IHSCI LLANLOUS• ruscxx.r.wr ar. WHITE. imam MIMIC AND /OREM DRY -GOODS, • NO. goh WOOdi stindetr NVITE th e attention of buye rs to their large stock I of Fresh Good. mow opening, sod which they are prepared to sell on very acerdosnodanrg_tgn... We stall be constantly receiving (re.. 0 0040 log QS NUM, Lod return no exemiaauon or out .IttoOk by western Ottentanti, and others •isiting oar attg3l DiGHT, N 0.136 Lib•rtY.Stre•ty BEG. respectfully si Inform his numerous friends nal stock on COH aSI, l C b ABSIMD sand his Dew VEST. MOB, et the Nara% mica, adapted for the approach• Mg fall and wiener seasons. ell them to :mu of cheap, fashionable, and good clothing. vrtll find the largest, mat fa/atonable, and best mock in the Western country, m this e wablishment. eept9 blaamist.ltits Pesanylvaats liatt to Pill3ll , ll.Tik. rNRE Peuneylvania Rail Road CompauT hesind completed the whole lute of mil road to Holliday*. argh, thee conzecung the Portage Rail Road to Johnstown, and from thence by boats to Pittsburgh, are sow prepared to receive and forward =rebut. digs, produce, ie., to and from Pittsburgh and Phila. The boats will leave the depot of the company daily far Johnstown, there comsecting with the daily train of ears for Phlladelphie, thee .msuring the de livery of all freight to P BELL lc hiladelphia LI wit GuETT hin b ee days. Agana fee Pa R. R. Co, C anal ELLAB Bests; P, aittgen ts,sburgh. CRAIO B NNW LOT OF SPLYNDID PIANOSt Meow and dfwimf Instruments, Sign art, Golden Harp, No 11l bird street 11. KLEDF.It respectfally infonns • his friends and the public, that he ham resumed from the cut, with a meet elegant and extutuse assort. meat of Pierre of notate styles and onus, actorlod himaelf, with erect oats at the celebrated factor!. Num.. CliTr N. V., and Dunham, N. Y., ra at flusdart le Etaaham,N. V.) Having. seketed Ute above from an immense stook lost fo•shed by an above maker. they .23 warranted of superior 4. 1 17 ttad tone, and will Li all eases De told at New York fat• tory rite. Purchasers will receive • written gut sap With each PLuto, entitling them to as eZetiefilfe or return of same if found defectingg. Also, lot Of splendid. Guitar', from the &Una & Meal. Pi. V They au n eePern •Ine.. nd warranted equl, LI cm superior, to atany made Ls e =rid. Also, a tine eelectien of rut., motets. SW.6.l:frau Inurcanutu, end the newest sad most Pormiar mule, in Jenny Lind'. celebrated MTS. lePl3 W•leh lirlaswels. Vt(USPEfir reIIORCRFIELD, at north east comet /U. of Fourth and Matte streets, ate oow supplied With a fall assortment of the tenons qualities of above desirable goods, and hang been purchased Inns the Importers can be strtatited granule- 003 Jas. Easpratt s Boas , Patent Soda Asti. 439 A CAB!, of the above celebrated brand. part eil.* inst°" tm ll and the mainber to arrive this and seat month,pst Anna Meth' , “Enroper "Berlin," and ether ships, eta Philadelphia and &alums re, onerranb ad superior In both strength sod quality to any In the mutat, for sale at the lowest once foe cash and Sr pored billy, by W k ht ISLITCHELTHEI: attain Liberty siren Wads 'apply Of Poll t Vitiator Good. IuTURPHY BURCIIFIELD invite tha attention of Layer to their largo stock of goods _adapted for the season, consisting in pan of.- Bik ond Coltd Preach hlerinaes, • • Coburg's and Cashmeres; Changeable Popl , ne, Dress Silks and Tess Satins, • ink and Fancy Alpaists. Soper Long Shawls, Low Price do., Sacking Flan. eel% Welsh, Eng nth and Amenun Flannel', white aad colored. Their stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, such as Sheeting., Pillow Cue Mullet, Table Diaper., Towelling, dels large, and at low pokes for 40Wtp. Buyer. will End It to their lulu., tags to examine their owl before pmehuing—at the north out corner of 4th and Mulct oct 7 _north Laver Pills Maya:cede all others Charlemon, Va., Sept. 20, 1250. M. R. E. Seam—You Pills have become so pop. lax In all thin region of country, as very raticl to oupereede all other@ as a Liver (sr dati-Ililica l p i il4 Yours, &a. (Extract of Lena.) Pureltamrs will recollect that IL E. Sellers' Liver Pills are the original and only True and Genuine Liver Pill, and may be had al - No 57 Wood aL, and of drugglste morally in the two chics and vicinity. sed,ro Di. Gussets% /Calmat or Tallow Dad. •nd Sarsaparilla. POT ay in the largeat stud betties, contains more of the pure Honduras Lvernparilla than any other P erll a tiT i s h u mor of l w no h . estTo i' gt T rac c t s g{;g Chem, and the lialthm of Fir, thee making the remn dy mere thoroughly efficient than any o th er Barnum, rale before the public, At the same limo it la perfect -17 free from all mineral poisons, which cannot be aald of any other of the Banes, grills compounds. The is valid ehoold beware of polemist Mercury, Iron, qui nine, Potash, lodme,Bolphnet Arsenic, and many other =bend and metallic poison, enter ono and fond the active basis of meet of the Bananas-lila and Panacea of the day. Guyeon's 'Compound Entree, of Yellow Don and Sanapthilladoes nor ethulln a panicle of these rebalances, m thr one can rail) atherthin by applying the neeeseary testa. The poisons may occasionally remove disease, be: they so vitiate the blood, and so completely impreg nate the whole system with th eir baneful effects that the first cold, or the firer Bitten of disuse, prostrates the patient's strength, and thbiects km or her to the most exenciating torture, and renders mother cure almost impossibie and hopeless. Let poitheoes ISarrspetilla reparthione alone, thi use lioyaottlr improved Extra p of of Ye ll ow Donk and blanaperille, which is thoroughly efficactorta, perfectly harmless. and partly vegetable. AU tinda of .thanae yields to be genial inlethers. CURES. _k &saga, C.c.'s. Tumors, Crllanthos Empeons, Erysipelas, Biles, Breadth, or Pimples on the Puce Chronic Bore Eyea, Tester, Scald Head, Rheum. Dem, kTlargement or Pairs in a Donee or Joints, old and srubborn Ulcers, Fever Sores, Dip Disease, Berelllng of the Glands, Slotchk. Byphilnle Symp. toots, Lumbago, Dronvy, Dythe a, Jaundice, Co. ttreasta, Salt Rheum, Arced.r of the Kidneys and diseases arising from en inincieithe use of Mere.. g li tlntsterls Bore Tummy Weakness of the Cheat Aff nth, end ail 'other diAeases tena nts to = Co ' n ' s:mption, Liver Coroplasni, Female Inegalaritith end Complaint., Sok and Nervous Lleadthhe. L itencrel Low Spirits, did, rc Sbooldc dM 'ref l ErpOrt r eo ' n ' in i p . r=nc to e in th ZilMnt lo Coosthatiothl Disorders, and as a :luring and Purger of th e Bleed, and General toms for the System it Is unrivalled. Acastoftflarraud lige, of sulnan yews stertherig - The folio ins be en extract of * letter dated Mara fff,111.50, from E. B. Perkins, M. D., a highly respects hie piste!. of Marietta, Ghio. Jonn_Pasx—Dear; air. 1 have under my care • young woman who, for sixteen yeare,.hes been sat Wing from Ulcerated Limbs, and whose cue ha , been pronounced hopeless by three of oar beet pay. lithium. I took her into my family, and have need Geyserite Yellow Book and Same/Wile freely, ion , am confident that the Yellow Deck and Sarsaparilla will erect a persesnet cue. She I. ballet In gonna hada, than the has ever been berom, sod walks. mile or two without fatigue or pain. A year ago the and Michel. !will capon like Vasa in dee time. Very rupee:ldly, CROFUL A. 'E. B. PFrfsiNS. S It hag been minuted, by eminent men, that In tits varied catalogue of &teases to which man le Lab:e thers Is scarcely one of such iturestarice, and of mei imam as Sunnily., whe th er are look to the obscurtt) of its origin, 115 insidiou proems., um number tht, warietEorgans Met it attacks, or Its remarkable in. ourab and extensive fatality. Sue ha bested tho akin of the most entoon physicians in title coutrylind in Europe. Bat there antidoteas (or this Queue in Drj Guyon'. Extract th Yellow Dock ands arsaperlllu" which le proving it wit • cadent [decide in the most severe cases a gageflthlt. enraardinan ease 0 Scrofula cored by th, sole use of Doctor (thron's Comtmead BYthiP. will be ben by this eartifieaio thei this men has neer sneer the treatment of several celebrated physic tans for the put eight year., without deriving any benefit and has been effectually cored nff the ue of a few tenth of Er. Cluysatti Compound Syrup. Nan Yeas„ .1.6 7, IE4B Da. GUTIKTIT—Dear Bir,—Owing to roue debtmhleh Minty rennet pay. lam indneed mate subtle no knowfodgment of the benefit I nave derived from yea, Luvaluble Syrup. I was sorely Militted with a torn- Die Estado. disease, hereditary m our family, which commented on my neck, and, mratinuing u , ejeread,ioOn reuhed my ear., rannleg into my heal and extending ail over my fate, neck, and lower OZ. Ulitentlea I became • dim - untie object to look upte: .11t thus my dietrem w great that I was unabletc neap or Ile down; and the disease extending into my use seriously all eeted my hearing. My face wee o ce continua:up sore, from which a disektree of mane; and water kept continually oenne out. People ulna. ed me, opposing I had the e-mail pox .pr some cum, Ledrotioes disease, and I was consequently obliged /*tinsmith, my hush:woe Notwithstanding I had la beet medical Uric., and Inca different plane (gum mast, the disease continued to grow woreothtil I gun tip upalr, Fattanately I fell in with a-passe:ism en the d mamboed., whihatrirtelliag for my health, whs informed tos tint we a k and was at one Ume in Sy r up e Mondltioo as I seas, ud that by milng your i, was speedily eared. I immedisteltrfutmonsil me us eamineaudaming It, and now, after baring cue lent thin Mx bottles, I am well end able to attend In my business. I send you Ohm tenement u ae Let o lantea,ondy hoping that It may Malice the afflicted et make see of the dightmedielne, and thereby save then mutt itatatiniud erpenSet • maul. your "hellbent sarrard, JOHN Q. SPALDING. Owe of an aggravated mu of Erysipea... Mut eons performai by iqw.Galutth Estrus of Tallest Dock and Busaparilla are inatiosTbe pep deur. general health continues to Miriam" after Ms. seas le fillaomiel. Ceres aro not chronicled Until time Mahal testeel that there cu be 110 return or return of no Mamma. Neavear, (Herkimer Cat Feb. 1850. LP.Smnrrrr M ow.. (tams, it reat pleasure that I write you abut thevery happy effects of your yellow Dock and Suraparilla upon my eon, who b an lam been moraine under that dreadfol, loathsome alb with which he was attacked in tsP. and Ins Mr mu ra l months attended by some of oat host natation, was tried then stlll pteseveringly tor gve media without uy benefitial effects Instant: In banana radioed to • perfect okeletint Weird. elne tremble D o to Ma knee, which were continually di.ouniny disgustingly elective moan. Menem each ugthal too. baled Phynclus said Um lb sass was hopeless—there could be not done reriartlest thaw reran gangrauting Metre My h ue hem anyee.if though thud ivioam Cl hue 0... f my neighbon,arbo had tarred a child of bend. tia With your inulnable medicine, seabed me to, g. trial of it, and mom from the restless deem to 4. s seseW while life lasted., than from e el hope of ,I procured three bonla of you .Yelims = i4 matl Susalparilla o end mimeo .ed using it toran my astoruhmene, be commenced improsins A• had used %MOM Wale, and Dem he had used a . half dm= boules he teeth walk cost He used an ab mulve betties, and by th.tober lan be was peewit]) restored, amen wings of the dbeap except the um in uunavad, and he remains to perfect health up to the time. His recovery, under the blessing o gp n Omitiff to the use of your Yam Doci 4 •4 le, sad Leman yen that I fed el ' Nader sun obthrenens to you, and It is with Emile, thatllnfntm you of what you, Saresperilla has flow fee letY am . Reepoetnoly. JAN lIVASELL. ®.None ilannirie Eden put up so largo Doran l a W r ing. l:MM *r. :4 lh t%r= ll M saah O n the Wan wrapper. Print 11l per boun—ca • tell" la sold by J. D. PARS, Nash Eau coma tr 11141121 and Walnut enacts, entrench on Walnut st Othenthifilis Ohio, to whom all ceders mut be *dares Garin Jr. Rral u SlX TV. P. Johnsen I Co, Wipe Crossinrolla; Abal Tana gee Hiram Olin tinna MIX c Towandm i.. w Hoberl a Ray / W m. .a. Jere,L. 'Wal lensbutg; era, L I COMA! of Meeker 'nut and do Mims _ OILEAP TNA AND NO MISTAKE. IL/ORRIS & HAMOOTH,In the Diamand, an sell. su, ex.:4lkm Tea, si • 0 tits p•rII. , t4IIIT IT I I mil EXCHANGE BROKERS - • BANKING HOUSE. J. CAROTHERS ar, CO.. No 15 Wood atraat. Plttaborgh. CURIE= MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Collectims made on all the principal cities et ate Salted State. .NO4I. A. wizaccio ds co., EXCHANGE BROKERS .8. E. Corns d Third and Marla sta. ALL T1LL1Y1 , 16.9 AT MOST -1.1312. L OSO. Z. AIINOLD 4/1k CO., BANKERS, DMUS IR RICRARGR, COIN, BINH NOTRE ■4. 74 FOURT-U - •TUEET (Next door to the Bank of Potsbergh.) ii.nowass • soma, , mescinuff• trot's• . AND IMUSIS NOTESI,DRAFTS,ACCEPTANCEI3,GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payable in any part ofthe Union, collectul on the moat favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New Yost, Philadelphia and Bal timore; alwo, CinCinnati, Loaisnlle, Balm Louis and New (Meatus, constantly for sale. BANK No cone on all solvent banks la the United !Rams disColUlttd lathe !await rate.. All libido f F °reign and Amerman Gold and Silver Coln bought nd sold. lIZMOV AL I\T ROUSES tr. SONS have removed their Bank log and Exchange Ogee to No 67 hl RRRRR o ordoorsr Delo., old stand. p 410 •'1 , 10:41 t'4 • _ • BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bougnt any moult Um Current Rags or Exchange{ etlon , , Draftee payable In any part of the Old Commies, from -ft to £lOOO, at the moot S 5 to the ,L Sterling lei/tout deduction or ducount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and Omani Agent, oaks oth one door west of wood. octletr LIAM ZlWllia uutica MAL= Baal l r rrn4, II /KERS dealer. B It A Mi l ito tal l lN K nldo Elill ' a B ot ( Exonango, CO. fakcates of Depoeip; 21,u,k riote. and Coln, came: of 9d wad Wood .truda, dziolly 4posito St quits Ho al. onylEdly [1..1. BILMITI, EIZISBULTT, - .1. inaLlln.] 411. WHOLES/itF. CROCE chavia, No 41 Wood lintel, are new receiving rate., utollowsr— led P a k A . B Y lat 4.`%." 703 pkgs Ss lb and hflb lump & hs colt ToWeo. :MO bap Rio Leguayre, I and JariCoffee. 50 !Ids N 0 Sugar. 50 bele N 0 Boluses. 40 brlahowtcred,crushl and A lter. oyars. NI MN A ru Ir m zers! ) Oil. 50 Odd g b . rfs . No 31117 t eherel. 1133 bus 6010 d 10:05 Gt Las 11/ hp Rosin Soap. 100 doe Pot Buckets. 2.5 bx; Chocolate. -- 25 firs AVlate Pipes 100 Tnla Wrap. Paper. teD bee Pepper & Alspee. 030 lb Scoteh&flapechneff lu tea Mew Together with a general ally kept;heir Itort, as taZtntes. ifticalitVlCTll7ol;OVlttiiiiiT kIeCLINTOCC Is llCsa• opening at ht. Carpet V V . Warehouse, No 75 Fourth terry Yd 7YI Wood Weer., • very of assortment el Carpeting, cow prising to pert the following varieties:— Rich and elegant style Velvet Pile Carpet; Such and elegant style Vapour Beussels do; Superior English and /mese. themes do; Extra aura 3 ply Ccrpota; Rep, extra Cheolle; Superfine do do. do Ingrain drl cui,m1 4 ...; 14 P. Extra fine & fine do do; Tuned Mat< Com- all wool, do do; 1300 Rats; do erara dual do do; Coco Mats; do cotton do do; Jute do; Also, a very largo aasortment of Triseltiogs for Meant Boats, Gorham Itotas, le. Avery lure aasonateal of well pasoned OUEloths, ranging to velath front $7 inches to 74 feet, of very handsome style., cut to hi toy elect room, boB, or veatibule. Tbe stock Of goods will be sold as cheap ao ;hey Can be parchs.sed in soy or the cement anus. We invite every body to yB.ll'lolo wish a baryon. Imps W AIeCLINTOCK AS end Catamaran M alma, appeal* St Cher and offer for sale, at I. 50 Al ht Spanish Clews. lltl7 . : n ik d e ‘. . " 16 51 Hamra, 010 03 3 0. 0 AI Regalia. 13 Al PTinclpas. M== GO hales Filberts, English Weinute, Ikea Isms, and around Num. PP b. Lemon Syr. , 20 b. Pepper Sane • 29 eases Pmkies, 10 ewe. epto',leborolat. Ground Siljeuof ell ,and 60 b2s odin.• 20 bz• Osreh. - • 0 55. /Ott 004. 10 b.. /0010 , 1 Almondg; 5 tuts Laquo, llinehan't Cut and Dried Tobacco. 10 goon Blacking. Immix:Lent at gco.ll well .r Ktuburgtt man. sco7 ' SC ' —lOO Gil Cream and W R canner, 10 bags old Java Coded; 10 bag. !Alvan; do; 30 bags tones . Rio do; 10 trfaberts Chalon Teo; Ix caddy bas extra Oolong; SO do prase Green, • 53 !stoats:a do, 10 boy burag Balch.; J bales oaf: Flail A.1.73a/s, O de: pare enrystal LarcoaSosar, 5 taatiomecpartd tfancpcbnnoian id ban Bos. Cocoa and No I do, 5 Ors Almo om nd and Palm troop; DJ Dos Rosin and Varregated rArap, 6 dos Oboe and 13orleaus Oil; dos Pepper Daum; d do: Derain t Walnut tickler; . dor Reno %Velar, II 1 sue Loll. alaceuoro, A eases do Verenieella 2 amen pure India Canis Posslar 3 eases superfine Roe Flour, 16 tads t marled b. poly erried Sugsa• so trla mall Loot, ID boa pore Cider Vinegar; Ls dos Cam Bil:10133, D WILLIANIA t co Coo. Woad t POW siA For sole by oap: Joni n yLwa BPOOL BILK, Expressly for Soloist g. 10 scold the many Inconveniences attending the oso of the customary Skein, the above =dela has en much, and for•long time whetted. whilstl has always e s. matter of mornishenenb that the common tacit of Cotton, was convetuently spooled for gene. I um—Sllk, ria , much store valuable, should nave mn supplied in Skeins, from which so much trouble mootion. and lost has arisen. The difficulty has at lost been evemome. the public roger,' a good attic's, handsomely put up in s son minced term for domestm ate. The only objection urged against this art.cle is the L pp.,_ra =owl otatuity on each spool. This Is cull, piained. Each Spool Is warranted to contain ID lords of Silk; while the ordinary st me same p. Ice, has bat an uncertain k v a r y tng from IS u IS yards. The Spool Silk I. ready for ism al the time of our. 'Lam and tr only need. a trill, to convince the most rcodcal of it, imosoray In quality. Independent or or. cost an, ennverdent form to which It is fumutte4 Las great advantogoa over the Skein, so it doe ' angling with Oa tedium of winding, the vexation or angling, and the lots of time In preparing It for me. Said by Whl. It. 1100sTatiNki &BUNS, St North 'Mini sh Philadelphia; HORSTSIA.NIO, N ew CO tdaiden Lame. New York Solo Agent. ' TO Wp\T • . ALL !STUCK OF DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO. DRUMS IR FANCY lc STAPLE DES ROOD NO. OS M*UI .ZT STREET, Between 'Third OAF - mirth "treat , . L . ...burgh, V ITS the alteration or merchant, visiung the city. L to their citensife stock of Fati,und Winter Good. tclacted walk great can and attention from recent .uihortnions, large auction. sales, and from the lead manotacturers, by their rerident partner in New Verb. 'Shen stock din fall Intl be found to be meat ardor and more roiled than any they have ewer before hrought thneastket. being replenished - by receipt at goads almost daily through Q., season as they an 3.4, In the astren markets, rendentig th.r stork a I Linea roll e and perfect, thereby emuting, them Noe :rennin to compote Irmo eastern houses m•pi.l 1111111111 CIIIIOILtILINGPS PIANOS. JOIIN IL MELLOR, No 81 Wood street, sole agen for Chlasting's Piano Fortes Tot Western Penn orison:de, has received, sod now ready for rale, till following assortment selected by himself from tin 9manufactory, and will be sapplled as usual at Mr lolekistmes prees •im 2 carved LOP L IS'XIV, rOCIAVOS. _ . MEMIZI 2 elegant [lose ;clod, 7 do, 2 do do G 1 do, I do Mahogany, G do• I do Walnut, g do, fall carved oanugrand. A CARD—The sobsenber boo: the pleuere el etooneing to the Mimeos of Pinsburghohat he km cede arrangements with Mr. Jobe 11. Mellor, for the sermon: • sale of bis Piaoo Pones. Piasbutgb a nd Western Yeantyleanta, and there wishing to Dar bow may be armored Matti:ma interests will be Mk ally attended to. J CHICKERINte Ilmten, March 23, ISA ha additlaa to the alma. ...eh of Plano. Cram ? Chleketiag, a new surly is edema from the (erten of Adam ettodart, Bacon ta Raven, and Worcs., New Work, and Callen, Common at Allen, Boetoa, ;hem varyang from two to three hundred dollar.. moth A HYEtVo NE., rouNi MLA runuAztrt., No 113 for Octobt r, re!eirvil wad i N u nl7at l i g. act; '73 Apollo Balldinge, 4011 .0 To Poopl• tram the Om Coostry. ELCTIT the flute kind of detail beef, Fine, ottons and go.gh Plwosed Blatt Teas that are toed o We Old Cousury, ew be Wight at We and 7Se per lb it koala friatrofth's Tea Sion, Cut L''of do Diamond, "and no vrbern else In Pittshurch." tent PArEic—lhe boo 10 Loattel can o 1 bad a: the agwey of Oleo= Mills. eti Wood as ,ti W P Walla a s, 11.lestY r o. hitTtlt)ll.—the thump Children; • We of Cruelly and Opprerrion. t. lb, ask of a newpnts tale by T. B. is said p be the author's ben produelloa, for .ale . 1101.0, Wenn' Depot, Third strert, opporito the Post Moe *la, the Moos &sight of St. John, by Major Diehard ma, and Latin's Living Age No 311 ; pot CltYAhi ciitistvio bilriiTst-ii7,..Tril3 by .p 7 1 D C 'NFU:LP _ . liourra ing °A V(I.TRPUY & Ia AA va . scanned a •ur ALL ply et rocHis adapted for mourning wear, such Blank Bombazines, Canton Cloths, Cotarsa and Filllll.lll[ll. " FMK MetlTol and Cas hmeres, blouse 80 LILL.CII and Alourrong Alpines& wsin ?dog Collars, Black Crawl., Walla Handkerchiefs. ALC.. or H AlLlLAblokav-ou hogs A, haw.... err, up on , 4,3 Moots, Jur% received mold lor rev by JAM A HUTCHISON t CO rRa Agent 9t Look, Steam Pogo Refinery_ tud for role by - ova 9 N wiccEßsuAm rtnEalt:- . 4 - SV4iors prime toiligZfoTrile-b-y--- I_l oca DICKEY to Co NPASO-316n low pnced, fOileby w & P WILSON Lb. just ree'cl &red for 41 .7 E err:LEERS 37 Wool or Nu'' oe4 VATENT SOAP POWDER-10 ozs reel tor sate L oc4 OTC 13011 A-4 casks received forsale IT oc4 R E St.:LLF.RS atilt ARABIC LOZENOE9-19.?z2 f!lisjeb.z. . Ott . : APRs: : IkEAPPANO PAPER-40:1 ewes me . and Ewe .r.v.g.edtmee, doable nteditm, crown, and doe le erten, a very mulct erllelle tor mile ey A 0 on b.nd 11.000 47 Atistet 11. MISCEL LANEOUS , 1 MSC ILANEOIIB .7.p e a o trey: oreet, h reeM red • new qu i\ Mtunera PIANO .bia eta the follnleing ,, Molly, do yea Love me, by 8. D. - Fo . w. oh, may the Rcd Rose Live Mom, d o. r.elly we. • L. 17, do. Doc. Ned. do. Gwine to Ron all Night, do. Dolly MY. dr. Batters Wedding, by Glow or, The Robin, do glOh, To the Cord _yet or 00, Sweet Memoirs of Thee. :diver Moo. Lam ew ent of theey Ir sons. ish Ehe_opoot. A N Medl pied that Loved 7bArt. Thou but Wounded too s The Oanseripti Derrarmle, by Glover. De Lind to the Lord Ones at Home. 'Ti. Home where tee the Heart it The Yankee Maid: low Ltaeltrd Car, by Lover. Do you ever think of me. Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. Elfin, Genuine, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy ' Waimea. Batchelor, Maiden, Bella Welts, Concert, Ladles' Souvenir, Cally, Elena, Lily, Alice,Evorinsen, pan el. Adieu. and Limy Polkas. mart: TEAS I TEAS'S TEAS lit NVE enter not lute the list of pullers, We Mr nothing about Hundred. of Cheers, lmporter., Large Capital, Bought for Cub, iser—ln fact,we humbug in any manner or form, we simply Invite the public to compare one Teas with what they purchase elsewhere; Pus is the best method we know to Racer , taro wno sells the been and cheapest Teas in Pita. burgh. We are now Good and strong Tea at Eud 50 cents per lb. A The pri best Tea me artieln,• tm •--• •-• 75 do do poned Into the U. Enid" 51 Low priced, damaged or Inferior Teas we do not keep. MORRIS & iieworrn Proprietors of the Ten Masker, jen East aide of Diamond. seen Aornertean filsfir intent "Wdik. D. Appleton tc CO , New Veit, here in coerce ape Ileetion, in pleats, pries twenty Ave cent.