IS 7 I'ABLISHED IN l7Bb. eunLualiED WHITE; CO . D... AV 6.ITT I ds 111116.0% IMMIX nu , . DINCS, TIMID 111721[T, :tiff POOL TO TUN 7,.;fr per WWl= T6-NV.e.• -- 5,130 " is advance)-- -- "" Do. a Cubs, &La redated • • my, CI 0? ADVSIVTISIXOF AGREED iiror4 •81t rITTILIORGiI FMCS'S. 01.<6.;m or,(1011net Of Nonpareil or leaf ' one t men•--r -• •—e on, Pia. re, eac h adnelenal insertion•• • s a rso x 5 Do, one welt —•-•••-• 1,75 • lb two 3,110 Pa ihme.erecke•-1,90 Do out month•—•—.....„. toc, Do ten montbs•--•-----••- 7,00 Care mop •-••••-•• • • 11,111 tits .. •-•—• 10 , 00 - a f l r m.%T h s 1)6, twelve months• • • • •-•-•-•- • • 18,00 01. 0 4,,,1 Card (Clines at testy) per lalllllll, One,ehanecable. 11.1pIrrsare (per an ' Dern) eloolve of the paper—..... •• • 45,00 Tor each additional ware, !homed over one tooth, aca for cacti additional egasdr, barerted under the year ly ntcr, hdlf price; Advcrliarnienu exceeding a ?rotate, and not over fifteen imea, to be charged na n agnate and a half Pablisbera not accountable for legal adi•ertisernenta beyond 11:tavern:tot charged fot their puhlicatien. Unol/Pellig enediu ales for oth e, to be charged the tame as otl‘et advertiremento Advertirertionts not marked et. the copy for a tercel pad Dumber of insertion., will be continued till forbid, sad payment er,c , e.i accord. The pnellrees of yearly miseniters senile , confined rigidly Lothar rapier Lusinemi and all other adverb aliments not pertainirg to their regular bueinr.s, agreed for, to be paid colon. All ladveritumenis for charitable tnatiietiona, fire etpacYeaocurd, township and other public meeting., rid each be charged hallo rice,payelde rerietly edvanco. • .. Alartiegc vette. , to la charged 50 cents. 111” th onneeiuttotted without ehttrite, unless cream panted by funeral invitation. or obituary notice., and then too am.ocipantetl to be paid for— Reaularadvertoters.and all oniers sanding comma alcatlont, or monthly !latices dc.igned to call atten tion to ram. :Soiree., Cane:tn.!, or any public enter v.iscre ebargos ale inede for admittance— all notices of private assoCiationa—tvery notice de. elgned to call tateution to privateenterprurcaealenia redorinteu,'edtopromote indisolual Interest, can on ly be Inserted with the undemanding that the lime late be paid for. If intended to he mooned in the lot eta eciltunu, the some will he charged so the tam of bot Ina than 10 et niaper iine.- - 0/abop or Fist Noticen to he charged triple prier, Tavern Licence Penna.. 69