/ ESTABLISHED a 1786. PUBLISHED . Try ' • WHITE:&:CO. Ok N Wl , lll , i ft. Win. aster's oro on; pc., n,,,,,, mar, MSS 9002 • TAT roar , orgirsr . ris ar•s i pi t ., ~, r._.-..v..,..........,47,00 per.astausu, ADD 'Veehlr• In •dranc ..... ••••• u Do 0 Clahs, at related, rata: nal CS OF ADVCaTIIII/101 AGRI? 'XI ChilN BT Ti C PIT BORCIII PBX's. One ma , ie,llo lines fliottParell Or less) one I 111.11011.-•••••-•••••.• ..... --••••$0S0 One Soar re, each additioner insertion •• • 0,75 De. one weet•••.•-••••-••-•-- 1,75 Do two week,.—.. -- SAO Do three weeks- -,-,- .... —• 4, , 8 D., 'one mouth --H---- •-•-• 5.,00 Ira Iwo months----•-- 7,00 DI three contos••-• —..-••••••• 9,10 ln. - lour Mouths ••••••,;-.,—.- • 10,00 iss ' six montha•-- --,. —12,00 ito., metre mouths•... --,•-• • • 18,00 &amber, Card (0 tots arleas,) per anneal. 10,00. Dee troaarriehenreable arpleasure (per 21. nasal eXelaolve of the paper.— 25,00 For each additlooal se Vale, thseried overate month, and for each additional agnate inserted under the year. ly tater, half prier. Advertisements exceedleg a tonere, and rot over fifteen lines, to ha charged as • eao arc and a hall Publishers not amournalle for. legal adverrisememte errand the amount charged fur dell. publication. • fl , to - Antounclug candidates for o a, be r barged the same as other ltdverttemern, . AdvardsGinento nos 'awaked ors eopy_for.rt aped. led mutter of inoernonn, soul be ciontinued ell forbid, urd payment execrei accord. •-. The pnalleate of yearly ?dread rs will,» confined rigidly to their regul.tr burrness, 4 all other adver tisements not pertaining . so theiritgelaz Omitted., Us tgrred tor , to be , paid extra. '. . enadvent...2s Inc ehari le 1111,4*ItiON, Ire =petits. ward. township and other public mental., admen 11: e, to be adrrael barpa)ce,ploaldo =re do ado gore. . • Mar - rope f10ur..., m to claimed 50 cents , ' Death notices inserted without clistueotitless aeoOra• panted by brutal to situ:lnns or obituary notices, and When so it:composure to be paid too Re olio advent. is, an.l all others se eilne earn ma rioadont, or requiring notices designed to call &Oen- Con to ~,,, Soirees, Concerto, or say P blie enter talornents, where eltirges me made for admittanet— all not.ner 'mews, auseeintionu—every notice de signed to call attention to p . rirau• enterpnres calcula ted or Intended to prostate andaridttat interest, ears ore. ly bn troe red with the understunding that the sane is to be paid for. If intended to be Inserted la the to cai colnian, the game will be chatted at the rata of rsit Du than 10 cents per Ilan. ' iliahep or fat Notices to be charged tripto pries, Turern Llcerise Petitions, .119 each. Leral and Medical whicensernento to be charged at rats pyres Hear EsOtte Agent,' and Auctioneers' advertise r.= not m ba eluted alder yearly rates, but tote allowed disco= of dilrty three us! ono tkirdpar cant Rua the =oust of bins. • wsCr...l 41.131-Vrar-V Va. Csktr.ir FUEL& Ooc eatt. 60 .D. 2. . eati rci tnienion •• . .17 ‘ZrEar43X . V.XIMU. %TART 1,1,11. Oat Name, U 0 Lats.) .10:merlon-SO eta. I.ls. each ad..tdoe.al LI/ mutant adettiaccoenla LI Ea paid la tatranes. MUTE k R. Castile. L fuarrx Puri_ BOLT St. MDDLE, learner. .Lkali:3 P. DARR. k CO, o.ronle ie. FOSTER S DIIOTHER,Diseach. JOS. P.....:OWDEN, Emery.' J FIDDLY, &aerie.. /1.0.&31 FUME., Eretink Dee. I. Lite. CARDS immE=33 L=-11AN. Prt . = ttrtzL, h , etwe.t.a .431,. ',Mar 4.4 Wti.r. Gvainess prubc?tly az rtay9 X.% 1:-T..ASI.iiCI:. :71. WATSON, A TT1A2.3.... , T AT LACV—Caeo, Oa roma street An.. otoeme.:V =94.. ' =4 _4. -----1 Da van C. VUTTI.II. A TiI.:. , WCF.T AT LANT, a. , 1 C.:..Jlal.vatr fox ..M. Pra...q.r.a._. - ' 2....T7.1.4, ,, , M. , ._._ A..t. cen5uit...1,.X...,,.. p._-U. Froorr.d 0r.=.14.1 , . J•111.B.S 1. 5.117.111 L. & 171151.-NL'S AT LAW—Mee Foort cleet, Ad, torarect" , - - kiet.ls.-.4 Graz; Pinsbarg4. 17.15-tr 071=:=U1 - - - A TTOLITYC.: - ....ethrr it T.Attit, and Commt.- ...71. tit• Str, cfPeannt , .. l .. aL lAtiq 11 , ...{:5U . ftaxbr....ll Forward,',llamp• 1=1& Milter.:WC-.7.41c5s & McClure., John U- ',Parke, aaselbt, & McCord & K. BIDWELL • CO. ) FOILWARDLISO BIEB.CHANTEI, • . . Glow!, Pa Wotird's Pori Pas (*cc) [teeing perrannently li.etted et tam place, a tee, and tobstandal Wharf Beet, we are prepared ro re cclrn and prwcr.;alr to ail prKt. - traa Oa and dandy • Pd Deaver re Obi* L Was ow, Jane IS —le ' 1 WAL 1.41.116. 13ACIALRY, WM/DWARD a ea, Wartmaih. El/ ce No tti AL/ ; Re/ PLAAelplrs. I a; - - •Alrg • Alkali orsai, I) MIN L'TT, FALK fit OD, MII.II Ir: Snut 13 AA, Wesel:dog wirrs,ltsrisat sc. Acids. Warthoun• !go Ws slave- brio ner2o•lt • Frei:Lena . Grerrre Rear. BRAUN a REITCC , Mrtualwala M Cara ring. m', cur. La rof bcrry asi 61- Mir art& c P. .41.! A. cA NU LTVFavorani aud ado Al lon 91crellatuo, Canal Raun, tnr Potsbutta, mrr C. H. lottiihtr. Wholesale It sneer, Cootranstot, 1111 C. • rosteurding Merthunt, No. Al Water et, Munn harl(h. art In liirisiej. 7 .: 7 —iii.TrTSU 1 , 111.1 k Fluttage 10[10ZSIFIV el CO., Coksmie,sloN ht it A the sale of fla cheutte,..Voeirn, ind fhnihn Goods; et., &shirrs In MI khans of Ts dots' Trisnmincs, No 'ft Wood ,t, Ith 4.1 team fifth. Pittsburgh. Ilaterruee—M Wns. A. 11111 k Co, Bankers. 11,321 thrtn. a. Olson.) TIAIIIII & 11117iN, CIOIIIIIaRION MARC 11ANTH and Bill 11rAketa, a 1,./ No 11114,nd omen. l'ittabn , ph. an.? nag. . intim 1. . ENCIA.Str 11ENNYNT, Cato 4 , Ca.) Whole's:A flroorrs,Cotnanisalon And For aat Sfetchanra, and dealer, in Produce and rim. Maned.. :arm N 0.27 %Caw! at , bet...ctn . /4 and td armor. anti lapllol/117.flaimi commileNlN ! , lEIICIIANT r No 112 fir cowl at, Atria steam w. rornoarram) It. W. POlNvicz i rmo & co., ESA I. COSIMIFSIr IN and Forwarelna Met al r l ant end Flop haler, to Market want., ilrtaUlDLia_ -„ We: nfitaceaon. bco TOBACCO CUBINISRION DIEBCILIATO. No <I North Wlly:f ihfrel k. No. IO rth No Whonos A. J.llstossa I Marls 1110.1, U 0 1.1"1"4 l .ter J. A. Wilrn. tn 4{t.rphy Woof :sto., 1. 'rr7. oppo , os Gflr rte /WM. LEAH" 1.1 Cl. lsoesessors t Atsrrooti, [J, forces ito rt,ottntsstos arti Fors's:dins ISler• srlsotS, desk... to It.ttsbargitt Sisnesetured liostls, tootsq, • -- Wr (•r Ai A Setworoor• t 0 14)453L — C. HILL') 1111 Prilerilu. es Ilssisr in )",peon Ind Amerle•n Pa per Illegistro sort Itsrdsra, SVintlosr Shad... Tire Board Prtutt, 44. A Iros—ViritlM, Mintier ar! Wrap rin.g Ywr, tin .17 WON) .vent . between Fourth street MA rtsesotl sfley, toes side, Vtitsb•rgh, I'S. ...1102 . 12 .P1V1141311.111 Ott/11411 lAlt)WICIII• Jolllti /Well-IV, Int, of inn Gaof ambe r4.A *o* k. w0.a1.1 gpeglEally I nfor m tbe old eit. awn and the epel.lin ernern:V• that he.•111.0..00 OW le entry nn 11e1 Gt.en Wats butleetn,ln all IL. 1411•44.111, and IN pepnved Ali nll otderr (of Apollir • C Yotnltate Mnietale, Pnrl , oo, V/elf, ke,..h.rt7 nerd In M. 1,04.1100.1 t M•ft111106 , 1 IS . Yl ,Vlllll.ltnel, tn,ttneen tittlle.tlnetn422,_ y! "11'0rt1irn . .W41477. -. 47 1,-- a , ;. - ara i r u aa la C anrdast. I) al In Did 011 s. Varnishen. no, N. IV Weed atter!, enn a.O r of Dlsinund Allay apt._ JA /41:4 DA trflol.‘loll V Merchlanl,..l4o.•lor m pendn'e and l'lttel,orith 11,11 .VnelrItt Tr! , pl W141 ,, r Pt, 1 . 111.6. nth. op 4 47'ruler teen. —, a, v.' aIV A Co. Whellsrnle Crneeln, Conf.. 1, Intstknu TOPlomnts, 5tu1 . .1.01001 10 l'rrelime, 1401.0 WRIST. not 107 tenni rirmets!rill ..... lloi! 0004 cp; Whnlaaala ,and and na.dar lam Y 1 Wood st., elttllntrnh . del.y Na. s',H" `taut Third it. nu. W.rgb^ .6l. no hand atoll aetrateel al aornaent of the beat and fruitiest alr.dlrtnal, which ha .01 cell on thy moat rntsonmala term.. Pay ittriana Analog ordera, will be re lyn 'Mended to, and eat". used with articles th , y =ay ly 'loon al rennin*. grr rhyudcluns Pre.crintlona t , a accurately• at paella p.--4 , pre 4 Tram th• Len meta rtala, at any !tear of ba day or Alenfiren eve, &largo atong at koala and good Petra .pen. lacy John 1026 Lo v l -, olciale Grater., COMtllbitiOn Marchers . .., Dealara Round arch Ltall , lic Ts, yuneing , an Litany, Wont at PLC]: Ftreeln: ra• _apt l ir:m .l' 7 L -14 en the entre , of W•,e, eraftbliPiol •Mll . ) 1,4 0 Lewis 1114, ,,,, - 4. Co, C. 14 ..1'm I.ll%rkt. Avehui of .4, Fg. -go 4) Irau. 1.1 . 1 n•stltirr...t..ritcnburth. tan ii A riEtt - 0613tfiliolesala Waggiits . CV,.I apt forliVll7:4l:Creiii7WhOinsala and s ana aaala Monte and Slu.ra l lestroxtentioolikrot dicce. Z?:, 1 ran, tia.llii,Pliatale Gad*, an tiniinnary an • I alit, at Woo.' et, 1.'313611re, try- • " in watts. ataalg lona, Ohle,) ral aa „ L ow . , tzt4,-,t Cheet., Pecri uud ottr• rr l l ttrog n ifi a am b, • Rea, beires• ,3tnithfield • KLER - F.4r, rang and Cnnlnds son Stet etmr fkaleci in Prodnea tad Pittxbargb mann aaetartd , nnal 134.1 a, near 7.b .. apt 14.11111 ri.II.I,,T.ITTSOIIOII, PA. !YEN:Mt:OV, & CO., Manarlatarm e saneiinr 44 Sunning, C. Chahh,.,..CTA 4 91naa and liatnn!.. _ tL C. iTicirroar, ATE /oncost & ftulntitt,ioann,B O H O IN K D E E K R L , L Eceßr,m STeA ft kitsa TW A.wi!, _ttadttgb, t rrxt air . .-.- . . _ _... _ . _... a ..:. . m .. . . _ . . . 01 .- ...,s AZ a f TT .. . _ . . . .. ,• . . ... . D THE PI T S :in..„..- ..„, 1_ . ielt. ,-:-.1.. - LT 1..„. BUSINESS CARDS. Clty Ohm Wo;iss. W. CUNNINGHAM MANUFACTTRERS OF WINDOW OL AB No 141 !Nukes stroot, between Ftrst And Second, Plusbores, P. lEDF - PaAeolor ancoli odd so odd saw. Also, Milers in FLINT IILA oo S,NIALS, DOITLES, w. CVOEOO.OI., 0. DD - Wai, irCDU D. Colirtlin...l4 0. RUICWID, Miller, Philad. C. W. Riokatmon, Pittsburgh. grid-ER & RICKS:I'SON. Woolesale Groom. and 31. Importer. of Brandies. Wine. and Regan, Nos in .d 174, corner of Whom and Irwin atrerts, Pm bingo, Pa. Iron, Nails, COllOll Yam, he. he , eon staallysehand. apt fohn WOW. Jame. D.IRMIR Walter C. Roa cGILLS ROE, WholesOeGrocere ena CORIEMS. M Con blare hone, No DR Llbetty St, Pitubargb owl PrDrSDl'6 - 1 1 -- ft - '• - EEL WORKS AND biTiONO it=l=MM 0110 1011311, soars & 14ITIGO, 11/*mANDFACTIIRERS of spring and Minor steel, plough noel, steel plough 'troop, coach and clip inors, hammered iron axles, and dealer; In nal .cable tunings. file engine lamps. and coach trimming* Merely corner of floes and Front ma, Pinshor,th Pa. telnts .7; _J. Tardos. Oommautan erehanur. NO. 3101 d LoneN Orleans, keep constantly on band alarge assortment or Brandies of the follow• bnands, which they ofer for rain a. agent. ford. Darted k. Co, Bordeaux, cut Meiglary,l.Ermad, .1 Du rand tr. Co, Laroeltelle, J J Parana, Cognac, A de N ci te:an, AI. Blenlle, A do Mondore, mean Loun, lee; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wine. la usks and eases, selected enamors, by Joan Durand CCo; besides Champagne Witte and Sweet Bergandy Pon. (chi-Iy. NUOLED3 SON,No uMartetet.seconddoor . from corner of Foarth, dealers in Forelgn and Domestic Bella of Exchange, Ccrligemes of Deposit, Blot Notes and Speeds. MrOoleletions made on all the principal rime. hroughont the United State. op; tbl . llehment OF NI 111. 8 gat:HM.IO.N, Thud st, opposite the Pord.olLee, l'ttanugh.—Map., Landscapes, DUI. beads. Labels, Architectural and Mat tine Drawings, Balinese and Ving Cants. &c.,eogrAved or draw n stone, and printed I, color., Gold, Bronze Or Black, In the mart approved ory le, tel at the ntal g isamonable omen Ri si b Ti ,„„ O r N g LIALXIII , rt. • 0..2,4 Liberty slices tlistrris4tin said rel.!r " r ' S EhlLLtlit.. tires. apt) Sour. iiiiuson. swigs. Lreru. issrst_ e. IOII:rwf. 'l3 OBERTWOMIE, N'• holesale Grocer, Iler my LL Distiller, deists its Produce, Piurliairli Domenic kind. of Forn+en .nd " ery lar4e sland L bek of sit tier io. LI 7a . 4f"? . ' 504 „..b. onangeeel Mr cutzey, nr.l _ L L I I. Ie.hIOTCEFS it. L. Forwarding nndCOII6.LIIS. SIMI Merchants, for the Allegheny Giver Trkde, testers In Groceries, Produce Pattitturgh, Moneta, thres,and Chloride of Lime. - The highest pries, in cash, pd at all tones for eou.liT Oaf. , Penn and Irwin sW. apt .3 Dourar DA.LZELL t 100. , Whole.-.in Gnicen; Cammisalan Merchants, dealer, in Prodace anJ Plantain Blanefae:nrea, L iberty west. pinatio.n, Pa. lP R. A. CONNINOLIADI. WHOLESALE GROCER, ?mince For...ailing, and Commission Merchant. and Dozier in P.n. tough Mansifantures, No SN Lib:till. meet, Plitsbuitz4, Pa C. C.C.CKLICCC. C. alma. - ane/CLETT & WHITE, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Datum.. Dry r Da. amet Pliasharch. C — i. — W . Tri.littl - riVOII7W - 0 - 01 — Vi — sreItaiii; - Dra era 1,„3 in Flour and Produce generally, and Foryrur:due and r•iss=4sloa Merchants, 10 First street and Brood street Piustttati. 1,17 r. ItELLI3J, /11733.011. rota NCO., X1i11..113 ELLERS NICULS, Produce and General C..na 0 :dation Merelsanu, No. 17 Liberty street, P,a.. barsb. Sperm, Linseed arid Lard Ods. hip 7 SF VON BONNIIOILIP -ZS CO, M elissa le 0 ro s rem Forwarding and Commission blerelsaute, Dealera la Pittsburgh Manefacturea and Westerr. Yrodaes, have removed to their nor, warehouse, tel.: stand,) No. al, earner of Ftout street and Chott.to Lase. apt; NORIUS i UAW° TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS Fin ludo Diamond, Piroghti . a is .•v.. r..marm.)_ CH4 SIIIIIVER DA R ES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1' drw and Comm:mum filrramuz, And dealers In Phis burgh hisnalnesnrcd Articles, No. 130 and 132 Second street, licrocen Wood &Braids/el. Plnsbnreh. sant 13:1=ZIM ITGOLESALki Grocers, Commission ?archer., and •e•sters in Froth:ice and Pittsburgh Menu , femurs, We Liberty n., Piriebnegn, Pm .e pi:_ F LOUR-70Fri. choice Family; _ RiCi b,.. Yenernee; CU Cris Fine, mnirLag, and Or snlo by sepia BROWN & RIFISPATRIO:, • iIjaRDAIL IRVIN VITOrLD team lie butbibei They bo , e Ibbidu tho ara.--aa• 'kraderiy oecupied by. lb* lute 'Zr - , !actual street tiarir a a lar, f would ieviic the T. fer...4421.int "hey slico vre L'Al• •aye Nsrs..l7ex-7., BlTcb. car 7 - Str.ortott •- E •VE Fi. Womro. ;_u• L., S. WATTIELLIAS 6 ROSS. WSW t.r. GROCER., Conninfon and l'or v.tretzt• 1111errewocatimr. ID all had. of ; duce ft Pr:. :mop Manaftroared Artzele, at.; ifro•as for vh ef . Riau:toad old Lynchburg Aloßafactate4 24.9facco. WM. ATTOTI.N&Y AT LAW, !halo., Pa WILL also attend to collections and MI other I aSF .34 entrusted to hex In Under and ArLte felVliell, Pa. Iteler to • J. tr.. IL 190 d, Lamm M. - W. NVallate, do James Mariihall do l'leaba rth It, Kay & Co., Wood Et. JOHN MUSA DEM 4. CO., FORWARDING & COTITIFISION MERCHANT Canal Basin, Penn street, Final.onen n o n JARIZS M. DAVISda CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 217 Market, and SI Comencres at., Prilladelp&a. Advannes made, by either of the above, on curtaia n• menu or Produce to altheritiur. -- Jai. *kV -John fler. .1. D. WILLIATIR IdirrlifnalsALE & RETAIL FAMILY onorEns, orwarding anil COIIMLIIIIOII Moreton., and dealer. in Country Drodoeu and Pinzburrl. alanut.e. tures, earner of Wood and Fifth garnet., ritlAuggh. ro V oy 11. rI Wan. U. 1% -I WIII• 11. AVILLIAJIe £ CO. HANKERS AND EXCHANGE lialdEßS. Ndrth Eost earn. of Woo.l•nd Thud mt., Ion! wr. town IT U.ODW•XL, "AL. 8,13/.1.1 , 1 Wht. UA GALIV & AVhdle•ale Grocers. to and 110 Wood street, Pittstmfg . not r DAVID )4 . 4.011at..10. & M'CANDI,II:3S, lenecessors la I. A J U. Ty svio,,)_Wholesale (tracers, Fortaertling •04 Commission Alerckente; cloths. in hen, Nat la (glees, Cotton Yarns, and rm•bn.gh itlennfartnrear,er•i ty, earner of Wood and Water streets, ratenursts •. p_I L W V V ml•fellgfgrtEc. . Rectifying Distillers, and Wino and I.l , tunt blerchanta Aleo—lmpotters of Sods Ash end !Leech ing Powder, No.loo !..thetty street, S' ol h egeet.) IltteL•rgh, NiN f and oI Fourile streete',lA't.antirttri,dPe-Cor4‘..`l3.—v, ,• • e u d Cloche cantfully.tepaired. MIA b. POCIIM W N. YOUNG Co, lawyer. ■ In bean. I, Mao ~ Ar, i 11.3 Llbeny !street ix, I y Wk. Al.C11.11•016 aoa.loll.ensoz Vky MeOUTCHr.O:4, Wholeatle deniers In Produce. Iron. Nine, •nd l'ittab . ardn Manufacture banerally, Liberty firer , — IHAVE Etaken WM. OAHU into p•rineratdo with me In my bnalneas, wbleh will from this dam ba tarried on under ito name of "John Parker A Po." Mardi lit, IMO. JOHN l'AAKI:11 John Man Carr. J 01.114 PAILKICH. Ar. CO. Vkalcsala Grocers. Drains in Notizie:, Fanny". Wino. /Aqua", Obi illonangahsb and Rraifiol IVALtlay.. --- No.o, Colamereird Bow, Liberty street, torxr Pitmbureh P iirsTSVIRATI rams*. loans HANNA. WIC I, Ma ii PALBf.iCII, IltalllNA ds CO.. ISsercuore to Halley, MUM, k Co.) DANICKIIS,F.XCHANOE Oftonnel, and dreier. I) in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Connotive of Depoolte, Sant Notes, and Spreir—Nortb sweat corner of Wood and Third Street,. Corr.% money received on depositr.—ought Cheeks for sole, 0t.,1 colleetione mode or,nearly all the or:tripe) points the United Motes. 'the highest pre: and veld for Foreign and Assail r,, Gold. Meouteee MOn cOnslpieleets of Prodoes, .1,,•,, pkd Past , on theist Irma anti tax. a. arelCW:7-- tom. a. nova Will. A. $1 , 01.011 0 4 Co., a Ito u oas AND TEA DEALERS, No 250 /.iderty arm, adore Wood, linen &Ovule on bond n larre Wlsurterept of Chem.. Grosterlel atd Fine Tees; afro, Foreign Pent, and Nall, Wholesale and Redell. Ironic., sopplied on the UT*. tetra.. _- •• - ".." ' iiiimi.iiiii:ittia wouusi. JOSEPH 11 ABELL, MANUVACTUREtt OP GREEN GLASSWARE, VIN., Coulee, and Flask., Porter, Scotch Alr, almond Water, Patord Medicine, and Winn Bottles at every desetiption; also, WINDOW GLASS. Keeps eons icily on band a goners' nssortnient of The Omen ertielfit ALSO STATE:,on dined:ins Irmo. Glue Peru:Wes are AU, norro, ~ to o, * c°"'" to terame r, Tun Pastes, in NW& IR TOLLOTarelteß, pod solll gentians in operation both intoner and erleleT. Osemselpottfully toile:tad, and .in he Iliad on the oSerterl mike. Wasebasoe, No 112 Seined street s between IVott3 i and Untold ate, Pitubiantl, tvgy:dir ' — =e,& - fmritiin IP QtArt.. P. SiIItIVER and (II . ri ct 6,3 this esy 11141Welatel thesnsel' ee A to2l ß. "R r* b !.... ' . ' 4 ,,, r ,...,,,..„.. (8 t..i' n .t...... 4 %f1t,..1'11e . .....fe e r . 11s tiste th erel?o:n d o e t N ib : 7.:17,..'41,T•1 ,r! , and Commis I o Fn.'. non, at ...* .1 surer, beton. Wood Ptelsbatils. Annan 1,1621.—0n5el WOOL I IWOOL I THE 141zat mute' trifea the 6lareat grid. of Wool, by 6.317 SIARBAIJOH " ° B 1 , 111M6z (x) orpel PITTSBITRGII, FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 8. ism MISC4IANEOV':. WILEgi.BIS BALL, FOURTH STREET, PITISIVITPOI-I, PA. TIII9 msgotfieent entablishment being non eon,. Dieted and ready for basinerr,lita proprietor would respectfully solicita hie (1 the public parrenuee lie trusts by giving hie fall atteartea to the ID crake the house a ger.nt end cortforoble resort for the citizens of 'ttsbargh and for the en:entre generally. Goodartendonts rn he in waiting, and every e 1 • ertlon ma Te de to render the establishment worthy 11, eon nte o vine end se of. Intelligent enrolee MO The TWO SPAC/011ii 1151.45, fined for Concerts, Lector,. Polls. and pshliet met.", 1,11 be let by the eve ion gor week, on liberal terms s any other to the nor. The OAR and n woe , . - The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in ewe and beauty In any In the world, vIII Ite tept restudied with Pose Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordials, rollers. Mel, and all the coal, lishl, retreahments vitae season. Poultry, Game, Ful, Soup, °Ester, and Oa. , served on In the heat sitle. The DINING and ICI, CREAM SALOON. heine on the heat hone, and easy of steceii•, will. be tonLuu.tlr • Inthplied with nil the Ltauries end Delicacies of the ecuon; and also, with web substantial, es um narks, afford. ge'ro r a,!rd,l;7, bmyd,thi, Leftr.,4". - n':;'„;‘ notice Genbeetou with then VV.1111311 coo. be ‘upplioe flab refreebolents o bind. r any boo: of the .1., Goad Smbang £:4 In exteatvve Istal.lmb meut i. nonnerneet with tbe hell Ditmer •I 1 a•116C1 lire, kfaNt and Tc at t!, t.usi hcure. Ent...ler-for i....kitPl (01 the I,e Creas. •nl DOW. Sal., No 6,1 Smithlaehi , A 1 1 . 23r.V1Ct1... IWEilitAvuLT. A• V•J STE *. RVELT & SON, [`]ELL K 'OWN 11L ND UM:Kir,. V keep eo irtantiron hand or ate order the beat amele a , the, lane. at their old m rtand No. 13 , Clairatrect, `air, la No.+ti Market atrr,t,ra.oed entrance In t Naito.] Veriinon mad: ordrr, oraittrwaiored dt. [J. GLEN N, re'esk Dina ere.. Wt: are stiti cnenged at the tato, Au..nc ,f W.J attellati mrt, t., Yllttt,or, • w...• • we are i•cep•reti to do soy wort. out Itt, ..lt patch attract to our murk pex•nall). ardor, ot.ltbe gtve.t .tt It tt ut . .! to oeutt..,• rtaltattly. Itlttztl 13..bu1a roieJ to to.y pattet:t stt.l b0u..1 .al. start,at:y. tit na,r.t.t•r7 °rola t,•tolt: tto t ttt4 nut fatly or repror-.1. Nam,. poi on Pools n Ttto‘o that have w3rk In our i.ne ors at eta noosrttl_ _ - P•nn Mt.clalu• Shp, ‘VlGSlTAlAN—Mtmatartmer or all kind. of can 12... ton and woollen ow.M.lnery, Allrgheny C,IY, Pa The above works twing'now in WI aad sneeeseW.: a.; , • eralino, I am prepas.rd tO lelate 01(i, wits dls-.mc b for all kinds of markt:sell in c y lire, sant , m willow•, pickers. sprtaders, curds, grinding mas Lines, raiiwa), drawing frames, sperdrrs., thiossils. woolen cards, dou 4. or single, au rafo erchant or country t rculesoacks, tide d band lather asta too , ern. eral. All hinds n( ism mane to oide• vino d,•• for gearing factone. Or mills at wesonnhle mare. Ricima r, Kennedy .:o gen Plennnek B ENN ETT , Er, BROTHER, LuteNswA;v4SIANUFACTIIIIM , Cl r cratagraank,(Elsar Plitalmr gh.l Pa. 07,4, No, :17 Water ' st,' det:Ny. , .11,,i , 1 ~0.1 ow al. oorignantly k err 00 1 , ' 1, 01 • /1. 1.1 . , .. 11. .' 01 'I me. V...adult./ owe. zash mte .isr . c A super..3v,..t/Ly , 11 . 110:0•110 ...,..1,,,,0,0 , ! ,1 er 1. 01111. al:, reapc:ifulty Lr.v.,, .r. ~1:,:, 1 ../ "ttrok tor II:CMSGI. I.4 . A 1 we 1,1 tl.terrn.ooA •e aell thil:p+.l II:M.11,o ever ,¢ltra De111.1. - -.1.., I' MrOrder. aim by matf,tecompernel 004 refctetee, nail be Dru=i ,, lY ta:a rat cO to 0t.4 Wg:Vj CLZACI7 DPACTOIIT, A wrpr....._ t•tr. 7 wer.,4 !viper:fgt.) rerdr. . ft re.o Vat, r.Net erre,. Lac...ek, betweenii. Feder frneetkv meet.. 'I t ue uovi reakinv arra are erer , er,..l t. , red e: re Or. , itfw every dere .prerr, or vrl,rrlt I /zt •, rodeuev, UttrpC.4, ,'r or long expariiAce IA: at. at. - 4 the I"..etlitTrr. Itry !LP., onatird to do wol,W , thiloSt :u se t,rlr Paying . roantoter 41,tarion to tr. o 4t.Ct1f..3 , • 4 haying none ton eerneerrnr bay, no hesturnon to warreaturg thew wore. Ws therefore ant the ottenurro of rho noblo• r, U. . N. IL Repairing Llano La the br•t rnsro• r ve. th^ most reasonable tern,. • anr =ll2l k”..-47., IMO., W 00, AlAursr, (Wl'i TINUE xn manufacture all klAls awry,: A../ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARS'. A', IPAci Work Work. ==l stpeetal anentson ,r-ivento near- boat work. Have on halo& a fine assortment o(Copper and tiros Kettles, Ttn Ware, lee. Se. 81carthoat Cooking Sttoon Portable Forge, earions cues—a very convents ot or. ode for steamboat, California etturrettts, or roil road companies. lYe oroald respeetdolly Ingna steam boat b.:, sad Ones , to call ana see oar cruelest and prise% 'sr fors pa sr:basing el sewhere v.ll Wrought and Cast Iron Rafting. rill's subscribers brg lento to Inform t':.publl: I they hey< obtained tram the Ernst sit Its late an fashionable dooms for Iron Railing, hot, nor Rao ecturteries Perocro wintorte otoe..se Ince patterns will plea, Cell and r grander, cad pie a for the=selves. will be for= tit,: thc ono's est notice, end la the beat manlier, at tr, earn:: t.' eralg and Ilebesca uretts..l!:eght.,,, tiry A. LAMONT & WILLIAA DIODY Beal Irotve to laforve h. :tiectln nn4 ho a ottl reeetykK h.. new •prtog e W orlipristog, ay naucl, n. , •••1 end o,nzt 'Mit ire of Cloth, Ca loin . .c res. N. , ' tateonti Itnen•uton.ot mai!, s...devcry• itte !CT ntiernen , fol •11 , 1• 4 ,m,urt I: tp - i• 1.3p0.a1b10 to desentx the 1.,04,,,awy. cri of the 'Melt, Mr prnorti - tar . ioll.rl nil who Itte Itt of rood, ehtn, mude c -, 11, will not n roll. Ds tr,ro II stnrk the..4o o' the dl,e,Lcwies thct r ,rlu.part st The rendy avid, deirerta,, 111 tg‘le• nmi r0c..4 catttraitturs, <Jac..." Lucre...to, a.tl who pure:lase Ixrtgetly, rue peta1...1..1,...,11CA online the riots IteOtte itelen•sing, ptlttattlU nt orttion to patd ra Ow vrttosr oat, buttmrvr tt.t I.stancni /Ivory artseie In Llar mud. lo .11 the man faihlontiLlo •1.4 Ge•L lualme, at In, oh 1/10•1 I:I2ZXJ3 pattnnnship horriornre I of Ak C lIRADLin tlotwolsoo ile • g.tse nt Mr.(' Bradley. The buttnnet ..111 he .•r 1.1 A Pltadloy, Who . tnilt collo thn hostoetit firm • • REMOVAL—A 8a5.14.41 Lob. removed 4,• Four. 1 , 1 Wereliouar from No 11! S.evond rue, I, No to W.,of olfect, between Vir•l nod Second strer , .. lo W w.rr• Pansy lately. ocrupteA b) !Jere, w bora br 11' [rep constantly unbend apt... et Coa.. inv., Orates, 1rm0... Coot bo, bto•er , , ,vl.l Klit.l.V A a N „ 1Z11 1, : , • t . .ant titeei sll ter, 'lnd ll,,knntitti ,O 41, , e Iw/on on IllanJ for emir,eith, nt gla Hteal Warta," •trcet, Filth w. , a,nr I. -olico in the e. Iron Stay, • I . BOLLSIANA n lIAN NI SUN, No t,leo'ol tVoo.l e, lbaundetringned, hav , ng aseJ. *nth aniltr osz• Isfs,.Alun, Os CsAl Str, sl , l mad. , by Ho Ittrel rdrlislvy„ nl nb, R.0.-.re.: ASTurto, I n tb, oily, it., ploasure lasee,la them so r coal to•hty to any r vat sd by • a*, of vtrol, tunas fatnr l'ilt•bura lb AI A reh I:1. I I: A. 1 II SW/I:NI/Ent:I:It A. 1 . 11. billlllßrAClllrett 01 Itol. at-1 NN :Wl' A torn:., !tan Found:co and Marb ,, ,ts. ibo•but,h. p. TOM:MAN, IiAII.AIAN blanutnatur era u:Spglnxi. Axle, Spring et - . 1 an.l P1.1,b11101, A W h 1 I , AM-tit, Entina a... 1 alnrl.llle Caul Nltkr.taar3a. Pltt.4l.eruh. Pa. I , Vl' 1.1 . 1 , lira., FdandeT, Pittabargh, P. .:TRAP r. LINIkiA & CO, iklealCreleltitO. of Iron and Natl. Pmalturah, Pa J. TONILIN&ON, I.oi.oruatlve Urtgotr .1,1 , 111;. lIOIIdef Pittahural. Pa. W Mudd , l'..lannfn.. urar. N1.,1,3e.nd F. 011.11.8141- •1. riviabarah, Pa. E=:l===l I'lllPatiorrah.lp hrtrlnl l ,, a rtlclng lorlWenis W me.r on., nodry 11,0 tarn or ~ ntnn,lotra, A/onvo hr. ~, Malls/m . lll,r°, wax Alototynd 1.1 mutosl corp•nl, on 2', 12/0 day of July. All p.t,son LnowioK 111 , 10 w 1ni1•1,4 a .a:1 flun arotr , }l.lil4 rJ to matepoment in till, of it, ox.nee,.lthout nn4 all I.••• 01.• f. ormg 0115511,4 ncreiint• laid 14111, 111 , 1 Into , • ~, .1 , 11•111 Wnetha...ly rolls KX XIII;(11:11.1 , 1111.:11N, it I) Al4lll„iir. 11132101 rill: ore," end .if[l.ll( ,, • of ibn Itoat w1:1II tlito omit", 11 ‘ht %boy ' , lt I.! eynir• L (t , -.171,1 t our worehott,, kno.irt.littg to than I.r toad. gra 1.11 , 01.4 11 A Aflloll l ll,r, A 1,1 Ti) 141 , WWI& 1).1f:110M-4%11 .ho Onthog Into holtl was., ow , lei I,ro; sonic 0,, Ili! , 5 , . ‘,.. tn 0 11 . 1.15 th.o. •at nue, put tlaom in o.n 1,1 o of !.stun. ft odd tr., proportion of ate pint of flohl , 01.01.1 tytairt —.lf It up no,' fall Ih. .I.qlo 1 0, 1.11 ot,,,u 4 r•'lnc e:ntl” . • th..y 'two Mrloo, ...0.1 rn , d ..lror roof poie •• f sisal ow/ 1,15 phi,' • ts , hi n• ro:tsf. of alrt•. Inky 1.- h. 001.1 1. , •I wfihrog, ev,A 0.0 .10110.11 red , 1.. nod pg.t. • rtra •• ell,' nod dent'. tVernanwl NI t..111p3r. no, tend In ervr per •kiltractlt rtw., will 1., tr(.1111.1 u'.l whalc•.ln • I roasl t.) , 14 1; 1 4 1;4.1.P lIM Aepin b 7 wno4 •1 W i iiiatr 1.11 - t • btir "F• 11. graph Company. T N pormance al retaliation of the Mined Of Moir • 11, tore of the Clr amend, Warren ma Vitisbionia Trlcorapo Company, Mangling the Prefatory loom. out a d mom to be published in the nal...pope. slima the line, 00 eghtlitt of the Iltionriel and other ego/. of Itlf company. 1 robanit the following Import.— The Imo of Telegraph commences ut Cievelre.l end , fl oa a f f am •t linandtgb, powdn Imola! nrathi Falls, Franklin, Newt., Felt., Wa e rm, Younoiron, and Lowell, in tine Izmir of Oho, mid New Cor.ie and /to-thane/. la the Mato of Pennwhientia, at which pante there am often ;meted for the receipt mil tmindialmion gamine.. The whole length of the line 1.149 mlies—Capital Stenah.l94W 944 rode. mokina o toMI reponi eig.3so, Cif tame emel $1.0,1 alone the 11110, anti th e M balloon 24. Is held le y to, , g. Ppeoil i the ,caotenctore. ewer or ectiptone by warms, hate been paid to Cornell at BrycA, Alf wbleb tine Iknotem have their inecipt n"M, Beedniary, TO 110 AT 13V11.11//1111. 100,000 feel !lessened Deck Met; 100,000 feet OW Dent Sidles. For este b! RODERTI4eKNIGHT, leredtf auerzwy al Law, Fwan II It. INSURANCE. iitaiTEntrat Fire !mum Company, . _ HARRISBURG, PA. TnEirzrY liberal patronage extended to this ma c ro Y., havime issued policies to the moonntof near Otte at d a Ralf Million of Dollars,durina the last ever , 4itonthm is a•Mtiellt manifestatiOn of the est,. Immo a , id Confidence of the public in the anthem of runner:cent an which its business it condi:olrd 'ro at, or country met chants, endow.rs of dwell' inn-, nail 001.0 0 , country prOperlY, it I. believed nit. cmpany alfordt adtrantagea to point of cheap. ne•r, r ater;, mad security. inferior to no Inauranec . Compact' in this tenantry. contipt.tr, on the equitable and greatly improved •ii to en] el Illai...,fiea Wan of Rieta,wlelaßlii" . " 6 " 'i t tzrpedr. insane,/ only a bruited amount in any one locality. thnll preeltubn g the frequency and oecarrellen of law, oree, and Oro on lath the Etteek and Mauna Wan, it not only pos..epres the cheapness rad rerotn. torplect 1. of both method.. bat entitles the insured to n pent tuntmn in the.prebtz It pi leder:the control of the following Direesann— /our It oilterfopt. A. J 6,llent: into 11. Packer, COINIP T Jones, Alecto A. Carnet. Philo C Rode. wirk, I alum Kin, ,. I P Bunt SRFORD, Pros% ... . . , • . . A J ifILLF:IIh e‘eel • ; 00a CLuo:.sl, Armory Branch °awe for We:tero l'ennsylesol, 34 5 . 06. fd :d erect, ['meld:fell Ift•,:ne Leetring namoramen wit , he turnithed with t•ool • di ilfe,company by tall mg fit the oilier. re: Aesoatat•ll Plramen'e Init.... 00111" pasty of lb* Clt y of 4.7.4% PI T.U. 11100•000. J 6 mi , 9REil FAD. I , e.'t VA' r 11l tampon) twstr pap ~e.. 1 t tmoareacuna I ri RI . and HINF RInKP 001 tiod. offic, Itiona,val,tl.7 I loose, 1'214. Weer at .1 h Mom, 4,11.1 Rudy Paucnun, Wk. i 11111, Wll Henley, R W ...slkuplJn..l:4lln3fik 1111.3.1•, WM E2g4k,. Edward (I+,,t. A P Austmi, Wm. CV. or.l, 11, I' Saws, Vt.... Katt, Wm tiorman. r r;E y e a Prow y:vapia, MareL. Cbarler pepetual, 4traa •4.1 r..,41 xed per COOL lower Mau ,ne, I/ 4v et How ot Lae I amma, CC. v.., !anew.,il)l parlunmeriP show: Teat. .t ir<rs..A or .4c arm or M aIM, for We, p•V,fl 82 :la Penn Mutual, Paal, Pio/table, 00,01, P4F10,,,1,1ai New Perk Cile. Al. aml Henll,Patlatteamta, 41.91. lliascrom , ..--e , :aroueJ I) I) Hell, W. P.l3<wee, Robert P laam, °barley P Haver, al. W. Palace, :11,M. Reeve, M Calm 0 14 Campbell, I.o.vela Cooper, I. 'Tatman tIJAM, L. II Bole, le,daut 11. Cope. riewdent—Sibmel D. °met; Vice Previ• Ilem—Rot, I'. Rpm; Seermarv—Danelv Ithael,Larne. kpalleouant will Le meet,' aa,..aral every ,wortartlam Siren Ly SA NIL. PA IIPiERTOCI:, AZ, Orftee, Commermal Rooms, earner of Wood r01d113.31 an. ratentre, * FIRM AND MANIA X insuashicsr. 71113 INSViuLNCE Co of tiorth Amettea will make permanrot and I, 0t.k0,1 Joao ranee un pro perty to this ny end ammity, and c , n shipment. by Canal, R.:scrs a . Lakes, by Sea The MoPar.ma thts Company T. weal tnarata4, and furno , h ut 11111lii• able fond lot the ample ettdcomity of all 14,1.1 who dealt< to be protees,lll tn..anee. to. P 111 N Aarnt, i i W st.r iolre and L7arlt• luatraac<. Ilit: t /Frier. or al , 11.1Aorxnee Compar.v al* North "InteTica, has Nett, re...toyed to No. 11 . 1 rtont It ea.: of 1 he votmortber. event for the shove &Jana tevpon sible Comotry, 1.r.0e on Lluildtoss tOd the, nt., so.l shlemont• of Merobsottose by Stesci ii.sals ;rot oavr eSel audern.ano Afitignr , JAMCS woonviui.x.,, r'T ,I":77istuan FIQt J. W.V.'. pah.ttr lhat Le E.. ram • pleted Lts aprln, ,tee of FUIttiFTURI".. the lae,.t ever nlcrx4 for sate c,tv. rnmpti,a,,r •uvcittii Re,rwoop, litArs Vl'st No, es , vett. ornimental and settat, fur Pt. ‘ , I neth atl: Le.oll at l'a , Furrattta ~( a, .ttactra.ron, arc to car: ca., 31,,, I, %lock , valor h ~, c acritrtrca, the crtcrt, eat ant c.rt.t,t mcnt ecr.lll and r, cv.tr,... the rol•caarr redt.ztrarr.. , r art Tala a rev ,t. Tate Tr.,ntv trroratan ei:tt, uts, •rf IP,. XIV v,.4,11 V: tri. ‘ re, Tttict Tn'ticar Loa Cartmarlorr. rf Vett', h; • cra; 50 11l van..tte .o :odo:1,41400a! l'av!or CArtay. tr, Rate, - ....r! tio iv t'irt:out dr , tat, Itr " Cane ' , rat 4 " Mc.1 , 02•14 Eocktaft do Pluto blOo3; rAr rt. , !a Tort Crain+ Tar.ita, 2-' rta Wirth 8,,,ta. ti Att., I,dt:cad, 1. da lb LtPt Waledat dr, ,heirry do. A attyoicleaaaortteroul of COnallett Otani, Sri ar FlZlntlql - C teo IC.IIOIIIIO raelattea • ft". L.44..,144 float• lllrtllstNt oltTne tiroYttov tarmac. Ala attdera pi nalptly attederd ,o. v.i,nel !dale ra can l•crupp:led with ad sorts et tint , laity, 'Nal., tit, Loa Venet , ll, at cottaidctalrly mire. HERSEY, FLEMING &CO. • HAVE WOE BALE. FROM T/II: ANITACTVIVER, AAD AT CAST. nEN M ANI /I:WTI:KEW PRICES WL:e Fla3nala. all Wool. Aloe flott.. line .1J 8..10 Yellow dpi aa Fa ny Cotorva.to, alt ais lstaara da: rak Black Saloum F, , n: In.scd _1 Home 1.,,T00 Stomag • !oar :Mock. ftod cc:, 4o kooli I.lltok roAsimero. inflect' Gon.:l l'ondy do O'd raldtor, rapt: Fume) , Title As. Vgdl Super Mock Woad Oatit. folloWeal tve, l.etry In Soper lirolin •do litoorn Lind ns, 11.110.1 • Super ()eerie do IDeat, niadk do Sop.: 'rwillodad I tiro, I heck 40.1 LW: o Pcv Coolosol:cs ihdla 01 , P•' 11 , owo I e1.e..1• aro 11".1, hay, (11101. co, unlum 11.•nt 1.. d• Th.cad. • do Sul WI10( Jo Fluxed N <•l4:Wa s ,•. 'ilf 11 , •an.1 'in, Brown lus I'ltv4t. A: ;i•,.d7dr, • I tr, 11411.4. (Pi 11,.c1e X r 4 thr. Orly rir.r.ralVed I r mritlstr enr.sent Alrsir• florkr. wrirarttre ctrr cr. tr, C 4311,1.1. nrrv tirr-rr prrnrorr, turc •re Ruction:x.l to 4141 , t!re nemra NATHANIEL CONHEAHLH, MIME. rit./NIAS HAHNE.. INt t••• th.o lay trJ mitoore• In U., vilin A LIAILNKS lor Oar purpo.• 111 rummtarturmr, Lrtn Prtre.l Safe,. . unit,.! of .14r Inv fi•ln RCP. c•Lete vrlil be ialea•I•Ilo ret • le, I he 'mitten •z• PV.Vl:ll,l•u,loet Loune and their 1:1) , : , Nt) KU K. TrioNtAn IJAII 71K,, In retina,. (tom the Ono nt Constable, (lark e & , I vett!, .r rota pleasure recommend Mews. thine & Durres to the confidence of mt . 111m.ds nod the pahhe e, 1011 NATHAP2IIdI. CUNSTAULE Irlsl3-3 el A r.: ' r c " :::l7l ' l.a n :g j e h iel r' ne ' t " o f r. :fro " ; I' Ll7l.ion " . l ••• b.rh be tevectfully Invitjthe •jetTion of IP ;el. atto. and realm . .. Wood al fnlpll 'V t:1:14 . -;:: J . .. in 11 , 1 , A:vi1i ;, t n i: ... 0 r t: 0 ,7 , 17:21:.f . Now York 11.1.1 Plultdelph., and lgons ur.enrie., the newt , . end most atipr..all altlat rs• Ilat.ginp, top thee with Itortlnrs, Firs 110..1 4,1 , 1 Teeter 'rcpt. Vor solo 61 ill Wooi rt, hr rwrvti Votilth 41..1 lammuliti tu C. Bail • • • NA — Or - AI:LW I'A ren.4l •or IV/ •nd firr thrt barrol or eonaie pound el 110 Druz:, Ito•nd, and I.At Wen., y en, Math and Wo.l N 1,1(1,11,11 II Ist I 01/d:OI COAL svr()vul P 01.11411 no wan. , rsawr•tom,l,l /Oaf Of rt,ll4•ll , llctn,l, Intone wlttt Itnitc {road 11,1c("1.0t1IiiIn it fat any col., In t), ittntirt Thr culdtunte I wt., Ittlyn nnptel,nstint, ttt ntitnta, Ity vote tte.nnot• n 111101 Itl/111 nrt•,,,'lorttrrt •It plied, .41 Inn tn., len tint, ettort . "cica T 11,11111.11111. 7,011 , 4 Is 10 / 1 10/11/110 1. 0 111 , Pilaf Itt•tti A ..s•on, 0..! Idly per rrttl C. / . 14,1 11 10 11, ettle•toorts A "WO" , ..... I'lit••, Wil^/1 I sci.l liWoc 10c 11,0 'atoms , it tk •Vln • , 1 MAI I Inct”o? p • • pi I . • t . .., .! ‘11.11•!0.11.11A ! u Pl. II 111 CIVRIII IMO n't•ltil dt,nt. si A p r I oNn. Furninhing nrot En, t unr r , ond Nirnitll 11.3 Val W 1 . 14. 0 , 4 v rut an re•nonal.in ,nne 1111 Win, - • . VI, I rro,pen y 11,1, p.,11 AAan umi I It,"Pores per ,Ul/11. Ijo/Vl , /,..0i I,k 1.1.•.:14 *7. 17 01, In, tont., pw•lte bi 01.., dqt.A• 111 4A me' Ikea. In.u. al num , . • tiriAr., AVM', litiAAT Molds 1' 7 1 1,,, A , •.1 l'Alto, h. Itorloot i!lete niolol ;nor, 01,.1 free tree, neY lollor oiti, of 11..0, of ter other soloooner, 08..1 lo• rooso,oool it lIIC rOa0.1111 , 1111: oil 10001 II hens folniAhloe I. or. 00 11 doe. not non, In 001 ettemed by the orttera of wetter, Nll , l oer Lo 1 1 1.111410 r, me :1.014 a. models, plane, opeelfitatinne, and other 1111.1.10t1011 may 1.11,411 o: thcie agentre— SIVA. N. tielrsee. Neer Vont ; Al Woof. & CO !lawn; Neriun Co., Plalatlciphin; W. 4. me IlaiUmere:. rIAOII, DAT re elrelleetl, New Orleans; MILLINUUX, Iteehlem Arm, 2 11111,11 ear 0., New Yell Sepwwbr , , NEW nooltia. I tal to 111 n taphy of I,elqh Ilene; with 'mn i. i.oe n11.11•ti,I. and cooremoofnli , , rolo T o.r1) Lour, Day llomunicts—No VIII, solofo4 Jetolosoil. • Ilistof7 or halloo the Great. UV Loot Abbott, with. Joh. !Inward, • Roraima. R) htiatin 1411. Ritratial Field Howl or ill." Ihmohttion.—tio The thin* mobil received IN. dor, ond for %a:a by R C ST , CoF.Market terhirl It Eels Not on hand nod for tale b y 19ttLtEi DAUKEIr a - Co olt7 WIWI' rromt turn. BOOKS MUSIC; /4 SEW DOOKB. AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, TWA dfaat,oPpolfte the Post Oace. DAVIDCOPPENFIELD, Nol9 London An Journal for °ember ',melt's Living Aga, Ne .137; The Va ll ey Pans, or the Autobiography of an Or phan. ',Aided by Martel I. Peterson. PetProst Oovemmant a near.nevel, by Mrs. Trol lope. llat Temple ion. -By Master Levet. The Itoo ,look—Detnesl tie, work, comp/eta: Life of Yankee HilL Genevieve; or Pleasant Love and Borrow. By A De liatuer.ine Roston Rhakspnate. Pl. NEW MIMIC I MEW MUSIC/ I ENNY LANE; u beettnlol Flilitept. Bong; assails 0 by the New Odeon. Hersnader• Be watchful and beware; Uh ! Dinah. take this hand; The Maiden't Teat; The Rich Man's Brae; Would I were with thee; Ily the Bad Bra Wars, as sung by Jenny 1 ina in New York; The Bird and the Maiden, sung by Jr,..! Lind, ake t o . *meg by Jenny Utah Tore not away; • beauuful dart, by CI C alelyhnia Yalta; by titadusli,Jent c Lin (load Luck; Jenny at We Gate; in; worth's net", Lc.t Polka; also, new W; tenure ten._ tarn a Unitur Preceptors o r Ii I:LEI/ER.101 T 4,18 (olden Ila DIUXUA WI PIANO/L. Bob • Agana) , for ' Dutk4uxem I II KLEMM tele+ hicaiure in anon pub!, lb.: he he. succeeded in sA,c aceney for Duaarn'a ve:tb,ated Inf Yran”, Itan. B :l:2 l 4 ,, a k ip i nn: h tnole .,, by !Ur Dunham, ul , on;; and Now !Ibis 1, r cr rr lung II tri.nu.s I r ••••• , 1 , irrr IVerrterri therfv1.1: 4 “..1,41, 11.1r1, , erl NI21.1111a: 11r I unl sat. 4e preet. , ,,l partner o Gm, ha. vent upwala• ot meat, year 'stir •ald rim as prxehral manager • the bonne,. Wrtion x year or two ND beught act the route flctor v .Japportet low and rononue• tamantiftt iture. as • Own mon, Danbutu's ?rano* have • yop,enrity, that in ..nne of the we.tern nal', Sr .r.ry h•re •01.1 one manuracture The) are dthttna s: ed and brllhon,r of ,nor. and ea traardtna ry S. 13.—A large Invavee of the ahoy.. ..le t now t.ceivin‘. 143115 OF THE p iOl.Ol atin . _ 111 stale, r.CFIVED this digy from the - P La Sereuade—Schrunart La Serenade—Arranged as Dern Jeannette and /canner. lor Canter. Votes of by gone day a-4.k, Away deren In Clairo—lsster. Be Watchful and Beware—Glover Besides many other popalsr Songs and t's /I IR LEDER, rcpt! S.gn of anal:olden Harp, T now Boots. 4t, end Remedy. By Ide IJ. Adelaide Lardss•, •novel. By the v "Lenieo Arnold," ..Idortultn . s Bridge,"kc., A: I.tre and Correspondeneq of Robe Boothe), Gibbon'. Rome-sth and Wk vol.—eompleti4 work. Reemved and for sale by .epos R C MCC NEW E"Il I.IRANIIIAH—Tha English Lamp, e to battlement. an.] fors., with a Lamar, or develoret.nt; Jr.larted 101( (VW al COBVIOS Rqd SalDOil, Cr C Fowlcr, late prafet.tor Ct Raclaria La Amherst Antouoaty—Tbe recent pronto. Cl A•t(0120 , (1): In the . . , 111.cs lIT Loomis. /Ire Year of a Ilantoen Lae w the fir IW.arior nl Sault Afr.c...ll`l nn,tecA 01' 16: ratite .01bea, aatl anaedotel ar the chore tho lion. alepaanu , btriana. ginCre, rlnnacercs, or . wola Warn - at:on, 13y Canuntra Recri redlarrale bT a I' 8 rOCKTOIS 6023 41 Mattel RI Man Moth Tvs-r re:e.vre. at 11. KLECMI Nlui‘a imar, the eJ iallovotng 'banes:— Eye :here lue• the Heart I Loat t. Thee. Tt.r !me and Red Qoll[4. NC, el/ Ii •11. He ...cells at. allogs vv..tl. All 11 over. INLere wa..,ha bye.. I ea,....th•d .en BMW BOOKS 1 iLW 130011011 AT 110L2ItES' LITERARY DEPOT, Thtni caret, ontroatte the Yost Olor. 11116TOEIN of renJennta, No 6 Bs Tharlratal Lnickelbector naval..tar &macabre laot's Merchant,' hlaganino for September. Whir Reeler' for September. heat an cermet:Le of Gen. Stott. 110110 n Us/mum No it JILL", Urine Act. Nn tOtt. ht P mall 9Cle27...roncuolog fifty moonsln, 1 94.....___Ivitavgi,„Sac,"f1L';Attfr i7 t tosoacce•lnO RO•i0O fur Soptoot cr. fitytile Remo of Fofeign Inerolon In Sr.plzrz -1,,,L...._00p19 IloSegit: or On Mylionon 010, Cent of 1%. Londom,vot 1 of ‘Ltalotereetin; work boa boo, recOlved at Holum.' Littrory Depot. thug Moen. .prplUto Ike Port Moe; also, Men Parry, or Tools ot flow% by Olria; Georg,* Casino; soonsolod fieozolofttg Ninoof Albino. ho Clement C. Moore, 1...11; soul N0r401.1431C214.0 1 25_1_ nit eeeee e eee 4 LARGE and extenitie aemrtment at PATENT NI2 , ALLIC RUlll'l , 2 FAIIItICS, sitaaag the •tm.:at malmee carte'v embraced In lae •eeortmrnt, Lc '.0u..1 the kulels !lot.< C'srr.are CLugh, Ate Air Pal. A., Cush...,P. at.,Pouches, Foh.ne Pe., Cos.. .'ape.,lToopsollnu, , Puret, mei., Pouches. Lisps, F./notion.. Plume, •prtll,•. Morton.. Da Wing. mnig' Wove, I.Lactone Caen,. Wanks., Paper llolde, La, ~, e , .1r1•. Pug, le.O•nat Boos. It .5 ins WO.' i.hlus.ab 0 •, rout Puns, WS, u.I 4 , 0 actellso: • • •lii 1 n. ursh, prom( gnad•ur del I.) ...OR' 01 revriefit gte, Jut r1.1i11,, I.gtarte•R,pevfeet imr•arrLauna,a, rot) 111 °Jona It ..ut nJr, for 11.10 - ; o. A r au,; 1 A 11 3,1111.1 & 1 . .1.1.41 - INII .4111 I •nd neatly nt II .W. wt.!, it at* iuct, and- i:..1 vrc • and tllattn. a clielip at Lan, tat,. ya/110,41 on 11,. city, bid u. deicrouncd tn du it & II PHILLIP.. EXTH ACTN, —.Jew, Irattnet, %Vett 1211 Jo, J0r1,7 ~pring I laweti do; lenr,l Lind Ilan Atom,, , , Vine., Mould., P.. 1.111 ::oap, SOT wt..cr , ,,g • ho ilitaand Sibatit.e . Oran', Rote da in. tt Jn do; !Inner Rapp, Anlnn4:,,c itairl Nut tPll Rose J. Mg/ ilkelYlION% JO, Nu., 01.0,1 . •1'111,30( 10. Rear'. 6re•t,, it Cot sate. vrho:c.ale .04 r.tue., 1., It C 101 , 14 57 Woad it 1..ner.1 Unt , ,J th... s, 81.1.., A.,i Toni, ta ~0.1 rrtail ati accolittoodating , 10,131.1. N II -All paranti• pur:l•%are. rorlr,l r .110 wtorla to 30 arra WWII p. R' e I IL 3..erwary 'out, J a II I'IIII.IIPS •eir2•l 0 .1r vI ( Si hntnJ .re K bunt the PnillyviLlle Fftel , •tv 01 On tall traJr wo yd. J 4 Floor thl Omit: J. I 4 Jo, WO v. 1,1 4 do .0 yJ. 11 I Jo. IWO yd. 0..4 J.I, hVil )J• oboe: do.o.oJtoos and boom Tour I to 6 Forth Wldo, tho , o.ooot Style of pattern...Ad Cm to .y given moo. roo yards I-I l'utolture 411 Clotho; CV yds ,04.1 081,1 do atourted •ige• T.too, Stand, and Oat,. tairuto , u s p.a., and oplondlJ u‘.ll. tJ.4.1 14k1411 earnage tlit (loth; :AV ,J. f• Jo. 10 ‘.l. l as ~ 1 ~ .;w1:11 , 1'1..1110.041t lot ?A.m., auwilud 0 , .. o 11,1 Clot, fw Wths!ov• 1111,d, Ary HI, 61c., ;•..o .s.ortment ju.l teemwrd ul Moro boo.. rool othrtr putt - haw. caw In• ,11.1 Vial .nil. ..one our au omoutot Ruud., urt.rrli will 1.0 011/.1 011110 lorrroo uuwot ['two. J 1, 1 1111./.11 1 , 1 0 0 0 10 !t. yVv %I . 0000000000000 Y.N. a /I.•uton Yjr mi. ha1...N.11. Sod*, yrup,Oluau nu. ' , wet:on, ;Lore, ...wi•••1 mil I 1•11 • oirwr•run... IV M 1.., lemee a .. et hand, .41 it Ilelo day v 114416141es 111.1,1.1.,.,.. /6 111101. 1.1 111611.16. *II 111.1101•. 01•11, .11.1 hart.. . I Illateel.•l4, Wee," 1'.11.11, 1.04v.t , 0• 1. , ~.1. tide... All. m. 3.1 .1 I lel4 It 11 1 Ow 1,14 1.14., •11111.11 . 1.01.e.n . I''''4. wrvolloie II 1.11 1.-11 i.l .1 UR= AhII.IIII'AN, V.M11,11111, ti1:111%1AN VA ,1111111 t i 11t4111.111'. I. A Ors, t comm., I 11. rc.s!‘ 1 . /.1•1111.11A, Ai Alm», %atilt and t.'ntio7 111. MT . 6411.1'‘NtA Oil, rots;,w,v, I , ANI , ANN A... 0 ot . - ANo .“1 , 01...10,, • n •Ji 'ru It WA RI A II It I. 110.1 N , te ~1 11,e Iliapm, 4, t roint.ll+l‘ ,, ,. la On punk , mg el v 1114 , /111 tip,5.11 , n11, .o : ,. Ilen1 ~‘• pt.Nca —the y l'ru• .• , • •r 4 nn pr itoo vitt t,t , lnll,lnt• • 1111.. • f ..... la .1,4 1 1101'0 /.011 tlso.•prot nn,l I e•, I,lts . ..crh In I`. 'arm. Aloltlllt. A N ~pll lll rii .n 1015 'lepllclnl 111.1.IANIA pro. • It elmirki 1:1,K• . 0,111,n1, ISO the 1.1 AtoAds7 of Soot oort. llni.ot no, J. I/ \ st..,n, comes .:1 Wood ot , ,p I elth Ilrr \‘,.. U. 11 0 .. d, llon. NV•ltor 11. Lontm, nen. IN. gam., J. D. I‘lnCo.d. Iler. 111thll J U. NJWimy 1:M1. . nf a ixtrmia, Inform their enema em and Dorm. generally that, In consequence or workmen NM, eairage4 ia enlarging tad ifhPhav• ittri UM !tore Rearm, way have removed their good. to the rtarom Sworn of die building they occupy,unul the iroprommento aro fintehedi where they be happy to me their eummem as imaal, nod fur the mooing. of walking up atoms, will try and remancrata them by eelline the.. Cheap Goods ifrl:ntt once fromFdani Wrote amag LA W RENCIrd lISIR OLOVIO. mingle, for Lidice do do do do for Gent.: do .14 do do double. Jo dl du do . Bulb. J., do Straps fat Ladies. Jo 4. do for Gen, de !a do Belk. de DedodaS Brash.,, , 21 solo by I,: t ur" 4 '"`' A B FAHNEMX. 4Co MEDICAL ' PROOLABI ATION KNOW alto:ten who are sl.k and afßleted arab dn. tam of the bladder and I Idneys, a,th rheumatic 'paling Intitekka Krebs, midtown, old sore., running Olturas&u.lltat they can be need Ly raking the re. Mroleund Von map talk ahoy t Its being a 110Ftrarel Much tui youtilessie. but this does not make it so, far I we proclaim n the (ace of an sorest comnianity, that It btu virtues which are um contained In any ~ her remedy. 'The men who is racked with pain and suf fering from disease. can (or filly cents. get relief from soy of the ills numnerated above. Reader! It' emu eery little to Wake atrial. This Petroleum Is no mix. tare—no conmond;put up for the purpose of imposing On the community; but it is a remedy elaborated by the master hand of oaham, and bubbles - up from the be WO of our mother earth In its original purity, and rat fers to angering hutment .y a ready remedy, a corner and cheap cure. It has eared Piles after other medicine , Wive to render any relief. Ir hu cured Kheaniattroi MMus sLanding, and of the wont arid roost painful chaniciCr. It has cured Cho/era Marlins by one or two dose.; it bus cured old cane of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy Om been of no avail. As a loyal remedy to burn, and scalds, it la bettor than my medical tom. pend or ointment ghat we know of. It will cure ciel blame or fronted feet. in a few applications; undredit u ed testimony con be furnished of the truth contained in the above statement by Calling on Samuel M. Kier. 41100 1311/111, 7th .tree; Or either a the agents. Keyser & McDowell, tomer ol Wood street and Virgin Alley; R. Scion, 57 Wustreet, 11. A El lint & P. M. Curry, Allegheny city. Ire the age., • IWI Notttr thi V 1 .1111.1 Und Due m4 et In iv Me. ltd MI el BEAUTY -It Iv Wit/GI .14 cone ed that beauty it inure common in due coootry Lo enY whit. at the sane time it 1. lulu 'helot. other eoun to . is It loot etan young an age ,4trow thin true to MO] NE extent but the levy Iv of n ceuaed by .me • gigot We ray to 111, do not neglget your parbotort abbe...nee. but read the iollowing, ani enu need r u n luek good Lwli.. There trribler are ueletiolio pie paragons, and have ell attained met pountaitty. /W. 1 1 / 1 0...4 Vat, Dll/01. DS V.v. a. Nivieu &rue, fur removing tan, sunburn. pimple., lootehr, and other eruptionv of the am; the man perfect con eerentor of beauty every known. Yurehare niithiug purporting to be Nymph Soo, untesir it liar lay name attached sue 16, tte Icur ei the I.lu rote , lltte tnie ly latteeta arm anon e whet utary them lark the stn., an the Ur. I lime to , a /animas lat. • or th e r(ore, In hi s catnerl rueh ..ha. Its Omni Pusstais °Bedlam roWO., lat im parting to the most bilious complaziou a retthant whiteness. In nothieg shined a person be more care ful than the ore of a powder for the atm, as mut, of Mow ,old ht , Ch.'"ue Powder compounded In • setentihe m one contains mart-die:lt which can pos.thly indict anner, an into, !Isom:. Mon-atom, Powura, for reedurina ...perdu. , Lam What is more unsorhdy than hair apron ;be ra CO or isrids of a lady. This article will remove it in a short time, without the ore of any Warp Instrument u'r pow urrt power olio.. 01 Milano, N lIARP Jobs. Haaal Irtagraatir Liqr.llo Ilara Dv* wall instantanemotypart to red, white, or gray half. a beautilully black im ,, brow or auburn color. II will Color the hair in a shorter s, time, and more effecnoilly than any other Dye, being at the same time Indellible. Snots IIauMJA Stisvoth I really &plow tare to shave with this cream. There is eof the stnarung sensation nasally expettenced in non the Ilse of most Soaps. On the contrary, it leaves the skin smooth and soft as an infant's, and at liable to Peptone cheeped. Jot as Ilsom'a Rosa Tam Part s —Nest to lltejsalr, we Slott the Teeth were inteoded as the sreatest ern.- Oarnt to the Lenten face; but when neglected, nothing te to dlalkouring, or so quickly Nren. illy Hoag Toth Pate will impart to Ms teeth a pearly whimneta, at the stone rime keeping the gums Eno and healthy: Also on hood, a complete nwortment of .Franelt, Urinal. and Muerte. Perfasucry and Fancy &talkies JULES II AUEL, Pertumer and Cienilst, rat Cheatuat street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail, by El A. rahnotmek .1. Co., and. R. tellers, Pittsburgh; and Julio sor• see, Ibt,i; 1 Alitenell. Allegheny Vt,y. Fa. 1177-:'!p fll //L.'S 6UA bas rve.l nod Iht CANnte by (toll J CIDDni Co I\i - 11'rib:6-10 buts 63 , sale lef 171 01.115 J KIDD ACo If A FA lINUMFOCK liLTI'F.R-A prune article. for "id by ocla NRRIVEII a BARNY'S 01:01.:R:=40 . bffs 'bad Ffaur, rare and for sale by C 4..13 SIIRIVEIi & LIARN.YI ALCOIIf 71 a d Srdtre‘h, Jug reel lor oa:o by R ti oat' 77 Wood RO.S . E i f•INKL 4W /.111{ R 1 i ‘ L'. 4 lras RO y YARD AMMO •IA am rec'd for ~ .cd v act , rt K FLVCR--Jt - iit cc ved 7No 'ff:3 JJI ,I V AU*At. (rota the New ilrightou o Mina. ' loratl " a m ' P AZ " mYc l'Au b a ' :'• c o l A cla M ciftn t a i n A Po t r o e 7 n j tLa . l.l7 0111 bard aad to, role or 21 homily Street, by .111 WAI A MCCLURG & 1%1 1111'h 1111#1.rfARD :3! tb—Sbrib, Gerllllll,l .•1 YE reel nod for tale LY ad.! . R E SELLER 3 fla , tl g, l:l2T E.. fla ,, Ll:XLinx c a , 6 ;inoCured AOS WM A Alr CL U rOi I CO B&ND Bo XIEF--Hound ar.dlf los -11. at whole.. mats and null. by W. p. Id It-SHALL • oat* eS Wood st frOOACCO —la telt. lie . gige.: . ;:p . LlSgtat., Mt teed ..4. per '""n" Germ' '• a nd 7A616.9 DALZELL oela To W•tor tt -- • . • CASTO.R.OiL-211.414 Blow'. :or note by . , • Rl4 SELLERS, O_l6 . .;• 7 Wood at A • 31011.111 S A Ha Won tit, T EA 01:ALF.IIS, part cde of Me Perron.!, Tr, oar Tca &VW: per I',--'I realty guvJ .16 • 11; ;Nu S IJRANDV 0/ tie pula6‘ a 5643, Y V 10,ne1.4 purpos at 75 , and SI per marl, 1.4 sate 1.6 e., NIORIIII3 k- 11 %Von 111 onln la l 4 tILSI. tr..e. can Ant., I eel C.a.,. man. I can I eau C.d.. I y‘ea I ean ,ato uml I eats tul sal. It 1 - RD —Ltd kevt Nu is.gu r alui I, roe 11KUSt 5 hand 1,11 vet, IA II:Oh:KIX n HONj I . t\' ,.•, 11`k IMt Nlll.l*AsA , 13. A..: lin -1:1:, 10 do onne 1. r I VAT44III A_\ .4 iIORN - 11,1,11041 —La due Saucy et,,“ 511,1 r.,nsam Corn Groom., for .al. L 1 WA . LERMAN ILOVER ,EELi , II rirktly 0:or ?Yed, In 1110tC..11.1 lot' pole t., „z,a L. WATERMAN 1 SON 3 W A 4 `4! ,. .1 . 1) ‘. 1N1 1 :11 „,, L:tA ,b - e Anon nc:J y bto.a..c['WY Glata and .- to witoon a tit.cs al salary avull be F II E ATUN; No Al I' ouglh at • 4 t,e• prnme gal., by J LWI PR nt a c. S • 7• 1 JS thJ. 'o,lo3" l 7 ll74 b A y lrti aco Nlop sat' 1 1% tl: ILAN TII A C. 111, i4; 0 10.2 , . 11 , 7; II Y., I r , d o p 11 J 4. 1.1. no .:1!c• .1 LII.WoHrli c o 1'. 611.47 ,. 1a : 17 rta far ..i jlow• twa• lt i4oo,er ;Ueei if . ; Ikn x 010 do lip co J., l'o e.I. :J r., 6 11T J y UtLyib RTel .1t Cy • r"4 No , VT I i Or :,11 VIA'tI; ACtIN ic „ Bl,ou II• Sd • • .lore •na tor oak by W :WO ib• Roo lu.l luwo g I . \ l ll .6, l VA tlia u t i :.l) U OC A 4 — "" b. A S ~.!Trakal h.s.li L rttll SALE, IYt such Cylioder. kJ It toot .hole. for tent, apply I. tx-t r ao. L. NNIIURyfI CO al. till Ilt.-11 , 0 bogs rtadr, arn;lng for rule oy W 1 ) , 11...50N 4 11,1 •-10 0..4a br1111•11, attcrios tor ..tie by 44,1 I %%11...f0N ~`lll L T I:AM:IL lb. t :t . r , rniti t s Cer vwohl. nor 40 , C „„, Wale, 1111:! ra l7 S . Dill " • JAWS 9%! r ""`i.:"nifr:‘, o ' , `Li' 5 L' 5 %7.1f I . 55 • . t.i.• tee'd tot sole by JANIE,/ DA CZ I=! it1:1-INeD •nd p,) , •rent cc - lap:sly 1.3 t l'aJi: nn. Op% tat Et*, Calms, he ca• ..suUtu! ariqqc Ingly htallby, .!riietoug. and econon.trAi,•nd nflran tirs.a, ma, be U.rJ • gottslitute far. .0 a 4.0 111.113 vlst• “er Alt. , . IL, L. Jo•t Creel vet and for rain at 'J3 Liberty et, by WM A Ntrttl.t. Ali S Pt) • A i: 72 10 1•)477;;• lJ "I J 04E3 i•ALZLLL. btat, ure Jr t Ilt " .1.1 - . : T ‘ 3 ' '4: O M W 'ON km, “, a:10i; ''.litiKrn—A'c;°l7"'c t ho•r. t ;,tt tTt .tilt ct 113 At to tttrt ro .lvet al MUIZYIII* & 1.17 Kt - tin rut, :s i• •Itr Wl4ll".at 61/ prt prr .12.1.mic icr ICI MORRIS& r..x%% rti Lt. rty CI i t „!&,o:ifiCii:A3 7 -10bi;7.711 VroTtei. iery I. goo.lad and Quatout.tt, an ..re, 'or palm by u,16 It DALZEI. h C l 1:RA ., 1-:—.l PI,. on hada andlr - 77 - e - a'.oci7 ---- TJ . ert? ISAIAH DICKEY &C D ikit:o-pR urr—la park. now rear , 13 sacks nee. Apples. arrvon: nom alcasnar Caledenua, and for valeta ortn DROWN ft ICIRICCATINCK 13 ICE-11) taa panic Rice for sale t.r EL nada JAPITS A HUTCHISON hCo TRLl'j "'"Ds - =',W.".:.`7,7MATRK°K rat.n-drft:mtcy,D,:n: Bola' Ballasts. MV re IIUIteIIFIELD Immo reeelaed a lot INJ. of bandanna Fancy ttlxed Ballnata. for Boys , wean alw, Plaid and Plain Casalmeres In treat artary, Cuannerc., Kanutelry,Jeata, Black Tabll Velacts, ie., at north ma coma of Ftmrth and Martel &Met]. - oda VaitCallOred Pibit& . iik.t URFA'S" & BURCHFIELD Invite attention CO Ina La/choice lot of Annettean and Beulah Pnann data and of diultbla colonniont Revved. oel9 SAL. E6DA-16 auks !ninon we by nds B A Reurmerrocica COI eds ~ nor Tint 2 Wood Nu. MISCELLANEOUS. Welters! College of Homeopattit Medleifie, CLEVELAND, 0100. Sarum I 1850-51—eritorfereal 11411. . 'PUB FI R ST WINTFH 8E5121101 , 1 Mthly hunted/at 1 will commence 011 the First Monday or Molten,. bee, end eontinoe tote months . • The Chain of the Farhat, are ...ORO •• follows: Storm Bova, NI. .. erofewor of Midwifery. ind Diwires of Women and Chlldren. Legating Briggs, M.ItrIONIMOt 01 Prioclplee and Practice of SargerY• Chitties D. Willman, . TU,PrOfeaser of Instintell and Practice:of kfamonlethy.! Lewis Dodge, M. D., readier of Magnin Mont,. an I Medical lrif *and 11 _,.... Ilewilain L. Smith. AL et., Professes of Chetolutry. 1 , 1 nin C. Witherel, pi. D., Professor of Anatomy eihl klif Wologii. Jena Brainard. Proteins orPhysioal Selene. • • Charles W. 8011, Dereanstrater of Anatomy. The Charter Of the We Weft College ofßomeeopathit Medicine was granted by the Legiulatare of, obi% during its session of 184}50. It roofers all thiskighte end privilege usually pp erred by ?decimal Colleges ill the United enter, i . nti, aalike many pailineaki it .'.te inderhndent to t e ea other instinetion, havirig et been the power • common *es!. .:; 'I h e de t r.ret sr: co erred by the Fscalty and Ttuuter• upon the reeo endstlon of the FaeultY. The amount of fee, fir the full course will be WA blatriculation tee. 5.:,-.1 be paid but once. Demon ftfutorie ticket, Si. G nation tee, CA Penton, wan bare attended tor fal roof., of teen te• to other colleges, are adm red to the full coarse A thtu Inetitution on the payment of am. Graduate* of re. uneatable medical schools are permitted to amend the een the payment of the matriculation fee only. ' Good hoard, toctuding room light. and fuel. can be oteamed boot AI to V. 50 per week. Foe farther Itsi• Connotive ellkese CHAS. D WILLIAMn, oecdtan Dem of the Pas ally. PITTSBURGH GLASS WOW A. & D. H. CHAMBERS, lui nuxitx., •artzw A co.j oulJ 11,9pectfillly inform the eustomere of the lam hue, h. •Ma the public generally, that they mill Ci•tit.llo the manufacture of VVIIN DOW GLASS, VIALS.BOTTLYB ite In all disk. Toilette., at the Old Stand, Ho t 7 Wood at, between First& Wag.. Irlteltu 151 'PORTA NT TO Tll.lO AV VLIOTED Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. ig R. JACOB 8 ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro- JL , prietot of these most popular . sl9ll beneficial Medicine; and also the mventor of the celebrated tuitrument for loilaung the lungs, in e cl ecti c 's a cute hroniu diseas e s. mos a studeut of that eminent physmim, Doctor Physic, led Is a graduate of the Cat.r ratty of Pennsylvania, and for thin years since her been engaged In the insectariaon of disease, and the appltemmo of remedies thereto. Through the are of bit inflatieg tube. in connection with his Prophylactie Syrup and other of his remedies, he has gained art unparsle led eminence In curing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Thherellier COD. gumption, Canters, &mond; Rheemattno, Ansms, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Ery sipelas, and all those obstinate diseases ° peculiar to measles. Indeed every form of disease va nishes under the use of Ws remedies, to which humanity Is heir— not by the use of one compound only, for that I. In couthautle vet h Physiological Law. but by the usa of Lit remedies, adapted to sad pencilled for earth puritan form or disease. Dr Rose'. Tattle Alterative Palle, when used are Invariably acknovrledged to be supertor to all other , as purgative or liver pill, thastraucti as they Mare me bowels perfectly free teem costiveness - , en also hi. Golden Pill. a admitted by the faculty to pones, peethlar properties adapted so female &same; het Lemur swished that • barn total /a mem eat to estahlish what has been said in the minds of the Must skeptical, The affirmed are invited to call upon the agent. sad procure (grants) one of the Doctor's pamphlets. gains a detained armorial of each remedy and on. appdeacion Eye rale by the lanoveing •gemis,a•tvell •• by talst araggiam throuatout the country. Se...D.:maker trend street, Pittsburgh., J it Townsend, drogstat, 43 Market It, dot Imo A. leckbium, Jo nem the P.O. Allegheny mty, Jo. n Deaver co P. Jon o h F irlle ' y, do ' dm T Adams. Deaver, do do . maeltaly A BEAL/Tina. Oil Pliny lo new Invention. pro AL tented in Londond repterrnnae Jenny Lint/ ti lie fielda in a lin:ening atiade, taking tearoom iron the nightingale, has been vectored by the outocriber. The coloring ta equal to the finest miniature printhre, and the Inane. the moat ortattfal arid correct of any yet brow ht out. Also, Jenny Lind'. Greeting. to amerlca, the Port Honk and the ceabnued Echo Eone. 11. HLEHER, or! Golden Harp. lot Third at Dlstra Novaralmo tierlogieJtbilutyortg Ta► YIIIIEeE are tho eery best Brack Teas that are I. s i e l liggt3=lll Itte lo~O rbee or Ylcirer 16, for car It scpYt an d ot 7 :IIEDIESeWeik, LI and Deem:tering—No Vile r e alrytkha Orel reeciarbi at Dolmas' Literary DoooLTlrke oppeatte the Post orice. acpe.l WINDOW GLASS—tGa a baa h E: o l i bbk bas 10 14; pyri catty yoaltry, Cla. and for sal, by oc9 JOlll , l WAIT k CO e t:(W - M. -- - - .l , l7TiTe - e'd for sale by • - • • aLn•sina.eari :7 wow. n • r 9 E-I CJELS3-9 bar, rest Tlfr salely s s RAWA SEED-1:0 lar eery clears, for see by R E: SELLERS I KlationllLE FLAAVEKS—S brlsre eVior • ale by V my E SELLERS E eel Dl - HALE - In I - en .i wryer by I K E SELLERS I I`•FLO 111, 11 rls yore, :an ree:o Seale J B CANFIELD Luna hhavrls, , _ NI t.,ttett . and pattern, tit. teet.ead tat ttere WitteIIFIELD Lla;E LED t01,—.1 aria pare century oll,lutt reed for ilkle ROBISON, LITTLE • CO car I 1%5 Lla.rve at. Unit' IV hadow Ltaea JUST reertroo •t larCLINTUCICS Carpet Warehouse No U.S Fourth ssecol, and 74 Wood el, 4-4 Duff Moth's, Waco oc3 iyaiNtl PAPER—ou vais v 4 .Vo. n55 . 4.4:3J; equal ID to toal an ..La to.llot, log slde tg e..t..0au4 o~! rouf~wGl ce D uld Web clo+c me!oi Ly _ • • ISAIAH DICKEY b CO aAtt, \Valor & Front ets f 1 . 41 r received F. T ilia • t amon Cover lid Cloth. a good ankle —tor note My H PHILLIP& Wo , d tt M ^ . P .! • .2 .• %ViON: & AIoCANDLESS e""ltm: for 41 b)' • H NDL E AS LU ITEII-15 brit stand batter for aalo by tn. 5 J .4 It FLOYD TARPAULINS—a eeryheavy largeH T•tollat, of me beat quality of Duna flou n ce, an hand and an Hale by toell J k H PHILLIPS t . n c e o y i ii „ ? . s , I‘l4::: m in t o an N d o' , ! ; Co; :P f erf ic r c;. o . f ry • th , r ; . , aechmoca hoe hem. facetted at Holm,' Lit•tary Derot, btrd rtro opor , i e the Po., °Dec, atto a ors. A mene•• Novel c• led The Commtrator, a tale oflllannethaavt,o Nana, co Me Ohio Rorer, and No If Ptetonal Pte Boot of the Amot tea.. Retolu. tinn. ors CitD F 1•311-10 ra.l. eat F LC lI~UN uc.l d Woo.! et AL . IN-5 brit Sramon, I salt Ly W L F WILii4)N bag• pia" tirron La Coder; lan packages "sorted re", IA lax, assorted Tobac to; lu bags Pepper, 5 bagf Alspltei matt* riinitanion; dt bas No I ii.oeolate; .rice 1..1.1110nee lir tierces freah prone etaks bo.l sladiler, 5 barrels Atom, rn barrels l marten's' MI. au dra*n pate,: Ittiekeir; Lc. Loris coins; Ni borer Whit: I .. .iaL.a. 3 WO* prime N , u••r: 00 brit .10 Mobir.<ll, itot bris large No 3 51netarei; 00 of Ir Isige No ti do; ,to Nn I do. brls N Tar, 01ibrl•a ,• Inis No r Stoll iba "sprint, Yarns: ki banes No 1 tintling. I,Li kegs rulaie Wriiin Lula; 100 Inas .named Nails; : Aha, a tell itssortment kr/ llttsl.usith test alite.ated tlielet, far sale Ly JOH IN VS All & CO tept . l iitr4 I..lbetcy sr IV a evasacti Para AV Iwa ant Itrandle., VITAIII..I , foe Medicinal PytPd.sr it bend and (a sale by be !mute, quaff r ea , um MORRIS t. HAWORTH'S A Wine Store. eon ;, fiterVi th e ate ' i s ei *". oaten Had do. I c..< lied iwided Flannels: caste White do do; 1 rake, totted doi ctoes Wain end Sony cesium...l: cue bawled; . , 3 co,' Chin Alptsis: I ease Jeans . 3 c Jesus; Blue Mock Minket Cacti: g; mace Gray Bieeh , wi looses Unto thentels; I clue Woe do: cues White Bed Illatkete; • ,'curve d . Stereo Mind Illoultehe: R ece i ve on eooeignmettlit, and for sale Si ri snob= weer , pewee by H LES eetW3 O2O Litelly *tract: SUAP—L do d owra loghly peortained Hom Broom Soap IVindwa; Cinnamon Cat Soap;y ; Philadelphia Vaileaated Soap; Potaborgn do do: Castile Soap; OH , . SdoPi foe rale artireeaale and AN by reply NH A eIeCLURCI iii. CO Low a lloa , saa pf—la av ra al. a 6ata lp BMOWN Windsor Boap, Beaman, Minty, Musk Ventricular, Oriental. kolas, nod Olira Oil Seep. Theta Soaps are highly:,,aelebmtal for usrporsing smoothness to the skin. •• • rorehosed from tun asperses, and for sale by , sepia R R StELLRFIR, 07 w,.,.4 At iNDIA RVlittctt estibisMsu—mmu .los j tbleknesses, from IL-11 to I inch thick. .Tho Shoe. poetics is prepared to thst 300.dsgreas Fable:belt onll not West b and is superior to every Mica else, as co mostauce has so anapb elasticity which moods des-coo of boat, add may be used about all VOW Mbers packing a atceuary, vizi— umbels s biob a c w hole taYLO 7 a r . 2 7117" +at VOL XVIII. NO- 85- MIS.CELLANEOUS MiTnAcTg• VXTRACTAI of ACOISILIN CtettliNittsap P.l, Opietll3l. Tataximoi dayilla, Hopaicoi• a/del ace. and Indian Heap, 1114,011<d and loaaaleity H A PAIIIIIMR)CH Car. Pim.% Wood at, Apprureaus tor Chemists pip,. orl!atont tetibleug dawn, '- INVENTED F 7 Fruleriek Bleiree, end end. be • SC.AIFS.& Plat between Wood to blurt., F — AIINESTOCrogrff ---- ' IN 810 L *BALE DRUGGISTS, Omer of,Wood and Fiat m, Picablugli, ()P I LE: for o ple, of their own ilcuportenou,dn.., Bona, rained, in eases ) Fanery Corn & Powd, Verb. Amnon, eta. &}.r. Para Green, la' cue ' RotieaStone, o nuke Flour Sulphur do Caudle Soap, In bee Cale- blamremodu. Cub. do olot tStb CIOIC AOld..llO g uotii ' Polv.itatimortialis do Ay. Ammon Cone. do Calomel Eng. , do Oa Amber &eat. 40, loitde Potath Crearato White' do Acetic A^t4 Orange'Floater Water , Boit Ainienia Pm Rolle , tioper csol•oe'd do endow Vul Vortaitelone4 Adneeivei Platter, Egli Kobetarie da Jo Lead Galan. to lo do Flitterhiai ,h, do Wired. iron, Pay, • Pecelp, Aleppo (Jails 'nylon's Licit edvstal hlortoe aro Pearce' Oil Loyantler,Sptka do (lard. Oil °Mailmen ` Oil Rosemary , • -•, 01111,ster Alroandi" Otl Ca)oPti; ' , • Oil Croton . Pena and' Plne itICGIII - Carder:art Seed Solon. Zinc , llcif.rii` Tette. propee,l G.tian Rent • • Rhubarb Root Politainc Potty !alien lied -1 oc3 Jo to ox *llls loalno Eng. In hi I b battles loaida 40110. Oz Conf. Saabs, la 'blank fil•Crab. Potiothilb boUlea Moo Pill Eng. la lb lank Ittif.l.lqoaticr Cac. to boo Wood biappaiu lt,baalra Tim Family : Jo Prtu t li Arid, in , 00 cats Tat ci Acid, in bar °loco Mattis, keg. RtdValrtl. Erman bal. LRB*T CLEM Tlift UAL TM I TUE PLUMBS OF les NEW BM 1039 Through le SOUR Tray* " LI TO Plil 11/ELPRIA ANL) BALTIMORE. WRieke pte'seens in announcing fettle Merchants of Pi: alarm and the Wrn este busleces esso teubity, the oti and after Haider, the 16th of Sep. temlicr, we swill receive and forwerd goods via th e Central tel Hoed, and genre:ilea them to be Omagh in Four DalE OUT extensive melt orCers end Boa. enable! a. 0 offer the above cape:lit:Das route to {be betide, well, t Lyestilt ct Winne oar cern! lines via Harrisburg and Columbia At 4.„ erstitot ertildrid sow', beonglit frora the k.R. with certain teed dispatch to low eat, cr p ro d uce shipped 0. ape invitee to cell on 0' 43NNOIL, ATKINS. fe 00.. Iltisburrh, ATKINS, O'CONNOR A CO., Philndeliatit. Proprietors of the Viltsbatett Trensponesion Line. Or the following agents, Grove torte & C 0.71/ North street, Beldame; F. Howe. 6 Ltaturry Plane. NeerNotti Feldorr C Gneta,l4 Deena wren, Boston eepleidt slimlE D ooid. parililon.l oil in Wien, m !wit tttnents, tenth AA known Posit", foe tent, la a beitnete peat of Use city, by P.CAIFT: ATKINSON,. nett* Fin t et between Weed &Merkel .Eltaspr•lte Patent Sods eds. , 1 HE eobscribera are now emir: tte. by canal, Wee aapplise ofJahate bleep/au .Y.Son`a teat, end hest quality faces Motel,' Soda Lab, which they will sell at the lowest sneaked price, tot each or Piwolma L W 11HTCHLLTD.E1 - °eel I,lonty OV uflL tnazio7 • . - - - N. FAILRBORDT, (Pupil of Ma first European 1.71 rootttarGt) late of New I ork, reirortodyttUOrnia the rOtlet.• or Ptatbaryb and A!irghcny tit. Ita Er, aarivott. and Inteadta waking ibis city bid e.m.cot letsideneG, for tjte poryttaa at trapastia• inatturtion - on b. Platt, Applienllo.lCfltt3lll:lVbile's Boanditg boom, GO Litterta at, or at 11.1:1<ber's Maio More, will men atoll ptoxpt atlantic , . oalEt O&K.FLOOlt1210 DOILItIIS, net PEET Worked O.k Flooring 'knout., ptrieetly dry, end of nuyerier quality' for ..sle by tiLATIK.E. leo:nth( . . fiba*Ph.T,b • colt to Mote Madness, Litittrn, stoe of It Rl' bittritn, for which tioods. mot agave. jorreneus, prtiond rents, or reel ertzto, win be Reeved In pa) menu JOS . 0. 110Gli, Ili Wood rti, Entsbargh • underatarted hes 11114.0Ciflted •Joceph Robb Ilh Ail; w carry c the Wracked le and Leta (tracery nd Produce D ilutor.. , under Dim of Black and Robb, weer side of tte Diittnond, corner et Diamond Alley, Pturbunn - Gellkdlf ARlAriliPstir a itemise a ;Mee siTorniS - nio V. Many and ample, smutty. and Dee Gaols, oonats; • Ing to part of Woolen, 'I hibenand Cntsbatere Wm - an, Ltorlin, Thtben Bid +rad flackelin Gores; Wooi; ea and Worsted Comforts; Alpacas and Irotabmir.es; Woolen and Camon I Month; Colored and Clenched Maslins; Casainem and CIUiZOGIC, j Ribbons and Laesx; Raiment and Combs; Ihrratia arid • Line.tnam Umbrtlim •nd:Drets Dana. An. ' AU of se bleb, country and oily ritembants are re apontht_Cpinvited m exasaisat b 3 lAood an,a•sp,43.. ..--.-. 130uP/SATIMR/S11.11". IHAVE, thls day, assoczated watt the Arr. 11. Clouse, fu the Wholesale Gtorery and Produce Warne.; the Style of. the Elll2lwill be A.-Cathettson &Clouse. . [431 A. CULIIERToON C171.111/1110151 [I. H. rv.cst.v. A. CULUARTSON a CLOVBV., IA7IIOL.E3ALE GRUCtaizi or.il COMM./BICH Mer- T ef.nuu , Dealart in Fr.vducei ued Piloburgli eruelee. IV:. Liberty tt. Ets,Vtrgli, Ea '153 I tvLOUR—.4O bits extra finally, for ioile np oi•V:i A CULIJEWESON it. CLOUSE 1 ,1 HEAT IC L,e.irack, for tate oy ll 0c23 A CULUEHTIVON ft CLOUSE Thuirt.-7f.'took, received sir vale by ' VV seifS ' A CULVERT:rJN A - . eLOUSK Alp•cca 14 4 [poLp Lop ill PHI of Fell Liccory, incla unit Drab rind Mee: Cat , . n ert I, AlP.ccne. Spri4 11., Ce. °EIS Walsh Flans els. AtUBP Ilyk of; Ift'tIFILLLP iu.Le.the PArliGll.l, attention. of buyer, In their .sugleflor .look of 01.0,e good., giving t 0 moot. gatigfaerfon on oceount of their vothm loLIc gueoliog.. • _ oegn Vsts• Family Flour. AFRESH supply of the Poland Mite extra Family Flour, It vat, acme antete. loet teed for ease hy A IlliLlltliTBON A. CLOUSE.: uu'Y tas Itittr.rte ' Ha tainton CalatCU Flaintaele MURPHY It LIU deIIPIELD bare eeeelve.l a .r.p 01 of above ..po dor aret .e. wet •- • • Bard Y etVl•nual• / - %F Ten bHidsotas palter. •nd I.eight crawl He'd an cum cc MEKPH oeTI ? AHOY PRP...IV-10 cuesPIHH. Mernirturk, Crebeez t'pro,stte'H (lyle. •0.1 Filo! mar.3l¢,mnriel. June cwentoz, tor try tHACKIX WHITE Wooil 1 )UTTER-7 at,., fwe artier feifauddiTaTe. pas' P received, dad I' ..le by binliVFß da BARNES, 13., ea lad fecund N. - prime, JObt ree'd cat co -11/ cat, and to, ...!e NIILLER 'I:FTSON Ltbrtly a B pval;t), for ease or 051 1 1 .7. 41 . ft Y e al . l' , Loc. cll tr 1 11 Satlv_i'tiyarlat ITILE_ CHEESE - Ift bas Cream, Jun rred for %%to by Yell( I, 1 t% HASH/a qf BlrrrE/1-77 be1.. , R,Y.1 Ld.trf; 7bi I •••.tol do, full lending for bolo 'd y ",71 if o. W HANDAL/MI DLANE. L. t'f.7-4 db;eo4ifocebtOOliii., -- iiii .10 . 10:10 1 "!. L. lof 731 If I EP / - 1 EN rt.}:33Erfs Ileary bilk Ire. and I.revorof t, I_T lu tine ble.loo 110, . de Sunny du; da Plant and runt Silt Cravats. Fine Stine; Collars, and Duo.; set, Canon, and Minuted Kauende, i today Kee becuing Caw :>, Pith ad Flannel Renew, Hun. nelti, Padden.; IY arid Linen Ps ctetildkbi Wow and Bulutni (gores, Peter Kid and Silk Mover; scans, Columns, and Madan; . RIO tccenvaa and for uie FAH EAToN d/lotinh NL rrEll-22 pkgs fush,l,..st rci eirdd 'by ...VS 0: UN ,V, MccANIILF.S.9 k AnDilal.-1U Lcl, Ao 1, an 4.4,e 17 , . 1..; i SeilutONNl‘ d &Ett & co pct. - "1 LL o st -, —...._ • t jU. 00'7 WICK & ftIeCANDLEtI As gym . • ou, ecTrii.le Itt6eC., At I cK eli DLE 99 uriiu,du eta lot ..du S VUN Boz.Nirlisrec co BbUUM* 7 -ilib labb tor baba by . " 17 tSI Li F inONTVIIOR.t•T k CO tas Lot sate.b7 • oel7 8, F VON lIONNIIOS-.T &CO I Z1Pti 71 1vea..3714 7 .•:71 , :7543 - 1 - .. , :er , y suer a, <atm Winlar Boomed Ppe.r.s 00, to; CT common d0,.;a10 Na I Mater Scrainad Lord uil. 041 • S , 7OeCLUTIO a. CO DOWDES-1.100 kepi • ceal • J 8 LILWUR7IIA C.. 11811ARIa, • boad, Ml' tale ny 6CHOONaI 5141 t a. Co °eHf t tin 41 Wood street vs ....Yard, ort.o, and 711 Wood et., ooh and se. ttyl unperm. 'amain) Cs rc,etr, duvet ham the iranOrteat and manntaentoda.,•thleh7lB be old et redneed prier. • % I ' Pella viLt ran - L.3—s bap Ry Panthers' ree'd per 5 li • Flnanelar, and for sahaby ocll4 JASIMI4,III.ITOSISON b Co IcIIINIId/LEE.N-4 keg. for dole by con* •J teCHPflanki AKIRA a. Co , 1 a'n '1 011^1,1:.--)il DAIL. teal to, mp by , 1 4 -.11 - ' . lniurr, - .roxEsa co VicaD—z , kcsa No I, tee' r aalliby7 .-•- As Doll / AID:IS7ONRS &CO km On•PAßD—Colesnan'aPap — aillaeV in In a/gal/mated, audio aal_s by . atilt B A FAIINEBTOCKACo 4. I ' cubs Brliiktel4, SZfillipt, in sat. ' 4 IoIIotBROWN k. KIRKPATRICK TTOOTH,baIIeBRO-4lno 1VA,0114 aidolo and styles, Woo:BA and Bo tali By - • unte • . • BA. PAleadmaCK P. CO CASTILt BOAP-410 bast= tee% and for We by ows• • it B PRLLERS • croxl JW100,47r,"&" c ,b 7 * S • MUM=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers