12112212119 WHITE CC. N. wnrrs 1 1.. aLtaxr. T.lllll, orrisrr, MIST DOC* To NIP) .—._. .._.__117,00 per anima Tri-Wyn,• —• Weekly. - ••••• • 2 , 0, Do. Chars, at • ind••• 4 IL.AI CI P ADVERTISING' AG O REED Uro:4 sr TI E PITTSBOR OII PRY'S. One Pow it, (10 line. OFlVonpatellor less) one t iscnon•-- ----, —40,50 One thot to, to additional inwetlon• • • O,M Pe one week. •-• —•-• 1,75 fit three t•—• 3,0 p Pa w ee r— Ite one month • --- 5.00 Ito trqt.7,o* It, Inlet months -. —•---. " MP Oa tone month. •—•--.10,00 • it.. sir months • •-• hip tv.ni ire montli.•-• • • 10,00 ?Nanjing Card ps tutu oeless,l per annam• 10,011 Ow "Moor, chtmgcal.le atplcasure (per an num) exclusive of the paper-- • MAO For each additional square. Inserted over one month, et for each natittinnal sonar.: inserted under We year n rams, hail price. Advertisement. ekeredltne a Nowa, and net over Peers lines, to be charged a. a.gone and a halt. Futilishere not arconntable for legal advertisement. yond the amount charged fortheirpubliennon. Announcing candidate• for elite, to be charged tha awe as other ad.-outworn.. Adoenitrmenle not marked on the copy Poe ap l ad number of inaeriians, will be eoatinned 1111 (oebid, .0 payrienle sante! accord, • 'The privileges of yearly advertisers wall. con ti fined isem Idly to their regnlar business, and ell o th er not wrtanling to their regular badness, . 5 reed for, to be pall extra. Ail advertitemtnis for charitable metionlow. fir. tupotics, wurd, to wwlitp and other polite meeting+, ad such tits., to he charged halfprice, payable strictly advance. Marriage notice. to be charged 50 cunt,. Death liettee , inserted withoutcharge,unless accom• panted by &sent intrlttaient or obituary notices, and when so aeon/slimmed to be paid far. Regular .deeruutts, and others sending commu• nications, or rendiring notices designed to will atten tion to Fair.. Soirees, Concerts, or Lug pablin enter ftiranenta whet. clones era made for admltutoce all notices of private tissoe.rationg,everg notice de signed 01 cad littellitoopo private enterprises °W.I.. ted or intended toprotable Indianinal Interest, out on ly tie Inserted with die understanding that Me same lam be paid for. Of intended to Or Inserted In the to• cal column, the same will be changed at the rats of not less than 10 coots per line. Eilehop or Fiat Notices to be charged trivia plies, Tavern License Petitions, tfi each. Legal and Method advertisements to but charged at fall Once. Keel F•state Agents' and Auctioneers' advertise ment. not in be ebutteti under yearly oney, but to be allowed dirt coact of %hilly three and one Manipur mint from the amount or MU wean , Oa 111,VIIILY Lr DaLLT raw One Square. three inaertions••—•--41 50 Do. twit hdditional Insertion - •. 37 arrirelliillOrrie 1, Waren rat a One spotre, (10 lin t•s,) ono Mwolon. —5O et& Ikt. each sedition.' Doertion• —93 All trynident advertietenticiam to o ho p in advance. WHIT*: IC CO. Gaunt , . Li HAMPER Post Roll - T M. RIDDLE., JonrneL • JAMES P. - BARR & CO., CM ranted& FOSTER & nuoTtira, Diapnett. JOS. SNOWDEN, MarearY , JAMES W. fiIDDLIs, American. 11IR AM RHINE, Evening Tell:tuna. Tremens& Dee. 1,1640. CARDS. J 01.61 A. PAILKIIIii OI2, I.DEII.MAI; P.M Ward, Penn anet, between A, O'Hara ra nd Walnut. All batmen promptly sr torraedru. err__ep_ Ay DiALIDIC.II. 11. WATBOS, ATTORNEr AT LAW—Off.ce, on Fourth target above W,Nod. min DAVID O. TOTTLIK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corromrsioner for prann.yiyania,t.q. Louis, Mo. All cumommontious promptly answered. ------ J&! g 9 F. frsEll.ll, TTORNEY AT LAW-015ee on Fount, street, Abetween sintthEleld and Oro., Pinneurgb. - _sptle-ty NOUN n . SLAWS. tds A ITORMEI;atinI Counac Pe n n s -te anasuals. LI. stoner tor the ;irate ofpm* 8 . Louis; ?do., (late of Pittsburgh.) Mo. W. Forward, limp urn a Miller, Wean Mess tr. McClure, John E. Parte, 3issell• tc decurlfdleent BIDWELL Co. j POILWAItDINO DIELLOHAN T 8 Gia4gor, P. (Smith's Ferry Pass Oft.) Having permanently Isented at thin pre., a oar and substanual Wharf Boat, we a prepared to re [dire. and forward promptly ali p oints ints on the nee: and Pandy •nd Beaver or Oluo Canal. P & Glasgow, June 11—leld 4.OALLT- COINIZAVS. AIIALEV, WGGDkAROk CO, Wholesale On t cars, No tal Market at, PlLLLadalplxia.. ap4 Vittablargh ENNErr, ITER BY tg Manafastireig of Soda BMk, Bleaching Powders, Tilariazie aro Buiphatie Acid,. Warehouse to—, Water otreet,beloar Ferry, novri-ly Fre4rfler BRUM GeOtEo Ream B RAUN k lititTEß, Whon.snle end Rnail Drug• x pitnorner o(l-Inert) . and 1, Gina streetn,Pitli E apt Al NcAULTY h. CO, For...chug and Um- Ca tisaion 'Merchants, Canal Baum, Pittsburgh, mei k..C, `-t'holern.""'""."l k. Fortraidlng Met - atm., No. 41 ' Water at, Plita tyitt. _KO Ira Battey — --Andrea, Penang H K Fleming LIMILSEN, FLE7II SO in CO., K.H. 0? lISSION IHC HANTS—rot the sale of 9 ehe.W.len, and Cotton Guth!, al,o, de Wet. ot kinds u of TailOri' Truttattogt , No IC Wood at, dth door from ViAlk. rittaturs h. Eleferenne—Mown. 11 to. A. 11111 it Co, Bantus. 4.1 11..1112 I WM. a.. . 4 2 . lao lIIRVIN, 01,11111SSION 14F-11.0 HANTS an d 13111 Brokers, CjN42 lit Seeped etreeL Plusbotgh. ante, WIC I. gcloken, J mugs r. NGI,IBII & IJENNE:TT, (lase English, Gallagher F 4- Co) Who,celde Grocers, Gommisss. and For• warding bleroltnnte, and dealers in Prudes , nod Pitts bargh Manufactures, N 0.27 Wood IL, 24621242.1 2,1 and )d streets.outl ri:;111. Jo isaerbs, VonwAntlN6lkt CONIaIISSION MERCHANT No 112 Second et, Pittsburgh. me% ;toms oc tensossegul IL. W• Pflug DK ZTLI i Co., enAMNEMAI.OOIISIISSION and Foreraretng Mee -4...T giants and Flour Doalera, No ...64 Market etreet, it P/Aar/e4dtia S lIVOKNOIL & CO TOBACCO COMMISSION MBECUANTS. Ne. 41 North Water Suent & No. 16 North Wharves. A.J. llcessog PHILADELPHIA 72.12 2 2 2. 12 .C. McCettgoss • A. W•stne• ..IC LI---IP.Cce.4Ol to Mare 7a. . ) i7TrZroiia; . a ...d c.-.cmift_u9• Merchsut, for ales solo of isrukTs Wooleas, Liberty, opposite 6th Cell? •. 6. itril-Y. VIZ IP. roll ? IaALLOY, /ONES k. Co., (successors to Arwood, JUIL 300C1 a CO.) CaTt.ll%.l l . 2.111 FOTlrlaint Mer chssta, dealers, to Pittabargh Manufactured Goods, rinabsrsh, P. ermt(27 -----____ 0 AL 1., (sarcasms en cosset , C. trrtz.,) TUPORTER n. Dealer in French and /merle. Pa- L per Hangings end Ilorders, Window Shades, Pins Board Prints, Le. Also—Writing, Printing and Wrap. a nd Paper, No. E 7 Wood street. Dettsecn Fourth street and Damned 'rest Bide, Piusbnrgh, Ps.. febl3 iivrTsnuttart GLASS WORKS' JOHN AGNCW, Isle of the Lam of Chartabcra,Ag• near & Co , swain rcweetfolly Inform the old mrs. tanners and the public gr ncrally, that win still toil- LIMB to carry on L. Green Girds buslorra, In all itt ana Is proem! Lo All all orders for Apothe cariecaries, Funum re, M.ncrula, Porters, Viol., &c.. at., pytalratir to his bumr.ess. Dm warehouse is No SI lavkat moot, between First & Venoni ors. jra 4:d301 TOHNO THIHO—A74-,"Wins CP or in Dye Htuffs, Palms, Oil,. Varniabss, &a, No. $3 Wood *them, one door South of Diamond Alley Hushurgh. ;Zt'r - a - L --\—r°l.l".7l-----.° '' ' ' ''—'‘ ,lT a t satfaidtre'utt...."ldiodttiVrferl"4Pltt:tri dhP." SO.= INCM, .1 reitlilorre9:..r zertsilZll:l2in' G 4:114. 3 : 3 Water, .4 1,1 e.bn —Josephmlbliworth. T Wo IiILRTII & CO, Wholesale G ears, and CS Agents tot Ilastrd Powder Co., N 0.37 Wood sh,. Pinnbarsh de.5.7 JL TOWNgEND, Inatiitat &Innheeitil Is; No. 45 Matt. et , Urge deers abets e Third st. Pltts burgh, will hr: e. couwautly unhands arsllseleeted cc ointment of the beet and freshen Slodthinsit,whieh he will tell on the mow re...noble terms. Palest/sea aendlng. order., todt Le promptly attended to, and sup plied' with mut:Ors thty nor tely noon as genuine. p pr epnattot re P m is i ncriptions woarately te e d . or night. la heat matertals, at any h oa r, Also In solo, &tarsi sloth of fresh end good Pe o ri. - 3 1 John EthYd. Richard Floyd. J& IL. FLOYD, holesale (nouns, Coicanissinn mgrghante, W and • Graters In Prodwe, Round Chinch lisuld.ocr, limning on Lihesty, Wood and Slashstreet., raGtotren, ... jNO. A. CAirli IN:Y, Agent fm tag Lake F,rie an d Mjehgan tone ,n Uri.et and the Lakee—OfEe e an the emner a - bate. and SnntharLl 9 n, i ae a j--ai3- A. lIOTr.III4ON, A Co —Sneedasors I {,ems Hoeboton h. C 4, emrdahslem Stsrthanti t d Age,. ..t1 14., : , t. Ltrii• Sltn.l %tat . . Raaaary NO. our .9,19 v from atteaL9,Caddqua scHO6-'MAKI.III—ta. (X:), Wholemale Dtagymto Me 14 s4...9_c_t!frt, ltubaiah..p, vt-Tcyc 151,141, ac , tale and lattall dude tit tn Muer and ataaleel 11Wd . ramento, Sctoel Ilan% LLIFITOziBry‘'ZLIcIUIy,TOBI‘t;ILI%P.t,'AZZ•4I,.., stie. weran CAN .f Z. Ton—and FOTOArdittg Merehillt, and sireolesst deter Wesiere Reserve Mae., B..“F_r! Par xml %%extern Produce !renew!), xx! sPertet,hintreen Fmathoela and Wood, Vauban'', - I . i I K — PE iT6FifFS Fr,se' "rd''''"" ___ i trouts, Dealers in Produce tad -W0 in mann 1 ufsetured article, focal D•sin, n soo n, Sri spi I — pics ti nipiii'io,A. KF,NriirSicl, CHILDS & CO" Idanainetarers o arm superior 4-4 Sneerint, Caspet Chain, Cotton ' T10..,...d "swig_ ______ ________ 1.30.11 Us C. STOCKTON, • . ipATE Johnston t Stockton, ITACSELLEEL,STA uifin:e.tiamiN.T.Tratilurr74. ..ogg THE H -- PITTS 1,,..rn0n .. : .- • 1,-(4 BUSINESS CARDS. .. . Pittsburgh City alas. Works. W. CUNNING TIAIR & CO., ANUFACTiREM 0 F WINDOW GI. AS S. 11l NOW Market street, between Fun and Second, Pittsburgh Pa. _ 'Particular attention paid to odd sires. Also, Do4ers in FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES , • do. o. cottronunaK, oSirowsa,le, C002121.._ %/FWm. Miller, Philnd. C. W. Ricketson, Potzburgh. ILLER it RICKETSON, Wholesale tiroeert, and 01 Importers of Brandle. Wines and Seger. NOB. PIS and 174, corner of , Ltberty sod ("WM street., Plto burgh, P.. Iron, Nods, Cotton Yarns, de. eon. stoutly on hand. apl John WOOL James D. Itel iw Mc6 ILLI A. ROE, W boles ale Grocer' and Commis on Merchants, No ivi Liberty 5, Plasbu rgh st • api MVPS/MOR STEET WiiitES AND SPRING AND AZLE FACTORY. • loan 0. 4. 0 .- • - all. 101.1.1 a, ._ JOBIZI 6 Gioia°, IUrihNUFACTURERS of spirit,' cud Militia steel, h anti clip 11.1. plough awed, steel ploagh ',lnds, coac tic spnng., hammered non hcles, and deltic. in mid 14.1. c.ltingai tiro ensure lunps, and coach I.Firanatugs generally, cont.,. .of ROSI and raga a., rtniiiiiirich, Va. telidh J. k3.-tardos. Cooniitilsts Waal Old Levee N Orleans, tree constantly on band •loge asionment of Brendle. of din follow. Mg brands, which they can for sale as agents for J. Durand lk Co. Borden., visi hlaalory, J. Eraud,l Du rand Co, J J Durand, Cognac, Ade hi in tenon, A I. Wreak, A de :Random, lean Louis, Ac., tic; also, Anchor Ltordeaut Red and Winn , Wine* in is and cases, selected with care by John Durand A.:Co; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Port. febr-lv• LIOLIBES &SON, No 00 Market st, second door Dom corner of Fourth, dealers to Foreign and Dom e enie Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Speen. V.Coleletion• made on all the prinalpal oboe hroughent the United States. apt lathoggralsble Sr.stabllallanawat OF kVA!. SCIIIICIIMANN, Third et, opposite the Post-Office, Pittsbargh.—hl aps, Landscapes, Bill head., Shoot:tills, Labels, _Architectural and kleehme Droving*, Beanies. and Visiting Cards, Ac. engraved lor dome on stone, and printed colon, , Browne or Black, in the most approved style, mot at the inn seasonable enrol entirely JOBINi-ON,LITTLE& CO., o. Obh Lobes) , street .a, Pittsburgh. Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pamburgh Moe. urns. apl7 221II.,!9811011. int. WM. BAN, 3. lansunhoh. RGDERT MOORS, Wholeole Grocer, Recta') mg Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittourgh Manufac tures, an all kinds of Foreign and D omestic Wince and Liquor., No. II Liberty street. On hand n •ery large stock of superior old Monongahela waiskey, which 1.111 be sold low for , ash. L. 0. Urnohrs. L. L. MIAs. REYNOLDS & SHETI. Forwarding end Commis- Lb don Iderchano, for the Allegneny Ricer Trade, Leiden in Groceries, Produce Pionburah, nYnnainc• tuffs, and Chloride of. Lime. The *nett price, ia. cash, Toad at ~11 times fo. 00=7 mg. Pnn and Imm era. .11,E.P"'" jOBEFIT DALZELL . Do, Wholessle Grocers, IN Commistiort Merchant, dealers m Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactare. Liberty street, Ptttsbevee, tilt/ 11. A. OUNNINGIII6III, wOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding, and Commissuou Merchant, and Des kr id Pa. barib Munuflotoreu, No aa Liborty Groot, PolsburOh Ps_ 11. O. etnntiLlarr ONACKLEIT & WHITE, WhnNeale Dealers in k Foreign and Domestic Dry Dots's, No. 99 Wood Creel. Mahwah.api7 Li & oFloar and Produce penerally, and Forwarding and 00131rtlieS1011 rtlerchante, 133 Tint street und LIG Second street PteralB h. KW: T. eau., etresSentin. 1550 Mentn, Yaarusn SELLF.RS & NICOL'S, Pramee and General Com ransom Merchants, No 17 Liberty street. Pitts. burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. apt' F VON LIONNUOKST tr. CO , Whoteen le Gm" 1101. ems, Forwardtne and Comonnton Merchants, Dealers in Ptitsnergh t o and Wee o.nt Produce, have removed their new wantnouse, fold atand,) No. 311, comer it Front street and Cl l llllllell Lane. apIL. ELOILILIS & IIAWOP.TII TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS rAst ode Dimnond, Pltuburtak. • VCR AL DAREIN.I3, la P. eaurnm-1 WHOLESALE GROOERS, P,od= and c0.r.i....--rem.c.u, ea 'deniers la Pitisenrin Manufactured Artie N.a. 130 wad 13 Seeand street. Bercoen Wood te. tiosliJAeld,l_Outburnh._asint Does .LOON. JOHN W ATT & CO.. W . . • lIOLESALF. Grocers, Comitusionn Merchants. and I/ asters in Prodnee and Pitteburgh factures, 2CO Liberty et, Piushurgh.._Pa. •eptd FLOUR -20 MO choice Famt); 2-0 Ws Superfine; 63 bile Fine, arriving, and for sate ty sepl2_ BROWN k EIREPATRICK --e BRIETE - iffi -, 13.V1N - WOULD inform the public, they hare taken th e vratehoum formerly occupied b laving iate 51i SolomontiehrOet,ll4 Pampa street a lase id enamtioitions Warehouse, they WoulA myna Ilte attetilioll Or trenoas having goods to [amigo • or They will also give atmntom to the purchase and • ate Of Notes, Drafts, Bond., to. allg 1 L.B.Wattrroon. •R. N. Waterman W. H. corm.• L. S. AV ATI UfIAH & BOSS, WHOLESALE GROCERa, CO . to. ,100 toads of 'and F.. - wattling Mem!Loom, deader an Pro duce & Pausbourh Slonufsctured daucou; anJ tor outc of Richmond and Lynchborl Blanca...tared Tobacco. mr WM. TIICOLIN, ATTOB.II ST AT LAIN, 11.1. r, AT WILL also attend to collecuoor and all filler Lost /1 3 entrasted to hun to lien« and &moor log aoandea, P.. Hetet to J. & it Floyd. Liberty at. W. W. Waltirea, do PiluEai e. James fantail do dly Kay & Co, Wood st. 1 tas.7 JOll5l IIIePADEN i 00.4 FORWARDING & CGDNIDSION DERCIIANTS, Cum! Basin, Penn street, Pituburch. mre JAILES Il• DAVIS & CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.227 Datket, and GI C4MIIICree st., Philadelplila. Adruices made, by either of the above, Co consign. meets of Produce to either Mon& 4 J. D. Wilimen•• —.• °hp mr J. D. WILLIAMS JO, CO., "IIiTIIOLEMAI.F. to RETAIL FAMILY tIRCICESS, SS Forwarding and Commission Merchants, uva dealers in Coubtry Produce and Pituburgh Danufse• tures, 'corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. mribl Wm. H. Williams— • . —. IL McVay 1.1721. LI. WLI.I.IiLEIS & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEGREES, North Ea.t corner of Wood sod Third streets, lant Peer...ton, Pa. ww.- iTaiai.ar,-------7:r11ii7,;......v., W. 11. 1.031)W•17, 51150 SAGaLIII. TVI. III&GALEY & CO, Wholesale wooers, Of and 20 Wood street, Fittsburch. apl7 NMI . NICE, InAiitY 1e.11P1.16117 hV CK & GANDLESS, (successors to I. & J. 1 ) TWick,) Wholesale Groom, Forwarding sod I Commission Merchants; dealers to Iron, Nails, Olma, Cotton Varna, and FamOurgh Manufactures general ly, cornsr of Wood and Water streets, nusburglt. _ •rd 7 _ .r. Pilf.—WittML-firEk., holoials Circiehrsi W,Reeurying Dill/111<M and Wine and Liquor Mercianui. Also—louporte” of soda Ash sad Ilte ch . log powder, N. lOU Liberty strnat,OPPo"i th .W.2llPV:r2(;,Wateho etilaer ii.; • • and Good., corner 0? Mwiteit and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. o.—Wittibeh Aud Clocks carefully rePith MEV NOCW. 19XTo ms., rrm. Your 49 & co, poem la 14.4h,t, ma. ke__La43 Liberty leCeTC.Sofl. at. lecencaa.— Wt:CerrleeWitWe e '4l'?"'. ar.eaMa eW7 n 4 Ptheg nulanna [enerally, I.Mathy d ent ] l PinotnelgA. I ' rut to eaten tVM4l.`Nar,ll—grda. iD be earned o me n under the name of Muth let, MO. Job,i • —.William Cur. JOHN PattliratEL i OM Whom Grooms, Denby., in Probst:, Romp. Winu, liquors, Old Morongeshsto and RectihogiWhukey. • No. a, Corronercuii now, Lilo - is' tux, PlnsbotorL.,l_ VILTSITYL•II tstEaa. tomes HOU, PAILRIZO, MANNA I& CO.. (Buse:C.on Hussey, Hanna I Ces) ofEXCHANGE USHERS/1, and deafen Ell lo Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposno, Hank Notes, and dpecie—North west !some, of Wood Lod Third streets. Cunene money ...Dived as deposuo.—Bight Meela for sale, and Nwade an nearly nil the proiedial points the United States. The highest pr Gold.emiums veld for Foreign and /Mandan e Advances made onconagnments of Produc r e }3 ship pod East, on litierst.te— • tale is. lectesol tato.• nos. A. ROCLURO & CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Liberty area, alma Wood , HaY• always On hand • large assortment of Chnlea Granaries and Fine Teal; al,o, Foreign ENO, and Nals, Wholesale and Reall. Dealers .applied on ;he ensal MAGIAiri GLASS' WOUND. JOSEPH D. ABELL, ANUFACTVIIFII OF GREEN GLASET.heRF.,.... • ineVritl%ll3e*r. ratent Pettic,P*Ll•Zne DotlIe; every deseriPtion; also, WINDOW GLASS. Keeps conrantly' on hand s Eenersl assorts:Lent of e shove articles. ALDO STATE. nv lfifiothfi , nss.Fscuittes are std. !morn", as is the cittom n anusiss,:rlits ArrOlti is nOW MIX arinssion, snd rani esntniae In operation barb snosnatir imd tinter. Chitin respeetfon U d will be filled on She =Earl Watehoose s No 117 Second street, betwees Wee and . SeethGeld au, Pittaborgh. _ Q.OIL. P. 8111tIVER and MIAS. PIARNE.I le!!! Ihmeas ea elated themselves together, ende! fins of Shelter At aran, Ike the transaction oi (ha Wholesale Greeery, PT(ttlelt, but seas, at 1.10. &mend street, between Wood end Potiliftele at. ytaghnughdmignatttleee—angl HE Wettest mutat erica to Cub will be Timid for T tha.diferent grades el Weal, by B W IIAftBAUGH --s- lEa fUOL-Z%lbinawagrocy s CO leP M ISCELLIN MI AVIL:LINN HALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTPIIIIRGII, PA. Iptlr:nfiee.ednyt rocreutr. nLl p ic r t . n , f ,„, n t o o or , : o cni aollmt share of the public batmen, He ree trusts by givtria bit full atiritukn to the basinem, tomake the house h pleucaut and comfortable resort (or the musena of Pittsburgh and for the country generallk. Good atendant, will be in yenning, and ovary el eruon made to render the establishment sca,ky Ibis countenance •nd mpport of an ifitellment community. The THsi trt'ACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Pante., Cuneerts, Lecturen, Ball, and public mating, will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal terms at any other In Me ..iw The DAR nod RESTAURANT , equal in stple and beauty tony in the world, will be kept furnished with Pure Wine., Choler Cordials, Porter., Alen, and all the cool, light, retreshmeni s tithe pea... Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oyster., an thatui, nerved up In the best .ty le. The DINING and 'eh:CREAM SALOON. being On the brat door, and ea.y CI acct.., will be ronstantly supplied with all the Lugano , and Delicacier of the wean; and also, with such substantial, as the markets week, r ITOOrrr Or Ib * 10 L 7 the O o ty ~or Dar h u 9upp~r. for Indrrrdn.l• ue rnnhed on ehnn notice. 'Gentlemen with their families, visitine the col' em l be supplied with refreshments of all kinds slimy boo of the day. Good Stalalng lad an extensive La•cry Estsblisl ;tient is conneeted with the Hail Dower at 1 o'clock. Break Mot and Tea at the nisi hoot• Fntranee for Ladies to the Ice Cream sod Dloing Saloon No (7 Stoithfteld street. jetioltf K. 11. VAN RENSSF.6AF.V. •.TELT, $ll.l merrarmart, II A• WESTERVELT & SON, IXTELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS, V V keep constantly on hand or make to order the best article in their hne, at their old stand, Na. 0 fit. Clair atm.; Mao, at No. tin Marketatrect,recond Stool entrance in the Diamond. Vanittan Shutter. mink order, and old blinds nee , lY repaired. 100 W. t J. GLEBA. Book Blimiors. TUE are still engaged in the above butane., corner TT of Wood end Ilitrd streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any a t our line with ice pateh. We atend to our work pen s sonally, and satis faction will be t mace In regard neatness and du rabiltly. Mani. Books ruled to any pattern and bound sole Mani. Mantel ly. Basks In numbers or old books bound csre• folly or repaired. Names put on books in gilt letters. Those that ham: work In our line an Invited to call. peer. low naemitf P•na flae•Bko WlGltrmoollen rt mekAN—tufersl..factuefr arillkmds of cot' and vr tnery, Allegheny city, P. The above work. being now m simeraital erution, lam prepared escalate engem with dispatch for all kinds or ronehinery in ay line, nek as willowy, 'peke., spreaders, curds, grinning roaaLlnes, radicals, drawing frames, speeders, thramtla 10Gana, VroOlca eArds, double or smile, for merchant or toast." work, mules, pick a &v.; alale and hand lathes and usol• In ge , .. eral. All ktnds al - Ailing mode to omit , nr plans gm en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable chritga Bacon vo—Kennedy, Child. Black stock, • . Pennavt „Itt• A .•a. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS , . 61r calackaan. [ma us Pltlabtur g Is . I P. Of .• , No. .31 Water st„! Settasea tWarket /371111 Woad * PsttAurgh. W ILL eons:Andy keep on hand a Food moon' meat 01 W arm of out own and NI e , an e sapcsior quallMr. Wholesale and 10 03,110 SI. , relys see respectfully metted to nal! and =ins nus...lves, ae we are detetnunnd to sell theaper slan t. 66666 before been offered to R. per Bodeen and Antique furniture. JAMES W. WOODWSIALs 'PS, l'hoto Sr, ElrriallUill. J. .N.;.,-itr: W• W• ,- ' ' ; Respectful', went. th= • " "...,.. public Mat he Imo cot. m0..al Ms apring stock FURNITURE, the mrgot mod Irou•Att,, , dstigrldnetil ever adored for sale id thte city. coMprialnAlliveral sato of RolViTiOn. Mot. a., and Butt IVALIGN, cozy., ornamental sod plant Imitable Mr Parlors, p roavt ng• ~,4 0104 ft.urk, all of which all bli add la U e 106,0,1 plena. • an Peraon• denting Fernre of any de.ription, an speed , aly Invited to call arulettoadve IBS atota, rhieh eso'brarts every denCriptiOn, frein the eiteopeti and blau,., to ihe molt elefant .d costly, of which the foltu.na r imannsea a part: Tem • fete Sot., Tem a Teta ThlrattE irunv<riution Chairs; Vass/dean. Chairs; .11,•<,,... do Leath xiv ao • Ealcanost •do Baal Ltda.; ' What biota. '. . Totlet Tablet; . Lricis XIV CoratnadOret Dthe of Titre. Caileht Ro Sofas with Plash and Balr-cloilt eaters; 50 Levant, do do do: 00 Jot Mrs P 61200 DO Jo o Rosewood do de; If ''' Wit Walnut do do; • 40 v Cane Seat do; 1 . litsho4.y Rooklnj do, PAP, Stoola, 50 SI arble Top Centte Tablet, • .... do do \ Vata, Sia.le, 00 Rahn ' Bedstraitc. 12 . tV•birothr, I. OM Walnut ua, r , L her.l. do A Very purge okaortreent Of Cotriniell Malle• mal Op la retrainee too teillona to [Ore.., a l ,Karn; a 9 m m lko m als faralt j hyl o cio this Ghat Mal Marta P. S --Csldoeilitt ' can he soipliedfli‘h all aorta of Meaty., Waltn, and Veneers, al ebatidarahly red. eil once. . HERSEY, FLEMING it 'CO. HAVE woo satm, WILLIAM DIOLIV FROM TIIF. MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST ERN MANUFACTURERS' PRICES: DF7G3 leave la infeloti los frtend• and eu-tetners th• wh,,, Funnel', o n Wool. m u , u n n a , Dill he a l out reeetel on hos new rortrig stork 0 , I,:ottts Rod do do Moe Itetetrisj consort/ring, 6, usual, ail Lt, nriVert and moat liab,ol , ‘,,,,, 0 , do do Fancy Cohonodes; all am a Myled Of Ciinikl, (Nosuitetca, fancy Valli:4., oh . u,,,„,„ ~,,, do offered at Factory ',nen ton arid Imen summer stun, and every attiee. soda tie ! i 0 ,,,k so , nouo . for itentimena Wear fur •ortne and sum. , It be ~•.,e : t 0,,..,, o , oc d do Horne League Shirting. p ine to dove ram the beauty. qOallly, or , joaot ,, , , w oo do Cher. ea Stripes, •ery of tie stoct, the proof, tr I,npr• all arta , ore lea,,,,, • 1,,,„ do i hen/ . goods of Food. 011 0 , , I. , b' `e s'-' •od ',,. ' O,l. ' 1 “ , " . ' frt, l'••.,r,ere. 1 ludo"' Gaols. se,ll give hoe • r 0,.. 0., •ii.., Jot s, , lc L. It, L,.., do It. , Pattdll,,, taper do; the Allethenc.• nisi r 5,0 Ldr6,lo ann . a rat Pudding, Buckram, Th. ready ovule den•fla,C , 3l ,l vtry t,,,, , 1Ve. saat. TatioreCatsues,Leatry do, led to all tastes Rt.. L.... Silicia's Rail road room...tor, <mini, morel:ono, and M. Drab Sego, blast do, s I ] Who poreheac lofgels, are pit nuAtarly invited to at- .d aerated, anti. the mock before purreastog, a. parnelinif al' Uli.t and Whits Taped tentnan it prod to the wholesale lioxineas in dot 0,11, Riseit Tarim. Drab do; . In Every Lm en Cheeks and Dail,. Every article in the tailOting line made to order to Stuart'. 0 cold bp'l Cotton; the most fashionable and best toaccar, at So shortest do Linen Thread, a notice tart, suparitif arttele; Shlk Ettorod battings; Blank Sella do Brown and Sec Silks; Samna, CrCravats, le.. to. &rehouse, .lo 111 Wood . otral 115 , Orders teat by mail, aecomput tea by it.. each or cod rafeleooe, ba promptly attandad to. tarn HE.III COACH VACTOUT . •Lf-sunesv. M. A. WHITE et , would reapechlly Inform M. the public that they have erected • atop.° Ltrock between l.h.decal ard Santlaat *meet , . I vie, are row malt onir and are prepared in reetive order!. rof terry ~,ene,ipuon et yebtelea, Cohche., Charnfi'., Itt• rdoeheo Bogor.,dr.e Ike , wile). from th e tr low; chTerkenee 11.,. manufacture tot fiw hays , wort, and the fh, - . oldies they ha. e, they feel confide , . thoy arc enabled to do stork on the most fa...unable herrn. fr•Oh than., ...addle arortd. to theif lin. Pay mg partheolar 31.1141111. to the eelecnan of wafe r/ale, and laay.ng compete , . worlonen4 tray have nn heath+ non it, warrantme thea work Pr therefore ant the htic.unefn of the public 4C/ Ibta nsm , N. B. Iltputrintrdtme to the best manner, awl on the Innekrevottable teree Vac,. stoat 7- 2•21. Leer:won 80.01.110 g & ATI:CIF/ACM flavor., arrarki> Wow:n ano neditkke, CagiNa to r 7: all l of 17: E 4 rr P Also 11•1 aratth Work. Steam floats built to order. tspeetal ataratton given to •trarn hold wort. Have oe Mtn& • fine ageoroneet o. Copper aial Malta Fettles, Tin Ware, a, Sr Steamboat Cooking S'...ve• Portable Forges, vartcros very coneenseut •. title for !naval.., Cabl.,rioa eantraota, or rail r cornporder. rerreetfalty in earn tn a others to cull and re war ararleam wat me and price. bed er .na pared...nit el ...where "117 Wroskahl gloat Calit Iron Lialllng. rplIE twg le•ae to inform tie public that ahoy have obtained from the I:e.t all the. late and faatooneible deaornt fur Iron Ifaillag • both for hou•e• ana eemetertal Yoram , art , aour to prcioure hand er!. patterns please fall sod o,loone. toil eSdell fur thello.rl,l 11•11ing vrlll be tarnished ct the snort. e=t notice, ard in th e best mariner. at the foil.; of " 7,111 " 21,7 e tor" 2.074-. KNOT. THE partnership heretofore cloning ender the fires of A E C BRADLEY. ss dissolved by the decease. of Mr. C Bradie,. The bur J in-. will be carried on by A Bradley, Who will settle the Monsters o( the tale fan. EOVAL—A IlasoMme hat removed his roundry Warebonge from No lie Bcoood • ireei. to. No In Womsl etre., between First Rad Second treets, to the .are horse lately occupied by I; A Berry. where he will Seep son•tantly on hand • genet , aisortieent of Coe, Inge, titmice, Stoire,Cookuig SIOV,. le. y I 3 - . BA2II CALL EIIeICCI.VY, VTANITFACTUREIL OF CAST STEEL, •nd No I 111 and No.l AMellean Blister Steel. Ako—ltest Cuts,tel it or all aszer, and Blaelremstl. l and Shoe Ras alwass on Land and for ma., r‘thr rat ht. Ea. glo Bleel Works,” O'llara 'crest, Fifth Ward, nr et tae offing in the Iron of of ItOLI.NIA NS A liAlllll. SON, No 4, foot of Waal street, 1 . .1.6.0 , rar.rd-dlrn OISCLItt AR. W. O undersigned, Ow undeigned, batons nerd, 'soh entire sal lgfaeuon, tho Cast Steel end Fara made by Stamen Me/fetal, his Eagle Stecl Works, in this city, tak pleasure in recommending tbem as equal in quality . Imp ever used by 123, nf ruff Igtl muifnature. Pittsburg. Starch IS, ts / II DHOENDERGER fr. CO, trl.tufacturem of Iron and Nana Patsborgb, Pa. KNAPP tf. TOTTEN, Iron Founders •nd trlaehtnias, Pittsburgh, Pa. COLEMAN, ILAILMAN fa CO, !Manufacturers of Springs, Alto., Spring Flee! sod Florets, Puottorgh, P. F A, WAI FADER, Engine Builders and Machine Csrd klannfactu• "" BT ( U. Founder, Pttleburgb, ra. RAFE, LINDSAY tr. 00, Manufacturers of Iron and Plttsbureh. Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, . 'boon Locomotive Engl.. .lld -9 11P4,,,;',",,, PALACF. P ; Marble Manufacturar, Machine and Etiging Bo nd. art) et, Pittsburgh, Pa Llasolut ion of Partnisantily. ins Fartnersliip berettifete existing between the s ublenlitts, under the QM 41 Chamben, Agnew & C Glees filtnufammers, was dissolved by mutual Mm, on the first day of uly, instant. All persons Mumma, themselves indebted to said Camara requett ed w mar payment to either of the patties, without delay, and all persons having ansooled senounta with said fiwn, sro invited to present them Inv settlement immediately. ALIA ANIWIL CIIA /MIN aI:PIEW 11 11 clinmilhite • • 11,l1F.o.mrra and conatangre of gerAlit arrietha hY the ..l,;t Portahle plea. We notice that they will be reputed 10 pay Irotgla at our vrttretionee, according to the rreetpt, Ortega the 'rood... remoead. C A 5aA4171.11" ktO • catriiati—td— Titan. Vintd. flontmons—Put the clothes into cold 'rater and let them soak over night. In the morning wring Mem Out and put them inin a Lett.r of boiling weft r to which add the proportion ofone pint of flaid to eight gallons of water—got it up arid boll the whole twenty minutes. Tee clothes may then be wrung nut end well ringed In clear cold water. Tee pens of art. meats that may be most lolled, Poch 10. wrlstliamt. and eattars of shirts. may be. slightly rubbed before rooting, andshe clothes end be found perfectly clean, white and clefts Warranted rent to t mare rho Gum. fehric and to sive perfect eatiefeetion, or the money will he refunded Po 'd wholesale and retail by R SELLFILS eepin Woo./ et Clan•luati; art, n and Olttabstright Tads graph Company. perunatee of reaoluuor , of ate Board of Direc- J, turn of kkie Cleveland, Warren sod Pittsbureh 'Pelee - repo Company, requesting the PccretarY out and cause. m Inn palitimbed to the newepapere along the line, an exhibit of tbe tun and other affairs of this company. I en the lollowing iteptlft - The line of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and tervtinetee et Pittsburgh, passing throagh Chagrin Falls, Frardite. Newtoit W•den, Youngstown, a F nd Lowell, in the Mete ol Ohio. and New Castle aml 110eheater, in the Stem of Pennsyleani, r e ce ipt which points there are ho located for the ce and tSTheedason of hornless. valeta length of the line is 144 mites--Oapitel s w a, vett mile, mating a total eepttal stock el alonesTAl, of whlcti arnoent Wk . = is hold by mdse . /pi t the doe, and the 1,81..3 IS held 1.7 Corooll & Speed, the contrecters. The above amount of sub. sertplsoua by cittienS. have been' paid to Oornell & Speed, for Which the Tnn.es have their receipt. IS!qY JEFFERSON RAI-Id Serrated —.-- woot.i wool. t State Mutual Fite hanninee Company, HARRISBURG, ' THE very liberal patronage, extended to this .corn pens, having ironed policies_ to the amount 01 nlast ear One aid I. Million of Dollars, daring the three months, is sthheient menifeetation of the eau.. uthuon lA. 'confidence of the public in the Sri.. 01 .i.niinemout on which its business tblatiOted To city or country merchants, andoethen of derail ond polamd 00011,17 propery, Is' believed Ms on affords advantsges in rpilit Ore help. lir., safety, sad scrutiny. Inferior to no Inserance Cereprifiy- in this country. Conducted on the equitable and greatly Improved system or Classification of Risks, exelading all special hazer'., insuring only a limited mount In any one toe a lity, shut precluding the frequeney andoeruthence of lathe fires, and also on both the Stock and Mutual plan, It not only possesses the cheapness and accora. medetion of both methods, but entitles the insured to o participerion In the profits. It is ruttier the control of the following Merton:— John P. Rutherford, A. 4. Gillett, John . R. Packer, Setnuel T. Jones. Aloneo A. Confer, Philo C Redg• wick, Robert Klett. A I r RUTHRRFO I4I4, ILLETT% Seelr,.% J G. AA C. U, A!WWI OUGITI PtELIISVIVIIIII, 54 Smitl,- Brunch °Sire (or W lir Id strect, Pouburgh. Person dairin Anna,. I. he lurnighell books.of the camynt bY % ti at 11!eoAre_ Ot3 w Ao•oolatod Firomsnass Ini•KWHASs Gann. pinny of this City iiirliilltstipsrigh. CAPITAL 41900,90 0 . : J K. MOOREIIEAD, W.DALLAR, Seel rpti comrmy I. now mppred Inlnrentainst FIRE •nd MARINE RISKS a .11 Wes Office, Ilfanongilliela 110urn,124 .12,5 Watt , AL head. Italy Som.., Wm. A. 11111, Ft. 11. Simpson, JoHnin W.• rd t h t i. tsti r it , :, 6 W or. m. ce• 1. K. Moon.. R. R Hanley, M. Edgar, Edwin Hopwood. B. C. avol:Ldtv • 1.1114 sad lloolth.listarmsu m. WILE Mama/ Life and Health Ineltrance Company T of Philadelphia, limorporated by 140 Ltgislattite of Pennsylvania, March, 1419. Chatter perpetual. CepiNl, gtoo,ooo. Rana WWII Than &NI Female omte and fall to e per tett:lcahn than the varn• C :11, itsnal rates of Life . laNrance as the following com parison w il l show: Thor, • poison of the age of 30 In camp for SIMI for hfe, most pay In the (liord Pe ntaylvania, 42.34, Peon Memel, KIX; lei * d tt 1, 717, tff.'l`, l , 3 4ll:l7l r : l VLlMt e iLT_ Diaceruaa—Semuel D. Orrirk, Ch u rl.. D. MO. W. Pannone, Robert P. King, CharlewE.Lities, X. VI , . • Baldwin, M. AL Reeve, M. D., Chas. 0. B. Campbell, Levet. Pre , !. Rodman Darker, K. flatlet, Edwin Ft Cope. Preudent—Sanmel D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Redo_ P. King, Secretary—Francis Illatkbtone. erotical.. veal - be at:rived and every Idiformatlen given by SAM L. Fr2HrotsirocK, Art, Office, Commercial ILOOOI, !MIMI et Wood and Thad ste,Pitrabargh PLUM AND 1141111 N /0 svragLarcz• mun INSURANCE CD. lim ite d Arletita will I make permuient and Damartee on vi. n 4 r o; .Mpmanu b 7 lye nal. Riser ., Lok by Ikea Ts. l enPerua of this Compwa are well invested, and barbel , an avail able fund for the mole indemnity GOLD pen Ons who desire to be pcted by Insurance. nalS WM. P. /ONES, Age • 44 Water et. MEMO NOTION, • To 0 ATsvLL k :S t 1 0 reeo attS'Coan'Eia" i s t s dl irr na ide l v - 0 r gla i r Am., at Law, Fon* I. WEI*YOAY INSURANCg Vire and Marfa* Issdridnee. ?VHF. OFFICE of tbe Lothrartee to of North I_ America., has been retitoVed to No. 1011 , 1'00f It ant of Woofl. Tbe rubterther, agent for th e above °Wand Moon. astfla llonfeeff 1. ...I Iftsue FAO. on Onildinf,s and their content*, and an thtzrecos of Pdachandowt bl steam salt and other 'teasels. afq Super Dort broad r . loth. Super Urns., do I.llpi.t 01 , CII do Super Taw:ted do Soper Illaet Doe Sk Super Drub Coshborrec Soper Draw,. do Super Dluck do Caltforrana Se•rlet do Blue do Drub do Grun Bagging. Drown Drtlis; At the Nl4.l(ll.oliferS' co-partnership heretofore elisting between the sobsenbers, In the name f Constable, Burke & CO, le .et to•day day rhoolved by mutual consent Mesa.. Borer a. Barnes mill settle the baunessorLheconcern , (or re. II IC h purpose they are aathorned to use Ole name .01 the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS HAHNE'S. The ondetired have adirday ed to the name ro of n BURKE & ruon usoniat Es,for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safer, Vault Doors, &c. &n, at the stand of .he lat& firm of Celoolatdo, Barka &Co, where they will pleitsed Teed. the rumor age of the etwomera of that house and their Mend& EDMUND WAKE, TllOl%An withtiring from tbe firrn of Oanntable, Marge fr. Co., etneete Octave recommend Messrs. Burke fe Bmner to Me confidence of nay Mend. and the penilefeblldd Feb. 0, lel% NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. - Cr ARBUTILNO'S LIAO last returned from we Eastern Cases, and i" DI. receiving a large variety of acasotiabhi Goods, to which be respectfully Invites the attention of Mehra ante and pedlars. No 64 Wood at. (shit WALI, PAPER—W. P. Alainatam. Is constantly New lrnocrk"re'rN from the largoM d :l'sTfir"omltu"nell: sitenclea, the newest and most approved styles of Pa per Ilmaine, together with Do s, Foe Board Pruna, and Tester rops. For sale at BS Wood at, be tween Fourth st and Diamond alley, (minces:6n to B. B. Bind Il Ttesinter, and toe sale hp the barrel .or tingle pound at the Drug, Bred, and Perfumery Warehouse, Corner of Bluth and Wood streets. N WICKERNIAN.. arts 01INIINIC.Ai. STOVE. POLIIU Phoenix Manufacturing Corrlytekul no. 001 . 10 1 the public Mete PretniuM-CheniNal Stink Polish; thoset n•alliteradon, or fest Of etatredletlettibf whh bee. tested it, pronounce It (Zr superior to any other lb the mark, The consenter aced lave no apprehension. of soiling carpet., he , Its com position prevents • du. from anslng when heirs & ep. plied, which mu. he don , when the Stove Is cold The que.nuty required is so little to produce a best, Out lustre. A raying of over filly Per cent it Insisted to the cousumers. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipe& he , when lent sway for the summer, is ■ sure pre. s ent/soya against rest. After having teirel • it once (if it Isecreschtel no person will use nil but the Phan.. hlitnetecturing Coeur...ly'. Premium Chen. cal Kn... Put stir by S N ICKETtnNAM men Corner of Darn and Wood Owls PITTHISUPO II 111101111.A11110 sTons, Corner in Penn and St. Clam surety l~lr ht ALEX ANDER & SONS, Nominating Under. Inhere, where every antele for Funeral and Mourning purposes can be got en rermonable Mane. 1711 ~ldm mosov.i.mmar ZINC. rptlF Vie it le Montagne Company simply their agents wnt, flocifiug and Flooring in sheets 307 feet, from It to al neer!" rel . Mune foot. Corrugated In riteete mi . , 27 co, for maim , patine lialfillnge and depots. Ship Slicathine. x 4e. inches, from 04 to 31 ounces. N.M., Smite, Wire, Sneer Molds, p e eye,e,o Zino Paint, kr ' They Ater-Met their metal pure, and free from] ny odes store of Mon, or any othcr Weimer, anm mend it Mr matusfacture of most articles in thelieut. , furioriung line, an It does net rest, is not sinned by the artiOn of water, and may he polished, painted, end 'spanned. Samplen, models, plans, specifications, and other Information may be bad of them agents. & Ocarina, New Yorkt AXCININOL ROIL]. Rt CO, Masten; • Nelsen Tairrora & Co., Philadelphia; W. t li. McKim, Bahimorm; Suns, DAY & Stanarta, hew (Mims; F. MILLIROUX, Resident Agent, ItanoYer at., New York. Liege, September ..1.--eepld3ro DIKW BOOMS. • 11 . 1 c %tto s c•rly le , Lauer' Dar Patilphleas--No VIII, iktbject, Illslory of Dar los the Great. By Jacek Abbott, 'nib 'llllveltvard, a omance. BY Mrs Mattis D. PielOill nola Itook of the Revooarre. , —No 0. The above works received day, and for said bY KC BTOCKTUN smell Cot. Market &Third st. LARD -21 Ibis No I. ea head ask rot sole by ISAIAH D nd From IM= &sums Co • Witin e ORNENG, N BOOKS. M.USIC, ,to NE.W HOOKS. AT 110L31 ES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third street, opposite , the Foal Orme. DAVID COPPERFIELDI No I , London Alt /Darold for October LitteMa Living Age, No 2:17,• The Valley Farm; or the Autobiography of an Or plum. Edited by Charles J. ?cerium. Pethcoat (taverna:tem; a new novel, by him. Trol lope. Horace Templeton. By Charles Lever. The Iron Mask—Dumas' twit work, complete; Life of Yankee Hill. Generieye; or Pleasant Lone and Sorrow. By A. De Lamanine. lloeton Shakspeare, No 3/. NEW noslCl NEW nitrisii , 1 j'ENNV LAN a beau:gal Ethiopian Bong; as ming by the New Orleans B.o6ll.dergi Be watchful and beware.; Oh Dinah, take this hand; The klaidenls Tear; The Bleb Baal+ Bode; Would I were with thee; By ths Bad Bea Wave, es sung by Jenny Land la New York; i The Bird and the Malden, ring by Jenny Limit 'Yoke this lure, sung by Jenny Lind; Turn not away; • hectare' dam, by B. C. Poplar; Slew lone Polka; by Starkosh,Jewcy Lied inalmtloll Good Lock; hinny at the Gam; Lovine, and;Dod. worth'. 'loll best Polka; also, new Virslues and ez tensive selection of 011it‘t Preeett.es It REEDER, 101 TWA street. oelft Golden flop. BUNTS& eV& !IMAMS. Solo Agoriey for Ilvartbarze• Pe a. HKLEMM h e oc pleasurel-edn 5.a.e... to the public that be 1,. .ueed is gem:ming the sole agency for Dunham% celebrated Plano Port.. for Western Peonsylannia. of The Pietas made by Mr Danboro, of the titm Eitodart & Dunham, are too well and (”erably known in this neighborhood to require arrf comment it this lime, suffice it to say, that for • Tong limo aonther pianos were known In the Western entry thus those of Stodart & Dunham and Norma& Clar Mr. Dunham, the practical partner of the • va firm, hu .peut upward. of twenty years in the fac tory of said firm. asp ractical manager and director of the harlots,. Within a year or two Mr Denham has bought out the enure factory and applirten.eea of the Inn, and ...lune. to m.ufaionni, as before, in his own name. Dunham's Pianos have attain. Inich popularity, that in wake of the western cit., Cincin nati, de ,;they bane told two to one of 11.117 other mannfactare. They are doningnished by their power and brilliancy of tone, and entreoretnary darattility. N. B.—A large income of the above elennt Pianos npp teceithrg. SION OF THE COLDM lIARP. .1,1 POW Mille, D F.CEIVED this day from the tam:— Li La Seronado—Schrabalt La Serenade—Arwood as Deem Jeanrurna and Joannol—For . Voice of by (ono days—Somon Away down In Catro—Foster. Be Watchful and Beware—Glover Halides many other popalar &mos and Plow SLEZEB, repl3 Ellon of lb. Golden Harp, Third at Sew Beaks. Hc.f.l.Tll, Disease, andßemedy. DT Dr. ?doom Adelaide Lindsay, • novel. By th• author o .Lettlee Arnold,i,^Nornme's Bridge. lie., die. Life and Correspondence of Robs. Southey—part S. w Gitthou'a Roote—thh ath vompletion of th or k. Reedited arid for sale byol.—c A C STOCKTON MEW 1300/5.11. Eli G s L eleti ll er G ts sn a rl forli t s7wi T t S ue, t , or boa ' : and development, designed for rin colleges and school.. Win. C. Pewter, late professor of RbOtorio in Amherst College. Allfo.l3l7—The receut progrou of A.ItOnOMT; especially in din tinned States. By Elias Loomis. Five Years of a Humeri Life m Gia far interior of Fouth Africa. with nailer, of the nafire tribe., and anecdote , of Gm chase of the Rau, elephant, hippopo tamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, te -with illustration. By R. G. Caroming. Received for rale by A C BrOCKTON 47 hinrteLni__ New Muslim UST received at H. KLF.BER'S Malin Store, thi_ l following Seam— In the Eye there Iles the !teen_ I Love but Thee. The Watcher. The White shit Red llows• Pinney lfe doeth ali Blimps well All le over. Where re cos Mr hope.!ebensbed, I.s Isere nide. .tep' 7 SEW OOOKAI NEW DOOKO I AT Il OLIVES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third ~reel, opposite the Post Hines " • • TI-ISTORT of Penilennis, No 4. 87 Thltkentr... • 1.11. Knickerbocker Magarine for September. Ilent's Merchant.' Mega:toe for September.' II Whig Review far September, wlilt an erisraiint •Hen. Story Dana ShakSpeare, No sa. 11 1 Linea Levied' Age, No 108. Whig Football GalletY.e99‘9l9 l9 B hay No Hap.}. Onvof distiaulehed Whigs. North Dinah Review for Roper Democratic Review for September. Eciettir Review of Forma Liters:are for Septem ber.. 4019 RMOOSE FOSTER/ . or the Hymen. of boo Coen of Loa., vol 3 of thui interesting work has been received it Holmes' Literary DepSt. Thad 'street, opposite the Foot ()thee; also, Filen Pare 7, no Trials of the Heart, by Olatic George Costrict, summed Seeniestied Rua of Alb/ma, by Clement C. 10.0910, D; and No =I of Llltell'a.Livila Are.. seseil shaart ttentel'im4y A. LARDE and extensile seventeen% of PA 'TT /I. METALLIC ROOMER. FABRICS, among the endleve Hatitneed De ease =te band the follownse— Pil Horse Covers, Camas Cloth, AB Beam, Alf ItionytAir Cothran', Wmer Tobacco Po. es, Ftlang plots, Cots, Capes Cloehe, Toopso ins, 1t0.., me i , o ra h e e tti etin ' iti l d j isolt t. W r es e " e., llaehtne Osetlng, Clump ,131.sotets, raper 1101 ers, Life Prescreen, Temealltng trams, Isthmee Bars, Bathing Mau, Dolls' Heads Das Limns Saddle Bags, Alr Bells, Foot 10011., Ladles' Wub Cloves, Lathe's' Darn Shoes. Gents' Gum Shaslegiumes, ie. Every article sold at this establishment ls warranted to possess mil the chanwtensues essential to water Nos( .00d., • ie•--111.olubtlity under an, ileums of h ed eat. firma. diy ibe teveoe4 004.'9 ret.t dttmt. 4, 3't od yeti Nos 7 Ir. v Wood street. sep29 . PAINTING la OUS and E neatl &SIGN emented. PAI WINO and Glazing, promp , ly y N. B —We wish II dis many understood, that can do PSlTlting and Glasing acheap as any out paluttos In the city, nod am determined le do it. • ItOUSISELL'in EXTRACTS, —Jenny Lind Entrach West End do; Richey Club do; amid Flosrers do; Jenny Lind Hair Gloss; Atolollllc Vinegar, Monodies . Poncho% Soap, for arbiumiug Ibe skin Almond elb ' s•lng Cream; Rose do do; Am btostal do do; Honey Soap; Floating do; Amami'. do; Hazel NM Gil do; Rom! do; Marshmallow do; Baguet do; Brown Windsor do; Bear , . (heart, tee. Por sale, wholesale and retali,by II ESELLRRS, scalp 57 Wood st. 1L 01IXRNINDIIRVIPAINTfrof klndiutallaMill• ly an hand of the Lem qoalityi aiso,`lernithet, Inomtod this, Roiled Chla, Pasta Brushes, Sash Tools, Window Gina., various Amen, to. Sold wholesale and retail on actbromodating term. N. 13.—A1l 2visons purchasing mixed or dry paints who wish us do their own painting ; can receive tho necessary dim:Wins Frans. J 7 Eto PWood stHILLIPS • OIL CLOTII S. • raN hand sod teal from de PM!noodle Famery, af tor the fall trade:— SOU yd. 14 Floor 011 Cloth; MOO 711.44 do; WO yd. D 4 do. ON yds 04 do; 1000 yds 6.4 do; dlco yds sheet do, medium heavy, from and yard. wide, all of the ne weal s tyle or plilltoi4l4 CO W. any give ads. 700 yard. 4-4 rarrdlare Oil Cloth.; •00 Yd. 5 -4 do; SOO yds 114' lOU Mdert assorted sites Table, Stand, and Marna Covers, warlonapanernm and splendid Cond. 1100 yd. 44 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; 500 Ida 5 . 4 55..h.q5 _ . leayyd'si.oll.Cloor.hCroi..nhlp 'rs, • neap,. Is MO yds 4-4 Green Oil t.rou, tfo2ir''Wrn.arrw Sued ' : Sou yards 3-4 do Window Shades, • large assumed% Jon received ... . newest styles. n il Merchants sod others winking to purchase, aln Ited to tall and examine oar asaortatant o goal Welt will be sold at the lowest eastern mice . Jk 11 Pii li% ..20 7 h. 0 Wood st eds.& Lemon flyaup. 20 kegs Sarsaparilla Soda; 111) Die do do; 20 Lola. Lemon eyrnp,aoade (mom pare lemon had% Jost Maenad and for galena I.le „ I 01.V.11 • nirlarV.Wfana WOOLLEN GOODS. MINS andennited ha. on hand, and I. this day re- I. calving brow the manufacturer., on eontignmein, • lame lot of Flanne4 all color. plain and betroth; Also, Lied Blankets, Blanket coadmr, Bever C.MbA Casslmoram Bailmeus and Tamed.; welch he will eel by the one or piece, at mutrfactorere priors. TM. &Madan of denim?. to woollen goof. Is incited. u CO lmol d Le e F . E .:;; a. C. YEAGER., I OS Illarket. !limit, (near Libertry) 00 , 2 M. Slip Mal... AMERICAN LNLILIBII AND I.:ERMAN Ermsor 000mig nusmitv, no LACES, GLOVES, THREADS, COMBS, uoxs BUTTON , S, SUS PENDERS, kg. Also, Satin and Fanny Vesting., MACK PNII„FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, BANDANNA, and LINEN NLIFIFS, a general as sortment of FANS, and egcry variety of trimming. ar2l II IL SIPMA 1111111.1LIIT, Rut aide of the Diamond. T th s establishment the paddle may al ways de- Xlpend upon being sepplied with excellent Teas al reuonable prires—Msy have Excellent Tens at • —SO 00 per Ibi Superior • .-• 0 75 The Best • a Imported ••—• 1 00 This is decidedly the cheapen md best store in Pitosborgh to buy Tess. NORMS & HAWORTH j rl-- 171 pi. IL Propneinrs,_ pert CiIMICILF.II /1. I:sh •SchLool, t 0 open blonder of Sdni• Room over J. D. Williams' store, earner of {Vivid and Filth streets. Re, Wm. D. Howard, lion. Walter 11. Lowrie, Rev. Dr. Elliott I J.D. McCord, Did , Rev. Dr. Mont i. J. D. Williams, EN. jLiLltf M131.1 . 11V buRCHPIELD inform their custom ere and bilyM generally that, in cOnseqnellea e workmen being engaged in enlarging and intigror leg their Store Room, they have removed their good. to the HITOND groan of the building they occupy, until the improvements are tiniritedt ' , bete they tad' be happy to me their enatomers“ttal, and (or the trouble of ve•lkleg op .ytatre, will try .nd reializier them by selling them Cheap Goode. tprnitrance fromFlitrsh meet. UILM filLo,llllolll.l. LAW: reef) ItIR GIf t. V.M, arid, f i r; kti: do do do do doablo; do do do do' B.W. do do Stoop. for Ladle.. do do do for thud. do do • do Bath. do Imported add for talo ik'id by . .. l S'"h". OCUS B A PALM:TWA' & Co • • , R ' d, 1850 MEDICAL FIXOCIL ATIOX KNOW Men who roe silk bail &filleted with die- IV rue Of the bladder emelt bleep, se,th rheumetic pates In back crumbs, anale at., old soon, runn in g ke,that they can be ured by labial the r' - truletind lroasenty talk ahem t Ito being a nos[nart a. pinch &aye. please . , bat this doe• cot make it so, foe we proclaim lu the fare of an anent eommandy. that it,has Minded athlete see no, eonlained to any o th er remedy: The clan who Is racked with pain and suf. benne froth &else. can for fifty cents. get relief from any of the *enumerated above. Reader: It costs very Marto Make Md.]. This Petroleum Is no tole to ellt—oet Mintholtd,, put Op for the Purpose or imposing on thetronionsuityt btu tt i• a remedy elaborated by tkc 131a3;ti1.p2.10f datum, and bubbles op from the brk som plot, r mother earth its original plenty, and of. fors to kulleting'humnalty a ready remedy, a certain and cheap mere.' It has enred.lfiles after other medicines hone failed I to Tender nay Teller. It has cured Rheumatism of long "Wit* , and of the worst and most palette% character. It hot Mired Minima Modena by one or two doses; It ha cored old cases of Diarehee, In winch every other remedy has been of tio avail. Asa local remedy In borne and ecaltla, It' la browe any medical com pound or ointment that we al Irwin mere chit bialys or frosted feet, in a few applicatious; undoubt ed reselmony can buferiththed of the truth contained to thq above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Menai Unto, 7th stheeb or either of Oh agents. K°7 ear fr. Mkpuwell, torner of ;Wood street and :1f , 11 , -kedillayi R. F. Rolers, Sy Wood street, mlk.ol.Ba be Cul7l, All egheny pity, the s Vital:MY—lt iniveroally conceded thin beauty I• more common .10 duo country than any mher,l while et the same time it is gab:Anti* no other cam my it lon at so young an agi - Now thls Ls true In a certain extent, but the lost Ls often caused by nor fleet. We Say 10 anll , do 01 personal no fleet. but read the following, yea teed not , lark good looko. These articles,arst ir-lentific pro-, painter., and have all attained a blith Intro Ilsent's Pat Myna 1/IVMses ems nmintri Soar, for removing tan, manburn, piroples, blotch.; and other eruptioneol the skint, the most perfect con semen., of beauty every.louen. Purchase nothing. purporting ID be Nymph Soap, cogent It has my name attached. Imes JIACIL't Pllll.ll CID Osumi Powota,for im parting to the moot bilious oomplexion a radiant sest. ene.. In nothing should a person be more clan k th an the use of a powder for the strut, at , many et those sold are verylejerlo”. My Chinese Powder is compounded Ina scientific mtmner, and contains no tnirredie al which can possibly inflict an InjUIT. JCL. llsnet:a Darmorom Powneu, for removing superfluous bale. What t. more unsightly than hair upon the face or smut of a lady. Tlda article will remove it in • ettort time, without its use of any sharp instrument Jnnno ii.711:11 VZSLIMILI LIQUID 11112 Dee will tostantaneonow Impart to red, white, or gray WI, a beaulifolly black, brown, or althorn color. It will color the hair in a .honer time, and more effectually than any other Dye, beteg at the same time indellibla dem. Anna 'o EILIaVING , Canars.—lt Is really a plea- sore to shave with this cretin. There le none of the smarting sensation usually experienced in the um of most Soaps. Oaths contrary, loaves tbe ski. =conk and soft as an Infant's, and not liable to become chanpetti ICU* ROO TWIN Pagrae—Negt to the bait, we think the Teeth were Intended is the greatest orna meet to the Monao fare; bat when neglected, nothteg SO 111.yring, Or lob geickly seen. my Rosa Tooth Foote w illtrepanteeth e. to the pearly whiteness, at the aerie time keeping the rums firmand healthy. Also on baud, a coinpiete assonment of French, British, and American perfemery and Fancy articles. JULEP BABEL, Perna:tier and Chemist, 1211 Chestnut street, Phil. Foe eels wholesale and [mail, by B. A. Fabneetack tr. Co., and IL E. huillets,. Ihnsburgh; and John Bar. gent. and 1. Mitchell. Allegheny City, Pa 1r27-21, -- - • H YDES sanr-511 ba. as.osed,p x y i e n e D 4l .. . e d . for grAdrAt'SY-Mrl-1111 30b — lio by J KIDD & Ca OLIVE Ull.42¢aci .14 pima, tabask:toroa one and ram dolta f or otld iiAiT,gaco prtras arucle, for a y SHRIVES& BAILNSS FL(iUR-30 brie kne 11—ouri RA DrAilvi&lit„Vy L '" Co l43 lltlbaereis 7 6 '4 2/ R- 7 1 %r,ju _tierAifor A. We by E P&LLERiI Wood • - USE SINK-C 0 1(606. 1..1 ' , Ned fay •• to Ey R E SELLERS rtARII.AISMONIA- 1 cuak rostirte'd for orde..p joct7 R K BELLES t.iterry areet, from Me Mho , Brie:ton or .periot Una orocat Fioor, pt up in O tb 'ar a . tor Gmlly toe. " Load] WM A SIcer.VR'SbRO RAMS—}loano' S7rT(So End mber on bi:EE"od'ar-or 't.°Pra"°T vela - •, 'WM ' ,(L Y nLeaafi...t. %kr r. •SfAII,D — ATSIXZ - biAl lb; Gomm:Wool 11/ reed and fur mile by ociti a E SELLERS , MiEtri3rEF—Le.le CumueCfor vale by A CO BAND BOXES—Rouodand ball round, af male Rod Mall, by W. P. M 4ltsil oda b 5 Wood itAtt. rpo,aACCO-15 kegs (ledges r rf. ist, just recA . A. pet unmet 6eneva 3 sib! lot tele by JAMES DALAELL. - CASTOR (aTL-9) br4 filmes Wr .ale by -- • a F. SFLIERR, Ada GI W.* AL. RIOII.BIB TEA DEALERS, can ado of Ne Diamond, Try our Tea as DSc per 16.--71, really goal • • WINE RIiANIIV j.vivyt mutaotet for V V bledtetual parpodes, al 71, and It per quart, for aals by MORRIS h HAW oRTiI stela In the Dtatuond. cans Oreganunt, I eau Anis, t can muu, / van Ce [away, I can Reda:, 1 ean Lovyn der, can Suceint and l can Rosemary (hi, warrant ed pure, received for sale by R I SELLERS onto ttt Wood et . . y Re—too kep No I Leaf, arrtmny from amame LA Ohm, and for PM by 0010 lIROWN h KIRKPATRICK • • - 14. A CON Hi Kft‘ hemd, ortil bers old lo to closet the tot, by oet7 19AIAH DICKEY d Co HilNEl=4l.l , ll in Core iite - ileT . by • Of IT ISAIAH DICKEY ie Co FIOII-15 e b brie i or ea y 0.4 tVICE AbIeCANIDLWDE TURS AND DUCEETS-05 dos.. Durkeut, 10 do Yobs, fur sale by °S -i9 L 0 WATERMAN' A. RONA. • 131100.11,--do toa gooey fiord rtauroo Cnm lhoorno, for .ale by om 9 L 9 WATERMAN ko;is I 11-OVER SEP:O—r9 bbl. mmedg Tirane Clore Seed, in store and for role by .ociß ' L N SEATER:MAN. A. SONS. . W AZT , b; . II . I•I 6. M . EIA , TE ,.. A x ab the Pe/ tf,e b•Wome, e/ whom • libeml ealum wall be peldwda and . b' II EATO7 , I, ocue:itt No al Fourth w. yr OFFER—TR/ hags prime Ilia for mile emu/ J it , DILWORTH it Ca - SVGAR--35 Idols Prime N 0 for .talc by ocila ' / S I.OLWOUTII & Co rri m t—Z bble N C for sale by J d DILWORTH &Co r nriCk no caddy boxes do do do do_ of side by oott2 J S IMI.WOUTIL Cc Co T OX . C , C y O-19: 0 1 ,, b , 0xel Cre, j sa L l . ti . i6li T et i Olot , C , o L o DKR kJ: id t .s c, tiz a th e, t s tv: i. itne t Coe, do Ky oo do, 2 60.17 Fun do, For vile by dd I d IdLWORTH & Co LARD -20 kegs No 1 Lard,Jost received add for tc _ sale by acrid 8 W 1111t13.aUGn It ACON::1100 •bv Bacon bbo - oldors, taisil lbs do Sider, 'To store and for sale by octld 8 & W lIARDAT.IGIi IttiGt -151.10 - Ws Rags jou landau; oni for talc .by octl2 8 a VS HARBAlltill __— Qua/at-12 Idads N O Bowl , in coin and for 6.Tott7 10 octl!! 8 Q W ISARBAL/134 07/57 FOR — S7CLE, IdimiCepluier, 10 41 foot Stroke. Far lean., ITN) Ott) s F VON BoNINILTORST EL CO ALTPIiTILE-111U Inge crude, eitilVillg• ter sale oy FWIL,SuN LAY-1e cuiiberman,arrlvioF for sale br — Li .0a • ,& F WIL:SON LEATIIER-4We lbs Spantery areVeirrii be eanal,lol. Wet ay JAMES 1:1411.11ELL Dell ID Water et 'ID ICE-10 lc. prime, fur sale by AIL bell JA.IIIEB DA.LZF2.I. i - I MLR iiNtb-3 ca l kb Frbubb I brl bberitiF..irr bY 1, ball JAbIES DALZ FILL: riLfrANIIIIS' OIL - 7 brie recd foyirale by ---- j. bell /AMES DALZ ELL Patrarta•d Corn Starch. • EFINED and intpared expreaaly for Pudilmgc, .116Ciotarde, Cab., Rc. thin pure and .litantifut article ix eteeetutgly healthy, deltelona, and canna:meal, and w hen desired may be aced as a salimitate for, and in the 01030 I nor a. Arrow Hoot. Juat reeei•ad and Me Cale at 'CA Liberty at. by . Isola WAI A bIeULUIIG .1. r 0 .12111.110/ hollow:10,g ! for oak by Orli JAMES DALZELL itICE-23 iey fresh bosh arriving, for axle hi 000 - DROWN it KIRKrIiTRICK " L E - osg , i A L .. c. 'Ai n"'b : ! FTlbei and LlinAWOolllosiey. An aLT Wont ie.:rived at .19 MURPHY A BURCHFIELD'S VXCELI7I::NT-PIIRT-WENIV-iirCip;ii; alien rii 121 sole by 100167 MORRIS tc•IIAWORTII K Eti and ß f l o ' r t eE n t:P k 'ff. "cIiULIPAW.i.I..7‘g 7 0416 Ltbeety . 6,IAITERATLS-150 bat abed ell milks very setinur t.. 3 geomd and unground In onto 10( .I , n by 0,15 ' H ' DALZELL ACO . _ _ _ (11 . - - link:S E: LB teblion'teaannifot sale be , . t„T ent: ISAIAH DICAEA A. C.,_2___ 71 - HOEDBRUIT-30 sacks new Peaches; IS sacks new Apples, meeting Ita v er: i ttentner Caledonia da y !! IR r ti t rI t LIIIPATRICK RIDE -- 70 teiCpriuielticTro—iiir e t --. Ti .--- _ __ . wile jAgLES it lIHFCIAff i sI".IL__ TnuNii Ificiald bt.ifeje...s:sxesai3O,47.Kb'i, f ri lU tr A e r' s 21:16yr-14'R:ell I "" U1;12117'1 Boys' Bat MURPIIY & BURCHFIELD have received slot of h.daasoe Fahey Mixed. Satinets. fortiori' 'veer, ale*, Plaid am! K e nt uc k y En greet vahery Oder.° Carstmerev, Jean. Bract . T V.1V.t14 iq., at north eget comer Veurth ' had Market Wee.% Si KURPHY a BURCHFIELD invite attinnian jp the I.llt choice tor tfAtastrieut and British Prim, daft and orderable eolora,last teemed. We SALTBOISA-45---eararns.Tag *Rim We be ._ B A FAHNBITOCK &BD otHR ,eel 8414 4 Wood ow MISCELLANEOUS. • Western College of Homeopathic Medicine, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Sltuldn A 1950-01.104/trthred 1859. frill: FIRST WINTER SESSION of Wig Inat ‘ ttut ion J. comence on the Hirat Aloodity of Novem ber. end eon m .. tour months The Chain of the F10C111.1.1. armored OS (0110oW :10T0:1 Rom, M.D., Professor of Midwifery, and Diseaws of Women and Children. L 16511111101,0, M. D., Professor of Principles nod Charles D IS .I,OIOSSOr f I tl Pretties Oft3Orke.a. _ and Practice of Homeopathy. Lewis Dodge, M. 11.. Protheser of Mateo% Medico and Medical Jurlopmdence. Hamilton L. Smith. A. fd., Professor of Chemistry. Edson C. Witherel, SI. D, Profeesor of Anetomy and Phytiology. 'chit Bthinard, Profewor of Physical Science. Chalice W. Be ' !!, Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Cbarter of the Western College of Ilemteepthie Medicine wee granted by th e Legislature of Ohio, during Its session of 1640-50. It confers all the right and privileges umelly renewed by ltledtenl Colleges In the United %notes, and, unlike' many.colleges, estate Independent of any other institution, having itself the power to confer depece, Itlldponsessing acommon seaL The defaces are conferred by' the Poeutty and Trusters upon the recommendation bf the Poeta*. The amount of fees for the hill course Will be HZ. Memmulauen fee.lss—to be paid bet Once. Denton. melees Ilekey 0.5. Graduation fee, CPR PerSollll Who ho f• attended two fol. counts of iectares is ether colleges tee admitted to the hill C,411 . 60 in this Inentunon on'the payment of SW. Criminate% of re epr ctrible medical sehools are per to attend the course on the payment of the matriculation tee only. Geed board, including Tooth light, and thet, ran be obtained from 62 to 12 50 per week. For farther In formation address. CHAS. D WILLTAMS, eel dim Dean Of the Faculth,_ PITTSBUBBB CLA3B WORM A. k D. H. CHAMBERS, Ia:UM k c 0.,) Would respeetfally inform the customer* of the late arm, as also the public generally, that they will Mamma the inanufactora of writ paw GLASS, VIALB,II3OWITLES So 'ln all their varieties; at the Old Stand, No 13 Wood st, littirssn First 3 Watsr. jy47:d3to • - • IMPORTANT TO TUN AP 1/7.IOTED. Dr. BONI Celebrated Remedies. 1 - 1 R. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro. j) prieter of these most frivoler and be-melds.] medicines, end also the inventor of the celebrated instrument for Mamma the Longa, in effecting a onto of ..direnie disease. was a student of that eminent physicitut, Dentin Physic, and I. swidnate , of the Delve mit) of Pcnorylvania, end for rt years since hes been engaged to the investigation o duets,. and the applied , * of remedies:Marco. Thumb the useable Inflating lob. In ,Cennection with hisPrephylactie andether °Mare:medics, he ham gained an onparaleded *lineage is coring those dreadful and fatal cantadie. Tubercular Con. samption„'Caneers, Denoted. Rhenneadim. Andre., niece and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Cry lapel*, and all those obstinate disease. :peculiar to females. Indeed every former disease vanishes under the use of bit remedies to wboehLhumeduty . heir— net by the use of one compromd only. for thet is in competible sel h Physiological Law, bot by the Use of hue remedies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar term of disease. Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills, when used no Invariably acknowledged to be superior to all ether, as a purgative or liver pill, imillCMllobas they leave the bowels perfectly free from coadulness; se also his Golden Pills u admitted by the faculty to possess peentier properties adapted to femalellliset.s.l but being mollified that a bare vier. suSeicor to estaolish what bas been told in the minds of the most skeptical, The &libeled are invited to call rump the agent. sod procure (grata) ono of the Dodoes pamphlets, giving medalled account of each remedy and its mrpliettlion tier sale by the following agents, *well as by food druggists throughout the reentry. 7 • J deboonmiker S. Co, 24 Wood street, rtniburgh; Jbl Townsend, druggist,* ?data di do; Lee ttectham, do near the P.OAlleglatiloitr Jos Bar kley. Darlington, Deaver co., Pa. Joe 221i0n, Eamon Valley, do do; • T Adam. Deaver, do ▪ augldlY BpAtrriput, oil Print, (n neor invention, pn• ' tented in London ,) representing -Jenny Lind in 0 fiolds, in • listening &sums!. inking • lessong from I am tisbungale,hcs,be4a seenived by the sgbassibor. , The colering I.t vtluilto,the ta,initainiaJ.F. 2...t1ng• I and'thelikencit Mo most paI:EMI gad enrldst'at'any" "yet broaphtont - . - . , ...: ;t : Als o, Puiny Listas Great* , In Assintallyis3rint Son, and *Also/Orate& Extrica fiWRy . '' "Oa . " •' . • .• liaielilll49.l o k. 111.0-. *Firll,.osP*Fnak• O .OL° O ll .ft l ll l rte,F , T ol .. I I t% I lit MI ePteTtsfe l :. 4 iN t ;int t " tty Tea JJO ' llers, ' 4ri the Di ' ignbod;ilso - SU P IZmaI r.l. a, the luta price ofygo p•!rlb,, - 1' east( ' " lritebNiltY-'6l, Niral ( AMM —, -" , 1 , ..h1ife "We, LI Anti Sagineettna—No , Mot Mdsr• mlat mealsl,lo. Leen nceive4 al. ItolosmJ,Litdrart:Jlepps,.Third sr, etToiite the Post alike. • • •..:..... , ..1 1.....,_ teP t .,,, %Vitilto-13( lA. s `n.3.-601)0.1. P 1 1t,.... ? . it O P.P. WS 1.-. I 1.....: i_.. , .. s. • - - • ", • • • - ' " 3 tftMils . 14) Piszi extra quality,. La more ond for sale hi. W ocS " , JOIIN_ FrkCO: 0 - Ca,k,—.2lols for_aalapy- • • ! '57 Wood in.' tvliEVeLk CAVD-9 Ln iteert BELLERB tufp , Avtiad) - aw:i liaTViT7Ti g tlta — F. 41- 7 111A510,11ILE FLOWErt-4--3 1 - EfeTlaale by a y Et E "aELLERS R I slicks; 1 , cite E i tiiegL mts i_Lbrls part, iu3t ra,.?„1.1W1 Long Shawls, ' •N grrat variety of prin. and patter - Nina% received Ihe stom or MURPHY et BTRCHFIEtift l i tti or tt2:l) , Tris L-19 b pate soastrill, tom reed L RUDIEOIII L LE &co ,a.sLibist at. _ • • JCSlrecexved at W. McCLINTILAWS Carps Warehouse, No S 3 Fourth street, and 55 Stood 44 Buff Window Linea .3 75U,INTLV3 PAPER—in° rvn•.. k;., ie he make{ u,...l 76 ""'"'''' ' ' quel W the 1 o try i ~ C octal R V.STOCKTON DActig im—Nc - c.t 0 a 6 .. ,Id low Id close Lige 6,4.. un. 4, roogii. will be ISAIAH DICAEY , e CO ,t9V r a Fr og' ' 7 UST received Hem Plalllipnv ‘ iliel 7 atiorg,Hru oft Wvgon Corer Ott Clothia good s 11 PH ticle. ror vole 1 to - tJ.ILLIPS eel . 71,4 Wriai ex A1„,,,..g.v.....„...-:m..,b, , ... , ..iity -- " -- octi NICK II IiteCIILIDI.OB9 BIIfiNIISIS-127;d0x Com Brooms for. by • Gel WICK tr.3IeCANDLE•V 9 .., —.— DUTTER--td hes whit batter for Tale et by . 1) oci FLOYD FrARPAIJLINA- 6 very heavy lute. TitiPi - ulticis 1. the beet quality of IndinFtnober,pa hand aialfot ialeby_ . _ _ foci) 3 fc,'H PIIILLIFB,_ ErAßTPCBBliclaiite, No 5, -- Fir - o - ettober, Zits excellent magazine, and No UI of 18ctionity of Meehantels, has been Fecund/3 -es flaws Literary Depot, third street, oppoeix, the Peat Mice, also a, nem Amerman Newel caged The Conspllator, a' tide of Dm wit's Irlicitc ori 84 Ohio River, anti No 8 PittOcial Field Book of the damenessillevol s u, B nn . I tie uon. C ODFISH—Ie oeftits forsato .: • ood et S UNDIIIb.M...4OO bags prime OntoCo Km, d, . 73 0 15 paekages drawled as; bzs awned Torain Te eo; 10 bags Pepper; 3 bags falsplee; • 53 matte thaaamon; 5000. Not Chocalalal ' 3 eases Liquorice Boll; to uerees flesh prtme Wet; 2 earls best bladder, 5 barrels .151ard; . 00 barrel...tanners' ' 50 dozen. pamat Booths; 3tX/ ba. Corn Broome; no bozo, White I.lpeal . 30 hbda prime N O Samar, bo hrla do , Molaarea; UM Mi. lane No 5 Mackerel; 20 Otl.do' Nage No 1 do, No , 5 yasi, Collared Prlats.' I=lllllll JIENSY ILIAD Eifikis WGZM GO brie N 0 Tarr . . • att brie Pitch; 50 bits No 2 Hanoi • 51201bs snorted Yarns,' 60 bales No l Barna&.. WO ;red , prime Whale Lead; 500 tens cottoned Nail, Also, • full ..unmoor of l'utstiergh manufactured articles, nr” ale by , • JOHN WATT 11. CO Tapia • 266 Liberty m Nllrstreesested Pare 'Wines atia r rbrarar.6s SUITABLE. for bledietnal Pttipome, always on 610,1 and for sale by the betile, quart, or manna at MORRIS & IIAWORTIPS',. s lea tt Wine. 011 re. at, iteremeatte Woollesa Jodi. ONE ease Bizet Cloth Ellirterle; 1 t case Ye Flannels; I c sue Rellow d Flannels; Red twilled Plawlels; . , _. ca.e. White do do; Teases esstarred do' : • TeC c.c. Plain and Fancy De..trueresi 1 ce...a+ gamma; c ea.*. Clan Alpitun. 1 c01../talai gil 3 ea.es Blue Black Blanket Celann • . 2 case% coop 8t00k..: ' . • V case. Drab Blanket.; • I ex.c. Blue do; • 1 onion V. bite Bed illanketin :Su will Bteant Boat Blankets; Beccive.l on consignment., and for 11100 a: manarle, hirer's vireo by II (EE . ineptl,______ , 0 32 Liberty : street: ___. . . SO-AP—Lovell, highly peefume4 Drown Wiedsoil do do : Hope). Soaph Cinnamon Oar Soap; . Philadelphia Volegalid gi+aPi. Cu.Ourph d o 4 . ; tile goap; . ' • Olive Soap; for late wholeale and retail by eeplil WM All/leCtilllif: tr co .:ow tr. Bon's Sou p•-114 tented Gana's% BROWN Windsor Soop, Densoirt, Hooey, Made Vernacular, thir-msd, Palm', and Olive Oil eoap. These Soap, are highly celebrated for treParthaS smoothness to the skin. ,7 . • Parelaased from me imposter, and for sale by septa it F. er.I.I.ERIO. ‘veo4.o ISPIA KU PAL:l,llsts- , -Wit. los assorts. thlakriesSeo, from 1-32t0 o irteii thick. The adage packing is prepared so that SOO degrees Fabrenteli will not affect e, and is superior to c•ery Sias time, sa no substance haa soanoch elaaticity whictiatands so Ugh. a degree of heat, and may tts used about,ole all parts where packing is isary, i—Mailh plates, pivot rods, steam Mneceints, Maio thew 4 &fill. dor hoods, to. For rale' orborosoro oaf rouoi O_ PIULLIP B 7 t 9 WOO 8,1 =UM NO. 83 misALLANEOUS E W"n r ig - '4ITILACTiIs E : 7 7 .7 O p chic, ocet.. nn am , • Imparted and tor rstO,i7 "B A'FAlts~jaOC od 10. AprOatta• lijitalaluak+Nmr. 1.1111 : 014 tatmß deivito: IN VENTED 14.P...der:eh ttie.res,aado.4l6, :SCAIPE A ATIVINhtra. 061 ,• • not it. between Wood k , EF . A ESIV. - SC I- -(X):is— waplsriitiA.l..R. ORO G Cornet.or Wood and First co, OFFYR for sale, of their own limponovon, diem from EnroPni Borax refined, iopo Calle; I wd. kits Citrb..ilinnion,cskii &Art Paris Green, in ctn. Rotten Stone, to elks Pl= 4 ;glZlnb ' Z' Co. hjaptestodol Cent. do do:' kepi Citric Acid, 'nib hanks Puhr.dnlintontolis do MI, Al2llllOll Cone do Calordel Pox, •do Oil Amber Rect. do lodlde,Patash do. Crleosale White 'do in cm viola lodine Ilng. in Id lb bottles lotlide l lron, On az ands Cent,Senno, in lb fare BhCarb. Pottoth.lh Ivnliest Aloe Pill Fog. in lb Ws Ref.Llquarice Env.in big Wood lisoppain 16 bottles Tart. Foleun do Pinola deld, oz viols Tortorie Mud, in hxs Crocus hlartls. In kegs RadValeriut bale. , . I Acetic Acid I Orange Flower Wear Role Ammon • Pill do B w onet, paper embogd idow Vial CorM, amorted Adhesive Plainer, Eng nOtrni.■ do do Lead d do Oalbanom d o do Fill:crime do do Citrate Iron, Log Procip, Cob. Iron Aleppo Bolls Tipton's Liot Wedgemood Mamma and Pertly Oil Ln i Spike do , . Carden 81 1 111o r en ", 3 Oil Ritter Almonds Oil C on Oil Croton Pink and Rine 8•11Clall Cardamon Seed Salph. Zinc lleiferteTeve, prepared Conti. Root Rhubarb Root Polithing Potty Indian Red °en :GREAT pun TAN. lIOOTIE VIE!NONBlifill IN TUB NEM RAIL BOLD. • Through fa SOAR Days TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. INlTtake pleasure in armoonoing to the blerchwite ;,..1 Pittsburgh and die Western badness CCM. munlty, that on and alter Mordeq, the 16th of Rel. tembez, we will receive and forward goods via the Genteel Rail flood, end guarantee dicer to be through In your Days. Our ex tenaive crock of Can and Boat. rambles Ire to ogee the above expeditious route to the puede, whilst wesdll crtutatte our usual lines via Ilarrisburg and Columbia. fireman% wishing goo4s brought" from the Fast with certainty and dispatch at law tales, or produce shipped them, arc Invited to call 00 • CsCONNOR. ATKINS it Pamburgh. ATiLINd, O'CONNOR tr. CO.,Philadelphia, proprietors of the Pittsburgh Transportation Line; teethe fallowing soars; O'ConnossCo.,7o Naoh street, ,11.Itimm; F.: Busts, d Bitten . Place,New Yorki Enron re Gseru,l4 Doane street, 8.1011. seplkelt• sr , ack . ems .Or" SD • 1400:1.0 partitiisned od one., to suit tentala, to Steam Power, for rent, in a lustineos pan Of the C41:2? SCAITE ATKINSON, Pint . between Wood I Musket. II wasprateat • Atoka& Sod* amh. yjOr, PP bac tibers are 1101 , readying. py cartel, large auppliel Mica. bluspmm2Otcm'a high teat, and bentmatay Gina htakerr` Soda A atk, which they arid the Marna market price. for cash or approved t ItitTell - ELTREE Liberty , iff.—fm , r..tmi z4vw-: . -, A a .O Cotner of Market and Third due... • Pedroansitip. Lecture , on•Corarneicial Lava, and In factievery blanch pertaining toofinished mercuitilo cOntrition. John re - nun', Esq., anther of she Notional Book KceDo3g, primeval lemma and Lonelier of Book ke , Lodi. eaml yontlemen vilihing to improve their .pep.4iierlay., ran cell at the Collegeat any hOO orilt kr, ICERTN,VCTIOIS 01 FEW. PIANO. lOW ItkitErOßDT, trwt tne' grit }:eropean -all attasteniAlate oar earork,oesPectialty anon. lansgeael l'instangh and Allegheny, that he has `atrvatilvallniende tbicvity bit permanent e h , rasidertee, nie.theeparpona of kapareinir inatruction on tbeilann enth.crulaus left at Alra-W,tute's Boarding Ltbegy 11;lor IfitVe2.l Maio Store, orrilneatnrelnaramptraticausaii,,, .00 Ralf ARO - 11ARINE I'INSURNNUIS NOTICE , •PMATEGTION INSURANCE COMPANY,OP . HARTFORD, catrsiLasocs Larrkwanssrcsn, tAIAP.Q•QQ4- C J 1 ANTE II ilcii44.o 6ecn appointed agent fortliia 'responsible eornp.v," io ....end Mr. Payetstlireenninad to reultr. iernepolleles in the depattement, en.. favorable terms 'Lei.. oda. respo.ible oempani in this city. ~ 74 Feartle ._..ors to Bang of ritiablirgli. PROTECTION FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Animal Premiums, Capital „Stork,* Surp:mi hind 8 1 00 0 00 0. • HF. underaigned would call the attention of !nee chants snit others hoeing ptopeny exposed to la. by Fire or the perils , of Navigation to the supenor aasantages offered, by the Prolectlon In• u Company or nalsrroatnetnen., rt..- I..Bales , of Premium se low as time of any ether RESPONSIBLE Office. 2.—A speedy and satisfactory adjustment of losses by , the General A-fent.c.. of the Company fbr the Western 3.- d Southern crates. (of all differences which nay arise) by referees mutually chosen. 4.—Amatds promptly paid in Specie. Bankable Fan., . or Exchange on New York, Baltimore, Charleston, . New Orleans, St Look, Lonissilfe, Pturburgh, or Cincinnati, st the option o f the insured_ • Pamphlets, netting forth the mode end prin iiples of adjusting looser, entre of premiums. elassls - of hasareu, SO., furnutheal to the customsls of the oilier free of charge. Far further information, wryly to the understaffed, .kfrho is. fully authorised to moors Dwellings, Stores, Hotels, Warehouses, Mills, blanufectorirs, Bates, be . mid Hood. Wares, and Her .ehandixe. contained or mined therein, against loss o Uanutge by FIRE. • , Dry Goods, Grocenes, Manafactureti Good% Era. dace, Household Furniture, tier. Stott, and cc my other .description Cl Merettimdiae• Cr Penton.' Pro perty shipped or la Lc chipped pet rand steamboat, 01 baits to And froth pollltr on the Western Water, or betarcert Pastern cities (via Laken, or other inland route ba) and a o any uawns in die Western country, acmnat airdf INLAND TRANSPORTATION. $kip..1.1... are Ws, and , llltchndire, per good 'frier or vessels, between New Orleans and Eastern porte4-440.0u.N0te-Orlcans New other Gulf ports—between Olt Antatican porta and English or Eutopean.rts, or to any other maritime iton what. aoseot intho Atlantic waters, seshowthelPEßlLS OP :ray, SEAS. - ARNOLD, Ag' • 74 Foetal at:, be. td the Bank of Pittsburgh. • ..roWtdtianl OATC smoonsszo BOARDS. lt,ooo .Miltpe'dr.m,B=ll.l cri sub 3 by augllbta ' Sharosburek. • Selling out at Coot to Cloti 13insIrdeso, Leintal crock of DRY tilluDS, for sedited bonds, .t 1 mortgages, juizerneam, &mood rents, or real vellne received In payment. JuS-8.; HOr,G, neddf .• 115 Wool eir.,Pmetivirch 130-PAELTXXILSIIIP. Tlll.. undersigned has •seacitt.cd Jomph &ebb m him, to carry on Its otrta s and Recall o2tl7 kithWit uld Product Rosiness, Intact' me firm of Mark and Robb, west Bide of Unt Dlsmond corner of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh. Dental ' (i ARBUTHARST le teeenvnta a large ossomutent o V. fancy and staple, stately...lM Dry Bonds, coma,: tng in part of %VoulmTlubet. and Castle:lite fthavels- PM, Derlln, Thihet, Aid and thiekskingitoves, Wool; en and Worsted Condoms; Alparmand Aonbaanw• 'Menden and Canton 1 lamed., Colored and Bleached Casetnese and Commerce ; Ribbons and Laces; Buttons .ad Combs; 'threads and Binding.: umbrellas sod Brett. Bonn .4.e. All of whten, Country and eirlatmeloanut are re mcelfully invited to examine, at ES Wood It. sup= . . litervt. this dhy a.somaied wnh rue M. I. 11. Daum, In the Wholessle Sireeers mid Produce Businctsi the style.of the firm will be A. Culbertson &Clouse. (101 A. CULBERTSON S. Frtarrnoal (.t.n. morm. A. GULEIZIOPROX & CLOUSE. IA7IIOI4ESSLE GROCERS and Commimon Mer ‘ c !citants,•Deolers. in Proanne, and Pnulycrgh Maanfacinted nrunte.,l9s lAberty Rt. Pinaburgh, Pa. 197 , ' EN.tra' Fatally HiPurt A FRESH supply of the Pplard t f rs ort Er4 ' Plorrtavery CLOUSE 114 Llheni st _ namlitea Citsitor. I,kyrURPITI LIWItCIIFIELD have teeetwee a lleu, lYlply of above eapetiof &reel. oe_ Baird Pe11... Finales OFeerT h'a"'" oa a and bright color. reed at ptortain ilira rn eei & BURCHFIELD - .ea • • Ty,AN—CI7 eves neir style Fall A' of Merrlmnelr, Ceebere, Sprague's, Ihu,vep., Aliens, Clyde and other good mannfeetorles. gist opening, for 5510 by Hncti,LETT A WHITE oel9 ITI Wood at. 133 1321322032 es. • 0: SUGAR-- 65 hhdo wla rime, , 1.1 • '4 . ' 4 '' f" MILLER d RVIkETSON tal & Liberty st. LEACHING POWDER—a 3 tasks axprattebes B for sale avtbe lowest maskesprleis by oda , W 11 . 1 MISCH :lI.IIIIHE._ Cr0.25-jr a rrareAtir li Ca oat 13UTTEEL-7 Ws Roll Butter; .21 7 b . r fls packed dchaniaattit I ,---- f . I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers