The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 07, 1850, Image 1
VUOLANIIED UV W HiTE..& CO. as ar . ,lrl lA anai. aktrt7: I.l‘ .r.srou*, unlit. 511 W?, KIST DOOZ TO Daily p. -•-• • PC7 Um 71•1•Weet •Y • 2 ,00 " Wee2l2. In advance)— •—• 2,00 '• Do. o CLL., ID • nxl•eii rms.: lta7 cal OP ii.OVEILTISINICIj AGREED UK/N. - 21V TI C P/TT198,1a116111 PURRS. Oar rano le,(lniance ofNonparellor lees) one One Sour re, each esididonal ineertion• • • 0,23 Os two preek.e..---- • 340 Do three week, .-.• 4,03 Do one month.--.-• • On torn tuenthe - ---- , ---• 7 . 00 1.31 three monthe...• --..•- 9,00 bo. lour months • -.• 10,00 la. Wr monthip•-• 12,00 Do. twelve monthe.... .• 10 10,,00 Standing Card to lines or lees„) per ennum• 00 One dernme,Chengeable stpic•sUre (per au. . 1 10trelliatilfe of the paper-----• tj,oo For each odditionol square, Inserted overarm month auo for 05th additional square inserted uuderthe year. 17 rues, half prize. Advent/temente exceeding • Nuare, and not over fifteen line., re be charged ae n acre and a bale Publishers not accountable (to legal advertisement. tieyand the ernount charged for their publication. A.minerng mend/dams for office, to Le charged the same at tuber udverusements. Advertlmments not marked on the copy for a Speci fied number of inwrtione, will Le mandn.d 62,1214 and paytncel erected accord, Tire PliTileges of Teeny' rOverueers awn La confined rigidly to their regular hum....,..aniLail other advent Ileemeute not pe to their regular Moine., as •greed tar, in pe rtaining paid extra. All advertisements for Charitable casts ions fi r m mpanicr, ward, township end other public meeting., ...Oilier., to he charge.' tally dee, payable enietly advance. Alarnitac emirs. to Le charged 60 cents. Death mums inserted without charge, calms aroma. panted by - funeral invitellon. or obituary notices, and when in Iltel.apallled to he 'mid for. - Reecho advenisen, and all other. tending tomcat.. of mfiniring station, designed ID tall tuna don to Fair e, *m oen, Concerts, er any public enter. telraments, here charges are made for admittance nit_,ttotioes of Prom, associations-every .notion de em:led to Cal/ attention m pnrt tr enierpruies tUrtle led or Intended to promote intimidate' interest, tan on ly be Inserted with the .derstanding that the um° Ism be paid for. If Intended to he inserted In the lo cal column, the name will be charged at the ram of not Ina than 10 cents per line. Illehop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern License Petition,. it elm/. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at fall emcee Real Estate Agents' and Asetioaccral advertise. Ments not to Le classed under yently rsteNtier to be .hawed dircoent of thirty three nod one thodper cent from the amount of Wile. • . 110-WEICZT DI D 411.7 PAM. One Severe, three la renlons.•— • -OH 66 Do. each edditionat intenlon• •. 37 CL1M1031010311,5 Isrearearr Tam Out Banere,lll) one,truiertion--50 eta. All Do. each additional nmenlare....= transient advertisements in be meld advenee. WHITE 0 CO. Gazette: 1.. HARPER Poo.. M.VIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. DARK In CO, Chronicle. FOSTF;II DROTIIEB, Dieparch. JOS. SNOWDF.N, Mammy. ttIRAAI JAMP-ol IV. BIDDLE, American. KAINE, Evening Tribune. Frorestmon, nee. 1. 1 lea CARDS. JOHN.A. PARKINSON, A L O l M lL rl f .snd'NV2r.:l7 . ril Mt:sr p ' rtsa b pilr! tandod to. =4 0! ALEXANDER A. WATSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Otrace, Fourat goat 11above Wcon. DAVID O. TOTTLIC, AI I TORNEY AT LAW, ond Poonsylvonia, Bt. Loul., No. tiorancrOontior, rromptiy anowored. 0ct23.17 JAMES F. }Luna, A TTORNEIrAT LAW—,CH4e Ptn Fonnh greet, XX between Simlnfield arnl Grlnnt, a sbnrin. JOHN A TTORIKEIi and Coon.llor n K Law, and Commis Wooer for the State of Formai...Ma t St. Louie Me., Hato of Pittaborah.) Haterenert —Pittsburgh Hon. 55. Forward, Hamp tan & Miller , NVCandlest & McClure, John El_ Parke, "&tstella & Semple, MrChrt re Kir.a. ouglf -IF BIDWELL CO., FORWARDING BIREICIIIAR TB Marg.; Pa. (Bositi's F 4 1 Port Office.) Having permanently leic,le.l at .W 1 place, • en aul substantial Wharf Boat, we lee prapared to en — Delta and forward promptly to all point. on the dyer and Sandy and Beaver or Ohio Canalv. B a Co. Olga. ow Jane ls.—leld U. la GALIT..• • -• ..... 4. Cosemaii. O. I. U P D00‘0.20...-- --stault zaaatarr. rfaiIGALEV, woomvenn s CO, Wholesale On eery, No 221 Morket 41, Philltdelphiii. ap4 Pittsburgh Alkali Works.. BErisitrie B b E 4 R P Y O tr ke O n!r tri 'f lut " . 7 " l .. B", acid Aci Z, o h o se No —, de tier street, ue e lo S •r uj e h e ' rg, n 0.151-15 , Predertek • man. Steered Reiter. BRAUN tr. REITER, %Choirs.le and Read Dreg. lagi corner of Liberty and Ss. Clan streets, Pnts Pasts, . apt CRIr. I on A re alm a ., e gt r 173717 Ptb=.> OKA T, Wt.,tondo fi rote , Conrad...3n and . Forwarding NI erob ant, No. 411Wiwor id.. Ira Hersey • • Andrea.Ell:name If K. flouting lIERSZY. FLEMLIPrO di CO.. CCOMMISSIONERCII ANTII —For the rale n( Do mestio.Woolen, and Collar Good, a 100, deuers sn all /Linda of Tolima' Trimmtn...7r. No 10 Wood at, 4th door from Fdth,Tittrburgh. Reference—Km". Wm. A. k Co, Banker.. 14.22 BAIRD dr. Coaanssiori MERCHANTS nod nil/ proton No 114 Second Brett, Putsbolah. nor n. annular,. . J• 11 2 .). Eng.112.6:1. d poej EN # G &at,,,E7 l ,:grT,oe'e(i" b=Co .) erebants, and dealer Produce and Pin. ansfaztures, No. 77 Wood et, between ed and Sd streets nett Wier - 0171. - FaßriardriV; FORWARDING COMMIS:3Imi MERCHANT No 112 Second qt . ligpt. mai aolumx — isTirammo 1rk17.7 a. riva..roa ty R. W. POINDICITICR i CO., ENERAI.COIIISIIRSION ikod FororarOing 'Mot elms and Fiala Deolors, No ?Al Market ~reel,Q l/delphi. iT2I TOBACCO L CDU M B ICSHAOORE & CO I NTS. No. 4 North IVeter Street & No. In North Wharree A. J. Dcri.v.e. i PHILADELPHIA Deere Heet' e f D. C. hlcCrattrot I J. A. Weasel ( tar H . LLT., (soccer:or forl itrphf , .4.17ee,) Wer4 - ,1 Deal L0u.,!,.. and YeTs u lteny h , l o e p ' po . t a L ' lg r e. l . b. ;AT?. a. A. KART. 1. /021113. Coi HARDY, JONES & 00., littoceauira to Atwood, Jones k. thaws,dealt. C a in Ci f e l n tba ni rttohn Md nu F f or c a t r u a r d n G Ne d' - , iiiittaburth, Montt A (sem - awn SO SAMUEL C. HILL.,) rhIPORTER 4. Dealer In French and American Pa l. per Hangings and Itordera, Window Shades, Fire Board Prints, ke. Also—Wrltinr, Printing and Wrap " I street, between Fourth 511001 ' l l YStame r tii ' n o lle. ' ;, ‘" tee ' S; side, Pittsburgh7Pa. rebl3 PI.T•PSI3UII.OI.I GLASS WORIES. OliN Co late of ate fornt er Qtambers,Ag. J new it tomes and the potato renerally, that he minutia ooe. time. to cony on Its green Glass battiness, in all vastedee, nod to torpared to halal orders for Apothe etriest Furniture Minerals, Portent Viols, to.. rte., Errtlantn; to his ' business. Ills warehouse is No 21 market lareet,lvtneen Fast Yr Second rte. jr.14,13m :145MnlEttrelTILTOT,IVtroletotle latarKistanr — rd - eW.. ea Sc In Dye Atoka, Paints, 0111, Vornither, i Ae, No. t Wood-otrect, ono door Sarah of Damond Alley PlttanarTh. npd DATZ. F.: GTI - N roecr, Comigussrul Merchant, and dealer in Prodo•e and Pitttbstrah aranstfactures. Non' Water nt. Pittaborrd. ape Uaian Inctit. Stolltla Wet., rit, ISAIAH DICDDY A CO., Who'male Grocers. Com mission Mmet.ants, and dealers In Produes,Noa..l2l suer. and 11 , 7 Front wee% Plttaharrh. boob DitZr - Orth.—...--....—Joseph Dilworth. J 5. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Grocers, and • Agents/a: Its mod Powder Co., No. 27 Wood at, Vlttabargh. IM dnbf INThrYtAVN2RND7Draggist and ApotheearY J • N 0.43 Market et, three doom above Third at Pine burgh, will have eonctantly on hand a well selected as moment of the best and freshest Medminos. which ha will sell on the Rion reasonable terms. Physician Modio42 4 2 den Promptly attended to, and mg. pliad with artiele: l they may tw il l as genuine. ass9 i 2Phd:are"Vber a '" th ' s n renV:tek7s, " ar: r o n giforol ha y or r.leht. Lion for sale, • I aria stock of trash and good Ports mere. Ist2 John Ward. Richard Fiord. J& R. FGOFP, «hokrale Groecra, Camcniscinn i Merchant, and Dealers In Pro4n-c. Round Church rharlincr, fronticia on .J.lberty, Wood and Sixth streets, cluabotra, up 4 Uttti. . :7hfiehixonur to lieaeeraod the lwtea —OR 3 the eernrr o - ter mod Smlthietd as Inn:* jSItSR - . HUTCHISON, Lewis Hutchison S. Cts, Commission hl,rehantr laid Agents of Pm St. Pon, Rotatory Na 4.1 water and 02 front stYeats,llltsburxh. taut ez, HOO ,N A KIm7S. J _No fi Wood street. Pittsburgh. a, afk. - LLOR, larlsoltsale aad gaud de J is Mnsia and Makealiastrmaitits, fkhool Roofs', raper, Slater, Sir el Pam, Wils, hinters' Cards, sn lostionsry asnrrolly. No. 81 Wood et, Pittsburg.. it7 . l‘ors Smolt or tolron in trod. soul. E To: FIELD, (late of Warren, Otoo,) Cowan. ten and For wardlog breietaili, and wholesale sever In Weatern Reterro Cloacae, Bailor, Pot and PrCi Ash, mud Woltern Produce generally. Water a net, berme n Smithfield and Wood, Pittaburgh. „ . 44 pig b JONES. Forwarding &ordeal:mannikin Ater theta., Deak i n in Predsea sad Pinabarsh aura sinew/id articles, r'runil Basin, near TL at. spa PiN■ MILL. PITO/SOIIODIr PA. 14VNEEDV CHILDS 3 CO, Maltese/wen, .171 .4 7:1 , 1414 &iv cling, Cum Clot Como EL, O. ■TOOKTOS, kATE Toitastesi Stockton, BOOTS =RE, STA ir ii i 4U KINTZB Att "Xliff ~:~~~~ •e~~. TIE PITTSBITRGII DULY BUSINESS CARDS. . , Pittsburgh City Glass Works. W. CUNNINGHAM a ca, ILTANUFACTTRERS OF WINDOW GL A SS. GI No 26 Fa_ Alatket attest, between First and Second, Pittaburgit, De EParticular attention paid to odd sixes. Also, lr era In FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, be. w. cantrourrlas, tLr636ua• D. crintmona at. D.,IIOMS. Win. Miller, Philad. C. W. a Ricketson Pinsburgh. pl I LL t i s 6 ; or 174 and IN, comer or Ltbrity , and /twin street. rills- Nem Pa. Iron, Nails, Conon Yams, Or. eon. gamily on hand. apt 11,,reGILL£1 . ROE, Wholesale Croce re and Commis, J3/1 sion fderchants, No IN Liberty 84 Pittsburgh ap4 PIWART=Ti STEEL WORKS—Mirb SWUNG atm fon. AND AXLE FACTORY. men it. 40111g11 IijrANUFACTURERS of spring and Wham autal, plough steel, steel plough wings, mach and clip Re Wrung., hidnmeted Iron axles, and dealers in anal leapt° casfings, fins engine isuapandeonch trimmings generally.corner of Ross and Front at.., Pittsburgh, feta; „1„Tg7.7. LP/0.71 Old Levee et, N Orleanckrep constantl on hand a large assortment of Brandies of O. [OH y M brands, which they offer for nal,. agents for J. Durand & ON Bordeaux, Nu 11 .41 N, J. Maud, J rand & Co, Larne hello, IlDurana, CoNtan, A de AL Imo, A L. Dleville, A de Mondore, Tem Lon* 0., te; alto, !maw OM, Bordeaux Redand White Wit. In rads and canes,selected with care by John Darand Irlas; besides Chantpagno Wino and Barnet Bargundy Pen. .., tIOLMS3 &SON, No 35 klarketah second door ALI s (tom corner of Poorth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hills of Exchange, ContEcates of Deport; Bank Notes and Sped.. irreoleledone made on all the prinelpal Clues lit'Eth. q . .__lL . A d l i ......________ . _ . iin 191. opprapktte fLatalbtlaluat a. 10FpoW.A.I. Sel.pllCXltl,l4l,lniTlTlL:nt,d:ppOeiLGAte. heads, Shoran's, &belt?, thrcainnal caftl'Klicktine Drawings, Bruton. and Visiting Cools, thc.,enaraved or drawn on atone and printed in color., Gold, Bronze or Black, in the moot approved style, and at the moat ,vssolmble once. octrady TitIODIN.c . , a Lth. VAS r and Piushurgk. Wbolesala Groceo, Produ c e ; and Otrumiseion Marehants, and dealers in PittOtlrg, MCILIfiI.O urea apIT iFNOM 1.1111507, TIM. ISM-. BAWL IL LOHITCOP. ilun'r /400 BE, Wholesale Grocer, ItectaitTiTur ° Distiller, clavier In Produce, Pittsba rah ltlartufar rorioLlT I all r k i Td i a l of Foreign and Donrssta, Wines rty HR.. 0. 1 132.nd a very zrrg:l Itti . :ik of superior old alononitahr t vs - usher . tit 1_2_11,, be LI j l o w -• Z. lirrAcoLl)s, - DETNOLDS & sum Forwarding nnd commie er once. t u rrit u et . kuuen:: (go':l'nurltnuiriuus"[:Yriltt,utuit'aTua'runc: istres,aal Chloride of Lime. u The Mellen price, In emelt, pud at nil times for cowry rapt. Comer Penn sad Irwin its sal 9 IDOBETIET FigtiELLT -7-l iViTs - ste Crocers, _la Coma:anion Merchants, dealers in Produce and rttlabarglt Mean/an:arm, Liberty street, Pittsbesrp, H. A. OUNMIDOGitibT; • WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding and Commission erchant, Wan //ruler Piths Pat Mannfactarcs, No ay LibertY Pittsb!, Pa U - S. G. 118.A.LXIT. lIIOa-S, ILACk;LETT I Tholesals Deuiers WratZgiti In rtib rdlt.Dom"'"'Y " rWf rijniqUWAVi - ior - gagetintiis, - IL 7 era in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwardig and Commlsaion Itterehunts, 145 Fast - street a n,l 10_8ettiml street. Fittabiantr_ Sf• SWAIM, ITRIscsOIL 11211,1 D ELLEIRS & MCOLSPredne• and General oa - tn: Merth4.l4 ND. 17 Liberty 'street, Psns bostria. Itpenn, Linseed and Lard Oda. apl.7 F VO7 1301 hitiC0 — , - liiholeaale Gro testsclfstiPrilnbrda4 and ?grt4-1. e,;tt ft:dace, have ismored to their new warehottho, lord staxtd,V Ne0..30, corner of Front street and Casneerr ane. • - aoasis s HAWORTH. TEA AN.D WINE MERCHANTS, esst side Diamond, rassbarsh. • aucr- n assarant.l 2 1 / 8 :1E11 BEIRIVER 4 seantme. WHOLESALE GROCERS, PrOduse andlArssetitnan littrakants, .had Scalers la Pittsburgh tlanufsetured Arusles, Nos. 130 and 132 Second street. BeisreenWoodisSmitheeld.±4lSttril. ass/ mu. waxy.) , Irma NVIXSOIL JOBB WATT & CO., WHOLESALE 'Grocer., C061111.111/406 MG h gad Sealers/et eroduce and Sttatargif'Attnme.: fat tires, SIO Liberty at., PnisbargLl. ra. segie. FiDoll=l"cirdi - iialc - o Ealialy; - --",- 2,0 bet s Superfine; ID brill Sine,arriving, and In gaie by . . scot. • • iittiNVN A EIREPATRICES BAIRD i IRVIN - WOULD inform me public, they hay° taken te, h forwerly oee.pied by the late M n Solomon&honer, 114 Second street Havin. a and consmodwas warehouse, they would iiretw Incc th: _ventioßprinrsoDs having goods to conrigr t or .are. 2 1 14,7,, , m 1 Vr a. FAio o u n t d , :lo . n to the porch.... and sale nag? L. S. Waterman- • R. N.: Wam 'man . • W . It. Ot'aterman L. S. {WATERMAN & SONS, WHOLESALE GHOCERS e Commission and Foy o lUe.t ' gt ‘ t i gfufhltiatt "' ara . ctor d tArt licie,'"::dloAloPocnoti for &Ls of Edmond and Lynchburg manufactured Tobacco. -- • WM. TIM ATTOWLET AT LAW, 8a11..., Pa WILL alio' attend to collect.ons and all other um acte entrusted whine to Ruder and Arnaatreng caintles, Pa. Refer to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty at. W. W. Wallace, do Imes Marshall do / entaharsh al, gay& CA, Wood a. 1 /on, JOHN NeVADICK it CO., rOGWARDIN k COMMISSION hIERCIIANTS, Canal Dula , Penn saves, Pittsburgh. rarS _JAHNS H. DAVIS t 00., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 2^7 Market, and SI Commerce ac, Philadelphia_ Advances made, by ebbe, of the above, ea cc/ele meats - of Produce to either liouse. J.O 'Williams • -- • - ---John Harr .1. D. WILLIAMS de CO, WITLESALE tr. RETAIL FAMILY GROCER?., ry Forwarding mid Cmission Mechant., and dealers in Connery Produce om and Pittsburgh r Manufac ture., corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. mr2o Wm. 11. a.rikvoy. WU. 11. 'WILLIAMS & BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North atm corner or Wood sod Third arrant,. Jaol MEIN 0. CO 501.•2, ttnn,, lIAG Al2l. AI. 11AOALE? & CO, Who'elude Grocers, IS TT and 20 Wood street, FlOstonfib. opt] • SOHN D. ' DAVID D'CDNOLOS. ICK k Id I CANDLESS, isaccuaars to L & J. G. WickiLWbolcaale Grocers, Forwarding and Ission nierehantr, dcaltra in iron, :Sails, Yarns, and Pawn rash Manufactures general ..., of Wood and Water &vont., Faisberah. a n t? tArWholeyald Sower', • Ree.tifying ond Wine and Loper Slere haat. Aleo—lmporterr of Soda Aiih cod Bietteh log Powder, No. WO Liberty aireet, ioyporite Sirth streey Piuttotryb. 1,7 IX I W - WiLsON. Watches, Jewelry, Silver 4 aro TV and Milnarr Good.. comer of Mort, Fourth meat. Pitsibaryh, P. N. 8 . - Web. . Cloaks earefolty. an 17 ma 1,007111. W JOII 1., N lYta:C' De".. Lea t h d. c bnyilt ee T k MOGI. DeCitictizaN. LAT & 31,,cirrcHTA3N, Wholeanle Grocer., TY dealers in Pralne, fron, He , Giese, Irnd Menufaeturs generally, Liberty street.— POPlugh. inni7 O .PALT — HMaIIP. IHAVE taken IV3I. GARB Into permenhip with I, me hi my Muffles., which will from this date ha tarried on ntaller the name or "Joh n Parker Co.” March laultt,so. JOHN P ARKER. John Cam JOHN PAILKELL t WU!tools Grocers, Dealers in Prodace, Foreren ' Wines Liquor., Old IVionotegedeelo and Reert‘lod Whitkry, No. 5, Comilereiat Roe, Liberty amt., tor Pitutbargh. P - - - PiIiTICRIAN !ALMS. 105/P. EMI!, W. a. flax PALLE:MX, TIAN NA ihr (Gaceessors to Hasse7, HUM. k Col BANKERS, EXCHANGE 11110XERS, and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchnexe, Certificateo of Deposit,e flank Notes, and Specie—North wet corner of wood and Third streets. Correct money received on deposite.—Sight Checks for KASE, •. collections made on newly all the pemetpal pouin the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and A me n., /I Gold. Advance. made Oh Collll‘ll2lllllllll of Produee, ship ped Env, Tol liberrartmus. out, fl S. 31,'CLU2C(.1 ( 040 u WK. A. at , CL Ulla & CU., GROCERS AND TEA DEA LEES No .K.OB Li &rig strrst, a&rre Wood, Have always un hand • large assurtment of Groterlevand Fine Teas; also, Foreign Frusta and Nu% Wholesale and llcwL Dealets supplied on the lows.r rerun mn•l CliaMIS WO/LUX JOSEPH D. ABELL., MANUFACTURPR OP GREEN GLASSWAR Vials. Daudet, and Fluke, Porter, Eteriteh A ,e, Mineral Waxer, Patent bledieln ,e . and %Vine Roulet of every description; also, WINDOW GLASS. Seeps constantly on hand general userunent 'of ' l° 0 .•• totieles. ALSO STATE, es the o th er Green Glass Poeuniecere eta mores, es is the 0061041 in sannaer, Tao Funny t. NOW to nu, orearrion, sod eentbutean operation both summer and winter. Orders respectfully solicited, tinj will be Idled on the shoran notice. .Wareboath. No Second street, between Weed "1121"11Tit iS 11 1 1 211EifiltL ll' "'Y QAUL. P. SHRIVES' and CHAS BARNES h.. 17 amof this Sh day assuelated th emselves toge th er, ender the rives Sams. for the transaction of the Wh'44.l°G.:4ll,Predstee. andeomminton baud. Mk al Second street, between Weed and S.lltield st. Pinang 0.4 • 1 WA—se.* WOOL I WOOL I Tire =mutat patella Cuh , r illbe pal (or grad. of Wool by tyl6 mean ti It. VI _ ~___,..,___________ AUG)r HAPtIiTOCZ f.: MISCELLANEOI 1=0:1:1222131 VOI.IRTII STREET, PITYSIIIIRoIi, PA. noignibeetit exiablielonent brine now ta en. ' Lewd and toady for bortneel,the proprietor lreuld respectfully goLleit a share at the public. rviilrrA ,, ,fr Did trusts by giving his full ot,rutsr a to the business. to make the house a pleasant eel comfort/dile ft.IL for the tittle= of Pitutough no.l for the eocultry generally._ • Ooodeatterulanta will le in walling, and every ex cellent made. to render the estuhfishment worthy fiie eenntensnee and lin pport of an intelligent community The TWO SPACIOUS 1/ALI,S, fitted ring,,te• Coneens, Lecture, thane, and puhlie nie be let by the evening or week, on n• terms s• any other in the tilt. The EAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and beauty to any In the world, will he kept itanislied with Pore tSioes, Choice Llquors, Cordials, Poiters. Alex, mini! the cool, light,reireehments of the school,. served up Poultry In the , Game,' t Fish, Sono, Clysters, srul (hems, E t style. The DINING and ICE CltßAhl SAI,CON. being on the first floor. and easy of aecess;will e...ntly napped with all the Laaariee and Delie•etcs of the season; and also,wititsnch enlistanhals ns the murky. afford. Boardadr by the day, weak, Of r,gr. Pother. Sayper, (or Indivldeall4 or pantie, feromltrd nn e 6. I. G . e . n o t i = G e ntlemen h , lei m a i Lam .„ : , l 4 i c a l ; , t 1 : , ,, I , t . t . o n / .. , t h u e , , e , ii.,a.. bait of the oay. Good StelLant; and an extenatar Livery E.tabltaL meat la connected with the Gall Dinner at I o'clock Breakfast :AIM Tea at the uaual hoar.. Entrance for Letlie• IO the leo Cream and num. Salmto, No f Smithfield ...eel. Jfitithdti K II VAN RENO.. FLA ER 4. alarmism...l-, ea.] to. avitareml.r, in . . • • A• WESTERVELT & SON, WI•_LL KNOWN EENITIAN BLIND MAKERS order th best article IT:Xenia: n et' ti rot ra!!a e n •'l ° , No. 17 ii Clair street, alto, at No:fd Market street, strand story etttraner , In the Dierriond Weelean Nhannr. made • order, and rid blonde meetly repaired aple W. de J. GLENN. Book Ihndora. NVOare oldlettgaged in the whose bostnes.. rorge f Wood and Thad street., in We too prepared ta do any work 1.4 nor hue tol', patch. AV< Kneed to oar work personally, end sato faction will be given in regard to im neatness and do =batty. Mani. Books ruled to 11,y pallor 4 boo" cn , atanual.y. Book in narnbet sor old book• som.d rue Italy orrepaired. Natnate put on books gth truer. Those that bare work in nor line me troy tied to Cal . prices low . Penn Ilacttlxi• 6hoys. UWIGHT:SAN—Mona thetorer of all loads of rot . ton and wooden machtttery, Allegheny cut The above works sting now ut full awl sorry...hi t.;. oration, ant proposed errxesate ohms wok di..ortrh for all kmds of machinery in ley bur , molt a. molly pickers, .preaders ads, gvindlng neutrin.. tailors..., drawing - frames, speeders, thmasils, 1001., woolt, earde.donble °mule, for merrliantokrountry work, mues,Atoks,roo.; stole mod hood lAthr. nll.l tool. In gels ltal. All kinds of sholllng made to aide , Or p 1.,. giv• an fee rtartng fartoriee or rotas Cl Istmoilohle. Moshe. /1.1.1 TO—Keppedy ChLids k Co Illook.tork. roll At. 0.1 Pennnelr A BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QuEENswAnt m A N LIFACTURERS, _ - Birmlngham, [a•ar Plitsburgb,l Of., No. .37 Wa, sr,' barmen 1111,In and Woad, Pauli-1,06. • iirWILL contiantly t rep on hate s geo.l as... atent oi Ware; of oar ewe ma ententurr i Sad euperiar guainy. Wholrsele end reentry Alen chants ate resperifelly invitr, te cell ..1,11, Lame far themeciera, as we are iirterrilined LI .e❑ h”per then has ever belays Leen elem., ta lb. 1 01 , ie. I(G . Orders !Rant by omit, eceompenied thr o reference. will be promptly amended to uiti BLEW COACEI FACTORY, 41.1...atterlf 'lf . A WHITE t CO, syncl reepedtfdily infattn tte pubhd mat teddy ntean-d Lactott, Peter,. Puleattl und •Snetnti•ty . n., are now tneklnet and ate otnp.ttni tn tr,ntdd , f t every dreettpllon of ye/Intl., ( . .Idbntt. ll.estnt round.., Doggie,,Hannan,wk.: tt not. Ittett long eatntnener in Ine innnutenturetnftr d stoat- tttork, end the idc tt tt , t , c, the r Ire!, tti nt. t . are enabled to do , tar. - . on :Le reattott.nte wilt. then v. - nonne itriotn , In 11,r t• Yartne rerurnlng audnbon In tete cc dd. I tan al mate- Claim, and artvinfraena ant eaMprient a . t.rlattell, Lane on hteennnott an warranttne Melt ttt , tti titerefare est the etteanon of the panne id natter N . B Repurlng done id Ma beet manner. on ine mart retto.aaab term.- 4...1 if/1 , SCAISE: & ATKISSON, PiA cm, scl,rust Wnoo .1211 , Man., riaNTINUE to niaootiactarc all kid. 01 COPP FR A.../ TIN AND Sticrr IRON IV ARV A • Vitt auenli D c.a. I Steam Botta Lunt to rats Sprat. attention Q, ten to titan, Ltial Have on hands a hay aasontuentof I.4ad 1,I• Kattles,'Pan Ware, do. &a ha. tar.Lant ext. PartaLle Forger, •artous marea—• vary -r •a Vela Car inearnbonts arn . Calaaortna e.sugrunts. or , r.ts.l o com men would re.pertnalr lavas assault hot. .0.. n ttn.r others to tall and see oar :nine, an.l Itet,a ,lurrhastat el searha re It Wroaght sod Cast Iron blailliag. iliEsubacribera b,r, leave to Infant, , be tOnt they have obtained from the Fart all the bate und • . . r 'KU inP (c. tlioll4ble LIVI;f7101.1(ton bort tor Pen, az,'• . to pro, are band. yam e patlerr.a nlll p:eape e‘ll end and ludtr furl Lemalves liethlng trill 1, , Corniabe.l at tli , sNory eatsnore, n.l in the be.t manner. et en.,! and Reber', vtresta, Ml.:phew/ nut 11 , 111 A CANII,NI . 4, E D EUS leave to inform frunds and east,,o,. •, Et Le it 'vst receiving his new I , pring Ito,k , eorar Re tiatial. all the newer! and mu. tastoon •hic .evle of Cloth; Catiouroema, fan,. lon and lit en stammer and ererT• an,. lot gentle. co, wear for rpm; and ' , lonia, It be tag iinpoaatble to ed the bearity,,ality. quantor or the ',tett . the propnetor hope , KU who tor ,“ wa,.l of good,fashionable, un.l we!! to4lo cothe., Will di e hit l eat?. an Mere t. no pto,:k •t,le of the Alit ghellill'a Lot Can C.nporn wllll ,t. The ready tot •dadeparti,er, .1 very estenrir tea to all tastes. • Hall road rot tractors, chewy ruer, !rah), who parehate It rirely, etc particaterip meth,: re rcii amine the track bedside purehastne, a• particeler aL- Vntion is paid to the whieletnie batatieat e.itti- Irthatcht. • Every crock ic the totlortne lire wale to onset in the coo?? (acheou able and keel nmon,r. et the ai _ _ 131:111213 THE parsership heat fore esirnaer vafer Ste firm of A & C BR ADLF.Y,Im deer., of Mr. C liradley. The besmear earned or. fly A Bradley ,who atll scifie the 1 - .ostne“ of the bar farm. REMOVAL—A EIIMMAri ha• removed has Wood Warehouse fiotn N o 11 2 Second aim< t. lo•No IL Wood street, between First sad Second sOceo,n lb. wary house lately occupied by 1: A Berry, a. here he will heap oonitantly on band a general atsnruzetaoi Cam. hos, Grates, Clover. Cooking Stoves, kr /Tl 3 8 dI AJELUILL cKELV V. Nl ANt rrAcraßra OP CAST STEEL., and No. I nnd No. 2 Arndt/ono El!lslet Steel. alto—ltrgt Cast Stet , Vilna, of all Kizer; and 111.tandth and Slit, Raps, alertt7 a on hand and for sale, other at ht. "En gle Steal Work.," Wlltua ' , treed, Fifth Ward. or at tot. ortee In We Iron Store of BOLLAIANS 6 G.O tIRI. PON, No 4,M00t of Wood parent. Patt.tho rot , . ntedi-dln C/ISAWLAIL We, the underti[ned, huvrne ti.etl, vent enure zet lotfactlen, the , Cast Steel und Fr:es made Samuel 111eKelvy. at hie Kagle Steel Works, 3o t6r , mty,t.e ple.ure in rernmmending them an equal In geol., to Nuty ever used by us, of (Arm:, , rittaborrh, hlureh G k / II SIIOF:NEERG PSi & Cr), Mr,/lactorery of !rem and Nails, P”.1,1, - Kh, Pa TuTTE:q. Iron Founders:Lad KNA rI w P Pitt•burch. Pa COLEMAN, ILAILAIAN Oil, Mullanelortry of Springs, Azlal,Ernng 'beep and PtTburrh, Pa. F & W 51 1'AIllf.51: Engine finicler• and Matibsue Card 51 autifacin• rem Pittsburgh. P. A ruLmN. Brum Founder, Pittsburgh, IT URAFP,LINMAV & CO, Manufactnrer• of Iron and Nail. Pittsburgh, Pa . JOSEPH iomuNsorc Laieunintire Engine and Ship Duilile.Pittibiurrh, Pa Kushle Manufarvrer, Mariano and En WA giLLACE ne Rudd raril9 rr. Painburgh. I. Dissolution of Partnership. 'FRC Partnership heretofore eming Getweer. the I. subscribers, under the firm of t Chamber., Ammer. & Co., Glum Manufacturers_ war dict:lived by mutual kconsent. on the first day of July, instant. All perions nowinr themselves intletued to •atd firm am emitter: ed to make payment to either of the parum, tnthout delay, and .11 person. havtor unrettled account. with mid ftrat, ore invited to prewmt them for settlement Immediately. ALEX AN DER CHA hi 11 CRS. JOHN AGNEW, j7l3tdtlen Id 11 CHAMlllitttr NOTICE, lowner..eir. a..ud con ch, a of vials rarteler by the “Citt•• Porte! float rate not," Wry vr,ll be reqaued to pay ite,ght .ur wareboupe, recording to the 000. recording removed. b . A !if e &NULTY & CO .y 1 lei. a iling, Blanc , Ara and Clara noting I art - 116,0 Pat in.. Ciliate. , into cold water ar4 it tt•nsouk orre Glut In thr mortuna wtin, nut ited pat them qt.o a tell.e of tot., aster, t.. wirtwn mid the pmportion of one pint of thud to tlght t.f water--nor tt up and toil ibe whole twenty tmhutr• 'rue clothno mar then he Wrung out •thl welt novel! in elem. cold water T.e pnrt. of car euent• ilia l may hemost woled. • u , -h "'Osman., old collar. of tam, may In rttnntly behqr fauna, atol Mc clot Jar• t,und pc rftrt. y white told clear. • . Warranted not /0 111jOre the fatale and in give path, iwnsfactioti, or the money will be refen , -.1 said wholesale and retell by it F. SELLIAtit write no Wood •t CL st tamed, Yt, *ad Platabargta TeMn earth Company. IN pursuance of a reaolutlon of the Board of three. tors of the Cleveland, Warren and Fitt•lrotth Telegraph Company, Aconeating tbe Secretary to mace Out arid to Le pa limbed in the newepatiers along the line, an exhibit of the financial and Other .16116 ul thin eosepany. I ...breathe following Report,- - The line of Teleraph commences at ClaceLand and terinlimma et Pittobunril, puaalng through Chagrin Palls, Franklin, Noonan Palle, Warren, Youngetown, and Lowell, in the :State of fihio. and New Castle and goebester, di the State Pennsylvarm, Mitch points OM MC arrives located for the receipt 6.1 Wansmiattion of bum eta. The whole leagth of the line Is I.CI antler--Capital Enna, win per mile, wakinga total eenital *toe', of /raw, ofwMa, .1,0001 $10403 held by eithere alone the line, and I he balance le held by Cornell & Speed, the Cent= torn The shove account of ant. rwripttona by eine , me. have been paid to Cornell & Speed, for which th a Travteee have their receipt jellnltf I EFFEREON PA LM, Secretary. TO 131 OAT BUILDO13.1; 100,000 fot :wand Sect !lank• 100,000 feet t Joel lo u r a tg i clA e rer N ir c aW , y 01173 c! Attorne? at Loor, loough Bt. INSURANCE. State Mutual Fire Insnramt Company, HARRISBURG, PA. 'IMP. very liberal patroringe extenbd to thin cote. pony. hevir., twined polimen to the dixdsmot of near d x Ilalf Million of Dollers,dtrtilla fhe e latt Three months, is t•frieieut utanifestation.ef Alto cart ...Inn ant confidence of the public 'Alba 'T tent et management on which its huffiness is tandlieted To city or country nierrhanta and own.n fag.. and isolated or tomtit, properly, it Is company ottani+ adrantaaes in . point of ahead,. nen ii safety, and security, inferior to PO logurance Con Compa dar y nleato thin country. on thr equitable nod greatly Improved 'y stern of entwine film of Riskr.excluding all special ionnring only a limited Imo.l io any ant locality,May preeluding ihr frequency andocearrence at large hoe., and also on both the Stock and Manual plea, It not only ponsenies the chcapnew nod ROOM. toodobon of both methods. bat entitles the Insared to a partici pntion in the profits. It under the control of the following' John P. Rotherford, A. J. Gillett, John B. Packer, :Samuel T. done., Alonzo A. Cartier. Philo C Sedg. wick, Hobart lilotz. l P RUTIIERFORD.Preet A J GlLLerr, Seel. A A Cauatev. Actuary Ilranch Office for Weaturn Penneelpania, srulth -110.1 ffircet, PinAurgit. ?teen. &airing um:recce mill be furstlatted arid. I.ooka of the company by call. tug at the office. oca /immolated Firenze.'a lama wows Coin. Parry of the City of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL $OOO,OOO, J h. NIOOREII EA t , Preal—W. W. DALLAS, Ren't 'VHF. Company I. now prepared I.3lnrareagaiaat FIRE and MARINE RISKS or aH kinds (leet, .41 onorinzheln rYorera, 124 ¢ 12.5 irdtre W. Moncton: J R. Moorehead, Rm/y Pa:tenon, Wm. A. 11111, R H . Hartle, R. B. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, N. Edgar, E d ward Gregg, A. P_ Anabetr, Wm. Cols Norwood, IL C. Sawyer, Gila, Ranh Wm Gomimr. at Madly Leto wad llgnlth lanoaramser -- THE Nut./ Lila and Health Ineurance Company of Ildladelphia, Incorporated by the Lepel...4 of Pennsylvania, March, they, Db.ter perpetual. C•pital L IBI00,000. Ituy. Lawn. Tit. INT V. 0114, CONIPANT, and 101 l 20 per cent lower than tie nireal rat. of Lite Laurance, et. the fullowinc cam thimon will rho.: Thu, p e rea, of the age" bl ISltgt for life, mot pay in U. (tined 326 Pennsylvania, 22,ffn, Penn Alutual, 21,36; i:gnimnte, 00.04; pit. England. 22. X; N.. Life, et:A 9d,42; I.2th and Health, Philadelphia,2l.2l. Donn-roes l un g Orrick, C.d. D. Hell. W. F. Boone, Robert P.g, Charles P. Hayes, Al. W. Rald.Nn, 10 NI Reeve, M. D., Cho.. a Cainpbell Lewin Cooper, I. Rodman Hooker, E. 11. Rester, Dim!, it Cope. VI - ethical—Samuel D. OrrielE Voee Preab dent—Nolo. P. K,ny; Heerenary—Franete Illackberne. Spr lit etinns at 11l be received, and every information given t, SAME . FAHNESTOCF, Agt, Office, commercial Rocintug.lo2lf netit dly Wood and Tturti•Stit, pittattimgb 21A ILI NIL INSIHANCIEr THE INSURANCE CO of Nonb Anierlea will wake penn..t sad trailed Inturothe on pro perty on this .ly end vicinity, .4. shipmento by Canal, Riers, Lake% and by Sen. V. PrOllVniCS or this Company ore inyrute4, and famish an ay.. able fund for the 21 .01,0Cinacconity m all period who deg/re to be protected by UHIOLOICA, OITLS P ONES, Age., Fire sad [Marla* lhaszunasaa*. rpHE OFFICE the I.Oranee Company of North J. America, hal been removed to No. 141 Front al Can The tohtertber, seen, for the shove old and resp6n ailde Company. seri I.rue Porele. .17 c.racn., and on S shnunto r/ Merehandrn. by cram Malt and othee vr,elt 'ts a r 1 [faders' dna A ally ne F urnitar r. JAPIrigN W. AVOLDW lEi L e rot., Fe, emeerc..H, - J. AV .IV. Eltlectietar Inforthi the $ et. that Ile hol leteJ ,olk FUlLtirril Pr. the p largo:, .4 twat va rind stevortaliat Ce..oJerett for vaie to dna vale. eereral rra nl lL.sawools, vale . D4ca Wu.ta, carved, ornamental :triJ Nair, •sss:oble for Por/Oes, carved, end Del 11.1.3, ni erhiel Le 6,111 the Inowest Per oceirt opoati, , nos4 Pon.ture of $lO. J eeenP , J.4 aro In r itta ID canoed efeltune hte unwt, entrlree every Jevelplion, Mora the 0.5445.31 and plot. 41 to the sl,eat pie... end Cottle, or h 41.6 P.. l'et. a T,se 'fete • T. CLenne, Culirellf•t/LL FLael•ethi‘n RepAptlan Lattl. \IF J. F.ll.n.snn 40 Beget rini; Talies, 1.0514 -UV l'emetne4orel Dole et k Ceseh: 44 Sala. 0.0 PlusL sot Fia‘r, :se do JO: • ..Ll. 0 (`Le., It .sl , s.s J. a. J. U.. • 11. l'op ao .411 , Lsooxa, Redateada, • Brk iv cr.. • .hoto A' err tarTa INcortnarol or common Oba.ra •nd oil. es 1-'srooare Ito tethool to =MAI. ay. Steam gat. turntsbed al•oneat not." , all ante?! priqooy attended to. P. --rstso. alstol a eau t . noooNed with a11.60f1.11 or Nialoorso,, sad Vcore-ss, with tofu. 0 00 , a ' frlto _ HERNIA', ELEIIIIN(; C(1. LIAVL: P1)11 SALE, Elloal 111, 11.'0%1 I'ACTUIIES,, \ A T VAST ERN MANI./ A17111.1 - g.,' PRICES Pan..‘ll all 31,...] • Ma, brill, 1 tied uo J. Ilfloe Leso,o.. .1,, Jo ,I Coitoo.Jea, all •ie It,own Jo c.d.-red at Fuetory L'a , k ,a1o.".• Howe Cr. mese , tc.ri,o< Ynk !wavy/to,. tilled C•eoloct: I Tailor.' Lou, do lied hlling, •11p,.1 Jo, Pane,. Tweed. lr.l radLn,. hoc ,0., Marc Ilroad Cloth d Taon't'al.San.,,erry do; uuryr Itrov, ..31.1pr0 do 'Dial, So•tgr, Week c yod o..nertrd: 1....:5ca DI. 051,4 Illacl sod tX/ole. Super Drao eltahqf rC • Week Te - qt. 11,04 u aVet it10 . ..4 do L.oen elsrehq a/.4 Chola, Soper ♦'rd Ceiton . ; Col:fen/a Ilixote, .1.; Lint', Thread, a Rearlet de •ar4 , rior trlir/r, Blue do Silt Figured VeatingL Drab on Niaet Sane do ra. jltrawo Ifo:land Se',[ Silk.; Drown L 7,11-, [Luton, I';orsts, kr ,a.c. At the Manulattorera• avehoolo. No .7 Wood Pat.:1,13,h . Okapi all ton. rift: et.partneraw aereadare cam.: between thn t utast:utter, in tar ~asaa of Con. table., Clarke et, - tat, II this day distneted I.; mutat t ,Drlte nt Meatro. Vitra.. a Harm, wi t h the me apsne i n ( the cancers, for which parpOile they arc nothontedn ate tar name of the rnneern (PI. et eittTA ULF:, EDAI UM , lILTILKE, T 11,11.1.4 HARNL.S' The rot . derniirm-ti Lrve u•nneotterl tbecr,elvel in the Gurte of BURKE k BARNES. for the imrp.e of rrinr,Oncturillg rim of Vaultglolo,k!'~oor, c , .land of 1520 fim of Con. !luk , 7 ...tete the,. 11411 he plels-d tnr,covr the patruri• nf Ihent•tomey of this Anti, anti their inerithc 7 . , EDMUND THOMAS nt firln rettnma m mre Me him of Cnn.mble. Butte A. Co I ymn, mntom plr s r rah - lento:I m the cnehicnrc of my fmcdannd the public NATHANIEL. CONSTAIILV . Co ARBUTHNOT • IFAR T....oroind from the Eaters G'ies, and i. / mem vane a linen variele of ataaonablet [food.. to which be reapoctV invite, the a neaten of leer h not. end pedlar, pPt Wood et._ VirALL . PAPERZW: P. MAR3/1/14.& .011111411 q ). ‘, Teen/snot, fro' d m the largeat mannfartorlea Vork and PIT ade/phm, and alto from French In alactleica, the neaTeld nooat approved style* or Pa per Ilanernal, loge or erlth Borders. Fifa Board Prlnta, nod Teater T For sale at SS Wood at, be t Tarn Fourth rt and Lomond alley, laaceoTtor to S. 11 e 111.1 , k; I'd mat reed 'pt . str•nter, 1.14 and tor Tole hy the barrel or single pound as the era, area. •h,l Perlotnery WarehouTo. corner of SLIM and Woed Ttree. s N WICK CIIKOTICAL STOVE POLIIIII MITE Phrentx Manufacturing t°..conpaily nor , na,r the puha/. thrlr 14rtmlutzt Cl.erninal gtnve Palk!, and rattfinot 1 ., or hoar conlratlicto,,,,by Iltroo t raft oatot sr 0,1 It, pronounce it tor roper,. to any co hrr te.t . rt,t Nu t conrotor, need Lave no npvtrtheo•lnttt, roOrrt ettrper, , It. r . ntn. j,,tann pro - ornt• ,lrort troll armlet, WiNtll Lew ap Ord, t ralorh rou,o /loop when the . eta, eat,l To , quanta.: tr , ,torttll , tattle to peroltote n I , eut, taut lotto, A 01 over fifty eeot optur,.,l to the rn-• A '4111 ,, , ,.1.c.1 w 1 1 1000., k I Le” 100 irrn r pr c• otet., ar non: rata. ntler hIVIIIr 1,104 II ort,e, ( ot ruttots•,..i,l orr..on will Igor 110 the i ' V.T.I./ Mf. I 1.1,4 . 4 41.)r, • i • 16 , 1[11.“ Chen. Lore For 0 sale by N WICKER:4IIAM, WOO ( ' .truer of trtztb troll I Voo.l ,atteth • _ - _ VITTRIIVP(.III ... ITOftEr Penn .:1 , 1 SC elm,:trcet• Puue Mourn.. plarpooe4 vau.lte. got on tmalonnl•le trrtus ,11,1:ho lIIONSICLIIIAN ZINC. rt Ir, V , Aloitragne rompany 'apply the," agents I 11 ,, , , fing and Flooring In ellcet. lee fret, from tn:,ree per ealuetre foot Vorrugr.t...l oz, for rookor •,,,I librutlant, , Itt me hen. from In nonce. Setkre, Snent . Moldu, Perforated nor, Tee.; warrant their tuctal pure, and !roe front any •drere lure of iron, or any other .1 obutrmee, end re. CUIII.A.CIII fnr Om , tonnufurture of snort emelt. In the lo per furnletang line, u• It dot, not root. ts not aEor,rA by the nettOn al water, mod may he tolubod, pklntrW, and mamma damplet, modele t twang, ageelfientttas, and other information may Lo boa of flimr agentit 7 , Pekt,L A tiraoma, New York; ATEurener,RoWne Pc CO Mutton; Nextteal There.. k. Co., P 1,2.14121.; tr. 11. Nr Rtr , Itatirmorri: Dee StAterille,"Pleor F. , 1111.1.10.011 X, iltaldeneAgent. 2 Hanover It. , New York. Liege, .Septaerlber 2....-eepted3m NEW BOOKS. rIF Autobiography of Lalah Own; sruh rerni. 01 moods and conternoorau m , Hu vol.. rierilla's LAP." D.y P A A:Dbletc—fro VIII, sable., Jesuitism. ada, of Darius r Groat. By Jacob A bbou, 'nth .n.rdOilrylvard, Rooracee. By Airs Mani RCM Pictorial Field Beolt the ftevolatioc.—Wo 5. The alwve works received this day, and for b y R C Mina Thi r d Cot. hird et. L ARD -44 b b b - TSrt a DIORBY reo pea WaUrr and Prom arms SDAY RNING. BOOKS WOG: kg W HOOK , AT HOLMES' LITERASY DEPOT, Third lareetfOpposita tbe ?oat Offica. • tendon No 19 p&VID PP Waal for October LutetPa Living Axe, No; 337; The Valley Tars; the AntobiograPhYk 4 .. th" Edita 4 blCilarles J. Paterson. Peti:eoat Ooyenunent; a new novel, by Mrs. Trol• lope. • Gatti. , WWllTeton. By Charles Lever. The Iron bfask—Densiod be.t work, CON Life of Yankee Hill. Genevieve; or Pleutou lova and Sorrow, By A. De. Lamar. inn S o ti onShllsreare, No ul. 0e23 E TOri Anew !rust° TENNSIT LANE; a bcatulhd Ethiopian Bong; as wog tS by the New Orleans Serenaders' Be watchful sod treatise; Obi ! Dinah, take this band: Tbe lilalden's Tear; The Rieh blan'n Bode; Would I were with thee; • . By th• Sad It Wave, at rung by linny Lind in New rock; The Bird and We IllaidentontOke Li • • 'lake ibis lute, sung by Jenny .; Tura net away; ticaotifoi deer, by S. ft Poster Sleight/is Polka; by Starkosh, Jenny Lind invitation Good cony at the Gte; lovina, soul Dud worth'. very best Polka; BIM, sew Willie. end exi. ;eosin selet tion of Guitar Preceptors of best toasters . H KLEHER.ItiI Third street. • Golden Harp. - - . DUAT/3ASIT PAAAOS. Bola Agency for Dunham , . Pianos. IfRI , EURR takes pleasure in announcing to the • Stabile that he bat succeeded in securtn&the sole . agency for DrOabarrlN celebrated Plano EOM., /or cYdstern Pesytvania 40 'Plano* nn mode by Mr Dunham, of the firm of . 8 .n & Purl..., .rr mo well and favorably known In is neiritt , orll.tod to my al ..• an? Comment at this ...of sla&m. ft m •v y. 11,1 4.1 a long lime an other Manna turf, kI, N'lll 1.1 ii.r Western counti7 'than those of !Roos it A Duiihsto and Nanny & Clark. .. Mr Dnoorm, 'be ptscueni partner of the atone Goa, bat sprnt a wardsup of twenty Frees 'in the firer toty of said floa t practical manager and dimelstrof the business. a t a year Or two Mr Roam has bought not the entire fuelory sad appurteMmets Oran Ron, •nd continue runt imanufaelure, •s before, it hiir own name. 11f., , 0 7 0 P.. hese attained such popularity, that .1 fur or the'meni einem, Mein nen, De .ftbey ... ,o sold two to one of any otter manufacture. Tr, h si -- ...littllottuithed by their power Mid brilliumy of Ortleaßld extraordinary durability. N. 13.—A hose inocorm of the above elegant Piano, Grid now tor:eivlns. SIGIV OF THE. GOLDEN' HARP. f DECEIVED this i d . m , from Me e. :~- 11 La Stfttlailf —ttebruhen La Serenade—Arranged as Doett. ' Jeannette sod Jeannol—For Guitar. Voice of by go. days—Foster. AW.V down to Cairo—Foster. • Be AValehful and Beware—Glover Besides many other popular Poor, and Pieera H BLEBER, repl3 Blau of th e Golden Harp, Mini New Book.. F.AI.TH, Dise”e, and Remedy. Dr. Aloore. II Adelaide Llndasy, • novel By the author . o .Leuree Arnold,..Norman's Bridae,l,d.c., die. L ife and Correspondence of Rote. SoMbee-Itimi GMbon's Rome -50, and ail col.- - completion of rh• mock. Received and for !tale hp ' Kra a C.STOCKTUN LOME! BOOK% EOLISII GRAMMAR—The &girth Language In or elements and forraLvith a Lawry of its origin and developeinent; designed lal u In and wettoola. Was C. Fowler, late preform! of Rhetoric in A inlient Collage. Astrououly—The recent wares, of Astronomy; erFl eecially the United Starels By Elias Loomis. ex Verua of a Hunters Lute to th e fat interior of eloutit Arne, with nooses or the waive tribes, and iineedoier el iha abase of ias lon, elephant, hippos. annui, cicada, iiiiaocel on, Co- with illastranons. By CL Cninnun: Rerensed nor rale by aerer.l =tzta i ltiaT o rre . e g iV n :l , l_l kLEDER'S Mg.= Store, the la the Eye thte. the Heart Love [Au Thee. Wawbcr Tt. W:ttte well lied gores Sauey Hell. He &tell& al , arose well All I,4.rirr. Maw:. re now hope• eherirhed 1.. !Orin. , eP7 NEW nucrEsi HEW 860E111, AT HOLMES' LITE RAky DEPOT, Third tercel, opposite Ike .El./el - 013 Vof Pendennia, Nod. 'nye kerne. Knickerbocker Alagaiiew lon beipiember. Ilue'v Merchants' Ragaelne lor Whig Review for iiiiiiteralier, twirl so engraving of Gen. ikon, Reston Sliakapeare, No 23. law,. Living Age, Nome. RIK Pori,. Gallery, cwiiiiining fifty r two corn, lah Maigs North Ilnusb Review for August. le'inneraile Review fur Reowaitier. :lei tie Revue, of Foreign Weenie& f or Reelem- I acpl D 14 1 , 1./STER .— .• o tbo•blyatairecot 4.. e..., •a -1 6,16... .4.0, - io+ ~ ..Anwi1...:e...8 50"... h. aft cativo.] at Unlowa , Liorary DaPo‘. , r , ..... or•Ooote the roil Offire: *No, Vann Parr,, or Trial. of trur. Heart. t.y 01,11: I:cor,a Ca.trtot, •orunzned ficoadnrt.rx Km, et Alkina, Or elemint 1; !HDore, L. L. IP; and Na fi1..1 of lasted'* Lam, ABC. *toil Just Received, i A 1.41113 K and erten•ive aymortraeni of PATELNT I AL b , EIALLIC 1570110 H FABRICS, among the 411110. endltax varkcif in Int ••..ortatent, mar to loand the .olJolartng - • llor.c Covers. earriage Cloth. Aar 8C.1%, At; I'll. 10WO.Vilf Cutbabne, Walt, Pail.. 'rob..., Pournes, ' Fulda& 11 , 16., Coat., Caper Cl6at,, Talpsulms, Glove., .1111aeu.. Pouclaca, llsp., Eloitws. harmer, 110.,, Lou, r , orioaa, Marhio, It tdotg. F.., W..stera, Macho. eacklnr, (*.Pp illan.ta. 1. .1 , ' , ilo , doT‘. Idle Prpt...rve,. Travetling Hap. I , :lanaur tiara, Oolong Mans, Ilalla• ilrodo, 11 , ,... Lsons, Saaltl,e lin, An 11611., Pool ball, I 1•11/00 Ward Worm Lad.,.' Gent :iliut.i. lirol.'l.iuta ',hoe, I.,,inga, be. E'er, .rzie, -00 •i Et., , notardono..,...t .5 atm - mgr./ to po.ors.. url 0, charl , .la+or, . t 4.-..ral in water rert. ( 117g,:;1:;• " so - :1 ," ; ' ... 1 . ', ::::e " !: c a tlP ', " 1 :ItfaWlit a y t , :.,Lancol. pr., tgoorry.oulara.a. 0111 frredoin Ira. odor, for rlie al the Goodie," Rubber Eloponion, Noa 7 a a Wood intr. •E•p 10l 1 A li Vllll.l WS =UM • (11 , AE.L. SIGN PAINTING and ielarmy, precept. ly and neatly executed •N yeah dW wear undermood, that we oen do Painttn; eind tilactoc .• cheap 0 uny mhos tweeters in We city, and are determined to do aI . _HE' IL H PHILLIP.? YRACTR, ,MA CS, Jtnoy Litol Extract; West End dro;„ /Dailey (Ruh dui brine blowers do; Irony Lind Dale Gloms. A , Orrhane ,occan Amandlne; Coaebin Soap. for whitemng the sktn; Almond Shams,' Cream, Rose do 4o; Ato. tkrtmol du do, Macy Soap; Flostina do; Amend Inc dn; Ilmol Nut Oil do; Rose do, /4.mila - tallow do; Bogart do; Brown Windsor do; Bear.. lircasmAc. Pus salo,wholunle and renal:, by If E SF.LLERS, se P IP 37 Wood M. MIXED — AND DRY PAINTS of all In ds, constant. ly on hand of the hen quality, also, Vorntshes, Lmaced 04 Rotted hl ., Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, W.ndow Gloss, yanous rises, A.c. Sold wholesale au.] I,,trul on arcomtundatlng terms N.B.—All persons purchattne miard or dry ystntt who lamb to do their own painting, can reesure Bus necemory otrectlous maim .1 A II PIIILLICS cavil & Wodd t IL CLOTHS. g I'S La O tt Lund and se,o from the Pknilistectlie Factory, / tor tae fall trade:- -: nn yd. 1.1 Pious (Ili Cloth; 2000 yds 4 4 do; oa,yds 5 I do. soil yds 6-1 do, IMO yd. 4-4 doi AINSA yds sheet .at, medium and heavy, from 4 to 6 yard. wtdr, an of dm OtlVell *pie of patterns, and nut to .7 drel AV. yurcht 4-4 Fat:muss 461 Cloths 406 yd. 64 do; 'tott .d. etti do 1•d dozen acsosted sties Table, Putrid, and Roseau Coo, r., yarn.. patterns, and splendid notch. IMO yd. 4-4 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; 500 yds 5 4 do * 0 144 5.4 do. WOO yds QS/ Cloth Cra•h fen Pons, adsonedpotternst 510 yd. 4-4 Greco Ull both for Window Blinds, 500 Inr.l.i A do Window Shaun, • large unortroent 10.1 received of new,. atyina Merchant,. and other. ambling to ;runlet, are in wted to mall and examine our AMOrlrooll,ol4ool, hich will be sold at the lowest eaglet. price.. J & It PHILLIPS _repot k.O Wood at Berd• G Lamella 20 kegs Samparilla Soda; an bus do do; &I holm Lemon Errup.made from pure lemon jute, Jua raresvad soul tor late by &P # Prrtrilavirm , WOOLLiial GOODS. ryl ILE undersigned has nu Land, and in this day re ' 1 eri•lng from the niuntifsetuders, or. conitgninetit, Julie loi of Flllll./., all colors, plain and Lerre ni Also, Bed Blahkels, Mimi et Coaline, Casiirterca, Sitlinetts nod Tirreds; retileli Le 'kill sell by the ease or piece, et 11,1 1CfilelDrPre. (Meet The Rlll,lOOll or iical•lr• tn Goods 1,1 wriu.l. sop If LLE, _lll Lit er,y st C. YEAGER, lON Market S ttttt (near Lib. is,' 1141 . 0.111. 01.1 MILL., IN VaEFITCAN, ENGLISH, AND ta:RMAN Ntrir 004,1131, itomErtv, Iltiltioi t s, I. C F.S, t , LOVES,TIOIKAIIs, CO:1111S, 11111VONS, BSr /4:Stir:RS, ete. Also Satin and Panes Vaertnee, BLACK PM) FANCY SILK CHAN' a IN, siuNGEE. lIANDANN7I, and LINEN IiDKFS, gclif 'IL/ alk iid - iinenr Cl ,'ANA, ANA, and every sari TII in TLI A 01 A 111. IL LI T . lava mac of the Diamond. A I to v puhlie may Je ',aid upon boner .urplied aevdeni Tea. ei trosonotdc pricey-Mot have IK.reelleal Tea+ al •—•-- BO no per 10 imerlor ljeolitie, • ...... ' The Root 'O . a Imported J. - ... I he i• decidedly 110 ellcupera and 1.r.1 Corr to reivadiigh to TV.. NOAH'S a llAsvincrif rroprleior•. F. Y -1 . - LETATitiC:atif open n classical and Eng l•oh School, an Me heal Monday of Set. next. (teem er J. Willlame More, 001 . 000 01 Wood and PIOUS streets. R eDrv. m. D. Bowan! Ethott, Re, Dr . McGill. 17 =-1( Ilan. Wmlk,r It. I,wrie, J. I). hleflord,EM., J. 1,. Witham, Kp 15'LS ILI verily & RC IIO SITAIIIFIELV in L form their castoff. 17/ ere slid buyers generally that, In consequence of workmen booty engaged in enlarging and twPbw lag their More Room ; they hare removed their goads to the HICOND Stoat of the building - they occupy tool the Improvements are finished; where th ey w ill he happy to see their cestomers as usual, ro and for the trouble of waiting up stahs, will try and reoneram them by soiling them Cheap Conde. 10 - Entrance from Fourth street _ _ • HEMCPS ItAf R GLO VC.% dingle, G. , 1 ...5.. , • lulu aiiTimC d iZ L AW "' dee do do for Gem.. do do do do do doable. • do do do Data. do do Straps for Ladle.. do do do do do for Gents. do Both. d• Dersidarr Hoagies Imported and fox dale by oota n A PAHNESTOCIC A. Co ;`7; r 1850; PROCL/LII 421011 f. Ti Mitt! all mmrwlsb areel b all afbleted with di.. 41Vielesaafebe.bladder melt Woe), dh rheumatic p o i.. still! ints, old thene& picots; at ,that they cab - be aced by biking r teol.4en elm • tits be , ng aimtrino yottplense,..but this does net make k g o , r e , we Uri:all:kin lathe face of an nonest community, that It has, virtues 4wldels urn! emoommned ezi any other remedy. Timmau who is reeked with pain and. sof., klieg front disease; can for fitly cent.. get relief from any of the llleennumermed shave.. Reader! It cows vary little to manel trial. This Petroleum is no mix. tune—no l einyond,.put up Mt the perm,. of imposing oi l 4 the community!_ bath Ma remedy elaborated by memastesh.d of nature, and byliblesupfrom the bee soot of onrmotber earth in Ile ortginisl parity, and of. feel to catering haukanity • ready, remedy, a eenein and cheap care. . !Elias cured Piles aftei Mier triediciee• haw, failed tovmder any relief. It hs•eured Rheumatism oflong owing, and tithe wont end most painful character. illtes eared Cholera Merlins by one or two doses; It has eared old aaaaa of Deserhea. In which every Other rtge 4 an h e ' ll etn ni e, le° avail. lel; a te lo y c le a I C d r fgrt. th . pound or edeMeshahnt ere know of. /twill cure chil blains or frosted feet, In a few applienelonen undoubl ed testimony can be furnished of the truM-euntained 14 the above stammers by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Meal Basin, Tth street; or either attic agents. Keyser & 111cDowell, owner o Weald entree and Virgin Ai ley! R. K, /Where, 47 Woo d s treet, 11, A. RI. liot & D. PI. Curry, Allegheny city, era the age, hem?! , DRAUTY--It Is unlvenally conceded that beam is /Of more truths canon - , than in any other, whlligat t hemetime Ills sail: •Ita lin comber coon try lei, lost AI soyoung' an age . Now this is true to • rennin extent, but the loss U often calmed by ne glect. We say to all, do.not neglect your prunel apneerance, het lead the following, ad. yeti Peed tu lack goad Inobs, Tbese satiates are n ectentific pre- .n pontoons, and hare all attained 4 high popularity. lams Flarytta• Esti Divan tirVMMIS ALL Nelertt Sage,. foe removing .om, unborn, ph:toles, blotches, and other eruplions of the pktn; the most portent con• senator of beauty every known. Purehase nothing purporting to he Nymph Poop, antes. n ha my name attached. 'im.tatiffsratiPeauct miCarvass Pownica, for tm- ' partied la the mos, bilious complexion a radiant ZP i t ' agral‘ts ns n e n o * f th a '" Ve? - 10 . r P r7ske i b n e , a m s o m " a r n a y r o e i those sold ere very inistrious lay Chinese Powder is compel/Wed lon W.:Wile Menet, and contains no Ineredi nt whirli'can possibly taller.. Nay. JOU, Cava'. DUILAIDIIT Pawnee, for removing superilkuus hair. What is more unsightly then ban upon We fire or arme of • lady. 'Thin article wilt rem:wen in axMort time, wathout Ms ute Mara shell' , mstrament .101.Ss , Usual VLOITAILI LIM) lista Des will matentancousiy Impart to red, white, or gray heir, a Lama - ally black, brown, or paean, color. It will for the kale In a shorter dna, and mon effectually than any other Dye, being at the same time indellible. Jell.. Pariah Seesaw Caagat.—lt is really spice. sure to Wave whh the eream. There is none of the . ..fßn.....l f eettfottert usually expenenced io the lase of most Di On the Calltnity,ll leaner Pm skin and soft s o an Infant's, and not liable to become chapped,', JUL.gritt'sßossToorn PAUL—Next la the hair, we think We Teeth were Intended as the greatest ame n:lstate t e hasten fare; but when neglected, milking te en de uring, or so quickly seen. My Rose Tooth Paste w t impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the maw tancleeping the gam firm and healthy. Alto . hand, • complete ...ortment of French, Ilritith, and American Perfomery and Fancy entitles. JULEP IiAUPA.. Perfumer and Chemist, ISM Chestnut Street, Phil. For sale wholesale and retail, by /I A. Penns:stock A Co., and 11. E.ltellera, Piwibragh; and John Pas. (cut, and J. Mitchell, Atlegtteny City, Pa. trt7—XP . . _ LTI - DF.'il SOAP —5O big ¥ned, jurt reed and foi 11 tale by onC2 J KIDD & Co S PAIVISO WEEPING—in bbisfov solo Gr 1 mop . & Co LIVE OIL--Ctuarto And banker. of ono J. and Iwo dozen each, imported, andlor yak by twin U A FAENIESCOCK & CO PACKED BRITER - -A (rime amen., for tale by oclo SUILIVER & DARNER t i1..13 , 2 , 11-50 brio Goo Floaseiislaz rietC,44 ALCU1164. 1 .3 borer.. 711 ar.J OlizA,Adiee'ne"oZ °ell oak by E SELLERS 57 Wood n DCME PINE— I'o - Ili F.ozinh,etni ree'd Cot lode by IX cell' E SELLERS OARS AMMO ' X.e_ one =!ffl --I ett,t ln,l teed lot y E SPILERS receiveJ nt No 256 .he New Itnghton Mill, rot t Fleur, Put up to P.O lb tact. I WM_ AItIICLURti & Cu r.viln;' liWlfi . ; — attil Other igu4ar Cum/ Ilarns uonAtc.ily Loesty street, by WSI A ?InCEcEc & co Bt K .oTylrti 2 l l co superior r . r T: Choi, tkrand, <au hand nad to, stl, 006 -b it itiTit ver' d and tonal twil 4 IMICIM BJU) BEEF-• 8 .F5 , 1, waJ eau !at.. Cm luitau Core aa;e .. d, int. rale La I 51 A 111151!..AyG &CO al and I.all tound, at who'. EAN6I3OXCER.I ale "a 4 -.1',55%11,t, ./111/11ACC0—IL kegsl44ge's No 1, nom, out in I per emet Genee .10.1 fur sale by JAlllk DiII.2bILL, Water la. ()ASTOR OlL—ra (n, H n t. 4 lF r -LLERS, _ 67 Wood al 01.1/ 1 / 1 /111 DEALERI3, eautAude oltto Diamond,l I'r) our Tea at 44k pc, It. -1 ie homily !nod' uol6 (A fINEI BRANDY of the yure*t auk!, uullaola Jur A lel Med, ma] pa,pone, at and per plan, fur e by MORRIS A IIAWORI /I nCln In the Diamond . C:Lctn , n,. I can Cada. der, I ran Sloce.4l. and I cll.', Iloormr; i L c t.. 1 pure, tr ee tytd for •nle Dy U ueld ro,l L A lai-:aiegt:NO-4 Leal, innniW .;milerOhio, cud tor sale by L BROW,: KIRKPA (111e/i f)ACI .N HAMS—NI 1.1/ /old II low to Circe int lot, by urt? ISAIAH DICK EY A Cu_ Ltd. lo atom and tor sole _hr _— ISAIAH //Whir'. k 1 , ‘ , / 1121, FL —I. A u ' or ludo by WICK k MoCANDLEM , PULS AND DUCKE7.3-65 doz. Rurkets, 10 d, I, TOY, or auk by _ RIAN&O 51 iEN — lititrniOrJ-4 - 70 nor fancy nor gob. combo. Cern Ltroonte, for axle by onlb I. S WATERMAN k _SONS 'LOV'ER SEEI)--tb bt.l atrielly pr:rne Clover / Seed, to noon told (or woe by urtnS WATERMAN & SONS ly A NITD — INIM FDATECY :- A. yenjteed V bale,taxn, rerenotr arab the Cry Goods end bery butte.... to wpm. !werel salary will be F H EATON, No WY Fourth et. Mrii=l tome k.o. ..le by J_e_p_ll,WOßT.ll &Co 54,4 I'r-1 N 4L/ (or c ' tle by 1.1 niLwOHTII a C• rip Ali:- - c.7 j. J. 4 DILWORTH Co tinii---,h.gtotrlT, dar; 4. SO Caul o. y boz do do no au by ortl2 J k. DILWORTH Co .r 1 .000-10. bones s'a, I . .ra, I it,, in Hort and fin .11. ale by J 8 DILWORTII Co p—DER-va n iu " er% agn 'me. bbla Saf , do Ky ty on do, - 00110 J 1 DILO OU Co I jit A t a lf3s ;t,'"'get•M L'n'ttil:_______lV%AillVATlllll'" otiTon ttettmitie rs , .lore artilTor n' oele o d y o °run & lIAREIgtUG • . RA 13 0, 911 j- 2 1.500 lb. Rag. mai nnn&ing nni for nle_ by .924 to land UA 8 1.93 . 19 , --15 bhdo N So n nf s i rlins4l; , 4 for itollbY nAJ OTTfOelrt &Nan 9011 no inen byllntlet. 4/ loot woke. or loan., .ppiy ocit 8 r VON ii.PiNifoßsTac co 111 - _i 0, ,:,,,,..-------•-...---. .crudr, arrlatn -------- y for sale 01 Ss or II fm W & F IV ILSON t ILA Y-10 Hake bertnan.arrisng for siil - e - nY --- aj I oesl IV & F WILSON -L111.E71,- ale lLa arraing per .0 renal, :or aisle by J.lOlO O 53 LIALICELL ocli 7 Water s, -lute__' prtdl;, /or Balebi -- .- le i f i ' JASIFIS LIALZ ELL ______ _______ ____ c 1.111 , 11 , , , , kN TS-5 rusks Ffenc.liu,siftif,re'.d.for.....sloi,Ly: "! ^ "'L 1 i.t... ,. N , r_ _ _-_____ --__ n.ti . in I. 75 br:s mc'd for sale by __ JANIS ___C Da 1-ZnLI. __________ I 'uhrerls.ll Corn Starch. it Iza auldigglnr4 also:tidy for Puddtafr, pure an/ rorautiful Click la errerunply h,,prby, delirious. and economical, and srlian Jesued may Le used as a subristula for, and in No Istne man, 005 44 Arrow Ram Jo., r•Prired and fur tale at 034 Librmym, by p4l. WM 41 . 21 1cOLUItli & 1 , I 1 L aßlf UIL7-10 ETI - a - anding. for .41 - 1 - 317 - i 411 ucll d&NILA IsAl.2lFtsls 1.11',1--95 fre i sl, aryv oam iii::: s' Inr se bl' 11. oclll FIRoWN a Kinks:ATl:lcl: F4l• --, a1,m,”,r,0,,---,p s 01,0 r!Pa S oN il a s tna Wool ',llosiery‘... Ant'sirorr'f: ep . nl re .rived at col MSRPIIV etiri IyxcELLENT IVINE Ss: p•-r ', .4. by luelfil MORS'S & SASS OH I'll USA) BUTt RH-41, key. fresh paekrd, re nog abd for sale by ft, bAI,ZEI.I. A cf., aeia LibrrlY .1 6.• ALL iery supeniir 0 gm...l and unground. In store, for sal., by end S , , "':"1. 471 /AI 17; I) RlFDFittifi'l l i s ii- s ii atck - stet. Zirlei, afTi•ing mom Caledonia, and for sale by eel° ' BROWN t'EMIKPATRICK • W• PC ' u 4"" prime JAMES A 111 0 1 TcHI9oN & Co T EBNS BOARIta-V R ladTe a - s k Delp KfiIIreATEIVAC" TIL . I n taR - . 1111.1 , ;16 1 . - d - i . !)) - ‘ 1.1 vary V a n . p s ekt 11, Boy.. lilatbsets. • wear; also, Plaid aud rlain Cassimeras *real' variety, Menno Cassimeres, Kemeny Jeans, Blank!: Tabby Velvets,ite., at north coat earner of fannV : and Mattel mama. Fast C d Panda. " BAY/RP/1V k BURCOPIMD Invhe auezalan MI. a** lot of •aleriena and Bfitlak Brims, dart and of durable emend= meow!. . -00 a Sal.: 4 50D•=1 - 6 B • FARM & CO oallil ' tam First& Woad eta NEDICAL Woolen of, College Momaiipathic Medicine, . . CLETE,LAND, OHIO. &snots 4 1830 . 5 1--Cheirtemd DM. , , , I FIRST WINTIrR EIFSEDON of thin l ualtution - 1 *lB commence on the First Monday of N..r.nt-.' her. and continuo lour months. The Chairs of the Facially are arranged to tallowy: Storm' RotiWhl. D.; Professor of Midwifery, end &steam of Woman and Children. PracMoetice o n, B guriggs. mm hi y . 13.. Professor of Principle. and f cherles D. Wilhiram M. D, Profmaor of Institutes I and Practice of LloreMermal. , 1 Lewis Dodge, M. D., Profesaor of Mated. Wi ( e& and Mediae! Jurisprlidence. 'laminar, L. 13mith t A. hi, Protestant of Chamblee), i 15/win c.'Witherel, 111:11, Profemor of Anatomy l and Physiology_ .. Charles rrotenterz t o r flty o leal B: 3 i m en y ce. The Chimer ofthoWestern College oflloniceopathie Medicine arm gramed_, by the the Legislature of Ohio, during ha session t:454n ii tour.. In th.'11,"..' 111011gilMVZ 4 11 „7: 1" .;P i llIgg 'e C i tg4 l e7,:11 exists mdependem o f anysoiner itultietle o. ' l tsr 4 .ll in itself the power to tenter degree.. an d Peautmemlf I I • common seat. The defaces ere cenferred by the Faculty and i Trustees upon the recommendation of the Faculty. The amount of fee. for the full course w 9 . be 1115.' Mettricalatton fee. s.s—to be paid hat onee.‘, Denton. strators. ticket, f 65. Graduation fee, IWO. Portions who have attended two fel, comm. of lecture. la other colleges, tee admitted to the fall comae La this Joanna/on on the payment of gyp. Gradualee of m ann/table medical aehoole uerpermitted to attend the course on the payment of the matriculation lee only Good hoard, including room. light, and (eel. ran be ; obtained. from SO toga 50 per 11106 k. For farther in. I formation address. CHAR. D.,WILLIAMD, ocardlm ___ , Dean of the Faculty. PITTSBIigUII OWE VORIS. A. & D. H. CHAMBERS) Own enemas, maw 1i.e0. 2 1 • t • Would respeetfaly-Inform thit el:11 , 1061ra of the hue arm, es eho the public generally,j that they *4l continue the manufacture of •• • • WINDOW GLASS, viezi,uvrmies ete In all their varieties, et the Old Stead, • No ;3 Wood it, betWeellSleit & •jytnuthe l v ie m IDIPORTART TO THE A itivrito. Dr. Eon's Celebrated Re dirs. rw R. JACOB S ROSE, the discolo r and sole p- • 4.1 prietor of these most popular and beeefielal medicines, and also the Inventor of the celebrated instrument for In flatmg the Lungs, Laffecting a cure of .• beetle' diseases. was a student dl that =kcal physician, pricier Physic, and Is si andante of . the tu Uveratty of Pennsylvania, and for thiftyyeare mare has been engaged In the investlgatiotr i of Mem., and th.gpplichart orrerbillnitnhartg .i.i.,ii... with PtirPrtip;:l ' ac . tie S;4l, and 00100(61a remedies, he has gained an unparale•led eminenee brestrina Inc. dreadful and fatal maladies, Tathercular Con. tampion, Cancel's, Scrofula Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of ail kindy, ChtmtlaEl7- Vas, al ell those °bulimia diseases peculiar to etnt 'l lei.. Indeed every form of diseasev.aiskes oder the are of bin remedies, to which burianity is heir— not by the to of one compound only. for that!. ln. • Lis wi la Physiolomeal Law, but by the nu nof his remedies, adapted to Yd preted bed for each peculiar form of disease, Dr. Rose's Tonle Alterative POO, they used an. Invariably acknowledged to be superior to all other, Y a purgative or liver pill, insumnith ea they leave the bowels perfectly free from costfiveneem es also his Uolden Pita ts admitted by the OuntiO ta Powm peculiar properties adapted trr femald utreases. but being twitfied that a bare trial Is suffteient to establish what has been mld in the minds of themost skeptical, The Meted are invited to call upon the agent. and procure (glum) one of the Doctor*, pamphlets, gluing a detailed account of restrdy audits application. Eor sate by the fall owing agents, neel! WI by most &mulct thrombin. th e tonntry. , J livhc,o,;miker & Co, ;I Wood street , Pittsburgh; 1 bl Townsend, drugyin, 45 dal Lee ri.. nerahstri, co nem the P. O. Alleglimy city; Jo. 84.4 l.r.D4iiin_ston, Beaver co.Pe.. Jno Elliott, Em Va ma lley, ~ dod o; T Adams. Belver, 'do ' do; _anirltilly I JEMMY' AMID. GIFAUTIFUL 011 print Ma nave nvention, pa 1 . 1, tented in Londono resuatenting =toy Lira in the held u, in a lirtentng attitude, lakut legatitut horn the nightingale, hau been received by . ei sabgerlher. The coloring as equal to the finest oun4ture painting, and the likeneaa the moat tenthfal and garnet of any yet brought out Also, Jenny Lrnd's Greene to America, the False Song, and the celebrated Echo:Bono. IL ktrilßEl Golden HarUltol Third oh Extra Superfine Oolong & lllaQPoat Tow rpHESE are the very beat Black Teas chats. nee I ported into the Dolled State, Minns& Fletworth, lea LelUeis, in the Diamond, are say* said Teta_ at the lon price or 7.1 , e per it?, for pelt. • ! . .1.1? raii:TbfraiknftY 01ECHAertun Ewa. w,,,k, , 1,1 and Encino:trine—No II: efahls .pleat npekhas been rec moot at Holiney• latetary Wpot,Tbi_rd_ele opposite the Pont T1....._,. —!ePr2 VVINDOW OLOSB—it tr . WO; • • outl 60 bxslo x 111 pact extra a ay in stet, ; and for We by oc ,011 01 Warr s co . el.:614:8-2 b, ,777...,,---,ya rjszumits - SI Wood ar Au.V It oc9 kl Alf oc N e l ----, A CAL bin recelvetUfor We by C..11A-106,rgrEvb—.15u tkL6"..l'-Ets E , 7 Rs Y _ uttt ret e" --7 HaFb5. L H 6 SELEHS recll ,r77 -- E"ua • 5 cJ El CANFIELD I' great al the acre vari of ety of pMURPHY pac &te ei rn,dual recved LIbiblERD OlL—ltibibi - pare country i' st d Mr sale by R01311305/,'LIAY.E& nal CO 106 Librio JUST B 1 11.1 r% ill Va - 1111F al W. IIIeCLINTOCIPS Carpet 4.1 Doff4.o m m i t o n, ,.. BlL , i n n r . outth "that, and 75 Wood ab, vkivtrta, PAPER-10e ram 247% - r -- - 78 TM .11 22a equal to the 'X& beat in the market, Mr sale by septa R CRTOCRTON low to close the Int by ISAIAH DICKEY t CO want & Pront its, T lirlT received hem rand, 15h J WBFO/1 Cover Oil Cloih, • good wide, for role oy & H PHILLIPS & 9 Woad Pi ant: INIOLASE.ThFi WICK fr. MoCANDLESB KUUSIS-14Tdox Com Brooms for rale by Jj crer WICK & MeCANDLESB purr Ea—is bola wild bl oes J teR FLOYD TARPAULINS very heavy largo Yaquill.7 leb i et . vguality of India Rabb. on band and fe II excellent magazine; and No of Dictionary of Mechanic., has been received at Holmes' Literary Depot, hint infect, oppoai a the Pont Office, Woo new American Pined caf ed Tim enaainafi a tle of Manned... Wit bland, on the Ohio leer, and No 9 Pictorial Field Book of the Amenc. Revnlm 01) W .S. - ovi P WILSON SI CND!lierrs—uotTbay, • 150 towlusgee assorted VAN ' ". 75 bss assorted Tobacco; 10 bags Pepper; 6 bags Alspiee; 50 mans naron: 50 bk.; No 1 Chocolate; • case Limlorice Rail; 10 tierces fresh pnme Rice; 2 cooks best Madder; 5 bassets Admit; '0; ballets likeness' Oil: 50 dozen patent Rockets; 310 boo Corn Brcoms; 01 bone/ While elpes; 70 be prone N n ,oeet; 60 bele do ?dolma.; mu bets large No 3 elnekereh oells large No do; do No 1 do, lei bele N C Tar; bes Piled; du Eris No 2 Rosin; ;AV lbs assorted Yarns; 50 bales No 1 Ratting; lw kegs prune White Lead; 200 begs mooned Nails; fell amorunent of hitybargh'tnanytartured sale by - J UAN IVA rr CO • Libmiy et Warranted Plant Qi tree. Cy LUTA ULF the Atedsetual Myypiteey, tawny. 011 kl hall° and LP r tale by the bcttle, einem, er fallen at twee 11I OR$lgd: lAA VFORTIVS Dona•stle • cols %NE crt.e Bleck Cloth Shvarls - J I rue Yetlow Flannels; R ad do; Red twilled Flannel., g %%lute do do, eJ do; 2 eases Plain and Fanny euaaimaresi I ease Satinelt. 3 miss Clan Alpine; I ease Jeansi 3 eases Blue Black Blanket Ceatinyl It easel Gray Blankets; veases limb Mankato; I ease Blue slot V eases White /had Blankets; Re 50 g 50 pairs Sp— - nylor• •A - team BoatifiatTieri t A ..tmiCw.mat t had for calls at It &Pelle by N LEE 199 Liberty itnml. SOAP—Low e y Wetly witulaor; - • do Cinnamon 8., Soars Honey Soap; Ykilaglelphla Variegated Soap; Pititbaa :do do; Olive Soap; for tale whotoaaleated wad by .epti WM. • MeCLI39O ir CO LOW & SOWS Of •2. ta Mon das DROWN, WntliOroto; Belmont, AMY Mask Vertiatilitt; Oriental, Palm, nd Ole tadosps Thesa.Sospa.stra highlpeelehnned for mout:4r smoothness gado:akin. • Foreland from the importer, and for We by main R E KEGLERS. ha Wood it RUIRIER PACKlnibt—Msat 11. Hoare thicknesses, from 1.T.1 to 1 inc ls think. nembots Packing IS Permed so Mu =thlegreqihrenhelr will col affect b, and is supenor to rre admen, u no substance Us so mush elutleity vs kb stands ao high a degree of heat, and may bus - used ahem all parts when puking Is maces:ars, *tat—msabols plates, piston nob, meamleints, steam &fi ettesuro. Ur heady &c. For sale 'Molars& sad totati .1r PI3 made 7do Wood at MISCELLANEOUS. - EleligtettlatAMis. .ITAHEsabseribers arenow receiving; by canal, large 1. eappbes ofJameelan &Seats .kiel mat, end best nutty Glass Make up Soda Aeh,whiek day win lowest the mar/et rice for cash ore nerueed sell macurahkm Oct . I,,lbeny it. • ve PIANO. ma.ln RAEBORMT, (pulni of Wm. first European A ll .mamerat) Late of New York, respeetthliy Informs the eithana Of Pntablugh and Alleghetty, that he ha. arrived, sod Intends making this E. permanent madame, for the purpose of making, parasite Instreetion the Piano. Application* leftat Mrs. White'. Boarding h will mot wuh prompt Ytlrnhoa ouse, ad Liberty st, or at U. Etches Masi° Sim, FIRS AND 111111 ND DIAULINCE NOTICE PROTJZOTION' INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, carnet. mom, inn mutes rom p 01,000,000. • . CHAATAIRED 1825; 111.111 itr=ttil bees bi agent Fauna Drown, anclia rea c acr7o u' itteue policies in the Fire and Hme department, ou as this terms u any other " real. whit - company le this eity: GEO. E. ARNOLD, 74 . Fourth st,.:oext to Bank of Pin/burgh. PR OTECTION FIRE AIME INSURANCE COMPANY. I Annual. Prlnkitt.u,CrokaAto.44477lfta • 1 000- 000.. rfl HE 'undersigned Would call the minden Matte -1 chute and others having property exposed to lou by Fire or the perils 01 Navigation to the me . .. 1 .r advatttages offered by a t P Ins •Colaplm, .rlWrhOlth,COWS,trile -1 —Rates of Premium as low as those of any other ' RESPONSIBLE 0R,,. ' O.—A speedy and satisfactory adthstment of lowa by the General deem of tha Company for the Weatern and Southero States. . • a—AnauaLuaa:for aulareace. roach Why cause) by referees MO Malty chosen. S.—Awards prempl4 paid In Specie, Bankable Fads, Nor Exchange on Piew York, Baltimore. Charlestoo. ew Orleans, St. Louie; Louisville, Pittsburgh, or Oinchintul, at the option of the insured. HP Pamphlets, setting :forth the mode alld ptio mole. of idleiting kites, Mel of Intotiesee, anon of of hazards de., (undated to the easterners of the office free of charge. For Amber infortruutoMapply te the undersigaed, who Is fully au th orised kr:inure Anilines, Storm; Hotels, Warehouses, h lllls , illannfamories, Beam, So . alio, Dessvehold FuMiture, and Goode. Wara, sod Moe. chandler., tumefied or tooted thereto, against Inas or datnage by FIRE.. Dry Goods, Groceries, klannfactured Goode. Pro. dime, Houseboldl Furniture, Live Btosk, and every other deoeolpnoal of Nerthendire or Perunal Pro• or ehred ere, he shipped 5e,,r,..,r1 lambert; betWeart Of rom en Zaketi,or othe r to route) end any towns in the Wawa anntry, against the hazards of INLAND TRANSPORTATION. Shipments of Goods; Wenn, and Me:chaise, per geed vessel or tures, between New Orleans and Eutern porm—beratee it New Orkin. and ether Gull pets—between ell Marian ports Ind English o.r . tu1.."P:171E:.TAzZ AA. °1 4.:7 1 .,T:0774.;11171 h 41. Gat.... ARNOLD. Ag't, 7 4 upleoltiant Fount , el.:next td the Bank of Pittsburgh. - .• - MTI ong Sh*wls, OAR lOL 00011S0 BOARDS.' IA (in n FF,FP" Worke4 that Planing Maude, ',lad of a *aplrior quality Shamtborxh. Be!Marone at Vett to Maio wino A LARUE maker DRY tiOODS,fer n olvet o * :da Jog. pound rents or el mate, olu be reeeteed in pa, Meet 11 .10$. n. O, .• .5 Wood rt. Pi GG t h C O 4 PARTNitiI.S . IIIP. • glint utderagntd. has eiszehred Joeeph Robb 1 with him, to earry co The WitOlualo Lod Retail grocery end Predaee flosineer under-the firm of Mae. Robb,'eemit skle o( the - Diamond, corner Of Diamond Alley, Ilittal,argh. • • • eallkdif oy w M r witzoiv 46 Wood .1 nle l.„1. hinny and Maple, vancly.and Dry (Mods, coviat• My An pan of Woolan, Thibetand Cashmere Sw Silk. /Iselin, 'Milieu kid end /Metals. Giese.; W o ol; en mnd WontedCemfons; Mynas and Bombazines; Woolen and Cll2lOlll flamerst Colored and 'Reached Monk,.; ClUllintl3 and Canimeres f Ribber,. and Laceal Buttons and. Ceialts, 'Almada and Eindlngs; Umbrellas and Limas Bone, Oh. All Of inch 000007 and thy merchants are rlf • specially Mahal to a.tammcistt tie Hood et sat= - - co.ranTniclisinv. IIA,VE, this dal", astocubc.d. wah me Ur. 1. Clum,e, in shc:Wholessic Grocery.. and Produce Limincas; the style of he fisntwill be*. Culbertson & Clot*. .1 /131 ...h. CULSERTSON ••rolsasrionl It. e. tlOrfl. coLnicwrsoi•ar. LOUSE, 14.7 kOI..I23.II4I:..GROCHRS'and C Ollll lllll , l/011 Met , VI vt.anto Dealers m,Pttitlitee, and Pitubtirgh hlaatti,ctat:d attizles, Ip3 Liberty at , ViUaburvb. Pa. /13' A ,C.CILHEkESAN ,ulusr ooLeysTeorre IA;ADDI 07: seo v • OtAZ" A Cr CULBE ?SON it CLOUSE Alpsecia HOD, Airlift PRY ti intriclinmto hara r reeeived s AI Pl' of Fall 'Male ri, incinding Dtab and Black Ua i hmeres,dlpateans, Spun EU, de. • Wehl PlaningL. IE 11.41 PRY & porten!ar Di attention orb to theirsuperior •tor t of above goods, giving so much nativileilon veroont of their imsbnnkabin qUnbUn., cola Ralfti Family, Wiser. AFREBlfgapplit of the Poi Milts estrx Famgy Flour, a arra ehothe enthle. jun reetl for A CULLIENTArvatte L 0 . • _le • 11.1 WS Lib Elamlleenta Onanian invasion MURPHY IIIiRCIIVIELD have received a cap ply of atavo itiperior article. peel Bird piliva fAr very handsosis patterns nen lareeht colors rec. 4 ea at dole or URPIIV iIURIIIIFIELD oeltl. ~... or Yi rani ra - - - - IO c s lii swirer - FiTit lei ek,:Cooacco, ffirtairoo , ., E,,,,,,,,.. , - lona, Clydo. and atber tood• footaufactorie. Just ... p. ,... , car ..i. by: 8 11ACISCLEIM ft WHITE • ode sat wood.t. ... tialryE6.-7 cab%a elm for 13 received, end ler vale by . BARN nliaivEiti. ES, 22 ' • i2S.k 21,SecOnd aL N d n ife7 617 r as l for sale ". . ; • . ie'ticeersori • • • —Ai l ULAMRING46 ;47I - 11 - 0 _”. 11 t7, a 4 tbe lowest laulisA prim, by BUTCHELTIME NIEVIE-100 Dza Creaubjsit y bat ZULABAUGH purryar „. -nrk.italaulesi,-, . 7 biliTsokittl dOliankbat ib l e by . & uati MiSCELLABEOM . of Acimbe, BdisAsaA., G; 'Chid aceC oicA IciAlaa Amp, 11 .1A;Coi. rirapened and tot sappy , B A FAITODoOck•& co fun & Rood J . l , 4PD•ratua for ci irm,,,Zll, lit :iJßciAti l , -- I.i pe E=C112131M.,. 1401 hr - B. Ad FAlifiE NyncoLlinALl , --Corstsr of Weed and OMut for {ale, Of tba from Lome, Boron, rellord, in areal gmm COM I Roard, “arb. Ammon n , an Jan GmnnO m *um Rotten Stoney w. Ova' -Plata Sulphur do Casa, Soap, d bz. • Colo. Magian* Cub. op dp Dau Pdood fain. brio Im CI nts . 4.14, In Itilooncro Podr.dOthoonlidis do do. Annum Cond. calowal End. • d Oil Amtnn. Root ' lodide Potosh : Creosote While d dp o • - •d Ocr viols /Onion R o og. in Elf In !mines - lodide Iron, In on Innis Cont &non, in It. Jars o ,l C:it:PtM b e. TpnattmErvi. 'do tie Act,itnVolais Croons Ho filo In ken ga4Valerlon EWS baled asp T s Flm •u, Pittabarst, ewn FaPomultm Make Reid theme Plower Ph Bole /meal& °°. PUlrealmemboa'd rillmealt Cole, R°L .nula da Eme Lead a Galbansma •d: -- Elalarl aar de do Moue Iron le/ do , MIIP/ Cast le / e, AIM. Galli Maack Lan w edEuw es ad /damn app Pestl Linandar, Spi i .sliz,de Gardetsn ciattZ%, Qu ton al aint 01: Ot t P/ak imiee sea, Cardamon Lk Bead Gentlao MPS Rhubarb Root Edimrapuy • NIIM/433 OMMITMAL, MOIIMM 3 THE PRIABIBIO TDB - NEW Bill, ROAD. mrsito au spotlit Dayra TO BBLADELPRIff, AND BALTIMORE. W Etako pleatu3Y ics¢oy tweio. to the hiceohanue, of Ihtublugh _and the Wttnein business coal. amity, that on sod atteltott4sy, the nth of yap. tender, ner will mal es ontt fanned goods Ina um Ceoital Rail Road guarantee them lobe through In Four /bye Our externere stockorCars and Boats oaables us to offer 613 alum expoOttlouu route to the public, whilst we CCMIttIIO Ott, usual linen via Harrisburg sad Colombia. ' • - morebsots wl3lAuy goal. brought All the East with certainty and tirspsdo at low ;our, or produce shipped them liptf Oldie. to eon ob • • , O'OONNOR. ATRINS & CO, M tuburgb. prvr o TLE 1,1 theoM33l4ll P 72 la Or as &Vowing • cue.ouu. & lo Nora areet, Baltimurc; El Brom, ti !Imlay Pluto. New : fort; • yu,„,orr Oita Bun. &mem ueolffult ~tl loam ' ~or' pa • , • • Etatro-14.7- • "VOHS meting bt!. ros, to nit toms with Finn it. between Proloti loorlrot. EIIII _-i -p,Y~ .Y~~~~~