or/. k:I./ t TEL liCittlf. rain fOR THE PITTSRUliciti DAILY GAZETTE LATER FROM THE SALT LAKE. 5r Lotto, Nov 5 . The malls from the Salt lake arrived at lade• peneenee on the 25 b mt. This lo the Ant return trip of the mad ports. There is not much Beira of interest from the Valley. The 1 arveming was over, and the crops of 'meet std tele are ehuodoet. Busineosoras brink, •od the haulm of the country good. 'The Sernernher mail aro. Mot Seer Fort Lorimer, and the October Man at Fort Kearney. The Satan Fe..M•ll urav alto received at Indocedenee, ■Bd had met %nub to oentrtieliol2o on the Way. Toe Indian ettiromettea aed &faculties with the hoops couticue. Oldham'. Company and train were root at Old PCCON Hall's two trains were met,the fiesta! Wag. On Mound, the tecood a. Co two Wood. Well: commend of Vie soldiers were at Cedar The population of Salt Valley numbers twenty floe teourand. Beyond Piii:p river, the health of the enctigraata W. good, and tall few deaths had ocoured• Gras. area rxreilont • and cock wet kept by the month at .10., per h ead. 0:12111= Th e Repot,tic of this morning denima the state. talent that th.• Preeldent had issued cider*. .00. eentratleg troops !It B iston. It also denies that soy eolanUnleat2Ona had been received by the Evocative (om the Marshal, or fromany other source, in regard to any apprehended obstitte. i Ilona tojhe unitise slave law: The Rep thlic says that same changes. are to take place i the position or troops, sad that some Florida Dam able• had been ordered North, and some to Tr RN and that other, had been ordered from the North to the South. Anderson, the tusd serut, mho was suspended since the mail robbery at Phtladelphts, has been reinstated. New Yeas, Nov. 5. Laid arrivals floor lacmet report that a cottapi. racy againet the novernment had been detected and that two rued had been shot, and eight mme condemned to teeth. S.mo moor three hundred were imprisoned to await tteit trial. It is stated that licamth, and other Hammitc exiles, at Kenteca, having thee, Vett permission to retire from the Woman Empire, will at once pro. need to the Pelted States, wan a view to pet. =anent settlement. The Porte has, hit oho stated, published a do. cies, perhattice all foreigner. to service, to reelec, co matter what their creed. . A number of7rfogete, who had hereiokme adopted the Mnree'man tal , b, are thus enabled to return to Chr:etianny, and General item ia mud to be the foremost nt the lat. Ntw Yuri, Nov. 5. The New English Steamship Af ICI will be Arm to night, with five or bit days inter news from En. rope. The American Steamer Georg's, the Empire City and Cherokee, will moire between now and Sunday next, wile two weeks' later news from The Atlantic will be due on Sunday, with four days' later tern tram Europe, and the Franklin on Tuesday next, won two days' later triteriiririee. Ned Yoaa, Nov. 5. A. K'.B.;soa. (Whig.) la elected Mayor by about 5,000 oar jtuty. TIMVION, Nov. S. Mercer county gives eight majority far Rank Whig. The TaTlor may ril in 1839, was 109. In the any of rrentou, kellon, Dem., has 60 ma )ority for Congress. CEN.IDS OF-VERMONT. New YO4ll, Nov. 5. The tenon, return, front ni teams to Vermont, have been receiiod,lllloOriGt( an inereaae of 12,720 In 32 lowa., and a loan of 2691 in 29 towns; ma. king an aggregate grin or 10,000. The decrease is to the atg•toulteral dirtr.cs principally—the Inducement% to centime° being ouch as to attrui many young persons' to the great and grovrirg West. The ammo tit the otter to Connecticut. Borrox, Nov 5 The great freight depot of the Eloaton and Mom fiatlr ma. was destroyed, to day. — The bwldioQ was WO feet I n length, and built of brick. IJ was valued at $.35 000, stud waft partially roil:wed al the lima of the fire. The lower part coma ned outward train freight which was , o !vivo at 5 o'clock, consisting of 30 can laden with cotton, dour,6:.c. These eara and their contents were totally destroyed, and were not insured. The upper nart of the depot tints mounted by Hartol and Herostd, Mahogany Dealers, whose 10.11 is immolated at $50,000; with an inflUraitee of $lO.OOO. The toed ton is estimated at $100,1.X10.._ I.MiNER. TO AItILN BEY. Boar., No•. G. A great dinner wen given by the Merchasus of thu ctly,yesterdsy, to Amm Bey. The Turkish Commissioner, at which T. B. Curtiss, Esti., pre sided. Speech. were made by Messrs. Webster, Win.. throp,•nd °them. Mr. Webster, in the course of his remarks, mid that the Turkish Enroy had come to this country to sec the United States, end not a broken and duseo 'ered Union. WASHINGTON, Nor. 1. Fire mutineers bare bean wed at Naftali:, and found guilty. Now Your. Nov. 5 Bishop Hughes left here on the ltith for Home 'receive the appointment of Archbishop NEW YORK ELECTIONS Few Tork Clip. • Naw Yoix, Nov. L. 10 P. hi - Congressmen E -eted—Third Diatnet, Emanuel B. Hart. Whir; 4th D.striet, G. Hoban Haines, Wh'g; sth Dqtriet, 0..0. Briggs. Whig; 6 la Din• trial, James &no k 4, Wog. Thy Whig. have a majority of Aasemblymen.— The Democrats have, majority for Assistant Ala dermen. Niagara Falls—Hunt, Whig, for Governor, 58 majority. Pendletoo—Hutt'e majority 51; Barrow', for Cooper', the el rue loom, 2 , 3m•jonty. Inelpnrt—Given 300 majorry for Hunt. ' Niagara County--Gwen abort SOO of a Whig majority. Batavia—blajority far Hunt, 242. Haskell, Whig, has a mejortly of 157. Monroe County—Three towns give 532 major. ity for Hoot. Ostario County—Gives • Whig majority of 121. Baneca,Canoty—Hant's majority In this county it 21/0. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Putuounna, Nov 5. Fionr—Salta of 600 tiffs were effected as former quotation.. Grain—Hut little 'Wheat is offered, and prices are Pally malniamed. Selra C.( 35,000 hankie', Southern alai Penna. Red at 101010 Se for tote. tier to fine qualifier, and 115 n for prime White. Corn le lees retire, and rather more is offering.— Sales 5000 ho 5.4 ow, mostly at 69in per tn.— Oats are to ste. dy demand at former rate. Provisions—fiat bite to doing, and prices are inthoot abaore. II A LTIMORE MARKET Nov. 5. Flom—Price• hove declined, with sales of How pd Street ponds AI Si 69 per bh.. On= and other btege . e =changed VEIN YOBS. hiLKICET NOON IMPOILT. Naar Yong, Nov. 5. Fleur—Thn movement in Flour =minors good nt $45644 6210 r common and straight State: 84 5644 65 for mixed nod straight Western. and $456 x 3465 for favorite Mictitgan and Ohio Gram—Wheat is firro,and gooddemand. Of corn the supplies are lied, which preveata an:OM)% The market it it shade easier, with sales at 711.20 Mr Western aimed, and 720 for round yellow. Provision«—Porn is more active, but without hay change ia puree. Lard is firm. with a moder ate demand Oroecne‘—Not wools is doing in the market. Ric Coffee it telllog at 111 A per lb. WLineeed 011 in buoyant, and holders are firm at e for Englt.M. Eaten of Amyl.= at 710. Whiskay is Without change. Yost. Nov. s . The elsettoo azitemett saateriillp checlo tan* afloat . Flour—There are no newton:lm to notice. Sales reach acme ✓AU bbl., at the noon pr es. Oratn—Leta nes been doing in Corn, and prices tend downward. Proy.slona and Groceries are without change. HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS JAlll¢6l WILSON. 01, _ 93 Iggod 'Name , of Du:mond alley,Star:.4 &vv. OFFERS ht. en.wireere and tla Dabney an entirely hew nT frerin .: o^k 01 lior Caps, and MnIT., in great o.oril. Div nulsetaged and geierted with mach eve In ree re ire , in pit.i.:2tyie, agg ,vehty, Iv New Tar t .. c , " 2 ant :gale :nd "4"I I""pfriatiPriThiOe'T'O. Inde_ eel tatibrotorliag To Steam DOC.t. Bwildara. 'VITRA beau) Oakland cad /Toward Twill. av t- Nj able lor swam boat decking or morning• wedged C T. ....11""'""'.nd I r iggeg7 . ;T.FAITNO & CO. Ilin Wood at ICEG 13DTTI:li—A prism article, received for cal ra — filtrip_ MILAM4EED—A few barrtic. fc.d.2raalo art, R°L.L,"uITER -B "'lalrElri c .W.WE's l wAa r...re et, ur and rro,ch PdPetd, ',tom y no pdx piece., wall bOrdtr• to =Whirr sLatosuATIL, By wood 4.211 WitiIX)t—PAPER.-IWD p w v j A hoermaid 01 : 5- " A CiniLMON ar, MOMS l'oMitihßOAi. RECORD. PIIPTRIBIJIWO BOARD OW TRADE ASO NIIIICILAWS IICEL•1161. COMMITTEE FOR NOVEMBER. r voilliOrtraowt w. ■ ■trrnt C. CM ==:E1111 PITTSBURGH MIALRIC.HT. 11,11 12* Oa. =Dom Nov. 6. GENERAL REMARKS.—Dming the put week, op gradena in the general market have been compare• lively light for the season, and with few exception., we have no marked change to notice In 1010.110111. Be. have been of a general character, and although no helm tranautiona In soy slack, have come tour knowledge, a her regular bushes. has been doing. The river hes been gradually receding during the week, but we are tail favored with an abundance of water for all the parposu of trade, and our large else. 10.1111211.11 an cow performing their regular trip. Mau Md. CRY ard the variou pants on the river be• and other articles of we fern prodactiou, hake not been •o fall az doriny the preeedite weer, Lot generally, they have been sufficient to keep the suppiiee of the market adequate to the demand, uld, In • general way, oar wholesale dealers are wuply provided for the accommodation of the country 015(061ell. ASHES—We nave no marked change to notice in Lk. Mix. market. "receipts base been moderate, but the storks on hand are ample, and priees are general ly the same as given in oar last week's report. A (air general business has been aoing at the following kg- Urea :—Saleratos, 5031 e; Palle Ash, Ole; Pot Ash,/f. 14, and gods Ash, to the extent of about 100 Oka, at 31, I Mos., and 4e crab. APPLES—The receipts of Apples doting the amok, have been lull, and wiles on the wharf, sum up some 500 bbl., at prices ranging, according to quality, front AO to :bar bbl. Pales from store are made, at 730el'e bbl. ALE k PORTER—We notice no change in prices. Our Brewen are doing a brisk business, at our last quotations. BACON—We notice an improved haling, with Some slight advance on the better qualities. Bales of e 7 elm, lots, at, for Rnmel %OM Sides, 6}o6ie, Shoulders at tie ♦ 10. This shows to Improvement of to on the prices of the early pan of the week, the market clog• Int firm. Bales in the forepart of the week, of 0,000 St. Sides at W, and WO the BRoulders at .lle, 4 mos.— Bale of €0 trees, prime canvassed hams, to go east, at Be. Bales of common do, at 74071 e i lb. There is a fair demand for prime wager cored family hams, stub sale la tree, at 10011 c ♦ tb. The shipment. of Bacon east, by canal, during Momenta Or 0?tobal, arrant to 1,4138,04X1 Ba. BUTTER—This anlele has emitted more freely daring the out week, bet the larger portion of It was designed for eastern ehipmmet. There are, however. fair supplies in the market, and quite a lair heathen has been doing at fall prices. Tee better qualities of roll, to bbls and boa, are very firm, nt fall pare, while keg has been lea. sought for, sales of 40 hbls prima roll, al 14015 e, sod of fair quality, at Olt al3e 0 It Sales of 150 kgs, in lots, et I), likanye, according to quality. Shipments can daring Octebr, amount to 308,400 Ds BBoool4—htle now fell receipts during the week, and .applies at present are ample. Sale. hove been tale, sad may be gamed from first iambi, at front $7l: to 51,50 des, and from store et 51,111 to Pt do-, for emurrion merchantible to a pne.e article. BLOOMS—The arrivals of 6looma have been rood, tie, and We have no reportable Wee to rumen. We ay quote it *O3 IPSO° • ton, On time. BINDERS' BOARDS are quoted at Hanle qr 6 CELAN BERRI&S—Tron receipt. of this ante... Lave, .s yel, Leen very Usla, and the only'sale of non... quence we can notice, ut one of IS bbl. from ato re, at bbl. CHEESE—We nonce full receipts from the W,.stera Reserve, and nor...tending the heavy atop cents ant, the supplies laM i tho. market are ample Some NOM 1601 b.rea hare chanced hands, at e, 6106 le for eensmon and cream, red 0107 e for mantuneth r ream_ The caporu of Coccus, by canal, during October, were 660,105 61.. • CRACKERS—The following Is the manafact Ater: Bu of p ice• : Cr.km,NtOM Dyspeptic do a a •• .. Pilot Bread, " " •• • Sugar Crackers, per IA • Sods do " - CORDAGE—We note no change ha prices la tat ariletes ander this head. The foilowing la . Lula prisec bim ao ulleropo, b 7 cod, __ ot, Whito Rope, by cod,-----•—• do cut, Tarred Rope, by co, • do ctu.• • • • ..... Packing Yarn, fine,--.... do conoton,—. BIM CORM Manilla, i 1 07, 75 y doe, do • mii,••-•l3e •• lb Wrap, 111,501DY,Z03,00 y doe. do • c ou, •• • -100 " la. -• • •-•l4e !dantlle, ark • • •—•llemp, 7L • doe tywilsed Cordage Ls sold mohair at 14la ♦ Stis coTroN YARNS- , Price•re generally very arms the recent advance. Stacks are unoseally light. •d ales have been necessarily eannned ta myelin nailed transacuons to customers. We give the for •win` list or prices, wt,h an improving tendency.— Na..S, cis Per ID ..—••243 I N? .. e tsgret " . -- . 1.9 " IS '• " u 8, . "" t " Dom No. SOO, au per lb • • —lOl eau, - - ui 4. 700, w “ 0 Carpet Charn,•—. —at Coverlet Yarra• • •----- 11 1 Teresa. No. Ea:Clasper dot • • •--4 Candlewick; —• B ag Bening, Nos I A We bear of no ehang• •• ured. No. I Penn and An and nommen or Nonatoot. COTTON SHEETING:, yet, in Pittsburgh maantac .he, Mills, is e, at yin fp pad, and very It COPPER—The regular Picttbumb manufacturer'. ale 199d0e p ts. r.rc. 0 anged. prices of cats and ingots, other descriptians are snob DRUGS, MEDICINES t ne important enange m pri. fallowing is a correct Ina DYE STUFFS—Wr Eel es demos the meek. Tte of prices of some of the principal aruclem Liquorice root-- —•7 0 9 ball •--190eu :Lee ...... 1,040 Stagmeata Carb 950:0 Madder Umbr a • •- • 14001 kalyrre, Tarter. •• • 44100.1 Oil Vttriol...— 40 Castor 111.75 Cassia 3A494,00 cloy. 1400491 0 " Lemon 2.007.t0 • Perenit ••• • •2,5003 tot Opium, Turkey • .4,7505,00 quinine , • —• • .4,4004.50 Rhubarb, toot 790140 Sal Alumna •• • —lOO1 5 Senna.— 100 , 0 Tartaric Acid 41050 Vitnol Blue --• • .110 I e lartorrood, bbla 00 7 farot•e, bble• •• • • .21001 Logrroodi chmoed rl I bare been on the iLICT,IVO, Aloes, IDs 15017 Alom 310 4 Assafirtlda t 5023 Arrow R., •- • —. IOOP , Armefords WO 1 i Borax. refined 750:B Balsam P.rs • • • SAMOA% Do Copavia- • • -3:103 -, Brimstone • • • - ...... OD 5 Camphor, re( 450.3 , 'Chloride Lime, est Sl' Cochineal 1,:001.75 Cream lanai 25046 Copperas ..... • ...11 0 C Glais, in Mils 1.4012 i Galli.- Guns Arabic 50 0 *A ii Cope, 39054 , " Tragaciriciti • 50060 " Shellac ISO IS [Twee Llthragos,73 —5106 Jalap, powdered • lOU DRIED psurr—Reccipis supplies have accumulated, and miles to a considara. We client hare taken place during the 'seek. Palm from Aral banes, to the extent or about 400 bus Peach es. at $1,13, and about UM bull Apples, at Srughne • bushel. DRIED BEEF—Very Iltde bits some forward uud supplies are listt Wu quota fret , ' More by the Ir., •1110 e VLOUR—Donne ne past week, receipts of Flour hate been M. abundant, and owing it the fall Moto manta east, 'applies left on sale in this market bane been moderate, and the coneeqaence has been • .1,511 Imptorement In prior.. The sales from first baud, define t►e west, tip some XOO bids, the maile , Opiate firni, at 11,5113,61 • bbl. From were, ...as bate bees mainly confined to small to a at Si POD at la the forepart of the week, but closing fir . ly at SID 341,14 i ♦ bbl. Sales from City Hills at $202,23 V arm, at In quality The aelpeneets cam during 1. club., wire 311,2711.drta Les Flana—lbe amount. analog forward hare been ec.llned to a few small Matedeappllea,m pier. em are light. We quote from first hand. at 10,37, and from store, at 134303,66. Colo Mau—Vary little le coming forward at para sol, and eapplles are tray light. We continua oor quo• titian' from Coro and the mills, at 60411G2e fe Inc Fldit—We notice no material change In once..— With a lair regular tuaineaa, eve • give the following q aaivaiansi—Salaion i gle, Shad i fit Mackerel Ne. 1, $l3, No. 3, 1111,311 end No. 3 at 117,25 P but. ?waled Herring are selling .1 15,00 P bbl FEATIIERS—We notice tall seppllee to lb.:market, but we hare , beard el notate,. sales. Theru,lng figure. are 33433, for good western. rautr—Tbe demand 1. fair, 1..11 ital. of Raisins a t 1300 P box. Pales of Almonds, at leftTle IP, of Ground nuts, at 111A3 4 / 1 ,37 P bar, of Puueanat g gge t of Filbert., at 70Ete; of Cream nuts, at Slaret of ants Currants, at DVSS, and of Pneltett Walnut.., 11 0nn..., none, Pegs, 5501.50 g t Cocoa Nut., 0,23 • 0. g Ito tne Canal rate• from ther unsettled ! Leather• • • • ,Lead Lard a Lard Oa. —40 e t'se. FREIGHTS—The follow! this point cut, erhlca are to Bacon & Bottet• • --• 6Cci Beer, ealtell, 1 bblo • • .111 c Beeswax 112 c. Mattes & Halo 02c Cheese'ld I iito Park, bbl! 118 n Dregs k Medicines- • • • 75e Rags, cwt---•--• POn Fens Faro e. Feathers . • • • • • • Me Tallow 40e Farnham 511 r Wool ..... - ..... 751, Glamortro------ dn Whist eyhble•---- • Flaxseed • ••• • ti- Sheep Pelts-- • • • sth , Hardware 7.5 e Ilemp, Rope& Deena Roo Haase Fatiarivs-eowing to the toe stage of water M the neon the rates have dwindled down to the low est paint, and potent ate altogether nominaL CIAO PiRIES—We notice a comlneed good demand Oreessitw and riots geotyally, are Marked chug!. Bin Ceffee la On only at ithle In which we nonce any townie change. It le now no the de- Oil" MFinstof..... of .biab, dosage. ere generally spanOt than' tires, which has shut.' I.l.ll.ltanni gi n .07 wish* gaoled .119101 Na IP 0, with • do: c anm Madam)- N O Bagav aottlimes qalet, at oar i nn irmktg pglggq WS not, Was lou of • loin kids at ego, which we may give as the pennant average pries N 0 SleL»e• Moss s .lightly Improved feel ing, and holders demand 3004 be, with sees to a Lunn. ed totem, at 30e I gall. S 11 Molasses may be quoted at 41/0500. Rte. is rell.ng in a regular way, at 4. by th e tree, nod 54 in Ms*. The regular standard pricer of L e e sugar may he given at d4oloe if R. All other ankles wader this head, contimm firm at hall prices GRAIN--Mie have material change to natiee to the Grain market Supp Lea come forward slowly, and tees have been keenly confined to limited lots from Sell hands, at the following priers :—What,7soBocl Bye. 650; Barley, 1150600, Oam, 31037 e; mad Corn at 470410 0 be GERMAN CLAY—PaIe• arc reported et 634035 • I ton. The imports of German clay. during the month of October, by canal, were 453600 GLASS—Of window 01... we noure heavy sup pile. In the market. Prier. are generally the same or quoted lest work—say, for city brands 8 by 10, 0310 10 by 11, IN; 10 by 14, 0413 t and other ones in pr. portion. Country brand• ere told at lower ;once, and may be quoted o f01i0... oy 10 - --- • 2t:1,7.51 1U by 15 • IC by IS lo by 10 -- 3,70 10 by 14 Io by 17 The above are the lime Imre.. HAY—We acre regular zaies of Timothy from wog. at 111501 P ton, according to quality HOPS—Sales of wit stern N. York, 149, at if,,; do ISM, ink, and of Horton at Its, fr IRON A NAII.S—For the part leer day. the Hop• meats of Iron and Nall, from itu. cur Orel have been hem. We sobroin a hzi of priers of some of the principal nrucks: - Round end mum, her Rand Iloop . Nheet.— N•nn—lu to . 20 penny 6 to 9 penny • • 6 to 7 penny • 5 penny,• • •• 4 penny.. t• :I penny • • s,..e_ent, 3 to .1i web •• Cut, 5 to G men •' Cut, 6 tot inch LEATHER—We nonce • tegul•r demand at fall prices for all articles under lAD head. Bales of Balti more •ole at 1:162 . 2c, and of New York do, at talDIGe pound. LEAD—There is a regular demand In the matter at 51 for pig, and 5i056 for has I Lun Ntrz—Tne present range of r Dees of Lead Pipe is 70146 fo foot, according to Mae. B.7ti LZ.-811.1. ma 61e by the shenb and 1110 1 0. when eat Werra Luc—Yore lead is .Nlll4 at to, and No lett 61,50 ♦ koO. LARD—We stow, the receipts of several console. sable Lou during the week, but sales have been rather restricted. Werade moderate Maneachons, bbls and kgs, at :OS:, on time. LUMBER—Tee following are the ruling price. from the yard. • 1 inch common Board, per IMO feet, 1111 00 1 do do 'do do do 12 ral II do do Plank, (P All do 19 00 2 do do do du do 21 00 1 do Clear Board, do do 2100 11 do do Punt, (PM) do 9: 00 2 do do do do do 40 nO Pine Jots., (D Al) do II 101 If do do do Id en H Scantling do In 10 Pine do do 11 10 Shingles per if (scarce) 2 75 MALT—We nate Itartl,sr regular sales of Malt at 1339200 f ho. OlLS—Linar , d m00n..• merry [Lan. ar 900930 IP gallon. tra:ts of No I Lard ((II at Mr, mod of No. at 49/J6oc PIG MEli &L—The American notices the renewing tranaaet,oes during the put week'.-6W tens Prospect 864.60, ISO tone St Charles 1521,50, =tons Red Bank a II35; VP do Piney SU. 7010 Ore at 112.3, all I mos. Of 11. R. we have a sale of Ids tons Buena Vista h. b., .1 11740, extended time. SEEDS—FIai wed has advanced. and may now be Quoted at 01,0001.45 V by dales of Timothy from brat hands, •t 125092.61, and of Clover al H4O 4e ho. POWDER—Hazard and Depont Rtfte Powder may be quoted to large collation. BIM, and by single keg. .0;z:1 . 2561V key. Kook Powder at 5.3321 re 13,5 0 or large and small quantities. ROSIN—B.I;es at Cl 50 1 bbt for Nor.`i Conlin a. BRUT—Sales at 51,50 IP bne SALT—YaIe In a rege:ar way at 81,07 bbl, which la the regularly est, irh.d pr.ee adoat. SOAP AND CANDLES--Sales of room soap al 4 044 c. of Star Candles of 2201ic; mould tallow, lac and common dipped at be i E. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes to bbl. at 4004.: cash—bbl. extra charge. • SPICES—Game, —24oe, Gloom. 7:45/Yee, and Not mega, at, for No.l •1.9001 30 ♦ 0' RAGS. Sales of goal tatteee at .34e ge lb STAID:NI—SaIes at dime, for common to test. TODACCO—RS...I & brand ts nave I,IJ at —Mb:: Gruel, do at all twat, oa.. and whet good comra.n trunda, tarn lee IP tb. Of leaf t0n...c0 atrophy. are med.:rate, and made n i • mealy ni common qualttles. PI.Cf• may be at ODIN.. accord. it nual.ty. levy 1. .e of the heel onanty 0 aold muse• The e pa no co: )0.1 Tobacco donne by cartel, were 1,,,,100 lba, Kan the Ampons 96,100 lb. Spanieh led, end 90,000 ms manufactured. CO.lder able lon of man doctored tobsoco, which bad been formerly .lnpprd to the western muse% hove latterly been reshipped, to meet the preastng demand 10 the eastern arg.. TAR--Sale• at 114014.2 5 tra TALLOW—Soppnea are moat:, an! we may quo nominally, a. 7itrir ge VINEGAR—The reguiar rates for good elder V.lr gat Mom store, are SHAW ge gall of Rectified ai Plan:rd, run. Wrlx IL—We have heal of oo ital. of consequence The most that arm,* it for Moment east The Onto her sh.pinvots eas, were :', 4 G goo A i.aohna... tin heiaber 1. Bahl hi* bead a offered vn %lot, iy Whit h sere root., of intaroir . nah'ity T. larger voi lion worn hold at er,414,:. net cri • • elm , u LAMB —The to, were about 290 bean at 73e22$1 Am for Lambs and al's to 12 for Shoutp. t{....—Sale• of about 100 Go ad, at 11.700114 net, ir Kb tin Parr.sotrunsu. Oct 31.1,150 The odors a• at the yarn two went, eompitwd adint 1250 head of Beef Cattle, XXI Cows nod Calves; 70.3 Hoge, and 20411 :sheep and Larritna Beef Cattle arin fair demons. at to Si ICO Ha T here were 710 brad sold to the butchers and ratters, 450 dri eon to Near Tore. and e 0 lett over Cow. & Calves—Dry Cows, 100510, Springers, $l3 0821. and Fret, at 8z32:t8 etch. Ilea. —Were nearly all disposed of at *.505 SOP (CO O. ROO taken to Pon•ville, Sheep a lambs—PT/Ces range from 13.5 to to quality.—l no BALMIOI4I, Nov I, 10.0 Code—There ite. • very loran to ~,,, e in the sin. ply of Beeves on Monday, over that of the several pro ved,* market nays, and priers ruled constderably lower than they have for many months. The sins k ern crally was tfifer,er, acs, team* all things Into conaid. crane, it war • most dt•vneroVelt fnr the drovers The offerina• reached 210. head of Beeves. RV of which were sold to city hoteliers, ..C1 to tanners For smock cattle...3s . i were left aver untold, and 0.04 were driven to Philadelphla. Primes rev ged from 61,75 to ail,Crei on the hoof, equal to ~mail net, and In, fr 4, /, guar llogs—We coot:nue' to pante froth 84,50 Lo *4,75 1 A coerie•n. PORT OF' PITTSBURGH. Ron —Tbtre were c fen a tiaches. iu ehennel, e dna, las! evening. .n! !tilin6. ARRIVED. fashion, feeble, Ellcabeth Michigan, °ries, licaver. Rear et, bosdon, Deaver . Bait, Reelects, browns, Atianee, Parkfueor, Brownsville Voughtochtny Ilarcspee, West Newton J... Nelson. Moore, Wheeling . Bril , s•nt, Grace, Cinetne Iti. Pori PRI. Miller. Naah•ele Meares, Bees, Psalm:mouth Julia Dean. Gail.. her. '/..nest':. Washoneten. Marie. Loncovil:e °lnc lenau, Bincenehare, Cinelloatf DF.PARFED Ftish:on, NW*., Pittston, Mich Lg., Brie. 11 , ,Yet Be•ver, Gontno, . Baltic, Ilea eu, Hrownsvillo Atlantic, Parkin. , n. BrovrosaPio loushiogliony, Barton , . Wet , Nota , nn Pageant, McMillen, Wheeling Revestk, Dales. Kell, vale fli , ernia No. 0, Bachelor, Ciontnnati. Loyal Boons, B•uolne. Loatovillo Milton, Davit, $1 I ora. Banasrian Pilot No 0. Dove,. Ilockingport, TIOATS LEAVING TIII DAY. I.ool3—Lselta, X. Z AN • NV11,1,11 -Jll4l Dr•o, 10 a. Ai Fr. LOUIA—M. Vernon. 10 • X NAgtlVlLLE—Cindere! , .. 10 w. X. WELLIIIIII.I.I.;—A , en , 10 • VI 1 OR iftirlUTTll—t.l air.trt, l 0 L. X. Mr. Cadwallader Evans to a copy of a pamphlet Tn. ClN,l7l,7l.—Ttat packet steamer Clnc,nnan entitled "A Treatise on the Causes of Explo grtgred ohoat B o'eloek last evemag, hoeing been Mono of Steam Boller., with - prac.l.l suggestion. debt nod on the way by the tog, and • heavy to" of for their prevention, to which i. added • descrly freight. pie Leaves again m:a morning at 10 for Cincinnati. ant" Sir. Evans is well known to our citizens The magnificent pocket mint Luella, Capt. Koontz, being a gentleman of eximmitie actentlfie at. will leave for St Lou", this morning, fit to tgoioek moments, and his "Safety Guard" is an enc. • Pee advertisers ant. , valuable invention. The regolor pocket snot ALL Verner', tel leave firr We copy the following tnlimonial of its merits Louts c' is mornin g , at 10 o'clock. from among • greet number of lot hetet _ Optnmn of al Long, or the TrporrapAlcat En. gin errs, 0r.4 MA sea. Having investigated the pantile!. involved In the construction of "Eva.' Safety Guard," and witnessed the freedom and accuracy of Its opera. lions, the nadersigoed feel warranted to offering their testimony In confirmation of the eifiencY, sillily and importance of this highly interesting sod meritorious invention, and with great Omuta take this opportunity to recommend st to public suention, under the foil conviction that all the properties and advantage. ascribed to It by Its in., muttony inventor, may with certainty be realised from Its proper ..troction, Implication, and one. They further recommend the Invention to the particular notice of the General Government, a. a mere sore and effectual method of preventing the expirations of high preemie steam behest, and the disastroue consequenees attendant open snob oceurrenee., than any other means keretafitte do' vied and employed tar this purpose, W. K. ARMISTEAD, Brigadier General Uolte,l SW. Army . T. LAWSON. rce laeuend;—Thellght draught toter Clndetelle Oapt Ilia:leo, will leave let Nashville, this dal. Tea C. le the only 1,011 pp for that Nom, and we hope to see het eatply patennited __._.,~ __ ;~~ Fea —Theexcellent warner Arena, Capt. Kinney, Is the negolne daily packet for onle She I. every morning at 10 o'etoek. DARK OP PITTED:MD.Od. AN Election for thirteen Directors of Otis Dent for the ersuing year, will be bold at the 1311111I:ni HOOD!, on Monday, the 18111 day of November nes, JOHN SNYDER. Davhtet Picuposugh, Ga.10,18.50.--stettm, Exchango Bank of Pletsbnean. AN election (or thirteen Direct , '" of thls Ilonlr, .em during the el:1"mA year, will be held at the Denting 11 , use, on Monday the tete oveher neat, bete". the hours o' V A. M. and 3 D N . Al gu TIIONIAS M. 110W1 . 1, Cashier. October 19, 1,50 El•e•banta . and Vl•noktastorens' Dank or Plat•bargh. • N election for thirteen M . 0./n of this 11.11, lor Athe one:rung year, will be held •i the Baniting un, on Monday, the the day of Nova:they neat. W DENNY, Cashier. Patsbulgh, Oot Ilitig,lBso,--oclbdtd LOCAL MATTER. - - - 1.11 4 01T10) 101 T11:1111100101 DAILY •*Wfl Court at Q,nartar Ilessions. Noviarssa 5, 16:+0. Present Hon. Win. a McClare, President Janie, .nd Wm, E.err, Associate Judge. Commoossesith vs. Alfred Borer and Welling ton Moore, indictment larceny. The prisoners were quite young, sod were no • 'cased of stealing a saver watch from Edward Hamlin, • colored men, who resides in Allegheny oily. • The Jury, after a short absence, retorted a yet- Met of "gouty" as to Edward Butler, not (trail u to Welltegten Moore. Sentence was deferred, and Boller remanded to prison. Mane was discharged by proclamation. Commonwealth VS. Peter Crosecup, indictment aniline I quay without a license. The defendant resides in Sbarpaburgb. • The offence was proved, and the jury return ad a verdict of guilty. Croascup wu tried on a mond indi:tmenl of the same nature, and the jury returned a verdict Commonwealth vs. John Idallrauy and Thos. Vance, indictment assault and battery. Nathan Samuels wan the prosecutor in this ease, which was not concluded when the Court adjourned. ArTiItPOOMI SiYION The can of the Commonwealth vs. John McGratty and Thomas Vance seas taken up. It was ably argued be H. 8. Magraw, EM., for the Commonwealth, and T. M. Marshall, Esq., for the defence. 0.40 53,20 • te R. 4,t0 4.00 0.00 " 00 4 0 The jury returned • verdict of guilty. Set• tepee poeponed. In the case of the Commonwealth n. Peter Cresacup, indloted Il3r keeping • tippling house, in Sharpe:ugh, the defendant was sentenced to pay a tine of filly dollar•, and coat• of from:cu. Cori. Commonwealth vs. Casper Bash—lndletment— keeping a peeling house. The defendant sell. liquor in a boat whach te moored at the upper end of Manchester. The jury returned a verdict of "guilty," without leeriest the box. Commonwealth vs. James Morrison—lndict. meat—forotcstion and butardy, on istimM.thm of Margaret McAuley. The parties reside in Franklin township—Mina McAuley is a minor. The case west to thejnry, and the Court adjourned. Teri. Bate.—The Grand Jury returned the following ten bill. yesterday. COMMCILIWeIIth vs. leo. McKeever, Indictment Assault and Battery. Commonwealth vs. Francis Stotis; Indiamen Auaclt and Battery. Commonwealth vs. Jacob Robinson, Indianan Burglary. Commonwealth vs. Alexander MeQuieten, In dreitnect Penury. Commonwealth, vs. Henry !tablowa, Chide Jobraon, alias Chutes fdeCoonel, lodic-tenant Bur glary. Commonwealth ye. Wm. E rowan, Indlctruent Assault and Battery. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Barter s Information, Misdemeanor to Office. Tree Bill on throe count* Commonwealth vs. J oho Bradley—incitement— Assault and Battery. Cortimouwatah es. Same party for acme of- • [MC. C.llll3ollWeillal vs kdargaret Mcirrstae—ludl , era —Assault and Bauery. Comanonwesith vs. Frederick Shaffer-IDM eat—Assault and Eauery. Commonsrealth vs. Joke Lowe—lodietcrtez Larceny Commonwealth vs. John Phillipter—lanlietm. —Keeping • gambling house. Commonwealth vs: John Moon—lndietmen Larceny AISOCULTIOM.—Oar reader. will recollect teat the amassen of the Allegheny C 000• ty Almahe nil Association meet to day tithe new Coon House, for the pupa.e of electing oilmen for the cotettg year. 101 S.. MCAC4,III..r. 1.18/1M1.4 Ashoctio nu. —We are glad to learn that this useful mitt, cution is in 1.1 dourodung rondmon, and that it has of sir made nunwrotia addlnons to to valuable brary Our citizens should lend a a cordial sup port inwirounti as the good which it does t. incal culable, as it bring. within the reach of persona moderate mean., the very choicest and rams, wort,. A fine cabinet of mtnends la attached to it, to. gether with a reeding town, when all the city da• bea, and the mod valuable Eastern, Southern, and Western taper• are taken. New Nanur Wain. —The members of the oem want watch seem lobe doing their duty well, and romdymm is on the decrease. They are an active energe.ic set of man, and under the com mend or the eal/ent r.elaceil Trevino, will aerie! .re s render sag vwdla the prevereatiGn the poblie peace Sor Atill[sl3.o —Patrick Cabal', amused of tb murder et a Philadelphia emu-tenant has nut Ise, arrested since tus escape from °facer Fos. la littL—Sharp. the Street Preacher is in Jail, not haemg been able to proctor bail in a slander suit Instituted manna bun by Colonel Leopold Sabi . . . D1.40620r11. —Save r.I 01 oar 'absent:mn ban recently requested us to toilet ths daniertnn con. dition of the walls of • house shave Ryan's near building on Fifth Street. They inform cm that they are posuively abalti ID pa•S by It. Will the proper authontles attend to the matter, Tor Cocas or Quanta Scut°Ns is tratutaming its Mislaysa with great rapidity- It commences Its rersion at nine o'clock In the morning. and with • rersas of Wren hour for dinner, sits until between tore and an o'clock. Barra,, Pouce.— A true bill for larceny Wait yesterday returned Batman one of the Mayor's Po• lice, and another charging one of his rata captabia of the melt watch With perjury. MaTon . % Orrice, ALLIMIIt!...—Two tavern keepers of the Fourth Ward were brought before the Mayor yecerday morning, and fined for sell• log liquor on the Sabbath. A number of pernons were bound over 00 ■ C charge of *molt and battery, grewing out of the quarrel between the old and new hands of the rolling mills. A COIDEVf. - A Little child, three year• of •`e, wee very severely tutored on Filth near Grant street, yesterday allarnooo. It was knocked down by a hone attached to • milk cast, sod the wheel& pasted over Its body. Pit-meson eau Beam:KKK" rtri-o PLANK Roan Coateney.- Thin Company met on Monday, when the following gentlemen were unanimously Yawed. crated officers for the ensuing year. ranlDnT TkIG.4I AS M. HOWE. Masons. E D. Osmcui, Joan A 6111111.., Auz col 7, Tocsin WILLIAM, Hamar Wooos, Tsunami. ROMT Rots. LvrnrstWO PAM/11411T. We ue iodrlded to LlepienantOaku! United Slaw Amy. 8. H. LONG, WeiIMMO COkraOrrOpCiriPhiCal Eagineas. Orman as m Yovaincaircnr ELtacc Warn NAVIONTIOS.—A lane number of our meta len Patsburstt tecerday atomic, On the Hue unmet Atlantic, Captain Parkinson, to viatt Weal Newton, in order to cerebrate toe opening at the Slack Water Navigation lo that place. As tte heat passed the hula towas along the Monon gahela, freak antessions of passengers were made an that it was soon crowded with human beings. ThuAtiantio la companywlth the steamers Yong h. iogheny and Shipper, entered the Youghlogheo y and proceeded up that stream to the last leek, when the Atlantic and Youghiogheny were lashed together, the Shipper following them. As they nerited West Newton, the visitors were welcomed with frequent disrharges of artillery, which were answered by salutes fired from pieces on the boats. Several bands of music were on board, and their perforrnances greatly enlivened the scene. When the boats arrived at the "head of navigation," Went Newton, cheer after cheer, rent the air.—Thousands of spectators had egsern bled trom ■Il the neighboring towns, and the etc rounding country, and the spectacle was meet ani mated. Several Military companies turned out in honor of the occasion, and the 'ammo gaiety and good brim. prevailed. The town. of Cumberland, Greensburg 13,Wash. ingtoa, Elizabeth, Mae' capon, Williamspott, Monongahela City, Jacksonville, dna., dm., deo-, bad all eent huge delegations, and them moat have been many thou ad persona gathered to. gether. htl.r. Smith, of West !Newton, welcomed the viciton to the place of his residence, in • very , neat and appropriate speech. He paid • very bigh, and justly deceived compliment to the en• terprza of the Board of Director., through whore exertions the Youghiogheny Slackmater Naviga• lion had been completed. Gyro. Markle, Esq., President Mahe Board of Drawer., responded in a very happy and eloquent manner. The Hon. Mr. Plummer, of Westmoreland County, introduced our worthy townsman General Win. Laraucr„ to the meeting, at the same time commending him far the manner in which he had stepped forward to the assistance of the Company to their hour of need. It wu by big aid' and liberality that they had been rescued from theigumbrurassments, and enabled to debit the great work, the completion of which they had thet.day met to celebrate, and which yes des. tined to occupy a very disUnguithed position among the imprutementa of Western Pennsylva. General Lanmer in he manly and characteristic manner, limited the honorable gentleman, and et premed his gratitude for the cordiality of the re ception they had all received. lie concluded by assuring the visitors that the citizens of Vest New. ton had not been unmindful of tacit (creature com forts, and invited them to dinner. The company Men adjourned to dinner, which was served in a Mtge ware house in the oelgb• . boyhood. There were several tables (each of which was capable of accommodating two hon. died persona.) loaded with all the good things of the season, to which ample psalms wudone. Alice dinner the assembled multitude was ad. deemed by Colonel Samuel W. Black in his anal energetic and eloquent style. The company then amused themselves by strolling shoat the neighbor hood and visiting their frienda,ontil live o'clock in the afternoon, when they again embarked. On the downward trip, the eminence. of the Atlantic were summoned together, nod a meeting Mitsui. zed bi calling General 3. K. Moorehead. to the chair, sod appointing a large number of gentlemen Vea Pms dente end &nectar:ea. Speech,' more made by the lion. Mr. Mason, of Maryland , CA Black, Capt. Naylor, Mr. Shri• vet, of Comberland, Mr. Benham. of the name placel Dr. I. R. McClintock, Benton Kerr, and a numbar of other persons. Several geotlemehfa vored the company with songs, and many a jest and merry story amnacd the. passengers, wad their arrival at ten O'clockli — st night, at the wharf of their own Stioky City. • The weather was very fine, the day being one of the &neat of the Indian summer, and nothing ocenred to mar the harmony of the occasion.— lo the name of their mutters, anther lease to ten• der to tho cltlren. of West Newton, out aut. Lae the hospitably with which they were received. Peresealege. Nov. 4. 1550. At • meeting of the Board of Mattagera of the lidouottgabela Navigation Company, held this day the Mt!oaken preamble and resolutbesui war; unanimously adopted : "It 0 with aineote pleuure .hat the Board of Manton of the hionougalwia Navigation Com pany have learned that the Youghiogheny water Company are prepared to open their bob on Tneeday. the sth November. inst., and Intent to celebrate the event by an excursion, au heart of a steamer or steamers, through their works, to West Newton. therefore, Revolved, That thie Dempsey Mot to el best. carrying permits attending utd celebration the privilege of paasirg through locks of the Motion gabel& Neatest,. Cueopaue free of charge for toll an this WeAM.. lineolved, 'Chet this Board accept the polite in• •itanon of Generals Lorimer and hlaskJe to attend tie celebration. From the Record. W5l. BAKEWELL, Secretary. For Ju Pittsintreb Gazattc Whore to Max Nearapapers. Bela( a cionstant reader of ',fur city riel.pli pener &o, we often call in Mr. Hams' Agency and lotathgence thrive, and see his counters cov ered with our daily, and weekly, and a great vari ety dime etchauge newspaper., which he buys from our city mikes, embracing nearly 100 differ ent kinds, from New Orleans to Si. Louis, Nash. mile, Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus, Wheeling, Cleveland, bale, Buffalo, Boston, New York, Phil adelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Cumberland, Brownsville; Bedford, Blairsville, Butler, Mercer, Sc., &c. Mr. Harris is one of our oldest and most maustriorm citizens, but being poor from venous Noses and misfortune* to bininers, be keeps now for sale, in addition to his bummer* in his Agency and LAclligence Office, a great variety of our lat. nal and test Newspapers, to accommodate our own citizens, emigrants, and traveller., and for all Masan of custornerewho may please to moll on him, and I cheerfully recommend my fellow citizens and the public to call and patronite an industrious, de serving man. AN OLD CITY MECHANIC. LOOK HERE MY FRIEND! ARE DU A FATHER, listening kw the *appall of a lewdly, and suffeeim• Eß tram reneml debility .od DR. el. low sm D. t HOWE'S oa, to that ISHA K ife almost SARSAPARILLA. Beeme‘a bavden um ARE YOU A MONIES Su Canna from dimes. to which females are CCCCC - ally subject, use Dr. 8, D Howes Shaker Saranpacllla —it will certainly ewe yea. mug st our depot, or on ona of one agents, and get • pamphlet gratis, ratio. you will Ilnd that the Shaker Sarsaparilla, as prepared by Dr S. D Howe. has been the mean. of permanently curing , woes alma.s to which the button family are continually subject, than any other preparatton of Summar. Ila ever yet brought before the public This 'medicine has entablhhed gh teputatdon by Its numerous and well attested cores. It Is pln on bottles, and the only 8 maw the t hat eels on the LW., Kidneys, and blood at the same hme, which renderilt altogether more vale able to every one, patticularly to Irma.. As was owl twpsitrsfor Dt. K. D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. Felon 11 per bottle-6 bottles for gh. For sale by DR. S. D. HOWE, tt. CO., ProprielOrs, I Colleen Hall. Cincinnati, 0., To whore all order. most be addressed Also, foe sale by 1. A. Jones, J. Schoonmaker ft Co, W. Illaek,,R_ W Moms, 1. M. Townsend, I. ALMICr, W. Jackson, Pltirburgit ;, D. A. Elliott, Allegheny altp; .8/ MeCielland, Moneheeter;T. Crocker,Drowne. Mlle; James Paull ,k Co, Wheeling; 1. IL Pattered. and P. G. Morgan, St. Chunville ; Wilton A Enna, Cad. ocIISM/eveT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J. Flll. W l, Jr., or e I R. MM.., Jr., Creel ill me egoinst all kende of risks FIRE AND MARINE. hALL loran well be liberally adiesten and promptly p ome inetluatlon—managed by Directore who ars well known in the community, end who see determu, ed by promptness end liberality to muntein the char acter which they have emceed,ao liffenny the best protection to them who nosier to be Imsnred. Hisecroes—R. Millet, Jr., Gem. Black, J. W. Butler, N. liolmeeJr., Wm. 11. Holmes,. C. Ihmsen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon,Jas. Lippincott, Thee. R. Limb, Jame. M'Auley, Als. Nimick, Thos. Scott. Orrice, No.9Y Water ousel, (warehouse of Roan& & Co.. so •lairs.iPitt•hareh. mbledlg La PI4 181111.111./LllOlO. J. Pinney, Jr." Agent for the Penn Lilo forgranos Co. of Phila. 1 , 71nE of the Western Insurance Company' No. % . 00 Water street, Pittabanih. Pamphlets, With ell' necessary ieformetion, nod plank fount will Go Condehed. unbinds can insurq their lives for the benefit of their veleta and children; oration the Ilves of their debtors. The whole psalm of the 'Company I= divided among the holders of Life Polfelel. The tivideddb of the past two years have been enth ty net seal each 'oar. iaPd CU BOISE —lt6 bulro c e t vill=o b ri a.. 7 cLovET oe2l 193 Llbot . y ol ltif ACNIEKEL—OO brio weelved for solo 1 at 0e93 AncinBERTBOOI AC 111 AB ruct-P-Abb.:. W. ,11.40rant'L . 100 boo uoirted; Oft cameo Borrow & cabinet., ocei• • for Ws by bctli A CULIMITISON b. • C . UOS STEAM BOATS. Packets arriving a t and departing from the Port of Pittsporgh FOR BIG BANDS"; GALLIPOLI% AND PORTA. ... • , - - - MOLT& The steamer MAGNET, D Dom. mow, arid leave ler the aßove and intermediate pone on this day, 6th mat; at 4 P M. For freight or passage, •pply on board, or to nee W tifiIEELEB! REGULAR LIVERPOOL AND WELLSVILLE . - . . Tha light draugto. ataanter D. P Ki o Kinney,matter,A.lLLNA, leaves PhD burgh Monday, Wedtuaday, tad Fri day, at 10 o'c tr ek, A. NI Leaves Wollarille Tactday, Tkon,day. and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. 51. For I 'Tight or Page,.ppiton board. rutt.s • . . FOR NASHVILLE. vur. ,.. The magnificent llght dvattght steam r CINDERELLA, Caption HaMelt, Sill leave for the above aid all inter ediate ports onWednesday,lith inst, In 10 °thick A. AI. For Ge'ghtorp.,age, apply on hoard, or to soli . ~ • , J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. FOR CINCINNATI AND BT. LOUIS , The aplendid new steamer LUELLA, J. w. Fount; master, will leave for the shove and all intermediate ports on this nay, 6th feet, at IU A. N. For freight or ;moue, apply On hosed. son FOR NASIIVILE. The Reel - inn running steamer I;EN EVA. IStWilkins, master, will leave for above sad all Intermediate ports on this day, the Stli Inst. at 10 otlook,A. M For freight or passage, apply on board. nod MME=I The splendid steamer JEFFERSON, Johnston master, will leave for the above and all intermediate poets on t ay, at 4 P. M. rd, of to For "" or " eig °"g°r on bond, Ageot FOR LOUISVILLE. The splendid and fart running steamer MILTON, John B. Dirtie, master, trill leave for the above and all Intermediate ports on this nay the 4th Inst. For freight or passage apply on board. or to no 4 0 B bIILTF.NLIF.RIGEB, 'FOR CI — NENtI ATI ANeLos: — Mk The splendid alcamer MT. VERNON, Kounts mutter, will leave for toe above wal all Intermediate wins on this day, the fah Inn., at 4 P.N. • For freight or passage apply on board, On to ncd JOHN FLACK. •Agenl PITTSBURGH ik WELLSVILLE PACKET. the steamer REVEILLE, D. R. Dale, master, will leave Pits burgh every Triesilly, Thursday, and Seturday, returning, leave Wellsville every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For freight or passage, apply on or to iseWl ' W B board, Arent. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET OINOINNATIo Captain Jonn This splendid boat was built by tha owner. of the mutter hue Newton, and others for the Cincinnati ta d Pi t tsburgh 'Packet trade, and will leave y Wednesday, for Cincinnati,'ln place of the New ever England, No. 2. For freight or paaitage apply on lioard,ot to ror2o Gil SILLTEN BERGE, REGULAR DAILY PACKET FOR BEAVER oak, The splrndhl tavernerG 111 YOUOG RENY, Cept. Ilartopee, will !rove tor above rnd ail intermediate limitless, every dry, et 4 o'eleer, I'. M. - For freight or panne app!r nn l'aard.rnr. REGO - LAIL WREELINCi - .lr: a Nillsll - PALIKET. IN rue fast vrealv= p aps. R. Yriungoirill run as a retrular packet b e t , L enin Wheel leg,Dridgepott, •nd Sunfish, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday afternoon, for Wellsville, dleubenville, and chea t epd every Thur.l4y afternoonfor Steele, clUe, to are Bridgeport, esptina, and Baena. Returning, leaver Bridgeport and Sunfish every Toes. day afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday anernuon. ' Per freight or passua. V.Pia.aa board, or to see? 13 WILKI NS. A gent. kiatia 1860 4122ai PHILADELPHIA 6c PITTSMIROH: . •-• TEE. CITIZENS' PORTABLE Boat LINE; rIONTINDEZ no R rorard freiklif to Plindough via X.,/ Roll Rohl' ml Col:W.012 very . reasooatdo terms, nod ' , oh the 2,6u2116g5n01ch from oar law depot, N 0.276 Worked [Dee t.Phaddelphia, formerlyeempled by Pele•ori[Oloilon ohr27:d2n R—W POINDEXTER &CO PALL LIMA NOENZBIT. .1 !" 1 " 4; 41434. 7 Genital RMAIVOIRI opell nollldaws b art 103 mats Canal to JoAra...awn-2SO nrilm Rail Kuud from Johnvels. rn Pleiladtipkia. TWO DAILY EXPRESS PAcBET BOATS, Exclurivelp for Posseagarit, , • • FUR PHILADELPHIA 1 AND BALTIMORE, Time through, IS /AN an after Ilenday, September Ifhle, two daily VJ Packet Heath will leave lor Joboatown, bons thence take spiendid new cars Win direct to Rhtladelpina, pwelng over the now Pcimaytysatt Rail Road, hung one of the very hest ln the country., The ice rooted speed by this route makes it the bum desirable, es well as the moat comfortable one to the mamma cttles A Packet Boot will .leave ever) , mowolooo 007 00. 0 ) c l oc k, a nd an n oy ceernag at o'clock, precisely. Uf.—The Portage Rail Roan is passed in day light. • Fnr passage or ini W onnstion apply to BUTCH, Monongahela Moose; sent 3 or in D LRECII & CO. Canal Ltuirs riwPrlpT6lll.-.Fam. Int-Mfiat Only TS 011 e• st•iliag. VI. promostrille and Cembetland to Baltimore ani Phi:Adel:tel. Fara to Paw:bloat -• • • -1110 00 pc. P)IrIaDEIXECI--- 10 00 • lIE morning boat leave. the wharf, above the bridge, deily, at 0 o'clock precisely. Time to Baltimore : 3g bourn; time to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The evening boat leaves 4.111, (except Samla7 ae r eningvj at o o'clock. Pumngers byaomg on the evening boat, will ems, the maltreat. In ruses Ten day, and thoc avoid sight travel. Secure your tickets at the Ott., klonoogaliala Rouse, or 9t. Charles lloteL oetli-ly I. AtESTiIkIEN. Agee,: r al:t 1850. eaMi BIDWELL t BROTHER ; • FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ROCIITZTPo In R, ) A., (Braver [l:7 - Arems for BIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE TO ERIE.; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS; townie and eremite between Pittsbirefi and Rochester by stern boat. Allergen, Lake Erie, 7 end Beaver. Goode reeeipted and promptly delivered to all primes on the Canals nod Let es, et me Ineest tetra BbtPPers will plea. direct goad. ta utlidwellte J. C [BIDWELL, 'Vetere. Prebend,. 12=121 Carpets. 01 IXTN. MeetNTOCK Y V a very large am Cloths, “mprraing IR pen New anddo dry. Ts Ve do a now constantly ftteiVitl, eat of Palpate alas ell Ills following earleder .Inet Pik Carpets; • yestry Prussia. do filla I Joanne. Etnnttels; 99. 7. , !. 6-4, a 4, 4.4, lttil 14 Gil Cloth do do 1.34 Nev style prised Tspastry Carpels Fairs super 3 ply carpets Superfine do do do ingrain do filedfis sup. do do Moe do do Common do do 4-4,3-4, o n 3-9 thomilt Vemdan Carpels ?heel in! Cloth. dm to at any rize hall or room, irtual ztylez and gawk- Cb , rtile Raga Tones! do Chenille Door Mato Toned eo do ITh ee nno kin do do to • ftp• Jenny Llnd do do rramparent WtrtdOw nee, 44, 34, and btl Tapestry Yenttfan carpets 4 4.en 3 itl 4, an