ifieIOKL.WW4I-1/1/... . ', entoteuta Mama to 1•11131 D HD PEW DOT GOODS, 5t..101 vv..4 gis..4 - yNVITE tea auendon of belem!_qb±,ll !,,R.,,•5h01t., of FrialkOoods now Oyatoteri!-2,2T,111•!0Y Ot , Phrr...katot kitellmott LeaTayeer.a.l.,...r.i„.., 411 . 4.. tair tbs .11411941, 404 t ae an examie.attott of OW i.a11 .,,,,,,,, muan sum, and otherovisising oar. 2-4 L- ------+ iiilllOlfabiT;- _ 7 Ner. , idle Llttortyjiltroots 13_,........0.11y to inform Ls numbering Maeda 17.;Iliess, Oat be ts just reeinvina,Ms now hu ,..., ~ =orbs, CaSSIMEREIt, lad lazy ekar dm lamed styles, adapted lot the appteate. f iat t ad. Water ammo. all Abase to In= of abep, raabblastal , 01 4 _OW 01 0tidnif.M111 dad the , e 1.4,4 Nose fmittename, , and best- eteGt In Ihe 'Omura ebantry, at Mao coablishasont. septa AWliFfiliY_bbilkiroil-Riiiii•lll•9ll.—iiii u slia . to rllltilosiss., rellneyttreal , • Rail Road Company berme completed the • bola floe at tall toso to lite LiOay••• 7_ ar% MU tonneau,* me Vanua 9,a4 Road to ohnorerwm sad trout %Mee by beets to reatbargi, Are Om prepared to resin and (=Meltedthetehan• 1 ieW, proomm de, to and trim rillebeegh sod MM. delfitilm . . The boats milll ire th e depot of 'Me emnamMf dolly for Joist:taloa, there connecting wall Um dolly vain Of oars for P dedelehla, Om umarlog the dr beery of all freight n rbiltoolelphla ',Watt live day. DELL & LIONISTT • Amami for Pa- R. Co, Canal Hula, Pinsbanit. CRAW. •ELLAft, :tints, esplikeal Phlladelphhu --- - - MOW LOT OP' •PLONDID PIANOS, Mom aed Nusital Lusts U, • Elsa of Mt Golden Nam, No 101141 rd we.. , ~ ff ill i o 11. "I:l:RUbft respeetrolly Informs 1 --- Mr f. lends and •he public, that he ha* lost retaluel from the east. hotth • watt eh Itant and I• met 01• Oft• met 0( Liam,* of venom ',llea mud prime, selected by himself, wit, greatelte ht the ntlebrated factories of Nunes. Clam. N. V. ono Dunham, N. li.. Ibr in id *Mut is Oanhaut,N. V ) Haring ecketed the oboe. • tram arsbarneum_stoos Wm Lambed by too blare' mimes, they aro unnamed of superior toothy and tom, sad will Le all eases hosted MN*. Yeti r... tory pricer. Purchaser. sill weir.* written saa, tasty inth rub Moo, enduing them to an enlarge to romeo of same If mend *totted.. • Rime, It let el aploodid Guam., Iron tho Wiwi of Iletaritet • bloat, N. V 7Ley are a stamM uncle, and warranted coal, If not superior, to any Made in to. world. A u... ,„,,L,,,,,,,, o r new, Clarloneu Violins., Butods, Uncle Inetrements, sod the nearest and oast pulsator atate,ineladierr /retry Llura oelehialed . , seps3 URPHY k CURCUFIELUs at north east - comer aremtlik aud Martel street, are Dot aiipplArA with a fall in 0 1 ,191 1 ,1 of , the ranee, qualities or above desirable goads• aud haviug beau purchased ;Ada the tet2olif rturtu I.e ur art auteds,enstae. 0c.3 Jas. Ilatepraat IL : blessat Patent nodes nab. 8 17 A CABS or the above celebrated brand. part In entre, and the tentalnecr to arrive this sad bait utonsti,per . ner.a kneh,"EstroPn"..Berlit4, and neer Alpe, we sndllelu=oreourrant . ssrparist in bulk strewth and quality to any in the marsce. tot dale at the lowest MI. tin cash and 1p• proved bilLt, 7 N'tc .51 bIrIeiIELTBEF. as 19 I.llwror •tteri . Lail* Illappleat Pall* Illtratar Goods. 101 . 1,711Pilif a. il./11CIIFIELD of the aller.d.o In on:toyer. to .I.e.tr Coe/ of 1.. w. is the 141144044conaistinim part a— awl Cord Franc Merino. , ; ••• Caborgs nod Caarimares, eltaajaabla Yoplas, lircoodllk• one Tars Satin., Ulk acid Fancy Alpacas. Estpiel Loeg Shawls., low Prlee do- San Ftan• Welall,r-nglieb, ard Amensta flanstets, white gad colored. stook el IluUllilryFFlNG GOODS, sad, as. ' , het uoga, ellipse Ca. Itiarana, Tabu Drapers. Towelfing, ete.. Is large, and a: low Priced for littaltry. Sayers will had it to their adapt• rats to examine their st ek team parehaarag—so the north out coiner of Ca and Wariet us. we 7 SollasarlslverFtlla Suptte eels all Gab art Charleston, Va., Sept. 51.1,11•10. Me, R.'S dealeta.—lioar Palo have become so pop , . lot to all das region of Coaut•y, very math to impales& o'i:other. as a Urea or Mull:lido. Pill Vows, as. Jte.ll.l A LEMIIm 16.11:act oelsodt P 4101411414 444.6 4c40/1...4t taut U. E. eglicte 14002 .0 the °riga. , and oral, rise and kiek.a.. .1 • till, and ma) he had ot Teo 57 Wosdst.,aad .1 411113 4411411141 y ts. 404.4 cltic4 and eleleoll. . 430 - re .. . eamysoot 4 o in 'Mudd' r It othovir Munk sad Rousoporllle. „ PUTs I°. Ips. them I.:::,1, '.',olg„,b,tt - ,•::;:":."; ~ .. pier elan.. etseet , ercl, I. she he., : 1.1 c.• vl 11..1 WM afeAlreel of I hth , a I)..elt,tt, r It act of P. tin Chetrnsnd the Realm vl I u, Ihic. meatus the tome dy mom ttioroushl) ettomnt wan any other Pampa Lai I....fate the paha c At the tiled ma< °ls perm-1 1r Dee from .11 we ,tal :COIN ig..klaril cannot be cell ea Eli ether of the 3e :.spa ilia rompottods the to valid 0.14 Loewe of to ..m.l Mercury, Irou.tem owe, petash, lodine • holt hur, armule, and man? cilia nearer asol metallte palmateenter int& •54 tune the settee beats of caret of the fSarsapanda ant Pennons of the ear t. apron's compoend Kr..., of Valet, Does sod h.ar.apantla does net ovule, a part:cle of these substmteee, as any One an. tee., anertala by opining the oecemary teats I The poison may or moo cony 150050 St...a. bet ; they is Nieto the Wt.!, and se completelyteopera 1 ruse the whole system with their baneful elfeCielAmi Ws hint cold, or Mo fast attack of dorm., prostrate , In pasings suenr.a, and subject. has or bar to Ma most ezerstlarlAL torture, anti renders samba , cam 114"3"M" '44 "Pcl".-.1.. au Pun.. a plaparanons alone, and en ear'sGtry bi .o4 Prover 4ll t Emma Yellow sod Sunman, sadah to thornghl a y-efflealoas, Dock bonen hanneav an ganaL=4. All babelof disease yrds to Ds load CURER. Scrota., Cannons Tanen, Cannons Enann, Erysipelas, tins, Pemalsts, me Fauna an tlie Peas, Cann lora Rye; Temar, Scald loud, gnome gam, talase ea oaf mr. Bens or /dots, bld miditaGtearn deMßlteetme, betedlmg Of the Glands, ern,. ieme, /..molmir., Dona. 18guirlice, Cr. ..torcuras, Bali Rheum, Affee[lol/Sof the Ifidnays and ltscams amine front Tea inudicians no of Masai ty, Mutter% ore Total!, Weatoess of ihe Mem, tuismoary stdceueos, and all other alp:tame-trod {LC torrati‘ Cool nitinnet, Liver Complaint, Fereale Wei alatilita tat t,omptaints, ct and niers.. Headaene, Geocral Debility, Low Sphite, bere c i f Apposite, Night Sweats, raine in 1110 tble ad thosiders.l4posat a or Impudent . ..ln Life, Chron ic Goostinsdanol lasihnu, an as • apnea liana Ponder of We Blood, and tieneral Ti•hav tee Las lintan, it 4 aortnlial A ganef [Barad lasasof au:tam yeerestwasfur Tinton tog or so extract of a lane? doted Mares 17,1100, from R. It Fakins, M D., • lushlY mitteasi We Onions of Marlene, Okm Rua Pao[-Doer' tin I. hare ander say care • yam/ woven urn, ha alma years, has ben au- Istieg tom ttearaore Lunn, tel ..boas caw has orals per oaltead hordes* by Mae of oar bat phy. lialaaa. 1 boot hoe on toy (study, sod nese used Galion' , Yellow Dock and Sampans Comely, ad am coeidatt that Us Yellow Dock and Sereaparilla onll sleet • pennon care She Is beuer ce general lonn Wan she has fa tigu eeen before, and walls a soils or two emboss or paw . A rear age Its sod mashes. 1 will upon the ease iri due rime. Very osspeenfall ic y, goinaLL E. A. PERMS. It has ben remarked, by eminent nu llut in ho . vaned 'manta* of Mauna to snick man is liable thero Is ecansery one of race immune°, and of sal linen n In ficrada, 'rather wa loot to the obsean of its ammo, nil insidious menu, the number an that It anon, or its rounable in. an exionsive Wain. ‘..- ber7 - info , kas bated Ws alull of lie atom marten , pitmans to tale toasty sod to Fans. tha Were II am Winn II for tills ducau in Dr. Gayott's LYtract of slow Doak and nosaparills,” orlon It proving - b= nil • mint snafu la the mod genre ernes o gonbilsh Am essmordloary ease of Bennie man by the We em of Demo? lout on% t,ompoood myna , . It dwill be mos by OW oentfteate that Ws man has been er the trealtheal Of eeVend ealebtele6 phyaletans, Su the palatal yews, mina devising any benet, and lea w ren eternally earn by tia so* of a fey 1 bettls of Dr. Oneou's napond syrup. Mr" Von, Jane 7, 1819 DR Go eon-Dcar I Oir--Owing 4 Fos • debtertilcb mean amen pay. I ans nduced tonne a yobbo au keowtrignen of do benefit I bare derived from toes tosaisabla Syrup. I was moray anted Mk • tom. OM Berefuloas disease, broltart to oar fanulY, whin etemoserien on my nen, .04, oommund to one& soon reached my ears, rausdng lour my head, sod extending an one my fan, ant, am lower ex. tronsice I been= • magesong oblect to l etapen: At tans coy damn war est mest that Imes "ruble to sleep or lie dam; an the dno*oO smondur Into say cars seromsll anseted my hearing. My face wee ons w ant leße. from which a 61.0112200 of inner .od wand kept continualln o oat nob avoid. at me, nepotism I bad th wt poesy, son m at hs? Watson dune, and I was conecinntly obliged to 0011040100 my business. Notwontandina 1 had vein the bDealll4lloolll4lloolademe,and trim, different plasm of tr ma the disease COMM.° tO grave entre,litre op In despair Fortunately I far in with a pesStAgel On Me t, While IraTethrif or cey health, 0110 Weaned um Om bin son lau at ono ume IA as had CODAltteetSa I wet, and Mu by untia - your Syrup he was neatly cane I isnaliamtv procured me ar ticle, cOGlVlthleed .lA4 it, and new, miler Lavin cat.J lon Lbtat di °OW...will end able is emend to my b.f.'s. I send ye. till statement as an eel et AMU., may hoping that It may Maims the allitcted to nun arc ol the right radian, and thereby eon Mom -each "''''iuvectian y,tr obedient arum, 70.11 N ht. 11P/J.1)1140 C. 0 ., of an aggravatott caw A T Erynpalas TIM avail patrolmen by "Dr. Cloysotes Eitmet of YOUom Dock. and Parsaysals are Wrung. The pa- Roan genera heath eol2llllaCtl to Improve ellar me case is rumored. Cult. tre tAt ehrolacle3 sad best hoofed= Wet there cart be no tem= or return of the - _ Rees n. Mertimer Co.) Fob. lien. 0 F Unorrs k Co.. Creole, 0 Merith great pleasure 1 dist I tenseyou about tb• very happy alms of you 'Fenn Dock and Parsapanlia upon my sou who has loos bon mamma under that draulfal,ksulimese die vas, Erysipelas, with whirl he was awned In thte. I and was or nasal man attended by moue of one best ante Sri., woo Mad thelr Atli peraavenniely for h e p h eyhthe, without toy benelcial edema whatever. He boonos• retinal us a perfect skeleton Re had al. one from his kip lo Ino Itnn, whin mete comuteally 1 elischartMlf ellstemingly olemove maim Rana goos surgical seal war ballUd. Physicians meld that hie ogee wee hopeless-then ettold be nothing done trOWProtd=erlb ''' IN T= l- 7... 11 0 yaltioha" 000 Only neighbors, who Lad owned a MOM *lsmer en Win yea loanable medselne, embed In to, sun Mai of It and trues frost tha marks. dens ve g,, won,/ while hie Mose, theM trona my tosp• or sullaf,l prawn Ono bones of your “ % 5100 = g en turest.trilia"' and easouten . ed lathe II be commeneed lame V lae h it :LI thal:=Mo and talon he fed nee • 0516 dassa bottles he cost! whit out. He used an au cerelte bottles, and by thenber last he was pattaatty - moused, every 'emir , a the drovaim. erupt inseam 111 temond, and he renens La perfect halth op to the Woe. lilt recovery, ender the Warn or tisit==to tts. use of ic u lq - sitar trmli adrifi.ea 10 you, awl ts Vid a soy Meal nun you aortas you Stairm don • far my ace. if..p.orm.v. MIL lIMELL , erNew gamin unlessa m ps sn lase evillee, soildthin • growth and thsf tos Byrn bloom ' ka the glass, with th. written nrossers of El P. Bea. mire on the Made wrapper. fruit CI Par beu/ 1 " :* V Wile ter SA It Witold V J. D. PAU, ?Ural Casty:imam elnd , wia.l =A oil., Is dnm Zmin oil oran c :niTst be addros 1 Coln & bre, *Ol.l W. P. Jakasaa & Co, Wavr. I la* 011 a & Casson. C 40814144; Alsely.Tag, Lll"ndey, i nn A bet istrabsur L. Wilmr. k W , l'ino. 1:1 -- Cul , Omar Of lartet eltHt Lag the Ihnevos. goaserlyilt austar SNA. ASO SO NISSANS. OSSO, t HANOISH, in Oa Assmod, on sea. • AldelllntSlll.tt • • Se SO SiOr TN NOS -4 'EXCIMMOKM BANKING HOU - SE. r. binotnEßB ac W.,' • to RI Wood street. PrtrelSurgba CURRENT SIDNEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT CoUsetioom ovule on all the principal cities of the United States avelnilY s. wmxtas & EXCHANGE' B ROK ERS •S. R. Comer Tkint Dwia 111.0111.11012 ST 11110;1 1.510 - YO. E. ARNOLD t 00.. • BANKERS, 11111111 111 EICHAIIII, coin, WI No. 1 • FOURTH reTII.Z.X.T. Noe dem to :be Bank of ritteb.trg --- N. HOLIIY Ida.1 da. lONS, &&&&& eta, Mao Ita•a‘• Bewliese, _ NuTE.,DRAFTS,ACCaPT ANOLD,OIIaVER AND BANK NUJ Er. COLLSCTIONS.—DraIIe, Notes and Acceptances payable In any part of the Union, collected On the moat favorable Imam NYC lIANti on New York, Phduleiptun and pal broom else, Cincinnati, Lomavillo, Saint Lonls and NetlwAN°LN''Tils"'—Trot I on " W e sel . vent PLIAS IN the llama amiss discounted at the lowest rams. All tad. f Foreign and Muerte. Gala and Silver COD bOulthl nd .01t. amybd aIIatIOVAL. HOLMES & P.ONri have [Moved Mel: Bang N log and Eaelsoge 0131 co to.No dl Idatket at.. ar doors:N . l4W old stand. ani£l • Irolliaollllll 10.1[011Asbalan. England, Ireland, and Scotland board BLey at o" ount at Ma Current Rata of Canna. Also, Drafts payaLle in any part of th e Old Canna., frornAll to 11000, at the rate of 11 5 a the 1 S•nrAII , without deduction or &team, by JOSHUA nom.- SON, European and Otnaral Agent, oMe• 56 ono oar west of wood.octlfdl . 1111.4.1li&knr11. • ILA.I - 11 ""2-"" BAilipliPd EaCyr i t i y l ; L of Ex o BS, denies id ea l ' oMorsite d , Bank Non ' and Coln, Liar 01 an Wood strata, directly oppte.ta St. Carla Ea mnr&e.ti ••- . - • W. D. 12101.1122.1 pas. 1. liaallary ENGLISH & BENNETT, viLT HOLES?. LE GROCERS sod Coastal...ion Met- TT chauts, No 41 Wood lomat. opposite St Chat les lintel, ate now bereavlag and ores for sale, ad low oes, as follows: . 1 50 Pkg. Y. ll s Imp, O.P, 1 SON ht Spanish Cil2nra and Blac k Yes,- 63 SI Iliorana nod Yars, lew Plc. 54 ti. lb and be lb to 1000 packages.. lamp it a. roll Yob to., 2.4 fil Ilaaana, tit Ira atto bags 100, Lags/tyro,' 6 M Regalia.. and Java Caeca. 15 M Pronlpes. all alias PI 0 Sups*. 60 bla Al Raisin* . ' Od b.. N 0 illolmoas. Whale, Elkton*, English 40 bris poweetc d i clusli'd Walnuts, lizaktl huts, and tolif Sugar. I and Oroand Nuts 50 bibs Alum. 5.0 boa Lemon Sy ran. so bal. Tiannels' Oil. IMP Dz. Pepper Salm ' MG gate Lamp Oil. Oxalises Pickles, - W tots Coo binomial la. canispicideneesiale YIIS bas Se Il2lh Nita Cetus Ground Spices of MI hinds iilai by Roslii.snop. I til eri Saida.. ltai dos Pot thickets to Ins Starch eS 402 V. oce2als• IS bye Kota Candy. lIS bz. White Pipe, Ito has Shelled Almant.d.q NO Bus NYtap. raper. 6 caws Istgocn toe ali liar Frolics&alnico. 1 atriabart's C. mid Dora tailtiSemenkßapeeenad Tobacco. olc. Race 10 gross Alltekisa. lagethri ainth a E.nctal assortment of goals de0.2112 .2112 tepl in melt Imo, as wall a , Fitt-02mph seas, 2aetereabep7 _ . 04111PICta•-011.-OLOTI1S, to. 11r gleCt.trinletf. to now operant; at tut Carpel VI • Warefrease, to 76 Fmml szeetard 76 %V oed street, a very Laudon= imaottotent of Cetrpottlta t -.tut prueng m pats of itte following varlet:P... - 11.mb nod elegant style Velvet Pile Cato= Emil and elegant lity/e Toperity Brussels 01% Superior Easing and muerte. Branch art • Extra tap a ply Camels;Kegs, extra Camilla; Superfine do do; I Step. rafted Iteigo; 40 Ingraut do, Chentllo BLit:, - EY - tr. fine tfinedodu; Puffin! Alec. • Cont. all wool, do dui Stott nodal du noten chain da de; CO., Met.; de ammo, lt do do, /ale 44, glee,• yen, tar•e smariguesat ot Titauutaga fr. , Straw EL.., riarriagn,ll.lpla, Se. thl Cal.. • A • en , large ts•orament el well •thvene..l‘ni.lot , .• , raagiug 111 er..111. from irehca 14 24 feel, ICIT o 41)1e.. 02$ 14 41 107 Lied 14011, h• , ‘ Le •lJek will be •• e v....M..4d In in . , - of the. damert an 24,14 e . all.bt. se..et •.__ =.l , • W P.2.1 7 t110 Oz. errant and tV 11COGOISC. to bass old Java Woe. ill bass - Idtguayt a du, 33 :tags tansy Flo do; it of chests Chalon - rot , • lt caddy Ls , extra Jol,at, JOdo stir. Casco, 3a erases do; 10 ass tot ask Lash.; 3 bales oft sash Almoadt; a dos punt easy* tat La.. Suss": bits tiontaoptabt fancyChocotste to Dis Brants, Coat. sod t do, ads Armond taut rola& Soap, SI las Basin sad Vonsgsral ratite, dot Oliva oud Bardeen' Orb, 9 don roppo r Sawn I des Genoa i WaLent Piolars, *dos Rosa Wader; I ram Italian hlac ali caroai; eases do Voccally cases pars India Can't, Palatka - , canes ...parka* Ries Fleur, lends c riai rMliar ranted Sugars; 10brlsg l SoddnEllo=Var, D wd,uems CO . Car. Wood t Filik an. @MIMI WPS SPOOL SILK. Bariuli fir Spew. 0 void the mazy mconveniceocs attending the use of Mc customary Skein, the above etude has beeo mach. and for along sae wanted. Ithu always been a matter of astonishment, that oi le de cOspolon artiCle of Cot , was cottmootoly tor gene ral use --.Sgt, or mach =re so ysaleable should Imre been suppllad in Skews. yam which mach troob:e, • ranoa.md to,. ha. amen. The dilficalty has at last been overcame. t eat ablle is offend a it .42 =de, han.a.m.eur pia Op o a coo ocOmoO form fee domestic ass Tao only obits:Scourged cubesn this article Is the apparent small gawky on pool. This is can!. vapialsted. Each epool to warranted In contain go yards of Silk; ladle the cautery Stem, •I the acme price, has hat an oncortain quatutly, varying trout 13 to 08 yard Tao Spool Silk Ls road] for aso Ile um of pat. chase, and it only needs a trial, to convince the most mepacal of lt o ettoruy to ;oath). Independent of Me oral and Coin count form in which to Is farashed, 01 Las great air omegas over the Stein, an it does away with UM t ithe of vioadfrof, the vexation of t SONS, tc'dth. n.oo f t.me In 17=1 51 North Thud st, Pialadelphia, HtrarlTMA.l 4 3f, DUO'S a. CO bhi Listen Lunt, Neer orb. ICEll==i ------------- TV W LISTER hthhistllANlTt. FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS,, A. A. MASON 4 CO. - DELLEU IA PANOI 6 !ALPO DU GOODS, No. es Nalinili OTILILILT, litelive. Thibil Ir. Fame* street., Winahnigh, INVITE the attention et merchants visiting the tidy, L in Weis egtentrive stock of Pisa and Winter Goods, selected will grew Oar. stag attain= from tenant importations, law manna Wes, and Irma the lead ing mentiaetutels, by iheit resident patina in Ne is 100. 'rhea Moak this all da l La sound io Lc in.. WO I sad MOM varladth. any they have OTC!. bre. bre to this Market. being repeal-Wed by receipt. of goats almost daily thiamin the .snon as they an pear to the easnetu Wickets, reacting lbtlf stock al ail Limes tall and indent, thereby enabling them eat essfaily te commie with assure boasts .ape CIItIOBI.IIINGUI PIANOS. TOIIN 11. ItIFILOII, No fit Wood atieet, sale teen Vfor Clackerlnes Plano Ported tar Western Peon &reale, has revolved, nod now read! for male, the loilowlag astonotant selected by lotasetl ftata tut manafaelory, and will be supplied as usual at Alt Coleterors greet, carted Lows XIV,' octaves 5 flagmen Rosewood, 7 do. • do do el do, - It do Co o do, I do Mahogany, B do Watnot, foil Cariti sctragiwad 041.11 D—The edbeeribef h.d p.m..< zusemining to the eitmene of l'umberch, Mat he has cacao annoirmente with Mt Jan Mellor. for the exotaame *ale e of his Mono Fortes. in Pots , drat. and Went.. POmmtrants, and those enemas, to pot. chase may Le usoted that their traeterts will be fault folly attended 1 Briton, March tb leen addition hi'the &bore elect of 1.0.4 a 11,4 ehtekering, anew .arts is acted tece. tim fart cl Adam inoclact, Macon gave., ..1 Wore flew York, and IlelLetc Contsten tr. Allen, Dos priori versify' from two to three handfed do" sewed liTakk 7 W - NTiVt 511,Thinunz..N5, JUL 5 fay Oetober,lss , 55 5 .9:' .) ii,l, is Aeon° litaiillait, ate it -- tril . Peoplit from the OHS hithasatry. Rini= tile 6•1310 kW,: of Small Leaf, Fine, bootie. and Rooth Flavored Black Teas that art used 11. toe t.thl Country one be bought as fide end 74:. per it. at on & dassiorthls Tea Stole, east side of the Diamond, "and no where else IT Pitt iti i t ilicarie AYE 11. 4.1 Millß e. 3 in ettartet Wood st ran tie eepet . had at the agency of Clinton W P 11.10,11,1 , 11._ N.„-Tar---g... LS. AIITIIIVIL=-The titiiili Ctuldnent a tale of Cruelty and Oppression, is ihe ode of a neveprise tale by T. S. Alma. It Is said in be the authoribest production, for sale et Holmes theist, Depot, Third street, ots : l L e the Post °thee; also; the Hook iloight of Rt. it hy , hia/o0 Richard. son, and Litton,. lArtng Ago No • eel Cireked CH-Chiit i Zito bre,,Mat re . e'dfor ealiTLy __ ser J B 0 thIFIELD tittgxsalingt Voodoo. hioarny i BURCHFIELD have rateival a soy. ply et good. adapted for mourolog went, ...It a. Mach Dettbahnek " Canton Cloths, Coburg," and Farteutuae, • " French Merinos and Cuismesea, " blouse de Lain. and Idourotna t0p..., Mooning Collars, Black CIILVILIS, V oile, Handlteroldeb, he. 009 ... ___ L.! el N0LA1582:4-0/ bum at LOW. art ayrup Ara 0 lame., out received nod for sale by /AS A IIIrICHISON I Co Gee Agentgb Look. Slam Sugar Refiner,' . --- - -GIATE--tbblun hand god for Web, oerl B N WICZESISNAdd nuaSErg;--40 bow pr me qualm for gals by fa •617 IBAIAU DI REV I Co . prriNgoligg , 25 brie low pace , Nilo by . Get NV At F svu.sort NUT OALL97-350 lb. loot read rijl= E i. (.4 67 Woottsc , r ilerlt 4 - MD - PO DIAI- 0 0 010.LEas_ STEL.giSD A-4 - esak6 riecired fir ale bi ums oN altil o bis for see by oat narril R E PIE__R, B itta, ... nsa64 slm• 114111"- yoodlsM, win, ..., "74g1wbu24°11"..11.1. artind' and &al la ae on. a WIT ' tiparlo I . st. 0 krooo. TON MOO . ... , 1 4." at LMEOIJB.. - --trafTE 61..V.LL0 ind new 81 : 4 .;°V . gPrhltl ) ;lC " , :Lou{ *bleb las ° ll o ° l l j;7 ri gr 7,. .. a t i nee Ra u b . % Ism , do t : 0 11 . `„.T. Lodi, do. I. do. " Duo.de. Owthe to Run W Night, do. D IV Solet sal Of H do. laum. ~ e ng, The noble., woe, Touch the Corky trt awn .11. 13 L — y et MeIAOLTII ante. Save , MOOEL. ent of the Itta Emtgrant. A New Medley Song. um.a Thou but Wounded the Spirit tha The ConserlpW. Delnaturet b/ De }Liza to the Loved Ones at Home. • *Tis Home where We; the titan L. The Yank. ?Laid. Law Huth! Cu, by Lama. Do you CRY think Glum Slumber Gentle Lady.. Jeannie Gest. Elfin, Cell.ritte, Wedding, Wreath, Waltzes Batchelor, Malden, Bella Welts, Concert, fiotivenir, Cully, Eleirs„Lily,Alice, Evergreen, Sarn o.. Adieu, and Llattpolkas. ourriet _ TEAS I TRAP I TLAYt tl wE enter not Into the net of pefersore say nothing about Hundred. of Chem., IMPortenh.Llirge Capital, Ought for Cub, to. In fact, we will not humbug in any manne Tea s , we simply , lune the public to minaareom with what they purchase elsewhere; Om is thebut method we know to Hem ' min W woo We arels the be semi chemical Tell In Pints • burgh. our Good Lod strong Tea at V i andemits perms A prime yo d o ma best Tea imported lens the U. States, SI Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas we do not keep MORRIS & HAWORTH Proprietors of the Tea Market, 1,9 ELK aide of Ikamond — Smears Americas. glriedialielil WOrke• D. Appleton Leo , :firm York, Lau Mecum oftpub. 'leaden, in palls. pries twenty five Cents net, A DICTIONARY .rilso i rotorm , Emus. Work,emd En gssiterusg7 dawned for Practual WorLaau litre, and those iniondad for the Engl. - norrnig risfoolscos• act Si MITZI 1171.14 810..1.4. and ocronin T HIS WORE is efluge c e e rmano4sests, and opymnis of sti MOO gam tu.cantanorts. /1 will present 'reeking-dn..- toga end dmeriptlons of the most imporMat maehine. to the United Malec Independent of the results of American ingenuity, it will contain corn rActe memo eel man es on blechaules, Machine ry,Enginomork. and rnio c neetin with all that is usefel more than_ one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, maga does,.•nd other booka. The great object of this pablicatien to, to place ha• fore practical men and made= eget en noses of theotetical and seicanne trierededge, In a oundeneed form, no Flan - enable them to work to the but Moan• tags, and to avoid sham mistakes which they might othetaire commit. The amount of stet! Information that lorcaght together la almost beyond prtemicht sac soon works. Indeed, there is hardly any cabinet end. its range which is not treated with such clear ... sod Pteetaioe , that even a tom of rho most oral I eery capacity canard fell of understanding it, and thus learning from at must Which it i. important for hunt° know The ['Wuhan are, to then, determined, crassest aeon, to mate the work ea completes* Fusible; and It it hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will procare h as issued to numbers, end thus cucentage the enterprise. The ...ark will be lamed In senansonibly =abets, commencing in Jentiory, /PSO, and win progress With great regularity. • The whole work 101 l ha pabilsbei in 40 numbers, 13 cents per ,bo n dnuen completed otthin ;ha eur• Wu dMeount will be rude no • istutitute the publishers $lO IQ 11“111111C4 s the Work th rough the post Mhos (roe a • Optatiotas of alas Pram • To ow nowerons hlumfacturara itiochactos; En• tiu'f e n,, ood A glow Or all! be a mans of weath.o— h.CTIOOSLCO, rFLI.) Journal. ..Vounrg 1111111, ago poonogre• with Ito knowlodiw. We can with toollenco rota:wound 011 E 1.40r1110 pet.te thwaselves of Ito moo:bora lor fog a chey'op• ^1 . —AMAritan Artisan. unhesgratagly command the wino to growler' , or interested la ateehante al or scientific Oar , eroloontly wanly of their enuarnatton sad siy."—Troy, (N. V..) Melva I. truly peel wore. and the pleillartars N the thank, yr la:reale ts, thee Liable, and mono sad utJetJ of the pot.tio woorelly ^-•NyY. na.ssemltel I.llatiau:ty , will be Wahl, useful a ptaatical 0.0,1..5.01". J:01 va.tel.la to all who wish to acqualal shesesal.es with the Fop*. 0: IlL• , 110.1 tit the tau ..11.1.1a —Neu ()cicala VW, ttlexcary.' sleclw..les ought tu Step pawed up In Ilse ottucal,wil well es Fast eat' Ilwatele/Le, t.). ohs. wadi wsl/ al.avollcut suit how they (Masa( .tar —We ea* Il lo battles Ma work that scoter aelsattaa. Lilt 3. of at huellageut tat CLILItit I hate desired to 11.4. 04. Fla ample ate its slasseciptlona. ansl so fall load gamete al SVC! iarutions, that it au). toe. that any ...e...l.asue Igo! cmitact ant suaetuaa adearrl h ea, on dw Stealth al.c.ertgraainga sad utsUaetaisea.”--N. V eau... gem' day/at - wee. utters...l In lateen:ilea ahoaLl avail thew, oelyt .at st. alscautagas.`l-sellastaall,ltPerin .1 Jess. ot entrionva practical attOty sod irreu pomace and niter loth. rapidly inereasing lateral. Im of of t he ei,notry. e regard Um *irk as UltiOnvo l l tha t to plionote the calm of satiate and the ttl[CL.ll l [l o ar t s &meanest@ rateable tofrosua Latt on Oro. initiori.^-‘Fvener uld Mech.:de. “Yreetical hon to all too verged webs of mechani cal and oho w a ll o log indastryy eocineelinfr.to.., had to this a treas.* which it oral be Sdhts coon, poi.‘eil ^—Tioy Daily Whig. aWo bate carefully perused tic moaners, and bane no hefitation in saying that Is ls the best work for =a skewer, tradesmen, we mieritiao men, ever pablish ed, for ti contains nonlife leformation on every breach of Me =schemed arts and services, expressed in a style and language intelllkihle to any erier of ordi. can' cepacity.o—eiloseetrar, (Mena ,) New.. atVe de sure we are deism the mechanics of Nor. wish and other parts of Ceromectidat a service by blinking the work = their attemlon."—Norwich, (c.orto.)Conu. It 41)nat each a wiinit Le every inechanie shoe= peamse.”—FavestarOsJoarriaL Wo orswideritane of the maw amfal nod imporeut palinnetioneld then. No mechanic eat /Cord to be without 11.'—Newark, IN. J e t Commercial Condo. of diMe series= pablicericos haring lot their ob is= the ek...i.brauut and ndranaendent of the terettani eLi trio. end ermine., none that we have seen, is so 1011 or promote as thiev—Haffelo Com..;arly. -It or =a best mid eheayeet week everodered to the ortonhhe aiol Medical engineer sad mechanic. The plat. s are beautifully exeouterV—Vi edditeowCi . s b e• , gtas 'shod Liatioaary u core of dm most extol Is sol works ever pdublis makes hed for yeera acceptable not Um law price az which a = m Cdko!lain. ei we regard it w el l one of the most compreheashre and reliable, as well as cheapest. winks ever published , —Uzi:l:tore Advertiser iiihsght to be mega by every one desiring or hasp pars with she progress of an and ectence inevaryons of the labors day - theist lifo."—antsdont Coln. "It is deeigned after the prtecipl• of Urr'e Dual. ry, silky that It is a tom devoted to the mechan.cal and engiocering professions, and above all, i A ratable .1 eaten:lolo6n; hit Antertea what lire has deer for Enema, vie : descilbing Anterieva mulelnery and were • of atta—SeLentific Aillterirea “Il is publahed in numbers, and at • price so mode rate, looking it what Ls contained to each numberolat no one who bat the least Interest is suet matters, need be damned from preemies it, and every ma who does so, will Ind that lia has In a condensed tarot an .meant of instmetion which would be obtained. if at V. oalyhy tte parches s every many valames."—N. V.tontMe and enquirer. • "Tbe compreltensivenus with winch the eahmete tire treated, the admirable manner in which they are illustrated, conspire to make this one of the most dent ruble workers—Deatoctplie Review. "This worts should be Lathe band. of every ineehaale, artist and rennefacturer, especially Mosotho have the lease aipiradons to excel in their respective bail ees., We have euzefaily examined It, with a Maar of reeomatrabllg u a inventor.. To them ems would 1 ital . l.in the strong langeageof Il the sblee "It Is goesi."— Panic:vire Inventors , Jannlal. Nair. teaks Prmiesemne of Nnospapers th.roujOssu the United Sustarand Caioada. - if the foregoing advertMenriont is inserted 11•• limas L daring Me year, and the paper coriudng it sent to as, a c . cAtor w ls ma ors wilt be sent grata to payment. —. RNALLIAIITTaII t a Containeng m Alercurp, nor other Mineral. Tllt following te•LniOnini was green by M cote e ie brand Dr. Wooster Roach. the •uthor of tbe geem medical work entitled ..Tbe Amenean rescuer o Medicine and Family Physician." 'glaring been made acqualatod wi th th e Mgt. te tits which convoy. McAllister. All-Healing Otetreero and home prescribed •-.1 tested nip several c.n o my prreate primness, I have ..o heansilon In saying or 'citifying that hI. • Vegetable Remedy, oontemine rumeral sodtance wtianytti that it. Morselled. dribbled as they are, arta omii as dneeted by tee Proprietor, are not only humans*, Oat of great vane., being • truly sctentibc Remedy of great pow e r-and I Medially recommend It •s • compound which kid dare much good, and which i. ecleptsd no the care of • g rest variety of casch Though I have nom either termite:le:land or engaged to the tale of secret sacthi mane, reward for the truly honest, c0...1end..., ha rden: character of the Proprretor of this Ointment, .d the of Lit .11,2 Gym, &Air O.io to say lite. mash reedding it. Now SortApin lb. W EACH ' 0. " tv one of the cat thing. In ma world IM=l Barns PII.F-I.—Ttimeands >eariy cured tiy Into 0: ent It never Inns io givlng fella Vol Cornett Ulcers, and kinds of Barns it no aloe If filothtsf and Nurses ItLew its val.. e”es Swonsn nr a ?art Breast, they would always apply In such eases, if used aseOrdtna a ditrennus, n KIT Around iho box tip direcuam lot using hie A Illtte r . Ointment tar &nista, Liver Complalm, Fxyelpelat Tette t, Clutblain, Scald Haul, Poo Eyes, tlatnet Sore Throat, Bs:metal. Nermas Affection% thane of ma Spina, Held Ache; !Wilma, Deer,. Arlo., Hams, Come, allDiteasee of the Skin, Nor PdSPlte, dd.; Sorelllog of the tombs, Sons Ithoontatitun,Ylles, Cold Vett, Crosp, Swelled or Elm ken Rreael, Tooth Adult, Adne du Fara, to • Prom thit 11.eadsng Eagle. There wu never, perhaps, a Medicine broarght be. lore the pub., that hag In eo exert • dote Woo each • tepotabroi hletalisthrs All-Ilmohne or World Halve. Allot. every person dist has made tlisl of It speaks yetutly In Its (rum Orm_has been eared by It of the moot wilful Met..., another of Ilsplies, • thIM af.• troublesome yam to Ms side, a fourth of steelliny in the limbs, ae. If it does not give haute. Mate relief, in every ease, it ean do rIo moiety, being applied outwardly. Ae .nobler evidence of rho wooderhi healing pow er poseessed by Ude setae, we trabioin the following certificate, from a respectable oaten of kleldenereek townshlp,ie Weaponry" Maidenereek, Belts no., Much 30, 1817. Moms, Ritter At Co,-1 desire to intone you that 1 was el:dingy eared of a severe pain in tie back, by the use of Medalist...a All-Ileallog Salve, which 1 m ewed from you. 1 =fiend with it far about ela years, and at night was unab vasep. Meat that lime I tried vaticats remedies, were prescribed for 12113 by rehriAr ,r - e ` ffillTPL lth Eiltg ` tel favorable beyond expeetauon. 1 ono now enure ly fr tolf ee from the pain, and enitty at night p.eneril and .went sleep. I have also usedtho Wee sinee for tooth ache and other eoutpleitits, with smiler happy results. . Voor friend, Jona Hommesetra. JIM hinALLII3TER, Bole Proprietor of the above Utetileine. Potoolpat Office, Ile 28 Noult Third etreet,Phliedel- Oda PRICES& CENTS PER BOX. Salon in Prreortiamt....s. Co., earner of Wood and PIM at; Wm. Jackson, No. filo Libetrty street: L. Meer.. Jr., 0011telt of Market meet and the Diamond, also comer of Ponmh and Smithfield meets /AL Cassel, earner of Walnot anti Penn tuas, Fifth Wan& and sold in ihslienkstore Smithfield street, 3.1 door from Simon& - nfieithroY P.Schwana and .I.Donielass Ity . (I. lima, Daggs; Slinalanhant; D. Nantes, East Liberty; 11. Rowland, Mace:mem Alexandm 1. Son Wonuzipthela City; N. IL Bowman i Co., and I. T. igen, DronnorcUle; John Ratify, Beaver, Psi John altar , Jr., Elizabeth; litoilnight I Erwin, ROVIESter. rebtleodlY BCD—fa btis 0 4 • J ICHOOPI TIMES NADEL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. — The Mlo of msnY Demons is dishipased with slight emotions, as pimples, inorphew, an., and ashen this Is merely • disease of the skin, as it Is in runty nine eases oat of every hundred, it Is very easily re ..mod. Jules Hanel , . Nymph Soap Is expressly adapted to diseases of the Min, as it nets directly vipon . tbe mince pores wluch cover its surfue, cleansing them from impurities, and by iv balsamic properties healing nod medicating all eruptions, and rendering the darkest and roughest skin soft, falr, and blorming. Persons who hues been et the habit of lasing oral nary Mb, viU be astonished at the bustattful elect predated by the Nymph Poop, In imparting a delicate bloom, preyeaMN the neck, fa, at and, front chap ping, allaying all irritation, an d removingall eutsne one eruptions. It possesses anersuisite oarfarne, and lls entirely devoid of all alksline properties, renderl ag It the only Miele which can be used with safety sad costt In thenierseiy.__ All . titina;hose - ea . i.es or [leeks are adored with pimles, blotches, tan, members, &e , make trial of JelealleatPs Nymph Beep, ee the proprietor positively amazes there, that its um will reader the most discolored shin white, the roughmt skin =Dote, ern the most dowsed skin healthy, Pons, and bloom will Flmtere Nitoph the it the only article which will effectually produce the above effects In so non a dote, and the 047 one which Ls at the same time all powerial and entirely &armies. Prepared only by .1111. PS RAVEL, Perhtlner sod ClatMlin, Chtlithlll street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail by EL A. Fehnetdock & Co, end R. E. Fellers, Pittsburgh; and lobe Rev eat and J. Mitchell, Allegheuy city, Ps. JCR - - - - - - OSMOND HAND PIANOS. GOOD MPi ahogany ano Forte, 0 octaves, A wooed nand— •_._.T 610000— A handliOne Upright Piano, with itnaemood Farnham rirrotarea, and in goat °tiler - • -• 10000 ' A plain 6. octave Piano -- 45 00 A Ir.& 6 octave Flan° --- 75 00 A good [Octave Piano, with handeome farm. . . . . - 76 00 JOHN H MELLOR ht 'For sale by. I se al•tatio Right Light. SUPERCEDINO Ws Wooden Floats, and bents In• combustible, thatch) , economises the oil, and pre vents .gultion, heretofore en much objected to In all other Coats One table , 11p001111ii of the common lamp oil hat Nina floors, or an, nutter length of tin t s, aedonilas ur the additional quantlni oa. Received and for sale by JOHN D tiORCIAN am al lbfattlet OTITICEUI TWIT RECEIVED, at the PlustimMi Fatally Geo. ceryand Tea Warehouse: cues Freak Oysters, In un cans; 6 do Pickled do, in at la:.; 6 do do, do, in pact The above Fresh Oyerere ate parboiled, sad pot up in • highly concentrated coop, enclosed In hemietical. ly sealed cans. and grill keep ranch longer than those pat op In the ordinary bey. For sal. wholesale W lnd mad, by AI A ?deI . :LORD a Co, szt_p6 4a Liberty id AFb itmer - l - ari 7 hlschamlosil Work. AppuTron & Pie re Vint. have in Coot , * JUN, preblreel3oll, le parr, pric e twenty fire cents each, • DICTIONARI bl,shine. Mechanic. Ens gine Wert, and Engineering . du coed tot Practical Working Hen, and those inte.'uded tor the Pogoaccring IProlession. Edited by Olirst enc. This work is of large Cm elm and will contain two Dionsand pregcsoind onwards °nix thousrumi illustrar tions. It will present warbled drawings nod dr:strip. Sone of theme, st Ha machines to the United puma. Indepedent or the r t e of American Id. genulty, It will contain complete practical treatises on Mechanics, Machinery:Engine Work, nod Enginur. lag; with all that is use di more then one tholleella dollars with or folio volume.. magazines and other boa. Kit numbers received, and for sale by the •gent, It HOPKINS, &pit Apolki Dolldlegs, Thoth M._ - 84 - 0011 - 1:47 MAIMS - 7,4 _ _ •••• • > r .sue Ai.:74,1 • CHIOKERING,S PIANOS. Au M. Mellor, ed Mood Street, Pittsburg Sol.: Alto In Wrote.. Per:tlyivanjo, (or We axle 4 1 CMICUF.III NOS CELEBRATED Dread *ad aaaaa • Pismo Petted. ULU:S rnforw 61 1 rrSend• 111 the. musical pablie. I) that Ire Las now tnvoteen. and Wall tetrente and tapas., lot ••le, lima% Lk, irrcursul .001111., tho largett and odor diutralrlu .t o 11 of 1,1130 a' new .Vll' ofertd t..r sate in the *es: -tato, nurnbot will 1..• town! • far. supply el Superutt Carved a...it-wt.-I Gt.. Plano Fo l .. settli all the recent teriorow.or,ruts soeehlsoorm. and style of ezlersor dptendidly 11101,1 ur urn ,M t !square l'runo Fortes, Ltit.licti iltr I Jtast,ithsh sod Lads NAVotlltu With a large .to -I , tn. I.• ioon utv las of ha. to 1.1,, vat ittig it. 1... e,, twit E1e7.1 to P. awl SILUO, prepare a b \7 to Sr 111 the 1.114511 year, 1 hottliatetts ate • :tit" ,r,ul of Mr. Chick rktrui• P.uro, o•h cotith.ue he, the smart au at Ti. ll, nusnorourn,u Itn,no.wahooirkatee 10; tianworraultan as, aril , or .10 10.1 and •er tn pwrieel order, •,, purl of 11, ,yr thttut etarge. t•l9 PUTUOLGUICI. me 'Moro are mar 111114$ • ht, • I. and aorta limn are Jrea,opt of It ;thy 11111 E VIRTUES or ea. rrsaarlsole rearettiy, era 1. the constant adFlironon for at, to toe propnetor, Wlnd•oedllra to Oat, a at op In bottle. onn ls. bore and direetiOao for the t-eacitt of Utz pattite. Tire PETICULEIJCI ic pd from • wall to dos Manly, at a depth of four b o,d t td fret. a • pore ono- Maturated arunla, without any obemta•J etam,. Lot lost as lowa Om Nature , Great Laorarorr.litat it cantatas parquet. reaftdrta • natrarar of disesraa,.l. nono loogor a roaster of a... Runty. There ere monothintaatn, things in dm wean. of rurone„,eeLich,lf ligamn.ntight be of van, aneroid,a in oiliMailng oulfering, and re storing the bloom of boa= and vigor tri many • airf rame. Loa[[ Odure the proprietor dental of porting ' It op is bootie., Is had, repro..." for the owe of dig- Tao coostant uld daniy marooning tall. for It, and toren! reniarotble run , boa performed, r e core 01die... , ui Wore pripnisiity and mole sprorol ogriliestras un the rani We do not irah to mote a Inge parade of renal. eat, INV di toranras Ltot roe rnratrite ran ..rx work m war 11310 the (Amor r't r. - .ore who rster _ . ori to be -berJerl. Whilst we i.e: ritim lot !traversal aopZientran In every we anhesita tXl=Mia .agnoLtiLr diseuta alike moron. tissue, ClititiNlC BRONCNITIS, coNsourrioN earl negro AsOmmond divemos or the et: paNtages, IA V nil COMPLAINT, DvrFtrisi Dirtinta.-Ditenses of the Enna., Palm of the Bock or NriebobsDiserises,Neeralta4tiry, taint:ash* runs. Opal., E-pipes, T.tur, OM*, DIM, betide bettor, tad bores, ke, n costa drellity re mating from •opagere, or teag end pie:meted caws oi daorosa, this medicine wilt tame feOef It moil rata a deneralTONlC and ALTERATIVE to each eases, naparune woe and manta the yrbole frane, re woo• tog obstmetiona.openimythe olaggish fanctions, which cause Demise and • briDA corwtitedwo, and giving increased and renewed energy to rho oryan. of Ths IaMPTIIIIO, knows of _Bimetal cep. of tLys, that misted every other trsallnehle gel well ander toe ass el the PETROLEUM for a Otaofl WOW the prow ran soy person who desires It None icemane wit et the alranime of the mine= 9old by the proyneter, IM. KIEL al Darin, ne mnth Ale Can b Wood .4 ...e—itKv MIL A MIDOW EL corner Wood al and Pliant elity, who .has mars-die reaulvli ,LOVOr.o . al PATENT SODA min prigs Iladacistl. T j HE SUBSCRIBERS .111 cell Matpfalt • • tor quality end high mat Glut and Soso Meters Sod Ash, warranted en.erier in NY eth e r blend 34 b y lh y ent i tycfs It.. Or .P.anl• for carrency of approved et foot 440,1{0, 34 for • tele Tian WY- 0: di hl Iiri:ISELTREY, ea t 44 , 11 T •tn. CARPET WAREHOHSE, are es, Pengrth WW.IIVOLINTCON Is bosir lonsiantlseelving Om . Opting IPO k of CARPET on . CLAYIII3, Trimmings, le., ein.prlsinin part •la following, .lr• Erma Papas Royal Ta p es t ry ile Carpals, a ii 0 E ...it s4l 3. s p. si dgs= r a e n o nts p 7 , 1 s : 1 Swains 5 Sapernre leRNv o:dreri, Frda fine • and 1 Tap Vett Car. ' 4-4, 4 and I Terill'd Carp 4.4,1,4 and 2.4 plan Cu. lur and Rag Carpets, 0.4 Printed C.otton Carpets. . 84, 7-4, 64, 3-4, 4-4 asd I On clam.; 8-4, S-4, 4-4, end hialung; " fo u ;T:atto " ai at Clott.o. Coati Tatum°. Blue and OW , Clog., Oranson Plush, Coaett Ott ClWill DEmasks tor Whines, Watsred Menhir Huff Flollnnd for Venn... 1464 Transparent French trantry " Venal:an 1.11,mh, llontnn for rinlrrt 7-4 and 6 4 Table I.lnorn MO, BCOlet. Nei N ,s Brown 1.11,.. aptlnt; German 11. d Cloth Tame Covert., Buser tlth Crawve flow n] and Amerscas mstmfa m width, which wol lot vestibule. of any nu or Mal Ito undersigned haying land, hi. Velvet Vile and Prim, which are of M. o' Mies and patterns, and w rill be told at princs as lo for In any of Ma astern ail Stint assortinent of the richest and ras h er I L :Aden: l ISRUSSELS, IMPERIAL TIMER PLY and INGRAIN CAR prrt3 which (Sr P.M... In quality and cheapness Or ' e any assOrtrarnt even before brought Wad. nitY—tio o leo inane. attaches! Men and Coach Manefeetarert to hie large end Well Selected assortment of TRlMMlNGBouldoliter articles necemay in their bottles. The undersigned is •leo agent for the only Stair Rod uractor) to in Philadelphia, and le prepared will lo r than Inn be parentual eleewhere to this nit WM MMLINTCSCK. AA. MASON A CO., GO Market *real, *tn.* . Third and Fetrib .. ara now receiving at*ga as vonmvat Lo n,; Persian Clotho, an en. tin now O.IIICIGI rllloltlsi Coup, D, with • illOrgOlonornment of lawns •nd otlars Dien Goode, of the latest styles and Mon fashionable colon. aP 3 Paper Hanging.. .§PPLING SELFAITION.—WiII be preened, by fast canal .hipmente, new ~,d choice assortment o 1. all Paper, of no *tut French and Easton, coil., mold, abased*, oak, plain and Inch colors. W. P. lIAMBIIALL, (late c C MHO Mrl3 Pt Wood .acct UAV} this day aseoeisted;with me, in 1. gee OrimerY.Ceirimission, and Fr rewarding bial guss,Oly mro Sonia% N. and - W. O. WI. The • nehime to Mare will be rand acted ander ihe eiyle of S. Waterman & bone, at leo old wind. No 31 W.G. ter and MI Front meet. I. o wi nd . • Pl.t.horgb. 1g..", IN. itosa - TRIMPOR, ; I n 1 Di:, I : • --------- Ili Jimmies Vista 1850 MUM 1850 • pREPARED ander Qs lalmedlaa Om I.' ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. Trtragnregv h strtitil i jll l looters of tab, Lute aril, leave regularly, and do. awes of bile, acidities, Indigestion, tont• an o fIT:7 oth th e them ufe, easy, mai-effectual WO. I O. D lir nrigtifYlllTl"ltg.f:'''L Id the trmY, end tadeed the only one in valet , It JAMES COLLIPIS,_ _Le, lateen, t he tto tar shinned, nun all the propotne!. , 1310 a, litocbsolv, the Magnesia ria general use, without being llte it, to form danger:rum concretions to the bowels, morn _ - it effectually cures keartbarti without Inluthit tee COllll Or tae stomach, assodia. Pau" 12,41... their 5r malt 1850 aligE2 =MU SANDY AND BEAVER. LINE. Emus Pitestossia to Columbus cud Cleveland, iltraugli tat ,to rota populous mann,* of Cohn. st o rZ:ntsoorermat, Coshocton, -Ithainguo, Picking, and Fnentlin. The completiou of the Bundy and Beam Canal opens up to our city through thls great mural "oust routs a direct communthauon to the above as well as the adioiolng counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knor, and Delaware.. From this section of Ohio, the crude with Ptubmp his been, to a great atter cut of, in conscomenesi of the high rates of mansponanon, which are now re dueed tO, ami 60 per cent. Boats of this line will lerie daily, and run Omagh without transhipment. The Canal eompsny have bestowed upon tins line an Inmost In; the usiprece deeted advantages of their charter, end thus smeared ttiV/31174611aglIne ' N ' =Vaal. ' wenn to this advantate. Agents: J.O. J. C. BIDWELL, Piusburgh; BIDW/,:LL & CO., Glasgow. R C Holmes, s Mlle, Ohm; •II & Gay, ey,E,o,ol7oll,o4Spear le, George Kemb Elkton, 0; A Carlile & do,• Hanna, Gramm & Ca. New Lisbon, 0; Afro NlebOltil, Hanover, 04 Illbbeli & Hooey, Mi nerva, 04 Speaka & Foster. do.; Joseph Pool A Co, do ; Hal & Boss, Oneida HEW, R .; it V Revor, doy C Harstbal &Co, Malvern, O. ; K Grey, Worms . E Reynolds, do ; law Teller, Masnolla 0 :1 E y RoridirgCo, blonolle,o4 llarknesa,do• J hl•Parland &Co , Sandyyllle, 0; PP Leder, de; Pa:M. bough & Steinbate& tiolivar, 04 & C o,, do; JJ llorman, fdadllon, O.; Cummins & Co, doy JOhll BpbirllOri, Canal Fulton, O.; Prong & Torroy, C.Hover 04 A hledboo, Roscoe, 0.,• L K War ner, Newark:oy Filch & Hale, Columbes,o; L 0 Mate thews,Cloveland , 04 Rhodes & Green, do. ma 79 Wasters TrearsportaUena Oosapaiay; agal 1850. Altitia D. LEECH i COM LIME, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH PHILADELPHIA. Bet:mous & nriw was, Bp Pansodanna Canal and Bald &ad, /ÜBE BOW and Can of Ws Line have been pain compete order,and with the mktition of severs new ones to the Line, cable, no to terry • lan, quiddity of prodwee and rood. fe entire dock of the Line to owned and tenur ed by the freedem.. HARRIS & LEECH, No id South Third eh, And el the Tobereo Warehouse, Dock at, Phi adephie, Pad JOSEPH TAYLOR & SON, Na 144 Nonh Howerd s Bellmore, fdd OFFICE. No 7 We t, st in, Nese•Yo d rti D LEECH & CO, Cc= Bade , Pn a, Plus en h • t .0 1850, • jai, UNIOWNE, ON TUN PENN.A ND 0910 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS & CO, Roehnatel, P., Propr!. JOHN A CAUGHET, Asorth', Often nor Sinitheeid and Water ins, Pinsburgli CO, Ohl CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD & rta, Clevsland,o a ir S eig " h 'i lrrr tjo. t on P MVIII7311 7 • " 11 CLEVBLIND, an .. point on the.Carial and Lakes. Tho faciles of the line are unsurpassed In r, an d and capacity of Boats, at Wilma, Cl eapt ands thciency of Agents. One Boat learea Pittabargh end Claseland daily, te. clog In connection with • Linn of Stn. Boats he: mean PITTSBURGH and BEATER; and • LBW Mf VII. es &team Beats, Propallqui an.l Tassel., n u the Lakes CONSIGNEES: Cit. li, Parks & Co, Rochrstar, Pa; N Parks 0 Co, YOUrt•thearn. OLlo; kl 11 Taylor, Warren. 0, A & N Clark, Newton Falls, U. Brayton A Co, Havenutu 0, Kent, Gnsnell A Co, Franklin, U. II A Maim Cayalioff• Fall., 0, Wheeler, 1.• A Co, Akron, 0, Chantherito, Crawford P. Co, Claswan.l, U. Ilabbanl A Co, Sandier& y, 0, reekkaro A Scott, Toledo, 0, el WilLanth P. Cu, Detroit, Ithen; Wllßama P. Co, klllwarikic, Win, Idurfey A Mouth, R•Cirka, treurge A Gibes, Chicagn, Ill; Ibouras lie., Chicago, 11l /01111 n CAUGIIEV, Agar., oio Water and &withheld BLS • J. , . MIMES 1850. ,;;; • - LAILI AND niottia&N Lute, us THE ERIE. EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKS A CO, ROCIVIIer, Prop - won. lIE ponntietoto of thin old and well known L into= , .id the pabhe that they are now In op a or the present semen: sod Lavecommenced .llr Freight and Pll4.lcrs, whieb Mar ars .1 prepared in earn to ail Potno on the eoooi and LAKE'S ERIE AND MICHIGAN. At the latest rates- One of tne Boma of Me lA.. mill Le constautly nt tne landing, below Monongahela Stine, to receive freight JOILN A. CAGGILISI' . , goat. Oleg, cot Water and Smithfield Ga. PittabargL CONSIGN filt . II W Cunningham, Nem Castle, Pe; Mitcheltree 4 Co, Pulaalm W C Melon, Samisen; Hull, Snarpabanp Wink, Achre 1 - Co, Grille; V. 19 Henry, Ilartatmen• Wm Power, CIIIIIItI9WIIII6 1 ' John limns It Co, Erie; ._ John I Holnatrt 4 Co, GaZalo,N Y. t iii'litiii-roillaifirlinni 'Lli-Zie aliallak 185°.: Atia --....... 1/11 SW VANINIEVATO3 Or NASA to awe nem VIITYIDVitriII. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. HEAP YORE, Da re. SCMAZINZ, t ITaarra a IPC Aiwa, t i Pittsburg L,"od monde rereiviry and forwarding Derrhand and Produer rate., sod enth Ire prompters. *tr uants., and safety, prettier to their amen and node of Ef•ApoiliMlN, where Intennediate wanahloment ts a•ntird, with romequent ,Irlays and probability of damage bletrhandice end Prods.. slopped easter wrztouttl Hai of isaidur torararded Ices of charge for commis won, cloaca...A a storage Hewing co MIAMI dl wetly or indirectly in steamboat., that of the owner is wilc emma , m4 vitirwtalppm . g their reed All rommoiliesaterm to the following areas pi , IT attended tr. PROPIIIITORS: 1110A1An UORBRIDGF., no Cl Marlin litrOet. Philadelflam TA AFFT oroNrioe, Corner Perm and Wayne streets, Plitsbargh comma John Mean it Co, MI North st i _Rati P.O. Boa aa. co. is Doane st, Dome, W. ft J. T. Tapscoa tee • ad :Noah at , New Yerki James Wheel wright, Concha IMO sena - 111 - 11111 - 11 — TILINIPURTettUA 1850j* DelluotemPattawargh we am an, Toe Canal being now open, we we ready mireecive and forward prteeptly, prodace and rearchatubse mon and wen. Freights always at lowest rates, charged by WifPan• able Imes. Produce sad merchandise will be received and for warded east and west, whittler any charge for for. warding or adenoma{ Nta, condonalon Of storage. Inns of lading forwar ded, and all directions KIW- I rally attended to. Address or apply to, WM. BINGHAM, Canal (Man, err. Liberty ag s , arLy . r No PM, Narlatm i ru s wal s it,tilllif t hiPa. No lob, North Howard st. little/ONY • JAS. lIINGHLAt mrlll No NA Wen went, New Vera Notle• to One Paired FLICLIASIOB POSTABLIS BOAT LAIC. Cline decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia 1 the lets James lit Davila prodoees no Interuptioc to the basiness—asrandetnents have boanmade which involves the same intetests precisely, which hue heretofore existed. Tim bestows It connuacd melee the same name and him, vtr— UM, hi Donis /Co, Pkiladelphlei Jona bilrehen 8. Co., Pittsburgh. rho ewunowee of the p a ours of mu man 1 friends is sesoectfon whetted. If eny persons bus istrinnde against the y eancetn. they ars requedad to p .sent them Intittertth, for payment. Pittsburgh. dord tar, lest JO B. llNui rlor bIFACIE parLNls,_, spiv if 117iDNIIVri ales Itosesatges east Eleoalgtatatio 01111•• aHAN ADEN & co. connect to Lying parsons from , any pert of Eugland,lr•lend.Scotiend as Wales, span the most liberal terms, with their anal poneuislity and attention to tha wants and com• fort of ettanigrants We dOnOtallOW o ne p e maple to be robbed by the *Waling scamp. that ;West Me ma ports, as we take chug. of them the moment they ro ped Manuals., and nee to their well Wing, and 4.. usual them Inn say detentinn by the first shipa we say thm fearlessly, as we defy one Of Oar pause eels to show that they tho usa n ds detalwd 48 bvitoe by alit Liverpool, whilst thousands of other. • see detained months, until they could be sent in soros nA gran, at • et,:p rata, which too Auteuil,' proved. shots cold.. tile intend to - patients our commute rionorably, east what is may, and not act et was the eau tun meson, with ether ofteera—who either perforated not all, of when it sawd their conventenee. Duns drawn at Pittsburgh for any um froorT.l to P s! flutists lop {Oland, Peotiand and W ut ales. JOSIIUL ROOS NOON, &trough sad flew ral Aguit, teal Petit etraet.One dwr below Wood._ I It/POWs-17 bf pipes Mundy-OmA Duey, fee 14 I pipes Holland Oka; assts N E Rusin t.bis Whisk; for sale by so•• ey as 141TrinalVI1U VV •:.1 LW( p.alleAC,lll 11.4‘, acp,En, JO Co Rags, 'raft.] Rat n 1.21va ,cum.n I. CI. ntil: Dr• afiet 'bre IA I• lE...Loomed pm tat.' Primed wen En'ialonsind Linen end id Daniark rhea 14--, Turkey sa Chtntraa; Came Bordering; Eralieh ,s ini Cloth Tab Drown Linen Grin Wndlen Brae. Btnir Bode; Hian Brugge.; Carpel Binding.; Jut. and Coco Annan: and Skeleton 5.4 and 4.4 Green Oil Mein for Blobte; Iluetebset Diaper, the tappru, clues!. from It ul mutes, I. • Imported dirt, from tiny apeatry Cn R PICTS Theta harem and mast albatad' • f she mom aoratool color; was they eon be parch.. diet. O. A. Tahmeetesek & WHOLESALE DBUGGIBTB, comer of First and Wood aunt& offer for dale, on favorable terms, 100 nbla WbitinH 600 Ins Carb. Ammonia; fill do Mns 0,. 500 do Assagouda . 300 do Bye Woods, WO do Crude Tacit-, 23 do Lampblack; MO do Liquorice Root; 20 do Von. Red; 300 do Irish Moen; 8 do Camphor, 150 do Red Poselpitam; 00 do Bpan. Ortiorn; 150 do Calomel .; do Yellow Ochre; 25 do do 505., 10 do Brimstone; 200 do Dueler Lawns; 8 do Cloyed; 900 do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Ohara Flowers; 100 do &map. dm 14 ems Bat Boras; 900 do Omni& do; .do Castile Boas; KO do Sal Ror.heele; 15 do Frasalan Blue; 200 do &laths Mixture; 10 do Cale. Magnesia; 300 do Paved Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Ore.; 030 do do blip. Elm: 6do do Yellow; 100 do do CLArable sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Llc. &mt. 60 reams Band Eattar; 015 do Jalap; t 3 ow Melly Bunn; 250 do do AECayenne; 25 0.1.3 Bottle Corkin 400 do Uph. Mom 760. Bolt& e&orpkts; :co do Bar Tin; 1200 lb. Cams Akins; 1021 do Tatnarinds, 1110 do B,Chrom Polnah;lso do Qdlisk 2900 do Pink Boon 160 do Oran& BOO; 1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochineal; 1200 do Cream Tartar, do Hid Potash; 600 do Tartaric Acid; 00 do Mae& 100 do U.S 95 do OtativWe Loden. ~ Z a 9 cy.oCOPCX. I' . ibiae, swami slaw for oak by • oat IICISOONIIaW, oto sues Jut reo'd by OCIIO43I4MAXIIR 41Y CO I. dot it pe - en.** food of in -" emu: In all emu lt anus a* a pleasing aperient. an is peculiarly adapted to fernalee. B fr lintoPhml Davy Minified that this solution farms soluble combination. Iva uric acidealis in eases of gout and gravel, therhy courneracting their Wed.. tendency, when other alltelles, and e'en Mt/nests Itself, had failed. From Sir Philip Clittropton, Bart., Surgeon General to the Army in Ireland:— "Dear tlir—There,an be no doubt that !Magnesia may be administered more safely in Motorist of aeon• centraud volution than in substance; for thia_ and many other reason., I am of opon that the Field Magnesia L. a very valuable addition to out Meted. Medic. PHILIP CRAMPTON." Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. gright, end Messrs. G e and U rt !Ile, of le udon,: i tronS• m'orTisallieuenie.onFvlueirlent theusoblitZgand soe firm the danger anantling the constant RIP Of da or paths. For sale by the itorr A tept A r ir d i t=r k e . Mule, Cor. of Wood& Front sta. GREAT IMPORTANT CREMICAL DISCOVER! cipanc.u. comBINATIori Pros. N. Vegaadleprinedoss, to red Diu." Dr. lassisottla liCztzant 4:X 110110 u Doak and darsaparlll.4 Cum coneuroptitm, scrotal% envied.", a...ad . % gout, liver complaint., spinal erections, ulcer., V pail., dropsy. asthma, piles, gooney, erections of the bladder and kidneys, mercurial divestatur nor' rupt humors, rush of blood ' to the head , fever and egue,temale complaints, general debilltl, tirsneP . ail, lose of appetite, headache, colds, coadormess, gravel, night mute ebolle, Imamate affections, palpitation of the beast, biles, pains In the tide, chest, back, Az. 111. Infallible in all dtseues exiling from an Ire. pure suite of *simples asthma the rye. In We Vegetable Kingdom, an All.wise being ha, deposited ;dune and herbs congenial to one COMM,- none, and adapted to he coca of atheism' and to the , veirtuble kingdom does the reasonol man,. a ' the instinct of Mil els, tarn foe antidotes m pail. The Syrup is;• aelentllle competed of the most val ethic plants to nature, entire-1Y ftee from deleted. , and eruirvathag mineral sobstances, and as it expel. dlseale from the system, Impart. vigor and strengtok •eorrespondbm,degree. CERTIFICATES. An eltraordinary case of Scrofala, Erysipelas and rem, cured; by the sole use of Dr. Dayton's Ova pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and ElarsatetrillA Moon. Nov. 17, 1918 Do. Gotraorr— Sirs I tender coy sincere thanks for the great benefit I have derived tram the use of your valuable syrup. I have been troubled very bad *it • scrofulous sore, which made Its appearance on no chin. I did not pay ranch anentton to It at first: sop posing it to be nothing bat an eruption Mat appear on ' , crawl's tar t. Itfinally began to increase, until epread to th , milt part of the head. I apphed to • physician, who attended ma all LO Ito perpOte. I hod tried every thing that maid be tried. I aim your Syr up of Yellow Dank and Sareaparilthr and eonelnded to am it, for I knew that Yellow Dock urea one of the mom valuable articles in the world Inc the blood. I boaght goer Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I codd west great Change in my system. I continued I to omit until I was a well mar.. I now feel like • tow person; my blood la perfectly cleansed and tree from all Impurities., There L• not a question hot tha your newly diteoverett compound to far superior t any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold- Thu certificate Is at your dlispo•al to pliblith it you like, and any one you may refer .1 me. I shall be nap py to give them all the inforn obed ie nt can about MY Cate, he I Kerala your senora, Osossa 0. JoitallOm 113 Market Weal • The tow tomato modt.coe known. The Llitfett of Yellow Dock nod Sareepanlle le a pestnue, elfeellt end pertnaceet cute for at cosnoluucts Incident to FIfLILLFS. Ito mild, alletative muesli. render U pueeflull sprltcaLle to the Caufer end &hew conautotion 01 the female. It Is este:railed in Ito 011ECU ewe =eh diseases u Ine4tent eoustunenon, burentueo, leu• etustoes., m whlie.. irregelat once ut alit.% and general pleat tun of the system: It huh Lhat4l) f01111lei•LY that atsttcuung nervous Dees apt leuatude so common to the foluele frame. uo.l Itupeth. Le enemy and Onager., IA surpneing is they etetatehtL We have erulan. on hi...which induces 00 etvngly tscoooneed this medicine to ou,ple ire bee* nut been bleeesd with at 11 mt. ra.,Lativa Octal, or Falb. of the Womb, of 000 reale atending, mow/ by I.lr. Guyetette Extract of lb.elt add tttroepattlle, tttier every tolhe. 111•• u re bady lad bean unto whim., relief. atuntlame, tlltto, Feb., In. Th. antuftee that my wtft, .red 27 years, nee hems eadenne under the above complaint for Get years—beally all tit that time ectermed to her Led. hove lar Mot lean rouetannly employed the best wed teal ulna that coald ho pranced in Mi. scatlott of Ma tawdry, witbodt .ay benefit whatever. 1 have oho perebateff every instrument reemnrcended for the mote of each disc.., all of which paved wonbletta .de the err,. of 1648, 1 ens intlattn4 by my friends SO try Dc Goyattt's Yellow Dock and earaapardts, Which wet,10.4 for four ntombe. Mee We had lased lr for about lour week , awns evident to all (tat Me ewe improving, mad from Ode time elm improved sap idly, and gained fleet mad emus*, end! Ma theca. was entirety removed, fee an meow enloyleff .1010 excellent health. WM. MONFORT. We betas stelathare of Wm. and Jolt. Monfort tome that the above atelement e ds to the dekaem et Mrs. Menton, mad as in be mare being effected by Getvotte Yellow Dock and Sartaltwilla, to be =teat JAN 6 EDDY akivat rost-gae; Groat Curs St ClOssmisiptlma. Lismteess, January 1.184 r. PI& Bennetr—Dear Sir ne great benefit which I have decreed from Tour Surest of Fellow boot and =fills, (tures er, se enact alludes, to snake After &menet far twa years from general debility width finely terminated in consumption, I was gisen ep by ray frienete - and plrystelane le beymol the std of meetielue. Ae lain mart, I was inezeea to try yose Extract, and having Irleed bet tow battles, ae. cordsig to yore dlreedens, I em entirely well. ;I meted therefore, t he tteonunsea your &sequel. led Coatpotod lb the aGlicted "rho dealt, • t at, pleasant trod WO remedy tiratscutly poor frien Witrik.l None genuine o f pat ln ca me lorge agnare bottles, contamati heart. end the of the 'Trap Morn an the with or mown slgnatate of S. F. Ben nett on the oataide wrapper. Price 61 pet hot:leo:LI dat bottled for CS It a sold 111. D Part, center of Fourth and Wal• ass streete,paneamen, Oben, gen for the South and West., to whom alergen m i ene be address Carter A 800 ,F.rie, W. P. Judion fr. Co, Water. ford; Oho Ciemons, Crosalng•illm Abel Terrell, Muomi illram Mix, Towanda, Robert Roy, Wells. boor; Rea Strict, Cailenibure; L. Wilcox, Jr- Plus. masa, corner of Market street aud the Diamond. apl3MiterlyiiT SELLE RS' FAMILY MEDICINES—i r They are the toodmitea of the day: , • bruit= Station, Ohio, Stay SS, IL E. Sellers—l think it right, for the be nether edicts, to dam ooze Cacti in relation to your ucellent Fa mily Medicine. I base seed your 'terming. largely In my own family, one slat (moonily expelling large quantities bray too to Rot wends) from two children. ihote also used oar beer kqlla and Cough Syroprin family, and they . an, la every Immuce, produced BAsct desired. I am engaged In merehandlslng,l am able to mats, that I hen yet to boat of the btu (allure there your median. have been used la any section of the annuity. la coseladon, I may gate that they are the merbelues of the day, and we destored to keen • vent extends* pePaladt7. r ‘r i V i i k i pEta.. Prepared and sold by R. P. SELLERS, No 7S Wood street, and sold by Dmigiats generally In the two cities and identity. lel • If 411 a.„7 ' ' bledietnes of the day. , Mangoes STATION, Ohlo, Illay Ph, MO. R. F- SeSeret I thick right for the benefit of ashen to stabs soma thee la relation to year excellent PUS. 17 Medicines. I have mid p se Vertebrae larymy In my own tam- Sy, one oho frs.oently anoesering for erpellingl attendees (any Ito .1010 worms from two child.% I have atm sled your Liver Pills and (lough Syrup .0 family, and they have id anent (aslant. produced the n getired. A I fur, Ingsned merchandising, lam able to rata that I arm yet to bear of the first failure where seers..dl. ham been used In my cocoon of the eensy Its bonclumon, 1 may mate shut they are tla medicines of dm day, and lan dertined •1( have a very souses.. popularity Vow, re. • . ll.Ptrossd-L Pasparal endued by It • I.ItS,No 67 ood street , and sold by Wages • s enarally to the two el- Um and vicinity. my.7l only oF true, sod genuine Liver Pith SHAM Clara, Ohlo emu., Va Mush 11601,1840. Mr. R. R. Sellers: Dear Sir-1 think it g duty 1 awe to you ands , the public 'users ly, to steno that 1 have Leen &Meted with the Liver Complaint for a long tam, and to badly that an thee., famed and brake, which left Me a very low slaw. Having heard of ions celelretaLlyner fo . r dc r w OLA , R Sirglelan, 11l s ad ta, Onnollllll4 give Oil a tux trial. 1 parr-kneed am box, and found them to se past what they are reecounended, THE BEST LI. VLSI PILL EVER USED, and Efts taklngfour box. per the disease has entirely lett me, and I am now eetly well. Reopectfully yours, COLEMAN. West Liberty, Much 06, 1840 . 1 vestry that 1 am personally geol.-Used with Mr Cotton' end eeo bear testimony to the troth of the eLmvr ,etlatAla. A R SILUIP The remains Liver Intle me prepared and sold by Ezt .I.LERS, No 67 Wood street, and by druggiats .the • wo dam. TO THE PUBLIC.—The originals ouly true and gen uine Liver Pills art prepared by R ESellere,mid bete his nine ginned In black wax upon the Isd of each box, and Ids agnates , on the outside orapper—all others am counterfeits, or base balmier ProDrlewr .. aplo js,Terticitird.,banl";•Col e J ll ewelled potco Ter Watches, carets fine easel, which 1 eau fCli n 3 low Ls thirty and th irty five dollars, and werromed to beep good time. Alto—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, corn. t7.7.11M0r".1, , , - ,.: t at.7 , ll" P• ir„'"" ... ODA AT COOT. IrgiCOß—lenaT & co, hawalf un4P‘: E[3l l TeEthVeirr treirna , r , 11:11 a n. te . the ar wa c r twi Ldom hi e ... se d " "4 Cotton LesM.T. s re tock of Tal ton' ain Canaan Clod., Doe atlna, piksilDill I CO ibiwood at TWIT reol, an elegant plain Ood6oct.Pfau o t. Plan rrom the celebrated manufaCtOry of Nur= & Clark, N. Y, of superior Mao, and oderate prism Vol sale by IL /MERE% dela at J.W.itoodwelle. W ILLI re moving Tarter IVORY er, PEA Scur burr and all RL 'Mara VONEDER, Wfor ry, Can lakasanoes destructive to theTecth.. It is &lidoaa to the taste, cleansing the mouth, heating and strengthen• the gums, and pearling the breath. For sale, arLolosalo and retell, by ado St SELLERS, S 7 Wood et Brandies, Wines, Wu, to. 60 hr pipes Cogaltaßrandr t yrrloa. Vint.f .. i 00 go cake do do; 4 wpm. Rolland Giro 0 peneheo22 hantlea Spirit.; I poarboons Old Wed Whlrkeyt 20 qr casks Medals Thor., 20 do Oporto do; 20 Ude Bonet 2 C 11111; 10 hr pipes Spanish Red W lute 00 lao Hordes' Clam. 10 en Dlneo2l Mae; I Warnock WWII Wino ROOM ICLITAVVreIiSTIMI isPIP it 1113 WWI a - • P. W. GATES' PATENT DIES FOR CligrlVG SCREWS. IWlTAlrrral EAT 9, UNIT. , ~ .... THESE DIES haying been adopted and higbri IPProved la ID th e Plincie . gwr Ui 'lleW and Philadelphia, are sop 0ff,,,,,d ,to minsastaresS, coSSigiSiStli, ship =id, , , witn the utmost eon! ddruce, as the most perfect article In use . at canal* *ere"' Their superiority aver any other Dies bdresofore mod. wail" in their 013tqn • = Scarm t wbether or armasttlaread,by oarmuisss i,g over the iron to be crn., width require no sr prelim, prcparrairin, as the dies cut the .i. d can of the solid. bon, trilbign raising it in - ti T e -r arc in their greater durability, rapidity , , ie d pftfectim of TrOrk; and in their simplicity and Stile liebily to get om of order ==3 Pwasour.u4s .11.g.17, 113t9. This is to contly , lhu w• have purchased from P. W. Gates the right of orbs hls_patent Dios for set ting bolo. lo our optatoue Anf. liOt to any others we are socasialed with tot the purpose of euttlal bets. J p raomus & co PartanrcrEte., Aug. 111, 18411. Having hnd P W Patent Dies In c a tla oar establishment for tie last nine months, for ng in the igVe Zia Inr • " =”r " I7l e rrer=r they being so far snpartor—scotidating these IS per cent. cheaper than an=now, Nln & nu, EIFTE CO, Penn Worts, Ps. This is to certify that wo havurenued the right I to use, and adopted iota' bu a tdoa NV Gates , Pa. tent Screw Caner, whiehare highly approve of. W e tan do much mote work, and wo behave It will sar. pass in darability and precision, as much as eeormany of labor, any diet known to Is MORRIS, ?ASHER h. MORRIS. Patuanarina,Oth month,gBth day, 160. Nap Voim, Ang. 10, 1940. Having adopted P. IV. Oates? "Patent Mee for elm• nu bolo, we take pleasure In going, that Imam than minters our expectations, and lama no best/a non In &lug It as oar opinion, that it far expels any other plan in present use got analog beim T BECOR 1 CO. we have P. IV Gates" Patent Ditan for caning serews, and We economy of mine 'lento go 'on' considerable, Wet we look upon them as lnd l Wwwa - , blew every establishment baying any aasntirY o f screws to cut. lICCOMICI4 °Gm s co, Cmcmus Nay 11i, 1649 Ounitatuta Oruoe.,Wlstroorein. Oth ectit,LlEL have purchased or W. 11. Siovil c. far the WW I Endes, the right to ale all the artentli sod elute* M 16CELLANEOUB. lIIr Jatass 111larr-rs plaid Maga*ai l " MIRE:FARED under the immi dieing ewe et Me In r venter, and eetablahed tor upwards of GMT years by the profem . on, for remoting Biles Acidineei and Indigestion, restoring Appetite, Prewesing • moderate state of the bowels, and dissOlubsg tole acid la Gravel and Goon alto as an easy remedy Mr sea aletnessAmi for the febrile affection Incident kf child hood it is invaluable. On the main of Magnetite toi• remedial agent it It unnecesaary to enlarge; bat the Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray Is low the most valued by the protesgion. ea it entirely oaoida the pOsabiliry of those dangertraseonmellone signally I rest:twig from ;Le are of the article in powder. • For rale by the importer's and proprietor's agent. ' • B A PAIIIiEIITOCK tCO • I Cor, Wood A Front ate. -rss. OHAOCO—fib b. Burson t Robinson's Obo torobi'' 40 bso Jobb ii.lbsdoon'a a 4 din blo CabloboY by lobo; 30 bzo R. blyere 1 lb lump; • TO qr bro do lb lamp . rot lige by k Ri6Egraorr R. - 0 STOCKTON has reederd for at%• ,- ;r4Til I of Gibbon's Dietary of lha4 Melina and Val of tneHomans Emotes. 14 le and Leven of Thome. DanWbell,ja •i &bled by Wm Beattie, Elementary B, etches of Metal Phibmoroby. By Ile late Her. Bidet, lint.tb, Lectures on the Aciteriellet Peleata SY•Lete of 800- eery. By Denimelo 11111 14. D. 'I allot en V esture; aNovel. The Bboulter Knot, a tale of tie seventeenth eta. t ory The Scarlet Letter, a rothensa. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. 110010111 I IFS LETTERS OP TUGS CMPBL. Edited .2J by William Beattie, M. 8., one of hi. ereCalPfl V volelfimo cloth. Entirely EranClry: • treats. on th e near e art of transport, its management, prospects, and relation., commercial, financial, and social, with as arpomrion f the pummel resells of the midway. In opentilemin the Dolled Kingdom,on the Contirthnt,and In America. By Dionysios Larders., voLltrithethth The Past, Present, and Potreo( the Repabllo, l / 1 1111. laud from the Freneh of A..fie Lamanine, author of "The Ilerondlos,” "Memoir.. of my Youth," "Ha. planet," lee. 1.01 Irmo plait. Hints toward Relorma in lamer's, Addressee. and other Writings, by Horses Greeley. I rot lezen rb. History& the gonfessinosl.Br John Ecell naphtha D. U., Batton of th e Diocese of Vermont. I eel Moo cloth. Tim Conquest of Canada. By the author of I 'Mo he. , laeo," (Elliott Werbarton, Feq.,l 2 vol. 12... t-osmo • et etch of a phymeal deseription of the Universe. By Alex Von Hamboldt, translated from the (term. by E. C. thul. 51 cols Iline cloth Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Romeo Empire, tin notes by 11.11. Aldman. Harper's cheap edition. -.0. cloth complete to 0 cols at 47e per von 0 volt .en tor sale by HOPKINS 78 Apollo Ittnidinga,portith st Now pinto. 1 IMOURN than to sadness. When otter friends round thee. Conscript's departure and return. Annie Laurie. Are ore almost there. i.e. backed eat. Ile dxtli all Ming eII. 'Nell) mint a Indy Silver moon. Grave of ew Washington. Thou host 'stranded:the spirit BouPd Soler Boy Be kicilld loved ones at home. Cheer on my turn Jesnontt Oh, Lemma. Spring Plower Wallas. Elfin Waits. Brattleboro Walt:. Salutation Polka Batty Pols a. Bevel Polka. Jamy Lind Polka. Linda lalliGkUGP. !larch from Norm. Thu above are just received, andfor solo be J 11 id I. iLon, 81 Wood as BMW MUSIC. J. H. MELLOR, 81 Wood w.ot. k r as renciosi the f Amos: Nero Music: Oil' say can you ace ythe trath's holy lights' derli. cued to Roy. C Coot.: Oh, think not less I love thee- Ulu:who Alpes,l kola thee. When atherblends around the. The cot beneath the hills. Wert thou bat mlw. Annie Laude—Socaoh balled. The 8.7101 —Words by lines Cook, * titanic by Steel= Glover. Thou hast seconded the apirit that leved.thee. The Geese of Washinkuot. Tim, Irish_ Mabee" Linea. Sektori—ltasseL He doeth all ththas Woodbury, Wolper Machree—Buell. The cottage of rev mottier—lletchltions. Low backed cat—Lover Inn Waltses—oomplite: The Made Ball. The Bridal or Wedding POIO. Jenny Lied's Polka. Lissy Polk. Settee .11.131011001 t Ponta. Ttp , Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polk.' Jenny Lind Polk. Tho' Origin. Scottish Polka Julien. Salatadon Pelkit. 'Flirt Polk. Josephine Polka. Summit Polka. nosionnol Polka. The Pro.. The Qnadrilles—Pdeyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quadrllle. The Wreath and Delay Welood—Bra Ernest. he Swiss Drover Boy—vatiatima by Cxerny. tdonumbn T t. Sounds from Hoes. WreekeYs Baughter,netekste. Louisville March and Qalekstep. Wood, Up, Quick. let .tee. strawberry Pleats for Pals at Groom wood Gardens amongEIST'S Prise, Mowers Scallop, ad Vleteriat stw aro deo Lagoa ad ova !Lateral lteL all the diffetent valence now avant. Orders addressed to theyrop.letor, West lelanchn ter, will receite prompt 11.11CIILLOil. .1 MOWN. aorta • - - 111GOKW.11 , 11 Vt lA A - ETAS become an established and almost indispenw Dig able regateite in every well provided tamsTs from its remarkably wholesome and nutritious nand. dens • food tor the healthy as well as a diet for In. eel ds, and ablator the rnstsuanee of growingenlkben d Wans. Ind.modes of tooktng and preparing an d re given di!' the w .. rapper. Though well known in the east, it bas never been introduced to any extent in Pirmbargb. The subserib. ars base, therefore,,nmdo arrangements to be con. stonily supplied with It, and now afar It In suudi Sealers or hmilles on more fimorable ten= than it has aver been sold Min Pittsbargh. vim A rdeCLURG CO Llben st trovair4 ni - iAM now steamed td foreddrAp pie T (rem On •611 tri6.6 Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The roes will be delivered et the wharf at Pitubrugh for 1112 per hundred. Penisa ortehins scrod thrifty trees .hoold leave their orders roes at the Drug, Pked, and PerfumeryWarehease carnal of Wood and Sixth eto aril N VVICKERnILM." 1477-11Firftlirodil— rr h loo)ust rammed a gm lot of Brass usmentsf the bat mannfaetons, selected >ll himself with greet 'oars, far tole market, seen as Valve Tromhones,Saillorns,Boules, Comsts,Tubas, k.x.; also, • AI. seleeilltil or Music Boxes, untying two and Mom tunes;:,Peoilnes, Aceardoms,Ao. Aso, s , porter German and Italian Suings, and goes. InaNclP*li=, auto e. SIGN OP Tll6ot ' DEN IIARY, armed . 101. Third street. YVlllTE'Saebnited STICKING SALVE AND STRENGTHENING PLASTER, price Mou— e mycrelgo remedy for chronic Mountie affeenons, ercaknese end lentemess of roost pans of the body, meld., hero., a.m., Of roost hind., cots, swelllop, 'prelim, bruises, corns, and felons,when Pest emotes., Also, the most oonvordent and eats stinking salve for ilreteritenlng plums and drafts en the foot. For tale by R N .WICKERBILLM _aug2l . Car. Bizth A Wood sts Kielodlosi WINE to Ron all Nigh; DOT GM LI Dole? 30011 S; Go down to a. Cotton Meld, Neill was o Ladk ALSO:. 116 Kind to the Loved Ones et Home; . How thy boat lightly; Tree !Ave, by T. Mood; Our way across Me sea, dun; A new medley •0114, by B.Covsni Jenny Gray, took by Muller, Joys Out wren eroWnins, Wedding Mardis' God bless the hardy Maxim; Schuylkill Watts, Conseript's DeparubukbY W. C. Glaeori Bounds from Ilomm Wattle., Steyermarkiseba Co; Last Rom of Sommer, eery variations by Herm United Buttes Polls; ,Ladles , Souvenir Polka; Corn Crater Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Beauties of Italy; Ihrelle, Tem, Ass. A buga amortise% of New Mosta on hand. to which additions are mods weekly: ferule by feblo J. H. MELLOR. 81 Wood et ueseekp *canelard lillecorys ÜblEl3 lIIBTOCY OP ENGLAND Is nom pub- Osblog by Hurst & Firo , s,•in 0 vote. cloth and paper, at 40 cents per vol. Three vole received, and lot sale by H. HOPSON'S, apt 7 Y 3 'Apollo Beildinet, Feartb at is - 0 sr—Z=4 oast pncros into ono devai VOA:rota-40 bssnicald, dipped, and sperm; Catres-I.sobss Cream'snd English Dairy' Cons-20 dos lierop and Manilla; Ossus.-30.111auti ekovo—Tbarcell Cloass—til hi. Penman sad lislf Pun-13 brlsnd Wants Mackerel,. d Bsbnok; fikass-30 bzs Owned sizes; Non-1300 rem. Venison; 11 INA Sagas Cued; lennoo-100 P sad hlscillsi Ins-16 dos Ilstrissu Black .a Copyinc, Mozanas-13 N Orissa.; half brls Bakst Man; blinnan- 5 1 0 daz waned inallnkci Manama - 0 0 lb . Balton; V swanks-60 Ins do Nana—Ml gs assorted; Punks-6 do ke s Jan unmet Psactiss-30 bathes halves; Pain-93 rents snorted; Pania-11:0 in Bannon; , Soar-60 bzs Born and Cart Bose4_ Bson—lo bhds N Woman natlndi 'Pia—Go pinnies Gmetind T2sacco-20 has 11. 11, &I lb lump; • an Boannt,so ;Ink; w.. Boom For sale by =IS 1 910 1 REED " HO USE, asso SMITH & HAHBitg, proprietors', Ptak , . Sparc, Ens, Po. GENERAL MAME OFFlCE—pealmn, Weston": and ttioalleml Amp% leave Ws beam < C. 4 ' mos to and !tom ettram ond Paster SOMA M. W. iCant, late atilt American Woe, SIM, G. W. IMO, tale of Om Gm. = BPS. 0610. ea em Mei order the inferehdou et Cho Department, P. W. OanteePatent D serer two omen on metat, they belying been tried in two et the lame antenals, and lona to be very eeh2z,llent Col. Ordinance.. Ettnnext cdpi.sos AAP NV/SEISMS, Sept-IS. 1448. C,oraideristi Gaut, Patented Impanel:teat for cut ting screws comets] to be valuable one,l tante, by ElttVagrofUteliffirtnebylt :Itreetllteonfter'alarie =Grille, srd BOIIIIICLMOWET, htq, the Iteht to maks and nta ant Lanneemserit tot the U. B. Nary. JChRP.PII, MUTH, Cbletot Bureau. • In non oho by saw. Works, Bridal.; & Ashley, Rod:eaten Ronku & CoiOlottoaster.l .4 . Haywood k Snyder, Pehaylkut CAAAVi Obbeek, New York; Hon & Delareater,“Pron.nlx,” N. V; • IL K. Dunham &Co, New York; Denoread Co,& Idoerament Works. Bah: Van Caron, HAwhaster, Molt & Ayres No wYork ABanr Works, ,do; Pena & Murphy, do • Wert Point Foundry; !lonia & Bro, Philadelphia, A Jenks, Breedeabargh, Pa; Walworth & Nason, Boston and New York. Lowell Machin tthop, I•DR9 Ameoakeax Co, Manelever, N II; Lyman & Bomber, Routh Boston. and 013.61000111 others. tom*:, No Iffdsoluse,l o sets dies taps it ito 9 in. pd. IX No. do a do ito le prtee 11204 Nob do 4 do ytol, prleo .1111.50 All orders addressed to Oates k M'lColgt 0. B. Hutson, NOW Yolk, F..D.M WWI tr. Plolo. dephts, .nd H. H. Seodlllo tr Sous, Coleaso floor Dies sod Taps, wl.h or ultbOdt mettles for ming th us, meet.ssith prompt suoroloo . Cancsao. May 3.1410. MISCELLANEOUS 0.• 11101TA.L. PALMER, BtNNA & CO. have removed their Exchange °Mee to north *eel cotter o Wood end Third stow. 5 Partnership heretofore existing between the sabseribers, uneer WC firm of Purbridge, Wilson • Co., was th i s day dloolved by mutual consent. The Iblaßilleo of the firm will be settled by J. W. Dar bridge, or Wm, Wilson, Jr ,e Wier or whom Is tothoe. lard to oseithe name abbe herein itoobboion • J. Wl5l. W. WILwr,NPURBRI,JrDOP., ~ LYON, SLIORD P. 00. I, July s, i550.—.174 CCir!---L/Vra ball SasePs bkAS. W. Berbridge & Ber 4. P. Inabrant have this day aratriated themselves ender the ban of Bar ge &Ingalls, to transact a Wholesale Grocery d - General Commission Saunas, la the hone lately crud by Ilarbndge, Wilsob &Co, 116 Water et ittsbargh, Jaly I, 110X1...4 41 • 00-ve.itTecklisate.. . ri HE .o..ibers hare this asy food a no• Pander• „LAW ander the finn of Wic to Wilson, Ibr the itr. I . of intro:Wing the Wholesale Grocerifiand Cam po ion Business, at No Se Woos street. • , . ' %VAL WILSoN, Jr. PI burgh.l, latd—liff _I RANK. WILSON 1 , 1E1011.11111 4 t0 11,WWORTD, UFCTIFYING DISTILLERS, and Tea and Wine Without', East side of the thamosd, Pittsburgh, are now offering at the very Waren prices for cash, neoutied Whiskey, gyp _and Dolmen. Brandy; also, Frank Brandy; Hollilad Gin, Jamaica SF rte, Lon • don Gin, Irish Whiskey, Rum ; de. Port, Sherry, Ma dein, Chairmen, Claret, Misatell, Keno, Teo. cello and Whoa Wines. Wholesale& await. usy3 Pt57, lN , e a`;AX. R . — .="trgntrajt_ d i. l 4;r o ltrg Wrapping Paper; °roam, Madinat, and &AUDIO aises Straw Wrapping Papet; etoarn, Medium. arta Madsen:flan Post °gle Paper; Pastettoard,Re. Re W P M & 118 ALL, 85 Wood 11, MI. 17 Agent far Clinton Mills. YLOhIAN IN AMERICA -.ller work an “ d het n ward. ;By Maria J Mclntosh, author of Cherma ICllgiaro2 , , n "To Item and to be." 1 vol Latter Day PIIZIPiIiCIII, No It—The present time Dy Thomas Gargle. Cumerriv.—Memoin of Lue and Wriungs of Thos. Chalmers,' D D., L. L. D. ?selections on Butler's Analogy, Evidences of Christianity, and Hill's Lectern on Divinity, with two Introductory Lecteres end (oar Addresses delivered in the Now Coils Edinburgh, by Tilden. Chalmers, D. D, L. L. D. 1 vol lOmc. Cawmv—Li4e of John Calvin, compiled from sullen. tie sources, arid particularly from has cortasponderwea by Thomas El Dyer, with portrait. 1 Vol hbrio. for gale by B 110PEINA, • 07 78 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et combat comb' LOGROSS super Polka; 10 dodo very tins; 30" oss'd Reddlox .., 12 " super Englssh Horn fluidics; 6 " " Pozac t CI:41bl; W 500 " " ood booo do. ased Flue Ivory y 0 " Shell Side CoMbs, ) to " super lame I.lolErta eau-axon ass'd Side Combs; rec'd and for said by C YEAGER, 109 Market •L loge stir - neas a. w. a. roma. THE undersigned, oucceisore Arthur, & Nichol son, beg leave to inform the eltimns of Pittsburgh and publio_generally, that they have rebuilt the EA GLE FOUNDRY aad ara now in fall archerpeation, end have pan of their pommy ready market, Amongst -which are Cooking Stave., Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal &are, which to now Impercedlug in other rides the common viand Store. Also, a sheep coal Cooking Pave, troll aday md for small families, with a fall assorunonl of edla. mon and mantel Dames We would pardealwly • rite the attention of persons building to call as our re,rehonse before purchasing, and romaine &splendid oriole of erissranelled Orates, finished In fine style— entirely now in this market- Warehww, No. Liberty in, opposite Wood all aag-• NICHOLSON & PAYNE. PITTLIBUTLGU IMPORTATIONS. CI • IMAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer le V. FANCY AND VARIETY GOOKS: Sign of the Gilt Comb, 103 Market et., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others smiting Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, arc respectfally invited to call and cronies Maextertmve assortment of tug lisp AMOIiCSII, French and Germ. Farley Goods. All FOrtiglt Goods atthis establishment are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on ga -1 dog goods from first hands. I have the largest assort ment of snicks, in the variety line, In the city of Pltudnagh—all of which will be sold low f or cash or el atceptances. The Stock consists, part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves Gibbons. • Silk Cravam,Shos and Patertiyhr.lls, Sewing Milt, p d lno ... lC , e l =l;s_pes, Baspende. a, Deans, Pica, Me.- Gold'iluad Barer Watches, Gehl Jewelry, anklet& al Brushes, Combs and Baron Percussion Caps, Revelvers, riFluit, Clocks, Silk a Cotton PIOUS, Spectacles, Steel Petty Mule Boxes, Carpet Sip and Baskets. Medusas, Findtoii and Trimming. Toys and Fancy Goods; together rr:di a largevane ty of Fancy and Ample DM GOODS C. YEAGER is Coo agent for the celebrated Lan• easier Combs novt? Great legged Itom•tly. FOR' Coughs, Colds, Asthma arid Consureptlont The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY lords" °erect the above ',discuss, Is the 11UNGIARIAN BALSAM OF LlYE, , ,Mseentered by the celebrated Dr. Duch. of Lendott, England, and Introduced Into the UnltedSestas ander the Immediate superintendenee of the Invehtor. Theosamentlinsry sumss of this malicine in tits cute of Polatonary diseases, vnt ,meta th e A merican Agent in soliciting for tremment the worst possible ca. sea that can be fared in the commeney--ce5“,1,3,,,,,,,g relief In vain from any of the common melodies Of the day, and 'bete ben emu op by the lobes disttrlgin,lled physical:ls IlleOndweled and Incurable. The Iltmateri . Balms has caredond will GUM, the most t1Z7111".• of ease. It Is no quack postinnt, tut 0 entud Etr Evec, of known and ensbllstitd eale ley ' ry dimity In the United Stems should be sotetnis with Booboo" Ilusgarian Deism of Life, not only it Counteract the consumptive tendencies of the o:name, be. to be used gs • prevenuve medicine is all aunt al golds, ermiths, spitting of _blood, pant in the side =ld chest, Irritation and soreness of the tat f,, brochith,, &Rotary of brearing, hectic fever, men ...este, ease,. alien and general debility, asthma, Mauer:a, strb.pe, sough ...I croup. th,frildmlnthelarlia.bo..nlissa.aat S k l w pef a bo . tile, vrint fall dims- _ gutrUlPoertilkk'ettet"'s, t a u " and ogthier'etrfdoefnec g ra n t " the nri f. : squalled merits of this great English' Remedy, mop t• *bunted of the Arum, gremintssq• To; sale by' .13 A FASINESTOLR k. C,, corner o at Lod Wood end Wood and 6th Ms. I a:nth:wt. t IMPERIAL COIIGITSV tVrt -- '—Tnoust , l'lr 'gßS alwria Luz /I t: • PhletlMlO, Mora 27, lov. ' Mr. R. E. Sellers-0 Putter to 100 and your incout s " n , c,,,,,,0, sg,,,p, 1 bog leave to sta., for the ben efit of the eommoultY, that my wife to been mirth times aftltmod with a mowthstretsing conch. I poor chased, In January last, • bottle of pair Hy rap, tvfeett curtain cough of two months . stsedbas. About 000 month since, the cough returned, and 1v.i.1 1., severe that she could hardly move, hoot weakness In tho breast; I sent for one bottle of poor Cough sy ru p, en d a part of one brute eared the cough I gave the ethos to • poomeymon who was severely afflicted, who had, to ON MI can words, , •eintch enough cough elude to core all the people to Pituitary, Il.” If 11,0 ~,,d, 1. 0 been as good as represented. Yours, respectfully, stre P el, P. an 'e l sol " t ' by l4 , D b ra y Pgistil l"' g m e E ne b”' r L a t liy aSa in' iu'''.7 the V rwe d cities &IR 1111.1.1GOIITAY VI:NITTA/I BLUM, • • - hND cAIaNET WAVEHOOtd. I. ..,__ (jilt"' rrell e 7.4".„ c,,,,, keeps on hand at ao b s b t e a . nPon i sr• west side of the Linwood, Alle gheny say, a complete Bosom. meet of Venni. Blind. - ohm VC. niUan Shatters art 19116 to 0:- der to the beststyle, wort...'' eqttal to any loam Mated Siam. Elm Blinds can be removed Ima, Out the aid of a comer driver. /Wing sarehAsed tL o meet, tents, bad mMol elate coldest cs. tablishment ofltanotay CV WOO laud, 1 nee prepared to forsdas their old castemers,ras well as the palate atla s rge; with orer7lkiFlil .t u . '" liganeji Na - Weed attest, r". ° Lt rygoon. • Loosesny lto T. DECIDEDLY cheaper[ it ar add r . ;l jittoatr, of 0 12.11171; sell • , • Elea= Ted at ----• • " — OO 00 per lb Bapeztor Qualnies----•---- • • ^ 0 • never, • " Law Fiend, damaged, or leerier Tess are net kept at thle astablialmoem,therefo,e, waethee Ton go your self of wad s Odd, Yon aro owe to obtain good undo, attd If the tillat of the Tea is that' "'dui esekanao " TZTi. WI-oorner of I L 4, .. I i-,lU . LlQOTl:—.l:Rsosi.hrvx, kk . a tor . aae by in and Wood sts. gic"rB"l re W: end , ....rotted expre,dly t 0.4,14.3. Cakes,: Camara% r Belled C. btb r rdr - f t. q'tbn of new osllly o7;elre2Veur the :1:100 II: Irell1 1 :11.1=01 m u, t in Ie perked, dittobred and madoth- - .kt de toe etereb—pour tbo wkW = and burgh into tis balance a dm 0d22, .. m taddy It bells by Obel—libeelledt. FO - iselre by Z 'MUM= Wood al