116 .r_III6AUITE. i.ll €i * — rususuEu a cart & cd —..--___!____l2, isome was Em:m MOBNIHo-~1fOr : 13, 14. F _APTIMEIV. art etotto,47 MSC?'" wawa* ;E:=7:ll',lrWarrl,sl:lll'4A°ll:4l.l c .lry ry woo ottranterotentoom *Teta ottatoito . '''33".10- Be" igirityni=l2. at 411 , . 44 ....-,.. .. ~..ft., ... 0itt. ..: d to to.OolOO Ob= ....- VI arDES NEXT ?AGE. Ft.A UXIALI KATT ESE, TES.Eu FLUE NEW b, 164 YOU Eincuemv-We•hare nodes( to day ' 'hy telegraph, as to the molt of the Governor's ,thealon in New York. Tho but New York pa• pus, are that Kuala undoniedly elected by abort 1,103 majority. The Albany Argos of Saturday, dim wiPer!L'd ` majorities from fa monde% in which Host's Ina jority u 1,43 and the ail I=llol not beard from, bat included In nor table above, give ecymour a litalorny or 538, making bunt's probable maiceityr • /I the Sims, kat or 311 OM oar calculatwo. staolua Corgorpoo:toco of the Pittaborgh(eifftsi Onind Bans, Beam Boat Brilliant, November 7,. 1850. ) This cold, bleak morning gods us on this splendid Clanitutati packet, with the moat obliging of oip• tame, and the mast attentive of enjoying all the minions of a warm parlor at bosun The hills are covered with 'mew, bat wtthes the cabin every ownicm 'bread*, where we taro a huge comp y. many of them attached to dd. brat, Oka ourself, by the espeneruy of sa art .ommoclationa. W. would Yeaceemend to all travellers on the bratnitat Ohio, to . todcavor to Ittit pcpiriLlZO • 110 111110 VOlOy tbstrealml . lailltog is aka Brill Lg. We hear a gnat 41,40 Obvi s days 'bola the dis- MMtlZ22== • .. , flippantly about tt as If I awl a matter of tr.ding moment, intuit coda ba brqayht abutn gawkily as the div aim Of a county. .1.41 such persona travel over iliac Item rorerec which divide Steles, sad. 'hear the ac era O an cinpire, and where they will mace widt citizens of all the ladependeat eteipUea erhiels elanpuse Ms great nation,oa lama of Itieueshcp and tratornal synnratay, and they_ will soon colon to the - conclution that it it one thing to talk, and anothe to act, on so momentous a tut. Where will the division line ?• On the Ottioi Diem. Two 'mins cannot =lst in peace cm its opposite Leaks. Milieu of people Lava an bier= ia its waters, and in its anobstrdated naii• pima If a line of division is ever drawn, it mat be ammo where in the mountainous re:loone which equate the snare of the Ohio Iron those of the Atlaatie--xsne where in the mountains of Eau Tun:tame, and Upper North Chrioltha. The is halibut!' whodwell on the banks of the beehives the Kentucky, the Green, the Tennessee, the dam: rcriatid, and other rivers emptying into the Sduth aide of the Ohio, will never consent to be =Par& tad from tone who live on tui beaks, and coat of nevignuon. ' Oho people, only, can occupy the hlwata..ippi, and conna its outlet. The tenons millions o the curtly Wet, stretchiug from the allestmay to the cooky Xounuaias, peopling the chores of the great Lakes, and throning all the waters of the blinisempa sad Ohio, will never Content that a foreign nation shall control their net oral path way to the Ocean. It b the want folly ta suppose each a thing. Where will the line of division then he? It should be, and we verily be lane will be, no annul But if the attempt is made by the - crazy disunionist) of South Carolina and Georsta,they will trad,that they most be content with but e comparattiny small strip of ammtry, stretch• to; treat the mouth of the Chesapeake to the Gal! of Mexico. and bounded on the west by the moan. Yin ridges dividing the waters of the Ohio and Id. sinippi from tho.e of the Atlantic. ' Bat what madams to think of &station' at nil— We have no patieocetodwell upon It tor • moment. Surely if the ern is ever made, acid still more eo if atoll socceasfal, it wilt be by the perminion of tta Alm stay for the punishment of our nations, Crimea We skull be en astonishing and tremen dote =ample of II nation which has been raised I. Homo In its TO9lfkib a privileges and wendertu prceperity, and thrust down to or.ll foe ita reckless dureipod d its blessinge, and the enormity of us ctimea We are not of those, howeier, who apprehend that there hinny teal danger Own great a calamity.' We are aware that there is a disunion party at the Beath, confined Principally totitritor three States - We doubt not that thaw fanatic. will do all to their power to accompllsti their =tartans object. Thes will fail, however, and leap the just reward of that _primes and tellies—the contempt of all good and tree coehthe world over. The mane( the Somber. .peuple have nut bowed the knee to dd. mod r. Beau, and arid not, alibough their voioca lay for in, present be ditheracti in the fierce shouts of thee wbo nswity.nee the hour. The power of the (rico& of 1/aim will be felt, however, when the element Or disanion are somewlid ediatoted, and will be potent for good. In the North and the Wee, composing the net midorily of this great nation there is no disunion pany, but on the circuitry, a imposition !verge to it, which la growing stronger every day. The great &ate of New York, Penn . Armes, an t Ohle,.declare with orte allied voice— the Calico eha7 not be dlwolved. New England, the Weet,Orepn, Califorola, en all ready to defend the integrity of to Union. Will Booth Carolina proceed with such an array against beg No—eke - will so; she caonot. It is not in the power of man's will, to withstand so tremeodoco an oppori• %Cos; in a mine which has not oat redeactinggenl ity, oneezcose which Will bairtho scrutiny of cam ' Etiosigtiol this, We naturally fall into thin train Of theaglit r frucn Sallies between two yea whirl, the disasioniats hope to scparate tote two deflect Cations, but which we feel entirely sausfied will Conner =din one great, happy, and united pee- The oaly thing which can ever separate as iv the unhappy Institution of via very—an Lirstautioo which no Mae man !poke upon ea a blessing, but which WWI men consider a curve and a crime. bloat of the pane questions connected with it wore set. tied by the late Congress, but them will always be more a leas 'exchemard existing In regard to au evil of so mock oughttak-4orong moral as well easier! end commercial relations. But in Ibis mai ler we mule hit *shiners and editors dii, "serer to diraprear, The North will have Its say aboa , the enonnines of slavery, and the injustice of the togitive slave law, and the enhances of the futile toe, and nothing amprevette It. bet her talk on, Ii does her good, and measurably reinvest her cox, Ulm= foam the Whet Imhowical that she 14 em Wholly guilds:min malting Me aril upon the coun try. Tit/ Bonn Will wise compialls, and if we of the North mad bring ourselves to look u p on limeata before so property, an Chattels. we shocad have to admit she has great cause. But while we cannot • relieve what she considers wrong, without doion ourselves and others injustice, we can bear with her remonstrances, and agree to live together an eintens of one common country, with one stool d ro and gloremsdehtny, that a brighter day of frame union may tPon m, when the couv. of alienation may, in good Providence of God, be gored. Saturday atomic', November bids—We tad written thee tar, sten our attentioo was Called to witness the painful reran of dying in one who has wen the rtlitet of earth." The deceased is le gentleman of Pendleton, Indiana, named Gray.— la company with his wife and hut, he had via ited the celebrated Hydrophilic essiblehroent at • Brunerville, bat experiencing no relief, wan on his way hem!. He exhausted vital lisle yield ed to the inexorable demand, of death, yesters day alleomora- Every attention possiba ants paid to the weepitg sod bereaved relatives, by the CS. eta et the boat, and paean gem. A rough thee was made, and the body decently laid Put, and placed on the gaud, to ,* conveyed to Cul eight', where better emphatic'', can be mace /dr Unmet:O. We wens delighted with We entifbition of American chancier produced by thus 'pala ul event. The Test eolcato and repair ryWpalby was cm:dewed by lee crowd or penguin's, aid every kindly ace woo discharged, lba same s If the &roared enaager 464'44 sofferitta was told been weirion , •ed (needs. 04tobsetvalloa C 1116,31.3.11./ reno , k titre ctoa tell 3, OM* lady ow used peifewi tigers, ia the petite conyeyaneee, wi u 001.14 enactor. &era eas end of tee iitettr'io iibe o :cr. St e a,ll mew rivety at 0,1i.e.1;s Ferree. strangers. die will peter be luso:leo or net lecied, bet• be adverts& Is treated wife the Lyn:ist die win and rape:l I:1ov high', this speaks for dtateliedio mothers. 'rives, arid Osiers—for to them it is Wring that Atotttese ',fiftiese almost, If . 13.1 ` Q uite. biotin the female *CO. •iood bleu the ladies,. COalttt filia the - heart Of en Atneeran will a ravel'. the inciple of no steer wince an 'ppmel. lie. Wo aro C 37. 5a10n47,11 some =lf tuucattl turdLfiy mitts from Coacianad, sad shall nit go tocal Ovir Moto du has ma. ekes — d b7. - riarkeue endanew aroingon ThureallYSl night, and e beau fog lion 54111., arida deminati I va until ten o'clock this morning. Our river tat, i Igaroin will always be aribject to there &Redeem. 1 Sages, sad lea eotivinciary antemeet ia favor of.l 'ear Western Woad conneenotua When the' , great work which Pittsburgh Is now coast:actin , m finished, we elillxisit Gincinosti, or Lonisvlt and rotors, henna a boat amid make a trip fro one •City - to the 'other. - Ther tarypreit amount of travel will then leave the riven, although there will always be many people whowill go this Way, to whom time is note primary object, or who de. sire to see the =am on the ever. We dad that a large number of the passengers on role ' boat have never been on the river before, and 1 this is probably the ease on every trip ulcer 1 splendid packets. These, together with lace " river travel, must always keep this avenue full, " although the railroad will - attract the largest I amount of the ordinary business travel. As' fo. chides for travel are increased, the amount of travel to teenaged in a like proportion. We do not partake of the fears of theta who apprehend that the completion at our railroad will injure I one river trade, and break down our packet line. llt will bags this effect. It may charge cone. what the oharatter of our river trade, without ' dizoluishirg It, and will bang to Pittsburgh jest as ' tench more aade and travel than we now enjoy, u will folly' employ the railroad. These who lire three years hence will we this opinion , :lelk fled. ',Those who lake small views of the tg. nitude of Western trade and travel, sell be greatly ditappointed. It fa pat only in if in. tinny. _ , But we must fain this long rambling lon ,r to a ease, as ye design diepecblus is by the C.‘ ctn• nail packet, weleb we shall meet by acd by. kt.O2I,W•SEIINUTON. Conesponannee eh he PatsEnrah Crtze.le. Wasencrrox, Nay. 9. Removals and Appelektilesta-lhudatio ta the Der. Amen ■-Mvsaae-Re. astpu ead Exptadttures-The Else .lTl A co model ate L umber at sconces It, (tom v. riollt geed eamety have accred hare slum the rust of tee month. A tugs probe:don al the vacancies occasioned by shammy fried, myna', byappolott manta from the Sonlhena - Sines. Why this eye let:tuna partiality amid be shown in a matter nivel which people of all countries. In all ages, nod ander all forms of government, have shown themsalme so sensidve, I am not abtc to tiod , r• Maud.. The Steretaries of the Treasury and Interior are laboriously engaged In the preparation of their ani Dual reports, and have found a uceepary to sic< nonce that they cannot surrender gip more than 'pit oedema quartets of their tans to the calla ci tad, patient and personal friend,. Mr. Corwin nu his clerks at work alght and day in Intoning up the arrears olhasicess in the several homers, .to time for a creditable exhibit to Oongreni: weereat, of coarse, the gentlemen so employed grumble as lhoogh they served a hard cliSter.— Menai' Wile mute For complaint, for limy the life of a 'Wadi:Fon clerk loan easy one, so fir as labor and demands upon NO time are concerned dace teen looting over . the 4iiicerinall out of Mr. Corwin must frame his first thiaticial 'tepee., and for the . Ida rime I caeca see bow he con avoid coming to the concluaton that Mr. Met ai' did; to wit, that Were is an actual deficient of income , to a very huge amount compared with tee pan and crtrtent dtabireements or 17,10 glve. meet Mr. Meredith eationdad. Deoemnot Irt .649, that the renwpts tedereta with rbn ba:.o Jiabont ao millions In hand at the basin:Ong o ne year, would be— Ja the year wading Jane 30, 1330.. • .133 63300 0 tad that the Expenditures would 64.. 43 651,000 Leaving s digolt on /aly 1, Zeal... 5,0/8,000 fae tatal hateupta Mike proem Leal year enditg lace Ist, 1691, be estimated at 34,450 000 Lad the Expenditures at... —44 997 000 ..eaviag a itieo an July Lnext i 0,514,000 idd deficit July 1u,1650 ' 5919000 total deficit at the end ct the curreet fiscal year it It mined out that Mr. Metedith estimated ievenue el the teat fiscal year one third ton low a I stated at the time in your journal, might b taleoleted upon. Instead of Wifely thirty mallet lac 0362121:11111 yielded over forty milking, end es jib tassel/cocoon receipts gmoonted to en eviressit ,4542000,000 to the year. Slut the expatiate ai he year Were mereared to a mooch greeter exist t toe coconuts have nu yet bee. made up, ba I ainbit Will ba found that they amorst to about 5t7,000,000, leaNing an actual deficit'in round .umbers of 13,000,000 at — the commencement o/ na fiscal year. The =lull approphations of the .st session for the 'groom of this year were ea • seeds of fifty millloca, independently of the too flatfoot to Texas, and • dill Sor_the soppy of de liellCilag to the amount of nix minions will he nails dila Winter. Noil where is this sons of trarly gixty millions of dollars coming from r 1 s trite that the receipts of revenue for the List loaner were 5!5,000,000, but this enormous =souk came into,the treasury cider very peels; iar eircomatences—coder a vast overplos of import tattoos. It would be a liberal calettlatien mess:go 040,090,0110 as the maximum of receipts for the entire year. illhould the unotint not exceed thin, it fa probable that the delimit (or this year, en :he 30th of June 'nest, will be not far from eleven mania of dollars, which added to the asthma ed dedalency at the close of the last Quadri year, will 681115;400,000. There is use ein covering up acts; or In sack. leg to disguise our real punka:. Congers can riot avoid the recently of a loan, or of some c Ore nude of taxation, than by moo= dente.. We have at length, after three days of susperae, obtained definite information from some of thn ateanena. In New York the Whigs have net, so • ed a most complete and glOriOU tiC IO, T. V Governor, a Whig legislature, and a majotiiv of the delegation In Congress, are results watch on. der ill the circa mstanses, the moot sanguine 1131.1 f hoped for. It has teen the best Coughs polional contest which has occurred this many a year I am tipally astonished and gratified. Bet n more istoniihiog and gratifying are the fsetr, .he reports from those Stamm be correct, that (uses nu bean repudiated by Michigan, and the pvent Lfernocracy of his school laid low there and iv WISCOOSIO. We hear that Oen. Cats' penoual favorite, and his direct representattve, Buell. for whom he took the stump, and whose poiltias I grave be dui by perauading him to vote for the fugitive slave law, has' bUn immolated on the altar M his ausehment to, his leader. I oat -only hope that the news will prove true, as well so ' IOC 1 other Items that m both the other dlstrieu tie Whigs have triumphed. This would be Indeed glorious hand for the Michigan Whigs. Three white aces against an unsupported bragger (C roe.) Though the Whig., so mosso% have not Nowa. ed in Wisconsin, the election or Doty sod liar. i bee, if confirmed, will be looked upon by the o r . positions a. a anbeianeal Whig victory, tar kond. Ooze gentleman w:11 vote for any moderate Wats against any Democrat of the" regular stamp" - minim From dm ittliadelphM Ballo In. TERRIBLE ITEABBOAT ACCIDENT. DrosiDlA Lon of ;Mo. PAELTIOULAX 9 OF Tug DISASTER.. The &Swells Telegraph, last evening, brought Intelligence fr.m . Spew Cutle,' Deem.; o f tha explode* of the boiler of thi Steam Propeller Tel. egreph, on this fiver Delaware, of that place, e few 'minnow dud Wieiwo'eloek, 'deeded with the =dd• log of a number of the women end a /rolled 100 of life. The Tel%reptile:rived WU'S et 1 , 31 early hour this morning In tow of the somm tag !Tiger. We have =4ll every motion to ascertain the frets of this melancholy madly, and have gathered the fol. laving particulars 1111.Ta0 (a high pressure swam, et) beon, P'n:tphoia and Baltimore Steam EDO Co., mei is one *Me ban of what - fa known en theft &keen Lim She terries paseends tad freight between tbla city and Haltiume,tlathttimmetike and Delaware ave She mu, at &minion, In 130,end commenced manna; la the fall of the year. tier bolter - we only atom throe yeas oLd, but bad beams, mueb wan. The T. was ea bet regular pananrefrom this chy to Salinnore, with her usull.colliO of Itokk. and ' atom a fatty gaseeragers—the total mew of pe nnaa on board. in chiding the ataccia land hands, keen abode fifty. • - !lithe Imo of the ttecideni, *Me fa dine of the km say that she Was going at her -onliavy rate, Yin engine making Its enetomary comber of remit). Aim, and that tae head of gem was. not Raster than common. The often and employees who survived, delve the dimmer to he tutamouin,t•te, and that they cannot maim my camo for It. The creme of the Company with wheat we hare roe reeled; all concur in waling that this was tee ent,e, tufa am they have been able to this - , i It Is boldcy'Tstair .1 e everridesse gni,' tie. 1 nattuneat (Oyes We haheaudih—thst the Tel. 114 , graph vulvae= With .I . e etelreet . Orem dike Merchants' and Peoples (Opppodcrn) I, ¢e;: and that rate hid op ill the su aim she co h uld raise with any thing like a regard (isrsafety. Be Mass on:apron examlnalum of Ike boiler by eeveral competent indgen; this forenoon initialed them that, in some places, iit would nottrear every hinny head of steam vnthcrat danger. Tiers bra been, too, a strong rivalry of late, between the two Bees, and when they elan—its they generally do shout 4 o'clock-in-the afternoon—the condom .rif their mews has freoneatly excited forebodings among the speetators along the wharves, as to the ennirequerreet that might ensue from thew= mani • tested: Still, m the absence of positiee knowledge, •od u the cause cite eahtmity will, duatleas, b, fur ly investi:ided by the proper outhertues ore :errata from directly casting censure up on noy one. • The portion of the boiler that exploded woe the inner *tot The steam drum This collapsed, and the vent upwards being thereby partly closed, the steam wts downwards. It , blew out • the , door of the smoke hex, and rushing aft, filled the engine roam and kitchen, eil e xiade a Erne wreck of all the frame woek.of apartment. with every tit log in them ;foment] killing the cook and stew. aril, and awfully ex:aiding the grit engineer and fireman. The second engineer is mining, and was either blown through a window Into the Mier, or jumped overboard and perished. The deck passengers were collected around the furnace and about the boiler to keep themselves warm. and there were two of the cabin passengers in the engine room. They were all completely en. vomited by the steam, and some of them frightfully wadded The deplorable seers that ensued can only be imaspent. To try to describe it, would be glows at best but a faint idea of a. The report of the explosion won about no Ion! as Post of a gnu. The lamps were all blown out, and the vessel left to momentary darkness. As soon as t be 641 panic mai confinsen subsided, the attention of thribnintured was directed to the condition of the wounded and dying, end all was done' that it was possible to do for their relief The boat was got ashore with all dispatch, and the authorities and citizens of New Castle, exerted themselves in the most humane manner In behalf of the sufferer. Dr. A. H. Gritmhaw and /event] other Delaware phyaieirins, were promptly in nt. tendance, and rendered edecientmethcal aid. Aix Chalkley Taylor, and Mr. T. S. Robinsoa, of this , city, attended to a portion of the sufferers all night. six dead b.lieg were bronglit to the city and , have been taken in charge by the Coroner finny', who will hold inquest upon them to morrow. Them wrens—or most of theta --plied on the painage up. Nice othei person., dead or loudly injured, we were Informed, were- left at New Castle. Among the dead brought to Philadelphia is we understood agenUeman Ire. Lialtiroote, named Wm. Stevens. Hewas one of the two cabin parisengers loot were in the engine room. The dint engineer, Mr. John Miller, a resident of the upper section of the country, reached the city alive, but expired somewhere in me vicinity of Second and ,Callowhill streets, as they were conveying him home. He leaves a family. The emus of the second engineer, who in ma, sine, was John Dennis 'He um unmarried. Eight peneass were taken to the Penally:lonia Hospital Them sande. ere John Meredith, deck hand. aged 23, Pamick Stanford, aged 2!; fames harder, op d 74, Michael Sullivan., 28; Camel WCartlei, whiavresi44; Paunch Tobin, 13, Alice Green, dbi ankles Mil one unknown, who was afterwards Identified al Joseph Norum, aged 18, of Southriark, flerman of the boat: He died before he ',ached the Ha pb.d.; The women, Green, is serlotaiyvaJded *me of the real are badly in jured, butnone of th - Sin, it was were mor tally woiroded. ) • Captain A' G. Claypole, the commander of the boat who Was lying nhe berth, was severely, yet riot dangerously i ce ed by the steam whi c h es. ended to Ms bed ugh a crack. Re resides at Delaware City, to w ich place he has been taken. - We kayo that Mr` illiana Stevens, one of thy victionoald, Mime he died, ho had a blue sack cost, with flue spotted' lining, which contained 3190, aid theca, ler $lOOO morn ; in which was - also ht. memrrand, m bock Mat will gin, his Iden titii. He bass wife in Baltimore, or removed from Were. . The following me the manes of the deed, wound ed mad. Musing, learned by or, up to Me hour of our going to proms vii • Di ad--51ragaret Duero, colored, (cook). Charles Biddle, colored, 'coward); John hillier, let cogs 1 Beer, Joseph Noron, dermal]; Wm. Stereos. rattle , pawenger. Jeleminti Paine, deck paseenget, Mi. Mimi Pumice, do; Eugene Knonney, do, Voile., do. Anse four chi dren of Alice Green, two buys and two girls. The ymngest child diei,prn eed to its mother's breast, she refusing to part from it till it empired. The sight was heartrending: This Unfortunate foully were from Chmloalonh Mnonchuseun. Woondcd—Corenin Clayptde, John Meredith, deck hand, Alice Greeri, Patrlck alaneerd, James Hanley , &helmet Sullivan, Diem! McCarthy, Pat rick Tobin, Petrick Murphy, and lames timidly M Lasing—John Dion is . Edanalord came from the county Cork, (rotund Kenney, Paine, Boaden, . and Sunman are from Laurence, Masschtrielta, and were in company Had the deck gime igera twee. in the - 'might room, which In the pace where they sleep at night, .. none of them wou d hie been bare Noon of the passengers do the cabin above the boiler sustained Injury.' The Telegraph ads towed to Kensington so day for repairs. The damage is comparatively slight. Elbe was not injured at alt is the hull, nod net au to escaped unharmed. The freight will henna , - diatslq ttsushlpped and despatched. $16375,000 From the Eakin, tWa•horon Co ,) Ness A Cold Blooded Baader. On Frida evening Br, between nine and lea o'r;oolt. Irishman, by the name of Patrick Mc. Can. at. murdered at hut residence, near Boa bran B,rese, in this county. Toe eirreecommea. es Derr a• We can ascertain, are sabstaanally beset—Three men entered the dwelling of the drees•ed, and, wthent any apparent Pit:Tenet... l . one of them learned a pistol et him, and .napped it, but it tate.ma fire. MeCary l a wife then told tam to run for his life. Ile sum:coded in e.t.a ouref the house, the men, armed wt. Funs, fed . toxin; him. Ho was Ore tired noon by two 01 be men, the e-tergel entering nod eacilitatira his aide in a horrible manner, and producing death Lost loamatly. A gnu Oat then flied tlitergb the window at Mrs. MeGary, the hall jolt grog., g but cheek Ste soon alter moor 10 tee door anti aaw, a few rode detect, the Vet.. body el tcr endattd. The murderers then fled. Tbe dro,na- • ed was a sober, Industrious tact, and about 30 years of age. .• This revelling murder has produced greet ex eiteMent is the neighbminand where ii occarren. • Several arrests have been made on sostucton.— ' The filthy Will hardly escape d :Menem. P. S. Since the above was in type, we have re. , calved the tollowirg statement in relation to the murder, which wee related by Mrs. McCery, tine wife of the deceased.. It appears that Mr. McCary was a mimesis in a snit which was tried at the last Semen of the arcs. Curt, Laid m thin vit. loge; 'that tie ft... Uremia nn that OCCiiettall offended OW. of the ',dirties to theetvt; that bit Wife °stunn ed fears that - ter bombard would be murdered; thtt Wllibu they were couseraing open the abjecr of his testimony, and the threats which she heard had been made by a etrieto Mari [eliding to that neighbarhood,• a ratio - as heard et the door, sod two wen entered the room where they were seat. eg; that one of them.bed a plaint, it, deer a gun; that she cemented and rid bur h: nerd to run ter blf. lie; that the men with the p.sim at at ter ' 'hut it misted fr i i..cat her hushare Vent onto( doors, and was wed by the matt, tart she leaped oat of the win ow, tad saw lien other inen armed with gem; that they fired at her hus band, who fell to the ermine; that when he was lying there, a man stepped up and struck boo up. • 05 the head with the butt end or his gtinett.d.,ng him not unite dead.,Anceher goo was discharged at him. 'file rest of the panteniare of Ong borrib:c murder do not vary materially from the first elate I meet. Met. bleCary could not say that she ever este at 4 ibe man before. One el tee men sr. mated on totepiciont Is hold in custody lot farther • ,1 °gemination. A Prairie Incidents As a place called' Yellow Creek, about half way between Slit Lake and the junction of thethegon and California Nadi, we were the uawiWog sati• noises to an lOJIn maareme. Ou the evening precut, we had crested the Cite k, and encamp ed abbot a cilia and a half bey.ed. Near dm creek aorro Snake Inoican ' thirete in all, bed areetid their wigwains. Before dark 1 had en. descend, banln vein, ts basic tae Ciwel ler si piney, but 'ne algae" we the word thionn h— tho white some one of the party kept rhttiti. Clog the good enmities and tweed of the dircrent animal,. The yoneg rgoaae c=oetiod tse r Inrdo in harnomaiship, or horsewomitnatitp. One young trainee assumed every =node of the bast circuit ctdcr. Sae would pick her whip from the ground ' tinder full speed; cheek her pony in hie end ca reer as if he had bete allot; wheel him at 101 l peed by an inclination of her body; throw the do.ao auccessfully at whatever object she pleased. She rode like the men, yet antelope, lo the suspended Impulse of ns drainage, • Were lees atherially lahht." She was au Indian Insists, too, and I.OllllflV, of a cayman in the bargain. She would arch oar ova and horse'. seek at any . praise bestowed on either her Peacty or horeemnosbip, and laugh meet aeon!) , at our attempts to melte ourselves under good. She was all hie and honoree, —.tot, Ilan! ate was a cold corner ern the tordoing won shown upon the valley in which she hat d been' id - lichee and happy. Just as the day breatneg, we award tne ominous war boon, end 1. - nmedlaletv foflowed the sharp orank of the rifle. We armload ourselves tom oar slumbers and hastened toward the.aurne of action. A horrid eight met our view. There lay the dead forms of acne who bed lived and breathed the evening before; neatly ■ll had two or three bullets in du Ir bodies. Our heroine of the night preview, had not es caped. She lay outsider of tier wigwam, a bleed• trig corpse. No respect bad been pond to her jet black locks; the ak.alping knife had passed around them, and they now doubtlesa grace the girdle of .time aroteleer Utah. Twelve'Snakes lay dead upon the monad, nine of whom had beep whined, taro old Indians and a hoy having escaped the gimlet one iqusw bid escaped by fight. The pen 'tumora of this _horrid porno were about Ally .Uutla Indlatie,WhOM we saw neat the camp of an ewer/ding party about a mile tram the atone of atone. With honor and disgust we turned from the eight nod panned Our Way.—Cer. St. Loam Tat Chats, rip.—Tut GrecnehOrMagh k Ala.) Brecon of , be honed:tees the met:nen. of n light Lost to Gretna on the 15th end 19th, without, however, doing much IciurT. Cotton picking, temerks the /..mors, , till rep..hy, where the, much 1. 1.11 k cut. lh ,, chti n many insott,Ce• le,o• hot raddh t von, Should lOn weather coo,o, al ell ok‘Oralyie {O , to or three WOOD. langur, tee pirk;tl with most Plintern mitt. aboaVeadt 41--cerniniy by dor eud of Efeyotaber. The 6tcp io that mottos, tatittah by no vinous a trod ote, oral turn oat bet tat than was' gene raßy czYceted a few weeks The Columbus (GA) ) . /rtquseer, of the 291 h, =yr -, AD cdd whim headed gentleman, who pays a 'Ultima° to this seezion of the country every win ter, its mad* his appearance now two success live owning* with kilos strew. His cold breath has withered the entire vegCntica, and left the tender things Masada to rot in the softening sun shine. We love Mice our venerable friend, Mr. Frog. In ordinary tester.", but now whoa the maturity of IM mirk at the growing crop of cotton depended ou his Into Wens, we aro sorry he pugs ed along go soon. Tea cotton crop urea likely to be short at best. and there em be no doubt bat the frost of Sunday and Monday will pal a quietus to its briber growth. In this region It is killed entnely. Pron. tFs illwartari Hrpu•bikm. I!=:11= /I.OIt,ViLLT. 00. 173 16.'0 Stu: Believing Ma: to: to proonrenews at litt. earl.mi period, 1 Love talon the ytesent opportunity toaddrers yt.n. We bad a Ire/mend°na fim yesterday, to this region, causec by the Oms,ts Indtans setting are to tee prairies, doing immense damage to the Carmen, burning the wheet mega, hay garbs , ore fields, cod numerous te nets around their field. Toe derange done bya,o destruction of the above witch:Lis varion ly meted (rem five to eght thoutend dorms. Tye wind mu very nigh, which coined It to rue as fen as • horse, cod soma who were oo the prairies were coligsd to fire around them. to keep it Goya burning thentrelyttOsnd team. By toe lactate' e'er Voce of the people of tots p:aeo, fk great 841901101 o property vases red, by heading the fire from the tie: sand hay Lack.. Two of the eitmens who rot on the routes been after the fins commend. ed, 1. and 4 but Or lodine. firing the probes In duly fetent placez;ned , mmetitztely commenced driv ing them iota the !Wet. A leinge body of tile., Latham. eeremeneed, oitht be.ore Oyer to this aide or ilus i neer, nunatterutg about war nuntitee, with their yeomen, etilldren, and I-Alvee; ant, object is to gn huot.mr, thaw, on t , 1 the neer. Tnkli 'tine should col be Itic feel Is, those halt statved iodizes will .I,latiC. rob, and should b e m e th, to tray en ineir tiz.e side. We le •rried through the Interprets chime. teat Satpy gave Otto I cr!!.o , L. rant 4,1 tnte lueit * Ortfiti rt.ori where itd hp get 'ca authority On sire title thieving tribe of butane 1.-eve to butt on the Pettowc , role bred, There should bosh tr ra a forr, p!,e, upon this Goode,, to repel theer. t.,u:otn prom hunting 00 thilit deo( the Ink t to Stflt•ltl their elfp deuce. op th, ptr.ore,t or the ntrien; hetet TVs trthe twill Cam, ,•‘ e0:1 so to heuteg where tee ii.3o - 11:0 LW. • t, e a ,rot!: females to a go •, oloorkrti ot.C. ut. o l r icm toroorroosatoo, them !should be a loco of Sty or a hundred met • a 1. , 11ed bO/0., to prevent mu cameras from a greet deal of unoftetury trouble.. 1 would ask ho Is to pay for all 1111 demegel Somebody sh uld hr modulo do a. A p.m of ado wen: 10 Ilya tt Older IMMO Indoor the OEbergo., : or vr.r, cod they ram. lord to go t.rooirO. , l '" 0 0o depoadeoms to be pared on toed o, 4.:eff toe of co been 01093 Mu, 81. Barrow, cad 1 u A,e tow obrent. Tao health' 01 In:, -1. is generally good. wth the ox p no •I• rt ..r0! ',sue, which IS te eectehat n.'. placa.ta groselog bound . lap:gatii at tn., t7Ji . phacica to the West. Seilt2 cite • eviln cog OcevY geolre sp9a , , 50 0 0 , G(:5 the ex pCP.lloolllll2llorp r. a taiga emigratiot new %prier/. The 1,1 'r„ooe notch hip, p m ,pe, log condition la Ibis ens, ate utatoag great preparations for the tecop , o.o et :Leif Idedtt (IDi• eon Ilyda) who Is t.tpooic..i m ratan itt a le/ dove. I:veryvi'rs bele U Tfet, ave. tUe Idarecoae are bli,y epp,2ed iu ,cconvg theit core banes! nil ire lorclicomtnitll. PuaTIL. T. he Teee,Nur., ,ecnpletlon of the i•rnprre-1 lor:elcoon on the above , oille. err a. G ,ILtr.r.l.l:/h In 14, (Meant, Would ch,r^httotr tr, of.rarn of the rot:Cce of ihr ‘01,2, ieccr. OS Ono•Pheifit, At prerell, the c•haie 5b f.!•ett cut at Now BtdlatO, N:.•1•••:;r4 ; itt.J u r, Noribetst ports, 1... r u 10100 or te:• Al the cud 0: Inc rml peer, they - . t.. 01,00 .i.-ctt 10 the Partifie twine, aao hlco, to Ined 01 their 'eat( h` order aCO Op, 1'0.00217C7 the casks, and. tbrc to reinter:rhd ',oohed again to LOCO . CIIIVOCO rdttOtt is repeat ed at the cod of tth:: o: a arrest, when the eaten" of the two Teary o,,bcltrd in Htv mat ter, and no agam at the cod al to, t:ird rear, pre• viotta to retool:7.g home ti tin Cray of Cape Hero - • A cheap and prompt tools of transporting Ito!r oil, ete.., aerator the Isteteut, will change the p•er.r.obrt neat. and late.,:-( going to the Sao. 1.1.0,1., or tome eller distant point In the Pa tar, the tatulere s..4.rort loon the port where are Rselsose ter:pint:tee 11'014 re.cpeo and All PP tbc,y etakt cJ ro.i, C.Ld ti It at once tome far sub, and proceed to t'or'e treord crulse silk a , eleee .hip . " Tl 3, .: - e .ate] at the plan art very cr.: Peti r.'av;ols•. "ras. vcs.sel sayea• long, e.etr.loutt , onsl Cape Horn, end beastletts.Fis Is 7. nvec; 111,11 idlitti on •D•photrd, ONI eon, that two yean, pea: to, fe•• keep•ef it hank to long ft r 0 machot. 'roe acre , delay,. also avoid , a d of reouir In pinto t• vela reuses, they ore t, r:sont avalem. On. , eie poet, al e , , the •• .• 0- Int...Tread:randy m the racite, as, ; 11, ot.twrsa nod homeward paetty. C 01 00 W I Cil at prement orcoplea tautly Oloti of the totter pc vied they are ahaent Dour 161 Ut_itce. Smote. All that would to requited co the nee plan weuid be, to send out a now crew , artha end of the year", or at soy what peeled, that might be agreed ups, to meet the ship at tbe isthmus, and allow the old craw to ream home thaccr. . , • At !real one !allot ell the oil sad candles tn• litured 1, the tinned Stateo, is consumed west of roe moenteles, large quectlbes beteg Seat by the , 0..1 /o.lds and cleats to the wnteih riven, and • IS: , from New Orkene, Op the hitioutalpph hn• at been brought routtJ here comae:Use. Under he new hyottem of scrotum borne the canines °, ho whale ships by Oh- It hmuth it ie very-evident tem MI that pornm to gutted for the Weet would ono, to New Or.cons nod be tat,' here, and tent hence up the river, tie the mist prompt sod really the moot ceonomicel I on in it tet retch the eon. sumer. Under mil* olu.n4the annual trttlXwta of ail into this thy would ot-ohably amount to four ea Gee rod!loce or dt , ller., and would to constantly Increasing with the In ereani WLCI3 and popuht non of the f3mot W. et. - . - The name mann could take place in supplies reunited for the West of teas and other plodue. tune of India, which amid inevitably Era their way to the United Stet.ea by this route, as they would reach the tenter., of tan Atlantic at a poet hot • few boodrett rot:re !ore the mouth of the fdlastarappl, whaled., if the, went by tee Panama route to Chrgres.lc y weld he venerated to Nov look and Pai".ece ,-lf•rt as cheaply and u promptly uto tale city. Every tedUcetuent, ttOletOre, no far as Now Or:eace is concerned. ex eta in farce of the Te. huintecce route, over any other, and our citizens. lye boar. v.B therefore not hauteur falter in their ZE140411 43 arvppliht, Ibis Vila 1104 .e.ttnlr. Us Of Ill!, tt:.W...1 to - owlet oar itolllo. di., .yr,..,3d pro!: 0.. r. ...I nor naval depot at Pousneole,tvh !st tle,Ett, ti}tt 34/111VC.11 it ethane. at n heouv box wert 0 ova it, and In.eate of veva, hne, lil tr. , . W. to t.tircly useless to ILL —l\rew Orleans BaUR n. latter (Vona an anarllown tiallnalanath to Lomloll. Recent Derdreinentil F Twin's duo and Many It Lo,mes, Sept. /1,1.550. Of mune the obJ•et of my visa to this century he' occupied much of cry attention, even doing my first week in the World's capital. I have made tno acquaintance of Dental of the most eminent Houce,pathists in Landon, Drs Dadrano,Ltune, Qnio, Caine, and others i More visited their hoa• p.tals and dispensaries. They are very attractive me o, learned, and very cordial. I find them M. s'sneuvo and agreeable fn A blab degree. They are .itiah triteicsted, Ale Licensee I have became as, in a want "'fealty:sent e/ Boommparky in Femur. It nsa receinty appeared that Dr. T. 1.4 4 physician of the Hotel Dieu, o great hospital in Paris, the very name ot: which to identified with ILo.• of the gruateat phyricians of the world—and to be • phytician in which, is evidence at once of nigh ability—l any, it his appeared, that Dr. Ter der hes bean for several yearn past s m elly testing the chums of Hon reapstily in his hospital practice, and has now Copts out decidedly Iq its (sere; having reneuncadaflatAte prowled in his tertarfor the:Fare two yeses. Flo has published his ex• petienee of the Honceopathlo treatment of Pnee• maple and Cholera. b ruin the excellent preface or his work which lies before Inc I nannot forbear translating • few paragraphs— . Of the man, who have blamed the Introduction of Hos ceepatby Into the hospitals, I know that acme have done so through a laudable feeling of humanity for the patients, and • desire 40 suatsin the dignity of the profession. They will lease by these report., that numanlty his only carted by its introduction, and that consequently too dtgotty of the profusion could hero nothing to lose." Speaking of his experiments, be says: "Peen. moon i.e a diseaen frequent, acute, and senates, whose "P.P.. , a , e msreed and not easily taken I cnore it, arts tart, as the subject of my neat eases net wish the in. the l of Hahnemann. Aber l had esit.',,l;v studied the writnasof Hahne• men and his alisclpliA, I reed erne books contain tr g descriptions of ease. treated by his method-- Ages bovine thus learned the spirit of the formal', stesibe ponlarts curattrtur, it leinteined to satisfy myself as to Ito action of remedies la lohniterintal dose, To this question I daveted six owed, csf dental exprrement chosieg each cases, both acute and chronic, as I felt tutored i ahecld net trjurs. At the end of a few days the evidence , ibm she medicine' dad on' was comph to; nevertheless I persevered for am coatits. .hen iessined foe me to test the titswiprette value of the new method. A bu. or Peetll3lol3ol, It required particular Kenna. 0 Is lacy an slight responsibility reit. open boa who ventures to sinhatit um, in the treatment of engrave a disease, • new method forone wklet experieres sanctions. I could consent wenn no great flak. I mooned this way: In ordinary treatment af Poentacola the drat indication ft blood :e.lied. This. erhtt, seminfatered, re duces a rCAIL•Pivn of tin, t.hrsic ennitelnent, with sweet, dee. But inert rem.o, the count:tilde. nun of ine'tedarneil tu; s . rasalted, Which le usually effected by tartar v Lelia sad Warn It old beirtipandent to onto use( the Infixes Natio which infinitudes. The fever wonl4, to gad cup, light up agate, and the lung go on to suppuration or carallestlon. I ventared,howetter, in the COO of a patient who had already been sub jected to 'blood letting, to Ethane!, phesphiesea 3 to for tartar emetic, which I ehould otherwise 1 (aVapathiealiy) have administered. The puttee% moyered without any relapse. I repealed .shia expetiment many times with the same mule lint I might reasonably attribute this auccen to the blood letting energetically employed at the outset. All, therefore, that I could justly conclude from my first orsaya, was, that irl had done no good, . I had, at lout, by the new method, epee no berm. I revised then to diminish gradually the number of the bleedings at the beginniega of the treatment and not to await the remission before baying re • muse team Hahoeman treatment, still keeping in fever, the ordinary treatment in tare amelioration shouid eon be speedily manifest. I diminished, then, the bleedings by one, by two, by three, by four, in the next patient, beginning the administratiou of the new remedies euccesslvely neater and nearer the beginelrg of the ti.ement. I began with s dose of Aconite followed by adore of Bryon' in 12 or 24 hours. The less I bled, the more taukedly were the Indents relieved elude adaenistration of the Infinltemmal remedies. 1 decided finally to bleed CO more, and to have rev cocrte entirely to the Hamm politic remedies.' "I Cannot express the anxiety with which these first experiments filled me. In spite of the injetne. turns I Jell with the attendants to bleed an seem as an aggravation should appear, In spite of reiterated visits which I paid to these patient", it Deemed al. ',apses if same pest catastrophe was impending. Yet nothing of the Cod occurred. The patients first anbenitted to the trettment recottered, ego the test were rapidly relieved. For two yeses, bat one hes died.) Two others who died, were remised when alrdady In the sgonles of death. Since this time, 1 hays employed the same treatment In • great number of anew of Poeumtmia, and my first kart have disappeared. 1 any no more. Facts speak the rent." 111ABIALRYLABLIC CASE II EVIDENCE IN OUR MONTI! Ma. Tera-51r, I,.cheeelilly comply with'your re. quest that I would glee youlan aecoott ache auaost Miraculous cure or my little daughter's eye by the ass of you "Yetroleam,`. She was attacked with a very sots oya to February or bles".lt last, when I PaMedlalety applied to the best medical aid te by whom it was ptonounced agoort had clot" am 7 all flee me no hope of doing her any lgood. After whli h I took ner Into the sous• uy to an old lady, who had been very szteoetsfal in caring eyes. Re told,mr that ber caster.s as she would certainly lotto rat ably that one, but also that the other wealflkalow---Itlalaiii.serolldnos affettidll f tha bioOd. And I do certify 'that nt-the Was my father (J. U. Visitant came to theConcluslon ' that we bad bettor Uy your " Petroleum," not wit =gat= rartV, of 0:10 eye. Ii is now about two mouths since she began it. use, sad she ear, ..ow tee with both eyes as good as ever oho did ono, is. far as I sap tell, I believe the has, with the blessing of he Ah.ja bly,toott cured by Petroleum. Yuan, respectfully, Poe vole by Kolar, 3 McDowell, 140 Wood Street I B. E. 11441ers, 57 {flood attach 1). K. Corm, a 21...E11i0tt, liott, Jamb Doog loss,ead 11. 1 1 Boberarts,Lllecileuy, oleo by the rfoprietor, 8. K ICIER, 1.0 ,7 44 t Hawn. Oerenth st. Plusbenzt. 1.7..k11.0101 Vribunaa—jtead the lolloiying ear• deill% and then dabbi. If 7..14 the %nab pbant qbablics poneued by Ors great ,emedy: Tewnuat. Vsa•ena Co. December 3 sr. 1847. Ms. Btu tux—Dear Sit—l hat pleatare4n tsf ton. lii lot. Me beam of Dr. McLane's Vetmlfoge, aldeh I perehord from yen, haseven me entire sauttacuon. l gave to a child of mtn• one tea spans Ink of It, and she posed 111 worms. The next memoirs I eats her a tea seam tall mote, when she passed 1,3 more. The next motning.l have her the time quantai,and she posed 13 more.—Tones, /be. ANDREW DOC .1 611 NO. [CrFor Halo by,. KIDD& CU, No 60 nnal)-daws =ea of Ohio and rens. R. R. Co, Th.trd et - 'rinser:an, Aftgust I, IBM. TOO Stockholders of the Ohio 'and t'enneylvanta Rail Road Comp., are hereby noteßed to pay the eighth Inetabnent of be dollars per share, et the °face of the Compmy, on or before the =1:, day of An2ast The ninth Instalment' on or helots the 20th day of September. The tenth instalment on or before the orth ,Itty of October neat l'ec 7th inetalmeet was celled for on the i.Oll o July lot. toiftr.ltr WOO LeRTAIIRR. Jr, Treesuro. O. 64 LOA, COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROKER, I=l ntleoUol3 Will be elven to all t. 7 wasted to toe cue. Ytttaboreb reaerreetarrd mile]. always on baud or proented at Eon egtee. Note., Ronda Morita a, ho . tegoelated oo favor able taut. Advaue.it made, If reqvlred. oeßt...2m DLL. 0. HUNT, • a • Mott.. Corner afroortb and Meatus., tedemea aterltet .td Ferry anat. nati-dlyin linproveineass in Dentistry. Da. G. 0 STEARNS, luso: Bosun,o prepena to manufarttre and set Bons Term in whom tad inn. of 00, upon eke den or Attno.phetto Suction Plate,— Tooltocrit cm= LT nos itotrrns, whale the aerie Is expand Mee and residence nett anon to the ititT or • 010 Fourth erect, Piusbn 00. Royce , thlTathipo.F it. Sean ale M'CORO & CO, INS whntavalc HATS, CaPS & FURS, Cos. Wood & VIPS& eta, Ptetetrwr&b, Where they Wier a fun and CO.Pk.e Sack Caps, Furs, an., of every paaitty and style, by 5% hen role and Retail, awl invite the encamp of their cus tomers and purchasers generally, assuring thern that they will wit on dm nose asvasreasasslauxs. analind R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 52 Wood at. between, T herd t Peurth, Are now met:ring their wen , lure end nnPcrin , F. O Mock of BOOTS, BROM AND BROGANS; Alm, BONNETS and SLOWEJLS, WI or the latest "VtVisl d ee '' n ieree l tidler gre d m tDe western rate. and gusßy is not suffused by any smelt to " be found either tan or west. Our customers and mer chants generally are invited to call mo t eamine, as we are. determined to cell on the ressons.ble term, gam, Goodyear's Palau% Robber Shoes or all kinds surttdif IGNICOVILAWC HOPIS INOTIT UTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Ot Pitt•borch• C .c. nvsEy, trazet.•.--.A. W. MA trti.4,, or Orrito—No. 41 Water meet, in the Watteouse Or C H. GRANT. 1113 COMPANY ts now prepared to t teem all T kinds of risks, m beeves, oanalactonea, c.d.* merchandise to Store, and In trees. Veneta, de Ao ample guaranty for the ability end tntaatity of the Invitation, Is atrordenl in the cheroot' o f the !T -renton, who are sit althea. 01 eittsboTse, Trott and favorably Imam to the tomsoaalor for idetr andtategtity. Ladoceoits—t:. O. Homy, Woo llogoitY. Wro LA! Otter, Jr., Woltcr fluent, Hugh IX Mae, Divan titartluse, John Hawoith, S. liarbsosen, A. M. Elev. •p30...0 PALL IMPORTATION OP lIIRDWARE LOGAN, WILSON & CO. taw WOODSTILEET, Ara no. prepared fatth a large and (faith reel. of Eugbob, German, and Amerman lloolvorre oder 'open" indorecente io Loyale. 'nose relating to parches." frill promo. their lamest by booing ogoogo oor stork, 111117 are dsterromod nil on ha won masonabfe berme augla T 111: ASA VOItALTY Wt ea—• 10111 announce the name of Wawa RatZll•ll7 of th e Fourth Wald, as a eandicato tat Meyer, at coining election, subietht to the wrath ;anon of the WIII• Convention, a d ethase IdANY WIRES OP TUE SECOND WARM • • td.t. Warts-84.-Y= will please announce the name of ON , IOI C. Mal+•s, 115 • cautladvr for the Mayoralty, cubical to the rangeation 'of !he Whoa Convection. M. Mariana claims Fe wrongly urged by a haat of friends, ha being boqi capable mud hOIIeEL loadetel I.IAS V CI ItgE.NS • E. W. Ceoit. boo High Constable of Pittsburgh, yeti be supported as • candidata for the ofeeo of Mayor at the nest eleerion, subJect to the deennou of the Whig ad Animals:talc Cay Convention, by ntlisd&wul MANY VOTERS 1T Ilmott—You pleaee Immune° that Lntn•aron, E s q., l•lll be supported by tap friend. as •candtdate for Menthe. of PdayoT,ar the IrICZI election, subleet to the deelelon of the %Vhlg teed Antiressonle Corentiort. [noltdecerteT) SIXTH WARD. DANCING 1011001, AT VVILKINR HALL, FOURTH STREET. A...8%Np1Ar0v°..1.71Z. 161 5 .7.111.`1 1 4_ , ?," i rci14 d. that his sumo! will open oa r aamrday neat, 2 ut,: of November, at 3 o'clock, r. ter young ladle., Ili 6 for hop', and fat gamtbamea, and wattage e'er? Thursday and Bar:magic( do week, and acme hours. Strict references will ba roomed from strangers applying for admissloa IMO the school. Forparilaalars, apply to S. B Markel at Olaf Third cram, or at the room. ital3:43, WAIST/1111, ,k MAN well aeynainted with A Inre in te g ad tO l p o :yt anent sod hit wages, by enquiring az aus ofle. n01T13.• _ ESTERDAY aftertemo, between SL Clair street Y Plusher sh, and MS.. street. Altretteme, • email Note Root, ha s a fiv doliu DIU and ettndry papers. Whoever has ban d the same, and will Leave it. with the contents, et Kr. Edwd klearel• ton , . wholemle grocerS, east corner alto Diamond, Pittsburgh, shall receive St reward. nolUtte CHARLES NAYLOR, A YOUNG AIA wants simanon, Who =dot- NM mad. drlalog and Ma care ol barna parfeeUT, and ran do ooy Wag In or about a genUarden's place, NI regard to neatuesr, and Is always ready to_obliao. If wanted. be Can ba foand at No 21 Thad Erect, I?Vareen Fo. and [Ann!. nolld:a• 10ftaARD t IRVLIN would Write, anontloo to atolls. oppononalto tbay Goo afoot tiptrallsta for to.' vostmesto.• From idl y to ono htmarod thonoattd dolls:. of r best rad nuts seeoratoot I..nut morn=a mouths to lit furs, sad to soma ut salt . cola VOTL ATEA" Shares CUT Mine mai dm, North Murk. and Wasters Lasame• Bunk. Apply to Baled i Into, 1/11 Second stress. - ". Mr jr . -411 • IL VII , RPEVY &BUIICIIFIELD totes now completed Pad s font! ' , k %V S ECON D.. rr sfpp meat to - balers to make Aoki Pon. Ladles will find : ; Printed Matins's and Coburg; ot admirable note.; Printed French Callimeres andee Larne all wool; Gold Nadal do In peat Tarim, at neer mks, at 23 cents: Nem styles and wild color., aa low as ill Cl.; Changeable ottalins. In Veld vriety Is Dress Elak and Satins of newest Myles and most deslrabta colon. Scarfs, Neck Ribbon., Bonnet Ribbons, Glove. and Hosiery. tn.,. and - 1.7 nril .apply of Housekeeping Hoods, at 101.14 pos.P.le pd• es. Especial attention Is also Invited to their choice snake of Shirting Mu Una and Irish Linens—the Inter warranted paradox. No - th east corner of Fourth and Market sta. etol3 SUOtR-10 hhda S. 0. reeelve4 (or alle I.y. 10.00/411 n. 313 IS Wood st / IHELSE-40 b.. received for male by kd .13 W& P WILSON CAL rPETRE-lOu bop for oraf v bl r wiLsoN CI non Chocolate, Cocoa, to., 1 UST received at SSC Liberty street. eif the mete U celebrated mamiftetarem, a large assortment of Flesh Chocolates of the diderent kinds: mentioned below, va.;— SPothaa, Franck Doable Vanilla, Single do, Par ketten.. A la Candle, Batet's No 1. do Drams, do Cocoa, Moffatt, flosecopitttio, Soloed Eagle, do Zealand. The finer coallties of the, above are made of the beet Cunene. Cocoa. and weramed pare. • Par alio, whoiesale and mail, by • .13 WM A MeCLC/10 en CO DIBSOLLTIOB OF PARTBELII.IIIIIP. NOTICE l• hereby given, that the partnership herr/talons ezmng between Carus Blank abd Joseph Rabb, altos da) dissolved by mensal consent. All debts one tee firm are w be pall to Cynts Black, and sh demands against said Gan will be prom led to aim tor set dement, CYRUS BLACK, JOSEPH ROSY. RICHIO tierces for sale by BUM:MIDGE Is INOURAM nol3 115 Water et CANDLES-Ik t ; tr . To o l Mood; 1U bz. do Pressed, our oole by not] 111/1111RIDGE INIIIIIIAIII • CHOCO not3 LATE—:S - bta'tl i for . 7 i . by ° INIIHRAM eIYRCB BLACK will continue the , Wholesale end kJ Retail Grocery and Produce Basriers, In his old sated. 'Mtg. side Diazoona, rewbergh aolltddt CC*FEEIII:::pr'LACI ti Rio; 11.1 bag. JAllog.; Id Imp rand loco; o bap Old toy. Java, for bale by J D WIL4AIII6 CO roil Our. %dud R Flbh slo I F BI:ill FRUIT— :5 &mos &alma HP; a i Jars D0,dra0y.141.11.111; Stl Oz. M. IL Illatans; I bell ZantoPmants; 3 oases Genoa Cbron, for sale by ncl3 J D . 6 CU WILLIAMS. brls No 1 Mackeicli I D h, br:. do; to at brt. :go 4 111¢exertl . , qr b,:s No I Co: ID Nils o 1 do, for .ale by ¢ol3 JU RILLIAMBt CO .11,11.:&—da it..b b a r 14',,,,piag 47,,,11,b,.1-& co ~23 & wood s S. t k , ...h 4 0 . 1...e , 11E/1 . ,7 390 brie Loa!, Luzles L. 13 WM 113.GALFX es CO It Ra 13 1 ,43-333 boxes banett Mono. I, near 11/ . crop, arriving and for sale by no 3' WM' DoOd.LEY & CO 010 RB-47 la; 401.4041. landing for We by atala WM BAG iaLEY it CO PFIILD HALL, Thls livening. for Gonettesson only. DR obi Lecture no the l'inne ten of the Parental Syne,lttorned by all Ws Neon+. end Pontinhe Adannton'theeen. Moil,. to Pam•le Towbar. 16,N evumr.tion o' at plleuete for ihe c Ilow eace.t in Vitt Thud Ward Peelle School, Pittebare b, will be held Et ...Id et L Vol bowman Seim. day, itt.h last el it teeloek, ". Pd. nnlet .MS W. LEWIS. Of:LICKS/NIA WS PIANOS. JELIT RECEIVED, a new stock of ClucteringbC,Gf and 7 nacre Pieuesi also. a mehlyc treed Gansu ?MAO, the most hematite! MOIROMent ORO,' bronßut to thin city These Pianos will be supplied a. usual, al BOLLOsi prices. warners Las ColllloE TOR 0001. 001001700 OR 031 JllOO received, el fine 10t of Rote. wo.d pant end carved Piano StoMs, with silk plash and hate cloth scam. For vale by JOHN H. MELLOR, Agent for Chickerimpls Planes for Western Pont'.. note WOOMILN 000139 , 71-, BALES Searlot Ftanrielo,lall trader, lal Its heirs tcarlet twilled Flannete tmlest bales Yellow I do do; Si do White so do h. do (Steen [locking do do 60.• pro approved etylt Bliorkets, do .S 0 let 7 4 sap. sn Ix Meows, ell shades; St pa Fresno. Merolla. Wester England, and araCIICAII Mack, nl4, Stowe, A. hinaible Citron timed t to ht; 33 try Boner Cloth, Besottcd colors; F 5 ps Bios, Brown, Green, sod Stack helot Just attested from martalactoreirs, and recent Import. mitre. Merchants are respectfully invited to call end oharritier the same at A A MAtON & COOS nollt at A fA &Cachet st WEEDS-2 oases Black, Ittown, and Gal mile/ T lt , ll reeclvedlscoa the fteson, In sale by zolY • 11 I.M 'DROWN FLANNELS--I cams 34.354. but re- DI eeived for sale at manafbetarets' vibes, by boll H LEE PITTBIIti66H >do Corner of lined end Markel creed. CHARTERED A. D. VEA. The Clacercd InClunion of C.e le'nd in Conn' Joket .2cLacipal IsimaMor x Me Seknee ci.Accourci. rr Stoles:or he-aransiiip, Mer. cannie Computation, tee. Alex M Watson, Ledo Lecturer on Commercial Tie course of martiation inciailes Book Keeping, :t. twat canon to every branch of business, lec tures oi u linalincreial Law and can:siert,' Science, Pe num hip, blereuinle Computation, Sc. SAM! hi s can entre the Genege at cry time, and when entitled, will receive s itiploma, signed by the Family; and Examining Commince. nol9 PROCLAMATION DY Tinge of u precept under the tondo of Wm. D. Alr C:ore, President of the Cootie( Common Pleas, In and tor Ms Pm sins of Pennsylvania and duties of the Coon of tiger mad Terminer, and licueral Jon Delivery In WO the raid District, and Wm. Kerr and Samuel Jones, Erna, ,krromais Jodeet of the tame coolly, In and for the County of ails. slimly, date. the oth day of November, in the yew of our Lord ant tlicesone eight hundred and flay and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Tar miner sod General Jell Deivery, at the Coen lions° tee sits of Pittsbu rgh. on the fourth Monday of De. ceraber next, at Wo clock, • M. Pablle notice n hereby given, to on Jogiooo of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables of the County in Alie aheny, oat they be then and there in their proper persons, With their rolls neards, tdoclslllons, ek• anwastions, and other temerabrapeca, so.da Cone tongs, anima to their relpective olllcea In OW bes holt, appertain to be sane—anti also those this will pzesecons the prisoners that nosy are, or may be is Ail of acid coaity of Allegheny. to be then and thereto prosecute against theta so shall be Jan. (liven tither my bona at rittshurgh. this Oth day of N o ,, tn yb n ,, in the yeet or nor Lord, one thousand sight bandied gad et.ty, and of rho sommonwealta the Mm- cAnrut cuirrie, abort*. uotto.twioT MM3:E= 01 LOT of fondue $1,111611 Strings for {Holies and. 11 Halter-shave Mel bee-argotic.] by the 10 b.ariuer Then sump aro from the moot celebrated factory to Ira St thoy am Gar th reads and tour lengths, and for boaaty of tone and durability , am artrimblod. he intheribet l a agent ha lag , onehand the ab.se for him at the factory, they am warranted superior to any thing alba kind tett offered In this country. It KLEISEK,_ Holden Harp, No 10t Thlnd N. 11.—Noss opening • eplendtd new lot of Non. & Clark's and Dunham's tablet . ..sd Flues. nail RIM ROOKS t axes BOOKS I AT IIOLIAIRS" LITERARY DEPOT, Third mom, oppeolte the Post [Mee. B ° l7 ' .. ( T. eh i. " ,:tn e lga o gsslue for November. Remie,bookor o•aazitto do Democrat Review do lierpers NOW Monthly hlnetlue; [buttoner y of Mechanics, No uOi [ldeal-tribe Age, No EIS. HOMO, rele,pleloll, try ChUleg Levu; WOIIIIII In America, herWotk and her Reward, by Maria J.:Uolutoell—a new and cheap edition. 11011 COD F/211-40 dolma large; 2 trams small, wont landing, and In, ' IdAiall DICKEY & CO OS Water et 011EFIRE— EL bib pamo in ewe, for anla by kJ not ISAIAH DICKEY & CO SALTPETRE: -102 bop to arrive, (by sale by non ISAIAH DICKEY &CO T)RIUSTONE-12 has in lame, for sale by non laid/tit DICKEY it CO GREEN APPLES-1;0 brie ropenor, for .Ato by non S & W lIARBAUCH TraftbalWAVß - S=l - 00 - 61iiidliiliCioriiniim -- Viri hiassartapetts Trout Boator, best quality. for ta aby kallj A CULBERTSCN &CLOUSE MOCD - SES=4o — b - iirrofili. Irldolaiiii,SCLocis raker?, Alt treelved for *ale by Rai A CULBERTSON gr. CLOUSE • 11"A - 13T'Sa=":1017111 - atirritEl ;k1 7 ( . '10 -- 171, ,pll ACULBERTFON AC C.1101.1?W.. 1 , 1 - NS ED OIL-2 "14673790,1r411.'ff non 445 Libery n. AL. DA-7 caalislirjul R E SELLERD 01l d 7 Wood rt brls int r.c'• for sale by call F....8a , XEJIS n do. '7l-U* l9 . ll i:- K b &lnVi IPLIF?R7; I rigIi‘CUIffUT I IEZIUgMfIffIM nolo WICK k McCANDLESS CfßlCOrtiTl=l. ta --- ItiVcilaTe7for se. by lUIII WICK. a bIeCANDLESS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-170 sacks Balled. Book. heat Floor, reoelood for solo by noll" WICK & Mee&NPLESS Wad Pr/NO rms Crown; :al mil Median. for tale by ' nail WICK & bIeCANDLESPI PAPER ILSNOINGS—LIgIa and dark Sian Wall raPers, uVA Per roll; for rale P by W MARSIIALL, toll • Si Wood rt 'PaUNK PAPpI . , for Ilan ir , a ,„ l"latit t o s res WITILNO, WRAPPING EL ?KIN TMr lot sole utolesal....l mail. bp aol" W P biIAUSIIALL A NTIQUE WAINOCUTING—An eloollent MU& La non, on Wall Par, for sale by non W P %%mem L E4I)-1000 Ors Oalemajoir, teethed Des staaMlT E.Pnaae, and tor s.la by < non TA.MFA A tiOTCHIPON & no Write L. WOOD—cO e "kr W by BCHOONMAILTIkt CO ll r==l N inz if os-i cask No 1 for •nle 1,7 eCUCONMAKER &CO Loy Rs-3 brio for ode Or - non scliooNNl A R ER Pc CO lwm.aamarfitill MEM TIN rOIL —1 c...< kat Frcneh.,Ca, bq null 1 n1100:01AK ER CREAM TARTAR - 6bris pare for .1;1; by troll 3 SCIWONMAKER dr. CO A R.VICA FLOWERS-1 We for (I 'Doll 1 SMOOT:MAKER &CO ADMINISTRATORS , NOTION, • LETrEas of Administration have thin day been Dieted to the undersigned on the estate of Joseph Mehlfasters, Jr.. Imo of raven township, Alleaheny county, Pa AU Person Indented are milled aprn to make immediate payment, and nil pemons homing claims will present them, duly authenticated, for Role:neut. THOMAS AfehIASTERS, Patton tp. . H. D City of Pittsbocrii. Pittsburgh, Nov. 9 h,l99o.—nollidalcurtitT • swEEETPATEtiT— EXCAVATING SCRAPER Par Clay, Saud, Loam & Grai , ele Superipors of Roado Owners of creditor! Raul and Coned Controetters. THE .e rib reapectfeLY *Tees to rho public .. . his PATENT EV:AVATING SCRAPER, which a.. been thoroughly leased, and which hr ie irsdacing. This implement is eimple in to centreo doe, smug and durable, yet light, writhing about 73 pound. It car he used in all toil. With the greatest ease, by any one who 4111135 a plough. One man with a pate of hones or yoke troxen can cool do the work of tan men. ts highly useful In m Inn roads, levelling lulls, digging ditches, cellars, sod canal., and hi excavating for rail nada or other pat. F°4:l; .most Impottant Improvement in the grimier. of the Excavator is the intrcduction of changeable Or moveable teeth on a circular surface, with an elflike; theW teeth being In rumba and proponion adapted to the condition of the soil le which the Excavator is used. This implement Is cheap as well as datable, befog retailed at the low prier of Se. The Pi.tentee Invites me puhil• to the above facts and asks all who may doubt them to give hie itiveti• don a Wet. To be seen fee the present at iIKAGV a BRUS, Mansion llouse,Liberty street, Tinsburgh.. boll:dale/3 JOSErli SWEET WANTED. aever4 respevalde young, men to sO bit order, for a new and popefar work. weir., SG per Week. Eremite at 20G Second at. relkdt• U. B. UAL t ISIC HOSPITAL. • EPAR ATE Preptteals will e received =ll the S Pita inst., by the auderslgaed, able office :so 4 Exchange Eltnlding.,t3t Claw street. for the work, •I the Coned 6.14, warwe cp 1.1 ne•r thie city: —For larnisti.ng and delivetion about 27.00' cubic yard•of earth for filling op and levellinp the one, in accordance whh a 5 are which will be Overt For fat...lung aad delivering about LOCO cubic yards of rubble stone and for co clink the want all 'about ..,0 cubic yatcs of grave to protect the hank of the Ohio River—lke gravel to beixten floristic beach at low water I . . . . , rem the r-xcevairod and Rio. onry for the extree/On of th- veer,* &lance of Ibnot 810 .eet 'Theft irriP be shoat 0.)" ethos : arcs of Oar excavation for sewer and .ids &side and about 4OP matte yards in etene masonry. Tn Fewer to by t of bird oh° du•ableOlone in e V me met ar, and well ironed For fornlahing the ma cards and creating a wooden fence to trictrac be site • All meter al. and week mast be Potters to the in sreet.on and appro. lof the superior. comm. The wools work to he completed as early ten ease n practicable. Contrace and bonds, with two approved motive, Will be recurred to he entered Into within ten Om after notifiemion of nee:curare of the bd.. Pia. s and opecifb tritons °film woe) oan be. seen, and sorb o bet In'orm &Lion pansy be reqeiredi can be °hurler d at Me office. .1 .L 1 ROPIP:SrtiO Pripertemnel, toe Pittsburgh :inv. B.lloo—nl Dird (learner, Amenees. Post. R b nterprlse,e COD LIVER 141 .-12 Loy% &million, Clerk & pun; also 2.1 gallons in tereined by J KIDD & Co nog 60 Woo,' et YtRITSTUReENTINE-15 brlvjuit received by 'I Les J KUDD & CO LIP NISH VPIIMNO-40 brie Od for rota by 1.7 nr.9 J KIDD CO YARP. WHITE—fO brig nperlor, for .1. I mil J KIDD& CO ORSTRAL TRA STORM. TINT twined. a large .t 1 well:seleeted meek of 0 fresh Teas from the ;interne", romprisins then Lest (levities of Green end Blatt Team, which mil i be sold mu the most latorsble terms, wholesale and retail The aset.tios of families Is respecamly Invited to Jai assortment. C... ELAN, rel Car. Fifth at. S. Mari:tint/ell THE ISDUC&TIO9II.I. fLIGPOSITORT, Comer of 'Fourth and Harrel areets, EMBRACES almopietr neoretment °Mello al Bnoka Schaal App fltWa. (Lobes, Mops, r Patna, and oor adoedtional rTeaehert,Bonool DiteoLor• and familia+ are Invited tot all srd eaamire the Cock tog aTIVN & ctir'Sfito tarn did publication ocimpsuot Map& each ab at coven Rea equate. Every selionl eboaid have a cot For sale at the pabli•hera price., ni the EDUCATIONAL. REPOrroity, nc9 Our Pilatkot& Fourth sly. nUTIEJL'S ANATOMICAL CHARTS.Ja ran, fir Na at ILa EDUCATI.NAL REPOSITORY ASON'3 BLACKING—I& Ma% rar s KID ate t• LIM or J D& CO TO LET, ALARGE Oren miry Brink Moe in Land ymet, opposite R. Andrew's Church. Apply to iV C PAIINETTOCE, YO Merry pi- LOU, Shawls I Loa. Ifiteterts I Mintrrly fr. BURCHFIELD are noes opening a full 11.07101t0t of above lreadq, of newest styles of the celebrated Bay State and Waterloo max:oral tare. Also, BROCUE LONG SILAWLItt, From IC to 3 , :t dollars; mad a large sapply of goods generally, some °lattice, at reduced once,. Buyers wilt pease call at north oast earner of Fourth and bra reset ravels. t nog B UTTER— l b c ' re '. e i k re s t " , I fOr family use, received tins day and foe sale by nrg SHRIVER &BARNES. RLIZIILIATIS WILED THE meoualled success witch, has nue nded the me of dItifITIMORE'R RIIRUMATIC quid POUND and BLOOD PVIIIFIER, In cEeetustry ear to the severest and most Inveterate cases of IN. FLAhIhIATORT AND CHRONIC lIIIEUAIATISM, is a sufficient guarantee and recnromendation ID In dams all whoa ~a .t.teted with th is dreadful disease to try It, virtue Hundreds of arcs, many of them citizens of St. Loot, and utherefrom abroad, base bran Cured with in the last few mouths to the city of CA- Louis alone. while latten front scents abroad stew also that It is the same wherever tried. Many of leese wens Chronic cues of long standint, and n'l hope ' recovery had beengiven up. While others were or more recent due; of the ecale tnflantmemry fore, very severe AIL however, yield to too weltderfo , ' ulnae. of tile medicine, and thousands who have re. aimed I:a benefits, and are now in the enjoyment of health ems but rill tosn trktl-LY bags for sale lour by • • %,./ ma ENGLISIE& lIINTiriETY b - 6gerKPFEY-c-Tf.so bib., 41.1thie .- COI ~ 1.1..1 ,to kno It ast FlitiLlSkill - 8K?7,03T lii.rt.%Vfi c EA • PLAAIit-ini) 400 , linekwnel 0 float, • sopertor alsiele, foi.alo by nos 9.3: w.,I3ARDLIJOrI. _ EV. D ni t ert i .7 4l. lnr• " 4 " a'ANISII St/Lb. LeW.:ibb- - -40 sides Synnlne Sole Leather, reeelyrd and for race by aye B It W. lIARBAVOii, doter, I.y 9. & %V. fl w RELI.II6II. B tlf . ER—YO barrels lowekl CREASI CIIIEESE-153 bola - 6.m Mei* received and for sale by nogS. rk I.I7L9BAIiGIi. U.bbA Adbl-30 casks 0 brands for tale by neB FISII—LO WI, No 3 Mackerel; ' ----- 7 - 7 10 blla White Fiat; • 5 drama Cod Fish; ik3 bac Sealed Marrlatior sale by ric.9 . . .1 lc a FLOYD RICE -Jla. Co , olloa for talc by J k R FLOW. batty.tll , kepi falt • 0 y • lc 11 FLOYD 14%1V; eta ' f juttr 9 • Y S.& W. RATIDAVGII. note R & W. sußnaim Dom:YIN 402 eonwan "1111 rgh icr itta , Y6-I6olrulastalaztalliarnatritainleri4i. %Ito Aliegirenly *bite J 3 8 FLOYD: QUOMI.NIS • • rise 1%. O. r ed TODIO/31ft tor lath es. . & ItICHRTAUX oTS !Ultra Libery VATO&OritEitSM&Ettht:M:COilLei CTO.F VT kinT.W