab:, at a mieee•l ta u: ItA7 CS OP ADVERTISES% , V . • AGREED I ' l- ""Y EV ,TI PITTBDEROII PRESS . • 0.. NO ie.,' (10 altel of Nonpa tell or tem) ne.,---110,5A floe boo ie, each additional maertion• • • • 0,15 • O. one week 1,75 • :wo_weok -- • •—••— - TOO lie "three b, --•-..-•• 1,60 1, orb month— ape lb. Liao nionttt•--•• 7,00 1, . three month.—. .---••••• 9,00 - Ira lour months • —•• • 10,00 oveive nionth,•••• • - 16•C 0 Ptaralit , (, Card (6 line* tote.,,) per annum: (0.00 One Squdoe,changral•le atpleasure (per an. tram) etc:ll,Jan of the pipet-- '4,00 For each additional ionare, Inserted overeat- thOttlb, r. 1.1 for em adds:Loi , agnate in,arted under the rear. 11 rite., half lee Adrerti•eca la .:.ceding a roar., and net over Arleen Lars, to be chatted a, n moire and a half. Publishers net accountable for legal advettlaertmuts argued the amount charged for Omit publication. Anndencing Candi:to., for °rice, to be charged the name as Mhor adsettniementa. • AdVertigereent, not marked on the espy, for a aped :led number of tio•ertions, will be continued till forbid, and papntentecar•ed extend. • tie prtv•lor,ei nlyearly ndirertillerS RUIN, confined rigidly to tne;r reviler tru4lnese, and all other eject . Omments not perddnirg to their regular business, ma agreed for, to I.e paid adatrtiuments for charitable Institutions, Are naparde ,, , ward, township and other public Meetings, . dd each lit e, ti Le charged balfprje c , payable strictly • advance. • Merritt,. miler, to be charged 50 cents. Daub hooect aroterted.trithnat charge,tartletsueom - Fettled ht.. facers! itationa or obitriary Ittalees, and . achen vo at oetoptoted to to paid for. Regular dvent•nr...l.l otbers•endlng comma- OlCatlone, ot tegoirtar notice, de•igned to cab atter , . @op to Salto, Saaers. Concerts, or any pub!. Valet , tents, whore ehurnea are ramie for aximittanee— allAtotinea of private etelteeiations—cverr notee de , aigned esti allentioso to peyote cc:letting. calcula ted Or intelt.tell top. connte Ingliln.lonl intern!, on• 17 be Ince:red with the rindetstanding that the same tuts he pair for. ff isimrded to be mlttrletl in - the cal column, the' tame wilt. Lc thaftvJ at the rate 01 not let: thy nlO cents p-re line. Illshop'os Fist Notlret to be charged triple price,Tesoro Licenfot Petitiont,lleach , Legal tn.: I . llo.llent 1111Vezitrert.eilloi to he charged at fall price, , Real Palate Agells l andApetioneeno •.ircrtille i meats nel le be. claeled coder gdartr rntes, bat to he , allotted di, count of thlrqr. hr. and one third Per cent. • from the amount of Lila • 1 I.VrCrt., Or ne e to Darby Paeans '• On endu.,three -{dart. GO Ili.each additional Wart - Lion . . 37 17.V.TISYSIEntn ItverrYi rAerti. One Ltatstre • (ID lineal ono' loco tion•----50 eta. Ps.reel, in:Ortlnn• • • .13 -` All teats, at • itivertitemehvi ie lie paid In advance L 1 - O.Ga ttttF -- IiAPPFit. Po•L 11011 - TFri Journal. 3,,,1PS I'. 1i.,1111. IL o.rCTts, et•tont e e. FiliTFl3 DrN,ilV Doitat,h. SbOWI alertury J6`.11:si111111.11.1., Asuerienn. - /IMAM hi CIIII.-1, Corning PllTret , ro , i, (tot. 1,1140 CAR 118 ALDERMAN, IV.J , Pknr: 6.. tween O'Hara mJ W. 11.:. All t..inca. Promptly ' Lam._ WA.TI3OII, A TTURNE7 LAW--u Fourth •tt.l obova 1.19 A TTORNEY AT lard irroluccsrteurr tar All cotnnaucrerata,a 1.:0113; Cy lalowerekl. E=l3= Tru HN:'.Y nT Lu.—th ..n I r'b ,acct, between ti:ai:b Letd and4ir nt, i'tttsi uegb EMEIMM ATTORNEV Countolior at I.w, and Comm,- gout:, tar Cue h of t'annsylvtutia, SL Louie; fah, Vale at Yttt tit .4 1,1 Pleferencei—Yst. t ouron: Hon. tittro-ard, Wilk. Miller, 11 , C.,,11c, h ftint:turo, Juba Itork.e, 31saital• ft Soft IttleCt rd ft: Wing. anytldttlY BIDWELL. POILIKALLeYING Yl'EßCllet NTS, GU 'goo, .1"5. 05=i -thy., Pm! Pat: Of.s) Malan pert:wreath , hatted at taut Ware, a new sad substantial Wharf Boat, wn are prepared mre. CON, and (,(Ward prompllF - poi,. , D 5 all on the ris er, and dandy and Leaver or Onto C rants. 1171 a Glrunose, enttaasaiie . W.B. WIXIDWAID-• • Zac.o.ll. DIULOALEY, WOODWARD & CO. Wholesale Gres. .L 1 cert., N0:231 Market Ft, Philadelphm. Pittsburgh Alkali Works. BNETT, SI & CO, Mono fit D rerso Soda Ashs.laleat Wog Powder, Mori; and Solpho Aside. Waretwass. ',tutor FektY• nofM•ly Ftedenckhraun. Octave Reiter. B RAuN RutTgß., Whoballe and Retail Drop gists, t outer of Liberty and St. Ojos =eel, pin. ore, Pa._apt • CMtANULTY J. Co, rotwgrdins and ii;"m• . mission ScrolAms. Cadal Gaup, ET4sburgh °KANT, Whotcole °rover, Cana:atom,' and C. FarmanHog Illerehont, No. 41 Water at., Pitt. : /i Ira licia-p--.•Amfrono 'lemon K Fleming HEUSI?. le, FLEMING) do CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS—Pot the tato of Do mestle.Woolen. and ttoonn Goods; alto, dealers in all kinds of' Tr antoings. No 1Z Wool at, 4th door from Ithh. Pot. rg Reference—Ale.... Wm. A. Hal a Co. Bunkers. a. 011.1261 r.A.zat, It invis. C OMMISSION 1,11311 C lIAN'PS and Bill BrokerCOMMISSION No IN Parotid sweet, Putshisigh. alm atm7 WK. 6 .1..1511, .16,1[2 I. a., NGLISII k DP.NNIXT, (late English, Gallagher Edi t Ca.) Wholesale Grocers, (tornados,. and 'Poo witaduag Marabouts, and dealers in Prodnee and Ph.- altrgh Mannhateres, No. 27 Wood st., between 2.1 and Hareem i . _ ant) il7.Niiiirt 10011WARD1 NG k COMMISMON GRCIIANT X No 112 Second st, Pittsburgh. mr2l ILOSRIT W. tOMDISTRIII LIVIii-.16171Fia16e/W;i11 PoINOW.N.TIZIL AL CO., 9I Slants C.OI(4ISSION and Forwaieing Nee- Slts and Flour Deatere,No 270 Market best, '1723 HEALD, LI clicnrott aco TOBACCO COMM ISSION MERCIIANTS. No. 41• NO1111 tCater FLteci & No. 18 North Wham. A. J. 80ca,,. 1111.ADM.PIIIA U. }Zorn C. McC,ounom 7. A. 'Woo,: & ro., r' 71 - telot il Atom - aeon lliot L.. l ,erty, ogo ' :ito Stb e rt rebl7° 1.1101. WIN N. lON. HAIIDY A. Co., (surcassors to Atwood Japes& Clt Cnqltnt•a•on and Forwarding Ater shards, (tonic,: l'ittstiurgn Manotaetured Good. Pittsburgh. Fa ntehr P. as AttAi ALL, . lecereama re 111.,C1i1. C. 111. - IYLPORTeEIgI Doaler in th'en.h and American Pa. per Ibinmn and IJorlcrt, Windom Shrines. Fire Lenard Print, Lc. A loo—Wraine. Prinnne and Wrap- PMR Paper, No. n ‘Vood tlicei, between Fourth Weal #nd Diamond alley, WE.i. aide, Plimburgh, Pe. rebid PITTINWItion GLASS WOLLKS. sIOIIN AONFIW, late of the firm of Chambers,Ag new h Co., would respectfully inform the old eas terners and the yuhl l e generally, that be will still eon.. Untie to tarry on - Cie (Men Blur tinniness, in all-tur varieties. and W pt• pared to fill all orders for Apothe caries' Forniorre, Minerals, Porters, Viola, La.. he., (u_trlntalng to los business. warehouse is No al Nuke street, I.mtween Pint I:. Seeped ohs. jya 4311 in ITi r dilfrD - Thit - il Ar"-:;4%lll37SleitSrugetat, sadJar er iollyc Sind:, Paints, Oil, Varntrbes. &el No. P 1 Wood at..., ona , door South of Diansond Alley PlLlanargb. api I — Aid Diii,lol.l,-,WiOle.iiieer, Cana ,- Nu., IP Merchant. sod denier to Pro:live and Pittsburgh fillanatsetares Noah W• 11, at, Pittsburgh; 1.0 laslall oiCT.x.,. .16VIT teltrligT, , it, ISAMU 12111;VEY en., Wholesale !Ordeal. Coa l tal.lan t ,nts, and ds.Jors in ?rodeo.. NOnlll Water, and 11.7 Front Wove. Patsbergh. notil John R. Odwunlo • 7.=•• .Joseph Dilworth. j S. DILIVORTII & Whitleitalo Grocers, and Ascots lot Ho S.rd Powder Co., N 0.27 Wood ., inusbargn dc. ; gist an d ApotheCarY 8L04.11;46-I..l;YjejA..t.ifti..,i4llli4cUe-ilUoninithoTliiril at. Phu: aargb,will hose cannently on hand a well ire:e.t.a as sorenent or the next •od freshest birdman...wider h. will eon on the nog to ta.onahlo tont. PhY.., 1 01. 1111 tending order., vein promptly . 11 . 111 ka ae_....."P -pl.l with articles they may rely neon Icr look Pre.trinuons will he acceriecil and daatl the beat materiels, at any halms; La ay or Tied. - .11.0100 we, Ist', noel( ul (rash ant goal Paris lells Soros Floyd. Richard ?loin__ T k. R. P 1,1 ) ,, sic toren, COMS. t.. J 3, 1 De•lera Pio.Lll - r, Roaad March i r i.itinfi en Liberty, Wood land SiStti ' , nests, I, DPI JNO. A. CALtNIII,..e, Agent for the late Crie an hliehiFtto Mto Beaver ana the Lakes.—ocae en the earner et WC ... MITA S.TI illiebtid G. I mut inrrotittoN, I.erns Itstritia,n ZS O. Carrattiaaats Merattaztr and.cesta eat Ise irrtaO. Plata Oscar Ce4nary tie 45 water a-. 1 t frost alrecta,Viaatutsts I 801100 , AlAtil2l aOO Whole•oto 1hng,212 •No2l Woo,l•ocet., l'imborsh. aD 1701417,',11 . 1r,1.011, Who!eagle ”O 11272 . 11,71,212, 411 Mvoie rohl 11151ttooents, School Nos 2, rapoti Sins, Poo', 1 4•1 1111 , P0W...004 an umlonary rtnerv:lT,No. et Wood At, Pillobargb. 11"7"1102, 1,,,,,,L,1 o•• ..keo o•ado • ar,l, Y — rCA N LD, (Late of , Warren, Ulaeq oloat itod Ferwardthe Mate:Ant, End wholesale dealer in Wes:, to Ileaerva ._CElcse, Hottentot and Yet...l Leh, .rd Weetern Produce /errantly. Water g /CC; bevorc =itt.fal 1 snd Woad, I'maloagh. LEA A /11N ES 'forme vling ‘,lqattnitsuon idet . . • ebabit. ttcstars in Prralobe sad Pittsburgh ratan slattarraar brier. Canal its.un, near 'Lb rt. apt PM'S IX MILL. PITTSDOOII. PA. KEANLLOY, CHILDS A. CO., I.l*.nefattarer. 0 am SI.P., til.f I-4 9..cenng, Carpet Casin, Gonna Sync. and lianinP. -----..... • nalCnIT ATE /Arctic lc Stockton. COMCSELLP.II, STA TION Eat, PRINTER,' ,r.d BINDER, corner of u.,1 Ttird stmt., PtSabirSA. SA ITSAAtf • •, • • • .:. • • •• .... ,;%• BUSINESS CARDS. Pittsburgh City Wass Works. W. CIFISNISOIIA It di CO.,' ANUFACTTRERS OF WINDOW GLASS. in No VG Market street, between First and Second, Putaburgh t F a. It Panteular attention paid to odd noes. Also, Deatort in FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, to. w. etrateritottor, 0. n. crozotutork, Miller, Plnlad. C. W. Motemon, Pittsburgh. 172 aids and Sagan, anJ corner of Liberty and Irwin strews, Pitt.. burin, Pa. Iron, Nails, Canon Yung, k.0...t.c..,c0n• .tautly on band. apt John MYtill. James IX bratill. Walt. C. Roe . NcEILLS & ROE, Wholesale Oro.. and Commie aion blerch.., N o WI Liberty St, Pittsburgh . arta PrintitEUßOdi STEEL WORRS AND tiPaiNia t=itMlM=M JONES & QUID at ANUFACTURESS of spring and blister awe, a'. plough steel, steel plough vrinp, coach and clip be spring., hammered lion axles, and dealers in ma! !table censors, fire engine lamps, odd coach trimming. K nandly, eonuer of Rosa and P rom ow, Pit=h, J. &J. T Corzont•olosi DI ore Looiir. NO. 31 Old LPTEC N Orleans, keep constantly on land tierce ternortmerd of Brandies of the follow ing brands, which they oder focsalo_as agents for J. Ebsrand A Co, Ilardeans, et s; Maciory, J.Fanari,J Du rand & Co, Lame belie, I I Intrand, Cognac, A de ki terrm, AL. 131tVIlle, A do Niondore, Jean Louis, Ac., &e; also, Anchor Gin, Bordoang Red and STISIn Wines in casks and cues, relented willt ease by John Durand KOs; besides Champagne \Nine and Sweet Bargandy Cert. rob7-1y• /10Lial ES &SON, No LS Market at, second door s from corner of Fourth, dealers an Foreign and NN Dads of Exchange, Cert Owes of Deposit, Dank Notes and Sheets. . . ID"Coleletionn made on all the pneeipal eitma hen...lathe United Smtes. apt Lithos,* le Zstabllsluneat OF SellUttdAtilsi, Third at, oppoelte the ‘,./ Post-Office, Plushargh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill. 'heads, Showbilht, Labels, Architecturnl mad Machine Draaringr, Duainess end Visiting Cards, he., engraved or drawn on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, Moore or Mal, In the mon appro v ed _ttve, and the roost reasonible Mena 0O(15:1y R O E 9 ro ^ & CO.. it. tO Liberty street Alb Pltuburgh Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commisnon illerchants, aod dealers -in Pittsburgh Manufac urea apt? •01a1F.01.1. 2110.3. LITTLIL WAIL IL tioillintriti. 'D °BERT MOORti, holesale Griner, Rectifying JR, Instiller, dealer In Produce, Piushuigh tures, an all hinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines nd Linea., No.ll Merry Monongahela On hand very large itock of superior old Monongahela wasskey, which scull he sold law for roan reyl o. simmosiut. L. L. Clint RFNOLDS fr. GHEE, Forwarding and Commis slot Merchants, for tne A tit g - neny River Trade, sealers in Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, ntanufne- Itteli, nod Chloride of Lime. The_ lilghnt price, in cash, paid no all time, for country raga. Cone , Penn and Irwin su, until it" blabentetures, Liberty street, I itistabro, spl9_ - R. A. CONSINGITADI, fintraotx.sALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding, V nod COIT.Mi•31011 idatthallt. and /*O.' in Pau burgh Manufactures, No T.lg Liberty int ect, Pittsburgh, _ _ S.e rytaut.t.ery. THUG. It WHIT. lIACKLETT wurrE, WLoielsle I)e...te re in /...3 Foreign Anil Domestic Dry Goods, Cl o. ri Wood • • • littert-Plorbtugh. • apt: • 0 a. W — ILTALIM,II3II7WouI Motelt.nts, realms k to Floor and Produce generally, and Forwardleg and Co:amiss:on Merchants, In Firer etreet lIG Savor.' noir. Parburgh. 1. .1..1-Sts, VITTSIO.II. /OLIN 1.1.1.•01...; Kann,. D. QE:LLI:US & NICOLS, Produce and General Cool. 111(Salon Merchants, No. it Liberty street, Pitts. burgh. V(IN Sporm, Linseed and Lard 0111. opt: BrNNHOtalt COT\Vholeva!r Gro- S• ;era Forwarding and Conatuirsion Merchant,, Dealers In Pittsburgh Monutactarca and Western Produce, have removed to their now IrlirehoUlt, (old nand,( comer ul Front eruct and Chancery Lang.. apt: 1110RHIS i lIAWORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, liars ride Diamond, gart.. r. rlrtirrx.i SILELIVEII a nenstss, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Product mud Comatissum Merchant., And dealers in Pit:gnu:an Manufantaend Articles, N--re. 130 and 132 Second streets licrween Wood &SmithLeld, Piusbura. oast WZ27.1 I=l nfLYgtLtlGYae., Comederma Meeharre adatineeduee and Pieabnegh M.ll faeulres, 3EG ',Eberly PitlabaTs . /h_Pa._ •rpil F LOUR= 9 ::i a l go pe re , e an r .n aaa . EY, ' O.S kb, Fine, arriving, and far rale by DROWN & KIRKPATRICK IRVIR VErOULD Inform the pobbe, they have taken the TV storehouse formerly occopied by the late Ale Solomon Schoyer, 114 Second street. Having. lathe and conintothons warehouse; they would ite the attenuon autumn having goods to consign or no. r. They will also give attention to the purchase and sale Of Notha. Drafts, Bonds, &e. aug7 attratati. • IL N. IVasensum •.W.6. Wamrma.o- L. S. WATEISZLIAN & SONS. GROCEIL3, Commission and F., y warding. Merchants; dealers in ali k I ads of Prc.. date & Pa/abuses Ilwanfartisred Ankles; am: &amnia for sale of Richmond and Lynchbors Manufactured Tobacco. mrt WM. TIMM'S, ATTORNXY AT LAW, Sitter, Pa WILL lbw attend to cc Itione and alt Anwarty y 9.3 et:Olmsted to km an Outlay and .' counties, Pt. Refer to J. k. R. Floyd, Liberty st.l Vt. W. Wallace, do I James Marshall do I Pittsbarxe. day Ray 8. Co., Wood at. 3 ____Jan'_ - - , JOHN HeFADDN 4t. CO.. FORWARDING & COMMISRION MERCUANTS. Canal Basin, Penn street, Phtsburale met JAHNS Et. DAVIS 6 CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 2.. r Market, and Csl Commerce at., Philatletylna. Advances made, by either of the above, on consign• morns of Produce to either Douse. mot J. Ir. Willtams••.—• J. D. wit.i.isns co., lITIIGLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERO, I".crwardlog and Commission Merchants, aud dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Martufat• tures, corner of Wood nod FINt strews, Pittsburgh mrtlO Wm. H. Wint am• --•—• C oMcVay. H. WILLLIMIIII its O . BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Cast corner of Wood •nd Third streets, jaul Prrnaosate. WY. ssesirr Mtn It. Colony!, 111112.143 vir w l4.7 3 kciAtt , ac. CO., Wholesale timers, IS ‘ll and 2D Wood dunes, Finatmgh. apt 2 /00 D. WICK, DAM II'CAADLISI. 111TICI: t 111'CANDLESS, (soccessors to I. & J. D. Wlek,l Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding sod CW01311.1011 Merchants; dealers in Iron, Nails, talus, Colton Verne , and PAwburgh Manufactures general ly, corner of Wend and Watt r s Meta, Pi tts ball h. apt?_ & 11.411tCliGraffttl; 7 Wirie • v Recu wog Distillery, and Wine and Liquor Merebants. A so—lnaporWre of tenet Ash and Bleach ing Powder, N 0 100 Liberty tine; (oppostte 11..6 street,) Pitahargh. apl7 VV, W. WILSON, Watches, Je welry, .11 ` Aker Waco . and M [Mary Goode, corner o e Fourth Green., rogyburgb, Pa. N. D.—Watches and Clocks ea...folly repaired. .•.17 11,ot- 10.1 R. ieeres. AXYI4. YOUNG tr. Co, Maims iC Lesther, Ctn., I'l' ka,143 Liberty street. ran,' mac rit'orronsoiti. iron. fr. FL hu,cuTcar.opi, wbok,..l= W dealers in ['Wore, Iron, N. 8., Mose. •na Pinshargn Munnfritture generally, Liberty nreei.— Pitaleargh. ani: ci.r ArLiFiscr.suir. r DAVE taken wM. CORit. into partnership with 1 me In my businces, which lola from thie dote he carried on under the name of "John York, Marra let, ISa. RHIN PARKER. 240 Forker• -.-.- •• • • 'William Can. JOUR P/1,13.1E.EC1L At CO., rholosoto . orotrro, Dearer., in Prodace, Foroqn LispoarA, 01,1 Alanzragahela and Rtctified I 1 kG[cy. No. L, Cm:mere/ al How, Labe rgy Pit üburrh, tar= WATIMILN Ulan. WWI. [l.OOll. W. E. list eezatir.a. lIANfiA a• CO, (Soccsesors to Hussey, Hanna A, Co.) IDANKERS, EXCHANGE UROICERS,, and dealers Pal in Foreign and Demesne Eschange, Certificates of Depnaltn_, Bonk Notes, and Specie—North seem corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money rtecired On depotite.—Sight Checks for salt, and collection made on nearly all the principal point. the United proton. The highest premier:lodd for Foreign and American Gold. Advanc 0114 t, on tonal mints of Predate, ship • • Ea e. on libnrel terms WK. is'etnia.] oar.. o. neon WEI. A. 2:PELLUCID a CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 2:16 Likriefrarcer, eon. Wood, Have elnars en hand a Inset celortTnent orCheica Groceries and Floe Teas: ake, Fareiza Fruits and Nets. Wholesale and Kern:. Desk:Ts scpplie4 ,r n rc OA. t IinAGLE.' GLASS WORDS. JOSEPH D. ABELL., ANUFACTURFS. OF GREEN GLASSWARE, MVials, Bottles, and Flask., Potter Scotch Ale, Slinerat Water, - Pa t ent MeWlNdicine, and 'Wine Souks of every description . also, TROW GLASS. Keeps constantly 'on hand • central assortment bf the sborre articles. ALSO STATL, as the other Green Glass Factories are an. norm, as Is the cecina in spOSlllet, Tars FACTORS Is BOSS IN FULL orscartoa, end or operation both tiIIOASS and winter. Orden IstpeCtlstly tedklled.S.o.l wsll be filled on the mortestitotlee. Wsrebonse, No 112 Second Mrem, betWeell Wead Led beiltbbeidmr. Potsbnrcb. • 12:W. Q. 10,11,. P. A sa d a and CHAS. CARNES have this Ca, usociamd themselves together. 2 . 2 <!!,_ he firm of rr. "lames, lot the bola( trAnsec the ' an o.r.vr. Pronee. and Conan/Aaiun boat- d 1.22 Second street, between Wood and Sealttficld st Fambarth. A oimm 1 , 1850.—eoel WOOL I WOOL I T" mni‘et Pelee Cue will be raid fot the thlfentot ethers of Wcrol, by tfl2 Dixt-vatuot, —IMO It. tor MO. bY .p r O II A EA UNDITOCK h NISCELIANEOI'. vourrii STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA ins maginficent to ehmenr - being now c o.w. pleted and ready for huainess,the proptier would respectfully gotten share Di the patine patronage. He Boots by giving his full mwntsno to the tintiness, to make the holm a pleasant and comfortable rerun for the citizen. of Pittsburgh and for the country generally. Good attendant. will be in waiting, and every en. erliOn. roode to render the establishment worthy th, countenance cud suort of an intelligent continunisr• The TWO SPACIO pp US HALLS, fitted ( or Parties Concert, Lee:area, Balls and poblie meeting., will be let by the evenine or week, on as natal tenor WIT other in the chr.• The DAR and REIITAURANT, equal In style and beauty to any in the world, wilt be kept furnished with Pure Wines, Choice Liquom, Cordial. , Potters und.all the cool, light, refreshment,. of the ...awn. POoIUT. Game, Fish, Scup, Oyfiters, and than., nerved up In the best style.' The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the flirt floor, and easy of teeter, will he constantly . Irapplien with all the Luxuries and Deflation, of the season; and abn, with such sehstanri n t a t, the markets afford. Boarding r 12.1 i u o r p a rker, the ~".lor had p' o n nl . ort or Sapper. notice. Gentlemen with their families, rising,' the city on, he moaned with refreshments 0(.11 kind, many hour or the day. Good StabOng and an extensive Livery Enahlish. went iv connected with the 11.11 Dinner an I o'clock. tneakfac and Tea at the 13%.1 hours Entraorte for Ladies to toe Ire Cream and thsing Saloon, No G 7 Smithfield street. E. 11. VAN RENSSELAER A. unarrolmr, #l.) ) A. VrEllitlVFLi. A• WESTERVELT & SON, WELL KNOWN VENITIAN rILIND MAKERS, V hoop emnatantly on hand or mate to order tho boat article to thcir lint, at their old sand, No 11 Si. a air street; D i amond. Yen sun., arcood story, eall'atiet N. the tian Shutters made 10 order, and old bliuda 'wally repaired. apt. W. & J. GLENN, Book Binder. WE are anlf engaged in the above !tomcat, muter of Wood .d Third tweets, Pitubargh, where we arc prepared to do any work in our Imo with des patch. We attend to our work personally, serf s ir,- (iction will be given in rcgard to ire tielOll[4l4 and do- rability. Blank Rooks ruled to any pattern and [Wand sub atantiatly. nooks in numbers or old book. lonicd cute fatly or repaired. Names put on books to *lt leOcit. Those that have Nova in our tare are invited to call. priori low otviAell P.S. linchic.• Shop. WlGllTALAN—Afanafacturer °fall kinds tif -•' ./113... ton and woollen macableni, Allegheny city Pa The above works homy now m foil and auecosstal oration, I am proparod m egetatc otter, with dispatch fur all Linda of machinery In At} lane, sorb es willow , . pickers, spreader,, cards, pinetrill taut Lines, fairways, drawing fumes, speeder., Oratorio. looms, woolen rants, double or et 1( *c, for merchant or octant ry wort, glide and hand lathes cud tcot•in ten oral. All Irroda of shailing wade to owls., ar ran. tt• - an for gearing factories or mill. nt roasonabir charge. Raton vo—Kenricoy, Child."o., lllaelast•etti, Ben , .1.. BENNETT i BROTHER, t/PEO NSW A trit NI A Nl:Pia:Tit NI ruallagttan.l n•cor Pittsburgh.; Abr. Offi CS. Ne. .:17 ir al, SW tetnryx 111-zrirt or; Woo:, P•trx.sntsh epV ILI. conzuntly I en'. nt. 1,7..1a g 0...! e 5..., tan. et W•l6, 01 ....I owls manut:tetcl.....t.: suprootqual... , IVlo.lcsale nod . C.....`. I M. - c hams ate cc,pectl,.) nytir,sl to 1..c.1L.:nd CI tmin• for lt.ettnclrc.A. a .c •tc detere.4ol...l .0 e-e!I ch•apar shin hat ••• r 1...10te ,scrt uLtcrc4:,, ~• p.c. I.e. U . lll dr rs awn I,aro •r t. cold rcicrente. Na.:ll pro.,tof •t.cott'd to tort` X 4 A %1 , urn.: would teepecivilly An • the pubes th at thrz have ore:. l a shop en Limpet, between federal and Sandusky atroets. 7 he / ate now wooing and are prepared to rreeiwo orders for every deieliptiou or trite ri, Coseh,, Clint',, Um roaches, Buggies, i'hmtous, ne., ho., whissit front their long experience in the manufacture of the alsten work, and the !nodal:a they hove. they bud co:indent they era enable' to do work mos , on ow reasonable tern. with there crinoline article. in tutu - sine Paying paiticaLar nitration to the celecoaa of mate rials, and hering none but competent workmen, they bare no heti...toniwurreatin" thew work. We therefore ark the atieution of the pabile to this mutter. N. B. Rey aria; nose to the trot Luanne:, rad au the moat reasonable ternte. -u aer-urr. lASI. , Al smr , ... SO/LIPIL & ATIMINSOIN Pit! ESTvI2.I WCOD SIC Mamma. Pre,kalotaa, jT: IMRE to taloofactore all ktaia GOPPER N AND SIIEF.T IRON WAR.F.. Alto, Bla t =Oh Work. [roux Stearn Dom. bat to order Spec cal attention !raven to steam bast wort. nave ea hands a Los assortment or Copper sod Brass Ketlles,Tia Ware, &c.d., Steamthard Cook Swifts, Portable Forges, various sizes—a limy consdnirot ar. Uric for steamboats, Cattornia emigrants, ta tail road copanies. e oroald mop...dully Inane boat rr.en nod other, to call and see oar articles and ;ince. rotors per - donnas sewbere. subsenbers beg leave to inform the public that they have obtain.) from the Oat all the late and ash.lonable detlgns for Iron Ratline, both for bousea and ermetenes. Persona wishing to procure hand some pastures will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. flatting will be hunialted at the abort tat wake, aerate the Carol manner, at the corner o; Craig mud Rebecca meet. Allegheny city. atauta-thf A. LAMONT ft KilOZ. WILLIAM DIOUT BEGS leave to Inform his friend, and cestorners the he iv rust rest/sing as new Dort ng sack of taa...l• comprising,. aistel, all the new., and most fulls, shin styles of Clothe, Casturserea. Testmg•• rot tau and linen summer Aug,, and every article salable' for getrtlesten'Assear for spring ands:lumen quantity unpossible to describe the beauty, quality, or quantity of the sock, the proprietor hopeA a ll who are in want of gi v eo heap, fashtonable, and well t his o will ge him a ran, as there it no stock ante of the Alleghenies that c. compare with The ready made department to very etunsise, wisp - led to all numr. Rail road contrueters, country terra/nes, and all wtto purchase largely, are partlentaxly Invited to ex - 11311.11 U. strut before purchating, as pastes'', at tention is pald to the wholesale business to this emelt- Waimea. Every article in the tallerlng tine mode to order fn the mast fashionable and best manner, az the shortest notion atrllS llis partnership heretofore existmg under the arm T of AC BRADLE dissolved Y, is diolved ty the decease ' A o Mr. C Elrsdley. Th n veal be coned on by Ai Lindley, who will +mac the' bosinets of the lam btrn ILEDIOVAL—A hag famoved Ma Foundry Warehouse from Nollt Second street, tcePlo W Wood street, between First to Second streets, to the ware house lately occupied by G A Gerry, Where be will keep constantly on blind tureneral ass of Cast ings, litotes, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Art. 1713 SARIICIRIr IirANUFACTURER OF CAST STEEL, and No.l 111. and No. American Dilater. Steel. Also—Rest Coat Steel Files, or all .100.5 and Olackamilli and Shoe Hoop alwa7a on band and for salt, 0101er of bia'•l!a -odlce tha Iron Store of BOLLFIANS AG A Rill- SON, No 4, toot of Wood atztet, Yllt•tairgb. air-41411u We, tho undersigned, baying cued, nnib entira gat. Isfaction, the Cant Steel and Files made by Samuel MeKelny, at him Eagle Inca Work., In this city, take pletimare in recommending them as equal In quality to cm) ever used by es, of foreign mannfacture. Pitobargb, March LI, ISEO. & J 11 BIIOENDERGIER & GO, Aladarattarera of Imo and Nails, Plumbilegb, V. KNAPP k TOTTEN, Iron Founder. and Maebiontbraittaburith. COLEMAN,' lIAILM AN & Manufacturers of Spring., Anle.,BpringThe rburg el and Ellvers, nuh, F.W FABER, Engine Mulder. and Atacama Gard Manatarta• rota, l'Altitrg.4:a. Enos Penedo, Elltabargh, Pa. GRAFF, LINDSAY CO, Manatee:wen of Iron and Nada, Pitsbarr, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINON, teleofnallve Engine and Sin p Dan W der W , EntibALLACE,uigh, Pa. W Math!, Manufaesirer, Moehine and Engine Heil. venni or. Pa — 011Mohallon of fistula eretslpe egiliki Porto...hip heretofore existing between the ealmenbera, under the Gem of Chambers, Agnew dr. Co., Gitus Manufacturers, was dtnolncd by mutual consent, on the fret day of July, instant. All permute owit, thenmeiret indebted to mid firm are rt9wt ed to make pityment to either of the partied, Md.ot delaa, and oil pe rsons haring unsettled *caw.. with said bent, are melted to math them for teetirment Immediately. ALEXANDER CH A.MLIKII.B, JylitaiGeo JOHN Ati NEW, D. IL CIIAMBP.ILS.. riiliEo..ll.l sad conan i onea of goods arriving by 1 dna "Citizens' Tortable goat Line.,” will please tale notice ma they wall be required ta Pay Amato at oar warehouse, according to Me Wrist, boom the goat. are removed. C A MeAIsiIILTY aan tyl Washings allassoistragi wed Clanuslog Ettaactionih—fist the clothe. Into cold water and let them snit over night. In the morning wring them Oat sod pal them mon a Itettie of boiling water, to hich add the proportion of one pint of gold to eight gallons of water—stir trap and boil the whole twenty minutes. Tau clothes may then be wrong Oat and lieu fillltd in clear cold water. •The parts ol moms that may be most soiled, curb es W6/40..4 and conars of shins. may be ',lightly rubbed before noting, and the clothes will be tounl petite:dt clean, white and clear. IVarynnted not to iniare the Coral febrie end to perfect satirfvetton. et Me money will hi- refandril. Sold wholesale and Moll by 6E e SEI.LC st EE P Wor st hie velandi Warren sad Pittsburgh Telegraph Company , T N parmance of a retail:lion of the Maid of Direr " tare of the Cleveland, Warren and, Phubargii Telegraph Company, re dusting thmEectetarg Unman out end reuse to Le patina:ad in the newcpapera along the lux, an exhibit of the financial end outer alfairs of Mit coupairy. I submit the following lissom— ns line of Telegraph enema:nee. at Cleveland and terminates at Pittsburgh, pawing myna gh Chagrin Fels, Franklin, Newton Falls, Warren Tooapatovn, and Lowell, to the gum of (11, and dew Castle-and nocheater, la the time of Pennsylvania, at which poi is Mina are alma located in the revemt and transmission of bounce. The whole length of the or hats =Pea—Capital Stock, tri .1 per tale, making a mud capital wick of g22,,,150, ore/bat amount SWAMI m held by &tuna alone the lino, and the balance la held ay Conan spied, thh.eunhantor. Tho Matra amount of hh ii attipuall• by cinema, Lava been paid to co Speed, (or tough the Triate2ll have their ramp. jettidtf SFS PERSON BALM. Pee mbar_ TO 110• T 110ILDICILS. 1.00,000 feet ftemoned Duet Plank; 100,000 teat Coal fkal IthilMti For sag by ROBEIrraeIINGHT, • Avornit al 14w, Foonli uL - _ PITTSBURGH, THURSDAYS MORNII44; ,NOVE BER 14, MO. itatt Minna! Fin Insurance Company, HARRISRIIRO, PA. ry/IC very liberal patronage catentleil to Chit cow- P." 41 Layton Matted ;whew. to the amount of mar On of d a Half ntillfou of Polite, dating Cho la.t ' 4 ' onths , in vidiletent nannifonstien of the nit, ma ,ou .n anti confidence of the :white in the system of non •c we on which ha bolt,e,ll rondeeted 7 city or country merchant end owners of dwell ing . and tittintrd or ca try t .roperiy, Al it believed tLi mmetaily clout. advaid..{.• m Pot. Lf eheap- Lev t, safety, and mcurity, interior to no Insusattee Irony uttt comull• Cmulticte on the egettablr and greatly improved nye era of ClasaiScation of Riabnic.clndilLga lt• r l her 'II.. ' , tinning only a limited =mut in any ono Inc llty, thus precluding the (rogue - tiny and occurrence o P f ie lmvi t e n lireti, and al.o on both the Stott and Mutual inot only pet...see the rheapuese. mid snnom dim; an on of both method?, but entldea the Mimed to p.rticipntion in the profit.. It is tinder the control of the following Difeelaf.l — Job t P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillen, John II Packer, Set oel T. lege, Alone A. Curter, Pluto C Selig? wet Robert Klot?. I P RUTIICHFORD,Priet A 1 GII.LCTT, Seely A A Actuary L much Office (or Western renunlvartin, SI SmitL. Sri. meet, Pittsburgh. Yensana anteing Intattarica war be turtitabud with Look , orate computtY bye r Ol. rel 11112221 Agg. oolwaed intwmen•• Ismalsolca Com— pany of the Oily of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL 1200,000. J. MOOREHEAD, Neal—W. W. DALLAS,SeeI Tlti Comp.y ig now prepared go Runge agalgitt FIILF and IJAIIINE RISKS rog all kind. Atag,mgaAtin 11.. e, 124 4. reg Wain . se. 91IIICIOM .1 R Moon head. Body Patterson, Wm. fill, R.:'Manley, R. U. Slmpgon, Johan Rbodnr, M. Maar,lAwand Caen, A. I . Anslicts, W WI/ wood, B. C. Sawl'et, Ch.. Kam, Win Gorman. •, •13:d1y . _ . "sal Ilealth Imituravao•• rpliE Mutual Life and Health Insolence Company of Philadelphia, ismorperated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 11411. Cheater perpetual. Cup.tal,Bloo,ooo. RAT. Lawn Than Seal Ptsmsn.- v. , COOO.OO, and full au per sent lower than the usatti raw. of Life insurance, as the following com parkon will show': Th.., • Per.n of ik• ago .13° Noriln „g for Sltad for fife, mum pay in the (Read S'l,3•—' realsylvarun, 112.36, Penn Mumma, &IX; Equitable, SAW, New England, 131,36,• New York Life, WARNAt -111,4% Life and Health, Plaladelphia 1112 S• O ekrrora.—Samuel 0. Orrick, Charles U. Hall. W. Leone, .one, Reboot P. King, Charles P. Hay., IL W. 11012 win, M. N. Reeve, M. 0., Chas, 0. 11. Campbell, Lew. .a Cooper, 1 Rodman Raker, E. Edwin it. Cope. Pre:Went—Samuel R. (Mkt; Vice Presi dent -ROLL. Y. King, Scrietary—Francis 131mkbarne. AI plienunca will be received, and every information give.. by EAbq.. FAIINEETOCK, Rat, Ones, COL.= reial Rooms, corner or grr. 17•411 y • Wood and Third ats. Pittsburgh 11 2 1111,ri. AND ha INSIMANCE. IF hill INSURANCE CO ol North America will 1. make permanent and United insurance en p.c.- pert) lo this cuy and vicinity, and nn shipments by tfent. RisErS, Laken, and by Sea. The proverb. or thoa l'onthany tire well invested, arid fond,!, an avail ableiond for the ample indemnity of all perusal who dew- to liaprotected by inthrithee. tar ter Wig. P. JONES, Areal. 44 Water al. troll! OFFICE of thn InAttranee Company at Nand .tonneira, hut teen tornoomi to No. Ut Front It east of Wand. • • In , anb•craber, agent for the el.oTe &d am'. reypon• nt•lt. Company, mil 15... ?Mims on lluildings and no," contents, and oft-gl,ignunta of hlertitandke by ,ceasn Roma and nth, vessel*. 0.4 W. I. IoNV:S. moLttrn nail Antique Fara tar. J. W • W. C>'-`" ' o r e Ilespe Minder it.(olta th• that lie has con, piete4 his spring mock of FL! the largest t hd most varied assortment ever offered for sale In this city, comprtsloit several tea, nr gm-swoon end BUCK W•I.3TT, carer i, ornamental and plain, suitable for Padorg, mo o n; n od !J e d Rooms, al: ea winch will to sold at the lowest price. Pet .ans desiringFlunnure of any desemption, are &peen ully minted to mallard rill.= his atoct, which mobs sees ercty Orsempticet, from the cheapest and rja..t, Lt. the most elegant end costly, of which Pm tultinumg cornpmsev Vail' TT. • Vett bolus: Tme a Tees Mignon Cohvessanon Cho as; VII sbetlitad t natty, IleeepOon du Louts Rl , ' do I:E.:testa-1 du Buffet Unique; What Nets; et Tables, 101 comunzdore: Dent, of York's Cough: ilotua woo flash nod Hatt skill si Ott Log an, do do or. 40 dim hilltop/ivy Pwier Chairs to Loscomnidu do. Wainut Jar - Cana edm fiat atOT tins ; duPiano ,a.,• at to “..‘ . to idshogatte le do W.: ttnibes. to HPI W stout .10; I. Chatty; dot It very tare! assortment of Common Chain site oth er Caret , to wo tedious to menton. j- enetzu Routs furnLatted on lb. shoeing nosits. All mdces promptly attended to. e. 8.--Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all stew of Naing•ag, Weis...mai Veneers. at contaidenablg reduced prices. lebli MERSEY, FLEMING Sr, CO IRATE FOIL SIALS, FROM TITENANrVACTIIRSTM AND AT }AST , FAN ANIWAVTUREIIIS' White Flannel., all! 'DI, Dr Qin • do Woo Dr..; Yrliovr at all are 1.1,0wn do ogarc.l at FletoTy prices • Iflaelr Satatetta. Steal mtzed Woke Len. SLitteg. . . . Libreoo ( - beets ituil Stripes. yen' Dr,. no hear r goods. Duct Ce.siwere. lea.n` Bowie Pansy do ite.l Padding, super do' Vevey Tweeds best Padding, lluetradl !B i Soper eet Brood Cloth. Talloretrabwasa.licavy dui Super Brown an Brown Linen,. Pilltiti's Super Breen do !Drab New, blaci dn. • i i Pure, ''rule.! do ' t worsted. doper Bleed Doe Skins M we eet seer tb bite Tape; Super Deeb thestirseres. (beet Twist, Drub do; Soper Brows Jo Linea Cheers end Drilla; Super Bizet do Stour'. il reed rSii'l Cotten; Catiforok Blanket. do Linen Thread, • Pearls, do superior •rilelei thee do Silk flgUrod Vessings; Drab . do Black Rates do Unite Bewring. grown liolluail Sol Silts; Drown Drills; licaroaa, Camas. Be., te. Agile Sleouldet•rers' P, arehouw, No id Wool s Pittsburgh mra =CI Dissolution. TILE co.partneresip heretofore existing between the sohlenbenr, tbe name of Constable, & 00, la dos day dissolved rnetuisi consent. Dews Linke k,litames will by nide the Lowness of the concern, for Priateh purpose they •rr authorized to rise the name of the cower. NATIIA NU.% CONSTABLE, EDMUND lIIJKKE, TIIDSIAS LAILNES. The undetaigned bate thistle,. antedated themselves In the name of MURICE ee BARNES. for the patron, of manufacturing Fire Free( Safe., Vaal. Doors, Ac. ke., at the Hang of .he late firm or Comae!,lc, Hutto &Ho, ahem Wel will be pleated to recelve the poorm• age of tho caattuctet of Mat house and their !ricotta EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS HAfthlEti. CIIICULAft. In retiring from the firm Cl Ccontnnoteh Berko t Co.. I with =nettle plenum recommend Helms. linrYtt Honer to the conftden6e of my (newt!. and the public. Vett. V, [049. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. fehlA-otf . . me 'Married from die Eastern C;iIC• and 1 . 17. receiving S large vittlet7 of seasonable dinadst to which he reapectfally invites the attention of mete h sou and pedlars, No e 4 Wood st. fehtt WALL PAYED—W. Y. Pilamaima. is rani:anti, tearing, from the imgost manufactories in New York nod Philadelphia, said also train French ageneks, the newest and most approved utyles of P.. par H•egings, together with Darden Fire Hoard Prints, nod Tester Top., For sale at 85 ' Wood et. he. tween Fourth et and Diamond alley, Duceeettat to 4. C. nol rt A lIFALLIC ATISIT-5 Intnt. reedit pat mcatner, /Vl. and toe sate 1,7 the bmrret or stogie pound the fmSeed, ant Verfuntery Warehouse, corner or Pesttli and Wood streets. 8 N WICKERSHAM. - - cniamcni. STOVE potian riMIE Mama Manafaccarinv Company now offer CO the publle thetr Pretnium Chemical Stove Polish{ and without eoggeritlon, or (carol contradiettott.k9 sa y who hare toned IL, pronounce it far superior to say other in the market. Theeonsumer need have no preliensons of stilton carpets, e., it. corn. ppingati. a dust (torn nnolng v.en being op. plied, which must Le done when We Stove totail The quantity required Is to little to produce ..EcalL W u , W s .. A sating &over bay per Cent Is inatlred to the vOnsaMora. A coatlag Wiled to Stover, ripe:, Sc.,hen told array for the eammor, m a cure pet. veroalive agalatt root. After having tried it ours, of 0 is acceitlfble) no pervon will ace any hut the Phonic kl.aclactartng OattPany's Precut= Choml. cal flume Pottch. For rule by N WICKERSHAM, m yg Corner of Sinn and Wood street., PITTSBUPOLI MOURNING STORE, Corner cs Penn and Sr. Clan streets. lir& ALEX ANDER It SONS, Furnishing Unger.. IST raters, %Ninon every article In, Fannon' and Mourning purposes ego be got on rentonnbte Le em.. j,ll-11m • TfE Virile Moeda gn . e Company topply their agent. w i t h {tooling and Monne in !Leers 107 feet from per square foot. Corragat.,d to :Meets 3/7, 2 7 or, for rabbe bmldirbre mad depots. NLIR ttt e erbrae, id it /orb,, from of tn. OZO•ns Moil,. !pike',Wtret, SeTar Medi-, Perforated ;me, 2tne &e. They warrant titre-metal pore. :di tree (ram any admatore of tree, or any ether eat,,,dee, and Fr. cod:meal It for the manafaetttre of meet aro...teed , If,. C01.,,(11,174{4.1,-; 1,10, al It do, notrart, .14 tnt ad - tett-0 by tire 'coon of eratcr, end may be petaled, pa,nted, tad laixaoned dumpier, model", plane,apeeilleelor.e. Oil 2±17 ,eforerarreemay be Lei hreS.l.l. k fixteao, New York; 2,lroots, Rostra, & Co, Ba.s.a, Naiaua Tansisi& Co., PrdladelpLta; W.& H. Naiad, Partinotej, Pleat,?rear' mll.l.2±nt, 2 Hanover et., New WS. Llegr beytember If—se:A-42m INSURANCE. M== JADIES W. WOODWELL, NI, 'ht., Plrt,tintoit. M=l NSW DOORS MOE Andobioaraphy of Leigh Doni ; with realm ' Wenn.. oi mends and acindenbanyarien, in 2 vont Catiyin'a Lauer Day ramptilets—No VIII, .bjett, Jenutam 11..17 of Dalian I/Lel:teat. Jamb Abbott, lista cp ErlalloWani, a Romance. By Mn Marto Bed. Pistorial Field Coot of the Ravololion.—No 6. Tao above worts 'received al. day and Du 'ate b y 12 C STOCKTON Cur. Market &Thad 0- L ASTID-21 bbla No 1 oi l i s inuitrailat K i E t — 2 CO oca .Wilur lad Front masa IOOKS- MUSIC, /icv Blew Books. AT 1101.i1IES' LITERARY DEP UT, • '11344 Wad, oppoeite the Post Oiler. qti YID elk , PERPIEL D. No le boodon An Journal for October tell'eLleing Age, Na SC; .The Fuel; or the Antoldupaphy un Or phan,. Frhte it by Charles J. Petenion. Petticoat Coirernsuent; a new novel, by Rio. Tool. • flames Templeton. Chaste. Lever. Thn loon filask—Dona. 4 bet; area, townlor; Life of Yankee ins. (loo.o•ior,•; or I4eacwt Lora and Sorrow. 131 . r3.• De Lamardne. Gaston Shak.peare. No 423. eel.; ANW •• VOIO I AMIN Mai TENNI,' LANE; abase:teal Ethiopian Soi. LP by the Now Orleans Sorenailem Bc annehful arid beware; , MAUI, lake hi. bud; edden't Tear, Alai Muds Bride; Would I Were with thee; , 1/Y tba' cad . Bea at sung by Jet#ty Lisa 1.9 New York; TheSllPd and the Maiden, soar by Jena Lind; Take ois late r anna by ..fedny Lind; Tam not **ay; • beautit'st Sae, by 8. G. Poster' Weirtaba Pb;as ha' Stack b, Jenny Lind iwgiattion. Good Lock; Jenny at stellate: Lorin., and Dod. worth's very best Polka; also, am Waltzes and ez. Wady* setatmort °Waists Preceptors oft.; tnastars. II KLEBF.R,I,OI Third street ,' Golden !tarp. PIAhOW. • Role Agency for itairallarer ll . KLEEIF.II takes pleasure in announcing to Old public that he asssucceeded in seeming the sole agency for Dunham's celebrated Plant, Fortes, Mr Western Pennsylvania. The Pianos wade by Ur M 0..., of the firm Of Nyder t as Thasham, are too wall and favorably known in this neighborhood to require any comment al this time, coffer It to say that for a any time another Timm were k no wn in tbe Wesia country than those of Simian & Denham and Numm m & Clark. Dualiam, qic practical partner of the above ant, hal spent onwardsof moray youn in the Me- Wry of mitt Ilrro.. pri•olo..11 manager and direstor of the boldness. Wolon • yr.: or two Mr Drlollll2l au belajla out we a uhre Ihrtnry nod agmatenerices of the Ups, and colonises to mahufvollre. as bofoet, in his own name. Dunham's Pianos have attained ntih pOttiaritv, that in some , of the sressent clues, Cinema. nil, &E. :Ahoy bane sold tern to one of soy manufacture. They ere distinguished bv their pow other er and brilliancy of Lona and catraottlinery dorabiltil• N. B.—A large invoice of the shove Venom Pianos rum receiving,. SIGN OF THE aOLDEN HARP. aelL s.w Music, DECEIVED da nay !foal gig OW: 1R La Serenade—Schramm:. La Serenade—Arranged a.. Daett. Juni:auto and /cannot. or Guitar. Voice of by RIM , dayo—torter. Away down an Calro—Fotter. Be Watchful and Floware—Glover. Besides many other popular Songs and Piece. - II KLEIIER, rcpt 3 Slot of Golden Harp, Third st lir ew Paoll, EALTII Disease, and Remedy. By Dr. biome, 11 Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. B tn. mar o r 'ldettiee Arnold; nNorman's Brideci" tre.,ka Life and Correspondence of Rota. bouthey - part Gibbon's Rome -dth and elth vol.—eocepletion of the wort, Received and for sale by sep , trt IL 0 RTOCNTON HiEW 13f)0411. "DNGLISH GRA Id HAR—The raglish Language 10 ID its elements and forms, With a history of its OtiglTl and developernent; designed tor use muelleges and schools. Rm. C. Fowler, lam professor of gkelorie to Amheret College. Astronomy—The recent progress of Astronomy; tb Five in ate United States. By Elias Loomis. Five Years of a Hunter's Lite is the fu interior of 1 4 outfit Africa. With nodea of the movie tribes, end anecdotes of chase of thation, elephant, hipper... temus, streak, rhinoceros, in.. wi th illustnumm. By R. O. Cumming. Received for sole by c sracwroN. seal 47 Market et • - TUST received at IL NLEDERM Music State, the 11.1 following Sonia— ihr• P7O there lies the limn. I Love Lot Thee. The,Wstcher. Tito IS glie and Red Roses. Nancy BelL Ile dealt a , things wed. MI 4 Pyrr. Whet. , re now the hopes! eherfabed Lis Serenade. s,tri 7 'MIME FOSTNlttiir tie Mystenes of the Ceort of London, ea a of tins inwresting work hal been received at Llointes , Literary Depot, Third street, apposite the Post Mee; ales, Men Parry, or Trials of the Heart, by 011v1a; George Camila, eurnamed Scanderbeg King of Midas. lir Clement C. Moore, L. I, I)• and No Mht of Wien% Living Age. sepei A LARGE andextensive amortment or P.kTfiliTT A bIETALLIC RUBBER FABB/CB, among the abeam codices varier, embraced le tee amen:civet, mini be Mend the toltomlNF Bane Coven, Carriage Ciotti, A:: Redr, Air PAL i,,,n,•Air Coal:done, Rate, Palls, Tobacco Paileitt,, Flitter Beata, Poets, Cape*, Maas, Tarpaulins, Gloves, Moen., Pooch., gape, Elastics. Perm, doe , Door Parings, Merlons Balding. el.. Weston, Idachine—Plellina, Camp Blankets, Paper Bolden, Lac Plezeirers. Travelling flap, Isthmus Bare, Rattans Mats, Bolls' Made, Dag, Lioov, Saddle Bare, Air Calla, Foot Balls, Ladies' Wash Glove., L,dleg' Cam Shoe, Gent.' Gam nova, Leggings, be. l„Wery eetablubmeat is warnarne4 to oemites all the ekareeterlatio. eieellUel to eater Vest' coed., rie,....iewiebilite under sag delves et heat, tlngiblUty la the sevesest cold, peat dotablitir, Reams>, pertect impervloutsesa, slut treed= from War. ter este et the Goo4yeet Rubber Alapinium, Plea I' k. 60 Wood !MEL sepr9 - • t B PITILI.IPS M=M • • . • . OVSKIIt SIGN PRINTINO and Glazing, peomplg H ly and neatly executed. N. 11-We wish r, dls loe:11 unientood, that ere ran do ralatlng and Glarine as cheap as aby other Pommy • go the city. n•'° arc determine° to Jo it. set., It PHILLIPS HeaRLL'S Pllitc: 61)A1',. e -Jens 1.10 Uri/ Hawse.; Wert rod do. Jo. y *Naha it nwer* do; Jenny Lind Hair Gies, Animal rivegar. Ausandine; rouelgtn Soap. fur hlwttL he aina; Almond Shavin; Cream; nese do do; Am brosia/ do do; fleecy - Seep; bloattett Amandlne do; Hasel Not (lit Dote dp blaraltosailow dog Beane/ Jo; Drown Wind!. do; tionile (Hexer: Re- VorHO sale, witulcsale and total!, by R It BELLE:RD; I 7 Wood at. ; ID - AND DRY rAtras'or kladn,colletnnt: ILL ly CFO tend or the beat gelidly, Leo, Yerniabea, Lb:mod Oils, Roiled Oils, Paint freshet, Saab TOOII, Window Warr ; Tattoos slam Le. Sold whole.lo and retail or. accommodating terms. D-All petoons purchasing mired or dry paint. who artgb le do their own painting, eon receive the neceitutry Ciflrelloll{ grade. J a II PIIILLIPS _04 , 11E- st =M=I I .I /AN hand and tees from the Phillipsville Factory, kl tor the fall *ads* 600 yd. 3.4 Floor Oil Cloth: 0000 yds 4-4 do; 600 yds 6 4 do, bi.o yds p. 4 do, (051 yds 144 der, 201/0 yds sheet do, medium and b 50.1% how 41e 6 yards wide, all of the newest style of pattern/4SW cut to on, given elm. 700 yard. 44 Fertutere lid Cloths 400 yOs 64 do, 600 yela R-4 do doton moiled elms Table, Stand, nod Bureau Cover., callous pauerns, and splendid Anloti. lOrolila 4-4 Patent Carriage HS Cloth; 550 yds 5 4 do; Cob yda0.4 40. 310 yds Oil Cloth Crash toe Stain,•mortedpatterea; fdu yd. 44 .been Uli Cloth for Window Blind., :am ants 1440. Windom Prigdps e large amdtment ion received of nem** etylee. Merchants and others wielder to ratchet*, are In• viud to can and examine our asurratimit of goods, which will be sold at the lowest eastern pilots. It H PHILLIPS eep . ll tr. 0 Wood et Shrosparilla Soda tr. Leuson Ily.up. 20 tees Sareaparilla Soda; bOO do do; :Whores Lemon Syrep,mado from pare lemonlike; .1.1 rarenred and lon sain r • 1•In 0111. VIN t ,1111111allifIN WOOLLEN GOODS Fr HE undersiancd has on hand, and is thls day re -1 cols ina Iron the mann future rs, on toot Inman , . a lame lot of Flannels, all colors, plain and barred, Alm, Bed Blankets, Blanket Coaling, Bearer Cawlnserts, nolnetts and Tweed,{ which he will sell i.eyr I Pala or Mace, at mane facture& priers. The uttenuon of dealers In woollen roods Is Invited. It LEE, aaatd LturLy Cl G. YEAGER, log Market Street. Meer Liberty') AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AN/.) GERMAN VANOY 000 DI; HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LAO Es, GLOVE'S, TIMBALS, COMBS, BUTTONS, BUS urits. a.° . Moo, Satin and Wimoy Vamtlisgi, BLACK CND FANCY SILli CRAVATS, CONGEE, BANDA:NITA, eucl LINEN fIBICFS, • enersll m•- sonment of CANS, awl every v•ately at Mooting*. WI CA 111/I.IIILIOT, •• Eau slay of thel)larnand. AA T th•s establlabetent the penny may al frays dot pond upon heing Nam/hell Ivan etreellatd Teas at reasehable pylon—they have IlLentlent Teas al •—•— 110 50 pet It/' et/per/or Cjaattnes• 075 •• The hot' a kat/once •-• t to Thn• donde/tip h/e rheas,' and heat mate .11 I' / t,barv,ll to n/ leas. 010IIIIIS h lIA tent. etapoetat • WIELIAALT wdl open • ea/steal 111,41 it• o,rt :70111101, on 11/e Ant Monday of Rept nezl Hot. aver J. V Wllliazna' stare, earner at Wang and F/fth rtresha. Rev Wm. D. Damen!, I 111.511.1Valtat 11 Eerie., Rev. Dr. Elbott, . McCord, E.q, Rev. Dr McGill. I. I). WOl,mr, Km. -" • - *~(unrHY a biLIRCIIFIELD inform their aoltont ers end buyers generally shah In conerenenee 01 gaged in enlarging and ;wpm,. ine their MOM Hoorn, they have returned their gouda 10 It, .rlf/tOrill :?tour or the building they. occupy. Soul tee Lmproecment, are fintnhed; 'where tacy Dui happy to ran their COrtOrrlere 4P utual, and far the trouble et - walking up 61112111, will try end rhuturiereta went h 7 "elfin: them Cheap (Mode tr.7llritrenee from Tourthi -trent. ' rte _ ;AIR ocovr.s, exc. Lt.I:IIONCOR HAI O.I.ILOVER, Pir le • Jo 00 JO for Orem JO in in Jo 4eitbls. Jr. do Jo - 110, Siray.s for Lu 11. au d 0 do for Gkini J Jo do But, sla DonadaT Wagon ImpnrraJ aria (sr bid. by sentl 11 A FAIINFSTOCK d - OCEltlkis , Inge thieers 0. SM. N. 0. awur; lOU br slims. Y. 11.,Imperiel. and Visa Ten; toe bye Wm Lamp obaces; 10 lop 61,041 ds; SS tills Seneca' 011; Ai bib N. C. Tar; . Ili brie No 1 Rosin: Mu Ades ;kilo Leather; IN) dor Cam Broom.; ISO his Wiodow ast , d um.; iruti , b r Warr .; Reser; seamen& P. ladies; SOO kegs Nails, alsortril; 10 mats Pot Ash; With crwil aalortmeomorks.•({4ll for ..k by sea ROBISON, LURIA k CO E C L PROCL'OI IiTION • all Men arcei Cu Uedatliet arta, sit IC N e (l sts l e V er the taadder and Hy A. uoh rbeutar pains In bark or rtiffjo Ina, :obi veers, minting elcerarticithattltcy caw be_timed lit tukies the re troleum! feu may talk ahoy . I its bents twat ton as notch as you pleatto., lot adz doe, not make it to, fur we Starlet= in she Mee Dion 4oui4 e 0 ILIII.IItIG that ithm ! nuns._ mhiclo are lm, root lead w key other remedy- 'lle mkt tithe is reeked 'with pain and aiuf te milk (it sliseate:rett for Wry cent. get relief from any orthe Ills emunuainted abases Reader t it roma vemr/Lnle to =tea trial.-11.14..Votroltum is no tnlx• -tare—un camper:4,pin up Ins the purpose oflespeasus. oettthett community: but st is a remedy .elenerated by the set astca..hrsc# of. natures tedbobbleq'up from the Lc' torn afoul . titother earth `nits original purit), and s o. (cratetattering haresinltY a ready. semedY, a cert.-_u • It ha* cared !ilea stirs ntheriteedientes have failets to readetany cat has cured Itheasuatinn of bit Mending, and of the worst add most jutlntol character It hen enrol Cholera Verbs. by one or Iwo .erteel II has enred"old'ellles of.Dinerhesl'ln't*hlell Seery orb remedy hav been of no Meal'. '-Asast. local resnedy' til bents and•trab34 It la we than ..any medleml en. •poond or atmosent that me hams - of, tlt VIII cure chit. blvinved &bred km, Inn few spat [canons; andonbr ed testimony can be furnished of the truth Contained in Ms above statement by calling on SualuelAL Kier, street; eneithit of the agents. - geyser 'tc MeEkneell, earner of Wood t , treet end Virgin Alley: 11. F. Sellers, 57 Wand street, D. A, Int BMA IX M. Cam, Allegheny City, are the agents , tir Y AUT —ll Is universally conceded thin non."' ig IgutoreCourmon In thin country Men in otttrutroors %Mlle at thy same time It Is ottol•Ors tin no lobar coon toy Is It lost ot ao goons itot regs , Now IhII Is fine to a cettalu entail, bet the loon Molten unused by ne.. gleet. We say to a11,.d0 not neglect your personsl opotaronee, but read the following. and %so need not lack good looks. Them emotes ore scientific pro. paretiona. nod hero all attaiziodu high , ponolsrit? Jou% , Ilsentssio Eso , Drruss 0a Vmmos AND ' Ntton Soar, for removing tan, sonbunto pimplee, bk. 4 "cs end ether croptmous ot the skim tho n P most pertect coo. aervanie of ocardy coca ltr,ovyr. lorhase 'toothier purporting to be'NytopliPoip, Whits my Mune attached. • hair PIRSIAN 00131:. Posrusn, for Im parting to the most bilions comp II radiant whiteness. nothing should apersuu IA more rate. fal Man the out of to powder for - Moo'ora thosesold are very injurious My Chinese Powder is conlitodod in • scientific manner, arid . f . nntainn into torte cot widish can possibly lot t o t eel Jot= IlAttir..• IYRFILATOILY POWTIXii, fat removnio eon ( hale. as as snore unsightly ohms hour open Ow face or sent of a lady. This article will Magri, ehort tome, Wilhotti the Utso 04.07 shots? instrument. JUL.u~J4mtla VtaliMlTll Luz= Juni Dilt Will itistantaneOtowy Impart to red, white; or Star heir, a beautifully black, brown,' or 'Arbon t'olor. It veal color the hair Ina sboret Wake, and wore egremntV than .14 ~11thar bet./ glib , mom Idols: Jklass Ifstries MUergap CatOdi--It tetchily a pie, MVO to shave both Ito Maw., TaerO it none it the' amassing seusatiou asually expencneed in the um of mint Soaps. On the contrury,ll leans the skin stnopth and salt at an infants, and not liable In heeo - ne" c haed. ' • • .I. pp llThilssittJaßosaTainu Pas-tr.—Next to the la ,ir, we think the Teeth wereintstudul as the g mutest or la incni to Ina hoot. face; hat when scsicrt.4. circle,/ re so disi,gispotc, or so quiet/ Leah. rat Pa. fuoin Prow will Impart to Lbw teeth a poarlT whiteness; ut the same time keeping the gums Cant-and healthy. Also on bend, a complete' assoitment Cl Franck, British, end American Perrstracry and Fancy articles. JULES HAlJEl,Permmer and Chemist, M Chestnut street, Phda. , A F h C7..a% holemte and T•ttlisibrbr,,,;:.;AndEntnt"'gr Av.,. and J. 1147.1.11. irbfr—bf. YDES; SOAP—fO boa marled, inst iee'd and ior 11. sale by 'Ont.! " J 0500 St Co tce Q actin .1 Fc.T . p 0 Li an v e l iCo"t:;X:lNlTl l p.i:l 4 l2irrt`o l ie n bcP or.r9 AFA wit - PTOCK er) YrCK krilijirri R 7 ,-1 vane nrieir. for Isis by tic IA fittkiln2 wore nod ror ist4 . f acid aILIVER UARIIItS ' A LCOHOL- -k barrels 76 asd 92 iresl. - lastie4d for sale by F SELLEAS 57 Wardti Itl7 OAE - 1 , 151i7-4:o FAstish,llle rcr 'd for tri A oe F WEL 1.4 1141/ 13 411EILINEA —4 out tun rec't for culeiy col? E: OCLIA: tI CFCCoOIt --Jut teceana - at ll* t5O II ',boric mutt, from the New Ungtoon Mali, 4 lot at +topcoat Sul. whom Floor, put up to rn) It, st, rt. for (4 tally ale. facial 1V:11 A :itcoriLLIEE“ #_&l6 12AMIIN HAMS- Eron•' 5;e111 . 4 con attar r choice. brunt, of Sugar rued ;;..a• ouroontly on bond and to. into or Y:.9 Lihirlt otert:ty ocl6 • WEI A toicol.4:RG t Cu WH Cr. usTARD tbs Germmn, ret'.l &ad Fmk tv EUR RIFD Fle,U-1110" . :W.. 6: ; rd, D Baig<J, and Cova,ac.l, bar sate by orll3 WIII A Flet,(XFl.6 BANDBOXES - Hound and lull tit. d: Of {RI* and retail, by W.Y.M 0016 0 Wood .t --•— - - MOBACCId. Lao badge,. Nu 1 m at. put tett'd j pet .teamor Gene VA, a n d (orally by JAME.q Dada F. 1.1., 0010 Watar C4STOR (11L-31141. ig• ..lo by It SI SELLERS, oeld MOIUU Z. I AW011.711, T EA DEALERS , emit aide of the Diamond. Try our Tea Yee per lb—Tis really good I oele 1'47 INE URANIA' of 11, pum, sm, .orlooto tor V PL'ethelool purpoors, at :So gni $1 per coon, for ar.l. Lr Mt , iflus • II 4.%t In tLe 0. ,,., and. env. 1 , 11g,...1, Lean A t•. t..t, 1 eVi C.raor. v. t ' can aver, I rt.ll Suet fu. At 11 aL r. a 1 ar. cram , pn , e, teethed f or ,} 1: SIII.LERS ueht St'oei! Lest, iiiroo, _ /IOW! , k.KIRIEPATRICX • 0 A ii - ifilltia=4U - cialtit on bond, - van t: . cold low to close we lot, by on; IttiNtri-1 btu to stuie and for 11. ocl7 ISAIn /I IfiCkt.l k Co WP I3I 'itl(llVic bT iuu, AND BUtIFINTS--6ZI 101.. Ito bctc, IU Jn 1 Tuba, for Rik by oct9 1.11 WATERMAN I WINO • CORN' I.lltol.lMr-0 cox Haley .n 4 goud cunnund Cern Ihnoint, fa , by • . • . • ILhOnVE R ln m 7E re — J S ufo r h ta.*le 'ally prtme Chacr onl , L N WATERMAN & .50N7 MEDIATELV cantnanard W Nateanal.,!familmt arnt. Ma Lay l.naul• 0011 Nailer) nmancsa, In whom a /Roma.' 'mina, will Go F EaTtaN, octlTilf No G 2 Vaunt. at. 'OFFS T: - ttN bars pnme Rio for sole by %-• ottOl ' J R DILWORTH tr. ro SUGAR—XI bba. PromN 0 fur A 7 xl4l J 8 DILWORTH k co r 4 r~lLntl—lod boll eked, V. n., FA 00017 boxes do do do do ur yalr by ocIPI J 9 DILWORTH &Co v a lib to t, y B - 170 royds du . , , 1;1 4 5a 1 1 . ta , i , 3 1 1 , m I , int o for _ p°"" - ire k .tcr De " eMil W a,rt i Zianne, NM do do d, do 1A4841.17 Fuse do, For eale by 00101 J 8 DILWORTH 70 Co LARD—k 4 kegs Not Lardanst Tereived nna fur Yak bybetty H lc W IIMNIA1)1;11 B ACON- Hiciailybouhirre, WM/ ILA Jo Hldey, In core told toy gale by OetlV ti h W HAREIAUOII 1 Ailin4SUO Obit lust labdibir awl for me by h uttit! saw IJASSAUIif QUCOWZ--12 hbd, N o Sugar in WIC and tar kale by 1,0 belSl tr.'W HAMS IF.ll..thit: FON SAL;If, 4 foot ortob.c. For wtot,, opply to 0011 el Vt/o , Ik , NNII()HSI It IN) bo•g, etude, artmingfr4 *Zs oy , O I 1 W 6I WlL.Stoisi (16/11:710 ca.k.t.orplais,emigriwZr E i ll ,VtTy.., OY - • • •• • .juLE LEA VII Llt.-±DOU It. elpirnivri, asnvine Mr 0 clonal, ler sale by ' JAM4b 4,ALZGLI, ova 7LI Witter 11 ilt 6 .1 17 1 -1-6-'- i . . '..7'7l6'7 . '4.i°l J ' et;lE; D - A . LZ 11LL , i 1111RAN7'6-3 caiitslMO luMi reel , ' S.lash bi V .11 JAMErI DALZELL A N ri INEita• WI. 7:1145 rceq . rtir .olti" by - 1 nell JAMES DALZ ELL rtalveri4e - si dory Btarch )GYINY.O and p: rpareJ 1 ' letlaroe, etpraaaly for Paddinp, 'thi , pure and veauillal arnela :r reeereinaly baniniy, delinion, and enonntnral, end when deetrcn racy Pe tiled as 6 Siattituts Oft In an *Arne an..l. nor as Arrow Root. Jon a - 1 • IV, merited d for 141t1 • ocl. Oral A AlociA RLI S. Fl;l:laTtaliTi.:l.l7siTC-17F— JAMES DAI.ZELL ICt 11 e. ftsch oau, 6rrtinc. fa . :IL. Lc — 7 Ilr neIC BROWN A KINICPATKICh. .A . lma o z i a, u tlal ry nn, Ci:nen, I . An a..., want ze:.clved II . . . ortti AMR VIIV tb IIIInCIIPIF.LD , ViiitT'Aritik: it ~., pii v,piltr:7 - ::: xi ualo by lucid) rep .t. tin 4,Usql Ko.:lll.lfitß-40 'rep iiroi pa 0..4, rve1. , ;,.... and (or sale by . n Ibbl,7i; LI. k ri: , ocln I.ttorzy rt SAL.7.ltiVrtgi-1:o Ito nbri7.77:io -- ,c 71,,, pound arl unzrouod, In 7tOrII, fc, --.:.:, 1:y nt.1.5 It DA 1:41.7: : : 1,1... , 1-7 'AO MA IA ZICREY itikt) VII.1)(T-1:a tan" my, kt 2,11. 1 . . ,; 1. sacks n.,.• Ap;itz, tram stts..,l tad for salt by CCM DROWN k KIRIWATILInt leg - - -4bircs - pilielitielOirito by octl4 'AMIS. A HUT CHISON N a Co rVarlia; DOARI.Mfr-a. bee anCogn . .. for ask, I.a J. °Mil vffii a RIRLPILTRICK iiiatitat—A-dlll-4tylticeriliTnia, .sn-ail;b:4 1 ~,,„i fo, yyjy by ra-111 Et:SELLERS 1"1".11,11/11•ta. A ria CIII D have. War Ar i iad:a6stUranattled Sadnata. to n irtry l la mean alma, rhad add , , lal . n iu C n aasit i r f a j e c s . a . n i f= variety, ItierLuri C.v.! , ,, voy.ta, az., at tonit eau earaar a Fiera, and Martel stream . ~,, WIC , ——. _ • ... pout Colored Prints. • i ail ty Rrinr..k 131.1 . RC H 01}'1.4 Invito attention to As .I";:oltro;:tretti*ncoro,t P " roo . ot ik t:!!! It i ''hu.. 447 ,, k S4l; - . 4044-1 5 eta 414 - Urterioili - V ‘2' ;'".. " 7 - ., aelYI A PAU K &Co' ,en Idol 4 Wood etc • • MISCELLINEKS. Western tolltge Of Homeopatlifo Med'dot,' CLEVELAND, IS:AO•rd—Chartert4 1849. rgerill.)Fl/1 ST WINTER eflißlON ofahis institution I. will commonen on the First . hloaday of Novena. und'eoutione leurotorillst. ' ! ,r no Chair of threFersityesse a. follow.: wren, Bose,lt, P. Professor of Midwifery, and fitesson of t• omen Children. I 1 • Lansing Briggs, M.D. flute.. or Pereeiples end Practice of sargetY. l'hatlta Willtsmt; IT. U-. Profaner of lostitates luni.Prsente oi.Wouemp*Y• I.erris Dodge, M. P. esiiir of Minnie Medics en.l Medical leniforudence, • - Barnette° L. Smith, A. Mel Professor of Chemistry. I(d...en C. WithereL; M. D., Professor of Anatomy owl Physiology.' ye" ' ; Jeha BralitertLProterniotof PhYsioni.§clouce. • (leaded W. Bell, Denionstromer of Ansi... , Ile Charter of the Western College of llomeropathie 'Moe/rine wee...granted..bre the 4 , slrilletnre of Ohio, 4 le'te &onion of le4o-50. It confers all the rights end orodleges usually possesited btitledreel Colleges In tow UnitedAteles,ends indite meny !colleges, it exist, independent of any. other Institution, having in itself the powers° 'eonfercdegteolle altdPossessiog a common seal. . • , ins desees are erinfeirrid ley Old Fellenlty;and Trusters upon the redomuleadattoneertheFecullV. Who amount of fees foe theefall equllloWeileam 115, Matricalstron'fee. 135—t0 be paid bat WM*. , Demon strator's ticket, SS, 'Graduation fee, Selg. Perseus AM/ hal. emended %walla, cameras of leettlno to ode, collegei, ore admitted to the fall colon: le this lestitotion on .the payment of IP2o.e' Gyadastes of re aper:table medreal sr-halls ere peridttegl A attend the nit the poTtnent of the rosiriculatuno fee only.. M e ad holed, inerading 'aim light, and foal. earl Le obtained' (runt .92 torfOl Me per week. Folfarther in formation address CIIAS. D. LIATIB;.. • otledlut - ' Dol.llCifthe friffillßGll 9GABB IVOBIIB. A. :4 C:H A Mil - ERS, Weald reepectenny Inform . , the evrtanieni of the 141 e firm, egt. also the zpobile gennehllY , that they will cont., the catumfa,cnate • WINDOW 61.8419,V16.1.0,11C05TLUNi0 In all their harietlei, at the Old Bletnd,, Ka 13 Wood 'lli, bitsisina N 112114'. irOulnin • THIPOUTAINT TO TOT. APP lOTED• Dr: Rose's Celebiated genie les. • . lit t R. JACOliat?..k,, M ' discvert , • deolo pro, Dnrietor of -Mose mostpopular and Lot:icicle, and also the inventor qf .11orealebraltd ini.Urnent Inc Infisung the A,villiii., in enatding.a. clue ot"-'llinnic divekkao, was 'a student or that eminent on {s 1t114.4 ,Litik tor Phyllis; and .in,a. graxata of thee Lt ntvet stri of Yennsylvsmis, and 'tar thirty eats since hot been ongaged'in the investigation Of case, and the application of rented:leg thereto. kb roacte ute of his infteting tubet, colinceitun vvith Mk I. opbyldetie Steep and antes 0 b.s mintedles, be hug ed no ueNtraletke-4. ossinen4e, inviting those dreadful and Cam} Maladies, Tehogenhur,Co•- . '" o7 , l adi Cktl4tatLl'amlnits.' Kn./00i , Metal', P.O.Lei.'und Ague, Isn't., of all hinds, pis klry , 4 .,... smelail, nod nil those obstinate alma; Persdlos Id females. Indeed every forM or disease ishesuedet the non of his remesites, t 4 which human y igholr— not 1, tho use of one compound only.', 04 that in in romitimble al h Ptersiolegmid (.pa; by by Ms lift of.bin• ' , Maj.., Rd . 5.:24. m Vald prescrlued for each P lt '2 ,. li Vot w iTfialte rdtirittivk Pill*, vibelt Mad are Invannkly at to he impostor M all other. on n purgative ll,r pill, bansmueli cm they 1,r3 the buwets . perfeetly Imo 4tnro costiveness; au Jac bib Golden it Is. admitted Cy thto,rot tit sopossess w ha t properties adnnetd to mink. tlFzies, but, being 'satisfied Mr s &Para trial is mitneldat establlah , what h... 4 wadi mild to then/masa the mo skeptical, The &Mated ate invited to call upoii:thet grout. and procure (grats) olle Mahe Meares yarllthkeol. giving adeutited acCount al each setactlk .14iittpaintn Eur stic by tbv,. tnilowing enema as leNtkas ltympet drarclsts Mem:eke - attic cannily, ' t I - .7 tr.b.4arninke7l, Ca, 44Woodkveet,Pftteltrurgh -1 ltl Townsend. dl;gifizl, 43 Market st, l Mu; '' ten .a. verithetle, do rear ther.O. 411ciiheny city, for Dealer. Daelingtonjlleaver ect.,.Yr.: ~,,,, tuk,,, rAnen Valley, ' do , "dot T Admits, Dearer, - - ~,, ' A c ,, augl:ttiu .' JENNY. LID A UFA OTIFUL Oil hint, It new:inaention, ps• AO& tailed to Loudon,), representing irony /Rid the field., in a tir m i n g 11.1E4'10106i Prom the nighttrigalaitia been neeived by die antisexibar. The coloring za Neal to Me finest ml. acute painting, nod the likenee , tht tuostirnthfal and correct or any TT. ttattLATa nut. • • Jaany (doodling to gauciieri, the hire li.rily, aid the ceintirateit t:ebe 11. net Golder, Harp. lot Kate% Maps:Ana 00a on NingjOng Tloa T 0 FeltedHtsE the vets gloat Vas ate na Feria.. me Plates. ittotstst. 111.6rtl; Tea Leaks, ta the Diatharsi, ate 'elan told Ttas do IJsr price of 7.s:_ker la, for cash sepla LI to ii,aththeathoa—Na 17 of thth. vela masa has bzeta thetles4 sit Ilathces'l.iter•ry Ilara, Vadat, it. Post office. rt WINDOW tiLi.:4s=sit. boas JO) hl.lO .I.obs• laa 14; pk. ttnrt rot sJar ' mug wail. a co , .flon, , oz.& (WM% omr.aale by orb R SIILLEEL3 1,1 of I ble mee7red for .ale D) Y . SEED—i4 , veryt;: : iteL, or_ki fo~de b 7 . C lf FAA" 111— ;t: e •, R I: . .,El-1.4. CS /IN S:•:CIL) 011,•—•.5 be I a , kfrZa J Long Show 4. • } T ucaedvsucci~ririo o::t INSELL, ULL-19 I,ll# j'are rcumlti oli. iast tec for Tee by ROBESON, LITTLE & CO IMM=I J COT ' , e.t.a? at id IneCLINTOCK'S Clore? Warchavoc t - Nosth four th mem, ajal W. 4 ste 4.4 Hoff Window Luton. • eel pILIN'IINU PAPER-11n. 7+4,1. squat to the beat in etas sacker, far role by uS EL C .STOCIKTUN I 111.1 CON 11014 serindbui roirgb; WEI? Ke l_luttld law to slurs the tot by ISAIAH DICHLV X. CO v't"A Wu. & Float stn CIE rre.lved lean Prallipsvillo Fietary; ILO yards 4) Wagon Cover UPI Cloth, a good atithlt.lor vale Dy • Jis }I PHILLIPS eel 7de 0 Weal et Er - AlA'.2Pfu • - WICK & SIDCANDLESS , INXIELS—PCISIor Cots Broome fal - Hifoby KO ne4 WICK ds c ottiNSLEss ' B Frrybb b I ol' butter (de thla by t ft FLOYD lIIA lIPAULIN3-4 very heavy large Trupsollne, - Oft 1 the best ryonlny of Indict Bobber, on band and the' nth by loci) ptilLupg • lidki'D:l4.B Ainpallne, Not, for October, of Ude excellent magnatic t and No le Of DlotionerY at Strelthete. bay been rthelved at Holettest Literary Ilepot, I bin! sterwt, opitost a the Post Office, also new &melte. Novel railed The Conspirator, • Late or IllannethwartP. Island, on the 'Ohio River, and No Li PIafITAI Stall lbso b. 01 the Antatlca• Revels,' Jan. . 1 ocs COD moo —lO ex.i• for sale Lsori .4 On Woad et fiy nol W r WILS.ON i4iJNORWL 4 —:IIIIo leforßiib Cndcci IV haga estipir; 5 bagi Also's.. • 041004 C1i1111161004 00 bra Nn I Chocolate; coot, laquorice Ilan; IV tierces freak prone Mee; tlelati best bladder; 5 barman Alum; ' 11l barrel. 'Samara , 0,1 l rid drain patent Dusted% NC taxa fern Unammsi 50 bores 'White Pipe.: ' nn hhdo prime N 0 flog.; Pa baba do blolassea; 1101 bras largo No a blaeleatali 70 CIA largo No doa do N. 1 dro Cal teas N C Tar; Pltehl 53 ben Nn d limn; ' :CVO Iha assonss Vatras, re bales No 1 DathuM. lOU kegs onmsl White Clot' :WO kegs as ,send Nails, , A 110. a :oil aoaurament of Pittsburgh saanamitocd acacias, lata sat: by DDIN 50',err .1. CO fefl Libefty ft Ali arras tell Plar le/flaf•• aft clUrao4tes, lqargeteej always oil kJ hand feda's r sole 'hl thet,2l.c giant) or salaam al 0101IDIttk. •lIA VOIITIPO on% I rile Win Atom. ' — firTsialf VlOdyls (NNE east Dior Cloth ealastalt, II I ease vot:ow Moaned: , tarmacs Rael . do. • rue Red. Oataisal rionabt., . d caw, White ho Ca/ti Darrel to '1 carer Plain ant Parisi ~ c., ,M art, I CU! 561.1.11 T, '1 0113,0 Clan Alpina, mass team; 30 000 ,-; Dios past Illaorrt Carta;; .1 cases Geo klaaksta, ..: tams Drab Plankett, C 11,4 Daus is, . seltts Whit, te'l 11 1 0 0 - In ,q; rale...Steam Kett sn rn miasmas:lb and Pie -sill ttr.ilior4l. prierlT J./ Lift: rgdr• - WyW. S WAY—Low. la , /L1ii..17 - nint43 ~aln 6 tire) , poem :11,'PntaDuryh ;:it:zae • • I'ollle alai;,; ( " 5.14 . 5 r far Said elaulealata mod arami raids LI WAI A 14PC/14111i A Kioviri — pit t. A TIINOWN %Vtation ramp, liettl4W y,lllll .}VcroarstiNr()l44l,l, YrOol, slid ( 51 ao Itos • Hosp. am ~o liet./1044 bat oaaaril ,faloadw/fillf. the. Akio. • kbratkillul bow 1 11k4 IMpayht f Arid for • • •lt veid,otass. to IMP in thiek.terse , r, arum i4J to I loth WM.? 'tbs." . .. tratimps Modearrq.J . shreotuli 1•111130106edi-1 , , and 1. goi.nor 1100.01 U ' l• g=', Asap ntarisaaaagag to Novi. olaettriti W• 141, • shoot so 011.1‘ a Alegroa al Wit, no 4 IneYA. flans whale, pooklair oo novelist/J. ID :—sfianwsf . o, *Lupin Joint. fief= I.t.pqrriOs Aar heads, hr. In role wbolepri . linAlr i li e s V WaPdst VOL„ XVIIL • NO. 90. kISCEMANEOUS. EINGI,I4IIMITRAV'III XTRACTit of ic' [Litt, Den adonne Co/Acimb Omor, Comta, Hyrsciuntio. Strnmacileura, aka- Torsaleitos, B.4l..apartils„Ortio, llop4; Cto/ el.eb tee.. And IndArs,ll , olO I. , aporicu and fur r. 4 /1 rAtifyisocx.a (A, - °'-_ _ Pinta. Wood et. Apparatus Isar ',Cla Autlaryg- 'gave Plpa uttlsong , talklugralloggia. LOMAT/ID by t - edariek [Stitt 5; *Pi =do by ScAl PE ATUDISCIDI, _odd First sa; between Woad di Market ato. PATiriatbc - ree - 65., W 110 I.ill a a:L,Y .b A v Glows. Cornet of Wood led Flrsi madam/10r ° i fromk ma ?'" "°' ' bu r . ""qtaPottationolowt 4rope, ' • , Borax, refined, In cab.. I Atelie Atl4 Finery Corn Poled, kga Conga Flower war. Carb-Ammon, rake &Jars. Dole Annetta pert, Green; - in cans • , hit Dole; papereasboa',l Rotten Stone, m eaake do Now Flour Sulphur - do YIIII cart a alarmed Camtladdoapi In la: 1 Aklkesi,e itua Cal. blognema do Roboraus do eo Cart. do' do • Lead d o a. pc.t In hrls Gehenna do do Corti. had, In kegs • lantertom do do • Clute Acid, La 1.6 bottle* Cittaletlrou, Pule.Anamonialia do . Prteip,Cub Iron ltuFAnurion Coda. do; Aleppo Gana Cabral/ Far, 'do , , • Tiptota's , Llat Oil Anther Hers. Wedirearpad Mortars and lodide Potaah , Pestle. - eradiate Waite ' do' • 0,11 lamindar, Spike ' Garden lodine Furl. to hf It troftles Oil Origaztam lodide Iron, Moe not. I r 011itallanury Cant Seurta,ln Oil Diner Almonds IlstCoth.•Pontalt,l4 bottles Oil CaJaput . 'Woe rill - !Wars Oil Croton Ref.l.lgdOnee Eng. ustas Parkand Woe Saaoars Wood leapthain 111 bottles Cardamon Seed .Tort. Emetic do &doh. Zoe Prank, Aeld,ln al vials Ateliers , Tema, prepared Tariasin Ac In bad Centlan !toot Crocus Mettl e, Into Rhubarb Dom , alea PotialdnePutty • , lodtan lied oe3 GREAT CACIIT/11111. ROUTE! 711 E PIONEERS OF THE NEW Rill, ROAD Titres:44 to POUR Days TO , PHILADELPHIA. AND BALTIMORE. :WE take pleamire In annotecingto the Merchants TT of Mnaburgh :' ad the Westeru barineas coot arealtYi Sher do-and after Mood ay, the IGO of Sep- Umber, we will reeelve and forward goods via the Central Hail Road, arid guarantee them to be through loner - One etteneeee stock of Cara and Boat. en able. os to offer the above espediumia route mthe public:whilst wo sti ll Main. Our newel via idstorrg Aug Colombia Morclarnita wicking goots brewed- from the Fnst akVii certainty end dispatch at few rain, or produce slapped lOW re, are invitee to canoe - ,"O‘CONNOILATIONS as CO., Pitialaugh. CCCONNOR it CO, rhiladeipaia, ' Propriettm of thdPinshorgh Tranwirtanart Line, Or the follow/tie wets, - o , Conn{un t eO.OO North street, ilaitsmlre; Ihmt.o Dmitri)" Pleas, New 'tort; 11.1.u.rn .5 Gaelo,,li Doane liseet,Hoeuun. ~Bs 'LECA - Yowsr. , 110034 parthi mica at? io rift"; to 1 nit tenant., with It S‘enm rower, foLreaL,• In .a loner... pan of nba pity, by 1; :CAIN , . & oral . Fircet..between Wend& Market 11[1.1E es hserrhers we .110. it CC IV I nr. canal, Inge supplies of Jo Mt klaspran Bon's high tut, and hest quality tri.ars Makers , Soda Ash, which they will son at the lowest market Deice, for seen OT 15 pp r teff bills. W.A. 3i MITOIIELTBEF. og2l ' Liberty et. . INSTRUCTION ON TBUIC PIANO. Apt B. V. IiARBORDT, (pupil of the heat Earopees ..I,llisrtuters,)lsta of Neer York, et-skean:thy informs the chases or Pinsbuygh and A negheny that he has arrived, and intends mating . this city his permatect residence, far the purpuw Al mourner instruction on the Piano 'Appllearlaus learn Nu. ‘Vbitel. Boarding house, CO Liberty mi. or, at H. CleberA Nurse store, will meet 'sub romp( attenbon. oe IS OAR BLOODING BOARDS. .15.000 FEET Walked Oak Floating hoards, perfectly dry, and n; a iremcdor quidiq lot ' CLAIM: Sioarp,burgti. 11•111141,0ret at Oast to Clot. Bostatets, AA LARUE. moor: of DRY GQIIO4 for oluen niariOttrei inetereeiatt; ground reno, or rots erode, will be received in panne... .10:1. a HOGG, Deed .• 115 Wood et. Pinabargh. 00.PAIITNEIISHIP. agderalin.d ;iks amaocenad dotoph Robb • untiA him, to carry on the Wholcordeespd Retell •rneery- itof Prodnee' finsinert;' adder to firm of Bisexual Robb, wear gee or the , Diemend, Owner of Diamond Alley, Par-sbuteh. C. i tc . ll l l./ .. 11 4 0:11; large asszrun ,..m etb Vl4 o lre ' rrin o gltill, :t hi cuiVirnetantio * s 7 ceTTZ ' o .- 1: ea and Wouted Comforts; Alpiseasandßoasbastsiss; Woolen and Canton limas's; Colored aud Bleu/K..1 Muslose; Caselnets and Cissinieres ; Ribbons and Lxes; Buttons and CCIIII4i TL reads awl Bindings; Umbra. end Dresaßone, AU of sslziab, country sad !Jr) merchant. are re speerfulty invited to bun:lino, at 63 Wood st. [LINE, this day, stwiwititWi with . ow N. L Clinne, Wheinisale-Gisalwry Prod.., Mai Ryle Or the 11131 will kw A. co•.xntrA ocv cuter-m -00N . rirtsx.",) CTLAIR&T.SOM & CLOrliS, Cl 26.110•11116 rae.- 1 11 r itSKUpte.„ F~` 3~:: :.~ .11:17. ill' ISt: ~..~.•.~ ====l . . tAistar..s.i..—Ltas ;it are - 7 7 - A cs,.....srsay CLC.Z. ,, E A.INANG—Zi balm 'Arkektiint - Am . .ed - tar ' CELSICATAUS L CILOCSE , Alpacca u_.. 1.7.$ PUT t =kalif LLD hare rederred req- In 04 Ful Dra..b 3.3 a B=.= Carbeerts. 41.9ared=. gin= :ULU, edigl =M==l • • . trieny Z UURCEIF/ELL . O intro W. partarciat LIA omsr.t.ton boyers to men'nupenor caAt of above good., giving Of mach wirfutton on account of thew on.lattntaLiti oalttteo ocla • i):lra liabally ricrar. A FRESH aupply of Die Poland extra Family A Fleur, 'orgy rhocie article, idyl reed for vale t.y • ..A VIDERF.WESON to CLOUSE Libeaty 11/kml/lOU Calif.& liirsAsmos. MURP IIY BURCHFIELD have received a sop ply of above topenor dreciti. 0021 01' "" handsome patterosand bright coleys rood st at ore of MURPHY &BURCHFIELD • . oe'n VIANOVIPAIN'S , --iiie - i - seTicOir - ify"in Fall Print., 1.7 of /Smiths,. it,. Conbcco, Bpreigatie. Donwellis, (Men., Clyde, ond i oiner good lll.ntaclntlee. opening, for .a le by 011ACKLEIT L %V/lITE ee 101. Wood gt 1 :T B tocelyed, and for .ale by b111111V131.& HORNE.% ooy3 vallocond It • —.. Nbast geoid on now .4"mc"t'!.6'6:l.ale by 1 R tin.llbortyY ON * 0 n 2 .. i. I:I:ACHING YOWLER-44c hlowalii Leek B 461dity, for We Irk 10Wttl Rlttilgt prior by ucYI W k 111 Iktrrei a vt.T Rix /111 CEIEFI:—.IOU bli Cr<l.l. Uhl rooM for Pada by 44t/1 A. %V /1.% II IIA 111:11,-7 btbi Muter; 7 b r•Scd do L iuttlAtndlng for stle by act, tt it %V lIAIIIIAUu II BL..4iKg and . olea, for Arjf 4 7 7 l , l , t o Yeott stlyrogwor,, e.o Worm flalobY 40l Plsln mm 414 , 1 nail V....v. Vivo Mans, Collaro, and llotomei Cotton, and IYarge4 Ho.pendat. rot tcy Red Dining Many, Prmled Fhltnet Hoban Llettgi 0.10 and I.l3ban PoVkci Wool 44,1 tioxkotin Mut", K.d and tluk OloValf • COmfOtts; 0770 .10,t tees/tad YAW fur milu by 1 , eti Pltl:lik .t r3L , TrEL,14.1,,1;61 froof jaa 1vf11.01.4 p Y 4.03 IVIC4 A MellANM,ltitti LAZ l liiir;;4l l l4 - riliWl:for ielli ki• . d ItCAIVONtI.AAHA A Cif _059 ift Woad lifalektgiiil'i; , .S.4oliY,ll4ofibi, for eiai by 0017 1.0171: A. 41o0ANIIIX*1 t1ejAi1 , =:1:1;1 . 4144.146Z - m. tor 4411 hi ,17 WWI( OANIII /1 , 4 4-10 iltipanf it4l 4 ' 17 It VIIN linNXll ,, r,:nr ft 1%1 B 8" ; 16IV M" ir i v n il ' f: • ' p sinNNltotiwr 4. Mr AMP ofiZZ:dieltinilied rod - ..,e - ift wham a_4;.trea,oili WIIIIjI 101A11.10.1111 , fuitk 1111, fifpff dn. 4.1401A00 . 141 ,Al•iao 1 {Vlrddl P 1,4111441 1..14 101 0101 • WM ft 4 00 h•Ai . 10 ,. ..ii1uk,1.4,1..4,0, 6, 0 ' "'Akin th• 014,1 .11,fel I.t J .10111•,NMAKKit A Co No Irl Wocd .uerti ift+girtr.Stian (* . lna it - di . 4 , 1194b1; 4.4 • mulls atrytd, and 'YU ,Vaod at.. nth and siva Myll Isayetsai kma do w ill ho Iran 11, abst ral4 rodtlaa4 grObay. oath 190yistotta...t4Eta KY lvettery reC A par 4 K Y.aartal4s,,at 4 Int lals bd tfalld • .1 AM:4 , A HUTLIIKION L Co la AMIN! , WIPES o heat 131' u WITDr, J OWES & CY wll O M4bZZirliiiiiip - .ii 1J 0111, i IILY, JC , P7EB & r to iff b rA tea . 8, ( 4 4 an 4 tor ode b unch. . 11° Id A FAIIN K &co ASTOc wTKlcx woaxr daze j, .ad aiyuy uo9enad and prude by ocifo 41 A FAIINEZTOCC a Co SOAP—VaI [4. pot reed =4 for We by m'l% it 14 SELLERS Mod al &OLIVE tauutz:=4 - Lia - o — ri., La «tit . J scriooNsrices & C. OSECABLIT leg. Powier for rat bi ° " I2 J 243/1()U014 & Co MOE=