The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 11, 1850, Image 1

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    EST A BLIS KED 178 b.
eriu..isn OD UV
WHITE. 4 co.
D. n. w . rprs
01.11. • —47,00 p.! alumni
.—....- SAO
Veettr t tn'eldeente)---- •-••
Do. , o Clubs, et t.iodeetl rate,
By xi" e purwounou
Ons an, a..e,J10 lines Of Nonaercnotice.)
One ;45 ,b, tuidtionna te.tertlon:7. a,p3
Po. one week • —•• • •-• 1,7 d
teat • •-- • •—• 30n
' three ereek•--- ..... apo
De one inee:h•--•.--. —•
De • tam
recent 7,lS3
air: • 100 ininitta •.- ...... 1a.%
-- air conthe• • • • repo
De: tartars enoetha••-•
'LeiVilr.trard i's,l per annex, DA
.. I . ,,,, , (44o ,, .,ebanrrnl.ientpicarare (per an
. Lanai re , lo.lec of the ....... 63,00
For oath d.tilion el flib nu,lauried over ono month,
ar.Ofesenob tddiLittnbi INflbitt incensed undertho yen
'l cites, (Dili peke.
deertleenstne ereeriatcr r.l,ittare, and not oast
Fen ttnerN hr charted tge,re and ■ boll'
Pabliabere net 51ee , "ar.da1..1.....f0r lure! adverticereacts
linseed:the untount charred tor lbeirpahiteation.
Ancenneler eliminate. for osier, to be charred De
SIAM as otbar adverneenit roa.
Adeertilement. cot marked On the copy for upecM
bed nernber of rionc, 7,11 be continued till forbid,
and pnynartO eZet.e. I accord.
The pnv II cccc of vc ZS!). adrernse re will In confined
4WD lo tbc,rreayner beet:ter, and all otter advt.,.
Oen:trots Mil reinter badness, no
agreedlea, sr bc (5.;.1 Lams.
All advermements for etsrtuble tr.entsalona x Are
capsule, ward. township aid no...public, Eterillif,
' Maeda lit ....le tei enarcurbutfprft•e,pspaiblersietly
ids are'
Matriere're!ttee • v! Le enerptli 21 etnti.
Dalin iccc en in, red ir!thesiehnzite, nnletheenom
pealed by ITTerel ol•lturiTy notieee,nod
when en ne6Thpunie!.! ve roffer.
ReaninT i':o '0!!•e•V 0 01 riii!cra sending ernetnne
Mention., a; •enutrine rootlet: , do,O.rotaLA ton ontn
in ,•nreei, Concerto, a; any puhlin wee
tainsnente., !eft tharges rite nrisle Tar udatittriner—
allnerlosr Tr Mliat ai. de-
Tiynea re Tan attention to private Tr..terpriire raleala•
led ihr tracr.'eJ pro•ncte inillvi.inn! interest, it one
tr be Interred with the r.eJertneellen that the snort
lata he p pir. IT into nJeil :ft he in.,rurd in the Ire
eel column, the ten, !sr.ll . hr. hert.C.i
not lees that!. Ili cent, p.n.
Bishop or r.t Notice% tn Lc rzed tc!pla pi
_TaTern .I.:riTneT It:Jean,
. _ .
Legal and Medico! ..lrerlsr.onetitt t.+ba thatgrd at
fall pneto
WA] Chtst . f.. AgentaaJ Ace tioceere advertise
ments not to,be-c town.' "Inch, 'meow-bat-4o be
allowed ditrt•aut of 61.,ty thten a:A cue third per aunt..
from the alsorolf,of t,
to - 11•12.1 tuan
One 619.:e,..).ret Intertl.tor. • • • .
Do. ' •eattL
I,l:ten.nauttaa to sfs.r.tni. nrca.
One 4~i ire. Ito liner.! .
toseltion•—•—ed et!. :
Do. rath terermo•—•StS tt
All traneleettadvertiertearit.l ib ee paid In advance
‘rtirrg k casino. '
• TosTer,, Dispatch.
SSONV DEN, Meteor",
'AIN; Evr.alog
Prtrer.r.wo; Dee. 1.1510
(111 - 10 S.
A LDF.ILIIAN, nraL Ni. saot, Letrecrt
Oliara All plostpdy %.
~Ii eel to. •
' xvevreorr.
A TTORNET AT LANT,lis.Sce, o Fount street
JlOll. above ST,c.l
- _ FutlO
• • . 1?A.V.11.1 O. 'ITTTLY,
A TTORNIW LAW, era Cpratalcalaciar fur
/1. !'rnrt7iv.•nla,
All commok.,:utimo proaq;:, arrotcrc.l.
"..711.111t3 t. IMAM,
ATTORNEY AT I.A.V.—Olico ou Fourth uterut,
betuteou U!cr.ut fold n.:d Grunt,Aburgh.
A TTORISt r.`; ara , terattel , nr at Law, and Commit-
Ll ataactloi Om Etta% 0:. l'anaayia.ia, B. Loa*
Ma., Otte at
Retereatea —Pitttba rah W. forward, llama..
ton 6. Mlllar,..l,l , :arlie,i 1 NteCtuta. John Parka,
31aaella & Seta 10, NcGrdB Kam. analtly_
Gig P. (Ztintah's Perry Post OFes.)
Rams permatten. bkated el it. Oar-e t a new
sad substantial Wheel' Boat, we as prepared to re.
ease and forward pr , roptli to all pelt.. the river,
and nand, "carer no Ohio Cane. B Co &
0102 ow. June IS, tele'
WM SlitaLSl. /CMS S. cosamva
DAGAI,EV, WIItIDWAitD a. CO, Wholceale Gs
eels, GI ?!arcs..l; 1...UW.1006a. •M
Pittsburgh Alkali Warta.
r; OKKK & CU, !demur& !turn.* of Nadi
Ash Ultacklni Pu•derp . , !Mamie an Salphorlo
k r nd.. W.mbeaso -,NS ater arrect,b./..eari.
vor2o I, •
r -area Reiter. :
Nhoirrele and Retail Drat , -
Et ums, ,OSIIOr ra Liberty end .51. :liarrtreets, 4e
eret4.2. eP 4
A NIcA • ULTY S CO, Forwardurg eml Com
C4 . 4rigelerOlerelkar.ts, ,Canal Daraa, Fiusbemal,
My 44 -7 (IIIE‘T, Wineenain tirucer,Comnaman ant
Forn•4l - 11:1 Mernhat., tio. SI Whnt Ft; PM*
Garbs.• • nn4
4i:vtorsty•-•—•aZdro , 7l ,, coo.lo a. I.; Fiemiag
NIV.II.O.IIANT , —For tl,e sale 4.4" c De.
tuattle.Woo:t.t, t;oor'i,; .:co. a.trfitl
it itute of Trinarlins,, No I. a Wood Lt, ltb
loortrom itltr twr
Urfereto.c-..lets, tiro. A. 11.111
07.1:111SSION Nll:ne If AN IS n:AI Motet,
~ e ,nl,ll.•ert, Pa.!. FL.
7 W1L1.14., I,CIIII 1. CZNICerI.
ONGLISII r.I EIENN2rt, (Imo Enoilsh, Gellaghts
* Cod Wholesale Grocers, Commis:lon and rot:
* 7 i-ding Merehnn:s,and.deolort in Produce and Pito
ri{b !dantfon reS. N 0.37 Wood .1., bet‘ont. dd and
Id Weeds. not!
lON ?I r.RC
Nn tIY
606611 R. roznsliesl7
. .
GENERALcommi.IsIoN .na 11ier
no.4 flour McAleer, No 276 Market sorect,
I . odadelokin. Ikts'
71RGT. D . nboir..Non. Aco
No. Now, Srad Stmt s Xo. 1:• Norih Whatrea
licraras PIII4ADNE.PI2I2I,
EDIV'D lil.l D.
J. A. AV altliC•
t.e.,.,,,"•...x1,5nr to Winip Lem) Wool Deni.
er amt 1:01.11135.111 Alerchant, In the tale of
American AVocicro, Liberty. °nankin; Eta et (elan
•. •. 11•111311. • --- WY. r. WM. •
I a ARDY, JONES b. Co, octoroons En Atwoo4,
lone. la Co.) Ce.mmilunn and Forwarding Mee•
Pshun*, eco. , r, in Ptireoargh atarinfactarca Goods,
nlabaroh, l'n 'car!i'Xr j
------ --- . - VaT - 1.11.5 LI ALI, --- .
(nfit - Tioll TO falltriLL S. KILL.)
ITYPORTUR S Denier In Vrcarlaand American Pa
-1 per Itanginc• and Uoracrr. Wio4OIV Shades. rite
doard Prim, Jim A Ist.—Wronic, Pnntin c and Wrap.
Ping Paper, No. el )%'ood mem, OTIITGTO Fourth s
and Diamond alley, wait r:do, Pideburgli, Pa. '
OLIN MIN ray, Into of the firm of Chambem.Alt•
al new A. Go , 2ronid respeutrully Intatm the ol e au
tomera.and the public urnere/iy. that be will atilt erta•
hone to tam, en me Green tO tor 0 Laa . inera, in all sa
r v it;it ' ' C k'sor'tillii"rf,"/Vls.trdiVel'''tit-Zigloo,r tr. ' d h L .
partattung ta 1,. beef trod Ilm wareboamie No It
Maimr wart, e, twee.. Fleet Ir. Second no. ty - 24:43t0
J1.114N - D affirtli A 'l,hi:Te7.l.7rugglat, an tri - Ze '-
et In Dra Studat raihts, Vantisbes, At, No.
IM Wood 'Drab, one due; South of Diamond Alley
Dittateargb. .64
Sr bet te Droter, Commission
Ideuttrant, and dr Mer In Produ e and Pittabag,
14 Inufautatm. 'll Wetter et, tedsburett. • .
MI.; Diets, 1101111/0 mean, ra,,
1 - OAIAG DIV:8•1 A Cc., WlO:wtale Grocers. Con,.
ialssion r , ltants, ani Ilsal ars In Prodnee,Nes.oo
Water. and 107 Front stmt., l'itttbareB. .naves
/ohs 8. D. mom.
Jrfr k Wholesale iirocuv,*.nd
• Agents!. II•x•ro Powder Co., No. 27 Wood IL,
Plustrarelt • • daiy
.-o..lllbove con‘tantly on hand • Well selected 00
ointment of the. best and freshest aictheineihwhic§ ha
will sell on tilt most revocable terns. Physletana
wading order, will be omelet!, attended to, and top
ped with articles they may rely upon SS Moine.
It nystitiar'l Prescriptions will he accurately aid
toady p.
or nig's h picred from the' '
best medals, at any hear of
Also for .ale, *large stock .4 fraeh and good Pella
me fr ' • • . 101:1
John Richard Floyd.
T t.L.O Nhatestle_ltrocers,Conunissian
• MCII,IIC , V., cad Realer.Y nt.
rodu C. 04
C/16(S/1 ltalldit.42, fronting on in
Liberty, Wood told
Sixth stn-re, Itistr•re•. tti. apt
N 0 A. diffiffiEh', Ascot for ths Lake Erie •o
Miehigno Line to tkever and'the Lakes.—VM,
0., ••••e t ate
, --- mtrA7 II tintliS4; - Te — Co.—:
Levi. Ilatehison lc Corenstsskin Merchant.
end gents of She St Plats Rte.= Regal Rehnere
.12 fr.r.tstreet.g.rillsburth
WholcaTh7d7T --- ),,,
!do di Wood ewe, thosharolt.
nn Mace and Moe:teal Ittewstrtents, Sedrei Soonea
raper, Slates, S:lcel Peas, Quills, Primes. , c.,6 na
stelicrassy getters:ln:tint. St WW
te.,,e, , an,n In 'rano
LT 'late ar Warren, Jatyl comma
„ at. nod Fdtwardlne Merchant. and wholesale
dealat in Wrcett Chnerin, Datter.i'm and
Sec- , dth, a a: Wots-tre ?sodden deaeratty. Water
meat, bet Ker.: en:that'.d and Wood, Sttrinbusgh.
lEN 44.40c141 . ,41 For.rdon and Conannown !Int
41.0a•nlo: tw n!es s m Procluon aad Pittabnigh mann
^ anal II•on. anal 711 st. apt
frENNCEOV,4IIILDS tr. CO., Nannfacturets o
13, sap-clot Sclonung, Carpet Chain, ly QM , .
Am. .41 Itatung
- • -
IT. j,,:us. tr. Stocklos. BOUESISMER,
t TOO.T.K, PRINTLIt, ncol BINDER. COVrl of
%lanai •nd Ttand stleela, TiguSargh, IT3EhaT
. .
Plttiliartgh City Glass Work-•
VW. oussisonain &CO,
OLP. - No VI Market intact, between Fir stand Beeond,
Pittsburgh, P._
alw•Partienine astantlan paid to Pa, arta, i
)0371. w. Calottlauy. a. tan.,
D. CCFNXta.a..x. lIIMMIC
Wel blilleq khilal •C. W. Nlckesson. nstsburgn.
MILLEN St. RIUKETnON. Woolessle Grocers, and
. hirers of. Urtneks. Wines nod Ssiars, Nos
1 . 72..z.1 Conner Labony_ut Groclls
burn., a. Iron, Nol/o, Co ton Vim., do. &Ca e..•
etaaUy en bend. Rol
InniISVGIIL Janata D. 3143111. Walter C Roe
Iff cG ILLS ROE, Wbolet •is Grocers and Corarno ,
!YU uoa Blitonants No 194 LineGY 3t, •lti:ubnrah
- woffxt , AND *PRINS' ,
• •
• -
it,ND ,tortE vec-ro!6 - .
au.. /PM, . . et nag r• anta..
AO/THERE of eprine uld Oliver gene,
rtneett elent,eLet,t ploppt. ortnra, coach and clip
; i .,lL..‘ns±,holdneetd'hon rates, and dealer, In atal
lampa,and coach ointment ,
- °Ms, ar.d Front eta., Yitudturett
J.&..l.iffisrdiami bearata Blerehinn tr.
NO. 31 Old Lona .I.,loslettn% tone constantly o,
hand It large itseettentit or Menthe, of the follow
ing broods. which they et? for cote a wren , . f 0,7
Durand Co. Itordeen.r. etrentteletltt DI .
rand ea Co, Loroehttle, 1.1 rte d, A
de 3I n
terve, A L itleollin, Ade . Ono, Jean Louts. de.,
6.41.3 A nettor Gin, Gorden • led and \llan Vrtnet
in tasks and easna..l.ted .enteearo by John Durand
6,00 t heal Jes Champagne WL:e and Sweil - Bargandy
Port feta.; V.
/101.3L5. .L SON, No 53 lllttiot et, seer. doer
11. from cower et. Fourth, dmo!om
Dotneallo. Hills of Farharro, rlmttlieotos or Ikpotat,
Bank Notes and Sptela
Er_rldolrletions. Undo on all the rmre,tmyt fl ee,
Or .1V hr. SC(IlltlIlltdAN51. Third tA.o.orlto the
Post.Offite,s,l3lll ,
heat., ShOn4olll.o Iltrititerture. lad Nltedne
jamoomjag., Mai., and Vi..itina. tAoarnome
Of draw n cal
h e awl pruatudu-ck.i... llit
or Black , in the mon ...roved ,itd ,the o , mm ,
rm.... 10 on.. vav
1 . 1411:1Za1 r . , , t 1.1: , 1 1, 11. 0t E.t.
Aierthh.4 '
Y. A.. in I
ncirt. TM)" tarns. itssu. ilii2ll,l,P,
tures. kintitait Fordignund Lott,:tid Wow
and Liquor:, No. it Liberty turret On lotiol a curt
large mak curerior old tibilongubd aside}' ;
which and tie Wet low for usitilt._;_. ruu.t.
thEI'NOLDS & 91ISE Fortsrudtuit nod
Lt. don literc'unti, fur v., thilegaupy Atbet_Trudit•
tcalers to GrOCtriell, Produce lid:dual!, Maduito•
ares, and Chturtdo of UnIC
Thu biglail
Ca r at mia. ii posh, raid nt id! tints far
enantlyscuL • Penn and •t+
DMUP.ItT 't; meets
ifl Commission Merchants, dealt, in Pruner and
Pittsburgh hinonfactairs, lubert; aicuu....Pdts'qurct ,
n. e. ourstiimatitm,
‘TrIFOLFSALE GROCER, Prodsige, Forwardiny,
TT andlkuordsainn tderebent, nod Dealer Ist Piise
tergb Mt.rfackues, No _.N Marty rireet,lorl,argh,
e %u r ea :
SILeCKLETT a: WHITE. Who:urea healer. In
Foreign/sad Davao. 115y.,:0r,,1.t. ;Oh, w Wooci
Log ,
0 in Flour and Pentane generally, and Foggia:des
and COllarai•dion Me/Chlntt, JO First meet and
116 Second Finset Pitiebsargb : as kr
17:a.r.s.iTs7 rer — r — s sTursn
ELLERS NIOOL, Produea and tier,aral Cern
minion Manhunt,. No s 7 Liberty enact. Pans.
h arab. Spann, Linseed and E. 3 r.l thls. •yt7.
VON BONNUIIiZST it Co )TWlliii;-:7.1e , GO.
Lay, Con, Forwarding and Comnikaion Merchant,
Dollars in Pittsburgh Nana actions and %Pertain
Product!, barn regime! to t;:eir near wart house. Odd
atand,) No. 3d, earner of Flint note! tad Changan'
Lane ant'
nimela,littr.l rh 291 d.
e. tune's] MU. 1111131,C4.
1141LIVILA 6 11611.11KE,
Produee and Conmum. Alarlitrtrs,
And da Oars In Pitarburgt. Manufactured Arttelca
sec 190 and 131 Second street,
Bettatecn Wood& ettnithEketd, Pntsbutch nyal
Nrarc 1
JO Lifi NV atT'r 6 CO..
t.E .
Netnyea 9 , el Libcrty tt Vitlebnygb, ocpb2.
F LOUR—To bitiebolec Farul); -
2-1.1 or,. SuperSby,
GS brig Flt,arylylng, and far rtb, by
AV.. it El RiiPATRICti
WOULD tolconn publt, on) , have taken IS
1 I If in Ch 011.113 iromerly ancapiea havingate my
Salomon Soto, er I !attend rtreet a lard..
a d coma:l4mo orttrab.o.tder Ore, +mold Invite tat, perroaa havarta [oath to eankign or mart
otif tiro r ive ti'spur:hayand.4t
r.atarra tud
of hate•. Draft, Bard, he. der
48. vi arinni• • ll :: AVL:r t v._:,, , ,y . l.,_, ,',„„i .
La.S. ViAT.Lltitt Ai 1D 4 , ..1.155•
%Xl" HOLE . SALE (AV 14ifir....t t eGETt‘t
_: , ..1 1
y y ..nrihrtc Vereltalt , ,, ur•d 1, l.t .
.. 1!
, 4 , VI , „
lilliC & Plttstruml4 N'.1 0. , ,. , Um' 5. , P 1 . 4 . 1, d g 1,.. - 7. .
sale of 10 , • ,, ,c9...t..euu .z..tucta,pa4 a.. 0 .1C u•
Tobtetarut] 1
_ _
1Y rre
.oautie., Pc Azle, le
& Liver. Bt
• . .
:anus Stershz./ I do
kav Wool bt , •
JOAN StoV - A131.7.P5 a.
Canal Ltafarr, Perlfl mem. Cir.:bore h fara
N 0.2. Marker, and St Commerce fa., Pllaffelfao.
Advaseea rondo, try either of the clove, Co cowry a
metro§ of Produce to caller floc , . . Irma.
..•- • - - .
Wi11 , 11, - ...ALF. L In:l'A IL rAmv.v ~rtocult:
lor ward., a3.l._Coarmr.ia," NI er,.as,at.., %Id
dealer. rtrean•.try, arld ihttsbarrli Manutll.•
tares, enraer of Wood and 1.%1Th stf.ell, l'lttst.urs I.
Wm. H. Wlllmus-- •• • • •••-•—•1 ti, Me Vay
11. WILLIAMS i CO., •
'inrth rornerof-Wead ond Tilted elifel,
juth Ilrtharrtth.
Wsn]nmsan, c ury 11.0.4ALC1.
151 LIAO:11,1X & co., Wholewrde Grrwers, is
end 1.0 %Weld wee:. Fiult.sirgh
VlineK AVCANDLESS, (anecertiont L J
tviggo WbOit•ILIC GIVCCIAL, FOrrYarding
Cararn•ainnn liTera•bantli dealers in iron, Natla, tsluni,
Cotton Varna. and Pittaii alga &lanai metal.' ranaral
-17, CM,. of Wood and Water trecia,
W. Reaufying Diatiiltra and Witte 0i..1 Liquat
Merchant. Alan—lrapnateriof Soda mt, and litieorti•
lag Roeder, Nn. 1W Li berg (oppotite
strect,) Yinsbareb. opl7_
AAT — SV:Wriaßtiti. Watenati Jew — ., , ;•••ar • •a
••. and Malian , Goode, corner o f qed
Fourth warts, Rittabitigh, Pl. N. U.—Wale, • and
Clock• carefully rapurrad.
11:117.,27“. =lrigirr
• HI&
A t3 , :i . :iittat ,, C y , ; ,, lZ t aleco in Le aake s,
sva. ,stowr.
dealers la Produce, Iron. Nail.,, 4)a.., and
P.stebargo Nanafecuare generally, //Nana eireel.—
Pittsbuogh. • • 10n17
IHAVE taken WM. CARR Into permereMp with
I Me in my beslnees, rehteo will from thle date Ea
earned en seder the name of "John Palter & Co."
March let, ar.o. • _ JOHN PARKER..
MorelsLs Grocers, Deakrs Prorfaco, Fore:4,
Wines, Diquors, 01r! IlloSursigeshelo
and Rectified inirl.o.
No.ll, Commercial Row, Liberty creel,
matt Plivibersh. P
0.1031..11N1LX11. 11,,14. w+ _rui n
Itinecessors to gusset . . Ilona A Co I
R ANKERS, EXCHANGI.: CHOKERS, and mate,. In Foreigii and DennAtin
or Deposite, LlAnk Notes, And Specie—Vorth
corner of Woad and Tturd stereo Cotter. oony
received an deronitt.—Eight Cheek.. for sale m , Intl
collections made on nesriv all Ote prinett,al points
the United :totter,
. .
The highest pretratut. ImA for Frmign. and Arriertea,
Advante. Made on rrivogumerm of f•rnauee, •ttl;
pe.l Eall. an liberal tr.rmg
in t. a. 111'..tle.] k n
W2l. A. 81.131.1111.0 & CO,
Na 256 Libcrta arse, alvro Wood,
Hasa tiny` on hnn , l a ilrKe u2-ortmcnt of Chen
GtOeffiell and Fine Teas, alto, Foreign Fruits str:
Nuts, VVholasule and Retail. Illoales• thr
low". terns
EAG tor. ULM'S W.Ol-143.
Vials, Donler,:atd Flaakr, l'Ofter. c r oach
Miners. Water, Talent Medicine, and Wino Danlts
01 nat.') der cetpnon., talre, NKIPIEIO a:LAE:4.
Keeps none aptly on hand a general avant-4-n 01
the above amnia,. ALS'. STATE., as We other Caen
(Ran Violine, are ati,rarroS`,AF 12 . E. 4445 .. 4 4 "
tamtner, Tun Farrar( is MGT ‘ 441 brit c' ...4..44 "' 4444 '
cOnlloalf . IA operanon both etlmeier and waver
°44.444111.2 aar , ..1fn11y tto :Ran. and 741 he idled on ths
' anortcat n• doe.
Waren...Ns 112 Econth cnooen
and Fanlthfieid rt., rtnt,nrot. .5.22.111:
• .
QAM . L. V. 01181 , 1E11 u• 1 11,111dif:4 have
R ' o th o i f
Waoleaale Groepry. 1'0 , 04,, and 130 .0a l o a
• No 110 A. 134 1 4,, 4 ozr.t Itt.cdn W"od
and Eaalik.ftta . • •
• rahharth. Attaan 1,
woo i WOOL I
eleteet Pelee tiCasb twin he pund for
the different (Twice of wo o,
7o to iv—
juip orpO 13 A FAIIIVF-4TOCK tr. CO
. .
Ott :, .I.'l .
. -
P .
.17 :: - . _ • ... ,• , . ~.
,4 ,. ,17. ' ' %:' ; , ' 1 , :. ~ . -?. '' Z .:.
~ I .' .. . '' t" . ;? ; . 6 - 4•4 - - ' .."
' .'2'.• 4 . . , •• ', f'''
r p m . 1 11 :,, n i Ta iL aErr aostal:lishment being row mom
; d g
o 11
b il l h
his f o:r i
, e 1:11 :6:11 , e n:w iL7ot • e ,...,, % 14 0
to m ie
ats the boor spleen! h and le resell
Priborg foe the collates
for the cater. or
generally. '• ,
G p ,d.oindolts will be In wrtiti , g. and every aa•
ardon made to rkstler the rotibllstitnent wooeonntenaneondl ly firs
. o peri of an it:ballet:ix cmmon,
The TWO-SIACII.I. lIALLS , fitted far Pattie.,
Cnneer Ltehttti, public meeting., will
ti m e
let by the he
or week, on .4 liberal Mons at
ony crier In threat . .
The .d It hit ANT, equal in elyie are
been'' , to little Cie at-oW. sail) 1,0 kept fere:shed
se ra, wires, Choice Liquors, Cordials, Potters
Ales, and nfillg. gool,lightarirealimenta of the graven,
ProPrs. Come, es PIA, Seen, agatetr, and Canto,
eggred spin tat t style.
The DINING ending Cklia Pit SALOON, bring on
the first Peer:fad eery of Aegeas, will he eenstantlY
aupplled alt o the Larintien and Ondencle, of the
osomr; am, sttoovith such alitnnantinto se t h e markets
it. the day, week, or Dinner. or
Popper...for Inieshinith or panic,, furutsbed on abort
r.tatioe.— .f
condemegtwlth Pura furalitto..thiting the oily van,
be mrplibe wail ten:el . -meant of all kind. at soy hear
or Me ear : • •
Conf. StabAor .ond an txteholve tiorry Ettobb.L
wont is eon:W . 4 . i .ith the MAIL
Dinner at( o'cinck. Brea klastantl Ten nt the WI •
boors. 1
Flitrence for Itn , het to one Ire Crum and
Saloon. Ne Cf Smithhrld loner.
le*hdtf K. ft VAN nmsstt.A.r.n
torpoonnt,ntly Lend 11.1,ke to ...ler the
boot u liclo to thew line. 111 their .olud, No. I I
Clolt suzet; OLIO. tiLlorkrt .tre.‘,and einr,
entrapeqfltt T n ItOunuistl. Ven...i Shutter. faitde to
crder, nit old Clie.le neatly rep:llmA aplo
•- • Iv, J. (3,..ENTiI, lloot 131atievat
V V Eanunall enoved In the nn. Lavine..., rot nn orWood nnd 'tird torocra, I . lt,l.orgh,ra
e nreprepored to do ant were la out hot with de,
2:Ch....W0 attend to oar watt to vtobally, end awn
tiao tit b: Rano In revnt•l to its itt•dsert d:.
Dlool. (tools ruled to einy poOrm 5,4 bound 50.
ttwtio+Y.. Book 4 in nonibm or cldbark Won.: vore
folly VT 1 epaitr.d. Nome% put on boot 4, ont !rex,
'flaw< hone ai,.tk in rur no. ant vot.
I.r/coo. ,oso
- 1, A WItrIITMA Pf---Sfarscfact i ors r ~:' all Isnd.of o - A
, .1.,, ton end wooden Fusel Lorry, Ai Isgs.eos vs... ra
/le et-dots works Lem[ inter in 411 larol our rr•issr! op.
I•intion.i OA pitpfra•di to eZeiscto art.,e wads dosnAsh lin kinds tot mathinerr its ra 71.d . ..510s arts :kw.,
Pekers, r pre ail r ros, turas, go in. sr.; :rose t.sne., rnis wo v • ,
and:ring frames, speeder., stores-Os, Wools,oolei.
easla, .foully or absdle , for torroinant or countr y
w work,
'" l ,4s.isseicts frc 4 slid: and. hand lathe s end leo!. lei ger.-
ees.t. -All 'Pinar of Thnitins rondo to OVir• er plat, sis.
or.foireatots- factorsel - oCe.iit• .
ri T...mats Li
'. % mo.
nt.ns r.—Tienr.rdv, Gala, 0 t'n , Wool .tool, . [Sr 1
a ~. , i••• , •-• , •••• 1 : • 0....1.. 4 ..•4 .
1 a 1:141 , i1 ETT . BROTHER,
171:!if N.6%‘ A CL• 11 AN UP.I , TUPPI.I4, -
MT vat:4olam, I near Plitaburall,) Pa.
0,17:k. No.' :17
t. . IV ILI-roostently k cap on hand a goal orl
Q met o n Wars, au:, oen atanatoctare, r
a ,
• suptr:nronalrt 3.. Wtruleralc and country Mar
, A , ,:
l , rlfal 7 , ,vis,4 to call and a a
antrac for tt,r.l.tlvr,. 11 Trt arc .10.-tmiozalo ec!i
cl:saper ti:,, ha. can:1 , ..... 1,, outrxrlti. th, G.t..
rrCtrd , to sant by u_•l,aceompartea Kt 13e u.
c4..1 raw ,e, v . /A:bp promptly ettendeJ to rall
XIS:W CONLC[II leAttruni,
. .
141" •
A TrnTM:..... CO- Ocala reaper trill!) In•ora...
111- rabi) that they - ererrea allocon
Irrbei•reen 'Federal lOW+ .
ben.rsrt t rtset.ts Te-y
are flaw =aking and ere ,n'errre , . n er.nrirearden :•u
entry Ory.,-I.,alaa of v.:lca:ca. CO* lla.
locq r.ohc-, tutu
c 3 ;rli.,ce in tan mr-raCC., - err 1,1“
ul-Alan Tr. 1-7) I. ..1....1c1cnt r are
enabler: la scark . nacq raerat lc Iceln• vc‘t.
tame WIMIT7 Is• tear Ln
• o:o I -Lion of runt,
m.! h•einr Etn..n c3tovtiipt tiv.)
arornm,i, ,corlt VVe
t4erefore ask :be atlca.a of the o maw,
N. D. Rep.itiTlfr , !ore !nth. btst Gannet, , nol on the
toms .4%l•1
t.• ;la trtt•••• W.. t.tat NIA rt, i'crnrcrt
...JNTINUE muntoant:te all klnds VCR
ki TIN ANDS Itr-171 . IRON NVAILE A 1... • t
ort Minds a Cno en
v....L1,. .1 r u:•111
Kottje.,Ttrt ‘Varc, Sc_ Strnsr vr
r0rt..0) , , vuttous ,11. f —a r‘,"
tree to: rose
o svoui,t req.:40'04.1.e ocau. Dion
other ..3 cull J.z.e rur
zlart, .t , 12 .1 m-1.4,,
V:rolat:tat stud Gast tryst Its.ll in s.
I,IIE lvtleriber. beg ;mac to tnform the poN ,
[hr) hare OM:lint:lM.= the E.t....t.t ot: dt:
flublort th!tt iov fro. 9atlie4. both for !watt-.
anta et - ortcrt., to.Prtt ,, •"'
sozec p t.t.tertasrliit'6 , lo sod,az.J
for th..tettr.....yet Ratit.ta AV{:i he forotrlttttl at Ok- tot •
cat r.7:^l-. and to the lor nawtner, the ec r,tt
orrttr •-• r..,:ott-e. trot
A. L...1.1110Nr1t a tt
wit.Laitz oicumv
1.0, , fe rut It frictels and cukuw.,...tu,
L) he L. Juut !cede:Le his uts• epring etcvir
eprapri a., usual, wi to: newest i.,d must tac:Uon
Utile tinirl of Cletl., , :asetecurres, tune,' V estenge, cot
tett Ituc liana sacczter etutea, sad ewer , e”te:e.uttah%e
i , e p ue.c..irmeci•u , re, rorip.r.,7 and seumer. It beteg
ht u is dee, ebe the heluty, quality In q.utt;)
or the ..tuek, thn hap. ”hts ore fl twat.,
Or gen. fectuumbie, . ca, 'I L.l.2tiP r Inthrc,
g..^ At.. a C 1,.. R.l there I, r e etnet th;l e.
the Ath-ghet.ten that no.. ernueur. It
The tentl,
lcd VI r tlvr•
who r I,r!, tr. nit,. Irre,ll, ,
hrtorr rurrna,nt, Of plantetOnf at.
ro aII th, r I!.
rvir rirtnrrctop tvrrwtarr noJer f rm
1 of A C I , IIADLEY,i. d,,,stred by thn erAta.r.
7.1 r. 11:31Irr. Ito L• cant,'
A. Hit ..1 ,ttle•:ll,[v
ire 11,1,1 Le, Int •
. .
lix•rtar Itn•re.o,,l l'ov vlry
W.rrL mese trorn tin 11, Fe n.l l,lert
tree!, n 111,1 awl Se,ond .treet, to :be
r.ti , mei y neevple 1 I.y ti A 11.,,y, wLrle Le ~;1
k rep t .%.I%ntly on lanfora gen,nl 01.0111,10010' Cala.
mg 0. I. mici. Stove, Cooking IS 11
n tSt.rt
C.• rri 1:e. al &Laa.
n, endflarkonnth o
Raps, 11,41 s bv,d.n4 for z•le, cAber 41.16. -I.e.
Rico t 1 Wrsit," 011irn .7,0, E i , ih Witrd,urm
olleen. loon I , torc BOLLMAN , CA Ilitl•
SUN, 1.0 4, ioet
We, menr:deraignrd e
1n rot laud rdes mule by Sa"... i
Work, /11 V. elty,6ll,
11:C11±11: r . reenntrn#nding thew Elo ' czival gush!, ;,.
arty es •r L•rli by Do, of kre , ign mmufacture
Pitt. Niurch
• •
J 11 SII0F.NRER111:11
Nritlfartarry•ss I.on anal hew.,
KNAIT & Turrt-A.,
Manna: r• Ailer, Spring Sterl
Engine Builder. sea Machu., Card tilansfactu
"""littabs h. Ps.
ltot. Pounder, Pittsburgh, Po
11.1PF.1.1b1WAY A CO,
hlsrufselurerr or Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Ps
JOSEPII TOMLINSON, Engine anatibip Bonder. Pittsburgh, Pa
Jtarble ,
hllinuferrsrar, Machin and Copse 1.1.1 J•
nrn, sr, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Dltuholtstiosh •(Petittlarataltp.
lallE Partnership heretofore exiating between the
stelsertbent.ttoder the am of Charatera, Agnew
Co., Glove hl armful, acre, we• dissolved 1. ttle)
eertaent, 00 the Llst des of July, In.utnt. All perroes
kneenoa ohenaseltren lode teed mato.' firm are request
rd o trete payment In either of the perm.", ...hoot
delay. and ell person. tinetne onwuled oceoeutt autla
solo furry are ,u - vitro,to pretudu thole for settlementtettueolotetr A,l-I,X all. C11A511.11,11-t,
JIMUI Ali Nt tah
I I vrl:dne2 11. 11. MIA hlltltlet
•m 0 co.:ghee,. of good. eitririii, by
thr. ' . l7Litzenr , Porthole Hon Line... will plea,
1444, not.. that Ittcy 17.11 reqturro y
nt 001 truchous4, atmcding therrceirt,
t:ir ig!.rod• rcmorett. C A M.AISRILTY &Co
AV•tthi•lto Issolningf 'and Ulsanatog
Nat crtom.-I . ollhe dodo,* into fold mot, ender
910. e sat Goff tdol.l. in MG 1310IlLitsg "tine them
001 pet them hello, of J,Osislf . SI
wh.trh oda the proporlion of One font of LI tild en.t.t
gaduu i.i.Ottf-.414 it ap and boll the. emote ra clay
tel4un . o. The elothes.ry then he wrung ant Ned
well rin•ed citer
water. T , O par. t , t rm .
rt. Mg !hat vamy 1,10,1 soslvl ouch m. vollotbo ad.
et d of shatm. may t.e ru1.1,e.1
11 , 10111Fs Mt Si the CsOUSCIS ...0 be found pet trui iltol
Nhele elm.
Wurrautel cal to rtu:he. do boot
ll (saute and to e.••
per( nt ostiantotfoo, or the mum: y .10 I.e
d olotteule and retail IsV
I.* 10
Cloys Salsa. AArran wad Pit tsbrargh
Telsriraph Cnuipsny.
IN Porto/nice of a re.olut:oo of thr. Iloat4 of
=Ol of the efeeelaffa, lr arten crA ththeloorh
'retegup/aGornparof.fsiaecto. g 11. F•o•retn ry to totue
00 1 0 ,0 oyareto hAlfalltebeff the now, papa. R , COI
the tin, eitaho of the,al fool other u of
,hl. mop-as/y.l .aLrot tht !AO:farm, hornet'
The Jo:- ef Te fearaf.ll outetrwote• • I Ofe,Ottol 0,1
et rotor; •htoash ri.ntrln
r. 1 9, VrankOft.Nevrtan roil. Warren, lottoff•too,
I. tlft iftate of whin, .afi New ea•tle atof
Ito,he..torf - In the :;tate l'entoolition, .fh,h
potent them are of:fzee foc,en for the r-refrt arra
tr•tooTorouo hummer,
The ort,n , r. lenzth al $., illlf 111 14s tro'r.- esonol
.1,,,,k, dr , o per 1111,111.610 . , a 1.01111 011p1.1 .rash .4
eiaax. nraaten rorsont
t. I..lo hoettlsnhe
s on- Cl' Ilrae, and the haionee Is bed I , y Cntuell A
'd ted, the ese•ors
o. The shame amount of v.&
amass I , T atorenr, illys be e n prod to e-01 . ,11.l
El evader Withal the Trnste•••leove. lbeltjr.dP , '
*14 . ..,/,/ JEFVKIISON HALM. See wagAg II .
00.000 feel Seasoned Mak bent:
00 .000. fr, Coal peat oidins eta sale by
• ROBERT Me:L:41011T,
3 sOl Attornez al Law, Fount 11
. .
N SU ItA - N C E .
State Mulllal Fire - !unmet Company,
•• • •
rims nem liberal patronage eliendeni to lb. , coo ,
/ leaving leaned to dm amount of near
fine nt d a Half Million et Pollan, daring the lasi
thine months. is a lieient maLifeatation of the esti
mation 1,11 confident. of the noble in site nrs , em 0 1
mani,em.-nt .high lu bosinetlii ettniinetr.l
. -
eitl•pr dollo. • m
rt erchant, rfndownetv of dwell.
othl I.oluted or couiory property, it in believed
Ore ramose? affords advuntere• in point or eheep.
ueer. side, , end weerit, tt.o.rior . to no forersiwe
Ciowpouy tote coontry.
reouJortor on the egurieide tool 'greedy Improved
ay worn of othirtficrieen of 11147.e.geledlng all opeeiel
in won:, coin • Ithithrd amount are Soy one
Inc.e 'Oe, lb ea precluding t freoveney end occorrouce
of ;note free, era Cie on hoth the Stork end Mutual
pla, it not only pow, the cbrapnew. and eccom
orodation of note me thnd e. bet entitles the ineurcd to
• partielpnnon m the prob.
It W one" the control of thee following niteCloll:
J.lm I . Rutherford, A. J. Gillett, John 11. Packer,
learuthd 7. Jon,. Alum., A. Cattier, Philo 0 Sods
.. , ck..lfoiert /Ow, / P iltrr t Four), Pree't
A J (01.1,1err,fiedl• •
A A Cain. is. Arty nn
Munch Othre for Weeteru Penne, tom., St Smith
field 'MCI. l'irirtoreli. deoitiOglntursore
wit ho torni-hed rich broil,. of the e °ropes, ht'
irt el the • octl
Aseoeint•d liPtrAirten , slll•lts snot, Com.
pasy tiro City of Pittsburgh.
CA?! rAL 1200,000.
K `Si DAI.LAg, Zbe'7 ,
M0n0:7.44n House, 124 4- 1:41 Wan, a.
name - rot ,
Jr.rr.on, Wm A. /lilt.
IL II 11.11:v. 11. It. tzimp%mt Jr•lmi Itiod•.. Wm.
nloar, Eduard ll•er,-./. A IA An xb9l7. {Km. rok,
lingwood, C 41.4 Cl, ) ). hunt. Cormtn.
Lire sad 1199111 k lasursmatat
Irlllll Alutual Llfe era 11eagh las wane. Cuenpani
• j, of thilorlelpkta t I mom:mired Itv the LedISI.UTO
O Penns7lventa, Mart h t A.,hroley perpcllial
Ca1 , 1 1 .1,111 9 1, 1 X. lir ra.t kowan 11,19 AIT
"-NIA CearaNT, nod hall tO3 io•r lower than the
ptotal ratei of Lilo lams', ttor kth e follow - 1114 eon,
a'rit.Op will slow: Too.. p•trkon .hr age et AO in
tazing far 910 U far ;Oa, well pay lit toe Girard 9 1 490---
1 4 ontotylvanta, 9 . 1 W, Venn Meta st, 9.1.141; Fkitutattle t
9 1 2.41; New klnlantl, up:, New York 1.1fr,11.2.11N;
Lee. ElVrt, Lute ar9 Ile ottt,l l llo,lripkta,Sl,9l,
Luna - rat , - tlartteet um. 1, rtot He. 11. 11..11, IV.
311103 Vart, Ilaye, Al. Al. Re., •, 1.1 11 •
,II ,n 4 tn. , L
Lewis 1141ei•er, I. I:colotart Start.- I'
I!.nutter, 11..1win
IL f:ote. Prestdent-Ootrotol II Ornr4; Vire: Virest.
dent-11.1, V. hiocSno:ott.v-Tronet...ltltotkl.tattr.
rtitplacol,eita wdl rl.
au cv,ty infurriaooll
0000 t, S., NIL 1 1 9.11NESTrICK. Attt,
- . -
thrice, t7.otcaneccoal Rooms, comer of
ortsr:-.111. Th. rd au. Piu.a..agb
I , llLit. AND /WSURANCLa..
, I , lll'. INSURANCE: CO. of Nant Amecice sill
orate permantur and Limited Insnranee on pro.
pert y aria CitY and es/entity. and on ehilyrnerito by
I•stkol. Civets, Lotes. mod tr) Sea The pta,ttits of
mu ornspany are well r, cared, and lorntrir as avail
aL le fund far Um ample io.lommty or iii i.erveroa who
desire to t. pat teherl by ill• raft,
W NI. r. JONI'I4. ae,ott. 44 Wnrer at.
Ylr• arta Iltart.• Istalurano••
ot U, 13.hronon Oomftenoy of North
Americo, hos ht.., to No. llt Front it
cent or Waco.
Theeubeerter r, where old .rof Caravan), ern? !•-ne hagemi on Molding,. an 4
thriz vonteara, told on • 1•:)•)•, •n; ) 51
; vecianlage ly
Ream Coats ..tdnth.—
goacrn noa aniione toroilora.
Talaa sr, r:r,titreaa.
Atrr A Rc7c, , ally informs dm=
tartie thet he ha* corn.
e sod t, ' , prole ' , tor I: a
FURNITURE, the and mos, v.rted uttortmeal
ever . Cc.,l for see to O. c:iy, evtinertun,..iteversl
oi 110.1MCDP, U. rkenS
.I rPo.dorl,
11rw42.0 flee .•11,1 I Ire sold nt
tfir o,
1.• • •st•l. I urrn,r , Cl ore
1 .11/ 1 11 and
t. . of .1.11/1•11 the
.414,15 C p..r•
Tr, t Trte a D.walts;
11].. • • , I ertAtra,
,tepttal .10
1V t Nr.IN
1.01.. >UV C,varatloave l'oulle of V 1.11.4 Cove',
waLtt P.w.b rr-,.'r tri co, ere:
10 der Mahve-1,1 l'e , ;:.!
10 11..evr0,1
19 'L a.,ict
" ("nor.
•• gut,
' •
ORRIN: la,
••••• ..4oroca.,‘ 0.u...a Chairs • od .14-
..oo ternue.
li r 13.• I I na the .!te.rtest
er. • • • :7
• r.. ! . • , lrd Icalt !II .ortv
r , 11, .., Si con,td,r.Fly
F . SHY 91. Nil.' A %TTI V> •ANI, A'r EAST.
FAUN itLAlCULAl.:7irtitia. 4ILICE3: •
ol!WoTaiil at•• .C• 61 1 ,4 - •
„ .tt , r 1 uo I.G/1 . .,
Vein, do ik , .....,t.,, , c0naL1c5; all so
do ne. ! - L az Fact.er7pWeb..
." "'"". 71 or •; de Sttirttr4.
fee•l I .:"
1 , 1•Irt ;, V er,,ti.
;et, , ire A. •
1 - •,ur,.i etungs.
1 , ,t : t!!3c
~ '4:1 , c,,n J.'.
1: re.; Gar 01.41 itt,c - r. 1:. ,an , .1,...',, Slik •
11:,,.., brlr , l. Nu,. •.i . i ‘l - 11.1 I: 4 . .. AT
MkO,N • IFVfIe VI . n, `,. u• ~,',... I . W.,,,1.
,‘•• •1.1• d..S• 4,1,1
Hun, ••••I':aa
Vrit:Ph vtifflol, erP
.vther r NA C 11.1,411.1.
111111,11 nut!,
r01.. , ,54 HA},
Itouo..lersion e.l hove.
•Vor 1:1111., Ilre Po.t., a Vs,
A, , ila•
T.v• r.,ners ro nl,l p , .1 1,1,r 1.
11 , 11',.1.1 AIL 111.1T11.01
Ih rola!, tzu: Er• l
wo,tritcle pleso , ons te,onnvr.l Tl€••rs !Luke a
r• m the eolif.denec . fla,d4 4..4 the
Ft 5. N A NII;L. l'UNtria ULF-
I ] nxiu•l t i, u i r . n r e g d , t y r Last tt1 ., 171 , t r d .: , I t :
a hteu Jr reeprellully 111,1 e, the attee non or mere h
att. and peals" No 04 tVuorl et. fehll
WALL I. Alert at,t. la constantly
receiving, from the largest aounellectoraes to
New York and Plaladelphaa, and also from Freneh
genriett, the newest and lb , . approved atTles of l'a•
per Ittecginer, together watt, Bete - der+. Fire Hoard
Ninth and 'realer Top. Fee role .t fi Wood at, be
tween Fourth at and lhatruned &tie). ;sot censor to e
YTETELLIC PAINT--4 brie ;vont - We'd tier .Bremer,
l. land (or ante Cot the barrel or stngle posed rho
Drag, Heed, anti l'erturntry Warr:tone. eurner of
Rath .td Wood etrret• N IX, lid AL
_ .
MBE Phiroix hlannfeeturing Comp., now offer to
the public their Premium Chemical Stove rob.,
and with. , ezegge.lino, or roar of contredleiloo, by
thaee.ho Wore tested it, pronahoeo it fr .4 , 6er to
any other to the mark, 71e row.onir here au
opprch4rtion , n ozling c arpe.. £c., u
poviJon orr.ot r a dust Irmo ..rtgang wheo b ein g o p
ate.!, whlch on ,t Irt dare when ibe ,toy•
T., e. Ic: Armlurc brci
tau , 10-c r.rwlrc Avt ,^r
lc the • oc.cfnerf A rP3t ,, lrollll
?cc., avlA•n ;AAA n,Ac frr th• •AlcAnr. , n pr.
Actan,t ruA, Wm, t . ard rc,
la 13 :rt. per, , il A 111 UN' :Icy but Ihr
I'C rrvli Mn/A ., AclArt r PrernAun Ghcc
CAI Stove 1,1,401 1, •71,
PITTHUIJPCiiI 'JOUR rariueiTiiiiu,
pat, o•e: CI ]I ert
Vret'le hlonlogs.e. y over.
I es.
Hoofing and loot:front
it or 'I, torocev per ee:oete ton: t'
far 100:1T.0 lort:dmes atirl riepotv
Ft , 14 .4. , roe •, re Vi lia 14 moire,
rv,o:res, O:tic:or
r.nt, rec.
, tftrent tt , et, ether otil ,, ,tthee. 4,141 re
r.•• meet ) ,: ler the ether
tare of reLet 411.c!ey le
tim net,' r••• 1
111(0 '1.1.1,1 may t,
Ne••• Ar':,
A ,o , •ut., 10 , 1,ATAA n r 0 [1 0 . 0 ,„,
'4710 rwl , tirlth •
11 NAV:, L , • •
./ I` • .•.
; , new yo,y.
rpini A alnt,iorrtiptiy vi LOA tit, nt, alih
niceilect ...wide, &iv! in •2
Itcl Do y l'r. ei:l , ,ect.,
if,stoyy ofllw tot , the Girt., flr .taeob Abbott, wild
ng pil " rl\\ . o,r Roman, Mt , blollth 80 ,
111,4,1111 Fold Hoot of tbe Revolauftv.--flo 5..
The obove T00n:171..1.d TOO flov, and for silo by
If C
Th , ,N
Cr.. !Hoehn
L ASID-41hble No lon hood - nod to.
•la AlAfl h . "
AZ* Hot
AT It /IL E . .5" /47.1i/etir .E4PO
• •
'rd wea r opposite lbw .Offsee .
ii// tendon Art Journal for October
I.surlPs Living Age. No Zri . I
The Valley Cann; or the AntolayttOY of a. Or'
phan. Edited by Charles J. Polemic!: •
Pets coat GoverninenU a new whet, by Mu. TrOl ,
farmer lempleton. •II Charl Lever.
The Trouttsk—Domte beg*, e.mplew;
Lice of Yankee Hill.
. .
Genevieve.; or Pietism Loro arid &Mow. BY B.
De Laroar.ine.
TENNI; LANE; a beantlat Ettfopian Song; att eune
tby the New.Orlearts Serest/den;
atabfel beware; •
Oh! w Dinah, t a it nd
he thi ha n d;
The Malden's Tear;
The Wei Man% Bride.;
AV 0014 Isy ere with thee; /
Sad by Wave, as ring b Jeanyl.ind in
New ark;
The rd and the Maiden, audit by 3 naTT. 3 . 3 ;
Todd th is lute, tang 1,1 /entry Lin
TunYeet away; a beautiful diet, by B. O. Poster
ttlelehute Polka; by Statkaahaeari Llndinvitation
lima' Lurk; Jenny MA the time; 1 tine, and Dod•
warps rry belt Plata,eat, new 'gimes and ex.
ttn•IVE ton Of Boiler Preeeplar of heat masters.
If 1; LEER, In. Yhlrd street.
nr It; Gallen Dart,
. .
Bola Again ay for Dianbarn.. Pluton.
gltlifiEß take+ pleasere in annawaring to the'
LI. public that be hay Ineeeeded veeortng the
vale ekenty for Dunham'. eelebtatad Plano Fortes,
for Western - thunaylvanic
The Plaint. mule by Mr Lhanham, ,of the brut of
Sinnott & Denham, are tea well and lave:ably known
in this neighborhood to
e, any eenlment this
time, mare it to ray. that for a long Unto Ma other'
Plano. intr., k oon. in the Western country .thin
thou. of :not,' I..onhirn Naha/ 4 Clara.
Mr. Lunt..., •te prem.,. partner Of the atone
hr., ha. vt. - mu..
yearn Pi the fac
tory of tall t:Tei. a lermetiem! manager and director of
the bust:tett tt ithot a yea • tar two Mr DemitaMe kin
tonight out the churn i3etort and appitriananees of the
firm, end rontionev u voutufemarts, as before, In his
own nano. Lvannanee tom.; bane attained suet
popularity, that to ..Unr, of the wriest eftirs, Mon-A
ntal, 3.'. they have 'old two to Jun of any other
and.etare. They aro diettoguat bed by their power
rilhaneyol tone. and ettruardleary nerattsttiy.
N. IL—A large envotee of the above elegant till.oll
now rceeivine. SINN TIIE GOLDEN 11AIIP.
RIICFIVED this day from the esui: -
La Serenade—Schruberi.
1.2 Serenade—Arranged a. Duet.
Jeannette and Jewmots for Ginter.
Yulee of by gone days—Foster.
Away down In Cairo—hotter. •
Be Watchful and Bewsre—Gtover.
Betide, many other pennies' Sonde and Piece.
rcpt.___ Sign of He holden Harp, Third at
HEALTB, Disease, and Remedy. Ey Dr. Moore.
Adelaide Lintlase : a novel: BY the twat. , of
.I.culce Arnold," .Nonnan'a Bridge,. Am, the.
lac and Correspondent e( Robb liordbef — Polt ,-
151tIrtarn'e Rome—tab and oth vul.—complcuon of Ste
work. Received and for rule by
SI IC 1711 , BOOKA.
ENGLISII GRAMMAR-The English [Moguage In
Its elements and forms, with a hismry olio origin
end develoyeronnli droned tor um in colleges and
sehoots. tt In. C. Fowler, late professor of Mehra,
la Amherst College.
Autonomy-The recent Foam. of Astronomy;
emecially In the Vetted gtates. By Eli. Lomnis.
Fine Tram of a Huntet's Ltt. In the for Interior of
Youth Afriaa. wilt notices of the nano* RIM., and
anerdates 01 the 000.0 of the lion, elephant, hippattme
mmus, giratlfe. ehinneera.,A.o-enth Illustrations. Ity
It. V. Cumming. Rereived for isle by
R C arocirroN
erp~47 Market at
received lit 11. KLESEIVS Nu.lo &ore, the
vy Sonrc—
. •
In the E•ri there Isl. the Mart I Lore hot The,
71, Woteher. The Whoo and Red Rodeo. N. e.;
II I!. Ito doeth at thing!. Wl/1 Anti 01100. VI here
to be hopes I eberr•oh I.• Fr•ro • ale. rob 7
ilobr VOTER: or the Irlystenen of the Corn of
7 . 1. :nook, sot J o Shmilucle•Ong atorh has been
Reused at Itolsocs . Lurrory Dere!. ebred eireoh
oppoworo the tort i;thee, also. 171 en Pony, or lists
nt Ito Beau, by dhoti. "every Cosinot, ournemed
.YrosisOotore Kory or Athol, he 'Amour C Atororo,
1.1, and No =hal LlOoll'o Living Age. seek%
LARGE. end ettenalve as•ortment of PATENT
JI !MEI ALIA , : BLIN:II FOLIO est, among the
rale" variety embraced In the aserunent,
ciy be aand the Intlama,
Hasa Cover.. Carnage Oath, Air Eta, Air Pit.
Inv, Alt Cushlns, Wet, Pall, Tobacco Poacher,
Eninne Boot., Coat,, C•pel, Cloaks, Todpitans,
Lama. , . Mitten, Ponca,. dap. , Elasttea, Pane.,
I lot, Boor arta., Machine Bawling. son' Westers,
Met:hone ackme. Camp 8t...., Paper Holder.,
kite Prewnvers, Travelling Hap, Ischia. Bap,
Ratko.' Mats, Doge' Reads. D ge. Lana, Paddle
Bees, Air Balls, Fool Balls, Ladies' WentyGleves,
Cad,-e' (Con Sun es. Gents' Gera Oboes. Legg' nos. ar.
Every article sold alibis motalteltment t. warranted
to pearl• all the elteractensue• :essential to water
prat raovi,•ll,—insolabilitv ander ma degree el
beat, geillatit) In the vvvvv est cold, peat durability,
lightop2„perfeet isnuerateaeat, ea freedom tivan
talon. tor sale at the OCOdyeal Blubber 1:6190111111,
Na,! S 9 WOO 4 Street.
'ern Id. II I'IIII.LN-11
r it4t.m . :, Illo y N e. cA vNNG and o.lin r , Proud
.. . .
is.l3—i.Vc "coat it di. inetly undeninewL that ore
a. do Painting and Giounit . cheap di any other
avlnteng In it. city, and are determined 1t do it.
A --
°1re:4:4.1:6 KxritAcrs, Son PS, ie.—Jon:4
Und Entrant; Weed tad din Jockey Cat do;
pring Floored din Jenny Lind Hair fil•O: Aionneue
Vsteiver; Adandinc; Pouch." Seas, Cro 'whitecing
Ila 'lnn Airnood Shooing Croton Rowe do do; Am
atonal do di', Iluter Soap; Floating do,• Adandine
Bo; Hozel Nat tilt do; lone do. Olarshmailtrer do;
ntai.i do; Drown :cord or do; Rote. Urns., ar.
For +sir, whn,••/ , , am' 'alai!, by li F. MELLERS,
mpiv by Wood at.
%up, et'
•,, I;octism,
RI, AND DRY rriirers or oil Sunda, constant.
1. kg on anil of the bast qaatity - , also, Varnishsa,
I..lisse , l /10.!esi Pond /kasha,. diodi Toni ,
skaas, 'rues, dr Sold trholetak
and ail on accothathdating km.
N. I 3 parson. yoketialting mixed or thy paints
trii. wish to do their own painting, oan receive Ma
ns oral. y emotions &Mos J a Si Pi/ILL/PIS
sew: , :dY Wood st
isck I
1.• .n.. 3 Drb:s:
Thea,l, •
LI. llbilllpoville Fartm,
Soo 44. i Floor 011044 h; C. 130 4.1.4-4 do; ...yd.
4 da. 3IV )14 64 do; /WU s 7 X O 4• 1 4 aLeu
me ham and Leary, (dm 4 IV 0 rat. Hide, all vi
aagrrat atyle of patterits, and Out to an.tlissen laa•
:DO •rda 4-4 Facasnste Oil 0.7a - aLa. 414) 44a 4.4 d...
li.suoton aesdnell sites ?aWe, Stand, end 0121eau
ecieer•, 'anew. patient., and splendid finish.
Woo 'ids 44 NOsnt Cittiage 011 Cote, 54/0 yds 5 4
do. Zeu )ds 4do
W 0010.104 Clothe:raid] for Smite, a3snrttd Sildle
4-4 Green Oil Cloth for Window
aids :e4 do.
S •dcw Slut.lea, a large a•duitakani JIM TOVCIV,I
n ,, ar.l clytes.
a: • Burlo
rn trar.
airrylokatcaod othars alstatnot to rued:mat, RI ,. it,
to call and ea'aduna our aa.ortcncut ui r.d•
6.06 min ...old at tba lowert raategn
7 a Y Waal st
paallla Sodas Lomas N 7 p .
Hargaperilla Soda;
01. On do:
m bole. Lemon eymp,mulo from pore lostmo Jug.
Just tuunved and ivy asM DY
.f.Fla h Olittl:MTsisi
011111: uoilerstined ham au head, and I. ltd. Pap f
cvine Iron the taamtfaentrers, pc conelpunment,
a taiga ei lot el Flannel, all culprit, plain and bill .;
Alto, lied Blankets, Ill.tet - Coattne, bloater lbietthit.
Ces.trueceit, Sennett. sod pleixiils; welch he will yell
by the elute DT piece, al atenefseturentl prices. ft
attention of dealer. in woollen good. le invited
ainqa 13)Lloerty .0
isrorteas AND Distill ID
Salta sad Yana, Vesting,.
BAN DANN - n, Ind LINEN HORN. a ventral es
eorunent of CANS, and every variety of ennuatana.
East side of the Disseip.d.
A T setablishment the oldie may .1 vefe de.
twinhe'd earellret 'lava at
pr. , ea—tbey
F.l .I.l:e$llT,•A at SU YI re.. 14
• 0, , 0r ti , nalittea • ..... • •• • 41 75
Cr•l r
Thi o.etdcdly c rht, ll and 1,,t tote tn
abt•rai to uy 'leas. Mtn( MS a ila
WILLIAAIN will open it dust eial tan' Eon •
hsti halloo', on the best Monday at 6ept. nest
Room over 1. D. Williams gore, corner of W,..4
and Flits atreeta.
Rea. Won. D. Howard, lion. Walt. II Lourne,
Rey. Dr Elnan, J. D. McCord, I N.,
Rey. Dr. J. U. st , ,
r . i
— O.TV irt AI its
ruf IT ILPIf V & itURCIIFIELD Inform died comm.
1.1. era aml buyers generally that. In no.moducttec
of workmen Ming
( Red m enlarMna mbl jovon.
Ing thorn Store Roar., they removed them good.
in Nn auntie aro. of the huddinr, they occupy. untd
Mo improvement+ are lidiultedi where lb. will be
h•ppy in ice them mummer% as umald non tier
dutiable of walking up lonia, will try nut inn,
!iirm I.V selbei, chevp
ILrniirancr, from FoUrttilltrtet,
11" AVVIIENCEY, HAIR GLOVb.l3,rin,lb, for Libbe
I, , 10 oo do tor iients,
,0 jr
do do doublb.
do do do do Dad,
do . do Strop. for Ididtbr.
.In ..o do (or 0.(11.
do do do U..L.
do Hecnidia Unrsbet.
boro , rled and lor bob. by
It I ha.-Ise , o • II • (Mane;
4-4 hhOs 15. r‘, ?7 ,, ;
100 hf chrtta JI., latatelia/. C. P.,
100 bn n !LankTena
10 kegs 4 lorist arr,
VS brie Taoosrs'
20 lois N.C. Jas.
Ia brlo noun:
1011 sides Sole Leather;
aim dos Colo Blooms.
ISO las Waslass Glass. ass'd
9011 rtos Weaning Palter,
• ' • i, • •-•- • I •`Thi , - •
!BOOKS l!usfct*o:
1011 !fart•' Sylmar knotty')
endipxakal aTios.
- • "
re d ' W' o l l l 47lllat l ter - tli k d n n els ‘' . ei vi . d rlre th ia a d i i rr'
Itaintirl tarter ihrbicatidlatuts—old cotes, running
ulcer& de,that they:ran be sired hy takin,the Pei
emeserve Yea essiy.tale ahoy s being nostrunku'
much .1.9 you please, b ut this does not mete ! so, for
weprOclalnt lathe r ace of au Sanest community. Oil
it h i s virtues which nm contained in any ctn.
rearedYl'•The Inauffrho It racked with pain and &cf.
farm` tom disease, emu fob tidy cents. not
.sepal the ills esuraMended above. Reader! it aptly
varylittle to Maki: strial. !This Petroleum to no rein.
Mre—rm rampant!. put up for the purport of inipo , ing
Oct c•rnmnnity; 1411111 s a remedy elaborated ivy
Me master pand of native, and InthblesnPfrera the 1.-
sewn eons mother earth in As original purity, and of
fats lo mactiog liumanCy a ready remedy, a certain
and cheap c ure.
haf Carol seer other Medicines have
to render any relief. .11
s ta nd oared Rheumatism *floes
Standing, and of wort a most painful cherwlev
!meowed Cholera Blorhus by One nr two dines; ii
Las cured. old oases of Diarrhas, In wiiich ever y minis
remedy has tern of no avail. As a lime timely in
hums and scalds, it is better than • any medical com
pound or ointment that we know of. It will curt Old
blalna or frosted fret, in • few opptlcations; undoubs
ell testimony can be furnished of the truth it
in the above statement by callg on Santee] ki• Kier,
Canal !Irwin, Ith %mei: an ehi tce oft e neer,.
keywir McDoell, eomer of Wow! nircrt and
Virmn Alley; 11. E. Sellers. 37
oil y , Wod wow; Iv A.
lion D. Al. corm. y arc
1i,, ,
DEAL - TV—lt Is univetnetly v . :oersted tbat twenty it
It) more common no Mt. eetuttry than in any other.
while at tine mono time it. tau. 'ha iu •••••14er emus
toy is at lust at so youne an age ' Now thio if trot
to • t. tam Client. but the 10•3 Is often canard by ne
glect. We may to all, eo not neeket your prTsolml
atinearaner. Ant rend the following, •m 1 yen nt'eti not
lack Fond laths. Iltene atuelea are erlentthe pee
per-111ton, anal have all ttttelnett Wan popolarity.
Joann Hann'. Y . . 11 Torsos ye Varna A nn M.,.
Soar, for rendering lent, tents.en
and other creptlons of the WA: Um Host Iterftet cony,
senator cinema every know. Piston.... twilling
Pullsort44l, w Ae Ny.l.llSoap, tanks.. at Lanl.ll 00 It,
'OLIO HAMEL'S PKIIIJAN o 9 C 111310% Powtna.fof
parting to the Won Maass CPOIPI•NiOU S. radiant
whiteness. In natl.! /Loved s person he mots rare•
Cut than the sae of • powder for Ihr esl.l, at many of
those sold ate sesy talllr.olo My Chinese. Powder is
tanspoanded inn sesettillse otanner, :Ind C 01111•10%
=netball whlob eat Tinselly sednet sit injury.
JUL.. 11AU1T...1 Dzeu-sTross Posseura, 'or T.11.111X
Supertlenos Lair. 11Ihst is nose anrielktly than hair
Upon llso nee or anus or lads . This snick will
etrials.: 11 in. sLon trine, seaLteil Ilir es: of tiny sharp
Juts. Ilsurt's VliilltaNtz 11010 Dv s wall
testantsecouvryimport to red. ur bat,
beautifully black, brown. or auburn color. It writ
color the hair tin a skinner time, and inure ed....wally
than any oilier Dye, Lynn at the same hive
Joks Ils tab's Sitar,,, Cant —lt is many • plea•
sera to share with this cream. Them is none oldie
smarting sensation usually experienced In the most of
maul:Soaps. On the contrary, ttheake• the skin 'mete
and *eft Wan lariat's, and not liable to become
Juin Ilatim.'s Floalloein Part i.—Next to the hair,
we think th e Teeth men intended as the greatest onto.
went to the human race; bat when neglected, nothing
to so dguring, or so quickly Re.. 017 Rose Tooth
Paste will Impart to the teak a pearly whiteness, at
the same time keeping the gums firm and healthy.
Also on hoed, • complete ..1117.01111 of French,
Driti.ll, and American Perfumery and Pane)
JULIES FUME... Permater and Chemist,
PM Chester Street, Pbila
Poe sale wholerale and retail, by U. A. Fahneatock
gutFo.. and R. &Sellers, Pittsburgh; said John tear.
gem-and J. Mitchell. Allegheny City, Ps.;fin
111. 1 • Dare VI SUAP-44 crelt .""''4"' JlitiVil i ttlo "r
STA - 141S11WiliTTI•for sate by -- '
atilt . . J KIDD & Co'
(Ylarj l
l erld i.-- uset Attli t t imparted ti b rr k r.l . :l; o jl f°
.is • .A rA 111 1 11 It Foci: Lc°
ri c tSii litirtElt=cprimeartiele, (or •M• by --
F -- itt="Tib 7 F;FlT"sriiiiiiW.i 0i .4 .r:;f,',,t':,.b
AL rllL47—iiiparreli :6 ti.,l Pt Ireablstet reed for
• rby It E. er.:I•LERS ,
ocl7 SI Wend Et
fioB : rea: 7 -4 , 10 - tsi nnitri1,71..r. , ...1 by , ado by
(MAR 1. Adlo4o VIA—I car. 'art reek! for PILIP , y
'l.) e 17 n C SELLERS
witrx , VEZOtt On received ol Fun 793
JIM lel etty 'Rep t, from the New :Welton :Mille,. but
pi supelior CuLL wheat Floor, pot up In W lb mrek•
for !but ly use. irreabr IN al A MeC1..311 0A CO
i ? - rift: I.;i'll7(tnis—ErslTes.llfl'a nridrrilter
&" thiltrii Hand* 01 Seem . Cured Hams Celretnntly
on lard and la, rube at lid Liberty street, or
oelo WM A MeCLUEII dr CO
rec'd and to
Urb — Piti , loltati Diger
Dogged, and Cabeaa•ed. for pale be
ottd WM A Aleci,pki CO
TAAND RDXF.V—Round el.l I all too t, at whole.
sale and retail, by %V P. :11 AD-HALL
es Wood at
-- • --
rIIOSACC(I--13 keg, L. , !:;.'s No I Sol.t. Jost Teed
Mr steamer Geneva. a ..d for .1c by
Oriel :J Watt
CASTOR OIL —2O Lel. L,J lOT sole by
oeld W 01741 at .
11201U110 & 11 A Walt Til
TDFIALERS; ate! orthe Diamond,
1. Try our Tea al :dad pc. ,a— . Tie really good
%VINE &pi/ANDY of the parost a tau, ado solo for
VT 16.rdirtral :napes:es, a: and SI per daon, for
rule br 111 , 4/US d HAW,tIIIII
0016 /0 /he Diascond
1,11-S-1 ram.. Or:gar:ow. e Atot. I rAd 6,t:..
VP Mon enn Levro
Cer, I elk Emee—o..•nd
sa I r IL. ' , Mt, 01) warrant
ad pure, eerie:al for :e 11 E .I.lllts
00111 is Wo od
rAptif-Lietile g a No Len. ~e log from rsadier
ju add tar ante by
eel° II:t0t% • 611:1:T
',TACO: II Mal .
tow the tat, hy
one '.+A; if 1111`iirT re Co
Iry „ L.% .,, 11 la
TIM IS AND HI .lu/ lo
Tuba, /or rale by
ocia SWATEItatAN k gal‘aa
CORN 1/ RUllale—eu 00, ruler not net 0ur...0
Cern 1/roolu A, for cal , by
ra , V I. a W&TER:ta!V &
TLOVER SEED ..19 i.tuoe innre•
%..1 Seed, in •:ore. •13.1 forme
Agit 1.1 TEI.T Au - experseneed
Sairatuan fanotiar w i th 11. e Dry r/ooda sad
/I..nery bariner , , to wLont will be
I` II k; +TONT.
octlo lii No 01 Tourtlt at.
urna - -4. l.aae 1•111.1 limo tor nala 67
['CAR !Aka. i'i T anc 0 ()for ..n!e by
onti J d. Co
Ma/ \ s .ale by
ociPl J J I I.II,WORTiId, Co
I ItV Lon ,J.c.o. 4..11.7110;1.11j 131c.nt,
nu CA Id, bare.. an an co do
ctal.. by nd
J & Cn
o ,
ells bq c . bf. nen n'3ll;:a6ll.l.llJri.iB4!rof:.zotolot
P I/Wpgit- - -1,5130 tags
60 00
do do Deer Rude, m .g o nn a ,
YS Ey no do,
bbl. flol.ty Pole do,
Far sole by octlg J DILWOHTII sCo
L•111)-114 key. No I LauWinn received and for
441 a by octll S W 11ARI:A Olt 11
i i)i . oo - 14 - - - -3Wb /neon nnouldo.7"
5,1= do Stdev,
In sulfa and far talc Ly
onlll S h W 11A.R0A1.7011
Li A( IDs Rays last landing and ern.
0..112 - S e R ItAKllAtlift
AGAR—I 9 Wok N U Scgar in stare and for 4•le by
O ootl2 S& W 114111.14 LOON
1;2 N Cr. los k SALE lul;nee cylinder,
1,7 4k foot amt. Ear term., apply
0011' F VON IIoNNLIORST 4, (N)
. .
ALT ETILL—..O bags crude, armlets for .ale
0 beto W tr. F 11.31.04
CLAtZ—, tkorieall%eu.sby—on
LEATHER—WOO lb. dparwh, arinfing Ver
0 canal, tar “At by JAMES DALYA.LL
Bull 7U Water ax
IL IC Zt t P"'" '
A UkltiiSiffieiCchTtife-c by
4,4 e 6y
lia;;;11 - 0.1 - 131 in Stared.
I.I.INED and p.spetred tipretsly lot Puddings,
Cuitards, Catet,
tlito pare an.l beandfat attlole to exesettnal
hatutot, 'idiom., and ettonomuntl, and labels domed
may La 2.0.1 as a substitute Lrould tls the lame men.
uto as Atm* Hoot.
(orle I2M L.kberl &
net,'""v" rule
Aleetl.Tß4 L'l7o
Lictio I.TII,- IDI - 7:7117i64711 3 t tale by
aril J &MEd bALZFLL
lir - Osio by
oclo_ B oWN & KIRK rATHICK
41pacen, esetinere, 1 1 1i k t (bel i l l' od Llama Weol Hoentrr. An ass.,
wont received at
.1611.2R1.111 - k BVIIC/11.11.:LIY9
VILIELLkIdT - P..11T MAE .i S . / per gal... far
X/ ...ale by load) . ?IORRI9 a. It A latlyll . l
r i nt it by IC6"
i l . t h i. r .l7.%. r tn ' .l7.l ce rT.7
.1,10 y
..;:kt ,. E ,2 / o t a d bl r llel:.1G0 nell
ar.G """" ' I;P.
'4 '1,4111A I n C..
1) "lbn amena
frcru AlCaltitt ealcdo...a, and fnt .die
telnlkit/WN KIkIiPATEZIw.;
R 1414°,,, a CS , sa . thee Ibi-sitte •
0,114 /ASIR._ A ntrh1111:103 h I".n
TRUNK POARD:3-66b;r74117* . a.priiiid.lbeent ,
1 ex 1.1 DROWN A KtiltKPATßict:
Tnmi , nt saln by atilt lb 11 SF.t.I.VRS
Bare Sktlnetar
MURPIIV k havO recoloci; a
nf kandaarra Panay hlllad fitikinoi. km Boy.'
wea also, Pla and Plain Casalnnerea in ma;
variety ; !Orrin° Cusairurre, Kunlunky Jeans ; Black
Tabby vaLccia, do., Si .1 . 114 out corner of Fruftit J
and Maori Wants. Pq!' t:
ifter. Colored Prnets.
& if DRURY & BURCHFIELD Invite attention to the
IFI cleero lot platoons. erel British Note, dark
• c. t Here, lull teemed.
,sik. gniE - Toile a L 77
& FAUN Ce & CO
, fira dC Mcod ell.
Wootton College of Ifoolaopalttfa Nuticiot,
Swan nflS.so4l—Cisarterest 16419.
•1 trlfp eoefthirnee'entie Vlrst - lilltafterr NdYcer
ber, and ceptinprpm.,'ilh4 • •-i - •
T he Chain e aced, are arrange as Ist Dos.
• fithrut 'esti M. lli - PrOfesaer •ef -11Nderifery, and
Hiseata. of VfOrited erdigitlidreA• • • ti
Lansing Bungs. M. D, Pro ( rnor of ~'rinciplea and
retetlois of Bergen , • " ' • •
sFrofees rek Instnetes
and Practice etlinMeropathy.
•Le. ens Dodge, Mt DiVrefsesfir ef lllkterti Medics
so . of Ilarellon 1,. ant , r e
• Vdesn Withefeli 61.11, Professor of Anatomy
Jeltu Bra las rd. Prefilsaor of Physical Sciece.
• vita,b... Ben,l*.itnistrater eflaratome.
The diluter ef the NirogemaC4a, oa k s
oil Mellen,. eras granted by the '" m •
during In seinen ef196 , 50. H visaed the rtgbl•
end tetsllegtfusaally posseseed by. Mehra! Colleges
to the Vetted statesa ,, and, unlike many Colleges, ft,
calks it of any other' thabledidt ,
an avid the passer to confer dense., and petsessthg•
enulroon seal.
like dere°. iirtferred by the nraity and
Trusty. mien the reeothendatton of the Faculty.
The amount of fere I nc f the fell count will be SS&
M ''''io-'im•dd fee. SS -to he paid bat once., Demon.
strata's nehet, G. Gradonueo fee. See Yemeni
who Was OUJOded two fug °wanes ,Of 10C1hEre to
oCher colleges, ace admitted to the fall wane JO title
ifiltinklioo on the tlaymnsti of MM. Gradnores of re
sprstable etedleat'seltooli are permitted to attend the
course on the payment of the reatrlealmien fee only. •
(toed board, ineindlng room light. ind fuel. eon hi
obtained nom Saw On fle permeate... For fortliSr
formation address. VIM& D. WILLIAhIe,,
dlm_ • Dealkef the Fetidly.
A. dl. ,D. C HAitta BERS,
(sar. ettultni.,
1.V01,141 respectfully intone the curio:nets of the late
arm, •Iro the ambito generally, tbet , ther will
aunt no the manufaetora of
• ' ,J .
In all their varieties, at the tha ittand, '
No IS Wood al, toeipOon Pgat a Wolorl
Ur. Bole's :Veletaslrd Bemodirs•
rh IL JACOB tn. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro.,
1.7 nrie tor tif these most populard - beneficial'
medicines, an
also the Inventor of he 'celebrated.
rostra went for intlatmg tunes,j&e eetilrg a tut e'
of beanie diseases. was a student pt ttmt em neat
ptiyeician, Doctor Physic, and, le a militate the
rrreitty of Pewntylvanla, and tor thirty 'eats since
has been engaged In the investigation of disc..4lllllf
the application of remake thereto..
• Through the owner fitheting tette:ln connection
with his Prephylactie Symp and other of htsremediei,
ho has gained an 'manta:aged eminence In coring
those dreadfol and fatal-roatadics, Tabereller Coo-,
SnlaptiOn, Canaan, Serollll.,
Fever and Agee, Fevers of all-kinde, Chrome Cry
aittelev, and tin these et whittle diramei
. peculitir Id
&mutes. Indeed everrforat of divot:Se exurbs" under
the one of his remedies, to ',thrall humanity is heir.—:
not hg rho use of ones MVOCILa 13*, roc that is tre
compatible, era h Physielcgteal Law, bat by the use
of bra remedies, adapted to and presctloed for tub
panne/ term °,
Dr, Row's Tonic Alterative Pille;;Wltc Oi need, are
Invariably acknowledged to be cupertor to all ollier.
as a purgatire or liver pill,lnannuen as they - Immo
the bowebt jterkcily tree term corder** a• elan
his Gulden Pills ta adinined by tbefeeultyhe pones,
teenier properties aontited to, female disown,, bat
being Washed that a Pare trial is seethe ent establath
wit ethos been said in the minds nfthe most ekeptlcal.
The athlete& ale bolted io tall upon Mg agent and;
procure (gran.) one of tbe Doctor's pamphlet', giving
• detailed account of each remedy aim it. application.:
Eor tale by the fallowing agents,ai well a. hymnal;
draggle@ throcabout the country.
J helm:masker & Co, Pt Wood street,
Al Townsend, d magic, 43 hterket sr, do;
Lee A. lecahon, en near the P.n. Allegheny eitr,
Jo. Printer, Darlington, Seaver co., Pa
Jno Meet, Exton bailey, - ''do , l do;
T Adonis. Deaver. ~to. : da
alurav LIBD.
AtwArnpui. Oil Print, (a now
tented is laredent4 rettortteenthea Jewry Inns to
rite fteldsr, in a)tatening &tauten. to lawns from
the ntehttngate. bat been 'teemed by :be sibeent
The eatartt.c, r 101 al to tbr bvert Oa:triter! pa/aline,
and the Itter.etre the wont tea:l4ol end torrent of any
yet brought out.
Mao, Jenny Lind', Greeting to America, the Prue
Sung. and tan eelebrated Eehn Song .
11. givint,
G.:den 1!417/.101 ibird
vie. Superfine Oolong a 11111alrynng Tale
SpIIE.SE are lie eery hest black Tel, that we are.,
I ported inn the Viited States. Morris Ss Ilanorth:
Tea Ica:err, in the Mahan& arc telling ealdTew et
the law Ore of 'Sse per IN for sir!. : septa
perm;—Na t) el t is press wepk bas
bun rived
at Holmes , ',heresy llepos Third at.
opposite the rest cash
WINDOW GLASS-5f fl has lir:
leo ham 10 Lit
thl bze 10z 14; pan eauea
quality, in store sad for sale be
CLINT-3-9 brls ree'd for gala DJ
L 7 Wood at
nidiFidditr solo by
ocS R. 1: tiELLEILS
CALS—n boo retert fr e t t lf E bA b
O n . IIAWAY DEED-I.n tt,r eery Clean, .`orrule
REI . ! e CTAI.Ii In slieln I ma 1:n . ..21n1 ... b i 1y . 3
OIL-21 brls pure.ll i
Long Shawlm.,
LeiStiEtilt OIL —l9, !Ws pate eottetry it, lost rera
for role by ROIHSON y pirTLE a. co
ocZI V3Laperty al
HOW 'Window
iesrtcecteei.l at W theCLINTOCKS Carrel
er 11 areborte, No ES roost!, wool., and Wood st,
a.) Rua Woblote Linen toC '
I)RINT'ING - PAPER—I iv rots 94 rtY,
NI I= e.:l'2; equal to ate
Ent sn He market, for vale by
..Tad R C wrocicroN
AtONi:6 oaade9iron~L;~tfta
J,)1.01J low to close the lot by
, vet; {Valor ra Front its.,
r geectie4 Itcot - Phollitilo kir - awry, ISO sires
W,sgoe Cover (1. 1 (• a *pod article. tor ante by
" 1 7'll. 9 Wood et
At As moLt .9 brig for att., by '
p lit sr xl . 3ls—lrJ;dox Corn Brooms frit sato by
D WITFA-15 bele solid butter for male by
teA dh Et FLovu'
TAIII'AULIIi*-4 very heavy huge Tarpaulins. of
the best qualay or India Bonber s en hand and ter
taleby loci) J k it Pllll4,lPil
1,1 iirrihatiS idagetine, No 5, titr — Oinottir, or title
LA ea =Dent magaalne, - and No I 9 of Dictionary of
Mceloadca, has been received of Bobressi.Litarttry
Depot. third street, opposi is the .Post OrSec, 'Mao a
new Amoeba Novel called The Conaguater,e rate
of Illannethaavettie Lfand, en the Ohio altar, Ind
Nod Pictorial Field Book of the &muesli RevOltb
lion. :ore
COD g 1511: 10 .aka for a tti ,C
00l ;50 Wood In
ALSION--.) brie - Balaton,
not Wet F WILSON
JtrititifftES=3tio huge pturiti 6 even 810 Iteree; —
•:1 ISO packages assorted Teas;
75 bas mutual Tobacco;
tire P Alifin;
50 en. Clansman;
SO boa No 1 Chilies:date;
3 casco Liquorice Belli
10 tierces freeh puttee Bice;
Vegeta beet At - adder;
5 barrels diem;
barrels 1 sancta , Oil;
stadrun patent Buckets; •
0.13 bas born Broonts;
50 bogey White P/peq
30 hhds prime N 01 1 egar;
SO brie do 111°1.v-el'
100 orb large No 3 Mackerel;
-23.istia large No A do;
,a do_ Nu do,
50 brig N C Ter;
20 Nis Pitch; • •
SO brie No 5. Rossu; ' •
lbs assorted Tains;
SO bales No 1 Batting; 1
100 kegs prune White Lead;
IWO keel; 12140.24 NW*
Also, a full avvoroncet of Pituhurgh reanufactered
articles, for rata by JOHN WATT te..b.111
' \l7l P Clrra.llll.lld Pars Wl3lll. ' e l/ ,
ec LITAIILE for Medicinal Purposes, :airways on
h0”,1e,,,d for pole by the bottle. quart Or ratei as
morman trAivolcurs
reni• en it Winn Mnrt ,
"tee ease Black Clout dnowis;
‘...1 I ease Yellowy Flannels; ••.
cuisa Red do;
I ease Hod twilled Fleuirtels;
leases Value do do;
3 cases Darted do
• 2 C es 19ain and Fancy tiewintern,
I e we SatIllell;
3 cues Ohm Alpine;
ewe /cane;
a eases Mete Blatt Blanket (loatinc
eases limy Blankets; • •
d ease, Bents Blankets;
I caw Mon de; •
*rinse.. White Rod lilaolteni; •
' CO pairs Steam Heal Blankets;
Received on enneve~•o(eoa, •tid lye sale u menufic
mho prices by II LEE
:It) Linnet mreet.
SWIY—Low • tvghly p do ctiatned t3Town Widdeor;
Jo - ' fl , Sosp;
Co3dunon lbw 'Soap; - , . • ,
Philadoipbbt Vatiomed ...krop; • _
rittod , rl do' o , ' do;
Comdo Sohp; • , I
(Alva SOltri formleletWerale and retail by
n..ow lionnora naps.-11.16.14Catn/In 0 ILTirCurni
1)o ItOWN NVlndeor Soap, 13ermain, nonty,hlank
1), vernacular, Ortental, PalrtWaitil'Oltve Oil Follett
:here t9mtp, aro - hlghlyeelebralcd tor inventor
ernactheras to the • . - • .
rerchesed from the importer, and for tale by
sePty It E AF.M.IMS.S7 Wood ft
r-thNlllA fil.ll3llEit PACK th(.:—.3Wo tea tenoned
ieknessen, from 1.31 to 1 Inch thick. Thr above
peeking Is prepared eb that hOttdcgrees FaLrenheit
will not Infect I-, and'ln superior to every thing elne,
IS no ronslonce boa so touch elandeiry which atands
no high • degree of best, and rutty nend hhonl
pacts. where packing rs neetenary, •11...—manhote
plates, pintan rods, want total, steam ¢been cYllc
der head., Sm. For naie wholesale and fretail by
ha Wood et
vOt. '
N.310.15H EXTRAVIIG• '
edict axeL,Arul Indian li mit, • • "
Im Por.•4 and fol rale t•t• • "
- n A rAnna,....Foci; 1 co
;or lint/LAT.:4 at'
..APPi.riukik for Cie
' sTl• l 4.•eit to
IN VF-NTED by fireU <rir
oea hut
13. - A. PAllpa
Covet of 'Wool Ohl
Ok r cl a li . R47 as?! , of ter
.Dora:, Teta:Fa, in eorw
'ltinery, Corn .1 r,.1
Caulk A ripori,..milis
tkilphie• •
Cll2t4ie Soa,, in Ns. :•
lilngokina do
Lan Dye, pod in be.'
Carl, Iron. in keg.
Civil Acid, in ih bonlee
/in. Minn°. Cone,
Dilliniberßoci_ ; 41,i I
..I.Mritakot• White- Jo•
WI in gt. !More Pipe
tor down:'
made hY
...Rs WIWI& Marlin os,
• - nu.upaisTs.
I aol, Tw
A h "u
Pill h.., pppa.,,,,b o ej
V ilft l lSACjittiZjd
lAdhesive Pleamrd Eng
,RO:011k. do , ro
Lew?. do
i.lbenetn do ....d o
Eleternon do do
Goat! Iron, End'
IV , dniV, Vara:lron
Alrppo3 l
. nplon't Llrif • '
IWedrTil aw
Of!avaniei;:rpl .
do:, • : Ger n
on Orinnuci
tJi Oil Rosemary
AlmoOde. -
Palk and idea Pend - a.
CerdernentAnsd. d
E 4 VPIL zhe
Tea., prepared
iotto/II:not •
Rhote.h row.
Indtan Bed oe3
, . in or rr,r,o
lOiliniinn.'in Li lb Wil.
'iodide Iron, in In vials
Gonf. &ens% lain
Potnih, lb bon leit
I lb jori
Ref.LiquoriOnrtn lan
Tart_ Onetic , Ida
Proin. Loh!. in .on -
Tart,* An, t!X*.
elor.l‘l..rilA. re,'
RsidValcrian nalca
GREAT oscp!T4t*.i.
- ...Threatlk Is.:1601011.:Day,
u T E Into pletriste Inmen , aneinir to the . 'iiicl'cliants
TY of Pinsburhe and lb° Western .bartpelts eam.
multi shaviron , soh •efier Mei Jel,lheibilk of Sep.
tnalicr. we.ifth.teeelve.s.r.ti forward igooas.ria the
Cetatel hail Road, and juaraD tee them 1. 1 . , * hWoolth
to isttr thlie..•OurSetenehre steel of Carr nr.ti hosts
- ertables.usto offer thrisbreir expeditiOecheal6ica the
vere,llll rrntioh, put, a+nrl . tale vie
and Coltehbio .
wishwg gees. boost It the'llast
with es' Minty art.l dispatelt ai
ATYIBrs, fair:, or prodoe,
shipped ii.•rx. hisitel to eel on '.
re CO.: Ptlbhtr h.
/alit (Pho,lNOrl.k CO., Philsrlclphis,
Proprietors of the Piosboteh Triitiporrettion rat.;
pr sk.rotiowthe • • • • • "
OVietitoss Co., :V Nott, street. 134,1111srmrsi
It Outer. 6 Battery klito;AeveYintti
hyrrorrs Jr. ristats,.l.4 Deane Anlst4nioon.,,
- . . ... , .
r s ,
at to a s iiiretw 6 r airtilre. iTrifs 6. Illtili;
D OM a parsitiOned a in 'ellea;liiiniiitlant4:,clili
i.i. &CAM TM*, forasnt, in.'s tineme, pirrof the
elty, 14 t SCA irn k.trvroligoNt ;
otil 'Ti at billideti'Wett .4 Mr.* t.
laU . sProttiersolett b,cl". Asti..
T HEirbeer of toed ore now reweivior.4 eatraWarga
supplies Jame. &Intorno & Fen's' hieh teat, best qoahry Wars hlnkerrd irabonhjitt, therporm
tell at rile to w Market prier, too ewe epornteo
tolle td; & AI MITCH ELYAM
0041 , r Lihrittere-e!..
ItErtitTit 1.10710 S 011
lA A. r. iratuluntrr, (poorl of the &r. European
Jd motion,; late Tort, tedpeeltul intorter
the eititens or thuhlorreir awl ATentrentonnt &whoa
argivet and Inwer. :k t. pßity bis pannahent
nreidmwe, fot the purpere Cl IrreEtftiU , 'lrElEVllE'licti on
Cu exer. f *Ca: JO. kat IVbi tErE's Botandlon
brow, to 'Lite... to, 'or of 11 Mawr, Mho! Wore
r.ll Meet vtlEI 001 pr ottrottom °ad
000 .FLIM Weeted lret•Prooring Dail&
for sl:to perfectly dr}, wro of eeaperfor
noel:teal • • •• • elakroeborea.
Sontag ant at Cent 141kaineei,
A I.Atti, t; e tuck. of 7.4k:r..ll , lDO,forAvfoo4famde.
AIL moo fea:ce, sc !urn., ~ ruutof Or real
Cala., .10 lot rot marl it pa, went.
. • JIM, If, :•
ae3U 115 CA 004 et.:Pil,Ltirtil
, .
- Cl4-1 , 41;T1N
ardor/4 , l<dlanineuhed Saner& ilobb
j with plat, to eat ry. the Wnoltholdrand Bolan
tannery and Ytaduca aoder.tha.6thi "or
Ulnae and Reid, thco of the 1.11.uudi , ,r,•c,,,,,e, of
htheaead Ala•Y, Pmstarst. .
oniddlif •
d Allettotfthiler 'n'teivoc hupe /sow th
‘,_/, teeny d ntdple, na.try. and Pry Goods, COM ist•
tag in.o.ast of Wooten, lhieet. and Casidderctibaiels•
eta-. lfeolin, Ththrt. nnd CLlO:tithe:int en ; Wool,
en old Wor.tid Conifer.; A:partmanalfronhertica,
Woolen and Canton f laanels; C, , loted 000 lithael,ed
Nachos; Caosioets and Ciailerctesitfl,Lth./. and
I,atten; Battens add Comb, Threads ' Eirtdftgai
litabtellasthod Loteraildtc; - le ,
All of ethieh, coahlry and oily therehanta.are oe•
spectrally ensiled td exaalled, et CP Wood 'set 25
.... • . _ .
Ilid.Vlrd this day, awnetated wi th nth Mr. J. 11.
Cloate,lt Inc Wholesale .Coneely. and "thilaed
Itholneit; the ttyle of the film Intl he li,'Cluthertson
&Vaasa:: ; • A. cumnarrsoN
a. Proiiiarsitil " " I •
IA7 1101..1-.;i1613 GRUCEILS atilt ttammi**ionlYter.
YY Points, Denten. in rintinda, and Vittabargh
filansfsdrimetl hiliCkll,ll.s LtPe mi . r , t, Pitt •
iY3 I
VLUIIII..-30 Pats t itir*p Y. ter -I ssie by, • •
0e25 A l:Mal/EttritON E CLOUSE
1 . , ; 10 % . •—f•u saet it for we toy._
17 or 2:: • ti! ULBER I SON 2r. CLniTSE
Oa/ or sale ly
lr nc
ttilwit,--s 1 k d for I l•
' Vat k` c " 7
LB}, rsuNscrxru F.
31 1, ; , R: o ll t r i ttl i r , I11:1 0 1 1 213 , 71rretiv o edlg . :1 , p ;
(....h.ries, Ai yaecop,.S. *in, 4r, cm%
. _ . . .
Ni t t, p .s r uln a :„ s f U LT lFl t L L in r .. sc o 01:artienr of
shoot soot's, siviog 10 mach .1.1.11w,50n nn acevum
of!belr .phrinkate irasners. '' : ' "AC`
.._ _
EIESlply of Poland Mills !t•tra talrasly
hour, 0 1 vm Ike‘
' fbAVN.V.:I'IIIN't. reed
lOS 1.11,111,1
• Ilikintlgrria tairrion,
1k Art 01FLD hove received I -.rag
plt 01 stare repertor art:c.c. oodl
_ ----T—
-,n,F wecy ligridsgme patterns gadbr , glitscizis recd
at corr. ;aim} a..4 1 - 1 :4440:1.1)
UroTh - VPftiNYTF
r of Merrimack, Crebrea, :quagga's,: Diniktgli's,
Allen r, Clyde, and i‘mcr good monufsetories -just
opeor4, for soIo'4IIAUKLEIT6 00111 Tr.:
cell? • • 101 Woods
LI received, (mil Ins auto by '
• r BRIVRR & 13A11NEN,
O p '?a e7,fa 2 it ls" :l d Olie -
.1.1. 'lament; and for sale by ree d
iRI R, Libetty st.
BLEACIIING POWDER—nee :IW]. peauebna
quality, (or nit at the lowest market pnee by
fIuEEsE-100 bx, c.a., iwn rea for au by ‘ , ..2, , a It IF Lizat.UelAill
B UTTER --7 brl. Roil Batten
7 bri. Pt.ka do,sstlamling rot We by
021 ... 2 & 14 ilnitlielUtilt
Br - Fti - ii.sel, , 11.flercot color, in - ritsel. tor
axle by ll I.EF,
G E.'NITLEMEITS fu4ri out Vegs and limners;
do Pint Memo der,
• -• do Warm Saxony do;
do Plain aim F, d Stlk Cravats;
Fine Shine, Collars ; mid it 0.0.33;
Silk s Conan, mid Wormed Suipeneem;
Curtsy Rod Limning Bonne,
Pnmed Flannel Robes; •
Ruseia Mts. Umbrellas:
Silk,end Linen Pinkm
Woo/ and Onekskle Gloves,
Soper Kul and Si* Gloves:
Scans, Commas, end It oakum,
Jars received and for .axe or F II Leirtnv
dl South at
IP I, TILF. R . :22_ p_ll
a ft . it c s
iz t_t IT c c , l A t i, y n
JOA 0c.5
TATlWiiifr- -- 1 - 6 - seli — i
1 :011(4)N.MAKER 4, co
`.lt %awl E.:.
u wick a: NI‘CAN 014'3:3
- "'"'";Z;4 ° 4: . 1. 1 '420
6K 3iirs;:oTimn
B utZh 7 l.oo
bI7.4°P. 61 Tg i BONIIM.M.-.l' to
1 1 1.4ttre P ol!letit iVi LG nter jt7oTo:eHtlit:t!e!'sa'trlt2if6,rl:-.J,7.701t
conovott Co, nlon Not Wantert?trotood out
tx9ll WAX A "Irk:WM:Sir:Cr
t; t 7" -
J., yen tt:
DARIo (ntbklN.-;.l3.Onnttcit---treciftrTta::,"
broza,tur sale. oy J
oclll No .S 1 Woe I znixt
01 Nt
A Clltotocki, No. 35 oottrdt rtr,v i. o 71
from RIM DOW style totpona„ /11ros I ly l L or,
from the Ono:to, nod .c.21,taC191,72 h!ch
sold 11l red.:Kt pricer, 4,02
VEATIIk.:II , 4 , - : toes k y l'eotter, tr,*l yr.: If
1: Foto:trier:am:l for male tty
04114 • JASIISA kIVFC/IIoUN k.
\A`. .V La. • *, 'l2f
oo&I, irniuk Kir:Elk 7
t, ieCil fat
- •
tan- co,enon , n - niperEnt Enghnh Mtnenr4 4
yl in k rp, nnpol Led, oral ftir !us In by
reit v H a f
. t C
.111 bet I;its
r om q BROWN to KlRJieNriliCli
Mirll tietUellE.S—ktoo. •$
vas egcrr,
snd innpvand nnd tor
lladd by
(I . zusTmt , mot tecq - iiiitoi - oOle - try
• - '& E SELLERS
1 AO Da taorkiir - -, b ,
IL, or:lig J CHOC:MAKER tr. Co
0101' CARA SOCIA—Ib - ritTrOo r d e pl, *ale by
0 Gan ; ' JIBOROONIt. Co