The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 13, 1850, Image 3

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    by "ts thLtt:ilArli
aer.r.•i•T ED t TICLEGLIN-PnED
New Wit Nov. 12
The tteamer Altmann arrived from Liverpool this
afleniooo at 3 o'clock, bringing date. to the 30m
ultimo She was ruby fretskted, and had a foil
compliment Of painertgers
Lutenom. Oct. 20—. P. M.
Colton—The quotations of Friday were support
ed. The mks within the last four dart have been
about 24,000 Lulea, in.:lading 8,1200 for el - port — and
speculate° and thaw consisted in about equal qua.
ioni of Am ierican; Breed, and SuraL rhe im
potted entre Tbientsy are, from the Untied
Staten, 6,574 baler, fast Indies 1,734.—t0tal 8,311
Ontio—For whey, the demand is meelensts, and
pries of this day week. - Are barely supported.
Flow is held drolly, and.= fair reqoest.
Old! and pens are eontething. lower.
Corn—lcdtan corn Is in fair request, and bill
prices are real::cd.
American Proem:visa-The Steak of old bacon Is
rapidly drawicc to a clue, The demand continues
good, and what remain will be cleared out at full ,
pikes. Shotedect are scarce. Hams ate a little
more sought !dies Lanl, owing to the extreme
rams demanded, sold less freely; the market, how
err, closes firm. Of cheese, fine qualities sell read
ily on arrival, at steady- prices. The quotations
for bacon are. hams 304,23 r, 28.30*: and
rhouldess 2la`? - 2s per cwt. Lard 1:110,1a37.; and
cheese 39da40. per cwt. •
Teas—Tire market ts firm. More attention is
is paid to Eno and n.edium qualities of Comm, and
consideralce rytxtpen !An been done by private
contract at 1. dritss.l ad much. Common green and
scented teas Dia in better t rqueut , nnd Gave advanced
Id per lb rat publla rate to day, a tow sad Into
were sold, bu' lie proirOtril parcel was taken at a
higher figure.
las been to good demand at prem.
mis rate+. V.l. oils are alto in rrqueat at toll
prima Pate mil in selling et £3Ol cod £37;
and sperm no 191a55 per toe; lioseed 33c and
pale rape 35'; cocoa nut 34.; palm 28.30. par
Talk:lir—The market is rather quiet, with Wen
or Pyert et 30r per owl.
Meta's—No Lange , tiro made—there was a very
good attendance cd the trade, and prices of alt de.
scriptlons were rally snstained.
thy Goode—Tbe market remain,. firm at late
gaotations,alteough, isi ceneemience ca the disturb.
ed elate of Germany, :her, has beta teat anima.
Freight: ere dull, bat without (bangle
LOVIXIN, Or' 2i r
Sogar...The market is gri and In some 0 see
rather lower tree as, •algra.
Coffee—A lot of 2,700 bast Costa Aire, lied
atirther of about be:f mat marmot were mom at 4s.
58s per cot. beans 27 pet ern lower Natter:Cey
lon sold at Mt per cat
Teas—Rattier morn I' . . doing m black; sod com
mon Congo L not one d under ilk la 04 par
Moe—Prices are reduced,
altpetre—Pnces are rather lower.
Indigo—Prices were 2•3labove the last sales.
Corn Meal neon to better demand, tad pnces
were Id per lb higher
Tallow—Tire market wits — quiet, with Wet of
tine Y. C. 28. 5 I per cwt.
Money Marker—Exchanges are moderate. The
stork market opened tweedy to day, at a decline
of 98 to 12 per cent, but a largo rate taking place
there was• ratty, and gate.. 'motored a lthla ton.
sole have been se low as 96 3e4a97, for both money
and accoant, but are Dow quoted at 947447. In
foreign securities thrre is no animation.
Political le•Ohgence Gam E,glind is not impor
tant. Toe re estannsbuient el aH. mail Catoceis
literuchy In Hogiand is vet the dil =pertain to.
Pia. The conservative, press of LI ;Woo are load
in. their denucent ions. Tee Goverment, it
said, will not interfere.,
CerdinalViaeman he. lasted his drat pastor.'
The dimuniett contains nothleg new.
The preparation :6r the great .World's
Won ^ is prcvessins rereily. The palace of
gists it being rairi-cl isio miraculous qulckneu.
Nothing as vet has es to the tenth of
the carver win wb rh tae tree greet powers hive in.
heal, tifetenre to tee Danish dispute.
We hire ccthicg nteseiting ioterest from Parts
Since Setup: ay, the or:Iv . Elbirett taken op were
the Sptleraii and IV - 111J Cue.l distil, b.inces.
Toe suite of trade at Lyons was not as good es
betetWore. •
The Bettie paper. rote UM deepa • ohes have
been reee•ee& from Wtam, inuatatieg that the
Eats go E6lO tot 1,0 saP•Led sqls no thi r ,
- -but tmplr tt recognition of the Diet. Ito reported
devote Berlin Cabinet recocomeads the Dech.e.
to negotiate for peace.
Prost V.coas, we learn, in reference to the Cu.
eel deism.% that the exchange mess in a panic..
Lloyd Inforpas ha public, or stria cfrielat au.
thositty, that a Bavar.e and Austrian Battalion
vas to cre.s the Heatian frontier yemenirry.
The Munich 032...tta, ao odic:lel paper, states
that the Austrian troops in the Thiel have rester.
ed codas to tete the Et.le.
Pram Dezzatrk we team that a cessation of
hostilities had tette place, nod that matters wall
be *aided by arbitration.
Oneorthe regiments dentieed fin Cubs had re,
vetted, but the menu, vias eltsgy enprireated.
The differencea btt - xceu the Cabinets of Lie
bon and England are becoming more sena= in
We bare nothing new from Piedmonts and the
Roman &etc& Tee Eno error of Russia boa met!.
ed Prince Pat bewitch Fidd Plarraw, and bus
conferred ttr_ Raton on that officer with his own
srassitsosoir, Nov. 12.
George W. lionsosersly,-Edilor a the Laseaste
Till:tws, is am..inted Post blaster a Lamaism..
• Ne.oeuze,NoT.
Gov. McMcoel, Of Ottnectl, la etee e 0
dent of e r an. sad 0 te. Chapman, of
rit:i it al
/1.8 boar W e•nno at.d tbo urgtenizat....n
In meelvrn(•' tedel, I.l* 'are II it. g T(CTOot, in
Cororoino..x., Inc COI:LT(00U tln. y adjooseed
to 12 o'clock t•
Cm:mu Nov. 13.
A dreadful Lai cc curved on 6n pntket steam•
er Olipper Nu 2,0 , Monday, Omit? 'ear the boa!
len [kb I.rt, ba:v: an a pvti Ptusburgb atiAl
boat men and It ,n,awa 84 beat moo. B-mi•
knives and air ale were f cc, rued, and atom a
dram vela t,adta aran-•tea. Tta b.rat stoppta
at New Fitch n•n• U dear .e• asanoe•
I...3tuva.ut N0v.12.
The river!, at a atatd o. h tiVe foal ono lOC
to lhO eabai The meet bee to cool alto cloudy.
MASSAlithaleß LT& BDEO t lON.
Beam al. - Nov. 12.
The del:aloe lo this Bate 'say- bid rowan.
The &terra at mead adl as 10 ti50015(1 01 001.
01005 by the p.ople, in Vllll5O CAM it gets in
Tim lallearpie la the vole for o:semen—City
of Batted. Dili'? a. (Wait), 5 OS% Tkiitweli, (Dom.)
1,903; Phillip?, (F • I I 074.
Boggs, .o fa 05 tratdfrout, loses 4,000 votes In
the Sate.
For Or vat!, la tat Distrirt, Wm. Appletory
(Whip) 4 elected. In the 2d and 3d Diamm, in
& b.f. be% 15,11 Mad° In the 4th Dot. Wrsdk•
Inghany,(Dam elected. la the Sin Dist. Woo.
evaer, oars. Aile., (Whig) bola mej of2Sll roes
over both Der, and F. Soil evadideirs. Them
probably no chrlim id this diyoriet. In theft Olin
Geo. Davie, (Whie)ly repotted elected. The n
ull Is douh le , . In the Bla dint. Horace Mani is
elected by 500 mej. In the Dm disc the you. a
close, and Orrin Fester (F. 9)13 probably clothe°.
The Legislature, as let ita heard from. stands
191 Whrg. at d 191 oppovitlen-92 lawns ye,
malaLog without a aeon. The fleabite:ogs ear•
tied a majoray of tile Senate, ud wW therefore
elect their Gov mar.
Tim ballewmg is tilt tow vote for Governer
-225 teems sire Briggs' 46.766; Bothwell 93,169;
- fitillyiri7,7B2;aciatteriag 976.
One hundred inns were Mid on the common
this morning, on hoffnt of Mans's election.
Lacteritax, Nov. 19.
The City Counta has authorized tee sots *Elbe
city to be tikan on tbe quorum!, of city subscript• .
tins to the amount of 000,000 to the RAU
RD" toN'Ahti o;1300,000 to Ice Jeffersonville
and Celt:ratio Rail Road. sad 1100,000 to the
Lazinvon end MXyg• Raii Road..
• illato appropriated 5100,000 for the completion
of tho Frankfort Reed.
New Utz, Nov. 12
The wet weather, ended mammary aromatics'
of the iteareer, checks traasartions
Flour—Sappile , It. Welled sod the demuid is
sHolders are too flee for shippers to ship
ro—For wheat is &wood deiseuid i whit
alp of white Michigan at 111 cents per bestiet
orn is in fair demsed, was so wsierial eliatte.
Provitioas—Purk is fuss. with a fair levity ter
ntmsat 51V21.2 andtur prime at 14437 per
- Lad b firn., , but
Groceries—Thr market is quiet 'aid heavy, ex
dog Coee, which is heid fi rmly in 11 1-2 for
and 11 ff 3-4 fur Java.
Nov. 12.
Catton—Soleo of 2,000 !Wei at tbtmer quota-
Toboeco—Priees are on the eo►aoaa.
.• • Saga! i 3 mita sales of falr at Se per lb.
• Monret lowtr.ned *anion at 121 n per tie.
Flour—bole , ir St SOFN 40 per bbl, or Ohio
Graia—Corn is aolLag at 6.15365 c, and Oats at
514 prrAttelleL ,
arnoteney--Prkes hove dectloed to 23*
Gaffer:A:ales of 2,000 balp Rio 41101011°
par IA
• • P:Olit, dellvvred, on *nd &Mr/ the Itlanzeba,
u f 4 :6 per DO 17011 .0a rde, pet 100
etiblittittUAc 8I COhI
Aso iniccuse• szczurn.
V. vox soorniatir v. a. mart C. ivs.
Beilow of %*O
'VA VIZ 1111311., ILSOllie ■a9. 12.
'GENERAL REMAREL—Dmring the levet Attains.
el only a moderate degree of activity was niudeated
in the market The weather, for the most mut, I u
been umuled, which had the tendency in retard that
general actin%) . which mil ht other• he have prevail.
ed In • general way, however, trade has been fah,
~.d our bruin/um= have bad no Amateurn to ens•
O 1 there continua In fine navigable order for all
the purpeiee or trade, and onr large classiest amen are
performing their Terrier trip., in the several trades to
whiehjh•7 belong. 6e.leen •n teat quarter, them
fore, has been onlte. lively, and will continue u, emit
the closing of canal communisation with the Cut,
which In now near at hand.
The receipts of Floor dating the w , et have been
qaite fall, bat In view of the approaching onsperalon
of operations on the tonal, for the reason, almost all
that hal come forward, ha 'teen stopped COIL Grain
ha• come forward apatingly tVe notice the tecelptoi
several lots of Hagar and !Selene% and some addition
hsa been made to the supplies of dte onaket.
Tee recent sappltes of thequarket, in esevY brooch
of trede, are quite:fall, and nor indoeements •ra now
held oat by our wholesale dealer:, to their coonn7
ASIIES—We notice fnfr supplies of all articles un
der this head, .d . fair general business has been do
ing, without any nharka.l change in gustation. Theral.
lowing are OA present prices Pool I Arti, lac; da'a
fatiiii,3sf3cle; Put Ash,a}p/}r, and Rod a Ask; 2g031:
ea.l and or.
AI.R& PORTEg.—We notice re change in prie
Geellierrers cre do'ng a brick (miners, at our la
qatitaliazti. say F7—east Included.
A PYLE:a—The rm. dpt• or appits daring the week
bare been MP, 7••:b sri• s or 4fa•.n Cto Ws. in'oft, a:
or., it ran,lns,o-covdint to quality, from 62 to 237 IP
b'.. Fa re are made from store, at 73,87031 1 bbl,
tIA"ON—Tre market hes • ten gust, bot rues gen.
orally well rustwth d. In the abweea of arty largo
trauractiona. we route a fair geoeial burluath, at the
followirg quotatioasi—lltle, Haat, 7121§ ..rd eaten
dull, the ...MI being over, enuum bagged haath,Vdi
sal extra s.tgsr eared do., r sales of :Deka
sides, in lots, at hie, and of 14 - do sboaldets, a. 4i041e
V b. the receipts dn. week hive been moderate,
• id contodelable qua ntles have been shipped elm
BUTTER—We in Lee 101 l 'milks and lair tenants
in tee market Sales cf ISO kg., an different lots, a t 11,
'Mae, pain" colt in Obis an ras, kontiones Ira. .114
@be a..d (n1.4511:57 do. mi2Otol , from store. Ws
bear of no solo• :tom not b. de, ban draaomo .kit
keg I utter emend bring. 40511 brims r01`,121012e.
ono (sir pewit, do, WWII°, b.
BRCO •ry- From Brat hands eve may quo, 01121.12
for common: Et ddOI d 7 far good me, and
it,3001.42 for a'Briiho r!oto Bore me gaors
tlo,• are. for beet gm-1555,91 sena. d quality, SIAN,
and common at $1,12818S doo.
CRANBERRIES—Toe reeelptv of this aniele have
been harely worth noticing, and an have no We, of
canarquence to report The dr-nisnd in this minket Id
g.end, nhiy,h pried
CllElESE,—We ' notlee full race tpu from the Western
Reterre, and nottwitostandmg the Lt ary shipments
east, ear market If abundantly flpplied, Tbe tales or
the week rum 0010200 20.0 bit, in •attorta low, .160
Of tor good common, and 11402 e for cream
pat of prices
Water Crackers, per bbl
Butter do
, Ba . ar Cu eLen, p
CORDAGR—We note co change to prices in t h e
various articles under tbielead. The following is
bit of prices
?Banl& rope, by cog;
do - e ,, t4
Whim-Rope, by c0i1,.--
Tarted Rope, by toil,
do cut,
Packing Tarn, fine,—
co e0010012,---
Pe • .
111,07Z,5103,73 4111 , do.
Hemp, 111,5d09,214•3,00 f do.
do IP , roil,— .10e “D.
Manilla. eri ----•11sotp, 73c 1p dos.
Kludged Cordage la sold regularly la Ine ip Itn
. ..e
CUTTON V &11.NS,Prices are ovally very firm,
t the., recroi advance. Stocks re acovuolly habt,
ea sales nave been necessarily confined to regular
toiled trantnettons to customer Wa give the fol.
. wing - tin of prices, wish aa improving tendency:—
13 "
10 "
17 4 --- ^ -7
19 "• • --V
14. pp ••
9: 4 4 4-21
4n, 4. .--•.24.2
" "
11021 ,
No. 000, super lb•••• 1
"1.1 2
Carpet halo • halo;
Coverlet leani,.• •
corrori SUF.MINGI..
yet, It Pittaearge maser..
shoe Mills, is .001E4 at Se,
No. M30,c3 perdo: FI
•1000, " ~ ...=1
13 44
Battins, & 4-16. 10
We heat at no change as
nred. No. I Peon and As•
and common or Noattook,
yard, and MT fi
COPPER—To, regular
•llnbargb sranufactureel
e IYD9&p b Prieee of
prices of cake and Ingots, 0
other descriptions aro men
co importunt coorge In pric
rolkasing is a correct list
DYE. TUFFS—We find
ces dudog_the week. Me
of prices of some of the
principal omelet :
Aloes, es 1501: liquorice foot 7 0 P
Alum 31$ 4 ." balt•••—•IBOW
Assafeetida .464 , Lae 0yc.... ..... ..&aggsr,
Arrow Root. —lOOl. Magnesia Carb •ZO3a
Atm•fortls 100 , Madder Umbra 11010
Borax. reEkned IdEPP ttyrro, Turkey ..... 50055
Belem P. rA• • • 11,50511V5 911 Vitr.ol• ••---• • 40 5
i• 0 Coparla•—•3so7 , 0 Cesar—•---• • •5t.75
Brimstone 440 5 ' Cassia 15404,00
Camphor, ref 15050 " Clovra•-•-11140
ClOoride Lime, C• k ...... 51 0 I [MCA 2,5003,e0
Coe-brims] 1,500115 1 . Pep•aft 1.935131
Cream 'lsms 150% <Tames, Tuflte9- 4,7235 , 00 40 v Qulrtine• • —•• •• .4,40042.
Ghat. its W. 1 , 419154, Hauberk, root . 750105
Galls 41 , 1150'355 Agoonae• •-•- •-•11302i ,
Gum Arabic 55107 , Sal Soda—. --(IP 5
•• Copal 35060 'Senn-- [PO i
0 Tv/gamine:l • 5 0 000 Tartaric Acid 44050
0 Pheltao 550.
75 8 , Vitri
tam o lrood , bbla l Diva. --••••••1
ctet 1.
Lithrams 54114 Fauna, bb's 94045
Jeep. powdered. 100 Logerood, elapsed .....54
PRIED FRUlT—Owfrg to the heavy *biome= east
and the limPed supplies left on gale in this market, a
beck demand bee sprang up In the marts, and prima
base improved. no elle* from store of Poaches,
usltkio 11. past fear day', alumni to about WO bus, at
otanotoo f be. Bales of 100 ha Apples, in lols, at
111/0555 9 ea. Wo may viola from Armbands, so $ll5
env for Paaahts, at 56047 • ha, with no Improving
DUED FRUIT—Pilau western eared may ba gass
ed to 100ifin, with moderate aupwle.e.
FLOUR—Prime have deeinited wee, and a alight
deelina ltu Latta plus alma our Ma weakly report
Large lota hues 'Dived tram the west, bat (wog to
the bear) ohlprea u east, and In view of the Won of
Me caul werne, very little additions have been Made
to the ea/plies of the mutat. The sake of the week
awn op roes 1:00 bbd the mullet closing pretty Woe
at 11.7511310 ♦ bbl. The sales from atom have ken
unlined to dray load lobe, to the regular ottp trade, at
113,93/113,91f0r good brown s. 1, and ill for eon. in
small lots.
firs F-otri.litseipts ha's been llaht, and the ut‘z.
ketl nuomattly mppiled. We quota from fru hand.,
6%113,3703,44, and (rum atom at 111,500d,M1 I bbl.
Con Mau.—Wlth mayplies in the matket, we
may quota tramcars and ftemthe mills. at CODOto IP
BroarilEAT Emus-81.0dpi. co:Urine fall, and sap•
- plies are atandaed, and sales are frail fltal
Lands, at 81,431:11,73; and from r.ore eislo3ll.ol 41 10
FISH—We bete 120 mouth! change to notice, et
eating to Mb. 2 Mackerel, voblek bave ileellned
16.16• bbL No. W. aro quoted at 111, and No. 1 at
113 f bbl. Piekied Herring are selling at 113 • bht.
FE/THUS—We ootiee fur milks I. the man
km, with sales to a fltir anent, it 31031: • e, ao in
Fl/112—The dolmans falr,witioales of %Obis Rol.
sirs at 6267'• box. Role. of Almonds, at 160234 ►
flig of Gemara iota at 111001,37 fr bus; of Pomona,
none; of Filberts, at 7OPe; of Cream nom. at 0107 e; of
onto Carrooto, at 1074, and of tr.glish Wolnete at 71
Ott; Orrawer, none, Flp, 110150 ► 0; Li MON, 14
Cocoa Nuts, 0,23 • 0.
FILEIGHTS—'ha Wattle
this point cut, whits are rat
Baton it Dauer. • toe
hkef, tidied, • bbl.
Bristle. & Hair
- -
ng are tb• Canal rates from
utter unseula
- •
WA Latd Oil•
75t IHIa
50c Polf.—bhis 1100
Drags tr. fdedicines.••. 750 Rage,cwt.—•--. (O!
hies ......... Seeds... —• •
Dried Lie Skins. Deer is Buffalo Ac
F oot 7be Tobacco, Ottio•— • too
Fars Peluies— —4We Ky —• • 50.
Peathe.....—..•o7e Tallow 40e
Vandoue SCe Wool •••••--.•-•. 7k
dos .1500
flaxseed SU Sheep Pelts— toe
Hardware 75c Hum, Roped. flea , ng
Roma Paneirre—Ossing to the line stage of water
in he fire; tie rates bare dwindled down to the !rive.
en pelt, and rakes too altogether nominal.
GROCERIES—No marked change has token plus
•In the mullet Caring the put week. We toilet the
' Iceeipt of a taw lots of Saute land Melaka, Ins
net sloSetrot to tassel any thugs in Odd.- -
We tan report no largo sales In any attlele, sales be
ingrashaly confined to small lots; to the regales trade.
Segar;te any thing, Is nen so firm, bet we continua to
goalie 7 1 , 1. ulWal the relief fie are, on lime hlol arum
1 pigmy well remained, with felr Woe at 7d040e for
PliustaStio, autlidateDo for prisms 8 IL, to Clef and
! statute, teed.. RIO CeeSst to about where we left It h
oaL kat Weal, 00p004 hot tiles am limited, and we
- ceoptOwte eV" gaoler/at at telotieriele to city and
teruntry,tradw , Winte poldlngtßnle Woke. aloe isle
'Aa r Awasa4, am bis ,tai Si In I,llls. Salute( Lear
.44 &IN — ribt , I ,rfii! , !„ lo bleu taa.latidoMi ok
tem oaly,"itaVia em lapin scilitii Haat taS tbis
liteditarranais wlicisostaisalotoittlaiwilaztatiaqtb•
limas await of ostatt nage antis *Lis at 7,1111100
41 be!. Oati ar c &dined to iteitio Gait Ana Ws*
with tales la tits past fear data of ii!lial bash ~O f Cosa
von/it/lob wing, ea ire brie aorepartablosalso.
Mirky is i s molest at aiiille from/ manda. and
Rye at 150 Se P ba. : ,
GESIdAt MAY—Salo in nomad at glen`
tom The p roof persist+ clay. dying tha mouth
of October, wad, were 463.800 t..
GLASS-01 Window Glens we Hanes Maw wir
plies le the rierkst. Price. ere (eternity the mime ea
nem& last week—tal i ter city brand*, Bby 534 0
10 by 1.11, 114;10 by 11. Ile p; end ether aims le pro•
Coantry brands are sold at lower plea, and May be
quoted as
°, to • --• 42,731 10 b 7 15 5,75
le by lt la by io a.yis
10 by 14 1. by 17 • 3,70
Tae aboire aro the that dmr prices.
HAY—We note regular sales of Ilutothy from wag
on, at $131,111;P ton, neeoritne to quality.
HON.—Sake of wetter!, N. Vo.k, IMO, at tee; dO
Mb 20e, ind of Bolton st 15e ir Ra
IRON & NAILS—For the pat' few days the Alp
meats of Iron and Nail. from able conked haw bees
horsy. oi. - e seteoln a list of prase. of soma of the
principal omelet
Ice—Flat bar 4185t0
Round and eqoare bar. -- • —.21N5 c
Eland 114034 c
Hoop •--.-- NHOGIc
Sheet 5 115Ic
Neu-s-10 to to peony , 6375 41. keg.
eto Opener :1,50 0
. 6
to 7 penny 4,00
" 6 penny 4.%
" 3 penny SAO "
lanes*—Col, 3 to 41 tech 4.40
.-• Cot, 5 to 6 Inch 4,50
" lam 6 to 7 Inch 00 "
LEATHER—Wa noll4o R regular demand al Out
prima for as ankles odder this head Out., of Bahl.
alOlO Sale at 21421424 and of Near Volt dmal 150100
fs pound.
LARD—Wes notice the receipts of several csoside
outdo Ott during the went, bat ales hover can tartlet
restrlrr, d. tce sole moderate transaction. to bbl.
and 22. at 7408 a, on time, to MAa and gets.
LUMBER—Tho following are th. ruling prices from
the yards:.
lush Common Board, per lOC* feat, 911 00
I do eo do do do 19 00
lb do do Plank, M) do 1900
9 do do do do do 91 00
1 do Clear Dowd, do do •94 00
14 do do Plank, IPM) do MID
2 do do do do do 1900
Pine Joist, (0 M/
II 00
H do do do 1000
H Scantling
do 1000
Pino do do 11 00
Shingle. (CT M (.omed)
LEAD—I:Yet , Is • raged? demand In the marketsat
85 tor pig, and t I 2111 for burl
Lae , Ptro—Soo p'-rent canna f mons of Load Pipe
• Is 70145* foot. neentdinato size.
Sam LLD—ftle• a No by tea ahem; .ad No. lb
Werra Lean—Pon load la al R 9, and No 1 at
MAO keg.
MALT—Wo .VOB farther regular taloa of Mali at
8391990 • ba.
OlLS—Llano/ neon.. prouy fain, at 90061 a P
gallon. Sal. of No. 1 Lard Oil at Sao, and of No. *
at USW.
PlOhlgpar,-I.lor of MO tone Eblppen”ille, it
8 mos ; 136 tons Lueindai at fa, an alma; 9:1010115
Clinton, and 90 tonelefferron, it Memos. WWI
considerable lots have strived, bat re have on
reportable sale. This metal It held at t.:39/97, . m
quality, with s ales In amid lots.
&09—We quote fiat hand sale. at So for maid,
and about 1e for .bite .
ROSIN—BaIa at 112,50 • bbl far Not* Carob.
SEEDS—Ft. send has kdirantel, and may now be
quoted at.g11,4001,45 Ito ba Salesof Tonothy [comfiest
hands, at 111,5106,01, and of C 1,.., at 51.50 f b.
POWDER—llassol and Dupont MU Powder may
bo rowed L. large quantinea. 004 avd by shale beg ,
ar115,M116,50 ip keg. Ronk Powder at 09,10 to PAO
or large and small guanine.
SALT—Pales Ina regalia may atll46l►bbloehleh
is the regularly established price afloat.
SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIer m btfis at 46019
ir L a, ash—bbts gam charge.
SPICE:IS—Casa. —010 e; CLoves. 6300 e, and Nat
rum. at, far No.l glottal 50 IP D. ;
SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of roan soap at I
galke; of Star Cmdles 0600; mead taiiow, 15e ,
and kommon dipped at ge I O.
SHUT—Sales at 111,73. g. bag.
WIIIFOrEif —We have sawe of GO oat, retOtei, at
131024e9 gaU.
TALLOW—Sappliea are small, awl we way game.
aostbsyly, a. 'no jg b.
TOBACCO—We entke a good demau•l !mot all te
setiptiettla et cr.anafentcrec. Hassel acd Robtetott ,
brands have advanced te Ole ; bc awldd
Lt-d ether brands common, at WiZINe., as in
qualm. Thaw panes are Km, arlth an adrattatng
TAR --UMei at gag Lbl.
VINEGAR—The regular rates r good elder Yule
gar train amt.', a. 5 1 000 ♦ gall.
WHISKEY-•Sales et FteenEed at 2316adie
WOOL—Satin:temto taie Maple hal been moderate,
bat ptium are bro. The renewing quomnaus may be
used ,--Curnmen,:Toe; blood, 31r; I do,l hr, I de, Mel
tall blame, 7203 te.
. .
PittlSbUrigh 6tOCI[I4 eta Illaiary Market.
Peamosaat Sept PI, ISM
The fallovrin; is a operate It.t of p.a.( coats
with the talcs ...Leh haat trantrised dazing lhiapast
Bank of Pittsburglc-C.5 31 01, 014 33,000 i
Dial/lend, (May and N0v.14 • cent. • • 530 1151 611
Exchange Bank -Cak11.031, 1 3 2 . 0 rik 131 9 .
(May and Nov.)4 as at•—•— - • 54 4"1 49
Merchants' sod Maasfactorarsi Bank-
Capital. imam Ihnntand, tiday and
Not) 410 cent.— ---• So 61 514
Pittsburgh Gas Co.-13 . l•Idend, el.. and
July)4 f can, —••- • 50 11 611
Allegheny Bridge Core,prany•-= 93
re x 1
36 :IT
Monongahela r
Hand 311-91 ° ° -.-- 00
N. Libernee " " •—•—• 50
3V991929 1.951392009 Co--.-. 50 31
Ohio 0
P enyinsala Railroad, 11,e5 paid GO
henneylvwda Railrood•—.--• ..... GO
Pittalherph City I out • —._-..a.- tem 93 na
Allegheny County loan - • 100 97 00
Allegheny Clay loan ---• •• • 100 00 00)
nharlurg 0 Boston Copper Mae*, My o: 20 linl 92
Noeth Amalie. " ^ Br ID 13
Pittsbrgh& (ski Raga/ " "' Paid 33 13 15
Ohio Trap Rock C. _ • -•• .
Iron City Mining rone-inany• a 4
&Unaware Mining. Co., snag 1/ abates: •
hiders Miele; Co 41 3
Plusbnete=in t rd ri tAcr o rg a tt •
:47,1E30,3 • cent; shares., 830 Se \
Atlantic & Onla Telegraph Co-Capttal,
113(0,00% Dividend, 50e Prahare for Jan.
tarp, Arrll. and OntObal; allarla U 0 ,• • " "
The following 'alga Stine transpired darling this
*mike-63 ohs Can Co .114,04_1020 Phut ' Ohio
and Loaisrillo Telegraph Co ,at L3ll 4
Conga Bracts. Bales ttO eke Egrets. (sear goat
pany) at 11,30 • 9311.; 0:1 do Ohlo Tenn Rock, as SIG
110 do, 1114 a ot a P akar% auctssato; and 30 do
Puteh'sh WI Beaton at 500.
Cattle Marta
dazzattin,litoombor 11
Bassaa-71te °doting, to day ware Ws, otottani
note GU to 600 head, of athati .out 371 woos mid to
Botabalt, at K 184,221100 Da, tot
Bash—About tho haul woo toad, u Pooo= Thatriall'
Lefroldir , S 10 Quality, to:dallied to 111,73 snob.
Boas—Bales litai bud, . S 4 ewt, cwt.
raISADMIMUL, Nov. 7,13*
Tea amino aktei yed Ids wen, comprised 11.1X111
Ida bead or Bed Conte: 4bo were drivan to N. Vert,
350 Cows and Cale% 730 Nags, add MO flacop eat
Beef Cattle are to id, deltoid. at SS to 1495 /100
Ibt; GO bed sold; and sesta is
head wore left over
ot sold.
Cows do Calves—Dry Col 4,11708 1 1; SPriodooss 8 1 . 1
0111, ark Fresh at 11000, sack.
Bogs were dal4 sales w I deep) !PM IS% 0 ,0 We.
left owt. l
Stomp k istatbs—Prices m tile from 1, 43t0 1. 1 ; 00 , 0 .
m quelo7.-10C.
11 airstoss, N0v.18,1950.
Coale—The offerings of Wooers at the Scales no
Mandel reached IWO head, 759 of vettleh more ow to
oily botcher:Arlen grackenr, Tom left ices
and 90 *erre driven to Philadelphia. Price, raorrad
from Uto MS on the hoof, equal to MOSS net, and
averaging i4ll* gross•
flogs—We qr ts from WO to
ftivis.—Tbure seen 5 feet 00 (Whet, In channel, •
dunk, last •retlnX—at n stuni d.
Peebles, Elizabeth.
Michigan. girths, Beaver.
Reeve! (Borden, Beaver
Allende, &Oilmen. Brownsellie.
Youghlog env. Ilartupee. Wet t Newton
Brilliant, Grace, CtheirmalL
Julia Doan, Galla4ber. Eerwevil
- B.
Caps May, Snowdon, Cinethroth..
Maltz. Deztr,.t Clocionau.
Cashier, hiehliCaa, Wheeling.
Wellsville. Voting. Bridgeport.
RilgeoLd. Cope, Cincinnati.
Fashion; Peebles Flissban.
Dam elayer.
Dealer, Goreou, Dealer. Brownsville.
AVsiale, Pot him; a. Brownsville.
Youghiogheny, Damper—peo. Wen NI wain
Hibernia No.
Deanachel, araelassAl.
Nangnor, Louisville.
Pilot No 9, Drivel, IlneklulpOn,
Jas. Nelson, Moore. Wheeling.
Mena, Kinney, Wellsville.
HEEEING—CLobIer, 10 L.
NASIIVILLD—CIad•rars 10 • K s
NASHVILLE...4Ln Nu, 10 L.
WEILLSVILLE--Reve 1110 ; 10 A -a.
Fel CLICII3AIL-111.0 intact guar 'Gnats+•
eiraliiihata, will lesiva as above, Lida day,
as Id A. M.
otr atbitrwledgemcats are, daa ,ffjf piaad gem,
clerk la she 0., mi alter ram
.. "._ '._ '.- - .---.2/...—!--`
Pg~~te RES e ECTs li I.F; MAlZt=bie us& Pgrd'iltN
"btNnpplyluf, *amt . * the been
...ploy alcn4 J. . 1__•,,u,.,,,
ri ;mu* ft. rr• , ••• - .
V% A. At, no
- 'LOCAL- -MATTgR . ~ F
swaazan,mrm Trrtsiutal
Oyer sad, Torastast ,
- • ' • - " Nov. 12.
Pigment Hon. Win. ELSl'Clare,Prosidetit Inds!,
and Wm. Ken, Associate lodge. - -
Titad. or Goma ion 'tan Hanna Or Javuoz
v-Defendant pleaded not guilty. Counsel for
prosecution, An' General Damn & David D.
Brno. For Defence, Messrs Burke, Black, WI:Is
and Snowden.
'PatollowingJary caw empanualed.
'James Shaw, David Bdecher,
Thomas Meg, ViriHim Craig..
Seri Howard, Isweph lYasiehs
Wawa Als,nron, Aleissqlr CatUero l3 ,
William Dainty, James Artldowney.
Lures Sthintod, Jahn N sod.
The Ciro. made three eheliem, for came.—
Feumen peremptory eheltruer , were math! , for
the dricomo.
Atter on eneeedionly oble, eloquent, and pracw
oal addrcel to the Int,, on the part of the CCM•
olouwenlth by toy °nerd Dantah,
/am Wynn was sworn—Wee in Pittsburgh in
Kay ler. I swab pooling along 2.1 et.. neatly op•
pun te the Bank nt Nisbet - RN in the uud din ri the
mash of May bitween 8 and 9 &clot k Int the
.7sine and 1 sem two men aparrlog—l thought et
p.m it was fun, Itutenun saw a pistil to the band
of one. The other had ' limped upon him trout
bet alai bed te.n. T oo man with the pistol
suss, eel at ottntra seined to toe face of the ace
Who led htm,eld :hit slot him. The latter thee
let go the other party. and stopped back two or
three ate, to the Binh Ititehesge, when he pat I
his bend . .41 by pot. 1:, and thew 0015 pistol. He
then eisett. , slier the shred man,' who eras R.
tog to We'd stunt. with tt,p city rapid gait. Tee
colored thou, when to sew hum clime. ran Only
rapidly. Red tint OlZer ptigeuea him tato Wood
meet, out! then shot at him. Toe pities who
bad beta abet turns" to come haeht, and I saw
' blood maims from his month. He w silted a short
distance and fell down on a enter tit at, dropping
his pistol. The ermines recophzed toe dulundaht
as It. man mho atm the deceased. The &nese•
od was by her the ereaktr man. .1 ma i ns , one
tilde of the street. ale they mire oz ' . the others.
An soon as the Dektiedlost could lonl around. he
placed hti pistol a the breast of the other,
thee fired. I beard somebody standing on the step
of the bother shop say is the Weimer:, shy don't
you shoothim, and that attracted roy attention. ' •
airrcumtow UM7O4.
John Wino, crest exsmtoed—Whao I Drat saw
the partite, cue was sn the back •f the other ;they
were shoot urentiv flee or thirty feet from the
front of the Bank Exchange, down towards Wood
street; Gatua turned round, the rdstol waa le hit
right baud; Gothe wan a touch idolater man than
Jauttcrt, though the latter was rather more
tle e.
Andrew sworn—l vow standing in
final doorsones Motr hoe or forty feet mom the
scene of the combat—tumult the Bank Exchange
and Wood street; taw the Frenchman running at
Goias sad as.bching bold of hon. winking hito two
or three time.. Gam had a put Is ht. hand st
the time, and he twisted round In Marlene/case's
arms and shot ktim_; Seater( receded a few steps,
sad Galas Warted to run down Thud street ; to.
ward. Wood—Jaabert ran alter him. The blew*
Jaubut gave him were la the face; I never sew
the Frenchman berme ;le mascot so large amen
u Gems; I ouppom he wan about dee Cut ail Of
eight Inches high.
Crone examiced—l new nothing of the traesac.
Con till the Frenchman ran et Goias; Colas bad •
aud was mending will with his aie the
direction of Market street.
Colonel Diehl, sworn—Wu coming down
Wood street between gores end eight O'clock in
the morning,'about the 20th of May, erased into
Third, and went up tow arde Market. When I
got up about half way, t noticed several persons
standing under the neopof the Rink Eicharge.
Went op to go into the ball door. It was block.
ed up by Gems and two other colored one, who
stood one on each abic of him, et the jogai, of the
••• • •
door anon was penny loud language, disputing,
Se I thought, withikome of the others. Went op
to the bar room door, as I couldn't get in there,
and observed that he cootinoed talking. Went
Into the bar room, tad a little boy said there
would be • fight dueetly, Then I went into the
entry and saw theta retiring. Walked to the
front door. Saw the same part,Cl ftfeed or twen
ty IMO below me, on the plisemeel. Dick,
stay theta mum than a minute till I saw a crowd
gather. Sow the dash and smoke of a pistol,
sod then saw Gains tannins, with the French
mem slier him. Recogumed Gums in the crowd.
The Yrenetwoan would, weigh abort one hods
deed and lusty five, sad wai abbot five feet maid
forties high. Would Mien that Going c.told lift
ban ander his arm and caul hint art. After the
ft, I followed item end raw J•uhert shoot a t
Goias. Jaobeat me hard up Tined .veer t few
steps, and then annering, let ton pistol drop, end
fell to the ;round and died
Crow Exammed—Jourbert, when I heat caw the
putty, one encoding itt the door The barbershop
poi more tine et step from the Rank Exchange.—
Isubert eves s muscular man, and very active.—
Did not re. Janbert putt oat hitt pond The ball
made • hole in a trout large enOtigla to pot- one's
, anger ira.
°cargo Worn. ewero—A In - I.i-before cleat
o'e:ork In anon of hey, ens .101ilithe in the
door of in, edict of Painter and lianas at the
comer of 24 sod Wood at. Heard a p 4,411 shot.
. . .
and Inohng, tam • man stepping en the pavement
wth a petal in his hand. He went op 3d street
and scathed up a short starrier's Hemmed with
his face toward the tel idle at me er wet, and nosed
hts p atot t fire u as it ois at. lie threw the
pistol from him, tot said •.1. an, deed.' I caught
him, and ho fill beak tutu my tome. Asked him
his name, bet he made no answer, aid only bremh
ed once or tattoo oiler I laid him dow a.
Lichee Woad et!!, RAT ru—l was steadies in the
heel: nil{ of toy warcl.oose, ott them .ntee cram
'21).11 • I May la• . lisc rl the oats, eg ilia'', and
gotta le tic otaar, eau: Isohert davit G.) ha , own
3d st Falewed th•re down, arcom lento r. got to
the corm.!, Prod a retn. at Onto.. HO rained
round and I saw tom d erica h a gals. H. watked
back Immo 'waive or at 0,0 tugs towards Market
street, and teti. He was tied carried oast to the
barber step en the o; cdo of the ,treot. ho•
Inert and Gains wore about 12 feet sport when I
Lp flaw thcal
Jame- Alexander sworn—AM Prot.:cm, of lac
Back Fs hive, and was no in May law. Cl Ins
has twee Is my employ MI the 113thof May. Ls o
f. Sanbort via In my mop oiment at me time • f
he death, as cook, and hadlx en with me, for abcol
two week.. Home had been a waver. lauireri
was a Frenchman. Too drat thing I saw may
Gonna running. withianber rratileg him. Heard
the icpart of the pistol which limber ii d. Mo.
bort had a wife and child 10 the East nod they
were to have started for P ttabough 1111 the day of
he death. He was about II yens of age.
Doctor hrCreekenewcrererWaa celled Miro ex ,
amine the body of Lools isobar.. Pound awoond
abOnt three eighths of an loch in breadth, on the
rght aide of the bream, pursing through the lolls
of lie tight Meg, and lodging in the ceitular tissue
seer the 'pins on the rght aide. I cot the bad
mu The wooed arm., In my °pinkie, the calms
ofhit death, thstran death
not always ea anew,
omit of sorb wounds. The halt penetrated the
cartilage nI the 4th rib.
Cross examined—The rioting would Monts
the hemorrhage comeguent on each a wOund.
Dr. Mania 'worn—This gentleman'. evidence
corroborated that of Dr. M'Cracken. T
ou he h el of
bleed gamed iaubertie death, and the wnd vu
liteoOnallban of the loss of bleed.
Frederick Oros aware—Am a fresco painter—
wan going op 3d mutat, when I heard a pistol fired,
and saw Oslo Melling with Jauben after him.
rss til• Of. A sk
sc. (ed. sd,
• •
The Attorney General, offered to endente, the
testimony of a person dace dud. u reported In
the Despatch. taken In • babes, corpus cue.
wherein George Golu wu brought begirt Justice
Lowrie. The reporter, fdr. I. Herron Foster we.
ready to testify este the scoured of the report.
Col. B.sek opposed the proposed testimony. He
refdrred to the bill of rights In support of his pd.
The Cotin rejected the evidence.
William', Alin snore—l Chow Garage (Jonah:
SaWiirrtiO — tie u4rei of He
came Into 'our meat sho pande nquired fo rapistol.
He did not get one. Ho did not toy what he
wanted with it.
Joseph Barker aworn—Thin, (polling it from b 4
pocket.) 4 the pistol which (kens gave me. He
Imrtendeied himself voluntarily, awg said that
bed shot Goias lo Self defence. Would have die.
charged ittm, if I had not been alrald the crowd
whuld have injured trim.
William Anhui' swom—Am Coroner of the
Monty. Held an inquest on Louts Jaultert.—
This is the ball (producing it) extracted from bin
The cue felled here on the part of the Cocc
John A. Wills Esq., opened thecae, on toe pr
of the Commonwealfh, in hie usual clear and fm•
Mt= manner.. He contended that the caw WWI
ono of ynetlilable homicide, and =ad a number of
autbontfes in nucleon of his potation.
At the cone of his epeech, the Conn atliowned
unlit thin mornieg at b o'clock. A C instahle was
directed to attend the Jury to a hotel, where di.
rim:lona were given to provide room with all euit•
Copra: for tAe f sat& of ‘l4 °Thaw:—
We veto pleased to lee that she Concert roe ;he
beasfa of L. Paul's Orphan Asylum, woo attond•
ed by a crowded audienea lut night.
'Tag OJLIOD Jurt.—The Orasid Jury, will, we
vuierniand, coutplete their arduous mule, this
wear. They deserve • great deal of credit for
their industry, as they bave acted on • vast bum•
ber at Bills..
ar of the Jenny Lind House, Allegheny, was bro't
befofel Mayor Fleming, yesterday, ebargel alth
xlliag Ilguor on the Sabbath.
He was discharged on paying a fine of four dol.
lase and cosia.4
&wiz Dows.—Axt omnibus belonging to the
People's ens to bluierefllle, broke down Ca
Fourth Pt-yesterday, in consequence of one of the
fore wheel, coming off. The puseagas escaped
with a few all& bralseli.
~,AgennfinApurriD,Simacc 22 Me 60=
Robinson, wit° air Ina stated In OwnewhiesEhr
ette, attempted to agora suicide est itcoi!layaller•
noon,,followed the example of his coa . notazon to
mak= tow o'clock on Monday Morning
Tim prisoner who occupied the oell with him, was
weakened by the noise of his struggles, and found
that he had twisted two handkerchiefs together, and
tying Weil to the door of his cell. had resolutely
thrown himself down In a position which would
crate. strangulation in a few minutes. 'De wits
icsensible when his companion mu him down, and
his bloodshot eyes were protruding from his bead,
hie tongue lolling from his matzoh, • and his
countenance Kansa with blood. ThrOugh the
exertions of Dr. T. W. libsw, physician to the
County Jail, he at last recovered, though be is at
coon weak. •
?remota to his attempted suicide, be bad writ
tea a very affectionate letter to his wife, declaring
that he was revolved to die, inarmuch eq he could
riot bear to be separated from her. The Firmer
is confined on vereml charge, of bargary mid !cc
One of the turnkeys very namely informed us
yea nuday evening, that he thought Auguatua Cool:
nun going to hang himself in the night, and on our
inqcar ng his reason for each a supposnlon, said
that he had teen him that day, 'reading bin tale ',-
A mania for self destruction norms to tare takeu
possession at the prisoners now_ confined in jail,
many of whom ate desperate men, and well know
that they have oo canasta of estatping from the pen
Tat JAIL—The county prison Is now crowded
With occupants, nod although, the Court is very
expeditious io trying them,yet their suunbers do not
seem to decrease, glace the cells are tilled no fast
as they are emptied. Between nue and two hun•
dretl prisoners are now In confinement
Magon's Orrice, Atsuossny.—A young lad
wen brought before the Mayor of Allegheny, ye'.
terday, charged with mating a disturbence before
The Wesleyan Methodist church, midst, North Corn
iamb, Allegheny, on hoit Sabbath. After having
ie.:mired severe reprimand, he wits discharged on
payment of a aiding floe.
Day Clc ocs.—Oer readers mauling 1./r7 Goods
aro referred to the advertisement of Murphy dc
Burnt:Geld, who have just opened a very extensive
anottmeut, their econd supply for the seuo➢.—
M. B. seem alcierromed to present rooreottise r
Iwo to customers than a handsome core Nom—
a eight of which ta neon worth a visit.
TintGam Hallo—A.Snor." yarn.—Thie beau•
tifolBea story originally publithed in Blackwood's
bladanae - bu beeb ro.publishod in one volume
at W.. Cll., and is for ado at Holmes' Literate Do.
pot. on third at.. opposite the Post Omen Also,
Tbe Horticolittriat 14November, sad Litters Lie.
Ind Axe, No. M 9.
ti. A R . E rm O li tl y, LFAj a H rin tlit,ls im bo a ring imm fa n yr tta: b ur ty
rfatita,a that Ids a .tmln are= a bask., r.
u t sa
. ARS YOU A MOtirCl ,
a ß igthlelt,sse d itr.Slll2t i lletilerSarsarati 'e lTa
--at rill eartairdy caps yea.
Mall molar depca, or on oat or our age nts, and get •
pampitle., gratis, where you will Gag that the Shaker
riantapanlle, as prepared by Dr. 8. D. Hume, bag
been Me metes of earing More Mammas
to which We human family are eominually ',abject,
1:10.13 any ether pr[PRZEIIOIII Or SATSIPIf•IiS ever yet
brought b.foeo the public
Thu medicine haa establashed it. Web replication
by Its numerous and Well &nested rasa. '
la pm up in elan beottlee, and isthe only Sarsa
parilla that acts on the borer, Caney. and Blood at
the some time, which renders It altgrenber more 'rah&
able to every one, parGeularly to females. asulognanfin Dr. 8. D. UOWE'S MUM!
SADSAPAJULLA, and lute as other.
Price SI pet bonle-4 bottles for LS.
Fer ale by
DL S.D. HOWE A CO., Proprietors,
I Callus MIL Cincinnati, 0.,
To whom all orders toast I'. addressed
Also, ter tale be I. A. Jones, J. Seneemmater &Co
W. itlect, W 1. IC Townsend, 3.3lshter,
W. Jackson, Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott., Allegheny ally,
W It
hisneher.em P.Crocker, Drowns.
millet Jame. Paull & Co. Wheeling; J. 11. Nome. is
mad F_ G. Moroi:4E4. Clalrsetllo; RPRean & Enos.
(tubs eeetdAarT
Pirirburgb and Coal Hill Turnpike.
A N Election foe Preaidenu Tre rrrrrrr end ell Di
nl rectors for the carafe.' year, will to held at the
Toil Douse. on the ath of December next. I atarren she
toter of I and 1 o'clock. r. sl. By order to
R. D. ICING, l'rearJettL
Ii J. r o fa, .Crtetß. r. oeSalai
AN Osstion for tbanoen Directors of Ni. Dank for
ine ...ening year, will be held at the Banking
lieeee, on Mor day, ter C
11 ti 7, SN N Y DER, ny of ovembeashiexr.t
r ne
rillybargh, Dec tr. 75Ni
Mambas:me Moat of Plasebiatrailt.
AN tlection for 11:irtnen Direct, r of ILI a I; •n 4, to
servo Ols, :or en, n, year, he 1.e.& ai the
Dilating 11nriee, on Monday, the 192. Nriaraitnir 142%
between the boars a' 9 A. 24. and 2 9. M.
THOMAS M. 11097 E, Carbter.
October 19.1E20 —octilidid
ritashrastat sad Yl•estalrstettrcrs' Beast/
11 re lars raja.
4 N tlar,ee , Ditto ....era t:., A . S. the It g year tea , le ..eld at 11, 1 . ',jog
ttodee, on S: ander, 'ht. 1,11 o(Noeees. er It.
a%t ti DEN
l'insbu,h, • `ot
To Sties.= Boat Ballid•r•.
EXTRA I envy ttallastd and laaseard Tvrille snit
able tar steam . ..ant deekirs or awning, receirad
on cow:gamest, sod to tale law. by
ftb-VING .t CO,
°eta tali 'rood .t
k MALE tear he-, competent in enee rintenS te Lege
echool, will deninible toniton, and c
tire 11 llheral etl. 1 by making tannediate
noon in person. the Beard of Et:nenneet, In Me
wn no Welleettie, Collate Lim county, Ohio
o n oh➢ t
dre a the Board.
COAL 2dalehaus, and Deakin in DT, Goods, Oro
canes, Iron, and Nails, tom W
er of alnut meet
and ashiudion Turnpike Read, Temperance-vine.
oeldnitsol el!
'DRAMS& BROCKWAY, Conanission lambast.
K 9aarusenue City, CaWarta. !Ahem' advance,
made on consignments, and , sll agency basin.,
promptly attencted to.
S. A...4111,k. sanormay.
ncntrm.l / • newsman
J. nikaaisos avemizia.,
lawn. Acknowledgments of Deaithara.
alo—Fborth extent, shove 'Smithfield.
P. 11. E.ATOIN,
W HOLESALE and Recall 'killer in
Moro, !balmy. and Vane.
Dress add Elbow Trimmings.
Lana Goods and Lhabraldenaa;
. Osedantees Famishing Ankles;
Zephyr, Waosiets, Panarnr, asd Canvas,
Perri Umrd. Tirane ra and
Flower Material; No del Foper,
urth !mug.
10401.08 Writing Plaid ;
Hasband'• Alagnesla,
Keeler's American Campania,
blchlann's Pllilr el'ONam;
McAllister's Olntreem,
Pery Davie' Yalu Killer;
Krandreth's pill; genuine;
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral;
Smith's Tonle Syrup;
Mum'. Bale= of Wll.l Climate;
flogem , Liverermil and Tar;
Dull'. and Tom &
nseca's reaper . -
l.talure's !ipecac;
qrlst d ell CM agn i e7: ifi e n ' i me b
Swaien's an d Pra
Allen's N. an B. I.lclmebr
A fresh lot of the above articlesjest receive.' lot
sale by J KIDD k.
.110 VI Wood 51
' , ASSN in mistake, from the mom noel Pilot No%
Seven Kegs of Itotter.marled J. Any isnlormation
ipeedi4 them r.JI be thentrull
Whi y reeleved
D tefi Dde do,
Ma .
Joslrorely4d re...tamer Marais Noll, ror solo by
111.18N1UD0F..1.. INGIIRAM,
Water .14
-noI:MILS—II casks »calved f n .ale by
1 - 1.1 WICK k. weCANnLFRII
EE.E—Citl Las but meived far sale by
brla Lai l . Oil, extra bleacbed, Co r cola by
11HOCOLATE-330 bin Norfolk. for We by
%.,/ no 4 WM &WALE? &CO
MADEER-10 tca No 1 Dutch bladder, for axle by
CUD asti—u tra Grand Nob, for sale by
RAIN SOAP-IGO tat to4v7ilaao
APPLES-1W La Apurg,eZl°4 me
BUTTER-5 btl. fiegh Jur read for 9.1 c, by
uos JoIIN v , AT I . it C&
C OTI n r S DROOMS—ca drx Iv In more, for nn Lp
ItO9IN-100 brim No I, In store Rtli for sale by
IL no.l JOHN WATT ec ro
mAcicErta.--1 brl. Na 9,
0 orl. No 3;
3 a bar T,
• 2 I No I;
9 do No 0,
In Stlifd and for Ws by
HgItEIING—G brlr No I lo store and for tele tiy
SUNDRIELS-40 Ins Cheounde, .
41 dot Npellea Rooks; •
2 b2l Dotter,
2 !kg. do;
5 pea Tow Linen, On eollsliineat
T OtIAOCC , -.11/ bol Bonn Dew,
poartd do;
bit Nectar,
bag h! For .ale by
NA'ACISCREL-403 Me No 3 reed for urn ny
13110i1WAEAT FLOUR-71i lank. lun
-.i1.E.AM...1k0A,Z1.. i ,.,
Padua. .rattan u sad dart Satan taco
- ' the: Part at Plitelnsvgliw
Tin oleadld new l teatacr
Cps: Gallagher, will leave, Ow 64,
for abort; at 10 delOak LEL _ . .
Itultage, linty an board...; 0013
The q.t.:1144d MEIIIIIII
' • Capt. Core, grill lerro;foithe abort*
d &I totermedrato porn on thla
day, the Igalt in... ot. 4 P. AL
For freight or prune pply oa board.• aol3
_ _ ____
The splendid Mantes
Fll/T ITT,
. -
I mister , will leave 'for shove
gi ad all it.termedinto {citU on Ilia day,
the Mk inst.,. at 10 o ' clock, A. N.
lassere; apply on board. noll
4 " .. ca
1 ionuyinthrelo. light dynnqtn. R u ler
er Nckr.iitt.Ln. canuar IA .
lentilfor the strove and all l a tch
..., 4 1 4 Y.:, 14 2".: ' ...' car.l.lil ',
late port. off this dal, I:h, mt.,
n t0. ,1 0 ,1, A- m • ,
if..F .tv nt boo-4, er to
F.” freiestorP..W.: ~ ,,t rolg JONES, Agent.
ittinon• !The fi e newnod munchsteamsteameroer
wm.D.• mulct, will leave tot the
above and intermediate lactOwnted
dKT . thr ll.h lett, and o'clock. A. M.
no' (Tric or P.M r UrPIT co botod.
k!. • 0 , 001 l
REGULAR tivnaponr. AND warsvlbs
. . .
Ar,...;_.:, The Ilint allillh E tr A T!T
I '-,.. ta P. P. Kinney, tauter, levee Pitts
burgh, Wednesday, sad Fri
dal p... 10 .V.tic ok.A. M. Loaves WoliaalleTaa•daY.
Tan roday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. lii.
F" t ' lO,l, or PA .• or. ar , v on board. nos
The splendid nev ite64lrt
W cant:. master, will lave for
the above and all limed a teyens
on tie, t 6th that, at 10 A. hl.
For freight °Traver, apply on board. nee
The splendid .d fast tanning steamer
John P. Davi., master, will leave for
the above and 111 tralole pore
oo fills day the atltt inst.
App y or, board: to
~. -, — .5.8-112ILTENBFRG4 n
EII, Apt.
The spleddld MIMIC(
Roam master, will leave for ton
above and all intermediate ann.. on
day, the 6th tnat., at l P. M.
For freight or pamage apply on horted , . A one °
The steamer
D. B. Dale, muter, Will hi., PM.
•tmeeh every Tuesday, Thursday, and
• . Bersiniay;retarrame. leave Wellsville
every Monday, WallseedeY• aid ' , Liny.
For freight or pwings.rOPlT on or 6 ,
oet2 W B WHE..B., Ailmt.
Captain kilns BEINISOILI3I.
a, This splendid beat ass bulk by tba
I earners of the stellate: hese Newton,
and others, for the Cincinnati end
Pittsburgh Packet trade; and will
leave every Wednesday, be Cinc Innen, is place of
the Hers Englund, N 0 . 3.
For freight or passage apply on board. or to
mate SS hi MILTENBERGER. Ades_
RR BJLAB wiikanetartillidikifi r icKkr.
Tlt • rest running steamer
Capt.'ll. Young,vvill run es a regular
packet between Piessleargth Wheel
ing, itridgeport, and Panful., leaving Pittsburgh every
Monday aftrnoon, forWel,reUle,DleUbenville, and
e ßridgeport, and every Thursday attenuant°, Mennen.
WUeli.lf, Dridgeposh Cash's; sot Sunfish.
Deviant, leaves Bridgeport...MS.lmb every Tue.
day afternoon, sad Saadi every Friday afternoon.
For freight or pusage, apple oo board, or to
sep7 D WILMER. Asers.
Nikki, 1860 ailuma
nONTINUDI Grsiaro freight to Pittsburgh via
',riled Road and °Rheum, very reasonente terms,
and with the mrnal drosteh, Gem oar Mtge depot,
No. u7l Warketstreet,Philadelphis, formerly verepled
by Mess:. Mail= k Rork.
r- Yerosiffittl
• -
. -
Caul rallbalread open to Ilollldayebnrs
103 mile.. Canal to Johnefoue,—„29/ ado Rail
Rind fro= Johnstown La Phpadelphia.
Exclusively for Fermiers,
Time ttmattit, dd hoora•—•-•--Fare-1110
nr: an •rtm. Monday, Depletnherjlath, two dolly
10 Pact et Ran, will leave for ol.rstown, from
thence ate splendid nrl7 can 11 . m/les direct to
Philadelphia, passing over the cc Pennsylvania
pill Road, beg one or th, very Se. to the eonntrY
The increased speed hv Nin route en•Ses it Inc cleat
desirable, es well as the mce• .otorainsble one to the
enstern clues
A Pe^se: Delt will lea.. eve ryl tiorrine *l7 01-2"pleSEPltri'h
2" pleSE P I t r i' h
F• - / / : teas Cr lr 4 lnfo '' rnttu / • ^t ' y ' la
117 Pl*Trit 'lonot,s.sels
septl or to D
: to, Co.I Main
21031030.1111Z7....... norrs.
~)5=19,f7 di lls , l2taeg loge
1:11•:110 and 1E.1.c1:12.1 to 13112. ra act
Minden.] la
TC 11,1.22entc.--- • • •--- .130 09
l`nreannzara •...---- • 12 11
Bolen,ort. snare; Orr, lo
th e 7 { hours
ceetu.r lenVe• daily, them{ teue,Jey•
.01:sly it o'clock. l'amentere 0, leaving Co the
eeeeth, Lent, On!! eneth the eth.taiet to rate. nrn
4 iv, arid Fri a avoid oiett
ilteare Foo metal% It the 0111ce, Notorgallela
Entee, or elnelaa 110111.
0e111.19 1. :1111 , - , KIMEN. Arco'
4'00.0 2,
13111WW.1.1., 6 uncruzn,
(Beaver Fob%)
C EVZIWIrL re RV r imptun A n
PACKETS, towing and 'hippo between Masbate,
win Rochester by mean boats Lako Ent,
and Nav,
Coed. reeelpted and promptly delleered teal
plarca OD the CansJa and Lakes, •1 lobes ma&
Stnp7ers snit please dhakt good., 4 BtdarelPsLins)
Waters Plttaburehl
tlaun cots,.
J. rumma.. s
FLwp I lit llijitall, . I L2PTIA
Will Warls
K alpine all !Inds of rlsko,
ALL looms bo liberally adlliated sad promptly
Jell. paid.
A home lindiattOu,-.laaaVia 14 IMMO= "ha an
wall known In the tommanlasa who an dotennitp
ad by promptness and labors to maintain** dm ,
aeor.: ',bleb th ey hate sun ,a. oferiar thb bid
protection 10 Lima who deal.. to be lumen.
Daimons—R. Pinner, Jr., Goo. Blank, J. W. Bailor,
N. Holm*. Jr., Wm. B. Holmeo, C. Inman, Geo. W.
Jaelmon, Wm. hi. Lyon, Ju. Lippincott, rbo,. IL
Web, James belAaloy, Aloz. Mallet, Taos. Pow.
Om., No. OS Water Weal, laruahmta of llParl
.k Co.. no calrs.lPlttsbarak. ratAly
• • J..lPlasay, Jr.
Aiond fur th. Paul Lite Imorancs C. of PAilo.
OEFICE of the Wertam bantam Company No.
01 Wa, week Mubarak.
Pamp ts hlets, with all ;mammary ltiformadon, arid
clank forms will betornishmL
Husbands am Mean their lives for the beneat of
their whet and children; madame the Ilyas of their
The whole pnvilta of the Company are dtvidad
among the holders of Ufa Polk lea.
The dividends of *kaput rev yeara have beta shah
tv per nest oath year
- -
RANCE COMPANY.-oMee North Room of tha
Exebanme,Ttpd lamer, Philadelphia.,
Sias immunca.--Baildinga, Merchandise =dither
property; in Town and Cowry, hurarod against luau
or damage by fur, at the lowest raut of premium.
MALMO 11H171.1001, -They also Insure Yawls, Car
goes and Fr as ights, fordo or 15011.5t1/.lse, mat op= or
special pol elea, as the mund. may demon
Luau, Twortammon—They also Dean merch
andise tramportal by Wag... 4 Road Caratamal
Boats and Steam Doom, on ours and Mks% on the
01001 liberal renew
DISF.CTORS—Joseph U. Seal, Edmond A.
, Bowler,
John C Davis, Rana Moron, John R Penrose Samar
el Edwards. Geo Lelper, Edward Dull:no:m.l4rue
R Darla, Wm Falwell, John Nardi°, Dr R Huston,
Jae C Hand, Theoplallas Paulding, H June /drools,
Henry Sloan, Hugh
George Serrill, Spencer
Mellsa Tkoo in, Charl
Job; es Kelly J Johtwoo Wm Hay, Dr
S t r 4u AT T Morgan,
Nir/ Seßre Jr . ,
13" h ("41 ' job. VTIMrd MARTIN, reside
THOS. C. HAND. ; l ine r Preslde n u L t.:
Juan W. Cowan, Seery.
ID ^ Mee of tha Company, No. 12 Wale, area
Putsburgh. !OUZO) P. A MADEIRA. Ant
Oarpoto. 011 Cietog,
M. MeCLINTOCH lvoow Cootland) , etteelvlav
a very litre eavortatentof Corps!, iota tal
Cl'lol.svatatintle Is part lb. tollowtog vedettes:—
Now and Rieh sty. Velvet nin Catpetr:
eodo 7'414,41ry Ilto•res do
Zo Easton s &seemed !Unreel.:
Nor etylc printl-111efastry 54. 7.4. .4, 5 4. 4 1, and
Co viper
11..4 00 ft:oth
Extra rp
mope 3 cly corpc:r Sheet Op Cloth, cut to At
Su:l:Eno do du u o y ear. k.l l loom,
do ,doolo 40 'cork. rtylee sod qua!:
Nididn sup. o d .10 • on
Pint Jo do Mer.lle. Door
Common en do htfred
4-4 81, and 341 Datnart Meanie Door :fan
Ventuan Carpets Tuned ea do
84 aud 5-5 1-4.yestryiThrant Co do
Contd.. carpels
4.4, 39, 3., dOcopaln do dr
and 24 plain loony Lod tic do
Tralupardat Who,.
4-4.3 4 34,and.2.4 C o tt on tqudds
Vouilson cdrpas Oaf Window Linen
13-4 dotal, 1` rusted Drit, d, do
a 4 vrooldn Valid. /Muds, ae
. . •
W -
oolen Emir have Moo purchased (rote thy Import,
cTs and snanaaeturen, entripilling the rawest and
tiohrrt pt yme, whloh en e'er to customers m low m
be purchared in my of the owatt clues call at
ap e carpet Warehoom, F 3 foarth at
M and e Wood at.
ocr W. tdeCILIPMCK
WAGON POR 11/146.
Wild* fat foam
A IT 1t...1.., fa i r Isle to Witg°6 '
oe= skoson mynas a co,
tealibem tt
_,RotagBJ49lS, RM.S.M.P.
A HOWIE ANDLOTee To•n3si.oitrei.t.idioftJor
ibe 111 emu.nti Rvh. word of tido ei:y
10 4 bY 1ie1.0114. pdet, ri
• good cellar. Torms
For putted.", oppty . to JOSEPH WOolvvOmr,
ooltdif . or:Wilda/ad 11.-re•IFE,
r . rvrV P .M l
- - -
!NNE eantalotrisSal totes,l tallestram - Woodateld,
1,/ oh Ow graded road rwthe Ohio River, at ristona
Creek and Pardo about WO mom elakied, aces
ant rue bottom, t lweinkboaiss.bern: r id . d a Large
This World rake e"rtli , str
it dived to adrmilere , info three Amos. liu
a dmirabte prrperty, and UPI be told •
Two GO acre tracts or landbetiatifelly sit- t ate pot
the Oh i o miles below .Wbeeling; baprore , :,
sad be sOld ii borraln: Fs rue Ot
• 411Borond st
- .
tococrlocr. Reeve:Nl per onzan3'ltstexeina Owen
MI It e 1 , 1 • I NagtEr•tti oar. JOILN hiELLOII
or, AI No. El lycodsireel
'; FOR awry. • • •
tntate czcn. in Foieoann
Third ,eot.
A ,nr, self Ilahted room, sd stot7i claraller. Mar.
ket I•em• en and 41Vt ticlea• t •
c • n,•11 tyirk boa,e, In'Plit Tevrn!..?• rein
•,i7'll Ave]. at • - i•
it vim c' F. - B nnzzALT.,•
Nn,•164. Eneond rt
AF. , 171: Stnry PIM toor. blab
o .li l ,ta.fmarea, and bate mii.l49llrird fi .
invairt at AP Wstar matt • "
r ory
t?ine,:2°„.7!;%!,fiatelle.h4n. rz°o,;
ov . oati , Third ;T. ' ALSO,
Thn S.cond and Tbhd Storicant %Saabs:mat 3
Flatter .4ezt Ebqolre of
H C terocrrox.Bookuik
neFW47 Ma,art
out rs
RRANGENIENTS having, be. .tnads between
Ll the undereleco sad E. H. tituyi.on, Neq„ o
WashLogutu City, °eta of theTrease.DeperenenW
undersigned wee. Bounty Lana. tor. the
rakers,. soldiert,theirlsultme acd eldlatio , under
the Bout tY Laud Bill. owed Beftemher tEn13.184.
• ..laMi:l3 P. BEER, Attomev at Lew,
Fourth at. between 13mIddleld &Churl alley
Plliabenth, •.
Rayne c-uniarD tnt inatilatElt Aso crraxa
Turnovskeas or ma& chin swat,
ortb.Usat Co?. ist - Fouzith;& Mirk** m,
WILL A.E.9.tik.:,,.
On Monday morning, 2.ldpVensber,
With a Large. Stott( of lltir
No Masks! szocet.'coroor ;of TOfrd
lIAe coasuuoly oa hand, for sale, Writing. Lenet r
PriMirtg, Tea, and Wrapplelt riper; Bonnet,
Yeulere. Mdera', aa4Trank Berszds; Book and Noon
Paper Peralak law *llea ko will sell aitko lowest
cash pries son In exchange for r.gaosugoscrl , scraps
reweved m LlPFimeret,beipw
Yin street, No WI etre will dwelling Id ",Ibt
owne buiblin , iingll,44a.
No. 89 Flint.
up27:dif xrntrotou. r.. !
HE undertilemed have, this dos. •ssoeistrO them
selves under this Ilan es Phillips, Host PAUL. for
the purpose of irinnufseturiog Seery vssietf of
SA.N UEL &CU - Hai; Jr.
,uin7 of ,
Cat, Fluted, and Flint Clad 'Nate
It DEUS filled nrithoat delay, at We -lowest amt
kel price, It their rfaetnry, on T,y Erect,. near
Second, nr at 59 Water Went, ructbargb.
_ . .
tro ticiistilliiiidWeitiiiii - Ilerettivatits
L. anbeenber resrpeetfolly Invitee public intention to
his eztenrive sleek of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving
Creams, to., to winch seven Silver and two Golden
Medals - have, within the last tit you., been *warded
be the Institute+. Of New York, .Boston '
end Phila
delphia, the latter being the only Golden bledaleever
awarded for perfumery either In Eardpe nor In tido
omit,. ...
Ronstiash 011MIVALLID 1311alino Canty. !Almon&
Rom, and Ambrosial,) universally acknowledged Co
he el:peeler 10 any. Shaving Cam In that esiotritty or
Ossorkana yea Snarcno-Teaatifolly trenonarent,
and peaseesing highly Sepal/inter:is and .rzollient
prime nits; Saponaceenis Compound; It into. es is !Pince
in Tablet; Military Phs•t.r Poop.
riernmaTottamrSoars-Almend.G.iiir. Mil:carers.
trovvict Pistechlo,Alusk. Protect*, I rm,,,intr, Finn:.
itit r iZspu l e o c j i i i, Cilive i g ; liiilnd , sor, and elressoine
Good, Jornitn
Bouquet de Caroline,6eraniure, Jaw Lind, :Guns,.
line, Jockey Club. hiagnolia, Clemarite. Citrnneile
Hoer: and ninny other 'muerte, in ail trity ditleron•.
Tatar -Florida Water, Ban de Toilette.
Orstore Mower Witter, end a mat rater; of 'Co.-
:cranes an.) L.Tender Waters
PlairnOnzlo i Too TOO Ill,n-Grontpr. Door's Oil,
A e r,, I 111. iandotme, Eon basins:pi Oteliie,tinra.
pound Or Ma row, limit 1.4 es', liquid OA In punter.
and Pillocur , Iticinine, ntoyenny Lthd Ponin , ,,
Oncinvstei Pwirrourions-Belnstrile Fdisiv, tore
Tooth Pauc Chnrcoel Gentrifies, ti , inr....=-Tenti
Paste, and TO(1411 7 1117Ylitr.
C,,,,,,,,r7-711,,,77...bia CE,....7'.4 Grio . m....mind,.c
tor chopped hones. Cold Cream of Hose, Crtino d.
Perse. Lip et, Rasp' , iertY Grilu.,,ne. i '
Depilatory evaders, for ternivinn superliacnia hats
Pearl POrnir Thwart dr.Reenii, /veined,. Vinegar
Victoria Nair C0771 . 77', 1 , 117 C,, 7 . 7C.7 , 711 7.774, 7,70,
n great variety of Woe" .I.leles, I, 7 inneres sin'.
on=en so Ist. 0 i ft ,,,,,,,,,,, ,
Tl, he, p ...00tet t. the telOtta titer.
which duo re:14 , 41,1,ra , uo &tour ..e.b dtspautg
f' canine Out f•ltt ro.o.tucier,reou rlll bt• happy to
furutrit More who tatty Outettoixt !Ito-ft:l+a
wito:statle or retoil. or or velum:rob. Mt.% lailtrne
tonstroont la the Voila &meat
.. . .. . . _. . . .
.anyiee. LIAZIN,
Yuccas°, ',to and far-or Dircao, of ilot Lsbenason
111 Chounut,itfeet.
Mr. Itatuis Perfumery is for sal° by °lilts° aloof.
val Ihnnitnits in the counitir . apl7-‘llyi
atiPT.M.II.9 vs - 10 rectiVed gio elfites of t h e
en4-01ile Rad .1(01.3 Company. at
tumour. Cumberland. FaMmovra, and Wbeelmg, until
Suunley. ef lio.ember seal.inclotre, for
tne GiakilallOM and Mammy *ratio* 3l factions or
miles of the lee, extending we weevily by Me:warm
of Fhb Creee and OM , . Coml., mad over dm dividing
ridges between them, from um ,Inina section of the
pare of Lee already let; to dui section of tbe
name line—being die only portion Of rho tooe re
rosining to be pat under comma.
The vont be 1:1 wed bo generally bes.ll4i
elading a tunnel of ota‘anialber of tOn, and , a third
of 400 feet in learn.* needier of deep eamovi end
enobankateetr,ead a ovuddarabla °geoidy of bridge
maeictry. Spipolicaticrtie witl be revile to the above
°woes, eia turd after Me . Int ddy of Igivrerobvi end
Engineers will be open the Um to give infruzuolom
ho bid setapperrel by Pecilitcsdmoolelt win be
°enslaved. and kidders are desired on etas •4f
bare other oretteenliatel, and whet it will be &Labe°.
I Tee met ciecticitopreeemiott o , the work will ec
expected By codocortle President and Diveaters..
- 131:1 , 13.11.LATELODE:
oe3l-dmovl3 faileflgnsini—v
eW tnazitvzu-7 aCa
.orswi gt:67
Car. FM & Wood six.
41KIA.L ISTOCt a7lt 111711=1 79334.
5/.000.000,. r
ai 1 A 13 DE RE .11., /825,
RE undamped has bead appointed agent fbr dis
old and responsible company. to saccosect Ms.
Drown, and la loadY to issue MAMMA Maas ,
Fifa and Mann Japan:me:A on as Amanda° Mime
at any mbar rosportmblo compani 1n ibis city.
Grka ARNOL D. ,
74 Ranh at.. oar dank to of Pittlborab.
Annual CapitalPatt.44anplda bwmd
ill HE nederrigned would can the attention 14 uter
i chants and others lasing ktoperty CiPrited te
loss by Fire or the perils of Nasigarturt to the toponor
adamants °Term/ by the
la•ar.ano• CoM,p•ny
or nantrosn.oome.,vir
-I.—Ratee of Premium as low as those of any other
speedy and satianotory adlostrnent of losses by
the General /tont elite Company for the Wetsrn
tad Southern States.
2.--Asburation (of all &germ:ices which may arise)
by referee. mutually chosen.
S.—Awards prompt!? , paid In Specie, Bankable Forte s ,
or Exchange on New York, Bolitrnore. C”rierten,
New Orleans, Si Maio, hercilmille, PiUrturgh,
Cincinnati, at the option n( the Insured:
gar Pamphlets, ratthrir forth etc mole rod Orli.-
triples of alllastaialasseir, tales of premiums. ea Ma.
illen of build. Ac., forldsborrrli LO, cats
M:orrrfl or
the ogle., free or chary.
For farther Mforrnetlem, apply , to the unilerrlßeed,
bah fatly enthertted to Intuit DerellMes,
Hotels, Warehouse ',Mills, hlaturfactotles, Dung, & a.
Household FOraltere, ILO Goo d s, Won., and Mer
chandise. oortVirtriOd or stared .thesetn, r egalust lam tit
declare by FIRE.
ri , o sss .,4 G.s.,onea, MacosfacUlta G 00.7 0 4.
dace, Ilnuarbnist Famovre, Livr:, and y ?
tdl Merobatchaes of Vats:apt:a ?a :0
pony, enprod oa ablCdad car lawal atraestaasts
, so os -d Tone co!nia 9%11m We it!, 0. Walt re.
or Lamrre - .tem clots salt. loakca. or LiLher inmrd
malt) and a::• , o , ba ai , occu ccaCaad•acd.s.:
las halacia of IN LANI: .a.li4acdroll.3AT.lLiN
Ware n, end llerrlovi;se, rer .
BasraTud ve,cll, b<tTreen Oricros awl
Ir.rogero p ota—berwer rk New Ociermit set other Gull
rlrta—tvra.cca ell At. , I'M. Bogroll or.
Carerrompormor sorodwr maritiflA - 1.4n r•htt
screw r Itl 11.0 Atlantic Norter).tgaJust qj'Eß t
int. SEAS. Grit ARN mu, A s ..;
73 Virra.r. at., Er.m io the l'Artlet cri'Msbarg
PLO It . z . laß r Ar o t eTi t a s
!titnatt' . llol,l3ill OF - WILD c i ttua. 0
fl --- .
ye, ~-. ff.,' lie rut Contomption of Si insp.
9.,tioen "fa,- I fret, /1.-hrsai Itran.qmsPalaa
t , ree,
1.. Wsaltne,s ri.ri.w..tironot'er:roeys.'sld Mast V: .
itSecuee.• of the ralmmeary Chew.. • "t• ."
lA' ItiTAß'S,,ReLtteht, tlg.'l I.D CliEn11.11" le t .4 ~ •
a s fine Iterestlllediei . re,Mntroarl rhir2yor Wed's . ~.
canny But andAls tattemoolselinddlossolte latter
imPortmlltaimectly for this ',atones, the sere acediot, ..
sirtaes of Which*, s.b 6 terabit e 4 hy Smear chrmical
ProbeSsi:With the, ei , rattof err .-tita• r50d.. , 1 Itits.' -
. 4, u oultdstadd dm meat r. crude and ellesemas,'
:met ever-•,for., CC:CRISIPFIIIN .OF. , ..... .
'47lft_tate , •bli - rolh . tp•dd".l • tf f•'-ni.vir'm s ifsidti:. - :
. ...,f r icio, t, bm, rstp ,, ,shle Dittcatm it 'bat '-_
dellgroncl "Mose too I to , to,d to !hot the rsie-of
Wi [tot' • nal.. q tII ffe , Clircr-,iN r uopiljekle&
The der , seet for i L e la - ens .car. ils tl•Se•rt I !wetly ,
ket ti. . -I '.ut , fdwi.hlt. : Ile t , si he t rot.isstwa
tire Mess 'Or Imo; aff,reons.; co", of dyes Ileer•- • -
a teemed soot% son rem!. gets; •esirontry 101 4 ; • hat
'shier he has bed Naive os Hess, .rf %Sir. Cho•ty. I •• •
use. ere!' the tpo.l. *miens este , love eoletdewlY --
eared by Hi up, I. "I refe r. hl a .trrebslo t ''ssYs Gs
doctor ot, -whirl I hlt, t anise teof.deaeo , taitt/ '.
• Ir. Cara,-Wt t ine, Wunr,. ihda-m. ar , V41 , 1'..
C.,, ;5 iutralt.cel!, tt at stet. 1.11.,,,, the, f , ,,h it
patt;or, %., Iva t. P.lditty ...,,,,,,,, ry l ,„, , ~,,,,,.., .
yent i is f t ff, at f,e. 0 •,, . cry . h.:,1 c& ~ ,.0...1- -/ :rod •
, its sy ,- ,,errni tu.ct 7 ;Tie tvvrtt , ..ll”' o , t ,• la.
recent end done rxst 0.....5.i...t...,e et,..,, err' .c ~,.,.,p .
of long tt',) ..14..t.e......s ...... 17pr...ite , ,,,,, ch i,,••
Lath.. tenes,) sTs. d1,c).......,..: t. , : . tti,, ~,,,„I„.k,
teed cin.'
f Flll-DI77FV Cc..'Nf,•';11'....•;,:•.; I , •
' C 44, ' . .Y. , l'in•ttr . a . -,- .l.•te f. , )1.1‘.' '',•,...--11.0
followt re of :n atth 1, ,, i1•it G'C , ••• r.rtte,
lice 'of lie ins
nod .:I , tre I, ,•,'“, ~„; ,; c,
, sureptlerei,tmly:: , ..l. , !er'ut. t.,•tht r ..t 'l. tas '
- the alliteled t.s rishe Aft if ft
lif '1...1.0. ••• 7 A .. t,,
whet it IC efectled cob:sit:a the 1... , tot) P. , -
. , - 1.19,,,,,,,,, ptdrr, I:•-a.! t - n Cr o.
otbictuscr 27, •,:i'.l.
.5 D.PAIIV.IDehr s.::—[ rata ti , ill•C•
• ty of z .
yo orthe hettedt tbs.: l'hese do , lved lima the ass
pr o .
VW ' . Wister's Dalcsof Of 'Wild dittry. - 1 war o>
titled by that :emible scourge. Consumption, In
i n
last. Tno •tsnok was :rely non bylitg to me, d i e ise
' of oar featly, tory lilt Item mad "tars.) hod ded of ,
ce. t ormon. j wat oat ad sFt h testly all of ea - .
worst ft
of th, ai.c.: , .. heartrt. dtstretstr.g 'r,
... s p., et:!..; tsprellts el s. grest do clrf bleed. hectht .
feut f f f-AACTA 1- -•-••"‘, 1.• ti . A :, ,:: 44.1 mei
. i,fs_i_d_ c e4 hill . c, .
.. i
elterou.Jor.....,h flart,... 01 te a t tit ct-fuevill
I 'fua'ga'te Oa Ce , e of a: skilled p is rem
tie. time I WAD taken slab autclabostelz ereelr,svir.os,
being sllen. sheet hcly'ets, and soy friend: con •,:a •....
my neve t.opeloss, or at 1g act beyoudAt retell f ..... ,
phyddiuf a 521,1, advitcd,the:Use of [Victor s Ho
of Wild Cherry. Withaut oS , knowledge, my alba ,
Prreured It. and rematenr,l adralmsterlos It to Ms,
aid hem the fast day . Mot I Commenced tat& It, wry
htlgal onitioled, and in WI , weelr..4. ,from I ~
emomene ea mans it. IVW Able t o be out and oversee ,
say hs,.lovo end lobor, srch I still commue to do.
Flare Esti:wins'. botzto of the'rtedleine.aud now ,
rousider Myself perfectly well. I make thin . m:0.
'meet to Indere Others that ate ntlicted to I lave Aso, ,
tonake am al %Victor's I,loLdint of Wile chitty ,
'Which ...allots, wades ihe blessing of rroyi:ones,
metered my health, • JEftf..iilfill 1243R100.
POI farther evidence of ahel ternatkaLie carotin
properties'of this icertimal le pr.:salmis:Li '
.• Drew:. co 0, A2(21,19111
Messrs Plnford & Parka-Geallemee-Al out dt
week. DM I meisednad acetic! of Wistaria Balsam
of Wild Cocas, hat rtittlSomeyeispin...ray pan,
for tho inasol that I ha., htvu .Mousent of co army •
Ole and 'other rintt.llhot, naval Inter cracked opts.
be. some thtog wordrratt,hainntheb ithetcd oat la the
Mad to boor,. account tern teref T errept to the menu-
I Water Etat I candolly adrilt,tata Ohio amt I have
teen derrivedr tor tnerantaantutintai eaten cleated
b r 7.ristatia Dalraeh - A., roarinord me that "gaol
tan eerie adtrf Nnsa Voss agent Inn roe one
dozen nettles, which" era. erne-iturice Leen rho
enettuend entflte &ante rat nava ut Conendth. .
latn•-end r,a rbintrkei for who; I eta and knom lona
iaand to Lelirre tine raw. so Pan., oldrl-A Tinto*
renlientan in WI. th:gist, Adana enemy, Cr, id,
MB-. fawn %tall ;lett.) tree cared of Coomimpliem
When the ~extern Dad ,t,cre trot ap brat It ant [odd
do r whine 1,0 hell. and It who the notation of hi
blends toronre) bin to,,raar tiny land piece Dim
antler the care of anew erilt.col physician the= !on
tom hint hf 'CV ehttst lintrare. nod Shot as
could on it of tot Herr-on to: at. Cr. ',chard Inn
record bat le Pena I pad' 1, -naaund
atteilding• CO bin every-City 1:00000;AS there Ste
SeVend unqullied obi the;rt . ediria , .ll would Le well
o fstward adaillonal con; y 1011. 01 &cur
The above, nets I. Newito.d;l:nr.„ a hotels Seaport.
ebbs ,rosinty inctstrini, rotaurod. Itnelf forcibly to
Aro candid enact on of all thoir : Mtn bare doltittad
th.gnnnneeat ai Winer. Wild titterry,Balown.
• . ,
Wa are hurt Lc rrerii• irilaartag wasnitty
tame m the oursitvr pet err of Wit'atla Balsam of
tend Chun.. out II 11111, M. D t or blown Clollalll,
Riehloan who la a patter:.. , no Itch atandiag, and
cllnn stah 1010010 t
Mr.Clernettt, Oct 9q 1E149.
• To the ail feted, thin may orbit that Mn. II Rob
ert., 010 la oiling', Mere or bler Weal, MIT , DOnine•
nient,Was climate vrillra violent coop end groat
oroattotinn and %earned Infifroing to the _ entre with
rapid! y. I clotted lier to tuatli tafeklalaron of,
Wild Chary- she did an, 'end evil that voliorthe
mrdielos aloun wan routed to health, and la new a
living prom bribe yams oft Wh'or'e ileum el Wild
Merry. E. 14A Li, Physlin to and lhoseist.
Read on and be'raovothelllcii farther of the re.
mattabL, sinew of Muni , sm of Wild Cheer: ,
Newts Sant 111 h Parka-",coui oat matter Of ion
ties to von. I moats offer 'he 10110 Wind Mateo:cot of a
tare serried b 7 3ons med. Ire. 'clown or Wistaria
Beim. of Wild hint!' In, tile spline on i C 47, my
cite teas rotate:ly annaktd -nth ['enticement...of
Pleurisy, which restored to n d: en rested sari in the
ode, neeontplanged Intllr a enact- eira,fh; ate was at.
Screed b. roma to the teirp4 yr icisos to Chicago, bat
to no ampere for weeks rl a . ch a rred, without relict,
eel:lshtar n.cennal.l l l LITIA 012 . 10 7 1000010 the
condo-inn non at cuing tcntrant to the slim.
aims rated not help her, and induced to icy your
Wild Chern. T procor-d rro tattle rod ,tirriteriCed
nand it according to dire cticnq teem nt wienji Bor e
the cow& hteptaa, stet pant In her tr . 1- ,efhhar use
with the add of en:thee tat , n at, rc.o.sed a rt.
feet beano- lacon.iler , ti In of tbroo realms , or,
10011 -ectur_datnd It 14 iha pin! , ibrviloa .01
medire. 1 ears, resets:taw:. a hi 0 ••nazi o
• Gram , Ouinhar P, :Edit
try- Puce tit pot bonle-rairnks for N.•
boll by • • ...Kg
ISUCCeidat of dentate ant f. kl
Fourth oral Walnuts:l:ass. citncla rots, Onto. al
Anent for the 5011te. and Weal, tO tal.fah all en:art
mum be odd reiscJ. , • .
I..llY,ithrin.Jr. , Jr. re r 7,1. bald ft Co. 4 A.
Farmer re h. tr , r b. Wash
'tu etal. Ler ••• nt r
n., t on
II et, „,ry; • h.
int tt , it , I. t-t flood a E., ,11001.
ingdon: lit rt. .d• 11.1!0,
1,0101101,010110 r , h
. a h Ca. -
r tiroot•lne; Wilt!, T.
land .0 C p. to Coder•irs, Co,
Erie, Graf Fdtb,r, Marne. Irticer node SCI.
Drier; H. Croon, Sent•r; .1. to dan.anitilarn Warren
C. E. :ores: Gindm apart; 'P.; Crookar.janlor,
Itrosonarillo, oc3loLksir tmiSt
.l Sa fail; 741 stamicAL ovaicrs,
, ,
No 41, 01.1110 ND MAZY, •
few door ; ow Wood *Deal,
ward s =net
. . L btors,,l33l. 19110 Was hectiiivies
_1 4 4,4 4 % reculatlyedactird to the medical
prsfewlon,ard Debater to Was
1., C
lecce.lll praellt new Dwaine,
i ' honerrivil and soon '° de ' lleate thi
_Las .0 for which bin opporttirdoeS
- Tr f od envericoec peculiarly quality
l years assiduously dawrwd
to maim S. treatment of thew comyleints4deriesa V
time ho hes had more premier and hareems' rattraps.
tams ;ban eon ever fall to the lot of any private prate:
titioner) Imply qualthen him to offer asstarsemesai
woodY, Permanent, and arnisisolow owe to nil 'Metal
wins einem *snee r end MIL diseases avling easel
Dybylejtrumtraldto.forto those
rob e
11 With pante
liseetes Which hove hceome roble by date ett
receesiet by the one of sty Of the common nOMMEMI Of
010 day,thattheir complaints eon beradleally sad then
Mighty etrred; ballnlyieen sarctil attention to
the treatment of each tscrs,and saetteeded In bandied&
Of lustanoos to ea mud persons of inflemarano2l of the
,of the en s kindred diseases which oftset
vaelt from thaws teen reborn others have colladgeell
them M hopeless despair. Ile partleolatiy invites
eth er
as have bees long mad ansaceenstally treated by ers
to comma when every senereenoe win
In tel mishear cuestas:audio • carefel,tho sae
Intelligent easnocr,pomted out ay loud
and invertigaton,ableb Pis II:tomato fer those
:I t tiVied In deem: practice of meMelne to Wm to
sot cites of Mess*.
Hernia tie Rupurns-gr. Brood also telines
Coat nipsned vnth. Hernia to call,es behoove:droned
Cat attention to thisdieens, I
, Alit, URS ales cured.
Seto I dleceue; ales!Moor; a,sysiettly aired
Claret} latrine,. •
If. 8,-Ypelletits et either sex :Mind at satsuma, by
panne these disease in writing, mind all Me rm.?!
toms cos °buds atedleines earth d.hrmtion• far at
addr6lud I. BROWN, hi. post pad, sad
inn fee. 1 •
Melee Na . 11. all oppoalto Watery
Rumerrone.l-fer. Divan's newly dm:tom:red maw
dy far lithicmadmis ie a speedy and certain resstedy ter
that palatal usable. it serer fella
Olies 11111 Private
moo d a
R Do o m om sl No aY
hemd aley, Ylubureb
Ps. r
Ws falls.. nal
ill/17410a, al b
93 );rood at, comer of Dersnond Suomi stem
et ! Ti d oT ' crp b a, lt l'4 o,, Tr,
pene canary, Mmuisztalled Led lit;erted wie u iLch
. . nntn i n n n.,,, nn " piee;.ryle, and qmthy, In New
Yore city.
.mlZlbofdatTelorc.t raw of
Zbotelei.ll.ll 4o
tvr. Lott's,
,• A, WN.ILEW &CO ;
Cor.l6ri Nalkot
!f1..E1 I C.,A
BAY .W l B.
ryttEW, 0 .,,..,___ ~.- ~....,. ecinoveledgod 'k,
1 Mario, &cals.:a the titan co!ottags sad moat f!,
oomed stvez, lull be rami.hra .Y. M...... 1 k 1 r .1 . ,,
In any trenttr,, at the very Invent§ pr.ocs, . Paechn•-
an era:" Orate notice tr :,. Me ge.t_un e 10.7 ?Mtn
fnlmten hear tickets COtre.Onne/o. .4.. 1 . , t ..,:•.
ent,rthO Itey .oe:11 6.1. Im Ca unenlehed P 1
Pon .. olnt,
WWoolen Ethane,* tn,,tnce nn,eoier nniot n. n /.., .
I mar, y- end Militanc of col,. -Otte, a 1 , rcr
from all Letllotm of it oca-n. and Ur h t3.G ~,'; 1.,
poctuo.l. atte.,:eJ. to. Yeto:ost et 1.111 ..s.n !, e; ,-,,
oar thalal deparm,l a- Int,, 3.noilocnt G: n!,
Mho, mom ehprose4 .mt..... JO.' trans dehlenl - et
American. reroth,Ond tfoo. OM .e tool co fl , othe.., e r e .
1 b...,,,.. 5 ,,r, -rrrurr v , :Oa n nnn tr... 1,.. 2 , 7:.
I tar tee.. 1.31.. ..U-- , .), . .
B.p e d o r fir:, Eitn+-s , 0 , .*; aAd n”,:n 5,1n , , , ,1n
1000 ntl t n.rolt:nyttnn , . - .. ,- .nte- 1 .ii.te . ,1/ , , if:al
,' erel'COLood ,Ca7rilll,o . '4. t.n?
; fttotne.fitinstn..h ,-, nott ao3 nqd toocOch effon: - ..t.
-pattls Ytintod neho.tnern and laMeill el:eth:e.-
1 po t ie and inchnolJered Crepe sto.hent-.:tie or 14tto
P• 1,144 l'him Sasvoit-5..t oruma rum 6,i,a...,
IShmaele- Len... , fithek and , rdo,;e c.,4,,, e d Tiii,,,,e,
Lon* EL amlot.limill Woad Yen' ' , kin Emulas...:Clitot
Nods Colored PtonaLicthrti linairely. tripled end
• boand—Etzfit gOOster rrtrzek'Netie Colote.l 'nib. ,
I Verb, Dusan:Us All two yards wide for taworU j
buari.hgta saaseb—Walre awl Co:Siad Raw."." .
Cep .rc altswlr,a,c. - Wbolsonla sad Mara
_,...- ' -I'..,,ROBERT,POLLOCIZ b.. CO.
i -ittai!.,,,'A..6 Vs rarota Werrraa A t Phlldeditlas.
ri 11.Z2.....knit43 his erruceirst fa a v i z e
. - --, 4 ' , , ;, , NICIE b faao