The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 05, 1850, Image 3

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Bra , Fame, Nor. 4.
Tho stetruer ‘Vattnogton arrived yettaraty at.
lernoon,at 4 n'esek, In a !hick fag, with 165 pay.
ger*, and a late ryrgo , including 150 tons goo di
from Brunei:.
Her adittees tram Lsedoct we to the 201 all.
two days later than there by the Omuta.
The eesce (ma England la of but Hole lempor
The marker, appear to kayo andargono no
clamp on the Connors:a. Floor and Wheal ana
doll. .
The crerleni meal from India arrived OD the
19th, but the general news yin antic , pated by
=anti from India Lad • good effect upon it,
London Me,' Marker, and Coomis cloned
money at P 71.03.7
Porie, TLc /.. , gleonme pony era inEll mfoor•
able to art proloogoNor. of the President's poorer
French foods hero slightly declined on the
Bourse, In cccerquett,e cl the opeortaieto of po
Account. from Modrid wee that .he Cabloet
sena waking greet qua.% to get ever the let of No.
Tember, the pened for opening the Corlett.
The tench w'aich aniled fora Cadiz to Havana
,n,•• amount to 126 A, end General Coreha, wfth a truth
detatehment, r:l9t to sad on the 15. h.
The improvement noticed to the .train of
• Memo Coned had been evidemly arrested by the
new Ministerr, rad too State was still in • &-
urgent:tut r.oodazon.
new Musintry had been constituted in Rico.
A letter from Wanhington vales that President
Fillmore: he. daesqed the Secretaries of War and
Navy to it.,,, immediate orders to the proper et.
deer. in vevamund of and sea frees in
New. England to hold themeelsee m readineu
won men and a.d. et their command, to aid the
Marshal. of the Orated Sate, for the District of
Movaehueetta is CW5 , 101: IMO execution the Pe.
gitive Sieve Lain, ehould the Marshal find It ne.
cessary t r call on them for arsistaneo. Orden to
the name effect have been transmitted to the an.
thorices in B
WsmtmarrN, Now. 4,1850.
The Repub., pehr,sces a proclamation from
the Presid•nr, respending census lowa requiring
the impolet,on cf thscrantsating duties of tonnage
import.; so far rs concerns the vessels of Chili,
and manofscreres produced ■nd imported to the
alma, to the tinned States.
The State Convent ion convened WI morturg,
at Aoapoli4, f r the porp.oe of kmaleg a Lew
COATtittlEoo. The attendance en NU, and a hay
eaosaloua prevailed.
Nov 061JUNS, Nov, 4,
Mr. - Place, i.lanager of the American Theatre
died resterday .
The leathng Democrats hare published an ad•
dress censuring. the course :panned by Senator
Soule, while in COnftlS, during the len session of
That body.
New Datum, Nor. 4.
The steamer Trilaane, from Cineinatal to New
Orienno, was battled shave tabs rap on
'Saturday !nu. One Nana ollar carg o is gaulio
be a total los"; •
FJnnr-7 he Nov. 4.
router in firmer, u.hh ple a g, $3
:.oa3 a per bh:. A henry feehog prevailed at
the elGne, wall an Increased damson.
Grano—Sales of eats at 37in per bulb.
gallon. Whiagey—The =ILI( Is heavy al 2 2 / 9 22f per
Chem in in gcod dernaud.
Lineeed oil de!: .n9l/, per gallon.
Beef Cattle—Terre la a good dernani at $3 39(47
3 1311 per rut, grins
Cones—Jae; at II /2.12,
Sugar inners oir 610 . 6 ".
Tote river has rist, Inro zueL anuee Saturday.
Norman d.
Floor—Fteertipin continuo mall. Good brand*
are-told at f 5 wb , on it the uttiform making me.
Onto— Sc, plea of Wheat contletoe funned.—
Stites of prim, S>otboM cod Pena*. red at. 107
63109 e. and of Wi,o, lila per ba. The restos
of Garet are in ,,, 'MI, watt alter of 3000 bosh.
yellow at C. 916.49,,, t.fbat. Oat. are *ready at
41(312e per to tor Peony.
Wklekey Cow atoaJcAlk tt In Moll, and 27a in
NOON airily .
Nrw Yeas, Nov. 4.
The damp disagreeable weather musses a general
dullness In lb. market.
9 Flour to steady at tiaturday's quotations, with a
fair shlppine and home inquiry
Grain—Wheel la firm, with fair demand (or eP
port and for eliding. Corn conunties aearce, with
sales of western Mixed or 72 a 72 I 2.
Prondoos—ln Pork not much is darns, bar quota. (2,
tions are stenny at 610 7f. for messood 0,37 fur
prime: Lard firm; and in moderate demand at 718
73-4 per lb. But•er a inactive at Ile for Ohio.
Oil.—The large tater of Linseed have pm up the
prig and hol fern of English ask 90e per gal.
American is held out of thr market.
Gnxeriaa.—Tent is not much movement to Ma
• market. Priers are Eras.
of Ohio at 77c per gal.
Now Yozx, Nov. 4
- • •
Plur—We havo no new lenoura no notice la
the FAD" GC131111:1d tvpgpgq fair,
and quotations !qr.:steady.
lime IR doing in Wheat. Bales
5000 has Ohio 313090 per tat. Con, la Emobans
ed. and sales t.OO Area confined to small lots of
Tu celebrated a. - ,_..., acknowledged n
perky goods, JR the leant Colorings end most in
proved sty Les, will be famished by the subscriber
in jay geMttitY, at the very lowest pares. - Pinellas
gm win please nodes that the genuine Ray onto
fabries bear Ilekeis correspondine with the above
cut, and they will also be dietir.guished from all one,
Woolen Shawls by Their sunnier finish, lineman o•
texture. and brilliancy of colon. Orders ninon
from all section, of tbe country, and the same will be
promptly mteeded tn. Purehasers will sato fl dd In
oar Wend depanmont a Inge azsortment of all tlo,
American, French, and Scotch Woolen Shawls, em
bracing a greet variery of plain and medium soar,
for friends. ALSO,
Superior Paull nMell long rind sorban Shawls i•
latest styles and besrmanulketuro—High lustre Slant
and Colored Ifillr Snawls—Lepina Black and Mod,
Colored Thibet (bow , . with .110 and woolen Prange'
—Paris Primed Crop I Terkerri Shaw M-
Plain and Embroidered nbases—New amyl,
Pained Palm Shawls—Nem figured Perm Brecht
Shawls—Lupins Black and Mode Colored Thin
Long Shawls—Plata bound Seal okin Shawls—Play
Mode Colored French Terkerri Shawls. fringed am
bound—Focht quern, French Mode Colored Tblbe•
\NE iV — f. , RLEA NS MARKET . ceeh, measuring full two yards wide for nhawle
biallog to SZlRlia*Wßit. and Colored Barcelona an ,
• Ngn Os Lasna,Nov, 4 Gamine Shawls, &r. Whole ale and Retail.
L ll llOll--We res'ee a decline of t par lb. The
19 Synth Second sk, Poildelphla
wevrivalea are 1.1.000 bees.
Floorl—Tho morkket Ii heavy, owing to the tea
r,:" 1 1/EPlialCe PetrlT—On hand all th Scionl
potted pin in the is epee daces'. je ~,hroa Fire Proo Paint, wholesale and -mull a ,
' Caro end liva—.Velee of yeßovo Corn or 174 c, N 0 . 7 . 04 D Wood RIMEL OCII3 JII PHILLIPS
and Of I:inset-520 to v ha. 7thTo saltie
r.4. - iitiaiiTedl, or no Cog . ..kit—Sales 103(f bag. MO at /Nolo. F- 6 . nein ;11 AFA /INFatTocK Ano
Praseileas-.Tie market is unchanged
-Bvgarbaseee!ined, With sale, Of fair allillElili at Nolls HEZB -20
A . 00 10 '' lbs reed for sale be
RON o paella.
TROSILIO/1 F ga.UCTF--Scliadonee, Hy °Cisme.,
lateuragnm--Eiles at IHo per vilioo. r j 0,,,,i,.p.,.. 75 i c ,,,,,f,„ and Q 1131114. for tale by
NallyonErtles at g I S.:4•per inn. ~ olio R E SELLERS
Prowl lions, Gene vice, mod other articles, arc
Without any DE.Cei cbaLre.
Nov. 4.
Flmt--Salea (00 thls Howard weal flow, at
34 73rd OM.
. i
Gra —Red wheat to vonfog •t 1000103 d per
lankhel Saler of .3 , hi•e -, orn at 59050 e; yellow
at 63c and of 0n... at 32237,, per bath.
Pro Isinna—M. VIR pertr la sel li ng , at .411 nOiattd
prime t 59 37 ne f bh , . Baena is dram. Lard Is
yelling at 6 4 In lA.!. ard }eds. Butter Is In good
dem* o . Ctie•.e, In .aeria.a.
W key is teltlaa dr 270'6: pt.z. pal.
BALTImoaE. O.trfL ' MARKE C.
Nov. 4.
80044—.1'.-eloo !mud red were Olicza, l4 o of
'blab iielt• f 2102 1, srmas.
liogoi-50. at C 4154 por 114
Oastans Nov. 4, P. M.
Plote—Plant is hears. 2t. Lneis ta dull at 4 50.
Thek an nand amounts to 4070 bbl..
Oaurimv. dc , nined tx) SOe.
Lard--Swes 400 bb1.411 71.4.7
Soli .Sider ara-scarce, srult Wee al 6 3-4 it•
Iptdakey.—Zales per gal.
TEEL. PENS—A laW 73.. TY Perohoed from
lathe latimafacturerx, Tod fat. TC• ertvrh low "
lower then
former plot,. (0 , 30 i C. ARtirfllNOT'
-Durnta-V p.tprii-tkiTiZTT.Teaelyel—
MIP oe/0
or attooCANDl,Efig
LARD CU.—. 1. , r1 liNl, 3, ... .-----------
oole 1 24 Wendel.
,oco cANDLTS7-40 hsT Tupr.TT7
M for
or role by
Ultria—i" Bonin-asp &co
a c lf f ' D 6 5 7 '3' mtv ii:
mxtroosT & co
C t-10 bi• for woe bp
I i AMF - 41 tar sa.e et 5 , 36 tuber,
rlnwt,txtra WlTrrr brarned Smut 0(1, ruper do;
Saa. o s fbl, Ur, No 1 Trilaor Ftrained L.lrd 011.
I)Cak - LTNO Liottltirac.
• Orl . J a ma'am' k CO
ian and gib.—
Goa VI. esti
eierwrillffi OODB..
R E cErize. this ley, at W. Mselinteckta CssPe
Wombat! se, No. ad Pow* anti. nod 7 o Wood
arm. a Ter) splendid •esetrustent of Curtain Good.,
c—fi11t,';'4,2',.°:41,11.-ar''''"-- -
Blue and Crimson do; . '
Scarlet as /heel O. .
Settles az id whits pa gan Damask
Crimson and Whim do; 4
0 2117. OKI Blast do do;
1:11 11illy Orange LW Bled Bads Damask;
d ... Crimson and
,rarphs dee
Embossed Turkey Red Oldot A
• nil
lEff i,' -Piga
It Was No it do) su
Pill a d°
Bat 'Window Lineni
1 ::::4 4 :1 t c , 3,„,,,, I do do; to., an.
tym i• New goods Wing purchased direct nom the
' I 11: Noe 4 4 1 1: ; ; ' prawns pi and Mt
any will he sold asap
shay mai las 10 any or Um swum I:Wee-Phi ta•
11 " T N . ° do; sets u atl • arlding Ins .ntlti Goods to cull m the C.
qty,l keg Bo 8 . dot luaus par Meant boat -•••••
pap wm tadwa h IM ninth Woes. i
oindet tad for gate by
. • .."..Ida. A. ataviasor a CO 6419
tit • NOTE
one Pis Iran rectivlrue by
S. I VON > 0 .NllOll t ......
perTan t r aoniewtglicacT
Orrice, Pursaraan Oestrus ?
Tnesday sinning, Pio.r. lung.
The weather yesterday presented a genuine spent
of Indian mummer, being mild and pleasant to
lirmlneac An annul, on the nrening day sf the Week
only a Maier.. Guaineis was done, and the market
presented tio material change in quotation. from Sat •
arday. The ewer continue, in fine stage for navigm•
taut, and butanes on the wharf was emit truer
FLOUR—The arrival. of Flour remeravY weer to •
fair erient, bat .he mom of 0 being designed for shir•
mem, sales on the Wharf scare no: large. We quote at
$ 3 ,81133,87 from first hands, at 6395.131 fiats mar...—
Bales of Orr falls at ete4.,23 r too tba, for common
to extra quality.
Rift FL • et — Reettipts were eorfined tan to w until
lots, and In/et were limited We mar quote from first
hand. at C 1.4003,45; and from store at 6 3 . 501 /3fi 2 P
121m.bwooax—We note sales on the wharf at Si
O r,
and (tom More at 113 ,0031,121 • owci
Coat. Mut—Very little has been coming forward.
and supplies are very ligbb We quote from store and
the mills, at GOdPerze ft be.
GRAIN—With light receipts, we noticed moderate
”PPties in the market There ft a fair demand at the
following prices:—Wheat, 7.13E0r, as In quality; Ilye .
050; Barley, Clef Oats. 30037 e, and Coro at 490.ku,
Irmo first bend,.
GROCEIIIES—We on a condcaed EL,
the Grocery rearkel, with fur general sale.,
owing prleesr—N n Sugar. 710 , 71, N 0 Alol
GEW/c, Rn Coffee lefOinic, a decline, Rice al el
BACON—Sales 6 Ettids Shoeleers, at 4/a p Its for •
prima articles. Sales or rood quality et 00:1410 Sal
Salettof Sides at 6/ osi. • lb.
nurrEß—Sales or 71 kga, at 9101,11 c p D P
roll to bbl. and bd., I. ttaihnlt at iCink I tht
CHEFSE—SaIes 210 brit, itt 6, 6106ie lb, a
In all other talkies not Included In the above hat
here are no marked changes to notice.
iness. this road, demos the year ending 30th Sep.
tember, say. the Baltimore Amerients, Is steadtlY
the Inereave, in loth the lending branches, trout and
tranaportation. The 10/losing are the total proceed,
daring the above period:
Whole amount down
. Do do op
Total amount op and down• .. • • -179.644
The steady growth of the buslorsa and my.
She road la shown to the annexed statement o
rations for the pant four yeaxs.
Stumber. Awn=
Y*" tndi'g 1 ? 25 ' ,:L " .1 4 4 :0 g
1849, 134961 a 0.115
law, 1C3,509 6.9.9C1 91
Isrida Amount
Iran.dmir SeptE.l3. 13, ISt". 3 .131.146 Ste., (5 - I 69
" PH., 3.11.91,51.1. IGO ..10 II ii
" 150, 404 flirtHet its4;t7 . la
111,50, 4CP,101,314 1e7,17d el
; Total receipts for Pa...wren and Freight. for th4l.
; LIG 913 —total for 1518, En. 3,765 raj
Ira IMO,
: 10217.003 In—total for 1650, H 270,505 10
The astounds et wall successive pasta sperathons
establishes as unpottthce as a leeting channel of
trade and travel, and furruthes also unmistakable eel.
&new of the irterewed importance to which II will
anlla When the connectiag links or ta.lencd now in
worms are completed, and united In one unbroken
etiala Within a month oast the link et - mending from
Columbia, along the bunk of the Pcnusy ivania Canal
an to Middletown has been finished and newish, Into
We, and by this 0 Eve passengers are now conveyed
from Bah Fore via York, Colombia, Alt islletown, Bar
subsists and Hollidaysburg, all by ettlros I, and thence
t y wage, as canal to Pittsburgh.
Money RI tttttt . Trad•, ice.
lietytkosta, Nov. I, IESO.
klooey is ip fare atll4llld,ebet us about the preen:tett twee
say GOO Pit There Itan tat a co nderate best
new done in, stock, dune[ the weer, at I • tet •aryb e
seer Line from our last weal ty report,t7 he tosiontur
were the f/nics onred at the elthei Unapt is day
Pravc Lo ta.-1.1 0. Ga. 1057. I trl nfere,, till net
e 4; Maul., Ws. 10:1 a l tered. 103 a-ked; do de thrres
do, 00 offe 100 naked; do sa, ten off treat du went.
Vs, MI e d. d 114 wk .11, Vtretnta n's. Ilkdi "o.Tered.
105 when; LI Inmate 411 10_I offered. 101 tithed, do.
1000, 1051 yak d; do l's, S. onee'd, 00 est ed. Balt a
Ob. RHe P et bonds. 1-.4 offered, VD& uul; uo din
lam] noon!, TI unwed 911 asked —Amer
1 . P1 1 11....1,81., QM 'lt.
Stock opertlens continuo I vat_ Some ettriet II wet,
Ewa, with an pward tei•deney, wrade the lehdlnd Ina
dies waie initter fdverab and darn aattna. Morr,• Ca
nal fleetaahriljbet green dOl LOY 21 / —, 0 ,, n1 stile in,
to riattre. an , Read., Stook between IMS and h+i a
which figure 4 closed. Yeana 0. lia,rosed le. i —:il
Nra• Cotrarta raln.--lierekant,. and Ma nufaelarn•rs'
Bank of l'Atesarga—Sn. (new pin], (frier Li, 00.0
la 1.1°49, e • rairink roarge —Mak. trap.
AN Slat-vont thmeentateetore of ale Ilene fa
hienin year, will be held at Ito fludno,
M, on Min 7, the 18th day of Nnyealter next
Pllte?arkk, Odt 1850.—00 l Vtdul
Szeknanga Bank Of Pattabureti.
AN election for thirteen DtrtaAre of th/ a Bank, ft
•ene dating Omen , tong year, vett) be held at tht
Banking Hata, on Olenday the tilth Norm noer next
betterten the beat 0' Y A. N. and 3 P.
TDOMAS 1.1. HOWE, Cathie,.
October 19, 1530 —tett-did
Zerahants , and Plattitafisettar.s Etalsk
of Pittsburgh.
AN &tattoo far thirteen Directors at UP 'S Bank, no•
ti the ell-01IIC ;tor, wilt Le h.: et tte - t m ,
Iltatute, 05 hlontiltf, the Int, if n
nye:. tar G res et .
Vt' fl DEAN V, Cat Lief
PinSbUrgh, net lEth,lB3 - -ociltJtJ
D °Lt. 8uT11.41.7-111" ZTi
bY teclzi SUR! vEN ° t mtits
E6O.3--f 1 lot Oi fresh Fags, re ;41 for sate by
oral BARN-ES
• iets• - view - itt store, for •• e nt
• oetil
T AR, tr l s o ,„l a AND .. 7 I :ol — ig ti m b n b,l. Ix% W 6
by outl9 Ib'4lAlf DlCh' l. 6s -f k C ' 4, 4.
- 1 - 14TOORICR ROO f'—.6 bolts of good .lit.Try7f - iir
,L 4 oale tr," loan R E SELLERS
117rNDoW GLASS-300 toSen 6110..100 dO MUM,
VV 50 d,, 10 2 .'4, ill lITOrt 11.3 d tot ,ale 'rl
oell9 8 a W HARDAVOIr
IA 011,-10 /Os for gale by
Oct 21 Wood as
COCOA SDELL—ibr.,b ton feCtille , l for Nol , y
ocl/3 $„"61 A MeCLITRG a CO
Fru A ICA GINGER—I "' 4 ",,, R ," ° ,
lone nemn..o, .or sekin by
bviu M , CLUNG dr. Co
elle• Plao•la
hr .
N aerortment of the yarinns chid, I r r e nt i i e c
arto MORrIIY D.
ttIKESK - - - hir - CreenitheCie• r
12.1 bra W. E. Cheere r ' far
nen WICK & hteo.•
WilThinWnlitelrr and az. Qlssad,o,
°en sad and for sale by
At ` — iaeas • pare, a ealreitor a — r — t ile ra."
0,g1,21t• as band ana tar Pile b
!Ilya —Tam. are, 6 sett inche,
dna, lasi evenira. anl
Faehies, Peebles, Llivabettt
ARchigan. Brles, Beaver.
Beav cr. Gordon, Beaver
Bennett. I.roarnvedle.
Aoaaue, Parllzeon, thOVVOO,I/0
Voullnaph•ny. Ilar:unee. N
I.vdi•Co.line. Hunter. Lo v "'"
Cashier. McMillan, Wl.eenna
Plot No R Davol. llnektnipon
elnetnnan. B.rrenncharn,
Ilevetle, tell. vllle
Preble.. Ehrat•eils
ADelDirso. Brim Bearer.
D,avvi. Gordon. Heaver.
Baltic 14 Brownsville
eithuide, Partinst n, Breerolvoll
loush orrhenv, Iltrupre Welt fiewlun
Keratone State, Stone, Cincinnati
Ynanr, e.firh.
w ELLSVILLE—ReveIIte. 10.. a;
Lorl , 3—..leffcraon, 10 a. A
LOVIEVILLE—(MiIton, 10 • a.
WIIEEEING—Caakier, tu A. a.
NASH VlLL;ECatderellat 10 • 11
H. La/MS—Lucia, 10 • a.
£.l Wu - Emma —The Gee steer Caohier. ()apt Ile
Mutat, Iv/ I leave aa One.. this day—,ff, rin ¢ a fine
oppertunny to thgrpero end pa•aeviee,s
. . .
Fea—Tho care:lent stmt Roy,
Capt. Dale. to the rrgolar duly pocket for V.
vi.le Sho leave. every morning at 1.0 o'clock.
nF.AVr..—Pte C 1.1 fleuaat ome-0.1 Oz. cheese, J
& CO; 431 vo do, 0 clot pearl est, J Canfield,
5 ca., SO n eheero J C 52 do do, 3 Oslo roil
butter, bleCute bean.
Pia Mica:cast-611 [akin. butter, J B Coughey;
p e w, do, a ors raga, 2 Ude pnt ash, ' &9 sk. b Dour, 3
s scrap Iron, 2 eks r ke, by
ett g ese, & 18
eCandlrir ye ,
s 2 do do,g • 8
boltbutter opplea,
8 kor, b ila hatter, J A Cauday, 7 hos do, 159 boxes
"case, J B Cati Geld; SO du do, Dalian 8. Co; 22 do
do, Steurs•l ar. Sill; 2 do du, Hag Coy & Co, 14 oo ao,
to rot ash, E 031.10 & Bennett. Ido do, J at:m.2.-
I[er. Oti do. brooms, Woodruff' bbl. Dour, Hobert..
& Happen; 7 do rye do, J & N rioyd; 3.1 grata liar,
P. 11 war!, 1 0 doabie •rea's, 7 corn sailer.,
Wallace; 5 bra soap, CLIUMEI d Corodiera. 3U bd. pa.
per, It C StOClOOll.
Pas Blared—Ul aka b w dour, Muldury; 1 Gbh, but.
ter, 71 b.& abeeta, J l'odbuto, tot hardware, J How
CINCINN ATI —Pro Hlasstroa--fi bbls oil, Sellers&
Nicola; oS bhls 8 11 naela99es, J 0 Bu front, 60 da rcu
Oil, Leech b Co; 3 norros tab, L 8 00 merman; 49 sacs.
weed, 3V Braker; 101 Obis dna', lV Kay: ID to lard
ml, 14 E Bellers, do do, b. 11•axel . oa, 3do do,
w do
hiskey, 11 A raltntautek, 112) Oa au, 4 do alcohol,
McDevitt ft Um, 10 do charcoal, Illuebearee; 3 bs 0.38,
Pau Gan,/ - 4.1.0bb1a apples, 1 do gloseng, - Englil h
a. Bennett, tar bbl• molasses, Ratans., it Little, 0 do
lard W /Lanes, lb do do, J Usetell; lI do molasses.
.1 Far Yag ren.
3 1. , v1r.0 . 1¢-0.5 cEY bacon. J Grier; 3 half bbl.
lab, lin Ida Co; Su bbl. vrtaskey, It 8011, 03 tons pig
iron. 51 Alma Sr Co
Pas LvatA ChLinta-14 le• barns, John Bemt, SG bbl.
1.0 rasa. reamer.. Wm Bingham; 13 boxes Mot.
Campbell a Chios, 3.1 es trams, saran; dna burr blocks,
W Warrace, 3 his stout, D T Morgan; SUMP. pig
apn, Livingston, Roggen bCo; 3 Jo do. a'aapjaet Co;
do do, 31cCurdy S i.oomrs, 0 bbt. dnett Iran. W Dag
ale) /9 Co.
/ I OCKINGPORT—Part Yri.or 111 bbl. dour,
Bell Rldggear4o PLiCk. tO•theft. 40 set. apples, ut do
perichre. 4 do fl ascot], 44 bg. soon., W II /Marston,
ill sirs p-achec, J hod. ton, 101 4111 robes, D Leech a
Co, 04 'as argue. J a Rust 141 leg* bra,.. J bon...lron;
10 02.1, •pplea. Megnivy, 10u ma In. IV a Y .0'110,„ 00
d do, Cr tnaclua,a, lin tin J. 10., I.ta .a.s, ow her, lb
tan. potatoes, II T Matgan, 00 at,. nroottst, Floyd:
Ithtl. tOb,relara A. Thaw, t. sirs d peaches, Wm Ding
nom. se ohl• wheat. WAsuArta a Nob.e: 0 1.L.11, .2 o a.,
111 obis recap trod, ~ .narly. :once A Co.MAIO PI, pu.e
Mclntyre. s.
BRIDGEPORT--Pos Wsutllga.v—N sirs wool, D
Loral.; 630 buts Sour. teCord,or d Atkins. 493 do do,
inert a Tears.; AMS 02•'w0012, Wi , ctartn S nut I. 16
phi. apple., .1 Jordao: 002. .or, non lc isgatl:
Coro tr.
do d 0 awono Large barge in tow, with cargo ut
ILILTLS tiff DI SCO :11.---CO i/
Eierm , re Drokeis, N.. • & Mario: st. Lear its
Pasinsy/ wants.
;itsl mill an•.
Jain oft .ti•truirti & Lira rich ra
.•:schangaltaria Pal
- arca &Man. Dank • p a,; at" V
I rginia.
ikao,tfiltlodclphis - ••Pa,:t..icflanat ks of 1r a.
aoarl (tank , ---.. • • •O. Farm:: • UL of V a
tank nfGermaomnn ra,./Mt. o• V allow,—
Ciesier County • • pa,.11: of V
ficianarac,,, • • •rat,Al. & Lie , ‘Vorct,O,
P. . 1 1or,,,tionts
•$4,01‘1. W. l / 1 .110 VV. ----
Llndic Co. • pr., co l%
toy -1, 1t0n., Dint, pat do t'aft• reo,ne....-
-.krfneri .
Du< Roal.or •p, T•sin .....
Ftmers'ES Co pa, Li. ot r 1111. iSTT• • •
Farmers ilkLancs. Fer. Aote•r , . Hi rite, Co, kr .. pa,.
J. eta le. Dank-- --Mr .
Jrowin"...Llc Ili. p a , So , , f Al. eerie, I
Its • - $. ,arullaft.
.4rilysl.arrl. Veer. . • V
•• Mcrrt,'• ,New,erri
Nat, D.,•1 • • ..... • -•—
- South Carolina.
........ .. • ,uk. 01 I ...bit/011101, • •• $
•.:00 Us.. --- • • 0 I C ammr.••• , •
Fmers' and Drarefa. Lia of (morasiona---•
Bank, War . ..ell:tort JA... , 11 • , ....5-••• •• • I
farr.oans MeroVamt.
rhos:ors &-V,eesis'sUl,
batmn pa,Dk. of Death C4(0./0. V
..1`01.1.11,110 • - • - •• -• blarriasid.
..... .Dalimotfe
ij Lik a • .• • a
&I) R n Sori ,a,c, Ilk
$ ¢=betiand Dtni Alfa
:teller Notts ••••. • -. I /Lacy
& N Ilk. Yll. do ff or 51 .ry.a”d
.Ferriers ,
' tleny, I , Uk. Frodor,ol ....
Oislo. Trefterlci Co M.--
Data.] Iliro.cuss 1 fise , rsionn Ilk
I Ilk -•
• L....ivA,
a.o.r.rior ffi
.1$ vf
• •
..10 of RI rer
vh.snr. Ins Co • • j
hlrel.'s lit • • 5
noAlarAtt In•Co.3l.llaN 6
70 A unlrenilianks• •••••
hat/ of Enaland Notes
70 .- s 3 20 as L
(30/141 L Sp•cla Valais
• Napoleons —•— • EP
Ducats 11 150 2 20
Eagle, old • • • • 10 40
11aaln, n•w -••• • 10 00
Doubloons. Spanish 11 20
.• " Do Patrlor •—•—. • 13 20
• -- Gaine•s 03
--• 5 40
Ann.— • • -- 13 F reder ic k sirors— ED
dvals— •• •• • 311 Ten Thaler. •• • • • 74.
'r BR Canton--/0 Ten Gorl.lers •• • . 330
lrbana • • ..... • • -- •10 LoaisrPors• • •• • • 130
arllatssaky. W.
at of genractry • • •• • I Near York
11. of lovisv:11. ....... rbliadelphsa •• • •
Vothr.-• Nentoty • n 13nIllarer• ---
114 miTark—Citv flank Intnnor IPts---•
or ,, trrn Rewt,
Frankl,s , tN , lmmt•• "
pest srcelaed Inr tot,- by
oell NICK
,+!. - ... 1.:1"A1LLLL1.:-. 2 1t .
r••. , tip 0 .. 0t ,, ,..0r
ma, ny neat /AMES A Iit , II.IIIAON ALo
l IAII-1110 Vim on hand .7; f z r zi ,e E
0017 Water & Front sta.
1111 ler sz7
0 rowle, juct reed cr.4 lo
keebry, b I do bob V belee
received tar velr by
;Loy err by
UUACCO 213 pkgs
raped°, brands, resets
to7i2ter. rrrl l Ct. 'fop a Leo
J (Dr vale try
leg rt. fiIeCANDI./:?14
valr try
~ 1e.1( & fir C 4NDLI,rti
A on: 7
iie •IT
' I_?orri.E CORKP,—.I bale
IL no Iv J g •,.
D— la bbl, OM. nisi. Ins osi - VT,•
J .110M,AlliKER k
Li , RoUND- b is Tor sklely
cello J 1100Nal AKER &ea
j 2 VP. CARD. I es YeberflPred (Cr rale by
DARIA OREF.N—.IS can. of
brard,nor aide by J ocUgOCISOONIR KEIS tc fed
No al Woof strecl
Clinical:* No 5..5 Pourili a.m . ,. and Woad at,
eb•ral near sick,
no de,:..iia I bow Ply Carpet, direct
hewn rho Itayutrter. arianafact users, which will he
Id It re diseed pros es, E&TIIER9-5 ben realber. reed per a s p
F Mantles, and for atie by
Afl oo l n f GREEN. 'ZS keka fa; .ale nr
14 Ilia' t. 7
& CO
T AH 0-39 kegs No 1, roe for aisle fry
Ls cell J , NES &CO
iurttirrA tr;guorMuiiii-d,
iIFI kegs, imported, and fay mile by
0 -1 . 7 1iii . . - 41aTii:17i - riCalls best, aroving,lcisaTr
good go•lo, lot acid Ll'
Knit nta, atz;
told style., Imported and f ea le
90A1 . — . 20 i rea and tor Alin --
I)•LAPiIikTO--resscr darer-Li color. and aizea,Fo - r
ode br (non! 11 LEE
iloevo orgwerc
do Lon Memo d o;
do Warm Saxony do;
do Ylain and Fte.d Bilk Cravat.;
Fine Skirts, Collar.. and Room.:
Silk, Cotton, and Wonted Suspenders.
Tnraey Red Dreaming Cioarna,
Printed Flannel Rob.;
Rrt.a/a Bob; Untbrellar,
Stlk and Linen Pecker ildkfr;
Wool and Baeltakin Glove.;
Raper Rid and Bilk filoyca;
Ittatik,Comforts, and Motion;
Jett received and for We by F 16 BATON,
62 ?Gana at
- -
. .
INVi KS Ih. BaJoIDY for medicinal purposes. for
...le by a II BELLER/3
oar/ 67 Wood sr
mooTyr:o7l4llEir—Vine quill li:eta:Limn
td far mkt b 7
EiciyaucE-4 '"*" lt ' t! ' BELLE - RS .
V for ra. , . Dr loaf! It E SELLERS
ULLA!. H am iew tote..irece ved
and for sale by WM A Mel. Hake°
ocle 256 Liberty a
CANDLES—Wax Candles, dad •od walla Va 14
Spann do Ca and 61;
Star ,do Cs, Qs and irsi
Mould do;
LdPStad , d 0; nto , d fOr dale by
eal3 WM A MoOLURO it CO
YO E O EI+OIIIO citiaent
will Iccolicw that the Youghiogheny Slsoksrater
Improvement will be knatally °pained :to dsy
Tire Hoe steamer Atlantic, Captain Parkinson,
Will leave fr West Newton at ball past seven a'.
Court of 44.asetor Bosslon*
• . .
Present, we lice. Wm. B. Meeture, Presides
/edge, and Wm. Kerr, Associate Indio,
Moaner, Norms= 4.
Francis C. Flannegin, Eq., Deputy Attoroey
deneral for :he County of Altegneny, took the
onto el odic° to day, and al once entered into the
diacharge of his duties.
Commonwealth V.. Susan Bahy—indictmeat.
Cornelius Wrragh[E•q., opened the caw for the
Commonwealth in a speech of great force and
Alderman Joshua Stowlgre sworn— Wu; Mag.
istrate In Boller—kept no marriage record—kept
it in my head, not in • hook—generally glee •
rertuflcaterro the Woman, and it she didn't take
care of it , 1 didn't. In the fall of '43 wan called
on by a .man who termed himself Knier, to mar
ry his daughter Sultan to Jacob Batty—sometime
afterwerda went to lila hope where they resided,
Rod married them—could not recognise her now
with cerfamiy, as ! do not 'look at women now
adapt." Tney didn't remain long in Butler, and
heard they seem to Allegheny. Mrs. Batty was
a very goodlooking woman—wouldn't say that I
have talked with Mn. Bally alone her matt ge.
•"I am a&aid to keep In memory a °het with a
married woman."
Joseph Scott, (Bab Conwable of Allegheny),
sworn—Have been acquainted with Jacob Bally
Since 1515—know Soren Bally, and knew bee
father—his name wan Bever. Salty went away
about the time the soldiers warted for Mexico—
saw blot last In October, 1845—think I saw him
sad his wife to company about that time. She
sod another woman were keeping house, and
I beard Ler any that her husband had used her so
badly that she wouldn't !Ivo with him. Both ad
mitted to me that they wens man and wife.
Alderman Steel, sworn—Hato known deFsn ,
daat two or tares yeas—had a conversation with
her an Anew, IBhO, In my often. She said she
had a lunband, bat he had been away down the
river, between one and two years—think• I told
her that she could not marry legally, if her bus.
band had not been absent two years. She asked
me whet would ba tho consequence if she mu.
vied a second time, as she was determined to be
married; think I told her the conugnenoea would
be serious,
Sha 41.1 young Mr. leet•on rune to me to gr.'
etrrietl, I rritt.ed to perform the ceremony.
Sylveeter Tyler eworn—Evidenee eorrobota-
Levi 'ever, sworn—Saw Mr. Railyaiu Sk Lou
to hlarch last Alter I time up heard that M
Bahl was Jena. Had no conversation with M
kin hp 111 two weeks ego.
alderman Stootfire recalled—By Mr. idagraw
Look around among dna ladles present and lbe /
. .
ueau recogntre Mn. Bally. Alderman S., Ma
%he, the bonnet With red Mtn!. lit
•ognEzed her Mahe,
Stephen lackaoh, sworn—Susan finny maiden. t
Litiqueyne Borotieh. near me. Mr. Jaekaort, ray
Noy, Who wan Warned to her, will be nineteen nee
month. He now live. with Silvan Bony. I 103 th
Alderman Lewiy, •worty—On the of tut
• Augt., a young lawyer canal on me, and natal
to me that two clients of hi, wobrYil to get married.
Told him would marry them, and they came round
in a len , nominee and I married them.
The Alderman here exhibited Ma record, dated
August thh, IN LO. containing an entry of the mar
riage of David Jackyon to Swan flaky.
Cram Examined by Thomas M. Marshall, Ext.
--The lawyer who told me about !beset panics, all
• The iropre•Aion on my mind that they Wt111:101111
A tuoitrong roomy
The ro , retlllon rented here.
The a‘e tor the defenOr am* opened by Thomas
:d. Mondial. tie made a very impreaaire tokircat,
the cirri point of which eras, mat the presumption
of the defendant** snam-enre rould not be over
turned mar by proof that the husband was , as
charged by the tolviment, alive at the time of
the areend morrutte
After hearing .ome witnaeses ott the put of du
defence who,e eeldeoce was onicaponiurt,the Cove
- • .
The care of the Commonwealth es. Homo Hai
ry. un at to the fury, after en ab!o address by Mr
H S. Si arralv, on the part of the Commonwealth,
sod hit. Thomas M. Marshall for the defence.
The Jon', after a short staence, returned a Tees
die, of gotlty Sentooro was postponed Oar the
Abrabacr, Her., yreuied of larceny, arasth.•
bawd by pro.,•amuinn.
Comentincres!th re. lobo Int Leek, tantalum, t
weeny. The defeodaot was scented of larceny.
committed in steeling ■ cod of rape. The rope
was Mond in his pcsseesion. The nary. after •
short altemece, returned • verdict of guilty. The
Court then sentenced the primoncr to twelve
.cupriiionment In the pennentlary
Commonwealth vs. Daniel Browser, tadietment
larceny. The defendant Wu Intoned of aterdieg
• lot or preiterves, 'utter, and other articles of
provinon•, the property if Mr.. Turitatiefry.—
rhe pry lirinuthit In • verdict of irTnlty of peat
larceny. end the pritoner Oct. rentenced to pay
the eon of prosecution, and undergo as I=mila:t
-o:mot allure r•lon.lar mouth• in tae ennitnly Jail.
titioqr.ViTAonnst.._Wt art indebted to the
•xallant Colonel Black for a copy of •the paw and
'future of the nineteenth century, an addmet dabs
:ered to tho Union and Washington sscieties of
Wwhinet., Pennsylvanui, on the 250,1 of &Vern
be," Colonel Black has chosen a Eno subject, nod
handled it with hi• scrummed Mlay. Ins rapid,
set eloquent and energetic Kyle, Le sketches the
history of the peen dflyyeara nod looks forward to
the probable waitress of the lemma race during the
next half century.
J KIDD d ro
He alludes to the spread of eivilis tattooy freedom,
end intelligence—dwella upon the wonders of eiv•
diction, mil read communicatiotis, the etectrui
telegraph, sod other important topic,, concluding
by a very happy allusion to the PRIMa of the wet.
Washington and Union.
(Jur limited space only sllows us to make the
following beautiful extract
. in not pass by that wonder of wonders, the
magnetic telegraph. It is already dying throughout
the world, 11.. 11 England and Ante, 1., enabling
Men of different continents to set:lupe r in each oth
ers ears, inflections interrupt not,knot the *es even
stay. not n. progress.
It seems as if the Almighty had bragged man to
try, from some inscrouble benevolenat of bis own,
when he pin the question in the book of Job.--
"Canal then send lightnings that they may go and
say unto thee, here we are ,
Toe element, toot te spleen, unfolded earth
end Heaven, and glared on us but to Wind us, and
darted down, destroying the house on the hill lop.
and the old oak where the herds had fled foraltelter,
that become
his r obedien
ider t to loan'. hand "as the home
No more shall the poet sing of it, "so quick do
bright things come to confusion."
That Elfin Imp, Puck, In the
power,.",p boasaed that
he could, by sups natura l put a girdle
roundabout the earth in forty mittilles... WO boast
that men, by natural power, ran ao circle it in
twenty. Greet thing. bath this age accomplished,
and greater yet remain behind."
worth, appointed by Iho Patted - States Supreme
Court, to take testimony In lb° Wber,ling Bridge
ease, In now la Cincinnati, and y examining
Y.. M. Staunton, Eal., of this el ty, is oleo there
attending to the intenrall nr the Pittsbuaghers.
A Litot Puuratn.—Mr. Joh p lippermaU t of
Bad'.lo Furaseei Armstrong Covatty. sailed to
garden a pumpkin that measured round the girl
1:1 feat and a half, and leagthwlsa • tram fech, mud
welshed ea* haedrcd;aod htty tvo .pounds.
obsetved the Hon. John /4
two of Mi.
rytand, among the spectators In I Cbart
Qoanor Sessions, yesterday.
Tat Marna •000,2. tyor Harker'
was applied to yeeterday t by paptals Trovlllo, of
the ttleht watch, for the keys of the . cella, which
his honor refused to surrender, at II e aante time
alluding, In no flattering terms, MAN membetsol
the • lleancibt, whom'. in his ch veaterlatlo lan.
snags, he denounced as being a pet of- —.--
sooundrele. He also made ems- ullnalone to
one of Me Justices of the Ber geese Heurt.wkom
he ticclued to be ■ better jr J t fee 0( whiskey than
of points of law. We et re merry t bat hre &mot
on Mandel' morning Dromiee ke made on
rilsturdey, relative to o.keertrtg pp the knis—
h would be much *um lin him to , endure
to ace to ermron WW., the Raw thin etifio7
them by thovizi ?AU] obusciss of Who nature tD
~,.. ,
EretrOaraaleT PaYSSaLOrICAS PazyoXLmon.
—On Friday last, an elderly lady, whuee name for
obvious reasons we suppress, died in Lawrence
villa She was born iu Eugusud—sturried there;
and removed to this country, being at be titne of
her death, over eighty one years.
The physicsoa who attended her in her net
found upon examination, a tumor of considerable
aloe in her abdomen. She went, at the time, laboilig
under a severe attack of dysentery, which, from her
age and infirmities he perceived mast be mortal.—
After breal:ing the fact of her corniest decease
to her, he sought and obtained her consent to his
holding a post mortem elartannlion upon her
body, in order to discover the cause of the tumor.
In conjunction with a neighboring physician, he
opened the body, and fOund tel Tar naDOlniti, to the
right of the uterus, a bony, and oval tumor with .
extensive attatchmeets and adhesions to the mu:
rounding parts. They took the tumor out, and
found its subs'anse so hard that they were obliged,'
to saw it asunder, in doing which, they unfortunate
ly mutilated a child which was enclosed within.—
Upon further exaMination, they found that
tug wan almost completely ossified. Many of the
vieera were in a natrunt condition, but the um biliea I
cord was partially decomposed, with the exception
of the placental end, which was otaified.
The uterus was found ilia natural condition, and
the lady had never given birth to a child.
On enquiring of her relatives, a . ...scerWined
that some forty years ago, she expected to be con.
fined. What has since proved to be a tumor was
perceptible then, and has remained ever since,
she having enjoyed iminzertupted good health, till
her last illness. Her hush Ind died tome three years
since, at an advanced age. Thais one of the most
extraordinary physiological phenomena that has
ever occurred in the medical world,
We understand that Rome of our most elninent
physicians are interesting themselves in the 'patter,
and will probably . . make out a report for ihe Alle
gheny County Mediral Society.
In the Common Council, Mr. Robert 240E4:tight
took the Chair.
Mr. 'Allen Cordell presented an ordinance an
thorising the Police Committee to the possession
of the watch house
This ordinance an, ?smell unanimotmly.
In the Select Council, Mr. Murray, took the
On motion of Dr. Slack, the ordinance, entitled
an ordinance for the walening of Grant street, from
Seventh to Liberty, was taken up, and pawed
Also, an ordinance providing for the erection of
a market houw In the Diamond.
Rend twice, and ordered to be printed.
l ,
Aax OU A PATHER , laboring for the web rt of
• burly, and stalerina from general dchilit and
low Spiro,. to Om S HAKER t seems • butden use
Sudering from diwases to which females are getter.
ally subject, me Dr. S. D Howe'. Shaker Sarsaparilla
—it will ernainly care you.
f all at 01. e depot, or on one of.. agent., 'sad ray a
paphle., gratis, where 11011 will find that thie Shaker
Saritapardha, as prepared hr Dr S. D. Hose, DAD
`been the mean. of pettrowently toeing more diseases
ID which the human Orally are emmutally subject,
than any other prepnation of Slf.pillt•Ull DIM, ylq.
brought herore the publle
This medicine has established it.
. I high reputatiost
by Its numerous and well attested 0.D.1.
II I. Nulty on quart bottles, and is the erttly Samar
parilla than ants on the Liver, Kidney.. nod Movy- v
tfa woe Illutallattleh renders it altogether mote rale
able to every one, particularly to *males.
Es sofa ausinsgetrojer Or. 5.D../10tIcEli SHAKER
SARSAPARILLA, and take or. other.
Prize SI per bottle-6 bottles Int an.
Pm sale by
OR. S. D. ROWE & Co., Propos....
I Calle Cloonnan.
To label. onlers mast .
be addrearaad 0..
Also, for sale A.. Jones,J. elcboonsnaker A. Co..
W. Black, R
W.Means,a j. M. Townsend. J. bl.bler,
W. Jackson, Pinstforga 11. A. Elliott, Allegheny cup;
W B MeCtel/and,Msoch•ver: P. Crocker, Drowns.
JAILI 1 .11 . 111Ii& CO ,:Wheeling; J. U. Pathersen
...I E. olorgan, Sr. Cloirsoile; & Ron,
CA PIT/ /300400.
J. Filar,, Jr, St R. Mamie, Jr., Prat
Will M., riesinst all kinds of rises,
A LL losses erl/1 to adycsom .4 prompu y
4.1. paid.
A home i.tditurie—merreeed by Dtmdisim mt. era
1.11 knows m the cornmentty rod who see deiennio.
ad by promptness and Lbcrilltia to Inalnunti tin. char
aCter whirl, they bare as..„ed, tan best.
protecurot to those wbo nesirp to be
DittarrOef—lt. 3.lillet, Jr, G.l. Black, I IV. Boiler,
N. Holmes, Jr., Win. R. Beim*, C. Roarer, time. tV.
J.keen, 71. Lyon, J... Lippincott. The.. N.,
LitCkianica NPAtiley, Alai. titmice, Tio, Scott.
Onles, No. Water tweet, (Irarcho.. of Sput:
Co r op mairs.initstinreh.
J. Pismo', Jr.
Alma for Os POW . Li/s humane* Co. of Pkila.
(Nei IFFICE of the celinu klutz... Compazw N..
Vi Water arse. Pitisticran.
neriptcetc, with all nreeseory Wan:mown, and
Valli lorens weril be furnished.
Ilorban4r can ineurc their Lives for Ws benefit or
their ',yes and children; creritia lives o/ the liv of dren
The whote pent.of the Comp.) are divulge
among the hotth.n. of Life PolleJew
ne ilittdends iLe past two alma. bane been etch
IT per twos emelt Sey,r
rxCull P IIE Irrt, AWARE Aturt:nt. SAFETY INSt.
RANCE CuANY —Oils, North Room of the
change, Thful ore.. Philsdolpbta.
Frac Isse... .. — llttild....hlerchandu e and other
grroc.rtli,u,.,,TErw„ntlntrleCiocowntry, lusl , r f ed r a , ...... luso
Insrarore st — TitoyMOlroure P Wess e ' l s Car.
goes and Freights, forrign ar coastwi,
d e m o,deropen or
special poes, as the ...and sung ..
Istam,—They also insure merch"
and.. nonsporred by Wag..., Hall Rood Cars, Canal
Dosm and Steam Beats, oa Overt and lAker on the
/them! tents. ,
DIRECTORS—Joseh 11. Seal, Edmund A. Solider,
John C Dens
, Robert B uren, John R Penrose. Santo.
el Edmardr, Geo G Lelper, Edorord Darlington, lease R Damr, Vi et Falwell. John Newlin. Dr
Jos C Hand, ThPophilos Paoldurg, ii Jones Drool.,
Honey Sloa ho n, Hugh raig, D
(Ohuerr. Remit, "penver
Ctles Ke lly , (i nifs(l, Wm liar, Dr!
S Thom., John Sellers Wm Eyrs, Jr.
Hash Cr.., John T Lord.S.
THOS. HAND, lime Presufrnt.:
Jos.", W. fluor.", soeg.
[D. 05ca of the Comp.'', No. t" Whter ~reel,
Ptu.shorgts loe ilgr l__ P A. MADE/RA:An
. .
173 107oce sr, arm, of lhamoral auey, Sraad
O PPERS his customary and the Puonc, an entirely
new and fresh swot of Ca and Alain, In
great Variety, hlumfactured sad Peleu ps,
ted with much
not in reference toprice, style, and quality, In New
York city, and will he Offered at the lowest rate. of
present Low priers, Wholesale and Retad.
Plusburgh, Oct. 11, leap. oellislatnassloAt_
casks bleauhed Winer Whale Oat
O RS -4
5 eat& best Tanners , Oil, Inc .ale by
Dela J & CO
'AI.. IlooA—ls casks Inc WO by
oelyß & CO
I NDIGO-- S e owe elenilla;
3 r moony Canoe., far solo by
_cell 1 SCHN)tire AUER A CO
_ .
RSPINS!) SPI..ARS— 2d/ bbl, Curbed 143 do
Powdered, 40 do Clarilled, Is wore •ad for Cala by
'wile Mee. Pt Lonie Orme Sate Reliowe
:fHF. subscriber oTers, at private sale, SIXTY
ACHES OF LAND, shoot thirty Ilse of which is
ared, and twenty Oct good bottom meadow, and on
which la erected a Flouring Mill, which can be tun
either by *loam or wader power_ Thera loon the mild
Farm, TWO DWELLING HOUSES the nerves.)
out house., and an ORCHARD of bearing frultTreem
Th rocill gearing tented@ of cut Iron, with three run
of rtes.
The above premises arc eituated In • good farming
settlement in Hopewell township, Hearer county, three
is from FormemY, tight miles front Deaver, on the
month side of the Ohio river, within three miles of said
river. end Monty tulles from Pinaburgh.
Title Inclarpnlable.
For farther Information and condltlona Cl sate, ere
gu m of tber on the premises, or or E
nib., Grocer, In the D i amond, Pittehargh
noograytlaro WALTER .10/INerITIN.
QM:FATE In Al, pon_loye_nAlp,fitenver Caantyoon.
1:71 taming • leo soft kW, Tao f which ar ce lear.
ed, and the roaidoe well timbered. There iv a large
Orchard of Apple. Peach, and Cherry Trees, of good
Quality on It; also.. comfortable Dwelling Home end
Bate. The land is In good order, well watered end
boa tO mil. below Pittsburgh; If miles from Phillips.
f,frot, on the Ohio them and only II miles from the
depol, at Hnekeemr, of the Pennsylvania and Ohio
Rail Road. The title I. Indisputable, led the land will
he sold on reasonable term.. Possession given, if ne•
°reser?, on the lit of April Rent
.N sit trod
traor of land, from Its convenience to market,
ou in a part of the country where real es•
tern Is rapidly riving In value, makes it &Statile for
the Investment of capitol. and forsardening and allri
cultural purpozea. For fantierpticulen enquire of
N. P.k G. 1. U. FETTERMAN,
A uarnim at Law, eth at, Pinntrrah.
WILL beexposed to tale at Public Vendee, on
VW Tuesday, bo With day of November, 1930. oil
the premiers, In booth Fayette Townehip, Allesheny
county, the Farm lota of David Reed deceased, eon.
tgining 1379 Aces, more or lam. well watered, IthOid
fifty notes of leech Is bottom land. Timm le on the
byarm a good Frame Donee, Dam, and other nee aaaaa
anding., abundance of stone OM, Lhaemone, end
Go Tmber. Tito land eon be d , vlded Into taro farms,
bidders. 'Oil ha offered and told In Mai way II desired by
• The above 1.19 miles from Plttebergb and 3 miles
fnve tbg Washington andi htubergh Turnpike.' Host
&cloak, P. kL
~triumlaut given on the let of April nail. Terms
,vepourn on dal , of gale. •
M =_
won SALE.
AFAIL( of ITO Acres of inn rah lank sigh
.beat se ones of Cool of- good qualify, Wonted
mein townotop. Alloohony county, po, one halt
maosopert, on the weat ed. of MO Mn.
iino.-orne *boot MX acres
.cie. LO of
;Z o o nYlit Leff= of the best onalitY bean oo
Good upland. Tint abOvi form wit b. °fond at pub
dm wallies, On Thinday, the Slot di, of
ne. r4 at io otkek. AL IL A by dm enamor,
of the lost odd end tertannot of John Conolnehom,
decease& The pirefun odd be mimeo one tided of
;mien Le the hands Cl teo pazotader
mazU tho dela fdlibltlfii•!, •
TEO& PA+rmisorriver,
oceans itAllitt gONNINNiaIk
PackeLa th a: r
r iv o ing at and departing trio=
rt of Pittsburgh.
Wended new &leaner
I TV. roante. mane; will leave for
the above nod all intermediate port.
an thie. 4 vy.
or 11.4A.1d.
For freieht punier., apply on Mani. eo
• gyp LOU/SVILLE. The rplenditl Reamer
Jobartonman JEFF ter, te ERBOll,
van rave for the
ai. day, at 4 P.
bore and all taratediato Pont on
ror It eigt.t or patotoge, •noly on board_ or to
___.:ItS'I.I_NITEELIZII. agent
tiil The splendid akoilirast emulous...nes
/oho Ii Davis: ronTePerN,'utill leave roe
the above and all noormediato port,
on OM ivy the 4,1: 111,1.
. F el f"'"'
9-"ATV LVF. b rrtlVit o r r l' l Li o Ft_
FOITOIhireIgN7AFI ANO - R - r. LO . /./IS ' 4
The splendid steamer
i - , ; MT. VERNON,
t•e: .' "`t , troKvaennie..4",l7'n.r.l:e.,t",..,!,"' too
this don the 4th-lit., or 4P. oh ". on
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
.4 . I JOHN FLACK. Agent
The steamer
Ut o
' - 'Wk.' PORitDntrl:t'y%lneil,74l.!%"l:,,lV:d
Smudgy, returning. leave Weltrville
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
mt.? nr n witEELF,R. Arent.
_ _
- -
Captain hum DIVoUriciRA.M.
.. ;67 .
or.,'lti,e3eVfeihndld.mlio,..nt=nrine built 07 ....o
..„.a , rol cohere, for the Ci nn n:l nN n ""on
le ~. „.-:, We r
d ' T b d °"b Th""' trade, ''''''' '''
the 14n.. Eviand, N: ; Y,
ethninann '
Forf_rernin or pinenie . apply on board or to
ro tr ir MILTENBERGER, Air
Tho aplondid steamer
iwattasteamerYOUG HIOGHENY,
Copt Haruipee, will leave tor above
and II intennediate hmdtnes, ever/
day, at 4 o'clocc, P. to.
For freight or pomace apply on board. - vep7
-REGULAD'iViierLiNtrijusiii4r PAcia-,7
c 'est runningsteamer
. wru:gvlLLE,
Capt. B. Youogovil/ ran as a regular
pocket between Pittsburgh, Wheel-
DIGEMI.G, and sunfi sh, leaving Pitts burgh every
Mondayafternoon, for Wellsville, Steubenville, and
l'llZeric:l7ndfr", d n gePrt l rup 'n ea, " a l n o l 8 14;n1rst . .
Retuning, leaves Drldgeponslatit F riday
every Tons
day afternoon, and Sunfish ovary Friday lfiCntoOd
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
ka wiutms. ottot t l,
ila 1850 itati=l
()O.NTINVES to Drawn freight to Pittsburgh via
V Roll Road and Canal, on very reasonable terms,
told web tea usual &snatch, Rion our large depot,
No. Oa Market meet. Philadelphia, formerly occupied
by Mom.. Ethoebom & Hon.
atiol'elnin It W'POINDFICTF7R & CO
Calatsal Ratiroad open to Ilellidayaburg
103 Ail,. L'441./.. Johns rovr.e —250 eager Koff
flood from John.ttoton to Philootelpida.
Exelesively for Passengers,
Time !broach, 41h boars.—...—Pare—Sto
OPacketer Monday, September 16th, two daily
Boats will leave far Johestown, from
Menem take splendid new dam VD mllea direct to
Phtladelphla, pasulag over the new Peansylvitota
Rail Head, loing one or the very best la the country.
The increased speed L . " thik route makes it the most
desirehle, a. well as the moat comfortable one to the
eastern cities
A Packet Bout will leave every moping 11.7 of
ahoy, and every m , ernne at I o'cloek, precise:Y.
Pomace Road ii phrred daylight
' passage ev information apply to
"o3 or to D [ha:Cul:CV. Cosl:llaslia.
lr 711 .11/./airlicagirang.
Via Molnarlila and Camberland to Baltimore and
Fran Retrucas-- •• • --My
PIMADTL TMI• - •••••-••••••••.-•-
Hle Coo
E morning boot Terra ho wharf, [Lora tbr
bge doily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time. to
Baltimore,22 hours; Onto to rbilasicllikiri, 40 hours
Vic ere.'ls; boot leave daily, (except tihnitday ay.
eagsd or SO'cloc Y. Perscorcrs by routing on the
boat, an/ amyl! the moimtrits in stages ocrt
dry, and thus avoid night trove..
Seems your tickets at the Often, Monongahela
11011tA, or Y our
Charles Bat[!
oettgr y J. O ESE:I3IEbi. Arent
jEtt 1860. ,T,Er i ft i
lIDWULL 6 nitoirnica,
FOR WAnOtigli AlEllettavrs, ROCIICSTrIt Pa,
iliac., r i nk,'
oCgtfVl)°l.ll,l4l)•Wki{o 11741%4,t
aACKI:II , , •nd alumna between T'nctrnrah
an d nd
Keever. OCLC3Ir, by ...Inuit klicturran, Lake Fain,
V" Goads tempud and Nomptlr de , Crered to
placea on the Canal. and Lake, okt the 'owe •1
Shipp.. wilt plow direct en, ol• to "Rid weir,
J. C
tnltatantovrti. rap rallll.3orrnalhoPOLLOMinala
Utica not an [ 3 1117.5147107 ors Mona '
ON nano, or SIX lintrilt, Vl=
Baroraln or KOWA [Nil, RheamitOtah Obstinate Cut..
nein. Erapoons, Pimple•er Pustules on the Face,
Blanche., Bilee, Chronic Sort Eyea, Ring Worm
or Tenter, &said Heed, Enfaxgement end Pain of
the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltio
Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and diseases
alines from an loludicions am of history, Ad.
tithe or Dropsy, Exposure or imprudent, in Life;
Conertational Ihoordera, be.
This medicine has acquired a very extended and
establithw,f reputation wherever aaw t h been used,
based entirely on Its own menu, which it. superior
etheoey hen alone sustmenl. The unfortunate victim
sinewydi:mule, with twollensfunds, eohirected
santi formes half cations, has been restmed
health and vigor. The mrafolont patient, covered
with alcorseloethenme to himself and his attendants
has been made whole. Hundred. tf persons, who
bed groaned hopelessly for year 'under rucantous
and glandular_Omordcrs, ehronie rheumatism, and
many other Complaints springing from derangement
of the secretive,orgaosand the circulation, haver been
raised as It prerc from the rack of disease, and now,
with regenerated constitution, gladly testify to the
efftcacy of this inesuma hie ereptration.
The anention — tof the reader is called to the hallowing
astonlthing acre. effected by the ace of Sande Serge.
"This is to genii , ' that I have a colored woman who
has been &mimed for Me law five years with Scrothla,
and &lithe remedies I used had no effect in arresting
the ptogress or the complains; on th e t OntMW, th e
constantlprowl worse; and after expending between
S7O and wth physms, !wades sistog nth. ,
popular remedies swollen* auccess, till the dissso bad
eatenarray the cartilage or her neweonade a pp :
pearaner on Carlotta pavan( her body, and had finally
commenced it. ravages in the root Of her month
"In this dreadful Steelton, with the prospect
death staring her to the face, I slated her care 10 Dr
Ihsoavnty, the agent for Sande Sarsaparilla In New
born, N. ,by whom I wog advised to Um that article
and to my surprise and thatof rny neighbors, to whom
her ease ems known. alter using four and a halt but
her she was restored to perfect health, and that in the
pace of three weeks, and wet a bier to work In two
weeks from the time she commenced taking it.
"In witness of the truth of thie watement, I have
hereunto sailed my name, this 12th dny of September,
1047. JOSEPH hIoCCITER. .1. P..
"Month of Nese River, Craven ca. N C
Tho following Is an extend from a latter ravelled
from Mfr. Bet., no bad been alificted several years o
with Scrofulous Ulcer; Dyworpria, be., and recently i
an olfaction of the throat and chew—
. .. .. . .
“ Va., D I
alilewm. A. B. a, Lk Ilsmensal.,
b sa e s—llefore econnonred
tieing your Sarsaparilla, my sufferings Wore almost
but expretalon; nay throat was complewly siersura,
I had a dreadful coast', and there were lrequently
weeks together that I mold not speak shove a w/0...
per; and betides, the i^lbsometion from Ml' threat es•
leaded to my head, se that my hearins War vet, m urn
impaired. After taking the Sorrapend• a short tone;
sty health was improved, sell my throat le now well,
I am at free flies cough and tichme.o of the chest es
ever 1 War, and can heir suite datinetly. ply throat
has been well 00004 three months, the care of which
hes beeneffected entirely by the net of your haeea.
parillia Your (fired LOUISA IL BEVAN ,
The following tratimoniel to the value vitae Sorsa.
patina, is from the Bev Luther Wright,agedlAyaanr
Coogregetloiod Minister, residing alt , ' , b." ,
"IVosorm,/klass.,March dtl, IRA
' "Mews. Bards Gentlemen—From what I have ex..,
perlene d, and from the informaticm I have recently
receive from a number of pentane of Melt respects.
hilky o have used year Sersapwilla, Liters p ot ,
ha lea doubt bat that it let n.ost valuable medicine.,
arul i k i hnt the y ol3l• CertiGalail yOU hare received
of elsche are hill' sustained by experience, and:
although Its rep +MO.. and etillre are vary extensive,'
stood „...... p a o f pay humble effort* tit Ma rases I
them, I want *II who are afflicted by diSnilt 10 be.:
some eegualsied with am edlicacy end power ~,y To. ,
valimble medicine.
_. lam, gentlemen, graistalhg r ad very re:spectrally.
tlFil.Walotry n
• Preewed and wild, wholesale an 4 mai, by A. it. A !
D . Balms, Drente% and Chensts„loo Palma streeci
pp,.p or of William, New York. 1301 d also by Drug,
etas erenerallythrotichantthe Uultedetwee led .Cert
Ada. , .Pries 81 phr bettletaiit bat:Deafer SS. , •' - •
4 am, and LDWAYD PENDEJZICHjPIrisborgh At.
S O , hl Dr. 11, 111 411U,Blidrinues, lieS4r3saidiml
VAR FOR ITY7 -- ----
, onithda , El 4, 4 to es aim ttlochto field
graded rood to the Ohio toe, at iht4
Creek and. Pardo; ahem mires elearcd, marcli
fart rote botnom,y draeltinebootes,betra, are s lame
orchard. This Would mate a splendid meet farm, or
It *mold divide to tdmunoto ioto thf , o for. , lets
a desirable property, and will be told
Two an &ere trance of land beautiful/7 rheated,O.
the Obln Rieer, atl mailer below Wheeling, icap'oeee
end wilt be .old a bargain. Etalllirfi
ot 112 ne. obi et
Irak Warehopee on the Corner of Weak and Freiiit
I *tree., reeenvy *erupted by McKee, Hen
Ikholeiele 14 rreery Ptore For :cm, apply toll II
Ryan, 4:1 Filth etreet 4 ,—Threin'e BuirJingt, Intern ell
kinds 01 owned inntenale kre (or sale. an mean:
Power and room, to Wan The mach:Acre being now
in onentlinn. inel74dneil //: 11. 11YA:V. •
.. ac<cpicd bq the
mdgerihet. Real PICO per aunt , . I,, d , e , sidn elven
on me I. “a• November der: JOHN H ALELLOR
oetT3( • Na,. dl Weed dwet
WO o
finisted ofteca to Post Oftca Bai
Third mrcot.
A 'Ant, betscronHalted room, 3d morel entrance Mn, :
, 3d and 41k tares, .;
Al‘o, a small back bon, m Pitt TotartablP t men
Peno.olvansa. Avenue.
Irdu,re of
& No b ,
I t . TWO SToy B ALI
PRI s CK ROUSE vrul LOT, 0
~,R mr, of Evan , r. °
A ra7;n
room. roo t
an lTiirllna oireao latavv•rerf. sera
litoribeavineTorapike, f land d
near an:all o cab le° tie" '
t e
of thrir foal road.
TI-e lied will to divided Into quaniffieri,io
e suit par
ohaserr, forma of payar
conlit7l;:r Pad. --repaidlia thoager.
A 114)ifir::11",,A7L.17VATI.7,i4:Tr:Ci9r1
oprosale Third AL ALSO
The Second angillitd StorielolWarchorae No 3
Mattei Aveet. Enquire of
R C .STOCKTfIIY, Bobk•Allets,
47 Matkel
Market et,
V FOB BALK—A Lot of Ground situate on Fenn
e between Hay said Maybes) streets, ndloinine
the hon., and lot now OCCopied by Richard Edwards,
basins s (route/ 25 feet, sand in depth 11.0 feet, ortil be
sold on terorable terms. Title unexceptionable. kl•
gab. f Cs. L 0 0311.9,4th st,irsar Wood.
BRANGFMENTS N havin Lll been made betwee.
the undersigned sod E. B. Brayton, Esq., o
W•ahlfilamfi Co!, (late of the Treasury Department.
the untleralpned wBl prom., Bounty Lands tor th.
officers, and eohlicra, their widows and children, (lade
the Bounty Land DPI, ;teased Scpmmber Psdh IESO.
&MES F KERR, Atorney Law,
Fourth a t. , betwe.n.grabbfieldit &Chwy alley.
Pitisbar h Oct .1 IS4 —oat! e
North -Fact oor. of Poor & /Markin gas,
On ilbudely storrung, Rid Eirien,
With a Large Stock of flew Goods.
R. C. , •
No 47 Market street, corner of Third at.,
Art constantly on hand, for sale, Writing, Leg
1)11. Piotorg,
and Wrapping r'arteri Bonnet
Puleri% Biodere, runk Boards; Book and New
Paper P noting Inkc tahleb be will sell arch, lower
cash prier,, of in e2C hange for cogs Oirtnillierreerep
it7B - PlTEitorriTTe.: lh imn • Mow
stree,, No ittt Office •1111 d•repivt In the
• • butltlinr.
- -
A . i
Troß r A' ? .17:A ,
- srreremr.a
- ---------.4_--
IPIIi amlesslastast !lase: illls"cla.7, aSsaNslad In.ns
- 1 se/ sea safer. llui Ana... PLINIsss, 1.../ es t, to
The purpose or astsssaljaalst-a, every innety eif n,a.
plass Were , •
' 10Ftri kib.ler,
,%.1011(.71.:L AveLpeiv. it.
hlotodoeLo (ere of evarrircriery o(
Cu!, Prened, Rad Plain Mat tam Ware
RDEIIB lined wahoul delay, at I:to ;o r.+ mun
eoco their fyinry, , Ircec, near
U.t. al
, /r el we/ /greet,
.:Alta Piiit
P 4l !" fr- r. 81 n7ga,n,„,e°,21:14",.. 1 l .`;;'. 7;•:: - .<
mode ,4.- r.%osignolkonts, ood 01.11 I.glo4aeot
promptir !Wended to.
a. al '
1 1 1ar5z70 4 11.41
ri Unix.
.4110 • '
rifiro STATE RAA I II.IB.SIGNEMIbt Watt go
Ur littlo,,i, Aektio...ledßattots 44.6,444
. "
To outh•out and Western Iterehaoti.
n=t6CIr 4gM4 I . I. IIIWIPtL7Zg
hls ea:active 'ape of revetment, Soaps. Sturman
Cresets,.ke., to which %eve. Silver and Iwo Golden
Sladult have. within the lan sit loam, tarn imezded
by tlic La e of New York, Dollen. and Phila.
denthia, the latter being the tally Golden hleratis evor
alam,li d for perfumery either la Europe or in this
ca ßa ucus..
ans:s Dalt - tuatara SILLIMKI ellt•N. ittlunand i
Ease, tall dinhiusicid universally achnowledged to
11. sethriar 10 ans. Staving Cream Or this mentor or
OLL13111,(I 100 tillalltMa— Beal:RINI!, transparent,
and possemtng highly Sapoitmcou• and . (M 13111011.1
p,,,,,j,., Snron.,.• CoMpOriltd; Ambrosial Shay
°, 'tablet' Military Shat malt Soap.
M buyeraustTouistitacco.— discoed, itosei,Nilletlerms,
eant, PistneLlo, Aline, ?eft haply, umuinen. Fleas
i... 1'...r.... 05, , Oil, md , ..vor, and Cacassiin
Err/tsars son run Ilanaratacatzt—flo,, Josin,ii.
Bouquet On Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, bloc
line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clamant., Citronelle
Weal, and many other 'camera., to all SUIT afferent.
Tether Warms—Florida Water, tivo a
Orange. Ethsver Water, sad a great se ,et a( tha.
Intim. and Lavender Water. . c
I PIAI . A.T.IS coo toe 11..—fi
Analog Olt, Bandanna Min t
Inland Oz Morrow, Darr Dyes, I:quit and in stoWder,
and Philemon., theinine, and irony Lind Pomades;
091$NIA.IAIC Perraaarta.-11alretnie , Hitlr, Eon
Torun Taste, Charcoal Derail:ice, Odortia., :oa th ,
Perm, eel Tooth PoWder. L
Civizerics—Vetatable Cosmetic Cream, Aluandice
for cliapril hand., Cold Creran ii: lintel, Cmam dr
Pen, 1.1,i Salve, Rnsitherty Cmt...., Om. ~
Delyilamry Powders, for trarloving imperils*. Mar,
Pearl Powder, Virally. de Reeee. Arm:natio Vinegar, '
V1C411.1 Men Composition, 'Prerton Snits, beside.
n =rest variety of other taunts, too nomereue to Pe
nom. dl,, this advertieement .
ThIS min ta
erther hones :o uentain the reputation
which tins ratabllshment eau - Smolt/la, by dtePoedllt '
otnothine tot firer catcall:WlC:l, uld sin be happy to
furnish those who may wish Ur patronize htiz.elther
wholesale or retall,ou a• reasonable; terms oz any op.
tablistpuent in the jutted nutted.
.. ..
Succeesor to and Conner Director of Mielealwitistki
- Chesnut street.'
Mr. }tams'. Perfumery is foi o 11 afs 4
by all the Mind*
pal Di t:gists In the Country ' • aptlutlyl ^
ROFO9AL9 will be received al the offices or the
lidltitnole and Ohio Rail Road Company,
g, at Deli
toricre4Cumberl.d, Fairmount, and Wheelin unit'
satuobly, the Mn of No • • ember On, tnelantve, fur
the Graduation and Masonry of emu, XI sections or
miles df Me line, catenateg weatwardly by the 'eaten,
of Fonnerect and Grave Creek, and over the dividing
Chines thence. them, from the mOll wetlon of the
I p er: riel I line , already ley to th e 114th section of the
ame In —being the only portion of the route me
0.1114 th be put under contract.
The any to tie let in be generally , hea rg —ln ,
chiding a binned of 245 b, another of 1250, and a third
of tin Wet *ln length,* timber of deep cuttings and
artibm4atente, and a considerable. quantity of bridge
maionty. Spectilleatiorm vent be ready at the above
°Secs,: on. and eller the let day of November, and'
Engineers will be upon the line to give Inmentatlon.
No bid unsupported by good tesnsomdeds will be
conalCemil, and bidders are deelred to male tbey .
have meet:carton hand, and whed It will be Ardebee,
Tee most energetic prosecution Of the work w il l led
expected. By orderer the Prealdent and Directors.
. Chief Faxineeri_
ocill dwovis
Creates& healthy action throophoot the body, result*
the appetite, equalize the circulation, gleeand
energy go the loyeltia, ape createm power o f ream- ' rests,
ante to disease in all its forma, rarely to be ebthihed.
They will perform a speedy and permanent cure of
I/Merida, riabeiehea. General Debility.
Liver Complaint, and all the inkblot symptoms sere.
. 00 ) called nervous affections.
Will be immediately seLevett by the use of this level
male compound, which Is purely vegetable, mid is
adapted to all ages and cordhlotbs.
ICRIA L ligt
Will find In this deli V cate • d palatable pt . :parse on, •
conthinstion of Tonic Alterative sod Aperient quali
ties, peoultarlv sidupied to their system.
lbe specific action that this .mists has on the &leer
•nd°teens, renders Its empiric Antidote
lot Fever and Ague. and Ilinoosand Typhus Fasete.
Culll [MIA !..1. July 171 It 1654
I beet need the article of Planett'a Rhine*,
Ind have domed grant benefit innn then. I have
been sobieci for icor. best to the Fryer and Ague, but
since We introduction nl year Ehnen, I hate .11Itry
recommy usual minces, and cart with confidente
mend Wein •1 , one of the beat Tonics In rue.
16'1"41.4111 [ 1"s"
Bautonia.o, Jane 20th, tan
• •
gives me moth pleasant to
longat the
IlTnperth wlth which my lite bas beet. rout,
I.4ting (torn inaction of the Liter.,aws been et.
Itrrly t, tercel., and cared by the we of your invalo•
able preparation or 131tters, and for your kindness in
thetuoMsue accept my thanks.
Your obrifient .trrt.rar t
Agent', Militia T. Hick. tr am , I n and 1 4 R o om
Street. New Yin*. For sal, bY,.,
attg3tdarnin R. E. BELLER&
rim betnettfol style of Hat Is new received, sad
Will bo introduced an elanntelsy,3lst inst. by
- bleCet RD et CO
ano2ll, Cor. Fifa b. Wood vs.
FANCr3rd4W.4l$ll3lt.S - --
pet fallniyles for sale
by - Annie] SHACILIert a WHITE
1011.1br:Ati5 — H - -.30 notliliTuis — Tratre, anive.for
ate ay ( oot). Srt W 11).11136(10H
/lAIOO ii/dAKEILk CO "
E a cof i r eel. rt. j
i tu i sm i k ait rim
dlt ratress or tba
the smart erlangs, and other nettle 1,11:17100111/y
;an!: Ittl,,Lin,,e,,ne,rinajilVitrefiritn,„darinl
;Tr o , " : d;.PT^IIIY lbw popere, the rare medical
m.,;,.;;,,`":'4:T4Ttte Cie coMbinqd ti s r snow chemical
• eameomale l' e " ro n' l r t r Zet ' Va and
titg4l. 4 """""°
ter, eatwe ta-- 4:1 , WII/ Y. Both
Oeiirldfitt moue Thlieton
„l e Isati es tart the MAW a
teglthe dem... for l ot h
roe age .h ; rtrtrate''''" andraelki";
y.i.tellorsniLl:darith it. h e bag Intl tulle moot
oteemeJ gond, and ottg%'' ":”."
mum he his had trisieria Anise% W c'heyre.'
I b r t ed br
r: in t sth:W
which'mol ti4ll2't :" e a a l t 5'711'14 ni t
n1 "-- I t
1 :
Jer eher in thir --
a Rs
_lr Craml—Whenerer
umirry a Introduce!, I al one, tatunt 'bat lash
Frataltrat whiich it Co richly r rrrrr es what Can p ia.
runt Its sal., yell, on every heal eta be witnewed
aa wonderful curry , The et arca or Mahn;
Meant end daaperouseriwzha,,Khrl alft them" It,. KM.
ion g etendirr4 nrOtte:ll(l3 or C0,1,111,p1a Vp
e,syjr sysiyeso ara etiv/8311 cured by thin mbar able
of Cared by %Vicar's Hal's= of Wild tlberry.—The.
following care of Jeremiah Lenity, of ColllollHalOn
Mee of his Lechers and n.tern haring died of Coo!
swept lono is traly.womierfal. Ought not flits to urge
the afflicted to make tire of this !zenith Kleine veranda's
when it Is effeetiog cures lib, the I:glowing,
Ukase= Make. Hamilton C 0.0 . -,
Sento:abet 27, 7E93,
I a PARE—Dear air—l take thelibeeofadvhitlff
you of the bellegitbat I hove derived fro tt m the use of
D. %Vivian. Unlvam of Wild armed r3herry I Wu ro*.
aed by that ienible acourge, Commotion, in p May
ores truly borrtfying to rue. for 4.0
of °or ony brothers rind cstens,) had died of.
onionation. I
wort recur,' of- ware
dis *Mimed Nth nearly a ll of the .
cough,•and expeetoraled n
enci. I bad a dist:ening great desEof beam
fever, Severe pea,' In the ride and ehert,,eold ChM.,
aweno;nng with hashes of bent and copious idgat
levier the ears of a skilled phyaichm, frOm
the tone I W. taken tie' . until about EIS wetk• elate s
betty then about heel, an beyon d da mouldering.
toy Cite I.opoless. o r e s let SI the reath altar •
physician's ski advised 010 of IVistar's Valuta
of Wild Chorry. WoLont my knowledge, my film
procured it, and commenc,l admit:omen:le tt tomar
end from the arc day that I commenced taking ft, my
seith improved, and In two wet. from the time
rounnenred using it, I wits able to be Intend oversee
boy bunions and labor, which I still caminue to de.
I Gaye taken (r oe battle, of rha medicine and now
Pontider eey well. I Make this slam-. •
tnent to induce others tha t are afflicted au I have been,
to, mete nos of Wistare. Bedlam of Wild ,Chorrt
- yobleh remedy hoz, under the blessztor of Provicence.
restored my health. JEkEIILATI
ok ,
I, CI. ; ~, 11 , further ,i,,iw ~e rr, I , d m e , o n e e v e .
, f ,, t ,, b ,. e
b re . m r,4 a b rie ,
2, a l b . le p. c , on. ti SW
properties of this inestimable pre trader.
Ruswlvltle, BrestiOl co. P
O, Aug 9.1, ISO ,
Meas.. Buford it k s.- Gentlemra-At out tea
West. agog receteed t he e
pen] o.' Wish:Ws
Of %V Ild Chrry, hot With thine reluctant,. one p
for the teethe that I had • been the agent of to l es ;
pill+ end other °menu., why were crocked 13 " kr
IS same thing W0nt411141,41s Which tented oat to sh o
eeel d to be of no account whit fever.eseeptto the menta
1, toter. Bet I ether Ily admit that this time I have
been deceived, for the @moron:hoary cures effected
by Nthater's Balsam have
ca red me th at .1004
can mere oat of Nor /wen, - Weir agent lef. 1140 one
&oleo Fouler. which nre all gale-haring bean the
°mat. of online several ovine," rases of ane:emo
tion-arra no mirtake , for what 1 ter ant know I am
booed te believe One case to cerneular -A ?eery
gentleman on o :oche:ter, Adorns county, 0, iten
miles from Mb fired Was Cured of onsenter:on
worn th e doctors boo given bra tip or i n least could
do nothing tar boo end it was the Intention of his
'fiends to tenvey raw to year etty and pize• trios
under the care of some eminent pnyntith therm bet
a friend told ham of Ti .sr era Dols., and that , ha
,noa eine, t ar con, ho rent for it, end before the •
second boo le was gobe he wee sound and welLtunt
attending to his every day Inoluese As there arc seVera , Int:Wrier for the medlcin A. ft svania be well
ro fotward an edhlemer sto riferithart dewy,
Very respectfully 1 our,
I 'fhb chore, fowl I. Newle. d, I: , q a highly respfiede
I able rectory merchant, anima: :de Heel( forcibly 10
the eseduir averoir e of a 1 these who bath doakted
the great mire of Wisp?. Willa Cherry Balsent.
lag, art art raw In recruit of the follesting*eluntilr
toil ute to th e contuse cower Of IVonette Baleen. of
Wird,i hurry. I natl.', Ball, :4. D, of Mown Chaser it
bitehlgan, &id A a phi err roe of Doge
art extensere Coors .st
... f' •,0,114, Hier r in, Ort A 1919.
Tolle ciflmte I. Le. tit ii art at 'bat Dos it Reb
er., 'V... allay,. ~ ne or c.,, w,,k, afiareonfi th .
mesh-, e r Lien., %oh ♦ a 1 , re,. Jour,
VW yrsot
prr .1.14. ~.. orsl Wel runi br ..1 . 0 ir gto I..egyrore with
on ICI A -t eat mod her In
ere Ayr curbs slei•ein of
AI il ABoor, , w r J, Ita . A t., it thlt frelust,
m-Jim,te di rb ma. thereat: in , er.ith. an :AS nOW a
..swg prow et the ve.ith of Wt., c. 0 Oar tonsed,Wird
Cherry I: HALL J•ln Intro cod llTSsoist?
tn:frat (bny/hrtierboeArt:lTrlf tr'l‘l'r'O' rt;t 7 TrllJ, l ,: ` ,;.: '
Ireton Sad rd 6 fart -Ger ts Aso nags. arias- -
ti, ft salt r would e
s , the ha °wow wareneete °fa
core pdertedby Fre reed. ine. k wren es.Whsterti
11.14r0n of Wild .h-rry Innhe today of rEI7 ray
A li
woo screuely artarn.4 with herlonentortets of
Pr. w.,), whist, p.m! Wtl i n a chef trued pact ra c ed
1,11., he'roalpOO , W4 With . o. sorer, c ,osh; son was at.
tens/, O. snort of 11C LeM tiny...rises 1] Chtesge, Ott
le no, on ose fin wail - Fel, sari red, without relief,
I'm.. id,: Iftaa‘i , i IV i 4. , an. r'W . i cone to the
a an aiatitiKteat all i ra ramethas Arrow, to boa plant
cioneieourn nor bent her, sent is ithed to try gaol
t i t s rid berry. 1R101,444c11010 0t5,,,..0nd eremnenced
ure incernefing 40 direattons I.eroro tt verbal, gave
the C. 11141, r. 044.1, 1 1, e pain Ito - her aide left her and
with the ell. aorrther bethorbe. waerethwedlo per- .
f i e e t ileilik. i. f m ngn „, 4 o 44 l 7 , 4 ; l s l , 41 , 1 b 4...:
p lh o o t ,r . 0 . 4 , er
„ W ,o *- . .1 ., c: 1 t c:
medielne. leaw.„.th.cretr e tflt. it fir GAIIRATT
Grand Rapid., ...WOW sof, ()web et o,lslo.
p? . : 1 1 ,1 10., 41 pm po,tk—a x biters : inn p.i.. •
. 7 _ '4.4lEterrapr Of Se.r.mi'i d POSIO
Fourth and Wairwit arroate iithnrcumett Ohre, gebetal
Acorn .for the booth aril Web, to whom ell tertian
must he rehlitionl
L ITOros Jr, , Jar res A. Jr n.ra, J. RA dle Call A.
Tou- asthek A Co,Pthstorso 1. T for ell, Wes°.
menu I LT it 1, mnertnn. frank 1.., L. ft. GoUron,
Uniothomii Hlt eiry irk. en. cr., , r,,,,.., ho.
mere n, .I C ell tr Ir imam, ned'S/e., Hea r , 4 na,,,trem.
mob. ,• 1 Ir. Orr, Ho( cis), bo. f, Cr, rEraua & Co.
Ins t .., I. li. . trVrtgh,, /4111.4.1^g , Evros & Car.
1 , 1114 , Co , 4 Cu hiller e . , Ilecdril e, Ddrott.t. Co,
Inter.ll c r . , ( ! " NT; 4, , 7. ' w k o ' cir .V l rp' r"s,t'.'",7t,„`"l'val.`-'.
r , L .. C e Jones, Veneempott, h Brooker. Junior,
Brown sank.. n,-al dew onht
el iibialiZin L i eaTiraiani. c, u: ,,,,,
--•fee -41, ItIAMOND ALLEY, a
bib doors be ow Wood etteafrifh
„.Ao_Jire. wools name.
• , - DR. Dli.o WI!, baring bete
‘......? - ttre...asi., raid Fee, for throe lima
,T 4 , r.. .. rsCo.fif chested . the medical
c, In. genrllll or:ethic, now ,14,111.411tg
4.4 \ h., attent oa to t• e treatment of
046 9 ,
~.. tone , pirate !Ind de/matii cores
. Pr- tr, •Pr'7lt':ro.C*errt'erte'e.hcriql°,,frrn"."ly itujlly'.
1 4 134 , 1 H irt. 14 yea, neindthosly devoted
F,,, c o n rt
wo re ) Athithooo fthow thomplroms,(duroloamer. II
re tie bee iota e remice net hes thrall melee m
4,,,s bee son sort foll to the f or or cry privet. pm,.
111.1c1,11 ftniplll lanhfisr ntrrt 11 Oftsr ferattSßPrei al
utecg. ptrmsneni, a n antsfnclor) rote to elltOicted
dl ilth.s di th ers*. and ell Liberate noway Burg
Dr. Brown Antacid tot. rot three*tt toted with Moab
dims ,es 'slosh have better,e Morale by time or ass
gravnted by the ore of any of the common nniterfitCS of
lOC d ty,that their complaintacen Fs radically and than'
rashly sired; he hamr: Ewen his careful enaction kr' '
the treating nt of eueli eases, and succeeded in hundreds
of buteneee in curing persons of inla.mmetholl of the
deck of 1...4e bladder, and !Indeed diseases width often
result fromthose cases where other. hare caDigneel
them to hopeless despot He palliCaladtylnetteS seek
ashes, boon long and amotee *wittily treated by otheth
la consult htm, when every sausteenot will beaten
them, and their cases treated In a earefulltherough aal
, Manner, painted oat by aimposlong caper:CM*,
etadythwoon.wroc is ferthosa
ettgaged a general practice of it
medicine a
te gtee be
one rhea °lateens..
C'lleMlit or Ructare.-Dr. Drown alseittlatell pa ,
sons aidleted wt. Henna to mat, ee be hospitalising'
alas rennet/on to tr.. disease.
CANCERS also cured.
also II ',Palsy, ets.,epeedily scrod
Charon' very low.
N. X.-Tenants of cotes sez Ilvirni at a Doane% by
belief their disease In venting, fusing all the syeacq •
toms, can obtain meihelnee with direcu.s for lee. IT
addressing lm
7. DROWN, M. /X, pest paid, wed mo!:
rgic fi : No. IS Diamond alley, opposite the Warmly
RIWISIIVWEIL-Dr. Brom , s newly datrovered rms..
dy far Ilitiethentino lee epeedy'thil certain remedy ferT
that painful tronbie. It never Bola
Mica and Puce. Owen sting Ramos. NO. 8111
... I I 4 .7 t riltsbaftb.ra. The Ibetaris always
OTIQE . ta hereby even, thst [Mums of Allude&
Iltradon !lave' this day been gra uted to the ander
i t tiliNd ti Le r t eLta a t , e l eflzt l itt p t e ir ri lla r e l at e
said ~,tato ate mnive.ted to make Immediate pityrant,
deld thoYe twins Maims a. met ft TrAl prieou t there.
y authenticted, for settlement
vlnnitatrits•W •
°TICS labbtoba given, thailiattenTettamentarf
11 bane been Rine* to lie ssibactibers, as azeettoini
of tin Wit will and slots not sal a w•a Ns Henry, tat*
the buy of Tittsbangb, eencased. All parsons,
ihwarere, bating claim. or t demcads •-•a• Ins the
tau ofafield decedent, are wquested to Elko anoint
ate sow to them without delay;
'DARIUS/3E1110;EL •
rrlIF, detail ot Comp., is to eford the owners. •
j of property nankeen cheap Insuranee; ft. : butane
• being conducted, tnetly on the mutual priremte,eon• •
winning every member a teertelder, and yowling
him to a alien of the profit► end by Meanly gettable.
method in the syetrm of menial Insurance—Mat et
.CLAB9IFYI NO ITS RlONS—that *forting Meal
"bentita'm tll Inhered. The Illrotrora aetordlegly. •
. have elgided their ride into two dtettrct c lank Mg •
L .
, Mutter providing that no part of the funds of either
On bas eeProPriatod for the payment of leases oecan
rim, le the 01.11t21 1/16 First Clan in denominated ten
PA 94114184 COMPANY, In which Inovane , , may be
!made open Country dwellieg., banns, oat haildinge.
Ated Venvottol inner ttli and noMins more huardente,
la Mowed to be taken.
• SeClautvladenentinatedtha
COMPANY,itrnotaolk insurance may be made am,
'moretterldisa: r and the take kindept wpm, in tonne
and 'theft% "
Tee proonnto notes ere only abont ons Apra
ergo n -- ,thew equally charged by weer 041M1,1,..„
the Inlet /01.1 bet loch all the 1), eters i.e '
6.1d0t will sage them the nee-sany of ever making en,.
nue...cent. Not ever Steeto It Mowed lobe itettred•
In one 1041.10', and the applicant la allowed the pH.
De l i pre ,.;
0 m ( Istremga lit n e i ther moth or !Meet the Inalnlity
• Th. ,u,..,agge widen has been extended to
Company alone Its oncerizadon, Inuit g tented pro
pool, amount of trNtIAND UALF Olt LLION.
denlare o dcrine the WA' antra moms ohowethet tta
menu an del} sentetateil b? the public. *Moue,
will be .KNed et :the Plate of lose With Oretetneen -%
• '
eod ta noWCnder Alm central er
folloWind DireedOrg...
4.10h0 Rothete_)ni GMeti, Nonni] :•
into,,,plonto C.:44 -1710k Rob 4
• .
iitIVEPPARD. PTevt, -
A.u[a, tamesterst.m.
&arch. 0ff.65 fot: na W kettlrt•PinsminatiN No • 14 '
emhb6Bl4 street, Pibnret. : oebarli
IikArADDE4-2 auks bait t lath far ate b
0.1, • J ecuodroamiztaco