The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 12, 1850, Image 1
ESTABLISHED IN 1786. nv WHITE, &„ CO v-.^rv) NALIGIrr. oosrrte POOR r. per ...a r "%reek•-.• tO O M. 0 Cute, at a reencej rate.: ILAT'CIIf OP ATIVERTISINOI AGCF:Iai 1.1H:11 iY TI C PITTISIMOTI MUMS Ire P.; no in,(lOliana of Nonpareil Of leek) .•••--,••••••- one f , sar st, each addition. .:tench- • • fyys i -0„, one week• ...... 1,75 Cr sun wreks•—• 3 0 * no three meek,— 4,00 A - . nice TOOTIth•---•—•••••-•, pt. 7,00 Ds 'there month. ••-• giAct lx. lenr_months .. • gfiAti A rig inontbs• •-• lgro Dr twelve Months•—• -- • • 18,00- &anther. Card (0 lines es. lestal . per.umuna. l 0 OneSplattecbangenbleatoleasnre (per MHO s:elusive of the paper-- 23,A0 Fee earl: stdditinnal square, inserted over one =lnk anti for ear`otddianinal stns. Inserted ender. the 'glue. ly rates, price. - Adiretti,:muts trending a *spare, and net ince fifteen lien. to be clamed stow ignore end a half • Publishers net •ceintatabic for [reel sideertiternenti agoras the charged for title 0(.37g eandsdatee for office, tes he charged the 'sum as other adverniseonents. •Adettlimments not marked en the copy (or a epeci ledutambef faindetain., will bd cenUnned till forbid, and payteedteser , rl accord. • rto prrar , gele, o f yearly .brerit,ers !MIAe reeked deftly ecitEtfr Tornio, builness, 'and all other edger. threraenta net permitting to their regular business, as Weed foe, I , be paid cries. All advernsements for charitable insUintions, Are p 4441,,, ward. township and ether ptiblie meant., ad etch tn be charred halfprice,payable strictly &droner. notices to In charged L 0 cents. s eaDth nat,essinrcrted without charse,unlets octet:. ankd by funeral tusitsbons or al...try notices, and When on ttr,Triomftql To be point Cot. guaolartuirentrera,an4 all others sending comma 'ldeallon., or requiring notices do.igned to call atten tion SO eon olfres, Concern, n any public enter. tainments, .0 here charge, ate made for admittlinee— 11l nonce. 4..puvnr. tassocktiora.—every BOlieo de. cd cr•lt ittleruion to profDiu. enterprae• salcala to or ttirend,d topromote indirLd.l jute ten, Can OW ly be lostri.d-with the trnleratitalding that tse same is to be plus for. It in.rnird to be inserted in the to. Olti column, ,no. some. rant! be e Lodged at the tam of cot le C 0.., itdeerit. per liar. Bishop or Notice. to be ebtrued tripla price, Torrent La.ense Petitions, es earn.. Legal and Medical itiverlisealente to ba charged fall poets Real ' an Agenh.' and Auctloneeee odvertiar.. lent. BO: to be slatted under yearly rater, bet tone allowed discoont of &hilly dote and onetturd per cent 'toxins. amount of bills. WXLIILI Ul t11.1,12.11LY U DAILI /ATM. One Sqlh re, three • • ••••••••• • •ei GD Dn. each 11dt:tactual insertion. •. 4rVIIIIIISTAICKII ill WaLITIr One Rican, linckl one 'n , erlina• -30 eu Da. each additional All ltaltste nt AdVnrtilelllenel in be paid in advance. k CA./. llaeatc. L. HARPER, Po•t: • Al. WOOLF:, Statinal.• • IAbIES.P. DARE le CO Chronicle. AIST Pia TIROTIILR, , JOYS N OWDEN.llletzur y. .• JAM.KB DlDDL,NAracrican. 111 R &Al KAI N E, Evening Tribune. ermoolat, . CARDB' ==l Oren,vaavti WI•04110 iney9 AL - 11:31LANDSCLL u. WALTBON, A77OLINCY , AT LAW--011See, 01l r6-ortln otteet above iVoe.l. rule DAVID C. WIITTINA,' A. TTORNEY. AT LaW, . and Commiqcontr far 11 Fiteinsyk . askia,St. AU COTIIMIli.:C•Ii0111 pror4tly anairered. oistia•ly Jtlollo4 ATTOItNUT A 7 LAK—Oreze on Fu r ' meet, between ti.tnithSeldlnd Grunt, rataberge. 1:=11 TTORNEV end Coonaellor et Law, and Commis- Aoner for the State of Pennrylterda, St Loot.: le (late of Pittorroreb3 Jtifeenees—PittAareb.: lion. W. Forward, flame ose ltiller, APL'arollers & Mee' ire, John K Parke, 3neere Ile & Semple, McCord & King. ' etiol.94r_ BIDWELL 00„ !OH Ur Alt 0 X ZINAICEIANVII• Marrow, Pa. (ittould's Perry Port navies petravenently bested at this place, a new and sabatard.tedWharf Boat, we ate prepared to re. mho and (onward prAnpily to all points ea the river, and Phmd • eta Deaver or Ohio Canals Ba. Co. .61 • . lave Id ing.rueczer.. Jouc e,• W. IL 11,041111./...•—•—•••---ILLNI 140ALIL Platabnersh AL'kart Works. BMNETI', BERRY & CO, 31ro.frlurrers of Soda AO, Bleaching Powders, Mart.* an Sa!Anne Acids. Werekome lo—,Warerecreet,belotrFerry. Predenek Bann. RE Cil - rge Better. , BRlZ:ruero . lL:beA‘,"lni:fildter o itects,hitg; erg. ra. n. A. riejoita,TY 'rd.g . and CF.m 211141C111-Llertlmata,retnel ilorwa assu t rluglargb, IL ORO:2, Wimitsale Gra.s.r. Commission and b rotaraietna Merchant. Nos 11 Water ms, are, . Ira noroay---- more. , nasals, Fleming • MEELIMIIes FLEMING ace.., 9 Ohl:MISSION ISTERCIIANT:I , —Per the sale of Las estle. Wenlea, and Cause Goods; also, dealers in .s .. of T.4llela' Trinrof tzs, No IP Wood n, 4110,r (tea Pala: Pluses reb. Estfereltse--Messrs. We, A:11111LO,, Bankers. . 011100 0 IRVIN, • Ni MESS HANTS end Sill Broker. o: 114 Second area. Puutbn , cl“ ang7 TANGajoil h. }MIN IiTT Gate EnAiLtb., Gallagher kJ...004 Inelesee Oroe ' ent, Comniission and For haf. ban% and dealers ,n Prodeee and Pitts !. • I.7arisnafabgrrex, Wood at, between Id and ad wrens. --- Get] ASTZGII7.IOkiNSITON. WORWARDINIA COM MISSION MERCHANT A" Na I.lll3erami sit. Pittsburgh., melt OGm ?w. tisurtuccri7xl 7-77 (WASTER C. lArrin•reas W. POIIWICITED. *CO., gIiENERAL COMMISSION un d 51,,, elartni sail Floor. Doerr% No *75 Market viect, /71U BALD. H CH1E081.430 TOBACCO .CURIBIISSION No. 41 North WOW &Ica to No. 14 Non 6 When a. A.S. Summar. .PHIL&PRLY.IIIS‘.. Eine], Liza.. S`hlll I: 11(1. PaloCooroloss . J. A. Wozoolt 1 •no sr (tolootOlor to blarplijit:a7sl eV - WTI • Cr okro.! 4}313.11511.1 blorchoul, for the olio of Wrile!ll.l.llb!n7. OpDOstla 6th at. feta?... A.A. Mini.. WV- t. SUS. UAIDYs J.Yrar-3 Oa., lacrimal; to Atwood, ElMtlnon and Fotaraida.a Ma sk Vas, garters la Pi tteSnrib Manufarto:cd Goods, ?trite! Ws JP; anima-um., I MCC:MO:, t.) C.CI:CtI C. 111114 UPC RTEII Dealc.ria French and 'Amalie. Pa per liana; aga and 110tdera, Window , Shades, Fire Board Pllll4, AA. Priailne and Wrap. map, Pio.' 87 Wood atraibetraft loath creel and Dianiaaa .007, war Plashugb, P. febl3 PITT8111)111.011_4GLAIS WORMS. JOIIN AGNEIV,• late of th e 'ect of Clsmbers,Ap new! CO respeelfs y 1 , 411 0 ILA 014 Co.. MIMn nod the publl.l generally, that he will tine to carry on the Green Glass boaluets,lnall its varieties. and is 0,001...04 It fill all order' for ApOthe caries' Furniture Moo:rata, Porters, Viola, k...k te., slog to Lig 'busier.... Um warehouse Is No r.) Market sweet, ectsreen tint sc Serond 641 : Jr: 4A3el TORNII.II,4IGA-Si7Wl.-Si-n-O-dr-sal". 11$ . ar in Dye Mots, faints., 'Oils; Varnishes,. At, No.. 113 Wood aturet, one door•Sonth of Dismond•Alloy Mltoustrah. ape EMMOSIMiOIigErt - WlVtaltsateGruerr , G otr u ntssio u areautt, and dealer in .Psndoee and Vitisharat, factare....' No IA Water at. aof • 20S1. 010.1, 18AIAII DIVERS' ds l Vir' b ole sale (111.04.119. Com a,rt bants, and dialers In Prodzei,No...” 117 Front streets. PittabarOA nos"; loan a. talwana.- y B. DILAVOIITII Se CO.. Wbolossls Greener, and Agents (or Hazard P 0 .0.401 Co., No, 271V00l sL, rittaberah. • - .deAy 1:0 3 1 1 1 1 1 VAC ' onittft e l y e d hoods ' s c r : r ele ' e t te i ras u Isrtawat of the best arid tic o thest Atm/min...l wh'ch ho lain sat on tltt rum reasonable terms. rhYtsciaeo mtsrmlr Otters. will be promptly Mended and top ._ abed with an: ales they may rely 0000. as genuine. agrhr.tA. Teesstiouon beaccerateir end, tr froatas Lein instmials,at soy Enrol a . *ay in AN• Mr salt ht en, , • tori• seek at trash ant geed Lal3th - El.l'. Slcrrtd Jlc IL LA/ r(Lolet aJ 't:totteta,Conamm , !an ...Pietehe..ta, anti I.lcalere to Plait,. Stopted tteitatr.?te, (tat&sit au Lilittic,_Wited &am titpeete, ktattburgit. dar-onw, Arent fin tha te Ado m i aow, -t,i,Ne to Hemet and the Lama.lll(seo OR Th. eon* , or V....V. , au.l Rttotbettl tax. 1.54 - 0 4 Y-4 - 75..11ift j Lew stain le him , . C., Coa . ' Lae' lucent ' el the St LoVae vie4l 'tenet (me t et' . _ 17-I.fardii",kiß4ki:li A - L.), No 24 %P.a....rt. pa.`whi. 0 - UN 11-_,NlCti.. o li , Won r itii Jln Attain tool blusl,sl InsOato. _Paptr, nee! Ft as. Citiat, P. s tstionstrientrxily, No. el Wahl st„ knCsbasbh. - - irr •aken in 1.,A1a I.IIIIC y B. CAN ILINTS , 4C 7 ZWAITC II , Utl : tgslFT4rnr'llrel;fn'MT:2rl3lflt,l and. Peet Ash, an.l IVostrrn 'Produce ia net-ann. • reet. between &tabbed and Womb, Plusberlb. IBRt JUNP. Porarnrding and •CnotnnftiOnbinr tbscbr,Pftlert In Product sad Tinaboreins ant tattd rtial.i., - canal Agin, near 7.b 4 .; PIAIIII itgLL r PiTTßatbtAlis:PAk pNEEMA CHILDS it CO, Ai annftsbornrs a ry ,irtar 14 Sceeling,'qaTost MA1443/114 wroowroN, . • jr„ALTE . Jeirstost h. Saxtn, o BCOXSELLEiIaTA TIONEIC. ratty and /*MUER,' -rot/ of b M% vnd TEN smite, ristannirk; Pt. jrandt/ _ , 14: BUSINESS CMIDS. - . . .. . I , lt _ tsb _. ia, rgh Clty Wats Work.. w.ovrasulanneier.:co., Aji ANC FACTTIZERS OF wiNpOW GI. a.S S. 411,. No 26 Market street, botweon'tliat and Second P 126621711, Pa. D.V; , MI-7ATmalvs, , V6,ll;°dWes,3,AL W. C1M171411.43.1. 5. MM.% irtat ______ n."corartonaat. o tn.... Wm. Milirr, Philad. C. W. Rickets., P1114b 4, 0 4 ILLER& ft (L.,4:OXSON. Wholesale Croce rst.nd J/. Impellers of Brandies. Wines and Began, Nos 172 and 174, corner of Liberty and fruit: street, Puts- Lazio, Pa. Iron, Naha, Cotton Varna, kr. tea, eon. stastly on nand. aP4 JohD.PGIU. James D. TPGII Walter C. 11 °. A/TWILLS , ROE, Wboleet Ie Crocus and COMPIi4. sinn Merchants, No 194 Liberty. St, Pittsburgh apt rirrsntrt.b — n -- m - n -- wous 4.titi-MoWN-6 , - AND AXLE FACTORY. 01.010000, , /MI Y. & 41,12haa, ANRFACTURE.IIS of smug and blister sted, Intel, susci plough wtoo4.eah in le hammeired tron axles, end deafens r and , eabls easungs, fire engine lamps and coach innities, generally, corner unless tad }{ant eta., Fittska s% rirla -ye J. ft J. Tarnos, Cum Salstlan tlerighlUlty. W 0.31 Old Lenee ta4 N Orleans, keep COULO3II.II a AI hula aia,p, anormacusof Brandies of the follow ing brautbovhich they offer for sale as agents for d, Detand & CO, Bordeaux, oh hiatthely,°J.Erand,J Du rand & Co, Laroc hello, J JDotrane, Cognac, A de fd tn. tezan, A L Dlevillr., A de sloadore Jean Louis. Sr., Sc; also, Anchor Gin, Borden .% Red and White Wines in osike and selected with r are by John Durand &.:CO; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Pert. - Oren-I," J101.511E&I & SON, No 55 Market et. vecond door 1.11 from corner of Foanh, de*cs to Forefoot and Domestic Bala of Eaeharie, r lest. of Deposit, Bank Not. and Rattle E:TColeletions .mode on air tea principal citsea ilreethout the United States. api Lathoomsphiiikitstbllshmeat nr WTI. SCUM:IISIANS, Thud st, opposite the Port-Offico, tanyburg&—htsps, Landscapes, heads, Showbills, Labels. Architectural and Machine preemie*. Buoine's and Pledging Cards, Ice.. enrived or drawn on atone, and printed in rob ot, beid, Bronze or Bine& in the most approved stale, and at the most ,easnosible orte. oellsly RODIN ON, LITTLE tr. CO.. • adf.Ltherty street Pittsburgh Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commisrlon Merchants, and demon io Pittsburgh filanufac urea opt') orw n L _27[o!.l.crrba. saw. .11111C4.1. 100BLIZT MOORE, NI, hole.. Grocer, Reet•fyinc IX Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh hluinfae tares, an all kind. of Foreign and Domestic Winer and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street . On baud livery ' large stock of moerior old Monnugalseli waiskey, Whlch well be wild /ow fur tnyl L. 0. UTNOL.DO 1- L. MM. PIIINYNOLDS G aligN. Forwardmg and Commis- Mon Mercants, for too Allegheny Diver Trade, tenders In Grozerits, Product lettatiargh, Manor., tams, and Chloride of Lime . Thu lathe , t prier, in cub, yard at 411 Woe, for reounirsar_alnap:i.Pejr Co.,nd Irwin ma. anti aMmirflo A n L lflarchatta, L allis b li7V•r * od e re Pittsbargh hlantifirwiarea, Libeury stree, Pitiabaren, Pa. apld - - - a. A. GUntilllifealLAlS. TITHOLESALF. GROCER, Preartice, I'or - warding, y, andananchation Merchant, and Denier in Pm: t,rgh Maoist:mutes, No MN Libarty alma. klitsbatah. . - warm 0 HAM:LETT h wurrN ‘Vba/esale Dealers In Forelerrand Domestic Dry Gorda, No. trJ WO O l street Plusbuzgh. apl7 lIKR9I;ii/i.ili,Woa 0 in gnd Produce generally, and Purwanling and Cornurtaaion rtlerebanu, IIS First cruet end I Id Second slrn,t. l'araburyn. apl7 sau...auu, muumuu. /One maarnan3. ELLERS NICOLS, Produce wid (3,neral Cora 0 Inlasiun bleantmnrs, No. a Liberty street, l'ittu burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard oil.. art) eta, Feew.rlrn~llC ,,,, t al d r O im ; IVIE o z . a r ttr:l ; Deeters or Pittsburgh hiroutfustures and Western Prodnee, titer removed lather, new warehouse, (old etwolj =, corner at front street and Chancery Lane. oat:' MORRIS & HAWORTH. TEA AND WINE MERCHANTF.L, _ Elst eta" Dionand,PlA!M_2l4ll. 1,215 am r. SIIIIIVEA t BARNES. WHOLESALE GROOERS, Pradsara end Commiestax blerralerna, And, dealers In Pineberahlqanntaiquied Articles, Nos. 130 sad 13% 6teond Atreet, DemeentVoodk.imithfteld, Pittabora. wag' /01s 14,17.] 4.011 JOlllll WATT tcOy NvuoLF:s. ALE Grocers, CotormissioO Marctosnts, and s len In Praince and Pittstorgh Man, factuces,46o Liherc7„Pmsburgb, F tx,13R.1070 Fa=lyi `l.-0 briquperfalo; • brlefFino, arriving, &sot foi sate ay septa BIGIAVN Klittat4TßlCl: - - lIMILD - .. • rfirTOULD inform rho public, tUby hate taken the lir warehouse lormerly or-copied by. the late Mr Sologooa treboxer, Pctood .tract. Haring a large acil commodious ' , caribous:, easy would invite 'Tiro •iteurrep of petering tinging g rads to consign or more. Trier will •Ito tire utterivoil to the parchaec and rule of Note. Drafts. Bowls, Se. • aug-7 L.& Wattnnaz..• Waterctrat• • W B. Watermr.;• L. B.' VITATELLI2. N & SONS. W " :l ° , l ;•2 A s , Ver??..l. C tr t i PrZe co„7 „ ' ; l7r. r . ‘, Lrol Far dace Sc l'lv.e•otrgh 113.ectra.o.v.til a:aAgents kraal., et i I.d Lyt!titb& /. I .. a....nastrad Toolasx.e. ' T1. , ..113L111, ATTOELISWit AT L• 1 4 ,, BURKS, r. W countacs,Pa. Later to FL Fioyd. Liberty 1 VV . W_ Wa ll ace, do . Jaar-o Manala.!! ' do natabar4a. Ma Ko, to Co., Wood 1 An: JOlllll IIIeVADMIS • CO.. FORWARDING & COMMISSION 11ERCIIANTS, Canal Duna, Pam sum. PBthbanh. mrf. - JANDIS M. DAVIS di GO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, blaitra, and 4 . 4 Conzuneree aL, Phlladelphm. Advances made, by either of the above, on eanal4A. mauls Lf Produce so utter Ileum inn; J. D. tlilaras•--• Haft. J. D. WILLIAMS it; .... _ _ _ . . WROMISALE & RETAIL PAMILTGROCERR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, end dealers id Con try Prudneo and Pittsburgh Harness terns, canner at Wood and Filth streets, Pittsburgh atrAl • wa. Q. Nvu.maaas CO. & BANKEILI.AND .EXCILAMIE BBos 65, • North F•ut owner of Wool sod Third streets, Joot Prressoost. PA. NM. 3007111 cosotays, W. u.,oemesso, 1•12/1 BAGAIZY Wholesala Grocers, 19 uld 20 Wood f Met, Fittsbetsk: •pl 7 laNp I. 'arum. nava. secumus. yAPCti; & M'entiGLEßß, Waterton to L. fr. J. D. ylet, I_Wkolcsale Groom,. Forarardloo and C0.111215,i00 Iderehutut; dealers. in Iron, NILI I / 4 1.1111311, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsoargh dluctlactures general ly, touter of Wood and Water streets, Pi ttSberdk. 14 , 17 MITCGELTOEG,WhoIesaIe Grocers, • V Recurring Ensttllers, and Moe and Llasor Merchants Also—lmporters of tkola Ashdod Incub i:4 Powder. No.lOO liberty Sweet, toPPnsitd g'gth streetd Pltttharirk. • • apl7 W. WlLSWifileiteiiiiiirly — S, and Milani, Goods, earner of Market and Vona Streets, Ptusbarch, Pa. N. B.—Wit:ekes and Clocks carefully repaired. so 17 IVY • IMMO. , /011.11 a. na• se. VITM. YOUNG a Ca, Desks. in Leather, • .• gf fre.,NOLiberty street. egtra7cn... w.rd k ft- eCIJTCHCON, ilikoloasta dealt. 10 Yrgdzyco, Iron, Nes, Igo. ~ and Patsbnrem itannfaelari 1 ine...ml4p Many etter.— Pitu.teit. 4•717 • co.vetvrrzu.siii nAys pato CARE olio parinerahip with tne le gar hasineas, whit 4 will Irons this ditto La carried on mulct the nun., of nJohe parker & Co.^ hlareh list,lBso, - JOON r4aKER. John Car. JOUN FAUNL!" i 00, Irt...c.burtle Grow's, Drains in Brock., Fonqgn Wine, Liquor!, Morumgahtla end Rec.:4,lfeet Milley. ' No.S;Commetcal ROW, Liberty Watt, • cry. , Plunbureb; P TC.L137.4.U. razoix. , 705.41 LIAM., VY. lc. MIS PALMY% & CO., If/anent/one to. Hussey Hanna & Co ) BArIKEILB,EXCLIAriIiEI4I.I.I& - . F.R5, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Htenangs, Oertiacatea of DePOtie, Bank Notes, and Specle--Noriii west corner of IVattand Third streets. Current money received on depouite.—Slght Cheers for male, and Collections rondo on nearly all Os principal pennts ohs United Mates. Ile higher t preralurapald for Foreign an:, &Inert,. n Cold ildriceestrilla9 0re...1:m.71.a of Yraexce. Flt)p pod East_ on libornl amid urn. •.sCcLeito.) loam cc noin -{ADS. A. tvct.vp.a dr. CO., OE.OOEDS AND TEA DEALLE.S, . Act aters Wood, .. . Have illwit.7n on Irene- n terve e-i.ortniew o f C oin , Groceries and-Fine Teo, also. Foreien riai. and N. 114 Wholesale 110.4 .e . ..a11. Nal., suppli.,l on the lowest .irox, . .• . marl ir:A. a 1... r. OtiAlltaiNtan ( lti. ' JOSEPH. 1). ABELL .A ANUFACTURFH OF ORLT.I4 .GLASSWACE, Irk %lids, Halley, end Fleas. ranee Scotch Ale, altnersi Water. k'ateet M;Wedicine, W ane i Wine Bottles or every description: aka, IN DO PLAS , Keep. conrontly rise Una a centrist assortment of the above =ldes. ALSO STATE, its the other Green Ulla. Encode* are am. troMrsoseie le S. etlelem In summer, Tom FACTO DT LS NOW IN Ital• orsaanets, and Oill confine on operetion both summer and winter. rders, mere-et:ally solinited. and Trill be Cited en the shortest none.. --. Waretainte,Sio Ile. Sceonisitenti between Wood andleatiglilleid; one. rinsing rg b. 6 // ,, V4 l ) . 6- ~ ' • 0111.1.-k-kerniiirfialilltr. - • • Vastitt. P. SHRIVE% Mid CHAS BARNES have a) Ws del associated themselves together. ender this arm of Herr k' Verne*, for the', transaction of the Wholesale Grocery Predate ; and'Connaisslon bail. eeeesite He ine k • Sil Vetoed .tree, between Wood . slut Smithfield et, ' Plttabers • Aegnat.l6.l.7.—a • 1 ; i -- WOOL I 'wow, t TBE Me m% market' price IriCash be paid for cradu Wool by tl5 •tea W HAREIAIIOO JDtur.viTaloL—Coo ltit for solo by ern B A 7101[4=00E a Co MiStELIANEOt • wizacias nerd., FOURTH STREET, PITTSBIJRGII, THIS msyntficent erahlishment beind now cool- Pined sad reedy for business, the proprietor would respectfully solicit a share of the public patient., ID trusts by giving his fo'l anent,. n In thr to m u te the houses plessaut and comfettsido wee, (or the cdas. of Pitneurgh end (or the, eta,otVy gcraendly. Geedatandunta teal he la wattieg, sad every ee era. mode to ruder the catahlithmect svatthy countenance and Rapport of it adage:lt rtminWhltt The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fated for Pane.. Concerts, Lecturer!, irth 9. sad Nada incising , ' will be let by the canons ar weele,ou as hbewai terms vs •nyother in the city. The o BAR and RESTAURANT, equiti in style and basely to any In the world, will be kept furnished with Pore Wicea, Goatee Liquors, Cordials, Porters, Ales, and all the cool, light, refreshment of thercasea Poultry, (ince, Fist, Soup, Oyatern, and Clnos, served up in'behest style, The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, beta." the Panther, an& eels of access, will be custantly supplied with all . the Lunacies and Delicacies of the mesas.; and also,whis such attennitials ea the manna afford. nner or Ser=ralt:allinn patZl=.he r C h t an Ikon 1104.1 et. Gautleoteo with ibeir taiellies, 'jelling the city be suepliee with refreshment. or all tied. at uarliour the de! • . . . Go od Stabove and an erienalre Livery Establish meat is connected with the Hai, Dialler at Ic:oh:ea. Ilreakfant an 4 7.. st the a•aal howl Entrance for Ladies to the Ice Cream and Dining &Moen, No 67 Smithfield rime, MlE:dtf K, 11. VAN RENSSELAED irt111219.2, aaJ la. mummy.; la A• WESTERVELT & SON, WSZONVP: VENITIAN BLIND al tarCERS. v keep constantly on band or make to order the beat article in their line, at their old wand, No. lit St. Cialr street; also, at :io.Sd Market Itit et, second story, entrance In the Diamond. Venetian Shutters made to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. oplo W. id. GLEAN, Brook Blinders. of timer 'Zirrro li d * Urdch d r% =eat, rg re " t:: when we are prepared rode any work In our Ito. With des patch. We be to our work personally, and sacs. rabily, faction will be green in regard to to neatness and It. /Slant Books rural to any pattern and bound nab. itentintly. Ilooks in nsarbera ortaldtrooks booed care fully or repaired Navies put on Looks to gilt letters. Those that Lose work in 1•16, line ate lotted to call. tore.. low rerrlotf H WlGlMlAN—Alsourfactarei of all Studs or eat _UM. ton and senollen mark.lnery. Allegheny ell,. The above works being now in fell and sorcessral Ya crstion.l prepamd to oder, with dismiss-1i for .11 kinds of machinery in ay lona, etch se willows, pickers, spreaders, muds, grinding timelines, nsiminsys, drawing frames, speeders. throssils,± imams, woolen cards, double Or sitrfar merchant at country . wink, Malta jar k ibiked sli and baud Lathes and tools cozen ers!. All kinds of shifting Made to oars sspians gin. an far gearing factories of mills at lesdaasible charge. Row ro—Kennedy,, Childs A Sbs.,'lllserralacii. Bull en ales . Nult.ebita ri d _Feu d BENNETT & BROTHER; MUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Slizutimghas.(mear Plttsimargb,lP. op,. 11.! hertiwn Marie: and Mad, PuisburgA. • • wIV W. commonly k cep . oe Weed • good assorts sect at Ware; of oar owrf lusoufactate, ace eperieronaluy. Wholesale and coactry Met chants lit respectfully . Iftwiteal to call andel euxuatt fur tecoutlece, as we axe determined to eoll camper than haaaa.t teNre bean /Arendt° the pub. lie. iLrOeders wen by mail,aecualPaelwl by lb. cask. , owl nafeteues. t be Pronertutyatleoace torß new cosou recTomr, MnA —WHITE it . respectfollyrm the patine that they hate erected • mi,,p Oa Lac.. I.etweett Peden.' a ndsandankyetreeto. They are naw rtatAnr end are prepared to rewelve t flier, for rancdceertptieu or vetuvles, Conet.cA. Charlare, Its. hes, Doggie., thsiont, au., no, winch trona their longe h r s pr . ri . e i c tlii y e b tiool a „ u t t h a e c y i s i t , e l e „ cr n tt.o,v,rt, they are enabled to do work on etc moot retesonatle terms with those wanting article. in their - Paying particular aucroon moo oeloroon of meow riale, rod klArtttF eetnpowet stottenon, they have to nevi:moon in wartanonu ileir wort. We thetefore eat the attention of the pahlic thie ammo N. D. Repoirinit Urine in the best manner, and on the moot rvaeonable terms. CAL Tarn, WIESS ATMS( SCAIFA 1/1. ATKINSON, IMINSIir.. WOOD 0?? Mann. Prra.YL, manutiomro all Limb of COPPER, TIN AND SDEET IRON WARE. Also, 111.,,k -unith Work. Stean Boats beult4o order. Spc ial e attention given to steam boat work. Hain on hands a fine asscranentof Copper and Ursa i Kettles, Tin Ware rte. Steamboat Coating Smuts, Partake Forges, nsions tares—a a . cry onnventent of. Sole foe steamtmals, California emigrants, or rail road et/wpm:get. {Ye oweld respeetfully ingem steam boat met. and Others to cell rod ice our articles and mem be purchasing el soothe., .0.17 rought and Cams Iron 11111 . salmeribers beg leare to Inform the public tbrtt thoy lilac obtain.] from tan Pan s the..Lic aao ( skaffa , . rat Iron Reding, both for house. tea edineterina Tirana, anthills to poetize hand- some patterns. will riesee cell and crerrunm and wide for Ai-rarest. iiiraing will be furnished at the short est amine, ends the brit manner, at the [Orate Of crni e T end - pelmets Streets, .11let u m .. Ib7 .. KNox. . anatlnid • .a WILLIAML DIGIDV 1)111.4 lea. to Inform his blew:a pod easter.. the O ho Is ra,lik - erslog his now sprtors szerrofGopdcr cos:apricot,. astialont LW:list...l and tam A 1.... able styles of Cloths. C.115111...11. fancy Vesting., cot ton and linen sartroar stalls, and every article sun.rblo (or gear.= tr's wear for spring and crammer. It beteg meet La dezerlhe the Lnnaty,rlaalitYr or rlortnntr of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who are to *not or good,ebeart, fashionable sad well made will Rite him a call, as teem le no await this side of the Allephentee that can compare with It. The ready ..< department Is serpent:nava, wlap led to all tali.. Rail road coaLractora, stoootry racrcitants, and all who itadr-daaa 1.4.11, arc particularly invited to ex amine Ito stock before parcoasicg, as particolsr at tention it paid to the artnidniala basinus to tLit este.- Uslimeno Every article in the talloriag Eau rinds he erier to the =est feahhateble and heel tvtazaer, at the shortest _ - INOTICR. partnership herelorore ezletlng ender We taw & of A BOADLEY,is diseolrea by the decease Th. 0 Bradley. Tee will be carried on by A Wadley, who will stub, the haelown of the law era. • REMOVAL—ABAAnige hes removed Ids Foundnr Warr-noose (ran tiolillk.andetteetteeNo 1g Wo od weal. between First and Sezonet Cien.te, At...- Louse lately «cooled by G A Berry, oilers be keep constantly 011. hand • general augqrttasato(Caet loge, blows, Cooking gloves, e. Iyl3 P=M noIICICLVT, k NTFFACTURER OF CART STEEL, arl.l Va. 1 AL and No. I Auteriesa Blister Bteel. Also—Best Cut Steel Filch of all rhea; tad Bite Utah!, and Shoe Rasps, si:a.zy son hand usd for sal e enact at b '`Ea ale Steel Welt s," &Bora street, I , :fth Ware, or slaw Oise in tals 800 State of BOLLMANB It GARR!. SON, No 4,f00t of Wood street, Pittsburgh. • Mr:N.4lm CIRCULAR We, the andenigned, having wed, 'run entire .1. Isfacuon, do Cut Steel and des matte by Samuel Macloy at bd. Eagle Steel Wo rks, Into chy, take pleaanre In recronmend log them as espial to qtuattly to nsyy ever d trj" Pineborob, C kl i SLIOENBEROCR k DO, Id anatanta rem of Iron and Nally littsbomh a Pa. KNAPP k TOTT Iron Ponoders and Machinists, Find/arab. Pa. COLEMAN, HAIL MAN k CO, Manatactorers of Spin's, kyles, Sprtrin Steel and ft U di Iga/e Nri, Enisee Hallam and /dada. Card lisanraetn rers, Pittrbtryb. Pa. A FULTON, Drum Poandor_ ~Plttsbiltgly Pa. OIIAPP, LINDSAY t CO, Man earl. rers of Iron and Nails, Mantel, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locum Engine and Ship Builder Pittsbarzb, pa. wattaorg, Marble Man shammy Machine and Engine Build. man or, Pittsburgh, Pa. palf,,Patjosa of Partnership. rpHE Eaitncialap heretoth;s etlatiste between th e L attbecribcra, under dat sada or Chat:then, Agnew le Co . Want Nannfacturerh, Ira dialoteed by PI otaal somata, on th e brat day of Nay, Instant. AIJ pernroe Snow:op Heranives indebted to said ban are reetert ed to enekepayment to caber of the 'parting, wshoat dolay l end all periods having placated greaten. with µ:d Mit t vr - P,..i,lcA to present th em for settlement attenediatety.i tALEXANDENt CHANNEL/14, JOHN AGNEW. iyithdtai D. H. CHAMBERS. AOTICE, piThEOwnetO nod conaignem of good. arriving by I. the ~O threns. Formal° Boat Woe,. will pl.c¢ rase notice that they 1..11 be required to pay freight at oar warehouse, according to the receipt, before lea goods arc ectuolcd. C A MOAN ULTY CO •Washalsogrgieseihipr, atm closnelog Due omens—Pat the clothes Into cold w,,,,er e;,..d Morn rtoak over Maki. In the morning erring Iheni Out awl pot thorn two breve b 01.1114 water, to which odd proporlion of one ptnt of Paid to ciyht gallons a . ..racy-Idr py and boil the whole twenty mneles. The 014.41,e: lAiry then be wrong not and well Masud theirai Colt •kler. Tee parte of mo menta that may he moat tolled, each ae wthabarms ard collate or shirt, may be 'baldly rubbed bmine canting; end the clothes will be !cunt peclecry clean, lehtte end clear. • . . \Ve,”nled not 10 injuie ILo 6:m, Hen, Rn 4 to Owe Pe , feet Rathlactien, ot the motley will be xtfunded. eto4l whelccula a nd enlvet t* , E 1000 or V.otol • Telegraph Covripsouys IN puraun,, fo 'septumnn of the Board et Direr • tom of the C.svpitted, Warren and l'ittshurch 'PrlecrapltCocupt.ny, regretting Cie Secretary to Moan Out and enema to Im publiebell in the 00 sevapera along the line, an exhibit of the finutctril and other agars of molt company. 1 But.. the fallowing Repo rt :rho line of Tekgraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at Pitultorgh, passing thmegh Chagrin Fulls, Franglin, Newton Falls, Warren Vont/Cowls, and Ismail, In Me SWP oftiblo, and deer Castle and Rochester, in the Stele of reonsylatmle, at which points there eta etletee located lot the receipt and transmission of Latinos.. .The whole length of the 'lee in IV tulles—Capltal atoch,ll4% pet mile, meting a total capital mock of tg.W.k" Of Willna mount inooo3 Is held Co by anions eleuthe line, and the balance le held by rnell epecik o ttio•corntactora The above amount of nab. scan ns by chum, have been paid to Camel! timed, (or Welch the TIDO!. have Melt recelpa peltdlf JEFFERSON BALhl,Secratary. TO BOAT ioo,ono tut MailtOitedDeek ?Lank; /00,0170 fest Coal Ikna Men. For Inds by 11.00/OLTMeIINIUHT, , Molar 14 Lew's...abr. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 12, 1850. INSURAN6E. State Matra! Fire Ifiturano company, if A It.R.ISBUIIG, PA/ ' T1 1 ..C . ° , t7 'Mend rsiended to this man. Fool. hairmir Issued pir trio.: theapsnuat a( near kno d 1 iaff Angina or 'Whim, thlrigie Ihn Omer months. I. Etriew umi irritating of thn ein• mation confidence of the rahila lathe Warm of timnateriont on *blab Its busiboss It conducted • T"c try or i'oardry nor<l.Blll. mid owners of dwell. lay, Ind ofthord o. ropo•Ty jr o Or.Yl lr 1". • oorriny ii"fridi. ads sm. or= m Todd of ohms. ••• f ri: sad' ...eourity, Irwin , to. a lusoranoe C. .r.rn thool or 1,1 0.•. th e. cludaVe and greatly Imposed rystora at u'aiiificanne Cl Risks, excluding a'hiliof bar rd,, harang only a limiMd Wier= in any ono locality,t,as•preciadinsibo friumegoy ogenrrence of lame tiros, al A slim an both the Smelt and Mutual pat, it not ouir poe:essea the. chw:ism rud arson,. modal/an sif both methods. but sander; tnsured to a parg eipatiati In the profits k is tinder Mineminni. of the failimainrigreetorr— John P. Riaberfard, A. J. 0111011, John It. Packer, Pitman: T. Jane" Alonzo A. Carrieh Philo C Foal! . wick, Robert Klotz. P RUTIVERFOIADinooI A J IRLLSFi, Seel * A A Claueits, Actuary "Bmnah °Oka for Weinant Pennsylvania, 51, Smith °el' ' , foot, Potshot Persona &Win Insurance wilt be tarulabediagh books of the eisaipan, by oaa ina . the other. red Asionlat•d Flram.ntolmam Otte. Com. pony oft be City of Pittstoinik. c.trzrAL egoo,ocio. I J. IL MOOREIJEAD. Pron't..W. W. DArt"tene , PPM: Pompon - now • brepizeld; to Will. natl. fl EPP and MIR TUSK'S °tall kinds Opt, Monangafah. .11...r.G. 121 ek tr.ur ,11111[1.11: J 1 gloom head. Rody Porter/no, WM. A. Hill, IL flonlay, IL 1C Simplon, /maia anode.. Wm. to. F.dgar, F,dwrerd Gregg. A. P. Anehou....Wist. Cot. lingwood, D. li. sawyer, Cho, gem, Woo Gasman aorrEl:dly /deo and. Wealth isseukaidle. Mite Mental Life end Health lararence Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by die Legislature of Pennsylvanla, March, ISIS. , (...41410 inostual. Capital, Illno,Coo. Born mania Tall altT PM:Mat , var. C.IIITANT,III4 fell 20 per rent. lovrek than die anal rates of LIIO leennance, a. thefollowing tom. patients will shore: Thus, a person of ilte ageot3oln s using for IWO fee hfe, swat pay in tho.Gisacil 0430 Pensayivutia,ll2,3o, Penn Mattia . l, get Vele, Rept New England, 02, 20; New 1 ork , Al. Won, Stet Lire and Health, PhiladelpUts,lll,. Dtascroas.—Samuel D. Orrick, Charles Ik Bali, W. F. Boone, Robert P King, Charles P. M. W. Baldwin, N.M. Reeve, M. 8., Chad 0. it Cimpbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Kalman Barker, N. II: BotlegyEdwin R.Cope. ft .. .tide:it—Samuel D. Orrick; Nice Petal dant—Robb P. King; Secretary—FtanMs Blackburn... apptleations will be received, andesdry infest:laden. given by SAM.. FAIINESTOCK, Agt, (Mee, Commercial Rooms, comer of nem: , dr, , 11'ood and Third als.-Pittiba rob VIRE AND RAD.IIIIIiI /115 • put INSURANCE CO. of North 'Amaiioa will A Make permanent and healed Insurance On prO• pony in this city and vicinity, and an aldpreollts by Conti, Rivers, Lake', and by Sea. The properties of Ole Company are well invested, and famish enildratle Able , fend Awe; smila iadaruiny,or ,U persdua mho diorite to be protected by Insurance. • re so 10 WM. P. JONES A. ent,44 Watet at. • bilis' :Urine baslairsatill44 rpttE ohice, al th./aswaarp CaraPaq* , .. 4l ° . Afaerica, W. born renaovoid to tio."l4.Pfaat et mate(, Wood. atmertber, agent fa. th e above oklalars4P o a• L, NA 41ompaz ) , Irul ralielti Ott Italkliaga wad their ffontents,o4 oft of Alexchs444lo 1.7 SOW Baal. and agalf ra.aala. ap3 W. P. Reacts' au Llllllloo' Faraitare. JARED W. WOODI,VeLL, H, Zinn Sr, Prershasace. J.W.W. RespectMily worn. the pubbe thut he has am , leD•ol his soma cock o FUBNITURF. the largest and moss vortedessortment eau oketed fur gale in this city. eonterNily Several seto of lloseecoos, Sraitodany, and Watley, carved, ornamental ea maul, oitab l o for Paeans, Drawing end Red Rooms, all of sehtue tool be mild at the lowest prices. .. Person. dettung Furniture of any dr imipbou, era spectful/y invited to 7111 undo lemma his seaek, 'dab etabreoes e,e or descripttort, from the rheapeat and plainest to the wort etognst unit 00.117, of whieh the computes apart: . t TeL, a Tote Ilefas; Tote a Tete. Dltrunv, 1 I C se e p e l r asreatt ton Cdao ; F Los t iesh e X th l e Ceu o ta Emous i a i , ,L) Balm 8 Duvet What NoIF Tp .v. 11114, , Loci, XIV Commodore, 1` , ..1ie or Voti'i r-0... 110 Sofas milk Plash and parr-ctmk mutts, SO Mrana do do Ito. <Odor Itlithogany Parlor ClAirr; 10 ' Resemood do du; 111 "/11l Walnut dr Co 40 .a Cone Scat a '' Mal,mfany Itoelus- u 0 '. id Plour, •S'ion , t, .10 Mlirtiie Top Czv.rc( , ••• , -, PO In do Witett tt.ire... I I WT.:chorally Itedlamads, 12 du Wordruhes. ' lb DA Walnut do; 8 Char 1, do. A very tame wolor; trent of Contuton-Co'hUlt O.ho oth• or Fermium Loo loam. to cachou°. IA ? , 17 .,„ : steno Root . I=t , on the etor i n ot notate. P. Et -4,,,0t0.1 4,.. a ers comae slum:ire ...t6 011.00(0 or Debo.gssu , Waloat, and Ptecem, at CituStdidy rediteod armee , feb Lk , . HERSEY,ILRMING & CO.' IiA.V ROU BeLlir., , FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST- F. 14.1.141./FACTURER2, I PRICkSr White Flaustele, all wool. Slut Duds; Rod dola.. argito., - 4-! 1 acne do e i ..... kseoy Voltottades, all eft Drown do do °Octet at Factory hates. SteolUXidftdo tta Home League Shining. SI. de Cheeks and Stripes, very Drab, do kiusT;;,et , ds Wart Cam dosera. Tailors- Coate. Fatty rattily au Red Pediline, super der, Fancy Tweeds Vest Paddina, Iloclirdm, Soper Doak Broad Cloth. TalloraTitevon, hewer do; Soper Brown do Drown Linens, Salmi., Super Green do Dreb Strath 'dock do, il I . Super Twilled do and ormsted, B uyer Black Doe Skins Stark ono %Vet. Tape, sem, Drab Caste:nous leach Ton., Drab du; Super Itromit do Linen Mote,: ar, I Htillsi Soper Mack do Stout I C. cord *pi Come; Cohforade Wank.. do kdrien Thread, a Scarlet do acipcuor article. them do Salk Figured Footings; Drab do Ill•ek beta 43 CD*, Sagami WO WTI liolland 501 Silks; Bremen bras; Buttons, Cravats, A.F.,Ao Al the Manufaciorere D arshoo,,, No WY IN • Pittsburgh m All - - 131•1111nolau. TITFieo-partnersilp heretofore emstlog tetwoc the subsenbere, la the name of Constable, Darks it CO, Is tett day damolvad by mutant consent. Messra. Bioko to Barney svalloonla the hastens of trio concern, for vuhlch porpose they toe authenredut use thane:lm of the concern. lifiroANIEL CONSTABLE, 1111.11UNID DUANE, • 11101 LAS HAINES Th. underelyned have Ctrs day asteociatod themselves its the name of BURKE & VARNER, for the purpose of atannfenturing Piro Proof Safes, Vault Doors, at, le, at the etarld of ,he late firm of Constable, Barka &Es, when, they will be pleaud tortoni , ,e the palm, age of-the e ostensory of that bodge and their (Mende. EDMUND BURKE, TIIOhIt,B DARNES. In Odes the Arm el Conga-41N garke co., I with since,. pleasure tecommend Nam. Berko tr. Barnes to the confidence of my Glands enflame public. Feb. n Able. febl3.4ff NATHANIEL CONSTABLE- Ce AfillUTll4o72 laAa Inn reinmed fro. tx Eastern Clue , dad kn Meelving a lame 'suety of eessoneibla Hoods, to which he rerpectfally Menea the atientlan or were h ante and pedfars. No s4Wood al. —NEI/ t, constantly rectiyjni, from the larger( inannfaturrics to AY . Vora aal Phlladelprua. utd rthe from French Iligtll64ll, Os newest and crest ar t lrored yin. or r 4. per LjazgUrs, toga*, with Nen, ire lloard Prints, anti Taster - Topa For aa at Li clod at, be. f enoarth et and Diamond alloy, tarteetwor to .4. rarENZGLIC - PANZ:d — WjairienlierTtieanter, Maud kr sale by the barrel or eagle pyand at the Drag, Seed. and Perfumer) Warctroues, corner of 1311th and Woodatreau. WICKEMBIILAYI. mite COLEIIIIOAL STOVE. POLIRH TE Plurniz alanufsetating Company now offer to the public their Premium Mortared Stone Pelle]; And VrilDolll•lfiglrtillaiOD, Of fair DicontradlcLiOD.LT those who by.. tested it, pronounce it far .upshot to any other (tribe marker The ellannMelnand Monne apprehentiona of soiling carpets, be., in in nom. position prevents n deist -irouratising when being op plied, which most no done when the Stove is sold The quatity required n so roller° produce e beau tifol fuftcn. 4 easing of near if tont insured to the conwecnrs. A coatipg applied to Stover, Pipes, kg., when bold awry for the IMOICIOr, Is 11 .1100 pre rentinvo against rota. After bating mod it once, Of Et is 31.CDC.Ibi2 I DO person 9,10 use any but tho rhanix Mailelanyting Company's rflArtiOln Ch<l4ll. Cat Store Polish. For silo by 8 N wicKEnstinsi, mid Coerce of Sixth and Wood Oman iiTTSDUPOII 1110011.211110 Comrt 61 Tenn Kt. Clair sircet.. ;A,yunuakuug Under c,/ wk.', %%lett every artiglo for Fwaeral euld Wnarning pulp... eau be got 0.11 Tettonable term% 7111:43q1 GII/SaiiCl,Pl AN ZINC, • . TN r. trplly a:ter/to +roe lioneng 00.1 - Floonne wel.arts er: feet. from II to het ohne.. per clot,: loot. CinrluguteJ 0/ 11.14 te7, ut, ieofter Nod. Snip :the . 11e 40 loch,. rum . 21 ~ trike.. Ur, bog. Whig, I erforato,l Zone, Zlll4 rt. 241, They watrant their metal pare,an.t (:ea from soy edmie lute of /suit, or atv other oahalanco, and it. cote:maze It for the Manufaeture. at m 0,10,41,0 11, 1110 boo.. fat - I:101w; I.nt, to It dote act 14,1 II 4'4 arr./co-al by , h. 0 , 114/01.1 wo/cr, ma,. I•eilate.l, paleted, japsneed Aarepleg, inoJele, Vans, meek/1....tutu., end ether hifortnatiou may ho 1104 or their areatia— blh.,•l4..t eraosa, Now York; • Antuoa /1.13..?“ Co., Uo.lotli Neruem TeenVs & Peitedephic w. & it. ?define - , I.lonlmor,.e. 51.411 Z, Boa & tieeent& Nese Orlama; Y. MILLUVOUX, &aide. Agee., V Hanover at, New Yort. e Oeptember 2.--ee;s:am flaw Itootca, rims Attoblogruphy OlLelgb lignt; with reml. "..tes of nitt 4 .. ll 4.tepporaries t in Carlyle's Latter'lhry Pattplatio—No Jotolasm. HMO* atDartus the Grath By Jacob Abbot; antb ea riMward. a Byßell . PlatottaJ Field BacVAln v,O1 1 .11'."-frlf... The Om wotb rectivortibbrday, mod for solo by I C wrocierort alen ' .Cur. Mate% &Third in. LA$O,44 Flo lon robot 1.1: - • • ISAIAH DICERY &Co *ea Maar and Front alarm BOOKS MUSIC, /to. =M! Third creel, opposite the Per; DAVID COPPERFTF.LD,Nn IB 11 London Art /1311171111 far October Latch's Living Age, No 83:,• The Valley Farm; or the Autohlovapby of au Or pearl. inlard by Choke]. Petemon. Pettlenat Government; a new hovel, by Mm. Tool lope. ' , orrice Templeton. ley Chola. Leer. The Iron Mast —Damn; tort crank, complete; Life el Var.kee !till. Gercver, or Pleasant Lave and Borrow. By A Dr Lamar ine _110.30 Shakapertre. No 'll. neol NEW RIIISIO t NEW MUSIC 1 JENNI" LANE a beantit@ Ethiopian Song; as aung by the New Orleane Serenader.; Be waiebrel and beware; Olt ! Dinah, take thle bang; The Maldon's Tear, . The Rich blan's Bride; DY Weald I were withthee; the Se/tees Wave. rang by Jenny Lind in New Yost; The Bird and the Malden, .ref by grimy Lind; Take Dia lore, satlyi by Irony Lied; Turn not away; a btainifel diet, by 8. C. Forcer Weirton( Polka; by tharkosi4JennyiLlodinvi:allon flood Luck.; fenny at the Call ; Lovin g , end Doo• comb'. Very beer Polka; also, new Welt., and ex , naive seleurnn of Dearer PreseplOre of bet mestere. giLEBER, Int ?bled street. . _ ilFgAggOide Sole 4teßry for Dualism.* Inane& KLEDER takes pleasure Dr aneytturing to the I.l s yobbo last he has succeeded is secarong the, ante agency for Daqbam's celebrated aqua Fortes,. for AVestern geonsylvanle. Tim MARIA made by Mr Dunham, dike grto of • Millort & Denham, are too well and favorably known lo Nis neighborhocd torequire any comment at th is , thaeoltttfiee .1 1,1 ray. alai for a long 11.11111 an other, piano. wean known on Ilse Weinelll annuity than ; these of Sonde. & Denham and Nmna & Clerk. Mr Dunham.. be proetirri partner of 13.13 • bona nttn, h.. , 1• ,, s or r.rn.l.. cll4.enty year, on the an. tat,f of aa1..1 arm raeoce.l osaryoger and director of thew utlues, , Moo a year or two Mr DenhSell bes bought out thy enure factor; o appurtenant. of the firm, and continues to mal 2 kfoitture, as Inhofe, In his own name. Derthomir ha. !strained 'sock popatsrity, that in some of the wester. ohms, Chola. natl, to ,obey havesalt two to one of any other manufartare.. They WO twungniahed by Ili., power and brithancy of teno, eqd estraordmary durability. N. O.—A large Invoice of the above elegant Pianos ' now receiving. SIGN OF TIIE fit/LA - EN MARY. ocloi Dew Music, D ECEIVED tine day from the At La Rerenade—flebrobert. Eteredede—arranyea'av Lbw.. Jeannene and .11111411". tog Gi Yoldc of by gone daye.-Footer. ARMY down ut Be Wachtel and Beware—Glover. Deride. many other popular !E ..._mags and Pieces. H LDRED, —.!!P 15 Sign pride Gelded /Imp, Tirtol ot X ale 13001 r.. E•ALTD, Diadem:, end Reined/. Dy Dr. Moore. Al Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. By the author of 4.etries Arnold," ' , Norman', Bridge," de, Lo. Life and Correepondenee of Robe. edenibeY — Peri.. Gibbon's Rome-4th and oth vel.—emnpletion of the Reeelved and for sale by .• snow wogs. • ENGLISII ORA IR TueTaiVish Lang in uage its elemmtegal tonne, midi • blarney or t. origin mid development; deeigned Ma us racelleges and eebooln . Wm. C. Fowler, /nth ream. , or itti,LnTio in Anthers{ College. Agronomy—U recent protium of Agronomy; o.ppcanVet{{ atope i U n it ed ;n{ a B 11 , , u t' L L'::2:, e V or ir t ith j anithea ' or the intyc ' trlce, and of anecdotes or the came of Me lion, um a 4 giraffe, skim:throe, ge.mitla illustrations. 111 11. 0. Caroming. Received for sale by R P 840CRTON 47 !locket ft . x. Ell3llll JllSTrteelve4 11. KLEOER'S Alasle Store, the followsagti 6:— In the Eye the e hes the Heart. I Love but Thee. The Watther. The White and lied Roses. Planed , WC. Ile ;Teeth it , 14Inge teeth All Is over. Whefe re now the hnpes I rhonstmd Le Serenade. sap 7 _ Rll'Ltrgißi:,',2:, l4 „g.Tr g wac.tntePea.°,7,l tredve.] at Helme , LlDrary Depot. Therd street, apposite the fort I dLee; also, Ihdlen'Verry, or Trials tieof Doan, 01.111; Creme Caettlot, sarnamed Sea:Oen...A King of Albin., hr Clement C ?tome, I. D; or.d !fie - reeler lAtteirs'Living Age. 5.0.1 Jr.c. Oticcicahs A LeRGE OM extensive natortment et PATENT A rAIIE;CS, attune the inmost erdteed variety andirated LI the ailintnent, limy he sound the folleinitat— nom Coder., Carnage Cloth. di: Beth, Air 'nada Air Cushions, Water Itall t, ' , monad, Fillithe Booty, Goal, Cape; Cleat T Wore., Mittens, Poaches, trap., etommi, Puns., Mort, Moor erring., 117 aeb I rie Bond mg. boot Weider., Machine .'wring, Camp Menem * Tart, Golden, Life Piesotvers, Travelling Bali, Indinted Suns, !!Muir, Untidy GMla • Meads, Thum' Liam, saddle Air EMU, Toot 'Balla, radii,' Wade Glare,, Ladies' Gamy Rheas. Vents' Gate Plot., Legit ee, de. Every ankle sold at Mid eitaellahment Id ararrsutal to proses, all the Mannar tetra*. ...aid roomer, pond geoids, diet—lesnhabtlny ander any dee,e or dee t hinty at the dermal mad, great ddrelpY. heti..., perfect Innerviouness, and freedom into odor, for Aide et the Goodyear Rubber Emporium, NOS 7 Wood Wert. • mord t J3 11 PHiI.T.iPS --- - - VAINWI9. 4OUSE &SION PAINTINU and iile:ing,ptempl• ' ly aud neap y ezeor.ted. ,-we set& tt dm itteily Understood, that ore Critirta Printing rad Ot•rtor •• err•tt ar any other oalmet; la ate etly, it.di •-d dcLCISCIIIre to do it. ...tat : J a H PiIII.I.IPS 1tu11z . ...711.Lt — . 7 4 - FA.rtlit.: tsi id, ;.• . - d - i , 7 : - /ettny Lint pausal; welt tad do; Jorbry Ctutt do; /Dello...ails; donny Llitd Hair 61,41.; Andante them': Aman•init, Vrtootti• boc, ..f ...441 hin; Almond Stinting Cream, C.., di, do; Am• breedd dodo, Honey Soap; Ploatin- dx, Aesttothee do; Hazel Nat Hil do; Ruse do, Idarshotilltoor do, B Noel do; Drown Windsor do; Utile. Grease: Le ror sale ; wholesale and raial!, by 'IS El ou.L.r.a.s, sere 07 Wood st. ill I.S3ELULND DRY PAINTS of all kunts,cronsient. AU tsr on band of the best quality, Cs', Voinislies, Linseed Oils, Boiled Wit, Paint Brash., Sash Tools, Weidner Riots, adaptsaltins, itic, .Sold aholesalo and ?e it ?emit On ecommodatlng tellSld. N. 13.-All pariahs perehasio4 mixed or dry paints who wish In do Redcoat:l paint:rip, can rendre the nseestary olreytient rata. J ail PHILLIPS' eel,' I RJ W. 0 4 tt OIL OLOTIIS. • (INLand and etc* Dote the Pkuldperdle raetery, for the fall restelet— yd • 14 Floor 431 Cloth; SOO ydr4.4 do; =0 yds 6.4 do. 60U yds CA dot lOW yds 6-4 do, 6 yde sheet do, meal= and heavy, from 4 to G yards wide, all ot the newest style of patterns, and cm m on) even sin. 70ards 4-4 Fataioste Cloths; 4h4 yds 14 do; GOO4 O I. 4.4 do. I done snored skies Table, Stud, and 011102111 Covers, various swum, and splendid finish. lOW Ids 4-4 Pourat Carriage fell Cloth; WO yde d'sjOrLi)" .4 do Cra f,lO ydl4-4 O l eel.n 1311 C sh lor yards 64 do. - • • . Window Shades, a large aororunent Jut waived of mew styles. Merchant+ lad others wishing to pare Lase, are In. Toed ID call and examine OW assortment of good., which will he wld al the lowest eastern prices. & H I'HILLIPS — l es° . kb Wood RO[ 2o kegs Sans mills Sods; , dv; r gepali ( PM P4. 16 .A.1* , ; Pal RR h RIPERTP4III w ----- calvinglll , ll6 undersigned One en barld, and to thls day n. from the atertufaeturers COLIII4IPVIS.4 • large lot of Flartneha -all vole . p /LW sad Also, Bed Blankets, Blanket, Beaver Cott's. Casiltneres,Bartneus and Tweeds; width he %rid sell by the ease or piece, at numeratstorers' price. The aneitlon et dealer, le woollen tooth Is InTito4. II LBh, *vele st • • 0, YEAGER, low Mll•eite• atr•lit, Meer Llb.ityil wan= AND DiaLSILI IN AMERICAN, ENOLIBII, AND GERMAN PAZOIt 000Dile HOSIERY, HIROO_ ,N 9 LACES; OLGIVLZ, THREADeI, COMES, EUTTONS, BU PEN etta ac atlVraxaer Veetlam ULACR AND.TANCY BILK CRAVATS, I'ONGEE, IIArANNA, and LINEN lIDEF2, • general o s . sartZll nt of FANR, and every variety of truaratnev. aid IT at, 57 SidC SCA the MAIIKET, of Diamo•d, This astabllohntani the punlle may al vays de. :tpod upon beltnywapplted with excellent Teas at mawdablo pmea—Rary !moo 14eettant Tens --••• • --•• • • .103 60per lb loponer 075 " Tem Lest " Impotted • ---•• ••• 1 00 This . IC dtrldedly totcheapest .d 11.1 Sown is Ptl 7 ddlrilt in Tea , & u&wonTit 2 aLL_ _ _Srnimetor.. Ity tt.• WILLIAMS N 9 open a ifactinal and itny- ILah POllOOl, on the hrst blond. a) Sept. neat. Room ooef J. D. Wllllmns' stnYa, corner or Wwl.l and Fifth Whet. alasslows. Rev.Win.' D. Howard, Hon. NV altar It. Lottlto. Bev. Dr. Elliott, J. D. McCord, Ero., Roo Dr. McGill. J.lnoaas, hey 21—tf icr — v - o — ww - AT 1(17 - 1.1 flatrilY d . ..I:IIRCHFIELD Infonin On, mho.. 11.1. eti and buyers generally the, in consequence r Wall. r an ig env/ma ut caltoguts omi law to tug their :G Room, they hays Ta . ....ved their good, to the . . , tr ono Snotty of Hier building they croupy, untti rho improvemehia one itioahedl where they_woll hOppll to gee their ongtootors as renal, and for the tumble awaiting up Main, will lry_and realtincralt Mum by dolling thew Cheap Goode. try-Entrance Dont Fourth atrium angdtt.... OLOVIC L e. ANY& ENCEI.3 HAIR LOY single, for Lad MN de dodo do fo(Gtati. do • do do do double. , de do do Ileth. irape for Lune,' . do d o do Lino do for dh. Geol. do Denuder Ilnahev. Imported and, for We by A FAIIINFBTOdX & Co GT42I - giiikr-.400 ling. Oren Rao cos.; 25 hh4.• N. O. dame; • 100 Unbent/I Y. If., Imperial, O. P., and Blaillt Teas; tim ben II Lamp Bob need; keira Giulia do 25 Me Tanners' OH; , 90 Ma N.C. fan 20 WM No I Rosin; 100 aides Bole Leather; 100 dos Com Brooms; 150 tom Window Glass, nu'd slam 2uo man Weaning Penal ta bakia Botanic; 2 capons IL F. Indigo; kep Nal* taloned; wpm/. Pot Ash; With , CO o ll oll l lUsailosant of grocer u ies lOT W 0 by IIOBLION, rns MEDIt'AL, PROGLAM ATION. vII W .II teen was me tl Ir and ad' tettid :nth , itt; pains tiaoh of slit ' one, rtinnt4 minerai &c that they can he sired tie taltine the re !mutton.: Teo may talk abort its beism nortmm as mark as you please, but this does not make it so, for we proclaim In rho Mee of an tannest community, th at it has trlttoea which , re no ontained an any whit remedy. The man who la ra nked with.ptin kit ten/4r from ireas, can for fifty rnt get relief Dom any ofthe Ille cant:maraud above. Reader I it owns, very little to make atrial. This Petraienal Is nit /nisi ten ths compond, put op for the pupate of Imprison, on the momently; bat It is • vernedy elaborated by the master band of nature, and bubbles up front the bit ROM aOW mother earth In its Original puritriand M. fen to anCerlng humanly • ready remedy, • ,menals. . andTheap cure. It has cored Pile, after other modlcioes have Ultra to tender any relief. It has eured.Rhenmatism of loot madman and of that Worms and moot painnif charnetnr . It has timed Cholera Morbus by onb at two doma; has cured old cafes of Diarrhea, in which every othei remedy ha. been of no - avail. As • total rettedy burns and scalds, it is better than any - tardiest mim pound or ointment th at we Moore of. twill cute blaior or frosted Deli in a few applications; Modoubb ed testimony tan be furnished of the truth contained In the above atatemiont by calling on 13soduel M. Kier, Canal Basin, 7th Crept; or either of the agents. Keyser A McDowell, toner of Wooditreet and LE-De/lora, .71 Wood /aced, D. e. hi liotAD.Ml.tarty, Allegheny my, are we nun. 1•3171 • - - ILEAUTY—It Is ansvens.aliv conceded also beauty 112 Common o7o . si Nan. coantso stay I. , at the tame time it is ssi...los lin no oil. , coon try is it lost RI SO young an op Noor thl4 tot to a certain G=reet,' bindle lead so nnen Canoed by on giant. We say to all, do AM .08.110. perso n ,, +Pdtanances but lean the following, mat you need A , Ol lack goal loots. These artirles are nolentino pm aerations, and have a 0 attained a Idols ,poonlartsf Jew IlsraVs-Eno [ham no Vanes ago WoMen Boa", for removing ton, sunburn. pimples, hunches, andother eruptions of the thin; an Pint periert crn• narrator of beattiv.nvery known. Purclue nothing purporting to be Nymph Soap, unless it asenry rums attached. • • •••.. inn van; Pumas oi Ca moi pewees, ror parting to the mow complasibo • a wheat f w at a Zirte l'o n r P tlf; rige r njli those sold are very kJ oriees Chine ,, e Powder is “mpoinded In a scientific, manneroalid-eontalee no Inoredlent which can possibly tartlet en . mar. Ilaarde Dattuetone Poweta, remevlog soperdooos hair. Mat is more ..tehtly than hale open the fete or &floe of a tidy. Thls article will roomy! it [n e short time, without M 11. e 1,4 piney ahem inttrutoe4 Jenne lisuaraeLe Latour Rata Ihit wilt sestantaneour.y impart to red, white, or gray heir, a beautifully black, brown, or ashore color. It will color the heir in a shorter lime, and more edam sily than any other Ilya, being at the *woe time iddellittle. imam 11an.,.'. tenon. Caust,-It is acuity a plea sure to shave with thie2enuo. Mier, Is none or dm smarting volution usually eiperieneed .in the use, of mom Beams. Oa the contrary,lt /eaves Oh lira strl , Oth and eoft ae as LolimPs, and not liable t o day le 'llsonVellaszleout Pest...Nem us the tont, th Teeth wets intended a. die gszawetornar. went to the human faze; bat when neglected, nothintr . is so disftrartng, or so quietly seen. My Bose . Tooth, Paste will Impart to the Mon a pearly whiteness, it the some time keeping lb. gnu Ennead heilthY. Also on hand, • complete assortment of Renal, British, and American•Perfamery and Poet ' , Ardent. JULES BABEL, Perfumer and Channel, 110 Chagnon stree . For sale wholesaht and retell, b t, Phila. C CI-, 4.4 11. wham Yftlhbitigk Sad John' Bar. gent. and J. Initehell, Allegheny City, Pe. 11dr.,4P H _ YOE'S SOAP-0 bd. arsorted,just resed add roe tale by emit J MOD Aro Ql .-- illatklntrarTlNG-34 Mastro, sale by ealle KIDD /ben ("ALIVE OlL—gnarl. and piety, ip Guist.* id Abe lad dour , eltniOnlpoGeu, and ran note by oogi u A PA llNkg LOCK A. CO TbiIICKidiTUTTgR: 7 / I prlote artier. (or Isle by oelß ROMER dt. pro ac u i a,==...6l;iiite - kiii.7-in Mire neil for id Gy SHEIVERA L1A17.7d• dQniticiadjoilici-Sl7ne mie by R tqIf.LECS 0017 57 Wood :t ' KLLSE TINKLAM 114 - rip rev ' A I tpi'dote by 0 07 " GRLOnitS TAR H. AM MOVIA—VeIIaT 101 l teed for ride sy Uocl7 kIaIsLEGIS - 13 — UlTtilliri — raitlitio - t7s teethed al • 50 JD Liberty street. irons she New Itysebten Mill, • lm cis ospenoy Cot issrbou nour, pot up to 50 lb 131401 for fistMly_mits, (oro7l WM A Metll.SifiG Amos Mostost — in S - Wtise choice Mantis et fi ('used t,ois rothlJutlf On hied and ch. sale op n;:: Liberty ettprtt, by geld WM A ItIevILOSO A Co Rrt dttests Siast . Guttuai not ottll E BEEF—Day,ss ij [lugged, .d Cauvarred, ha not., z.y Acid WM A Writ, ['KG @ ttr) BI) BOXES—Re dcla and t all ren.d, at sums, tale and retail, by W P M 1 11 , 11ALts rein Weecl - .TIOIIACCU—ce seg• Greer' sNo 1 tom:Lloyd Wed per steamily Geneva, lid fon nit by JAMES DAL:Lb:IL, oeln 70 Water at. C ASTOR GIG-70 bet. I.:USW;for vole Isr K SELLERS, • bold 67 Wood ot. 3§ d IlAW011:7114 EA DEALER.% o(4.1,11:141noca, .1 Ty.. ?Cc a c MO 11 , -111 realty mod lA/lIfLfs. , II . RA p NDY orate pOrnat band, anneh r liior =palms at 7.3 v atnl ,r for tale by WOl . r • • 111 'e,6 In Ile 0.....tnnd XJ::' A. it. Casl Cais ,tv v, ICu C rt... v. t an Ca-,-- r. I van I arc:. dvr, I .Inoe co aud vw. Ronca I.! warrartt od port, manned tar ,nte tty t•cld Wwdll . ARO- lOU ter, num,. Lutd r.r wen by no.° g _PATDIe It' bACON HlNDl—Wrings 0.1 [II !ow to tint. Ito Int. by • ore ISAIA !I DICKEY St ew ifft/NIA.- 7 1Sitl• In stony and kw vale JUL IBAIAII DICKEY " en , LF,R T UDS AND 011ekETS—L:t dnx ettetot.t; IF Jo Tabs, lat vale by 0019 L B WATEDNIAN i lIDNA COIFILIDUUME-41/ otb.lftney gold connuen On e y, rnitroor...v, for sps,. ncoVERMEW - -ti. bbt. 41.106 .t.T. mu* pGw '"` Ott9 • ANTED IIIrEDCA — Sa2II I ::: pc TY Salem.. 'ebb the; '‘ ? •.e " W d' Maim? bealress, to whose • liberal slaw will b paid. F EATON, oetli iv No, tel Fourth sc ase prise see 'L.' 01W ld DIe e WORT3I Co _ Vlid.ll-45 /dads Prime N I nr i ag n i.. oett3 Cn rria: bblo N C for molls c PIVAS—foU boit000stol.", q. =l.l.olZir, 11 to daddy boxes do do . do do 0 , gee by oatl2 J B biI. I VORT ... 4K CO 54 1114 Wiry v.* 1 310W DE ,1- 4Kikeeibhuditti to OM* . 4.40 do Door Alva, Irt worm., COI do _Ky do do, bbls Bat ruse .dcy for sale by ova ty l J DILWORTH . Co L ARD -9D kegs No 1 Lard,ho , hoolved..l for la. by . oatLl a At, W: 11 AILBAUG111 _ nuts tlooldoto, &MOM, do teach , to more and for olio by awl CL11.41_1_141.7911 tmaor ma r l; le t ig Cs6Cl-aliginat i l i a & W UARBAUGO QUO/LB—lt klub N 0 Elega• tosum sad for ash by 8/87 •8 s W• ILA/WAUGH r iBll 4l.iielityBB4Br, 1,7 4/ feel woke. Yor term., apply to • ocil 8 F VON 1 1 0NNHOILST & CO mirrimo.-no bap &r aide, for sate el ocl I V 7 F WUZUIf e, FILAF—to eiiki-Giatan,areiv7iTtai oca w & F WILSON QULE LEATLIER-90001be dyael.b, arming bar canal, me sale by JAMES DALZELL 011 lo Water at • D ma prime, fur sale by JA, colt JAMES DALZELL _ _ _ _ _ 'URBAN'S-3 east. Fie' hoes ree'd for ode by 1.." oast • ' -JAMES DALTELL kly — • 4ottt I ADIESDALZELL Palvrarlasd Vara !Unmet'. ' DEFINED and prepared expreesly for Paiblszp, 11. Caste rd., Cakes, do. Thus pure sad oustifal article 1s eseecolithly ;healthy, dallelorm, and economical, and when deured oar a may s be used sat sobsthato furoted to th e name mea- Arrow /art received and for .ale at add Ltherty so, by sold WJI A bIoCLI.HO rAI LtI.I,ARD o 1 ,-10 5171 r,,, silo by - ja Dell • JAMEY; DAL:O,I4' . b-IttaTf: Ft 11; 1` ALL HOSIERY, Alsdee.,, hthsiuto.ha' V father bed Llama Ward tfor:m y do y meta fg sired . L'ii r It V XC EIJANT - T :: 111 .- V;Th . r. _EI sale by lucid, MORHthi h. hi WI r,I ei TT El) BUT It K--I0 keis - rresh he'delatoe azd for gala sty 11 Lod.L.ZLLL Jk GU, dab Liberty st Fora ETW.Try — ii — spier t ir 0 roam; and 1 1,grOwatl, Wee, lot We by 0010 k Ott trfli roil; b+ oer7 DICKP.V &Co bk11.1./FIRIIT-357;:ks Sew Peuebes7 — 10 sa, ack. Lew pples, from steamer Caledoni and tor Isle A 01, amities oat DROWN iiIRKPATRICZ, Ics—tops. prime Rios ferule by ib o JA.llkl3 A HUTCHISON ACo _ ----- -• frituNi: BOA • bUndlex fot tale D r • ocIO DROWN It 111:1#1iPAIIIICK mul fat gala by eta* RESia.LERS, Boys , Ilathasta. , Ii4URPIIV k.'III.IItCIIFSELD have IttiliViaVi toe LIKL of !madame Fancy 311ted BaUaen , for Dais , wear, also Plaid cal Flab Cul:mares h. , ' peat variety, Watt. Cassis:Rotas, Vantuaky Joan., 3 , ft w k 'ibby Naivete, am., a nonh tut coma and Martel Waco Vets;. Colored Jprta is. I ,f UR PIIY & BURCII MELD hrrlitivteuilort to tbe eb o k. e lot trod Britlak Peat% dark and of durable cotara,laat roared..: • ems r SAL7B°ll.l=l5 . ova . icor Fun it Wooden, MISCELLANEOUS ; Westerntolltge fionutopathie OLEVELAND.OIIIO. ' SetXl= ).51--che.v.ti 1840. filllit FIRST WifiTFR SFARILIN of Ibis 10.1 totem r ertll cruornence on the Fur Monday 01 Novem ber. ind'enntintt tuitrunornltt •us TboChatfa of Ina faculty aye arranged : L e Yedio.e.; *ma Rose, M. D Professor of Midwifery, and Dlsenies of Women and Children. ' Lanulsta.Bnigne, reofeamutwf, ieinoiplea and Praenee.of Surgery. Charles D. Wlthami, ta Vioferaor of Institutes and Practice or flometpathy...i •. I4ttis Dorke, M. I), Frofeusof uiltlateria Medico - and Medical Jarrieptodenee. - • - Ilatathowit. Smith, A. Af.t.Profeeiee oir Chem tary, f tvii, Q. Withurel„ N. D., ! reit:soot or 'Anatomy and - Physielba7; • ' Jebta Brothel rd. PrafteaDt of Pritiolat;ficienee. Charlr. W. frell,, Demonnirato of Anatomy, Tt . 7 Matter of th e Wester Gtel o f offinmcoopattlc Aledulue , avaa imentetthty, the lii:lature of Ohio, da'n'di Vi i t t,l l "" . " L ' a r i=tte i et t ttige ll altor4 ' e " u .lika u:ed.'snteti livroflr'",,"ll,7ol' .C.113t, independent o any 0nier.1.... Casing In into the power to dorifUrVerteeui and a common - 1. . The degaeee equferred by tho i FaeuitY and Ttuctor a upon the feettotimendailotOof lne rehttit, .ithe amount offees feriae fill onurae will be Oh% auieutation fee. /5 -to in paid but <ewe Moon' 111.0 l s ticker, E. Gradut den fee, IDN P 1111... onto. tint. ratrendMittero lot. comae* pi ketp re+ to other college., are admitted to tin full pro,. o th e r t oll on the payment oi *M. Graduate. of re speidahle tredninDae tinalaareyenulitefl to attend the eouree ontbeTayteeta of the unuriculmien fee enly• Goad I.unnt, Ddine to:it lieht, ' and ned i can be .otnat,ed horn 04 ai 12 Su per week. tor falther foramOonradderma efIAD D WILLIAM:I. ,:I_Clm Deno 0!11.1 Faraity. PITTNBURiaI OARS VDUS. & n. H. CHAMBERS, ahell^e, & cte,) 1V,•old re:T..lloi latorra Lt. Om. othe the habil(' geeletalln that they will e:Otheite the ompufaataro of WINDOW C/A ASS, VIAL.% /MTWARA' 6c. !e'en their verietievit the Old 'kind, No 13 Wood it. liitwoon /Nisi & wag., Jr17:11o1 1 /4P o 3.4iTiisT To Tux AP PLIOTCD. Jr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. rail. JACOB H. ROSE. the diectiverer and FOk pen. .e../ peletor 6f iheee tO01( pOpnlar tnd beneficial atedieinea,and she the inventor of - the celebrated 1111:11a0C11/ for lodating the eaves, In eft:cling • cute et !ironic diseases, was to Stud ent at thee eminent phyrtelen, /lector ,Phyale,, and iv .o. madame of the Onotersity ofreonsylvaniater'.4 IJv Wily Yee..inv. ha. teem enraged la Vill'tavesoinuo . n en aigrette, end the applieano,A of remedies thereto." , • Throyettifte use et his Intlettneedbe.lin connection viii Ina Prophylactiaßyrup adotharoif Li. evened:va he has egad en toparalaa ertonare In cortog • Oman &carat and fault euvradie... Term/tar Coo. ratption,,Cancers. Befolulehl Mem 'no, Asitque, Fever nod Agee, Felvers' Of all 'Mode Chronic ;or aipelat, and all theta ottankre dues ea escalate to (entitles. bideed every farm Dfdieilec yeateltes andel the , la of Ide kellleilitl. 413,,billia.11011intly to hen,— not by awnss of tut eolopotrui only lot that I. I. eterepatlb 'fe tirl h Valtlielestral I.lle, ut by the eve V/ larlientate adapted ea and me abed for each. Otto IMO of disc.. • ''' • Dr. Base's .7Onle Alterative PIRO, when need are Invariably ecknovieledged to be 'apertOr to all other, .1 a putative er liver plU,lnealuateli cc they leave the bovrebe perfatty free: flour cuativenuts. e • 1.11.1 MS 13014t21•I'ilLA is lidtifillfdi in ItiOAKWUr 4. P....“ peculiar prapertlee adapted vn,.rootelo themes, bot Wri vattaltud Ala • have tilatie saleant to crtalthell what hay bees mid ra the [ . ..bailer Ilie Om .kennel, ,be Meted aro invited in eel! itnett - tne •;eno too! rd n eTrl VI 174 a =.9 1 rs I t )". Lh y s', .:,:t: ' ,;, ` llfg ' „ ' lf tor sale by th e frill:roans names vven be 14.0...1 therrathoot the noo,r„ry . , 1 brholouno , kekli. Cool I Wood stree4 i i , 'at...loile6; J 51 Towntend, dtuggist, 41 Merkel. Jo, Lee A. tieclin•lll, 010 near tett I. Q. _/: eSrlry. C . ' tj. .1.3 , 1111.i1i ICI'. D1TUr.0, , , , , Bravv't de, 'a. Jon Cillott [;trios v4fly, • Gat ' V 4 T Adarnc, Beater,- , tdo 401 e 1 4 ,42,111 --- ` ----- • - JENNY LIED. ALI r LIL print,vir.e.t•Taventlea t lanied to I . l lodt/ TePresenting i.T.LI3 , Lind m the nettle, an a Ilrceeting •tthatle. taking learens from the ntetttlegotrellas been received by the zr.blerther. ills entering. aqua; tOltlet anent taintaittrepatnttne, And the hkettese the most totalled and curtest al any t et lerottent nu:.. Ales, dr an:, Lott cz w A . dlettlea r the Prize Stine. lettite ertt7hretett dh nttet, 11 hd..c.t.t1e1.., ,_.J ~e'dtiett N. T I T!. Third r; .k."Actra.i.nipprsiskobn.tong rriary.pc Tea eret.tho , t 1 ri thgt trm -1 r hiteetteltre;rd ATM{ Mt, is re Danl.', :he . rciv tylt:eri, ill the Lisette a t r ~e rnasilit e .sltt t kni4 Il am Enlirusislrtt—Nu ti of this nets: r !rt.: has beca .neeigtst.e.Alitalsts.P Literary pet. at.. 0:74A6, 3 the Poet (Zee. y v Du L . LASS . - - i sea w t boa 140-14 ban 7; past extra al macre - mad rot gate by net JcllllT TFATT At CO V re H StiLL,RRs Nona it VA:NE-I,i CAL'R.-9 I , 23,lmcefer • lorale , h) /N. oel • ' R SELLERS V.." . 5-L."'' R RL o l:7 , f t .l.Lti INSEelailrrLZ—E,f;W NYE-4713,7bl it cANFLEJ.O Long Ahura., irteat 'artery of price pstle lel th e store of M P,LY 11 aa3 Lirtsß 4l7 oll,—/0 Er to rare coant It 1, 115rea L. , ter sale bj ROI:1150N; L VTLF. & CO *MU . rth Bair Milattcrl T T te'cclved h w L theLthe. . k , b Carpet 171217 '. b ps hex .??; egbel tho best in the mattet, ter sabs by tebth ' CLSTOCIMIN BLTA A IfAkid..a) auk.. ma& ha( rouirb, *tire, raid low to dein the lotbx , . /SAIAti MCKY:I - tCO 47E11/ . _ ' W,sor juwr rectivalcreßlilifiniue iao yriria 'll. - afoa, CQUI InCe a.„l-1111ILLIYS ml 1.9 Wozd et 1 AALSoN•ASOL.,t9SEt?,-.4lwatirrhritiaxmLEss 11/100/IdB,l.4lldar Corn Brooms fats ealeet , y D U ' pet - tf , 4-IsKi...oiid house fu rq t l y yD AR1:1 LINB-9 eery titaiy74ll Tainntatin, , , .f . i f the bee anality of India Rooker, n hand and for s• by ' MU " JO. I PHILLIPS ftP tridagazONl73, -- ich: . lobar, of alit eteaßent istamlne, and No le f Dictionary of Meettanies, tea tom received - at Imes' Literary Dopes, shied street, *mold e The P t °Mee, ta l e am Ltseriesableval coiled The Co &photos; of Dtannarbasoett's Wand, op the Ida River, and No 8 Piellittal.,Pied Book of ths &reflux Resole lion. . 003 Con rigrl:-10 casks for sale by I W al P WILSON . oc4 ____ . fa Wood st 4 4 33 . 1..5 brs Pa/mon, for S ~NUIIIIi3I-300 bags prime 079 Ito Coffee; ago 160 packages Tea; bra twined Tob ace; 10 bags Pepper; 5 bags Alsplemi SI marts Cinnamon; 50 bra Not Prom:dale; 3 cases Liaberice ICI tierces frea pnmff Bice; 0 casks bell bladder; S barrels 'Alum; to barrel. Tumors , 011; 50 desert potent Blew 300 bat Corn Broo m 31/ box. White PI r, !A an d. prime 0 par; SD bra des :stag too lira large No 3 Mseaerel; bra bug, No : 2 do: GO . 4 - o 1 bra N C TaNn. do, brl. Men 50 bra Na 2 Hata; eoollbs assorted Yairp; 53 bales No 11141214; 100 kegs prune Whim Lead; 200 kegs/MOTO/NI lia_ls; Also, a full amorument of ratably ;h manufactured articles, lee tale by .10111., WAIT te. CO repl3 : Yd Llbeny Warr...tad Pars Whig& aria Bra.— S UITABLE tar hickhelnal Piaproes, .tan.on beau aLd fur tale by 160 battle, qaari, or ration at iIt.II,IFUS & it& iVORTH'S lens 1 en & 'Vine Mora : %; I.lonneallo liiirs — lio iiiii — illoiede. ' 1 U 1; en,: 10...... i Cl.7th or.iiidt, 1 l'o.t.i. blew t , i..,;....., C.:(1, dad to: 1 coseilled twilled 1 , ;•ool<, a coim. V. dbi. do •1.., •§ ematt nortr.l • d,, • • d eatri flan. col tad!) . Cottattitor,, • .. 1 root etude.; Setters Clio Alm.; . • .1 calm. ]Otis; ~ 3 easeiDlne +dank liumlist aliKuni 2 case. Gray Blankets; . r 1 • , 3 auto Drab Illankais; , , ',„l 1 rasa thee ' do; l d oast...White Bed lilanttils;' I ;00 pelts Bitola Boat Blankets; 1 • . Received sin conalgumeal r and M inr dale at annfac , losers prima by • zooid • . - IliXi Libeity mast. slikl.--Low* lushly pectamed Drown 11iinT -- '3r;si do da -; lisioty's_idsy; • Ci2lllll9Cln Dar Boar; ; ,; , ~,, Philtelphin Ysizieigatil :bap, . . trall'lM-; ' 1 . : , p, Ouse Doom for' and retail bY i_Lpo Id ' • '•• • : • • 'AVSI - AidldCLUllau a , co , L•sra. buts.a liesps—Wt e et alma o — ifilsist - DROWN Windsor ' Sup; 0, tioney, Mask VernarnbarjetionUil, Yellin, an ,Slue Oil.tioips to Soaps ern. highly celebr d lor imparting I ionOothneas to the akin., ~. •- , •• • , Pa:chased frqm Uitimpoiier lied br t sale by • i - .4 5 . 1 . 2, . I . ,' , '' '1 • R Frnita.Eoß, ns wade 0. • • • ER..PA ••' - Ine imeresd thiolnesset, Gam 141 to I,lnch gnosis Pnekint Preis - red so that ISO tlegreesValirenbelt wtli riot afoot 1 , , sod IS . supetior to every tang rise, ilrillblastme but so nonelcelinnioity which studs no higiva degree o sakinf brat, endinsay lb. tined - ibbto nit Oasts where •pg u neesustrY sir tinosnik , • ilates, pis ton lads, Inn= Joints, &tins. eylo, 414 halo , kr. Fp/ sits wholsvele ntod"rronsl by •pkupuu.ur9H , .• 169Woodst VOL: X - VfW - N6: 88: tn;OUS , CNO.Ihn iCITAACTS I _. , -- e.XTRACErr or grermir,ll2ellndonon, Colimysnlr us memo , err:ma I tv,iamns, Errogreolens, kb.. ern, Yorerirorn. .-I , la;raril:r.; Efdelon. flops; Cod. c t lot ono.. ard,ll.l3iyl, IbrinPT '',' tror.orbrd and tor ' , doll , . ll jr, ,P4IIItiSSSIICE , fr. CO Wood 11. 1 APP•teaters - tiii - . ClemlalngAiltOvo ;V Ilp• without - a, takeng dawn. INVENTED by Ferd,,e,r.f.ll,7l7,ApeNsva by ~._ _ __ Fir: i: s ieltreen ttfoosi P. Markel.. E. rti. Fetittits - fOUlral co., wii°l 'w•sA;Lit numoozgiTs, Comm of Wood and Eirit str-,Pinaburgbr CiFFER for lode, if Their cern ammonniion, direct From Europe, p o i.,, In C 11111.9. ACC/IC A7ltl Emery Corn 4. Pored, ton Onmm, pm, Ay. Pert. Amnon, er' , .T. i ,,, Role A , 01.11/ a 1.,,,, G,,,,,, . p 00,5 PM /Mina, ;taperers:l.M Rotten lane, M esrl,.. Tlo , Ts tik,,, Floor Haight/ r 1 MT vat ports, assorts,' cantle ennyits brs , ! Adheeirr , flamer, Ens. rents/ Illariii:ri rio ' , l: . rtober‘T 1 ~. Cnrt. do ea / 1/erd MT Lam Dye,. ponTl 1.1 br/r 1 I:Mb:tow don do d u C u r io.'! 1 Einienow do do Citric gond, in lb Mode.. I Comm Iron, Eo g Poli. Ant/manila , do 1 Preelo; Es'', h ug Ad. Ammon Cone. MT Aleppo Galls Colomel Eng. do Trprou'a Irrot Oil Amber Reel MT - %Emir:swami brortors and lodult Pomob . I, .Ve Peones i na Emate Vt'l,im do I I Ori I.n:sander, Pin g rioIT I do Onblen . Wine End. TiTnr ltrrortles Od Orlgannm lodide Iron, in or T sai. Oil Rosemary Conf. Frenamm. PT Mrs Oil Filter Almond. 11r.Corb. POTdsh,ln tender Odes/Rpm Floe POI Ebg. iu It, lam Oil Croton Ref-1./smarten Enr.rn la. Pink nod Bloc Sabcars Wont 2T/sloth:mu R. brellm. Cardamom Pee 1 Tun Emetic' an Sulghl :fine gr,..,,,u3 And, in or viola I Ileifere` Toot,, rreparer Tunnrir Acid, in bys Ocarina Root f:lilttl. Ala rtlr.lo legs It Root RadValorian Fore/0.1.1es Polisrung Putty Eldon Red ' ned GILEIrt•P CILISITRAJT Y.--- ViaiTLCAL /T"COLVE THE, PIONEERS TER fiBIii,RBIL ROAD. Through la Dare TO ,AND BALTIMORE. WE take plexaure tiouruclog teithe.bletchanta of Pittakergh rite ißtscalarti COL, &nanny, that on nod eller ?Corday, the Wilt or:trip let:cher, are will reee,rre rile (ornate goods wla tbe Cteltut Rail Road, and genera( tee there to he through iu Four Rays.. r tor kinostre stock Mean and Botts ,curiLles oh to oder the Cerro ea peditrotio room to the prublic. while( we atilt' er otiose ot r areal linen vie Harrisburg curltroltonlia , hlcreliarris witting ico44 brought from the Fast will certainty Roe inTpinek at tow raise, or produce nbutltled trerr. air luvitie to Galt en acel l , beart.'.l.TtrlNar Iu Cft.. Pitrabargh. 11 COPlarOlt to CH.. PhalsdeJplns, Cr the Follo FHICteCI a or the Ittal•rn-gh Transporratiori Line. wing agebta, roCororata a. C 0., IV North strebt.r, Bahia, are E. Ramo. b Wilier) flare, New Yore, Ertluar s el`lecyll Deane torect., Roston nn, • 7 • . Oat/. lio-o*Ort-tor 0051Ari,rillioatil oil Co itt foe toot, Ina brnene-s part of the city, by riral EC a. Alb , larethN, peel Fleet lo.trasnen IVerse II Haprotte l'otout Bodo Rals• ',! 4 • ;;:' ,7, ` , T.'rg.:•"-;.;". 7 , • : , T , ' ,o . o ; , ' ,l J o n'e t 7il'l,7ie:'e t e l l ,i 4 er / last queloy blots t•;: ',nein AO. velnek Orey wlil roll the nc• tin ,to coon Orepptored b /it 11" abl ITCIr ELI RICE 004 • . 1.15150 GC . R/Ori 4)/1 R /1i; PIA MO. 10 I:. 1 It AltorslLH I, (Patel of the first EitrOpean ARE erasterv,l One ••! a nor vorli. re , lne e fin.. l'innl•unth 0,1 A anghtn, that LI h•• arr,coo and Inic• • rn.1614 coy rinterant resleont, for it e parlor,. or rerrat tint mann .I:pn on :scat Illts.lVtutes Iloatreng hi use Olt Ltlrcos rb Of at 11. Either', blame Store, will moot web p,O 0.110 • oelE 15 000 rk.ri, Boa 1;41. 1111t.'itt. I .SII/UPSIAlfgb. Ltlittag out at Cost to Clase'Buslutax, ..f for ertilvhbond.. nrorlKagra, rfouitEl rel., ur relli e.rule, wilt be rcrcivee rt peimert. , 1 - 15 Wnnt: ai.. Pit.l.uret CO-PA WIN ICUPTIIP. chtki.ersitgi.d LlJJo.erh Roth tl:r.lletat! lira apd hc' ~,,,, /: t t:briT , Tlll.trt k. beeltn, IhMer..kal •re /lucks. In Glovesn Glove , Wool. h qrsectl timaft rtm. pabits and Dolph ammmemt Llb . len welt:Anton 1 tar sels, Culosed and lilcuolmed lusteme; Casslates. ace ammairsetc.; [Ube.. and Laos., Battens and Um mobs, 1 bleed. mud Module." Umbrella. KO Die^. Boer, Ar All of ...telt, eettaley mad city merchants arc re spectfully ilvited beaamua, at awl et sep2l C O . P&14.1111AILA1/111 2 . ILIVI', tOrs day. assocrated onilt mac Mn. 1.11. tbause, in. Me Wholesale lira cry gird Pro-Nee the style of the hrm mill be A. ColLerman &Lions, fly]] 1:11,1.116R1':•t1i • r i Fs t . cri.err!nom '(t. v. cl.em. es. CLOVSE, • Wt. tt.l an ut d Cotauttaion Mee. VI) ct• I). e, mud Pittslttetia Mt.,. ... red r• • ~. • n•I Lenny 'e t. t, emainteltb,re.. i).l MIME n We by C oiasi:ltT fo a anN cLoust 1 3 i,1.7% • Otk Davis for sale by LuEirrSoN a et,,,uSE jinn rere red UCEIFILLD InlJ t.,•se. A kaiLsELITSON4 I / 4 CLOUSE ‘A, bales Week, receivedCoe4llE of-._ CULSEUEryN & suousy,_ • alpacas nose. A'YUBPLf d: BUBCIIFIELL have received a sap -0.1„,p,y of Honcry. inclanne Dime and Meek Ealhederee, Alpece., Bpan Edm kr , ocr. - --• Weelutt Vinuela. U V. b. bilk CH n . 111..D i n ihe Pnri.cylar KlLeLlitin of buyer, lt) their" enneriou .rock of near , eivibe re much au on aeenuan of thei , oneumuub . ie guanne.. one° • XxtrinFamily Flour. i cm:sic pply of We Pol.d Tittle oars Fmaily It Pow, y wry obtote ankle, :tatt rooti on' .ate by A CUL11.1,111, , 0N h CLIMW: oo:* Liberty . IlanuUlna Cantoss Yrasalaults MURPHY h I3l'amirt FED bars re:relied a sup. ply of abase superior entsle.. : St HZ • I Or' very bandstand patterns non brit : lnsular, reed Ur at atore of 51URPHY EHHECIIVIL7.II arra : LdiEt. — TTPRISITY t „T` of AlPri=swx, flerbet 0. Sprays.'s, Ituntstell's, Ellen's, Clyde, and our, Fond paannfastones. Just opening, for ante by • HILACKLEIT & WHITE 0010 DurrEtt-7 tuba, a tine nr recelyed,and [ornate by RIVER & HARNW, Mme.. LT) &'12,1 Second st., NO. ptlmo, jut rce'd on con nignment, and coo I.ole by • 'MILLER tc 111 , ;KETSON v 02 2 yll & rta Labotty et. BLEACHING POWDER-230sta klurryans' beet quality, tor sale at the lomat market price by' orli '' - iv & NI ILLITCUELTREE ,_ _ . _ --,. (1 1 / I :l39E—ioo bk.. Creitu, jeer He'd (or sale by 1.... , Doll te & kV 11.11REst0il crimmi BUTTER -7 brio Roll Buuoq 7 Mb P. 7 boa do.lootlanding for by ohbl K h IlAlLßellin satebv (act.Ul /I LEE GWITLEIREITS IltavY Silk Vote add Drawer"; do Fide ble:ina do; co warm Saxony do; de. Plan bulled alit Cravats; Fine Stint, Cellars, and linsomc Itilt, , Cettod and V. orered SuspendelPl Curley Ilea weaving Roane, Pria ed Flannel Roe.; Raul. Belts, Llettvellas- Sdk sad Linea Pveket lidera; Wool and !Jackie. Cloves, buys bed 0110 0110 Gloves; Nears, Colmar., and DlufEars; Just retalved and Er ule by p g r a r ow , dlFourtit at VII ITER—. BU ITER-1/ ptes flesh, tbalrecabred by 0c23 'WICK & DUX/SIDLES& • L ARD Ntilj, f 4, , SCIUMN. CO& mtoble 007 21 %ood itt- CAIN La r b ball& y .IFIA9 Ci" At eommo (Pr .J138 MO 647 8 t .VONNH' ESE & CO Pi'=.7b--"--16;:krla;"110. UNHORSE & CO 111 / b Eat•-• bzo b fnr Zile!? , t S \'. : col , sutorc:r &co lattaftbibler Burma (Ram Oar •0• 1. 4 , 015,0011_40, 41.1. NC. 1 Wawter tArbana4 I.ard thL WM A MeCIA/Rta CO rr nibta ti utt.W wall CO DARIA 81,N-3.y itßielebrita-Tr. d, toT min y J eCHOONMARRR kCo No 242L'0c41 euctrt , _ rt PL - ARP NOrr recelvlV Rt 1, 1•- h eb ta . i N l *. " E Mnl 4l. 4 71 3 1 . 1:rat, e g .1 1 o h eoVo lel "Ala b. acW eit tdoce4 priset. , ocal2 B 1 1l 1 it r atal e " ?;c s .l n.t r „ 1.""I'" r" 4N' JASiYS A IMTCIIISONR C. M 4 T 1 2 "1"-4tc 7 l r etl gmbnkoLV -7- . 6-I; i.P . ir brit. "MY. , ..ut Lc' L i tt l"7 14' "'llAtltrYVNk..B CO. )(A 'Si A kb—-i.niia2tLie d asiaß ." 3"""4. F17 11 A :I&,,K &C. tb, viv s. a elb t rn i, vl pA r.c hu ora MM. tit itelbetak...-b' s no baqva.b, auonW~. is bad OrsNinatlpuites) Ilea far tele by oelß 13 FAIIISESTOCK &Co TiAtVVILF:74IAP—bt-igiiroiind fiFbritrry. 16.1 • - • ' • FYLEH/3 4 Moist LA' Oleg - 0 PLUITND--tii o .tig ' sicatioN.VAKEß.t co .-octl2 tv, bj CH00NM447.11 490 ==:l .clc7?or rmuly tge,jas'