TH 3'ITTBBU (111.11AZETTE :11ED 13y WHITE de-00 PITTIMOROII BATURDrtY moßturia, NOV. 2, IE6O E l inow.—Snow fell at Warren, PiL on gatunlay night last, to the depth of (our oe five inches, consequence of which, says the Ledger, together with the recent rains, the river had swollen to a good raftleg sage. This will materially relieve the lumbermen upon the river, but the Tionesta, Bin. sun and Conewango creeks are said to be too low yet to inn, consequently much the largest, portion' of the lumber now manufactured Will be left be hind, leaving the amount to be run to market room paratively very small. /3.9111M11.7 1,1 B( 7 /1.1 . 11.-011 WlldtteldaY nlaht, the 7dd inst., the store of Mr. Thm., 84 e hley, of Bul ler, wan entered and robbed of a large amebas of jewelry, "udes, dry goods, &0., marled at about $lOOO. The sillicins effected their entrance by ta king oat as mall window above the door. Nausea of the robbers has, as yet, been discovered, although every effort boo been made for their detection and amen. " Tax Uivion Miami; at Nrw You.—The Union Peace Meeting nerd at New York on Wed neridegi last, is raid by tho New York papers to have been 0113 of the greatest political demonotra• floor ever witoessed la that city. The esti was signed by orer 2,000 names, embracing a large number of the ace., respeetible and halaentied citatory who etc deeirone of au:tabling the recent icgirlatien of Co...Trews on the ribject of Slavery, asd silayieg Oil public es.tatica and excitement in regard to it. This in the first drmorwration of the kind in the Norm, and we have co doubt it trill be followed by ot'vre. Inorrefs from all quartors, end of et% ery political bias, teem with evidences of rosined patriotic feeling in all arctinna of the country, on thla Important entlert. Is the extrem e s o sub, meetings aro almost daily held; - end In many in stances. • while they deprecate the Slavery Law itself, they Wens firmly resolved to rally to the support of the Union. end to denounce and frown down the disorganizing attempta of factioniats and agitate,* In both aerations, and give peace and quiet to the country. ,Indststztal At a meeting of the Executive Committee on th Loudon Industrial Extubdion L. held at the reside° of Col: Peter Force— Preseol—Colonel Peter Force, chairman; J. sepb Henry, L. L. D 4 Captain Charles Wilkes U. S. N.; Professor Walter ft. Johns/0o; Joseph C. Bentmay--membenn and, on incitation, Com modores Warrington and Skinner of the U. S. Nary. After a fall and free expremion of opinion with reference to the letter of the Secretary of the Navy to the President of the United States—e copy of winch had been entrununicated to the committee, and in which the Presideat acquiesces it the ten der of the use of to American ship to convey American products to London-4nd watt reference to the suggation of the Secretary of the Nary the' the Executive Committee should indicate to early as possible the kind ofreatel deemed necessary for the purpose—tt wat, on motion. Rosana, That the thattim of un ited te a mit be tendered to the President of the &Il nd Ideerciary of the Nary for the prompt and satisfac tory manner with which they have retpornied to the tflilltSt of the eon:mince for the me of a ship of the national marine to Tampon the products of Amerman industry to London. Resoferd, That the Executive Committee beg leave to designate the store ship Fredonia aa one tontine lot me purpose and acceptable to the coo, mitten Resolved, That in mew of the advantage* antici pated therefrom to our citixene, and inasmuch as it is desprati;e that the greatest possible facilities be gremedio Americana desiring to vialt the exhibi tion that the proprietrm of the tieferal steam yea eel nod packet holm be recommended to 'edam the price of pavane to told tram England to those de wing to attend the exhibition PETER FORCE, CAairman Esse:giro Cosmuctro. Jas. C. G..lirtrucar. [Republic Lamar fox Lmana..—Ttie following an• cations from the Republic of Liberia, are from let tere from Pmaident Roberta, dated rupectivey, Monrovia, July 100, and leth• erhe question of colonisation as the beet moan. Of suppressing, or rather abstishing the alone trade, boa already been mooted to &Om& I have received iseveral communications from per. tons there salons my opinion in regard to the of tienoy of the Smith blockading squadron on this comt, and what would be iblOprObiblo if the squadron mere withdrawn. cod to Its steal, G:.vornment or British merchants were to eget. Lob factories, for Ira:Lima:a trade, and model farms at points where the slave trade is carried on. lave invariably asswered to the erect that the withdrawal of the rqoadron, thereby throwing ogee the traffic., would ha otoet delamens to tho future wellare of Africa; sod Mat so long as n Martrtt reimono, and persona will remit to the o.,asi for slaves, the amines will set. each other, ■ol (hot trading (Balmier. model farms, or moral ilitabiop will hove hut I, tile tr.ficene e to mow,. leg the natives from Wave trading; that, to my opMion, :be surest plea is co,oalmon. Secure the politico; jurisdiction of the country, send out ■ colony, weans.: a government, ens the 'Jaye trade most cease.. wSince 1 last wrote, our publie alfalfa, as °total, have been advancing gale ly, and in order. -Tee slavers are very loan to give op their talc _lc at Gallia., an New Cettrra A few weeks ego a Spanish fehteca, at ay &area, appeared of the farmer Owe, and was boarded by one of her Idsj• a'y'e ern:at:rat but as the had 00 slave cargo, nor any slave r quiplacons to be tetrad on bend, aho was not delareed. Tee csioaln of the almr ca, h wever, owly rawbbaltlteeteJ talks Whet onshore. hie iniention to rake slates if they Were to be °Swiped ; bat t bey. h wing se recently me .3 to as the joris3 who of the territory, at owl de. alined to enter ot:o any arrangements withhitzt.-- if. then proceeded Nem Camera and Trade. taws, at wroch.latier pave he offered cub In dzotioncs for one hundred 'laver, on delivery it the beech. So bete, 'regret to say, found mom, eocooragement, at least in promises, from two or three of the bead men. "in the mean time, however, we received intel. licence of his real character, and dem:unshed oar hula vessel, the fork, to setae him, If found upon our coast. BF this Dint her Itajealy's "rig Hound was alto in search of him. The fellow eat wind of these movements, and abandoned his purpose I anderrand he has gone to try the loath mut feel gone sure that the slave trade cannot again ho relr.ved w'thio the teerttorial brags of Liberia, that is, between Serra Leone and Cap, Palmas; Without bartwoons ea shore, in which to COne,l cloves, they .coot possibly wry ou the tram.,, and nano certainly can be eatablished ea the terri tory over which our JAWS ekTend. e'Sfr Shaw who has the management of an en peditten fitted op-by Covent eminent mercamb'e . and rosouraetming arms in Eaglet:ld, for the pot. peso of testing, by practical experiments, the pos sibility of obtaining a supply of cotton from the west enact of Africa, I. here, and has commenced operation. under encouraging prospect.. There rebut little doubt that cotton, of good quality, can he produced 'to Liberia." fastorn.Co . vansmas.—lt fa gratifying to know that human ingenuity ha. at 11,1 nel`plai a protehuton for railroad travellers against the wank, and coal cinders which render that mode of conveyance usu. ally not only on horaforlable ' bin dangerous. kith !dudes of persons have b ad their eyeswieriousiv injured by the cinders which ars dmwa lam thater's by the eddying currents of air produced by the ra pd motion of the railway trains; and a general dis comfort Is often experienced, particularly to gam weather, from the necessity ofslosingtha window. to avoid the annoyance. A patent 'woke consum ing apparatus has been invented, and, upon trial, has proved to be perfectly effectual. It consists of what may be walled an ending chain of bars; and this chain of bars forms the bottom of the furnace on which the lira coat blaze'. The chain move. very slowly forwani—not more than an Inch in the =nine—from the front to the beck of Olaf wither. carrying the fire along with It At the beck of the fureaciecarrying the are along with it. At the back or bHdge of the furnace, the chain of bars move, toned, and cornea track beneath Thus is gond on andlesny from mammy to night. Tha anitTata3 in fixed on a carriage, which Ina fib its Nuance a apectes of rail road; and whole—s•tiat I. rho atolls .atom of this forhece— can bs dragged in or on t at pthaante, by when menu every recline le pretreated for cleaning, reaosratfug, the. The eham of bees is 61M/entry Connecting gear from the steam tenths. The coal a laid on a hopper ai the menthol the furnace, and is carried forward by the bars, the dep h coal that enters being regalsted by an iron dosr, which is depressed or raised like • slates, Too principle of smoke consumption consists la the glow and reinter admesien of the coat. Instead of being heaved in with &shovel, so am to produce motional gems of smoke., it is admitted, as it were, by hair breadths. The ignition is therefore litho at a time; and whit smoke is raired, having us go over the whole bright gm beyond, it is necessarily ournissed. Nothing cgs. Tithe e t t i lainej iL ta i t c l i s d p:r u ee t pit t ib i le tu t h o ei the d eye. sage of P X l ssomising foil au'id attendance, w . hi v i i int insulin the mem equally-with the common simo nise of thing The whole Invention is as airriple as II ra ingestions. More than a year ago, one or these patents wise applied by the Meeks. Chambers of Edinburgh, to • ten bons power engine, which they emploved to dnve their =emir* printing ma. chinery. They bare found it entry thing they &- steed. No writhe, they my, is ever seen Miami from their eternities, and one caltailabcm. as rigid as could bemade, the saving seems to be about one twentieth of the (net, orison run to sitery twenty' communed without the patent. They have snoutsd.; ed that it a ten horse plater engine ttiany criterion, smoke is no longer no unvoidable nuisuros in one. section with lothettillial sod asaittimatim..o. r. Sven For. 'saner mw Ymetr. ( %! . rtelqKmih=s3 of the Pittebtersh Gazeue. Hwy - Team, 0,:4, 28, IESO. A anion!, and not aliogelheounimming, war is ping on at present between a certain class of OM city therehants and two or three of our city newarianera—the Journal of Cemmerce,the Hen ald, and the Day Book. The quarrel, 800 it may be celled, has ft. origin In the general — excitement arising out of execution of the Perinea Slave Law. ..The newsii.pers in question are strongly_ desirous that the.provisioner ram remarkable bill should be cockle& beat of all opposed by such of ourcocrchants whew beat customers are' found sonthefAlaacm and Biren. The Bay Book ititeS4ne4 Co paWtih a lht , of ouch mercantile, Wincew with the Sontb„ ,, and get! rich et it,at the some time thatthey were doing ►o that "thap tin fittPrej dioq . noriliern etenageintr strutbiro tosiitntiooi Theliernal of Cdinmeree threatened piottr'much Co same thinst, when it suggested thin the call for the union Meeting we are to have st CSitie Garden to morrow night be signed .by every commercial Jinn that desires to shim the South that they aronot willing to ob strnet the execution of said slave law. The Her , old chimed in, too, with the same spirit, bat err. min large dry goods boatel, looking upon all this either a. an attempt to levy black mail, or a plan to .sell them to the South," have Come out fu • card, saying their aUks, and counts, and milicoes, are in the market for sale, but not their principle,. If they biro the Blase Bill, they tell us the mob.. ble loos of the Southern trade Ls not pm: to make them . love ft., Among Ike non :conformists aro the well known Broadway homes of Bawce Nemec, and Cialuenden de BUsa Th u proportion of those who wont sign rite call, however, Ls very small, In nimpariron with those who hare signed it. There le no concealing the fact that tina moven:met boa been prompted by the recent nn• nouncement that Charleston merchants are gang t 3 buy no more northern coasters to carry their cotton, and co more earthen:Lean—lf they earl get other& Mach stride in en" ti "though, some • times! You will have observed among the pcseengers by the steamship Pacific, which arrived horo front Liverpool last Sande), one of the household unmet Mindy, the Prima Donna, 9 lgnorina Teresa Pao di. 1 mean who holds the lame high rank as a anger, at Alan and Florence, as Puts epee did, or as Grist now does In London and Paris. In. deed she is said to be a kind of Pasta revived.— True, there was not so much ado about her arri val here as there was when the great Jenny came amongst vs, bit there tin, ueverthelew, a soffi- Cleary of popcilarenthusiasm evoked tojestify the impression that her soccer, 111 this country is cer. Milt. She makes her debut at Astor Plecc, on Monday evening next, in Norma. It is not probable that 9ilat2l will keep Jenny Led to New York meet, longer, I am given to underatand. Not that public) anxiety to see her, and to hear her sing, is at all dimirdahed—nor that people ere lest willieg to pay as high prices for [tarots than they ever were, but so many brilliant oilers have been made by ether cities, that the Napoleon of Managers is unable to resist the temptatian to lalto the Nightingale to HaVaal, at all events. An agent, conunissioned to treat for the Tama Theatre there, sailed In the Ohlo on , Saturday last, and Jenny will probably go there about the le of December next, and thence di- I rect to New Orleans. Bat enough °tauten! mitten; nay, I ten, more than enough—for as the probabrities are email, indeed, that tog of the Smoky City will ever have the luxury of hearlagenher of the two great ye. vitiate referred to, am I not only helping to all. pante disappointment and regret! Potsibly, however, Jenny map go op the Mississippi and Ohio, on her remelt, bat Parothhs engagements are likely to coallee her to the cities of the sea board. Quite unexpectedly, the telegraph last crania', announced the arrival of the Canard steam ship Canada, at Halifax, from Liverpool, after the very short pastas/ of eight days and twenty hoora— The Paolo was nearly eleven days, SQ that Chi! is treading on Collm's heels preuy alarply. The most important pert of lent Intelligence, is cone fa med the Commercial advices, which etate an ad. sauce epos Provisions, Coffee, Sugar, and Indian Corn,—sift the consfnnable assurance for Wet street, that American Secondem ware arm rv.a an upward tendency In ,the London markets. The . Creseent City,' , whlch tailed yesterday sf terneon. for °hypes, to oat about 150 passim. garb among whom were several Roman Catholic clergymen from Europe, bound for the Oregon Misalen. Tent yrtscienfees correspondeat "0." alto on board, having determined to go and see her himself: what Cal:donna it.. In due time, distabtkes, he will give the reader; of the Gaze= the benefit. of his experience there. Peahen' exoitement rues high. Bomb portico have completed their nominations or Slate ed ema, members of Congrete, Idayor, Comoros Council, etc., etc., and are now busy with their Eaultestica meeting'. Although lam no prophet, nor the son of a prophet, from what I see around no, lam quite tare that a Whlg victory, la thl I city it any rate, is secure, but as ko the. State, I do not think Useetecoiam, with the aid of the Barnburners, (who nova•days refused to be clamed as Lneos,) will be able to elect Seymour ma Governor, but we may afford them, say half a dozen member. of Congreu, set even that is ittoro than they are fairly entitled to, Ifs fah Whig vote is brought to the polls. The stock market, mince my I amt, Ins grade fallen off is scurity, and most descriptions bore suffered a slight decline. This afecnoon, how. seer, the favorable complezioe of the forcto newa - has had to exhderating cake; so thut quo tation have regained Fatty moth all they had previously low. Foreign Lachance for the Asir, which sails to morrow, a very arm. British GOT. .enament Basset' freely et 111.-Francs 5 1%05,m, Le Co day.. Land WILITUILI are selling at 5125 alma. In other respect. one Money market, ai marten in Well street generally, remain as at la advised. Under the Memo of the Cutsla's advice.,• buds ef breadstuff., to day, are held firmer. Com mon to might State Floor 'old at 114,50044,26; good Ohio and Michigan 11 1 1 , 26 01, 1 391; pure Her. cue 114,2105. Wheat I. 203 cents higher, Ina as buyers ate not willing to concede the advance the sales are not large. Rye is firm at 71072c0. Corn is held at 12e. for round yellow. Barley la higher. Sales 3000 bushels common et63a and 3000 do. prime et 91. Pork is not so steady, toles 700 bbls. Mesa at 5t0,51an0872, and $9l 09,371 for Prime. 200 bbls. Bechtold at 23,710 4,50. 700 bbla. Lard brought 7.071 c., the lam, price for strictly prima Sales 300 tibia. Prison Whiskey at 27 102711 Dredge is held at 27c. Co', ton is unsettled. Reponse!' frost from the Santo help to strengthen the . market. Fair Uplands : e held at 141 e. Rio Corree sells at 101011 c., and Lagnayra at 1010101. $OO bags good Java were. taken at 121 e. Hops are in demand at 140i7c. for both Eastern and Western. N. Vote 012 the State Ticket. The follow Lug is the remit of the late electiou, as far as It regards the State ticket, or the candis dates for Auditor General. Surveyor amend, Cs. ad Commissioner, and the Amendment of the Oonstltudou, so as to elect Judges by the vote uf the People- 1:1=1:1==3 Snake, Locofoco, Snyder, Wiry, Na!, XnUve. •- Bamk's tonionty. =MCA OCT/BAL. Brat , ley, Leheatapo, 141,630 Headersoc, Why, 130975 Clearer, Native,' 1,006 141wley4 mojarity, /13A55 Caaal. Ca:lol2lWanit. . Motr:tch, Locolheo, 1)213021, Whig, Dowees, Monism:oe majority, Far, Again.; rd./catty tar, non Praranu.—The St. Louis Republican of the 20th lent., 11 1 / 4 1 that Deputy /dental Wu. Dam, .wbo has been engaged In taking the ceo- Ent as Pembina, hu arrived at St Pad. He re. pep the mops upon Red river bottom. entirely destroyed by the ocuszally high water, cad man e boom. sweptwing., He repass the education, i llamas of Pembina not In a Tory latteriort mai.. The cdtoolmaster Amapa* abroad. 01 1108 ic • habitants, only twarap abc eau read and write—. near inaleoand f.lej , en fotbsiet. When three dap travel 'oath vu of. Pentlika, • pony of seven Sian Indian were waged by Cloy Chip. pews., and di were lined and scalped - Their HMS on eleiya al uw. • Perrespondatieeeff the bl W iTr.-tribatit` 1011 W 3 CRIV:6111.X114,', . • Prairie.. es lb. nau&icY COMaillealtais tantadota—raucous—egg Oatruyinm,-Iterall. [ABA—WI altrOnto, sto. Coat,' Pune, Su Aaron° tte Ban, • ' san daVe' 2 ePt. mar. Duz Era—lam at one time squatted like a MA. or, et another on my knees, by way of a 'Waage, to give you • few inch The lack of a table,sa the dispatch of the mail this* check both pen and C fl,'Will, I fear, tanner. The Beetudart Ccounisoon, eller leaving Camp Ewing, on the erode shores of Indianola, was dn. patched to vario.,Anothmenu, appointed, se room to Victoria, Unreels "the let and hill SePiStst. bei,th,the number of 33 Ninetuen, 20 sursbulanees , (hero called avalanchei,)aed 9.ozneame the survey ing panty going afoot. -.Mariann 'were ••made an to run. of wateser.which, with - gum, is • wegoettet this unattr wer-iksou,— th ilindthyAltis '' ye/eel:rpm the op to nide.' Diarrhea , bas beett verglitrevalent t rough thiratemuyiThrime ofiSe pally; have been attacked:by it—no-dame from churn abed water for thrii.pere eluting .left be, Nadi:- Bat, considering thee:coy cheagn, all ant wonderfully well—mucheregit be' d e,,, I reek. oni(es all start at 3 A. M. to'gtat elixir vine, early rising. The moles generally hod' to be porclisned in an unbroken condition, and Infield of stances fair would be seen wah thee heads where there tans aught to be, air if to net teamsters at dame, or at leant try their hands a bit; swath whipped and cont. ed note few, they find it adecided nee ergo ahead. The is of thine annuli is noon sound by acquaintance with the teamster, Dori, keeping to getber at watering places byte's:ay kicking at any but th ose who look after them, and knowing the neighborhood of Water, al shown by neighung. Ike read, or rather beaten track, from Lunn Pont, Wit dolor many Miles over a sandy brad of table land, apparently not many centuries deserted by she nen, and sneer by the band et roan, which, from heavy rain., is formed-into ndges, called hog wallows, that act es water pipes for /Wine, wild, yet harto.eta. The first rancho as 19 or 19 mike op, ('he length of mile nocerthln here) and en far Nature, In her anon, seem; like n pastry cook, to have jest taken her doughy ingredients and run ever the yet unbounded material, rolled on a can. t canna ton of table, sprinkled here and there wl'h s few epees of garnish, and so lett It, tdf, In kind. ling the oven, the table Caught Are, (es the prairies rarer a troll,) and the uotiseaded pastry was mote worthless looking than King Alfred's spoiled cakes. The reaches afford bending end provisions, rod) es they are, (or man (honey 01 6 00 ) end beret ta no mean cost Inquire not who slept in them ; the moat common observer eau And, amid the crowd, Otero la an nanny moventeill, each as town to these who played s'llth Stretch Addle,* or en Wee ender St. Vitas dance affection, and the coocluein arrived at, on hatpin of the ennu i Is, that these reaches are swarmed with fines, du., and their accommodations dear and wretched be. Send description. Timmer lo women that dwell in these bomeey. els arc like guienittene, 1 1 0 Ale ti-fis t solar action, and whose empty soundingyfords me as 'he hollow workings of a tennis seeker In a pump handle over • dry Well. Thera le an thererceptible ascent from the coast to Victoria, the height of winch above the are to nearly 90 feel, datum nearly 39 mile', and front wrantiont, girt via) lakes le the Mau, its magnetic vanatton, 10 02 E. of N., collinear, in tensity. 1 1472; and true magnetic inclination dm cloud 57 deg .2 mth.•B3. This ennapnelett town situated on the Goad. gloom, expelled its original settlen, and by an act bend, them any privilege of nub:nuns with in its vicinity. Einar the last Mayor Ina murder ed by the inhahintots, Ina linen broil, or petty le. gel affair, no one has sought the olOce, the anther. I,y of which cannot be enthroed. Population hag not locieseed in propene,' to building. The Coon Hones (a Muriel) belt about a year back, le a little inhaler to Anglin State Route. It and all the modern buildings are bulb of red, weed brick, burnt on the apol, at $7 per thomend. A pewter of old, [woe a lease all genre, I; now bedding co a bridge go the gawk weft bend of the Goadaloope." It. n • -anal= OIL this rapid and swollen river In flood—borders overflowed, banks and snags *rutted down -1 very gemensoable. Below and above this point, ferries run In oppoduon, on- • novel pito. A strong rope, secured to a meat either side of the river, is stayed from bank to beak, and a smeller one nave through the shell of a neck black, wihin which is a 'heave* each end of 'hit rope takes the ferry boat, nat holtonsed, fore and an, and by sleeking off either end, the :curfew carries it to and fro, u regal:ed. Trained mules are in read. Wen to convey tenths down and op the weep buke, that wand et about one In four—ean the Vtctoris ride, about one hundred and day feet ` of a elope; en the other, ninety feet, width of river, ono hundred feet. As a proef ornsunness for a "war to the kinfie:" • mention being pot toe man on inbuilt; eel.. tiers to the foundation of pion of the caw bridge, the reply inu no sooner tram his bps then the fie weir onen,end drew. knives might have ended either, err both, bet for hasty Lownenriten. The first interesting place beyond Victoria Is old Gelled, despoiled, and in runs, amen 1&11—he popothtiou some yegra previews wyre. . about 7.0(4 and beta year beton its &mean 9,1300.-the num. bee of women aerd children, unprecedasted for It, extent The beautulel San Antonia River, which ha many fine taunt es—the Medina, Salado, ethane—gracefully (lows by this old and new Go• hod, three miles below which an the falls ; theme to Amman Bay it is navigable. The, rums of Old Town are' interesting. not from reverence for get equity, or beintfa• architecture, but rather from precuileruy of structure, natural petition—its old fort etrodingu one of the woraumems of Spanig arehoectore It mounts 13 heavy guns, and 40 could have been worked from its rob lofty end commanding guidon. Men wes also a Spanish Mirreion Non, a two fold objets, the eonvenks of beton—the promotion and security of trade,— The everior or • square, send, phew building, with. out dome er curer, few windows, (light Der n , ng we. I ,re e ,g thwegh th e lofty doorway) moan sod as.. delved—the c afil7 presented hod Ant deAtruetion at the handa of the Minothanos, te now divided into nano. compartments, overhead of which the cheered reefing marks the destroyicur band. Atmowneric menus is fastemenblier to 1 • duet the land stone Meeks, whew roundest the Le no a rock of the wale formation, over a strata of ' Moments limestone, ha ri ng Ned bed of gravel. On the o th er aide of thence- wandsanother Sysruth m wren of Weiler fauna on the ruins of which was raised a seminary for potters. Indica The st• Waelloo MU not truly magnetic The rust deaner ed obsemttion where jelaboil waspleinly wee, y- Toe visas o/ any fret enrolee a desire to plea even from the Cocoas, which with its paddy farce arms 4 • peer against the snatching hand, wunlog net to eta—its weds swallowed future rOstaileg • —the temple Indenting lie presence by a scalop similar to mat of the leaf. The Southern road to Ban Antonio, or Sal tar , 30 notes shorter, but very sandy, sod unfit for heavy teams. About 40 tulles from that piece It abetted' with BelphiSpringe, where the Mexicans have at certain seasons practiced Hydropathy to game little extant. The Northern improves rapidly . proceeding westward, end its tomerons creeks are richly adorned with foliage and anpplled with cool wa rn, At Cabs. le • now and pretty saUlement.-- Ci4ello, %bent:allot dream—here the tedium teem colt Earthy deprede twos, and niece we arrived, COl, Heaves, wah 20 mounted men, was &march. ed ster a party of Ceenochee, that mut have htee awe on oar trail, and plundered emanate*. in in that gutter after our departure; Waco ea. camped there on Townley night, • Tenn. !Mgt tae reache aortae the wren, fled Into tent, pings la band, wish woad scared face, swestriag that Iti• duns were after him, end heathy for protection. He then told a etory of en old men and his stro that once lived in the Teethe, now °duped by himself es a tame, le white, thla old man amused • money, and on hie return Onto San Antonio, to. nether with has coo , about eighteen months past, ' both ware murdered and robbed of money, nee. rag his provision, untouched on the road. He then raid, 'Some inspect too, but God knovs:l I ant loneeent ' The man had either an sunk of delirium tremens, Of the stings of remorse. Oa Wednesday, Mier • march of 23 miles, the I COntnlWsloa encamped on Ban Antonio River, about 3/ miles from town, where are • dozen flambee; the scenery from the River, (lithely wood ed on arbor ride) looking upward, bezutiful.-. After taking a sketch, I heard the report of • pine' tot near o rancho, end going top,_found the Doctor over • elfWeded Meeletto, shot by • Texan leam• mtor, mood Green—bid been a r•nger--that Joined the expedition at Indiana's. /leaped by thin Mule. In carrying off some wood of his or finery, he deliberately returned to the wagon Sr his pato!, and again seized the wood, which the MeXiCtle opposed his inking, end handling at the bacon bets a pistol; whereupon Green 'hot hilt 10 . the bream and Ibm delivered Weasel( op m the camp. lie was deprived of Ms pistol and detain. ed ender a guard. The Mexican'. wound bled not outwardly, though the boll was extracted, and died in three boors. He tett a wrre and em child. ren and an aged father to mount hi. load The Commierion lent some pecuniary aid le those dee penitent On deceased, bat the cries of the =rat vote were paten! to hoot. At dark Green got out and hat not since been baud of, boa that night three hew,' were mined from camp, one (private popom) shoat the tinted in the countre. Early In the he m 'WOIVee, though afar ofr, had scent ed the remains deprived of Ida, and sent :crib • shrill cry for the unite repass. Theineely gladly left the smith of bloodshed, and encamped on Tttureday at Calabria Oteek, (pretty camping ground) below a ruche at the T ogg r tja. Here in 'hewn on the moth bank of the Ether, ahem 390 yards below the fauns, a abaft leaned Don Cllrelollo'S Folly; ran for 30 mg. Into too grindstone With cerise expectancy by one young Dan Centeno, educated in the Feriae lan Shoals, of obtaining that precious metal so nateleekenly searched for on the other side of the Rio Grande. After encamping on the Salado Biter, about four tulles from town, the Gommlesion moved through San Antonio on Saturday, and pitched their teats at the head of the San Pedro, nearly two miles net. Bet here was to be the scene of more blood:nutty work, and the weapon wag to emike nearer home, yet by another Texan hand.— Some words arose after reaching the pound be .tween John Tennant, of Washington, a butcher and a Texan wronger, named Turner, who, after some apPeful words to Tennant, tried to provoke him to light, which after much 6 214es:once, ho was do, the knives thrown away. Oa this the Texan drew off to the wagon, and when net le marked, took out his talk, (along bowie knife,) and returning to wham relleilitt stood, again pro , yoked him troth wontetolknred by two hard balm Tennant again desired him to pat away hie knife dome. Co hum); immediately the Texan Week at blot, and Tennant had no reouerguarded the blow 'and eroght him by the eboulder,thau he owe roes led upon "end stuck balsror the heart by the told Woodcut villain: 'Telitiair AIL The Tens tie tat utterly pinned br Iwo on horseback. Within two hours aher Tennant died, conscious of the ore, trilag loot lag death would be to a We algid chlidtmr, ibtedy dipendett rut tw ettelria handchrad and brought to toot % bat to o liilo_fire the protieedlems by, Girona% inquest la on yesterday. This morning it cot= enceit link& and though tiontlarred thaty arasadjotans ad at a late bout. It Is said his trial after committal. which is 'num, erode ground of wi n o! murder, will proceed at once. Tennant inn hos tied to day. Paortemea Fnontrn's Lecrans—St ?MIAMI*. ble audience assembled on Thursday Wahl 11:1 the lecture room of Clinton Hell, to !Wen to the ad. of Rome. dram of of Fdepanti, on the secret himory Ted the first of • mau & : this ma>. {en, And iudgi4 from its cheramer, !mere lug tenures wilt ponces nal:0113MM) interest. The declarer comma:teed by Wetly reviewing the dif. (nem empire; of : ihMeht and modera • tithes, aanohrthe forthef of which be matanoed Rome se the mien, la•iegatdjo clarßiation. power add sti ge ll .a.panographies' diMempaths Her language Gairebd °fall .Rampen languages. dna; a compatiaßn between Rome and Atheriga, the knot' ° eouPTlng, hit mid, the tame pi:sift:Col • the Modern world that. gm former Possessed in the ahSenti with ibis diircrence, that the great modem republic, having the advantage of the ererienoe of the past, is enabled '. to avoid the evils p which caused the decline mud Mud ovenbraw of the Gar. mer. The ancient greatness of Rome, said the Were:- tutor, is attributable to three causes, vii the rope • rarity of the race, of geographical postural, and of her inentutlona. ladependent of these, he be haved that there were aectoct inalltinfotia stroug'y connected with the deatinles of the eternal Rome was in her early dawn a small tnwn, pos. selling oil!y throe thouttand fiat saddlers sod three hundred bonne, yet her founders dated to conceive the Mania setteme of making her the capital of the world; nay, they even announced it openly, as they called the ditch dug to en compass that poor assembly of huts. .modus, iha world, on the day ! of the foundation of the city. The spot selected by then was the moat ittitable to their purpose; it was lo the middle of Italy, a region than covered with a population even denser than it now posses. es, numbering more than twenty Ave mdllcns of @Joh!, divided Into a multhode of vary warhke states, each obstinately euaceed to Ito Loral liberty and ludapeadence. It was amore 'I B oat task for Rome tinder these circumstances to coagoer Italy, than to subdue the world. It was, therefore, necessary that the slates of Italy should be joined with Rome for the accomplishment of this great object, and for this purport, it was determined to ' create a seeret eroMely. la endeavoring tq give a :blurry °tibia body, he gild it would be his princial tint, 13 •tedl. ate the authenticity of theh istor ytoof the (nor drat 'eel:twice of Rome; aecoadly, to explain the facto ! of that history, apparently miraculous or absurd, by tracing thin to their coal causer; and thirdly, to give a hint °femme cf the etre ega, yet unmet:ate. able indirerions of onion:one tics between the very eadicat history of Rome, and the late Euro. peon revolutions. Two thousand six hundred and twenty firer year ago, said Pratuanr Rlopazitl, Alba via at powerful city, well attested, abbot Litleau infies Intent from what was afterwards the site of Roma. A regular succession of kings possessed - she :theatre of Alba to the time ofilitallutl.hrolher Wateitor, relped eighties year.. In the army of Aloe &Ma., Mu • ybung Dikter famed for every grail gamin) , necesaary to render a man perfect or great. la the revolution of Alba. he led the attack on the royaloldie, H • name, according to Gornefie• Tacit.,, was Draw Ramillies. The Liorminso influence ho possessed, and the secret epcielleslte founded, were almost entitcly nakirewn to Ire oth:lent historians: Dirgent foliar enables on to say, however, that there was beyond a doubt, an ancient secret comely is existence, although it ts 43 where dutinetly spoken of Those who were I admitted Into the highest ranks of the Ethene, its ! name, mere not permitted to Orals,: up secret. Romulles, the better to accomplish his designs determined to gala the strectioas of Rhea dangtuer of Mon Remit°, acid Amite% daughter of Autnipes, in which he sueoreded. The either, lqtteht 'history of Rhea Bible is wall know to the moat superficial student of ROailta history—her I dedication tons goddese Vests, her violation of her sow; and her melancholy fare. Ben the lac. utter traced it to different eatisea than those related I in the history of Rome, n generally oohed. The ;obsequy!' fables related In The Valor, of Rome, in relation to the hint of the tittle thunder' of that slit, qt. lecturer explained, by making I NAdoulluk and not fire, the principal though bidden W.. or in the singniar event, of that period. The twins, accordhly to his statement, were the was of Remain», and cot of Marc la his newt locum, Protesaos Fdopreti said be would be en. abbe! to trace at greater length the foundation and progress of the Etherfs, or merit pc:my. which tie had merely sliodid to in bin arm lecture O. W. TAYLOR, COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROBER, I ISI S T t ig Mat hi. are . I I . be i to: 1 1 , 1 5 o l z11 ,, b4l . l.zir . nd inhales alvnly. on band oi'n.rocuumfaithan notice. Noto, Band,. 410.111.1ft1, noteciatcd on (sear• tangs. Atm.. made, It reptchad. notr.n. PALL 111."---- _ IMPORTATION OP HARDWIRE. LOGAN, WILSON II CO. 129 WOOD STRUT, Aso tow ortcparod tolth • Imo ono hub cock of tta* aftrason at -4 Ammo. Hardware. to odor superior butoosiloots so borer.. Those orioltlng poncho. 11 , 111 promo* floor Interest by 100 Krogh cox stock, as Med aro clatorsolfood to Kll os, ha most reasons:lto tem. Dentin. Com p. e liV rert lF. and Wader and Ferzi 'mgt. " 1)"" ?"'"r • Improved:mama Dsaattary. OIL 0.0. STEARN% latent slenozMlMlllVd 111 araaaheasra ltd USOC2 Wm in 14.16 end MIS of sets.upsn Ssetica or Attain beds ttuctmn roomette men In viva stmtves, where the nerve v. Imposed Mee and residesee nes: door to as May , ofilee, rdllth street, i'mshur, gam ve—./. LlWadder.. P. IL Caton. lan • MiCORD & co, Wbblesakla Retail Maw.... &Dealer. to HATS, CAPS & FURS. Weed esrth ass, Pitt 'burgh; • Wizen thej tar • row slob goer.. Pkek Mts. (km Ft., kb, obeyer, guilty b. 'tile, by PI , bate kale bad genii, sad lath. tho mutton of their ett,- Mims 11.110 pirauen pobrapy, gamier them that theywill oa W mbob Asintitaallan eta,. aultlf R. P. TANNER 4 CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, la Wood st,betwesa Tla Pearh, Are now retching their very large and superior Fall Mock of BOOTS, SHOES, Ulf] OROUARS; Afar, BONNETS m 4 no writs, all of ttis latest styles, md expressly adapted to the western trade. lt bas bee sn elected with great care, and as to emes am one try is or Impasses! by any stook to ke and either east or west. Oor customers and ma. chants generally are invited to call and examine, se We are determined to sell on the most reasonable mpg. Alto, Goodyear'. Patent AM tar Shoes of all kinds. atm tilt/ REM &Rue uLa casz 7I EVIDENCE IN OUR 'MIDST!! Ma. Cas—Sir, I, cheerfully comply with year te ener that I would ilea youtan account of the ahem mlrachlehs cure of my 11rIle Maghter. eye by the low of year .IJecuoleum.^ She eras attaated with • very seri eye In February or March last, when I Immanuel, el`Plied lottebnt medical aid to the city, by whom It Cu proninumed u• vary bed eye" and all gave me no belie of date: her soy good. After which I MCA ler Into the CO6ll. try to an old lady, who had been very succenbil In raring eyes. She told me that bee eau was hopelen, as ate would eeruunly lose cot only that one, bet also that the other would follow—it being a .tpraleas erection of the blood. And I do certify that at the time my father (J. B. Vashout came to the conclusion that we had bettor try your " Petroleum," see wan Leta, BIM: of oar eye. It ta now about two I mouths since she heron It. use, and she can Low at with both eyes as good as ever she did t and, as ft be es I eon tell, I believe she has, with the bleating Almighty, been cured by " petroleouo YOU% respectfully, M. FWCZI Vara., Cowls Plitsborehh, Eept. IBA For este by Kaput k. Mc Upwyfl, 110 'Wood croes EL E. Beliefs, S 7 Wood street; D.IIS. Carry, D. A. Ed tiott, Joseph Douglas, and IL P. Bawling, Allesheo7 mho by the propCrietor, S. /I. KIES, oc7 aul Buda. &Tooth In, Pitiabaltb; Moe of Ohio and Ana& R. H. Co, Third .t. Prreeeravp, Aaintst 5,1050. Tee Stockholder* of the Ohio and rettmguall Rail Road Company are hereby ottani to par the 'eighth Instalment crave dollar. par &ham et the oa , " of the Company, on or bebero the COM day of atdort. The ninth Imalmenti on of before the loch der of September. The tenth Instalment on or before the 20th day of October next. RT Thti 7th imualment teas called for On tho 20th ely aapfxd:f "tandErl, Jr., Tr.; =a., WIZ MAYORALTY. Na Warn—Pleas, annonos tho name of Wrict•ii Koorsearr, of the Fourth Ward, as • candidate Jar Mayor, at ih• =Wog olsettoo, suldeot to too stostdo idol) of t t oW tdtrto4r i ldlstsyatactacuND van. ocW:dtf • 81. Wierre—Slr—Yon veal Nom announce th e .°°°2° of °°°°°° /11 . 20 . 8 7 ea- a candtdato for th e Ilayoralty, ealieot to th e reticence, of the MIS Convenilo. Morten's claim. will bo orate by a hoc of friends, It bolog both oupathe and bonnet. thenthel MANY CITIZENS U• 1171x1tarlau Presents. p rresie PREACHING at Union Hall, calmei . of Path and SW - agid Mm e, on Randay, Nov. elEinirj. 3. /83 , , at ne.teelocA, la the sornlag, and 7 , I. '.. nov2 =ere New-GOods. a :i t I n 4 sr p 0 1 1 i I L : p c II Inat:tmoISB17:::dzi?Clors.11711"%rdB:72te,t:::"117ad77181:t17::"1,111LnE; 7...616.. ~.......,.........s:t4; __of hantsome and new ~:,..t h i::%1fft......1u IS handsome style and nonaere lamas, is, as. tIIII2PECITABLE NEM, o! good edemas sod boa. isl nesstabita,m arobtainpreltuble and penst..nt 10, didndio. 467 aPptrthr, bthmea tholouro or olsst• J. C. ftlAitall, oorAeodlio• ;• Wybe n. Phlshorah fIiZZAIICANO btr reek and for solo by JAMS DALZE4I, ntettrorwsetra ' 2rlriats 'of nue. writs of Vendltionl Expo. .d.frovarl Fed. mend out of the trict Court Cotner Common Pine, of Allegheny/ y oring', and In me:directed. whi n ee exp.. to pahlle stla, at the Cent domaincity of Pittsburgh, on Monday, he ' ism day of November, A. D IE6O, at 100 the fedlowing desenbed property, ~o. klock,A.Jd., All the tight, tide, Intern( .d Meitner Henry Wal jact, of, la ladle all that eenainlot or of of gron., gluons !tithe Remove tract,opoesito Pittsburgh, ed ate followe:Dpilard. onkomLone, at the dietance or= feet and 7 inch. from Jackson street, and ton. oag thence Nora, property of Logan,. heirs,l4 feet 7 inches r then. along laid Property Fast, 100 feet to an 8 feet alley; thence Bomb, 14 feet 7 Inches, to a polet 37 feel 7 inches frt. Jacksoe meet; thence 1.0 ti to the pi.e tw g i n.l.W/betagthe same lomeideb Davd. the and wife conveyed to said Henry Wallace, by deed dated 10th fdarch,l2.47, and record. e Deed Roo k - Vod In the,Recorder'sofAllegheloY eeentY; in l. VA PeTe 444, et keg., orreshiettis • ereeted atm; storpdWerlimg house Belied sect taken .Is azerntino, im the property of Ifeery Wallacc,:at the snits:if-C. 8. fit firoillolbr am of Wo,, /31009. Lit tbaterea awry fracme house, eimilie *ln 'bendy of Allmtheenon the Irehth West tide of Me Beaver, road, and being-rot Na. ar.; in -Jelin Intonfa plan of bits,:in f mid cha s mcc e. a . d .Miting tnfondt b l a 2 i ldl m g abnedin gin • d heteha9 (0 feet square, adjoining trie back nano/ eald and rite ground covered tuilding and addition, and so mach other around, Immednutly ailjace cube re• on adnidg belonging e i nn ec k e e s m aryl rr, t o e theoway rodueh fel parents of etch building, ...Met the ;said A nn Chapman, the owner or reputed earner thereof. , Seised and at en in execution to the property of Ann Chen. min, at the suit of Wm Ed.amsay. All ALSO, thosOcertaln lots or piece, of round, marked Nae 317-and 318, In the plan of lots lied out by the gtwins of Sidney Gregg, Rdleining the thert , Wcst o d f oerolt7VouoirldTimen'thrse geddnoawe itleT— Beginning Si the ;tooth wen corner of lot No all cad blanor street, thence by line of mid lot, 04 feet to Pine AJI,y; thence by said Alley, kg feet to the corner of a ten feet alley; Mutt, by laid alley, BO feet to Manor meet; thence by laid atreet,64 feet to the rinse or be ren.n.ol4/, who:e l :1; 6 ;n the (sac day 01,1 ‘. one, 1810, Eaton, and Isaac Gregg, Gregg, nne7./ane Bo Pnah b. ineon did, by yarning mid. their h an d, and stele, and fora valuable co 'Metall., egain, and bond to Mee. Margaret Darragh. and also on the day and year last aforesaid, did, by . serldng under their hands and !teats, for a v.ditabie .nebteration, image and transfer to said Margaret Datragh, her heirs and assing•aD thmt, right, title, interest and Melte In eald mortgage, ono the land conveyed Or Irlyrtdett tO be conveyed thereby, which said *elopement and wasterer was on dm day and rear it., alittesaid, by them Only acknowlcdred end whereas, on the /6th day off.uary, 1819. the gala, Margaret Dumb, hi her Attorney in fem. Charles Staler, did assign an set over, under band and seal, ' farjraftlitt reeellred, w e d ald Oliver Ormaby Gregg, and , did als o, on the day year eforevad, in Ilk. manner amine, vaster, and set over to sad Gregg, the er.lo manage. tele. and taken In exceotion, as the prep. c o at Adam ot toehold. at the salt of Oliver Ormsby Gregg, ham; Gregg, Sarah E. Fat. ,mod lasso Gregg, Trustee of Steam June, ALSO, All the right, .de, inter., a2d claim of John Gent, of, 10, TO 01 . 0910 f tne following described mopertY, in vaim—Deinning at 190 fent from Federal atrem, on Sampson heedt, thence Sempeon street to lot No. at: th ee./ by lot 23 feet, lb ato teet alloy; thence by said alley,. re., In lot N0..27; thence by lead lot, 03 feet to Sampson street, at the place of herb/rung: eeld lolls numbered 29,1 n Anderson'. pl. of In,. In the city of Allegheny Seised and taken in execution, as the property of John Gen)* at the au!! of Jas. Ac ALSO, All the right, title, interest. pmeenl or and de' mend of Waste GI. McCully, of, in, to. or out of, ell that [rut <lmparted atm:datums! in Snowden Taw a Min, bounded surd &scllbed as fellow. sir begin. num et nonce, thence by lards of John Woods,poet p} degrees, fist 1133 parchea, to a pat, hence /*nth 2 degree', weal 22 perehe a to a post, thence by land of Andmen Token, moth t degree., west 61 740 per &es, to a Kane, thence math Ect degrees west, 249 pnynnon 10 ts a r post, thence nouns 3 degmes,,vest to imam to an Cl., Menem 83 degrees, Real 10 I drew perches to a cone, thence - by lands of An- Thdball, end Ser. George Marshall, north 48 degrees, west 1328 perehes to a port, thence by the church ground, north 3a degrees, east 1 / 3 perchee to a post, thence north 23 degrees, west 17,6 perebee to appose nod thence by land o Dz. Curry, north Co de... Creed, eat 32,4 to piano of begins.. containing 61 ames more or isms, on whlch is er e d a two story frame house. and a log barn. • Soloed end taken In cr. OCIIIIOII an the property of William G. hicCol,y, at the suit of Andrew McClure. ALSO All those two certain lots o , r Mee& of ground, nit nue In the tame of Birmingham, as told oat by John Homo, on the tooth side of the Monongahela river, last Clair Townahlp sad market/ in the plan WW said Town, es Nos. 1 and St, bounded by. Montgomery by lot number 4, by Rote Alloy, a& Wayne sweet, contaming.lobsuy in Amu t 9 feet, and In depth 190 fL Wag a plaint Mat penion of • greet of lead, engem. m Se Clair Township a'ormaid, celled “Berry Dell." which Thomas McClurg, and Elisabeth his wife, by deed, dated the 17th day of December, 1810, to Josepti McClean, who he hts Ism its and testa ment. dazed Arguello, 1617, &tombed the same to Alin Meeting sod others, wen bY deed tinted the lath dayetAtigusalKin granled Mtsu. bo Robe. Barge, Who by deed dated toe Zth Feb ~ISI6, conveyed the same to Thou and John P, Bellearell. who by deed dated lith December, IM, conveyed the a.. to Jet,,, Brown. who by deco, bearing date, eoeveyed lots number 1 sod It a ifeary Neville seised end tak en in eseenbon as the properly at Henry Nen de,t the ego of John Brown. AO. All the Sett, title, Inter. LS , and olden, of Herman r. 234 hs, lbal two so n brick &vellum I house, alas& on MO north aide mg, between Doneav wad Fag the'derv'eltt't"4l,= 0f the 1.1.ty of Patetargh, mid home been 10 reel inert, by Id feet deep, of which the mold Herman Tanner ems nod lathe Owner, cm reputed owner and erozsrector see the mild Sleiztir Chains to have it h.rt et sad bedding, and so rar,en ecruhen or croand ..‘l , be deqUOti3O 111 .0 , 4,11.12 en Intsn Olken the property of Herman tuner, et the salt of Witham Montan; sow for ese of William Ambers. ALSO, All the nen, title, overeat, and claim. of Am,'" St selthonse, of, 13.1nd to, all his &man lot or amps et gamed, situate in the &Vend!, Ware or [!..e am or Pittsburgh, according to a plan of lots laid on: by SM.! Wrigbt. recorded le odlee for rooOrdinn of deeds, aim le and for sold Comay, en book 3cl 11, end. 47, pages andsd El. eambeeed RI, freolcm on the Pittsburgh Turpilte road, 21 feet and 11 nu& a Rad eAteadleg in depth 1119 fem niche*, to a feet alley, being past of • taint or pieta of ground, welch was gramma end neeveyed by William W e it Mae, Eng.. awl Matilda his wife. by deed gir ded 7th del of September, A. D.: MOS, and reeerde to hoot 34,0, vol. a; pages 172. be., in Be aren to Oil veld 6 .mei Wright. Be BOsed and tabus tie,e • &Idea as the prope rty' e t AMA. Stacktioum, atm, state! ?beam ft eleminan. It LEO, All th e right, tale, Loterealy and claim, et' Ads= !dese, nod hams 8010, or, in, and to, • CrE , 111,41 lot er pie,. of around, CUM Fan . In t Deer Township branded and described a. fo::o LI wit beeioniey t sae AlLecheLy Net at pe le., st Lience by !La o f Ara Rowity, degfeeill eeie LO perches to a POD, then. op neer 411 perch.. to a poA, mere soots EL4eepsost, west le perches to post, th ence wrath t degrees. cut Z pesehes to the p•see of be ry pinata Wow:load lakeo to James as the proper. af Adam alstogar, and Junes Bole, at the suit of Advil. Rowley, and Myren U. Rowlep, Adore of A.s R..ftendaataard. ALSO, All the right, title, /elev.% .0 eh.. .Ithl Dick. 0f ht. eso ta all that terthm lel Or pkee aground. 0100 a to Oho Tlawcaup, bounded and described ae foli.ers, to Wu—beginning on Local mks, corner of lot number 14, In pion 01 kts of the helm ofJ. Peebles. deceased, In raid Township, thence aunts 31 degree.. sod 4.3 Emotes. cut.) 540 perches It lot camber IX, thence wash 34 degrees and Sp:Dinette, west 44 111.1ou rge 1041 ; in T;? tke re " ;; e:04: r At north 3] degree. minutes, seat 0 (WO perches to- lot camber 14, thence north 41 degrees and 3 minutes, mut 04 21.105 Perth?. to Loral, infect the place ol beginning, taints" one sere, Mere or lees, on whim, Is erected both norm, twos:nee.and epporteowecc e 2 ed and taken in execution as the ,rropertr of Jahr Mellson, at the salt of Chitties Grant. dll the eight bate , Intere AL tt PO and dam of John Top gars, of, in, to, and out Mall that nen aln lot or piece of guard ultimo to the city of Pittsburgh, named and aetibed it Utopian atlas Inid out by Jobe tiseg,on gh street to astd city, No. at, said lot fronting on twain intact ro feet, and emending bark on a :mallet lien with Wet meet, a dins., of itt feet, bounded by lob numbered 34 and 31, and by Pan th street road. bate lot being dliteet to a knee( /1/6.3t 0 per annum. There in ere ets4 on e geld premises, one two notp femme house, and tone and A half nosy house. Seized and taken inn:eat:ulnas the Properly Of Jinn Taggart, at the nth or Beradd Onsn. Ma All the right, tide, intermt, end elfin of John Gall of, M. vil la g e all that cereal n gime of groand situ &led in Me of Temperance.Me, being part of lot No. el In the plan of lots °idled .F2liont.Delighmade .by Remiogron, on Ike Pinged-eh and Steubet, villa Turnpike rout, nevoid°g at the corner allot No IQ In said plan lenoe mon. th e BA Id lot No. to, El 12 degree., IQ minutes, ant £llll feet to au rdley .0 feet orltlO, thence along said alley, and paral/el with the tun_ pike, aoult 64 degree. 40 minute. Lwat c 2 feat to • lot line nce along ne of lot sai d pandlol, ' with th of let No. 10100 feet to said Teop, end None, with the Turnpike ito feet to the place of begin meg, be i g the same which AlaUndet Pope and n iL by need dated Angus! 1219, and recolded in book 1, page 1171 conveyed to said John Gall, on watch Is crested one one awry frame Ekrelilt g house wan CO. bnemen t, or teed and tan In executing math. p erty ofJohn Gala the m it of Roben Robb, Pro • MAO ; All these contiguous lets pieces ef ground, inmate in Pm Townshlp,lnow flit Ward in the city ofgins hoig aj being NO• 67 mu tie, in it plail on, 1014 off by stepeett Camell to the manor if Pittsburgh, and recor ded to plan book psge 4CI, being the same winch dald lamas W: Jefftitsllo4l Ellen I wit, by their dem; due juneiki, tEs3,and rsconlvd in book vet. GS, page O. conveyed to the said L•Wil A. kleAlfrey. Beisso and taken Inligeention as tile prope:ty of Lew 34 A. di c entity, With notice Is (Mill I en& t., a the sui of James W. Jeffries, new for use of Solna ALSO, All the righitle, Mamoru and claim of George Frenkfort, shuts.. 00 and wealLl that piece Lornerc of Mend shuts. the elde of East ln the Fourth Ward of the etre of Allegheny, bein toe and baited lot No 0, in the sabdlsl• on of lot No 44, and coirreYed' by Nicholas Voegtlcy, gr., to Albert 0. Weatherbee, by deed bearing date December 5.1.513, recorded le Allegheny county, In book St 2d, vol. 41, page Gd, and bounded art follows: on the rut by Eut Lane, belly Ti feet front on laid lane, on the south, 15 Met more or less, by let No 7, sold by Get Vorgtlay to John Bticken, the west by the west by the wew hall of the mama lot No 0, gold by said Weadterbee to Droadetone. nod on the 00tIO 45 feet, more or /ms, by lot NO 4 old to John Ackerman; the sold dere ant lot bens the !tame which Albert G. Weatherbee and soda by their deed dated September 7.h, DM, recorded in Allegheny county, In deed bock 4 D, 77 rage 259,granted and conveyed to the. said Georg e Frankfort, tokemer with all the building. erected thereon, tights, ens/lege, end appontnances thereto belonging deteel mad taken to eitegMon so ho pro ut t pony of George Frankton, at the man of easel fileClaa ALSO, All that certain two nosy from:doreUink Itemlo and brewery strata In Reserve township,. d boob:ling belrece feet to fron . on the Pittsburgh and Bailor TIIIIIPIke Road by l fat deep, and emoted upon a Joint around Which Is about a feet In front On sold ntropiko rod, by about 070 feet, unending back to the Troy road, and bonded by pmpor.y of D. Rich. anbaugh on one tilde and by property of Kiss Iltelt enbartgh on the other, sod. well the amid busldnos aa also rho albresatd lot or piton of ground, and ear (logo epaulette., thereto. Salted and turn In eon. cotton as U. property of Conrad flow, at the suit of WUUam tY.hicuregor. AI.Sn,• All that ceettin-pleco or land situate in Lower St. Clair Torntship, and bounded and deneribut as fol. lows, te wiy hegira., at a port on the lino of pro. pony crow or lota ofJweph Ailen.thanee 110{11b 1 deg. 10 !Inmates, eut perches to a post on 11. Gran 's bye, thence by land. or Mot Chess. soon Id degrees, wen tee perches and 410 to a port, thence by land of William BOnll north 1 degree; 10 minutes, west Pad perches and 040 to me nuddla of the road leadlng from Morgans& to Pittsburgh, thence along the middle of odd road berm 27h degrees 91 porches, thence north 1113 degrees, east de perches, meneo south 07+ do. green. salt L 2 440 perches, Mame north 04 degrees, crst Mahe% thence north 73e degree*, out It 6.10 perches, 14 tho place of beginning, the said place of land beteg known as the Metryar Perm, and eon taajnod acre; dl{ In .Itu i tt i rp u r re or less pzopnlelir lo Jo hn i ad 8..0.0. HUTU( la wife, at the na of ALSO, Al! that tract or p reel oflud Untie is Ml , OllOVa Skip. bounded us desoribrdasfoll,wcto wit; dog s t stake adjoining Put Eaton, thence north Pet, West, 235 perches, to a whits ask and past, joihfng lands of Samuel Bryson. thence malt 154 degrees, eut,Mtpesebe• to a dogwood, thence north 07 da re., UMW. Probes 13 a white oak, thence norm 154 egreas. east 161 ../0 peret e. to • beech bosh, thence nonh dngreu, tau Ot perches to • white on, t`ence south 51 degree., tut 045 perches to a eke.- no, oak, attouxl24 degrees, south 0 8 7.10 perch. es to a black oak, thence walk 74 deuces, west 7,0 Perches to a whits oak mad post, rococo email deg. east .73 perches to the place of l acres, with ttn allowan of 6 per Sprottr roads, highway., .ke --conveyed op Thomas to John McFadden, 6ste of Moon township. dee'd. Seized and taken in execution es the propeny of Jossith 3lcFld deo, at the toll ef Pruett G. Daily, Om', of Samnel litysoudeed. . . . • '. ALSO; 411, nett:Bee • interest. and Mahn of Josmh Jordan nn d Weriant'F Jordan, of, La, and to, oil that cedar. !stem °farmed settee in Reterve Townebler, la., ROM Ttnermtup, bounded and described al fol lows, vial begbonna at a tea at the corner of land of And.. Bayne, and of e the of James &Harz, deceased, thence by lad s ' of the heirs of mid O'Hara south 758 im a m' s: is 57 perches, to the Franklin ROM. thence north g. west 15 perches, therm north 45 deg. east 14 perches and 8 links, thence north lb deg. ma ID perches and 5 links, thence north 9C4 de r , west S perches and 5 links, Itweee. 1 . 101111 xi degrees, cast 23 perches and 18 litks, thence north 75 degrees, east 30 perches and 29.1tnks, theme south 14h deice!.,eau 011 perches end 113 Machm thee south 59 degrees, s•sts9 pardon and 101 :nus.thenc o math 14 degrees, nett 13 perehm. to the dm, of beg-Mang, containing 13 acres and 1339 perches, with the an erected thereon.' Retied laud taken et execution the pro- Mal ol JneMytt Jot dm andWellain P. Jordan, at the tint of Wm P. Jones me A. A. Hardy. ASO, Ali the right, nee, "emelt, md Mica of !sun VOlckereham, of. in, end to, all that certain lot of grated lying end being in the city of ['Mahn eel s being part of tot NO 179, in f ai n neral plan Grade eel. receded and'descreted as.o. to wet best tech oat Market erre at tbe dttmnee of ar feet 15 tech southward, (rent Front street, tanning along Prod se`et southwards. dr tern and 4 inettes, thence by graund denalecd In hi. Liurnswell castwardly 57 fed, thence northwerdly a pent/ lel line with Market street 20 and feet 4 hears, thence by ground demised to Dutton rant, "dried ---- wenw to arely uannual7 Met. to the plate of begin payable to Ana IL Imam, payable d sem annually ert , the !inn caye of Apra and ()ember of each ated•everT year, hews the same lot of ground sold to fait Gam, geltVdtaoy.o7dhlrtterent'i, iffl.l l' ll. e ' ci !tt;r7Zo e f n e d air ta o a n o baying by varlets asaignmente pastel to Thomas %Pictorias., who, by deed dated the lst day of Fete , diary, 1050, cold hlt Interest to said Irene, who M now reseity pomested of the same. Seized and taken in emcee.. a. the property of ham Wiekerahmersa the tall of George W. Irwin and Anna lus wife, &LSO, AU the right, title , lateral, and claim of Robert Gil. breath, et, it and to the following described_ property, vbly at a l ceertain let of amend silltate in IMO Pitt town a,ginaing on SecOnd sat corner era lot leered by Thomas Greenough to t oneCharlesr Rel.., thence alone said street 20 feet, extending back of equ w hich ! to Andrew Watson9clina, being thearae lot Thomas (ircenOngh, deceased leased on ' , dom.l lease to Mid Robert Gilbreath, refilled to 1-a ' for e yeaver.rly pound rent ot:813,0t, payable half years,, Also. all the right, tele, intereet md obalne of said Gilbreath, of, in and to the following lot, vat eintette In thud Pie township beginningon the State Rood, at the thmthee of let feet castwardly from the corner of a hoar. late Owned by John tilbsot. and naming along sled reed 39 feet, thence at right angles with sold wad northward!). to Andrew Watson's lane, tortes a d nu WatrooOl tine about 30 feet, thence mathersrdly a sleigh; line to the plate of beaming, sables , * tO an amaze Mooed rent Of 810,00, Seised and Irk en is ezematlon at the prone.) oflthisete brest a, at the jail of Thomas Greenough. cs, ALSO, • OR- All the following deseribedy art oriel 347,in the City of Palsbersb. commeneing OP IN n •th Street, on the line !edict No. 019, in mad city, now owned end eacapied You th s.% l l ' F r o b ts ' ers tr e e n e 1 m'''''.l,l":".P4onakl?,_t°,l7. boot 3j ' ln d elme in the sloe ' sa d a " part of aid lot No 317, now owned by %V. W. Irwin, thence by mad last met tinned put of tot, and parallel with Market -treat G d[, and atm. one 'net. to the line of attend, owned by JD. B. Ininn thence abet said tact mentioned ground Ser feet, a. d ' about 55 inches, to the had ot stud lot No. 310, b.:halting to ilo Merchants and himalacturers Inant aforesaid, and seance along the lino of the lest mentioned lot to Fourth street aforesaid, the place of beginning; saidpart of the lot No. 947, being Lodge that was convoyed in fee simple, by Caleb T. and Sarah het wife, and Barth Irwin, In the said btoberr Burke and Andrew Bathe. by deed, bearing dote the first day of November, IKIS. and recorded In the office for recording of deeds, in and for said com m. or Att.ghtny, , efererc e beteg thereto had, will more ratty emmer: eased and wkan to en the as inc grroporty of Robert. Burke, deeeltwat, In the hands of h as admeustraters, Andrew Burke, 111 . David Andrew , Berke, at the emit of Witham M. Lt.. ALSO, All the right, bee, Interne:, lien t of Thorn.. Bernet:, of. lir, and to, all the f ell o w-it re lot °elec.. of trotted, s'taste la the second Ware of the thy of A be stray, bounded and described a,, follows, ne wit— beginnler at the corner of Bees', ,r m , ;La e Be aton a WY, and rumerg thence by Fleeter street, nem - emery el (let, 1411,0 or les., theme metwardly CO feet more or lent, to • board fence dviding We and lot horn the One worthy 41f tort, lying [motet it, the .PCC by t 30 lame tooth throne more ote D Ade? and rone br toe Maw Wea r tly lees. aze.ty 63 n fee t. more or , into, to the piece el beginning. Celled and taken in eget cation as the property of Thomas Beaten, Ent , at tits suitor' John Semple. All the nen, all,, interest, end, of Willie= Alston of to, and to ell that certain lot of grimed, elan.nrth Alley, eiry of Alkegbeny, common said g.on , 131) feet from Federal strect, t'muze along sold alley aS 'inn to the centre of a d reel 11' .y, animism, property of A. 8. Palme thence norin 61 f-,t In the proper - , of Gassam. thence west 5u5 Get to a SKI fon =leg ( thrence womb 60 ket Ailey, tee place of begin rag—on which is erected two bnek dwet.:rie hoesee, - , am stone. high. Also, an the ch nile, interest and Mean of d aid %gulls= Almon of, In and lto &certain tract of lan in Pine toornelip, Intended and tanscribed at follows, to wit beginning taw went oak and limning thence by lands Of Nanny Pearel cad George Grubs, wrath eb degrees 33 mannes, east stone, a...Le by land of James Ancient= nooth 3 degrees east 137 • perelie• to a stone. IterCO by land, of Fite west 249 perches to • stone s there, by lands of lames Almagn nes= 3 &spree. west 19015 perches, to the place eg begin/nay; conthirang thrt acres and 31 yorebes, with allowance. We.. &Med at= taken cation proper. of William Aston let the sui a. Agee-0 es %011- .0n John Alston, for est of W. it O. Wadies. • , ALSO. All the right, tale, latemst ard claim of lames Gran (Obio Township') et, In and well th a t eartain piece or lot or giound s =taste in the eirg of Pinshergh, being perot tel No gth, ha Woods' l plant of the lots of Pine burgh, beginning on the mein westwardly career of Market ant Fourth streets. thence calendula in front on dlleket sr.,o iseetwaidly, ebent leo 1. to w e aivcity of Jos. Itadd:a. and in depth along Fauns ss 11/t.(4#2.11y.• the thme atm= Itti alai to tar. of James Mame, in which erected • On, story rock =aiding, comeitung two won rooms, finnan/ arge, street, and a dwelling on street: al e oa the bank ,nart nig.= lot ore two small frame headings, mating on ea mrett fief. ed and taken Its credence as um Property 0r.9.• (Ohio rownship)sa the salt o:Llroote, Tye.] and Raba. and others. A All that eertain tract oLSO,r piece of mond, situate in the Damage of Lawn, CCVIPC, boanded and described at follows, va i—Eztending in front along Boiler minim, to mini Darooah, IM feet and emcincilitir beet ill dvibi of the same width, ISO feet more or less, to an alley d mita thin; lands. now owned by Dared d omen: It neat the same miter or piece of land which sa ia ouci Ewalt am of said county, deccared. by Ins lam will, datenznin Slay, Intl, dawned to the said Anne ll Irwin, and on thin. Is created a frame dwelling boom and oaibuildma. Seized and taken in eXectiden ethe p ail of Wm Ward.,l D 7. Irwin and Anna Irwin, dm sail All AO that eeatiin two wary frame buildng, 70 feel ay da and Wring fret deep, alli 30 feet In ha iyht sit utta In Pea blee zavettep, e Nino elite tzte.up the „aonoreiheis lacer, to be a c e dc for the pull:wee or sew at lveladong the 'mammary mill wei two gh ac t wort In law intealar of the blending ; sore l ard b o . Ink annealed to said saw mall. Belted and taken an ~,pnoa a, the properly or (kora° W. Irwin and I lam. 1. Irwin. ante son oflalin IL Martha.. All the rig, le title, unarm of clam, of John F. filoCerabs, of, in. ta. and out of a certain, rent charge for ground reg., genera . out of certain let of ground. ntitat. in Pct b:e• towneltip, Wipe the egg, e l ot g t 'non,! deed.ruited f ny lam O. Alexander Co Sohn Willdby o lien, feccrin d indeed perpetual leen, dated Fe ary 31, book N 0.241, page 89, Not reserving to said... Alexander and hie 'deigns a reot charge Of eYcac'P P a Yable.linnot rig, solid lot Drie 41 feet fro: to on th e ituberghrand Oreensbu gh u d rnpite Road, and extending back Ito feet, bounued by prop erty now or late of gall Ale...der, which said ground rent M. 00000704 bp E. Ttovillo, , Shedd' of said county, as the property of laid Alexander, to the sold John F. Alteombs,s t poignance of certain notheed- Iv had to the Cannot Comma° P°leas or raid county, Ott Ft. Fa 73. Juan tem. I end Also—All the rigta hle, interest, and claim of send John le 111pCoadir, Cl, in, and th. all that renal: lot or peeped groundemt Ile in the •idage of Fast ltbcrty, Peebles nownship, bounded and described at fellows. b . ginning at the Corner ofd: Wien 12 fret wile th e polypi:ugh and Greensliorgh turnpike mad, thence eastwanily along rani Turnpike rota W feel to the line of proper, el Thomas PcJieary. thence southerwdly telosig the lit. of vatd 31r elearreproparty Ali feel. a fur feet auger the, c • along raid •nort westwardly GO iit to odd 1 2 fectalley, , thence dent same 1101111- weidly YOU int to 110 pit.. of begtoniog. the itch , Miro in/ !ICU and olalto of raid Joan F. fdettombe, of, and to all that certain tract or ;ileac of ground situate la the village of East Liberty, Peeblea township, hounded ea rollover. yds: besieging at the corner of the Ocean gh and Phil burg,: Tarn yike road and the Prankst road, thence slung .aid Prankatown road about id* feek to peopeny beleugu to the Or its fadeout, Kegley, deo there 3 alogg the lion of property of said heir/abed 150 feet to the add P ame northittsburgh tr. Greceithurgh turnette, thew,' 100.i/the swestw trdly about 1211 fete to the place of b nu eginning -col ~,,, °Pk one sere, more or lcsa. Bested g token La ert C.Oll 21 the property Jahn F. Mc Combo, at the suite( VI ghath dr Became. At,3o, All the right, title, Intereat and chum of George I.leCumbe, of, and to all that certain tract or piece of lied sitcom In Peebles township, boanded and p ie ce scribed as follw vizi beginnin ort a stone on the land, r n r . sge of t h en e o . a..l .4 a to t itha :eta u Danl e , l . N h eAley . 4 20 II.k• tot W shtrthrone by lanat r of t .lett P es Lo NI souk c 3 deuce. 37 minute., cast 73 perches to post, to the line a/Joie s'e lutd.thenco along es rotor smith / 3 dogivot 3 /ninnies, west 101 porches to a some, thence by land of Daniel Nester north 84 deg 02 ram. west 73 perch. and r hok, to the plate of beer:mug; conteinlng 7 acres rude 79-10 perches, emu mea sure, on which is erected a ono story brick dwelling hintse. Also, all the right. title, interett and clam of Geo. McGee/Us, of, la end to all thou two cortain lots r piece. of grown! titan. in the village of hilt Liberty, Peebles township, cod marked to th e plea of lots bud oat by Alestander Thompson, Nee 6 and 0, eat% tot containing in front Co the Pittsburgh and Greenobarg Tonielko Road 63 feet, end extending hitt 100 tea street 35 feet wide; on lot No 6 ;here is meted two 9 Story brick dwelling home. and 001 buildings. • Also, all the right, tills, interest and ciaint pi Geom. hinCOMOII of, In and to all that certain tract of bud .haste in Peebles lawns:tip, bounded and described tut follows. to win beginning ati podia the corner of Robert Beier. land, on the Promkstown road, thence along said .ad 064 degrees, east 12 pomace to post they CS along sate rend h the out lo 48 100 perches to a post, Menet alotig lertd cow or hue of Reece Jones, south 17/deg, west 13 83100 perches toe post. thence along the same 122 dsgrees, out 12 18.1tio porchesm a out, thence alone lend o f the hods of hlcEltoY and Robert Batley loath vi de; land 7.1 14,1. 1. ,1° ( 111',111, ° . 0 1 ,1: gra'''. 33 73400 perches to • t. thump along land of seem north 9 deg Id min, ea st 10 109 perches 10 tbe place of beginning, containing sues, aulet muttons. Ale. all the right, title, Interest and claim of Gee. MoO nib*, and to al. that certain lot or pmts of gg d ,'"'er. r oin I V I" n ' t7ll ' blliN b lti l iErt tr AIX ander to John *l ntills ' ey deed of PorPotael dared Febreary 3d, 12.23, reeustod In Attention), con, deed book Noll, page en, mud lot being 41 feet In front on the Pittsborgh and Greestsbarek Tarapika Road, and extending back 001 feet i and bounded by property now or Into of William G. Alexander. select to the payment of • vy ground of tit, payable to John F. McCombs, 0 000.0 of sold Aloatteder, and Ott whlob said lot lammed a small Bum dwelling hoes. O sod 100510 la amain N as pinny of tniieZeCortagthi4e. 4 . if ptifterman. At All :he sight, intertat AtO ar , d claim of Calliarfairla. Tiley. Pth of, in. and lots root lo of around. situate in the city of aborsh, fronting= stre et street and na mes bask parallel wi th Perry street—Defendant's in• tereat Lei Da. a certain yearly rent charms, or ;mud rent. ill follow% ab sheiks( lot, SO 00. on that! 1143,00, on the 34 Io; EA:, 00. on the 4tb $43 Oft. Also. ono other lot on Thinks/met, dedendoatta ist• lentil being a yearly rent ehome, or ground main( 1t79,00.. Also , three other lots situate on Float smoky, to ylleity,deendatuat uttereat bolt/ a eerntinTettelY ren t charge, or Monad 'Teat, as (-bows, viz, on the 24 in the or coed tot USCG, on the third lot 8110,113 Seized and taken in execution** the pro. Derry of Catharine at the sus afloat, V. Miter. also, All that certain moo. story.briek hou.i,vrith bare. meth snows the aOrth east comerof SeeduskY Rivet and the North Common, to the eny of Allegtnenri eontaining to front on said North Common 23 feet, an d on Sanderky street 58 feet, and the lot or plena or riiTiVtf:.l.lPrzet/Pron'::',lanpl.dd "gdltgr. C. Bayer, at the salt of ',lnlander R , eeartr r'Y . And to be so'A by C. CURTIS, Sheriff Sheriff'. Mice, Pio, Ist, 1.560 IBINCOGRAGIC, 1101tsTrrOTION11 cll . -1z ENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Plekatsurgh• C. G. 111./S9EY, W. MARES,. 0111ce—No. 41 Water street, in the warehouse of C. 11. GRANT. trims COMPANY ie now prepared tb Inure all kinds of s tor e 'house., manabtetertes, tre y merchandise land in transitn Terris, ere - An tthunle Parent, far the ability and. integrity of the Institution, is afforded tho character of ate Di rectors, who run all citizens of Pittsburgh, well and favorably known tolthe canc.munity for theit prudence, Intelligence, and integrity. G. 'limey, Wm. Bagaley, inter, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh D. Ring, Edward fleaselton, JohnHawortii, S. Harbaugh, G. M. ELet, ar.3o:-tt FLOUR EIRIDEICED. • • WIIMAILTII St. NOBLE will tell their Exua F/oor, thilvezad, on end2e let November, at 92:5 pimiCO Me, eapettlao, at per UV lbs. A liberal decent:it to retailers. . .. 00l 3.V Tn A NOBLE BROOMS -o 7 Cos c oizsl;'`il T ~ hTtio. t ~Atti ~.w..., , I Nou tys GLASS—MO bz• libeh heart's, aucirc. red S:1‘,11, rreesred and for ogle h 7 col .111.111BRMGE k INGH&LA.BI. LAY,' °""N.7Ii.VIIAbLIZFLL AP-0 bet No 'Jest ree'd for sale by not JASIES DALZELL CAC . i7LES—bg No 1 Mould, for ibbs by • JAMES DALZELL CRion-AHED SUGAR—e j jaNA'dicza D RY PEACHES—aI bac. roe naly by ENGLISH lc BENNETT HONEY-15bzapri not ENGLISH & BENNETT ASII-7 cask. 'fai anle b y Cgii.SE-151) tits in none and to *trivia, fin iminby not MOLL? Fl & DICYNETT (10/IN BROOMS-73 dos for .ale by ENGLISH & BENNETT GLASS -1W . o-IGLASS-IWbis for WWmyY - 3ENNETT CHESTNUTS—{ b,,, fo r le 110 i ENGLISH & BENNE7T UTTER-7 keg. for sale by noI ENGLISH a BENNETT ISEW BOOKS. • rpHREE years In Calltorniii By Rev. Wolter Col `Deckn, US. N , Alcaide of Monterey, for Cl and Port,. de., with illustrations. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chal mers, D U L. L. D. By Liaison in law, Bor. Wm. Dann., L. L. Lk vol st. • Pictorial Field Book el the Revelation. By Benson J. Lossing. No C. No O. The Dowry of Pendennis. B y W. rte. TID therel. • Genevieve; coda fliztory ici , Serrant OirL Tons load from th e French of AI house Da Lornardos. By A. IL Scoblo. Additional Illemoira of sent, By A. De La. menthe, author of P and Fatale of toe Reyeblie'ililemoin of my Torah? "RaphaelP"The History o f the Oirondista,” tun, - Reeeived for sale by B C STOCKTON 001 Con. Thwa d. bracket els. _Eyetoth Post. Chronicle. and American. e -17ENTUCKY MUSTARD— conowca celebrated XL Lexington Meow!, matri b am seed. Jan re ceived end taw gale by 11.1eCiLLIRCI id CO oc3l miFLiberty streeL . BEEP ree d for sale by .31 bieCAN ULEf3S 2,,T m I_)UCKWAERT FLOUR—:4• 3 iLet s Int teed b I_3o 401. WI• /4 Me CAROLERS BBOOMS -40 NICK ;. AloktVES3 %MAC I TEAS I I MBE undereigned baring aneingements for the ttr.. matal..g:thase of Teas m cut , by whir& they are eon y In receipt ot Fresh Ten; selected from carg os ere, couLdently otter them to the public t ash y arri fobobring low rates:_ Common Green and Blank Teas SO 27k pt.' lb. Pr, do do do D 5. do Mope( do do d 0 01 ne 75 do Kora do do do Their mammon comprises—, dD Oolong, four grades, I Young Flom, 4 grade& Cholas do, 'Old no, &Ronne, OnapOlndof, 17 hoperial.• &li goods sold this hoots are warranted, ono be returned If they do not pine entire satinfaction. th,Tll,moliisnitdiolypeinerc,aain.puka.trm ri:e . y ti s c o need by paper pugs. naves -117 A liberal disco= made to Millen. / WDI A 111eCLUE0 & CO Deal gielLibroy suns% • WILGO.7, POIIALE -- A' nay well mule Wagoo,'soltabhi far foot . or .M.4= hors., far axle by 0c33 AMMON, LuTLEfr. co, 255 L;berty et F/41-40 brio or No 3 MosMocke el. — 7 15 of brio Nos 2 and 3 ' do; for ta r le' by 1101111.4. uprLe. co IRON—VA tons Pie t , ../t by A e •sa ROLlSnii. LITTLE BCO INC %V ASIIRDS-30 daz R i ce's pmenti fm Zcn •nle by J D 7..7; lAMB & REM HAIR-Iroo les In store mud for sole by esls • J D WIL1.tell18& L.A.,31-40 bia ar.bkand 10.112 . f0r yule by WILLIAMS as CO WRITE- HONEY-4° bcs for weir, AVIC.CiA &CO :TBgE4-3k geo” Block and Box, for sate by 1 1 .TriDRIEB-5 bra soperibm Biqa I'ioar; bx. Bose Warr, • 5 bit Extracts of Lerma and Vern* • br .Lemon Bas Vortareelb or ; - , 5 Imo 011,6 044 • ) 2 bra !Omar d Soap; Alan, Brom& Coco& and Coe* a r&ell,for male by 0e32 J D WILLIAADs & CO JIG M ETAL -4 tons jest reerired and for sale by B;CANFILD for egtiel4 o_ooo J. CANPIELD intatam Doha Trlrrastwthiga. hteCLINTOCK Invites the attention of mem boat men to hut extensive arsertroent of trira eltiTs. comprising In part the fol'aviing "wiener— Rich and elegant Bhte anaDoli Bann Detai do do Critatee - ns; , do Scarlet and Steel do; do Pint and Blue I do; do Brian,. and Brown do; . Crimson and White Bolen Damazt; Blue do do; • Scarlet do . do; . . Clurtvon, Green, Blue, and Beeler, Ramat; Watered Monsen IVostard and Los. Table Coverings l Toney ad T Redd oilet Wh - It a do ' d do do; .: • Turkey Red & Blue do do; . 74 and 64 Wastard Table Covers; -4 sad d-4 Table Linens 54 Bleached Sheeting; Scotch Diaper; 54 do Scotch Napkins; Embessed.Table coveri; "k o et, coup; Plaid Toilet do do; 04 /beached Sheeting; Mans, de.•&e. All of whiettate direct from the manufacturers and losportent, of the newest and richest Colon and pat terns, all of watch will be cold no cheap asatty . of the exi.tero aide, We invite ittesim'bOnt Men to gll/11 US a call at our Carpet NVarehetne, He. IS PourUs st. and 7.) Wood st. foc3ol W. MeCLINTOOR St SOAR a SIOEASSES-23 hodsMO. Elotar;! r 10 Mid. redned do; H. Molassee; Sass received per steamer Hill br rot B No 2, for sale by BORBRIDGE& INGIIEAM, ocll 0 _ Weser st. ; &KEN in mistake, from the steam bolt Pilot Noe, Bevel, R'egit of Boner, untried J. Any ientornmuon respecting them will be thookfilly reefeved. • Nat 11 JOHNSTON s A~ISIHS~O 11C (jYrt m'o for rile by DICKEYCO WIDEBIt 4cth sod_ Colored A Laces; d iir Lae ."mo Laeea h g t otd Loom do, and Lisie do; Ar"lin Band. "Ili Fimronirtumfop; Bobbin Loom,. Ltc.o Capoei Applicmton and 11,., Ba tton Malin "4 Laos 81"""i C Got o d.Col ism; Embrolderul Cheadrettoil, Vialoneleamos Colton. JostuneelpiditTorst 19 11t1LAik i 14 Mental& Velretr, r n arect eta Meek 24'doi O Lla st ' ' ' r.i 4"“l att? ' d PP / 1 1 1 6 . 4b aR e r a ib t i? P1 ' ira "; e ; a; Jest MCCiTeti by etelo P II EATON, Garoartb street F. 11. EATON, WIIOLESALE and Retell Dealer In Gloves, Iforlery..drr.a lireta add Bonnet Tidaritlnar,' I t aed Good? and Embroidenes. di;tl f:l47ll:frng,'lN''T'pe QATINETII3—A large erearteat of Meet row; A 7 thee, and Mired, Jut received • and fo r "le by on) g=at_layles of !tal odd imoidams in great tinetrof (VIM v!-.! Ito' OA tOOU IPA7AA~=~=~ La , d; raw ludj,. .... ,, al tr d'o ffm..4 r oh, by,,.llw,uiddeLell, irAlall- D/C l l 4l;niilY*C. B ne3o 2? Y & co Lat non ad r Cbandantlea and 'Cal,' . • ' „„. We at ,pay wia.„ ri z.MO Ersland, and 1r!..; monm°4o G croerrl' nab Knob. Waves; S P j" Mem. iac. ;lee de Walla Olerran the mungspur im f un ,. P.Trd P ar ad! Id . J PHILLIPS pp ia p" ► r Utah CILOr6II b !la id ma and tot aby wisautlZOT .41+5 • o asgmo • wielders Inatome* OtasayAarpi A thirteen Aturril Meeting of the Stockholders, toil elec. non tor directors r tor the ca roled year , will be held at the ob oe of the compenr, NC. " inert. Pinch arab, on Toesdey, the 12th NOlreeiber,lb4o, between the hours of eleven O nkntbi.n. ao4 three °Fleet. P. N. 4citordul . • 3. FINNEY, Jr., Secretary. .12 . 131341048 r Q 11: THEET!CD-46 lb* bleached mnd Green, helot ky make . for slue by C ARBUTHNOT * W ;i ka 0 . M. edeCLINTOCR is Nev and Rich do' do Ts hi, do do ECIPC)I,. print:gTapeicrni CarpoiA 3ply oarooui haporfino do do Medanodln de lng-oseo d o sop. do 'do Fine Common do 4- do Damask 4 1004th d O~oipp t. 104, vonithinCathels 4. t. 3 1t !dab 'ea.73,T1124 cotton 24v=ri7,;,.% • iwoolon' 124 do do Wooten EitiirDnigeo • All of sslioh hase-note s ars and toinithionuers,co . • lichen styliis; width we off Can be Carehated in nay of the CRlpet Warshooso f 5 a 3 OCERIES-102 b, — ,,,,i ocoren; : • IG bbdo IV. O. 6 sd. Ito of ebeota Y. 11 4 .,1 .4 ' 1 4ciial, G. P., and Mock Togo; 100 bra V. Lamp Tobacco; 4 10 kegs d twist do; .. , .• 25 brio Tanners , 014 ' • 29 brio li. C. ter, 1N boindeoNSoolfoßL7lirger; • . 100 dos Corn thoor,s; 120 his Window Olaro, noel ilia; 8/1) nno Wronging Patter, 71 boles Ilatt.00; ' 2 coroono Ei. P. Indigo; I • 200 begs Noilo, me ced; 10 cooks Pot Alb; With a goneral auottenent of grocerico At talc bv 0010 : ItuDISON, LITTLE t CO SOAP k CANDLE.. 4 111 tT fLo o. e w .1 . 1,....,.. 4. ingj zo ront stem , or Lualla, tor ot i k t r Es D.m.niu. Q 1104.11 & 2110LA&SE3-5 hhds qutar; . . 5O br.s ti. o. MolAnts, for 1ft55513 DAL 251.1, nOFFEE-100 net* for tab, by FPM Fl JOTINSTON. _ II ,ISo coLtd at. R 00.11.4-40 dasla stora and flenle by oc2g - Whl H 401-11.i3TON .fl kin; kis tale by H soliDar.ox (31,10 hT BMa—in k WM 11 JOHNSTON .THY PEACHES—In non' ud re.• ece by 0c29 Vig_g JORNS.Ori liCuai/lalafltta,Cagialso Brandy, and Part Wane. T HE above articles we /m,lorionrsilves, ud know then' to be bore. Par cafe wbolese:e sad tY MORRIS K 11A is tbe-Dtemomi TATrile Monis & Heworth'e Tea, et Lee per pound• ezetellaot ! oc2e Dira irtort-35 tons No 1 hot blast Hanging Rock sale Pig ,rotrel2Prith'E.trAr steamer Summt4 and rer S/.l7otis :doe er liou te Syrup Illeousse•—rittioarrels prime quality, in handsome order, for tale by JAR - A OCT.:HIPS/re CO • ". ea. Agents St Moil Saes. Rel nen". KEW — UECitElt—ltt brim and 14 keiT/STSidetif i o n el p s ow 1f 2 d C 0 W n 2. • 8 P VON BONNLIORST 44. (11:1 / utm 212b..8k,—tenx• for sale by oencl „ S P VON RONNHORSTA. CO THE bent Black Tea In the Varied Stares, price 75 cents per lb, for sale by 51ORRIS h HAWORTH Diu:moat 'We have frequently been t ol d b y pervons haying paid It and 8125 per pound for their Bleck Teas, to those in the habit °roaring each prince, we respect fully notion to try one Tea at 711 e pot lb, and if they do net then acknowledge tienrielves harlot been moat rfCs7rineelge' ilfePr'gradell.,..7.lterertemiiohioTh'el-TV.sthtsLl than what we are retiree at We per lb. The very beat Green , Ten we sell at 81 per lb 0c22 STEWainizs El— 600 lb. prime:receli for colt by 1\ 0 • - Wilt A MCCLURG &CO 25n Liberty n gAurAocr.°Vg.,.'ZZr4 eels. 112 Water a 11217/LE S. a. PENDID Jn Black Males, ench 3 yeaticid, 'Oa Usregou and Httriens for tale. Inquire or • JOHN WANT &CO Liberty et te2,5 " ISA P IV ' ISTCVEVr "I al-145—m txt 100 bra 10104 • 03 bra 30 b.. 10014; on eta tigmtent,ior noln by °tom ' 18AIALF DICKEY it CO xUnntyturs...l o zs en 1 dot 7 6 fret fang; 1 ' fret VI tralbl73 liallc/KB.-2 dos ging Boom. at Ike nem. iLyast us In the Robber line, "blab "in be nnla lon'ar than any Giber establishment in Ilys e ,, r .,„, received and for aall by 1 fc li Pile! LP3 oral 7 it a Woos nt__ DC101 1:bn sp GS-1f d--:--euribc Irdieltetbber ja,t received for ,ale by *eta • eIf:ALMS pa,roi ROBBERO tltear : , TtTplen- MIL art'et luttaa fat curia — p rant., tar .ale by : 141. re H. PII(LLIPi ft .NARY Stili,labathala foirala ' etti ilLl • R SELLERS ;;.a fa 1 6 " ft; SELW ' LL3 AOCO - " TINE &Lop ,' . • • - on, - 1.. g,a,4llEts..rtiel. -ya.tigw DOGS— ttls reed tor tale by _ tit ILI'ER 9 A&VOLD'S Writing- Fluid; Jinsband'a Mama celerbt Amescart Com ~ pound; Nabfann's El n,r cf Oplant; ElCALister`s Ointment, Prry Davie , Pam Niter; Brand/tub's PSI; cetntinei ItehAyer.. gter7 Pee n ' ls fi n ales: °find Cherry; lingara* Idearentrill and Tar; • liniPs and Toarniendl arcs Dan's laidlunsa Specific; Oigoodra Cholacesoci Samba% Per . • • That's bramteus thrum en 4 • mit*: . Alien's N. and B.l.ledineat. A free% lot of eta Alma arielni Int neeteod4Cr enie by J'ECIDD et CD • Dr gaud AwGriT Draft stem'AVbePlett Ste= Boat. Apply to SOAWE & ATKINSON -. between Wood le Mtet. o.Militia t, n • bzs Cream dee., for reds b JAM F. 9 DALZELL, ;0 Water ft. Ro Sulam B d Os Tw' salt- Fass ?tct en ' :aerwrtg, teeeilred -" cr'n'4'"'"4 dwd (11" E TPLmirNa& co, • wood N. r[' EG DU R—A prime crifele, received for side ia ET . joeSSI miLeasEECD—d nos barrels reed for We by ems ' BREMER tr. BARNES a reed by Iroit'2PuTrEß-4 ,71/12rani'.'n'ARw. LL PAPER-11 iniiicrimant of Eastern pp A vid Preach Wall - Poen, fro. Cl tents to et per piece, wilt: borders turnou y t ' ' 95 Wood at. XJ(DOIVFoo on& V bykojsL2F_r MAILSHALL LIREBfI noon Top fantiortoti, Orb roll. D=s do; roo'd for 0010 J p CANFIELD, OILEESE-500 bxs prat,. Cheetc; 100 bXs tr,a Ct.= on, m o dforaala At. OLD O, 99raIF-160 Ms, /a Nal) 1111,111 CDE2M m Lex tui,_i0t,1.,,,. A ± taxa m;:fg:::;:c:001:4Lf::: oopriFoGW4lli'i-,sfirliir---r4r. -,40 , o.•'' Lamy et - rgatiCeit_soz• - eiii --- '` - '''' 2'- -"" 7 0 bzi W. it Manic . ' ' . 100 Imo inmorredi .'. , 1G eoseo Borrow it °Morn: reeeisal for me bp: acZ A CULB k 81•0 1/14 te CLOU 4 E - 01,041TR--o0 od. 1m0.ez,,,, 141. k — i ---- - , ---, x oe2o - " A C ULBE/1 , 4 IN ‘ OUP} , ,Loun ,too•-o o+, el 3 ftz A CULIL___'::R.rS"N rtrillSE ..EtISE-lExt bilk for ool.ty '' & .. ------- o!:t3 A C UL.1 1 031.17;0N to °LOUSE Vii AtiD G-is bH .- rl':: - .. - Ohl.l r ile'er as-* by • x____oeZ A'9lll.RTBOlllt. °LOUSY,: L T' t r~ _ ' N u¢ d o t Uk t i 1; 1 1 ; 21 : D I .)1 ::% 9 e . O IE :F E Z U fi I's- 23 rTii It nab . A CULICERIPoN &Cr bi.TRI/ lAMBI „pp WICK L dAP OAR-100 re „.. VarDer' Oa' tkamar tar nig . 1 ;;;F:r 06 jialk7l ; lau-cinsoi CO , A Ipas V PII" ,• I3 .P r .iIFIPTID bar, ero , Mood • •••• or oiOry, ibeludln7 Dral • Lad Rh et Co a rea , eres, Abuts, .106 - Wallah Vlasirools. It !MI. o ntracurmite,/, paniccitaz ' , .of berms lo tar nior MC4 of Fm ing /0 ralle• ifaotto• act %rrt aanaksbio qualWaa 0= . 11- CAlibirs ®Eves. ---- ` 4 P er P e m.'. gion, V LonOly, aabberßhoea ocomprong cf oat 1.1. eZtigiOr * 41:14::fteMIZiZylilds -P5114,11'41+12; WI at iholoatmo•pmera •alo' ,lcualeri“. • It n prnmaa r • .7 A 9 Woods I cloth., to. now constazali rectio;o. o . 7Ctrottes atto thl Ithwe'tklVltt Csr t jreta Poory glob h Amerman Brawl • 84, :4. 04, 5-4 4-4, a nd Shoot Oil Cloth, en t to , t 0 ell hall or lotto, 00 rianattyle 0 and quail tie. Chrnife Reg, lifted no Chettlao Irme :rot railed . 4. 'Thrum do d' Sheop.lttn do do 10007 Lead do do rittotoPßant • 17 / a dow Sltalea Buit4Vintiow Loon Drab Vaniticn Ellmdc,ac. chased from the Impo r t. • mprulug the retreat and , et;a Ctlanters =1 Jolv a% the eusern tilt... Gail at aanh at and :9 Wand CI. ' hreGLINTCWIC
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