!tr. piThisu till fiIIAKITE. PUBLISHED By otIITE Ze CO FITT6 ,O "I GH WEDNESDAY ~ogNINGI, NOV. 6, 1860 ~nvaan_ • ere soy aearneqestedio nand in 5 r. M, and early in the day as s . sut . o . 7 l 7 . liirerus b lments not inserted fora specs. be charged until ordered out. iled Um , ore mr .„-- j rraucca te Agent for dui. paper at his Rork, Philadelphia, d emend riuvf is autho ri sed to receive subscript:l m iiperuseuterits for es . F •Pllrt.a Nom hutzslear.—Ndvertlse _,,,s :no coienpuon• to the North &merle. and led -tams tiszeue, Philadelphia, received and for. :earded Nolo We other. (11:r P.lte.D.7-em• Co souscua. Lurr b nrion • for this ad froth dos office. valaaliln paper, will be received and forward HAITIMitt ANYlLlCAN.—gubscrlpuo .awn advert's • mesaster paper recerre4 and &retarded free o eharge from this ofdee. CINCINN•iI (i•lirra —A dIrCTIUGUIVI anoi iducrepmn., for Uus paper, will be received an • Ofwanded from Mrs other, errEEE NEXT PAtik. ;v.< LOULL MATTERS E=lll Some of our Ikmourelle cotemporaries ear.ss no little gratification at the assurance that it ls the internion of the President to enforce the execution of the taw. Some surprise seems to mingle with their admit-anon ; so if there had ever bees shy reason to apprehend ibex Millard Fillmore would /imitate to do Mat which in the face of the canon be bad sworn to do. It is his simple ding,to see that tee laws are executed. This duty he will per. form, whether the laws are resisted by the organ ized rebellion of a State, or the vagrant maurrimuon • of • mob. Ws conduct may be regarded with len favor by the Democracy, in former cues than in the latter; but it will be discharged with the sums firmness and impartiallty.—Bepuolte. It seams to us surprising that any one could doubt that President Fillmore would firmly and cooscien. timely discharge every Executive duty devolving upon him. There are always diagreahteu well as pleasant duties to be preformed bye Chief Elec tive officer, but his obligations to diacharge the for mer velem as imperative as loyield Whist incline tint in the discharge of the latter. There Mho escape fiord these dudes but by resignation, and that would be, id came of a Pr'Mideut, a greater wmag • people,. them the mrsepinglier*flaneldi - eltbe opponents of any panicular law ben 'cotreellee.' It ts the duty of the Pretiderit to seen:a:ll*We executed, and he will most certainly and Ihmliedischaege that duty. In drug so he will be untanned even by those who exceedingly regret that online laws exist to be exermed, and who feel it to be a dray to ob. Isla a repeal or modification, by comeitutiocal emus, of such oberetion etrectmeatiu, Them will always, most probably, in a country no extensive as on 1, be Isms reacted which will bit obnoxious to some portions of itaxttirens. To say Mat a Pres ident could pick out mob es he personally appro ved of, and reject others in the discharge of his ad ministrative dirties, would be premise:cm. Sorb Impropriety could meet with the spprobatiumof no saneitan. The only remedy for the aggrieved, is to labor foe the repeal of obnuxiotts pronsionn If the people, through their representative, par bad laws, they mew expect to ceder the consequences. They certainly ought net to expect relief from the delinquency of their Chief 'Magistrate. Ws duly is plain, to see the laws enforced. 'llatroax • .4.--Cooveationa for the tro t:tweeting and r t improvement of State Conan unions, nem to be the order of the dap, and at the Feint time, no leta than three Stun of thiyUnion, ng—Vitginia, Maritsa, and Indiana, are deliber ating in convergent, at their respective capitols, ripen the great eobjert of a thorough reformation of their Siete Governments The Virginia Convention hes been m session some tea days, bat they have not yet accomplished any thing cf interest. The Maryland Convention convened on Monday last, sad as a full attendance was had on the first day of its opening, and the 12103 t harmonious (echo` seemed to presail among the members of the body, we trey soon anticipate somedung tangible from their proceeding. The lodine. Convention is now nearly closed, and during its seesionsa-good many radical propeel. Lions have been submitted, bat they do not seem to bare found mach favor. One at these proposes the abolitim of the Grand Jury-one of the mem bees, Judge Mos, proposing a substitute, in &Court of Inquiry, to be composed of three or fore jostieew who shall meet qtarterly, or eftner, dispense aim manly of the minor CUM of mime—hear &defence, and in eases of probable guilt, to bind over these aceuxd of soch crime. The question vs& not settled. Another proposition was Introduced by M. Hate helm of Jay, and has reference to rights to be se emed to free purees in Opt State. Att Set, they ate not &mired to vow. na.soi aitatistrins,nor_te do a great many dac,33 which venue men may do. Mr Hawk ms submitted a proposition to "authorize a majority of the people at any general election, when notice thereof has been given, to establish Hai rental Suffrage," which was opposed immedt. ately on ita prematation. Mr. ilawkens refitted, contending that it was not an imperative resatutton. bermes my one of engulf . ); and that ns the convert. lion had, without objection, referred resolutions of an opposite tenor, to prevent the immigration of colored persons into the State, the same courtesy should be extended to his. Mr. Hovey moved to amend by adding, "excepting negroes, mulattoes sod ledinna " A motion was made to lay title e, mendroent on the table, to order that a direct vote might be had oa the original proposition, but that motion was rejected—ayes 3d, nap 105 This vote apparently senior the matter that there will be co separate submiaslon of the negro suffrage question to the people, and but very few favor its moorpora• tion into the Constitution These votes show, that the people of Indiana, in the decision of a gossuon which is to have a pee tient...Option among themselves, have very little synnfaitili for free negroca They are ready to de. ny to them rights which are strongly twirled upon in other States by their fire and lagot friends, and to-this resolution we hope they will adhere. We must admit that Indiana, in this matter of sla very, his, op to the present time, pursued a more liberal and just course towards the Slave than the 9tates by watch she is immediately surrounded.— We ear of no efforts within her borders to nullify the Fugitive Slave Law, and are presume none will an. be made. We learn, further, from the Indianopolli Journal of the 31st ultimo, that the convention, on the :WM. occupied their aension in debating the propriety of Leesenin,g the number of Senator, and Repreren Wives. They were, for the Gnu time, in Com mines of the - Whole—Mr. Walpole in the chair The debate had not concluded at the time of the nd It is reported that the teesuainee on banking have decided against the Inude's continuing 03 a partner in any bank after the expiration of the charier of the present State bank, sad also is favor of the prim elpla of General Banking, both by small manumits The question of Banking will doubtless excite mon debate than any other neuter before the Convention for action. ' Clawax's trfaciasurs.—The December cumber of thls dewervediy popular work le before us.— le gotten op in its uncial heel and tasteful style and Its pages abound with the neual amount of in tweeting matter. its deValtlOllll 1110 handsome; the law, and most striking of which to a view re the lament, Mountain Holm, of Catskill. it hes two handeome pities of tba resEloos. These plates ere vory ncll, and look as though they may be very approptiata for the coming month of December. The number Lefwe us, in its cencral appear acme, comes lull, np b the preceding numbers or the presem volume; end as the publisher is making splendid preparatione for the coming so' ume of 1851, ma may anUmpate something well worthy of • liberal patronage. Toe nest valuate will be commenced by. mug• lateat January anther, apecimen cop;or of which will bo furni.hed to all who may deice to Mate up Muhl for the coming year. The abut price for 1851, la lAI far um copic.; mad no extra espy will be tarolibed the person nondingthe rho of lee •übsenberr. Hues Lcxr 07 Get.D.—ree Seereeneeto Tran script of the 14th ottono, says that a report tout been referred :bore iltod a lump of Gotd mad quarts, snrigutat upward of tour hundred pounds; hid been round near Nevada Coo. The wen who found it were offered twenty five thou•and doitar, for tt, which they refuted. CONInitrCTIOiIAL CV:O/1,110 ,1 IN inlll/IXA.—ThIS wonveation has adopted a proposition for biennial asarsions. A propor Won is also pending to prevent the amitrration of free neyroes into the State It Is tined that the laws of Kentucky and other slave Sates tend to drive the free nearest into the free States ; and that in order to guard Indiana from o "mixed population," which in called one of the evils of slavery, such a prohibitory law is expedi eat. The State Journal eays that there will proba bly be no eeparate submission of the negro question to the people, and very few members favor its in• ••• • • tuna in the constitution. Eght hundred meo are eonatantty employed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, one hat( to comp etln6 that ersperb work, the SUMO Di Dxk, and the rest in the engine lane and other work. of tte 7" Pennsylvania sad Obi. The editors of the Cinchmati papen deserve the thanks of the people' of Ohio and of Moen.. eon for the industry with which they compile and keep constantly before the county 'Stream of 'th anes, showing the increase and prosperity of their coy and State. Ohio owes, perhaps, much of its Tepid progren in popnlation to this mum of keep ng before the. people of other States pica which show its pan prosperity, and the vat elements of improvement possessed by the State. No one, of course, an feel otherwise than grad. fled and proud of our young sister of the Wen, whose progress Is civet! OVitICIVV of the energy of the American character and the excellence of the .751010 of laws and govemment under which we live; but it is possible to carry the matter of self eulogy farther than good taste or circumatan oes warrant; nod nothing is to be gained by amid ma or threlative comparisons. From an article to the Cincinnati Chronicle and Atlas, we extract tho fallowing paragraph, which d on not npreg to Ili to be altogether welt • From the census returns, there is no probabil. ity that the myth of soy of the new Suites will equal the ratio attained by Ohio during the last twenty year., when they shah attain as page a population as Ohio had twenty years tura. New York has been the lancet and most deurlshlng State; yet, to the last ten years, the increase of poptlUitioll in Now York will not exceed much, If any, one half the increase in Ohio; and with the rapidly decreasing ratio of growth in New York, Ohio tenet pass by New York within the next twenty veer., and become the first State of the Union." The ratio of growth In New York is • decrees ing one, because It is an old State; and Ohio must tow find her ratio rapidly usumtng the same char. Kolar. Onto is s great State, and destined to be much greater, but it ii all mere gridituous soppoii adieu, not supported by any facts, that she will outstrip New York within twenty years,or twenty centones—or within any period whatever. As Penturyisant• Is entirely left out of the cal. =Adams of our Ohio friends, in if deemed too in algodicent to be placed in comparison with the latter State, we feel justified by the affront in in• tertneddllng with.• controversy that does not nth missive badges to at, so Sawa least, ass put to a good word for SualLepeuim State as leiveredgeW 'bid is not yet fallen into the , sear and yellow leg. In 1810, Pennsylvania had a grogalation of 1,774033, against 1,519,267 in Ohio; What has been the alisolate ratio of Increase daring the last ten years in the one, as to the other Stateonin only be precisely known when the census returns are alt made std anaetumed. In the means, Idle, enough is probable—and enough has actually transpired—to give us grounds to believe that Pennsylvania gets aloug In a very respectable way, with which we have every reason to madded. The nriodpal city of the Suite, Philadelpla, had a population, In 1810, of 258,107 it can scarcely be doubted that It has now more than 450,000-1 t will of itscic perhaps, add a quarter million of citizens to the new catalogue. The second city, Pittabne. with its suburbs, had, to 1810, • pima. lion 01 shoot 40p00. It has now about 60,000 • third city, Lueaster, had la 1510, ■ total nap latloo or 5,417 votes. It has Rom over 16,000. ta fourth olty, Reading, bad in 1840, a population if £l.llO souls. It bu,•bs the present. osusur, 15.831. We subjoin a few wiles tosses: Towns Cams 30. Canaan '4O Increase PDI llarrhburgb, SINO 5950 2/20 706 4397 3 6376 4779 2091 6030 2937 3093 6530 3112 2439 4340 2719 1621 York, NoraLatiram Erie, Columbia, Allentown, 3790 - 2493 1297 Tamaqua, 3070 404 2615 Weal Chester, 3191 9155 1039 Schuylkill Raven, 2061 993 1073 St. Clair, 2019 1105 1414 Nlineraville, 2904 1266 1659 Pottstown, 1047 T2O 927 Port Carboni, 2142 1000 1142 Bloomsburg, 1515 612 993 An inspettion of thew figures 19 worthy the at• tendon of oar Ohio friend% and may lead some of their statiaticians to maculate haw long It wdl islur Ohio to got ahead of Parmaylvonin—whose prosperity in by 120 meant, confined to the . towns. The census of one of the wildest--and sot moat rapidly impraring--sectionn of the State, Pike shown the following molt Is 1840, tee population well 3832; tt I. now 5,916; Increase nyg, or more than 54 per cent The population et Fein:l.o,l.ra aria, tut year, estimated it 2250; 000. It probably aboar • eortaiderable ad lance for lb. present yeu. Oar Cineirtaau frieuds claim 2,200,000 for Ohio. Tula ero , ltl Im D 'progres ' s, bat not <o unnatural one for Ohio, in ber circumstances. We hope she mtof realise if; and am kid that we may laddre this hope without to being alkryed by any apprelien • done or the decline in Penneylimala.—lforth dins4traot. UNITED STATER SENATOR. The late election basing resulted la the eleekio of a large maturity of Llentaos to the two hooves of the legislature, some immolation ha arisen .to poetic mind, as to the probable action of that outs bleeped to the election of an Eldited Stales 'Sender, Trftake the place of Dr..Sternres, whose ofiletzt term ranee on the 4th of Mareb nest. The Lomita° pony of this State se very well known to be divided into two fattens more hostile re each other is aB matters pertaining to the di.• pose of is powers and patrol:lege, than the ism factions united are to the Whigs upon any quesnon of public policy. The oon is • question no to p l icy merely, and the other a question no to too spoing" the one rotates to principles the otter in see; nod to him who is intimately acquainted with the secret constitution of the ',coke° puny. it is by no meant wonderful that the latter gars ' Con is of. by far, the moat absorbing interest. The crest question of the dee, therefisre, le what will be the mirk tf the Legislative mane , Will toe dims have the realm - Ay, and thus nerved in laminating a "regular, " one who acknowledges the binding efficaey of the “usegna . of the party, or will the Cemeronienee, by the power of their pe tit/sr seductive agencies, and the superiority of their tactics, succeed in procaricg the eonoinatt if their leader, notwithstanding the hoe and cry Mat has been made against bimt At present, we mad confess, the Cameron interest rems to be decidedly in the ascendant The premat one time under the leadership of the lamented Miller, of the . - Meyatone," was probably against him; but at thia time In only ea for the parpose of driving n better heroin when the time anises tor active nerds lions. Bat be this las it may, there can be het little doubt that a large majority of the office holders, and Mom who put theta:dyes forward as the lea ders of the party, ad the prominent directors of tie policy, end are capable of the task assumed oy them are deeply infected with the principles which hove been inculcated mince the [store of Hr. Woodward in 1911. The energy and antic ty .1 this branch of the party is worthy of all pre re, and in the red will undoubtedly effect a complete triumph over the undisciplined militia. Bat there .re other causes which place General Cum r to cost prominently forward as the anacesor of Dr. Sturgeon. and render his nomination and election oy the Locofacos as almost certain. lie has In set no competitor. The Singlog. In the person ,f Dr. Sturgeon,-has become a &Mau of • oat lay, and Mr. Woodward, Mr. Black, and the ahem who have been named. are noosed to the errant tatics oldie political field. They err be• clod the times; and though they may have s one sew supporters among the members elect when -hey first meet, thee will aloe M diaperred naJCr the fire of the regulars' Prom one view of the 'position of the L000f.1 , , moire, it appear. to us altogether probable, sad mod likely that General Cameron will recetve the regnbir nomination of hie party. Every thing tends that way. Ile and bls friends have the ability to orodace that result, and they are not glow In lilting mat ability whey Important realm are to be 140. Jana. Bat however this may be, It will und.mbt• edly be found to Sothic policy of the Whigs to keep aloof from the contest, and maintain unbrokon ranks doing the strife. They may then be en aided to strike a blow for their country in acme port of the contert.—/ t • burg Telegraph. (.iosamorerm masc. —The register we treasury gives lb • following as t h e receipts and ca• pendinrres of In• United States, from let Jul,. to BOthB4ptember, 1 :••••• &IMO, From C123/01313 From lands From lota of IE4 funded) From missallaseoiss sources (Treeuorr notes ye:nth:row . Civil, miseellan and foreign In. tereourvo $1,K19,n1 On ercount of the rrny, 111,192,V+7 Fortifications, ' 92,331 14-1,E.4,727 49 Ind= Departme I, Zee , 148,521 54 Pensions 1,007,694 '3A-1,1:/::210 48 Nary I'oB,7'Q 73 Inters.: on pub'', debt sod Treasury not-, Keinnbursement of) Treasury note' The treastrrer'4 statement shows the antotest he credit In ell the l dopocelorles on: the 28th ct Go tober, to be 813,631,929 34, of which there to et Wnehington, 82t3.1154 at Boston, (.3,042,1"0'<6; New York, 83464.731 89; Baltimore, W 1,615 36; Rlettmond, 7,696 '29; Norfolk. 1.54,077 46; cent of the U S., Phileeelnitia, $4,841,160; hrenoh tont', N Orleays, $829.601}. transfers ordered to wei4tent treasurer, N e w Orlenne, 81.5.060; other veinier*, 81'4,000. T • —Mississippi, follovrme the Rubio!" of South r is beginning to proclaim tea intercourse w th the North, so far as bicauccs It concerned, and •me other things, too, as will be seen by the folio- ing resolutions, unammumly a dopted at a mixt'. in iiinda county, lately Endued, That we will not transact any boll' nets (etther by the shipment of cotton to, or the ouch.° of goods toots). with any merchant in the ci yof New Orissa, who to known to he s Free Seder in his mentiments, or unless bisiong,resldeoce to the South and known opinions have identified him with the Sou h. .... • blesolned, That we will employ no school leech. srs or pationise soy school under the management of any person or persons who ate not known to be wholly &WO% in all their feeliAp sad opinions. PC.STIA .NIA COIMISSILIO set DEGZO•11011. We have meowed the official'Vehelaulation of Go vernor Jot ton, narecteetter the election of the folic:nen( gentlemen, to represent the Stale in Con . Irmo let Blether, Thomas B. Florence 2d " Joseph IL Chandleir.• 3d " Heary_D. Moore • 4th " John Robbins, Jr. sth " John McNair. 6th " Thomas Rom . 7th " John A. Morrison. Bth " Thaddeus Stevens:* 9th " J. Glancy Jones. 10th Milo M. Dimmiek. 11th " Henry M. Puller.* 12th "India A Grow. 13th Janus Gambia 1411 " • Thomas M. Bthtghatm• 13th " • William H. Kurtz. For the vacancy—Joel B. Danner. • 16th District James X. Melsinaban. 17th ." Andrew Parker. 111th " Joao L. DL,1.01:1 19th Joseph H. behave 20th " John Allison.* 21st " Thomas M. Hope .• 224 " John W. Howe.• 234 " Carleton B. Card*. 24th " Alfred Gilmore... Those marked with a star are Whip. The del• egation wends, politically, 9 Administration, 15 Op position. Mementos—The sessions cf all the annual cnuferenoes far the present year have been held and the minutes are in prem. We rive below , a recapitulation of the sardines' of this and the pre ceding Inn T FRY. L blemb-m. 1.,9 yea. Baltimore, 276 303 69 855 66,223 Philadelphia 172 319 50,637 50,510 New Jereey, 168 194 33,670 32,457 New York, 178 132 28,868 25,769 • New York East, 150 109 21,369 21,313 Providence, 133 86 13.999 12 508 ' New England, 140 60 13 641 13,0912 Maine, 107 91 11,008 10,202 East Monte, 83 81 10 020 9,877 New I-Limos':are, 101 ED 9,123 8,017 Vermont, 82 59 7,849 7,732 Troy, 313 140 25,637 25,091 Black River, 107 253 19,406 17.554 Oneida, 205 194 20,776 26,964 Genentee, G 9 118 10,741 10,501 Eats Genesee 137 148 17,710 17,6{9 Erie, • 156 210 , 21,458 21,379 Pindartgh, 180 213 '35,411 3.5,M , .3724,41 VI:molly 55 119 14,181 14,278 Ohio, 294 482 61,936 63,641 North Ohio, 153 ZIO 2 1 ,460 26,322 Michigan, 139 782 16,027 16,233 lodlana, 148 2/0 37,798 35,491 North Indiana, 149 279 30,387 28,063 Rock River, 107 253 17,078 14,360 lowa, 82 137 11.005 0,818 100 483 31.869 29,903 Wiaeonain, 83 184 8,176 7,06.5 51 86 5,474 3,591 Liberia, 14 - 1,117 1,063 Total 4,129 2,420 e99ge2 60.1,315 All compared with lag year, than returns show an Increase of 148 traveling Invaders, 266 local ?reacher% and 27,X7 members. SHOT ET • Fomn►g SLIVI-4:10 Tandsy eight Wet, a runaway neve, having stolen a hone In Brawn county, Ot wu panned by Mr. Cochran, the owner el the hone, joined by Ida nolghbor, Mr. WWl= Gilbert. Oa the the party coming up, the negro ered, lallicting a dangerous Varied la the breaatot Otlbort, and than made Ws escape. FILEIZOIt OW ice PZlall 121 EMMA:O —Wilmer Smith'. European Times uye "We under. wand, with some math, than the Chanceller of the Exchequer has at length been collecting statisti cal nem= of the Newspaper Press Aanseimion, that if advisable In the next session of Pasha. mot to abolish the paper duties as well u the stamp defy on newspapers, arid duty on advertise ments—in fact to make Me press of this country es free as Ills in America" A Pacuse Horse as MiraLaao.—At Taman do Shell'a Ricking novae, 125 bead of Boer Cattle are duly lulled and paduai-3000 bead are to b e put op far Nantes er Soul, New York, worth Slo,ooo—and arias at:apart packed mem 300 nose veal be daily added ao the beef Nukes.— Otter bugs eatellshments ate alas engaged In packing in Cleveland. PaunuB.ct.—The Prairie du lAMB Patriot aye . W. me Informed by a gendeman wbo fifteen years tame had a trading eatabliahareat two handfed miles ap the bilirnewata rim, that fork alt wad in common um among the &max Indians at that time, who meld. It wu forma in large quantities bark In the Laterior af their country. It t. not icipcwobie Met mina of die article, as ow. cativo as thaw of Cracow, are mw bidden be. math we rolling gal:Maar allacemistireql at the E=l There who plolesa 'to .peak for President Ftr, mon have not besotted to sty that be souks n. the. nee LOCO roecet elected to Congress tbazt each W Wes'. those persons choose to cell " AhotftlOtt• frs.•• These e!egtd expression' of his views were bronot to nu knowledge at Monday last lo rep y, Mr. Fillmore an: horsed a gentleman busy that safer from basics said any such thing, he had no secret wish that such !should be the molt ; and that ho bad untformly expressed his opinion, freely and strongly, In favor of too decline( orrery Walt nominee. T.'s we have no doubt Is true; and it is to be hoped that those who really, wish to consult the views alike President will give a sealants support ail Whig nominees.—Mine, Jour. Wo ate pled to publsh the above. Not ■ few Whigs to this city have been led to believe that the President approved of the opposition which has ben manifested to certain persons In the Whig !silts, and this probably has not been without Ito influence upon the piny nontinallons. We always thought it strange—incomprehesuble and Inceedt bic—that • Whig of inch long tried fidelity as President Fillmme—one having from his present position on small interest In the triumphant success of the Whig ticket in this Slate-one known tobe as liberal in sentiment as be w oosteervative in principle should be IP &led to lend his influence to any such extent to the minority in a regular party convention i and very difficult we found it to believe that he had made any such dectaranoo as that attributed to him. We ere hippy that the President hasauthorierd a denial of such seed. menus on his part —N. Y. Case. POTMATION br COLMIIIIIII,—Mr. HMCO/ !unjust banded us the following abstract of the popelauon of that city : Ist Ward. '2d do 3d do 4,h do f.,:h do S ire •dditieaa are to oe made to ip above for per,. acetdeotally omitted, or from other Mole. no; yet eoomerated. We :earn, wtth pletusure, mat the Secretary of the Nary, to the spun of liberality which ku marked other departments of the Government, In the came matter, has consented that the envy yard at New York (including the nquilite mange) may be used ea • plate of temporary depeade and aakokeepir.g for articles intended for the Lou. don extol:dim]. Any artlcies, however Valuable, may be pieced there with enure ronddence, der the eafegoarda which etre :protection to the public propeny.—Not. An Inf.,: Noses—Staucial Faaas...—Yest tardily sfiernonn, • lady at the Smith End was so:xed with a fit of fonans undone, which eittlbs ited Used In the most destructive manner. She le a married lady and hes two children, one an infant. She has been efidcted with Insanity benrro and has been under vestment The the malady at the h“pital. Her case there lock a favorable tem which raised the hopes of her friends that • perfect cure could be effected, tie physicians fostered these hope., and, after • brief period, the patient returned to her friend+ lo sound health and In her right mind, Thu condition contituad i for months and the husband and friends of the lady ware con. Armed in their belief of bee complete restoration. But yesterday afternoon Symptoms of wildness exhibited themselves. They were noticed by in dividuals in the family, but were not considered tit any way as evidence of downright insanity, or of snob • suture as would Minify a restraint upon her MOVCMCMIR Suddenly, however, the madness burst forth. We learn, though somewhat infor mally, that she heel attempted to throw her child out of the window. She cons in the third teen , of e brick house. The action, woe noticed bye lady who wad providentially present ; she snatched the child from the (donated - mother, and escaped with ii, locking the door behind her. I• 14 e. 4 L.. 1.3 05 317,0'7 9 13E22111 &tiled to her insane Impolse opal her child, the unhappy women then throw from the window every arnele of furniture in the chamber, Britten nothtn4; tables, chairs, looking slam, tio., were thrown mte the yud and completely demolished. The bostrer.d wee immediately sentfor, and meas. net taken to secure the best landlord assistance for the nefortunste lady. We do 1104 for obvious reasons, publish the Damp of the parties, or halo caw their place of resider:co.—Boum Mail. Tux Vona Bescama—Ail the time of year draws nigh f or roe pork trade to Commence, we diocoirer that quite an activity is displayed, is armogieg the h o nes, pens, Ste Dining the present simmer several very large pork houses have been holly from which are anticipate a very heavy business inkt article. The prices; we understand, will oat 52,7.513,00.-4 Terre Haute, lad., Journal Znii alt Pre n:et or WILD rIATr-We learn from the Eon Smith Hated that Wild Cat, the celebrated Indian chief, had canned to the Bemis* country, after at Omura of tsvo years on Ibis itio Grande, and that he had called a echoed of fietaineles, tor what object is not knoara. About six hundred Creek Indians on hearing of his arrival, Want in peewit of MIL, determined to arrest him and WI kip kdkrinn, Zatrantalram an. ♦ddred. ofTax:Aut. I=l This subject may be comodered trader two lights flevelshon-..ELesou. An calls. drop rooted pre judicelhavlrept the proforsicg Christina World la an mow connierning the doctrine of the Bible en . Women's Rights. God created man, male and ktnrile. M his own image, mad gave them domin• toe over ley air, earth. The woman was netted in this dominion, therefore it is contemn to call the male the Lord of Creation. The word aid, emu la properly used to denote • subordinate— The Bade does not say help mate, . but Arlp asta, meaning help meet, suitable, Deceits:ors, for the whole destiny of man, without which he could not exercise or obtain his dominion. The lord and G ear help—ho la not Our hireling, our subordiV tote. Woman in our help, out equal in the do. minion welch God ben ecoinon.l. For, "unto them,' hesaid, " have dominion." • .. It is asserted that woman was permanently de. graded from her oreitird cu-equalay, by her being first to.traegess. Her seereecc to. •• Thy desire shall be to my husband, rod he shall rule over thee." There is nu intimation that the curse shall be eternal. The second Adorn • recreates In the Image of the Moat ugh, and removes the cum When the human race ie at war with God end themselves, mere force it medu the standard of right, and the weak moat submit to the strong.. In this let the weak always be intrucied to submit to and uphold the moral law and government or God, whereby the strong are kept to check. Far oat until wo reeostablish thou government can the right be protected against abate. The history of woman clearly proves that. It is commonly and by those who appeal to reason against the equality ol ohs rights of woman, that she bat a sphere of her own, the Inhere of tendentan nodean, retirement, and wornness. The same may he said 6( the sphere of bon, man and wOMela.aod thus thellll.l6lllollpmel nothing For what woman', sphere Is, Is the question In dispute. In dtfferent climates, and among direr. out races of men and colailitions oilman progren, woman's 'ahem differs Immensely. One thing, however, we may remark—that pre. cisely as a nation !Walter., in intelligence, arts, science, and Ghanian cheraoter, the rights of wo. 'man approach MOM nearly to thole of men ; aad hence we may Infer that when a taro stole of rocietgahall be reached, their right. will be ono; and the same. By" spheres," however, is pro• erly meant the ability or circuits of employma • and actions of the sexio. - 14tteo certainly vary In the segos, as they vary in differeat itidb 'ideals, male or fiermalt, of the human rani laq cording to the organisation, retative endowmen; or combination of talent, education, and &cum stances. But although each has en individual sphere, our rights are net unequal. Btairranbleal Sketch of John Franklin. So John Franklin was born is 1709, at Bellsby, In Lincolnshire. He entered the navy October 1, 11300, No a boy, on bond the Poliphentus,l3s, Capt. John Leotard, under whom to Nerved so mide shipman, In the lotion og Copenhagen, April 1601. He then in the Investigator 'loop galled with Capt. Pllnilers, on a voyage of diacovery to New Hollend, where, on pinkly the Porpoise armed store ship, be wee wnsekcoon *coral rock, near Cato Bank, Aug. 17, 1603. While on bin pausee home in the Camden, lionamao, Franklin and charge of the signals,• and' be dothigniebed himself at the celebrated repulse of a proverb:Ll French squadron, under Adm. Lemois, Feb. 15, 1804. On his strive! In England he joined the Beleropbon, and subsequently, ender Capt. Cook, took put in the battle of Trafalgar. On being transferred to the Bedford, 71, Mr. Frasklin was coodemed a Lieureeset of that ably , Feb. 11,1008, and escorted the Royal Family of Portugal nom Lisbon to South America. Daring the after part of the war he woe chit* employed at the blockade of Fleabag; be then, toward the close of 1814, Joined the expedition to New Orleans; and for his brave aoudad on JUll nary 8,1815, be Was officrally and vet] warmly recommended ter promotion. On Jaowp 14. ISIS, Frsaklin mauled command of the hired ling Trent, in which he accompanied Captain D. Buchanan, of the Dot nib,., on a pentacle voyage of dismarry to the neatiborbocd of Spitsbergen. • la April, next year. Franklin woe invested with the cemented with en r. ',alma to proceed over.. Land from Huddle's SYy to neLennin the actual yeetlon of the Copper Mae riser, and the exact trending of the ahores-ol—' the Pelee Seas ta the Eastward et that ricer. This kerful oridertakih endured until the atm. mer.of 1922, throng h • ~urcay of 5,530 miles; at. perils sod adventures, Cr man Finnilin, (whim* Commander's sod Poet f:orenaievona bear dates restwetively 1821 led 15`22,) has ably descrthed Ins "Natnitive" of the jonicey. to 1fr.2.9 he lett Rag land to comperabo with Cement Ikeda) , oad Rae ry, m ascertaining, from or poem ;tuners, the existence cif a North Wed p.sage. The result. atlas holindon, which terminated to lea 70 24 N, long. 139 49, W., will silo be found to Captain Franklin's naintive,lB2.9-27. Go hie Morn to Er.glani, In September, 1657, he was preceded by the Geographical Society at Poe* with • gold medal; trained et 1200 fracas, for having made the most important aceualtice or geographical knew. ledge dunce the preceding peer. 18'29. home, he reoeivedtbe honor of knight hood ; bealdes theihtford degree of a 1) C. L 8v Sohn Emetlliquarried, Sat, to 1523, the youngster ..garregtare of William Portien, E.q architect - and dewed!y, In 1920 L the datetbrirenffloieGreffin, Esq., of Bedford Place. From ttalo noun 1934 be amt. mended the Rainbow, 29, re, the Meditcrrosereg danon ; and for his exerouns an commotion *Mt tM " r:f bi t c h ' s i 'AG Greece, he Greece. p resented n V: the orde 1 John Franklin was created a IL C. II : and was afterwards, for some time. Lieut. Governor of Van Dieman's Lend. In 1843, Sir John Franklin was appointed to the command of another expedition to the North—the Erebne, (Capt. Franklin.) and the Terror, Capt. Cm:rad—on a fresh attempt to ex plore • !smelt-wear passage through Lancaster Sound and Bahriee's Strait. The ships lett Green- Mute, May 19, 1846. Little Intelligence has been received of thee expedition enter the day of his sailing. t the close of 1817, the ()Vieille:Wet resolved to send out three expeditions in want' of Frank. Ito and her party, numbering 140 Wale. The drat of thew expeditions, H. M. S. Plover, sailed In January, 1818; the second expeditor, the Enter prise and !tangelo', was placed order the com mand of Captain Ste James Rose, and Bailed In May, 1848; the third expedition, (overland,) under Sir John Richardlon, bonne left Liverpool about two month. previously. In the Spring of 18411, the North Star left with provirinos for Roe's F.!. peditioo; and a reward of:.£20,000 was offered by Government to any land or tea expedition that might reader efficient residence to Sir John Frank. hn, hts ship., or their crow,, and cientributo di. redly to extricate them from, the ice. The fan year was one of 'hope deferred,' as regards the Bubject of the Frankhn Expedition. In the autumn there dawned a sudden light; al. though "the tan, for hope was nearly gone by mall hearts rave that of the noble minded wife, who would not part with hope.” A whaler brought. sealed cylinder, btu a only contained information of Franklin'. ships to Jane. 1843: Another whaler brought a story from the Esquimau', that the ship. of both Franklin and Haw' expeditions were seen beret by the me to Prince Regent's Inlet, as late as March, 1849. In November, Rots' expedition re turned, and formally negatived the mrcrunatardird story. Almost simultaneously arrived Sir John Richardson; end since hers returned the Plover.— Neither of the three expeditions has brought any intelligence of the musing voyager or his com minions, The public sympathy has horn touchingly ex• =rion the calamitous suspense; end prayers ven offered up to between sixty and seventy churning., by upwards of fifty thousand worshippers for the ereervation and Pale return of the missing expedition. A reword of upward of One hundred genie. ha. been promised to any of the whaling ships which may bring information of the voyager., and Lady Franklin has offered 42010 to induce who lee, to make search to parts not within the scope of the Government expedition. 3,633 ..,669 3,219 4,160 3,946 lid'Donouort, TM X l / 1 /11 Mmuortate..—A for me, eequainteoce or Johm &VD mough, the million aire, who died lately in New Orlane, furnish*. the Newark Advertiser with the following remiti► motes of tam He tesidedfor ming Years at the latter part of hia I .fein Meier.,(e village on the opposite aide of the Mississippi to New Orleans,) weeny he cul tivated and matntained the strictest tistrits of Indus try and economy. the elate. was to visit the city daily, and to avoid the expense of the ferry boat, the cemal mode of crowing, he Immo small skiff, in which he made his home servant row over. The foundation of his fortune was made by the transfer of Louisiana to the United States ; when a twat , tenet where Near Orleans to now located, was ac quired by him. The rise in value of thisotrould, of have conStitated at this day a large fortuae. The income of his pesseaston, he studiously and with much good judgment, invested in Improved eroP•rtY In the city, and to particular was no in the collection of rents, that he mote out with the mow perfect exactness, himself, every hill; and though he had a collector emplot ed, he would rev er starer him to append his name ton receipt. He was never known to have a friend call Upon !WM, except on butanes's, which ho wou ld compel him to despatch with all convenient speed, lest his time would be °erupted with something which would not mull in ha pecuniary advantage. This old gentleman, whom he employed to col* sit his rents, db., was not even allowed to have his bran..f call on him lest, as McDonough al. leged, it woa d cost him pn extra mend. Hl, apparel, when to the city, .:ass always neat •UU dust], but bate the enMisialtenhe evidence of being very ati6ent. 9n paincular was ho to save hia clothes from the taunt wear, chit he hat - been known frequently to take off ha linen on his re tarn from the City and replace :t with that which was of less valor. The timbre:la whlch he lovas stably carried with him, wee lend to have been found by hlm &setae hie services in General lack son's campaign against the Indian totter. When be put an a new coat, It was noticed and made the subject cf fareillar conversation emote Mamma men thretighnnt the city, as a matter of estoniah. Meet was told tie need not repent his virile, as It wu A few yews egg, • nephew visaed him, and expensive, and he subsequently died in the Char. ity Hospital, Mem:is eonuibiling nothing towards his funeral expecees. Oa outtoccaliou he applied to .he Legialatore for the passage of an act appoint. leg himself executer to his own estate, by which he late odat to We the usual fee of two and • half pet cent. to the Probate Curt In tutees to his pudlou, the Legislature replied, that If be would make affidavit that be WU dead, they would act faosuably his petidoo. Mush tk said ibout hie bberotldg his aimmiluld an ertalleCiUS impreesiou-has gone abroad in rola don to it. When he purchased one, he at once opened an amount with him, charging his eas7, expose of clothing, des, end crediting him with all as tuna, ntesissd Alf his wages, add when Me due bad paid him ids dart cosy expenses, and l e t e n t ar of money, with; a fair consideration for e w e' , & e , he ma him his flanker, provided the Wankel*: society vreeld take charge of him. . - borgimuo, atm ulna - Min.1.1.-Belling lottery tialitets see indiatable olLence,and yet it is secretly pursued in Detri9 6, ‘TY city' cud town in New York. The *moralistic& effect to incalculable, whether the victinewins of loses. A °weapon. &doff the Journal of Ciommerca sap -01 eat personally, though slightly, acquainted with one person here,•wbo has squandered about nog% o f which $30,000 was a price, and this nano' "barn to good luck," as It is called, was all lost In about one year. Another acquaintance, in good airCillnatancton, after parting with an other available tocsins, actually morty real ellitatO7his Cola ' tinged n piece of nd 57 • Retunlty •hi+ comrortable hi s.viarmlllolo home.teed—wortL . 000, and fooled away the proceeds in the some infatuated tradlo. Still mother--a noble young Matt, of general= impulses—liberal to a fault— , hes lost about 814,000, and is now absolutely beg. gored, without ■ decent wardrobe, his entire obliging being on his back, =wept what is in the chutes of the pawnbroker.—[Buffalo Adv. The steamer Jeff. Driria, from Yazoo City for Vitkabarg. with a cargo of about 300 bales of cot. Wu. streak a snag about 10 o'clock on the morning of the 101 h trot., about 3 miles below Batartle,atio sunk. The principal part of the cargo will be teed. The boat is a total loss.— Louise ilia Jour. G. W. TAYLOR. COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROKER, QTRICr anention will be given to ail haziness en. Imsted to hts ease. Pittsburgh manoractured articles always on hand or procured at short coder Notes, Bonds. lilortgaras, an, negociated on favor. alitia Una. Advances made, if required. ocZeiSes • BALL IMPORTATION UP lIARDWARB. LOGAN, WILSON 4 CO. 189 WOOD STRE.ET, Ara now prepared with ■ large .d fresh stook of English, Germ., and Matrix. Hardware. to ofer superior indneesurnts te buyers. Those wishing to parehase will promote their Interest by loom. bough .4ur reek, as they are dstersented to sell on he mom reasonable terms. angli • R. P. TANNER & CO., HOE WAREHOUSE, Wood at, Deflower & Third & Fourth, new receiving their very huge and superior Fall Mode of BOOTS, BROM lAD BROGANS Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all or the latest R yles, and expressly adapted to th e western trade. It has been selected with great care, and as to sizes and qua try Is not surpassed by any mock to be found tither cast or west. On customers and mer chants generally are invited to call and examine, as we are determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. Alan, Goodyear. Patent Rubber Shoes at all kinds arigkindtf mr Violas! Won.!—The smote:al of the me wee. of worm. in °blithe:lol,mb] be carefelly watch• ed by panels, end so soon as there is reason to ay. pod their existence, every means should be used to and them promptly and tnoroagly. The proprietors of hilLene's Worm Ten:Wage are confident that they offer the best mean. of accomplishing this result that has ever been milicUtted to me public ; and May in vite to It the attention of all who have the midwife mans of children. The =theme is a tare and pleasant one, and never falls to produce the dewed effect lry 'For sale byJ. KIDD& C0,N060 Wood meat oegeelbsel REMARKABLE CANE I I EVIDENOE IN OUR MIDST ! ! Ma. Kraa—Sir, I, etturfally comply witliyour re q.. that I would give yoMen account of the almost otie eure of my little daughter's eye by the use Of your .Potrolertur." Sine mt.% attacked with a very sore eye In February or March tut, whoa I immediately applied to the best medical aid Irk the city, by whom II was pronounced "a Tory bad eye. and all gave me no Ithpe of doing her any good. Alter which I took nee thlo the coon try to an old lady, who had been very eueresstal In owing eyes. She told me that her ca. was hope..., as the would certainly lose cot only that one, but also that the other would follow—tt benign scrotal°. affection of the blood. And I do certify that at the time my father (J. H. Vashon) cams to the conclusion that we had better try your Petrolease,' , sea was VITERILT Of one eye. It is mw shout two mem. sine. she began its use, and she can tow see with both eyes . good as ever she di!, end, az far .1 can tell, 1 believe she hat, with the blessing of be Almighty, been cured by ri Petroleum" Your., respectfelly, M. Muse= Vzszon Pittsburg., Sept. JO, IMO. For sale by Keyser &McDowell, 100 Wood street; IL &Belle., 17 Wood street; D. M. Carry. D. A. El• boo, Joseph Doegl.s, sod IL P. Schwartz, Allegheny also by the propneuir, S. M. KiEll, 007 Canal Seale. Seventh st, Pittsburgh. Mee of Ohio and Penna. R. R. Co, Third at. Profaned, Amput 0,1560. Tn. /Recta*ldere of the Ohio and rennsylenola Ralf Raul Company aro hereby notified to pay the eighth tamale:tent of five dollars per share, at the ettme of the Company, on or before the Mt day of Alarm The ninth lartalinenti on or before the 107th day of September. The tenth Lainalment on or before Ile day of October ner.. er Toe 7th linataLment mae called Or on Oe^oth o July last. aaglkdtf Rhl LARICIF.II. Jr, Treararer. ENCOU/LAGE MAIL INSTITVTIOIIIII CITIZENS INSURANCE C MPANY, Ut Pltt•btar h. C. O. 11USSFS, MARI:4.SW, Offarc—No. 41 Watsr Burnt, an Ito 1•11.C.1011.0 na C. 11. GlaittraT. Iltas COMPANY is nom prepared w insure all j. kinds of risks, on lions., mannisclnnes, goods merchandise in store, and In transim vowels, &c An ample Ft:mom:7 for Me ability and iumgrity the Institution, is afforded In the character of we 11- reetars, - wha are all citireas of Pittsburgh, well and favorably known to;ttre community for their prudence, intelllgence, and integrity. Duiscrou—C. O. }limey, Win. Daimler, Wm. Lar icier, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh D. King, Edward Ilassehon, Jahn Haworth, S. Blubaugh, B. M. Kier. itAfftaO DR. D. HUNT, Demist. Corner ofrourth and Decatur. betaretn - - • oetl-dlitn ==t=l DR. O. 0. STEARNS, late of BOSIOLI, II prepared to manufactore and set Iltoca TRIM in whole and parts of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Sacuon Plates.— Poostlecno cauce to nee annovas, where the nerve is exposed. Other and residence next door to tha Mey er'. office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Rs sr. WFadden.F Raton. latO WCORD & CO, ft Wholesale& Retail Nano taetarers & Dealers in HATS, CPS & FURS. Cow. Wood &Filth et•., Pittsburgh, When, they ofrar • fall and eon Veto Steek or Ha Cana, Fuss, tee, of every quality and style, by W hol sale and ReWl, and Mono the attention of Melt en Inman andpurchasers genentlly, assuring them lb they will sett on the mom •LiV•111,410011 Tama. earth:if Ms. Mara—Pleas, announce the name of lVtlujY Rumors, ot. the •Fosistit Wen!, as a candidate for Mayor, at the ensuing election, subject to the amain anon of the Whi Convention. a d oblige MANY WHIGS OF THE SECOND WARD. oellhdtf Mn Wenn—Sir—Voa will please announce the name of Civeses C. Mot.n, as aeandldste for the Mayoralty, eatneot to the ratiPeattou of the Whtg Convention. Mr. Mergan's claims mill be strongly urged by • hest artier , * he being Owe eapnbte sod bonen toetbncl MANN Cll IZENS illerohautat and Mum I. Rant. /11NIE; Rank has Ws day datlarod a divldentiof foal per cent on In capital stock. oat Of the p; e b ts (or its tut su months; ;natant WM . H. DENNY. Cnhlcr ?Inaba h. Nov. 3,11:0 TOBACCO -25 kegs sedge'. 0 lyrist for sale by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK 200 144 Waxy.. /SOD FISH--a dram. jipt . i . q . , N flr glA, K tr , y Arnteu _ Imo 13U KETB-0 dos VIM Strived Mid for sale by noG BROWN & KIRKPATRICK BUTTER -17 Get prime rriO v for tale by BROWN it KIRKPATRICK tiOltEY-1 box of 11 delltrhtfal flavor; for gmlo by Ll noD BROWN 3 K/RKPATRICA (111ESTNUTS—F0 bu In cora and for inCe by , -- V nod BROWN & KIRKPATRICK I:CKWHEAT FLOUR—BD wk. for oda by B BROWN & RIRKYATRICX rig H n U o r' G IWL"S IfRrinITIIVIZP b rZTRIOK piIACKEHEL-75 brio No 3; ttf brie do, for lola low to abate /OLIN NI 01 , 1, DEN t CO 380 Nan CI consignment - by 12.6- QOOA ABU—A few cask; to JOHN n t i olck 7 ADMN & CO nos ROSIN-ItO I cams while, for .nib to I. cash or good nagoarablepacer, r , Lod JOHN hIcFADKN & CO 0. SUGAR—SS hltd• Mr, landleg for eel, b JA • soG JAMES DALZELL I ARDOIL—IO brls )dot rece!ved for solo by sloe JAMES DALBFI.I prilkLit L.ULD-.100 ...MN.' reed for oakkr rr ood HARDY, lONIF.Ik CO riIIEESE-1000 bie prime; biz cream, for sale by bee 1 n cANFIELD FRESH ROLL BUTTER-10 brio to clatbo; Id ban do; • ;;O kegs do; Jost rooeirod for use by I B CANSTELD CLOVER 103ED-5 aria in atom and for gala by noo J 0 CANFIELD QALEIUTDS-100 bee in atore ancl for sato by 1.3 nee J D CeNFIELD TO THE A LL persons who now or hardener may have toe CIL dealing with the Eagle Fire Company, are here b) notated that In tithe rdence with the previsions the new contitatlon, all bllla men be passed Ey the company at their regular quarterly meet , ogs, which are held 011 th e first Saturday of February, May. August, and November, beton, they can be paid by tan Tremens 'rhos° having bills synths% the company are relented to present them for ez antlitatlen, no that they any be approved by the nm. pony tad ‘ounisrsigned by the proper °likens N. B —Ail bills or the company left at the store of Oars k Getty, 71 Market street try order oftha Emile Firs Company. opadA ADAMG GE TTY, Titus:sr. • Exelmam* Bast of Ptitattures. THIS Bank bay Oda day declared a 'beldamd of faer Per eta; OM of the pram of an last alz .adtbar payable on demand. THOMAS M POWS, Cubia. .Plireberah. Nov 5, IMP --ortelter lIXSOIITOII , II NOTIVZ L NETTEAR te e tate. missy on the estate of .9tephen Ls Wley, late of the city ot Pittsburgh, deeessed, having been snowed to Me .mbscriber, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted are requested TO make item wham payment, and all baying claim , are hereby untied to present 'hem. duly authenticated, for Vlllrment. PUS4N GALLS 0 ilEtt,Ere , Pg. enn.adar 11AI PA KENT bIiaDES—A lame assortment 1 of roff .rsat stiles of Window Pitatics, mold from at , mannfaciarem in. New York, which we will ea wholesale and retail at the lowest p.ices J w 11 P 1111,11143 noa 7 il Wood. st Reap your Foot Dry TUST received toeliporille Oil Cloth Fac t/ tecT, 1.2 99 . cf that excellent article of India Rubber Pu.e, for rendering boots and shoes son, pliable, and imperrions to water and a perfect pre vennve shrainst the leather clackinic; this patio is m entranteed to poison all the snore qualities or the noel .1 & moor! W eiaended. For sale, oho PHILLIP S e and retail hy MANNERS' OIL-100 bar for mac by no 4 W L BAGALEY S CO RAISINS -100 bre new ewo hi fil i zil L t& it co ne4 18 & 20 Wood n 1.""bleTION La wanted by the subscriber, of one Gurnee McDowell, a native of Scotland, who come to Americe a short time prior to or about the begoonng of the Revolutionary War. kis uodenteod that Me McDowell kept a provision more daring the Revoration, nod that he supollud the American Army emenctvely with tao•laioca that some time after the Revolution be made considerable parcheses of land on Me Ohio River; that or acquired an ample fortune, nod that be died about mewty years ago All the particulars of his msidecce in America, while living, and every eking .sluing to his estate, have been care fully concealed from . is legal heirs. Any informed° 1. therefore, to regard to him and his death. Sc, will be Itt'atatallfJecetred by the mbserther. one ethos helm, addressed totion, at Aabarn, Now York. outece.• SAMUEL bIeDOWALL 121321/1 A N active Main., m., having a cash capital o A three mouaand dollars, to take an Interest In very prat/table Mminess, to in Western Peon Sylvania. He will control th e whole Dame. In hl section Address G. W. E, this aloe. ne(hdlm S IGHT DRAFTS aA NEW YORE, BALTIMORE, • PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ST. LOUIE, £5O Yin "OLD COUNTRY," For yibb by A. WILKINS & CD, tios Car. Tblrd & Market Sealed Proposals WILL, be received until the tat of December nor, g for We delivery at the Plusbergh Wharf on Hui A(egbrey River, of two kimdred and eighty thousand feet of Hemlock Plank, to be three inches thick, twelve leek. wide, and timeeri feet long. ALSO, Proposals for gradingmid lasing down the Plank on the Farmers , and Afechanies"fornpike Road. She portion of the road to be graded and laid with Plank, /tee between the end of the road now wooed, and lta Intersection with the Greensbergh and Piusbargh Turnpike Road, near [leery Rather% tavern. JOSEPH cOLTART, Steeles:rater. M EICHDAUM, President. nallw F. & M. Tampa,' Road CO. 60,000 Poplin Printed of Elarperis New Monthly Magazine, NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE November lumber I published and for salts at Holmes', Third street, opposite the Post Office. The leading °fleet or the New Monthly Magazine I. to present write public in handsomer style and at cheaper rate, a rester amoant of reading matter than any other pertodical in the world. nod Pittsburgh and Coal 8111 Taruplks. ANA N Eleetionior President, Treeeurer, sad an Dl rector, for the ensuing tear, bo held Kt the Toll House, on the with of December next, Cetwien the hone, of l sod o'clock, P. 111. By order of IL D. KING. President. 11. I. Cum, Peoretary. ' nolid*d LARD OIL- 42 bele No 1 winter 'drained, reed for sale by R P. 3 it LLERS. nod 37 wood it OIL PEPPERMINT-210 lb. *onward pors,lost ree'd for solo by toad] R E SELLERS CIIESTNUTS—:O bu jun relav A /ICC/ crs ritirlr Dlllglji A PPLE. - ..103 bu just reeelred for We hi or:: JOHN WATt e 00 ROLL. BUT I ER-5 brls fresh just ree'd for tale by beb JUICY WAT f & CO COM R 00515-60 des v o l t latiall rt.!, D OSI V-104 bzls tio I,lz store sed far sale by nab JOHN WAD? & CO m. Acitt.niu.-4 ° ft of brig no?, dl No I; 2 do No Si CAM and for Ne ny 1163 JAMS'S A. HUTCHISON & CO 111./. B IIINCi-e Ws No 1, In %lore and far tile by Ll nod JAMBS A ouroinsoN &co SUNDR/E.5-4o ho Chestnuts, .21 dos Woollen Pocks; 2 bele Bauer, 2 kegs do; 5 pet Tow Linen, on consignment Foe sale by eaoll D ILLIABIS &CO T OBACCO-41bn 5. Haney DIM, po . 5 Sze und do; r hoe Nectar, OSu 15s, for sale by nos I D WILLIAMS & CO BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-1M 44.0 k. ky so, by nrS WICK & I.4eOANDLMS PEARLS -I 1 oaks received for sate by nob WICK& a•aCA eiriblaeß bu,an trceivi.d for..l< by lJ naS WICK !lee ANOLESS 0 LL:p 'j7('''K'ir,sbegArtZDV;hBl HERRING .9—.9 43 bys dry received for sole by nod WICK At bIeDANDLESS Svapirlor Scotch and Irish Widakey. 10 PUNCHEONS Stewart's celebrated Malt WlLL ter, of very delicate darer. id puncheon. Mchauhr Waterside, extra quality and high proof, under magnum house lock. Al.o, Brandies or different vintaxe. and brands In half, quarter, nod octave.. Imported and far male by A II MeI:ALLA, 00 Walnut At. Philadelphia 1:=i213 PITTSBURGH ,~om~nc2ctafi~~ ~"' Corn. of Third mad Market ziroido. CHARTERED A. D. 1,?6,1. Tne only Chavezed Inmilinlon of the kind in Pen ••CVVIT. Jobe Fleming, principal Instructor in t►e Sole. of Accounts. 0. K Chamberlin, Professor of Penmanship, Mei. Comporanon, he. Alex. hi. Watson, Esq.., Lecterns on Commerela/ Law. • . . Roo. Wm. Within., flon. Jame. Badmen., Ron. Jean Creden, /lon. Cho*. Naylor, Hoe. ?dom. Ramp. ton, lion. W. H. Lowrie, Doctor B. McClintock, John Anderson, F.rq , Gen. J. IC. Moorehead, !Mates Dmeop, , if. Hersey. E.,. ar•mr•tno consrrrra. John T Cochran. Anorncy at L. Jame. Torrey, Merchant. H. A. Pryor, Accountant. no object of tins Inglitunon is we afford young men . ett opironovity or obtaining a hoished mercantile edu carton. The plan of Instruction to so thorough and complete tharevery one who receives the proscribed count will by competent - to take etturge of a ea of hocks, and keep }hem correctly, before leaving the Ovltcgo. - Student. can enter the Institution at any time, and pursue their studies both day and evening, and those entitled will receive n dip:ctua signed by the faculty and examininmantwe. nc4 AHOUSE DLOT on Townocnd areas, adJoining the M E. t: !lurch In ao Sixth Ward of tEla Lot 15 by lbz feet; boos, beck, with eight maize and a madcedar. Terms easy, and tabs indieputable. For parneutara, Indy to JOSEPH WOODWF:LL, or, WILLIAM 0. FCAIFE. CliO no C t OLATk.:—.2GO tas N;:lr o fate c trr i, co MADDER—SO les No 1 Loartx !dodder, for sale by BAGA:,GY & CO COD FlBll-10 tea Orar.d . Bank, far axle LT not 13,10ALEY & CO ROSIN 30AP—Zen bzs for WM BA rnbs by GALE'S & (l) A I RTISTS' COLORS lathla, a fall innr,aneaa ali . Caraanci, Lat clever, aeseratloa,Cadcaln/ Lla a arid lacp I'cliofo, Maxa Colas, all whade. Ca V[l.6 of every denim:own, jour iccolvedfmtaleat, F.t.) PRECIPITATE-75 lb. }art rea l for solo DT rto4 KIDD& CO CHINESE BLUE EUTRA—LO lb. for sale by net J KIDD a CO IMP DATE OF IaUtNINE—IDO outortalt & bY 17 no 4 . J KIDD (V TANIN—EO cam reed f. Bale by rr4 J KIDD & CO SYRUP lODIDE OP IRON-23 lbs for .ale by nob J KIDD A CO GRANVILLE LOTION-30 lb. for fcle by .4 J KIDD h. CO 01,95E5-60 hrl. plow S. H to actor., for as 191 by t 0.41 J e DILWORTH h CO More NOW tiOad.. NNI& BURCHFIELD aro nova opening ann. I tbar cupply of near geeds—many style. at RE DICED PRICr.9. Ladles , um. good.: of Tali°. kind., and newert drrlgna. Brach; Bay State, and Imported bONG BHA WLS, of handsome and - new EllitiNLT DEMONS. ttandaerne atylo and very cheap. Brothe and Cashmere Scarf., an., kn. oevd RESPECTAHLE MEN, of rood ederen er.d Dow nese albite, may obtain pm ltable and petataneet atneltarnet o . 0 1 1 aPPtYIng, between the bonnet' 8 and 10, A. M, to J. C. bl A RAlf, novitteodlw• '213 Wylie at. Pittsburgh. nIIEAM CHEESE—aII bm reek .d for rale M . ecr2 JAMES DALZELL FLOVIL lIKDOCED. WILMARTB & NOBLE 401 sell tbelr Extra Soar, deilvered, on end atter the lit November, at 82 raper lUD lbs, aaperane, at Ti per lOU Ibi. A Ilbaral drama to retailer,. nal WILLLUITH It NOBLE BROOMS—L 7 dos CO BT Btcor t ,xe;d i t t l i saale by nol 110 Water Os 'WINDOWS GLASS-12.2:1 biz Kbeihearl'a, awn, bins, received and for 'We by BORBRIDGE &MOHR/al LARD 01.1.—M - airrabb I, br we by Oft CI(JAp-5() bx. No lout rea'd for. o 13 not AMES DALZELL ANDEED=so r. - 6 MI7Ci r AroTalicfor sale b 7 C noi JAMES DALZELL i - lausaAWAR-4 hao ri Ama ree'd i t;o= Azl DRY PEACIIEs.42 km, m by - ENclustminndierr HONES—IS bi. prime for sale tv. Doi ENGLISH a. BENNEIT OT,nBl/-7 cut* ptimafca intin47 not . EINGLIP.H CHbel F. tor by —lbobze stereend to sale , N,KOLISH & ARNIRETT CORN BROOM 3-76 do. for .ale t • not ENGLISITt. BErricirrr GLASB-100 bx• for sale low by 001 ENGLISH BENNETT CI El ESTNUTEI-4 0.6 /or mai by ml . ENGLISH*. 1) UTT IV3I I'.R.''' le° 6 1 .1 1 Ne b jLlk3Hlt. BENTi EDT Nmqr noose THREE years in Calllonds. Hy pe. Ne ttle , col. A um, U & N , lam Aloalde of hlamemy, Sashay of 'Deck sod Pon." Ito., illustrations. Memoirs ardor L arid Visiting" of nouns Chide men, D. D., L. D. jay kis leet I 4• law, Bay. Wm. L L. D. sal 2. Pictorial Field Book'ol the Revolatten., Beason J. boning. No B. Tho History of Pendeants. By VV. tif.'74askorlel. No 0. • Ocoeeleer, mite Illstory aro SerTardDird. Lied team ibe Fermat of Alpha.? De. Liinards4 By A. R. Finable. . Addidenat Memoirs 'ot ray Youth. Di A. De Lai inardne, author of "Yost, Pruus, and Foram of the Reyablic," .hlemalrs of ray tionth,”,./LaphOel,". Th e thatoryof the Girondists,. &a. , • • • Received for ulo hy • R C'eTocwros 0.31, • Car. 'thus hi Market Ms. Journal Port Chronicle, and Anurkin co. - KUCKY MUSTARD— Bonowtst•tielebtannl Lexington Mnstxrd, mace of netirseed. Jot re— caved and tor axle by. WM A MeCLURO &CO oe3l - g 56 Liberty itreet. f3the TALLOW—Fs erlt real Are ads oal • WICK & UoCAN R , IcKEREL -I ° 3 w'rAtigard?crlVl .31 I.3UCKWAELIT FLOUR --74 sticks tun ric'dy_b oat .•.. WI Kt McCANDL.E.B.3 BROOMI3-40 dos crud, received for orde by__ oar WICK di MaIItbIDLHIMI _ _ TaA/t sztas tr; rpHE undersigned hieing arrunrenteritspr the pqr. I:chase of Teas in the east, by which they are con stantly in receipt ot Fresh Tees, selected liont as they anise, confidentry oat them to lie= at the following law rites:— Common Green andliluk Tau 00 37k pc , lb. rice' , do .1 do do 00 , do Nape, da ;do eo 075 do fisted • do do , do ICO do Their, 'assortment contlyelses— . 00/bag, lent andel, Young Hyman; 4 grades, Chelan • do, Old de. 13ouohong, Gunitmeder, PV - All good. sold at this house are warranted , and ea; be returned gibe, do 001 give eniite (sedan. The steadily ineteseing patronage experienced by . them since opennig, speaks louder than any nun• paper puffs. 10' A hbend diseoiant made to reefing: ' WOO A ideCLUI4O & CO next. 436 Weirs street. liVA.Ciebt Yob SALE. AHEAVY well matte Wilda, sellable tor in: or sii hniwy fordo b y ylo =ON, LITTIEi CO, real ' 2.3lAbertyst • 06 r i ' largNo 3 Ideas. Mackerel; P' lBll ls bfbrislias 4 and 3 do; for rale by oe3o • HOB180:4, LITTLE re CO . Canto,. Cloth . for lhatmutit THE .b. , * .flicte,idorssis mach used foi irobarbbsi dresses to pt.. " --- guild., to be r 0.23 "DIG fitatf:: , /. osao. DING WASH BOARDs-3t, rale by J D=WILLIAMS & CO, 0e33 Cor. nfth &Wood so etLOTIMS PI 18-110 by for u 1 by ' ••• x9O J D WILLIAMS to CO JEER HAIR-1 lba i'J'l7°W"rtifilZeZ LAB - bz• Bzlo and 10x12 for nle by a<39 . J D WILLI ill& CO WIIITE HONEY-10 bre for Mil • brY lot D WILLIAMS It CO AYCH - E3-3, grow; Block and Bog, for soli by D WILLIAMS & CO • SLINDEUES-6 bxa impedno Rico Moos '2 bas Rose Wiseon 6 bap Fat:acts of Lemon 9374 Vanilla; bas Lemon S9gar; baa Vmmarellsr 6 bra 01Ivo 011; 9 bat A mood Soap; Also, Droma, Coons, and Coroa Shell, !Or sale by on') J D WILLIAMS k. CO Pit; METAL-4 tip], last reeeind and tir tale by .30 J B CANFIELD SUCAR-10 Wads N. 0. fingardast I C rze ANFI d foELr sale D try ocnO Steam Float TrilMa:pings . . . W MeCLINTOOK Invites the attentiOn,of melon NT . boat men to Ids extensive assesurtent of trim. I' M "' n nod P . 7,111 :1, EV..110 6 ' 1 0 brtrifliit •=7 - do do Crunton - do, do t tosileined Steel do; do •Rint and Blue do; do all.. and Brown do; Crimson and White Union Damask; .t Plug do do; . . .: Searles do ' do; Crimson. Oreen, Woe, and Beale: Dikeuk; Watered Ai OtreCal .; W 0.1.11141 =di...men Table Covering; . . Striped Toilet .. do do; .. Turkey Red le White do do, ..-. Turkey Red it Roe do do; j , '. 7-4 and 6-4 WagtardTable Coma; 7-4 and 0.4 Table Linen; 5 4 Bleached Sheeting; Scotch Diaper, ... Em bo ssed i do; Scotch Napkins; i Tablo Covers; Seri eh Crash; 't Plaid Toilet dsl ' do; 6-4 !Leached Sheetirig; hista,lre. AR: , ~. All o f artdeh are direetlrent thetebutufeenrrera end importers, of the newest sad rielem colors and pat. teen., lil of which will be gold art 'elstiet no any of the eastern cities. We invite steam boat moo fa 41111 as a call et nor Carnet 'Warehouse, N. CB Fourth it. and 79 Wood at. • - lee=l • ; W. PdeCLINTOCK SUGAR A 6101.ABSES-23 Itbd• N O. Raiser, 10 !ads I egged do; IS brls EL H. blaleaser, Jim received per steamer Hibernia ric;2,lor. vain by iNfninAnr, • oe:10 ' Water,at. TAKF.N in mistake, from the slew boat Pilot No 2, Sev e n Kegs ef gnuer t marked J. Ally Imfaunation respecting them wilt be thankfully recieved. oc3) Wag H JOHNSTON CI Ala PgTRE-40 soaks jntt reeoo for orolo by cos3o . ISMAIL DICKEY a. CO, VIETIDE Bilk Flouncing Laeem . Black mad Colored lidobur Lacer; Floe Tbresd, IMom do, and:Lisle dm litrolln Bands and flonneirlito Dobbin Laces, and Insertlnts; Application acid Wrought Lace Cape% do do Berthas; Muslin and Late Bleaver, • Faineroldered Chernisstres,CON and Conan: Valenciennes Collars. And received by WY • L ACK 44 blantAlla Vbhrets; BColored and Black 14 do; Bonnet and Plan Ribbons; • llomets, Cap., and Flowers; ' . Ostrich and Illandwat Plumes; Inn .recelved by oela H :EATON, ad Fourth *weal Ps - fl. IiCA.TOI6 • WHOLESALE. Ratall Dealer In Gloves. Hosiery, and Yams, Dms add Dangles Trimmings, Lace Goods and Embreidertea: • Gentlemen's Fandridng Artiele Zephyr, Women, Pattern., and Canvas, Pert d Board, Dame Pains, and: Flower Material •Ne di Fewer meet. ATIIErIS—A 1.41 imortmeniof Mick, Liannwn, Nod Man, and billed, Jan te oiaired. and for sale by .19 t3HACKLM a, WHITE Germans Blimehaater Classailants. ~►~{URPHY s BURCHFIELD have received a rap. AU ply of anal irtrie• °Creel Idaneheater Glagharaa; a/so, Domenic Ginalute4le great variety.apattarea odd , F S I:•xU . tt3 ,7, I I rMM%rMTIIT`n'TI"4n.M los rot ninon ,• mats , t t do do; now loading, all for note 67 • ABAIAII DICKEY & CO, oc.lo 112 Water at a s' keg/ on c 0 alignment or me mit incEEY & c 0 , ACONalattio- , A casks velitatill - lia aolerlowoo Gloss. • OMAR DICEY t o co. oold • • LACE titeuns•-,A.lari , e assortment ok Linen Edgings and sees, Cheallsentes and Col. lary purehased by the au scriber In England, and tat .ale at very es...drama, by tw.2o. C ARBUIIiT(OI. ' Lys the man who 490. not OPPltAille the luury Of an 0017 ahsea ? if any *am he, we do ode address our. aelves to him.. Salto another) we say, If you WU rar-d° , shatinpleamresPardase a boo ofJuld Maxi's Alai= etuehlo Of Ambrosial Staving Creams. It lb utterly Impassible to dad wallah) de• scribe the teenage of a parsec who has been awd.to Sbavlor with ordinary imap,npon maklig. will Oath for thelirst time, it fa & cambia.. of wonder, ad. minden, and pleasiare. JULES onlovs. %Within excAN is axed& ingly eranMent; underlay the stiffest and mew wiry beard colt and Pliable, prodneing admirable lather; and by as attremely mild minim allaying oil twins. thon,sod preamble chat unplcauct nod stiff !henna tithe skin which is. atten a:perinea& niter shay. log. Gentlemen rainy Shaving Cream may face the random .d moat 'piercing wind. lm. modtately atter Its de, without the skin beeeming chopped. And thole*. on ea use It, we can !totally say will never useany other. One great advantage, whichermi be especialir .p. preetauni 11. tbaso who weer whiskery, is tho fan that It swill not discolor II beard, whlah most load will do, giving a sandy or rusty appearance to the edge of the whiskers. Jules Mites Hu! LOX Creams delightful •ratious,,oompoooded.with =WEI 1,4 dellgi prellararloos, manmade( With v, tho cater exclesloa of all article. calculated to reader the operation of chiming onplewria; and will be mimed...led by all who maks 'cf tem.. Prepared only by . JULES, HAVES, Perfume; and CM*, , US Chestnut Poe sale, arboleaula reseal,Fahnerock & Co., and IL F. Fellers, Plttsbergic attd.rolat Barrett and 1 MitrbeMl7 : 13(z7BATA P '.MURPHY BUROMPIELD 21011 ill de Lalnoa . ILTURPHIjc 61IRCIIFIELD Lave nie4 ltd itl a.nortment at rests pattarno, Itt Mr all j o ck per yard; alsO, Nazarene Bloc, Grout, MOlzep, Da b, th o ok, &a , tlaw prices.. .• ocla • run PEW i.BUACIIFTELD itrol n t ri n 4 in:or amorist Mask Bilks Potiftimiej std W lad also fiesetatia striped de. . pen. ILLEII recessed *to ard tor rare at sosootrieturers, ' Ann, by _sew) l aiLsterip 12MffiERIMI raa l tr , "/ 14 " rt-ABSIMER - flut - ay, as hula aaa - fal 1..) Ws tat mown ofaLtaataeraraim, r far als ~eiae niodois noutriencient by timS3l t • "RE; • S old. at can .ta:57=110,2%,,14., Ind from iteuner Lulls, for sayar Es bAtaiza, S VG A/ 1 . & b/01415.9M-11 Baszr• WI by 1 .09 1 bacio4=a, &LIM OF OEM 11011113111.11 D LOTS, AT PUBLIC AUCTION. IlE and ' F 'd ndal, g' tli "A e a tell nd o f f or N " ove te nu a be n r iai en,s l ten &clock, A. /4 , en the yeentees,elekty cleat belie. log beta masted ea tth and dth streets, in the town of E. , 'mig These lots are located near the nib- Ile nee, aid are We out on a liberal *este. sub lot having • front of Infs.= sure s 130 feet wide, end extending back 3a feat to alleys 2D (stemma . Alm 12 lots of land not on the Brennen of ?au nt *Meet, and fronting on the main on. delndmg New Lisbon and Cale each lot containing about to halt. aere. The bee of this property is Ito tlonable, and it will be sold on e creeds; one {berth of the parchase nroney emy will be 'repaired on Me delivery ot the deeds the Wane to beam:tired by Muni e' d menden on St. property In die equal unival Vega:eel, Ilereet .Piltedarere who will reran dwellleg house of other bstiding within twelve months owns nay Manic will be entitled to whatever atone thee may need for , thair bulldog, GUM, Si an allatlk.ril Unsay, within quarter of a rode of this property, an of easy acne. browned by am lairleYsirtmsi• To Mose it vs oh thelocadon and prosperity of Liverpool it would be amine ton y mom. Ills ado r ned by all to be among the men desimble KM. ma th to the Ohio River for privets residences, and ' te athlete the attention of steamboat officers Is puttee ,' fatly dincted—veyeral 'Awn= have already made it I their place of residence Its salubrity re Par excelled inM pinto t . MO Wad. Theta lite Tho m n public worship for various denomination. Roman Catholic, Episao pan., Presbyterian, and Methodist. and an even give building is now being put up for pablic tonal hone. Liverpool contains about 1200 inhabitants, has Miry istANUPACTORIES,In nemesia' oper ation for the comufnersze of Rockingham and queen. waro t giving employment io about , SDO persons, with every prospect of increasing:to isnalmoss unlimited extent—clay and c oil being in thud.. in the neigh .bortiood To pereens contemplating entering into the mann future of Queensware this will be a good eptortunity to obtain sites. To such, an extewred credit will be ghee if requited, and the use ,U building atone per , mated to be quarried for all the wont created on the prove:tetanal. • The comity around inert 001 Is settled by a wealthy and Intelligent population, and as land le among, the richest and land ferule in Colombian contr. Stearn bonito arrive and depart reguletty In the sancta The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail which, by its charter, le to pan throush this tome, to the Pennsylvania State Line, (where it writ interwar the Sandy and Baled C. 1.211) la nearly Completed to Wellnille, only four miles beow. A map of Me town and plan of the property can be nee on epplutation to the undersigned, at the Mike of fdltehel Palmer, Attorneys att.*, p“rsh st s .eet. Pittsburgh. opposite Wilkins Hall, or to Sandford C. HIU, Esq., LlVerillN3l,lrho wW !show the property. • JANES MAMA . P.S.—t will lease to &Gardener or Nervy man, for . a tens of Vyears, sixteen aerefoLland,adjolrang the above property, suitable for al leg. The whole will be enelored with a baud fence, and a comfort. able dwelling hone and out Innuovi erected on it during We present fall. EraillhdesetdT] J. 11 'WHOLESALE FALL GOODS. A. A. MASON& CO • SA ti eczienszT ST., }RteDa crrouLD solicit the attenuonof Me air from Va uctlons of the country, to their immense Mock of New Fall Goods, ermerising the largest and most compleut asscounent le the western country, consisting of 075 cases beat styles Prints; 40 do Imported end American Gingham; 33 do Wetness, Paramus, end Merlotti; 37 do Cashmeres and De Laing; 4$ do Satinet. end Jeans; V do Cloths and Cuslmeres; . 70 do Illeaebed bluslins; 60 boles Flannels, ell colors; 57 do Doting% all rode; • .380 do B/0..11 31124116 k best makes. A 1.,, cues and packages of Silks, Shawls. White Goods, Millinery do Tailors' Trimmings, Ribbons, Luca Hosiery and Gloves, to. Merchants ars unwed, from the great facilities of this establishment,of *Jenny, erne coma the isnot and most desirable goods, and at priers ag low and lower than anyesstern hone Being tOnllnr•Oltlicts' agoras far large quantities of Nanette Goods, they portico. holy solicit the orders of merchants for denudes, alellsereble in this taty sa the same price they an sold at in Mi1t.1 . 3 data- Merchants either going . or retutheir stook. from the east, are tattled tau en aminotton of oetdimate4.lr2m3 01111:1AP PIANOS. AFISTS sewn mane Rosewood Piano, awlrSly new, is crated at aMbasywu; Ono .stood hand 6 octavo Piano,: One do' do 61, do do • nu 000 do do 63 do Oo 46 Passaic by JOHN H MELLOR at Wood oi. N. 13.—• new 'nook of Maker, flea Pumas now ort3 R. , s Ore Now Testammu. Petticoat Covert:treat; a mew novel. By Mn. Trollope. The Cot Year Dock; or the Field, the Forest, and the Fireside. By Wllllsm Hewitt . History of XerieS the bream By !tech Abbott. The above we:kaput rebeired for sale by - R C MTOCHTON, aria Cor.Foarth Marketetreots. Gum Elastic Clothing ()DOZ. large Capes, with sleeves far riding habits; 8 do: largo Over Costr, I do: Pea do; 1 dos Jackets; 1 dos Pacts; .110 *l4. Borgrdtt; restd (or into by 1 fl PHILLIPS MOO- 7.4.9W00du W00t.."1 Ins Oenfpesty. !.11HE Anunailteenag of the Stec tholden and elec. 1100 for thirteen &rector", to serve for the ea t et year, will be held at the office or the company, No 02 Water street- Pata^tmeh, on Tuesday, the Wh day otNovember. letkbetweee the hones of eleven o'clock, A: It sad thyee cOelnek. P. bI oehhdtd I. FINNEY, Jr, Ammeter), LATER—Arn $ 1, 3 3,4, 5, and 6.,direat from Ger. moo and for tale by ARBUTHNOT Cr HOE THREAD-6GO lbs bleacbtd and Drees, best I.7.latate for sale by C ARMY FEINOT ." 1-10oS5 bbd. eggs Green CoSee; 1W klekau O. aran Y: S 1E; I roPcrial, .4 Bleak Tells; • 100 his G's Lump lobsecei 10 kegs Groin • do; • • 23 brie Tanners' 011; 90 MU N.C. t..r, 10 his No 1 Bonn; .100 slats Sole Lc alber; 100 doz Corn 153 big Window Glass, aSaS4 sass; =0 ems Wrappi Patter; :5 boles BMW,' cercons S. Y.lndiso; • SOO kegs Nails, amterted; 10 cask* Pot Ash; With a general assortment Of groceries for We by oclo 11.0111 SUN , LIETLE.& CU. rta..-100 salt. for We by WM Y 1 30/IN9TON, oda , 112 Bccond at. BHOMS-130 dm in store and for ~to Al ea" toll II JOHNSTON Gl.ASS—men exlo, to sale 14 • 0e29 Wit H .TOHNSTON TkUTTER—In roll and keg, Skr ,sleiW - .0 ken W!..1 H JOHNSTON BV PEJLOHES—In .to and Cot ottle by 1./ to/9 War U JOHNSTON English Gl6,oegV a ao .,, Erand . 633 d Post THE Above ankles 'lra Import a , an know thsra to no pure. For sale wbolegale and rettul by INIORRI± & Ilk WORT/I, oda In the lhannond. grim Morris & Ilatverlh's Ten, at :On perpeene .11.. "fie excellent! 009 PIG IRON-45 tons No Ikm Wart Baulking Rock Pig Iron, landing (rain steamer dammit, and for ammo lositSl ]AB A Ii , iTCIIISON &CO T. Louis :II:ATI liww by rap l'Uo:aases—i 00 barrel. S Pifme qU Uy, ia bundrome order, for We by JAS A 11177t311140N R CO 0r.23 9t L.ais euvtr Refiners. ALRRU DUTT=is ..a{; keitgrar able by ocii R PITON 1.1• •N N It OILST Sr. CO W/NDO . W . &&-1400 ban aucir.ed ones oalts SP VON IMMAIHORECr & CO (11113ESS-70 bis for ..la by 8' I? VON OrMiIIORST & CO THE best Black Tea In the Unite*, Smelt, awes 75 cents per lb, for sale by MORRIS irAworrn In the Diamons. We have frequently been te , l by person, hawing paid II and itt ollser pound fee thew Black W., In these in the habit *Coning such psiees.wo respect. folly solicit to try our Tea at 75e per lb and If they de not then acknowledge themselves having been mast Mealy Imposed upon, we are torah whisks n, as there .an en better Black Tea imponid nue the Veiled elates than what we tinselling at 75e per lb. Ti es re , e d a, Greer, Tea 're sail at 81 pie lb ..2k Nsw cori . Fl2ll- @eye6e..Nl for we by IeCLUBO & CO . 421.110. t B 27 1 1 1 1:4 5 b" f" ' b riaritYl b ag b erN " 2221 t u 2 6 ItrilTEltckatl, caVVlefold, a vi d nate h g .I AL j . : act ;OA WAT . teCu Marry et w r 7 " - =Tit T ad* . IPA lAN DICK& CA; G LA6S--300 r i.Bill4 100 tax luxl2; fa last:l2; 23 6.11114 H; on c , nsipme . a.; for aila • . IBA ta DICM. 'fr. (..13 DOOTEI-2clat. gtralemen'sl.sng Boots, of ti.e net,. est • style In the, Robber Has, arkleb will be solO. toner than soy Game establishment in the city, Jail revived and tot sslo by .1 et II I'llll y !'B 729 Wood at 0011 t. FIPJuriGB-12 daz Netalle ledla Dabber Door 4 1'4 , 64 AnreetNed for sale by aeZi J &It rtiIiLLPS ETALLIO 6U/S3ER CLOTH - 2 (la * rykn.. • Utd' l n"ll. I°' '''" ll,ll P grdird '' _sari] vay Inzahcq, torlitat PIIMI-1 also prim maeived far rale by r . f . oczt h E sti.LERS O /BE ....LIZ—. 0:I suad telt Ana trti c le, It E ev.a.Bas Y ELLOW DOCK-2 ode te lo eit d r • b 7 . GM E BELLEW; A • ' ULD'S Wnting Plaid; A.& Husband's hifignelia s . . Kcelerl American Command; .. 21chfunn's Elixir af Oplcm; ..•. 'llicAlllater's Olnutient. Para Dame Path Killer; ' BrandretiVa Pills, genuine; Ayees Chem Pectoral; Barith's Tonic Symp, Winn , . Balsam a( Mid Clam 1 . Bogen' Unarm:nth and Tar; , Bull's and Townsend , ' 6arispar• ~. i i teidlaWa Elpeclde: , i ' . u TrTalind=7:llinst al{ f SWKIEVII P.lle In: Allen's N. and B. LlniztansJ. A fresh lot of Me abase articles jell waived for oda , J ICIDD k CO SO Wood at On ads 07 tt LEE IA &sited to Chattlek , - A LIMIT Drall Otero Wlmetta SWIM EI6L A& Apply to EICAILT & ATKINSON Fifth .t, between tVwel & Mattel nKFJOZ-350 Ina commoc; 4.21 big Czessm Ctretee, for nay by JAMES ULM), 70 %Mt I& =ME do: L. tees onc - I do: I tees Ins • Idol 7 left longs fa sale b. • I'k U PHILLIPS E=ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers