RISC L A N'tollB. -------- - 1111&0111.ETT & 10111 T E, ROLM. Vi 1.11.115 FOBEND DRY COODB, Ia 101 WWI strset, TNVITE the acted. abeya oront at their large sleek cf Fr.& Good. wt ry peateg , aee attach they are Mewed la gel ea very W. &an bc,....etty remains fresh goods dor jog the tmasea, tad rettleatt an ...h&eialltee of our Rook by orcater2 reereltatttet erte othe. 'Wain DlOllll, No. 135 Libsztyjitreat, ~,,wetfaby to inform h 4 numerous (Mends sad castowers, that he Is rust recemihs Ms new rau ,wry of cwiitta, CAbSIXEREN,. and VET INGO,,,O,do meat sty les, •dapteo for t he upproact, ta, suit and winter seasons All those in vs= of ,aeso, ts.hionable, •00 goal clothing. vend hod Me mfg.., most fashionable, and best stock in the Wwlmn country, at Mk esiablishment. sepia , dpeunQiii l o Pittsburitn __- Yrt/111 Penneylvaeda Itolt Road Company hoeing eempleted the %tole Itne of tall toad to Hollaays betel, thee conneetote do rottage Rod Rood to loLee e ood and !tom t h en I.y boat, to l'ittebarge, are tow p repared to rect. tee and torward merenno. •+,V,r, yroee, do, to mut Poteherela and Phil. delyhde 'the L. 411 <lll.l leave the depot of the company .111:y tot Jphtmtoon. there cormecttnA leAth the dad) tteid. at cut tn.r Pilladelehta, Moe intutiep. Inn de. reety of ta Itelpht tn Plilln”C phla within foie dahh PEEL LIGuLTI* (.1 , aro. 0.111 buta, Podemegh CRAW a: [11,1.1..115, ngeuto., ad;lithdit PePanc,ph, NEW LW? (iv ct•M. DID PIANOS, lift;, cad diftcsital Insb-asnrnas of ;h.: 4olv!„7.0 . Pup, No lei 11,1 .tr t • ; • • f F • az.l os±ort Mut of Vs., • by o • • • 0: 1,40. am, nod.: • • • •, from tc,a. Wry pr:ce.. aU. ,:v SHEIRIMIMIM =MI .r 7 v.cm p4pulsr taro A VR?hY tr. !LLD., hurt:. t 4 r.o - e• tr , uttt. r•ti r.t tr.o 117io, .t . devoid,. gee, co, I , rurt, t rec. purrr.r..e.t truht the Autiortr t a Len he Wi1.61.1,• ',ramp. or Jas. Bluapr an a Sono' Patent Sank Asia. 534 t r zI A ' s oritmonin ptr • A:0, Ittett.."Lero;', • -Dell:. "and rr rr th•rs, , teaf•d Itummorr, 'MI, tt/ :p" . .4 hl - q,i:ll, IC en; :I, ter. ertar•et, tor vete4 WC.I • f , [l . L. •ii trod r,.• r•tnetl •r: oel. Larg• lippy!y. of Ball i W.ure: Goads. iII I' • ;: ni.t.i, tar.l,ntt I. of tnii ,:ge • LOC! of g[o:.i . , aaspled WI tile 8 , 1.0 - 11, Lilt and Curd Frcn, :s!rera,•4., MESE= =MI =aB:=OM mcsammes , Long Oho*L., Lon. I'Lcc :actor g F.an . el, Wean., L., ono, 6:,1 nom n Vance,.,oad .oloreO. fortr ,ock ca HLIL7. - IEKLEPING .nth o• • - hzoLoof, re , ot , 1L innoLn loot:lang. Lc.. ro, A fat ..att Ity wol Lod o u.L....n• . _ .t c k ,Itt.tre ps. hastort—mot rue r ztt at.rl M:ritct Fr, Ott . -- S 11111 l r Plait Supercede all ollt•ra a., Sera_ 1.. r. 21,:.• ur hove busuat. - u vs.; a. 6,(10.11 Luev.t•l. us 'el') te surrrt ur .11; 1.-i co ; Alut.hatruls 1 usrarei.v. JA!.11 , , , A LEV, IF tEsit•‘ ot I ct.e i , Eteit hsaur. Iss6 rya cEtrt thmt 11. E Sc:ltrx' 1 • May•ol a • lZ moot of fellow. ilor if ~t the pure lion.. 'as •nst• sot .ottiet revelation ear.' ser.lch is eheson eoriLinte saw. rIo, Extract of I nicer err , the. llt s 1.1 1.1 Costly, and the Balsam of err, the. malt, Ire re..., asoce thoroughly enisie• t then so enh , r Pther,.. I'J:a h. fore the pato c, ,••• t r =amt. bss., • p• ly tree from all ,• vies, hieri vennoE •1 of l i d other be ars ths esesspa,nia e•••-.1pounos The to valid abould ber , : of pot. • Mercury, ;ton. 11u ems Pothah, locboc, :sulphur, Arsenic, and mans other u•lactil and 0,001110 p,tlrol• env, bolt • •• ears the sense basis of lc, of the Fitraapand• r•ll•ttialli Or Ito .say. (thy•ett's mean Extras; of Does er.-1 Sutuspernla 319: organ • parnete of thele se!,stnnees, es any one can salad}' ascertain by app•stur the aeceasary tests fr, poisons May ocess.onally remove' d•scase. ton .they so satiate the blood, end so completely lesp.re case the Whole system with their Cannot edaelo tent the rest cold. or the fast attack of disease, pro•ts stet the pouroPs strength, ansl selneets Inns or I.cr to most exeratiating tonnes, asel renders smother ean• almost impossible mid hopeless. Let II phew bantaparllta pteparnlsne atone, an! use I.thyvstia Improved Extract of 'Cellos Doe! and Sarsapartha. ashlers Is thoroughly effuse:a perfectly banntess. and purely referable. All kind.nds 00 disease yields so {Lorena' influence- • &Crania, Crineerout Tumors, Comecon. Erupt:nos, rayorpeleie, Poetry:es, or Pr.prot ou tuct Pao, Chinni° Sore Eye., Triter, eoci itrad, Itt.cuct.a. Ws, tiolargriner.i or Piano io tte Poe,. et Urturt., 014 find blut•bnrn Jlcera. rotcfSatre•. 1t.,. lit, rte. Pwelang PI Inc Iwo, liutierFe iepttt tt, Limo ' • ' - .114itte , ut _tat Puirrootary Atfeeuorl, ors: tr:l oi.ar dr; uoirrarom (firosaro,oe,, i.tiit auo, reo, triegularrirre aor Latfihtiuhrrh. S Ur, troutiatilie, Gear" , Itteltt..f. tem. titer., Le.. .•• Appeirie, Nigro, rthroheri 'Porn• 1.1 .fie :hide Exportutt ttr ILLltsadence IP C1:t.... re rionsitiar.Onai 14,1 - herb. ono sr Svitug h , .. Purifier of are liloto3, and bartcra.l 'Lowe Ira ra. A 4.14,3 of Uteri dad Litola of 1124,01 p.m, adults/4 - /be lolls tug 1 , en.anc. rf • letter dated Nor mom I, ft Petsas, :rt. D. a highly respeem big rnyerclan loran Pa.-bear; ne. here under my cane caulsmile woman 5101.0 year:, has aces rev , uvut If:scram. Limb., and wcese cre ir been plor.caadtJ ha,..atst by thtee of sur b a e, r meta.. I Ler mita my famly, on] once ~.n Loyamth Yellow Dock and Carsaparilla freely, s-? rute confidant that the Yellow Dock and thinapantb, v eneet• pen/tenet earg need, bettrn to de=er[ acalth than sue has ever:l:sal before, and vrette mile ar two wit .at f a d,. at pat. A rear ar sir rued crutches. I a ref art the cue le due time Very remelt:rally, E. II PELYIN3 l* AFUL), It his been remarked,ty eanneat tarn, that le vuted catalog - lie a dims., to std. tn. Le te Were is scarcely cam of such importance, and of tee, • Interest as Scrodda, moaner we loot to the Oboes r•r) VI its af,g, 11.4 um:dm. pros use, the unthter r variety tn of or Ku:ft:La: it ans., or its remarkabb eambility and extensive tetanty Scrofula has hatted du lam a: then tout ern. , n• physicians thisereselry sr.! in Europe. Lim the- le sn muidot e for this'teen, it, lir. turrnth One- v - l'elthw Dock and c if.. „leis reioen it yrs", a .11 perfect 'Deed., •I sa•ste eases o euerata. Ab ertrentrie.rn erre 41 F 4 retain eurn,l 1,) sole sae of Hamar tent Jit • Compound 'smug I will be seen by mit eernlicate he. under the treatment et several eenbrated phyr.“...: tor UM past eight years, wttiout lien.. any /..ef., and has been effe,l4l.llll eared Ire the are of • -• Cottle of W. 1.: aysoehl'ocapcural Syrup. Now 10., Juan 7, CI- Gelson-Deutlirg-ftwtas to yea • dead which money cannot pay, I its, induced to mule a petite an knowledgmens of the omega I haw den•ed from you. Invaluable Symp. / was mrely allaeted with a tern hie Scrofalons &scow, heteditary mu_fatatiy which comthenord - on neck, and, commune • spread, moo :tacked my cars, ranaing into say heed nod eetendfag all over my face, neck, and lower ex umue I became a dagastlug olden to look toot, At near,s lay 4isterss W. se pent that I Was sleep or he down; and the dtwase madteg lot;, :as atm geriourtly 'fleeted my hcrinng. My Est e ',C. twriltan ,, es ere. (rem winch a threture of CPC,. and watar kept commonly eating ord- People se, id • el ms, sappumg I had the small poi.or some meet lateen.* disease, anti I wart obiltird t,. bmy btonacw. Nenwithrisbaing had W. best medical advice. end Plod different plans of Ur it O. the theme,. continued tograw wore,mel I rut ntth despair, Pornummly I fed in 1•11 h pabreeeer othe amain.. ' , bre fravelitnr for my health, war: enforated mothataie FOll was at Cue tune m u mod • condttion a. I was. and that by ming your nyeree be was epeethly cared I immediately procured the an title,commeeted sung it. and glow, atter having used letthan at bottles, I am well ead .bee 10 erten, te my baguets. I and you this staument as an act 4' )est., only htwitg that It 11.111 e 4111111 CC the affluted snake oar of Pm right mediethe, and thereby Yee them mach sulfenne and expense. Premaim your obedient savant, JOHN Q. tiPADDRat.. Da. of as aggravated ewe of Erysipa.. Tail CURS performed by' - DesLaysofth Pause, of • Yellow Dock and Sarsaparnia are tastmg. The pa• teat's general health economies to Improve after c,e , We is removed. Care. are net chronicled anal nine k,u fay tested that mere ell be no 'elapse or math of that disouts , Homy., (Ilerktmer Co Feb. flint. 8. P. BlemeartTic fill. “.1.4. Itl, tlialgtutpleuur that I ortito yea about the very happy elem. of tr or Yellow Hoch and Samplings upon my son, who has under that dreadrehloathMonso ease, Erysipelas, with 'Muck he wasattanked to iblt, and Wu for several months attended by some of oar pyommts, war cried their skill perseveringly tot Eve iliOntal, ',Ube. nay Seeneteral effectswhatever. . •. HO become reduced to a perfect skeleum Ile had al. CMIP from ha hip to aid knee, which were eentirmally dtschamlu ditgusangly oftensive matter. -- Idediml nod stagiest akin was lulled. Phys.., std that has rare leaCbOpeleal-then coda nething dorm • leanest thou terrible cautgrenclug ulcers. Sly neigh. bor. and Myself thodent ins 01.01atiOn near at ha, (Me of my neighbers, who had earred a child of send. al. with year invaluable medicine, wished me to, mphe trial edit, end mare Pratt the restlus desire to do enmething while hie lasted, than from any hop, of getting relief, I matted Were bottles of your l'lebe grecik and Rassaparala n and commit oil ut_n It and to my astoalallotent, he commenced improving w • be had hated the third bottle, and Octane ha bad used hair do.s° bottles be could-walk oat lie used to en twelve bottles, and by October Mal he wan perfectly I. • recomd, Weer] wesUgn Wane disease etteeptile nears Yeirlae•de sad ha remains to perferi health tip to the =Mao. His recovery, under Cie blessing of If =Ural?' owing to the sae of year Yellow Inns and Orissaparbla, and I Mania you that Heel Lays. UMW grikal obligations to you, and It Is with greaticy lug k lnfetm yea of what your Sarsaparilla has do. , - JAS. SIMSELL. 1117Dcate genethe anises pat Up art Mtge Wrier etaatalaing a quart, and the tame of cue Spray , blown • the glass, With the written Ligature of-S. F. Lien• path, on the outside wrapper. rule 11l pa bonle-cr • 'abed. for I& - ltSaid b# .J. D. PAPLY, North East mutter et roar* cid Walnrewn', all on Walnut tr.. Claatnotil, Olio, teawhom all orrice :ow be atidni Eris; Sp* AV. P. Jobnon Co.„Wer r. Olitt•eb Cromingmlle; Abel Turf. Heietisksel : life= itliz,Towaoda; Roblin Rot Wens. C lettek. Catlettsbur . Wilcox, Jr,Pati• bat, Cone, OP Market street and the Diamotsr. is tdtolvdB jazz — Ay •TZA AND SO SISTAILS, 01WD 111AWORTIOn the Diamond, are sail. • N Ing eloallent PO no pat Ib.-4iTit IT Kcal BROKEIa .• BANKING HOUSE. 3. CAROTHERS 5; CO., 5o 15 Woos Strtst, Pittsburgh. CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Collecilons made on all the principal cities of the United State, anst:dls A. WU.R & CO., EXCHANGE BROKERS, J. E. Comer af Tkird mut .1 L. ALL 13•381.CIIIMS L 2 11.00 LLIIMUL YLSTa OCO. C. ARNOLD BANKERS, LIEREiIIi I 8 EICIIiti6E, COIL DANK ACTH§ no. 14 , FOURTH ornir..El auF2l.Mu.4p kßayak• Eo •r•, 60 . 125, , , DIIA , titir: q ,01.1 LJ, a ll.\'F;H n=U"4=l . . C01.1.E.1.711011.8.-I.lra: le, rime, and Acrcpunc, ayehle 141 any part of the lief on.rof leeted CM the clue le verehle tern, • . . . EXeI:ANE , On Ness York, finialslphts. and Su k, Lamm . , alto, tar. Loniesdle, Baud Louts ens : I ~ Utlel., CO aurally an - sale. d ANIL NOTES Notes on all 1.01'1.11 [Mall to L. t . Ited Slates disc anted atheism-es rates. All k.dals arnica and AUI fle. Goat and Silver Cola bought d . sold CAL - r k • eON e ye recro , 1. ,c , F; 43,1 Eereat,e, C4l,ey 0,0, , Irlyel111:1 et .111.V1//yel ;LLS on ilttgayee, ieeland. Ecc anya ra-cac t the Cartynt Rat, c.i Dc,,, • e my plon..e.nercea, r. ..n a:the VI, Of V. to toe 2 ,ccrer., ete,catcy:•T Jik:c.lll, ro,;.ect, ece4 kc.ar.va, Arn, Of, .I'. O•:1; lflidLta.ll as lc...Liar 1,,,A51.121111. AND 1 r.! El:Le:t= 1,,t1 IZMISMIZIE • J ; /CNN' .I,IS . I (rit. tCFLS •:).1 • , .7 `,/, • t •• SI t\', u.l t rel. op •...qtr. eiving at, •... r 1 Ir. Irt,p,ll .1 SI :11111, c 'lr • .4, 11 .11.1 a,. Ib t.f it 10 I.:0 (.7 , . • ka• - • 4,,, 2.51 ago Lt. nayia.l M Fralom . ecare ['ewe:lm, .5..• .• l/ hucar, :414 N Ft,tetti,F ng1,..0t t r.•p0a . ..1 , 1, ['Maid , Mat ~Nuts, aro: tom j all 4 litourid I\tt. I,flll 25 1,,V11.,:10n Syrup , ru I: 00.. : P o 'ay Pep,er Saute. • In.• Lamp .. 2, car., • ~ t . alt .Soap 0 Sare..., • Oa , .1,./ lot n C• 01,11411.. I. SS • 2, ban Wl.c I . .pefil ,U • L. , / 'Ma %I . lSp l'apar. 3 el,e. L.quo•w.c, Peppery 1 2 / 1 ,t3111, Cut 1.4 Dried tu Marc e. aro.. ISoet La 10:, Mar with a rensent ae.ort.tp,ot .:.y grit at 1,11 waS n 1 Pia,urgt. tonna. C A ILP /CT.S. - OIL CLO i T/18, /CC W. ra t ; r L t ' t ° N u CNO l. '.? ,;:rr ' /r a n . r i e n :t To ' cl asanttracnt of Crope.tvg.e...ro. ;..• •• •1,, . port ..; the tollovr,o4 varieu, VEIVeI Carpet: S r I ,151.-tt and Anertcrn I.fress.als r..xtra 'a?. ply Cameta, I Sup, alto, Suer tr.lat. LIS do, 1 Cup. Tulte-3 to , ; Chea Lie I.IIIIF, G.ne'a. for dodo, I Tuftra Mats,. ....tn. all do .1 [hut Boas, Co, Mat,. 0 : 04 :.c Jo; • a vary! ' rg u. 0: C - Rer,aara. (.41 Ciada. • • ol we1! . .1.. C 0 C act, a to •11 . , cluc :at ti. VI i • ..tuck. 01 .00.11 Will Le sold or e ap al tlwr ..-tr: 1...,, patel•ase ' d m any of the tn.,' a., Si e tt.n: • everytody to veil ail4o er:rb a burr ale `el W MeCLIN l'i, , li —......- ..., l• .14/ (FA- Iroi bit Creama,: Wit ever,: .' ‘ to ',age old J •or r. Ceti,. \la L. go La gt: .t, •ti .., LW begs ran, r. ,r, do. lli Of cbesui Chorea Tra: .110 caddy 1.9 extra Oolong, 40 do prime Green. 3. !itches. de, ===2ll 3 bales •33 shed A:monde, dna pore enrPstal Lemon Sues, dialloaneopalhl • & rancyChoto.ue 10 Lis Mon, C.,Co. and No 1 do; 5 0. Almond and Pi.l4 Soap, o.ts Roean and Veriegat:d ,ddp, does 01 se and Dordeaut ii der Pepper Pa., 40. ,main & Walnut rICILit• doesßo.e Water: 1 ease Malian Maecarord, eszes do Verworatli. caeca pure India Movie Powder; 3 ems saperdne Rte• PI brlsCrelabeil6 10 Pala mall Loaf; 10 bedpore Cider VinfTar 54 - dgr. Corn Ltroolite; D WILLIAMS & CO Cor. Wood a Falb vs • =MI JOll5l V !JOS f.POOL SILK, Ezr...ely Pr Se,Ng. ; nvus) L. ne.n -1.1-C•C 4., • . unrt, foteloaslmrairne,nrl • • vr, Mailrtot I,m 1,1„.1.n1 ,n Ira • nottire,..antayxp<nl r ger, Much morn inrualrie. ..holatu Jaric :tom crt.sr. mu.. 4 ttnorr.: 0n.% r ••.n. 1,13 ban artten. .tratul:y 4•• at 1aut,...0u overcast, the p..1:11 .• ~c. red •R ocasairt., h•nu , o.riy pot up rol , rto forma rot numeric . p•, Le only oirjection tatted egeit.ri oar art vie ik to, ....y Saul qaantiry ll een ri.oot Tors .• -o.l' .tp -bed Spool Is ted to noes., of SLIT, wtalt the °till -err warran traeart,..a Awe, ha. Lot an on terotla quantity. var7ing (torn.f to 111 f Spool Sat Ls ro•tly f,t ati the ton oi tot tLase, and a. 0.4 needs a trasi, to convince rho •sep teat et 11, t etionir t r uautir todepeuitent 1,, A :lon ova ; otop•t teat fern in which it Is farattene, eW great slaw-tyres over tee Sitein, a* at tort eitio the ttiliuto of veingint, the vexation L azaing, Arid the testa a' tie . • revs tar it Trot IL faqir.; MANN A So'S-. LI North 1 turd At, Pritr.lnipnis: 11ult. , Thlanx.1.10crs a. CO tl tlatarn L New lora • jr sivdeodaa ele 0 Arent. ===:E=El FALL STOCK 'IF DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON Si. CO. DEALEIIS 18 FANG 4 6LIPLE DBi COM r= i 1 . . _ Jnml & Fourth streeta, rtrt•tursh 71! ute altAt.hou of oar, hat t.t rtattt., .e ' t Inca t. stttn.tter .tar It or Fa, at r! tVt.tt,r 1,-, • IC, ',rt. rare. tu.d thent,n Iron. r-t • t.,...nstitnit, :arse BY7loa sale, .8.4 rn.tr. La. Acte., ture:•. Ity the. ittlOttrht partmer to ,•ti stock IM/i 1, wand In be mu,. art at.d more vaned than any th-y La•e ever ttCott Ida to dog market. bath& teptehtthed Ity reer tote ulattAt dni.y latougn the season as thty 5:1 ottts.r in the eatttetta market.., renderlog their stuck •L' ~1 h.ti .44 herft[l, tLesro, et.a . .llng Mein •tte ,,,,,tit, thrott•te with Et/stern 1011, 4 alry. sZ , V CIIIV14.1:IIINO'S PIANOS. 101 IN IL :MELLOR, Xo ri Wood ttrr 1 :...e .rc 3 Chleicerior• Piano t or.r. (.11 We .:r re .3 I. enl.l. kat rter.red. ard poor rr say to, rale, L. fmtovelog •Prondent aelcnrd hsrwrlf (mm c .do, eat tory, oaf T. 0.1 ter , .7met er rd( pr. de, •17, tat,tl Lowe XIV, 7oettve• `, ' , gaa , Rosewood:l,7 du, do 61 do, do do 6 do, I do Mal:molly, a dn, I do %Val.,. a do I fall carved seuograntL A llAg3l-11.8 subscriber Los tbe ere stutoontirte to the eit,serts of Prashorgh, lust p.cas he ha , a.to, affILC/[061.1.. with Mr. John II Meth, In: to esoussive iyle of las Piaro Fortes. to Pittsburgh cus Western Peou•s slid those...wishing Us per ohs. may be avare.: thm then' interrsts wilt to foul, roily ntleudrd to J CttlCfiKHl .ti C=CO:= In ettldthon to the oho .% -Lott of Plano+ nom Mr Chtekettootot stew suprly I. nfitmd from the lemon.. of Ad= retodatt, Bacon A Reno, end %Verne., r •. I oft, and 11411., Camden b. Allen, Homo, •1 .rt zee...tun:lg tram two to three hundred della: a. Ht•bn, IVEw atoll umr moo... Adopt. b for October. lust r•-ces wed nod Sr rale to It tan lIINS oc LO Apollo Deildtne..4th at To People front the Ota Country. I,?r.csvr it., clone tint: .f 2. 4 12N11 Leaf, Flue,Sion.• /J . and Itoonla Flavored Meet Tete that ord Lied o. toe 111! Country, can be bouebt at 'doo end 74, per o at Alortte tr. Haworth% Ten Store, cot ride of 0.. Dilllllood.. and no where Flu to Cittst.orea• penri Vi - 011 - la . • A. Lod at the name, of Clinton Mille. rn tboorl Amp" lV I' hit 111+110 ..) k\T r,be Imo y EL., u I tr.:;:nitTribll.-llte orpts e. etelidien; a isle of Cruelty and Oporcauon, to p yule of a new poste tale by T S. astbur. It br be tie manors best production, Ire stir at M 1..- lawns, Mn Moot, orp... Pc..±: , tko Monk druid - A of loan, by binder Hlchare. Imy and Li Age No zr. orl 16-;161C11.0*41: • 'Jo rcedlor by wtr , J II C • NEI b:1,0 Mourning . Goods. MURPHY & RU11(11111 PI.D have received YU:, p:y 41 goods adnp:rd Inc mourning wrcirr, btu!, 231.1 r Clinton Cllnt, COttlrl• vnd Pannone., Verne it Menne, •nd Cindintrer, '• Mouse de Loon, and " Moor:! Ppneenz, hrourEcc Coiine., innck Cranum, :ail , 11.nrikerchiel, ke 0,19 ‘..! It sil/L.Azott_e 7 -Itot t•tto Ltia cs Is top of Imattt., test reeel•ed end tar Into b) JAA A ttII'iCIIISON A Co co t 7 Adebt St Loot. , ..Ygam Sager Ref.. 7 GLV t-8 6b1.00 ht.d toad for saki', 017 A Si Medi:ESN /161 CIIEES . E-40 - beets prime quality. for lotto by fact. ISAIAH DICKEY a. do TI.NNEEWiEII3 - bils bet, mood ftb..b, by 001 1V & isrEffo=a — ..lasi reed end far sale by EH t PB9 oe4 el Itioed sl DAT — Cisra 7 frOAY FOwD • : R resti tor 3nair E BELLER Ql - 1F.50VA:r.471441r.4 teeelValor sale oe4 - AkiißTO - 170ArINIXIT-1 4 bisfor F iali E by 1.1 R It L UTRA , ir:Ne;r.p.PER -7 -404: 1 rcans reg . and , r Za T b:cgrt. g e ' Z ' y ' nlet i : =Me n " b711 . .: 4 ' tor tabs by R 0 ir k W a TON WV/ 47 4t. CI IA4M EUU& J. H. ntgLion. O. Si WooOstraet, hu ion received a new se. N soruoeto of PIANO MUSIC, moo/ which are the follersiw— Molly, do yon Love me, by S. C. Foster. Ob, may the Red Rose Ltve Alvray, do. Nell). was • Lady, do. Uncle Ned, do. Ovine to Y Ron all Night._ dc Dolly , Soldier* M Wedding, by Glovei. do The Robin, do. Eloh, Touch the (tend yet once nein. Sweet Memoirs ofThee. rilver Moon. Lament orthe Irish EudgranS N Neve Medley Bang. Thou bast Wounded the Spirit that Lovad The.. The Conscript's Departure, by Olomsr. Ile Kind to the Loved Ones at Hama. ion=tme=azait FZEITIIESI Love 6K110,1 C. by Lour. Do you ever Moak of me. Situnber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. Elfin. Cantina, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Waltses Batchelor, Malden, Bella Warta, Cancan, Ladles' Souvenir, Sally, Elvin, Idly, Ali re, Evergreen, San arra Adtru,end Lissy Polkas. V)l7 E enter not Into the list of puffers, we lay nothing VV about Hundred. of Chests, Importers ; Large Capital; Bought for C.h, ke. In fact, we mGI not humbug In ant manner or form, we simply Invite the public to compare our Tea. with what they purchase el...here; this I. the best method we know to ...- nun woo .ells the best .d eheapeat Team in Pita, burgh. We are now selling Good and otrong Tea at 40.5 60 cents per It. pripeithticle, • • - . 7.5 do do Tire best Tenicooned late lACUS ' itates,l3l Lose psiecd, damaged, or Inferior Teas ore do nog, leap AIOtIRIS k HAWORTH Proprirofire of rho Tea Alert., raft s•de of Damned. .“ wmar.e.n - Wortr.. It & Co . New York, have to course of puts :n pelts, pr,ra twenty five rants eau, • A DICTIONARY Aldeknnet, Alnhanun. Engsne Par./ A mid En ienweenrig; des-woad for Practual irorg.. ktng Men, and theme intended for the En oranna Prufewrion. 10 , 1 TO ST OUT= tO (11:K of kale E'rn. owe. ana will uottola o Cla , o range., And upward. of au tam. ,{1 qrg/iT , 0%.. II p w ent working.drato. aa Ze.ettpoon• a the roost trottortsoa lout Mlle, nn 1:-.aned Sun, Trulcp,noi, I of If, resolt. of Ann 0ut.10.1. Aotri!rne pacin• r. Ire .; 1 , 1 oa Alec harata. Anne Amery, E: gule-wcrk. owl I t Dli ii eltatost is •elal eon, ILar, one toau , ntt Co i;at • worth ffa .“t Map' SMC.. sad other books. I, great object of tae. patrileation 'e Ise• tort. practical men arta stud, . lt sar act atorrunt or tort and acientrGe knowledge. in a copit,,,,d lore,. a. ,ball enable them to work to the beat nelvan- e, and to avoid those mistolte• whit+ they intent ai rtrour ransom. The itmount or osetut Ink•tmhtsu. thas b.-melt together Is Mmost beyond precedent In tutu. worts. Indeed, there i. !udl! any subject ter range which is n.rt Ittalf; th 'nett Cie.- nary nod preemie, that even a m t Ivan the Geo., snit nary rapacity cannot fall of understanding it and thus letter-mg front It much which it is imponant for him I, know The ruhllehera are, In short, determined, rertoileas of east, to make the work as complete. possible; and I.,reil every one deurcus to obtain the work will pr...u:e it as issued in numbers : and Mos enemitage T, won; riil be littned In wed-monad) 1111.61b<n t gr.•l reg commenculugrstyin In Jaricary, 15bn, and oral progress progre with 'tne whole work tell' be published In 40 numbers, at ht. rents per numtuw.und completed within the cur rent )cal l 1e.50. A liberal dtecouot wall be made to agents. Any one renumolf the publisher. 110 adoonee, .hull receive the work tnrough the po.t office free of air f rte. Op!Woos of Ms Prom "To our Lauleroia Slanalacturtrs, Meet.an.., En. einern, and A r l / 1 , 411., a .wbe a ot ian e, IR I ).lataual. • - Young men, erne yourselver wahtt• uoterledee.— can w ith ronfldreee recoruntentl our reader. to " lialtal•ei VG. 01 as ustrebers a% fast es they ap• PC.I . .— :,,,m^r,mrt Artie, unhetimungly commend the work no thine en. 4ned n ortereeted In mechunteal ar ectentMe pr 11.. em:r.ontiy wont y of thew imam/la:ion and e 1. "-Tr. . iN. r..l Budget. 0 y great wort, and the patitaLers de ll ttl/1 t of threat., mamba., Sod owns ..•;:r .h,e ed of a public generally V. ,h_ietierder.t. t U., ura_arr tat!! Lc .ttittly nattlat to pro-cit.:al at,t! a alvtaSie to al! wt.! wilh to .aqua .!.et.•tz've, n al N 13thw'e pro f /m..4Y mrennon o.•mp an s."- -e e.1:4 4 DLL) , larsoiry. Media11..•...14/ICLI ksep pautd ..4 spin th•- et.c• ,L 1 plan: :al tt.nwled!, , e. I vont. r. ...Lo.• .taut"-31.1y IMns3 ..Vic take It jtm; the ...it tn. Scott. and bon d,: • dor kniengr,i u.ecnarnelk yr t d pos mainr arc n.t. and a., •c.l ITC:111,111.n, :bat aerint upaA 1141,411 N Bill tntv tnur na •he I,letlt 01.10 ;!.p 31.. g. and .n•n ;env s - \ ....I ill •!...0 IJ&val. .Sraa c• Wenn l J au, n•I • A work of ostenriae pt etten: emit, end ere:4 ponanee red ,aloe to the P.O.)g totee,.. el the e ,, 001g We regari the vv. as enoueo , ty .ler:l:aced to pro.„-utte the enamel science •cd meebanaent art..and to dosetn.aato In:or:on :too ,th "—Faun and Niece LEO( r,eocel then to all the vaned walk. of meets:. W rogineernt k , _ sr.ll Ito• wort a trerathne the tt arm be to nnear it. po• , -• -T or Duly tne •'% , ,e have t part the onlobe re and Lave no to on) tne that It to the bat rerk to roe 0b.—L..14,1,11.n, and tcleuitLe men, ever pahtuh. otatn:, o..nate totormallata on snarl' I.rsoeh oi too rocchang,tl sou nod ~ e len expreaned to • gtvit and 1an4 , 110.., totel:gible teeny) reader oi ord., uniT eaprocrig..- •teloacenter, Masa ,) Nowa -We nse ease we nie ening the mechanic* of Nor. .•,:o and other par u DI Coaxeellent a rem, by bring/11g tho wort attentthn • --Norleteh, (Cenn }Ccarter .11: Lira.. .a<on 'curt e.en mern.ache o on- •••Scr oc• • r, rnar....l I ,nd innoortan. nr,,,,c-ot - N rota, Coat, I snctrecru-ot to: rnoc: n • •c:.c.nn r,mor fl,-o na, have nern .• thebe.. ar.d nle.re.a L. , C•ertlitte enci....cr tneva..... I L. • —Wa51.1.,...n t•Tt.“ vent Dtentontar, 1• 01, of the itto-t %mete. •••••• • • ••• ^•. ,:•]N toe }rare . rend the low pr.e• e.t.d.... It old warn. i. accepla..te - -,no. • •:/ilft •14/1111 regar I oil,. 011 P of the most compreheavve mud • 11 a.e , et..!l a. cheap...a...is •••et peel. 1•d —lt , . lzlsiurr .I.l•err.• r raFar nx..1., mit an non dolormi Yes, nn. ni l in r•nry on. 'ono , . of n.rnin,-.1 o Rondo.. Coot, r .11 61,1,nel aher the et . h , nt". et VW. MO, 4eVOILd 41111 e meehameal and • , ,P, P 1,115 ahoy. JO) • ralnthic a4nnatne Antenna, .1 Ulo ea. done for sta tatnettc o. an toaeninery and ni —.rie•nahr 1•;• taaaattera. •att at • pat, rstr Inv •1 wk. is enza.ined ioa , nom., Mal nu t.e arta. has the Ira, ; r te,. tr. n, matter, ze.n! de,ned Isom pa ...rat /la 44 carry one w/to tekll Mat he hat • cotttlepaed loan•r. tatt.,l in.ruruon wat, aropiE.b.t. is at all, ttl:/y Me purchase of wart mat, •olaniet •-N Goun•r andk:nqatrrt - The .P.ouptettenelvecew voth whet. the mt.,,te Ize 1.•••tal, me admirable manner la welch they me .....thote .1. reamire to male tbi• ol the mow or., red. wora.. - -Desnor roue Home* 4 110. Naomi olosubt ot the hoodoo. every narebs..... agorae, and manollictalet. eqwww,g thecae who nave .be lea:1 :whoa... to creel In theme crepe...wee weer. W. bare ea.eiolly onth • •.eve oh ...boo. To theth are wnoid trep language et Pt ..Plow,-11 to good. '— .14,...repe I,rector, =NM= SI vet and Car.da. It , lorogosor od•ortuomeat u 1.."44 Hte Ilme. tto• ••r, and too p.opercomaang It atot lo • rep, nl lor •col goU. payment. •ol• .1r ay.!' Cant nv. n g y flinenrv, nor atlin Mineral. rirr, nra• .iven 19 , LLe eele L tqate f LA: Be..r the ..nhar of 13. gr.,: ...”dtca; Trorl cell!C•te AnittlC•ll Prseaco o. Mrdir,le e..tramily I . ; ', emu /hying 1.00 made acyeamted watt ma ingredients which romper. SlcAllister• All-Healing Ointment nod having preserebed tdated 0 in rover•l eater,, pors A. procure. I have o emulation in saying or remfying tLat s n Vegetable Remedy, contaming a mineral substance whets Yr.:, that its Ingredients omtitx,ed an Clay are. and owed 6s directed toy the I . roprietor. urr. out only barmier., but of great value, teeing • truly smcottfic,Retuedy of peat power: •rot I cheerfully recommend it as a compound which h•. lone mach good, and which /4 adapted to the care of great yam,' of eases. Though have t.or sr either recommended or engaged In UM lair of Neel, I,rd, rine.. regard for the troly honest. man- ammeter of the Proprietor of thi• (latrine, and the value of his discovery. oblige 010 10 •11 . much I egordice W. DF.ACII, In 7ic sr lark. April 214, bad !MEIN. , —II to uae et the beet =age In the yrnrld for Bum, FILL, —Thoesands att yearly curod by role (hai l. mere It never fans inalvlag For TUICCI•. Igeers, and all Sleds of some, 1, has nu eels, If Mothors)af.J :11111"..1 thew os "We In .awl of Swollen or Sore Freest, they would always apply tr Ineh esse. If used areorline to directions, II `lee. relie m f in I, vrra fr , v Aroo/IEI the boy armdirvertona for using Me Allisices Otatment mr Serofula, Liver Complaint, Erympelas, Potter Chilblain, Iseabl fiend, Sore Eyes, Lbsincy, sore Throat, Brom:hoe., Nervous Alterman, Pans, Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Car Ache, Darr. e. Corns, all Diseases of the Sitio, 00, 14 p ,pi m p! emellink of the Lunt, Sores, Rheunatlsm Files, Cold Feet, Croup, !Swelled or lb ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Asme In the Fare, Prom the Rend.. Flagle. There w.• never, pethospi, a' Medicine krouata fare the publtr, mat he. to so thothz a u won sect, reputation !do Alistera me or Slior, enive. Alm a. ost every perso P n that ha, made mai of it eaks warn, ith rralth. One as /then cured P 'p it of the mew inthful rbeamulsin, another of the piles, a Owl or n troublesoms pain in the side, a fourth of re darellthe in the limbs. kr. If it does not rth, Imme iate :0 c..ery vase, It eon do no injury, being pli«I outward evnly. A• another lener of the wonderful healing pONV- Sr rOtaerard by that •.Ive, we imajoin tae following ecroficati, toot a .spec canes of Maidencrerk township, in this county: Meldencreek, Itch. co., March 30, IBS7. Messrs. Ritter & Co:-1 dears to inform you that I was entirety cured of a severe painth the baelt,by the cnt of McAllister` , All-Ilealine Salve, which I pur hased from you. lc:flexed with It for &beat 40 yearly and at night was unable to sleep. Paring that woe I tried cotton remedies, which were prescribed for mo by ;thystelemined other pentoos, without receiving any relief, and et la et made trial of this Salve, with a re volt favorable beyond expectation. lam near Inure -17 free from the polo, and enjoy at eight Notelet and sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve since for tooth ache and other oomplaints, with similar happy reach& Your friend, Jose lloOmraamt. JAMES BIe.ALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of toe above medicine. Principal Orme, No 28 North Third strect,Philedel. pht& PRICE RR CENTS PER BOX. - - . Amen 11 , PITTISCIOII.-11. Fohnessock & Co, coroof of Wood and First its Won /seams, No. 240 LibCrtY Wee' L. Wilcox. hr., corner of Market Meet and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth and Smithfield meets; J.ll. Cassel, corium of Walnut 604 Penn meets. Fifth Wan!: and sold at the Boohtore in EindltGeld Irtreeb 34 door from elteand. In A ll ot heaud i ty hy)s. P..Sfansna . Jeans tus ELlfiktiy ; ff. iowland, i ke irtmlnri Ale t t i nEs! & So. Roso&Pbsis Coll N. BaJossmui a Co„ and J. T. golfers Brolle; John Barkley Beam PE Jahn Walt e r, J r.r.. Elizabeth; Bosbefir6 EA,./ . , Rochester. feblkodly VIM:TUX Il&D•MF bris m adau• sat bi o • iLLANEOUS tit,* LSS NAVEL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. The akin of =my persons is Wagered with s eraptiona, as pimples. morphevr, &n., and when s Is merely • disease of the skin, as it Is b ounty nine eases oat of every hundred, It Is am cattily te moved. Jules IlseePs Nymph Soap is erpmar adapted to diseases of the skin, Is It ants thready upon the minute pones which corer Its surface, MeetteMit there' from impurities, and by U. toxaemic properties healing and eradicating all emotions. and rendering the darsest and roughest akin soft, fair, and !amusing. Persons who have been in the hall of using ordi nary soap, will be sinoniehed at the beautiful etect prodneed by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate bloom, prevenung . the sect, face, or hands from chap ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all commis OM emotion, It posse:men an exquisite perfume, and le entirely devoid of lit alkaline propertiea, rendering lithe only article which ens be used with safety and comfort In the nursery. All those sr bone faces or necks are didgured with pimples, blotches, tan, morphew,.. , should make trial of Ades Nymph Soup, as the proprietor positive!) assures them, tint 1:3 one will render the most discolored skin whlie, the roughest skin mown, and the mostdiseased akin healthy, pure, and bloom / des Hanel's Nymph Sosp Is the only article which will effectnally produce the above cake. In no short a Utuesaud the only one Which is at the same time all powerful and emirely harmless. Pnepared only by JULES HAILIEL, Perfumer end Chemist, 140 Ch.tnut meat, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail by B A. Fshnesteek & Co, and IL S. Sedern. Pittsburgh,• .d John San gent and J. htitehell, 'Allegheny city, Pa. leg BECOND [HAM{) plAggelL A GOOD Mahogany Plano Furte,l3 octaves, !second fined•—••-----__ —lllOO 00 A handsome upright Plane, with frbsessood Fu-nitare, 6 °mama. and in good order •••• 100 00 A plans 34 octave Ptann 43 CO A good G tarmac Pinco• • -- .• 7$ C 9 A good $1 octave P:sno,.anth balkdsome filtul• tleIN lIRLLOR t Wittut lure • • For sole bY myy w BI•tallo flight Liens. QUPFRCIRDINO the Kt o thoote entl being le rombushble, there . y a•, , th.res the oil, and pre vents pillion. beretVortobjeCted le , in nil other Route One to LIo S ul al the common kelp ell ertli last Note onv further length ut time, to th ee .1 to tad an qutity pro I. Reeelved and foe s.le h• /./ MORGAN amyl? nrugai. MIMI JVFT TED, nal 1 . " , •• v:Ji. PaTat) tiro very and Tea Warelt,on. • A eases Ftrob oyren, in 1••• • do Pteklnd dn. In op)* •, S do Jo on. 111 pall du. The oboe.- Tree!, Oytitneti aro parhotipp,.o4 pt,t pp ,• • 1 4 41 7 nnocet , rylpd Onrrnetinal ly tooled Pan,. sod 111 is • p mu, h tanger than those put a.. 111 the ortl inn ry.• Fru pale, wholecair sort r.n. IYM A MmILIILIC: a. en, LlV,Libmcy st oaCA Am tuaso )II cell •tntoal Work. Tisr PL1 , 711 , ‘ a N w lint. have in come of pt , ..eano, t • I It. , twenty Eire coot, ach, n D I C Fit it kleobanien. En g., Wort, will I!, win d tar Practical %Vatting Mon.uld 1110.. 11,1,6 , 1 hi, lie &,g veering Profassion. Edited by f cur Ili rue Thlv work I. of !aril ovo wall contain two thousand pages., and opwar.!• of six thousand Illu.stra. non, It will valiant work ..t: descrip tion. of the mow int,ortniit rrinuhinen In rho United &area Independent of the results of Antermin in g_ennity, it will contain colonic,. pranuent trachea on Mechanic., Machinery. Engine Week, awl Eiagweer gi With all that 4 Utefu. iatitd then one thnuswad do w llars worth of (alto outwork wag/tont, and other books. Six numbers received.and for sale by the scent, ILOPKINS, apl 7D Apollo Dialing, Fourth at. W STOOK OP PIANO!. e ,V , _..1— ,, ,.:: , : , :, -'-fP• - ..;:: - .-,;:::::_.:._:-- --- s_,'; , ‘-....'):' t:.::3 CHICKERING'S PIANOS Johu H. alrllor, ‘! ad Start. Pasbargh, Sole Agent tLe u of MCA!. IZI r Gram.' .14.1 bapataze Plano li'orte.. DEUS to .101 jj that la h.sw.o s r•••cave kaJ waw czpose for ame. ttlr , atpec and most gestralpla I• a... oticrtd fit, axle In theore2L— ..o -cttt. cr vrti, Le fount! (up suppty of sop,' oarved tt,ttt I . tatto rottettt, WILL .1, tor rerent totprovt..tt . , t :tb..t•ot an, :,)ie of extestor Spl• ad.], emed Rn•earad4 od,en wtavr Nuare 'd -dna Fdt,d. 1.:10 4Ca Lb. F:liznaetha.. and Laws • , ar•r at 10 , the •arsoat •t)le• of Pll. te, • sr, .d from 8173 to IV-00 and MI Vt....Aker., to: tae paeatat ,• a le .1 that the little. of Mt ,ontscue etuct -01,47 b,. the for a.. :• • rel up. pert ect oreer u- Stout u.s Pit'rhtttl.•.l Itestlf. 01, thr constant r utt•ht.ttot tar induct,' tuut to herr .1 t, • • tu,.. u•ta ,•• Th• YET1101.1..L. , SI I. t••-• .•. u v.e.: , r• tAn. eautty, al • dep. n; f,ult • . • ~,tre una• dulterated arue l e. ssolaut • 4 r tanur, t ,ast as Qat. tram Naturt '• t. • no longer • tauter ni I, re ute many stnettu the Matta et tratt • .ert ts.ts n eat wet tutu t•, , •re tur et•ruretaret MEM anr,,, , 4,1 • wver•l.J (111.0NCIll ' • " ',Wyk r 1)k • .w a 1./,‘ o: Goo, - I • L • suiting bow • EMVEN=MI • aap.arUng tot, and t• trls ob•tra chant. c...sint IL* • ... • •.. • .• ~••••• •orr t 111.4.a5r . and • lay..i.er. Cot ... • . a.•,:la Life Ora l r - r 1.•, , ,) en.rry . a,. Life Tl••• plOprotor tnata ta.serni cure. co . that rrakue . .l.l - cry 41.4er I raCzn.,ll. ret vrel , Nod, toed. of ttr. PETROi.EUNI lor • al•orl Um< {.1•041 •nin veer. IJ on, per.un who. eslret tt Ni.,.r vc.can.. Wlll.O. .1,1tA1411.1 0( rte dl KINN tem** 1 , •. , near t‘enenth ot N t . 7. * * . L1.1.RM Wood *4 - I'l AMR 14 . 1111 W • W •1 14.11.1 •14 . 1, wLo aro Nis •r, wenennionl 01,•n" ,DIAIDUATT , I I'lT 47T SODA AND Ortre liadult•d •ppsnwr 4 . 1 . m .1 4 ., Nlokkr, •" ••• / • s *II que,, kl,l t.rars., CARPET WARE HOHSE, No 70. Font.lt Frrerpt TIT bt'CLlNTir'ir ts on rr roo..outiv rree,lng TT • spm, Sufi or CARrr.l . Irl I. C 1.0111., Tomensnrco, nc, ror.rrtriny U. pp, 1. IrOiowine.•/1 Elva Soper Royal Veil,' hi ,or..etr, Enghsh and Amelir F:llrn Superfwe Scpartma uperh ne I tig ntkn 12.1yets, EV.. fine / , '-wirs taper patri,Ctlen4ll lltalve ' llne. do do Rags n.- Tofle.l I`.mynott Kura Wllenn Cvma.nn .• C.l,tude 1 / 3 nr Mutt SI 1.4.1 and 1 Tnp V-.11C•, 4-4, I nna I Tv..11,1 CArp 4-4, I, I and L 1 plan Car. I.ton •n.l Rag C7orpeta, • Prtr.i..l Coitnn Carpet., ==3=ll Ott Cloth•. OA, 5-4. 4-1, •nd • Matting , : 18 melt patent lid Cloths for stunt. Et If piano rov•r• Fmtqtr.:,.. " tsbie Pro:red w0.0e% Lmho. , l Stand !Auer, at,: v6notts,d Davao.. SW, 1..0rn, turkey llrd Clammy Chi, Ire Ilordenng; Ent , ilgo chi e.ozh T.blo Brow, L,“co crumb, loam ‘Vooler, Ur.. Sour Roth., thug Druggen; Carpet Binding., /eta and Coen Mats; Alioant andStele ton Maw; S-4 and 4-4 Orson Oil Cloth lot Blinds; liortoback °toper; Coen TliNl4l.l. Dive and 117,0 Cloth.; Ortmeon Pitutt, CO4l'll 0,1 Cloth.; Dasuaelts for Linings, Watered Marelns Dud linnet. Inri l VSltades; French Transparent tranep li Venetian Unnds; Hunting for Flags; 7-4 MIA 4 4 Talein Liman; Ilussto eras!, Fon , . lhap,rai Ittow, Lon k Napkins; Ilerntnn OE Cloth Tat.la Sit CIO OIL CI On. front the ram approve)a,tl Amer/re:l pint front 12 to 2 , 1 feet • I ortett, , be CUt (ll fit room. hall,, and vt -4,1 t , ie... , ..r.nt..• , . or , bor , rh, imnrtrt,ti citr , , front n.s lapeatrr CA 111•ICTS Thee Carpets, ”. , :ht.e.h are of thr, I:vett la.l rin+st ekrant "TR , an-I pattern:,otri of the meet ;torrent], color, pit rre n• lona es :It, t ., 11 for in any rr r Pavlov I.lin sv•oortmen: of thn rirboat end mon% faidlionoldn and INWILAIN CARPEL, wlo. I, i„, +a rpnn.ea in 4aalidy md elieni , nroln price, my aoooiourni over Wore brought to Wit city. Ile el,n hivitovleleamheal Men and oach.hlanufonturers .Id.large h:mil salucterlashortment orTßlblhll hiGh.and other wit ankles necessary in tam busmen. The undersigned Is also agent for the onl y p. 1,111111 kfunufactory In Philadelphia, and Is prepared to mil lower Om em be purchased clsesahnsu in this city. Mrlo firCLINTOCIi. - Drams Goods, A A. MASON & CO., Go Market street, heirreen 1 - 1.. Third and Fennhome cow receiving a large as sertmet tof Bangs; De Lairoc rttliall Cloths, an ,o. lion new ankle; Palletnts; Crape De Lain., &e; with a large artortment Of Lawns aAd other Dress (Mods, Of the latest style. and most fashionable colon. an 3 Paper Ilasiisre. PILING SELF.CTION.—WiiI be received, by brie canal shipment., • oew and choke assortment of §ail Paper, of the lust French and F...wern .tylss, In gold, chamois, oak, plain and bi,h color.. W. Y. MARtitIALL, °Dr. 11. 11111,) Mrl3 =Wood street HANK this day amoctatcdmltti me , init — irWhole- J. Mal. Grocery, CommisMon, and Forwarding bu.i. season, two Bono, EL N. and W. II Waterman. The asthma In stare wlu be conducted unde r the styl. of . a Wisteria. & Sons, at the No Al Wa ter and flt Fronl Mmes. r 0 0. T WM , . N. Nesbasst. Marsh In. 1.6 kniVED.4 TB iNSPORTATION LINES . 1850 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BOATS of this Lane wilt 1.111 regularly, end de. Hew frelehts Without tthastllpmenc J C BIDWELL, Sauborgb, JAMES COLLINS, do. Agents BIDWELL & BROTHER. Eththesths, marrl .aiL 1850 NEliagm SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Rttsburek to Co trixebus cod Clowland, through the nth and popnlour tossatia: of Colton limaa, Carroll, Stark, ntsoaranaaa, Coshocton, itiostingstra, and Fronain. The completion of the liand3i and Beaver Canal opens up to our city through this great natural amoral YOWL • dims unannutleation to the shove as well as the atUoirdus emmtles of Wayne, Holmes, Kano, and Delaware. From this testier of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh has been, to a great extent eel m 4 in consequence of the high ruts, or transportation, which are now re. &teed In, no and f.O per earn. Boats of this line will leave daily, and run through without transhipment. The Canal company have bestowed upon 1/11.1 line an interest In the unprece- dented advantages of their charter, and thus secured to the middle pommies of Ohio in ordering their Foods by I DDWF.LLIS SANDI' AND BEAVER WIVE, an equa Ittlarest In this so swathe.. AgenG, J. C. BIDWEL_L, Pittsburgh, BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow C Holmes, Opearni Mills, Oho, H & A (lay, Willureasport, 04 George Komble, Elkton, 0; Carlila & Huffman. do; Damns, Graham k Co. New Lishon,„o; Aner Nlehoms, owoorer, 04 & Boor", M. nen , . O.; Spraker & Porter. do.; Jesegk, pool a,' c o , dr/4 Holb & Cass. Oneida C & Co. Malvern, 0 ; fl K Gray. Waynea burg, 04 E Reymann:, do; lasae Teller, !lagoons 01 EJ blarkdall6.oo. Mognolla,o4 & Cn Sandyvale, 0; P P Kant. do; Nat.- bough & Strlobpagn. nal:var . , 0; Walard & Ft:river, do; JJ Eoffleso, !hustling, 0.; Currimur & Ca, do; John Robin:am, Canal Fulton, 0; Penny & Torrey, Canal Dosar, 04 A bledbary, Rolooe, 01 L K War. aer, Newark. 04 Finn& Halo, Cola:abut, 0; L 0 theyo,Cleveland. 0.: !Model; to Green, :!o, may! _ . _ WeiterliTrit.a - sportation Conijmay., ,il4llm' lB5O. ntia t . _ - - - D, t CO'S LINU, BETWEEN prrrsaunali, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK, GTf Pencuristhnus Canal and Rad Rood. / Tut: Bows •od Cars of this Line have been pet .11 1 compete order, end with the udainan of •enere new ones to the Line, enehtes as to carry e late@ Quantity of produce and roods. The entire stock of Inc Ltne Is owned nod contra. tel by the Yrtphetant. 11:0- 11ARRIS C LEECH, Na 13 Rollin Third at, And at the ToLacco - Werehow, Dock at, Pot ear:obi, Pa-. JOSEPH TAYLOR A NON, • No 144 North 11..01 et, lintuaore, MA; OFFICE. No 7 weer u , Near York; D LEECH & CO, Cana 11. . Penn at, Incl 3 _ Putsborah... 1850, UNION LINE, ON TFIII PENN'A AND 01110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS A. CO, RochemoT, Pa., Propr's. JOHN A CAUGHEY, Arent, Of cor Smithfield and Water sta, Pittsburgh. CIIAAIPERLIN, ORA %TWIG &CO, Ara, Cleveland, Ohio. puts el: known Line are prepared to band CLEVELAND, and Pamengem from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on Canal and Luke*. The facilities of the Linn nsurpassed in number, quality and rapactry of B oat , experience of ceptauw, and <Memel, of Arent/. One Boat lam. nuabosgb and Cleveland deity, run ning Inconnection with a Line of Steam Boats be tween PITTSBURIIII and BEAVER, and a Line of First Class Swain Beats, Propellers and Venwits, O/1 Lakes. CON.`eIGNEEIS: Clart Pares .4 Co, Ill.hcster, PH K N Parte & Co. Youtgatown, Ohio, M B Ttqlor, Warren 0; A N Clark, Newton Palle. 11, .I.lrat . tan A Co, Ravenna. 0; Acta, tir.rtuall k Ce, Trough/I, 0, II A MO, Clayahoga Fait, V. [molar, Ise A. Co, Akron. Cr.ac4, :I a, &Word Co, Cri•r alai .1 II • Ilubt.ard & Co, Fannaear, 0. Pl, baut A. sect:, Toledo, 0, C SO' Co, Detroit, Allah; k C o . blilevaok.e ' Wit. Muricy Dolton. ;tactile, ICia George A Kibbe, Chicago. II!. Thomas Chicago, GI corne r GAVGIIEY. Agent. menD corne Water and Vutallheld air Caltal / 850. eirziii LAZA: ERIN MID 111111311.10411 LINE, ON THE ERIE L:XTV.NSION CANAI CLARRE, PAMIR A CO, Rochester, Proprietors IProprietors al th. old and wail known Line j. onl,l inform the public that they Ore now in eratton (or the pnesenc asuart: and h•re commenced reeroong Freight Pawersers, which they a r. fay p repared m earrr to all manta on the Canal and CARET ERIE AM, MICHIGAN Al the lowest rota. One of the Boats of the Ltne constantis at the tand,ne,l•elow Monongahela Bridge. to racer, freight JOHN A CAUCIrY:Ii .Arent Once. rot Watar and Smitharld ma, Pittat•rat. CONSIGNS:I,B Coon,naltans New Castle. Ps. hilitheltne & Co. Pula•11 W C htm.n , Sharon, J & 8 Hal, l"tiarg.ttrg, Wick. Ache. & Greened* tOrn Henry, Ilattsrosen. Wm Power. Conne•orm!la, loon Eite, intro 1 Hottister & ro, Hort,. N 1 era.ul itt•intr eh - POviable 11 ail altitit2 185° ' AS el =miston NEW VOILE, 110STI EN. . taw". Liaanthhaa. ryaryi o.t.e..ada Etuiadetehu. ( hrh.t•urdt. • 1 , 111:1 . .h.ar hem. now the proprtetor. al 1,- 1 ion, Lane. are ae usual at thor 4.•.1 clod, (rderytr and ferward.r. Metehand...• and PrOlll, and wart th• prompthety. Lalnty. and eatery. preahat to thel. 11, stet. •r.d mho. rf • r •r•partallon. ,weenedi.s. tean • theretent ,rL Ivcaded. with tLe eonson....t delay. cord pro!..at.ilyt• It damage Ntrreha.raire oro: Produce atoptur.l ram or eal,ar eo o! 1,,,tr0, r,,roraral.l frew of charge (or cotton, narl••arll.g. or normal. Hama, Lo :Mono. rile voltre.,,, inwan..., that of the ownery ts mold, conso're.! oar, rlopping then for.% All C.MIXIGOLI • )1.4111 the. tohoormar Ayr.. romp, •oenCr..l to ruuaiesuuennmcl _ . Co, r t . ,-nn and Wayne streets, Ptintiurerh John NJ,n_sci;:ogh &Co, 46 North al. Ualµ P. Barn d. Co. 2./ Mery W k J T TRr.col. c , :bath .LNewYork; Jam , ' ‘Vheelarturbt. Matto vats— . mrd.l 80611111'3 TRANiFbITATICIit FINE, - aatilaa I w s °.W Ile ./ila taraata Plttabwrgh an astern C ttttt . Toe Canal betna now ~orn, we are ready to recce, and forward promptly, prodnrc and plerehandyee ea :t and wen. .b i t sblm always at karat rata charged by rayon Trod., anti saerehandtae will be received and for warded east end virest,winnow any ch•rgo for for wartlsng or advancing freight. cortiostaston or storage Md. It; lading forwarded, •ndall daemons falth. fat, attended to Ar,ret. or apply to, Wiil. 11,1ot, ond ‘Vayne IU, Pttixbosgli BINGHAM t DOtl No 1,1, .Market in, betyrcetk CAA Sth, ?lea. Nn J North lloworl it.. Lialurnoro. JAS 111N611ANI, talla No 14 Wert .1 -, ,,Nvir York aliadAricz PORTABLE BOAT LINE. rile decease of the acute partner, so Phitadelpina, 1 {the Jarne• 51 lbsrss,i produces no loser - roots. so the onsmess—ornangements have been made whmh Involves the s Interests precisely, which have heretofore existed ame Toe lowness Is connect:l under she sante name and D firm, mg loa m N MA & Co, Phtladelphos; JOH, NlTan. As Co, Potaborgn. The eontinuance of the patronage of our moo, (needs Is respectfully whetted, If any persons have demands Kohnet theconcern, they are requested to ment them fontmeitts, for payment Pitmhatah, /sent In, TA. JOIN ISITA DEN, •p 17.11 BoryminizToer. liA 43-cr. Pool...gar mass Iterellttaals• Oakes. lIANIIDEN IL CO. commao to bring persona f from soy port of Elvalead, legnod. scathed or • Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with melt ul punctuality and attention to the twat* sod eon, fon sua of enamigrants We do not allow oar pastntivers LO be tobbed by the ewiedling seamy. that lawn the sea ports, as we tale charge of them the moment they fee port thetnsel vein and see to their well being, and da. psteb them 'without any detention by the first shim We say tins fearlessly, as we defy one of our pa...n or. to show that they were detained t 9 F e ars by us la Liverpool, whilst thousand. of other. •re detained °tooth., unul thou ronid be gent to soma sof at a eh: p rate, winch too frequently proved Men coffins. We intend to perform our contract, aonorably, coat W hat It may,. sod not lot LS was the ease last salo n, with ether olhrs t —who either performed not all, or oe when It suited their convenience. • MIN &IMP Stlb{lllo for •ay (ram Si to LlOOO payabla at any of the . ararl•clal Ranks na kainual, Sootla.l and wales. 1081117/. ROBINSON, r IQUOR, , -17 Of pipes Dapay. he L./ r`l l ON' T i 6, • ' • ' 1 ' 14: 1 , ' 3 ; • • B. A. inethriestook At Co., Wli()Ll'.. 4 hi.P. DRUGCIoTP, corner of Fan aid Wool man.. offer for talc, teroroble arms: 1.0 bbl. 0. homy; GOO lb. end, Ammookr ; 2. Atom; 1.00 do Anrkeuda; 30. do Pro Woods; WO do Erode Tartar, us do Larapblaek; WO do Liquorice Root, 20 do Yen. Red; 300 de, Irhaf Morn P d o pampknr; ion do Red Precipitate; to do Span. Brown; ISO do Colomel Amer.; 20 do fellow Ochre; 03 do do• Eng..; 10 do trammel.; 200 do 112cher Leave.; T d o Cloven MO do MOS* Root; 3 do CAM. Flowers; 400 do Sontag. do; od . e . ger. Bemg; 200 do Geod. do; 03 do Castile Soap; 200 do Balßocheelt; 15 do Protein; Pion WO do &ICU,. 3112tora; IS do Pao. Magnesia; 1.00 do Pow'd Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do ' SOIL Elan odo do Yellow; 100 do do •G. Arabic odo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lin. Root 00 reams Band Paper; 100 do do /allay.; W. bogs SIMI) Sumac; 21.0 do do ALCoretute; 03 bale. Hanle Corks; 20 0 do 831 0.- Mei 73 ot Solon. tdorpilat 36.0 do Bar Tio; MO 150 Cape Aloe.; 200 do Tamarinds; 1200 do BoChrom Potash:loo do Quirk Pilsen MO do Pink Rooh 230 do Oran, peek 1300 do turkey Umber; 73 do Cochineal; 1200 do Orem Tartan SO do Idyd pow], 500 do Yamada Aell1; 60 do Macey IVO bldo Ilya Um; 23 do Granville Lembo. faS-d&w2mT ar CUILZO-600 Dixoree Blia — r — , eed - Cii: snorted clank Ibr We by J lotwo beet rniumatt. 00 MEDICAL Btr slassso• ilsarrwra Plaid ligiagsaisalas P REPARED under the immedia.e care of the In venter, and established for upward. of thirty yeard TOM elegant pteparation to recommended in all eases of bile, aces, indigeation, gout, and gravel. la the most safe. easy, and effectual form is which Marnmia man, and indeed the only one in which it mein to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of the Magnesia now in general use, without beteg liable l ike it, to form dangerous concretions in the bowels, t effectually Mires heartburn without injuring the Coals of the stomach, as soda, purees. and U. "' car bonates are kno no to do; it prescots the food of in. (ants turning sour In all easta it jets es a pleasing apenent end is pecula lyadapted to femnlee. linn.Pb , e, Itavy testified that this solution forts soluble combinations arab ode arid a•lm in eases of to and ,trresel Thetby eountere^tior their injoriotte tendency, whenotner alkalies, end oven Magnmis ho.! From Stir l'hinn Crampton, Son, 'Surgeon General to the Alloy In Ireland:— fir ••Dear Str—Thme can be an dour , that blngnema May be admtnt•tcred more minty In the form of •cfm atentratml Winton than in mabthanom for this, and many Imam reamns. I atn opinion that the Mid Magnesta ig very trainable addition to our Mewls Medic a, PHILIP CRAMPTON.* Sir honey Oman. Ste A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and Simon Guthrie and Orthert May n of london, strong. ly recommend Murray , . Vivi i fal gamma. an being finitely more sale and ennVelllent than the solid, and free from the danger attending the constant use o' soda or rotas,. For gale by the importer's and pronneror'a agents, It A FARNEMTOCK & CO may2Y Cor. of Wand& Front MY GREAT INFORTAST CREDICAL DISCOVERY CHEMICAL COMBINATION • From Vegarthle 7Kingdo=, to repo! Di1“..1 Or. GaysOttla Extrnet of V•Iloor Doak and ve ß ro areloparilla. Ca ant convompaen, fuleh eryrlpelas, rhehrrintram, goat ! , liver complaints, acloal affection. ulreTs G , ka, dre noda piles, scanty, affections el e bladder kidney*, meteoric' nlrensee, con rapt humeri, rung of blood to the head, levee and ago , Iraltah , eotaPlatota, ',compel debility. dylepep .ia,lon of appetite, headache, colds, convene", ;revel. ntabt sweat., cholle, organic palpitation of the heart, tilled, pater la the side, ahem, back, On II is rnfellff.le w alt' eagle. attetti tr.wt he leo. Pare sr. , . or ffre Llarkl. or Irregular action of the imp tan, tee keestable kingdom, 414 All-waft Being ha, Acipo,ted and herbs COngcllllsl WO. CODSItISS• ooto., and h.isp.ed to he cure oh disease, and ro the itnrdom dots the reason of man, as well a 10011ne: of and Ms, turn for antidotes to D... Scroo , ..Compound of the moat Val 514 , 55 tom,w nntur, -cutely free Goat dole:erica' pnerValln! rai substances, and as tt Cabe': hr.,.:,ctscure h. sycern, Intea7:s rigor and etrellgln 5 scorresposlClslss,degrce. An c11.5550.51mry ens, of Scrofula, Eu115555/0 and 1.1 cers, cared: by the .s.ACe use of Dr. Getyro:Va Goat poems Sy rep, Yellow Dock and Siessikpanlla Nov. I). 1844 Its ficrooro—Sin i tender my sincere thanks for the great benefit I Ileac droved from the use of your valuable syrup. I have been troubled very bad. alt scrofulous sore, wloch made its appearance on ea coin. I did not p exurb attention tOrt at lint. sap poluitt it to Ls ladling but all eruption that appear r/C(110,'1 foe c It finally began to increase, until spread to ;h. rook part of the head. I applied to • phystel., sato attended rue all to purpole. I ha d toted every thing that could be tried I saw your Syr. op of Yetlow Dock and nsmaparilla, and concluded to use It, for I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I bought your Syron, and from the use of one bottle, I could see a great change in my system. I continued to use it man I mus a well man. I now feel like • tiew person; Tar bk.' Is perfectly cleansed arid fre• from llimpu There ts not question but Um year newly discovered ompound is far supertor t any samapartlla syru aold. Thu! certaLeath a n ever yur disposal to publish If yr. like, and any one you may refer to roe shall be h•p py gnu them all the information I can about my case.l. I omm.• Vf •Jtotwelitat servant. (7. )01.1,021, 1131113rket Atte.. • • The t.esit ,016.1 :Le known z • ~e atta:lel ti allow Deers nit t spat ills 14. pueitave, opiat t ily, sail permit,. :titre (or 111:i V01.4 , 41 1 / 1 ,1 /I,i:tat: i t:it to r VM A I iFig. plwrat.ve tvpriuso rr..z.der it psettharty spprimab, ,s 3 .anir.: and ushosts col:stns.:an st fensals at .s sni4.nlled in tte e/lects us..p dn,Arte, LLA IL,plert , T , • usottuS, , rotrs.s,s, Fri wh.r., ,tvgalsr Pasa UsnUon, cm. er., of saS gesexst r of Us system It Las, sdla, .y row ,Cl,,ltit4ltl iyarrinal I. Mad 14.an,"1., v...anae.l tne fois.•:s trams, snd 1,31.3 k, t.1.1.,y4a5y carpraln4 last Itey arc Llive ev,:nce ip.suct• LAA.• 11...•11.0 e ats inati.ed U.S I , enrs, urs:lL et.t.wesev or el the er Cwt. 0,1 • latryvtit, t el ICo, o.• irk. evet/ I..zer tvowit iwcii rvowl 711 a cox, I Fob ' , ter. • :, ai 0., y aged 2: yw., has bevy ol.• . :Le 1.1.‘e verv. ve /ears—nvaiii Um; t,•vie connate., to h.' r eed. 1 o qv: tor nier employed the Imstcwid le, talent,. r,v tiut veet.ne counwy. n•iy hc,wl.l whatever I have • elle, elcri iiistrumer, recelemeatlea far thi cave of h al, of whwit proved worthies*. toe '! - I way trtle^rd le - troll. 0 try Dr. I , ulvi•t'v Doe! r.rd Sarrispantitt i which After ~.he '0 tiveil let ahem: vwelt. trona xl: :het v,l-ir veva improviiw, unr. FLIP Idly, ar,4 a u..n P,t! tire .v., vvv, eraireiy 3. x., :no inevt r:lent ha, V:M qui/ Julia :14..11 cr.. w that ti.e 7, ...Ira ria qv the idetne. 1,.,1 a,. e eurr 1.0,0,1 eEeetel ev . tve,veirt an! S.ervaparlia lo to JANE EDDY Groat Cure of Cevailialamptlelat • Ilawrii.vort. Jar,Lnry Mr. li'nne't—Pea Toe 'text tie /L. 51 yr:ire:ll wit. derived lien. ',oar Lbeo and iiiana ete, ac art Mar. L foilnyttee Act., la.,ung • dr!nl whirn allll.l, “.lite.Mi gr rn , r brycc., crt, , cll.r. .‘• klt I wan ttttuace. ,rtry Yot, two Ivralr., •.11. .a.rlJ r,tite.) c:i r `.l b0t.1.1, . • it I• ma hcr[ •t•ruct of \Vui Carver & Vr . .1a.t..1., .1 Co AVster. Ara:, re, A I ... ~ a. Cr—r..re • Arr. , Tarr, orivrearr, lirrat.r VI. 'C. so, v . rdra. arr •art Hoy, ells '>oroj L kruar:rtr.,ra.lr. YU, .orregl, :reef Marl", -Ir. ear I IndD.rourrarl. KL14:11, I'A9tll.l C.l tordie,..,• n 1 tl.e dal '' .4.91 n :11•9 1519. 1 R 1. .1114 ::1..;.:1,f0r true filo! othors, to •Y...roe NM" , ',awn, to I,o e9.r.clJent Ft. birth, I Lav , 1,...1 y.or Vorto'Ng• 'aryl), toy , 9 , a ,I Y• on 9” , : eza,l:a. g !nrgc. quatttl,o,, ‘ , Ol I. LI . ..111 1 0 ) , iOlll two chtld,t) 1 I:a9 .110 110 ti roar bl. nun 10 ugh thy el7rct. des.rrd t+Trup ace. to every t0..,,ce. prtnlorpd A. I min engaged La Ct. rr:,l pimple, I ern able to state, that tJJ se sto Ithar Cl the lilt (adore sr here j our me:twines hive been cord in any semian of the ~untry. In , eiuston, I may state taat they've the atethes of w. ..ay, and ale Orstoted to have a err, retests/ye popu'erl, y Veers, respectfully, V. II I'IN . NELL. and thld by R. E. SELLERS, N'.173 Woo 3 suers, and 144 J by Motets. generally ,n the tor ts cities and vicinity. jr7 Ffirtif hiSiijiNE&L . iie) are res flledtctoes ot the day •' flu nastl Ithastosi, Ohio, May V:, MIL FL Letter.: lion/. It nal. tor the lane St or othert to to a ir Wdicatesow fat , IX I' elation to yr. et See cheat ram. I be•v 7.. r Vetmlfece lavcmY f a my own tarn. one •in, frt.,Athtly anvvvring fry, e•pdring, _ye quanhuss bay 1 le lath worth. fret/ two J have also vrad your Liver Pills Ism tvtugh Syrup rat my family, and they base in ever y- insienee prod need the etevi desired. A• ern ingelted la mtfltithadihlug, am able to ht•te than .1.0 yet to be, r h the my where yoar a - s have beef. weed in my ractiou of the nat.., emtelesten. I may Platt Ora they axe thy medicines Cl the clay. are da.tine, have • very ei tens, ye psphlarray Youth. re• H. Pram:lh. Prepared and soIA by.B. AS, No 57 Wood meet, .d sold bg brugg,. /uerally in the rasp m um and y 2:RAXT - Cf.R 7 , -- ut , Li v elk ea:PLAINT, ir he t..A Oily true, apil genera, Liver Pill. Soon Cahn. 1A.. , minera l March 0019, 114. 11 U.... Dem Dear thr—l think it a duty I owe to Von sod to the public r tnori ly, to state that I have been alM•ted With the Liver Complaint for a long Ur.. aoi, so badly that . ahhera formed and broke, irauchh.eft me in • very low state. Hering heard of Your celebrated Liver Pills beteg for sale bi - A li Sharp, in Wcst Ltberty, and recommended to me hy physlcian, Dr. IL Smith, I colielutted to give them afair truth I purchased OW boo, and found them to •a prat what they are rep:l.:fended, THE BEST LI. VER PILL EVER USED; and aßer tarar.g font 10 00, 1 had the dise.e has entirely left ine, and I AM DOW perfect , / are,. RespeetfUDY D II COLEMAN. West LibertY, March U6,19.1u. 1 cralllfY that 1 am personally iequamted Sir ,and can bear Ammon] to the troth of the surve . eradicate. A 11 SHARP Thu enema Liver Pills are prepared and sold by R E LLIAS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists in., wo clam. To rilE pUuLle.—Tho originai, only tme nd gen uine Liver Ping are prepared by It ESellers,thad have but name ramped In blank wax upon the ltd of each box, end his rarnatare on the outside wrapper—all others are counterfeits, or base imitaboen. pt‘l E E SELLEFLA, i'mpciaioc UtjA . POil.E5 %—.C.IIEAP4.R V V J.t ree . .l. au rn VOltt of toil jct./riled patch ,1?.. Wriwhes. hwew flu: cow^ which I (.111 tt Ow Mt thirty awl {bin) fire ?!-'inra, w.nr...• • ?I ,n kc At•rA, t .7121.1t.1 :.,ortnwht ,•1 JEWELRY. ?•wo• prici2x I nod l•••••t put, ,?• W. V WI. .110‘ 3lntoroiker ona Acw,lto — TALlarieFrici. eV& ill to 111 ITER tiE 144 .MINO & CU, haven armored to give their eteure attetailla to the rale of domestte 'onlen Rod Col 101 l Goods, now otter their large etnek of Tallots• Trimmings, Veedhits, Frtneh and Cenorn Cloths, 0 nesting...ass/rams, to. at first coot. lIERSEV, FUMING & Co let y vmWood at Tlfkr reed, An elegant plain Rosewood 6 oet. Plea n U from tho et kbratrd rnaaufactoty of Itkulav k Clark, V.. el v aperior Varle t and very moderate plied Par salt by fi. KLEII6III, den I.IJ. W. Woodwork. • • ILLIA.M 11(rerTil POWDER, for r emovLug Tartar, heurvy, Conker, and all s.hohroarr destrovtive to the Teeth. 111. &themes to a.. War, etenualog the mouth. bertha, and rtreulahr. , • lag the gtu ns, d hunt) , tog the breath. For site Whole. to and retail, IT detta a a at•ll.l,aßti. W Won.l • elleo, IV Me., GI.. dtc• 50 0r pipe. covnlae Brandy, vane. Antares; 761 1 1 eaalta do do; P l Per B. 611%200 0101 90notteo re Jamaica Spirit., panehern la Old W i nn. '2O qr cask, Mado ri a 20 hod C lar et do 110 10 h(PIIIaAP wish Red Rice, 60 bas Rord. Claret.' • 10 bo. g Wine; 9 brie Peon, 6 Whits Win. Vilma., Bead for gala try muxes. & Riciersom mono 40 de 1211 Lawry It P. W. GATES' PATENT DIES' FOR CUTTING SCREWS. enoviarrirm awr s, U 47 _• THESE DIE'S having been adopted a nd highly approved in all the princrpsi shops s tn New York and Philadelphm, are cow offered le manufacomme, machinists, ship stuths„&c,„ with the utinaea coo fidenatom the most perfect enrolee in ums or cutting screws . Their. nrperiorrly over CO Y other Dies heretofore timed, consists in their coning a ramie" Same, whether V °minus= thrmd,lry ...meaning peer the iron to be an, which regions no esedreg or previewpreprint:rot, so the dies cot the thread oat of the solid iron, without money it in the Icesl; in their greater durability, rapidity, mid perfection of work; and in their simplicity and little Ilabilby to get out of order. • cerunsate. Prarsasugu, drea.l7,. Thus it to certify that.. ban perehose4 hare I.; W bates the right or sari tus patent Woe for tut ting holts. In our opinion, his Inner* meth saps. dor to any others We ate aeqsainted time tor the purpose or envier bolts. e mosaic & ao. earormu,AU f . 1818. Having had P W Oates' Patent Dies la ass in oat F for the lan rine menthe fcr elating Felts, we can In every reseeet reeemmerd them in the hlsliest terms, as we have laid all others away, they togas so far sneerthr—conaidering them 75 pet ornL cheaper ttlon ant (hen now 19 n. 9. RANEY, NE.tiPtE k Penn Work*. Pk This is to certify that vs* have purchased the richt to me, and adopted in cur busmen t P W Gates' Pa: toot Screw Cutter, which's,' highly approve of. Oils can do cutlet more work, and we belle". a will am pals to durability and Prockdon,os umoh as economy of labor, nay dies known to us MORRIS, USHER s MORRIS. Prrasonzots, nth tomathMat day. IMS. n, A. 19, Md. Having adopted P. W G a t . 'Patent MO for out. tine bolt, ere take pleasure in ening. t h at II more man answers our esperiatiore, and bass no bents• lion in giving It as ano opinion, that it far Crean any other plan in present nee for caning bon, T F SECOR & CO. We hava P. W. Gates"Tatent Dteettor cutting strew!, and the economy of nine theta Is no very oonslderahle, that to look agent/Lea as indigene.. He to every estanileiunent having any quantity of sensate to ctn. ' - . MeCORMICK, OGDEN it CO. Cmemio, May 10, INN. 03DX...flat 033 WistllNOTol% eth Sept., 3 13. I bast parobesed of W. II &mato. for tha Uoitad States, the rift to ore in all the arsenal., and armor M I,%CELLANEOI_IB. pip James Eturratros Fluid litlaggwalav pkir:VAItED tancier the leurodiate oars of the In sit r, and established for upwards of thirty years by the profession. toe removing Acidities ; and Indigestion. rewiring Appetite, preserving moderate male of the bowels, and dissolving uric sold in (travel and Clow; also, is au crisp remedy for erg Meiners:and for the febrile atieetien incident to hood it is invaluable. On the value of hlagnesin as a remedial agent it is unnevemry to enlarge; but the Fluid Preparation of 81r lamee hiarray is now the most veined by the pro:cation, is It entirely avoids the possibility of those dangerous ennetetiona needy resulung from the use of the article in powder. For sale by the importer's and' proprietor,. agent. II A FAIII'iIi:STOCK & CO sepi I Cot. Wood & Front KR. THETPartnershili heretofore existing betwvon the subseribers. under tau non of Iturbridge, Wizen & Co., was this di y disnolvent by mutual connt. The business Of the firm will be settled by J. W. N se ur- Wide, or Wed, Wilson, Jr.,eltner of whom is at ther• lord to uso Nonionic of the brut in li;uitlation J W. OVILURIDILE, WAY. WI LsON, LYON, SHORN & CO Pittsburgh, July 1,1830 --tyl TOBACCO—sO Yr * r it I 1 7 Ss do; s 01 boo Cabinet's' Ws lump; 70 boo S. Myers' 1 lb lump; 70 qr boo Jo bib lump; far sale by sepil ID 0 STOCIA7FON has reeerreil for saie ' il an! th _Rio s of Gibbon's Bantry of the Decline and Fall of tee Roman limpirri. Life and Leiters of Thom. Campbell, in 3 vi Edited by Wm Lkaine, 1 0 Di Elementsry etch. of Moral Philosophy. By the late Rev. Sidney Smith, M. A. Lectures on the Emerican Polemic System of Sur. very. By Benjurtin 153 hi. D. albot Farms; aNovel. The Shoulfer Root, a tale of tlO seventeenth teas tury The Scarlet Letter, a romance. By Nathaniel Itawbor.. augii x AV - Molts IFE & LETTERS °ETHOS CAMPBELL. Iris' /lied L by WWI/. Denttle, N. D., one of his execunsra enin Itthio Moth. Rahway Economy: a Deans* en the new art of omtwort, Its management, prosiwais, and relatia na, I eocome rclal financial, and social, with no exposidOtt ' me practical resalts elute railway. on operatiOn the 1 1 .:oted Eiligdom,ton the Contlnent,tral In Amerialc. By Maya. Lardr.er, D. C L 1 val. Irmo cloth be Past, Present. and Future of the Brpolille Du," fated from she Freneb of A. Do Lantortine, author of °The Gerendists," "Memoirs of my tooth, - "Ha. yhay.l° he. I yid *Moe sloth. D: C. toward Reiorme to Lemon, Addresses and other Writings, by llorace Greeley. 1 vol 12mo elo.. Ti.< History of the Confessional. By John Henry Bova, cs, D. B. Bishop of the More. of Vermont. I ...I I ono cloth. The Cont;tiort of Canada. By the author of 'Hoeft, lama" tHillost Warburton, Eat ,/ 2 volt 126 tv enamor; • sketch of phymeel description of the I:Diverse, BY Ales Von Humboldt., translated from the trertn. by E. 'F t2mo cloth blibtonia Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, nom note, by 11, H. bElman. Itorpor't cheap edition. 12nio. rinith complete to 6 vole at 400 ire r rol; 4 coin crirtfl .r sale by E 110PhINS cu,s 60000 Uaildinm Fourth it New Engle lACIIDALN thee al aadnew. When other friend* 1. around thee. Corneran's departure and return. aunx 1-tune. Are we almost 'there. Low backed ow. daeia ad atintiavell. Paws a lade SIPA, moo.. Grate ni Waal - porton. Thou' bast woupawt. ain an. Ilru,d Soler Dip. Da kind to ,a7CII IXITI al/ /LOOM Cheer un MT two Irtitnett. L Sring Flow, Waltz.. Elfin Walls Firma char° kWat e tu Salutation Polke unity Po l. A Save Po:ka J -tiny Llt.d Polka. Linda QUaticatep. mwe It from .liorma. "Ta a aE.ve are just retersed, and ler se by al H Ll.Olt, asssb .91 Wood at ILSIIQI=:J . . . . . J. IL MEL WE, St Wood argot, by rowvod tke ...,, I ! . 1 E , :t e:4 Y n t:o: 17. e: I f 1 l ir ° 1 :7:C: o i o ' o k y ~. I : th. 6(.1 rhea.h 1 11 thinkth troth'. holy n oi other light;l rat I I I :I : ' I : I T o . . 9 . arr. nd thee. The cot beneath the till,. Wert lion bel, mine. Annie Lan rie—Seoteh ballad. The INDIA —words by Eliza Coot, =owe by Stephen Glower. rbtlu hest wounded the apitit that loved the. The o,a yr of Wsstungto. The Irish Mother's LiMelli. U..li btcyra Il n--uisei. Ile booth all things well,— We ours, Wtrnw blaebree—RasselL The ootinao el e v nwinet —II utelcursons. Low booked ear—Lover F. 1,1 Wahace—nocoplew. The Masse Boil, The 1c..., lit:401 or Weebbon Polka Jenny Lind'. Americus do , se. Lacy Polka. Fotree neoeclem Polk. Tip lop Anwlican Polk. La Celle Baluotarean Polka. iro n y Una Polk. The Ungtosi Seottuda Polkar— / onto. Y441{116071 Polka. Sinn Polka. Jorephiibe 1 . 0 , tn.. Sontant Polka. llosetrigol Polka. Toe Pro. phet quaeltillef—Meyerbeer Jenny Lind (brad/rile. rho to renth nod "baby %calmer—Sirs Erown. The nectar \prover floy-.-VSTIO.th, 0 by Corm). Monument, dotnoCk Winn Home. Wreotere Dau6ltter. qatehate. Lousy/We :Uarch and Qaiolcalep AN ood Up, Quint. we, Iyl •.araw berry Plants (or Nary at Uri... wood Gard.. {) Prize. Serdlmfa i and Vletortal I) • These are the large.[ and red flavored Mi. spry:Est ail the different u row n varieties now e. afrerre Wdrewrd to ttoprop•letnr, West Mancha. ter, wit! receive prompt attention. J BleKdiff. 1.11 on be: e e to i o n ts o b v i l e e n hed w .run „ tl , p al: y e:LT di , spen4 : molts remarkably wholesome and stamina. quasi. Ices se load for Me healthy as well es it dint for ter veld., soil al. Imam sustenance of growing children sod infants. Vanous modes of cooking and preparing are RIV[II on the.wropper. Themb well known to the coat, It has never been imurritneed to any extent in Pittsburgh. The sabserthc tot Itase, titerelorc, mace arrangements to be eon. ailfintmit stab it. and note offer it retail dealers or tame on mote favorable terms then 11 5u ever Intent told at in Pittsburgh. IgM A McCLURC A CO situtel 156 Liberty st TlicaLks S. lAM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, hem the well known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. Thu roes will be debvered at the wharf et Yiltstargh Pot EU per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifry trees should leave their order. -eon at the Dreg, herd and Perfumery W &rehouse, comer of Wood and SIAM rte. apt' S N IVICKERSHAAC"' Nsavir Good. t new Goods! 7 ILti L s: C i nt h s a a . 1 1 o t a n t e r' b c ee l t7rel n ' ttla o c t sti lo rts t , ‘r l selected. ray ..y himself with great rate, for tuts market, insioo. as Valve Trombones, Bag Horns, Bugles, Co rneta,Tubas, Or , alma, a fiats stalertlOSl of Mask . Boxes, playing two and triter tunes; notinas,Accordeons:&o. tre. Also, a. parlor G•rnisin and Itahan Strings, and genu ine Neapolitan F. String, four lennks, a tplendidl true I" SIGN OF THE WIDEN time , auger tot Third /mei. Ii M . 'S celelnsted — STldgliffii yALVF AND YY STRENGTHENING PLASTER, price Inets— , astsagrgigo remedy for et: aria rheumatic affections, we akness and larceners of 1/101% pans of the body, ses Ids, bunts, sorts, of most kinds, cats. swellings, spr tin., bruises, corns and felons when Inn Onoilsrg. Moo, the toast convenient and safe sucking salve for rite trtnentng plasters and drafts ors the feet. For sale by B N WICRUIISTIAISt _aux, Car. Sixth dr. Wood sic Fri •cor's - Noir lathloplan tiolkalas. IN NE to lino all Night; Dttil7 DdY: D. icy Jones; Go down to de Cotton Field; Neill wee e.t.a), dm. ALsth Ue 141 nd tall , e Loved Ones at name Row I ny boat ligntly; Tree Love, by T. Dupl. Oar vs ay acmes the sea, dues; A new medley suer, by B. Covert, Jenny Gray, meal. by Mailer, Joys hit at were creamier, Wedding' Mara; God bit vot the hardy marine ; • SehrtYlkill WO.; Cotwer.ipt's Deparmen,by .C. Cloven Sounds room Home; Waltzes, Steyerroarkembe Co; Limn Wee of Summer, easy variattons by Derr United :Suttee Polka; Ladles' Souvenir Polka; Caen Crsoker Qudrille; Louisville Quattrllle; limeades of Italy; a Duette, Al. rye assortment of New Mode on hasd.to which addilk on. are made weekly. For sale by Co WK. J. 11. MELLOR. Al Wood Cl. titlafte Iltandartl Hlitarre HtrAit'S I.II,‘FORF OF ENULANO is nrav paw lathing , by Harper & Una's, in b vets. cloth and paper. ;at 410 cente per vol. Three roll received, and ot gala by R LIOPKINS, apl7 Ca Apollo Building.. Fourth at 777 in - ;;:-..10 I,np. pram act Jav, AN-10 monad, dipped. and sperm; (AIRS ha l f Cr/ she nd Enallsh Dune; can, dn: Hewn and Metall.: CAS.I.- 30 Mans; Ouvca—j barrel; Cleass—h l / M Common 111.1 ban Spa we, Ftni—M lalsand half brls MaeketalAnd haired., orsaa--do bas armored Mier; aims—lWO Crime Vopson; 1100 hues , !.bred' bieneo-00 lb. s F and Manna., arrisans Inset add Copyme, Ildo...szes brls N Orleans; b half Ms Sugar House; hiorrszo--90 dor assented ; seedcase; hlaccardn-50 lb, Cali. Prasesstrad-60 lbs do Nams-9:00 kegs .BOIted: ilicshsa-5 e,solos—Jo bushel* halves; Caen —6O reams assorted; Palmas-600 lbs Bordeaux; Goss-3 , 0 bxs !Lorin and Can Eldeldi Sroas—lo birds N °dean. and Chtliai% TEA-40 packages Green and Mat ki Tolman—SO tas IS, 6, &I DI Ws= Sculths-50 deepness% Zni Par see by D WILLIAMS & 00 arta Comer or Fifth and Wood at.. 1 1130 3 REED HOUSE, [ 1550 TEIGITEI t DAUBSII., Propristothl Plate Bps% Eris, Pa. GENIIIIId. STACIE OFFICE—Eaum. Wegm, u :BwthWa Stipsf. Lev* actt house dalli. Osx• i -tip 4 r ! sad 4p, Slut. =7=l i , en. a. Bwits, tau albs illesseun Head. !kptiael W. rtes ender the soperelsion of this Department. p. Gee"' eles tent I lesofbr conlre screws en le ti '; the ) havieg p.m Wed in two of the sign aisccals, , •lld be Tory ofEelent and creche nt A. TALCC•Tr, Cot OnUnanest. I BVILLIII 07 s ARM Wasanterteat Sept. 05, II: 0 8 C.lt‘ldoring Oates , Patented 1015.watt:tent for eat. tine screws- on metal to be a • Weab le one, I have.„ . by ..thatitY of the Honorable' Secretary of the NntrY, purehened of the Attorneyi of the Pate ntee, : Wen Scoville, and Vaunnet Mower, lan , ba rich' ta meta and Inte !aid improvement 'or the U. S. Navy. JOSEPH SMITH, Chief of Soren, , . In mom also by BulTalo Moth, Ratio; Reese & Rochester Roulen k r [(Meant r, N. Vi I fat wood* Hinder, t,thagitili County; /3irbeek, New Votk; Hoot & Delamater,.Pmenfl," N. Y; B. K:ll;lnblita ACC*, New York; Denmelid & Coq !annulment Wnek3. Balt, Van Caren, Noehecen Moo & /Lyre, New Volt &Hour Wotta, , , eq Poore& Mudip, do - Welt Point Faundry; Nartise Bto,PLllnde;p4toi . J. Jena", Breode,turrh., Pm; Wallonyth & !Simeon, Batton Rod New York: Lowell Machine Phan, Loin: - • - Anuecakeen CO, Manebemet, N li; Lyman &Fouler, South Ronan, and numernms whet*, No gbtocboos,lo sots dies & taps fri 11, 2 In. pn. toao No I do 1. do to I i pore lrOb No 3 do 0 . do . to 1., pfi,.. fogO All orders addressed to Oates & 'Knight, Chicago, C B. Hunan, New, 'Cork, E.D.Norshall & Co. Phila. delohla, and H. fr. Feeville & runs, CA leago, for Ines and tam with or Wiihoot maoldnes tor with: them, will meet with prompt attend. VIM.. May P. 18. Z. ItIISCELLANEOUS. tie'ROYAL. DALAIER, HAN . hin CO. have rentortid dirt: Exchange Offtro to nortniorear Vlwner o Wool and Third 'treat: , aitin 75.9. W. Burhridgg'ea Dem. F. Inghram have this day emciated themselve. under the firm &Liu, ridge .k leghram, to transact a Wholesale Grocery nd General Conj.'s:on Unstness, in the house lately emoted by Berbnilge, Wilson k. Co, IN Water et. • Pittsburgh, July I, 1e.511.-Iy4 CO./PASTA N.K611 IP IfE sobheribcrs have alio day formed a eo- partner. ship ander the firm of AV E F Wilann, for the pur• me altruists-Pug the Wholesale Grocery and Cora. passion Baldness, Its No 2C. Weal street. WILSGN, Jr. Ditasburgb,l,ls,lo7iyl FRANK. WILIAM RIORVAIS & RFCTIFTDIG DISTILLERS, and Yes and Wine Rleretiants, Ea . .. aide of the Diamond, Pinsbarati, are now offering at tha vary-lowaet pricefor cat., Reeuffed Whiskey, Gin awl Domestic Grandy; also. Preach Brandy, llblirmd Gin; Jamaica Spirits, Lon. don Gin, Irish Whliks y. Rani, Mc. Port , Sherry M adeira, Champagne. Claret, Mal hlniags, Ten.- reiffe and Likhon Wince Wholesale ff. Retnu. myff pansrriND PAPER—Aiwayton I,nr,d or made to order, the end.. Ares of Pruning Paper, Rag Wrapping g'oper;qrana, atedieto, and Dotthte Crow nine.. Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medi:um. altd Double Crown Pont °Moo Pap Pentebnand,b.e. W. P PtAY9IIALL,93 Wood at, Agent for Clinton 21,11 a . W Y M d N , iN gi iE tl 11ax- Bsrs m .7. t Conercbarme," "To em mid bc." 1 voll..?rao Lotter Disy rainphiets, No It—Tbo prerant By Thomas Carly., Cnuumens.-4denioirs of Life and Writings of Thou Chalmers, D D., L. L.D. 'rein olio. on 111111e03 ralcy's Evidane. of Christianity, and third Lecture oy with two Introductory Lecterns and four stadiums% debvered in the NON Coileue, Edinburgh, :by Thomas et/ids:ism, D. D, L. L. D. I not 13stio. Catviv—Llre of John Calvin, vorapi'vd from anthea• tie sources. lad pertieAlarly from hmeorresponaencet fly Tbomits II Dyer, oritb. portrait I vol Itato. For sale by R ROPISINS. art 47 78 Apollo Itaildlabs, Found et 21,1 R 1 NS Lar d r i l t •:ilkoi U. do do very Zee; " super Lle d e d iltHorli Redding; G " ".. Poekut Combs, 000 Weed " 1000 do: arald Pine Ivory; 00 " Shell Slde Cosos,• io super lUge .7n Ini moo groins lased Side Combo; roe'd sod for sale by fe YEAGER, 114 blarket et 1941.1.11. E. VOUNDRY. tone rtICLO.I.OI ramis. THE Imile - reigned, isteenssors to Arthur, a Nichol -6011, beg leave to inform the et:mans of Pitubargh. and public generally, that they have rebuilt the EA.- G Lk. FOUNDRY and are now to fall operation, imd have part of theirpatterns rosily for the market AMOllget which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Weed. Stoves, with a Splendid aiwught Coot Stove, which iv now supereeding hi other cities the common rotutek Stove. Also, Iclicap coal Cooking Stove, well edep. Mil for small Canaille., with a fall assortment of coot, mon and mantel Grates Wewonid rite the totentiOn df persons hnildir,g to call at oar .warehose before purchasing, and examine a splervild article of enammelled Grates, finished to non style-. entirely new in this market. Watch..., No. lbl Liberty st. site Woad st _aur2VpitINICHOLSON Cc PAYNE PITTED GriGH 1111POIVPATIONS. LVIIIGER. Import, and Wiiiiiesain Dealer in a FAN CL AND VAIIIDZY GOODS! Sign of dm Gilt Col.. liS Mark,Pitislaugh, Pa ' Western Merchants Pe-Wats. nod , when. weltinc Pittsburgh to parellaseGc.l•, are mspectfully to call and ozaminh the eitelthlVO acsomment of lief • lish, Auntie., Fruach and Germ. Fanny Goads. AlllForesca Hoods et thin establishment are inspirit. ed direct by rope!, cad pareliasets may rely on get ting goods from first b.ds. I have tbe largest assort- Moat or nudes, In the variety lone, to the city or Pittsburgh—all of Which mill be sold low for cash co city seCcramiceu 'Pile Stock constim, L port, 00 Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves. Riiihon, Silk CravaUbShOo.d Patent ?Man. sv , Seiag Wit . S.ficoilma, Canons, Pint, Nee dl erersad Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jr weirs., alit - rads°, Brushes, Comb. and Razors. . . Pereassion Caps, Retroloc., Castoi t, Matta, Sill .k Cotton Purees, Spectacles, Stec, l'cov., Music Coif,. Raga and Baskets. Bindigs, rtridutg a and Tarot:ling, Toysand Fancy Road, todethot won a :ave. •atto• pf Fancy and Staple //RV GOODS. C. YEAGER it Clio agent for the celebrated Lan. !eater Combs.tow: 7 . _ . Great .14tagllatt Liamears ri s OR Coughs, Golde t .fistlinni end Gonsuraption! Ths I' GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY the the lec-e of tag above diseases, is the lIIINGARIAN BALSA:NI tty LIFE, dacrivered by the celebrated Dr. Zochnd, London, England, and introduced into the Ctiitac SUM, auder the utonethole superintendence of tho inventor. The eatraordinary etells of thte tradicius, In A. our. of Pulmonary; diszaaes, martanh. the Agent in soliciting for ovenaleni the worst passtble c• ins that can be found in the, corouractly —COWS feet relief ill vain front any Of the common remedies or in. day, and hove been given op by Go most dining -waned physicams ea antra nod and tucurable. The !longer,. an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the mow of caws. It is no quack mistreat. but a ste edshi nth nadlanc. of known and odahltsiml edicary. Every lastly In tile Mined &Wes shoulJ be vsyleovi with llnchon's Itnegarilsu Balsam of Lk, net only counteract the constimpi've tondesetes or the <lnns:, bu:to be used as a preventive wide:lns in R . :l colds, coughs, spinals or blood, [..1,1 to the ..,le 5,... chest, 1174:11:01.1 sod cot - ones, et etc Iset,a, difficulty of brewing, hectic lever. so ribt sweats, e rine, tuna and general debility, asthma, doter., v 5 ,00,. .; ortugh and croup. Sold mingle boules, a: Si ptir hetits, will tad du... WO4. for tho r:storatioo of health. Pa= es, Coalsoung a cat. or 1,41114 hod Amer, Gan corifacatoo, and ether orblcocc, shcoonny tso ov - equalled merits of dd. groo 3 Eqrli•h 1, -.cd 7, mar L. 00..661 of the Agootr 0 . ..01and, For:mia by 11 A FhleitllrOdg h Co. , :door nand Wood and Wood and Gth cb. iohdkuro 11dYERIALC - 01/(iii Nolan. l.tu lot • - Prreseraan. March P 7,18-17. alt. 11. S. Sellemj-la justice to you and your Mei, parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to state, fur the ben efit of the community, that my wile ha. berm &ever. , times aitticted with a must distressing congh. 1 p ar . chimed, In January hut, a bottle of your Syrup, which cured a rouge of two months+ mantling siii,ey out .lace, the congli returned, nod was so severe that she could hardly alive, from vrealmeas in the breast; I seat for 0110 ends of your Cough Syrup mad a part of one bottle eared the Cough luaa c Jo a joorqeyman who- was severely attheteil, ofhplat, to are hie, Own wreds, .. o agh cough earfas• to cure all pia peqno la Patiburgh," If th.aimndy had been as good •s reorewantad. Yours, mpectfolly, AL9I[7.D B. Nutvit prepared ttr.d mid 07 Wood cintroand •old tl DrnzgiEr gruerall} in i.ry. two m...himatiuxv viearrrzAs exam.D. , A taINET %VA.:FA:IOOM • J. A. Bat 'MI .at2l, tally infant the Fahtic. !tit to kceps l:aa,!nt J•4/2, Ph:o of Olt I.l,utiti, .1 1, .ny, a cc;rta 1,, of Wcalcca utp V, llama :' , bct.crx IVY mrdo to In the he .rr cpartlta y 3 ., 1 11 a., 1;r Cop. :..t.,• F . /lacing t .01,,.1111 ot the c?b titblishaent of garrrray avt. • land, I hrc ~,,ultra 10 fa rct7.l their old ruitolara, 1 , r oot ag the publlt et large with awry flung In Alnel.cien" No *l4 6°4 " "" . 11 . . ! MOWN /economy in Tcca • I)nc in ntn.v the cheer ant ten ! L., p;tole in Purr beryls to boy Tea le et me len .ll!arket, can We of the EYarecnd, They eel Excellent Tea at ---- • ...... prr Ie BupestorQnsEllei-0 TS " The very tell--- •• ..... 1.P3 • Icor priced, dart:olo4,er inuenor Teat are no, asp% at thin establishment., thyr , ere. smoother you go Year ref or need a Child, Toe isru sure to obtain a good artio:e, .d If the error of thy Ten Ir not,approved they readily enchastee it or rely rn tee Money. 1 19 .010NRIS Prop/teen, CIIILLICOTILE by-- , • AILLI.Lit k rtio.Lrsos IlFlNEPO:lener,d7,ere's.p,:s7d4:.ke Fret ' IV fo * r h Pcoe, P. Recipe for Boil.] Coins ed.-011 e. cur. of nett four eggs, half tesipoonrd t. Ishlerpoae u , l reined ...a—u Cie rtltioll grymury of the lola, all It porfecar dissolved ota sezoott,—.l,3 mos aware, to the *torch—poor the egp .eird lurch Into the balsam of lbw saa,ss'llle.trolliag air tmossigoi, rill It bolts sito ote.—Ege For sale hy R 1 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers