The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 13, 1850, Image 4

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AmAcraislvammutle ,
visoraw.aLLD. rs
1111111111C/AD PORENA 111 GOOK
• ski. 101 Woo& street,
INVITE the wanton et berets tie thee lute sloth
J. gt Trash Geode seer opeLtrY. .bleb they ete
mpared to tell en very secaosaadatlat tents. '
We stun be beemetly receiving (rah /path ee,
1.4 the brew., ebd f.b.est eV
abbe by enestera ablchb.A and °theta visiting eu.
10171/ Inas',
ao . I se, -
IrbEGfil rope cirld4 ,l l let . ol
I po , :1110OF01111 1 f i r . lowl.
" "4
`44° Molts, csastal..vv.,..M . var.,
roll mak ol
~,,nn.n . rni. IWweitt Si) In, adapted 10? the tproooeb.
m-a... armor omens. Ail Mon in Wow. oC
;s7,nag. fultketatilr, ace good cilia/Alban!' And the
,97 4 , i n ' r " trt i f LT.: b a t : 7 .4 ' 6lll%r " 1 1117 w
frWrties is.Nagymr cuia -- aan - li
, .to Pittabarge.
Re Pennsylvaza Rill Road Company having
Voloyleled Inv whole boo of ran toad to liolltdaylv
arab, trios cot eecorg tie Portage Roil Road to
Jontisown. and lola thaltets by boat. to Plnahargh,
are BOW prepared to receive and forward loorehan.
dint, wo o llen, AC., to and from thumburgh and Plana.
dolphin , , .
Tee boats will lea.i. 'the depot of tie empany
data for Johe.u...a, ere eanteetlAy wilt Um dolly
Min of eau 1 r Pail eloblaolios mowing toe do
llen', of all height tit inseetplua wittilo Ave days.
Agoras for Pa. 11. . CoLeanal Bute,daß. als
Phllaneip ft idlELLA li op,
--- - ---
Mono and farina: innnlttriet
Slitu of the Golden nary, No lollhird street
ffillfl If. XLEDER respectfally Informs
Ms fiends and the public, Mat he he,
jest teturned from the east, with It
• most elejtont and lutensito moon•
merit of Pine,a of ratioes styles and prices, sleeted,
by hinmelf,whb great carom the celebrated factorteil
of Nouns k Clark, N. V., sod Dunham, N. Y.,lfino oi l
Stodan A Donham,N. I'.) Met s. teleeted the above
from an Imniemo stork jun tanshed by the abate
makete,they WV Warranted of Wipedor goality and
tone, And will In all cotes be told at New Yost rtle• ,
toryprices. Parelmsers will receive a written itaor
amp with cult Piano, enduing theists on omettonito '
or return of same. if found deft env. .
Aloe, slot of splendid. Gaiters, from the runny or
Betuaidt A Mud, N.Y They are a .11pCfb amen e,
and warranted equal, if not superior, to any made In
the World.
aitb har1;;0..4,. or itiV,4.7,17%.74u5iigi6
above desirable good. and having been pottlesed
item the thiperners daa be warranted oe3
Jas. imaapratt. & Bone Patukat Nod* &ala.
834 tYsTr!::rx,,ei,:`,':'' rr.lotb,Mtspetl
oast moth, pet -Anna .Eatopep "Berlin,n and
etterehips via Philadelphia and Beldmore, wortutt•
ed rupetioiln both buy with and quality to any in nig
=let, roe sale at the lowest Pete, lee r
cash and ap•
primed isllia, by W & tt MITCHELTILEE:
*call . Liberty street
Loris* Supply or Fall i Winter Goods.
URNIY & OURCHSIELD Invite the attention
of buyer. to their largo mock of goats Adapted
for the season, consloUoglt in part of
- and Con' French hierinoes
eoburga and Casitneres,
Cliingeable POO es,
Weis silks nnj Tutu Satins,
Rik and Fancy Alpacas.
Soper Long Shawls, Low Priest do., Backlog Flan.
nets, IVelsn, English, d American Flu:awls, -setae
and colored. Their stock - or HOU. tiREEEFING
GOODS such as . Pheenegs, Pillow Case Muslin&
Table Diapers. 'raise:nog, de.. is Argo, and et low
Witt' for quanty. I, Boyers sal hod it to their advan
tage to exact-Ate their st , ek before pat, hoeing-4u dm
north cost caner lth and Market sta. act 7
Bs Mrs , Llargerlil s Supareeds all others
Charleston, Sept. 43,15.70
Hr. R. E. Belleau—Your hero been:saw popu
lar in all thie region of casualty, as very much to
supereede all others as • Liver or Anti-Bilious Pill.
Youre, de. JAMES A LEWIS
Ginner of Lease) Will recollect that R. E. Sellers , Liver
illy are the original and only Troe and Genuine
r r Fill, aridemsy be had at No EY Wood ai l and or
i tsta grata..Lily in the two ship and
/1 - r IMarsotta Inatraeg — Trellow Deals
Mad Sarsaparilla.
UST tip la the largest. altedlAittles, contains MOM
of the s earl/one urea Sarsaparilla than any other
preparatiim Chant which is ChetiliCailr combined
with the EY-Warn of Yellow Doek,the Extreme Wild
Cherry, and the Balsam of ir, thus making the reas
r d .ririitlo tk re * ri eroti oth en, thaw any c "' A r t erfe cet
ly free from all mineral Aisons, which cannot be said
'at toy other of the Sarsaparilla compounds. The in
void ehoeld rare of poise./ Mercury, Iron, gas
nine Potash, indoor. Sulphur,. Alltaie, and many
Other mineral , and 'rental/lc poisons enter Into sad
Forte the Saliva /mentor semi of the flarsapargla and
Fencers. of the al._ as
pant !
d o es Emma
—of Vedas. lbws 051 resrs•pantla does tat 5011111.5 a
particle of thew brilneeti, 4.517 one eon 5/11.104
asentela by app ylng the 555.533 . 171 tuu
The pawns may pp tuatara disease, ton
they So vidatic the b ood, and 50 s.ol,spletaly 321505ar
rune the whale rya with their baneful'effecis that
the drat cold, a, the 'first attach of disease, prostrates
the patient's stretr,ll, and gab/eels= or her to the
neat exeradating torture, and renders another eon
- Caton imporaibie and hopeless. Let ell poisonous
Sarcapartha preparaams alone, and C. Mayson's
Unproved Extract el Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which is thoroughly eflicaciona, perfectly harnalus,
end partly vegetable. All tiodeof disease yields as,
Its genial Ldiatinee.
Screfelst, Camargue Tumors, Catasteons Emmons,
Dynamics, Pales, Pasudes, or Pimples came Pape,
Chronic Sore', Lyes, Tatter Seale limed, Abeam.
dam, Culargernens or Palo i in toe Bonet or Jolt.,
Mid and stabbara Ulcers, Fever Soma, Hip Disease,
Swelling of the Glands, Mottles, Sypialine Symp.
Lana, Lamb:rag, DrOlim7i DY•PePsta, J.endue. Co..
trveness, Salilltacum,slfccuousof the Kidneys azA
diseases aruititi from I. term:clues use of Here.
Alottorriett'tne Tarot. 1 Value. of the Coes;
Vitimoutuiry S.deetions, and all other Olson.. tend.
leg lowan • Coosearyon. :Aver CompiamnFernalt
roasalar.77; and uns.plaints, Sick and Nervous
noadael, iieneria! Debany, Law Spints, LOllll of
Appetites Nista Sweats, rains in We Side and
Shoulder, • tposure srlmpradenee in Life, Chrsiii
io Conetlteitonal pi ordure, and ...Spring and Fall
Purifier or 1.0: Blood, not General Tocie for the
'System, It ts en:Availed.
A catiofrik. , ,:.3 Limbs of =tam years sumiv-
Ttus folio t• •0 extrset of a letter dated March
27,1c50, from. It Forkma AL U., a highly resPeeta
hie physilmit oi , :arletes, Ohio.
Joan Paso - Sir: I base under my cue a
young woman ror aisthen' years, has been aafo
kung from Ulr- .ited Limbs, and whose ease bay
bean pronemeen comics, by three of oar best phi,
elclatia Took lsr tail to faintly, and have need
GlaysetOs lellow book and tiarsapanlta freely, and
am sonfula II that the Yellow Dock and Sarupatills
will effectn porromel eure. Ste is Louie in, general
health than she has ever Lem before, and walks.
mils or two Without fatigue or yam. A. Yell ago Oh.
aced Matches. I will report the case In dna time.
Vary respectfullyC,
bee been :courted, by =Level mut, that In Ms
varied catalogue of diseases to width man la liable,
there is namely one of anon Importance, and of suet
interest as Scrotela, whether we look to the obscarni
of its orimr., its. intidions progress, the number sue
cutely °forge. that it attacks, or to remarkable In.
curability and extensive fatality.
lierofala bas balled alto chill of-the mai eminent
phystemns in this country and in Europa. Dar them is
an iodides e for this rbsca.e in Dr. tinyett's Extrast of
Yellow Dock and tiarsaparillap whim is proving it.
[ulna [erica eiticifie it the Most serene eases 0
An extreonlicitry rave of 'Scrofula cored by the
ade use a Dotter thirott , a Compound Syrup. It
will to seen bytLie certificate that this cute has been
Hater the treatment of teverst eeMbrated physieum,
kreshr past Mettles., without deriving any benefit,
and tin been electrully cured by the use of a few
bottle of Dr. (lepton'. Compound Syron,
New You, Jena 7,1813
Dthtleysom—Deer die—Owing to yoga debt which
money cannot pay. t I
am nduced to make a public so.
knowledgment af the benefit I have derived from you
lavalarsUe Syrup. I was sorely agitated with • tern.
ble Serefalonsollamme, hereditary Irt Our [may,
whielt•commeneed on my neck, tad, counnaing u
spread. soon reached my ears, rumdng into my bead
and utending ail over say face, neck, and lower et.
tromidea I bee.ono • &trusting oblect to look upon:
Atlikoss my distrait eras no great teat I was enable to
sleep Or /le down; and the dummy emending Duo me
eta scriortaly elected my bearing. My foee wen one
*collations sore, from erhielli a dtechane of mutter
and water kept a:mutually oozing out People avoid.
ad me, supposing I had the small pox, or some Mita
iefeeSo us disease, an/ !was consequently obliged to
relinquish my names. r Notwithstanding 1 had' the
bet seediest advice, and tried different plans of treat
meet the disease enntinued togrove wore, omity ptd
up in firspari - FOrimiately 1 fellte with a pnlizeljet
On the steamboat, white travelling (army health, who
reformed me that his con war at one nom in as olds
teenlllkas tie l' war, and tout by using Tout Syrup he
vas speedily tared. I =Mediate.), prOetiltd the as.
Lila, commenced using it, and now,•stfter hivalg steed
las than ale haul., lam well and able to attend to
my buslanfil. I rend you this statement al an act of
:lustier, only hoping that it may induee the *Mimed to
akeup:of the right medicine, and thereby save them
mach *tasting and expense.
Inmates your obedient servant,
JOHN Q. S P t,
Cam of an aszratudsit rasa of Erzaipeldu.
The coma pc.nonned by 'qtr. Gaylen'. Extract of
Vella. Dock and Sarsaparilla are lasting. The pa
tient's general health eantnitiell la Improve after MD-
Mice is removed. Cares are not chronicled until time
LIM OM, Motet Mat there tan be no relapse or retell)
of the &seam. •
Ito Mal, (Herkimer Co.)Feb.
8. F. Eavenerres Co, (Seta; it trwittt arcatplesanni
that I 'Mile 011 about the very happy amt
l'ellow Deck and Earsaparitinupon ”n, who has
long been mu:feriae ander that deceitful, loathsome die.
osse, Erysipelas, wttlt wrack ha *lsamu ked in , 843,
end area tor severed merle wended try some of ens
heat wao rein rhea *MU peruser-Mary for
Ave menthe, sadness an) bencie.lal effect. wham..
lid become reduced to a perfect skeleton He lad el.
errs from Lis htp to his knee which were cent:neatly
dischare disgustingly once/Ave matter. tilttltec
Inc musical Mull was bailed. Phyncians salil that
Olscase was hopeless—there timid bo nothing done
so Meet these tilbla gangretielog deer, My neigh
pm end mysel f ought his &molar:on near at band
One of my aeigbbaria who bad carted a ctuld Metre.
All with your Invalaable medicine, imbed zee be,
bmae mat of tt, and mare from the restless desire to
do something valute Life lasted, thee frem aoy ,, hopaal
tcrllng relief, I cowered U/See bottle, of year Schou,
Lock and Sarsaparilla:. and tom nen ed aiing It
and to say astemannicat. Le commencedaaproabq
be bad [sod the Mud home, and ree.foCo be hod cued a
labcusen betties could walk oat. Ile awed in al,
twelve lonics ea/ by tierober Ins he was pcifeen)
yes sued; every treOge see h e
ta removed, and he tremens in perfect health ap to the
pressor tine. Ilis recovery, under the bleardng
(lod, ta entirely Owing to the act y out Yeltow Doti
end Samarand•,.ned I mere yo.ithat I feel myseit
underlie, at otollgatione )oli, and it is with ercatjoy
Ms/ / mele,lll you of welt! ) - nor Sarsaparilla haa dens
for M) soli. Meapector..v
ra NO. Beowulf, melees pat up U. tame
muurdn• • gem and the name of we Rya, blow,
1,1 me, glass, with the miner, denature of S. F. IJ.
ott,Cti the condo er . ripper.- Fnee tlper bottle—to
0 Dan es for RS.
itLI told by J. D, PARK, Nerd, Rest corner
Monona Walnut ittreV, nit.ce al, Walnut eL.
M Ohio, tt! 0.11 orders mast ke eddren
a Erie; VV. P. Joharon Co. %Vet,
ferd; Ric:no" Civiungllll4 Aloe Terrell:
o,lordzose; tiltara Mrs,Tematda; Robert Roy, Well.
bolo/ I....ftodetlel4l:2o.:.Listc L., %Vticoz, Jr, nn,-
6.4.11, con:et of idvk
'—c Anat.TEA ASA 50 MASTAKE.
MOr.l:lf. a IlAWOßiliiirrthe Dimmed, ore 0011
Ins ~x.ccue..lTCS, at
60 atm per ID—TAY IT I t veinal
rwrr.Tvi . a.
Ms 11 Weed lams, misabursh.
ctranENT moirsyazciayso ON pErosrr
Collections and. es ill ;ha srtinelpal C dell at tie t
Ualsed gu.s. antl.lll
a. B. Comer if Third and Market U.
useLg - si ifitxcnnat, con, Bina NOTES,
No. ie., eta,
girt tier to the Hut of Piushush.l
COLLECrIONEL—DraIts, Notes and Acceptance&
payable in any pan of the Union. collected Oa the zoos.
favorable teems.
EXCHANGE on Now Yost, Philadelphia sad
Losirealls, Surd Leeds sac
Now &leans, eatunantly for sale.
BANK Nm• Now. On all
we s t but ttts
I/dud Blame diseoantut at the lowest rates. All kind&
Foyelgn and Amerman Gold aad Muer Coln bought
ad 90111. a 0631
KTHOLUTS tr. SONS have removed OCI:112.k
-1.1. ing and Exchange Wk. toNo 67 Matter
O ur de.ere uelnly Old mend. eng:l7
11,2. t , t, ivatotir.l.l.44.
DILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bolo.
Elt any amount at the Current Rates of Exchanst I
Also, OroSo payable la any pan of Om Old Cowsties,
froml.l to .14000, at the rate or Si to the
tawboat deduction or docount, by JOSIIIIA ROBIN
SON, Escroptsau land Gwent Agent, adios Glh or.*
„tow west of wood. want
...11311 LIAICLII_-;
IA 81
ao.ssoLoniAss, Ai swim,
_LP lo Foreign and Domestic Dille of Exchange, Om
uheates of Deposits, Doak Notes and Coln, cornet of
3d and Wood sun% directly opposite et. Camtles Ho
or. S. caso.lsl .
MNOL/1111 4.
annuls, No 41 Wood
Rout, are new receiving ;
emus, as follows:-- '
150 pkg. Y. li., Imp,O. P, 50 111 If Epanish Cigars
and illack;Tess. ; 50 Id Havana. and Ears,
200 pkg. :Is Bs lb and lath In 1000 packages
lump k 5. roll Tob co.I du M Harisna., qr b 3..
210 bags Rio, Lagnayrad 061 Regalia.
and Java Coffee./ 15 51 Principe..
50 ilea Di 0 Sugar. 50 bra Id Raisins;
I 5U bets N 0 Molasses. 60 hale. Filberts, English
40 brispowsmed,erush'd / Wsbums, Elnall Nuts,
and loaf bogus. and Mound Num.
10 brl. Alum. . DI bk. Lemon Byrne. --
YO MU Tanner& Oil. Mbrs Pepper Panes.
300 mils Lass Oil. mi eases Pickles,
LO bets Ye 3 Maineret 10 cues spie'd Chocolate
1215 bzi 6111 et 10313 Massrrated Spiess of all kinds
150 his Rosin Soap. 60 bud Sardine.
Ilal dor Pot Dockets. 11l bus Starch.
3b. Caotolaus. 1.5 bra Hoek Candy. •
5 , 5 bra White Pipe. • lO bra Cleaned Almonds;
WO rem Wrap. Paper. 6 caves Latium ice.
re bos Pepper ....Wpm../ Meehan'. Cut and Dried
CM lb danteadßapeadnuf Tabasco.
• Is tea Rice 10 gross Blacking.
Together with a genes.' assortment of gods usu.
I.sll ..cne°y tor in male tint, as well es Pirtsburgh maim.
12S uad. Cortualstion 111.-
meet, oputslui 81 Chaan
and offer for silo, at low
lAT MrCLINTOCK Is now opening at Ins Carpet
• • • Witebonse, No 73 Fourth surer std 70 Wood
street, a rem bandonneusortromn ofCarpming,cmn
prlelog la pan or the following •rarletiem—
Filen and elegant style Velvet PIM Quyen
Race and elegant style tr y
Brussels do;
Rapt Nor 711.1 a and Anaenean Rmssela 110;
E,Uraimp. 3 y Carpets, I Rugs, canna:maim
Bayd. o do; I dap. TafMd Rots;
. ' do Ingrain ; . Cheadle Mau;
Ear . Ague dodo; • Taloa Alma:
Lome. oilwool, do do; &Mx Rods;
• do emu , . chola do do; Cow/ Mom;
Ido consist ~ do do; Jobe do;
A 1.,, • very lane assortment of Trimmings for
CM= Boats, Cantagiek Hour., to.
A very hotel assortment ot well seasoned Oil CloMs,
mein' in •widat from .V aches to n 4 feet, of sexy
handsome. styles, eat to Et any oiled room, had, or
. cslibale.. .
Tee Innen d coo& will hi pJ as et, al as any
sit be parehased in airy of the omenr. ca NVe
trite every body to oallwhe wish a benzin.
p l V YUKlRls—lint bra Cream lad W ckeese;
10 hags old 3.t0 Coffee',
IU hap Lagnarfa do;
31 bags fancy klo do;
lu Dt chests Canino Tha:
to caddy Ina extra Oolong;
40 do prune Croon
3 • hlettesta do;
II b. blotch Raialac
3 bades win shot! Alameda:
6 dos pautichryatat /Amon Sagan
60.nm/cop.& & fancyChocolato
la b. Brews, Cocoa ar.d No I do;
5 boo Almond and Palm SOON
Or b. Koala and Yartcyatin tiotty:
dos Onto and Bordatal: Oth
dot Popper Sauer,
dos Gentin &
LI dot Rota Water,
1 ca. Italian idatearon,
5 cases do Vannicenti
elms pore India Canis Powder,
3 viva aapeduna Mee Man
IS be. crashed & Vidventrd Sayan;lo Des =all Loaf;
10 lals
Lo do: &ara Cider
Cot. Wood & 51105 au
Fos .ale by
Ezra:l7 In &wing.
1;0 avoid the manymeonymPeneas attending the
Ina of the customary Skein, the above satiety hat
bane mach, and for a longtime wanted. It hat elvers
been • Miner Of astonishment, that team the common
sr icle otoothm,heas commute:Al, sole.l for gene
icra. use—Silk, so mach mote valuable, vhould nave
on supplied in Skeins, from which so mach ttaable,
cc rattou.and lees has arisen.
Me di m:Sy has at last been overcome. the yobbo
it Ouellette:Al trade, handsomely pat Up in a rot,
eulent form fee domestic or.
The only objection erred against this article is the
at.dirent small quantity on each spool. This 1. eatih
es.tlained Exalt Spool is warranted to !Contain Ott
roads of Silk; while the ordinary. Skein, st the tote
once, has bat an lamellate quantity, varying from LS
o 9 yards.-
The Spool Silk Is reedy for use at the time of per
has s, and h only needs a trial, to convinee the Most
L.otal of its sarertont - ia quality. Independent ot
1., nest and convenient form in which It le furnished,
In. great al•entages over the Stein, as it doer
. 4 tic with the tedioha of winding, the rotation of
as ling, and the hats of time In preparing it (or use.
told by WhL 11. HOBsTIIIANN k SONS,
GI North Third at, Philatletylve;
S Malden Lane. New Verb.
Sole Agents -
A. *A. MASON & CO.
,A3rtvryen Third & Foattb streetr, Yntsburgh,
If: vrri: die - illellbii6 rlntlehuttt Inviting th e city,
Lr. their extensive mock of rail and Winter Goode,
eted with emit ears and attention froth reerthl
rnothatheill, Wire Incurs sales, and frank the forth
the manalacturere, by their resident partner In New
bets. 'their mock duo Willett be lound to he Muth
jar, at and mote vartedthan any they . have ever Delete
bro shl to this market. being terimuthed by receipts
of grads utmost daily 'Weser. the reason no they ap
pt a , in the eartern matter, rendering their Mach m
I.thes lull and verfeet;thereby enabling them sae
eerrrally to compote with eastern houses 'toe
JOlll6 H. MELLOR, No 61 Wood meet. sole •Son.
for Chlekerlng.. Piano Fones for Western Peon.
syl• anis. has received, sad now ready for sale, the
following &sonata., selected by Limself from the
Msbufaclory, and will be supplied as usual at Mr.
Mat Severs Frees, via:—
a carved Lew. II V, 7 octaves.
5 elegant Moremood,l do;
a do do Gi du;
a do do s No;
I do Mahogany, do,
I. do Walnut, c do;
1 fall carved saWgrand.
A CARD—The anbseriber ko the pleasure of
smomeselng to the amens of Pittsburgh, that be ha
mane arrangements with die. John 11. Mellor, fro ill,
ere,4•lve male of his Pones in Pittsburgh am
We.tern reart•ylmteda, and those molting to per
bye may he assured that Shea interests will he faith.
full) intended to. J CHICK/MING
lh.ston, March 23,1848.
In addition to the abo.s of Pianos from Mr.
Chu tering, a new suprly is raved from the fartoeles
Of Adam Modest. Macau a Haven, mud Wommter,
New both, and Hallett, Cumsten A Auk's, Ilosboo, •,
priers varying from two to three hundred
5 for - October, lost rtrel red and for enlo at
or' Apollo Dal!dings, 415
People from She Old 001alatry.
Llaaenv me same k lad of 15=11 Leaf, Fice,buo
.zd Booth Flavored Black Teas tbs.: aro used ao
Um Old Comfy, can bo boagtd at 50c at4/5e Poi lb.
Si !Jams tr. Haworth's Tea Store, oast side of dm
Duo.nd,“and no whoroadan InPiustareh." ter4.4
FXIS4II.Nu PAPPsl—Thoiiroat /rt =Bract - eau 54
Lad at she agency of Clinton e 5 Wood it.
a0..05 W P bib ELRI6I.I.
/Ay rstSYY.L., n r NIIL
S. anTI—TES Metter
Ottildrerc a toile of Cruelty and Oppression. is tbi newtrice tole by T. 3. A ithur. is Said ti
be it, tower , ben production ' for sale at Holmes
Litei dry !repot, Tbseel street, op posite tbe IN:WI/Mee
sire, iLe Mope aniabl of 6t, Joan, by Alejoe Richer&
son, Ilse Lottea's Liming Age No =I
.. _oct
(lb OIiEEME=2I6 bit ;Tel rt Otter gale by
ll Dept J R C • NFIELLI
Mouting Goods.
IIFIVIIV & BURCHFIELD halo reeefeed a any
PAY of goods adapted For moundad tanaFt Fan ,
Blatt Beathcanes,
Canton loths,
COI•tt171 and Feranatter,
Merin. and Cadonata - .
hloase de Lathes and ?ifoorning
Alpaten.e, Mesnatng tlsCent, Mark Cravats 7 d1 1 .•
Ihr , nkeretnefa &a.. ,
Itilll,4scAnts—w bum st units s 11 cYtoP MO
lasit•ittst received tind for vide by
cct7 Agent St Lsylv Steam Scant Refinclry
rILLEY..,S hand and tor wit by _
g puma qeilliTio-riale-bi--
ritNNERS' r Talc tTy
o el
gyr.k WILSON_
N UT Unjust rce'd ;Calor saleby
ord 57 Wood et
DATENTriFarAY PTATilolt-10 nos reed for .010
SODA-0 cam 100 saleb ynol -
153151 AllArlll7 LOZENGES-1.05 u lin Kale ni
tX oe 1 • •- - SELLERS
tar RAPPiNO Rirreatilidfind
♦ wrapping =Nava, C.Wle medium, ewers, an,
able crosn, a very enperiar tinkle, on band and
for caLc by . R C nOCKTON
9.105 ' 47 illarlict st
.I'v-° outer
, SlTego. g
the fo~n
ou Lore by S. C. Foster :
OY te Red Li
, do •
!veil) , was •
Untie Oed.
Doling es Run an Night, d
esc ,
e Ihry
Sdillmr,by Menu.
The fte• ' do
moist Torch the Cord yet once again.
Sweet Memoirs of Thee.
silver Moon. •
I..agenrAthe Irtsh Honigtant.
host bast l l V' e o Y an i Vihe Spirit that Loved Than.
The Constant's Departure, by Glover.
Be Rind to a. Loved Ones at Rome.
To Elmo where e'er the Heart is.
The Yankee Maid.
Lew Ba' Car,,by Lover.
Do you ever think of me.
Slumber Gentle Lady. •
Jennnie Grey.
,re,.l,erms, Wedimg, Wreath, and Daley
Datche \ or, Malden, Bella Welus, Coerce,, Lidice ,
Souvenir, Cally, Haim, Lily, Alic e, I:Tars - Teen, Stil
ego, Adorn. and Lien Polkas tonr.t: z TTi.AYfI TICA.S t
WE enter not Imo the IL t of purer., we say nothing
about Hamlet do of Chests, Importers, Later
Capital, Bonght for Cash, he. In fact, we will not
humbug in any manner or form, we simply myna the
public so sampans our Teas with WWII they purchase
elsewhere; Ns lithe best method we know to ascer
tain woo cells the ben and cheapest Teas in Putts
burgh. Wp are. now selling
Good and strengTea at ell and docents per lb .
A p.. -• 73 do de
The n best Tea Impend rote the V. States, Si
Low primal, damaged. or inferior Teas we do not
keep. MORRIS d 11A WORTH
Propriew ri of the Tea klarket,
je3 East side of Ihantend.
urem American fitilZhanlenr - Work.
D. Appleton As Co , New York, have In course of pub
lication, I a pans, price termer five cents met,
Ce Aloe/linen, Mecham, Engl. ltork,orid En
gtneersng; destsned for Practual ll'orimig
Mn, and those imotrkd for the Sort
• osertitg Preersrar.
TIUS WOES. is Or Large Eno. site, aim mill contain
Two rotersann roans, and upwards of stz coon.
into ILLeSTIMPIONS. it will meant working.draw
lege and deuriptiona oldie Most imptntant imeltinee
m the United Reim Independent a' the results Of
Annefleall intensity, it will contain complete p reel.-
calimattes on blechattien, Machinery, Engine-wort,
and Lingineetlng; with all that Ls useful in more than
one the sand Collar folio volumes, mega
tines, an other hooka.
The g at ablest of this publicanon Is, to place be.
fore p deal men and students each an amount of
-theoretic I end ecientifie knowledge, In a condensed
form, m hall enable them to wort to the best admin.
rage, an to avoid then mlstakm which they might
othercris commit. The anaountof useful information
that brought together is Mount beyond .. precedent In
mob work.. Indeed, there is hardly any subject
within it. range which is net treated with inch clear.
nem and precision, that even a man of the most one'
nary capacity cannot fail of understanding it, -and
than learning from it much which it I. important for
einem know.. ;
The pnbliihen are, in shalt, determined, regardless
of ens!, to mate the work as complete trt possible; vod
it is hoped ovary me desirous to obtain the work will
procure it as Maned in nombom , and tenstens eneocrico
the enterprise.
The wort will be limed in semi-monthly number.,
commencing In January, 1.5t0, and will progress WWI
great regulanty.
The whole work will be published in An mirabers,
at ffi [ells per number,und completed Within-the em.
rent year, Isso. A liberal discount will be made to
. rt r'''' ; U ir l re cel ' e trni the nir anfrtk th tli7O u tlit i h sh ge " po S er ace d Trre c i:l
°pintos's [t ea oe Press,
“To our name:one filmufiterers, Aleehnoica, En.
gLen, and Arilsens, it Will be senile of—
rOvidescad ft I.) Journal.
"Tonna men, arm yearselves with Ita knowledge.—
We can with confidence
o f rendez. to
pear ., thitrasel yes of its numbers as fast as they ep..
pear. , —Amentim Artisan.
..Wia onhesitanngly commend Me wort to these en
gaged to or lateremed in mechanical or scie7mile par
sobs, so =lneptly worthy of their ...aeon and
study.'l—Tr.hy, (N. V.,) Budget.
alt in truly a great work, and the publishers de
scree the dant. of immix's., machlethsts. and scant .
lecturers. and indeed of she t utile getrerelly."—N. V.
wl'his Dictionary will to highly metal to practical
mechanics, and valuable-to ail who wish to segment
themaelves with ma p rot tars or IstruntiOn in the 111t
ohIMIC lIIS." — New liedbani Dray Mercury.
..lioung etrehanie• °tight i.. 1 kt. 413 ported it ~. in the
orstMal LB well as
knurritike, We/ min
work will show them Just how they ital.!. '—.Roxliary
Masa) Adeeruser.
“We take it lo be just the wort that werm ... - ..1 L.-
area or Cille Linelligont enchain. tmodenre.t , . lois
sem -.So emphasis desetiptivm, md io , ill and
Minute 11l speeigeattons, that ti nee=
us Met Soy
steeliest, teight connect Royce...chide Ado-writ..., en
the snengthtfitsen,iraringseodiontectioos.^—td. Y
'"Art interrstett ill Melte:area shOunt 1 them
eels. 01 its sae antogal."*—tietins !MU, (Pc...) Jour.
"A stork of ezonelve gnu:neat entity and rest
porranee end value tithe rapidly increasing intro..
of the enontry. We regard the wortemineno y
cedeulated to promote the came of science rod the
Behan tai rob and to dyYmirosteralnahle inionno
non on reseeebieet.."—Parmer and Meehanic.
..er3eLeal men in cti ILO Varied walk. of rrehani.
cal end manatee:ming mite -torn engineering, de., will
find in my wort a treater. which it will Le tOttnelt
roll to posity.'h—Tiny Deily Mtg.
"We barters-telly paicrol the numbers, an! hare
no hentrotiori Lt marine the) tl tc Ike bent wort nor me.
chanter, tradesmen, mod resentatic men, ever putolith
ed, for it cantsdris mime informanon on every lorsneh
of the macharbeel arty and yoritecs, cantered to I.
style end tangnotcr intstliethle ..o en, reader 0.
• ry caprity.'—diaccestet (Wye News
"We an sale we arc de,..g tic rocebat c: Ipl
y:eh and altar pat:.col coneerur•t n ,nrrn, y
bringing the wort to "ono! attention.
(Conn.) Courier.
"It'i :nal seeh a wait as ever, mechanic ,a - .o h.
peaseea."—Preerttar., J panty!.
We conalder it one ta the melt creel and importan t
r =bll,atione any age. No meetare can afford to be
vrothuist tt."—Nen art, (N. ~) Commercial floor"- r
Or oh the tenants ~,,Ltn,nallows riving for:hey
tot the couriolocon nal alratteement on the mechln , ,
t nrnn. cad ¢ , nlenzennn, ',no that we have MC, n•o
1,1!: nn.l rornisr , tin."—Bageln Com... Adv.
It is the tent at.t cheated wort ever mitered 0 the
cmite arid pram:ell engineer and mei-motor fly
piers are b“alltally arecuted."—Washroomn Cooly.
"Thin great Dictionary Is one of the most unfit
worke err published for yearn, and the low price at
Mach It is cold males itateceptable to alto"—South
"We ree•id 11 as one of the mosteornercheest we nod
yolcrtole,ls well as elreapew worts ever pabliehed."
—Baltimore Adrentaer.
bileght to be latest by every one dee:rine to keep
pare with the progress elan and sewer, to every one
ache labors of civilised life O—Randoct Cannier.
"II it designed after the prontop et of Lire'..Dor t ±c. ry, only thatrit in more deemed la inne noecloano,al 1L.7“1
engineering oprufesaions, tad ahoy ,s at/cable
necomplithing for &menet,: who 1 , 0 hr drone for
Ertgoned, vii deaeribilqr Amenneart machinery ail
worts of et Wl—Seim:title Arden..
"Ity publiethed in nualbers, and at rule: Inn 13.0.1 , ..
rate, toOking at what nicaratalried in e nneh swan, tin;
GO one who. his Bre levet intermit in rock
need be deterred from promoring a; and every One any
does so, will find that he h. In & condensed form an
amount of oblelMetiOn which word be obtained, if at
all, only by the pray. orrery many volonea"—N.
Y.Cduricrand Enquirer.
the comprehenstraness wee which the entdeets
arc muted, th e admirable planer in &loch they are
Dimmed, emir to mate this one ol toot inert
rabl• worts."— Mocratic Res ins.
- '/Ids wort *herd be:sit-he hem:le-of ever mechanie,
nnosr, and LeallefaClitrer, es i dly thews who have
the leasttooplrellmoo teen) in their rcepeenve hold
:ryes. We have coretell) arm:deed it, orb • view of
It In inventor.. To them we would
In the erotic lenque),e of the Bibim 01l is
Invelitoral Journal.
ffolidoe to Pepprutorsqf Noy.lpapers throughost
the Mara Ste-wand - (:snail..
It the foregoing adventurer to inserted tee time.
Jenny, the year, and the proper contain,: It Font to es,
os copy of the work will be Pent gratis too payment.
anlbeldarltT •
Containing ao Mercury, run oar, .11fintraL
T i fs E ratenKV t' = n a ud eb. ". tre o n r b o ' f .
medical work minded "The Amr Wan Practice
Niedielao lad Family Vbysielml." •
'finning been made acquainted with thn inerc e hr et,
which compere McAllisters Alleliertimg Neetieni
arM having prescribed - 4-d tested it tasty:rat core.
ELT r rivate practice, I bare ..ito beramtion in .ay my
scrtitying that it , s a Vegetable Remedy, contalotr,
~o mineral martial:Leo whatever, that lta ingreatents
erosible.* so they arc, and aced l
directed by the
Propra Int, are not only harnaleas. but of great valor,
acing it t r,
a truly scientihe Remody of great power and
Clrerfully re t prattler. d it as compound which has
tone much goal, and which is adopted to the career
a great variety of Though I have..., clatter
recommended or engaged in the sale or secret atedb
tame regard for tho troll honest, con.imatioua, hi"
mate character of the Proprietor of this Oiatelent,
tad the amine of bin discovery, obIigBRACH lb D. ,
e am to any thus
much re ice W. rilleg
New cork. Annlaad,retin,
evltNnl.—n f. one of the best - ittchms in the world
Cot. Bums. •
PlLES.—Thuusands are yenrly extred,by lAis Clint.
went. It never tunegthing
For Tanners, Mews, nod huth or Sorel, It has
no equal.
If Mothorgi and Nurses knrw its •alne hl cases of
Swollen or !Wm' Breast, they would always anply
In sorb case, if used according to &muttons, It pyre
relief in a very few hour..
Atoned the has are direction, for seine Mc Allow es
Ointalerlt fur ethrofala, Liver thnoplaint, Erystneles,
rent r, chdmn,n, Scald Iles& titre Ryes, Quinn' ,
Sore Throat, Wootton., Nervous Affection., Path..
rheum of the Spine s ./thad Ante, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Earns, Corns, all Disemee Otto Stitt, More
Gips, art, Swelling of the Lambe, Sores,
fthemmatlsra,Piles,bold Emit, Crony, Swelled or Bru
ton Ilretsl,Tedth Ache, Ave In the Pme, Sr
From the Wading Ele.
There woo never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public, that ha. in so short • ume won Peen
fejattattna t. rtleAlltster , All-It: sans or Wari.l
Salve. Alamos every prison that Lao made trial of It
Teak, warmly in its praise. fine has been cared by
It of the most painful rheumatism, another oldie odes,
third of n motile:onc in the side, a (morth of n
Swelling in Me limbo, fee. If it does not giveltame
haie f eLef, in ev.ry trot, It tan do no Mosey, being
applied oatwardly.
As another coldenee of the wonderful beating pow
er ponce-nod by dissolve, we satbioln th e following
cenifietac y -frem a respectable e;tisen el illnidrner,•-1,
township. In this county:
itfaldencreet, Perks eo., Mewl, 3% Ill:.
Messrs. Ritter ft exit—l devise to Inform you taw
was .tirely tared of it bevel. ;lift tooth
sae of DI eAllinwea All-Hendee ',ore, which 1 oor.
dieted from you. I sacred with it tor oboe, tat
and at night was unable to else; 'Daring that no, I
tried ennooss remedies, which tow. piwerdital far leo
phyeleiann and other perrows, rthootrcceivineaur
relief, an at Jam made trial of thin Salve, with a r--
sell favorable beyond expectenon. I nth now emir , -
ly free froth the plat, eftjOy et night a Pcadclat
and sweet sleep, 1 bane alt. Wild the:if:llVe shicu for
tooth ache and other ecropWetts, with wmilor happy
rc;alta. Veer friend, Jolla HotritaltaCti
_ .Sole Pftnituldt of the above medicine.
Principal °aids, Ivo 23 Pierian-Ird Street,Phlladel.
Admen t.. Prrretrosatt.-11 A. Fames - took & Co.,
corner of Wood and Ant al! L • Wet Jackson, No.
21U Liberty street L. Wlleor.Jr., Garner Or Market
111 the Dicmona, 11350 Canter of Focrth and
Glreem: 1. 11. Cassel, corner of Walnut and
Peon ,veers, Fifth Wardl and sold at the Bookstore la
dmithEed3 ,frot. 3.1 door from Second.
Cy Ca; heruuamral;JD.Dangli.
64 . 1 . 4, ..7; 11. Rowland, bleKeespon;.W.l. , extuidef
t fkln, Sfonunre.t.tlx Pity; N. N. Borman Co ,ff,n4
I. T. 7..0x.rz,Dr. , .m.511, 1::r1, TLICVC r I., Pa;
I,tla Walk a, /E.. v,
I^ ,
P. c,c N
j0g4.6- 1 i t.z.; 4 ;(1. "- lbr leate.7o„ t
al — The,rain many Persons is disligitred With
slight eroptlons,Sts pimpleamorplesr, , tse, and When
Oil i 2 merely a dluase at the stin,as halts Monty
nine ewes out of. every bandied, tt is *cry easily es.
moved. isles *keel , * Nymph Sam egpreasll
adapted-to diseaswof the stria, as it nets directly
upon Lbe minute pores which cover fu mutate,
elesitang them from impurities, and by its balsamic
peeps healing and eradicating all eruptions, and
th e dames, snd tootling skin eon, fair, and
Pena who have been in the habit of using rodl-.
nary soap. will Le ILLtOrasaed at the beautiful elleet
prOdueed by the Nymph SON , . In imputing. delicate
bloom, preventing the neck, thee, or hands from chap.
ping, allaying •11 irritatioa, aad removing all cutane
ous eruptions. It pagsPesea an ersaislte perfume, and
is entirely devoid of a/1 alkaline properties, rendering.
It the only article which Can be used with safety and
comfort in the nor.e!y.
All those whose faces or necks are disfigured with
pimples, blotches, tan. morphcw,ete , should make
nisi of Sites Hauel's Nymph Petty, les the yroprleter
positively avures them, that Its USG will reader the
most discolored skin white, the roughest skin smooth,
and the most amused skin healthy, pure, and I , loora.
Jules Heed's Nymph Soap intl.,. on article which
will effectually pr due,'
the nhore effects In so short
• time, and the odt one which In at the ulnae time
powerful end courtly barmier, Prepared only by
JULES 11 AV M., Perfumer and Masada,
19 fh•:tnol at rent, Phila.
For sale wholermle and totnti by it. A.Falmestock
& Co, and It. 11 l'fftrhu r ,t, Luc y ja r , 13,,,
gent and J. Mitchell. Allrohtny env, PR. ICS 4
. - .
AGOI/111 Alahorany haw, roi octaves,
second Land-----... • —sloo 00
A handsome upright iloyessOod
d °staves, •no in rood ardor • • • • 100 00
A good nos., O. .
A good Kona , d • ' • • ham
For rule by • II IiBLLOH
may Si Wood sr
M.tallc Might hi c;
SUPF:RCEDING Wo-sen i „,
their economises Id< pa, not pie
vons berctsfor-.0 much objected to in
;met goad. One tnnlc wood et 0 : d in common
limo oil will last Nine 0.. t. r iurthet length
oft., eeroeding to the 6: 1 1/ . 100,11i 11.,:.,113 . Of oil.
Received end for sale is JOh N II MORGAN
OtitgAtm •
TEST RECEIVED, fa the Yitteburga Funnily Grp
tiP eery and Tea Warettodeei
5 canes fiteeh Orteet, in tin cans;
do Pickled do, to qt
do do do, in pint do.
The atitTo rrerh Oyur'rt o o ptittaled: end pal up
in a highly conrentrated 'mull, enclosed herinallests
ly tooled ears. and vein c , r, inu-h longer than timer
put Itr , In the ordinary wo
Fur sale, wholonnie end
Nym a CO,
.betty at
Orcat ro•stror- lrchloters,l Work.
' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
gine Wort .'••n for Practical
Worktna hien, and t!tn• - k • .1
't Pncincering
Prorearlon P. 1.1,41 • • •,••• • .•••
int. work mof isfer •• i • d mai ennisin two
thoneand paper, and up, •-• - n- e • 7 tnnoiand tlidistra
norm. It will present 1r or t.:4li •ikawines and descrip
tion. of the 14. , r7.7lklnc, to the United
S Imferendent re•ols- 0,
a ee to.
crecTld ' e t .l,
me; with sit that M toefel MOlO :hen On•thentsand
worth of folio vniurom, magnums and other
tool.. Pis damn., i•netved, and for sale hp de
Arcni, II 111/FEIN:S i
:ON Apollo Buildmas, Fourth at.
P '2 ' l ".
i .. .
~ ,
John 11. Mellor, SI i cod Slrett, rillobargh,
i`ge-".-!,!:`,,f;,",":.!:,';•.a,!i•v,',.. 4 . , ..a , ..!b.. 04 of
Oromd and lgvare inane,
I)E6S to ir.itirm 600 , riri:4‘ tnaeoParPabil.,
D:het be hue Iv rol ta Liid N W :deal/4 an d
r.,;.0.e for t!ortrg the Vreier.: InfUal • the largeoi
01,1 ttoet of 0 . ..0 toad oval °derv/
for tall, I , i the w,l—ergo, s the wahl , et will be found
•c.l 1:0/1-71.14 et,r.J Pia... Panes,
with wl.!!or reel Sr.tr4eraltl an 4
of .s.z.or
`%Y:.4..4 4:k 11,11 :n 0,00 1.1
prernrea 11T,
ate al at ;,••• •t • .• Mantel:mtg . <
fen •IF,. •• • Art up In
PICTILOLV.UNI,”SL 1:./. , 1& Oil,.
Than Ito, ec.:tr. p! - oples...
sl`liE. IRTIfFo4 of :Ills iowartolo!P trruedy, eua
to 4,,,01 for it, to the proprietor,
Aa,i.,aaerd tom in he, .1 ,nt up In buttfos watt I.
e t.
fat e r•onet of the potOie.
he rm. un, holm
rein .thl
roam,. •- dep:n (cc,, .1.•
arPersle , l ~ , ,etoPai change, het
M. ,orn • (••••:1..-o,rniorr! Tcatil
PrnOor , o , o nuruher of di:rue/I,ls
:unge, 1, Tono-.ono), 'll,ere •re marry
, ! I L ,, 'LI (•:. :I 1 uoarn., ought
t•c of suloroig, and re
•,,,coro Llourn uro, io many sof
,er• Lts:ll, , g pr ;Lt uf potting
it up ,n tquoo• `o • p • runt of dis-
urtgly .sy tat.:,ancm!—
‘,o:osum,•;,„„ ,
Apilon, and nl! al.nas, •n: , sLIVE.I4
C.WarLALNT, fl—nos of
111.uldcr and liidttsm l`s:ra a flank r• Sian•
Nervous. Diteases,Pieura:,,.. Vta
atry :a:.:lnstil:: Pains,
I:ristpetas. Tatter, 11,..., , ,0rms 0nn..., Scalds,
•r . F4,7A. • ,-, o f re
p:stung Iron napn•at,, cr s cases 01
•Ines , s. this ',wain., , : - rill tel
n^ners: TONIC ant ALTS.OtTI tarn eaten,
~ 1 Art,. InGe and r.t.erite t4o etbole fruter, rem..
nns, oecoize the eltw;lth feecttoot, *Mete
rAurt te-esse ace Szokeu el:we:Attu% end yew
cest.,l and rel.ewed cowry to 11:1 Lee argent 01
plopnotor knows of eeretla cures of
rete•tel racy c:hrt tteetetent, get well
ler ate Si teo Pertl(LEtt M fns a short teem
fnsl eon be loan to +tor pens: who dente. It.
re ourno wlthout the ...,:eetzte of she freemen..
4u;•1 n 9 ter proot:ctor,
Cse.n. in, in ot.
) It I. -1% ood si,
trw—ktl:l.,l It
11,1cr tt : , Art:o Air lu,
111.18 PRATT'S PA•4~IVT .I:10A ASII
Price Ittemgc,4.
riff; I v., but
qcality nod high 1,1 C1 , ..70,p hinters'
sodaW6I1111:11,1 Sl,l, 0 .05. brand .t
31 by th•qusntay , colrency or
approved butt:. at ~.- n.”
No 70, Fozzrzh Stre.t.
13 r 111•CI.INT0,4C ano+rcnenaerlp 'hee;rinS hia
nonng el. or cAnrin' curkits,
Troasaloga, /tr., coi..prislng in part thr following, viz:
• }lf ira Super floyel Velvet Pile Carpet+,
Enal,,,h and AllIVIIC.111:13[1018
I:ns/Irr, Impel - it 13 ply
I!lnporl.nt tin do Bogs
'ruttrd Hugs;
44,1 and 1 Tyr, Via cu. Conan,
44,1 ant i •1'.r111 1 ,1 Parr, tiotn W.:inn
44, 1, 4 and z. 4 plain Car. Cnrntnari da
List and It. Carpeta„t:liemlle Don, Mats,
e-4 Printed Cotton UarpeI3.!TIOLJ
...Z. I.s.tirenFlln "
64,7.1, 44, 44, 4.4 and ji.‘-'l lll,l
Oil Cloths; •1,11
" , ,,, ,44. . r0 i f m a „i,, ra •r • 7lnttd piano cowers
1 , 1 inch patent Oil Cloths' tst.,o a
for ataira. 11:iii4 , ..eall;l a nx
01 1 . 1 .4 1 41 Ti... nu. Printed swivalett
Dive and Drab Cloths; E„,,,,b,,d 5t,,,,,, a
moan Plash; Linen •ad vaisraid .
Coat'. Oil Clothai
Delimit Star 1.1ve4;
Damask, On Lining.: Partey Red Chintzes;
Watered Martina Chin ire Dordenne;
LI,O, lish
Doff llnllead fc , r WSlisden; E Cover, Oil Cloth Table ,
T-at spar-a', - nrown Lir.en e rand, cloth.
!-. .ir o 1,11, '. it • .
, r,r1,,, I..inds, lira" Nair Rods;
!lama,; nir Flags. Pim/ Drage.,
71 nail h 4 1 1 1 .11.1.: I.lnen, Carpet Ilin
aa.l, 0ra. , ,, 1.. t, modem Mats;
Peon , .,l: ~...i...ant end Skelaton Matt;
It,, I.Ln e • Hapline. LI slid 4.1 Green Oil Cloth
Ge ria .1 I— (lath Tatle for Wags,
(1. ,, , , .. 11.i.'4:1 a. a Maps,
IMAM (111. ('lo/11. from th.. Eng,
Oh nod .111,111t11111 111,1.:11.1rit.r. cS 110/12 1,1 to 21 teal
nvtuir• k L y:aten rei.:ht....l .z. 1,1 rh,on. WI, and
The urtginv•inncd hnvonn nnyor.-.1 thrent Lurn Cng
!and, hil tvet Pat ontl t• c,, 1' klf KI L L Theca
Cntpet, , , wh,h are of thn an.l 'elec. ,
-rpen and
inletntlerrnh nn..ln 0 ynynton. colon.
1111111, n prircn 21111111 c nnih, nfl L< purrF.n+cd
tot, nny al ennicrn
llarinz the latrekt assortmentof lb, riebW.ani
mo,st fashionable Ell UNSPL, IMPERIAL THREE
PLY and INGRAIN C II erra , artneh far surpasses
in Ron WY and eheaPot'' , 01 reit , any nu orinicat ever
b,ore hronal,t to this dry. 11, Inuits, Steamboat
Slen and Coach Mantfactot,m to lbs large and well
nelseted assortment of TRlMMtbil:S,undetherartlefes
.rrearnty to their tittr,ssr
•1-+.'_n. (7- li e only Stair Rog
Pho; , , , h4rlr. , s premiss , ' to Cell
fr •srve an .111 1.0 blurb:l , -T sal,• In nos city.
ilt 440.11,4,
!SI (0., 64 Malt, •treet, between
k. and Fourth. are now teeeteiog element , .
roronezt of Ilorere Lola, Cloth., an en.
ore IMIC article. rall•l‘L, (Irmo, Do !,nine, net with
a large araortruenl of Lawn.. grti Other Drm Good.,
el the , ar,e; and rnorl hotionnh' 'e rotors.
Paper Iliantrttaga.
Canal fhtpinen., anew st:! --,,meut of
Wall Porer, of dm latest Prool, or.[ ptyles,
In gold, eaamosa. oak, pion nu. la
tr. P. ',"I `
T GAVE tholes, elsoclored;w7,— t.,. lc boh.
sale Grocery, COrainilston,,11.g bust.
et.lip', two Sorm, It. N. Anti Iv. Itntnnt , s. The
urine's In tetlire wilt be cnynarleil or, r alyia of
S. Wmterrnen te eon', • 1 No
:or n. 2,1 Cal Front unit. ATI-111
1850 1 MAN 1850 .
BOATS of this Lmo milt lento regularly, sad dr.
Doan froishts without transhipment. •
' J C BIDWELL, PiSsbasgh,
moz •L•. 7"""
1850 iwm
,From Piiisburgh Camnbul and ci ew i am d ,
through the melt sod populous counties of Colum
biana, Carroll; Stan}, Tmecorascem, Cochoccon,
Ittricliortm, linking, and Frani:lto.
The completion of the Bandy and Beaver Canal
opens up to our city through thls great natural Lennonl
route a direct communication to the above as well AA
the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knot, and
- .
Prom this section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
has been, to a great event cut o 4 in consequence of
the high rates of inumportatten, which are now re
duced 10, 20 and 20 per cent.
Boats of the line will leave daily, and run through
without trenaitiputem. The Canal company have
bestowed upon this line an Interest In the unprece
dented advantages of their charter, and thus secured
to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering their geode
equal interest In this advanture Agents:
J. C. DIDWFI.L, Pittsburgh:
& CO., Glasgow.
Hanes, Spear's Milllea,, Oluo; H & A. Cuy,
Witharissport,o4 George Ilemble, Elkton, 0; Caddo
& Harman, do,•'/lanna, Graham h Ca New Llsbon,o;
&nor & Nicholas, Hanover, 04 Ilibbela & Boma Mi
nerva 0.; Speaker ft Poster. do.; Joseph Pool & Co,
de; Hall & Bora Oneida hlills, O.; II V Bever, do;
C a llormtial &Co, Malvern, 0.; R K Gray, Wayne..
burg, O.; E Reynolds ; do; Isaac Tell., Magnolia 0.;
E J Barkdulp&Coa Magnotla,r).; Wen'Harktiess, do; J
brFarland & Co., RandYsillie,o; P P Latter, de; Faith.
hangh Eltehabaegh.l3oll•6/, 0.: Willard &Shrives.
do.; JJ norm., Mennillon, O.; Caroming & Cs, do;
John Robinson, Canal Fallon, Fenig & Torrey,
Canal Dover,.o.; A 111edbary, Roscoe., O.; L_K Wer
ner, Nesverk,O.; Malt Pc Hale, Columbus, Ch L 0 Mb
thews, Cleveland. 04 Rhodee & Green. do. stay 9
Tramsporta — DifireiiiipiM477
Midas 1850. Maar.
D. L££ol3 61. con! Luiz,
13,Timmy:panic, Canal mud Ralf Road.
Tat: Ban and Cars of Ude Lide have been Just tu
compete order, and mob the addition of severs
new out. to the Line, coablea as to carry *largo
quantity el produce .0 goods.
The entire stock at the Line is owned and centre•
ed by the Proprietors.
—.en, TO—
. HARRIS & LETEIL No 13 South Third at,
Aed at the Tobacco Wazahoow, Doel
aderbia, Pe.;
No 114 North Howard at, Batimore, Idd-;
OFFICE. No 7 West al, New Cork;
D LEECH A CO, Cone Basin Peen St,
mr/3 Ihttsburgk,
l ag= 1850,,
CLARE, PARRS & CO, Rocheater, Prapr'..
Office cot Smithfield and Water ate, Pittsburgh.
Cleveland, Oh.
IBIS well known Line are prepared to transport
. freight mid Passenger. (mm PITTSBURGH and
ELAND. to kuy point on the Canal ehd Liam
The facilities of tha Line are unsorpassed In nnrober,
smeary and eapacity of Boats, erperlenas ol copulas,
and effieteney of Avant
Oat Bogs loaves Psnaburgkand Cleveland daily. ran.
nine n nun:with:in with , h Llne of Stuns Boat. he
nce.= POTSBURG/I and BEAVER; units Lint of
First Clans Steam &au, Propellers and, Caskets, on
the Lakes
Gar!, Parks & Co. Boeireetar, Poi
N Parke & Co. Youngetown, Oktn,
M II Taylor, Warren. 0-
A & N Clack, Newton lona, tr,
Brayton & Co, llovfnom 0;
Kent, cirtnnell Co. 0;
NA AI tiler, Cuyahoga { , alla, 0,1
Wheeler, Leo & Co, Akron. et,
Chamberlin, Crawford A Co, Clara and, 11,
Ilabbard A Co, Sandusky, d;
Peckham & ikon, Toledo, IA
0 wwlamo A Co. Delnalt,
Wilifama /k Co. Milwoutuo,
Marley & Dorton, Tiaciae , 1V.,;
Gl'orty AClhha, Chicago, Ill;
Ta B
mar ale, Chicago, la,
JOI/ti A CAUOII6 ; Agent,
mr.IO corner Water and 'ilthold eta
CI-ail/al. PARK,. a CO. Rochester. Proprietor..
Tflf: Proprietnot of till old and well known Lane
would inform Gs public that they are now in op.
mound for the present teams: and have earetranced
receletse Freight and Passenger, ',both the• are
fatly pot pared to carry to ell pa:no on the Canal and
At ths lowest rates. One of the floats of the Lino
• PI `se eonstantly at the landiog, tete. llf gannets:tea
Drldge, to rsectve fretght.
oAlre, ens Watt. gen tientshLotat so nosfrocglt.
IL 0; Cvntangbasn, Nen Caulk, Ca;
krachclirec, & Co, Punsaki;
W C Nolan, Stamm;
J & B II.U, Shamithirm
Wick. Aare acoo, Ureemflly
Wm 11.017, ll.otrmwa;,
Wm Power, Connemara ;
lank Hem. & Co, Erie',
John I Minister It Co, Buffalo, N V. mak
Pittsburgh — Portal:4o Boat Lis.,
XlB5O. at. tat
4 calls fora,
J in" ea. to •
of rems
• .1 e
.1. sallo• •ind
Tnonas Roaormar %y Tactic 8 O'Coirtroa,
Philudelphta. f / Pittsburgh
ta tog ahcd Lone al t then old
stands, ter_etmeg nod forwarding !Orchid:Mae and
Produye m low raim, and with the ptemprunaa, ear
minty, and safety, pecan. to their ardent and mode
of tranaporddion where imenutechate tranddoment 4
scalded, onth the conrequo., delay• and pro:redid,
of damages
hterthandirc and Produce slurped east or weat,uid
Rill . I.2iltne orwarded free of charge for eennuis
aloe, &Janne:a,. Of strange. Ilsomg no Interest di
remit or Indite rdy In atearuhmtub that or the owners
la solely mattsulted when sluppata their goods.
110 commun.:anon, to the following agents prompt
ly attended roi
No VS Market alnia..,• Philadelphia.
Corea, Penn and Wayne meet., Pittsburgh
.. •
John Meetßieth & Co, 03 North a;130; P. 13. El at
& Co. 25 Meow st, Roston, W. & J.T .Tnpleott&C%
South st, New York; Jam.. Wtetterrset, Cow,w•
natl. out-5
IletwotrtY/ttiblargh an &storm C t ea.
The Canal two,g stow open, ore are ready to receive
and forward promptly, produce and rderchandree east
and welt.
Frelslas always at !sweat rates, ebargsd by reams
albla Imes.
Produce and merchandise will be received and for.
warded east and Ms; without any charge for for
warding or advancing freight, cononiwion or storage.
Bills of lading forwarded, and all direction. faith
fully attended to.
Addrea or apply to, WM. LUNGIiAII,
Canal Damn, ear. Liberty and Wayne its, ritlabargh.
No Is 3, ?darkest, betweee eth &sthAgt,,lllPa.
No GS, North Berard WILS ON at.. , Baltimore
male No It, West flew York.
Bolles to our Patrons.
ririle decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia,
lam late James u DAIL%) produces. intemptien
to the business—arrangements have been made which
involves the same interests precisely, which lae
beretotom existed. The business . continued under
the sonar name and tern, elm—
hums Daps & Co e Philadelphia/
Jour APPatiChi & Co., Pittsburgh.
The continuance of the patronage al oar 'many
friends Is respectfully solicited. If any persons have
demands against the concern, they are requested to
p meat them forthwith, for payment.
Pithstiorsti, Apnl JOHN 1 1 ITADEN,
- -
Plallaalagar &lam nairliall.lll.• Offlea.
johIIANRDEN k CO. eunumia to bring person,
from any Pen of England, Ireland. SeoUond or
Wales, upon the most liberel terms, with their
eanel principality and anention to the warts and cont.
fort of ernaugrmus Pgiedo not allow onryteiisengi re to
IA robbed by thlf swieditag aearaps that ingot the gra-
Pta,. r take charge of there th e moment they it
rrt thma: r elves, .d eon to thidr well being, and de-
Irtrait h y th
tl ' s t ' streralY " , y as a we ' t i l i el n y bon:he's! on,
d es P it —n
iers to show that they were &lathed 48 hvont by us re
Liverpool, whist thousands of others • era detained
menthe, until they mould be sent in maps IA Iran, al
p Tyw, WkiCh too frequently proved their coffee.
We intend to perform our contracts nonorably, Cost
erbet it may, aad ant art as mat
case last arafin,
with ether orkers,—who ei th er perfarated not all, or
when It suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh tgye any cum from giro
/mg, pays hla al any el the proviso/at hank. In Iro.
land, England, lootlartd and Igolee.
pier ilrandy--OLard,
2 pipes 111 , 41,1 ad Gin;
3 cots N I; Ram;
."9 !Cr sods
o o so osommlict.morc
11. A. F . ahnoutook 4 Co.,
-gir - HOLEVALF; DRUGGISTS, cm ner or Pint and
n Wood rtreet., offer for rolv,on favombio ;Mrs:
Ito hhlt wing; um lb. Cub. ArOltonlai
as .In Alum; 5® do Asenimulla;
:PO do Dye Woods; 090 .10 Crude Tartar;
.r.; do Lampblack; 300 do Llooorieo Rove
IP do Yen Red; MO do Irish Most;
odo Camphor; Iro do Red Preelphaoe,
Id do Spun. Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer'.
YO do 1. elloe• Oehre; 2 3 do do Eng.;•
40 do Orimalone; 200 do Bucher LealreN
II do Clovea; 200 do Rhabarb Root;
3 do Cham.Flourem 400 do Sump. do;
14 eaves Ref. Boras; Stut , . do I.leutluo
101 do Cottle Soup; 000 do Sal Roubeele;
13 do Prussian Blom RIO do Seldllte 1 1 11rtursi
10 do Colo. blagoosia; WO !do Polled Rhobirs ;
Is .33 Chrome Green; 050 do do • ftlip.Elen.
sdo do Yellow; 100 do do U.Arahicr
Sdo Am. Vermilion; NO do do Ltd. o io6-1,
60 ronr; '',do do J,4 ,
13 begs ams
R Suiellyd Pape 100 Ramon; 230 . da f. pl4 ayensol
23 ewes Bonlc Ceram 300 do Bolph. z;
7302 Ralph. Morpkiav TA do Gal •
1200 lb. Cape Aloes; 200 do Iftwad y ,
1,030 do 11 , -ChromPot.uh;lso do Quick Silver.
51200 do Pink Root; . 250 '4O Orange Peql•
1210 do Turkey Umber; VS- CO Corlnneal;
1.200 do Cream Tartar; SO do lird P.tasity
.51X1 do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Ahem
'lO3 do
4 llya Uten r
; VS do Granville Lotion.
IRUC/331.1-'d-500 Lizolva an 1.433-i7j.,7,73-37C....1
ladbl., awned vireo, for sale by
BliaJdusta lisarrara Plaid' allnigleals.
DREPABED ender the immedine care of the In.
1 antra Ten z, and established for upward:of liig7 T;ll . x. ii
cues of Ole, ae r =tagtion,lout, and gravel,
as the most cafe, easy, and effectual form in which
Maanalite may, end Indeed the only one in which it
' a n t " le be ennthiled•Possissing all the properties of
the Magnesia bowl. general use, wllbonl b.nll ti n kle
like it, to form dangerous concretions In the bowels,
it ethereally cum heartburn without injering the
mats of the nomad, as sada, mass, and their ear
borimen are known to do; it prevents the food of in
ruts turning wer e in all eases it acts Ith a planing
aperient and is peeuliarly adapted to femaava
Sit Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forms
soluble combinations with uric acid salts ih canes of
gout and greed, therby counteracting their]njurfons
tendency, when other alkalies, and even Magnesia
Itselqtrad failed.
I. m Sir Philip Crampton, Bart, Surgeon General
to di Army in Ireland:—
" ar Sir—There can be Sc doulv. that Magnetite
may e administered more safely in the forte of aeon.
centrated solution then in substance• locals, and
manyf other reasons, I am of opinion that the Field
Magnesia is n Very valuable edditlon to our Malaria
Si James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Ides ra Galata and Herbert bitty o,of London, strong.
ly re ommond Money's Fluid Mugneabt as being in.
hoe y more safe and convenient than the solid,
tree Ilan the dmger attending the construct nut of
soda r Rotas..
For -
Frost She Vegetal, :Kingdom, to reye,l Disessea
Del 011ymottht Extract or If 01100 , Dock
and flar•apstrilla.
Cues s consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rhardstatlern,
coot, liner complaints, soinal arecliOns, ulcers, By
dropsy: ultimo, piles, senrsey,•ffections of
the biedder acid kidneys, Merennel diseases; tot.
tops Mono., Mil. et blood to the head , Meer kill)
plus, fern•le coinplaints, Kellen! debility, dyspep
us, lose or •ppetitc, beadatimi, Coindn, eosti•ericas,
'skeet. night sweats, cholle, or ganic stfeettoes,
pap:URI/0D of the bean, Wes, pains in the side,
el, at, hack, ho.
It infallible in ell' discuses arising heel an im
part' state of the
. blood. dr thrsgslar action of the tryst.
. In th e Yesetable Kingdom, ant Allariss Selng ha '
depotited plants and herbs congenial crony censor..
lions, and a.l.Plad to he cure of duutue; reed to fort
vegetable kinrilom does the mason of mamas WO a
the instinct of nni ale, tam for antidotes to Poihi
The Syrup is n sclentibc compound of the mast vat
cableraints In nature entirely free from deleterious
and enervating mineral substutces, .lid's it expel.
disease from the system, Impart. my.' ens steno kink
M. vitt. roinary care of Scrofula, Erysipeinu and ft
cert. cured; by the sole ure of Dr. Garrett. Cm
pound r sup , Yellow Dock and Sarstparilln
Illscosivn, Nor. r,., lola
Ifs. I..4rsori—Siz; I tendea. my sincere thanks for
two great benefit I have derived from this of your
valuable syrup. I have been troubled Whir bad wit
ii !tendrilous Sr. which made Ito appal/ranee en M
chin. I did not pay Moth al:annals to it at first, sap
puann 4, to be .uunt lot an areptlan that nppest
on pewter. tar . It finally began tq,inoreue, until
spread to the . orb part of the he. L I appbed ma
physician, who attended am all to no perpow, 1 had
tried every thing that meld be trio II: your Syr
up ottiellow Dock and Ssmapar a., a d concluded
to use it, or I knew Met Yellow k. one orate
. i ,
most - tiluatile articles In the world tor she blood 1
book ty ar Syrup, and from the sae of unehottle, I
coma a great change In MY arse= I aoaLia..d
to us It fun I was a well ma. I suisw feel Like a
new per
ion my bleed is perfectly rlesixed •314 free
from ail Impentica Thera is nut a tor non but this
your newly discoveren compouns. is fa . serener I
any earsapealLia syrup ever Wild.
Thy certificate is en your disdreeMl toi , ublatt it you
like, and Soy one yen may refer to roe I hall be hap
cy ran give them all the informed. I can about mT
ease, Au. . I manna pour obedient servant,
Gs... G. Jonsson,
11IIIIIrket street
_ I
The beat (emelt ssedterne known. Trim Fstmet of
Tellowl Dock and Samparilla fa a ptraltere r epet.lyr
and permanent cure for all complarma Incident to
Im mild, alterative eropenlce render It pecallnrly '
applicable to the slender tool delicate conalltntkott of
the female. It is unrivalled In ita,ellerta upon inch
Silences as incipient coarompoon, barrenness lee
comlrea, or whiten, Ireepalat moutraarion, inbre d neoce el mac, anti general pfleetlattell of the Sy at
lt Mon edlstely Ls...mem that daunting net vita
tee, and las.e.nde so tO.altin it th e faintl• Inane,
enetif nod bil,yalser CS carp m ring aa
they am grateful: We tossec•roknee on file 'Anon
iLagt. Us att,,gly WW, tion
sorry married prcolc •11.0 boon 1.41.141 W l:b V 0
l'aohorises Vex.. or Soling of the Wong., of fk.a.
boled 14 10. Vityain't Exilacti4
felkw a 11044 and Sonsporillu, alter terry (CIA ,
loovrit tdotedy lad hoer. tried without yeti...
Waorrourtori, Ohio, Feb., LSII.
Tile crwles my wife, sled ff yeat.,
been iottering under the store comploint for too
years—watt, all of that time confitual to her bed. I
have for tour yearn coratantly employed We beat rail
tea: talent that could la procu - cd to this section sifts.
country, tonl:toUl any benclit whataver. o also
porchuod evrr, kialtulraLt recommended bit th e
onto of garb ihriihrtes, all of which proved loot Cala..
In th. 'prink If 1:4,, I wan Indoced by nay friends
wtry 11r. Guyasitti lboek and Sons smalls,
lawh wax laxi ;or four womb.. After she brut eked
It for about four weeks. it wort evidem to all Sat shy
was ninpreeing, and from this tonic she imoto . ro I tap
idly. and gamed [Writ and ructorth, until this di men
was entirely remote:l, nod <be to now enjoienag most
excellent health I% DI. MU: aT,
IVe beiag neighbor - I of Wm. and Juli - a tilt non
know that toe aboro atuenicou as to the nickel au o
Mr., bler,:ow, and to ./.0 cure being, b e by
1;t110 , 1:11 1 , 0..1. 0,1 noriaparilla , be •rleya
SARrown Es.
Orate Caro of Conan atitlook.
!LafaLTOTT, J ant aty 2.111 r.
Mr. Semen—hear Sir: The neat btnebt wit lob I
taw denied from your Extract :f Tel ow lioeb and
nateripatalla,lnduces ma, at morn ofju tine, tea mkt
the following
After wx.Wtg f r two petit from ferarill dettelity
which finally tenni:toted In exiorturupet n, I worst:leen
op byany friends nod phytietbho .0 bleyood the Abdo)
medictne. As a last resin. I ivy Induced .try
your Eittaet, and h. , .1 [need bud wo bottle*. wO .
cording to your illreetions, lam county well l
would themforo. corneal, mama= did your uneignib:-
led Compound to We afflicttdwhq dertre poardital
pleasant and 110.10 remedy. thatLf,.ll) , your friel.dy
anionlentane unless pin op lade Nutt re
Co a gent, and lag e of toe blow,
in too g: it, with the writ.. 'tienotote of @ F. Then.
"no on Erica at per lottic, or
oix bottle , . for SS
It It told by J. D. rark, tot/ net of fourth Wal
gut '.la/ a, General afoot far the
L., L. whose. all e-ci • I,_M I t
r. Judson a. Cc., Water.
C10.....111, Clemsingttile, Alm] Tarte:l
Um'.rroec, !Cram s .tia,lthmelals., Hoban Ray, Well,
hero. L. calleptha,e, L . 11"31.•.ax, Jr.. nth,.
'orS , rrni6l.o.o. vt rt. :Lod the Ihertaal.
MEDICINFi'—"Tbey are tile
sned , e.ite.a of the day. , "
li Grabens , May 0,1E4.
llP'elters—l ttunk it rant, for the be othe 9 rs,
to stale •orne Nets to rc lanai. to you. excellent Fa-
I 'nave two your Vet mica., largely In my own
I.lAtly one vial (restneutl i r ciecEing large quantities
'coy too to tn. 'worms) om two children. I bare
also used your Liver , awl Cough Syrup in my
family, Enid Utley are, itt erect: lartance, produced
the effort. desired.
As tam erased in meauhandislng, I am able to
state, that I have yet to hues , or the Eton (allure where
your medlessees have been used in any secnon orate
Country. ipi rime/V*lol4 ty state that they ve tow
..d.O.eaol s the day, and desuned to hare a reel
exiteusiro . p . opulerity. • Yoe re, respectfully;
Prepared and said by R. EL SELLERS, Nol3 Wood
Wee; andaold by Druggliala genera/lEln the two
clues land vicinity. Jar
bU,WfciNt......11.3 , are DTI
Q Meditates at the day..
Hat twat's St..nav Ohio, May y ,, ist9.
IL E. Sellers Unlit It Well forth,: benefit of others
to state warm fare in rela lion to year easelleut Fatal
ly Medicines.
. .
I have ner d y. - .r Venn lino Inygmy in my own tsar.
( Cy( one v.( lina(lenllY • :omen ug for expelling( are
nli•nlilia. (my Ito 200/ 1 ran= from two ehildral I
have also aged your Liu ev pin. and alough Syrap to
my family, and th ey have in every Instance produned
the elect &aired,.
. .
All OM lagagea In too Makaadiring, I am .hie to
loam thatl tome yet to set r ef the first railornwhere
cour Medicines hove bee. used in my Section or the
ountry: lit canclusion n I May state that they tee AA
medicines of the day, and e en destinedhave eery
extensive ii•pulants If ours. tee
V.. 11. Parnell-
. •
Prepared and .14 by It YDS, No ID Wood
meat, and sold by Drum, s atuertdly In the two eh
lcs and cieltdry. ' myyt
/1 - 6ifiereiTEE - 131Y - li3 vtircram - pLaRr, - bi - izi
Vf oil/1..4 tltdy trne.„o .14 genuine Liver Plll.
Snow* late Ohio county, V. I
March 4610, Dut9.
Mr. R. E. Seller= Zest 81e-11 think it a duly I owe
to 3oa and to the g anent ly, state that I base
been afticted with Ow Laver Complaint fora long
nme,aall so badly that an abets* formed and broke,
which left me in a ',try low nab. Raving heard Of
yoar celebrated !Aver Pldb being for We by A R
damp, in West ,erty, and recommended, to me by
my PaYsielan, Dr. E. DOW:, I cdneludid to olne Medi
• Dor ••I Pur.thased ono boy, nod -found them to
Intl what they tre re...mended, TIIE RE3T Ll
vln PILL USED, and after cal:talent now I find the diatoms ray entirel • left me, and lam now
badbrilf veil. Raspeetft.'ly yours,
ve~Fnr.l7 - a ~0~~
Wen Netty, Murat thhttil,
1 certify the,. Ina perennal,'y hequthated with Ur
12-etuu,‘ , end ehn bear teet:monf to the truth of the
.1 . 4 e e<llllllllo Lan Jr Pllls •ra pt spared and sold by
R 6.. LiLlatS, N. 57 IVood st;ne and b 7 druggieta
in the .ara
• • • •
TO TUE PUl.ll:lo.—The original, may tru and F.p.
Woe Liver !line are prepared by R eßmik.,.nd h2•e
his Dame atavprlt le black tau opo rt the ltd of each
box, and hie iv,: ;nature on the entat'lle wrapper—all
°th. 2 r , " 0 0 , ..1 terfetta, but isoitaLlotte.
apIU.R E BELLEIttI, Proprietor
.103111.1/. 11013/NSON,
European aid Gummi Agent,
E.q'it'uaietatoe, door tioticm Woo!
- -
IVATti - k nital I 1-.CtinoYErt 111.174 — .NrE1l t—
rust r ecld, an invoice of fall jewelled retro Ile
ac/, IN norm fine races, whir* Iran yell at
In. 5. , tni rty nod thirty Ivo dollars., and warranted to
1 . too d nate.
At 9 ,
t.— :n splendid attotwannof JEWELIM anat.
prang the *orient and latest Kyle*, and hest iwdrenta
. tO av tidittlN, Watchmaker and Jew , tlar,
-1 71a1. 0000.1, AWi
.FLE.IIIINO & CO, nWelng arra.cred to
Ora th air ccdire attention to the ante of dcatesile
‘ , /eolen ac d Cotton . Goods, now Offer their large
r rock of T. How' TriMminan t Vesting., Freer h and
German Clo the, Damtkint. tanimeres, to. at Ir. It cost.
Jai ItV,Wood et
hiEllll AL.
We by t h e 'TrAt'illgigg%;22
Cot. or Wood & From nu.
e 0 oar. , a
au.loi;,:e.l:: , ",..iozzn.4octniloriletoty of Norms &
Clark, N. Y. of aaperiat tuae, and ve7 i. m i tlv i a l lgr ., ice
Far rule ti!
at J. W. Waalrealla
for 'emoting Tenet, Scant. Casket and .ll
tobstanees detereetite to the Teeth. It I" daimon" to
the tame, dooming the moult, hro'n and ontoglbmn
tog the game, end punryitig the brand,.
iolet tit tolevale nod retiol, by
det6t' R FiRLI.RRS. 67 Wood o
- • "---- ------ ,___-
- firaades,t Winch 41221. , R O . -
50 hfoipoo Copier Brandy, various •Inlogo.;
004 r euka do do;
4 plprilloll2 od Rio;
2 ponebects Anzac, SidriLl;
2 put hrooo Oid t lO n bilker
vo qr atilt, 2lnd * Cryi Win , '
20 do Cipo) ..;
20 hlido Borrolo .2 12 = 4
10 tif pip.. Spooldt. Red Wine,
54 bso Borden Cl re%;
10 lizs Muscat Wt e;
5 brla - Freoch Motto rjryyth . , Eitr_,___
Reed for lode by {KILLER RICEMON
orplo . i za &XV Memo
p. W. GATES ,
THESE DIES having been adopted and highly approved in all the prineirml Aloes In New V.,,k
and Philadelphia, ere none f o manufacturers, porehinaga, - ship enoths,Sto., with the utmost eon
fidenee, as the most perfect article in use or cutUng SUVA".
Their'•oPerioritY over any other , Din heretofore used, consists in their cutting it roar., ,
&arm, whether V yr.:maze th d,hyoNeapnsing °scribe Iron to be Cat, which require no
in Their greater durabihtv, rapidity, ee
P , Purwirm, a. the th eta the thread out of th e solid iron, without misuse O if,.
to get out of order. perfeetion of work; Indio their eimpbedy rind lode
P1111.4.011,11U, M1K.17, ISIS. •
This Is to certify , tort we bass pareksived from Y.
W. earns the right r( se . hg hie Ontoot Moo for
tins halts. In our rinnion, Ins Dies an ranch cope..
tier to any others vicars scnnalnled With for UM'
purpose or Ortinlif bone.
Pirrt.soz3rtna, Aug. 21, 1249.
fleeing had P W Gates' Patera Liles in use In oar
esiabliehment tor the last nine months. for cutting
tb!e lu ii ig7b l es C i s fe r i' me7e7se r e e k. p a e v c e t 17;d ` . n irg„s " a e ssa ' t; ' ,
they being so fat euperier—,onaidering them 73 pee
cent. cheaper than any others now in ore.
Penn Work., Pe
Tide I. to certify that .11 have paronasen the nett
to ore, and adopted In cue bowers r P W C•tes , Pe.
tent Screw Cutter, eel:debate highly approve of. Pie
Can do mach more work, and we bete It will earn
gt el l i , n or dn . ragit: . nn] pree
wn m isto . :, as mach as economy
NORMS, TASKERMORRlS.Pnrcancrrtrie,Oth rtumth,ttElth day, 1e49.
llama adopted P. Gales' oPatentlitee't for eat ,
ling bolt ~ we take planets In saymt, that It rnore
lean answers oar capeetations. and have no basin,,
Lion in awing it as our opinion, that It far caeca any
other plan in present nee for net
& CO.
We ha.. P. W Oates' ttltotent Dice for totting
agree's, and the economy of wine them la so Yell
canaidera bin, that we look upon them es In dispenat.
Die to every mtablbahment having any .quantity of
Strews to COL
Cmcano, hleY tht 1040.
OIDSWICI 0171C1, WAssMaTolg, Bth Sept..
I have purchased of W. II Scoville. for the Eleited
Males, the right to use in all the arsenals and urea.
SW Samoa Illarrayin Fluid bilignseats.
PRErARED under the tram dime care of the in
senior, and established for milted. , of WM'
years by the profession-for removing Bile, Acidities,
and Indigestion.restoring Appetite, preserving •
moderate state of the bowels, and dissolving uric acid
in Gravel and Gent; also, an an envy remedy Ice sea
.sieVners:ortd far the febrile mieetion incident to child
hood it is invaluable On the value of Magnesia es a
remedial agent it is unnecessary to enlarge; but the
Field Preparation of Fir :me. Murray Is now the
moss valued by the profession, sue it enure:) , avoids
the pdembility of those dangerous conmetions nsuslly
re - sal:mg from Me use of th e article powder.
For sale by the Itaperierle and proprietor's agent,
sepll Cot. Wood & Front ins.
T°""' — eon: s i lt ß uZ i ntl: ' I Tor,'
MS boa Cabinets' Be lomlp;
3 has B. Myer.' 1 lb luingl
70 tIY Lee
MILLER 'a R 1 CK do lb wl* for We
ICloept I
C STOCKTON has received fat rale, on' Coh
ll orGibbon'o Motor, 05 the Decline and Fah of
the Nomsn Pimply*.
L Is and Letters or Thomas Campbell, In I! v. la
Edited by IBm Beanie, M D,
Elementary So etelteco(MoraiPhßoaephy. By the
Late Bev. Sidney &nab,
Lectures on the &merle. Eclectic System of Gut ,
go 3 ry.
C V ernon; By Benjamin 11111,M. B.
het an • Nove.
Tile Shenker Knot, a We of tie crenteenth eon.
The Scarlet Letter, • romance. By Nathaniel
Ilawthonta aug9
torarnbc - ircgr_, ----
L!MS-LE - 17E1450P TDOSCAAIDDELL F.alitekl
by Winlam Beattie, AL D., ono of hie executor&
cola nolo cloth.
Hallway Economy: a Deluca on the new art al
Um:apart, its management, prospects. and relation.,
commotelaL linitnnid, and social, with an exposition
al!..." priatical results of the railwayi In operation In
tLo United Kingd o ni,on the Continent, and In America
Dy zard.r, IL C. L, fee. I vol. cloth
The Dan;
tae French
Funtre of the RepriLlm,tt ans.
neted from the French of A. Do Lenuartine, manor ol
"The Gerondlata," "Memoirs' sit lop Youth," "lit.
"heel," dee. I toll4mo ninth.
!Luis toward Itelersus in Lecture., Addreases. and
oL•ter iVritinge, by Horace Ureeley. d nut 1... eta:
The History of the Coulee...oral. der John nerdy
I lopkuna, D. D.. Iliehop of Ma fLoreeu of Veriudru.
I vnl limo cloth.
Thr Conquest ofCrumls. By the salhor of • 800 ne•
laps," (Elliott 'Warburton, ) f Sots 1 2 mo•
Cosmos; • sketch of at phystral dekeriptionof the
trolverse. By Alex Von Combo:at, translated Born
the German by It. C. Gni. wvole cloth
tithbon'S Deol,ne and Fail of the Boman F.mpirr,
with notes by 11. 11. Mum:tn. Ilurper's cheap cdttion.
Clako, cloth complete 1,. r. volt at rint prr sol; .1 soft
reeerren ton tole b, B. 1101'10Y:2
snarl 70 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et
Nan /Basle
IMOWER thee to satinet,. Whet, other friend,
around thee. Conscript , dehariare tied return
Annie Laurie. Are we .moat there. Lots backed
lie itoeth ail itanio welt. Noity • a laile
giver mouth bravo of Weehir icoo. ' , lino tam
grounded:the @pint Board Spier Coy. De Lind to
loved ones at borne. Cheer 1111 Mg awn Smannett
lrlt LenruaL ii rind Flower %Voltz, Mho Walt,
ilraihebero With, Polka. Deity Poi •
Cave! Pea, /copy Lied Polka. Lluda tiipiekstey
March from Norma.
The ebave are In.: received, luta for sale by
7 11 1111 - 1.1.011,
eveP 61 Wood et
J. H. Iif_ELLOR, 81 Wood lama, Amt reckined ids
followlng New Ikturit,
oil, Bay eon you see oy the Goth's holy light, dedl
eated to Rev. C Cook. CM, think not less I love
thee Marmite Alpen,lloire then. When other frieeds
amend thee. The not beneath the MU. Wert thou
her mine. Annie Laurie—Seatett ballad. The Hobbs
—words by Eliza Cook, mimic by Stephen Glover.
Graveest wounded the. spied that loved thee. The
of Washington. The Irish Mothetas Lament.
Old Segton—ltearel. Ile tooth all things welt—
Woodeory, Widow Machrec—Rusuell. The cottage
am, mother—Hatchimacks. Low hacked ear—Liner
Elfin Waimea—emote!. The Nagle Heil. The
Bridal or Wedding Polka Jenny Linnii American
Polka. Limy Polk. Soiree Americen Yorke. Tip
Top American Polka. LA Relic. Baltimore. Polka
Jenny Lind Polk. The Origins SCOIII3/1 Polka—
!ohm. Salomon Polk. Kim Polk. Josephine
Sommit Polk. ilossingol Polka. The Pro
phet Hondrillm—Mayerbeer Jenny l ind
'ran Wreath and Daley Weimer—Mrs Ernest. The
Earl. Drover Lloy—veriatio sby Cserny. Monument.
Sounds from Home. Wrecker's Daoglircr, gstickstrp.
Match and Quickstep. Wood up, quiet-
Gen. jell
attatil batty rillaktl. for Sate at tit•o4-
wood Gardena
BUIST'S- /lovers Seeding., and Victoria
Theielna largest and teat flavored mai.
amoapt all am
digemnt varieties now anon.
Orders addressed to the.propjelor, West Mande.
mr, will receive prompt tuentran. IiIeKAIN.:
- -
[TAB become t , , , tet e b , lisgd w an o l
p al , mos4iluti , spegs ;
;Wm its re rharkab ly.weleolegorue and tor:unions Q 941 1-
ties as a (politer the healthy as well as a diet for in.
cal dm; and also ferritesustenance of growing children
eel Wants. Various modes of cooking and preparing
a are given on the wrapper.
Thused well known in the east, It has never been
introduced to s
tore, nt Pitt.borgh. The =bac crib.
eta have, there made anangements to be eon.
etandy supplioes with it, and now offer It to retail
letters Or fatuities on more favorable terms than a
hal ever beta sold at in Pittsburgh.
WM A ikleCLiThIG & CO
_engirt 256 LiNitY
Ivow prepared to furnish Apple Trees, from the
well known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The
reel will be deheered et the wharf et Pittsburgh for
1112 per hundred. Perseus wishing good thrifty trues
Apo Id leave their orders ,00n at' the Drug, Seed, and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood toil Bath its.
FtKLEBER h. Ma received a bw lot of Bra.
Instruments of the belt manufacture, selected
t , m y self with great care, for tnis market, such as
Valve Trombones,R. Horns, Rimies, Consets,Tabas,
bed also, a fine .selection of /dui° Elates, playing
two and three tuner, Flatinas, Accordeons, be. ten.
Also, s, eerier German midltalum Strings, and genu
ine Neapolitan E String, tour kasha, a splendid
tkurn till Thirdsuret. • '•
lIITETS- brat
A. sovereign remedy for chronic rheumatih arecuons,
weakness mut lameness of most puts the body,
scalds, burns, sores,.ol most kinds, eat*, *mailings,
spnins, bruises, corns, and felons when best coming.
Alto, rho Mint.Collvemtnt and safe sticking salve Tor
strengthening plasters and drams on the feet.
For tale by 51 Pi- WICKERSHAM
ssr-1, Cor. Sixth & Wood its
WINE to Hun all Night; Dolly Bay;
kr Dotty Jones; Go down to da Cottpo Field;
Nally was a Lodi, bo..
_ -
Be Find to the Loved OA.. at Home:
Dow my boat lightly; TRIO Loy 4 by T. !food;
Oar way across the sea, duet;
A new medley song, by D. Covert;
Jenny Gray, tousle by Muller,
Joys that were crowning, tVeddlog March;
God bless the hardy marine: Schuylkill Waltz;
Conscript's Departure, by W. C. Glover;
Sound. from Home. Waltzes, Sieyermarkisebe Cot
Last Bus of Sumniar, easy variation* by Hers , :
United States Polka; Ladles , Soaveslr Polka;
Coen Cracker Quadrille; Louirnlle Quadrille;
Beauties of Italy; Diets+, Trios, Ike.;
A large assortment of New hlrode on hand. to which
additions am made weekly. ' For sale by :
feb2s J. H. MELLOR, 85 Wood at.
Übenp lausdaral illetorrs
LL Ilahlag by Harper h.. Oro',, to 0 vols. cloth rind
paper. mtU cents per vol. Three cols received, end
for male by It HOPKINS,
spit 73 Apollo Budding,. Fount, se porno imo ad Jose;
VCarnsiss--40 bea mould, dipped, and sperm' .
Creme—lSO bre Creme end Plemil.le Dairy ;
Conns-20 dot Hemp and Memel.;
Cassm—en Maus . '
Cr-oves—l, berrel:
Moans—oh NI Common and half Spaien;
Fren-2.5 brigand hag bd. actorslAnd Salmon;
Gioue —SO bre emorted
Ven rives;
M Prime ison;
tUtU Sugar Cored; • :
-100 lbe F end blandlle;
Ina—lC doe Illorrisens Bleek ea Copying;
ZelotAssio—X3 N O'Mara;
Id belt Ms Sugar Hoene; •
111.ruza-20 dos assorted contain: •
Blaccesten-30 lba Italian;
Voinsmu4-6U lb. do
Neun—LlM kegs assorted;
Fecerns--0 dealers mated;
racieve-30 bushel, kelvin;
FeraBo reem• seared; '
Pernes—loo lb' Bordeaux; •
Voar"-50 bre Eosin and Cast Steet
,icaes-10 N Orleans end
1 r.—SO package. Gnu' and Black;
Totneeo-410 biz It, 5, &lib Imam • • • -
Water Boarbo-40 dnuatent
For sobs by . witaAg m co ,
meld - . Corner of Fifth end 'Woo& ats.
tam REED HOUSE, [1450
=nil 1111111En,13r4rrope;pa tttt 14;
so , Ekusra, .
Krizau. FRAGE CE —Yastere, Western,
Ind Anthem &Gin, leave *is holm daily, Cat•
1 PL ages to *,ru e d S and Pastas Boats,
W. e /madams Hose, Ecia;Pi.
G. W. Basaise, ins of the glacesz Hotel, Ottle t
fie{ unite the soperelniom of no, DApertment, P. W.
Get.'" Parent Lin^ for, ruttier tete., on meta!, they
buying been tried , in terete the lett, arteenle s • oel
found to be very, effielern and exie4ene
A..TALCOTP, Col; Ottlioanee.
Irette.o C 7 Ysttoo aPn Dotes,
• -
• WalurteroP; Sept. 0, 1018.
Con,nlrring Cates' Patented Iturrtreemeat for eat.
UnA , Melra en meta: to be scroll:table one, I have, by
autiorny of the Honorable Secretary of the Navy,
pmehssed at the Arterneyr niche Patentee, Wm. 11
Peowne, and Panne! Mower. 1 sq, the trill tomato
and "a raid imerovement for the IL &Navy.
JOSEPH SAUTE, Chief ot Unreal.
to rasa ablo
Mask, Work., Soria. •
Reuse & A.b ey itoelscstorG
Routers & Co, Gloucester, N. I' t,liny wool & Snyder, Schoylbil. CoantY.
blitirek,GeW York; . •
Moog & Delaraster.s`Varroll," N. V;
,B, K. Dunham &Co, New York;
Denmead &Co, Mourn:trot Wort s. Gan,
Van Caren, Rochosier.
Matt & . r!yres New York,
aur orks, doh
• Posse & Murphy, do
West r&,.. Ferrodry;
Norris & Bro, Irtolorlotycro; •
o Jenka, Itreedoslrorch, It;
Wolworro & Noses, Roston ar4 New York
Lowell Machine Oirop, Lon,
Arneoskesor Co, Matioucser,N
Lyman & So. her, South &snot.
acd ocherous others,
No Ij3lortuan, la lets dies A. taps II I to 2 to. rn. 6350
Ito 2 do 0 do
ti f If pries 6230
NO3 do tto 1, pole *l5O
All order* adcliissed to Gantt it )I'ltntsid,Chleaso,
G. It, Ilatnton, New York, f!..43larshallts Co, Phila.
delottitt, and IL 11. Ectiville & :eon, catrar..o. (or Dies
and Tem with or without monition, For sting. thew.
will 'meet with prompt attention
';meson. May I.llsd.
PALhrER, H ANNA tr. CO: . toter retuned their
Ftrehlinge °Mee to north weer enrner of Wiled
and Third event..
pI : Panneriltip heretofore . eitttirtg Itclw , cn the
I:subscribers. pniter tne firm of Po rlifidee, Pipe°,
& Co" erns thin day thseclve,Gl byte.' consent.
The bthsiness fifth° firm to:Lillie seutua met
bsidge, or ITtn,ttWilson, Jr'
' ether of mhoin is author.
Med to use the name of thellrin in huntdatitiot
Ji V. 11 1 / 1 1.fill !ME,
W/11. WlLAttflff, Jr"
& CO.
Pittsburgh, July I, 1&50.—iy4
TAB. W. Burbridgea Bent. P. lento'sm have thia
ii day Ini.oeiated tbernreirmi guider the firm alba.
bridge tr. Ingtilam, transadv.a. Whnfeaate'f:roeery
and General Commutalon Unaineas,bl the house lately
.:teemed by BurbAdge, Wilnon C 0,116 Water at.
Pitudaurgb, duly I, InfA.--)yd.
rip II E subset fibers tome this dal. formed a copartner
ship under the firm of W te, Wilson, for the pur
mat of transacting the Wholesale Grocery end Corn
pantries Business, at No % Wood street.
Wfd. WILSON, Jr.
Pittsburgh. 1, • 18:0—iy4 WILSON
b FCTIFYVG DISTILLERS, ant. len and Wine
JA, Merchants, Etat side <lithe INateonit,ltinshargh,
nee now offering al the ye r• lovirett r.riccs for cash,
Rectified Whiskey, Gin and Domeri.e Brandy, also,
French Jffrandyi Holland Gin, !emelt-I 1-iprrits, Lon
don Gin, Iit:LIN Matey, Rum, &o. ',Von, Sherry, Ma
deiin,Criarmingrtc, Claret, 'Mae awl, Mrdrigis, Tent
mitre and Lisbon Wines Wholesnle x Retail, soya
ID,RINTINCI PAPER—Always on ~ and or made to
L order, the 1/6(10111 steer Of Printing Paper, Beg
Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and Double Crown
siren Ntraw Wrapping Paper; Crown,Medlum. and
Doanlo Crown Post °thee roper; Pat inboard, dm. dm.
W P MARSHALL, 83 Wood at,
!hi Agandfc r Eyeiton Mills.
LIMAN IN AMERICA-4/ler ork and her ;a.
Ir)Yoward. By Maria I Mclntosh,Mclntosh,trithor of "Chasms
untereharms," "To seem and it. be.* I trot Limo
Latter Day Pamphlets, No.l:—Toe present tuna.
By Thool.l Carlysta.
C..1.3%.11.—Mem0in of Lee. and .Writiregs
Chalment, D D., L. L. D. Prattle ens ou Harlot's
Amin:Ty, Paley'. Evidences or Chrb untidy, and lEll's
Lecture on Divinity, with twos Inrinluetnry Lectern
and four Addressee delivered in ILO New College,
Edinburgh, ,by Thomas Chalmers, D. D, L„ L. D.
I Col leram.
CALrel--Life oflohn entop.led Isom 7.Bthen•
iic.oureer,mJ partmmorly !MT hi•earteepor4coo..
' Tham.4 Dyer,yrith . postmlb Vol
For 'Alt by • /1081:418.
yo•I7 • 78 Apollo Iluillatob Fourth st.
Gambol Combs , l
,), - 1 GROSS Purer Polka; 10 do dd very taw,
....V no " etto'd Reddieg;;
11 " super Eugllro nor" Ilcddionr
" •• rect.' C 041•1•• .
DO" Wood
1010 do. end Fine loony
110 " Shell Side Combs:
• 30 " super large 11,601 o;
.• gross vee'd Side Combs; red nod for sole by
tehn C 11.1AM:1/1,103 Market st
Mon AMlOl.l,il
• L!
" t na t 'r igV'ltt I ' 37l. "C ti ' la t C o lLl2%7lrs- " l rs tlLlt ic _r . g hel d
.Ad rob]. snnenaliY, that they hare tohuilt the EA
GLE. FGUNDRIC and to now in felt operation. .d
bane part of their patterns ready for We market:—
Amongai which arc Cooking. Stovecl, Goal and Wood
Sloven, with a splendid Mr-tight Stov, which is
now mperceding• in other tides the comm e on round
Store- Also, a nits'. co. Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for small 'families, with a
,fall D2 , ,ortment of GOD,
mait ond mantel Grams We Amnia particularly In
vite the attention of perm. to call at our
watchman before purchasing, and en mine a splendid
article of crionamelled Grates, In Sine Wyk—
' entirely new In this mark.
Warehouse, No. lel Liberty st, o melts Wood at.
• m &
1 3l'ait.:3;it. Importer and it lei sole Denier in
Stan of the Gilt Comb, lA, littrtctiil Pittsburgh, Va.
Western Net..., others mating
Pinsburgh to perm,. Goods, ore rot. cc:fully invited
to cull and attendee ssi • rantint of Eng
bah, American. French cud airman , tory Goods.
Alt Foreign Gonda et this evineltst. int era import
ed direct by myself. nodpure it
linehra y rely On get
ting goods nom firer hands. I hove t largeel assort.
moot of articles, in the variety iii In thecity of
Pittsbingtr—all of which will be eat low for of
city acceptance*. The Stock cousis in part, of
Lace Goods, llosiery,Glovev, lino us.
Silk C ante Shiwand rat ent TM. • is, Sewing Kill.
Sp.l Cotton, 'rape.% gospondems, lie. no, Pins, Nee
dles and Catlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, fitild Ivy, oil t:,l. of
Pr.bus, Combs and Razare.
Percussion Caps, Itsvolverte,:lhtte Clock,. t a lk A
Cotton Parses, lipectarles, Suet I , c, ltlthec More..
Carpet Gags and Pukes.,
Ihnthuger, and Tr woe. ne•
Toy. and Fancy Goods; together a trust • trt.
ty of Fancy and Staple WAY Gl)01):
C. IT. , AtiElt is also attent for fotn.
eerier COIULA, ; , no :17
UDR Coughs, Colds, Asthma ant a nznaptot: The
Jr GREAT AND ONY•REhIEfW •,• the cure often
above discuee, Is the 111/2iOARLA • BALSAM Of
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Jr. Dueller:, Our
London, England, and introduced Mtn :her Unrted Souls
ander the inuneoliete superintendence • the invent..
The extraordinary Sinner. Of fin, " edicine, iz l4 •
ewe or Pulmonary diseeses,wartht. . Ste Aseptic..
Agent In seliching fot treatment the 'l' 41 tv , as•ble cI
le• that emt be found in the ooduntrltT ca•tot that Pool
relief In vein from, any of the cetron.•, ono:dna n( in.
day) and have been given up by no. h disttpgutssod
physimans as confirmed and mew• The Insugon
lin Balsam has eerdd,andwlll earc.O non, 4,tno
scone.. It is no quark COSITILN! Cl. ..Inztdata
111 h medicine, bt knewn and retold., 4, rate y.
Every family in the:Unity! Stows h• be Uty'rfis.
with Iltchart's Ihnufbatau Balsam . - no of, nut only to
eourtteraelthe COLISEUIptiVe tendeneu • sf the cinnuto,
ht. to be used as a prevennve medict, sit cases et
golds, coughs, spittibg of bided, pan in the rule end
Chest, MlllllOll and; soreness of the . utg., bo d es",
difficulty of breatingi beetle fever, n.gto *wrath cotton
ation and g eneral debility, mates, ins . •no st lilopio
sough croup. ! .
' hold in large bottles, at St lee bottle •nti, fall dire,
lions for the resonation of health.
Pamphlets, containing a mess of It., ,oh. and Amen
tin cot/bastes, and other evident, •howato the ca.
equalled Merits of this great , !coy
obtained of the Agents, gruntliou
'Fur .21e Ly 1.1 A tAtiNoom•R ~„„,
01 and Wood and Wood and itilt 61,
r. - ka
oa LFetS , ; , ; ETLirty 3 ,
P,,,01111311, Intel 27,1147.
Mr. R. E. Sellers—le Justice 10101. your
sii , rs t i t s cough Byron, I beg leaVesa .sie, ft; the ben
efit of the community, that buy wife s, be, several
times nillieted will 01001 throe's., - cough. I Sr.p
chased, in January last, • betbe of yo• - r Syrup, which
cured a cough of two months` son, y. About one
month Cure, the cough returned, oil, win :osere
tint the could bunny move, from. t esti:pens l i the
bloom; I sent for one nettle Of your .r.,41‘ Sytyp, slid
part Of ono bottle mired the cough t Once the other
in njourneyruon who was seVynty el ,, leltd who had,
to tee his own .words, “eattut enouni. cough candy to
cute 01l the people or Pitilhargh,'• the candy had
bran as good as reins...enter!.
t keeet, and neld by gene. oily tbeWt"vro'
iPr l e=lutTi .e sO f rt i l ir tiy Fl. , E. gli l l.Y. ' •l l S s Sr "'. •
chum _de
tritlit:AIJMET WitftEltoOM.
5 :ou r4 . l l llll re D ispeet.
.." info rmputtlte. that Ls
h.ttntl hl. ...and the
ra j.
u lt . e s r
i•• 10.1 Y etty l , .f. m p ',""„:l.; A ".";
. %Mr 4t the but wart.tattl
etittal WI in.',,
/its Moat. ran 11:1t1 , ....j tsno.
nut the oF.I of , NC7,I•
Iravia‘. iturc4a.vti t et t,
sad tt.oca Arena t , attinct
:Z talilimialtentot Itatagay Witel.
lanai Font Itr...yered to lariat:l
• that; old awaatarks., tut well to
the public at large, with every thing inUttar hue.
rtgeney, gto Wood aLrect.
A. imown.
ILconomy_lsi Tony
ECIDEDLT We cheapest on. I,c,t place to
blush to' buy Tea ii at the Too :Wake!, cast elde
el We-Dustermd. They sell • • •
EXcellent Toast •.-51rr
&peeler '-• •• • 070 "
' The very beat .. ......1 W
Low priced, demand, or inferior Tear ore not kept
*l-this establishrneat, therefore, wheeler you go year.
WV or send a child, you ere sort to oata4o a 11 , 3011
article, and If the Stever orlthe Ten Is rot
they readily enamels , ' it or return the reeoey.
• irt2 MORRIS t HAWORTH, Pro. Hein.:
lIIILLICtITIIE tit% I'-21/1/ 1.• 1m s.le
----- Itellverlesd Gans sit t attr.
inr i ngslt and
c'ffsPtaTis,4 ood, r ad.
Reeve h
aft edt 0011 Cos:am-I.nm quart riesiallh,
. four esp., hl mooed's' Of alt, taro
of refined .0
it the insects in a Oman quantity of
th e e milk, tilt it is pesfectly dissolved end sotoott,edd
h este, beaten, to the starch—pour the t =
end starch into the balsam of the milk, while
For Ft V. B
m= y lt gilt% bolls up enCee—Excellent.
110 •Pl Weal si